#host marie finch
Conversation with Trailblazer TXVX, Independent Music Artist Introducing New Album "Raining Roses"
As the world of independent music continues to expand, artists like TXVX are paving the way with innovative sounds and a relentless drive to create. In a recent episode of Up and Comers of Hollywood Podcast, I sat down with this trailblazing artist to discuss her journey from Portland to Los Angeles and her ascent in the music industry. TXVX, known for her unique blend of soulful electronic music…
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sgiandubh · 6 months
S on BBC 4's Saturday Live: 'anything but a quiet life'
As you all know, S was today on BBC Four's Saturday Live radio talk show, sharing the scene with people like super male model David Gandy, Catrin Finch - a Welsh harpist of international repute and the ever fascinating Lucy Worsley, a strong contender (along with Mary Beard) for the title of personal favorite (living) historian.
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You can listen (as I dutifully did twice) to it here: https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/m001t96r. I don't know how to embed it on this page, but that shouldn't be a problem.
The show is always interesting and I strongly suggest to let it play along and not rely only on my summing up & comments. I particularly enjoyed Lucy Worsley's Medieval and Baroque musical selection (flawless!) - but enough said, we're here for S, who was live on show from BBC's London studios.
As usually, I am going to transcript it as much as I can, primarily for those reading this post and using Google Translate (@bat-cat-reader, you are served!). So, you will kindly excuse the length, thank you.
At the 07:40 mark, a half jocular mention when prompted by the host: not a cricketer and not a harpist either (you can say many things about S, but not that he's got no humor - always a big plus in my book). But then things quickly get emotional, when he immediately mentions his mother (the question generally asked was 'what did your parents sacrifice for you?'), who 'sacrificed a lot (...) [as] a single parent, (...) she gave us everything, I think'. And then he quickly gets emotional, mentioning Chrissie H. again:
'(...) can I give my mom a shoutout, it's her birthday, on Monday [Nikki Bedi, presenter: 'aww, of course you can!'], so happy birthday, Chrissie, and thank you so much and I wish... I'm glad you never got me a harp, because I would have never dedicated myself. I think that's why I became an actor, because I didn't have to work too hard at one thing.'
It's then David Gandy's turn to talk about his own rural childhood in Billericay (Essex), his close knit family and his parents' endeavor of building a business and the now incomprehensible need to use faxes, something he has now to 'explain to the younger ones'. Then Nikki Bedi turns to S (13:08): 'Sam's laughing at that. Do you remember faxes?' Answer: 'I do.. I mean, I remember faxes getting scripts through or couriers bringing you know, scripts to your door, it..it's just a completely different world, now, and I am sure the fashion world is completely different now, isn't it, David, I mean it's changed so much'.
Onwards to more questions asked by Mrs. Bedi. This one was interesting (19:16): 'Sam, do you fear that each job you do is an act that could be your last? Is that always in the back or front of your mind?' Answer: 'Yeah, I think.. David, I mean...um... earnestly, everything you're saying there kinda rings true for my career as well... I am sure for Catrin being, you know, being a musician, I think it's, you know [Nikki Bedi: is it true, Catrin? CF: yes, absolutely, yeah, many things David said... it's the same (...)'].
Huw Stevens mentions alternatives to 'gigs', the need to plan for the future and the fact 'you always have to remain busy', mentioning S's whisky. Gandy also mentions S ('you've got quite a few businesses [...] a man after my own heart, we'll then gonna have to go out'), immediately cued in by Nikki Bedi ('whisky, tequila, gin').
Just after Lucy Worsley's superb intervention (easily my favorite of the whole program!), cue in to the kilt on a glacier part of S's chit-chat I am sure we all dutifully 🙄, by now. I noted the slight hesitation in his voice, while mentioning 'my...my friend, Graham McTavish', so I will not - yeah, sue me-, I repeat: I will not transcript this verbatim, simply because it doesn't really bring anything new or important to what we all know, already. Sitting on a glacier 'in a kilt, in commando, yes, it's my claim to fame'. Disgruntled Tumblrettes, beware - he poked fun at himself (shall I sign this to you, or are you able to read my lips?) and that is something only very intelligent people are able to do without sounding pathetic. Another interesting thing is the way Nikki Bedi presented S ('the actor, award-winning liquor maker and writer'- 36:00), roughly midway of the whole broadcast.
His dedicated segment begins at the 49:10 mark and lasts until the end, about 10 minutes in all. He was introduced by Huw Stevens: "Sam Heughan, it seems, would like anything but a quiet life", plus some cursory bio elements, mentioning his mother's influence on his own creativity, his breakthrough as JAMMF, but also TCND (Nikki Bedi watches it and 'apparently the third episode is the most steamy' 🤦‍♀️). 'He is also a philanthropist, businessman and thrill seeker, and of course, as mentioned earlier, has his own whisky and is a best-selling author'. Mentions his 'parents, characterful people, hippies, in the Seventies, with a love for Tolkien'. S: 'my mum would probably kill me if I called her a hippie' - also, 'she is not the best singer, but there was always music around'. Stevens mentions the Gandalf's Garden Soho hippie community both his parents were a part of before he was born, but S doesn't develop it. The rest (difficult childhood, loner, using his imagination sparked his creativity, etc) we know from Waypoints. The very Scottish concept of 'stravaigin'' comes along in the conversation, which is not exactly a drifter and a bit more than a wanderer (if I understood correctly) - perhaps a good title for a second personal memoir, S? I'll leave this idea float in here for free, heh. OL comes along then, and by far the most interesting thing he mentioned about it is that "it is my life, it's taken over my life', hoping it would sparkle at least some conversation in the comments' thread. OL 'has also been hugely beneficial for Scotland, increased tourism by 200% in some locations (...), and it's all down to the magic of Scotland'.
Next projects: exciting not to really know what is next, but 'I am also saying no to a lot, because I am in a place now where I think the next decision is really important (...). I enjoy being in control now (....), producing my own shows and you know, my own products. (...) once you take control of that creativity (....) there's a lot of freedom and yeah, we shall see'.
And then Huw Stevens makes a joke - but was it really a joke? it's the BBC, after all - and says that all four of the guests could contribute something to what 'could be the next generation of Bond', (S: 'the finest British production'). Cue in an anecdote about S being invited to present an event to Buckingham Palace and taking a cab to a pub, right afterwards. MPC and tomorrow's book signing at Saint Pancras station wrap off the show.
Quickly, my 50 cents on it: way, way better than expected and S always delivers when they ask no weird questions about his private life (hallelujah, maybe they listen to us, after all?). The question about the fear of each job being the last reminded me of one of his answers in a very early interview: 'your biggest fear? getting the sack'. This time, his answer, whatever he intended to say, got lost in the brouhaha, but I suspect not much has changed, essentially, even if the 'after OL' part of the show strives to tell a more optimistic story.
But the thing that impressed me the most and in a very good way is the attention he got from all the other people invited in that studio. Unlike the social nobodies of Tumblr, they did not find bizarre the fact that he created his own spirits business and is actively promoting it. They were far from judging him: in fact, I even think he made a new friend of David Gandy, who had quite positive and nice and honest things to say about him. S was articulate and graceful and very moving every single time he mentioned Chrissie. And I am also sure he would have loved to share more things, especially when David was lovingly talking about his wife and daughters. But he couldn't. And that is a shame. But this too, shall pass - The Boy is slowly learning to say no to a lot of things, as he just let us know. Probably the best news we've got from him in a good while.
And now, onwards to a particularly venomous Anon I am still pondering the answer to.
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einsteinsugly · 1 year
Jackie Hyde, circa 2004, on an episode of Wife Swap.
Meet Jackie Hyde, a proud talk show host from Chicago, Illinois. Her husband Hyde, of twenty-two years, may have grown up in a ragged blue collar dystopia, but now? He's doing well, shaking up the white collar life, with his wife and their children, Becca, 18, and James, 16, firmly by his side.
Will Darlene Rogers continue to shake up the white-collar life, with a laid-back, blue-collar twist akin to Hyde's troubled past? Will she be able to open the eyes of the seemingly spoiled Hyde kids, one who consistently lingers on the wrong side of the law, and take them to shovel manure?
James (with a smirk): This is a great place to grow some Mary Jane.
Becca (with a similar smirk): And that greenhouse is the perfect place…
Darlene (handing them shovels): Well, you're not doing any of that.
Hyde, Becca, and James are shoveling manure.
Hyde: My stepdad, who I thought was my real dad for nineteen years, came from a long line of pig farmers. *With a groan* He took me to the pig farm to shovel manure when I was misbehavin'.
Becca: But your real dad is rich.
James: And he's way cooler.
Hyde (with a smile): Yep.
Meet Darlene Rogers, a proud pig farmer from rural Kansas. She grew up in a trailer park, and is laid-back and is an off-the-cuff conservative. She and her husband Clyde have been scraping by for years, with the help of their five children; Shelby, 16, Cody, 14, Hunter, 13, Landon, 11, and Cheyenne, 9.
Shelby wants to go to college to be a lawyer and is dating a boy "from Topeka" named Jacob, who Darlene and Clyde disapprove of, for his "white collar attitude." Cheyenne is a tomboy ala Scout Finch, and loves to wrestle with her brothers. Will Jackie take to Shelby and Jacob, the latter of which eerily resembles her son, and will Jackie teach Cheyenne the ways of stereotypical femininity? And will Jackie have to keep shoveling manure for the next week?
Jackie: I am not shoveling manure for the rest of the time I'm here! We're hiring some help this week, and we're taking Shelby to look at colleges, and we're taking her to a job fair!
Shelby smiles.
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downstarr · 1 year
Stroke of Midnight - An OFMD New Year's Eve AU
Stede Bonnet usually goes home to New Zealand for the Christmas season. But this year, he's decided to stay in Victoria, BC where he's been living since he came to Canada for school. At a house party thrown by expats, Stede unexpectedly runs into his teenaged crush, Edward Teach.
Stede's been struggling with loneliness and a lack of belonging, and Ed re-entering his life hits him like a ton of bricks. 10k words, complete. CW: references to child abuse and homophobia. Referred to, but not seen.
Stede Bonnet never sought out his fellow New Zealanders on purpose. Usually, his trips home to Wellington from Victoria, BC where he’d been living for the past few decades would fill his Kiwi quotient quite satisfactorily. But life circumstances and various logistics meant he hadn’t been home in several years.
Which lead him to an Anzac Day gathering at a local pub that past April, and to an invite to a New Year’s Eve house party some months later.
The house, a grand affair in Brentwood Bay just outside of the city, had a wonderful view of the inlet and the twinkling lights across the water where snow drifted in the air instead of a haze of rain. It was an unusually cold late December by Vancouver Island standards. They’d had a few inches of snow that made the steep, winding roads up to the house that weren’t designed for snow quite treacherous. It also meant that Stede dug out his winter jacket usually reserved for ski trips up-island or to the mainland. 
“Just toss it in the spare bedroom,” said Arnie, one of the two hosts for the evening as he pointed the way down a long hallway. 
“This way?”
“Yep, first door on the right,” said Arnie.
Stede nodded and held his blue puffer jacket aloft. “Cheers.” 
On his way back from the spare room where his jacket joined a growing pile on the bed, Stede slipped into the nearest bathroom and slid the barn door style door closed. It took him a few times to clasp it correctly. For a moment, he was worried he was going to throw the heavy piece of stained wood off its pretty wrought iron hinges. 
It was then that he realized that his hosts must be new money. Stede hated that snobbish part of himself, but he’d grown up with and around a lot of money. That meant he’d been to many parties at the houses of people whose wealth was gained in their own lifetime rather than inherited. 
Those people really liked barn doors. And marble countertops. And grand staircases. All of which were on display at the home of Arnie and Marlo. 
Door finally latched, Stede turned to survey his appearance. He slid a comb from his pocket and carefully rearranged his blond curls that had gotten tousled by the wind and wetted by snowflakes. He slid a hand down the fine fabric of his deep blue button-up to make sure there were no creases in the fabric. He was pleased to see that the impeccably tailored shirt highlighted the effort he’d been making at the gym the last few months.
“Now don’t look desperate,” Stede mumbled to himself. “And don’t be a peacock,” he paused, “...or too much of one.” 
The pep talk Stede was giving himself was necessary because he’d heard through rumblings that there were queer people at the party. He’d been having absolutely no luck on the dating or social scene. For a long time, he convinced himself he was bisexual, until his now-ex fiancee Mary finally helped him realize that any attraction to women was deeply forced and based on a foundation of self-delusion. 
Satisfied that he hadn’t gotten too rumpled from the trip over, Stede awkwardly pulled the impractical barn door back and stepped out into the house proper.  
Stede was no stranger to grand houses. But something about this one felt a bit much. After years away from home and the socialite scene in New Zealand, he’d forgotten how to move in posh circles. He didn’t know Arnie and Marlo very well at all. They’d only spoken a handful of times at the Fernwood Inn’s now-monthly informal expat meetups. But he had become friends with Declan Finch, who was an old friend of Arnie’s.
It was him that Stede sought out after tidying up his appearance. The house was the epitome of West Coast elegance - massive and A-frame with a staircase leading to the upper level, but with the kitchen, dining, and living areas offering views of the ink-black inlet below. Like the bathroom door, Stede found himself picking out various nouveau-riche touches that took the shine of the classiness. 
“It’s a lot more impressive in the daytime. Well, I mean, it’s impressive anytime. But less so in the dark,” said Declan as he appeared beside Stede with a beer.
“Ah, cheers! I was just coming to find you. This place is…” Stede paused as he tried to articulate his admiration at the style and grandeur of the place with the details his upper-crust self found tacky, “...quite something.”  said Stede as he took the beer. 
Declan grinned, “Mhmm,” Then he leaned in, “...I find it a bit magazine-y, m’self. But I don’t want to be a dick, so I hold my tongue. “ The other Kiwi was tall, with a mop of dark hair, strong features, black glasses, and a gap between his front teeth. He suspected the man might have a crush on him, which he didn’t reciprocate. He liked Declan well enough, but not as more than a friend. But they’d never had a conversation about the limits of their relationship. Stede felt it coming, and he feared the awkwardness and the potentially broken friendship that would follow.
For the moment though, the two men were still friends. 
“I appreciate the invite, by the way,” said Stede, finally.
“You look a little shell-shocked,” said Declan with a teasing lilt as he leaned in towards Stede. “I thought you came from richie riches. So this would be normal for you.”
“Came from, yes,” said Stede, eyebrows arching as he gestured with his beer. “But things have been strained with my family for years. I was supposed to go home after school, you see. But instead I stuck around. It was expected that I go home and do the whole Wellington society thing, but it wasn’t for me. So it’s been a long time since I’ve made a habit of being in houses like this,” he said as he gestured around.
“Well, they come by it honestly. Marlo’s an architect who made her own way. And Arnie’s…”
“...a marketing or social media guy?”
Declan grinned, putting the tooth gap on display, “Marketing manager for a bunch of restaurants.”
“I recognize a few people from the meet-ups. Are they mostly expats?” asked Stede as he gestured around the room. He exchanged a few nods or smiles with the people he knew. As he did, he caught sight of someone with long gray hair who turned away just as he was about to get a good look at him. 
“Not all of them. Some are work friends and stuff. To tell you the truth,” Declan leaned in towards Stede, “I don’t recognize a bunch of them. I think some of them are other parents at their daughter’s school, or work people. But Marlo likes to collect people from home. Says it helps keep her grounded.”  He swatted at Stede’s shoulder and motioned towards the kitchen where most of the people were retrieving drinks or snacking from the impressive spread laid out on the kitchen island, “C’mon, I’ll introduce you to some people.” 
Stede took a deep breath and squared his shoulders. “All right.”
Then Stede did what he’d been doing all his life. He slipped on a mask of cheery confidence. As Declan introduced him around, he made friendly conversation and learned how each of the people he was introduced to knew their hosts. 
They were all nice enough, but from what Stede could tell, they all were straight, or at least in straight-passing relationships. As he met more and more people, he began to feel the heteronormativity of the room wash over him. That sensation, along with the conspicuous touches of magazine-glossy wealth began to wear him down and churn more of his loneliness to the surface. He began to think he was the only queer person in the room aside from Declan, and he wasn’t even sure about him. 
No one Stede spoke to would have any hint of his growing discomfort or disappointment. He was an expert at deceiving others about his own happiness, and continued to chirp friendly conversation and tell bad  but charming jokes. 
He’d always made acquaintances easily, but friendship, let alone something greater, had been evading him since his split from Mary. He hadn’t figured how to transition into queer social circles from the primarily straight ones he’d moved in before now. Drag shows and gay bars only introduced him to people he had little in common with aside from queerness, and many were often younger than him. 
Stede was hungry to meet people his age, who preferred pub trivia or a wine tasting over club nights and casual sex. He knew those people existed, but he had no idea how to go about finding them. He’d hoped the party would be a way to find those people, but so far he was just feeling how he always felt - like an imposter wearing a veil of straightness that he had to fight to keep from slipping clean off.
After a while, the effort to keep it up began to exhaust Stede, and he politely excused himself from a conversation with Naomi and Brett, a perfectly nice, but painfully straight couple who had spent the past thirty minutes talking about the psychological effect of paint colours in nurseries while both kept touching Naomi’s pregnant belly.  
For Stede, who’d spent almost every Christmas season of his life mired in the default straightness of the Wellington social scene, it was a special kind of torture.
He needed another drink.
Stede made his way to a giant, trendy cooler laden with craft beer and cider. He pawed through until he found a cider he’d had before. For that moment, he let the mask slip and he stared for a moment off into the middle distance, gaze fixing for a moment at another one of those impractical barn doors next to a wall that looked like it was set up specifically for Instagram selfies. 
He looked at his watch.
It was only ten. At least two hours before Stede could excuse himself. After all, why would he leave a New Year’s Eve party before midnight? 
He took a couple of hungry gulps of the cider, then took a deep breath, squared his shoulders, closed his eyes, and willed the mask of chirpy conformity to slip back over his face.
“Stede?” came a voice mid-way through this meditative exercise.
Stede turned, confused by his name in an unfamiliar voice. 
The man he saw caused Stede’s throat to clench and a shudder to slip down his spine. He was grateful for long sleeves, because they hid the cascade of goosebumps that raised every hair on his arms and his chest. He felt a flush of warmth dappling his cheeks, and he hoped that this man would just think it was the alcohol.
“Ah, yes?” Stede croaked.
The stranger was tall, warm-skinned, with a cascade of gray hair with streaks of black. He had a short gray beard and the sides of his hair were pulled back in a haphazard fashion. He’d either not expected the buttoned-up and date-night-dressy vibe of the party or he’d chosen to ignore it, because he wore low-slung moto jeans and a loose black t-shirt with a ragged hem. The shirt displayed arms covered in black tattoos. He wore a diamond stud in one ear with hoops higher up, and a necklace with a chunk of polished hematite. His eyes were deep and dark - chocolate brown and full of winking warmth. 
“I thought that was you,” rumbled the stranger.
Stede took a closer look, head canting, brow furrowing. Surely if he knew this man, he’d remember. He made every queer little synapse in his brain fire off happy chemicals.
Bit by bit, Stede started to piece it together. He mentally replaced gray hair with black, and removed the beard from his face. Then he peeled back the years and spun his memory back to Wellington. “Ed?” he breathed after an incredulous moment. “Edward Teach?”
Ed smiled and then chuckled. “Ah, yeah, it’s me. Fuck. What a coincidence.” 
Aside from breathing Ed’s name, Stede was at a loss for words. Here, thousands of kilometers away and decades later, he found himself staring into the eyes of his teenage crush.
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papermoonloveslucy · 8 months
Same Actor / Different Character ~ Part 1: "I Love Lucy"
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It used to be quite common for actors to be cast in multiple roles on the same series. Not in principal parts, certainly, but in supporting and minor characters. Lucycoms were no exception. Although the world created by these shows was representative of reality, the characters who populated them often gave viewers Deja vu.
For the purposes of this discussion, we won't include background performers (aka extras) as they were nearly always drawn from the same pool of actors. Also, those who played multiple characters need to have at least two of them identified by name. We will, however, include "the "The Lucy-Desi Comedy Hours" in our discussion of "I Love Lucy".
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A busy character actor, Frank Nelson has the distinction of being the only performer to play more than one recurring character (a character seen in more than one episode) on "I Love Lucy": Quizmaster Freddie Fillmore and Westport neighbor Ralph Ramsey. In addition, he played a nearsighted waiter, a TV host, a policeman, a a talent scout, a customs officer, a cruise director, and (perhaps most famously) a train conductor. His turn as the conductor was so memorable, he reprised it on "The Lucy Show" in 1963. Lucy has worked with Nelson on her radio show and new that audiences loved him - so she had no problem engaging him time and time again.
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Another familiar face was veteran character actor Charles Lane. Instead of radio, Lane came from the world of film, having done several pictures with William Frawley. He played a total of six characters, including Mr. Stanley, father of nine girls when "Lucy Goes to the Hospital." He followed up with Mr. Hickox "The Business Manager", a casting director, a passport office clerk, a uranium claims officer, and (like Nelson) a customs official, this time at the Mexican border. Lucille Ball created a role for him on "The Lucy Show", only to let him go to make way for a similar character when Gale Gordon finally became available. But that didn't stop Lane, who kept acting until he died at the age of 102!
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Before settling into the role of Betty Ramsey (with Frank Nelson as her husband Ralph), Croft played the role of Lucy Ricardo's old chum Cynthia Harcourt, who's request for a charitable donation forces Lucy to take a job as a woman from Mars. She returned to new mother Evelyn Bigsby, who sits next to Lucy on the plane home from Europe. Interestingly, Frank Nelson is also in this episode. Just a few months later the pair are back as the Ramseys. Viewers didn't need to have long memories to think the Ricardos' Westport neighbors looked familiar.
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Viewers fondly remember Patterson as Mrs. Trumbull, the lovable spinster who babysat Little Ricky. On her first episode in 1953, the character was irascible, but grew more likeable over the seven more appearances that followed. Many forget that when Lucy and Ricky renewed their vows in Greenwich Connecticut, Patterson played Mrs. Willoughby the mayor! Mr. Willoughby was played by....
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Bacon wore many hats (literally) as the man who greeted the Ricardos in Greenwich. But he must've done something right because he was asked back to play Will Potter when the gang drove through "Ethel's Hometown" on their way to Hollywood.
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Best remembered as the scatterbrained Mrs. McGillicuddy, Card was nearly unrecognizable when she was first seen on the series, as Minnie Finch's brusque neighbor in "Fan Magazine Interview" (1954). Mother (she never had a first name) was seen in seven episodes in 1955 and 1956.
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Busy character man Herb Vigran started on "I Love Lucy" playing Jule, Ricky's music agent in two 1952 episodes. But when Lucy's washing machine goes on the fritz, Vigran shows up as Joe, a repairman who also happens to be Mrs. Trumbull's nephew. He also was seen as Hal Sparks, the publicity man who convinces Lucy and Ethel to dress as women from Mars at the top of the Empire State Building.
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Baer’s first collaboration with Lucille Ball was playing MGM’s Mr. Reilly in "Ricky Needs an Agent” (1955). He returned to the series as Connecticut furniture salesman Mr. Perry in "Lucy Gets Chummy with the Neighbors” (1957).
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Menken did four different characters from season one to season six. He adopted a French accent to teach Lucy to Apache dance as Jean Valjean Raymond, sold Lucy clay as art store salesman William Abbott, examined Lucy's vision as an eye doctor, and reverted to his French accent to sell Lucy mass-produced art as Parisian con-man Charpontier.
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Also in "Lucy Has Her Eyes Examined" (1953) we see Dayton Lummis for the first time as producer Bill Parker ("Parker Preps Prod for Pittsburgh Preem"). He returned the following year as publisher Mel Eaton when "Lucy Writes a Novel" (1954) and yet a third time as MGM producer Mr. Sherman in "LA at Last!" (1955).
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Viewers didn't meet Lou Krugman until season four, when he played the film director coping with Lucy and her unwieldy headdress. Ball was so impressed by him that she immediately cast him as the FBI agent on the train back to New York. When Lucy reprised her heavy headgear routine on a TV special, Krugman was again at her side. In season six, he was cast as the manager of the Club Babalu, formerly the Tropicana. The job lasted just two episodes before the action of the show shifted to Connecticut.
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Novello was one of Lucille Ball's favorite performers from her radio show, playing Mr. Negley the postman and other quirky characters. On "I Love Lucy" he was first (perhaps best) remembered as theatrical producer Mr. Merriweather, who longs to talk to his beloved Tilly in "The Seance" (1951). He returned to play Mr. Beecher, the skittish tenant in "The Sublease" (1954), and "The Visitor From Italy" (1956), who arrives looking for his brother Sam Franchesca. Or maybe San Francisco.
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Another actor to score a trifecta was John Hart.  Producer Jess Oppenheimer didn’t want to pay too much for the actor who would play Tom Henderson in "Lucy Changes Her Mind" (1953), a character who only says two words at the very end of the show. He wrote in the script that he wanted “the most handsome hunk of man anyone ever saw for $15.56.”  Hart was cast. He returned (hopefully with a pay raise) to play the lifeguard who saves Lucy (despite her best efforts) in "The Hedda Hopper Story," and to play Jim Stevens, a studio executive meeting with Dore Schary poolside (the same pool he guarded in the previous episode) in "Don Juan is Shelved" (1955).
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Another of Lucy's favorites from her radio sitcom was Elvia Allman. Even the most casual fan of "I Love Lucy" will recognize her as the barking foreperson at the chocolate factory ("Speed it up a little!") but she also returned to play one of Minnie Finch's neighbors ("Do you wanna see Minnie or don't ya?"). In a change of pace, she played Nancy Graham, the prim columnist who thinks Lucy should "cherish" Ricky. She also encountered Lucy Ricardo as Ida Thompson of the Westport PTA, and as Milton Berle's officious secretary.
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Perhaps no other performer was as beloved by Lucy and Desi as Hans Conried. He was seen on all of Lucy's TV and radio shows as well as in a film with her. On "I Love Lucy" he had time to do just two roles: the foppish English tutor Percy Livermore and the unscrupulous used furniture dealer Dan Jenkins. These two diverse characters showed Conried's range as an actor, so viewers can be forgiven for not noticing that they were the same actor - even though their airdates were just a month apart!
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Most viewers remember Jellison as the bell hop at the Beverly Palms Hotel. He played the portly luggage jockey for six episodes in 1955. Jellison was so convincing in the role that in "Lucy Hunts Uranium" (1958), he was once again cast as the bellboy, this time named Henry. But few remember him in his first series appearance, as the milkman (or “cow juice peddler”, as Bill Foster called him) in "The Gossip" (1952).
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Kearns was another veteran of Lucille Ball's radio series. He found fame as Mr. Wilson on "Dennis the Menace". He played Dr. Tom Robinson, a psychiatrist, in "The Kleptomaniac" (1953). He returned to the show in its final season as the Theatre Manager in "Lucy's Night in Town" (1956). "If four people are seeing the show, then four have got to pay!" He died while still playing Henry Wilson so instead of recasting, George's brother arrived in town, played by...
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Gordon's relationship with Ball goes back to 1938 on radio. She spent the rest of her career casting him on her various shows. She had intended for him to play Fred Mertz, but he was too busy - and too expensive - so Desi cast William Frawley. Lucy, however, wanted Gordon on the show, so the role of Mr. Littlefield, manager of the Tropicana, was created. The character appeared in two episodes. He wasn't seen with Lucy again until 1958, when he played a Judge that is tasked with deciding a case between the Ricardos, the Mertzes, and the Williams', in "Lucy Makes Room for Danny".
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Ober was Vivian Vance's husband, so it makes sense that he would make at least one appearance - and he did - as the fake husband sent to the Ricardo apartment by "The Quiz Show" (1951). Ober's marriage eventually ended when Vance accused him of cruelty, but before that could happen, he was a last minute replacement for Dore Schary when "Don Juan is Shelved" (1955). Schary was a real-life MGM movie producer who was scheduled to appear as himself. He either got sick or (more likely) got cold feet. So Ober played Schary instead, leaving many unsavvy viewers thinking that Ober WAS Schary! Speaking of bad marriages and "The Quiz Show"...
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...played Harold the Tramp that was confused for Ober's character. Emery had been married to tempestuous Tallulah Bankhead from 1937 to 1941. Their four short years together were compared by Emery to "the decline of the Roman Empire". He played a Doctor in Lucy and Desi's 1956 film Forever Darling. It wasn't long before he was back at "I Love Lucy" to play the pet-hating Mr. Stewart when "Little Ricky Gets a Dog" (1957).
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Blake is best remembered as Batman's Aunt Harriet, but after her notable role of the gossip columnist in Singin' in the Rain (1952), she was cast on "I Love Lucy" as Mrs. Mulford, the owner of the hat shop when "Ricky Loses His Temper" (1954). Lucy and Desi were introduced to her talent when she played  Aunt Anastacia in The Long, Long Trailer.  She was asked back in late 1956 to play Martha, the acrophobic prospective tenant for apartment 3B in "Lucy and Superman" (1957).
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Felton is probably best remembered as Lucy's demonstrative maid Mrs. Porter, but she first appeared as Mrs. Simpson, a housewife living without electricity but with lots of "Sale Resistance" (1953). The two roles aired just three months apart. A few months later Lucy and Desi cast her as series regular Hilda Crocker on their new sitcom "December Bride" (1954-57).
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A former dancer, Boyne was born on Independence Day 1883 and was 68 years old when "Men Are Messy" (1953) was filmed. She charmed audiences as Maggie, the Tropicana's Irish cleaning woman, dancing with Ricky during his rehearsal. She would go on to play one of Minnie Finch's neighbors in "Fan Magazine Interview" (1954) and a (don't blink) passenger on "The Great Train Robbery" (1955).
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March had been an original cast member of "My Favorite Husband." In the first season of "I Love Lucy" he played an actor named Hal March who Ricky asks to masquerade as a doctor when "Lucy Fakes Illness" (1951). At the end of the show, announcer Johnny Jacobs says “The part of Hal March was played by Hal March.”  March returned to the show to play womanizing lingerie salesman Eddie Grant in “Lucy Is Matchmaker” (1953).
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Wright did two films and a radio show with Lucille Ball before being seen on "I Love Lucy." First, he played Mr. Walters, the locksmith from Yonkers, in “The Handcuffs” (1952). He returned to the series to play Bent Fork Sheriff (and father of Teensy and Weensy) in “Tennessee Bound” (1955). 
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Morin was Carlos, one of Ricky's "Cuban Pals" (1952). He had appeared in some of Hollywood's most cherished films: Gone with the Wind (1939), Casablanca (1943), and Key Largo (1948). He was invited back to play Robert Dubois, waiter turned tutor in "The French Revue" (1953).
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Averback played two different Charlies on "I Love Lucy": Appleby and Pomerantz. Charlie Appleby was seen twice on the series, but was only played by Averback on his first appearance in 1953. Charlie Pomerantz was Ricky's press agent in Hollywood in 1955, coming up with the brilliant idea for Ricky to save Lucy from drowning in the hotel pool.
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Naturally, there were many other actors whose did double (or triple) duty on "I Love Lucy", chief among them Bennett Green and Hazel Pierce, Lucy and Desi's camera and lighting stand-ins and were omnipresent throughout the series, although not always with specific character names.
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theroyalcoldwells · 4 years
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Photos of The Garden Party Released
 The garden party in honor of the New Opportunities Royal Foundation could not have gone better. In the gardens of the Belcourt Chalet, the guests all admired the autumnal ambiance.
 The Crown Princess delivered a short speech by the end of the party about how grateful she is for the donations and overall help in the project. She’s scheduled to attend the opening of the Community Center in New Earlin this weekend.
 In the picture we see Crown Princess Victoria and her cousin, Princess Jade, talking to TRH Crown Princess Helena of Monaca @royalfamilyofgrimalldi​ and Princess Victoria @royaltysimblr​. The two were also in Princess Jade’s birthday party.
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 Queen Caroline, who has not been seen in public for a while, finally made an appearance talking to HM Queen Cecelia of Windenburg @royaltysimblr​ and HM Queen Eleanor of Elvaria @reigningsims​. 
 There are many speculations surrounding the queen’s health, but the palace has not released any statements regarding this matter.
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 Queen Alma of Simovia and her fiancé the Duke of Sunmister were seen admiring the nearby lake! Queen Alma was at the lunch hosted by Princess Jade as a pre-party.  @simoviacourt​
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 In this picture we can see TRH Prince Emery of Windasia @wa-royal-tea​ and Princess Belle of Carmicheal @carmichealroyals​ having a chat. Princess Belle attended the garden party with her aunt and uncle, TRH The Duke and Duchess of Daven.
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 The young royals seemed to have fun at this party! In the first picture, TRH Crown Princess Mary of Albion and her sister, Princess Victoria @thealbionroyals​, had a chat with Crown Princess Victoria and Princess Adelaide of Valencia @thevalencianroyals​, who was also at Princess Jade’s birthday party.
 Princess Jade and Princess Lena of Burgundy seemed to be invested in their conversation while walking through the cobblestone paths of the garden. @thesimsroyalfam​
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 Crown Prince Richard and Lady Elissa @royalhouseofcarrington​ were seen looking at the cherry blossoms. His sister, Princess Isabel was a guest on Princess Jade’s birthday party.
 Princess Alexandra of Alnwick and the crown princess also shared a chat before the end of the day. HRH was also at the pre-party lunch hosted by Princess Jade! @houseofroyalsims​
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 Apart from the foreign royals, local nobility was also present in the garden party. Lady Loren (now Pemberley) showed off her baby bump with a pink tight fitting dress while sitting and chatting with her husband, Marquess henrik Pemberley.
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 Our favorite ex-couple managed to escape for a few moments to engage in conversation (maybe we’ll go back to calling them “our favorite couple” real soon!), but Dylan Finch did not have the Crown Princess’ undivided attention! 
 Later, her and singer Sebastian Norwood were surprised by cameras mid-conversation in the entrance of the garden’s labyrinth. The singer donated a large amount of money to the foundation and it’s said to be joining her for the first active day of the Community Center. 
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 He was also seem talking to the King Consort and Prince Andrew near the fountains. 
 One thing is certain, this was a good day for people rooting for both couples.
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2019 Hugo Award finalists announced
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The 2019 Hugo Award nominees have been announced; the Hugos will be presented this summer at the 2019 World Science Fiction Convention in Dublin, Ireland.
Normally, I find that I've read and reviewed a huge slice of the year's finalists, but this year is different; I've done a lot less reading lately, partly because I wrote two books in 2018 and partly because the new EU Copyright Directive ate my life for about 10 months in the past year.
I was a little sad to be so far behind the curve when I saw the new list, but then I realized that this meant that I had a bunch of really exciting books to add to my to-be-read pile!
One notable inclusion: the Archive of Our Own fanfic archive -- a project of the Organization for Transformative Works (for whose advisory board I volunteer) -- is up for "Best Related Work."
Congrats to all the nominees!
Best Novel * The Calculating Stars, by Mary Robinette Kowal (Tor) * Record of a Spaceborn Few, by Becky Chambers (Hodder & Stoughton / Harper Voyager) * Revenant Gun, by Yoon Ha Lee (Solaris) * Space Opera, by Catherynne M. Valente (Saga) * Spinning Silver, by Naomi Novik (Del Rey / Macmillan) * Trail of Lightning, by Rebecca Roanhorse (Saga)
Best Novella * Artificial Condition, by Martha Wells (Tor.com Publishing) * Beneath the Sugar Sky, by Seanan McGuire (Tor.com Publishing) * Binti: The Night Masquerade, by Nnedi Okorafor (Tor.com Publishing) * The Black God’s Drums, by P. Djèlí Clark (Tor.com Publishing) * Gods, Monsters, and the Lucky Peach, by Kelly Robson (Tor.com Publishing) * The Tea Master and the Detective, by Aliette de Bodard (Subterranean Press / JABberwocky Literary Agency)
Best Novelette * “If at First You Don’t Succeed, Try, Try Again,” by Zen Cho (B&N Sci-Fi and Fantasy Blog, 29 November 2018) * “The Last Banquet of Temporal Confections,” by Tina Connolly (Tor.com, 11 July 2018) * “Nine Last Days on Planet Earth,” by Daryl Gregory (Tor.com, 19 September 2018) * The Only Harmless Great Thing, by Brooke Bolander (Tor.com Publishing) * “The Thing About Ghost Stories,” by Naomi Kritzer (Uncanny Magazine 25, November- December 2018) * “When We Were Starless,” by Simone Heller (Clarkesworld 145, October 2018)
Best Short Story * “The Court Magician,” by Sarah Pinsker (Lightspeed, January 2018) * “The Rose MacGregor Drinking and Admiration Society,” by T. Kingfisher (Uncanny Magazine 25, November-December 2018) * “The Secret Lives of the Nine Negro Teeth of George Washington,” by P. Djèlí Clark (Fireside Magazine, February 2018) * “STET,” by Sarah Gailey (Fireside Magazine, October 2018) * “The Tale of the Three Beautiful Raptor Sisters, and the Prince Who Was Made of Meat,” by Brooke Bolander (Uncanny Magazine 23, July-August 2018) * “A Witch’s Guide to Escape: A Practical Compendium of Portal Fantasies,” by Alix E. Harrow (Apex Magazine, February 2018)
Best Series * The Centenal Cycle, by Malka Older (Tor) * The Laundry Files, by Charles Stross (most recently Tor.com Publishing/Orbit) * Machineries of Empire, by Yoon Ha Lee (Solaris) * The October Daye Series, by Seanan McGuire (most recently DAW) * The Universe of Xuya, by Aliette de Bodard (most recently Subterranean Press) * Wayfarers, by Becky Chambers (Hodder & Stoughton / Harper Voyager)
Best Related Work * Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works * Astounding: John W. Campbell, Isaac Asimov, Robert A. Heinlein, L. Ron Hubbard, and the Golden Age of Science Fiction, by Alec Nevala-Lee (Dey Street Books) * The Hobbit Duology (documentary in three parts), written and edited by Lindsay Ellis and Angelina Meehan (YouTube) * An Informal History of the Hugos: A Personal Look Back at the Hugo Awards, 1953- 2000, by Jo Walton (Tor) * www.mexicanxinitiative.com: The Mexicanx Initiative Experience at Worldcon 76 (Julia Rios, Libia Brenda, Pablo Defendini, John Picacio) * Ursula K. Le Guin: Conversations on Writing, by Ursula K. Le Guin with David Naimon (Tin House Books)
Best Graphic Story * Abbott, written by Saladin Ahmed, art by Sami Kivelä, colours by Jason Wordie, letters by Jim Campbell (BOOM! Studios) * Black Panther: Long Live the King, written by Nnedi Okorafor and Aaron Covington, art by André Lima Araújo, Mario Del Pennino and Tana Ford (Marvel) * Monstress, Volume 3: Haven, written by Marjorie Liu, art by Sana Takeda (Image Comics) * On a Sunbeam, by Tillie Walden (First Second) * Paper Girls, Volume 4, written by Brian K. Vaughan, art by Cliff Chiang, colours by Matt Wilson, letters by Jared K. Fletcher (Image Comics) * Saga, Volume 9, written by Brian K. Vaughan, art by Fiona Staples (Image Comics)
Best Dramatic Presentation, Long Form * Annihilation, directed and written for the screen by Alex Garland, based on the novel by Jeff VanderMeer (Paramount Pictures / Skydance) * Avengers: Infinity War, screenplay by Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely, directed by Anthony Russo and Joe Russo (Marvel Studios) * Black Panther, written by Ryan Coogler and Joe Robert Cole, directed by Ryan Coogler (Marvel Studios) * A Quiet Place, screenplay by Scott Beck, John Krasinski and Bryan Woods, directed by John Krasinski (Platinum Dunes / Sunday Night) * Sorry to Bother You, written and directed by Boots Riley (Annapurna Pictures) * Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, screenplay by Phil Lord and Rodney Rothman, directed by Bob Persichetti, Peter Ramsey and Rodney Rothman (Sony)
Best Dramatic Presentation, Short Form * The Expanse: “Abaddon’s Gate,” written by Daniel Abraham, Ty Franck and Naren Shankar, directed by Simon Cellan Jones (Penguin in a Parka / Alcon Entertainment) * Doctor Who: “Demons of the Punjab,” written by Vinay Patel, directed by Jamie Childs (BBC) * Dirty Computer, written by Janelle Monáe, directed by Andrew Donoho and Chuck Lightning (Wondaland Arts Society / Bad Boy Records / Atlantic Records) * The Good Place: “Janet(s),” written by Josh Siegal & Dylan Morgan, directed by Morgan Sackett (NBC) * The Good Place: “Jeremy Bearimy,” written by Megan Amram, directed by Trent O’Donnell (NBC) * Doctor Who: “Rosa,” written by Malorie Blackman and Chris Chibnall, directed by Mark Tonderai (BBC)
Best Professional Editor, Short Form * Neil Clarke * Gardner Dozois * Lee Harris * Julia Rios * Lynne M. Thomas and Michael Damian Thomas * E. Catherine Tobler
Best Professional Editor, Long Form * Sheila E. Gilbert * Anne Lesley Groell * Beth Meacham * Diana Pho * Gillian Redfearn * Navah Wolfe
Best Professional Artist * Galen Dara * Jaime Jones * Victo Ngai * John Picacio * Yuko Shimizu * Charles Vess
Best Semiprozine * Beneath Ceaseless Skies, editor-in-chief and publisher Scott H. Andrews * Fireside Magazine, edited by Julia Rios, managing editor Elsa Sjunneson-Henry, social coordinator Meg Frank, special features editor Tanya DePass, founding editor Brian White, publisher and art director Pablo Defendini * FIYAH Magazine of Black Speculative Fiction, executive editors Troy L. Wiggins and DaVaun Sanders, editors L.D. Lewis, Brandon O’Brien, Kaleb Russell, Danny Lore, and Brent Lambert * Shimmer, publisher Beth Wodzinski, senior editor E. Catherine Tobler * Strange Horizons, edited by Jane Crowley, Kate Dollarhyde, Vanessa Rose Phin, Vajra Chandrasekera, Romie Stott, Maureen Kincaid Speller, and the Strange Horizons Staff * Uncanny Magazine, publishers/editors-in-chief Lynne M. Thomas and Michael Damian Thomas, managing editor Michi Trota, podcast producers Erika Ensign and Steven Schapansky, Disabled People Destroy Science Fiction Special Issue editors-in-chief Elsa Sjunneson-Henry and Dominik Parisien
Best Fanzine * Galactic Journey, founder Gideon Marcus, editor Janice Marcus * Journey Planet, edited by Team Journey Planet * Lady Business, editors Ira, Jodie, KJ, Renay & Susan * nerds of a feather, flock together, editors Joe Sherry, Vance Kotrla and The G * Quick Sip Reviews, editor Charles Payseur * Rocket Stack Rank, editors Greg Hullender and Eric Wong
Best Fancast * Be the Serpent, presented by Alexandra Rowland, Freya Marske and Jennifer Mace * The Coode Street Podcast, presented by Jonathan Strahan and Gary K. Wolfe * Fangirl Happy Hour, hosted by Ana Grilo and Renay Williams * Galactic Suburbia, hosted by Alisa Krasnostein, Alexandra Pierce, and Tansy Rayner Roberts, produced by Andrew Finch * Our Opinions Are Correct, hosted by Annalee Newitz and Charlie Jane Anders * The Skiffy and Fanty Show, produced by Jen Zink and Shaun Duke, hosted by the Skiffy and Fanty Crew
Best Fan Writer * Foz Meadows * James Davis Nicoll * Charles Payseur * Elsa Sjunneson-Henry * Alasdair Stuart * Bogi Takács
Best Fan Artist * Sara Felix * Grace P. Fong * Meg Frank * Ariela Housman * Likhain (Mia Sereno) * Spring Schoenhuth
Best Art Book * The Books of Earthsea: The Complete Illustrated Edition, illustrated by Charles Vess, written by Ursula K. Le Guin (Saga Press /Gollancz) * Daydreamer’s Journey: The Art of Julie Dillon, by Julie Dillon (self-published) * Dungeons & Dragons Art & Arcana: A Visual History, by Michael Witwer, Kyle Newman, Jon Peterson, Sam Witwer (Ten Speed Press) * Spectrum 25: The Best in Contemporary Fantastic Art, ed. John Fleskes (Flesk Publications) * Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse – The Art of the Movie, by Ramin Zahed (Titan Books) * Tolkien: Maker of Middle-earth, ed. Catherine McIlwaine (Bodleian Library)
John W. Campbell Award for Best New Writer * Katherine Arden (2nd year of eligibility) * S.A. Chakraborty (2nd year of eligibility) * R.F. Kuang (1st year of eligibility) * Jeannette Ng (2nd year of eligibility) * Vina Jie-Min Prasad (2nd year of eligibility) * Rivers Solomon (2nd year of eligibility)
Lodestar Award for Best Young Adult Book * The Belles, by Dhonielle Clayton (Freeform / Gollancz) * Children of Blood and Bone, by Tomi Adeyemi (Henry Holt / Macmillan Children’s Books) * The Cruel Prince, by Holly Black (Little, Brown / Hot Key Books) * Dread Nation, by Justina Ireland (Balzer + Bray) * The Invasion, by Peadar O’Guilin (David Fickling Books / Scholastic) * Tess of the Road, by Rachel Hartman (Random House / Penguin Teen)
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tachyonpub · 5 years
Tachyon well represented at Worldcon 77 in Dublin
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Many Tachyon authors and editors will join Tachyon head honcho Jacob Weisman in Dublin, Ireland for WorldCon 77 (August 15-19).
The legendary event, held annually since since 1939 (except for the years 1942 to 1945, during World War II), celebrates science fiction. This years convention features Guests of Honor Bill and Mary Burns, Diane Duane, Ginjer Buchanan, Ian McDonald, Jocelyn Bell Burnell, and Steve Jackson. 
WorldCon 77 offers a massive selection of readings, signings, and panels. And be sure to visit the Tachyon table in the dealer’s room, where we’ll be hosting several signings.
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Ellen Datlow
James Patrick Kelly
Daryl Gregory
Nancy Kress
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Ellen Klages and Peter Wilber at Worldcon 76 in San Jose, CA
Peter S. Beagle
Howard V. Hendrix (courtesy of Fairwood Press)
Ellen Klages
Rick Wilber
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Nancy Kress, Daryl Gregory, and Sheila Finch at Worldcon 76 in San Jose, CA
Peter S. Beagle
Kate Elliott
Jo Walton
Stop by the table for an updated scheduled as more signings may be added.
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Join Host Marie Finch with inspirational and informational interviews with rising stars in the entertainment business where they tell their stories, share their journeys, confess their challenges and celebrate their successes. These emerging professionals are the new generation of Hollywood from all occupations of the entertainment industry.  Every Road is different and my interviews will inspire you to pave your own road to your dreams and provide guidance to off roads on your way there.  
You can also watch short versions  videos of my interviews on on our YouTube Channel.    https://www.youtube.com/@upandcomershollywood
Up and Comers of Hollywood provides 11 episodes per season of Hollywood's new generation.
Host Marie Finch is an actor, producer and creator of positivity and realism. https://www.instagram.com/theofficial_mariefinch/reels/ https://www.imdb.com/name/nm8480617/ https://www.linkedin.com/in/marie-finch-075497166/
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               𝑪𝑯𝑨𝑹𝑨𝑪𝑻𝑬𝑹 𝑺𝑯𝑬𝑬𝑻            
repost,  don’t reblog !
𝐛𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐬 !
FULL NAME.     Jay Finch Carter PRONUNCIATION.       i dont think i need phonetics for him NICKNAME.     Jay-Jay, Dumbass, Bastard, Asshole, Shitbird, Dirtbird, etc. GENDER.           Male HEIGHT.           5′10″ AGE.                 BL1: mid 20 range BLTPS: late 20s BL2: 30/32 range BL3: @ 37
ZODIAC.           Aquarius SPOKEN LANGUAGES. English, some French, Spanish, and German
𝐩𝐡𝐲𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐬 !
HAIR COLOR.     Brown EYE COLOR.       Blue SKIN TONE.        Caucasian BODY TYPE.       Slender, lean muscular ACCENT.            NA VOICE.               Reuben Langdon DOMINANT HAND.         right POSTURE.         lot of slouching, sometimes straightens up SCARS.            Face-gashed, neck-bite, chest- bird carving, upper right torso- burn, upper left arm- chemical burn, and many smaller nicks TATTOOS.           Neck tattoo- snake, lower torso tattoo-a design of some sort, Shoulder tattoo- Sun, more to come BIRTHMARKS.  N/A MOST NOTICEABLE FEATURE(S).  bird’s nest hair, goatee
𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐝 !
PLACE OF BIRTH.         Eden-5 HOMETOWN.                 n/a FIRST WORDS.              - SIBLINGS.                      Jared Finch (older twin) PARENTS.                      Daniel Finch, Rose Marie Carter-Finch PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT.      mother til age 7, shitty father through til almost end of highschool, guidance counselor Jonathan Blake who at least tried to be more helpful/better relationship than father
𝐚𝐝𝐮𝐥𝐭 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞 !
OCCUPATION.        Killer, Radio Host, Arena ringmaster CURRENT RESIDENCE.         wanderer, frequents Hallowed Hollow or Hollow Point CLOSE FRIENDS.        No one’s very close close RELATIONSHIP STATUS.       Verse dependent, married to August, thinking about dating (a different) August, toxic relationship with Kurt, fuck buddies with Gaige FINANCIAL STATUS.        lol what’s money CRIMINAL RECORD.        murders, theft, vandalizing/destruction of many properties, probably streaking, more murders VICES.       smokable drungs, alcohol
𝐬𝐞𝐱 & 𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 !
SEXUAL ORIENTATION.         Bisexual ROMANTIC ORIENTATION.    demi/gray PREFERRED EMOTIONAL ROLE.       submissive |  dominant | switch PREFERRED SEXUAL ROLE.       submissive  |  dominant  |  switch LIBIDO.         Too high sometimes TURN ON’S.        blood, violence, bdsm stuff TURN OFF’S.       uhh hot wax/heat play? LOVE LANGUAGE.  lolwhat cuddling, hair pets RELATIONSHIP TENDENCIES.       takes a long-ass time to get close to
𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐨𝐮𝐬 !
CHARACTER’S THEME SONG.      just one? let’s go with Mindless Self Indulgence - Unsociable HOBBIES TO PASS TIME.    carving, crafts, sewing, killing     MENTAL ILLNESSES.    ptsd, depression PHYSICAL ILLNESSES.   n/a LEFT OR RIGHT BRAINED.    ? PHOBIAS.  getting close to someone just to lose them, fire SELF CONFIDENCE LEVEL.    Very High VULNERABILITIES.   absolutely refuses to show any, stays away from people during depressive episodes
tagged by @sirens-shock
tagging @wiresdonttalk @blxxdmoney @hellspxwn-on-pxndora @bluehaired-tales @adam--bomb
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seeselfblack · 6 years
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Happy Earth Baba Dr. Ben...
Dr. Yosef Alfredo Antonio ben-Jochannan  [A Special Tribute]
The Black Man of the Nile and His Family
Dr. Yosef Alfredo Antonio ben-Jochannan (Dr. Ben) was the preeminent "Multi-Genius of Our Time." Therefore, he cannot be defined nor scrutinized by western academic standards given the fact that he forever altered how classical African civilizations, in particular the Nile Valley, can be viewed and examined in colleges and throughout the global African community.
Furthermore, Dr. Ben’s contributions to academia and the global African community stand alone as he represents not the floor of our potential, but the ceiling in which we can rise to. We, the global African community, adulate Dr. Ben for his groundbreaking scholarship and unprecedented service. Moreover, we praise enthusiastically his great work and sacrifice along with his love for African people and the Nile Valley.
As such, when it comes to the study and understanding of the Nile Valley, no one had a greater impact on the minds and hearts of African people at a global and grand scale than Dr. Ben. As an exceptional thinker and prolific writer, Dr. Ben’s scholarship regarding the Nile Valley along with his service within the global African community is not only exemplary, but unmatched – exceeding all others in terms of scholarly influence, community based impact, and global outreach.
In regards to the African origin of western civilization and religion, Dr. Ben’s contribution to the production of knowledge is monumental as evident in his most celebrated and best-selling magna opera: The African Origins of the Major Western Religions (1970), Africa: Mother of Western Civilization (1971), The Black Man of the Nile and His Family (1972), and We, The Black Jews: Witness to the White Jewish Race Myth (1983). Lesser-known, but no less important texts include collaborations with his frequent associate Professor George E. Simmonds, The Black Man’s North and East Africa (1971) and Understanding the African Philosophical Concept Behind the ‘Diagram of the Law of Opposites (1975) with Evelyn Walker, Dorothy Lee Cobb and Calvin Birdsong.  As a spirited public intellectual and iconoclast, Dr. Ben published nearly fifty books and manuscripts.
Undaunted, and with such scholarly publications, Dr. Ben singlehandedly transformed the epistemological and pedagogical landscape of Africana (Black) Studies programs by introducing us to the Nile Valley where he frequently stated that “we came from the beginning of the Nile where God Hapi dwells, at the foothills of the Mountains of the Moon.” Indeed, for Dr. Ben, the beginning started in the Nile Valley on December 31, 1918 at Gondar, Ethiopia where he was born to an Ethiopian father, Kriston ben-Jochannan and a Puerto Rican mother, Julia Matta.
Soon after his birth, Dr. Ben’s family moved to Puerto Rico and St. Croix. After graduating from high school, Dr. Ben further embraced his intellectual quest for knowledge by pursuing higher education and advanced learning. As a result, Dr. Ben upgraded the legal training programs and services in Puerto Rico. Moreover, his thirst for knowledge was fulfilled with his remarkable expeditions around the world.
Having already traveled extensively to the Nile Valley during the summers of his youth, Dr. Ben immigrated to the United States, where he worked as an architect/draftsman in New York.
However, following in his father’s footsteps and inspired by the struggles around safeguarding Ethiopia from the invasion of Italy, Dr. Ben initiated numerous study abroad programs to Ethiopia, Egypt, and the Sudan. This particular experience along with many others laid the foundation for Dr. Ben to become one of the world’s most distinguished public intellectuals / scholars who advanced the study of Nile Valley civilizations.
By continuing his father’s admonition to return to ancient Africa as the foundation for the study of his people, Dr. Ben sparked the study tour movement among Africans away from home that has now become commonplace for African-Americans and others. His study tours of the 1960s and 70s paved the way for Dr. Ben’s historic 1987 pilgrimage to the Nile Valley which was undertaken by Association for the Study of Classical African Civilizations (ASCAC) cofounded by Dr. Ben. Dr. Ben’s friend, Emmy Awards broadcaster Gil Noble recorded that pilgrimage for his television show “Like It Is,” and the video for that show has been seen by hundreds of thousands for whom it has become a virtual study tour of the Nile Valley.
As an authentic public intellectual and committed community activist, Dr. Ben skillfully integrated scholarship with service by bringing colleges to the community and the community to colleges. By coalescing scholarship and service, Dr. Ben warmly embraced academia and activism as he cheerfully steered both colleges and community to the Nile Valley where the God Hapi dwells. Dr. Ben, therefore, modeled institutional academic study and research with community activism until his transition on Thursday, March 18, 2015.
As an engaged scholar and involved activist, Dr. Ben, like his mentors Marcus Garvey and Malcolm X, lectured gratuitously to the masses of African  people on the street corners of the United States and globally. Dr. Ben also secured teaching positions at Malcolm-King Harlem College, Marymount College, Pace University, Borough of Manhattan Community College, State University of New York at New Paltz, Temple University, Howard University, Cornell University and Al-Azhar University in Cairo.
In addition to his academic responsibilities, Dr. Ben lectured to clusters of Africans in forums as wide-ranging as corporate America, such as Bell Laboratories to the Shrine of the Black Madonna while influencing Pan-African culture-keepers Fela Kuti and Randy Weston. Whether at colleges or in the community, Dr. Ben became known for his no-holds-barred intellectualism and activism while generously embracing Black people wherever he found them. Dr. Ben also disseminated his knowledge through forums as diverse as the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and the Harlem Academy in New York City. Dr. Ben’s 1969 text, Africa, The Land, the People, the Culture marked his preeminent work on behalf of UNESCO.
As the first widely known African scholar to analyze the Abrahamic faith based traditions (Judaism, Christianity and Islam) and their origins, Dr. Ben judiciously debated scholars of all three religions and successfully traced the origins of western religions to the Nile Valley by way of primary sources. Dr. Ben’s scholarly publications, such as The African Origins of the Major Western Religions (1970), A Chronology of the Bible: A Challenge to the Standard Version (1973) and the trilogy: Our Black Seminarians and Black Clergy Without a Black Theology (1978), The Myth of Genesis and Exodus and the Exclusion of Their African Origins (1996), and The Need for a Black Bible (1996) serve to inform, inspire, and provoke generations of scholars.
The influence and presence of Dr. Ben are still felt with the likes of Dr. Leonard Jeffries, Dr. James Turner, Dr. Charles Finch, Dr. Wade Nobles, Dr. Maulana Karenga, Dr. Molefi Asante, award winning journalist Herb Boyd, Tony Browder, Ashra Kwesi, Runoko Rashidi, and Professor James Small.  Dr. Ben also had a special influence on our female scholars, public intellectuals, and activists such as Dr. Rosalind Jeffries, Dr. Patricia Newton, Dr. Vera Nobles, Dr. Iva Carruthers, Dr. Marimba Ani, Dr. Adelaide Sanford, Dr. Joy DeGruy, Dr. Jewel Pookrum, Rkhty Amen, LaTrella Thornton, and Dr. Frances Cress Welsing.  Furthermore, Dr. Ben has inspired a new generation of scholars, public intellectuals, and activists such as Bro. Reggie Mabry, Dr. Greg Carr, Dr. Mario Beatty, Nayaba Arinde, Manbo Asogwe Dòwòti Désir, and Professor Patrick Delices among countless others.  Additionally, a special acknowledgment is extended to Dr. Georgina Falu who was also inspired by Dr. Ben and took it upon herself to translate three of Dr. Ben’s major books into Spanish while lecturing throughout Latin America on the contents of Dr. Ben’s works.
Dr. Ben is therefore recognized as the last of the great Black history scholars, public intellectuals, and activists which include the late Dr. John Henrik Clarke, Dr. Edward Scobie, Dr. Ivan Van Sertima, Dr. Charshee McIntyre, Dr. Jacob Carruthers, Dr. Richard King, Dr. Asa Hilliard, Dr. Amos Wilson, Steve Cokely, and Dr. Khalid Muhammad.
Dr. Ben’s service to the community is seen by his collaboration and partnership with Minister Louis Farrakhan, Reverend Al Sharpton, and Attorney Alton Maddox. Dr. Ben also worked closely with local community leaders and elders including Sybil Williams Clarke and Drs. Mary and Arthur Lewis in addition to the masses of African people at home and abroad.
Dr. Ben founded, cofounded, and inspired several organizations and institutions including the Africana Studies Department at the City College of New York, the African Nationalist in America [ANIA], the First World Alliance, ASCAC, the Blue Nile, the Board for the Education of People of African Ancestry, and countless others. In one of his most impactful efforts to build and sustain public spaces for African people to learn, debate and share widely the knowledge of our history and culture, Dr. Ben partnered with Bill Jones, Sister Khefa Nephtys and other Pan-African scholars and activists in New York City to initiate the First World Alliance in Harlem.  The First World Alliance became one of the country’s oldest and most influential lecture forums devoted to the study of classical Africans civilizations along with the global African presence. First World’s platform hosted hundreds of scholars from the global African community - always beginning its annual lecture series with Drs. Ben and Clarke, as well as their colleagues, Dr. Leonard Jeffries, Dr. Edward Scobie, and Professor James Small.
Dr. Ben also held various pertinent executive positions at several premier organizations, schools, educational / non-profit boards, and cultural institutions. Dr. Ben's special passion was to create a Brotherhood, "The CRAFT" which would reflect the ancient sacred traditions and teachings of the Nile Valley.
In creating his own publishing company, Alkebu-lan Book Associates with his colleague George Simmonds, Dr. Ben joined Dr. Carter G. Woodson, Joel Augustus Rogers and later, Paul Coates and Haki Madhubuti in establishing independent publishing platforms for African thinkers and public intellectuals to advance their ideas and produce knowledge. His company’s distinct texts along with their colorful cardstock covers and unmistakable combination of typeset, maps, reproduced images, ephemera, and intermittent handwritten interjections created a new style of writing that was uniquely Dr. Ben’s.
As a pioneer in the field of Africana (Black) Studies and Egyptology, Dr. Ben, like his colleague and dear friend John Henrik Clarke, produced numerous curricula, lesson plans and countless professional development seminars for educators and activists to enhance the teaching of African history and culture at colleges and in the community. Dr. Ben’s publications on curriculum range from the Cultural Genocide in the Black and African Studies Curriculum (1975) to a study guide he coauthored with Dr. Clarke, which was published for the 1972 Congress of African People in African Congress: A Documentary of the First Modern Pan-African Congress. Moreover, in 1986, his lectures in London with Dr. Clarke, New Dimensions in African History: From the Nile Valley to the New World (1991) now serves as the most influential text and study guide for the teaching of global African history.
Dr. Ben’s lectures are thought-provoking and powerful, especially when examining the relationship between Black women and men – often using what appeared to be an intentionally provocative statement to simply enter a discussion of the centrality of the Black women to African life, cosmology, culture, and societies.
Ultimately, Dr. Ben’s life cannot be fully summarized in this literary tribute to him. However, Dr. Ben’s greatness can be summarized as the “Gift” that keeps on “Giving” for future African generations. In a way, Dr. Ben wrote his own epitaph in his books, manuscripts, lectures, and thousands of hours spent teaching us. Therefore, from this time forth to eternity, Dr. Ben is still teaching us, not at the colleges or in the community, but over the ancestral arc, that we came from the beginning of the Nile at the foothills of the mountains of the moon where the God Hapi dwells with our beloved Dr. Ben.
This tribute statement to Dr. Ben’s life and legacy is a written and research collaboration among  Dr. Leonard Jeffries, Professor James Small, Dr. Georgina Falu, Dr. Greg Carr, Dr. Mario Beatty, ASCAC’s Board of Directors, Bro. Reggie Mabry, and Professor Patrick Delices.
Professor Patrick Delices is a political analyst/commentator for the Black Star News and the author of “The Digital Economy,” Journal of International Affairs. For nearly a decade, Prof. Delices has taught Africana Studies at Hunter College. He also served as a research fellow for the late Pulitzer Prize recipient, Dr. Manning Marable at Columbia University. Prof. Delices can be contacted at [email protected]
Via Black Star News
Also see:
- African American Registry
- Dr. Ben -- Black Jewish Historian 
- The Nile Valley Civilization and the Spread of African Culture - PDF
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stiri-noi · 4 years
Donald Trump a dat-o afară pe Nadia Comăneci: „Te iubesc, dar ești concediată!” Ce replică i-a dat campioana României
În 2008, Nadia Comăneci a fost invitată la emisiunea Ucenicul, pe care Donald Trump o realiza la postul NBC. Miliardarul a dat-o afară pe Nadia, dar i-a mărturisit înainte că asta nu are legătură cu sentimentele ei pentru ea. „Te iubesc, dar ești concediată!” – i-a spus Trump, atunci, Nadiei Comăneci.
Donald Trump, președintele în exercițiu al Statelor Unite, a fost un admirator al Nadiei Comăneci, pe care a invitat-o, în 2008, la ediția cu celebrități a reality-show-ului „Ucenicul”, de la NBC – The Celebrity Apprentice.
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Nadia Comăneci a fost însă eliminată în al doilea episod. Într-un ultim mesaj, Trump i-a spus în timpul emisiunii: „Nadia, sunt un mare fan, te-am văzut învingătoare la Olimpiadă, te-am urmărit câștigând atâtea concursuri. Ești extraordinară. O competitoare la cel mai înalt nivel. Un lider în sport. Dar nu poți fi manager de proiect aici, nu poți conduce echipa mea. Te iubesc, dar ești concediată”.
Atunci, la sfârșitul show-ului, Nadia a declarat pentru NBC: „Nu cred că meritam să fiu dată afară, puteam fi importantă pentru echipă. Sunt dezamăgită, însă știu că toate premiile vor fi donate în scop caritabil”.
Nadia Comăneci a participat atunci la emisiune alături de vedete precum Trace Adkins, Stephen Baldwin, Gene Simmons Marilu Henner, Lennox Lewis, Omarosa, Vincent Pastore, Tiffany Fallon, Jennie Finch, Nely Galan, Piers Morgan şi Tito Ortiz.
Câştigătorul a fost jurnalistul Piers Morgan, carea primit titlul de „Ucenic celebru” şi a avut onoarea de a dona un cec în valoare de 250.000 de dolari unei organizaţii caritabile.
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Nadia Comăneci
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Nadia Comăneci copil
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Nadia Comăneci copil
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U.S. President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump greet children dressed up in costumes during a Halloween event on the South Lawn of the White House in Washington, D.C., U.S.,. Trump’s chief of staff today defended the White House response to the coronavirus after infections of at least three staff or advisers to Vice President Mike Pence, but said the U.S. is „not going to control” the pandemic. Donald Trump hosts a Halloween event at the White House, Washington, District of Columbia, USA – 25 Oct 2020,Image: 565524045, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no
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U.S. President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump greet children dressed up in costumes during a Halloween event on the South Lawn of the White House in Washington, D.C., U.S., on Sunday, Oct. 25, 2020. Trump’s chief of staff today defended the White House response to the coronavirus after infections of at least three staff or advisers to Vice President Mike Pence, but said the U.S. is „not going to control” the pandemic. Photo by Yuri Gripas/Pool/ABACAPRESS.COM
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Ce spunea Nadia Comăneci despre Donald Trump în 2016
La precedentele alegeri prezidențiale din Statele Unite, când a câștigat Donald Trump, Nadia Comăneci a spus despre Donald Trump că este „un om OK”.
„Mi se pare ok, dar e mai bine să nu comentez nimic acum, după alegeri. Să aşteptăm să vedem ce se întâmplă.”, spunea Nadia Comăneci atunci, înainte ca Trump să fie desemnat câștigător al confruntării cu Hillary Clinton.
Cum a ajuns Donald Trump miliardar
Născut în cartierul Jamaica din Queens (New York), Donald J. Trump a copilărit alături de mulți emigranți din vestul Europei. Tatăl său, Frederick Trump, a fost un dezvoltator imobiliar de succes, câștigând foarte mult din blocurile construite în Queens, Staten Island și Brooklyn pentru clasa de mijloc.
Mama sa, Mary MacLeod, a migrat din Tong, Scoția, în 1929 la vârsta de 17 ani. Averea lor a explodat în anii 1950, odată cu boom-ul imobiliar de după război. În 1999, tatăl său moare. Și la un an distanță, se stinge și mama sa. Așa că, Donald Trump rămâne să gestioneze o avere impresionantă pentru vremea respectivă.
Al patrulea copil, într-o familie cu cinci urmași, Donald Trump a avut o relație apropiată cu fratele său mai mic, Robert Trump, care a murit în august 2020.
Donald Trump a vrut să-i calce pe urme lui Ronald Reagan, așa că s-a inspirat din sloganul pe care acesta l-a folosit cu succes în 1980 – „Let’s Make America Great Again”, potrivit life.ro. A intrat în politică în 2015 și, deși nu îi dădea nimeni nicio șansă, a primit votul republicanilor pentru a intra în cursa prezidențială pe care a câștigat-o având cu peste 3 milioane de voturi mai puține decât Hillary Clinton.
Forbes estimează că venitul său net este undeva la 2 miliarde. Trump, însă, spune că este la peste 10 miliarde.
Citește și:
Culisele unei povești de dragoste controversate! Ion Dolănescu și Nadia Comăneci ar fi fost la un pas de căsătorie: „S-au întâlnit prima dată la un restaurant din Capitală”
Ce pensie primește Nadia Comăneci, cea mai bună gimnastă a tuturor timpurilor, de la statul român. Există o altă sportivă care încasează mai mulți bani
Cu ce tratament s-a vindecat Donald Trump de COVID-19. I-a fost administrat un medicament experimental
0 notes
papermoonloveslucy · 6 years
1954  Part One ~ JANUARY to JUNE
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Season three of “I Love Lucy” concludes with another Emmy win for the series and for Vivian Vance.  February would see the premiere of the film “The Long, Long Trailer.” 
"The Million-Dollar Idea" (ILL S3;E13) ~ January 11, 1954
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Lucy takes a page from Jackie Gleason with this get-rich-quick scheme selling salad dressing on television!  Frank Nelson is back as yet another TV host, Dickie Davis.  Filmed November 26, 1953. 
"Ricky Minds the Baby" (ILL S3;E14) ~ January 18, 1954
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Ricky takes a page from “Father Knows Best” when telling a bedtime story to his son. To assure that the potential crying of the Mayer Twins (Little Ricky) didn’t hold up the filming, this is one of the few episodes not filmed in front of a live audience. Filmed December 3, 1953.  
"The Charm School" (ILL S3;E15) ~ January 25, 1954
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Best remembered for Natalie Schafer (”Gilligan’s Island”) as Charm School proprietress Phoebe Emerson. The week before this episode first aired, Schafer made an appearance on CBS TV’s "Topper” as a character named (coincidentally) Mrs. Vance. Filmed December 10, 1953. 
"Sentimental Anniversary" (ILL S3;E16) ~ February 4, 1954
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This episode was filmed on December 17, 1953, just two weeks after Desi surprised Lucy with a 13th wedding anniversary party at the Mocambo. Includes real snapshots of Lucy and Desi that were taken from Lucille’s dressing room!  Despite the color photo above, the episode was shot and aired in black and white and has not (to date) been colorized. 
"Fan Magazine Interview" (ILL S3;E17) ~ February 8, 1954
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This episode marks the first appearance of Kathryn Card as Minnie Finch, although she would be best remembered for playing Lucy’s mother, Mrs. McGillicuddy.  Best remembered for a joke about the controversial Kinsey Sex Study.  The first episode filmed after the holiday break, on January 7, 1954. 
“Sixth Annual Primetime Emmy Awards” ~ February 11, 1954
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Only broadcast on local television station KHA (aka KCLA-TV). The series won for Best Situation Comedy, as did Vivian Vance for playing Ethel Mertz. Lucille was nominated but lost to Eve Arden in “Our Miss Brooks” (ironically filmed at Desilu Studios).  William Frawley lost to Art Carney as Ed Norton on “The Honeymooners.”  
“Toast of the Town: The MGM Story" ~ February 14, 1954
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Lucy and Desi appeared on Ed Sullivan’s show to mark the 30th Anniversary of Metro Goldwyn Mayer (MGM). Three days later, their MGM color film The Long, Long Trailer premiered.   
"Oil Wells" (ILL S3;E18) ~ February 15, 1954
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It was a bit of a stretch for the Ricardos and Mertzes to strike oil in midtown Manhattan, but that didn’t stop the writers!  Featuring Sandra Gould, who is probably best remembered as the second Gladys Kravitz on “Bewitched” (1966-1971). Filmed January 14, 1954. 
“What’s My Line? (S2;E25) ~ February 21, 1954
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As Mystery Guest, Lucille Ball uses the same voice she created when she played a Martian at the top of the Empire State Building in “Lucy is Envious” (ILL S3;E23). Host John Daly tells the panel that Lucy is speaking Martian. That  episode was filmed on February 16, 1954 just five days before this quiz show. 
"Ricky Loses His Temper" (ILL S3;E19) ~ February 22, 1954
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Includes an appearance by Madge Blake (Aunt Harriet on “Batman”) as Mrs. Mulford, who owns the hat shop Lucy patronizes. Famed Western ventriloquist Max Terhune makes a brief appearance with his dummy, Elmer Sneezeweed!  Filmed January 21, 1954. 
"Home Movies" (ILL S3;E20) ~ March 1, 1954
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Home movie technology was new in the 1950s, but that doesn’t stop Ricky. Due to logistics, this episode was filmed (January 28, 1954) without a studio audience. Once the gag reel of Ricky’s audition had been created, the entire episode was shown to an audience and their laughter recorded for the final broadcast.  Includes the songs “Vaya Con Dios” and I’m An Old Cowhand (On the Rio Grande)”. 
"Bonus Bucks" (ILL S3;E21) ~ March 8, 1954
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The episode was inspired by the popular newspaper contests of matching serial numbers on a bill which were called ‘Lucky Bucks’ but due to the show’s sponsorship with Philip-Morris cigarettes, the word ‘Lucky’ [as in Strike] was to be avoided.  Once again Lucy tries to outpace a speedy conveyor belt, this time one that leads to a laundry starch vat!  Filmed February 4, 1954. 
"Ricky's Hawaiian Vacation" (ILL S3;E22) ~ March 22, 1954
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Hawaii was a favorite get-away for the Arnaz family, but the Ricardos never leave their living room.  Includes Frank Nelson reprising his role as quiz master Freddie Fillmore hosting a TV show called “Be A Good Neighbor.”  Lots of physical comedy by Lucy adds to the fun!  Filmed February 11, 1954, the same day that the show won its second Emmy.  
"Lucy Is Envious" (ILL S3;E23) ~ March 29, 1954
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“It’s a moo-moo!” Inspired by Orson Welles’ “War of the Worlds” radio broadcast, Lucy and Ethel take a promotional gig as women from Mars atop the Empire State Building!  Mary Jane Croft makes her first appearance as Cynthia Harcourt, the socialite Lucy is envious of, and Herb Vigran plays the publicity agent who hires the girls. Filmed February 16, 1954. 
"Lucy Writes a Novel" (ILL S3;E24) ~ April 5, 1954
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Having already tackled a play (”A Tree Grows in Havana” / “The Perils of Pamela”) and an operetta (”The Pleasant Peasant”), Lucy tackles a novel, a roman a clef she titles “Real Gone With the Wind.”  Filmed March 4, 1954. 
"Lucy's Club Dance" (ILL S3;E25) ~ April 12, 1954
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This episode was rerun in season five with a new opening that set the rerun up as a flashback. Lucy is back on the sax and TV Guide gets some publicity as a thank you for putting Desi Jr. and Lucy on their first national edition’s cover. Filmed March 11, 1954. 
"The Black Wig" (ILL S3;E26) ~ April 19, 1954
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Inspired by the Italian film stars of the time, Lucy wants her hair short and dark.  While Ricky disapproves, he (amazingly) fails to recognize her setting off an elaborate charade to test his fidelity; one that ends up with Ethel dressed up “like a trip around the world.”  Filmed on March 24, 1954, in black and white, despite the colorized photo above. 
"The Diner" (ILL S3;E27) ~ April 26, 1954
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This episode and the “The Black Wig” (ILL S3;E26) had their filming and broadcast order switched so that Bill’s Diner ended up becoming the set for Tony’s Restaurant where black wig Lucy and Geisha/American Indian/Eskimo Ethel meet Ricky and Fred for their fake blind date. The episode ends in true vaudevillian comic style with everyone getting a cream pie in the face.
"Tennessee Ernie Visits" (ILL S3;E28) ~ May 3, 1954
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The first of two linked episodes guest-starring country music personality Tennessee Ernie Ford.  Not only would he return during season 4, he would guest-star on “The Lucy Show” and “Here’s Lucy.”  This is the first mention of Mrs. McGillicuddy, Lucy’s scatter-brained mother.  Filmed April 1, 1954. 
"Tennessee Ernie Hangs On" (ILL S3;E29) ~ May 10, 1954
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Lucy tries everything to get rid of her country-fried house guest.  The finale finds Ernie and the gang on television singing “Y’All Come!”  Filmed April 8, 1954. 
"The Golf Game" (ILL S3;E30) ~ May 17, 1954
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Lucille Ball was a golf widow on camera and off. Desi Arnaz even built a home on a golf course. Even her second husband Gary Morton was addicted to the game.  This episode features real-life golf pro Jimmy Demaret.  He returned for another golf-themed episode on “The Lucy Show.”  Filmed April 15, 1954.
"The Sublease" (ILL S3;E31) ~ May 24, 1954
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So that the Ricky can take a booking in California, the Ricardos sublet their apartment to Mr. Beecher (Jay Novello) who jumps at his own shadow. When the booking falls through, Lucy goes to extremes to get Mr. Beecher out!  Filmed April 22, 1954.
ALSO IN 1954...
“THE MILTON BERLE SHOW” (S6;E23) ~ May 4, 1954
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Berle's guests include Vivian Vance and William Frawley from “I Love Lucy” (1951) and singer/actress Janet Blair. Miltie rents a new rehearsal hall from landlords Fred and Ethel Mertz.  Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz do not appear. 
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atlanticcanada · 5 years
Estranged family gets closure after Canadian veteran's car sat idle in hospital parking lot since 2015
TORONTO — An inquisitive security guard has helped solve a half-century old mystery of a long-lost family member after a Canadian veteran drove himself to a Toronto hospital in 2015 and died at the facility, a place where his vehicle still remains today.
For over 50 years, the Goyetche family had been searching for their estranged brother, not knowing if he was still alive. Thanks to a security guard's personal mission, the decades-old mystery was solved just days away from Remembrance Day.
In 2015, a veteran drove to a hospital where he parked his car before rushing himself into an emergency room, according to a facility security guard. The medical issue was so urgent, the vehicle’s owner left the keys in the ignition and the car idling. The car idled for about two days before running out of fuel.
"I was out here one day doing my rounds, while I was still on nights and I noticed this," security guard Francesco Barbera said following a shift at the hospital in August. "I didn't take any note of it until I saw the tags were expired."
The curious security guard asked his supervisor as to why a vehicle with expired Ontario veteran licence plates had been sitting in the parking lot at Humber River Finch Hospital.
"He drove in here, he rushed into emerg and the car idled for a couple of days and ran out of gas," Barbera recalled of the conversation. "And it hasn't moved since."
The guard said it was assumed the family would eventually claim the car once the veteran's estate was finalized. But no one claimed it.
As time went by and the seasons changed, the small time capsule of a Canadian veteran's life remained in the parking lot. Inside the blue 2001 Kia sits a case of bottled water, two walking canes, a blanket, a file folder and what appears to be a green bomber jacket.
Arthur W. Goyetche's car pictured in a parking lot at a Toronto hospital in September 2019. (Adam Frisk/CTV News)
Satellite and Google Street View images show the car sitting in the parking lot year after year since the summer of 2015. That year, in October, the hospital closed and the emergency room was gutted and relocated to the Humber River Hospital's new complex on Wilson Avenue. The Finch site shut down for nearly two years. The blue Kia remained on site.
Perplexed as to why family hadn't claimed the vehicle, the security guard said the hospital allowed him to try to find relatives when he was off shift, on his own time and not under the authority of the hospital. Barbera said one of the main reasons he began to look for the family was to reunite the contents of the vehicle, specifically the military-style jacket, to the veteran's family.
The guard said he thought he had a lead on a possible family member but it didn't pan out.
"I tried on my own time at home but I was kind of just going in circles," Barbera said of his months-long search.
According to public records, the vehicle was registered to Arthur W. Goyetche of Weston, Ont. Not exactly a John Smith, but more of a common name than one might think. No home address was listed on the used vehicle information package.
CTV News contacted Alberta resident Darryl Goyetche, who has been tracking the family lineage and hosts an online genealogy site, dedicated to the Goyetches.
Wanting to "help solve a mystery," Darryl made a few calls and put out a request for information through his social media channels.
"I’ve heard from two family members… who told me about their estranged brother," Darryl said in an August email to CTV News. "Lynda in [southern Ontario] tells me her husband Gerald has a brother, Arthur who they have been trying to locate for many years but unsuccessfully. Their Arthur was in the Air Force in his younger years and was known to live in Belleville with his wife Betty, and one son Bruce. He had a bad heart condition."
Darryl went on to explain their Arthur chose not to speak to the family for unknown reasons "much to the sadness of his mother Mary and father Wilfred who have since passed away."
Darryl went on to add the second brother had also been searching for an Arthur.
"From Halifax, I heard from Paul whose dad Clarence (Gerald’s brother) has an estranged brother named Arthur," Darryl said. "He says they have been looking for him for years."
Gerald and Lynda Goyetche said they last saw their Arthur in 1968, when he came home for their wedding, some 51 years ago.
"Gerald and I have tried to find him and the only thing we knew of Arthur is that he lived in Belleville at one time," Lynda said in a September phone interview from their home in southern Ontario. "He came home for our wedding. Gerald and I got married in 1968 and Arthur came home for the wedding but I think that was the last time we saw him, or the family saw him.”
"We have our doubts whether he's still alive or not," Gerald said.
Gerald explained that years ago he tried calling the operator to see if they would put him in contact with Arthur.
Arthur W. Goyetche pictured in 1968 and the veteran's car pictured at a Toronto hospital in September 2019. (Photo illustration by Fusun Uzun/CTV News)
"The operator said 'He doesn't take calls,’" Gerald said. "And I said, 'Well, I'm his brother,' and they still wouldn't give him to me. Arthur and I got along good, I don't know what the problem was."
The Goyetches explained their brother owed his parents some money and suspect that was part of the reason why Arthur stopped communicating with the family.
"All these years we have been kind of stumped about how to find him," Lynda said.
With no online obituaries for an Arthur W. Goyetche or his wife Betty, it was quite possible their Arthur may not be the same person who died at the Toronto hospital.
"Over the years we've had highlights, moments of trying to figure out something," Lynda explained.
Problem was, the Goyetche family didn't really keep track of important dates, like birthdays or other special occasions.
"With Arthur moving away such a long time ago and isolating himself… we know very little," Lynda said.
Back the hospital, the blue Kia had what appeared to be a parking permit for a Toronto property management company. The company manages several properties across the city including apartment complexes in the Weston, Ont. area.
CTV News contacted the company which confirmed that Arthur W. Goyetche, along with his wife Betty, were tenants at one of their properties from 1998 to 2015. Arthur died on May 29, 2015, at the age of 84. His wife, Betty, died 11 days later on June 9, the property manager said. The apartment complex's landlord also confirmed that the Goyetches had died, noting their son, Bruce, handled his parents' personal items from their apartment.
A hospital source would go on to confirm that Arthur and Betty died at the facility.
Calling it a bit of an "oddity," a hospital spokesperson explained the facility allowed the car to sit in the parking lot for "compassionate" reasons, with the hope the family would at some point claim the vehicle.
"If we take it off the property… and put it in a garage somewhere or a pound somewhere, we don't want the family to come back and have to pay a large bill, so we kept it there for more of compassionate reasons than anything," said Joe Gorman, director of communications for Humber River Hospital. "We are always looking out for our patients, their families."
The spokesperson noted that because the Finch hospital shut down for two years, and that there was security on the site during construction, there was space for the vehicle and wasn't in the way. The hospital reopened in 2017 as a transition facility.
Security guard Francesco Barbera poses next to Arthur W. Goyetche's car, November 5, 2019. (Adam Frisk/CTV News)
Oddly enough, the security guard said that even after all this time, the cost of parking would still only be $5 total.
The Goyetches said they were "comforted" by the confirmation of the death of their long-lost Arthur, noting that they were also sad to learn the news about his wife. The family thanked the security guard for his curiosity that led to the closure they needed.
"How grateful we are because if it wasn't for him, showing any interest, if it weren't for him being interested enough to try and find a family, we would have known nothing," The Goyetches said late last week. "We are just very grateful to him."
The security guard said he was happy to have helped solve the mystery.
"It's nice to know that there was an outcome to it," Barbera said. "The family gets closure; I know I would want closure anyway. I wasn't looking to get anything out of this and I'm glad we were able to get somewhere.
"I am happy for them, they get some closure and they get to know what happened to their loved one. Especially from the sound of it, they didn't know much of him," he added.
As for Arthur, not much is known of him and how he spent his life. The Goyetches said the brother was stationed in P.E.I. and worked as a flight technician with the Royal Canadian Air Force.
If you had come to know Arthur, his wife Betty or son Bruce, the family would like to learn more. Contact [email protected].
from CTV News - Atlantic https://ift.tt/2NuRIjR
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sunnydaleherald · 5 years
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Sunday, June 9
Angel: "You know, Anthony you could be a rainbow and not a (hits him over the head and drops him) painbow. (Kate stares at him) I mean, it really is all up to you."
~~Sense and Sensitivity~~
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WHAT: Makeup by Mary Wiles using Lancome WHERE: Pre-BAFTA Party hosted by Charles Finch & Chanel WHEN: 11th February, 2017
*Huge thanks to Mary for replying to us on Instagram and for posting this info!
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