#hot springs interlude
nerdieforpedro · 2 months
WIP Wednesday and Thursday
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I made a graphic for them I do these so often. 😆
This one will be a bit different from other WIP Wednesday. I’m going to give a brief overview of each one of my WIPs. (There are a lot, not all of them are on Tumblr, I’ll mention which ones are.)
I was tagged by @secretelephanttattoo @trulybetty @fhatbhabie ❤️ and @rhoorl I think. I feel like I mostly got it right. 😂
“This is the Neighborhood Din” My modern Din Djarin AU with a human Grogu (affectionately called Little G). Three chapters are up so far and four is almost done. I’m having a lot of fun writing it (outside of chapter two - Domestic Violence warning on that one.) I’m introducing different Star Wars characters each chapter and their interconnected relationships while keeping with my silly brand of humor. Know that Johnnie Mae is the MVP.
“Weddings 101 with Dieter” A series near and dear to me as with this series I really doubled down on writing Dieter Bravo overall as well as my delusional belief that I am somehow a comedy writer. Maya and Dieter are a hot mess, I love Daisy, Dieter’s trusty goat and that this series is the crazy ridiculous rom-com I wanna see. ❤️ Also I made Oscar Isaac have imaginary beef with Dieter and am having way too much fun writing it. @angelofsmalldeath-codeine loves this series and I love her for loving it. 🥰
“The Lake Between Us” My sleepy, dreamy series with Ezra. He has an airboat, he has a house across of the OFC’s on a lake. He cooks gumbo in a tank top. This series was inspired by Ezra cooking (I dunno why) and turned into an eight part series on two people growing closer. There’s two interludes (I’m scrapping the third one - thanks to @mysterious-moonstruck-musings for beta reading filth. This is the one time it doesn’t fit lol)
“Only Pieces of You Mr. Morales” My angsty sensual (also has a lot of sex because it’s Frankie) short series I created on a whim last week. I finally was able to write for Frankie this year outside of prompts. 👀 I describe different parts of Frankie’s body each Friday. I put out (pfft) two drabbles on Fridays. It’s a friends to friends to benefits to them figuring it all out. Maybe because I put Frankie through the wringer to much is why when I put Frankie drabbles in @i-own-loki ‘s box, she thinks I’m harming the man. 😭 I love Frankie I swear!
“Our Journey Across the Star Ocean” My fluffy Din series where you and Din (especially) are super awkward, very sweet and idiots. Three tropes I love. I have two parts and I’m working on a third. I’m not sure how long this one will be. On the shorter side for sure. Fluff for @grogusmum and @604to647
“Come away with me Angel” This is my Benny series I finally tossed out into the world. There’s only one part but I am working on part two. Friends to lovers and one house I guess as far as tropes go. I see to have a thing with cooking because so far in chapter two Benny is cooking shirtless. @rhoorl and @musings-of-a-rose we’ll need to discuss this.
“Post Apocalyptic Fluff and Stuff” This is @maggiemayhemnj ‘s brain child. She told me I made up a genre of post apocalyptic fluff so we’re going to have more. The stuff refers to darker topics because it is an apocalypse, but 80% fluff. I’ll have emoji indicators.
Unposted Planned Series:
“A Safe Place for Us” is what happens when I think on an obsessive baby daddy Dieter I wrote for a spring prompt because what else goes with a brick house am I right?! No? Well, it’s what we’re getting. Eventually. After Weddings 101. They’re not connected, different OFC and I have all sorts of silly titles.
“Therapy for the Well Adjusted” If there’s someone who is going to be put through the wringer, it’s Marcus Pike. He has an incident at work where he needs to take some time off. Because he’s Pike, he seeks out a therapist. After a miss or two, he vibes with Dr. Mint. The OFC has a longer road to therapy met with therapists whose vibes are way off and also no one needs to touch your Cakatoo. Ever. Not a euphemism an actual bird. Eventually, the OFC finds Dr. Julip. Both doctors share a practice. Nerdie style hijinks ensue. Inspired by a Marcus mini-series I made in my Spring Prompts and my own experiences with therapy.
“So Fairy not Jedi?” Din and Grogu meet a fairy warrior. Possibly might be a soulmate AU too? Din’s having all the AUs Working title just vibes. Expect it to be weird, wild and hopefully wonderful.
“It’s not all bad right cariño?” Javier Peña, the elusive, owner of aviators and the amplifier behind them. I had thoughts about him being in an AU in Loredo post Narcos as a sheriff and his interactions with a lawyer from the DA’s office Thalia. Since I haven’t given Javier much other than major angst, pickles, guava and a lot of fingers (the former DEA agent knows what I mean), I can give him a little bit of silly and something sweet. Also just vibes, but I have bullet points. Dancing and yellow jasmine.
“Ezra as a sex worker” Bullet points. Sometimes you just have him hold you, sometimes he talks the entire time but it’s fine because he sounds like sipping warm bourbon while sitting on an over stuffed chair with your feet propped up and it’s massaging all your limbs. Ezra does wonder why you don’t actually come here for sex but he’s getting paid for his time so he can keep that to himself. Until he’s in one of his rambles and asks. A cascade of events occur and he’s living in your house later. Still cooking because I always want Ezra to cook. Pfft.
Feel free to send me an ask or drop a comment about any of these. I think about them all way too much. 🤣🤣
As I was asked by @for-a-longlongtime earlier this week when talking her ear off about something, “How many words do you even write per week?!” 🙃🙃 I have no idea. It’s a lot. Maybe 2-3k but given what I post per week that feels low. It’s a compulsion at this point.
We’re at the end, thanks for reading this far! 💜💜💜
NPT: @undercoverpena-fics @megamindsecretlair @saturn-rings-writes @soft-persephone @soft-girl-musings @schnarfer @wannab-urs @connectioneverywhere @inept-the-magnificent @covetyou @gemmahale @goodwithcheese @lady-bess @morallyinept @trulybetty @alltheglitterandtheroar @alltheotps @slippinninque @magpiepills @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin @laurfilijames @yorksgirl @julesonrecord @djarinmuse @paulmescal-s @tinytinymenace @pedroshotwifey
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enterpris · 4 months
An Education in Attraction, Chapter 11
Pairing: Reader x Gojo
Summary: It's spring when you start your Master's degree. As the flowers and leaves unfold, so too do your feeling for Gojo
Warnings: mild angst, mild depressed reader
Previous Chapters: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Ao3: PlaidSparrow
The end of the term arrives, marked only when you turn in your copy of the paper online. You don’t bother to run the edits you made by Gojo, but you’re proud of the final result. Once you’ve submitted the final paper for your Learning Theories class, the term quietly slips away.  
Summer break begins without any of the normal fanfare or excitement. Although you’re glad to have the break from daily classes, the time that’s been spent in years past relaxing and soaking up the sun will be taken up with preparation for the presentation. 
You give yourself a day to unwind and rest, and treat yourself to lunch at your favorite restaurant off campus after the emotional highs and lows of the last couple weeks. It is important to take care of yourself, after all. 
The next day, you create a document to plan the speech. You hope that he might be more active in planning after he’s solidified details for his conference, but after you share the document with Gojo, it seems your relationship with him has all but vanished, dissipated like the afternoon rain evaporating in the summer heat. 
While July usually brings some showers in Tokyo, the first week of your break it feels like the precipitation never stops. 
The soupy hot weather makes you less inclined to spend time outside during the interlude between classes. You do love to visit different parts of the country and take advantage of the wonderful opportunities Tokyo itself has to offer, but you don’t feel quite as motivated to go out and celebrate this year. The gray weather reflects your own mood. 
It doesn’t help matters that your timetable is abruptly blank. Meetings with Gojo and individual research had eaten up a significant amount of time the last few weeks, but you no longer have to fit those in. It would be nice to have more free time with your friends, but Kuzume left for her home after classes ended and you don’t want to monopolize all of Saito’s time. 
You throw yourself into the two remaining distractions you have- completing the outline for your presentation and teaching. 
There’s a considerable amount of pressure to write and give an excellent presentation- your partner is apparently well known in academia, and you’ll be on stage with him. You’d like to hold your head high and deliver your section with just as much confidence and poise as Gojo.  
Sometimes as you filter through the finished paper and write your speech outline, you see his cursor flicker as he makes his own edits in real time. You can nearly picture him flicking the pen over his fingers, scribbling on scrap paper before typing the final version. His outline isn’t half as organized as yours, but you can see the bones come together as he fills in the blanks. You wonder how his conference went, if it gets easier speaking to academic crowds. If you were on better terms maybe you’d ask for some pointers. 
There's a heaviness in your heart when you think about Gojo or see his name on your screen. It feels strange not to see him or talk at all after so much time spent together, and you’re certain some of his light hearted teasing would ease your nerves. 
In an effort to think of topics besides Gojo you let your mind wander between bouts of lesson planning and speech writing.
You’ve grown to love almost every part of living in Japan. You’ve adjusted to the culture, found work and friends, and the reason you even started this Master’s degree is to ensure you can build a future here.  
But even in the world’s most populated city, it’s easy to feel lonely. You miss Kuzume’s bright storytelling and Saito’s easy laughter as you walk to class. The loss of Gojo’s conversations and academically rigorous conversations stings. 
Without your circle of support in Tokyo easily accessible, the absence of your friends and family back home wells and crashes over you in a way you haven’t felt for years. You move through each day mechanically, and it’s easy to wonder if you’ve made the right decision in moving abroad. 
On the dry days sprinkled between the storms, you find yourself mostly content to stay on the university grounds. 
The campus is quiet, the normally bustling library and cafeteria are nearly empty over break, and it’s kind of nice to walk solo through the winding paths. In an effort to spend more time outside your dorm, you take up residence in the library for a couple days, letting the peace of the books and soft conversations of the librarians provide white noise for your work. 
It’s pleasant to be around other people, and you don’t want to completely waste your extra free time, so in the second half of the break, you make an effort to get out more. With renewed vigor, you visit some of your favorite museums in the city and take a day trip to the Kurkku Fields in Chiba Prefecture. 
The gloomy weather and doubts in your mind can’t quench the fire in your heart to prepare your students- current and future. 
In the Eikaiwa school, you converse with your students, learn more about what they’re interested in, and build brand new lesson plans. In the mornings before class, you brainstorm opportunities for your class to practice vocab in fun ways and how they can continue to improve outside of the classroom.
To avoid adding more homework to your students’ already full plates, you offer English books and additional grammar resources to those who want to learn more. Though some days (especially the sunny ones), the students are less focused or engaged, your class rises to the challenges you provide them, and you can hear the improvement in their speaking skills from even a few months ago. 
There’s no longer hesitation or whispered conversations when you give your class freedom to converse, and you can’t help the warmth in your chest when you see you’ve won their trust and attention. 
No matter how else you’re feeling, the pride and fulfillment that comes from your students' success validates that you’ve made the right choice to stay in Japan. 
As the break comes to a close, you are excited to resume classes and even happier to reconnect with your friends.  
When you grab dinner with Kuzume and Saito the weekend before the symposium, there’s a fresh energy and vigor that had been exhausted by the hard work at the end of the first term. The tinkle of glasses and laughter in the vibrant bar mirrors the lively conversation at your small table. 
“It’s gonna be good to have a fresh start. I mean, we’re a quarter of the way done with the degrees already!”
“I have heard the next two classes aren’t as much work as the last two,” you agree. 
The drinks are full, dinner is wonderfully fragrant and delicious, and you’re feeling the brightest you have all break. The rain has held off and in another few short months, you’ll have completed half of the program and be well on your way to teaching more than just English. 
“You know,” Saito says, “I think they put the hardest classes at the beginning to weed out students. And after this term we’ll be able to student teach!” 
“Finally!” Kuzume laughs. “I don’t think I could stand another term reading 30 texts. I want my guitar back in my hand.”
Saito laughs, “I’m not going to miss all those readings either. At least the papers I’ll have to grade will be shorter!”
“It’ll be really nice to teach something else other than English,” you agree. 
You indulge in another round of drinks and the conversation shifts away from school. Kuzume fills you in on how her family in Matsue is doing, and Saito lets your table know she’s started seeing a nice girl who works in the Agricultural and Life Sciences department. 
The hours stretch into the night, and before it gets any later your group decides to head home. 
The night is clear, and the three of you decide to indulge in the warm evening and walk home from the bar. The lights of the city twinkle and flash, bright as stars come to earth, and even this late at night there are plenty of pedestrians whose conversations melt together in the stream of city noise.
You love Tokyo. 
The bright sidewalks aren’t as radiant as your spirits are tonight. Kuzume’s laugh is beaming as Saito describes her father’s latest academic work. Magnets are a notorious difficulty in physics and are apparently causing quite the trouble. She can hardly finish the story before breaking into laughter herself. 
Saito’s apartment off campus comes first on your journey home, with promises of breakfast and another study group this term.
Then you and Kuzume continue home. Your shoulders bump and you laugh and chat about her trip back into the city. The crowds slowly thin as you approach the university, conversation and traffic slowing to a trickle by the time you reach the graduate student dorms. Kuzume lives a couple buildings over, so you walk together to her room first. 
She turns to you and gives you a fond smile. 
“It’ll be a good term. I know it.” 
On the short walk back to your own room, you can’t help but agree. This term will bring cooler weather, less stressful assignments, and the ability to continue developing as a teacher. All things that you can handle and that will help you grow.
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rustbeltjessie · 3 months
Thanks to @blind-the-winds for the tag!
This is from my novel-in-progress. I'll try not to over-explain, but: it's loosely based on events from my own life (with a lot of straight-up fiction thrown in), and stylistically I'm aiming for something like "if Kathy Acker wrote Jack Kerouac's On the Road." There are the main narrative sections (which hew more closely to the structure of OtR), but then there are all these interludes and meta-fictional weirdnesses and... Anyway, this is one of the main narrative sections.
I buzzed her in, and she said: “And I brought a joint. I thought maybe you’d wanna get high.” Hell yeah, I wanted to get high. “Let’s go out,” I said, grabbing my jacket. I knew we couldn’t talk or smoke like we wanted in front of my boyfriend, who sat noodling around on his guitar in the next room. He’d take one look at Rat Hole and decide she was a bad influence, and he hated weed, too. We headed east on Irving Park Road, towards the Brown Line Stop. Rat Hole cupped her hand around the flame of her green lighter and lit the joint, took a puff, passed it to me. We walked in silence for a bit, passing the joint back and forth, keeping an eye out for cops. Soon everything was a stoned symphony of sound and color, the headlights of passing cars bending and refracting in our blurry vision, their tires wsssshhhing over the wet, salty streets. We got so high we forgot it was still cold; our blood was warm and everything felt like spring. We took the el to Belmont Ave. and it was Rat Hole’s first time on Belmont, and ever after that place became a symbol of our friendship. I thought of my ode to Belmont; the night was like a living version of it. They were all there: punks with six-inch tall Day-Glo mohicans, Jesus People proselytizing, drag queens in their feathers and spangles, goths in their big black boots, suburban spare changers, pickpockets and prostitutes in the Punkin’ Donuts parking lot, and all the sounds, bass booming behind doors of dance clubs, car horns and stereos and hey fuck you, buddy! And all the smells—donut grease, car exhaust, smoke (sewer, cigar, incense), hot dog water, deep dish pizza, grime—an Eau d’ Belmont.
I'll tag @belialjones @endreal @kurnutus86 @hthrrloooo @chucklingpecan @big-low-t @dee-the-red-witch — and any other writer pal who'd like to participate. (But don't feel obligated! And P.S. feel free to use any recent work, be it poetry or prose, fiction or non. I've put poetry in these things before.)
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shepherds-of-haven · 10 months
Is there boba tea in Blest? Should there be? Ooh, each Shepherd's boba order?
Is there boba tea in Blest?
There is not!
2. Should there be?
(In actuality, there is something similar to milk tea in Blest: Chase briefly mentioned it in his last character interlude, but a new fad from the North called tai or cream tai has been all the rage in Haven for the last year or so, though dedicated shops for it are only just springing up now. It's described as 'cream tea' but it's pretty much sweetened black milk tea without the tapioca pearls/boba in it, though only the cool college kids and young'uns drink it currently and it's served hot like 60% of the time. It's very trendy and cutting-edge among the mercantile/collegiate/working class and whatever the Zoomer generation of Blest is right now, but of the Shepherd companions, only Red and Chase have really cottoned onto it. Riel would be obsessed with it, but it's not, um, something his echelon is really seen going to, and he hasn't really paid attention to it thus far. I think Shery and Briony are going to love it in a year or two, too, and are going to make trips to the tai parlors frequently!)
3. Each Shepherd's boba order?
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exosmutfactory · 1 year
Only Forever—Interlude
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How long could you wait for the love of your life to decide you are his as well? How many times could you witness all his best moments of winning over agencies and the amount of clothes left overnight from his daily one night stands?
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Main Masterlist | Bookclub zone | Pre-Chapter 7✓
networks — @/superm-net @/bbh-net
pairing — Baekhyun x You
word count — 1.0k
genre — model! baekhyun, playboy! baekhyun, friends to lovers! romance, angst, fluff, smut (eventually)
[ This chapter contains: a conversation 💕 ]
⏰💋 Only Forever Tag List: 💋⏰
@to-all-the-stories-i-love @you-n-me-e-e @insta1010 @bellamendoza @bbhflrt @weirdoome @marovekian1 @pearliejoy @loey0491 @__jxnnx3 @soonvivi @jairahxelle @dynqstyna @xuxibelle
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Life can pass you by in the blink of an eye. Seconds turn into minutes. Minutes flow into hours. If you aren’t careful, you'll lose track of days and weeks at a time.
Unfortunately, that’s how you feel after this new development between you and Baekhyun. You spent the last few days running on little sleep and a concerning amount of coffee to make it through your pile of assignments and vigorous work routine. Wake up. Work on school stuff. Take an extra shift. Sleep. And repeat.
If you had a choice, you would work fewer hours and take fewer classes at once. But you need to graduate on time. You need to pay your bills. If you had taken on an extra job like you usually do for winter and spring breaks, your bank account wouldn’t be looking so bare right now.
Like 98.99% of the rest of your country’s population, you don’t have the luxury to “relax” or a rich relative to rely on. You have to grind for every single extra penny you can make until you earn your degree to work the high-paying job of your dreams. That, or die trying.
You sigh, sharply sucking in a breath when you roll a stiff shoulder. After a particularly long shift yesterday, you woke up with most of your body screaming in agony. You’re just a young adult but damn if your bones aren’t already creaking from countless hours of hard labor. How many months ‘til graduation again? You aren’t getting any younger out here. You’d much rather put your blood, sweat, and tears into a career that you are passionate about, which brings you back to the present.
Sitting stiffly in the secluded corner of an upscale coffee shop, you wait impatiently for your companion to arrive, already wincing at the price of your drink and a small pastry. When is my next shift? You can’t help glancing down at the calendar on your phone, regretting all your life choices.
“Hey,” an all-too-familiar low voice floats into your ear, interrupting your thoughts.
You look up into warm brown eyes, taking in the man in front of you. Baekhyun’s hair is neatly parted in the middle, an endearing curl to the ink-black strands swept across his forehead. You blink a few times at the expensive sweater he is wearing, you can only imagine that it is made out of a thin material when you know how smotheringly hot the weather is outside today. “Hi,” you greet him dryly, regarding him with what you hope is a serious expression as you watch a look of surprise cross his handsome face. “We need to talk,” you continue, cutting to the chase, hyper-aware of his unwavering stare. “...What was that the other night?”
Baekhyun sets down his drink on the table, tentatively sitting across from you, brown eyes catching the sparkling rays of sunlight. “The other night?”
Your hands twitch as you hold onto your own mug for dear life. The confusion on his face, as if—
You choose not to linger on that because the last thing you need right now is to overthink before this conversation even begins. “You came to my apartment,” you remind him, trying to hold his thoughtful gaze, your heart racing in your chest. “In the middle of the night.”
“And kissed me.”
Baekhyun takes a sip of his coffee, licking the cream left on his lips from the overflowing lid. He regards you quietly for a moment, tilting his head. “...was I not supposed to do that?”
You resist the urge to hide your head in your hands. This is going nowhere. “You said we would talk about this,” you explain, gesturing to the space between the two of you. “Not show up at my place, make out for 5 minutes, then just-” you flush, but you have to get this through to him, waving your hand more to get your point across, “run back out the door.”
“I had a flight.” He justifies, and you can only groan in embarrassment, looking away. This awkward conversation is going to be the end of you.
“I know.” He literally sent you a picture of Big Ben in all the giant clock’s glory in the middle of your cramped study session—okay, time to change tactics.
“Just… Talk to me?” you look up at him, meeting his eyes. You immediately lift a finger before he can respond, recognizing the furrow between his brows and the frown on his parted lips. “I don’t expect you to quit your job. Just- communicate with me more, please? So we don’t fuck this thing up?” Any more than I already have… Because you’ve had enough relationships where the lack of communication ended up being the main reason for all the bad fallouts.
The thought must show on your face because Baekhyun’s eyes soften, his warm hand covering yours. “I know, I’m sorry. I said we would, I just-” He shakes his head, looking down at the table, raven bangs falling into his eyes. “I had to see you that night, but it was unfair of me. You can’t just-” He cuts himself off when his gaze drifts somewhere over your shoulder. Baekhyun bites his lip for a moment before meeting your gaze again, his expression pinched and jaw set in resolve. 
You watch him warily, shifting slightly in your seat to see what he’s looking at. All it takes is another flicker of his eyes to a nondescript man lingering at the front of the coffee shop for you to pick up on what he’s trying to say without words. Because even in a place like this, with highly trained waitresses and baristas, your conversation is limited.
The reminder stings in your chest. Yeah. There goes another nail on the coffin: just because you caught Baekhyun’s interest doesn’t mean social media and paparazzi are no longer an issue. It is a very big issue. Very. In fact, earlier Baekhyun had instructed you to walk into this establishment from the back entrance because he knows that a handful of camera-crouching goblins are stationed at the front door.
Yep. Reality never fails to bite me in the ass.
But looking up at Baekhyun’s earnest expression, you can’t stay mad at him.
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Part 1| Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | PRE 7✓ | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 |
I made a goal to focus on this story this year, and like all my plans go, trouble finds me in 3’s. A lot of family heartbreak (relationship wise; I can’t trust anyone but my mother anymore) in November, my girlfriend and I broke things off the same day the family troubles struck, and at the beginning of this month, I lost a 5 year long friendship because neither of us was ready to be in a relationship yet they wanted to accuse me of things and tie me down right after I finish school. You can guess why writing best friends falling in love is hard on me lately… but if there’s one thing I have left, it’s my stubbornness, so I will do my best. It’s just hard.
Anyways, many lovely readers wanted these love birds to talk things out, so I hope this (short, smh-) chapter clears things up a bit!
—a bit, ‘cause I wouldn't be a writer if I didn’t write flawed characters :'D always be prepared for disaster to strike.
Thank you for all the lovely comments and support last chapter. I'll reply to everyone when I can. I love how y’all think!!! This all seems too good to be true, doesn’t it? 🤭 You all make these late nights spent writing worth it 🥰💕💕💕
Bye~~~! See you next time!
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Chapter 25 - The Twelve Days of Christmas
Warnings: one vague allusion to sex
Summary: After nearly five months apart, George surprises Y/N with twelve days of Christmas romance, pure fluff
Start Here:
On the First Day of Christmas, my True Love gave to me...
One hearty breakfast in bed
George knew Y/N'd be exhausted when she arrived. Determined to let her sleep in, he spent the morning threatening to hex anyone who woke her up. She slept in a little longer than expected, and breakfast became brunch. It didn’t matter, though. Her bright eyes and surprised smile made it well worth the wait.
On the Second Day of Christmas, my True Love gave to me...
Two pairs of warm, fuzzy socks
George had been prepping for months. He had Ginny teach him how to knit and managed to make, not one but two pairs of socks for Y/N. "Oh Georgie! These are perfect!" She said as she slipped a pair on before giving him a hug that nearly bowled him over.
On the Third Day of Christmas, my True Love gave to me...
Three chocolate treats
On his last trip to Hogsmede, George picked up her favorite chocolates from Honeydukes. Y/N did the Snoopy Dance. He had no idea what that meant, but it was adorable. Then, grinning wide, he watched her eat them all in the span of about two seconds.
On the Fourth Day of Christmas, my True Love gave to me...
Four favorite movies
A couple of months earlier, Arthur had managed to get Sirius a TV. George took full advantage of it by sequestering the living room that evening for a movie marathon with four of Y/N's favorite holiday movies complete with hot cocoa, popcorn, and cookies. They fell asleep cuddling on the sofa about halfway through the third movie.
On the Fifth Day of Christmas, my True Love gave to me...
Five love poems
Not only had George composed five love poems ranging from silly to romantic, but he acted them out, sang them, and one was conveyed solely through interpretive dance. Y/N went from laughing to crying happy tears to laughing again.
On the Sixth Day of Christmas, my True Love gave to me...
Six happy memories
George put together a collage of six of their favorite photos. He'd charmed the frame to change periodically with little quotes signifying each special moment. Y/N was rendered speechless, giving him a long, passionate kiss instead.
"Ew! Get a room!" Fred joked as he walked by. So, they did.
On the Seventh Day of Christmas, my True Love gave to me...
Matching silver swans charms
George still had a bit of money left over from buying their lockets. He was glad he'd held onto it.
"Swans, they're the seventh gift in the song," he'd explained, holding out the tiny charms. "They also mate for life. I thought we could wear them next to our lockets."
For the seventh day in a row, Y/N found herself wiping away happy tears. "You're making it very, very difficult for me to go back to the States."
George winked. "Good."
On the Eighth Day of Christmas, my True Love gave to me...
A full night of pampering
The evening began with a chamomile milk bath with rose petals, surrounded by what seemed like hundreds of candles. Then George attempted to give her a full massage on the rose petal covered bed, but things didn't quite go as planned. Y/N was still a little damp when she lay down, causing the petals to bleed their lovely red color. It ended up looking like a crime scene rather than a romantic interlude, sending both of them into fits of uncontrollable laughter.
On the Ninth Day of Christmas, my True Love gave to me...
Nine ladies dancing
"You brought a fancy dress, yeah?" George asked.
"Of course."
"Good, you'll need it tonight."
For the second time, they snuck out of the house. Except this time, they apparated to a theatre where he surprised her with tickets to see The Nutcracker. He could only afford nosebleed seats, but Y/N didn't care. She showered him with kisses all the same.
George, though, made a silent promise that when the joke shop became a success, which he was confident it would, he'd bring her back with tickets for the best seats in the house.
On the Tenth Day of Christmas, my True Love gave to me...
Ten romantic songs
They'd planned on making a mixtape before she left last summer but never got around to it with everything else going on. George decided to remedy that, spending a couple of weeks curating the perfect collection to encapsulate their relationship.
He was on top of the world when Y/N told him he was the best boyfriend ever.
On the Eleventh Day of Christmas, my True Love gave to me...
Late night waltzing in the living room
At 11pm, once everyone had retired for the night, George led Y/N downstairs to the living room. With nothing but the twinkling lights of the Christmas tree illuminating the room, they danced and talked and laughed until the wee hours of the morning.
On the Twelveth Day of Christmas, my True Love gave to me...
12,000 kisses
Every time Y/N turned around, George was standing there, grinning like a fool and holding up a sprig of mistletoe.
"Oh look, love, it's mistletoe!" He'd say innocently. "You know what that means."
"Gee, I wonder how that got there," she'd say with a giggle.
"Hey, we gotta stock up for lean times," he told her with a wink before pulling her in for one of many kisses that day.
@milivanili99 @slytherclaw1978 @quackitysdrugdealer @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy @ladylizzieofdarbyshire
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liltaz-asatreat · 2 years
So @spookyprincetothesun added these tags to this post:
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[Image ID: #op PLEASE talk about how you figured out the timeline I'm fascinated #taz #edit if he'd done Magnus first it would've been such cool foreshadowing for bringing Barry back though omg End ID]
And I thought I'd make it a separate post lol
(Also, you're super right about how great foreshadowing it would have been if Magnus came back first lol)
So, I figured out first that Midsummer would obviously be in June, right? Because that's when the summer solstice/midsummer is in our world, so that would be the equivalent reference for Faerûn. And the Suffering Game happens right before Midsummer because it was only a few days before the Hunger was due to arrive and a year after the festival.
Then during the interlude after SG, Griffin said it was about 14 months since their adventure began, which would have made Here There Be Gerblins happen in April of the previous year.
At the beginning of Murder on the Rockport Limited, Griffin said it was about 3 weeks since Phandalin which would have made that arc happen in around May
Then there's no specified time that he said Petals to the Metal happened during that arc, but he did say that the Crystal Kingdom happened a couple of months after Petals did. Crystal Kingdom happened on Candlenights, so that would be at the end of December, and two months before December is October.
Then at the beginning of the Eleventh Hour, he said it was a month or two after Crystal Kingdom, but he also said it was late winter/early spring. Bringing us to late February/early March. (I personally head canon that it happens early March because in writing the Julia Burnsides vs Canon Lore fic, I want to write a couple of scenes where the boys, Lucretia, and Davenport are dealing with the anniversary trauma of the Hunger and how Julia helps with that, and I wanted that to happen before TEH arc. And I head canon that to happen in also late winter/early spring because it doesn't make sense to me that the crew would have left on their mission on New Years like I've seen some people head canon that happening because New Years is a holiday, and it would be weird for the Institute to have them leave on a holiday. So I'm making that happen at the end of February)
Then, of course, Suffering Game is Midsummer, so the timeline is:
Here There Be Gerblins: April
Murder on the Rockport Limited: May
Midsummer Harvest Festival: June
Petals to the Metal: October
The Crystal Kingdom: December
The Eleventh Hour: late February/early March
The Suffering Game/Story and Song: June
(Also, as someone who lives in a desert, it is absolutely still hot in October, so Griffin's description of them sweating their balls off in the crate and out on the track still makes sense lol)
Thank you for coming to my TED talk lmao
Edit: Oh yeah! I guess I can talk about how long Lup was in the umbrella for too lol
So it had been ten years from when Lucretia erased everyone's memories to the start of the adventure right? And Lup disappeared about a year before that (because Griffin said that she left 14 months into being on Faerûn, and then the erasing happened 2 years into being on Faerûn.)
Then it took a little over a year to get to S&S which added all together would have made Lup being stuck in there for about 12 years lol
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randomnumbers751650 · 10 months
You probably hear a lot of weird theories daily, so this is another addition to them, but my theory says that Natlan will be destroyed by Celestia at the end of the Fontaine. I’ll elaborate further. But, in short, it’s due to the lack of foreshadowing and the writers aren’t really doing anything to hype the nation and because of unconfirmed leaks that made too much sense in this specific train of thought. There will be discussion of leaks after Read More, so be careful.
So, I started to think of this after noticing how absent Natlan seems to be from everything in the current point. The game started with Mondstadt and Liyue. My friend who was starting playing from the beginning said that Inazuma was mentioned at the end of the Liyue story, but I’m not sure how other characters or just things from Inazuma were referenced.
Also, an interlude: before you ask, I’m not looking at additional material, besides the trailers. I believe these things have to stand on themselves in the main story.
Returning each nation has something to be hyped for:
Mondstadt: a quite vanilla pseudo-medieval European fantasy, even if I see it as analogue to Hong Kong, it plays safe to introduce the player to the world
Liyue: plays a safe Chinese fantasy, but kinda new to Western players, so it feels fresh, plus the Chasm is considered a great level
Inazuma: standard Japanese fantasy, but it makes new things with Watatsumi and Enkanomiya, and the Traveler is essentially Commodore Perry opening the country
Sumeru: combination of Arab and Indian fantasy in a pseudo-cyberpunk story, involving academic cadres, I feel this is where the writers did try to make something actually new, never seen before in the medium
I remember seeing Sumeru NPCs (there’s a couple right at Mondstadt) and various references to things that happen in Sumeru. But there have been references to both Fontaine and Snezhnaya.
Fontaine: a country with many travelers around the other nations of Teyvat, many acting as visiting engineers and artists, known for its technological progress and for being the nation of justice; I imagine its plot will involve parallels with the French Revolution, because the term “industrial revolution” is directly derived from the term “French revolution”, because it implied revolutions in technology the same way the French Revolution implied a revolution in politics; wasn’t there a guillotine in a recent trailer?
Snezhnaya: another country with many travelers, including both Fatui and non-Fatui – which is quite surprising, because the writers are exploring earlier how a lot of Snezhnayans are just normal people, most of them are traders so far we’ve seen –, this is more distant because it’s supposed to be the last nation, and is also technologically advanced. We have, however, an idea of what’s going to happen: after bullying other nations as an imperialistic power for so long, the Traveler is going to bring the war to the Fatui in their home ground and this will shake things up there, so there’s a lot to be hyped about
The problem is where is Natlan in all of this? We know that it’s based on Pre-Columbian America and Pre-1500s East Africa, but what else, besides its trailer (trivia: I saw the revealed character is called Iansan, which is the name of an African divinity worshipped in Afro-Brazilian religions like candomblé)? We have a reference to hot springs in Inazuma City. And Capitano, being based. And…and…that’s all I can remember. Not even in Sumeru I remember any reference, and they’d be interested in learning about it.
From what I saw from old leaks, Natlan is under something similar to the Sakoku Decree, no one can leave the nation. Not only that, but it’s also a country without civilization, just sparse tribes that gather around Aztec-like pyramids. We don’t know why, but it’s something Murata has decreed for whatever reasons, but it seems she’s acting on some sort of luddism… I think.
Wouldn’t it be interesting to have a Natlanese escape their home country and go explore Teyvat? Or having an explorer returning with stuff and maps from there (I think Venti did something to help there, but I forgot where I saw it)? And yet, it’s been four entire game updates and the references are so sparse. We have no idea of what to expect because the writers apparently aren’t doing anything to hype them up.
I even tried to hype it up, by saying we might get chocolate-related recipes (because it’s no news but cacao comes from its real life equivalent) in another post, but the only reaction was a rude reminder that it’s a nation without civilization. Why would the writers just make Sakoku Decree 2: Pyro Boogaloo? And yet nobody in the current nations of Teyvat seems to miss them, it feels they’re kind of invisible. There isn’t even stereotypes of them being savages, it makes me wonder if Teyvat is that socially advanced to just accept the Natlanese way of life as an equal to any other in the world.
What makes each nation unique is their unique civilizations. And then comes a nation that has no civilization. From what we had so far, we don’t know what to expect. The Natlan country might be a sparsely populated continent, like the Americas before 1500 – but even so the Americas had quite a number of civilizations, like Central American ones, the Andean ones, even less known ones, like the civilizations in the Mississippi basin (due to greater unpredictability concerning the Mississippi river’s flood plains, it was harder to establish a civilization, creating cycles of thriving and receding urbanization; the moment right before the Europeans’ arrival was one in a receding cycle) or even the Marajoara civilization at the mouth of the Amazon river. There was also civilizations, big ones, in East Africa as well, like like Songhan and the Mali empires.
We’ve seen the writers will borrow from real life story, even if they do their twists. There’s little that remains from Pre-Columbian civilizations writings, so one thing could be a reenactment of Maya myths (but we have more of East African writings). Or even make a story involving imperialism and colonization, using the opportunity to introduce a new alien faction – like, James Cameron’s Avatar is popular, they could borrow from it – that started colonizing Natlan and might be a problem for not just the Traveler but to Celestia itself.
The point is that there’s nothing in the current story that says anything about what to expect. It feels like an afterthought. And, summarizing everything, there’s also the issue of escalation. Leaks said that there will be 440 hydroculii in Fontaine – this means that Natlan will likely have over 500 and they need to create a lot of things for the player to do there. Given how used the player will be at this point with civilization, how are they going to fill the world map with quests? And they have to keep that for a year and the dev team must know at this point what works and what doesn’t to keep the player busy for a year. Unless, of course, they have a plan for de-escalation.
But recent leaks made me realize: what if it’s the point?
Leaks being leaks, they aren’t supposed to be trustworthy. I will be vague, but the leaks said that some characters will be resurrected (and be playable) and that Celestia will activate at some point in Fontaine. These are bombastic if true, to say the least.
But, suppose they are. I’m more interested in the second one for this theory, because it was foreshadowed – Rex Lapis stepped down and the Geo Archon job is vacant, it makes sense for Celestia to activate and elect a new Geo Archon.
Celestia so far has been treated mysteriously. They’re the ones that govern with an iron fist Teyvat. They wiped out Khanreiah for the sin of wishing for a world without gods (implied militarism notwithstanding – I know there are Nordic influences for the Khanreian founders, but it makes me wonder if the nation itself borrowed a bit from US, with its high level of immigration and isolationism, which used to be a feature of American politics). They curse Seelies and Hilichurls to suffer for eternity. They made the Traveler’s sibling, once a great hero, and the Archon of Love to adopt a “destroy using whatever it takes, lies, murder, conspiracy, ignore morality, kill everyone and let God sort who belongs to him” approach to fight against them. And, considering how Genshin’s story borrows from gnostic mythology, it’s more than obvious that they will be the final antagonist. In my personal theory, Celestia is already eroded and now just follows protocols, like a faulty AI, that is unable to realize the world needs to move on.
But, we’re shown, like what happened to the hilichurls in the Chasm, but these are indirect ways to show this. There needs to be an event that makes the Traveler witness with their own eyes how far Celestia would go and let the Traveler (likely) judge they’re beyond redemption – the moment they’re tempted to say “My sibling did nothing wrong!”
That moment would be the destruction of an entire nation – Natlan. Why? I don’t know why they’d choose Natlan, but there are some things I consider signs, with the apparent disinterest of the writers in trying to make the player excited for it. Why would you do that with, essentially, a disposable country?
Of course, I might eat my words in August 2024 and feel really silly when reading this again, and they make something good out of it. But, eh, this wouldn’t stop me from having these thoughts.
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spooh52 · 1 year
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“The white dog turned to look at her.” - See-Arcane’s Barking Harker Preludes and Interludes I: Nights in Asylum
@see-arcane Hello I finished reading the teaser for your up coming novel Barking Harker over my spring break and wanted to draw fanart. Thank you for writing such killer work. I found it fascinating to read and found myself grinning the whole time while reading though it. Bellow is why I chose the scene that I did. Click for better quality.
don’t continue reading if you want to avoid spoilers!!!
I chose the scene with Sister Agatha finding the dogs because of the build up to the scene. All of the little unnerving bits, (Jonathan scratching his neck like a dog with a hot spot out of a nervous habit and fear for what should have been there but wasn’t, the mention of seeing other supernatural entities in the past like that couple in Exeter (what’s up with that??? I reread that section a few times to parse out all the monsters. Yay Dracula’s guest reference) Jonathan casually seeing Geta’s ghost to have sister Agatha find the ring, the black dogs fist appearance (I love Jonathan playing with it at first showing the child like innocence that he once had), Harker’s fear of the white dog) serve to make the scene stand out as particularly horrifying and makes us feel bad for but also concerned for what is happening to Jonathan here. I may not be the best at drawing horror related images, I am cursed to draw cute art, but I hope I did the scene justice. I look forward to reading the book or the next teaser when they come out. (i have not been on Tumblr since classes resumed so hope I haven’t missed anything)
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sedge-and-sanctuary · 4 months
Interlude - 17 Moons Ago
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Coniferfrost - 12 moons - Medicine Cat Water murmurs over the stones, echoing and overlapping ‘til it sounds like voices, speaking just outside of hearing range.
Coniferfrost pauses, at the edge of the Moonfalls, and takes a breath.
The grotto is warm– muggy, in the height of Greenleaf, and thick with kit-soft mosses. The pool within flashes, now and then, with the bodies of silver fish, and the reflections of moonlight.
Coniferfrost picks his way down, carefully, across slick stones, following the path of a spring, where it bubbles down to feed the covered pool. The water mutters gentle welcome, frothing down in brief and lovely falls, which spit up spray into the Greenleaf air. 
Two other springs trickle in, from other openings; one stream for every clan, all feeding the same, deep pool. Featherclan’s falls- the highest- bubble from the south. Finclan's foam in from the west, raising a cool spray above the water; silvery with moonlight, so the air takes on a misty, glowing quality.
And from the north- Furclan’s river pours into the cave, breaking into smaller streams before rejoining to go fizzing down the rocks. Back along that stream, the trees bristle with needles, more than leaves. The ground goes silvery with frost.
Perhaps, Coniferfrost thinks, he will go in that direction. Sickness always seems to fester, in warm air; maybe the cooler climes of Furclan- of the territories beyond- will keep it back.
His next breath has the memory of rot on it; bodies growing worms, in the greenleaf heat. The stench of  fever-sickness on hot breath, in panting mouths–
He shakes himself.  Yes. Definitely north.
He pads up to the edge of the pool, and sees his own reflection in its surface. His face distorts, as one of the grotto’s eyeless fish flashes past, and Coniferfrost hooks it deftly from the water.
He pins it, flailing, beneath one paw, and closes his eyes in reverence. “Starclan, I offer you this bounty. May we share prey, and tongues, beneath the moon.”
The words are rote, familiar. Coniferfrost bites into the fish, and as he swallows the star-touched flesh- he drifts away.
Starclan forms around him, silver and misty as the grotto. Cats pad out of the fog; silent figures, watchful. Familiar.
The fish lies at his paws.
The eyes of the dead fix upon it.
So many, lost in recent moons; Coniferfrost swallows. It is said the dead feel no pain, in Starclan– no hunger, or thirst, no sickness or exhaustion. But the living cats who visit must be exempt from this rule– because Coniferfrost’s chest aches. 
Little Gullkit and Starlingkit are the worst, huddled behind the paws of older clanmates. Their parents still linger in the living world– though Coniferfrost thinks their mother will not be long behind them. He can still hear Quailquil’s breathing, thick and laboured. Can still see the bloody mucus dripping down her chin, and caking in the fur of her chest.
Lost in thoughts of Featherclan’s overburdened medicine den, Coniferfrost doesn’t notice, at first, when one cat breaks from the crowd, and snaps up Conifrrfrost’s offering. A lean, long-backed brown tabby, white markings spreading in splotches from his belly. The fish crunches between his teeth, its red blood strangely vivid in this silver place.
Coniferfrost snaps out of his daze, at the sight of it. “Cooperstar. You made it to Starclan.”
“I did.” The lean tom dips his head. “I am sorry to have left the clan in such a state. It is a heavy burden I have left you with.”
It is, rather. Cooperstar’s deputy had died of the mysterious plague, too– just before Cooperstar had. The leader, in the throes of fever-sleep, had not been lucid enough to name a replacement. No leader, and no deputy. For medicine cats, only Coniferfrost- only just out of apprenticeship- and little Lizardpaw, who had been called to the medicine den in desperation, when the more experienced Sparrowfur had died. Warriors failing, kits sick, elders dropping like flies. A heavy burden, indeed.
But Coniferfrost only says, “I know you would have stayed, if you’d been able. If– Sparrowfur had been alive, when you fell sick…” “Sparrowfur could not have done more for me than you did.” Cooperstar’s voice is warm; sincere. “She taught you very well– and speaks highly of you even now, watching from beyond.”
“I suppose.” Coniferfrost hunches his shoulders. That was kind– but where is Sparrowfur, then, if Cooperstar is telling the truth? Why hadn’t she come to see him? 
“Come now,” Cooperstar nudges Coniferfrost’s shoulder; a cool contact. Impossible to ignore that he’s no longer among the living. “Coniferfrost. Look where your loyalty- your determination- has brought you. You’ve come to speak with us on behalf of Featherclan, have you not? You have done- you are doing- all you can, for them.”
Coniferfrost swallows, hard; an almost painful gesture, like eating fishbones whole. He almost loses his nerve–.
But only almost. The kits bolster him. The little blue-eyed kits, with stars in their pelts, and chubby paws they will never grow into. Gullkit and Starlingkit, dead, and their clan racing to follow, as if in some great game of chase. “I would like to do more,” Coniferfrost says, the words rehearsed. “To heal them all– to save them. But if the sickness comes to me… I fear for Featherclan’s future. I’ve taught Lizardpaw all I can, but he’s so young– he can’t bear it alone.”
“No.” Cooperstar’s eyes cloud with sadness. “I know he can’t. But Starclan’s power is not limitless– I cannot shield you from the plague, much as I wish to. I cannot send you a cure.”
Coniferstar’s heart is a frantic thing, beating in his ears. This is it. Surely it will work. It has to. “I know.” He fights to keep his voice level. “But you can send me time. More time, to help them. To train Lizardpaw. More lives.”
Cooperstar’s eyes widen, just a fraction. “You want me to make you leader.”
Unreal, to hear it said out loud. What’s been, ‘til now, only a fantasy inside his head. Something brewing, growing, rooting, since Cooperstar had died.
Coniferfrost ducks his head. Takes a breath. And then– “yes.”
There– it is in the open. He’s said it.
There is a silence. 
“Persuade me,” says Cooperstar.
Coniferfrost sags with relief– that’s good. That isn’t a no. “The clan has sent me, to ask for Starclan’s guidance on our leader; I’d like to come back with it resolved. They’re so frightened. So uncertain. They look to me already for suggestions with the sickness. They follow me. But–.” He makes an effort, and meets Cooperstar’s eyes. “If I fall sick, and die, there is no one left to lead Featherclan in matters of the plague. No one even to consult with Starclan. If I fall ill- fatally ill- the lives will allow me to outlast it. Not forever. But I hope long enough…”
“Yes,” Cooperstar says. “I see.”
There is a pause. Coniferfrost’s breath is hard in his chest; It is all he can do to keep from trembling. “Then–”
Cooperstar sighs. “Then– Coniferfrost. To die is no easy thing; even with nine lives. To die nine times of the same sickness… It is a torment I wouldn’t wish on any cat. And you’re so young…”
That won’t be a problem, Coniferfrost thinks. But of course– he doesn’t say it. Only fights to hold eye contact, to keep his voice from shaking. Almost. Almost. “Younger cats already have been killed by this.” He looks past Cooperstar, to little Gullkit watching him with wide, blue eyes. “I know you would keep any cat from suffering, if you could. You were a good leader, Cooperstar. A great one. But–”
“But even the best leader can’t prevent a plague.” Cooperstar sighs; he seems old, suddenly, though he had still been in his prime, when he had died. “And I fear I wasn’t that. So many things I could have done differently…”
He trails off. Starclan is silent around them, except for a murmuring of voices; very like the noise of water at the Moonfalls.  Coniferfrost waits, his heart hammering. The only thing still living, here– and soon to join them in the afterlife, if he doesn’t succeed. 
At last, Cooperstar lifts his head. “Very well. Name your deputy as soon as you return to camp. And their successor, too. Bring our clan back from the brink.”
Coniferfrost blinks. He almost says– just like that? It had worked– it had worked. “I will,” he says, from very far away, his mind racing to catch up. “I swear it.”
“Then step forward, Coniferfrost, and receive your first life. I give you one for courage. May it never fail you.”
Coniferfrost- Coniferstar, now- is still shaky, as he crosses the border into Furclan.
His legs don’t quite want to hold him– or. That’s not quite right. His pelt doesn’t quite want to hold him; there’s so much energy, so much life, buzzing beneath his skin, it feels like it might split at any second, and go spilling all of him out into the balmy air.
Some cousin to adrenaline, magnified a thousand times.
He can barely make himself stand still long enough to scent the air. There is no trace of Furclan– thank the stars. Coniferstar might shake apart, if he had to hide and wait for them to pass.
Was it like this for Cooperstar, after his ceremony? Or–
A thought, at last, stills Coniferstar, in full. That boundless, burning energy sputters, cold. Dies out.
Or does Starclan know, somehow? What he plans to do? They must see he’s heading away from Featherclan territory. Are the lives he’s gained rebelling, at his plan? 
Coniferstar closes his eyes. His new clan can never be allowed to speak to Starclan. They can never be allowed to come near the Three Clans’ territories.
No. It will be a fresh start– healthy cats. Good air, untainted by the smell of rot. Coniferstar will not die, choking on his phlegm, not die shivering and feverish, not cough until his lungs give out. Perhaps he won’t have to be a medicine cat, at all– won’t ever watch another clanmate waste away.
A cool wind blows. Coniferstar lifts his nose, to it. Fresh, sharp air; bright with the smell of salt. Yes– North. Past Furclan, and beyond. Through the rocky hills, afroth with wildflowers. To find some cleaner place.
Coniferstar shakes himself, and waits a moment, until the pelt settles smooth across his back. The manic energy has faded, but his legs are sure, and strong, and feel like they might carry him for hours, yet.
He sets off, into the wind–
–And in the medicine den, in Sedgeclan, Harebolt wakes up, with a jolt.
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Interlude: Restraint
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You and Javi speak frankly for the first time about sleeping together
Rating: 18+ (for consistency)
Warnings: Sexual tension, Devious flirtation, 2am Awakening (Literally)
A/N: Continuing to post the endless backlog of interludes I've been hoarding for months. Enjoy more confused and senseless Javi and Bug 💖
Brownsville, Spring, Age 20
You feel him before you hear him, the familiar pull of his knuckles rocking you back and forth, coaxing you from a particularly deep sleep.
Before your consciousness kicks in you already know what’s going on, and resist his disturbance as adamantly as possible. It’s going to be some kind of stupid-o’clock in the dead of night, and he’s going to have some kind of ridiculous query that, in your sleeping state, you already know you have absolutely no patience for. 
“Bug, wake up,” he tries, when his gentle rocking summons no response. You feel him grip your arm a little tighter, shaking you now rather than cajoling you gently. “Bug. Bug.” 
You consider swatting at him, telling him where to go, but you persevere with your methods. Maybe he’ll get bored and go away. That always used to work when he was younger. Shiny objects, loud noises etcetera. 
“Bug, I know you can hear me. You were snoring, and now you’re not, so I know-” 
“What, Javi,” you groan, instinctively swinging at him through the darkness to bat him away but only meeting air as he ducks nimbly out of the way. He hadn’t been to sleep yet, you could tell. Funny how it never worked like this when you were the one with a racing mind. That boy could sleep like the dead when he chose to, totally unreachable until 10am. 
“I can’t sleep, it’s too hot.”
“Javi, I love you, but that literally isn’t my problem. I was having a beautiful dream about Paul Newman, and now I’m talking to you. I hope you can see why that’s a problem.”
“Come on, you know I’m right. It’s a million degrees in this house with the AC busted. You’re burning up too, see?” He presses the back of his hand to your forehead for dramatic effect. Little did he know the reason your dream had you feeling so warm.
“Fuck off, Jav, I’m asleep. Go run some laps or touch yourself or something.” 
“Let's go swimming,” he whispers excitedly, clearly having had the idea in mind for at least twenty minutes before bracing himself to wake you with the suggestion. He cocks his head invitingly when he sees you open your eyes the tiniest crack. You refuse to fall prey to the cloying bat of his eyelashes. 
“What time is it?” you ask instead, uncoordinatedly pushing yourself onto your elbow to level yourself with him. “It must be like 2am.”
“Exactly,” he replies enticingly, as if that’s all there is to say on the matter, and by the time you sigh deeply and give him that look, he knows he already has you sold. “And before you say it, yes I know you can’t say no to me and yes I take advantage of that fact yes, yes, please, and thank you, I know, let’s go. I already found your suit.” 
Truly pushing your patience to the limit, he slaps the lycra across your face and heads out of the room before you can swing it back at him with any kind of vengeance. 
You were staying with your cousins and their Mama for a week. Chucho took great pride in keeping up with the other side of the family, stressing the importance of inherited connection as much as blood relatives (not that you were technically either), emphasising that it was especially significant when you had both lost someone. Javi’s mother had been the tie, but Chucho had taken up the cause and laid it upon himself to hold both ends firmly, never letting it slack. 
As a result, your relationship with the not-quite-Peña’s throughout the overlapping parts of your childhood had been a welcome blessing. They were good kids, and fun to be around. And, to Pa’s credit, as all of you left your teens it was nice to have someone make the effort to arrange you all in one place for an extended period of time. In other words, you appreciated the trouble. 
You didn’t always visit over spring break, but with college taking precedent in your own life and Javi’s, Chucho felt it was important for all of you to make the trip while you could. More specifically, if either of you had ducked out of the arranged visit both you and Javi, and likely your cousins too, would have been dead meat. For all his soft sides, your father was not someone you’d choose to mess with. His sister-in-law followed suit in her techniques. It must be a generational thing. 
Despite the forced senitment, you’d spent an enjoyable week swimming, catching up, and generally upholding the vision of the settled American dream with your extended family. None of you could pretend you weren’t having a nice time. Texas had its benefits, as well as its foibles. Plus, it was nice to feel at home without actually being in Laredo. 
Although the home comforts apparently didn’t change. 
“Come on,” he calls from the doorway. “Don’t make me call you by your full name.”
At the sound of that threat, one of your least favourite, you throw the comforter back ferociously from your form, and stomp out of the room behind Javi. He’s well ahead of you in the yard by the time you shut the screen door behind you, looking a little bit too much like he’s running away.
Your cousins’ house is flashier than home, you would readily admit. Primarily it was a factor of having to house four kids rather than two, you supposed. That would account for the size at least. And not having a ranch attached to it, just a well-kept yard with a gardner, that had a lot to do with the aesthetic of the place, too. The suburban location gave it a surprising amount of charm as well- it was a nice neighborhood with a big gate as you approached it, that was something you hadn’t seen before you’d started coming here. And it was a new house, too, not a family heirloom, which made it a bit easier to see where the money went. 
Realistically, it was just a nicer house than yours, and that was fine. 
You loved the home you’d been readily given, more than words could say, but the visit was always a fun way to dip your toe into what other people’s perspectives of ‘normal’ were.
For the past few days, you’d revelled in purely menial things like the impressive water pressure, the endless supply of clean towels, and expensive conditioner that actually matched the brand of shampoo that went with it. You thought of the McCauley's Christmas party, of Petra’s holiday house in Maine, of the kids from school whose divorced parents could afford to buy their affections. You’d like to have nice things, one day, would be willing to work hard to have them. But for all the luxury, you couldn’t ignore that the price of it still seemed to be something more valuable than its worth. Your bad mood won’t let you credit the pang you feel when you think of your real home, with everything exactly as it is right where you left it. But you acknowledge what it means; that was real, this, perhaps, was not. 
Turning your attention to the yard as you toe your bare feet down the path, you enjoy the way the twinkling patio lights pave the way, turning the route through the tastefully overgrown topiary into an enticing mystery in the deep blue of the night.
Exploring out-of-hours in a place you don’t know well is always an uncanny experience, and you almost consider thanking Javi as you pace gently through the garden, taking it all in. For all your complaints, the middle of the night was one of your favourite times. From a young age, you found it helps to befriend the witching hour when prone to bouts of sleeplessness. When you stop seeing it as an inconvenience and instead as an opportunity, in the dead of night anything is possible.   
The swimming pool is nestled in the lower part of the yard, framed by the deep terrain and shrouded by low-sloping trees whose branches nearly break the surface of the water. It’s an isolated haven, and now you can understand the benefits of Javi’s midnight excursion, as well as his childish excitement. He’s in the pool before you even get sight of the water.
Using his submergence as a welcome distraction, you step behind one of the bushes to change from your pyjamas into your swimsuit, stifling your laughter at the exaggerated splashes and ‘whoops’ you can hear him making. 
“Come on mariquita, the water’s just fine,” he yells, causing you to cringe at his volume in the midnight air. 
“Inside voices, Javier. You’re already pushing your luck.” 
But your nagging is useless, lost in the wake of his beaming smile. You scold yourself for smiling back so easily. He opens his arms wide and you throw yourself at him, taking the two of you deep under the water's surface. His long limbs are slippery and warm against you, hands palming against your skin, legs tangling up in your own. You shiver a little at the sensation of him holding you close as he pulls you both up to the surface. 
“See,” he pants excitedly, catching his breath, “I told you this was a good idea.” 
“Yeah, okay. It’s a lot less grubby than the lake at home I’ll give you that. Probably has a lot fewer snakes too,” you tease, and watch him jerk at your mention of one of his biggest stressors. 
He dips below the surface of the water then, winding himself between your legs to lift you skywards and then upending you from below the surface. You fall and crash, taking a mouthful of water as you laugh, gasp, and find yourself pulled under again by his large hands around your ankles. 
“What was that for?” you chuckle as you catch your breath this time. “The snakes?”
“Yes, the snakes. You know I don’t like the snakes.” 
“Oh I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” you pout sarcastically, diving out of the way quickly when he lunges for you again only to be caught up in his arms and swung around gracelessly. 
When you finally tire of the play fighting, you attempt to manoeuvre yourselves onto the inflatable lilo, spending a precarious minute arranging the two of you onto the narrow raft without capsising. He settles for hauling you over his frame and pivoting your limbs one by one awkwardly into place so that you can come to rest side by side.
Once again, you're aware of the sensation of his body next to yours, hot and wet and pressing firmly against your own on the float. You’re sure this never used to bother you so much when you were little. 
“Honesty hour, I’ll go first,” he offers up after a moment of pleasant silence.  
“Jesus Christ, really?” 
Honesty hour was a game you and Javi devised during a power cut when you were kids. It was a poor man’s take on twenty-one questions and, while fundamentally base in its execution, had led to some of your most interesting, controversial and, since turning sixteen, revealing conversations. It passed the time, got more interesting when played with a drink in hand, and generally caused chaos when applied in group settings. But playing just the two of you was always your favourite. 
This would also be the first time you’d played it since you’d slept together. 
“You can go first if you prefer. If you feel it’ll give you the competitive edge.” 
“No no, this was your idea. I’m an unwilling participant. You lead the way.” 
He rolls over ever so slightly, resting his face to his crossed arms so that he can peer at you in comfort. You’re sure your reactions are his favourite part of the game, more so than your answers. For all his efforts at emotional support, the boy loved to see you squirm. He achieves his goal with the first question. 
“How many people have you slept with this year?”
“Oh, so it’s going to be that kind of honesty hour? I should have expected this when you dragged me out here. The whole thing was a ruse.”
“We’re big kids now, Niña, what can I say? I’m asking the good stuff. Unless you’re too shy to answer?”
You see the way he tries to dangle the carrot, pulling his nonchalant tone over the words knowing full well you’ll rise to them in a heartbeat.
“Well, seeing as it’s only spring break, if we’re talking calendar year? One.”
“And what about the academic year? Or Julian calendar?” 
“Academically speaking, or otherwise, still one.” 
“Interesting,” he sings, and you feel the familiar way your stomach turns as he ponders your answer. “And would you say that’s above or below average for your expectations?”
“I'm not telling you that,” you chuckle back, deigning to retain at least some margin of civility. “What happened to ‘what happens at college stays at college?’ Isn’t that what we agreed, mainly for your sake?” 
“I decided I don’t enjoy the prospect of not knowing things. Plus, this isn’t very honest of you. You know the rules.” 
In the wake of opening the door to that part of your relationship, you found it funny how differently your approaches have differed. While Javi has barely said a word about your sleeping together, keeping it to a reserved selection of tasteful jokes so as not to overdo it, you’ve always felt you would be more inclined to discuss the topic openly given the chance. Alternatively, while Javi was seemingly toeing the line for information, as he always was, you were more or less totally uninterested in the prospect of delving into his own sex life when it concerned whoever else he was doing it with. The comparison was a good example of how high the stakes were for you, and just how easy, as always, it was for him. As a twenty-something-year-old boy, he had nothing to lose. For you, it was everything. 
Then again, you couldn’t help but laugh at his line of questioning. Despite the singularity of the event, he wanted to know what he was up against, compared to. The thought of the reverse made you feel ill by comparison. 
“You need a particular number of variables to calculate an average, Javier. And your question didn’t extend to the activities surrounding sex.” 
“Oh-ho, even more interesting. Care to elaborate?”
“Actually, I believe it’s my turn to ask the questions. What’s the most mortifying thing you’ve done at college so far?” 
He doesn’t even ponder his response. “I’ve been locked out of my own room naked. Twice, actually. Now that I say it out loud it’s shocking to reflect on the fact that's actually happened on more than one occasion.”
You don’t even have to ask for an explanation when he sees the way your eyebrows are raised at him, your expression an open mockery of how ridiculous his statement really is. 
“Okay, once it wasn’t actually my fault. It was a dare, multiple people were doing it, it couldn’t be helped. I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but there are very few places to keep your keys on your person when you’re lacking pockets. I thought I was savvy running straight home instead of doing the laps like everyone else. It wasn’t until I was at my door that I realised my keys were in the pocket of my jeans. I got reported to campus security. Something about public indecency.” 
“And the second time?”
“I got kicked out of the room during sex. My own room. Can you believe that?”
“What the hell did you do?”
“Uh,” he stutters. If it weren’t for the refraction of the water against his skin, you could’ve sworn he was actually blushing. “I discovered that I like to run my mouth a bit when I’m in the moment. Some people really like it. Others really do not. Generally speaking, there’s only one way to find out which it is.” 
“How did you convince her to let you back in?” you ask, still gawking at his response. 
“You don’t want to know.” 
A myriad of inappropriate ideas cross your mind in quick succession. You try to ignore the way the thought of Javi naked and begging in some capacity makes your arms gather goosebumps. 
“Your go,” you croak instead, quelling your curiosity while you can. 
“How often do you think about last summer?”
The way he asks this question is different to the last. It’s comfortable, as though he doesn’t fear the answer, but it’s weighted with the knowledge that it’s truly never been asked before. 
“Oof,” you hesitate, caught off guard. “Honest answer?”
“Honest answer.” 
Like you said, you believed that talking about it is preferable to the alternative. Now that the situation has arisen all of a sudden you’re not so sure. 
“Probably more than I’d care to admit,” you reply cooly, but you know you’re transparent lying next to him. 
“All the time?” he offers, knowingly. 
“Yeah. All the time.” 
His silence seems to suggest he resonates with your reply. 
“Which bit, in particular? Just out of curiosity. Honest answer,” he reiterates. 
“There are two answers to that question, depending on the circumstance.” You take a deep breath and feel your cheeks burning despite the cool water. “If I’m horny? I think about your dick, honestly.” You hear him snort with laughter and just as quickly try to contain it. 
“Really? Honestly?”
“Honestly, that’s the whole point of this, isn’t it?”
“I know, I’m sorry. Please do continue. Please.”
“I just think about it. What it looks like. I can’t believe it did that.” You’re laughing at yourself now, but decide to commit now that you’re over the worst of it. “It was really good. It was nice. I know we haven’t spoken about it, but it was really nice.” 
“My dick, or the sex?”
“And the other answer?”
“The other answer is probably the kissing. I had never really thought about kissing you like that before. Kissing you that much, I mean, and for so long. I hadn’t really kissed like that before, ever, but it was kissing you, too. I know we had kissed before, for a reason. But this was kissing without a reason, just because we wanted to. Or at least because I wanted to.” 
“I think about the being naked,” he leads, and this time it’s you trying to stifle your laughter. He’s so frank when he wants to be, but the way he offers his answer without prompting to ensure your embarrassment is equalled means a lot. The trust he has not only in his words, but in the way he expects you to receive them, always surprises you somehow. You’re reminded of how lucky you are to have earned that trust. 
“I think it’s the same as what you mean about the kissing. I had never… thought about being naked with you like that. I’d seen most of you naked, and could fill in the gaps with the rest. And had thought about the gaps. The other stuff I could wrap my head around. But just being naked like that, together, for hours at a time. I’ve never felt like that. Not even the first time I was naked with someone else.”
You hum in agreement, trying to process the words he’s offered but unable to when you’re pressed so close against him. There’s a mutual understanding of what’s being said, of the nature of what’s trying to be conveyed. He thinks about it. He thinks about you. And you think of it too. 
Opting not to speak for a long moment while the two of you wrap your heads around it, you both lay there in the sizzling quiet of the night, the tension throbbing, but not uncomfortably or unkindly.
There’s a seriousness to the way your toing and froing is constructed; you both understand the significance of what facing up to this really means. 
“I’m sorry we haven’t talked about it, by the way,” he eventually adds, obviously feeling the need to make it clear. “I thought it’s what you would have wanted.”
“I don’t think it is,” you reply, surprisingly firm in your conviction. “I just assumed it was what happened with things like this, when adults do things… like this.”
“I’ve never had a thing like this before.”
Grabbing the premise of honesty hour with both hands, you decide to get it all off your chest in one fatal sweep. If you wanted to talk, you needed to do it now. 
“It makes sense to me, what happened, though. It makes perfect sense. I’m happy it happened, I would never for a second want you to think I regret it. I’m glad I had that experience with you. It changed me, in the best way.” 
He reaches his arm across and takes your hand in his, clasping your small fist in his own easily. You try not to be alarmed when he doesn’t reply, but his hand in yours is enough to tell you what he’s thinking. 
There’s one more question you need to ask. 
“Does Lorraine know?”
Lorraine: beautiful, effervescent, back on the scene, and irrevocably annoyed that she hadn’t been invited down here this week. Chucho had been firm but fair; the weekend wasn’t for her. Family only. She’d sulked all the way home when you drove her back after dinner that night.
You feel strange talking about the two of you with her at the back of your mind. It’s an unavoidable reminder of exactly who else he’s been naked with. 
“What? About us? No.”
“Does anyone know?”
“Not unless you told.” 
“No, I didn’t tell.” 
“Would you want people to know?” he asks, more tentative than before. 
“I don’t think I would. But not for the reason you’d think. I like the idea that it’s something we’ve done and no one would know. Telling seems… common. I don’t feel anything customary about… what happened between us. If we had been caught, I wouldn’t deny it. But I think we’d always be too smart for that.”
“Okay. We’ll keep it that way, then. Not because it’s a secret. But because it’s ours."
It’s your reply in silence this time. 
“I really am sorry we didn’t talk about it sooner. I thought, with the way you seemed, it was for the best.”
‘The way you seemed.’ How do I seem to him? 
“I don’t know what I want, really," you huff back. "I’m just happy things didn’t change between us, I didn’t really believe you when you said they wouldn’t.”
You feel the shift in his mood then, clearly also plucking up the courage to say what he needs to say. 
“I feel changed in a good way, too, like you said. We’re still on honesty hour?”
“I like being able to think about you that way. It doesn’t limit my opinion, the way people say sex does. It’s not as base as that. I feel like it… opens it up, if anything. It’s like looking at you through a beam of light. I get to see this other fraction of you that I could have gone forever without seeing. I know what you mean when you say it makes sense. It makes sense for you to have seen me like that. And it makes sense for me to enjoy thinking about you… like that. And I do enjoy thinking about you like that.”
You’re feeling bold, comfortable. You know that when you go back in that house, when you leave this raft, even, bringing this back up isn’t going to be the same. You need to get your stories straight here. 
“Do you think about me like that a lot?” you whisper, tentatively. 
“Yes,” he replies simply, honestly. 
And that's all you need to know for now.
You note the suggestion of something filthy in your mind. An arousing compromise. You wouldn’t sleep together again, that much seemed apparent to you. The kiss at Christmas time was one thing, this conversation was another, but more sex seemed… unlikely. Not with the girlfriends coming and going like they do. Not with the way your heart skipped when you let it cross your mind.
But you couldn’t help your mind wandering toward other suggestions, other alternatives. Maybe there could be a way to have this, to have him, and somehow still come out on top. 
But that was not a conversation for 3am.
“We good?” he eventually croaks, coughing a little to break the tension and marking the end of the honesty hour. 
“Yeah Javi, we’re just fine,” you sigh in reply. “It’s time to get some fucking sleep.” In one smooth movement, you roll on top of his chest, upending the lilo and sending you both tumbling into the water. 
It’s the closest you’ll get to a cold shower until the morning.
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travelguides-world · 9 months
A Comprehensive 2-Week Itinerary from Osaka to Hokkaido
Japan, a land of rich cultural heritage, technological marvels, and breathtaking natural landscapes, stands as a coveted destination for global travelers. Embarking on a 2-week sojourn from the vibrant city of Osaka to the serene landscapes of Hokkaido is a journey that promises a multifaceted exploration of this captivating nation.
Week 1: Osaka and Kyoto - Where Tradition Meets Modernity
Day 1-3: Osaka - The Urban Heartbeat
Commence your journey in Osaka, a metropolis pulsating with modernity and historical nuances. The towering skyscrapers juxtaposed with ancient temples create a unique urban tapestry. Begin your visit by exploring the resplendent Osaka Castle, an iconic emblem of the city's feudal past. Traverse through Dotonbori, an avenue adorned with neon billboards and culinary delights, igniting your senses with an electric charm.
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Don't miss: A tranquil interlude at the Sumiyoshi Taisha Shrine, a pristine example of ancient Shinto architecture.
Day 4-7: Kyoto - Elegance Enshrined
A swift train ride lands you in Kyoto, a city that beckons with its timeless elegance. Embark on a cultural immersion by visiting the Kinkaku-ji Temple, adorned with gold leaf that shimmers under the sun's embrace. Wander through the ethereal Arashiyama Bamboo Grove, where rustling leaves create a melody of their own.
Unveil: The secrets of traditional tea ceremonies in machiya (wooden townhouses) while savoring matcha tea's nuanced flavors.
Week 2: Tokyo and Hokkaido - A Tale of Two Landscapes
Day 8-10: Tokyo - Neon Dreams and Technological Feats
Transitioning to Tokyo, a symphony of lights and technological wonders awaits. Traverse the Shibuya Crossing, a mesmerizing intersection where the urban flow converges in a dance of pedestrian choreography. Ascend the Tokyo Skytree for a panoramic view that encapsulates the city's boundless energy.
Indulge: Your inner bibliophile at Jinbocho, Tokyo's book district, boasting shelves that house literary treasures spanning centuries.
Day 11-14: Hokkaido - Nature's Poignant Sonata
Concluding your traveling to Hokkaido, be prepared to be enthralled by untouched wilderness and serene landscapes. Sapporo, the prefecture's capital, offers a blend of cosmopolitan charm and natural beauty. Revel in the resplendent colors of the Furano Flower Fields, a pastoral canvas that blooms vivaciously during the summer months.
Embrace: The therapeutic warmth of an onsen (hot spring) in Noboribetsu, a town nestled amidst volcanic terrains, bestowing an unparalleled relaxation experience.
Embarking on this meticulously crafted 2-week itinerary unravels Japan's diverse facets. From the urban tapestries of Osaka and Tokyo to the serene landscapes of Hokkaido, each destination interlaces modernity with tradition and nature's marvels. The journey etches an indelible tapestry of experiences, where historical grandeur and contemporary marvels intertwine, crafting memories that linger long after the sojourn concludes.
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herbalsingularitea · 1 year
Holly Jolly (Chapter 3)
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Summary - An interlude of sorts, or "Then I guess the break is over, back to work, thanks."
Pairing - Bernard/OC
Word Count - 4640
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Chapter 3 - Deck The Halls
(December 26th, evening) 
Bernard pinged the tracker on his watch and stretched his magic out to where the reindeer were located. He felt a tug as the connection between his magic and Dancer’s became more solid. He dissolved in a burst of sparkles and reappeared several miles away next to his four legged friend. Dancer was standing with Cupid, Vixen, and Donner, watching as Dasher and Blitzen playfully butted antlers a few yards away. A whoosh of air ruffled his hair, Prancer and Comet racing back and forth above their heads trying to tag one another. Donner bellowed up at Prancer in encouragement. Bernard smiled at the sound. Donner and Prancer were adorable together. They’d had several fawns over the years, including their recent little one, Chet. 
Dancer put her nose against the side of his face and nuzzled gently. He put up a reassuring hand and gave her a long rub on her velvet snout. 
It had been a couple hours at the most. The deer would usually be allowed to free roam at least several more hours, but although he was sure Holly would be conked out for a good long while, there was no way he was going to risk it. 
He whistled a sharp note to get the reindeer’s attention and motioned for them to gather around. 
“Hey, lovelies, I got some tough news—we’re going to have to go ahead and start towards the springs.”
Several grunts and haws of disappointment sounded at his words. 
“I know, I know.” He sighed. “I went to check out the human. She’s pretty close by, so unfortunately we’re gonna have to take some extra precautions. I promise I’ll figure out something to make it up to you all!” 
Dancer pressed into his shoulder in a show of support, and the rest of the deer seemed mollified for the moment. 
“Thank you all for understanding. Let’s head out!”
He hopped on Dancer once again and started leading the rest of the team back towards the Village. 
They came upon the shimmering barrier that concealed the Village and started walking along the edge towards the northern side. It wasn’t long before they found the hidden entrance to the hot springs. Sharp icy towers made to blend in with the natural landscape blocked out the cold wind and concealed the warm green glow of the magical hot springs within. They descended the steps into the main spring and found several elf attendants waiting to brush out the reindeer before guiding each one into the healing waters. Bernard felt a bit awkward as he stood just watching. The elves working the springs were professionals, the spring wasn’t just for reindeer after all. Many elves took trips here to get massages and heal their aches and scrapes, but Bernard never had. 
The deer were all settled in the pools, elves already working to rub out their tired muscles. Bernard was indeed quite sore, but he hadn’t actually been the one to ride with them on Christmas Eve. He didn’t need to get a massage himself.
Dancer looked up from where she was half submerged in water and elves and caught his eye. Who knew a reindeer could look so pleading? 
His face twisted in confliction before he deflated with a loud sigh. “Oh, okay. For the team.”
The elves were focused on their work as he removed his outerwear and reached behind to flick some magic at the buttons on his back. He removed his hat and breeches before quickly slipping into the warm pool with Dancer before anyone could get a good look at his underwear. If he was doing this, he was going to try to retain some of his dignity. 
Plenty of elves had come here from more temperate climates and were used to wearing more revealing clothes, but Bernard had always lived in snow. He’d never even been to a proper beach, not for recreation at least. He spent most of his life bundled up. He wasn’t a prude by any means and had indulged in odd dalliances here and there in the past, but those were different. There was a purpose, a goal, something to do when locked in a lover’s embrace. Being so bare and vulnerable here while trying to relax didn’t feel at all the same. Relaxing in general was no small feat for him. 
The hot spring workers did their best to coax him into a massage but he waved them off and settled down to soak in the water. He could already feel the healing effects of the spring on his aching muscles. He looked out at the happy reindeer, sitting with eyes closed, steam rolling off their furry backs, and could easily see why this was such an important bonding tradition for Santa and his sleigh team. He felt himself growing that much fonder for the magical beasts reveling in their special spa day. 
After a good long soak, the deer were eager to get back to the stables to lay down for a long night’s sleep. Bernard found himself tempted as well; his bed at home had fresh sheets on it, but he probably wouldn’t be seeing it for another day or two at least. There was still a lot he had to do. 
Holly awoke to a still roaring fire after several hours of what was a serious contender for the best sleep of her life. She blinked sleepily at the empty sleeping bag across from her and checked her watch. 
She’d only been asleep for about 4 hours. 
Had Bernard gone off somewhere? Maybe he had to pee. She avoided looking out at the frozen flatlands just in case as she sat up and rubbed at her tired eyes. 
She took stock of her supplies, not that she didn’t trust him, just, well—yeah, she didn’t trust him. He was nice, very nice in fact, after he loosened up a bit! And he was clever. And funny. And had just about the cutest smile she’d ever seen. 
But he was still a stranger and hadn’t actually proven to her that he was really with the Morozko Company. It was incredibly unlikely that he was some random homicidal maniac come to prey on young women in the arctic, but opportunistic rival researchers could be vicious. So she carefully looked through her belongings, checking for anything out of place or missing. Everything was accounted for and nothing seemed to be tampered with, so she started rolling up her sleeping bag. When she got to Bernard’s, she found a note sticking out of the opening to protect it from the snow. 
‘Rise and shine, Holly Jolly!
I’d say Good Morning, but it’s the North Pole. It won’t be morning for several more months. Ha. 
I hope you slept well. Sorry for the abrupt departure, I had to get back to my camp. Time sensitive stuff, I’m sure you understand. I’ll be sure to check in with you again soon. 
Thanks for the good company, 
P.S. I’ll have the necessary paperwork sent to your division heads to approve a temporary partnership between the Hale Company and Morozko. Feel free to radio in and confirm. I’m looking forward to working together.’
When she finished reading, she realized she had a huge smile on her face and blushed. 
He was gonna check on her! 
Her face dropped. 
He was gonna check on her? Check when? How soon? 
They were going to be working together evidently, so just how much was she going to be seeing of him? Any doubts she had about his affiliation with Morozko were gone. He wouldn’t have told her to confirm if he wasn’t telling the truth. But, well. She still was going to confirm. Just in case. 
She gave herself a good shake and willed the butterflies in her stomach to dissipate. She couldn’t lose her head out here. She and Bernard would be colleagues, nothing more. She could use this opportunity to learn from him. No sense losing her head just because he had a nice smile. And lovely eyes. And oh man, his hands too. When he made that fire earlier, it took everything in her not to stare as his hands expertly set everything up and sparked the tinder. He obviously was quite dexterous with those hands and their long fingers and neat trim nails and—
Woah, there. She was spiraling a bit. He was charming, for sure, but there was something about him that knocked her off kilter. He seemed… unattainable in a way. Like they just wouldn’t work out. She couldn’t put her finger on it, but they just weren’t the same for some reason. 
Not one to ignore her gut feelings, Holly gave herself a decisive nod and resolved not to get attached. There’s no harm in indulging in some eye candy and friendly banter, but it wouldn’t go any farther than that. 
With that thought at the front of her mind, she packed up the rest of her temp camp, loaded it onto her snowmobile, and headed back to home camp. 
The Elfcon team was incredibly helpful with setting up an official partnership with the Hale Company. Holly was determined to stay, snow or shine, and was technically allowed to according to the paperwork her research team had submitted last year. They would have to play this facade very carefully to keep her from digging too deep. The polar bears moving so close to the North Pole was an unexpected hurdle, but they would handle it just like they did everything: with meticulous planning and flawless execution. For now, the bears within Santa’s Village had been told to stay put in case they accidentally lead Holly into an off limits zone. The magic barrier was effective, but it wouldn’t withstand a curious human investigating too closely. 
Bernard left them to figure out logistics for running interference and headed down to R&D. 
When he passed through the open archway leading into the heart of Research and Development, he stopped in his tracks at the sight of Quintin standing in the center of the room directing elves left and right, sure authority and confidence in his voice. These were elves easily twice Quintin’s age and certainly above rank who didn’t hesitate to do exactly what he told them. Peewee, Head of R&D and a nervous little elf who always had too much on his plate, scurried by with an enormous box full of stuffing he could barely see past. 
Bernard stopped him and took the huge box off his hands. “Hey there, Peewee, how’s the new kid working out?”
“Quintin? He’s amazing, sir! He’s got so many brilliant ideas, we don’t know how to keep up! We’ve got the Elf on the Shelf prototype ready for review, but there’s about a dozen other projects I’d like Quintin’s input on too.” 
“Well, deck the halls,” he said, pleasantly taken aback. “That’s great to hear!” 
Peewee nodded so enthusiastically, his little hat slipped down over his eyes and he distractedly pushed it back up. “He’s also got some great ideas about reworking how this whole department runs! We’re rearranging things now, and if it works like he says, we’ll be up by 20% in efficiency.”
“Sounds like he’s really proving his worth here.”
“Oh yes! Speaking of, I wanted to go ahead and formally request his transfer to R&D.” Bernard nodded, but Peewee carried on. “Also, I have an idea that might be a little crazy.”
“Crazy, huh? That’s a bit out of character for you, Peewee. Just what is this crazy idea?”
The anxious elf rocked a bit on his feet, a lock of hair worrying between his fingers. “I’ve never really been comfortable in this position, sir, so as you know, I’ve been looking for someone to take over as Head of R&D for me. I think Quintin would be a fantastic candidate.”
Bernard’s eyebrows shot up at this. “Wow, just like that, huh? Q must be one talented elf.”
Peewee nodded again with a cheerful hum. 
Bernard gave a thoughtful hum in reply. “I don’t know. He’s still technically registered with the Spirit team, so I gotta run everything by Judy, but I don’t think she’ll really mind. I’ll talk it over with him and see if he’s interested in transferring to R&D first, and then if he’s okay with that I’ll bring up the idea of maybe a co-Head situation for now. But if he takes this position and fails, it’ll be on you, Peewee. This better work out—we don’t need any delays this year.” 
“I’m not worried about it, sir.”
Wow. That was practically a glowing review from such an anxious elf like Peewee. This Quintin guy was something special. 
Bernard found where the box of stuffing needed to go and left it in the hands of the assembly elves who were working there temporarily for this project. He walked with purpose, weaving around dashing elves and boxes of supplies, until he reached the ringleader of this circus. 
“Quintin! Now this is impressive! You’ve got everyone dancing around like trained monkeys.” 
“Head Elf! Thank you very much, sir! Everyone seems very excited by my idea.” Quintin had a huge smile on his face as he hopped down from the platform he’d been standing on to call out orders. He reached behind him into a standing bag and pulled out a little elf doll in a green and red costume. 
“Here it is, sir! Our first prototype. We also have a mock up for the book ready as well.” He handed the doll and a stack of illustrated story pages to the older elf with a little finger wiggle and a shoulder shimmy. The British elf was absolutely bursting with joy at his accomplishment. 
Bernard gave a cursory glance at the doll, simple and expertly made. Excellent work by the doll assembly elves as usual. The story book was interesting, and the rhyming was fun and catchy. He had a few notes on improving the rhyme scheme a little and picked out a few of the illustrations he thought should be reworked, pointing out how it all could be improved as Quintin jotted down notes on everything he said. 
“And the face is a little… off, I think. It’s a tad creepy.”
“How so?”
“It’s something about the eyes, they just look a bit… naughty or something.”
“Ah, yes, actually I requested that on purpose. I thought making it look a little mischievous would help tickle the children’s imagination and get them to relate with the toy better. Human children love a bit of cheeky fun.” 
“Huh, yeah, good point. Okay, well if you think it’ll be better that way, then I’m all for it.” Bernard gave Quintin’s shoulder a friendly pat. “Hey listen, Q, I’ve got a Q for you.”
“You’ve got a… me for me, sir?” 
Bernard chuckled at Quintin’s perplexed expression. 
“No, no, I mean I’ve got a question for you.” 
“Oh! Right-o, then! What’s your question, Mr. Head Elf?” 
“Alright, here’s the deal—I’ve been talking to Peewee about the work you’ve been doing in R&D today and he’s very impressed. And so am I! We wanted to get your thoughts on a possible permanent transfer here.”
“You want to transfer me to R&D full time? Hot cocoa! I’d be honored, sir!” 
“That’s what I like to hear! But that’s not all, Q. Peewee thinks you could take over his job as Head of the entire R&D Department. What do you say to that?”
For the first time, Quintin looked uncertain. He didn’t reply right away and Bernard gave his shoulder a reassuring squeeze. “You can say no, Q. It’s a lot of pressure to put on a young elf.” 
But Quintin’s brief lapse in confidence was already fading. “I think I’d like to give it a try, sir! I’ve never been in charge before, and I’d appreciate some sort of trial period so that Peewee can show me the ropes—but yes! I’d love to take a crack at it!” 
Bernard beamed at the excited elf in front of him. “You could have fooled me, kid! You’re a born leader. And no worries, I already told Peewee it’ll be a co-Head situation to start. You just keep doing what you’re doing and I’ll get the paperwork all sorted for the transfer.” 
Bernard stepped closer to Quintin. “And Q?” He held out his hand for the younger elf to shake. “Welcome to the leadership team.” 
“Thank you, sir!” 
Bernard walked briskly away from the R&D Department, his intent to find Judy and start the official process of getting Quintin transferred. His ears pricked up at the familiar sound of small legs shuffling up to meet him and he turned to face a very disgruntled looking Curtis. 
“Bernard, what’s this about elves on shelves? We’ve got workers missing from three different divisions who say you’ve sent them to go sit on shelves in R&D.”
“Nah, see, it’s not real elves, it’s toy elves. There’s this new recruit, Quintin—he’s brilliant—and he’s come up with a way for us to get a head start on the naughty/nice list and even the Christmas wish list. Get this—toy elves that we can connect to kids’ houses that can keep an eye on them and report back everything they see and hear. Isn’t that an amazing idea?”
Curtis looked skeptical. “I suppose. If it works, that is.”
“We’re making final prototypes now so it better work. I’d hate for Quintin’s first official project as Head of R&D to fail.”
“What?! You made him Head of—but what about Peewee?!” He angrily exclaimed. 
Bernard shot Curtis an annoyed glare. “It was Peewee’s idea in the first place. And since when do you question my decisions?” 
Curtis closed his wide mouth with a loud click of his teeth and looked worriedly at the Arch Elf standing stiffly before him. 
“Sorry, sir, that was out of line. I’ll watch my tone more carefully from now on.”
“See that you do. I’m not going to invest in a Number Two who fights me every step.” Curtis bowed his head at Bernard’s reprimand. “By the way, how’s the handbook studying coming along?”
Curtis didn’t lift his head as he sheepishly admitted, “It’s difficult, sir. Core Operations in the Workshop are demanding, so I haven’t been able to read it as often as I’d like. But the teams mostly know what to do already, so I’ve been able to skip some Workshop rounds to make some progress in the book at least.”
“Curtis, Core Operations come first! You can read the handbook in your spare time. Honestly, I hadn’t expected you to have read more than a few pages with Core duties to see to. The teams may know what to do, but they rely on you to still help out and be available for any problems that arise in the work day.”
The younger elf turned bright red as the Head Elf scolded him once again. 
Bernard glared down at Curtis for a tense moment before letting out a frustrated sigh. “Look, it’s okay. Just don’t forget your priorities here. I’m giving you a chance to prove yourself, Curtis, don’t make me regret it.”
“Yes, sir.” He muttered, his head still ducked low to avoid Bernard’s eyes. 
The tall elf gave the shorter one an encouraging pat on the back as he walked past and started heading into the main Workshop. 
He didn’t spare a second glance to the mortified blonde elf he’d left behind who let out a shaky breath before wiping off his wet cheeks and scurrying to find a place to collect himself more privately. 
The Head Elf was swarmed as soon as he stepped on the main floor’s balcony, elves clamoring over each other to get his attention. 
“Bernard, we’re completely out of pink glitter!”
“Bernard, the wood working team wants to use oak for the next batch of toy trucks, is that okay?” 
“We can’t find assembly team P-23’s hammers, sir!” 
“Sir, the elves down in textiles insist on plaid for the next batch of doll dresses, but we already did that fashion last year!” 
“Bernard, we need you!”
“What should we do, sir?” 
“Please, help us, Bernard!”
He felt like he was going to throw up. He pushed the nausea down and squared his shoulders. 
All the elves went quiet, not only the small crowd in front of him, but every worker on the main floor. Everything went still and quiet as each and every elf gave their leader their full attention. 
“Firstly, I want to thank you all for your hard work and dedication. Production doesn’t officially start until tomorrow, but you all are here, eager to get started. I'm honored to be among such admirable elves.”
A sea of smiles sparkled at his words. 
“Now I realize that things aren’t quite up to snuff for kick off. I can assure you all that I will personally see to it that everyone has all the supplies and support they need to put their best foot forward tomorrow!” 
A cheer spread through the workshop at this declaration. “Thank you, Bernard!” “Thank you!” “What would we do without you, sir?” “Hurray, hurray!” 
The dark haired elf lifted his hands to calm the sudden surge of enthusiasm. 
“For now, I will be making rounds through the workshop and will help you when I can. If you have a request for supplies, send it to my office and I’ll make sure you have what you need by tomorrow morning. If your specific problem is time sensitive, please step to the side here and I’ll be with you shortly. As for the rest of you, back to work, please! Thank you!”
And with that, the workshop was once again alive and in motion. There were only two elves waiting to speak to him immediately. He assured Carlos that he would look into the missing hammers that night and went with Pickle to help with clean up of a major oil spill in mechanics. 
He sent for a couple kitchen elves and put them to work on the spill. The mechanic elves were a bit skeptical at first, but the kitchen elves made quick work breaking up the grease and soon everyone was working together seamlessly. He hauled the last bucket of oily muck up onto the disposal conveyer and headed down to the supply rooms. 
He asked an elf in the tools section for a set of hammers and loaded them into his bag. 
Carlos wasn’t happy about using hammers that weren’t ‘broken in’ yet, but Bernard convinced him to make do until the old ones turned up. The Head Elf hoped that as he made rounds, he’d come across the missing hammers and be able to settle this without going too far out of his way. 
He spent the next few hours rushing around, helping out where he could. The hammers were indeed found, the metalsmith crew had borrowed them. The tinier hammers were perfect for some smaller detail work for their new project, apparently. The hammers were returned to Carlos and the toy truck assembly team, and the newer hammers were handed over to the metalsmith elves to use. 
By the time he made it through the workshop and retired to his office for the night, he was once again sore all over. Whatever benefits he got from the hot springs earlier were completely gone. 
Like clockwork, he heard a soft knock on his door. “Enter!” He looked up from the supply requests he’d been plowing through to see Judy step into his office and close the door behind her. She gave him a sympathetic smile as she handed him a cup of hot cider. He matched her smile with a weary one of his own. 
“So I heard you poached my talented new recruit.”
“Oh nutcrackers… I meant to talk to you about that earlier, but I got caught up cleaning after Curtis.” 
“That’s okay, sir, I’ve got the paperwork all filled out already. I just wanted to check in and confirm.” She handed him a clipboard and pointed at the bottom where a space had been left for his signature. The Head Elf smiled gratefully at her and signed his name with a swift flick of his wrist. 
“If Quintin would be better suited to R&D then I’m happy for him. I’m just giving you a hard time, Bernard.” Her eyes twinkled at him. 
“Sorry, sorry. I must still be in adrenaline mode from Workshop rounds.”
“You need to slow down. You’re going to make yourself sick at the pace you’re going.” She scolded him. “I noticed you didn’t go home last night.” 
“Judy, please, there’s too much to do. Core Operations are back in full force tomorrow morning and we’re already behind because of Curtis.” 
“Cut him some slack, Bernard. He’s being asked to take care of half the Head Elf duties when he just went from Head of Mechanics to Head Elf’s Assistant last month. He shouldn’t have to deal with any of this.”
The tall elf pulled his cap off with a low groan, rubbing a hand over his dark curls. “I know… I know, you’re right. He’s not ready for any of this. But he has to try anyways. Honestly, though, he could stand to take a page out of Quintin’s book…”
“Oh? What about Quintin?”
“He seems pretty confident in his new role as Head of R&D, that’s all. Kid doesn’t let anything shake him.”
“You made him Head? That’s a bold choice.”
“Co-Head, for now. Peewee requested it, and I trust his judgment. It’s just a trial run, Peewee’s gonna train him. We’ll see how it goes.” 
“I guess we will. You aren’t thinking of putting Quintin in the running for Number Two as well, right? That would be… a bit hasty, don’t you think?” 
“I’m not seriously considering it, no. I was just impressed with him today.”
“Good. Maybe you should go home and get some sleep. Clear your head a bit.” 
“Judy.” He growled. 
“Alright, fine, I won’t say anymore!” She stood abruptly and threw her arms up in exasperation. “I don’t mean to nag, but I’m worried about you, Bernard. Something’s gotta give eventually.”
“Look, I promise I’ll take a half day after the New Year, okay? Happy?” He rolled his eyes and leaned back in his chair. 
Judy shook her head with a fond look. “Not happy, exactly, but it’ll do for now.” She turned to face him again once she reached the office door. “How did things go with the reindeer and that human, by the way?”
“I handled it. She’s a naive recent college grad who thinks she can change the world. We’d have to force her out. She’s got a research company and sponsors backing her—the whole thing would be too messy. So Holly’s gonna be working with Morozko. We should be able to keep an eye on her no problem.”
“Holly’s a nice name.”
He mouth quirked. “Short for Holiday, believe it or not! It was a childhood nickname that stuck.”
Judy’s brows rose a bit at his lighthearted tone. “Even better!”
“Right? It fits her too. She’s got a fire inside her that’s for sure. I’ve never heard anyone talk so passionately about polar bears.” He chuckled, shaking his head incredulously.
“You seem very fond of her already.”
He froze. “Well, I wouldn’t say that, exactly. She was good conversation, that’s all. Witty.” 
“High praise from our witty Head Elf, himself!” She giggled. 
He scoffed good-naturedly and turned back to his stack of supply requests. Despite his obvious dismissal, Judy stood staring at him for a long moment with a thoughtful expression before finally slipping out the door, leaving Bernard to work through the night.
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sarking · 10 months
A hundred years ago (January), @programmedradly tagged me to when you see this, post 5 songs you actually listen to and tag 10 awesome people!
So you're getting picks from my Summer 2023 playlist, none of which are from this year, but which have all been giving me nonstop serotonin since early spring.
Martin Garrix feat. Macklemore & Patrick Stump of Fall Out Boy - Summer Days aka the one for the EO sex scene in the roommate fic: Got me sprung, wrapped in sheets//Wake up, fuck, and then we going back to sleep
Walk The Moon - Headphones aka the one I have a whole OC-era Elliot vid in my head for, with a brief terrible interlude about Lewis that would get me murdered if I ever made it: I can take a beating like a good pair of headphones//And I can stand the test of time like Harrison Ford//So go ahead, rough me up like a good pair of headphones//I wanna open my heart but you won't open the door
Friday Pilots Club - Hot Mess aka I don't know if this is season eight or 3.0 but it's something EO: So what's a comeback//Without just a little bit of combat?//Clawing up my back, oh, would you want that?
Bronze Radio Return - Light Me Up aka the Brian/Olivia song from the SVU band AU that somehow became my Brian/Olivia song, period: I'm a looking for, looking for some//I'm a looking for a little action//I'm a looking for, looking for some//I'm a looking for a little passion//I'm a looking for a feel-good person
COIN - Chapstick aka the vibe I like for all my ships: She's a friend of mine, and the alibi//And the getaway car in overdrive, like//Hey sharpshooter, I like the way you're moving
Tagging everyone tbh!
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frightesa · 1 year
it smelled like spring. like the budding of new plants in the peak of bloom. there was still frost in the morning, and the sun didn't stay in the sky as high as expected. the turning point of winter had given way to the path of summer. spring was the interlude before the comfort of long hot summer nights, accompanied by the sounds of crickets and hum of the earth. katniss had grown to have a fondness for spring - something about life persevering.
"soon the primroses will sprout up." a gift from peeta. a place to grieve, to remember, it felt like she was doing both all the time. she sat, beckoning her nearer, drawing. her knees to her chest. "some of the things we planted last year would return. what else should we try to grow?" @roseguided / s.c.
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snow-system-wol · 7 months
Something we put together because we thought it seemed interesting (to us, at least!): primary author(s)¹² for each current thing in Snowverse.
(¹ many things are worked on by multiple people, especially when there's different scenes in one chapter. 🌸 and 🪶 work on many things together.)
(² Some of these are guesses. In terms of author chaos:
🌸🪶 chapters are universally recalled, I think
🧷 I don't always remember being written, and
🤍 chapters no one but him remembers writing pretty much. Idk.)
Lists and author totals below cut:
•Calculated Risks, Paid in Advance 🧷
•Saponification 🪶
•Labyrinthine (noncanon) 🤍
S'ria Snippets -- B Side
•Ch 1: End of the Hunt 🧷
•Ch 2: System POV Eulmore 🤍
•Ch 3: One (1) Facial Scar 🤍
•Ch 4: "Difficult" as a personality trait 🤍
•Ch 5: Clove oil 🪶
•Ch 6: Haircut (oof) 🧷
•Ch 7: Clean 🧷
•Ch 8: Witnesses* 🤍
(i dont know what that asterisk means either)
S'ria Snippets:
•Ch 1: We Don't Ask About It 🪶
•Ch 2: Fray Didn't Expect This 🪶
•Ch 3: Making things Weird with Thancred 🪶
•Ch 4: Emet has some Questions 🌸
•Ch 5: Wow this could've gone better 🧷
•Ch 6: Let's drunk chat with Ardbert 🪶
•Ch 7: Fireside peace 🌸
•Ch 8: Menphina and Alphinaud have a chat 🌸
•Ch 9: Alphie bonding time 🌸
•Ch 10: Urianger and ??? bond 🌸
•Ch 11: Gaius 🪶
•Ch 12: S Tribe 🪶
•Ch 13: So, the thing is, tolerating things isn't something you HAVE to do 🪶
•Ch 14: Faded Memories 🪶
•Ch 15: Late Night Kitchen Bonding with G'raha 🌸
•Ch 16: Haircut 🧷
•Ch 17: Rescue and Recovery (5.0 end) 🌸
•Ch 18: Anniversary 🌸
•Ch 19: Confession 🌸
•Ch 20: The First is a metaphor for loneliness 🧷
•Ch 21: Ch 19 follow up -- relationship stuff 🪶
•Ch 22: Lyse and S'ria have a little chat 🪶
•Ch 23: Yotsuyu 🧷
•Ch 24: House Fortemps 🌸
•Ch 25: Fishing 🌸
•Ch 26: Happy 28th Birthday S'ria 🌸
•Ch 27: Siblings 🌸
•Ch 28: Valdeaulin 🪶
•Ch 29: Hot Springs 🌸
•Ch 30: A decade ago, in Limsa Lominsa 🪶
•Ch 31: Post - Death Unto Dawn 🌸
•Ch 32: Amaurot - bonus visit 🪶
•Ch 33: Ifrit 🧷
•Ch 34: Fray at Rhalgr's Reach 🤍
•Ch 35: Grief and Sharlayan 🌸
•Ch 36: Dream: OC Tober Day 4 🌸🪶
•Ch 37: Coerthas Interlude 🪶
•Ch 38: Garuda and Gaius 🪶
•Ch 39: Castrum Centri 🌸
•Ch 40: Crystal Tower (ARR) 🌸
•Ch 41: Dragoon Bloodwork 🌸
•Ch 42: Chatting about mental health with the lads 🧷
•Ch 43: The Parting Glass 🌸🧷
•Ch 44: First kiss (belated posting) 🌸
•Ch 45: Tower of Zot and New Promises 🌸
•Ch 46: Dark Knight Interlude 🪶
•Ch 47: Preparing for Ilsabard (reluctantly) 🌸🪶
•Ch 48: Ysayle 🌸
Total Counts
🌸: 25
🪶: 20
🧷: 11
🤍: 6
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