#hot-chamber die-casting
gudmould · 1 year
Typical case analysis of digital industry, real materials of die-casting!
Die casting, also known as high pressure casting, is a near net shape technology that has been widely used in automotive, aerospace, and electronics industries in recent years. In die-casting process, molten metal (usually light alloy) fills cavity at high pressure and high speed under action of punch, and cools quickly to form final casting.Die-casting is generally divided into cold-chamber…
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gtgbabie0 · 2 months
Hi! I’ve got a request please for Aegon after he’s injured at Rook’s Rest where wife!reader won’t leave his bedside just watching him rest and helping care for him and soothing him when he’s able to wake up 🥺
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-Aegon Targaryen x Wife!Reader
{The days following Rooks Rest were spent by Aegon’s side and no where else}
Thank you for the request!! Enjoy my lovelies 💕
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It was a day just like the last, the morning sun was blocked behind the thick tapestry that hangs over the huge windows. It casts a hazy light through the chambers, the smoke from the candles dances through the soft rays of sun that peak between the gaps.
The chair beside Aegon’s sick bed was your new home, you slept and ate there- well what little you could stomach. The Maesters had advised you to get proper rest, urging you out of the room whenever they had to tend to him. However, all their complaints went in one ear and out the other.
You were adamant and so they all soon gave in, the desperation in your eyes must’ve spoken to something deep in Grand Maester Orwyle.
The sound of Aegon’s shallow breaths is the only sound that breaks through the silence, along with the faint crackle of candle flames that were starting to die out. You were almost on the cusp of sleep, your head tipping to the side as you try to fight off the heavy weight of exhaustion.
Although your attempts are futile, there was a restlessness that had coiled itself around your body holding you from finding peace ever since they had brought your husband back to the Red Keep in that wooden box, the memory still stirs your stomach unpleasantly.
Shaking the thought off you lean forward slightly, reaching over to brush his hair away from his face, your knuckles grazing over his unburned cheek. His skin is warm to the touch, hot with the leftover remnants of a fever he had not long broken.
You stare at him, watching him sleep so soundly that he almost looks at peace. If it weren’t for his pained expression and the way he weakly fists at the bedsheets then perhaps you might’ve tricked yourself into believing he was fine… just resting as the Maesters put it.
You dip a cotton cloth into the basin, wringing the water out before gently dabbing it against the untouched areas of his skin, the last parts of him that weren’t scorched. His body tenses up, and then a broken sigh passes through his chapped lips, the coolness brought him some relief if only for a few fleeting moments.
He sinks back into the comfort of the pillows as you bring the cloth over his chest, avoiding the marred skin. “… you’re still here?” He whispers, disbelief twinging through his broken tone, watching you through his bleary eye. He knows it’s you, despite the daze he is in. He can tell by the way you tend to him with a certain care that the Maesters didn’t have.
His voice sends a pang of hurt through your chest, hitting your heart. “Of course… I’m not going anywhere.” You whisper, going back over to the basin to fold the cloth back in its place before walking over to him once more.
He had been in out of consciousness since this morning when you had witnessed him speak vaguely to Orwyle, his words then were slurred almost incoherent.
“You don’t have to.” He rasps, his actions betraying his words as his fingers twitch weakly in a desperate attempt to hold your hand. You meet him halfway, clasping your fingers around his palm.
“No, I want to. I’m not leaving you Aegon.” You tell him, more of a reassurance than anything. To soothe him whilst he remains in this almost delirious state. He nods feebly, a smile ghosting over his features, the feeling of your thumb caressing the inside of his wrist brings him peace of mind.
Your gaze casts along his body slowly, the dragon fire had caused a web of marred flesh over his chest and arm, across his face. An unsettling sight of pinks and reds, darker in some places and lighter in others as they blended into a violent purple in some areas, it was all extremely sensitive that even the bedsheets seemed to cause him a great deal of agony.
He watches the way your eyes study him, taking in the horrid sight that has become of him. He hates it more than anything, the look of grief in your eyes for a life that he was no longer able to live, long lost within the very same flames that had nearly claimed him. He hates it, such a solemn emotion doesn’t suit you.
Aegon looks up at you as if it was his first time really seeing you since he was first brought home. He seemed much more aware than he did yesterday. His purple eye brimming with tears that he has no control over, not right now in this condition.
“You look exhausted.” He states the obvious, looking at the deep bags underneath your eyes, although you are well aware of the fact. It was his shallow breaths that kept you from sleeping, far too scared that he might pass whilst you were unconscious.
You hum in acknowledgement, not trusting your voice to carry your words without breaking into a sob. His fingers squeeze your own, a wordless understanding, so softly that you barely even notice it.
You collect yourself, clearing your throat. “I’m okay, shall I get the Maesters?” Your words immediately make him shake his head, a desperate noise of protest slipping past his lips.
“No, stay. I need you.” He tells you, leaning into your palm with a shaky sigh.
His hand reaches for the soft velvet of your dress, trying to urge you closer to him, keeping you there with a small pained whimper. You wrap your fingers around his hands softly, looking down at him, trying to stop him with worry in your eyes as he tries to sit up.
“Stop it Aegon, you’re going to hurt yourself. I’m not leaving just lay back.” You promise, urging him to rest back down against the pillows. He mumbles something that sounds more like a jumble of pained blusters, letting you guide him back to the comfort of the pillows.
“Sit down with me,” he whispers in a strained tone, noting the hesitation in your eyes as you look across his burned skin.
You do ask he asks, perching yourself down on the edge of his bed. Your eyes search his expression for any signs of discomfort, but you are met with only a weak smile as his hand rests against your lap.
He looks over to the chair beside his bed, the blankets and pillows that were placed over the cushions, the small tray of food on the table nearby that had been untouched… you really hadn’t left his side? The thought chokes him up.
“You’ve been sleeping in that old chair this entire time? Don’t be silly…” He says, working his fingers between your own, his thumb stroking across your wedding ring. “You should be in bed… sleeping.”
“What use am I to you if I’m in bed?” You ask him, looking down at his hand as he caresses the small gemstones on your ring.
It had become some sort of habit of his, over time as he let you into his heart little by little. It brought him comfort to know that you chose to stay with him, for all his faults you still found yourself caring for reasons that Aegon can’t seem to comprehend even now.
Aegon furrowed his eyebrows slightly, a weak scoff escaping his chapped lips. Your selflessness would forever puzzle him. “You are my wife, I won’t have you wasting away.” He spoke with a sternness, he was worried about you. How much sleep have you had- or food for that matter- if any at all.
You sigh, opening your mouth to argue with him but he quickly cuts you off. “You’d be no use to me at all by torturing yourself like this, you silly girl…” The words carry some truth, but you were stubborn.
“You worrying about me whilst you lay here…like this… that is silly Aegon.” You tell him, looking down at your lap to your joined hands as his thumb continues to idly rub over the wedding band.
He grunts, looking up at you with a small frown but he can’t be mad. He missed you far too much to spend these moments arguing. “You are frustratingly stubborn… I missed you.” He whispers, bringing your hand to his lips to press a kiss to your ring.
A smile tugs at the corners of your lips, letting him guide your hand to rest against his cheek. He leans into the warmth of your palm as your thumb caresses him once again.
“I’ve missed you… so much.” You breathe, words coming out hushed as you try to keep the tears from falling down your exhausted eyes.
He watches you with slight confusion as you suddenly scramble over to the tables beside your chair, grabbing something before joining him at his side once more. Before he can ask what you were doing you take his uninjured hand, gently pushing his own wedding ring onto his finger.
His heart stops for a moment, leaping into his stomach at the feeling. The affection, the gentleness, makes his throat close up and he can’t do much, rendered speechless as he stares up at you with disbelief.
“I thought you wouldn’t wake up… that you were-” dead… you can’t speak the word, you didn’t dear to, just in case in some sick turn of events it might come to fruition.
The tears fall freely, looking down at your wedding rings. A symbol that meant much more than just duty, you were entwined by the soul and heart, tethered to each other.
He reaches up to brush your tears away, his expression softening. “I’m here… I’m not going anywhere.” He rasps, hating the fact he can do more to soothe you. He’s never felt so useless before then he does right now.
“As am I… I’m not going anywhere.” your teary response makes him chuckle weakly.
“Come here…” he grunts, trying to play off the pain that was still searing through his body in hot flashes.
“No- I don’t want to hurt you.” You whisper, suddenly panicked as he tries to tug you down to him by his good arm.
He beckons you closer, his fingers curling around the back of your head. “You won’t… just please.” He begs meekly.
You steady yourself, pressing the palms of your hands against the mattress- being super vigilant of the burns that tarnish his body- as he lowers you down to kiss him. Your lips meeting his own gently before you pull away.
“No more. Rest before you overexert yourself.” You tell him sternly, getting up from the bed as he grumbles in a mixture of objection and pain, watching you walk back over to the wash basin. His complaints soon die down at the feeling of the cool damp rag pressing against his chest.
“Thank you.” He whispers, moulding back into the pillows. The chill it brings against his flushed skin was very welcomed.
“Shh, just relax.” You coo softly and it isn’t long before he’s drifting back off to sleep. His hand entwined with your own, your rings glistening underneath the soft candlelight, not willing to let go even in his unconscious state.
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diecastor · 2 years
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mouse-of-dimitrescu · 10 months
𝟷𝟸 𝙳𝙰𝚈𝚂 𝙾𝙵 𝚂𝙼𝚄𝚃𝚃𝙸𝙽𝙴𝚂𝚂 🎄 #𝟺 𝙻𝚊𝚛𝚒𝚜𝚜𝚊 𝚆𝚎𝚎𝚖𝚜 𝚇 𝙵𝚎𝚖 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛
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Not Alone ( nsfw )
WARNINGS: shapeshifting dick, unedited writing, nervous reader, fluff, basically sex I think we all know what happens there. Tell me if I need to add anything
The end of the year had finally arrived. The majority of the students were packing to return home for Christmas. As a teacher, you practically lived at Nevermore so you were going to stay at the school. Little did you know that Larissa would be staying at Nevermore too.
At the end of every year, Larissa wishes the students a good holiday during a small gathering in the quad and that's where you walked to. Students were filtering into the quad and sitting on the tables, all impatient to go home. Larissa walked up to the microphone and smiled brightly. She rambled on about Nevermore's history, the year that has passed and the great achievements. She wished the students a merry Christmas. You watched her, you failed to pay attention to what she was saying but you secretly admired her from the table you were sitting on. The way she conducted herself, those smiles and winks that she cast around the room and the way she stood with one foot in front of the other — it was the little things that really got your heart beating abnormally fast — even her intricate updo hairstyle made you melt. Because it was Larissa and no one else.
She seemed to be speaking for hours — either that or the world was moving in slow motion. Larissa and the assembly of students and teachers began to clap as a congratulations for the year complete. You clapped too, absentmindedly following the actions of everyone else. Larissa dismissed everyone and watched as everyone walked away, all hustling out of the Nevermore halls to enjoy their much needed vacation.
You walked away too, deciding to go upstairs to your teacher's chambers. You shut the door and slumped down on the edge of your bed. Later that evening, you ordered pizza for yourself and walked downstairs to retrieve it at the main gate. Your footsteps echoed throughout the hollow halls. Larissa, who was also in her own chambers, heard your footsteps and got a bit of a fright. She exited her chambers and watched as you entered your own chambers. You were completely oblivious of her presence.
Larissa decided that the polite thing to do was greet you and make you aware that she was there too. Maybe then you both wouldn't have to spend Christmas alone. Larissa knocked on your door and you jumped.
" Who is it?" You called a bit nervously.
" It's me, dear." You heard the all too familiar Mary Poppins voice call back. You smiled slightly and rushed to open the door.
" Larissa, uh, hey. What are you doing here?" You asked.
Larissa chuckled. " I live here just like you." She tilted her head, slightly amused.
" Oh, right." You facepalmed. " I bought pizza, if you want we can share it? I can order more of course, because well, we'll still be hungry but—" you realised that you had been rambling.
" That sounds lovely, dear." Larissa interrupted with a small light laugh. Your eyes lit up and you smiled, stepping aside and welcoming her into your dorm.
" Please make yourself at home." You said awkwardly, gesturing to the sofa by the large bookshelf. Larissa approached the sofa and happily sat down, crossing one leg over the other.
You quickly ordered another pizza and looked over to Larissa. " Um, hot chocolate?" You smiled, knowing that it was her favourite.
Larissa smiled. " Yes please, darling. Thank you." She replied, eventually gazing around your living quarters and taking everything in.
You quickly went over to your kitchen and made hot chocolate for the both of you. You couldn't deny that you were nervous to have Larissa in your company. You didn't know how to act. What to say. And when you did say something you felt like total idiot and wanted to die in a hole like a stupid little hermit.
You brought the hot chocolate to Larissa. She took it from you and wrapped her cold fingers around the cup, savouring the wamth and soaking it up.
You sat beside Larissa and sipped your hot chocolate too.
" How has the year treated you?" Larissa asked, trying to strike up a conversation.
" Brilliantly. And...you?" You looked to Larissa, admiring how the curve of her lips heightened at your words.
" It was a good year for Nevermore. I must admit." She sipped her hot chocolate and looked over at you. " What's up with you and Coach Vlad?" Larissa asked, raising her eyebrow in a teasing manner.
You looked at Larissa and quickly looked down. " I-i-um, nothing. We're just good friends." You explained awfully to quickly.
" Are you sure?" Larissa chuckled slightly.
" Yeah, I mean, I'm gay. So..." You shrugged, finding it odd to come out to Larissa. You knew she would accept you, she is all about diversity and acceptance for everyone. You just didn't want her to think that you were hitting on her. You liked Larissa a bit too much for your own good. But you couldn't find the confidence to actually confront her about your feelings. Besides, she was your boss. And probably taken and too good for you.
Larissa raised her eyebrows and smiled. " Now, that's something I didn't expect. But I see it now. And do you have a lover? A lovely creature like you cannot be single." Larissa smiled.
You blushed and shook your head. " N-no, I don't have anyone." You avoided eye contact with Larissa and stared down into your oh-so-interesting half full cup.
" I'm surprised, dear. I don't have anyone either. " Larissa placed her empty cup down on the table and leant back slightly in her chair.
" You don't? " You looked at Larissa.
" No. I haven't had time for relationships as the principal. I've been thinking of changing that slightly." Larissa gave you a small smile and she looked out the window to see the pizza man approaching the building.
" The second pizza is here." She got up and walked out of the room to collect it.
Those few moments of solitude allowed you to gather yourself and wipe the sweat off your palms. Larissa drove you crazy. The way she looked at you. Even the way she said " pizza " got you giggling like a silly schoolgirl.
Larissa returned with the pizza and you both began eating. She glanced at you occasionally and smiled softly. After a while, you mustered up the courage to speak.
" I-I I think you should find someone. I mean...it's not fun being alone on Christmas." You said, taking a small bite out of your pizza.
" No it's not. Well...it looks like you and I are going to be together this Christmas. Doesn't it?" She wiped her lips with a napkin, the gossamer material stained red from her lipstick. She smiled slightly at you.
" Yes. Yes we are." You nodded and drew your eyes away from Larissa, which was extremely difficult.
" Dear, what's wrong?" Larissa frowned slightly, her voice tinted with concern. She put her pizza box aside and scooted closer to you, placing a comforting hand on your knee.
" Nothing." You have Larissa a small smile.
" Nothing? Don't lie to me, darling. I can see right through you. " Larissa said softly, a small knowing smile playing on her lips.
You quickly looked at Larissa. If she could see right through you then she knew about your feelings for her which, at this terrifying stage would be better left unconfronted.
" Right through me?" You asked, your voice so quiet, almost a whisper.
Larissa chuckled. " Yes, dear. The way you looked at me during my small speech today...was quite surprising. I knew you weren't listening. Too distracted by what's in that pretty head of yours. Mm?" Larissa lifted your chin up by her index finger and gazed directly into your eyes.
" N-no, I mean. Listen, I'm really sorry." You shut your eyes and pulled your head away from Larissas grasp.
" I like it when you look at me like that. It makes me want to destroy you." Larissa whispered, your eyes widened and you looked at Larissa quickly.
" What?" You blurted out.
Larissa laughed slightly. " Darling, I like you too. Very much." She caressed your cheek and jawline.
" C-can I kiss you?" You asked nervously, not believing this moment could ever exist.
" Of course you can, sweetheart." Larissa smiled and searched your eyes. You smiled nervously and pulled Larissa in for a soft kiss. Your lips matched the rhythm of hers and you found yourself in a strange, devoted labyrinth of unexpected and contradicting emotions.
Larissa deepened the kiss, pulling you closer to her body by your waist. You joined in her actions by holding onto her shoulder and caressing her cheek. When you both pulled away from the kiss.
" Was that okay?" You asked, searching Larissa's eyes for any sign of approval.
Larissa pecked you gently on your lips once again and placed a strand of hair behind your ear. " That was beautiful." She pulled you in for a warm hug. Your bodies warming up against each other.
" You're very lovely." You said, not entirely knowing what to say. Larissa let out a small laugh at your words and squeezed you tightly.
" Thank you sweetheart. I could say the same thing about you."
You spent a long time with Larissa, getting to know her over the past week. As expected she was a real charmer. She spoke to you and treated you as though you were the last person on earth. You did the same. Larissa's stories and voice and the way she said things was the first and last thing you wished to hear every day, but when one evening arrived and Larissa was snuggled close to you in bed, watching a movie, you found a strengthening desire to hear something more intimate.
You didn't know how to go about it but it looked like you didn't have to make the first move. Larissa's hand, that was on your back, holding you against her, now travelled down to your ass. She squeezed it gently and kissed your cheek. You blushed furiously and looked up at her.
" Do you like this, sweetheart?" She asked, almost teasingly as she ran her hand up and down your thigh.
You quickly nodded and smiled slightly. " Do...you want to—"
" More than anything, dear." Larissa kissed you gently and flipped you so you lay properly on your back. You looked up at Larissa and she leant down to kiss you again.
" I need you." You whispered softly, running your thumb along Larissas cheek.
Larissa smiled slightly took off her nightgown. Luckily, the room was warmed up from the heat of the fireplace so there was only a small chill that coursed through Larissas veins. You gazed down at her body, which was cloaked in silk pajamas, your eyes widened when you saw a bulge in her pants and you looked up at her, with a gulp.
" May I, darling?" She asked, tugging playfully at the waistband of your pajama pants. You nodded nervously but you were extremely excited at the same time. Larissa chuckled and removed your pants and underwear, flinging them elsewhere in the room. She removed her own pants but left her underwear on — her cock straining against her knickers.
" You...have a —" you tried to say the words but they got caught in your throat.
" I'm a shapeshifter. Are you okay with this?" Larissa asked, her tone turning from seductive to one edged with concern.
You nodded. " Yes. Yes I'm okay. Are you?"
" Yes sweetheart. That's good, because you're making me so hard. Do you mind wetting it up for me? " She asked, lying down. You immediately sat up and pulled at her underwear, her cock sprung free and you threw her underwear to the side.
" Can I?" You asked. Larissa nodded and brought her hand to your hair. You leant down and took her cock in your mouth, licking the precum off the tip, making Larissa shut her eyes and shiver.
" Take it all, sweetheart." Larissa ordered softly. You immediately obeyed, taking Larissas cock in your mouth and wetting it up for her. She moaned and spread her legs out more so you could have a better time kneeling between them. You chocked on her cock and that vibrating sensation made Larissa more eager to be inside of you.
" Can I cum down your throat, baby?" Larissa asked desperately, after a few more minutes. You nodded, unable to speak, you ran your tong along the length of your cock as you swallowed it, tracing her veins. You made eye contact with Larissa which made her moans grow louder, she came with a spasm and a soft cry, you felt her cum spurt down your throat, and you swallowed eagerly, slowing down your pace with your mouth before pulling away, you kissed the tip of her cock and she smiled breathlessley, looking down at you.
" Was that okay?" You asked, growing wetter and wetter by the second.
" You did so well for me, darling. Come here." Larissa smiled ajd pulled you to straddle her lap. You gulped because Larissa was already growing hard again, her cock poking your thigh gently.
" Can I take it?" You asked, your breath hitching when Larissa began to slowly unbutton your shirt, revealing your chest to her. She punched both of your nipples and rolled them between her fingers, making you squirm on top of her. She smiled and eventually brought a hand down to your wet cunt, running two digits up your folds, collecting your arousal. She sucked on her fingers and nodded.
" Go ahead, sweetheart. You taste so good for me. So wet." She helped align her cock with your glistening pussy and you felt the tip of the cock enter you. You groaned slightly at the stretched and inched yourself down her cock.
" God, Larissa, fuck." You breathed out. " You're so big." You whimpered.
" You're doing so well, darling. So good for me. Take it all." She said, you grasped Larissas hands, her fingers entertwining with yours.
You moaned as you entered her entirely, her whole cock in your cunt, twitching against your walls.
" Well done darling. Move when you're ready." Larissa squeezed your hands gently.
After a few moments of letting your body adjust, you began to move your hips back and forth, eventually lifting your body up and down on Larissa's cock. You moaned and Larissa bucked her hips up, instinctively trying to speed up your movements.
" Oh! Larissa..." You cried out, feeling the tip of her cock hit that sweet spot inside if you.
Desperate for more, you began moving faster, squeezing Larissa's hands tighter and tighter, you shut your eyes and let the feeling of your lover inside of you consume you entirely.
" Fuck, baby." Larissa moaned, your cheeks burned and you opened your eyes slightly to see that Larissa's cheeks had turned red. Her eyes were shut slightly and her body bucked up against you. She lifted her hips and thrusted inside of you, assisted by your rapid movements.
" Rissa, I'm going to cum." You moaned out.
" Me too." Larissa opened her eyes to look at you.
" Cum inside me. Please." You begged, your legs weakening by the urgent intensity of the moment.
At that, you felt Larissa come inside of you, her thick liquid coating your walls and the feeling sending you off the edge. You cried Larissa's name, her hands quickly supported your almost-failing body, she held onto you and rode out her high as you rode out your own.
When you both eventually began to calm down, Larissa helped you up and you felt her cock slip out of you, her cum seemed to be triclking out of you too, Larissa smiled and got up, carrying you to the bathroom where she cleaned you up. She cleaned you and herself up and patted the sweat off your face with a cloth.
" You did so well. Are you okay?" She asked, caressing your cheek.
You smiled contently and kissed Larissa's hand. " Yes. Are you?"
Larissa nodded and smiled, helping you into your pajamas and skipping on her clothes too. She brought you to the bed and left you there until coming back with two glasses of water.
" Here we are, sweetheart." Larissa sat down beside you and handed you your water.
You both took sips of your waters and larissa placed the cups down on the bedside table. She came to hold you gently against her chest and she ran her fingers through your hair in a comforting manner.
" Tired?" She asked.
" A little."
" Maybe we should have an early night, mm?" Larissa pulled the covers over the both of you and kissed your cheek. You nodded and smiled up at her.
" Goodnight." You kissed Larissa gently.
Larissa smiled down at you. " Goodnight, darling."
I wrote some horny shit, i apologise. Requests are open, i can do more kinky stuff idk????
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peppershark · 3 months
Nicholas Galitzine as Tom Riddle
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I will die on the #thicklipsTomRiddle hill, and it’s why I think Nick G is an ideal choice to play Tom Riddle.
Here is why:
A lot of TMR art and fandom face claims have Tom looking nearly like a villain already with over-the-top sharpness to his features and a shadowy, shifty look. I love it, honestly. So hot.
But there’s also a solid argument to be made that Head Boy Tom Riddle would have to have the golden retriever innocence of someone like Nicholas Galitzine. Allow me to explain.
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Based on the description in The Chamber of Secrets of the Ministry of Magic’s inquiry into Moaning Myrtle’s death, Tom wasn’t even noticed as a suspicious character (except by Dumbledore) because he was held in such high esteem by his teachers and classmates. To have this level of automatic deniability, Tom needed a top-ranking academic record, an irreproachable reputation, plus—and this is my argument—an innocent face.
I find David Kibbe’s 1987 body categorization scheme problematic in general, but for the sake of this conversation, describing “sharpness” (yang) in features, and “softness” (yin) can help us explain how some faces might have a certain level of ‘innocence privilege’.
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Kibbe associates certain “soft” features like bigger lips, bigger cheeks (regardless of weight) and other more “romantic” body dimensions with “yin” energy, the “light”, gentle and feminine side, or white on the Chinese yinyang symbol. On the opposite end of the spectrum, Kibbe associates sharp, prominent-boned features with “yang” energy, the “dramatic”, intense, masculine side.
According to Kibbe, everyone has a combination of these features. I know, it’s very reductive, and an overly-simplistic reduction of the Chinese yinyang model. I bring this up, though, because Kibbe’s presuppositions likely overlap with how Hollywood has conditioned us to interpret these facial archetypes; for example, we see lots of representations of young TMR with very angular cheekbones, gaunt cheeks and dramatic features. He’s often interpreted as a “dramatic” Kibbe type, the side with the highest concentration of “yang”.
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Considering Tom’s situation, however, it makes more sense to cast him as a young man as someone with a lot more “yin” in his features. Snakeface Voldemort is his villain era and that’s pure yang: dramatic, angular, sharp, and snakey.
So as a younger man, I imagine he would have to employ more “innocent” features. When you consider that Tom was viewed as more innocent than Hagrid—who is the *actual* golden retriever of the Harry Potter series—you have to assume that Tom not only seemed less shady in a circumstantial evidence stance, but he actually must have outperformed Hagrid in some of his genial, “yin” features.
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This is why I love Nick Galitzine’s look for Tom. My eye types Nick as a “soft dramatic” Kibbe Type which underneath is a dramatic body frame of very sharp angles, but covered in softer contours of body shape and more “yin” features like big eyes and big lips. It’s a metaphor for Tom’s dark, ambitious energy covered in a winsome, innocent-looking softness.
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Nick serves a lot of shady, mysterious energy in his expressions, but the lovely fullness in his lips, big eyes and slightly-soft cheeks counters his darkness.
Nick looks like a prince, like his role in RW&RB (2022) or the high school quarterback like his role in Bottoms (2023) or the gorgeous Jacobean fuckboy for King James in George and Mary (2024). All archetypes I think TMR employs to get ahead in a wizarding world where he’s the half-blood Heir of Slytherin who grew up in an orphanage but clawed his way to the top. Nick G’s look in general is a great example of how I imagine TMR would combine features, displaying the dynamic of his character.
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Do you think Nick G makes a convincing Tom Riddle?
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will80sbyers · 5 months
Do you still have the list of movies that inspired ST4? I had a picture of it but I lost it and I haven't been able to find it since. Please and thank you in advance.
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Long post warning lol
2001: A Space Odyssey
47 Meters Down: Uncaged
12 Monkeys
28 Days Later
13th Warrior
Ace Ventura: Pet Detective
Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls
Altered States
American Sniper
Analyze This
Assassins Creed
Avengers: Age of Ultron
Almost Famous
Batman Begins
Batman V. Superman
Basket Case
Battle at Big Rock
Beauty and the Beast
Behind Enemy Lines
Beverly Hills Cop
Bill and Ted’s Bogus Journey
Billy Madison
Black Cauldron
Black Swan
Boondock Saints
Bram Stoker’s Dracula
Burn After Reading
Broken Arrow
Blade Runner
Con Air
Cast Away
Children of Men
Cabin in the Woods
Crimson Tide
Dukes of Hazzard
Don’t Breathe
Death to Smoochy
Dark Knight
Deep Blue Sea
Drop Dead Fred
Die Hard
Die Hard 2
Die Hard 3
Don’s Plum
Dances with Wolves
Dumb and Dumber
Edward Scissorhands
Enter the Void
Ex Machina
Event Horizon
Emma (2020)
Forrest Gump
Fisher King
Full Metal Jacket
Ferris Bueller
Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
Good Fellas
Girl Interrupted
Godzilla: King of the Monsters
Get Out
Good Will Hunting
High Fidelity
Hellraiser 1
Hellraiser 2
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
High School Musical
Hurt Locker
Hunger Games
Hell or High Water
Home Alone
I am Legend
It’s a Wonderful Life
In Cold Blood
I am a Fugitive from Chain Gang
Inside Out
Island of Doctor Moreau
It Follows
Interview with a Vampire
Inner Space
Into the Spiderverse
Independence Day
Jupiter Ascending
John Carter of Mars
Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom
James Bond (All Movies)
Karate Kid
Knives Out
Little Miss Sunshine
Long Kiss Goodnight
Lost Boys
Leon: The Professional
Let the Right One In
Little Women (1994)
Mad Max: Fury Road
Men in Black
My Cousin Vinny
Mystic River
Minority Report
Mr. and Mrs. Smith
Neverending Story
Never Been Kissed
No Country for Old Men
Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors
North by Northwest
Open Water
Orange County
Oceans 8
Oceans 11
Oceans 12
One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest
Ordinary People
Paddington 2
Pulp Fiction
Pan’s Labyrinth
Pineapple Express
Peter Pan
Princess Bride
Paradise Lost
Primal Fear
Peter Jackson’s King Kong
Reservoir Dogs
Road Warrior
Rogue One
Reality Bites
Raider of the Lost Ark
Red Dragon
Sky High
Sword in the Stone
Step Up 2
Spy Kids
Saving Private Ryan
Shape of Water
Swept Away
Star Wars: Return of the Jedi
Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back
Silence of the Lambs
Source Code
Starship Troopers
Silver Bullet
The Visit
The Italian Job
The Mask of Zorro
True Lies
The Blair Witch Project
The Lord of the Rings Trilogy
The Craft
The Guest
The Devil’s Advocate
The Graduate
The Prestige
The Rock
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
The Fly
The Mummy
The Guardian
The Goofy Movie
The Peanut Butter Solution
Toy Story 4
The Ring
The Crazies
The Mist
The Revenant
The Perfect Storm
The Shining
Terminator 2
The Truman Show
Temple of Doom
The Cell
To Kill a Mockingbird
The Good Son
The Orphan
The Birdcage
The Green Mile
The Raid
The Cider House Rules
The Lighthouse
The Book of Henry
The A-Team
The Crow
The Terminal
Thor Ragnarok
The Descent
The Birds
Total Recall
The Natural
The Fifth Element
True Romance
Terminator: Dark Fate
The Hobbit Trilogy
Very Bad Things
Wayne’s World
What Women Want
War Dogs
Wedding Crashers
What’s Eating Gilbert Grape
Welcome to the Dollhouse
Welcome to Marwen
Wet Hot American Summer
What Lies Beneath
What Dreams May Come
War Games
Who Framed Roger Rabbit
Weird Science
Wizard of Oz
Young Sherlock Holmes
You’ve Got Mail
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Hello i loved your luna story can i request for the smut asks Top towards their sub number 3 for him ( if you are not comfortable writing about him could it be aiku instead)? Thank you in advance😊
Yeah I'd rather take Aiku because since Luna is like--more like a side character and stuff... I think I'll make a list who I don't want to write for...
Also lemme turn Blue Lock into a brothel real quick yeah?
There's also something I've wanted to say about this fic. I have never had intercourse and I'm still a proud virgin. So this fic will be based solely on what I imagine would happen, and I hope you guys will llike it because I've spent a lot of thought and time into this.
Warnings: Oliver Aiku x reader, Smut., Vanilla sex because first times should be sweet as fuck, also Oliver is the biggest dork in here but tries to be hot and attractive, also Oliver will cry at some point, strangers to lovers I guess?
I will proofread that on another day. please ignore the possible writing mistakes.
taglist: @wishiknewwhatiwasdoingwithmylife, @hsxhype, @shirayuki-ayumi, @luysim, @mayincharacter
Word count: 5,924 wtf 😭✌💀
"Lemme quit my job for ya..."
It was embarrassing. Pretty much so, with you being a virgin, your friends having thought it would be a great idea to bring you to the freakiest place in town, and that on your birthday.
Yeah, you were in for something.
"For the last time,", you seethed angrily at your best friend, "I am perfectly fine being a virgin!"
"Yeah, sure you are. But your browser history and your dildos say otherwise~", she mused as you blushed.
"It's called loving myself, and putting myself first. I enjoy doing things alone, and that includes pleasing myself.", you grumbled as you defended your dignity.
She sighed. "____, you're twenty-one today. It's time you get the feeling of a man's touch on you.", cue you giving her a disgusted look. "I'd rather die than let a man touch me, and where are we going exactly??"
"Oh, you'll see soon enough."
"What the...?!"
"Welcome to Blue Lock, where the boys here are specialised for pleasing lonely women like us!", she cheered before she dragged you inside, who tried running away.
"Please, let me go!", you yelled in fear, but her grip was relentless as she led you to the counter. "Hello, could we have Aiku and Otoya please, Anri?", she asked, and the woman on the counter smiled.
"Of course, please enjoy yourselves!", she exclaimed and she and your best friend laughed as if this was a joke. Which it was...but you didn't find it funny.
And in the next moment, you found yourself in front of a room, where your friend was in the other storey. You took a deep, exhausted breath before you softly knocked.
"Hello..?", you asked politely before you opened the door, and it was dark. You sighed before you went further into the chamber. You closed the door softly, and only after the click did you hear something.
It sounded like somebody stood up from the bed which was right in front of the door, and before you knew it, you were laying on it, and a man on top of you.
"Damn, what a pretty thing you are..", he rasped, looking into your wide eyes. Heterochromia, two different sets of eye colours on each eye.
They were truly mesmerizing, but you couldn't really focus on that when you felt something hard poking you, and the man above you biting his lip at your pretty face.
"Huh..?", you only said, still a little bamboozled that a stranger threw himself on top of you.
"So, what's it gonna be today, sweetie? Bondage...butt plugs...roleplay?", he breathed, wetting his lips when he thought about ravaging you.
"I-I'm a virgin..?", you only answered and hoped you wouldn't regret this. You had absolutely no idea what he was talking about.
And sure, the guy who was hovering over you was hot and all, and the LED light did a great job casting him into a red light, making him look all the more attractive, but you didn't really want to get your world rocked at your first time.
Fortunately, the guy had the dignity to quickly turn away from you and sit upright as he stared ahead of him as he scratched his neck. "Damn, sorry baby...But really? Are you really a virgin?", he asked as he looked down at you.
You were still laying there in your coat and boots as you looked at him. You turned to the side to face him better. You blushed at his question as you played with the scarf around your neck.
"yes...and please don't tease me for it..", you grumbled when you thought about how your friend bullied you on your entire ride there.
You heard faint slapping and moaning noises and you curled in yourself as you squeezed your eyes shut and you put your hands on your ears. Yeah, you were jealous at the other girls who got laid here.
The guy sitting next to you looked up at the ceiling, thinking about his boner and how pretty you looked.
'There's no way a woman this pretty is still a virgin..right?', he thought as he looked down at you again, only to grow concerned when he saw how you've turned into a ball.
"Shit, are you okay?! Hey, you hear me?", he asked in a worried tone as he scooched closer to you. You looked at him.
"Yeah, it's just...the noises.", you said, and the guy understood.
"How about..we kiss? Have you ever kissed anybody?"
"I've never even had a crush.."
"Damn.", the guy said and you whined in protest. But, he didn't mean it like that. He was surprised that you were a hard-core virgin who had yet to smile at a boy.
He huffed in amusement. "Would you like to do something? Or do you not wanna kiss me?", he asked.
Normally, he would've told a girl off when she didn't want to do anything, but it was different with you. If you didn't want to do anything then he'd be ready to cuddle you, and if you also didn't want that, then he'd just lay there with you on the bed, either talking, looking at the ceiling and just chilling.
"mh...well...I k-kinda do...but i dunno...", you murmured as you closed your eyes again.
"Can you...tell me a bit about yourself?", you asked, and hoped that you didn't break a rule. 'Maybe he just likes to fuck strangers and get paid? Can I even ask that?', you thought as you awaited his answer.
"The name's Oliver Aiku. I work here as a people pleaser in Blue Lock and I hope I can please you too, sweetheart."
you giggled. "That was a nice introduction. I can't believe my best friend brought me to a brothel on my birthday though.."
At that, Oliver laughed. "What?! She really did that? Damn...she must've been desperate to have you get railed, huh?"
You groaned in embarrassment. "Being a virgin is not so bad.."
"How old are you?"
"Happy birthday, virgin."
"Please don't call me that."
Oliver chuckled again before he laid down next to you as he looked at you. "Sorry...it's just...I can't believe a pretty gem like you has been untouched for over twenty years- ouch!"
Yeah, you pinched his shoulder hard. He rubbed the sore place with a grin, still having a hard dick as he grinned at you. "But it's true. But how could you last this long without a dick?"
"What's so funny?", you asked. You slowly got irritated by his teasing, but then he just looked at you fondly.
"Sooo...you're a virgin, who got dragged by her best friend into a brothel, and that on your birthday, just to get laid?"
"It's not like I wanted to be here, you know..?"
Oliver sighed. 'poor thing..', then he went on top of you again. "what if we do what your best friend says then? hm?", he asked softly before he moved a strand of hair out of your face.
Your face heated up at the gentle touch Oliver gave you as you looked at his two-tones eyes. You gulped. "Promise to be gentle with me?"
Oliver huffed in amusement. "I'll try my best, sweetie.", and he was still above you, looking down on you. you looked at him for a moment, before you decided.
"Then...let's do it."
And just like that, Oliver sat up, pulled you up by your collar, held the back of your head with one, then the other hand on the small of your back as he leaned down to your level (your body was smaller than his) and softly brought his lips to yours, and you only felt a slight brush.
Then he leaned back. "How was that?"
"... What was that?", you retorted, a confused expression on your face, but still, you had a slight blush as well on it.
Oliver scoffed. "I-it was a kiss, y'know?! You wanted me to be gentle with you, and I am!"
"Y-you can be a tiny bit rougher with me...", you grumbled under your breath, and Oliver smirked.
"Well, if that's so...", he breathed before he pressed his lips down on yours in a much more passionate kiss.
Oliver flinched. You flinched as well, after he did. "wh-what?"
"Your lipstick...it tastes amazing!", he exclaimed before licking at your lips. "mmh...", he whimpered before he kissed you again.
You had to surpress giggles when you felt him eating away your cherry lipstick more than kissing you, but you let him. It felt nice...whatever he was doing.
'Gosh, why does this taste so good!? Why can't I stop!?...it's so addicting...!'
He then suddenly stopped himself. "S-sorry...", he mumbled, holding a crouched finger in front of his lips as he looked to the side with a blush. He only said sorry because he couldn't taste the lipstick anymore and he only realized then that he's been lapping at your mouth like a thirsty dog.
"It's okay.", you said with a smile. 'he's so cute..!'
and then, you scooched closer to him as you pulled away the finger from his lips as you slowly kissed him again.
Oliver didn't know why he felt like that. He felt shy, but good. He felt so...different with you than with all the other girls he's been spending time with.
Maybe it's also because of the fact that you were a virgin and Oliver didn't really know what to do. Experienced girls knew the drill. you didn't.
But, he knew that he'd let you do anything you liked, since it was your first time, so all he had to do was to relax, no?
Easer done than said. Oliver wanted you on his lap as he slowly took off your coat, shawl and beanie. He took a moment to snicker at your dishelved hair and you giggled as well before you tried to brush it neat a little.
And then, Oliver sat you on lis lap, where he rested against the headbord, and looked at you. Your heartbeat quickened when you felt something poking your clit and you forrowed your brows.
"wh-what's that?"
"An erection. Guys get hard when pretty girls like you sit on 'em.", he spoke as he tired to subtly grind up in order to get some friction. You gasped.
"i...are erections always so...big?", you asked as you shifted around to feel it some more, but you flinched when it gave you a sweet sensation.
Oliver hissed before he smirked at you through his bangs. "well...my dick's big, ...don't know about the other guys though."
You huffed in amusement. But, you turned serious again. "um...could you take these off?", you asked with a slight blush as you pulled at his pants.
Now, Oliver didn't know why he blushed, but he did. Maybe he liked the feeling of you on top of him, maybe he liked it when you grinded down on him a bit just a few moments ago...and maybe he liked getting ordered around?
He nodded. "Aynthing ya want, pretty-"
you startet to take your clothes of too, and his breath got caught in his throat. What he saw must've been the prettiest woman he's ever seen, stripping herself off of the clothes she's been wearing, becoming almost more naked than the day she was born, and Oliver never sprung out of bed just to rip off his pants so fast as well.
He panted when he whipped his head to your figure again, who just sat there in nothing but cute stockings, and a sweet lingerie set. All pastel coloured.
Oliver gulped nervously.
"So...what now?", you asked as you looked to the side. Oliver chuckled as he sat by the headbord again, and beckoned you closer. You were glad that he didn't take off his boxers...yet.
"Sit here, pretty...", he instructed to you, motioning for you to sit between his legs, with your back facing him. He grunted when you 'corrected' your seat before his dick, intentionally rubbing your ass against his hard groin as he took in a sharp breath.
"S-slowly, baby...", he gasped before you finally settled down.
You looked back to him. "Are you okay?"
He nodded quickly before he kissed your cheek and whispered for you to spread your legs. As you widened them, Oliver kissed you along your neck, and his warm fingers ghosting over your cold skin, brushing against your knees, thighs and belly softly, sending shivers around your body and you flinched a little.
"Are you okay, doll?", Oliver asked this time as he nibbled at your ear a little, his hands moving up to grope at your tits a bit. You took a deep breath.
It all felt foreign. You being here, nearly stripped off of all your clothes, with a man in his briefs sitting behind you with his boner pressing agains your rear, and letting him grope you.
You sighed dreamily.
It could be that your first time wasn't really what you expected-
"Ah!", you yelped, closing your thighs reflexively when you felt Oliver's right pointy and index finger prod and rub your clit through the fabric slowly. He stopped.
"Sorry..!", he said, and tried to take his hand away from yours, but you held it in place. "wait..d-do it again..I was just thinking of something else for a moment..", you mumbled as you gently pushed his fingers against your bud, enjoying the feeling of a man's touch for the first time.
Oliver blushed a little when he felt your tiny hand grab his and push his digits against your pussy. He realized now that he was falling for you. He looked up at the ceiling as he closed his eyes.
'dammit...falling for a customer..?!', he thought as he slowly circled his middle finger around your bud, applying pressure here and there, feeling you writhe under his touch as you press your back towards him and your breathing quickened as it also got heavier.
It felt good. Very good. Not even half as fast as your cheap vibrator, but still good. His fingers felt nice against your bundle of nerves and you gently rocked your hips against his palms as he massaged your sensitive area.
"mmh...feels good...", you moaned slightly, accompanied by a soft sigh, and Oliver kissed you again. He somehow loved kissing you more than wanting to fuck you.
Was it because he was falling for you? Even though he didn't even know your name? Was it because of your sweet vanilla scent? Your smaller frame against his as your butt which got harrassed by his hips as he humped you subtly? Or was it because he could take things easy for once?
Where he could do as he pleased, and not being bossed around so much. I mean, sure, you ordered his hand to stay where it was and for him to rub your clit, but he didn't mind it. He found it cute how you caught his hand between your thighs to keep it where it rested. He found it cute how your hand held his thigh, right above his knee as your other hand was above Oliver's hand which was pressed against your pussy, wanting to feel some more friction.
He found your sweet moans and sighs cute, where he could kiss you however he wanted. Where he could hug you tightly to him, and where you didn't mind.
He loved having the freedom to take your virginity, but he loved the idea of acting as your lover even more. He loved the idea of acting as your boyfriend, hell, he'd even become your husband if you'd say yes.
He didn't know why, but he wanted to please you in other ways and not just sex. He wanted to make you pancakes, take you out on sweet dates, and make you smile.
Damn, he fell for you, even though you guys only knew each other for an hour.
"yeah? want me to take it a step...deeper?", he whispered as he kissed your temple, and you nodded with a smile.
you heard the slapping noises again, but you didn't pay them any mind as Oliver pushed a finger into your vagina, and you whimpered. Meanwhile, Oliver's mouth stood agape as he struggled pushing his middle finger deeper into your core, and he didn't even put in half of it.
He couldn't even imagine fow his dick was supposed to fit inside that sweet pussy of yours. He groaned.
"S-sorry..", you started, wanting to apologize in embarrassment upon him feeling your tight entrance, but you only felt and heard a breathy chuckle.
"Don't you dare apologize, doll,", he said, one hand grabbing from under your thigh and pushing it up as he pushed his finger deeper inside upon the new angle, and you arched your back in response.
Oliver giggled. Yes, he fucking giggled. "Gosh, you're too cute...and innocent...fuck...!"
And he then pulled out his slick-coated finger before he pushed it back in. The feeling was weird, having something warm go in and outside of you, and it even curling around.
None of your dildos worked like that.
____.exe has stopped working.
You moaned when he did it a few times, growing accustomed to the feeling of his finger in your core, and Oliver smiled. "Feels good?"
"Yes..", you breathed heartily. Oliver blushed, and sped up a little more, making your breath hitch. He slowly added a second finger, and you let your head fall back.
'This feels so good..I feel so full...!', you thought as you closed your eyes in bliss. Oliver used the moment to lean down and lick a stripe up your neck, making you shiver.
"damn...yer making me wanna quit..", he mumbled, but you still heard it.
"h-huh?", you asked as you tried to pay more attention to him and not his nice fingers, who were pumping into you at this point.
"Lemme quit my job for ya...", he said a little more loudly as his thumb caressed your clit again, but this time a little more with aggression, and applying more pressure as he sped up.
You moaned loudly. "Ah...O-oliver..!"
you felt flattered, even in the midst of this type of affection. You felt flattered that his words were sounding so sincere.
But you had your worries and concerns. Your best friend told you about all the guys she'd encountered as she had been in countless relationships. And she told you that boys would tell you anything as long as you stayed together with them.
Oliver just kept going faster and faster, circling around your bud as his hand nearly made slapping noises against your pussy, and your face got hot as you listened to the sound.
"Wanna make you mine...wanna...make you smile...", he muttered as he sped up more and more, listening to your voice which raised octave for octave, and he laid his head on your shoulder.
"I think i fell in love with you, even though I don't know your name."
Shit, you could have just come from that.
He suddenly stopped and took out his hand from your core, leaving you panting, and stolen off of your high. He took the fingers which were inside of you into his mouth, motioning for you to look down to him as he licked and sucked at his fingers in bliss, moaning at the sweet taste and fluttering eyes closing shut as he blushed.
But, you flushed in embarrassment. "wh-why did you do that? You could've just wiped them on the sheets, you know?", you said softly as you kept stealing glances at his blissed out face as he still licked at his lips, wanting to take whatever was left from your fluid from his palms.
When he only tasted his own saliva and not your sweetness anymore, he took out his fingers. "Why do that? You just became my favourite meal. And one shouldn't throw away a meal like that.", he answered with a pout as he stood up to take off his boxers.
"you know? there's a saying. My coach told me this by the way when he taught me how to eat out a lady..."eating out a woman is the same as eating something oily or juicy. For example you're eating a hamburger, and you still have some crumbs, or salad or cheese or something on your palms. You wouldn't take the napkin first, would you? It would be a waste. Just how the hamburger was a blessing, food to be cherished, what is left and still visible on the fingers is a blessing too. This is why you should always lick it away before using a napkin." And that's why I always lick away the essence, and not wipe them.", Oliver explained as he took of his boxers.
"Did your coach...always compare women to food?", you asked, half curious and half jealous of the realization that you were in a brothel with a man who had most likely gone down on countless women.
"Well, food tastes good, and women do too, so I don't really see the difference. But you...", he trailed off, smirking proudly as you ogled at his schlong with wide eyes, and thus boosting his ego, as he sat down again.
"you taste sweeter than honey, doll."
There was a moment of silence as he registered your answer. ____. Heh, what a pretty name. However, his heartbeat pounded against his ripcage so hard that he feared it might burst.
Normally, he wouldn't ask for a stranger's name. And if they told them, he still would call them petnames.
Normally, he couldn't even give two shits about his customers, he just wanted a nice fucking session and gain some money.
Normally, his heart wouldn't act out like that.
It seemed like you were an exception.
It seemed like his heart found a new reason to work.
It seemed like he didn't wanna do this filthy job anymore.
It seemed like you were comfortable with him, trusting him as you gave your name price.
And oh, what a price it was.
Oliver would be packing his things tonight and just follow you home, because the brothel's been his home for the longest time.
Sure, he'd miss Blue Lock, mostly because of his friends and the money, but that was about it.
Yeah, Oliver would ask to move in to your apartment.
...if you had other feelings than lust for him.
...he hoped you did.
"____...", he breathed out. If came so naturally off his tongue, and he fell in love with the name as he looked at you with a smile.
A genuine smile. Not the one he'd show anyone else.
He had a sweet smile.
You averted your eyes as your cheeks burned. 'ahh he's so pretty! And I love how my name sounds from his voice!!!'
Then, he took a condom out of his drawer and gave you a show of putting it on his dick. Your eyes widened in lust and wonder as you watched him pull the gummy down his dick, and he just had to do it very slowly as he watched you stare.
He felt shy and nervous all of a sudden.
Oliver quickly leaned forward to take your hand as he gently pulled you towards him, making you walk on your knees until his dick rested under your pussy.
"Are..you sure that... this ...will fit?", you asked with a nervous smile as you looked at the size of his dick.
He was certainly bigger than any dildo you've ever had.
"hm...there's only one way to find out.", he answered as he looked up at you with a closed eyed smile, and if the tension wouldn't be so damn sexual, you would've slapped him.
But you felt like caressing his cheek now. You still held his hand as you gulped. "Well...y-you were fingering me before, right?", you asked with a stutter, but Oliver didn't pay it any mind as he started kissing your chest and collarbone.
"Yes, I did. We can also not do anything at all, ____."
You looked at him for a moment. Then your hand came in contact with his cheek. His eyes widened. He then pressed the side of his face into your hand and nuzzled himself against it.
It felt like you two knew each other for a long time, like you weren't strangers. Oliver had never experienced a touch like...that.
He never got touched so softly, and when you looked at him with such a gentle smile, and treated him like he was the most expensive thing in the world...
"Oh, Oliver, my love!", you exclaimed as you hugged him. You embraced him the moment you saw his right eye suddenly collecting more water, and you grew panicked.
"Did I do something wrong? Am I not allowed to touch workers? Please my love, answer me...!", you said in a hushed whisper as Oliver slowly brought his arms to your back and hugged you as well.
His shoulders were shaking as he sniffed and sobbed. "N-no...I just..I love you!", he cried and you just hugged him tighter.
It took him a few seconds to collect his thoughts, to let loose, to calm down. Oliver felt...safe, in your arms. He was surprised when you suddenly embraced him, as if you were protecting him, and maybe that was what he needed.
Maybe he just needed to breathe a bit. Yeah. That was it. Catch a break from this place.
He hugged you a little tighter and you reciprocated the gesture. Oliver sighed contently. That sweet moment however, got ruined when your knees couldn't support the weight of Oliver -who was laying on your chest with his whole upper body- anymore, and you had to sit down.
It was a wonder, truly.
Your pussy sucked his dick inside in one go, without any difficulties as you gasped sharply and Oliver moaned shamelessly. Oliver cursed under his breath as he massaged your sides, trying to tell you sweet nothings as he tried to refrain from thrusting up his dick.
your breath was ragged as you tried to process how in the world you could've taken such a huge cock like Oliver's in, let alone so...easily.
But, you also felt more full than you ever did, none of your dildos were that good. Gosh, Oliver might get you addicted to his own dick if you didn't hop off anytime soon.
"mmh...c-can I move?", you asked after a few minutes, and Oliver looked at you in confused amazement. He was underneath you, panting as he tried to get accustomed to the tightest cunt he's ever had the pleasure of getting inside, and here you were, all ready to ride him.
Oliver nodded as he closed his eyes. "Lift your hips- s-slow--ah~!", he instructed, but you lifted them too fast and Oliver's shaft was robbed from your warm walls as you raised yourself, sucking him a little up and he shivered when he felt the cool night air from the slightly opened window hit against his wet cock.
You hissed in frustration when you didn't feel his thick dick fill you up and you let yourself down again, but this time much slower, and you moaned out in bliss. Oliver did as well, and he looked at the place where your entrance took in more and more of him.
His heart started hurting. "Yes..j-just like that..!", he breathed as he felt you rise again. your eyes were closed in concentration of Oliver's breathing, his twitching dick, his hands holding your hips to guide you around on his cock and the lewd noises both of your genitals did.
Gosh, it felt so right to ride him. It felt good. His hands felt good. His cologne was the only air you've wanted to breathe ever again. His face and body and dick were the only things you ever wanted to see again. His voice was the only sound you ever wanted to hear again.
Was it possible...that you fell for Oliver too?
...Was it possible to kidnap him?
I mean, you could disguise your doings as a form of wanting to get to know him better, and later on use him as your personal dildo or plaything, but we'll see about that.
Right now, you went down again, and Oliver's legs trembled a little. You noticed of course and stopped your ministrations. "What's wrong?", you asked with an innocent face, your brows frowning in concern and your wide eyes searching for any discomfort in his face.
The fucking audacity you had.
Oliver was seconds away from cumming!
He just wanted to kiss you in order to shut you up -french-kiss you, to be precise- and force his tongue down your throat until you couldn't think anymore and fuck you senseless.
But he just shook his head. "No, it's just... I'm close...", he sighed, dissappointed in himself. But could you blame him? He's had a painful boner the moment you stepped into this room.
You giggled. "So...I'm making you cum? Does it feel good? want me to change the pace?", you asked in an excited tone, and Oliver was left in amazement at your behavior for the nth time tonight.
what were you, exactly?
"Do you like the idea of me cumming so bad, ____?", he mused, wanting to see you blush, but his eyes widened when you nodded happily.
"I can finally brag about my friend that i made a man and myself cum! Then she'll for sure leave me alone!", you cheered, and Oliver grew depressed.
"Oh...is this...like, the only reason you're here? Just because of your friend?", he asked, making you stop altogether.
You grabbed his cheeks and gave him a big smooch. "Listen, Oliver. I came here with the intention to just get fucked around a little and then leave, but you make me want to stay by your side and love you.
And you know...about what you said earlier...
...I think I fell for you too.", you chuckled as you smiled at him fondly.
Oliver's eyes stared at yours for a moment before he pulled you to him and kissed you a hundred times. You giggled when he peppered your face in sloppy kisses, pecks, and kitten licks, but you wouldn't want to have it any other way.
You let him do as he pleased, letting him trail down your body with kisses, biting your neck gently, nibbling your collarbone, and his thumbs rounding your nipples as if they were these joints from a playstation controller, making you whimper a bit.
You sighed happily as he pushed you down, making him go on top of you again, and you laying on the sheets, his dick still inside you and you gently rocked your hips against his to gain some friction.
"Really?", he asked as he tried catching his breath. You nodded with a smile. "Really."
Oliver smiled back. "Good...now, let me make love to you, ____."
You giggled and Oliver kissed your nose with a grin before he held one of your hands and kissed it gently. You looked up at him with heart eyes.
Oliver blushed furiously as he kissed your lips and thrusted into you at the same time. You moaned against his lips as you felt your stomach forming a knot, with Oliver repeatedly hitting a certain spot inside you which made your eyes roll back and your toes curl.
You arched your back at the feeling, your clit pulsing in a strong rythm and Oliver kissed you again and again as he kept thrusting into you.
"mm...nngh~...y're s'good t'this...", you mumbled, already losing yourself in the feeling of his dick filling you up and massaging your walls with his veins and girth as you tried meeting his snaps.
Oliver gritted his teeth as he tried not to cum at the moment. He didn't know what was more hot; being inside of you, or seeing your blissed out face, with your body moving upwards a bit at every of his hips' movements.
He groaned before he buried his head into your shoulder and adjusted his legs for a moment, where you caressed the back of his hand with your thumb as you waited patiently and combed through his hair in a comforting manner with your other one.
Then, Oliver snapped his hips into yours, his dick drilling into you at a fast pace as you gasped at the sudden change and reflexively pulled at his hair, making him hiss in pain and pleasure.
"Does, ah..does this also feel good..!?", he grunted as he felt tears stream down his face at the feeling of pleasure and pain, because he tried not to cum, and it hurt, a lot.
"Yes...but please, Oliver. Cum."
Oliver's breath got caught in his throat as his cock just started to let out the pent up and held back white spurts of semen inside the condom, but it felt like he was cumming inside of you, which made him scared.
So, he quickly pulled his dick out, relieved as he realized he was still wearing a condom and sighed.
He still had to overcome the fact that his body reacted upon your request, cumming when you told him to. He felt like he could've held it in for five more minutes, but you proved him otherwise.
"How...how did you know I wanted to cum?", he asked in bewilderment when he hugged you close to him. You caressed his torso after you pulled the condom out of his now-soft penis.
"I read a lot of books."
"Oh...b-but you didn't cum...!"
"There's always a next time, Oliver."
And Oliver looked at you with a surprised face. Why was he so forgetful today?
You had a smile on your face when you held one of his hands and kissed it. "It was a perfect first time."
"But you didn't cum.."
"I didn't want to in the first place. I just...wanted to know what it feels like, being touched by a man, making love to a man...and, well, experiencing something like that. I'm glad I went with my friend."
"hm, me too. But was it a...good first time?", he asked as he played with a few strands of your hair. You huffed in amusement.
"I couldn't imagine a better first time, Oliver.", you confessed, and Oliver had a precious smile on his face as he looked at you.
"So...I was thinking...maybe...just maybe! I could...move into your apartment?", he asked, already having packed his things as he followed you.
Your best friend stared at you with an open mouth, who looked at him with a smile. "I'd love to! But, I must warn you, I don't really cook or clean around the house, so I might need a-"
"Maid? Cook? I can totally do that.", he answered quickly and with a determined expression on his face.
"Hey...are we maybe skipping a few steps here?", your best friend chimed in as she raised her eyebrow.
"Huh? Uh, no? I love him. He's just my type, and he also took my virginity. And apparently, he says he can do house chores and cook meals. So why not live together?", you answered as you looked at her.
She scratched her head. "Damn. Once I bring you out, and bam, now you have a husband. Jeez, ya need to teach me your ways, ____!!!", she yelled, and you giggled at her desperation.
Then you bid her goodbye as your Uber came and you stepped in with Oliver. The ride was silent as you snuggled up against him and he kissed the top of your head.
hellyu, how was that?!
If it wasn't what you wanted then I'm sorry, but I don't wanna rewrite it again. However, please write feedback in the comments, alright?
Read you in the next post!
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thorns-fixations · 1 year
What It Takes To Survive - Sub Zero / Reader SMUT 18+
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Screams and shouts filled the air as the smoke and flames engulfed the structures that made your town, darkly clad warriors seizing all of those they could get their hands on, slaughtering the men and the resistors in a merciless bloodbath. You sprinted desperately, shoeless, throughout the wreckage, heart pounding in your chest as you attempted to duck and weave through collapsed buildings, your long sheer nightdress now weighed down by mud that you had rushed through to escape the warriors. ‘The forest, run to the forest,’ your thoughts echoed in your head, making a dash of pure desperation for the trees that surrounded your town, fresh tears gently rolled down your face, the fear of what happens next escaping your eyes with the aid of the stinging smoke that filled the air and had harshly invaded your lungs. You had just managed to navigate through the last row of buildings towards the forest when your ankles swiftly twisted around each other, being caught up by some weights and rope that had been thrown to slow your escape, you fell to the ground with a heavy thud, your arms barely braising your body for impact before the collision. Panic rushed through your mind at the idea of being caught out by the warriors, you had only just entered adulthood by your clan’s standard - there was so much you were meant to do, so much you were looking forward too with the other girls who had come of age at the same time as yourself. It wasn’t meant to end like this, not at the end of an assassin’s blade, alone, watching the life you knew being destroyed before being released into the arms of death himself. You composed yourself as much as you could, twisting around to reach the weighted rope that had wrapped around your ankles, grabbing the ropes, you began to pull at them, unaware of the assassin slowly approaching you from the wreckage you had come through. The sound of metal chains froze you solid where you sat amongst the grass, eyes still locked onto the rope, your heart sunk into your stomach, your breath catching in your throat, the tears once again falling from our eyes silently as you dared yourself to look up in the direction of the noise. A lone assassin stood between you and your town, angry orange flames climbing meters behind him, the hot colour contrasting to the mans vibrant blue armor garments a silence stood heavily between you as his eyes raked over your body – the bright light casted from the fires behind him emphasizing the sheerness of your nightwear, a dress normally never worn outside your chambers. The sheer cloth garment softly draping over your naked body left nothing to the imagination, you had not experienced a great deal of men, but you knew how to recognize the dangerous lust that grew in your captor’s eyes as he looked down at you. He began towards you, crossing the space that sat between swiftly and confidently, never breaking his eye contact with you.
‘Scream, run, fight, don’t just sit here, what are you doing – he will kill you, and if he doesn’t – just run!’ Your conscious screamed inside your head, frantic at your inability to move, his stare alone enough to render you frozen in time, unable to defend yourself, unable to run and hide – only able to move your head slowly to meet his glare as he approached. Now directly in front of you the man lowered himself towards the ground, inches away from your face – freezing cold mist leaving his mask as he breathed, the low temperature a welcome adjustment to the heat that had tortured you during your escape. He grabbed your wrists with demanding force, clasping metal shackles around them, the restraints are cold and heavy – your arms quickly drop towards the ground when he releases them from his hands.
“Behave, or die – the option is yours, Woman.”
The man spoke clearly before slicing through the rope constricting your ankles with the dagger on his thigh. He stood upright again before sharply tugging on the chain that connected to your wrists, lifting you up off the ground, painfully demanding you return to your feet. You quickly scrambled to regain your footing as he walked back into your town, the loud screaming that once filled the air had stopped, replaced by the weak cries of the women and young children you had once laughed with. The man stopped you in front of a small group of women – girls your age, a few a bit older, before shoving you to your knees with them, freezing your chain to theirs, you huddled to one of the girls – a close friend, someone you had spent days with, dreaming of future life’s, joyfully discussing people you found attractive, now at the mercy of the men who have massacred those you loved.
“Why are we separate from the others?”
You whispered to your friend nervously, met with a silent shake of the head as a response, she didn’t know either. You silently awaited your fate together, miserably watching the assassin’s gather bodies from the town and return them to an area nearby, setting the fresh corpses alight in a tower of death, the smell was horrible, one you never thought you could forget. A harsh looking man in red approached your group with an amused smile across his face, his enjoyment sending shivers across your body.
“Stand them up.”
The man commanded some plainly decorated assassin’s close by, who hurried to fulfil his order, ripping you all to your feet by the heavy chains that bound you, you stood in a line, anxiously awaiting any explanation of your fates. You saw the man nod at another of his clansmen who had been crafting something in a nearby fire, out of sight from the group – the man approached him with a grim answer to your worries, he held a glowing red brand proudly, the insignia matching the icon the assassins wore on their chest. You felt yourself go numb upon your realization.
“You ladies are lucky enough to be joining our clan’s live-in entertainment and service teams upon our return to the Lin Kuei Temple – Of course, as our property, we must brand you as such.”
One by one the scorching iron landed on the shoulder blades of the group until you had all been marked. You all stood together, defeated, dreading your new futures, you watched them destroy your home and you watched the man in blue return – this time in the company of two men, one in grey and another in the same shade of blue as himself. The colour-clad assassins mingled between themselves for some time, you knew who these men were, and how dangerous they could be – it would probably be best if you stayed on their good side and obeyed them where possible. As if he knew you were thinking about him, the man in blue – whom you assumed to be Sub Zero, upon seeing that he was the larger and elder of the men in blue – turned and walked towards you with haste, the other men completely undisturbed by his sudden departure from the group. Upon reaching you he disconnected your chain from the others and lead you forcefully away from the town square, you struggled to stay on your feet as he dragged you through the smoking remains of your town towards the temple you often spent time in, made from stone, it had survived the flames that suffocated the rest of the town. He led you through the halls towards the monk chambers, you felt sick at the blood that now stained the walls of the structure, you tried not to imagine the fate of those who were here throughout the attack. You were pulled into a room usually kept vacant for any travelling monks or people of importance, the room was larger than the others and held much more comfortable furniture, a large shelf bed as well as some upholstered chairs with a large fire pit along the wall. The man pushed you towards the bed, dragging you on your stomach toward the other side, attaching your chain to the top left post, trapping you on the mattress on your knees, you looked up at the man from your vulnerable position, you watched with dread as he removed his armor and clothing, his body was large and muscular, scars littering his skin. You tried not to look, you really did, so much so that you turned your face away from the man when he removed his pants, a deep chuckle filled the room, you heard footsteps move from in front of you until you felt the heavy weight of him crawling over the bed behind you. You shut your eyes tight, preparing for the next few moments… moments that didn’t come, you opened your eyes, mildly confused at the absence of the man, you could have sworn that you felt him climb onto the bed behind you – perhaps you were mistaken-. Your thoughts were cut off as you felt your nightdress lift from your legs and over your ass to drape over your back, you felt cold breaths over your core, your thighs quivering in retaliation.
No, no this couldn’t possibly be exciting you, the idea of being at the mercy of this man, this monster shouldn’t be filling you with lust!
“N-No!” You squeaked, almost pathetically, recoiling away from his breath, disgusted in your body’s reaction to the man’s presence, an amused noise came from behind you.
“No? Are you sure?” the man teased, running a single calloused finger down the wetness that had formed at your entrance, “Perhaps you should tell your body that “the man chuckled. You stayed silent, embarrassed by his comments, you shouldn’t be reacting this way.
“Well- alright then, we will do it your way” the mans voice dropped into a threatening growl, licking a forceful stripe from your clit over your entrance. You gasped at the sudden sensation before you felt his tongue forcefully enter you quickly making a wet mess of his saliva and your forbidden excitement, his cold tongue sent shivers through your heat as he continued to hungrily eat you. After a little while he pulled his mouth away from you, allowing himself to watch down at you. You had become a mess in front of him, desperately gasping for air between moans, a painful open hand slapped and grabbed your ass, causing you to wince and yelp in pain. Amused at your obvious mental battle, he placed an ice cold digit on your clit, placing an unfair amount of pressure behind it – just enough to make you moan and scream as your lust and disgust battled for supremacy, he could certainly have a lot of fun with you back at the temple but time was not his ally right now. Aware that his clansmen would soon come looking for him, he took himself in his hand, slowly down his length a few times before sliding his velvety head through the wet mess he had created, unfortunately for you, he didn’t give you much of a chance to prepare for what was coming next. He lined the head of his cock up to your entrance, in awe of the size difference between the two, an intense burning sensation startled your body as he forced his head into your entrance, the wet sounds of the union quickly overshadowed by the mans long moan of pleasure. The tightness surrounding him forced primal growls from his mouth as he slowly forced every inch of himself inside of you, the sensation sending you wild, his long, thick coldness slowly stretched you to his size before you finally felt his body against the skin of your thighs and ass. Two large, cold hands grabbed at your hips, you cherished the moment of stillness, a tiny chance for your body to adjust to him, a tiny chance cut very short.
You felt him begin to move out of you slowly before quickly snapping back completely, a moan screamed out of your mouth in retaliation before he sped up, mercilessly using you for his pleasure, his thick cock slick with your arousal, an applause of wet slaps echoing through the room as he assaulted your cunt. You felt your body go limp as he continued to fuck you, load moans falling from his mouth as roughly snapped his hips into you, almost desperately shoving as much as he could of himself into you, he growled at your weakness before freezing your chains and shattering them. His hand quickly grabbed your shoulder, flipping you onto your back and effortlessly spreading your legs open as far as they could go, leaning over you he wastes no time sliding his cock back into you and thrusting his hips into you as hard as he could. Your arms wrapped around his body instinctively, scratching and clawing his back, your moans echoing through the temple, his powerful thrusts soon became erratic as his moans grew louder, you watched as his head threw back, sweat glistening down his fit body, the muscles in his upper arms tensing as he chased his high. His eyes dropped back to you and his mouth curled into a mean smirk
“Like what you see, whore?” he growled through unsteady breaths, his hand weaving into your hair and pulling down forcing your face upwards  “Open your, u-uoh, open your mouth, I don’t want cum to leak out and ruin my horses saddle on thew way to the temple”. You reluctantly opened your mouth as he pulled out of your body, stroking himself over your mouth until he reached his climax, filling your mouth with his thick salty orgasm.
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briarpotter · 4 months
I feel like I've posted this before, but nevertheless, here we go!
Also, I'm gonna be posting a few microfics I wrote for the ginniversary bingo, (which is over, btw).
Read it here or under the cut.
O-68: To his horror, he realized he'd been this way before.
“Point Me!” He whispered into the darkness. His wand spun in his hand, then settled on his open palm, pointing north, the center of the maze. He tread forward carefully, wary of any dangerous obstacles. As he turned the corner, he was faced with a huge Blast-Ended Skrewt. To his horror, he realized he’d been this way before. Desperately, he fired spells rapidly, hoping to distract it enough to make his escape.
Soon, he reached the center and found the Cup. He grabbed it, thinking he won, when the familiar jerk at his navel sent him reeling. When the spinning stopped, he found himself on the ground in front of Lord Voldemort. Voldemort raised his wand, and cast the cruciatus curse. “Crucio!” The pain was worse than a thousand white-hot knives boring into his skin. He screamed loudly while Voldemort let out a laugh that sent a chill in his spine.
He woke up sweating, his hair sticking to his forehead. He sat up quickly, moving his hair from his eyes. He groped around for his glasses, and sighed in relief when he saw the drawn curtains of his four-poster bed in his dorm at Hogwarts.
“Harry?” Ron asked, groggily. “You okay, mate?” “Yeah, I’m fine. Just a nightmare.” Harry replied. Talking about the night at the graveyard when Voldemort came back to life today had brought up some bad memories. “You sure?” Ron inquired. “I’m sure. Go back to sleep, mate.” Harry said. “Mmh.” Ron snored.
Chuckling at his best friend’s antics, he pulled back his curtains and opened his trunk, searching for the Marauders’ Map that the twins had given him 2 years ago. His eyes widened in surprise when he realized that someone was down in the common room. Apparently, Ginny couldn’t sleep either.
He head down the stairs leading to the Common room to find Ginny sitting on an armchair in front of the fireplace. “That’s my place, you know?” He said, jokingly. Ginny jolted when she heard someone behind her. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you.” He apologized. “You didn’t scare me, it’s just…” She hesitated. “You surprised me, is all.” She said. Harry nodded and moved to sit next to her.
“Couldn’t sleep?” He asked. She nodded. “A nightmare. I heard you talking about that night today, and somehow hearing you talk about how You-Know-Who was resurrected brought back bad memories.” She answered. “I get it. I had a nightmare too, you know?” He said. “What was it about?” She asked. A beat passed. “I’m sorry, you don’t have to tell me-”  “I got tortured. By Voldemort. I took the portkey and Voldemort tortured me.” He interrupted her.
“Oh.” She said. They sat in silence, before Ginny started talking again. “I saw Tom. In my dream. I was back in the chamber, and Tom was talking to me, belittling me.” He nodded at her to go on. “I told him that you would come save me. He said that the famous Harry Potter didn’t care about me, a stupid little girl who was dumb enough to trust a diary which talked back to me, and that I deserved to die in the chamber.” She continued bitterly.
“I don’t think you were a stupid little girl. I think you were a girl who was lonely and trusted Tom because he made you feel safe. After a while, he started feeding off your fears, taking your soul. You were a little girl who didn’t deserve any of that.” He began. “None of that is true. You’re smart, pretty, popular, and a great Quidditch player from what I’ve seen.” He grinned. She smiled back. “You really think I’m pretty?” He nodded, blushing slightly as he realized what he had said. She chuckled at his face. “Thanks, Harry. I needed that.” She said. He nodded mutely, still embarrassed at calling her pretty.
She slapped her thighs, got up, stretching her body. “Well, I’ve got to get up to bed. We have an early morning tomorrow.” Harry, who had been looking at the exposed skin near her waist, startled and looked up to see Ginny slightly smirking. She clearly noticed him checking her out. He stuttered. “Y-yeah, I’ve gotta get to bed. ‘Night.” He wished her a goodnight, and head up the stairs, his face burning.
Ginny had just caught him checking her out! He buried and face in his pillow and groaned. He was never gonna get over that.
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sonnet141snz · 7 months
Council meeting (part 1/?) OCs
Ok sooo I finally done it! This is the first time I’m posting original content here and I’m quite nervous about it, but these characters just wouldn’t stop banging inside my head so I just had to do it. But anyway, don’t mind me lol
This story is set in a world where each high born fey family has some sort of supernatural ability. The two main characters are Aiden and Callum. (They kinda hate each other at this point by the way) Aiden is the crown prince and has ice powers. Callum is a metal manipulator and is the fourth son of the Daewynn family.
Anyway I’ll stop rambling now. If by any chance anyone is interested I can do a more detailed description of the two of them, but for now that’s it I guess :)
Needless to say, minors DNI. And please don’t reblog this on non kink blogs.
“Well, we’ll close the damn gates to the humans then. They belong in the battlefield anyway, not the capital.”
In the opulent council chamber, tensions simmered as Aiden seethed at Lord Brandel’s callous disregard for human life. Each word uttered by the arrogant noble grated on Aiden’s nerves, reinforcing his disdain for these Council Meetings. Discussing warfare strategies was grim enough, but enduring the self-righteousness of Brandel was a trial in itself.
“Didn’t your own men die in that same battlefield, Lord Brandel? Do the lives lost on that battlefield mean nothing to you? Or has your heart turned to stone along with your ambition?”
The atmosphere in the chamber grew stiflingly hot, mirroring the fiery exchange between Aiden and Lord Emyr Brandel. With a regal bearing, Brandel rose from his seat, fixing Aiden with a steely glare that bore into him like searing flames. The intensity of his gaze conveyed a sense of disdain, as if Aiden were nothing more than an errant pup caught in the act. Such animosity was no surprise; as members of the pyrotechnic lineage, the Brendels, harbored a longstanding rivalry with Aiden's family, their ambitions for the throne smoldering beneath the surface like dormant embers awaiting ignition.
“I am not having my honor questioned by a boy, ” he practically roared.
A boy? A boy? He had only celebrated his 125th birthday a fortnight ago. It wasn’t his fault that he hadn’t aged as… “gracefully” as Brandel.
A wave of fury swept across Lord Brandel’s features, his expression twisted into a mask of seething rage. Aiden couldn’t help but relish the prospect of a confrontation, a flicker of amusement dancing in his eyes despite the solemn setting of the Council Chamber. With a subtle smirk playing at his lips, he welcomed the challenge, his demeanor betraying an air of nonchalance even as he wielded his power to cool the room, casting a literal chill over the heated exchange.
“I am not questioning your honor, Lord Brandel. I’m denying its existence.”
At the far end of the table, Aiden’s gaze fell upon Callum, who raised his eyebrows, a sly smirk playing at his lips. Engrossed in his own amusement, Callum manipulated a sphere of gleaming gold he always seemed to carry around everywhere.
With a deft flick of his wrist, the sphere morphed itself into the likeness of a dragon, sigil of the Brandels, a crown atop its head.
Aiden couldn’t help but glare at him but decided to say nothing about it.
“You little— we shall hear what the King has to say about this.”
“No, we shan’t. This meeting is over.” Aiden said.
The members of the Small Council stood, Lord Brandel being the first to storm out of the room, Callum being the last. Or at least he would have been.
“You’re not that funny you know?”
Callum looked over his shoulder, the little golden ball morphing itself into a necklace, a pendant that looked like a shield hanging on it.
“Oh, I know I’m not. I found your reaction far more entertaining, Your Highness.”
Aiden closed the distance between them and could have sworn he saw Callum shiver a bit. Most people did though. Not exactly out of fear — although he supposed some did — it was a reaction that most individuals exhibited in his presence due to his cold nature. But not him. Not ever. Callum (and all members of his House for that matter) seemed immune to the chill that often accompanied Aiden’s proximity, a trait attributed to metal manipulators’ ability to withstand extreme temperatures. It struck Aiden as peculiar that this was the first time he truly noticed Callum’s appearance that day. Flushed cheeks and a reddened nose hinted at exhaustion, while the dark circles beneath his eyes betrayed a weariness that was uncharacteristic of the typically too composed nobleman. As Aiden prepared to respond to Callum’s taunt, he detected a distant look in his eyes, scrunching the scar that marred his features. Stretching from his left eyebrow to his lower right cheek, the scar served as a stark reminder many unanswered questions. Aiden couldn’t help but wonder why Callum chose to retain the scar, especially when Healers of house Mosseye could easily erase its presence. It puzzled him further, considering Every metal manipulator he’s ever known has lost at least a finger or two, and he was sure Callum did too. So why wouldn’t he have this one specifically healed? All his fingers were there, and he didn’t seem to carry any other scars, not visible ones anyway. So why —
“— nkggt! Nggxt!” Callum’s shoulders shuttered with the effort. He stayed in place for a few seconds as if in anticipation, but finally decided to turn back around as he lowered his arm.
“Sorry.” He murmured, probably out of mere habit.
Well, this was decidedly out of character. Men like Callum never showed their “weaknesses”, maintaining an ironclad facade even in the face of death, especially not in front of Aiden. Though he sensed that something was amiss, he opted to ignore it, seamlessly steering their interaction back to their usual banter.
“I don’t believe I reacted in anyway, Lord Daewynn.” He knew Callum would hate the use of his title.
“You certainly surprised me,” Callum remarked, a smirk playing at the corners of his lips. “Watching you stand up to Brandel was rather entertaining. I must admit, I didn’t expect such boldness from you.” He gave a wet sniffle as quietly as he possibly could and rubbed his knuckles at his nose.
“Well maybe you don’t know me as well as you think you do.”
“Huh- nkggtchu!
Another sneeze. This time it was only half successful and the goblets still on the table rattled, their stems trembling with the force of the disturbance. Even the chandeliers above swayed, casting flickering shadows across the room. Looking around with raised eyebrows, Aiden decided it was clear that he could no longer ignore the peculiar occurrences unfolding before him, not after the unsettling display of Callum’s wavering control over his powers.
“Alright, what’s the matter with you?”Aiden inquired, his tone softening.
Callum, who was rubbing at his nose, stopped almost immediacy and snapped back to reality “What do you mean ‘what’s the matter’ with me?”
Unfortunately for him and without his consent, his chest jumped and he uttered a barely audible stifled sneeze once more, even more forceful than the last three. Aiden only stared at him for a brief moment said “You know, you really shouldn’t do that.”
For how long has he been doing that anyway? If his powers were starting to go haywire like that, probably for quite some time. Aiden couldn’t help but feel pity for him. Being the lord of one’s own house couldn’t possibly be easy, especially when it wasn’t a role one had anticipated. Aiden always know he’d be king one day. It was different for Callum.
Growing up, Callum was very much the youngest son. He pursued his own desires and hobbies without restraint, unburdened by the weight of responsibility or duty. Truth be told, this independence fueled Aiden’s apparent disdain for him. Not the fact that he was arrogant and “oh so powerful”. Not the fact that he almost always won when they sparred at the Training Pit. Deep down, he knew he was just jealous of the noble who had always marched to the beat of his own drum.
Only a few years ago, when his older brother and father died in battle, he became lord of house Daewyn, given that his three older brothers had all taken oaths to serve in the King’s Guard, they were barred from inheriting any titles or assets and father any offspring. It was a stark reminder of the unpredictable nature of life, and it left Aiden grappling with a mixture of emotions, including a begrudging respect for the burden Callum now carried.
“Do what, sneeze in front of my prince? I’m so sorry Your Highness, but I can’t exactly help it, can I?”
Aiden rolled his eyes “What I meant was attempting to be overly polite about it. It's not as if you've ever done that before anyway.”
He might not exactly like the guy but he wasn’t that cruel. It weirdly bothered him to see Callum look so miserable. Besides, it was not that fun to taunt him when he was in such a state. He was not one to kick a man when he was down.
“I assume you don’t want to get stabbed by every piece of metal in this room, so I’m afraid I have to.”
“You, showing concern for my well-being? How flattering,” Aiden remarked, raising a hand to his chest to emphasize his statement.
“Not really, no. It just would be such a nuisance to kill the Crown Prince, so I’d rather avoid it. I do enjoy my freedom.”
“What makes you think you could ever kill me, Daewynn?”
Callum raised an eyebrow “I don’t know, the last time we sparred perhaps?”
Aiden chuckled at that.
“Fair enough.”
For a moment they just stared at each other until Aiden realized that his cold nature might not be exactly helping Callum. Suddenly, he felt surprisingly guilty for lowering the temperature so much when Brandel tried to defy him.
“Go rest, Daewynn. You look like you need it.”
The only response he received was a brisk nod before Callum exited the room. Aiden remained behind for a moment, his gaze lingering on the now crumpled goblets adorning the council table, before eventually making his way back to his chambers.
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mintyimperiatrix · 5 months
just finished reading the Infinity Doctors and i'm now going to make it everybody else's problem, so welcome to what is probably going to be the opposite of a concise review by someone who knows utterly fuck all about any of the 90s books, yeehaw (spoilers)
so in all honestly i literally only read this because it's the only other time that i'm aware of that Patience appears and after reading Cold Fusion i wanted to find out more about her. imagine my feelings when i find out that this entire book is set in a different universe :D
for real though it took me a good while to figure out wtf was going on. i didn't know if it was pre-Hartnell or a Doctor from the future or what but i think it's the latter because there's one line about how he doesn't wear a velvet coat anymore, implying he's after Eight and i know it was written wayy before Nine was cast but his description fits Eccleston's so well which to me points to him being yet another alternate Ninth Doctor so ig Nine just gets to vibe on Gallifrey in this timeline instead of facing The Horrors(tm)
speaking of timeline stuff it kinda just felt like a compressed version of the Doctor's life from the main universe. he remembers Patience here so clearly married her as Hartnell rather than before. Hedin's around so i figure he just didn't die, which makes sense if the Omega shennanigans in the Three Doctors and Arc of Infinity also didn't happen which i have to assume is the case judging by the entire plot of the book. there were also references to something that'll off the Time Lords later on which tracks with the Time War but again this was pre revival so i'm guessing it's some Faction Paradox stuff since that was also referenced. it follows the concept that the Doctor's half Human and his parents are Penelope and Ulysses which is not something i'm a fan of normally but knowing this is an alternate universe i think it has potential. he called the TARDIS a family heirloom at one point which is bizarre but in that context somewhat works
and the Magistrate is the Master right? surely that's gotta be a unanimous opinion, right?? i loved him though, probably my fav character in the book. exactly what you'd expect a Gallifrey-bound incarnation of the Master to be like. i was sad when he was killed/vanished/whatever, i wish there was some sort of follow up on that or even just a reaction from the other characters at all. there was one line though where Larna notes that it's obvious that he's in love with the Doctor and vice versa and that made my thoschei shipping brain squee with delight.
loved Larna too! we all had that one hot teacher she's just the only one lucky enough to actually snog them. i loved her dynamic with the Doctor and the Magistrate and i like to think she exists in the main universe, probably re-engineering Gallifrey's staircases and turning down constant offers to join the High Council
i would like to have strong words with Lance Parkin regarding his repeated de-shoeing of female characters though and of the random mentions of curves and figure that never occurs with male characters. i wouldn't mind the emphasis as much if the same had been done for the male characters, and it's not like there wasn't opportunity for it however in the scenes where the Doctor is naked briefly or the Magistrate is wearing tight fitting clothing not once is it given the same depth of description as the scenes with Patience or Larna. the introduction of systemic sexism on Gallifrey was also so incredibly unnecessary and i have no clue why anyone would feel the need to specify that "of the thousands of Time Lords on Gallifrey only around a dozen were female" like huh???
speaking of Gallifrey i did enjoy (for the most part) the depiciton of Time Lord day to day. i'm not fond of the distinction between Gallifreyans and Time Lords, in my mind all Gallifreyans are Time Lords some just don't live in the Citadel, but the stuff about Infinity Chambers, the way they decorate their rooms, the random tech like Z-Caps and Force Knives, the obsession with protocol and proceedure, it's all gorgeous. the use of TARDIS/Time Lord dynamics was stunning (there's a soft moment between the Doctor and the TARDIS at the end and i love it), also the use of different pronouns for different TARDISes was a welcome treat
onto Patience though, the reason i read the book. it referenced her fate from Cold Fusion but because of the everything about this book i assume it's a different version of Patience which honestly i'm glad about because i'm not sure how i feel about the idea of the Doctor marrying the woman who was at his birth and proceeded to raise him. also don't like her being Omega's wife, that's really weird??? i enjoy the idea that she's older than she initially appeared in Cold Fusion though, past regenerations for her would be cool but i doubt she stretches back as far as the Doctor does in the main universe. it was so fun to see her again though albeit a different her
on the whole i'd say a very good book but with enough iffy bits that i wouldn't rate it too high. bit of a slow burn but in a good way! i love Sontarans and i didn't know going in that they were there so that was incredibly welcome. i really like the Infinity Doctor and i wouldn't say no to more content with him, even just an unbound comic strip or something because i really like this take on the character
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diecastor · 2 years
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memurfevur-archive · 2 years
Friends Forever
Character(s): Avonis Llabel, Ribrel Masino, Aphida Hollis, Kyllia Dyeyin, Hirnon Llabel, other NPCs
About: A memory from Avonis' childhood; the day he first became intimate with betrayal and blood.
CW: blood, character death, childhood trauma, parental neglect, religious trauma
Words: 3,539
A young Troll sat with his knees to his chest and his hands clutching his ears to hide the mutation everyone knew he had. Hot tears streamed down his cheeks, despite being chastised and lectured how unsightly it was for a child of the goddess to cry so pathetically. It should sound beautiful, saintly, laced with love, not scared and angry. 
He was scared and angry though, and helpless.
His life relied on who would win the argument with the elders. Half of the council believed Avonis should be killed--but not out of hemoist hatred, no; but because he's the child of the goddess spirit. They would be letting her blessing be nurtured and explored early, for they knew Avonis held the genes that would revive him. It would be a show of mercy and awakening. The other half however seemed torn on this, for they believed they should let the process happen naturally with little mortal intervention. Let Avonis die by whatever divine plan the goddess had laid out for him. He was only 2 sweeps. None of them considered that.
"Hi-Hirnon…" Avonis couldn't keep back the fear in his voice. Hirnon looked at him with the same eyes that mirrored back, and the same face that would someday grow into Avonis’ own. He wore the robes of an Auxiliator; he shouldn't have been here ,but his contribution had brought divinity into the world and so he would sit with the rest of the elders. Though Hirnon could see Avonis, he did not feel for him, and looked away, yet Avonis still had hope for someone who didn't love him.
And so for hours, Avonis sat listening to the people who had raised him bicker amongst themselves when the right time to kill the child would be. Avonis didn't understand. He knew he was a child of the goddess; they told him this near nightly. Should this mean he ought to be brave? Maybe the elders would be pleased if he volunteered himself? But shame boiled within him as he knew he would be too cowardly. After all, what if he didn't have those rainbow drinker genes dormant inside him? Was it okay for him to fear the end?
Then, the elders rose in their decision, with Hirnon casting the final vote. Avonis, lip quivering, bolted from the room. He ran as fast as his legs would carry, navigating blindly through the caves and tunnels that made up his small world. He cried, tears blurring his vision; screams of an innocent child echoed, 
"They're going to kill me! Help! Please! They're going to kill me!" 
But every cavern worker knew the price of a blessing and looked on with silent pity. The child was alone; no matter how crowded a chamber was.
"Avonis!" Ribrel looked at him with wide eyes. She too was only a child witnessing the abuse of an angel. She ran to Avonis' side and grabbed him by the wrist. "Come on!"
"Rib! They're going to kill me!"
"I know. Maybe the Overseer can help!"
They raced to the chambers where the Overseer's office was. A balcony overlooking the main lobby and the guards' station further in. Ribrel wasted no time and threw open the door. "Overseer Tokiri!"
Overseer Tokiri was a tall and lanky troll who wore her hair so tightly in a bun that it pulled at the skin on her face, making her appear sharp and vulture-angled and complete with a hooked nose and talons for horns. Despite her appearance, she was usually a warm and kind woman, especially to the younger Jades. Sitting across from her was such a Jade, with short bobbed hair and a scar over her lip earned during her time in the Trials. She nearly jumped to her feet at the sight of her friends entering the office, complete with a warm and excited smile. Tokiri, on the other hand, didn't seem as pleased. 
"Hi Kyllia," Avonis murmured quietly.
"Overseer Tokiri," Ribrel began, "We need your help! It's urgent!"
The smile on Kyllia's face faded and her gaze landed on the Overseer, who grew just as concerned. "What is it?"
"They're going to kill Avonis!"
"The elders and priestesses!"
A relieved expression fell over Tokiri. She settled back down in her chair, "You both knew this day would come."
"We need your help, please!" Ribrel held tightly onto Avonis' hand, her voice cracking, "I don't want to lose our best friend."
"Me neither!" Kyllia spoke up defiantly. "Avonis doesn't deserve to die!"
"Tokiri, he's a wriggler. We're all wrigglers. We can't let him die! It's not fair! Please help us!"
Tokiri let out a sigh, pushed herself from her desk, and approached the children. Kyllia soon joined them, holding tightly onto Avonis' other hand. Tokiri herded them out of her office gently, "Do not be afraid. It'll be okay."
"Thank you Overseer Tokiri," Avonis looked up at her, "I don't want to die."
"I told you," Ribrel beamed, "I told you she'd help us."
Voices were heard echoing down the corridor, and instantly Avonis stiffened. Before long, the council, headed by the Prioress Aphida and Hirnon, poured into the chamber. Avonis felt Aphida's cold eyes land on him, and Hirnon's held no emotion. The child looked up at Tokiri, hopeful of her words.
"Here you are, Hirnon."
"Wait, what?" Ribrel stared wide-eyed at her, "I thought you were helping us! Don't do this!"
"My dear," Tokiri hummed, "It is only temporary. The Goddess Spirit has blessed him, and we are helping this blessing to grow."
"That is right," Hirnon nodded as he approached the kids. "We want only what is best for him and the goddess."
"But," Kyllia spoke up, "What if he doesn't come back?"
Hirnon and Tokiri exchanged a silent look, then, "Come, Avonis, my son. It will be okay. It will only hurt for a bit. You're so important to us. Can't you see how loved you are by even our creator?"
"It's because of my ears, isn't it?" Avonis was visibly shaking, his eyes welling with tears. "You're going to kill me just like all the mutants! I'm a Mutant! I'm nothing but a Mutant!"
"Avonis," Ribrel breathed, horrified. "No--"
"You're not, Avonis." Avonis watched Hirnon fall to one knee and rest his hands on his small shoulders. "You are worth so much more than a Mutant. The Goddess Spirit, she watches over us; she makes sure we are safe, fed, sheltered. She smiles on us the most out of any caste, for we help her bring life into this world. She has given you her wings, for you are her favorite helper. We only want to see you get stronger, Avonis." Hirnon's voice dropped then, "You're my son. Would I let anything bad happen to you?"
Avonis stared at him in shock. The first time he had ever heard any emotion other than religious pride coming from his Ancestor. He let out a choked, "Dad..."
"Avonis, no," Ribrel pleaded. She broke out of Tokiri's grasp and dragged Avonis with her. "He should have a choice! It's not fair!"
"I am disappointed," croaked Prioress Aphida, meeting Ribrel's gaze. "Since when have we started raising sinful priestesses?" Ribrel and Kyllia exchanged horrified expressions; they loved their friend and feared their goddess, but feared expectation and consequences more.
"Come, son," Hirnon stood again and pressed Avonis to him. "It is time."
"I don't want to die," Avonis sniffed, but when that fell on deaf ears he growled and pulled away from his father. His ears shifted and the wings began to rub together making a loud cascading hiss. "I'll cut them! I'll cut my wings!"
"Don't be so foolish," Tokiri hissed.
"Avonis, just run!" Ribrel shouted, making eye contact with Avonis for a brief moment. Nodding, Avonis turned quickly and ran off. Frustrated yelling came from the council as they began to give chase.
"Ribrel! Kyllia!" Tokiri growled, "Enough of this. You are dismissed to your chambers! Now!"
"Yes, Overseer--" Kyllia said in a small voice, but the otherl wasn't as complacent.
"I can't believe you." Ribrel's vision was hazy with jaded tears. A deep chasm opened in her chest, but she felt empty inside, filled only with betrayal and disappointment. "Someday, I'll make sure that I'm the next Overseer; and I will never be like you."
As Avonis ran blindly through the tunnels and rooms of the underground caverns once more, looks of pity and pride glowed on the cavern worker's faces. He tried to block them out; he trusted no one here anymore. The people he loved wanted him dead. He was a small boy in a small world made of rock. He didn't know how it worked, how some Jadebloods could come back to life, but he knew there were some who didn't. He knew that he would be in pain, and Hirnon had confirmed as much. He thought about his own blood coming out of his body. He thought about the people he had trusted watching him die, and only then did he finally realize that they never cared about him. They only wanted him for a mutation he should have been killed for. Should he have been a man, this would incite fury and hurt, but he was a child and for all he knew he was not someone to be loved.
And such was the day Avonis stopped loving himself.
He found himself in the guards' training room, thankfully vacant for now. But there was nowhere else to go; he had run himself to a dead end, and he could hear Hirnon not far behind. He quickly armed himself with a sword from a rack. It was awkward for him to hold, he was too small and his hands smaller. He wasn't even sure if this was a real weapon; do they use real weapons in training? Whatever. It could buy Avonis just a little more time.
"Avonis," Hirnon stepped into the chamber. To Avonis' surprise, he didn't sound angry; rather,  warm and cautious, replacing the troll he knew. Avonis' ear flicked to show that he was listening. "Please, end this. I promise, everything will be okay. Can you turn to face me please?"
"You said you wanted me dead. You and the others."
"I did. But Avonis, this isn't really dying. You'll be alive, still."
Alive? What was Hirnon talking about? Avonis briefly thought of the elders; some say they had died at some point in their lives, only to be brought back by the grace of the goddess. Would it really be okay?
"I'm so proud of you."
"You are?" Avonis almost dropped the sword he hid in front of him. His ears lowered, shoulders slumped; he blinked back the tears in his eyes. "You've…never been proud of me before."
"There's been nothing to be proud of until now."
Those words sliced through Avonis like a red hot knife. He'd spent much of his nights studying as hard as he could, and when he was a focal point of worship he did his best to rehearse hymns and prayers just as the priestesses taught him. If Hirnon raised him, shouldn't he be proud? A child of the goddess working so hard to please…and yet it had come to light that it was never enough until now. All along…all he had to do was die. The young boy couldn't hide a tearful hiccup. Hirnon would be proud of him, and it would be okay.
Hirnon stepped closer and placed his hand on Avonis' shoulder. "It will be okay, son. Would we, everyone who has done their part to raise you, let anything bad happen to you now?" Avonis thought about all the grub eggs that were culled on the daily, for being mutants and freaks and everything that didn’t fit. He thought about his ears, the intricate insect wings that he was hatched with. The hand on his shoulder squeezed, "We love you, don't we?"
Avonis had never been sure of this, but to a child clinging onto the final threads of hope…solemnly, Avonis quietly nodded.
"Then come. Put down that silly sword. Everyone's waiting for you."
"I don't want to feel pain."
"You won't."
"But…isn't death painful?"
"Sometimes. But it won't be this time, I'll make sure of it. I'm the one who's going to do it, so you know it will be okay, right?"
"I don't want to be blessed anymore." He began to tremble as hot tears spilled down his cheeks. "Hirnon… make it *stop*."
"You know I can't; you know it shouldn't be, deep down. You're special, Avonis."
"I don't want to be," he hiccuped. "I want to be a nobody. Like you."
Hirnon's grip suddenly grew tighter on the child's shoulder, causing Avonis to cry out. "People would *kill* to be in your position. Be more grateful."
"I don't want to be."
"You must--"
"No!" Avonis broke from Hirnon's iron grip, and tightened his own on his sword. He spun, having difficulty lifting the heavy blade, but in a sudden leap of panic he heaved it high just as he remembered the guards would do. Hirnon's eyes widened, surprised at the show of dexterity from such a young child even with a disproportionate weapon, but there was little time to react. Though he tried to move, the blade drew a dark jade line over his face.
Hirnon cried out as blood spattered to the ground, grimacing loudly. He covered his face that was soon stained by green. Avonis' heart dropped to his stomach, fear pooling where dread had been. 
Hirnon slowly peered at him over his fingertips, scleras that were once gold now a burning crimson. "You little *brat*!"
He lunged and gripped Avonis' shirt, roughly pulling the kid to him and making him drop the sword. The child screamed, his hands and face smeared with his father's blood. Avonis tried to break free, but Hirnon's fingers dug deep into him. He cried out in pain and tried reaching for the sword again, but ceased when Hirnon yanked his head back by the hair. "That is enough!"
"Please," Avonis croaked in agony, "Please don't hurt me."
Then, suddenly, Hirnon's eyes widened and his hold on Avonis' loosened. He coughed, and a waterfall of blood began to trickle from his lips. Some of it landed on Avonis' forehead. Hirnon pushed his child away, and Avonis fell on the ground where his eyes caught a glimpse of what had happened.
Ribrel trembled behind Hirnon, her hands wrapped around the hilt of another sword, not unlike the one Avonis had just held. Tears streamed down her cheeks; Avonis remembered suddenly that he had never seen her cry before. But after the fear passed, she met his eyes and nodded, and Avonis then understood that this would be the only way to save his life. He lifted the heavy blade and struck blindly, letting the sword sink in. 
It was an uneducated poke, but a fatal one nonetheless. The weapon found its way between the ribs to pierce Hirnon’s blood-pusher. His breath hitched, and he convulsed weakly between the two children. Avonis' lip trembled as he saw his own reflection in Hirnon's frightened eyes; he was looking into a mirror, finding his own face as his father's blood bled all over his hands. 
Hirnon fell onto his side: the mirror was broken.
Quick footsteps echoed down the hall; no doubt the others had picked up the scent of blood. Ribrel ran to hide behind a pillar of rock, leaving Avonis alone to face the consequences. He hissed her name, but she did not come back. 
Now, the rest of the council grouped around the entryway, looking with wide and horrified eyes at the sight of Hirnon. Accusing eyes lingered on the blood on Avonis' hands. Then, whispers; the council talked among themselves with words too soft for Avonis to hear. The child stood, shaking like a leaf, holding the sword used to finish off his own ancestor. He dropped it and backed himself up against the wall.
Prioress Aphida stepped forward, observed the body closer, and nodded as she turned back to the council. "Auxiliator Hirnon Llabel has gone to the arms of the Goddess, sent to her by her very son."
"In cold blood?"
"No." Aphida looked over her shoulder at Avonis cowering against the wall. "Tell me child, did you do this by yourself?"
Avonis swallowed a lump in his throat. He was tempted to look in Ribrel's direction, but feared it would give her away. What would they do to her if they knew? He nodded slowly.
"For a child your age to lift one of those swords is astounding, let alone two. And to land such fatal blows..."
"The Goddess protects you," Aphida gave a warm smile, but it was the type of warm that was so hot it felt stinging cold. "We were wrong in our judgement."
"Does that mean you won't kill me?" Avonis looked up with wide, hopeful eyes.
"For now. The blessing will grow however the Goddess Spirit sees it to." Aphida looked to Hirnon one last time, "We will mourn the departure of an earnest man, but we thank you, Goddess, for such direct and swift intervention." Gratitude and prayers echoed behind her. Before long, Hirnon's body was carried out of the room. 
The council resumed their seats, the priestesses observed their holy rituals, and the Overseer filled out the paperwork to declare the death of one of her workers. Avonis was searched over for injuries, and once none were found, he was sent back to his chambers to continue his studies. No one questioned the murder further, but no one moved to comfort Avonis, for he was too holy to be touched. They had escorted him at a distance that felt too large in such a small corridor. Afraid that the council would change their mind if he didn't do what he was told, he studied hard for the rest of the night so the bad thoughts wouldn't come.
Ribrel stopped by that same night. She seemed so surprised and frightened when Hirnon had been announced dead earlier that evening, as if she hadn't had a hand in it at all, as if she didn't give Avonis the signal to do it. Avonis was scared to talk to her, and so the two friends sat in silence for a long time until that, too, became unbearable. Avonis started to cry.
"I killed him," he sniveled. "And no one cares!"
"Shh! That's what's keeping you alive!" Ribrel looked back and forth quickly, in case someone were to hear.
"What if they change their minds? What if they think…I'm a bad person, and then come back and kill me when I sleep?"
"I won't let that happen."
Avonis blinked at his tears, "Promise?"
"Promise. I'm going to really try my hardest to be the Overseer someday."
"So you won't have to die."
"What if they kill me before then?"
"Avonis Jakobb Llabel," Ribrel huffed and crossed her arms, "I *said* I won't let that happen."
"But what if they kill you?"
There was another knock at the door, and silence fell over the children, but it was only Kyllia's face that peeked into view. 
"Hi guys, can I come in?" A quiet permission, and then Kyllia ran to hug the other two. "I was so scared!"
"Everything's okay now," Ribrel assured her.
"Did you really do it?" Kyllia shyly looked up at Avonis. "Did you really…kill your ancestor?"
Avonis stared at her blankly, then swallowed a lump in his throat as he glanced to the ground. "Yes."
Kyllia's eyes widened, "And you're not in trouble?"
"Prioress Aphida says the Goddess Spirit did it, and that she acted through Avonis," Ribrel said.
"That makes sense. You are her son after all!" Kyllia seemed in much chippier spirits compared to the other two, but then paused with a slight tilt of her head, "...What was it like to kill?"
Avonis and Ribrel exchanges glances. Ribrel shook her head, but Avonis was the one to wither, "It... Felt good." The answer shocked both of the girls. 
"Good?" Kyllia said, "How can killing feel good?"
"I don't know, it just... Did. I still see him though."
"As a ghost?"
"No. When I close my eyes, I see his face, how it was when... When I did it." His voice began to waiver. "Am I a bad person?"
"I don't know," Kyllia looked to Ribrel, who shrugged. She sat on the other side of Avonis. "But we can still be friends." She wrapped her arms around Avonis in a hug. "We're friends forever, right, guys?"
"Yeah! Friends forever!" Ribrel grabbed Avonis' hand and squeezed it.
"Maybe that's why the Goddess Spirit made you do it! Maybe she wanted us to be friends forever." Kyllia smiled against Avonis' shoulder. Once again, Avonis and Ribrel exchanged glances. He tried reading anything she would give him; the slightest worried glint, the assuring quirk from the eyebrows, but he found nothing but a knowing look. This was their burden, one that only the two of them could have. But through it all…
Ribrel would protect him.
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cneasteel · 1 year
A Deep Dive into Die Casting Varieties, Benefits and Applications
Using high pressure, molten metal is injected into a cavity that has been pre-designed in a die casting process. The mold, often referred to as a die, is normally constructed of hardened steel and is divided into two halves: the fixed cover die and the moveable ejector die. To give the finished product the correct shape, the dies are carefully machined.
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Die Casting Varieties Die casting may be divided into two main categories: hot chamber casting and cold chamber casting. In hot chamber die casting, a pool of molten metal, often zinc, is submerged underneath the injection mechanism. Although it might not be appropriate for metals with greater melting points, this technique works best for those with low melting points. On the other hand, cold chamber die casting includes ladling molten metal into a different chamber from which it is injected into the die. Higher melting point metals, including copper and aluminum, can be cast using die casting services.
Benefits Die casting is favored by many industries because of its many benefits, including:
The high degree of precision and minute details
Excellent aesthetic appeal and surface quality
Considering the high production rates and low cost, it is suitable for large-scale manufacturing.
The capacity to create intricate designs with thin walls and delicate features
Many different metals and alloys can be cast.
Due to the process's accuracy, little post-processing is needed.
Applications Die casting has a variety of uses in the automotive, aerospace, electronics, and consumer products sectors, among others. It is employed to make parts for appliances, electrical enclosures, engine blocks, transmission housings, and more. Die casting's adaptability enables producers to successfully satisfy the demands of numerous industries.
Conclusion Die casting has established itself as a crucial industrial process that combines accuracy, effectiveness, and adaptability. Die casting continues to make a significant contribution to the manufacturing of a wide variety of goods across several sectors because of its capacity to produce complicated metal components with extreme precision and surface polish. We may anticipate more improvements to die-casting techniques by die casting manufacturers as technology develops, which will eventually produce even more extraordinary outcomes and novel uses.
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More details: cneasteel.com/blog
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resistantbees · 9 days
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