moneyisnobject · 8 months
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Superleggera 80
Courtesy: Oceanco/Hot Lab
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eccentric-nucleus · 4 months
here's a chunk of text i wrote for hell game 2 that i'm debating the canonicity of. i will probably tweak some of the implications. this is, surprisingly, not pornographic.
There's an Abomination here: a collection of organic parts, mostly bone and muscle and chitin, formed into something approximating the locomotion framework of a particularly large hyena-wolf. Fruiting bodies sprout from across its back in white-blue tendrils. Its head is the most directly analogous: a cage of rotted bone, worn away into irregular, asymmetrical pits, each of which opens into a glowing yellow eye, half ruptured and oozing ichor down its face. Below that, there's an articulated mandible -- a jaw -- that yawns open, a mess of fat tentacles spilling out like frothy tongues. That's an accommodation to human foibles; they don't need a centralized sensory locus the way humans do. But humans like having something to look at when they talk to someone.
This isn't a Hell thing; these were on the station before the disaster. {SWITCH %PC.startSpecies: human -> It's a little comforting to see someone familiar. You think you had a work-shift with this one, maybe. / ai -> ... }
ABOMINATION: Ah. {= %PC.name}. What's your sitrep?
-> Bad.
Abominations were originally conceived as an information extraction/torture device during the Third Martian Conflict. When Phobos was deorbited at the height of the war, hotlabs on the moon had their habitats ruptured during the impact, and the first generation of Abomination spores circulated free within the Martian atmosphere, eventually obtaining complete biosphere dominance. Abomination bioframes still present many theming elements drawn from Martian flora and fauna that were absorbed during their initial rampancy.
The initial assumption was that Abominations were mere grey goo: some kind of insensate matter reprocessing virus, specifically targeted to extract and store information from neural tissue they consumed. That may or may not have been their original design; historical records are thin on account of their origin hotlab having crashed into another planet and then subjected to several decades of Abomination-dominant biosphere.
In the aftermath of the war and the total loss of Mars, the interplanetary community was at odds for what to do with the Abomination incursion. A human -- or anything we would consider 'a living thing' -- existing in shared atmosphere with an Abomination fruiting body would be incapacitated within minutes, and kept alive but in excruciating pain as they were slowly flensed apart and had all their biomatter repurposed for the use of the local hive network for the next several weeks. It was a form of life inherently designed for use as a biological weapon. Even if they were, unexpectedly, sentient and capable of communication, it was a form of life that seemed impossible to live alongside. Abomination communicated among themselves with spore signals and mycorrhizal webs. Imagine if your eyes killed anyone you saw, and your voice had the force of a bomb.
Any official {UN; united federation of planets; w/e} response was preempted by the release of the first-phase Abomination antigen in the Martian atmosphere. The antigen bound to the spore network and disrupted fungal signals, effectively sterilizing their inter-body communication and utterly destroying the emerging hive network. At the time, though controversial, this was heralded as a huge step towards interspecies coordination. It made them 'safe', incapable of accidentally devouring everything their thoughts turned to. Once it became clear it was impractical from scientific, biological, and political to remove the antigen, several different strains were prototyped, allowing Abominations some level of hive connection without rising to a dangerous (to humans) threshold.
That was the state of things for nearly two hundred years, until contact was made with an unaltered hive trapped in Martian orbit since the Phobos deorbiting. Careful study and synthesis between the Abominations in orbit and a crew of rebel scientists, most Abominations themselves, lead to the development of a Human tolerogen gene therapy. The human staff of the research group voluntarily inoculated them, allowing them to inhabit the same space as Abominations without either species being in danger of being eaten alive or having all their senses burned out of them.
This was, in a very real sense, an existential threat to humanity. Altering the Abominations by cutting off their eyes and hands was one thing, if it was needed to keep humanity pure. Altering humans to make them compatible with the Abomination hive-networks meant that on a deep, biological level, humans who went through the process were no longer humans. They expressed different biological markers in all forms, from egg to death. To call the widespread use of the tolerogen gene therapy politically contentious would be understating things enormously.
The initial gene therapy altered and amended human biological processes sufficiently to make them capable of rudimentary integration to the Abomination hive-network. Incidence of development of psychic powers from access to Abomination communication flows rate at 0.013% of human population converted, and are a source of quiet humor to Abominations, where even the most 'psychically-active' human is very much like a toddler constantly polluting their network with uncontrolled, unexamined babble.
Large amounts of study have been put towards plant & animal bioengeering; altered humans are mostly-inert receptors, but Abominations still have a tendency to strip biospheres bare to reinterpret and process all foreign materials. As collective humanity makes its first steps out of the solar system, a source of hot debate is that our combined biosphere is intensely aggressive to any life lacking very specific biomarkers. Ecological contamination from space exploration has always been a concern, but once a majority of humanity began harboring a specifically-engineered consuming biovirus the topic became more contentious.
In much the same way human habitation is defined by a certain pressure level and gas mix, it's becoming increasingly clear that in the future the expansion of the human bionetwork will involve highly specific signalling chemicals, as much a part of the spread of collective humanity as gut flora and skin mites. What is a biosphere, if not a collection of process that attempt to choke out competing ones on contact? Collective humanity's is just considerably better at it than most.
Unaltered flora and fauna have been limited to preserves that inevitably decline in size yearly, given the impossibility of sharing atmospheres without fear of cross-contamination. The latest issue, as of {year marker; current day basically}, is the fundamental extirpation of all life not tailored in some sense for coexistence with collective humanity. It represents, perhaps, a new stage in existence, one where all biological processes that exist throughout the solar system only exist by the consent of bioengineers who have specifically designed them to work. The ending of nature, or, perhaps, the unleashing of a new kind of nature. Evolution still happens within the spore network, after all.
That a lot of them decided to look like giant nightmarish wolf-things is a joke. Humanity domesticated the wolf, after all.
anyway, you can fuck it.
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starlightiing · 2 months
⚠️ and 🖍 for the wip asks!
An ask game for writers to procrastinate working on you WIP(s)
⚠️ Which wip your most likely to finish or update next?
Well, it will either be the latter half of Car Crash Hearts, the pierrestie cardiophilia oneshot, or the pierrestie hotlab handjob oneshot! Not sure which yet.
🖍 Post Any sentence from your wip
But there is one sound he can hear, cutting through the urgent beeping and incessant clicks. There’s one sound that is louder than the others, more shrill and desperate against the cacophony of tones and pitches barraging his ears. This is the only one he understands, and with a cold, sickening realization setting in, his knees begin to give out and he stumbles away far enough that he ends up with his back slamming into the window. Pierre’s EKG machine is flatlining.
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superlativesamsara · 1 year
Weather update, we have now detonated a "definitely Not nuclear" demolition charge on the hotlabs, nonlethally disabled the security team who decided to try to kill us when the rabid Rachni failed, and Liara shot her mom..?
Like sure she's brainwashed and crazy and all but like, girl, you didn't have to do that? I'm sure this will have no lingering effects on her psyche at all and she definitely won't grow up to be any sort of faux-omniscient shady information dealer who runs the galaxy from the background because her faith in all the powers that be is permanently shaken
Right anyway we also sort of released the Rachni Queen because, despite what Sparatus seems to think, it's not a crime to be a big scary telepathic space spider, and as she already promised she wasn't going to go on another mind-controlled genocidal rampage like the queens from the Rachni Wars, Tevos and Valern agreed that no, genocide isn't justified over the crimes of the forebears.
I'll see about getting you nerds some mission highlights in a bit from the suitcam footage, once I get approval for what parts are and aren't classified (and promptly ignore them in favor of what looks cooler, obviously, because they can't prosecute me for leaking information to people they don't believe in the existence of).
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moodboardmix · 3 years
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M/Y Sea Coral II
Arcadia Yachts
Internal and External design by Hot Lab,
Interior Design by Alain Perrier
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cosmicgallant · 6 years
hotlabs replied to your post “azaelia banks obviously isn’t a perfect person or anything but she has...”
i know like i saw some callout post years ago where she was accused of bein a homophobe for calling perez hilton an obnoxious twink or somethin and it’s like. Well. is she wrong
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milkway · 7 years
have you ever tried buying gummies and letting them go a bit stale? i used to use stale sour keys when i needed something to chew on, they don’t taste any different they’re just hard
its forbidden to chew/eat anything in class unless its medicine :( i used to try using gum but since i have to be sneaky about chewing it anyway i end up less focused than without stimming hfghjgd 
BUT!! ill think about using the gummies for going out to other places, thank u for the tip
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hotaliens · 7 years
hotlabs replied to your post “julianbashir replied to your post : ...”
hey em quick question are you fucking ok
oh absolutely not but we are Living in this day of agae
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cyberdykes · 3 years
get to know me!!
tagged by @homespundyke 💌
relationship status: single and depressed about it
3 favorite foods: bruschetta, pasta with cauliflower and breadcrumbs, key lime pie
song stuck in my head: sunday roast courtney barnett
last song listened to: heavy metal drummer wilco
last thing googled: amanda has a gun
time: 9:13pm
dream trip: i wanna go to italy, back to the smoky mountains, other national parks, galapagos islands. Lots of places i just want to go anywhere beautiful to look at.
anything I want: a wife… a little baby… a cat… a beautiful condo with neighbors i know and care about… a garden… Omg i’m getting sappy but this is for real i guess this is what’s happening inside my brain rn
tagging: @aespuma @boyishs @walloes @hotlabs @tanglesmp3 and anyone else who wants to :)
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Weird stuff in Mass Effect
That mission on the Citadel where Shepard gets a quest that involves randomly giving their completely unsolicited opinion on some random NPC’s pregnancy Too weird. I do it for completion, but, like, yikes. This is definitely NOT Spectre business.
Then there’s this derelict space ship you can find in the first game that’s mysteriously empty, except for one brain-dead dude on life support. You have the option to take him off life-support, which again seems way out of Shepard’s lane to do, and all of your party members will tell you that was the correct thing to do. Also his grieving biotic girlfriends while show up to try to kill you.
We get told biotic humans are like super rare, but you trip over them basically constantly, and spend large parts of the game making them significantly rarer.
Just what are the thorian creepers and why do they look human? It’s never explained.
On a similar note, those test subjects on Dr. Saleon/Heart’s ship. What are they exactly? They look like thorian creepers. Did Dr. Saleon use them to grow organs in? Or are those real people, victims of Dr. Saleons’ organ harvesting scheme, possibly driving mad by the horrors they’ve endured, who we just mercilessly gun down without a thought?
Sure was an awful lot of messing with people’s minds going on the first game. Indoctrination is the obvious example, but also the Thorian can mind control people, the Ranchi queen can too if the subject is weak enough. The asari can dig around in people’s heads. The prothian beacon blasts messages directly into minds. Then there’s also the tech cultists, Dr. Saleon’s test subjects driven mad, the biotic girlfriend of the dead dude who is driven to insanity, one very traumatized colonist woman who was recently saved from batarian slavers, some scientist hostages who get drugged into delirium, apparently humans use drugs while making business deals with salarians just to keep up mentally (you meet one if you have a certain background,) a biotic cult lead by a non-biotic with PTSD. The scientists on Noveria tried and failed to mind control rachni, and Cerberus tried and failed to mind control just about anything they could get their hands on. Mind control and mental illness seem to be a running theme in the first game in particular. Yet I don’t believe anyone ever actually uses the term “mind control.” 
Noveria, Peak 15. Go into that room for the disease cure where the Asari lady attacks you. Leave. You see the body of a turian guard that she killed. Now go down to the hotlabs and melt all the rachni. Good. Back to the guards. Woops they work for Benezia and now they want to fight - unfortunate for them. Now go back into that side room where that turian guard was killed. His corpse shoots at you. This has happened every single time I’ve played the game (PC) and did things in this order. It has apparently to this day never been patched out.
Feel free to add your own.
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throwingmuses · 4 years
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i finally got around to doing this!! tagged by @hotlabs tysm <3
i never kno who to tag for these things so if u see this and wanna do it feel free to do so!
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pinkdeers · 4 years
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I was tagged by @hotlabs!!!! I tag @satansbackupdancer @satans--accountant @aleh-atoria @iotacarbine @londeewolf @dathemyscira and whoever else wants to do this!!!!!
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dj-brewski · 7 years
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#LunchTime in the #SLB | #GoodTimes | #HotLab #Squad | #HTown🤘 | #instadaily | #RealIG | #Friday | My #Familia away from #home | #iNeedABeer 🍺 (at Smith Bits& A Schlumberger Company)
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MELE Console Cheats
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💾 ►►► DOWNLOAD FILE 🔥🔥🔥 Mass Effect was built from the Unreal Engine UE 3 games engine, which allows many modifications by the user to enhance the in-game graphics and controls. Mass Effect's in-game configuration options have very little tweaking possibilities and only support basic graphic and key mapping. This article intends to serve as a guide to players who want to have more control on game performance and personalization, by highlighting options which players can tweak to better suit their needs. All of the changes that are described in this article should only be tested on the files in the documents folder:. The configuration files implement the CamelCase writing style for functions and variables names. Note, however, that this is merely a writing convention. When entering commands in the console, you may use any case, or combination of cases, you prefer. This section has many behaviors that can be changed. It is advised to leave any line that does not start with the word 'Binding' alone. The exceptions to this are:. Changing anything other than the recommended behaviors can cause severe gameplay bugs! Generally, you only want to alter the Name and Command , unless you have a specific behavior you want to achieve. When binding a key with Control, Shift, or Alt combination in addition to the same key without that combination, make sure that the declaration with the combination precedes the one without. For example:. Mass Effect comes with a set of commands that can be executed through the console or bound to keys, most are hidden and can only be found through trial and error. Please note, that changing critical game-play keys may cause you to not be able to interface with objects, start conversations, etc. There are also some keys that control several action and sub-actions, removing parts of the binding command can cause that key to stop behaving as expected. Note that should you desire to use an F Key to bind quickload, you will also need to delete its corresponding line, such as. This may cause spikes in FPS and unwanted graphic behavior. Higher value reduces the number of shadows shown, up to 1. This setting can cause glitches or fix them by changing the value. This may decrease performance, but it will ensure a high resolution texture for Garrus 's face - due to a bug, the game will always use the minimum resolution for his face texture. To enable the console, browse to and open the file In the file you opened, search for [Engine. Note: some keyboard layouts, specifically on non-US English layouts, the Tilde key will map differently, and the game engine will not recognize the Tilde keyword. In this case, you will need to select a different key, such as Backslash, Tab, CapsLock, or any other to function as the console key. To prevent this, set the file to read-only after making your changes. The GiveItem code works the following way:. Difference between same specializations are first 6 points that are same as starting class mentioned in brackets. When adding the bonus talents string be very careful for the game will only allow you to use around offensive abilities for use in game, no matter how many abilities you add. So keep in mind that firstly you should add the abilities which are most useful ex. Note: The Binary Helix Hotlabs value doesn't work. This tweak may be useful for those who want to use the mouse while having access to analog movement. Comes in useful for Steam controller users or gamepad users who want to bind gyro to a mouse. Beyond changes to the configuration files, it is recommended to set your graphics card driver and settings to enhance graphic quality and performance. Below, are some recommendations for further readings:. Mass Effect Wiki Explore. Mass Effect: Andromeda. Original Trilogy. Explore Wikis Community Central. Register Don't have an account? PC Tweaks. View source. History Talk This article is about tweaks for the first Mass Effect game. A different approach is to toggle the HUD so it will stay on by pressing a key, and return to the game when the same button is pressed again. It is recommended to use a key other than the 'Spacebar' to preserve the default method. The game has a lot of repetitive cutscenes, i. Those cutscenes can be skipped, and there is no need to alter the binding keys. The second line indicates the time that it takes from the button press to the actual skip. Note: some locations have the cutscene for a reason Shepard walk or say something that triggers another event. Skipping that cutscene, therefore, may leave you stuck. Experiment at your own risk. There are eight lines for the ability keys, they are numbered from 0 to 7, and are easy to alter. Setting the Shift option to True instead of False will activate that combination, and will make Shepard use the first ability instead of moving to the left. Sometimes you want to give commands to a certain party member to move forward, most of the times and not to both of them. Either 1 first squad member or 2 second squad member. It is possible to add a quickload option to the game. The problem is that you have to manually set the save name in the configuration file. Otherwise the quickload bind won't do anything. This hotkey increases game speed tenfold while holding the key. It's helpful when traveling big distances, such as hub zones or planetary surface. It also works in Mako, and even in cutscenes, allowing you to fast-forward normally unskippable cutscenes. Speed multiplier may be arbitrary. Using this on a keyboard key sometimes causes glitches e. Setting the maximum value too high can sometimes degrade quality, rather then enhance it. It is recommended to set those values to the system refresh rate for best performance. Setting it to false may increase performance, but at the same time can degrade the presentation of shadows. Higher value will make the shadow softer, and lower value will make them sharper. Note: Patch 1. Setting this to 0. Higher minimum value will increase the richness of shadows. Lower maximum value will degrade the appearance of shadows. Note, that setting the minimum too high or maximum too low may result in glitches and loss of performance. Higher value will cause shadows to be visible in the near vicinity, while lower value will cause shadows to be shown at greater distance, increasing quality and degrading performance. Setting this setting to False enhances performance, but reduces game experience. It most noticeable while using the Sniper Rifle zoom feature that makes targeted objects more crisp and clear, and others blurred. Setting this option to False improves performance. Specifying numbers between 0 no anisotropic filtering, better performance, but poorer image quality to 16 maximum filtering, degraded performance but crisper and more detailed textures - the default is 4. Raising the Max size is not recommended, this may cause graphical glitches. This makes combat more realistic, but at the same time a problem with the current squad AI. Can also result in the 'death' of non-targetable NPCs. Changing any of these values may hamper game-play experience. The values are in RGB red, green, and blue and alpha, which determines the transparency lower the value to make the subtitles more transparent. Setting this option to False will cause also cause others present to keep their weapons drawn during the conversation. Can create some strange situations in which Shepard waves an assault rifle at people. Enabling this setting may result in degraded performance. This will increase realism, but degrade performance especially on intense combats. BioArtPlaceable] , and might require the additional change, there. Removing the cooldown also applies to NPCs. For example, geth shock troopers will be able to spawn hex shields without limit, making them very difficult to kill. Raising this to 1. Raising over 1. By default the [Engine. Console] section will contain: [Engine. The Self keyword - indicates the target for the item Use Target instead, when giving an item to a squad member. Indicates the item you want. The nmManufacturer code - indicates the code of the manufacturer of that item. Categories : Guides Mass Effect. Universal Conquest Wiki. Basically, how the game will handle the input device that the player is using. Generally, you don't want to change anything in this section. Changes made here could harm your gaming experience. This section defines the Console keys and behavior. More information is in the section about the console. This section deals with how the mouse or gamepad will operate sensitivity, movement emulation, etc. Most likely, you won't need to alter anything in here, but you are free to experiment. The in-game running speed. Any changes made here could ruin the game experience by giving the player an advantage. If you want to shorten the time of traveling, see the section referring to changing the game speed. Deals with Shepard 's neck, and how much it can be turned for a wider field of vision. This can actually be useful when trying to take screenshots. The time between clicks that register as a double-click. As Mass Effect does not treat double-clicks any differently than single clicks, changing this should not have any effect. Unknown function, but should not be touched, regardless. Could be a boolean to determine whether time keeps progressing or not while giving quick commands to your team-mates. Does not protect against hardcoded instant death scenarios. Mass Effect Legendary Edition only. Gives bonus talents to player. See ' Talent Codes ' below. Gives a geth assault rifle with points of damage. Gives geth-style Assault Rifle which does to damage, depending on which manufacturer string is used. Non-geth manufacturer codes may or may not be geth-style. Changes how much damage enemies take on Insanity. A higher number means more damage, while a lower number means less damage. Gives item to player. The manufacturer string is optional. Sets the amount of the party's CURRENT medi-gel count; maximum value can only be increased by purchasing medi-gel count upgrades from stores. Removes the player's henchmen from the party and all nearby pawns from the world. This is reported to cause problems when attempting to play through the full game without a party. Toggles on and off super-fast movement. Using this twice will cancel out changes made by the SetRunSpeed command. Changes the PC's gender; 0 is male, 1 is female. Appears to affect body and voice, but not dialog flags, and doesn't seem to kick in until you zone. Triples the thrust power of the Mako underjets. Original game only. Using 5 instead of 6 allows for same boost, but Mako doesn't have to touch ground for the thruster to function again, allowing for repeated thrusts to stay off the ground. Gentle thrusts are needed to avoid falling damage. Freezes all NPCs in place permanently. This cannot be reversed without loading a savegame and should not be used aside from things like taking screenshots. Toggles all of the Scaleform elements off HUD, menus text, quick power bar. Toggles the vignette effect on or off. Takes a screenshot at many times the resolution of the screen. Postprocessing effects are rendered at default resolution rather than the target one, however, which may result in visual artifacts around the 'tile' edges. TiledShot 3x3 - takes a screenshot with a grid of 3 by 3. If the game is running in resolution of x, this will produce a x screenshot. TiledShot 2 - produces a screenshot twice the size of the game resolution. TiledShot 2 - takes a screenshot twice the size of the game resolution, and overlaps pixels from every grid cell. Ariake Technologies. Elanus Risk Control. Rosenkov Materials. Sirta Foundation Note: 'Sitta' is not a typo. Jormangund Technology. Batarian State Arms. Cerberus Skunkworks. Hahne-Kedar Shadow Works. Spectre Master Gear. Weapon - Master Gear. Distinguished Service Medal Achievement. Council Legion of Merit Achievement. Honorarium of Corporate Service Achievement. Long Service Medal Achievement. Distinguished Combat Medal Achievement. Assault Rifle Expert Achievement. Lift Mastery Achievement. Throw Mastery Achievement. Warp Mastery Achievement. Singularity Mastery Achievement. Barrier Mastery Achievement. Stasis Mastery Achievement. Damping Specialist Achievement. AI Hacking Specialist Achievement. Overload Specialist Achievement. Sabotage Specialist Achievement. First Aid Specialist Achievement. Neural Shock Specialist Achievement. Medal of Exploration Achievement. Dog of War Achievement. Geth Hunter Achievement. Extreme Power Gamer Achievement. Spectre Inductee Achievement. Search and Rescue Achievement. Colonial Savior Achievement.
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abrilstevens · 7 years
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no not at all dude! i didn't think you were referring to bi women lol. the op on the one i was talking about isn’t even someone i follow, i was just checking out their blog and saw it. it was one of those long replying back and forth argument posts where they were trying to one-up each other's experiences with oppression 🙄
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Mass Effect 2: Table for Cheat Engine [] - Download - GTrainers
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💾 ►►► DOWNLOAD FILE 🔥🔥🔥 Mass Effect was built from the Unreal Engine UE 3 games engine, which allows many modifications by the user to enhance the in-game graphics and controls. Mass Effect's in-game configuration options have very little tweaking possibilities and only support basic graphic and key mapping. This article intends to serve as a guide to players who want to have more control on game performance and personalization, by highlighting options which players can tweak to better suit their needs. All of the changes that are described in this article should only be tested on the files in the documents folder:. The configuration files implement the CamelCase writing style for functions and variables names. Note, however, that this is merely a writing convention. When entering commands in the console, you may use any case, or combination of cases, you prefer. This section has many behaviors that can be changed. It is advised to leave any line that does not start with the word 'Binding' alone. The exceptions to this are:. Changing anything other than the recommended behaviors can cause severe gameplay bugs! Generally, you only want to alter the Name and Command , unless you have a specific behavior you want to achieve. When binding a key with Control, Shift, or Alt combination in addition to the same key without that combination, make sure that the declaration with the combination precedes the one without. For example:. Mass Effect comes with a set of commands that can be executed through the console or bound to keys, most are hidden and can only be found through trial and error. Please note, that changing critical game-play keys may cause you to not be able to interface with objects, start conversations, etc. There are also some keys that control several action and sub-actions, removing parts of the binding command can cause that key to stop behaving as expected. Note that should you desire to use an F Key to bind quickload, you will also need to delete its corresponding line, such as. This may cause spikes in FPS and unwanted graphic behavior. Higher value reduces the number of shadows shown, up to 1. This setting can cause glitches or fix them by changing the value. This may decrease performance, but it will ensure a high resolution texture for Garrus 's face - due to a bug, the game will always use the minimum resolution for his face texture. To enable the console, browse to and open the file In the file you opened, search for [Engine. Note: some keyboard layouts, specifically on non-US English layouts, the Tilde key will map differently, and the game engine will not recognize the Tilde keyword. In this case, you will need to select a different key, such as Backslash, Tab, CapsLock, or any other to function as the console key. To prevent this, set the file to read-only after making your changes. The GiveItem code works the following way:. Difference between same specializations are first 6 points that are same as starting class mentioned in brackets. When adding the bonus talents string be very careful for the game will only allow you to use around offensive abilities for use in game, no matter how many abilities you add. So keep in mind that firstly you should add the abilities which are most useful ex. Note: The Binary Helix Hotlabs value doesn't work. This tweak may be useful for those who want to use the mouse while having access to analog movement. Comes in useful for Steam controller users or gamepad users who want to bind gyro to a mouse. Beyond changes to the configuration files, it is recommended to set your graphics card driver and settings to enhance graphic quality and performance. Below, are some recommendations for further readings:. Mass Effect Wiki Explore. Mass Effect: Andromeda. Original Trilogy. Explore Wikis Community Central. Register Don't have an account? PC Tweaks. View source. History Talk This article is about tweaks for the first Mass Effect game. A different approach is to toggle the HUD so it will stay on by pressing a key, and return to the game when the same button is pressed again. It is recommended to use a key other than the 'Spacebar' to preserve the default method. The game has a lot of repetitive cutscenes, i. Those cutscenes can be skipped, and there is no need to alter the binding keys. The second line indicates the time that it takes from the button press to the actual skip. Note: some locations have the cutscene for a reason Shepard walk or say something that triggers another event. Skipping that cutscene, therefore, may leave you stuck. Experiment at your own risk. There are eight lines for the ability keys, they are numbered from 0 to 7, and are easy to alter. Setting the Shift option to True instead of False will activate that combination, and will make Shepard use the first ability instead of moving to the left. Sometimes you want to give commands to a certain party member to move forward, most of the times and not to both of them. Either 1 first squad member or 2 second squad member. It is possible to add a quickload option to the game. The problem is that you have to manually set the save name in the configuration file. Otherwise the quickload bind won't do anything. This hotkey increases game speed tenfold while holding the key. It's helpful when traveling big distances, such as hub zones or planetary surface. It also works in Mako, and even in cutscenes, allowing you to fast-forward normally unskippable cutscenes. Speed multiplier may be arbitrary. Using this on a keyboard key sometimes causes glitches e. Setting the maximum value too high can sometimes degrade quality, rather then enhance it. It is recommended to set those values to the system refresh rate for best performance. Setting it to false may increase performance, but at the same time can degrade the presentation of shadows. Higher value will make the shadow softer, and lower value will make them sharper. Note: Patch 1. Setting this to 0. Higher minimum value will increase the richness of shadows. Lower maximum value will degrade the appearance of shadows. Note, that setting the minimum too high or maximum too low may result in glitches and loss of performance. Higher value will cause shadows to be visible in the near vicinity, while lower value will cause shadows to be shown at greater distance, increasing quality and degrading performance. Setting this setting to False enhances performance, but reduces game experience. It most noticeable while using the Sniper Rifle zoom feature that makes targeted objects more crisp and clear, and others blurred. Setting this option to False improves performance. Specifying numbers between 0 no anisotropic filtering, better performance, but poorer image quality to 16 maximum filtering, degraded performance but crisper and more detailed textures - the default is 4. Raising the Max size is not recommended, this may cause graphical glitches. This makes combat more realistic, but at the same time a problem with the current squad AI. Can also result in the 'death' of non-targetable NPCs. Changing any of these values may hamper game-play experience. The values are in RGB red, green, and blue and alpha, which determines the transparency lower the value to make the subtitles more transparent. Setting this option to False will cause also cause others present to keep their weapons drawn during the conversation. Can create some strange situations in which Shepard waves an assault rifle at people. Enabling this setting may result in degraded performance. This will increase realism, but degrade performance especially on intense combats. BioArtPlaceable] , and might require the additional change, there. Removing the cooldown also applies to NPCs. For example, geth shock troopers will be able to spawn hex shields without limit, making them very difficult to kill. Raising this to 1. Raising over 1. By default the [Engine. Console] section will contain: [Engine. The Self keyword - indicates the target for the item Use Target instead, when giving an item to a squad member. Indicates the item you want. The nmManufacturer code - indicates the code of the manufacturer of that item. Categories : Guides Mass Effect. Universal Conquest Wiki. Basically, how the game will handle the input device that the player is using. Generally, you don't want to change anything in this section. Changes made here could harm your gaming experience. This section defines the Console keys and behavior. More information is in the section about the console. This section deals with how the mouse or gamepad will operate sensitivity, movement emulation, etc. Most likely, you won't need to alter anything in here, but you are free to experiment. The in-game running speed. Any changes made here could ruin the game experience by giving the player an advantage. If you want to shorten the time of traveling, see the section referring to changing the game speed. Deals with Shepard 's neck, and how much it can be turned for a wider field of vision. This can actually be useful when trying to take screenshots. The time between clicks that register as a double-click. As Mass Effect does not treat double-clicks any differently than single clicks, changing this should not have any effect. Unknown function, but should not be touched, regardless. Could be a boolean to determine whether time keeps progressing or not while giving quick commands to your team-mates. Does not protect against hardcoded instant death scenarios. Mass Effect Legendary Edition only. Gives bonus talents to player. See ' Talent Codes ' below. Gives a geth assault rifle with points of damage. Gives geth-style Assault Rifle which does to damage, depending on which manufacturer string is used. Non-geth manufacturer codes may or may not be geth-style. Changes how much damage enemies take on Insanity. A higher number means more damage, while a lower number means less damage. Gives item to player. The manufacturer string is optional. Sets the amount of the party's CURRENT medi-gel count; maximum value can only be increased by purchasing medi-gel count upgrades from stores. Removes the player's henchmen from the party and all nearby pawns from the world. This is reported to cause problems when attempting to play through the full game without a party. Toggles on and off super-fast movement. Using this twice will cancel out changes made by the SetRunSpeed command. Changes the PC's gender; 0 is male, 1 is female. Appears to affect body and voice, but not dialog flags, and doesn't seem to kick in until you zone. Triples the thrust power of the Mako underjets. Original game only. Using 5 instead of 6 allows for same boost, but Mako doesn't have to touch ground for the thruster to function again, allowing for repeated thrusts to stay off the ground. Gentle thrusts are needed to avoid falling damage. Freezes all NPCs in place permanently. This cannot be reversed without loading a savegame and should not be used aside from things like taking screenshots. Toggles all of the Scaleform elements off HUD, menus text, quick power bar. Toggles the vignette effect on or off. Takes a screenshot at many times the resolution of the screen. Postprocessing effects are rendered at default resolution rather than the target one, however, which may result in visual artifacts around the 'tile' edges. TiledShot 3x3 - takes a screenshot with a grid of 3 by 3. If the game is running in resolution of x, this will produce a x screenshot. TiledShot 2 - produces a screenshot twice the size of the game resolution. TiledShot 2 - takes a screenshot twice the size of the game resolution, and overlaps pixels from every grid cell. Ariake Technologies. Elanus Risk Control. Rosenkov Materials. Sirta Foundation Note: 'Sitta' is not a typo. Jormangund Technology. Batarian State Arms. Cerberus Skunkworks. Hahne-Kedar Shadow Works. Spectre Master Gear. Weapon - Master Gear. Distinguished Service Medal Achievement. Council Legion of Merit Achievement. Honorarium of Corporate Service Achievement. Long Service Medal Achievement. Distinguished Combat Medal Achievement. Assault Rifle Expert Achievement. Lift Mastery Achievement. Throw Mastery Achievement. Warp Mastery Achievement. Singularity Mastery Achievement. Barrier Mastery Achievement. Stasis Mastery Achievement. Damping Specialist Achievement. AI Hacking Specialist Achievement. Overload Specialist Achievement. Sabotage Specialist Achievement. First Aid Specialist Achievement. Neural Shock Specialist Achievement. Medal of Exploration Achievement. Dog of War Achievement. Geth Hunter Achievement. Extreme Power Gamer Achievement. Spectre Inductee Achievement. Search and Rescue Achievement. Colonial Savior Achievement.
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