#how about I draw them acting like two middle-schoolers being in a relationship for the first time huh?
blackkatdraws2 · 4 months
Grown men giggling and kicking their feet.... [Blank Scripts AU]
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gale-gentlepenguin · 2 years
Gale Reviews: ML Season 5 episode 16 Protection
(This review is conducted without all episodes being released. So be warned that if you want to view the episodes in order. Avoid reading until caught up.)
-Still wish I understood how Lila tricked Kagami into friendship. It feels wrong
-I will give Lila credit on her manipulative words. She still horrible tho
-How dare she trick Kagami like this
-So the whole class just decided to dedicate themselves completely to hooking these two up?
-I love how everyone is like "Since you two are Awkward af, we are here to assist"
-I love the manga they drew for it. Its very shojo
-These plans are amazing. They basically recruiting Paris to handle this
-I love how Adrien and Marinette are reading this like a script and asking questions
-Did they seriously draw the wedding and them having kids? My gravy these kids ship these two almost as much as I do... ALMOST
-I love the Adrien with mustache bits
-As someone who has been in middle school and helps teach Middle schoolers in his volunteer hours. I can attest that this is basically how cringe middle schoolers are
-I like how this is based off Manga, fairy tales and hollywood. And they are cutting to asking questions that the other is asking
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-I want this framed so when ever I see a bad and stupid take about adrien being awful I cant simply link this image.
-"If you expect him to do something, you are mistaken" Kagami out here calling adrien out. Damn
-I love that it turned out to be as cringey as it sounded.
-What do they mean replace luka @is-nino-actually-luka how can Nino not play guitar? I need to know the truth
-Also Adrien and Marinette are just sitting and listening to all of this fall apart, even both in sync about wanting to leave.
-Marinette sweetie, it isnt your fault. The situation was just REALLY CRINGE
-Gabriel and Tomoe talking about the Diamond ball
-Gabriel admitting that he is dying
-Kagami and Adrien talking
-Adrien feels bad about not noticing Marinette's feelings and doesnt know how to make her feel less self conscious about it
-Seriously how can people hate adrien, boy is like cinnamon butter
-The parents walking in thinking Adrien is being passionate about him and Kagami. But thats not the case at all
-"Perfection for perfection" Me talking about my ships
-Oh no, they heard the Marinette part, so much for the happiness of an arranged dynamic
-Kagami looking at adrien acting all determined and forward and is like "Man, now this is the type of adrien I wanted"
-Marinette expecting the worst and tikki is like "Girl, Calm yo tits its fine"
-Marinette is like "Your right Tikki, no more complicated plans. I am not even gonna change."
-"You dumb ho You are in pjs"
-You know what, I respect Marinette. Girl didnt even freak out. She is like "You know what. I am going in Pjs"
-Ah yes, Gabriel and Tomoe arguing that their Children creation arent obeying them
-Tomoe basically saying "Solve this before you die bitch"
-Gorrilla just eating a bowl of fruit
-"You and Kagami are... of the same design." Either this is some sort of elitist Bulls*** or implication of Sentimonsters
-Okay I am ready to throw hands at Gabriel
-Adrien dropping in a Mom reference to dismiss his father's claims. Good on him
-He did the ring thing! How DARE!!! Gabriel you have SUCH a punchable face
-Adrien NO! DONT DO IT
-Wow... I did not see that coming. Marinette reasoned that it was Gabriel and didnt even bat an eye. I am impressed
-Nathalie listening to Adrien vent about not having a relationship with Marinette and is like "Bitch WHAT?!"
-Nathalie using the OTHER control ring to tell adrien "F*** what your dad thinks, Go kiss that girl"
-I love how Marinette is just being ridiculously adamant about wearing PJs today. She is an inspiration
-Adrien helped her sneak in? Adrien sneaking in girls? My how the angel has become a badboy.
-AND G packed them a picnic. I love it
-Adrien realized she is wearing PJs.
-HE WENT TO CHANGE INTO PJS TOO! That is love right there
-Adrien really be bringing the romance
-I love it
-Gabriel knows he cant take Nathalie in a fight and thats the reason he just accepts it and walks away. But yea the wording of this does not help but say "Sentimonster"
-Kagami, baby girl... of all the people you could vent to... You picked the WORST PERSON
-Lila f***ing knows Gabriel is Monarch, because thats the only explaination as to why she is telling Gabriel all this crap
-Thats RIGHT Kagami. Marinette is a good girl. Dont believe her lies
-Lila really out here acting like a Marinette salter.
-You know what? This is the type of Manipulation I want to see from Lila. Little twists of things to make it seem true. This is what Lila should have been in season 3
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-Lila twisted the knife enough for Monarch to act
-Wait why did the red face thing appear BEFORE the akuma showed up?
-And Lila does nothing to stop the akumatization because thats what she wanted
-Oh so thats why its called protection. She gets a sword AND Shield... Pokemon is now available near you
-Back to the Adrinette. Daww they cloud watching now. This is cute
-Oh my, that cloud was kissing which means...
-We are about to get an ALMOST KISS!
-Omg its so f***ing cute you guys.
-WAIT! Are they holding hands... before marriage? and no protection? Scandalous
-Gabriel can see this you know...
-Yo this music is pretty choice. Hopefully nothing ruins this moment
-Adrien put in so much effort for this. and Marinette was trying really hard. Kagami doesnt understand
-Oh thank goodness, I thought she was gonna skewer him
-Marinette trying to reach out and help but is denied because Lila and akuma twisting the emotional knife
-Adrien really being on the ball today. PROTECT YO GIRL!
-Oh so its one per person.
-Chat noir. I too would be happy to see him
-Adrien trying to talk no jutsu out of this
-She is hoping he uses cataclysm before he thinks
-Thank goodness it isnt awkward between them after Elation... I kind of wish it was. Because it would have been funny
-The charm is Olive oil
-Gonna be honest, that seemed a bit too easy to break
-But it was funny
-So Ladybug tried to give her the charm, but Kagami wont take it, so she left to become Marinette. Then chat noir did the same
-Adrien complimenting another girl, great for my ship but not good for Kagami's heart right now
-Oh kagami dear. She needs 100 hugs.
-She loves them both! I also would settle on Adrigaminette
-Adrien complimenting another girl, great for
-Now their picnic is sad now
-But yea the mood kind of got ruined after that. Dont blame them
-Lila once again slid past Kagami. I really do want Kagami to find out the truth
Overall I liked the fluff.
But the more episodes I see the more I am convinced the sentimonster bulls*** is real
I REALLY want to be wrong. And I know we probably arent going to get a full on 100% confirmation on if they are or arent sentimonsters because if in season 6 they want to back pedal they can
The music in this episode was really good (the ost not the band playing)
I also really like Kagami's development and my heart breaks for her
I still have some problems with this but the Adrinette is on point and the character development was on point.
Though I swear if Gabriel gets a redemption I will manifest into the show an kill him with my bare hands
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On weird (and annoying) tropes
Let's talk about some tropes in the anime and manga industry.
Sheesh, even though anime can be real fun, a lot of Japan animators or mangakas are such weirdos aren't they? It's almost like they live in another dimension, firstly because of the cultural differences (being them on the other side of the globe and all) but also because of their own distorted perception of the world around them. Today I'll focus on one aspect in particular, "weird tropes", for one reason in particular.... the audience likes them and I find it creepy xD.
Of course covering them all in just one post seems impossible so I'll just focus on two that are the most common.
First off... Let's tackle tsunderes. Like, seriously? It's not like you like the MC but you're gonna hit him (or her) or insult him just because he said something you didn't like or they hang around with someone other than yourself? The deal with this kind of character is not their existence, you see, if a show comes and manages their tsunderes to make actual plot points and maybe tell a story that touches delicate subjects like, I dunno, insecurities, family problems and relationship violence it would actually be alright, it serves the purpose of the story, it's telling something. But when their existence solely serves the purpose of filling the checkboxes to making a "comedy" anime or a romance one, it gets terrible results. Almost every show that falls in these categories has a tsundere. Yelling, hitting and making the "uh-oh, you entered the room and I was half naked" joke (joke that has to die once and for all pleaaase). What's the point? Does it actually fulfill fantasies of people? "I like that girl, she treats me bad, but maybe she is just a tsundere in real life" Dude c'mon, eeeeeven if that, for some big old miracle from the heavens it's actually true, you. Are. Allowing. Violence. That ain't cute, that ain't good.  In short, tsunderes need either a makeover or completely disappear, tropes get old with time. Moreover, if we look at anime like a medium that more andore kids have access to, it gets worse. We're teaching them that that's supposed to be cute, that that's an actual startegy to interact with people. It's gotta stop. 
Well, now let's get to real business, because even though I find tsunderes annoying, they can't compare to actual liking felony material.....Let's discuss lolis. 
Where do I even begin? Calling the police because you're acting suspicious if you actually enjoy when animes oversexualize minors? Trying to read your Google history just to make sure this isn't escalating? It's just a show I know. An animated show even, but there are doors that should remain closed even for shows, at least when, again, they are not trying to actually tell a traumatic story of how this little girl or boy gets abused. She's 400 years old? Dude that's just an argument to stop looking at the real problem: they look like little girls and boys. What you are liking and watching is WRONG, no other way around it. Should little boys and girls be erased from anime? Of course not, there are plenty of awesome stories that run around the friendships or paternal bonds, or they are just silly comedy shows with toddlers. I'll he the first to put up examples, I loved barakamon. One of the main characters is a little girl, that's it, she does little girl stuff and annoys the adults. Period. The problem is when is managed poorly and in a perverted way. It's good to note that this isn't a problem exclusive to kids, I'm also pinpointing ecchi anime that focuses on middle or high schoolers. Why In hell would you draw them in school uniforms and say they are 15 to then take of their clothes and pretend it's hot? They. Are. *Still*. Kids. C'mon. Addressing this is important because one common argument is " I only watched this when I was at school" or "I don't watch it because of that, i watch it for the plot" Okay, you know what? I buy ya. But damn there are a ton of freaks that do watch it for the wrong reasons, you only have to go through reddit for a few hours. Sexualizing minors is wrong, and it doesn't matter that is "another" culture,  globalization is closing gaps, more people have access to that content and we gotta focus on our ethics. Let's not support pedophiles please. Thank you.
Nikolas Naranjo, CFG Translations and betrayals.
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whumpmatsus · 3 years
So. Todomatsu always ACTS like he hates that Karamatsu is so eccentric, but we all know he actually doesn't mind that much. If anyone else made fun of him for that stuff, I can't help but think he wouldn't let it fly. So what about a situation where Karamatsu gets made fun of/bullied/put down by someone OUTSIDE the family for being the way he be and Todomatsu gets an opportunity to go into full protective mode over him??
OH SHIT the youngest of them goes feral
dare I say... RELEASE THE BABY!!!!!
God I love Zaimoku, it’s so good <3
If Totty is being completely, utterly, unfailingly honest with himself, his brothers need his help if one of them is going to be going on a date.
Really, he’s the only one who has any clue about how to act on a date! He could hit his big brothers over the head with a Clue-by-four with that shit and they still wouldn’t really get it.
Even so… part of him thinks he shouldn’t really be following Karamatsu to a date. Karamatsu is the one Totty knows is never going to come running to him for advice or assistance, especially with girls; he’s got the undeserved ego of an avocado toast sandwich. Totty isn’t sure he’d be pleased to know his baby brother tagged along not because he has to sort out a schedule thing at work, but because he wants to keep an eye on Karamatsu.
What else is he supposed to do, though? Just let Karamatsu go alone and totally blow it? His usual behavior aside, Totty really wants his big brothers to be happy and have fulfilling relationships. He thinks if he can be there to keep an eye on things, well, maybe it won’t go so bad. Maybe Karamatsu will have a shot with this woman. Maybe he’ll get a girlfriend!
The very idea was enough to make him feel a little better about lying so that his brother will take him along. It eases his conscience, imagining that if he manages to help Karamatsu out to the point that the second eldest ends up in a loving, joyful relationship, (obviously as opposed to the past few horrible ones he’s had), then a little fib isn’t so bad, is it?
After all, if he were the one in need of something like this, he’d be grateful for his brothers’ help however they did it.
Of course, when he sees the look this girl gives Karamatsu, a look like the kind a baby gives after licking a lemon for the first time, Totty can’t help but wince. This isn’t off to a great start. He lingers by the counter, greeting Sacchi and Aida, trying not to look as if he’s watching his big brother’s date.
“Aren’t you off today, Totty?” Sacchi hums as she turns to start making a drink.
He nods. “Yeah, well, I can’t stay away, I guess, haha.”
Aida jerks her head toward the table where Karamatsu and his date are. “That’s one of your brothers, right? Still as painful as ever,” she teases. “Is he… oh, my God, he’s on a date??”
“Shhhh, shh!” Totty waves his hands a little, hoping to get his friends to quiet down a little. The last thing Karamatsu needs is to be drawing attention. “He thinks I tagged along to talk to you guys about my schedule. But, yes, he’s here on a date.”
Sacchi finishes serving her customer, one of the few in the shop at the moment, and then leans against the counter to look over. “Aw, good for him. He’s not either of our types, but he deserves a shot with someone who’s interested.”
He lets out a soft sigh. “Agreed there. I kind of just wanna keep an eye on him, you know? To make sure he doesn’t mess it up too much. He should have let me pick his outfit, ugh… that aside, he’s doing okay so far, though, I think.”
Aida frowns as she slides a cup of coffee toward her coworker. “Um, I hate to burst your bubble, but he’s got his work cut out for him. I’ve been to some mixers with that girl, and she always finds something wrong with every guy she hangs out with.”
“She’s right,” Sacchi adds. “Good thing you came along so you can carry him home, ‘cause that girl’s gonna tear him to pieces. I mean, she went out with Atsushi and the next day he was in here crying and telling me she made him feel two inches tall. Nobody’s good enough for her.”
Aida clicks her tongue. “Your big brother’s in big trouble, Totty.”
It’s Totty’s turn to frown as he looks toward Karamatsu. Unfortunately, Sutabaa is so small and he’s close enough that he doesn’t have to strain too much to hear what’s being said.
The woman is laughing. However… Karamatsu hasn’t even really opened his mouth yet. “Oh, my God! You’re my date, huh? Last time I let my sister set me up. That bitch, haha. Ah, well… wow, your jacket is hurting my eyes. Could you take it off?”
Karamatsu seems to be trying his best to smile. “O-oh, yes, of course.” He moves to tug it off, folding it over the back of his chair. “Please forgive me. Anyway, my name is Karamatsu. And you, my angel?”
“Ahaha, WHAT?” The woman raises an eyebrow at him. “C’mon, dude. Don’t call me that. I’m nobody’s angel.”
Totty feels himself starting to steam. You’ve got that right.
“A-ah… right, my apologies.” Karamatsu just keeps smiling. The expression on his face reads almost like he’s in pain. “Well, should we order?”
She gives a cursory glance toward the menu, then suddenly her eyes are drawn to Karamatsu again. “Oh, my God, hold on… is… is that your face on your shirt?! Holy shit! Are you really that full of yourself?”
Totty’s heart sinks as his brother’s cheeks flush bright red. This is not going well. And while, yes, Karamatsu probably should have picked a different shirt, what’s really wrong with what he’s wearing? Even though he’s a little over-the-top and dramatic, this woman can’t know whether or not he’s ‘full of himself’ when she’s barely letting him get a word in.
Totty is the most socially intelligent of his brothers, and even he doesn’t think Karamatsu’s actually doing anything wrong. He hasn’t drawn anyone else’s attention like he usually does, he hasn’t gone overboard with any poses, and he’s… kind of just being himself, slightly toned down. It’s not like he’s bragging or being a jerk. Hell, it’s just a strange fashion choice; how the hell does she think it has any bearing on what he’s like as a person?
“Damn,” Sacchi cringes. “She’s not wasting any time, is she?”
Aida gives a pout toward her friends. “He didn’t even do anything wrong yet. He’s been a perfect gentleman.”
“Yeah, he’s just a little odd and, like, a tiny bit painful. But he’s acting really nice and polite.” Sacchi sighs as she props her head up on her hand. “There’s no pleasing some people. Aida, why don’t you go take their order? Maybe you can accidentally spill it on that pretentious top of hers when you bring it to them.”
“Pfff, if only. I’m on it, though.”
Totty continues to fume as he watches his poor brother try to impress this girl, pretty much in vain. He gets the feeling that nothing Karamatsu says or does is going to be good enough. For some reason, that really pisses him off. Despite the fact that Karamatsu can be a bit much, that he’s overcompensating for being insecure on the inside, that everyone rolls their eyes at him… Karamatsu isn’t a bad guy. He tries hard to make other people happy and treats them with respect. Even his brothers who don’t always return the favor.
By the point Sacchi and Aida are finished making their order, the youngest is ready to explode at this woman. She never even told Karamatsu her name, but she’s spent the whole time talking him down. When she asked what he did ‘besides be super excruciating’, and he told her he didn’t really have a job, she laughed at him. He tried to save it by saying he occasionally played guitar at coffee shops, and she responded something along the lines of, “What kind of hipster loser does that these days??”
Listening to it just makes him so angry. She doesn’t think Karamatsu is attractive, she’s called him embarrassing more than once, and no matter what he does or says, she’s not happy with it. Why the fuck did she even bother going out with him, then?
Totty was worried that Karamatsu was going to screw this up; so far he’s actually managed to be a decent date. He wasn’t prepared for his brother’s date to be the shitty one.
Sacchi brings him a simple iced coffee while Aida returns with the serving tray, a fake smile on her face from laughing uncomfortably at one of the woman’s comments. “God, she’s exhausting.”
“I don’t even know her and I can’t stand her,” Totty mutterrs before taking a sip of his drink. “Why the hell is she treating him like that? He’s just… being himself!”
Being himself. Karamatsu’s really not doing anything wrong. He’s trying to talk himself up when this woman gives him a chance to, but who doesn’t talk themself up on a first date? He just wants to impress her.
It makes Totty feel a little guilty to realize that, honestly, all Karamatsu really wants is to impress everyone because he wants people to like him… including his brothers. If Karamatsu feels the need to seek love and acceptance from strangers like this girl, to the point that he’s willing to put up with the horrible way she’s treating him, what does that say about his brothers? It’s not the first time he’s sucked it up and dealt with something he shouldn’t have from someone just because he wants that person to love him.
His attention is drawn by the woman giggling a little too loudly. “Fuck, you wanna go out with me again? I mean, how do you think this is going? I’m two seconds away from sneaking out the bathroom window. You’re so obnoxious, you dress like an edgy middle schooler, and who wears sunglasses inside, especially when it’s raining outside? You’re, like, cringe incarnate.”
Completely contradicting every statement she made, she slid her hand across the table to take his, if only for a brief moment. The wicked look in her eyes, more sadistic than even Ichimatsu, made Totty’s stomach twist in anger. “I might keep you around, though. You seem like a guy who’d keep me laughing for a while. Maybe next time I’ll take you out with my friends so everyone can laugh at you.”
Oh, that’s it.
He doesn’t know if Karamatsu is oblivious to what she means because he’s blinded and deafened by the promise of another date, or if he knows exactly what she means but perhaps thinks it’s worth it. His eyes light up… and behind that hopeful spark is the pain she’s already put him through.
Baby of the bunch though he is, Totty isn’t going to sit around and twiddle his thumbs while some bitch takes advantage of his big brother.
“Oh, that is sooooo not happening!” he calls as he approaches the table. Although he feels a little bad about just stepping in like this, he’s not gonna let her get away with treating Karamatsu like that. Laughing at him herself was bad enough; parading him in front of her friends for all of them to laugh at him when there’s nothing wrong with Karamatsu isn’t gonna happen if Totty has something to say about it.
The woman gives him an unimpressed look. “Who the fuck are you?”
“T-Totty!!” Karamatsu,  on the other hand, looks immediately panicked. “I can handle this… please, go back and fix your schedule, and I’ll meet you at home.”
“Wait, you work here?” She tilts her head at him. “Oh, shit, hold up. You’re the asshole who messed up my drink last time I was here.” Her gaze flits between the two of them, and she laughs again.
“― Oh, my God! You had to bring your twin brother along to come on a date? You’re pathetic!” Her hand pulls away from Karamatsu’s. “Oh, you’re definitely coming out with me and my friends.”
Totty hisses and pushes her hand away from Karamatsu’s. He steps in front of his big brother to physically block this woman from him. “Keep your hands off him! You’re not taking him anywhere. He’s never seeing you again, because you treated him like… like, fuck, I wouldn’t treat a rock the way you treated him!”
He hears Karamatsu make a noise of almost-protest behind him; he can just imagine the other man sinking down in his seat and trying to hide his face. “Totty, please…”
“No! No, she doesn’t get to just treat you like dirt, Karamatsu-nii-san! You think my brother’s just some kind of dumbass you can show off to your friends and laugh at and treat him like crap?!” he snarls. “Well, guess what? He may be sort of a dumbass sometimes, and maybe he’s a little painful, and maybe he’s not the perfect guy you’re looking for! But he’s a whole hell of a better person than you are!”
Although Totty could kick himself for not saying anything to Karamatsu before, it might be best it’s coming out now. He doesn’t have a lot of time to really think about it or pretend or rehearse. What he’s saying isn’t practiced, it’s real. “Karamatsu is the kindest person I know, and you wish you had at least half the passion he does for the things he likes! Who cares that he wears a shirt with his own face on it? He was bending over backwards to make you happy, even though everything out of your mouth was word barf about how embarrassing he is! And, by the way, you’re wrong!”
It only takes half a step for him to reach over to grab his coffee from the counter, assisted by Aida who’s smirking as she holds it out for him. “If my choice was between you or him, I’d be way less embarrassed to be seen in public with him than with you! He’s not perfect, but he cares about people, and he’s always there when you need him, and ― and all this stuff you think is embarrassing, who the hell gives a shit?! It’s what he wants to do and it’s not hurting anyone! I’d break my phone before I let my big brother go out with someone like you again! Maybe he keeps striking out with dates, but he’s never going to be that desperate!”
He feels a little bad about what he’s about to do. That feeling is mitigated by the fact that at least his coffee isn’t hot.
“And, you know, I actually am sorry about messing up your drink last time. So here, you can have mine!” Almost before he’s finished speaking, he’s dumped his entire cup over her head.
He doesn’t stick around to deal with the aftermath aside from seeing the look of abject horror on the woman’s face as the coffee makes her bad mascara drip. And even though there’s a little bit of guilt over the fact that he’s leaving his coworkers to deal with her, the fact that Sacchi and Aida are cackling while they gather up napkins eases his mind.
He grabs Karamatsu by the hand and leads him out, tossing his coffee cup on the way. There’s not much choice on Karamatsu’s part, except he doesn’t particularly look as if he minds that.
“You didn’t… have to do that, Totty,” Karamatsu mumbles. When Totty glances over, the second eldest looks more tired than anything. He knows that look; the exhaustion of something not working out, of thinking you had a chance only for it to all go up in smoke.
Totty huffs, marching the two of them in the direction that leads back home. “Of course I did! You weren’t going to do it, so someone had to. God… you’ve gotta stop letting people walk all over you, Karamatsu-nii-chan.”
The shift to the more affectionate honorific suggests to Karamatsu that this is really, truly something Totty cares about. He squeezes his baby brother’s hand with a thoughtful hum. “… If that’s the case, perhaps a romance for me just isn’t in the cards. I… really thought it was going to go somewhere this time.”
At last Totty slows slightly, from an aggressive pace to something a little calmer. He’s still pissed off that someone treated Karamatsu like that, and although he’s a bit upset that Karamatsu sit there and let it happen, he knows what it’s like to want people to like you so much that you’ll put up with nearly anything.
However, that’s also the reason he doesn’t want Karamatsu just putting up with it. He deserves so much better than to have people treat him like dirt. It’s not right to do that to anybody, but… especially not to Totty’s big brother.
“I’m sorry I kind of… tapped into Murder Totty in there,” he sighs. “Did I go overboard?”
Karamatsu shrugs. “Maybe a little. But I wasn’t truly enjoying myself and I didn’t want to go on another date with her. I just… didn’t know how to tell her no. I suppose I really am lucky you were there, too.”
Silence falls between them while they walk, then after a moment, Karamatsu clears his throat. “Totty… did you… mean all those things?”
“Huh? All what things?”
“Those things, you know… you said I was… kind and passionate and reliable.” He lets out a soft laugh. “You… you said you’d rather break your phone than let me go out with her again.”
… Oh. He. Did say that, didn’t he?
He pouts a bit, then squeezes Karamatsu’s hand. “Yeah, I meant it. Of course I meant it.”
“But as much as I love you, I’m just glad I don’t have to do that.”
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heyitsyn · 4 years
There Once Was A Man With No Arms-
Goshiki x Manager!Tendou!FirstYear!Sister!Reader
a/n: that was a mouthful
anon request: ahhh i loved your headcanons of iwaizumi dating oikawa's sister!!! this time, can i request goshiki x tendou's first year sis na manager din ng team nila? salamatttt hehe ingat ka lagiii💞
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this cute little bowl cut babie
so you are the little baby sister of our favorite red hair cutie and he was the one who offered you the manager position
ofc you accepted bc hello, you get to hang out w your brother and tease semi-semi-senpai everyday
pls let semi live
everyone likes you though bc you are their manager and you do a lot of things for them even though you dont need to
like sometimes, you stop by the store and pick up all kinds of snacks and if its really hot, popsicles and ice cream
ushijima farmer-san is known to be quite stoic and serious but he’s pretty chill around you and even ruffles your hair whenever you make a stupid joke
as a tendou, you are basically like a ctrl+v  with your brother 
the same cute teasing and bubbly personality but the quick change to serious and demeaning
the team gets stressed, especially mom, bc he has to take care of not one red-head freak but two
but he liked you more though bc you were a first year and you were this short little pumpkin and you were so nice and just all around A D O R A B L E
but you just didnt rub goshiki the right way
maybe bc he thought you were just doing this as an act and no person could really be this bubbly and cheerful
or hes just jealous his senpais attention is directed to you
whenever he gets a good spike, you cheer him on and say things like, ‘nice spike, tsu-chan!’ and he swears youre just doing this bc you want to kill him with a heart attack and he doesnt like feeling like this but you like torturing him
boi what is with this logic
even though he lives for praises, your praises and compliments just hits different than his senpais
before he even realized it, he started all out glaring at you and tendou, being the overprotective brother he was, pointed him out on it
‘oi, little kouhai, you got a problem with our y/n?’
at the mention of your name you turned around from talking to the coach and everyone turned to goshiki, expecting him to answer
unfortunately you didnt hear what your brother said so you were just confused
‘hm? i read the room and i am not comfortable with the energy in the gym today’
someone snorted while goshiki turned red at the attention being on him with the topic of you so he just walks away back to the court
‘oh? what was that all about?’ 
semi shushes tendou and gives you a smile
‘y/n, can you help tossing the ball for us?’
you nodded and quickly ran to the chair and waddled over to put it by the net before standing on it
everyone turned red, including goshiki and even shirabu, and busted their uwus
‘okay! let’s go!’
youve always noticed tsutomu and his determination to beat ushijima which youve appreciated bc he was so hard-working and he was talented enough
‘good one, tsu-chan!’
‘t-thanks, y/n-san’
even when no one noticed it, you were always there to give him compliments and he always grows flustered and hes just a big idiot babie and doesnt realize that your praises makes his heart beat faster bc he thinks youre freaking pretty and someone pretty complimenting him in his spikes boosts his ego
but eventually, it grew on him
instead of looking around for any senpai to praise him, he now turned to you and you would give him that adorable smile and he would bite his lip to stop himself from running over and hugging the life out of you
then he remembers who your brother is, well more like how protective the boys were
‘waka-senpai, nii-chan got sick so he wants you to stop by his dorm later today!’
since you were their teammate’s sister, theyve known you for a while and watched you grow from being this little middle school girl to a first year high schooler 
you were practically their sister
goshiki went to a different middle school so he never really realized how the guys treated you so differently but he knew it would be difficult to win them over for your hand
oops wait what
this thought struck him just as he was drinking water and he ended up choking on water causing you to run over from talking to semi so you could pat his back
‘omg, tsu-chan, you need to be careful!’
this was only the beginning of weeks of being weird
like he was so distracted and different that shirabu actually yelled at him and refused to give him any tosses
‘you talk big about being the ace but the slightest distraction could cost you a match. are you really being serious about being the ace or is it all just talk?’
he got all sad and mopey and he had to sit on the bench 
goshiki never got benched
he was too good to be benched!
but he was and he did not like it
you went over to him and sat next to him
‘tsu-chan, can you follow me?’
he looked up from the floor and he shrugged before following you out of the door
the others watched their first years exit the gym and they contemplated following
but tendou, surprise!, actually stopped them
‘my sister can sort him out herself. trust me’
goshiki didnt exactly know where you were taking him to until you stopped by by the baseball field where there was mud
‘y/n-san, why-’
‘you always say my name formally, why is that? im a first year too, tsu-chan’
he looked down
‘um, i-i don’t know-’
‘y/n-chan, tsu-chan. try it out’
you squealed at how cute he looked w red ears and a red face but you refrained from hugging him
then you remembered why you brought him out
‘oh right! come here, tsu-chan!’
you took a branch from a nearby tree and encouraged him to crouch down with you as you began to draw on the mud
‘there was once a man with no arms-’
you started happily singing and this was when goshiki really realized the resemblance between you and your brother
you both were happy and cheerful bc you wanted to radiate the energy to the others to be happy too
and it worked
tendou’s funny songs and jokes always made the others laugh and you did too
goshiki was happy that he was able to absorb that energy and he soon completely forgot about shirabu’s comments
once you were done, you have drawn a dog on the mud and the boy was so amazed at the sudden creation
he looked up at you with wide eyes and you laughed with a wide grin at his expression
‘hehe, its cool, right? nii-chan showed me something like that before when i got sad and it made me happy again. i thought it would work on you too’
he might have questionable feelings around you bc when you mentioned being sad, he felt weird
like he was relieved he wasnt there to see you sad bc he couldnt take it seeing your usual grin into a frown and your bright shining eyes filled with tears
‘y/n-chan, when you get sad, call me, okay? so i can go to you and make you smile like you did with me’
your eyes widened in surprise but you nodded, your grin even wider
‘im counting on you, tsu-chan!’
and he did
when he received a call late at night from you, he easily snuck out from his dorm and ran to the baseball field where he saw your crouching figure aimlessly dragging the stick in circles
he huffed and panted after running so fast and you looked up before running to hug him
‘im here now. youre okay’
you didnt release out your problems on him bc you didnt want to burden him
but he understood and just hugged you until you felt better enough to return to your crouching
goshiki hurriedly grabbed the stick and began to do the same thing you did for him before
‘then he jumped onto the lake and got stung by bees?’
he stopped and frowned, realizing he wasnt right
but the frown lifted when he heard your giggle
‘tsu-chan, he got stung by bees first and then he jumped on the lake!’
the corners of his mouth lifted and he chuckled
‘heh, i guess he did. but this is my version so listen closely, okay y/n-chan?’
this might be the reason you got close w the first year
the others noticed it too since you seem to pamper him and take more time taking care of him than them
like you even started wiping his sweat for him while he just giggles when you pull on the long strands of his hair
‘tsu-chan, i want to cut it!’
‘no, y/n-chan!’
he grabbed your hands and your arms around his torso so he could do the same to you and gently tugged on the ends of your long hair
‘you too then, y/n-chan. your hair is long too’
you pouted then gently punched his chest
‘mean, tsu-chan’
‘heh?! mean?! how?!’
tendou is like the best big brother ever and hes just like ‘yuhhhh get it tsutomu!!!!’
eventually, goshiki began playing even better
his complete spike percentage has increased and his jumping has gotten higher
but the team predicts that this was all because he’s trying to show off to you and your praising and compliments have motivated him to play better
forget being ace, he just wants you to praise him
‘y/n-chan! y/n-chan! did you see that?’
‘wahh!!!! so cool, tsu-chan!!”
bus trips to matches are so cute but yall lowkey annoy the players a bit
yall sit next to each other and are just leaning together as you giggle over stupid cat videos
like we get, goshiki is getting some quicker than us
i feel like before moving on to relationships, goshiki and you would be best friends first and then move on to the dating stuff
tbh, theres no difference bc yall have always been like that but theres just an offical label now
‘hey, tsu-chan, wanna date?’
‘u-um,, sure?’
yall would hang out in either his dorm or yours and yall would be alone bc the team actually trusts you but you dont know that they pass by the door ever 5 minutes and listen in to just to make sure yall are not doing anything bad
smh they so nosy but we luv them
you know of his insecurities about not being enough and his fears of not being the ace and his dreams of playing to the big leagues and his passion to continue playing on the court for as long as he can and how excited he is to be able to spend all those years with you
he knows of your insecurities about the way you look and being associated with your apparent freak of a brother but you didnt care about that and even fought someone when they said something and your deep protectiveness for the boys, especially your brother but it’s all because the boys were the ones to accept you with open arms and treat you like family
yall shared a lot of secrets amongst yourselves and tbh, your communication is just *chefs kiss*
so serious fights dont happen, like ever, just stupid little arguments that are usually resolved like an hour later
since youre also a manager, its also your job to make sure the boys are maintaining their good grades and you know that shira-senpai has given up on tutoring tsutomu
i mean,,, goshiki is smart but he gets distracted easily and ends up spacing out during lessons
thats when the little arguments bc youd be trying to teach him the damn phythagorean theorem and hed be distracted at how come your hair was styled like that today
‘goshiki tsutomu, i will leave your ass to fail right now if you dont stop touching my hair’
‘but babyyyyyy’
‘no, ‘dont baby’ me, you idiot! you’ll be crying like a baby when you fail and you’re bench during the next game!’
oof also!
hes a protective little babie and he gets jealous easily so whenever yall have games, he literally hangs all over you 
like he makes a show of putting his jacket over you and kissing your forehead so that the other teams know to stop looking over at your direction and whispering about you
ofc this gets on your nerves but you cant help but think how cute he looks when he gets jealous
he gets all pouty and touchy and youre just like, take my uwus you big babie
even tendou is like, ‘im her brother yet hes more protective than me’
he demands to be hugged 24/7 but thats not appropriate if youre in public so he ltr drags you outside and away from people just so he could hug you
he likes hugging you bc youre shorter than him and it makes him feel all special and soft since you like to burrow your face into his chest and your sweater paws are just like ugggggghhhhhhhhh
whenever he gets nervous, you kiss his fingers and his knuckles bc it soothes him and youre just his good luck charm and he feels like he can take over the world w a single kiss from you
‘baby, didja see that?! i was so cool, right?!’
‘so proud of you, tsu-chan! youre so cool!’
‘i love y/n like a sister but if she inflates his ego more, i will have to tape her mouth’
can you guess who said that?
overall a relationship i strive for and i really want a goshiki now thanks byeeeeeee
a/n: ngl goshiki’s hair lowkey triggered me when i first saw him bc why the heck does it look like that?! but now i actually like it on him and i cant imagine any other hairstyle fitting him
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antiloreolympus · 3 years
8 Anti LO Asks
1. It doesn’t really make sense for a long term comic such as LO to have such a drastic change in the artstyle, and even more you can’t really call it an improvement when all the interesting parts of the art style are now gone and all that it is now it’s just some basic same-face and body art style with barely any backgrounds. RS is incredibly talented for illustrative artwork and it’s really a shame she’s not doing that anymore and instead has left it to her team, with leaving them very messy sketches. The artstyle in the beginning had life and glamour and now it’s just very dull and boring. That’s not an improvement
2. I genuinely can’t think of any man in LO that’s even half way decent. Poseidon maybe? Hephaestus? Those are the only two I can manage, meanwhile the rest are either Rachel purposely ruining them because of her own biases (Zeus, Apollo, Thanatos to an extent) or are “good” men who are just creeps who disrespect all the women around them and are super creepy and obsessed over a literal teenager who acts like a child (Hades, Ares, Hermee, Eros, etc). The women aren’t much better either. 
3. About Perse making Hades childish: (this is no way defending him, just some speculation, and tbh I doubt that RS has thought this through haha) I wonder if he becomes a horny teenager around her because she’s a goddess of fertility? Would that have any affect on him? Doesn’t excuse his creepy ass behavior, but could explain it a bit, I guess?
4. Okay so I'll be honest I dont really see any reason to 'simp' over Any of the LO characters?
Also, not to start sh*t, but - I think part of the reason why some of the LO fandom does not like Zeus (and perhaps gives Hera more leeway - at least in terms of cheating) is because:
Mythologically Zeus is a known cheater / rapist (Io for example, or Semele)
They see Hera cheating a Zeus as okay (its not) because he's been known to cheat on her in the past / fans see Hera cheating on Zeus with Hades as 'justified revenge' for what he's (Zeus) put her through
I'll be honest I dont really see Zeus (or Hades for that matter) as good rulers because
Despite other deities (like Eros) doing 'acts of wrath' - they get away with it because they often have someone to back them up (like Aphrodite offering to sleep with Zeus to get her son out of trouble) - but the one time Persephone does something wrong (an act of wrath) - Zeus wants to give her the Prometheus treatment - mainly so he can feel like an in control king whos subjects respect him
The reason this sound so odd is because of RS writing choices. Zeus is a grade A d*ck who is willing to destroy a 'young girls promising career' because she made 1 mistake that one time. But at the same time the act of wrath is framed oddly because Demeter doesn't want her daughter to get in trouble so she covers it up (its like the equivalent of hiding a murder from the cops).
Zeus wanting to Prometheus Kore seems overly harsh because she is a Child. (Well a teenager) - so it adds to the "Zeus is a d*ck" card, because she doesnt have the life experience to "get away with" stuff like the other deities because she is young AND sheltered.
Like again, the whole concept of Human Laws applying to Gods is so confusing:
Would Zeus have been this harsh if Demeter had simply come forward in the first place about Persephone's murder rampage? Why did she blackmail / get other deities involved to cover it up? Is Zeus THAT much of a d*ck in Demeters eyes that she knows he would harshly punish a child for something "she didnt mean to do" (killed mortals based on a feeling?)
Why is there a motherf*cking trial in the first place? Do All the other deities get the right to a fair trial or is this a special case? (Like can any deity just offer to sleep with Zeus and he'll let them off the hook?). If the other deities had commited the same crime would the trial / punishment be the same or does Zeus just have a rage boner because he was lied to? If thats the case then why are the other deities taking Persephones side during the trial? (Ares I can maybe understand cause hes the God of War and stuff but everyone else is taking Perse's side because their either her personal friend or family member (Hecate, Hermes, Demeter, Hades etc).
Why are there certain laws like "Zeus cant get to Persephone because she has clemency in the underworld" but other deities - including Leto, Demeter and others (like Perse's nymph family) can just stroll into Hades house? Why is Hermes still on house arrest? Why are Hades + Persephone throwing a house party when shes on trial for scythe crimes??!!!
Why are the gods bound by such petty squabbles?
The way RS set up the governing "laws" in universe just doesnt make a whole lotta sense. Also, sorry this got ramblely.  
5. Tbh i don’t think that Hades acting differently when he’s with Persephone is a bad thing, as a concept. But there are many issues with this such as the fact that Persephone is barely legal and Hades act like an actual child around her. Obviously when you’re with someone they are going to act different than they do when they are at work. The problem is that Hades essentially goes from the “cold-scary king” to a 17 year old hormonal boy when he’s with Persephone. And him making out with her in a middle of a store or them golfing with diamonds or him making out with Persephone again in front of his workplace is not exactly acceptable behaviour from a king. If Hades acts all lovey-dovey with Persephone when their at their home together it’s different, but when they’re at a public place they can’t really do that. I would say that he has to keep a status about him but from what we’ve seen all the citizens of the underworld hate him and don’t respect him at all, from yelling at him to actually fighting with him, so idk how much status there is actually attached to him 
6. I swear, the majority of the “cute” HxP moments in LO just seem like a single father dealing with his hyperactive 8 year old over the supposed future intimidating rulers who Rachel is obsessed about talking and drawing their sex life. Is it really that hard to depict Persephone even acting like a smart teenager at the very least, as opposed to an airhead grade schooler? It doesn’t scream cute to me, it seems more like a father/daughter relationship. It’s just weird. 
7. i mean, i have a LO oc who's persephone's brother (fertility god) between demeter and zeus. dude got thrown into tartyrus to cover up the affair and now serves cronus. he was the god of summer, and my reasoning was demeter's seasons/harvest + summer thunderstorms. wrote a whole minific i will never post about him and persephone realizing everyone around them are assholes and healing together. so the mistress-of-zeus oc isnt that weird.
8. I’m not a Zeus stan by any means, but I do find him one of the most interesting characters, and one that RS has, in her attempts to make him be the worst ever to make Hades look better, actually way more interesting and compelling than the majority of the cast. He doesn’t lie or whine to the audience he’s some good person like Hades when he’s not, he owns that he’s a dick and doesn’t bullshit the audience into thinking he’s someone he’s not. RS tries to show us he’s a “bad” king, yet we see no proof it beyond what, he wants to uphold the law P broke and doesnt kiss Hades’ butt? That’s not a bad king, it’s a good one that he doesn’t let family ties or lust cloud his judgement, unlike Hades or Hera, for example. I don’t condone his cheating either, but it’s not fair to hate him for it, but love it that Hades cheated on Minthe so he could get into a teenager’s skirt and praise Hera for sleeping with her brother in law while punishing Zeus’ mistresses because she’s being a fake “loyal” wife. Just because he’s a deeply flawed, even a bad person doesn’t make him a bad character. Hades and Hera and even Persephone are awful people who do worse than Zeus, yet they’re loved and praised for it, all while being written with the depth of a puddle. 
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horrorslashergirl · 4 years
A yandere Chromeskull with a reader who grew up in a emotionally neglectful home making her really touch-starved and very accepting of the affection Jesse is offering her. 😊
I don’t know if I made him yandere, but I certainly didn’t. Sorry....
Chromeskull x Reader- Don Julio and Childish Flaws
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The black Bentley stopped into the parking lot of an expensive restaurant in Jacksonville and Jesse Cromeans got out, adjusting his Versace black dress-jacket, making sure he was as presentable as ever after all looks were very important to him, the power designer clothes and a Rolex were mind-numbing and people would say he was a narcissist, but like hell would Jesse go for cheap at the corner shops.
Fuck what people think!
It was very amusing to him, because people always threw themselves at him, be it for his status, money, tattoos, or very influential power he had. So, of course, it was funny when they accused him of being a prideful egocentric jerk because the next five minutes they were on their knees sucking on his cock.
He smirked at the memories of having a piggy choke on his cock in a bathroom at a gala party.
Despite all of this, something made him think twice about his life and that had to do at the last rich party that one of his partners in business threw. It all started with discussions about wives and marriage.
Jesse rolled his eye at the word wife. He tried marriage and didn't end well...on his deceased ex-wife's part. Hearing all the men at the party talk about their pregnant wives, following weddings and what-not domestic life made his chest constrict and it wasn't the alcohol.
Talk about a middle-age crisis, but that's what got Jesse to be so thoughtful in the past month.
Everyone was getting married, creating a family, and here he was adjusting his silk tie in the black tinted window of his car.
Before his ex-wife and after, he filled that void with piggies of all type, because you don't want a woman to bicker day and night about where you've been, how was work or simply sticking her nose in your business.
It all changed when each night before he went to sleep and in the morning when he woke up, he would look at the empty side of his California king-sized bed.
Now, he should be nervous, because it wasn't his first date with you, but he wanted to make sure everything is perfect, always put on a good impression, and make sure that your ego is being rubbed on.
Maybe that's the reason why this was the fourth date with you, because all his associates, when they found out about the two of you, have said things that made Jesse feel like a king....a winner.
'She's so young. Way to go, stud!'
'She's twice your age! You lucky bastard.'
'Wish I was in your shoes, man.'
Yes, all those words made Jesse's chest puff with haughtiness.
Back to where we are...After doing a once check-over he walked to the front entrance of the restaurant where you waited for him. He could help, but swallow down as he took in your appearance; a nice black Chanel dress with silver stilettos, make-up, and hair perfectly done.
A true beauty, so much more revigorating than the silicone boosted piggies he used to fuck or kill, of course, killing was the last thing he wanted to do to you, maybe kill your mind with nerve-wracking orgasms, but that's perhaps for later.
"Hello, Jesse." You greeted him with a big smile and he returned it with a toothy grin, walking towards you, then he kissed your cheek, a slight blush on them.
'Shall we?' he signed, and you gripped his arm, the two of you step inside and into a private lounge, drawing the chair out for you to sit on.
"What a gentleman." you said with a cheeky smile.
He sat down opposite from you, and a waiter came in to give the menus, asking what you wanted to drink before you would order food. You went with a Don Julio because this time it was your turn to choose the drink.
'I had this drink just once. Crazy night.' Jesse signed as he looked through the menu. After a little time, you both ordered the same thing, then the drinks arrived and you both cheered for tonight.
"So? How's work?" you asked, taking a small sip of the strong liquor.
Jesse was a little tense because to him work had two meanings; basking in mountains of paperwork or chase down women in skimpy clothes with two twin knives.
'Could have been better.' he signed a little reluctantly, avoiding your gaze.
"I can understand that. I am still working on my novel and I kind of have a writer block. It's like a black void of nothing." you told him with a sigh, noticing that the conversation wasn't going anywhere.
This was awkward and you resumed to spin the alcohol in your glass, trying not to act offended by your date's ignorance.
Jesse cursed himself, noticing that his cold attitude wasn't making you feel any comfortable, so one of his larger hands took one of yours, rubbing your knuckles soothingly, his face into a sad furrow.
'Sorry, doll. I'm not that used to this kind of....dating.' he signed, your eyes observing him more.
Yes, in the past dates you had with him he pretty much told you about the awkwardness of formal dating to say so and you could understand. It was so much different from booty-calls and paying a hooker to jump on your dick.
You figured a man of his status was very confident, but here he was acting like a virgin high-schooler. That thought made you giggle and his gaze bore into your skull.
"Sorry." you apologized with a cough and gave him an assuring smile.
"Remember what I said on our first date? Just be natural, yourself, don't try to please me with all the gentleman act, although it's very sweet of you."
Be himself? If he was acting like his true self he would have the waitresses gutted from throat to groin, and the waiter's dick cut off for giving you a not so professional look.
'It's all new for me.' he signed with a shrug, your hand coming to grasp his, and he did what you told him, brought your hand to his lips that brushed the skin of your hand, making you close your eyes, a content sound escaping your mouth.
Jesse also learned something interesting about you in the past dates, that you were touch starved, the simplest touches of affection making you putty in his arms, from rubbing your shoulders soothingly, to holding your hand and kisses on the cheek, you always leaned on for more, but the dates always ended when things got more interesting.
He broke the loving gesture when the food arrived and you eat in silence, continuing to drink and pretty much have a good time, acting all-natural thanks to the strong drinks that went on and on.
"And like I said, my parents, were always working and the divorce didn't help that much. My grandmother used to raise me more, but she died and I pretty much had to live with the fact that affection is a luxury I cannot afford." you blabbered, taking another sip of your drink, brows furrowing at the thought.
'I can give you that luxury.' Jesse signed, moving his chair closer to you.
That caught your attention. Your past lovers always said you were way too clingy and they needed 'space', so you didn't have that much luck when it came to a stable relationship, and you weren't that desperate to resume to cheap one-night stands that would leave you even more touch-starved in the morning after.
You could feel yourself blush more as Jesse looked with intensity at you.
"Don't make empty promises." you murmured and you squeaked when a hand touched your thigh, thumb brushing your bare skin.
'I am serious. This is our fourth date and I really love your company. You're different.' he signed, and you nibbled on your bottom lip nervously.
"I know, I enjoy spending time with you, Jesse....But, I mean...I am kind of young and perhaps I don't know what I want from life and I certainly don't want to burden you with my childish attitude." you explained, feeling all of sudden more self-conscious.
'I always liked them younger. Far more exciting than the stuck-up hags my age that doesn't have a sense of humor.' he signed with a smirk, making you giggle and automatically move closer to him.
He certainly had a strange and dark sense of humor, but it was growing on you, and for a 40-year-old man he sure acted like a teenager, which was unique.
"I know I can be sometimes clingy..." you whispered, his brown eye moving from your eyes to your lips and back up.
'I certainly don't mind. I love my baby girl to be hungry for his daddy.' he signed ravenously with a cheeky grin and you slapped his shoulder lightly.
"Don't speak like that! You make it sound like I have daddy issue." you muttered, glaring at him, your faces so close to one another.
'You do, princess. But let me tell you, I won't neglect you and everything you want I can get you; clothes, jewelry, cars, luxurious vacations. Just say your price.' he signed slowly.
Maybe he was desperate, but Jesse Cromeans is never desperate, but one thing for sure is that whatever Chromeskull wants, Chromeskull gets.
You hummed in thought, then moved your lips to his ear.
"How about cuddling tonight after this dinner, and maybe watching a home movie? I do need inspiration for my book and there is this new horror movie." you whispered, your hand moving to his black-clad thigh, giving it a squeeze.
Jesse was grinning like he won the lottery, his arms coming to wrap around your waist, pulling you into his lap. You giggled at his childish self, perhaps more so than you.
You poured another two glasses of Don Julio, handing him one.
"For the start of our relationship?" you asked, raising your glass in salute as he did the same.
'For the two of us.'
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madara-fate · 5 years
I've seen you reblogged A Silent Voice, what do you think about Nishimiya and Ishida's relationship? do you think they can be a good couple? I notice that Nishimiya fell in love with Ishida. But I can't see from Ishida's side. I love this movie so much but I don't think I understand the plot completely, I still don't get it why Ishida couldn't see people in the face.
Ahh, I’ll never get tired of talking about this movie; It’s my joint favourite anime movie ever. With regards to your questions, I’ll begin with Shouya and the difficulties that he has with social interaction. The main reason that he had such an issue with looking at people’s faces was because of the social anxiety he developed after becoming the scapegoat for the bullying of Nishimiya, and the isolation he suffered throughout his middle school years as a result of this, which ultimately led him to become a very introverted individual.
After Shouya was outed as the main culprit for Shouko’s bullying, even his closest friends shunned him, despite them doing nothing to stop Shouya from continuing his actions, and instead just laughing along with whatever he did:
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That undoubtedly caused Shouya to feel a large sense of abandonment, and a loss of trust towards others because of the actions of his friends. Therefore, whenever you saw the scenes of him slowly putting his hands to his ears and closing his eyes, it obviously wasn’t really happening, but it was symbolism used to signify what he was doing; He was closing himself off:
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As a result of this, he often got paranoid because he always thought that people were talking about him behind his back, as they always used to do after he was turned on by his peers. So even when in reality, they were discussing something as harmless as whether or not they should go to the courtyard:
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In Shouya’s mind (as seen by the quotation marks), they were talking about him, and mocking him for always being alone:
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This was the case for every one of his peers. It didn’t matter what they were discussing because Shouya had figuratively deafened himself to what they were actually saying due to his introversion. He always assumed they were just mocking him, to the extent of even questioning the point of his very existence:
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That’s how badly Shouya’s isolation affected him, and this was also undoubtedly the cause of his borderline suicidal tendencies:
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However, after meeting Shouko again a few years later and being given the chance to make amends with her, he began to realise that maybe his past sins didn’t necessarily mean that he deserved to die. He began wanting to live and restore the happiness he had taken away from her all those years ago.
Yet, in an unforeseen circumstance, Shouko also exhibited the same suicidal tendencies that he had done. Just like him, she also felt that she was nothing but a nuisance, especially for Shouya. In Shouko’s mind, she had taken away his happiness by being the pivotal component in the events which ultimately led to Shouya losing all of his friends and becoming miserable. Thus, she would eventually attempt to take her own life, and in a desperate plea to the gods themselves, Shouya asked for that little bit of extra strength he needed to be able to save her life, and in return, he promised to do things right - He promised that he would no longer run away from his problems anymore, and that he would finally look at people’s faces and actually listen to their voices: 
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So then when the festival came along, Shouya decided that it was time to make good on that promise. The scene then interchanges between the symbolism of him removing his hands from his ears, and what was actually going on at the festival, and as his hands were removed, you could hear things from Shouya’s perspective - You could hear how he was slowly beginning to actually listen to the sound of peoples voices and could hear what they were really saying:
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He realised that they weren’t constantly talking about him and his apparent worthlessness; They were instead just going on about their own lives:
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He was listening to people’s voices, and he had finally opened his eyes:
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And he noticed the many great friends and family that he had with him and supporting him. He was no longer the shunned, isolated middle schooler who had seemingly lost all of his friends and was made to feel like scum - He was now surrounded by people who genuinely loved him:
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And at this realisation, he just couldn’t stop the tears from flowing:
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That really was such a great scene, just the culmination of everything he had been through was really well done.
As for Shouya and Shouko’s relationship, they can definitely be a good couple. As you said, Shouko’s feelings for him were made very explicit because of her confession, and whether or not Shouya reciprocated was rather ambiguous. However, the future for the two of them was made a little clearer in the manga. One example of this was when Yuzuru was spying on them as they were discussing their futures, and after they had resolved to do their best together, Yuzuru wished the two of them (as in their relationship) good luck:
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Another example happened as they were about to enter the coming of age ceremony in the final chapter. During the final scene of the manga, they were both feeling rather nervous about the whole thing:
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However, in an act which caused Shouko to blush, Shouya took her hand and led them both through the doors, which was not only a call back to their promise of doing their best together, but it was also likely a metaphor that they will continue to be together as a couple from now on:
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And I couldn’t help but draw parallels between that final manga panel of Shouya and Shouko walking side by side through the doors, and the final movie shot where you see two silhouettes walking side by side towards the light, and you can only assume that those figures are Shouya and Shouko; Their sizes match:
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In which case, despite the anime adaptation being a little rushed due to the time constraints, both versions of the story essentially ended on the same positive note relaying the same inspiring message - That the future is looking very bright for the two of them, because whatever the future should bring and regardless of the hurdles that’d come, Shouya and Shouko would face them together, always.
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katyatalks · 5 years
Otomedia April 2019 - Kokuryuu Sachi’s [Shou] Interview
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Here's the translation of Kokuryuu Sachi's [Shou] interview from the MP100 section of Otomedia April 2019 (March release)! Super nice analysis of Shou, Ritsu, Touichirou etc. and the relationships between them.
Q: Shou is a character that makes his entrance quite suddenly during the climax of season 1. What were your thoughts on him back then?
A: I thought he was a mysterious character. His entrance scene is very significant, with even everyone from the Seventh Division wondering just who exactly he is. He was a character that appeared to have no connection to any of the characters we’ve seen so far. And, while the other characters are generally involved in comical scenes, Shou didn’t have that atmosphere to him at all. The air around him suggested that he was powerful, and I felt within the story itself he’s a character who can’t let his guard down around anyone, so at that time I suppose I thought of him as being isolated.
Perhaps thanks to the scene in which Shou takes an interest in Ritsu, season 2 begins with that connection between the two being formed, so the feeling of loneliness surrounding Shou wasn’t as strong with season 2. In season 1, he didn’t have anyone he could rely on, but - how should I put it - with season 2 it felt as if he finally entered into the Mob Psycho 100 gang. But every time Shou-kun appears, it’s in a pretty anxiety-inducing way! (Laughs)
Q: And your thoughts on him now?
A: A kid who acts much like a kid… how should I put it. He’s very much a middle-schooler. He’s able to use powers and has become magnificent as a result, but as for the story, he’s in his “rebellious period”.
Q: Your thoughts on Ritsu, who Shou works together with?
A: I feel Shou’s thoughts on Ritsu are; he’s intelligent, he’s about as powerful as I am, he’s balanced, and “he understands the things I say”. I feel like Ritsu always tries to look at the bigger picture. I understand wanting to work together with someone for the express reason that you can’t trust them. For Shou, self-control is important, isn’t it? He's sensible, being able to suppress his own powers, yet use them properly against an enemy when needed. And yet, some powers can be overwhelmed. One of Shou’s lines is, “powerful idiots are the biggest trouble,” and that’s exactly it. I think Shou finally found, in Ritsu, a companion that he can talk to on the same level with. I don’t think what the two of them have is some simple friendship. There’s not been any happening so as to nurture that kind of relationship. For me, I think what they have is something akin to sympathy, between them. You’ve probably had the experience before where when you talk to a friend, you find that you have similar home-life situations, right? I wonder if there’s something more to friendship than society says, something sixth-sense-ish that attracts us to one another. A seeker, deep within us. When the way we think about things is similar.
For me personally, I’ve always thought that Ritsu is a truly good kid. He is patient with everything. Of course, Shou puts up with things too, but Ritsu endures everything, even though he could let all his emotions out in an explosive way. In that sense, there’s something conflicting there, I suppose. When I look at him, how do I put it... I feel something like pity, and I want to support him. There’s been times where I’ve thought it must be painful for him, being so honest. I love Ritsu the most!
Q: Now, what are your thoughts on Shou’s father, the boss of Claw, Suzuki Touichirou?
A: Shou is confrontational, but when I read the things he says I feel strongly that he is the kind of kid who just wants to be cared for. He wants his father to look at him - care for him - so he bites at him. But his father is someone who is estranged from things like love, so Shou isn’t sure how to get what he wants. His father is unable to sympathise, is one way to put it. And yet, he managed to raise such a loving son. That’s a mystery. I really feel that Shou loves his father, but his father is far too awkward and can’t accept this fact. As for what becomes of this father-son relationship, it’d be spoilers if I went too far into details, but I felt a little saved.
Q: Please tell us any highlights of the climax.
A: Shou’s long-awaited entrance. There’s a deep(?) negotiation between Shou and Ritsu in which I couldn’t stop grinning as we performed it, so please look forward to that. Even though all Ritsu says is, “yes” (laughs).
And, Serizawa, Serizawa! He’s a soothing part of the climax. Looking at the other members of the ultimate five, they all have scary faces and seem like the bunch to make fools of others, but Serizawa with his soothingness being part of that is unbelievable! Rather than the negative image of being a hikikomori or dark-natured, he’s overflowing with the air of being a sensitive, kind person with the things he says and his voice. I think that’s amazing. I really love him. And, speaking of voices, Touichirou is so cool. Like, “oh, damn”, levels of cool. For me personally, being able to give a performance of defiance against big veteran Inoue Kazuhiko-san was a lot of fun. It felt great to have Inoue-san respond sharply to that, too. It’s an opportunity I’m very thankful for.
Q: Please give a final message.
A: From here on, the plot develops in a way that you’ll look at in mute amazement (in a good way!). The speed is insanely good, and I think it’ll be content you can deem worthy of multiple rewatches. The drawings, the music... the next 4 episodes are amazing and rich, so… proceed with caution! (Laughs)
Twitter crosspost here.
Otomedia April 2019;
ONE’s special interview here.
Sakurai Takahiro [Reigen VA] & Itou Setsuo [Mob VA] joint interview here.
Kokuryuu Sachi [Shou VA] interview here.
Itou Setsuo [Mob VA] & Irino Miyu [Ritsu VA] interview here.
Character Designer Kameda, Eye-catch Team Kenja, Series Co-ordinator Seko & Director Tachikawa's interview here.
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monkey-network · 5 years
Eizouken v. Ratatouille: Dawn of the Creative Drive
WARNING: This critique will contain spoilers for Eizouken episodes 1-4 and the film Ratatouille. Also this is long. And yes, I had to make this or else I would’ve exploded. Enjoy.
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Youtube’s TheRealJims made a video review of pixar’s Ratatouille not long ago, check it out by the way, and one thing about it caught me deep. He described Ratatouille as “a progressive kind of film, not in the political sense, but a very forward looking movie.” This line stuck with me as I begun to watch Keep Your Hands Off the Eizouken, an anime about a high schooler, inspired as a child, working her way to create anime with her friends. It wasn’t until episode 4 where mind threads started to knot, where that line about the pixar flic started to click with this anime in a way I’ve never thought of before. As such, I found that these two have a great thematic link, a connected warp between the creative minds of adults and children. Eizouken and Ratatouille do the remarkable in giving us the bouts and beauties to having a creative, “progressive” drive, and I wanted to explore how they stack up differently and similarly. And with that,,,,
The Ignition
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The beginning scene of Eizouken where Midori see her inspiring anime for the first time is personally my favorite moment of the anime so far, borderline perfect. Like Remy, we already see her have this extrinsic passion for drawing once she arrives at her jungle gym of a newfound home; crude as they look, we see her seedling talent in jotting the details of her world onto paper. It’s then when she watches Future Boy Conan where her passion becomes etched in stone intrinsically. Miyazaki was her Gusteau, the bonafide inspiration that, taking it all in, made a simple hobby into a driven pursuit. Ratatouille more or less streamlines this whole moment with narration (makes sense cuz it’s a film) but they nonetheless bring home how a talent can be solidified if given the right push. Even if you didn’t have a desire to have a fulfilling career from it, you can’t deny that there was a moment in your life where something (be it a show, game, book, etc.) was the foundation to your biggest hobby, which then allowed you to explore it more as you grew up.
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One thing to note is how Ratatouille handles Remy’s character with his interest. In spite of his palette gift, he doesn’t become a snob or too good towards his rat family; there’s not a moment where he claims he knows better than his skeptic father, they just idealistically disagree and their connection remains intact throughout the film. He has taste and knowledge, but isn’t smug about it. Midori is rounded the same way, she doesn’t push Kanamori or anyone to accept that anime is the best thing ever, and there’s that layer of anxiety to her love of anime that humanizes her aspirations a little more than Remy. It was a lot easier for Remy to be a cook than it was for Midori to make anything beyond concept art, or be sociable about it for that matter. At the same time, both remain humble in their ignited desires and understandably had to deal with an initial drawback to pursuing their dreams which is where...
The Helping Hands
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Now, I’m not saying Midori is puppeting Tsubame or that Tsubame is a subversion of the whole rags to riches trope. I say like Linguini, Tsubame is one of the bridges for Midori to live out her desire, with the added bonus of being just as on board in scaffolding Asakusa’s passion to its most palpable form with her own dream of being an animator. Midori and Remy, be it their figurative or literal limitations, needed the likes of Linguini and Mizusaki to make things come to fruition. Even when Linguini doesn’t desirably wanna be a top chef himself, he witnesses Remy’s skill and is willing to put himself out there to work together and make the best cooking at the restaurant. Likewise, Tsubame is more than willing to work with Midori if it means not being forced into doing what her parents want and sharing that pathos of anime with a similar mind. And unlike Ratatouille, it helps that Tsubame is already adept in animating; I’ll talk to more on this later, but I’m glad Ōwara didn’t force us a character that wants to be somebody but has done nothing for herself. That’s what I noticed with both of these features, there’s a great semblance of support when passion is there but can’t progress singularly. There can/will be people out here to help you and they will come when you least expect it. Linguini and Tsubame both work well as the muscle of the cast, the character that does the heavy lifting in bringing the meal or anime to life. As such, we essentially have our director and the more hands on conductor of the project, but this all can’t be done without the producer.
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Colette and Kanamori serve well as the anchor for our respective characters; we can’t just have the four characters go nuts with whatever, there needs to be some stability, a reality to the ambitious madness that can come with creating. Kanamori isn’t teaching the two any ground rules of anime, but she understands the analytics and guidelines to keeping things on track. Colette helps Linguini, by extension Remy, on the known etiquette to being productive in the kitchen, the same can be said for Kanamori in helping Tsubame and Midori in getting the film done clean and timely. While making a meal isn’t the same as making a whole cartoon, the ins and outs of getting things done have a parallel organized track. There’s especially more to making animation, especially on a deadline, and I’m glad Eizouken doesn’t shy away from giving you the thought process in what might go on behind the scenes; it practically gives you the ropes on what could happen if you were in each of the trio’s shoes. 
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Additionally, these two are the most resolute of the three characters; they stick to the mission understanding where Remy and Midori are philosophically, and Tsubame and Linguini are fundamentally, coming from. She and Kanamori exhibit the practical outsider, the one to truly stick their neck out, don’t put up with bullshitting, to push the creative drive further. Both see the weight that comes to production and while Colette has her fallback in the 3rd act, they make sure everything goes as planned. They truly practice what they preach and are the glue that holds things together. The only disadvantage Colette has is that she lacks a relationship with Remy, it’s mostly indirect at the end while Asakusa and Kanamori are initially on better terms since they were already close friends. But with our characters on the move, there’s hardly such thing as a perfect run,,,,
The Fallback
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This part is where Eizouken and Ratatouille truly divide because the problems that arises for our characters come in differently. Ratatouille has more outside factors coming in with the fact that Remy is a rat and is pulled between his connection with humans vs his own kind. Eizouken is more in-fighting between the three where Tsubame and Midori’s ambitions have to face off against Kanamori’s more realistic shut downs and options. Eizouken also presents the compromises that can come with being a creator where Ratatouille reasonably montages through the hardships that can come with human puppetry and becoming an instant hit in the kitchen. Success is portrayed more consistently in Ratatouille than in Eizouken, which focuses more on the progress. It’s obvious given that, again, making food is not as time and energy consuming as making a feature; we see that animation is a lot more than just drawing all your ideas onto the equivalent to a flip book.
To sidetrack a bit, I came to agree with Jim that Monsters University is the antithesis to Ratatouille where the hard work that one puts into their dreams doesn’t mean imminent or easily delivered success. It’s a bizarro film in that, while not breaking new ground plotwise, MU is grimly realistic in that your passionate drive won’t always lead to getting the spoils you exactly want. Eizouken cleverly sits the middle of the two, where success is achievable if you put the effort in, but that effort realistically won’t go exactly how you want. Mizusaki wants everything hand-drawn and Asakusa wants a story, but come to understand that shortcuts need to happen if they want to get it done by the  council meet. Kanamori isn’t crushing their aspirations for the hell of it, she makes it clear that time and the student body are not on their side. As opposed to Ratatouille, the final boss that are the critic(s) are notably secondary to getting the project done somehow. As mentioned before, I’m glad Ōwara made Tsubame already apt in animating because we can focus less on her being able to do it, more on the limitations that come with doing it. She has the skill, but has to bargain on her capabilities with what’s necessary as we see the tolls that come with the job.
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Where I say these two collide somehow is the facet of the outsider putting the effort in for their goals. Remy and Midori are gifted and near encyclopedic in their trades, but are reasonably setback by both internal conflicting question of how far are they willing to go in exercising their drives. Remy more external than Midori since he could literally be killed if the truth was out too soon, but there is that self doubt in both of them where it can be hard to imagine that anyone can cook or that creating the great world is possible. It’s near the end of the arcs where they truly stand up for their beliefs and I appreciate that both handle the determined directing of our MCs in a respectable, pretty relatable way. They finally get to call the shots. They never sacrifice what could’ve been for what could be dauntingly realistic either; both offer an organic sense of optimism. But, with this optimism, comes the endgame that truly puts it all to the test in...
The Moment of Truth
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Mr. Anton Ego, Skinner, and the Student Council are undoubtedly the final piece to these puzzles. It’s smart that they’re only present by the end of the arcs, only mentioned initially as the antagonistic force Remy and the Eizouken need to convince; they didn’t need to shoehorn their looming gavels any further. Naturally Skinner parallels the council president, a disingenuous hothead that antagonizes our MCs in a more unfair light while secretary Sakaki represents Ego, an intellectually honest person with actual standards and can see the forest for the trees. Eizouken’s episode 4 perfectly conceives why Kanamori is the boss, as she effortlessly confronts the allegations against them; not so much bluffing as she is spotlighting the council’s rash judgement. Unfortunately Kanamori can only debunk them so far, which leads to Midori overcoming her anxiety to demand that they’re given a chance. It’s great that Asakusa can suffer in silence for only so long before pushing herself to say something. This falls in line with Remy’s dad showing his son the grim realistic front of humans and rats before coming back to help him when he realizes Remy’s determinism. It’s like the rat says, the only way to go, “With luck, forward.”
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Like the scene where Ego eats the titular dish, the moment we finally see the anime in full is almost disgustingly perfect. It’s fitting that a riot was going on before the presentation only for the action packed film to essentially come to life and throw chaos right back at everybody with powerful air waves, tank shells, and the tank itself jumping off the screen, literally blowing the audience away. Eizouken has literally more louder of a scene than Ratatouille’s, but both offer that climatic impart equally hard in their respective moments. They don’t shy away from grasping that immersive feeling of what you loved the most about food and/or animation, those invested in the film/series are basically with Ego and the student audience as those moments happen. It kinda hurts the brain how perfect these two moments are. Eizouken and Ratatouille, in a meta sense, weren’t successful only because they poke at our nostalgia or love, but of how they go the mile to convey it significantly. Ratatouille by the end, thanks to Ego, provides the apt idea of open-mindedness; that greatness can come from anywhere. Eizouken does this but adds the step that being open-minded can come with seeing what the efforts of that determined greatness can lead to. And with this, we see how it ends, or how it begins...
The Step Forward
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I mentioned this before, but I loved that immediately after their demo reel finished, they weren’t worrying about any approval from the council or audience but discussing about what to improve on next. We see the soon boundless enthusiasm of the trio when, regardless of , they want to improve and do more as a team, all while the secretary approves the club in the hopes to see the fruitful potential. Compare this to Ratatouille for while Remy succeeds in convincing his family and Ego of his talent, they don’t sacrifice realism too much. Gusteau’s is naturally shut down, rats and humans aren’t suddenly living together by the end. At the same time, the movie wasn’t really about that, but about achieving small victories, optimistically grasping that palpable progress. Like Eizouken, Ratatouille leaves us with the progressive prospect that there’s the potential for more, for better.
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To quote Jim once more, I say what makes both Eizouken and Ratatouille work fundamentally is that they keep the finger on the pulse of their respective message(s) while still creating enjoyable moments; they don’t sacrifice the fun of getting things right for pushing why it matters. They don’t sellout the bonds between our characters for irreverent romps in the kitchen or studio. Both offer a meaningfulness to their respective crafts, blending its many flavors into a well made dish that explores what it means to create and the steps that come with it. What it means to have passion and utilize that to its capable extent. What it means to enjoy a meal while watching an impressively finished production. They’re also very well animated; thanks Yuasa and Bird. 
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After the Rain (Fanfic)
The Maitlands
Lydia starts her first year of high school, and while thing start out on a positive note things quickly take a turn for the worse as rumors from the past surface at her new school leading her to have to decide if she is ready to tell the Maitlands. 
Also this fic is kinda sad, but fluffy. Hella long (4,000+ words haha) so enjoy
Tw: Bullying, Use of D slur, mentions of homophobia, mentions of mental health, mental health bullying mentioned 
She didn’t want to put it off any longer. She had already told her father and Delia the truth, she wanted to tell the Maitlands but she wondered if she was making the wrong choice, I mean she hardly knew them. They’d only moved into their house a two months and maybe it would make things too awkward if Lydia told them that she was a lesbian. She didn’t doubt they’d be fine with it, but she debated if it was something they needed to know...or if now was even the right time to tell them. She agonized for weeks about telling her father, and while it just kind of slipped out when she told Delia it seemed like the natural progression of their relationship. The Maitlands were new territory, uncharted territory. Maybe she was putting too much pressure on this whole thing, maybe she should just rip off the bandage and tell them casually like she did with Delia. 
There were a few times where she had the chance too. The first time they were having breakfast alone together when Delia and her dad went on a weekend trip for their jobs. Adam and Barbara were talking about how they started dating in high school, and everyone assumed that since they were high school sweethearts they were each other’s first partners but Barbara had dated three guys before Adam and Adam had dated two other people and one very very awkward date that ended with him sneaking out of the restaurant and hiding from them at school the next day. Lydia was about to ask how to ask people out and casually mention how it would be a girl but suddenly Beetlejuice came crashing down the stairs covered in blue slime and blaming Lydia’s kitten Cation for the mess. 
The second time the three of them were all hanging out upstairs in the attic, Barbara was teaching Lydia to sew and had made a joke about how it’s very important to keep the needle straight. Lydia decided that perhaps that joke wasn’t the best way to announce her sexuality to her new family members. 
She put it off for a long time, letting opportunity after opportunity pass by where she could have told them but she just couldn’t bring herself to. July and August passed by where any time Lydia would build up the courage something would stop her, something would prevent her from saying it. Often times it was Beetlejuice doing something stupid that took everyone’s attention but sometimes it would be a frog in her throat keeping the words from coming out. She was about to start her freshman year of high school at her new school and lots of emotions started bubbling up all at once. She missed her mom, mainly, this was the first school year where her mother wouldn’t have breakfast with her, hand her a card with words of encouragement, and walk out the door after a tight hug. She didn’t want to admit it but it stung making her own lunch that morning, she’d made her own before but it was a little tradition of theirs and it was over now. On the walk to school, she got very anxious about all the new people she was going to meet and Delia’s concern about her making friends started to feel a lot more pressing than they had a few months ago. She didn’t want to have to go through what happened in middle school all over again, she wanted this to be a clean slate and hoped that people wouldn’t have preconceived opinions about her. She obsessed over making sure her uniform looked proper and that nobody would be able to pick out flaws in her appearance. She had never cared before but now she couldn’t stop thinking about it. 
With her scheduled clutched in her hands, she made her way throughout the school day with very little hiccups. She was very grateful that she wasn’t the only person struggling that day as all the freshmen were dashing around the building like madmen trying to find where their classes were. Once she thought she walked into the wrong room because the class was filled with people that looked a good deal older than her, even the teacher looked confused at her presence but after checking her paperwork Lydia was where she was supposed to be, she had apparently scored high on her science placement test and was moved to an upper-level course, instead of Earth science she was now in intro to chemistry where she was one of two freshmen in a class of mainly juniors. The other kid her age sat in the back, hardly paying attention, and though she didn’t recognize her at first it was the same girl she had seen working at the ice cream parlor. It was strange seeing her without the ridiculous ice cream hat and pale blue polo shirt, instead, they both were wearing identical black and white uniforms but Lydia could swear that on the cuff of the other girl sweater she could see a rainbow-colored pin. Though it was a flash in the pan realization Lydia’s first thought was that she maybe now had a chance. Her second thought was that she wanted to tell Adam and Barbara about this girl, but in order to do that, she would have to tell them she was gay first. 
Her first week of school went by without much excitement, she found some people to sit with at lunch, she was getting along well with the kids she had been grouped with in her geometry class, but her favorite part of the day was chemistry. The ice cream shop girl who she now learned was named Wendy got her seat moved temporarily for not paying attention in class and she was now sitting right next to Lydia. Though Lydia really loved chemistry she often was more focused on glancing over at Wendy’s notebook where she would see lots of little doodles, some pertaining to the things being said in class, but some of them were just random pictures. She wasn’t exactly sure why but seeing the drawings made Lydia feel really happy, and it disappointed her when Wendy was allowed to move back to her old seat on Friday. 
The weekend went by without ceremony and her entire family was shocked when Lydia talk for hours about how much she loved her new school and how excited she was to go back on Monday. Her father and Delia, of course, were relieved to know that Lydia finally started to feel like she was fitting in with her peers. The Maitlands were just happy Lydia was happy, and Beetlejuice was just annoyed that she wasn’t around the house as much anymore to wreak havoc around the house. It surely didn’t stop him from face-timing her while she was in class claiming it was an emergency such as the time when he didn’t know what a mirror was and thought it was an evil clone of it copying all his moves. Luckily she was at lunch at that point, but unsure of how her new classmates would react to the demon living at her house, between laughs she told them it was her brother being annoying. 
Being Lydia Deetz she was mistrusting of how well things were going, she didn’t have good luck, she wasn’t this smooth and this confident. Though she wanted desperately to just embrace the good and enjoy the happiness she was feeling but she felt it was only a matter of time before it all came crashing down and it’s easier to fall from a short height than to fall off the top of the world. As expected it all came crashing down around her. Somehow a student from here that was curious about Lydia’s past got in contact with someone she went to school with back in New York. Just like that the clean slate that she had so desperately wanted was tarnished with her reputation from her old school. It started as just typical bullying. Some kids would call her a freak, some kids would book her in the hallways, one or two would go for low blows about her mother’s death. She felt she could handle those, they were the same as middle schoolers and it was only a handful of kids. The comments stung but they didn’t break her. They started getting meaner, it started spreading around the school that she was “psychotic” and that the only reason she was acting normal now was being she was hopped up on all these psych meds. That she had lost it in New York and got expelled for attacking another student, and it was only a matter of time before it happened again. It slowly started to grow from four or five kids to ten or fifteen. Nasty notes pushed in her locker, leering stares from kids in the halls. She tried to just ignore it, trying not to care what they had to say. Her father noticed immediately that Lydia’s enthusiasm towards school drastically started to dwindle after the second week and she mentioned in passing that some of the kids in her class were being pricks. 
She’d avoid certain hallways, she’d look down at the ground when passing by people she knew would target her. She tried to go low profile and hope that in a week or two it would all blow over and she could just start over and everyone would forget the fake rumors spreading around the school. She was willing to wait if it meant she could just have a shot, but every person has their breaking point and hers came when a girl that she thought she was becoming really good friends with stopped sitting with their group at lunch. When Lydia texted her that night asking if she was sick or something the girl simply replied that she didn’t want to be spending her lunches sitting with a dyke. Lydia felt her heart stop when she stared down at the words on the screen, words that she hadn’t been called in almost half a year already. It hurt just as bad as it did back then. Lydia hadn’t even told anybody at school, she didn’t do anything to indicate she was. Lydia frantically asked where the girl heard that rumor and Lydia was sent five or six screenshots of online posts making fun of her, most of them she recognized from New York but one of them was new. Each one just as cruel and offensive, slurs that she winced at even in writing. She threw her phone across the room and buried her head in her pillow letting out a muffled scream of frustration. 
In tears she curled into herself just wishing that her mother were here with her, she always knew what to say about the bullies or just what to say to bring a smile to Lydia’s face. Her mother would tell her something like the kids are just targetting her because she’s different and that the problem isn’t with her being different but that it was with them not accepting it. The words from her mother would be a comfort but coming from within herself they were meaningless. She wished she could be confident like Wendy and not be afraid to wear a rainbow pin or just say to the people harassing her that she isn’t ashamed but their words cut like sharp knives and she felt very alone. Along with all of her issues at school she thought more about her mother’s absence, and Lydia remembered how she never told her mom that she was gay, and that now she would never have the chance. She was so preoccupied with being scared and feeling like she was wrong that she never told one of the people that she knew would support and love her no matter what. She felt guilt and anguish spread over her body like hot flames as the notifications still kept going off on her phone. She was in a similar situation mear months ago and though she had waited until things got so out of control she couldn’t cope she picked up her phone, went to her father’s bedroom and told him about the bullying. She presented as almost emotionless, matter-of-factly because she knew that if she got into how much it really upset her it would make everything so much worse. 
After a few more days the rumors started to dwindle and she fell back into a semi-comfortable routine save for one nagging feeling that she was putting off something very important. She knew the Maitlands had been informed of her bullying at school but her dad and Delia respectfully didn’t tell the Maitlands what about as they knew Lydia hadn’t come out to them yet. She avoided answering their concerned questions, changing the subject any time the brought it up. After a day or two of walking around on eggshells, Lydia had decided that enough was enough and that she was going to tell them tonight. It was a Friday night and as usual, they were going to hole up in the attic and play a cheesy movie in the background while they did something else. This week Barbara was going to help Lydia finally finish the dress that she had started sewing all on her own, she had a dress down day coming up at school and wanted to wear it blushing when she wondered if Wendy might notice it. The three of them were all sitting on the floor working on their respective tasks when Lydia gulped, “Can I talk to you guys about something? It’s kinda important.”
Instantly they put their things down and looked at her. While their gaze was sincere and meant to communicate that she had their attention all it did was set the spark of the anxiety inferno raging in her chest. Everything she had been feeling in the past week and a half started flashing and she immediately felt overwhelmed and wanted to backtrack but knew that it was too late now. If she told them never mind they would know something was up and they’d press her for details. She swore she could run her finger through the thick tension filling the room, the longer she said nothing the worse it got. She didn’t understand what was holding her back, she wanted to do this. She knew them, and she hoped that they would be fine with it. They never gave any indication that they wouldn’t be, they seemed really chill about most things. Adam had even kissed Beetlejuice, though that was an attempt to distract him when he was about to discover Lydia was lying. 
“Of course, what’s up?” Adam finally said breaking the tension
Her move now. She wrung her fingers in her hands and muttered something along the lines of that she might have a crush at school, opting for a more positive note to start the conversation. She didn’t want to unload all her baggage onto them. This was a safe route, it was big enough news that if she wanted to it could her scapegoat, she could leave it at that and save the real news for another day. 
She was instantly responded to with enthusiasm, Barbara squealing like a high schooler and clapping, “Oh my goodness that’s so cute!! Is this your first crush, aww honey this is great news! I was so worried that with all the things Charles was telling us about how mean the kids at school were being that you would miss out on the good things about being this age. You have to tell me everything about him, what class did you meet in?”
“Did you two lock eyes over the last tray of french fries in the lunch line, both of you having hands on them but it was just boom instant chemistry?” Adam added, “Because if I ever sat down and ghost-wrote a romance novel that would be the meet-cute. Did you go to move your hand away but he insisted that you take them?”
Lydia laughed at his stupid puns and Barbara rolled her eyes at her husband before bothe excitedly turned back to Lydia who had momentarily forgotten the point of the conversation until Barbara asked again, “So...are you going to tell us about him?”
Taking in a deep breath Lydia tried to focus on the happy memories. The butterflies she got in her stomach when she saw Wendy in the halls, the pride flag from her father that she had sitting in a pen-holder on her desk, the five kids who still sat with her at lunch even though they too had heard about the rumors. She focused on how it was perfectly fine for her to feel this way, that there was nothing wrong with her, that Adam and Barbara would support her too. She intended to speak with more assurance but the word came out more timid than she had planned on. Quietly she corrected them, “She….that’s why I wanted to talk to you. I’m gay.”
“I am so thrilled that you felt comfortable enough to tell us this!” Barbara said without hesitation, “Okay so tell us all about this girl that you’ve got a crush on. Is she cute? Do you two talk or are you still in that awkward ‘pining from a distance’ phase?” 
“Pining from a distance phase, I don’t even know if she knows I exist but she’s so funny. She does these doodles in her notebook during chemistry-”
“Ohhh so you’ve got chemistry with her huh?” Adam nudged her with his elbow earning a groan from the two women
“Adam that was awful! She doesn’t need to deal with your corny puns right now, this is serious”
“Oh I completely understand when I came out to my parents it really took them bi surprise especially considering that I was married to a woman when I told them.”
“You’re bi?” Lydia asked excited at the prospect of having somebody else in the community that she could get advice from if she even had questions. She knew Beetlejuice was pansexual but going to him for advice on dating would be like using gasoline to out a fire, he would probably tell her in order to win over Wendy she’d have to do some gross and or elaborate thing
“Don’t you remember me telling you about that one guy I dated in high school a month or two before I started dating Barbara...Alex I have honor history with him but we broke up after we couldn’t agree who contributed more to the industrial revolution.”
“In my defense, you didn’t use any pronouns….and Alex is a unisex name!”
“Fair enough fair enough.”
“Can I just say that this is such a relief to me that this went well. I had been stressing out over this whole thing since about July.”
The two of them stopped laughing and grew quiet and serious. For a second neither of them spoke until Barbara asked her, “Were you afraid to tell us?”
“No, no, no. It’s..it’s not like that. I was just nervous to tell you guys, not because I thought you’d be homophobic, I didn’t think that for a second, I knew you’d be fine with it, thrilled even, well maybe not thrilled it’s not good or bad news it’s just ya know a fact about me but.” Lydia huffed frustrated that she couldn’t get the words to come out right, “I don’t know it came so easy when I told Delia but telling you guys felt like when I told my dad. I didn’t want to make a joke about it, I wanted it to be a serious conversation even though I hate those, they stress me out and I put so much pressure on this and then I couldn’t stop thinking about my mom and just….how badly I wish I had been able to tell her about this all. You guys are wonderful but she’d know exactly what to say about all of this, about Wendy about the kids at school that were bullying me about in first in New York and now here.”
“That’s what those assholes were bullying you for!” Adam shouted, “That’s terrible, I’m really sorry you had to deal with all of that, I couldn’t imagine having all of that on your plate at once.”
“It’s really hard sometimes, I feel like I have nobody to turn to even though I live in a house with the most freaking supportive and loving people I have ever met. How many people can say they have five parents?” Lydia chuckled, “But when I’m at school or in my room and they call me all these terrible names it breaks down all the work I’ve done to realize that I have nothing to be ashamed of, I wish I didn’t care if other people found out, I feel like such a coward when I go back to pretending and hiding it all. I want to be like-” she stopped herself from mentioning Wendy not wanting to seem too infatuated with her, “I just want to be confident.”
Adam scooted over towards her and gave her a hug, “It’s not easy, it took me a long time to be okay with it let alone confident. I remember how scared I was when I told Barbara about it thinking she would just want to break up with me because she would assume I was just gay and using her as a cover story or worse that she’d just assume that because I’m bi I’d cheat on her. It was one of the scariest things I ever had to do but when I did it she just smiled and said that she knew the minute that I moved seats in history class after being ‘best friends’ with Alex for like three months. The thing is Lydia that it gets easier, and one day you won’t feel the need to explain yourself or the emotions you feel when coming out. They are all valid, and I know it’s confusing but we’re here for you. We all are.”
Lydia’s heart swelled in her chest with the outpouring of support and acceptance she was receiving that evening. Her father and Delia were wonderful and their support meant just as much to her as theirs but with Adam, she had someone who experienced the things she was experiencing. He was walking proof that things would be okay, that for every hateful person there were a plethora of people having her back and reassuring her that everything would be okay in the end.
“And I know you wish your mom was here, I wish she was here too and that we could all go through this together.”
“I wish I had told her.” Lydia admitted, “I was too scared and there was so much going on in life that I never told her about it. She wouldn’t have cared, she would have reacted like everyone else so far but it feels empty without me knowing it for a fact. It just reminds me that there’s so much she’s never going to get to know about me and something that I could have told her before the end...I didn’t because I was too afraid. It makes me feel terrible.”
Barbara rubbed Lydia’s back sympathetically, “You were a kid, you still are a kid. Accepting yourself for who you are no matter what it is is a hard and time-consuming process, I know you feel like you lied to her but I promise you didn’t, you just weren’t ready to tell her that. I’m positive she understands.”
Lydia wiped at her eyes trying to clear away the tears threatening to spill over with all the talk about her mom. She knew deep down they were right and that her mom wouldn’t be mad at her for keeping it a secret but part of her still desperately wanted to right the wrong and find some way, somehow to tell her but she knew there wasn’t. It was too late, and this would just be another thing that Emily didn’t get to know about her daughter, “I miss her so much. Going back to school was so hard without her and even when things were going well I was still upset about it, then it all fell apart so fast. I feel like I can never have a minute to catch my breath.”
“Then let’s do it now.” Barbara suggested, “Come on. Let’s all take in a deep breath.”
“No, that’s not what I meant..it was metaphorical-”
“It might feel pointless but when you feel like you’re running in circles and you can’t breathe sometimes the best thing you can do is stop for a minute and just focus on your breathing. There’s so much in the world you can’t control but you can control this.”
“I see you paid attention during our yoga class,” Adam remarked
“Better than you did, your snoring disrupted everyone. We may have only gone to one class but I remember vaguely what he said so come on Lydia. Breath in through your nose.”
She rolled her eyes and took in a deep breath through her nose
“Hold it for a few seconds and then exhale through your mouth slowly,” Barbara explained as she went along with the exercise with her. 
With her exhale Lydia felt the tension in her chest lessen just a little and her mind felt a little clearer. She didn’t want to admit it, and it wasn’t perfect but it did make her feel better. It calmed her down. She spent a little more time in the attic talking about less heavy things, them eventually getting out of her more details about Wendy or any other girls she thought were cute. She felt lighter, laughter filling her instead of the urge to cry. She glanced over at the clock after a while and realized that it was almost midnight, and even though she didn’t have school the next day she was supposed to babysit Skye. She wished them goodnight and right when she was about to open the attic door Adam got a mischevious smile on his face and called out, “Lydia, what did you tell us you were again?”
“I’m gay?” Lydia asked confused as they just had a literal hours-long conversation about this 
“Hi gay, I’m Adam.”
She groaned at his dad pun and Barbara smacked him playfull on top the head with a rolled-up newspaper while he howled with laughter. Lydia turned back around to head out the door and was partly down the hallway when she felt a hand on her shoulder, it didn’t shock her as there were tons of people in the house and BJ was always sneaking up on her so she was always on guard. 
Barbara walked around and stood in front of her and smiled, pulling Lydia into a warm hug, “I’m really proud of you for having the courage to tell us. I know you miss your mom, and I know I’m not Emily. I don’t want to be Emily, I would never try to replace her in your life, but I just want you to know that you never have to be afraid to come to us for anything. I am always here to help you with whatever a mother would.”
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thefloralpeach · 5 years
Bird Set Free- a Reddie Superpower AU
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Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Eddie Kaspbrak/Richie Tozier | Minor or Background Relationship(s)
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Superheroes/Superpowers | Angst | Shitty childhoods | Sonia Kaspbrak’s A+ Parenting | Enemies to Friends to Lovers | Secret Identity | background benverly | background hanbrough | background stanpat
Words:7454 | Chapters:1/?Hits:0
Richie Tozier grew up to be a hero. Eddie Kaspbrak grew up without anyone there to save him. What do you get when you cross an angry vigilante with a hero who’s just trying his best?
Read on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/23335246/chapters/55900111
It started out as a conspiracy, and quickly turned into national controversy.
Nobody’s sure exactly who was the first case- abilities manifesting at a young age, anywhere between seven and seventeen. Videos surfaced of young kids doing extraordinary things, some of which people assumed was photoshop, but some of which occurred on live social media videos. The videos increased in frequency, the reports of strange happenings poured in every day, and eventually the government had to come out with a public statement.
Apparently, superpowers exist now.
It was the only thing anyone could talk about for a solid year. As a middle schooler, all you could do was wait to see if you were next.
The Losers often found themselves in conversation about what powers they hoped to have.
“I hope I get shapeshifting. I’d turn into the hottest motherfucker this world has ever seen and take over the world,” Richie would say.
Eddie never talked about it much, but he thought it might be nice to be immune to sickness. That way, maybe his mother would let him leave the house more… Or, maybe walking through walls would serve that purpose. He just wanted to be able to do what he wanted, and not be forced under her wing.
It was eighth grade when Eddie began to despise this hero stuff.
Instead of continuing his education with his friends, his mom decided to pull him out of school due to the fear that someone with powers would hurt him. She said that his ‘no good friends’ would end up accidentally hurting him, or some ignorant kid would get their power suddenly and Eddie would be a victim of it. Even when he reminded her that ability prevalence rates were pretty low, of course nothing could sway her.
So he said goodbye to seeing his friends in school, and hello to meeting up with them at every other possible moment; until his mother decided that was also too dangerous. So, he remained in his house like a prisoner.
His friends visited though, of course they did. Eddie had a window, and the Losers were pretty good at climbing. Besides, Eddie didn’t think anything could keep Richie from finding him and bothering him.
It’s a gross, rainy night when Richie makes a promise.
It starts with pebbles thrown at his window- Richie’s signature greeting. Eddie tries not to think about how cheesy and romantic it is, but the thought crosses his mind anyway.
He opens the window, and is promptly met with Richie shaking out his wet hair like a dog. Eddie makes a disgusted noise, which only draws laughter from the taller boy.
“You sure your ability isn’t being gross and annoying?” Eddie asks as Richie finishes climbing in, almost stumbling over his own feet. He clutches his hands to his chest, feigning hurt.
“I can not believe you would insinuate something so hurtful, Eddie my love!”
Of all the nicknames in Richie’s arsenal, that one is definitely the worst. Eddie can be annoyed by Eds or the ever-popular Spaghetti, but when he pulls out something so cliche that it could be in a romcom, Eddie’s heart always skips a beat. He hates it. And he also loves it.
Richie’s pulling stuff out from his backpack before he’s even sat on Eddie’s bed. It became a sort of tradition for Richie to bring Eddie some stuff that his mom wouldn’t let him have whenever he visited.
“What’s in the magic bag tonight?” Eddie asks, eyeing the bag of all-pink starbursts Richie already pulled out.
“Candy, of course,” Richie narrates, pulling out a bag of gummy worms and a jumbo snickers bar. “I also got you this cool magazine that talks about abilities and heroes, and this week’s newspaper.”
Richie would often bring Eddie stuff to read, stuff that clued him into what’s going on outside. Eddie’s mom allowed him a computer, but no internet, so Eddie relied on his friends for information about the world. It was a simple act that he cherished so much.
“Oh- I also made you this!” Richie announces, pulling out a CD from his bag. The cover is decorated with some crude doodles, and labelled ‘songs to help spaghetti forgetti his regretti’. He tosses it to Eddie, who immediately bursts into laughter.
“A CD? Isn’t that a bit old school?”
Richie puts his arms up in defense. “Well, you don’t have internet or a damn phone, so what was I supposed to do? Send you a Youtube playlist?”
Eddie shrugs. “Alright, fair enough.” He ignores the way his heart quickens at the thought of Richie compiling a playlist for him. “So, what’s on it?”
“Ah, you need to play it to find out, my deah!” He responds, slipping into a hilariously poorly-accented Voice. Eddie shakes his head, covering his mouth in a weak attempt to muffle his laughter. “I have something else for you, too.”
Eddie calms himself then, and quirks an eyebrow up. “Do I wanna know?” He asks cautiously. Richie was known for following words like that with a wet willy or a pinch to his cheeks. But, the jokester only smiles in response.
“Yes, you do! How would you like to sneak out of here with me some night?” Richie offers, and Eddie’s eyes light up. “We can head over to the clubhouse-”
“God, you guys still have that?”
“Yes! We can go hang out there, and all the others will be there too! And we can get a pizza since we know you’ve been force fed, what, gluten-dairy-nut-free bullshit?”
Eddie laughs, so giddy and over the moon with excitement that he ignores his health concerns. Richie doesn’t think his allergies are real anyway, and Eddie isn’t so sure he disagrees. Regardless, how could he even think to be concerned about such trivial things when he has the chance to escape, to spend some time outside for the first time in months?
Of course, Eddie agrees to go. They make plans for the weekend, when Sonia would be at bingo night. Richie and the others would sneak around and help him out the window, and Eddie could sit on the back of one of their bikes on the way- since his own bike had been given away once he was put on house arrest. Eddie gives Richie a list of his favorite bands so Richie can make a playlist for the night, and together they plan a list of snacks to have. They pick out some choice movies as well, since Ben had said he could rent a projector from the library for the night.
Eddie’s never been so excited for something in his entire life.
Friday comes after what seems like forever, and his mom leaves for bingo, and Eddie waits excitedly in his room. He reads a comic book to pass the time until 5 o’clock comes.
And then 6 o’clock comes.
Then 7 o’clock.
Something probably happened… maybe they couldn’t get away from their parents in time, so they just had to push things back.
8 o’clock.
9 o’clock.
And then Eddie’s mother pulls into the driveway, and he’s pissed. He’s angry, he’s furious, he’s…
Saturday comes and goes, but nobody visits him.
Sunday is the same.
Eddie’s mother asks why he’s spending so much time in his room, and asks if he’s sick- he struggles to invent a lie that she’ll believe. So he tells her the truth- that he’s sad, that he misses his friends. Not that she does anything to help (“Oh honey, you’re so much safer without them anyway”), but she does leave him alone to brood.
This is the first week in months that he didn’t get a word from any of his friends. He’d never gone more than two days without Richie visiting him, but in the coming years, this would become the new normal.
For the next few years, the only company Eddie has is his mother. His overbearing, absolutely psychotic mother, who put helicopter moms to shame.
It’s a month after Eddie’s abandoned that he’s able to catch a newscast while his mom naps in the middle of the day. It’s the 4 o’clock news, the headline reading ‘Superhero Madness: New Ability Registration Mandate to Pass, Increasing Regulation on Enhanced Abilities.’
He’s reading comic books, stories about real superheroes. The media outlets he’d seen were all over calling this new phenomenon the “Age of Heroes” and shit that Eddie finds absolutely ridiculous. So a kid can learn things really quickly or make magnets stick to them- Spiderman is still cooler. Spiderman just wants to save people, he wants to save anyone who needs it, even those overlooked by other heroes. Spiderman doesn’t care about being big and flashy. He’s a real hero- not like these wannabes.
Regardless of his opinions, he tunes his attention to the news for a moment. It’s not often he actually gets to see what’s going on outside of his prison cell of a home.
“… Required not only to register their abilities, but to train at government-approved facilities. Officials say this mandate will assure that these enhanced individuals learn to manage their abilities, thus ensuring their safety and the safety of others. Opposition has arisen as well…”
Eddie rolls his eyes. Government-approved facilities? Please. This is the least cool backstory he’s ever heard. Then he remembers, this isn’t a backstory. Because this isn’t some cool hero story. This is real life, and in real life, his friends left him, and no hero is coming to save him.
It’s two years later when he manifests a power of his own.
The newscasts he’d been able to watch intermittently had reported that abilities seem to appear between the ages of ten and sixteen, as if a part of puberty. It made enough sense, Eddie figured at the time. He assumed after his thirteenth and fourteenth years passed that he’d never manifest anything- but he’d been wrong.
It’s nothing special, of course. He’s watching something on TV, not even the news or anything special, just some reality show, when he notices a weird light. He looks around, thinking at first that a lamp was suddenly turned on, but he quickly realizes it’s emitting from the palms of his hands.
“Huh…” he mutters. Light hands. Some freaking power, huh?
They don’t appear to do anything besides glow every so often. He debates whether or not to tell his mother, but ultimately he decides to hide it. What good would telling her do, anyway? What did he expect, praise? Comfort? No, he knew he would get nothing less than an hour of rambling about how much she now had to worry about, how much it would drain his energy, how much they had to fear from a soft little glow.
So, he hides it.
As much as he hates his stupid glowy hands at first, it starts to become a rather welcome feature.
He no longer has to hide a flashlight in his room for when he wants to read in bed- his own hands suffice now! Well, when he can get them to turn on, which isn’t all the time. He starts to understand all the hype he’d been seeing on the news about controlling abilities- if this were something dangerous, Eddie would surely be in some deep shit.
Every now and then, Eddie gets the gaul to ask his mom about things that he knew he wasn’t supposed to- if he could go out with her when she grabbed something, if he could return to school now that abilities are more regulated, if he could just go for a bike ride like he used to. The answer is always no, of course.
The only time he’s allowed out of the house is for visits to the doctor, which have also become less often for some reason. Eddie wonders why his medications remain the same even though he’s being seen less.
Sometimes, his mom gets tired of his curiosity.
“Eddie, you know why you have to stay in here, you know it! I can’t risk losing you, Eddie-bear. Do you know how many people are being attacked every day by these new monsters?!”
“But mom-”
“I don’t let you watch the news because it’s so terrible, every day there’s more attacks and more people sick and dead , I just can’t bear it!”
Eddie wants to tell her that he sees the news when she doesn’t think he’s watching, that things are starting to stabilize, that crime rates haven’t actually gone up that much and that people aren’t actually being attacked- but of course she doesn’t let him get a word it. It’s part of her defense against Eddie trying to fight back.
“Mom, listen to me, please -”
“Do you want to do that to me? Eddie-bear, you know how hard it’s been after I-” she sniffles for effect, “After I lost your poor father. I can’t risk losing you too, honey, you know that-”
“Mom will you just listen to me?!” He raises his voice, earning a gasp from his mother. The look on her face is almost scandalized. He doesn’t realize why until he gestures in frustration with his hands, and he notices a familiar glow. “I just want-”
She interrupts him, running over and fawning over him until his glow dims and eventually fades. He’s bombarded with questions about how this could have happened, how could she ever let him out now, how they had to make extra sure to be careful, blah blah blah. He promptly loses all hope of ever getting out of there.
She corrals him to the stairs and up to his room, her shrill voice running nonstop the entire time. Eddie tries to tune it out, but it’s hard- she’s persistent, and his hopes are crushed. He hears the lock on his door click as she leaves.
Eddie barely notices the glow of his hands as he punches his pillow. He spends ten, maybe twenty minutes just punching, screaming, doing what he can to get his frustration out. Once he slows down, giving his poor bedsheets a break, he realizes that the glow has spread to just above his elbows.
“Stupid fucking glowy hands…” he mutters, glaring at them as if that would get it to stop. Of course, it doesn’t.
With a sigh, Eddie drags himself over to his bookshelf, grabbing something that sounds mildly interesting so he could distract himself from his stupid emotions and his stupid situations and his stupid hands. As he glances over the other options, his eyes land on something he hadn’t looked at in years- Richie’s mix CD. ‘Songs to help spaghetti forgetti his regretti’. The glow in his hands fades as Eddie traces over the shitty doodles on the cover, and a ghost of a smile settles on his face.
He’s still pissed off that everyone abandoned him. He’s confused, he’s frustrated, he’s angry and he’s hurt- but most of all, he’s nostalgic. More than anything, he misses his friends, and he just wants it all back. He likes to think that there’s a good reason that they left him, and that they’ll be reunited one day and everything will be happily ever after- but he also knows that’s just a lot of wishful thinking.
Eddie breaks his thoughts by popping the CD into the player on his radio, pressing ‘play’, and flopping on his bed.
He closes his eyes, smiling to himself as the first notes of the song drift into the room. The CD plays on repeat until Eddie falls asleep for the night.
The next day, Eddie is horrified when his mother hires someone to install bars on his bedroom window. It’s for your safety, Eddie, she insists. The government is getting involved now, I can’t let them take you away.
But he knows they wouldn’t take him away. He knows he isn’t that lucky.
And he has the sneaking suspicion that his mother would have installed the bars whether or not the government was a concern.
Eddie’s hands don’t glow as bright anymore after that, though he isn’t sure why. Maybe he hated that stupid power so much that it’s in the process of disappearing- he hopes that’s the case. If he can prove he’s normal, then maybe one day he can leave.
In the next year, Eddie catches many newscasts about ability regulation. He managed to convince his mom to let him watch the news a little bit, because current events was something he had to be versed on in order for his home school requirements. She wasn’t happy about it, but ultimately he gets to watch the news more regularly now.
It’s something Eddie never quite cared about, news. When he was twelve and thirteen, the news was the most boring thing he could ever think of watching. But now, it’s a connection to the world he no longer gets to be a part of.
The last he’d heard, a few months back, was how the government had started allowing those with trained abilities to register as heroes. Their official title was something boring, of course- The National Force of Enhanced Individuals or something dumb like that. But everyone calls them heroes. Crime rates had been steadily decreasing since they passed the bill creating the force, and maybe, just maybe Eddie gets his hopes up when he hears that.
He hasn’t asked his mom about going outside in a while, but during this newscast, he thinks maybe he has a chance…
“So, that’s great, huh?” Eddie ventures from his spot on the couch, looking expectantly at his mother.
She’s sitting in her recliner, as she does most of the time, her attention on some magazine rather than the television. In response, she hums in question, not even bothering to look up.
“The- the Force of Enhanced Individuals…” he gestures to the screen. “Seems they’re lowering the crime rate. That’s great, right?” He cautiously explains, wary of the fact that this conversation could go to hell at any second.
She raises an eyebrow, glancing at Eddie for only a mere second.
“I suppose so, yes. It’s about time these streets got safer. You never know what could happen out there.”
Eddie pauses for a moment.
“So… it seems like things are more regulated now. More than they were a few years ago, I mean…”
She puts her magazine down then, switching her focus over to Eddie. “Eddie-Bear, I know you’re not trying to ask me to leave again, right? Because you know we’ve talked about this. You know why you have to stay here.”
And, there goes his plan.
His eyes are pleading, and he tries his best to sound reasonable, to make a point.
“I don’t- I don’t want to go far, just… I want to be outside more than just doctors visits, Mom! It’s not healthy for me to stay in here-”
“Don’t use your health on me! I know everything about your health, Eddie, and I know that you’re much better off in here, safe. ”
“I just want to go- go to the store with you maybe, or the library, or hang out in the backyard- I mean look, Mom, crime rates are down more than they’ve ever been! Heroes are protecting people!”
“Stop asking, Eddie.”
Her voice is so calm, so sure that Eddie feels like he wants to explode. He clenches his fists, and again, that familiar glow is back.
“No! I shouldn’t even have to ask, Ma!”
“Don’t you start this with me-”
“Most kids my age are outside all the time! They go to school, they go out with their friends, they do things! I don’t even know where my friends are!” He yells back, ignoring her retorts.
“Your friends don’t come here anymore, and it’s better for you that way! They were terrible influences, you don’t need them, Eddie-”
“I’d like to know where they went, why they left! I’d like to have the chance to look for them at least! Christ, Mom, this is a prison!” He gesticulates wildly in front of himself, pleading with his hands without noticing that they’re exactly why he won’t win this fight.
“Eddie, do not raise your voice with me. You’re scaring me, honey!” Eddie knew this tone well. “Why don’t you go upstairs and calm-”
As he yells, he swiftly throws his hands down to his sides, and something happens.
He can’t put words to it, but he feels a sort of tingling heat in his hands, and the next second he hears a crash- no, two crashes, one on each side of him.
Everything is silent for a moment, even his mother. Her mouth hangs open, though no words come out, and she’s looking at Eddie with something between shock and horror on her face. She turns her attention to Eddie’s left, and instinctively, he does the same.
There’s a visible dent in the wall there, as if somebody strong had punched it. Almost cautiously, Eddie turns his head to the other side, and notices an equal dent in the cabinet. Each dent is equal height, and Eddie knows what happened.
He’s still processing it, and he doesn’t want to be right, but he knows.
Her voice is so low, Eddie barely processes it. His eyes glance between the dents, then to the floor.
“Yeah… I’ll go to my room.”
After that, his visits to the doctor decrease exponentially so, only once every few months. But he’s given more medication than he’s ever had before. Given his little ‘condition’, he’s not surprised. It’s probably messing with his system somehow, and the medicine is helping with symptoms he hasn’t even noticed yet.
He feels tired all the damn time, even though he goes to bed early and wakes up a little on the later side. When he’s not doing his work or watching something completely idiotic that his mom insists he must join her for, he’s either napping or staring into space. It’s annoying- maybe that’s one of the things that the medicine is helping. Or maybe he’s just fucking depressed, who knows.
He’s also confined to his room most of the time, and his mom locks the door when she goes out. After his outburst, he assumes she doesn’t trust him, and he can’t be too mad this time, he knows. She’s just trying to keep him safe, of course.
He doesn’t have much schooling left. He still gets to watch the news for current events, but only when supervised by his mom. And, it’s better than nothing. He does okay on the work he’s given, although he knows it’s all minimum-effort curricula.
He has video games to keep him occupied, and a fair amount of books. His mom gets him things sometimes while she’s out, which is nice of her.
He’s also been trying to control his abilities.
Maybe it’s stupid. All he has are glowy hands… but he knows they’re capable of something else if they were able to mess up the walls that day. And if he knows anything about superpowers from the comics he reads, he knows that it’s much better for everyone if he controls this thing before he accidentally learns more about it.
It takes a lot of work to learn how to make them glow on command. It takes a lot of focus, and a solid month before he actually does it for the first time when he wants to, instead of it just appearing.
Awesome- now he can use his own personal flashlight whenever he needs it. Whenever his mom says “lights out” at 10pm and he still isn’t tired, or when he drops something and doesn’t have a phone flashlight to help him find it.
And it’s cool, it’s a great feeling actually, to be able to have a little bit of control over this shit. But it’s not enough.
Eddie’s mom is out grocery shopping, so naturally he’s locked in his room. He dreams one day of being able to blast the door open somehow, but he’s far from that. He dented the walls a little bit exactly one time, so he’s not exactly the pinnacle of power here.
But… maybe someday he could be.
A stool sits by Eddie’s window as a perch. He sits down as he opens his window, thankful that the weather is warming up, and for a moment he forgets his goal here. The open window is the closest he gets to being outside anymore, and every time he smells the natural air, he finds himself longing for the days he used to spend out in it. He misses biking around town, he misses the barrens, he misses the clubhouse in the forest. But a window is better than nothing.
He physically shakes his head to refocus himself.
Outside his window are several trees- his targets. It’s almost surreal, realizing exactly what he’s about to do, but he knows it’s important.
“Focus…” He whispers to himself, nestling his arm between two of the metal bars that lined his window now. He rests it lightly on the windowsill, spreading his palms as if trying to use the force.
Except, this isn’t the force. He’s not drawing anything to him, he’s trying to push it away .
His hands glow, which is no longer anything special to him. He figures they’ll glow brighter as he focuses more, as he prepares for… well, whatever he’s capable of, but at the moment, he doesn’t notice anything.
Thoughts keep crawling into his mind- how much he wishes to go back outside, to see his friends again, to have friends again.
As his mind wanders, the glow spreads up his arms, gradually becoming lighter. But, he’s not focusing. He’s reminiscing, he’s yearning for what he once had, and what he could have if he wasn’t in this stupid fucking house.
Wait, no.
Eddie shuts his eyes tight, willing the thoughts from his mind.
“I said focus, dammit.”
When he opens his eyes, he stares at the tree in front of his window, aiming his hand at it. He takes a deep breath, thinks of nothing but the tree, and-
And nothing happens.
Clenching his fist for a moment, he takes another breath and decides to try again. Hand through the window, eyes on the tree, focus on power. Mind clear, hand glowing, energy flowing, and…
Still nothing.
Eddie tries this for a solid half an hour before he gives up, slumping over his stool and resting his head against the bars. Maybe that weird blast thing was just a fluke, and there was no way to control it. Or, maybe it’s based on like, what he eats, or what he does during the day. Maybe he has a lot more investigating to do before he can actually make his powers do anything besides give him glowy hands.
The world outside the window catches his attention again, and he spends some time just watching it. It’s a nice day out; he can hear kids playing down the street, birds chirping, he can see squirrels and chipmunks scampering around, and there’s barely a cloud in the sky. Four years ago, he’d have been all over a day like this- riding his bike, relaxing in the barrens or by the quarry with his friends…
It’s not fair. It’s not fair that his front door is locked from the outside, that his own bedroom door is locked to keep him in, and that he’s a prisoner in his own home. It’s not fair that the only thing he wants to do is get out, to run, but he can’t. He’d trigger his asthma anyway.
It’s not fucking fair that he can’t even escape out of a window because there are fucking bars on it, it’s not fucking fair that everyone he knew, everyone who was ever kind to him had just up and left him why would they do that? Why did they do that?
(Eddie’s hands glow brighter, but he doesn’t notice.)
Was he really so forgettable that his friends could move on so easily? Or was that his mom’s plan all along? Had she told them to fuck off one day, and they all just listened? The school district still has to check on him regularly to make sure his mother is following the law- had they really noticed nothing? Or had he just never been worth the second thought?
(His hands are shaking, still resting on the windowsill.)
Richie made him a damn mixtape, for christ’s sake! A mixtape! You don’t do that for people you don’t care about, you don’t do that and then abandon them, forget about them, leave them to their warden of a mother and a lifetime of no real fucking human interaction.
(There’s a faint vibration in Eddie’s palms.)
Eddie clenches his jaw, runs his hands through his hair before placing them back between the bars, and shuts his eyes.
Fuck heroes. Fuck superpowers. Fuck this whole organization, the one that spiked fear into everyone and feeds off of it. Eddie’s mom is scared, now Eddie has to suffer for it, and there’s nobody coming to save him. These people have the balls to call themselves heroes, but who the hell are they saving?
(His palms brighten.)
Eddie slams his hands down against the windowsill and feels it before he sees it. Energy. Pure energy. And it came right from his hands, he knows it did.
The glow of his hands dimmed to a dull shimmer, and there’s an obvious dent in the tree that had been perfect just a minute before.
Like last time, everything is still for a moment, oddly quiet. Eddie can only stare ahead of him at the injured trunk. He flicks his gaze to his hands, still tingling, still glowing.
So. That’s how his power is going to work, then.
After a few months of “good behavior”, Eddie’s mom stops locking him in his room when she goes out. It’s a start, he figures.
He “graduates” that spring, but there’s no ceremony, no speeches, no cap and gown. He gets a cupcake though, which is nice.
The news is still filled with stories about heroes, about thrilling stories of rescue, about new agencies funding research and training and about crime rates plummeting. It’s all good news in theory, but Eddie can’t help the pings of jealousy he feels for all the happy people he sees rescued.
Nobody’s come to rescue him. Nobody even looks for a situation like his- it’s not a flashy villain he needs to be rescued from. He’s in no mortal danger, not even any physical danger in all honesty. But does that make him any less miserable?
And how many other kids are in similar situations? How many other people need saving, but are ignored for all this flashy hero and villain fantasy shit? Eddie thinks about these things a lot. But it’s not like he can do anything about it.
Something good, he guesses, is that he’s gotten better at damaging that poor tree outside his window. The trunk and some of the wider branches have visible scars, though they still aren’t much. Maybe he’s confined to small blasts or something, but it’s still kind of cool.
So his powers are tied to emotions? Good. He’s got a lot of those. And he thinks about them when he wants to channel his energy- that must be what his power is, technically. Energy.
It makes sense that he’s exhausted after he practices, in that case. He tries not to show it, though- he doesn’t want his mom to have any more reason to worry about him or keep him confined.
It’s a Tuesday afternoon in July when she runs to the store, and Eddie gets a few hours to himself for what he’s been calling target practice in his head. He doesn’t know what he plans to do with his tiny blasts of energy, but he figures it’s better to be able to have some sort of handle on them than to just have the ability to do it and no idea how.
Like always, he’s tired after he fires off a few blasts- both physically and emotionally. He thinks about those news stories, the smug faces of all those self-proclaimed heroes. He thinks about his situation, how he longs to leave, how he may as well be in an actual prison. It’s good stuff to keep in his mind when he wants to practice, but it’s hard to come down from, and it always just reminds him of how fucked his life is.
Sighing, Eddie pushes himself off his stool, taking a moment to stretch his arms over his head. A snack and a nap sound absolutely perfect right about now, so he decides to do just that.
He pads out of his room and downstairs, a little tempted to turn on the TV, but he was sure his mom would have some way of figuring out that he’d done it- she probably had cameras or something installed, or motion sensors, or a battery monitor on the remote. Something weird and over controlling, of course. It’s expected by now.
While Eddie rummages through the pantry, he understands why his mother had to go out. They were low on snacks of pretty much every kind, and he was gonna have to make something if he actually wanted food. Maybe pasta, that was an easy choice.
The voice of an old friend echoes in Eddie’s head, and he finds himself smiling softly before he closes the pantry door.
If he’s gonna make something, he may as well check to make sure they have cooking spray, and maybe some spices. Not that Eddie’s the best cook ever, since he’s not often allowed in the kitchen, but if he has to make something he’d rather it be edible and not something bland that sticks to the pot.
Okay, so he has no idea how to use spices besides like, salt and garlic, but he can still experiment.
Step one- learn where the spices are.
Eddie isn’t allowed to cook, really. Anything he’d done, he’d done while his mom was out. And it’s not like she’s the lord of good cooking, so Eddie’s also pretty amateur.
Finally, he opens a cabinet and finds some usable stuff next to the nonperishables. Garlic powder, some extra salt and pepper, oregano, basil, some extra baking soda and baking powder… and some old pill bottles? He takes the containers to inspect them, curious.
One of the bottles is labelled Phenobarbital, and the others Lorazepam.
That’s Nembutal and Ativan.
His first thought is, obviously, that they’re just more medications lying around the house. It wouldn’t be surprising, since his mother seemed to always be going to another doctor, and she used to take him nearly once a week.
His second thought is that they had a set medicine cabinet, one that was organized by need. Why would she move them to a food cabinet instead?
And his third thought is one that scares him to death. Suddenly, he’s wondering if it’s not his powers that are making him feel drained.
Because, what had his mother ever needed sedatives for? Sure, one doubles as an anxiety medication, but there’s no way in hell Eddie is lucky enough for his mom to actually seek help for her paranoia.
Tentatively, Eddie opens one of the bottles, and he recognizes the pills as ones he’s given… often.
His breaths quicken, and he wants his inhaler but it’s upstairs- and is it even an inhaler? Or is there something else in there that his mom didn’t tell him about?
Suddenly the bottle is shaking in his hand, his fist clenched around it as the pills rattle around inside. And suddenly, it’s much brighter in the room than it was before. He feels a familiar vibration in the palm of his hands.
He hadn’t even heard the door open. But he heard that voice. Her voice. That grating, shrill, helicopter voice. It only gets worse once she finds him in the kitchen, her footsteps quickening as she rushes over to him.
“Eddie-bear, what are you doing? What’s going on honey, put that down, you need to take your pills and go to your room-”
Eddie’s eyes are glued to the bottle.
Sedatives. Fucking sedatives .
He knew she didn’t trust him, but he didn’t think it would have come to this. He never thought she’d flat out lie to him like this.
His jaw is clenched, and he swallows down a lump in his throat as his mother keeps babbling.
“What the fuck is this, ma?”
She gasps as if scandalized. As if she has the right to be shocked, or to be upset at anything Eddie does after pulling this shit.
“Eddie- honey, you know that’s just your medicine. You’re sick -”
“These are sedatives, don’t lie to me.” He snaps his head up, glaring into his mother’s eyes. She takes a step back, looking at him like he’s some dangerous monster. And, hell, maybe he is.
“Eddie you- you needed them-” her tone is pleading, and it just pisses Eddie off more. “You- you needed something to help you, oh God-”
The fear is evident on her face, and the only thing Eddie feels is rage.
“Help me? You think that was helping me?” He drops the pill bottle then, his hands clenching into fists at his sides. “You-”
“Eddie, your eyes-”
“You drugged me!”
“God, have mercy-”
Eddie gestures in front of him, and watches with not-so-much horror as his mom stumbles backwards with an audible shriek.
There’s a moment where he wants to panic. But the anger takes over again, and he doesn’t care what happens to her. He doesn’t care what he did. He doesn’t care.
He needs to get away, he needs to go be alone. He takes off towards his room, but pauses as he catches a glimpse of his reflection in one of his kitchen’s glass cabinets.
His eyes… his eyes are glowing, just like his hands.
No pupils, no hazel iris, no whites. Just a glow, like a flashlight.
Before he has to listen to more shrieking, Eddie all but runs upstairs, slamming his door with more force than he thought he had in him. If he didn’t know better, he’d think he felt the house shake with the action.
He rushes to the window then, his body shaking with how fucking angry he is, and throws it open. Reaching both hands out in front of him, he aims, and it doesn’t take a second thought to fire a blast.
It’s easy when he thinks about everything, and when he feels like there’s so much… so much energy pent up inside him that he could burst.
The dent he makes in the tree is much more noticeable this time.
He grits his teeth, and fires another.
Fuck her. Fuck everybody.
A branch falls.
He fires another blast.
Fuck “heroes”. Fuck this society. Fuck this whole fucking world.
He hears his mom getting up from downstairs. And he’s not fucking sorry. Not one bit.
Eddie doesn’t speak to his mom after that.
He avoids going downstairs, and eventually she starts bringing meals up to him, pills in a neat little pile on the side.
They taunt him, the little white tablets. At first, he’s not sure which ones are the sedatives, and which ones he actually needs. But he’s not sure how much he cares anymore.
He stops taking all of them.
And, surprise surprise, nothing happens.
He doesn’t say anything, though. He takes the medication and hides it in a small box under his bed, covered by comics so his mom doesn’t find it if she ever decides to snoop around. And, after all this shit, he wouldn’t put it past her.
He’s 18 now. Most kids his age are going to college, going to work, moving out, doing something .
And Eddie? He’s making a plan.
He notices his mom trying to slip him more medication. And he’s wary of anything that she might be able to sneak a powder into.
He must be successful in avoiding her attempts to drug him, because he feels more alive, more energetic than he had at any time in the past two years.
The stool near his window becomes Eddie’s new best friend. Now that his energy is back, he’s better than ever at controlling his blasts.
He knows his emotions help it along, and he learns that the brighter the glow of his hands, the stronger the blast he can emit; and he learns that his blasts can be strong. It’s during a particularly intense storm that Eddie tests the waters a little more, and ends up knocking over one of the trees outside his window.
If he can knock over a tree, then surely he can knock out a wall, right?
He bides his time, but it takes everything in him to pretend like things are normal. He waits for winter to pass, paying moderate attention to the news when his mom goes out and storing up some essentials. Nothing too conspicuous- a jar of peanut butter here, a box of crackers there, and a few twenties from the stash in her room.
He doesn’t know exactly what he’s gonna do or where he’ll end up, so he does his best to prepare for anything.
He keeps a bag under his bed, right next to the box of discarded pills. His mom hasn’t been too nosy about his room- why would she have any reason to be, since he rarely leaves it anyway. By February, the bag consists of a few comics, the supplies he’d stolen from the kitchen, and the money. By March, he adds more money, two changes of clothes, a bottle of water, and a blanket. He wants to be prepared in case he has to leave early.
By May, the weather has evened out, the days sunny and long.
Eddie barely interacts with his mom, and something tells him she doesn’t much mind. She’ll insist on an “I love you” every now and then, but Eddie obliges in order to keep her at bay. He’s learned to play the part of the perfect, quiet, sedated little boy.
It’s a Saturday late in the month when Eddie decides it’s time.
His mother is downstairs, watching some mind-numbingly stupid reality show. He does one last check on his bag, making sure he had everything. He’d been able to steal about $250 without his mother noticing, which he figured was enough to get him, well, somewhere . Everything else is in place- even his inhaler, for good measure.
He slips on his best sneakers, which didn’t have much wear in them, since he’d been outside maybe ten times in the past two or three years. His clothes are comfortable, with a hoodie tied around his waist and a watch around his wrist for good measure.
He takes a step back, standing in the middle of his room with his bag slung over his shoulder. Soon… soon he’d be out. Taking a deep breath, Eddie raises his hands to the same height as the window, and he focuses his energy-
Until something catches his eye.
Something he spent a lot of nights listening to. Something he wants so badly to hate, but he can’t. It gives him too much nostalgic joy.
‘Songs to help spaghetti forgetti his regretti’
Eddie swallows a lump in his throat as he stands perfectly still, eyes glued to the little CD, sitting besides his portable player.
Part of him wants to leave it, to forget everything about this part of his life and start over, brand new. But, as much as he wants to forget everyone, to forget the Losers club, to forget Richie , he can’t. He can’t bring himself to do that.
With a huff, he grabs the CD, placing it safely in Richie’s stupid little case. He shoves them in his bag, then returns to the middle of the room, facing his window.
He can almost hear his mom’s voice in his ear, urging him to stop, telling him he’s too weak, that he won’t survive out there, that he should just stay safe here with her.
“Fuck you,” he responds to no one.
Again, Eddie raises his hands, angling them towards the window.
“This one’s for you, Ma.”
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ranma-rewatch · 4 years
Episode 2-School is No Place for Horsing Around
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Alright, we’re going into episode two this time, “School is No Place for Horsing Around”. No mess this time with alternate titles this time around, even if the one we have sounds a little unwieldy. Once again, this feels like an episode I know ahead of time fairly well, so I’ll join you in a second after I’m done rewatching it. 
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This episode starts out a little slow. It’s the next day, and we’re reintrodcued to the Tendo and Saotome families as they go about what is, for them, normal. Namely, Akane is getting back from a jog to see Ranma and his dad sparring in the yard while the rest of the Tendo’s eat breakfast.
Soon they’re on the way to school, though Ranma is walking there on top of a fence, probably because he thinks it makes himself look cooler. They talk, including about how neither wants the school to know they’re engaged, Ranma acts like a jerk, but just as Akane is ready to give him violent retribution, Genma shows up to chastise Ranma far treating his fiance badly. Ranma immediately just knocks his dad into a nearby waterway, turning him into a panda, then expertly dodges his dad’s attempts at retaliation...only to walk right into the path of some old lady throwing out water, activating his curse.
Akane realizes that Ranma probably shouldn’t show up to his first day of school in his cursed form, so takes him to the house of Dr. Tofu, the family physician for the Tendo’s. He seems like a nice guy with a weird sense of humor, but after Ranma turns back and they leave, he realized that the guy must be a martial artist, since he was able to sneak up on Ranma without him noticing
It also becomes clear that Akane really likes Dr. Tofu, which he finds funny because she keeps protesting about how much she hates boys. But that’s right about when they get to the school gates, and Ranma is stunned to see a bunch of guys from the school, most of them athletes, are running up to Akane to attack her while also proclaiming their love for her. She effortlessly beats them all up while an instrumental version of the theme song plays in the background. (Something I’ve never seen done in a second episode, I don’t think.)
But once they’re all down, the sky darkens and someone throws a rose at Akane, which she catches. From out of the shadows appears a man quoting classical literature/poetry (the source depends on the translation), holding a kendo sword, here to fight Akane. He boasts of his skill, but when Ranma draws his attention, the man gets irate that this whelp dares to show familiarity with Akane.
Ranma reveals he’s staying at her house, and immediately that sends this guy, Tatewaki Kuno, the Blue Thunder of Furinkan High, into fighting mode, but aiming his attacks at Ranma instead of Akane. Ranma seems a little flustered at first, before giving a real introduction of his own and letting the fight start. It quickly becomes clear how powerful Kuno is, able to smash a stone wall or cleave a tree in two with his wooden practice sword, but Ranma is once again great at evading attacks. Just as each is about to hit the other, the dark clouds above begin their rain, and Genma shows up to push Kuno aside and whisk Ranma away just as his curse activates again.
Once inside, Akane gives Ranma the low-down. Apparently, at the beginning of the school year, Kuno announced to everyone that if anyone wanted to date Akane, they had to beat her in a fight first. Ever since, she’s had to fight all those boys every day just to get to class. Oh, and when Ranma laughs off Kuno as a loser, Akane points out a large bruise on his neck. Kuno never hit Ranma, that was just from the attack missing, and she says if he had landed that blow, Ranma would have had a gash there instead. It also turns out that Ranma took longer with his fight than Akane usually does, so they’re late to class and have to stand outside holding water in a bucket, which is/was a normal punishment in Japan.
Meanwhile, in the classroom for the older students, it’s revealed what Kuno got from Ranma in their trade-off: in that split-second, Ranma had quickly scratched some characters onto Kuno’s forehead. His initial annoyance is from the fact that Ranma didn’t write his name correctly, but Nabiki, who is Kuno’s classmate, makes it clear that Ranma had actually just written “Incompetent.” Then, in the middle of class, she tells Kuno that Akane and Ranma are engaged, and he flips out.
This leads to him also being sent out into the hall, but he quickly runs over to the protagonists loudly asking what the meaning of their engagement is. Now the whole school knows, and another fight quickly starts between Ranma and Kuno. As Ranma runs away, he decides to jump out the window, with Kuno following. The fact they’re on the third floor doesn’t faze Ranma...but the fact they’re directly above the swimming pool is definitely a problem. That’s where the episode ends! Cliffhanger!
So, what is there to say about this episode? Well, quite a bit, I’d wager. To start with, I really adored that fight between Akane and all the guys. It’s not the smoothest animation in the world, but it really shows off how badass she is compared to these regular high-schoolers, and the instrumental theme in the background sells it really well.
This is also the introduction of Tatewaki Kuno, one of my favorite characters in the entire series. I honestly cannot think of any way his introductory scene can be improved. None at all. He is pompous, cultured, arrogant, and just a bunch of fun. The fact that it cuts to Nabiki and her friends after he calls himself the “Blue Thunder of Furinkan High”, and they start wondering where that came from, only to reveal that recently he’d instead been calling himself “Shooting Star” just adds to his character. This guy sees himself, unquestioningly, as the hero, when he is in fact an annoyance at best and a misogynist at worst.
The fight between him and Ranma is also great, especially in how it, for the first time in the series, sells the idea that, at least for the really powerful martial artists, we are definitely talking about superhuman people. They’re not quite Dragon Ball Z, but they wouldn’t stand out in the original Dragon Ball. The way the fight ends is a little disappointing, partially because I just don’t care for the track used in the background, but on the whole, aside from a bit of a dull start, I don’t have much to complain about this time around.
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You have to understand that, just because I love him so much, I was very tempted to make this second character spotlight all about Tatewaki Kuno. But I will have to save him for a later date, because instead I think it would be sacrilegious to use the second spotlight on anyone who isn’t the character who, in my opinion, is the other protagonist of the series: Akane Tendo.
Unlike Ranma, the question of who voices Akane is a lot simpler. In English, she’s voiced by a Canadian actress named Myriam Sirois. She has done...almost nothing else, Akane seems to definitely be her most well-known role. Honestly, I’m a little sad to see that, because I think she does an excellent job. She plays Akane with a good mix of sweetness and spice for her Tsundere-ish personality. This early in the series she’s still kind of getting into the character, but that’s also true for a lot of the actors.
In the original Japanese, she’s played by Noriko Hidaka. She actually has a long history as a voice actress, with some of her other well known roles including Kikyo from other famous anime based on a Rumiko Takahashi Manga, Inuyasha, and Near from Death Note. Like I said last week, I have some issues really getting a handle on the Japanese voice actors right now, partially because it’s my first time hearing their performances and partially because they’re acting in a language I don’t speak. Because of that...I don’t really know what to say about her performance so far. It is neither amazing nor terrible. Somewhere in-between.
With this episode, we’ve started getting a bit of a fuller look at Akane’s character. She’s a martial artist, and a strong one, though it’s fairly clear that Ranma has a bit of a lead on her in that department. She fights mostly with an emphasis on strength, which comes in handy against the regular athletes but leaves her a little less fortunate against the speedier Ranma.
She clearly cared about how she’s seen at school, being tired of the morning fights and not wanting people to know about her engagement to the new kid at school. Tied up with that is her issue with men. It’s clear that, no matter what she says, she doesn’t hate all boys. Aside from her crush on Dr. Tofu, she doesn’t seem to have much of a problem with her loving father.
The whole ‘badass girl who hates guys’ is a bit of an older trope these days. It kind of feels like Strawman Feminist at this point, but at the very least Akane’s frustration with men is kind of understandable. We don’t actually know when it started, so it’s possible that it literally developed because she’s spend all school year fighting off all the guys in her high school, who are all trying to beat her in a fight so she’ll have to date them, like she’s a prize to be won in a contest.
Aside from all that, the only other thing I can think of to bring up is...her violence. Against Ranma. As someone who has been in the Ranma fandom since shortly after becoming net-savvy, I am well aware that Akane has a small, yet vocal, hatedom, and part of it comes from the way she treats Ranma, namely in hitting him whenever she gets angry. The fact that Ranma won’t strike back, out of fairly outdated chauvinism, doesn’t exactly make it look good either.
This is something I’ve talked about on my other blog, Wright Wednesday, and it’s a rough subject to talk about. First of all, yes, in real life anyone, regardless of gender, who hits other people for things they say is committing assault, and it’s not okay. The romantic-ish relationship between them makes it even worse, as domestic violence is rarely treated seriously if it’s a woman harming a man.
Second, this anime is not depicting the real world. It is a weird harem shounen battle comedy anime, so the rules of what flies in the real world vs what flies in real life aren’t the same. What makes me upset about Akane being able to hit Ranma so often is how it’s framed. It’s okay for her to do that, you see, because she’s just a girl. No matter how strong she is, no matter how good a martial artist she is, it’s okay for her to hit Ranma because her gender makes it comedy. If it was trying to treat it for drama, it would be a hard slap to the face, which would equally enforce traditional gender roles. It’s very sexist, and I don’t really like it.
I will say, right now, that regardless of those issues, I really like Akane. I think she and Ranma are cute together when they’re not being dysfunctional, she’s adorable, and I’d say that by the end of the series she’s a very well-developed character.
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At last it’s time to rank the episodes, and now that I have rewatched two episodes, it’s a real ranking! While some might want to give the first episode points for being, well, the first episode, I am going to say right off that I think the episode I covered today is superior. The fight scenes, Kuno’s introduction, and some great comedy made it very fun to sit through two more times. That means the current rankings are, from best to worst: 
Episode 2: School is No Place for Horsing Around
Episode 1: Here’s Ranma
Next time we’ll see what happened to Kuno and Ranma after they fell into the pool in Episode 3: A Sudden Storm of Love. See you then!
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animepopheart · 5 years
Penguin Highway: An E.T. for the Otaku Generation
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There’s a scene in Hook, Steven Spielberg’s 1991 film about Peter Pan returning to Neverland, where an exasperated Peter asks his son, “When are you going to stop acting like a child?” The boy replies, “But I am a child.” Peter, now grown up, has forgotten what it’s like to be a kid, and it’s only later by regaining a child’s joy and innocence that he’s able to save the day and undo the damage that adults have done.
In Penguin Highway, a delightful anime film released in North America this year by Eleven Arts, a great mystery is at hand, one that no amount of genius adults can unravel. In fact, the more involved they are, the worse the situation becomes. It takes a group of precocious children led by Aoyama, a genius elementary schooler, to solve an intergalactic puzzle and make a rapidly collapsing world right again (NOTE: SPOILERS AHEAD).
The movie, based on Torihiko Morimi’s novel and manga, begins with a most unusual occurrence as penguins suddenly appear up in a sleepy, Japanese suburb, seemingly drawn to a nearby creek leading into a forest. The inquisitive Aoyama, armed with a mind set on scientific methods and inquiry, investigates. He’s at once an inexperienced child and far more mature than others his age, frequently speaking the truth and doing what he feels is right no matter the consequence. In fact, he seems more mature than a beautiful dental assistant never given a name in the film, who is quick-tempered and not all-together responsible. Her mystery extends past her name, though, as Aoyama soon finds out that the “Lady” is the one bringing the penguins to life when she tosses coke cans in the air, which transform and fall back to the earth as cute animals. But she creates other, more nefarious creatures, as well.
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The Lady’s connection to the penguins, and even more so to a massive, watery bubble in the heart of the forest that functions as an energy source of some kind, draws the attention of local researchers, including Hanamoto, the father of another inquisitive youth (a classmate of Aoyama’s who harbors a crush on him). But it’s the children in the film that discover the energy source first—when the researchers become involved, things spin out of control as the bubble grows and absorbs parts of the town and even people, including the older Hanamoto, and creatures who feast on the penguins, whom the Lady refers to as jabberwocky, begin to appear.
The situation Aoyama and his classmates find themselves in is otherworldly, but the path from tranquility to an end of innocence is a universal experience. Who of us doesn’t remember some landscape—a rolling hill, simmering blacktop, or in my case, untamed desert—where friends gathered and dreamed the world away, without worrying about work and schedules and the stressful adulthood ahead, playing and imagining like the future was an open book? For Aoyama and his friends, Uchida and the younger Hanamoto, that place is an open plain in the middle of the forest where the bubble resides. A secret path leads to the clearing, and there is magic in the air, both of the kind triggered by childhood imagination and the scientific sort, as the group conducts research (including sending a model spaceship into the bubble). But the magic is tainted when adults, brought to the scene through a fatuous betrayal, destroy the serenity.
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That destruction brings to mind a Spielberg film other than Hook. In E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial, Elliott, a boy living in California, discovers the eponymous alien with whom he bonds. Their relationship forms through meetings in secret clearings, the keeping secrets of from mom, and a telepathic connection that develops between the two. It is a child’s fantasy as a child would dream it—a hurting boy from a divorced family forms a special connection with an unimaginable being.
Aoyama’s home situation is more stable—his father is his mentor and his relationship with his mother and younger sister are wonderful—and so while he doesn’t tell his parents explicitly about what is happening, Aoyama is not necessarily keeping it a secret from them. However, he develops bonds with those he does tell, just as Elliott does when sharing the secret of E.T. with his brother and sister; Aoyama, too, has confidantes who are the only ones to know of the other-worldly experience happening—at least at first. It becomes untenable to keep such whispers quiet; in both films, the truth is discovered by scientists tracking down aliens and by other children who are at first at odds with the protagonists—the friends of Elliott’s brother in E.T. and Suzuki and his goons in Penguin Highway—but later become accomplices and friends, forming alliances against the adults.
And then there’s this: Elliott isn’t the only young boy to have his own extra-terrestrial.
The film’s most stunning revelation isn’t the unusual creation of the penguins or the existence and material of the bubble (it’s a bending of space-time): it’s the origin of who created them. The Lady isn’t a lady at all—she’s an alien, one who seems to exist to prevent the earth from being swallowed up whole by the bubble phenomenon. But she doesn’t understand her existence—in fact, the Lady thinks she’s human all along until Aoyama has his eureka moment, connecting the dots (or stars as it were). This “adult” alien is neither malevolent nor manipulative; she simply cares for Aoyama and spends quality time with him, inciting budding feelings of love within the boy. While Elliott dearly needed a friend in E.T., Aoyama finds his first love, connecting with her through chess, dental work, and conversation rather than through a telepathic bond.
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As the film reaches its conclusion, the Lady saves the town (and perhaps the entire world) through her penguins, who eat the bubble. But since the bubble is a source of energy for the Lady, the penguins she creates dissapear, and then after a wave goodbye to Aoyama, so does she, preceded a bit by a line that again echoes the little brown alien, and particularly his most famous words as she states, “It’s time to return home!”
Aoyama does have a final opportunity to say goodbye, receiving a hug from the Lady before she walks out to a field and simply vanishes. It’s a difficult end for the boy, and for the audience—having entered the mindset of a child, we understand how hard it is for him to lose her. All the more in E.T. with the final encounter between Elliott and his friend, who gives the boy a hug and says, “I’ll be right here” as he touches the child’s forehead, before entering his spaceship and flying away.
I cried when I watched the ending of E.T. as a child; so did my own kids when I showed it to the them for the first time. But even in the sadness, there’s hope: A spaceship can travel anywhere, and rumors over the years of a sequel to E.T. tell us the same, that he might one day return to see his friend, but even if not, we know that their adventure has set Elliott, already a kind, pure-hearted boy, on an excellent and good path in a life that could have gone astray because of the choices of adults. For Aoyama, the path may be even clearer, as he explains in a final narration that one day he will find a way to meet the Lady again, and because we’ve seen his genius, we believe that it will happen and that, as an adult, he will be able to find love with her. But the conclusion of Penguin Highway equally reminds us that even if not, the adventure by itself was worthwhile. Like E.T., the finale includes a shot of a spaceship—the test one that Aoyama and his friends sent into the sphere—but the message is the same. The relationship between boy and alien was the most valuable of journeys, one of hope, mystery, love, and friendship, in thanks to a visitor from the stars.
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deltaengineering · 5 years
Fall Anime 2019 Part 4: also, he has a gun for a head
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So here’s the CG anime that everyone for some reason decided way in advance would be the best show of the season, more or less by default. I was very skeptical of this for a multitude of reasons. First of all, that is a bad name for a show and you can’t convince me otherwise. It’s actually even worse because you’re supposed to write it in all caps, but I refuse. Second, it has a terribly on the nose conceit in which all sorts of animals live together in a high school setting and it’s all metaphorical ‘n shit. The main character is a wolf but get this, he’s actually all sensitive and quiet! Yeah, this is definitely rated D for Deep. And finally it’s by Orange, the CG studio that got an inordinate amount of acclaim for making Houseki no Kuni, the show that everyone thinks looks great and finally made CG anime worthwhile (actual real fact: HnK does not look great most of the time and CG anime was worthwhile well before it). 
But enough about my preconceptions since Beastars is... pretty good, actually. If you ignore the setting, which is indeed terribly on the nose. And there’s not much else to say about the story so far besides it. However, it looks significantly better than Houseki no Kuni because it actually has really good character animation throughout instead of a one-minute action scene with flashy spinny camera tricks every other episode. The directing’s strong too, even if the show conspicuously mainly consists of obvious manga panels. I’m still not too hot on the animal stuff but the general writing seems to be sufficiently competent it would work simply on a character level. So I don’t love it, but it seems solid enough to see if it goes somewhere with its “Zootopia but also Beverly Hills 90210 but also they eat each other sometimes″ plot.
Rifle is Beautiful
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Remember the whole “anime about some assorted anime girls joining a club doing an oddly specific activity” thing? This is another one of those, and now it’s about air rifle sports shooting. Except it’s not about air rifle sports shooting because that’s apparently way too violent, so they use rifles that look like exactly like air rifles but are actually based on lasers or really bright flashlights (they can’t keep their bullshit straight between scenes, sorry) instead. I just don’t think “girls doing activities” anime should blatantly misrepresent their subject matter like that, you know? With the possible exception of idol anime that is, ain’t nobody who wants to hear about that shit. Apart from that it’s nothing special, so if you are really into air rifles and wish to watch an anime that’s not about those, knock yourself out. It goes through a whole “club needs 5 members” arc in the first half of the first episode, so I really can’t say where it goes next. Nowhere much, I would guess.
Oh right, there’s one more thing: They frequently render the bodies in CG and the heads in traditional drawings, and they do it every time when they’d actually have to draw a rifle otherwise. It’s a weird effect that I think I haven’t seen anywhere else before, and it’s not great but also not terrible. And it’s the most interesting thing about the entire show.
Kabukicho Sherlock
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“Let’s take a bunch of public domain characters and put them into a hip modern setting” seems to be its own genre at the moment, and not only because the BBC did that with S. Holmes, Esq. already. Obviously this show is influenced by that (besides other public domain namedroppers like Bungou Stray Dogs), mostly in Watson and his relationship with Sherlock, but Sherlock-san is rather different here; he’s neither the classic Victorian bohemian nor the abrasive sociopath of the BBC version, and tends more towards a bumbling 90s pop culture version of autism and/or general wackiness here. These two are surrounded by a bunch of campy transvestites for some reason, and I’m not quite sure whether I’m supposed to find this particular stereotype offensive or empowering this week, but it sure is annoying. And it has the same character designer as Joker Game, so if you like chiseled, angular anime men, you’re in for a treat here - even if they tend to wear a lot of makeup and dresses sometimes. I don’t know man, it seems sort of okay-ish for the most part but it’s neither as funny as they think, nor as weird as they think, nor is the murder of the week intriguing at all. Oh yeah, he’s hunting noted public domain character Jack the Ripper. Because of course he is.
 Shin Chuuka Ichiban!
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I am told this is the sequel to episode 19 of a 52-episode anime TV show from 1997. Okay. I am also told to not dare watch this without the important setup therein, which makes me think I should pay less attention to what I’m told because understanding Shin Chuuka Ichiban and its backstory is not hard at all. Kid is superawesome cooking champion in ancient China and goes around clowning on lesser cooks, got it. It’s not a complicated setup and it’s not a complicated genre either: This seems to be mostly about sick shounen cooking duels. Besides the setting, the main difference between this and Shokugeki no Soma seems to be that SnS goes for ridiculous and Chuuka Ichiban goes for epic - which is to say that it fancies itself emotional as well. Apart from that it’s what you’d expect from a cooking shounen, big moves, big reactions, huge twists and so on. One notable thing is that this show looks really, really nice. Production I.G seems to be establishing a sideline in taking stuff from the 90s and updating it with smoother animation and shinier lighting, while keeping the overall look intact; They did it for Mahoujin Guru Guru, and this looks much the same. Still, I’m just fundamentally not really interested in what appears to be a very straightforward cooking shounen from the 90s.
Assassins Pride
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Straight from the Department of Chuuni, we have this light novel masterpiece about a cool as fuck teenage assassin who teleports behind u and nothin personells fools all day. He then meets a princess he’s supposed to off but just kinda decides not to, probably because she seems to be smitten by his m’lady act. Now he has to use his sick skillz to keep them both alive. It’s awful and terrible and no good and also kind of adorable. This truly is the most 13 AND A HALF MOM years old anime in a while, and it’s not even isekai! The writing’s just so amateurish and corny you can’t help but smile when princesses exposit their backstory for no reason while being accosted by pumpkin monsters (without knowing that Awessassin McCooldude happens to be listening in, which is certainly convenient). Or when the episode ends with the man just reading the synopsis of the show out again, in case you were too fascinated by this plot to pay attention to what it’s about. Yeah I’m not going to watch this in a thousand years, but it sure made me chuckle. Your mileage may vary.
Mugen no Juunin - Immortal
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Speaking of 𝔱𝔥𝔞𝔱 𝔫𝔦𝔫𝔢𝔱𝔦𝔢𝔰 𝔢𝔡𝔤𝔢, another anime adaptation of Blade of the Immortal appeared! You know, the manga for the cultured and historically minded guro fan. The first episode of Blade of the Immortal runs with this and is an arthouse production that someone most definitely directed the shit out of. I don’t think I’ve seen this much directing since, well, Sarazanmai, but “Ikuhara amounts of directing” is pretty much the idea here. And most of the time it even works! The quickly edited, disorienting style gives episode 1 a feeling closer to horror than to a cool swordmen action show, and that really brings out the best in the material, which is grotesque splatter bordering on the comical - It’s somehow a better Junji Ito anime than the actual Junji Ito anime. I think it tries too hard in a few places, but at least it does try.
But then I watched the second episode and that one’s a fairly conventional splatter-comedy swordin’ anime. I am not at all pleased with this development. The third episode was better again and seemed to split the difference between 1 and 2, even if it mostly uses the tricky editing to save on effort in the action –  I would much prefer actually readable fights and the wacky mannerisms in the more psychological stuff, thank you very much. Based on episode 1 I thought we might have something special here, but as of episode 3 I’d already merely call it pretty decent. I guess I’ll still stick with it but man, that’s a real bummer.
No Guns Life
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No Guns Life is a neo-noir thriller about a guy who has a gun for a head. That’s fuckin rad and exactly the kind of silliness I am totally down for. He also has a gun for a hand, and there’s also some battle nun’s who carry revolvers with two cylinders, so in short I think the title is false advertising. This sounds very wacky (and it is), but it also takes its noir very seriously, down to details more wannabe neo-noirs tend to neglect (like being set right after a big war). The look and feel is pretty excellent, with sharp design and high-contrast artwork, and the music goes all in on the moody saxophone as you’d expect. And there’s some really adorable “look mom, I’m writing” stuff about how Man With Gun For A Head really “needs someone to pull his trigger” and so on (which is, as the astute reader might remember, at the back of his head). It feels like a throwback but then I can’t really think of many 80s/90s shows like this, so it’s actually more like the sort of faux-retro idea Trigger/Imaishi would come up with on a lark. Trigger/Imaishi would, of course, make a far worse anime out of it, so it’s all good. Well, it has some pacing problems and as always it’s a fine line between amusingly camp and not so amusingly camp anymore, but No Guns Life seems to have enough real qualities that it can probably stand on its own even when its conceptual gimmick eventually doesn’t suffice anymore. I give it a two gun’s up.
Hoshiai no Sora / Stars Align
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And finally, here’s an anime about middle schooler softboys playing a tennis just as soft as themselves, while being henpecked by the elites on the girl’s team. This is not an “actual” sports anime though: for starters, it’s not based on some shounen manga and is an anime original with quite some staff pedigree instead. It’s also more of a character drama that already goes to some surprisingly real places by the end of episode 1, reminiscent of the recent and quite good Run with the Wind. Furthermore, it looks delicious, with minimalist but distinctive and varied character designs and animation that’s both extremely detailed for a TV anime and also not trying to shove that fact into your face with flashy stunt cuts. In short, this show seems very simple at first glance but every aspect of it just oozes quality. If nothing else, it’s already worth watching just for the excellent ending sequence where the characters show off their “best” dance moves and the chunky student council president dunks on everyone. This one caught me by surprise and it’s an easy pick for most promising show of the season.
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sleepthinks · 5 years
I'm having Dumb Bitch problems.
We are in Texas visiting my niece who plays soccer for the college out here. I haven't been to Texas since like 2006 when we moved. I think we came back for like a quick few days in maybe 2008 or 2009 for a funeral. My father still lives in Texas with his new family. We haven't spoken since 2006 when I told him I was moving across the country. Before that it had been maybe 9-12 months since we had talked. After the move I received birthday cards for a few years but found out that it wasn't him, it was his new wife sending and signing the cards. After some therapy I decided to ask them to stop sending cards and officially cut off all ties. There was always pressure from her for me to come visit them and I felt like the cards were her way of guilting me into coming back.
We had to drive through the city they live in on our way to my niece's school. My mother made some smartass remark about going to visit him. I didn't respond.
Im still connected to some friends from Texas on Facebook. But having moved the week before we started high school, and not really ever coming back, I think we've all grown very far apart and there's not a lot of common ground anymore. I tried reaching out to a few friends, didn't hear back from most. There's a chance I can see a friend tomorrow night, maybe for dinner or something, but I'm really anxious about it. I don't feel like I've been successful or that I'm in a good spot in my life and I'm nervous to go meet someone I haven't seen in almost two decades. Worst case scenario I reveal how much of a loser I am. Or I have to face some harsh truths Ive been avoiding.
There's also some dumb bitch gay problems. Which aren't really problems. Allow me to explain. One of the boys I went to middle school/junior high with in Texas has been in my dreams lately. We're always in a happy relationship. Being depressed and miserable and oscillating between that low and just like a neutral "okay," having a dream where you're happy or elated is a trip. It's jarring because those basic feelings shouldn't be something you miss, but when you DONT have them, once you feel a little taste of it again, it reminds you of how far away you are.
It's really dumb this boy in particular is in my dream. We maybe spoke once or twice in the years I grew up in Texas. From 2nd-8th grade we never had any classes together. My mom was friends with his mom (they worked together before she got fired from that job thus burning all bridges she had made) he was friends with one of my "best friends" I had growing up. But he and I never really ever interacted. But he's in my dreams. Often. 3 or 4 nights a week.
Side note about that best friend. Since moving we haven't really kept in touch. I tried to reach out a few times and never got a response. Growing up either I stayed at his house or he stayed at ours nearly every weekend. It doesn't make sense to me. So much of our childhood was tied together, yet we have nothing to do with each other now. Do they ever think about me like I think about them? Do they ever dream about me? Towards the later years of our friendship we were at odds a bit. He was getting into trouble and getting into girls and getting into trouble WITH girls. He was super disrespectful to his parents. It made me mad. His parents were so nice. They provided everything for him. He lived on a huge farm, had every game and toy he could want. He got a phone and got taken to anywhere he wanted to go (we couldn't drive in 7-8th grade)
Looking back I start to wonder. He had several friends that were like me. Boys that didn't really have any other friends. It's hard to do it without naming names. Idk if anyone reads this anyways. This friends name was Randy. Randy was friends with Colton. Colton didn't really have other friends. He was just a big goofy kid. (looking back so was i) he was friends with Taylor. (the boy in my dream) Taylor's only other friend seemed to be his cousin (who was a girl, and for middle schoolers that meant he was weird) there were more boys but I can't remember specifically now. The point is. Looking back. I think maybe Randy wasn't really our friend. The friendships seemed one sided. I get the feeling that his mom put him up to it. All of us were kind of lonely kids. Not popular. Quiet. Maybe that's why Randy doesn't want to keep in touch. He didn't want to be friends in the first place. He was obligated to.
This all culminates to now. Now I'm in Texas again. Now I'm at a college visiting my niece. (I have other college anxiety but that's another long post) this college happens to be the same college both Randy AND Taylor went to. I'm not nervous about seeing them. I don't think they would recognize me anyways (I didn't have a beard in 7th grade) but it's weird being here. Being were they lived. I feel like an unwanted invader somehow.
Ah fuck I forgot to explain the Taylor in my dreams thing. I think the reason he's in my dreams is because he's got similar features and body types to my friend from Seattle. See my friend was a cute boy that i lived with and he was nice and paid me attention and acted like he wanted to hang out with me so OF COURSE I had a little infatuation. I'm so starved for friendship and love that any sort of attention like that would draw me in. I feel dumb. I just want to be friends with my friend without feeling like I'm crushing on him or something.
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