#house md Star Trek crossover
oddlittlestories · 7 months
House MD Star Trek TOS AU
Cuddy as the captain
House as the “logical” science officer
Wilson as the “heartfelt” medical officer
The rest of the bridge crew are our ducklings
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usslakevee · 7 months
thinking about @oddlittlestories idea for a House MD Star Trek crossover. And I stand by my statement that Cameron would be the communications officer, and I think 95% of the time she'd be great at it, but every once in a while she gets convinced that they shouldn't even be talking to this immoral group of aliens because they do xyz things. And makes a problem 10 times worse by being super disrespectful to an alien ambassador. (With House egging her on the entire time)
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quordleona03 · 6 months
20 Questions For Fic Writers
I was tagged by @marley-manson and @ofmdmash - so I will tag:
@topshelf2112-blog @remyfire @allcanonisrelative @jaelijn @amrv-5 @mycenaae @muirmarie @thebreakfastgenie @uncomfyfriendly @rescue-ram @blistersonmefingehs @fieryphrazes
(but don't feel obliged unless you want to play, and if you'd like to play, consider yourself tagged!)
How many works do you have on Ao3?
2. What's your total Ao3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Primarily (and in more or less chronological order): Blake's 7, Star Trek: TOS, The Professionals, Highlander, Star Trek: tng. MASH, House, and The Fugitive (the film with Harrison Ford and Tommy Lee Jones). I have also written fanfic for MacGyver (the 1985 TV series), the West Wing, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Quantum Leap, , and various literary fandoms as an exercise in pastiche.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
The top three are MASHfics: Tuttle, All We Know, Go, tell them in Sparta - and four and five are both Star Trek fics (both Spock/McCoy): A Man of Integrity, and Through A Glass, Darkly.
5. Do you respond to comments?
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Oh, that's a difficult question. Possibly it's ""I would not be you for a kingdom" " - my Villette slash story: though in that case I was just using the angst Charlotte Bronte handed me in the novel. Likewise with the Blake's 7 story Cruelty Has A Human Heart, and the Good Omens story Let this cup pass from me, and the Highlander story Day and Night But, even what with stories where the angst is built into the source material, I think the angstiest ending is that of the long series The Games. (I considered MASH in Drabbles and concluded that as I wrote the 80 or so drabbles in the sequence individually and out of order, it doesn't really count.)
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
That is an extremely difficult question to answer. I like writing in universes full of angst. Many of my stories have hopeful endings, which make me happy, but I think the unequivocably happy ending is the MASH story Responsible Indefinitely For Each Other’s Welfare. Because there they are, together, at the end of a long life: and Hawkeye is still the same delightfully annoying trickster as ever.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Sometimes. Usually for ridiculous reasons. "I hate that pairing!" Well, don't read it then. "So-and-so isn't gay, he's too masculine!" - Oh, honey, let me introduce you to some big strong bears, you'll love them.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I would say mostly no, but occasionally yes. I believe sex scenes should be essential to the plot and full of character development, so I rarely write just pure smut. But I did write a Stargate Atlantis story, What I Tell You Three Times Is True, which was purely written as a sex scene, after a giggled conversation with a friend who was into Stargate Atlantis.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I love crossovers, both the reading and the writing of them, and have written dozens. I would say the weirdest one I ever wrote was a West Wing / Star Trek:tng / Drop The Dead Donkey crossover, No More Overtime.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not as far as I know.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not as far as I know.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes, sometimes. It's a fun thing to do with friends. I co-wrote the More Deadly MacGyver/Highlander crossover with Jakrar, sparked out of a paragraph she sent me in an email.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
"All time" - I don't think I have one. I've loved and still love Avon/Vila, Spock/McCoy, Bodie/Cowley, House/Wilson, Holmes/Watson - but right now my favourite ship is definitely Hawkeye/Mulcahy.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
The Buffy/MASH crossover. I just don't see where I'd find the time.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue, perseverance, imagination, angst.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Heterosexuality. Certain words which I always misspell unless I look them up, each time. Not understanding what is going on in people's minds, see 'heterosexuality' - also racism, sexism, and classism.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Mais c'est impossible. I prefer to write in English but signal that this is a different language being spoken. Bene, plerumque. I had to think about this a lot when writing ASL dialogue for All We Know.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Blake's 7.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
Usually the one I am writing at the moment, which is to say All We Know - and the one I want to finish: A Hawk Through the Mirror. But I think technically one of my best is Friend and Stranger - a story set three years after the events of the 1993 movie The Fugitive, written in form as much like the movie as I could make it, full of sudden POV changes between Gerard and Kimble and attempting to get the emotional intensity and chemistry between the two of them that we saw on screen, down to a satisfying conclusion.
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AO3 Tag Game!
Tagged by @mvshortcut :) I'm gonna stick with just this fandom/this account for this one to make it less confusing
How many works do you have on AO3?
44. (Including snippet collections.) For this fandom/account. Far more if you count bi-demon-ium or my old account or my older account or
What’s your total AO3 word count?
Okay this one it won't let me separate by pseud or fandom so you're just gonna have to live with being lumped in with all my MBS and a few other misc fics at "653,461". Didn't get the other accounts though. Man, I'm a mess
How many fandoms have you written for, and what are they?
Okay, well, this one by nature is also not solely for this fandom,
(number in parentheses is number of ao3 works posted)
Ted Lasso (obviously) (44) (including snippet collections)
The Mysterious Benedict Society (116) (also including snippet collections)
Instinct (2) (one is a small snippet collection--)
House MD (1)
Death by Dying (1)
Gravity Falls, technically, but it was one crossover (1)
ditto with The Legend of Zelda (1)
King Falls AM (1)
The House in the Cerulean Sea (6)
Shadowhunters (??? at least 36) (some now hidden/lost)
Professor Layton (1)
The Librarians (2)
The Sandman (1)
The Mentalist (2)
Star Trek (AOS) (1)
Sanders Sides (at least 1)
Miraculous Ladybug (1)
Rosewell: New Mexico (2)
The Dresden Files (1)
That's stuff posted to ao3/finished. There's also, technically,
for stuff I published when I was twelve and I now refuse to acknowledge (not all bc of the fandom but bc the fic was Bad):
Doctor Who
Welcome to Night Vale
A Series of Unfortunate Events
And then stuff I've written for but never finished:
Warehouse 13
Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency (2016)
Dirk Gently (2010)
Zoo (podcast)
Once Upon a Time
Scooby Doo
Person of Interest
The Goes Wrong Show
Spy Kids (???)
Ace Attorney
The Adventure Zone
Criminal Minds
Star Trek (TOS, TNG, and DS9)
exactly one (1) joke The Magnus Archives fic
Percy Jackson and the Olympians + The Kane Chronicles + Tales of Apollo
Pushing Daisies
The Sarah Jane Adventures
Avatar: the Last Airbender
Some of these are deeply questionable and/or only have like two (2) wips or even posted works at most, but I'm thorough. Also, I will write about almost anything bc my brain loves to process things like this. I may have even missed something
Top five fics by kudos:
Ted Lasso Kisses Trent Crimm On The Mouth (1125)
semaphore (977)
off the handle (719)
linger (699) (nice)
a preacher, a bikini, and a kiss or two (641)
Do you respond to comments?
I really try to, but then I get all in my head about it and/or am really really tired and put it off so long it then feels like it would be weird to respond because it's been forever. However, if there's a direct question or something I want to address/respond to, as in, I have something particularly unique to say or a question to answer, then I'll usually respond really fast
What’s the fic with the angstiest ending you’ve ever written?
Honestly, I'm not a huge unhappy ending person, a lot of the time I'll have a first chapter I was initially going to end really angsty (see ink sunset and make a mess of you) and then added more to fix it at least somewhat. As is... maybe the somewhat unresolved emotional tension (for Ted and Trent, at least, Roy's doing great) in something to get off my chest, the +1 for betrayal's sting / absolution's balm? I have some worse ones in an old fandom on an old account but. meh.
Do you write crossovers?
Not often, but I rotate them in my brain. Honestly, though, I'm more inclined to write a fusion than a crossover proper. And even so, I tend to just be thinking about it rather than actually writing it. I've only written one crossover in recent memory (recently, that is) and it was mostly a joke about a shared actress made into actual angst.
Have you ever gotten hate on a fic?
Yeah lmao
Do you write smut?
😏 sure do
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
👁️👁️ not in this fandom
Have you ever had a fic translated?
yes!! also not in this fandom
What’s your all-time favorite ship?
In this fandom? Trent/Ted. overall? no idea, because recency bias, my all-time favorite is whatever I'm into right now, which isn't really objective but hyperfixationitis.
What’s a WIP that you want to finish, but don’t think you ever will?
:( so many. AND there are a lot of posted fics I want to write a sequel/companion piece for and idk if I'll ever get the energy...
I guess off the top of my head, for this fandom, I'd go with lost sight of (who you are) (motivation died because it's old enough no one knows it exists anymore lkfgjh) and ink sunset (I WANNA FINISH IT I DO I DO I DO)
What are your writing strengths?
I think I can write a really funny string of dialogue, and I'm also fond of fun metaphors, both in the elegant poetic way and in the more Douglas Adams/Terry Pratchett way (which is to say, still potentially elegant but also comedic as hell)
What are your writing weaknesses?
Motivating myself to write anything; being overly self-indulgent
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fics?
I'm extremely bad at linguistics in general, so if I must include someone talking in another language in my fic, I think I'd tend to cheat and do italics or some other indication that this is 'in another language' (ie "Where are you going?" she asked in Russian), but that's admittedly a lazy approach. But I also think it's probably better than butchering it with an auto-translator? Also, when people just include the translation in the end notes, even with a link (although that makes it marginally better) it breaks the flow of the story and makes it hard to read. Making an effort to at least match grammar is good (which I would do if it was for longer than a single scene, probably) but I think the best solution is when people know what they're doing and like, have an actual translation with a little html code so you can click on it and it reveals what it means? Or if you're clever, revealing what it means using context around it, but that has its own limitations. So that both like, uses the actual language and doesn't break up the flow. It balances accessibility, flow, and respect for the other language in question well. But you've got to both know what you're doing with the language (either asking someone/hiring someone/knowing the language yourself) and the html (although there are guides for that you'd have to spend time figuring it out + know it exists in the first place to look). And this is fanfiction, something we ultimately do for free in our spare time, so the lazy approach, I think, can be understandable. Maybe not in every context, but it's not worth stressing a lot over in a few random lines or anything, you know? It is really cool when people do know a language well enough to include it properly in a fic, though, it can say a lot about a character or dynamic; and their background(s) and like. it's neat :)
What was the first fandom you ever wrote for?
Ever? Doctor Who. In a shitty little notebook in middle school. Then there was some Star Trek (both TNG and TOS) and Avatar: the Last Airbender and Marvel and such, and then Supernatural (my first smut? extremely terrible Destiel smut. rip) and I think the first thing I ever posted was Welcome to Night Vale? Not sure.
What’s your favorite fic you’ve written so far?
Oh, man. I have no idea. Here's a few favorites from this fandom:
matters of the heart
trick & treat
vita nova
melt like this
"second impressions"
probably those time travel snippets, just in general
PLEASE, if you want to do this, I'm begging you, tag me in it and do it. i'm too tired to come up with names im so sorry
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m-y--p-a-s-s-i-o-n-s · 2 months
20 questions for fic writers
tagged by @saybiwithme :)
How many works do you have on ao3?
2. What fandoms do you write for?
Teen Wolf
James Bond
Star Trek
Harry Potter
House MD
The Old Guard
Detroit Become Human
The Witcher
Good Omens
Our Flag Means Death
Ted Lasso
Carnival Row
Doctor Who
The Umbrella Academy
True Blood
So, just a few XD
3. Top five fics by kudos:
1- Meant To Be (Star Trek AOS)
2- Making Love (Venom)
3- 5 Times Jim Forgot About Vulcan Hand Sensitivity & 1 Time He Didn't (Star Trek AOS)
4- Lunch Break (House M.D.)
5- Truth Or Dare (Supernatural)
4. Do you respond to comments?
Yes, unless it's hate or I have not a single thing to say in response
5. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Off the top of my head, I think its gotta be:
Whatever This Is Between Us (Endverse SPN)
Pheromones (Good Omens)
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Now this one is problematic, how am I supposed to chose just one??? I specialise in happy endings XD Ummm, lets see...possibly...
The Umbrella (Good Omens)
The One That Got Away (TOS Star Trek)
Good News (DBH)
7. Do you get hate on fics?
Not often, but yes, I just delete the comment cause they're not worth my time.
8. Do you write smut?
Soooo much smut
9. Craziest crossover?
Hahahahahaha XD I love this question, not only is it my craziest crossover, its just my craziest fic in general XD
Just imagine some crazy person (this bitch) decided to write a fic for all of their ships (up to that date), they all meet up and work together, and there's a lot of smut, and hot damn, there's even a plot.
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Two that I'm aware of :D
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Fragments (Star Trek AOS) with @lizzy0305
Double Date (Star Trek AOS)
13. All time favourite ship?
Spirk <3
14. What’s a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
A Destiel AU with cook!Dean and office job!Cas
15. What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue I think, and fluff. And I think I can usually get their voices pretty spot on fairly quickly usually.
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
Details, I have to really think about putting in details. And I write quite slow.
17. Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
Love it as long as a translation happens either within the fic, or in the author's notes so I know what it says. I use the Vulcan language a fair bit in my Trek fics.
18. First fandom you wrote in?
Technically it was Harry Potter before I knew what fanfiction even was. But it was Supernatural when I knew it was fanfiction I was writing, and it was the first fandom I posted fic for. My first fic: Acceptance (Supernatural)
19. Favourite fic you’ve written?
Oh boi this is a tough one...heres a couple of my favs...
An Artist and His Muse (Good Omens)
Something Special (Staged)
The One That Got Away (Star Trek TOS)
The Update (DBH)
Under the Shape of Dessert (BBC Sherlock)
What No Man Has Done Before (HP/ST AOS)
In Search of the Sun (Star Trek AOS)
20. What’s your total ao3 word count? (I missed this one at the top and just added it to the bottom XD)
698,179 words
TAGGING: @lizzy0305 @doonarose @ineffable-ezra and my other followers who write fics!
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aristocratic-otter · 9 months
20 questions for fic writers!
Thank you @artsyunderstudy for the tag!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
28, though one was a round robin where I only wrote one of the chapters.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
838, 380. Subtracting Birthday Man (the round robin fic), I've written, by myself, 799, 248. I'm not surprised. I'm not good at brevity. (And I have over a hundred thousand words in unpublished fics right now 😅)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Only Carry On, though I've made a habit of sticking Simon and Baz into fandom loves of my youth.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Oh, Have You Seen The Fairies Dance, my CORB from two years ago, writing to art by @krisrix. 562 Kudos
Playing With Fire, Treading Thin Ice, my pinch-hit CORB, also from two years ago (I sense a trend), writing to art by @steppjes. 453 kudos
Back To Start, my Simon youthens Baz into a baby fic, 447 kudos
A Fucked Up Cinderella Story, a Simon as escort fic, and my first collaboration with my dear friend (and a brilliant artist), @frjsti. 339 kudos.
A Real Doll, my first real PWP (ok, it sort of has a plot) (a very thin one), written for @captain-aralias's Monster Under the Bed Fest, 331 kudos.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes! It means a lot to me to hear how folk enjoyed my work, and I appreciate how much effort it takes to reach out sometimes, so I want to show my appreciation. I should be better at commenting myself!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Readers nearly burned me at the stake over my ending to The Blue and The Gray, where Simon rides away with his Union troop, leaving Baz behind at his plantation home. Even the 'happy ending' epilogue I wrote, to get them back together, is bittersweet, because Simon is damaged from the war and it will be a long road to recovery (or at least the length of the Oregon Trail 😉) (If you know, you know).
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I only do happy endings, but, like Ashton, I tend towards angst a lot of the time. So I think that my most meaningful happy ending is in New Year, New Me, which takes Simon and Baz literal to the end, of their long lives together (with a gorgeous song written by @moodandmist and @cutestkilla!)
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not yet! I've gotten a few corrections, which I honestly don't mind. I'd rather be corrected than leave a glaring error in a fic. I agree with Ashton, this is an incredibly kind fandom.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Uh <looks side to side shiftily> yes? Like, a lot? It's funny, because I'm ace, but I find all the ways humans can relate to one another through sex fascinating, even if I don't need those things for myself. I'd say I write mostly bonding through sex? Occasional fucking just 'cause it's fun, but mostly soulful, loving sex.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Not crossovers precisely, (I don't mix in characters from other fandoms) but I'm extremely guilty of throwing SnowBaz into any story, show, or movie I've loved and putting them through their paces:
The Watford Games: Simon and Baz in a Hunger Games Scenario
The White Chapel: Simon replacing Olivia Newton John in the movie Xanadu
The Snow Fox: (unfinished) Simon as the Francis Marion Character in the old Disney TV show, the Swamp Fox.
Episode 2: The Naked Next, (gift fic for @raenestee) (I blame this one on @facewithoutheart), Simon and Baz in the Star Trek Universe.
and, Stars, Flowers, and Children, an unpublished (part done) fic set in the universe of the movie the Blue Lagoon, and To Heal a Broken Mind, an unpublished (nearly finished) fic set in a scenario similar to the TV show House MD.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Fingers crossed, but no, I don't think so. Probably hard to pass off a seventy thousand word fic as your own that you just popped up with out of nowhere.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Only the round robin fic, Birthday Man, where each of several fic writers wrote a chapter for Simon's birthday celebration, and the Star Trek Universe fic, The Naked Next (linked above). But I'd definitely give co-writer credit to many of the fandom artists I've worked with, because their work either inspired my words, or they even helped guide the evolution of the fic in the background. I especially have to give credit to @krisrix, @ivelovedhimthroughworse, @frjsti, and @artsyunderstudy for being brilliant at helping me flesh out the fics they did art for!
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
Gee. Bet you can't guess.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
This is a tough one because I've (so far) never not finished a fic I've committed to (I've got a few paragraphs of a few random ideas in my files, but nothing I ever advertised or put much effort into). But I'm also perpetually in the middle of at least five or six fics, so leaving one dangling remains possible, even if I desperately hope it won't happen. I guess I'll mention Westward Son here, because though it ought to be finished in the next couple of weeks, it took me two fucking years to get there!
16. What are your writing strengths?
I don't get writer's block. I think my habit of fic jumping helps with this; if one fic is dragging, I can spend more time on another until words start to flow for the first one again. I do force myself to write at least a sentence every couple of days, even on the draggy fics, though. I think I'm decent at characterization? Especially Simon, because I identify with his way of thinking a lot. I also think I'm decent at giving the reader a strong visual of what's going on in a scene (hopefully).
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Plot and tech. I can write plot, but not snappy, quickly resolved ones. For me to find my way to the end of a plot usually takes several thousand words. And that's a weakness, not being able to write short. I don't know how to be interesting in small bites, I guess. And tech: I'm intimidated by incorporating modern tech like social media, etc. in my fics. I always feel like I can't format it correctly or make it look/sound realistic enough, so I tend to avoid fic ideas that are tech based, like text fics or social media fics. Aaaaand now I'm writing a fic based in Tiktok, a platform I do NOT know well. Pray for me.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I've done it once (in The Blue and The Gray), but I'm nervous about it. I think I'm afraid of misinterpreting a connotation of a word or phrase. I researched extensively for the Spanish lullaby in The Blue and the Gray, and even the Greek and Latin phrases in Back to Start and The Watford Games. I don't mind it in fics, so long as the meaning isn't integral to the scene (like using French swears in a fic set in French Canada) (@bazzybelle, I'm looking at you!). If the meaning is integral, I tend to prefer the translations be not far away (like at the end of the fic), but rather just a few lines down (like at the end of a chapter), because it's frustrating having to jump back and forth to get meaning from what I'm reading.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
CSI, on fanfic.net. But I only wrote one fic. Don't look for it. I didn't have this username and I'm not interested in reliving that part of my life 😆
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
I think it will always be Back to Start (linked above). I still love the premise and it was the first fic that made me feel like a real writer. You don't forget that feeling. It's my baby.
How about, instead of tagging folk, you consider yourself tagged if you're one of the many people I mentioned above? 😂
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andrea-lyn · 4 months
thank you @smilebackwards for the tag in this one, bc I always love a ramble
1. How many works do you have on Ao3? 474, with a lot of them being imported from the LiveJournal days (...and worse, a LOT that never made it because I don't want them under my current pseud).
2. What's your total Ao3 word count? 3,447,393. I'm a wordy bitch when I want to be. I was just saying that I've somehow gotten into this habit of thinking every fic I write has to be a minimum of 8k, even though my next fic that will go live will prob be 5kish (...and then something that will prob be around 12k).
3. What fandoms do you write for? Right now, Ted Lasso, Zukka, Raven Cycle (though I'm out of ideas, but may grab one of my miscellaneous for that), Old Guard, Roswell New Mexico (I'm coming back, bitches).
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos? ready for my close up, mr. dameron (poe/finn) how to fall in love with a fairytale (poe/finn) what a tale my thoughts could tell (joe/nicky) Your Hand In Mine (poe/finn) hallelujah, you're still mine (joe/nicky) (very sad my highest kudos'ed steve/danny h50 one was top 7 and not top 5)
5. Do you respond to comments? Always. No matter what. It's a habit I got into and there's a bit of social anxiety I have around it, but I will always do it.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Probably The Time Traveling Pilot (Poe/Finn), which has some lovely bookmarks like, Fuck I'm crying, im absolutley fucking sobbing and my fave, I'll never be brave enough to read this fic again, but I'm so glad I read it once. And honestly? Fair. I sobbed a lot writing it.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Basically, 90% of my stuff? My habit tends to be super happy/fluffy stuff and then 10% of my stuff is meant to be angst that will destroy you (...there's a Zukka coming up that will reinforce that pattern)
8. Do you get hate on fics? I started to get a lot of it on Roswell fics for some really unfortunate reasons, and it actually pushed me to make my RNM fics AO3 users only :/
9. Do you write smut? Rarely these days, but only because the story doesn't feel like it needs it. I'll still write smut scenes if it feels right, but I've been living in more rom-com territory lately.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you have written? I don't do it as often, but I've done a couple! I did a Leverage x Hustle one, a Star Trek x Dead Like Me, and two whole stories for House MD x Doctor Who. I do it less often these days, but more because the ideas aren't there.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I know of? So, maybe? I haven't seen it though!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? I've been super lucky to have a bunch of my fics translated!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? YES, and it's my FAVE THING, okay. Cowriters, come at me, I love it. I want more of it.
14. What's your all time favorite ship? My preferences are fleeting like the wind and my faves come and go and then resolidify, but I will say, lately it's starting to seem like Pynch might be the steadiest 'ship I've had in a while.
15. What is a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? ...at this point, the Joe/Nicky Outlander Time Traveller's Old Guard, if only because it's a beast of a thing.
16. What are your writing strengths? I really like threading in the little bits of canon and getting as close to the voice and tone as possible. I'd say I've been most successful in some of my Ted Lasso stuff, but I like to be a mimic.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? Prose. I'm not great at setting the scene and often my world-building is more characters and relationships than settings or scenarios. I've kind of let that atrophy over the years too.
18. Thoughts of writing dialogue in another language in fics? I used to do this a lot, if only because I speak enough French & Italian to get by, but in recent years, I've started just writing the phrase in English, italicizing, and indicating in the narrative that they're speaking another language, if only to get away from the footnotes or hovering.
19. First fandom you wrote for? Charmed, I think? Piper/Leo was def baby's first OTP.
20. Favorite fic you have written? I usually say Love Like The Sea (my Webgott), but today I'm going with Baby, I'm Howling For You, my Steve/Danny supernatural fic (and series) because it has the best worldbuilding I think I've ever done and I really enjoy the rules I set around that 'verse.
Tagging @earnmysong, @el-gilliath, @hazel-athena, and anyone else who wants to ramble!
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bi-demon-ium · 3 months
AO3 Tag Game!
Tagged by @mvshortcut :) I did it here as well but now I'm doing it for this fandom/account bc I CAN (a lot of this will be directly copy/pasted if applicable im sowwy)
How many works do you have on AO3?
116. (Including snippet collections.) For this fandom/account. Far more if you count others,
What’s your total AO3 word count?
Okay this one it won't let me separate by pseud or fandom so you're just gonna have to live with being lumped in with all my MBS and a few other misc fics at "653,461". Didn't get the other accounts though. Man, I'm a mess
How many fandoms have you written for, and what are they?
Okay, well, this one by nature is also not solely for this fandom,
(number in parentheses is number of ao3 works posted)
The Mysterious Benedict Society (116) (including snippet collections)
Ted Lasso (44) (also including snippet collections)
Instinct (2) (one is a small snippet collection--)
House MD (1)
Death by Dying (1)
Gravity Falls, technically, but it was one crossover (1)
ditto with The Legend of Zelda (1)
King Falls AM (1)
The House in the Cerulean Sea (6)
Shadowhunters (??? at least 36) (some now hidden/lost)
Professor Layton (1)
The Librarians (2)
The Sandman (1)
The Mentalist (2)
Star Trek (AOS) (1)
Sanders Sides (at least 1)
Miraculous Ladybug (1)
Rosewell: New Mexico (2)
The Dresden Files (1)
That's stuff posted to ao3/finished. There's also, technically,
for stuff I published when I was twelve and I now refuse to acknowledge (not all bc of the fandom but bc the fic was Bad):
Doctor Who
Welcome to Night Vale
A Series of Unfortunate Events
And then stuff I've written for but never finished:
Warehouse 13
Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency (2016)
Dirk Gently (2010)
Zoo (podcast)
Once Upon a Time
Scooby Doo
Person of Interest
The Goes Wrong Show
Spy Kids (???)
Ace Attorney
The Adventure Zone
Criminal Minds
Star Trek (TOS, TNG, and DS9)
exactly one (1) joke The Magnus Archives fic
Percy Jackson and the Olympians + The Kane Chronicles + Tales of Apollo
Pushing Daisies
The Sarah Jane Adventures
Avatar: the Last Airbender
Some of these are deeply questionable and/or only have like two (2) wips or even posted works at most, but I'm thorough. Also, I will write about almost anything bc my brain loves to process things like this. I may have even missed something
Top five fics by kudos:
I was gonna have the snippets collections not count but I've got so many exact ties it doesn't matter.
gemini schmemini (136)
kate and her bucket sitting in a tree, S-P-Y-I-N-G (98)
caught (81)
[insert poetic title here] (81)
affectionate gestures<3 (81)
of rube goldbergs and weather machines (74)
tumblr snippets: mbs edition (74)
keeping out the cold (70)
birdsong (70)
Number Two Regrets Her Life Choices™ (68)
timeline? i don't know her (68)
That's actually 6 bc I made a mistake but I've already color coded them so whatever
Do you respond to comments?
I really try to, but then I get all in my head about it and/or am really really tired and put it off so long it then feels like it would be weird to respond because it's been forever. However, if there's a direct question or something I want to address/respond to, as in, I have something particularly unique to say or a question to answer, then I'll usually respond really fast.
And this fandom's smaller so if I'm slightly more likely to respond 😭
Also when I know who's commenting personally which is al ot more likely
What’s the fic with the angstiest ending you’ve ever written?
Honestly, I'm not a huge unhappy ending person, but. uhhh
bring me home (in a blinding dream)
dark side of the moon
wretched clarity
cruel kindness
green-eyed monster
the naming of cats
curled & crushed
I didn't even look at the snippet collections lkgfhjh
Do you write crossovers?
Not often, but I rotate them in my brain. Honestly, though, I'm more inclined to write a fusion than a crossover proper. And even so, I tend to just be thinking about it rather than actually writing it. I've only written one crossover in recent memory (recently, that is) and it was mostly a joke about a shared actress made into actual angst. :)
Have you ever gotten hate on a fic?
Yeah lmao
Do you write smut?
😏 ......not for this fandom. That I'd post anyway
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
👁️👁️ not. Directly in this fandom
Have you ever had a fic translated?
yes!! also not in this fandom
What’s your all-time favorite ship?
In this fandom? Nicholas/Milligan. Overall, ever? Recency bias/hyperfixationitis says whatever I'm into the most at the moment. But generally for MBS I prefer gen (although I've written a lot of Nicholas/Milligan, that's partially because it's blissfully easier to find gen already)
What’s a WIP that you want to finish, but don’t think you ever will?
SO many
Particularly minotaur, the dearly departed, and the "paralyzed" series. Oh and the hanahaki AU
What are your writing strengths?
I think I can write a really funny string of dialogue, and I'm also fond of fun metaphors, both in the elegant poetic way and in the more Douglas Adams/Terry Pratchett way (which is to say, still potentially elegant but also comedic as hell)
What are your writing weaknesses?
Motivating myself to write anything; being overly self-indulgent
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fics?
I'm extremely bad at linguistics in general, so if I must include someone talking in another language in my fic, I think I'd tend to cheat and do italics or some other indication that this is 'in another language' (ie "Where are you going?" she asked in Russian), but that's admittedly a lazy approach. But I also think it's probably better than butchering it with an auto-translator? Also, when people just include the translation in the end notes, even with a link (although that makes it marginally better) it breaks the flow of the story and makes it hard to read. Making an effort to at least match grammar is good (which I would do if it was for longer than a single scene, probably) but I think the best solution is when people know what they're doing and like, have an actual translation with a little html code so you can click on it and it reveals what it means? Or if you're clever, revealing what it means using context around it, but that has its own limitations. So that both like, uses the actual language and doesn't break up the flow. It balances accessibility, flow, and respect for the other language in question well. But you've got to both know what you're doing with the language (either asking someone/hiring someone/knowing the language yourself) and the html (although there are guides for that you'd have to spend time figuring it out + know it exists in the first place to look). And this is fanfiction, something we ultimately do for free in our spare time, so the lazy approach, I think, can be understandable. Maybe not in every context, but it's not worth stressing a lot over in a few random lines or anything, you know? It is really cool when people do know a language well enough to include it properly in a fic, though, it can say a lot about a character or dynamic; and their background(s) and like. it's neat :)
What was the first fandom you ever wrote for?
Ever? Doctor Who. In a shitty little notebook in middle school. Then there was some Star Trek (both TNG and TOS) and Avatar: the Last Airbender and Marvel and such, and then Supernatural (my first smut? extremely terrible Destiel smut. rip) and I think the first thing I ever posted was Welcome to Night Vale? Not sure.
What’s your favorite fic you’ve written so far?
Oh, man. I have no idea. Here's a few favorites from this fandom:
cain's lament
shades of green
a hope in hell
Number Two Regrets Her Life Choices™
PLEASE, if you want to do this, I'm begging you, tag me in it and do it. i'm too tired to come up with names im so sorry
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ao3feed-spirk · 10 months
Placeholder For When I Get Convinced To Post This Reality-Divorced Thing Nobody Asked For
read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/49675993 by justalittlegreen, PrairieDawn Raise your hand if you're interested in an a House MD/Star Trek crossover. Words: 2098, Chapters: 3/3, Language: English Fandoms: House M.D., Star Trek: The Original Series, Star Trek: Strange New Worlds (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: James Wilson (House M.D.), Gregory House, James T. Kirk, Leonard "Bones" McCoy, Christine Chapel, Spock Prime, Spock (Star Trek), Montgomery "Scotty" Scott Relationships: Gregory House/James Wilson, James T. Kirk/Spock Additional Tags: Crack, absolute crack read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/49675993
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drarreckyninja · 2 years
Star Trek x Sonic the Hedgehog (2020) x Heroes (TV 2006) x The Big Bang Theory (TV) x House M.D.
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dragonsarecool · 2 years
Fanfiction Masterpost
I’ve written a few at this point so thought I’d make a list for all to view and go exploring through! Some are complete, some are in progress, and this list will be updated as I complete projects and start new ones:
Back to the Future
Futureproof (in progress) No amount of preparation can truly equip oneself for what pain the future may bring. A collection of oneshots for June of Doom 2024. Time Doesn't Heal Wounds (It's Your Immune System) (complete) Time travellers don’t have the luxury of waiting for wounds to heal. A collection of oneshots for Febwhump 2024.
Doctor Who
The Carousel (complete) Sometimes it's as though the cycle will never end. They come and they go; round and round it goes, like a carousel. 
House MD
Mewouse, MD (complete) The ducklings have a surprise for House, but he doesn’t react in the way they expect.
Still Here (complete) His demons were never vanquished, just ignored. But they always come back to play when the darkness is all that's visible...
Inspector Morse
Some Night This Is (complete) Lewis is attacked while home alone. Now it's a matter of who will find him first: Morse or Val?
Red Dwarf
Sola Mutus (in progress) A severe viral infection means Rimmer's vocal subroutines must be decommissioned for a twenty-four hour diagnostic period. For Rimmer, he might as well have been told he was dying.
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Énouement (complete) Bashir wished they'd taken the warnings seriously. Set after 'The Passenger'.
Marnah Nerys (complete) Kira records her thoughts as she carries the O'Brien's baby.
Our Man in Peril (in progress) Bashir is given a holosuite program that promises thrills. He should've known better than to trust a 'friend' of Quark's.
Star Trek: The Next Generation
Even the Stars Die (complete) Counsellors need shoulders to cry on as well.
Perfect (complete) A vacation for the crew goes horribly wrong when one of their own goes missing.
Picard to House (complete; crossover fic) Though centuries apart, these men are destined to cross paths. When the Enterprise is crippled with a dying patient onboard, Picard resorts to a doctor who died three hundred years before him - Gregory House.
An Unemployed Journalist Who Tends to Get Knocked on the Head (complete) He was often told how lucky he was. That his injuries weren't serious. That it could have been worse. But sometimes he couldn't get out of a situation unscathed. A collection of oneshots for Whumptober 2022.
(All fics are also on AO3 under the name catkid3)
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echoofawind · 2 years
Tumblr media
Thank you Dragoon!!!!!
So let's see, I have at least a Google doc started for the following
- House, MD but making it SSHG . Snape is House, Hermione is Cameron, Draco is Foreman, George Weasley is Chase.
- While You Were Sleeping, but make it SSHG
- so many cultures have their version of Cinderella. What would the HP world one look like?
- A Time Travel SSHG inspired by the songs of Meatloaf, specifically I would do anything for love but I won't do that and two out of three ain't bad with a sprinkle of the Umbrella Academy
- Finishing up my Clone A Wand (A Willy lol) series
- A Gift fic that is based on The Young and the Restless
- A Gift Fic that has courting rituals (Snupin)
- another stalled gift fic. I need to not do gift fics because they stress me out and put too much pressure on me because I love the recipient too much and nothing I produce will be worthy of them but that's for another therapy session.
- A pure smut piece with Snape prototing Hermione's Masters thesis in potions
- OHHHHHH!!! DRAGOON! I THINK YOU WILL LIKE THIS IDEA. I have most of an outline for a Star Trek Original Series/SSHG Soulmates crossover. Every other chapter would read like an original series episode and away mission while the in between chapters would be the parallel HP world plot. Book 7 timeframe. McCoy would end up breaking Spock from Naginis wounds. GAHHHH!!! I could talk about this plot all day, I'm very excited about it. I need to just start writing it. I'm blocking myself hard on the actual writing part. Idk why
- oh and a secret one that I'm very excited about but I'm really scared that someone will steal the idea? I know I'm being paranoid and I purposely search out fics that are based on the same idea and that I should write for myself and because I think it's a clever idea (because I think it's really clever). I tried to tell my IRL sister a bit about it and she was excited about it, but not the amount of excited I needed it to be? I dunno. I'm going to go off on another therapy tangent here and say I think because it's not fair to expect someone else to give me something I can only give myself? I look too often for outside validation and this idea is forcing me to use self validation. I need to grow up some before ready to write and share this idea. One day, though. One day.
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pixiedane · 3 years
Fic Writer Review
Thank you for the tag, @ussjellyfish ! I don't know whom to tag so I will just say to all of you: TAG, you're it (scroll to the end to copy paste the questions).
how many works do you have on AO3?
what’s your total AO3 word count?
how many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
The count is 74, but they're not wholly individual (lots of "all media types" for example). I have pseuds for Star Wars (68 works), Star Trek (63 works), and Marvel (18 works). There are 38 works in other fandoms including Leverage, Killjoys, Harry Potter, The Hobbit, House MD, Game of Thrones, Once Upon a Time, Law and Order, Peter Pan, Willow...
16 more questions beneath the cut.
what are your top 5 fics by kudos?
512 kudos, Let's Go Steal a Family (Leverage), 2044 words | The Leverage team decide they don't need to settle down in order to start a family.
This was written for the "Leverage-a-thing-a-thon" run in August 2015 (making this fic almost exactly six years old). It's about found family in the most literal sense.
415 kudos, catch a glimpse of sunlight (Star Wars), 2324 words + a fanvid | What if Anakin listened to Padmé more than Palpatine and Obi-Wan listened to Anakin more than Yoda? tldr; galaxy saved
Created for the 2016 Star Wars Rarepairs exchange, a canon divergent au where Anakin, Obi-Wan, and Padmé work together to take down the Chancellor and raise the twins as a triad.
253 kudos, and a softness came from the starlight and filled me full to the bone. (Star Wars), 726 words | Luke wants to know about his mother.
Written for PadMay 2018, for the prompt "How should Padmé be remembered?". Wow, I'm surprised this is in the top five given it's a tiny ficlet in a giant fandom written for a challenge I made up myself. But I'm pleased! Padmé deserves to be remembered, that's why I started PadMay.
247 kudos, Serendipity (Star Wars), 1914 words | That time Padmé accidentally walked in on the wrong naked Jedi.
Another ObiAniDala AU written for the Star Wars Rarepairs Exchange, 2018 in this case. Two years earlier I'd made a random photo manip of Natalie Portman and Ewan Mcgregor drinking tea and it eventually inspired the fic.
221 kudos, Your Beating Heart Tonight (Star Wars), 3121 words | Padmé develops feelings for her other Jedi protector.
And another written for the Star Wars Rarepairs Exchange in 2016! And also another AU based in a storm of emotions between Anakin, Padmé, and Obi-Wan. I have a specialty.
All five of these are about family first and foremost. Three and a half feature polyamory. Three and a half are canon divergent AUs. None breaks 3200 words. All were written for an event/exchange.
do you respond to comments, why or why not?
For the most part. Sometimes I don't right away and it becomes awkward. And I generally don't respond to negative comments because who needs that.
what’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
Probably Abduction, a mirror universe story vaguely inspired by The Handmaid's Tale. My author's note: "It is not a happy story for anyone and implies the extreme emotional abuse of a child, as well as the coercion and torture of adults."
do you write crossovers? if so what is the craziest one you’ve written?
I love crossovers! I've completed a few and have fifty more in wip folders. The most ambitious is War of Stars, a Star Wars/Game of Thrones fusion with 26,480 words, thirty chapters, and five different povs (Cersei, Anakin, Daenerys, Ahsoka, and Boba). Niche, but I am very proud of how it worked out.
I've also blended Star Wars with Mad Max, Kelvin Star Trek, Star Trek Discovery, Deep Space Nine, Sleeping Beauty, and Black Widow.
have you ever received hate on a fic?
I've had a few mean comments but they're basically "I don't like this pairing and I want you to feel bad about writing it" and I won't.
do you write smut? if so what kind?
No. Just not my thing.
have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I am aware of.
have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes, I've had a few translated into Russian, which just adds to the headcanon that I'm secretly Black Widow.
have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes, back in the LiveJournal days I wrote many thousands of words with @vasnormandy. I am slowly posting those stories to AO3 under my Marvel pseud Amelia Danvers, my OC and main character.
what’s your all time favorite ship?
An impossible question because I multi-ship like my life depends on it. Anakin/Padmé is my most prolific ship followed by Rey/Ben, Kat/Lorca, and Carol Danvers/Peter Parker (the parents of Amelia above). But I've written alternate ships for all of the above.
You can read more about my shipping interests here.
what’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
Oof. I have a lot of WIPs that I would like to finish but it's hard to get back to.
what are your writing strengths?
Dialogue. Introspection. I'm good at writing a specific point of view. Characters addressing their issues. I like to pull at threads so I've built up those skills. I love mixing and mashing fandoms and pairings. Complex relationships and the discussion thereof.
what are your writing weaknesses?
Action, like sex scenes or fight scenes, and anything plot heavy. I'm more interested in character and it shows in my writing.
I am also terrible at follow through and finishing things. It's why so much of my fic is written for challenges with external deadlines.
what are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I'm not fluent in any other languages and I wouldn't want to do it without extensive research.
what was the first fandom you wrote for?
Either Star Trek (TNG, mainly the adventures of Beverly Crusher - as a preteen, at the Academy, as a single mom, and because I'm me I also gave her a Romulan lover) or Star Wars (the adventures of Han and Leia's daughter who was ME but also Jaina Solo before Jaina Solo existed because she was a twin who wanted to be a pilot more than a Jedi). These stories were written on notebook paper in colored pen and I'd do dramatic readings in the backyard, in costume, with only the trees (all of whom I'd named, mostly after heroines in books, like Elizabeth, Jane, Anne, Alice, Mary, etc.) as the audience.
what’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
Well, the one I imagine as something more is Pas De Deux, my Jedi Dance Academy AU. I can picture the senes in my mind and I really enjoyed the adaptation process, melding two things I love into one. The characters and events are recognizable, but also very different and that's something I enjoy.
Questions for anyone who wants to complete it:
Fic Writer Review
how many works do you have on AO3?
what’s your total AO3 word count?
how many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
what are your top 5 fics by kudos?
do you respond to comments, why or why not?
what’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
do you write crossovers? if so what is the craziest one you’ve written?
have you ever received hate on a fic?
do you write smut? if so what kind?
have you ever had a fic stolen?
have you ever had a fic translated?
have you ever co-written a fic before?
what’s your all time favorite ship?
what’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
what are your writing strengths?
what are your writing weaknesses?
what are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
what was the first fandom you wrote for?
what’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
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20 Questions For Fic Writers
Tagged by @rngaredead :)
For simplicity's sake I'm going to go with just my biDEMONium/trentcrimminallybeautiful ao3 and not try to combine it with my thesorrowoflizards one (why do i have more than one? because i was, among other things, an idiot who didn't know how pseuds worked next question) even though that would probably double some of these numbers lkfjgh
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
Again, just on this account? 171 (some of those are oneshot compilations though)
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
661,851 for now
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Ted Lasso, The Mysterious Benedict Society, The House on the Cerulean Sea, House MD, Death by Dying, Instinct, King Falls AM. Also, sort of Gravity Falls. Mostly those first two though, tbh. This one I think I will include other fandoms I've written and posted for on other accounts because it's fun and less about math. So also Shadowhunters, The Librarians, The Mentalist, The Dresden Files (TV), Roswell New Mexico, The Sandman, Star Trek, Professor Layton, Sanders Sides, Miraculous Ladybug, and sort of The Legend of Zelda. Also see, for unposted or posted a very long time ago and no longer something I would willingly share, Supernatural, Dirk Gently (both 2016 and 2010), Doctor Who, Warehouse 13, SurrealEstate, Person of Interest, Haven, Leverage, Bones. Psych, and probably more
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Ted Lasso Kisses Trent Crimm On The Mouth (Trent/Ted - 1,157 kudos)
semaphore (Trent/Ted; Trent & Colin - 997 kudos)
off the handle (Trent/Ted - 736 kudos)
linger (Trent/Ted - 709 kudos)
a preacher, a bikini, and a kiss or two (Trent/Ted; Diamond Dogs - 673 kudos)
5. Do you respond to comments?
I try to but I always get really busy/tired and then it's been so long it feels like it would be weird if I did. Plus, sometimes my answers by nature of the comments can get repetitive and then even though I'm being sincere I feel insincere which sucks. However, if a comment has a direct question or something I actually have like, something unique to say about, I'm much more likely to respond sooner rather than later/never. I appreciate every single comment soooo much though literally my motivation to get through the day like 80 percent of the time
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I'm going to stick with Ted Lasso fics here since I have so many fics posted and this is my Ted Lasso sideblog and say... well, most of the time I have a bittersweet ending and then some sort of hopeful epilogue (such as with ink sunset and make a mess of you) but I guess betrayal's sting / absolution's balm or something to get off my chest may qualify?
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Uhhh, honestly, most of them are happy endings. I think trick & treat and matters of the heart end on particularly high notes?
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not in this fandom! Yet
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Oh, yeah, baby. So much. Not sure what "kind" means in this context. It sure is explicit smut. I have tended almost exclusively towards hot transgender sex the last few years because. yknow. hi. but somehow I don't think that's the intention in the question.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I do, but I haven't posted a lot. Only one on this account (a Gravity Falls x The Mysterious Benedict Society crossover that started as a joke because of a shared actress) although I had an interesting Shadowhunters x The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess fusion on my other account. I've written some pretty weird WIPs, though. And I've got some posts about Ted Lasso crossover/AUs, like a Sarah Jane Adventures AU, a Pushing Daisies AU, a Stardust AU... You can find that kind of thing in this tag on my blog.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Yes. Not in this fandom, though, as far as I'm aware.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! Again, not in this fandom, though.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not really.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
Oh, man, I don't know if I can decide. Magnus/Alec (TV version only I'll die on this hill) will always hold a special place in my heart, but I've got other "obsessed with this when I was a kid" ships and also recency bias/current hyperfixation means Trent/Ted screams as an immediate answer, and so on and so forth. I'm bad at picking favorites. Overall, I'd probably say one of those two, or both.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Sticking to Ted Lasso again (I have. so many MBS WIPs. god.) I'd say lost sight of (who you are) (lost motivation, want to finish, fuck!!) or sweeter than heaven (hotter than hell) (got mad at it), or!! oh!!! ink sunset (stuck) and possibly the next installment of matters of the heart. Yeah, I have a problem
16. What are your writing strengths?
I think I'm pretty good at being funny and also at eloquent but perhaps a little too verbose metaphors. I love me an elaborate metaphor
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
It's hard for me to focus and get what I have in my head out sometimes, even when I really want to. Whether it's being unable to organize or just my brain flat-out refusing to cooperate and do anything. Also, I'm way too like. easily discouraged with lack of feedback, and even a little negative feedback can kind of ruin my week and make me never wanna go back to that story ever again.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I just realized. The questions seemed familiar but I wasn't sure why and now I know, now that I've gotten to this question. I have done this game before and I remember bc of this question. I was confused bc it was under a different name, I think the questions were in a different order, and it was sometimes slightly differently worded but nope! This is the same one! Weird Anyway, just for this particular question, I'm going to copy-paste my old answer because I'm lazy. I’m extremely bad at linguistics in general, so if I must include someone talking in another language in my fic, I think I’d tend to cheat and do italics or some other indication that this is ‘in another language’ (ie “Where are you going?” she asked in Russian), but that’s admittedly a lazy approach. But I also think it’s probably better than butchering it with an auto-translator? Also, when people just include the translation in the end notes, even with a link (although that makes it marginally better) it breaks the flow of the story and makes it hard to read. Making an effort to at least match grammar is good (which I would do if it was for longer than a single scene, probably) but I think the best solution is when people know what they’re doing and like, have an actual translation with a little html code so you can click on it and it reveals what it means? Or if you’re clever, revealing what it means using context around it, but that has its own limitations. So that both like, uses the actual language and doesn’t break up the flow. It balances accessibility, flow, and respect for the other language in question well. But you’ve got to both know what you’re doing with the language (either asking someone/hiring someone/knowing the language yourself) and the html (although there are guides for that you’d have to spend time figuring it out + know it exists in the first place to look). And this is fanfiction, something we ultimately do for free in our spare time, so the lazy approach, I think, can be understandable. Maybe not in every context, but it’s not worth stressing a lot over in a few random lines or anything, you know? It is really cool when people do know a language well enough to include it properly in a fic, though, it can say a lot about a character or dynamic; and their background(s) and like. it’s neat :)
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Ever? Doctor Who. And I don't remember the order, but after that I know I wrote some stuff about Star Trek (mostly TNG but I believe also TOS), Supernatural, A:LTA, Marvel, WTNV, and the Stanley Parable? I think I first posted either Supernatural or WTNV
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
I have no idea. Some of my top ones (for Ted Lasso again) would be matters of the heart and trick & treat I suppose?
Tagging: whoever wants to do this man, I probably tagged everyone I'd normally tag last time so if you see this and you wanna do it, go ahead and tag me and do it!
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m-y--p-a-s-s-i-o-n-s · 8 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers!
Thanks for the tag, @lizzy0305 <333
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
622,263 - surprisingly low for how many fics I have, but a bunch are drabbles so I guess that checks.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
What fandoms don't I write for? XD
Supernatural. Sherlock. Star Trek. Teen Wolf. Marvel. Harry Potter. Merlin. James Bond. Lucifer. House MD. Primeval. Doctor Who. Venom. The Witcher. The Old Guard. Ted Lasso. Detroit Become Human. Good Omens. Our Flag Means Death. Hannibal.
Plus a few others.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Meant To Be - AOS Star Trek
5 Times Jim Forgot About Vulcan Hand Sensitivity & 1 Time He Didn't - AOS Star Trek
Making Love - Venom
Lunch Break - House MD
Truth Or Dare - Supernatural
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try to respond to every comment provided its not hate, I ignore hate. I want people to know that their comment is truly appreciated from the bottom of my heart. Comments are food for the writer's soul.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Probably either The Void (TOS Star Trek) or Forever (SPN) or most of my SPN Endverse fics.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Most of my fics have happy endings, I live for them! Hmmm trying to think of particularly fluffy ones though... The Prince and The Princess - (AOS Star Trek) What No Man Has Done Before - (AOS Star Trek X HP) Good News - (DBH) Afterlife - (TOS Star Trek)
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not too much, but it happens every so often. Why people can't just exit a fic or not interact with it if they don't like it is beyond me.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Sure do. Um, explicit and M/M but the specifics vary depending on pairing and fic. Been getting more detailed and more adventurous with it over the years though.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Ohhhh boi have I ever written a crazy crossover XD
Convergence - where I brought many many fandoms (and even more ships) together in a story with an actual plot.
Its not my only crossover, but it's by far the craziest.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not that I'm aware of, but I have been asked if some can be translated before, just never heard from them again.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
In a way with @lizzy0305 who started Fragments ages ago and then I finished it because we both knew she wasn't going to finish it.
and also Double Date with weegie8 a long long time ago.
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
My OTP of OTPs is Spirk <3
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Theres a johnlock fic that could be the first wip i never go back to.
and an SPN and a Stanner fic that both could stay wips forever, but honestly it just takes one spark in my brain and the right mood and I could finish any of these, so never say never.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Not sure really. My fluff is extra tooth rotting? XD Also once I get used to a character their voice is easy to channel I suppose.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Feels like everything when you're trying to write a damn fic XD um, maybe not putting in enough details into a scene.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I often use Vulcan language in Star Trek fics, I think it adds to it. However I get that it can be annoying to not understand a piece of likely important dialogue cause its in another language. It doesn't bother me though.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Technically HP when I was teen, before I knew what fandom and fanfiction were. But when I was in the know it was Supernatural.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
How can I just pick one? I'll pick a multichapter and a one shot that I love.
The One That Got Away - TOS Star Trek
The Update - DBH
Tagging: @dayspring-askanison @heartshapedvows @doonarose
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A Knight’s Tale:
Count Adhemar:
Not as bad as you seem
No Pairings: 
Being Will’s best friend and Adhemar insults you
Will Thatcher:
Idiots in Loves
Assassins Creed:
La Volpe:
Ezio winds up La Volpe
You’re in trouble
Big Hero 6:
Crossovers with Doctor Who:
Baymax travelling with 10
Deflated Baymax and 9
Hamish’s little sister
Buffy The Vampire Slayer: 
All the Scoobies:
Getting Drunk
Scaring Giles
No Pairing:
Spike’s Best Friend
Little Marshmallows
Call of Duty:
No pairing:
TF141 Sniper
Criminal Minds:
Call of Duty
Stressful Day
Doctor Who:
9th Doctor:
Wedding Date
10th Doctor:
Seeing you in a dress
12th Doctor:
Irish vs Scottish
Big Hero 6 Crossover:
Travelling with 10
Deflated Baymax with 9
Thick of It Crossover:
Jaime and 12
Downton Abbey:
Lord Grantham:
At Ease
Dragon Age:
Sebastian Vael:
To the rescue
Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them:
Newt Scamander:
Meeting Newt
Percival Graves:
Being Percival’s friend and Grindelwald’s niece
Jayne Cobb:
Talk to Me
Game of Thrones:
Beric Dondarrion:
Protecting You
Bronn of the Blackwater:
Daario Naharis:
Since Childhood
Protecting You
Daenerys Stormborn:
Bad Day
Jaime Lannister:
Captured by Robb
Jaqen H’ghara:
Can’t Let Go
Jon Snow:
Answering the Call
Ghost Listens
King’s Landing Attack
Jorah Mormont:
The Fighting Pits
Jory Cassel:
Lannister Guards
Lord of the Rings Crossover:
Aragorn threatens Joffrey
Aragorn fights Jaime
Eomer and Jaqen
Ned and Aragorn are friends
No Pairing:
Fishing with Tywin
Loras comes out to you
Loras defends your honour
Making Barristan and Jorah laugh
Ned’s sister
Protective Barristan
Robb’s gift
Robb’s younger sister
Tyrion’s drinking buddy
Your own direwolf
Oberyn Martell:
Defending your honour
Rickon Stark:
In Time
Robb Stark:
Being a Targaryen
Roose Bolton:
Tywin Lannister:
Drunk Tywin
Soft Side
Grey’s Anatomy:
Mark Sloan:
Flirting fail
Harry Potter:
Alastair Moody:
Draco Malfoy:
See you again
George Weasley:
The Ball
Harry Potter:
Pumpkin Juice
Hermione Granger:
The Ball
James Potter:
Your Birthday
Minerva McGonagall:
Pranks with Peeves
No Pairing:
Being a Slytherin
Dumbledore wins the bet
Dumbledore’s got style
New Years
Pranking the Marauders
Remus gives up on you and Sirius
Remus is a little shit
Reuniting with Sirius and Remus
Sirius loses a bet to McGonagall
The Marauders protecting you
Oliver Wood:
Remus Lupin:
Getting sassy with Sirius
Marauder’s Map
Stealing his chocolate
Sirius Black:
Stealing your tea
Severus Snape:
Covering for you
Tom Marvolo Riddle:
Attack on Hogwarts
House MD:
Greg House:
In Love
No Pairing:
Being a Duckling
Break up, Cheer up
Wilson’s daughter
Boyd Crowder:
Trust Me
Raylan Givens:
A date
Les Miserables:
Ten Years
Lord of the Rings:
Game of Thrones Crossover:
Aragorn threatens Joffrey
Aragorn fights Jaime
Eomer and Jaqen 
Ned and Aragorn are friends
First thing
No Pairing:
Lucifer Morningstar:
Guard of Hell
Magnificent Seven:
Goodnight Robicheaux:
First time in 5 years
Clint Barton:
Last Arrow
No Pairing:
Steve instantly likes you but..
Taking sides in the Civil War
Pietro Maximoff:
Tony Stark:
The Gala
Tavern Brawl
No Pairing:
Merlin’s best friend
Midsomer Murders:
Ben Jones:
Showing off
No Pairing:
My Original Stories:
Gods of the Guardians:
Information about the Gods
Welcoming you home
Dragon Riding
I Know
Meeting Kiro
King of the Gods
A Friend
God of Love in love
Showing off
Dougal MacKenzie:
Listens to you
Phantom of the Opera:
Erik Destler:
Dancing with a Phantom
No Pairing:
Red Dead Redemption: 
Arthur Morgan:
Saving you
No Pairing:
Rookie Blue:
Nick Collins:
Andy’s best friend
No Pairing:
Oliver’s partner
Arthur Wellesley:
Arthur finds out
Ben Perkins:
Daniel Hagman:
No Pairing:
Meeting Wellesley
Sharpe’s best friend
Patrick Harper:
Sharpe’s sibling
Richard Sharpe:
Greg Lestrade:
A dress
Press Conference
No Pairing:
A Holmes’ cousin
Sherlock Holmes:
The scarf
Sons of Anarchy:
Chibs Telford:
David Hale’s friend
No Pairing:
Chibs and Tig are children
Tig Trager:
No Pairing:
Star Trek:
No Pairing:
Picard hears a good idea
Star Wars: 
Lando Calrissian:
Han’s younger sibling
Neal Caffrey’s sibling
Your Wings
Act Natural
No Pairing:
Balthazar’s friend
Teen Wolf:
Bobby Finstock:
Chris Argent:
Derek Hale:
Derek’s crush
For You
Hospital Visit
Isaac Lahey:
Return to Beacon Hills
No Pairing:
Free Period
Theo thinks you’re useless
Theo thinks you’re useless part 2
The wild hunt
Peter Hale:
Blue eyes
Favourite song
Stiles finds out
Stiles Stilinski:
Nogitsune is worried
The Dollars Trilogy (Western):
Colonel Douglas Mortimer (For a Few Dollars More):
Joe (A Fistful of Dollars):
Trying to impress
The Flash:
Earth 2 Harrison Wells:
Like a fungus
No Pairing:
Noping out of the situation
The Hobbit:
Singing with Bofur
Bilbo’s sister
No Pairing:
Thorin and Dwalin make an agreement
First Sight
The Hunger Games:
Haymitch Abernathy:
The Peacekeepers
The Thick of It:
Crossover with Doctor Who:
Jaime travels with 12
Jaime McDonald:
Jaime acting odd
Malcolm Tucker:
Soft Spot
No Pairing:
Teasing the boyfriend
Teasing Malcolm
The Walking Dead:
Daryl Dixon:
Saving You
Shane Walsh:
Pulled over
Emmett Cullen:
Jacob Black:
No Pairing:
White Collar:
Neal Caffrey’s sibling
Feel free to pick from these prompts if you’d like any drabbles and to give me a pairing
Romantic Prompts 1
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