#hopefully the hair thing isn't bullshit though
pandorasfavorite · 8 months
Punching Bag
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AN: guys proof read this for me, I'm too tired. FLUFF FINALLY MY LOVES.
Something about Dominik getting hurt never sat right with you, Of course, you expected it to happen and you didn't think much of it often. Lately, though Dominik had been getting thrown around all because the scriptwriters thought it was good for the plot. Truthfully you were starting to get frustrated because out of everyone in the Judgment Day, Dominik is the only one getting the bad end of the stick.
Dominik was holding his side when walking into the dressing room, making your eyes twitch in anger and irritation. You stand up and meet him in the middle of the room, lifting up the side of his shirt to see a large bruise forming on his side. "Shit babe, again?", you trace around the bruise as you process it. Your anger changed into worry when Dominik walked in. Don't get anything wrong here, the anger is still burning inside, but it's not Dominik's fault.
Dominik winces at you touching his bruise, making your eyes snap up to him. Like whiplash, your mood changes again back to anger. The rest of the Judgement Day is just watching; trying to see how far this will go. Your heart aches for Dominik, his bruising and constant pain resonating with you. You step back running your hands down your face; heat tingling at your fists. You take a few short breathes, but you soon realize that isn't enough to calm yourself down. You stride towards the door muttering to yourself, "This is fucking bullshit". You swing open the door and let it slam behind you.
The room is awkward. Everyone is trying to understand the anger and the context of everything that just happened. Dominik doesn't ponder on it, he's worried for you. He puts his shirt back into place and runs a hand through his hair, walking out of the door to find you. There isn't much Dominik can do to comfort you; other than rubbing your back and reassuring you he's okay... he's at a loss here. You know he's not okay, hell his side is black and blue and the rest of his body is recovering from last week.
The reassurance from Dom meant nothing to you. There is also nothing you can do right now, but everything in you begs to take a hit for him just once so he doesn't feel so much pain.
Today Rhea is going against Raquel at payback. The match has had some build up and the Judgement Day is looking forward to what is hopefully a win. Dominik was instructed to go out and "check on" Rhea in the middle of her match for dramatic effect. Which is fine because its all friendly and a way to show that Judgement Day is tight nit. You are already at ring side cheering Rhea on, and ridiculing Raquel because you didn't like her much either. Who knew today was the day that you want a match against her for contributing to Dominiks pain.
Dominik tumbles in, laying his front half on the ring reaching for Rhea in order to help her. Rhea pulls Dominik in not realizing what could've happen to him, Dominik slides into the ring but backs up almost immediately. Raquel has the upper hand here and was going to deliver a power slam onto Dominik. Youve studied the way Raquel fights and just based on her posture Dominik was in for it.
Maybe you arent in the right mind when you do it but you fling yourself off the floor sliding in front of Dominik and standing up in front of Raquel. She wastes no time putting you into the position with you thrown over her shoulder. You kick and trash as much as you can; knowing well and good your not prepared for the crash. Raquel holds onto the back of your head and flips you over, your back slamming onto the ring along with the rest of your body.
The stinging feels so unberable, your roll away trying to touch your back... to sooth the pain that Dominik would've felt. You can practically feel your shoulderblades brusing on instinct, you went into that blind. Dominik goes into these things blind too, not knowing what is awaiting him. Sure it hurt physically, but you feel so much better knowing that it was you and not him. You push yourself to hang off the side of the ring, your head and a arm hanging off the side while you try and catch your breath. Dominik runs to the otherside of the ring where you lay winded struggling for clear breathes.
His hands not so stubly shake as he holds your face, his eyes glide over your back and your painful look. He whispers to you not trying to get the attention of the cameras, "Baby, Im so sorry", he feels the tears of shame gather in his eyes and he tries to breathe through it. His voice trembles some, "Im so sorry". You pat one of his hands, smiling the best you can at him for now. You manage to slide of the ring to stand next to Dominik but he doesn't let that last for long. His arm snakes around your waist as he holds you up. His eyes urging Rhea to hurry up.
Its some kind of miricale but Rhea finishes up the match, showing off her belt and then coming to hold you up as well. Rhea still shoots daggers at Raquel and then looks back at you so Raquel knows she's still in for it. You all move to the infirmary, Dominik deadly silent, only the clicks of shoes can be heard in the infirmary. Dominik and Rhea sit you down, Rhea looks at Dominik and him and her share some kind of look. Rhea nods and walks out.
Dominik eyebrows are furrowed in and his eyes are sad when he looks at you, Dominik pulls up a chair in front you. He takes both your hands into his and he lays his head on them for a moment to collect his thoughts. He lifts his head up, rubbing the back of your hands with his thumbs. "Dont ever do that again. Please I don't want you hurt" he pleads. You shoot back instantly, "And I don't want you hurt", you say trying to justify your reasoning behind this.
Dominik shakes his head no, grimacing with guilt... you got hurt for him. He kisses the backs of your hands, his eyes squeezing shut for a second before he talks, "Please" it comes out in a whisper. A plead. Your eyes soften and you see how hard he is taking this. He moves closer to you, looking at you with expectation, "Baby, Please?" it comes out soft like its his last resort. Your lips pull to the side but you nod none the less.
"Let's talk to our boss. They will have to understand you can't be the punching bag Dom", you say with a mildly stern voice. Unegotiable. Dominik opens his mouth to say something like, 'it's okay' or 'there's no need'. "They will understand", you say every word defined with purpose, your eyes stuck on his. He nods holding your hands up to his face, "Okay". He says softer than ever, certain.
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ghostofasecretary · 1 year
weird day. Monday. 12.5.22. yes.
stuff i did today!
- wore an outfit from the List Of Outfits That Would Be Cool i made yesterday
- lost phone. went on a stupid quest to get phone again and got rewarded with an outfit compliment and my phone. am v glad i have phone
- [work bs static noises]
- made list of possible gifts to get work gift exchange person
- got news of my grandma's dx. not great!
- cooked dinner and my dad and i enjoyed it
- on Saturday i told my stylist my part was in a different place than it actually is (fatal error) so to fix it a little i cut some of my hair with kitchen shears (a centimeter too short) but also did not cut enough of it (fix later)
- called friends and played cards and vibed, that was great
- bought new glasses because apparently i need new glasses every like 4-6 months now
- was too Exhausted to call other people or send the texts i was meaning to send (sorry frondos) (maybe i can fix one of these problems later)
- watched the new episode of Bleach! really enjoying TYBW so far even though i do not remember enjoying reading the manga that much
- hugged my parents
- watered my plants
that's a nice list of things. or, y'know, there are at least two terrible things on it but i mostly did stuff!
i'm in that, like, "everything is horrible because One Big Thing is horrible but also there are other awful things in the background too" spot where any small thing is devastating? like i almost cried about losing my phone this morning and i was SO mad about it and then about all the other bullshit. and then the news was just--haha ok. ok. well. gonna uhhh kneel with my head on my bed like a Victorian protagonist, i guess! feeling overwhelmed and lifeless!
i want the things in my life to stop being in my life. and to welcome other better things into my life. and to have a fucking break.
the current level of anxiety and bad shit is horrid but it's not going to immediately kill me or fuck up my work life. i want better things for myself than this, but my current goal is to make it to February, see if sticking around was worth it and if not screech a lot, and then either way jump shit to a hopefully better situation. and also i'll keep an eye out for nicer ships that i might be able to jump to for, like, January. i can make it till the holidays. i can make it through December.
oh jesus fuck i'm getting hives on my feet now??? rude
anyways. um. i can also quit at any time and take a holiday because of the lifestyle choices i'm making and the privileges i have, so that's an option to remember. it would not be easy or long-term smart but it is a real option if i need to snap. and maybe the more pressing of the two bullshit issues will resolve soon and i will be less stressed and have a little more time for living and soul-nourishing study and stuff like that. we'll see. did i mention today was weird? today was weird. but hey, i did it! go me
there isn't really a nice conclusion to this ramble i just need to get my thoughts down somewhere and public felt better than private for whatever reason, so, here you go
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character bingo-james potter
i am very well aware that this is not really in the realm of my past posts and a couple of things?
marauders? yep. a somewhat funny story about how i got there involving macarons, minecraft bees, physics, and one tiktok person who does an amazing cosplay of this one character.
what about nagakura? i have been detoxed from his bullshit and would like to keep it that way for some time. have found that my urge to rip my hair off has decreased. not for long though, eheh. started playing hijikata's route during this hiatus thing and got did i want to punch him in the face. need to finish it, hopefully soon.
so without further ado:
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"got done dirty by the creators"- first off, canonically dead. the author did have an opportunity to capitalise on the marauders as her original fanbase got older and write a spinoff based on that. instead we got cursed child. a part of me was interested in jily's tale and how they got together apart from the bare bones in the canon.
"i am constantly going insane rotating them in my brain like a fork in a microwave"- i want to know why he was so popular, apart from plot convenience. he just appeared like someone who was too perfect, and snape's complaits would have appeared to be jealousy. so i would like him to be fleshed out more, and have him appear more human apart from "everyone loves him even after he died" and "he bullied snape". that being said, i do like some of the headcanons that have been presented like him giving golden retriever and a really really sappy romantic (stuff more based in canon, admittedly).
"what's wrong with them (affectionate)"- rose more from fanfic than canon. but i think the author wanted to instill that feeling for her readers.
"what's wrong with them (derogatory)"- must have been pre bad if it took a long time for lily to reciprocate her feelings. plus arrogance is kinda uhhh, not the best? idk, this one was pure vibes
"i like them but i don't really think about them much"- all in all, at the end of the day, i am sorta moving away from marauders and so that intrigue i have for james, which wasn't really present much to begin with, has slowly disappeared. still there! not as much.
this will probably be my one post that symbolises my time of being in the marauders fandom. also, desi james? it's kind of a vibe.
alas, we did not get a bingo this time either. will it ever happen? will i finish that 2500 research proposal by its due date? find out next time!
note, i do not support the author at all. it cannot be denied that she had a huge impact on our childhoods and so we look to her as a role model. but it is a pity that she is using her voice to propagate such hateful things to people who identify as trans as though this world isn't shitty enough.
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frogsandfries · 17 days
Ahhhhhhh! So fresh and so clean!
I haven't had a proper shower since last Monday, even though, if I'd known I wouldn't have water almost at all for two days, and there wouldn't be hot water for nearly a week, I would've taken another on Tuesday. No, I do not shower every day. I can't stand the over-stimulation of taking off all my clothes every day and I hate when my hair is wet and I hate using heating devices on my hair. Like, now I'm sweaty and need to shower again. Anyway. Yeah, if you want to think of it like that, I'm gross. I think I'm a normal person listening to my body.
So. I had my first proper hot shower since I've had this piercing. Which scares me more than it does you. But this is my second time washing the piercing with the piercing soap, which I think I was supposed to use after showering........ anyway, things are a little askew.
I had a nap today after work. I definitely would've slept longer, but I have a bossy cat. Today was only the second day on the new schedule, but........ I'm not crazy about this schedule. Even moving time zones isn't really going to fix this. I've lived over here for nearly four years. By the time I've adjusted to having this schedule in central time, either I'll have found something else, or I'll have another new schedule.
This job is trash and barely pays the bills, but there isn't really a great way to ask for a raise. It's not like I can bitch in the break room to my colleagues and we can collectively demand a raise, so I kind of just have to...... either send my manager an email, or discuss it over video. Either way, a fucking nickel isn't going to cut it--a dollar isn't going to cut it. Honestly, with this bullshit corpflation, three dollars will barely cut it. And with how shitty the clientele is, a five dollar per hour raise would barely be scratching the surface. Anyway, long story short, this job is bullshit chump change, and I'd desperately love to find something that pays that I enjoy doing. But the things I've liked doing have been considered not adult jobs and unworthy of being paid respectfully.
Cheer up Charlie, I get to see and have help me move, not one but two of my sisters! I just hope the girls are okay while my sister is away from them. I do not like or trust their dad........ Having a three person moving team is really my ideal in this situation: One person stays with the van, one person stays with the apartment. No worries about someone fucking with the van and no need to fiddle with the apartment key each time. And for us weaker sisters, we aren't pushing ourselves to tackle the stairs rapidly.
Then over the summer, we're going to start having the middle sister and her girls over to the house with increasing frequency. Hopefully we can enroll the girls in a school in our neighborhood by next autumn. Hopefully.
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baekhvuns · 2 years
Synnara's POBs aren't anything special imo, Ktown4u is alright, nothing amazing tbh but for Epilogue they had this beautiful pink Hwa one 🥰 so choose which is better for you shipping-wise, some POB previews dropped though you can't see shit anyway lol
Lmao yes Hwa was doing some DV moves 👀 bestie idk Guerilla and Cyberpunk have nice titles, but also The Ring, Rocky vibes? Or The Ring as the horror movie jhdushsjsjsjshhsh, what about you? All have pretty strong titles except WDIG (someone said it will be a ballad lol, I hope not, sorry 😬) did you see the description of Guerrilla, psychedelic sounds???
I know but it's so funny, Jongho isn't scared of weird loud sounds, but he sees a LADYBUG and dies inside. Yes you can give me your little rodents
Angst road... that does NOT make me feel better 😖 but I can't wait to read it and die </3
Yes the police tweeted about Skz concert, fucking FBI was involved?! People are fucking sick, it's awful I'm glad everything went well though
Asphalt or formula one 🤔
Hahahaha the Sunmi trailer was pretty cute, she called daddy CEO an otaku?! Hopefully they have good chemistry 🙏🏼 still them meeting Sunmi was definitely an honour so I'm happy for them
KQ is so unaware, wowwwww that's seriously so ridiculous with the NFT bullshit
I loooove 🥒 in every way though some Korean cucumbers taste weird??? Oi muchim is tasty as fuck, but raw Korean cucumbers are a bit disgusting actually
Alright but in that snippet of Love is Gone that was posted before the 1st chapter SEONGHWA WAS THE ONE STARING AT Y/N WASN'T HE oh how the turnt tables 😏
Yeah uhm I kinda left Rowoon for Seonghwa? A snippet from the dream:
Rowoon sat next to me in class, Seonghwa was behind us, he was kinda moody and I was touching his knee WTFFFF as he was talking about people touching his hair or arms unprovoked, so I was like "uhhh sorry for touching you then" but he said it was fine, so I kept my hand there. But me and Rowoon apparently were having a thing?... I wasn't sure if he was my boyfriend at first, but he kinda was I guess? 🙃
Bestie you'll catch me dead before reading any Mingi smut, but you should write him for the Minki's out there <3
All the tweets shusisuasgjagsgsys and Hwa's lil smile in the group selfies
CEO? I don't know him, I only know uber driver Tae
Idk why but I'm dying at giant 2ho - already waiting for the pcs from this collab, sigh
I got smiling threatening for the quiz 👀 have this unhinged one - DV 💖
hi hello!!
Synnara's POBs aren't anything special imo, Ktown4u is alright, nothing amazing tbh but for Epilogue they had this beautiful pink Hwa one 🥰 so choose which is better for you shipping-wise, some POB previews dropped though you can't see shit anyway lol Lmao yes Hwa was doing some DV moves 👀 bestie idk Guerilla and Cyberpunk have nice titles, but also The Ring, Rocky vibes? Or The Ring as the horror movie jhdushsjsjsjshhsh, what about you? All have pretty strong titles except WDIG (someone said it will be a ballad lol, I hope not, sorry 😬) did you see the description of Guerrilla, psychedelic sounds???
synnara pob’s look ugly im not investing 😭😭😭🤚🏼 withmuu seems to have the best ones 😭😭 bestie im calling dibs on sector 1 idk something abt that song screams park seonghwa <3 FHWKFBKS GUERRILAS PSYCHEDELIC SOUNDS WHICH IS LIKE PRECIOUS AND HORIZON??? sO IM 100% INTO THAT AYOOO wdig better be a r&b song aint no way they mf putting a ballad on this album 😭😭😭
I know but it's so funny, Jongho isn't scared of weird loud sounds, but he sees a LADYBUG and dies inside. Yes you can give me your little rodents
LMFAOOOO 😭😭😭 jongho gangster until a roach shows up 😭😭 jVDNWBDNW RODENTS DBDBD THE BRITISH SHOWED A LITTLE THERE
Angst road... that does NOT make me feel better 😖 but I can't wait to read it and die </3 Now here it is STOP HYDRATING AND JUST DRINK COFFEE AND YOU'LL BE HEALTHY 🤗
JFHWKDH DONT HATE SEONGHWA HE IS TRYING HIS BEST ATM BDDBD it’ll be done before tmr so hopefully it’s up on sunday 😭😭 LMFAOOOO WHAT CULT IS THIS 🤚🏼🔫
Yes the police tweeted about Skz concert, fucking FBI was involved?! People are fucking sick, it's awful I'm glad everything went well though
tHE FBI??????? wtf 😭😭 its literally always their concerts??? god damn 😭😭 i saw someone ik go to the seattle concert of theirs yesterday,,, never been so jealous 🔫🔫🔫
Asphalt or formula one 🤔 Hahahaha the Sunmi trailer was pretty cute, she called daddy CEO an otaku?! Hopefully they have good chemistry 🙏🏼 still them meeting Sunmi was definitely an honour so I'm happy for them
IT WAS CUTE YEAH 😭😭 daddy ceo otaku pLS FBWMFBWMFBWM omg yes hopefully they all be on crack or something with her 😭😭 it’s nftmi meeting with nfteez 😭😭🤚🏼
KQ is so unaware, wowwwww that's seriously so ridiculous with the NFT bullshit
I loooove 🥒 in every way though some Korean cucumbers taste weird??? Oi muchim is tasty as fuck, but raw Korean cucumbers are a bit disgusting actually
oh no mf way they be describing it as tasting like electricity 😭😭 jVDKQHDKW WHAT DO THEY PUT IN THEM CUCUMBERS BC HALF THEIR POPULATION HATES IT 😭😭🤚🏼omg ok speaking of cucumbers thoughts on itzy’s sneakers mv
Alright but in that snippet of Love is Gone that was posted before the 1st chapter SEONGHWA WAS THE ONE STARING AT Y/N WASN'T HE oh how the turnt tables 😏
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Yeah uhm I kinda left Rowoon for Seonghwa? A snippet from the dream: Rowoon sat next to me in class, Seonghwa was behind us, he was kinda moody and I was touching his knee WTFFFF as he was talking about people touching his hair or arms unprovoked, so I was like "uhhh sorry for touching you then" but he said it was fine, so I kept my hand there. But me and Rowoon apparently were having a thing?... I wasn't sure if he was my boyfriend at first, but he kinda was I guess? 🙃
YOU WERE WHAT FBWNFHWKFHAK how’d it feel tho 😭😭 PLS THE SEONGHWA IN UR DREAMS IS EITHER CRYING OR PISSED 😭😭😭 u and rowoon??? 👁🤚🏼👁 that’s a new pairing unlocked ayo i had a dream unfort it was so exciting and interesting that i genuinely do not rmr anything about it <3
Bestie you'll catch me dead before reading any Mingi smut, but you should write him for the Minki's out there <3
LMFAOOOO JFVACDK but if i include seonghwa in that smut then what 🔫
All the tweets shusisuasgjagsgsys and Hwa's lil smile in the group selfies
LMFAOOOO 😭😭😭 omg here’s more of him he’s so stunning???? oh my god???
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CEO? I don't know him, I only know uber driver Tae
LMFAOOOO FHWMFBWM see,, arrange marriage au’s with ceo’s always slap for this reason bc when the yn gets married to him,, she gets a free hot driver to look at everyday <3
Idk why but I'm dying at giant 2ho - already waiting for the pcs from this collab, sigh
JFBWNDBWK JONGHOS BUILT 🤚🏼🤚🏼🤚🏼 the pc’s do look so very pretty but here’s wooyoung for u
I got smiling threatening for the quiz 👀 have this unhinged one - DV 💖
smiling threatening 😭😭 i got the quiet threatening <3 RBQNHDKW I GOT THE STOP BEING EDGY OFJQKBFKWBDLQBDKQ NEVER IM NEVER STOPPING 😭😭😭
here’s a quiz for u!
also this legendary tweet
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demo-ness · 3 years
google is so fucking useless sometimes. our neighborhood has a rabbit problem and since we have miniature breed dogs we’re like, pretty not into having holes that lead out of our yard? and you’d think it’d be self correcting since our dogs hang out in the yard, but these rabbits DO NOT give a shit, they’re so willing to outrun our youngest dog every day
google’s advice is stuff like “put snakes in your garden” and “make sure your wire mesh fence extends out an extra foot :)” and “buy a fucked up motion sensor spray bottle lol”
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mellow-em · 3 years
Bittersweet Temptations
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[special dts: @bluewingedangel @siennamariia <3]
Your neighbors, Nathan and Elena, have been friends with your parents for years. Whether it’d be family gatherings or vacations, they were around; they were family. But when you return home from your final years of college, what will happen when you find that it isn't just them living in the house next door anymore?
I wanted to say something.
I knew based on the long expressions plastered across their faces, that they were waiting impatiently for me to say something too.
But I physically couldn’t.
A knot cemented itself at the back of my throat, suffocating me as I tried to swallow. I could feel my mouth suffer through a drought as I did so.
All I could do was look at the three of them, internally wallowing in embarrassment with a load of questions making my head spin.
How could Nate and Elena keep something like that from me? What were they thinking? No. What was I thinking?
Suddenly, the voices of people scattered amongst the yard became too loud. Though, the stares directed towards me were louder.
“Y/n can you say something?”
Without even thinking, I felt my body turn away from them, and I carried myself away.
“Y/n?” I could hear Elena calling after me.
“I’ll just be a minute” I finally croaked back to her, relieved that I could finally get a word out.
I rushed past the deck towards the side of the house.
I knew in the back of my mind that I was being ridiculous. It wasn’t something to run away from; knowing they probably felt just as awkward telling me.
But I had to get away from Sam.
I couldn’t bear standing there while his smug grin could be seen in the corner of my eye.
It was driving me crazy.
Why does he insist on making this hard on me?
I continued to let my feet travel, not even worried about where I would end up. It felt good to step away from the chaos that my parents organized, for a while anyway.
But I soon found myself at the dead end of the street, in front of the wooded patches that lined the edges of the pavement; sectioning off the neighborhood from the forest.
Without any hesitation, I stepped past the barricading trees, and onto the trail that led to a place of sanctuary.
A small body of water sat on the indented ground, with blooming ferns and bushes fencing it. Farther away from the pond, large rocks collected together, forming makeshift seats to take in the atmosphere.
It looked like it belonged in a cheesy disney movie, or a landscape renaissance painting.
I found this place with Nate when I was little, and since then I would escape here when things become too much to handle.
I sat myself down on one of the largest slabs of rock, almost seeing the memories with Nate passing around me in the form of faded visuals; they were almost ghost-like.
I took myself into these moments one by one; succumbing to the laughter, the playfulness, the smiles, the thrill.
Even though I love my parents more than anything, the bundles of memories Nate and I shared, showed me a glimpse of adventure that my parents couldn’t give me.
The overwhelming feeling of contentment pushed a smile onto my face.
But in an instant, it all faded.
That one moment with him feasted on my conscious mind like a ravenous vulture. It made my stomach churn in the worst possible way.
I sunk my head into my hands, huffing in frustration.
That is, until I heard a few raucous cracks of leaves and sticks not too far from me.
I fix my posture while whipping my head towards the direction of the noise, only to be met with guilty eyes.
Nathan stood there, leaning his upper body on the stiff trunk of a tree.
Perfect timing, Nate..
My lips flatlined as I scratched at the corner of my forehead, “Hey.”
He steps closer, leisurely but surely.
“Hey,” he gestures to the vacant space next to me, “can I?”
Placing both of his hands on his thighs, he plops down next to me, slightly grunting. We sat there in silence; but it wasn’t peaceful, it was impatient.
The both of us were longing to say something to one another, but neither of us preferred confrontation in the slightest. So we sat there, staring at the grove.
“It’s been a while since we’ve been here.”
I look over to him, noticing the tinge of nostalgia sketched upon his features.
“uh yeah.. yeah it really has,” I release a breath, reverting my eyes back to the pond, “almost 5 years.”
It was two days before I left for college. Screaming echoed throughout the house, and reverberated through my head, overwhelming my senses.
My parents chalked it up to being stressed over ‘my big move,’ which I can believe. But the words said that day pushed its way through me. I finally had enough of the nonsense and hollered back at them.
Big mistake. ‘you’re an absolute failure’ They said, ‘you’re never gonna go far.’
Long story short, I ran out of the house, and into the forest. I sat on this same rock, with tears planting glistening streams down my face.
Nate apparently heard the commotion, which wasn’t too surprising, and he made his way to me.
He didn’t even say a word before wrapping his arms around me; embracing me with a comforting warmth that slowly eased me back to normal.
‘Sic Parvis Magna,’ He said.
I was more than confused with those few words, until he began to speak once more.
‘Greatness from small beginnings. Now this isn’t exactly small, you know, with you leaving me here to go to college and all. But it is a new beginning- your new beginning. Don’t let anyone stop you from moving forward.’
That was the last day I saw this beautiful spot of ours, and the last time I really had a solid conversation with Nate; it made the final memory bittersweet at best.
“It really hasn’t changed a bit though.”
“Probably because change is dining elsewhere,”I tried to whisper under my breath, but unfortunately, he heard me loud and clear.
I look up at him in the corner of my eye, noticing his presence fall into a sea of guilt again.
He runs his hand through his surprisingly neatened hair, letting out a sigh that releases all of his proper posture.
“Look, y/n, I wanted to tell you. I really did. But it’s just-”
“Nate all I gotta ask is why? Why would you keep something that major from me?”
I had my body fully turned to face him now, while he still remained there; slouched with his head bowed to his fidgety hands.
I could tell he was stalling, swallowing his responses with force.
“Nate. Just tell me. Please.”
His eyes closed as he exhaled, “It’s a very long story.”
“I’ve got plenty of time.”
“Not exactly.” Roars of laughter within the distance cause both of us to look at the trail leading out of the woods, “we’ve still got a party going on, which happens to be for you, if I may add-”
“Seriously Nate, you think I care?” I was growing fretful, mentally pleading for him to just give up on excuses.
His hands raised in defense, “Fine, fine, okay..”
It didn’t even occur to us how long we’d been out here until the streams of sunlight disappeared from the ruptures in between the trees. The day was just replaced with the beginning of nightfall.
“So you’re telling me that Sam, your brother...who was presumed dead for 15 years, dragged you out across the globe to find Henry Avery’s treasure in 3 months because a drug lord was gonna kill him if you didn’t?”
Nate stifled a low chuckle, nodding along.
“So I take it you found it and gave the son of a bitch his cut? Well, since he’s alive and all-”
“Hey, language missy.” He attempted a scolding tone, but I could see through his thin facade.
I rolled my eyes, shoving him playfully,“Haha very funny. Now answer the question mister.”
“Well, it turns out the son of a bitch was Sam. He uh- lied about the whole thing.”
My eyes widened, “Wait what? So the drug lord- the sole purpose of the treasure hunt..”
“Yep it was all bullshit.”
I averted my wide-eyed gaze from him to the pond that was now lit with the blaring lights of fireflies,“Wow. I’m surprised no one got the chance to kick him in the face.. or balls.”
“Yeah Rafe- he pretty much took care of that one..”
The both of us laughed, causing a few birds to flutter away from the branches closest to us.
I missed this.
“Figured I’d find you two here.”
As our fit died down, we glanced over to a beaming Elena emerging from the trail with her arms crossed over her chest.
“I told your parents that you were comin’ over with us. I assumed you wanted some space from all the chaos.”
I showed my relief in the form of a warm simper, up until the realization punched me in the face.
Sam is gonna be there.
My body tensed, becoming a stiff statue in place. The lack of saliva in my mouth was back, and I felt my breath hitch silently.
I guessed the two of them noticed my change in demeanor.
“Are you okay y/n? You don’t have to if you don’t want to,” Elena’s tone was gentle, as her grin faltered slightly.
“No no it’s fine it’s just- it’s nothing don’t worry,”I abruptly stood up, scratching at my forehead again, “lets go, back.”
“You sure?,” I felt Nate’s arm fall over my shoulders, giving me a faint squeeze as the three of us trudged down the path.
I needed to take my mind off of Sam, hopefully I can avoid him.
“Yeah..” my voice trailed off, “as long as I get to play a certain game that I happened to have the highest score of.” walking confidently with my head held high, I could still see Nate rolling his eyes.
“Actually, Elena has since claimed that title for herself.” Nate said frankly.
A dramatic gasp escapes my lips,“Elena, are you kidding me!”
“Hey, don’t get mad at the pregnant lady here,” she looks back at Nate and I as we continue to walk down the trail, “how about this: you two compete to try and beat my high score.”
Nate looks down at me with the same contemplative look I give him.
“And what’s the catch, hun?” Nate asks.
“Loser gets pushed or thrown into the pool.”
Well well well, Elena’s finally getting in on our shenanigans.
I smirked, “This is gonna be light work.”
“Oh really now? I just know you’re secretly afraid that I’m gonna win.”
“Sure, Nate. I’m not gonna lose, you’re all bark and no bite.”
It was his turn to let out a theatrical breath,“How dare you accuse me of such a thing?”
While Nate and I went on with our child like banter, Elena laughed hysterically at our foolishness,“You two are absolutely ridiculous.”
Nate glances back at me, only this time his fist patiently waited in front of me for a fist bump, ��you ready to get destroyed?”
I scoff, hitting my fist on his, “You’re on.”
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waywardtakami · 3 years
- don't leave me
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✦pairing: hawks x gn!reader
✦c/w: language, slight mha manga spoilers, 16+ only , angst
✦a/n: hello!! I'm very excited about this fic, it's my first gn one! It's been sitting in my wips for so long and I'm finally happy with it. hopefully people will still read this without there being smut. thank you! <3
✦summary: hawks gets hurt during a mission...
✦w/c: 2k
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Keigo had left you again to fight in another mission. He had only been gone for a few days, but you wished he was with you instead. You missed him so much. He hadn't been physically by your side in so long, causing your heart to ache again. Times like these were practically torture. Waking up without him by your side was agonizing, but you were used to it.
His job was all-consuming and you knew him being away for large amounts of time would affect you when you committed yourself to this relationship. There was a constant worry for his life and maybe a little for your own. 
You and Kei decided to keep your relationship as private as possible so no one would go after you. He didn't want anyone to kidnap or hurt you. 
Even though his musk scent was flooded throughout your shared home, you still tried distracting yourself the best you could.
After making your favorite food, you plopped onto the couch and turned on the TV to try and take your mind off him. 
As the TV flickered on, your boyfriend's face flashed across the screen. A gruff voice played over what was being shown. You assumed it was just something about his stats or a recent interview per usual. It didn't help the feeling in your heart subside by seeing him.
You changed the channel, again and again. But every channel had been taken over by the same broadcast. You eventually fixated and listened.
Your heart dropped.
Hawks had been accused of murder. 
"Murder...?" you mumbled to yourself. "No..he...what?" Your heart was beating so fast it felt like it was about to thump out of your chest. You were stuck in a pool of emotions of confusion and immense shock, it was like your head was on fire. 
Dabi...one of the League of Villain members was behind this. All the information you received was from Keigo's colleagues and the media. 
Keigo had been hurt bad...real bad.
The fact that you couldn't do anything about it had you overwhelmed and panicked. When you finally found out which hospital he was brought to through FatGum, you drove yourself there.
Of course he was brought to one one of the furthest ones from where you guys lived. On top of that, traffic was horrendous. With everything that had gone down, the citizens of the city were frantic and trying to get home to their families.
Your hands and entire body practically trembled while driving. Your eyes pricked with tears at the thought of Keigo's wounded state. "He's fine he's fine he's FINE!" You kept telling yourself over and over. 
When you made it to the hospital, there was a large number of people in the waiting room. The sounds of people clamoring in and trying to get a room were deafening. You hurried over to the front desk. 
"Hello Ma'am I need to see Hawks, he should be here." She wouldn't let you in his room. You wanted to see him, no you needed to see him. You started crying, pleading, begging for her to let you go in his room. But the front desk lady apologized and insisted he needed to rest and isn't accepting visitors. 
You knew it was really because she probably thought you were just some fan of his. Or maybe even a reporter trying to sneak in photos. But no, you were his baby, his life, and they weren't going to let you in.
"I'M HIS DAMN PARTNER FOR GOD SAKES!" You yell while slamming your fist against the counter. You didn't realize how much impact you put into your fist until you felt pain in your hand. The waiting room goes almost quiet and heads turn to look at you. You glance back to see all the faces turned to you. 
Your voice softens from embarrassment. "Please...just let me see him." Your fist still against the counter looking at the nurse with tears streaming down your face. 
She stands up and moves closer, "I'm so sorry, I believe you…" She slides a clip board with a few papers attached. "...but we can't let you in just yet he's still recovering from his injuries, he needs to rest right now. Please fill these out while you wait." She looks back up with you with a faint smile. She really does believe you. She can see it in your eyes, the pain, she understood.
You release your hand, and pick up the clipboard. Looking at her on the other side of the counter you give her a face flustered nod and mouth a quick "thank you."
You go sit down comfortably in one of the empty chairs to wait for keigo to wake up...
The news of your wounded boyfriend was already half across Japan. After filling out the forms you scroll through your phone to calm yourself down. You kept seeing post after post about him. Almost all news headlines had his name. 
You think to yourself about how much of it is all bullshit and that he's fine. Deep down you weren't sure if the words your brain kept telling you were true. You click on one of the posts about him that reads: 
Your heart skips a beat, but quickly you realize it's just a fake. You scroll through, lightly skimming the bullcrap you were reading. You scroll and see a photo taken of him the night he was brought to the hospital. You wonder how the press even got a photo of him. You focus on the photo, he does look dead. It only showed his upper body, completely covered in burns. More tears forming at the corners of your eyes just seeing him in the photo. Oh and his wings, his big bright vermilion wings...gone.
You were a complete mess at this point but your sniffles and choked sobs were interrupted by the front desk lady waving to you. "He's awake." 
Quickly following her into the room you see him. As you stand in the doorway for a moment, your heart sinks. You hurry to him. He had bandages wrapped around his head. His hair was short and mostly singed off. And his wings...they really were gone. "I'll leave you two alone," the nurse walks out and closes the door behind her.
You turn back to him.
"Kei?" you whimpered out.
His half lidded eyes look at you. His formerly bright, charming and yellow pupils have become dark and filled with anguish. He was wearing a mask over his nose and mouth with two tubes coming from the sides of it. He couldn't speak or breath himself, due to his throat being burned. 
Of course he knew it was you. Tears welled up deep inside and coursed down his cheeks. Seeing him like this had your body nauseas. You move to cup your hand on his face, feeling the material of his mask rather than his soft subtle skin. You graze your thumb against his cheekbone to wipe away his tears.
You pick up one of his hands to hold it in yours. "Kei….I'm so glad you're okay." You were sniffling through each word. He slowly raises his arm to point to the phone sitting on the table near his hospital bed. Handing it to him, you watch as his calloused fingers type out what he wants to say. 
"Angel, I've missed you so much, please never leave my side." You faintly smile at him, wishing you could hear those words come from his mouth and not the AI voice. 
"I won't leave you Keigo, I'm here, I won't go anywhere."
He types again. "I'm pretty beat up, but I think I'll make it."
Your ears focus on "think" for a moment. "Yes Kei you'll be fine, everything's gonna be okay. You felt a bit better being in his presence but you still couldn't bear the sight of him. Your eyes began to prick with tears once again and this time Kei was the one who bought his hand up to brush your tears away just like you did moments ago. 
You try your best to wrap your arms around him without causing him anymore pain. You could feel him wince when you laid your head against his chest. "Sorry Kei I didn't mean to hur-" He waves his hand and shakes his head, signaling that it's okay.
Your body looked calm despite how tangled your mind was.There were many questions that flooded your mind. So many things you wanted to say. But you could worry about the details later. Right now you were finally with him again, there was no way you were letting him leave you ever again.
You were bent over, upper body on top of him at an awkward position. You didn't want to hurt him, so this had to work.
Despite the position, you took in the moment with your boyfriend. Feeling his chest slowly rise up and down. You close your eyes and imagine you were back home with him in bed. Just snuggling on a weekend afternoon, light shining in on him making his wings light up beautifully against the sun. His golden locks and glowing skin, his scent washing over your senses. Your warm bodies practically glued together. You wanted that again, you wanted everything back to normal.
He moved one of his scarred hands to your back, slowly rubbing up and down. He knew he wasn't going to make it. He was fighting so hard on the inside. So damn hard...for you. He didn't want to leave you, he couldn't. His mind wandered about the life he had planned to have with you.
He faintly smiled under the mask when he imagined you walking down the aisle...holding your first child...sitting in little rocking chairs growing old together. That's all he wanted.
Both of your tears never stopped. You were both silent. The only sounds to be heard were each other's quiet sniffles and the monitor Keigo was attached to, making a faint beep to his heart beat. Still laying on his chest, his breathing started to slow and so did the beeping, being lost in the moment you didn't notice really but he knew.
He waved his hand signaling for you to stand up and brought his hand to take off his mask. He couldn't hold on much longer. Every aching pain inside him felt like knives stabbing his insides and with each stab more time from his life was taken.
"Kei, you need to keep it on to breath, please." He shakes his head and takes it off anyways. The beeping still started to slow. The mask hung off the side of his face. His honeyed voice now husk from the burns. 
"Baby...I love you so...so.." He coughs making him hiss at the pain.
"No..fuck..Kei stop, you're going to be okay just put the damn mask on." 
"I'm too..far..gone, I have no more fight left." 
Holding his jaw in your hands,your face inches from him. "No you have to stay strong for me, please don't leave me again, I can't do this without you." 
"Kid...please...when I'm gone...find someone else and-
"NO- I ONLY WANT YOU!" You cry out, holding his head to your chest. Long-lasting sobs leaving your mouth.
"I love...you" His breathing is heavy from trying to speak. He needed to tell you this. He needed you to understand how much he loves you.
Moving his head from your chest. "I love you too...kiego." You manage to say through your choked sobs. 
You move to have your lips brush his, softly, delicately, like butterfly wings, just long enough that he could inhale your breath, feel the warmth of your skin. He closes his eyes and connects his lips to yours. It was deep and passionate, like you were kissing him for the first time. You held one side of his face with one hand, and held his hand with the other. 
But when you pull away, his eyes don't open. It's like that's all he wanted, no needed. One last kiss, one last touch. To feel you. 
His breathing completely slows, and you're left with the prolonged beep of the monitor. He was gone. The man who was always too fast for his own good, had left you and the world too fast.
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✶tag list: @levithestripper @sleepysnk @conniesspringersgf @regretfulfairies @miyanom @sashatotie @romeoandjuliet96 @strawberry-pp @megvmi-s @cinnamonnn-roll @gooddayzarerare @kkodzvken
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k3rm1e · 3 years
Hello, could I request a reader that used he/they pronouns and has a deep Voice but they have a very feminine body. They don't have dysphoria though, Can you do a reaction to that anyone from the dream smp. Thank you hopefully this isn't that confusing.
Hello, could I request a reader that used he/they pronouns and has a deep Voice but they have a very feminine body. They don't have dysphoria though, Can you do a reaction to that anyone from the dream smp. Thank you hopefully this isn't that confusing.
hi! by this i’m pretty sure you mean a trans ftm reader who just doesn’t experience gender dysphoria. i’m pretty sure this is what you meant so if this wasn’t accurate please just send me another ask! i hope you enjoy this <3
also i had no clue for the title thing oabibefhbkf just ‘gender’
he/they pronouns used this also mentions body type, so if that’s something you wanna avoid here’s a little note :)
cw: cursing 
  being a faceless streamer came with challenges. fans asking what you looked like, accusing you of being a creep because you won’t show your face. but there were the perks. no one judged you for your looks, you wouldn't get recognized, hell, if you wanted to just leave the face of the internet, no one could find you. but, then there also came the time when your friends wanted to see you.
  “hi chat! so today we’re just gonna be running around the smp, uh, no ones doing lore right now right? i did not check and i don’t wanna mess with anyone’s stream, heh.” seeing much of the chat saying ‘no’ or ‘you’re fine’ you continued on.
  “no lore? no lore. pog. we won’t have to try and avoid anything.” you were just running around, talking with chat. eret had joined and you asked if she wanted to join vc.
  “hello ert, what’s up?” you addressed him as ‘ert’ instead of his name, finding it amusing. “i am live right now,  just so you know.”.
  “hi! hi chat, how are you all? and i’m just doing nothing right now, i was gonna see if there’s any materials i could gather for the museum.” you ran over to their chords, crouching in front of him.
  for the rest of the stream you mainly screwed around, having talks with chat. that was how it was for a while until near the end of stream when you were mainly just chatting with music, a dono was read out by tts saying, “deep voice bois. streamer when shall the face reveal be. let us (respectfully, ofc) swoon.”.
  “uh, uh, i dunno, dono. i mean, its never been something i’ve put a lot of thought into. like, even though people have asked its just not really something i’ve ever wanted to do, y’know?” trying to explain yourself like this, it always was slightly panicky, but you just shoved it down.
  “chat, he’s not even lying though. all my months on this server, i still have no clue what he looks like!” you could tell eret was trying to relieve some pressure from you, god bless her soul. you owed her.
  “yeah, i just haven’t ever wanted to. like, i think only like, maybe like bad and them have seen me, like years ago when i first met people on munchymc.” continuing on with questions, you ended the stream within the next 30 or so minutes.
  when you had finally shut everything down with a sigh, you spoke. “thank you eret. i owe you.” you leaned back in the chair, staring at the ceiling.
  “yeah, yeah, next time i get asked any uncomfortable question you can be a knight in shining armor. but, on that note, i have been meaning to ask you about that though, why haven’t you done any sort of face reveal?” you knew he meant no harm at all, even so you were dying inside.
  “uh, i just haven’t ever wanted to. i mean, if you want to, just to know what i look like, we can, its fine. i don’t mind.” you were scratching the back of your neck, already regretting your life choices.
  “yeah, i would. um, we could just do like a discord call later, tomorrow? when its not like four in the morning?” his voice held humor in it, you knew he was trying to relieve the tension.
  “yeah, yeah, of course. let’s. tomorrow.” you said you’re goodbyes and ran to bed, knowing tomorrow would be stressful.
  you woke up early to an alarm, making sure you were physically and emotionally prepared for this. taking shower, you did your hair and makeup. even with though your voice was super deep, you still had feminine features. it was never a bother, so why get rid of them? plus, it saved you a shit ton of money. top surgery was expensive, bottom surgery even more. hormone therapy was easier, but still cost money, but it was just inconvenient for the position you were in now.
  trans discourse was a small thing, but seemed so big when you looked at the people who created it. if you did show yourself, would you still be accepted even if you didn’t feel dysphoria? even through all your nerves, you kept through it. eret would accept you; they were quite literally one of your best friends. it would be fine. fine.
  sitting at your pc, you answered the call the moment it started ringing. you stared at his face in the camera and watched his face twist in confusion. “somehow i think i expected you to look different. a bit more murdery, i suppose.”
  you tried to smile, or laugh, but couldn’t bring yourself to. god, how you hated human emotions. they were all so complex and unreasonable, making people feel like they would vomit even though nothing had physically ailed them. emotions made no sense, whatsoever.
  “yeah, um, yeah, no this, this is what i look like. um, i just never really- never really felt any sort of, like gender dysphoria, i guess? like, i uh, i cut my hair and kept it like that , but in terms of like, body-wise just- no.” you wished your mouth would stop moving, but you just kept bartering about. “yeah, and i know there’s the whole discourse stuff about whether trans people need gender dysphoria, and i don’t know how you think, but i know who i am. and whatever you think will not change that, at all. i just hope you can, y’know, accept that.” you had finally shut up and were winded. good. at least you sounded somewhat confident. 
  “oh, god no, dude, you are whatever you identify as. in no way should you need to feel gender dysphoria to be trans, that’s bullshit. you’re still you, and if you identify as a boy, you’re a guy. its as simple as that.” eret was smiling nicely at you through the camera.
  you wanted to cry. all that, all that worrying, about nobody accepting you, about them hating you, had all been for nothing. “seriously, you don’t know just how much that means. i- thank you, man. thank you.” you better not cry.
  “its literally just human decency man, don’t thank me. you are so valid, don’t worry about it.”.
i hope this was what you wanted! for anyone reading this, just no you are all so valid. you don’t need gender dysphoria to be trans, you just are. i hope you guys all have a lovely day! <33
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marchioness-caprina · 3 years
I Deserve You
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Pairings : Tamaki Amajiki x Reader
Writing Style : 3rd Person
Warnings : Mild Cussing
Word Count : 3091
3rd Person's POV
The Day of the School Festival, After stressful Days of practicing dance moves for the Preparation of Class 1-A's show everything was going smoothly. Everyone was having Fun And Y/n was too. She was playing the Violin while Bakugou played the Drums, Tokoyami and Denki with the guitar, Jiro and y/n also shared the vocals and Momo with the Keyboard.
Y/n was Having Fun seeing all her peers enjoying the show they put on but something was missing and she was desperately searching for a certain someone to watch the show. Mirio was there... But where was Tamaki?.
Y/n was having fun... Was... After finally confirming that Tamaki did not come to watch her mood immediately dampened.
She had been crushing on this 3rd year male from the very beginning and she did not try to hide it. In fact she would go try to catch him in any way, she'd flirt with him, court him, confess to him, give gifts to him but all the boy ever did was Shy away from her, he'd return her gifts and he'd even run away.
Even though y/n would either laugh it off or smile. It hurt pretty damn much. And now she was actually hoping he'd show up to atleast show that he cares but no he was not here.
Her heart dropped knowing fully well that he didn't care. And as their show finally ended. She had a blank expression plastered on her face making her classmates worry.
Because she was always expressive and smiling, her face always filled with emotions and her eyes lively and fiery. But now she looked different.
" Y/n-chan! Are you ok? " Mina was the first to ask and her classmates looked at her having the same question as the pink haired girl.
" Yeah I'm fine... I'm just tired " Y/n tried faking a smile but this time. It was too painful to do.
She was completely smitten for Tamaki.
" Bullshit, it's pretty clear that you aren't. And let's be honest here. When were you actually tired? Never. " Bakugou grumbled as y/n raised her brow gazing at the boy before shrugging her shoulders and walking away ignoring the calls of her classmates.
" Guys... Let's give her some time alone " That was the last comment she heard before she disappeared into the crowd.
She needed to get her mind off of things and what's the better way to do it than eating Takoyaki while watching the beauty pageant held by U.A.
Y/n was surprised to see Nejire senpai showing her talent , Nejire flying from above the ground. She looked beautiful but then y/n heard the familiar voice of the person she was searching for earlier.
" She looks like a fairy... Like this... So happy... And smiling brightly " Those exact words came from Tamaki who was standing beside her and she didn't notice.
Her eyes trailed up to Tamaki's eyed which were concentrated on Nejire's dancing figure and she couldn't believe it. The warmth and.... Love Tamaki's eyes showed while looking at Nejire was painful.
She wanted to do nothing but throw up all the food she consumed and bury herself under the ground. How could she be so blind? Of course Tamaki liked Nejire, He was close to her. They were friends while he and y/n are not, Nejire was powerful, Kind, Smart and very beautiful.
Y/n's heart felt like it had been stung by a thousand needles and she wanted to cry but somehow the tears refused to come out.
After a few moments of Tamaki looking at Nejire he felt someone looking at him and he tried looking around to see who it was and when his eyes landed on a pair of E/c orbs his heart jumped.
Oh no, is he gonna get jumped again by this clingy yet adorable Kohai?.
" Y-y-y/n! " Tamaki stammered jumping back as he strare back at y/n who gave him an unreadable expression.
He was expecting the usual, with y/n clinging onto him and flirting with him till his face turns as red as a tomato but to his shock she just turned around and left.
He was frozen in place. He couldn't comprehend what happened to that girl he began to feel anxious.
' Does she hate me?.... Shouldn't that be good she'll finally leave me alone... Wait someone hating me isn't good!... But.. Why am I so bothered by it? ' he silently thought to himself.
He watched the retreating figure of y/n and he suddenly had a powerful urge to grab her and pull her back .
Meanwhile, y/n who was walking away from the show was about to burst in tears but she slapped herself chanting more than a hundred times that she shouldn't cry.
So she stood strong and sucked it up. Wiping a small droplet of tears that was threatening to spill at any moment.
Maybe it's for the better. She'll find someone else... Hopefully. For now she should try to forget about him and move on. Act like she doesn't know him.
After that Day everything changed which got everyone questioning.
' What's wrong with y/n?'
She became a little distant and cold it was hard to believe but still, she did show unconditional care and love for her classmates but everyone couldn't help but worry since she never seemed to say anything and if one of them asked, she'd change the subject or walk away like she didn't hear anything.
What shocked them the most was how she had been Avoiding Their senpai, Tamaki like he was the plague or something. Usually she'd be seen hanging with them during lunch or walking with Tamaki during break time but now she isn't. During lunch she sat with the Izuku squad, when she passed by The Big three she'd either take a detour or pretend like she didn't see them in the first place.
Tamaki, Tamaki was conflicted, he was so confused, he felt like his heart was eating him up only to spit it out again, he felt like there was something gone something he longed, something he missed. And he knew it was y/n. He was gloomier than normal and Every time he sees y/n through the halls his heart swells up expecting her to run at him and hug him... Tell him she likes him but no. That's not what happened, what happened was that she avoided him , she ignored him and she pretended like she didn't know him.
And he never knew it hurt this bad he felt so upset he wanted to bang his head on the wall and cry his pain out.
What did he do wrong though?, what got her so worked up to treat him like this? that she made it so painful for him?. Didn't she say she loved him? Then where was all that affection now? Where was that attention she used to shower him with?. Where was his y/n? The one that loved him?.
Did she find someone else? Does she not want him anymore? Did she finally notice that He's not worth her time? Is she finally going to leave him?.
Is This how she felt when Tamaki ignored her? When he ran away from her because his heart couldn't handle so much love knowing he can't hold back for any longer and just kiss her. If this is how it felt like he didn't want it! He wanted her back.
Those negative thoughts were what occupied Tamaki's mind and he never noticed the small droplets of tears trailing down his cheeks that Made Mirio and Hado panic.
" What's wrong Amajiki? " Hado asked and Tamaki couldn't help but muttered his worries.
" .... She doesn't love me Anymore "
" You mean y/n? Nonsense she probably didn't notice you walking by" Mirio tried to comfort his friend but it was no use, He just wanted y/n back.
" For a whole month?.... She didn't notice us for a whole month? She never came to our classroom or ate with us anymore... She didn't wait or approach me down the halls. She didn't even spare me a glance " Tamaki muttered and Mirio was honestly surprised to hear his friend utter a sentence without Stuttering.
This was serious. And somehow they needed to fix this. For Tamaki.
" Ok Class, We'll be training with the Big 3 for the next Week because they'll be grading you based on what they have observed " Aizawa sensei announced and the whole class was hyped. Well most of them.
There was a specific girl who did not appreciate this at all.
And she was y/n.
The big three were standing infront of them with Mirio and Nejire Flashing worried glances at Tamaki.
Tamaki had his eyes on y/n who refused to acknowledge his existence and it hurt so bad.
When she finally did look at him. For the first time in forever he actually had the courage to smile and wave at her but y/n kept a cold facade ignoring his wave and smile and all she did was look back to her side and ignore him.
That action was noticed by everyone in the room.
Even Aizawa sensei who usually acted tough and uncaring was worried for his student because she was acting really out of character.
He questioned her classmates about it and they started explaining what they had noticed and observed too and honestly he hated seeing even One of his children like this and on cue the big 3 but mostly Mirio and Nejire tried to convince him to let the three of them train his students but he knew fully well that it was so Y/n and Tamaki could interact.
He wasn't against the idea since he wanted the same y/n back also.
So he asked permission from principal Nezu who didn't mind the idea at all and it led to this .
" Now each member of the big three will be given an assistant and I'll personally be the one to assign them. Uraraka you'll be Nejire's assistant, Midoriya you'll be Mirio's and Amajiki your assistant will be Y/n--" Aizawa sensei was cut off by y/n who clearly didn't like the idea.
" What? No!... I mean... Pick another assistant... I'm not good at being One " Y/n knew her excuse was lame but that's the best she could do.
However, Her denial made Tamaki Dizzy with nervousness with all the insecurities coming back a pained expression painted on his face as he stared at y/n who stood her ground.
Mirio rubbed Tamaki's Back while whispering.
" It's gonna be ok. You still have a week "
" Well sorry but it's been decided. If you want to back out because you can't handle it then do it but you'll have a failing grade if you do " Aizawa didn't mean to threaten his student but this has gone far enough. She's turning into a cold heartless girl. And he didn't like that.
" Fine.... I'll Do it... " Y/n muttered looking down on her desk.
3 Days had passed and Tamaki was nowhere near successful. He never knew that y/n could be this cold. If he knew he would never have made her mad in the first place.
Her words stung and it hurt so much he had to hide in the bathroom for an hour to calm down and convince himself that it's fine and that she didn't mean it but she was brutal with her words.
She did a pretty good job not talking to him though and it was extremely hard to even get her to look at him.
He was starting to lose hope, he was planning on a hundred ways of apologizing but somehow none of them were ever successful.
He has two days left to find out and this time he was more than determined to do so.
Aizawa was kind enough to assign him and y/n to clean up the gym after training and still y/n didn't even talk to him. Not even once.
" Y-You K-know y-you're really pretty... Today " Tamaki complimented earning another cold silence from the girl.
He couldn't take it anymore.
He grabbed her arm, turned her around and clung onto her. His arms wrapping around her very being along with y/n's arms restraining her.
Y/n had no idea Tamaki was this strong... No wonder he's part of the big three but that isn't the point right now.
" Let me Go! " Y/n yelled as she began squirming.
" No! " Tamaki yelled back and that only made y/n more violent, wiggling and kicking as much as she could. She kinda felt bad when she heard Pained Grunt from Tamaki.
" D-Do... You Hate me that M-Much? W-what did I Do? " Tamaki's voice was hoarse and broken and then y/n noticed how he was looking at her with big eyes and there running down his cheeks.
" .... " She was speechless.
" Please Answer me... And... And... And I'll finally ... L-leave you alone " Tamaki practically begged as more tears spilled out of his eyes.
" ... Why are you doing this exactly? " Y/n asked and Tamaki slowly let go of her and he kneeled down on the ground unable to contain his emotions. The crippling anxiety attacks he had whenever he felt a powerful surge of emotions slap him the face.
" I-I Love you " He managed to choose out between sobs.
" Really? Don't you Like Nejire? When I was chasing you.. You ran away from me... On the School Festival... I was hoping you'd watch our show but you didn't... I looked for you everywhere and now you say that? Don't lie to me... I heard your comment about Nejire... You managed to watch her show but... Why not ours?.... " This time it was y/n's turn to have tears falling down her soft cheeks as she covered her mouth with the back of her hand to prevent any sobs to escape her lips.
" I d-d-don't like her like that! I thought I should be happy that you're gone but I'm not! I'm miserable! And that D-D-Day at the School festival.... I-I thought of you as a friend but it got me thinking... W-Why would I buy you a custom made bracelet if I only liked you as a friend!?... I didn't manage to watch the show because... I was working extra shift at F-Fatgum's stall to pay for the bracelet I b-bought you.... The reason why I stood beside you during the pageant was because I wanted to give it to you... But y-you walked away before I even had the chance to!... T-Then I finally understood my feelings... Why I made is much effort to design the bracelet myself and have it custom made... It was because I love you!... A-And you started avoiding.... M-M-Me... You started pushing me away and ignoring me... It hurts! It really hurts! I-I though you found someone else... I thought you thought I was pathetic! I t-thought you f-finally r-r-realized that you could do so much better at picking g-guys who aren't me... I had so much negative thoughts running through my head... B-Because I was so scared of l-losing you... " Tamaki forced himself to say how he really efly without stuttering but it was no use. He couldn't help it with all the sobs caught in his throat.
Y/n was speechless then her heart started clenching in pain, her heart dropped to her stomach seeing how much pain she caused him. Realizing How terrible she had been.
One time out of worry she actually went inside the boy's bathroom only to hear Tamaki hyperventilating inside. She was so worried she asked mirio to check on him.
She couldn't help the tears cascading out of her eyes that were red and puffy.
She looked down at Tamaki who was clutching his hand on his chest choking on his own sobs.
She felt so horrible. She sat down infront of him towards her and pressing her lips against his shutting him off. He sobbed in between the kiss but nonetheless he shyly kissed back with tears running down his face. The same with y/n who had tears on her eyes as well.
When she finally pulled back her forehead was pressed against his as she stared at him with loving eyes.
Those eyes.... He missed that... He craved that. The way she looked at him with so much love without judgement.
" You Dumbass.... I don't need a fancy Bracelet... I just wanted you... Nothing could compare to You.... Your simple presence is enough to make me happy... That day... I just wanted you.. And you should know that.... I love you... I'd pick you any day over some fancy bracelet " Y/n smiled and Tamaki who was rendered speechless at what she said crawled closer towards her to connect his lips with hers once again this time he had the courage to dominate the kiss.
He pulled back abruptly as he wrapped his arms around her waist, his chin resting on her shoulder .
" I-I just... W-Wanted you to see... I'm capable... Of giving you things other guys give their g-girlfriends... " Tamaki whispered making y/n chuckle.
" Really tamaki? I wouldn't pick some random rich bastard off the streets... I want my adorable elf boy " Y/n teased as she blew a puff of air against Tamaki's Ear making him shudder as he backed away. His face turning red.
" D-Don't T-Tease " He whimpered as he fished for something in his pocket.
And then he pulled out a Jade bracelet with y/n carved on it and surrounding it were small diamonds.
" Tama... You didn't have to... It's beautiful " Y/n muttered as Tamaki took her hand sliding the bracelet on her wrist.
" I... You deserve better " Tamaki mumbled.
" Yes I deserve better " Y/n stated and tamaki looked up at her his ears twitching in fear expecting her to take it off but instead she had her arms wrap around his neck giving him a peck on his lips.
" Because "
" I Deserve You "
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floating-mid-air · 3 years
The Princess of all Saiyans
I finally figured out how to use the read more function on mobile. Since I broke my laptop, I've been doing everything on my phone. So sorry if that bothered anyone else as much as it bothered me. I'm also really excited for the next chapter. I'm going a bit off script, so I'll have more creative freedom.
Chapter 4
Vegeta's eyes snap open, his scanner emitting a low buzz. It looks like Kakarot's clock has just run out. Your estimation for his arrival may have been a bit off, but something as trivial as that doesn't bother Vegeta. The outcome, in the end, would be the same anyway.
"Your time is up." He directs his gaze from the three remaining foes to your sleeping figure, lying peacefully on the rock.  For a moment, he wishes you could be like this all the time. You're always so mouthy and rebellious, and it drives him mad. He moves his gaze to the long-haired Saiyan sitting on the ground, slightly leaning on the rock. "Raditz, wake her up!" Even though he prefers you quiet, he won't take the chance of you being immobile during a battle.
Raditz's eyes fill with panic. "But Kakarot isn't here yet!" He prefers to have all of his limbs intact. And he knows very well that you don't make threats. You make promises, very graphic and painful promises. 
Vegeta narrows his onyx eyes at the other Saiyan. "It has been three hours. She'll just have to deal! I want her conscious, Raditz!" That's easy for Vegeta to say his life isn't in imminent danger. "Do not make me ask again."
As the pair of Saiyan's squabble, your eyes open before moving to sit upwards. You ball up your hands into fists, rubbing your eyes gently, a habit you've had since childhood. "What's with all the yelling?" You stretch your arms while yawning.
Both men turn toward you, Raditz letting out a sigh of relief as you stand up, joining them in the line. "Finally." Nappa groans while doing various exaggerated poses and stretches. 
The next thing you know Nappa, strips off his armor, much to your dislike. You use your hands to shield your eyes, but the damage has already been done. "Could you warn a girl before stripping off your armor? I'm gonna gag." You'll be seeing Nappa in your nightmares tonight, that's for sure.
"You two." Vegeta points at you and Raditz. "Go back to the peanut gallery."
"What?" Your eyes narrow at him. "That's bullshit!" 
"You heard me!" He snarls, his voice raised louder than you thought possible. He's even more stern than usual. Something tells you he's not going to let this go any time soon. "You both are benched. Hopefully, this will teach you both to behave properly over transmission. I trust you won't make the mistake of harassing Zarbon again." Of course, he's still holding that over your head, even though it happened months ago.  
You grit your teeth. Vegeta always does this. He uses your actions as a weapon against you, so he can continually get his way like the spoiled prince he is.  
Raditz gently tugs on your arm. "(Y/N) maybe we should listen to him." Unlike Raditz, you have no fear of your brother. 
You huff, crossing your arms over your chest. You already know you won't be able to convince Vegeta otherwise. So there's no point in wasting your breath. "I'm not doing it because you said to, but because I want to. " A pout spreads across your lips as you wander back over to the rock, sitting down how Vegeta did before.
He turns back to look at you. "Stop pouting like a child." You decide to reply with an even more childish response, sticking your tongue out at your brother. 
What shocks you the most is him mirroring your actions. It's not like Vegeta to join in on your childish antics. "Who's behaving like a child now?" You mock him, listening to the faint laughter from Raditz, who is now sitting beside you. There's something about how both of you argue that provides Raditz with immense comfort. Even your shouting matches feel light-hearted to the Saiyan. He's known both of you long enough to know, bickering is the way you show affection. 
There's a bit of fighting, but you're far too grumpy to keep your attention on the Nappa show. Your hands grasp onto the rock, clenching it in your fists. Raditz immediately notices, placing his hands on yours, removing your palms from the rock. "Relax." He moves your hands to your sides the second your fists unclench. "I'm sure you'll get a turn eventually. The only person in the universe more stubborn than Vegeta is you. Besides, he can never say no to you for long. You have him wrapped around your finger."
"I guess so." You chuckle. "Just like my father. I'd flutter my eyelashes, and I could get anything I wanted."
"You don't control me, woman!" Your brother's eyes remain fixated on the battle-field as he eavesdrops on your conversation. He's always been a skilled multi-tasker. 
Raditz shakes his head. He doesn't think you're aware of the control you have over the hot-headed prince. For siblings of the Saiyan race, you've always been close, even before the destruction of Planet Vegeta. A typical sibling relationship on your homeworld was vastly different from yours and Vegeta's. Siblings were quite indifferent toward each other when they weren't competing. It's a mystery to most how the two of you ended up the way you did, especially with the king as your father. However, neither of you would admit your close sibling bond. You were raised to be much more ruthless than that.
You forget about your worries, now in a trance-like state, your eyes glued to the battle. The group of three all team up on Nappa. That's probably the best route for them to take. It's the only way they even have a slight chance at survival. The Namekian grabs Nappa's tail. Causing you to bite down on your lip in an attempt to stifle your laughter. So that must be how they took down Cado. You knew you should've trained that runt out of that weakness. But he'd always complain about how painful it was. He was so whiny. 
Nappa exaggeratedly laughs as the Namkekian realizes his mistake. Cado was much lower on the totem pole. The only reason for his survival is that he was one of those feeble Saiayns, sent off-planet as an infant to conquer a meager world.
Nappa hits Piccolo on the head, knocking him to the ground, making the Namekian immobile. Then he moves on to his next victim, Gohan. Nappa tosses the kid around as if the brat was a rag doll. With one final flick, he throws Gohan into a mountain. The kid falls face-first onto the ground, lying there like helpless prey. If he's part Saiyan and acting like this in a fight, so pathetic and spineless, maybe an early grave would be for the best. A smile spreads across your lips as Gohan stands back up. Maybe there's some hope for this kid after all.
A bright light enters your field of vision. Krillin has created his own version of the Destructo Disc, as he stands a sufficient distance behind Nappa. Krillin launches the attack, and it only seems to exhilarate the muscle head more. "Nappa!" Your brother shouts. "Dodge it, you numbskull!" The disc almost slices off the moron's head. He manages to dodge the strike by the skin of his teeth.
You observe the large cut forming on Nappa's face. The Saiyan's vision goes red as he goes on a blind rant, his voice remarkably shrill. "I've changed my mind." He moves his gaze from Gohan to Krillin, pointing at the human. "You're first!" He strikes Krillin to the ground, knocking the air out of the earthling's lungs.
Before Nappa can finish the human off, Piccolo barely stands up, scorching the large Saiyan's back. The combined laughter of you, Vegeta, and Raditz echoes throughout the field. Mocking your comrade is not an abnormal occurrence at all. "What's wrong, Nappa?" Vegeta taunts. "Bite off more than you can chew?"
You wipe tears from your eyes due to laughing so hard. As Nappa continues to yell at the Namekian. He calls the green man cocky. At this point, Nappa isn't even self-aware. He's probably the most big-headed, egotistical Saiyan you've ever met. And that includes your father. 
The Namkian mentions something about Kakrot's arrival. He has to be bluffing to stall the battle. How would he know that without some form of technology? The other two seem to be on the same page as well, with the brat cheering about his father's return. Is it possible that they can sense power levels without scouters? You plop your scouter back on. As soon as you turn it on, your eyes pop out of your head. The numbers on the purple screen are outrageous. You're always careful with your scouter, so there's no way it's broken. Maybe it's malfunctioning? 
Your reaction gains Raditz's attention, a genuine look of concern on his features. "Turn on your scouter." He follows your request, making the same expression you made only moments before. "So it's not a malfunction after all. If that's Kakarot, he's gotten much stronger than we thought."
"Vegeta!" He raises his brows at the strain in your voice. "They're right! Something is coming. And I'm willing to bet good money its Kakarot." You take a deep breath in an attempt to compose yourself. "He has a power level of over five thousand." The look on Vegeta's face mirrors the concern on your own. "We have four minutes!"
Vegeta stands there with his mouth agape, frozen in shock. Your brother's head snaps toward Nappa. "Playtime is over. Eliminate them now!" He snarls. "I want their corpses to be the first thing that traitor sees!"   
Raditz furrows his brows at you. "What about the Dragon Balls? Wasn't that the primary reason for coming here?"
"Vegeta has a plan." You meet his gaze. "I'm guessing he's moving the Namekian's homeworld to the next planet on our list. There could even be multiple sets of Dragon Balls on that planet." He nods. You're the only person in this world that could apply method to Vegeta's madness.  
Your brother chuckles, tilting his head back slightly. "I always assumed (Y/N) was being ridiculous when she first told me about magic orbs that can grant wishes. Guess she wasn't telling one of her famous stories after all."
Raditz snickers. "Like the one with the four-headed cyclops?"
You narrow your eyes at them. "That was real!" You huff. "I saw it with my own two eyes."
Vegeta lets out an exaggerated sigh. "As our father told you, you were delirious from exhaustion and malnutrition after your months-long excursion throughout the galaxy." When you were young, there was a bit of an incident. That resulted in you going missing for a little bit. But that's a story for another time.
Kakrot's impending arrival grows closer with each second that passes. So you all have to make every second count. Who knew such a wretched planet would cause you all so much trouble. You return to your grave demeanor, which only tends to come out during serious missions. And this just became pressing. "Hurry up!" You shout a Nappa, who nods furiously back. Even someone as stupid as Nappa can tell the atmosphere has changed. 
Due to Nappa's indecisiveness, he lets them choose who will become the next victim of your crusade. Personally, you'd take out either the Namkeian or the half-breed. Krillin is much weaker, and you're pretty sure that every bone in his body is broken. So he'd be very little help to Kakarot when he arrives.  
Much to your surprise, Gohan volunteers to fight Nappa. Mentioning something about Piccolo's life being linked to another, someone by the name of Kami. They must be another Namekian, perhaps the one who created the Dragon Balls. From what you've read about Namekians, they can split themselves into two beings. That must be what happened. He also suggested that when one of the Namkeians die that the Dragon Balls will no longer function. They must be connected to their creator's life force. You better keep that in mind when you arrive on Planet Namek. Who knows what Vegeta would do if one of the idiots wasted his chance at immortality. 
Piccolo, however, refuses Gohan's request to flee. The Namkeian clearly has some sense of pride. No being with an ounce of pride would let a child fight their battles for them. No matter how much potential the brat may have.
Nappa charges at Gohan, who dodges the attack. The half-breed grabs Nappa's arm, effortlessly launching him into the side of a mountain. You attempt to stifle your laughter but fail miserably as your grim aura disappears once again. 
Once you can tell you're irritating Vegeta, you bury your face in Raditz's shoulder. In an attempt to subdue your uncontrollable fit of laughter. "As I said before, we need to be serious now!" Your brother's voice invades your ears as you pull away from Raditz.
Your laughter has died down significantly, but an amused grin remains on your face. "You're telling me not to laugh when Nappa gets his ass handed to him by a child?" Nappa shoots out of the rubble, appearing back onto the battleground. The only difference now is that he is ten times angrier than before.  
Pieces of rubble fly around Nappa as a ball of blinding light forms in his hand. He directs it at Gohan, shooting the blast, full force at his target. The light slowly fades, you immediately notice the brat. Tears may be running down his face while looking at the lifeless Namekian in front of him, but he's physically unharmed.    
Piccolo must have jumped in front of the boy last second. The half-breed falls to his knees, screaming the name of his fallen mentor. You're now officially sick of all this gross friendship shit. The love fests, and the heartfelt speeches, and now sacrificing your life for another. It makes you nauseous just watching it.
The pipsqueak gets back onto his feet, letting out a cry of rage. You keep a close eye on your scouter, watching Gohan's power level increase. And he keeps getting stronger by the second, especially as he forms his attack. Maybe he's got a bit of Saiyan bite after all. 
Once he fires the blast of energy at Nappa, his power level rapidly drops. His strength changes with his emotions, much like Saiyan infants while in their incubators. That we're most Saiyan's learn to control their brute strength. Only if he had some proper Saiyan training. The brat would've been able to manage his power. Too bad he'll never get the chance. 
Nappa steps closer to Gohan, mocking the child's fallen companions. With every step Nappa makes toward Gohan, you feel a  strange sensation of tightness in your chest. Perhaps you've grown fond of the little brat in this short amount of time. Some of his behaviors remind you of Tarble. That must be why you pity him. That's the only feasible explanation.  
Knots form in your stomach as Nappa raises his leg to crush the half-breed like a bug. You squeeze your eyes shut. You've killed countless creatures with your bare hands, so why is this affecting you? You've never once turned your head from bloodshed, and now you suddenly can't watch. At this moment, you don't even recognize yourself.
A mixture of confused murmurs come from Vegeta and Nappa. Causing you to open your eyes. Gohan is now hovering in the air on some sort of cloud. How peculiar, you've never seen anything quite like that before. 
You direct your gaze upwards, your breath hitching as your eyes lock on Goku. He drops down to the ground. There's something about the humorless expression on his face that you find endearing.   
"You alright?" Raditz snaps you out of your trance. Your attention, now directed at the elder brother. You scowl at him. Can he really read you that easily? 
A snicker escapes your lips, your gaze sharpening. "Of course, I'm alright. Why wouldn't I be?"
He sheepishly rubs the back of his neck, choosing his next words carefully. "You're just acting a bit strange." 
"This is how I always behave." You huff. "Maybe if you weren't so dense, you'd notice." Raditz has spent enough time with you to know that he should stop pushing this issue. He's not even sure why he brought up your shift in demeanor in the first place. 
You move your attention back to Goku. He's walking over to the corpse of the Namekian, leaning down to check his pulse. A Saiyan with empathy, how bizarre. It is interesting to see which Saiyan behaviors are nature versus nurture. Or more like lack of nurture.
He scans over Nappa and Vegeta before directing his attention to you and Raditz. His eyes flicker between you both, his cold gaze lingering on you. "There are more Saiyans than I originally thought." He must be able to do that energy-sensing thing too. You knew this skill would come in handy eventually. 
He looks around the battle-field, noticing the two other bodies. His jaw clenching as he observes his fallen friends. Genetically he's just like the rest of you, but that seems to be where the similarities end. His behavior is a bit comical, for the sole reason being how much he resembles his father. Burdock was not known for his kindness, but to be fair, not many Saiyans were. 
With every step, Goku takes his power level rapidly increases. He's gotten a lot stronger during his stay in the afterlife. This raises the question of how he became so powerful while deceased. It'll probably be a good idea to keep your scouter locked on him. You doubt this is the highest of his capabilities. 
Nappa lunges at the younger Saiyan, but he swiftly dodges Nappa's attack. He's quite fast as well. Nowhere near your level of speed, though, he is a close second. Goku now stands beside his son, leading him over to Krillin. 
A vein pops out of Nappa's forehead. He's never liked being ignored. And even a being like Goku overlooking him is enough to send his rage through the roof. 
You chuckle to yourself, your head tipped backward. "What's wrong, Nappa?" You taunt him. "Feeling neglected?"
The large Saiyan glares at you, but he doesn't do much else. He already got on your bad side once today when he went after the half-breed the first time. He isn't dumb enough to piss you off twice in one day. He's seen too many make that mistake before.
You observe as Goku gives Krillin and the brat some sort of bean. Once they consume it, they magically become good as new. It's like being in the healing chamber, but with automatic effects. 
Krillin looks at Goku. He may be relieved by his friend's arrival, but he does seem a bit timid. "Even though you're much stronger now, I'm not liking these odds. There are only three of us and four of them." 
Goku looks at both of the smaller figures. "You two aren't fighting. I want you both on the sidelines. This is my battle, don't try and interfere. Okay?"
Krillin's mouth hangs agape. "Have you gone nuts? These freaks are unreal! You have no idea what they're capable of." He lowers his voice to a whisper. "Even the girl, she tossed around the big guy like he was a toy." A smile spreads across your lips. To you, fear is the best form of flattery. 
Gohan nods at Krilllin's statement. "Dad, you have to listen to him."
"I wouldn't waste your breath, trying to convince him otherwise. You won't get through to him." The group of three directs their attention on you. "It doesn't matter how hard he hit his head. Pride is in his nature." 
You observe your brother out of the corner of your eye, a wicked smirk plastered on his face. "We'll even play fair. Two of ours will sit out as well." You sigh as he moves his gaze to you and Raditz. He's still punishing you both out of spite. You're not even surprised at this point. "What, no smart comments?" This was clearly directed at you. "I have to say I'm quite shocked." 
You sigh. "There's no point anymore. It's not like you'll listen to me anyway." 
You look back at Goku, you can see the waves of power emitting off his body. He pivots, striding back over to your brother and Nappa. "This ends now!" Your eyes widen. There's something about his tone that makes you feel drawn to him. "You're all going to pay!"  
The younger Saiyan powers up. As chunks of rubble surrounded the battle-filed. You move your hands over your head, shielding yourself from the debris. Once Goku finishes his boost in power, the particles of rock drop to the ground. You bet Raditz wishes he followed your lead. Because now he's picking chunks of rock out of his already unmanageable hair.   
Nappa turns to Vegeta. "What's his power level at?"
Your brother removes his scouter, crushing it with his hand. "It's over eight thousand." Great, now you'll have to get Vegeta a new scouter. Lord Frieza is going to be ecstatic that your brother broke another scouter. 
Nappa wines. He refuses to believe that Goku is as strong as the scouter reads. There's no way that all three of your scouter's are malfunctioning, all at the same time. 
Nappa charges at Goku, only to be kicked to the ground. You notice how the half-breed and the earthling even seem surprised by the extent of his abilities.  
The muscle head radges as Goku turns back to him. "You know, as much as you talked yourself up, I'm kinda disappointed." You chuckle at his trash talk. You find it almost endearing. And it somehow gets funnier the more enraged Nappa becomes. Nappa attacks Goku once again, missing every hit. Watching him play with the old-timer is quality entertainment itself. Usually, watching someone evade battle would bore you. So right now is a rare exception to the rule.  
At one point, he even stands on Nappa's head. You turn to Raditz, whose eyes are glued on the field. The smile on his face was different from yours. He looks proud. His brother, who was sent off-planet for being so weak, is currently going head to head with a high-ranked Saiyan elite and winning too. 
The stupid look on his face makes you genuinely smile as well. "Your little brother is really having a ball of a time with the old man. Huh?" He nods, keeping his gaze focused on the fight. 
Goku dodges an attack by yelling. You suppose they're a first time for everything, huh. You're not thrilled that the assault is stemmed from the need to avenge his friends, but you'll take what you can get.
Goku taunts Nappa again as your laughter continues. Vegeta's eyes narrow at you, a deadly flicker in his gaze. "Stop cheering for the opposition!"
"I'm not cheering!" You huff. "I simply find the situation amusing.  As I said before, it's about time someone brings Nappa down a few pegs."  
Nappa becomes blind with rage, his raving becoming inaudible. "Nappa, calm down, and think! Stop letting him get under your skin. That's why he has the advantage."
"You know he can't do that, Geta! There's not a lot going on up there, to begin with." You'll never miss an opportunity to mock Nappa's stupidity. You turn to Raditz, shaking your head. "You know, to this day. I still wonder why my father had him ranked so high. His short fuse has caused us so many difficulties." 
Your brother's words seem to have talked some sense into Nappa. Now the fight is a bit more even. He's actually making Goku work now. Nappa unhinges his jaw. You hate when does that attack. It's not only revolting, but it also makes you incredibly uncomfortable. He shoots the attack from his mouth, creating an enormous amount of wind. Luckily you have Raditz's giant frame blocking the whirlwind. Whatever reason your brother managed to talk into Nappa has clearly disappeared. 
You sigh at the expression on Vegeta's face, running a hand through your hair. "I know that look. Hell, I've seen it about a thousand times now. Vegeta, go with your gut." 
For a moment, both of you stare at each other silently. Telepathic communication is a skill neither of you has. Yet, you both seemed to have mastered it when it comes to each other.  Vegeta nods at you. "That's enough, Nappa! The traitor has proven himself to be your match!" Nappa stares at him in protest. "Don't give me that look! Due to your incompetence, I'll have to step in and finish this myself."
You look at the man beside you. He's not doing a great job at hiding his internal conflict about this situation. Raditz is different from the rest of you. His mother raised him to have different values, and that may cause some obstacles today. 
"Can't believe a kid like Vegeta has to step in for me," Nappa mutters. "But orders are orders. Still, I won't be satisfied unless I kill something." He flys toward Krillin and Gohan. You wonder which one of them is the intended target. Maybe it's both of them. 
Goku trails behind Nappa. He won't be able to catch up until after Nappa does some fatal damage. Goku uses that Kio Ken technique he mentioned earlier. You've never seen anything like it. It gave him an extensive boost in speed, allowing him to catch up to Nappa. This attack also seems to have raised his strength even further. He hits Nappa on the back, the large Saiyan doesn't move an inch after the blow. He may be paralyzed. The hit did appear to use enough force to shatter his spine. 
Goku lifts Nappa above his head, tossing the fool in front of Vegeta. Nappa cries out in agony, complaining about the pain of his injuries. "He won't be able to fight anymore." Oh, Goku really shouldn't have said that. "Take your injured friend and leave this planet. Go back to wherever you came from, and don't come back." He's even more foolish than you thought. If he believes Nappa's injuries would even cause Vegeta to bat an eye, he clearly has no idea of the cruelty your brother is capable of.
Nappa raises his hand, begging for Vegeta's aid. To your surprise, Vegeta accepts his hand. He must want to put on a show. This won't end well for Nappa at all. Vegeta tosses Nappa into the air, a wicked smirk on his lips. "I have no use for a paralyzed Saiyan. You're nothing but dead weight now."
You grab Raditz's hand, pulling him into the air away from Vegeta's line of fire. Both of you remain indifferent. You have no strong feelings about Nappa's fate, and you sense that Raditz feels the same way. That's just how you've all been raised, utterly numb to the concept of death. Vegeta finally shoots the blast at the elder Saiyan, incinerating his body, leaving no trace of Nappa behind. 
You notice the other three in the air as well. Visibly terrified from your brother's actions, things are so different on this planet. Your three foes seem to become more distraught when they observe you both. You both have identical aloof expressions. Honestly, Nappa's untimely death would probably make your lives easier. 
"He's psycho." Krillin's voice shakes. "He just killed his partner, for no reason." So that's where the miscommunication arises. They don't understand the circumstances of your partnership. It's not because you're pals. You were only together because you're the last remnants of your race with common interests.
"(Y/N), Raditz. Make yourselves scarce."
You furrow your brows at him. "But Vegeta---" You cut yourself off once you see the seething expression on his face. This is the first time you don't want to leave your brother's side. Goku is much stronger than anything you've fought before, and you want to stay, just in case. But you know better than to poke the bear. "Fine." You let out an exaggerated sigh, crossing your arms. "I'm curious about the literature on this planet anyway." 
"Hold on a minute." You turn your head toward Krillin. "We can't just let you stroll around town." Funny, he thinks he'd be able to stop you. You do decide to indulge him though, you're not really in the mood for an argument at the moment. 
You hold up both of your hands as if you were surrendering. "I promise I won't kill anyone in town. How's that?"
Krillin looks at you flabbergasted. He's in total disbelief at your nonchalant attitude. "We can't just take your word for it!"
"Fine." You reach inside your armor, opening up a secret hatch. You pull out a necklace from the compartment. The silver chain is incredibly flimsy, and the charm has become discolored over the years. It's still recognizable as a Dragon Ball, more specifically the four-star ball.    
You toss your possession at Gohan, who catches it with ease. "Hold onto that for me, won't you?  It's important to me, so I'll definitely come back for it. And if I kill anyone in town, you can keep it. Deal?"
He holds up the chain, observing the charm in awe. He wonders where you got this from. Maybe he could ask you one day. That is, if he ever built up the courage to, he's kinda terrified of you. He looks back at you, meeting your impatient gaze before furiously nodding. "Ya, deal."
Krillin was about to interject, but Goku stops him. "I'm sure it'll be fine. Someone as strong as she is would probably be bored going after the general population anyway."
You turn to Vegeta, your eyes softening. "Vegeta. Don't do anything stupid." And with that, you speed off, Raditz trailing behind you. This is the first time you haven't had complete faith in your brother. And that makes you feel a way you haven't felt in a very long time. You're scared, and you don't like this sensation at all. 
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non-stop-imagines · 4 years
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Baby Daddy Stark (Part 6)
Here's Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
Pairing: Tony Stark x Black!Reader
Word Count: 4.2k
A/N: As you guys can see, I'm on a bit of a writing rampage. After writing that Bucky piece last night it felt right to go and update one of my series. It feels good writing again especially after the weird depression moment I had when it was official that all of my classes for the rest of the semester were gonna be online. I would also like to just thank everyone that have been so supportive as I begin to write again and even through my hiatus and hopefully I can get much more writing done. But any way, here's part 6! Hope you all like it! Love you all!!!💛💖💛💖💛💖
Warnings: Some mention of throwing up, Some curse words, Reader being mama bear, Tony on the come up as a dad, Travis develops a little crush, I'm telling y'all right now this is 99.9% fluff
UNIVERSAL TAGS LIST: @beautifulwisdom2001 @iamzion-therealhabesha @thottio @jetaimeamore @shakzer00 @mixedfandxms @here-for-your-bullshit
Baby Daddy Stark Tags List: @blackreaders-assemble @blueoz @mixedfandxms @walawalaboom
It's been about 2 weeks since Travis' tournament and since then the calls from Tony have become more frequent and lengthy. He would call every other day at around 7 at night because he knew you got home at about 6:30 every day and liked that half an hour to come down from whatever mood that work had you in but it's not too late so he has more than enough time to sit and talk with Travis until his bedtime. Even though you didn’t want to admit it, Tony was really making an effort to be more present, and it confused you. Why would a man in his prime put so much effort into being in the life of a son he just found out he had? Your thoughts were broken when the timely sound of your ringtone came through.
“IS THAT TONY?!” You hear Travis yell from his room. A large smile grew on your face once you heard his excitement.
“Yes, but you can’t talk to him until your done with homework!” You yell back from the kitchen, then answer the phone. “Hey Tony. How was your day?” You put the phone on speaker and place it on the counter so you can wash your hands to start dinner.
“Fine, I’m actually getting ready to come upstate tomorrow. How was your day?” Your smile dims to something like a dreamy grin, more than likely matching the smile on his face at the moment.
“Great, I have a presentation for a new surgical robot that I’ve been working on for years. Since Travis was, wow, seven?” You grab the package of defrosted chicken that sat on the counter, grinning at the satisfaction of being able to tell your child to put the chicken in the sink to defrost it before you got home, something you don't think you’ll ever get tired of.
“What is this innovation that I’m going to be seeing in hospitals worldwide someday?” His smile travels through the phone, causing you to have to fight an even larger smile from your face as you finish cleaning the chicken, preparing to season it.
“Well…” You continue on into a long explanation about your innovation that makes brain surgery 15% safer which, in the world of neurology, is an immense difference. Once you got to the point where you were basically giving the exact presentation you were going to give the next day, Travis came into the kitchen looking slightly exhausted.
“Homework done, I am ready to talk to Tony.” His words came out as a sigh, eyes hooded with a hoodie on in the 78 degrees house.
“Okay.” You turn to the phone. “Hey, Tony, here’s Travis.” You go to hand him the phone but stop mid-transfer. “Baby, you look sick. And you feel warm.” You retract your hand from Travis’s forehead and hand him your phone.
“Eh, I’ll be fine. I have a test tomorrow, so I can’t stay home but-” His words come out as a groan before your attempted to say something he is obviously used to. “I know, I know. I’ll go to the nurse if I’m not feeling good.” A sad and somewhat pain smile flashes across his face before you fluffed his hair and sent him off. “Dinner will be ready in a bit. You’re going to eat, take some medicine and go to bed, okay?”
“Yes ma’am.” He smiles back at you from the couch then goes to talk to Tony. You smile when you hear a faint ”Hey, kiddo!” then turn back to the stove to finish cooking.
“Y/N, you ready for today? I know how hard you’ve been working on it.” Your coworker, Kate, pops her head into your office then steps in. Her smile has always been calming for you from your first day there. Her heels click across the floor as she makes her way to the seat in front of your desk. “So, how do you feel?”
“Ahhh, excited. Nervous as hell. And it doesn’t help that I’m just waiting to get a call from the nurse at Travis’s school which would only further postpone the presentation and would do just short of killing me.” You twist a coil of your low pulled back hair around your finger.
“And the, uh, Tony Stark thing?” She leans close and whispers to you, allowing some light brown hair that didn't make it into her bun fall in front of her glasses. Other than Naomi, Kate is the only other person who knows about Tony.
“It's going surprisingly well.” You lean in toward your computer monitor, looking closely at an email before quickly answering it. “He calls… gosh, everyday at a perfect time. Talks to me and Travis-" You stop midway through your gushing, realizing the feeling you get when you even just think about Tony. You love feeling so happy, comfortable and open with another person but it's not just you in this new relationship. Your son is there too, probably just as enamored by the feeling of having his father, having THE Tony Stark as his father. Whenever these thoughts flood through your mind you can't help but think about the hurt that could happen if something-
"Uh, Y/N… your cell." You break from your slowly darkening thoughts and look at your phone. Seeing the somewhat familiar number of Travis's school. You quickly answer it, apologizing to Kate for answering the phone during your conversation to which she hastily dismisses it with a smile, leaving you alone in your office.
"Hello, Ms. Y/L/N? This is Mrs. Johnson, the nurse at North Albany Middle School." Your heart drops. You knew you shouldn't have let him go to school.
"Hello, how are you doing today?" You try hard to continue the conversation as normal as possible.
"I'm doing fine, thank you. I'm calling because I have Travis in here with a fever and just a couple of minutes ago he threw up. I believe it would be the best to have you or an emergency contact come pick him up and take him home." As you were about to answer, you receive a text from Tony.
Hey, just wanted to let you know that I just got to the Upstate Compound. Hoping to see you and Trav tonight 😊
"Umm, hold on one secondd… I just have to send this text real quick." You quickly type out a text to Tony.
About how far away from North Albany mid school?? Travis isn't feeling well and I want him to get somewhere and rest as soon as possible and I'm an hour and a half away, not including any possible traffic. Could you pick him up?
Barely ten seconds later you receive a response and sight in relief.
Only 25 min. Of course I'll pick him up.
"Hi, I'm so sorry I left you waiting. I'm actually quite far from the school but his uh… dad is just under a half an hour away so he'll come and pick up Travis. I'll give you his contact information so you can get in touch with him. His name is Tony… uh just Tony." You look at the clock on your desktop. Five minutes until your presentation. If you're late, you're late and they're just gonna have to wait.
"Uh, Ms. Y/L/N, I'm gonna need a last name." The nurse giggles her response, slightly confused. You sigh and whisper into the phone.
"Tony Stark. Please keep this private. And his phone number is…" Once you give the phone number you thank her for calling. Then hang up. You quickly gather your things needed for your presentation and head out your office quickly going to and tapping on Travis's contact in your phone. One ring. Two rings.
"Hi, mama." He groans into his phone.
"Hey, baby boy. How are you doing?" You continuously press on the elevator button, quickly hopping in when the doors open and then swiftly removing your heels.
"My stomach feels a bit better but my head and throat are killing me. Mrs. Johnson gave me some apple juice and saltines to eat while I wait for you to pick me up." The elevator dings on the floor you need and you high tail it out of the elevator.
"Actually, Tony is already upstate and much closer than I am, so he's gonna pick you up. He'll be there in about 20 minutes and then once I'm done I'm gonna come up the Compound to pick you up and take you home, okay?" After a couple of minutes of walking down a long straight hallway, you get to the meeting room, smiling at Kate, who was doing an amazing job at stalling for you, through the large glass wall.
"Oh, okay." You can hear the small smile grow on his face. "Also, I lasted through my test in math. I think I did alright, considering that right after I turned in my test I ran to the bathroom to throw up." He chuckles then groans at what you assume to be irritation of his throat and pain in his head.
"Alright baby, I'm gonna go into my meeting now. Try and take a nap while you wait, and call me or text me if you need anything. Okay? Love you." You finish pulling on your heels and smooth out your skirt in the reflection produced by the dark windows of the empty meeting room next door.
"Okay, love you too." You give him a kiss through the phone and after receiving one from him, you two share one last goodbye and you wait for him to hang up before heading into the meeting room to give the best presentation of your life.
"North Albany, North Albany…" Tony recites to himself as he drives his large SUV down the street the school is presumably on, when out of nowhere he hears the voice of what sounds like a GPS come from the very back row telling him in 1000ft his destination is in the right, almost giving him a heart attack.
"Crap, crap, crap!" He hears an all too familiar voice in a frantic panic as tussling and tapping on a phone screen comes from the back.
"Pete, what the actual fuck are you doing in the back of my car? Aren't you supposed to be in school or something?" Tony takes peeks into his rear view mirror watching as Peter slowly sits up from his previously laying position.
"We had early release today and I told Aunt May that you were heading upstate and may have made it sound like you invited me so I jumped into your car as quick as possible." By the time Peter was done rambling, Tony was already parked in a visitors parking space, look at Peter over his dark sunglasses.
"Get in the passenger seat, Parker. I'll be right back." He sighs, then gets out the SUV, leaving the keys in the transmission. "Make sure you lock the door." He reminds Peter before making his way to the front office. He walks in and up to the the front desk labeled "Pick Up/Drop Off", patiently waiting for the receptionist to speak to him.
"Hello. Picking up or dropping something off?" She asks as she finishes typing something.
"Uh, I'm here to pick up my son from the nurse's office." He hesitantly removes his sunglasses and taps them in his hand, hoping it would make him seem less suspicious.
"Okay, first and last name and date of birth?" She looks up at him, a hint of shock passing through her expression before going back to her job.
"Uh, Travis Y/L/N. And date of birth is..uh… oh. Date of birth 2-18-2009." He smiled at his ability to remember fairly new information.
"Okay, and your name and phone number sir?" She smiles at her need to ask this question, knowing fully well who was standing in front of her.
"Tony Stark. And my phone number is…" After giving his number she politely thanks his cooperation and gives him directions back to the nurse's office. He take a deep breath before knocking on the office door before opening it. "Hi, I'm Tony, Travis's dad, and I'm here to pick him up." The nurse, who was and old black lady, looking to be close to her mid 60's, looks up from what she was writing, surprised to actually see Tony Stark standing in front of her, nervous as hell.
"Oh, Mr. Stark. I-uh- nice to meet you. Travis is just laying in bed 3 but first I'm just gonna need you to sign him out. Just put his name here, your name here, your phone number here, your wi- his mom- Ms. uh-Y/L/N's number here and the date here, please." Tony does as told then makes his way over to his son's bed, giving him a gentle shake to wake him up.
"Hey, kiddo. Ready to go?" He pushed some rouge curls that fell from his pulled back hair while he was sleeping. He touched his head with the back of his hand, feeling the overwhelming warmth radiate. He earns an affirmative groan from his awakening son which prompts his to stand from his kneeling position, picking up his surprisingly heavy backpack in the process. He slings the backpack onto his right shoulder then helps his still partially asleep son from the bed and to the door. "Thank you so much, uh-"
"Mrs. Johnson." The old lady smiles at him. "Please pass onto your wife to make sure to contact the school if Travis is still too sick to come to school Monday. It was very nice to meet you." She smiles politely at Tony then shifts her attention to Travis. "Hope you start feeling better soon, Travis." Travis quietly thanks her then the two leave the nurse's office and out the front office door, but not before thanking the receptionist.
"Alright, you get in the backseat here since Peter decided to tag along. Make sure to buckle up and once you do you can lay down." He helps Travis into the backseat and then gets into the driver's seat, handing Peter Travis's backpack. "We're gonna head over to the compound and you're gonna wait there for your mom, okay" Travis grunts and okay and greets Peter before quickly falling back asleep.
"Dang, what does he have in here? Cinder blocks?" Peter places the backpack in front of him then looks at the sleeping ten year old in the back seat as Tony pulls out of the parking lot.
It's been about half an hour since Tony got Travis and Peter to the Compound and around 15 minutes since you texted Tony and Travis that you were coming to pick Trav up. Travis just woke up from his nap, fully for the first time since Tony picked him up from school, this not including the two times he woke up for no more than a minute to throw up. He sits up on the couch he was sleeping on, taking a moment to let the thumping pain in his head subside, before standing up and beginning to roam around the compound, immediately heading for an elevator not far from where he sat. He pressed the only button present outside of the elevator which pointed down and entered once it opened. He looks at the destinations that labeled each button and decided to go down to the floor labeled "Kiddy Lab", then pulled out his phone to see your text.
Mama (ICE) 🐻:
I'm on my way to the compound, should be there by 330 or 400. Text me when you wake up. 😘
He quickly texts back when he finishes reading.
Just woke up a couple of minutes ago. Head still hurts and so does my throat but my stomach feels a lot better.
He pressed send right as he reached the destined floor, slightly surprised to hear Kendrick Lamar blast through the speakers in the ceiling of the shockingly large and well equipped lab. He walks further in, tightening the blanket around his shoulders, and turns a corner to see Peter at a workbench, seeming to be doing homework and ever so slightly moving to the music.
"Hey, Peter." Travis musters his first full sentence that he's said within the last 45 minutes.
"Oh, hey Trav! How are you feeling?" He places down his pencil and turns around on the lab stool to look at him. His eyes scan down his lanky body, slightly jealous of his height at such a young age, but the overwhelming feeling of practically being a big brother overshadowing everything else.
"Better. Throat and head still hurt…" he looks around the bright lab, somewhat confused about why the lab has what seems to be very advanced technology. "Is this all your's. Like, did… did Tony make this for you?"
"Oh, ha, not exactly. I share this lab with Shuri, who is somewhere around here. Most of this stuff was transported from her lab in Wakanda." Peter calls out for Shuri a few times, knowing of her incoming presence when he hears the volume of the music decrease. From around a large machine comes a dark skinned, tall, thin girl, hair in a ponytail of long braids, streaks of blue flowing through them. She had on black skinny jeans, a large light blue t-shirt with "The Birds Work for the Bourgeoisie." written across the chest in simple black letters and baby blue Air Max's.
"What's up, Spider Boy?" Her thick accent was like heaven to Travis's ears as he took in Shuri's presence.
"Shuri, this is Travis, Tony's son. Travis, the is Princess Shuri of Wakanda and arguably the smartest person in the world." He whispers that last part but still earns a smack from Shuri.
"He just doesn't want to admit that I'm smarter than his beloved Mr. Stark." She turns back to Travis with her hand out and a bright beautiful smile on her face. "Nice to meet you Travis."
"N-n-nice to-uh- meet you too, your majesty." Travis does an awkward hybrid hand shake bow, unsure what to do and too nervous to even look into her eyes.
"Please, just call me Shuri. So, Trav, how old are you?" She begins to walk back around the large machine in the middle of the lab, to which Travis swiftly follows suit.
"I'm, uh, t-ten. Eleven in February." He shivers from the cold air in the lab and wraps his blanket tighter around him.
"That's cool. So, being Tony's son, you must be into something science related, right?" She goes over to a large holographic computer-type set up and types something on the keyboard embedded in the table.
"I like robotics, but it's mainly because my mom is a biomedical engineer and mainly works with robotics. B-but I have always felt some connection to Tony Stark, though." He tries to puff his chest out at his more fanboy-like intuition but has to move quickly to cover his mouth with the crook of his elbow when he feels a cough coming on.
"That's cool. So, you've got smarts on both sides. Do you do anything else? Sports or something?" She manipulates something in the hologram and then continues to type.
"I'm in my schools robotics club, we actually got 4th place at our most recent competition. I'm also on a club baseball team because my mom used to play softball and I liked the stories she used to tell me about her playing and though it sounded cool." At the moment his rambling siezed, he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket, promoting him to take it out, knowing it's a text from you.
Mama (ICE) 🐻:
I'm here. Be ready to go in 5. I just need to talk to Tony real quick.
Travis groans at the text, coughing at the irritation he imposed on his throat. "My mom is here. I have to get going." He says loud enough for Shuri and Peter to hear.
"Hey, Shuri, we should go up with him. You have to meet his mom. She's super nice." Peter gets up from his stool and makes his way over to the two.
"Alright. I just need to finish one last thing and we'll head up." She looks back at Travis, lowering her gaze ever so slightly when she realizes that Travis just so happened to be slightly shorter than her.
Hey, I'm in the compound where are you?
You press send on the text to Tony then head to the elevator, picking up Travis's backpack as you pass it. You press the button and wait for the doors to open, and once they do you enter and press the button labeled "Lab". A minute later you arrived at the end of a short hallway, one side with concrete walls and the other side with tall glass windows allowing all visibility into the lab. As you walk to the end of the hallway where the door was you look in and wave at Tony, adjusting Travis's backpack on your shoulder along with your purse.
"Welcome, Ms. Y/L/N." You hear a female A.I. voice greet you as you open the door into the lab, light rock music playing in the background.
"Hey, Y/N. Uh-how was your presentation?" Tony meets you halfway, which just so happened to be next to a workbench that he decides to lean against.
"I think it went well. The reason I'm coming so late is because they had me take them to the hospital where the robot is being held to show them how it's used. They seemed quite pleased." A quiet fell over the two of you which gave you a second to look around his lab as he watched you admirably. "Oh, uh, thank you so much for picking up Travis and taking care of him for me. It really helped take a load off of my day." You grin at Tony, the natural sparkle in your eye making him melt.
"It was no problem at all. And if you ever need me to do anything at all just text, call, email, face time…" You two giggle at the last suggestion and sit in now more comfortable silence.
"Well, I guess we better get back up to the, uh, main room." You turn to the door that exits back out to the short hallway but stop when you hear Tony call your name.
"Are you free, say, next Friday? I passed a restaurant, uh, Italiano Roma. It seemed right up your alley and I mean we have to celebrate your great presentation. I heard it's pretty new…" He does an open arm gesture and raises his eyebrows, waiting for your answer.
"Yeah, new and expensive." You laugh and begin to walk to the door again.
"Come on. It's all on me." Tony rushes from behind you to open the door. You sigh and turn to look at him holding open the door.
"Fine, next Friday. " You smile and continue out the door and down the hallway.
You and Tony finally make it to the main room, and your heart swells when you see Travis pulling on his shoes, wrapped in a blanket and laughing with Peter and another teenager, a very pretty dark skin girl.
"Mama!" Travis calls over to you then coughs after the sudden throat irritation.
"Hey baby. You ready to go home?" You remove the blanket from his shoulders and help him pull his jacket on.
"Yeah. But before we go, I wanted you to meet Shuri. She's from Wakanda, practically a genius, and only 16." You look at the dreamy look in your son's eyes then at Shuri who already had her hand out.
"It's a pleasure meeting you, Ms. Y/L/N. Your son is a delightful and very bright boy." She smiles a bright smile and gives you a slight bow.
"It's a pleasure meeting you too. I'm glad that Travis has been exposed to such bright talented young adults like you and Peter. Actually…" You briefly at Tony, then back at the teens. "Would you two mind watching Travis next Friday? I made plans with someone and I feel like you two would be the best people to watch him and make sure everything runs smoothly. I'll pay you both, say, $10 and hour?"
"We would love to, Ms. Y/L/N, right Shuri?" Peter walks by Shuri and nudges her.
"Oh, yes. Of course, it would be no problem at all." She smiles.
"Oh, thank you both so much." You look over at where Travis was previously sat only to find that he moved. You turn around to see him talking to Tony. "Trav, time to go." You give him a sorry smile which he nods to, then proceeds to hug Tony and bid everyone in the room goodbye. "Tony, I'll text you when we get home, okay?"
"Okay." He gives you a bright smile and watches as you walk Travis out, feeling his forehead with the back of your hand then rubbing back his rouge curls.
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freezethebeez · 2 years
c!Tommy post-revival WIP
"No, Tommy was dead for two days. For two days his body sat in the corner of that bloody prison, limp, lifeless, and absolutely, positively dead."
Characters: Tommyinnit, mentions of Tubbo
Additional info: mentions of character death, brief mentions of implied suicide.
I've got a couple more scenes of this to write, and once I'm done I think I'll put it on ao3. This is going to end up being c!Clingyduo a couple days after c!Tommy's revival (not canon compliant, just fluff, mixed in with a little bit of 'ow').
Feel free to leave any suggestions for scenes, or additional details you think I should add :] Also feel free to write scenes of your own based off of this :D
Fic below the cut!!
As a kid, Tommy was a bit of a zombie enthusiast. He read comics about the apocalypse, read fictional survival guides just in case a breakout ever did occur, made up imaginary scenarios in his head, and even played out some of them with any willing friends.
Child-Tommy would be rather disappointed, now, to find out that being a zombie isn't actually that much fun.
To be fair, though, Tommy's not even sure if he's a full on zombie– in fact, he's not quite sure what he is.
All he knows is that he was dead, but now he's living again.
And no, it wasn't one of those brief deaths that last, like, five minutes and take place in a hospital and then the patient wakes up and says they talked to god, or whatever the fuck. No, Tommy was dead for two days. For two days his body sat in the corner of that bloody prison, limp, lifeless, and absolutely, positively dead.
Yet here he was now, standing in front of his home– or what was his home, the place looked like more of a glamorized gravestone now with flowers littering his front yard, and pieces of water-damaged paper spewing bullshit about how he'll be missed.
Becoming one of the Undead was not as fun as Child-Tommy imagined it to be– not in the slightest.
Because, you see, what Child-Tommy failed to take into account was the pain that came with dying. Of course, Child-Tommy had not known such pain– the most that little shit had been through was a bee sting, some scraped knees, and a handful of bruises– so Tommy can't fault him too bad for that. Either way, the very least Child-Tommy could have done is imagined what death would feel like. Although, Tommy now wonders what Child-Tommy would have said.
Well, it's just like going to sleep, isn't it?
(Tommy's ribcage aches as he bends down to pick up an allium flower, assuming it was left by Ranboo. He can feel the broken bones inside moving, and the sensation makes him gag.)
Hopefully you're surrounded by your family, but if not then you should at least die like a hero, fighting for the greater good!
(There's a flash of a memory, one of Dream shouting at him. His voice is all too loud in the small cell. There are dark circles around his eyes and his face looks hollow, like the one of a starved man. There's blood on his face, and Tommy's not sure if it's Dream's, or his own.)
You just kind of, I dunno, close your eyes and let everything go away.
(There's a sharp pain at the back of Tommy's head as he returns upright again, allium in hand. It feels almost as if someone's tugging on his hair. His vision begins to go spotty, and he hopes Dream didn't permanently damage anything when he slammed the back of his head into the wall.)
And then things are dark for a while...
(Three weeks. Tommy cried for three weeks straight, alone, in the dark, stranded in between dimensions. He'd never weeped that much in his life; he weeped more in death. And once three weeks passed, five more came, now with Wilbur and Schlatt's voices tumbling through the abyss. He still couldn't see them, soul still shrouded entirely in darkness, with nothing but a boring game of solitaire to keep him occupied.)
But then you see this light, and you know it's your way out...
(As much as Tommy hated playing solitaire for five weeks straight, he hated the feeling of being revived more. It was just as dark, if not more, if that was even comprehensible for someone who hasn't died yet. It felt like his body was being torn apart, ripped to shreds bit by bit, each strand of his very being getting pulled from his body. It was painful beyond anything Tommy had experienced in both life and death. So, Tommy, with every weak fibre he could hang onto, resisted, because at the very least, if Tommy was going to be dragged from hell and back into a world he'd been tempted to part from so many times, he was going to be dragged back kicking and screaming the whole way.)
And then you're a zombie! A cool, awesome, badass zombie!
Tommy looks at the allium and smiles, tucking it behind his ear and lacing part of the stem into his hair before turning to walk down the Prime Path, headed in the direction of Tubbo's house– Tubbo deserved to be paid a visit.
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animeniac · 7 years
I have a hc for Bakugou that he really loves Chex Mix, like it's his fav bagged snack, and idk it kind of spiraled out of control into an encounter when he and Uraraka have a late night run in at a convenience store and argue over what different snacks are better than others, ultimately buy a bunch, and make the other try them just to prove their points. Sorry I know it's kinda mundain, but even if it isn't for your prompt I think it's a fun scenario to think about :)
Variety is the Spice of LifeFandom: BNHA MHAPairing: Bakugou x Uraraka; KacchakoA/N: Sorry I took so long. It came out a lot longer than I planned. Hopefully, it doesn’t sound too much like a Chex Mix advertisement. I’m also hoping I didn’t veer into “feeding” kink territory. I’m still taking more requests if anyone is interested. 
A young girl with silky blond hair, thick, tame eyebrows, and large, brown eyes stared up at her parents. “Mama, Papa, how did you fall in love?”
An older Uraraka hummed before she answered, “Chex mix.”
“Chex mix? Nuh-uh! You can’t fall in love because of food! What really happened? Papa, is that what happened?” she inquired to her father who sat on the couch next to her.
“I-I guess.” Maybe sometime before then. He couldn’t remember. All their moments blurred together.
“I’m telling the truth! I can tell you the story,” promised Uraraka.
“Hm, okay, but you better not lie, and it better be good,” frowned the girl as she crossed her arms.
About 10 years ago
One warm, Saturday night, Bakugou reached into his snack drawer after an arduous evening of training and expected to find a bag of plain Chex Mix that he ritualistically set aside for such occasions. However, upon the realization that he had none, begrudgingly changed into his casual clothes to set out for more.
That girl, round face - Uraraka must have had a similar idea, for he spotted her scanning the commons area for someone or something. Her search did not concern him until he headed out the door, and she tailed him.
“Where ya goin’, Bakugou?” she asked.
Foolishly, he answered, “Out.” Though, that would have been obvious with a silent departure.
“I’m goin’ to the convenience store, and I guess everybody else is busy. Mind if I walk with you for some of the way? I don’t wanna go alone.”
Crap, that was the only place he could get his fix. Maybe if he stayed silent, then she would catch a hint and leave him be.
That logic was merely wishful thinking as she tagged along with him the entire way until she realized with a giggle, “Oh, what a coincidence! I guess we’re goin’ to the same place.”
Stomping ahead of her through the door, Bakugou navigated to the appropriate aisle and began to grab roughly a dozen bags of chex mix one by one.
“Chex mix is kinda boring,” Uraraka mused aloud as she held the back of her finger to her chin. “Do you like candy?”
“Boring? Are you fucking kidding me?” he chided. “It’s better than the other shit in this store. Candy isn’t even a snack.” When he caught a glimpse of the glitter in her big, brown eyes, he immediately regretted giving her an icebreaker.
Uraraka lifted her eyebrows at him and stared down at the bags. “Can I try some?” she requested.
“Then how will I know that it’s the supreme snack that you say it is?”
That girl caught on too quickly to his idiosyncrasies. Somehow, she knew just how to strum his strings to implore the notes that she wanted to hear.
Bakugou grunted, “Fine.”
“The catch is -”
“There isn’t a fucking catch I’m -” he began but did not finish.
Asserting herself, she continued with a smug grin, “The catch is that you have to try stuff like daifuku and shrimp chips. Oh, and pocky.” Halting, her shoes screeched against the tile floor, she gasped, “Look! These look super yummy. Have you tried them? They have honey-flavored graham crackers in them.”
Before her inquiry, Bakugou had never dared to venture outside of his routine. He had always bought the most traditional flavor. Despite his predilection for spicy foods, he never reached for the hot variety either. Staring at the bags of Sweet n Savory and Hot n Spicy, he grabbed some of each flavor when she turned her back to search for other snacks. Damn her for pushing him like she did.
He smirked, recalling her audacity to interrupt him, “I’m definitely gonna kick her ass,” he promised. Catching a whiff of her familiar scent, he sensed her near and winced at her sudden proximity to his back. Dropping all of his bags, he cursed, “What the fuck are you doing?”
Uraraka rubbed the back of her head and raised the basket full of snacks with a pronounced blush on the tips of her cheeks. Bending down, she helped him collect the bags that he had dropped and placed them into her basket. “Sorry, I get a little carried away when I go to the convenience store. You like spicy stuff, right? I got some things that I’d try, too,” she explained upon deaf ears, for he had left! “Bakugou!”
“You call that spicy? That doesn’t even scratch the surface,” he scolded. “If you’re gonna have me put any of the sweet shit in my mouth, you’re gonna have to suffer through the hellish torture of Bokun Habanero.” Holding up a black bag with a habanero jack-o-latern on the cover, he pointed to a Kanji character. “You can tell this is good because it says violence.” Expecting wide eyes full of terror, he lowered the bag to catch her giggling as she covered her mouth. “What the fuck are you laughing at?”
Smiling up at him, she laughed, “Sorry, sorry, I just didn’t think you’d get excited over something like this, too.”
Speechless, he decided that the only outcome of this night that would satisfy him was if she ended up on the floor, crying and groveling for relief from the fiery hell that he brought to her. Grabbing the hottest snacks he could find, he filled her basket to the brim.
“Wait,” she pleaded, “I can’t afford all of this!”
Clenching his fist, Bakugou gloated, “Fine. I’ll pay. Watching you suffer is going to be priceless.”
“You don’t have to pay! I can put some stuff back,” she volunteered as nervous energy crawled up her spine and jolted her from her carefree evening.
“What? Are you too full of bullshit pride to let someone else buy something?”
Shaking her head, Uraraka protested, “No, it’s not that.” However, she acknowledged the truth in some of what he said. Only on rare occasions did she sit by and allow other people to pay for her.
“Then, shut up.”
Her eye twitched before she took a deep breath. Look who’s talking! He had the most fragile ego of everyone in the entire school.
After they checked out, they returned to the dorms in silence and kept their distance. Bakugou relished in the silence, for he would hate if she tried to misinterpret his actions as some form of friendship. Uraraka already understood that, but the silence irked her. Of course, she had hopes that their night together would result in friendship, but she failed to apologize as she walked closely behind him.
In the quiet of the empty Commons, Bakugou carelessly dumped their exorbitant bags of snacks onto the floor. “You ready to die, Uraraka?” challenged Bakugou.
Relief washed over Uraraka her eyes met with his glimmering crimson ones that held no trace of animosity. Biting her lip, she nodded and sat onto the couch, “Mhm!”
Sweat slid down his temple as he frowned. A smile? He had hoped for anguish or fear in her sturdy profile. His eye twitched when his heart dropped and returned to its place. What was that - certainly not fear, but what?
“Oh, I forgot to get water!” she remembered. “I’ll probably need it if I’m going to suffer, right?”
Bakugou ground his teeth and scolded, “You’re not getting any damn water! Don’t make fun of me, either. You think this is a game?”
“But, Bakugou,” she whined. Their agreement had turned into a challenge, so in some respect, it was a game. How agonizing could a snack be?
Lifting his eyebrows, he savored the glimpse of water that gathered on the surface of her eyes. Sitting on the couch at an arm’s length of a difference, he groaned, “Alright, hurry up and give me the shit you want to give me. Let’s get this over with. I’ve probably tried some of it when I was a kid, so I’m probably not going to change my mind.”
“Not with that attitude! I want you to like this stuff,” complained Uraraka as she furrowed her eyebrows at the stack of foods. She held up a small bag of Umaibo with Doraemon on the cover. “Try these. They’re kinda like Chex Mix.”
“I fucking doubt it.” Bakugou snatched them from her hand and threw a bag of Wasabi peas at her face, but she deflected it. “If you can’t handle those, then I’ll know you can’t handle the good stuff.”
Upon trying the peas, Uraraka pushed her tongue past her lips as she silenced her groan. For whatever reason, she wanted to impress him. Months ago, she could tell that Bakugou respected her enough to refer to her by her preferred name. He fought her like no one else did. Concentrating on subduing the spice and unpleasant flavor of her least favorite sensations, she realized that she had finished the entire bag. “Done! I didn’t like it that much, but it was definitely not too much for me,” she alerted him. Though, she thirsted for water.
“Well, what you gave me was shit, but since you’re putting up a front, I guess we can continue. Loser is whoever can’t handle anymore, alright?” he proposed without expecting contrary input from her.
“Putting up a front? No, it really wasn’t that bad!” she replied as she held up her hands in front of her face. “It’s kinda like Chex Mix, though, right?”
Bakugou frowned, “Nothing compares, dammit!” She had way too much pride. He had witnessed the tension in her eyebrows and the grimace on her lips. While the sight amused him, he loathed the blockade of hubris that she put up for no apparent reason.
After consuming bags upon bags of Manju, Spicy Chex Mix, Kaki no Tane and many more, the stockpile they had accumulated began to dwindle. By that point, Uraraka’s scarlet distress and watery eyes betrayed her words. Bakugou smirked despite his increasingly nauseous stomach ache and bloat.
“You gotta love the softness of daifuku. Nothing beats it, and it’s so sweet, too,” she mused as she stuffed a pink one into her cheeks like a squirrel. Squealing, she enjoyed the short-lived relief in her mouth. “Aren’t they good?”
“They aren’t bad,” thought Bakugou as he tilted his nose up to look down at the blissful smile on her cherubic face. Those red cheeks never paled, did they?
She gasped before a giggle, “Did you just admit to not hating somethin’, Bakugou?” The still of the rarely quiet Commons made the night feel special. The tides of fate parted for them to have such a night together, and she enjoyed hearing his scalding reactions only for them to digress into an impartial neutral comment.
Leaning forward, he began to reach for the spiciest snack on the table. Of course, he bought two for both of them. Uraraka intercepted his reach. Retracting his hand, he pushed his back against the couch. How bold.
“I know, I know. I’m gonna suffer, right?” she pointed at herself after opening the bag. After placing a single chip in her mouth, she already regretted the challenge. Eyeing the perimeter of the room, her glance shot towards the bathroom as she thought about running. That was all before the spice embedded into the taste buds of her mouth. She whimpered as raw, hot flames engulfed her mouth. Hiding her glossy eyes beneath her bangs, she slowly looked up to Bakugou to ask, “I gotta eat it all?”
Grinning, he snatched the bag from her and began stuffing the snacks into her mouth by hand. One by one, his palm pressed against her throbbing lips as she chewed. Finally, the tears began to show and his fiery craving grew ten folds. Panting from excitement, he chortled, “I bet you hate this, don’t you? You ready to give up, yet?”
Fortunately, for Uraraka, as rough as the action may have appeared, he remained gentle in a sense. He certainly allowed her to breathe and pace herself. If she wanted to stop and say something, then she certainly could. And as he held the back of her head, his palm cradled her. Still, she allowed her hot tears to fall as she gripped his shirt.
Just like that, he stopped to pull his hand away and completely free her. He taunted, “What? I win already?”
“No, I can have more,” she promised as she shook her head. Sticking her tongue out, she thought about asking why he stopped. “Oh, I only have two more. Yay. They’re grosser than they are spicy.” As she placed the last two in her mouth and chewed, she raised two fingers and stared Bakugou down as her eyebrows furrowed with an intense glare. “That’s it, right?”
Bakugou scoffed, “You forgot to eat these, you dumbass. They’ll help.” He tossed her a bag of Chex Mix as he casually munched down on his Bokun Habanero.
Impressed, Uraraka’s eyes lit up as she gazed at him eating his chosen snack. “You’re really cool, Bakugou!” she noted out loud.
“Shut up and eat the damn Chex Mix!”
Once she opened the blue bag of traditional, savory cereal and stuffed a handful into her mouth, she grinned, “Woah, these really do help. And, they’re pretty good, too.” Tears of joy glazed her eyes as she marveled at the quick relief that washed over her mouth.
Bakugou replied as he looked out the window. “We need a tie breaker after I finish the shitty pocky you got.”
Kirishima and Kaminari entered the area. Kirishima gawked at the copious amounts of snacks on the table, “Sweet, free snacks? Can I have some?”
“No, fuck off!” spat Bakugou. He hated that his two friends interrupted whatever kind of atmosphere he had developed with the anti-gravity girl.
“We were just doing a competition to see who has the best tastes in snacks, but now, we don’t know how to tell the winner,” Uraraka explained.
Kaminari quirked an eyebrow and grinned at the box of pocky in Bakugou’s hands, “Oh? Well, you got some pocky. Why don’t you do the pocky challenge,” he suggested as he pointed towards the package with an open palm.
A glint grew in a Bakugou’s eye before he asked, “What’s that?”
“Yeah, what’s that? That sounds like fun!”
Turning around, Kaminari had to hide his mischevious grin. “You race to see who can finish the fastest.”
Bakugou took one out the box and pushed the package to Uraraka for her to take one as well. Immediately, they raced to finish chomping the fastest.
“I think Uraraka won,” noted Kirishima as he pointed to her.
“What?” Kaminari exclaimed as he fully turned around. “No, that’s not how you do it. Uraraka, put one end in your mouth.”
She obliged - simple enough.
“Then, Bakugou, the other end goes into your mouth, and THEN, you race to finish the fastest.”
Immediately, Bakugou took the challenge and bit onto the other end. Once their eyes met, they had already taken a bite. Finally, he realized the possibilities that such a challenge could lead. His face reddened, and his heart quickened as he realized just how much he got carried away that evening. “Wait a minute!” he exclaimed. How could he be so foolish?
Kaminari had already begun to flee.
Uraraka finished the pocky stick herself as sweat built up on her forehead. She got carried away as well. Blood rushed to her head as she began to feel dizzy. Maybe she enjoyed that night a little too much.
“What? You actually finished it?” Kirishima asked.
“Doesn’t that mean it’s an indirect kiss?” noted Kaminari.
“Fuck all of you!” cursed Bakugou as he chased the two guys around the room.
The young girl with silky blond hair held her opened mouth to gasp. “Eh? Really?” she curiously asked.
“Mhm, and then your Papa fell madly in love with me.”
When their daughter looked at her father, Bakugou hid his face and nodded. Then, he added, “You did, too.”
“Is that true, Mama?” asked the girl.
“That day, I saw sides of your Papa that no one else had seen, so I started to fall in love, too,” explained Uraraka before she kissed Bakugou on his cheek.
Redness engulfed his face as he growled, “Oi, Ochako, stop doing that in front of our daughter.”
“Mama, what did you do to Papa?”
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bloomsoftly · 7 years
"whatever she is, isn't human. It's old, it's powerful, and it hates."
guns & rosaries, Darcy/Loki
Now on AO3.
okay, you didn’t ask for a specific pairing so i just went with whatever worked, which turned out to be Darcy/Loki. So this is tasertricks, and a lot longer than I expected it to be. Hope you like it! :)
Darcy didn’t begin to suspect that anything was wrong until the third day on the job. Hunting monsters had never exactly been easy money, but she and Jane had been doing it for so long that Darcy forgot what it was like when a job went truly sideways.
From the start, it seemed like an average contract—strange and scary things started happening in a small town, townspeople freaked out, townspeople found a (mostly) innocent person to scapegoat—and the guy who hired them was too genuinely nice to be pulling some kind of con. And while Jane may have been too entranced by the guy’s abs to make an unbiased evaluation of the situation, Darcy’s bullshit detector had no equal. To be fair to Jane, though, even Darcy had to admit that Thor’s abs were extremely impressive.
All that aside, his concern that his little brother might be wrongly accused and driven out of their community was so palpable that Jane and Darcy accepted the contract on the spot and booked a flight to Norway the next day.
The first night was fine. Jane and Darcy were jet lagged as hell but still able to drag themselves to the only inn in town, where they rented two rooms for the duration of the contract (Jane was attempting to hide her desire to get in Thor’s pants as a sudden and unprecedented need for space, but Darcy wasn’t buying it). Darcy barely took the time to unpack her meager toiletries—she left the silver bullets, holy water, and emergency potions securely tucked away in the false bottom of her luggage—before heading out to join Jane and Thor in the pub for dinner.
When she finally collapsed into bed, exhausted, she had horrible, restless dreams all night. She woke up the next morning, drained, with the ghost of a crushing weight on her chest. Rubbing at the spot, feeling as if a bruise was forming, Darcy attributed the strangeness to lingering jet lag and a desperate need for caffeine. She paused only for a moment at the mirror, looking at the deep, dark bruises under her eyes in mild consternation. Should’ve brought more concealer, Darce.
On her way out the door, Darcy’s eyes caught on the items scattered across the vanity. Hmm, that’s strange—she would’ve sworn that they were in a different order when she laid them out the day before. Shaking her head, Darcy wrote it off as a flight of fancy and went on her way.
The second day and night went much like the first; Jane and Darcy split up to subtly investigate suspicious activity in the town, and Darcy became more and more perturbed by what she heard. Apparently, several people had had heart attacks in the middle of the night over the past few months, a few too many to just be coincidence. At least several more had literally disappeared in the middle of the night, with no clue as to where they had gone. The townsfolk were adamant that they hadn’t left voluntarily—cars, clothes, and belongings were all still at home, and entire families had been left behind without warning.
Suspicion and paranoia were percolating, as they often did in situations like these, swelling into a wave of fear and hate that would find some unlucky sod to target. Apparently, in this case that scapegoat was likely to be Thor’s little brother.
Darcy and Jane would have to move quickly, before irreparable damage was done.
As she headed back to the pub to meet Jane and Thor for dinner, Darcy mused that it did indeed sound like some kind of supernatural creature was wreaking havoc on the town. Unfortunately, she was still at a loss for what kind—the vague descriptions she had gathered from the townspeople could fit any number of monsters she and Jane dealt with on a regular basis, not to mention the ones specific to this area of the world. Hopefully Jane had fared better.
Jane had not, in fact, fared any better. That was patently clear from the fact that Darcy’s best friend was currently engaged in a rousing sing-off with her fair-haired beau, which seemed well on its way to…yep, definitely ending in a drunken makeout.
Rolling her eyes fondly at the pair, Darcy moved to claim a table at the edge of the crowd. As she sat, Darcy felt the press of someone’s gaze and sat up to her full (modest) height. Taking her time, she nonchalantly cast her eyes about this room, searching for her unknown spectator.
As soon as her eyes landed on the man lounging in a chair by the fire, Darcy wondered how she ever could have missed him. He certainly wasn’t going out of his way to hide the direction of his gaze, and he smirked at her when their eyes met. With dark hair and a disdainful tilt of his chin, he looked nothing like the rest of the townspeople she had met so far.
Because of the distance and the reflection of the flames dancing in his eyes, she couldn’t tell if they were green or blue. There was no disguising the smug tilt of his mouth, though, especially as it was directed straight at her in a blatant challenge. Darcy allowed herself a smug look in return, and he sat up a bit straighter in his chair in response. She had a moment to wonder if he would abandon the distance between them and approach her, but then Jane was at the table, slightly drunk and glowing.
Swaying as she sat down, Jane leaned too close and shouted, “Thor’s getting us drinks!”
Darcy chuckled and leaned back in her seat, eardrums already aching from Jane’s lack of volume control. “That’s great, Janie, thanks. Did you find out anything good today?”
Jane shakes her head, then nods vigorously, then see-saws her hand in a so-so motion. “Umm—”
Snorting at her best friend, Darcy takes a different approach. Best to keep it simple. “Any word on how Thor’s brother is holding up under all the suspicion?”
Jane looked at her, wide-eyed and puzzled. “You were the one just having intense eye sex with him, Darcy, so you tell me. I thought you’d already ‘met,’ the way you were looking at each other.” She waggled her eyebrows outrageously, drawing a laugh out of Darcy.
“You’re the only one getting any action on this trip, Janie,” Darcy teased. Humming thoughtfully, she added, “I could see why he’d be the one everyone blames around here, though. He doesn’t exactly…fit in.”
Jane nodded sagely in agreement. “It’s always the outsiders who get blamed, isn’t it?” She and Darcy exchanged a glance, empathetic to Loki’s plight; they’d been on the receiving end of townspeople’s misplaced blame more than once in the past, and it was always unpleasant. Darcy turned back to where he was sitting, but Loki was gone.
Thor came back with their mead at that moment and conversation turned to lighter topics. Darcy let go of thoughts about his brother, but every now and then she swore she could feel eyes on her, watching and assessing.
That night passed much like the one before, and Darcy began to suspect that her nightmares possibly had something to do with whatever was haunting the town. She suffered no other effects than lingering exhaustion and a lingering heaviness in her chest, though, so she continued on with her day, planning to look into it later.
In hindsight, perhaps Jane and Darcy should have questioned the details of the supernatural goings-on a bit more extensively before making the trip. That way, Darcy might have been slightly more prepared to wake up to a ghoulish creature perched on her chest in the middle of the night.
As it was, Darcy was not prepared in the least. She woke abruptly, limbs paralyzed and pressed to the bed. Her mouth still worked, though, and she let out an earsplitting shriek, loud enough to bring the inn down around her ears. The vaguely woman-like creature bore down on her, glowing red eyes moving so close they drowned everything else out.
Whatever she was, she wasn’t human. She was old, powerful, and clearly hated Darcy with a fiery passion.
Darcy had just enough time to reflect on the embarrassment of dying in bed in a foreign country, alone, before her ears were filled with a thunderous clanging. The ghoul screamed in pain and frustration and clambered off of her, scrambling to the far corner of the room.
Limbs mobile again, Darcy propped herself up on her elbows just in time to see the creature turn itself to mist. A silver knife flew past, embedding itself directly into the wood where the creature had stood half a second earlier.
Loki stood in the doorway, one hand gripping some kind of bell while the other was still outstretched from throwing the knife.
Darcy blinked, and then he was rushing toward her. He grabbed her hand, dragging her the rest of the way out of bed, and they fled the bedroom at a run.
Well, Darcy thought to herself, this job just got a whole lot more interesting.
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