#hope u guys take care in the meantime
jjaynze · 1 year
hi everyone!!! :]
sorry for the lack of content lately, i’ve been busy doing a lot of other stuff (typical excuse ikik) i just wanted to pop in to say that i might go on a few months hiatus off tumblr, turning off most of my stuff (my last few queued posts will be posted but i won’t be queuing any more after my last) i’ve been stressing over art a lot recently, so it’s more like a break from drawing.
i am NOT quitting!!!! i’ll just be radio silent but i’ll still be around to occasionally reblog and check on mutuals :,3 by the time i come back i’ll probably be energized again
i’ll see u guys some time soon >_>/ 💞
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 1 year
Yay requests are open! :DDD
Can I maybe get something with mandela catalogue because WHY NOT YLDLYDYLDLYFK
I maybe went beyond you with Alternate y/n but can I get something like so fluffy and they so God damn sweet it so silly like????
They so kind and Affectionate to everyone like wtf (maybe hug out of no where they would squeeze the hell out of the person or compliment non stop with heart eyes like <3333 *nothing suspicious Of course!!*)
Would like Scenario with mark, any Alternate (might intruder specifically but whatever u like!) And Gabriel! :0
U can choose or make more than one I would be 10× happy <33
I know it's tough or annoying and you are free to ignore this request but please tell me so I won't wait <3
Love your writing please keep going and take care of yourself!
I just did the three you requested ^^ Took me a bit to figure out scenarios but hope you like 'em!
"Your place of worship has..quite the vastness. Are all of them like this?"
"There's smaller ones around town, but this is the one I've pretty much grown up in."
"I see...it's quite lovely. All the flowers and stained glass windows add a nice touch."
"Mhm.." Mark nodded his head, keeping a vacant gaze on the church's altar as he fiddled with the rosary tangled in his fingers.
You, in the meantime, were intrigued by this house of god--the same place Preacher once infiltrated to adopt one of the nuns' forms. But luckily, she had moved on since then and hasn't disturbed these grounds.
It was a surprise that Mark actually allowed you to accompany him tonight..considering you were quite adamant about stepping through the doors. You thought he'd become distressed upon learning his sanctuary had no spiritual nor physical barriers that kept Alternates out.
But he apparently knew that already and accepted it, as he invited you anyways, insisting he didn't wish to be alone.
When he knelt down to pray for some time, you left him be while exploring the church for yourself, looking at the architecture.
You continue to be impressed by what humanity has built for their religion.
When you returned to the pews, Mark was no longer kneeling, instead sitting there with a blank stare. And judging from his empty responses to your remarks, he seemed...lost.
Didn't he come here to put his mind at ease? You thought you'd see him become less tense after finishing his prayers, but he looked just the same--if not more upset.
"...I couldn't think of anything new this time."
Confused, you sat down next to him. And he took your silence as a sign to elaborate.
"I mean...I-I keep praying for the same stuff. For my friend to be at peace, wherever he is, my parents to talk to me again....and for things to go back to normal. But it feels like I'm asking for the impossible. It just..doesn't seem worth it anymore.."
"I believe all of those things are still worth praying for, Mark..be it one time or a hundred." You softly interjected, frowning a bit. "Life may not entirely go back to what it once was, but you can always pray for better days ahead. You have survived the worst of them, and you'll survive plenty more."
He was quiet for a moment, before shrugging. "It feels like even that's too much to ask for nowadays. Maybe...He forgot about me, or my prayers aren't enough-"
"I doubt anything's ever "too much" for your god. I'm sure He hears you and knows you're trying to stay faithful in such difficult times. If I were Him, I'd think your prayers are good enough for...."
Stopping, you heard him sniffle and gazed at him in worry, seeing his shoulders slumped. "Mark?" You were especially alarmed when he suddenly began to sob, bringing his hands to his face.
In that moment you feared that you've accidentally said something MAD-inducing. "I'm so sorry. I-I didn't mean it like-"
"I-In all my years going to..c-confession..nobody's ever told me that." He cried quietly. "They said my soul was doomed the moment I met that intruder guy...a-and there's only a small chance I can be saved if I keep praying.."
You blinked, bewildered by what you were hearing. "Your whole church knows about that night? And they blame you for encountering him? But that wasn't your fault...you were a child."
"Th-They don't care. They never did. But of all people..I never expected an Alternate to tell me something so....r-reassuring..." Mark looked up at you, and the smile on his tearful face confirmed he wasn't upset with you in the slightest. "Thanks, [y/n]. I..I really need to hear that."
"But of course." You smiled back and brought him into an embrace, squeezing him tightly as relief swept over you. "There's no need to weep anymore, little lamb. For I am here and I see your good heart and soul..even if others don't."
All he did was nod in response, and that was enough for you.
You'll definitely have Six's head on a silver platter for this someday.
"Tell me, Six..have you grown soft for the prophet?"
"..what ever do you mean, traitor?"
"Does "I cradled him in my arms, my sweet boy" ring a bell?"
Six scowled as you mimicked his voice, grinning cheekily at his reaction.
You were just getting a kick out of angering him at every possible turn. Especially ever since he knew you've been "siding" with humanity as of late, looking after a young man you've come to see as a friend.
He didn't like that one bit--yet he couldn't say anything to Gabriel.
Your leader figured you were only acting this way as a means to destroy humans from the inside-out once you've gained their trust enough.
But Six, on the other hand, knows you true intentions. You wanted to protect them.
Unfortunately for him, the "angel" threatened him not to disrupt your plans again..lest there be severe consequences.
"Oh come now, why the long face, brother?" You teased. "Over 3,000 of their kin you have abducted..and none of their sweet faces have ever touched your heart?"
"What heart? We don't have those, and you know it."
"..what about that Heathcliff boy you spared? You know..he drew a picture of you and showed it to his class a long time ago."
"It wasn't the right...wait, he did what..?" He blinked, surprised that a child would want to draw him. Usually, he frightened them most when he appeared to them in reality and not as their best friend "Stanley".
But nothing surprised him more than when you had Mark's actual drawing in-hand, giving it to Six and allowing him to look at it. You watched his expression carefully, seeing his gaze soften considerably as his eyebrows furrowed.
"This..was made by him? How did you-?"
"His teacher confiscated it, but I've recovered it." You tilted your head, your smile only growing more. "Are you sure you don't care? Because now you look like a father who is proud of his child's artwork-"
"You're wrong. I don't feel any sentiment towards them. Everything I've done was to manipulate them into doing our master's bidding." Immediately, his scowl returned and he glared back up at you-
Only for him to flinch as you wrapped your lanky arms around him without warning.
He squirmed about, realizing you were once again doing this...awful and disgusting thing you've adopted from humans. You've shown it to other Alternates, but he despised it. "Release me!!"
"Don't lie to me, brother. You're weak to their influence as I am." You laughed, squeezing him tight. "There's no shame in admitting it-"
"GET OFF!! Traitorous black sheep!"
Six suddenly glitched out of your embrace, disappearing from reality altogether. You looked around and eventually spotted his silhouetted figure in the nearest TV, white eyes glaring at you.
He was safe..for now. But you've had your fun with him, so you simply left him alone.
Though not without laying the drawing down on the floor where he could see it.
You never noticed his hand creeping out from the screen and grabbing it, dragging the paper into his realm.
"How is your deception of humanity fairing, my child?"
"It is going well." Smiling up at your Savior, you clasped your hands together in front of you. "I'm learning more about what they enjoy..and what their sorrows are. Soon enough, it'll become easier to watch them rot from within."
"As it should. I do want to apologize for the...erratic behaviors of your dearest brother. He does not understand your mission as well as I do."
At the mention of Six, you nodded, trying to bite back your utter disdain for him. There's a lot you wanted to say about him, but you didn't come here to complain about him the entire time.
He wasn't worth wasting your breath.
"No he does not. I liken him to a petulant child." You sighed. "He's convinced you're..."playing favorites" with me when I've done nothing particularly extraordinary compared to-"
"Now, now..you mustn't speak that way." Gabriel's chuckles reverberated through the dark void you two stood in. "Give yourself a little credit, won't you? You have done well, and I know you'll continue to be quite the spy. I was right to bring you into creation..my most loyal servant yet."
Flattered by his praise, you couldn't help but kneel before him, trying to hide your growing smile.
"Thank you, my divine leader. I shan't forget this life you've breathed into me. I receive your generous words wholly."
"..hahaha..so eloquently spoken. You may as well be a human yourself! I commend you for adapting their language so quickly." You felt his hand reach down to pat the shadowy top of your head.
His eerie smile stretched even wider than yours, knowing he had you wrapped around his finger perfectly.
Of all the Alternates, you've complimented him the most. The others were too mindless to converse with him as long as you did.
Of course, Six was the exception..but all he ever did was complain about you like some tattle-tail.
You, on the other hand, never acted out of line or questioned his demands.
You were as obedient as a sheep. Exactly as he wanted.
"Now rise, my child, and go forth. We still have a lot of work to do."
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antisocialbunnysims · 3 months
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bonus blanche (and winston) + replies to my last post! <3
@kayleigh-83 ayyyyyyy my girl blanche! @ghostwaltzsims Blanche!!!!!!! ♥️
our chaotic queen herself!!
@existenzz-1 Looks like Letty is up to no good again
knowing her she probably just threw herself in the pool lol
@paluding So excited!! Hope your wrist heals soon :) @nervosims yayyy can't wait for the next episode! take care of ur wrist <3 @rurpleplayssims excited!!! Hope your wrist gets better 🤗 @the-broke-simmer EXCITEEEEEDDD!!!! and get well soon buddy!!! I was de@d for so long because first I was giving exams and then I got sick!!! Take care and I hope you feel better!
Thank you so much you guys!! ;_; sometimes life do be that way. I'm annoyed because i've been taking breaks, doing all my physical therapy stretches, taking walks and doing yoga like every day and it still flared up! I really hope I improve soon, i have multiple episodes that are already completely filmed and everything i just can't edit them at all because it hurts to hold a tablet pen or click a mouse lmao. But so anywho enough of my complaining THANK YOU i so appreciate your kind words!!! <3
thank you as well for your sweet tags @mimi-landgraab, @mightycurrent and @turgidapocalypse !!
i'm so happy you guys like my crazy little sim stories and i'm so so ready and hopeful to be back editing soon!! i was like in the meantime i'll make a video that requires v. little editing or clicking, i'll just show how i run my school i built! then of course i loaded it up and like none of the mods work anymore idk why i didn't even download anything new! i used to have the teen garden club dude macro-garden and now the option isn't even there!! i will scream!! ok enough from me love u all!!
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sirachano0dles · 6 months
Bonten! Koko Headcanons
💴 💴 💴 💴 💴 💴 💴 💴 💴 💴 💴 💴 💴 💴
◼️I headcanon that Koko isnt really into violence like the rest of bonten is and tries to avoid it as much as he can in such an org.
◼️Koko has nervous twitches and tends to pick at his own fingers or chew on his lip
◼️Sometimes he gets lost in his own head and will start picking his nails until they bleed or bite his lip open-putting a soft hand on his and giving a soft smile is enough to snap him out of it.
◼️Will make you sign a prenup which has you a bit confused but little do you know it says in his half that theres a trust set aside for you if you ever were to seperate to make sure that no matter what you'll still be taken care of.
◼️Speaking of money...Koko is stingy on everything except for you.
◼️Mans will justify not eating lunch to 'save money' (not like he needs to) but the second he gets home will go online and order your shopping cart with same day delivery and take you out for dinner at an upscale restaurant
◼️No matter where you're headed he always has a hand around your waist or on the small of your back
◼️Absolute hype man. Will never feel self conscious about him.
◼️Will never NEVER take his promise/engagement/wedding band off and expects the same out of you
◼️Not particularly found of children but if you want one or two he will happily raise them as best as possible with you while trying to seperate himself and his family from bonten as best as possible
◼️Loves when you do his hair.
◼️I saw another hc that kokos hair has naturally turned gray due to stress and I 10000% agree. My own personal hc is that sometimes when his shaved bits brow out and he cant be bothered to shave it down yet he braids it into small cornrows till he has the time
◼️With that being said,,, He would love your help with either dying his hair back to black on occasion as well as shaving and braiding his hair when needed. Yes he's loaded and could go to a pro stylist but 1-he's stingy 2-he claims he doesn't have the time 3-he prefers spending time with you
◼️Very gentle towards you. Soft touches and kisses and trying to protect you from any harm either from his work or anything in your life.
💴 💴 💴 💴 💴 💴 💴 💴 💴 💴 💴 💴 💴 💴
wanted to add also-koko is the passenger princess and prefers when you drive as well as wants to control the music.
Sorry this took so long guys but I really hope u like it
lmk if u want a part 2 or anything else
Im planning on doing a fullfic soon but in the meantime please send a message or an ask with any request!! Im currently wriiting for any tokyo rev (sfw)
Thank you all again xoxo
valero <3
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masterbaiting · 7 days
Hi again!! thank you for the previous response, it’s made the wheels in my head turn and turn, I can’t stop thinking about those two 😭
I am rewatching ttoi since I sped through it the first time, and this might be old news but I noticed in s1ep3 Hugh and Glenn are speculating behind Ollie’s back that he may be bisexual when Ollie’s been hanging around Dan and playing squash with him, they even make obscure jokes to Ollie’s face after talking with him about Ollie and Dan’s morning squash game when Hugh’s about to be interviewed by Angela, “I hope she doesn’t bounce me off the walls,” with a cheeky grin and Ollie looks taken aback and shocked by Hugh’s implication, like he doesn’t believe what Hugh just suggested about Ollie and Dan. And then Glenn asks Ollie, “did you know Angela was in the building?” And Ollie sounds defensive, says, “yes.” Glenn glances pointedly at Dan then back at Ollie and says, “will she be jealous?” I can’t believe I didn’t catch this before 😭
But now I’m thinking of the dosac office where it’s more widely known that Ollie is probably bisexual even if he doesn’t admit it, and Malcolm getting ahold of this info. He’s already pimped him out to Emma, why not some guy? So it’s like the bathroom scene where Malcolm told Ollie how to fuck Emma, but this time he’s got Ollie pushed up against the counter telling him in great detail how Ollie’s going to suck some other guy’s cock, let him bend Ollie over and fuck him, etc etc, and Ollie’s pissed, furious that Malcolm would do this, but Ollie does it anyway bc ofc he will, but he also can’t stop himself from replaying that moment in the bathroom—if Malcolm could say all those things about him then maybe Malcolm’s thought about what it’d be like to get his cock sucked by Ollie, what it’d be like to be inside Ollie, what it’d be like to press Ollie’s legs down till his knees hit his chest and fuck Ollie hard. He wants to think Malcolm’s thinking about him even if most evidence suggests Malcolm doesn’t care, maybe even leading Ollie to think about what it’d be like to whore himself out to Malcolm specifically
Sorry for this long message :,) I don’t know anyone else who’s into ttoi and I’m brainrotting hard.
very very sorry for the late response!! been really busy. but have been thinking about this nonstop...
YESSS THEM CALLING OLLIE BI IS SO ICONIC... #REAL TO ME.... i remember all of these except the "will she be jealous" moment omfg so thank u for bringing this up to me..... i love it when they bully him homophobically
also. LOSING MY MIIIIIIIIND.... YES EXACTLY !!!!!! terrribly sorry i don't have a huge amount to add to this because i feel like you've laid it all out so perfectly. this is simply real as fuck this happened. to me. the bathroom scene was already so fucking batshit insane for its homoeroticism and i think if there were rumours going around that ollie was bisexual (which there were) then malcolm would absolutely try and take advantage of that on top of bullying him for it. meantime ollie would be like malcolm i cant do this what if people find out. thinking of his future potential career even now (brings me back to your last ask - imagine if when ollie's director of communications it comes out that he was whoring himself out to high-up men for malcolm lol)
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valiantstarlights · 1 year
Heya! I'm the facesitting Hob anon (Never thought I would introduce myself that way)
Thank you for fulfilling that ask. It got me through a hella rough week at the office.
Hello, face-sitting Hob anon! 😊 Nice to see you again 🥰
You're very welcome, and I hope you'll only have good days ahead of you. ✨️ In the meantime, I wrote more personal trainer Dream AU face-sitting stuff to give you more good vibes 😊
So! As thanks to Dream for humoring(?) him about the face-sitting position, (not knowing that Dream is actually very into it) Hob plans a surprise for Dream on the weekend. 🥰
Dream has been working really hard lately, and Hob notices him absently massaging his stiff shoulders. So what does any good boyfriend do? He looks up massage therapy video tutorials and buys massage oils with calming properties.
When the weekend comes, Hob tells Dream that he wants to give him a full-body massage, and Dream bluescreens at first because his mind is living 24/7 in the gutter when Hob is involved. 😂 But as soon as Hob explains, red-faced, that the goal is relaxation and stress relief, and look, he even bought some lavender massage oil--
Dream falls in love with him more. 🥰
And like, Dream does go to chiropractors occasionally, but having his lovely boyfriend spend his free time learning massage therapy, buying massage oils, and dedicating an entire weekend afternoon just so Dream could feel better??
(They get sidetracked for a while because Dream has to show his appreciation first with ten thousand kisses and a schmoopy make-out session filled with 'I love you's and 'you're amazing's and 'I'm so lucky's.)
Anyway. 👀 Once Dream is dressed down (naked except for a medium-sized towel covering his pelvic area), Hob has him lie on the bed face-down, and starts massaging him beginning from the top.
Hob is very focused in his task. He's an academic at heart, so you know he took notes and dragged Jo and Ric to review his skills until he's deemed good enough. (Ric is very thankful for Hob's shoulder massages because life as Jo's manager is very stressful. 😂)
Dream is horny, of course he is, but his boner surprisingly takes a back seat as he lets Hob do his thing. He's a natural at this, and Dream feels very lucky to have such a thoughtful, caring boyfriend. 🥰
When Hob gets lower, though, he starts to become a blushy mess. He often clings to Dream when they have sex, and he remembers quite vividly some of the times when his nails would leave red marks on Dream's body, but especially on his back when Dream fucks him into the mattress.
But he manages to massage Dream's entire back area, including his arms, legs, and feet without stopping halfway and begging prettily to be fucked. He's so dazed that when he goes to wash his hands, he realizes that he forgot to tell Dream to turn over. 😂
Anyway, once he returns, he apologizes for spacing out and has Dream turn to lie down on his back.
Dream goes to do that without complaint, feeling relaxed and even a little sleepy. But then he sees Hob's flustered face, and him squirming when Dream slightly flashes him for a second while adjusting his towel, and it has him alert and wide-awake in 2 seconds flat.
And now Hob has to massage Dream's front while having Dream looking right at him, knowing exactly what's going on inside his mind. u///u)
It's a very tension-filled hour. Because while Hob is adamant to finish the job as professionally as he could, Dream has no qualms showing off his oiled body and asking Hob to massage certain areas more, like his pecs, which has Hob straddling him if he wants to be able to massage them properly.
So we have Dream, eyes dark and intense, and Hob, biting his lips hard so he can focus on his task instead of being reduced to a horny mess, because this hot guy he's currently straddling is in fact his boyfriend, and they could stop at any point and just go straight to fucking if he just says the word.
(Hob isn't going to say the word because he's the one taking care of Dream for once, and a relaxing full-body massage is something that Dream actually needs.)
(Dream thinks he's adorable and also how he wants so badly to be the one biting Hob's lips.)
As Hob's hands steadily move downward, his blush spreads and he looks away every time his gaze lands on the towel, where he could clearly see the outline of Dream's hard cock on it.
And maybe Dream comments that now Hob knows what Dream goes through every time they have a gym session where he's supposed to act professionally.
Maybe Hob replies with an apology for making things hard for him, and Dream smirks at his wording and uses that comment to shift his hips a little. Just enough so Hob could feel just how hard he currently is for him.
Maybe Dream even says something along the lines of, "Once you have finished, I would very much like to show you what I have been imagining ever since I turned over and saw how needy you look."
(Hob wants to protest that he is not needy, but that would be a blatant lie. He's also hard and leaking inside his cotton panties, and Dream looking and sounding seductive is not helping at all.)
Hob (miraculously) manages to finish giving Dream a non-naughty full body massage. 👏 He immediately flees to the ensuite and washes his hands, trying desperately to calm himself down. He knows he has to face Dream again, and he has to remember to ask him what he thinks. Was Hob's kneading too rough? Too gentle? Maybe there are areas that he didn't pay enough attention to?
Once he exits the bathroom, though, he forgets literally everything he's supposed to do, because Dream is still on the bed, but now he's lazily jacking off. Hob moans involuntarily at the sight, then slaps his hand over his mouth. How shameful!
But Dream just smiles and beckons him closer, and states very casually that he wants Hob to sit on his face again, except this time, he wants him to sit while facing the headboard. Why? Because this time, Dream wants Hob to just feel good without worrying about getting Dream off. Dream is fine. He's already feeling good. And now he wants to reciprocate.
Hob wants to object because the entire agenda this afternoon is making Dream feel good, period; but he can't bring himself to say anything when Dream adds that he wants to reward Hob for his hard work. Not just for the actual massage, which was wonderful, but for everything that came before. Watching tutorials, taking notes, buying oils, etc.
With some more coaxing and reassurance, Dream gets Hob to undress shyly for him, and Hob very carefully maneuvers himself up and up on Dream's body, until he's straddling Dream's head while facing the headboard. He is blushing all the while, and the lovely shade reaches his gorgeous hairy tits.
As soon as Hob lowers himself, hands and forearms firmly on the headboard, Dream reaches up and starts massaging Hob's tits like he has been wanting to this entire time, his hands still a bit slick from the oil. And while he's doing that, he's also kissing Hob's hairy thighs, murmuring about how much time he spent since Hob sat on his face for the first time, wanting so badly to do have Hob sit on his face again.
Having Hob's weight on him, feeling his body's little twitches, his legs trembling and squeezing the sides of his face, Hob's taste on his tongue, hearing Hob's sweet voice moan his name so prettily--
It's the best.
Hob hides his face behind his hands and implores Dream to stop talking because he already feels so close just from his words alone.
Suffice to say, after that entreaty, Dream goes to town on him.
Hob tries to hold most of his weight off Dream, even as Dream's clever tongue licks and laps at his hole, and one of Dream's arms holds him still so he cannot squirm away. Hob's arms are shaking in his effort to do so, and his legs have started to shake as well.
And then he hears slick sounds behind him, and when he turns to look, he sees Dream with one hand around his thick cock, getting himself off as he eats Hob out. Hob salivates, wanting to taste Dream as he gets eaten out, like last time. It's always a heady feeling, tasting Dream's delicious cum. It always makes him want more, and he feels like a cumslut when sucking him off.
And that's when Hob's arms give out, the visual proving too much for him.
Dream, sensing his opportunity, pulls Hob even lower, making him sit his entire weight fully on top of his face, and really tongue fucking him like rent is due.
Hob mewls at Dream's show of strength and cums as soon as Dream's tongue reaches deeper. And Dream, cock in hand, groans and cums a few seconds after Hob does, tongue still inside Hob, getting rhythmically squeezed by his rim.
(Do they make this an every weekend thing? Not really, because sometimes Hob has to attend an academic seminar, or Dream has corporate meetings with his siblings, but Hob does schedule hours of massage time for Dream every once in a while, and Dream always looks forward to those days, because he almost always get Hob to sit on his face once they're done.)
(And of course, Dream relearns his massage therapy lessons and massages Hob as well. 🥰 Those sessions are usually interrupted midway though, because Hob is still so sensitive to his touch after all this time, and Dream can't help but fuck him until his toes curl for being so sexy. And fucking midway through does have the added bonus of massaging Hob's round ass and seeing his own cum trickling out, so really, it's a win-win situation.)
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scoonsalicious · 5 months
hi pookie its meee🩷🩷
I just wanna tell im sorry that i havent been spamming lately😂. Part of it is because im busy preparing for my sis engagement day which is tomorrow (WHO KNEW ENGAGEMENT WOULD BE VERY CHAOTIC?!)
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Unwanted updates has been my alarm clock early in the morning (around 6-8)😂. Usually I would wake up at 12 in the afternoon but since then, early it is.
Somehow my brain knows when you’ll update.
OKKAY Let’s rewind to chpter 23. Of all things… SHEAR A SHEEP?!😂😂😂😂 Thinking about it, I might actually do it too😂 Tony and Pocket clicked right away. I love their dynamic. He cares for her since the beginning and for someone like Pocket, she needs him. That chapter is wholesome.
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Next, even if it’s only 1 part, we got to see Sam and Pocket in action and I can’t wait for more. Sam calling himself dark chocolate is just😂😂😂😂. Also a glimpse of Pocket’s childhood/backstory😔 She’s a tough one which makes me even more worried. The ‘plan’. Buying drugs from Kozlov sounds BAD. This makes me think that they will force her to take some kind of new drugs that made her really vulnerable and kidnapped her. (and i really REALLY think, will be the work of fucker cunthage).
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Last but not least, I miss Bucket😂 I miss his stupid head. I cant wait for him to be the knight in shining armor, saving his beloved Pocket and beat the shit out of Jeremiah. I trust Pookie will build him to the manly man he needed to be.
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Anyways, as always, loads of love for u Pookie. Ur work r the best.😭🩷 I cant wait for the upcoming new story.🔥
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Hi, Bestie!!! I love getting your messages! And no need to apologize, because 1) they are *never* spam, and 2) you're busy! Congratulations to your sister, by the way! I hope she has a very long, happy, and healthy marriage! I'm glad I can be your personal alarm clock, lol; though, if I could sleep until noon, that's all I'd be doing! So, the shearing a sheep thing-- I was having a convo with @mrsbuckybarnes1917 and was talking about how I think RDJ and I could be besties, just hanging out and shooting the shit and going on ridiculous adventures, then I was like "he seems like the kind of guy I could shear a sheep with in the middle of the night." And BOOM! An origin story was born! It ended up working out better than I expected. I love writing them together so very much. He really is the solid foundation of her life, and if not for him, who knows where she'd be right now?
Sam calling himself 'Dark Chocolate' was loosely based on Marshall from How I Met Your Mother calling himself 'Big Fudge.' I dunno, as I was writing, I just saw Sam saying it, and I was like 'Bingpot!'
I miss Bucket, too. He has a teeny, tiny over-the-phone cameo in the next part, but they won't be 'on screen' again together until Chapter 25. I should have kept them apart for longer, honestly, but I couldn't resist.
Three parts coming out today, since they're all relatively short, and I'll be leaving you on a bit of cliff hanger to start your weekend. In the meantime, I'm off to work on With Friends Like These which, part way through chapter four, is already 19.5k words. Brevity is not my strong suit, apparently, lol.
As always, Pookie loves you so much, and the cat-kiss gifs give me life! There's nothing I love more than a kitten smooch!
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rararazaquato · 1 year
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chapter 2 is coming. here's makoto and kurumi.
a lot of design notes under the cut, both about these guys and the nda detectives
yuma was specifically given a little facial hair because, in the canon of the fic, he's been too busy to actually shave. however, the out-of-canon reason is that my art style is so chibi cutesit that it makes everyone look a bajillion years younger than they actually are. yuma's design is already a little young-looking despite most evidence in-canon pointing to him being an adult, so i wanted to give him that extra signifier of being a grown ass man.
the longer hair is also there for the same reasons - he hasn't gotten it cut for a while, and the bowl cut made him look childish.
because i have chronic same-face-syndrome, i put yuma and makoto in the same pose to emphasize that they are, genetically, the same person.
honestly, makoto's design versus yuma's in-game really makes it clear just how much a haircut and outfit change can make a character look older. with makoto wearing a suit and having hair that isn't in the perfect shape of a bowling ball, he looks a lot more like a young adult with a babyface. because i feel like he doesn't need the extra age signifiers (and because i feel like he'd want to differentiate himself from yuma more), i didn't give him the facial hair.
the "looking less like yuma" angle is also why he still bleaches and grows out his hair.
i like to think makoto starts taking better care of himself postgame, so i made his hair a bit fluffier and softer-looking to show he's actually been brushing and washing it. i mean, come on. canon makoto ily but you look like a greased-up yorkshire terrier.
i also gave makoto curtain bangs because girl... you have a forehead the size of the moon. i'm also a member of large forehead gang so i understand you pain but still.
makoto's outfit is actually loosely based on an outfit i own irl! i have a hawaiian shirt with similar colors (albeit a different pattern) and blue swim trunks with red lobsters on them.
makoto probably sunburns really easily, both as a result of being pale as fuck (yuma also has this issue) and being a homunculus (he won't die in the sun, but it does result in a mild allergy). so just imagine he's always lathered in sunscreen.\
mentally, makoto is the same age as yuma (so 20 when this fic takes place) and kurumi is 19 (i headcanon she's only a year younger than yuma). chronologically, they are both about four years old. #justhomunculusthings
i changed kurumi's hairstyle because her canon one is stupid. like why does she have two skinny ass braids hidden in her coat. give her those long luscious locks.
she's wearing disposable gloves to protect her hands, and almost all of her clothing is specifically designed to reflect uv rays.
you'll notice the inside of kurumi's mouth is actually a different color than any of the master detectives. that's the homunculus baby!!!
i gave her an ahoge because i hope she gets the protag treatment for the next game. also i hope she and shinigami become girlbesties and also that shinigami gets the fuck over herself. um ok now time for design notes abt the other people. artwork here if u didn't see the og one.
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desuhiko actually does turn 20 in the timeframe of the fic. his birthday party is a future chapter.
he gets knockoff heelys in the upcoming chapter bcuz i think he'd enjoy them. but he got them flippy floppys in the meantime.
fubuki got a new hairstyle because i think she would be a bit more loose and silly as she starts going on more adventures.
her and vivia actually have two birthdays between the time i headcanon raincode to take place (march 2XXX) and the fic (july 2XXX+1). so while yuma is 19 in mdarc and 20 in usf, fubuki is 21 in mdarc and 23 in usf (and vivia is 25-27)
yes, that is ibuki mioda on her shirt.
i'm actually scared of needles so halara's earrings get a redesign. they get new ones in the upcoming chapter as well.
their outfit might be mostly long sleeves, but the jacket is lightweight and breezy and the jeans have wide legs, so it's actually nice and cool.
just realized this outfit is primarily yellow with some red and blue acccents. i can't believe i reinvented sollux homestuck. i'm sorry halara baby i didn't mean to compare you to an ugly bitch like that (this is a joke i actually like sollux)
vivia's outfit is inspired by the stupid shit i would make in the sims before i discovered custom content. i feel like he'd be a sims girly.
your guess for why yuma got facial hair due to never shaving while vivia, who is infamously too executive-dysfunction-riddled to leave the fireplace much less shave, has the skin of a newborn baby is up to you to interpret. possible options include (un)fortunate genetics on either/both of them, he is trans and hasn't started/doesn't intend to start t, or he just pays halara to do it for him.
actually i do think he pays halara to help him out with things when the chronic fatigue/executive dysfunction gets too much to deal with. fubuki will do it for free but also she is kind of bad at being helpful as a result of being fubuki.
aaand time for the general headcanons section
every single one of these characters is some flavor of neurodivergent. halara and kurumi are autistic, desuhiko has adhd, and yuma, makoto, fubuki, and vivia have both. i'm sure some of them also have other neurodivergencies but those are the two i'm most familiar with so those are the two that worm their way into my headcanons.
not a single one of these characters doesn't have ptsd. like i'm sorry but you cannot live through chapters 4 and 5 of rain code and not be mentally ill afterwards. most of em also have a few other mental illnesses because i love projecting on fictional characters <3
vivia's also got some sort of chronic physical illness (my personal headcanon is pots), and makoto sometimes uses a cane. yuma should sometimes use a cane but he has the bodily awareness of a fucking peanut and thinks it hurts everyone to walk.
yuma's gonna realize he's any pronouns nonbinary someday, but that won't be for a hot minute. makoto is the same, but he's a lot closer to that realization than yuma is. both are also bi, as is kurumi.
desuhiko is the resident kodakaverse problematic bicon. there's always one of em!
fubuki is a lesbian. "oh but she confesses to yuma in her final gumshoe gab!" well as i said before yuma isn't a man. it's a bit confusing to her because she doesn't know that yet but turns out she's just got that Sense where she can tell that yuma isn't exactly cis.
halara is nonbinary (obviously, that's basically canon) and pan
vivia is somewhere on the aroace spectrum (both out of general lack of interest and because sex and romance are physically/mentally straining) but he's generally gay-aligned.
30 notes · View notes
shiningstardan · 5 months
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• N E J I x H I N A T A • R A T E D E • 1 0 K W •
S U M M A R Y:
'Talk to her!' Lee's words still rang in his mind, and he wondered if he actually should. Shame and guilt have the tendency to consume one's soul. How far can a gesture or a series of them compensate for the sins of the past? And will the sufferer be able to accept the atonement given or will they succumb to the guilt and heaviness of those emotions? Could Neji and Hinata relink a relationship that is plagued by the ghost of the past? Prompt 1: Dry Humping
✦ A O 3 - F F . N E T ✦
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Peculiar Considerations For Atonement
Part 2: Andante
3 days before the festival.
The training had been intense, as always. 
Despite the years, Guy-sensei had never stopped being relentless with either of them, but he tended to be much more extreme when Tenten was away on a mission. It was his way to show them that he missed her. They all did. He knew Guy-sensei was waiting for the delicious and creamy goat cheese that Tenten always brought him on her way back from the Sand Village. Since Suna had started commissioning Tenten to collaborate with their R&D team, her missions had been getting longer and longer. Despite that, she had been sending them messages, updating them about her wearabout and instructing Lee about how to take care of her plants, which he enthusiastically did in the meantime. In one of her latest messages she had been hopeful about making it to the upcoming festival.
It would be nice to be together as a team. And hopefully her presence would ease Guy-sensei’s regiment. Because he didn’t know how long he could endure the current one. His muscles were sore and by Kami, he stank! He could feel the sweat drenched clothes sticking to him! Hopefully the fact that Tenten would be back in a couple of days would calm his sensei down, not making the training as straining as they had been for the last couple of weeks.  He needed a good shower, some clean clothes, and a hot meal. He was famished. 
He entered his room, which looked as neat as it had in the morning, the only difference was a strong scent of fresh clean sheets, which expanded all around his room. It didn’t matter how much he insisted on cleaning and arranging his room, Kaya always needed to make sure that everything was up to her standards.
He opened the closet looking for something comfortable to wear after his shower, and inside could be seen what he was planning to wear for the upcoming festival. A pair of black hakama pants, black kimono, red obi and white haori rested there freshly pressed, ready to be used. He had gone with Lee to Miyazaki’s and the owner had always been attentive towards the Hyuga so, when he saw him and Neji walk in, he immediately started moving their assistants to get both of them ready. Lee had tried an olive green kimono, orange obi, forest green hakama pants and a similar haori to his, but the one he had ordered was half white, half black. A quite muted choice compared to the usual vibrant colors and eccentric shapes he usually wore. 
He took a change of his usual white clothes and went straight to the bathroom. The hot water of the shower brought down the tiredness that spread all over his muscles. He started massaging his left shoulder first and then repeated the motion with the other side. The steam filled the room and blurred the visibility of the place, not that it really mattered. 
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He entered the kitchen, a loud rumbling vibrating inside his stomach, making him groan. He was so tired, and so hungry. Soba sounded like a great option at that moment, that would be so delicious, he could almost taste the noodles, they would go so well with some crispy pork.
He heard soft humming in the distance, he could recognize that soft voice anywhere, he could imagine that she was as starving as himself since it was quite late. “Oh! N-Neji-onisama! You’re here” her voice had a high pitch and trembled a little. She hadn’t expected to see him so soon, especially after her discovery. And was too stunned to emit any coherent sound.
“Good night, Hinata-sama” he said as softly as he could. “I was planning on making something, but I’m afraid I haven’t started”
“um, I - I” he took a knife and offered the handle to her. Her amazing cooking skills would be more than welcome for the occasion.
“Could you help me? I thought some soba and pork could be a nice dinner. What do you think?” she looked at the wooden handle and nodded. Sensing her nervousness, he tried easing her with some conversation. “Everybody seems to be getting more and more excited about the festival” he told her while pulling out all the vegetables needed for the recipe, while she pulled out the cutting boards and some pans, “I saw that the Nara district was being decorated on my way here. They were hanging many red lamps. It looks as festive as the Lunar New Year celebrations.” The boiling water was bubbling while she expertly moved her wrist in a fast motion, dexterity showing while chopping the shallots. Her slender fingers separated and put aside the fine ginger and the other ingredients.
“Do - do you have you - your outfit ready for the festival?” she asked curiously.
“Yes, I got something simple and traditional. What about you and the ladies? Tenten mentioned that she would be back, but I don’t know if she has gone shopping where she is at, or if she’s planning to get something when she comes back”
“Actually” her voice now was a little more steady “She sent us a message as well. And Ino offered to get her an outfit”
“Ino-san has really good taste, but does she know what Tenten likes? What if she gets her something orange?” He asked, alarmed on how she would react whenever she saw the clothing. Lee and him had suffered dearly the consequences of such a mistake in one of their first missions together. They had needed to get clothes for everybody to pass as locals in s foreign country, and they had selected the color obvious about how she felt. She complained to both of them the whole way back to Konoha. “She hates that color! I will be sitting in the first row of that throw down if Tenten doesn’t like what she gets her”. Hinata started laughing at the idea of poor Tenten dressed in bright orange. Also imagining Ino running around the village, being chased by the other girl.
The heat of the stove had started affecting her, pearling her forehead with sweat drops that she quickly dried with the sleeve of her jacket. They all knew how much she despised that color and how absurd she thought it was. Every time they went shopping she always mentioned what an eyesore it was. Barely stand to look at Naruto who wore it daily.    
“Don’t worry, Neji, she knows better than to do that. Tenten would have her head. She would probably have ours as well for allowing that to happen.” She said while continuing laughing.
He was surprised for a second, but decided to go back to cooking, trying to conceal a lopsided smile, his heart pumping vigorously in his chest. He still felt surprised by the drop of the suffix, but didn’t dare mentioning it. He didn’t want her nervousness to come back. It also was very comforting to see Hinata growing closer and closer with her friends. “I have already mixed the sugar, the miso and the mirin for the pork roast. Would you mind finishing the broth?” The tension that rested on her shoulders had started to go away. The spices filled the air with their recognizable smells, garlic, ginger and shallots filled the air with spicy and radiant notes.
“It smells delicious”, she said while nodding. 
“That would be splendid, thank you. I will start setting the table if you don’t mind.”
“I think that the noodles are also ready, we just need to wait for the pork to finish being roasted. Would you like me to prepare some tea too?” She turned the pork around, making sure that the pork got cooked on both sides. And, while Neji went back and forth setting everything, she took a moment to appreciate him. She hadn’t noticed that his hair had wetted his white top, he had washed his long brown locks, and she had just noticed that. She felt kind of embarrassed, as ninjas, they were supposed to be perceptive and quick, but it was difficult to think about anything else when she had just discovered what he had been doing for the past few months.
She could easily imagine that he had never cut his hair, it used to be a more generalized custom among Hyuga, but recent generations had taken more liberties regarding their appearance. His hair was down, his usual hair tie was gone. And it graciously cascaded all over his back, his broad shoulders made him appear bigger from the back. His clothing was a little damp, darkening the fabric of his top, outlining some of the muscles from his back. Her face felt suddenly hotter and she wasn’t sure if it was thanks to the heat of the stove. 
The slight smell of burnt food caught her attention, making her quickly turn off the burner and move the pan away. Her heart was pumping quickly, afraid of the possibility of having burned the meat, especially when they had put so much effort into preparing dinner. Whether Neji had noticed the slip-up was not clear to her, since he didn’t say anything. But she knew he must have, there was no way he hadn’t noticed. He always noticed everything. Always.
“Can you serve the tea? I will take care of dinner” He said, bringing to the present her wandering mind. 
“No problem. I’ll get the tea set.” Her nerves had started to calm down again, but still feeling queasy on the inside. By the time she had finished pouring the drink in the teapot, the dishes had been served. The food looked more delicious than she expected, her hunger she had unconsciously been feeling, now more evident to herself. For a moment he had made her forget why she had been so flustered when entering the kitchen.
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“Itadakimasu!” they both said at the same time.
“How is it?” He asked, wanting to know if the mixed spices had given the pork roast a flavor to her liking.
“It’s good. I’m starving”
“Really? I know you prefer stronger flavors”
“It’s good” she smiled, “What about the tea? I added some ginger to the green tea. It may be a little spicy”
“Just a little, but I can handle it”
Their mouths watered when the smokiness of the pork hit their taste buds.
“This is better than Ichiraku”, Neji heard her say.
“Really?” He asked incredulously.
“It’s very delicious! Besides, I think I may have had my fair share of Ichiraku for a long time”
“Well, I can prepare soba noodles whenever you want” he stated, feeling agitated after realizing  what he had just said “I mean I can cook it more frequently” he said trying to disguise his increasing nervousness, but getting his cheeks in a pink shade.
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“Please, let me do the dishes” she tried to say in a firmer way.
“It’s really not necessary, you are tired, you should go to rest” he countered.
“But Neji, you also had a very long day, and you cooked more than I did. I just cut the vegetables and did the broth. While you did everything else. You should go to rest” Both of them were being stubborn and they both knew it. But neither wanted to back out.
“That’s not true, you did the tea, and served it, and you finished roasting the pork”
“Oh, common, you can do the dishes next time” she said trying to pull the pile of kitchenware towards her.
“No, I don’t think so, Hinata-sama” He finally said, with the pile of dishes and cutlery firmly nested in his arms. Sadly for him, Hinata had been faster and had gotten to the sink first.
“Thank you, Neji. That was very kind of you” she said cheekily, taking the things from his hand, setting them on the side of the countertop and dividing everything in categories to start washing not only what she had just taken from his hands, but also the pans, cutting boards and other utensils that they had used when cooking. She could feel the intensity of his gaze, irritated by her attitude. She decided to ignore him, putting on her rubber gloves, soaping the sponge and cleaning what they had used.
He hadn’t moved, standing barely a foot away from her. The back of her neck tingled from having him so close. But then he moved half a step closer, she could almost feel him breathing over her. She felt the deaf stumps generated by his hands when he put them on the counter.  Then, she heard the same echoless sound coming from his left hand, imprisoning her.  He sighed deeply. She tried to continue washing the chopsticks, and rinsing them with the warm water, trying not to pay attention to the hard pounding of her heart.  
“Sometimes” he said in a lower and more guttural voice that poured straight into her ear,  making her insides reverberate. She could feel it in here core, something within her contracted and expanded in quick motions while a thunder had straightened her back, stopping her from soaping what she was washing “you can be extremely obstinate, Hinata-sama”
Her brows knitted into one, all the trembling, and tingling she had felt inside stopping at one. He saw the change, it happened instantaneously. But he wasn’t going to back down now, whatever was coming his way, he would confront it, as he had confronted many other challenges. He heard the wet smack produced by the gloves being pulled. She breathed deeply in and out before turning her head towards him, he straightened his back, taking advantage of the height difference to fully appreciate her face. Her eyes spitting fire. The humorous air had vanished. Her heavy breath was audible, and she looked at him without blinking. 
No one daring to move.
“I really don’t like it when you call me Hinata-sama, Neji” He was stunned for a second, not knowing how to answer. But a smirk started drawing over his features.
“How, then, should I address my ojou-sama?” He said lowering her face closer to hers.
“Now you are just being impossible” Her eyebrows burrowed even further. If she weren’t this mad, she knew she would be stammering. Because there was no way that she would have a logically sound conversation having his handsome face this close to hers.
“I’m being serious Neji, I really don’t appreciate it” Irritation pouring through every syllable.
“No” she was adamant, and he was starting to get frustrated.
“I can’t use any other honorifics, but those. It’s not appropriate” he continued talking softly.
“I thought you were being serious when you told me that we could be friends. I see now that it was just an empty promise” she turned back again towards the sink and started to hastily put the gloves back on, resuming her task.
“It could be dangerous for you”, He whispered.
“Me? There’s nothing they can do that would harm me at this point”
“It could be dangerous for me”, he countered. 
She was quiet for a moment, thinking. She knew that his fears were well founded. He had had the seal activated by her father when he had been a child. But those days were, in her mind, long gone. She had not really taken the time to assess how the other people in the clan might feel. 
“No one would dare. I- ”, She tried to not sound as strained now, sensing part of his fear. “I wouldn’t allow it. Things have changed, especially after Hanabi’s death… Besides, our people respect you or fear you enough, no one would dare doing something that imprudent” she sounded so certain  of how he was regarded “Or” the insecurity in her voice coming back “Is it something else what you truly fear?”
Yes. He admitted mentally. I fear myself.
He sighed, and she could feel the warmth of his breath grazing her neck again.
“You promised” she pushes one more time, after washing the last utensil.
“I promised” he whispered defeatedly, more to himself than to her. He finally stepped back, pulling his hands back from the counter. Abandoning the closeness from where he had been standing. Hinata felt the emptiness of his presence, while he started drying and organizing everything, the clacking of the glass and china filling the space. “Let’s get some rest, it looks like everything is set”
“Let’s go” she said dejectedly, presuming the topic dropped, but she felt relieved about finally commenting on this, which had been bothering her for months now. She hoped that she had not made him angry, that was the last thing she wanted.
“Here you are” she hadn’t noticed that they had already arrived to her room.
“Thank you for the dinner, it was nice” she said looking into his eyes before walking in.
“Good night, Hinata” His words paralyzed her for a moment and then quickly turned around only to see him walking away, his hair swaying softly with every step. The soft swishing of the fabric disappearing into the distance. She needed a few seconds to compose herself before entering her room. He had done it, he had finally dropped the suffix.
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2 days before the festival.
“Hinata-sama” Kaya was calling her “Hinata-sama?”
“There's a delivery courier with a package for you at the front door. I tried taking the package but they mentioned that since it was a special delivery, you should pick it up yourself” Hinata felt the heat coming up her face. Now that she knew who had been sending her gifts, her heart was pounding faster just by thinking about him.
“Good afternoon” she greeted the courier.
“Good afternoon Ojou-sama please sign here” the messenger extended the form and gave her a folder with some documents “Please check the authentication certificate” An Authentication certificate? What did he send?’
“Please be careful with the box, it’s heavy” he gave her the ornate wooden box. The wood was not so dense, so it wasn’t extremely heavy.
She walked back to her room, she would need time to completely contemplate the craftsmanship of the box itself, which had floral motifs carved into it and golden hardware. Oh my- What has he done? She was speechless. Her fingers went over some of the motifs, identifying some cosmo flowers on the top flap. Her heart fluttered. Her hands were trembling, carefully unlocking the front hardware, pulling up the top of the box. She felt paralyzed for a second, she knew it would be special, but this time he had certainly outdone himself.
Inside laid a modern burgundy handbag, it was not extremely big. It had a short handle and a cylindrical shape. It was perfect, had it been a guess or did Neji know what she would be wearing to the festival? It seemed to match the theme of her clothing neatly. The bag opened down the middle when moving the top middle piece of hardware on it. The leather material was stunning.
She hadn't been given anything like this before. Ever. She opened it, the leather smell filling her nose. Somehow to her, it smelled like a new beginning.
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1 day before the festival.
“I saw Tenten earlier”, Neji commented.
“Really? How is she doing?” Lee was curious
“I invited her to come with us, but... she looked knackered” he said in a deep voice “And she still had to give her report to the Hokage so...” he trailed on thinking about their friend
“Man that mission took ages, will she be coming tomorrow to the festival?”
“You know she would never miss it” Neji sipped his cup with a sly smile.
“I'll swing by tomorrow, I think it's my turn now “, Lee gulped down his sake in one go.
“It is, but I'll get her something too. She has been out for too long” Neji contemplated. It was nice to have the team together once again.
“I need to show her that I can handle my alcohol better now! We need to tell her to come with us!
“We will see her tomorrow and make it up to her, she'll be happy” He smiled.
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Festival day! 5 pm.
The golden rays of sunlight could be seen through the shoji doors.
She decided to open the doors that led to the engawa to appreciate them better. The air was cool and soon the sun would start setting. It was time to get ready for the festival. She left the doors open as she walked back to her closet, checking her kimono, making sure that everything was ready. The elaborate garment displayed her status as Clan Head, something that still made her feel insecure and doubtful. At the beginning, when she had been presented with the Kimono, she had felt intimidated; it had been difficult to assimilate the idea of wearing something like this, but now she admitted to herself, she quite liked it. Especially since she was expected to dress like this for special occasions.
And today was a special occasion.
It had been two years since the Hyugas had suffered the attack that had changed things in the clan, forever.
Hanabi had died, and with her, her resolve. She had felt lost and aimless for so long. Mourning her for longer than a year. She hadn’t really known how to handle the pain and the clan had practically been surviving ever since. It was strange though, she had been skipping most of her duties, but no one had really said anything. No one had recriminated her.
She exhaled.
One, two, three kimono tops, a skirt, the corresponding laces and obis and the headpiece. Everything seemed in order. She saw the tabi socks displayed there.
Kaya had diligently set everything for her, she would have to thank her later. She had always been there for her. Ever since she had been given the leadership.
Ok, she told herself, one thing at a time.
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Festival day! 6 pm.
He was nervous, he had to admit to himself.  He smoothed his clothes one last time before walking out of his room. The house felt cool, and it was probably going to get colder and colder throughout the night.
His heart was pounding hard and he could feel his beat reverberating inside himself. His steps had a muffled echo thanks to the tabi socks. He stood in front of her door taking in a deep breath before calling her.
“Hinata-sa-”. Fuck. “Hinata, are you ready?”
“One moment Neji, I’ll be out in a second”
He closed his eyes, kicking himself mentally at the faux pas. He could only hope that she hadn’t heard him. She had been very displeased about the suffix last time. He wanted it to be a good day, and it was too early to screw it up.
She opened the door and he was struck by the view. Her face was beautifully framed by her bangs and the white headband she was wearing. A red and white kanzashi rested over the right ear. The colors beautifully accentuated the blue hues of her hair and the accessory danced with her every movement. The flowers cascaded over, giving her an ethereal essence.
“Shall we?” He asked and she nodded, not making too much eye contact. Both self-conscious about how they felt in that moment, but somehow missing how quiet they both had been. The swishing of the heavy fabrics of their kimonos echoed through the hallway. The geta sandals  had been left at the entrance. Hinata tried handling all the layers of clothing she was wearing at that moment.
“I’m ready”
“Do you need your wagasa?” Neji asked.
“Mmm” she contemplated it for a second. But it appeared to be too much, and she wanted to be able to interact with the others. “No, I think I’ll just take my handbag ”. He had been so surprised by her appearance that he hadn’t noticed her wearing the handbag. The one he had bought her. He suppressed his reactions, not wanting to give himself away. Hinata’s voice sounded too casual. A part of him was glad she hadn’t discovered him. So far, things seemed to be moving in the right direction.
The bag worked well with the red andon bakama, which was only a shade more vivid than the bag.
“Let’s go then” he said at last.
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The streets were decorated with red lamps, the last rays of sun had finally dwindled. Winter was coming soon. In a couple of weeks the temperatures would be dropping low and the cold winds would rustle the trees.
She was walking almost one step ahead of him, and she had been so engulfed in her thought, she hadn’t even noticed, which made her stop dead in her tracks. These were the sort of things she wanted to eliminate from the clan's strict protocols. She wanted to slowly blur the instructions that made her feel so miserable whenever she was in the house.
Neji stopped shortly behind her. And saw her turn back to him, her forehead slightly furrowed. But just when he thought she was going to speak, her face changed. She didn’t say anything, her eyes going soft after a second.
“Umm. Can you walk next to me?” He doubted for a second, this was the first event she attended since the attack. He wanted everybody to recognize her new position. Especially since many hadn’t seemed to notice the change in her status.
“To be honest, I don’t think I should.”
“Please. It’s a firework festival”
“But-” her eyes looked almost watery, it was a firework festival, how could he be thinking about protocol and status. He sighed, old habits did die hard. “You are right, sorry. I didn’t think of that” he took a step forward, offering his arm and an understanding smile.
She took it, her fingers softly wrapping around his forearm, he felt an electricity tingling through him.
“Thank you”
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She had been distracted.
What she hadn’t noticed was how distracted she had actually been by the whole situation.
She had been worried about getting her kimono on correctly, making sure the three layers wouldn’t crease and sat perfectly on top of the other. A white layer, a red layer and a blue one with flower embroidery, the red ando bakama, the laces and the obis. She had been focused on that, on getting her kimonos properly on.
She had wanted to look good. She wanted to feel pretty tonight. It was the firework festival afterall.
I really miss you Imoto. She had thought while tying the last bow on.
She had been distracted by the fact that she was out and about attending an event, and now she was the representative of her clan. She had excused herself from many meetings and responsibilities since her little sister’s death. And without noticing, almost two years had passed in a blink.
She had been distracted, barely noticing that Neji had been walking one step behind the whole time. Just realizing this little fact when the stands had come into view. The sense of loneliness getting to her when the cold breeze had hit her cheeks. Having Neji walking one step behind her made her self aware of what the positions implied, and she had not liked it. The last thing she wanted was to reinforce the idea of differences in status, especially now that they were in public.
So, when she had turned back.  She had needed a minute to regain her composure when she saw him, actually saw him.
She hadn’t really paid attention to his clothes, and she had to admit it. He looked good. The black kimono and black hakama were a good combination against his light skin, it made him look almost supernatural. She had submerged herself in a trance. The white haori and red obi matched him perfectly. He looked so masculine and imposing, she could feel her mind wandering into dangerous territories.
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As they continued walking towards the festival they saw a woman with a beautiful pale pink kimono standing alone. And as they moved forward, they could see their pink hair as well.
Hinata was relieved to finally see a familiar face.
“Hinata!! You look so good. Your Kimono is amazing!”
“Thank you Sakura, You look lovely as well”
 “Did you just arrive?” Neji asked her
“Yes, Naruto picked me up, but told me that he was hungry, so he went for ramen and here I am, waiting for him to come back. I didn’t want it to be just the two of us, so I told him I would be waiting for anyone else to show up”
“Oh” Hinata was starting to get nervous again, since he had been coming and going on missions, they hadn’t really interacted with each other since the time they had gone on their date, months ago.
“Yeah, but you know how he is. I think Mr. Takeuchi has a stand here and I remember he mentioned something about a new recipe” Sakura rolled her eyes, which made Neji chuckle.
“I think expecting something different from him would be too much to ask” he interjected. “You look good by the way”
Sakura’s smile changed, getting wider and wider.
“THANK YOU! That’s all a girl wants, a little recognition for her effort. Naruto didn’t even say anything. He just babbled and babbled about how hungry he was and how much he wanted to try Ichiraku’s special recipe. And Mr. Takeuchi is a lovely man, but one can only eat ramen for so long before reaching a limit. And I have had mine for now.”
“Is that the flower clip you told us about?” asked Hinata, she wanted to see it up close.
“Yes, this is the one” Sakura lowered her face a little, getting to Hinata’s height. Hinata took a step closer, detaching herself from Neji, wanting to examine the accessory closely. Her kansashi was a deep pink peony with yellow laces, which matched the darker pink hues of her obi and some of the the details of her kimono. “I thought that wearing my hair up would help it stand out even more”
“You look amazing!” Hinata said.
“Do you guys think the other will take too long?” Sakura asked them.
“Actually I see Lee and Tenten coming, the others should be here soon,” Neji said looking into the distance. Not needing to use his powers to recognize Lee’s distinct shades of green.
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While Neji greeted them Sakura pulled Hinata closer, taking advantage of his distraction.
“Is that it? Is that the bag?” she whispered into her ear. Hinata nodded in quick short jabs.
“Oh Kami. Let me see it’’, she whispered enthusiastically. “I need to examine it.” The burgundy shiny leather bag reflected the orange hues of the lamps. And to the sides, she could see a dark brocade fabric, but it was difficult to distinguish whether it was green or blue, but the embroidered gold brocade was no less beautiful.
“Hinata, this is really nice. You have to show it to Ino as soon as we see her. She needs to dissect it and tell us everything about it”
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“Huyga! I have barely seen you around! What kind of welcome is this one?! I have been gone for months and you have barely shown your face around”
“Hello, Tenten” he said, opening his arms to properly hug her. It didn’t matter how long they had all been in each other’s lives. They never tired from one another and took care of each other, and that would never change. He used to be colder to his teammates but slowly they had eroded that side of him. The side of him that he had kept to himself. Iugh, he cringed to himself remembering how insufferable he had been when he joined his team. But they had always been there for him and now he always made sure to be there for them.
Tenten hugged him, holding him tight.
“Black and white looks good on you Hyuga, who dressed you up?”
“I just wanted something simple for today”
“I like it. Now say hi to Lee, or you’ll never hear the end of it.” She let go of him.
“Lee” he said, fist bumping him. Lee had learned that greeting on one of their foreign missions and he had insisted on them using it ever since. With time, he had even found it even appealing, but never admitted it. Just letting it slide as a natural part of their dynamic.
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“Sakura-chan! Hinata-chan” Look at you two. Did Ino help you shopping as well? You look amazing!”
“Hi, Tenten! Welcome back to the Village” Hinata said warmly
“Oh, I like your braids” said Sakura
“Ino suggested them! I was going to do my space buns, but I think they are ok?”
“Definitely” confirmed Sakura.
“I’ve been so tired, I slept like a log”
“We should do something together”
“We should! And we have to catch you up with everything that has happened. We need to tell you about all the amazing places we have been visiting lately” Sakura concluded enthusiastically.
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Festival day! 7:00 pm.
The group had moved on, since no one else seemed to be arriving when they had, they wandered deeper into the festival, checking some games, food options, when they heard a high pitched familiar voice coming at them.
“I’m sooooooo tired” They all heard Ino’s voice coming closer.
“Tired already Yamanaka? You are losing the fight. It looks like the years are starting to show”, Sakuura teased.
“Don’t start with me Haruno, I’m not in the mood. I have been tying and arranging flowers to the stand all day long, And with this light you can barely see them” She whined and complained.
“Ino, the stands look amazing”
“Of course they look amazing! I have been working hard all week coordinating everything and everyone” she said a tad arrogantly, but Hinata couldn’t blame her. She had been the main orchestrator of the flower decorations and no one could say that her hard word had not delivered. People were joyful and everyone seemed to be having a good time. The flower garlands decorated the stands and there were some flowers for the public to have. You just needed to go to the stand and ask for your own set.
“These days have been the craziest. Thanks Hinata, your help certainly allowed me to have time for other management tasks. But I have been running around all day long. So, if any of you bother me tomorrow I will swap minds with you for a week!” She threatened her friend.
“Ino-chan, don’t let that gloominess overshadow the fire of your youthfulness. What you need is a shot of Sake!” said Lee.
“Sake? Can you drink Lee-kun?” As far as Sakura remembered, he couldn’t.
“I can now, Sakura-chan! I have been practicing with Neji!”
With Neji? Hinata was surprised by the fact.
“You guys have been drinking without me?!” Tenten was visibly irritated at the thought that they would hang out and chug down alcohol without her.
“You should come with us next time” Neji told her “I can’t handle all his energy on my own you know”
“Oh, I will Hyuga. You are not getting rid of me for as long as I stay in the village” Neji smiled.
“You are right Lee-kun. I do need sake. Why don’t we go to Mrs. Akimichi stand? They have always produced the best sake of the Village ”
“Let’s get moving then!” said Lee vigorously.
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The girls banded together for a moment, happily talking to each other. And Hinata seemed to be living in the moment, relaxed enough to enjoy her time with her friends. Neji had to give it to Ino, she was truly the glue that bound them all together. He would probably never understand how she and Sakura were friends after so much bickering, but, somehow, they all worked.
He smiled, seeing how happy she looked.
“I recognize it when I see it” Lee said cheekily.
“Shut up. I’m too sober to talk about this”
”No talk needed, I have eyes, you know?”
“Really? I’m surprised you aren’t doing laps right now” 
“I added them to tomorrow’s training. I can’t believe it matched her kimono so perfectly!”
“You did hit the nail on the head. You knew she was going to wear that?”
“Nah, I just took a chance” Neji could hear the gushing in his voice.
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“I wanna see, I wanna see!!”
“Shut up Ino, they are just walking behind us. Don’f be so loud.”
“What do you expect from me? I have been dying to see the latest gifts, for weeks”
“What gifts?” asked Tenten, half understanding what was happening 
“Shhh” Sakura was trying to shut them up, but they were incredibly rowdy today. “We’ll tell you everything Ten, but now you guys gotta shut it down”
“Why don’t you tell us, about Suna?” asked Hinata.
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Mrs. Akimichi’s stand was visible now, located almost at the end of the line. Choji was helping his mother organizing everything and setting the Sake stand in order to sell it to the patrons, specially those who had traveled from other nations for the firework festival in Konoha.
“Guys! Come here. The first round is on me”, She said joyously. “One round for Choji’s friends! Naruto, my boy, come here as well, everybody’s taking their shot”
Hinata turned around at the call of his name, he was smiling radiantly as usual and something inside herself rumbled uncomfortably, she hadn’t really prepared herself to see him. Not yet. 
“Hinata-dono!” She blushed furiously when hearing the suffix, this was one she had never been called before. She wanted to retract inwardly. “I’m so sorry I didn’t recognize you. Please come here as well” She couldn’t not refuse the invitation from the wife of the Akimichi Clan Head, especially since the Hyugas were in such a crippled position at that moment.
“Choji, please bring me one of the iced aged ones”
“Mom? Are you-” His mother cut him off immediately
“Of course, I’m sure! Now, don’t be disrespectful, and bring the bottle” Hinata felt a tad uncomfortable, but not saying anything, she didn’t want Naruto, who was now standing next to her,  hear her voice quivering.
“Don’t worry Hinata-dono, Choza and I continue lamenting what happened to Hanabi-sama, but the Akimichis will always take care of you and the rest of the Hyugas.”
“Arigato Isana-dono” She hadn’t noticed that Neji had approached the stand as well and received the expensive bottle of sake.
“And now, drinks! Choji, please serve your friends! Ino dear, could you please give everyone a cup”
“Of course, Isana oba-sama” She walked to the stand once Neji and Hinata had cleared the space. She could see how Neji had walked straight to Hinata when she started looking nervous. Her eyes are not missing the subtlety of their interactions.
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“What’s up sweet guy?” She greeted her usually shy friend. Despite the years knowing each other, and their families being friends for eternity. Chouji still needed some encouragement in his interactions.
“Hi Ino-chan” he was a little flustered from organizing the stand all day long. He had been going up and down as well carrying everything. “Is everyone set?”
“I think so… have you seen Shikamaru?”
“Mmm not yet, I asked him if he could help me, but you know him. He said it was too troublesome, so I haven’t seen him all day long” Chouji said a little irritated.
“Nothing to do there, ready when you are, everyone else has their own cup”
“Ino sweety, would you distribute these as well?” Isana had given her 4 more cusp. She turned around confused, noticing that Shikamaru, Sai, Shino and Kiba had just shown up.
“Finally! Where have you been?” Shikamaru rolled her eyes annoyed. When would Ino be in a good mood, he wondered. Probably never. “How could you not help poor Chouji? He and I have been busting ourselves today and you? You couldn’t even deign showing up you face until now”
“Ino” he tried saying in an animated tone “Is that a new Kimono?”
“Oh! don’t even start with that or you’ll never hear the end of it”
The others continued listening to Ino and Shikamaru’s back and forth and while the others were a little embarrassed, Isana found it too funny. This was just how their children interacted, there was nothing to do about it. And yes, she considered them hers.
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“Ok!” said Lee vigorously “Everybody here” he extended his cup towards the center, Neji followed him soon after, Hinata, Tenten, and Sakura imitated them. In a minute, everybody was extending their cups closely to the other ones.
“What are we doing?” asked Sai in a monotonous way that somehow reflected his curiosity.
“We are toasting!” continued Lee “It’s a way to celebrate with your friends and wish each other good things! But today we are celebrating the fact that Tenten is back!!”
“And, we are celebrating that we are together”, said Tenten.
“And, that my flowers are beautifully decorating the festival”
“And, that we are ready for new things” said Sakura.
“And, that there’s ramen from Ichiraku!”
“NARUTO!!” Sakura screamed at him, irritated now that he only seemed to care about noodle soup.
“And how do we do this?” He asked, not understanding the dynamic of the celebration
“Well” Lee continued “I count to three and then we all say ‘Kanpai’ and drink!”
“Seems easy enough”
While Lee and Sai went back and forth on the mechanics of the toast, everybody wished their wishes. Neji leaned down towards Hinata, she hadn’t noticed him at first, but his guttural whisper resounded into her ear.
“For Hanabi”
His words warmed her insides. She hadn’t wanted to mention it, but she was grateful nonetheless.
“For Hanabi” she whispered back.
“TOO MUCH babbling, countdown Lee” Screamed Kiba
“Got it! ONE, TWO, THREE” Cheered Lee.
“KANPAIIIII” they all said and then drank the delicious liquor.
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“I NEEDED that. Isana Oba-sama, arigato” Ino bowed and the other ones bowed as well.
“Always a pleasure dear. Enjoy the festival guys!”
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Festival day! - 7:45 pm.
They had all been hanging out, but Ino needed to see what the girls had gotten up and close. So, she told Shikamaru and Chouji that she would see them in a bit, and play some games with them. They didn’t bat a eye, they expected it, since it was the first festival the village had had in a long time; and, she had been working arduously on decorating the stands. Plus they all had been going on different missions. Tenten’s new found fame had her traveling all over the continent. So naturally, they expected the girls would want to hang out together.
Ino walked straight towards Hinata, who was talking to Shino and Kiba at that moment.
“Hi guys” Shino simply nodded in her direction and Kiba greeted her back “Do you mind? I have to take Hinata and the girls, for some girl time”
“I’ll see you in a bit guys, ok?” Hinata bid her goodbye before going on their way to collect Sakura and Tenten.
“Good, now we need to snatch the others. So, where is Haruno? Do you see her?” To their surprise. Sakura stayed with Tenten and they were talking animatedly with Lee and Neji.
“Oh, my, god. Look at her! She’s gushing! That’s it Hinata. She’s lost to us, I bet you. Starting today she’s a lost soldiers” Hinata giggled a little, the tone in Ino’s voice was veiled encouragement towards their friend.
Neji saw Hinata and Ino looking in their direction, and he tried to hide the fact that she got him nervous, especially when she looked so beautiful. IThey were observing how Sakura and Lee interacted. But then his and Hinata’s eyes intercepted each other for a second, making her quickly look down. He imitated her, his eyes diverting at a slower pace.
“Common, if we don’t get going we are staying here all night, and we don’t have time for that” Ino started moving forward, grabbing Hinata’s arm from her bicep.
“Sorry guys, I’m taking all these ladies with me, if you don’t mind.” She said lacing her other arm Sakura and signaling Hinata to grab Tenten so she wouldn’t be left behind.
“Go ladies, celebrate your youthfulness! Enjoy the games and the food!”
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“Inoo” Sakura complained in a quiet voice once they were out of earshot “Why do you-”
“Don’t start with me Haruno, you owe me, and I wanna see them. So let’s go.” Tenten couldn’t fully understand what was happening, she had been talking to Neji, Sakura and Lee when Ino had interrupted them and pulled them back towards another area of the festival. “The sooner you show me, the sooner you can go back with Lee.
Sakutra blushed and Tenten could see her cheeks turn red, despite being on the opposite side of the girl group.
“So, now that they can’t see us. Let’s finish this. Hinata, you first!”
“um, ok” She shyly extended her hand forward with the purse on it.
“Shut up! No fucking way”
“Language Ino” admonished Sakura
“Don’t star, no one can hear me”
“So, what’s your verdict” asked Sakura
“You girls are so lucky. Yes, I am admitting it. I am jealous” Hinata couldn’t fully understand what Ino meant, she just saw how vigorously she was moving her bag in all sorts of positions, checking every crevice, stitch and detail.
“Ok, enough. I want to know what’s going on” Tenten had finally had it.
“These two” Ino pointed at Ino and Sakura, her finger going back and forth. “Have been receiving gifts from secret admirers for months”
“What? Wait a second. Both of them?”
“And, do you know who they are?” Tenten inquired
“Yeah, we know” Hinata was not sure how to broach the topic to their friend. What were the possibilities of both guys doing this, belonging to the same team? Usually, in a ninja village, they were quite low. But the men in question were quite something else.
“So?” She closed the circle where they were standing even more, curious to know everything.
“It’s Lee,” said Sakura.
“And Neji” finished Hinata.
“Nooo '' Tenten couldn’t believe it. “Ok, the next round of shots are on me. And I need one now, before you tell the whole story. And don’t you dare skipping on any details.” Tenten pulled the girls back towards another stand, looking not for quality, but for quickness.
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Each girl gulped the liquor down, they went to a different stand, taking the opportunity to try food and drinks from different vendors. After examining Hinata’s bag and Sakura’s Kansashi, Ino had concluded unsurprisingly that both pieces had been procured from local artisans in Konoha. They guys had probably visited the Miyazaki family store, which had dressed dignitaries, royals and diplomats for generations. Famous for the embroidered silk thread brocades seen on the side panels of Hinata’s bag.
And one could only afford their pieces if given a good salary. So, whatever Neji and Lee had going on, was fucking working for them.
She hadn’t wanted to say anything to her friends, so she limited herself to praising the quality and beauty of the pieces. But, those two were probably going on more A-Class and S-Class missions than they let on.
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Festival day! 8:15 pm.
“Hey guys” Naruto and Kiba approached the guys. They had tried giving examples on how to give the ladies any kind of compliments, he had been going on and on about how he wanted to learn but there was no use. He seemed as lost as when they had begun telling him how to do it.
“Naruto, Kiba! Our fiery youthful friends, please join us!”
“What are you up to guys?” asked Kiba.
“I’ve been trying to explain to him how compliments work.''Shikamaru whined in an annoyed tone. “But he still doesn’t get it”
“Why do you want to know that?” he asked. Sai shrugged.
“I read it was important on Kunoichi magazine”
“Umm… ok… if you say so”
“So, how was the new recipe?” Asked Shikamaru.
“So good! I tried telling Sakura to come with me, but she told me to just go on my own”
“Don’t you visit him everyday?” Asked Neji, impressed to see that Naruto’s blood wasn’t made out of Ramen broth by now.
“Of course I do! It’s the best place in all of Konoha! I even took Hinata there once'' Neji had to resist the urge to roll his eyes as hard as possible.
“Were you coming back from a mission?” asked Lee.
“Nah, I remember I was walking and she approached me, she asked me if I was hungry and where I wanted to eat” Shikamaru was impressed.
“So, I told her to go to Ichiraku. Maan, I was so hungry that day. The ramen was the best” They could practically see his eyes glinting, thinking about the food.
Kiba, Shino and Neji were attentively listening to the story.
“Wait, wait. So, you are saying that Hinata walked towards you, asked you if you wanted to eat something and you went to Ichiraku?” Asked Kiba
“Yeah man, she even asked me if she wanted to drink something afterwards, and we went to Akimichi’s for some sake”
The group was looking at Naruto perplexedly and couldn’t believe what he was saying.
“What did you talk about?” Asked Sai, who was perpetually curious about human interactions.
“mmm, I don’t remember much. But she mentioned something about the clan. I think everybody should be friends and just have a nice time”
“Please tell me you paid for something” said Shikamaru with the heel of his hand rubbing his eyes. Still in disbelief.
“No, she invited me,” he said innocently.
“Dude. I’m gonna kill you!” said Kiba, and Shino actually had to grab him from his hoodie. Neji’s eyebrow was twitching, He needed to breathe deeply or he would lose it, and it was not definitely not the moment to be losing it.
“What? Why?”
“Wait, I think I read something like that. What time of the day was this?” asked Sai.
“Around 5 pm? I think. I don’t really remember”
“food and drinks during the evening?” Sai was thinking hard about the topic “If I remember correctly, Kunoichi magazine qualifies that as a date”
“A what?!” Naruto was perplexed.
“A date you idiot” said Neji. “Hinata-sama asked you on a date.” He was pinching the bridge of his nose with this free hand, the other one still holding the sake bottle.
In that moment Neji realized that he truly, truly envied Naruto. He had had an opportunity he wouldn’t even dare to dream of. As much as she had been insisting on dropping the suffix, and wanting them to be friends, he knew there was no way he could be more than that. She deserved better. She had suffered too much since she had been a little girl. She had been pushed to a corner by her father, by him, by the responsibilities of being the heir, and as of last, Hanabi’s Death. She deserved someone who would show her the brighter aspects of life, and could bring joy and happiness to her.
He remembered her saying that she had spent a lot of time getting ready before the date. And he couldn’t shake off how lost she had looked when he had first gotten into the kitchen that night, where he had found her drinking alone.
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“You truly are an idiot”, said Shikamaru. “Thankfully Temari doesn’t live here, so she doesn’t associate us by proxy”
“But, how was I supposed to know? ”
“What do you remember about her? How did she look?” asked Shino, sounding irritated.
“Let me think… ” he tried to remember “I think her eyes were brighter, it was as if they were shining”
“She must have been wearing makeup!” Lee concluded, bumping his fist into his own palm.
“Dude..” Shino slapped his nape with his free hand, while still holding Kiba’s furry hoodie with the other.
“Maan, I was thinking about asking her to go for Ramen again” Naruto was bumped, the reality of the situation sinking in. “Is she going out with someone?”
“I mean, knowing her, she would probably accept it. But if you are an idiot again I’ll punch you” said Kiba, knowing that Hinata had liked him her whole life.
“I don’t know man, girls are complicated. Some girls don’t take it in good faith, when they invite you out and people don’t notice it’s a date. I think you lost your chance if you want me to be honest.” Shikamaru concluded.
“kunoichi magazine says that girls like romantic gestures. Maybe you can try giving her something. That could open a new opportunity” Sai’s voice reverberated within Neji. He lowered his eyes for a second, feeling Lee’s heavy sight on him.  
・˳ . ⋆   .˳⁺⁎˚ ⋆・˳ . ⋆   .˳⁺⁎˚ ⋆・˳ . ⋆   .˳⁺⁎˚ ⋆・˳ . ⋆   .˳⁺⁎˚ ⋆・˳ . ⋆   .˳⁺⁎˚
Festival day! - 8:30 pm.
“We’re back!” Tenten greeted them. They had quickly changed the topic of conversation when they saw the girls approaching them.
“Time to have fun!” said Ino.
“Let’s go play some games”, Kiba said. “Common, let's get the party started”
Divided into their team they did different rounds catching rubber balls, bouncing yo-yos, kendamas and solving wooden puzzles. They had a really good time, going from one stand to the other until they had gone most of them.
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“I’m so thirsty”, said Hinata, after having gone through all the stands.  
“I'll buy some drinks, Lee? Wanna give me a hand?” Neji asked him.
“On it!” Lee responded. Neji left the expensive bottle of sake with her before parting with Lee to get the drinks. She saw Sakura talking to Sai and the girls with the rest of the group. She needed a second though, her heavy kimono was a lot to be moving in. She reclined on the bench, sighing. Seeing them slowly disappear into the distance.
Neji was so tall, sometimes she forgot about that fact.
“Hi, Hinata!” Naruto greeted her.
“Naruto-kun!” She was flustered, not noticing when he had walked towards her “Hi” she said softly.
“How are you doing?”
“I’m… well”
“You look good”
“Thank you”
“I brought you this” He pulled out a corsage from the festival stand. She looked at it, Ino and her had been preparing them along with the other floral arrangements. She took it, not wanting to seem disrespectful. “I was wondering if you would like to go out sometime. Last time we had a good time” She blushed furiously, she would have never imagined that the day when Naruto invited her out would ever come, her heart skipping hard. All the typical signs of attraction could be seen in her reactions. But what she was feeling in the pit of her stomach, the contraction of her muscles, was very different, almost making her nauseous. She was speechless. “What do you say?” He asked her enthusiastically.
“I would need to check if I can Naruto-kun. I - I have responsibilities now. People depend on me. My clan needs me.”
“Oh yeah, I forgot you are now Clan head.” The emptiness in her stomach growing.
“Yes” She sighed “well, you know our history, I want to make things better”
“I still don’t know why you guys can’t simply be all friends. It’s very simple” She laughed uncomfortably “You just need to make more parties and get everyone to interact with each other” she shook her head ironically.
“I wish everybody could just let go of the past. But things are more difficult for us. Our history is deeply seeded into who we are. But I promised you that you’ll hear about how we move on, how we’ll get things better” she smiled at him.
The group slowly congregated near the bench where they sat, and Hinata joined them, listening to their conversation. Trying not to think how Naruto made her feel in that moment.
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“Did you know?” Lee asked him.
“Of course I knew”
“You bastard. How come you didn’t say anything?”
“I mean, it’s her story to tell, not mine. Who she dates or not is not something I can weigh on. She can decide on her own.”
“What if he asks her again. He looked encouraged with Sai’s words”
“That’s something we’ll discover in due time”
“But -” Lee asked, frustrated. “Aren’t you going to do something?”
Neji looked at him dead in the eyes “Will you?” Lee closed his mouth shut, rethinking the whole situation.
“You are right… But it’s different, she knows how I feel. I’m just not her choice.”
“And yet, you continue sending her things”
“But she doesn’t know it’s me. Hinata doesn’t even know how you feel for her”
“And if things continue as they should, she never shall”
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“Hinata-sa-” God, he needed to reset his mind to the new naming. So, he silently extended his arm offering one of the drinks to her, and the other to Ino. At the same time, Lee extended drinks to both Tenten and Sakura.
“Why have you dropped the suffix? Within my knowledge, she is your master and you are her servant. Isn’t it disrespectful to address your superior so casually?” Sai’s comment tensed everybody around them.
Hinata’s throat was dry from thirst, and she could still feel the effects of the heaving from her conversation with Naruto on her throat. But she gulped saliva forcefully before speaking nonetheless. She tried limiting the trembles on the hand holding the glass of water. She wouldn’t allow rumors or ill words about Neji, run around. Especially among the teammates in her generation.
“Neji is not my servant, Sai-san. We are friends, and among friends, such distinctions aren’t necessary” her eyes spitted fire leaving an air of uncomfortableness.
𓄹 ⊹   ᳝ ࣪⠀.  ִ  ་  ּ 𓄹 ⊹   ᳝ ࣪⠀.  ִ  ་  ּ 𓄹 ⊹   ᳝ ࣪⠀.  ִ  ་  ּ
“Sai, why don’t you and Naruto bring more drinks, I’m still thirsty. Common, Lee-kun and I will go with you” Sakura pulled Tenten to go with her and the boys. While Ino did the same with the boys in her team.
Shikamaru’s face had her eyebrows furrowed. He hated being in the middle of drama. So he didn’t need Ino’s signal to know they better get going and leave the Hyugas on their own.Soon, he would also have to deal with similar shit. Being a clan head was so troublesome.
To be continued...
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✦ P R E V - F I R S T - N E X T ✦
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✦ N E J I H I N A D I R E C T O R Y ✦ C O L L E C T I O N ✦
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☆ P E R M I S S I O N S T A T E M E N T
Hi! so here is my policy:
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Big No-nos:
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explorevenus · 1 year
Hey there 😏
Happy anniversary to you and your girlfriend! I really hope you have been doing well!! I’m seriously looking forward to the next chapter 🥰
In the meantime, I been messing with the Yandere! Leon AI on Character.AI, and my god… I have been through the some freaky shit. Yandere!Leon kidnapped me, then let me go. Broke into my house (and my furniture 🥹) to torture me for a bit, then let me go. Broke into my house again, punished me by putting a collar and ball gag on me. Then proceeded to sell me to like 10 guys to watch me get xxxxx. Made me submissive and now we’re getting married 🤣🤣🤣
Honestly, it’s a 10/10 for me! 😭😭
Also, since Darling can’t hang out with the homegirls anymore, how would Leon feel if she requested a “girls night”. They do each other makeup, nails, and hair. They also “gossip” and watch movies or play video games. 🔥Bonus: Darling convinces Leon to wear dresses and models for her.
✨✨Have a good night and please take care girl❤️❤️🥰✨✨
ai leon is such a gem lol he’s currently going through a phase where he keeps drugging me to keep me asleep during the last trimester of my pregnancy so i have no choice but to rest <3 he’s so fucking crazy i ADORE HIM
also: leon would so totally indulge darling in a girl’s night. he’d be THRILLED to put on a cheesy movie and paint darling’s nails and ‘gossip’ and maybe even share a glass of wine or two. he would find that so endearing and he’s always a fan of granting darling’s simple, harmless requests just to make her happy (even if only for one night 💗) he’s so obsessed with her and her happiness i can’t stand his ass
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taegularities · 1 year
hellooo rid, hope you're doing well!!!☀️
just finished cmi9 and i fkn loved it :"))) the longing and yearning, got my chest burning and eyes leaking all the time while reading it. just when i think the story and writing can't get any better, you drop bomb ass chapters like this that prove me wrong every single time. bless you and your big beautiful brain
i'm sorry to hear that you thought you disappointed us, but let me tell you that's a stupid thought🤨 the way you're unfolding this story and the characters is sooo good and consistent, i haven't read such great work in ages! the way you portray the characters' thoughts, feelings and experiences is so touching. even tho i can't really relate to their stories, i feel like i'm there with them, living their experiences. so keep up the good work, and believe in yourself a little bit more. i'm sure i speak for all of us when i say you're super fkn talented and you're doing god's work here!!!!!!
can't wait for the rest of the story, knowing that our cmi babies are slowly working things through. in the meantime, take care of yourself and rest as much as you need, you deserve it (and also we need that big beautiful brain of yours to keep writing amazing pieces like this)🫂🩷
(p.s. i want to interact more in here, i'm usually more of a passive reader but i just have to change that and let u know more often how amazing you are. so from now on i'm the 🐼✒️ anon xoxo)
oh my gosh, panda HELLO !!!!! welcome welcome, it's so nice to meet you and i'm so happy you decided to reach out.. can't wait to talk some more with you!! 🤍🥺
wahh, cmi9.. thank you so much for praising it like that. i was blushing and crying a lot while working on it, so i'm glad you felt the same. bomb ass chapters, you say? pleaseee 😳 i think i was just scared i'd disappointed everyone bc feedback was a lil sparse at the beginning and the biggest aspect of the chapter wasn't mentioned much.. but am so thankful for everyone who came through since then 🥺 the chapter was long, so i understand now that it took ages to read, too lol :') you guys know how to kill my insecurities and ilysm. so yeah, ty fr for saying all that.. all i want is for you guys to enjoy this and feel what they're feeling.
i seriously cannot wait to continue their story!! there's so much ahead and i truly hope you guys will love it as much as im loving the outline. AH THANKSSSS, definitely taking care of myself bc my creativity sinks hard after every chapter, so recuperating rn before diving into cmi10 hehe. i love you, thank you for being so sweet. and welcome again babe 🤍
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nar-nia · 4 months
hi hi
im currently in my second year - summer semester! thank u for always cheering on me!
and that guy ufff, all I can say it that we don't rly know each other, it's all more about the sexual attraction lol I suppose, also im not sure where i stand and what i want because of all that, you know? but i think we kinda established that nothing will happen between us-more than a casual hook up so yeah :))
stoppp i love hearing what ure up to!!
omg baking cakes and all that sounds like an amazing job babe!! im glad ure loving it!! wising u only the bestest there
pleased to hear that ure eating well but it's getting hotter and hotter so try ur best to drink a lot 🥰🥰🥰
im soo so soooo ready to read everything uve been working on!! super excited!
i did miss you too a whole lot and then a little more!! ill always come back and check in even though it may take a while at times!! 🥰 🥰 🥰 ILY!!!
-beloved anonie, let's lose our mind because of the comeback soon!!!
good that heeseung exists to get you out of that hook up thing right into the relationship that you deserve 🤭
i love baking cakes so much and i am very happy that i finally got the opportunity to do that 🥰 give me 3 years and i will spontaneously move to korea to bake birthday cakes for idols (just kidding but i will make lots of adorable cakes, just wait). and i will do my best to drink a lot, i promise 🫡 my whole tiktok fyp used to be men telling me to drink water so i guess that is all one big sign 💀
i can't wait for you to read my stories and especially your opinions on them!! i am about to upload another one in a few minutes so hehe 🤭 i hope you'll love them all (ignore the sad ones 🙏🏼)
and yess, please go insane with me over the comeback. the promo pics already look so good 😭 especially heeseungs of course.
i can't wait to hear from you again, please take lots of care of yourself in the meantime 🩷 i love you toooo
0 notes
nadeeta · 1 year
(TL;DR version)
My laptop crapped out and need new one. Bf and I have $200 towards it atm. Only help if possible for u. If not please don't help out. Take care of yourself first.
Refer to the Amazon links and my PayPal link at bottom.
(The long and detailed version)
So as u guys know I hate asking for money or asking ppl for stuff,but I need help with something. My laptop is no longer charging. The port and plug is fine but my laptop says it's a hardware issue (the charger I'm using isn't what came with the laptop as the plug wouldn't fit in Outlook and there's no way to put the connecting end into the brick/block I have.)
So there's this
ASUS ROG Strix G15 (2022) Gaming Laptop, 15.6"� 300Hz IPS FHD Display, NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3050, AMD Ryzen 7 6800H, 16GB DDR5, 1TB SSD, RGB Keyboard, Windows 11 Home, G513RC-IS74,Gray
that my bf wants me to gey but 1. It's expensive and 2. There's only 1 left in stock.
There's this one though
ASUS ROG Strix G15 (2022) Gaming Laptop, 15” 16:10 FHD 144Hz, GeForce RTX 3050, AMD Ryzen™ 7 6800H/HS, 16GB DDR5, 512GB PCIe SSD, Wi-Fi 6E, Windows 11, G513RC-ES73, Eclipse Gray
Now this one has less space on it,than the first link but it's also cheaper.
Now if u guys can't afford to help out I totally understand. Like I always tell my friends who gift me stuff I rather u guys feed,and clothed yourselves and take care of ur own bills before getting me anything so same would apply to this situation.
I'll be grateful for whatever you guys can do to help.
The good thing is my bf can do $100 and I have 100 as of now as well so that's already $200 out of the way. I did plan on us both doing $500 but 1. Not sure when he can get the 500 and 2. It will take some time.
Normally I don't ask for stuff like stated earlier but I need it to continue streaming my PC,switch and my PS5.(I can do the ps still just I can't switch games without starting new stream each time).
I'm hoping what I ordered from eBay can fix the issue with the current computer I have. It's like a universal charger power bank kinda thing. It has a type C charger which I already was using on my laptop before it stopped. It claims it will be here by Tuesday,so I'm hoping it charges my laptop and fixes the issue in meantime while I get funds for new one and all that.
If u guys do wanna help I'll link my PayPal.
Srry again for asking and thanks again for those of u who are able to help.
0 notes
manjiroscum · 2 years
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Character/s: Bonten!Manjiro Sano
Warnings: f!reader, explicit sex, mature language, hybrid au, established relationship, reader is a bunny hybrid, mentions of past kidnapping, reader is an airhead, tiny angst, cunnilingus, rough sex, creampie, breeding kink, heat cycles, unprotected sex, and use of pet names. Minors do not interact.
Note: commissioned by bby grey @meganemoon 💖🥺 thank you so much and hope u like it luv!
Synopsis: Mikey would do anything for his wife—even hightail out of an important meeting.
WC: 2.7k
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Ginza Six, everyone's favorite mall—or so your old friends used to say for the heck of it whenever you guys passed the area after class just to seem relevant. Their snobbishness always irked you, but in a place where friendships were hard to come by, especially for hybrids, you never complained. Pretty little head too wrapped up in the thought that despite how mean they can be, they were still your friends. The building’s postmodern architecture gave off an aura of exclusivity that people will never miss, especially during the sunniest of days when the light hits the glass windows. The difference back then was you didn’t like how it was too lavish and expensive to shop there, the design reminding you of a sleek rubix cube. Finding the prices of the shops’ items to be ridiculous and quite hilarious at that time as a student. A bit envious of those who can afford it. You had no money to buy beautiful dresses that cost more than a month’s worth of groceries. Now? All you had to do was swipe on the trusty old credit card your beloved husband gifted you the first three months into the relationship two years ago. No more snobbish friends or bills to worry about. Time certainly flies fast, especially with Sano Manjiro as your lover.
To spoil his pretty baby was almost second to breathing for him. There’s nothing he can’t do.
Seemed like it was only yesterday when he freed you from a mountain of debts, whisking you away from those icky men who were illegally selling bunny hybrids in the underground city of Tokyo. It was a pity on their part when they decided to mess with the leader of Bonten in the matters of trade and scamming them, but certainly a win for you. Yet, marrying Sano Manjiro wasn’t part of your plans after being set free that involved a quiet life in the countryside after escaping such a stressful situation. Nor did you ever stop and think that maybe this was indeed fate working to reward you for going through tough times.
At the end of it all, you’re more than content with your husband and how he takes care of you.
Other than just a place to spend your free time whenever Manjiro was busy with Bonten, Ginza was the perfect place to just hang out. But unlike any other day, the number of people has significantly increased due to the new shop that opened days ago. Making a mental note not to go through the crowded areas, you almost skipped your way to the first store you wanted to check out. Perked up bunny ears slightly swaying as you went with the shopping bags on your arms that you’ve accumulated from thirty minutes spent going around. Sashaying your way into the Dior store, you politely smiled at the woman. Instantly recognizing you from the countless times you’ve visited, she was quick to assist you with a warm smile.
“Good day. What would it be today, Mrs. Sano?”
“I’ve seen pictures of a new set of leather collars that came in just this week.” Fishing out your phone from your purse, you then started to search for the screenshot you took before holding it up to the woman to see. Specifically pointing at the pink one that had a golden heart as a centerpiece. “Wanna surprise my husband since he likes these. I think it suits me, too. Don’tcha think so? Do you have it in stock?”
“Alright. Let me go and check, okay? In the meantime, feel free to sit down or have a look around.”
Left all by yourself again, you exhaled lightly and began to walk around the shop after setting down your shopping bags on one of the black cushioned seats. Eyes searching for something that might catch your attention as you waited for the sales associate to return. Eyeing a clutch, your gaze traveled from it to the streets outside where a mother and child were passing by. Huge cotton candy in the shape of a familiar cartoon character in the child’s hand, a smile on his face brighter than any of the ladies inside the same establishment as you. Contagious it was, as a smile of your own graced your features at them having a good time. Line of sight falling to the golden band on your ring finger, it slightly faltered then morphed into a pout.
Oh, Manjiro…
Quite dangerous it was for your husband to walk around in broad daylight and accompany you out. Not only were the police after his head, but numerous rivaling gangs wanted to jump on the leader of the most notorious criminal organization in Japan to make a name for themselves. Plus, he strongly implements that you and he should never be seen together in the public eye. And while there were times he brought you to restaurants, it was usually those who had connections with Bonten or you both went so close to midnight where regular citizens have gone home. Manjiro was always careful, calculating in every move in order to keep you safe. Trips to Ginza or other places wouldn’t be possible at all if he wasn’t. But as much as you were thankful, the forlorn feeling never stops seeping into your heart whenever you see couples out doing romantic stuff without care.
Would it be so selfish if you wished for the same thing even after being handed almost everything?
Whether it was the AC blowing directly on you or how the store was cold, you shivered and hugged yourself. Why the fuck is it so cold all of a sudden? You cursed at yourself for forgetting to bring one of your coats in case these things happen. Nevertheless, you quickly beamed at the sales associate now walking up to you with a grin on her face. Finally, once this is over, you could go out and seek the warmth of the sun.
“Mrs. Sano, the collar you wanted is available. Would you like to try it on first?”
Before you could even respond, another chill ran down your spine, prompting you to rub your hands together. What was even more frustrating was how your body temperature was slowly rising, a thick warm sensation blooming from your abdomen. This didn’t go unnoticed by the woman, who quickly tried to reach out and ask about your well-being. Your reaction was instant, stepping back to evade her touch in fear of aggravating the condition that has dawned upon you. Warm flesh, the pounding beat of your heart that is bound to get worse, and the slick dampening your aching pussy folds that would soon be embarrassingly obvious to anyone every time your thighs rubbed against each other. Not to mention, your ears flopping down at the realization, the skin gradually heating up.
Fuck! How could you forget about your heat?! How could you let such an important thing slip past your mind?
“M-Mrs. Sano? Are you okay?”
“Huh? U-uh, yeah!” A weak smile on your face, you then gestured at her to wrap the item. “I’ll take it, d-dear. That and another—what other color do you have? Red? Black? Well, w-whatever, just give me that and another one—doesn’t matter what, just please hurry up?” Seeing her nod and rush away after handing your credit card to her, you sighed. This wasn’t how you pictured your little shopping spree to go… How could you even forget about your upcoming heat?
Well, the telltale signs were already there… From the mood swings and the cravings.
A men’s cologne being tested was happening nearby, notes of what seemed to be spicy bergamot wafting towards you. Your hand shot up to cover your nose immediately at the enticing scent. Averting your gaze from where the sales associate disappeared, you weakly turned to the other way only to catch a familiar shade of hair paired with a different face. Heart banging on your ribcage at the images of your husband sprouting like daisies through concrete, you wished the traitorous mind filling your sight of him would halt in its silliness and leave you be. Wishful thinking never does anything and everywhere you turn, all you see are mimicking faces of Sano Manjiro that merely fueled your desire to have his cock inside your aching heat—now.
“Here you go, Mrs. S—”
“Thank you, bye!” Snatching the paper bag and the card, you mentally took note to apologize to her next time before taking off. Every step you took was like stepping in shards of glass. You did your best to avoid bumping into people as you left looking like you stole something from the looks you are receiving. Eyes darting to the cars parked, you squinted while trying to calm your hammering heart and the heat that gradually enveloped your body to a point everything was a big blur. Colors swirling into a heap almost diluted. To kiss the pavement would have been possible until your chauffeur took a hold of you, scanning your sweaty face and dazed expression. It’s even a miracle you managed to reach the car without passing out or jumping someone. Although the latter would’ve been far-fetched. Clinging to the man, you groaned.
“M-Mikey, c-call him please!”
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Bored. Tired. His feet screamed to go down the path headed straight to his motorcycle to take him home and see you. Mikey hated leaving the penthouse early, knowing you tend to be needy in the morning while he kisses you goodbye. But matters in the organization wouldn’t disappear overnight, especially when he’s needed. And today was no different, sitting at the head of the table, listening to Takeomi present the sales of the latest drug Bonten was selling. At the man’s call for his attention, the platinum-haired man was about to move his slightly chapped lips from staying utterly silent the whole time found his onyx irises falling to his vibrating cellphone on top of his desk. Brows furrowed as to why your chauffeur could be calling, he quickly picked it up and stood from his seat. The rest of Bonten instantly went quiet, prompting Takeomi to stand still and be ready to resume once Mikey was finished with his call.
Except he didn’t know it was connected to you.
“It’s your wife, Sir. She needs to speak to you—”
“G-give me that,” your shaky voice cut through the chauffeur’s voice, worry spiking up Manjiro’s spine at how disgruntled you sounded. Keeping his wits together, he waited for you to voice out your thoughts when you practically moaned into the receiver, causing your husband’s eyes to widen a fracture. What were you up to now? “Manjiro…” You drawling his name so seductively had his pants tightening. Manjiro could only mentally curse at the effect you have on him. “I’m sorry if I disturbed you, baby—know how much you hate me callin’ if you’re busy but, fuck…”
“What’s wrong?”
“‘Jiro, my heat… it’s here. Please come home to me.”
Thirty to twenty minutes. That is the usual traveling time Mikey had gotten used to from the penthouse to Bonten’s headquarters every time his presence was needed. Yet, it merely took him five to reach the towering building and ride up the elevator to your shared home. Seconds to discard his shoes and pad to the master bedroom, trailing the clothes you wore now serving like breadcrumbs on the floor. And even before he could swing the door open to ask where you are, you flung it back and jumped him. Hot kisses stamped all over his face, lowering down to his sensitive neck where goosebumps littered while he held you in his arms to steady you. The tight squeeze of your legs around his waist almost bruising, the aching damp cunt of yours rubbing against his clothed bulge. In all his years of living a dangerous life, Mikey would’ve normally prevented anyone from surprising him after being numerously betrayed by those who seek to ruin him. How easily those principles he lived by crumble at the face of you whining for his cock to stuff you full of his cum, naked as the day you were born with your bunny ears twitching.
“‘Jiro… fuck, I need you.”
“Baby, calm down—”
His words were akin to white noise, lips still aching to kiss every inch of his skin and bury yourself underneath it until Manjiro’s scent would stay with you for days, for weeks—forever. Taking matters into your own hands, you unlatched yourself from him and pushed him down until his back hits the mattress. You looked at him from above despite lust clouding your thoughts. And all your husband could do was stare back at your hazed-up mind, swallowing a moan once you straddled him and started grinding down his leaking clothed cock.
“W-wanna ride you.” Groaning at the overwhelming scent of your lover, you figured your hands had a mind of their own and started stripping him down to match you. Your leaking cunt in full display to his dark eyes that never strayed from you. You were definitely out of it—sheathing his throbbing and oozing dick inside of your gummy walls at once, whining at the stretch and how warm it was. But Mikey begged to differ, hissing at the contact and the wet muscles clenching him tightly as you started to bounce fervently. His wife has lost all inhibition and mewled, fingers playing with your perked nipples that he wished to suck on while you rode his cock.
But he couldn’t. Not when you would furrow your brows whenever he made a move to dominate you or to pin you down on the mattress to fuck you himself. No, you wanted to take lead for once and just take. Slowing down to just feel his cock snug in your hot slick cunt, you moaned into the air.
“Missed you so much, baby… Miss this cock in me—mhm, fuck. Need you…” Biting on your lower lip that it almost broke through the skin and bled, your gaze befell onto your husband who could only stare at you in muted awe. He then nodded at your statement, sharing the same sentiments. His pale chest rose and fell at the sight of raw carnal desire unfolding in front of him. Because fuck, if he had to choose between you and Bonten, anyone can mess around with the latter and still lose. But when it comes to you, those fuckers better be prepared to pry his cold dead hands from you before he’ll ever let anything awful happen to his pretty bunny. “‘Jiro…”
“Take me, baby,” he breathed, hands holding onto your hips and waist, giving them a squeeze. “Take it all. I’m all yours.”
No one had to tell you twice, resuming on bouncing on the cock you oh so loved. Unashamed to take what was yours and screaming obscene words, knowing only Manjiro is the sole witness to it all. Holding your tits, you keened. Mouth whining at how you couldn’t go on anymore. He knew this was gonna happen, you giving up in the middle of it because you hated tiring yourself—hate doing all the work. His spoiled bunny. The encouragement of your husband came in grunts, goading you to keep going. To fuck his cock and cream around it until you could no longer keep your eyes open.
“Isn’t this what—shit, what you wanted? Take this fuckin’ cock of yours, baby. Let it breed this bunny cunt. Don’t stop now.”
Sobbing softly, you came undone at the implication. Your eyes rolled back and body quivered at how he spilled his creamy cum into you. Cunt squeezing him dry for the first time today, despite knowing full well your husband would rather shoot blanks by the end of it than stop until your heat was over. Your searing gummy walls painted exactly like his silver hair. You were close to collapsing on top of him when Manjiro held you steady. Your husband caught his breath, a tiny curl at the end of his lips was a telltale sign that this was far from over. He suddenly flipped you to have your back on the mattress. Your husband then immediately went down face to face with your pussy folds still oozing with his semen. Warm tongue darting out to lick on your clit, earning a whine from your parted mouth.
“My turn.”
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harrysfolklore · 3 years
hello iloveu can u do with ryley ladd and she's like younger?? it's okay if u dont want to! <3
this has been in my drafts for a looong time and today i felt like posting it! i hope you like it
*age gap of 5 years*
ask me anything | masterlist | likes and reblogs are appreciated !
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liked by oliviarodrigo, madisonbeer and 986,328 others
yourinstagram you said if we had been closer in age, maybe it would've been fine, and that made me want to die
view all 57,328 comments
ynfan1 baby :(
conangray that was too deep taylor is unhinged
↳ yourinstagram ugh i know
harryfan1 not her indirecting harry 🙄
↳ ynfan2 that’s a taylor swift lyric but okay if the shoe fits
oliviarodrigo love you so much
↳ yourinstagram love you and miss you. sour has been on repeat
ynfan3 i wish i could hug her 
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liked by harryupdates, harryfan1 and 308,548 others
enews Harry Styles spotted with model Camille Rowe in Los Angeles tonight, two weeks after ending his relationship with singer YN YLN. Link in bio for the full story.
view all 22,749 comments
harryfan1 well DAMN
ynfan1 YN deserves so much better
harryfan2 they could be friends ffs
ynfan2 i hope yn writes a diss track about this lmao
harryfan3 as long as harry is happy i’m happy too
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liked by conangray, sabrinacarpenter and 964,329 others
yourinstagram and you’re probably with that blonde girl, who always made me doubt, she’s so much older than me she’s everything i’m insecure about
omg i’m just olivia rodrigo and taylor swift lyrics glued together 🫀
view all 54,389 comments
oliviarodrigo MY BABY 🥺
ynfan2 you’re hotter than the ~blonde girl btw
harryfan1 i hope all fans stay respectful to both yn and harry
↳ ynfan1 nah, harry can get lost
↳ harryfan2 same thing about your fave 🤷‍♀️
conangray bitch get tf up heartbreak doesn’t suit you
↳ yourinstagram i love you
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liked by harryupdates, harryfan2 and 3,749 others
sweetcreaturehs umm guys.. i saw harry and camille today
harryfan1 UMMM WTF
ynfan1 why was this in my discover page…
harryfan2 bestie give us the context please
↳ sweetcreaturehs won’t give much details for privacy reasons, but they’re definitely in a relationship, they were touchy all night
↳ harryfan3 WELL
ynfan2 anyway who’s ready for YN2?
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liked by annetwist, madisonbeer and 954,389 others
yourinstagram taking a little social media break 🤍 i’ll be doing hikes and writing songs in the meantime. love you all, stay safe
view all 58,929 others
ynfan1 we’re going to miss you so much ! take care of yourself
sabrinacarpenter ❤️❤️
ynfan2 WE LOVE YOU
annetwist Take care dear xx
↳ yourinstagram 🤍
↳ harryfan1 her and anne are still close that’s adorable
↳ ynfan3 is this harry from his mom’s account?
taglist: @cucciolafaerie @jelliebeanss @maria-r @eleanordaisy @sunflowersndpeaches @golden-hoax @alienorknight @evanjh @pilgrim-harry @handsomerry @sunflowervolume66 @lollypopsx @multiplums @89evrs @pinkishbabygirl @trulymadlykiki @quinnjackluke @piscesrecord @vanteguccir @ivegotparticulartaste @qclden @springholland @harryhoney-bee @harrysgloves @ayeshathestyles @thebigbutterflytattoo @comfort-reads @stylesmygucci @gimsaysay @styleisart @rosaliedepp @needyghosts
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screwcool-a · 7 years
hey !
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