#how Thrawn feels about Sabine
thrawnbine-ship · 1 year
Before we were brokenhearted. Come my way, come-come my way little REBEL GIRL...
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The wikipedia page for ashoka is like being repeated run over by a truck. Ezra being described as a con artist (as if), Hera being played by Mary Elizabeth Winstead???? DAVID TENNANT WAS IN CLONE WARS
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chewing on the ahsoka finale and while I liked it there was some beats that feel a little flat for me. Mostly the last moments after thrawn ends up escaping. They just felt very stiff and weirdly paced. All the stuff before than was fuckin fantastic though.
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swan-orpheus · 1 year
I am unwell.
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awsok · 9 months
okay. let's talk about shin, sabine, and whatever the hell is going on here:
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i've been trying to figure out this moment, and why shin responds like this. because it feels like a change, right? the shin of episode 1 would be thrilled to have permission to hunt down and kill sabine. but here, she's clearly protesting the order (indirectly, because she can hardly outright say 'no' to thrawn).
on one level, this is definitely at least in part because the order is coming from thrawn. orders from baylan are fine for shin: baylan is her master, and by this point in the series it's obvious how much she respects him. but thrawn? baylan told her finding thrawn would bring them power, but instead both she and baylan are being treated like his underlings - this is not what shin thought they were signing up for.
but if this were solely about thrawn giving orders, i'd expect shin's reaction to seem irritated or offended - she's hardly a stranger to anger, after all. but i think it's fair to say that shin's response here can be best characterised as alarmed? she's clearly surprised that they aren't letting sabine go, and more than that: she's not happy about it.
so then, i thought maybe that this was about honour - that shin was so disturbed by this, because it is dishonourable for baylan (who has made a point of insisting on keeping his word to sabine) to break their agreement. (and i know it may seem counterintuitive to assume that shin cares about such a jedi-like concept as honour, but judging by the way baylan speaks of the jedi and shin's padawan braid, he probably instilled her with their values if not their morals.) but then i remembered where episode four left off (which is indicated by the show to be a most a day or two ago):
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this takes place literally immediately after sabine has made a deal with baylan. if shin cares enough about honour for it to override her hatred of sabine in episode six, it doesn't make sense for her to disregard honour (even in the heat of the moment) to try and kill sabine in episode four.
so if this isn't about thrawn (not entirely), and it isn't about honour (probably not at all), what is this about? what has changed to make shin go from homicidal obsession to protesting seemingly on sabine's behalf?
sabine, of course.
(by which i actually mean: shin.)
let's talk about The Look!
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shin staring at sabine is nothing remotely new. shin staring at sabine without a homicidal glare or a mocking smirk? that's extremely new. this scene makes me crazy (i'm trying so so hard to keep the shipping goggles off and to be objective guys). it may not seem like much at first glance, but this is a dramatic change of behaviour for shin. she's looking at - no, observing sabine in a completely neutral and open way. there's no hostility in this gaze, no judgement, not even fear or conflict. just: observing. and she's doing so openly as well - not just that she isn't disguising herself - she turns to face sabine, as if to give sabine a better look at her. as if to let sabine observe her right back.
why??? why is shin doing this??
um. well. i actually don't know.
i can't make any remotely certain assumptions about what has changed since they left seatos. maybe shin has done a lot of introspection. maybe she feels like she's seen a different side of sabine. maybe they fucked on that spaceship.
the only conclusion i do feel it might be safe to make is this:
i don't think shin sees sabine as an enemy anymore.
i don't know when exactly that changed, i don't know what exactly caused it. but it's true. and if shin and sabine aren't enemies anymore - what are they to each other? what will they become?
tl;dr - shin doesn't want to murder sabine in cold blood anymore. also i think they should hold hands.
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antianakin · 4 months
I think I'm able to perhaps put a few words to why I really dislike that the Ahsoka show had her choose to come to the conclusion that Anakin was GOOD, that he was a good person and good teacher to her, rather than having her refuse to forgive him and just having to let go of him entirely.
Ahsoka is a character who has been, for her ENTIRE RUN on Star Wars, defined by Anakin and her relationship to him. She's never been able to escape that. She was created as an explanation for why Anakin "matured" over the three year gap between AOTC and ROTS, but her lack of existence in the films means she can have no greater impact on Anakin than that. She is wholly irrelevant to his character but she does not EXIST without him. In Rebels, she is only in one season where all of her appearances are fixated on her discovery of Anakin's betrayal and how that impacts her, leading up to their final confrontation where she appears to die fighting him. She comes back only so her relationship with Anakin can be used to help Ezra let go of Kanan. In TOTJ, she has an entire episode dedicated to explaining that the only reason she survived Order 66 was because of some kind of special training Anakin gave her that made her stronger, better, faster than any other Jedi. In The Mandalorian, her appearance was full of subtext about her trauma regarding Anakin and the way she reacts to other Jedi as a result of that. In The Book of Boba Fett appearance, that subtext is still there, primarily in her conversation with Luke where she even tells him how much he reminds her of Anakin. Which leaves us with the Ahsoka show itself and how it REVOLVES around that relationship, from Sabine being turned into Anakin 2.0 to everything in episode 5 to Ahsoka claiming she'll support Sabine in everything because this is what Anakin did for her to Anakin literally showing up in ghost form to Thrawn predicting everything Ahsoka will do because he has some familiarity with Anakin.
Ahsoka CANNOT escape this relationship, she cannot move out from this particular shadow and become her own person because her character seems to ONLY EXIST to be "Anakin's student." She can almost literally not stand on her own at this point. If her story doesn't revolve around Anakin in some way, it doesn't seem to really exist (please keep in mind here that I am mostly looking at HIGH CANON appearances for this because that's what I am familiar with; I'm sure that some comics have probably managed to move away from her relationship to Anakin a little bit sometimes but I haven't read any of them so they're not being counted in this analysis, especially since I don't think they're really impacting her higher canon characterization anyway).
It's even just visible in how other characters perceive her. She is constantly being COMPARED to Anakin, we keep hearing how like Anakin she is. The only time I can think of that she is compared to anyone OTHER than Anakin is when Trace and Rafa tell her that she acts like a Jedi even if she isn't currently calling herself one (bless their SOULS for this moment, they deserved so much better than the hate they got and one single appearance on fucking TBB). We never hear anyone say she reminds them of Obi-Wan, or Yoda, or Plo Koon. It's ALWAYS Anakin even though she's known Yoda and Plo Koon longer and she seems to spend almost as much time with Obi-Wan as she does Anakin.
By having Ahsoka decide to deal with her feelings about Anakin by just... setting aside all the bad shit he did and focusing ONLY on the good moments that he had and letting that define him, it makes it nearly impossible to separate her from him. If he's good, then it's a GOOD thing to compare her to him. If he's good, then his influence on her HAS to have been a good one. For me, it ruins ANY nuance that could have come from going the opposite direction and recognizing that while he had some good moments, he was in fact an overall bad person who was a terrible teacher to her. He betrayed her, he tried to kill her (and only failed because she was saved by someone else), he abandoned her. I don't care WHAT he did before this, this automatically makes him a BAD TEACHER.
And recognizing that Anakin was a bad teacher would force Ahsoka to look at HERSELF more critically, too, to recognize the places where she has made the same mistakes perhaps, where she's started leading herself down a similar path to his, and then choosing to NOT BE LIKE HIM. Anakin should be (like he is with Luke) the personification of her own darkness. Palpatine represented Anakin's greatest demons and personifications, Anakin can represent something similar for Ahsoka. He is an indisputable part of her now, but she doesn't HAVE to become him, she doesn't have to let that CONTROL her. And by making that choice, she frees herself from being defined by him for the rest of her life.
But now, the narrative has bound Ahsoka to Anakin forever. She'll never be anything more than Anakin's student because this has become what defines her as a person and a character. And it just... it sucks. Ahsoka deserved better than that.
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martianbugsbunny · 8 months
My Biggest Opinion on the Ahsoka show (other than the obvious) is that it would have been better as a full season. I'm frankly tired of this six-to-eight episodes nonsense that modern TV does; I remember the delightful old days where you got like fifteen-to-twenty-odd episodes per season of a show and that's so much better. It gives you room to explore the backstory of all the players involved so their motivations make more sense. It gives you room to mess with a longer narrative so the characters get proper growth where you can look at a scene from the beginning and a (perchance mirroring?) scene from the end and say wow, this was really bloody well executed, there's such a difference and it makes sense as to why. We could've had episodes about the Purge of Mandalore and what that did to Sabine. Episodes about how she and Ahsoka started training and how they fell out. Episodes about what Ahsoka's been doing between then and now. Episodes about what Ezra and Thrawn were up to, like how Thrawn came into an alliance with the witches and how Ezra's been evading him over the years. Episodes about Baylan and Shin so we could understand what either of them really wants or feels because I'm still not sure I do. Maybe something about Hera and Sabine's relationship because they feel kind of weird to me. Don't get me wrong, I love the show we got, I think it's very good and it does most of my favorite characters justice, but I also think it probably could have been even better if it had been a longer show and had room to really explore its subject matter in greater detail, from multiple different angles.
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vibratingskull · 8 months
Hello! 👋 I have a request if you don't mind. 🥺👉🏻👈🏻 Thrawn x f!reader reunion sex. F!reader was with Morgan, Bylan, Shin, and Sabine in finding Thrawn cause that's her man and she misses him and when they reunite, they have passionate alone time together 😏
Mmmmmmmmh 😋 smexy times with Thrawn, you have such good tastes anon. Plus Lars interpretation is DOING THINGS to me 😩🥵
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tag : reunion sex, cunnilingus, p in v sex, she/her reader and a bit of fluff
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“What was first just a dream has become a frightening reality for those who may oppose us.” He casually says, closing the gap between him and the group with his signature smirk.
You straighten your back, gulping, your heart beating at 100 miles per hour.
After ten years.
You can see him in all his glory.
Your heart screams to throw yourself at him, everyone be damned, but it is a bad idea. None of them are aware of your relationship with Thrawn, you took great care in hiding that from them. This info is too sensitive to be known by anyone. Morgan would have tried to get rid of you if she knew, her thirst for power and glory pushing her to follow and obey Thrawn in all matters, but she’s not without deviances and you don’t trust her enough, Thrawn didn’t trust her enough either to reveal your relationship to her back in the Empire.
But you, you know her.
She always struck you as an odd choice for Thrawn to take as a protégé… She always lacked the genius he saw in Vanto and Faro, maybe it’s her undying loyalty that resembles obsession that pleased him? You doubt it. He surely only took her under his wings to know more about the Force and fight the jedis more efficiently.
“Great mothers, I salute you. Soon we should all escape this exile thanks to the help of Morgan Elsbeth.”
Oh that voice… so soft and melodic like in your memories. How much you yearned to hear it again. It makes you want to run into his arms and hug him tightly, to jump in his embrace and kiss him deeply.
But that would be stupidly dangerous. Elsbeth is too savage and you don’t feel those… Great Mothers. Something tells you they are the kind to exploit any weakness.
The discussion continues while your eyes remain on your man, your treasure, your cha’cah… He’s old. He seems tired and weary, his uniform is patched up. The weight of years really makes itself felt despite his haughty demeanor.
But to you he’s never been so handsome.
Nothing could compare to him and the moment of your reunion.
This instant is magic, timeless.  A fairy tale. You feel light bubbles in your stomach. But you have one lingering fear…
“And you are?” he asks Baylan, clasping his hand behind his back as you remember him doing.
“Mercenaries” Morgan explains “Baylan Skoll, and his apprentice Shin Hati.” She presents them, they bow lightly to him, remaining humble. “And (Y/n)(F/n), but I think you already know her.” 
You take a step forward and bow respectfully to him, a sour taste in your mouth. What if his sentiment faded during this ten years exile? What if he found comfort in the arms of one of his stormtroopers? What if you’re just too old for him now?
You look into his eyes as you raise back your head, he glares back at you with a light grin.
“I do remember. We used to work closely to defeat the enemy of the Empire together.”
“Indeed, Grand Admiral.” You nod humbly.
Oh to be close, you were close. As close as you can be. He takes his time to gauge you up and down with his little grin before turning back to Baylan.
“Then you must be General Baylan Skoll, of the Jedi order.”
You're fidgeting your fingers, laying on the bed. 
You can’t sleep. 
You’re well awake under the covers, eyes fixated on the stone ceiling of the cold room, mulling over your situation.
You find him! A hunt of ten years just ended, and you hoped for… more? Just after finishing the presentations Thrawn and Morgan locked themself in a room to strategize your next moves. Baylan, Shin and you were left arms dangling without anything to do. You tried to access the Chimaera to visit your old room but the captain, Enoch, stopped you and escorted you back to the stone citadel without a word.
You’re not welcome in the Chimaera anymore it seems.
Are your fears correct?
Did he find someone else?
You sigh deeply, turning in the cover again.You try not to think too much about it, you wished you could ask him for an explanation but each time you tried to enter the room a soldier stopped you. And you don’t think he would have appreciated to be disturbed in his brainstorming session for heart matters.
You bite your lips, feeling tears building behind your eyes. Even after ten years that still hurts like hell. You hoped for an explosive reunion, but you got a nod and a grin before getting ignored and relegated to a goon status. If only you could just cross path with him in the corridors, just one discussion to clear the air and know your situation for certain, if only-
You hear knocks at your door.
You raise your head. It’s almost 3am, who would come at this hour?
“Coming!” You shout, praying for it not to be Enoch with bad news.
You open your door to Thrawn, hands behind his back, and a serious gaze.
“Oh…” That’s all you can say, you thought he was already sleeping.
Apparently the session with Morgan only ended moments ago.
“May I enter?” he politely asks.
You step to the side, signaling him your permission. He enters slowly, like he’s discovering the room. You close the door and cross your arms, as much to protect you from the cold than to protect yourself from what he could throw at you.
“Is something wrong?” you ask, a little anxious.
He spins on himself, turning to you.
“Nothing is wrong, dear. Nothing has ever been this brighter in ten years.”
You smile a bit, nodding.
“Yeah, I guess finally seeing your rescue group must lift a heavy weight off your shoulders.”
“It is true. But I was not referring to that.” he counters. “Approach.”
You tilt your head, walking toward him. He extends his hand to you and you take it, wondering what he wants. He inspects your left hand and a smile graces his lips.
“You are still wearing your wedding ring.” you think you hear some relief in his tone but you can’t be sure.
“Yes. I kept it for all those years.” you admit.
“Does it still have value in your eyes?” he asks suddenly.
“What do you mean?” you frown.
“Your ring. Does it still hold any meaning to your heart?” he demands with gleaming eyes.
After a hesitation you nod.
“Yes. Yes it does.”
He looks into your eyes, as to see if you were lying and sighs of relief.
“You ease my heart.” he takes his left hand from behind his back into your hand, revealing his own ring “I kept mine too. It reminded me of you everyday.” He kisses your hand reverently.
You observe his ring on his finger, feeling your heart dilating with relief. 
He didn’t forget you…
“Thank Maker.” you whisper, closing your eyes.
“Cha’cah.” you reopen your eyes, feeling his warm palms on your cheek “I am blissful to see you. I missed you terribly.”
“I missed you too.” you throw yourself in his arms, circling him tightly.
He squeezes you against his heart, kissing the top of your head.
“I am here, cha’cah. And I am not going anywhere this time.”
You raise your gaze to meet his, full of hope.
“You promise?” you hear your voice crack “I already lost you once, I won’t survive losing you a second time.”
“I promise cha’cah. From now on we will remain together, fight together, rule together…” he tries to appease you.
“I don’t care about ruling anybody, it’s you that I want!” You bury yourself against him, digging your nails in the fabric of his white uniform like he would evaporate. You don’t care about any powers, all you came here for is to bring him home, you will think about power after.
“You are right as always. I am sorry. This is the most important.” He murmurs as he buries his head in the crook of your neck, deeply inhaling your scent.
He looms over you with his height, shielding you with his large shoulders. You start hearing a faint purr as he breathes in your musk.
“You smell lovely.” he finally says after a minute of silence.
“Yeah right!” you giggle “I’m sweaty and there aren't any showers here.”
“Well it is lovely nonetheless.” He inhales again with a growl of satisfaction “It is doing things to me…” he sighs deeply satisfied.
He starts kissing your exposed neck as you chuckle.
“Doing things to you? What happened to my unshakable Grand Admiral?”
“Maybe the unshakable Grand Admiral would like to revel in your delights.” he says lowly, pushing you gently against a wall.
You’re pressed between the cold stone and the large wall that is his chest, he kisses your neck, your jaw, stops to devour you with his red gaze and finally kisses your lips. You close your eyes to savor it, opening your mouth to let him enter. His tongue passes past your lips to hug and dance with yours. You  moan against his soft lips, indulging yourself in the languorous kiss. His purr grows louder, a hand in your hair to press your lips against his, his other hand snakes its way in your back to pull your body against his. You circle his shoulders with your arm, a hand passing in his hair, dishevelling him. The kiss became heavy and feverish, his hands sliding under your shirt, caressing your bare skin with his warm palm. You part with him to start unbuttoning his jacket with haste, barely containing your desire to simply tear it apart to gain access to his body. Thrawn chuckles darkly.
“I do not remember you so hasty.”
“We didn’t have 10 years to compensate.” you counter, you wince because a stupid button refuses to open.
He kisses your forehead tenderly and opens it for you, taking his sweet time deliberately. 
“I don’t wanna play tonight.” you say between a plea and an order.
“You are right, this is cruel of me.”
He finishes to open his jacket at a more acceptable pace and take it off, leaving himself in his signature black tank top.
“Maker, your taste in fashion hasn't evolved in ten years.” you giggle.
He sighs and tackles your feet. You yelp in surprise, losing your balance but he catches you with expert hands and carries you bridal style to your basic bed. He lays you down, looming over you like a predator and kisses you again, pulling your shirt over your breast and sliding your bra under it to expose your sensitive tits. He lapps them avidly, licks across the mount and sucks them like he would gulp down a treat, groping them with his large warm hands. You whimper and arch your back under his ministrations, how right does it feel to feel him on you again…
He kisses your tit and passes to the other, giving it the same treatment while massaging the first one. Your breath gets stuck in your throat and you feel your pussy starting to leak with your slick and soaking your undergarment. You want his lips and hands everywhere on you at the same time, you want to feel the weight of his body on yours, pining you into place, you want him deep inside you.
“Hurry… Please hurry…” you whimper as his tongue works on your nipple.
“No.'' He berates you gently “I have been deprived of you for so long, let me enjoy it as I please.” He slowly trails his way down your stomach with his tongue, leaving a trail of fresh saliva from your breast to your tummy. He reaches the hem of your pants and takes a good lick at your venus mons with the flat of his tongue. He kisses it swiftly and opens your pants with deft hands.
“First, let me indulge myself in my favorite treat.” he says with a short breath, a rare visible sign of his excitement.
You try to raise your bust on your elbow to have a better view when he slides your panties to the side to gain access to your wet cunny. He blows on it lightly, letting the cold hair hit your sensitive bud. You whine, your pussy demanding attention urgently. He chuckles and kisses your pussy lips before taking a fat sloppy lick with the flat of his tongue. You throw your head backward with a moan as he licks and laps you thoroughly, he focuses on your clit, sucking it and flicking his tongue, giving it extra intention, eating you out as good as you remember him doing. Maker, in ten years he didn’t lose his touch, you feel yourself getting wetter and wetter. He looks straight into your eyes as he does it, unashamed, growling like a carnivore feasting on its prey. You inadvertently squeeze his head in the spasm of your thighs, his large hands come part them wide open to give him better access. You flush deeply, taking shallow breath you feel yourself trembling terribly as pleasure waves spread through your veins. He continues to tease you like a hungry man, unbothered by your trembling limbs locking his head in its place. The waves grow furious and you come on his face. You let yourself fall on the mattress, tired and ashamed.
“I’m sorry…” you whine between two gasps.
“Never apologize for that. It is exactly what I wanted and you delivered splendidly.” he purrs, working his tongue on your fold. Drinking your slick, he parts your folds and enters you and tonguefuck you thoroughly, darting and caressing your gummy spot so deliciously.
You didn’t know any other man during those ten years, you stayed faithful to him and rarely took the matter in your own hands because you were so busy working to get him back. Those ten years of abstinence got you so sensitive that one orgasm already took a toll on your delicate pussy. You grip his hair and face, trying to pull him off you but he doesn’t budge, remaining firmly in place.
“Thrawn… please…” you try.
“That is it. Call my name cha’cah, do not hesitate to scream it as you cum.” he coos, his swollen lips working on yours all puffy and soft.
You try to wiggle out of his grip but he holds down your hips firmly with a growl of disapprobation, warning you to never deprive him of your cunny. He purposely makes the most obscenes sounds to get you hot and bothered, to let you know that it is because of you he behaves like a rabid animal in heat, that he tossed both of your dignities to indulge in the sinful pleasures of the flesh. You moan under his skillful tongue, you are hypersensitive and already sore, how could you take another orgasm without shattering in a million pieces? Your pussy clench painfully over his tongue, you feel your muscles gorging themself with hot blood and puffing up.
“I missed that pussy.” He groans “You have no idea how much. Ten years without it was torture.”
“It… It wasn’t funny without you either.” you breathe.
“We will make up for it tonight, cha’cah. Do not worry about that.”
Oh you don’t worry about that, you worry about your spasming cunt. You feel your heart beating at max speed, ready to spring out of your ribcage. You feel your own blood beat furiously down in your core.
You come again, a powerful orgasm that tenses up all your muscles. You squirt in his mouth as you land on the mattress with a “oof”.
“Prodigious, cha’cah! You have done it!” He praises you, you can hear the warmth and the satisfaction in his voice and deep purr as he licks his lips hungrily. Thrawn adorns a smug smirk of making you cum two times. He kisses your clit and looms over you again, kissing you deeply, letting you taste yourself on his tongue.
He places himself between your legs, raising up on his knees to take off his shirt and open his pants.  You wearily push yourself in a sitting position to get rid of all your clothes sticky and full of sweat. You help him with his pants, seeing the bulge in the tight fabric. It must be painful for him, you think. He frees his erection and you take it in your hand, stroking it lazily and kissing its head. You lick his blue girth from the base to the tip, peppering kisses here and there. He inhales deeply, his head back, caressing your cheek. you take him in your mouth and circle his crown with your tongue. It is warm and heavy in your mouth, it makes you drool. You taste the saltiness of his pre-cum. You start bobbing your head when he gently pulls you off. You look at him without understanding, pouting like a child who just got denied a tasty candy.
“What you are doing with your mouth is delightful, cha’cah. But I want my cock inside your pussy as soon as possible.” He rasps.
You open your eyes wide.
In your pussy? No way.
You’re already so sore, he can’t be serious.
“Thrawn…” you whine “I can’t take another one…” 
He gently pushes you back on the mattress, following you with a smirk.
“Of course you can, cha’cah. You are a big girl, you can take it and more. I trust you.” he licks and kisses your neck, weighing heavy on your more petite figure. You feel so safe under his warm, hot body.
He circles your waist with his arms and rolls on the side, pulling you on top of him.
“Ride me, my love. Take control.” He instructs.
You feel his dick poking at the plumpness of your ass, hard as a rock. You cry, your legs are already trembling, you don’t know if you can even ride him properly. You sigh and tiredly raise from your laying position to grasp him and align him with your sex. You ease yourself slowly on him, opening your mouth round at the full sensation. 
Maker, he’s big! You forgot how much.
You’re stuffed to the brim, you can’t take more. His hands come caressing your waist to ease your muscles.
“You are doing great, cha’cah. Ride me as you please, what you want I will give.” He praises you. 
You rise up and go down slowly, letting your slick act as a lubricant and it’s hardly a luxury given his girth. You breathe deeply through your nose and continue to ride him slowly, making circling motion with your hips. He can reach every spot with ease, you feel his tip brushing your cervix, deep inside you. You moan his name pathetically, your legs are barely working and you have difficulty raising your own weight on his shaft.
“Maker, were you always so tight?” he gasps with gleaming eyes.
You ride him sloppily as best you can, with Thrawn seizing your waist to help your motion, caressing you with his thumbs. He starts rutting into you delicately, but you can feel his eagerness bubbling under his skin. Despite that he respects the pace you choose. 
When you reach the end of your rope you fall on him, gasping for air. He hugs you tight, kissing the top of your head while rutting deep inside you, one hand between your two bodies to caress your clit. You can’t move anymore, you really should work on your stamina, you think with a tired smile, letting him work. Your sore pussy is stretched to the max, your pussylips are all swollen and your abused clit is all puffy and nervous. You feel your inner muscle working to welcome his cock deep inside you, so much you feel waves in your stomach. His veiny shaft stretches you deliciously. 
“Can I take the lead?” He softly asks.
You nod with a mumble, exhausted.
He makes you roll swiftly, getting on top of you again and installs a breakneck pace all of the sudden. He knocks the air out of your lungs, hitting your cervix with ease.
“Ha! Thrawn!” You manage to speak between two powerful thrusts.
“Hold on to me, cha’cah.” He indicates, panting, pressing himself against you and merely suffocating you.
Your head hits the headboard repeatedly, as you hold on to Thrawn for dear life. The scent of sex and his musk makes your head spin and the obscene noises of flesh hitting flesh resonate in the bedroom in an obsessing fashion. You gasp and mewls and whimper and sob, digging your nails in his large shoulders, his imposing figure shielding you completely. You let your gaze travel south and see how his cock disappears inside your body, a creamy O at the base of his shaft.
He rolls his hips like a jackhammer, pushing you into the mattress like it was nothing. You fear the bed will break, it’s clearly not made to bear such activities. 
“It is so good, cha’cah. It is better than in my memories. Is it good for you too?” he asks, biting your lower lips.
“Yes, yes, yes…” you can only chant.
He plunges into you with force, at this point you’re more of a fleshlight he uses than an active participant. But you’re so exhausted, and the pleasure you feel is so great it stiffen your limbs, preventing you from moving. You feel your poor pussy getting abused, hit repeatedly by his mighty hips. 
Despite his age, he really still got it.
It transports you back in time, with your younger self making love all night long, with him nuzzling against you, begging for another round while you just layed barely moving from exhaustion. In some way it is still the same, your older self just lasted less time.
You feel your pussy clenching on his cock again, and you just know you completely soaked up the sheets. You feel your slick and his pre-cum leaking of your cunny, running along your tight ass.
He holds your cheek tenderly and kisses you feverishly, muffling your mewls with his soft lips. His tongue comes to hug yours, languidly.
You cry his name as you cum again, seeing stars behind your closed eyes, tensing around his dick like it is trying to hold it deep inside, he kisses your cheek, purring loudly, clearly satisfied by his work.
His hips start jerking and moving erratically until he freezes, completely contracted, spurting long hot ribbons of seed in you. Your pussy milks him dry for all his worth.
He peppers your face with kisses, as you try to get back your breath.
“Can I remain inside? I want to enjoy you as long as I can.” he whispers in your ear.
You slowly nod, repressing a yawn.
He slides on the side, hugging you tight. You snuggle against him, your head against his beating heart.
“It was grandiose, was it not, cha’cah?” he kisses your forehead “I could go for another round if you wish?”
 You hide your face in his chest with a pathetic whine.
“Alright.” He chuckles, “as you wish, my love." 
You remain silent for long minutes, only listening to each other breathing. You draw circle on his wide chest with the tip of your finger before taking the floor. 
"You're gonna find it stupid, but I was afraid you'd find someone else." You let out. 
"Nobody could have taken your place, you are unique in my heart." Thrawn whispers back. 
"Yet when Enoch refused me access to the Chimaera I thought our time was over." You turn your head to meet his gaze. 
His hand comes grazing your cheek. 
"I had to do… reforms to keep my troops alive. It was not against you. I will warn Enoch to give you free access to the ship first thing in the morning." He comforts you. 
You pull the cover a bit over the both of you, thinking.
"I don't like Morgan." you let out "I don't trust her."
"Me neither. But she is a necessary evil to my plans."
"Necessary to the point of isolating yourself with her for hours?"
He gives you a sidelong glance with a smirk.
"Did you become jealous during those ten years?" he asks, amused.
"Yes, terribly. I want to know what you do with her." you demand.
"We simply planned our next campaign. I would like your opinion on some moves tomorrow, I trust your strategic abilities more than hers." He boops your nose and you wince exaggeratedly.
You remember the long hours you used to spend together, strategizing carefully each move, he asked your advices regularly, taking your opinions and suggestions very seriously despite his genius. You ended up sleeping at your desk several time but he would carry you to your shared bed and hug you tight... Those were simpler, nicer times.
You smile, looking in his magnificent red eyes. 
"I love you, Thrawn." you murmur, eyes heavy with sleep. 
"I love you, Ch'acah." He kisses your forehead "Sleep well."
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@thrawnalani @justanothersadperson93 @al-astakbar @thrawnspetgoose @bluechiss
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obiwanwhat · 10 months
Hera's relationship with Jacen's (potential) Force-sensitivity has so many layers to think about.
She lived through the Empire. She knows the edge of the knife that Force-Sensitive children lived on - she saw the parents killed by inquisitors, their children dragged from dead arms for a fate worse than death
The empire may be gone, but plenty of people in the galaxy are still interested in those who are Force-sensitive, and willing to kill for them. There is no safety for the Force-sensitive children in a post Empire galaxy
Being a Jedi is what got Kanan killed. It's what led Ezra to sacrifice himself to take down Thrawn. Kanan is lost forever, and every year that goes by makes it less likely that she will ever see Ezra again, and she cannot lose her son too-
She worries about Jacen, growing up with stories and legends instead of with a father. She wonders about what that does to a child, to know that your father died a hero, to know that the only way you can live up to his legend is to die a bigger hero than he did, and to know that the power that got him killed runs through your veins as well
But at the same time. He must be trained. She knows how Kanan spoke of the Force and those who are connected to it. It is not a power that can be ignored.
Kanan should have trained him. She can picture it so clearly it hurts - Kanan, laughing as their son began to make objects float in his cradle, soothing him when he cries (Jacen's a sensitive baby - Hera quickly learns that he cannot be soothed when her own heart is disquieted). He was so wonderful with training Ezra, even if he never thought he was good enough. He was so good with Sabine. He would have been a wonderful father
Ezra should have been here to help. Jacen should have grown up with a father, with an Aunt Sabine and an Uncle Ezra. The older Jacen gets, the more he grows into his powers, the more Hera can feel their absence.
Who's left to train him at this point? She loves Ahsoka, but after what happened with Sabine....if she can't manage to train an adult, could she really be trusted with a child? There's Luke Skywalker, but Hera doesn't know him, and he wasn't trained the way Kanan was. How can she trust him with her son?
She feels inadequate. It's hard, to parent alone, to be a General and a pilot and a mom. And this is something she can't do, that she can't understand and never will. It's a reminder that she's not enough for Jacen, that she'll never be enough - it's a reminder that Kanan's not there
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inafieldofstarflowers · 8 months
I think my biggest problem right now is that the way Sabine’s story progressed and ended made enough sense for Ahsoka Sabine, but feels deeply unfitting for Rebels Sabine, not in a “she’s changed and grown since then” way but in a “this is a different character” way, and I think a lot of that is centered on the decision to make her a jedi.
From her first appearance in Rebels, Sabine is competent, strong-willed, and determined to fight for what she believes is right. As we go through the show, we learn more about where that came from. It’s pretty clear that she considers the Ghost crew family, and that she found new hope and meaning in working with them, as well as that her Mandalorian heritage is a huge part of how she was shaped into the person she is. Furthermore, we see that she’s driven by the need to make amends for her past mistakes, to protect her loved ones where she previously helped put them in danger, albeit without intending to.
When Kanan trains Sabine with the Darksaber, we see that it doesn’t work well for her to train exactly like a Jedi, because she’s not using the saber as a Jedi, she’s using it as a Mandalorian. It is another weapon in her arsenal and, more importantly, a symbol that she can use to help bring her people together—and she uses it to do so.
Sabine’s arc is so cool and so special to me because her path as both a character and a member of the rebellion are just as important as Ezra’s: she is given depth and interests, and the fact that she isn’t a Jedi doesn’t make them worth any less.
A prime example of this is Sabine’s art. It’s a BIG part of her self-expression throughout Rebels. It’s a connection with her family, a way to express herself and commemorate moments, and—in the most Mandalorian move possible—a weapon she uses against the enemy, both symbolically via the symbol of the Rebellion and literally, through the use of explosive spray paint. And sometimes this is played as a joke (think Sabjne painting the bunk crash on Zeb and Ezra’s wall) but it also legitimately comes into play (think Sabine interpreting the mural entrance to the world between worlds or Thrawn commenting on her art).
Rebels Sabine brings so much to the table, and there was so much in her character that could have been explored without making her a Jedi. Not everyone is a Jedi, and it’s good to remember that even heroes can be normal people who stepped up.
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spacedragonsxx · 9 months
Just thinking about Kanan’s line in Holocrons of Fate — “he’s gotta learn how to solve problems without it” after Ezra was eager to use his lightsaber in the caves.
How Ezra was so excited to have a lightsaber but would be too dependent on it at times and it blocked him from fully opening up to the force.
Then Kanan gave Ezra one last lesson and sacrificed himself and Ezra finally understood what he meant. Then he proceeded to give up his lightsaber in the finale and defeat not only Thrawn but the EMPEROR all because he trusted ONLY in the force and solved his problems WITHOUT a lightsaber just like Kanan taught him!
Now he has spent 10 years growing in that ability to a point where he doesn’t even feel the need to have one anymore jakekfjfnwkkanfjf
“The force is my ally, that’s all I need” sums up the entire point of his character arc in Rebels perfectly. All these dude bros out here upset that Ezra didn’t turn out to be some dark Sith Lord/mad he didn’t take the lightsaber from Sabine in ep 7 MISSSED THE ENTIRE POINT!!!!
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isagrimorie · 9 months
So I was watching Twin Suns from Star Wars Rebels. I realized that the duel isn't the only one similar to Fallen Jedi but also because of this talk between Obi-Wan and Ezra:
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I don't think Baylan is outright deceiving Sabine, I do think he thinks getting Sabine on his side is for the best but also Baylan did pull a similar thing on Sabine.
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"He knows your fears, your heart." Obi-Wan about Maul.
This is applicable to Baylan.
Sabine looks so vulnerable and so, so tired. He's saying the right words that would make Sabine waver, especially after seeing Ahsoka fall off the cliff (and maybe feel Ahsoka disappear from the Force?).
Sabine's alone and she had no way of knowing Hera was her own her way. At this point, she doesn't feel like she has a choice and I think Sabine thinks she can just sabotage Thrawn's ship and it doesn't return.
Let's see how this works in the next few episodes!
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kanerallels · 1 month
Okay I need every shred of serotonin I can get right now, so! Have a fic I wrote for @sarah3210 in honor on May the Fourth! Hope you guys enjoy it!
(Taglist for fun and profit: @day-to-day-thots @laughingphoenixleader @aosladies @heckin-music-dork @opalknight @cassie-fanfics)
It had been a long time since Ezra Bridger had flown a shuttle. But somehow, that’s not why his hands were shaking as he approached the hangar bay of the ship in front of him.
He shouldn’t have been nervous. But for the first time in almost ten years, he wasn’t on Peridea. He was home.
Or close enough, at least. The ship wasn’t Lothal. But when Ezra thought of home, Lothal wasn’t always the first thing that came to mind. It wasn’t a place at all. It was people.
They’re here. He was sure of it. Sabine had told him where to find Hera— or rather, Hera’s flagship, since she was a general now. He couldn’t really say he was surprised. Just proud, if you could be proud of the woman who’d basically been your mother for so many years of your life.
The two A-wings escorting him peeled off as he slipped through the energy shield and set the shuttle down. Not too rough of a landing— Hera or Sabine could have done better, but Ezra was a little rusty.
Through the viewport, he could see a handful of figures moving towards the shuttle. Okay. Here we go.
He realized, as the shuttle ramp was lowering, that he hadn’t taken off the armor he’d stolen on Thrawn’s ship. Huh. Well, this should be fun. Holding back a sudden burst of laughter, Ezra headed down the ramp slowly, his hands in the air.
There was a cluster of people coming to meet him— most of them wearing white and blue or black uniforms, all looking exceptionally wary. And in their lead was a green skinned Twi’lek woman wearing a flight jacket and carrying a small blaster that she leveled directly at Ezra.
It’s Hera. She looked a little different. Older and tired, but still determined, with the same calm that she wore when she was trying to mediate a fight between him and Zeb. Holy kark, it’s Hera, and is that— in a flash, he realized that Kallus and Zeb were a few steps behind her, bo-rifles at the ready as they eyed the potential threat warily.
The reality of it hit him like a brick in the chest because it meant he was back. It worked. Ten years and he was face to face with his family again, finally.
He was still reeling when he recognized the figure rolling towards him. Chopper looked exactly the same as the last time Ezra had seen him, when the droid had helped him save Lothal. He was bwomping something about who did Ezra think he was fooling as he approached, and Ezra almost automatically let a hand drop to the top of Chopper’s dome. “Hey, Chop,” he whispered, far too low for anyone else to hear it. The droid let out a satisfied noise— clearly, he’d realized who Ezra was immediately.
Hera still looked unsure, though. Which was fair. Ezra was, after all, still wearing trooper armor. Reaching up, he slowly pulled off his helmet.
The expression on Hera’s face changed in a snap, shock and confusion bright in her eyes. Ezra knew the feeling. He still couldn’t believe what he was looking at, either. 
“Ezra?” she said, her voice shaking, holding a thread of hope that Ezra understood deeply.
“Hi, Hera,” he said, and found himself grinning like an idiot because it had been so long but he was back. Things were a mess but he was with his family again. He could fix it. “I’m home.”
He started towards her, but Hera was already moving. Her blaster clattering to the ground, she darted towards him and threw her arms around him in a fierce embrace that knocked the wind out of Ezra. “Ow,” he grunted, but hugged her back, feeling tears prickle his eyes.
“Hi?” she said, her voice shaking. “You’ve been gone for ten years and that’s how you start?”
Another set of arms enveloped them, effectively crushing the last of the air out of Ezra’s lungs. “When I’m done hugging you,” Zeb growled, “I’m gonna kill you.”
“Missed you too,” Ezra gasped, wheezing for breath. “Kallus, you next? Is it gonna be a hug or a death threat?”
The man laughed, sounding more at ease than Ezra ever remembered him sounding. “Oh, I think Zeb and General Syndulla have the death threats more than covered.”
“That’s good,” Ezra said as both Zeb and Hera let go. Hera only stepped back a little, though, studying his face.
“You’ve grown up so much,” she whispered, gently touching his cheek. “And you’re— we thought you were—”
“You really thought Thrawn and a couple purrgil could take me out?” Ezra said, raising his eyebrows and grinning. “I’m pretty offended.
Zeb grinned even wider. “Oh, not everyone did.”
“Thanks, Zeb.”
Zeb’s grin, somehow, widened. And got a lot more smug. “Oh, I wasn’t talking about me.”
“Ouch. Wait, then who—”
A door hissed open, and a voice cut him off. A familiar voice. “Hera! You’re not going to believe this, but I sensed—”
Ezra’s heart stopped around the same time the voice did. Staring over Hera’s shoulder at him was… a ghost?
Because Kanan Jarrus had died on Lothal, saving him and Sabine and Hera.
He couldn’t be here, his hair and beard grown back with streaks of gray. And he DEFINITELY couldn’t have two kids with him— one who looked like a small version of Hera but with freckles, and patches of orange in her skin. She eyed him warily as she clung to Kanan’s hand. The other was a human boy with green hair, and was gaping at Ezra with delight. “I told you,” he whispered.
“—Ezra,” the man finished, meeting Ezra’s gaze with clear, seeing eyes. The scar was still there, but… His eyesight came back. Right before he… he died. Didn’t he?
He could barely speak as Hera silently stepped out of the way, a smile on her face. Clearing his throat, Ezra managed a breath. “K-Kanan?”
A smile spread across his face. “Hey, kid. I bet you have some—”
Ezra cut him off by sprinting across the space between them and tackling him in a hug that nearly sent them both flying backwards. He was definitely going to cry, but all he could do right now was cling to his master and pray that he didn’t somehow disappear. “You’re here,” he choked out, holding back a sob.
Strong arms wrapped around him, holding him close. For a moment, he felt just like a padawan again. “I’m here,” Kanan murmured. “And so are you. Force, Ezra, we missed you so much.”
Ezra let out a shaky laugh. “Uh, you missed me? I thought you were dead.”
“I almost was.”
“Thank you for not being dead.”
He felt Kanan laugh. “Any time, kid. Thank you for coming home safely.” He paused, and Ezra could sense his confusion through their bond. Their bond, which had come flowing back so naturally that it felt like it had never left.
“Shouldn’t Sabine be with you?”
Whoops. “Uh, yeah, about that,” Ezra said sheepishly. “Um… she and Ahsoka are kinda left behind? And Thrawn is also here? And he has a team of witches and a creepy friend named Enoch?”
“Maul isn’t resurrected from the dead, too, is he?” Kanan said wryly, and Ezra laughed.
“Nope. He’s still dead.”
“Okay, then. We’ll handle it.”
We. Somehow, Ezra thought, the prospect of facing this with his family at his side made the whole situation a lot easier. It always did.
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kanansdume · 8 months
Look, I love Kanan Jarrus, I literally named this blog after him. I loved his relationship with Ezra and I AM glad that there was significant mention of Kanan from Ezra.
I hate that Ezra's new lightsaber ended up just... a copy of Kanan's, both in its emitter and its color.
It's lazy. And it's so insulting to just... let Ezra make himself a new one and he just COPIES Kanan's rather than being able to make a saber that was uniquely his and spoke to the person he has become after everything he's been through, from losing Kanan to having to sacrifice himself to surviving Thrawn to spending so long on his own.
Ezra could have had a purple lightsaber, the first live action Jedi since Mace Windu to be given one, which allows him to stand out against Sabine and emphasizes that connection to his lineage through Kanan without being an exact copy of someone else's.
Or Ezra could've had white. This could've been an interesting and meaningful way of actually explaining the white sabers in mainstream Star Wars. Most casual viewers are going to have NO IDEA that the white sabers are "healed" crystals from red sabers. That lore is lost on people who aren't deep in this fandom. Ahsoka just wanders around with white sabers because... it's unique and it makes her look cool. No one's stopped in any of the shows she's been in so far to explain what they are or why she has them. (Yes, I know it came from the book but again, not EVERYONE has read the damn book and if they're going to use that particular piece of worldbuilding in the shows, I feel like they could go to the effort of explaining it on the shows, too.)
Ezra could've found a crystal somewhere on Peridea that had been corrupted by the dark forces of the Nightsisters that permeate the planet (which would also add to the lore of the planet just a little and actually connect it to the Nightsisters better given that it's apparently THEIR homeworld). Maybe he could feel just how broken it was and he could see that it was either red or a really sickly witchy green color and even though the darkness in it repulsed him, the crystal also called to him, so he took it and has been fiddling around with it ever since, for years. Over time, it started to lose its sickly red or green color and became a pure white, but he'd never been able to acquire the right parts to actually make a new saber, so he'd just been carrying around the crystal for a while.
Or Ezra could've used some cool Force powers to yoink away Shin's saber from her during the fight with the bandits and when either Sabine or Ahsoka suggests he keep it since he refuses to take his old one back from Sabine, he says that it just feels... wrong. Something about it feels dark and full of pain and anger. And Ahsoka can explain how she was able to heal the crystals in her own saber so that Ezra is able to do something similar.
Literally anything OTHER than just giving Ezra Kanan's saber recreated would've been more interesting and said something new about Ezra's character and how he's grown and changed.
But nope. They couldn't be bothered to come up with a new design, so he just gets Kanan's saber now. How inspired.
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meldy-arts · 8 months
I kind of dislike how chill Ahsoka seems about being trapped on Peridea. She's not really taking into account how Sabine feels about the entire situation right?
Sabine spent all that time and effort to find Ezra. She never meant to just send Ezra home. Her goal was to find and be with him but Ahsoka seems to have just assumed Sabine got what she wanted...
Not to mention the guilt Sabine probably now has having allowed Thrawn back to their galaxy, PLUS Ezra was on his star destroyer. How does she know Ezra hasn't been captured by Thrawn? Because Ahsoka said so?
Ahsoka's 'It's time to move on' Really has me frustrated because Sabine hasn't really accomplished anything she wanted. Yes, she reunited with Ezra. But now she's apart from him again. All she wanted was to be WITH him and now he's gone. She put her galaxy in danger because of her own feelings and Ahsoka is saying 'To move on?'
Nah. Not liking the Ahsoka vibes this episode
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inquisitor-apologist · 6 months
Out of all of the MANY missed opportunities and shit in the Ahsoka show, I think one of the biggest was not exploring the really unique time period that the galaxy is in at all.
Like, think about it. The Ahsoka series takes place in ~10 ABY. The Rebellion is gone. The Galactic Civil War is over. The New Republic has established itself. The last Imperial remnants have been driven all the way out into the Outer Rim. People are rebuilding. The First Order and Imperial resurgence is still pretty far off.
The galaxy in Ahsoka is about as peaceful as it ever gets in the main timeline. And they do nothing with it.
What does peace feel like for Ahsoka, who was forced to fight literally every war in the past ~35 years just for being force-sensitive? (Drafted into the Clone Wars, fighting for survival during the Imperial and Rebellion Years, probably returning to the fight in the Civil War because she’s one of the last Jedi/trained force-sensitives) How does she deal with not having a fight she needs to help with? How does she move on from an entire life of exhausting, terrifying war? How does she look at the Jedi coming back, knowing that they’ll never be the Order she chose to leave at 16? Does she want to come back, but not know how? Is she afraid of returning because she knows that there’s no one left to recognize her?
What about Hera, who dedicated her entire life to a war that’s won? The ongoing struggle that defined her childhood, her teenage years, the first two decades of her adulthood is… over. The Republic she fought for, the Republic she gave everything to restore, is restored. How does she adjust to serving in peace? Does the reality of the New Republic compare to the ideal she did it all for? How does she look back on a whole life as a soldier, knowing that it can be over now, if she wants it to be? Is she even able to accept that it’s over, or is she constantly looking for the next threat, the hidden, upcoming war?
And Sabine, who sacrificed her teenage years to the Rebellion, probably her 20s to the Civil War, how does she deal with living on a Lothal that’s long since moved past the need for a protector, in a galaxy that’s completely unrecognizable without a battle to fight? Does she look back at the Rebellion, the Rebels years, as the good old days? Does the rest of her life feel empty and dull without the constant rush of a desperate, uphill war? How does she reconcile a New Republic without Mandalore? How does she feel about the future she always envisioned missing the people she rebelled for in the first place?
But no, Felony was like: Ahsoka sad :( and unemotional bc Vader. Hera smart and 💯% justified about Thrawn. Everyone else just stupid and hates her. Sabine conflicted bc Not Jedi & misses Ezra. Whole family dead 💀 but let’s not focus on that.
Like, come on.
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