#horse yuri makes everything better
transmascsunburst · 1 year
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ashitakaxsan · 2 days
🎉Franky: The Unsung Hero of Spy x Family 🕵️‍♂️💥
Franky Franklin seemed like the goofy, lighthearted informant in Spy x Family, but Chapter 105 shows how much rigorous training he underwent. Besides the humor and awkward moments, Franky is a man who plays many roles—some light, some heavy, all vital to the mission and to those around him.
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On a day that feels almost ordinary for Franky, we see him waking up in the morning to Japanese karakuri. Interestingly also he starts his morning ritual by enjoying listening to government-banned music. 🎉 🌟 As a well-functioning informant he listens to Fiona Chan's request for a "forged pass for the Podam School of Science. Cool that agent Nightfall(our cute, lovable Kuudere is here) has absolutely recovered after the fight against Mole Wheeler. And he's got the guts to remind her how has wants to be treated :)
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and a man still holding out hope for love. His day starts with babysitting Anya, a task that, for anyone else, would be overwhelming. But for him, it’s just another part of his vigilant life. His relationship with Anya is one of the most endearing parts of his character—he’s her goofy uncle figure, someone who can make her laugh and doesn’t mind stepping up when needed. The man is a solid uncle figure, he makes it where Yuri simply fails. 🎭✨
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As he takes the fee he goes to invest the money to a bet in horse races, but he's unlucky.
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So he's up again to get info about any lucky route. that's when he hears the bad news from the teller. The only informant regarding access to gates 4 and above, Latchkey Lachy(whoever he is) got arrested by the always-feared force throughout Ostania, the SSS! So there's the looming menace of the Secret police.
What’s striking is his relentless optimism—even in the face of constantly changing hideouts and near-constant danger, Franky holds onto the hope that one day, he’ll find love. That's why now he's on a date with a familiar girl, Priscilla, and they'll go to watch a movie.
It’s this mix of resilience and vulnerability that makes him so relatable. He’s a man living in the shadows, often overlooked, but still working to hold onto the idea that there’s more to life than just survival.
Suddenly the news comes: Their teller is arrested "by the you-know-who": The SSS who has him, and Franky has to act quickly to save him.
The way Franky charges in and saves him is Amazing: He steps up prepared, with an effective plan as a real spy, saving the teller from the clutches of the SSS.🕵️‍♂️🛡️👧
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The seeming "flower bouquet" is actually a pistole of smoke gas to make the SSS interrogators lose their focus, briefly and it works!
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Watch this. How he gives them an awful time:
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As they see the SSS reinforcements arriving he says: "They're welcome to try. But I'm going to show them just how hard catching rats can be!" With goggles for concealment, he fights them, using a real handgun, he presses a secret button to open a hatch, and they escape with his well big balloon:)!
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This is Franky at his best—quick and profound thinking, resourceful, and willing to risk everything for the people he cares about. In this moment, we see his true heroism. He may not have the physical strength of Yor, but Franky's improved, worthy peer of Twilight. He’s a man who understands the dangers of the world he’s in, yet continues to put himself on the line.
Then he listens to Priscilla, about how she has found a boy to chaperone to the movies.🤔💔 Despite the disappointment, he calls it a good day.
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Thus he and the teller go to watch a romance movie:
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"How did he get so determined for the rigorous training?" you'll ask me the question.
The failings for finding love didn't get the better of him, so he made up his mind: To become someone as effective as the two people he's looking up to: Twilight and Nightfall.💪🕵️‍♂️🤔
Franky’s ability to juggle these different aspects of his life—his spy duties, his loyalty to his friends, and his optimism for happiness—makes him one of the most vital characters in Spy x Family. He reminds us that even the seemingly ordinary people in a story filled with super spies and assassins can have profound, heroic moments.
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egittae · 5 months
bambi and the old stag - lambert & dimitri
Starter for @blaiddllodi (riding+1)
With one last double check on his equipment, Lambert nodded with satisfaction once he made sure all was set. Though this was a great opportunity to simply bond and get a breather with a nice and calm horse ride, as a teacher that was still an expedition and so he needed to be sure he was ready for anything that could possibly happen- both good and bad. 
Even more since he had been assigned a house leader on top of it all. Not that he’d be less prepared if it were a regular student, no- but house leaders did demand extra care. If anything happened to them it could be bad for everyone, particularly the Church’s image…and he didn’t even want to think about what damage it could do to the Abyss and its people.
The process itself was kind of odd, however- starting with the very student Lambert had been assigned to. As he was a professor of the Ashen Wolves Lambert naturally assumed that if he were to be assigned a house leader, then it would be Yuri since he was already a student of his, while the other house leaders would be each assigned to other professors from their respective affiliations for obvious reasons. The face he was met with, while a familiar one, wasn’t that of his keen-eyed house leader.
Dimitri, prince of Faerghus and leader of Blue Lions. That was the student that had been assigned to him for whatever reason…which was why he was double checking everything. Lambert already intended to be careful with whatever kid was allowed under his wing, but the prince of the very land he hailed from…it did add a little more pressure on his shoulders for this to go all right. It was one thing to give that boy a lesson or two within the Academy, and it was another to be the sole responsible for his safety outside of the campus grounds.
Not to mention, he hadn’t forgotten. Lambert knew better than to bring it up, but his heart remembered the cold ache from the realization that the boy’s voice and appearance- his eyes, felt almost like a claw trying to tear and shred through the fog in his mind, violently searching for something within it. The ominous realization of something he didn’t even begin to feel ready enough to think about let alone let it settle. It wasn’t fear nor disgust, much less displeasure. Lambert held no ill feelings towards that boy.
If anything, he was more afraid of what the truth behind that boy’s identity could do to him. Would it treat his heart like a pride of lions would a gazelle in the wilderness? Would it twist, crush and shred it apart violently- driven by survival and the need to make things right? Or would it cradle it gently, with love and the softness of resolution?
It felt wrong to sew his hopes onto someone else, but the phantom tugging his mind around while keeping him in the dark was restless.
He didn’t want to think about it. Not now- later, much later perhaps, but not now. Now he was just a teacher, preparing an expedition for a student and that was it.
A deep breath, eyes meeting the Goddess’ in the sky, and reality stood by his side. 
“Greetings, boy. Dimitri, was it? Are you ready to go or do you need more time to prepare your gear?” Arms crossed over his chest offered a comfort only he could understand. “We are scheduled to follow a trail into the forest and end up in a glade of sorts. This is no camping mission and I know there is Faerghan blood in your veins, but winter is coming. Do not underestimate the mountain’s winds.” He offered a gentle warning, taking the chance to also analyze what the student was bringing.
“Also, do not forget treats for your horse. They are hard workers and could use some extra appreciation too.” The man blinked before climbing up to the saddle, looking down at the prince.
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stargazer-sims · 1 year
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Treasure: Be good today, Mage. Don't give Victor any trouble.
Mage: But, what if I don't like having a human sit on me?
Treasure: You didn't like having a saddle on at first, but you got used to that. It might be strange at first to have a human sitting on you, but it's not bad once you realize they're not going to harm you, and you can do fun things together.
Mage: Like jumping?
Treasure: Yes, like jumping, but don't try that today. Victor will teach you what he wants you to do, but you don't have to know everything today. Take your time and pay attention to him.
Mage: Okay.
Treasure: Yuri and I will be at our lesson, but you can tell me all about your first ride when we get back. Take care of Victor. That's your responsibility.
Mage: Okay, Mama.
Treasure: You've got this. I believe in you.
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Victor: Are you ready, Mage?
Mage: *nervous* Let's make this happen already.
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Victor: Mage...shh... take it easy. You're okay. Calm down. It's all right. Nobody's hurting you.
Mage: You don't know that! The trauma is real! I wasn't made for this! Get off me!
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Victor: There. That's not so bad, is it?
Mage: Okay. Maybe it's fine, I guess.
Victor: You want to go exploring?
Mage: Wait... what? We're gonna leave the yard?
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Mage: We're actually leaving the yard! Where are we going? Are we gonna have an adventure?
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Yuri: How's it going?
Victor: We got off to kind of a rough start, but I think he'll be okay. We're going up to the bridge and back, and I think that'll probably be enough for him today.
Yuri: Okay. I'll probably be gone by the time you get back. I'm just going inside to change, and then as soon as I get Treasure ready, we're going over to the neighbours' farm.
Victor: Right. Good luck with your lesson!
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Yuri: What do you think, Treasure? Are you excited about practising on a real jumping course today? Our neighbour has a whole course, and he and his horse are going to give us a jumping lesson.
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Treasure: Yes, please! Let's go!
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Yuri: This is a really nice place, isn't it?
Treasure: Why does that jump have water under it? Do you expect me to jump over that?
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Yuri: Are you ready for this? We'll probably start with the easy ones, but I think you can do the water jump once you're warmed up. I believe in you.
Treasure: What if I get my hooves wet?
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Yuri: Let's do this.
Treasure: What if the other horse is better than me? What if I embarrass myself?
Yuri: I know how much you love jumping. Think of this as a challenge for yourself. It doesn't matter if you're not perfect, though. No one is. We're just here to have fun and learn something new, and that's the thing that matters most.
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Treasure: All right... I can do this. Jump, and... over the fence and over the water! Yes!
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Yuri: Yes!
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Their lesson turned out to be a raving success! Both Yuri and Treasure gained a skill level. Yuri is now at level 5 riding skill and Treasure has level 5 jumping skill. She unlocked the ability to do advanced jumps, so their next lesson will have taller fences.
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rikeijo · 2 years
heyy! I just wanted to ask, are there any rumors about the movie production in the JP fandom (or anywhere)? I’m always seeing people say “…if the rumors are true…” but what rumors? I’m so out of touch
Hello! Thank you for the ask!
As far as I know there are a few kind of rumors, you can find on Eng Twitter, mainly:
Some people, who claim to have insider knowledge what is going on, say that everything is alright, and we just have to wait. On the other hand, some people claim the movie has problems with international distribution, that is: the production committee wanted to release the movie in countries like Russia and China, where they would have problems with queer content. Some other people say that the movie is crap anyway, because they didn't include any queer content in it (and somehow, it still can't be released in Russia and China, that's why we haven't seen it yet...).
...So yeah, imo, claims like that should be taken with a grain of salt.
Sure, international release would be prestigious, but... The thing is Japanese companies usually prioritize Japan anyways, so I personally don't think it's very likely that they chose to lose so much money on this movie, just because they want to release it in China and Russia, or any other country except Japan, so much. Like, why? Just Japan, Europe and the USA would make them enough money... (I mean, if they really had problems with international distribution, even releasing the movie just in Japan would still give them profit, wouldn't that be better for the IP holders, than literally wasting a ton of money on a movie that may be never released?).
Not to mention that they stopped all promotion, they don't sell any goods anymore (the sportswear sponsor did the "come celebrate Yuuri's birthday and get Yuri!!! badges" campaign, and the PR account didn't even retweet that), so they chose to actively not make money on this IP, even though they still could (normally anime marketing is often like beating a dead horse...). The real money is always made on merch and don't they need money to make the movie?
Another problem is that if we ever see this movie, it for sure won't make as much money as it would if released in 2019. So once again, according to the rumors, they chose to lose so much money, because for some reason they just need to release the movie in China and Russia. Both countries where the government has a very negative attitude toward anime in general...
So yeah, I personally don't think China or Russia, or international distribution has anything to do with it.
On the Jp side the rumors I know of are (rumors, so it all can be just bs):
the movie was once returned to the blank sheet of paper stage (everything was thrown away) around summer of 2019, the source was allegedly somebody who worked for a Jp distribution company on Twitter;
Sayo stopped going to figure skating competitions/ice shows, the source is stalkers on Twitter;
the company that owns the rights to YoI (and it's not Mappa, guys), had financial problems in 2020, because of corona (understandable, their main source of income are music events) - that's not really a rumor, you can find articles about them selling their main building in very expensive district of Tokyo; btw, you can easily check who owns the IP, as info like that is available publicly
the movie is currently not being worked on - the source is e.g. Hiramatsu-san who tweeted that he drew Yuri!!! for the first time in a long time in the end of last year, and he's the animation director - if he didn't draw YoI, then most likely no-one did.
Also, no-one keeps Sayo and Mitsurou in a basement. Mitsurou is on Jp TV every month, does live events and so on. I think it was last month? There was a guest who liked Yuri!!! and she talked about it a bit with Mitsurou, but like, absolutely nothing about any future projects. They changed topics and didn't mention it again.
Sayo most likely works now under a different name (to not be followed around by crazies...).
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conflagrate · 3 months
Summer 2024 Anime + TV Season
Spring was a pretty good season. Everything’s better when there’s Yuri- I mean Yuru Camping...
Top shows 1. Dungeon Meshi (cour 2) 2. Yuru Camp S3 3. Hibike! Euphonium S3 4. Tonari no Yokai-san 5. Bartender
Shows completed: 8
Coming up is a Hot summer, hot hot summer~
Must Watch: Yami Shibai S13 (SOBBB), Tower of God S2, Na-Nare Hana-Nare [3] Sounds Interesting! Hope It Doesn’t Suck!: Dungeon no Naka no Hito, Elf-san wa Yaserarenai (FOOD PORN???), Shoshimin Series, Bye Bye Earth (it’s Tow Ubukata!), Make Heroine, Ramen Aka Neko, Delico’s Nursery, Maarui Kanojo (why so many fatty girls anime??), Monogatari (I only watched bits & pieces of this over the years will I undersetand anything?) [9] 3episode Taste Test Needed: Tasuketsu, Tasogare Outfocus, Kono Sekai wa Fukanzen Sugiru, Tensui no Sakuna-hime, Nige Jouzu no Wakagimi, Shikanoko, ATRI, Katsute Maho Shojo [8] Do I Have To…? (No I Don’t): BokuTsuma, Russian thing, 2.5jigen no Ririsa, Cardfight Vanguard, Wistoria, 0saiji Start DDash Monogatari, Isekai Suicide Squad, Isekai Moriarty thing (does this really exist?) Sequel/Spinoff/Remake Hell: SHY S2, Oshi no Ko S2, Megami no Cafe Terrace S2, NieR S2, Kinnikuman, Kimisen S2, Sengoku Youko, Fairy Tail Light Novel/Isekai/Villainess/Mecha/Sentai/Harem/Cross Dressing/Video Game Hell: Maou-gun, Shinmai Ossan, Gimai Seikatsu, Parry anime, Giji Harem, Senpai wa Otokonoko, Hazure Waku, Grendizer U, Dahlia, Mob kara blah, Isekai Yururi Kikou, Isekai Shikkaku, Koi wa Futago de Warikirenai, Nazeboku Idol/Vtuber/AI/Musical Hell: Vtuber nanda ga, Mayonaka Punch (BUT I might give it 1-2eps)
Expected Load: 7-8
I hope to drop as many as possible (as usual). I might also watch Geass if I have the time...
TV & Streaming
Not much going on in spring & summer, plus my favourite comfort show got cancelled....
What I Watched Disney+/Hulu: Tracker, X-Men ’97, Shogun, The Acolyte*, The Bear S3* Netflix: Baby Reindeer, Anti-Hero* (TBS) Apple TV: Sugar, Dark Matter, Presumed Innocent* HBO: House of the Dragon S2* CBS: NCIS S21, NCIS: Hawai’i S3 ABC: Will Trent S2 BBC: Blue Lights S2, The Responder S2 NHK: Fune wo Amu Others: The Chosen S4 (app)
Total series completed: 13 Ongoing: 5 Full-length films watched: 25
What I will Watch Netflix: Tokyo Swindlers(?) Disney+/Hulu: Only Murders in the Building S4 Apple TV: Slow Horses S4, Sunny, Presumed Innocent*, Lady in the Lake(?), Pachinko S2, Bad Monkey HBO: House of the Dragon S2*, The Penguin(?) ITV: Joan
Hope we get a sleeper hit like Baby Reindeer this season!
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motelpearl · 8 months
star trek: picard spoilers /
I'm gonna keep updating this with my thoughts (making threads is one thing I kinda miss about twitter so this will have to do)
somehow troi & riker having a weird horse girl daughter makes perfect sense like she does so much of the stuff I did at that age (making up fake countries & languages, drawing really well for her age, running around in the bush with an archery toy)
when riker showed up at the end of season one LORD JESUS I COULDVE KISSED THE SCREEN
also elnor is my son I love him. AND FUCK Q
omfg I know the modern day is near-dystopian but seeing 2024 earth not only referenced but actually depicted so starkly in comparison to the near-utopian future in star trek is so fucking bleak like UGH CAN THE FUCKING VULCANS COME TEACH US SPACE COMMUNISM ALREADY. WHERE THE REPLICATION TECHNOLOGY AT
I hate to say it but agnes & the borg queen are the most toxic yuri in the known universe
speaking of toxic yuri I knew nothing about seven of nine going into this cause I havent watched ds9 but I fucking love her like if she & raffi ever need a third......tsahaha
ok nevermind him having visions of her as an old lady is explained.....except the french accent
was data the only soong who wasnt a total dickhead
"sweet picard, your guilt must've saved planets by now, countless lives in trade for the one you couldn't" SCREAMS OF AGONY
romulan with red bloodshot eyes....RED?
ok I guess chris DID fuck sorry I wasnt familiar with his game
wow I can't believe I watched the entirety if season 2 in one night tbh everything I've heard about this show from people whose opinions i generally trust has been that its (and I quote) "laughably bad" & like ruined all of TNG for them & I was honestly scared it would ruin it for me too cause tbh I became a trekkie when i was 9/10 & a lot of bad things were going on in my life at that point & star trek was one thing that always gave me happiness & then later I got into it again during like the deep quarantine where no one was leaving their houses at all & just about everyone around me got radicalized into racist far-right fearmongering qanon shit but the idea that someday humans will be able & intelligent enough not only to put aside our own differences but to be able to befriend alien species & those aliens being willing to help humanity at one of its lowest points & someday even if it doesnt happen in my own lifetime, that people can exist who genuinely care about the needs of many & actively work to better the lives of people throughout the universe instead of just giving in to individualism & cynicism & irony poisoning which is such an easy trap to fall into gave me so much hope for humanity like yall I'm literally getting choked up typing this & I never cry & I was kind of worried that this show would stomp on everything i loved about star trek but thankfully it hasnt so far (though to be fair I like a lot of objectively bad things I mean my favourite decade of fashion is the 70s so maybe this is just jingling the metaphorical keys at me)
CRUSHERRRRRR SEASON 3 COMING OUT THE GATES SWINGING (no pun intended but im not changing it now)
ENOUGH NEEDLE DROPS I HATE TO SAY IT BUT ITS GIVING STRANGER THINGS/THE MARIO MOVIE (THOUGH IN A SLIGHTLY LESS CRINGY NOSTALGIA BAIT WAY LIKE AT LEAST THIS ISN'T USING TOP 40 SHIT FROM THE 80S) & at least it's mostly non-diegetic bc I feel like diegetic music has more of a chance of being used tastelessly
british accent is stored in the balls
its gotta be worf or at least some klingon giving raffi orders right....who else would call someone a warrior
NOOOOO THE DE-AGING CGI OR WHATEVER IN S3 E3 ITS SO UNCANNY VALLEY it was surprisingly pretty good on data in s1 & q in s2 though......where did the budget go
why is old man worf kinda *starts coughing*
amanda plummer is so terrifying in every role I've seen her in like even in catching fire when she was a protagonist
also why do so many people victim blame picard for being assimilated by the borg it's not like he wanted to get assimilated & become the face of a massacre. the whole motto of the borg is "resistance is futile" like there was literally nothing he couldve done to prevent it
jack better prove himself QUICKLY cause other than his parentage I don't see anything that would inspire me to fight for his life
& then cthulu was born
goddamn the changelings make the borg look like a bunch of peace & love flower children. on that note on that note if picard assimilated beverly's reproductive system with some fucked up latent borg sperm i will be disappointed but not surprised cause what is up with jack's crazyass visions
if I weren't worried I might miss something important I'd skip all the scenes where jack monologues about benign shit for no reason BOOOO GET OFF THE STAGE
WHY IS THIS LITERALLY A HORROR MOVIE honestly the concept of beings that can make themselves look & sound human has always been one of the things that scare me the most which is weird because all my life I've been compared to robots & aliens WHICH IS ONE OF THE REASONS WHY I LIKED STAR TREK SO MUCH IN THE FIRST PLACE BECAUSE I RELATED SO MUCH TO DATA so in theory I shouldnt be afraid of that because I'm in the same predicament & I can relate in many ways but I mean idk I guess theres a difference between feeling excluded & wanting to be the ones who exclude. my fear probably comes more from the idea of unwillingly walking into a trap thinking someone you trust was going to help you & then having to wonder "what happened to the real person?"
what I meant by that long ramble is: the tuvok scene........*shudders*
would it be for for best if the borg carried out one last forceful assimilation of the changelings......could they be trusted with that capability......*strokes chin pensively*
THEYRE DOING/WILL DO THE PICARD MANEUVER IM CALLING IT NOW ok wait heres my theory they do the picard maneuver -> it looks like theres another ship but it's just like a warp imprint or whatever -> vadic tries to beam aboard the fake ship & actually beams herself into space -> the main crew beam aboard the shrike & save riker & troi & possibly take the portal weapon -> beam back to the real ship & blow the shrike up while all the crew panic cause they just watched vadic explode in space
nooooo data don't misgender spot
wait. are the red door & the red lady the same thing
what happened to the borg using their power for good....get agnes on the phone....
hooh I knew it was coming but....enterprise d my beloved
last episode prediction: picard will have to become locutus one last time to defeat the borg & whoever else
yknow right now would be a real great time for some q or some travellers/watchers to show up & do their thing. also imagine the insane drama of wesley crusher coming to talk his long lost brother out of becoming a fascist alien king
on that note i cant decide whether assimilation is a metaphor for fascism, addiction, sexual assault, stds, something else I haven't considered, or is just a wild crazy non-allegorical concept of the kinds of things that might exist in space
one thing that keeps catching me off guard & then making me laugh is how patrick stewart's high rp shakespearean accent has slightly waned over the years so I'll sometimes be like "why did picard sound like paul mccartney there" & then I remember that patrick stewart is actually northern (yes yes i know yorkshire & liverpool are two different places but the uk is so minuscule by canadian standards that they might as well be the same and no one outside the uk can tell the difference between the accents so dont lecture me) <- yes unfortunately I'm the laziest kind of linguistics nerd as well I'm honestly just exposing myself as annoying in this post
let me guess jack is the beacon & they have to kill him
did they clone locutus
I love troi too like when the writing gives her a chance to be shes literally so smart & so aware & in tune with everything like she's such an asset to the crew but it's rare we get to see that in action
I'm getting too good at predicting things
well now that I've finished it I can say I really dont know why I saw so much hate for it like maybe I've just operated in weird spaces of the internet but I mean I really dont see what there is to outright hate about it (I mean early on some of the characters felt very stilted like agnes in the first season was just yapping & was giving millenial cringe to the highest degree but I think by the 2nd season she redeemed herself but then was that even canon considering the 3rd season? idk I definitely have criticisms but I wouldn't call it "laughably bad" & it definitely hasnt forever ruined my view of star trek thank god)
sigh I just love these characters yall. if that's key jingling then put my ass in the crib
also I'm just going through all the seasons of tng & watching my favorite episodes & some random ones & it makes me laugh so hard when they show picard wearing anything other than his uniform cause he's always just in the sluttiest outfits ever 😭 they had patrick stewart running around in a v-neck & booty shorts
gah the best of both worlds part 1 & 2 + family work so well as like a trilogy but they're also such heartbreaking episodes like borg assimilation is one of those things that just becomes increasingly unrelentingly more & more horrifying the more you think about it & the scenario of those episodes would literally be so terrifying for anyone involved like beverly seeing the guy she's sort of in love with become the face of this genocidal fascist species but then her son is on board the enterprise & just watched his mom be sent on an away team where it was possible she might not come back or worse & also wesley having to see picard be the face of the borg & probably feeling like he just lost another father figure & like it would literally have no good outcomes for anyone cause even the borg don't want to be borg but it was forced upon them
on that note I kind of have a headcanon that the borg would have originated from like, a super technologically advanced planet's military putting cybernetic implants in all their soldiers for efficiency so they could have a hive mind & think as one & coordinate seamlessly & always be up to date on what other sectors of the military were doing & then deciding that instead of killing their enemies, they would forcibly conscript them into the military by assimilating them & by doing this they eventually took over whichever planet they originated on. eventually this wasn't enough for them so they started traveling the universe & assimilating whole planets & that's how it came to the point we see in tng & beyond
sigh they really wrote the episode hero worship for all us little weird kids who connected to data didnt they
if they really wanted to give geordi a romance with someone they couldve tried to put him with ro laren bc their dynamic in the next phase was so cute like his outgoing-ness + her aloofness & how he sort of brought her out of her shell in that episode UGH walk with me. or they couldve just made him gay which they were apparently considering but decided against? idk but I mean the man literally orders an ice coffee in the same episode where he falls in love with a girl just by watching her vlogs. how did they preemptively stereotype him before the stereotype of gay people loving ice coffee even existed (I jest) but like ugh ANYTHING EXCEPT THE PARASOCIAL INCEL SHIT THEY ALWAYS PUT HIM INTO & THEN IN THE VERY LAST EPISODE THEY SAY HE'S MARRIED TO LEAH BRAHMS LIKE NO. PLEASE. JUSTICE FOR GEORDI. END THE CHARACTER ASSASSINATION. but the future in that episode isnt even canon & thankfully in picard they never outright say who he had kids with so like in my mind they are not the product of reply-guy-ification but a normal relationship (also justice for leah brahms & whoever she was married to.) idk why i even feel so strongly about this. I guess maybe because geordi is otherwise such a good character & the very concept of him is so ahead of its time & obviously characters need to have flaws but did it have to be Those kinds of flaws specifically </3
also cardassians should not have hair idc I know people think bald aliens are too cliche but what business do reptilians have with hair how would that even evolve
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(so here are my thoughts that I had while reading it)
• Lol Nikolai has a horse named Punchline, I love him so much
• Sankta Zoya Y E S
• Nina is sooo badass I love her - Brum needs to die btw
• Fjerda is a little shit
• "If not for Nina, their blessed termite eating at the heart of Fjerda’s government" - did I mention I love Nina?????
• Nikolai is a freaking mastermind and I love him
• Nina adopting Kaz's mindset when back at the Ice Court is what I live for
• Nikolai is soooo in love with Zoya I AM GOING CRAZY
• Zoya's "you forget that in Kerch greed is a virtue" gave me MAJOR Kaz vibes... I miss my crow babies
• Maybe it's an unpopular opinion, but I don't really like Ehri
• I just REALLY love the found family trope and seeing everyone gathered in Zoya's rooms and Zoya curled up on the couch next to Genya I just AAAAAAAAA
• I absolutely adore the whole concept of the Darkling's prison and the CONSTANT sunlight he has to face HA - Alina vibes
• OMG "bring me Alina Starkov" WHAT THE FUCK I have literal chills ESPECIALLY after seeing the S&B trailer:)
• Nina being so confident in everything she learned from the Crows gives me so much serotonin I WANT MY BABIESSS
• Oh my god... I like prince Rasmus, he gives me major Nikolai vibes
• I draw immense satisfaction from Kaz and Zoya using "podge" as their preferred curse word :))))
• I'm seeing Nikolai talking a lot about accepting his death and being undisturbed by the prospect of it and it feeaks me out - if he dies, I die with him
• Random, but: they need to get the thorn stuff from the Order of Sankt Feliks or whatever, right??? Maybe they have to steal it... and they would require expertise... MAYBE SOME CROWS PLS???????? (I am such a clown)
• Okay wait... so the letters that prove Nikolai is a bastard are in the druskelle sector... PLEASE TELL ME NINA HAS TO BREAK IN THE ICE COURT the fact that she is back there ALONE makes my heart clench so hard... I MISS MY CROWS
• FUCK ALINA SHOWED UP (also Oncat apparently and now I want to cry about Harshaw again)... AND MAL I can't take this I AM HYPERVENTILATING
• I AM LEGIT ON THE FLOOR Yuri is still there FINALLY understanding that the Darkling is evil AND NOW MY MAIN MAN GOT HIS POWERS BACK oh, I love the chaos
• Nikoali is the most fucking badass amazing cunning freakishly intelligent idiot I have ever seen in my entire life, my love for him is immesurable, I cannot put into words just how awesome his awesomeness is TAKE THAT MAKHI YOU BITCH
• OH HELL NO the demon is trying to escape SMACK THAT BITCH NIKOLAI BABY
• Oh wow, Rasmus is crazyyyy af he isn't anything like Nikolai my perfect boi SORRY
• OMG Nikolai's dad us a good guy??? I feel so sorry for him... SO NIKOLAI WAS RIGHT TO BE A ROMANTIC huh
• FUCKING HELL again with the nichevo’ya???? Darkling bby, what the HECK
• "This is what love does" one of the most powerful quotes tbh
• Wait... they want to???? STEAL??? titanium from the Kerch??? .... DOES THIS MEAN.... C R O W S?????
• Okay but... the Darkling's POV? POWER MOVE I love it!!! And the fact that he uses Aleksander as his name with zero reticence now is just *chef's kiss*
• I'm sorry but... I don't like Mayu's chapters I AM SO SORRY I DON'T
• Nina is my badass queen STEP ASIDE PEASANTS
• All these SoC Easter Eggs and mentions are driving me insane
• Idk why but imagining the Darkling drinking beer is sooo funny to me
• I AM LOSING MY SHIT they are in Ketterdam KETTERDAM does that mean ....DOES THAT MEAN ....I better see my Crows or I am throwing hands
• The Zoyalai conversations in this book are KILLING me
• OH MY FUCKING GOD so Kaz took the Emerald Palace over and renamed it THE SILVER SIX???? LIKE???? I AM LEGIT CRYING???
• Ummm...Zoya, honey, WHY do you want to VOLUNTARILY stay away from Nikolai, HUH?????
• The Crows' banter is WHAT I LIVE FOR
• Kaz is the most cold, badass and calculating motherfucker on the planet, I love him soooo much
• Kaz's reaction to Nikolai's demon is legit the funniest shit ever
• Kaz and Nikolai are bffs - THIS IS HEADCANON LEAVE ME BE
• Queen Leyti has severely disappointed me
• I am having waayyyyy too much fun reading about the Darkling among blindly faithful monks - this is the stuff of sitcoms
• (I know the Crows only had a cameo and they won't pop up again, but I can't help desperation wanting to see Nina reunite with them and PLEASE GIVE ME INEJ!!!)
• Honestly, it's pretty cool getting to have a look in the Darkling's head - it's SUPER fucked up
• OOOOO the blight vs the Darkling = the only confrontation I want to see
• I don't care much for Hanne x Nina, but I have to admit that they make a very cute couple
• WAIT NO it was their plan all along HOLY SHIT electricity RULEZZZZ who knew physics would prove THIS useful???
• UUUGHH FUCK THE APPARAT I am so sick of this guy - Zoya was right, they should have killed him
• HELL YEAH ZOYA IS A DRAGOOON fuck some shit up sweety Y E S
• Also... the Darkling winking at Nikolai? FLERT
• WHAT THE FUCK???? HANNE DIED??? holy shit, why???? WHY CAN'T NINA BE HAPPY???????
• Nikolai is an absolute SAVAGE in a debate
• Idk what to think abt Rasmus... he was kinda badass for standing up against Brum
• Okay I stan the Darkling again
• I really???? LOVE??? this ending for the Darkling??? Idk but it is VERY fitting
• ALINA!!!! AT ZOYA'S!!!! CORONATION!!!! my life is complete
• The conversation at the end between Alina, Zoya and Genya DESTROYED ME
• I fainted, I ascended, I DIED at the last page
• Leigh, you ARE goig to write what happens next, right? RIGHT? RIGHT????
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yikesharringrove · 2 years
Aight now we’ve got the dive
I’ve seen spoilers for this, of Steve diving into the underwater upside down gate and can u just say I CALLED IT.
Wow, it’s almost like an underwater gate is super cinematic and interesting ✌️🤪
Thots: had some great moments, but also had some of my least favorite moments of the season so far.
The California/Utah gang feels so fucking disconnected from everything else. They tried so so hard to shove Suzie into this season and made it a weird comic relief scene when the pen could’ve just had the coordinates hidden in it and they go right to the Nina project
The storylines are becoming so stretched that’s it’s hard for me to keep track of everything.
The whole satanic panic being spurred on by Jason is the worst thing stranger things has ever done. It feels like some cheap riverdale shit and that show sucks for a reason. I think it could’ve been mentioned like Eddie’s intro scene where he’s reading that article, but it’s taken such a focus that I can’t stand.
Steve Harrington is the light of my life but that’s not New information.
Anyway, this episode really lost me in a lot of ways but that ending with Steve being eaten alive was really tense
Notey note notes
Alright maybe now Jason can fucking CHILL
Ope. Nope. The opposite of chill
“How do you expect to stop the devil, if you don’t believe he’s real” maybe it’s my religious trauma talking, but the satanic panic shit needs to END I’m literally so so so over it
There’s just too much happening tbh. This military group looking for el and the team getting els powers back and the team in Hawkins helping max and the basketball boys hunting Eddie and the team going to Utah and the team in Russia and also hopper in Russia im Tired
The brenner redemption is the second to last thing I needed (the last thing I need is Steve/Nancy getting back together)
“You have demons in your past” AND YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR A LOT OF THEM
They are trying to redeem brenner and they couldn’t have been added to give billy a satisfying character arc???? What?????
“At least he can drink himself into feeling better” “that’s what my mom does” I’m WHEEZING nobody is pulling their punches today I see
Not even paying attention to what’s being said bc I’m so focused on Steve eating like a bear out of focus in the background
Steve in the yellow sweatshirt about to steal every scene (and also my heart)
Idk I just. They are constantly making sure Eddie knows they’re there for him and like. No one cared about billy.
Oh god oh Jesus Salt Lake City I’m. No. No.
Not them about to bring this Latinx man into the 80s mormons’ house.
Good shot, kid.
The way they are painting these kids as super weird kinda fucks actually but I just feel sick I’m so anti-Mormon it’s insane
“Father’s kidneys!” Me except it’s my own fucked up kidneys
God this whole scene has but such a bad taste in my mouth
This ally sheedy bitch I hope she leaves the church and thrives
Joyce and Murray threatening yuri with these shitass Russian accents dream team I love them
Not me muting the scene of them eating bc of the chewing sounds ✌️🤢
Every time I see this plinko I think of the horse plinko from a few weeks ago lol
Not this stupid bitch using the royal we fuckin hate him
HES number one. Why is 1 get to be a special Pokémon trainer and the other kids are stuck??
Okay so NOW we get a Kali mention. So Kali did escape when she was like 3????? Bro what?????
“It wasn’t popular until I made it popular” everything Steve says is comedy just looking at him makes me smile a stupid fucking smile (also what is with his pants WHERE are the tight tight little jeans)
Okay but he’s RIGHT
WOW Patrick was targeted bc he’s been abused stranger things killing off ANOTHER abused kid just for the fun of it. Cool.
Goddamn thank god Lucas is getting back to his old self being THE MOST caring and thoughtful person I missed him
Robin SHUT UP do not talk about rekindling old flames NO ONE WANTS STEVE AND NANCY BACK TOGETHER STEVE HAS TOLD YOU THATS HES OVER HER PLS PLS PLS shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
I do like robin and Nancy getting closer like this though I think it’s good for them both
“bada bing bada boom” Italian Steve #confirmed
“In your stupid cocky little face” “you just can’t admit that you’re wrong you little butthead” your honor hes everything to me
Not Steve’s hair all slicked back like that WHAT
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He’s never looked better
Bro Jason literally GO AWAY I fucking can’t with this satanic panic shit I know this is like. How it was but. I hate it I hate it here
Bash Jason’s head in with a rock challenge
Claudia fucking crying while Jason is saying Dustin is in a cult
“Last night I was overcome with this feeling of hopelessness. Then I remembered Romans 12:21” GO AWAY
I hate this I hate this I hate this
Jason as some weird religious Archie Andrews is just nothing that I wanted
I played my sister this scene bc it was so beyond shitty and she was like bro wtf
Claudia and Karen and Mrs. Sinclair making pointed eye contact with one another
Suzie has TWO byu flag things in her room this girl sucks
(Pls find the Black Menaces on Instagram and tiktok to understand the scope of why byu is a fucking nightmare)
Suzie and this guilt thing it’s bc Mormons use guilt like a fucking weapon so they can’t deal when they do something Bad
“I was dating an agnostic” also mos aren’t supposed to date until 16 sooo
Oh shot the pta is here Claudia Henderson loml
“A stake is like a vamp-is he a vampire?” STEVE HARRINGTON CANON BUFFY FAN YES YES YES THIS IS WVERYTHING IVE EVER NEEDED PLEASE GOD OH SHIT OH SHIT wow the way Steve’s whole life revolves around the original movie omg he’s gonna be so excited when the tv show comes out
“Everything was like way easier. We had this girl. She had superpowers.” I’m just writing down literally everything he says
BACK TO THE COMPASS YES love that they’ve brought this back from season one so so happy with that call back
“Snack size gate”
Steve #1 drama queen award
“What’s say you Eddie the Banished” I love that they’ve never stopped making Dustin’s weirdness his #1 personality trait
“I say you’re asking me to follow you into Mordor” literally he’s billy from every single fic over written FUCK
Brenner teaching them to be emotionless fighting machines bitch disgusting
So does this mean Kali is the only one with different powers???
There’s so many plots happening that every I only remember who’s on screen at a time like the California gang and the Russia gang are not in my brain unless they’re on screen
But this Murray yuri parent trap princess switch FUCKS I love this idea so so much
This fight is gotta be staged to help them get out
The way hopper s a fucking genius I can’t. Like, you want head?
Anyway in case you’re wondering how the Mormons are doing
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I was gonna make a joke earlier about how the names aren’t Mormon enough and I was gonna specifically say “where’s the tanner?” Bc I have 3 cousins named tanner BUT one of the kids IS named tanner there you go
“What’s the internet” “don’t worry about it”
Suzie is the og dataminer
“I think we just spooked a skunk” NOPE JUST YOUR SISTER HOTBOXING WITH ARGYLE amazing
The writers have watched to much fucking riverdake I hate it here
“Who put her in charge?” “I did.” GAY
“Bedtime at nine kiddos. Miss you already!” R O B I N
Bro what the FUCK is going on in here on this day
These older kids are wildin out “you shamed me today” ????
Yeah I really think Kali is the only one with unique powers good for her
“Unless one of you can top being a Hawkins high swim team co-captain and a certified lifeguard for three years it’s gotta be me. No complaints, alright?” SWIMMER STEVE CONFIRMED
“I keep telling him he needs to take that jungle” no he does NOT
I love her just shameless ogling Steve she deserves it. She totally always thought he was hit and billy would make fun of her for it and she’d be like ‘you think he’s hot too shut up’
Lucas just looking back and forth between the boat and max for twenty minutes this is a comedy show
God this Nancy/Steve shit I wish I was dead
Okay that dive did not say swim team co captain Steven
Omg Dustin’s tiny singular giggle after saying watergate king shit
Not Steve painlessly holding his breath for an hour and a half
Okay but the way his hand was shaking as he went to touch the gate membrane thing
Oh shit they’re doing a good job ramping up the tension here with the cops showing up and the vines reaching up for this group
“More of a snack sized gate than a mama gate but still” love u
That moment when he first gets yanked and then he looks at them, looks down, then looks back at them and then gets yanked harder. Amazing
Wow rip to Steve’s ankle
Oh SHIT Dustin and Lucas don’t realize the whole town is fucking hunting them FUCK
Oh god of course robin is a nose plugger
Eddie’s voice raising twelve octaves while he’s yelling and freaking out king shit
Steve first time in the upside down welcome 2 hell baby love
So in tremors 1 we have the graboids. Season 1 we have the demogorgons. The biggest, full size version of the creatures. Completely practical effects. Maintained anonymous until final reveal while attacking protagonist. Tremors 2: aftershocks brings shriekers and season 2 brings demodogs. Smaller creatures that have ability to run on land. Smarter but also dumber than the full size. Tremors 3: back to perfection has ass-blasters and season 4 has demobats. This ‘flying’ counterpart utilizes the most disappointing cgi of the 3 and feels a bit forced.
Steve getting choked 👀
Oh jesus christ these fuckers are really dining out on our Steven. He really though he was gonna die alone in the upside down being eaten alive by monsters oh god oh fuck
Wow good ending here
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yoificfinder · 3 years
Hi! I was wondering if you would be able to find some time travel/time loop AUs where Victor and Yuuri (and other members of the YoI cast) are thrown around in time please? Thank you so much!
Hi! These are some time travel fics (mix of both canonverse and AUs) I read and enjoyed:
Previous rec of time travel fics where they meet their other self in the other timeline
a great desire to love by lily_winterwood / @omgkatsudonplease [T, 22K]
For some strange, inexplicable, fantastic reason, Yuuri Katsuki and Viktor Nikiforov are trading places. Kimi no Na wa AU.
All Our Yesterdays by @kitsunebi-uk [E, 102K]
York, England, 2120: Yuuri Katsuki is a dime-a-dozen techie, spending his days doing routine repairs at the university. He hangs out with his friend Phichit, goes for a drink, watches holograms. It’s an existence – but is it a life?
Crowood Castle, Yorkshire, 1392: As the son of a baron, Sir Victor Nikiforov makes judgements where lives hang in the balance. As a knight, he must sometimes end them. It’s what he was born to do – but what of the heavy burden on his soul? Death is all too commonplace, while life and love remain elusive.
When a brilliant scientist goes rogue, journeying to the Middle Ages with the world’s first time machine, Yuuri is stunned to be called on as the last hope of preventing her from changing history. After an abrupt departure, he lands at Crowood Castle disguised as an enemy of the Nikiforovs, Sir Justin le Savage – and will need to act the part if he is to survive. It’s a tall order for someone who can barely tell the back end of a horse from the front. But if Ailis, in her own disguise, discovers who he is, his mission will end in a blaze of laser-gun fire. He must not give his real identity away, even to the beguiling knight he’s falling in love with…
Elevators Out of Order by mtothedestiel [E, 31K] *WIP
A Kate and Leopold AU. In 1876, Victor Nikiforov is a handsome duke with an inventive imagination and a dwindling fortune. The search for a wealthy bride brings him to America, and the capital of progress, New York City. Can an encounter with a mysterious stranger offer Victor a future he never dreamed of?
Meanwhile in 2017, physicist turned paper-pusher Yuuri Katsuki is just trying to get through the day, which is tough enough without surprise phone calls from his roommate announcing he has a 19th-century aristocrat out cold on their sofa.
To top things off, it would seem every elevator in Manhattan is suddenly out of order. What a coincidence.
Here Once and Back Again by Cbear2470 [E, 77K] *WIP *Major Character Death
“What?” was all Yuuri could say as a numbness froze over his body.
Something—something wasn’t right. It was then he realized he couldn’t remember getting to the rink. He couldn’t remember even stepping on the ice to start his program.
He couldn’t remember.
He tried to remember.
As Yuuri is skating his free skate, he knows something is off. But, he brushes it aside, too focused on executing the program flawlessly.
It isn't until after it's all over that Yuuri comes to discover that he just skated his gold-medal winning, record-breaking program at the 2014-15 Grand Prix Final in Sochi. The very same final Yuuri had once upon a time placed last in over two years ago.
here's to the glory still to be by @foxfireflamequeen [Not Rated, 12K]
“Hi,” says Viktor, smile bright and camera-ready. His hand, when he extends it, is small and delicate. “I think you know who I am, but we haven’t met.”
His accent is very thick, very Russian in a way Yuri has never heard before. He looks from the offered hand to Viktor’s face, barely an inch higher, and tracks his hair, long and pale and spilling over his shoulders. He can’t be older than, well, Yuri.
“No,” says Yuri. “We haven’t.”
in another dimension series by @alykapediaaa [T, 8K]
Summary of first fic in the series
Entertainment >> Celebrity News
Viktor Nikiforov: Finally Found!
SOMERSET – Russian model Viktor Nikiforov, 27, who has been declared missing last May of this year was finally found earlier today. Nikiforov, known as the face of luxury brand Stammi Vicino, was vacationing at Bath, Somerset after a successful season when he suddenly disappeared, leaving all of his belongings, as well as his poodle, behind. Yakov Feltsman, Nikiforov’s manager, has yet to release a statement. Read More.
Life Unwoven by ayn2390 [M, 23K] *Indefinite Hiatus
Five-Time Consecutive Grand Prix Final Winner Katsuki Yuuri meets Five-Time Consecutive Grand Prix Final Winner Victor Nikiforov.
In which things are tangled, and untangled, and tangled again. And Victor will always be there to save Yuuri.
Maelstrom by @feels-like-fire [E, 44K]
Victor Nikiforov is poised to win gold in his fifth consecutive Grand Prix Final. He has the world at his feet, is unparalleled in the sport--right up until a snowstorm blows into Sochi, and he finds himself repeating the same day over and over and over. He stumbles over Yuuri Katsuki, and everything changes.
(Or, the time loop au. Loosely based on Groundhog Day.)
On My Love by RikoJasmine [T, 73K] *WIP
For the second time, the Sochi Grand Prix Finals arrive, and with it a reborn Yuuri Katsuki. “Viktor,” Yuuri thinks over the pounding of his heart, the crowd going silent as the music begins. “I’ll show the world what you meant to me.”
Yuuri often thinks of his life as Before and After Viktor Nikiforov, the marking point being the day Viktor swept into his life and turned his world upside-down. After many years together, an accident leads to Yuuri suddenly waking up in the Before—back in Detroit, before the GPF, before he ever knew Viktor as anything other than his childhood idol.
As if it had all been just a dream.
paso doble by @cafecliche [G, 4K]
"Long before skating, or even ballet, Yuuri would hear about it at festivals, in the boiling humidity of Hasetsu summers dancing the Bon Odori in the streets. He remembered years where Mari would take him home alone, while their parents comforted lingering, distraught dancers. Sometimes, Mari had explained, they were crying because they’d seen lost loved ones. Some cried because they didn’t see who they’d hoped, but a stranger. And some cried because they hadn’t seen anyone at all.
Because it’s not just the steps. The dancers need, even for a second, to feel the exact same thing."
(Or: days before Hot Springs on Ice, Yuuri receives a visitor from another time.)
The League of the Green Carnation by @abarero [M, 62K]
There was one golden rule to being a Time Scientist: do not bring home anything that was a fixed point in history. This meant most artifacts, extinct animals and the like were permissible. Historical figures? Not so much.
But what about an author? Namely, Yuuri’s favorite author, who was murdered in 1887. Could he be saved?
Well. Yuuri was sure as hell about to find out.
Turn Back the Clock by IronScript [T, 59K] *WIP
When Yuuri and Viktor wake up over thirty years in the past, they don't know what to do. Does the other remember?
Luckily that particular question is quickly answered and they can relax slightly, but what about afterwards? Viktor was brought back to right before his first Olympics, and Yuuri isn’t even old enough to compete in Seniors’!
Then there's the fact that they're still very much in love, but a physical relationship would be illegal (and would gross them both out considering Yuuri's age), and they can't count on anyone to just trust them not to do anything age inappropriate. So maybe being long-distance (with as many in-person meetings as possible) would be better until Yuuri becomes a legal adult physically, never mind his actual age.
But it's hard to behave and act naturally when you're forced to be apart from your husband of twenty years, especially during one of the most stressful parts of anyone's life, so Yuuri and Viktor have to distract themselves somehow, right?
And if everyone around them ends up completely confused and blindsided at their sudden changes (though admittedly they seem to have changed for the better), then so be it!
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sundove88 · 3 years
All 24 Inspirational Quotes in Balan Wonderworld: The Blooming Lotus
Link to Fanfiction: https://www.wattpad.com/story/283141412?utm_source=ios&utm_medium=link&utm_content=share_writing&wp_page=create_story_details&wp_uname=Livigirl88&wp_originator=M1LH%2BEZSBbTzJ5BZQAy2eAkiKbPKzhjgpr0I4ztiZDlHq1mORPxvvvGsgmTEzb11aLOstV0wgK8DwF46uRXZ%2F8QytETScbl4RZlThEAt99aOhQlhq3LNzwDKWUO4rWrT
🌪The Man Who Rages Against The Storm🌽
“Hope’s Eternal Light can chase away the storms of devastation.” (Jose Gallard)
🌊The Dolphin and The Diver🐬
“True friends will never turn on you no matter what.” (Fiona Demetria)
🐞The Girl Who’s Gaga For Bugs🦋
“Sharing your passion with others helps bonds grow stronger.” (Yuri Brand)
✈️The Boy Who Would Be One With The Wind🍃
“Never give up, even when obstacles stand in the way of your dreams.” (Haoyu Chang)
🌳The Lady Filled With Avian Adoration🕊
“There’s always a solution to everything, no matter how overwhelming it seems.” (Sana Hudson)
⏰The Girl and The Kitten 🐱
“The past can return when you least expect it.” (Cass Milligan)
♟The Former Champion Obsessed With Past Glory👑
“Playing a game is never about winning or losing. It’s about having fun and enjoying.” (Cal Suresh)
❄️The Lady Too Scared to Love💍
“Those who are gone are always still with you, and love refuses to die.” (Iben Bia)
🤡The Man Who Fell For a Princess🎡
“Don’t be afraid of what you decide. Each decision opens up a new path.” (Attilio Caccini)
🎨The Artist with Painter’s Block🖼
“Going outside your comfort zone can inspire you even further.” (Lucy Wong)
🔥The Firefighter Who Wants to Be a Hero🧯
“You are much braver than you think at first.” (Eis Glover)
🧊The Man Seen By No One🗑
“You are never truly alone- there are folks just like you.” (Bruce Stone)
🥘The Baker Who Feared Mistakes🍰
“Mistakes are a part of life- they make things better sometimes.” (Esme Alastair)
🏎The Driver Who Sought Good Sportsmanship🏁
“Trust in your heart and always follow it to the end.” (Wilson Lucius)
🎸The Deaf Musician Who Wanted to Sing🎤
“It doesn’t matter if you’re different or not. Everyone you meet will accept you for who you are inside.” (Lydia Maxwell)
🏅The Soccer Player and His Fleeting Dreams⚽️
“Even if things seem their lowest, Hope can help you resurface.” (Adrien Paisley)
🦢The Ballerina Too Scared of The Stage 🩰
“The power to dance for all who are and aren’t watching stems from courage within.” (Clarissa Swan)
🥋The Karate Student Who Felt Weak🌸
“True strength comes from within, not from outside.” (Shin Takahashi)
🎞The Actress Who Doubted Stardom🎥
“Don’t worry about the outcome. Always enjoy the moment.” (Stella Carlson)
💐The Gardener and The Plants He Loved🥀
“It’s alright to let go of friends- you might meet new ones.” (Derek Terrabora)
☔️The Weatherman and The Hurricane🌀
“Even if the storms seem huge, just know that the sunlight of determination will shine through.” (Harvey Liang)
🌟The Girl Who Longed to Visit The Stars🔭
“Never stop reaching for the stars, even in the face of adversity.” (Alicia Marcos)
🏇The Horse Rider and His Cherished Horse🐴
“Friendships last forever, whether it be between man or beast.” (Jeremy Brown)
🏥The Nurse Searching For a Cure🩺
“It’s never too late to save a life, change the world, or both.” (Regina Cunningham)
But most importantly…
“True Happiness Is An Adventure, and always will be.”
⭐️💖🏮💛🌈🎼 (Leo, Emma, Mei (@sundove88), Rebecca (@thehypercutstudios), Trisha Jane (@lovelyteng), and Kaylo (@kayssweetdreams)
Thanks, Yuji Naka and Balan Company, for such an excellent game… I hope you’ll recognize your fandom’s devotion.
P. S.: I’m getting a Balan Cosplay for Halloween! Stay tuned!
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claudeng80 · 3 years
The Mountain Lion’s Daughter
@yumi-cha​ it’s been so long you probably forgot you even sent this -
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But I got there eventually!
This war will never end. Zen will grow old here, dumping the same rocks out of his boots, getting dripped on by the same trees, and watching the same muddy trails, day in and day out, forever. The king of Tanbarun will keep sending his smugglers and raiders up into the mountains until Izana convinces him to stop.
And as much as he loves his brother, as much faith as he has in him, it all seems awfully far away right now.
Not that it stops him from daydreaming. If Tanbarun surrendered tomorrow, he’d go somewhere warm and not budge again until Izana sent letters begging him to come back to Wistal. He’s heard that Yuris has sandy beaches, not a muddy rock or an evergreen tree on the whole island. None of this misty white sky where you’re squinting at everything but can’t even tell what time of day it is.
“Dreaming about the sun again?” Mitsuhide moves too quietly for someone his size, and it’s not fair to Zen or his horse. She sidles, confused by Zen’s startlement, and if they were any closer to the ledge they could have both died right then and there. Mitsuhide just smiles like Zen’s heart isn’t pounding at a gallop.
“You must miss Kiki, you’re starting to sound like her.” As comebacks go, it’s weak, but the waspish tone of his voice probably makes the point better than any words. He won’t say it, but he misses her too- there’s nobody he trusts more to hold down his office back at Wistal and manage supplies, but losing her has been a real blow to morale. Nobody wants to disappoint Kiki, and somehow even the camp smelled better when she was around. It’s both mysterious and frustrating.
What they really need, what would actually help, is a victory. Izana’s letters urge patience and insist he hold the line. Hold the line, hold the line, while the Mountain Lion’s men strike and fade like smoke, wearing them away at the edges, cutting new impenetrable trails through the woods, and turning the villages against them one by one. Clarines can outlast Tanbarun’s will, surely, but Zen worries about what will be left in the end.
Mitsuhide’s sword rasps from its sheath just as they hear the rustling of leaves. Zen grabs at his own hilt - it would not be the first time they’d been attacked from the trees- but the lanky figure that drops from the branches attempts something vaguely resembling a salute and he recognizes one of Haruka’s “scouts.”
He barely looks human, all draped in shifting shades of brown like a leaf-pile gone walking, but Haruka swears that’s what makes his spies so effective. “The Mountain Lion is good, so we have to be better,” Haruka’s said more than once. That means that no matter how odd this man’s clothing, how strange his sharp teeth and cat eyes, he must know his business.
“You have a message?” Mitsuhide looks no more pleased than Zen is; he too was trained for a nice clean war, not this forest skulking, and he makes even less effort to befriend Haruka’s irregulars.
As though the sloppy salute was his due diligence and he’s done with manners now, he doesn’t bother with any further niceties, just swaggers to the dropoff. Craning his body out into empty space, he points downslope at some landmark that only he can distinguish. “Found a camp, down by the waterfall. Light guard, some supplies- looks like food. Lend me a team and we can take it.” His eyes glow, and there’s no telling whether it’s the prospect of battle or a good meal that excites him so.
Zen can’t judge, when both options sound just as appealing. It’s been months of grabbing at smoke without so much as a glimpse of the Mountain Lion. A chance at his supply lines is more than Zen could have asked for, and a chance at something to eat that’s not mystery meat stew and hardtack? He is not about to let that get away.
He nods to Mitsuhide. “One unit, knights or foot, whoever you can round up first.”
“Preferably ones who sound like something smaller than a moose in the woods,” adds the scout.
Zen bares his teeth at the insult, but wrestles his features back to something in the vicinity of neutral when the man meets his eye and winks. Haruka’s irregulars are- idiosyncratic. They aren’t knights, aren’t guard- some insubordination is to be expected. He can endure it.
It’s a good thing Mitsuhide returns with foot soldiers, because they have to leave the horses less than five minutes down the trail. They clamber over rocks, splash through the stream, and squeeze between tree trunks the size of the council table back at Wistal. Zen’s revised his opinion about this Obi they’re following; he’s not just insubordinate, he’s a cat.
But apparently he’s a competent one. He turns back with a finger over his lips, beckoning Zen forward to peer over the edge of a boulder. Down below, in a sheltered spot, a handful of Tanbarunians bustle around a small cache of supplies. There are bundles of fresh arrows, exciting enough on their own, but Zen’s mouth waters at the bags of hams stacked against the rocks. “Fresh meat,” he whispers, and Obi’s grin stretches wide. Or at least cured, rather than salted and dried- 
A tall pale-haired man stares out into the forest, shifting from time to time to encompass every part of it in his view. “The leader?” Zen whispers.
“Nah,” answers Obi. Back against the rock wall, a small figure is kneeling at the feet of a fighter dressed in shifting browns. The man winces as a bandage is pulled tight against his ankle, and Zen doesn’t have to hear their voices to realize they’ve interrupted a medic at work. He thinks for a moment that the medic’s scarlet headscarf is a dangerous choice for the deep forest, until he realizes what he’s seeing.
The medic stands, stretching her back, and then pushes loose apple-red hair back from her face with a huff. She carries no weapon that Zen can see, wears no insignia of rank- “Her,” says Obi. “She’s the one in charge.”
They may be few in number, but like all of the Mountain Lion’s people, they don’t go down easily. Shouts and curses send birds winging into the sky at the disturbance - it’s not their quietest conquest by a long shot, but at least it does end in victory. Obi sits on the tall pale man, crusted blood on his lip where he took an elbow in the fight. 
Mitsuhide’s tying up the injured fighter, who managed to do his part without ever getting up from his rock. His throwing knives forced the attackers down into the underbrush- if Zen had been just a second slower, Mitsuhide could have been writing a very painful letter back to Izana tonight. As it is, his face is all scrapes, there are leaves down his shirt, and the slice on his arm throbs like a far more serious wound. At least Kiki’s not there to make fun of him for getting himself banged up on an unauthorized expedition.
There’s, thankfully, no casualties at all. He joins the others in the clearing, rubbing at one of the scratches on his cheek and hoping he hasn’t just discovered a new allergy, but before he can decide whether to interrogate prisoners first or send half his unit back to base with the supplies, the redheaded medic plants herself in his path.
She’s tiny, up close, half a head shorter than him and fine-boned. He’s not sure whether to appreciate the fact that nobody has bothered to tie her up or to call it negligence, but at least she’s not trying to get away. Her hands are planted on her hips and, even with the forbidding scowl on her face, she’s lovely.
“Who do you think you are?” Her eyes are green, blazing with righteous fury. Her Tanbarun accent is cute. “You are interfering with my patient.”
“You are trespassing in Clarines’ lands,” Zen snaps back. Does she not know they’re at war? “You are now prisoners of the Crown.”
Oddly, that seems to be a relief for her. “You’re not bandits.”
Zen looks down at himself. The useless gold buckles and tassels of his royal trappings have long since been shipped back to Wistal, replaced with the practical outfit of a country knight on patrol. Still, the misconception rankles. “Do we look like bandits?”
She looks him over carefully, possibly for the first time, and Zen’s heart flutters as her gaze lingers along the way. This isn’t the time for that- or the person- but it’s nice nonetheless. “I suppose not.” Her lips curve in a devilish smile. “But by the same token, do we look like combatants? This is a medical station, and you’re treating us like we attacked you.”
“Tell your friend here he’s not a combatant,” calls out Obi, whose hearing is apparently too sharp. The pale-haired man bucks beneath him and he just pulls the cord tighter, as though his prisoner were an unruly horse.
Her lips press together and her eyes narrow as she ignores Obi entirely. “What happens next, then? Are you going to kill us? And if not, may I pack up my supplies?”
“Do I have your parole that you will not attempt to escape?” Not that she’d be able to make it far, with that red hair and without any supplies, but if Obi doesn’t want to have to sit on the big guy for the next couple of hours, they need some modicum of cooperation. By the way her eyes flicker across her companions and her brow furrows, she knows it.
It’s the only reasonable choice he’s left her, but no queen could deliver an answer more poised than she does. “You have my word. Release my men.”
The tall man’s sigh is audible, but at last he stills flat against the ground. Obi raises an eyebrow, Zen nods, and he flows a step away, letting his captive stand. “No harm will come to you, you have my word,” Zen adds, hardly knowing why he says it. It’s not the kind of thing he’s supposed to say, and Mitsuhide’s watching him with the oddest look on his face.
“I suppose the promise of a knight is enough for me,” she says. “You can call me Shirayuki.”
He doesn’t know why he says it - it would have been a perfectly good fiction, but his mouth moves on its own. “I’m not a knight. You can call me Zen.”
Kiki will never let him hear the end of this. It’s not like he was trying to impress her, or at least that wasn’t what he thought he was doing, but still when her eyes shutter his heart sinks into his stomach. The sudden coldness in her face hits him like a blow. “Ah, a noble, then,” she says. “We’ve never found the words of nobles to carry much weight, when given to those without power.”
The urge to plead his case is almost overwhelming - she’s questioning his honor and he doesn’t want to stand for it - but he’s heard stories out of Tanbarun. She may be justified, to date. “I’ll just have to make a better impression, then.”
It’s a weak argument, at best, and even as the sudden hauteur drops from Shirayuki’s face, he knows better than to think it has anything to do with his words. “You’re hurt!”
He looks down, following her gaze. For a moment he’d actually forgotten all about it, but the slice on his arm is now bleeding through what’s left of his sleeve. It stings a lot, in fact, now that he’s paying attention. “I can get it taken care of when we get back to our camp. Do you think your man can walk, now?”
She looks at her patient, then at the slope they came crashing down to capture the camp. “Hm,” she says, then turns her attention back to him. “Don’t be silly, I can treat it right here.”
Her hand beckons with authority, and the forming scab on Zen’s arm pulls as he reaches it out. A new line of blood wells up beneath the old, but Zen’s attention pinpoints on the way her hand cradles his wrist. He shouldn’t trust an enemy, he knows, but-
“I won’t poison you, I promise,” she murmurs, for his ears only, and when his hand twitches against hers there’s a hint of a smile on her face. She continues, louder this time. “This doesn’t need stitching, but I’ve got a salve that will help avoid infection and keep it from scarring.”
Obi, cleaning knives like he doesn’t have a care in the world, doesn’t look up, but Mitsuhide’s face is a mask of concern. But Zen nods, and Shirayuki pulls a little glass jar from one of the endless pockets in her bag. The smell, when she opens the lid and scoops out a fingerful, tickles Zen’s nose. It doesn’t smell like any of Garrack’s.
With that edge of a smile still on her lips, Shirayuki rubs the dose of salve on her own skin, across what looks like a scrape. “See? Perfectly safe.” Her fingers reach out, and when he doesn’t object, she smears it over his own wound. It tingles. “Safe enough for even a prince,” she adds.
“Ah-” This stings even more than her words about nobles. “You know.”
Her laugh bubbles like the river behind them, as she wraps a bandage snug around his forearm. “I figured it out. It might have been harder if you didn’t tell your name to strange captives in the forest. And don’t worry, I already think better of you than the last prince I met.”
He wouldn’t have expected royal contacts of a minor officer on this remote front, but it does rather square with what he’s heard of the royal family of Tanbarun. They’re not well known for dependability. Or common sense. Sense of any kind, really. “I’ll have to try harder, then.”
“You could let us go.” Her smile is sly, the look of someone who knows better but has to ask anyway. Somehow it makes him part of the joke, instead of the villain he feels he probably should be.
It makes him want to play along. “How are we supposed to make the Mountain Lion respect us if we hand his invaders right back to keep fighting?”
“Hah, it depends on what kind of respect you want. I’d stop this war if I could. My f-” Her face has gone white when Zen looks down to see the problem. She’s not looking, instead rolling an unused bandage back into her bag. A lock of red hair falls loose along her cheek. Red, brighter even than the description every spy has given of the Mountain Lion.
The Mountain Lion’s daughter would be a valuable hostage indeed.
“Hey boss, you can flirt when we get back to headquarters! Somebody’s going to notice them missing, and I’d rather not get caught, myself.” The cat has no manners, but he’s not wrong.
“Let’s get moving.” Her forehead wrinkles, confused by his lack of acknowledgment. He knows who she is and she knows he knows. But there’s something special about her, he can already tell. If anyone is going to end this war, it’s going to take getting the two sides to talk. One way or another, maybe she will be the key.
The chance to spend more time with her is entirely beside the point. “That’s what I want too. What my brother wants.” He holds out his hand, the cut now reduced to throbbing numbly. She’s stubborn, to get even an enemy to let her bind his wounds. He can only hope she has as much drive to change the world. “This war needs to end. Come with me, and let’s end it.”
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honeybeesugar · 2 years
Okay, I need to complain with everyone else about the mess that was st4 v2, and yeah I'm gonna petty about it:
The collar papa put on eleven had no consequences. I thought maybe it'd limit her powers like the pill thing in 001's neck or it'd activate a shock if she used them. Literally what did this device do other than unnecessarily prolong Papa's death scene.
The military didn't pursue the pizza van??
Stancy…is weird to me. Like it felt forced. Don't get me wrong, I loved these two together at first but this felt like backwards steps for their characters. I would've loved to see everyone pushing them together only for them to both realize, actually, they really are better as friends and get closure and move on. I want them both to stay single for a minute and figure their own shit out.
Where are the parents? From how the town gathering scene ended in v1, I expected them to say or do something… anything.
Like maybe they would be responsible for stopping the basketball team. Also where is the rest of the basketball team?
How that was handled with Erica and Lucas made me ill. Like I know cops aren't helpful to black teens but like where are the cops? Where are the parents? 
I thought Lucas was gonna sing :( that would've been the sweetest way to save max, especially since Caleb can and he'd be doing the thing he made fun of Dustin for. It would've saved us from this weird eleven restarting her heart thing and been extra emotional from the lyrics and just imagine how broken he'd sound after fighting with Jason. 
I kinda wish that instead of Dustin going back into the Upside Down (and hurting his leg which is like just not addressed? They make my boy give out water??) that he had instead ran to the Creel house and helped Erica beat the shit out of the highschooler tackling her and then how awesome would it be for him to see Lucas sing Max back to reality.
The whole Eddie not running from the Demobats thing. Is. Upsetting. There was no reason for it. The plan doesn't make sense to me. What was stopping the bats from flying through the gate in the first place, since we've seen the demogorgons can pass through? How was him sticking around going to help if the bats were distracted by attacking the trailer? Why wouldn't he keep running until he had to face the bats? Bro had a shitty little shield and a spear (why a spear?). Instead, I would've loved for him to outrun the bats to the Creel house and use his spear to cut the other teens loose. Running and becoming a hero.
Um, the other teens also did, like nothing. They choked out for like 15 minutes. You'd think someone would use a lighter or have a panicked heart to heart. It felt so boring and useless.
Also they take out Vecna way too easy. Like, guy still has powers and they were fighting him fully awake. I think it'd be cooler if they had attacked their way through the vines and weakened him. Or even just burned down the house.
Hated the use of Nancy's vecna-ing. I'll just leave that at that.
Other kids could've been at risk of getting vecna'd, like Lucas said, regardless of whether or not they used them as bait. Why wasn't that something they were worried about?
Hated Mike's speech to El. "I'm forcing myself to say I love you. And yeah it's cause you have powers." Like my god, the worst writing.
Will's painting - really bugged me that Lucas wasn't shown in it, I assume he's on the horse, but I thought it was weird that he's covered in every shot. I only noticed this because El isn't in the painting. I think Mike would question that after everything Will said.
Honestly. I can't even get into Will rn. Let the boy come out, let the boy be happy.
California team had so many important players and I feel like they did almost nothing this entire season. Have someone reach out to 008, as much as I hated that storyline. Have literally any emotional crux.
I also thought the Russian team would have more? Idk something? I was getting pretty sick of whatever they were doing with Yuri and the helicopter and it culminated to nothing. I thought maybe there would be something having to do with Dimitri and Mikhail. Uh, are they just chilling in Hawkins now? 
Where did the sword come from? They didn't follow up on the particles??
2 days later… I laughed. It wasn't funny. What the hell is this timeline for everyone to reunite?
Henry becoming vecna and meeting the mind flayer and building this new dimension was confusing. Was anything explained? Did I miss something? Which is in charge? I cannot be bothered to go back and rewatch until ST5 comes out.
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2ynjns · 4 years
to the far away land || choi yeonjun
sequel of day 4 of 31 days of christmas with ydale
find day 4 ‘your wish is my command’ here!
pairings: yeonjun x reader
genre: royalty!au, fantasy!au, fluff and angst(?)
warning: prince yeonjun being a rebel, chaotic christmas celebration, but all hail the royal couple! and this one is kinda long because i kinda got excited HAHAHAH
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“hyung! you’re crazy!” prince soobin warned his older brother. he couldn’t believe that prince yeonjun is going to run away with y/n tonight. that is the least thing prince soobin is expecting prince yeonjun to decide on, to abandon the throne and leave his future kingdom and soon-to-be-bride.
tonight is christmas night and supposedly prince yeonjun’s coronation since yeonjun already turned 21 this year, the king decided to give his first son the throne since the king is already aging and just want to watch his kingdom strive under the hands of his son.
“hyung, what is mother and father going to think? you’re going to abandon the throne.” soobin pulled his brother’s shoulders to face him. yeonjun is currently packing his gold and some clothes so he could arrive early and wait for y/n at the garden.
yeonjun sighed and gave soobin a blank look, “that’s the reason why i told you. you should take the throne.” soobin’s jaw dropped at how easily yeonjun gave up his throne for him. soobin blinked a few times before letting go of yeonjun’s shoulders.
soobin sat down on yeonjun’s bed and yeonjun continued packing his bags. “you’re really gonna leave us?” soobin looked at yeonjun with defeat. no matter how much he’d stop his brother, the older one lad would win anyway.
the older prince looked at his younger brother with soft eyes. yeonjun pulled the younger one up and gripped soobin’s padded shoulders, they stared at each other before yeonjun giving soobin a warm embrace, an embrace that seemed like a farewell.
“once me and y/n settle down at our new home, i’ll visit from time to time. i can’t just disappear from you and the little brothers forever, i love you boys a lot.” yeonjun finally patted soobin’s back and gave him a small smile.
“you deserve the throne. you’re more collected, calm and a better leader than i am. yes, we have our own capabilities, but you have to believe in yourself, soob. you got this.” soobin sighed and closed his eyes. 
“if you need me there from your new home, just send a letter or pay a visit, i’ll be coming in no time.” soobin gave his older brother a reassuring smile before giving each other their one last embrace.
after soobin helped yeonjun finish to pack up, their three younger brothers barged in the room to check up on them.
“hyung! the party is about to start in a moment-- why are you not dressed?” prince taehyun raised his brows while looking at the pink haired prince. yeonjun looked at soobin and soobin looked back and sighed.
“alright boys, here’s the deal...” soobin started.
as soobin was about to gently and calmly announce the news, yeonjun abruptly blurted his plans without hesitation, he needed to leave in a bit and he didn't have much time to chitchat. “i’m leaving tonight. no crowned king yeonjun, just crowned king soobin...” yeonjun looked at soobin again, “and i’ll be settling with y/n, far away from here.”
it took a moment for the three younger guys to give their eldest brother a response. not knowing what to say, taehyun’s jaw is just wide open while staring at yeonjun meanwhile beomgyu and kai’s eyes are questioning yeonjun’s decision.
“you’re doing what?!” beomgyu screamed. “ssHHH! don’t scream.” yeonjun covered beomgyu’s mouth.
“you didn’t just say you’re leaving the kingdom?” kai asked, “yes. yes, i just did.” yeonjun answered back.
“how about father and mother? the crown, the throne? your marriage with princess yuri?” taehyun asked with panic in his eyes. yeonjun just massaged his temples and sighed. “look, i’ve already thought this through. soobin is gonna take the throne and--”
“and soobin is gonna marry princess yuri?” taehyun stared at yeonjun.
well, yeonjun DID thought everything through with the coronation and the throne being passed to soobin. but he clearly didn’t think the marriage aspect through at all.
yeonjun nervously looked at soobin and soobin was just staring at taehyun. “you’re right...” yeonjun whispered.
beomgyu’s palm met his own face and he shook his head, “oh no what have you done.” 
“so where’s y/n?” kai asked. “they’re supposed to be waiting for me at the garden in a few. i really don’t have much time, i need to go.” yeonjun looked at his clock and grabbed his bag.
“you’re just really... gonna leave like that?” beomgyu asked his eldest brother.
before hopping out from the balcony, yeonjun stopped and looked back at his brothers. then it hit him, the four boys dressed up nicely for his coronation, hair neatly pulled back, shoes polished and expecting that yeonjun will be the one who’s going to handle the kingdom and he would be the reason why the kingdom will strive. 
yeonjun dropped his bags on the floor and walked slowly towards his brothers. he hugged them one by one, feeling guilty but this is what he wanted, to live normally.
finally, he looked at all four of them collectively and took them in a group hug. “hyung is sorry.” was all he said, he wanted to cry but he didn’t want them to see him in his weak state.
really, he thought about this through. as much as he wanted to stay for his brothers and he loved his kingdom so much, he didn’t think he’d be a good fit for the throne, but he didn’t want to get married by some princess he never met. although he didn’t mean to put soobin in this situation, he knew soobin will handle it better than he would.
“i’m sorry for putting you guys into this much trouble. i love you all.” he whispered, giving each of his brothers a one last forehead kiss.
he looked at the clock one last time before realizing he doesn’t have much time, he ran to the balcony and grabbed his bag. “tell mother and father that i’m sorry and i love them!” he yelled.
before the four other princes could say anything, prince yeonjun already jumped over the balcony and ran towards his horse.
you used your wings to fly to the garden, you figured flying there would be much quieter and saves you trouble although you left some fairy dust on the area.
when you got to the garden, you set your bag on one of the benches and you picked a few flowers so you can keep and cherish it since you don’t know whether you’ll be returning to the palace at all. you fiddled on the petals and smelt it, you then looked outside and you saw how the palace was lit up by colorful lights and you could hear baroque music from a far.
you looked down and questioned yourself if this was really a great idea. you’ve worked for the king and the queen for more than five years and you wanted to stay loyal, but you guess your deep emotion for yeonjun has taken over your morals.
you sat on the bench and you sighed. you’re hoping that everything will work out and that you and the prince will live a happy life far away from here.
you were disrupted from your thoughts when the prince’s shadow took over your tiny body. you looked up and even though it’s dark, you saw how he shines through the darkness. although he wasn’t wearing his formal royal clothes, he still looked very good, handsome as ever.
you saw how his eyes gleamed over the darkness, you loved that about him. how his eyes sparkled every time he looks at you, how he holds you as if you’re the most delicate flower, how he whispers sweet things to you like no other.
you stood up and opened your mouth, you wanted to ask him if he was really sure but nothing wants to come out from your lips. you looked outside and it seemed like the event was about to start as you saw the palace’s light inside turn brighter.
“i don’t think we should do this.” you said. yeonjun’s brows met and he shook his head, “what are you saying? we’ve already come into an agreement, we’re doing this.” he fought. he held your hands and he kissed it.
“we’re going to be fine, i swear. i’ll do everything just to make you feel better, just please, come with me.” you saw how his eyes pleaded you, you saw how tears piled up on his eyeball but you just looked at him, still unsure.
you looked down but you hugged him, you wrapped your arms around his neck and you played with his hair, “i just want what’s the best for you. i’m not capable of giving you rich, i’m just a fairy who does magic for a living, heck, yeonjun you’re a prince, you deserve better than being with a fairy.” you looked up while still hugging him.
you felt his hand gently run over your sparkling wings, it fluttered from the tickling sensation and yeonjun giggled.
“why are you suddenly doubting?” he whispered and he let go of your wings, he hugged you by your waist and he dug his face on the crook of your neck. “i want my best with you. we’re capable of doing things together, i don’t need rich, we can have a decent life together without needing riches. and i deserve you, i deserve being with the love of my life.” he muttered on your skin.
your heart softened, he really is eager to be with you. you cupped his cheek and you played the staring game for a few seconds before you leaning in to give him a deep kiss. “i love you.” you whispered in the kiss. he hummed and pulled away. “i love you too.”
you both heard ‘so this is love’ playing from the palace. he laughed and stretched out his arm, “may i have this dance?” 
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beomgyu couldn’t stop fidgeting from his seat in front of the loud crowd. he’s very anxious of what’s gonna happen next. the maids are currently looking for yeonjun since they need to get him ready for this coronation, and guess what, he’s the only person that everyone is waiting for.
the music ‘so this is love’ is currently playing to keep guests entertained while the chaos behind the hall occurs.
taehyun sat next to the chair next to beomgyu and leaned to his brothers. “mother and father hasn’t seemed to notice that hyung is missing yet.” he whispered through the loud music. kai chuckled and looked at the crowd and scanned through it.
“well, let’s hope they already fled.” kai hoped, although he felt a little disappointed in his eldest brother, he still wanted to support him from doing whatever he wanted in life.
“let’s hope they don’t get caught.” beomgyu runs his hands over his face. “where’s soobin-hyung?” beomgyu asked taehyun.
“he’s talking to father, i think he’s trying to distract him, he looked nervous tho.” taehyun said while pointing to his right, seeing soobin talking to their father and some lords from the other kingdom.
“what do you mean you can’t find yeonjun?!” the queen yelled behind the three boys. they turned around to see their mother panicked with a red face of anger at the maids and guards. the maid then explained that they already looked for yeonjun around the palace but he’s nowhere to be found.
“look again for goodness sake! we need him here right now. he needs to be crowned within an hour!” the queen demanded, “we looked several times your majesty, still, no prince yeonj--” the maid was cut off by a guard that just came in.
“your highness, prince yeonjun’s horse is missing from the stables.” the guard yelped. the queen quietly cursed under her breath and gritted her teeth. she looked around to gather ideas how they were going to find the first prince until she realized something. 
“what-- hold on, where’s y/n?” the queen finally asked.
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you and yeonjun danced in the dark with the muffled music playing from the palace. you were glad that was the thing you’re sharing with your last moments here at his kingdom.
“we need to go, they might see us. they’re probably looking for you by now.”
yeonjun gave you a quick peck before pulling you to grab your bags and hopping on to his horse and fleeing to start our journey together, alone, just the two of you.
“let’s go, we don’t want to be held back from our trip.”
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“your highness, king choi, prince yeonjun is missing.” the king’s right hand whispered to the king. the king looked at his right hand as if he was kidding. soobin overheard their conversation and he nervously swallowed his own saliva.
the king laughed loud while holding his stomach, “no need for jokes, mateo, tell yeonjun he needs to be here, his bride is waiting for him.” the king pointed at the sophisticated princess who is standing right across prince soobin. princess yuri blushed and looked away.
“your highness, i’m not making jokes. the prince really is missing.” the king glared at mateo and mateo just gently backed off a bit because everyone knows what the king is about to do, scream on top of his lungs.
“WELL LOOK FOR HIM!” and with that, mateo and the guards went on to look for prince yeonjun. the queen walked aggressively towards the king and whispered to him. “y/n is also missing. i haven’t seen them since the event began.” the queen pulled the king to the side while soobin tried to entertain princess yuri.
“is prince yeonjun really... missing?” princess yuri asked prince soobin. soobin just looked away and let off a breath. “i’m not sure, i haven’t seen him.” he simply said and gave a small smile.
“oh, i was really looking forward to meeting him. i heard he was attractive and lovely.” princess yuri smiled under her breath. soobin looked at the princess, he couldn’t help but to feel bad, however, he knew that his brother doesn’t want to be betrothed other than y/n.
“what if he really is missing?” he asked the princess. “what?” the princess asked back.
“i mean, like i said, i haven’t seen him-- that doesn’t mean that he really is missing. i was just asking what if he really is missing... and you don’t get the chance to meet him?” soobin was straight forward with his question. he knew his brother is not gonna come back, especially he’s not going to come back to marry the princess.
“uhm, i don’t know? i’ll be sad of course. i would be worried about why he disappeared.” the princess answered. soobin just let of a small oh before looking at his parents.
both the queen and the king are panicking and giving orders to all the guards and maids possible to check every corner of the palace. soobin sighed one last time before excusing himself to talk to his parents.
“if you may excuse me, princess.” he walked towards his parents and he nervously tapped his father’s shoulders.
“what is it, soobin?” his father said annoyed. he knew whatever he was gonna say wouldn’t make sense to his father’s ears but he had to do it because yeonjun is not going to come back anytime sooner to be the king. 
“m-may i talk to you, father?” soobin asked his father. his father just ignored him and continued on giving orders to mateo. “father, please, listen.” he pleaded with his father. his father raised his left hand and warned his second son.
“soobin, i don’t have any time for this. your older brother is missing and he’s going to be crowned in 30 minutes, what do you not unders--”
“father, he’s not gonna come back.” soobin finally said. this caused the whole crowd to gasp and a series of silence occupied the hall. soobin looked around the hall and back to his father.
“father, we should take this to--” soobin was cut off by the king. “what do you mean he’s not coming back?” that’s it, he knew his father was angry. he knew that if yeonjun comes back, he would be beheaded by the king himself.
“please, let’s talk this out in your office.”
“do not tell me that rascal fled with that fairy.” the king gripped on soobin’s shoulders. it was painful, but he didn’t want to show any sign of weakness to his father. he wanted to come out strong like a king should be. he wanted to prove his father that he is capable of being a king just like his elder brother.
“father, please. let’s go to your office.” soobin gently held his father’s tensed hands and pulled it off his shoulder. he guided his father to the royal office.
the king sat on his massive chair before massaging his forehead. it took a moment for the two to start speaking again. soobin is scared for his life, and his brother’s life. he didn’t want anyone to get hurt. most especially his brother, soobin is sacrificing his own life for his brother’s happiness.
“did he flee with y/n, prince soobin?” the king finally asked, looking at his son. soobin just bit his lip and looked down. not giving any answers, the king became impatient and slammed the table.
“answer me, soobin!” the king screamed. soobin shut his eyes. “yes.” finally, soobin spoke. “yes, he did.”
soobin swore he didn’t want to tell his father, but he thought it was the best thing to do. he didn’t know what to do, this is new to him. being interrogated is new to him. he never even stepped inside a royal courtroom, it was always yeonjun. but he knew he could do it.
“so you’re telling me yeonjun left just for that fairy?” his angry father asserted. “what are they going to do good for him? their magic? is their magic going to feed the prince? tell me soobin, why?” the king stood up and walked towards soobin. 
“who would be the king?” the king finally asked. finally letting out a defeated sigh.
soobin second guessed himself. he didn’t think he’d be a good fit to be a king, he didn’t think he’s trained properly to be the next king since he was overshadowed by his elder brother most of the time, but with perseverance and will, he can be the next best king.
“ah-- i’d be the king.” soobin said. the king looked at soobin as if his son is going insane, one brow raised and arms are now crossed. “you? be the king?” the king had to check twice whether he heard the right thing or what not.
soobin straightened up from his father’s question. the king walked closer to soobin and walked around him to examine the second prince. soobin is much taller than the king and his physique is perfect, he’s also smart and very much capable of being a leader.
the king stopped behind soobin, soobin heard his father give off a very deep breath and patted his back. “don’t fail me. don’t fail me unlike your brother. i’m going to postpone the engagement with princess yuri, but you will be crowned tonight.”
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few years into the future, yeonjun settled in a tiny cottage with y/n in the far away land. they are surrounded with fields, plants and animals. no outsiders tried to bother them at all since the couple lives a few miles away from the town. the kingdom, however, is many miles away and although the royal guards have been looking for the missing prince since then, he’s still unseen from the kingdom. 
the couple lived happily together and married few months after they fled the kingdom. they enjoyed every moment they spent together. yeonjun decided to farm and tend the animals for a living, y/n on the other hand became a healer just like their mother. the couple would often visit the town to heal needy citizens or even sell crops to the people.
“yeonwoo! come back here!” you screamed to call your three year old son. you’re trying to feed your son but he keeps running away from you to go to his father. at the same time, you’re trying to stop your four-month-old baby daughter from crying in your arms.
“shhh... it’s okay jiyeon, you don’t need to cry, i’m here.” you cooed at your daughter. your baby finally stopped from crying and you saw your husband pushing your son towards you.
“did you try to run away from your food again? not today, buddy.” yeonjun petted yeonwoo’s hair. you saw your son give his best puppy eyes and pout to his father, and it didn’t work. “not working today, bud. you need to eat, here lemme feed you.” yeonjun took the bowl in front of you and fed your three year old.
you smiled at the sight while swaying your daughter. you never imagined your life being like this. you’ve always thought of being wedded to another fairy and work for the palace until you retire. but through your prayers and wishes, you married your first and only love, prince yeonjun.
a year into your marriage you gave birth to a beautiful baby boy and named his yeonwoo. he is a half fairy half human but he does not have fairy wings, he is a clone of his father, yeonjun and yeonwoo looks exactly the same. yeonwoo is yeonjun’s mini version. meanwhile, yeonwoo only inherited your pointed ears from your physical appearance however, you could already see his capability on following your footstep as a powerful fairy. 
you then gave birth to another child, which is jiyeon, and you could already tell your similarities with your daughter at a young age. she is your little fairy. jiyeon took your pointed ears and your wings, but, she still looks like his father.
“i received a letter from the kingdom.” yeonjun started after finishing feeding yeonwoo. your heart dropped from his revelation which caused you to quickly whip your head to his direction.
“they found us?” you asked, worried about the next outcome. “well, technically no cause i got the letter when i was in town. heeseung handed the letter to me.” your husband lifted the letter from his vest and opened it to show to you.
“king soobin wants us to visit him.” yeonjun smiled and walked towards you. he wrapped his arms around your sitting body and hugged both you and your daughter. “he wants to see us after being away for so long.” he kissed your forehead before cupping your cheeks and lifting your face.
“should we go?” he asked and sat in front of you.
you cradled your daughter tighter and pursed your lips. “are we going to be in trouble? y’know, your mother and father…” you asked him quietly.
your son walked towards you and caressed his sister’s face, your daughter laughed from her older brother’s action which caused yeonwoo to giggle. “look mama/dada, she’s happy.” your son cooed at jiyeon.
you smiled at the sight. it made you realize the love your son and your daughter have for each other. the sibling love that you can not take away from people. you looked at your husband and you saw him smiling at your children.
you thought the longing feeling yeonjun has for his brothers, after being apart for so long, you know yeonjun wants to see his brothers and parents badly. you can’t just take away your husband’s family for him especially they are really close with each other.
you reached to yeonjun’s cheeks and rubbed it, you smiled at him and held his hands. “yes. yes, we will go.”
yeonjun gave you a cheeky smile and intertwined his finger with yours, lifting your hand and giving it a kiss.
“thank you, love.” he said and hugged you, your daughter and your son. “yeonwoo, jiyeon, do you want to see your grandfather, grandmother and uncles?” yeonjun asked your children.
yeonwoo raised his arms and jumped, “yes! yes! we go tomorrow!” your son innocently scream out of excitement.
“you heard him, we’re going tomorrow.” yeonjun said before giving you a kiss.
“fine prince yeonjun, your highness.” you teased before standing up and getting your luggage ready.
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v-inkwell · 4 years
Soooo I had a cute idea and I'm running with it
The idea is this:
FE3H lords (minus Yuri) + retainers and one extra reuniting with long lost younger sibling headcanons☆
That's a clunky title but let's go
He'd be shocked initially, but you look just like him, so how can he not believe it when you tell him?
He'll want to catch up with you as much as possible, wanting to know stuff like how your childhood was, if you've got friends or a lover, how home is
Will try to turn you into another version of himself and by this I mean he will teach you how to make poisons and make you his accomplice in bothering Lorenz and Seteth
Will tease you if he notices any signs of you having a crush
Gives the greatest hugs
10/10, great big bro
Honestly she's thrilled!
Another person for her brother to worry about? Awesome!
She'd be the best sister to go to for makeup or fashion advice, but do not go to her for emotional support because she will assume someone did something and will beat them to death
Makeovers are a thing, regardless of your gender
Will 100% do your hair for you
7/10 big sis, might loop you into doing things she doesn't want to
Shocked that he didn't know he had a sibling
In this scenario, let's say the reader grew up away from House Gloucester and instead lived somewhere near Leonie and Raphael (possibly Ignatz too but idk where he lives), thus was raised as a commoner
He'd try and be a good older brother, but to Lorenz, that means teaching you all about proper manners and etiquette and all things noble
You don't mind though, because you're ecstatic to spend time with your brother, even if that means drinking tea three times a day
He wants to know everything you know, because your knowledge differs from his
Will buy/give you clothes to wear/borrow regardless of your gender
Does not let Claude anywhere near you
8/10, trying his best but could be better
He knew of a younger sibling, but never got to meet you
He assumed you were dead after the tragedies in Duscur took place
But here you are, alive, in front of him
He'll gently pull you into a hug, not wanting to let go
Fiercely protective of you. He gets Ingrid to walk around with you and keep you safe. (He would ask Dedue but Dedue said he's gotta protect Dimitri first)
Wants to know everything about you
If you also have the Crest of Blaidydd, and the insane amount of strength, he'd be shocked, should you pick him up one day
12/10, amazing big brother, just wants what's best for you, very good and soft boy
Honestly he's surprised you travelled all this way to meet with him again
Will warn you about the prejudice against people of Duscur
Do you like to cook? Do you like to garden? Perfect.
He'll worry about you constantly, because he knows what he has to deal with and doesn't want the same for you
Chances are you're pretty small compared to Dedue, so seeing the two of you beside each other is comical
9/10 big brother, very tall which makes it hard to hug him
He takes it upon himself to be the best big brother he can after Miklan
Makes it his goal for you to never catch him flirting because he doesn't want you to think your big brother is a bad person even though that's how he sees himself
Will tease you and ruffle your hair often
Oh, you're ticklish? He uses that to his advantage. You're sad or frustrated? He's tickling you as soon as he gets a hint of your mood.
7/10 big brother, you have to watch him get slapped a lot
Highkey thought you were dead this whole time
She maintains her professional demeanor in public, but as soon as the two of you are alone, she's crying and clinging onto you for hours on end
Either she herself or Hubert will accompany you anywhere you go, most of the time it's both of them together though
She might spoil you, but will definitely give you sweets even if you don't ask for them
8/10 big sis, overprotective which deducts two points
Hubert is an odd case
He hates children, yet he feels an overwhelming need to protect you, especially since he knows you've been with his father for all this time, and he knows how that man is
If you follow him around, he'll have his usual annoyed expression, but will allow it
He'll notice you trying to bond with him. You bring him coffee? Board games? Ask him to teach you his favorite spells? He supposes he can make some time for you.
He wouldn't be the type of older brother to be super cuddly and comforting if you're upset, but he would still try to make you feel better.
7/10 big brother, can be intimidating
Oh boy
Ferdinand would want to spend all of the time in the world with you
He'd come to you with detailed plans of things you could/would do that day
"Ah, y/n! I thought we could share breakfast together? And then after that, we could have some tea? What's your favorite kind? And then after I'm out of class, perhaps we could train together, or go for a horse ride? How does that sound?"
If he sees you talking to Edelgard, he'll get so jealous it's not even funny
After that, he'll try and prove that he's better than her
Will m e l t if you tell him that you're proud of him just the way he is
9/10, maybe a little too excited, but overall a great big brother
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gladiatortale · 4 years
My DEPRESSION BEATING, fandom obsessing, shit-tastic FANTASTIC year in review!
TL;DR: I’m fixing my mental health and figuring out WHO THE FUCK I AM one fandom filled day at a time! Thank you to everyone who’s been there for me along the way. xoxo
what’s up HEATHENS.
stating the goddamn obvious here, it’s been a HELLUVA YEAR. One emotional rollercoaster after another but we’re ALMOST DONE. I know things aren’t gonna magically get better the second it flips to 00:01 on January first, but I’m excited to put this year behind me, and (SHOCKINGLY) a bit sad to see it go.
It was a year where the whole world completely stopped, we realized what is really important, what is really worth fighting for, and took a GODDAMN SECOND to just breathe.
For me personally, the year (which I’m counting off from November 1st) started out UNBELIEVABLY SHIT. I had just been kicked out of the country I called home for the last four years (thank you Brexit), I had ZERO job prospects, my depression was the WORST it had ever been, and I just didn’t want to get out of bed in the morning. And in the beginning, the pandemic felt like salt in the wound, an extra kick in the teeth to my early twenties that had already “failed to launch.”
But I tried to embrace the madness, really take advantage of the world (that I always thought moved to fast) properly slowing down, and take time to try and become myself again. I wanted to figure out what I loved and try and become a bit more like the person I was before my depression got so bad.
I often say I became that Manic Trash Planet Lady™ you see in sci-fi adventure films; a bit zany to say the least, with a million ideas and a very eclectic fashion sense, but embracing the insanity as it comes...
*cough cough* audrey, get to the goddamn point!
Right. lol. THE POINT IS! 
I’m not 100% “healed”, I’m not sure if I think depression is a “oh look you’re officially cured! hooray!” type of disease, but this year I let myself ENJOY SHIT for the first time in god knows how long. I still don’t know “wHaT i WaNt To dO WiTh mY LiFe”, but I’ve got a better idea and I’m heading in (what feels like) the right direction. And most of all, I can look back and say I am better than where I was a year ago.
So I wanted to say T H A N K Y O U to the mad lads on this website that introduced me to the fandoms, shows, movies, fics... THE SHIT that made me happy this year and were there to be one (BIG) piece in my healing journey.
AND SO, with out further rambling ADO! Here are the highlights of the year marked by my ridiculous hyper-fixations and OBSESSIONS. Thanks for putting up with me ya fiends, xoxox
November 2019  The Arcana (Visual Novel)
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I had just gotten home and I was in a LOOOOOOW place. Randomly decided to download this app when it came up and it proceeded to ruin my life (and my bank account...) for pretty much the rest of the year. It was exactly what I needed to get me through a tough time and I was thoroughly, horse-blinders-up-to-the-rest-of-the-world, OBSESSED. These gorgeous magical fiends ruined me and all I could say was thank you.
Joined the fandom: November 2019 Obsession peaked: Late November Obsession faded: December 2019; I started a new job AND my bank statement came in and I realized I had accidentally spent over SIXTY BUCKS on this stupid app. No ragrets, but I definitely started to phase out at that point. Fandom friends: Velma, (@lanavxds on insta) miss you girlie xx Fanfics you NEED to read: ‘Second Mistake’ by DeathBelle on AO3, because DAAAAAYUM SON. Favourite moments: Basically the whole of the Julian arc. That gangly himbo OWNED my ass for a month.
December 2019 Hazbin Hotel (TV Series)
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Y’ALL okay here me out. Am I proud of this one? No. Is the show crass as hell? OOOOOOOOHHHH YEAH. Did my angsty ass love it at the end of last year? DAMN STRAIGHT IT DID. Goes without saying, but this is NOT FOR EVERYBODY, but it definitely helped me along the way to becoming more comfortable with myself and being open about being the massive geek that I always was, and watching things I enjoy regardless of what people say about it.
Joined the fandom: December 2019 Obsession peaked: Shortly there after. Fandom friends: None. Dipped one toe in fandom discourse and then promptly YEETED the fuck outta there. Obsession faded: January 2019. Still curious to see the full series if A24 actually ever does produce the whole thing, but I have def moved away from it. Fanfics you NEED to read: Haven’t read any. Maybe I’m a pussy baby piece-o-shit, but I DID NOT want to go down that rabbit hole, NO MA’AM. Favourite moments:
Discovering the Hunicast podcast. These guys are a riot and Ashley is a flustered GEM. Even if you don’t watch the show, go watch an episode of these fucking LADS just dicking about and your day will get better.
Watching the first episode with my partner and watching him realize his girlfriend is a total freak.
January 2020 Lore Olympus (Webtoon Comic)
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*Officially* discovered this one thanksgiving weekend in 2019, but my Arcana phase was still raging pretty strong at that point so I didn’t really get in to it until later. EVERYBODY AND THEIR MOTHER NEEDS TO READ IT. It has everything and handles the reality sexual assault and it’s aftermath EXTREMELY well.
Joined the fandom: Late November 2019 Obsession peaked: January 2020 Fandom friends: KELLEY. MA GIRL XOXOXO Obsession faded: June-ish 2020. I’m like 10 chapters behind now, but I still love this story so much. Fanfics you NEED to read: SO MANY ON MY ‘MARKED FOR LATER’ LIST AAAAAH. I have to get to that... NEW YEARS RESOLUTION lol Favourite moments: Having a drunk conversation on New Years Eve in 2019 with one of my oldest friends from high school about how much she loved it too. Helped me see how popular fandom and fandoms, are especially after feeling like I needed to hide my enthusiasm through high school and uni. (THAT WAS A MISTAKE BUT I’LL GET THERE IN A MINUTE).
February 2020 Versailles (TV Series)
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SO FUCKING GAY Y’ALL. Oh my god everyone in this show is so gay. Even when they’re not they still are a little bit. AND BEST OF ALL!! it’s very historically accurate (except for the demon satanic nonsense in season 3, what was that???)
Joined the fandom: February 2020 Obsession peaked: Like??? The SECOND I finished episode one. Fandom friends: none... WHERE ARE ALL OF YOU??? Obsession faded: March 2020. It was a fast and passionate love affair, what can I say? Fanfics you NEED to read: IF YOU HAVE RECS, GIVE ‘EM TO MEEEEE. Favourite moments: 
Showing the first episode to a friend of mine and the *ungodly GASP* that came out of her throat was... PRICELESS.
The ENTIRE throuple(???) relationship between the Chevalier, Philipe, and Palatine. PLATONIC/ ROMANTIC LOVE G O A L S.
March 2020 Yuri!!! On Ice (TV Series)
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*deep breath* ...y’all knew this one was coming.
Was I ready for this show to ruin my fucking life? No.  Am I so glad it happened??? FUCK YEAH.
NEVER IN MY LIFE have I fallen off the deep end so quickly with a fandom. HOLY SHIT. This blog didn’t have much of an “identity” before, but I you said that this is a Yuri On Ice blog now I wouldn’t even be mad (nor could I really defend myself to the contrary... bc??? like??? just go LOOK at my archive). Craziest thing is I watched the first two episodes like?? a solid TWO YEARS ago, but I didn’t continue watching because I was just not in the right head space for all the love and silliness and positivity.
I could do a whole separate post about how much this show and how this fandom has changed my life (DON’T TEMPT ME I JUST MIGHT). But I’ll stick with the highlights for now ;)
Joined the fandom: March 2020  Obsession peaked: Has it peaked?? Went straight up and it still going lol Fandom friends: Sandra, my mentor, my queen @aeriamamaduck, my fandom ride-or-die. Thank you for taking this internet bby under your wing. RACHEL @idancewiththefairies I TRAPPED YOU HERE. MUAHAHAHA xxx Obsession faded: ON GOING. CAN’T STOP, WON’T STOP. Fanfics you NEED to read: jfc, SO MANY.
‘Until My Feet Bleed and My Heart Aches’ and ‘Of Bright Stars and Burning Hearts’ by Reiya @kazliin​ -- Rivals AU companion pieces. Longest fics I’ve ever read and JESUS CHRIST these two fucking SENT ME. Most popular YOI fics on AO3 for a REASON.
‘Tell Me Where Your Love Lies’ by @aeriamamaduck -- Royalty AU, trope-breaking ABO. Ah sweet, TMWYLL, how you’ve killed me over and over again. This BEAUTIFUL wip has SUCH amazing world-building idk where to start (Congrats on passing 50,000 hits!) EVERYONE GO READ IT.
‘Blackbird’ by sixpences -- WWII/Coldwar Spy Fic. I don’t have enough words to describe how amazing this is. It’s elevated to a higher plane beyond fanfic. Just go read it. Thank me later.
‘Zanka’ by rinsled05 @dreaming-fireflies -- The geisha fic that ruined me. *deep breath* AAAAAAAAAAHHHHH *gasp* I’m fine. lol I sooooo not ready for this fic. Holy hell, Aoyagi had my heart in his hands from the first chapter. “’Please’ [...] ‘Don’t give me hope.’“ FUUUUCK.
‘Echoes’ by Reiya @kazliin -- Future fic. First fic I cried at... BOI. I was NOT ready for this. Shouldn’t be surprised given the author, but MAN. “��A love like that, a love like what they had together, it never leaves completely.’ Yuri spoke again, eyes still staring out onto the ice, lost in memory. ‘There are always echoes.’” JUST FUCK ME UP.
Favourite moments: Oh good lord, where do I begin??
Having two (count ‘em TWO) main characters with mental health issues (Yuuri and his anxiety and Victor with burn out and depression) and NOT MAKING IT THE ONLY ASPECT OF THEIR PERSONALITY. CLAPS FOR KUBO AND YAMAMOTO!!
Everything about Yurio (ESPECIALLY HIS RELATIONSHIP WITH YUUKO AND HIS GRANDPA), that tsundere motherfucker is too pure for this world.
This fandom *properly* introducing me to smut on AO3...
Thinking I was going to get Rachel to like the show... NOT being prepared for her to fall off the deep end and START LIKING REAL SKATING TOO!!
Staying up waaaaaay too late waaaaaay too often to plan out plot points for TMWYLL with Sandra. Love ya dearie.
The warm fuzzy feeling I get every time I think about Victor and Yuuri.
April 2020 Bungou Stray Dogs (TV Series)
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I had a hunch I was gonna like this show considering ALL of the characters are based off of famous classic authors from around the world... what I was NOT prepared for was just HOW MUCH I was going to love it. HOLY SHIT. The art style? Love it. The plot?? Bonkers, but so fun. THE VOICE CAST??? AMAZING. Highly recommend to anyone who wants to get in to anime, great place to start.
Joined the fandom: April 2020 Obsession peaked: Probably this summer? But we have DEF plateaued in a VERY high place. Fandom friends: FIJI. MA BOIIIII @lil-1nsane  Obsession faded: Hasn’t. Hope it doesn’t Fanfics you NEED to read: So so so many. The smut in this fandom is *chef’s kiss*, but here are a few...
‘He Works Hard For the Money’ by CataclysmicEvent @cataclysmicevent2019​ -- Sugar Daddy AU. FUCK MAN. I was not expecting to like this one, but bloody hell. This fic grabbed me by the throat and WOULD NOT let me go. Praying for chapter 16! But the author is working on another STELLAR fic so I’m okay for now.
‘Everything or Nothing’ by CataclysmicEvent @cataclysmicevent2019​ -- University AU. FUCK THIS FIC. Started reading it as I was waiting for HWHFTM to update and BOI, this fic ROCKS. The alternating POV fits so well with the enemies/idiots-to-lovers vibe. Solid 10 outta 10.
‘The City Where Wind Blows’ by @raven-rein​ -- Cancer Death fic. *pained shriek* AAAAAAGUUUUUUUHHHH *gasp* aaaaaaAAAAAAHHHHHHHH, FUUUCCCCCCCCCKKKK MEEEEE. THIS FIC. Only the second fic I’ve ever cried to but I BAWLED MY GODDAMN EYES OUT. FUUUUUUUCK. I was not ready, never would have been ready. This is so tremendously well done, it killed me so beautifully, 
‘Haunted by Hatred’ by DeathBelle -- Canon compliant Soukoku. It is a CRIME that DeathBelle doesn’t have more BSD fics on her page, but this one is still brilliant.
Favourite moments:
The first three episodes. Soooo many break neck plot twists.
Every insane hypothetical conversation with Fiji.
Every time Atsushi or Tanizaki is on screen bc I LOVE THESE LIL BEANS.
June 2020 Trash Taste (Podcast)
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Goddamn I love these chaotic lads so much.
As I became more and more comfortable with myself and my love for anime I stumbled upon these three goons, -- Joey, Connor, and Garnt, -- best known for there SUPER successful (mostly) anime YouTube channels. Even if you don’t watch anime, WATCH/LISTEN TO THIS PODCAST. The focus is mostly on their lives and the overall expat/immigrant experience, with a bit of anecdotal anime references sprinkled in. 
This show is both wholesome and heathenous in equal measure, and after having lived abroad for a significant portion of my (admittedly still quite short) life, it was such a breath of fresh air to hear people talk so openly about how living outside your home country is both wonderful and terrifying. They’re wonderfully candid about the fact that even if you love a place dearly, no where is perfect, and you WILL hate somethings about your new home even if the majority of the experience is fantastic. I cannot rate this show highly enough.
Joined the fandom: June 5th 2020, loved it from the first episode. Obsession peaked: July maybe? I was RELIGIOUS about watching the episodes as soon as they came out. Still watch every week, but less “on time.” Fandom friends: None :( but I have tricked my partner in to listening several times :) Obsession faded: It’s dimmed from where it was, but still going strong. Fanfics you NEED to read: NONE. NEVER PLAN TO. Hard and fast rule, I don’t read fics about real people. Characters played by real people, even that’s a maybe for me. But real-real people? FUCK NO. (some of my) Favourite moments:
Any time Garnt and Connor get into a big-brain-monkey-brain argument and Joey is just LOSING his GODDAMN MIND in the corner.
Bringing a retired Japanese porn star in the show for an honest conversation about consensual sex work and showing people can have more than one career in life.
Everything about the, ‘Are Online Friends Real Friends?’ episode. GO WATCH IT, it’s brilliant.
Garnt making “chotto-THE-FUCKING-matte” an expression
August 2020 Great Pretender (TV Series)
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Spent most of the summer marinating in my BSD and YOI bubbles, until THIS BAD BOI came up on my Netflix recommendations. HOOOO BOI. This is some Anime Of The Year shit right here. Has a pretty original concept (Catch Me If You Can by way of Oceans 11-ish) but generally starts out like most other shounen (sans the super powers). AND THEN EPISODE FIVE HAPPENS. Not gonna spoil it but they TOOK THAT SHIT UP A NOTCH. Brilliant, even with a bit of an insane ending. GO WATCH THIS ONE.
Joined the fandom: August 2020 Obsession peaked: Pretty much as soon as I started watching it. Fandom friends: What’s up Fiji ;) @lil-1nsane Obsession faded: Naturally faded, but so glad I watched Fanfics you NEED to read: None so far! Little scared about this one, heard mixed reviews, but maybe someday. Favourite moments:
Edamame’s “madness arc” at the end of season 2. HOOOO BOY.
Laurent getting fucking WRECKED when Edamame punches him mid way through season 2, kills me every time.
Introducing my partner to anime with this show.
October 2020 Attack on Titan (TV Series)
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In my quest to find an anime that I can watch with my partner, I turned on season 1 of this bad boi. Holy hell I forgot how much I loved this show, NO WONDER everyone lost their goddamn minds when this show first aired. I NEED to catch up before all the season four spoilers come to get me...
Joined the fandom: Winter 2016 Obsession peaked: Basically as soon as I started watching it. Fandom friends: None yet, but I know you’re out there... Obsession faded: 2017, JUST BEFORE SEASON TWO... I should have stuck around longer I know, but it’s slowly coming back. Reeeeeally need to catch up on seasons two, three, and four. Fanfics you NEED to read: GIVE ME YOUR RECS HEATHENS. Favourite moments:
Watching my partner FREAK OUT about Eren’s “death.”
Getting in a conversation with a die hard fan after I hadn’t watched it in three years and saying... “Who’s that blond bitch that cries all the time?”/ “Armin?”/ “THAT’S THE ONE!”
November 2020... kind of. Figure Skating (Sport)
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Okay this one is a bit hard to explain. 
I have been a DIE HARD figure skating for A LOOOOOONG time. My grandmother got me a hat from the 2002 Olympics in Salt Lake City and I remember watching even then. But I first became consciously aware of different skaters, my faves, etc. from about 2010. I vividly remember watching Plushenko skating in 2014 while on a school trip to Hawaii, and my friends laughing at me as I yelled at the TV.
But I didn’t TRULY get involved in the fandom side of it until this year. I had all this knowledge bottled up, but didn’t have any skating friends to talk to... UNTIL NOW. Super ironic that this happened in a year with almost NO skating, but I’ll take what I can get ;) Also did I stay up until FOUR-GODDAMN-THIRTY IN THE MORNING a few nights ago to stream Japanese Nationals on my phone??? YOU BET I DID.
Joined the fandom: Three times; 2002, 2010, and 2020. Obsession peaked: 2014? 2018? Idk it peaks any time someone does something amazing. Fandom friends: Rachel, my girl @idancewiththefairies​, WHY DIDN’T I INTRODUCE YOU TO THIS SOONER??? Obsession faded: Hasn’t. Won’t. lol Fanfics you NEED to read: NOPE. NONE. NOT GONNA HAPPEN. No fanfics about real people. Never gonna change that. (some of my) Favourite moments:
Tessa Virtue and Scott Moir doing THAT routine at the 2018 Olympics.
Rachel​ sheepishly admitting to me that Shoma may have replaced Yuzu as her favourite, and me being SO DAMN PROUD of her for growing and developing her own skating opinions apart from me.
Yuzu’s 2012 ‘Romeo and Juliet’ routine and Worlds. THE RAW FUCKING POWER OF THAT SKATE.
Plushenko, cheeky bastard, changing his 2014 Team Event routine AS IT WAS HAPPENING.
The worlds friendliest rivalry between Yuzu and Nathan.
Any thing the Shibutani’s do, and all they do to break up the stereotype that all of Ice Dancing has to be rOmAnTiC and SeNsUaL to be good.
Watching my early faves become coaches and the D R A M A.
Honorable Mentions:
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Coco (Film): I watched this the weekend I came home and I owe this movie a lot. It is so sweet an heartwarming, and it a roundabout way it brought me back to Tumblr (needed somewhere to vent my feelings considering I watched the movie a solid THREE YEARS after it came out, Tumblr seemed like the place to go lol). Watched in again in 2020 and it’s just as amazing.
Jekyll and Hyde (All media): Loved this book from the first time I read it in my first year of uni. But in December 2019, my fandom understanding reached its PEAK. The musical?? The comic?? YOOOOOO.
Dear Evan Hansen (Musical): I have BARELY engaged in fandom discourse, but the MUSIC. She fucking SLAPS.
Sirius the Jaeger (TV Series): This show is such an underrated gem. It literally has so much; "dead” family drama? Eclectic international group of monster hunters? Cowboys and vampires?? Yes, yes, and YES. And the main character has the same Japanese voice actor as Atsushi from BSD!
Studio Ghilbi (Films): My love affair with Ghibli goes back to when I was about 5 and BEGGED my mom to take me to the library so we could rent Kiki’s Delivery Service on DVD. But that love has been FULLY rejuvenated this year when I went to the Ghibli Film Festival in New York City (ironically in the last week in February). If you haven’t seen them, go watch From Up On Poppy Hill, Whisper of the Heart, and The Wind Rises. Spoilers, you’re probably gonna cry.
If you’ve made it this far, THANK YOU FOR READING! 
And thank you to all the amazing people that made my 2020 not so horrible. Good riddance 2020, don’t let the door hit you on the way out!
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