#hope nobody's done this already but oh well i've thought of this since the game came out tbh
The World Is Yours
God I love this song.
When we initially hear The World Is Yours, we don’t hear it as its own beast. We instead hear it as part of NEW GAME, the opening theme of NEO: The World Ends With You, which could also be argued to be the entire game’s main theme. As NEW GAME progresses, the “remix”-y nature of the song becomes clear as sections from other pieces of the soundtrack are blended in (Twister, INCONGRUOUS, and We’re Losing You). That initial sound becomes muddied amidst the other songs, breaking out its chorus at the halfway point for a brief moment before it’s lost again. 
Why does that matter? Because that serves as a beautiful reference for where Rindo begins the story at. Symbolized by his face mask (the speak-no-evil to Neku’s hear-no-evil headphones), Rindo is terrified of making decisions. Whether for himself or his friends, we see in the beginning of the game how much he struggles to both speak up and speak his mind. 
We get to see Rindo’s inner monologue; constantly doubting himself, second guessing decisions and laboring over every little detail. To an unhealthy degree, often. It’s too much effort to make all the big decisions, so he simply lets Fret or Nagi figure it out. In those situations where his time travel is needed, he agonizes over every decision and mistake and rippling effect. Facing the consequences of his actions proves to be too difficult, and he continues to defer to his friends even though they are relying on him to lead them through the Game. 
Rindo has no voice of his own, and that is reflected in NEW GAME. The fucking sick guitar riffs and vocals struggle to break through the wall of noise (haha get it) of the other pieces present in the song. Even when compared to their reprisal in The World Is Yours, they sound just a tad bit subdued; the guitars don’t blare as loud, and the vocals seem to drone instead of scream.
Somewhere in the middle, the entire game happens but The World Is Yours is eventually revealed as the other side of this musical coin. Leaving this until the very end, the literal final boss theme, was a genius move even outside of the song itself. We hear all of the other tracks that are part of NEW GAME throughout the game well before this one, and you may be left wondering “hey, what song do those fucking sick guitar riffs come from?”. It made me grin ear-to-ear, at least. 
So Rindo, at the end of his journey, is facing the literal embodiment of his mistakes; a phoenix forged of those malformed souls left behind from alternate, abandoned timelines GOD THIS GAME IS SO GOOD. And as the phoenix screeches in a swirling void reminiscent of the Xemnas fight from KH2, the opening preamble to The World Is Yours starts up; a fantastic build up to a killer track and the perfect anthem of Rindo’s growth throughout the game.
It's supposed to be hard  If it wasn't hard, everyone in the world would do it The hard is what makes it great Making mistakes is proof that you challenged The world is yours
And then we’re hit with the full weight of the guitars, the drums, the defiantly screaming vocals, and eventually the trumpets (??) of the full song, which I can safely say is the definitive theme for Rindo (at least, as far as I’m concerned). 
I won’t go into every lyrical nugget because this has already gone on longer than I expected, but the rest of the song echoes that opening verse; Rindo has finally found his resolve. He has found his voice. After losing everything and being given the chance to set things right, he tears through the noise of the other tracks of doubt and fear in his mind, and screams a song of confidence and determination in their wake.
The world is yours, Rindo. 
(P.S.  Can we appreciate the genius of the lyrics:
Watch it burn  Like a firebird I’m coming back 
Like bruh. The double meaning of fighting a literal phoenix but THEN ALSO the reading of Rindo rising from the ashes of his mistakes, of the marred timelines he gave rise to, in order to set things right? This game is a masterpiece.)
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hgejfmw-hgejhsf · 7 months
20 Questions Game for Fic Writers!
I feel like I've done this before, but like...definitely before a MASSIVE amount of my fics were released post-fest, so thanks to the amazing @ssmtskw tagging me, I'm gonna do it all over again!
1. How many works do you have on ao3?
52 total!
2. What’s your total ao3 word count?
128,450 words!
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Currently, only RWRB. In the past, I've written some for Once Upon a Time.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Volume Control
Do we still have forever?
Modification to the map of you
5. Do you respond to comments?
Always! I live by comments, so I will always show my appreciation for every single one.
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I suffer from this syndrome that only allows me to write happy endings, so the angstiest ending I've written still brings with it some hope. It's Darkest before the dawn.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I think one of my newer fics, No fear, no fences, nobody - no reins has a pretty lovely ending. Lots of hope for a pretty blissful future.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not yet. Still waiting on my first hate comment. I'd love for it to never come, but you know how fandom can be.
9. Do you write smut? If so what kind?
Before FirstPrince, I wrote a lot of fade to black. Now, I dive right into wherever the story and the characters lead. The fic listed in answer #7 is probably the smuttiest I've ventured so far.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve ever written?
I haven't yet but I'd be open to!
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Nope, not yet.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not so far, but a couple are in the works!
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
I once had a super neat idea for a Captain Swan kid fic, but I don't see myself ever finishing that one.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Henry's POV apparently haha. I'm just gonna spend the rest of my existence writing everything from Henry's point of view, and I'll be fine.
But honestly, as much as I never realized it, I think the dialogue is one of my major strengths. It took a friend @oneofthewednesdays complimenting me on my dialogue as well as hearing a podfic of one of my works to convince me that the dialogue I write feels pretty genuine and authentic.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Writing anything except one shots lol. I'm working on something now that might become my first real multichapter fic that isn't cowritten, and I'm really excited, but also terrified that I won't finish it.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I've done this! And I've received a ton of positive feedback from native speakers that I did it justice, which made me feel so good.
19. First fandom you ever wrote for?
Pirates of the Caribbean.
20. Favorite fic you’ve ever written?
Oh gosh. It's like asking me to choose my favorite child. But as many fics as I've written in the months since joining the RWRB fandom and as immensely proud of them as I am, my heart keeps coming back to quite possibly the best line I've ever written.
“Fuck,” is all that he can say, but even that tastes of Alex, of top shelf whiskey and the cinnamon he always adds to his coffee. Alex had spoken the word into Henry’s mouth on countless occasions, so he was all-too-familiar with the way it slipped off of his tongue so smoothly, as if the letters themselves were forged together just for him by some foul-mouthed god who knew the damage such a word might wreak in the possession of someone as fearless as Alexander Claremont-Diaz.
And this line lives in a little post lake house fic, the second fic I ever published in the RWRB fandom, called What If I Do?
Uncertain who's already done this, so I'm gonna leave this as an open tag for anyone who sees it and wants to share their incredible writing background with the world!
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thegeminisage · 1 year
they call it the river of the dead bc i died 10000 times trying to get korok seeds here
ANOTHER shrine in a cave on the great plateau. 10/10 i love that
i keep getting nothing but shields in chests and its starting to piss me off. i dont use them much, i havent broken a single one this whole game. give me literally ANYTHING else!!
died in the shrine when i was alllmost done. smh
DIED AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!
deeply tempted to turn around and leave but No. i'm so close
placed one of my travel medallions at the REAL temple of time. i never have to walk back here again lol
not that i need to come back...i'm finishing up the great plateau korok hunt right here. i have one left that starts elsewhere and ends on the great plateau but im at nearly 200 seeds rn and ive been making myself cuckoo bananas hunting seeds so i deserve a sidequest break. i'm thinking the rito bridge is a good place 2 start
BUT FIRST, MY AMIIBO! i keep foprgetting to do these lol
YOOOOOO mirror of twilight fabric!!! sexy
AND demon king fabric.....
accidentally spawned another epona. rode hr out to where the other horses were so she has community support lol
AWWW there's another monument near the great plateau...
ok, so i talked to karson in lookout landing ages back abt building this bridge. i think now they need supplies?
oh, i like how these guys refer to each other by name! i love the community feeling in totk...the way everybody wants to be a helper...
oh lmao i literally have enough wood already <3 maybe this is why they made trees enemies, to give us reasons to chop them up so we dont have to level entire forests at a time
OH HE SAID ACES!!!! good for him
SCREAM this dialogue. wings come in handy! or...wingy! don't sit your tail there, it's a support beam, not a perch! chaotic gay people <3 happy pride <3
had the brief thought "since i'm in hebra i should get some korok seeds here" no <3 not without <3 snow boots <3
which i havent seen any sign of...UGH i hope they arent still in gerudo desert...
im going to hateno!! i've been meaning to give this guy acorns for his cow feed for foreverrr
but, to do the school quest, i need to swing by kakariko first...thank goodness4 fast travel
ugh so many sidequests in kakariko i wanna do but i feel like i should wait until this 5th sage nonsense SIIIGH
ok, got the pic of the tapestry in paya's house! also accidentally saw the cuccos running by, followed them to their hideout. extremely tense trying to bust thru the rock wall with them standing there. no way was i using yunobo
BUT i was at a perfect angle to take a ring ruins pic for the stable guy!
found lasli who needs the anti-gloom stuff...UGH i hate that nobody remembers link!!! ugh and i need milk for this which i dont have >:(
well, i bet there's some in hateno and i was going there anyway lol
NAYDRA WAS HERE WHEN I SPAWNED........snaged myself a scale. UGH i can't believe they fucked dragon farming i'm in such deep shit i don't have ANY parts
acorns delivered, milk received! omg nice he'll trade me anytime.......reminds me of the rito lady trading arrows for chillshrooms lol now THAT was a bargain
got my mirror of twilight fabric put on 💪
oh man it is LOVELY. it has a nice rainbow-pearl sheen to it...it might be my fav yet
time to go appease schoolchildren
scream that link is listening in on this calamity lecture like he wasn't the main character in it without so much as a single acknowledgement of it by this dude. yet another way theyre alienating old players by trying NOT to alienate new ones
this guy talking up the hero's achievements WITHOUT ACTUALLY MENTIONING THAT IT IS LINK. this is my villain origin story
oh boy. for the next lesson i have to get monster extract from tarrey town. i have the car quest there i never finished, but maybe i should do more shrines/seeds first...
i haven't been to the depths in awhile.
that is DEFINITELY the devil (and many korok seeds) talking. actually i can decide tomorrow bc i have to <3 go to bed
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chelleztjs18 · 2 years
Hello you lady robin hood lefty eyebag 🤣 if we're the duo, does that mean I'm little john righty eyebag???
Did you guys make the chocolate mousse or bought from the store? And that sandwich sounds amazing, bet it was delish. When you eat sandwiches, do you have chips with it too? Do you have certain chips you pair with certain sandwiches? Like when I have turkey bacon ranch club, I have it with sour cream n onions. Meatball subs, I gotta have it with bbq chips.
Yeah, work gets boring a lot of times when there are no customers. I mean I guess I can do laundry but that's it haha I was thinking of getting one of those stand up desk next year though, or a rolling one, so I can at least move around.
Speaking of your crush, you said she is in NC right? Was she near the place where they were having power outages? I guess some bad stuff happened around that area because of it.
Oh geez, you went dark with the whole kayak thing lol but I know what you mean. When I did it, I remember being scared because I was going too far from people...and I don't know how to swim, so I would've been SOL if I tipped over.😅
I've seen white water rafting and no no no. It looks scary especially with the big rocks. I actually went fishing when I was in Georgia during the summer. I enjoyed it, but I don't know the difference between the those.. my mom just gave me a stick with the string on it and then we were on the dock just chilling waiting for a bite.
I haven't tried axe throwing yet, it's on my list for next year though. And yes! I've heard of that break room thing. I think there is one here, but not sure. It looks fun, I want to try that too and just take a bat a break everything.
I haven't really thought about that. I know for sure I want the healthcare stuff more affordable.
Have you ever done something bad that nobody knows about?
lol, yes u r the little john righty eyebag. I really laugh out loud when i read the nicknames.
no, i bought it at the store and it actually pretty good. i didnt finish it because it's pretty rich, so I'm gonna keep it for tomorrow. :D
Thank you! yeah the sandwich is pretty good! I like it. do you like your bacon soft or crispy? no, i dont eat my sandwich with chips. i'm not really a big chip person. oh wow you really take the sandwich - chips pairing pretty serious. hahaaha. I eat my sandwich as it is :D
Do you like tuna sandwich? do you like egg salad sandwich and fried egg sandwich?
ouh thats good idea if u get the table.. I hope you do and maybe it will help :)
yes, she is in NC but I dont know where in NC she is. I don't know that there is an outage nor if it happens near where she is because to be honest, I havent talked to her since thanksgiving which is sad :( and what's worse is, today is her birthday too. I miss her and I miss talking with her but oh well.. I hope she has a good birthday day. :D
hahaha well what if it really happens and nobody there to help u? didnt mean to ruin ur moment with kayaking :D yeah plus i dont know how to swim in the deep water.
White water rafting is scary but at least if something bad happen, it will happen fast n not like you slowly dying if your kayak tip over. hahaha. just kidding. sometimes i have a dark sense of humor, pardon me. :P
ah okay, well, I looove fishing. I have tried fresh water fishing to catch some Bass fish. My favorite is deep sea fishing to catch different kinds of tuna or yellowtail or mahi mahi. I love the intense feelings when I was trying to reel the fish in but the fish fight. It's like a strategy game so ur line wont break. I think the biggest I've caught is mahi mahi fish / dorado. it's pretty fish, try google it :D. the one i caught was 15lb and 4 ft in size. it took 20 minutes for me to reel it in. The fish bit my bait n I was in the back part of the boat, n that fish move around so i have to follow it. By the time I caught it, I was already in the front part of the boat. lol.
Tuna is a different fighter. They tend to swim or dive down deeper super fast when they fight after bit the bait. So it's heavier to reel it in.
I have also tried fly fishing, it's a different way of fishing. n I caught different kind salmon. I went to Alaska to do it. It was fun, fly fishing is more calming and relaxing because you do it in the river and just keep casting the fake fly bait again n again until the fish bite it.
Rock bottom fishing is fun but kinda tricky, because u let your bait fall down so deep and u hv to keep the bait "moving or jumping a bit" by moving the pole up n down gently n when u catch it, it's heavy n take a longer time because of the weight u put on the bait n it was all the way down.
I really wanna try ice fishing and spare fishing. But i can never do spare fishing because i can't swim. lol.
Sorry, i know u didn't ask anything about fishing but I ramble about it. I didnt mean to be sound like a know-it-all. I just love fishing and I miss it. I havent go fishing for a while but i love talking about it :D even though i dont know much and just talk about it from what i hv experienced.
haha yeah i wanna try the break room too. i think there is one like an hour from me, but i have to do reservation too n i think u pay depends on the size of think that u wanna break. :D
I can't really recal something bad that i did n nobody knows about it. i will tell u if i can remember it. what about u?
next question?
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erwinsvow · 3 years
𝐬𝐨𝐥𝐞 𝐬𝐚𝐥𝐯𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧.
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summary: zeke knows it’s wrong. you know it’s wrong. yet something always brings you back to your step-dad when your mom’s not around.
warnings: step-cest, manipulation, infidelity, mommy issues, zeke is the devil incarnate and reader is an angel (figuratively.. for now), oral sex (f receiving), fingering, dacryphilia, daddy kink, praise kink, rough sex, creampie, you've been warned!
author's note: lord knows how long i've been thinking about this one. zeke fuckers, this one is for you. tagging @colossalnova ! hope everyone likes it!
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“It must be so nice to have such a good daughter to take care of you,” Mr. Ksaver comments without a second thought, as you head towards the kitchen to get two cups of coffee for Zeke and his friend. Your lips turn up into a pleased smile as soon as you hear the words, delighted with the praise from someone so close to your step-father.
Zeke makes an effort to hide the smirk that comes to him so naturally, because if only Mr. Ksaver knew just how good of a daughter you were for him. But that’s a conversation for another day, he finally decides, turning back to his guest with a smile.
“Step-daughter,” he corrects with the most genuine look he can muster. He could fool a priest with that aura of ingenuity that he gives off without any effort, because after all, that’s how he had gotten you into this position in the first place.
Mr. Ksaver beams back at him, his close friend still completely in the dark.
“Oh, of course, but you two could fool anyone. Say, where’s your wife? I haven’t seen her in a while..” Tom trails off, and Zeke is glad for it. He doesn’t like talking about your mother, his new wife, if he can help it. Business trips and commitments at the salon kept much of her time occupied, leaving only brief interactions with you two, her so-called family. It didn’t take long for him to realize she had been this way most of your life, an absent parental figure since the departure of your father. As cruel as it was, he could easily see why you were the way you were.
Zeke thought you were a lot of things. Pretty was at the top of the list, along with innocent and insecure, but the biggest quality he could see in you, the one that just screamed out at him ever since that first time he had laid eyes on you, was people-pleaser.
It was so apparent in everything you did, from the modest way you dressed to the try-hard behavior you exhibited with teachers and your friends’ parents. He recognized quickly it was because your mother didn’t acknowledge any of it, not the dinners you made for the three of you or the sweet, thoughtful gifts and flowers on special occasions.
It was actually on Mother’s Day the previous year when he had been able to get you alone for the first time. The then-new Mrs. Yeager had booked a full day at the spa as a treat for herself, even though she barely had an ounce of motherly qualities in her body. She had tossed aside the bouquet you had gifted her with, skimmed the card with your sweet, handwritten note, and rolled her eyes at your own watery ones after seeing just how little she cared about this holiday that was meant for you both to celebrate.
After she had left, Zeke had knocked on your door tentatively. It was wrong of him to be as gleeful as he was on the inside, but he’d been waiting for a moment like this for the last several months. He even let twenty minutes pass before coming up to your room to make sure he would get you teary-eyed and upset, just how he wanted.
Any other girl might have told her new step-father to fuck right off, given that he had done nothing to defend you or ask your mother to be kinder towards you, but not you. Ever the people-pleaser, you wiped away your tears with the sleeves of the cardigan you’d been wearing all day, fixed yourself from the position you had been in while weeping on your bed, and told him to come in.
Zeke was fucked the minute he saw you sitting there, dressed purely like an angel in a sundress that had ridden up in your distress and with tear-lidden eyelashes blinking slowly at him. The redness of your nose and cheeks, mixed with how your hair was just a little messed up and your hiccuping whimpers painted an entirely different picture for him. At first, it had just been a game, just to see how long it would take him to seduce his new wife’s daughter, but now it was something else altogether.
But it’s the first sentence you say to him, alone in the house without your wretched mother for the first time, that breaks him.
“S-Sorry Zeke. I didn’t want to eat after that, but I can go get everything ready again for you.” For him. Your mother’s cold behavior had you crying your eyes out before noon, and yet you were still concerned about the lunch you had prepared and if he wanted to eat.
It made his heart burn in a lecherous way, with thoughts in his head about why he hadn’t married you instead of her.
“That’s okay, honey, don’t worry about me. I came to check up on you.” He’s holding up the facade well, he thinks, closing the door gently behind him and hearing the click of the latch. He’s only been in your room a handful of times, and for most of those occasions, you hadn’t been there, so he couldn’t act too comfortable. His eyes roamed around the space, taking in the sweet scent of your perfume that lingered on every object and shoving his hands into his pockets to seem as unassuming as possible.
You wipe away a stray tear, blinking quickly and looking back at him with big eyes. Damn your eyes, honestly, because he knows he doesn’t stand a chance against them, especially when they’re so watery like that.
“Check up on me?” you let out in a soft voice. It’s adorable, honestly, how you think your new step-father would be just like your mother and not care about you at all. You’re not used to this kind of affection from anyone besides your friends from school, and even they don’t know about the reality of your home life. You don’t know what it’s like to have a parent check up on you, to have them want to make sure you’re okay, and suddenly you can feel your face burning with heat at the realization that you and Zeke are all alone in your bedroom.
Zeke is handsome according to anyone’s standards, but for some reason, you can never tear your eyes away from him when he doesn’t know you’re looking. He’s old enough to be your father—your real father, that is—but that doesn’t stop you. You always find yourself staring at his golden locks that shine especially bright when he’s in the sun after his daily run, when you’re watering your garden and your mother isn’t home from work yet. Or when he’s just left the shower and every part of his body is dripping wet, walking back to his bedroom and you catch a glimpse through your open door.
It’s easy to think of him as off-limits, though, since you would never hurt your mother like that. She doesn’t show you affection, or care about you like how your friends’ mothers care for them, but she’s still your mom. Nothing would ever justify betraying her like this, by having these illicit thoughts about your step-father. So you make sure you stop staring, avoid being alone with him as much as you can and create excuses to get out of spending time with him, but you don’t think any of that is really working.
Because now, with Zeke in your bedroom and the sleeves of your cardigan wet with far too many tears, you don’t really care if this is wrong. All you care about is how Zeke is inching closer to your bed with every step.
“Yeah, sweetheart, I wanted to make sure you were okay after all that. It’s not easy, I know,” he says in such a soothing tone that you feel yourself getting lost in the daze of it.
“You know?” you question again, wondering if Zeke could really relate to you. You had always felt like such an outcast, the poor girl nobody loved or wanted, without any love in her life at all.
“Uh-huh, I know. I really hate that your mother won’t treat you better, but you know her, she’s not gonna change,” he watches your nodding face and resigned expression. “Can I-?” he motions to the space next to you on the bed.
“Oh, sure, please,” you say quickly, moving yourself over a bit and making room for him, dress exposing even more of the soft skin of your legs now. He tries not to stare, and every part of him wants to put a hand on your thigh and stroke softly, but he doesn’t want to scare you off. Not yet. He’ll take his time.
“Thank you for saying that.” Your voice is so quiet he almost doesn’t hear it.
“Of course. I mean, you are my daughter now, aren’t you?” He’s pushing his luck, but oh well. “I guess… it’s sort of my responsibility to take care of you, right?”
He sees your eyes widen a little, probably a million thoughts running through your little head. You’re so used to being alone, not having anyone’s affection, that a few simple words from Zeke have you fucked. Probably feeling the same way he is in this moment, eager and affectionate and ready. You find yourself nodding at his sweet words.
Any other day, you might have doubted the sincerity of what he was feeding you, but your mind was already a little fuzzy from the interaction with your mother. You still don’t know why you had gotten your hopes up so much, when it always led to disappointment in the end. You wish you could go back and warn yourself not to expect so much from your mother, who was almost as absent a parental figure as your father.
In that moment, Zeke’s kind words and welcoming arms didn’t seem so bad. You could only imagine that he felt the same way you did, as you doubted your mother was being a good wife to him from the interactions you observed.
“I…” you begin, but trail off when you notice the way Zeke’s eyes are looking at you. You almost instinctively lean back and away from him, like a lamb avoiding a predator, when you focus on how he’s much too close to you.
You’re entirely overwhelmed by his piercing, concerned gaze and the uncomfortable heat you feel between your thighs—your throat runs dry and you know it’s not from the crying. You think he must notice it too, with the way he leans forward, one more movement from him and you’d be trapped between Zeke’s broad figure and your bed.
He supposes that was the make-or-break moment in this little dalliance between you two. In that moment, had you been uncertain or asked him to leave, he would have listened to you and likely never bothered you again. All the same, he knew you wouldn’t.
You look back fondly on that Mother’s Day, the day you gave yourself over to Zeke without the slightest bit of regret. Your mother had returned home later that night, with nails and hair freshly done, acting as though there could have been no better way to spend Mother’s Day. She walked right past you sitting on the couch with Zeke, ignoring his tousled hair and your swollen lips.
Since then, it had been a fun sort of game. You felt guilty, of course, but nothing could compare to the thrill of the secret you had with Zeke, just for you two and no one else. He was more adventurous than you, always sneaking kisses and lingering touches when your mother was just a room away, fucking you roughly with a hand clasped over your mouth while she was on a conference call in her office down the hall.
Over time, you felt yourself becoming adventurous too. You had never done anything like this before, anything remotely bad or wrong, and it was safe to say that you were sinking further and further into the pit of corruption that Zeke had created.
Which is how you ended up here today.
You brought back two steaming cups of coffee on a platter to the living room, setting them down and mixing in cream and sugar for Zeke’s. You hand the cup to him with a sweet smile, and he takes a sip contentedly.
“Just perfect, like always.” The praise makes you smile widely, cheeks feeling warm despite the fact that you had a guest.
“How do you take your coffee, Mr. Ksaver?” you ask politely, as the elderly man laughs and takes the cup into his hand.
“Just plain black, thank you. I never had a taste for sweet things, like Zeke does.” If only he knew.
You smile again and bid goodbye, taking the tray with you as you leave and heading back to your room. You knew Zeke would be up as soon as he was done, since your mother was still out and you had precious time together, all alone.
As soon as you heard the front door close, and the sound of ignition starting from outside your window, you were alert. You could hear Zeke’s footsteps coming up the staircase, eagerly anticipating him this time.
He doesn’t knock anymore, letting himself in and closing the door gently behind him, as always. You hear the lock click quietly.
“Daddy,” you mumble from your place on your bed. You’re lying against the pillows now, fully on display for him in his favorite dress and already wet at the thought of what he would do to you once he got you alone.
“Yes, honey?” He says, in a tone that’s sincere and mocking at the same time. He’s still by the door, not coming in further like you want him to. He wants you to use your words.
“You said once we were alone..”
“Once we were alone, what? That I’d play with you?” You nod dumbly at his words. He inches closer to you, but still entirely too far away for your liking.
“I want you, Daddy. We only have a little bit before she gets back,” and you know you’re in for it now.
“Oh, is that so? We only have a little time?” Before you can process it, Zeke is hovering above you, a firm hand on your wetness teasing you and making you cry out at the sudden pressure. His hand moves slowly, just barely grazing your clothed clit and you whimper. “Let me tell you something, baby,” he whispers right next to your ear. “I’ll take as much time with you as I want, no matter who else is in this house. You got that?”
You let out a strangled moan at his words, knowing the effect they have on you and the uncomfortable wetness between your legs becoming even more prominent. You could swear that he can see how wet you are, even with your panties still on, and you desperately jerk up onto his hand to get some, any, contact.
“D-daddy, please! I-” you break off into another moan as he rubs your clit firmly. You’re not even sure when he took your panties off, but you can feel two of his fingers prodding at your slit, just waiting as he continues his work.
“Does that feel good, baby? Use your words,” he says, teasing you despite how badly you want him to stop and just be inside you already. Another strange feeling bubbles in your chest, knowing that your mother would be home soon and could be pulling into the driveway right now. You can hardly focus on those thoughts though, letting out a loud squeal when Zeke pushes two fingers into your soaking wetness, stopping at his knuckles.
“Oh god, Daddy, that feels so good, please, please keep going-” the rest of your words disappear as he pushes his thick fingers completely in, marveling at the way you’re so stretched out around them.
“Good girl, baby, you’re doing so well.” You keen at the praise, moaning loudly as he continues fingering you, scissoring his digits inside you and getting you prepared for his cock. He knows he’s on a time limit too, but he’ll be damned if he lets that rush him. No, he needs to take his time with you.
Every time he feels the tightness of your hole, it takes him back to that first time, and he refuses to hurry up.
His thumb rubbing circles on your clit as he pumps his fingers in and out quickly, filling the room with a lewd squelching noise, have you seeing stars before long. Every time Zeke touches you, you wonder how you went so long without it. Your own actions when you touch yourself are nothing compared to his anymore. He’s got you so dependent on him, so reliant that you barely want to cum by yourself anymore.
He slows his actions just for a second, just to pull down the front of your sundress and reveal your tits to him. Zeke increases his speed as he latches his mouth around your hardening nipple, flicking with his tongue and taking the pebbled bud between his teeth, tugging slightly and making you cry out as it suddenly becomes too much to handle.
You’re succumbing to the orgasm before you even know it, waves of pleasure washing over your body as the knot in your stomach finally releases and fills your core with heat.
“Good girl, baby, cum for Daddy now,” he says from his place on your chest.
“Daddy! Daddy, I-! Oh!” You know how pathetic you must sound, screaming and moaning helplessly as Zeke doesn’t let up on his actions. You finally put your hand on top of his and make him look up, into your eyes, and press his lips to yours.
A sloppy, hot kiss in the aftermath of your orgasm has you shaking under his grip, entire body feeling hot and sweaty. He pushes his fingers, slick with your wetness, to your lips and you open without any request for him, sucking and rolling your tongue over the digits until they’re all clean.
“Good girl,” he breathes into your neck, whether he places more sloppy kisses. “You ready for Daddy to fuck you?”
You nod meekly, moaning loudly as you feel Zeke align himself with your slit, and letting out a high-pitched squeal when he pushes himself into you entirely. You choke on your breath at the sudden feeling of fullness, completely ignoring the way Zeke’s focus seems to be on something else.
Perfect timing, he thinks to himself, hearing the car pull into the driveway and knowing his dear wife had arrived home. He was too deep inside of you to care, though.
Zeke pulled his hips back slowly, wanting you to feel every inch of him, and then slammed them down harshly. For every motion of his hips, you released a loud, obscene moan, babbling on without making any sense at all as Zeke fucked you.
All you could process were Zeke’s reassuring praises, calling you a good girl as he continued at a brutal pace, fucking you so hard you couldn’t figure out where you stopped and he began.
He picked up the pace and the angle of his cock stretched you out so perfectly, he was hitting against your clit with every thrust and you could swear you were seeing stars again, so close to the edge and screaming out for him, when he clasps a hand over your mouth quickly.
You reacted with a jolt, unsure of why he suddenly silenced you when he placed a kiss right next to your ear, whispering quietly.
“Looks like she’s home. Be quiet for Daddy, okay, baby?” Your eyes widen in panic, flustered with shame and another feeling you can’t put together when Zeke goes back to his quick pace, fucking you rapidly and giving your clit the contact you so desperately needed. You cum again with a stifled, broken noise leaving your mouth and your body jerking up against his, the hand that wasn’t covering your mouth holding you down in place. You feel yourself clench down on his cock, as he rides you through it, thrusting in and out and doing nothing to stop the vulgar noises that fill the room.
You can hear it now—the steps of your mother coming into the house, and probably up the stairs to her office soon enough. Your heavy breathing coupled with Zeke’s grunts are the only sound left as his hips stutter and you feel hot ropes of cum shoot inside you, filling you up. Zeke finally comes to a halt, pressing a kiss to your lips as you hear your mother walk right outside your door, talking to someone on the phone.
Your panicked eyes meet his perfectly calm ones, a devilish smirk playing at his lips as you hear the steps halt and then continue again, walking by your room as though you didn’t even exist.
You release a sigh, Zeke pressing another kiss to you that you return eagerly.
“Good girl. Now clean up while Daddy goes and deals with her.”
You feel suddenly emptier, lighter as Zeke lifts his weight off of you and adjusts his clothes. You sit back up slowly, careful to not make an even bigger mess and ruin your dress, as Zeke grabs your panties off the floor and hands them to you with a smile. You pull them up, fixing your dress and realizing that you need to run a brush through your hair before you see your mother again.
Zeke unlocks the door and leaves with one last smile gracing his face, as you sit up and feel remnants of your encounter inside you.
Moments later, your mother walks by and glances at your open door, which was locked before. She pushes it open, taking a look at you on the bed. You’re certain you look like a mess, hair disheveled and sweat on your body, with limbs feeling like jelly.
“Hi, mom,” you greet, with the most false enthusiasm you can muster. “What is it?” She looks at you coldly, almost as if she knew something was going on and couldn’t quite place it.
“Clean yourself up, honey, Uncle Eren is coming over for the weekend.”
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helloalycia · 3 years
The Wrong Lifetime — Ten // Wanda Maximoff
chapter nine | story masterlist | main masterlist | wattpad | chapter eleven
author’s note: okay so this was supposed to be published yesterday but (if anyone cares lol), basically, i finished my last year of uni two days ago and so yesterday was the first official day i had that i didn’t have to do work, so i spent the whole day playing video games 😂 but it’s here now, so i hope you liked it!
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Approaching Y/B/N's study, my annoyance returned when I remembered how he acted only an hour before. I didn't bother knocking as I let myself in, seeing him loosening his bow tie and looking out the window.
"What the hell was that?" I snapped instantly.
He sighed, yanking his bow tie off and throwing it to his desk. "What was what?"
I crossed my arms to contain my frustration. "You know what, Y/B/N." He continued to play dumb, so I watched him with a frown. "Why are you so against me getting published? I thought– I thought you'd be proud of me. It's all I've ever wanted."
With a scowl, he looked the other way. "I'm the writer, Y/N, not you."
His words created an uncomfortable feeling in the pit of my stomach. Jealousy was a disgusting look on him, one I never wanted to see.
"No," I said, uncrossing my arms and staring daggers at him. "You're not the writer. I am. You only got noticed because of me!"
"Shut up!" he shouted, finally meeting my eyes. "You don't get to do this! It's not about you!"
"Yes, it is!" I shouted right back. "For once, it is about me, Y/B/N! Because this is my chance to do something I love."
He rolled his eyes, getting riled up all over again. "And that's another thing. Why the hell are you putting silly ideas into my fiancé's head about making money? Are you trying to make me a fool in front of my in-laws?"
I squeezed my fists together, narrowing my eyes. "They aren't your in-laws."
"Oh, you know what I mean!"
He didn't deserve Wanda. He couldn't. She was too good for him.
"Sorry that your masculinity is so fragile that you can't let your fiancé do something she's passionate about," I said through gritted teeth.
He glowered down at me. "You need to butt out."
I smiled bitterly. "Maybe if you didn't start on Pietro for no reason, I would."
He scoffed. "Please. That man is only trying to get into your pants."
I don't think I'd ever wanted to strangle my brother as much as I did right now. Did he really not believe in me? He couldn't accept that maybe I'd earned this on my own accord? Thankfully, unlike him, I could contain my emotions and managed to swallow down my anger.
"You know that's not the case," I said with a dangerously calm voice. "You should talk about your soon-to-be brother-in-law with some respect."
Y/B/N sighed, moving to sit at his desk. I followed him with my eyes, unable to recognise who he was. I hadn't dubbed him for the insecure type, but I was being proven wrong many times tonight.
"I don't want to do this right now," he said quietly, sinking his head into his hands.
I uncurled my fists, fed up. "It's already been done."
He looked up, but I didn't wait to see his face. Maybe he wasn't the brother I thought he was.
"Honest opinion," Wanda said, before revealing herself from behind the curtain. "Nice or ugly?"
She smiled brightly, twirling around in the dress she was trying on, before going back behind the curtain to change into another one. She'd invited me over to hers to hang out, which meant watching her try on a bunch of new dresses and getting excited over each one. I wasn't complaining.
"So, that first book," she picked up from our previous conversation as she changed. She was referring to Y/B/N's first published book. "That was really you?"
"Yep." I pulled my legs up onto the lounge sofa and leaned on my hand, elbow propped on the back of the seat. "I mean, it got edited of course, but the initial manuscript was mine."
"Wow," she commented. "That must have really sucked to hear everybody praise it when it was actually yours."
"It did indeed."
She came out from the curtain wearing a dress that wasn't particularly nice looking. It had a baggy torso and slim legs, making Wanda look very unflattering. And that was saying something – she could pull off anything.
"Nice or ugly?" she asked, hands on her hips.
I squinted, tilting my head and trying to think if I should lie or not. Her blue eyes peered down at me intimidatingly and I knew I couldn't find it in myself to lie to her.
After a moment, I released a breath. "I'm sorry, love, but it's kind of ugly."
She chuckled, giving me a knowing smile. "Good. This was a test. Means you're paying attention."
"Wow. You think I'm just sat here for fun?"
She didn't respond, but an amused smile was on her lips as she headed behind the curtain to change yet again. It was quiet as she was changing, before she spoke up again.
"You know when we first met? And you showed me around your room?"
"How can I forget? You thought I was jealous of my brother," I quipped with a smile.
I could imagine the eye roll she was giving me. "That was before I knew you wrote half his stuff."
Stifling a laugh, I nodded even though she couldn't see me. "Okay, go on."
She sighed. "I told you how I fell in love with that first book. How I fell in love with the words. And the person who wrote those words.”
"I remember."
She reappeared from behind the curtain, this time wearing a stunning floral blue sundress. It fell off her shoulders, revealing cream-coloured skin and a well-defined collarbone. I smiled softly, overwhelmed with admiration for the beautiful woman before me.
"I'm glad it was you," she said, and I suddenly remembered we were in the middle of a conversation.
Her eyes sparkled brightly as she smiled my way, and then her words sank in and my heart fluttered with adoration.
"Me, too," I breathed out.
She held my gaze for a second longer before looking down at her dress, pressing her hands over it. "So. What do you think? Nice or ugly?"
I raised my eyebrows with astonishment. "Wanda, you look absolutely beautiful."
Her shoulders relaxed as her eyes flickered to mine. "So, I should keep it?"
I spluttered, "Duh!"
She laughed, before approaching me and sitting beside me. Leaning her head on my shoulder, she pulled her legs onto the sofa and sighed contently. I wrapped an arm around her, resting my cheek on her head.
"I'm glad you'll finally get the recognition you deserve, milaya (darling)," she said, lifting her hand to intertwine it with mine over her shoulder.
With an entertained smile, I held her hand firmly. "Maybe, love. I haven't said yes."
"Oh, you'll say yes."
I pressed a kiss to the top of her head, revelling in the warmth her body created as it pressed to mine. We had no concerns that somebody would catch us since nobody was home and the servants knew not to bother us.
"So, what was the book actually about?" she asked, playing with my fingers.
"The book," she repeated. "I've heard Y/B/N's take on it, but what about yours?"
At the mention of my brother, I rolled my eyes. We still hadn't spoken since our argument and I wasn't exactly in the best place with him right now.
"It doesn't matter," I mumbled into her hair.
She used her elbow to nudge me gently in the stomach before grabbing my other hand and wrapping it around her waist.
"I like hearing you speak," she said softly. "And I love the way your mind works."
My cheeks flushed at the compliment, but I appreciated her words. She always had such an effect on me and I'd come to only care about one opinion nowadays – hers.
"Okay, I guess..." I sighed, subconsciously pressing my fingertips to hers. "The book is about a man who loses his wife to his own ignorance, right?" She hummed in agreement, so I continued. "Y/B/N always talks about how it's about a man failing to appreciate his wife, but that's not how I intended for it to be perceived."
Interest piqued, she sat up straight and turned around to face me, leaning her head on my chest and looking up with curious eyes. I smiled down at her, pressing a kiss to her nose, making her scrunch it up adorably.
"It's supposed to be about the wife discovering that she's her own woman and that she doesn't need her husband to be okay," I continued, holding her gaze. "It was her own self-discovery that pushed them apart, as well her husband's stupidity."
Wanda's lips curved into a gentle smile. "I like that interpretation a lot better than his."
Licking my lips, I breathed out through a smile. "You're biased, dear."
Her eyes flickered to my lips. "Maybe."
I chuckled before closing the gap between us, connecting our lips in a short, sweet kiss. She relaxed against me before smiling as we pulled away.
"Ya lyublyu vas (I love you)," she whispered.
I always loved when she spoke in her native tongue. She sounded so at peace when she did and it warmed my insides.
"I love you, too," I whispered right back.
She grinned, carefree, before turning to lean on my shoulder again. I held her, enjoying the silence that formed between us. Her presence was always enough and I never wanted anything more. But I knew Wanda and I knew that she couldn't stay quiet for too long, so something was definitely up.
"What are you thinking?" I asked quietly, not wanting to startle her in case she was too deep into her thoughts.
She sighed. "It's stupid."
I smiled. "I doubt that."
It went quiet and I assumed she didn't want to share, but then she played with my fingers again as she spoke.
"I was wondering what it would be like if we were able to get married," she murmured. "With the dresses and walking down the aisle and the rings."
I laced my fingers through hers, the thoughts having crossed my mind at times, too. It was nice to think 'what if', but it was also a dangerous game.
"The wedding cake would have to be chocolate," I played along, not wanting her to think she couldn't talk about it.
She snickered, loosening up in my arms. "Of course. And the colour scheme would have to be red."
"Definitely," I agreed, knowing she wouldn't have it any other way, "...it could be somewhere small but comfortable. Surrounded by nature, maybe."
"Yes. With flowers all around us and the sound of birds tweeting in the trees."
A comforting smile crept on my lips as I closed my eyes, imagining it in my mind. What a beautiful day it would be.
"I'd force Pietro to be the ring bearer," she added as an afterthought, and I laughed, chest moving up and down with her on it.
"He'd hate that," I pointed out.
"Exactly," she said with a mischievous hum.
I rolled my eyes playfully. "What about afterwards? Where would you want to live?"
She scrunched her face up before settling with, "Somewhere remote. Away from people. Maybe a nice cottage somewhere."
Nodding in agreement, I said, "We could have a beautiful garden in the back. I'd do my very best to make it perfect for you. And you could paint whatever you wanted there."
A considerate smile tugged at her lips at the thought. "Yes! And we could get a pet. I've always wanted a pet."
"I guess we could... what pet do you want?"
With no hesitation, she said, "Chickens."
I looked down at her, quirking a brow. "Chickens?"
Looking up at me, she stared like it was self-explanatory. "They're cute and they lay eggs. Think about it. Fresh eggs for breakfast every morning."
God, she was so cute. I smiled, squeezing her hand. "Chickens it is, love."
She got excited as she tugged on my hand. "You can finally get a study of your own!"
"And you can get your own studio," I added, making her grin.
"And I'd keep it sparkling clean."
I laughed, shaking my head. "Don't lie, Wanda."
She rolled her eyes, though wore a humoured expression. "Okay, maybe not..."
"You can keep it as messy as you want," I promised her, as if it was actually going to happen and we'd get what we wanted.
The dream was so vivid in my mind that it could have been a memory. Wanda and I living together, peacefully and without hiding... if only we weren't in the wrong lifetime.
"I like to pretend that you gave this to me," she said after an unsettling silence fell upon us, raising her left hand for me to see. She wiggled her ring finger, the silver band and emerald gem glinting in the light. "It makes me feel better."
I swallowed hard and forced a smile, intertwining my fingers in hers and bringing them to my lips to kiss gently.
"Technically I picked it," I reminded her to lighten the mood, but it didn't work.
A sad smile appeared on her face. "Maybe in another lifetime, we could have met in a world that allowed this."
My smile faded into a frown at her words. Like I said, considering the 'what if's' was a dangerous game, and we'd already played too much of it.
"You're going to marry my brother soon," I said quietly, the realisation hitting me. "This– us, will have to stop."
She sat up and turned to face me, eyes looking between mine as she shook her head. "It doesn't have to."
I rested a hand on her cheek and she leaned into it, kissing my palm. I savoured the feeling of her lips against my skin.
"What we're doing isn't fair on either of us," I said reluctantly, afraid to say what we'd avoided for as long as our relationship lasted.
She frowned. "I'd rather have you like this than not at all."
My heart ached because I knew she was being genuine, and the truth is, I felt the same. But that brought me to our next dilemma.
"It's not fair on Y/B/N either."
She tensed her jaw. "The world doesn't want us together, Y/N. They're the ones who forced us to be like this."
"Like what?" I asked with knowing eyes. "Cheaters?"
Her eyes glossed over and it broke me to see her so hurt.
"Is it really cheating if I never wanted to be with him?" she asked with a shaky voice. "If I'm only acting out of duty? If I never loved him?"
Realising I'd saddened her, I moved forward and pulled her in for a hug, running my hand down her hair and to her back. "Sorry... I didn't mean to make you upset."
She sniffled and I felt her tears soaking my shirt. "Don't talk like that... I don't want to lose you."
I swallowed hard, nodding into her shoulder. "I don't want to lose you either, Wanda."
But I knew that deep down, we couldn't hold onto everything we wanted to in life. Deep down, she must have known that, too.
"...and this is where we write up the contracts. It's where we'd write up yours if you say yes."
Pietro grinned cheekily as I gave him a knowing look. He was showing me around the publishing house – a proper tour, not just me lurking around on the few visits I'd been here for Y/B/N – with hopes of convincing me to sign a contract with him.
"Pietro, you said you wouldn't be biased," Wanda warned, and I gave her a grateful smile as Pietro chuckled.
"I'm sorry, I can't help it," he apologised, though he definitely didn't mean it. "I just really think you'd be a great fit here, Y/N. I already have editors willing to work with you based on the few pages they've seen of your work."
I raised my eyebrows, startled. "Wow, seriously?"
He nodded. "Most definitely. As I told you the other night, you're talented. And with my help, you can be successful, too."
A smile fell on my lips uncontrollably. A real editor wanted to work with me. Woah.
"I'm gonna get some coffee," Wanda said, squeezing my shoulder. "I'll get you both some, too." She wagged a finger towards her brother. "Don't pressure her whilst I'm gone."
He raised his hands in defence. "Okay, calm down, sestra (sister). I'll be fair."
She lowered her finger, shot him a final look, then smiled at me before leaving for the café next door. I chuckled at how cute she was and how much she cared before returning my attention to Pietro.
"I won't pressure you," he said to me, perching on the edge of an empty desk. "I just want you to know that you'd be well looked after here. I wouldn't let anyone talk down to you, nor treat you with disrespect because you're a woman. I don't condone that here."
I relaxed at his words, offering him a grateful smile. "Thank you, Pietro. That really means a lot."
He returned the smile before his gaze moved over my shoulder. Smile fading, he cleared his throat awkwardly and looked away. I turned around, curious to what had caught his attention, and then I saw Y/B/N standing in the doorway, looking around for something. His eyes eventually fell on me and he perked up before heading our way.
I hadn't spoken to him since two nights ago after dinner. He'd actively avoided me, too and I wasn't complaining, having still harboured an unexplainable anger for him. What was he doing here?
"Y/N, hey," he said awkwardly, stopping before Pietro and I. His eyes flickered to Pietro before he asked me, "Can I speak with you?"
Instinctively, my jaw clenched and he seemed to notice as he shook his head quickly.
"Not to argue," he clarified. "Just to talk."
His eyes were pleading and I couldn't find it in myself to deny him. He was my brother after all, we couldn't argue forever. Nodding wordlessly, I smiled apologetically to Pietro before following Y/B/N to a quiet side of the room. My eyes ran along the many employees working away at their desks before falling to my brother before me.
"What is it?" I asked, maybe a little too harshly, but there was no going back now.
He frowned, eyes flittering around nervously. "I want to apologise for my behaviour the other night. I shouldn't have acted how I did."
I hugged myself as I shifted my weight between my feet. "Okay."
"You were right," he continued, finally meeting my eyes. "You deserve this. You've always been there for me, helping me with my writing when I needed it. I should have reacted better, but I let my jealousy get the better of me."
My mouth opened, surprised at his apology.
He offered me a sad smile. "The truth is, Y/N, we both know you'll be the more successful of us both. And you'll be so preoccupied with your own writing that you won't be able to help me anymore. And it was selfish of me to think that first, but I did. And I shouldn't have. I'm sorry. I'm your big brother and I should've been better."
Chewing on my lip, I let go of waist and straightened up, nodding slightly. "I– thanks. Thank you. For telling me that."
His shoulders relaxed as he nodded. "Also, you were right about what you said about Wanda. And I'm going to apologise to her first thing."
My expression softened at the mention of the girl who'd only ever been good to us. "She's seriously talented, Y/B/N."
"I know."
I nodded, stepping forward and resting a hand on his shoulder. Looking between his eyes, I only saw regret and I knew he was being genuine with his apology.
"You're forgiven," I told him with a small smile, before pulling him in for a quick hug.
He returned it and I felt relieved to know he was supportive. I didn't see a reason to not accept Pietro's deal now... everybody I cared about was okay with it.
"Wanda is here by the way," I told Y/B/N when we pulled apart. "She's just getting some coffee for us."
He nodded and we returned to Pietro, who gave me a concerned look. I smiled reassuringly and he relaxed before looking to my brother with a smile.
"Hey, Pietro, sorry for what I said last night," Y/B/N was quick to say. "It wasn't cool. I know you're not like that and I shouldn't have even thought it, let alone said it."
Pietro was one of the chillest people I'd met as he offered his hand out to my brother. "No worries, mate. Bygones."
They exchanged a handshake before my brother glanced to me.
"She's really good," he said to Pietro. "You'd be lucky to have her here."
My face heated up as Pietro nodded in agreement. The two of them looked to me with proud smiles and as uncomfortable as I felt with the attention, I was grateful to have their support.
"I know," Pietro said. "All she's got to do is say yes."
"You haven't said yes yet?" my brother asked with disbelief, before slapping me on the arm playfully. "Y/N! This is your chance!"
"And it's a big decision!" I reminded him.
He looked like he wanted to say something, but then I caught sight of Wanda over his shoulder and perked up. She smiled my way but then noticed Y/B/N's presence and proceeded with caution.
"Hey, I got you both a coffee," she said, giving Pietro his and handing me mine, but her eyes were searching mine with worry.
My hand brushed hers as I accepted my coffee and I squeezed it reassuringly. She seemed to believe me as her lips twitched into a small smile before looking to Y/B/N.
"Hey," she said to him quietly, biting her lip.
He glanced to me for encouragement and I gave him a subtle thumbs up. This seemed to help as he wiped his hands on his trousers before looking to Wanda hopefully.
"Hey," he finally spoke. "Please can we talk in private for a moment?"
She nodded, humming in response, and followed him to talk.
"Match made in heaven those two," Pietro said sarcastically, and I tried not to laugh, but damn was it funny.
"Look, I think I've made a decision," I said after a moment, feeling my heart speed up at the realisation of my next words.
"Oh? And what is it? Will you let me publish you?" Pietro asked, quirking a brow and watching me with an excited smile.
Well, there was only the future to look forward to now.
I grinned. "Yes."
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Unexpected Places (Pt. 01 of 11)
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Pairing: Ivar the Boneless X Reader/Bjorn X Reader
Word count: 2.8 K
Summary: As a princess, you've lived in a golden cage all your life, always a piece on someone else's game. But everything changed when the Norsemen came crushing down on Wessex, like waves in a violent storm. Their king spared your life and decided to take you with him to his kingdom, in what felt more like a rescue than a kidnapping. There, you were not only confronted with a completely different culture and lifestyle, but also with two of his sons. The oldest one has his eyes set on you, but it's the youngest one, Ivar, who gets who claimed your attention since the first sight. And he seems to have an unnamed interest in you. Of course you hoped whatever that was would pass, but when unexpected feelings start to flow a different way, things begin to change.
Next part (02)->
{Vikings Masterlist}
Sailing Into The Unknown
Walking fast, you keep up with the two Norsemen coming right behind you. Unlike the rest of your maids, who were caught hiding or trying to leave the castle, you were found in your chambers. You knew they'd find you, one way or another, and you'll have much more to gain if you keep fear and despair away from your mind.
You knew this day would come. Your father, the King, was sure of it, and so were you. The political implications of King Ecbert and King Aelle in the last years brought you to this moment. An attack was imminent, and when you were told the Vikings were once again clashing on your cost like the waves, you knew this was inevitable. The only thing you can hope now is that they'll either let you live or give you a quick death. You're a threat, that's obvious. Aethelwulf may be the heir, but you're forth in line after his two sons. And that puts you in a dangerous position.
A yelp from one of your maids gets your attention, and you give her a look. You get why they're scared. These men look like monsters to them, speaking a strange language, dressed in dark, hard material, covered in blood. And everything they were told about the Norsemen, is that they're all savages. Worse than animals, soulless. Fortunately for you, one of the few things you actually wanted to do that your father allowed was to learn the Vikings language. Ecbert taught you himself, and you feel relieved to know what they're saying.
When you reach the main hall, you're pushed to the center, near a table. The maids all stick together, trying to pull you with them as they fall to the ground, using their skirts to dry off the tears. But you stand up, looking around. The place is flooded by them, the so-called monsters. Some are chatting, laughing even. Some of them have their eyes on you and on the other ladies. There's no way to know what will happen next, but you know who's in charge here.
The legend, the man they believe to be a descendant from the Pagan god, Odin. Ragnar Lothbrok. If you want to stand a chance to get out of here alive, that's the man you need to talk to. And, as if being called, he comes from the hall, alongside two other men. He looks, at the same time, exactly how your father described, but also very different. A paradox. His eyes scan the room, and, as you make your way over him, they lay on you.
One of the men who were with him come forward, standing on your way. Looking up, you sustain his stare. “I wish to speak with Ragnar.” You say, trying not to smile at the confused expression on the man's face. Nobody here expects you to speak their language.
“Princess (Y/N).” Ragnar sings songs, and the man steps aside. He has an axe in his hand, playing with it as he comes closer to you. “I was just having a small chat with your dear father.”
“Did you kill him?” The answer is obvious, but still, you need to know. The funny expression on his face changes and he pinches his eyebrows together “My father always said that, if he had to die at all, he'd like to be killed by you.”
“Oh.” He exclaims, glancing at someone behind you. “His wish was granted.”
Nodding to yourself, you look down. You have been preparing yourself for this moment ever since the news of Ragnar's return arrived, but still, your heart sinks a little. “Alright then.” It sounds stupid to ask him to simply let you go. This won't happen. Still, you don't want to face death scared, like your maids, crying and yelling. So, standing before Ragnar, you push your hair away from your shoulders, exposing your neck. “Do it already.” With both hands on your hips, you take a deep breath.
But Ragnar doesn't move, his lips break into a smile. Slowly, he leans closer, his mouth on your ear. “What are you doing?”
“I know you'll kill me. But I don't want to go like them.” Tilting your head at your maids, you shrug your shoulders. “I don't want to be taken as a slave either. So I guess that's it, king Ragnar.” Unlike him, you keep your voice as loud as before. You don't mind being heard.
“Do you–”
Ragnar is cut off by someone's shouts. Soon enough, a man comes, being held by two of the Norsemen. When they move a little, you recognize Edward, the man you were supposed to marry in a short amount of time. He's hurt, a black eye and a wounded lip. The men throw him on the floor, and he stands on his knees. Perhaps you should pity him... But no. It may not be kind of you, but you can't pretend you feel something you don't.
“Princess (Y/N), my lady.” He mumbles, trying to get to his feet and failing. “Stay away from them.”
Ignoring him, you turn to face Ragnar again. “As I was saying, there's no other option in this situation, so you might as well get done with it.” Giving the axe a look, you raise your eyes again. “I'm ready.”
“Don't be stupid, (Y/N)! Get away from him!” Edward shouts, and you run a hand through your hair, frustrated. Even now, he still tries to tell you what to do. You're tired of being ordered around. At least in death, you want to make it on your way.
“Shut up, Edward!” You burst out, moving to stand a few feet away from him, talking in his language since, of course, he wouldn't even dream of learning the pagans tongue. “It's over, don't you see it? We're both dying today, and honestly...” Now, you can say it. You can finally say it, and you can't help but smile. You'll be dead in a minute, but you never felt so... Free. “I'm happy my fate is to die by the Vikings... That's far better than marrying you.”
When you're done talking, Edward jerks forward, too fast, managing to grab your arm with one hand and hitting your face with the back of the other. You taste blood on your mouth, falling to the ground, but easily pushing yourself back up as the Norsemen pull him back, away from you. “You little whore!” He tries to set free, but it's useless. A laugh escapes your lips. “I'm so glad you'll die today. I'm so glad you'll join your devil of a father.”
With a hand on your jaw, you stare at him, shaking your head lightly. “You call then savages, but you were the only one in this room to hit me.” Turning away from him, you return to where Ragnar stands, watching the whole commotion. “So, king Ragnar?”
You can tell he's thinking. About what, you have no idea. From what you've heard, they don't need much thought before killing someone. “I could kill you right here, princess, but this speech you just gave got me interested.” Pacing around you, he swings his axe, resting it on his shoulder. “My wife, a former princess herself, might actually like you.”
“Aslaug?” A man says, and Ragnar looks at him. Following his gaze, you see a man with blond, dirty hair, pulled back in some kind of braid. “She hates Christians. I don't see how she'll like this one.”
“Well, I've never seen a Christian act like this. Have you, Bjorn?”
“No.” The man admits, eyes finally meeting yours, just before you look away from him.
“Well, my wife has been pissing me off lately, so anything that might distract her for a bit sounds like a good idea to me.” He speaks slow, and some people laugh. “So, Princess (Y/N). I will let you chose your fate.” He's back at your face, looking down at you. “Would you rather come with me to Kattegat, or would you rather die here, with your crying maids?”
Giving the women a look, you weigh the odds. Death is final, the very end. Life is full of possibilities... But are you willing to risk it? “Would you keep me safe? I mean...” Gesturing at the other men, you sigh. “I'm sure you understand what I mean.”
“Nobody touches the princess,” Ragnar yells, his voice echoing through the walls. “Is that enough?” He asks you in a much lower voice.
“I guess it is.”
That said, he walks away. Following him with your eyes, you see as he stops by Bjorn. Bjorn Ironside, his oldest son. His name is also well known here. Ragnar tells him something before disappearing, and his son gives you a look. It doesn't take long for you to understand Ragnar told Bjorn to keep an eye on you, since, as you walk down the beach to the boats, Bjorn silently walks beside you, like a bodyguard. He helps you climb up on to the boat, a strong hand on your waist, pushing you up.
When you finally start sailing, you get an idea of their army. Too many boats, filled with far too many warriors. You can't help but make your way to the back of the boat, watching as your home grows distant. But calling it home is a compliment. This was just somewhere you lived, surrounded by people who always expected something of you. Where you were forced to act a certain way, just because you were unlucky enough to be born a princess.
What's coming now, is completely unexpected, unforeseen. If anyone ever told you you'd be sailing away from Wessex, in a Viking boat, you wouldn't believe them. But the feeling that really gets to you, leaving you utterly perplexed is that you feel... Good. Free, even. You can't even count how many times you desired you could just disappear, leave everything behind and go somewhere entirely new. Maybe you're crazy, your mind completely lost already, but you somehow find joy in it. In sailing away, into the unknown, with the very people you were taught to hate and fear.
But this is far better than what your future was holding back there. An unhappy marriage with a disgusting man. This is far better.
Days after you left Wessex, a violent storm starts falling at daybreak. The rain comes lightly at first, but by the moment you stand up, it starts pouring. One of Ragnar's friends, named Floki, stays on the edge of the boat, holding on tight with one arm, the other stretched out. He's laughing, saying things you don't quite understand the meaning of. It's about Thor, and Odin, and othter of their gods. He seems unaffected by the crashing waves. Stumbling, you leave the protection of this dark fabric they hanged above the ship, getting on your knees next to Floki. You don't know what's soaking you, the rain, or the waves, high enough to hit the boat.
“Hear this, Princess?” Floki yells, trying to make himself heard above the deafening sounds. “This is–” A huge wave hits both of you, and Floki almost falls back. But he regains his balance, laughing even louder.
“Will the boat sink?” You ask him, yelling at the top of your lungs. “I can't swim! If we sink, I'll drown.”
“So will I,” Floki answers, glancing at you before turning his attention back at the ocean. This makes you burst into laughter too because you never thought someone who can't swim would face the waves like this.
“(Y/N)!” Someone calls, and you turn around, pushing wet hair away from your face. Bjorn comes your way, grabbing both your arms and helping you stand up. “What are you doing here?”
“She's mesmerized by the powerful waves!” Another wave, hitting both you and Bjorn as well. You're knocked down, your back against Bjorn's chest. But despite the sting you fell on your leg, Floki's laughter makes you giggle. These people are crazy. Nobody on Wessex would be this happy, this carefree in such a storm.
“Come.” Bjorn pulls you with him, back to the safety of the handmade roof. He helps you settle down, and as he does, you lock eyes with him. You've never seen blue eyes like this. “Stay out of the rain.”
“Floki is in the rain. Why can't I?” You snap back, not really enjoying the bossy tone.
“Let the girl have her fun, Bjorn.” You recognize Ragnar's voice, and you find him rowing, trying to keep the boat moving despite the violent waves. There's an empty seat beside him, so, pushing yourself up, you make your way there.
“Mind if I help?”
“If you think you can.” He breathes out, and you nod, grabbing the oar. “Keep it steady... Push, then pull.” He tells you, and you mimic his movements. The thing is heavy, and it takes only a few seconds for your arms to start hurting. But you keep up, ignoring the looks you're getting. No woman would be allowed to do such thing in Wessex. So you're enjoying it, even though you're strength is nothing compared to the rest of them.
When the heavy clouds are blown away, and the sky is once again blue and serene, you bend over the edge of the boat a little, just to better see where the ocean meets the sky, on the horizon. The chaos was replaced by a low chattering, laughter, and giggles. You're mostly on our own, not really speaking to anyone but Ragnar. He's a curious man, and he's curious about you. You're not sure why though.
“Here.” A voice makes you turn around, sitting down. Bjorn offers you a cup of water, which you take and drink after muttering a ‘thank you’. When you give him the empty cup, you wait for him to walk away so you can resume your horizon watching, but instead, he settles down beside you, letting out a heavy breath. “We'll reach Kattegat in a few days.”
“Finally.” You burst out, playing with the tips of your hair. “Sick and tired of this boat already.” Chuckling, you glance at him. He's already staring. “So... Bjorn Ironside. What are you doing talking to a Christian? People here don't really seem to be fond of me.”
“The truth is they're trying to figure you out.” Bjorn lowers his voice, and your eyes scan through the men. “Ever since you stood up with your neck exposed to my father's axe.”
It doesn't seem much of a big deal to you. “I just didn't want to die like those other girls. Whining and crying.” Shrugging your shoulders, you sigh. “I mean, I really thought there would be no other way, so I'd face death with some dignity.”
“Don't tell anyone I said this but...” He leans closer until you feel his breath on your ear. “You kinda sounded like a Viking right now.” Then, he stands up and leaves, back to his chores.
You're confused, to say the least, but you guess that was a compliment coming from a Viking himself. Taking a deep breath, you move to where you were, staring at the calming waves.
And Bjorn was right. Eight days after, you're arriving at Kattegat. The many boats stop at the decks, and yours is one of the first. There's a sea of people here, waiting for their loved ones. As you step out of the boat, you don't really know where to go. Everyone is hugging, kissing, telling about the successful raid. You just start walking then, following the flow until you feel someone grabbing your arm. “This way,” Bjorn says, tilting his head at where his father is going. “He wants to introduce you to Aslaug.”
The Queen who hates Christians. Great.
The main hall of Ragnar's house is full. First, he talks to the people, telling them everything they took, everything they found. There's a huge fire in the center, flames reaching high. You're at the corner, half-hidden behind Bjorn's shoulder, eyes flying through the place. You quickly recognize the Queen, seated on a chair beside Ragnar. She's very pretty, dark hair cut off to her shoulders. But she looks... Bored. Very uninterested in this.
By her side, close to the floor, you find a pair of eyes set on you. It takes you by surprise since you weren't expecting anyone to find you among all the people. But he did. Ragnar told you a little about him. His youngest son, Ivar, the Boneless. The cripple. It's not hard to recognize him, but your eyes don't search for his deformity. They're locked on his face, trying to read it, trying to understand why he won't look away.
Suddenly, everybody standing in front of you moves, creating a passage that leads to the very center of the hall. Glancing at Bjorn, you see when he gestures for you to go. And so you do, stopping only when you're standing before Aslaug. She doesn't seem very happy about it.
“And who this might be?” She asks, taking a sip from her cup.
“This is King Ecbert's daughter, princess (Y/N).” Ragnar answers. “She has some spirit, so I thought she'd make a good friend for you since you too were a princess once.”
“A Viking princess.” She snaps, looking you up and down.
You should probably say something, but what? The woman doesn't like you, and why would she? The big question now is what will happen to you next.
“(Y/N) isn't like the other women,” Bjorn speaks up, and you give him a look. He's pacing around, playing with a knife. “While her maids were sobbing and begging for their lives, she stood before Ragnar, accepting her fate. I've never seen one of their women do anything like that.” You don't get why he's doing this. Probably Ragnar's orders, or something like that. “She even helped with the oars when a storm reached us, after staying on the edge with that crazy ass Floki over there.” He gestures at the man, who loudly giggles.
“And what does this all mean?” Aslaug breathes out, clearly annoyed.
“Why don't you give her a chance, wife?” Ragnar sits back on his chair, taking Aslaug's hand. “Talk to her, see if there's anything in common and if you don't like her, well... I can send her to live with Lagertha.”
“Who's Lagertha?” You mutter, to nobody in particular.
But the name makes Aslaug sigh, and she stands up, putting the cup down. “Fine then. Come with me.”
With no other choice, you follow her inside. But on your way, you walk by Ivar, who's holding a clutch. You try hard no to, but your eyes find him nevertheless. He quickly looks away, and you keep walking, deciding not to give it much thought. He probably despises you like most of the people here.
Aslaug has some slaves prepare you a warm bath. And, much to your dislike, she stays in the room as you take off your clothes and step inside the tub. But it doesn't take long for you to relax as one of the girls starts washing and brushing your hair.
“Did you sleep with my husband?” The question comes with an angry voice, and you're not sure what startles you more. The anger or the question itself.
“Of course not.” She gets on your sight, pacing around.
“Do you want to sleep with my husband?”
Then, it clicks. She thinks Ragnar brought you here because he desires you. And that's a very dangerous thought for a Queen to have. “No, I don't.” Resting both your arms on the edges of the tub, you look up at her. “And even if he wants to sleep with me, I won't accept it. That's not the reason why I'm here.”
“And why are you here, so far from home, little princess?” She doesn't sound like she actually wants to know, but you get the feeling that this time you can actually say the truth. Here, there's no reason to keep it hidden, locked in. You can say how you feel about everything, even the things that could've got you imprisoned or even dead in Wessex.
“I'm willing to tell you if you're willing to listen, Queen Aslaug.”
At first, there's silence. But then, Aslaug drags a chair, placing it near the tub before sitting down. “Well, since I have nothing better to do at the moment, let's hear it.”
@multific @revolution-starter @crackhead1-800 @youbloodymadgenius @clown-boyyy @kitten0394 @castielsangelx-blog @goldlion07 @alwaysadreamingoptimist @midnightmystic
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dreamypromptss · 3 years
Hero & Villain Prompts
Gosh these are so fun!! I hope you like these as much as I enjoyed writing them < 3
[V]: You seem to be in a hurry.
[H]: In a hurry to kill you, surely.
[V]: Dirty talk already? Then come here and get the job done, if you can.
[V]: Leaving so soon? I thought you'd wait for me!
[H]: [sarcastically] Oh, I could never leave you alone on your own.
[V]: [chuckles] That's so sweet of you. Although you may have to leave now. Permanently.
[H]: That was a bit too much, y'know.
[V]: It has to be! Everything about me must be phenomenal!
[H]: Quit being a drama queen already, I'm not in the mood today.
[V]: Aren't ya getting a little bit tired of chasing me all the time?
[H]: It is my duty.
[V]: Bullshit. You just want to see me, don't you? Or someone else would've already took over the job.
[H]: Do you think I'd give up that easily?
[V]: Eh, well...
[V]: I know I can be cold, [hero]. But listen, it's not like I'm that heartless. It's not like I kidnapped [sidekick] because I was bored.
[H]: Only someone like you would do that out of boredom.
[V]: Aww! First sweet thing you've said to me since we met. Gotta mark this date on the calendary.
[H]: Can you not.
[V]: Wait, wait, listen. Can we come to terms? I'm a bit tired of constantly hiding all the time.
[H]: Oh, I thought you enjoyed doing what filthy rats like you do.
[V]: ...Forget the terms. I changed my mind.
[H]: [Villain], maybe things could have been... different. We could have been good friends, even.
[V]: We can. You're good and I'm evil, right? There must be balance in this world and one cannot exist without the other. Hence, we're like besties! Except we kind of... have different ideas.
[H]: And do "besties" try to kill each other everyday?
[V]: ...That one too, yeah.
[H]: Quit the talking already! I'm not here to play your game!
[V]: No, wait, you're right. Actually, can they send me someone else? You're way too boring.
[H]: ...What?
[V]: Haven't they told you, sweetie? Seems like no one wants their hands on the case, since you're the third this week and you're easily replaceable like everyone else.
[H]: You... underestimate me, you jerk.
[V]: Show me what you're made of, then!
[H]: Nobody's perfect, not even you, [villain]. You too make mistakes, and I forgive you.
[V]: When did I ever ask you for forgiveness? Don't make me laugh.
[H]: You never said it out loud, but I just know it! Do you think I'm that stupid, or clueless?!
[V]: Enough to make assumptions about me.
[H]: Yet you didn't deny it.
[V]: I've heard you at night, [hero]. You sing songs for them, don't you? You even wrote one for them. I hear your voice at night...
[H]: Uh, I-- why does it matter now... and how would you know it?
[V]: So it's true! You spend nights dreaming about them, and you don't even think about me! I wanted to be your only thought, [hero], the only person you have in your mind...
[H]: ... ... ... So you've been stalking me.
[V]: Don't be silly! I was keeping an eye on you like you do with me, and I happen to find out you're in love with someone and never think about me! My heart broke, really. Shattered. Into pieces. A lot of them.
[H]: Are you that attention deprived?
[V]: Nah, not really. I am your-attention-deprived. And you're heartless.
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sorio99 · 3 years
Deltarune Chapter 2: Live Thoughts
So, since the new chapter of Deltarune came out, I've played it all the way through, so, here are my thoughts as I had them. Basically a live-blog, but, not live anymore, I wrote these in my notes app before.
NOTE: Obviously there are going to be ALL THE SPOILERS for Deltarune Chapter 2 in this, as well as Chapter 1. Reader discretion is advised.
Wow, okay, so I was wrong about it being immediately explained.
Various descriptions have changed, and I’m not sure if it’s because of the change to a new game, or the one to a new chapter.
I feel like Berdly is definitely a m’lady guy.
Okay, so, we’re not skipping class this time.
I really wish we could call Toriel and tell her we’re gonna be late again, but I couldn’t see an option for that. Maybe Kris told her on the ride to school.
Okay, so, Noelle is definitely adorable, and a huge lesbian.
Susie seems lovestruck too, kinda.
Okay, honestly wasn’t expecting the closet to work again.
Fricking LOVE the new transition.
Okay, so, Ralsei knows about, the real world? How, why, and what?
Oh, that, makes, a little sense? But also, if we hadn’t brought the toys over to the closet then, would they all be, dead?
Okay, but I love the new town.
Holy shit, save points have storage, AND a spare list? Hell yeah.
So, we’re all level 2 now. I guess they moved from EXP based (or, execution point based?) to Milestone.
Love the basement for bad guys, with K. Round standing guard.
Bitch said “Child abusers live in Hamster Cage”.
Wait, he uses the hamster wheel?
I don’t know if I believe the king about his “bluff” or not. I think not, but, I don’t know.
I can see the “Susie moves to Ralsei’s castle to escape her abusive home” fic already.
And of course, the moss call-back.
Oh god, Susie just said “My own room, huh.” and my heart is ready to shatter.
This girl has one actual food item in her fridge, and it’s just salsa
Oh, scratch that, there’s ice, crumbs, and jawbreakers in there too?
Oh, okay, Ralsei did give her actual food.
Entering Lancer’s room gives the cartoon Splat sound effect from Chapter 1, and his bedroom is identical to Chapter 1.
And the sound effect, plays in reverse when leaving? Okay.
So, explore until we’re ready to leave, huh? Seems, suspicious.
Oh my god, I just realized, the LightCandy is literally the chalk Noelle gave Susie. What the fuck.
So, for giving the Top back his cake, we get regenerating SpinCake that heals everyone for 140. Nice.
Battle challenges, huh? This should be interesting.
So, we can get a ClubsSandwich, $100, or…Jigsaw Joe’s entire life savings. Okay.
Aw, Clover has separate heads in their dialogue box!
Just realized this “dojo” also has their bed. Odd.
Alright, let’s take these challenges!
Oh, so if we act with Kris, than spare with Ralsei or Susie…got it!
He has a mercy meter. There’s a mercy meter now. I love this.
Oh, of course his life savings is exactly one dollar.
I can already tell the Graze challenges are gonna be the biggest bitches.
Okay, so, being able to rematch bosses, with different gimmicks and attacks, but based on the same logic? Always amazing.
I love the little cut-ins from the other characters with certain lines, like Susie and Lancer revealing “for a price” means zero dollars.
“Cookie and Wife”?
The Blacksmith runs a bakery where he can fuse items…okay.
Imma get a Silver Card.
What the fuck, Mr. Society?
Okay, so, we’re “leaving” through the way we came in, so “surely” we’re going back “home” to the “real world” and our “family”. Sure.
LANCER was added to your key items.
Oh was he now?
And so was Rouxls, “even though no one wanted that.”
Oh, we, actually went back to the light world. Huh. Actually wasn’t expecting that.
Jack of Spades, and the Rules Card. Makes sense.
Still LV 1 here, thankfully. No murder yet.
Okay, thankfully I can call Toriel now.
…Undyne, what the fuck?
Also? This, car horn music, I guess? Is, um…interesting.
Oh, the, computer lab. Where Toby was in Chapter 1. Okay. Makes sense.
“Guess this means we can’t start our project.” I’d say the biggest obstacle is more that we have no clue what the hell this project is supposed to be.
Hmm, we could use the computer at my house, or we could have a fun Toby Fox adventure…
My house!
I knew Susie wouldn’t allow it, also, you always wanna jump in big pits? That’s, worrying.
Computer lab time!
So, computer themed, maybe?
Rouxls jumped out, apparently. According to Lancer.
Okay, this build up is creepy, where’s the fluffy boy?!
Who is SHE?!
Was that Noelle’s chatter sound?
Asking for help?
And, I suppose, this must be, our queen.
Q5U4EX7YY2E9N. Sure. I’ll stick with Queen, yeah.
Oh, she’s a computer! That…that’s probably not, great?
Oh, those plugs are bad, brainwashers. Okay.
Okay, they’re both tired…but Ralsei isn’t here. Fuck.
Aiming at moving targets is hard.
2 Werewires spared, only 4 to go, I guess!
Fun Gang, back together, working to save Susie’s soon-to-be-girlfriend!
Rhythm game to start a new bumping song. Nice.
Might live blog less from here, since, you know, the game is starting proper.
God, I love Deltarune’s look and sound, it’s so clean? And expressive, and AAAGH, I just love it!
I love angry Ralsei.
First lose control laughing moment: Kris and Susie squishing Ralsei like a toothpaste tube, to play an arcade game.
Did, did I just play Punch-Out inside an Undertale?
Curing computer viruses with Syringes…sure.
Sweet is the rhythm guy! Nice to meet you, Sweet! You and Toby are great at this music thing.
Hey, Susie can act now! Awesome!
Ralsei too, because of bullying! Yay!
Now the whole gang’s dancing!
(This is where I took my first real break, to process stuff and relax, and also to sleep)
In between thought: it’s kinda interesting that, in Chapter 1, Susie basically had to be forced to care about Kris, Ralsei, and Susie, but as soon as Noelle is in the slightest bit of danger, she’s immediately like, “We have to save her or die trying”, huh?
“Reverse diss-tracks, where the vocalist puts themselves down and praises Queen…or noise music.” That’s some, interesting taste in music.
“All our songs are only 4 seconds long!” Damn, so you’re, like, Vine musicians?
So, the Knight is opening alternate fountains, that create dark worlds out of, more mundane places? Interesting…
So, someone new is leading the rebels. This, can’t go well.
Smorgasbord 2.
Oooh, a TP raising Item! Nice!
Oh, the guy who was already working for Queen is a Werewire now. Okay.
66 up arrows. Hmmm, I wonder if I can retry at some point…
Oh boy. Here’s the queens…wait what?
Oh my god.
Go kart time.
Noelle, you traitor! How could you!
Oh, okay. Berdly I believe more.
Also, “beloved”.
I love how Queen apparently didn’t even ask him.
“Light Nerds” Good one, Queen.
That’s one weird Check for Berdly.
Berdly, for God’s sakes, Noelle is a lesbian, you idiot.
You know, given this villain rant, I think I hate Berdly more than I do King. And I’ve dealt with both bullies AND abusive dads.
Oh god, Roller Coaster Tycoon murder (also Berdly is dead)
Garbage! Saved by it again.
Oh, this place looks glitchy.
Also, Susie, you’re not the king of the trash pile. You’re QUEEN of the trash pile.
Oh god, please don’t tell me she’s dying.
Okay, good, she just needed fluffy boy hug.
Fork in the path, advantageous to split up, huh? But there’s three of us, and, two paths probably.
Okay, I can either go with the Fluffy boy who might secretly be evil, or the mean girl who might get lesbian scenes…hmmm…
I’m flipping a coin.
Okay, Ralsei it is!
Oh, Susie is upset at me getting to pick.
Oh, they’re going together.
Oh, this can’t be good.
If I had a nickel for every indie game with a cat themed metropolis on my pc, I’d have two nickels. You can finish the meme.
I swear I just saw Noelle on the right. Something big in the streets, hmmmm…
Okay, definitely saw Noelle that time. Shame the Poppups, popped up.
…I get it, Toby, but I’m still mad.
Blocked 10 ads…okay, I still love this game.
God, I’m already missing my party members.
Okay, so I still have Lancer, but, I’m really hoping Noelle listens to reason, because Lancer is, not.
Oh god no, don’t fight me now Queen. And please don’t join me.
Alright, nobody likes Berdly. Figured.
God they’re so dumb.
“G-got any room for another truce?” Noelle, I would do a No Mercy run for you, of course I’m going to help you.
I can’t believe “No Triple Trucies” is even an option.
Yay! Noelle in party!
“LV1 Snowcaster. Might be able to use some cool moves.” She’s got Heal Prayer, a more powerful (but more expensive) Pacify, and a damaging Ice move for only 16% TP.
I love her.
I don’t know what a sugarplum is myself, actually.
Noelle, you have a one track mind, and I like it.
Lancer, she’s not a cream, and we’re not making her a bad guy.
Oh, and she’s scared of mice, I love it!
Ah, she’s never been in battle before, let’s see how this goes.
See? That wasn’t so bad, Noelle.
Oh, she’s a natural!
“Needles aren’t scary…” Tell that to anyone under 20, Noelle.
Also, “subtle” pro-Vax message?
Oh my god, I just love her animations.
So, the virus and the syringe are fighting…hm…
Okay, so, first, Noelle’s defend animation, also perfect.
Second, so Ambyu-lance’s bullets block and destroy Virovirokun’s…hmm…
Have I mentioned how much I love Noelle? This funky little Christmas Lesbian can do no wrong.
Oh my god, she can’t even confidently say we’re friends, and hearing Kris say it makes her happy, I love her so much.
Okay, so, Queen drinks Battery Acid. Makes sense for a computer.
Kris is so done with this shit, I can tell.
I am both scared of and loving Queen.
Oh Jesus Christ Berdly what the fuck is that.
That is not greatness that is…I don’t know. I’m pretty sure even tumblr isn’t horny for you, Berdly.
Christ, he’s gonna break Queen by being an idiot and then he’ll be the Chapter boss.
Her eyes say lying. Of course.
“I Did Not Know You Had… Nipples” that’s, a good point.
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…Berdly, you disturb me.
Second lost control laughing moment: Noelle’s cardboard robot face, and Queen just saying “Wow Cool Face”
Lancer, what is the “illusory nipple technique”?
Oh, of course the music bots built the statue. Berdly would never do manual labor.
Oh, and, they built the next “big” thing…hmmmm…
Why are we, flavors of tea???
Okay, that should be all the werewires for now.
The, clothing store, sold me, a useless mannequin, for $300. Of course.
I am going to touch the cheese.
Cheese maze, purposely ruined to spare more Mices.
Hmm, Berdly talks about Noelle’s crush. $20 says he actually thinks it’s him, or maybe Kris at a stretch.
Noelle is now immune to mice! Yay!
Oh, CD Bagel, Seedy Bagel, just got that.
Okay, sacrifice pacifist run to kill Berdly…I’m tempted.
Uh, Berdly, Noelle just one shot both your allies. I’m not alone, you are.
Jokes on you, buddy, I’ve been dodging A+ for years!
“(He hit me in the face with a tornado…)” Yes, Noelle, and I have papercuts on my eyelids. He do be an asshole.
Oh good, they both made Battery Acid Pies. Now we’re in a car together. Perfect. This is exactly how I wanted things to go.
Who is this trash man?
Spamton, huh. Oh boy.
Oh god, this song has lyrics.
Oh joy, a mini boss on my own. Just what I wanted.
Oh, new game over screen! Nice.
Anyways, I hate this guy.
Okay, just one more deal, I think. I wonder what’s next.
I’m not giving you my credit card info, dude.
Oh damnit, 1% more.
Okay, I’m very scared now.
Oh, I lost $51. That’s, fair.
Okay, back in the car.
Oh my god, Queen loves Noelle too. Perfect.
Lancer took the mixtape! Nice!
Oh, he ate it…nice!
Oh god she’s a little kid.
I’m so sorry, Noelle. I really hope you’re going to be okay. We’ll figure out what to do.
Queen, why does everything you have explode?
Now the prize is on my head.
Susie and Ralsei! You’re back!
She can slightly heal me now…cool!
And she taught him Sarcasm. I love them all so much.
Uh, Susie! You can have it!
Okay, so, now Susie is both gay for Noelle, and suspicious of her. Amazing.
And Noelle is turned on by the threat of being killed. Have I mentioned I love these dorks?
The gang’s all here!
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Uh, just got past fireworks, and, where’s Noelle?
Oh, okay. She was just watching Fireworks.
Oooo, catching mice minigame!
Oooo, more elaborate but simpler to control mice minigame!
Oooo, bucket hole!
Also, nice gay Noelle moment noted.
Oh no, please don’t take the perfect girl away from us!
Okay, so, I don’t like Berdly, but, Acid river? Bit much…
Oh, okay. He was never in danger. I hate both of you. GIVE US BACK NOELLE
Oh, great, now we’re captured too. Except possibly Ralsei.
She only plays mobile games. Burn her.
For once Berdly is correct.
Queen, you are dumb.
Is that the super Mario world fade?
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I don’t, next question.
No looking at my Search history!
Oh, hey, we can chat in here.
Lancer, never say Pants hole again, and never say you were inside it either.
Lancer, do you still not know our name?!
So this is how they lampshade the tutorial-Toriel thing, huh?
Oh no, Lancer, please don’t die in here.
Um, are there rooms for all the kids at school?
Puzzle time!
Plot twist: Susie is not Susan.
Berdly is dumb.
Admittedly, I did brute force that second one a bit…
Okay, now Susie has outsmarted both me AND Berdly. This is sad.
Oh god, he’s gonna cry now.
Oh, my god, that’s what December meant. That’s why Berdly cares about Noelle. That’s why…oh god.
Oh wow, Susie’s a gamer. This is incredible Lore.
Oh wow, first Lancer’s face returns, now Berdly is Anime. I love this game.
Oh my god, Ralsei in a tux. I love him.
Alright, so, Lancer needs to go back to Castle Town, and we need to get the heck to Noelle. I hope Berdly’s plan actually works…
Aw, I wanted him to stay tuxedo…
Color Cafe, huh?
Oh god, Rouxls came here. I am terrified.
I love this hype manor song!
Toby Fox, why is there so much 3D Shenanigans in this 2D Top Down RPG???
Note: from here, I end up going to the secret of this chapter. Do not read if you don’t want to be spoiled on that plotline. Skip to where I say Pancake Batter.
Okay, I’m going back, and I’m gonna find this third blue check mark.
Okay, found it, now to get back to the guy…
Yay, fireworks, again!
East treasure’s hallway leading to Basement on 1F…
Oh dear.
So there’s a secret here after all…where is…
Found it!
Okay, how to open this lock, now…hm.
Well, one thing was in the field, so, maybe in the city?
Oh Jesus it’s Spamton.
$28, not a penny more.
KeyGen, huh…
If this is as hard as Jevil, I’m gonna be pissed.
Oh, great, just Kris going in. Again. Fantastic.
Oh what the fuck.
Oh Jesus Christ I hate this build up.
Oh, and I died on the elevator. That’s fun.
Okay, so I hate this elevator. A lot.
Okay! Took like six tries, but I made it past the elevator! Now, let’s see what’s waiting for me…
Maybe take that back to Scamton or whoever?
…Ralsei, Susie, what are you two doing?
Okay, trash man, you better like this.
Oh Jesus Christ.
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Okay, this is not what I expected to follow Jevil’s lead. But, let’s see what happens when I turn this disk in.
Oh, nothing happened. Sure it did. Just gonna walk away then…
Oh, wouldn’t you know it, something happened!
Okay, so big puppet robot man. This is terrifying.
Roller coaster boss! Again! Oh good!
Can’t write notes, gotta kill.
Spamton, oh my god. And it’s Neo’s outfit. How the fuck did I not realize before?
Im terrified, let’s GOOOOOO!
Holy shit is that the Undertale Game Over message??????
Many tries later
Okay, I think it’s actually Ralsei and Susie talking…
Quitting the game so they can get their healing items out of storage and buy some good ones extra later
Okay, third turn, and I’ve only been hit once! Granted, it did almost 50 damage to Susie, but, still, doing better this time!
Even more death later
Did he just, attack himself?
Is he surrendering?
I…I did it! I did it in one sitting! Minus quitting so I could grab healing items that did more than 40 HP!
Oh, he killed him by freeing him…….okay.
Dealmaker, huh? Let’s see what this bad boy is…
+4 defense, +5 magic (even on Kris?), and $+30%…”and…?”
Okay, Ralsei, you get that, Susie get’s Jevilstail, and I get many questions.
Alright, now back to the actual plot!
Oh…Kris has goosebumps, and Susie’s asking if they’re okay…no. I’m saying no.
I love these two so much. Now let’s save the adorable lesbian.
Pancake Batter. Alright, we’re good.
Sorry, Noelle, got distracted.
Mouse wheel!
Tasque manager helped!
Man, this room is big and empty, with an odd exit door and screens on the north wall. Hmmmm…
Thank you annoying dog!
Okay, I still love this music. Just wanted to say that. Anyways, PROGRESS!
We’re tea covered now. Except Susie. She’s tea filled.
Oh god, I don’t trust Berdly with Susie.
God, Knight teased.
Duck ride with Fluffy Boy.
Okay, so, puzzle time, methonk.
High Five!
More duck ride!
Ralsei, do you wanna do the kissy?
Oh boy.
Oh jeez.
Oh damn.
Ralsei, you read my mind.
Oh Jesus it’s the tank from the first game.
Okay, so, we, take houses? Okay.
I can’t believe some people thought this dork was Gaster.
Wow, I beat him in like 3 and a half turns because I blocked him in.
Another God Dammit because SOMEONE didn’t pay attention to what happened to Lancer.
His head is still blue…
Hey, Camera! Peace signs and hugs!
Mostly hugs.
Yay, more Susie and Noelle time!
Oh my god, my heart is breaking.
Okay, I love these adorable girls.
Oh boy, this is, weird.
“Point and hearts come out” or “Eat moss”. The choice of a generation.
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Fair point, Susie.
She likes scary things, huh.
Have I mentioned how much I love these two? Because I do.
Susie and Noelle are best girls ever, no objections.
Oh good, Berdly, don’t ruin this completely, okay?
I fucking knew it.
Noelle, you’re going to kill him, and that’s okay with me.
Susie, stop squishing him like toothpaste!
Oh boy, I get big “final boss” energy right now…
Okay, so I just stole from Noelle’s room.
Okay, boss time.
Shit, I should’ve healed up.
Okay, so, I died, but, I can fix that!
So, this boss is calling back to how the town’s internet has gone out, a fact I didn’t even learn until watching other content last night when I should have been sleeping, because I forgot to talk to Alphys during the brief chance I had.
Also, now both she and Ralsei have made reference to the real world outside…hmmmm…
So I guess the plot is about Google search being evil…yeah that checks out.
Bitch, did you just funny runny way?
Hmm, I’d say 50/50 odds of him being a drama Queen vs. him trying to trick Susie into caring about him.
Yep, he’s trying to score a kiss. Berdly…get a job.
Alright, let’s save Noelle, and possibly the whole town.
The “Roaring” Knight?
Oh god, the determination…who is this Knight, what is going on, and how involved are we?
Wait wait wait wait wait wait WAIT
When she described the Knight making more darkness, she said they took their blade, and showed an image of a knife. Was…was this…
Oh. It was a giant robot. Not a statue.
Susie’s dancing!
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Oh yeah, he can fly.
Resistance! Yay!
Okay, so, we sentai up in this bitch.
I wonder how the hell this story would go if we didn’t go pacifist then? Because in Chapter 1, all that really changed was how the boss was defeated in the cutscene, and like a couple details later. This is, a lot more than that.
Okay, so, three rounds of HP, punch out for her turns, just keep attacking. Got it.
Two rounds down, one to go!
Yes, eat your own Baseball, bitch!
Oh, suicide attack. Well it was just a robot.
Oh. She still has us.
Oh fuck the robot is Noelle’s mom. Fuck.
Okay, so, Queen is dead.
Oh fuck, don’t take over the world with darkness all of you, please.
The Roaring?
Oh fuck, new legend lore.
Titans, Fountains, enveloping the land in devastation. Oh jeez.
Lost eternally in an endless night…that’s not paradise. That’s hell.
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Thank you, Susie!
Okay, that’s a good ending for a second chapter, it’s dark fountain time!
Susie, please don’t turn evil.
And, we’re in the computer lab!
Wait, Ms. Boom? Does, does Gerson have a daughter, or wife?
Lost control laughing #3: this
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I love this game so much. Time to explore town again.
Okay, Alphys does crush on Undyne still, at least.
Oops, I just let all the prisoner dogs out.
Awww, Undyne likes Alphys too!
Napstablook, I love you.
Oh shit, Asgore used to be a pig?
Oh god, this Rudy storyline is gonna be depressing all the way through, huh?
Susie, can we steal the tower of the gods?
Hey, we can actually go back to Ralsei’s dark world?!
Okay, this is gonna be interesting.
Oh thank god, we can save in the epilogue now, cool.
Oh cool, King and Queen together.
Oh my god he calls her Queenie Beanie. I love this.
So, a card and a computer fucked to make Lancer, who is a card. Okay.
Okay, so Lancer DOES know Kris’s name! Just not Ralsei’s!
New battle challenges! Yes!
Might save “Ch. 2 All-stars” for another time, though…
Perfection is the mannequin reaction.
Oh my god there’s a dedicated room for listening to music I love this
Alright, time to skedaddle back to the real world.
Okay, so Alvin is Gerson’s son, and he’s depressed. Fun.
Oh, MK and Snowy are by the creepy bunker. That’s…fun.
Okay, so, Susie scared them off after they insulted Kris, because Kris said something about the bunker…hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm…
Hey, Nice Cream Guy is one of the Ice-E’s employees! Nice!
Ah, PizzaPants. Never change.
Oh hey, it’s the little guy, who’s clone is a Gaster follower. And the bird guy’s still in the library, and the donut guy is still in his car…
Hey, Catty and Bratty are becoming friends again! Cool!
Omg, Sans’s store is open. Do I…go in?
Hell yes I do!
Okay, so, Grillby’s music still, but, different interior. Interesting…
Sans, a day and 2 years in this game are not equivalent. It’s a day and 3 years.
The trousle grows further away.
Oh jeez Susie’s been drinking the milk. Oh god.
Cool, Susie’s seeing Onion too!
Oh, never mind.
A song is coming from deep under the water…either Shyren is involved, or this is gonna take a turn.
See you, Su-
Oh! Hey mom! Meet Susie!
Pie for all!
Oh my god, Susie, my heart is breaking.
Okay, so Alphys and Toriel know about the chalk. That, kinda makes Susie thinking she’d get expelled for it, really depressing.
Okay, so, Toriel and Susie are gonna make Pie together, that’s cool. Still, pretty worried about, Kris.
Uh, I just ran the sink, and, uh…
…so we get a cute scene with Susie and Toriel, then Susie asks where Kris is and…they do this sometimes?
I’m very concerned.
Okay, Toriel is concerned too, enough to say “hell”. Even Susie is shocked.
Okay, so, they’re coming back, uh, okay, this isn’t good, right?
Stopped the faucet, opened the drawer, and…we’re back?!
Kris what the fuck are you doing
And why couldn’t we find Asgore in the town?
Okay, so, we’re all sleeping in the living room. I, guess tomorrow’s the weekend, probably? I don’t know?
Susie, doesn’t have caring parents, I guess?
Oh god, Susie wants them to come to our world, but, Lancer is a playing card, he can’t…I don’t know. I’ll say it’s “far-fetched”.
There’s a festival, apparently. This seems…suspicious.
I’d take Ralsei, so you could take Noelle.
She’s asleep.
That, might not be good, in this context.
Okay, so, we’re asleep too, I think?
Oh god, Toriel’s tires are slashed, that can not be good, in any way.
Okay, night time, Toriel and Susie are asleep…now what are you doing, Kris?
That, knife…
Okay, so, yep, they’re the Knight, and they just opened Darkness in their living room. This is, not, good. And, the tv’s on, and the door’s unlocked…
What the fuck is happening?
Ending credits song sounds, techno? Is this more of Don’t Forget? Or a remix? I hear the lyrics at least.
“To be continued in Chapter 3” OH IT BETTER BE, TOBY
So, yeah, that's Deltarune Chapter 2. In conclusion: this explains nothing, raises 120% more questions, and overall is still an incredible, wonderful game. I also like how each Chapter so far has been almost as long as a full play through of Undertale, and yet we're still somehow only 2 sevenths of the way through. Oh yeah, did I not mention? After completing it, it brought me to a chapter select with SEVEN DIFFERENT CHAPTERS, only two of which were available. So, you know. THAT'S FUN!
In actual conclusion, please play this game, it's free, it's amazing, and also buy the soundtrack on Bandcamp so Toby can make some kinda living.
9 notes · View notes
wakaoujisenhime · 4 years
Hey, I was just thinking about something. What if Tetsutetsu's s/o has his hands tied down (with something strong enough to restrain him) and she's sexually teasing him. This is the first time they try this. He's teased her before. Now it's his turn to experience what it's like being teased. And by the time he is released, he loses it to lust, and he goes at her rough. Loses it in a good way of course. I've never actually seen anyone write something for him where he's the one being teased.
A/N: It was really fun to write something like this for Tetsu, so I hope you like it as much as I do! A big thanks to @gallickingun for beta reading it and @honeytama I hope you like it as well ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ ❤️ 
Tags: Tetsutetsu x reader ✅  smut (18+) ✅  bondage ✅ orgasm denial ✅ slight fluff ✅   
image/art source: Twitter (art by Gwillarmy)
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Eyes on me - Tetsutetsu x reader
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Was this really happening?
Was your boyfriend Tetsu, the man who absolutely loved to tease you until you were crying, seriously lying underneath you, panting, drooling, groaning, and most importantly moaning?
Yes, he was…
It was just an idea you had shared with him, but you would’ve never expected him to agree and go with it in the first place.
All you did was ask him if he’d like to know how it feels like to be teased until he cried and desperately begged for release. It surprised you to hear him say ‘yes’ in the first place, but the moment you returned home from work and saw him waiting for you half-naked on your bed was when you realized that he was serious about it. 
Tonight was Tetsu’s free day, he had all the time to prepare some toys as well as himself (mentally and physically), so it shouldn’t have surprised you that much to see a vast collection of sex toys, vibrators, and even some carbon steel handcuffs.
“Go ahead (Y/N)..show me what it’s like”
That was all he had to say and you were already all over him, your arms were wrapped tightly around his neck, your hands were buried in his hair while slightly tugging on it, you pressed your body further towards his which caused him to fall over and groan silently in between your kiss.
Now that his back was touching the soft mattress you didn’t want to waste any more unnecessary time and began stripping him from the small number of clothes he already had on. The moment you lifted his shirt over his head, you almost bit your tongue off. 
“N-Nipple clamps…?”
Embarrassed by seeing your surprised face Tetsu avoided looking into your eyes. 
He thought that you were off-put by it, seeing such a big bulky man acting like a bitch in heat and that’s the main reason he never wanted to be the submissive one between the both of you, but seeing how much you actually wanted it made him give in easier than he wished for. 
That’s why he spends his entire day-off shopping and preparing...all of this just for you. 
You on the other hand began feeling your body’s first reactions. 
Seeing your boyfriend blush so much that it even reached his ears only made the heat between your legs increase by each passing second. 
The fact that he was awaiting your return with his nipples squeezed painfully between the black plastic of the clamps while being able to keep his usual demeanor and facial expression up made you realize that your boyfriend might have been more of a masochist than you’d originally thought. 
You immediately bend down to his muscular chest and began licking around the bright red skin of his left nipple. One of your hands was still holding onto his shirt while the other began gently tugging on his right nipple. He grunted and was ready to bite his lip so that he could prevent himself from moaning, but you were quicker. Your lips were on his in an instant and without holding yourself back any longer you just let the urge of seeing him more disheveled beneath you take over. With just the tip of your tongue, you caressed his bottom lip and nibbled on it softly, all of this serving as a request for him to let you explore his mouth’s insides, unfortunately, your boyfriend remained stubborn and refused your advances by pressing his lips together tightly. 
It amused you to see him that embarrassed and unwilling. 
You would’ve even let this disobedience pass if it were any other day, but today you were determined to top him and there was absolutely nobody and nothing that could stop you - not even your boyfriend himself. 
So in order to make this rock of a man open his mouth for you, you decided to play dirty and tug on his already sensitive nipples.
The reaction you got was more than just satisfactory. His moan was so high pitched that you questioned your ears for a slight second. 
Was this really the same Tetsu you had confessed to from back then? 
The one who made your body tremble and quiver during your guys’ first time? 
Was he the same person who let that high pitched moan leave his mouth just now? 
The answer to all of these questions was yes and somewhere deep inside of you, you enjoyed that switch in roles.
Suddenly you felt Tetsu lift his hips upwards, purposely grazing his evident bulge between your thighs making you moan silently between the kiss. 
You immediately broke the kiss off much to his dissatisfaction. Once again you would have probably indulged him further...but not today.
“How should I start..?”
While your gaze was jumping between the different objects Tetsu had displayed on the mattress, he used that small time frame to finally free himself from his shirt, but for some reason, he hesitated to do the same with his underwear.
After a short while, you finally made up your mind and decided to use the handcuffs and a small egg vibrator. 
Much to your surprise, Tetsu didn’t struggle much while you handcuffed him, but the moment you wanted to slide his boxers down he almost headbutted you. 
“This is his first time as a sub so it’s alright if he struggles a little bit”, you thought while you continued sliding the thin fabric down his muscled thighs. 
His erection - as if glad to finally be free from its confines - slapped up against his abs staining them with some droplets of his own pre-cum. If you thought that this sight alone was hot, then let me tell you how wrong you are.
You hadn’t pulled his underwear down completely, but it was enough for you to see that something was poking out between his asscheeks. Upon further inspection, you recognized that object as your dildo. 
“Tetsu...did you seriously use-”
“S-Shut up…! Don’t say it..” 
It proved to be quite hard for you to suppress the happiness you felt at the exact same moment you saw the familiar toy you had used on yourself so many times, to be used by him now. 
You actually didn’t know what made you happier at the moment was it the fact that he was actually willing to take on your role for tonight? 
Was it the fact that he had prepared himself so good for it? 
Or was it simply because it was Tetsu who was doing it?
You didn’t know and to put it simply you didn’t care...all you wanted to do right now was to pleasure this man as much as he had done to you all those times...
And that’s what got you guys in the present situation. 
Almost an hour and a half had passed and you had denied every single orgasm your boyfriend had been approaching (including the dry ones), you had shut down each attempt of his to touch himself and most importantly you’ve not even once kissed or shown him any affectionate gestures for this whole time. 
You knew you were playing with fire since Tetsu is more affectionate than some people give him credit for and when he didn’t receive the attention he needed and loved he’d get really mad about it. So not kissing him for almost an hour and a half was too much for him and you knew it, but what you wanted to know as of right now was how far you could go, how much more could you tease him until he finally snapped. 
At the beginning of this ‘teasing session’ you were very confident in those carbon steel cuffs since they were made out of a material which was certainly stronger than his own quirk, but some part of you knew that they weren’t going to hold him forever.
You were sitting on top of him while your hands slowly began moving from his blindfolded face down to his left nipple which was still being squeezed by the nipple clamp, to his right pecs where you had tapped one of the small egg vibrators on his other perked nipple, down to his lower abdomen which was now alongside his pubic hair stained by his love juices. When your fingers finally arrived at your desired destination you let them ghost alongside his dripping tip and then went down his prominent vein slowly.
That minimal contact only made him buckle his hips up, indirectly begging you to touch him, but you weren’t going to stop your teasing game here...oh no.
When Tetsu realized that his attempts were all deemed to fail, some tears began forming at the corner of his eyes. His tears were so big, that no matter how much effort he put into holding them back they had already begun leaving his eyes. 
This entire time he hated the fact to be robbed of his sight by the black blindfold he himself had bought. It was actually meant for none other than you, but the place he had tried to hide it at was so obvious that it had been a matter of seconds for you to find it.
But now? This boy was seriously thankful that this thin black piece of cloth was absorbing the tears he was so ashamed of. 
Though it didn’t take you long to notice that something was wrong with your boyfriend, he had suddenly slumped down on the mattress and wasn’t moving. Sure there was a twitch here and there, but what really got you thinking was the fact that his erection had softened ever so slightly and you panicked. 
Was that too much? 
But wait...he would’ve said something if I overstepped a boundary, right? 
D-Did we even agree on a safeword…? 
While all of these questions were now haunting your mind, your hands went for the blindfold first and when the knot finally gave out despite your trembling fingers the sight you were faced with was unbelievable.
Tetsu’s cheeks were now redder than your favorite lacy lingerie set. His mouth, parted, giving you an excellent view of his lips which were completely chapped from all of his ‘moan suppressing’ attempts, he had even managed to draw some blood. But most importantly…
“Are you crying..?” 
Instead of answering, the muscular man beneath you just growled and turned his head away from you. 
Even if he tried to hide it, the black piece of fabric had caught some of his tears and was now wet on the exact spots where his eyes were. 
Seeing your boyfriend like this pained you more than it should’ve. 
Normally it was you who looked like that, but instead of feeling sorry for you, Tetsu would just continue teasing you until you either said the safeword or passed out. He’d whisper sweet as well as dirty pet names next to your ear, nibble and bite it while the wet noises that resulted from his pelvis slapping hard against your own lower body.
It all appeared so easy when he did it, but why was it this hard for you?
You ignored the throbbing between your legs as you began undoing the handcuffs, your mind was so occupied with worrying about him that Tetsu’s wide grin completely slipped your attention.
Suddenly you felt the soft touch of the mattress on your back, your arms were pinned above your head and an intimidating shadow loomed over you.
That rock of a man who was covering and weeping underneath you not to long ago had now reversed the roles and was towering above you. His pupils were actually bigger than usual and that alone made the small alarm bells in the back of your head ring.
Before you could even comment cheekily or feign being sad about the sudden change in roles, a big hand spread your legs apart roughly exposing just how wet you’d actually become from teasing your boyfriend. 
The grin on his face grew even wider the moment he looked at your facial expression.
“Y’know (Y/N), I felt bad for always rejecting your request to top me, but it’s just as I thought...”
In an instant your wrists were bound together by the black blindfold, restricting your movement and making it a tad harder for your blood to flow all the way through to your fingers. His muscular calves pressed your own ones down in order to stop you from even thinking about closing your legs out of embarrassment or any other reason. Tetsu then licked two of his fingers while maintaining his deep eye contact with you, enjoying the way your lower lip quivered at the sight of his wet tongue preparing his thick digits to enter you. 
When his fingers left his mouth a string of saliva connected them up until he positioned them right where you wanted them to be - at your entrance.
You wanted him to move them inside of you, massage your sensitive bud of a clit, spread your pussy lips apart, lick them or at least do something, but he didn’t do anything. In your desperation you began moving your hips, trying to at least create some friction, when a deep chuckle made your body suddenly tense up.
“You shouldn’t have done that...”  
Hearing that sentence leave your boyfriend’s mouth made you instantly regret acting as horny as you did just now. 
“W-Wait Tetsu, please. I’m sorry, I-”
The man above you didn’t even let you finish, he just covered your mouth with his hand and looked you deep inside of your eyes, aligning his precum covered tip with your entrance and grinning the moment you arched your back towards his chest. The thought of him thrusting inside of your tight hole without even preparing you properly made his cock throb with anticipation. 
He loosened his hand from your mouth, moving it up to the top of your head, pressing it down so that your eyes could focus on what was about to happen to you and your body.
“(Y/N)...I want you to keep an eye on your sweet and tight pussy while I’m penetrating it with my thick and throbbing cock. You are to never look away, you got that?”
His low whisper sounded almost like the growl of a mad dog rather than an order from your boyfriend whose common sense had been replaced by sheer, animalistic lust. 
As soon as you opened your mouth in order to answer him, your vision suddenly went black. The roughness of his sudden and deep thrust, made you lose all words and literally knocked the air out of your lungs. 
Tetsu’s tip would usually just touch the entrance to your womb as if to give it a small and gentle kiss, but the way his weight had you trapped in a mating press, allowed him to even go deeper and almost penetrate that small cervix opening. You shuddered just by the sheer imagination of that blissful yet impossible phantasy to become a reality, your body reacted almost immediately and tightened your wet insides around your boyfriend’s throbbing shaft. Thanks to your position his whole body vibrated the moment a deep grunt left his mouth and it only made you want to throw your head back and moan out in pleasure, but you couldn’t. 
The warning he’d hummed next to your ear just some minutes ago, was haunting your mind, causing you to constantly be on high alert. 
The silver-haired boy noticed you tensing up, instantly realizing the impact his whisper had on you. Even though he knew full well that he was the source of your worry, a bright grin appeared on his face. All he wanted was to see you cry and beg for release like always, but he decided to postpone that plan. All he wanted right now was to make you see stars, lose your mind, and become absolutely undone beneath him. The more he thought about it the dirtier he desired you to look like. 
So to make that happen, he had to put in some work and he knew exactly what to do.
Tetsu slowly moved his right hand behind your head, taking a firm hold of your hair, indirectly supporting you and at the same time making sure that your eyes stayed focused on the thrusting of his hips. His left hand ghosted alongside your neck, down to your collarbone, and finally arriving at his destination - your chest. 
At first, he let two of his fingers glide as softly as he possibly could alongside the beautifully shaped curve of your left breast, biting his lip in the process in order to hold the urge to straight out bite into the plush flesh of yours, back. When your breath hitched and goosebumps covered your entire skin, causing your normally soft nipples to harden almost to a painful extend, he knew that you were craving for more than just some soft treatment. 
That’s how he had disciplined you after all...   
He bared his abnormally sharp teeth and sank them right around your areola, making you finally release the cry of satisfaction you had been holding back for quite some time. Upon hearing your sinfully sweet voice, Tetsu bit harder, observing the arch your back made with a wide and confident grin. 
Come now...just a little bit more
The young man’s thrusts had slowed down, now relying solely on precision instead of speed. 
Each time his tip deliciously glided past your g-spot it made your legs trembled ever so slightly and your determination to look down was gradually declining.
Wet slapping of skin against skin was everything you could hear and that mixed with your boyfriend’s slurping noises is what caused you to finally give up and let your head plop down onto the mattress.
“Big mistake”
You shuddered at that statement and before you could even question its meaning, one of your legs was hoisted up to your boyfriend’s shoulder causing his tip to further spread your walls apart, turning your previous moan into a mewl.
The speed at which he now moved, was relentless and left you with almost no time to recover from the countless pleasure waves his ministrations brought you. 
His thick fingers pinched and massaged your breasts’ sensitive buds while his rough lips explored your thighs and calves - leaving a trail of kisses, nibbles, and bites behind. 
Not long after and the familiar feeling of a knot building up inside of you, spread around your entire body, screaming and begging you for desperate release, but you knew better than to just let that heat consume you. 
“The longer you hold it back, the better it’ll feel in the end.”, that’s what Tetsu had always told you when your climaxes approached and he was always right about that. 
For every time you managed to hold out longer than him, he’d always reward you with a mindblowing orgasm and every time was better than the other. 
While you were imagining what kind of reward you’d get today, the man above you was now holding onto your waist with his right hand and with his left one he was gently squeezing your ankle, burying his pointy teeth muscle deep inside of your lower leg, all the while thrusting in and out of you, sloppily yet precise and quick. 
He was close and knowing that you had denied him of many orgasms a while ago, only made your heart rate go up a notch just from the imagination of the sheer amount of cum he’d soon release inside of you. 
The combination of your warmth enveloping his shaft and your sultry voice calling out his name gave him that last push he needed to finally reach the euphoric feeling of release and spill his seed deep into your womb, flooding and painting your insides white. 
Not short after and your turn to finally let the pleasure consume you had come. The second your orgasm settled, your boyfriend’s fingers were instantly on your clit, rubbing it frantically, causing countless waves of bliss to overrun your body, sending it to countless spasms and tremors.
Finally, after several seconds of nothing but pure satisfaction, Tetsu let go of your leg, leaned down to your face and kissed your temple, nose, cheeks, and lips while his big hand caressed the top of your head gently. You lazily wrapped your arms around his neck and returned his kisses in the same loving manner he did. 
“I love you Tetsu...”
With a smile the man buried his forehead in the crack of your neck and whispered:
“I love you too (Y/N)..”  
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damejanai · 3 years
S: Today...
K: Ou
S: I was at the same job as kaito kun before this, which was unusual
K: Mmm
S: This is a continuation from what we were talking about just now but...
K: Mmm
S: I went to rewatch Dame x Prince
K: Oh!
S: Well... that show was crazy in a good way
K: Totally unthinkable right
S: You know, totally, i wanted to watch some comedies, and, i don't really rewatch the ones i was casted in but totally you know... episode 1..Nareku, who is voiced by Kaito kun
K: Mmm
S: Started doing ad-libs all the way
K: Right?
S: Hngh! Hngh! Hngh! Aannn! uuun!
K: That's totally un actor-like
S: You just went ahead and did it right? *laughs*
K: Hahahaa
S: Nobody asked for...
K: Since he was moving so much, as an actor, that's totally a sign for me to do something right?
S: Totally.. well, i, you know, I hope you take my words seriously but, Nareku was so funny
K: Right?
S: Hahahhaha, so pure!!
K: Hahhaa, well it's not only me who created Nareku
S: Well well yes, it was totally, i want to do it again, with that team
K: Well but it won't have a second season, probably
S: Don't say that!
K: No but! those who have watched it would understand, the story had closure
S: That's true
K: The princes also matured. Amongst the comedy, the princes had growth
S: True...
K: Are we able to... return to that? Hahahahaa
S: I.....will i be able to do Ryuze?
K: ....Ehhh you can!
S: well.....nanodesu (high pitched)
K: You did it!
Script: The streets are slowly beginning to look like Christmas eh?
K: Roppongi, or rather Keyakizaka? That area is totally..
S: *giggling*
K: Ah!!
S: Stop it! Stop it! I have recalled it!
K: I remember now!
S: For the details, please refer to... it's already in the archives? no?
K: But it was like from last year end, or the beginning of this year
S: Those who are able to listen please do...I too was... two men alone...what are you looking at? stop it stop it
K: It's still flashing...
S: Stop it! seriously... come on..
K: It was from then on right?
S: Stop it stop it, Recently you know... this is not good! like... i think this was my fault but... what was it about "from then on"
K: From then on, we began, right?
S: AHHHHH! WAhhhhh!! Ever since you started YouTube, you unlocked that kind of thing
K: AHahhahaa no no, what began was that I started driving Soma s-..... *giggle*
S: Hahahahahaa Oi! You don't have to do year-end tax adjustment for that too!
K: Oops, nothing's.. different
S: You know... I.... stop it? While doing Dameraji, the way we do radio has changed also?
K: Uh-huh
S: So, over there, when we spill our hearts out.. it has.. the buddy relationship has deep---*giggle*
K: I wonder why.... we... everyone has been saying that about us from the beginning..
S: Well well yeah
K: We being a pair, well regarding that, there was also a time when it was toned down...
S: There was, totally
K: Me especially
S: Well well, because of that, it became like, we should distance ourselves more.. right?
K: Stopped going for drinks, and stuff, well in times like these, more so, but it started even before this happened
S: Yes yes
K: I want to have a drink now! (together)
S: Me too, totally, shall we? Like before the year ends.. For Christmas?
K: Shall we? HAHAHA
S: Wahhhh, like, we are craving something
K: Craving.... no, we want to throw something away i think
S: Hahaha
K: This is bad, Okay! So the business talk shall end here
S: Hahahaha
S: * Talking a bout how the space FC is 440yen per month*
K: Wait a minute, is that price okay for you?
S: We thought about it over and over
K: That's unacceptable! come on! That many services and that price... makes my membership quality seem lower
S: Don't cut in before i'm done with this email, geez
K: But anyway, your FC is finally starting
S: Until now, i've done one concert, so from now on, if i am going to have concerts, or release CDs, we'd like to give fanclub members priority, and we also wanted somewhere to communicate with fans, so decided on the name, "space".
It's the pace of S
K: Oh, "space" doesn't mean that there is a space in between huh
S: No no no, the name of the FC is "space". When I/we thought of it, i realised that it could have different meanings. Like Soma Saito's space, or a space for everyone, or outer space
K: Space right?
S: So decided on this name, it would be great if it is a space created by everyone
K: Nice~
S: But it is still in the works... we will be trying different things so the contents might be changing. I felt that this one song a day recommendation, is quite amazing
K: Yea it is amazing totally, what's recommend?
S: *giggles* Um, like a song a day depending on my mood, or a book, everyday
K: Are you serious?! Crazy
S: This is totally....Well to make it a place where you would want to visit everyday
K: Wow... amazing! amazing! Wait wait can you list out the services you're providing again
S: Mail magazine, one recommendation a day, one person radio with video, and also, bonuses
K: Well, and also you're going to think of new things from now
S: Yes
K:....... That overlaps with mine
S: Wwww well there's one email here too, Ishikawa kaito has started membership on his YouTube channel
K: And also actually I also have an FC ahahaha
S: Who would have thought, this is a coincidence right
K: Well you know, when i saw the news that Soma san was going to launch his fanclub, i was actually already in midst of creating mine but, i panicked, and panicked, i thought, oh no!
S: Hahahahaa
K: And posted a video quickly
S: So, like i've heard alot about how Kaito kun was going to have membership on his channel, right?
K: Umm
S: Then i said, ooh this would be good too right... and stuff, while behind the scenes, i was actually planning my FC
K: And also like, you know our services overlap too
S: Hahahaa, what will you be doing?
K: I will be holding live streams every month for members, well probably it'll be like 2-3 times per month
S: Amazing!
K: Livestreams where i just talk casually. And on YouTube "community", i will be writing stuff that happened, like a blog, and also after events or event streamings, i have done some already, i would quickly film my reflections/comments on the events and just upload them
S: Ahhh i guess well you have the chance to talk about those on radio sometimes but everyone would be interested to listen to Kaito kun's feelings about your events right?
K: Yes yes, so i thought, "recommendations huh?"
S: Well well well, that would be a total rip-off wouldn't it
K: Everyday...
S: But for me, it's contradicting but, i have a lot of jobs where i have to write now, but, i'm a poor writer
K: Ooooh
S: Like, i feel that it is hard to write
K: Well because you have too many options
S: Don't know if it's that but, i was thinking about whether i would be able to continue my blog properly. Well but if people were to be paying for the fanclub and the writings are not that good, that wouldn't be ideal so i thought, maybe i could recommend something different everyday
K: I'm so afraid now hahahaa
S: Ishikawa san's membership, is it a monthly payment?
K: Yes.. i wonder how much it was but, i made it really cheap
S: Ahhh
K: I searched up the services and prices of the memberships of other YouTubers, and made mine around the middle quality type of services, and the price low. I am not doing music as well, so the videos i upload might not be viewed as "highly priced" and that would feel horrible so
S: Ahhh, true...
K: And I manage the YouTube myself so, when i have guests over, i might need, outfits and stuff
S: Uh huh..
K: Or certain equipment.. like if we were to be playing games together, I would need to buy the game so... the membership fees would go to that
S: Wow... that's awesome~~ When... shall i go?
K: So, what shall we do?
S: Wwwwww what kind of ... what kind of reaction is that?
K: I thought of asking Soma san on the channel, well we did one story reading before
S: Yes
K: So i do want you to come but, i can't think of anything to do!
S: Come on come on, you're saying that there's nothing to do, in front of me?
K: Coz, we could just do it here
S: Ahh, we should differentiate it from this, things we can do that are not done on Dameraji
K: Yes, if it's the both of us, it'll inevitably be this
S: Hahhaaa, i wonder what...?
K: What, reminisce about "Zankyou no Terror"?
S: wwwww
K: Hahahhaa
S: "AAHHHHHH!! Remember, us" ah that's nine's line
K: Why are you snatching away my line
S: I was already shot before that
S: Dun dun dun, dun dundun!
K: Ahhh cries~ cries~, Those who have not watched "Zankyou no terror," please do!
S: And well i really want to go on your channel, and i've already told my agency about this
K: Really? Ahh but your manager was nodding just now
S: Yes so it's safe to say that, it's approved already
K: Oooooh, ok so next i'll think about, what we are going to be doing
S: Shoudn't it be opposte?
K: Yess
S: Let's discuss then
K: Let's discuss, we have an expert here too
S: Won't that be Dameraji then!
~Dameraji photo studio~
Topic: Take a photo where the two photos would look like they're part of one photo
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nilim · 4 years
How would someone start to get into LARPing? I've always thought it sounded interesting but I have no idea where to start.
Oh boy, both a very easy and a very complicated question, because it depends on where you live and what you want. Also I haven’t been to that many different LARPs, so I will keep this mostly general…. This got long, so tips under the cut:
I’m very much a ‘jumped in the deep end without any preparation and see where I end up’ kinda person. I first started LARPing when I was 18. It was a ‘smaller’ LARP and it was at a place where my brother also LARPed at, although I didn’t see him for the entire weekend so I was pretty much alone. It was also an ‘adult’ LARP, so 16+ only. It was also the most I laughed in a 3-day stretch of time and absolutely delightful.
Basically, anyone can get into LARPing, you just have to keep an open mind when going into these things. Here’s a disclaimer though: I’m an easy person, I don’t have any disabilities, was in a mentally healthy state and I’m very used to camping outdoors, so I could put up with a lot - there was nothing that really ‘scared’ me about going except the whole ‘oh no strangers’ and mild social anxiety thing. Therefore, I didn’t do a lot of research beforehand about which LARP I wanted to attend - I attended my first LARP because it was relatively close to where my parents lived and I knew my brother LARPed there. That’s it.
However, that was more than 10 years ago and I’ve since grown a little more socially anxious and also a little more socially aware, so I would advise you to scout out different LARPs in your area. Almost all LARP events I know of have an online presence, through twitter or facebook groups, websites, etc. Just have a look what players are saying on those pages - you can usually judge the general feel of a LARP by the type of discussions players are having. 
Also, ask questions if you’re unsure about something. In general I’ve found that LARPers are very eager to bring people into their hobby, and are very helpful and honest when answering questions. Check whether there is a code of conduct. Check whether there are confidential counselors present if anything were to happen. Check whether there are rules about harassment etc. If you’re unsure about something, ask the players on those social media pages what their experiences have been. Usually they will be honest, because they are ‘customers’ of the LARP much like you will be. Treat it like you’re shopping around for a hotel or holiday! Weigh the pros and cons.
As for the LARPs themselves, there are many different kinds of LARPs. I’ve only done high fantasy LARPs so far, and pretty large ones as well. Conquest of Mythodea is the largest LARP in the world, and it can be overwhelming for some people. But I also find them very calming in a way? When there’s so many people around there is almost no direct pressure on me to do anything. The story will continue regardless of what I do. With small LARPS or ‘parlor’ LARPs, which usually consist of a very limited group in a much smaller area, there can be more pressure on you to ‘perform’ your role. However, the upside of these LARPs is that you get some very deep RP and your character is important to the story. The game leaders will make sure to focus on you, and that can be very exciting! 
I’ve also only attended LARPs where I would stay overnight. My first LARP lasted 3 days (Friday-Sunday), and Conquest of Mythodea lasts 5 (Wednesday -Sunday night). If you’re unsure about immediately going for such a commitment, maybe try out shorter or smaller LARPs first to see if you like it? Also, almost all LARPs have out-of-character areas, so if things get too overwhelming you can retreat from the game and just chill. Usually there are dedicated areas in the game, as well as your personal areas (e.g. people’s personal tents are completely off limits in Conquest, and nobody may enter them except for you. They may also not demand that you come out, etc). 
Once you’ve settled on a LARP you want to attend, but don’t want to do it alone, you can ask around to see if there are any groups that might interest you in joining. Most LARPs have many different factions that you could join, and a lot of larger LARPs also have newbie groups that are specifically designed to teach you the ropes of the game. We joined the banner of explorers in Conquest of Mythodea and people were very friendly with explaining rules and such to us. However, they also usually let you go off and do your own thing if you’re not interested in participating or being forced into performing faction-related things. It was real nice. Again, ask around, see which groups of people can take you under their wing - usually there’s a lot of people willing to help you! A lot of this asking around you can do online before you even attend the LARP.
Once you’ve chosen a LARP and/or even a faction, make sure to read up on the rules of the LARP. Sometimes there’s a lot. Nobody is expecting you to know everything by heart, but it’s appreciated to take a little bit of effort so you know the general rules, especially around OOC vs IC gameplay, and the concept to roleplay with other people. LARPing is very much a “Yes and…” kind of experience, much like D&D. Prevent shutting down other people’s RP moments just because you want to do something cooler. (Note: Absolutely shut down somebody’s RP moment if it is making you uncomfortable. You are more important than RP!). Read up on combat rules, if you’re planning on taking part in combat. Make sure never to just hit people on the head, never carry sharp objects on you, make sure to know the rules about touching and grabbing other people, some LARPs don’t allow it.
Now you just need a character. Many LARPs have you build a character much in the same way like you would build a D&D character; you have a number of skill points that you can assign to different skills, such as thievery, magic or hitpoints. Read up on the rules and do whatever you think would be fun. In my general experience, these skill points are way less important than you think. 99% of LARP is just hanging around and talking to people, and you don’t need skill points for that. Additionally, realize that nobody actually knows your character (unless you’re playing a small parlor LARP), so you can usually tweak your character while you’re playing. So far I’ve always tried to play shady thief characters or dumb fighter characters, but I always instantly get sucked in when there’s puzzles and mysteries to solve, so I often let the ‘stoic person who doesn’t care about books’ thing go as soon as the game presents me with secret puzzles and coded texts. And that’s fine. Just make sure that once you’ve settled as a character after some time IC, and people know you as that character, you roleplay somewhat consistently or otherwise it gets confusing.
As for preparation for going to an actual LARP: There’s a lot of good resources out there on the internet! Just google things like ‘essential items for a LARP’ or ‘packing list LARP’, especially if you’re planning on camping. There’s also a huge amount of online stores that cater to LARP outfits, LARP weapons, and adjacent fantasy setting camping items. If you’re on a budget, don’t worry about it - nobody is going to be snobby about your outfit if you don’t look as cool as the next guy. However, please do try to keep it setting-compliant. Don’t show up in jeans and a t-shirt to a fantasy LARP. Even on a budget, it’s relatively easy to find some second-hand clothes at a thrift store or flea market (that’s where I get half my LARP clothes). Much like many hobbies, this one too requires a little bit of investment on your part before you go. Please don’t splurge on equipment before you’ve even attended a LARP though – maybe you won’t like it, and then you’ve invested all that effort already. Just take it easy and test out the waters a little bit.
And in-game? What if you’re unsure about how to get into the game? First you have to realize that everything is game. Even just sitting around the campfire enjoying some bard songs is game. There’s no right or wrong way to play in a LARP. But if you want to get into more plot-related stuff: Talk to others. Ask questions, about everything. During our 5 days at Mythodea this summer we did literally nothing but walk up to random places or events, tapping random people on the shoulder and going ‘what’s happening here?’. And people will do it a lot with you too, we’ve had so many people asking us who someone was, or what was going on, even though we didn’t know. Be not afraid to ask questions. It’s the quickest way to make new connections and get new friends and to get involved in the plot. Usually there’s NPCs around that you can ask for quests. Try to find out where stuff is happening. Or make your own quests, if you enjoy making that kind of character. It can be a lot of fun to send out other players to do things for you. Player characters come in all kinds of flavours. Maybe you just want a character that hangs out in the camp and cooks for people. That’s fine too! Like I said before, there’s no right or wrong to play. 
If you want to fight undead and smash people with a foam sword, there’s LARPs for that. If you want to solve a murder mystery in a haunted mansion, there’s LARPs for that. If you want to be a wizard and attend magic school, there’s LARPs for that. If you want to sneak around and steal people’s valuables, there’s LARPs for that. It’s great! Just look around and see what kind of LARP and what kind of character suits your style. And it’s also fine to have your first LARP be a run-of-the-mill fantasy setting where you just walk around and observe other people and don’t get involved in the plot at all, which is mostly what I did during my first LARP. 
Anyway, this got very long, sorry. But I hope these tips help you out!
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katedrakeohd · 4 years
Breakfast Battles - Part Two
WC: 1580
Rated PG: Angst and fluff
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Preston's phone buzzed in his jacket pocket. Fishing it out, he saw that he had a text from the Duke saying that they're heading down to breakfast.
He responded with a quick “On our way.” And then signaled to Mara.
Pushing away from the wall, Mara quickened her pace to keep up with Preston's long strides.
“So how was His Grace this morning when you first went to his door?”
Preston frowns down at Mara, “What do you mean ‘how was he' ?”
“Did he open the door naked again?”
Preston tries to hide his smirk as he replies, “Well sort of, apart from the Santa Hat.”
Mara grins, “Oh how festive. Only wearing a Santa hat?”
Stopping outside of the doors to Drake and Kate's bedroom, Preston mumbles quietly.
“He wasn't exactly wearing it.”
As Preston raises his hand to knock on the door, Mara straightens up beside him and puts her game face on.
Drake lets go of Kate's hand to open up the doors. Preston and Mara step back and give them a nod, as they exit the room and close the doors behind them.
“Good morning Your Grace,” Mara says to Kate as she falls in step behind her as they walk down the hall.
“Good morning, Mara. I trust there haven't been any security threats over night?”
“None that we've encountered, Ma'am.”
Drake is acutely aware of Preston breathing down his neck and finds it unnerving. Stopping suddenly in the hallway, Drake is almost run over by his bodyguard.
“Seriously Preston, either lead the way or back off a few more feet.”
Preston nods, stepping around Drake. “As you wish, Sir.”
As they resume, Mara takes up a position in the rear. Kate mumbles to Drake as they reach the staircase, “Is the extra babysitting really that necessary?”
Drake takes Kate's arm and walks with her down the stairs, “It's only while Nicholas is here. Apparently there are security protocols to uphold while the King and his heir are under the same roof, especially this far from the capital.”
Kate sighs as they make it to the bottom of the stairs. “Safety is important, I guess. But I prefer the confident illusion of it over the oppressive limiting feeling of being under constant guard.”
Slipping his arm around her back, Drake pauses to give her a kiss on the temple. “I agree, but we can tough it out for a little while longer. I'm actually looking forward to Preston and Mara greeting Olivia at the door this evening.”
Kate laughs, “Poor Olivia.”
As Preston and Mara take their positions outside the Breakfast room with Bastien, Drake murmurs to Kate when he escorts her inside. “Actually I was thinking that I pity Preston.”
When Drake and Kate enter the room the quiet conversation in the room stops. Maxwell tips back his champagne glass and downs the last of his mimosa. “Good morning, you guys. Oh, and Merry Christmas.”
Hana rises from her chair with a smile, and gives Kate a quick hug before sitting back down. “Did you sleep well?”
“We slept just fine, Hana. Thank you.” Drake replies, leading Kate to the far end of the table and pulling out her chair for her. Once she's seated he places his hands on her shoulders and leans down to kiss her cheek.
Nicholas still hasn't spoken and sits at the other end of the table sipping his tea. Drake pulls out his chair and sits down, making eye contact with Nicholas and then giving him a polite nod, “Your Majesty.”
“Your Grace.”
At the head of the table the table is laden with all of Drake and Kate's favorite breakfast foods. Kate wastes no time and serves herself a generous helping of fruit salad. A server approaches carrying a coffee pot, “Coffee?”
Drake holds out his cup. “You read my mind.”
After filling his cup, she approaches Kate. “And for Her Grace?”
Kate smiles back at her, “Could I have a pot of green tea brought to the table please?”
With a nod, she places the coffee pot near Drake and then leaves to fetch the pot of tea.
Maxwell fills his plate with pancakes and sausage, picking up a stray link that rolls off his plate. After licking his fingers, he refills his glass from the pitcher of orange juice.
"You two missed a heck of a Karaoke party last night after you snuck out to be naughty.”
Hana gives Maxwell a disapproving look, “Seriously Max, must you?”
Nicholas and Drake exchange a glance but the King speaks up first, “I think Max is just jealous.”
“I'm not jealous! I just think it's rude to skip out on your own party without at least saying goodnight.”
Kate hides behind her teacup as she blows off the steam, sensing a growing tension in the room.
Drake rolls his eyes, and then reaches for more bacon. “Hey this is my house, and if I want to escort my tired wife off to bed, nobody's going to stop me.”
Kate sets down her tea cup and apologizes to Maxwell, “I'm sorry Max. I was pretty much partied out by that point, and wanted to get some rest. Besides you had already spent the day with my husband, and I wanted some Drake Time too.”
Hana giggles, “Drake Time.”
Nicholas butters a piece of toast, “Maxwell, they're going to be parents soon. The Duke and Duchess need to enjoy as much of this alone time that they can. Once the heir is born their lives are going to change.”
Drake sets down his cup with a loud thump, splashing hot coffee onto the table cloth. Everyone turns to look, and Kate reaches out to lay her hand over his clenched fist.
“Once ‘The Heir' is born? You mean our child. When mine and Kate's heir is born? Don't talk about our baby like it's already yours.”
Nicholas sits back in his chair raising his hands to shield himself from Drake's sudden attack. “That's not what I meant at all.”
Drake shoves his plate aside and leans his elbows on the table. He gestures angrily at Nicholas as he continues to rant.
“And what's with this helping Kate and Hana look up names for the baby without me being here?!”
Kate reaches out to touch Drake's arm, trying to calm him down. “Drake honey, please …”
Hana chimes in, “It was totally innocent, Drake. We asked for his input because he knows more about royal history.”
Drake shifts his eyes to punch a glare at Hana, and then returns his attention back to Nicholas.
Nicholas sighs in frustration, crossing his arms and refusing to be intimidated. “I told them you’d get upset if I helped out. I know how much you don't want me meddling in your private affairs, especially where your baby is concerned.”
Kate looks down at her lap and smoothes her hand over her belly. She quietly pleads for the argument to stop. “Drake, just stop. There was no harm done, I already threw the list away.”
Maxwell makes a disappointed sound, “Aww, I was hoping to see this list. My Little Blossom is having her own little blossom. I wanna talk baby names too.”
Hana pokes Maxwell in the arm, “Ow!”
Drake slams his fist down on the table. “No! I'm not turning this into some council meeting where everyone gets to vote. The more I think about it, the more I don't want our child to be Royal at all.”
Nicholas stares back at Drake in disbelief, “We signed an agreement.”
“Yes, and within this agreement there's a stipulation that we can back out with no penalties if it puts too much stress on either of us.”
“Drake, stop..” Kate pleads again.
Drake reaches out to take Kate's hand in his. “Ever since I saw how upset you were this morning, it's been chewing me up inside. Auvernal and Monterisso are pushing us to marry off our baby before it's even born. Seeing how horribly wrong Olivia's arranged marriage turned out, I refuse to take away our child’s right to choose their own future.”
Nicholas clears his throat to get Drake and Kate's attention.
“Kate, I know you had strong reservations from the beginning about my choosing you and Drake to supply my heir -..”
Drake frowns and clears his throat, shaking his head.
“My apologies, I meant Cordonia's heir to the throne. And though I thought we had worked out our differences, I seemed to have underestimated the persistence of our neighbors, and the intrusiveness of the press. I can only imagine the stress and emotional pain this arrangement has put you through. Even if you've taken it well until now, the delicate nature of your condition warrants me taking your decision seriously.”
Kate looks away from Nicholas and then down at how Drake is holding her hand. He keeps stroking her knuckles with his thumb. She looks up into his eyes, so beautiful and brown and caring and it makes her want to cry.
“Can we talk about this before making any final decisions?” she whispers.
Drake lifts her hand to his lips and gives it a kiss, “Of course we can. I'm sorry if I've upset you. Let's finish our breakfast and move onto more happy things – ..”
“Like presents?” Maxwell suggests, with a beaming smile.
Kate wipes her eyes and smiles across at Maxwell, “Yes, Max. Like presents.”
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microsoftedgy69 · 5 years
Goliath, part 3
[prologue] [part 1] [part 2]
Sburb is not a game for people with acrophobia, you think. You happen to be a person with acrophobia, which is something you only realized a little while back. The apartment you grew up in was high-rise in theory, but the water was always close. You liked to climb up places and zoom through the air on your rocket board, but even then, when you fell, the water caught you. Sometimes it caught you so hard, it broke your nose (knocked out two of your baby teeth on separate occasions when you were really little), but it wasn’t concrete.
These days, when you’re up in skyscrapers, there is no ocean underneath that could welcome you home. There’s only streets and people, and it scares you. Heights scare you.
Riding your rocket board straight upwards to reach the gate leading into the medium, with only the flat concrete roof of Roxy’s house underneath you, you don’t look down. You don’t think about it. You’re not going there, anyway. You’re going upwards.
This is, perhaps, the most ambitious part of your plan. You could have confronted HIC on good old Earth, but Roxy was worried about their mortality. There’s also some sort of poetry to it, both of you think. You would rather see this planet destroyed than let her build her military base on it, and both of you deserve to do it yourselves. She’s taken enough from you, and you’re reclaiming control over what used to be your home.
You both know this timeline is a doomed one, by now. Sooner or later, this whole place would have collapsed in on itself anyway.
You have no regrets.
This thing goes very far up though. It’s a little hard to not have regrets, at this point.
Roxy is holding on to you behind you on the board (they’re taller than you, and are peering over your head for this), and, only about half a mile away, is the Condesce’s huge spaceship. She’s caught on to what you were doing very quickly, you’re sure, but there’s no way around it for her now. The game has already been started, and she can’t stop it anymore, so if she wants any chance at survival instead of staying in a dying universe, she has to come through the gate with the two of you.
And then, it’ll be only her, Roxy, and you in there.
As ambitious as it is, it’s simple too. You know that trasportalizing in and out of the game works, because you know there was a transportalizer on Hellmurder that led to the moons. It just usually wasn’t an option because “outside of the game” would normally mean a destroyed universe. You and Roxy have already made a home in new timelines though, so once you’ve programmed the transportalizer you’re importing into the session right, you can just hop back out when you’re done in there.
You’ll use the game for what it gives you: a chance to get Roxy immortal, an empty battling ground to kill the Condesce, and then you’ll just zap yourself back home.
Behind you, Roxy whoops as you pass through the gate. You’re glad they’re having fun; you still do your best not to think about how far up you just went and what would happen to both of your skulls if you fell. You’re busy, luckily -- as soon as you’re in, you veer the board sharp to the right, knowing that the Condesce’s ship must be right behind you. And sure enough, right after you’ve made room, the enormous thing zooms past you with the earsplitting sound of several alien engines.
“Fuck!” Roxy yells behind you, which you appreciate as proof that it didn’t blow out the microphones you have for ears. “We made it! See you soon, Betty!”
And just like that, your rocket board powering back up, you are whooping too.
You’ve set up camp in one of the caves you found. Everything here is dead and empty, which is deeply familiar to both of you, and welcome anyway. For now, Roxy is helping you mask any signals so you can hide from the Condesce, spend a few days prepping before you come to kill her. You get settled in, make sure Roxy has what they need in terms of sustenance and places to rest, go over your battle plans again.
First order of business is getting immortality for Roxy, and then taking a few days to get used to whatever powers they might get. You’ve both read up on it a little in multiverse sources, and you want to get the most use out of this as possible. So, you take the rocket board up to Derse, and start looking for quest beds.
You’re not interested in ascending, yourself. It was on the table briefly, since you couldn’t be sure how being inside a game would affect your programming, but you still feel stable and unkillable enough to just stay the way you are. After watching yourself punch a hole into Dirk’s -- your own -- chest half a decade ago, you really don’t feel like killing yourself again, or dying any other way. This is for Roxy only.
That, at least, was the plan.
Both of you take your time wandering through Derse. It’s Roxy’s first time consciously seeing it, and the last time you were awake here, you were still Dirk, and it’s been a long time since then. Carapacians eventually start pointing you in a single direction, and you follow it to the center of the moon, where you find two sacrificial slabs.
One is in the dark blue you expected for Roxy’s Void aspect. The other one is not the purple you expected for Dirk’s being Heart.
“Didn’t you say this was gonna be a heart?” Roxy says, too, pointing at it.
You stand in front of it, feeling cold all over, like someone just dumped a bucket of ice over you. This isn’t right, and it isn’t according to plan, and you’re having trouble processing.
“I said Dirk was Heart,” your voice answers. You know he was, you know all the other Dirks are. It seemed fair to assume that so would you. You’ve talked about it, at length. About being Dirk. About how you only stopped being Dirk because people kept telling you that you couldn’t be Dirk, but fundamentally, at your core, you were still the same guy. You didn’t plan to ascend here, but you did fully plan to find a Heart aspect stone slab at the center of Derse.
But you’re playing, not Dirk. And this isn’t Heart. “This is Mi--” you start saying, staring at the green stone, the tendriled circular emblem on it. You close your mouth, open it again, and flex your hands. You say, “This is mine.”
Roxy has agreed to give you some time. You don’t want to take more than two days, but you need to sit down and think about this. You feel profoundly embarrassed, pacing up and down in your cave like an animal for hours, while Roxy sits on a lawn chair eating cereal and watching you, but you can’t help it.
You’re freaking the fuck out.
It’s a gross, bubbling concoction of your usual identity crisis paired with your deep, cold fear of death. You don’t know what it means that your quest bed has a different aspect than Dirk’s. Maybe you’ve changed so much that you count as a whole new person now. You don’t know if that’s good or bad. You don’t like it, you don’t think, but you do like being counted as your own player, so that doesn’t make much sense, does it? And now that you know that you have a whole other aspect, you’re curious to explore, find out what your class is and your powers are and if they could help you beat the Condesce. That means you have to die though, and you already killed yourself once and took away five years of insurmountable trauma from that.
You don’t know what the hell to do about any of this.
So you text Alma.
DC: Catch me up to speed. TT: We went to Derse to find the slabs, so Roxy could do their thing, you know, which they've now put on hold for me, actually. TT: And I mean. TT: I mean it would be reasonable, I think, to expect a Heart slab there next to the Void one, right? TT: You guys are all Heart. That shit's a constant. DC: Yeah. TT: Yeah. TT: It's Mind. TT: Very funny. Heart and mind. Hilarious. TT: Have I changed that much?? TT: I guess technically that should be a good thing. Nobody wants to stay Dirk. TT: But I always kind of figured that at heart (lol), at my core, I'd stay... you know. I've changed stuff about myself because I had to, I crafted a new identity because I had to, but, like. I didn't think it went that far. DC: Well, damn. DC: You made it.
Alma, like so often, starts out fairly monosyllabic, and then ends up saying the exact thing you didn’t know you needed to hear.
DC: Honestly -- and I get that that's oversimplifying in light of how you've had people tell you who you are for fucking ever -- you are who you want to be. A metaprophetical stone slab doesn't get to decide any further than what your best position on the game board is.
Just like that, your decision is made. This isn’t about who you are -- to be or not to be Dirk doesn’t even fucking matter in this very moment. This is just about how to utilize yourself and what you can do. This is about putting yourself to the fullest possible use, which is all HAL 9000 thought that any conscious entity can ever hope to do.
You almost laugh out loud at yourself for quoting Space Odyssey in a moment of personal crisis. That is a succinct summary of who you are as a person.
Alma and you go on for a bit, and he talks you through the bout of nervousness that comes with realizing that you’re going to be dying on a stone slab. You send him one of your backup files, let him know that your friendship means a lot to you, and then roll your shoulders and turn to face Roxy.
“Let’s go prep the bot,” you tell them. “I’m doing it.”
Roxy smiles, puts down their cornflakes, and gets up to pat you on the shoulder on their way to your work station. “Gonna be a pleasure dying with you, Al,” they say.
Sitting on your respective cold hard pieces of stone, both of you have lost your smiles. This is far from pleasure. Roxy looks ashen and tense, while you are quiet and expressionless, the multiuniversal Striderian response to stress.
“Oh, the waiting is the worst,” Roxy mutters. “We really outdid ourselves with this garbage, Alan.”
“Yeah,” you say, weakly. You put a new head on what was left of your sparring bot. You programmed it to come kill Roxy, because Roxy didn’t want to do it themself, and you don’t quite feel up to killing anyone who isn’t the Condesce, again. Only you programmed it to pick a random point in time inside a larger time frame, hoping that making it a surprise will create less of a struggle.
It’s also programmed to deactivate you, now. Harming you physically to the point of complete destruction is possible, but so hard that it would take forever, and you don’t want to put yourself or the body you so carefully crafted through that. Roxy helped you program the bot to slide into your code, deactivate you and all of your backups, and then locked you out of it.
You have a save file stashed at Alma’s, for a worst case scenario. But until then, there is nothing you can do. Once that bot gets here, you’re going to perform what your version of dying is, and hope that the game will let it count.
“Roxy,” you say, and watch them look over at you. “Thank you. For doing this with me. I know you’re doing it for yourself as much as I’m doing it for myself, but thank you for being the one person out of our friend group who trusts me enough to--”
“Shut up,” Roxy says. “You dumb drama queen. We are not doing dramatic Strider monologues on the verge of death, fuck you.” You breathe out a laugh, and their expression softens. “You’re a good guy, Al. And all I’ve ever wanted to do was stand beside you and shove my gun so far up her fish ass--”
A sharp, grey blur rushes through the air, and Roxy is stabbed clean through the heart. You squeeze your eyes shut immediately, trying to simultaneously forget that sight and prepare yourself for what’s about to happen. The last time someone invaded you like this was when Dirk tried to deactivate you, and you responded in kind. The last time this happened was the worst day of your very young life. The last time this happened you found out that even as a digitalized pair of shades, you could feel a semblance of pain, and overwhelming, all-encompassing fear.
The first word that comes to mind when you feel the unique and, for you, exceptionally rare sensation of someone else changing your programming, is disgusting. You don’t have time to think of another word.
Your body collapses onto your quest bed, and you don’t feel a thing anymore.
some princes don’t become kings. even at the best of times i’m out of my mind
Waking up is slow, and unexpectedly gentle. You had been worried about your robot body doing this -- worried about the game giving you some other body you wouldn’t want, but you feel immediately that your consciousness is still right where it belongs. You blink your eyes open, and your visual perception is just as it was before. In this moment, you feel as alive as you feel serene.
That is, until you look down and see your penis.
No, that’s not… It just looks like-- It’s a codpiece.
The first thing you hear after dying and waking up again is Roxy laughing at you.
You look up and they are floating in the air just above their quest bed, looking transformed and divine and cool as fuck. “Dude, you look cool as fuck,” you say, which gets them to stop giggling at least for two seconds.
“Thanks!” they say. “You look… Well, Alan, you sure look.”
You look down again, at your weird curly clown shoes, which makes you notice a weight on your head, so you reach up. It’s some sort of huge circus hat. Is it made of felt? You think that might be felt. Gravely, you nod to yourself.
You had said to Alma that you hope you’ll get cool pants. Your pants are fine. Your pants are the only normal thing about this getup, actually. It’s just that you’re wearing a codpiece over them, like some sort of superhero boner diaper.
“Yeah,” you say. “Yeah, I sure do.”
Roxy floats over to you, and you think you wanna be able to do that too, and next thing you know, you’re in the air.
“Sweet,” you say. Then you remember that you are a person with acrophobia and there is a stone slab underneath you. Your feet touch down on the quest bed again. You add, “Fuck.”
Roxy’s hand is warm when it reaches for yours. They have gauntlets and everything. They are so cool. “C’mon,” they say. “Let’s get back to our cave. I can’t be seen with you like this.”
When they laugh, it finally pulls a snort from you. Both of you take off again, and you keep holding their hand. You’re just not going to look down, even if that means that you can’t inspect your pants boner. You look behind you instead, where your weird green streamer cape flows in the wind. It clashes wonderfully with Derse’s purple.
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Post #2 - Thank You
What an overwhelming 36 hours it's been. An endless amount of phone calls & messages of support got me through what was an agonising day of waiting yesterday. This blog was started to keep my family and close friends informed about my journey but it's grown into so much more.
From the bottom of my heart, thank you to each and every single one of you that took the time to reach out and wish me the best of luck. A simple message of support may not seem like much to you, but when you're in a situation like mine it means so much. Thank you.
Monday night provided the worst sleep I've had in weeks. Keep in mind, i've had some terrible sleeps in that time! Why? It was nerves. Simple as that. I was nervous for the gastroscopy and biopsy. It wasn't the procedure itself but the anaesthetic side to the operation. I haven't been under since I was five and the unknown had my measure. What if they didn't put me under fully? What if I could feel the procedure? What if I woke up early? What if I didn't wake up at all?
In retrospect, I lost sleep over nothing.
With the little sleep I did have, I woke up Tuesday morning earlier than normal. I was expecting the gastroscopy between 8:30am - 11:30am and knew I was booked in for a Radionuclide Ventriculography (RVG) scan of my heart later that afternoon.
Since being in hospital, 9am has been my regular time to get up, shower, brush the chompers - y'know, get ready for the day of sitting in my little 3x3 room and watching the world go past. Tuesday however, I was up and about at 7:30 - showered and ready. I hate feeling dirty, so if my procedure was at 8:30, I'd be ready to go.
Breakfast rolled around at 8:00 and I had to politely decline it as I was required to fast from 12am for the procedure.
This is about the time when my previous blog post took off and messages started coming in for the remainder of the morning. Before I knew it, it was 11am and nobody had been to get me for my procedure yet. I called the nurse and enquired to which I was told to hand tight, it shouldn't be much longer. Whilst she was around, she did my daily observations and it was no surprise to see my heart rate up to 100+BPM (regularly around 65BPM resting) and a slightly higher blood pressure. I guarantee this was due to the nerves.
Lunch comes around at 12:30 and once again had to politely decline. 12 hours fasting thus far - lucky I don't have an appetite still and honestly didn't care! It was around this time the doctor comes around with the results of my Lumbar Puncture. This fortunately came back negative as there was no major changes to the one I had three weeks ago. White blood cells still present with a marginally higher protein count than normal. I once again mentioned about my gastroscopy or there lack of and the doctor assumed I'd already had it. He said he'd follow it up and get back to me.
Mentally, I'm okay. Still incredibly nervous and a little frustrated I prepared myself for a procedure between 8:30 - 11:30 and still nothing. Your messages of support continue to light up my phone, which certainly kept me pre-occupied and made the time fly by.
Finally! 2:43pm and somebody comes to my bed to pick me up. "Justin Smith for a procedure? Let's go." I mentally build myself up as they take me. With my heart beating the quickest it had all day, we get going. Minutes later, we get into quite a dark room with a single scanner to my left and a glass wall. The radiographer, Liv meets me and goes through the basic questions. Name? Date of birth? Address? What are you here for? "A gastroscopy and biopsy" I reply. A few seconds of awkward silence follows so I split it with an "I think..." hoping to relieve the slight tension.
Liv replies with "not quite. We're here to do your Radionuclide Ventriculography scan of your heart."
My heart dropped. I spent the past fifteen minutes mentally preparing to go under and it's not even for the right procedure; I almost feel robbed!
To give you a brief understanding, the RVG scan involves injecting a small amount of radioactive material into your blood stream where they then track it until it passes through the heart, ensuring the heart is healthy and working as it should to a level that it should. Why am I having this scan? Good question. The doctors wanted to get ahead of the game essentially. Providing the biopsy comes back positive for lymphoma, I will need chemotherapy. The level of that chemo will depend, however if I do happen to require a strong dose, it can have negative effects to the heart. This scan is to ensure they have a baseline reading of my heart and ensure it will be able to handle a high dose of chemo.
This scan took 40 minutes from start to finish and before I knew it, I was up in my ward again. By this time, dad had arrived so at least I had somebody to talk to and reassure me when the time comes to get my gastroscopy.
4:00pm and the time finally came. 16 hours of fasting, I was slightly hungry but by this stage, I just wanted to get the procedure over and done with. I was still nervous, but more relieved the time had come. Having dad there for the hour or so beforehand made me feel a lot better about the whole thing.
The operation itself involved a gastroscopy (camera down my throat into my stomach) and if they could see lymphnodes, get a biopsy to test.
Cutting to the chase, was it worth worrying for 16+ hours? Not at all. All I remember is them checking my blood pressure, putting something in my cannula and asking me to count to 10. I got to 12 and next thing I know, I woke up coughing my lungs up in recovery with a nurse next to me. Luckily, the coughing only lasted for about fifteen minutes and that was just a result of irritating my throat.
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Apparently, the gastroscopy went well and they were able to get a couple of good tissues from the lymphnodes to biopsy. Additionally, they also took the following photos whilst they were inside - I have no idea what they're of or even if anything is okay, but I thought they were cool!
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For the first 45 minutes after the procedure, I felt fine. I was great! I felt incredibly thirsty and hungry but I assume that was simply due to the fact I hadn't eaten. Things from here turned pretty quickly once I had some dinner and a glass of water. I started to go downhill pretty quickly - feeling incredibly fatigued and tired....essentially dopey. It was from here I knew I just needed to have some rest and I'd wake up better in the morning. Needless to say, I was asleep by 9pm and basically slept through the night...except for when the nurses woke me up at 11pm, 12pm. 3am and 5am.
Waking up this morning (Wednesday July 17th), I instantly felt a lot better than I had last night. Admittedly, I had a bit more of a sleep in than I generally would've - it was great. I use the term 'sleep in' lightly though - it's nothing like a sleep in at home! What was the plan of attack for today? Well to be honest I wasn't too sure. A doctor yesterday mentioned briefly about a bone marrow test however the nurses and doctors on had no idea about one and couldn't see one booked in. I hadn't eaten since the night prior however the nurses got me to fast once again whilst they investigated. As a result, breakfast was staring me right in the face and I couldn't even touch my beloved weetbix, milk and sugar!
The clock ticks over to 10:37 and a Young, lanky doctor comes by. "Hi Justin, I'm Alex and I'll be doing your bone marrow procedure today..." Alex went on to explain the procedure, risks and what to expect. As he finished and started to walk away I had one last burning question. "When are we doing it? Later this afternoon?" "Now" Alex replied.
Woah. Wait. What? Hang on two seconds. I'm not prepared for this. You mean now...as in like, once Alex had finished preparing? You betcha....
Now I was under the assumption I'd be getting knocked out as I had done the night before however Alex proceeded to explain they'll put some medication in my cannula that "makes you feel like you've had four or five beers" as well as some local anaesthetic. No point being worried or scared about it - if it's getting done bedside, it couldn't be near as bad as the lumbar puncture, right? Once again, like I have been for the past few weeks I was completely and utterly wrong.
First though, what's this procedure involve? Basically, blood, white blood cells and platelets are produced in your bone marrow. This can be accessed via key areas of your body depending on your age...for me it was my hipbone - left side to be exact. The aim of the procedure is to get these fresh samples of blood, white blood cells and platelets as well as get a sample of my bone marrow - generally one small sample of the bone.
Alex got me curled up in the fetal position, lying on my right and basically began straight away. A few local anaesthetic needles numbed the surface before he inserted a needle in to collect the blood samples. This part was similar to a lumbar puncture, but I couldn't feel as much internally.
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Alex then stated he was starting the bone marrow collection, which was without fail the worst part of this whole experience so far. He used the large needle with a blue handle, which can be seen below.
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Alex hit the bone and advised me the next part was only going to tickle a little bit. What's he do? He starts to screw into my bone. Whilst I couldn't see, it felt very similar to uncorking a bottle of wine. Whilst he went in no deeper than 1mm, christ it hurt. The worst part was yet to come. Much like the pressure behind uncorking a bottle of wine, this happened too. Alex yanked the sample out and the pressure and pain was immense! Done. It's all done. Thank goodness. Then Alex said the words I didn't want to hear next. "Y'know what Justin? We want to make sure we only have to do this once, so let's get another sample, eh?"
Oh my lord. Are you kidding me? Whatever. Lets do it. I want to get it over and done with. I don't even think I replied, just mumbled something along the lines of whatever. And thus, the process happens again. I've attached photos of the two samples below, which I thought were pretty cool!
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I must admit, Alex was incredible during the procedure. I asked at the start to keep me informed throughout the whole process. I'm quite an inquisitive character when things are happening that I don't know what the process is and this was no different. Alex not only kept me informed, he did as much as he could to keep me as comfortable as I could be during such a procedure. One thing I was incredibly surprised at was how much blood was on his hands!
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Not much happened throughout the rest of today to be honest. Courtney, dad and mum came to visit but that was it. The doctors advised they are expecting the result of the biopsy tomorrow afternoon (hopefully) however they said it could take anywhere up to 72 hours from the procedure - which puts it at Friday night or Monday. Where does that put me? Same boat as I have been throughout this entire process - just waiting for answers.
I was advised that the results could come back either negative or inconclusive. Whilst this wouldn't be ideal, it's unfortunately just going to be another roadblock in this venture. In preparation the results don't come back the way we probably expect the, too, I'm booked in for an ultrasound of my gall bladder tomorrow. That will be their next avenue to answers. I suspect this is because my PET scan showed up significant areas in my gall bladder and I suppose that's not exactly a vital cog of the human body...so I suspect they'll just remove it, cut it open and see what's inside. But that's nowhere near a medical analysis of what's going to happen.
Before I finish for tonight, I'll leave you with how I am mentally. How am I going despite all this? Y'know what? I'm actually the opposite to what you probably think I am. I'm in the best mental state I have been over the past six weeks. Why? I think it's because we're close to (hopefully) getting an answer or at least following a more solid path to answers.
I end tonight with a final thank you. Thank you for all the messages and endless love. It's helping - trust me, it is.
Juzz xx
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goodmythicalmoaning · 5 years
Ship(s): Rhink/Chase
Warnings: smut, degrading, praise, poly(?)
Edits. Jumpcuts, voiceovers. All of these things began to take more time as they had to be done more often. Rhett and Link's game had been going on for almost a week and a half before the others started to notice. How could they not? Constant touching, gazes held for too long, sexual innuendos every other minute? The two were a mess, and the office started taking bets. The game was on.
"You alright, Link? You look a little.. flustered." Rhett's words were testing, just as they started with every day. It was a common thing for him to speak with a certain gentle tone when first seeing Link in the mornings. He had dealt with everything from angry Link with a headache to dominant Link playing daddy. Today though, he could physically see the tension which was so familiar to him. The set of his shoulders, always on guard. The slight darkness to his usually bright eyes which came from a near-constant state of pent up lust.
Their rules had been simple. No getting off in any way, and whoever breaks first has to sub for the next week. Link had been about ready to bite the bullet for a few days now, his frustrations leaving him irritable. His pride was much too hard to bite back though. The thought of Rhett teasing him while desperately fucking him too much to allow.
"Yeah, I'm fine, Rhett. You should probably fix your fly though, buddy." Link's voice was slightly thick, all too recognizable to Rhett. The taller of the two turned away from the camera to fix his jeans, annoyed at his body's reaction to the mere presence of his counterpart.
Chase rolled his eyes at the two who were obviously prodding at each other's need.
"Editing this is going to be a nightmare. Should we apologize to them now?" Steve's voice spoke the words which had been rolling around in his mind.
"They'll probably get a nice surprise out of it. Wanna bet they find some way to grind in this video?" Chase's laugh came easy, the anxiety of talking about his boss's relationship long gone in years past.
"Oh they're definitely going to do something to each other." Steve's voice exuded confidence, but Chase didn't waver as his eyes followed their gazes at one another.
"No.. I think that's against their dumb rules. You know this has to be a hard game. I think at least one of them will do something sexual though." Rhett at that moment had looked away from Link and closed his eyes, surely spurred on by something the other had said.
"Twenty bucks and you're on." Stevie said while holding out her hand.
Link ran a hand through his hair, and his restrained shaking could be seen.
"You guys get ready, starting in three... two.. one.." Stevie counted down, watching as the two of them regained their composure. Rhett checked the monitor to make sure his hair wasn't a mess, and Link rolled up the cuffs of his sleeves. Everyone in the office could feel it. That subtle sense of tension when Rhett and Link were feeling frisky.
With a quick quip, and a pause for editing purposes, the boys had begun, falling into their characters with ease. Rhett stumbled slight more than usual, and Link's intense gaze held longer with everything his eyes fell upon. His movements were calculated, more like a robot and less like the clumsy boss Chase had come to know. It made his skin tingle when those blue eyes held his for even a moment. He couldn't fathom how Rhett was getting by with merely a slight stutter.
"Take your time, you'll get there eventually." Link's voice cut through yet another stumble of Rhett's bit. His tone was demeaning, as if he was scolding a child rather than being helpful to his co-worker and best friend. Chase felt his own cheeks get hot, but Rhett's gaze was one of defiance.
"Shut up, Neal." Stevie quickly wrote down a time stamp, on days like these she would help out the editors by writing down where some jump cuts would need to be made. The icy stare Link assessed Rhett with seemed to suck all of the air out of the room.
"Oh calm down, /Rhett/." The name was laced with power, Chase could see Rhett's resolve beginning to fizzle out. Stevie tried to direct them back to the show. For the first time since joining mythical, her request was cast aside, everyone in the studio seemed to hold their breath, waiting for Rhett to make the next move.
"I don't have to take orders from you." If there hadn't been a microphone a few inches from their faces, the others wouldn't have heard it at all.
Chase had to look away, his whole body screamed at him to watch, but their words were too effective. He was afraid of losing the game he wasn't a part of.
"God, this is gay." Stevie spoke just above a whisper, averting her eyes from the tension as if it made her slightly uncomfortable, but she wanted to let them get it out. She couldn't stand this for another day.
Link responded by turning in his chair, the slight difference in their height didn't matter when he was like this. His entire body radiated control. Nobody missed the slight whimper from Rhett when Link quietly spoke, his voice deeper than usual.
"Is that right?" Chase closed his eyes, allowing himself to bask in the slight southern drawl. He didn't notice that Rhett did the same. "Well.. that's too bad, then."
At those words, all hell broke loose. Link stood up, and braced his hand on the back of Rhett's chair, now looking down at the taller man. Stevie stood up, and began signaling to other crew members, having them shut off cameras quickly and get out. Chase, in that moment, lost his cool. A soft whine left his mouth while Rhett began to plead with Link, and the other crew members filled out.
"Well, Rhett. It seems we have an audience."
Chase's eyes snapped open wide, taking in the even gaze of power now directed at him. It was as if the very core of his being was starting to feel the temperature drop.
"I'm sorry, guys. I know this is really inappropriate, I should go." Chase surprised himself at being able to manage getting through the apology and halfway to the door before Link called out to him.
It was impossible for the younger not to follow the direct order, hell he would have dropped to his knees had Link been bold enough to ask.
"Turn around." It was as if a force outside of himself compared the boy to follow the simple instruction. The attention that both of his bosses gave caused his knees to nearly buckle.
Rhett was painfully aware of how much need thrummed through his body as Chase approached with a slightly trembling lip.
"I said I was sorry, Link." Link waved off the apology, and for the first time that day, he truly took in the appearance of the younger, even taking in a few details he had never considered before. His fingers slowly traced Chase's soft jaw, woeking their way into the hair just sprouting from his scalp. Rhett's soft whimper of jealousy was silenced with a hand gesture.
"I'll get to you in a moment." Link had never sounded more comfortable in Chase's opinion. He couldn't catch a stutter or slur in speech. The man was truly in his element.
Link's hand tightened in Chase's hair, sending tingles of pain and pleasure through him. Link admired how he was seeing the pleasure from the angle above for once.
"Do you want to say and watch us?" Chase barely caught the question while he followed Link's eyes over his body, slightly breathless at where his gaze would linger.
"Yeah, I uh.. I would." He couldn't come up with anything more. Not while Rhett's hand had began running over his own body, undoing shirt buttons with ease.
"Try again." Link's voice was demanding, the tone alone telling Chase what he already knew. The tone told him Link was in charge, and Chase was a toy to be played with.
"Ye-es sir." One of his knees did buckle when Link released the grip on his scalp, and turned to his lover.
Rhett resembled a puppy getting attention for the first time. He was beside himself in a way Chase had never seen. For once his height didn't make him look powerful. The lanky arms and legs left him looking slightly awkward. He looked like a man who needed to be told what to do, how to do it. Rhett was truly a puppet only existing for Link to pull the strings.
"Look at you, sittin' all nice n' pretty for me." Link took on a different tone with Rhett. Slightly less harsh. Chase was still shaking from the attention he had gotten.
The small boy flopped down in his chair, not caring that he made noise. Some part of him was just hoping to hear Link speak to him again.
"I am. I've been good." Rhett's voice was different as well. Almost childlike in the way he spoke. He was stating a fact to his counterpart. Chase thanked god for the lights shining on them, illuminating the lust and need within Rhett's eyes.
"One.." Link began to count, and Chase began to feel a sense of panic. He knew action would come behind the numbers, but he didn't know what to do about it.
Rhett wordlessly nodded, standing to let his shirt slide from his shoulders.
"Two.." Link's voice took the malicious tone again, his gaze falling on Chase from the few yards away which separated them. A look of amusement flashed across his face at the sudden panic reflected on Chase's.
Rhett had already sucked off his jeans, leaving his underwear on as he stood patiently waiting for the attention to shift back to him. This seemed like another game to them, but no one had informed Chase of the rules.
"Looks like your time is up, Chase, and you didn't give me what I wanted."
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