#hopefully this will be slowly patched up in the coming months
zellkabellk · 1 year
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So, we continued our multiplayer run of BG3 with friends yesterday night (I'm the one in the background)
18 notes · View notes
zepskies · 1 year
Break Me Down - The Epilogue
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Pairing: Soldier Boy/Ben x Female Reader
Summary: You’re a private investigator by trade, but now you happily sit at a desk — leading a surveillance team at Supe Affairs. After managing to end Homelander in New York, Soldier Boy escapes custody. You are recruited for the manhunt, joining Butcher’s team.
Truly, you joined the S.A. for the right reasons. But after you become his accidental hostage, Soldier Boy will break down every single one of them…
💚 Break Me Down Masterlist
AN: This chapter is set about a month before "Love Actually." So...are you ready?
Song Inspo: For this last chapter, it’s “The Book of Love” by Peter Gabriel. (It’s just lovely. I listened to it while writing the second half of the epilogue!)
Word Count: 7,800
Tags/Warnings: 18+ only! Violence and peril, angst, familiar bickering, smutty smut, bit of breeding kink, tender fluff, hurt/comfort, and an ending…
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Epilogue: All My Living Time
“I’m not fucking around,” he said. “I want you to live with me.” 
Your smile was soft and bright when you took his hand. Ben wouldn’t admit it, but something in his chest stuttered to life then.
“Okay,” you said with a nod. “Let’s do it.”
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Six months later…
You were frustrated with your roommate.
And yes, you used the word roommate, because he hadn’t seen fit to give it any other label.
You stewed in your irritation as you also stirred the beginnings of chicken tortilla soup. It was early in the morning before work, and Yvette had been teaching you how to master the crockpot. Hopefully, by the time you and Ben got home tonight, it would be ready and waiting for dinner.
Six months. You had to nag him about cabinets left open, dirty boots left right in front of the door to your shared apartment, and hell, actually going to his therapy sessions.
While that last one had taken months of convincing and cajoling, he’d caved when you suggested that acknowledging and dealing with what happened to him in Russia might help him control the nuclear power inside him. And maybe, just maybe, they wouldn’t have to patch another hole in the ceiling.
Mind you, he wouldn’t actually talk to said therapist about anything related to his PTSD. But at least he was going. And the therapist was apparently getting an earful of Ben’s celebrity encounters, with all the explicit, gushy details.
However, even with all of this, it also sometimes felt like you were an in-house maid rather than a partner.
The latest reason for your frustration returned to you when Ben strolled into the kitchen in search of coffee. He wasn’t yet dressed for work in his supe suit; instead, still in the plain shirt and sweatpants he’d slept in.
He glanced at you, and seeming to sense your mood, he kept to himself as he found his usual mug and poured a cup of steaming French press in silence.
You took in a breath, trying to calm yourself. Maybe he’d had time to sleep on it. You closed the crockpot and went over to him. Your hand on his arm made him pause.
“Hey,” you said, “have you thought about what I asked you last night?”
Ben’s expression remained flat. “I think I already said my piece on that.”
You sighed.
“Why is dinner with my family such a hard thing for you?” you asked. Your brows furrowed. “My sister’s starting to warm up to you! And Mom just wants to get to know you. What’s the problem?”
Ben scoffed. “Your sister fucking hates me.”
You bit your lip. He wasn’t totally wrong, but in fairness, Louisa wasn’t happy to learn about why you’d nearly died in the hospital, when Vought Tower collapsed.
She thought you needed therapy for an egregious case of Stockholm Syndrome. But the more Ben worked with Supe Affairs, helping to clear the streets of out-of-control supes and cleaning up the remains of Vought, you were slowly getting Louisa to come around.
“She just needs time to get to know you too,” you said.
Ben wasn’t having it though. He rolled his eyes and tried to walk away from you with his coffee and a newspaper—aiming to get to his favorite lounge chair in the living room. It was the way he always started his morning, like the old man he was.
You followed him.
“Come on, one dinner won’t kill you,” you said. “And by the way, neither would moving your dirty-ass boots out of the doorway.”
You went over to grab said boots, and in your annoyance, you all but tossed them into the hall. Ben frowned at you, throwing down the newspaper onto the coffee table.
“Why’re you nagging me like a goddamn wife?” he snapped.
“Wife?” you scoffed, crossing your arms. “You don’t even call me your girlfriend.”
But God forbid another man even smile in your direction. Ben was possessive, protective, and claimed with all but words that you were his. And yet, he wouldn’t say it.
You shouldn’t have been surprised that he was afraid of commitment, but you’d been living together for six damn months. Almost seven, if you counted the safe house.
When you found this nice, but cozy apartment in Scarsdale, you’d sat him down at the breakfast bar in the kitchen, like the two of you used to in that house in Medellin.
And you established the ground rules before you two officially moved in together: 
First, an exclusive relationship meant exclusive. Meaning no fucking around. (He’d raised a brow at you.)
Second, you were his partner, not his slave. You expected him to carry his hefty weight, not only in the relationship, but around the house. (He’d most definitely rolled his eyes at that.)
And finally, don’t be an asshole, you’d decreed. “Be honest when you’re not feeling right about something. But don’t be a dick about it.” 
That cut both ways, of course, just like the other two rules. He’d agreed to all of these, albeit begrudgingly. You hadn’t really known then if he meant it.
And now, looking at him, you still had no idea if he was trying, or if he was just tired of being alone…and if you were just a convenient bedwarmer. You bit your lip once again, this time with a growing fear blooming anxiety in your chest.
“Do you even love me?” you asked.
Ben blinked down at you, and his lips pulled into a deep frown.
“Stop fucking around,” he said.
“I’m serious,” you insisted. Your crossed arms tightened, as if to protect yourself from what he might say. “You’ve never said it once.”
“And the fact that I agreed to live in this mediocre fucking apartment doesn’t mean anything?” he said, gesturing around him with a hand. “I take you out, I buy you shit. Matter of fact, I fucking spoil you.”
“And you take off whenever you feel like it, especially after missions,” you shot back. “Sometimes I don’t know where the hell you’ve gone for hours. For all I know, you’re out there doing blow with a caravan of strippers!”
While that did sound like a damn good time, that hadn’t been Ben’s M.O. in recent months. And in his mind, you should’ve known better.
“I haven’t fucked anyone but you since we moved in here,” he snapped.
Even longer than that, if he was honest. 
Meanwhile, you wanted to trust his words, desperately, but you just didn’t know if you could. 
“Even if I believe you, what’s the problem here?” you asked. Your gaze fell from his as you worried your bottom lip. “Am I doing something wrong?”
You didn’t see the way Ben’s brows knitted together, his eyes softening a bit.
“Other than annoying the hell out of me right now, no,” he replied. 
“Okay,” you nodded with a sigh. You looked up at him again. “Then just tell me the truth. What are we doing here?” 
“What the fuck do you mean?” Ben’s hands went to his waist, and once again, he frowned in irritation. “I’m here. What more do you want from me?” 
“Do you love me?” you asked. “And don’t lie to me.” 
He knew very well that you would be able to detect if he was lying. Which was why, you suspected, he hadn’t tried to. 
He couldn’t seem to answer you though…and that broke your heart.
Shaking your head, you walked away from him to get ready for work.
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Your attitude at work was snappish at best. Annie had pulled you from the Surveillance department on your lunch break to join her and your friends in the breakroom, but you couldn’t enjoy yourself like you usually would.
“Smooth and creamy, all the motherfuckin’ way,” M.M. said. Sitting across from him in the breakroom was Frenchie, pelting him with a roasted peanut.
“This is why you are an unsophisticated, bourgeois, fucking fuddy-duddy,” Frenchie remarked. He was also vaping, as Annie was trying to get him to stop smoking indoors. “Extra crunchy peanut butter is the only way to do business.”
“What’s the point? Just eat peanuts if you want it that crunchy,” M.M. countered. He blocked each roasted nut thrown at him and organized them in a perfect pile on the table.
“You know what? You’re right. Smooth and creamy is how I’ll eat out your mother’s sweet and savory vajine,” Frenchie teased.
M.M.’s deadpan face was priceless. But when a peanut projectile strayed and hit you in the cheek, you leveled Frenchie with a glare.
“Can you guys not act like children for five goddamn minutes?” you snapped.
His brows raised, along with his hands in surrender. M.M. and Annie looked at you in mild surprise, and the latter with concern after the guys eventually left.
“What’s going on with you? You’ve looked tense as hell all day,” she asked. You sighed, holding a hand to your brow.
“I know. I’m sorry,” you replied. She gave you a knowing look.
“Is…something going on?” she asked. “Is it Ben?”
Most of the S.A. was still wary of Ben, while M.M. tolerated him at best. (You understood how hard he was trying.)
You appreciated Annie though. She was a good friend, and along with Hughie, she’d been another who started to come around to the idea of Ben. Not only as he occasionally worked with the S.A., but to the man himself, after she’d seen the way he did his best to save you, Yvette, and her son Devon.
You nodded at her question. You couldn’t help the tears burgeoning in your eyes. Annie scooched her chair over so she could rub your back in comfort. You sniffed and tried not to break down here in the middle of the breakroom, over your sad ham sandwich.
“We had a fight,” you admitted. Annie’s gaze was tight with concern.
“Did he…hurt you?” she asked. Her brown eyes were as direct as her words, promising her protection as well as retribution, depending on how you answered.
Your glassy eyes widened. “No. He’s not like that, he…believe it or not, but he’s never hurt me, Annie. Not once.”
After a moment, she nodded. “Okay, good. Well, tell me what happened.”
You wanted to. But before you could, both of you got an incoming text in the team group chat. It was from Grace Mallory.
She had a new mission.
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Grace asked you to join the team on your first field mission since you’d returned to work three months ago. She also called in Ben, as in her words, it was another “all hands on fucking deck” situation.
Ben and Butcher eyed one another with similar stoic frowns, before they proceeded to ignore each other. Despite how you felt about Ben right now, the brief exchange almost made you smirk.
Apparently the whole I saved you with my super blood thing was awkward for both of them. You knew Ben had seen it as a means to an end. You still didn’t know how Butcher felt about it, but it seemed as if a begrudging respect had formed between the two men.
Or at least, they were civil, anyway.
“All right,” Grace said, once she saw that everyone was in attendance. “Let’s begin.”
A supe named Sapphire had been giving the CIA trouble for years now. She was moving drugs from South America to the States, to the Middle East, whoever would deal with her. And she was smart. She had a network of spies that transcended continents, and so she had evaded every attempt at arrest.
She was also a powerful supe, with the ability to channel vaporizing energy not unlike Crimson Countess had. However, this supe could spear blue shards of light through her enemies as well.  With her damn eyes.
Grace turned to you after she finished explaining the details of the mission.
“Sapphire’s internal security is advanced. Our system can’t penetrate her firewalls. You’ll need to get a hand on the mainframe from there, shut down her system. Then our Surveillance team can back you up here.”
You nodded, but in the corner of your eye, you noticed Ben frowning as he crossed his arms.
“What?” you asked.
“You’re out of practice,” he told you. “You really think you’re ready for this?”
“Why wouldn’t I be? I train every day,” you snapped back.
Ben’s expression fell into irritation. “Not the same, and you fucking know it.”
Butcher, Annie, and the others watched the exchange with mixed wariness and discomfort. Grace looked between you and Ben with curious, narrowed eyes.
“Is this going to be a problem, you two working together on this?” she asked.
You turned from Ben’s annoyed face and met Grace’s gaze directly.
“Not at all,” you said.
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Sapphire had been spotted doing business in the Meat Packing District. By day, the building was a beef butchering factory. By night, it was apparently one of the most massive drug running operations in the city.
As such, her security team was extensive—at the front, the back, and the roof. So while Butcher, Kimiko, and Ben broke through the front, making a lot of noise and distraction, the rest of you went under.
Unfortunately, that meant the sewer. Annie lit the way through, while M.M. followed a set of schematics to find the right spot.
“It’s not my first time in the bowels of New York City, but please God, let it be the last,” Hughie quipped. You tried not to breathe the foul smell through your nose.
“Watch the fucking rat,” M.M. said with a grimace, before he set up the double-sided ladder he brought. He and Frenchie climbed either side of it up to the metal ceiling which, according to the building’s schematics, led directly beneath the factory basement.
They took up welding guns and masks to carve a large hole into the metal and cement above. And soon enough, they pushed up and slid over a large portion, creating a gap you could all crawl through. 
M.M. helped Annie up first, and she shot a few star bolts at the three men inside, who had been smoking and eating deli sandwiches. Each of them went down, alive, but groaning in pain. That allowed the rest of you to climb up and into the basement.
“We’re in,” M.M. said into the Bluetooth communicator in his ear.
“We’re cutting through her goon squad,” Butcher said. “Sapphire’s here somewhere. I can smell a massive cunt already.”
“Gross. Thanks for that visual,” Annie remarked.
From there, you all took off toward the stairwell. It was your task to find the operation’s security control room. So Hughie and Frenchie went with you as backup, while M.M. and Annie went to join the fight and find Sapphire.
It took you a few tries to find the right room. Most of them were offices. One contained wagons of discarded meat parts (disgusting). But eventually, you found a large room filled with computer equipment and a huge wall monitor with several panels of camera feeds. You and Frenchie raised your guns and took out the team inside.
Then you and Hughie went to the controls. Frenchie watched the door while you worked to disable the firewall first. You instructed Hughie on how to knock out their communications as well. And within a few minutes, your work was done. You were able to make a call to the S.A. Surveillance team.
“Hey, friend!” a cheerful voice greeted you. You smiled; it was your coworker Jess, who you’d worked with for the past two years. 
“Yep! I’m helping out on this one. What do you need?”
“I shut down the firewall. I’m giving you the I.P. address now so you can connect.”
“…Okay, got it. I’m in. I can see all twenty cameras, and you! Hey, there.”
“All right, where’s Sapphire?” you asked.
“Looks like they haven’t found her yet,” Hughie said, pointing at the camera feed in the main room, filled with rows of conveyor belts, and a massive fight as Ben, Butcher, and the others made their way through the building.
“We’ll just have to help them clear each room,” you said. “Let’s go. Jess, keep an eye on us, but look out for Sapphire.”
“Will do. I’m patched into your comm now too,” she said. So you hung up your cell, and you left with Hughie and Frenchie.
You ran into more security when you left the room, more than the three of you could realistically handle as a fire fight began. You guys ran in the opposite direction, but while you veered right around the corner, Frenchie and Hughie ran left. Bullets tore in between, making sure that none of you could cross the hall to join back up.
“You guys keep going. I’ll find my own way out,” you called out to them. Neither of them liked that idea, but Frenchie nodded and pulled Hughie away when Sapphire’s security team closed in.
You kept running down the hall. You knew you were being chased. Several heavy footsteps thundered behind you. 
“Jess, I need a way out of here,” you commed in.
“You’re on the second floor,” she said. “The closest stairwell is the one you’re running away from.”
“What’s the second closest?” You panted as you ran.
“Hmm, you can cut through room 234. The exit stairwell is right on the other side.”
 “Is the room clear?” you asked.
After a moment, Jess answered. “Yep, it should be.”
"Should be?”you said dubiously.
“What the hell’s going on?” you heard Ben’s voice on the line. You heard the edge of his annoyance (and underlying worry), but you didn’t have time to talk to him right now.
“Looks clear on my end,” said Jess,“but this connection is a bit wonky.”
Damn it, Jess, you thought. When you reached room 234, the door was solid gray. There was no window to peek into, and you didn’t have time for caution, as a stray bullet nearly caught you in the head.
You ripped the door open and ran in, slamming the door shut behind you and locking it for good measure.
You turned around and stopped short. A gasp caught in your throat.
The room was huge, and it was filled wall-to-wall with white packages, of what you could only assume was cocaine. A few men were continuing to stack them. At the center of it all was a tall woman, rich tan skin, long black hair, wearing a deep blue pantsuit and killer heels. She looked like a boss ass bitch.
But unfortunately, she was also looking straight at you, raising a brow.
“Ah,” she said. A smile curved her lips, painted with a dark plum lipstick. “You’re one of the little bitches making a mess in my office.” 
Her eyes glowed blue, and yours widened. You dove for the nearest shelter—a wall of cocaine parcels. White powder exploded and wafted in the air as you ducked and ran across the room (and tried not to inhale). You drew your gun and shot out the legs of her men underneath the long stretch of table, but you yelped as bullets continued to follow you.
“I found Sapphire! Need backup in 234!” you shouted into the comm.
But when a blast of blue energy rocked into the wall directly behind you, you screamed as you were thrown forward. You landed painfully on your side, with the wind knocked out of you.
After a moment, you drew breath into your lungs and were able to pick yourself up. The exit door was close, a mere few feet away, but the second you reached for it, you had to pull back as narrow blue shards of light pierced the door. 
Sapphire was quickly approaching, just a yard or so away from grabbing you.
Instead of shooting your gun, you went for the taser at your belt and shot fast. Sapphire grabbed the end of the line like a fucking moron. Her blue eyes widened in outrage and pain when it shocked 50,000 volts of electricity through her body.
You took your chance, and you ripped the door open and fled. You just didn’t expect the bolt of energy that shot after you when you reached the stairs.
It didn’t hit you, but trying to dodge it made you lose your balance. You uttered a short scream as you were forced to jump the first flight of stairs.
You landed on the middle platform between the first and second floor. This time, you knew you twisted your ankle badly on the way down. You whimpered, holding your ankle and shin, but you knew you didn’t have time to waste.
It was a struggle to claw your way up to the guard rail. You could barely put pressure on your right foot, but you had no choice as you scrambled down the rest of the stairs. Already the door to the stairwell was blown open, and a pissed supe was on her way down behind you.
After shoving the door open on the first floor, you stumbled out and took another painful spill across the concrete floor. To your relief, M.M. picked you up by your arms.
The door behind you swung open, and before Sapphire could fire off a vaporizing blow, Ben raised his new titanium shield in front of you and M.M.
The blue energy bounced right off, and Ben used his shield to bat the supe right in the face—like swatting a fly. With a shriek, she was thrown hard against the wall.
Sapphire sunk to her knees, then the electric blue flickered out of her eyes as she fell unconscious to the floor.
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When you all returned to Supe Affairs, Ben thundered down the hall towards the Surveillance department.
“Ben!” You hurried after him the best you could with a sprained ankle, bare-footed and wrapped, while M.M. and Hughie trailed behind. The others were busy getting Sapphire into custody.
Hughie was concerned for you though, while M.M. also wanted to know how you were going to try and reign in Soldier Boy.
“What the hell are you doing?” you called after Ben.
“I wanna know what goddamn moron cleared that fucking room,” he barked, but he didn’t slow down.
M.M. called your name from behind.
“Get your boyfriend in check,” he warned.
You sighed in irritation. At this point, you didn’t even know if he was your boyfriend.
But you struggled to reach him. You were practically hopping on one foot. The moment you tried to put any pressure on your right one, you faltered with a cry as you all but crashed against the wall to catch yourself. Hughie went to help you, grabbing your arm gently with a supportive hand on your back.
You didn’t see it, but that was when Ben stopped short. His jaw ticked. And he turned on his booted heel. When he saw you struggling to support yourself against the wall, he reluctantly went back. He knocked Hughie’s scrawny hands off you and wrapped an arm around your waist.
When he tried to just gather you into his arms to get the weight off your injured foot, you snapped at him.
“I can walk!” you said. “Let’s just go home please.”
His nostrils flared in irritation, but he helped you try to walk back toward the exit instead. You winced in pain with every small step.
Ben growled in annoyance. Fuck this. 
He hefted you effortlessly into his arms. You gasped and clung to his shoulders, and afterwards, you glared at him.
“I said I can walk!” you insisted.
“Shut up,” he grated out, swiftly heading for the exit doors down the hall. M.M. and Hughie watched with wide eyes while you and Ben devolved into what you did best.
“Don’t tell me to shut up!” you raised your voice.
He glared at you. “You’re in rare fucking form right now.”
“You’re the one being an asshole!”
“And you’re being a disrespectful brat!”
You rolled your eyes as anger burned hot in your veins. “What-fucking-ever, grandpa.”
Ben’s teeth clicked and grinded together. It took everything he had within him not to toss you. 
“You really wanna fucking get it, don’t you?”
“Suck my dick. How about that?” you sassed back, unfazed by his warning. 
Ben bulldozed through the double doors with a swift kick that shook them on their hinges. The bickering continued long after you two exited the building. 
Hughie just stared, mouth gaping, while M.M. crossed his arms. 
“That is some volatile shit,” Hughie remarked. 
M.M. scoffed, with a subtle shake of his head. 
“Nah, man,” he said ruefully. “That’s true motherfuckin’ love.”
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Meanwhile, in the car, Ben drove home to Scarsdale. You simmered in the passenger seat. He glanced at you.
“Are you gonna be a hissy bitch all night?” he asked. You glowered at him.
“You’re the fucking grouch,” you shot back. In times like these, you liked to fantasize. Sometimes you wished you could rip out his spine and play Jenga with the vertebrae.  
“And you’re the one who nearly got yourself killed,” he retorted.
You took issue with this, your brows raising high.
“Excuse me? You’re really blaming me for what happened with Sapphire? You were ready to take out my friend for making an honest mistake.”
His gaze briefly left the road, turning to you in frustration. He didn't understand how you couldn't get it through your thick skull. You had been one shaky step shy of being fucking vaporized today.
No blood. No body. Just...nothing.
“Case in point, you’re the best in Surveillance," he said gruffly. "You don’t need to be in the field."
His compliment stopped you, warming you a little, but he was missing the point.
“I go where I’m needed, just like you,” you said. “You don’t get to tell me how, when, or where to do my job.”
Needless to say, it was tense for the rest of the way home.
Ben helped you inside, after which, you were determined to get to the bedroom by yourself. He watched you hop away from him with a frustrated shake of his head.
He sighed and started to peel off his gloves and untie his boots…but instead of leaving them by the door, like he usually would, he kept walking until he made it to the bedroom he shared with you. He sat on the edge of the bed and took his boots off there.
He watched you ignore him as you closed yourself into the bathroom.
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You came out of the shower a little while later. Your hair was damp, but unwashed as you hadn’t been able to stand there for very long. The wrap on your ankle had gotten wet, so you grabbed the spare one that the paramedic had given you.
Ben didn’t look at you as he took his turn heading into the bathroom. After the door shut, your shoulders slumped with a sigh.
You tried to put on some shorts, but you quickly gave up and instead put on an overlarge shirt over your underwear. You remembered then that this shirt was an old one of Ben’s, and now a favorite of yours, because it still smelled like that earthy mix of his cologne and aftershave.
Frowning, you sucked in a deep breath. And you made a decision.
By the time Ben came back out with a towel wrapped around his hips, he found you still in the bedroom. Except you were packing a suitcase—the same one he’d brought to the safe house he’d shared with you for a month.
You were stuffing clothes into it from your side of the dresser. Something churned uncomfortably in his stomach, and he approached you.
“What the fuck are you doing?” he demanded to know.
You glanced up at him, but continued packing.
“Well, you made yourself very clear this morning that we’re just roommates. So I’m going to the guest room.”
“All right, don’t get all fucking hormonal,” he said, reaching out with a hand to stop you. You snatched your hand away from him. His brows raised in disbelief.
When you tried to get past him on the way to your closet, he held fast to your arm. With an angry frown, he then grabbed your suitcase and spilled it over onto the bed. You didn’t need a fucking suitcase to move one room over. Not that he planned to let you go any-damn-where.
“Enough,” he said sharply.
You met his intense stare with your own, but your eyes were shining and red. In that moment, you both stilled. The silence was palpable. For you, it was heartbreaking.
“I can’t do this anymore, Ben,” you confessed. Tears welled up in your eyes, but you refused to let them fall just yet. “I put my all into this, and I just…I can’t be with someone who won’t be honest with me.”
You started to grab your suitcase again, along with your discarded clothes. Ben stopped you. 
“I said enough,” he snapped. 
You then threw the heap of clothes to the floor, suitcase and all.
“Why?” you tearfully retorted. “Why should I listen to you?” 
His deep green eyes searched yours. For what, you didn’t know.
Eventually, you started to see through the cracks of his anger.
“Because I fucking love you,” he said. 
You blinked up at him, with hope stuck in your throat. But you were stubborn in your denial.
“You’re just saying that to get me off your back,” you argued. “Either you’ve just gotten used to having me around, or you just don’t feel like being alone. But you don’t really care about me.”
You knew you were saying words you didn’t mean.
You knew that wasn’t true…but you couldn’t help it.
You were more upset than angry now, seconds away from dissolving into pitiful tears. You were just stubborn enough to hold them at bay.
“Just shut up for one goddamn second,” Ben said. He held you by your shoulders, though his hands soon moved down to grip your arms. It wasn’t a painful hold, but it was firm, and quite possibly pleading.
Despite your better judgment, you gave him time to speak.
“You really think I’d stay here in this shithole if I didn’t want you?” he asked. “If I didn’t care about you?”
You unconsciously held your breath. For a long moment, he hesitated to continue.
Again, you waited for him.
Meanwhile, Ben knew he was being a coward. He’d been holding back. Not because he wasn’t serious about you, but because he’d been burned before. 
He knew he’d spent his life being a fucking bastard, in most ways. He knew he’d been wrong, and hadn’t given two shits about it. But Crimson Countess…Tess…he’d been willing to settle down with her. He’d actually told her he loved her and hadn’t been totally lying through his teeth. 
Yeah, he’d fucked around. Flirted with other women in front of her. He knew he was a hypocrite. Still, in whatever way he could at the time, he thought he’d loved her. 
And she’d lied to him. She’d gone through the motions of being with him. For fame or fear or whatever her reasons had been, she went along with it. And then she’d sold him out, along with the rest of their team. 
For nothing. Just to get him the fuck out of her life—out of the world. 
So what was he supposed to do with you? Just let you walk the fuck in, give you the deepest parts of him? A dark fucking space that he’d never given to anyone.
Well, he knew now if he didn’t, you were going to leave. But he wasn’t willing to let go either.
So…he relented. For once in his life, he told the truth.
“I love you,” Ben admitted. “In my whole damn life…I think you’re the only one who’s made me feel it for real.” 
Tears finally slipped down your cheeks. You reached out and grasped his wrist, mostly for stability as you took in his words. He took that hand, held it to his warm chest. Always warm. 
“But one day, I’m still going to fucking lose you,” he said, looking down on you. “Then I’ll be right back where I started.”
You looked up at him with a sad, rueful smile. 
“Not exactly where you started,” you replied. He wasn’t the same man you met last year. You pressed your free hand to his cheek.
“Taking Compound V doesn’t guarantee I’ll come out like you, with a longer lifespan.”
“It’s something the CIA can work on,” Ben said. 
“You want Dr. Baker to experiment on me?” you asked, quirking a brow. The CIA had recruited her, ironically enough.
Ben closed his eyes for a second, letting out a slight huff. “That’s not what I’m fucking saying.”
You nodded and soothed your fingers through his hair. 
“Okay, we’ll have that conversation. I promise.” Then you smiled. “But let me just have this moment…my boyfriend loves me.”
You looked into his eyes and you knew he meant it. His hands moved to your waist, around to the small of your back. You clung to his shoulders and shifted off your aching ankle with a wince. Ben noticed, and he raised you up to him. It had the added benefit of letting you reach his face easier.
He guided you into a searing kiss. You responded in kind, delving into his hair again and opening your mouth to his demanding tongue. With the tips of your toes, you pushed up from the ground and he helped you wrap your legs around his waist.
The towel he wore was starting to slip, and you shoved it the rest of the way off with your foot, until he stood in the center of the bedroom in all his glory. 
He smirked into your lips and walked you to the bed. But before he could lay you down, you broke the kiss and held his face.
“You really love me?” you asked, just to make sure. It was the part of you, perhaps still scarred deep down, that had to ask.
Ben chuckled. He rested his forehead against yours. “You’re mine, sweetheart. Don’t you fucking forget it.”
You grinned, and you kissed him this time, only breaking when he lowered down to the bed. Once your back met the plush mattress, all bets were off. He wrenched your shirt up over your head, and you reached for him again.
Your lips drew a hot, wet path from his jawline to his neck, biting and sucking all along the way to that sensitive spot between his neck and shoulder. His hand clenched in your hair, a deep sound caught in his throat when he felt the sharp sting of your teeth, playfully biting, then soothing with your tongue.
Your nails bit into his skin, but merely felt like teasing down his back, making a shiver trill along his spine. He all but pressed you into the mattress as he made his own descent.
Your fingers trailed up and into his hair while his mouth worked its way down between your breasts, stopping to lavish attention on each one. You made sounds of pleasure when he took a hardened nipple between his lips, between his teeth, dragging deliciously over your skin.
Your thighs wrapped around his hips again, He bucked teasingly into your clothed core, making you moan when you felt his wet tip dampening your panties.
His lips curved, but he didn’t answer you. His fingers were pressing into the flesh of your thigh as he continued to tease your breasts. You’d felt how hard he was already and frankly, you were surprised he was taking his time.
“Listen,” you panted in his ear. “You’ve gotta wrap it up this time. Do we even have condoms?”
You knew for a fact that Ben didn’t buy them. 
But his brows furrowed. His mouth left your breast as he looked up at you.
“I haven’t replaced my IUD yet,” you confessed. Its five-year lifespan had been up, and so you’d gotten the birth control device removed a few days ago.
Now, you watched in amusement at the way his lips curved into a pleased grin.
“No, don’t you even think about it,” you warned. Though you almost laughed at how excited he looked. “We’re not ready for that.”
“Why fucking not?” Ben asked. His pressed his length against your core more insistently. The idea of fucking you raw, spilling into you, putting his seed deep inside you without resistance, had his cock throbbing with anticipation.
“Ben!” You had to laugh. You two hadn’t even been living together that long, and you had just gotten on the same page after six months of trying to figure out what you were together.
“Don’t tell me you don’t want kids,” he said. And he began to ply you with tantalizing kisses along the column of your throat, down your neck, the scraping of teeth making you shudder in delight.
“I do,” you could admit. “But is right now really the best ti—”
He choked a moan out of you as his fingers pushed your underwear aside and spread your folds, then delved right in. Your core pulsed, hot and wet as his thick digits sunk deep inside you.
“God,” you uttered, gripping his hair tight. He stretched and explored your inner channel with two fingers, while his thumb found your clit with ease.
“When then?” he asked. But his hand was unrelenting, working you over until your toes curled and the coil in your lower belly began to tighten. You looked up at him helplessly.   
“Can we talk about this later?” you keened. Ben smirked and suddenly withdrew his fingers from your dripping pussy. He snatched your underwear, ripping them down the middle and making you gasp.
“No time like the fucking present,” he insisted. He lined himself up to your entrance, but you stopped him with a warning look. You knew if you let him inside you now, he was going to try and get his way.
“Ben,” you warned.
He sighed and let you stop him, but then his teasing edge faded.
Ben pressed a hand to your cheek. When he leaned down to kiss you, you felt the need and wanting behind it. 
He pulled away to meet your eyes. You softened looking up into his, because you understood what he wanted.
“We have time, baby,” you promised, stroking his chin. “We’ll have a family…just give us some time.”
He was disappointed…but he nodded. Sighing again through his nose, he clenched a hand into the now tangled mess of your hair.
“Say it,” he demanded. “Say you’re fucking mine.”
Your eyes widened. In all of this, you’d forgotten to be honest yourself. 
“Of course I’m yours,” you said. “I love you, Ben. So much, I can hardly take it.” 
He closed his eyes with furrowed brows. It had been a very long time since he’d heard those words. Maybe the first time someone had said them with any real sincerity, besides his mother. 
You encouraged him to look at you, both with your voice and your hand gently touching his face. And when he opened his eyes, you marveled at the depths there. 
Smiling, you guided him back to your lips. It was slow and sweet…until it wasn’t, deepening in passion and urgency again. Need burned inside you, so deep and strong that you couldn't take it anymore.
You slipped a hand between you to grasp his still hard cock. You caressed him a few times, letting your thumb circle around the sensitive head. Ben couldn’t help thrusting into your hand, releasing a grunt. His eyes briefly closed again as you pressed open-mouthed kisses to his neck, down his chest.
“I need you,” you whispered against his skin. Ben nodded while you held his length poised at your entrance. He raised your hips, tucking your ankles over shoulders. For your injured one, he rubbed your calf.
“What a fuckin’ trooper,” he said with a smirk.
You smiled, but it soon fell into a moan as he began to push inside you. Every time, he stretched and filled you completely. Your inner walls wrapped around him and already fluttered with heat.
“Fuck, baby doll. Got me tight as a damn glove,” Ben remarked. You had to giggle, but that just squeezed him harder. When he began to move, it was all you could do to cling to his shoulders.
As basic as the position was, you liked being able to see his face. You knew when to spur him on, and when to just hold on for dear fucking life. But above all, he was a skilled man, and you enjoyed watching him work.
You were so consumed by it that when he came, it took both of you by surprise. He spilled into you hot and deep, but he still filled you with ragged thrusts, which hit that special place inside that made your entire body shudder with pleasure. You couldn’t help but come apart with him.
Your nails bit fruitlessly into his skin as your voice rose on a high moan. The two of you panted for breath, and he pulled out and let down your legs back to the bed. Once you felt the telltale dripping of his release slipping down from between your legs, your eyes widened. 
Oh shit, you thought. “We forgot the condom.”
Ben stared down at you, first in confusion, then in surprise. And finally, with a broad, Cheshire-like grin.
You laid a hand over your eyes as you relaxed into the pillow behind your head, trying not to laugh.
“I can’t believe we just did that,” you said.
“We? I was following your lead,” Ben said. He moved to lay beside you in full satisfaction, folding his hands over his chest. He looked like the cat that caught the horny-ass canary.
"Haven't you heard of, oh, I don't know, pulling out?" you quipped. Ben rose a brow at you, still with that smug look on his face.
"Not my philosophy, sweetheart," he said.
Your mouth dropped open incredulously. Your gaze narrowed, but looking into his gleaming eyes, you really just had to laugh. His smile grew.
Ugh. Whatever, you thought. For now, you closed your legs and moved over to rest your head on his shoulder. He welcomed you with an arm wrapping around your waist.
What’re the chances that I’m ovulating anyway? you thought.
After a beat, you huffed another laugh. With your luck, you’d definitely have to stop at a drugstore for a pregnancy test.
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And yet, in times like these, you were happy that you caved when Ben insisted on installing a TV in the bedroom. After you both got cleaned up, it was nice to fall into bed like you used to and find something new to watch together.
There were so many things you wanted him to catch up on, and he was generally game for whatever you thought he might like.
Three episodes of The Office later though, you stopped laughing so much and fell into your thoughts. Ben noticed, tugging on a loose strand of your hair.
“What’s the matter?”
“You really think our apartment is a shithole?” you asked.
He shrugged. “I might’ve embellished.”
“Seriously. If you’re not comfortable here—”
“I’m comfortable,” he said, turning his gaze to you. “Why’re you asking me that now?”
“I don’t know,” you said. “I just want you to be happy here. I want this to feel like home for both of us, but not like, boring either.” 
He smirked. “Hence the caravan of whores and blow.” 
You shook your head with a laugh. But he still saw you trying to stem off that worry. That all this wasn’t enough for him. 
Well, Ben could complain about being cramped in this three-bedroom apartment…but he knew that when he came home, he wouldn’t be alone. 
He’d be able to see your stuff on the nightstand, by your side of the bed, your half of the closet, your sweet-smelling soaps and lotions in the bathroom. All of that was familiar to him now. 
It was home, he supposed. And so were you.
The beginnings of a softer smile curved his lips, but he edged it into a smirk.  
“You’ve got something they don’t,” he said. 
“What’s that?” you asked, raising a brow. 
“You try the ever-living fuck out of my patience,” he said, “unlike anyone on the planet.” 
With a giggle, you rolled over onto his arm and chest, resting your head on his shoulder. 
He conceded with a nod, if also a roll of his eyes. His arm lifted to once again slip around your waist.
“But no matter how fucked up it got, you stayed.”
With me, his tone implied.
“That’s more than anyone else in my goddamn life,” he said.
And that made you tear up all over again.
“So you’re staying,” you clarified, only half-teasing.
It reminded you of when you’d sat tied to a chair, wondering why the hell Soldier Boy would want to let you live. You could’ve never known it then, but you’d stared straight into the face of your future.
You didn’t know if Ben was remembering the same thing, but he smiled a little, brushing away your tears with his thumb.
“I’m staying,” he replied. Your smile brightened, and you leaned up for a kiss.
“Then we’re square,” you whispered against his lips. 
He chuckled and deepened the kiss. He turned off the TV, chucking the remote further down the bed and turned to trap you beneath him again.
“Nope.” You finished wiping your eyes and pushed against his chest. “You’re not finessing me twice. Go find a damn condom.”
He gave you a grumpy look. “Fucking killjoy.”
“You’re ridiculous,” you laughed. You reached up and took his face in your hands.
“I promised, didn’t I?” you reminded. “We’ll get there.”
His gaze searched yours.
“Soon, not someday,” he said. You nodded, soothing your thumb across his cheek.
“Soon,” you agreed. And you reminded him, even as your throat constricted once more with emotion. “Ben, I love you…God, I love you. And I’ve never wanted this with anyone but you.”
Ben paused, but after a moment, he nodded in acceptance. You were grateful for it. Even though you weren’t quite ready yet, he wasn’t the only one who wanted a family.
While your fractured past and upbringing made it hard for you to move past your fears, your insecurities, you knew that this man made you feel safe.
For the first time in your life, you also felt whole.
Soon enough, you’d be brave too.
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AN: That's all, folks. Been a great ride...
Ha! Just kidding. I'm nowhere near done with these two, even with this long-ass epilogue lol.
But honestly, no matter what part of the journey you jumped into with this story, thank you so much for sticking with me until the end. It's truly been one of my favorite stories ever to write. And I'm so glad I got the chance to share it with you. 🥹💚🥹
Read More in the BMD-verse:
There are several more sequel stories listed under the Break Me Down Series Masterlist. Next up is a one-shot taking place a shortly after Part 17, and before this Epilogue:
Summary: You and Ben have tackled the insurmountable together, but no one said the recovery would be easy.
▶️ Next Story: In the Dark
Before you keep reading, please let me know what you thought of the BMD finale! 💚💚
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intothedysphoria · 2 months
It was expected that moving in together, there’d be some initial teething problems but Steve hadn’t quite thought that Billy was going to break his bubbe’s antique vase with a yo-yo.
Well, in fairness, Steve had seen Billy do far worse. Drop a baseball bat onto a car windshield from a third floor window, vandalising the mayors office, that one time he threatened to establish a nudist cult. Billy lived to shock people and now that they were in a relationship, Steve appeared to be the prime target.
Fucking hell.
The relationship wasn’t exactly public and the moving in wasn’t exactly official, which may have been causing some of the tension. Neil Hargrove would still rock up every night, screaming every word under the sun at Billy but never stepping a foot over the threshold. Because he was a coward, Billy said. But he was still spooked.
Thus, coming to the point where Billy had smashed his bubbe’s antique vase with a yo-yo. Breathing heavily with shards of pottery imbedded deep into his hand. Then he looked up at Steve, audibly gulped and ran for the bathroom.
It took a while to get Billy out. He’d point blank refuse if he was in one of his bad patches, seeming to prefer to simmer in isolation than to turn to help. But Steve was patient and always wore him down. He just had to sit and wait.
Eventually the bathroom door opened with a quiet flick of the lock. Billy’s face was unusually blank, apart from the red rimmed eyes that clearly denoted that he’d been crying. Steve cautiously tried to go in for a hug only to get a grunted “I’m fucking fine Harrington” and an angry teenager barrelling past him.
Which was not exactly ideal.
Steve cleared up the shattered vase on the floor, silently apologised to all his cousins who were still in Romania and knocked on Billy’s door. The groan of acknowledgment made Steve feel like he was good to come in.
What Billy had managed to do was bleed all over the floor and go through about ten cigarettes if the slowly growing pile on the floor was anything to go by. Steve’s offer to clean up his hands got an eye roll but no obvious resistance so he went ahead.
It wasn’t until Steve had managed to create a rudimentary bandage for Billy’s hands that Billy actually looked at him, now appearing more than slightly sheepish. There was a blush slowly rising over his cheeks that looked so genuinely adorable Steve just wanted to kiss it.
Instead he pulled back and asked “you doing ok Hargrove?”
Billy snapped “why the fuck wouldn’t I be” which didn’t exactly bode well for Steve’s plan to sort the situation out and put it to bed.
“Well you know, you seemed kind of upset earlier so I thought I’d ask” Steve had learned over the months of knowing Billy that it was best to not sound accusatory and instead act like it was no big deal.
Billy stayed silent for a few minutes while Steve just waited for him to be ready to form a response until he blurted out “it just pisses me off so much how he treats us. It’s bullshit!”
Steve didn’t need to ask who the “he” Billy referred to was. Instead he set a hand on Billy’s knee in a way that would hopefully be soothing, not annoying and rubbed small circles on Billy’s leg while he breathed.
“I know” Billy looked up quizzically, clearly wondering where Steve was going with this. “I know it’s bullshit and I wish it were different now but it will be in the future I promise. We’re gonna move you back to Cali, Neil’s sorry ass is gonna stay here and everyone who ever hurt you can get fucked. Ok?”
Billy sniffed loudly before nodding an affirmative, then wrapping Steve into his arms, doing what Steve knew he’d swear later wasn’t crying. He then leaned in to give Steve a surprisingly tender kiss on the lips and smacked his ass. Something Steve probably should have expected.
“Come on, let’s go watch Halloween before Munson holds us hostage because we haven’t watched a John Carpenter yet.”
Things weren’t perfect after that. Neil was still an ever looming presence in their lives, Billy still got pissed off and broke shit, they still fought pretty much weekly at least and Steve had expected that. It was what he’d signed up for in dating Billy. But Billy was still out to shock people.
Leaning across Billy’s chest, not dealing with a horror film nearly as well as Billy was but still having a hand gently squeezing his shoulder to make sure he was ok was the best shock Steve had ever been given.
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juuuulez · 8 months
📰 | part twelve: capulet.
info: Carl Grimes x Saviour!Reader, no pronouns used for reader, slow burn, teenagers in love, cute Judith moments, dialogue heavy chapter, kinda just pure fluff, reader is an artist.
summary: You, Carl and Judith share a picnic away from all the troubles of war. Alternatively: the calm before the storm.
okay this was so so so so so cute!!! a very dialogue heavy chapter, but juicy so hopefully you all enjoy!!
next chapter will be…a LOT (pretty angsty) because guys it is our LAST CHAPTER!!! then there will be an epilogue to package everything up nicely
don’t worry, there will be waaayyy more xSaviour!Reader one shots to come because it’s my favourite trope, and i can work through tones of cute requests to keep us all with our required dose of carl grimes ;P
-> masterlist <-
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You watched as Judith scribbled with her crayons, drawing nonsensical shapes and patterns onto her page. She seemed at peace with your presence, which made you a little bitter, knowing nobody else from Alexandria could ever see you in this light. After catching your staring, a chubby hand reached out, offering you a crayon.
“What’re we drawing?” You asked, leaning down to hover next to Judith. She didn’t answer, giving you that shy little smile, but nonetheless pushed a piece of paper towards you.
“It’s easier to find crayons than pens now,” Carl remarks, seated next to you on the blanket, “Do you guys have pens? At the Sanctuary, I mean.”
“Yeah. We’ve got pens.” You entertain the small talk, drawing a tree onto the page in waxy blue crayon. It starts out as a vague shape, though you slowly give it more and more detail, hatching in shading and even patches of grass at its base.
The silence resumes, though you’re content with that. Carl is, too. He’s just happy to have your attention, in a scenario without Alexandria or the Saviours or a war.
Despite this, you find yourself talking again, unable to keep these thoughts bottled up. Sometime, when you’re nervous, you run your mouth. Maybe Carl is making you nervous.
“Judith is lucky to have you.” You tell him, still colouring on the page. The admission catches Carl’s attention, and though he isn’t shocked with its contents, he’s a little surprised by the blatant display of.. vulnerability? He isn’t used to you being so personal.
“I know,” He agrees, “My dad says that family is the most important thing nowadays. He’s right.”
The idea leaves you thinking for a moment, and Carl can practically see the gears turning in your head. He liked digging deeper, seeing what made you tick, what was going on underneath those walls.
“Yeah,” You end up nodding, “I think I agree.”
“Y’know, that’s why we won’t punish you. When this war ends.”
It garners your attention, finally looking up from the paper. Carl is sitting next to you, whilst you’re lying on the blanket with Judith. He looks serious, but maybe a little solemn, not intending to steer the conversation down this dark path, yet viewing it necessary to discuss. He wants to be on the same page.
“My dad won’t kill Negan,” Carl continues, sounding quite sure of himself. “He thinks he will, but he won’t. I’ll convince him. I know I can.”
You look back down at the page, but don’t continue colouring. It’s a weird idea, that Rick would spare Negan. You couldn’t see how that would happen. But knowing Carl wanted to advocate for peace was nice. Comforting.
“Negan’s gonna kill Rick.” You eventually tell him, though it doesn’t hold the same certainty. It’s a bitter reality, loosing faith in your own people, yet with each day, this war is seeming more difficult to win.
Yet you know one thing. If given the chance, Negan would kill Rick. You knew he would. Carl knew it, too.
“That’s why you guys can’t win.” He tells you, not sounding too proud of the fact. Months ago, and he would’ve happily rubbed this in your face. But now, it made him feel a little nauseous.
You let the silence sit for a moment, and Carl worries he’s upset you. He hasn’t, but the whole situation is upsetting. Not that it’s his fault, which you keep reminding yourself.
So, you speak quietly, trying to be nice. “Can we not talk about this?” You suggest, throwing another glance up at Carl.
He takes pity on you, understanding that this was supposed to be a break from everything, though he feels a little better knowing the idea doesn’t make you outright hostile.
Carl lies down on the blanket, next to you, on his back whilst you lay on your stomach. He tilts his head towards you and Judith, brown hair pooling on the blanket and falling over his shoulders, bangs sweeping over his eyepatch.
You get an idea, shifting a little, focusing a tad harder on the drawing. One arm holds the crayon, and your other creates a barrier between Carl and the paper. Though, he doesn’t seem very focused, instead watching you.
“Does your head hurt?” He asks, eyes unconsciously drawn to the bandage wrapped around your head. It was almost silly, the way you matched, but Carl struggled to find any joy in that fact.
“Kinda. Just a headache,” You tell him, still drawing. At one point, Judith reaches out, trading you a yellow crayon in exchange for the blue one. “Did you find the bastard who shot me?”
Carl scoffs, a smile spreading onto his face. “Yeah. Someone from the Kingdom. Nobody you’ve gotta worry about, though.”
You roll your eyes, unbeknownst to how Carl inspects every inch of your face. “Who names their community the ‘Kingdom’? Pretentious assholes.”
“Like the ‘Sanctuary’ is any better.” He points out, which forces a smile onto your face, knowing that he has a point. It is a little silly.
Judith reaches out again, handing you a red crayon. You take it, giving her the yellow one you’d been working with, to which she happily continues scribbling on her side of the paper.
“Do you ever wish that things were normal?” Carl asks, once again prompting conversation. “Like.. would we have been friends, otherwise?”
“We aren’t even friends now,” You point out, sparing him a glance and smiling at his curious expression. So cute. “But no.. I don’t mind things how they are. I didn’t like my normal very much.”
This causes Carl to think, pondering on that statement. A light breeze brushes past, tussling his hair slightly, though he remains focused on you, looking so peaceful while you draw.
“Your normal… with Negan?” He begins, hoping that you would get the hint and fill him in. All this time, and yet he knows nothing about you.
You take the hint, giving a small shrug. “No. With my father.”
Carl tries to read your expression, to gauge how deep this wound is, but he struggles. “You didn’t get along very well?” He asks, voice soft and free of judgment.
It isn’t difficult to read your behaviour these past months. You’re snappy, easily agitated, and weirdly flighty yet strong and resilient at the same time. In many ways, your attachment to Negan is unnatural, though Carl presumed there to be a driving factor behind it all.
“No,” You confirm, “He was a heartless bastard.”
Carl nods, still lying on his back. The silence doesn’t last for long, as he still has more questions. “Did you have any other family?”
His curiosity didn’t piss you off, like it usually would. Maybe it’s because your guard was down, or maybe you felt you owed it to Carl, to open up with him a little.
“I had a sister. Younger,” You begin, speaking whilst you draw, “But she died at eight weeks old. My mother died with her, in childbirth. She was nice.”
There are a few beats where nobody talks. Even Judith has stopped playfully mumbling, though she pays no mind to your conversation. Your gaze flickers up to Carl, finding that he’s still watching you, seeming to be in thought. It’s like he sees something more: something beneath your surface, something you can’t even touch.
Or maybe he just relates. It’s surprising how much Carl understands you, to the point where he’s a little unsettled by it.
“Don’t ask depressing questions if you don’t want the answer.” You finally chime, trying to clear the air of this strange tension.
“No, it’s not that. I get it.” Carl concludes, his voice remaining in that soft tone, one that makes the hairs on your neck stand up. He doesn’t want you to feel bad.
You nod, reassuring him. “I know you do.”
Having such a personal conversation is strangely liberating. It makes you feel good, better than you usually do, better than anybody has had the ability to make you feel. For once, there’s a sense of peace, as you know Carl understands you.
The silence returns, but it’s pleasant this time. Trees in the distance rustle slightly in the wind, an atmosphere void of groaning corpses or yelling and fighting. You’ve never experienced that.
After a few more etches with the crayon, the drawing is complete. You spin around the piece of paper, sliding it to Carl with a smile. “For you.”
Carl sits up on his elbows, taking the paper to inspect it. It’s a sketchy crayon drawing of… well, him. Lying there, on the blanket. It’s surprisingly realistic, shapes accurately blocked out in a combination of yellow, blue, and red crayon. The very edge of his hat had been coloured in, messy pink scribbled roughly inside the lines by Judith
“When did you do this?” He asks, not having noticed you creating this masterpiece throughout the duration of the conversation.
You stifle a laugh. “Just then. I was gonna let Judith keep colouring it in.”
Carl nods, still fixated on the drawing. Nobody has ever drawn him before. “Can I.. keep this one?”
“Yeah, of course. I’ll make Judith something else to colour.” You agree, already pulling out another piece of paper to sketch something a little simpler. Though you viewed that drawing of Carl a breeze, he was amazed by how you’d managed it in such a short amount of time.
“I didn’t know you could draw.” He says, finally taking his eyes off the paper, to inspect your newest creation. This time he’s set on paying attention, wanting to watch how it comes together.
That, and he thinks it’s very sweet that you were drawing with the intention of letting Judith colour. A lot of artists would probably be protective of their work, but yours served the sole purpose of making others happy.
You decide to draw the tree line, using an unnatural colour like orange to outline the landscape, in hopes that Judith would colour it green. “There’s a lot you don’t know about me.” You tell him, a strangely cagey answer, but Carl isn’t put off.
“I do want to know you.” He urges, and the conviction in his tone causes you to glance up at him, before back down at the page.
“You will. Maybe when this is all over.” You land on responding, an answer Carl can’t be unhappy with, as it fills him with the semblance of hope that you’re willing to open up to him. That you see a future where you get along.
He sets the artwork down, laying back on the blanket. “So… you agree? That all this will end?” He tests the waters with another question about the war.
“Don’t push your luck.” You immediately shut him down, a playful grin on your face.
Carl doesn’t mind, not when he’s already picked your brain so far. To him, you’re like a stray cat, any further and you’d start hissing and run away. He’d like to maintain this peace for a little longer.
So, Carl laid there whilst you drew an illustration for Judith. Eventually, the toddler gleamed with joy when you handed it over, eagerly scribbling in the lines with her colours. It was messy and unorganised, but brought you happiness to see that she was so immersed.
The two of you soaked in the sunshine, enjoying the quiet surrounding the clearing and absence of responsibility. Carl had somehow managed to coax you closer, to lay next to him, his hand guiding your head to his shoulder. It felt good, and you weren’t used to letting yourself feel good.
He ran his hand through your hair, careful not to disrupt the bandaged wound, finding it surprisingly soft. In a way, a lot of you was soft, and sweet. It was just buried underneath this rubble of anger and aggression, but Carl knew he could wiggle it out.
When this whole war ended, he hoped you’d be happier.
Regardless, the picnic was a nice getaway, though you tried not to seem too bothered when the sun had begun to set, and you knew you’d return to the Hilltop. It wasn’t your home. It was just some place where they held you captive.
“You’ll actually come and visit me, right?” You end up asking Carl as the pair of you pack up, you holding Judith while Carl stuffs the blanket into his bag.
He nods, “I will. I’ll come by your room every day until Negan takes this deal. Promise.”
That satisfies you, for now. At least you’d have some company, though the idea of being a hostage any longer was slightly sickening. For now, you’d put it out of your mind.
Carl leads you back up the hill out of the clearing, finding the car that he’d hidden away. You throw the bag onto the car’s floor, and buckle Judith into the back seat while he gets it started.
However, the bags zip wasn’t done up, fabric splaying open slightly to reveal that Carl had accidentally left the gun inside. It’s shameful that your first thought is to steal it: make an escape right now, leave for the Sanctuary and screw up this entire plan.
You lean down, palming the metal object. It would be a pretty large hike up there, but worthwhile if it gave the Saviours any power. Carl wouldn’t be able to stop you, as long as you had his gun.
Biting your lip, you pocketed it for the time being, coming to sit in the passenger side.
“When we get back, I’ll go ask Michonne how the deal is going. She’ll probably end up telling me,” Carl suggests, “You’ll feel a little better knowing what’s going on.”
The suggestion catches you off guard, watching Carl with a slightly surprised expression as it sinks in. That he’s willing to give you information simply to provide peace of mind. It’s a stupid idea, really, betraying the trust of Michonne and Rick and everyone else… but it’s sweet.
“You left this in the back.” You end up telling Carl, offering him the handgun. The words spill out before you can hold them back.
His brows furrow in concern, and mild irritation at his own forgetfulness, accepting the gun and hooking it back into his belt. “Shit. Thanks, wouldn’t want Judith grabbing it.”
The engine starts in a low rumble, filling the silence as you begin to drive back. Guilt wells in your stomach for even thinking about turning on Carl, and for the better part of the drive, you settle for watching the boy as opposed to the scenery.
“You alright?” He eventually asks, sparing you a glance before looking back to the empty expanse of road.
“Mhm,” You hum, “Just… grateful that you did all this..”
The admission causes Carl to grin, feeling an unfamiliar swell of pride, your thankful attitude boosting his ego. Even without words, the look he gives you makes you scoff, rolling your eyes and looking out the window.
A smile still grows on your face, knowing that he’s earned this victory. You reach out towards the dash, taking Carl’s hand and just holding it while he drives, allowing him to revel in his prize for a little longer.
taglist: @ilov3carlgr1mes @eminemxxeminem @strxwbxrrymarx @ilaaishi @iamaslytherin0 @grimeslvrr @anotherbook-obsessedhoe @kmsatm @ilovespiderpeople @hearts4mitski4 @jkvolgs @mysouleaten
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laura1633 · 3 months
I can't stop thinking about 8. with Omega Max and Alpha Charles, except that it's not slick but milk. I'm just a little obsessed with his chest and the thought of him lactating around his crush, oh my
First up for the omegaverse prompt game (I do have lots of your prompts and I will pick through as many as I can)
This was a wonderful adjustment to the prompt anon 😍. I do firstly have to apologise because this did turn into lactation kink which I have no idea how to write 😂
These omegaverse prompts are mostly just going to be rough and ready rather than fully fledged fics so hopefully you will all forgive me for that and still enjoy them for what they are (this one was was a little longer than intended)
Tags: Lactation kink
The first time it had happened Max had assumed it was a coincidence. 
He had been chatting to Charles in some fancy bar when his nipples started tingling and his breasts felt as if they were slowly starting to swell. It was strange. Not strange enough to concern him immediately though. Charles always made him feel funny. Butterflies in his stomach. Slick in his panties. It was only when noticed that there were wet patches forming on the front of his shirt that he had squeaked and scurried off to the bathroom to clean himself up. 
He’d been expecting his top to be damp with sweat so the discovery of milk trickling from his nipples had set off a whole array of alarm bells that resulted in a mad dash down to a late night pharmacy to get his hands on a pregnancy test.
It had come back negative which he really should have known. Other than letting one of his pit crew go down on him after his win in Vegas he hadn’t engaged in any sexual activity for at least the last nine months.  Still, he’d only ever heard of omegas lactating when carrying or nursing a pup so it was worth ruling the possibility out. 
He’d hoped it had been a one off. A bizarre experience that he would laugh about one day, but it kept happening. Over and Over but always around Charles. The Monegasque would only need to smile in his direction and Max would feel slick dripping from his pussy and milk leaking from his tits. He may as well have been melting into a puddle on the floor, it probably would have left less mess. 
He had tried his best to get things under control by himself.  He’d taken to wearing extra layers and using nursing pads to soak up the worst of it. It was only ever masking the problem though,  Charles was still making him leak even if it was now happening under four layers of clothing. So, after much deliberation Max had hauled himself off to a doctor’s to get check out.
He had been expecting a complicated diagnoses. What he had received was an elderly beta doctor looking him square in the eye and asking him if the alpha in question was one he would like to be bred by.  Max had of course, like any self respecting omega, shook his head vigorously in response but the flush of crimson on his face was seemingly more convincing an answer.
It was true. The image of Charles breeding him was one he’d conjured up many nights whilst laying out in bed with a silicone knotting device pushed up inside him. He’d just never expected his fantasies to make his breasts leak. 
The official diagnosis:  On set lactation resulting from an urge to be bred by a particular alpha.
The cure : to talk to said alpha.
The prognosis : Not good. There was not a single chance in hell Max was going to tell Charles that his tits leaked milk whenever he came close. 
And so Max had tried his best to carry on as normal. He joked around with Checo in the garage. He played padel with Lando in Monaco. And he leaked fucking milk out of his tits around Charles.
It had been absolutely fucking fantastic. It had never been as bad as right now though. 
Max fidgets around trying to make himself comfortable as he tries to ignore the fact that he’s been placed right next to Charles at the FIA gala ceremony. Despite all of the omega’s successes he really was starting to feel like the universe hated him.  There seemed no other logical reason why his white shirt was darkening against his nipples as he waited to go up on stage and collect his trophy. 
It really didn’t help that watching the ceremony was about as interesting as watching paint dry.
“You okay?” Oscar leans in from where he’s sat on the other side of Max and gives the Dutch omega a look of concern. 
“Fine. Why?” Max tries to keep his eyes focused on the stage ahead. He’s almost certain that he’s blushing but right now the colour of his cheeks are the least of his problems, Charles’ alpha scent is filling his nostrils and making his tits feel like they’ve swollen to the size of footballs. If it goes on any longer Max’s chest is going to feel so heavy he’ll probably tip over if he tries to stand up. He supposes he will at least have two pillowy breasts full of milk to cushion his fall.
“You’re whining” Oscar says gently as he lets a hand rest on Max’s thigh and gives it a reassuring squeeze, “Are you sure you’re fine?”
“Just nervous” Max tries his best to smile. If he was going to speak to anyone about his little problem then Oscar wouldn’t be such a bad choice. He doubts the younger Omega would make any huge dramatics out of the situation.
“What’s going on?” Charles leans right across Max to join in the conversation, his earthy scent flooding Max’s nostrils once more and Max is sure that the fabric of his shirt stretches in response to his expanding chest.
“Nothing, just nerves” Oscar gives Max’s thigh another reassuring squeeze before turning his attention back towards the stage.
“This never gets any more interesting does it?” Charles giggles. The alpha is so close that Max can feel the warmth of his breath as he laughs, “We have another hour before it’s our time.” Charles inches himself back in his chair much to Max’s relief. Most of the damage has already been done though, Max’s panties are soaked and he can feel milk trickling down his chest all the way to his stomach. As he chances a glance down he realises that his shirt has turned see through where the material is damp. 
The omega pulls his jacket around himself and tries to hold it across his body. He has at least had the foresight to bring a spare shirt with him to change into before he gets up on stage but he’s determined not to slip into it yet or that will also be drenched by the time his moment in the spotlight arrives. 
It’s starting to feel uncomfortable though. His nipples itch as his shirt rubs against them and his breasts feel heavier each time Charles talks to him. As much as he was hoping to avoid the indignity of having to try and milk himself in a bathroom stall he’s not sure he has much choice. If his breasts swell any further his shirt is going to rip at the seems. 
“We should maybe go for some food or something afterwards?” Charles mumbles quietly against Max’s ear. Unfortunately Max’s response is a lot less discreet, the omega keens happily but his happiness is short lived as he feels another gush of milk leak from his left breast and he’s quickly brought back down to reality. He can’t sit opposite Charles in s restaurant in this state. 
He’s pretty certain that other people must have noticed something odd going on. The milk doesn’t have the strongest smell but there is something rather soapy about the aroma and the scent is starting to spread outwards. The omega jumps up from his chair and sprints out the room as quickly as he can as he bolts towards the bathroom and shuts himself away in a stall. 
When Max slides off his jack and looks down to see what the damage is he finds his shirt soaked at the front. None of this seems remotely fair.
“Max? Are you in there?”
Max yelps as he hears Charles’ voice and his breasts tingle and expand on cue like some unwanted new party trick.
“Did I upset you? Sorry I didn’t mean to. We don’t have to go out, I just thought - “ Charles trails off and Max realises its because he is whining loudly from where he has shut himself inside the toilet cubicle, “Max I think you need to let me in or I need to go get Oscar or - “ 
“No” Max whimpers, “Please, it is  just - “ The omega sighs as he tries to work out what he can possibly say that will explain this all away. There isn’t anything though.  He’s a complete and utter mess. There is one thing he is certain of above all else, he can’t go on like this. The thought makes him want to sob. The omega steels himself before opening up the door and coming face to face with Charles. 
“Max -“ 
“I had a sort of accident.” Max mumbles. His jacket and bowtie still hung on the back of the door leaving his crinkled wet shirt on full display as it stretches wet across the broadness of his chest. 
“Oh my god” Charles immediately shuffles himself into the stall and closes the door behind him, “What happened? Are you hurt?”
“It’s milk” Max keens helplessly.
“You’re pregnant?! Who got you pregnant?” Charles’ eyes darken as his chest puffs out. 
“I’m not pregnant!” Max reaches out and runs his hands over his stomach to show how flat it is and then, because he can’t hold it in any longer, he blurts out the secret he has been trying to hold in for so long, “This is because of you.”
Charles freezes. He looks surprised, startled, confused. 
All of which Max thinks are perfectly valid repossess to an omega telling you that you are the reason they are currently lactating. 
“Me?” Charles’ mouth opens and closes a few times as if he’s trying to elaborate on his question. Instead he just settles on repeating himself “Me?”
“I always do it when you are close to me. Always with the milk and the swelling and the tingling,“ Max pauses before starting to babble to fill up the silence once more, “My body wants you to breed me.”
It’s not an eloquent explanation. Nor is it the way Max had wanted to explain his little affliction to Charles. 
“You want me to breed you?”
“My body wants you to breed me?” Max tries to draw some sort of distinction between his brain and his body. In reality they are both pretty much on the same page, Max goes all mushy brained whenever Charles is close and he’d quite happily let the alpha fill him with one or two tiny Leclerc pups if Charles was up for it.
“I don’t understand.” 
“Whenever you talk to me or smile at me or come near me this happens” Max looks down to the ever growing wet circles around his nipples, “It is because I want you.”
Max’s breath catches as he hears the low rumble coming from Charles. The alpha’s scent has shifted again, it’s not sour notes this time, it’s thick and warm enough to make Max want to melt right into Charles’ arms.
And Charles - 
Well, Charles doesn’t look immediately put off by all this. 
“Does it hurt?” Charles lifts his hand and reaches towards Max’s chest but stops short of actually touching the omega much to Max’s dissatisfaction. Max lets out an unhappy little sound and tries to push his chest towards where Charles’ hand is lingering. It’s in that moment that Max finally accepts that when it comes to Charles he has almost no control over what his body does. He’s just a walking ball of hormones falling apart every time he is close to the most handsome alpha he has ever seen. 
Charles cups his hand against Max’s breast and the omega tries his best to bite back a desperate whine as his shirt rubs agains this erect nipple. 
“Shhh it’s okay” Charles coos softly, “You want me to help you get cleaned up?”
Max nods meekly as he lets Charles slowly start to unbutton his shirt. There is a steady rumbling coming from the alpha now. Louder and louder. The vibration like an engine revving. Max is sure that the only time he’s ever made an alpha rumble this loud before was when their cock was inside him.
“Fuck” Charles growls as he eases the shirt off and soothes his hands over Max’s breasts . There’s still milk trickling down, his skin sticky and wet. Yet far from looking disgusted Charles is licking right across his lips. Max tries not to let himself get carried away by trying to work out what exactly that means.
“This is all because of me?” Charles growls again, low and possessive. The alpha’s hand cups and squeezes against Max’s right breast and the trickle of milk starts to build in to a stream. 
“For you” Max mumbles but the words come out as little more than a breathy moan as he sees the milk dripping down over Charles’ fingers and hand, white liquid splashing against the Monegasque’s jewellery. It feels so obscene yet Charles’ eyes are just widening in fascination and he’s bringing his own fingers to his mouth to lick them clean.  
Max holds his breath. The milk tastes sweet. Sugary even. Max knows because he tasted it in one of his weaker moments. Charles’ tongue licks over his fingers again, lapping up the last few drops that have dripped down to his knuckles. 
“You taste beautiful” Charles looks up, his eyes flickering as they meet Max’s gaze, “so good.”
Max feels his skin tingle. His chest tight. Body vibrating. He tries to hold as still as possible. Nothing feels real.  The lactating. The sight of Charles licking milk off his fingers. The sound of clapping and cheering filtering in from the room next door. It’s like a fever dream. 
Charles puts his hand back on Max’s tits, massaging and cupping the flesh and watching the way the drops of milk form and then drip down. 
“This is - “ Charles squeezes again and watches another bead of milk form, “Fuck you’re so pretty. Such a pretty omega.”
Max’s legs shake as Charles leans closer and starts to lap up the milk that is falling down over the curve of his breast. The alpha’s tongue is warm and wet against his skin. 
The omega arches his back and pushes his chest closer to Charles’ mouth. He has never been an overly dominant omega when it comes to sex, he prefers to encourage rather than demand but his hands are twitching by his side as he considers tangling his fingers into Charles’ hair and pulling the alpha down on to his nipple. 
“All for me?” Charles looks up and grins excitedly as he runs his tongue around where Max wants it. The movement slow, deliberate, in control. 
It’s too much. Not enough. Max isn’t even sure anymore. He’s leaking from more than just his chest, his panties are soaked and there’s slick racing down his thighs. 
“Please” Max’s voice is breathless, his cheeks burning red as he watches Charles’ mouth close around his nipple. The alpha latches on and Max groans happily at the sudden rush of relief and pleasure he feels. 
Charles sucks the nipple in his mouth and pulls off with a wet slurping popping sound, his lips now glistening wet. 
With milk.
With Max’s milk.
With Max’s milk that he’s just sucked out of his body. 
“Alpha!” Max whimpers and arches his back as Charles dives back in, this time massaging his hands against the flesh as he purses his lips and sucks more firmly. Over and over until Max can feel the milk spurting right into the alpha’s mouth. 
It makes him feel light headed. His nipples seem to have a direct line to his pussy. Each time Charles sucks and flicks out his tongue Max feels the sensation go right through his body until there is more and more slick gushing out of him. His tits throb. His clit throbs. His toes curls in his shoes. The sight of Charles attached to his tit - lapping, sucking, wet and filthy - makes him whine unashamedly. 
Charles pulls back to take another breath, the alpha panting, milk dripping down off the roughness of his stubble. When he goes back in he goes for the other breast, mouthing around the area before wrapping his lips around the nipple and sucking it into his mouth.
Max almost buckles this time, his legs barely keeping him upright. 
Charles is growling around him. One of the alpha’s hands cupped to his breast and the other - 
The other is - 
Max moans and throws his head back as Charles’ hand dips below the waistband of his trousers and down into his panties. The alphas fingers brush lightly against his clit. The faintest and briefest of touches before Max is coming, his whole body spasming as he feels another spurt of milk shooting into Charles’ mouth and sees it drip down from side of the alpha’s lips. 
His body feels lighter. Floaty. Wet. So, so wet. 
Charles groans as he pulls back. His pupils blown. Face damp. He look stunning. Hair ruffled. Cheeks red. 
Max lets his own instincts take over as he gets his hands into Charles’ hair and pulls the alpha into a kiss. It tastes sweet as he licks up and into Charles’ mouth and tastes his own milk. 
Charles is hard, the alpha’s cock pushed against Max’s leg. Nice and big as it presses into the fleshy part of the omega’s thigh. Max can’t help but wonder how much bigger it gets when it knots. The thought alone makes his breasts tingle. 
“Forget going for dinner” Charles tugs at Max’s bottom lip with his teeth, “Come back to my hotel with me.” 
Max nods without hesitation. His body is already dripping all over, his pussy slick wet and ready to take the alpha’s knot, milk still dripping down over the curves of his breasts and down the contours of his body. 
He’s not ashamed anymore though. How can he be when he sees how much it’s turning Charles on. If anything he realises that maybe it’s been some sort of courting ritual all along. His body providing something his alpha wants. Because Charles is surely his now. Fully and completely. 
“Perfect little omega” Charles praises, his eyes wild as he goes back to smothering Max’s chest with warm wet kisses. 
Max closes his eyes and purrs as he hears the low possessive growl Charles makes as he continues to lick up the milk made solely for him. 
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fxlling13 · 14 days
Spooky Season
Dh!Master x (fem)!reader
Fluff fluff fluff.
Synopsis: The Doctor takes everyone to a cosy little pumpkin farm
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“You make me laugh, (y/n).” Yaz scoffed as you walked into the console room. “It’s September the first, and you’re wearing a pumpkin sweater?” She laughed, leaning back on the console. You nod quickly, standing at the top of the steps.
“Of course! September first is the start of spooky season.” You explained, sitting a few stairs down. The pair of you giggled, she knew of your love for the ‘ber’ months. In fact, she helped you indulge in it, getting you a themed blanket the year prior.
“Do you think The Doctor will let me decorate my room here?”
“Oh yeah, she loves fun things. Not sure she’ll be a fan of all the black though.” Yaz realised, thinking for a moment. “It’s fine, you can bond with Mr Grumpy!” She beamed, making your brows crease.
“Mr Grumpy?” You asked with amusement, knowing full well who she was referring to.
“Well, he is moody.” Yaz chuckled. “But he loves dark and gloomy things. He dresses like a gothic vampire most days, in that Victorian coat.”
“It looks good though.” You mumbled and Yaz shook her head at you. Just then, The Doctor jogged into the room with a big smile on her face.
“Ah, you’re both here already!” She stood by Yaz, wrapping an arm around her waist. “Talking about anything interesting?”
“Just (y/n)’s love for autumn.” Humming in acknowledged, the blonde smiled at you.
”Yeah? Lots happen at the end of the year on earth, Halloween. Christmas.” She recalled, looking up at the ceiling in wonder.
“Halloween is the best!” You clarified, making the girls laugh a bit more. From nowhere, hands landed on your shoulders with a jolt.
“Boo.” A deep voice spoke loudly by your ear at the same time. You yelped, flinching violently. When you glanced back, you found The Master leering proudly.
“What? You just said you liked Halloween.” He shrugged, walking past you down the steps. Once at the bottom, he turned back to you and nod to himself slowly.
“Nice jumper.” He commented, your lips turning up again. You were wearing a black jumper, with different sized pumpkins sewn throughout. They were all odd styles and colours.
“Thank you.” For a minute, he froze, before pulling himself away and looking at the others.
“So what sappy place are you taking us today?” The Master asked, hoping no one had noticed his odd behaviour. The Doctor ran around the console.
“Well, considering the topic of this morning. How about a farm?” She suggested, already flicking buttons and other controls.
“A farm?” Yaz frowned.
“Yeah! With a pumpkin patch!” She boasted, making the girl smile again.
“Really?” You stood up hopefully.
“Yeah. It’ll be great. We can get as many as you guys want. Oh! And there’s a cafe there so we can get food!” Clearly, she was more excited about the idea than even you were. Still, you nod happily. The Tardis landed with a thud, sending everyone flying. You tumbled down the steps, The Master easily catching you. Holding under your arms, he smiled cockily.
“Falling for me?” You went red, pulling away fast.
“In your dreams.”
“Ok you two, stop flirting. Pumpkins to pick!” Yaz chortled, not helping your flushed state at all. Shaking her head, The Doctor pulled Yaz outside with a huff. The Master, still smiling, extended his hand towards you. You raised your eyebrows.
“Come on, you can at least hold my hand right? Or is that too much?” He joked, but you held his hand regardless, allowing him to guide you out of the tardis. It was sunny outside, but not too warm with a small breeze. Having landed in a woodland area, your small group walked for a few minutes before seeing the white farm building. The chipped walls were enough to tell you just how old it was, sat on vast, lush land. There were animals dotted around some of the fields, a path heading up a small hill. Upon getting to the farm, you were greeted by an old lady.
“Here for the pumpkin festival dears?” She inquired, face filled with joy. There were many others already there, mostly families and couples.
“Yep.” Yaz stepped forwards, pulling out her phone and paying for your tickets. Being let through, you walked by her side, tugging the male along.
“You didn’t have to pay for us all.”
“It’s fine. Lunch is on you.” She chuckled, nudging you playfully. But you smiled, happy with that arrangement. Traipsing up the shallow hill, you came to find the pumpkin patch. Surrounded by a worn, dark oak fence, it had a wooden arch as its entrance. On a big sign above, “pumpkins here” was written in cursive, expertly done. Rows of the root grown plant went on far and wide, people of all ages trying to find the perfect one.
“We’ll meet you down by the cafe.” Yaz said, hastily taking the Doctor off in a random direction.
“And then there were two.” The Master drawled, looking down at you.
“Awe don’t sound so happy. I know you love me really.” You elbowed him gently, walking ahead into the vast amounts of orange and green. He watched you for a minute, unaware that he was smiling. Turning back, you tilted your head. “Come on!” You reached out, the man chuckling and joining you swiftly. He followed behind you, your hair swishing with every step.
“We have to find the most round, most plump, most orange pumpkins to carve.” You said with certainty, scanning your surrounding area.
“Hm. If you say so.” The Master started walking by your side. “Why plump?”
“So I can use the innards to bake.” You clarified.
“You said that so…threateningly.” He laughed, placing a hand on your back as you both went along. Leaning closer to the man, you felt more relaxed that way.
“That one!” You almost yelled, carefully running between the vines. The Master observed you with fondness, going at a much more casual pace.
“This one?” He asked, standing opposite you. You nod, eyeing the large pumpkin. “It’s massive, (y/n).”
“Exactly. It’s perfect!” When you smiled at him, he was already doing the same. There was a look in his eye that you just couldn’t describe, almost like he was entranced. Trying not to get flustered from his intense gaze, you moved to pick the pumpkin up. In a flash, The Master was behind you, his hands on your waist and stopping you from bending. Your cheeks went red, looking back at him with a bashful confusion.
“You’re wearing a skirt.” He stated simply, not letting you go. “There’s lots of men around here.”
“There’s girls too.” You pointed out, a slight wobble in your inflection. Humming, he turned you to face him and brushed your hair back.
“Statistically, men are more likely to be predatory. And I don’t really want other men looking at you like that.” The Master spoke sternly, making your blush worsen.
“So you tell me what it is you’ll like, and I’ll do the lifting. Okay?” It was more of an instruction than a question, but you bobbed your head regardless. Grinning, he kissed your head sweetly, before bending down and cutting the stalk carefully. Still in shock, you just gawked at the noirette. Once the pumpkin was free, he lifted it with ease.
“Wait, other men?” You realised what he said, eyes shooting to him once again. He just shrugged nonchalantly.
“See any others you like, dear?” Your heart was hammering in your chest, all the while he seemed unfazed. Shaking your head, you started looking around once again. When your head was turned, you couldn’t hide your shy smile.
Three pumpkins and a wheelbarrow later, the two of you went to pay. There was a small gazebos at the top of the hill you had climbed. A man stood inside, with his cash box and weighing scale. The Master wheeled the pumpkins to him, greeting the man quietly. Going to pull out your phone, he stopped you quickly.
“I dropped something.”
“What?” You were perplexed.
“Outside, I’m pretty sure I did.” He said, hands searching his coat.
“What do you even own?” You asked and he just gave you a serious look. Realising it may have been some sort of weapon, you rolled your eyes before looking at the man. “I’ll be two seconds.” You apologised before heading back outside. After scouring the area nearby, you found nothing out of the ordinary. Nothing at all. Even with all the children around, the grass was clear. “Ready to meet the others?” You jumped, finding The Master, and wheelbarrow, now behind you.
“Hey I haven’t paid yet.”
“No. I did.” He shrugged, placing a hand on his hip. Your face softened, taking a few steps forwards.
“You did?” You asked bewildered, struggling to keep up as he made his way back down the hill.
“Yep. Do you think people will take them if we leave them out here?”
“Huh? Oh no. They have the red stickers on them.” You answered still confused, watching as he left them by the entrance to the cafe.
“Yes but humans are conniving and selfish.” He spat, earning a hurt look from you. Letting out a breath, The Master moved and cupped your cheeks. “You don’t count, obviously.” You couldn’t help your smile, leaning into his hand contently.
“Thank you, for buying them.”
“You’re welcome, sweets.” He laced your fingers together, guiding you into the cafe. It wasn’t a very big building, but spacious enough that it was cozy. With a cracking fire on the back wall, rustic brick walls and old wooden floors, you loved it. The Master took you to the table right by the fire, allowing you to sit closest to it. You smiled widely, shuffling closer to him once he sat too.
“How long do you think the others will be?” You pondered, admiring the paintings in the room.
“No idea, you know how The Doctor is. She’s like a magpie.” He muttered, picking up a menu and letting out a breath. After a moment of internal debating, you rested your head on his shoulder. Thankfully, he didn’t seem to mind at all, adjusting so you could see the menu too.
“I think you’ll want this page.” He flipped to the other side, showing you the different cakes, bakes, cookies and more. Pressing your cheek to his arm, you giggled quietly.
“You know me so well.” You commented, eyes flittering over all the options.
“Of course, I do notice these things.” The Master said, looking at you proudly. Pressing your lips together, you suppressed your happiness badly.
“You’re quite sweet. Even with all the evil plans you have.”
“Ah, but you’re always safe with me, are you not?” He pointed out, clearly smug.
“Of course I am.” Hugging onto his arm, you began to feel doubt and nerves creep into your mind. Even though he didn’t seem to mind, you found yourself asking, “Doesn’t it bother you?”
“Well, I know you’re not a very touchy, affectionate person. And I am. So does it not bother you? That I’m like this?” You kept your eyes on the table as you spoke, on the different shades of wood-stain used. Tentatively, The Master tilted your chin up trying to meet your gaze.
“It’s different when it’s you.” He reassured, thumbing the apple of your cheek. “My emotional support human.” You blushed, lips twitching up slightly. “Plus, you’re different. You’re spooky. I like it.”
“Like a witch?” You beamed, back to your normal self.
“No, you’re far prettier than a witch.” He chuckled, causing you to cover your face in embarrassment.
“What have we walked in on then?” The Doctors voice came from nowhere, but you were unmoved. Huffing in annoyance, the male just looked at her bored.
“Nothing. Hurry up and look at the menu. We’re hungry.”
“Alright calm down.” Yaz laughed, looking along with the blonde. “Oh I don’t know.” She mumbled, rereading it again.
“You’ll get something warm, like soup.” Both women looked at him with surprise.
“Yeah you’re right I was going to. How did you know that?” Yaz almost laughed again, letting The Doctor take the menu for herself.
“Because you always do. Just Like The Doctor will get the custard tart.”
“Oh custard tart!” The Doctor beamed at the exact time The Master said it. She looked over at him with a faux glare. You giggled, watching them interact.
“See, I’m very attentive.” The Master boasted, subtly bringing you closer as he moved. Sadly, he had to stand up. “Shall we do the ordering?” He asked his old friend, to which she nod and got to her feet.
“Wait I didn’t even tell you what I picked.” You said quickly, sitting straight. Simpering, he just pat your head twice then went to the counter with The Doctor.
“He’s so into you.” Yaz spoke, gaining your full attention. You blushed, shrugging softly.
“You think so?”
“Even The Doctor knows, (y/n).” She pointed out, putting the sugar jar in front of her girlfriend’s place ready. You couldn’t help but smile to yourself. “Look at you. You’re lovesick.”
“Oh stop it.” You shot back weakly, earning a chortle from her. Turning around, you observed the aliens in such a human setting with fondness. “Can I be a bridesmaid?” She asked, resting her head on her hands. You just scoffed returning to face her.
“Only if I can be for you too.”
“Oh, of course. Who else would I pick?” The pair of you laughed together, unaware of the others coming back. The Doctor carefully placed a tray on the table, sliding it into the middle.
“What are you two giggling about?” She questioned, sitting once again.
“Nothing important.”
“Yeah nothing for you two to know about.” You confirmed, The Master taking his seat next to you.
“Yet.” Yaz finished, causing another fit of laughs. The time lords exchanged looks, as if speaking through osmosis. Humming, the man put a teapot in front of you, along with a mug and small pot of milk.
“Whatever you say.” He murmured, your eyes lighting up when you saw the brownie he had gotten you.
“Before you ask, yes it’s been warmed up. And-“ he took a small dish and sat it next to your cup. “-cream to your liking.”
“Thank you.” You smiled happily, making yourself a nice cup of tea. The Doctor did indeed have a custard tart, as Yaz had a bowl of steaming tomato soup.
“You three and your sweet tooth’s.” Yaz rolled her eyes, buttering her bread. Turning your head, you saw that The Master had gotten himself a slice of cake. With a cherry on top too. A glacier cherry.
“Do you want it?” He suddenly asked, making you jump a bit. You furrowed your brows, him putting the sugary ‘fruit’ onto your brownie before you could speak.
“They’re more sappy than us.” The Doctor commented, adding multiple sugars to her brew.
“I know. And they’re not even dating.” Yaz added with a grin. You busied yourself with adding a bit of cream and nibbling on your brownie.
“Give us time.” The Master casually said, causing you to choke. He was quick to pat your back. “Easy love, I need you alive for that to happen.”
“Leave the poor girl alone.” The Doctor laughed, handing you a napkin. Your cheeks were bright red, heart racing as you wiped your mouth. Still, you were smiling, gazing up at The Master shyly. He smiled back, giving your nose an affectionate tap before sipping his coffee.
“So after here, let’s watch horror movies while we carve them yeah?” Yaz was sounding more autumnal now, eagerly suggesting her idea.
“That sounds perfect, what film?” The Doctor glanced at everyone there.
“I say The Exorcist.” The Master added his input, the group collectively groaning.
“Maybe after, on the sofa where we can all huddle up?” The blonde prompted, earning a reluctant nod.
“How about scream?” You recommended, getting a more positive reaction.
“Then it’s settled, what a great day this is ‘ay?” Even The Doctor was getting giddier than usual.
“See? It’s good to start celebrating spooky season early.” There was a snarky tone in your inflection, proving your earlier point to Yaz. Unbeknownst to you, The Master stared at you proudly, loving your cockiness.
“Fine, you were right.” She agreed, putting her spoon down before stirring her iced latte. “You two are like The Addams Family.”
“Oh I like that.” The Master leered, putting an arm around your shoulders possessively. Bashful, you leant into his hold and nod in approval. The four of you sat in close comfort, eating your food and drinking your seasonal drinks. Outside the wind was blustering, amber leaves falling from trees and making footsteps crunch. It really was the best time of the year.
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paintedstories · 1 year
♥ song of the story OWN MY MIND -maneskin
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gif from @yonglixx ⚠: mentions of zombies: mentions of blood and death; mentions of Felix killing zombies; mentions of his family being dead(I'm sorry 🙏 its for the plot); mentions of readers family being dead(sorry again) ⚠: can be considered a fluff story if you don't mind the theme ⚠: Survivor Lee Felix x Survivor fem reader (she/her) ⚠: In this AU skz doesn't exist, meaning, that Felix doesn't know any of the members.
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panting could be heard from the girl hidden in a long ago abandoned house.
"ahh, shit-" she breathed under her breath, exhausted from running, punching, and killing all day. She started searching carefully throughout the house, carefully to not make too much noise, walking and finding things that might be helpful. After putting all the things she found in the middle of the room, things such as cans of fruits and food, screwdrivers, knives, soap, and ladies' necessities, she decided to choose what she exactly needed and go on a run outside, maybe find some abandoned shops or hopefully a pharmacy, as she was in a new city.
while walking she stumbled across an alley and decided to go in it to rest, as she did not see or hear any of those horrifyingly disgusting creatures she sat down close to one of the big metal trash bins, fortunately for her, it did not smell that bad, as it has had not been used for at least 5 months. while she carefully opened one of the food cans she found, she suddenly heard something, or rather someone walking. Scared she rapidly put the can down and got up with her knife to kill who was coming next.
"hey- woah, woah, mate slow down, I'm peaceful!" he whisper shouted while putting his hands up making her put the knife down and look at him with a serious face. "I'm warning you if you try stealing from me, I won't hesitate to murder you," she said sternly while sitting down and starting to eat from the can. But he continued staying on guard next to her. "what are you doing?" she looked at him weirdly but he doesn't say anything, only smiles and sits next to her, after approximately 2 minutes the hands him the other half of the can that she didn't finish intentionally. "eat" she said not looking at him. "woh thanks!" he exclaimed and smiled brightly "didn't eat something non expired in ages haha" her face fell after hearing that. How, how, what happened here. she thought while slowly peeking to look at his shadowed dirty face. poor guy was all she could muster in her thoughts. "want more?" she looked at him while handing him another can, now with a different type of food. " no, no, I can't, it would be too much! I don't have anything in return!" he said while shaking his hands showing that he meant it. "No, really take it, I have more, found a house, 30 minutes away, very quiet no monsters, and it has a lot of food. maybe you would want to come with me, you know, two is better than one," she said while scratching her back of the neck.
"Really?- are you joking with me? because if not I'm coming!" he smiled while sitting up and holding his hand to her. As she took it, first time making skin-to-skin contact with the stranger she felt a spark in her heart and worms in her stomach, no she felt butterflies, she shacked her head gently and started to walk a little bit in front of him to lead the way.
On their way to the house, they chatted and found out that his name was Lee Felix, an Australian. They encountered 3 zombies too but decided to just run off, as it was night time and they wouldn't be seen.
Arrived at the house she shows him around, and he helps her to patch the broken windows and unnecessary rooms.
While searching for a good room Felix found a basement, the basement of the said house, deciding to investigate right then, as it was night and the zombies were mostly asleep and easier to kill. Big luck for them was that inside was only one, a guy, the owner of the house they declared. After y/n killed it and Felix helped by dragging it outside the house in front of the yard and throwing it on the fence, as protection from other fellow zombies, because if they smelled the blood of the said zombie on the fence they would pass the house and not get in even if heard any sounds from inside. Of course, it would smell bad but good thing that the smell didn't get too close to the house.
After rearranging the whole basement, meaning, getting all the things in the living room, then putting on a big bed for two inside the room, of course, cleaning it very well. They might have been in the apocalypse but to be clean still helps. good thing the basement was as big as the house, large enough to put some of the kitchen and bedroom furniture down, creating a little house, sadly inside the basement was only the installation for water, not the toilet too, so the bathroom remained inside the house. Not too big of a problem as the house looked like it never been touched by the filthy hands of those zombies.
"few, we're finally done!" Felix said happily while slumping on the bed."ey get your dirty butt off the bed, you need to change and shower....." she realized that the water from the bathroom didn't work anymore, only the one in the basement, the reason being that the installation was made so that water will work even without electricity, but that only in the basement. " haha shit, we got to wash with cold water" she sighed as she plopped next to the bed resting her back on the bed leg next to a now floor sitting Felix. "haha jokes on you, not washing with cold water" he laughed "then sleep on the floor"
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hey, hey, hey! my cherry's hope you liked this story if you want part two ✌ tell me master list 📃 feel free to request your deepest desires!
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zoroshark · 5 months
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Hey! This is Zoro coming with an update about my health as quite a few things have happened the past couple of months. As some may know, I've been dealing with chronic pain and illness since February of last year as mentioned in this post here.
A quick summary of it was that I have been dealing with constant bladder and stomach problems suddenly that were disrupting day to day life as they were painful and constant. Despite the multiple hospital visits, nothing was really done and at the time I could only wait to see certain specialists (which required a lot of money to see). Recently however, I finally got an answer to what was causing me pain in one part of my stomach! The culprit was my gallbladder and it has been removed!
The rest of the post will be caught off so for those who want to read in more detail, but one issue has been solved (at least i hope so)!
I also want to note here and thank everyone who's been supportive of me during this rough patch in my life. I also want to thank those who sent money for the GoFundMe! However, due to a few circumstances which will also be explained in the read more section, I will be refunding it all to those who donated.
TLDR version of my reason is that I was advise to do so for the eligibility medical/financial benefits I've been looking into. The refunds should be sent in about a week, so keep and eye out!
TW for Medical related subjects such as surgery.
For what was causing me pain in my stomach, or at least one of the reasons:
Turns out I had gallstones that somehow CT scans and ultrasounds didn't pick up last year, despite the pain and discomfort I was in from them. It got to the point where the pain was so unbearable, I was crying for about 2-3 hours before going to the ER. They found one stone had thicken walls through the ultrasounds and my gallbladder was infected from these stones.
Because of the findings, I underwent surgery to completely remove it during my stay in the hospital. I am now close to two weeks post-op and so far it has relieved most, if not all, of the constant pain I've been in my upper right. While I still have issues elsewhere in my body, it feels nice to have one issue solved. I just hope I don't need another trip to the ER anytime soon.
As for the detailed explanation for refunding the GoFundMe donations:
A few months back I after the go found me, I was accepted in a financial assistance program that made doctor's visits way cheaper. From close to hundreds of dollars to 3 dollars, that was way more an affordable price range for me. Despite that, i kept the donations on hold just in cause anything changed or something wasn't covered by the program until now.
Along with that, I've been applying for disability as I am considered disabled by my psychiatrist due to my mental health. After talking to a few folks who knew about the system, they mentioned that the money from the fundraiser could harm the process in gaining these benefits. Their recommended course of action was to refund the money as a precaution, so I'm following their advice. After the refunds have gone through, I will be closing the fundraiser.
Again, I want to give a massive thank you everyone in general who have supported me through all this. Its been difficult, especially since I had to accommodate to the pain and changes in my body. There has been MANY ups and for sure downs, but I'm still holding on!
Thank you for reading on this update, and expect to see me slowly become active again on here! I'm still in my Zonai phase so expect more content revolving around that, along with possible Zora content. Original works not involving fandoms will also (hopefully) be posted too!
Im also thinking of opening commissions in the future! I'll need to ask about that first due to what I mentioned above, but as far as I'm aware, I should be okay to do so (but don't quote me on it). So keep an eye out!
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marigold-hills · 3 months
Dunes and Waters
Since the poll overwhelmingly went with this one (thank you for voting!) here is a little snapshot
The man had long hair, was the first thing Remus noticed. Long enough to reach past his shoulders. Dark as night. Stringy. Not washed in a too long time. He looked thin, like he’d lost too much weight over a too short time. Like he’d been starved. Tattered shirt and trousers to match, the outfit of all the prisoners.
He looked pathetic, sitting there on the floor, head slumped back against the wall. Long fingers with chewed off fingernails idly playing with the straw which made up his bedding. Remus almost felt sorry for him.
The guard opened the cell door, scowl on his face. They weren’t happy to let go of their prisoner but an official embassy letter and an official signature from the official in charge of such things left them no choice.
“Black,” the guard bit out, “it’s your lucky day.”
“Oh? Did your mother come for the conjugal visit as I requested?”
The guard’s hand tightened where it held onto the door. He looked like he was using all his willpower not to retaliate.
Apparently surprised by the lack of response, Black turned his face to the door. There was a nasty bruise over his left eye, swelling it shut, and another along his jaw. Remus was certain the report said he’d not sustained any injuries in the attack itself. Even if he had, they should have been long healed.
“Well, who do we have here. Not the mum, that’s for sure, but damn if you’re not a better option,” Black made a show of looking Remus up and down, slowly, salaciously. Taking in the elbow patches, the messenger bag, the pleated trousers. Whatever feelings Remus had at the sight of the bruises evaporated.
“I’m here to offer you a deal.”
“A deal? What kind?” Clear interest in the one good eye, “mind you, I think I’ll be hard pressed to say no to you, Professor.”
The guard made a sound to show his disgust and spat on the floor, right by Remus’ leather oxfords.
“Classy as always,” Black remarked.
Remus decided it was in his best interest to get through the conversation as swiftly as possible. He wished not to be there. The light was making his head hurt, and now that he could smell Black as well as the general stench of the cells, he was longing for the outside air, no matter how blisteringly hot it was.
He really wasn’t made for this job. He missed his little office. His library.
“Mr Black,” he tried to get the conversation on track, “the Ministry is willing to forget your… indiscretion and let you out with a clean record, in exchange for your cooperation.” The guard wouldn’t catch on that he wasn’t talking about any Ministry he was familiar with, but Black would know what he meant. Hopefully.
“The Ministry is, is it? Pray tell, Professor, what could the illustrious Ministry want from little old me?” The bravado was negated somewhat by the raspy cough Black fell into with the last words. It sounded like an infection, Remus though, pneumonia maybe. Not a good thing to have in damp conditions.
“I can only disclose the details once you agree.”
Black laughed, loud and mocking, half-broken by another cough. “You’re kidding, right? You want me to agree to something without even knowing what it is?”
“It’s either that, or you’re left here.”
For a moment, Black looked pensive. He stopped laughing, put his head back against the wall, and closed his good eye. His face was barely visible in the murky shadows, only an outline of cheekbones and lips and an aristocratic nose.
“You’ve got another five years, if I’m not mistaken,” Remus continued. “Only been here two months. Do you really want to waste your only chance to get out? Because trust me, another one isn’t coming. You’re lucky I’m here in the first place.” They both knew Black wasn’t going to make it to the five-year mark. Not many long-term prisoners did, here. The guards were happy to see to that, and if they didn’t, then the appalling conditions would take care of the rest. With the cough… Remus would give him another two months, maybe. Very unpleasant two months. The cough would worsen, become bloody. Breathing would keep getting harder. Eventually, fever. That’s probably what would take him.
“Not like I’m known for making good decisions,” a defeated sigh. Slow, deep breaths, like he was trying to calm his lungs. “Yeah, alright then. I’ll cooperate. Just get me out of here and then get me a couple pints, and we can do whatever it is the Ministry found important enough to bother with me for.”
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lingering-42-long · 2 years
Gentle touch
König x female reader
As much as I love Simon ghost Riley I also really love König. He’s such an anxious big guy. I wanted to do a Story on him and hopefully I’ll do more in the future. I was also feeling kind of mopey so I wanted to write something comforting. I wanted to try my hand at first person. Enjoy!
Warnings: woman’s menstrual cycle, blood, self-insecurities, mountain man freaking out, simping over his girl, fluff
I woke up around 3:46 am in pain, my lower region felt like a serrated hot knife was stabbing it relentlessly. I groaned as I tried to roll over to stop the pain in someway shape or form. Nothing was helping. I looked over my sleeping mountain of a man. König, The tall Austrian was passed out next to me, Curled up around pillows and blankets as he cocoon himself from the world. Another stabbing pain injected its self into mean as I winced and clutched at my stomach area. I ground and pull the sheets back and silently cursing as I saw a huge dark red blood stain on the blue sheets that I had just bought not two months ago.
I hobbled my way into the bathroom as I began to start a nice hot bath to help relieve my cramps. I decided to add some bath salts and bubbles to at least help with the healing. Everything was so tense my body was shaking due to the pain. Taking off my shirt and spoiled pants I dipped into the hot water and relaxed with a sigh. It was nice to finally be able to relieve some of the pain, though it was still there, the hot water was helping.
Meanwhile… (König’s 3rd person pov)
König woke up shortly after (y/n) had gone into the bathroom. He was a little parched and wanted some water to quench his thirst.
He noticed the bathroom light was on but thought little about it, (y/n) must be in there. He did not want to disturb her.
He pulled the sheets back and saw something dark on her side. Looking at the spot more closely he saw it was a large patch of blood. König gasped and quickly got out of bed to the washroom. “Liebling!!! I saw blood, are you hurt?!?!” Panic rose in his chest ad the thought of you injured made him sick.
( (Y/n)’s 1st person pov)
“Liebling!!! I saw blood, are you hurt?!?!” I heard my sweet boyfriend’s muffled call on the other side of the door.
“Yes I’m fine just in pain” I winced as the imaginary knife stabbed me once more. “Owww” I moaned as I tried to reposition myself in the warm water.
“Mein Schatz…. May I come in?” He asked
“If you want too” I groaned.
The door slowly opened as König began to take in the situation. He saw me in the tub looking like I was getting gutted and the bloody mess of clothes that laid by the toilet. “Scheisse.” he murmured and knelt by the tub next to me. “Ve need to get you to the hospital vight now!”
“No no that won’t be necessary.” I winced
“But your bleeding!” Fear and sheer panic was on his face. I cupped the side of his cheek and smiled tiredly, “It’s ok honey. This is normal.”
“How is this normal?!” His eyes widened.
“At least let me see.”
“No. Absolutely no” I vigorously shook my head.
“Liebe, I need to see! Your hurt! I don’t even know where your bleeding from.” He was trying to coax me out of the hot, soapy water. “I know where.” I grumbled and sank back into the water.
“Do you not trust me?” König looked sad now. He felt like shit not knowing what was wrong.
“Hunny, do you know what a menstrual cycle is?”
“Hardly. I am familiar with the term. The woman sometimes get them.”
“Ok, women usually get them every month, and we… shed our uterus membrane as a way of cleaning ourselves.
My man just sat there blinking.
“It’s painful, it feels like birthing jellyfish.”
König winced, “but the blood?”
“A woman can loose as much as 44.36 ml (3 tbsp)”
“Scheisse! It looks so much more on the bed” he winced
I groaned, “I forgot about it… could you do me a few favors?” I asked.
“Certainly! Anything for you.” König smiled a bit as he was finally glad he could help. The man could barely sit still for no more than two minutes. “ Could you first change the sheets on the bed and put fresh new ones and take the sheets that are spoiled and put them in the wash machine? Then could you get me a glass of water and my ibuprofen? The The bottle is clear with the big words ibuprofen written on the side in the medicine cabinet. Also can you get me fresh Sleepwear? All of these are spoiled and can you get me a pad? You can set it with the clothes as well.” As I was speaking I could tell König was taking a mental note of everything.
“Ok Liebling, I vill be right back. Stay there.” He leaned over and kissed my head. I gave him a tired smile. “Thank you. You have no idea what this means to me.”
“Please, mein Täubchen, I am more than happy to tend to your needs” He got up to get the things done.
“Oh one more thing… sorry” I blushed slightly.
“Ja?” He turned around and looked at me.
“Could you get a hot water bottle going for me. They’re in the medicine cabinet as well. They’re red you can’t miss them they’re on the bottom shelf. Fill the kettle up with water and once it’s boiling put the water in the water bottle. Could you also wrap it in a towel? They get too hot sometimes.”
“Ja of corse.” He nodded and walked out. I sighed and did what I could to relax.
I listened to the noises around me. I could hear König shuffling around our flat, doing the various tasks that I requested. I could hear him shuffle around the bedroom stripping the beds, and then I could also hear him opening up the drawer to my dresser, and picking out pajamas. I heard him walking to the kitchen, and also I could hear the washing machine turn on, followed by a few minutes of quiet, then the kettle singing; König turning off the sound and quite presumably pouring the hot water into the bottle. Sure enough, shortly after that, I heard a sharp cry “Scheisse!”
I winced. He probably pored to fast and burned his hand. I felt really bad for making him do all of this at now 4 in the morning.
It was about 30 or so minutes later when he finally came back with a glass of water, a pill, a hot water bottle, new clothes, and a pad.
“Sorry it took me so long the water got my hand.”
I sighed “I’m so sorry for making you do this you should be in bed, it’s my shit not yours.”
“Vhat?! Nein! Don’t say that!” König handed me the glass and pill. “I wanted to do this for you. Your in pain. I hate seeing you in pain. I will do anything at any time, to make sure your ok.” He sat next to the tub and smiled at me “Your the best thing that has ever happened to me, how could I not take care of Sie.”
This was most this man had spoken in a wile. He was a quiet soul but in the privacy of his home, he could be quiet the chatter box.
I had tears forming at my eyes and I sniffed. “Oh don’t cry meine Liebe.” He stroked my chin “Ich liebe dich zu sehr, um dich weinen zu sehen.” I nodded and swallowed the pill with the water. “I’m sorry my hormones are all over the place… could you help up.”
He offered his arms and hands for me to grab on. As I took them, he carefully hoisted me up to my feet. I twinge of pink, dusted his cheeks as he avoided looking at my body. “Ummm h-here is Y-your Towel.” König’s shy, bashful self came out as he handed me a towel. “I’ll be in the bedroom.” He quickly left me for my privacy. I would have laughed at his shyness if I wasn’t still in pain.
I came out a few minutes later in my pjs and found him sitting on the edge of our bed fidgeting with the strings on his sleeping pants. “Hey big guy” I smiled as I laid down next to his sitting form. This broke him out of his trance and he stared at me. “Hello Schön.” König glanced at me, now one lamp was on so the room was lit better to see each other.
“It still hurts” I groaned and closed my eyes.
“Vat can I do?” He asked not sure if there was anything he could do more to take my pain away.
“Could you rub down here? Please? If not it will be ok.”
“Y-you vant me to r-rub were?” His eyes opened wider as he seemed nervous.
“Right here, under the stomach, where my ovaries are. Massaging really helps. If your too uncomfortable with it-“
“ nein, nein, I can do it.” His face was a deep shade of crimson. As he placed his hands awkwardly on me just above my hips. “O-ok where?”
“OK hold me as if you’re keeping my hips down in sex.” Poor König gave me the ‘deer in the headlights’ look. “Like this.” I just did his thumbs to sit on top of where my ovaries and uterus would be and his other four fingers on the sides of my hip. “There. Like that. Now you can use your thumb to rub in circles, not to deep, right where they are.”
Slowly, König began to massage the areas, carful not to hurt me. “Like this?” He asked, unsure.
“Yes baby just like that. Don’t stop” I groaned in pleasure as I closed my eyes. König smiled a little at this. Happy that his hands could be put to good use in this situation, and he was not going to lie, seeing me lay like this with his hands on me felt… erotic. König shook his head, now was not the time.
After some time the Ibuprofen finally kicked in and I was feeling a lot better. The pain subsided to a dull throb. Now it was around 5 o’clock am. The sun would be rising soon so there was no point in trying to go back to sleep. I just laid there on the bed sideways, with König now massaging my back. He was humming a tune which meant he was content. “I love you” I said out of the blue. I felt a gentle squeeze on my shoulder “Ich liebe dich mehr” I rolled over to face him and smiled, “Can we go cuddle on the couch till the sun comes up?”
“Oh I vood like that” he nodded and without second thought, picked me up like a baby, and carried me to the living room.
He sat down and I snuggled in his lap. He carefully grabbed one of the blankets on the couch and spread it over us, as I was fiddling with the TV remote finding some thing to watch. I fell a kiss on the head and his arm rubbing my shoulder as we settled down to watch some Christmas bake off show.
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thegengarprincess · 5 months
“Dobro jutro,ljubi.” “Dobro jutro,sonček.”
Gene: Pure tooth-rotting *FLUFF*
Summery: Just a glimpse of what a normal lazy morning looks like 4 the husbands ever,except it’s their half-year anniversary N after some reminiscing,Jan decides 2 ask his now boyfriend of half a year if he still remembers the morning after they became official,and boy does Nace remember~
Disclaimer: *All* of this is completely fictional and im not associating this with the real people whatsoever,I just like using these silly lil pretty Balkan men as my Barbie dolls,the moment either of them say their uncomfortable with fanfic im deleting the whole thing,k.
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*🐈‍⬛🐕*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* This was it.By now it had been almost a whole year since Martin brought *him* to meet the boys,the man who would replace one of his best friends all so they could keep making music.Jan knew why he had to leave yet it still stung to say goodbye when Martin had been through basically *everything* with the band till now.But what Jan didn’t know back then,no matter how much he believed logic would *always* triumph over love,was that “the new Martin” would end up proving only *sometimes* logic can triumph over love,*especially* when it comes to his now boyfriend and bassist,*Nace Jordan.* Which is how he found himself here,snuggled up in Nace’s bed with an arm wrapped securely yet ever so gently around his slightly smaller frame,Ollie curled up near his legs and snoring just as loudly as a *certain* brunette who had a tendency of reminding him of the small creature sometimes.He slowly awoke to the sound of a familiar yawn which could only come from one person,the one who had been sleeping beside and stayed with him through every rough night for *months* now,and hopefully forever when he can finally afford to go ring shopping,only the best for *his* Nacko afterall and nothing less. Nace tossed onto his side so he could see that perpetually half asleep face he’d come to adore so *so* much,when said face asked him a question along the lines of: “Do you still remember the morning after we became..*this*?” Jan said to him,voice still raspy from sleep ,using his finger to point at himself than Nace. “You mean the morning after we fucked eachother’s brains out in some dingy club bathroom while the rest of the boys were shitfaced drunk N doing god knows what then you told me the first time we saw eachother you forget how to *breath*.” he chuckled which also elected a giggle out of Jan,a sound he would *love* to keep in a jar and listen to on repeat when he has a off day. “Forgetting how 2 breath wasn’t the first thing I did when we met,you know.” “Then what was?” “How to think after I saw ur tattoo sleeve up close for the first time during one of our first gigs together,you had *no* idea what that did to me back then.” slowly tracing along the ink that adorned his boyfriends arm,all away to his shoulder as he planted a kiss on one of the last ink covered patches on the others skin. “Buttt I do now,alot actually.” “How so?” Nace pulled him closer and whispered the answer into his ear,breath ghosting slightly over his lobe,making a small smile tug at his lips. “Cause of all the bite marks and hickeys I always find scattered on them the next morning~” it was Jan’s turn to laugh now when Nace started to place a trail of kisses down his ear.watching the tips go a dark shade of red which always looked good when he was the one wearing it. “Not like you can really blame me tho,tattoos are hot as fuck *especially* when they belong to my extremely sexy and beautiful boyfriend!” he cupped the boyfriends in questions face in his hands and just *admired* him till Nace spoke again. “And who’s that?” Nace questioned as if he didn’t know who he belonged to. “You.” were the only words that came out of Jan’s mouth before he kissed him,slow but it was one of the sweetest kisses he’d ever given,that’s only natural when ur man’s a literal *angel* with the softest lips known to man afterall. Tho it stared off as a innocent “good morning /wake up kiss” which *may* have led to a full on makeout session,both men stayed like that for awhile,only breaking the kiss so they could get some air in their lungs,gently pressing their foreheads together and staring into the others eyes for what could have been an eternity,not like either of them would mind of course. “Dubro jutro,ljubi.” “Dubro jutro,sonček.” And if Jan and Nace from half a year ago knew this is what that faithful day where Martin brought him into the studio to the boys would lead to,maybe getting a new bassist wasn’t the worst idea in the world afterall~ ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*💜❤️*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~
(BIG BIG TY 2 ONE OF MY FAVE MOOTS @da-proti-toku-grem 4 ANSWERING MY ASK EARLIER N GETTING MY MOTIVATION 2 WRITE BACK INTO GEAR N HELPING WITH LAST MIN NERVES B4 POSTING!! 🥹🫶🥹🫶🥹🫶🥹🫶🥹🫶 ur truly such.a.f4n.*SWEETHEART* N I hope one day I can be just as good of a writer as U are! I fr always start kicking my feet N twirling my hair when I see U in my inbox,seeing the lil notification with ur user *ALWAYS* makes my day better + U were one of the first blogs i started following N was a huge idol of mine back when I was a lurker!! X33 luv ya Maca ,4 aslong as we have the boys and 4ever <3333333333)
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rezwrites · 2 years
Non Portae Caeli
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Pairings: Dark!Priestess!Wanda/Reader
Word count: 1.1k
Summary: You reap the repercussions for trying to leave your Priestess.
Warnings: 18+ MDNI, TW graphic depictions of murder/parental death/blood, noncon/dubcon, beginning of loss of faith, pregnancy, vomit, religious upbringings, bloody Wanda in cleric’s clothing, unspecified age gap(reader is in college), Somno(tiny bit) cunnilingus, fingering
You do NOT have permission to copy or repost my works anywhere.
Masterlist :: Peccata et Paenitentiam
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“For I have sinned against you,” she pleaded on her knees in front of you, hands clasped around her rosary, as if it was her only lifeline at the moment. Her eyes gazing into yours, “Please forgive me.”
“You hurt me. You defiled me!” Raising your voice, clenching and unclenching your fists. Turning your head up to the ceiling, you tried to stop your tears from forming. Wanda’s cold hands slipped under your shirt splaying over your stomach, kissing the small bump growing there. Head falling down, “Why did you do this? I tr-trusted you.”
A soft “l love you” left her lips as she lifted her tear filled eyes to yours. She had told you that after every session for the last two months, always touching your belly when she said it. “Let me take care of you,” her voice sounded so shattered while she tried remaining composed. Shaking your head, “No. No, I don’t want anything to do with you,” pushing her away.
“They have everything to do with me!” she screamed, catching your hand in an iron grip. The fire in her eyes growing as she stood to her feet, tugging you closer. Gripping your chin harshly, “You can try running all you want, but I will not stop until we are a family.”
“You’re sick,” you spat her with such disgust, finally wriggling free from her grasp, running out of the classroom.
You had come home late after school to avoid your parents, hoping to evade another argument about who could have possibly been leaving flowers at the doorstep in the middle of the night. Being raised in a strict Christian household your parents were already upset with you for skipping church and your afternoon sessions for the last month. On top of that, they are firm believers that pre-marital sex is a major sin. You wanted to tell them because there will be no point in hiding it and hopefully things would work out but you knew deep down they will be absolutely livid when you tell them.
Walking into the house you noticed that kitchen light is on, as well as the television. The digital clock under the television reading 8:56pm, normally your father would be up but the house was dead silent. Slowly walking to your parents bedroom door, you noticed it was slightly ajar. Swinging the door open, the stench of rusted iron hit you immediately. Face twisting in panic seeing Wanda standing over your father, dark sticky patches coating her shirt, white collar stained crimson. Your father was on his back, sputtering up blood, a knife deep in his chest.
“I know why you didn’t want us to be a family now, baby,” she shot a hard look to your mother hogtied and struggling on the bed, “You were afraid of your parents. Well I’m taking care of them so we can be together,” stepping over your father, Wanda outstretched her arms. Letting out a terrified scream, you dashed to the front door trying to get away, to outside so you could call for help. Kicking the door closed mid-swing, Wanda muffled you with her hand, her other hand trapping you against her. The metallic odor on her made you queasy. “You know better than to fight me,” she seethed through gritted teeth, but you weren’t paying attention, too busy emptying your stomach. Each time a smell hit you, you retched again. You hadn’t noticed her taping your arms behind your back or your ankles together until you were on the floor dry heaving, using your forehead to hold yourself up, vision blurring momentarily. Carding her fingers through your hair, she gently sat you up trying to force you to drink a glass of water but your stomach refused anything.
Placing a piece of tape over your mouth Wanda carried you back to your parents room. Your fight resuming once you were placed on the bed, struggling to rip the tape. Wanda crawled over you placing her hand on your stomach, her long red hair falling on your face. “Stay still. You could hurt the baby,” you froze in complete horror watching your mothers eyes widen. You frantically shook your head trying to tell her it wasn’t true. Effort, unfortunately, in vain when Wanda turned you on your back lifting your shirt to show your baby bump. Closing your eyes, cries racked your body as your mother screamed in shock. You prayed that this was all a nightmare and that you’d wake up soon.
"Didn't think I was serious, did you?,” you opened your eyes to Wanda’s viridescent orbs, “I always mean what I say.” Sliding off of you she bent over the edge of the bed, yanking the knife out of your father’s chest. Her eyes darkened, lips curling into a smile as she looked at your mother. Wanda ripped the tape off your her mouth. Your mother screaming obscenities to both you and Wanda. You backed up until you felt the cool metal of the footrest, curling in on yourself as much as you could, trying to dig your head under the covers hoping to block out the curses of your mother, and get rid of the oncoming nausea. Scooping you up in her arms, you kept your eyes closed as Wanda carried you into the hallway setting you against a wall. Hearing her footsteps fall away and come back Wanda covered you with a blanket. Wanda was quiet, you knew horrible things happen when she is quiet. The second the door closed you let it all out, trying to block out your mother’s screaming. Soon the house fell silent again, save for your sobs as you cried yourself to exhaustion.
Waking up your throat was sore, head pounding as you tried blinking your fuzzy sight away. You attempted to move your hips to dissuade the tingling feeling between your legs but Wanda kept her hold, sinking her teeth into your inner thigh.
“Please, stop,” moving to push her head away but she caught your hands, rubbing her thumb on the back of one of your hands. Her hair messy, eyes wild as she devoured you. Her fingers met your walls as she wrapped her lips around your clit, your back arching as you let out a moan. You felt Wanda smile as she sucked harder, curling her fingers. Your head fell back into the pillows, questioning why God would allow this to happen, or if there even is a God. Wanda gazed up at you, thanking God for bringing you into her life, she won’t ever let you go. Wanda refocused her attention, striving to bring you to the edge. A strangled cry left your lips as the knot in your abdomen snapped, your thighs unintentionally squeezing Wanda’s head as the she worked through your orgasm.
“I want to go home, please,” pleading as she stalked up your body like a predator, your juices dripping from her chin. Peppering kisses to your cheek she covered both of you up.
“But angel you are home, with your family,” Settling behind you, her hand falling to your belly, “And nothing will ever change that.”
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hi, this is my first request and I really love your writing <3
could u write something where eddie has a crush on reader and he knows that she's very into glam metal and hard rock, so he tries to wear make up, hairspray (maybe some glam rock clothes too) because he wants to impress her
This was such a cute idea!! (i’m also a huge fan of glam/hair metal too so this one was so much fun to write!!) sorry it took me so long to get to, and i apologize if it seems rushed (because it was😅) and while writing this i was inspired to make another fic so hopefully that one will be out soon 🥰
Pretty Boy
Genre- Fluff
Warnings- None :)
Tag List- @imagine-all-the-imagines @whiplaaaaaaaaash @ladyapplejackdnd @tayhar811 @wistfulwisteriawitch @thatsthewaythechrissycrumbles @zoeyquinn94 (crossed out names wouldn’t let me tag)
Words- 2.5k
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You smiled at your coworker as you walked through the front door, the little bell ringing as you opened it and they looked over to you with a smirk as you approached the counter.
You’ve been working at the local music shop for a few months and it was an absolute dream! You were surrounded by different instruments and records all day long, getting to see the different people come in and get to talk to them about all different types of music and listen to them play their instruments.
After you started, you noticed that there was a new regular who came in almost every time you worked, and you were always happy to see him whenever he came in.
He was nice, very respectful, and he was always up for talking about music with you, especially his favorite genre: metal. Though you were more into glam metal than the heavier stuff Eddie was into, he never once criticized your taste, and would even ask you things about your favorite bands.
It was nice to know that there was someone who came in that you could consider a friend, especially a cute boy like him.
However, you noticed that each time he came in, he would look different than the last time you saw him.
He’d tease his hair up a bit more, started wearing a little bit of dark eyeliner, and he even asked you to pick out a few tapes for your favorite bands for him to listen to until the next time he came in. You had to admit, the new look he was trying out wasn’t bad, but you loved how he normally was.
You adored his unruly hair and black leather jacket with his battle vest over it, keeping an eye out for each new patch or pin he put onto it so you could listen to a few of their songs, it’s what made Eddie… Eddie.
As you walked around the counter to clock in, your coworker turned to you with a smirk,
“Your loverboy’s practicing in one of the rooms in back,” They said, teasing you a bit, but it was all in good fun, “you think he’s gonna try and ask you out finally?”
“Oh shush, he’s not my loverboy and he’s not going to ask me out.” You said, rolling your eyes, “He’s just a friend! I mean yeah, he’s sweet, and he’s funny… and he’s cute.”
You and your coworker giggled to yourselves as they walked behind you back to the front of the counter,
“Well i’m gonna go on my break,” they said, quickly clocking out before rushing themselves to the door, “when i get back you better tell me where he’s taking you!”
You rolled your eyes once more and looked through the little box of cassette tapes that was kept under the counter, finding one of the Cinderella tapes and placing it into the stereo.
You could hear the faint sounds of Eddie playing his guitar in one of the back rooms, and you smiled as you slowly walked through the store, following the sounds of his strumming all the way to the back. The store had been empty, nothing out of the ordinary for a Monday, but it gave you the opportunity to wander and take a look at all the new things that had been brought into the store over the weekend.
You glanced over the walls as you stepped close and closer into the back rooms, looking at all the new records and cassettes that had been brought in and the new guitars that had been placed all along the walls, seeing that one was missing from its spot. Most likely it was the one that Eddie took with him into the back room.
The sounds of Eddie’s strumming became more and more clear to you, and you started to recognize the song he was playing.
You’re in Love by Ratt.
Eddie didn’t seem like the type to be playing a song like that, especially since you knew glam metal wasn’t really his thing, but you smiled to yourself knowing that you were the one who showed him the song.
You looked back behind you at the entrance of the store to see if anyone had been close by, just in case you actually had to do your job and keep an eye on the merchandise from behind the counter, but seeing as no one had come close to walking in you continued on your way to the practice rooms.
You didn’t want to make it seem too obvious that you were listening to Eddie play, though you did love to watch him practice up front on the days where he was browsing the new guitars that were brought in. He had always picked up a new guitar each time, playing a different song, only to put it back and do the same thing all over again within the next few days. He was talented, and you knew that for sure, especially with how quickly he had picked up on the chords for songs he had only heard a few times. You loved to watch him play, it was almost hypnotic how natural he made it look and after he finished playing he always looked up to you with the sweetest smile on his face.
Though you would love it if Eddie did ask you out, you wouldn’t want to make things too awkward around each other when he came into the shop, and you definitely didn’t want to ruin the friendship the two of you had. You weren’t close, but you were far from strangers at this point.
You had been snapped out of your trance as you heard the bell ring from the front door, quickly making your way back up front behind the counter, greeting the mother and son that had made their way in with a smile.
You sighed to yourself, leaning your elbows on the counter and resting your head in your palm as your eyes wandered over the store once more. Though you loved your job, it could be incredibly boring at times.
You glanced up at the clock on the wall, fixating your eyes onto the little red hand as it ticked by, counting down the seconds, not noticing that someone had approached you at the counter,
“Hello? (y/n)? You alright?” Eddie said with a smile.
You had jumped in your spot, not expecting him to be there so suddenly, like he had appeared out of nowhere. You must’ve been focused on the little red hand for longer than you had thought.
Your lips curled into a smile, a soft giggle escaping your lips as your hand clutched your chest,
“Sorry, you scared me. You look…” You stared him up and down, taking in his presence entirely. He was still changing up his look a bit more than usual, black ripped jeans that were a bit tighter than normal, black boots, one of his Corroded Coffin shirts with the sleeves cut off, and you noticed that he had a bit of eyeliner on as well, not to mention the few rings and necklaces that he had chosen. You didn’t hate this new look on Eddie, but you thought that he’d look so much cuter just being himself,
“different.” You said with a smile.
“Different good?” He said raising an eyebrow, “Or different bad?”
“Different good i guess,” You smiled up at him with your hands resting on top of your fists, “you know that makeup makes you look real pretty,” you said with a giggle, “you look a little bit like Slash if i squint too.”
You could see the lightest pink blush on his cheeks, though he looked down at the floor in an attempt to hide it from you.
Eddie couldn’t help but have a little crush on you, especially given how nice you were and how pretty he thought you looked every time he saw you smile, and just hearing your giggle made his heart flutter. He wanted nothing more than to get your attention, and after seeing how much you loved glam metal he figured it was worth a shot to try and look a little bit like the guys in those bands.
It wasn’t him, and he didn’t love how the guys made fun of him every now and then for the tighter clothes and the hairspray and makeup, but he didn’t care. He’d do anything to get just the littlest bit of attention from you, and if that meant changing his look a bit to get you to notice him more then so be it.
“You know i heard you playing earlier, i love that song.”
“You were listening?” Eddie said with a gentle smile tugging at his lips and you nodded.
“Yeah! I always listen when you play, you’re amazing at it. You make it look so easy too!”
With every compliment his cheeks got redder, and though he always got flustered around you it was exactly what he wanted. You were giving him the attention he so desperately craved from you.
“But, can i be honest with you about something?” You said with a bit of hesitance in your voice, and your tone made Eddie fear the worst, though he couldn’t let you see how it was affecting him.
“Yeah, of course you can.”
“I think you look a lot better when you wear all your normal stuff. I think it suits you a lot better than all this extra stuff.”
He smiled bashfully, not expecting you to admit how you liked him, the normal him, without all the extra flair. And though he liked getting dressed up for you every now and then, it was nice to know that all the extras weren’t needed.
“You think so? I thought you liked those guys in the bands you listen to, with all the makeup and big hair, and those pants that are so tight they really leave nothing to the imagination. You’re telling me not all girls are into that?”
You giggled again at his attempt to try and make fun of not only himself, but the guys on all the album covers scattered over the store that looked almost exactly like his description.
“I mean some of them are cute, but i think without all that on you look a lot like Slash, or Kirk Hammett from Metallica!”
He was amazed that he could be compared to the guitarist of Metallica, one of his favorite bands in the world, and though he had heard similar things from others he knew that if it was coming from you it was genuine. Like you had really meant it instead of just saying it to get him to like you just a bit more, though it was impossible to like you more than he already did.
You had constantly been on his mind from the moment he saw you, and each time he came into the store and was able to talk to you made his day. Each time he asked you for a band recommendation he’d go home and listen to every tape of theirs he could find, every time you mentioned a different feature on one of the band members of Mötley Crüe or FireHouse he made sure to take note of it and check to see if you’d noticed how he changed the same features on himself, and every single time he came into the shop and played on the different guitars on the floor he was always playing for you. Though you didn’t realize it until now, Eddie had done everything he could to win your affection and gain the attention he wanted from you so badly, and to have you finally noticing him and the little changes he would make let him know that though he had been trying so desperately to look and act like the guys in the bands you loved, you already liked everything about him.
And the fact that you had finally noticed the song he had been playing, waiting until you came in for your shift to practice it loud enough for you to know he was there once more, playing that song just for you.
It gave him just the right amount of confidence to finally want to ask you the question that had been plaguing his mind since the moment he laid eyes on you,
“Hey, um, i actually wanted to ask you something… And you can absolutely say no if you want to! I don’t want to pressure you into saying yes just cause i’m asking you at your job, that’s not what i’m trying to do at all!” He took a deep breath to quickly regain his train of thought before he kept rambling from how nervous he was, “There’s this show just outside of town this Saturday, there’s gonna be a bunch of bands playing at this venue one of my friends was telling me about, would you um…”
He looked down at the floor, almost to try and hide how nervous he truly was,
“Would you want to go with me?”
You gave Eddie a sweet smile, looking him over once more and blushing at the fact that he was so nervous to ask you something you know he must’ve been practicing in his head for weeks.
“No.” You said with a little smirk.
Eddie’s smile dropped instantly and his nervousness started to become embarrassment, his face bright red,
“No. But,” You leaned in closer to him, a smile still painted across your lips, “if the normal Eddie wants to take me i’d love to go with him.”
Eddie’s heart rate picked up once more, his red face of embarrassment became a blush as your response made him flustered once more.
“Really? You’ll go? You’re not fucking with me?”
“Of course not!” You giggled, “I’d be happy to go with you.”
You and Eddies conversation had been cut shirt by the mother holding her sons hand behind Eddie at the counter cleaning her throat to gain your attention.
“Sorry,” Eddie said as he moved aside for them to take their place at the counter to check out, the mother placing a few cassettes onto the counter for you to ring up as Eddie made his way towards the door, “i’ll pick you up at 7, ok?”
You smiled and nodded to him, making sure to give him a little wave as he exited the shop, and you could tell he was so excited to finally be able to take you out like he had dreamed about for so many months.
As you finished ringing out the mother and son, your coworker finally returned from their break, clocking in once more and taking their place back behind the counter with you, noticing the light pink blush painted across your face and Eddie was nowhere to be found in the shop,
“So,” they said, nudging your arm, “did he ask you out finally?”
You looked over to them with a smile and tried to hide the blush on your face from them, knowing that it would be just another reason to poke fun at the little crushes you and Eddie had on one another. Something that had been apparent to everyone except for each other.
“Shut up.”
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planetknoxville · 2 years
You’re not my dad (Johnny Knoxville x Reader ft Bam)
Under 18 do not interact 
Notes: I've read every bit of Knoxville fanfiction there is so im going to have to write my own. I need this man out of my head, it's becoming a problem. The time its set is kinda around movie 2 or 3 or 4 idk who cares. It's not quite fluff, not quite smut, just a kinda fatherly Johnny because I'm a sick sick individual. I made up a character called jess she a dickhouse chick i guess just made her up cause i hate the Y/N thing lol
Warning: Blood, drinking, swearing, reckless mentally ill behavior, daddy kink if you squint,  etc
Please drink responsibly 
words 2400ish
“Come on dipshit”
 I looked up to find Bam standing in front of me with a cooler in one hand and both of your skateboards in the other. I knew that cooler wasn't his and would have bet this month’s salary on it containing beers he'd stolen from catering that were meant for after filming had wrapped for today.
“A bit presumptuous that I’d want to hang out with you Brandon”, You said peering over the top of the trash magazine you’d been pretending to read. The day was going very slowly, as only a few people were actually on set and the ones that were here were absorbed in work you wanted absolutely nothing to do with. So, there you were lounging in a camp chair waiting for some dumb stunt that you knew was not happening today.
“Come onnnnn..” he whined, kicking you squarely in the shin.
“You’re a menace to society” you said through gritted teeth. Sighing in resignation you rose from your chair and immediately shoving him as hard as you could. He barely stumbled and looked back at me with disbelief, “ Is that all you’ve got Jess?”
We slipped behind the sea of large blue tents that shielded the expensive camera equipment and crew from the sun. We’d been filming in the paramount lot for two weeks now, there were several air conditioned warehouses but no, the holy trio of Jeff, Spike and Johnny had decided that outside in the boiling Los Angeles heat was far better. You began to think they were really pranking you with melanoma.
Filming was usually fun but there was a lot of waiting around. Get ready and wait, they always say. Bam and I were a lot alike, both liked skating and found it especially hard to do nothing or sit still so naturally, we became fast friends. In the first couple of days of mucking around we had found a few unused (hopefully) planks of wood, a large flat sheet of plywood, some milk crates and other assorted junk which we squirreled away and started building our very own skate park. It was precarious and constantly breaking but that was half the fun. It was tucked away in the corner of the giant concrete lot, our own private death trap. Just few bushes, a metal park bench with a plaque of remembrance for some executive that probably should be forgotten and the two dickheads dumb enough to fuck around and find out.
You both started throwing beers back like it was your job. If we couldn’t do our actual jobs then we had to put our talents to good use. Technically, it was a beautiful day. The sun was shining, birds were chirping away, and sweat was dripping down your face right into your eyes.
“Fucking hell”, you moaned, using your sleeve to mop your brow blinking rapidly as the salt made your vison blurry. “Take off your jacket, Numbnuts,” Bam shouted.
“It's part of the outfit dummy” you did a little turn.
“You look homeless Jess.”
 Unfortunately, it was kind of true. the black and white flannel you were wearing had more holes than you could count, the white crop was dangerously thin close to showing your nipple piercings and you'd patched up the knee of your jeans only last night. You'd done it drunk and after sticking yourself a few too many times declared it done and perfect. But you were afraid if you looked at it too close it would fall apart. The icing on the cake was the white bandana you had been wearing as a shitty ineffective mask to get past the covid police that was still tied around your neck. A plague neckerchief if you will.
"Fine" you slipped it off your shoulders. Bundling it up into a ball, you took aim throwing it at the metal bench but missed, landing it directly in the middle of a bush. “Good one” Bam sneered. You rolled your eyes behind your sunglasses, aware that he probably couldn't even see it, so you flipped him off to drive the point home.  
You heard the general chatter from inside the tent grow louder and the both of you froze, looking at each other in mild panic. It wasn’t necessarily a secret what you’d been doing, people generally knew where to find us but you weren’t super keen on having soul sucking executives know about the giant liability that the two of you had created (outside of the carefully planned stunts).
 “Shit” we both scrambled to throw our discarded beer bottles behind our friend The Bush.
Two men started walking around the tarps and into our janky club house. As they got closer, you both audibly relaxed. It was Spike and Johnny. “Calm down guys we’re not here to break up the party” Spike still looked annoyed “it’s not like we can go ahead anyway today”
Johnny touched him on the shoulder and said “bring the camera back here, one of these idiots is bound to eat shit" he looked over his stupid aviators at me, winking. “I’ll bet $100 it will be you Doll”.
My cheeks started to grow hot and not from the beer. How did he always know what to say, it took all your self-control not to turn and stare. Like most women alive you found him irresistible, but you were dealing with it by pretending he didn’t exist. The men continue to stand in the cool shade, chatting but also watching. You hated that. Please fuck off Knoxville let me look like shit in peace, you thought bitterly
We began skating again, trying to stick the landing of a ramp we'd built only the day before. You’d even “borrowed” the props department's power drill because Bam was moaning about going the extra mile. You took your run up and predictably the ramp bowed in middle causing you to bail half way through stumbling and tripping over your board. You could feel the four beers you’d sculled sloshing around in your stomach, cheering you on internally.  
Spike started to clap slowly, jeering sarcastic encouragement “You've almost got it”
 “It's looking like a really good doll” Johnny, not even trying to keep a straight face.
“This is not conducive to my success fossils” You got back on your board rolling over to the cooler. Johnny put a hand over his heart feigning emotional distress.
Cracking another beer, you saw Johnny raise an eyebrow. You'd think for a man with his history, he’d be a little cooler. “You want one Irving? You need to loosen up”.
Turning away from the death glare and back to Bam who was lining up for his turn.
 “That shit is wobblier than your ass,” you whined.
Bam laughed “You're leaning into it way too much”.
“Then you fucking do it” you shoved him as you passed continuing to circle the ramp draining your beer and throwing it into the bush. It missed hitting the side of the bench breaking into a million pieces.
“Jess!!!” a chorus rang out and I raised my hands in an admission of guilt. “Don't worry baby I'll clean it up”. Snatching up and popping the top off another beer, you made a show of putting it safely on the ground out of the way. You could feel Johnny's eyes burning right through as you and Bam began to giggle uncontrollably.
“You've got this right? I’m going home” Spike clapped Johnny on the back. “I will see you both tomorrow whether or not you’re hungover” he pointed his fingers at us. Simultaneously we both sprang to attention “Sir, yes Sir” arms raised in a salute. He walked away mumbling and rolling his eyes.
“Thank god”, you cheekily beamed, “because I'm drunk as fuck”. Bam grinned back “let's hang here for a while, I've got something special”. From his pocket he pulled a silver flask. Gleefully you grabbed it, downing a huge mouthful.
“Woahhhh” Johnny shouted “You need to take it fucking easy”.
“Alright precious” You handed the flask back reluctantly.
“Did you know I used to be a gymnast?” you shouted back, “Could put my legs behind my head”. Johnny's mouth fell open in what you didn’t know was shock or disapproval. Bam barked a laugh, half of his sip coming out his mouth, the other out his nose. You patted him on the back patronizingly as he doubled over coughing still laughing.
“I can still do some of the tricks”. You launched yourself forward in a cartwheel. “I used to be able to do this thing, we called it the Hawk Tony”.
 “Why?” Bam wheezed.
“Cause you skate upside down.”
 Lining up with the skateboard, you took a deep breath and let the liquor flood your body with electricity. You planted my hands directly in the middle of the grip, balancing carefully and flicking your legs up vertically. A pretty decent handstand you thought for a bitch ten years out of practice. You hear Johnny let out a low whistle “Why didn't I think of that”.
“Well well look at you go” Bam said “Can you move?” As if a handstand on a skateboard was not enough? “You bet” I balanced on one hand, using the other to push off the concrete. Balancing was a lot harder than you remember and you needed to push off several times, but you did a circle around the park, stood up with only the slightest wobble, then raised your hands in a proper dismount and bowed to the now clapping Bam and Johnny.
“Jess!!! Look at yourself” Bam shouted. Thinking my shoelace had come undone I glanced down only to see scarlet droplets raining down on the concrete. I pressed my fingers to my face as if to check for a nosebleed when I saw my hand.
A bloody gash with a shard of broken glass. Beer bottle glass. "If it isn’t the consequences of my own actions”. Johnny started walking over, Bam stood motionless with an unopened bottle in his hand.
“Seriously guys don't even worry it's not that bad” you looked over at Johnny and smiling like an idiot you took two bloody fingers and wiped it over your cheek like some kind of grotesque Eye Black that footballers wore.  You pulled the glass from your palm, undoing the bandana from around your neck and tying it around your hand, tightening it with your teeth.
Johnny reached his hands out for you, “Come here kid, let me look at it”. Very quickly and impulsively you chucked down your board and rode out of his grasp. “Are you shitting me, Jess? Come back here”.
“I'm fine, Mr Knoxville. It's just a scratch.” You teased. The alcohol had made you feel nothing but a warm confidence. Bam had unfrozen coming over to stand next to Johnny like two disapproving parents. “Seriously, dude. You're bleeding kinda a lot.” he said nervously.
“Oh no, someone is bleeding on the set of Jackass. What a tragedy. How will I ever survive??” You waved your hands around in the air dramatically, unaware of the blood slowly but surely dripping down your fingers. You continued skating around, deaf to their pleas to stop and come to the medical tent. You snagged another beer, this time using your teeth to open the bottle.
“You guys are being ridiculous, okay I’m fine” You downed most of the beer as a trophy for your misguided victory lap. Johnny turned to bam, whispered something to him. “What are you girls gossiping about?” You queried.
Bam nodded, got on his board and started skating around. Thinking he'd finally relaxed, you rode alongside him grinning. He was just a board length ahead of you when he sharply cut in front of you, and you had to abruptly stop, staggering sidewards. “Bam you fucking stupid cun...” Your stream of profanity cut off by legendary stuntman and actor Johnny Knoxville HOISTING you over one shoulder and hauling your bloody drunken ass towards the medic tent.
“Fucking put me down” you squeal wiggling desperately. This was the most mortifying thing you could have ever imagined, you’d rather drown in horse cum. You couldn't help noticing how effortlessly he carried you, like a ragdoll, he'd picked you up like you weighed nothing.
“Darlin, you should have come on your own when I gave you the chance”.
“Please put me down, I'll walk”. You whined now seeing the blood-soaked bandana, your head swimming from both the beer and being upside down. You could see the trail of red you’d left, staining the footpath and his white shirt where you were grasping at. He continued on his way ignoring your cries, leaving a bemused Bam to pour beer on the ground to wash away the literal crime scene you caused.
“Asshole You're not my dad”.
“Well, someone's gotta be, doll”, he drawled. God that accent, it pulsed straight to your core. You'd fantasized about him manhandling you sure but not like this. “PUT ME DOWN” you all but screamed at him. You pulled hard on his belt, hard enough to rip the stitches on his belt loops, leaving bloody smears on the white letters that spelled KNOXVILLE. You heard him hiss and then he slapped you hard, half on the butt, half on the top of your thighs. You were genuinely speechless. Humiliated and in increasingly more pain, tears filled your eyes and you finally stopped struggling.
“If I'd known spanking you would have gotten you to behave, I would have done it weeks ago” He chuckled, bending his knees slightly to enter the tent. He put you down on your feet with a shit eating grin plastered all over his smug, stupid, beautiful face. You stared at him blankly as his features blurred with the bright light they had illuminating the tent, your own head swimming and you could hear ringing. His strong muscular arms snaked out, grasping your shoulders as you swayed slightly forward, slumping your head against his chest.  “Baby it’s okay, Take it easy”. He held you gently and whispered the comforting words against the top of your hair as the confused but attentive medic pulled forward a stretch for him to lay you on. You moaned at the loss of contact, cringing internally that you’d made a sound like that out loud, but he held this small smile on his lips. He grabbed your other hand and murmured into the back of it “It’s okay,  I’ve got you”. As your head began clear, you started to sober up and the medic cleaned and dressed your wound, you looked over to see Johnny staring intently at you with a egotistical smirk plastered on his awful handsome face.
“What?” You groaned desperately trying to cover your face with your arm, but he held your fingers in a firm embrace. Forcing you to keep looking at him. How were you ever going to live this down.
“I guess you owe me that hundred bucks baby girl”.
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Thankyu @doubledyke for tagging me!!! - [Picrew link] -
Hiiii this is me, a decent approximation i'd say, but i did make a couple edits to get it lookin right lol. The picrew didn't have my shorts so I had to draw them on ~w~ (I wear them every day it's important!!!). When I say every day I mean I haven't worn different pants in over a month lol. They're the perfect most comfy shorts I own but they're starting to get holes so I might have to replace them..... orrrrrrrr I CAN START SEWING LITTLE PATCHES OH EM OH SHIT!!!! Also the hair is a lil funky right now I have kindof a mullet growing in, so imagine the image above but just move the back down a couple inches
And the collar is an accessory for special occasions, when it's dogmoding time lol
But yea im just a little guy, my interests include cartoons/anime/animation in general (favs include ed edd n eddy, ojamajo doremi, ichigo mashimaro, any 1920s-50s animation, as well as lots of animation from soviet era Russia! Im not suuuper educated on alot of old animation, but im slowly workin on it with the free time I have lol).
I also like alot of music, I listen to a bunch of genres, I just like anything that sounds good lol. Here's my playlists if you wanna put it on shuffle and see if there's anything you recognize (love or hate): - [bigg playlist] - [songs I basically never skip (WIP)] - [calm/happy playlist for bad mood or migraines] -
This got long QUICK so more interests under the cut ^^
I also like ancient and medieval art, cave paintings are my jam and I love janky medieval paintings, the creatures are so cool and I love all the colors and just the way they choose to represent things! Very cool... been getting into Roman frescos as well, I wanna start painting my room like that but it's my favorite characters and stuff!! I've actually started planning for it already, got all the measurements of my wall, and I've just gotta put it on the computer and start drafting it...
I also like paleoanthropology, evolutionary timelines, anchient animals, etc... I love the weird old fish we come from and the squirrel shaped proto-primates and just seeing the form morph over time to get closer and closer to us, it's really cool!!! I wanna make a cool animation of it one day... it's why I love lungfish so much it's so so so cool
I also like math, but I kinda suck when it comes to the scientific applications lol. Chemistry and Physics tend to kick my ass, and I never was good at circuits in highschool (though now I'm in differential equations and honestly it's not that bad, so who knows). I quite enjoy calculus because for the MOST part everything makes sense and the patterns are consistent and it's not weird and arbitrary and opinion-based like anything language-related tends to be lol (well, language has a LOT of cool patterns but im not gonna nerd out about it right now there's too much to say lol)
I also have hundreds of stuffed animals and I dont plan on getting rid of them unless I move across the country and dont have the money to transport them. I've started learning to sew so i can make clothes and dress them up like characters I like, do repairs, and hopefully one day make actual plushies of my blorbos <3
Tagging sum pals: @plunder413 @avepricots @pravingmantis
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j-nope-not-today · 2 years
I want to fight
TMNT Adoptive father Raphael x reader
A/n: Thank you very much to the person who requested this and hopefully you enjoy. Mentions of being stabbed though so if your not for that please don't read.
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I had waited my whole life it felt like to fight crime and all of my hopes and dreams to be like my father came crashing down upon me when he told me
"No. It's not safe and I won't allow it."
It felt heart crushing. I mean everyone in the family fights crime, so why couldn't I?
I put it so much time practicing with my uncle's and grandfather and still I was denied what I felt was my one purpose in life. I wish I could change his mind, but knowing my father it wouldn't happen and it never would.
So I guess I would just have to do it without him knowing. I earned a small nickname for my nightly adventures the (n/n).
I've only ever had one slip up I had snuck back in only to find my father waiting in the living room for me pacing and I looked past him to see my uncle's waiting with him.
"Where were you? I was worried sick." He turned when he heard me and I knew I looked awful.
A few bruises were forming over my knuckles and face.
"Were you beat up? Where did you go?" I sighed at his questions before speaking.
"I was on a walk and I got beat up, but I called the police and they helped me so it's all good."
The only thing that I had gotten was a very long lecture from all of them and a months worth of groundment.
So after a few months here I was waiting on the couch waiting for my father and uncles to disappear.
"Is that everything Donnie?" I looked over and watched him give a small thumbs up before loading the rest of their equipment.
"Okay, you need to get your homework done and uh be in bed before we get back." My father looked at me and I smiled.
"Homework is already done. Uncle Donnie helped me with it and I will be fast asleep when you return." I knew I was lying I wouldn't be in bed.
"okay then..you have a good night sweetie." He pulled me in for a quick hug before disappearing with the others.
I waited a few minutes before sneaking off into my room to change into my secret little hero uniform. It wasn't ideal, but it worked for now and it kept me hidden from my family and enemies. At least identity wise.
So after a couple more minutes of waiting and hearing nothing I snuck off into the night to do my nightly patrol.
What I didn't expect was to catch the foot clan in the middle of a heated discussion. I paused on the side of the building and listened in to their conversation
"I know they'll be there I made sure of it."
"They better be at the docks or your in for it."
"Who is it that were waiting for at the docks?"
I listened to someone sigh and the sound of a weapon go off and I held my breath waiting for footsteps to come my direction, but there was nothing.
"You almost shot me!"
"Of you paid attention you would know we're waiting for those stupid vigilante turtles!"
I stopped listening I had to go protect my family. So I raced through the streets and buildings and made my way to the docks.
"Hey, look over here! (N/n)'s hurt!" I looked up to see one of my uncle's and I knew I would be in big trouble when they found out it was me.
Especially when I saw my father following after him. Boy was I in for it.
I slowly brought my hand up to my face and slipped off my mask and looked back up to see my father's face instantly shift into extreme worry.
He knelt next to me and placed his hand onto my side.
"Are you ok? Are you hurt anywhere else?"
"No..just my side." I let out a wince at the pressure and watched as my uncle's rushed around with the supplies and began to dress my wound.
"Were gonna get you back to the lab and I can get this patched up better there." I nodded at my uncle Donnie's words before looking back to my father.
"I'm sorry.. I didn't listen to you, but I wanted to prove that I could be just like you.." I felt him place a hand on my shoulder and I looked up at him.
"I guess I should have expected you to not listen. I'm upset with you, but we can deal with that later..all that matters is making sure your okay." I nodded and let out a sigh of relief.
My wounds would heal and I could sense that I would be allowed to finally go on missions with them..but not after I get a year's worth of lectures and groundment, but it would be worth it in the end.
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