#adpoted reader
ssa-atlas-alvez · 2 years
Hotch's adopted teenage son (reader) meeting the team after getting in a fight at school with a substitute who couldn't understand why Reader couldn't focus on school qhile his dad was at work (but Hotch doesn't know that's why Reader can't focus on school work. He thinks it's the rebel phase)
Warnings: Anxiety, mentions reader is nauseous
Word count: 845
You just couldn’t focus. Your mind was going a mile a minute, you were talking to your dad at lunch and then with little to no explanation, he had hung up. You had texted him and the team multiple times but no one got back to you. You had then tried to phone Garcia, but the line was engaged, so you resorted to texting her. You felt sick and anxiety swarmed in your chest, you felt like you couldn’t breathe. You had tried everyone you could possibly think of and no one was answering. That usually meant something bad had happened or they were about to go into a bad situation. And then the bell rang. 
“Mr Hotchner, focus please.” You looked up, feeling yourself blush as the class turned their attention to you. You mumble an apology as you start to note down the points written on the board. 
“That doesn’t exactly look like the work I set you, Mr Hotchner.” You bit your tongue, mumbling an apology. You weren’t going to snap back. No matter how anxious (and now annoyed) you were. You just turn back to your work, flipping back a page to your work.
Within ten minutes, he was back, peering over your shoulder. “You haven’t made it very far, have you, Mr Hotchner?”
“Will you just fuck off?!” You knew it was a mistake the minute it came out, his eyes darkening as he took a step forward, now in front of you.
“What did you just say to me?” His voice is low and you feel yourself gulp involuntarily. 
“I just- I’m sorry, but I need a minute,” Your voice is shaking and you do your best to push your worries aside, to control the tremors in your voice as you stood up. 
“You’re not in charge here. You’re the student. I’m the teacher. Sit your ass down,” You glare at him before squaring your shoulders.
“I would like a minute to calm down before I sit down.”
“You don’t get a choice.” He responds, you can feel his voice vibrating through your chest as he booms. “Either you sit down or you’re dismissed and are to go straight to the principal's office, so, what’s it going to be?”
You grip your backpack strap tightly in your hand, “See you next lesson then, Sir.”
And then you leave. You would deal with the repercussions of your actions later. Right now, all you know is that you needed to see your dad. You were worried out of your mind, nausea, the lot. But you were going to the principal’s which meant they’d call your dad, maybe for him to come pick you up.
If he can.
You do your best to push down the worries and the thoughts. They wouldn’t do anything to help right now. You knew that, but they seemed to have a mind of their own and didn’t seem to be budging. The nausea was back, this time making its way up to your throat. You swallowed taking some deep breaths. Everything was fine. If something was okay, you would have been told by now. Surely you would have been told by now. Soon enough, your leg’s shaking and your anxiously picking at your nails as you look around the hall. 
You turn your head to the right again, hoping that you’ll see your dad walking down the hall, face stern and ask what happened. And he is there, he’s okay. Relief spreads through your chest in an instant and your shoulders drop the tension they were holding immediately. He was okay. 
“What happened?” Aaron makes sure to keep his voice level but you can’t help but think that he’s pissed. He couldn’t help thinking that perhaps you were going through a rebel phase, it was common at sixteen to start rebelling. 
You shrug for a moment, eyes flicking to Hotch for a moment before you look back at your hands. Aaron raises an eyebrow and you cave, “You hung up and I couldn’t get a hold of anyone. I asked to wait outside for a moment to calm down and he wouldn’t let me, I asked again and I snapped. I tried to cool it down after that but it didn’t exactly work. He said either sit down or go to the principal's office,” 
Aaron sighs for a moment, “I’m sorry you couldn’t contact anyone, I didn’t mean to scare you.”
“The last time it happened you were really hurt,”
“I know,” Aaron says softly before he places a hand on his shoulder, “But no more snapping at teachers, okay? I know you were worried and you thought something had happened, but you’re responsible for your actions, no matter the circumstances, okay?”
“I know,” You reply, Aaron brings you into a tight embrace  and you draw in a deep, calming breath. He was okay, everyone was okay. “I’m glad you’re okay, dad.”
“I will always fight to be okay, you hear me?”
“I know.”
“Let’s go sort this out,” He said, leading you towards the Principal.
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theemporium · 10 months
okay so i have made it my life mission to flesh out a poly!werewolf au for every paring. we got lestappen werewolves x werewolf reader and we got grumpyxsunshine werewolf maxiel but like hear me out
carlando with werewolf!lando and reader with human carlos. inspired by the FINE man i saw to day with a giant doodle. like dog the size of a house istg.
anyways carlos is just walking around with wolfy lando looking fine af and lando is just feeling playful puppy energy and he always gets liek this when his wolf has been cooped up for too long. and this girl comes over to hit on carlos. like really forcefully, to the point where carlos is trying to use lando as a buffer between them so he still has some personal space. and lando, always the little shit, pulls all the stops. like he's giving big puppy eyes, letting her pet him, doing so many tricks partly because he like's seeing how bold she will get and watching carlos flounder and turn her down when she's clearly not getting the hint and partly because he know's reader is going to join them in a couple of minutes and he wants to see how this all goes down.
and what do you know in comes reader and the way her whole body language changse when she sees this girl cooing to her bf just how cute his dog is and how she's looking to adopt a doodle herself and hey say why doesn't she just give him her number so the two of them can meet over coffee to discuss more. and reader walks up with their little bag of breakfast bagels, hands carlos his coffee, and slips her hand in the back pocket of his jeans as carlos instinctively goes to wrap his arm around her waist and is like all like "oh my god, so nice meet you, i couldn't help but overhear, are you looking to adpot?" "oh well he's actually a rescue, MY boyfriend and i just saw him looking so sad and pathetic that we just had to take him in" (to which lando is liek EXCUSE YOU but whatev)
and lando, the menace, goes straight to reader, totally 180 ignores the other girl, and basically drapes himself all over reader to be loved on, as if to say, "yeah you thought you really had a chance, look at the pretty picture the three of us make"
and after the girl makes a hasty exit carlos tearing into lando, not caring if he looks INSANE for having an argument with a dog all "mate i do not know why you do this" and reader is just like "it's okay, he knows how much i like to play."
anways they go home and destory their sweet boy, carlos bc he's frustrated that lando always likes to be a brat and reader because she's feeling territorial
bonus points tho if sometimes carlos gets hit on and doesn’t even realise it. and then lando goes home and tattles on him like a wee child and carlos is like, “wait, she was flirting with me?? I thought she was being nice”
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baiwu-jinji · 1 year
Hey guys I’m back again :) I’ve been meaning to get back onto Tumblr more but I’m so out of the loop these days that I have no idea what’s going on here in the TGCF/danmei/cnovel fandom in general (anyone has news please feel free to share!)
Like I said in my last update, I’m reading Liu Yao very very slowly. I find it interesting that Priest tends to adpot a detached, derisive, and sarcastic tone when describing her characters, like a distant observer who feigns indifference and meanness but actually cares deep down. It’s probably not the best way to make the characters endearing or get the readers emotionally invested, so you have to give her credit for pulling it off.
People who are kind enough to have followed me for more than a few months probably know that I started to talk a lot more about Chinese politics and society since the pandemic. As much as I’d like to go back to writing about hunky dudes being madly in love and nothing else, the pandemic has been a wake-up call and there’re things I can no longer turn a blind eye to. On some level I still feel bitter, grief-stricken, and enraged about how desperate things have become in every aspect back home, but the fear of openly expressing my feelings and thoughts follows me like a black shadow. Just knowing how meticulously and systematically the Chinese government silence people online and persecute people offline, and seeing how one’s Chinese social media accounts get suspended one by one over the years because of the slightest hint made about politically sensitive topics is more than enough to make one scared, and even eventually lose the interest to speak out.
This is primarily why I haven’t been on Tumblr that much for the past few months, but I’m still reading danmei and will try to write more about it, or about Chinese literature/culture in general. If anyone has asks about anything, they’re very welcome too :)
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codylabs · 1 month
now presenting in no particular order
Science Fiction stories that have affected my own work very greatly
1. Star Wars
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I mean, this is an obvious one. Much of America grew up on these six, because everybody's dad loved them, to the point where meeting somebody who's "never seen star wars" is an oddity, and, well, neither me or my dad are exceptions. They're good movies, with good lore, good plots, strong characters, writing and dialogue that's all across the spectrum, and exceptional action scenes. What's there more to say?
They're very much your "bread and butter" scifi, in the sense that it sets its stories within a world of cool-looking spaceships, quirky robots and wacky aliens, but doesn't examine or elaborate on much of it, but rather treats it all as a given, as a backdrop for the human stories. (Contrast against, say, Star Trek, which makes the scifi concepts themselves its focusing interest.) As a result, there's nothing terribly revolutionary to be found in Star Wars. I can't and won't call it generic, of course, because although it very much is a 'generic scifi world', many of the tropes we associate with 'generic scifi worlds' were codified here, and there's a lot going on behind the scenes, both on the political side, in the extended universe, and in ol' Georgie's brain.
And to call them creatively bankrupt would be a big enough lie to warrant legal repercussions, since there are a LOT of cool scifi ideas here, even if they aren't necessarily the story's focus. Repulsorlifts, Coruscant (I spelled that right first try), Podracing, the Sarlaac pit, Droidekas, the Death Star, cloud city, the VERY sufficient excuses for using swords in scifi, the list goes on.
In terms of how the franchise affected my work, I really couldn't give an estimate. I love space, and spaceships, and space battles, and have them often enough. Many of my stories focus on the human aspects, I seek out excuses for melee fights, I like generic goodguy-y heroes and I like strong personalities, but whether any of that comes from Star Wars or is a part of me, I couldn't say. Maybe there's no difference. I saw them as a youngling, so very long ago.
2. Republic Commando
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Now I read these when I wasn't quite so young. These are good books, and they are very much Star Wars disillusioned. This is Star Wars separated from the main cast and the main plot or the black-and-white morality of simple stories. This is a squad of elite child soldiers suffering through the trenches of a war, getting hurt, going rogue, falling in love, shooting people in the head, while the adpoted father who trainedraised them tries to arrange an escape for his boys to a new home far away, until it all comes crashing down when you the reader knew it would but nobody in galaxy did, in Order 66. And then the series keeps going. It should have gone on longer but the Clone Wars TV show changed canon so much that the author quit. But you can tell it's still Star Wars because they mention Kenobi like twice and there is one (1) scene with Darth Vader.
In terms of scifi they're just Star Wars again, speeders and space battles and laser guns and stuff. Stories unconcerned with the concepts and the worldbuilding. But I think it goes a step beyond what the movies did, by abandoning any semblance of big-picture-ness or any of the large-scale plot, and focusing only on bit characters, while the larger story from the movies continues elsewhere. The series is ALL OCs. There is nobody here who would warrant a mention in any of the movies, and nobody here who influences galactic history. They influence each other. They love each other, hate each other. They feel real. The war feels real. And I think that's beautiful.
I think that smallness and ruggedness is what lasted into my work. I've never worldbuild-ed the names or histories of wars into my works, but I've liked writing about career soldiers struggling with peace. I've never made diagrams or specs for the weapons that they use, but I've written about the heat of a shell just ejected from a launcher. I've never written strategies for fleet movements, but I've written about spacers scrambling past a closing pressure door as the air leaks out of their room. And I've written about lesser species caught in the crossfire, I've written about jungles and dirty streets, and much of it ties back to this, I think.
3. Starship Troopers
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This may very well be the first 'adult' book I ever read, and you should read it too. It was written in the 50s. It's about people in power armor who get dropped out of a spaceship. It's about a man rising through the ranks, learning the meaning of responsibility and leadership. It's about war, how 2 tons of flying robosuit can't save you but your friends and a timely dropship can. It's about duty, mankind become a warrior race to defend themselves in a savage galaxy. It's about honor and discipline. This story invented the concept of power armor, coined the term 'starship', inspired a dozen franchises. It forces the characters and the reader to think about the nature of war, the necessity of sacrifice and duty, the price of security, the nature of freedom, the shortcomings of democracy.
You should read it. It's peak scifi. It's exciting. It's thought-provoking. It's imaginative. It's incredibly, noxiously fascist. It's so so good. You should read it.
I've always loved power armor and jet packs and alien bugs, my stories have them all, and it's this book's fault. Certainly a lot of my really early work was based on it, but I never outgrew a good bug or a good robosuit.
I have never seen the movies, but there was a 1999 TV show that had the Worst CGI ever, and my brothers and I used to love it. However, no adaptation of this book has ever gotten the power armor right except the 1988 anime.
4. Blame!
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Too many millennia ago to count, the automated construction drones stopped listening to orders to stop. The Earth, the moon, every piece of matter in the solar system and who knows how far beyond, have been disassembled, all proceeds going to grow the City. The City is all. The City has no end. The characters do not know the meaning of 'land'. The security system of the godlike internet is spawning exterminator drones to destroy all humans who lack the net terminal gene. Clutish transhumans who thrive in the chaos have made it their duty to render the gene extinct. The only hope of stopping the City's growth and shutting down the security system is to issue the internet an order, which requires a human with the gene. The gene may be extinct. Our main character, an immortal cyborg who has been climbing stares for hundreds of panels and thousands of years, is still searching. He has a really cool gun. His girlfriend is an 8ft tall hacker girl who does not have a cool gun and dies like 5 times. His arch-nemiss has a cool gun too. There are... Monsters.
I didn't read this comic until much later in my life, but the setting and the art and the ultra-high-concept action affected me deeply and greatly. If I could, in my entire life, write a single story even 20% as cool, as wonderfully illustrated, as packed with thought and concepts and sheer unbridled IMAGINATION as this one, I would die of pride. This comic is an endlessly-inspiring emblem of what scifi storytelling can be, an ideal I've been striving for since I first read it. If you ever see a massive maze-like spaceship in my works, any abandoned megastructure, any messily-detailed cyborg torso, any unreasonably-powerful weapon, and most of all any BIG OL' HONKIN GANGLE OF PIPES, (and I guaratee if you follow me you WILL see such things) know that it came from this comic.
5. Flatland
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Okay, so this one is the reason I actually started this list. Apparently something in the Book of Bill that just came out was based pretty heavily on it, so now a bunch of people are rediscovering it and referencing it in the year of our Lord 2024. But that led to me rewatching the 2007 film, and realizing some of my work has taken from it pretty heavily.
The idea of the book (and its various adaptations) is that there's this oppressive, closed-minded society of 2-dimensional beings living on flatland. One day a circle comes to visit from spaceland, and shows our square protaganist all the wonders of a higher world beyond the one he can see. At its heart, the story is (A) about the dangers of closed-mindedness against possible higher truths, (B) an exploration into how 2-dimensional creatures would function and how higher-dimensional beings might interact or fail to interact with those of lower dimensionality (C) honestly not really scifi at all but I left it on this list because I've used some of its concepts here and there in my universe, and I find it all so very fascinating. If you see any of my characters navigating a 5-dimensional hyperspace or see any creatures evolved to inhabit the surface of a neutron star, know that the unlikely father of such ideas was this story from 1884.
6. Metroid
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Well duh. Many of my followers probably know me as The Metroid Guy. Heck I know me as the Metroid guy.
I am the Metroid guy.
Metroid is about this lady in a suit of tank armor wandering around on lonely alien planets filled with monsters. She's a genetically-altered cyborg who was raised by an ancient society of aliens. The environments in Metroid are sometimes harsh, sometimes serene, sometimes ugly, sometimes beautiful, sometimes all at once. The music is captivating. In the first-person games you can see the rain making drips on your visor. When you stop moving she rests her hand on her gun as if relaxing. Nothing in the scary universe scares her, thus, neither does it scare you the player. The games do an excellent job of immersing the players in a faraway land.
I adore this series not for the scifi concepts (as many of them are either half-thought-out nonsense, made purely to look pretty, or derived straight from whatever videogamey gimmick the developers thought would be easy to implement) but for the feelings of confidence, wonder, exploration, and lonely peace. I have several future projects inspired by these parts of Metroid, and they are very dear to me.
In my studied opinion, if Samus was the protaganist of Blame, we would see a marked increase in the number of audience members dying from Peak Fiction.
7. Alien
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Long-headed monkey made of pipes is having a Grand Olde Time on this rusty spaceship, what an insane concept 10/10 I wish I was made of pipes.
My dad told me the plot of this movie when i was like 8 and traumatized me, as he should. If in my stories you ever see any rusty spaceships, folks made of pipes, or involuntary pregnancies in the wrong part of the torso, blame my dad.
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soranihimawari · 2 years
Make it Teal
Because even sometimes, a guy has to have a mani-pedi. pairing: husband seijoh 4 x reader*not stated which, but applies to all four rating: seijoh 4 fluff!|again,not stated bc this applies to all of them| warnings: none, comedy?
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your delightful husband had fallen asleep in your bedroom. today was one of the few off days that had been granted to certain professional athletic teams, so spending time with your man was a bit more special. considering you had wanted a mini-spa day at home, you had finished using the charcoal masks he had purchased from the last airport he had been travelling in and also since he had been a bit off his game, he chose to take a nap (as per your suggestion). you had taken it upon himself while you're in the guest restroom to rearrange your opi-nail laquer collection. his snores could be heard down the hallway so much so, churro, your adpoted brown tabby cat meows annoyed at the sound.
"you too, huh churro?" you pat the cat's head before selecting your color of choice.
hmm...your alma mater's colors were red and black, so you choose to give yourself a noir and ruby mani-pedi. cosmotology school wasn't necessarily a waste, no, especially since your friends (and back then minor annoyance [a popular student who may or may not be happily wearing a wedding band in bed right now]) chose to let you 'borrow their face/hands/feet' to practice your skills. eventually your portfolio became filled with before and after photos of your signature eccletic looks which almost a decade later, has caused your name to be associated with some of fashion's biggest designers. along with one final meow, you admire your craft work. now, you and churro the cat send each other a mischievous look.
"y'know, i think white and caffe au lait are his colors, right?" you giggle when you raise the bottles of nail polish. churro jumps on the counter who meows approving your color choice.
an hour later, you're still straightening out the guest bathroom when you hear a sleepy man's foot steps.
"babe?!" his voice echoes in the hallway.
standing up, closing the door of the cabinet below the sink, you turn to face him. he's wearing a black hoodie with a print of his team's logo along with bike practice shorts (he usually wears at home because how it highlights his assets), giving you a stunned stare.
"wha-? why?" his voice cracks before a playful smile breaks through.
"i thought you might like these colors..." you shrug, almost laughing with him. he flips his hands between his body and yours, he tries to complain about the jagged edges, yet you try to not fall to the floor with laughter pushing past your lips.
"t-haha-then which color would you like?" you ask, pulling him by his hoodie sleeves until his chest is pressed against yours. he kisses your forehead prior to humming a short song whilst thinking.
"i know you're thinking that because i love coffee and perfect white puffy clouds these two are my colors, yn-babe," he pecks your lips before drawing back to hold your waist, tickling fingers at the ready to tease you. "...but you do know teal is my color, right?"
iwazumi hajime| mattsukawa issei| hanamaki takahiro| oikawa tooru
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writing-wh0re · 3 years
Can i request what would druig’s reaction be to having a secret love child with a fellow eternal?
Druig x Reader
Headcannon for your Monday morning.
- It had been years since I saw all of the other Eternals.
- Not that I was hiding from them or anything, we had all just gone our seperate ways.
- Although I was keeping a tiny, little, secret from everyone.
- Especially Druig.
- "Mum! Some of your collage friends are here."
- The sentence that made me freeze on the spot.
- They were here.
- He was here.
- Fuck.
- "Hey, it's great to see you all." I flick my eyes from all of them, landing on Druig, his sly smug smirk present on his lips, his eyes wandering over my body.
- "Adpoted a kid?" Ikaris asks, pointing to my son now sitting on the bar stood in the kitchen, scrolling on his phone.
- "Adpoted, that's nice coming from your uncle."
- "Alistair." I warn causing him to roll his eyes.
- Be anymore like your father.
- "Uncle?"
- "He's basically a copy and paste of you." Kingo laughs cupping Druigs shoulder.
- I feel my cheeks heat up, all of them looking between Druig and I, slowly piecing it together.
- "How old are you?"
- "I look 16 but I stopped aging what, fourteen years ago?"
- I sigh, this isn't how I planned on it going.
- "So he's been in your life for 30 years now?"
- "When did you and Druig last see each other?"
- "When were you and Druig even together?"
- "Why keep this a secret?"
- "Can everyone just stop for a moment?" My voice booms off the walls of my living room, the only sound following is Alistair's chair scraping against the ground.
- "Follow me, let's leave them to figure this out." Alistair smiles, almost a mirror image of his father. All of them look at each other before deciding to follow behind the teenager.
- "I can't believe we have another Druig to put up with." Phastos mumbles.
- Druig sighs, sitting down on the couch, his hand rubbing down his face.
- I'd be lying if I said I wasn't scared.
- I slowly sit down beside him, unsure of how to approach this.
- "30 years."
- His accent sends a wave of butterflies inside of me.
- "You'll love him."
- Druig chuckles, his hand brushing my knee.
- "Why didn't you tell me? I would of dropped everything."
- "I didn't know until you had disappeared."
- Druig's hand searches for mine, our fingers lacing together as he turns his body towards me.
- "I have done nothing but think about you for years, I should have come back."
- I shake my head, moving closer to him.
- "We were both wanting to figure out this world, I don't blame you, Alistair doesn't blame you."
- "We're dumb for wanting to be without each other."
- "Stay with me."
- My heart flutters at his words, our eyes locking together, his flicking down to my lips. I nod softly, silently begging for his touch.
- Druig's hand falls to the back of my neck, his lips pressing against mine, softly at first, so gentle as if I could break under pressure. Before turning into a hungry kiss, years of need pouring through.
- Our kiss is broken due to someone clearing their throat. I quickly turn to look at the person, a slight pink taking over my cheeks as my eyes land on Alistair.
- "Good to see you and dad are on good terms."
- I flick my eyes to Druig, a smile on his face and as a chuckle rumbles through his chest, hes proud.
- "Ikaris, is he always a dick?"
- I snort, my head falling back as I laugh, Druig also laughing before we both get up and walk to Alistair.
- "Only to us, you and I have some catching up to do." Druig smiles, hugging Alistair and walking out the back to join the others. I watch them both tourment and laugh at Ikaris, everyone smiling at them.
- Finally, my heart is full.
- My family is whole.
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Motherhood 1/? 
I’m thinking about making little series. Tell me what you think about it. 
Photo is not mine. I found it on google. Isn’t it cute?
Anyway pt.2 is going to be aveliable in 5 minutes. 
If you want to read something specific, you can make requests. I will try to post fandoms I could make :) thanks to everyone who reads this. That’s mean a lot
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bebokthehousedemon · 2 years
"Dear friend across the river"
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//Chapter 2: Act 1 Escape//
Your eyes opened full of tears, your body was shaking in shock. 
"it's just a dream.."   
You said through your distressed breathing. 
"it's not real.. He is not real... He can't be"
you slowly sat up, knees pressed to your torso while your hand was cluthed on the side of your face. 
Your big bedroom window let the sun in, it's rays shining from inbeetwen your fingers. 
*laughing of children*
"Common Vander!! Give his book back!"
Your gaze started to blur from tears forming in your eyes.
"..it's just a stupid dream.."
You let your hand go through your [color] hair, your fingers pulling your hair away from you, reveling the sickly pale and tired face of yours.
"he is not alive.. He can't be.."
*Knock knock..*
"Come in!"
You said while hidding your face in your crossed arms which rested on your knees.
The big wooden doors opened with a loud creak to reveal your mother and her maid. 
"Good morning darling! You are finnaly awake! It's almost lunch time.." 
Your mother said with excitement in her voice, while her maid started to prepare stuff in your room. 
"and how did I deserved your presence here today mother?"
You could hear her loud sight of disappointment. 
"can't a mother visit her child?! You know how bussy we are normaly child!" 
You slowly turned your head to the window, blinding yourself in the process for a short time, by the sudden change in lighting.
"that's why I'm just asking mother, because you both are so bussy that it's indeed a rare sight to see you here"
You could fell her annoyed gaze on you. 
"well you if you need to know, we got a meeting with our new partners today.."
a smirk appeared on your face, naturally as always they had to make some black market stuff with enforcers..again.
"so we thought with your father that it would be good for you..to get out from here for a day, breath some fresh air and not be cooped up in your room..And draw all day"
She said the last sentence almost with disgust. 
"But because you don't find spending time with the Tali's boy interesting and we find the ways of Kirman's 'upbringing' unpleasant..we tought you would find the idea of going to the the river house more in your taste"
Your eyes got big at the idea of going to the old river house, and how you could sneak out from there.
"Well mother it's a brilliant idea!"
You looked at her enthusiastic, with a big smile on your face. 
"And to keep you company we assigned officer Grayson with her traine Marcus as your personal bodyguards for that day"
And as fast as your smile got on your face so fast it disappeared.
Well your could imagine that after you had hidden yourself from them in lanes... They wouldn't allow you to ever again step your foot there. 
"[reader]  you are one of  us the Papaver's.We can't allow to be seen in place like lanes..If somebody in the council was to find out what you did before we got accepted here.."
Her gaze looking like that of a frightened doe, ready to be slaughtered. 
"You mean that we were poor immigrants because of the Noxian that make a war after a war? I don't find it embarrassing.."
You looked at the afraid maid, who just standed behind your mother, shaking in disstres. 
"that's not what I mean child! And you know it very well!... Get ready!"
She stormed angry out of the bedroom, her maid running in panic behind her and closing the door with a loud slam. 
You were left alone to yourself yet again. 
"And what If they found out?.."
You said to yourself, your heart beating at a fast rate from the stress. 
//Two days before//
'The last drop'
"I said It to ya'all last time Violet! No pulling anything behind my back!"
The big man known as Vander the hound of underground shouted at his adpotive daughter.A smoking pipe was staying inbeewten his lips, while his face looked furious. 
"Did you understood?!" 
He shouted out again, hitting his fist on the bar next to him, the pink haired girl just jumped up scared when his fist meet the wooden surface. 
"y-yes Vander"
Violet just looked down and walked away into the corridor next to the bar. 
He didn't hear a fellow enforcer walk into his bar, while he reprimanded Violet. 
"you don't need to be so hard on her old friend"
Said officer Grayson, with her brown hair falling down on her face when she took of her officer cap, sitting down at the bar on the nearby stool.
"she is stubborn..just like me at her age" 
Vander walked back behind the bar 
"So what makes you wander into those parts of the city this time Grayson? "
She looked at him exhausted. 
"Well our old friend actually"
Vander put some beer before the women and furrowed his bushy eye browns. 
"Which one.. I have few of them and not all are welco-"
"it's our princess actually"
Grayson took the beer and started to drink while Vander looked shocked at her in disbelieve. 
"And what happened that you came here? You know that It was me who gave her to you,to get her away from this place..."
Vander's face got sad while he cleaned the glass cups at the bar. 
Grayson looked up from her drink and smiled.
"As you know...A certain person started to deal with her parents and because of that council found some old papers on her, I also saw her few days ago..she looks like an empty shell.."
Vander frowned,stopping himself from clutching his hand to tight on the glass he held. 
"I also still have a bad conscience after we took her away from here.."
Her face started to look depressed, Vander put down the glass he was holding. 
"And what is my part in your plan? Because it sound like you have one"
Vander walked over the bar and sat down next to her. 
"In two days she will be transported to the old house..and I know how to give you some time, to get her and dissapier Vander.You need to keep her safe away from the council's plans and him"
Vander took the pipe out from his mouth. 
"And how exactly should we escape with her without rising any alarm or suspicions on your side?
Greyson chuckled and standed up
"I think you still remember how she sneaked out back in the days?" 
Grayson took her cap and put it on her head,slowly walking to the exit door of 'The last drop'. 
//Singed's Laboratory//
'Outside the building'
A young enforcer cautiously sneaked thru the old ruins of the hangar, the dark entrance of the ruined building welcoming him with silence.
"So you decided to come in the end?"
Someone said it in a derisviely manner. While the young man stopped, his gaze stoped on the red burning eye in the darkens of the entrance
"I came to say that your plan won't work.. "
The other's man body emerged from the darkness, his big scar being the first thing to be noticed, his hands hidden behind his back and his gaze concentrated on the young enforcer.
His miss matched eyes giving mixed message, the blue one human eye looking with piece while the black one burned with wild fury. 
"And who said so Marcus?"
Marcus took his mask off,looking disstresed. 
"nothing goes according to the plan Silco! They changed the location of the deal and now even move her to another location."
 Silco looked positively shocked, his mouth corner going slightly up. 
"that's even better Marcus!"
 Silco walked over to Marcus, his face getting serious again, his right hand rested on Marcu's shoulder. 
"you can bring her yourself then"
 He shook the older man's hand off him and stepped away from him.
"What about Grayson then?"
Silco's expression changed to that of disgust and disappointment 
"Do not bother your head with such small details Marcus, that's my job..and I believe that you can think about a way to get her away from the girl"
Silco said while walking slowly back to the entrance of the laboratory, stopping when he heard the boy talk yet again. 
"why do you even want to get your hands on the girl anyway? Her parents didn't do anything to you,and she has nothing to do with this whole thing!" 
Silco looked threatening over his shoulder, his red eye looked directly onto Marcus.
"If I payed you to ask questions, you wouldn't be standing here today boy"
And so he disappeared into the darkness, while Marcus put on his mask and took of. 
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//Another chapter is here! As always, don't forget to visit my Ao3 account for more chapters and other storys!//
<—«Previous chapter|next chapter»—>
‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾Till next time guys☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
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patchofsunlight · 4 years
if ur requests are still open then can i request bakugou having a crush on aizawa's adpoted daughter? idk i just think it'd be funny seeing his reaction to finding out who the readers dad is lol thank you !
warnings: unedited, cursing, and I think that’s about it!!! also this is the last request for the 800 followers thing FINALLY thank you everyone that requested ily
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despite the fact your dad was one of the teachers, you took the entrance exam to UA like everyone else
he told you you could just try and get in with recommendation but you didn’t want that either
you wanted to get in by yourself, and Aizawa respected that
and did you get in with flying colors
you and Bakugou met at the entrance exam. He couldn’t help but admire how you fought and worked, and, well, maybe you weren’t as much of an extra as everyone else
the fact you had classes with your father was so funny to you
you just went to school, listened to whatever he had decided to teach, came back home, and clowned him for looking like a homeless man the entire lecture
no one but the other teachers and Principal Nezu knew you were Aizawa’s adopted child
it was decided it would be better if that was kept under the wraps. In that way, no one would talk about you only getting in because of your dad or stuff like that
and potential villains wouldn’t target you
it was mostly chill, you had your friends and lived your life
your dad was way more severe on you than on your other students, that’s for sure
he wanted you to be strong and he’d make you strong.
so many extra sparring and training sessions i SWEAR
and Bakugou noticed how much harder than everyone else you worked, maybe even harder than him
and he wouldn’t have it
so he started to train even more, and what was his surprise when he kept encountering you and Aizawa training at crazy hours of the morning
you explained it by saying you asked for extra training because you wanted to be stronger
Bakugou respected that
Aizawa, however, saw this as an opportunity of having more free time, so congrats! Now you have sparring sessions with Bakugou literally every fucking day
to be honest you already had a crush on him before that
he was just. kinda hot
and his voice sounded nice? you didn’t know what you saw in him exactly but there was something!!!!
and your sparring matches just intensified that
he started bringing little tupperwares with breakfast for the two of you
and water bottles
because you always forgot both
and “I’m not fighting you if you have a disadvantage, dumbass. If you’re too weak to try and actually beat me, then it’s not a fair fight, and I don’t want it.”
of course it wasn’t because he actually cares
haha no!!! never!!!
he definitely has a crush on you too and he definitely cares
you start to get closer and you have a bunch of stupid inside jokes and he usually would think those are dumb and useless but he actually loves having stuff only you two understand
you don’t talk a lot out of training but you always say “good morning” to him and sometimes he walks with you back to the dorms
and sometimes he invites you to eat whatever he cooked for dinner by saying “he cooked too much”
no he didn’t
he just didn’t have the guts to ask you to eat with him and admit he actually loves being around you
you start getting up even earlier than you usually do so that you can spend more time with Bakugou before and after training and he adores it
you’re very hesitant to tell him about Aizawa being your adoptive father because what if he thinks you don’t deserve to study at UA? What if he doesn’t wanna be your friend anymore? You’re sure that you have feelings for him by now and you don’t want to lose him
but the fact he doesn’t know such a crucial fact about you is starting to make you feel antsy and guilty
you don’t wanna keep secrets from him, for some reason. You want him to know everything there is to know about you and like you anyway
so you tell him one day before leaving your daily sparring session to take a shower and get ready for class
“Hey, do you think you can come over to my room after class? I wanted to tell you something.”
“Sure. I want to tell you something too.”
Great! Now you’re both nervous
he spends the whole day overthinking
What if you don’t wanna be his friend anymore? What if you don’t like him anymore? What if you catched up on his crush and don’t want anything to do with him? What if you think he’s too rude and mean and got tired of being around him?
he goes to your room after class like you asked and you’re pacing around
“I’m here, dumbass. What do you want?”
now he wants to hit himself in the face. Fuck, why did he say that? He didn’t have to treat you like that he’s such an idiot you obviously don’t want anything to do with him and—
“I just… Wanted to tell you something. Something about me that I want you to know. It’s— it’s okay if you see me differently after I say it and it’s okay if you don’t wanna be my friend anymore but—”
“Don’t be stupid, Y/N. That won’t happen.”
are you going to confess to him???????????????????????????
do you like him back??????????????
oh my GOD you DO
he’s so certain you’re about to tell him you’re in love with him
“I have something to tell you too.”
“Maybe… Maybe we can say it at the same time, then? To save us from the embarrassment?”
he chuckles and you blush at the sound
“Okay then… On three, alright? One, two, three—”
“I have feelings for you.”
“Aizawa’s my dad. Wait, what?!”
oh no
oh no
oh hell no
shit!!!! shit!!!! abort mission!!!! ABORT MISSION!!!!!
and at the same time what the FUCK
“Aizawa is your DAD?”
“You have FEELINGS for ME?”
“No, I don’t! What do you mean Aizawa is your dad?”
“He adopted me when I was younger and he’s my dad. That’s why he’s tougher with me and that’s why I started doing the extra training outside school hours with him. Now can we go back to the part where you have feelings for me?”
“I don’t have feelings for you. Did the school board know that when you applied?”
“Yes, but I insisted on taking the entrance exam like everyone else, so it didn’t matter,” you hesitated, momentarily forgetting the fact he just confessed while you tried to tell him about your family life, “you are the first one I’m telling this to. I didn’t want anyone to think I only got in because of him, or that I don’t deserve to be here.”
“Tch,” he rolled his eyes, “of course you deserve to be here, stupid. You work harder than everyone else, sometimes even harder than me. That’s why I have feelings for you.”
“NO! DIE!”
“don’t worry, Katsuki. I have feelings for you too.”
“SHUT THE FUCK UP! Wait, what?”
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decadentenemyturtle · 4 years
The Great Unknown
Part 23
Words: 2499
Pairing: Thorin x Reader
The previous chapter of The Grat Unknown
You had heard many kind of stories in your short life, starting from your favourite of Beauty and the Beast to your dear friend Emma slaying her first dragon. And these were not just stories. These were someones history, something that had actually happened. But still, when someone told them to you, they were just like stories. They felt like stories, not something that actually happened to someone.
Your mother, Regina, used to tell you stories every night, even when you were an adult. She even told you about her past, about the bad things she had done. When you were a kid, many people told you stories, like Mary-Margaret, David (when you asked him nicely and looked like sad, kicked orphan puppy), Granny (when ever you were visiting her little restaurant and if she just had time to tell you something), Bell (even when she rarelly told you that much), captn Hookey the drunken master of thee salties waters of them all (he, and only he could tell the most captivating stories from the seas), Emma (with her glumsy way of just saying that she did, because duh, why not), grandpa Rumple and your brother Henry. The last two were your absolute favorite story tellers. Grandpa Rumple had seen so much in his life and he had his own style to tell things, both good and bad side, and he was being honest about them. And Henry was an natural story teller. He could captive anyone while tellings his stories. And it had nothing to do with the fact that he was THE writer.
You had heard too meny stories to count in your life. You knew about war, dragons, ogers, Shrek and Fiona, one true love, the typical Disney story telling of any "good 'n evil" shite, how everything wasn't just as you thought it would be. And yet none of it was quite your story. You were just you, nobody, some sort of an side character of a story.
Yea, you were a daughter of mayor of Stoorybrooke, Regina Mills, and her husband Robind the Hood (infamous steal from the rich and give to the poor -guy), but still, you were not quite their daughter. They had adpoted you, when you were just few weeks old. You had two older brother's, or half brother's, or whatever, Henry and Roland. Your aunt was an evil... sorry, wicked green witch from OZ, who now days was a white which from the Wester OZ, godmother of Dorothy (one of your friends). Your "grandpa" was the infamous Rumplestiltskin, or Rumple for a short, his wife Bell referred rather to be called aunt ("I'm too young to be called a grandma. Sorry, honey") and their son, Gideon, was like a cousin to you. You had a few uncle's from your father's group called Merry Men. Every single one of them called you a princess, and refused to call you in any other name, even when you were a grown up woman threatening to stick a tree in their ass.
Too much information yet? Not too comblicated?
That was your story, your history. Comblicated shaite in a fairytale city, where people ran around killing dragon's, defeating evil beings and what not, while your life was protected and utterly boring. You were not allowed to do anything. Many pople, like the people mentioned earlier, took care of that.
And then came the day, when you could choose the college, or what you wanted to do with your life. You wanted something different, something... well, normal. So, you applied for few different universities. And a new path opened to you, in New York city, when you started your studies as a photographer. Capturing the world from afar and showing it to the world felt like your thing, and far too much something you had done pretty much your whole life; Watching the world from afar while it went on and while you did nothing to it.
Anyhow. After the life you had lived, even after your parent's had decided to move in NY to "have some own time", you felt like a normal photographer, who loved capturing peoples lives in a picture and go on a longer trips with your partner to photograph nature and animals. Your life was normal, perfect and you truly felt like yourself for the first time.
And then you had visited your parent's apartment one afternoon... And the fight that had followed... And then, everything you knew had changed. You didn't know if it was an irony or not, but it seemed that even you had more in your backstory than just regular, boring life. Just, the funny thing was that, you didn't remember a thing what happened to you these past few millenium or so in your life here in Arda.
So, who are you going to blame when you had laughed for the story you had heard from the Blondy, aka Legolas, son of Thranduil, prince of Mirkwood.
    "Many things have I heard in my short lifetime, but not a story like this! And when it is suppose to include me!" you laughed drily. You had priefly mentioned to these two elves, that the city you were from was full of stories of heroism and dragons and war and things like that, but how you had never been involved any of those things, even when your mother was a mayor, or the leader of the city, as these two didn't quite understand what a mayor was.
"It still is your past, whatever you remember it or no. When aunt Sarael sent your fea to safe, you must have forgotten your life in here" Legolas said, glancing at you sadly. You three were half jogging, half walking towards the Big lake in front of the Lonely Mountain.
You did feel bad for not remembering, or even knowing what was suppose to be your history, if all what you had just heard was really your history, or if people were just misunderstood and your capability to turn into an animal was just Gandalf's magic's doing. Anyhow, this was your life now, being a daughter of an elf Glorfindel and Guradian-Maian Sarael, a skin changing protects of all Arda. And, apparently, Beorn was some sort of an kin to you. Legolas wasn't sure how, but apparently all the skin changer's were some sort of an descant of your blood line.
"Well, may it be so then. But I do apologie for not remembering anything, or you for the matter" you sighed. To be honest, you felt bad for not remembering and being sure, if this elf was indeed your cousin. You wished there was a way to remember things, but magic and brains had their ways, and therefor, you had no change of just remebering things. Something needed to happend to trigger your memory, and erase the magic blocking your memory. And there was a slight change that you would ever remember your previous life in these lands.
Legolas only sighed, and said nothing. He knew it wasn't your fault of losing your memories of this world. But, Legolas seemed to be sure that you were his cousin. And, then you frowned. He might claim to be your cousin, but the little facts he had given to you to think over and to believe these theories were just that, theories. He seemed to put much weight over the fact that you could only change your form to an animal. For all he knew, it might actually be Gandalf's magic that had caused this to you, not the fact that you were his cousin.
"Hey, Legolas, can I ask you something?" you asked as you followed the two elves down the river. "How do you know I'm your cousin? Do I look like her, or is there something that reminds me of her?" For now there hadn't been any sight of orcs, but Legolas and Tauriel could spot easily marks of a battle. The bodies of dead orcs were dead give away of that, and even you could easily quess that there had been a figt. Which meant that the dwarves and the orcs had had a battle, until the bodies and other sights stopped. Which only meant that rather the company was dead or the orcs had lost sight of the dwarves, or the orcs were all dead.
And after few minutes the prince of Mirkwood decided to answer you. He stopped over a rock, watching a little beach below with a frown. You and Tauriel stopped next to him, you looking up to the blondy. 
"I knew her as if she was my sister. You remind me of her; You are shorter than her, but your hair color, facial features, laugh and smile, and...." Legolas stopped and turned to look at you, with a small smile "Above all, your fea is exactly same and as bright and lively and full of life as hers. And there is no possibility to someone have same kind of fea as other has. Even twins share different kind of feas, even if they look similar to eachother" You swalloved, turning your gaze shily from his. So, you did remind Legolas of this girl.
"I... I wish I could remember" you said, still staring at the river. You didn't need to look at the two elves to know that they were looking at you with pity. "I want to remember. Everything. To find a way to remember, or even know if there's a way to remember" Legolas took a step towards you and placed his hand on your shoulder. When you looked up to him, he smiled.
"We will find a way, ressë" he said. You could feel the warmth and friendliness in him, and you welcomed it. Maybe trusting him wasn't so bad idea afterall, maybe all he said was true. You were exhausted and hungry, and slowly you started to realize it. Your tierd emotinons were getting a better of you, and you knew that after eating a little something and a little nap you'd be better and more welcoming in these new things, and maybe even more accepting.
But right now you couldn't do these things. These two wanted to catch up the dwarves, you wanted to catch up with them, catch up with Thorin. The sight of battle had left them, and you, worried that some of them might be hurt. Sturdy as the dwarves might be, one or more of them might still die to bloodloss or poisoning, as you had carefully suggested if the orcs were using poison in their weapons. And since their healer's - Oin's - stuff had been left back in Mirkwood, they had no supplies to bind and heal the wounds. And you weren't even sure, if all the orcs were dead, or if some of them were still chasing the dwarves down.
"There's two possibilities where the dwarves might be" you said. You had crossed a river, rather easily, and were standing now on a beach, where the dwarves had most likely been earlier. There was one lonely, broken barrel left behind, and Tauriel had spotted a place over a rock where "a dwarf sized could easily sit" with pool of blood right next to it. Someone of the company was clearly hurt, and had been given first aid with what they had - which meant a ribbed pease of someone's cloth over the wound.
"The mountain is one possibility, but it is a bit far away for a wounded one" Tauriel mused and turned towards the mountain.
"And they have to cross the lake to get there. They have the barrels, but I doubt that they'd be stupid enough to use them. The water is already cold enough in the river, but the lake is freezing cold. Too cold even for dwarves. They have had to find another way to cross it" Legolas said, seeming to be deep in tought. You looked both Legolas and Tauriel, wondering if neither of them would suggest Laketown. It was nearer than the mountain, and the dwarves probably needed supplies and weapons. And a warm shelter after the ride in the river.
"I... don't think they went to the mountain just yet" you said carefully. Both Tauriel and Legolas turned to you with guestioning look, so you continued: "Atleast one of them might be hurt, so they need healing supplies to get him, or them, better. And, they need other supplies aswell, as I understand that they left without taking anything but the barrels with them. They need a little bit food, clean and dry clothes, and weapons with them. And, as I understood it, there's a fucking dragon in that mountain. And were talking about dwarves here. They would not go anywhere near that mountain without any weapons, even if they might not kill the dragon with these weapons. And if they have orcs on their tail, they might want to get somewhere else than near a dragon, where - if it's still alive- they could get themself killed in a snap"
Something flashed in both Legolas' and Tauriel's eyes, and then they both smiled. You looked at them, a bit confused.
"So, to Laketown we go" Tauriel says, and starts to jog onward, probably towards this Laketown. Legolas gives you encouragin smile and nods to you. You sigh and so the two of you jog after the red haired elf.  You really didn't feel like exercising today, but alas, this wasn't a gym class you could just skip when you didn't feel like playing a tag. This was worse than that, far worse than that.
The jog to the small city took about two hours. At some point you had felt like just giving up, sitting on nearest rock and staying there for the rest of the eterinity, but Legolas had offered to carry you on his shoulder - but only if you'd change your form into a small animal. So, you had taken a form of an small cat and on your cousins shoulder you stayed on the rest of the jog.
And, at first you three smelt it - and you only smelled it because you were on a form an animal. A smocke, like when something was burning. Something big. And a bad feeling set on you three.
"Let's hurry, I have a bad feeling about this" you said, and jumped down from Legolas' shoulder, turning into a leopard. You ran past rocks and trees and finally the three of you came out of the mall forest right next to the lake. And then you came to an halt.
It was an early eavning, and the sun was just setting. The sky was colored in orange, yello, pink... You know, the usual. But, right now, the colors were more vivid, more powefull. And there was the orange glow in the horaizon, some kind of steam and smoke rizing from what seemed like a...
"No..." Tauriel whimpered.
The Laketwon was on fire. But there was no dragon on the sight.
@lidda @lady-bee-fechin @queendarkmuffin @silencegetawayfromme @kettnerjanea @sdavid09 @ealasaid @jumpingmanatee @fab-notfat @bae-age @fricking-ghoul @k-youre-a-fantasy @dumbgopher1 @maddybeck01 @naminalati @leah-halliwell92 @evyiione @tschrist1 @red608 @aliendaddiesneeded @letsbeinspiredby @jotink78 @dragongirl642 @shxrrybomb @awaiting-pointless-dreams @leac813 @sukeraa
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fancycakedragon · 5 years
Fictober 8/31
Festival– "Can you stay?"
Dani Powell x Reader, Malcolm Whitly x Adpoted–Sibling Reader
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[Not my Gif]
Source: @supagirl
Wanring(s): none
A/N: Get you some well deserved Dani Powell content.
Another party, another night of you ambling around in an attempt avoid making conversation with anyone. After forcing yourself to remain well mannered in a quick conversation with the Filmores you went off you find a corner where you'd be invisible.
In an unexpected turn of events you saw Malcolm speaking to a curly haired woman. You assumed she was part of the team he mentioned working with earlier and went over to talk to them.
Before they were about to leave you grabbed Malcolm's hand stopping him, "What'er you doing here?"
Malcolm turned around making sure not to be seen by his mother, "Working on a case, I'm sure killer we've been looking for is here. Go back, act natural."
"You're not gonna introduce me to the specimen standing next to you?" you asked raising your brows.
"I can't believe you hit on her through me," he grumbled. "Y/N this is detective Dani Powell. Dani this is Y/N." 
She shook your hand with a pleasant smile, "Friend? Ex?"
"Oh god no, siblings. I'm adopted." 
"Why do you have to tell everyone that," he asked off-handedly
"Cause I don't want them to think I behave like you."
"News flash genetics isn't the main factor for our personalities, it's our messed up parents. Look we gotta go—" Malcolm started up the stairs with Dani following.
"Wait, Dani, can you stay?" you asked hurriedly.
She paused, "Why?"
You chewed your lip a bit before confessing, "I have a proposition for you. This may seem odd since we just met but I've been using my girlfriend as an excuse to get out of things but now these asshole twins want to meet her and are inviting us to some cider festival they're sponsoring."
"You don't have a girlfriend do you?" she asked amusement revealing itself in her tone.
"That's why I'm asking you to stay."
"Told you it wasn't genetics." Malcolm mumbled scanning the area.
"What do you say? I'll compensate you in anyway you see fit cause they will get on your nerves," you clasped your hands infront of your face mouthing 'please'.
Dani considered it thinking of anything she might need, "I'll do it, but you owe me a favor in the future."
"Deal!" you beamed.
"Great let's get up there before anything bad happens."
"Ok good luck, don't get killed. And I mean you Malcolm," you warned watching them run up the stairs.
Requests are open.
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by Yamu_Yam_Swirl
76394... That was the number that had been on your neck as long as you could remember. You never understood why you or any of your fellow orphans had them but you never really cared about it. You had your twin sister, Emma, your best friends, Norman and Ray, you had your other orphans, and your beloved Mama. That's all you cared for. ------------------------- October 12th 2045... The day everything changed. The day your little sister, Conny, was "adpoted". ------------------------- - None of the characters are mine! All belong to Kohei Horikoshi and Kaiu Shirai. -Will go into the manga but I'll most likely change the end of The Promised Neverland because I didn't like the actual ending that much :( -It's probably going to be a mess but please still enjoy!
Words: 605, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 約束のネバーランド | Yakusoku no Neverland | The Promised Neverland (Anime), 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia, 約束のネバーランド | Yakusoku no Neverland | The Promised Neverland (Manga)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Uraraka Ochako, Iida Tenya, Todoroki Shouto, Aoyama Yuuga, Ashido Mina, Kaminari Denki, Ojiro Mashirao, Kirishima Eijirou, Satou Rikidou, Shouji Mezou, Jirou Kyouka, Sero Hanta, Tokoyami Fumikage, Bakugou Katsuki, Yaoyorozu Momo, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Kayama Nemuri | Midnight, Nezu, Shuuzenji Chiyo | Recovery Girl, Thirteen (My Hero Academia), Monoma Neito, Kendou Itsuka, Toogata Mirio, Hadou Nejire, Amajiki Tamaki, Shinsou Hitoshi, Hatsume Mei, Fukukado Emi | Ms. Joke, Todoroki Enji | Endeavor, Takami Keigo | Hawks, Hakamata Tsunagu | Best Jeanist, Kamihara Shinya | Edgeshot, Usagiyama Rumi | Miruko, Nishiya Shinji | Kamui Woods, Tatsuma Ryuuko | Ryuukyuu, Sakamata Kuugo | Gang Orca, Takeyama Yuu | Mount Lady, Toyomitsu Taishirou | Fat Gum, Moashi Juuzou | Centipeder, Native (My Hero Academia), Takagi Ken | Rock Lock, Sousaki Shino | Mandalay, Tsuchikawa Ryuuko | Pixie-bob, Shiretoko Tomoko | Ragdoll, Chatora Yawara | Tiger, Sasaki Mirai | Sir Nighteye, Awata Kaoruko | Bubble Girl, Akaguro Chizome | Stain, Tobita Danjuurou | Gentle Criminal, Aiba Manami | La Brava, Sensei | All For One, Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Kurogiri (My Hero Academia), Garaki Kyuudai | Ujiko Daruma, Dabi (My Hero Academia), Toga Himiko, Bubaigawara Jin | Twice, Iguchi Shuuichi | Spinner, Sako Atsuhiro | Mr. Compress, Hikiishi Kenji | Magne, Chisaki Kai | Overhaul, Eri (My Hero Academia), Izumi Kouta, Alicia (The Promised Neverland), Anna (The Promised Neverland), Carol (The Promised Neverland), Chris (The Promised Neverland), Conny (The Promised Neverland), Dominic (The Promised Neverland), Don (The Promised Neverland), Emma (The Promised Neverland), Gilda (The Promised Neverland), Isabella (The Promised Neverland), Jemima (The Promised Neverland), Krone (The Promised Neverland), Lannion (The Promised Neverland), Mark (The Promised Neverland), Nat (The Promised Neverland), Norman (The Promised Neverland), Phil (The Promised Neverland), Ray (The Promised Neverland), Rossi (The Promised Neverland), Thoma (The Promised Neverland), Yvette (The Promised Neverland), Adam (The Promised Neverland), Andrew (The Promised Neverland), Ayshe (The Promised Neverland), Barbara (The Promised Neverland), Cislo (The Promised Neverland), Gillian (The Promised Neverland), Hayato (The Promised Neverland), Jin (The Promised Neverland), Lucas (The Promised Neverland), Oliver (The Promised Neverland), Pepe (The Promised Neverland), Peter Ratri, Sandy (The Promised Neverland), Sonya (The Promised Neverland), Vincent (The Promised Neverland), Violet (The Promised Neverland), William Minerva, Zack (The Promised Neverland), Zazie (The Promised Neverland), Yuugo (The Promised Neverland), Him | The One (The Promised Neverland), Mujika | Musica (The Promised Neverland), Sonju (The Promised Neverland), Leuvis | Lewis (The Promised Neverland)
Additional Tags: Manga & Anime, Canon - Manga, Crossover, Sad with a Happy Ending, The Promised Neverland Manga Spoilers, The Promised Neverland Anime Spoilers, My Hero Academia Spoilers, How Do I Tag, Major Character Injury, Character Death, Minor Character Death, POV First Person, Self-Insert, Implied/Referenced Suicide, Midoriya Izuku Has Multiple Quirks, Grace Field House (The Promised Neverland), Help
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exposingethankath · 7 years
Ethan Kath Undermined Alice Glass’ Contributions to Crystal Castles and tried to Paint her as Interchangeable
Ethan Kath has been on record saying the following:
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Ethan Kath claimed that Alice Glass did not appear on Crystal Castles “best known songs” and lists Vietnam, Reckless, Year of Silence, 1991, & Good Time…he claims that these songs are more well known by Crystal Castles fans Alice Practice, Baptism, Celestica, Suffocation, Courtship Dating, Black Panther, Empathy Plague etc.; what numbers is he referring to? If the entire Crystal Castles fan base was surveyed and had to list their favorite/most memorable songs, would the majority list 1991 and Good Time over Alice Practice and Baptism? Does not seem likely.
Alice Glass responded to this statement from Ethan Kath with the following Tweets:
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Ethan Kath responded with the following statements:
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Though it seems as if he is trying to “see through Alice Glass’ logic” here, this statement is actually written in a very manipulative way. Rather than directly refuting Alice Glass’ claims with figures and numbers, Ethan Kath responds by telling the readers ‘it can’t be both’; trying to paint Alice as someone that does not make sense and gas-lighting the readers to question Alice’s logic. It is interesting to note that right before he also claims in the interview that “I didn’t belittle her or make any derogatory comments, I was acknowledging what she had already said herself” even though his comments did attempt to belittle her and undermine her accomplishments; he is trying to get the readers to re-interpret Alice’s words. Gaslighting is a form of manipulation that seeks to sow seeds of doubt in a targeted individual or in members of a targeted group, hoping to make them question their own memory, perception, and sanity. Using persistent denial, misdirection, contradiction, and lying, it attempts to destabilize the target and delegitimize the target’s belief.
To be clear, it makes logical sense for Alice to have contributed almost all of the  lyrics and the majority of the vocal melodies to Crystal Castles despite feeling like she was in an artistically restrictive environment filled with emotional, physical and sexual abuse.
Ethan Kath also said the following in his response to Alice Glass: “I wished her the best because despite everything, I’ll always love her and sincerely want her to do well and be happy.“
It is a tactic of emotionally manipulative abusers to say something rude, degrading, or belittling (i.e. undermining Alice’s contributions to the band) followed by something overly-sweet & loving (i.e. I will always love her and sincerely want her to do well and be happy). This tactic is called intermittent reinforcement or hot & cold behavior.
“On top of other emotional abuse tactics, like gas lighting, narcissists/sociopaths/abusers give or withhold certain needs from their partner, granting them either randomly enough to develop an addiction in their partner or giving them in response to the exact behavior they want to see in their partner. Intermittent reinforcement creates a starvation within the being, which puts the person who is in charge of the reinforcing in a position of complete and absolute control.  You will always see intermittent reinforcement present in an abusive relationship..” 
Patterns of gaslighting and intermittent reinforcement from Ethan Kath are also highlighted in Alice Glass’ recent statement:
“But as is sometimes the case in abusive relationships, his cruelty was often  followed by kindness.“ “He kept me insecure and on edge, and  then would tell me that he was the only one it the world that believed in me. He told me it  was us against everyone, because everyone else thought I was a loser, a joke, a  talentless dancing clown. I believed him. I was suicidal for years.“
Ethan Kath also tried to paint Alice Glass as interchangeable and easily replaceable: Edith Frances, the new Crystal Castles singer, used to be a model in LA that went by Margo Frances. Though Edith did have some photoshoots where she adopted a more “edgy” look (see below)…
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…her photoshoots actually have a wide range of “aesthetics” (which is unsurprising as she is a model). Also, in pretty much all of her photoshoots, she is blonde.
More photos of Margo Frances pre-Crystal Castles below:
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Despite being a model who is used to being photographed and who has many photographs available online, many images of Edith released by Crystal Castles don’t clearly show her face…a Reddit user even commented on it after Crystal Castles changed their Apple Music Photo to include Edith:
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“I’m not exactly sure what Edith looks like. She keeps hiding behind hair, and glasses, and hats, even when I do see a full face shot of her it’s hard not to see Alice. I think she’s doing herself a disservice by hiding so much” -Reddit User
Because Edith i.e. Margo Frances was a model, she is clearly not camera shy. Why would she be hiding or not fully showing her face? The fact that Edith started to hide her face & become less active on social media after she started spending more time around Ethan follows a pattern that is seen with both Alice Glass and his current romantic partner & former Alice Glass cosplayer Autumn
It is interesting the compare the photos of Edith i.e. Margo Frances pre-Crystal Castles to her after she joined Crystal Castles. It really does seem as though Edith’s style has changed completely to more closely mirror Alice Glass. One of the most noticeable differences is Edith seemed to adpot Alice Glass’ signature haircut & dyed her hairs similar colors to Alice when she was still performing with Crystal Castles. Please see below photos:
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Photos of Alice Glass performing with Crystal Castles (left) compared to Edith Frances performing with Crystal Castles (right); in some shots with sunglasses she almost looks identical to Alice Glass. 
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Another photo of Edith Frances performing with Crystal Castles; notice similarities in hair and makeup style to Alice Glass
It is likely that Edith (i.e. Margo) Frances is also being manipulated by Ethan Kath. Edith’s style probably so closely mirrors Alice Glass’ style in Crystal Castles to further paint Alice Glass as replaceable, interchangeable and unimportant to Crystal Castles.
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itscheryldarlin · 6 years
Hi here’s a new spider-man/reader fic that i just wrote
Reader is the adpoted daughter of stucky and she just transferred to peter’s school. Story started pre-infinity war so em spoiler alert. Probably is going to be a long series.
Anyways enjoy!
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