#how absolutely batshit these fuckers are for each other
amyisherenowitsokay · 2 years
First off, big shout out to @i-like-pink-lolzz​ for letting me know this song even exists. I love Eden Project, but I fell off keeping track of them. As soon as I heard this cover, I knew what needed to be done.
As you can see, I do I already have clips of the new ep, which I loved, but as 99.9% of the video was already done when it came out, I just snuck it in a lil bit there. 
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sauntering-down · 1 year
another small dream compliation
as usual, pulled from my discord chat with Mary...
had a dream where i was at some kind of huge school scavenger hunt at an event just called 'Fest'. the clues were extremely vague and confusing and i think we were supposed to be finding gems, but my team searched the entire massive library and couldn't find anything... also everyone had these little fabric "bombs" of colored powder you could throw at other teams to attack them and steal their gems, so we all looked like we'd just come from a Holi celebration or something... it wasn't too vivid but it WAS kinda cool lol
had an absolutely terrible dream. i was at my junior high and found out very suddenly we were going on a field trip, which seemed extremely weird as we were boarding the bus right after 12 and school ended at 2:15 iirc... but the bus only drove us down the street to this building in the woods. and that sounds super sinister but it was a planetarium of some kind?? couldn't tell you for sure as we never DID anything there, we were just turned loose in the gift shop lmfao. and this shop was 1. huge and 2. FULL OF COOL SPACE STUFF. like immediately when we went in this girl Jamie and i saw a white hoodie printed with stars and constellations and, for some reason, bears, and we went WANT, instantly started looking for one that'd fit. she finally found one that wasn't XXXXXXXXXS, but i did not... and then she and another girl made fun of me, so i was sad. also because i hadn't realized we had the trip, i didn't have much money with me. went wandering around looking at all this COOL SPACE STUFF - shirts and books and backpacks and posters and so much other stuff and i wanted Many Things, but i couldn't afford much and i was so disappointed about that hoodie... i walked around for so long and finally left without buying anything and everyone else was gone? there was no bus??? i was concerned.jpg but finally a bus came... apparently they'd left me behind and didn't realize until they got to school and had to send the bus back... which made me feel even better. sigh. terrible dream, truly.
k so. don't remember a good portion of my batshit insane dream - at the beginning there was some kind of war going on around me that i mostly ignored in favor of hanging around a dormitory and stalking some dude. and then i was at my old house, opening up my mom's SUV, and on the passenger side was a big box with a ginormous gun in it. this was apparently my birthday present, and i was inexplicably thrilled, spent a good few minutes messing around before deciding hey, maybe i shouldn't mess around with this bigass loaded rifle thing in the middle of my crowded suburb - at least until i know how to use it properly!! so i went searching for the instruction manual, which was also in the box but needed to be unlocked via my mp3 player. no, idk how that worked. anyway, i'm sitting there reading this manual next to the car when two people walk up. they're both carrying big cages with a MASSIVE cat in each one. the woman tells me these are two of the four cats my family is adopting tomorrow. i was unsure.jpg because we already had three cats and these fuckers looked terrifyingly large lmao, but i finally went and got my mom and she did the talking while i read lol. skip ahead to the next day, where i'm chilling in the house with my new siblings. that's right, folks, these cats were some wyrwulf bullshit who immediately aged up into four kids. i only really remember the second youngest one, a little redheaded girl named Janie (although my mom called her Jane).
i was singing songs and shit, trying to entertain these kids while my parents made dinner and that war from the beginning was going on outside. also told them a story and Janie made a comparison between one of the characters and MCU Loki - i was going to be like 'ehhhh no' lol but i thought about it and it actually made sense, so i told her that was clever. she was THRILLED and uh... bit my jaw? and shook her head like a puppy whilst still biting my jaw???? it didn't hurt but i went to my mom like "we might need to teach Janie some more appropriate ways of expressing excitement" lmfao. the end.
another dream i don't remember except for one tiny detail - i was wearing a zip-up hooded sweatshirt that started out sunset-hued at the bottom, all red and orange and gold, and then bled into dark blue as you went up until around chest-shoulder height where it was indigo/black and covered in stars... looked extremely fucking cool.
also remembered something else whilst i was out purchasing hot dogs... i was in a house with my dad and i was being stalked by this huge anthropomorphic rabbit. like a furry or a mall Easter Bunny gone horribly wrong - it was supposedly all rotting and deformed, but i don't remember getting a good look at it. i do know at one point i was sitting at a table eating some cereal in a rather dim room, and when i looked up and in the mirror on the wall i realized it was standing directly behind me. i freaked out and then told my father i hated that thing and didn't want to deal with it, and idk if this was actually some kinda horror game or my dad just figured out the console commands for real life, because he opened up a menu and unchecked a box and the bunny went away lmfao. anyway reminded me of our boy Cracker Barrel
right before i woke up i had a very vivid dream which i have unfortunately almost entirely forgotten. the bits i do remember are mostly nonsense - there were spaceships, there was some giant monster attacking, i had magic and was trying to fight the monster with my best friend Ron Weasley, one of my cats escaped the house, the Ninja Turtles might've been involved at one point... but i do remember the end which was really cool. so we defeated the monster (which may not have been the main antagonist, i think they were on one of the spaceships), mostly by realizing it was just a baby and throwing this huge metal ball around and accidentally killing people because it was trying to play. Ron and this weird frog creature called Tee and i played with it properly and lured it into a place where it could be safely captured, using some magic rune we made up and another Tee invented. idk. but it worked, we all won the battle, huzzah. move ahead into this big stone meeting hall where this group of magic-using warriors lived... the only detail i recall was these metal plates set into the wall with raised blue lines on them forming a different picture on each. as they studied magic, they would get these images tattooed on them to indicate they had mastered a certain school of study - some of the images were simple, others were fairly complex and tattooed in stages as the mage learned more. they'd all been using the same ones (and there were a couple hundred) for like a thousand years, no more had been approved in that long. but they'd finally decided to add two new ones, the one Ron and i made up (which looked sort of like a castle and was pretty complicated) and the one Tee made up (a simpler one-stage tattoo). so these pictures were 'stamped' on new metal plates in a magic fire, big ceremony, it was a huge deal and it was implied Ron and i were going to join their group. super cool. except...
the guy in charge of this organization, the one overseeing this huge mega not-performed-for-a-millennium ceremony, a solemn yet exciting event, this dude who was our wise mentor and leader, our Gandalf figure, who'd been severely injured at the start of this fight and was initially expected to die, but managed to recover... was Squidward.
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aqueeracademic · 2 years
morse being queer (and other commentary) pt5:
season 2, episode 1, “Trove”:
- alright season two‼️‼️
- give me some gay stuff
- mrs. thursday noticing that fred is more chipper because morse is returning is so personal
- even bright is glad to have morse back i love him
- bright DOES care about morse i do not care what a single fucker has to say about him ✋🙄
- Mr. Yelland deserves better i feel awful for him
- the body falling on the car is so uncalled for
- “you’re a sight for sore eyes”
- naur he failed his sergeants 😔😔
- if i’ve said it once, i’ve said it a billion times, oxford is gorgeous
- DEBRYN!!!!!!!
- “off heights, are we?”
- he pays so much attention to morse he loves him so much
- the SMILE he gives him when he said goodbye 😭
- leaving morse all blushy and shit
- i love them
- “splendid youre settling back in!”
- bright is SO SWEET
- so jakes says “absence makes” about bright being so nice to morse, which is obviously short for “absence makes the heart grow fonder.” while he is referencing bright’s kindness, the look he gives morse after he says it implies that he’s actually talking about himself, and how his own feelings for morse only grew in morse’s absence. in this essay i will-
- jakes there is NO NEED to stand so close to morse in thursday’s office
- “just like old times!”
- platonic or not (it’s not) jakes LOVES MORSE i don’t care
- “as a matter of fact, miss, i do, probably better than you.”
- she shut RIGHT up
- i do agree with her tho, just to be clear, i just also think firing a gun isn’t the best way to go about it
- debryn and morse r so comfortable around each other i can’t handle this today
- he stands up like morse is a lady walking into the room
- so respectful
- “who was in charge there?” “strange. although i’m NOT saying that he-“
- morse is a good friend
- a good friend with PTSD resulting in a poor reaction to loud sound that needs to be addressed
- jakes is so careful with morse when he comes back because he KNOWS what having PTSD is he literally can’t stop looking at him i’m sick
- love of my life.
- why is the medieval studies guy so rude 🤨
- the other dude is fine as hell tho i don’t care if he was my teacher i’d be down bad
- it’s prolly the glasses and soft voice
- his lil smirk
- “that’s my man hoes” 🥰🥰
- “you don’t have to prove anything.”
- thursday trying to make morse okay with his PTSD is something so personal
- just gets off light duties and is immediately beat up
- thursday is fucking incredible for immediately going after the men who beat up morse
- thursday treats morse so well monica straight up thinks he’s family
- morse’s bruising under his eyes suggest his nose is indeed broken PLUS he has a concussion. the fact that this man is walking around is absolutely batshit crazy of him what’s his problem
- i’m watching all this on soap2day btw and there isn’t captioning. i am fighting for my LIFE trying to understand everything thursday says
- morse pays enough attention to everything debryn says to remember exactly how both bodies were injured ‼️
- this man was an incredible father and he deserves better 😐
- morse is petty about lack of punctuation which makes him gay
- morse doesn’t vote which means he’s an asshole in case anyone was wondering
- go. vote.
- it is his socialist agenda jumping out again tho ‼️‼️
- literally why is this professor man such an asshole like what if he died instead
- id love that
- “don’t lose your way. it’s easily done”
- take your OWN ADVICE MORSE
- morse in a wife pleaser agenda ‼️‼️
- the daughter doing handstands in the back 🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️
- jakes fr 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️
- morse embarrasses me and everyone around him
- jakes fr tryna watch his back tho
- “morse remember who you’re speaking to.”
- he’s like “babe, please shut the fuck up.”
- monica is SO GOOD TO HIM i hate everything
- morse on a moped ‼️‼️
- morse, babes, that is breaking and entering
- case = solved but someone ofc had to shoot at morse first
- “so what’s the caper? dragging us out of our kip at sparrows?”
- jakes, honestly, what the FUCK does that mean
- i love random incest
- like yeah, just throw that in
- jakes is the only one who turns to look at morse as they all leave
- never thought i would say this, but morse looks awful
- these poor women oh my god
- i hate men
- “i feel like i’ve missed something.”
- at least he’s back to remembering what thursday’s sandwiches will be
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monkeydlesbian · 4 years
time to ship your moots!
*rubs hands together like a little fruit fly* OKAY!
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@catchmewiddershins + sukuna: it just. it makes sense. we talk about yuujikuna 🤝 all the time and it even works out bc i get yuuji she gets sukuna. clings to his arm like a little parasite as he looks down at her like she IS one but he LOVES HER TO DEATH DONT BE FOOLED. she loves to tease him and be like I Bet You Wouldnt Kiss Me Right Now. You’re Too Weak. and he’d take the bait like a goddamn fool.
@sems-diarie + bakugou: SEMS KEEPS KATSUKI ON HIS MF TOES!!! she might be just a Leetle bratty but he’s only lying to himself when he says she’s annoying 🙄 he’s so soft for her tho,,,, he let’s her get away with MURDER (as he should) sems is so soft and bakugou looks a little scary and when you see them in public it’s like How Is This Possible but that’s what makes them even cuter.
@shintaroo + bokuto: come on. Come On. it just makes sense. they’re so bright and pure and fundamentally GOOD THEY HAVE TO BE TOGETHER. bokuto genuinely never leaves her alone.... he is literally so enamored with her i know it I JUST KNOW IT. mari actually does need air when they kiss but that isn’t bokuto’s problem 🙌
@marviess + levi: listen i don’t even WATCH attack on titan but have u seen her and her levi anon interact?????????? what the fuck??? that’s love. that is literal love and u can’t tell me otherwise. he is so soft for her??? levi is a scary man but march breaks him down a lil and she makes it difficult for him to keep up this terrifying captain act he’s got going on 😩
@gg9183 + konoha: every day i think about gracinori. every day i think about them. they are so goddamn ANNOYING with how cute they are. they’re the couple u see on the street that makes u HATE being single, because they look so ENAMORED with each other. he’s such a tease and he pulls so much shit to fluster her but OH HO HO! miss gracie has a few tricks up her sleeves herself. mr and mrs jack of all trades 😏
@meliorist-midoriya + midoriya: i literally wouldn’t have said this if they genuinely weren’t perfect for each other. believe it or not i am NOT saying this to kiss kelley’s ass 😁 but her and midoriya just fit together so well I CANT BELIEVE IT every time i think of izukel i lose my mind. they help each other with homework and midoriya indulges in her love for plants. that is love.
@tetsusaki + kuroo: me and mila Just became moots like two goddamn days ago but call milatsu mr and mrs worldwide or something bc they are THEE couple!! they’re so hot together and mila is a little hotter than kuroo but it’s ok bc she still loves him 💔 she loves him despite the fact he started investing before he even left high school and THATS when u know they’re meant to be. kuroo is one lucky mf
@kekozume + kenma: i won’t lie the two of them scare me. feral vibes they are batshit insane together but that’s why they WORK!!! i see the two of them staying up until 4 am doing absolute jackshit together. she was fearless and crazier than him. she was his queen, and god help anyone who dared to disrespect his queen👺 yeah but kenma has the biggest soft spot for ami and i can just imagine the two of them lounging around together.... it’s SO CUTE!!
@alto-march-of-death + tsukishima: al my fav tsukki fucker. they are MEANT TO BE u don’t understand like. he’s so snarky but then she snaps back with a little snark of her own and he’s like so this is love.... tsukki might be a little bitch sometimes and tease her a lot but he LOVES HER!!!!! literally so much he can’t even deny it when his friends tease him. he’s so whipped for al and can u blame him 🙄🙄
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transsexualhamlet · 3 years
Sherlock Holmes Reactions As A Flaming Homosexual (part 5 lmao)
Again I will be putting this shit under the cut because it's gonna be So Long and also fair warning for sherlock is in fact a raging drug addict and I have a lot of yknow parts that talk about that so tread with caution but hi i am once again yelling. keep in mind i am deliriously ill while writing this one but i think i sound. just about as insane as usual. maybe it's a bit less organized tho lol
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like i think it's so funny that most people will look at those two and definitely think it's the other way around but no. sherlocks a virgin and watson has had sex with every woman ever and probably not limited to women
and another thing I somehow missed the first time around in sign of four. sherlock sherlock please honey this is serious get help
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Funniest thing is that watson tells him to stop and hes like Watson i Only do drugs when the Newspaper is boring
is the newspaper boring three times a day sherlock. is it really
And at the same time sherlock checks the paper like a goddamn phone notification he'll just run out and get the latest version to see if anything's changed just like on the hour. Wow that man is not neurotypical.
poor watson tbh
why are these men just batshit fucking insane I love them
So yeah back to some random funny bits i got from reading a ton of the short stories
Ok i must say it's quite funny just my experience being either reading something about sherlock and watson and going awww they're in love or just violently yelling S H E R L O C K
Cause i was like reading a bit where watson was talking about how he was on a nice little walk with sherlock, you know, the kind of walk where no one talks but it's really comfortable and you know only people who know each other Very Intimately like him and sherlock are that well together and i was just like aww
And then three seconds later I'm laughing my ass off about "how did you know my name" "IT WAS ON YOUR HAT"
And then he starts saying shit like "i hope your marriage doesn't change anything between us" like damn shawty what is that supposed to mean /homosexual
I also love how bc watson is the only one writing it when sherlock is talking about something that happened to him in the past with quotes and stuff there's just like seven fucking quotation marks around each other im dying
And when they make him clean his goddamn room im losing my mind why does he keep random shit from his old cases "in case it comes in handy" and "to remember that time i solved that thing" i am going to throw marie kondo at you
I feel so bad for him, hes just trying so hard to keep this idiot alive and it is Not Working
Ok so like this is something Im still absolutely reeling over because it's like. it doesn't even seem real to me but the fact that Sherlock has multiple times just like gone to watson's house in the middle of the night, climbed up his goddamn wall and into his window, been like "you better not be busy" and started Talking
Like. Man's in his nightgown and just sees this fucker climbing in the window like "WATSON WATSON YOU WON'T BELIEVE WHAT I FOUND" and not just that. he's like "I only came in because you don't fucking sleep with your wife and it appears that you don't have any men in here either so I thought it was ok" LIKE ONE, WTF IS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN SHERLOCK WHY WOULD HE HAVE OTHER MEN IN HIS BEDROOM SEHGIHO:EWOHO:GHE BUT TWO, WHYYY ARE THEY GAY
He didn't even fucking ask or say he was gonna do that no watson just has no clue when hes gonna show up and start remarking upon watson's appearance what even. homosexuals
Sherlock honestly just baffles me sometimes.
Oh, also, I read the one with Mycroft in it, and wow, is the man just as boring as he is in yuumori. That's just hilarious that sherlock is this absolutely insane man and then in contrast his older brother Pays Money to Sit In A Completely Silent Room and Read The Paper
It's so funny how he's like. Straight up even smarter than sherlock but no one gives a shit about him because he just. Is so fucking boring and antisocial
Like, we don't know anything about Sherlock's childhood but like. Part of me wants to think that it must have been absolutely insane and then Mycroft's rebellious stage was to just be fucking boring. Like. I would believe that. Just imagine that
I am going to make the final problem stuff its own post just cause I went absolutely insane over it but yea this was certainly an experience
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tellywoodtrash · 4 years
immj2 30+31.12.20 lbs
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lmao ep starts off itself with vansh and kabir ka staring match.
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vansh steady in first place, not having blinked for................ like 3 minutes now? this dude a fucking freak.
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while riddhima gazes adoringly at him thinking bhagwaan ne mujhe itnaaaaaaaaaa achcha pati diya hai. pft. idk what the hell sins you did in your last life riddhima, to get a husband like this one in this life, but it had to be something reallllllllllll bad. like stealing from little orphans and kicking puppies or some shit.
thankfully dadi is here to put an end to this chutiyaapa.
countdown blah blah, no1 currrrrrrrrr.
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itna pheeeeeeeeeenka happy new year. bhai-behen ho kya???
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now we talking.
he just says some trite shit like new kahaani that will be remembered for ages blah blah and gives creepy looks. dude why can’t you be normal on oneeeee bloody day?
ahaana also giving random creepy looks seeing vansh/riddhima hugging. and she goes and............
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i think i watch this show and rrahul a little too closely ki i instantly knew this isn’t his hand and thus it’s not vansh’s hand she’s holding.
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yupppppppppp. bola tha na.
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damn they make a hotass couple of shady bitches.
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ok wow i’m really feeling it. wish kabir wasn’t a sociopath who is incapable of feeling attachment (“love” is too strong a word) for anyone but his mother.
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lmao his reaction when ahaana tells him ki riddhima didn’t believe any of the pattiii she padaofied her about vansh.
ok but how do these two know each other??? matlab yeh le aaya hai issko? i thought vansh le aaya hoga?!!?
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mereko kya kaunsa manhoos le aaya? i’m just here for the attractive ppl pressing their bodies up against each other. keep on keeping on, #KaHana
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he’s warning her against ever double-crossing him and dude the angry/hate-sex vibes here are *~~~ExQuISiTe*~~~~
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the way she’s confidently gazing at him all sexy tells me she’s a much more seasoned player than riddhima and i already love her more than the damn lead of the show.
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damn. that’s a gnarly period you got riddhima. that’s an unusual amount of flow. go see a doctor about it, sis.
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i’ve heard about ppl making art with menstrual blood and all, but this is fucking ridiculous.
anyway of course the dumbass goes investigating it. and got fucking attacked in the storeroom and SOMEONE HUNG HER UP. LITERALLY WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON IN THIS MESSED UP HOUSE DUDE????/ WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU STILLL LIVE HERE????
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Chehra Appreciation Break
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asadkjasldjlaskdjlsakjdlas the way he’s yelling for everyone and interrogating them of their whereabouts coz riddhima’s missing.
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lmao ishani and ahaana’s reactions at this temper tantrum are fucking amazing.
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dang what’s with the suuuuuper orange lower half of his face???? ugh. the foundation woes are back now that the beard’s growing back in.
anyway he went barrelling off to find her after some more chabaaya hua dhamkis at his fam. ahaana already regretting moving into this pagaal khaana.
this scene is so fucking disturbing to watch that i don’t even wanna fucking cap it. but she was legit getting HANGED and he managed to get there in the nick of time and save her.
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this poor girl, my god. i don��t think i’ve ever watched a tellywood FL be tortured to the extent that this one is on a daily basis. it’s fucking ridiculous. there’s no redemption for any of the raisinghanias at this point. she just needs to fucking leave (and file several domestic violence cases against each and every one of them, except dadi.)
anyway she tells him whatever went down today, starting from the period blood fiasco onwards and he’s........ vibrating in anger. cool i guess.
some promises and shit about how who ever did this will pay, time for “humaara khel” and .......... dude. you say this shit every single time. and nothing changes. i don’t give a fuck anymore about your stupid promises. move the fuck outta this hellhole with your wife if you really mean it.
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seedha jaake ahaana ke sar pe bandook taan di. based on what evidence? only the Good Lord above knows, coz vansh and the writers sure don’t.
no literally based on what is he accusing her and pulling the trigger??????? idgi??????
almost shot her and is saying “riddhima pe kharonchh nahi aani chahiye, baat ishq aur vishwaas ki hai” and ahaana is giggling and literally what the fuck is going on i’m so confused.
ahaana saying wowwwww, you want revenge also, and she shouldn’t get hurt also.
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MOTHERFUCKER!!!!!!!!!!!!! I KNEW IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HE’S THE ONE WHO BROUGHT AHAANA IN!!!!!!!!!!!!
literally what the fuck is this dude on???? badla chahiye, par dard nahi hona chahiye. bhai, kya phoonk ke aaye ho, humein bhi toh thoda de do.
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ok this is tooooo fucking convoluted a game. riddhima thinks kabir is the one attacking her. but it’s kabir + ahaana. kabir thinks ahaana is on his side and brought her into VR mansion, but ahaana is double agent who was actually planted in kabir’s nazar by vansh to fuck over BOTH kabir and riddhima. i think?????????
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ahaana be like re devaaaaaa, what fucking madness have i gotten myself into????????????? the things i have to do for health insurance coverage during a pandemic.
first 5 minutes is some new year ka naach gaana bs. fwding.
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ok this fucker is a legit motherflipping crazy. he just wants to keep torturing riddhima for god knows how long.
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even ahaana is alarmed.
did he do absolutely noooooo research after the cliff chhalaang? like....... this revenge shit is so dumb at this point, when he knows she brought in vihaan to stop kabir from ruining the family, and took a second fucking bullet for him?!?!?!?!?!?! they shouldn’t have written the second gunshot plot point, coz now he looks like a reallllllllll unappreciative fucker for whom literally no good deed is enough.
also can’t say rrahul’s extra chabaaaaa chabaaaaaaa ke bolna is making this enjoyable to watch at all.
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all i wanna know is what ahaana has on him that he’s indebted to her and thought her worthy enough to join forces with. SPILL SPILL SPILL SPILL!!!!!!!!!!!! what does ahaana get outta all this?!!?!?!!!!!!
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riddhima on the other hand running around wondering whom vansh is gonna murder. SIS YOU JUST GOT STRANGULATED CAN YOU SIT DOWN FOR A HOT SEC AND REST?!?!!?!?
ahaana is like bro you gonna ruin riddhima’s life, and he’s like yeah, that’s what i want. jesus christ, dude. just divorce her then. why prolong this shit out like this????? truly psychopathic.
riddhima hears his voice and heads to the pool area..........
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............. isn’t that his shoulder there behind the tree? is she fucking blind???????? HOW CAN SHE NOT SEE HIS 7 FOOT TALL HULKING ASS BEHIND THAT PATLA SA JHAADI?????? HE’S LITERALLY THERE LIKE........
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........... she left. god. she’s really really REALLY stupid. like pretty sure these crimes against her count as extraaaaaaaaa bad....... like, pick on someone with your own brain capacity, vansh? leave the simple minded sis alone!
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the only gift that’s acceptable from you rn sir, is divorce papers. and a self-filed restraining order promising to stay 3 whole districts away.
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yikes, that beard is notttttt growing in well.
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“tum mujhe apne saare stress de do.” BITCH YOU’RE HER BIGGEST STRESS. ASSHOLE. I HATE YOU SO MUCH.
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“tumse door jaake jaaonga kahaan? abhi toh bohut kuch baaki hai.” fucking dieeee, you psychopath.
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lmaoooooooooooooooo her face when she doesn’t understand wtf this gift is supposed to be. i’ve been there sis. trying to fake enthusiasm for some reallllll bad gifts from men is truly painful.
also she’s so dang cute when they let her use her face properly!!!!!! har waqt bechaari ko bass rulaate rehte hain iss show mein.
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one ainvayiiii gift ke bahaane some random cuteness.
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sis gazing at him some more thinking omg he loves me soooooooo much.
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she remembered ahaana’s warning, and is like no she was lying to me!!!!!!!!! stupid stupid stupiddddddd. no matter whoever planted her, you should believe that sister over your haraami misters. motive jo bhi ho, bol toh behen sach hi rahi thi.
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yuck that looks ugly af. why the hell would you want that on your bedroom wall? esp. when your bedroom is already so goddamn fugly.
anyway he’s gaslighting her some more about ahaana blah blah.
riddhima like i’ll prove it. le, iska jee nahi bharaa. she wants to do more jasoosi and go get stuck in random traps that try to kill her.
vansh promising he’ll throw ahaana and her partners out if she can prove it. meaning you’ll........... throw yourself out?????
whatever man, idk and idc anymore what this fucker does. i’m just here for the faces.
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threatening notes planted in all these ppl’s rooms. everyone instantly like OMG VANSHHHHHHHHHHH DID THISSSSS. lol coz who else does this chutiyaapa of leaving random messages around like this.
but nope. chachi saw riddhima’s earring lying there and knows it’s her.
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isko bhi mila.
lmao kabir rueing the day he set eyes on riddhima coz jeena haraam kar rakha hai ladki ne.
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riddhima like mwahahahahhaha they must have got my notes and now they’ll come attack me! behen, woh toh note ke bina bhi roz karte aaye hain...............
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there. promptly got jumped.
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surprise, surprise.
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lol attitude toh dekho behen ka. wish she was the lead of the show instead of riddhima.
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adamarks · 5 years
Penny’s relationship  troubles and how that relates to Simon and Baz
aka my Baz and Penny mirror post
I said I’d do this and god what a fucking emotional ride we’re about to go on. Strap in, my dudes.
In Carry On, it’s well-established that Penelope is Baz’s mirror character. She’s mostly static in the book (because it’s almost completely focused on Baz and Simon) and she’s used mainly as a literary device. Her mirroring Baz in particular is established very plainly. Both of them being top of the class; both of them geeking out over spells; both of them geeking out over marriage spells; their mothers both being headmasters; both of them getting out chalkboards and making the exact same types of lists. It’s very much in-your-face screaming in Carry On. 
It’s not so obvious in Wayward Son. 
The main reason for this is that Penny was upgraded from static to rounded in this book. She has an entire arc of doubting herself, which will most likely be completed in the next book. However, just because it’s not banging pots and pans in your face doesn’t mean the mirroring isn’t there. 
Let’s dig in.
Rainbow did something I really, really loved with this book: she made sure we know that happy endings aren’t what we’re told. The story doesn’t end because the Prince and Princess kissed-- how did they hang on? How did they make it to the hundredth kiss? Did they even make it to the hundredth kiss?
This book tells us that sometimes they don’t make it to the hundredth kiss.
This lesson is what’s got a lot of people’s panties in a knot. Here’s the thing though: it’s not a bleak lesson; it’s a warning. It’s a reminder that we have to keep trying; we have to want that hundredth kiss.
Simon and Baz want that hundredth kiss. They just don’t know how to get there. 
Wow guys I’m gonna have to struggle to not cry while writing this. Wish me luck.
Yes, the boys are morons that can’t communicate. How does Penny fit in?
She didn’t get to that hundredth kiss.
Micah and Penny are what happen when you just expect happily ever after to take care of getting you to the next kiss. 
Micah declares what the lesson Penny (assumedly with Shepherd Tornado Chaser Supreme) is going to learn about relationships is in Chapter twelve:
“A relationship isn’t about the end. It’s about being together every step of the way.”
This may be Penny’s lesson, but this is also a sort of (in my opinion) apology from Rainbow. Because, what was Baz and Simon getting together if not just a nice little tie up as part of a happy ending. What are queer consumers of media usually fed? Our representation usually dies, breaks up, or ends up together all happy go lucky right at the end. We don’t get to see characters we relate to struggle. We don’t get to see them still be miserably in love but unsure how to make it work when shit gets rough. 
Wayward Son is what happens when you don’t know how to keep going, but god do you want to. 
“I told you that I thought we’d grown apart--” 
“And I said that was natural!”
(also taken from Chapter 12 of Wayward)
Simon and Baz growing apart when Simon is so severely depressed and unable to communicate is natural. It’s natural, but it doesn’t mean that he’s going about it the right way. Simon is fucked up. He’s fucked up in a lot of ways, but (and this is coming from someone that’s struggled with the same kinds of thoughts Simon’s suffering from) that’s no excuse for him to hurt Baz in the process. 
Simon even realizes that this is a terrible way to go about this. It’s why he’s thinking about breaking up with Baz. 
i almost cried typing that just now rainbow why simon why i’m dying i-
Simon needs to learn how to communicate. How to talk about what he’s feeling and what he needs.
Here’s the thing though: Baz does too.
This is where Penny’s mirroring comes into play. Micah and Penny apparently didn’t talk for two whole months and she didn’t notice. They didn’t talk. They didn’t communicate. This is what killed their relationship.
This is what’s killing Simon and Baz’s.
In Chapter Fifteen we see Simon mulling over Penny and Micah breaking up:
“Penelope and Micah were going to get married. 
And now... Merlin, what now?”
I’ll come back to the concept of “endgames” throughout this series, but for now, apply that to Baz and Simon.
Baz and Simon were supposed to live happily ever after, but ever afters don’t work like that. So, now what?
Everything sucks. We are all in Pain. The dumbasses won’t talk. What do we DO, JAY? 
god, what do we do. suffer i guess idk. 
Okay but for real, we don’t have to worry. Rainbow knows what their issue is. And! She’ll make sure it’s resolved! How do I know? 
Well, I’ll tell ya.
We were introduced to a brand new, absolutely batshit, completely delightful character in Wayward. He’s spunky, he’s fun, but what does he do best?
Fucking. Talk.
He doesn’t shut the fuck up!! He’s completely honest and he just talks. Bitch will tell you his entire life story without batting an eye! This is what Penny needs. 
This is where Simon and Baz are going to end up. 
Perhaps not exactly, that doesn’t suit their personalities. This is what they’ll end up being, though: completely honest with each other. 
These fuckers are constantly thinking about each other throughout the book. 
“Oh he’s so beautiful.” “Oh he’s so charming.” “Oh he’s so funny and smart.” “Oh he’s so heroic and brave.” “Oh, i’d give him my whole being.” “Oh I wish he’d let me in” “Oh I love him so much.” “I love him.” 
They’d both feel so, so, so much better if they just said shit out loud. Good god. 
But neither of them are a) in a place where they can say it and b) in a place where they’ll believe it. 
This brings us to our next biggie:
Baz still doesn’t like himself.
Simon’s obviously having troubles with self loathing. That’s not even a question in anyone’s mind. Simon’s depression and lack of self worth is one of (if not the) main vocal points of the book. 
The issue with Simon’s sadness getting the spotlight is that we overlook Baz’s a bit. It’s thrown in so that we don’t notice immediately, because we’re not supposed to. Baz’s self-hatred isn’t as loud as Simon’s and he’s been dealing with it a lot longer. It’s a self-loathing he’s learned to live with-- he’s used to it by now. 
Sometimes the demons we learn to live with are the most vicious of all. 
I think it’s very clever that the most overt time we see Baz disliking himself is in his Things I Hate List in Chapter Fourteen.
“11. The wind in my hair.
 12. Convertible automobiles.
 13. Myself, most of all.
 14. My soft heart. 
 15. My foolish optimism.
 16. The words “road” and “trip,” when said together with any enthusiasm.”
It’s slipped in there awful sneaky! You’re giggling and going “oh thank god maybe I won’t be sad through the whole book” then BANG! there it is. But, right after we have “my soft heart” and you’re going “oh my poor baby he’s so sweet I love him” before you really had time to process number 13 as anything aside from an “lol i’m hot and icky and i hate myself” joke. 
Baz is used to hating himself. It’s everyday whatever. Simon’s is only louder because he’s not used to being allowed time to think about the bad stuff. Everyday before the end of Carry On for Simon was just struggling to get to the next day-- whether that was at Watford or a home. Simon’s happy when he doesn’t have to think; Baz can’t just not think. 
Penny’s just learned what doubting herself entails; Baz has been doubting himself for the last decade. 
No matter how much they coo at each other, it won’t fix the underlying issue: Baz and Simon don’t like themselves. 
This is the main internal conflict of the series for all of the characters: loving yourself for what you are. 
This brings us to Agatha. 
If you haven’t read my meta on simon being a dragon hell yes then you might want to. I discuss Agatha being a mirror for Simon fairly thoroughly in it. 
Remember how I told you to put a pin in the concept of  “endgames” earlier? Well, here we are. Agatha was supposed to be the “endgame.” 
Endgames! Are! Bullshit! 
Human beings are not our consolation prizes for getting through shit. Becoming stronger as people and loving ourselves more is our prize. Realizing how much you can withstand, how hard you can fight, how amazing you are for surviving is your prize for getting through it. 
None of these guys realize this yet. Agatha and Simon just think there’s nothing good that’s going to come out of their lives and Baz and Penelope just think that maybe their “prizes” weren’t what they thought they were. 
Maybe the rewards for our efforts were really just inside us the whole time. uwu.
Penny is just starting to think of plans again by the end of the book, but this time they’re looser, wilder, even more hairbrained than before and she really only has one plan at best! She’s learning that she can be strong and capable even when she doesn’t have all the facts and doesn’t have all the details thought through. Penny’s learning to loosen up. 
Baz is in a better place by the end of Wayward too. He’s learned so much about vampires and even himself. Like sure I fuckin’ hate Lamb but he helped Baz to realize that... maybe he isn’t a monster. Maybe magical creatures aren’t lesser. Maybe he’s not any less human just because he can drink their blood. 
They’re the only two that really, really develop in this book. Simon and Agatha change but mostly stay the same mentality-wise. Agatha still thinks she’s doomed to be a damsel in distress and Simon still thinks he’s just The Boy That Was. Baz and Penny are the most dynamic characters in Wayward Son.
I’m putting my money on next book being Agatha and Simon’s big development book. And at this point I’m convinced it’s going to be more than a trilogy. 
Now! Let’s talk about Agatha and Penny. 
@stressedidiot pointed out to me that Penny and Agatha holding hands and burning shit down in the last scene was supposed to call back to Baz and Simon. They’re absolutely right. I think the most important thing that was calling back to was Simon giving Baz his magic in Carry On. 
This parallel confused me at first: why would Rainbow need to remind us of that scene? I know I personally have the Ladybird and Twinkle Twinkle Little Star scenes permanently ingrained in my head forever. Obviously we didn’t forget that Simon could pour his magic. 
Here’s the thing. 
Baz and Simon don’t stay together during any of the fight scenes in this book. They always get separated or one of them gets hurt or they’re scrambling trying to find or catch the other one. 
They’ve forgotten that they work best when they’re together.
That was one of the main takeaways from Carry On. Simon and Baz work best when they’re together. 
“A relationship isn’t about the end. It’s about being together every step of the way.” 
Every! Step! Of! The! Way!
This is where my dragon Simon theory really comes into play. If Simon does end up with some sort of dragonesque powers, somehow Baz and him are going to share it. 
When Baz figures out how to drink from humans without killing them, Simon’s going to be right there, ready to open up a vein.
This is the true beauty of their relationship. Simon wants to be the one to lead the dance of kisses and intimacy and communication, and Baz wants to be there to give him anything he wants. Baz has received Simon’s magic; he’s gonna drink Simon’s blood; and he’s somehow going to receive something from Simon regarding this dragon business.
“I’d give him all that I am. 
I’d give him all that I was.
I’d open up a vein.”
They give and take and equal measures. They love each other wholly. I’m gesturing to my computer screen out of stress right now. They literally love each other that much!
Agatha and Penny sharing a magic conduit at the end of Wayward Son is a reminder of what happened between Simon and Baz and also foreshadowing of where they’ll be again.
Imagine how powerful they’ll be once they remember how to work together. 
They were practically unstoppable before when they worked together-- they turned back a dragon. 
But now their love for each other is stronger than ever. It’ll only grow once they finally talk. Once they communicate.
Two people, so strong separately coming together with only love and understanding for each other. 
With their hearts beating together, they could do more than turn back a dragon.
They could change the world.
check my meta about simon’s wings being The Gay
And also my one about the scarf
Thank you for reading this word vomit. Just wanted to tag a few people that might be interested in seeing this shitstorm of a meta:
@goodie-giving-gecko-gets-gatos @singerofsimplesongs @wisest-girl @watfordwallflower @slaying-fictional-dragons @carrybits
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thevisoryposts · 4 years
Marvel’s Avengers got me concerned...but it’s over humanity. Not the game.
So we’re just exiting the 2nd Beta Weekend. This one was open to a lot more people, a lotta hands got to touch this thing, get to see whussup and finally feel what it’s about. You’d think after this, a good majority of people would start to level out, be less confused and cut the game some slack. 
No. No, this is not what happened. In fact these are some of the most bullshit claims I’ve ever seen in my entire life. There’s so much shit, I can’t even keep it all together. One second people are claiming that characters don’t feel different from each other. To the next that the game feels scripted. That it’s too easy. That’s it’s too hard. That it’s ridiculous that they’re playing Hulk and they got defeated. And if they play Hulk they should never get defeated--w-WHAT?!
To mini-rant for a second, you know in 2005′s Hulk Ultimate Destruction game, Hulk could get taken out by something as humanly trivial as a bunch of shooting helicopters and missiles. You know that right?? And I’m not source referencing; I put a LOT of fucking hours into that damn game. It was (and really still is) the best Hulk video game there is. People goddamn love that game. And you’re complaining because this game can spawn a fucking Omac (Yes they’re called Adaptoids in-game, I’m aware) that immediately establishes a presence that tells you they could probably punch goddamn Superman in the face and make that shit do injury. And after he’s done an insane amount of damage, it’s downright BATSHIT that he made your Hulk crouch in the corner to take a time out. Yeah. Okay.
This illustrates my point beautifully though. There are too many people that if they aren’t saying completely dumb shit; (I’m still reeling at people that have played this game and think the characters all feel the same) then it’s something overly critical like the game is a looter shooter and that the missions are repetitive. Like some of these same people don’t play Destiny or Fortnite in where you do the same shit over and over again. “Wahhh, this game isn’t single player like Batman: Arkham or Spider-Man ps4″ ---- NOBODY EVER SAID THAT IT WAS GOING TO BE. Nobody promised this to you! These are all things that are biased from you worldview and therefore you feel should be the case. And you know what? That’s fine.
You’re within your rights to want something. But nobody -- absolutely goddamned nobody -- is entitled to give it to you. And a lot of you need to be fucking adults and realize that something is not ‘shit’ just because it’s doesn’t meet your ultimate vision.
Which also boggles me. This game is damned amazing. They’ve managed to pack so much fanservice into what they’re bragging is not even a quarter of the final product. You mean to tell me you’re going to overlook that you can fly around freely as Iron Man and give your teammates cover fire with an assortment of lasers and rockets while your friend as Hulk on the ground has picked up two enemies to make his bitches, and is repeatedly beating other bitches with his said bitches? Just because there’s no open world? Really??
I mean just to hammer home the point how dumb people have gotten with this complaining; there was one mother fucker that said this game shouldn’t be called Avengers because it basically had none of them. None of the core Avengers like Spider-Man and Vision. And Wolverine.
This kinda shit...this makes me lose faith in humanity. I know a lot of you are better than this. And you should be ashamed. These are some of the most entitled, spoiled, negative mindsets I have ever witnessed and it’s all over a beta. Now the game could come out and it could be lackluster. In which case; some of you would be within the right to be bitching so hard. But how dumb are y’all gonna look, if it does come out and it meets pretty damn high expectations? There have been some games that have had really really worse betas than this and come out pretty good at launch. You mean to tell me you guys can’t see a bigger picture? That things could turn out for the mind blowing? You all might want to start to. Because anyone could tell you there was a lot of work put into this game -- they actively don’t want it to be shit. (They want your money and time) So they’re going to keep improving; it only goes up from here. The beta is a great place to go up from. But you know what’s not? Fucking people that spout dumb shit and act like pansy little brats over good  work. You guys want good games? You’re not going to keep getting them with that attitude. What sane people would be motivated to put in all the time, passion, blood sweat and tears when you have hundreds of rabid nonsensical people tearing it down???
The answer is not a lot.
Rant is over. I’ve been tired of hearing really stupid shit about this game. It’s all so unnecessary. I think there are a lot of people in this world that should be more grateful than they actually are. All this negativity as we progress further into life is not the answer. As a species we should learn not to be content with just any old thing, yeah. But we don’t also pick apart everything to goddamn death and demand absolute perfection as our eyes see it. Balance. We need to constantly work to strike it. As humans.
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Sorting Daenerys Targaryen and Jorah Mormont with the sortinghatchats system (GoT verse)
I didn’t want to write this post before I finished my Killing Eve sortings (basically Carolyn and Konstantin), but I’m stuck with them, so I decided to revisit an old fandom instead with a new approach. My take here is possibly an outsider’s take, given that I haven’t interacted with this fandom for a while, save for a few close friends I made in it. Now, bear in mind this sorting system IS NOT the original HP system, it is simply based on it. It sorts you into two houses. Your primary is you WHY, your reason to be who you are, what you believe in. Your secondary is your HOW, the way you act and approach life. Below is a little tl;dr of what each of them are (I’m using the animal terminology that’s being used in many blogs, by the way. If you know the houses, you know what each animal is supposed to represent).
Lion primaries are intuitive and guided by their moral compass, which is very strong (doesn’t mean what they believe in is in fact good or correct) and Lion secondaries are the people who charge straight at something, regardless of whether they will come out of it unscathed or not.
Snake primaries value people. Not any person, their people. They will go to hell and earth for their people to be safe and happy, which can get kind of self destructive. Snake secondaries improvise much like Lion secondaries, but they tend to adapt to situation and shapeshift their way out of problems.
Bird primaries also value right and wrong like Lion primaries, but they build their systems with external information and observation, not from their gut feelings. That means Bird primaries change a lot with time, because their ‘rights’ and ‘wrongs’ change. Bird secondaries collect. Skills, tools, random knowledge, they delve deep and acquire as much of them as they can, not because things are useful, but because it’s fun.
Finally, Badger primaries are also people-persons, but their communities are much broader than a Snake primary’s. They value people, tradition, cultures and so (but not every Badger sees everyone as people, so there’s that). Badger secondaries are the hardworking types in the sense that they cultivate things, they invest in them and even become them.
You can develop models of each house according to what you find useful or what society has instilled in you, but when push come to shove, the models aren’t the real you. All of these houses can burn, meaning their essence is somehow scared away from them due to trauma, depression, societal pressures, etc. That means a Lion stops trusting their instincts, a Snake no longer feels like they’re able to protect their people or their people are better off without them, a Bird loses faith in their systems and a Badger closes themselves off from their communities and adopts a smaller circle of people. Burnt houses can look a lot like each other. For more info, check out the tags. 
Double Lion, no doubt (for most of the show). Dany knows what’s right, she feels it in her bones. She never tries to rationalise her decisions and she won’t usually budge, even if she is presented with a more rational plan. None of her advisors have really convinced her to do anything, they might have pushed her to do what they wanted, but if she had her way, Daenerys would only ever listen to her own heart. She needs people around her to help her not make impulsive, brash decisions(because of her Lion secondary that I will get into), but she definitely doesn’t need - and doesn’t want - a moral compass, hers works just fine. She was burned as hell in the first episodes of the first season, mostly because of Viserys’ horrible influence, because he had robbed her of a purpose, of her truth. Drogo also stifles her primary and secondary for a while, but he eventually gives her some space to be herself. When she unburns, she unburns fast. ‘Not a Queen, a Khaleesi’ is pretty much Day gong ‘yeah, I can do things my way, I can be my own person with my own values and my own self.’ I think from there on, her quest to liberate 1) take back the Iron Throne 2) liberate Slaver’s Bay and ‘Break the Wheel’ just show how much she is focused on a big quest that is not explained by reason, by her need to form a community or by the influence of someone in her life. She does it because that’s the Right Thing ™ to do, and that’s Lion primary in a nutshell. Another thing that points towards Lion primary to me is how she just won’t take criticism and specially betrayal well (not that anyone does, but Dany is particularly unforgiving most of the time). Lion primaries are particularly shaken when someone they admire doesn’t have the same moral standards as they do, because deep down they like to think they know what’s ‘good’ and ‘true’ (oops my Snake primary who doesn’t really get Lions is showing), so if you don’t follow them and their beliefs, you must be doing something wrong. This is why Dany is so fucking pissed at Jorah when she finds out he betrayed her. She is also devastated true, and she misses him, but her ideals and her ‘truth’ stop her from seeing things from his side ad from forgiving him until he has proven himself worthy. Her reaction to betrayals tie in to the fact that she is a MASSIVE Lion secondary. She headbutts her way into things and her liberal use of Dracarys is proof of that. That’s not to say she doesn’t think or plan or listen to her advisors, but when push comes to shove, homegirl ACTS. Fuck the consequences, I have three dragons, fucking try me. Don’t tell me that climbing on Drogon in the fighting pits and burning the Khals were calculated decisions. Burning the Lannister army wasn’t a calculated decision. She leaves the planning to the people around her. This is something I struggle with regarding Lions, but I have to admit they are much more prone to seizing opportunities that us Bird secondaries (because I do have a Snake model but it is utter shit). 
Now, in seasons 7 and 8, she starts burning again. She gets to Westeros, where people aren’t flocking to her side like they did in Essos. Daenerys lets herself be swayed by Jon’s pretty little speeches that sound very Lion, sound very true to Daenerys, but guess what? She is fucking betrayed by everyone. The people she loved are killed, her children are killed (and the whole ‘I will take what is mine’ thing indicates that she might have a Snaky primary model, after all, she does some things because of what she claimed as hers, be it people or the Throne), she is left absolutely alone, so she burns, she loses faith in herself, starts doubting her actions and her instincts and no one is there to help her unburn safely, so the way she does it is destructive, as it often is with Lion primaries who don’t have guidance in order to regain their trust  their instincts and their selves. To me, the KL incidence is her primary going ‘You fucking left me behind, you fuckers, now you are going to see that I was right and fuck the consequences’. Her primary takes a turn for the worse with the help of an impulsive secondary and she ends doing anything to reach her end goal, similar to Albus Dumbledore and his disregard for human life as long as Voldemort being defeated is concerned. 
I have no doubts whatsoever that Jorah is a Snake primary. I know the fandom likes to sort him into Hufflepuff when using the traditional sorting system and while there’s no doubts he is a loyalist to the bone, Jorah’s loyalties are much narrower than a Badger primary’s would be. Before he meets Daenerys, he wants to go home and make up with his family, because they are the ones who matter. Not his reputation, not the North, not Bear Islad itself, the Mormont House. Before that still, he does literally anything to keep Lynesse happy, including doing things that are against the law. This utter devotion to certain people are what makes him a Snake primery to me, a paricularly self destructive one. He starts worrying about the fact that he berayed Daenerys when he ‘adopts’ her into his circles and more so when she goes from being in his outermost circles to being the one person his Snake primary is attached to. Daeerys is everything to Jorah. Does he persoally care about freeing slaves or generally following her morals? No, he does it because it is importat to her and he wants her to see he is worthy of her attention (I, another Snek, still don’t kow if I like Florence + The Machine so damn much because I liked a girl who was into FATM or if my Bird secondary saw her taste for FATM and went ‘OMG ME TOO LETS TALK ABOUT THAT’ and the primary just said ‘huh, that’s legit. We’ll worship her from now on’, so yeah, us Snakes do that. On a side note, I never worked up the courage to ask her out, though). That’s why he goes batshit when she banishes him. He doesn’t burn, which means his primary is so strong it wasn’t fazed by being ast out of her circles; no, he is hell bent on getting back into her good graces and if he has to sacrifice his life fr that, so be it. 
Now, when it comes to secondary, I’d say Jorah’s a Lion secondary too, even though he has a lot of models he picked up with time. Models are useful, models get you out of bad situations, but they’re not who you really are. Jorah wans to be a Bird secondary when he’s around Daenerys, he wants to be the careful planner who looks ahead and ensures she is successful and he also needs a Snake secondary model, because his life demands that he twists and turns himself to fit different situations, but deep inside he is a Lion. His most honest moments are the moments when he just does it, no thoughts head empty. Did he have a solid plans when he kidnapped Tyrion? Fuck no! Did he truly know what he was doing when he decided to fight in the pits? Fuck no! Did he think before he charged at the wights and saved Daenerys in Winterfell? Fuck no! His head was probably just going ‘my Daenerys is in danger let’s punch first and see what happens later’. He’s not like Littlefinger, who plans everything ad is so fast at analysing and changing plans he looks like a Snake. His models make him seem like the opposite of Dany, like a Bird to a Lion, brains while she is brawn, but when she is in danger, Jorah charges. 
What the Jorleesi shippers do is take Dany’s Lion primary that is so focused on a quest and show her that she can also include people in her big aspirations. The gut feeling that is so characteristic of Lions is already inside her, all she would need is to put it into words, which isn’t necessarily the strongest suits of many Lions (that’s a Bird thing). Since most of their dynamics inevitably lies on Jorah’s models regulating Dany’s secondary, there’s not much point in ‘taming her Lion’. Jorah stays the same. The fandom looooves his Snake/Lion, specially since us Snakes tend to be too hard on ourselves. A self-loathing Snake who is also a stupid brave Lion secondary? Yes. They are both stupid brave. Also just stupid. Just talk, you two, for fuck’s sake. Get over your Lion, Daenerys, and talk to him, his Snake won’t allow him to bother you too much. 
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summer-jay · 4 years
Forfeit (Tommy/Alfie fic)
Ao3 Link
Summary: “What do you want, Alfie?”
The only reason Alfie glances at Tommy’s mouth that moment is because he brings the cigarette up again and wraps his lips around it, hollowing his cheeks as he takes the final deep drag. He probably lingers a second too long, because Tommy’s eyes snap down momentarily, and when they land on Alfie again, it’s a completely different expression Tommy’s wearing.
In which Tommy has to deal with his men's fuck-up and discovers many things about himself in the process. At some point, Alfie thinks it's about bloody time.
Rating: Explicit
A/N: For some reason, I’m really struggling with this one, but all the rewriting seems to be paying off. First chapter’s finally up!
Chapter 1: Speak (3028 words)
The warehouse is in fucking shambles.
It’s charred from ground to ceiling—what’s left of it, at least—oozing the sickly concoction of foam, water and ash from every crack. Nasty fucking view to have, this early in the morning. On the far side, the roof was blown to shreds, and the newly formed gaping hole lets the bleak London sun illuminate the space with sinister greyness and spiky shadows of the jagged remnants of the carcass. It could be almost nice, this exterior. Spiritual and apocalyptic in a way. But now the damp blackened wood sucks any redeeming qualities right out of the building and leaves it cold, dead and hopeless.
Alfie takes one last look at it and grimaces, getting in the car.
“Back to the office, boss?” Ishmael asks, to which Alfie responds with a little more repetition and emphasis than strictly necessary.
He actually preferred the sight when it was all jolly and alight mere hours ago. There was a serene pocket of time then, while the firemen worked to preserve the area around more than the warehouse itself, since Alfie could do nothing but observe the chaotic nature of the world make yet another demonstration. He didn’t know a thing back then. But he does now. And it leaves the same taste in his mouth as the stale scent of rotting wood and smoke.
It’s barely past seven when he instructs Ollie to make the call. Tommy must’ve been up and about for some time now, because he picks up immediately, and Alfie tries his hardest not to get any more pissed off at the whole situation than he already is. He’ll have to fucking deal with it now then. Fucking brilliant.
“He said he’s on his way,” Ollie appears in the door, and Alfie tears his eyes away from the record book that he isn’t reading.
“Hm. Alright then. Go kick those brainless fuckers back into our world in an hour. Ollie-” he calls when Ollie starts to turn “-leave ‘em intact for now, yeah? And tell David whatever I see on them, before Tommy Shelby arrives, yeah, I paint right back on his fucking face. With my own hands.”
Ollie furrows his brow but nods. Smart lad when he wants to be.
The door closes, and Alfie throws the record book on the table and falls back on the chair, stroking his beard absently and watching the sun rise higher and higher in the small window. Wrong day in every fucking regard, except, it shouldn’t be. Some months ago, he would’ve sunk his teeth into such a glaring opportunity to squeeze something more out of Tommy, just to see how far he could bend him without breaking. It’s a goddamn mystery why things have changed, although Alfie’s not quite delusional enough to claim he doesn’t know what exactly has changed.
He decides to wait and see. There have not been many fuck-ups on Tommy’s part in the past—none, in fact—and it makes him curious, despite the simmering irritation, to see what Tommy will offer.
                                                         . . .
For all Alfie’s tendencies to run his mouth like hell, he’s quite good at giving instructions, and, even more importantly, he’s competent enough to get them obeyed. He reaps the fruits of this ability now, when Tommy strolls into his office, fuming with irritation and knowing absolutely bloody nothing.
“So. Where’s the fucking fire?” Tommy asks as a way of greeting, letting the frustration into his voice, and it’s not that he can’t keep it locked away—he chooses to let Alfie see exactly where the fault with such scandalous disruptions of his morning routine lies.
Yes, that was definitely the right call to forbid Ollie to tell him anything over the phone.
Alfie looks up from the document he’s been staring at, taking in the sight.
Despite the pointed lack of urgency in his movements and the spilling annoyance, Tommy came. He’s sitting in Alfie’s chair now, guarded and so utterly stripped of control it sends a rush down Alfie’s spine. It suits him, this vulnerability. Makes him all sharp and volatile, and Alfie couldn’t deny himself this even if he tried—he wants just another moment of it to roll in.
He holds up a finger, taking his sweet time marking completely random figures on the paper with the air of undivided concentration, and Tommy predictably huffs, taking out his cigarette pack.
It takes a few minutes of silence before Tommy’s irritation starts threatening to break out, another minute he takes to wrench it under control. Alfie feels an infuriating urge to grin. Yeah, that’s Tommy Shelby alright, from head to toe, and it was a rather long time going about without him; so long, in fact, that something angry and hot curls in Alfie’s stomach at the necessity to deal with this ridiculous fucking situation right now instead of talking with Tommy like civilized people over a nice set of tea. Not that they’ve ever done that. Not that they will.
Right. Time for fucking business.
Alfie gives the paper one last dramatic swipe of the pen and looks up, propping his elbows on the tabletop and lacing his fingers under his chin.
“Chalton Street, actually,” he says easily, and Tommy’s hand pauses briefly halfway between the armrest and his lips. Alfie nods. “Yeah yeah, ‘s funny you should ask, mate, right, all that unsettling gypo foresight. You should’ve been a bookmaker or something.”
“I prefer not to tempt fate,” Tommy deadpans.
Alfie realizes a tad too late his gaze still lingers on Tommy’s mouth and jerks it up. “Mm, gentlemanly of you. Well, it seems to me, right, that she’d been tempted long before your intervention, mate. Cause she’s supposed to watch over fools, don't she.”
Tommy exhales the smoke slowly. “That’d be God.”
There’s the thing about Tommy—he bounces Alfie’s bullshit right back at him. Alfie feels dangerously close to getting lost in the banter. Which, as an absolute and extremely vital rule, never happens to him. It doesn’t help that Tommy’s bristling demeanour is now gone and forgotten, switching the gears in his mind to prying, negotiating and doing all other kinds of wonderful things that Tommy manages all at once when he smells fire.
Fucking bloody hopeless, Alfie thinks with marginal disappointment directed at his very self and cuts to the chase.
“Right, those new arrivals you sent, yeah, two of ‘em, they blew up my fucking warehouse tonight, mate.” It sits in the air between them for a second, Tommy still and blank as a sheet. Technically, no explosion took place, but it’s the result that matters in these things, innit.
“They got drunk,” Alfie continues, punctuating every word, probably more to himself than to Tommy, and fixes Tommy with a gaze he calmly returns. “On duty. On their shift. And decided to ease the inexpressible burden of sitting on your arse doing nothing, right, by playing with matches like little boys.”
“Was there anyone else with them?” Tommy asks without missing a beat.
“No,” Alfie lies. “Who knew they needed fucking grownups for supervision, fuckin’ hell, Tommy.”
It’s almost cruel, this satisfaction, when Tommy’s face hardens momentarily. He isn’t buying a word of it, and frankly, Alfie’d be fucking insulted if he did, but there is suddenly an infuriating void of retorts at his disposal, that is if he doesn’t want to dig this hole deeper. Tommy knows this. And he looks at Alfie in a way that very clearly conveys that he knows.
Alfie watches him flick his thumb across the edge of the cigarette for a while. Probably contemplating if he should push, if he has any leverage and, if he does, what it would cost him to use it.
“The insurance-” he starts saying after a moment, and that won’t do at all, that is not where Alfie wants the balance to reside for now.
“Fuck the insurance,” he scoffs. “It’s just un-fucking-acceptable. You send me men, right, Tom, and I put them to work, right,” he gestures helpfully, “and now I’ll need to attach my man to each your man like some fucking queer Russian doll, is that it?”
Tommy quirks an eyebrow. “Your men are not without vices.”
“My men, mate, those I find logistically more difficult to lay off.”
It’s an empty threat that Alfie half-heartedly expects to elicit a response. It doesn’t. Tommy blinks at the wall, unaffected and unimpressed to the whole world, except for how he clenches his teeth. It makes his jawline even more acute, and that, well, that might set Alfie on edge a little. How others fall for Tommy’s submissive charade is a goddamn mystery, because he seems utterly incapable of doing a thing with that cold piercing gaze that now ventures back to Alfie, not exactly shooting daggers but cutting alright. Alfie’s tempted to scold him a little more, figures that’s what drives him up the wall the most, just to draw a reaction. To see that fire spill over. He’s tempted to do many fucking things.
“Well, mate, what I tell you? No man is without vices, yeah.” He brings his hands back on the table, watching Tommy’s eyes track the motion automatically. It’s somehow getting the wrong sort of heated, this little domestic drama. Alfie resolves to ignore it for now. Needs to get to the fucking point. “Now, mate, can’t say I understand a thing about your lot in that town, batshit crazy stuff you do, yeah. But for the sake of our shared human nature, right, flawed and all, I might be inclined to let it rest, so to speak, in the ashes.”
“How fucking kind of you,” Tommy says evenly. He resolutely maintains eye contact, and fucking hell, if that’s his negotiations look, Alfie will blow his own bakery and find early retirement somewhere on the seaside.
That’s a kiss-with-a-blade-under-your-chin kind of look. It’s as if Tommy knows Alfie’s provoking him and absolutely can’t help it anyway.
Alfie realizes he got a little sidetracked and stopped talking altogether only when Tommy speaks up, on the exhale, a couple of long seconds later.
“What do you want, Alfie?”
The only reason Alfie glances at Tommy’s mouth that moment is because he brings the cigarette up again and wraps his lips around it, hollowing his cheeks as he takes the final deep drag.
It’d be a fleeting look, if it were any other fucking day under the sun. But now Alfie finds himself strangely fixated on the picture. He probably lingers a second too long, because Tommy’s eyes snap down momentarily, and when they land on Alfie again, it’s a completely different expression Tommy’s wearing.
Confusion. Inhale. Decision.
Then Tommy leans back on the chair and tips his head back slightly, suddenly almost bored.
Alfie normally prides himself on being a professional reader of men’s minds—never women’s but who the fuck is—and it still takes his powers a second to comprehend the sudden shift in the air.
“Well?” Tommy says, voice going lower than the intonation dictates, and deposits the cigarette stub on the edge of Alfie’s desk. “Let’s get it done.”
Let’s get what done, Alfie wonders, what the hell has Tommy got into his head this time, until, in a blazing, surreal moment, it hits him.
He realizes two things, to be precise, which would be three things if he chose to lie to himself about being oblivious to the very first one all this time.
He wants Tommy Shelby. He’s wanted Tommy fucking Shelby for a rather inconveniently long time, rather desperately at that, and he’s getting hard just sitting across the table from the arrogant fucker, because Tommy’s irritated, Alfie’s no better, and this whole thing suddenly looks much more appealing when he imagines it culminating in fucking rather than shooting. It’s not a problem worth freaking out over, in Alfie’s mind.
But the fucking, though, Tommy here thinks it to be the payment. That is the second thing.
What do you want, Alfie?
Alfie starts moving before reasoning manages to stop him—and not like it’s a rare occurrence. He circles the table, led by a sudden angry impulse to push, see if Tommy would actually go through with it, cause that, right, that wasn’t what Alfie meant by that fucking stray gaze at all. But it’s burning right through him, now that it’s on the table.
Tommy looks up at him through his long dark lashes and stays just like he is, open and tense. Tenser still as Alfie shuffles into his space, squeezes between him and the table, legs touching. For a second, he’s so stiff it feels like he’ll shatter, like a fucking ice statue, from the mere touch.
But Tommy doesn’t move. He blinks slowly and breathes heavily in the sudden silence, solidifying Alfie’s third insight.
Tommy Shelby would let him.
Alfie’s heart is pumping molten lead through his veins, and it’s simultaneously heavy and unconscious when he brings his hand down and strokes Tommy’s cheek, taking a hold of his jaw to tip his head even further back.
To shock him out of this glazed state he seems to be sinking into. To touch him. To push him until he does break, because this is just a stupid fucking assumption to make that Tommy would whore himself out for business, not to another man.
But Tommy doesn’t move at all. He seems to be falling in the precise opposite direction of Alfie’s whirling thoughts, going more wide eyed and responsive, and, by the looks of it, almost fucking surprised. At what exactly, Alfie can’t begin to contemplate.
Tommy lets him maneuver his head up and stares back, unblinking, pupils blown like spilled gunpowder against the bright blue. Alfie swipes a finger along his cheekbone. Tommy doesn’t bolt. Alfie steps closer, kicking Tommy’s knees apart, watching every muscle twitch on his face, waiting, nearly fucking snapping-
But Tommy doesn’t bolt.
He draws a shaky breath instead and says, with what sounds miles away from cold indifference, “I don’t have all day. Get a fucking move on.”
Alfie barely holds himself back from slapping him, because what in all circles of hell does that boy think of him. Tommy’s not a complete fucking idiot, after all. He must understand Alfie, among all the things that he is, is not that kind of a man. But here they are.
Alfie suddenly becomes acutely aware of his fingers on Tommy’s skin. Funny how this particular setting—Tommy under his hands, under him, with eyes burning and lips parted so prettily—would put him in a much less conflicted and a much more aroused state just a day ago. Just a fucking hour ago.
Which is not to say he’s not aroused. He’s fucking aching. But Tommy doesn’t want it now, except as a retribution for the cock-up Alfie can’t even clearly recall at the moment.
Alfie drops his hand so quickly, Tommy’s head bounces slightly before he catches himself. More confusion. Darting eyes, calculating what he’s done wrong. It’s not particularly difficult to return behind the desk, although Alfie’s body is screaming at him to come back, pull Tommy to his feet, tear that coat off and make Tommy come so hard he’ll be only able to see complete fucking darkness for minutes.
But as Alfie sinks into the chair, the picture of the guarded, enduring void in Tommy’s eyes makes him shudder with disgust.
Jesus Christ.
“What-” Tommy begins and stops when his voice fails him. He clears his throat, miles and miles away, composed and distant once again, and Alfie doesn’t even want to look at him now, isn’t sure it won’t shower from his eyes or something.
“Reckon a bakery in Birmingham would be fine,” he blurts out, inevitably turning to watch Tommy as he draws his eyebrows together. “Fine location, innit, secluded, far from any semblance of law or morality, yeah?”
“A bakery.” Tommy swallows, clearly trying to be inconspicuous about it and failing.
“Right, a small one, from your pocket and all. Would serve your men well, to learn some bloody discipline. Could relocate those two excuses for workforce of yours there, spare us all the necessity to behold their fucking faces.”
Alfie doesn’t need a bakery in Birmingham. Hell, of all the things he hoped to get out of this whole ordeal, this wasn’t even remotely close to the list.
He fumbles with his rings absently while Tommy gets busy picking himself up and straightening his coat.
He considers saying something. Easy and dismissive, something along the lines of ‘nah, you misread it, mate,’ which would be simple enough and also absolutely fucking ballistic, because admitting anything out loud at this point feels like a death sentence in neat handwriting—very tiny and very lethal.
By the mortified look gliding across Tommy’s face for a second as he swipes a hand over his face, he knows damn well he misread it.
“Right,” Alfie mutters to himself and then repeats, loudly enough to shake the whole damn building, “Right. So it’s settled then, yeah, no hard feelings. With the bakery, that is.”
“Right,” Tommy echoes. He sounds strange, almost lost, although it would’ve been impossible to notice if Alfie’d known him any less.
When Tommy goes to leave, Alfie doesn’t stop him, although the impulse, for some fucking reason, is there.
He slumps down in the chair, draws a long, deep breath and tries to process what has just transpired. In particular, what that look on Tommy was, right before he gracefully stormed out of his own fucking shipwreck.
Alfie can’t seem to find a place for his hands; he keeps shifting around, the persistent sensation of rough stubbled skin under his fingertips unchanging despite the position, until he jolts upright and grabs the cigarette that witnessed all this chaos with dead silence.
Alfie’s powers are suddenly kicking back in to tell him the fucking look was one of disappointment. Which is complete and impossible bloody horseshit. Unless, of course, it isn’t. And in that case, opening a bakery in Birmingham is a bad, bad idea.
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disregardcanon · 4 years
one more rwby episode this morning! 
rwby volume 7 chapter 5 
1. penny is the cutest person on the planet. my only complaint is that she’s not black because that would have been PERFECT since her dad is and there’s not very many black characters on this show
2. marrow: have you ever thought about branching out? you always pair up but you don’t know if your styles- 
yang, and blake, gay terror partners: *DESTROY* 
marrow: uh- 
4. cuddle puddle of kiddos 
5. it’s fun for them to get to see the kids from the vytal tournament, but also realize just how much they’ve changed whereas the other kids haven’t 
6. many reasons to dislike ironwood but this is an important one: et penny have friends you fUCKER
7. qrow’s little embarrassed and flattered look when he goes to scratch his neck after clover tells him to give himself more credit for protecting the kids is just <3 <3 <3
8. THE HAPPY HUNTRESSES! damn, robyn’s a badass. 
9. i feel like robyn and clover went to the academy together because they feel like they were friendly once and now things are sour
10. robyn and jacques schenee running against each other is so funny to me. it’s like, trump vs robin hood on the ballot. i know that robyn’s allusion is robin hood but still... batshit insane 
12. winter really does love weiss. it makes me happy because weiss deserves to have had two good relationships as a child 
13. also weiss and winter’s height difference is so cute. weiss is a small bean even though she’s full grown and winter got all the family height is that ALL winter’s heels or is there really a height difference? 
14. and that’s the winter maiden, i presume. oh. shit. i just realized who’s going to take over for that. 
i can’t believe i didn’t clock that one earlier, that winter would become the maiden XD 
15. what an absolute fucker, holding his industry hostage in an election. he’s such a piece of shit 
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theamateurblogger · 5 years
Hewwo I love your stuff. Can you do a male s/o with all them slasher boys. Hcs but if you want you can do like, Tommy for a one shot. Idc if its sfw or nsfw
Thank you!!! I hope you like this!!!
Otis Driftwood
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Otis is a thirsty ass fucker, not gonna lie
From an outside perspective, it would be easy to assume that he’s only with you for the sex
But let’s be real, if he wanted just sex, he would’ve stuck to his corpses
He loves you, whether he wants to admit it out loud or not
Constantly has his arm around you or touching you in some way
Just a way to stake a claim around others (and to prevent you from running)
But deeeeep down, he does it to make sure you’re okay
Always has to keep you in his sights “to make sure you don’t do something stupid” (like run)
Hugggge exhibitionist 
Seriously. It’s an issue. So, you’ll need to get real comfortable around the rest of the family
Chop Top
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Chop Top is an actual dream to be in a relationship with
Plenty of arguments about who has better music taste and who gets to pick the playlist/radio station 
Out of everyone on this list, he’d be the most likely to propose 
He’d want a full on wedding with the family watching and victims’ bones used as decor
Kind of a traditional guy (besides the whole cannibalistic and maniacal tendencies ya know)
So expect some hesitancy from him to get serious with you
His knowledge of the LGBT+ community is very slim
But let’s be real, he had some fun with his fellow soldiers during his time in the war 
When he does give in to his love for you, he is absolutely obsessed with you
He’d tell victims stories about you and compare everything to you and things you do 
He likes your ass
A lot.
Expect to have it groped, slapped, and ogled at constantly
Would probably be super into roleplay (*cough* the Sonny wig *cough*)
He’s not good at it.
Michael Myers
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Michael is…Michael?
You’ll be pretty confused with this guy
He just keeps following you around and you’re not dead yet???
You become more comfortable around each other and it just turns into comfortable silence and occasional situations where you need to ask him to hand you something
You’ll have to be the first one to initiate sex
It’ll be very awkward at first because you’ll have no fucking clue whether or not he’s even into it so you’ll just stop and walk away
And he kind of just doesn’t acknowledge any of what happened??? For like a week???
You’re aggravated and confused. (Told ya)
It takes you both a long time to navigate through your relationship
It doesn’t help that you can’t just…talk it out?
It’s all trial and error, but eventually you have a pretty domesticated relationship
He’s like a cat that is gone all day but comes home to you when he wants a nap
Freddy Krueger
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Much like Otis, Freddy is a nasty fuck
And it would be hard for me to believe that your relationship isn’t prodominately about sex
We all know the backstory of Fredster and he’s not afraid to take what he wants
Very little boundaries
He’d go after nearly anyone who you come into contact with
It’s like a game to him
You’d honestly have to be just as batshit crazy as this guy
He really appreciates the element of surprise
Taking a bath? Now, you’re getting raw dogged at 3am, water splashing out of the tub
Trying to take an exam or you’re waiting in line at the DMV? He’s fucking with your mind the entire time
Walking down the hallway, trying to get a glass of water? BOO! Now he’s laughing his ass off at how much of a pussy you are
Charles Lee Ray/Chucky
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Chucky is genuinely kind of an asshole
And I don’t think you’d change that
Buuuuut, that’s kind of what attracts most people to him right?
He’s kind of new to these feelings toward you
And it really fucks with his ego
Internalized homophobia anyone?
It’ll take time and patience for this guy
But I think it’ll be worth it in the end
He’d steal you all kinds of cool stuff
Plus, Chuck’s a total switch and I think it’d be fun to finally take him down a peg in the bedroom
Bubba Sawyer
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Such a sweet baby
Please don’t ever hurt him
Bubba would bring you flowers and little trinkets he made from bone constantly
When he first meets you and wants to impress you, he makes sure to fix up his mask realll nice with his favorite lipstick and wears his best clothes
Even now that you’re his, he still just wants to make you happy and make sure that you know he’s putting in effort because he cares ya know?
Constantly needs reassurance from you
As much as he likes giving you affection and gifts, he nearly cries when you do those things for him!!!
Please spoil that man!
Loooves listening to music! Chop Top, Bubba, and you almost always spend your nights together listening to the radio
From everything I’ve read online as well as some choice scenes from the movies, I’m a full believer in the fact that not only is Bubba 100% pan and open to alllll kinds of lovin’, but he also has the biggest oral fixation known to mankind!!!
Thomas Hewitt
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Thomas is a very different man than Bubba
He’s more rough with you and has full knowledge of what he’s doing
Definitely knows his size and will pick you up whenever he pleases
At the end of the day, he makes the rules
Doesn’t mean you can’t persuade him to do things that you want to do though
You’ll just have to make it up to him so he won’t be in a foul mood
Is a bit awkward with things
Especially around his family
I’ve said this already but Thomas definitely grabs things off of victims that he thinks you’d like!!!
Will probably try to wrap the items up! Will probably fail!
Nubbins Sawyer
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Nubbins is such a cutie!!!
He loves you so much
I’ve said this before too, but Nubbins would definitely have a box full of photos he took of his S/O
He treasures them the absolute most
You know those little cute polaroid walls? He def has one of pictures of you and him
He’s also the most likely out of all the slashers to have a Pride flag hung up
He’s also an absolute handful.
Expect to wake up alone pretty often, because this dude just wants to take impromptu trips throughout Texas allllll the time
Sometimes you go with though
As he picks up cool roadkill from the side of the road, you pick up cool plants and maybe a lizard
As far as sex goes, he’s an absolute goof
He’s just so excited to have someone who wants to do these things with him
Lots of laughter
The Collector
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Definitely a bit of a strange one
Literally. Stranger danger.
He first met you at a wildlife museum
And he just kept following you around
He even started targeting people that looked like you?
He just wanted the body parts to add to his collection
Without having to ruin the original
Eventually, he would kidnap you and lock you in his own personal “museum”
He’d show you his pieces every time he completed one
He’d bring you your favorite foods though which is nice
Then he’d watch you from the security cam he set up in your room
Brahms Heelshire
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Such a needy boi
He likes to watch you
Secretively, in the walls
Orrr just sitting across from you, cross legged
You could be changing or you could be reading/watching TV
It doesn’t matter.
He’s always so infatuated by you
I really wish I could get behind the idea that Brahms is a huge sub and would call you daddy
But I just can’t???
He likes to have control.
There’s no way he’d want to give that up
You essentially have to trick him into doing anything around the house
So enjoy being his slave
The Other 
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I guess this kind of depends on how far your relationship has been established
You probably started off as neighbors or maybe just acquaintances that ran into each other at the grocery story every once in awhile
I’m gonna go out on a limb here and say that he appreciates a good age gap and has more than enough experience with the opposite sex *wink* 
def a bi boi
His attraction to you didn’t go far beyond sexual at first, but then he seen how well you interacted with his daughter and that’s what broke him
I swear it’s like he has two personalities
When he’s out with you and your guys’ daughter, he’s a typical suburban husband/dad
Has a retirement plan, pays the bills, works his ass off in an average blue collar job, drinks beer with the bois and complains about your nagging
Also brags about how good you are to him and has no shame in his game
Purely domestic
But then??? When it’s just you two, it’s like a switch goes off where he doesn’t need to put on the act
He controls every aspect of you and your body; much like Brahms, he won’t be able to give up his control
He’s an absolute dom
Christian Grey ain’t got shit on what’s in his garage.
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knifeshoeoreofight · 5 years
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Thank you for the beta, @sixappleseeds! 
1k, rated...T? Ish? Mild d/s undertones. Inspired by this fight
He deserves it. 
Well, mostly. 
Okay, yeah, he deserves it- he’d gotten a little too heated during the season’s first game against Pittsburgh and had let his temper get away from him. He’d accidentally checked that speedy blond kid, 59, a little too hard. 
He’d given Crosby a shove too, and the absolute last thing he’d expected from Canada’s favorite son was for him to whirl around, snarling like an enraged wolverine, and toss his gloves. 
Zhenya is used to being the largest man on the ice, to be able to throw his height and weight around. His reach is enormous; given enough room to swing he could lay any guy out. 
Crosby doesn’t give him the room. He’s got his hands fisted right in Zhenya’s jersey, entangling the both of them, hauling on him and muscling him around and what the hell.
He’s so much shorter than Zhenya that Zhenya’d just about laughed when the gloves had come off. So Zhenya is shocked to find him an inexorable, unmovable deadweight, bearing down on Zhenya until he loses his footing, crashing to his knees as he grapples with Crosby, trying to extricate himself enough to throw a punch. 
But he can’t. Down he goes, driven to the ice. He bucks against Crosby’s batshit pseudo-wrestling moves but it’s like fighting a brick wall. One in the process of collapsing on him. 
The refs are there, trying to pry them apart. Crosby is screaming something, Zhenya is shouting back. He’s not sure what he says. 
One of the refs succeeds in getting through and Crosby is hauled off of him. With the abrupt loss of the weight he’d been fighting against, Zhenya is unbalanced and is left sprawled awkwardly on the ice. He gets a flash of Crosby’s face, fogged visor and full lips pressed together in a grimace of disgusted fury. He’s skated off by an official, and Zhenya slowly gets to his feet with the aid of one of the linesmen. 
His blood pounds in his ears. He watches the retreating “87” on Crosby’s disheveled jersey and it’s like he can still feel all of that solid, compact power bearing him down to the ice. His breath catches. 
Unbidden, his mind brings him imagined flickers of sensation. 
That same strength, pinning his wrists against tangled sheets. Those thighs straddling him, those hips moving against him in a filthy, punishing grind. 
His blood rushes south, heat pooling low in his belly as his cock protests the confines of his gear. 
Zhenya has to admit after that his head is not where it ought to be. His eyes can’t stop snagging on Crosby, can’t stop lingering on the bitten-pink of his mouth or the sharp line of his jaw. 
He performs a supernatural bit of stick-handling and Zhenya has to bite his own lip until he tastes copper, trying to think of unsexy things. Like how badly they’re losing. 
They do lose in the end, spectacularly. Zhenya tries to let his anger seep away as he ruthlessly strips off his gear and showers. There’s a lecture from their coach, their baby goalie to pat reassuringly on the shoulders, and his suit to pull back on. 
He knots his tie carefully and fusses with his cuffs. He thinks of Crosby’s solid body once more and swallows. He thinks he may be about to do something truly stupid. 
He makes some kind of garbled excuse to his coach about making the peace, and skulks guiltily through the warren of hallways under the arena until he reaches ones splashed with the Penguins logo, bustling with people who give him side-eye. Finally a guy in a team tracksuit stops him and asks what he’s doing there. 
“I’m need talk to Crosby,” he says, tongue feeling thick and awkward in his mouth. “Please.” 
The man looks dubious but disappears with a nod. 
Zhenya waits anxiously, shifting from foot to foot, palms sweating. 
He jerks up straight when Crosby seems to materialize out of nowhere. 
His feet are bare, Zhenya notices, which accounts for the stealth approach. He’s wearing loose basketball shorts and a soft-looking t-shirt that clings to his powerful shoulders and chest. He folds his arms, and Zhenya tries not to stare at the flex of his forearms and biceps 
“So.” Crosby’s tone is flat and unimpressed. “You here to apologize for playing like an asshole?” 
Zhenya feels himself flush red and curses himself for it. His words leave him, he is only able to let his gaze flit from Crosby’s flinty, hazel eyes to the swell of his pectorals, to his bowed legs and powerful calves. 
Crosby impatiently shifts his weight, and Zhenya’s mouth goes completely dry. He’s...very clearly not wearing anything under those shorts.
 And he’s, apparently, hung like a fucking stallion. 
When Zhenya tears his gaze from Crosby’s crotch and meets his eyes again, Crosby’s expression is shifting from irritation to dawning understanding. 
And then he smirks, that lush mouth of his turned sardonic and a little mocking. 
“Oh, is that how it is, huh?” he says, voice gone low and dark. His eyes do their own leisurely perusal of Zhenya’s body. Zhenya flushes hot all over. 
“What time is your flight out?” Crosby practically purrs, and damn it, Zhenya wants to fall to his knees. He glares at Crosby instead. 
“Tomorrow,” he grits out between clenched teeth.
 Crosby grins, and Zhenya does not desperately want to wipe that grin away with a bruising kiss, he doesn’t. 
Crosby reaches forward, and takes hold of Zhenya’s tie. Then the fucker tugs, and like an idiot, Zhenya helplessly sways forward. 
“Okay?” Crosby murmurs, and his tone isn’t smug anymore. He doesn’t move, but waits for Zhenya to answer. He smells like soap and clean skin, and Zhenya is so close now that he can feel the heat of his body. 
“Yes,” Zhenya croaks. “Okay, yes.” 
“Okay,” Crosby agrees, tone disconcertingly soft. He smiles at Zhenya again, no smugness, just pleased warmth. 
Oh no. 
He lets go of Zhenya’s tie, slowly. Like he’s savoring the slide of expensive silk through his fingers. 
“Wait here. I’ll just be a few moments.” He reaches up, and takes Zhenya’s chin in his hand, resting his thumb on Zhenya’s lower lip. “Yeah?” 
“Yeah,” Zhenya can’t help but sigh. And there’s that smile again, way too warm for who they are to each other, and his eyes, curving half-closed in happy anticipation. 
Zhenya has the sinking premonition, as he watches Crosby walk away, that he is, well and truly, fucked.
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goldenzingy46 · 4 years
so i found i regulus black as potions master au
...and whilst it’s (unfortunately) anti-snape, it’s also fucking funny.
and if that didn’t convince you, read below for some extracts:
And he goes home to his creepy obsessive mother and says, “Hey mom, guess what, the Dark Lord just tried to off me,” which is debatably true but guaranteed to piss her off, And suddenly the Official Black Viewpoint on Voldemort is that he Needs To Be Dead (which dismays Bellatrix but is actually something of a relief to Narcissa), Unfortunately Sirius is a bit busy being a covert operative for the Order of the Phoenix and doesn’t hear about this, and also he’s still basically disowned on account of being a reckless Gryffindor idiot
But because he’s there, Snape does not manage to get the job, which doesn’t help at all with his ‘everyone is out to get me’ worldview, and then Lily Evans is murdered by Voldemort and everything goes to hell and Snape doesn’t have Dumbledore’s backing and ends up in Azkaban just like everyone always knew he would, the greasy bastard (says everyone who has the time to think about it). Amusingly enough, he ends up across the hall from Sirius Black, who has been tossed unceremoniously in Azkaban for betraying his friends, murdering Peter Pettigrew, and blowing up seventeen Muggles. This has the somewhat unexpected side effect of causing the Dementors to avoid that entire hallway, because there are Absolutely No Happy Thoughts available, on account of Snape and Sirius being so busy hating each other. Like seriously, they basically come up with a schedule: up at seven, bowl of gruel, sneer at each other for two hours, have a screaming fight, bowl of gruel for lunch, three hours of furious glowering, another screaming fight, bowl of gruel for dinner, nasty sniping insults until bedtime. The Dementors have never found two humans so perfectly suited to torture each other before.
Voldemort was wrong and also had created Horcruxes and yeek, dude, those are so evil even the Black Family Library only has one book on them and it’s How To Not Create Horcruxes.
Incidentally, Grimmauld Place has been renovated, because after Regulus’s mother died, he looked around and went, “Wow, this place is creepy as hell. Kreacher! We’re going for a new aesthetic,” and Kreacher went, “Yes, wonderful Master!” and now the whole place is in white and green with silver accents and actually looks like a place you might want to spend time for reasons other than “on the run from the law and haven’t any better choices.” 
He does still end up mixed into the whole mess with the Stone, because this is Harry we’re talking about, but the Trio pretty much figures out the problem is Quirrell from the word ‘go,’ because Professor Black is not sweeping around being Gratuitously Evil all over everything and therefore is not the immediate target of suspicious eleven-year-olds.
Regulus Black hates Lockhart, because no one ought to be more fabulously dressed than Regulus in his own school, you flamboyant fucker, I will out-magnificent you if it’s the last thing I do
Malfoy is still a prat. Some things never change.
Sirius Black breaks out of prison during the summer, for reasons no one can figure out, and the only person to see him go is Severus Snape, who is found laughing hysterically and raving about a black dog, and has therefore clearly been driven mad by Dementors, ah well, no great loss, moving on, nothing to see here. 
If anyone is going to be able to master the Animagus transformation without any training, in Azkaban, for no reason other than Pure Spite (™), it’s going to be Severus Snape. 
Regulus is like, “werewolves are not supposed to be this calm and likeable, I do not even know what is going on, am I friends with a werewolf? I might be friends with a werewolf. Or allies. I can be allies. Allies is a good Slytherin term. We are both on Team Keep Potter Alive Until Voldemort Is Dead.” 
So then Sirius grabs Ron (to get to Peter) and everyone ends up in the Shrieking Shack and there is a lot of shrieking, which includes Sirius yelling “Get behind me, Harry, Regulus is a Death Eater,” and Regulus yelling, “Get behind me, Potter, Sirius is a Death Eater,” and Remus putting both hands over his face and going, “Oh Merlin, two of them, there are two mad Blacks in my life, what even the fuck.”
Unfortunately Sirius is still technically an escaped convict, so he turns back into Snuffles before they get to Hogwarts proper, and Regulus in a moment of Utter Glee (™) is like, “Oh, this is my dog, he’s very devoted to me,” and Sirius has to fawn doggily on his brother. 
Which is actually hilarious, because he walks in for the first time in fifteen years and goes, “Wait, do I have the wrong house?” because everything is light and airy and open and really quite pleasant, and there’s no screaming portraits anywhere, and even the house-elf heads have been relocated to Kreacher’s room. 
So anyway Ireland wins but Krum gets the Snitch and Harry and Ron are having the time of their lives, and honestly Sirius is too because he gets to cadge food from everyone and he gets ear scritches from Remus whenever he wants them and he gets to growl at that supercilious fuck Malfoy whenever he likes. 
Sirius is...not known for his Tactical Planning, and rushes off to Confront the Fake Moody, which honestly goes better than it ought to, because Barty Crouch Jr is not expecting Professor Black’s enormous dog to suddenly turn into Sirius Black and hex him senseless 
When the Lord of the Ancient and Noble House of Black rips off his own sleeve and screams, “Does my Mark look fucking gone to you, you incompetent asshole?” at the Minister for Magic, and said Lord is also one of the most well-respected Professors at Hogwarts, the Minister’s approval ratings tend to tank. 
Regulus is a Slytherin, he’s supposed to be cunning and sneaky and fly under the radar, he shouldn’t be number two on Voldemort’s hit list, this is frankly embarrassing. Sirius is kind of indignant that his brother is higher up Voldemort’s hit list than he is. Really, Sirius? Remus says. That’s what bothers you about this situation?
And after the third nightmare which is pretty clearly a vision not a nightmare, Sirius goes right down to Regulus and is like, “So Harry is having visions in which he’s seeing through Voldemort’s eyes,” and Regulus is like, “Well fuck, that’s what that Horcrux does.” 
Sirius learned Occlumency from his father, who had a lot of things to keep from his mother, and then later from the Department of Mysteries after he became an Auror. His version has a lot of “setting traps in your mind so your enemies really regret trying this.”
Regulus learned Occlumency from his mother, who had a hell of a lot of things to keep from his father, and then later from being servant to a batshit insane Dark Lord. His version has a lot of “hiding everything important under lots and lots of obfuscating facts and memories.”
Voldemort does try to convince Harry that his godfather is being held in the Department of Mysteries. Since Snuffles is asleep on Harry’s feet at the time, that doesn’t have quite the intended effect.
1) Sirius stops following Harry around as a big black dog and starts following him around as a human
2) ...and then realizes that’s not going to work so well at Hogwarts and goes back to following him around as a dog.
3) Sirius formally takes custody of Harry, his godson, and declares that Harry never has to so much as see a Dursley again
4) Regulus points out that since Sirius is the elder son, this makes Sirius Lord Black
5) Sirius has a fit of the screaming meemies at the thought of politics and formally abdicates the title in favor of his brother, who’s been doing a pretty good job so far
Voldemort spends the summer moving into Malfoy Manor, which the Order of the Phoenix figures out after Sirius gets very drunk and flies his motorcycle to Malfoy Manor in order to “glitterbomb those pretentious wannabe-Blacks.” Glitter apparently does not register as a threat to the Malfoy wards, even when it’s been spelled to be unremovable. Not that glitter really needs to be spelled to be unremovable. Sirius figures out who exactly is in residence when a rainbow-glitter-covered Voldemort comes out of the Manor at speed and tries to hex him off his motorcycle. In retrospect, it wasn’t Sirius’s brightest idea ever, but he did learn where Voldemort was!
Harry’s sixth year is the year that Severus Snape, fuelled entirely by Pure Spite (™), reinvents the Animagus transformation from scratch and escapes from Azkaban as an extremely angry bat.
At this point, Snape is rather dubiously sane, on account of fifteen years in Azkaban, which even if he didn’t have to interact much with the Dementors was fifteen years of either solitary confinement or confinement across from the man he hates worst in all the world. Snape therefore has two driving obsessions right now:
1) Voldemort killed Lily Evans and must therefore die.
2) Snape has to outdo Sirius Black, or die trying.
So about a week after the news that Severus Snape, Death Eater, has escaped Azkaban, Hagrid goes out to open the main doors and discovers a dead Death Eater on the front step of Hogwarts with a neat little note that says, “For Lily.” General consensus is that this is Weird.
The night that Malfoy was supposed to get his Great Duty from Voldemort, which was going to be Killing Albus Dumbledore, was the night Sirius decided to glitterbomb the Manor. And Voldemort, whose Priorities can be skewed by Utter Wrath, decided that Malfoy’s Great Duty was going to be Killing That Fucker Black, How Dare He Disrespect Me, I Want His Head. Malfoy is actually sort of okay with this at first because his hair is covered in shiny red glitter and he looks like an off-brand Weasley, which is Not Acceptable.
So what he does is call Sirius in and say, “Hey, brother, do you want to fake your own death and have an enormous funeral so I can kidnap Cousin Narcissa?” Draco is in the corner trying to figure out when his life took an abrupt left turn into Weirdville, Population Him. Sirius is like, “OMG enormous funeral can I come as a Grim and frighten everyone? Please?” Regulus, who is only the practical one if you ask him, is like, “That is a great idea, it will give me a perfect opportunity to kidnap Cousin Narcissa, truly we are tactical geniuses.” Sirius wants there to be So Much Glitter and is rather put out when Regulus vetoes that plan. Harry, when told about this, decides that Amateur Dramatics on the theme of My Godfather Is Dead And Everything Is Terrible sound like a lot of fun, and wants to be chief mourner at the funeral. Hermione is So Done with all of these people. Remus declares that he will go to the funeral in ashes and sackcloth and rend his clothing dramatically at appropriate points for extra pathos. Hermione is Even More Done and goes off to write to Viktor, who can be relied on to talk about sensible things like spellcrafting and also say nice things about her hair. Albus decides that having Sirius be Officially Dead might actually be a good tactical move in the war, and authorizes the use of Hogwarts grounds for the Epic Funeral, but adds some... tactical revisions to the Kidnapping portion of the show. Minerva joins Hermione in the corner of Done With Everything. Sirius designs his own fake corpse, because of course he does. The Epic Funeral goes off without a hitch, somewhat to everyone’s surprise, and Narcissa is exceedingly surprised to be invited to Post-Funeral Tea by her Cousin Regulus and given a Portkey to a secluded and well-warded villa in France, to be used when necessary. Snape, who watched the whole funeral upside-down in a tree, is Delighted. He has Outlived Black! He has Won! Take that, Black! Voldemort is also Delighted. Tiny Malfoy is just as useful as Larger Malfoy!
Albus looks Wise and Cunning and strokes his beard thoughtfully. Regulus does not say Rude Things about Albus’s overblown sense of the dramatic, mostly because he knows perfectly well he doesn’t have a leg to stand on after the Epic Funeral
Albus hatches a Plan (™)
The first bit of seventh year is actually pretty uneventful, and Harry spends it waiting for the Other Shoe to drop, but the only things that drop are another large handful of dead Death Eaters, who show up on the doorstep every week like clockwork 
The Battle of Hogwarts ensues, Highlights include:
1) Ginny Weasley being cornered by Bellatrix Black and nearly killed, except that a fucking enormous bat interposes itself between them and takes the Killing Curse meant for Ginny, and dies with what everyone swears is a look of utter satisfaction on its face
-Literally no one ever figures out what the fuck was up with that, but the bat is buried in Ottery St Catchpole with full honors
2) Neville Longbottom drawing the Sword of Gryffindor out of the Sorting Hat (delivered courtesy of Fawkes) and beheading Nagini
3) Regulus Black being cornered by about eight furious Death Eaters and being rescued by his brother, who surprises the Death Eaters by appearing abruptly behind them and yelling, “Back from the dead, fuckwits! Eat that!”
4) Remus ends up facing off against Pettigrew, who has a silver hand which is poisoning him to death on account of the lycanthropy and Voldemort being Terrible. Pettigrew ends up dead. Eyewitnesses report he may have thanked Remus for the mercy.
5) Ron, Hermione, and Viktor Krum (a late and rather surprising addition to the Order) being a really quite effective team (“Er-my-own-nee is brain, I am brawn, you can be good looks,” Krum is heard to say. Ron spends the entire battle blushing furiously.)
6) Harry and Albus and Hedwig taking Voldemort on together
It turns out the Power the Dark Lord Knows Not is that of a really pissed off snowy owl doing her damnedest to claw his eyes out, during which rather chaotic interlude it’s surprisingly simple for Harry to trip Voldemort off the main dais. Landing on one’s head on a stone floor is liable to break even the most Dark Lord-y of necks. A whole bunch of historians have despaired of making the Battle of Hogwarts sound properly heroic when the Chosen One just tripped the Dark Lord and he broke his own fool neck by landing wrong.  Nonetheless it’s remarkably effective.
The most interesting thing to happen to Harry for the rest of the year is testifying in front of the entire Wizengamot that his godfather is, in point of fact, Not Dead and that the whole thing was an elaborate act for the purpose of fooling Voldemort.
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sinsbymanka · 4 years
Good Things Happen
This is a story about my mother. 
Sherry was born in a strict evangelical household where she was taught that she was sinful just for existing. Her parents, who are absolutely batshit crazy, taught her to hate and fear people that weren’t like her. 
However, my mother is not a hateful person. 
That isn’t to say I haven’t heard some problematic shit come out of my mother’s mouth, cause I have, but when I’ve cared to investigate (I haven’t always - especially when I was younger and embarrassed/angry with her for being how she was), it always came back to things my grandparents told her. 
Here’s a (by no means exhaustive) list (under the cut cause it’s triggering and hateful): 
1. Gay people get AIDs, it’s a punishment from God (bonus: she told me this when I told her I was dating a girl in college). It’s because a gay man had sex with a monkey (I KNOW.) 
2. You know how Jewish people are (my response: “No? How are they?”) Greedy. 
3. They’re riding the system
4. If your brother was gay, I’d kill myself. 
5. “I don’t mean to be racist, but...” (ALWAYS followed by something offensive) 
6. Depression isn’t real. You need to talk to God more.
7. You’re sick because you didn’t go to church enough. 
NEEDLESS TO SAY Mom and I have had a strained relationship. But I love her. And, funnily enough, she’s changed. I don’t know if it was the push pull of my adolescence and twenties - where the idea that I was all the things she’d been taught to hate kind of caught up to her. Or it could have been being exposed to different things from the people she met as our tiny rural town began to get an influx of people like she’d never known.
I don’t know. I know the woman who is trying to be my mother now isn’t the same one who threatened to kick me out of the house for dating a black guy. They wouldn’t know each other at all. And I think she’s ashamed. 
It’s taken a lot of time, space, and therapy for me to get to the point where my mother mistreated me, but her parents ALSO mistreated her (and continued to do so) and she was taking out what she’d been taught on me. It’s hard to break the cycle - and I’m glad she did. 
Last night, mom called crying. And told me the sweetest thing. 
Fives years ago, I met the man I married last year. I also met his wonderful, supportive, EXTREMELY Christian family. And I was fucking nervous. But I didn’t need to be. These are the types of Christian people you hear fairy tale stories about. They volunteer. They abhor racism. They say it “isn’t their place” to judge what could be sins. They welcome everyone. They say if you want to prevent abortion, you support women BEFORE it gets to that choice. 
I love them. I love them so much and they’re everything I needed at seventeen and didn’t get. 
... I didn’t realize they’re also everything my mother needed and didn’t have too.
Last night, my mother got into a fight with my grandparents (who didn’t come to my wedding - cause they weren’t invited. I cut those fuckers out AGES ago. My mother allowed me not to invite them without a scene, HUGE improvement). My grandparents told her COVID-19 was made up as a political tool to keep good Christians inside? Somehow? It doesn’t make sense. I’m not even gonna try. 
My mother. My sweet, doormat for her parents, taught to obey MOTHER lost her shit. 
My mother has a son-in-law and a daughter-in-law in the trenches at TWO different hospitals. My mother has my lupus-ass over here who can’t get her damn prescriptions. My mother has my father, chronically ill with kidney problems, who hasn’t left the house in months. 
My mother has met my husband. His SEVEN ADOPTED SIBLINGS (his parents are SAINTS), and two Christians that have never said or done a hateful thing the ENTIRE time I’ve known them. My mother told me last night she didn’t realize “You could be like that.” 
And then. AND THEN. 
So. If there are any twenty year olds with fraught relationships with their mothers on here, I won’t say it’s easy. I won’t even tell you not to cut them off (I cut mine off AT LEAST twice). All I’ll say is, sometimes, it gets fucking better.
Also - this is a good thing that has come out of COVID. It isn’t worth the fucking pandemic happening, but I’m happy at least this ONE thing has happened. 
Yes. I hugged my husband and texted his siblings and told them I love them.
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Day 8: Stab Wound
(But hold on a little while longer.)
Whumptober 2019 Day 8: Stab Wound
Word Count: 2054
Relationships: familial Creativitwins, platonic/familial dlamptr
Warnings: Stab wound (obviously), other minor injuries, blood, minor dissociation, lots and lots of cursing
A/N: yes, i know this is late! it’s only by 30 minutes though D: hopefully my characterization of the trash man is alright! this was fun to write hehe
Well. That wasn’t a very fun camping trip!
Remus has always been one for surprise. He likes the excitement, the variety, the fun! It’s healthy to keep a little bit of spice in your life. He’s not afraid to live by this sort of motto, because life is about the little things. Although, he isn’t sure that getting stabbed in the middle of the woods at three a.m. necessarily counts as little, but he’ll take what he can get.
So sue him! Maybe he likes to have a little fun sometimes. Routine is boring! Fuck patterns! Fuck authority! Cause anarchy!
And, uh, yeah. He’s pretty chill with living on the edge like that. But maybe… maybe just a bit further from the edge? He means, like, the edge of harmful societal expectations and complacency, or whatever dumb shit Dee and Lo-Lo rant about to each other at one in the morning. Remus loves his roommates, and would totally rip out a bitch’s spine for them, but they’re fucking nerds. Speak ENGLISH.
Yeah, the edge of “normal”. Not the edge of death.
He’s not gonna die out here, no siree. If he believes he’s immortal strongly enough, he will be. That’s what Barbie movies teach you, right? In any case, even though he refuses to die, getting stabbed hurts like a motherfucker, and it doesn’t help that it’s also storming. He just wanted a nice, fun camping trip, but nooo, some shitty-ass god out there decided “Oh! Time to turn Remus into a shitty cliche horror movie protagonist!”. Why can’t he be the antagonist? Or… wait, what’s the one in the middle of the two? The side character? He wants to be the one guy who is in the midst of all the action with the protag, but seemingly dies halfway through the movie, and then comes back at the end to be like, ”Haha, surprise, bitch! I’m not dead!”.
Huh. Maybe he shouldn’t make all of his life choices based on movie stereotypes.
Anyway, he wishes that at the very least it’d stop fucking raining, because it makes it seriously hard to crawl through the underbrush while slipping in mud and falling flat on his face every two seconds. The stab wound is painful, sure, but as long as he can keep pressure on it and not lose too much blood before he gets to the main road, he should be fine. But having to deal with the downpour hindering his movement and blinding most of his senses sucks ass. How the hell is he supposed to utilize his tracking skills and make sure he’s going the right way without being able to see, hear, or smell a single goddamn thing? He might like making other people wet, but that doesn’t mean he likes being wet himself.
So, he thinks he’s going the right direction. Trying to escape a batshit crazy murderer in the middle of the woods doesn’t leave you a lot of time to casually sit down at a table with a cup of tea and pull out your faded, burnt treasure map, but if he had a table and a cup of tea and a partially burnt map, he would totally do that. Maybe the killer would be so confused, he’d have time to run away.
The thought causes Remus to bark out a laugh into the white noise of the storm, which is a VBI (Very Bad Idea), because it goes straight to his stomach. The pain that radiates out from the wound is like, actually excruciating, hahaha! But... Remus is supposed to be the one who actually survives to the end. He-- he has to be. Who else is gonna fill Roman’s socks with wet concrete?
Oh, Roman. His brother would probably be crying like a little bitch if he were here. Now he’d be the protagonist, the one who’d make so many stupid decisions and somehow come out of it alive anyway. He’s like those teenage girls in horror movies who make you scream at the screen “Don’t go in the dark scary basement, you fucking idiot!” but for some reason, never have a single repercussion for any of their terrible choices. (Remus would be the one who would sacrifice himself for the main character near the end of the movie at the dramatic climax, but Roman can never know that.)
Maybe he wishes Roman was here so that he didn’t have to crawl all this way on his own, but whatever. His brother would probably be too busy whining about his ruined hair to help much, anyway. Not-- Not that Remus needs help! He is having a blast slipping and sliding through the sticks and mud and bushes, thank you very much!
“C’mon out, dude! Don’t draw out the inevitable!” a voice echoes from the trees, a yell that’s far too familiar for Remus’ liking. God, can this guy just give it up already? Go find some other helpless damsel to terrorize! He does not wanna try Remus right now. This may all be fun and games, but Remus is starting to get pissed off, and he is unafraid to take out the stress on this crazy dumbfuck.
Somehow, Remus is able to hear the guy’s footsteps come closer through the sound of the rain splashing all around him, and he speeds up. Probably better to just avoid the guy. Although Remus’d totally win in a fight, the dude does have a knife, and Remus would really prefer to not get stabbed a second time. There’s a drop ahead, a place where it looks like the floor disappears, so Remus shuffles over to it and peers over. It’s a small cliff, with maybe fifteen or so feet to the bottom, and Remus curses under his breath. Fuck, he’s gonna have to do it, isn’t he? And now that he’s looking, he can just barely make out some headlights flit through the trees and disappear, so he knows that he’s close to the main road.
With a grimace, Remus steels himself, then slides off the edge feet-first, trying to use his shoes as a brace against the incline. Of course, because his life fucking sucks, he somehow manages to hit a rock embedded in the side in the wrong crevice, and it pitches him forward off the wall to tumble to the ground below. He smacks into the wet dirt, is just barely able to bite his tongue hard enough to stop the scream from ripping from his throat, and he lands at the bottom harshly. 
His stomach is on fire. It fucking hurts, feels like he’s being stabbed all over again a thousand times over. Bruises are definitely going to start forming all over his body from that fall, and coupled with the fact that his leg hit the ground at a weird angle, walking is going to be even worse than before. Fuck! Why can’t he just catch a fucking break?!
Remus pants hard, trying to work himself up to resuming his trek, when he hears his attacker’s voice calling out from above again. It sounds like he’s coming to the edge, so Remus just swallows hard and scoots himself over through the agonizing aches in his body to lay flat against the cliff wall. He just has to hope the dude doesn’t see him. He can’t really see very well through the storm, but Remus thinks he sees the guy look over the edge. Silence is key, and that’s pretty damn hard considering the absolute torture that is his wounds, but he has to. To survive.
He can’t die today.
And then the guy’s yelling for him again, and his voice is getting further away, and Remus waits in the mud until he can’t hear his footsteps anymore. Vigour and adrenaline now fully renewed, Remus bolts into the trees again, crawl morphing into a crouched run when he’s finally in cover. He clutches at his stomach to try to lessen the pain, which of course doesn’t help, but maybe it’ll keep some blood inside of him or something. Probably not best to bleed out right before he can get help. That’d be a shitty movie ending, if he’s being honest. Absolutely uncreative and unsatisfying. -11/10. 0% on Rotten Tomatoes. Is Remus delirious right now?
Despite all that, the sight of the road through a break in the trees is like a blissful breath of fresh air, a shining light of hope in the darkness. He’ll get to see Roman again, and prank Patton with bugs, and absolutely destroy Virge at video games, and listen to Dee and Lo-Lo’s stupid philosophy talks, and give his adoptive uncle Thomas a heart attack every time he does something stupid, and holy fuck maybe Remus is dying because when did he become sentimental? Ew.
A car finally comes along right as Remus manages to drag himself up onto the shoulder, and he waves frantically from where he’s kneeled on the ground in an effort to flag it down. Thank fuck, the car actually slows to a stop, and the window rolls down almost immediately. The face that pokes out is cute, and innocent-looking, and Remus prays to a god he doesn’t believe in that this person will actually help.
“Oh, jeez, are you okay? Why are you out on the road like this? Is-- Is that blood?!” the driver asks, horrified, and Remus tries to stumble closer. He doesn’t know what he looks like right now, but it’s probably horrifying, and he wouldn’t really blame this stranger if he drove away immediately. Maybe Remus will become like those ghost stories, the spooky legends about ghost hitchhikers. Ooh, maybe he’ll become a local cryptid! They can tell stories about him, and sell merch with his face on it, and he’ll be famous, and he can rub all of his sweet, sweet royalties in Roman’s face.
“Got-- I got stabbed. Crazy fucker got me while I was asleep. Help,” Remus manages to force out through his grit teeth, voice hoarse under the weight of the pain he’s in, and the driver looks extremely worried. For whose well-being, Remus has no clue.
“Alright, I’m taking you to the hospital. I couldn’t live with a guilty conscience if I left you out here. I’m Emile, by the way-- please don’t murder me, okay?” the stranger, Emile, says, and Remus chokes out a laugh despite himself. Emile gets out of his car and rushes through the drizzle without any hesitation, and Remus can already see that this is a genuinely good person. Anyone else would leave him here to die. He knows that. Even he’d leave himself here. But here this guy is, the kindest anyone has ever been to Remus, and it makes him wonder if he’ll still be as nice when he realizes that Remus’ personality is awful and the polar opposite of good and kind. (He knows he’ll never be good enough. He knows. He’s heard it enough, and he doesn’t need to be told again.)
“Not g’nna murder you. I can’t-- can’t even walk on my own, so,” Remus mumbles once he’s sure Emile is close enough to hear, and the latter just clicks his tongue with hands that frantically wave all around as if they don’t know where to go. Luckily enough for Remus, Emile pulls himself together quickly, slings an arm underneath his shoulder to help support his weight, and they limp back to the guy’s car together. As they do, Remus realizes the rain has stopped outright, and, well, isn’t that poetic?
Once he’s inside, dripping all over this stranger’s seats (okay, maybe he feels a little bad about that. When he’s a famous cryptid, he can pay for Emile to get his upholstery fixed), Remus starts to fade in and out. Not like the dying kind of “fading”, because he knows from multiple personal experiences what dying feels like, but more like he’s losing time as an effect of a literal stab wound. Oh, what did Lo-Lo call it? Desecrating? Dissipating? No, dissociating. Yeah, that’s the bitch. Yeah. Yeah...
He gets flashes now and again. Streetlamps outside, a tall building, hands underneath him, bright lights, rapid conversation. It smells like an E.R. It feels like home. He’s not gonna die today. Not yet.
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