#hotch x son reader
ssa-atlas-alvez · 2 years
Hotch's adopted teenage son (reader) meeting the team after getting in a fight at school with a substitute who couldn't understand why Reader couldn't focus on school qhile his dad was at work (but Hotch doesn't know that's why Reader can't focus on school work. He thinks it's the rebel phase)
Warnings: Anxiety, mentions reader is nauseous
Word count: 845
You just couldn’t focus. Your mind was going a mile a minute, you were talking to your dad at lunch and then with little to no explanation, he had hung up. You had texted him and the team multiple times but no one got back to you. You had then tried to phone Garcia, but the line was engaged, so you resorted to texting her. You felt sick and anxiety swarmed in your chest, you felt like you couldn’t breathe. You had tried everyone you could possibly think of and no one was answering. That usually meant something bad had happened or they were about to go into a bad situation. And then the bell rang. 
“Mr Hotchner, focus please.” You looked up, feeling yourself blush as the class turned their attention to you. You mumble an apology as you start to note down the points written on the board. 
“That doesn’t exactly look like the work I set you, Mr Hotchner.” You bit your tongue, mumbling an apology. You weren’t going to snap back. No matter how anxious (and now annoyed) you were. You just turn back to your work, flipping back a page to your work.
Within ten minutes, he was back, peering over your shoulder. “You haven’t made it very far, have you, Mr Hotchner?”
“Will you just fuck off?!” You knew it was a mistake the minute it came out, his eyes darkening as he took a step forward, now in front of you.
“What did you just say to me?” His voice is low and you feel yourself gulp involuntarily. 
“I just- I’m sorry, but I need a minute,” Your voice is shaking and you do your best to push your worries aside, to control the tremors in your voice as you stood up. 
“You’re not in charge here. You’re the student. I’m the teacher. Sit your ass down,” You glare at him before squaring your shoulders.
“I would like a minute to calm down before I sit down.”
“You don’t get a choice.” He responds, you can feel his voice vibrating through your chest as he booms. “Either you sit down or you’re dismissed and are to go straight to the principal's office, so, what’s it going to be?”
You grip your backpack strap tightly in your hand, “See you next lesson then, Sir.”
And then you leave. You would deal with the repercussions of your actions later. Right now, all you know is that you needed to see your dad. You were worried out of your mind, nausea, the lot. But you were going to the principal’s which meant they’d call your dad, maybe for him to come pick you up.
If he can.
You do your best to push down the worries and the thoughts. They wouldn’t do anything to help right now. You knew that, but they seemed to have a mind of their own and didn’t seem to be budging. The nausea was back, this time making its way up to your throat. You swallowed taking some deep breaths. Everything was fine. If something was okay, you would have been told by now. Surely you would have been told by now. Soon enough, your leg’s shaking and your anxiously picking at your nails as you look around the hall. 
You turn your head to the right again, hoping that you’ll see your dad walking down the hall, face stern and ask what happened. And he is there, he’s okay. Relief spreads through your chest in an instant and your shoulders drop the tension they were holding immediately. He was okay. 
“What happened?” Aaron makes sure to keep his voice level but you can’t help but think that he’s pissed. He couldn’t help thinking that perhaps you were going through a rebel phase, it was common at sixteen to start rebelling. 
You shrug for a moment, eyes flicking to Hotch for a moment before you look back at your hands. Aaron raises an eyebrow and you cave, “You hung up and I couldn’t get a hold of anyone. I asked to wait outside for a moment to calm down and he wouldn’t let me, I asked again and I snapped. I tried to cool it down after that but it didn’t exactly work. He said either sit down or go to the principal's office,” 
Aaron sighs for a moment, “I’m sorry you couldn’t contact anyone, I didn’t mean to scare you.”
“The last time it happened you were really hurt,”
“I know,” Aaron says softly before he places a hand on his shoulder, “But no more snapping at teachers, okay? I know you were worried and you thought something had happened, but you’re responsible for your actions, no matter the circumstances, okay?”
“I know,” You reply, Aaron brings you into a tight embrace  and you draw in a deep, calming breath. He was okay, everyone was okay. “I’m glad you’re okay, dad.”
“I will always fight to be okay, you hear me?”
“I know.”
“Let’s go sort this out,” He said, leading you towards the Principal.
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reveseke · 4 months
Ladybugs — CM; Jack & male!teen!Reader.
– Small piece of ladybugs, just fluff no real warnings except Jack causes concern. That's about it.
– Author's note; haven't been writing much in general, but now that school officially out have a blurb of domestic bro/son! reader & the hotchner family. :') I made this like a few months ago and forgot about it, it was back then prompt based that was taken from this list of prompts lol.
Edit // I keep writing Jessica's name as Veronica, that's the only edit that's been made 🧍
Honestly, it wouldn't have been such a big deal if the small boy was late for a few tens of minutes only, however, it had been two hours and neither R or Jessica knew where the eight year old was. Now, R wasn't initially as worried as his aunt was for his younger brother, the boy was eight but wasn't stupid by any means after all. Sticking to a pattern of usually on time right after school home to at least drop his school back off before asking to hang out with his friends without a fail. Something that had been implemented as a routine by both Veronica and their dad due to the lingering fears.
So calls were made to the friends of Jack as R wandered the streets and general routes that were usually taken by the boy to school. funnily enough, not far from the school building R finally saw Jack with a group of his friends huddled together around the decorative bush that lined the school yard. it seemed to him that his family wasn't the only one to realize their kid was missing as he saw a few parents lurking around that he recognize to be Jack's friend's parents. So he could already tell that Veronica most likely had been alerted at where her nephew was.
Amused as R couldn't help but break a small smile as he neared them, they were intently staring at something in their hands and upon closer look he realized that Ladybugs were finally around.
"Yo, Jack," R started as he got the eight year old's attention, honestly he couldn't find a reason to be as angry as one would think as he saw Jack's face light up, "Why didn't you come straight home, Jessica's worried."
Saying nothing at the concern at hand as Jack ran up to his brother, happily just presenting the small black spotted ladybugs to him "Look! the ladybugs woke up, there's a bunch there." pointing to where his friends were as the little boy smiled happily, honestly, he seemed so carefree to R as he the older boy gave a small chuckle, "Yeah, I see them Jack. But buddy, did you hear what i just said?"
nodding his little head as Jack gave him a small look, "Yeah, and i'm sorry," he gave a brief apology before offering his hand where a couple of the ladybugs resided on, "BUT! ladybugs!" he declared proudly still, very much with the intent of it being a good reason to be late for the whole two hours.
"yup, i know buddy. but that's not a good enough reason to be two hours late, Jessica was really worried about you." R explained as he watched the boy's bright smile lessen a bit as he gave a curtly nod of his head as he mumbled a bit as an answer; "yeah, i'm sorry. I didn't mean to worry you or her." looking up at R then as he asked, "Do I have to come home now?"
"Yeah," Nodding as R spoke with a small smile that feigned some somberness to it, "you gotta come home, now." straightening a bit as he took his phone out, feeling it vibrating in his pocket, "You can spend some time tomorrow with the ladybugs with your friends. besides, they aren't limited to the school's bush fence, you can find some at our building's bushes as well." he offered a hand to his little brother after speaking as he took the phone call, Jessica had been calling him for a few good attempts now.
"I've got him..." R answered the phone as he informed her, before giving a brief nod to the phone.
meanwhile, Jack was poking and prodding a bit at the few ladybugs on his arms. smiling happily as one of them climbed to the tip of his fingers and flew off, the other not far behind once finding a nice high place to fly off. giving a brief toothy smile as he waved his goodbyes to the bugs as he turned to his brother, looking up at the other boy as he took his extended hand.
"Yeah, we're coming. thanks, bye."
Oh, the boy's dad was going to have a good laugh about this. Maybe after the safety lecture.
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warriorofthought · 2 years
Summary: You are the Son of Aaron Hochtner, you try to isolate yourself from your family so that they won't notice that you are being bullied at school. 
Word count: 2.503 Words 
Warnings: mention of bullying scenes and injuries
Aaron Hochtner x Son Reader
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In the last few weeks Aaron Hotchner hardly gets to see his oldest Son, when he comes home from school he immediately disappears into his room, rarely coming out to have breakfast with Jack and him before he and the Kids have to go to work or school.
He notices that his Son's behavior has changed. But he doesn't know why. Aaron blames it on puberty, but is it?
"Y/n, hurry up, we have to get going to school if you don't want to be late!"
Y/n quickly comes down the stairs and puts on his shoes next to Jack. Before they all run to the car and their Dad drops them off at the school. 
"Remember y/n, the Team is coming over for dinner tonight, so be on time".
y/n nods. Turns and leaves.
Aaron watches his son stop in front of the school again and take a deep breath before going in. 
Inside the School:
"Hey y/n!" I pause and look around for the voice calling me. Batty Lazy is calling to me from down the hall. Everyone knows her, since she's the worst bully in the school, and she doesn't care what gender she bullies.
As I turn around, I see that many of the other students are quickly and silently telling me to get out of there. But it's already too late. She is standing in front of me.
On her way to you, she pushed away all the kids who didn't go to side willingly. You don't understand how a person like her is a bully and also feared by everyone. And unfortunately, even a little bit by you.
"Who do you think you are,y/n, because of you the Professor gave me a bad grade!" She hisses at me, poking her index finger around in my chest.
"I can't help it, if the Professor thinks you didn't put enough effort into the project, then maybe you should have done the project yourself." 
You know she doesn't like that answer when you see her face turn red. The students around you hold their breath in fear and there is a huge silence in the hallway.
Suddenly without warning, Batty grabs me by the collar and pushes me against the lockers with a violent jerk. 
Painfully, I hiss out, as one of the locks is brutally pressed into my back.
"Let go of me!" I say annoyed.
"Forget it, where's your project for today?
Hmm, is it in your bag?"
She snatches my bag from my hand with the words and dumps out all the stuff in it. When she gets to the essay which is for the project.
She grins at me triumphantly. 
"There it is, you want me to show you what I do with fools like you?" Sarcastically, she raises an eyebrow and looks out into the crowd.
"JUST SO WE ALL UNDERSTAND, THIS HAPPENS WITH PEOPLE LIKE YOU WHO THINK THEY'RE BETTER THAN ME" with that she tears up my essay which took me two weeks to write. 
Tears come to my eyes. I don't let them fall.
She drops it on the floor and then the bell rings for class, everyone quickly disappears into their classrooms and I'm late because I still have to pick up everything. On top of that, I still have to explain to the teacher why I can't give them my essay. Which was extremely embarrassing and he is very disappointed in me, you could see it in his eyes.
Awesome, great start in the day.
The rest of the day she also just picks on me, pushes me, insults me. I am glad when school is out.
When I get home, Dad's Team is already there. They sit together while Dad cooks with Rossi in the kitchen.
Jack watches Spencer show him a magic trick. 
I quickly say hello to everyone before disappearing into my room. 
In the room, I look at my back and see that a bruise has formed where the lock was pressed into my back. I quickly run to the bathroom and put some ointment on it so it doesn't hurt as much.
Just as I finish, dad calls for dinner. I quickly look in the mirror again to see if I look normal before I go downstairs and sit with the others. 
Everyone at dinner was having a great time. Even your dad, which wasn't unusual, he just obviously hadn't noticed how you were doing at the moment
You poke around in your half eaten plate.
All you wanted to do was sleep. A hug would have been nice too, but your dad was busy with his friends.
And it's not like you wouldn't hug anyone on the team, but right now it seemed like all you wanted was your dad's affection.
You're glad when you're finally allowed to get up, and you quickly disappear into your room without even beginning to talk to the others.
In the morning you are awake early because you couldn't sleep properly, so you decide to get ready earlier than usual. When you go down to the kitchen, you see that your dad is already making coffee. 
You put your bag down next to the table and Aaron looks over at you in surprise.
He raises an eyebrow " Up already?"
"Hmm" I nod. Then I walk up to him and hug him.
His warmth spreads to your cold body within seconds.
You put your face in the crook of his neck and he rests his head on yours.
Your arms rested lazily on his shoulders and held onto his neck. He holds you close.
You didn't really want him to ask you anything, just hug you.
"Are you okay?" he asks you softly into your hair, hoping that you are now ready to tell him what happened.
You want so badly to say "no," but then he'd probably ask you why, and you'd have to tell him, and then he'd feel bad.
You sigh, "I just need a hug." That's all you can say.
He understands and rubs your back and puts his chin on your head.
Two weeks later, still nothing has changed, it's just gotten worse. 
Batty and her friends started to really get on your nerves, they even tried to trip you up at lunch, luckily you could either see it coming or just catch yourself.
The school hallway was where you felt safest, it was always crowded too so you didn't have to worry about them or any of their friends getting too close to you.
Then one day, as you were walking back from math to lunch, someone threw a drink packet at you from behind. The next day, it was either a bottle cap or a crumpled piece of paper. Or worse, food scraps. 
From the beginning you didn't fight back and decided to live with it because you knew the teachers wouldn't trust you if you told them and they would rather trust Batty, she's a girl, you're a boy who can certainly fight back against a girl, after all, as a boy you shouldn't be weak. Which you thought was very stupid. The only teacher you liked was your literature teacher. Mrs. Sun, she was funny and taught well, but at the time you didn't really think of it as bullying, you just thought they were annoying you.
one week later
You didn't think much of her leaving you alone today, and that was your mistake. After class is over for the day, you head to your locker as usual and get your stuff out for home. Then you remember that you left your bottle in the classroom and quickly run upstairs again. As you head back to the exit. Batty is standing there with two of her companions, a girl and a boy. They grab you. 
Batty is angry because you corrected her answer today, after that the teacher told her that she should take an example from you. The whole class laughed at her.
"You did that on purpose today, didn't you, loser?"
Shaking my head in denial "No I didn't, I can't be blamed for what the teacher said".
Angrily she looks at me.
"Apologize and I'll leave you alone for today!"
"I didn't do anything to apologize for."
She nods, then looks at her companions who nod in response and suddenly I'm being shoved from side to side.
After a while they stop.
"And, has your mind changed now, I want you to ask for my forgiveness".
"I haven't done anything I should apologize for, so no my mind hasn't changed".
Batty nods again and I see her eyes narrow briefly, then she slams her fist back at me.
Shocked, I hold my cheek. Before I can even say anything to that. The other two start hitting me too.
I try to protect myself as best I can, but as I take a step to the side, having managed to pick myself up, I am shoved and my foot slips off the step. Before I can even react to what is happening, I fall down the stairs and as my head hits the ground, everything goes black.
Aaron Hotchner View:
As I'm going through some files, I get a call from y/n school. Concerned, I answer it.
"Mr. Hotchner, I'm calling to let you know that your son is on his way to the hospital, he seems to have fallen down the stairs".
"What hospital is he being taken to?" I ask the woman and get up, grab my jacket and car keys and leave my office. 
On the way out Derek and Rossi look at me in surprise, I hang up after she tells me where they are taking my son.
"What's wrong, Hotch?" Derek asks.
"It's about y/n, he's in the hospital, I'm going there, the teacher didn't tell me exactly what it was about but it sounded serious".
They both nod. "I'll drive you before something happens to you too" Rossi gives a nod. 
I nod and together we leave the BAU and drive to the hospital.
Once there, I demand to know from the receptionist where my son is. She tells me that Y/n is still in surgery and that I can wait outside. 
Together with Rossi, I sit down in front of the emergency room and wait.
After about an hour, a doctor comes out.  "Relatives of Y/n Hotchner?"
"Here! How is my boy?"
"According to the circumstances, he is being transferred to the normal ward, he was lucky his head injury could be stitched well, there will be no further damage and we were able to stop the internal bleeding as well"
"Internal bleeding, I thought he just fell down the stairs?"
"To be honest Mr. Hotchner, your son doesn't seem to have just fallen down the stairs, he has a lot of hematomas on his body, especially on his abdomen, he also has a handprint on his face, a split lip and on his arms hematomas from hands as if someone was holding him too tightly"
"Where is my son being taken?, I want to see him!"
"Third floor, room 436"
"Thank you", quickly Rossi and I run upstairs.
When we arrived at the room Rossi let me go ahead.
Then I enter the room.
Y/n is still unconscious, but only now do I really realize how bad it must have been.
The bandage around his head where the wound is, the split lip and when I push up his sleeve the hematomas.
They are all still fresh.
Why didn't I notice how bad he was feeling. Dejectedly, I sit down on the chair and hold his hand.
"Hotch, I told Penelope about this, she got the footage from the stairwell you might want to take a look at it. You can see exactly that it wasn't just a fall. "Rossi holds out a tablet to me. Then I let the video play.
Y/n view:
The first thing I hear when I wake up is the constant beeping of a device, then I realize that my whole body hurts, not badly but it's visible. The next thing I notice is that someone is holding my hand. As I move it I hear a chair being pushed back slightly.
"Y/n, can you open your eyes?"
Peering I try to open them and as my vision clears I see my father.
"Dad," comes a raspy voice from me.
He helps me to sit up and gives me something to drink. 
"I'm glad you're awake again," comes from the other side as I look over I see Rossi. 
When I look back over at Dad I see his features harden a bit.
"We need to talk, Y/N." The words are enough to make your heart hammer against your ribcage, but you keep your expression as nonchalant as possible, even though the beeping of the machine may have given you away, both say nothing to that. The last thing you should do is cry in front of the person who may be the strongest man you know.
"Listen, Dad," you begin, but he interrupts you with his own words.
"It's about the kids at school, isn't it?"
You say nothing, and he takes that as a yes. "That's also why you're hiding in your room, isn't it?" You just nod.
You dare to glance up at him. His eyes are sad, and you have to avert your gaze. "Why didn't you tell me... or the Team?" he asks.
You shrug, "I didn't think it was important."
This time it was Rossi who spoke up. "Not important? Y/N...", he breaks off, his voice filled with an unimaginable sadness, and you have to force yourself not to cry. They had enough to worry about and the last thing they needed was a teenage boy who was having a hard time fitting in at school.
"Hey, look." You look up at your Dad and he gives you a gentle smile. "Listen to me. The next time something - anything - is bothering you, you come to us, okay? I don't care if we're in the middle of something right now. If you have to call ten times, call ten times." You smile and he continues. "Just don't ever think that we don't care about you, okay?" You rub your eyes and nod. "As for those kids, I'll talk to the school board tomorrow. That's a problem that needs to be taken care of."
You sigh. As much as you don't want to, you know there's nothing you can do to stop him. And you know it might not even make a difference in the circumstances at school. But you have your Dad, Jack, and the Team. And sometimes they're all you need. As long as you have them, the best way to make it better is to talk to them in the future.
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benevolentbones · 3 months
beach day | spencer reid x fem!reader
part 2
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warnings: swearing, massage? flustered spencer
word count: 1.2k
summary: you and penelope decide to take the team to the beach :)
a/n: thank you sm to everyone who follows me and supports my silly little fanfics!! getting to everyone’s requests soon!! comment if you’d like to be added to my taglist <3
“you want to what?” hotch asked, his dark brows furrowing.
“we should have a beach day! it would be so much fun- you can bring jack.” penelope mused excitedly, her arm wrapped around your shoulders as you both tried to get more people on board.
it was initially your idea, to invite a few members of the team to go to the beach as the summer heat was eating you alive, it was penelope’s idea to invite everyone. and y’know the more the merrier.
“so will you come?” you asked, a sparkle glinting in your eyes.
“i don’t swim, so i wouldn’t be able to mind jack in the water.” he mumbled, reshuffling the case files on his desk, thinking of his five year old son.
“that’s okay- y/n is a trained life guard, she can look after him in the water.” penelope seemed to have an answer for every one of hotch’s excuses.
he then realised that the two of you weren’t taking no for an answer. he let out a small sigh before meeting your eyes.
“you promise you’ll watch him?” he asked, like you haven’t been babysitting jack for two years at this stage.
“pinky.” you smiled, extending your pinky finger for hotch, who reluctantly locked his finger with yours. he knew how serious you took pinky promises.
“alright then.”
garcia let out an excited yelp, dragging you out of hotch’s office and on to convince the last few members of the team.
so far you had got jj, emily and hotch.
“three down two to go.” you grinned at penelope, her blonde hair bouncing as she dragged you towards spencer’s desk.
derek was standing against reid’s desk, his hands gripping the edge of the table as they were both deep in conversation.
you had thought to wait until they were finished talking before you interrupted them, but penelope had other ideas. she came to a halt, her arm locked with yours.
“how do you fellas say about a beach day this weekend?” she asked, a cheshire like grin on her maroon stained lips.
derek’s attention shifted from the younger male to the two women who stood before them.
“a beach day? a chance to see you ladies splashing about? count me in.” morgan grinned, before turning his attention back to spencer.
“what do you say, pretty boy?”
spencer’s face turned sour, it was needless to say he didn’t really enjoy the beach. he hated hot weather, the texture of suncream and then the dreaded sand.
“um…” he began “i think i’m okay, thank you for the invite though.”
“oh c’mon reid, everyone else is going!” penelope beamed, determined to have everyone go.
“i don’t know- i don’t really like the beach guys…” he trailed off.
“you get to see y/n in a swimsuit.” derek added.
you furrowed your brows slapping morgan’s arm in a playful manner.
“i mean you will!” he laughed, shielding himself from your attack with a case file.
“fine, i’ll go- but not for that reason.” a blush exploded onto spencer’s pale features.
“yes! i’m going to start planning!” penelope couldn’t contain her excitement as she whisked your flustered self away.
“oh it’s totally for that reason.” derek bumped his elbow into spencer’s ribs lightly.
“s-shut up man.”
saturday rolled around and the team were on their way to the beach, it was a bit of a road trip to the nearest beach but you weren’t complaining. the sun was out, the heat causing wisps of your hair to stick to your neck. you couldn’t wait to get into the water.
once everyone arrived, penelope scanned the beach for the perfect spot and then began ushering everyone over, making morgan and hotch carry the umbrellas and coolers from the van you took.
you followed in suit, holding onto jack’s small hand to guide him over while his dad did all the heavy lifting. once you had reached the perfect spot you began to lay your towel down as derek positioned the beach umbrella.
everyone began laying out their respective towels and beach chairs, spencer plopping his chair under the umbrella beside you. you gave him a sweet smile before you dug through your bag for the suncream.
“alright mister, suncream time and then uncle derek will make sandcastles with you okay?” you announced, getting jack to sit in front of you.
“hey i didn’t sign up for that-“ morgan began earning a glare from both you and hotch who was mounting a wind barrier to his left.
“-yeah i mean, yay sandcastles!”
once you applied the suncream to jack, he ran off to derek, dragging the man down the beach, bucket and shovel in his tiny grasp. you turned to spencer who was already halfway through a book he had brought for some ‘light reading.’
he was wearing a pair of dark purple board shorts, paired with a white short sleeve shirt that was loosely buttoned up, and damn did he look good.
“your turn spence.” you smiled, taking the book from his grasp.
“i- yeah i already put some on before hand.” he muttered, attempting to take the book back from you.
you rolled your eyes playfully. “well i’ll top you up later- would you do me?”
“do you?” spencer’s voice cracked slightly, a small blush beginning to spread to his cheeks. his mind threatening to wander.
“mhm would you put suncream on my back, i can’t reach.”
“oh right- yeah come here.” he adjusted his seated position.
you stood up, dusting any sand that clung to your skin. you quickly slipped off your white sundress that you used as your beach coverup, revealing a black two piece.
spencer gulped nervously, as you passed him the bottle of suncream. his eyes traced your form, the two piece accentuating your already, in his opinion, attractive figure.
he didn’t really comprehend why he was so nervous, he had seen peoples bodies before, other women at the beach and such. but he had never seen this much of you.
he began applying the lotion, ignoring the heat rising through his body. this felt like a fever dream to him.
honestly you could’ve asked one of the girls to help apply the suncream, as they were already helping out each other, but truthfully you craved spencer’s touch.
his lightly calloused hands massaged your form, trembling down to the small of your back which made your face heat up.
spencer’s hands brushed up your waist, causing your breath to hitch in your throat, his touch soft as he worked in the suncream.
you never wanted this to end, his hands moving up to your shoulders nearing the nape of your neck, and then..
“a- all done.” he stuttered out, handing you back the bottle. you took it back, your fingers brushing against his as you passed his book back to him.
“thanks spence.” you flushed, quickly putting it back in the beach bag to avoid his intense gaze.
“up for a swim garcia?” you turned to the woman to your left, her blonde hair in two braids and her body adorned with the cutest pink frilly two piece.
she shot you a grin before grabbing onto your arm and dragging you off to the water.
“yeah i bet you needed to cool off after all of that, damn girl.” she whispered causing you to become even more flustered.
“oh you’re down bad.” emily laughed at spencer as soon as you were out of earshot.
“as if i didn’t already know that.” spencer sighed, slumping back into his chair.
he was in for a long day…
taglist: @0108s22m
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kimstills · 3 months
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pairing: aaron hotchner x fem!bau!reader, platonic!spencer x reader summary: in which your close relationship with spencer makes aaron wonder if there’s something going on between you and the young doctor. content warnings: mentions of kidnappings, torture, child abuse (typical cm case stuff), insecurities, age gap, and haley, jealous!aaron (hb is DOWN BAD), he kind of acts like a prick in the middle of this? but it’s v brief and he apologizes!! hints of autistic!spence, angst if u squint but mostly fluff, miscommunication, technically idiots to lovers but hotch is the only idiot <3 word count: 5.1k (this was NOT supposed to be this long omfg) a/n: this was inspired by a dream i had where i was besties w reid and everyone thought i liked him until i had to blurt out that i was into older men… enjoy!!
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If looks could kill, Aaron was sure Spencer would be dead by now.
It was contradicting, in a way. How he thought of Spencer like the son that had come before his actual son, yet he was staring at him like a predator stalking their next victim.
You were standing next to the young genius, shoulders brushing against shoulders as you went back and forth with the geographical profile the two of you had been assigned to work on, something Aaron was really regretting having done.
The team had been called in to assist with a case in Portland, Maine, involving an abductor-type unsub. One who would stalk his victims and learn their routines before kidnapping them, torturing them for two to three days before disposing of them in forests and parks all throughout the city.
You and Reid were both tied when it came to your skills with geographical profiles, one of the many things that had blossomed your relationship with him. But with the way the unsub was beginning to rapidly devolve, the rush to develop said profile and figure out his next move had forced Aaron to assign you two together.
Deep down he knew that it had to be done for the sake of the case and all its victims, and that it was the best decision to make as leader of the team.
But, still, he couldn’t help the jealousy that was bubbling from within him, his gaze completely focused on the way you giggled and smiled, endeared, while watching Reid struggle to tape the map one of the sheriffs had supplied you with to a spare whiteboard in the office the team had been given to work in.
He hadn’t even noticed when JJ walked up to him, the blonde hair and white button up she was wearing apparently not enough to break him out of his trance until—
Aaron snaps his head towards her, blinking in bewilderment, “Sorry, what?”
JJ stares at him with a look of both concern and amusement, a smile tugging at her lips. Her hand is raised expectantly and her eyes flicker towards the case file in his hands.
He looks down at it, brows furrowing when he finally sees the death grip he was holding the paper with. It’s slightly crumpled from where his thumb had rested, the pages wrinkled.
He clears his throat, trying to soothe out the file as subtly and smoothly as he can before handing it to JJ, “Sorry,” he grumbled.
The blonde chuckles softly, taking it from him and doing her own best to bend it back into place. She begins to flip through the pages, though she can’t help but follow Aaron’s gaze back to you and Spencer.
You had finally gotten up to help him in taping up the map, taking it from his hands and effortlessly doing so before turning around and giving him a cheeky smile.
JJ turns her attention back to him, biting back a smug smile when she sees her boss practically glaring daggers at the two of you, “I assume you’re trying to figure them out, too?” She asks, looking down at the file.
Aaron blinks, this time slowly turning his head to gaze down at her, “What do you mean?”
Her eyes widen at the realization of what she just had insinuated about her co-workers to her boss. She shrugs coolly, trying to play it off, “Nothing. They’re just really close is all,” she gives him a tight-lipped smile before quickly walking away, leaving Aaron more confused than before.
He feels his fingers twitch by his side when he glances back at you. It’s cheesy, the way his heart skips a beat when you tuck the strands of hair that had made itself to the front of your face behind your ears. His hardened features soften at the sight of you laughing at something Reid’s said, something he’s sure only the two of you understand.
Aaron’s not sure what it was that had gotten him to stick out for you like a sore thumb or how his sudden infatuation with watching and admiring you and your every move had happened.
All he could recall was that it happened, and it had happened too fast for him to begin realizing how you had begun to overcome his every thought and consume him with feelings he hadn’t felt since Haley’s passing and his marriage with her.
A part of him had told himself that he wasn’t to blame; not only were you one of the best agents he had ever worked with, but you were the loveliest and wholesome of humans.
You had your rough days, everyone on the team understandably did, yet you never failed to meet people with kindness and patience, something else that Aaron wasn’t used to receiving when it came to his co-workers. And, as much as they loved him and he loved them, even his team members were prone to calling him ‘cold’ and ‘stoic.’
While you, on the other hand would always meet him with fond, bright smiles and greetings, never once avoiding his gaze or running the opposite direction as to ‘not get in his way’ like others did.
You were like the sun peeking out of the clouds after a dark and tremendous storm, shining on him with such warmth.
So, in the end, he couldn’t really help himself from falling for you. Or for even feeling childishly jealous when you were shining your warmth onto others.
Especially with someone who apparently the rest of the team suspected you of dating.
Perhaps he couldn’t blame Spencer for falling for you, too.
Everyone meant well, and Aaron knew he was also victim to cutting him off when the boy rambled, but you were the only one who truly listened to him. Who would interrupt him gently during urgent matters and let him continue after they were solved, and never made him feel inadequate.
He doesn’t know how he hadn’t seen it before now that JJ has mentioned it—too blindsided with his own feelings for you—but he begins to wonder, though, if there actually is something more between the two of you.
He likes to think that he begins playing close attention to your mannerism, body language, and shared interactions the two of you have throughout the entirety of the case because he has to. Now that it's been brought to his attention that two of his subordinates might be in a relationship, it's his job as Unit Chief to keep tabs.
So, he watches, when the whole team is sitting in the rectangular table, debriefing with one another and sharing ideas all whilst munching on take out food.
"So, we obviously know that the significance of the victim's being dumped in nature spots is important to this guy," Morgan explains, motioning his hand around the air as he goes on, "but could it be that he kidnaps and keeps his victims in similar spots, just somewhere more secluded?"
"Spencer and I were thinking that that could be a possibility," you say, stealing a fry off of said boy's take out plate, "Maybe he doesn't live in these same places, but he could be taking them to a hidden spot somewhere in the forests, something possibly hidden by debris, wood, or anything makeshift."
Spencer doesn't even blink as you continue to steal more neglected food off his plate, continuing to sort through pictures. Aaron could see Emily and Derek give each other a knowing, smug look through his peripheral.
He manages to swallow, the tip of his middle finger and thumb tapping against one another, "What else have you two come up with regarding the geographical profile?"
"Well, besides where he himself could be living or where he could keep his victims, the whole profile is scattered," Spencer answers this time, sliding the plate towards you as he sets down a picture of each victim with the name of the forests and parks they were found in written underneath. "The first two victims were dumped in a forest, the third in a park, and the fourth in another forest.."
As he goes on, you take advantage to continue eating, the way in which he had just let you eat off his plate despite his known phobia of germs not going unnoticed by everyone else.
If that one wasn't a sign, Aaron didn't know what else was.
With the geographical profile being all over the place, Aaron decides on pulling you away from the task the following day, instead pairing you up with him to check out the crime scene of the most recent victim.
He doesn't know if it's the leader in him doing so, pulling you away from your original project he had tasked you to do, or if it's just the mix of both curiosity and jealousy that continues to gnaw at him.
He was a grown man, for Christ's sake. Yet he couldn't help the way his heart churned when you hold his hand for a second longer than necessary after he helps you climb up the small, but frosty hill.
"Thanks," you mumble sweetly, your shoulders brushing against him as you walk past him and towards the await detectives.
Aaron trails behind you, trying to calm his beating heart as the lead detective on the case walks you both towards the victim's body.
"This is the second victim that's been dumped in a park," you start, squatting down to inspect the cuts and bruises on the woman's face. "These sites are obviously more public than the forests, yet he still leaves them in more secluded spots, away from general view."
"Well, we ruled out that he can't feel any remorse or sympathy," Aaron adds while he looks around the now closed off park. "He holds and tortures these women for hours."
You stand from your spot, placing your hands on your hips as you look around the park. Aaron recognizes the face you make as your 'thinking' face, your eyes squinted and your nose scrunched.
"What is it?" He asks, trying to meet your wandering gaze.
“Reid and I were talking about the possibility of the unsub dumping his victims in the same places where half—if not all—of his childhood abuse took place,” you miss the way his breath hitches in his throat and the way his shoulders sag slightly, continuing. “We know that he has to be a local here from Portland—probably raised around these same areas—and that he was abused severely as a child.”
Aaron tries his best to nod as nonchalantly as possible, “Something from his childhood obviously triggered him for him to start abducting and inflict the same pain on the victims before leaving them in similar places where he could have been left as a child after being abused.”
“Exactly,” you say, crossing your arms over your chest. “We were theorizing around that idea for a while but weren’t too sure if the abuse could play such a huge part on his M.O.”
At the mentions of you and Reid again, Aaron couldn’t help but feel like an idiot.
Not only was he a grown man, but he was also your boss. And you were his subordinate, someone he should never had feelings for in the first place and someone he shouldn’t be feeling possessive over as if anything was to truly ever happen between you.
At first he had thought that Spencer wasn’t to blame for having the same feelings Aaron so strongly harbored for you. But, maybe, you weren’t the one to blame.
For falling for someone more your age, for someone you worked and paired so well with, for someone nobody else made such a grand effort to understand the way you did.
Not only was he a grown man and your boss, but he was also double your age, a single father, and a widower.
Swallowing harshly, he pulls out his phone from his suit’s inner pocket, “I’ll have Garcia check out any reported speculations of childhood abuse in these areas and see if she can narrow down our list,” He turns, using his height to his advantage and speeding off, leaving you completely behind.
You frown, rushing to catch up to him. You halt when you come to the same frosty hill he had helped you climb up and open your mouth to call for his help, but close it back up when you see he’s already made it back to the SUV and is climbing inside.
When you finally climb inside the car after successfully managing to climb down the hill without busting your ass, he’s talking with Garcia.
You wait patiently as he drives, the phone on speaker as he gives out quick orders that your friend rushes to catch up with. You try to take the chance of speaking up once he hangs up with her, but he’s quickly dialing for Rossi afterwards.
You’re quiet throughout the ride back to the precinct, the sudden change in mood too heavy for you to gather the courage to make any sort of conversation. Once parked in front of the building, he gets out right away, slamming the door while you’re barely unblocking your seatbelt.
You make a beeline to the conference room where you find Reid, no longer paying any mind on trying to find Aaron any longer.
Spencer jumps when you hurriedly slam the door behind you, eyes filling with worry when you lean against the wood and stare at the floor pensively, “You okay?” he asks.
“Fine,” you mumble, pushing yourself off the door and taking a seat across from him. “I just got back from the latest crime scene with Hotch and he started acting so weird after I told him about our theory of the unsub’s dumping pattern.”
“Weird how?”
You move to speak, but hesitate when you realize that going into detail about how cold your boss suddenly acted towards you after being used to receiving such kind—some might say preferable—treatment would make your friend speculate things he, of all people, did not need to speculate.
You shake your head, “Nothing. He’s probably just stressed or tired,” you drop your forehead onto the table’s cold wood, your arms stretched out in front of you. “I know I am.”
A beat of silence passes before you hear a creak and the feeling of a finger press against your index. You bite back a laugh, looking up to find Spencer leaning forward in his own seat to do a ‘finger touch,’ something you had come up with for him after realizing how persistent his germophobia was, even with the people he loved the most.
You smile at him, leaning your head on one of your forearms and pressing your finger into his.
From outside the glass-windowed office, Aaron watches you both, a solemn look on his face.
The case is finally closed once you and Spencer’s theory is proven right, the unsub securely put away and the green light to go home given at last. But with the late night icy weather too dangerous for the jet to take off, Aaron orders for everyone to instead turn in for the night at the hotel and head out first thing tomorrow morning instead.
He gives a silent thanks to no one in particular when he finds out it's his turn to have a room all for himself, the rotation always being cheated by Dave, Derek, or Emily that he always forgets who's next.
Shockingly enough, he's ready to turn in for the night, not even sparing an extra glance to any of the files he had brought with him as he prepares for bed. He's just about to sit down when a knock comes from behind his door, echoing throughout his room.
He lets out a quiet groan but stands nonetheless, rubbing tiredly at his face before swinging the door open. His first instinct is to snap at whoever's behind, but that's before his eyes cast over you.
You're fiddling with your fingers, dressed in your pajamas that consists of an off-the-shoulder shirt that dips low enough to show off your collarbone and the very top of your chest, your bra strap in the middle.
And, despite the chilly weather outside, you were wearing shorts. A pair of cotton shorts that peek out from underneath the shirt you were wearing and leave little to the imagination—more so, Aaron’s imagination.
Truth be told, he's seen you in a lot less. Your usual team outing outfits consisted of tank tops, baby tees, shorts, and slightly more revealing clothes.
But this, seeing you in what you would normally sleep in, sends him into a completely different spiral.
You cringe and immediately panic at the thought of having woken him up, "Sorry, were you already asleep?" you ask, taking a tentative step back.
Aaron blinks and clears his throat, the pads of his thumb and middle finger once again tapping against one another, "No," He lies. "I was barely getting ready."
Your shoulders drop and the panic dissipates as a small smile replaces it, “Oh, okay,” you bring your hands behind your back, rocking on your heels, “I just wanted to talk to you. If that’s alright?”
Aaron’s brows furrow though he immediately steps to the side to allow you in, a soft ‘of course’ following.
He takes in the way you hesitantly step in, back facing him and arms still intertwined behind your back.
You’re being respectful, probably hoping that you’re not overstepping with whatever it is that you want to talk about. And though you always are, he can’t tell if you’re nervous, worried, or filled with insomnia that you just couldn’t sleep.
“Is everything alright?” He finally asks when you don’t make a move to sit down anywhere, his hands slightly ajar to his side like he’s ready to reach out and touch you.
God, how he wishes he could touch you.
You clear your throat and turn around, “Actually, I was just coming to ask you the same thing,”
The harsh lines on Aaron’s face deepen when you take a seat on the edge of the bed, glancing beside you as a signal for him to join you.
He swallows as he does so, careful not to sit too close and award you space. His eyes flicker back up at you when he hears your breath hitch.
Seconds of silence pass before you shuffle closer to him, bringing your body forward so that you were staring at him directly.
“Are you… feeling okay?”
Aaron freezes, his movements completely stilling at your question. His mind begins to race with all the possibilities of what could have brought on your question when it clicks.
How he had concurred that you and him were completely different and could never be a possibility, and how he immediately decided that acting cold towards you would shun out the feelings he’s felt for so long now.
Another clear of his throat, he replies, “I’m fine.”
You raise a brow at him, giving him a look that shows that you know he’s not telling the truth.
“Are you sure?” you ask again, this time more firmly. “I don’t mean to overstep, but you’ve been acting rather…strange ever since you and I got back from the fifth victim’s crime scene.”
Aaron cringes at how your expression turns into a sad one, quickly masking it with one of concern afterwards.
He sighs. He supposes that if there’s a possibility that you and Spencer are dating, now’s the time to ask you about it.
He makes a show of staring directly at you in the same way he does when he’s in his ‘boss mode,’ trying to study your face before he asks the question, “Is there something I should know about you and Spencer?”
That wasn’t what you were expecting.
You’re taken aback, quite literally flinching as if you had been struck. It takes you a few seconds to take in what he’s just asked you, and you shake your head almost as if it wasn’t real.
“I’m sorry?”
The desperation gnaws at him once more, and he’s not sure which side of him wants to find out the answer.
“Are you and Spencer dating?” he asks again, voice somehow unwaveringly calm as he punctuates each word clearly.
Your mouth opens in shock, letting out a sound that’s half a scoff half a broken laugh. You look around the room in utter bewilderment.
“What correlation does my relationship with Spencer have with what I asked you?” You can’t tell if you’re angry or just confused, but you stand from the bed and stare down at him.
Aaron follows your lead, “I never noticed it before until the rest of the team pointed it out, but you two are close. Close in such a way that—” He swallows, “—as your boss, I have to ask.”
Before the rest of the team pointed it out. Of course.
You fully scoff this time, “As my boss, you should know that Spencer and I have always been close,” you concur.
“Then why can’t you look at me?”
Despite your heart hammering in your chest, you force yourself to look at him, “Excuse me?”
“You’re not looking at me, you’re getting defensive, and you’re practically avoiding the question,” he says, his own gaze practically boring into you.
“You’re deflecting by saying that I should know that you two have always been close, and while I do know that, you’re still not answering my question.”
It feels cruel of him to press you for answers like this, knowing that there was an easier way to do it.
“Reid and I are not dating!” you do your best to not shout it at him in fears of waking the rest of the team up, fists balled at your sides.
“Then why are you so nervous?” he asks, taking a step closer to you. “Why can’t you still look at me?”
“Because it’s you that I like!”
You slap your hands over your mouth immediately and the room falls silent.
Aaron blinks. Once, twice, three times.
You liked him?
You lower your hands, nervously brushing your hair behind your ears as you look around the room in a state of panic, “I-I’m just going to go,” you mumble and immediately rush towards the door.
Aaron stands the for a second, too frozen to do or say anything before his own panic settles in brazenly. His body moves before he has time to register what he's doing and what he'll do when he reaches you.
He wraps an arm around your forearm just as you open the door, halting you from stepping outside, "Y/N, wait,"
"Hotch, please," you're quick to try and release yourself from his grasp, yanking your arm towards yourself in what results as a poor attempt. "Just ignore what I said."
"I can't do that," he dips his head to try and get you to look at him but you simply avoid your gaze even more than your originally had, your cheeks flushed.
"Hotch, let me go!" you whisper-shout, once more fighting his grip. “I’m already embarrassed enough, I don’t need you chastising me anymore.”
“I’m not chastising you, Y/N,” Aaron’s sure he sounds as desperate as you probably feel, but he can’t find it in himself to let you go and ruin his one chance of bringing his feelings to the light. Even if it went against everything he had been telling himself earlier that week.
“Do you not think it’s possible for me to feel the same way?”
Your head snaps towards him, your movements suddenly rigid at his question, “W-What?”
You’re sure that, if your heart hadn’t raptured beforehand, it certainly will now.
Aaron takes you letting your guard down as the chance to bring a hand to your waist and pull you back into the room, shutting the door and thanking that nobody else from the team had emerged from the commotion.
“What do you mean by that?” you’re quick to ask, staring up at him with curious, yet hopeful eyes.
He lowers his head as to avoid your gaze this time, letting out a deep breath. Everything he wanted to do now went against everything he had told himself the day before, when he ridiculed himself for ever thinking that you would like someone such as him or that something could ever happen between you two.
“Hotch,” your voice is firm and you allow yourself to take a step closer to him. You need him to look at you, to give you some sort of clue that he didn’t just say what he said to play you, to get you to re-enter the room just so he could profile you even more. “What do you mean by that?”
Repeating your question doesn’t help him and it certainly doesn’t help the way his heart hammers in his chest, a sound so loud that he’s sure you can hear it from how close you’re standing.
“You like me?” you whisper, dipping your head to try and meet his eyes. How ironic that just a couple of seconds ago you were trying to avoid it.
Aaron shrugs, finally looking up, “How could I not?”
His boyish, yet vulnerable expression makes your breath hitch.
“I said that I had to know if there was something between you and Reid as your boss, but it was just because I was jealous,” he shakes his head, trying his best to suppress an all but amused smile. “It was immature of me, really.”
You shake your head, trying to collect both your own thoughts and everything he was telling you. He had been jealous?
“So, is that you acted that way after I told you about our theory in the park?”
The way in which he left you behind in both the park and in the parking lot of the precinct hits him like a brick, cringing at his actions, "I realized then, when you were talking about what you had both come up with, how compatible you two are. How it would make more sense for you to like someone more suited for you. I'm sorry for how I acted,"
Your heart breaks at hearing his confession, of how he, the same man you practically fell head over heels for after your first meeting, could think that he was unworthy of your attention. If you were being honest, you hadn't been hurt by the way he had acted earlier in the day, only confused as to why.
"Hotch--" you stop yourself. You take another step closer, closing the space between the both of you more and more. "Aaron,"
He snaps his head up at your usage of his first name, the way you said it so gently and naturally getting all his attention.
"I've liked you ever since I first met you," you confess. "I'll admit I was too intimidated by you to fully register what I was feeling, but the more I got to know you, the harder I began to fall. And I fell really hard," you let out a laugh, trying to ignore just how much you were putting on the line right now and how self-conscious you felt with his eyes boring into you.
"You've been with the BAU for three years," Aaron's voice is barely above a breathless murmur and he's sure you wouldn't have heard it if you weren't standing so close. "That's how long you've liked me for?"
You nod, lips pursed, "I never said anything because I thought you would never see me that way, let alone reciprocate my feelings. If I'm telling the truth, I wouldn't have said anything if it weren't for you pressing me into telling you that I was dating Reid."
Aaron smirks despite the warmth he feels on his cheeks, shrugging his shoulders and letting out a soft laugh, "Well, then I'm glad I ended up asking. Who knows how many more years we would've gone like this if I hadn't."
You both laugh, subconsciously curling towards each other when you both double over and bring yourselves even closer than before.
You stare up at him with a warm expression before casting your eyes downwards. You lift your hand to linger above his, the pads of your fingers brushing against the hairs on the back of his palm, "So, what happens now?"
Without breaking eye contact, he takes your hand in his while the other reaches for your waist once more. You let out a small yelp when he pulls you even closer, your bodies now touching and radiating the warmth you both thought you’d never be able to feel from one another.
The next few seconds are filled with bliss when he lowers his head to press his lips against yours. You’re immediately weak, letting go off his hand to place both on his shoulders as to support yourself.
The other now free hand of his comes to rest on your other hip, fingers digging into the fabric of your shorts ever so possessively. A whimper escapes from your mouth and Aaron takes the opportunity to deepen the kiss, doing so with so much fervor and passion that it leaves you feeling dizzy even with your eyes closed.
Aaron is relentless even after you pull away to catch your breath, the act of kissing you now something he’s inevitably hooked on. He presses kisses all over your face, from your cheek to your chin to your jaw, then all the way down to your neck.
“You know,” you cough out, flushed from the attention, “I told you how long I’ve liked you, but you didn’t tell me how long you’ve liked me.”
Aaron smiles into your skin, immediately recalling when he first realized his own feelings for you. He lifts his head to press a sweet kiss to your lips, eliciting a hum from you.
“I can tell you all the details over either a nice dinner tomorrow evening after we land,” he says, another kiss to your lips. He turns your bodies around so that his back was to bed, the mattress dipping under his weight when he sits. “Or you can spend the night here and we can stay up all night talking about it.”
His voice is sultry, and the way in which he grabs at your hips to get you to straddle him makes you flush.
“Are you already trying to seduce me?” you ask, mock offense in your tone though you happily take your guided seat on his lap, both knees on each side of his thighs.
Aaron hums this time, brushing your hair back to begin kissing at your neck again, “Can you blame me?”
He already knows your answer, he’s sure. He knows you can’t, because he can’t, either.
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chr0llossexygf · 1 year
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PAIRING: spencer reid x fem reader
SUMMARY: spencer reid has always had something against you. during a particular case, spencer snaps and says something he shouldn’t have said leaving you in ruins. but what happens when your in danger and he still hasn’t explained why he reacted the way he did. will he have the time?
“ what happened?” hotch says standing infront of the big white board that had some very gruesome pictures of 5 victims splayed out on a park bench. he’s standing tall and strong with his hands crossed in his dark grey suit. he’s looking at you and spencer, who’s walking in right behind you slamming the door close.
“ It’s her fault.” spencer says quickly moving to the other side of the room opposite you, trying to get as far away from you as possible.
you take a deep breath in trying your absolute hardest not to roll your eyes and cross your hands in annoyance and disappointment. “ it’s not my fault reid-”
“ woah woah what the heck happened?” morgan says pushing himself back in the precinct chair watching you and spencer. he looks at spencer, he sees the strong look of disgust and annoyance spencer is shooting at you. he looks at you, he notices you looking at spencer with a disappointed look.
“ she told the unsubs family we are after the unsub-” spencer spits out looking over at hotch, waiting for him to yell at you or lecture you.
“ wait spence we don’t even know who the unsub is. what do you mean?” jj says turning her head to look at spencer confusion written on her face. “ exactly! thank you jj!” you reply throwing your hands up.
“ michael miller is our unsub hotch.” spencer says completely ignoring your attempt to reason with him, his eyes stay on hotch waiting for him to snap at you or just lecture you. “ wait a minute i thought michael miller had a solid alibi.” morgan says laying back in his chair resting his arms on the arm rests. “ he does have a solid alibi it checks out-” spencer cuts you off. “ it does not check out!” spencer says.
“ yes it does! hotch we asked his dad who confirmed his son came home at 8:30 pm from football practice.” you say growing impatient looking at hotch, hotch’s eyebrows are furrowed tightly. his arms are still crossed listening to you and spencer bicker back and fourth.
“ just because his dad showed the tiniest bit of concern about his son when the fbi showed up to his doorstep does not make him a reliable source, just because you never had a dad who showed any bit of concern and now when you finally see a dad care about their kid does not mean you should not fall into their trap just because you never had a trap to fall into.” spencer spits out finally looking at you.
he watches as your expression hardens. he watches as humiliation and embarrassment fill your once determined eyes, the determined eyes who tried to reason with spencer at-least 4 minutes ago. 4 minutes, that’s how long it takes for your perspective of someone to change. he watches as your eyebrows tremble, a habit you have when your trying to fight back tears. he watches as your throat trembles too, probably trying to fight back that agonising choke you get when your about to cry.
the entire room goes quiet. spencers gaze remains on you, slowly watching your soul shatter because of his words. your gaze remains on spencer, slowly feeling your soul shatter because of his words.
the door that spencer slammed close 4 minutes ago opens, rossi and emily walking in. “ michael millers alibi checks out. we’ve got pictures of him at football practice from 5pm to 8:25pm. he wouldn’t have had the time to commit the murders.” rossi says opening the door for emily. “ also his teammates described him as an extrovert and outgoing which is not what we profiled the unsub to be.” emily says with her hands inside her pockets nodding looking at everyone surrounding the table.
“ i feel as though we interrupted something.” rossi says eyeing everyone in the room raising an eyebrow in confusion. he could feel the tension. emily could too. which is why she immediately looks over at morgan for answers. morgan looks at her for a split second before returning his gaze on you.
“ y/n-” spencer attempts. he tries to bring himself to take a step towards you, but it’s like his words somehow built a barrier between you and him that he now can’t even physically cross. or maybe he’s just scared that if he takes a step towards you, you’ll take a step back. away from him.
you swallow the gut wrenching feeling of tears crawling up your throat. you look down to your converse. “ i’m gonna go…uhm get coffee.” you say turning around immediately walking towards the door. “ excuse me.” you whisper pushing past rossi and emily.
“ oh wonder boy..” garcia says through the tv screen, her bright purple tinted lips which usually wear a bright smile on her face now wearing a frown. her tone disappointed as she presses her heart eye fuzzy emoji pen into her cheek. “ i uhm did my usual background checking on the uhm..list of potential unsubs and a uhm…scott anderson has a sketchy background. i’ve just sent his file to you my pretties.” garcia says stuttering quite a few times finding it hard to sneak her usually bubbly nicknames into the conversation after what had just happened. “ thank you garcia. jj take y/n and check out scott anderson.” hotch says looking at jj his arms finally by his side.
jj nods standing up walking towards the door “ i-i can go” spencer says turning his body towards jj. “ stay.” hotch replies his voice stern and bold. he looks at spencer his eyebrows furrowed.
jj closes the door. “ sit.” hotch says to spencer pointing to the empty seat at the table, spencer slowly walks towards the seat sitting down. “ you shouldn’t have said that spencer.” hotch says crossing his hands. “ hotch-” spencer attempts but is quickly cut off, “ i’m not finished. I get it. your worried spencer. your scared-”
“ hotch-” spencer is cut off once again. “ you may think your hiding it well spencer but your not. we know the unsub is targeting female victims which have similar features to l/n. if your too close to the case spencer-” it’s spencer’s turn to now cut hotch off. “ but i’m not too close to the case hotch!” spencer replies. he wanted the similarities between you and the victims to only be in his head because he wanted only him, himself to notice the similarities between you and the victims. you both have the same hair color, hair length, both considered to be attractive, both have similar personalities, and similar taste in clothing. he didn’t want it to be true. but now he knows that they are, and they’re not just in his head he’s even more worried.
“ your stuttering spencer. you do that when your worried or nervous.” emily says pulling a chair from the table. spencer shoots his eyes away from hotch to emily’s. his gaze softens a bit, emily’s tone wasn’t like hotchs. it wasn’t as stern or bold. it was rather understanding and gentle. “ i just cant control myself around her.” spencer says looking down at the picture of the fourth victim who had been wearing the exact same pair of converse your wearing now. “ well your going to have to learn how to control yourself pretty boy. you shouldn’t have said that.” morgan says looking at spencer. spencer sighs hiding his face in his hands. “ i just..god i’m so stupid.” spencer groans rubbing his tired eyes.
“ stupidity is what ended my third marriage.” rossi says crossing his hands leaning against the bulletin board with a small chuckle, morgan looks at rossi and laughs. “ well thank god pretty boy isn’t married. he’d be the new rossi.” morgan says tilting his head to the side looking at spencer trying to lighten the mood, spencer who still has his head in his hands. there’s a million thoughts going through his head, all of them are about you. all of them are about how he should apologize. is he even allowed to apologize? will you let him apologize to you? would you accept his apology? what if you didn’t? did he just ruin his friendship with you? no screw friendship, he doesn’t just want to be friends. he wouldn’t be as sensitive as he is to this case if he just wanted to remain friends. he’s in love with you. spencer reid is in love with you. and he just potentially ruined any slight chance of ever having you know that he loves you. just because he’s stupid and didn’t think before he spoke.
“ are you okay?” jj says both hands on the steering wheel turning around to look at you next to her, in the passenger seat. your heads turnt towards the window, your picking at your nails. a habit of yours. you turn to look at jj and nod. “ yeah i’m fine why wouldn’t i be?” you ask tilting your head to the side with a confusing smile. you know exactly why your not okay. but for some reason, you just can’t bring yourself to actually be upset over it. what’s there to be upset about? what spencer said is true. he’s not wrong. why are you making excuses for him? what he said was not okay. totally not okay. why do you have to make excuses for every male figure in your life for when they’ve done something wrong? why do you always make them the victim and you the villain. you just don’t wanna lose them right? because you know that if your the victim and their the villain they’ll never apologise and the entire relationship will disappear, it always does.
“ what spencer said-” jj is talking in that tone, that tone that she would speak in whenever something was wrong. in a motherly kind of tone. you immediately shake your head, “ it’s- it’s fine jj really, i don’t care. can we just please forget it ever happened? lets just work on the case.” you say running a hand through your hair biting your lower lip trying to stop your voice from trembling, you know when your about to cry and you have that heavy feeling in your throat? you swallow it hard. you turn your head to look at the window not waiting for a response from jj. jj clears her throat, “ no yeah of course.” she nods smiling turning her head back around.
“ this should be it…” jj mumbles stopping the car, parked infront of a 2 story cabin. you unbuckle your seatbelt and open the car door. “ it looks like no one’s home, there’s no car. we profiled that the unsub would have a van or a truck..” jj says closing the car door looking at the house. “ maybe he wouldn’t leave something so valuable to him outside, to the eye of the public. he’s possessive he thinks the entire world revolves around him he probably thinks someone would try to steal it.” you reply reaching in your pocket for your id. jj doing the same thing. you two walk to the front door, you in the front,
you knock on the door. you put your hand against your hip waiting for the door to open. “ we should ask the neighbours. maybe they’ll know-” you knock on the door again. “ scott anderson. fbi.” you say knocking on the door again. jj puts both of her hands on her waist. “ looks like he’s not home-” your cut off by the door swinging open.
you immediately turn your head around. “ scott anderson?” you ask looking at the man infront of you. you know it’s scott anderson, penelope had already sent his id picture on the drive over. he looks at you, then looks at jj. “ who are you..” he says looking directly at jj. “ i’m agent l/n with the fbi and this is agent jareau. do you mind if we come inside?” you ask smiling holding up your id.
he doesn’t even bother looking at your id. “ yeah whatever.” he moves to the side, making room for you and jj. you nod turning around to look at jj. she nods. you step inside jj following you.
“ do you live alone?” you ask analysing the house, its organised. weird for someone that’s his age. “ uhm yeah i do. what’s wrong with that?” he asks crossing his hands. you chuckle, “ no no nothings wrong with that, i also lived alone when i was 17.” you reply smiling. “ i’m 19.” he says looking at you, eyeing you up and down smiling. “ your pretty organised for a 19 year old.” jj says raising an eyebrow also crossing her hands smiling. “ guess i was just raised that way.” he replies rubbing his lips together. you nod. “ how were you raised scott..if you don’t mind me asking.” you say looking around the house. “ yeah scott how did you manage to score such a house at your age. do you work?” jj asks grabbing a picture frame. “ no i don’t work-” he turns to look at jj. “ put that down.” he snaps speed walking to jj. you immediately reach for your gun.
“ right..sorry. you don’t like people touching your stuff.” jj replies throwing her hands up in defeat. he snatches the picture frame. he grabs it caressing it gently, jj looks at you with wide eyes. you raise an eyebrow in confusion. “ scott. why do you have a picture of my colleague framed?” jj asks looking at the frame scott’s holding. your eyes widen.
“ oh god oh god. where’s y/n and jj?” penelope says aggressively tapping on her keyboard. “ what? what’s wrong?” spencer is the first to respond shooting up from the office chair just at the mention of your name. “ they’re at scott anderson’s why?” hotch says turning around, away from the white board to the tv. garcia starts tearing up, “ i-i did some deep digging and scott anderson has a blog about y/n..” garcia says in a shaky tone. no. no. no. no. no not again please.
his heart stopped for a split second. his hand start sweating. the air has been sucked out of his lungs. why is it so hard to breathe? why is there no air to breathe? there’s a million thoughts running through his head, they’re still about you. but now they’re worse. your in danger. your with the unsub. the unsub who has already killed five people. your in the same house with the unsub. the unsub who has a blog dedicated to you. and the last time you saw spencer you were teary eyed. no it can’t be the last time. no. please be safe.
his sweaty shaky hands reach for his phone. he clicks on your contact. hotch grabs his phone and immediately calls jj. spencer immediately puts the phone up against his ear. it rings. rossi and emily immediately stand up, “ penelope send us the address to scott’s house now.” emily says walking to the door. it’s still ringing. spencer starts biting his nails. his hearts pounding. the ringing of the phone case is haunting him. what is happening on the other side of the phone. why aren’t you answering. you always answer the phone. why is it still ringing? y/n why aren’t you answering.
“ god damn it!” spencer shouts into the phone as it keeps ringing. morgan stands up, “ hotch we gotta go.” he says standing up shoving his phone into his pocket.
the ringing stops. spencer’s heart stops. his breathing stops. everyone in the room looks at spencer waiting for any kind of confirmation. “ y/n you’ve gotta get out of there with jj!” spencer says stuttering with a shaky voice. hes scared. hes so so scared. hes never been more scared in his life. it’s quiet. why is it quiet? why aren’t you answering? what’s wrong. god y/n.
“ hey mom.” you reply. spencer takes a deep breath in. he stops biting his nails. he wipes his wet fingers on his pants. his hearts racing. your in danger. why are you calling him mom if your not in danger. oh god. he feels like he can’t breathe again. he can’t focus. he can’t do this. he can’t do this. he can’t do this without you. breathe spencer. she’s in danger spencer. she’s all that matters.
“ y/n. god i…” he chokes. “ you already figured it out didn’t you.” he says his throat feeling scratchy. he hears you giggle on the other side of the phone, your laugh erupts the butterflies in his stomach. under any other circumstances he would absolutely hate the butterflies in his stomach and would be mad at you for making him feel such way. but now they bring a sense of comfort, they make him feel normal for a split second. that this is not that big of a deal, he’s just calling the girl he really likes and he got butterflies from hearing her beautiful laughs.
“ yeah of course. i called aunt lizzie for her birthday mom i’m not stupid.” you respond. god your voice is so beautiful, but he can hear it. he can fear the slight fear in your voice. maybe other people wouldn’t hear it, but he can. spencer can. and it’s killing him. it’s tearing his heart apart. it’s making his legs shake. “ d-did he hurt you- is he gonna hurt you?” spencer says gripping his jeans tightly. he hears you laugh again, “ yeah mom.” you say.
he feels his legs going weak.
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aperrywilliams · 4 months
Has a Nice Ring to It (Spencer Reid x Fem!BAU!Reader)
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Author Masterlist
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Wife!BAU!Reader.
Request: Hi, I would like to request one where the reader and Spencer adopt a 4-year-old boy that they rescued in a case.
Summary:  It's pretty much the same as the request says, but focused on how they met with the boy and took the decision to adopt him.
Word Count: 3.9k
Warnings: Hurt/comfort and angst with a happy ending. CM typical stuff, murder, unsubs, death of relatives, orphancy. Pregnancy and adoption are discussed. I don't know how the adoption system works in the US, so bear with me.
A/N: I loved the request. Dad!Spencer lives rent-free in my mind. Tell me your thoughts.
‘(Y/N)? What's your location and status? I repeat, what's your location and status?'
Hotch's voice echoes through your earpiece, but you are not able to speak. Not when the scenario in front of you is so overwhelming.
Although in your eight years working at the BAU, you have seen the most horrendous things one human being can do to another, from time to time, some cases can still paralyze you.
Like now.
As you look around, you can only think of the terrible minutes those who lived in this home must have gone through when the unsub forced its way in.
But something snaps you out of your stupor, and it's not Hotch's voice shouting in your ear; it's the sound of sobs.
The sobs of a child.
You take off your earpiece to get a better notion of where the sound is coming from, and you notice that at the back of the room, there is a closet with its door closed.
You quickly run over there and open the door, only to find a little boy sitting on the floor, hugging his knees and with teary eyes. When he looks at you, you can see the shock and fear in his eyes. The little one must be four years old at most. It breaks your heart to see him like this, but it immediately makes you go into alert mode again. You holster your gun first so as not to scare the kid.
"Hey, sweetheart. It's okay. My name is (Y/N), and I'm a cop. Everything is okay. You're safe," you tell him with a reassuring voice and kind eyes while you crouch to get to his level.
His hazel orbs are glued to your form as he blinks a few times.
Before you can talk again, he launches to wrap his little arms around one of your legs. With an arm, you hug him back as you block his view of the room with your body. He doesn't need to see the same you did as you got there.
"I've got you, sweetheart. You're okay," you repeat him as you put on your earpiece again. "I'm in the master bedroom. No unsub, but I found the kid," you murmured into the com.
Yet crouched, you lean back to look at the boy. "I'm gonna get you out of here now, okay? But I need you to keep your eyes on me until we get outside. Can you do that for me?"
The kid nods timidly. Removing your FBI jacket, you take him in your arms, covering you both with it as you make your way out. A bunch of agents enter the room at the time, but you keep your eyes on the boy, using your peripheral vision to keep walking and not fall.
Spencer is waiting for you at the base of the stairs. Concern is visible on his face when he sees you coming down with a child. When you reach the first floor, you withdraw the jacket that covers both of you.
"Good job, honey," you say to the boy with a smile. And then you briefly exchange a knowing look with Spencer. He nods, and you continue your way out of the house with the kid in your arms.
It turns out the child, named Elliot, is the son of the unsub's two recent victims. Unsub that you have been chasing all over DC for three days now.
You get confirmation of this information from Garcia by phone as the EMTs are checking Elliot in an ambulance parked outside the house where you found him.
It's still unclear what really happened inside. Still, it's likely Elliot's mom hid him in the closet before the unsub got upstairs. You don't know for sure because the little boy hasn't said a word to anyone yet.
And although it's heartbreaking, you know you have to make him talk about what he saw and heard.
Hotch, a few meters apart, beckons you to approach. 
"I'll be right back, okay?" You say to Elliot. But as you're about to step away from him, he starts crying and grabs your sleeve so you don't go. You look at your boss, confused as to what to do, and Hotch nods, showing you his cell phone, a sign that he'll text or call you so you don't have to leave Elliot's side.
A ping of your phone signals a text from Hotch.
'We need to know what he knows. You'll ride with him to the quarters. Spencer is going to drive you.'
You think it's reasonable due to the rapport it seems you already have with the boy.
"It's okay, Elliot. I'm not leaving you. But we need to go to another place now, okay? So we can be more comfortable. It's getting cold here," you point it out as the reason why you need to leave and not because he needs to be questioned. 
A faint 'okay' escape from the boy's lips, and it's the first word you hear him say. And a lump forms in your throat, acknowledging the vulnerability of that little human being.
From the corner of your eye, you see Spencer getting closer, presumably having talked to Hotch.
"Elliot, this is Spencer. He will drive us to a comfy place. He is a good friend and will take care of us," you announce.
"Hi, Elliot," Spencer says as he waves.
"Hi," the child murmurs as he waves back.
The ride to the station starts mostly quiet. You are in the back seat with little Elliot as Spencer drives. From time to time, he looks at you both from the rearview.
Spencer knows you are trying to come up with a strategy to talk to the child, so he takes the lead in doing the small talk to give you some insights.
"So, Elliot. Can I ask you a question?" Spencer starts, and the kid perks his head up and nods, with a 'yes' slipping from his lips.
"What is your favorite food?"
The boy pouts a bit while contemplating his response. "Pizza," he decides. "I like pizza."
"Pizza is cool," Spencer agrees. "Would you like some now? I can stop by and get one," Spencer offers.
"With ham?" Elliot quirks an eyebrow questioningly.
"If you like ham, then ham it is."
"I like ham and tomatoes," he adds. Spencer smiles.
"Did you know pizza with ham and tomatoes is (Y/N) 's favorite?" Elliot's gaze turns to you, asking for confirmation. You nod, backing Spencer's statement. A timid smile crosses Elliot's face, and you could have melted right then and there.
Spencer continues asking the boy little questions; that's how you know he likes airplanes, his favorite color is green, and he prefers Hulk over Ironman.
At the BAU, you head with Elliot to one of the meeting rooms—the most little and cozy so that the boy could settle in a less intimidating environment. Spencer follows you back, stopping by to grab from Garcia the pizza box and drinks he asked her for earlier.
"Here it is. Pizza with ham and tomatoes. I got some drinks, too," Spencer announces, placing everything on the table. He knows you have to talk to Elliot about what happened in the house, so he suspects you need privacy with the kid. He stops at the door and looks at you. You stand to approach him while Elliot is occupied with a slice of pizza.
He grabs your hand and, after kissing it lovingly, gives it a reassuring squeeze.
"You're doing good. It's for the better. He trusts you. We need to catch the guy."
It's just what you need to hear. You're still unsure about the whole situation, and Spencer, as always, can see it. Your husband of two years can read you like a book, and it's not because of his profile skills. You both have been through a lot together in the years of working together, being friends at first and then as a couple.
You nod, and Spencer kisses you on the cheek before letting you alone with Elliot.
It's shocking the wretched details that a 4-year-old's mind can retain and still see the world innocently. In some way, you're grateful Elliot can't understand everything that's happening around him.
You pass the information he gives you on to the team to improve the profile and get better clues about how to catch the guy. Spencer was right; Elliot trusts you, and that's why you feel responsible for his well-being. After tiring hours, he falls asleep on the couch, where you tuck him in and watch him sleep.
Spencer peaks into the room. He wants to talk with you.
You leave the little one sleeping while you go out and leave the door half open.
"You need a break. You hadn't eaten or slept in hours."
"I'm okay," you say flatly. Spencer raises an eyebrow. "I can't leave him, Spence. You know that."
"Baby, I know you're worried for him, but you need to take care of yourself too. I can stay with him for a couple of hours."
You know Spencer is right, but you don't want to admit it. Instead, you try to change the subject.
"Did Garcia locate any relatives?"
Spencer sighs. He knows the answer to your question, and it's not a good one.
"There is literally no one in his family except those who were in the house: his parents and an aunt. There is a distant cousin, but she lives in Sweden, and she doesn't even know his existence. And even if she wanted, she could not do the adoption procedures because she lost her American nationality."
That means Elliot will fall into the system, waiting for someone to adopt him. You don't even know how to respond to the news. They are devastating and break your heart.
Spencer looks at you with concern.
"Are you okay?" your husband cautiously asks, although he knows the answer from the look you return to him. It's a look that says, 'I'm not okay, and there is nothing I or you can do about it right now.'
In silence, he envelops you in a tight embrace that you reciprocate, hiding your face in his chest.
"I'm sorry," you mumble after some minutes. Spencer leans back to look at you.
"Why are you saying sorry?"
"Because I should be working my ass right now to catch the son of the bitch who did that to his parents," you pause to control the anger that starts bubbling inside of you. "Instead of being a mess and useless here."
Spencer cups your cheeks so you can look at him.
"Hey, don't say that. You are doing even more than it is expected from our job here. You are the only one Elliot has talked to about what happened, and it has given us solid leads. Beyond that, you are helping him, caring about him, and being by his side in this horrible time."
"It's so unfair, Spencer."
He knows what you are talking about and nods in agreement. You continue talking.
"And I know there are so many other children that have to go through something as horrible as this, and they, too, have no one to take care of them. But with Elliot, I - God, I don't know why it feels different with him. The mere idea of him in the system makes me sick."
Spencer feels his chest tight, but he doesn't want to be vulnerable when you're the one who needs to be comforted. He pulls your body towards him again, holding you tight.
A whole two days have passed, and after much insistence and even convincing Elliot to tell you not to feel bad about leaving him for a few hours, Spencer gets you to take a break. So you can take a shower, eat and sleep.
The rest of the team works full-time and around the clock to catch the unsub. With the new clues you had him identify, it was only a matter of hours before they could finally get him.
Spencer is with Elliot while he colors with crayons. On the sheet, he is painting the sky blue.
"Do you know why the sky is blue?" Elliot asks Spencer, whose lips quirked up in a smile.
"Well. It's because of something called the scattering of sunlight by the atmosphere." Elliot's eyes widen in confusion.
"Scattering of sunlight? What's that?"
"It's like when you bounce a ball off a wall, but with sunlight and tiny air particles."
Elliot giggles, picturing what Spencer just said.
"So the sun is playing ball with the sky?"
Spencer laughs, amused by the kid's imagination.
"Haha. Well, sort of. You could say that."
An excited Elliot decides what he wants to do next.
"I wanna play ball with the sun too! Can we?" 
Spencer raises an eyebrow, contemplating his response.
"Maybe not with the sun directly, but we can definitely play ball later. How about that?"
"Yes! Can I get my red ball? It's my favorite!" Elliot chirps and Spencer's heart swells.
"Sounds like a plan, buddy."
Spencer's answer seems to satisfy Elliot, who continues coloring.
He doesn't have the heart to tell the kid that maybe he will have to leave soon once a child service professional gets assigned to his case.
After a while, Elliot finishes his drawing and passes it to Spencer, who examines it curiously.
In it, there is something that resembles a woman holding hands with a child. Next to it is a sketch of what appears to be a tall man, and in the blue sky, two winged figures.
Spencer asks him who they are, pointing to the drawing.
"She's (Y/N)," Elliot points to the woman holding hands with the child.
"That's me after she found me," he explains, putting his finger over the drawn kid. "That's you," he continues, indicating to the tall man.
"I look really good here," Spencer jokes. "And these? Spencer now points to the figures in the sky."
"Mom and Dad," Elliot says, and Spencer's breath hitches in his throat. "They are in heaven now and look after me. They sent (Y/N). Mom told me."
Spencer doesn't know how to respond to that, although he's curious about the last thing he said.
"What did your mom tell you?"
"When she left me in the closet. She told me I was going to be fine. That good people would find me and take care of me. And (Y/N) found me. She's good people."
Spencer's heart protrudes with pride and love as he sees how the boy recognizes you as a good person and seems to appreciate you much more than he thought.
"She is," Spencer concedes, with a little tremble in his voice.
"You like her?"
Spencer's cheeks blush. Even a 4-year-old can catch how hooked he is for you.
"What makes you think so?"
"You look at her like dad looks to mom. And my mom told me when people look like that is because they like each other."
"You're a very clever boy, Elliot. And you're right. I like her. We are married, actually. Do you know what is that?"
The kid nods, pointing to the gold band adorning Spencer's ring finger.
After a few hours, you return to the BAU and find Elliot asleep in Spencer's arms, who is lying on the office couch.
A sad smile crosses your face. On the one hand, the image triggers so much sweetness, seeing your husband, the love of your life, taking care of a little one who needs so much love and care. But on the other hand, the certainty that there is nothing you can do to change the destiny of that little boy who, at such a young age, has already experienced such terrible things.
You are so absorbed in the image that you don't hear Garcia until she is next to you.
"This pair hasn't wasted any time. Elliot colored for a long time while he asked Spencer everything he could think of. Of course, Boy Wonder was fascinated to answer all his questions. Afterward, they gave a tour of the floor; they even ran through the hallways. They even went to play football in the parking lot. That's why they are both exhausted."
"My husband running through the hallways and playing football? Who would have thought," You joke. Garcia nods, smiling and placing a hand on your shoulder.
"How do you feel?" She also realizes how difficult this case has been for you.
"More rested, although until this is over, I don't know how I'll really deal with this."
You wouldn't have to wait long to get to that point. Just as the social worker comes to check Elliot's case and, inevitably, takes him away, Garcia gets a call from Hotch saying they have the unsub in custody.
Everything happens too fast to process, and the only thing you manage to do is sit next to Elliot while Spencer talks to Nancy, the social worker, and tells her the details of the case. The kid is awake now and telling you everything about his afternoon with Spencer.
When Nancy and Spencer peek in the door, you know what it's about. Turning to Elliot, you talk to him softly.
"Sweetheart, this is Nancy. She wants to ask you some questions. Is that okay with you?" you probe. The kid lifts his gaze to the woman at the door and frowns.
"About mommy and daddy?"
He's too smart and perceptive for his own good, you tell yourself.
"A few, yes. But you can say only what you are comfortable with, okay?"
Elliot does not look very convinced.
"Can you stay?"
Your eyes soften as you exchange a knowing look with Spencer.
"I'm sorry, dear, but I can't."
"And Spencer can stay?"
"I can't either. I'm sorry, buddy. But we promise we are going to be right outside," Spencer affirms.
Elliot reluctantly agrees, and you leave him with Nancy. Once you're out of their sight, you feel tears begin to roll down your cheeks. You turn to look at Spencer, and you see his glassy eyes, too.
He takes your hand. "Let's talk in a more private place," he tells you, entering another of the offices nearby.
Closing the door, you give free rein to your emotions and begin to sob. Spencer hugs you tight, and he cries with you. You two know you need to hold each other up right now.
When you feel you have released some of the tension, you both separate from your embrace and sit in chairs adjacent to each other. Spencer holds your hand.
You still can't believe the little boy is going to get into the system. You bite your lip in pure frustration.
"I know," Spencer says. "I don't like the idea either, but someone has to take care of him. More so now that the case is closed."
"Does the bastard even understand the damage he has caused?"
It is a rhetorical question because even if the answer were positive, it does not change the fate of little Elliot in any way.
Spencer is affected, too. During the time they spent together, he became fond of Elliot and stole his heart in the same way he did with you.
To be honest, in the last few hours, Spencer has been mulling over an idea, but he needs to talk to you first. Although he already guesses what your position could be in the matter.
"Maybe we can do something," Spencer muses, and you look at him baffled.
"We do?" you question. Spencer nods, smiling at you.
You are trying to read your husband, but his warm smile and understanding eyes won't let you anticipate what he will say to you.
With a hand stroking your cheek, he spoke next.
"Well, if you ask me, Elliot Reid has a nice ring to it."
Your eyes widen at his words.
"What? Are you saying that we- Spencer, you are suggesting that we -"
It's not that it hasn't crossed your mind. But you didn't think it was something Spencer might have considered. Although thinking about it and knowing your husband, his heart and kindness have no limits.
"We can do it. I mean, it's not going to be easy, but we could try. I think Elliot is worth it the effort."
For a moment, you're at a loss for words. Shaking your head, you are debating the idea.
"Spencer, if you only are thinking of doing this for me, it's not fair."
This time, he shakes his head before cupping your cheeks with both hands.
"Hey. If I'm suggesting the idea, it is for all of us. Elliot needs who can take care of him. And we talked about having kids a while ago, remember?"
It's true. Before getting married, you talked about it and agreed it was something you both wanted, but not yet. After two years of marriage, you had not discussed the topic again because it was tacit that you both wanted it eventually.
"Yeah, but what we talked about was me getting pregnant. This is different."
Spencer chuckles. You're right about that. But for him, it doesn't change his mind about it.
"The method? Yes. But the outcome is the same. A family. Our family."
"Are you serious about this?" You ask him, locking eyes with him as you hold his hands, pulling them out of your face.
"Absolutely," Spencer replies right away. "Is this something you want too? It won't be easy, though. There will be a lot of paperwork and interviews, and we'll have to make adjustments to our routines. And if everything goes well, we could move to a bigger house, in a neighborhood with good schools. I could lower my workload here and start teaching," he rambles, and you start giggling out of nervousness and excitement.
"I want to try this. And there is no other person more perfect than you, with whom I want to try it. I love you, Spencer Reid."
"And I love you, (Y/N) Reid."
A tender kiss seals the moment, and you're sure you've never felt so confident about doing something like this. Or at least try.
Spencer was right. 
It took time and work. 
Months passed before you got the news that you could actually adopt Elliot.
However, while the process was happening, you became Elliot's temporary home.
If Hotch did something to make that happen, nobody mentioned it.
With periodic visits from the social worker, you showed how well cared for he was and how good he adapted to your family.
You stopped working at the BAU and started teaching. Something Spencer had suggested for him, but you decided to give it a try first.
And you never have regretted your decision.
Elliot is now part of your family. The boy you found scared inside a closet can now smile again and feel safe with you and Spencer next to him.
Spencer Reid's Taglist: @dreatine @nomajdetective @jayyeahthatsme @rosalinasam2 @averyhotchner @lovelyxtom @princessmiaelicia @pastelbabygirl19 @reidsbookclub @alexxavicry @gspenc @spencerreidisbae123 @calmspencer @pauline5525mgg @anamiad00msday @milivanili99 @laylasbunbunny @leahblackk @miaxx03 @missabsey @taintedstranger @khxna @hiireadstuff @pleasantwitchgarden @dysphoricsanity @levi-of-starz @themoonchildwhofell @silver138 @lovelybaka @shinytinywhispers 
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sunshineandspencer · 4 months
Friendly face (Part 2)
A/N: I may have misjudged the amount of people that would love receptionist x hotch, and I never planned on a part 2 but I will always succumb to peer pressure.
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x Fem!Receptionist!Reader.
Summary: Now that his favourite receptionist works on his floor (with absolutely no intervention from himself), Aaron finds himself almost as smitten as his son.
Word Count: 609
Warnings: fluff in a way that my heart hurts
part 1 here!! and part three!!!
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While working in the main reception had been interesting over the years, it was nothing compared to working on the BAU floor.
Firstly, the team had taken to her so well, and everyone absolutely adored her. Penelope especially, considering she now had someone that constantly stayed back just like her. Spencer, too, is an absolute sweetheart that she would probably die for.
Whenever they came back from cases, she always had a new batch of whatever she’d been baking just for them.
However, the team found out about her ‘first come gets two’ stipulation that she had, and didn’t like that it constantly went to Hotch. Plus he’d go on to get a third that supposedly went to Jack, but Morgan was convinced that he just eats it on the way home and his son doesn’t see a crumb.
Being accused of favouritism, especially with the Unit Chief, wasn’t something she expected, but she embraced it readily. Played into it, actually.
Absolutely adoring the way he would pretend that he hadn't ever taken two - “let alone three Morgan, get a grip” - but then made a big thing of packing two small paper-wrapped treats into his bag in full view of the team.
Accompanied by her soft giggles from the receptionist desk that she desperately tried to hide as they all walked out.
Although, her absolute favourite times at the BAU were when JJ and (especially) Hotch’s kids visited. They now swarmed her desk, asking so damn cutely for candy and treats that she’d happily sneak to them.
While Henry was adorable, Jack was absolutely her favourite.
Today, as she walked into the bullpen to sort out some files, she was met by the joyful giggles of the younger Hotchner boy running at her. Until she had a mess of blonde hair buried into her stomach that nearly ran her over.
“Oh~! How is my favourite Hotchner!”
The voice that responded wasn’t exactly the one she had expected.
It didn’t come from the muffled face buried into her pastel pink cardigan, it wasn’t high pitched and excited - moments away from begging for another candy - and it certainly didn’t belong to the younger Hotchner currently lolling his head back to look up at her.
Instead, as she looked up, she was met with the amused glance of Aaron Hotchner. A man who appeared far too smug for his own good.
Deciding to blatantly ignore the other agents as he walked over to them, ruffling his son's hair and talking softly. Easing the files from her hand.
“Don’t knock her over Jack, or she won’t give us biscuits anymore.”
The boy pouted and she knew she could never deny him anything, looking up to smack Aaron’s arm softly. Giving him a playfully scolding look.
“I would never deny my favourite Hotchner anything.”
“I should think not.”
Neither of them delved into whether or not she meant Jack or Aaron. Knowing it wasn’t worth getting into right now - he’d interrogate her over their dinner on the weekend.
With a gentle brush to the small of her back, Aaron slipped past her towards his office, and she looked back down to Jack. Smushing his little cheeks and leaning down to press a kiss to his forehead, leaving a pink smudge behind that left him giggling all over again.
Whispering down at him that she would never withhold treats from him, and sneaking him off to grab some more while his dad wasn’t looking.
Not realising that he was looking from his office, that gentle smile on his face to see his son so comfortable with someone else.
To be so comfortable with her.
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Want more?! Good!
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greg-montgomery · 7 months
Aaron Hotchner x Fem!Reader ♡ (boyfriend’s dad!hotch) - 18+ minors dni
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summary: part 2 to this.
your bf cheated on you? fuck his dad!
cw: uhmm a little bit of choking? age gap.
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
“Put your phone away.”
Mark stared at his father for a moment without even lifting his head, and then continued to type on his phone.
“You’re being rude,” Aaron said.
“What’s your problem?”
“Your brother has been talking about this dinner all week. When Jack sits at the table, that thing better not be in your hands. Understood?”
“Understood,” Mark said, and placed the phone right next to his plate harsh enough to make Aaron wonder if the screen cracked.
Despite his annoyed appearance, Mark kept his promise and stayed engaged in the conversation with Jack. His little brother admired him and Aaron would do anything to protect his son’s feelings - even from someone who shared the same blood as him.
Still, Aaron had no complaints; Jack seemed happy and that was more than he could have asked for.
Sadly his feelings quickly changed, when after dinner he accidently overheard Mark talking on the phone. Aaron was a profiler, but any regular person could easily understand he was flirting with a girl. The only problem though, was that the name he had called said girl, was not yours.
Mark made his way outside the kitchen only to be stopped by his dad with a hand on his chest.
“Who were you talking to?”
“What the hell is wrong with you today?”
“Who were you talking to?” Aaron repeated, determined not to give him an easy way out.
Mark raised his eyebrow at him. “Don’t you think I’m a little too old to be asked questions like this by my dad?”
“Are you cheating on Y/N?”
“Why are you so fucking obsessed with her?” he snapped. “Why do you even care?”
“I didn’t raise a cheater.”
“No, you don’t give a fuck about me. It’s her you care about.” He smirked, and Aaron was worried his next words would be exactly what he was afraid of.
Mark confirmed his fears. “You think I don’t see the way you look at her? You wanna fuck my girlfriend and then be the one who teaches me about ethics?”
Aaron stood there frozen watching him walk away, too stunned to stop Mark from leaving without saying good night to his little brother.
His son was right. There was nothing ethical about the way he looked at you. There was nothing ethical about the way he wanted to steal you from Mark. And there was definitely nothing ethical about the way he had fucked his fist in the shower to the thought of you that same night you had asked for his help.
But Mark didn’t treat you right, he knew that. You deserved better and Aaron could be that for you.
He’d hold you in his arms, keep you safe from the rest of the world, let you know how beautiful and precious you were. Then he’d sit you in all fours and take you until you forgot your own name.
“This is so wrong,” you sighed, rolling your hips forward and the word ‘wrong’ went straight to his dick.
“That’s why it feels so fucking good, baby,” he said staring at your lips and you leaned in to kiss his open mouth.
How did he get there? In any empty parking lot, and his son’s girlfriend riding his cock?
- -
It all started with a sweet “Mr. Hotchner?” when he picked up his phone in the middle of the night.
Then those two beautiful eyes he’d do anything for, looking at him like he was their hero.
“You said you’ll always be here. That’s why I called you,” you said when you were inside his car. Your cheeks were smudged with mascara and he wanted to murder the reason behind your tears. Only the reason was of course no other than his own son.
“You did well, sweetheart.” He cupped your cheek rubbing it with his thumb, and you nuzzled his hand. “You can trust me.”
“I do.”
It was impossible for him to keep his hands away or not to leave a soft kiss on your forehead.
“It’s over,” you sniffled. “This is the second time he cheats on me. I’ve had enough.”
“He never deserved you, honey. I’m sorry he hurt you.”
“Don’t be. You’re nothing like him,” you whispered. “How are you two even related?”
Your hand found his and your fingers naturally intertwined.
The kisses on your forehead soon turned into kisses on your cheeks and then on the corners of your mouth. He couldn’t stop and the way you were trembling against him was an invitation to touch you more.
“I shouldn’t be doing this,” he muttered against the skin of your neck and you pulled his hair softly. He shouldn’t be doing that, but he’d rather take his last breath at that moment than let you go.
“I know. But I need you so bad,” you whined.
“Take off your panties and come to my lap.”
Aaron watched the fabric move all the way down your legs and pulled you into his lap. Before he had the chance to lift up your dress, you started rubbing yourself against him. He took your chin between his fingers and made you look at him. “Aren’t you a desperate little thing?”
“I wanted you to fuck me from the day we met.”
“I know.”
The feeling of your wet pussy against his slacks and the sound of your little moans drove him crazy. He bit your right nipple through your dress and you finally called him ‘Aaron’.
“Say my name again.”
“Aaron, Aaron, Aaron,” you moaned, moving desperately against him.
“Baby, I need to be inside you,” he said.
Once he was buried in you, his hands went on your hips, guiding you, showing you the pace he needed you at.
You were so good; such a good learner.
“This is so wrong.”
“That’s why it feels so fucking good, baby.”
You leaned in to kiss him and Aaron took the opportunity to wrap his hand around your neck. He noticed you failing to bite back a loud moan.
“You like that, huh?”
“Want me to rub your little clit too? Will that make you cum faster, sweetie?”
“Fuck, yes.”
He did as promised, moving his free hand between your legs, touching you softly and slowly. He loved the tortured expression on your face.
“Faster, please,” you begged him.
“You’re so fucking desperate,” he moaned, and picked up his pace.
It didn’t take much longer for you to cum, and he followed right after you.
You didn’t leave his lap. Aaron wrapped his arms around you protectively and pulled you so close to him, it was hard to tell where his body ended and yours started.
“What now?” you whispered, your face hidden in the crook of his neck.
“Now you’re mine.”
tags : @hotchhner @sabage101 @yurfavmommy @mrs-ssa-hotch @justarandommom @m4gn3ziu @rosaliedepp @indigosamsblog
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miley1442111 · 5 months
safe- a.hotchner
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a/n: i imagined a fem reader but as per usual, imagine what you like :)
you and aaron have jack (obvi) and a daughter, ellie. :) (1.4k + words)
summary: you become an unsubs target
pairing: husband/dad aaron hotchner x wife/mother reader
warnings: general cm minds topics, knives, stitches, head wounds, trauma talk of harm coming to the team, the reader is harmed, etc.
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There you stood, your own blood as well as another's blood all over your body. 
What happened? 
You were just leaving work, you were going to pick up Jack and Ellie on your way home. It was taco night, you three would cook together tonight, though since Aaron was on a case a few states over, you would be the only ones doing it. So, how did that exact same unsub get to you?
You sat in the ambulance, stitches going into your skin, but you weren’t even flinching, you didn’t even feel it. You knew Jack and Ellie were expecting you, so was Jessica. 
“Can I make a phone call?” You whispered to the paramedic. She nodded her head, sympathy on her face. “Thank you.”
You pulled out your phone as she finished the stitches in your head, moving onto the ones in your arms. 
“Hey Jess,” You sighed into the phone. 
“Hey, is everything alright?” she asked. “Do you want me to take Jack and Ellie for the night?” 
You could honestly cry at her generosity. “Yes please, thank you so much Jess.”
“No problem,” she smiled, worried from the other line. “Are you hurt?” she whispered. 
“I’ll be ok, someone just… yeah,’ you sighed. “Tell Jack and Ellie I love them, yeah?”
You hung up. The paramedic finished up and the officer who had been sitting with you for the past few minutes escorted you to a squad car and brought you to the station, informing you that the FBI were on their way. The FBI, really? Surely it wasn’t Aaron, right?
God, you missed Aaron. You’d never wanted to see him more in your life. Just to know he was ok, that he was there. 
Such luxuries could not be afforded at that current moment. 
Aaron sat beside David on the plane, exhaustion pulling at his eyes as Spencer read out the latest attack. 
“Oh, apparently there was one survivor,” Spencer said. “That might be his next target.”
“We should look into them, what’s the name?” David asked as Aaron yawned. 
“Y/n Y/l/n, she has a son, daughter, and husband,” Spencer said, and Aaron was wide-awake again. 
“Pardon?” He asked, hoping he’d heard wrong. 
“Y/n Y/l/n. She was beaten pretty badly and had a head wound and a stab to the arm, she’s at the station now. SHe agreed to a cognitive interview. She’s a professor of nuclear physics at a university nearby-” Spencer reads off. 
“She has more pHds than boy genius, 5 and counting,” Penelope interrupts him from the screen. 
“Well, she is older than me,” he stressed, attempting to keep some of his pride. 
“By what, 4 years?” Emily snorted, the rest of the team laughed, but Aaron was frozen. 
A head wound? You got stabbed? He felt faint. Immediately, he reached into his pocket to grab his phone, trying to call you. 
You didn’t pick up.
He tried again as the team stared at him in bewilderment. What was he doing?
No answer again.
“I want a profile before we leave this plane,” he ordered and the team all stared at him. “Is that too much for you?” He asked snarkily. They all shook their heads and began breaking off into groups to work. Aaron stayed seated, a million thoughts running through his head at once. Was Jack ok? Was Ellie ok? How much blood did you lose? Was the unsub already on his way to you again? Were you a target because of him?
“Hotch I think we have something,” Morgan stated after 30 minutes. “The unsub is targeting women with the same description as the survivor. I'd say he’s a college student who is jealous of her husband. He’s formed a parasocial relationship and obsession with her and his delusions have led him to hurt those closest to her. It makes sense she’s beautiful, described as being extremely kind and caring about her students, she’s ridiculously intelligent, and apparently she and her husband are madly in love with each other. What’s her husband’s name Pen?” Derek asked, looking at the computer. 
“Aaron Hotchner,” she said, a gasp following her words. Aaron looked up, meeting the eyes of the team as they stared back, shocked. 
He could deal with them later. 
“Send police to Jessica's house,” he ordered before he got up to go to the back of the plane for a moment of peace. He took out his phone, dialling Jessica’s number.
“Hey, is Y/n ok?” She asked. “I have Jack and Ellie right now, are you with her?”
“Not yet, I’ve sent police to your house, just as extra protection, ok?”
“Alright Aaron. Take care of her when you see her, she seemed pretty shaken.”
“Course,” he gritted out and hung up. This was going to be difficult. 
You sat in an office, a cop’s jacket strung over your shaking shoulders. You were still covered in blood, you still saw the horrible image of one of your students being killed in front of you.
Where was Aaron? 
 “Can I go and clean up?” You sniffled, asking the sheriff who was sitting at his desk beside you. 
“Course sweetheart,” she smiled softly. “There’s a bathroom down the hall, if you want a shower there’s one in the training centre.”
“Thank you,” you whispered, feeling smaller than you ever had. You were told to be careful with your stitches and that you’d be brought into the hospital in the morning once all of the stuff with the station was over. You walked down the hall to the bathroom, standing in front of the mirror, staring at your bloodstained face and clothes. The tears started falling, going down the drain with a red-tinge. 
You grabbed some tissue, wet it, and started scrubbing your face. The ache of your body was nothing to the turmoil in your head. Was it your fault one of your students was killed? Was Jack ok? Was Ellie ok? Was Aaron ok? 
You didn’t even notice him coming behind you until he took the tissue out of your hand. He discarded it, damped the towel from his go-bag in his hand, lightly washing your face. Tears fell freely as he did so, but he wiped them away, a comforting hand on your lower back as you wrapped your arms around his neck. 
“I’m so sorry,” he whispered, pressing a kiss to your clean cheek. He continued his gentle cleaning, bringing it down to your neck.
“I’m sorry too.” 
He smiled softly. “You don’t have to apologise for anything.”
“Neither do you, but we do it anyway.”
His emotions became too much all of a sudden, the feeling of nearly losing you becoming unthinkable. 
“I love you so much,” he whispered.  
“I love you too.”
After Aaron sufficiently cleaned as much of the blood off of you as he could, he took your blood-stained shirt off and replaced it with one of his extra dress shirts. Walking outside the bathroom, you felt eyes on the both of you. You recognised some of the team from stories and photos Aaron had shown you. They stared as Aaron wrapped you into his side and walked you back into the sheriff’s office. 
“I want the kids,” you admitted. “I know we shouldn’t but I’m so worried that they're not ok,” you cried into his bicep as he sat beside you. 
“I’ll send one of the team to grab them and Jess,” he nodded.
“Please don’t leave,” you whimpered, holding onto him for dear life. You needed him. 
“Of course not, honey,” he soothed. He signalled for Derek to come in. He walked in, careful of your feelings. “Will you go to Jessica’s house and pick up Jessica, Jack, and Ellie?”
“Of course sir, but… who’s Ellie?” he whispered the last part. 
“My daughter,” Aaron said and Derek went wide-eyed.
“I’ll be right back with them,” he promised. 
"Darling, do you feel up to telling me about it? Or even just something?" he whispered against your skin.
"I know who did it," you whispered back. You felt such guilt. You knew the unsub, he was one of your students Andrew. Andrew was obsessed with you, with your life, but you just took it as a student being interested in your life to get out of work. You didn't pay enough care to the way his interest dampened when you spoke about Aaron and when you talked about your anniversaries or dates.
"His name's Andrew. He's in my chemical sciences class."
Aaron was silent for a moment. "Alright. I'll send officers his way."
"I'm so stupid, I didn't even realise-" you started but Aaron shushed you with a gentle kiss.
"Don't talk about my wife like that," he joked. You chuckled softly and he felt a sense of great accomplishment.
"I'm so glad you're here," you sighed into his neck.
"I'm so glad I'm here too."
"You're married?" Derek asked.
"Yes," Aaron admitted as he ran a hand through your hair as you lay on his lap asleep, Ellie and Jack playing by the sheriff's desk.
`'And you have another child," Penelope said, shock apparent in her voice and facial expression.
"Why didn't you tell us?" Spencer asked.
"I wanted to keep her safe," Aaron smiled. "I also just assumed you'd figure it out. Clearly you're not all as good as you think you are," he chuckled.
The team collectively rolled their eyes, but still smiled. Aaron was happy, you were safe, another unsub was awaiting jail, and they could almost feel the love radiating off of Aaron.
All was well.
criminal minds masterlist :)
navigation for my blog :)
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ssa-atlas-alvez · 2 years
Dad... - Hotch x teen!reader (ftm)
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Warnings: none Word count: 690
"Dad…" You approached him carefully. This was a difficult situation and you have no fucking clue how to even begin. But getting his attention seemed like the first logical step.
“Yeah pumpkin?” He asked, letting the file he was holding drop onto the table, closing it. You looked at your hands anxiously, picking at your nails and the skin around it. Your eyes flicked up for a moment, meeting your father’s concerned gaze, “What’s wrong?”
“I need to tell you something…” 
Aaron furrowed his eyebrows, leaning forward, “You can tell me anything,” He reassured, “No matter what it is I will always accept you.”
You nodded, stepping forward and sitting on the chair next to him. “I-” You paused, swallowing heavily and taking a deep breath. “I want you to know that this isn’t a rash decision, or a phase, I’ve been thinking about it for a while and I came to this conclusion a few months ago but wanted to see how I felt.”
Aaron gave you a small smile, he wasn’t sure what to say, he didn’t want to risk interrupting you and causing you to backtrack on what you were trying to tell him, but he equally didn’t want to say nothing and leave you feeling unheard. After all, you were nearly sixteen, he wanted you to know that you could freely express yourself. Seeing you pause, he nodded, “Go on,” He encouraged softly.
“I think- No, I am transgender,” You said quietly, you risked a small glance at your father, unsure as to how he was going to react. “A-as I said, this is something I’ve known for quite a while but wasn’t sure how to express,”
“What would you like to be called? Would you want to change your name? - Some people who are trans keep their name, either way, I support your decision.” Aaron asked, you looked up at your dad with a smile.
“I have a few in mind, I wrote them out. But I wanted your help to decide, if that’s okay?” He gave you a smile, pulling you into his side.
“Of course that’s okay,” He said, “What pronouns do you want to use?”
“He, him,” 
Aaron grinned, “I have two sons,” He said, “Now, let’s see that list of yours,” You nodded, pulling out your phone and going into the notes app, selecting the right one, you presented it to him. Aaron nodded encouragingly, “I think these are great names,” He said.
“Which one’s your favourite?” You asked.
“I think I like (Y/N) the most,” He answered after a moment and you nodded immediately. 
“Okay, I think that one’s my favourite too!” You said, smiling so wide your cheeks hurt. “(Y/N) Hotchner.”
“Sounds perfect,” Your dad grinned, placing a kiss on the top of your head. “Now, we’ve got the name, the pronouns, is there anything else you’d like to change?” 
“I think a haircut would be good…” You said softly, you didn’t want to take the pee, or come across as forceful, but you really did want to cut your hair, “And maybe some new clothes?”
Aaron nodded, “Okay, well, tomorrow is Saturday, perhaps, if you wanted, we could do those things?” He gave a small smile when you immediately nodded.
“How should I tell Jack?” You asked softly. “Do you think he’d be okay with it? And when should I tell him?”
“I think he’s always wanted a little brother and we can tell him after dinner, if you’d like,” He said, you nodded again. “And, when you’re ready and if you want to, we can tell the school about this as well, get everything formally changed there too,”
“Yes, please!” You said before groaning, “I cannot deal with Mr Donalds calling me Miss Hotchner again,” Aaron gave a laugh as he shook his head. 
“Was there anything else you wanted to talk about?” When you shook his head, he continued, “Alright, then go do your homework - I get an email every time you don’t do it,”
You gave a loud groan as you stood, grabbing your backpack and made your way up to your bedroom.
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reveseke · 2 years
Thinking about... if spider!reader was Hotch's son & got caught
PT. Thinking about... if spider!reader was Hotch's son & got caught. PT end
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Gif ID. A gif of Aaron Hotchner in his office illuminated by the table lamp showing a brief smile to the camera before covering the side of his face with his and as he leans into it. Gif ID end.
Credits – 👑 | underneath 👾 - 🎡 - 🕸️ |
Some odd hadcanons + small blurb
Feature .. Aaron 'Hotch' Hotchner | Spider! Son! Reader ( he/him)
Summ .. Son! Spider! Reader getting caught by his dad climbing through the window in suit. Reader thought he wasn't even home!
Hinted towards – R has a dog, mentioned once | is stressed or ready to have a breakdown lol
CW – small mention of injuries | mention of breaking down
DNI - Fudanashis/fujodashis, women & fem-aligned, profic/proship, anti - LGBTQ+ folk & exclusionists, anti-antis, Necro- Zoo- Pedophiles + (NO)Maps(and other terms), basic DNI criteria, kink/nude/nsfw/sh/vent/pro-ana/ed/18+ blogs
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Gif ID. Three gifs in a row the first of an arcade showing four different games, second gif of clear slime being toyed with in purple lighting, third of something easily breakable a sponge maybe being turned into a powder in blacklight where it glows green. Gif ID end.
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Thinking about Son!Spider!reader climbing through his room's window at around three in the morning thinking his dad was either not home or sleeping by now.
Thinking about the fact that Aaron could have heard the reader coming in to his own room. Just hearing the window creak and open as Reader climbs in and the happy click clacks of the dog's nails against the floor bc the door was not completely closed.
Getting caught off guard by the door swinging open as Aaron stands on the doorway looking at his son with wide eyes. The poor boy having jumped up and trying to appear small.
Thinking about the shock and heavy silence between the two, the truth being progressed in silence. How the Reader would take his mask off with his gloves and let the goggles he had on his head to be around his neck, eyes basically trained on his dad as he processed what was going on.
Scared was one way to say how R felt, maybe nervous and on edge of a breakdown as the silence progressed.
" are you alright ? "
Breaking the silence with the first words between the two Aaron sounded genuinely worried. He knew what the web slinger that had been caught in videos and pictures at least thousands of times and the thing head done. Some that could have been lethal and ended with Reader dead.
Being mad at one who kept something so important, yet something so dangerous as a secret was not a way to go.
The silence continued for another few seconds, R taking a gulp of air as everything around him felt like it was about to collapse, stretching his neck in the silence to look at the roof of his room for a second. Adrenaline surging through his nerves, ears ringing and eyes watering his face contorted in confusion before meeting his father's eye. He merely nodded, brows knitted together with a frown on his face. Barely breathing, shallows as if he could just breakdown any minute with tears.
I genuinely think that being stressed out to hide the fact that your playing a real life superhero and hiding it from your dad who is a FBI agent and known to be strict and a little callous maybe? I really think that would put pressure on the reader to say that if he found out he could have a bigger problem than the bad guys around. Or at least think he would be.
Thinking how Aaron would come forward and hug Reader after seeing how he reacted to him coming in. Stressed and basically alone to deal with such a thing not exactly true R has his friend group to talk to lmao. Just engulfing him and letting the boy sob against his chest while petting his head to soothe him. The tension a d stress just spilling over.
Making sure R feels comfortable to talk about it, because he knows the topic might be sensitive and stressful to the reader. And he might not want to address the issue, but Aaron isn't going to let it slide either. He's seen many things during his time working in BAU ofc and knows what kind of things can make a person slide off.
Making sure he's good mentally and physically; making sure he's got no fatal injuries is the first things. If he has Aaron's going to help him, he doesn't he's good lol.
If R isn't ready go address it on the spot, Aaron gives him time and they talk later about it. The first thing he wishes to know is if he's alright as mentioned earlier, how did it all come to be and why.
In the end he'd be reluctant leaving R be on the topic, wanting him to be safe but also not really telling anyone about it for the privacy sake and bc there's no guarantee what the government would do with the information, but atleast he gets to know what's going on in Virginia crime vice lol.
Also thinking about how the man has most likely some times seen his own son hopping buildings but never knew it was actually him lmao .
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warriorofthought · 1 year
Bullied Part 2
Summary: After being pushed down the stairs, you are in the hospital and your father takes legal action against Batty Lazy. This leads to a court hearing.
Word count: 1044
Warning: slightly injury
Aaron Hochtner x Son Reader
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Since you still have to stay in the hospital for a couple of days with your injuries and are under observation. The next morning, your dad says goodbye to you and heads off to your school. 
Aaron Hochtner Pov:
On the way to my son's school, I got a lot of evidence from the team that my son's fall from the stairs was not a simple accident and that my son was being bullied pretty badly by Batty Lazy. None of the teachers have intervened, which makes me pretty angry. I am also very convinced that the bullying happened in class and that my son is not the only victim.
When I arrived at the principal's office, I knocked and went inside.
He immediately stands up and greets me.
"Good morning, Mr. Hochtner. I'm sorry about the accident with your son. I hope he's okay.
" Yes, he is fine. But it was not an accident. It was bullying. One of y/n's classmates named Batty Lazy pushed him down the stairs."
"That can't be, there is no bullying at our school, the teachers have been trained to report any case to me."
"Then your staff didn't do a very good job."
"Can you prove that it was not an accident?"
"Yes, I can. Your video camera recorded the fall and you can clearly see that my son was pushed. I will of course take legal action against the girl. But I also expect you to do something to keep my son safe and the other children here at the school as well."
"Of course, this will all be investigated Mr.Hochtner and if these allegations are true, the girl Batty Lazy will be expelled from school for the time being and may have to change schools later on. Is that to your satisfaction?"
"Yes, that is the least you can do, since you have already failed to protect my son." 
"Then have a nice day "
After that I leave the office and drive to the police department to complete the charges against Batty.
I filed a complaint and soon Batty will be called in to give a statement and then it will go all the way to court.
When Batty's parents got wind of this, they were very angry and of course wanted to make sure she would appear in court.
When Batty learned that you or your father had taken legal action. She was upset and thought of a way to prevent it from going to trial. There is one of her friends who tells her that if you retract the statement. It won't come to trial. This makes Batty happy and she already has an idea how she can force you to do it.
She then went to the hospital, pretending to be one of your friends with a fake name, and came to your room when your father was gone and no one from the team was there. She waits for the moment when you are alone in the room, unwatched.
"Hey, little loser, fancy room" Batty laughs amused when she sees your frightened expression.
"Get out of here!" you say, reaching for the emergency bell next to your bed, but Batty is quick, grabbing your wrist and twisting it around so you can't ring it.
"Now, now, not so fast, I want you to resign the charge, you're fine, so don't make a drama out of it". 
"I can't do that, my father won't let me." 
"Then you'll have to make him, or..."
She pulls out a knife and gets dangerously close to you.
"Maybe this can change your mind." Very lightly she presses the knife into your skin.
Your heart starts to race and you hear the monitor beep also increase in speed. 
Very slowly, some blood trickles down from your wound. You make a sound, overcome with pain.
Before anything else happens, your father suddenly comes in and pulls her away from you. 
Surprised, Batty stood there and saw what she had almost done. But instead of showing remorse, she tried to apologize with crocodile tears.
Next, he takes her into arrest. Two policemen come in and take her away.
Batty tries to fight back but has zero chance.
You see her being taken away and feel some relief.
Next you feel someone applying pressure to your wound. As you look up, you see your father looking down at you with concern.
"Are you alright, she threatened you!"
"I'm fine, besides the cut" you smile weakly "and yes, she threatened me".
"Well, alright, the trial is in a few days, I also think that threatening you again will lead to a juvenile sentence and she will have to go to jail. So don't worry and until the trial is, you won't be alone anymore." 
Then a female doctor comes in and takes care of your injury.
Timeskip: (Day of Trial)
The case against Batty Lazy went to trial. As the judge read the charges and enumerated the horrific acts of the woman committing the crime, she showed no remorse. She sat there with a cocky smile on her lips as if she had done nothing wrong. 
Mr. Hochtner then presented his evidence. The witnesses told of Batty's bullying and intimidation attempts.
When the judge presented the evidence, including the video showing the near-fatal attack on y/n, the courtroom fell silent. The audience held its breath. At that point, their eyes turned to Batty.
Batty tried to talk her way out of it, claiming it was an accident. 
But the judge interrupted the proceedings. "Ms. Lazy, you don't seem to understand the seriousness of your actions. You put a young man's life in danger. This is not a joke, this is a crime."
So then Batty tried again to talk her way out of it with tears and apologies. 
But the judge and the lawyers quickly realized that she did the seriousness of her actions didn't understand. 
She was found guilty and sentenced to a long juvenile term. In addition, Batty was suspended from school and given a restraining order that forbade her from approaching Y/n.
Y/n slowly recovered from his injuries and found comfort in the support of his family and friends.
@kyroxie I hope you like it and that it is about the way you had in mind.
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juniperskye · 4 days
That’ll Show Them.
Based on the following ask: 🥰 yay!! Okay. (Deep breath), so the idea was basically either preschool or elementary school setting. Hotch being a sexy single dad has most of the single (and not!) Moms drooling over him. Y/N or Reader is a single mom, not one of those drooling but definitely sees that he's attractive. But her kid (girl or boy) happens to quickly become Jack's BFF and this causes natural interactions and conversations between her and Hotch over the next few weeks which makes the other moms salty and jealous, and she overhears them at one point speculating that she probably told her kid to befriend Jack just so she could get closer to Hotch. I didn't really think of an ending for it but just had an idea of a scene where she's trying to remain calm and unaffected while overhearing them talking about her and giving side eye. Maybe Hotch hears it too and comes to her defense? Or makes them even saltier by asking her out in front of them? 😈 @nyxwolph thank you for requesting this! I did adjust a little bit, so I hope you like it!!
Aaron Hotchner x Single Mom! Reader
Word count: 3569
REQUESTS ARE OPEN - not edited - please be kind. Requests are open and feedback is welcome if it's constructive!
Warnings: My blog is 18+, minors DNI, some explicit language, reader is a single mom, mention of divorce, school moms being shitty, mention of Hotch’s ex father-in-law being ill, no use of y/n, Fem reader, reader has no physical description other than being shorter than hotch, reader is mentioned/implied to own a shop (no details), gay best friend, Hotch starts work at 8am (idk what the BAU hours are lmao) let me know if I missed any!
I do not consent to having my work translated or reposted to any other site. That being said I do not own the characters portrayed in this story.
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The moms were ruthless. You were barely three months into the school year and already you had been completely ostracized from the “mom group.” Part of you had assumed it was because the majority of these moms had all caught wind of your very public, messy divorce. The other part of you, however, knew that the main reason you’d been exiled was him.
Aaron HOTTIE Hotchner, as the other moms called him, had taken Ms. Jenson’s third grade class by storm. Meet the teacher night had been a frenzy of horny moms all praying their child ended up in the same class as Aaron’s son. There were hushed conversations and giggles, and hair flips all night long, you had felt bad for the teachers since their presentations had fallen second to the gossip travelling through the halls about the hot single dad.
“I heard he works for the FBI!”
“I heard he’s a widower. Could you even imagine?”
“Wow. He must be pretty amazing, a single dad and working for the FBI!”
“Can we be real for a moment and just admire how hot he is?”
“Did you see his hands?”
“Yes! Did you see his suit? I love a well-dressed man.”
They were vultures, every single one of them, and Aaron was their newest victim. He, of course, had been completely oblivious to the blatant flirting – he returned every advance they made with a kind smile or polite nod. And listen, you weren’t going to deny that Aaron was hot…you just weren’t trying to be like those other moms and gush about it at meet the teacher night.
Your being excluded by the class moms had only gotten worse since Jack and Millie had become friends. Millie had told you on the first day of school, that a boy had pushed her down on the playground, and before you could panic, she told you that a different boy…one named Jack…had helped her up. She said after that, they sat together at lunch and read aloud.
You could barely contain you excitement. Since the divorce, Millie had been having a tough time making friends – mainly because the moms told their kids to stay away. Your ex had been quite cozy with some of the moms at Millie’s last school and you had eventually found out he was sleeping with one of them. Once the divorce was finalized and you had full custody, you’d moved and that meant a new school for Millie.
Realistically that should’ve been the end of the drama, but it just so happens that the girl who your husband slept with…well her sister’s child was in the same class as Millie. He of course was the kid that pushed Millie down on the first day of school.
It shouldn’t have bothered you, their constant whispers…but it had you seething. This was an everyday occurrence now that you drove Jack home. The moms all waiting for dismissal engaging in hushed conversations about how desperate you must be.
“I bet she told her daughter to befriend his son.”
“What a sad way to get his attention.”
“Well, I mean, her ex did cheat…so she’s probably desperate.”
“She’s ridiculous if you ask me.”
This new development has begun exactly two weeks ago. Jack and Millie had been on their sixth playdate – this had been the first one Aaron had been able to host (due to work obvi) which had led to you staying and the two of you talking about how demanding his work schedule must be. He had told you it kept him pretty busy and that his sister-in-law had been extremely helpful, but with her father falling ill, she was growing increasingly busy.
“You know, I could drive Jack. If you’re comfortable with it.” You offered.
“I couldn’t possibly ask that of you!” Aaron panicked.
“It’s a good thing you didn’t ask…I’m offering. I already have to drive to the school to get Millie, I could grab Jack and the two of them could hang out until you are off work. And if your sister-in-law ever can’t watch him while you’re away, know that I am more than willing.” You punctuated with a kind smile.
“What if I take them to school, I don’t need to be at work until eight, and then you could pick them up? That way it is even. Obviously when I’m out of town, which wouldn’t necessarily be possible, but I could coordinate with Jess and…” Aaron was spiraling.
“Aaron. If you want to take them to school when you’re in town, that would be great. That would allow me the time I need in the shop before opening. When you are out of town, if Jack is staying with me, I will take them to and from school – if he’s with Jess, she doesn’t have to worry about Millie okay?” You suggested.
“You’re a godsend. You know that?” Aaron said, a smile growing on his face.
“Yeah well, Jack has been an incredible friend to Millie, and I would love for them to spend more time together. Plus, the house has been so quiet and, I don’t know. It would be nice to have the kids there.” There was a slight cringe that was brought with the insinuation of your divorce.
“I appreciate it either way.” Aaron gently nudged your shoulder.
So, for the last two weeks, Aaron had been driving the kids to school and you had been picking them up. He shockingly had yet to be called on a case…but you knew it was only a matter of time.
Aaron was called away a few days later, he had let you know that Jess would be watching Jack. That had sent a tinge of pain right to your heart. In truth, you were attracted to Aaron, and the more time you spent with him, you were starting to fall for him. You tried not to focus too much on the fact that he’d sent Jack to stay with Jess…chalking up to the fact that Aaron probably didn’t want to burden you – even though he could never.
You didn’t hear from Aaron until nearly two weeks later.
A: Hey, we just got back from this case. I’ll pick Millie up in the morning for school. Are you good to pick up Jack after?
Y: Hey! Yeah I can pick them up tomorrow. I have to take Millie to get her cleats and shin guards for soccer, is it okay if Jack tags along?
A: I totally forgot soccer starts next weekend. If I sent some money in Jack’s backpack could you pick up his stuff too?
Y: Of course! Will you be late tomorrow?
A: Probably, after a case like this, there’s a lot of paperwork to be done. I will try to be there by 7pm if that’s okay.
Y: 7 is fine, we will get homework done and I will feed them and have Jack all ready for you!
A: Thank you. Seriously I don’t know what I’d do without you.
The next day you arrived at the school at 2:45 pm to pick up the kids. You parked your car like always and stood in wait with the other parents. You were checking your phone to see where the nearest sporting goods store was when one of the dads approached you.
“Hey, is Millie ready for soccer to start?”
“Oh, hey Scott! Yeah she is so excited! What about Macy?” You questioned.
“She’s nervous, but she told me she was glad Millie and Jack were playing too. Michael was really bummed that the girls weren’t in a class together this year.” Scott explained.
“I was too! How is Michael? We should all have dinner some time!” You suggested.
“He’s good, and I am sure he would love to have you and your new beau over for a meal – I will talk to him when we get home!” Scott beamed.
“New beau…what are you talking about? Do you mean Aaron? He and I, we’re not…” You stuttered.
“Don’t worry, it’s okay! You should be bragging to all those bitches that you bagged the hot DILF! Don’t let them spoil something good for you hon.” Scott gently squeezed your arm.
Just as you opened your mouth to reply, the kids came running out. Macy ran to hug her dad while Jack and Millie made their way to you. Both kids hugged you and then said their goodbyes to Macy. You moved to grab their hands and guide them to the car, but not without catching the glares from all the moms. They must’ve heard Scott and you talking…and while you and Aaron weren’t dating, it didn’t hurt to let them believe it for a bit.
After getting the kids soccer gear, you took them home and got them started on their homework and gave them some apple slices. You checked a few emails, changed the washer and dryer, and wrote up your grocery list in the meantime.
When they were done with their homework, you checked their work and then quizzed them on their spelling words. By then it was nearly 5:30 pm, you set the two of them up in the living room with a coloring book and some Legos while you got dinner started. You made some grilled chicken, mashed potatoes, and green beans – for the kids, you added some cheese to the potatoes and cut up the chicken – setting that on the table for them alongside a glass of chocolate milk.
“Kids, time for dinner!” You hollered.
“Coming mom!” Millie called.
You were about 10 minutes into dinner when a knock sounded from the front door. You excused yourself and walked over to let Aaron in.
“Hey, we were just having dinner, can I get you a plate?” You offered.
“Oh, as long as it’s not an imposition!” Aaron replied.
“Aaron, how many times do I have to tell you that it’s not an imposition. I like having you around.” You stopped abruptly, embarrassed that you’d let that slip. “I mean, you know, it’s nice that Millie and Jack are friends…I uh. I…”
“I know what you mean. And I like having you around too.” He said, finally stepping fully into the house.
Aaron placed a gentle hand on the small of your back to guide you toward the kitchen. You plated him up some food and he joined you at the table, sitting right beside you. You couldn’t help the growing heat that bloomed on your cheeks as his arm brushed against your own. The room was filled with the playful chatter of the eight-year-olds that sat across from you, giggles escaping them as they recounted the events of their day at school.
Glancing over, you noticed the joy radiating from Aaron’s expression. You hadn’t seen him this genuinely happy in all the time you’ve known him, and you wonder if it is because he doesn’t get to relax like this often. The thought allows your mind to drift even further – splaying images of cooking for the four of you all the time, of late nights cuddled with Aaron and even further into the future, welcoming a new child to the family you’ve curated…only it's all in your head.
“You alright?” Aaron whispers. His warm breath against your ear causes a chill to cascade across your skin, leaving goosebumps in its wake.
“Yeah, I’m good. Sorry, just lost in thought.”
“Hey mom, is Jack’s dad going to be my new dad?” Millie posed, causing you to choke on the bite of chicken you’d just taken.
“Woah, sweetheart you’re okay, just breathe!” Aaron patted your back gently. “Here, take a sip of water.”
Taking a swig, the chicken makes its way down. “Mills…baby where did you get that idea?”
“Well Rain said that his mom said that you were moving in on Jack’s dad, and I thought that if we were moving in, then that would make him my new dad!” Millie smiled.
It was Aaron who choked this time, only it was on his water, causing some of it to certainly escape through his nose. He pulled his napkin to his face as he coughed in an attempt to clear his airway.
“Aar…breathe.” You returned the favor of patting him gently on the back. “Are you okay?”
He answered with a nod and allowed a chuckle to escape his mouth before looking up to meet your gaze. Aaron wasn’t ignorant of the fact that the other moms had been eyeing him since the beginning of the year, he just hadn’t realized that they’d gone after you due to your budding closeness.
“Millie, Rain’s mom is just kidding. Jack’s dad and I are becoming good friends, like you and Jack, and they don’t like that, so they’re saying some not so nice things.” You explained.
“Oh…okay.” Millie said, a small pout gracing her features.
A pout that pulled on not only yours, but also Aaron’s heartstrings. He allowed himself a glance in your direction and took careful note of the hurt and disappointment that flashed across your own features briefly. Was it possible you felt more than you were letting on?
Six days later you received a call at four in the morning. It hadn’t been the thing to wake you up, but it came as a surprise, nonetheless.
“Hey, I just got a call about a time sensitive case and Jess is dealing with her dad. Would you mind taking Jack while I am away?”
“Aaron, of course! Do you need me to come and get him?”
“No, I will get a bag together for him and drop him off on my way to the office. I am going to leave you with a key to my place just in case Jack needs anything. Thank you for doing this, seriously it means a lot.”
“It’s really not a problem, I will have a bed made up for him by the time you get here.”
“Thanks sweetheart, see you soon.”
With that, Aaron hung up, and for the second time you were taken by surprise at the pet name he so casually referred to you by. You had to remind yourself not to swoon. It wouldn’t do you any good to get into your thoughts about the meaning behind his slip of the tongue.
Jack Hotchner was the most wonderful child you have the privilege of knowing – aside from Millie of course. He was polite and he listened with no pushback. He helped Millie with her chores (cleaning up her toys and putting her clothes in the laundry basket), he didn’t complain, and he just exuded this kindness and joy that brought an extra bit of warmth to your home.
You could see Millie becoming attached and you feared her heart would break once Jack had to go back home. You only hoped that she’d understand that although Jack’s presence isn’t currently permanent, they’d still get to see each other all the time.
Jack stayed with you for five nights, Aaron surprised you all by showing up with a pizza on Saturday evening.
The three of you had been cuddled up on the couch watching Inside Out 2 when the doorbell rang. You shuffled over to the door in your sweats and fuzzy socks to see Aaron standing there in a quarter zip and jeans. Good God, he’s never looked so good.
“Aaron!” You couldn’t hide your excitement.
“Surprise! I brought pizza, I hope cheese is okay.” He inquired.
“Cheese is perfect.” You confirmed. “Kids, dinner is here!”
Jack ran to embrace his father. Millie, however, stormed off to her room. You were quick to throw Aaron an apologetic glance, before following her down the hall.
“Mills…what’s wrong honey?”
Millie replied with a grumble in her pillow and a shake of her head.
“Baby, I can’t help if you don’t tell me.”
“It’s not fair. Jack doesn’t have a mom, and I don’t have a dad. But when you and Mr. Aaron are together it feels like a normal family. How come you guys can’t just be together?” Millie cried.
“Oh, honey. It’s not that simple bug. Mr. Aaron, well he’s a busy man and I just…” You trailed off.
“Don’t you like him?”
“Mills, yeah I like him, but like I said, it’s not that simple. Even if he liked me back, that wouldn’t just make us a family, it would take some time for us to get serious and then we’d have to decide if that was the right step for us.”
“It is the right step! You guys like each other, and Jack and I get along…mommy it’s perfect! You could be Jack’s mom and Mr. Aaron could be my new dad.” Millie said matter-of-factly.
“Oh honey, is this about your dad?” You pulled Millie into a hug.
“No! He wasn’t nice to me like Mr. Aaron is. Mom I want Mr. Aaron to be my dad.” She whispered as tears stained her cheeks.
“I know honey, me too…me too.” You pressed a kiss to her head. “Baby lets go have some pizza and enjoy our time with Jack and Mr. Aaron, yeah?”
That night, something shifted. Aaron and you had begun spending more time together, going to soccer practices and games together, taking the kids to the park, the movies, pottery painting places, dinner at your house, game night at his. Aaron had also exclusively been asking you to take Jack while he was away on cases – claiming Jess’ father was getting worse.
Two months passed like this, and things had started to feel very domestic. Millie was asking more and more about Jack being her brother and Aaron her father and you had to explain that even though they weren’t related, even by marriage, that friends could be considered family too.
Once again you were taking care of Jack while Aaron was out of town on a case, only this time it was a little different. Your car was in the shop, so Aaron had let you borrow his car, and today was the last day of school before winter break. The schoolyard was buzzing with anticipation of the final bell, parents were discussing their vacation plans with one another while waiting.
You has been talking to Scott and Michael when Becca approached you.
“You know, I think it’s a sick thing you’ve done, using your daughter to help you prey on a vulnerable man.” She hissed.
“Excuse me? What the hell are you talking about?” You shot back.
“Aaron. You had Millie befriend Jack and for what so you could trick Aaron into going out with you? It’s truly despicable behavior. He’s a good man and he deserves someone who is genuine.” Becca spewed.
“I don’t know where you get off, talking to me like that, but I can assure you – ”
“Becca, I’d really appreciate it if you didn’t speak to my girlfriend that way. She is the kindest most genuine person I have ever met, and every day she shows me how much she cares for and loves Jack and me. So back off, and maybe don’t speak on things you don’t know anything about.” Aaron bit as his arm snuck its way around your waist, pulling you flush against him.
“I KNEW IT!” Scott shouted.
Becca stormed off with a huff and you turned around to see Aaron wearing a shit eating grin. You couldn’t help but be overwhelmed with disbelief at the fact that Aaron was here right now, he’d stuck up for you, and he’d called you his girlfriend. Yeah, you were fairly sure your brain had short circuited.
“Girlfriend?” Your gaze lifted to meet his.
“You know, I’d been meaning to ask.” He grinned down at you. “What do you say?”
“Yes! Of course!”
Aaron closed the gap between you and captured your lips in a kiss. All the while the moms scoffed and huffed in disbelief that you truly had taken Aaron HOTTIE Hotchner off the market. And before you had a chance to pull away, Jack and Millie came bounding over just in time to catch the last bit of your kiss.
“Does this mean Mr. Aaron can finally be my dad?” Millie asked.
Aaron leaned down to Millie’s level “Mills, I would love nothing more than to be your dad, but we have to take things slow okay? Your mom and I have a lot of grown-up decisions to make before that can happen, so I need you to be patient. Can you do that for me?”
“I can do that!”
You leaned down in front of Jack, wanting to ensure he’s included in all this. “What do you think Jack? Would you be okay with me and your dad being together? It means you and Millie will be together a lot more often.”
“Will you eventually be my mom then?”
“If your dad and I choose to get married eventually, then yeah, I’d be your stepmom.” You explained.
“I think you’d be a really good mom.” Jack wrapped his arms around you.
Aaron and you may have only just made things official, but in the last five or so months, you’d both fallen for each other. Sometimes, things are just right, and all the pieces fall into place naturally. And for the first time in a long time, you couldn’t wait to see where this leads.
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chvoswxtch · 7 months
let's play
pairing: aaron hotchner x fem!reader x derek morgan x spencer reid
summary: sharing is caring, afterall.
warnings: once again, every single one of them. swearing, spencer whimpering, daddy hotch, derek morgan's blinding charming ass smile, explicit sexual content (minors dni)
word count: 4.9k
a/n: the highly requested and anticipated sequel to slumber party has arrived. once again, there is no plot, bc none of you came here for that. you don't have to read part one to understand this installment, but it is highly encouraged. please enjoy this lil valentine's treat from me to you. as always, feedback is welcomed/appreciated!
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Before Hotch or Derek even had a chance to step foot into Spencer’s hotel room, Spencer had kicked it shut behind himself after ushering you inside. The two men exchanged looks of confusion, glancing between each other and the closed door in front of them. Derek held his bag by the handles over his shoulder in one hand, and when he went to twist the knob on the door, it was locked. He raised his fist to lightly knock against the door.
“Hey Reid-”
“Come back in an hour.”
Derek’s ebony brows instantly pinched together, and he tossed Hotch an incredulous look over his shoulder.
“What’d he just say?”
Hotch’s permanent scowl abruptly returned to his sharp features as he stepped forward, raising his fist to pound harshly against the door.
“Reid, open this door, now.”
“In an hour.”
Derek let out a scoff, dropping his bag onto the floor with a loud thud.
“What happened to sharing, pretty boy?”
“We will, in fifty-nine minutes.”
Spencer’s voice was somewhat muffled through the thickness of the door, and it sounded far away, like he was deeper inside the room. Before either of them could say another word, a loud moan suddenly sounded from inside that clearly belonged to you. Hotch clenched his jaw while Derek stepped forward with an expression of pure irritation.
“Reid, either you open this door, or I’m kicking it down so help me-”
Hotch placed his palm against Derek’s chest and gave a slight shake of his head. Without another word, Hotch reached into his pocket and produced a room key, and in one swipe, a click followed by a flashing green light signaled that the door was unlocked. Hotch twisted the knob and pushed the door open, stepping into the room with Derek hot on his heels. 
Spencer’s head perked up from between your thighs at the abrupt intrusion, his lips and chin already glistening with your arousal, and a concoction of puzzlement and vexation knit his brows together.
Hotch held up his right hand with the key card nestled between his index and middle finger, arching one of his thick brows in a pointed expression.
“You think I don’t have a master key to each of my agent’s rooms for emergency purposes?”
While on his knees in front of the bed with his hands clamped firmly around your soft thighs, Spencer stared at the key in Hotch’s hand as if it had personally wronged him. He hadn’t planned for that. He had planned on having you all to himself for an hour before he had to share.
“Son of a bitch.”
Derek’s mouth instantly parted into an amused tooth bearing grin at Spencer’s outburst of realization, and he chuckled while crossing his arms over his chest, causing his light gray t-shirt to stretch over his firm chest and large biceps.
“Nothing like a pretty girl to slice that genius IQ right in half. Isn’t that right, baby girl?”
Raising up on your elbows on the bed, you glanced over at Derek with a faint smirk as you arched one of your brows in a teasing gesture.
“I don’t know what you’re getting cocky about. He’s the one with the eidetic memory of the female anatomy and what I like.”
“Oh it’s like that, huh? Do I need to remind you who in this room has the most practice with female anatomy? Cause I seem to remember you feeling pretty satisfied on the jet earlier.”
Slipping your hand down into the mess of light brown curls on top of Spencer’s head, you gave his hair a gentle tug to guide his mouth back to where you wanted it, a silent command he happily obliged. Feeling the warmth of Spencer’s wet tongue starting to glide slowly over your clit again, you laid back against the mattress once more and closed your eyes while a soft sigh emitted from your parted lips.
“A little refresher course never hurt anyone. Take a seat, boys. Dr. Reid is giving an oral presentation.”
Whatever argument Hotch or Derek had quickly died on their tongues as they became entranced watching Spencer sensually and slowly eat your pussy from his spot on his knees at the edge of the bed. The four of you had spent the past twelve hours since the jet landed making your rounds at the police station, visiting the scene of the crime, and the medical examiner’s office before Hotch finally decided it was time to check into the hotel. All of you were beyond exhausted, but none of you could stop thinking about what was going to happen the second the four of you were finally alone together.
There had been a buzzing energy surrounding the four of you since you stepped off the jet with the promise of more in the back of everyone’s minds.
As much as their hands were itching to touch you, Hotch and Derek couldn’t tear their eyes away from the enticing show taking place in front of them. The way your body writhed gently against the mattress, the rhythm of your hips rolling back and forth against Spencer’s face like a delicate ocean tide, the soft and hedonistic noises of pleasure that rose in volume and pitch as Spencer devoured you like a man on death row savoring his last meal.
“At least we found a way to shut him up.”
Hotch softly grinned at Derek’s quiet quip while reaching up to loosen the knot on his tie completely, slipping it from around his neck. 
“Silver lining. Help her get more comfortable, would you?”
Derek grabbed the hem of his shirt and pulled it over his head, tossing it carelessly behind himself. As soon as his belt was unbuckled, he kicked off his shoes and pushed his jeans down to his ankles to step out of them, leaving him in a white pair of briefs that were already bulging from his half hard cock.
“Way ahead of you.”
Taking a few steps over towards the large bed, Derek moved to sit on his knees right behind your head and leaned forward to grab the bottom of your dress that was bunched up around your hips. He pulled it upwards to slip it off of you, leaving you completely exposed. The cool temperature in the room quickly had your nipples rising to stiff peaks, and you shivered when Derek’s large and warm hands began to squeeze your breasts firmly. Letting your eyes flutter open, you stared up into Derek’s deep and warm chocolate brown eyes as he flashed you that charming grin that never failed to make you weak in the knees.
“Reid putting his mouth to good use?”
Sinking your top teeth into your bottom lip, you arched your back slightly off the mattress and moaned in response as Spencer trapped your clit between his soft lips and began to suck fervently. In return, you gave his hair a rough tug which had a moan of his own vibrating against your soaked cunt. The vibrations echoed throughout your trembling thighs, and your stomach felt tight with anticipation for what was coming, and what would follow afterwards.
Derek toyed with your sensitive nipples, alternating between flicking his thumbs over them, rolling them between his thumb and index finger, and pinching gently. He leaned over you, teasingly gliding his tongue in a languid circle around your hardened nub before sucking it into his mouth and biting down gently, causing you to tug harder at Spencer’s unruly roots. The combination of the stimulation from Derek and Spencer was almost too much, and it had you barreling towards euphoria quickly.
Opening your eyes, you were immediately drawn to the sight of Hotch sitting in a chair in the corner of the room, watching intently while a haze of lust darkened his eyes to the deepest shade you had ever seen them. He was still fully dressed in his suit, but he held his tie tightly in his right hand, and a jolt of excitement rushed through your nervous system.
“Who’s that for?”
Hotch lifted his gaze from Spencer’s head between your thighs to meet your eyes, and a wicked smirk tugged at the edge of his mouth.
“Now if I told you, that would ruin the surprise, wouldn’t it?”
Hotch was in the mood to play. 
The more comfortable the four of you got with your little arrangement, the more everyone started to see the real version of one another in the bedroom. Out of the three men, Hotch was by far the most dominant, and enjoyed being in complete control, which wasn’t really a surprise to anyone. But the fetishes that lurked beneath the surface did catch you off guard from time to time. 
Derek wasn’t too keen on being tied up, unless you talked him into it on rare occasions, so you and Spencer were usually the object of Hotch’s bondage fantasies. You didn’t realize you would enjoy being completely at someone else’s mercy so much, but with Hotch, you found it incredibly erotic. Everything he did was to maximize your pleasure. He may have liked being in control, but out of the three of them, he definitely took the cake for being a giver.
The second Spencer gently grazed his teeth over your sensitive clit, your orgasm unexpectedly crashed over you without warning, and your body seized up while repetitive cries of pleasure tore through your chest. Gripping the sheets so hard in your fists your knuckles turned stark white, you tried to weakly pull away from Spencer’s delectable assault on your overstimulated clit, but Derek held your hips down firmly so that Spencer could continue to ravenously collect every drop you had to offer. 
The line between pleasure and pain was beginning to blur, and relief only came when Hotch grabbed Spencer by his hair and tugged his head backwards before pulling him up to his feet. Spencer’s pupils were completely blown open with lust, and his lips were somewhat swollen as they glistened with the burst of gratification he had wrung from you. He was lightly panting trying to catch his own breath.
“That’s enough.”
“But I-”
“You get to fuck her when I say you can. Understood?”
Spencer’s hands clenched into tight fists at his sides, one of his physical tells that he was aroused and trying to contain himself. He swallowed thickly and nodded his head in silent obedience. The deep and calm tone of Hotch’s voice was laced with a delicate warning, letting all three of you know that there was no room for debate regarding who was in control tonight.
You didn’t call him “Daddy of the BAU” for nothing.
“Yes sir.”
Releasing his grip on Spencer’s hair, Hotch grabbed onto the back of his neck instead and pulled him in to kiss him deeply, swiping his tongue along Spencer’s bottom lip and biting it roughly while humming in appreciation at the taste of you that lingered. A low growl sounded from deep within Hotch’s chest as he let go of Spencer.
“Good boy. Get undressed and switch places with Morgan.”
While Derek and Spencer swapped places, you moved to sit up on wobbly knees, and Hotch stepped forward to capture your jaw in his large hand, his ring and pinky finger resting along your neck against your pulse point to feel the thrum of your pounding heartbeat. His thumb brushed along your bottom lip lightly, and a flash of pure lust eclipsed over his darkened eyes when you wrapped your lips around it and pressed your tongue firmly against the pad of his thumb. He bent down to where your noses were just barely an inch apart.
“Do you think you could handle two of us at once, sweetheart?”
Your eyes instantly lit up at the question. Normally they all took turns with you, or one fucked you while you sucked another off. You had only taken two of them at once twice before, and while it caused a lingering ache for the following days after, it was absolutely worth it. Nodding your head eagerly, Hotch let out a dark chuckle as a crooked grin split across his lips.
“Good girl.”
Tearing his gaze away, Hotch looked at Derek and tossed him the tie that was in his hand, gesturing with his head towards Spencer’s direction.
“I want his hands tied to the bed.”
Derek turned to look down at Spencer with an amused smirk, taking a step closer towards the edge of the bed as he straightened out the tie in his hands.
“You heard ‘em, pretty boy. Lemme see those hands.”
Spencer let out a whine of protest, turning his head to look at Hotch with a pleading expression, but Hotch gave a firm shake of his head while slipping his jacket off of his broad shoulders and down his arms. 
“You follow the rules, you get what you want. You act like a brat, you get treated like one. Next time, you open the door when I tell you to. Give Morgan your hands.”
While Derek slipped the fabric around Spencer’s wrists in an intricate labyrinth to bind them together and tied them to the headboard with Hotch’s tie, Hotch took his time unbuttoning his dress shirt. You watched over your shoulder as Derek expertly weaved the tie around Spencer’s wrists with a soft pout on your lips.
“Don’t think I forgot about you.”
Before you had a moment to process the sound of Hotch unbuckling his belt, he grabbed your hips and twisted your body around to face Spencer, and just as quickly pulled your arms behind your back. Grabbing your wrists in one of his large hands, Hotch slipped the leather of his belt around them to secure your wrists together tightly. Your lips parted in surprise while you gazed down at Spencer below you. His arms were raised above his head, wrists crossed one over the other and bound to the headboard by Hotch’s black tie, the pupils of his eyes blown so wide they nearly obscured the hazel ring of his irises.
Your eyes fell to the sight of his hard cock, fully erect and standing proud to attention, the swollen tip a deep shade of rose and glossed over with weeping arousal. You could see the muscles in his lower abdomen tighten as you noticed him very tenuously flexing his hips upwards against nothing in search of friction. 
“He looks pretty like this, doesn’t he?”
Hotch whispered lowly in your ear, the warmth of his breath against your delicate skin causing you to shudder in response and arch your back subtly. 
“Tell him.”
Staring down directly into Spencer’s eyes, a soft whimper caught in your throat while a fresh tide of arousal leaked between your thighs.
“You look so pretty like this, Spence.”
Hotch’s rough hands firmly gripped onto your hips as he pressed his bare chest flush against your back. You could feel his hard cock pressing against your lower back, and you instinctively pushed your ass back against him which caused him to dig his blunt nails into your soft flesh.
Hotch quietly hissed between clenched teeth. Brushing your hair off your bare shoulder, he nuzzled his nose against the column of your neck and took your earlobe between his teeth, biting down roughly before gliding his tongue along the shell of your ear. A quiet shuddering breath slipped past your lips, and you could feel Hotch grin against your neck.
“Now, listen closely. I want you to ride Spencer while I fuck you from behind, and I want you to open that pretty mouth nice and wide to take Derek’s cock. Understood?”
Derek reached out to cradle your jaw in his large hand, gently tugging your bottom lip down with his thumb as he leaned in and pressed a teasing kiss right beneath your ear, whispering in a sultry voice.
“Think you can handle that, baby girl?”
“She can handle it. She’s a good girl.”
Despite being bound to the bed, Spencer’s voice had a rough and somewhat dominant cadence to it as he spoke matter of factly. All three men shared a knowing look between each other before Hotch smacked his palm against your ass, drawing your attention back to the present with a soft gasp tearing from your lips, reminding you that he expected an answer. Swallowing thickly, you nodded eagerly in a breathless voice.
Derek arched one of his onyx brows as he slipped his hand down from your jaw down to your throat, giving it a faint squeeze.
“Yes, what?”
“Yes sir.”
Derek’s lips parted into a dazzling proud grin. He slipped his hand down between your thighs, his index and middle finger experimentally slipping inside your soaked cunt while his thumb teasingly brushed over your sensitive clit. A sharp moan tore from your chest while you clamped your thighs around Derek’s hand, and his dark brown eyes flickered over your shoulder to give Hotch a slight nod of his head.
“Oh she’s more than ready.”
A whimper escaped your lips when Derek retracted his hand and lifted his fingers to his lips to lick them clean. Hotch lifted you up slightly to move you forward, causing you to straddle Spencer’s hips. Both of you let out a piercing whine as the head of his throbbing cock brushed against your pulsing clit, and as a deep chuckle rumbled in Hotch’s chest, you felt it vibrating against your back.
“Good. Then let’s play.”
Reaching down between you and Spencer, Derek wrapped his hands around the base of Spencer’s hard cock, which had Spencer hissing softly and lightly shifting his hips upwards. As Hotch gripped onto your hips and guided you forward, Derek assisted in aligning your body to help you slowly sink down on Spencer’s cock. Spencer had been watching earnestly, but as soon as your welcoming heat enveloped him completely and he bottomed out inside of you, his head fell back against the pillows as he let out a strangled moan, his jaw going slack and his eyes screwed shut. 
“Oh f-fuck…”
Spencer was by far the most vocal out of the three of them, and it always filled you with a rush of excitement being able to tear such alluring noises from his pretty mouth.
Giving you only a few seconds to adjust, Hotch placed his palm between your shoulder blades and pushed you forwards, causing you to lean over Spencer completely while Derek moved your hair away from your face. The only reason you hadn’t fallen over was because Hotch had a tight hold on the belt that was bound around your wrists, keeping you suspended in the exact position he wanted you in. Spitting into his palm, Hotch used his saliva as a lubricant to coat the length of his cock as he positioned himself behind you, lifting your hips slightly to make you arch your back and align your ass further up into the air.
“Take a deep breath for me, baby.”
Sucking in a sharp inhale, you dug your nails deeply into the skin of your palms in anticipation. Hotch reached around your body to strum his index and middle finger in quick circles over your clit, ripping a surprised moan from deep within your chest. Thanks to the orgasm Spencer had given you, your body was more relaxed, and your pussy was still slick with your release which made it easier for Hotch to join Spencer inside you. When you felt the blunt head of Hotch’s cock nudging against Spencer’s and slowly stretching you out inch by divine inch, your jaw became fully unhinged and your eyes nearly rolled into the back of your head.
The voice that echoed from your throat didn’t even sound like it belonged to you. It was depleted of oxygen and came out in such a rush that your own ears had trouble unscrambling the words. The sound of Hotch letting out a guttural moan behind you sounded like thunder booming right in your ears. The serrated sting between your thighs was impossible to ignore as your spongy walls were stretched to accommodate them both, but the discomfort paled in comparison to the succulent fullness that you felt. Hotch continued to stimulate jolts of pleasure by strumming your clit with his index and middle fingers, trying to help your body to relax and adjust to the new and overwhelming intrusion. 
“Shh…there you go. Just breathe, baby girl.”
Derek was lovingly stroking his fingers through your hair while reminding you to perform such a basic subconscious action. As you struggled to suck in deep breaths, Spencer was impatiently thrusting his hips upwards in a slow rhythm, his biceps flexing while he tugged at the restraints on his wrist. Hotch gripped onto your hips tightly to keep you from falling on top of Spencer, his blunt nails leaving crescent shaped indentations on your soft hips. Once he felt the tension evaporate and your muscles loosening, he started to flex his hips forward to match Spencer’s delicate rhythm.
The composition of their conduction had your body swaying to the idle tempo they had silently established. Spencer and Hotch held you securely between their thighs, gliding back and forth over your delicate strings, coaxing legato notes of pleasure from your lips. 
Once Derek could see that you were completely relaxed and ready for more, he moved in closer and brushed his thumb along your bottom lip, a silent signal you instantly obeyed by parting your lips eagerly. A deep sigh of appreciation sounded from Derek’s chest when he slowly slipped his cock past your lips, and he gently traced his thumb along your cheekbone while you moaned at the feeling of his velvet weight caressing your tongue. 
This was the first time you had ever taken all three of them at once like this, and it was almost entirely too overwhelming. Every single one of your senses was overstimulated. 
Despite the three of them wearing starkly unique colognes, it was impossible to discern which smell belonged to who. Each of their scents perfectly mixed in with your own, creating one indistinguishable fragrance that enveloped you entirely and left you feeling intoxicated and light headed. Your skin was overheated already from the intensity of the moment, but also from the warmth that radiated naturally from each one of them; Hotch’s chest flush against your back, Derek’s palms caressing your cheeks, and Spencer’s thighs lightly smacking against your own. 
Even though your heart was pounding in your ears to the point of being deafening, you could hear the heavenly noises escaping each of them. Spencer was whimpering beneath you, begging for you to ride him harder. Derek was panting breathlessly above you, whispering softly how good you felt. Hotch was letting out deep growls and grunts as he moved behind you, demanding lowly in your ear that you take everything he was giving you.
The salty tang of Derek’s leaking arousal coated your tongue, but you could also still taste the roasted blonde espresso from Spencer’s lips and the fresh wintergreen mint that lingered on Hotch’s tongue. The pleasure was getting to be too much, and you couldn’t hardly keep your eyes open. You weren’t even on the brink of another orgasm yet, but there was already a firework show happening behind your eyelids. 
Something about this moment was so incredibly perfect, like this was where you all belonged. 
This wasn’t just about sex. It never had been. A piece of you had always belonged to each of them, and vice versa, ever since that first night in Vegas. There was just something about the four of you together that couldn’t be explained, but you all felt it every time you were with each other like this.
A single reaction from one of you set off a chain reaction for the rest of you. Hotch started to snap his hips in more powerful and precise thrusts, causing you to grind down harder on Spencer’s cock, and the vibrations of you moaning around Derek’s cock caused his own rhythm to become sloppy and falter when he began to fuck your face. 
The air in the hotel room was thick with heat and sweat like a sauna, and a cacophony of intermingled moans and grunts of satisfaction grew louder and louder the closer you all got to reaching a peak as grand as Everest. The second one of you jumped off the top to free fall, the rest of you would follow.
Spencer was the first to break. He was so far gone he couldn’t even get a warning out, but the second he released inside of you with a loud shout of your name, his spasming hips caused his pubic bone to bump against your clit repeatedly just right to set off your own orgasm. Hotch was fucking you relentlessly from behind as he chased his own high, and the contraction of your walls combined with the flood of yours and Spencer’s release made him double over as he grunted loudly, resting his forehead against your middle back while pumping his seed deeper and deeper within you. Derek was the last to fall apart. He let his head fall back while closing his eyes, his beautiful features twisted up in pure ecstasy as he let out a sensual moan while spilling down your throat.
The four of you were stuck together in a sweaty pile on the bed and no one wanted to move. Derek slowly slipped his softened cock from your lips so you could gasp for air, and he gently ran his fingers through your hair to help you calm down. Hotch did his best to carefully pull out, but the sudden movement had you crying out and tensing up. Hotch peppered gentle kisses along your shoulder blades, shushing you quietly while removing the leather restraint of his belt from your wrists and massaging them gently. Without him holding you up by your hips, you collapsed face first into Spencer’s chest.
When Derek freed Spencer’s wrists from the headboard, Spencer immediately wrapped his arms securely around your trembling frame and cradled your head against his chest. He didn’t dare move, letting himself soften inside of you as he held you there, pressing his lips to your forehead in a soft kiss and delicately carding his fingers through your hair.
Each one of you were panting hard, trying to regain your bearings from such an intense experience, but they had catapulted you so far up into the clouds, you weren’t sure you could ever make it down. It felt as if you had stuck your finger into an outlet, sending an intense shock throughout your entire body, the lingering electricity still crackling with the faintest jolts of motion. Their voices were distant and muffled, like your head was underwater, and you couldn’t focus on anything except the blackness that pulled over the entire horizon behind your eyelids.
Moments later, something cold and wet was pressed against the back of your neck, causing a shiver to spread throughout your body. When your eyes lazily fluttered open, you were met with the dim light of the hotel room, and as you slowly lifted your head, Spencer began to come into focus in front of you. He was laying back against the pillows watching you, holding a washcloth soaked in cold water against the back of your neck while still slipping his fingers through your hair with his other hand. He gently wiped the washcloth over both of your heated cheeks and flashed you a dopey grin.
“Welcome back to Earth, pretty girl.”
A faint blush tinted your cheeks as you looked at him with a tired smile, humming softly while nuzzling into the warmth of his body as you hugged him. “Hi.”
Hearing the sweet and sleepy mumble from your lips, Spencer leaned in and pressed a gentle kiss to your forehead.
“Hotch and Morgan went to grab us some dinner. They’ll be back in a bit. How are you feeling?”
Spencer erupted in laughter at the adorable pout on your lips, nodding as he brushed a strand of your hair out of your face.
“There were a lot of bodily fluids being exchanged.”
“Okay, it sounds gross when you say it like that.”
“Is ‘you did have three guys come inside you at once’ better?”
Scrunching up your nose, you weakly lifted your hand to press your index finger against Spencer’s soft lips with a quiet laugh.
“Please shut up.”
Spencer chuckled as he pressed a soft kiss to your finger, tossing the wet washcloth onto the nightstand by the bed.
“Fine. How about a shower?”
“Too much standing.”
“A bath?”
Pretending to think it over, you eventually let out a soft exhale while gazing into Spencer’s hazel eyes with a teasing grin.
“Spencer Reid, you’re a genius.”
The edge of Spencer’s lips tugged upwards into a playful smirk, and he rolled his eyes at your lame joke. He moved to sit up, slipping one of his arms underneath your knees and his other around your waist so he could lift you up into his embrace to carry you towards the bathroom.
“So I’ve been told.”
tags: @mars-rants-a-lot @ninejloveb0t @oscarisaacsleftknee @ameliaswife @Vane28282 @kmc1989 @viscade @starsm00n @kenseverything @storiesofsvu @sabage101 @spiritofthewriter  @geeksareunique @urlocalgeek @avencol
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mrs-weasley-reid · 6 months
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Aaron Hotchner x bau!reader ↳ part 1 here
Sypnosis: The team finally finds out about your relationship with Aaron Hotchner. WARNING: nothing, all fluff! A/N: not my gif, ctto!
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You and Aaron looked at each other in his office at the sound of Emily's voice echoing in the entire floor.
"You think they got it?" You asked in an innocent tone as a growing mischievous smile lifted up the ends of your lips.
A knock brought both your attention to the door.
Aaron looked back at you. He was biting back a smile, "I think they did."
You chuckled and walked to the door. You gave Aaron one last glimpse before swinging the door open, spilling the entire BAU team inside his office.
Penelope was first at the door, losing her balance from an equivalent weight of four agents on her back. She waved a card as she stepped inside the office, looking back and forth between you and Aaron. "This! What? When?" She took a deep breath, "What is this?!"
You calmly went closer to Penelope and gently grabbed the card, "Let me take a look." You pretended to read the contents as if you hadn't printed them out yourself. "Looks like an invitation to me," You handed the paper back to Penelope.
"Yeah?" Emily butter in, shoving Spencer aside. "An engagement party invitation—"
"Your engagement party invitation," Penelope concluded, pointing at the two of you.
JJ, being the most level-headed person in the group, stepped in, "I guess what everyone is trying to ask is... What? When? Where? How? And how long?" She smiled sweetly, but you could sense her impatience.
"You will answer us now, and you will answer us now!" Penelope threatened in an ever-energetic bounce of avidity.
You chuckled as you stood next to Aaron's desk, "You just said the same thing, Pen." You exchanged looks with Aaron.
"That's not the point. Why didn't you tell us?" Emily crossed her arms like a toddler.
David peeked into the office, holding his copy of the invitation card. "Ahh, I see you told the children." He joined the commotion inside, closing the door as if it'd change anything.
Emily scoffed, pointing at David, "But he knew?! That's so unfair! I thought we were friends." Her face was in utter disbelief.
Derek spoke from the back, "I'm not going to lie, but I kind of feel betrayed." He sighed, now also crossing his arms. "I expected it from Hotch, but not from you." He looked at you disappointingly.
"It's not like we purposely kept it a secret," Aaron leaned against the back of his seat. "We were always off on the same day. Thought you all would've caught up by now."
"You said you have movie nights with your son every Friday. Are you telling us that's a lie?" JJ worriedly looked at Aaron as if he had done a horrible crime using his child to get out of work and go on a date with you.
Spencer hummed, looking at you, "I specifically remember you saying you spend time with family every Friday. You asked me about superheroes because one of the kids in the family loves superheroes... Were you both talking about Jack this whole time?" He questioned, tilting his head in wonderment.
You and Aaron nodded at the same time. The team even got a glimpse of Aaron's small smile. He cherished the days he spent with you and Jack.
Penelope groaned, "You lied to the three of us." She stood between JJ and Emily, pointing at themselves. "We asked if something was going on with you and Hotch, and you denied it! You lie oh so well."
Emily nodded in agreement, "Yeah, that hurts a little bit. I didn't see this coming." She placed a hand on her chest, displaying disdain.
"Relax, guys, I'm sure they have a good reason why they didn't bother announcing it to everyone." JJ turned to the two of you with an annoyed smile, "Right?"
"Honestly, we just thought you'd figure it out yourselves." You shrugged, gesturing towards David. "I mean, Rossi knew."
"Uh, duh! Pasta man always knows everything." Penelope remarked.
"Hold on, please. Let's not bring me into this. You're mad at your parents. Don't blame grandpa." David reminded everyone, sniggering to himself as he saw you and Aaron glare at him.
Derek placed a hand over Penelope's shoulder, "You still haven't answered our questions." He emphasized the last word. "Is this real? Are you guys really getting married?"
You glanced at Aaron and were about to speak when he beat you to it, "We've been together for almost three years and engaged for a month." Aaron didn't mean to talk over you. He just felt like it was something he really wanted to announce himself. He was as excited as you were but just a tiny bit casual about it.
"A MONTH?!" Penelope's eyes were wide. You worried that a sudden move might cause it to pop out of her sockets. "We missed Hotch on his one knee?! Oh, my golly gracious! Pictures? What about pictures?"
Now that she mentioned it, a small part of you felt regretful that you and Aaron weren't great at capturing memories together. You just were always in the moment and forgot to stop one second to leave a picture behind.
Penelope shook her head as if she could read your mind. "You don't have pictures of your engagement?!" She freaked out, fanning herself.
David raised a finger, fishing his phone in his pocket. "Ah! I think I have some." He began tapping on the screen.
Emily scanned them and gave David a blank expression, "No offense, Rossi, but you suck at taking pictures. Sergio can take better pictures."
Another round of noises filled Aaron's office. He reckoned it had never been that crowded in that room before. The two of you watched as your small family of agents childishly reacted to your secret relationship. They responded just as you both predicted: a complete madhouse.
Aaron stood from his seat, walking around his desk to wrap you in his jacket. He did it more upfront, glancing at you with a smile as he laid the lapels of his coat flat on your shoulders. He fixed the collar, leaning against your ear, "Let me borrow this for a second, sweetheart." He whispered.
You only knitted your brows as you tried to make sense of what Aaron meant. Your hand reflexively felt the base of your neck as soon as you saw your engagement ring glistened in Aaron's hand. It may have caused you a mini heart attack when you felt nothing, but you quickly realized that Aaron meant to borrow it for everyone to see.
Everyone's mouth shut as soon as they noticed their unit chief on one knee, lifting your ring, just like the first he did.
JJ clasped her mouth with both her hands. Penelope had her phone in a flash. Emily was smacking Spencer's shoulder, to his dismay.
"You're my solace. The one person that I found myself vulnerable and yet the safest. I promise to love you for the rest of my life, so I hope that you'll allow me to spend it with you." Aaron spoke your name with such softness and love. "Will you let me marry you?"
A huge smile was plastered on your face. Granted, Aaron had said the same words a month ago. You were wearing a better dress, one of his jackets around your shoulder, per usual. His suit was more for leisure and not his everyday office attire. The venue was more privy and gave both of you such intimacy you couldn't help but cry.
But despite the crowded room and unromantic setting, the effect was still the same.
You felt the rim of your eyes heat up, nodding vigorously as if you hadn't been engaged for the past month. "Yes!"
Aaron placed the ring on your finger for the second time and grabbed you into a quick, soft kiss. The joy he felt coursed through his body. He couldn't help but have you in his arms.
The team cheered, clapping their hands in excitement. Some raised their hands to express their happiness.
"She said yes!" Emily jumped out with joy. She had one of her arms wrapped around Penelope's.
Penelope was satisfied; even if it wasn't the proposal in her mind, she was happy to be a part of such an amazing event in the whole team's entire lives.
"Now, can you all go back and do your jobs?" Aaron spoke firmly, jolting everyone into place.
You lightly smacked his chest as you laughed. You turned to the others and smiled, "He's kidding."
"I'm not," Aaron shook his head.
"He is," You clarified, giving him a playful glare.
Spencer was the one to break your banter, "So, like... do we call you mom, now?" The entire team looked at him as if he was asking the obvious. "What? I was just making sure."
"Come here," Emily hooked her arm around Spencer's neck, dragging him out of the office. "Don't worry, Mom. We'll set him straight." She kidded, leading the line of agents out of the office.
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