#hotd suggestions
horizon-verizon · 5 months
1/? Do you think the show could have been better with fewer time jumps? And if so, how would you have structured it? I can't help but feel that they were so desperate to get started on the dance that they rushed it in the middle of the season and I feel that the ones who suffered the most from it were the blacks, specifically the Velaryon Boys and the dragon twins. I'm not really sure how to articulate it but for example we didn't see like Rhaenyra (now an archetype of not like other girls)...
2/?...had to accept her motherhood and overcome her fear of childbirth. I know there's been talk of people wanting to see the relationship with Harwin but I'm less interested in it than the exploration of her as a mother, the changes in her body, the the fight to remain present in the public sphere when they would like to remove it, her decision to do that to the point that she ends up enjoying having children, etc, etc. They also make a good effort in establishing the character of the green.... 3/3...but at the end of the day the other 5 are generically... Rhaenyra's children and Rhaenys' granddaughters (because the erasure of Daemon as her father is impressive). They don't give them depth or motivations or anything for the audience to empathize with. It sounds cruel but when Luke died... I didn't care, it's a tragedy but it was also an accident. They made Aemond an OP and they emphasized the narrative that Aemond "struggled" and they are spoiled and unworthy. The twins are just there
Yes, the show would have been better with just one or two tjs and even then not for that long of a period for those tjs. jeynearrynofthevale points out:
Better pacing with less time jumps. End season 1 with Aemond claiming Vhagar and Luke cutting out his eye. This is a great way to demonstrate how the previous generation has fundamentally influenced their children and that there’s no going back. It establishes that conflict is coming and the sides are becoming more equal in terms of man power. And by having Viserys enforce no punishment while Rhaenyra demands Aemond be tortured, we see why Alicent fears for her children’s lives if Rhaenyra is queen.
Last bit, no. Why? Because A) Rhaenyra was never going to touch those kids unprovoked and B) Rhaenrya is claimed to be as stupid as to actually expect her father to torture Aemond, one of his own kids...no, she only wanted to put pressure on him to question Aemond severely and not let up, to focus on that bastardry thing so Alicent can slip up or try to stop Viserys from being harsh or try to punish Aemond and thus expose herself. I need people to be so fr--why would Rhaenyra make things worse for herself but demanding that her brother be tortured?! To call for a prince's torture, when such a thing is beyond even a self proclaimed caring father's ability?! to expect a father to have one of this sons physically tortured? That's so cartoonishly evil, the same sort of thing many of you green stans have said made the greens subpar characters in the orig story! So when it's Rhaenyra doing something like that, it all of a sudden makes sense?! We don't even have reason or proof to suspect Rhaenyra of hating her siblings in the show for people to think this way, and no epi 3 doesn't show her hateful of Alicent or her siblings but terrified and lashing out bc Viserys is a dumbass! (this post explains) That's you choosing to think the worse of her bc you probably believe that she would kill her siblings even though she expressly states in the orig story that she wouldn't AND show!Rhaenyra is not even as nearly vindictive as book!Rhaenyra for you to think show!Rhaenyra would have that sort of fieriness!!! Everything else in that paragraph, yeah sure.
We needed to see how exactly Rhaenyra ruled Dragonstone. both before and after she married Daemon. How he let her rule without attempting to overpower her authority as what's canonically suggested. How Daemon interacted and developed her first 3 sons; how Rhaenyra became a stepmother and a motherly figure to the dragon twins. Contrast that with how Alicent and Otto interact with her kids. Show us how the black kids interact with each other and come to support or care for each other. How Rhaenys and Corlys navigates their relationship to these boys, as well as how and when she visits Rhaena. As it stands, the show makes as if Rhaenys couldn't pick herself up and ride Meleys to Dragonstone several times to see Rhaena at least...how convienent....
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anyway, back to the prompt.
So, let me see if I can remember all the cookups I thought these past few years.
Well, we obviously begin with the time jump before epi 6--erase that or reduce it! Rhaenyra and Harwin. I'd make it so that we go towards Rhaenyra and Harwin come together--comfort after a month or so of the murder of Joffrey Knight of Kisses, multiple scenes of them taking notice until a kiss, their sex scene with actual intimacy, some sort of discussion about what she wanted from him and his acceptance--then her first pregnancy with Jacaerys. Her terror both with the concept of pregnancy and with how she expects either Viserys or Corlys to react and ruminating over Aemma (flashbacks are our friend). Maybe a scene of her refusing to even give birth during labor. Her struggle with aborting the pregnancy, even, once she finds out about it. Not just bc this is the love she had that kept her afloat and made her a mother for the first time, it is also how she may have been restored to the notion of a devoted "knight" who believes in her ability to rule. They're both obviously conflicted about Jace. No, Jace is not Criston's. How does Alicent, when she first puts 2 and 2 together, approach it with Viserys and what is their first onscreen serious disagreement like? Does she threaten (she wore a slit in her front at the feast, is she so daring now?) How does Aemond, Aegon, Daeron all talk to and about Rhaenyra's sons behind doors, around them, and to their faces? Let us see Alicent pretend not to hear them so she needn't "discipline" them. How do the V boys respond, how does Jace clapback? How often, if so, does Corlys and Rhaenys visit the Keep to develop the relationships they have with these boys for Corlys to be so tender to Luke? I'd make it often enough and they stay long enough to catch onto Alicent and Larys' dealings and "sublte" jabs.
There needs to be maybe two more "party" scenes. Viserys was man of party and feasts and celebrations just because. In these scenes, have Rhaenyra and Alicent make several jabs at each other and Viserys barely able to hold them back. We watch Rhaenyra maybe try to talk to or hold her siblings, Alicent holds them back in some manner...bc remember she is totally against Rhaenyra now, and is spreading those rumors. It gets to a point where Rhaenyra just stops trying.
Behind doors, Rhaenyra perhaps tries to speak to various courtiers and council men. Show us which ones are sincerely at her side, which ones feign and pretend, which ones visibly think her not worth the effort or avoid. Who does she make into her ladies in waiting? Does she barter with any lord of lady for support? How successful is she for Alicent to be so "no one supports me!"?
When Lucerys is born, we have Alicent force the baby up, Rhaenyra, however, seeing as this is her second pregnancy come so close to her 2nd, accidentally passes out and is unable to prevent the babe from going up. Perhaps this first attempt is with Jace, but it makes a bit more sense to me for it to be with Luke, not Jace. In those aforementioned feast/"party" scenes, we see Aegon direct Rhaenyra's sons to do more and more naughty things to Aemond with Aegon maybe promising them things. Maybe not. We reinsert Jace talking to Luke about why the court and their uncles seem to dislike them and the crooked finger bit. Because why not just melt our hearts?
Meanwhile, we're doing a back and forth b/t this and DameonxLaena, & this time they are a real couple. Daemon enjoys Laena's being, she does him. Daemon fights the Sealord of Braavos for her as it is written after he speaks to her again after the RhaenyraxLaenor wedding, when he leaves KL for Driftmark, remembering that conversation they had. Laena lets him know about her knowing about him and Rhaenyra having a thing, BEFORE all of this, though, in one of their talks (tops, two scenes), that she was not going to be 2nd place and she'd rather have tha Sealord son be on her neck and herself be free than be 2nd place. Daemon agrees. this occurs after the scene with Rhaenyra and Harwin, as it will match and contrast with how Rhaenyra gets with Harwin and heals as Daemon is "soothed" into fatherhood. Obviously a sex scene, and it's hot. One more non performance dragon riding scene of the two in the skies. Perhaps this is where we get the flashback of Laena bonding with Vhagar, and even her making those ropes we see Aemond climb in episode 7--all as in one of their talks before they marry? Successful birth scene of the twins, Daemon is visibly overjoyed as he sees and holds their girls for the first time. He puts both of their dragon eggs into their cradles, but he's not so disappointed with Rhaena's not hatching over the years. Perhaps sad for her, as Baela hatches Moondancer and is able to bond with her dragon to enjoy her companionship almost since childbirth. He tells her that most Targs don't even bond with their dragons until they hit at least 13, even Aegon the Conqueror himself. Laena had to bond with Vhagar in her teens, her own mother! Does that make Rhaena weak or lesser than Baela, of course not! Otherwise she'd be calling her mom weak, and Laena bosses your poor old dad around! It's fucking saccharine and everybody better enjoy it! (Rhaenys is skeptical, though, she may still suspect Daemon's just in it for the politics or more resents him for "keeping" Laena away from Driftmark).
Daemon doesn't keep Laena in Essos long after the girls are born, though. HE just takes the entire fam to Driftmark after the first time Laena goes up to him, or he asks her.
At this point, I'm just rewriting the damned show, but anyway...
Rhaenyra goes to Driftmark to see Laenor and Corlys, but also to congratulate Daemon, and befriends Laena. They talk abt their children, dragons, fathers, mothers, and maybe not so much abt Daemon unless we give both characters a good sense of humor. Rhaenyra's boys also visit, perhaps they bond with Daemon even now, here, and with Laena. IDK, perhaps just Jace. Depends on how old they are. this spans not 10 years but the orig 6, so maybe Jace. Rhaenyra and Laena have a dragon chase scene by themselves, Daemon-less. It starts out, though with not just Daemon but Laenor being a part of this racing game. Like in the book, Rhaenyra is there to try to save Laena from dying and stays to mourn her with Daemon. There's no self immolation.
So how do we get to Rhaenyra birthing Joffrey in the Keep? She happens to visit there and goes into labor, or course, if that's really what people want. She still lives there, if the HotD writers really want to insist on such 🙄. Now it's easier to see how Rhaenyra's relationships motivate her into keeping herself close to Joff when Alicent does what she does.
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sassypossumm · 2 months
Aemond x Wife!Reader • Angst/Fluff
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A/N: thank you for reading!!! likes, comments, reblogs appreciated! 🥰
Synopsis: you've been keeping something from Aemond and in so, keeping him at arms length
“This was a successful evening don’t you think?” Aemond murmured, with uncharacteristic brightness. You sat on the bed brushing your hair absentmindedly. “My love?” He tried again, strong the fire to a roaring blaze
“Hm?” You called, coming out of your trance like state.
“I said it was a successful evening.” You gave a non-committal hum, getting off the bed to disrobe for the evening. “Any evening where Larys Strong isnt present is a success i should think.” He mused, looking into the flames.
“Hm? Oh, yes, to be sure.” Opening one of your armoire, you rifled through the contents for a nightgown. Vaguely hearing Aemond deposit the fire poker, you began unlacing your gown. You freeze when a large hand comes to cover yours, and you tense at your husband's presence at your back.
"Let me." His voice rumbled close to your ear, his fingers unlacing your dress with practiced ease. You cast your eyes towards the fire, your mind a whir with jumbled thoughts. Aemond's lips against your shoulder brought your mind to a thundering stop and you jumped a little.
"So skittish." He peeled the fabric of your dress away from your skin and let it fall to the floor before wrapping his arms around you, pulling you back into his chest. You fought the rising bile in your throat at the cloying nearness of him. He hummed against your ear, and you squirmed subconsciously.
"One would think you in fear of your maidenhead." He nipped at the shell of your ear, drawing a groan of protest from you. His lips sucked the sting away, as his hips rolled into the softness of your arse, making evident his desire.
"From your demeanor, one would never guess," Aemond paused to suck a dark mark into the tender skin behind your ear. "That you are, in truth, the temptress of my heart." Pulling back he eyed the mark with possessive appreciation. You cleared your throat and slid deftly from his arms. Keeping your back to him, you rifled through the drawers until your fingers found a silken robe.
Sliding it onto your shoulders, you cinched the belt, stubbornly ignoring his bewildered expression. Climbing into bed, you began absently twisting your hair, clearly deep in thought.
Tell him. Don't tell him.
Tell him.
Don't tell him.
“Who?” Your head shot up, and you startled slightly at the sight of Aemond, brow raised, with one knee on the end of the bed. “Oh!” A hand flew up to your throat. “You startled me.”
“My presence in our chambers startles you?” He had a suspicious look on his face as he narrowed his eye and began crawling towards you. “Did you hear what I said?” He whispered, coming nose to nose with you.
“No, I dont believe I did.” You whispered, the breath hitching in your throat.
“I said it has been a successful evening, but it’s not yet ended.” He whispered, hooking a hand around your neck. Looking into his eye, you went pale at the way it'd gone several shades darker.
“Aemond.” You flinched at his touch. Noting how pale you had become, Aemond pulled back and placed his hand back on the bed.
“What’s amiss, ābrazȳrys? You’re usually much more receptive to me.” You colored at his frank words.
“Aemond, really.” You huffed, attempting to skirt the issue. Glancing up, you saw the determination in his eye. He wasn’t going to back down on this.
“I want to know what keeps you from me, ñuha jorrāeliarzy ” He said, leaning back further and crossing his own legs. Closing your eyes, you took a deep breath.
“I’m with child.” Opening your eyes, you looked at him apprehensively. As soon as you saw his expression, you regretted telling him. Aemond positively radiated pride.
“I’m going to be a father?” He murmured thoughtfully, a quiet vulnerability shining in his eye as he reached for you. When you flinched again, Aemond raised a brow and considered you. “You are not pleased to carry my child?” You winced at his flat tone. Looking up again, you saw the hurt in his eye. Dread seized your heart as his gaze hardened.
“Oh, no, no!” You shouted desperately, reaching for his arm. Aemond easily evaded your grasp and rising from the bed stiffly headed towards your bedroom door. Just as he reached for the knob, you flung yourself at him blindly, and wrapped your arms tightly around his waist.
Looking down, he sighed and began to peel your fingers from his person. With a shake of your head, you doubled down on your efforts to keep him planted to that spot.
“I love you terribly. And I’d want no other child but yours, Aemond.” You managed to get out through strangled sobs. “But I’m terrified.” Aemond went still. Gently he managed to free himself from your death grip. Slowly he turned and looked at your downcast expression.
Your features were ashen and wrapping your arms around your middle you began to sway. Easily Aemond lifted you into his arms and carried you back to your bed. Sitting you down, he moved to sit behind you against the headboard and wrapped his arms around you.
“Why are you terrified?” He whispered into your hair. “I want to understand.” With another strangled sound, you turned and buried your face into his neck.
“It’s all so new. It took us so long to find each other, I just wanted to keep you for myself for a while.” He breathed a sigh of relief. “But Aemond.” You turned in his arms and framed his face with your hands, rubbing circles along his jaw. “I meant it. It’s unexpected, but I’d want no other man’s child.” Grasping one of his hands, you placed it over your abdomen and laced your fingers over his. He looked down to your joined hands. “I love you.” You breathed. Looking up, he pulled your into a possessive kiss. Pulling back, he rested his forehead against yours.
“I am not leaving.”
That broke the dam of emotions. Choking back a broken sob, you threw yourself into him with everything in you. He fell back against the pillows, and you dropped your full weight onto him.
Nuzzling into his warmth, you mouthed and sucked at his neck needily, murmuring incoherently against his skin. Aemond's eye fluttered shut and he arched his neck, pleased he'd said the right thing.
“Temptress of your heart?" You chuckled, raising your head to consider him. Aemond looked down at you, his eye following your hand that teased lower and lower.
"At the moment-" He bit down a ragged breath when your hand squeezed his length through his trousers. "At the moment, you're more likely the temptress of my loins." He growled, hips rocking into your palm.
"Be at ease, valzȳrys." You smirked at the unfiltered lust that clouded his eye at your use of his mother tongue. Sucking hungrily at his pulse, you unlaced his trousers and slipped a hand inside, reveling at his strangled hiss.
"I'll not tease you long."
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helaenalyst · 2 months
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this came to me in a vision and was drawn in a trance
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franklinwvixen · 2 months
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Daemon just can't get no respect in the Riverlands continues to be the funniest bit
Tiny Tween Tully: Actually our words are Family Duty Honor, Sir uh my Grace, Your Grace, Sir
the Brackens: Fucken' flame us then, bro
Simon Strong: but you are technically just her consort tho
Assembled Riverlords: yeah, we know it's 3am, carpetbagger
Alys: written to the Queen your niecewife yet? what would your mother say
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gotranting · 2 months
Looking at all the alleged leaks for the new seasons, along with seeing directors cutting so many important characters from the show:
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spiderliliez · 21 days
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I have a reason to believe she may be of the same opinion. HOUSE OF THE DRAGON: S2 (2024)
[+] LGBTQ 🏳️‍🌈 [+] EMMA D’ARCY [GIF Collection] ✨ [+] SONOYA MIZUNO [GIF Collection] ✨
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yandereunsolved · 5 months
Daemon teaching pervy reader High Valyrian
Pervy Reader: "The concept of High Valyrian means it's topping every other language, right?"
Daemon: "I suppose so. It is superior to any other dialect."
Pervy Reader: "Does that mean you dirty talk in High Valyrian when you're topping?"
Daemon: "I—" Throws a pitcher of water on pervy reader so they adjust their behavior. "That should quench your thirstiness."
Pervy Reader: "It only made me more wet for you."
Approximately one hour of scolding later.
Daemon: "What have you learned? Tell me one thing you learned from me scolding you."
Pervy Reader: "Save a dragon; ride a dragon rider."
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visenyaism · 3 months
If Daemon was Daena and married Viserys, how bad a mother would she be to Rhaenyra?
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oh no girl daemon is getting these in valyrian steel. make no mistake
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lullaebies · 7 months
For Aegon III/Jaehaera's requests: Aegon being nervous because Haera is having their first child and heir after a decade.
He can hear her screams of pain from behind the doors of their shared chambers.
He starts to pray the gods, despite Baela and Viserys' tentative reassurances then Haera calls for him and Aegon's feets lead him in front of the doors; the guards try to stop him and he orders them to not touch him.
They woke the dragon and the dragon will be protective of his mate and hatchlings.
When he enters, he is quick to be by Jaehaera's side
"My king you shouldn't-"
"I can and I will"
They had their baby boy🥺 and you bet that Aegon cries for the first time out of happiness, then Haera is there like: "Give him to me! he's mine!"
And doesn't allow anyone to touch their baby and you vet Aegon will wash his baby boy, much to the horror and amusement of the masters, midwives and Aegon's siblings
Aegon paces around the hallway in an attempt to calm down. He has been banned from his bedchambers for the better of half an hour now.  The Grand Maester and his accompanying midwives have tended his wife as she gave birth to her firstborn; their firstborn.
He is not a religious man, by any means of the word, but he prays under his breath. The gods had long forsaken him, laughing as they planted him on a throne of swords that had cost him nearby everything. But his wife had a woman of more faith, despite all she had been through herself. If the Seven are true to them, they would protect her.
Aegon hopes so, begs so, his stomach turning up and down. The toll of the birthing is clearly heard beyond the doors that separate them. Jaehaera is eight and ten, and they both grew plenty since their wedding, but she has remained a smaller woman to this day. Her pregnant belly had been big for her frame, he can’t help the dark thoughts his mind leads him to.
“You are going to have to breathe, dear brother,” Viserys tells him. “Births do not ever sound pleasant. This is a fact of life.”
Yet they never sounded so difficult for Larra, either, he wants to say, but he only frowns. If it wasn’t for the fact Lady Larra Rogare had left court a year prior, he may have said it aloud. Little Aegon, Aemon, and Naerys were left alone with only their father. The pit in Aegon’s stomach grows exponentially. This is a possibility, for Aegon too, and he had never trusted his odds.
Baela takes him by the shoulder. If it wasn’t his sister, he may very well flung that hand away. “You are going to look more dreadful than your wife when she gets out of that room,” she says straight to his face. “Calm down. I have done as much twice. Rhaena had done so six times. Your little wife will manage, she’s resilient, for all it’s worth.”
She’s neither you nor Rhaena. Resilient Jaehaera had been, but it hasn’t been without struggles. Aegon doubts she had ever said as much to anyone else but him, but this court had been a lonely place for her besides for him. She’s been changing it, step by step, and now labouring to change it definitively, but how alone must she feel in that room? 
Another pained wail comes from within the room. I can’t take it anymore.
“I am entering,” he finally says, escaping his sister’s grip. There are protests from all sides when he steps away from his siblings and to his Kingsguards. The bumbling fools in their white capes move to not allow him to enter, citing the instructions of the Maester, but he glares them down. He’s a full head taller than both, with a crown on his head. He has abandoned the days the Keep could rule him when he fired Lord Torrhen Manderly. “You serve the maester or the King, now? Move aside, or else.” 
The doors to the room open for him while Jaehaera is pushing, forehead wrinkled and sweatied as she does. All her attendants turn to him, but he ignores them and their words entirely.  Aegon only needs a few long steps to reach his wife, sitting beside her on their very bed. 
Jaehaera lifts her eyes to him, panting as he wipes her forehead and moves silver strands from her red-hued face. Grand Maester Munkun swallows as he moves to him. “Your Grace, you shouldn’t like to stay. Births are stressful occasions—”
Aegon does not listen to a thing the man says. “Aegon,” Jaehaera pants, fingers coming to clutch his sleeve. He gives her his full palm to squeeze. 
“—To both parents…” The Grand Maester slowly falters in his words.
“As I’ve noted,” Aegon answers, cutthroat. “I can stay and I will. Now mind your Queen before I find someone who does.”
The old man gulps in response, and scurries to his seat at the edge of the bed nodding. Aegon fixes the pillows under his wife’s head. The calls to push are difficult on his wife for a while, and he feels her using all her strength, the squeeze on his hand a testament to all her efforts.
Their child’s cradle is ready, standing by the window and illuminated by the sun. So many blankets woven for a child not yet born are laid within. Jaehaera had been waiting on the babe for so long, talking to her belly at times even, hoping the little one would hear. 
In comparison, Aegon had been almost afraid. He had worried and angered and anxiously dealt with the idea of a child coming under his wing. Broken wings, by most accounts. He has never known how his siblings had been able to heal the way they were, raising their own family in swift pursuit. Jaehaera’s losses, his losses, had made them become ghosts in the shells of their bodies for the longest while.
But he had grown into this shell, just as he had grown into his crown, and now it is their turn to rebuild. 
Jaehaera lets out a sharp yelp of pain, and Grand Maester Munkun lifts his head. “The babe is crowning,” he looks to the midwives. “Prepare the bath!”
Aegon squeezes his wife’s hand harder. Jaehaera’s eyes are bleary from tears of effort, but he feels he is the one who is in whirls of uncontrollable emotions. Jaehaera inhales in determination, readjusts her position and groans loudly one last time.
A babe’s cries deafen all other voices in the room. 
“It’s a boy,” Munkun announces to the room amidst cries of new life, and then looks at him. “A  healthy prince, Your Grace. An heir for the Iron Throne.”
Grand Maester Munkun is holding their son. Aegon doesn’t know how long he has been waiting on letting his tears fall. It could be from the moment he has been told Jaehaera’s water broke, and it could be from moons prior, when he had been first told Jaehaera is with child. There is some spell cast on him when he sees his boy writhe for attention, tufts of silver hair sticking to his head. It’s my…
The umbilical cord is cut, Jaehaera, despite her pain and fatigue, rises into half-sitting in a bolt. “He’s mine,” she yells at the Grand Maester, paralysing all attendants in the room. Queen Jaehaera, as the court knows her, hardly ever raises her voice. “Give him to me!” 
It’s their boy, first. Before he is an heir, before he is thrust into his royal position, it’s their son.
Aegon comes up from his place, and takes his son from Grand Maester Munkun before he could give him to any of the midwives. He is a big baby, eyeing Aegon with a stare of indigo. He has small, pouty lips, and squishy cheeks as red as all of his body is.
“Our son,” he says, placing the boy in her arms. Jaehaera holds him close to her chest, and finally, the stress on her face dissipates. Tears escape her eyes, but she smiles so widely. “He has your nose.”
“Hello. I am your mama,” she tells the newborn softly. The babe’s cries calm as they speak. Aegon brings a hand to caress his face. Does he recognize their voices? Aegon hasn’t spoken to him during the pregnancy as much as Jaehaera, but the nights he did, does the boy recall them? Aegon had been so afraid for his upcoming arrival, but now he has him and he can’t look away. “And this is your papa.”
It’s my family. 
And he loves it, so dearly, he will never let it go.
“Congratulations, little brother, and good sister,” he hears Baela’s voice from behind him. Both her and Jaehaera look up to her. His sister is mindful of their space, but ogles the little boy with a grin. Viserys is further back, trying to catch a glimpse of the child too. “The midwives are afraid to ruin the moment, so I must. Our prince needs to have his first bath before the water grows cold.”
Jaehaera licks her lips, rather hesitant to give the boy away. They share their reservations with only their eyes. Aegon thinks for a moment and kisses his wife’s temple before looking at all the attendants in the room. “Bring the bath here. I’ll do it.”
There are many variations of his title that come about in exclamation. ‘Your Grace’, ‘Your Highness’, ‘Your Majesty’ and so on and so forth, all complaints and concerns and whatnot. None of it matters, not even a smidge, when Jaehaera smiles at him, and gives him their boy in full trust. He holds him, swearing his arms would be secure for the boy evermore.
Because I am your father, above all else.
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ride-thedragon · 2 months
I can't stand the lack of attempted understanding of what happened in Driftmark nearly seven years ago in show canon. Let's look at it step by step because the hatred towards Baela and Rhaena is absolutely nonsensical in that aspect.
Rhaena never had the opportunity to claim a dragon before that. She wasn't in Westeros or on Dragonstone. Her father refused to go to Westeros, and her dragon egg didn't hatch. Her father is so caught up in his own self-loathing that she feels that he ignores her because she doesn't have a dragon, when the truth is that in order to have a dragon shed have to go to Westeros, something he doesn't want to do.
Then her mother dies after giving her a story about how she herself claimed Vhagar. Vhagar has been her mother's dragon alone her entire life. No one else's.
Meanwhile, we have Aemond trying to sneak up on Dreamfyre even though she's claimed by Helaena. He clearly has an issue with trying to claim dragons. It stems from the bullying he endures and the inability of anyone to get a handle on Aegon primarily and his influence on his nephews. They are ten and eight to Aemond's 13 and Aegon’s 16.
So yes, Aemond does steal Vhagar from Rhaena. She has every right to say that. She is ten years old in a foreign place, grieving her mother with the expectation that she should try to claim Vhagar because that was Laena's dragon and seemed to belong to them.
Aemond does run away from everyone else and goes behind everyone to claim Vhagar because it's wrong. Everyone seems to have the expectation that the dragon was for Rhaena to claim.
That's not how it works, but they're all kids, so that was the emotion behind it.
Aemond was fighting for his ego as he still does now, and Rhaena and Baela were fighting for their mother's dragon. Jace and Luke were fighting because Aemond decided to say all kinds of abhorrent shit because he's at the top of the world with the biggest dragon.
The point isn't even that any of the kids are wrong, it's that the fighting and animosity between the Blacks and the Greens was allowed to fester to the point that the kids are turned against each other. The innocents are turned into players.
This isn't the absolving of blame either or placing it on Aemond. This was a problem with the adults in all their lives because all the kids hold blame.
Please, leave it alone.
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imjulia-andilikecats · 2 months
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greenqueenhightower · 2 months
What would Aegon's reaction be if he heard Aemond talking to Alicent in the council? Would he be angry? Would he protect her?
Hi anon, I gave it some thought 💚
and I believe that Aemond would not oust Alicent like that if Aegon was present in the council. He specifically sent every other council member away so he could be alone with Alicent, dismissing her discreetly. If Aegon was present, for one thing, he would have the authority to make such decisions, not Aemond. If, hypothetically, Aegon could secretly overhear Aemond's dismissal of Alicent and his prompting of their mother to seek domestic pursuits, I think he wouldn't be pleased. In my opinion, he would be enraged at Aemond, because Aegon always thought highly of his mother's abilities and sought her council. Many times in the show we have seen Aegon seeking his mother, who is his comfort place, refuge, and shield.
Unlike Aemond, Aegon does not have an antagonistic relationship with his mother. He wants Alicent to be proud of him and he looks up to her. Aemond's dismissal of Alicent from the council, as well as Ironrod's sexist suggestion that she might be of use if she were to be married off to some Lord Greyjoy, would have enraged him and displeased him. More importantly, he would not even consider these suggestions, let alone go through with them. Notice that the council only expressed their inherent misogyny towards Alicent in Aegon's absence, and Ironrod only suggested Alicent's marriage plans when Aegon was no longer around to provide any objections.
So I very much think that Alicent remained in the council because Aegon wanted her to, and it was obvious to the rest of the council members that Alicent's guidance was respected by Aegon, so they tolerated her presence because of him.
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labrujavegana · 3 months
Anonymous Coward asked: spare helaena and jaehara doddle please please please
Here you go 😁😁💕 [Smile or comment on the answer here](https://retrospring.net/@labrujaveganart/a/112650458211445430)
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girl-intrigued · 9 months
The only possible marriage that could've prevented the dance of dragons was between Aegon and Rhaenyra
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yellowsocialbunny · 6 months
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HOTD: AU where Rhaenyra only had daughters
Princess Jacaera Velaryon, like her sisters, Lucerra and Laena, had brown hair and eyes, and a pug nose. She had a broad, slightly masculine build, yet attracted young men everywhere she went with her sharp mind and courtly manners. She was responsible, bold, and politically savvy. Jacaera rode the dragon Vermax.
Princess Lucerra Velaryon was a sweet and shy girl who loved flying her dragon Arrax more than being at court. She was closest to her grandfather, lord Corlys Velaryon.
Princess Laena Velaryon was a wild and spirited girl, interested in swordfighting and dragonriding. She had the brown hair and eyes of her older sisters and an athletic build. Laena looked up to her stepfather, the rogue prince Daemon Targaryen. She rode the dragon Tyraxes.
Princess Aemma Targaryen had dark purple eyes which looked almost black, and silver hair which was so pale that it was almost white. She was lean of face and body, and taller than most women. Aemma was graceful, clever and enjoyed reading. She rode the dragon Stormcloud.
Princess Visenya Targaryen had silver-gold hair, which she wore in the style of Queen Visenya, and was said to be striking, though she was not as pretty as her older sister, Aemma. She was charming and clever, and way more intelligent than people thought, which she used to her advantage. She enjoyed dancing, reading and hawking. At the age of 13, she claimed the dragon Silverwing.
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backjustforberena · 3 months
I reject any and all assumptions that, at any point, Rhaenys lost the will to live. That's something I won't entertain. She didn't. That's just wrong.
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