#how are they supposed to learn anything if people don’t allow them to exist like they are part of society why do you want to shun them away
nuitfilms · 1 month
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀[ 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝓥𝐈𝐄𝐖 ] anatchaya suputhipong
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␥ g!p natty x fem!reader ␥ 963 words 🚨 SMUT, praise, unprotected, hair pulling, potential exhibitionism/public, college!au, creampie, squirting ␥ you, the quiet student who minds her own business, gets persuaded to follow one of your problematic peers to the school rooftop.
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One thing about being the ‘quiet one’ is that you’re a fly on the wall to people’s conversations. Being the one who barely says a word allows you a peek into everyone else’s business.
Which is how you’re aware of the chaos and drama that happens between a group of two-faced nepo babies or two supposed ‘best friends’ where one is trying to take the other’s boyfriend away.
The drama proves that no one can be trusted, and that it’s best to mind your own business, learn the material, and graduate. But who knew that minding your own business could still lead you to trouble.
Natty, one of the many problematic peers you try to avoid, had approached you at the beginning of the week. As friendly as she was, you internally questioned why she would talk to you now when she has been in at least one class with you every semester. Nonetheless, you were certain that she just wanted to copy your work, and you couldn’t care enough to fight her off on it.
Except she didn’t want to copy off of you.
In fact, she didn’t want anything school-related from you.
A shallow thrust of her cock from behind pries your dripping cunt open and forces your chest up against the hard wall that you’re pinned against. You don’t know how you let her convince you to come up to the rooftop where any student could hear and see you but here you are, wrapped around Natty’s finger with your soiled panties tucked away in her pocket.
You whimper when she tugs at your hair, forcing your head back. Her laughter sends a chill down your spine as you’ve fallen prey to an attractive girl’s advances, but getting tangled up in bad business might—for once—be something you won’t regret. 
Clearly, because you’re no longer trying to escape.
“What a beauty.” Her breathy remarks fan over your neck, goosebumps pricking your sensitive skin. “I’ve always wanted to feel what it’s like being inside you.”
Her grip on your roots tighten, igniting a sense of pain and pleasure that threatens to buckle your knees and fall at her mercy. 
You’ve never thought of such a thing about anyone. You will acknowledge hot and beautiful women but never intended to jump on anyone for a piece of them. You’ve certainly never thought that anyone saw you in the same light. You may not be as observant as you thought you were.
But Natty gives off the vibe of someone who doesn’t stick around and makes moves on multiple women. You fully expect to be one of her many conquests, therefore not caring that this may be your only experience with her. You’re simply here in the moment, reveling in the way her cock makes you feel like there’s not enough room to spare. 
In the midst of the heat, she slides out, filling you with momentary despair as she spins you around to face her. With your back to the wall, she raises your leg over her shoulder. Your flexibility somehow exists and is tested but with lust still burning in the pit of your belly, you don’t feel any discomfort. Your ample wetness grants her cock easy access and you heave a relieved sigh as she resumes fucking you.
“What a pretty girl,” she boasts with a smirk as her pace tests your balance. “So pretty dripping for me like this.”
The mess between your thighs can’t be denied. After coming once on her fingers, you can feel another impending wave in the distance. Natty has acquired enough experience—be it through various women or a lot of alone time—to know how to touch you and make you come. You can sense the rise of her ego as your noises become louder and more frequent. With your cunt threatening to resist her, she’s fucking you harder, knocking your back against the hard wall with each thrust of her hips.
“Na-Natty,” you whine, one hand clawing on the back of your thigh and the other digging into the wall behind you for balance. 
Your legs begin trembling. The earth is taunting you below, ready to cushion a hard descent from the ecstasy that’s rushing through your limbs. Your eyes roll back as her thumb sneaks between both of your hips and flicks over your engorged clit. Just as you’re about to let out a shamelessly loud moan, the door to the rooftop slams open on the other side.
You immediately slap a hand over your mouth, but Natty doesn’t stop. She only grins and drills you harder. Whatever thought that crossed your mind is fucked out of you, and you suffer in the presence of your oblivious peers as you gush around her cock. You’re ready to slide down the wall but she keeps you propped up and uses you to her desire.
Each thrust forces spurts of your cum out, leaving your thighs and the cold hard ground in a messy puddle of your release. Your eyelids flutter open and you spectate Natty’s orgasm. Her hips stutter after she bottoms out inside you, stuffing you with a shallow thrust. Warmth floods your insides and your eyes roll back as she forces you to take it all in.
“God,” she grunts against your chest.
You hope that your peers don’t hear from the other side of the rooftop. That they don’t catch on to the ‘quiet one’ getting her brains fucked out by one of the sociable, troublemaking ones.
If word were to spread, you would have no choice but to transfer schools. But if that bridge needs to be crossed, you’ll do so when you get there. 
For now, you simply accept the white hot release that’s flooding and dripping out of you.
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yaymiyas · 6 months
Yandere!Jock Introduction
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warning: yandere content, manipulation, foul language, boys being…boys!, gn reader
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YANDERE!JOCK, whose very name gives you the ick. noah. ew. to his medium length golden hair that frames his face ever so tightly, to his tall frame that makes it almost impossible to miss him, and to especially his a million dollar smile that he wears like the latest fashion trend…why do you hate him again?
why do you avoid him like the spanish flu? not even you knew fully. you contemplate about this very topic for weeks, never really getting a straight answer from yourself. from every instants that you two have crossed paths, he has been nothing but forthcoming with you. nothing but sunshines and rainbows. nothing but absolutely perfect.
you never even wanted to actually know who he was. you and your friends may have joked about him and his friend group a few times, but having noah around you 24/7 was never really on your bucket list. he kind of made it his own mission to make his existence your business.
it all started last semester, when you were walking down the hall. chem and statistic books in one arm, and the other quietly struggling to keep your book bag up. with the current cards not being 1000% in your favor, you didn’t really have time to look up at where exactly you were going. but noah did. trying to maneuver through the busy halls isn’t the easiest task with two shoulders filled and a 6’2, linebacker breaking down your neck. you didnt even see him walking beside you for the last two door frames you seemingly passed. all that was on your mind was to successfully get to the exit quick enough so you can get to your car, but satan had other plans.
“i can help you if you dont mind”
not paying the voice any real attention, you flash a struggling smile trying to use that as a quiet sign to leave you alone. one thing you didn’t bank on, was for noah to not really take no as a real answer. or in this case, an annoyed smile. testing his luck, the taller male fixed your book bag strap releasing a whole 2 pounds of weight off of your shoulder. with this new found feeling, you hesitantly stopped in your tracks and paid the stranger a small glance. looking back was noah, smiling widely like he just won the latto.
YANDERE!JOCK who finds a way to comfort you at all the right times. a random rumor about you started to spread at the speed of light. nobody would tell you where it started, or why they believe it but all you know is that it is messing up your senior year. you wanted to end your high school career better than when you came in, because lets face it, your freshman and sophomore years were ass. not being of bullying or teasing, you just weren’t ready or willing to see that you were in a different environment. things are different from two years ago, well they were supposed to be.
you don’t know how you started crying or when, but you were outside of your ecom class tears soaking your binders. you never allowed the words of others to get to you, always brushed them off. this time around it was different. you were more affected than you thought you would be at things like this. sleeping with a teacher? the same ecom teacher who you deducted points for not citing correctly? the same one who didn’t learn your name until two weeks ago? such a baseless and so easy to be unproven, so why do so many people believe it?
the only reason you were crying outside of your class is because two girls called you a slut to your face. out loud. with grins on their face, like your misery was something that warmed their skin. it was all so disgusting but you couldn’t do anything was cry. why now? why you? why the very last semester of high school? why?
“i heard about what’s going on,”
noah slightly nudges your leg with his foot, forcing your attention solely on him. you didn’t want to look up.
no, you actually wanted to tell him to go away. why was the most annoying, condescending, passive aggressive person in front of you for. the universe and gods must hate you.
“you know,”
he started with a hint of glee in his voice. was this all a joke to him? was he enjoying your tears? was your agony entertainment for him? this sick bastard. if you could, you would pull him by his hair and yank him to the floor. a knee to the stomach wouldn’t do anything to a linebacker right?
“its okay if you slept with him…we all have our low points.”
you are a joke to him. his smile never wavered, no it actually got bigger. you turned your head a bit so both of you were staring into the others. his ocean blue eyes seemed to turn into a black hole, sucking you into it with no avail. this is sick. he is sick. was he the one to fucking tell everybody that? how did he even know about the rumor? why was he here? what does he want from you, and how far will he go to get it.
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timemachineyeah · 2 years
I think it’s interesting that we learn Philip and Caleb became witch hunters to fit in to the existing culture of Gravesfield.
Because the thing about witch hunts is, there’s a lot of zealotry and tattling involved. If they weren’t a pair of traveling radicals, but rather two side characters in an ongoing town furor? That changes things.
Up until now I’ve been a little curious about the dynamic of having Philip be the younger brother. We are more used to stories where the older person has authority over the younger in a way that allows them to be despotic. Basically when you have two siblings in fiction and one is evil, it’s usually the older one. But Caleb seemed pretty chill? People with chill authority figures usually don’t grow up to do genocide? But Philip is really committed to genocide? And jealousy over your older brother getting a girlfriend is a weird thing to genocide over?
But now we learn, that’s not really the story. Or not the whole story.
This is a JoJo Rabbit situation. This is a Hitler Youth situation.
In a town that’s in a fervor to find the hidden secret evil citizens among them, kids are potentially dangerous. The children you love and care for are also the most likely to be unsavvy and get you killed. Sometimes older relatives under those circumstances have to, or at least feel like they have to, let their younger family members be indoctrinated without openly opposing it, even pretending to support it, because, well. Children talk. Often without filter. Maybe it would be okay, but
Is it worth risking one or both of you being hung in the square to test that theory?
So they get to this town. This town will hang or burn you if you aren’t pious enough. And this town defines piety by its hatred of The Devil. We are all trying to prove we hate the devil the most. And Caleb, older brother, is like, okay then. That’s what’ll keep us fed. That’s what’ll keep us safe. He’s not a zealot so much as he’s just trying to keep him and his kid brother alive and win the town’s favor. Maybe the zealotry even freaks him out a bit, but not enough. Not until he meets Evelyn.
But Philip? Philip believes. Of course he does. His brother has never made any indication to him that there’s room for doubt. No one has ever done that. At least no one whose execution he didn’t later watch with his entire community cheering it on. Because they were dangerous. Everyone knows how this neighbor got sick, how witches caused that terrible accident, how Satan tries to keep us from our eternal salvation. This is literal. This is real. This is eternal souls and cosmic reality. He’s a kid, at first. He gets indoctrinated young. He believes this.
And then they find the actual realm of demons. Actual hell. The source of all evil in the universe. Fucking obviously it is his divine calling to destroy it once and for all. Wouldn’t you? If you could end all suffering? Save everyone for eternity? Surely that is noble. Righteous. Sacred.
And how is he supposed to believe anything else? What is easier to believe: the whole world is a lie and he has been watching innocent people killed for entertainment since he was a child - which goes against everything he was ever taught and also feels fucking bad. Or: the witches used their evil magic to convince my brother they aren’t evil, which proves how evil they are. That lines up perfectly with everything I know, everything everyone around me has always said, and makes it okay that I participated in those public executions, and also gives me some good righteous anger to fuel me on a genocidal rampage for as long as I continue to exist.
In Philip’s head, he’s the center of his dramatic fantasy epic. He’s the lone hero up against the big bad. He’s going to take on the Devil himself.
Idk, I just think it’s cool that The Owl House was like, “hey, Satanic panics, fascism, and genocide are allied ideologies, perhaps even the same ideology, and it’s Bad”
Also, “societal pressure to conform enables and even encourages people to hurt those they love”. Camila tried to send Luz to camp because she didn’t want Luz to be bullied the way she had been, because Luz’s principal told her she had to. It was a gesture born out of a desire to protect her, but one that would ultimately hurt. Caleb let Philip grow up more pious than he was because it seemed safest, to protect him. Philip grew up believing in eternal damnation and righteous cruelty, something that has clearly ultimately hurt him I mean look at what he is now. Philip, meanwhile, hurt Caleb and continues to hurt his family because he thinks there’s a Right and Wrong way to exist. To be. The ultimate call for conformity. For hegemony. But he didn’t spontaneously generate this belief. It was reinforced from a young age from a society that wanted to make sure no one was deviating too much. To centralize and maintain power through manipulation, exploitation, and force.
Anyway I cannot fucking wait for Camila and Eda to meet oh my fucking god
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quiverpaw · 9 months
things i’d like to see more frequently in the wcue roleplay scene: (long post)
-sharing tongues (cats gossip in wcue like no other. but they don’t actually share tongues! this includes sharing tongues with a cat before they are buried.)
-vigils apon becoming a warrior (this is NEVER done. it’d bring a new air to the roleplay, i think!)
-elders burying cats. (usually the leader, medicine cat, or a random warrior will do in rp.)
-elders and queens in general. this includes den dads and early retired cats!
-apprentices travelling to the moonstone with the leader. (this used to happen in the early arcs. since most wcue players are only knowledgable on these arcs, this would be a great thing to pick up on doing)
-proper battle training, battles in general. (most apprentices either never recieve a mentor or only go on the occasional hunting or border patrol. battle sparring never actually includes learning new techniques most of the time!) (battles straight up do not happen. skirmishes do. Usually with rogues!)
-a more even spread of cats. Usually most of the server will flock to one clan (80%), 15% will become rogues or loners, and 5% are either non-cats or kittypets.) with the addition of more clans comes more interesting conflicts! (taking territory, battles, gatherings, tresspassers, forbidden love.) ideally in a 60 people server, there’d be 12-15 cats in each clan, or in a two-clan server, 20-30, with the rest going to outsiders/non-cats.)
-more time for deputies and leaders. A deputy in wcue is far more important than the leader in almost every way, which is NOT a good thing. a deputy should be able to appoint patrols, be able to join said patrols, and still have time to talk before they have to sleep. the leader usually has to officiate ceremonies and talk about allowing in outsiders, as well as recieve reports. leaders should be able to join patrols as well.
-apprentice’s assessments. this is, in my opinion, the least utilized aspect for app players. when a cat reaches close to warrior’s age (in wcue, this is 12 moons), the leader (or deputy) talks with the app’s mentor and haves said apprentice go on a solo hunting mission. if they bring back enouh prey, they’re granted their warrior name. usually the deputy or leader also conducts regular normal assessments to check the progress of the young cats.
-more diverse personality types. in wcue, there generally are only six personality types: charming, ‘evil’, quiet, aggressive/rude, kind, and nervous. most cats don’t go into depth beyond these core traits, and i think it would be really nice to see a more diverse cast of personalities. there’s plenty of generators online for personality types if needed!
-medicine cat apprentice appointments. just straight up- this does not happen. they have their own special moonstone ceremony! why wouldn’t you utilize that? and on second note:
-medicine cat gatherings. also straight up do not happen.
general parts of fandom changes i want to see
-the stop of use of names like ‘blindkit’ or ‘lostsight’. this is pretty obvious.
-not using overly complicated words to seem experienced! this is a big one. part of the exp/luna debate, many players like to have over-complicated names, use words people straight up don’t know, anything of the like to seem sophisticated. warriors itself does not use words like orbits or cranium. stop
-stop the hate around younger players. generally, in wcue, there’s a INSANE, and i mean INSANE hate for younger players. given a cruel nickname like ‘luna’ because it’s a common name for young kids to use, people make fun of little kids who are just learning about roleplaying. how is a kid supposed to become experienced if you’re just being cruel. instead, the least you can do is void them, or at least teach them a thing or two.
-less apprentice groups. (this is a bit nitpicky) these usually only exist because people find teenage drama interesting, but apprentice groups are pure terrors to the rp scene. they usually don’t take a mentor, refrain from training- only hunting occasionally, and are very unaware of the ongoings of the rest of the clan because of their personal interdrama. these groups will flock in around 7-10 apprentices, which insanely disrupts a clan’s balance. a apprentice friend group should be a natural thing- one that occurs from training or patrolling together, not sitting and camp and crushing on each other.
(also nitpicky) -less magic schools. i know you’re trying to roleplay harry potter. stop. don’t do that
-roblox groups dedicated to organized rps! many people don’t have discord- it’d be more accessible to younger people as well.
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ta-ni-ya · 3 months
When I came back from my break I added in my announcement that I had 4 new ocs to introduce and here is one of them!
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MY KNY OC- Hina Aoki
Age- 13-14
Breathing style- melody (it’s kinda complicated, will explain!)
@kiyokatokito really helped me a lot with her breathing style so big credits to her! :3
She is gonna be mitsuri’s tsugoku btw
Andddd this is supposed to be an au because she’s shipped with a dead character 😃
I also didn’t add anything about her ship here!
And I’ll be colouring this soon too :3
Her backstory- she is an only child living with her parents, she never had much friends and everyone would eventually either move away or got busy with their things. All the friends she made weren’t really close and sometimes wouldn’t even acknowledge her but hina was too innocent to know their real motives.
Once she decided to join the demon slayer corps, all her friends hated her and thought she had gone insane, saying things like ‘demons don’t exist’. You can say they were already looking for a chance to leave hina so it didn’t bother them what she did after that.
Hina was very sad and her once known bright personality disappeared. She didn’t understand but she definitely got trust issues and found it hard to make friends with her colleagues. She only opens up to people like her mentor Mitsuri!
Some info about her breathing style- as the name melody itself is very self explanatory, there’s this word ‘mellifluous’ which means a sound that is sweet or smooth, pleasing to the ear. Me and kiyo got the whole idea about her breathing style from that word!
Her sword is shaped all wavy because she uses it for a very important purpose while fighting! Her body is a little small for her age (kinda like shinobu?) by it’s just her height and she’s still growing ofc. But being light weighted she is fast and she used it to her advantage, she easily moves from once spot to another creating melodic sound waves from her katana.
Mitsuri’s katana is itself very weirdly shaped so she learns some things about it and makes her katana’s movements accordingly. Moving around quickly allows her to distract and confuse the demon until its guard is down.
Since her breathing style is created from love/flame breathing, her cuts don’t hurt at the beginning but as soon the demon stops hearing her melody, that cut burns like hell and they realise it’s the end (kinda like a paper cut? It’s small but hurts a lot)
Her moments are like a feather dancing in the air. She basically created this technique because she kinda related it to her old friends? They would sugarcoat her and then suddenly went bitter towards her! Just like how she makes them distract with her melody and slashes them suddenly.
Headcanons I got so far for her!
She loves flowers, cherries and honey!
She loves spending time with mitsuri the most because she never treated her wrong!
Her first friend that genuinely treated her well was one and only kiyoka ;3 (@kiyokatokito’s oc)
Her fav colours are red and light pink
Her hair colour is supposed to be strawberry blonde just in case you get confused 🤷🏻‍♀️
She is flexible but not as flexible as mitsuri :3
She’s 4’5 😗
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deaths-presence · 4 months
Two of a Kind || Dazai x Reader Part 1: Obscure Chance
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Story Summary: The search for your brother has led you into conflict between the Armed Detective Agency of Yokohama and the Guild. Fitzgerald keeps you involuntarily, that is until you finally find your chance of escape. Will you find strength within the ADA, or will you only become more astray? Word Count: 1,622 Characters Featured: Nathaniel Hawthorne, John Steinbeck, Lucy Montgomery Warnings: afab!reader, slowburn, plot heavy to build up romance, small mentions of isolation, hints of Fitzgerald being Yikes and abusive, lmk if I happened to miss anything please
The cold atmosphere of the room you were trapped in seeped into your body, making your bones ache with how aggressively you were shivering despite the covers you put around yourself. Never did you expect to find yourself held hostage, yet here you were with the powerful Guild that gave you no choice in the decision to join their organization. You didn’t do it for money like some of the others you came to learn about during your forced stay, nor did you seek to become powerful.
It started with a simple letter. Your brother Roberte had written to you. He went on to tell you that he had picked up work in the Guild to help support you back home, that things would be more prosperous if you had joined him. You had decided to seek out the Guild to be at his side, for all you had was each other after your parents had died.
You did not find Roberte. You were too trusting, showing a stranger eager to have everything within the snap of his fingers how your ability worked to prove yourself worthy. Within hours you were not allowed to leave. The man named Fitzgerald was sure of that. He never took no as an answer, and you quickly made that observation with the way the other members of the Guild stood behind him. They didn’t dare try to protect you. Here in the Guild, it was a principle that if you screwed up, you were on your own. You didn’t consider any of them friends, besides maybe Lucy who managed to converse with you when she brought you meals.
“So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”
You were brought out of mulling about your predicament at the new voice. Your head turned, no longer surprised to see Hawthorne that said the Bible verse aloud. He reminded you of a late December evening when the sun was slowly setting on the horizon and giving way to darkness. He was cold and distant, his hair a pale shade that reminded you of the snow covering the ground at dusk. His icy blue eyes always managed to pin you down wherever you existed on the Moby Dick like he could see the sins you’ve committed, even ones you didn’t know existed. As a man of God that he proclaimed to be, you never saw him outside of his pastor clothes.
Your lips turn in a gentle smile regardless. If nothing else, you were thankful for the little bit of company he temporarily provided. “Isaiah 41:10. It is only customary for the reverend to grace me with his words from the Book. I suppose you’re trying to give me advice in your own way instead of having me sulk around?”
Hawthorne’s face was unreadable with how little it changed, but his tone of voice gave you ease. Cold, yes, but gentle it came out as he replied, “I can tell by the look on your face. You feel helpless and alone. You don’t try to escape.”
You merely shrugged at his observation. The comfort he was giving was quickly replaced by a heavy feeling that settled in your chest. You sat on the provided bed and hugged your knees closer to your chest, the dress you wore allowing your legs to be blanketed. “I have tried before only to fail. Countless times. Fitzgerald is powerful, even if I can shapeshift into other people and use their abilities.”
Of course, you couldn’t escape Fitzgerald despite having such a useful ability. Though having surprised him at first, he took the opportunity upon himself to make you better than you were. Stronger. To change into someone for longer. To be able to take an object that is closest to someone and use it to connect to the person and change instead of using only physical touch. There’s no doubt that you would make an incredible assassin by having the ability to change your appearance so drastically, especially in framing someone. By tacking on having the opportunity to store someone with an ability into your closet of changes, you were a force to be reckoned with. If you cared enough.
That was evidently the problem. You didn’t care. You never had thought about using your ability in such a despicable way. You would always want to use what you were able to do for good, to disguise yourself and capture a criminal in the act all while keeping your real identity safe. You could help connect yourself to a person to understand their predicaments, to understand their health issues, to understand why they feel the way they feel.
“I’m sorry, reverend. I do not look for pity. I simply sense that this is my punishment,” you said quietly.
Hawthorne quirked a brow at your words. “You think that God has punished you in this way? What have you done in the eyes of the Lord that he would do such?”
Your eyes were trained on your hands. You wiggled your fingers slowly as if noticing something on them that would never come off. Hawthorne was right to believe the notion ridiculous, but you couldn’t help but feel like a monster in your own skin with all that you’ve done since being forced to join the Guild. A monster that changed who she could be on a whim. “I have gone against my morals without so much as a fight. I want to fight, but I am beaten in my efforts each time. What do you think?”
Hawthorne’s face never changed, but you noticed how his voice was hardened once more. “I may pass judgment on heavy sinners, but I believe that this is for the Lord to decide Himself.”
You exhaled slowly when you heard his footsteps leave you in tense silence. Your thoughts from before Hawthorne made conversation were now replaced with the question you always ended up asking yourself.
Were you a monster pretending to be human?
It was hours before you heard voices again, this time clearly distinguishing the two of them. Steinbeck and Lucy. As they approached, your eyes opened from resting and you forced your body to sit up. You were severely tempted to brush through your hair after sensing just how knotted it was from your tossing and turning, reaching for the hairbrush just as you saw Steinbeck and Lucy at the door. As usual, she opened a compartment in the door to give you the tray of food.
“Look at that! You are still alive,” Steinbeck said with a playful grin. The small window in the door to your room only let you see his sky-blue eyes and sunny blonde hair, but there was the knowledge that one of the straps to his overalls that he wore hung down from his shoulder. You had to hold back the urge to fix it for him whenever you saw him, like a mother fixing their toddler’s shirt before they ran outside to play with their friends. Your eyes shifted over to Lucy’s blue eyes and thick red hair. You envied the coloration and how beautiful it always looked in the braids she put it in. You could imagine the dress she wore despite not being able to see it, the ruffles at the bottom always catching your attention. It wasn’t as proper and elegant as Lady Margaret, but it suited her.
“I am,” you responded, keeping your words short and distant as you took the tray and offered Lucy a grateful smile. You walked back to sit it on the small table that was by your bedside, seating yourself back down on the mattress to properly untangle your hair with the brush.
“I just can’t imagine,” Steinbeck attempted conversation again, “after being in here for this long already. I know what it’s like to have a sibling. The only reason I’m not with them right now is to make sure they can live. I send most of my pay back home to help support them all.”
“You’re the type to do anything for your family.” You nod while listening to him.
“My sister, she’s still a little younger than you. She loves to take my share of apple pie at the big family dinner table, but I can never say no because she’s just too cute.” His shoulders relaxed as he talked about his sister, and it made your heart ache that you were unable to see Roberte after all this time.
It hit you then. Why would he be trying to talk to you if it was not for one simple thing?
“Do I remind you of her?” you asked timidly, your eyes stuck on the tray as you set your hairbrush down.
Out of the corner of your eye you see Steinbeck’s smile. “A little. You’re just older, more gullible, and complacent when you’re in danger.” Each word that came out of his mouth made you prickle and squint at him, but your expression made him laugh instead of becoming defensive. “You do have the same cute pout, though.”
Your ire only faded at the prospect of finally eating some of the food that was given to you. Steinbeck and Lucy took it as a signal to leave you in peace, but not before Steinbeck stayed back to say one last thing while the space was quiet.
“You’re right. I would do anything for my family. The Guild is not necessarily a nice organization. You do what you’re told, and that’s it. Take care to remember that if nothing else.”
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superbecky · 5 months
Meet Aislinn - Soriel Fanchild
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>Please do not re-post or use my work in any way without my permission! Re-blogging is ok. Thanks!<
My "first" art post of the year! Honestly, this kind of art is something I always shied away from making, at least regarding posting it online… but, I guess here we are! Nothing wrong with going into the new year trying out something new. Allow me to introduce to you, Aislinn! She is my attempt at an Undertale fankid for Toriel x Sans (because yes, Soriel is amazing and I love it so much).
The concept of this character actually dates back years ago as a little collaboration between me and a family member. I never was planning to make her known about, but during Soriel Week 2023 (so back in August), I decided why not? Thus, I started updating her design and did a sketch. However, during that time Soriel Week 2023 was ending and I got too busy until I eventually forgot about this kiddo. That is, until a few days ago when I got inspired by that same family member and decided “you know what, sure let’s just do this for fun”! So yeah, here she is!
I did have fun drawing/designing her, but I also think it is a little bit tricky when creating fan characters because, at least for me, I want them to feel like a natural inclusion to the world they are supposed to be from. I think overall I did good though at this goal!
Anyways, if you are interested in hearing more about her character, the family/story dynamics, and my design process, then keep on reading! Otherwise, I think she turned out cute and this was a fun little project to work on! I wouldn’t be opposed to drawing her again or even with other family members, but I think it will ultimately depend on if people would want to see that. Oh, and if you have any questions about her you want to ask that I don’t have answered below, then feel free to ask me! C:
🤍💙💜🤍💙💜 So… if you are reading this, then you are wanting to learn more, yeah? Well, buckle up because boy do I have a lot to share! Does Aislinn exist within an AU/alternate timeline? Well, I feel it would be more appropriate to consider her inclusion as being part of an alternative timeline because it’s more so my head canons/my take on a possibility of what could happen after the events of a pacifist timeline if Toriel and Sans end up together. Like, there isn’t anything drastically changed to what we know from canon other than me throwing some head canons into a pacifist timeline, so it feels incorrect to me to call it an AU. Do I have a name then for this alternate timeline? I guess if anything, you could consider her inclusion as a follow up to the stories/events told in my other Undertale alternative timeline, Scrapbooktale. Why the name Aislinn? Why not use a font for her name? Well, technically if you google “Aislinn font”, there is a font that I think fits her pretty well. But basically, Aislinn’s name means “dream or vision”, which I felt tied back to things in Undertale like “hopes and dreams” (Asriel) and just how like I feel that with monster kind being freed, they are able to pursue their dreams. Toriel and Sans are both shown to be very family-oriented, so why wouldn’t a possible dream of theirs be to extend their family? That’s where my inspiration came from. Her nicknames are Linn and Linny. Does she speak using a font like Sans and Papyrus?  Nope. More information regarding your design process for her?
So going into more details regarding her physical design, her head and part of her neck is completely bone like Sans and her hands are also skeletal. The only thing on her face that has fur is her little floofy eyebrows! The rest of her body is more like Toriels. She wears a big, green headband/bow as I decided that I wanted to give her some sort of visual element that would give the illusion of ears. I knew that I wanted to give her horns, but instead of just giving her horns that look like what Toriel has, I thought it would be cool to give her horns that resemble Sanses Gaster Blasters. Her eyes in shape are more like her moms, but they are just more so glowing pupils like Sans has (or in her case, glowing ring lights). Her eye color has a slight blue tint to it as I was inspired by Toriel’s official Nendroid design, which has blue eyes. One of Aislinn's most treasured items is her gold flower hair clip that was given to her by Frisk. She always keeps it clipped on her favorite headband/bow.
How old is she? How tall is she?
I find it hard to give an exact age for her because how monsters age is a bit… unknown in terms of canon? But if I had to give her some sort of age, Aislinn is 5 years old, and I think Frisk would be roughly 14 years old around this time. As for her height... well she is just a lil kiddo, so of course she is rather short! I imagine when she gets older though, she would be taller than Frisk. What is her personality? Likes and Dislikes?
Aislinn is cautious and sometimes can come off as shy. While she loves her family, their antics definitely freak her out from time to time.
She is very polite thanks mainly to Toriel. Sans tries to loosen her up a bit, but it is something Aislinn just can’t help!
She tends to keep to herself.
She can be very curious and playful, but won’t do anything that she deems unsafe (unless convinced). Because of her age though, she still struggles with understanding sometimes what is actually considered safe and unsafe.
Her favorite color is green, and her favorite food is snail pizza.
Some of her hobbies include playing with her toy trumpet, drawing, reading and hearing stories, and playing/hanging out with Frisk.
She likes puns and jokes. However, she is terrible at making them.
Aislinn dislikes fighting and dangerous situations. She also does not enjoy getting super messy.
Aislinn and Frisk's Relationship
Aislinn idolizes Frisk. Even though she has a hard time understanding them sometimes (especially regarding all the shenanigans Frisk seems to get into) Aislinn still thinks that Frisk is the coolest person in the world. She loves hearing about Frisk’s adventures, especially the ones of their time Underground. Even though Frisk has a hard time understanding kids close to their age or younger, they still enjoy hanging out with Aislinn and sometimes envy her naïve nature. When Aislinn was a baby, though initially excited, Frisk ended up having a hard time of feeling like the "lesser child" since they are adopted and struggle with self worth. Luckily, thanks to Sans and Toriel, Frisk began to learn over time that they are just as loved and cared for as Aislinn. Though sometimes, they may fall back into this mindset. On the other hand, Aislinn sometimes feels like she isn't good enough compared to Frisk. After all, she is the sibling of the human who changed history by freeing monster kind! Aislinn and Frisk really do love each other though at the end of the day. Aislinn and Sanses Relationship
I am someone who head canons that Sans raised Papyrus and later on helped to raise Frisk after marrying Toriel. By the time Aislinn comes into the picture, Sans is a natural at the whole dad thing... or at least, he likes to hope so. For Sans, it definitely helps to have such a cool wife by his side and to have a kid this time around who is a lot more chilled out. Sans finds that raising Aislinn has actually been way easier than raising Papyrus, and especially Frisk mainly due to Aislinn staying out of trouble. That being said, Sans sometimes worries that he is not doing enough with Aislinn considering how much he seems to be keeping an eye on Frisk, because wow that kid is always getting into trouble and next thing he knows he is asking "uh kid, how did you end up flooding the bathroom... again"? He does make an effort though to make sure that Aislinn knows that he cares for her, and he tries to set aside time from all of the commotion around the house just for her. Though Aislinn is terrible at telling joke, Sans will always be proud at her attempt to tell one. Sans is the one who got Aislinn into trying out a musical instrument (her toy trumpet). He also came up with her nicknames Linn and Linny. Sans will call her baby bones, just as he did for Papyrus and still does for Frisk.
Aislinn and Toriel's Relationship
Aislinn really looks up to Toriel with how she presents herself. Graceful, polite, elegant, and sometimes just goofy. While Sans may be stuck watching Frisk all the time from almost doing god knows what, Toriel is the one who makes sure to keep more of an eye on Aislinn. Toriel enjoys teaching Aislinn things throughout the day, such as "72 uses for snails". Aislinn loves it when Toriel reads her stories, even if sometimes she does not understand what the heck is even going on in said story. When it comes to needing emotional support, Aislinn will usually go to Toriel first.
Aislinn's Magic Her magic consists of fire magic that is shaped like bones (so instead of a typical fire ball, it’s a “fire ball” that is bone shaped)! She has no blasters like Sans, nor can she teleport like he does. She can however use dark blue magic (gravity manipulation) like Sans. She can only use this magic to make someone still for a small amount of time. She cannot use this magic to push or move anyone. Aislinn also has the ability to use green (healing) magic, but is not really good at it. The most she can heal is up to 0.5-1hp, but over time as she gets older and learns her magic better, she will be able to heal just as well as Toriel does! At her current age, Aislinn's magic is still pretty weak and she is still learning how to use it properly.
PHEW! Ok, I think that is all the main information I wanted to cover. But yeah, if you have any questions or want to learn more, then please feel free to ask! 💜
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nayatarot777 · 11 months
divine masculine check in • pac • week one {patreon exclusive}
these check-ins will be posted on my patreon (check out my patreon schedule if you’d like to). if these messages resonate with you, then patreon is where you can find them every week :)
these divine energy check-ins can be used to gain clarity on the divine energy within yourself or they can be used for gaining clarity on the energy of a divine partner/counterpart. a lot of people use divine feminine + divine masculine readings to check in on those who they’re not in contact with, for example. others use them to understand themselves a bit better. it’s up to you.
check out the divine feminine’s energy for this week here
find information about personal readings here
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choose your pile from either the photos above or the emojis below:
pile one • 🥤
pile two • 🐀
• pile one • 🥤
the divine masculine is working on forgiving family or those closest to him who he could be very defensive to. and if not them, then he’s working on forgiving himself for feeling like he wasted abundance and energy on these people. he could feel like he was giving way too much for nothing in return and he’s learning how to sit in his own energy and use that abundance on himself instead of others. he’s definitely keeping himself away from his family or his soul tribe. he’s defensive towards someone here. very angry - but this anger is repressed. he may not know how to express or even acknowledge his anger until it comes out uncontrollably, over-flowing and perhaps causing destruction. i’m hearing that his anger is heavily linked to his ego. the suppression of one causes the suppression of another. and i’m seeing that this anger is actually just a secondary emotion to some deep emotional sadness that he acknowledges is caused by his family or the people who were supposed to care for him. he may subconsciously wish to release all of this and just cause chaos (he might be causing chaos in his life in some way without realising because of this suppression - it has to release in some way) but he covers this up by directing his energy towards some type of work. he’s working entirely too hard because his motivation for working isn’t coming from a healthy and balanced place. he’s tasked with wanting to forgive his family to a certain extent (or with forgiving a situation at least) because he feels like this is one way that he can free himself from this emotional prison, but he first has to allow himself to feel his anger to begin with. i don’t think that he’s quite yet realising that he can’t just skip the processing of his emotions and jump straight to forgiveness or just “getting over it”. he’s trying too hard to forgive. forgiveness isn’t possible right now because there’s some emotional work to be done first. there needs to be a way that he validates his anger and his deep sadness. he holds this sadness (in relation to his family) to himself extremely closely, but it’s stagnant within him. that’s probably why he has been feeling so heavy recently. i’m hearing The Smashing Pumpkins - Bullet With Butterfly Wings. “the world is a vampire, sent to drain” - he’s weighed down by a lot of angst. he’s drained af and he feels as though people are just energetically vampiric and wanting to feed off of his rage, his sadness, and his triggers. once he processes these feelings and faces them bit-by-bit, he’s going to realise that he’s becoming more and more emotionally fulfilled. he could be emotionally quite numb right now.
• pile two • 🐀
for pile two, the divine masculine has an extremely closed heart chakra. he still has emotions and a heart of course, but it’s like he’s encased it in artificial shit and superficialities. and of course, this is a defence mechanism. this is because he has lost a lot of faith and hope in genuine love even existing in the world - romantic and platonic. and i feel like he barely feels anything anymore. he hasn’t just blocked the external world from his heart, he has also blocked himself out from it too. he may have replaced the usage of his heart chakra with his third-eye chakra - meaning that he relies heavily on mental energy instead of emotional energy. as a result of this, i feel like he doesn’t even know what his morals and values are anymore. because those things usually come down to having empathy and sympathy for others and for living beings, of course. but when you can’t even bring yourself to feel those things for others anymore, how can a desire to follow good ethics even develop? the love that he feels like the world lacks is also the love that he lacks for himself. he’s not secure within himself. his self esteem and self worth has been damaged and maybe even destroyed by others. and i feel like this stems back from childhood. i’m surprised that i’m even able to see even a tiny bit of his heart chakra at this point, because the pain endured by him is heavy af. he knows that this cold, stoic, and unsympathetic nature isn’t truly him, but it’s pretty much how his ego has developed to protect himself. he’s realising some things about his worth currently though, and i feel like that’s igniting his faith in something again. the more that he develops love for himself, the more he’ll see love towards him reflected from his external reality. i feel like there are memories that he really holds onto that has kept the last little bit of hope that he has in love and kindness - probably from childhood too since i’m seeing the 6 of cups in my mind. his faith or belief in himself is solidifying at least. but i feel like this is quite a slow process. he’s in the process of shedding certain artificialities that are attached to his ego. but he is working on this. i’m also seeing that his sexuality could be a gateway to his heart space in some way.
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majesticwren · 1 month
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this now exist. it's a silly little drabble to put my heart at ease. it had been rattling in my brain ever since WM thanks to @hirunoka and now here we are - it was ofc supposed to come out like weeks ago but I'm a busy bitch lmaooo. I leave and breathe for the shield, always have, always will. they are the reason why I got back into wrestling the first time 10 years ago and why I got back into it again almost 2 years ago now. I will always be grateful to everything they gave me and everything they always meant to me, so I needed to write this. please, enjoy. also, for anyone interested, I wrote this thinking about this song in particular, which to me will always represent the shield shipping party
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It had been a hot minute since Dean stepped foot in WWE. He was done. He had been done a long time. For more reasons than he could ever explain, the fight got finally taken out of him five years ago and he hanged his boots for good.
Fighting had been his life for so long that he had to learn to exist without it. He had to rewire himself to be mundane and to deal with emotions in healthy ways. And it had been mostly difficult. Hell even. Dean had never felt as out of place as he did in those past five years. Even now, he couldn’t consider himself quite settled.
But it wasn’t enough for him to come back. There were monsters, waiting for him in those fights he craved that he never wanted to meet again. 
He couldn’t say he didn’t miss it. Some things he missed every day. Some people he missed like he would with parts of himself. But, no matter how much the melancholy gnawed on his bones or the old habits whispered in the back of his mind, he was certain he would never come back to WWE.
Until Seth called.
It wasn’t the first time that someone from inside the company tried to get him to come back. Not that Dean spoke with many people from that old life anymore. Only Seth remained a constant in his life. And even though he had desperately tried to push him away multiple times, it always seemed like Dean could never entirely banish him. He wasn’t allowed to forget his past life.
“You need to be there,” Seth’s words still echoed in Dean’s mind, “I don’t care how. Leave that out to me, I’ll get you through. You can kick and cry about it, but you need to be there.”
For once, Dean hadn’t tried to fight him and simply agreed. He didn’t try to compromise or have things go his way. His defeated “Okay,” came as a surprise for him too, but he knew Seth spoke the truth. He needed to be there.
Something was pulling in his chest, a feeling not even he could ignore. It was something old, something almost forgotten, yet real. It tasted sour, like tears and sweat; hard, like heartbreak; but it was also encouraging and soft, like brotherhood. Dean had never been able to find his place in that world again because he had already found it before, and nothing would have ever compared to it. No one stood a chance to understand him, to love him, to deserve his trust, just as much as his brothers did.
And so, even though his biggest fight ever was to keep away from that world that almost ate him alive, Dean was set to be there tonight. For Seth. And, especially, for Roman.
Like never before in his career, Roman stood a good chance to lose everything tonight. His title, his empire, his sanity. And Dean wasn’t about to let him slip away. Both he and Seth knew what was at stake. And, even though they both hadn’t agreed to anything Roman did in the past few years and hardly recognised the man they considered a brother under that mask Roman liked to wear, leaving him alone as his world crumbled was out of the question.
It was needed. Roman had embarked on a dark road and it was time to stop him, but hell if Dean was going to leave him alone.
Now, Dean was watching it happening live in front of his eyes. 
From backstage he could hear the crowd roar in response to everything happening in the ring. He remembered what it felt to hear them chant for him when he was their hero. He remembered how dangerously tempting it was to be on top of their world. But he had never liked the glory. Not truly. Not deep down. He wasn’t born to be a champion. His glory was born from the ashes of the biggest heartbreak of his life. It was still such a dark place he didn’t want to drift away to.
Dean fidgeted, switching his weight from one foot to the other, impatient and nervous. He didn’t feel at ease. He wasn’t supposed to be there. His past and present kept mixing in his thoughts and emotions, rattling his nerves. Even his clothes had started to itch on his skin. 
Especially when Dean saw Seth going out in his S.H.I.E.L.D. attire; so much of their past just flooded through him, cancelling out the past ten years and mixing all his memories. Their first WrestleMania. Seth’s betrayal. Dean clinging for his life to their fight, spilling sweat and blood for it, unable to let go. Roman never left his side. The three of them disagreed but never lost each other completely for all the years to come; it was all there, still burning in his chest.
They exchanged a long look and a silent nod, acknowledging that they both were feeling the same things, as they crossed paths before Seth proceeded to go help Rhodes.
Seth had to do what he had to do. The right thing was to help Cody. Dean had no doubt about it and he wasn’t about to hold a grudge. In this match, in this feud, Cody Rhodes was the better man and he was the only one able to bring an end to Roman’s empire. 
But just because Dean was aware of what was going on and supported Seth’s decision, knowing he would be distraction enough to Roman to give Cody a chance, it didn’t mean that it was any easier to watch Roman fall. 
One. Two. Three. 
Roman Reigns was defeated. His empire was over.
The crowd went wild. The American Nightmare song exploded into the stadium. The Lincoln Financial Field foundations shook.
Dean watched it as it happened but had nothing to celebrate for. If anything, he was ready to mourn, because Roman had just lost everything.
He then waited for what it felt like a lifetime. Seconds mixed with hours, it felt all the same and it didn’t matter, Dean’s heart was still about to explode.
No one was backstage waiting for Roman with him. None of his closest people. No friends. He had no one, but a ghost right out of his past there for him. That was probably the saddest thing of it all.
When Roman emerged from the curtains, he looked like hell. He looked exhausted. He had fought, Dean had no doubt he tried to defend his empire with everything he had in him and he was to be praised for that. He may have been wrong on many things recently, but he was still a gladiator. 
However, it wasn’t how worn out Roman looked that moved Dean enough to take a step forward even before he could think about it. It was the fact that he was crying. Emotions streamed clear down his face, scarring his handsome features and crossing his face with pure pain. His mask was gone. He was only a man, now.
Roman gasped, looking at him in the eye. He was clearly surprised to see him. He was probably the last person Roman would expect to find there. Dean couldn’t blame him. After all, they haven’t spoken in years by now. But he wondered whether or not Roman hoped to find someone else. 
If that was the case, Dean felt his fragile heart already creaking under the pressure. But again, he wasn’t there for himself. If Roman hoped for someone else to be there, then tough shit because he had only him left. And Seth. In the end, it kept coming back to the three of them.
There was a pause as the air stood still between them. 
Roman and Dean only looked at each other for a few moments, studying the men they became in the long time that divided the brothers they once were. 
Dean saw something break inside Roman. It was like it fell right out of Roman’s chest and into his. And he was ready to catch it. He was ready to catch him.
Without anyone needing to speak one word, they both moved, attracted by a silent, invisible magnetism and embraced each other. Dean grabbed solidly on Roman’s big frame as the man let himself go against him, releasing a tired, broken sigh.
“I got you,” Dean whispered, and then said again, louder, over and over as he cradled Roman gently. 
Roman cried into his shoulder. It took him a minute to react, but when he wrapped his arms around Dean, his hold was so strong he was almost squeezing the breath out of his chest. Roman’s fingers clawed on the material of his t-shirt, grasping at him like he was his only lifeline. So, he proceeded to squeeze him more, just to make him feel he was there.
“I got you. You are not alone.”
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Later that night Dean and Roman sat on a couple of bleachers on one of the higher rings, from where they had a pretty good view of the empty stadium. It was still completely lit by the powerful white lights, making it look melancholic and uncanny.
Roman was calmer now. He was still defeated, losing took everything out of him. Dean suspected he had cried all his tears out and had nothing else to give, now. He looked heartbroken; his pain still followed like a heavy shadow. He was empty now. Which was a good thing, Dean thought, at least Roman wouldn’t have been consumed by his own anger or gone into self-destruction mode. Not just yet, at least.
They sat quietly, shoulder to shoulder, sharing a pack of non-alcoholic beer as they looked at the stage and the ring being dismantled.
“You know,” Roman started, he had been quiet for so long that suddenly hearing his thunderous voice startled Dean, “for a moment, out there, when I saw Seth, I didn’t know what year it was anymore. I wasn’t sure what had happened and what had been a dream.”
“I know,” Dean nodded, thinking long and hard about his words, “I am afraid all of it happened. Not much was a dream.”
“I am sorry,”
“Don’t be. We all make mistakes.”
“I gave everything to that championship. I fought like hell. I-”
Dean shook his head, willingly interrupting Roman before he’d spiral into his own darkest place. “You did. And you had one of the longest reigns in history. No matter what, you can always be proud of that,”
“It was just so easy to lose, you know?”
“I know,” Dean released a sigh, still remembering so well how hard it was to have it taken away, “That’s how things go though. Championships are meant to be won and to be lost.”
Roman didn’t reply. He just looked in the distance, releasing a tired, sad sigh. 
“Now, we rebuild,” Dean dared, still trying his best to pull Roman away from throwing himself off the edge of some dark thoughts and spiral in his own head.
Roman paused, hanging onto Dean’s words. “Do you want to know something?”
“Tell me,”
“I feel free,” the timid smile that popped on Roman’s lips was a surprise that made Dean release a relieved sigh.
“I bet you do, big boy,” he patted heavily the man’s shoulder and then left his hanging on Roman’s shoulders, “I bet you do.”
“You couldn’t have picked a better place to reach for a motherfucker with a shattered knee,” Seth’s sudden snigger surprised both Dean and Roman. Especially Roman, who froze in his seat and simply glared at him.
Dean ignored Roman and stood up, welcoming Seth with a hug. “How are you feeling?”
“All things considered alright, thanks,” he explained looking down at his now wrapped-up leg. He was leaning on a crutch, underlining how bad his condition really was. Despite the possible pain involved and an injury that would have taken Seth out, he didn’t seem to have any resentment. 
Roman, on the other hand, was still frozen and the more seconds passed, the more Dean thought he could feel him getting lost in his own demons. 
Seth costed him everything, after all. 
Not only he had decided to go out there and fight for Cody, quite literally shielding him from Roman’s wrath. But he did it in the only way he knew would take Roman’s attention off Cody for long enough to grant him the win, using the SHIELD attire wasn’t only theatrics, it was a tactic and it worked. 
“Are the celebrations still going?” Dean wondered quietly. There was a reason why they had decided to come hang out up there and it was to get Roman as far as possible from everyone welcoming Cody. 
Protecting Roman had become Dean’s only priority.
Seth nodded. “People are starting to leave though; we could be in the clear soon.”
“We?” Roman wondered coldly, breaking through their conversation. 
Both Seth and Dean looked back, only to find the big Samoan looking back into the middle of the stadium where the stripped rind still stood. 
“Yes, we.” Seth started, he seemed too tired to pick a fight and yet he was ready to confront Roman, fearlessly raising his chin. “You know why I was fighting with Cody, we talked about this countless of times. But hell, if I’m gonna turn my back on you again.” The three of them all looked like they went through enough shit to just hold a grudge anymore. “If you don’t like it, tough, that’s what you get,”
Dean rolled his eyes, hoping he wouldn’t find himself in the middle of another pointless fight. He wasn’t there to fight, after all. And he had no intention to get stuck in the middle between the two. 
Roman sealed his lips and simply released a sigh, emptying his large chest of any emotion. After a long pause, he finally leaned in and grabbed a can of beer passing it over to Seth. He didn’t look at him, but that was enough of a peace offering.
Both Seth and Dean sat back down, next to Roman and they all just looked down to the ring.
“Thank you, boys.” Roman said after some time, “I appreciate you being here.” He still wasn’t looking at them and fell into another long silence right after, but both Dean and Seth were just as grateful, both welcoming his words with soft smiles and nods. They got into that world together. They fought so many battles together. And now, it was time for the curtain to fall. But they were still together.
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inkblackorchid · 11 months
Hit me with your favorite 5Ds headcanons 👀
Okay so I’ve used/alluded to some of these in my fics already, but that’s just because I love them that much (also it was really hard deciding which are my favourite headcanons):
Crow swears the most out of the boys, but has an almost supernatural ability to completely shut his swearing off the second children are around (unless he’s really flustered)
Though I’ve kinda hinted at something like it before, Jack isn’t actually the worst cook at the Poppo Time. Bruno is. Because Jack knows what good food is supposed to taste like (having been a star duellist for a while and all) and can reasonably guess how to approximate those flavours—he just doesn’t cook because he doesn’t have the patience to learn any technique whatsoever (or clean up after himself when he’s done). Meanwhile, Bruno just can’t cook. Straight up. It’s not a matter of wanting or not wanting to, if you try tasking this man with anything more difficult than preparing cup ramen he will burn something. Guaranteed.
Bruno and Yusei don’t have the same mechanical skillset. Bruno is almost 100% specialised only to runners, and at that, he’s slightly better than Yusei. But Yusei’s advantage is that he knows how to fix almost everything else (provided it’s mechanical and/or electronic), too.
All three of the Satellite boys actually know how to sew a bit. Martha taught them how to mend their own clothes. The quality of their seams varies (Crow’s are the neatest because he got a lot of practice from mending his kids’ stuff, too), but they all know how to sew tears shut and mend holes.
Aki isn’t as good a gardener as one would believe with her plant theme. She likes gardening a great deal, but doesn’t have a lot of experience outside of house plants. So she could decently keep a garden alive, but would never be able to maintain something like, say, a bonsai collection or a bed of prize roses, despite her love for the activity.
I’ve written a whole post about this already, but I still adore it, so: Satellite natives, post reunion with the city, are the bane of brand phone store workers’ existence. They want everything fixed, not replaced, and trying to explain to them why that would be too complicated (whether contrived or not) usually results in them not paying a single cent and going something like “oh, forget it, I’ll just give it to the neighbour’s boy, he’ll take care of this”. This includes Yusei, who usually just ends up fixing his own stuff, and especially Crow, who has already nearly gotten in a fistfight with some tech company’s store manager upon hearing the supposed price of a repair/replacement on more than one occasion before. (He obviously just ends up handing his stuff over to Yusei, too, in the end.)
Maybe my favourite headcanon: As TCG fans know, the manga versions of the signer dragons were printed as the duel dragons. In-universe, I imagine the duel dragons were also printed—as commercial, publicly available retrains of the signer dragons, who are supposed to be one of a kind in canon. (I also use this headcanon to justify why the signers have support cards tailored specifically to their dragons—they were printed to go with the duel dragons in-universe, but allow usage with the original signer dragons as well.)
Rua/Leo isn’t actually that bad at school. He’s just not very disciplined when it comes to studying because he’d rather keep polishing up his deck.
Ruka/Luna owns several duel monsters plushies. Her favourite is, of course, her Kuribon plushie.
Carly is really good at clocking people’s vibes and figuring out their character quickly. The caveat is that this only works when she meets them face to face.
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oscconfessions · 3 months
super duper hot take but god. i wish candle was handled better.
i’ve grown out of disliking her outright and now just… kind of yearn for what could’ve been. iii tries it’s best to both be lighthearted and character-driven, but that balance is poorly maintained and ends up with poorly written slop that doesn’t succeed at either, making it boring and downright assassinating characters at times.
i’ll go into a few characters that i think have been turned into shadows of their former selves, had wasted potential, or otherwise just plain didn’t need to be there.
first of these is Yinyang. I am the #1 yinyang fan, i am literally dating a fictive of them in our system (🥜🪶 anon comes out as a system real), but the arc the writers gave them feels a bit… off to me. The whole point was that they have a very sibling-like relationship, no matter if you see them as siblings or not, and they argued a bunch because that’s what siblings do. But in iii, they toned that down to the point of their character being nothing but sappy moments of them accepting eachother and then moving on. There’s barely any arguments or squabbles, which was what made them interesting. People who understand eachother can still have petty fights it came free with your fucking opinions.
Onto one I that I think could’ve had potential, Candle. If you’ve seen me before, chances are you might’ve seen my rant on how much I dislike Candle. She barely has any flaws except for being bad at communication— something that pretty much every ii character has at this point. There’s nothing to make her stand out and she’s very clearly a big favorite of the writers. And because of that favoritism, they don’t really give her any negative spotlight besides the obvious. Her viewing relationships as purely transactional is brushed off and forgiven by the end, with her not really learning anything from it. But there’s actual, genuine potential for her to be good, and that’s what frustrates me the most. If they didn’t focus on everything being lighthearted and gave her a scene on her own, where she thinks to herself and we get to see how she acts when she’s alone, i would consider that a win. Let her have flaws, and let her grieve over past mistakes. I don’t hate her, I just wish she was more.
And onto our final two, we have characters that straight up shouldn’t have been there at all! Starting with Box. I know Box was voted in as a joke— but to be honest it shouldn’t have even been on the poll at all. That’s not a contestant. That’s a gag that got tired and boring after the first few episodes. Someone else could’ve been given that spot— like Pickle or Mic or whoever else was on the poll without getting in. Box is a fundamentally bad character, and should not have been a contestant whatsoever.
Now, for the last one, is something that people may find a bit controversial. Bot should not exist. I like Bot— I really do. I think they’re neat. But they should not be here whatsoever. Bow is dead. She should not have been allowed to be in season 3. Even if it’s not exactly her, it’s still very clearly supposed to look like her. Let Bow rest. Make someone else take the spotlight for once. Have one of the least popular characters sneak onto the boat. Salt and Pepper literally WOULD DO THAT. Why would you have Bow show up AGAIN instead of actually putting in the effort to make your least likable characters learn to be better? Oh, I know why! You don’t actually care about storytelling and you just wanted to dangle the audience’s favorite characters in front of them so that they’d excuse you not working on the thing you’ve been promising for years! LET BOW REST. Actually put in the effort to make people care about characters they used to hate.
Sorry this was long and rant-y, I just. have a lot of gripes with ii it makes me so so angry
-🥜🪶 Anon
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scorpionatori · 1 year
Top 5 Backstories in Anime/Manga
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5. “Cushion of Grass” - Mushishi
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“In this world, every person and place has a right to exist. It’s true for you, too. Nature itself allowed you to come back. The entire world as a whole is your home.”
Although Mushishi has a more "monster of the week" structure and isn't focused on developing fleshed out character arcs, the series still gives us two wonderful backstory episodes about our protagonist, Ginko. In "Cushion of Grass", an older mushi-shi comes across a young Ginko who's collapsed in the woods, surrounded by mushi. Ginko stays for a little while, but things take a turn for the worse when Ginko accidentally drops the egg of the unborn mountain lord, killing it.
While adult Ginko is a content and capable traveler and professional, child Ginko is a lonely outcast without a home or any place he can permanently stay, given he attracts mushi. It's even revealed that other mushi-shi would take advantage of him to attract mushi to different areas so he could get them jobs.
Ginko doesn't think someone like him belongs anywhere. And then he causes the death of the new mountain lord. But despite this, he's allowed to return to the world after getting pulled into the world of mushi. The man who had been looking after him tells him that, although he can't forgive him for what he did, he needs to remember that he belongs in this world. That every living thing has a right to exist, including him. The entire world is his home. This sets off Ginko's worldview we see throughout the series. He finds contentment in his lonely life of wandering and truly does seem to feel home wherever he is. He believes that humans and mushi both deserve to exist in the world.
"Cushion of Grass" is a beautifully written backstory, and the anime does an amazing job bringing it to life.
4. “Parent and Child” - Re:Zero
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“‘I don’t love you.’ ‘I disown you.’ You are not… my son.’ I wished, you’d just say that to me, and throw me away. I wished, you’d give up on me.” - Natsuki Subaru
How Re:Zero fans watched this and still thought Subaru was just some whiny annoying protagonist who never learns his lessons is beyond me. In this, we truly see how much he has grown as he undergoes the Witch's trial in the Sanctuary.
Even with this series being full of truly tragic backstories, the story of Subaru's normal childhood still made me the most emotional.
Subaru is a very smart and talented kid with skills all around and a charismatic personality. He's good at school and sports and is very popular. His father is the same way, and he grows up constantly being compared to him. His identity ends up becoming wrapped up in the image of his father. Although this may seem harmless and although his father did nothing wrong, the constant comparisons give Subaru a highly idealized view of who he's supposed to be, and he eventually becomes incredibly burnt out by all the expectations placed on him to be as amazing as his father. He starts self-sabotaging, neglecting his studies and getting into trouble with the other kids. Eventually he stops going to school altogether and locks himself in his room all day.
Despite having people who care about him and growing up being praised, Subaru truly hates himself. He even admits he wishes his loving parents would beat him and get rid of him, because he thinks that's what he deserves. It feels devastating to him that someone as low as him would receive any form of love. He intentionally tries to make himself a lazy and worthless human being, hoping it will cause people to resent him the way he resents himself.
In the trial, he finally has to confront this aspect of himself and he does so with success.
3. Twilight’s backstory - Spy x Family
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“I didn’t know anything. I never did. I didn’t know the real reason the war had started. I thought there wouldn’t be a war at all. I’d been convinced they’d all died in the bombing. I hated the enemy without knowing why. I picked up a gun without knowing why. I obeyed my country without knowing why. Ignorance isn’t bliss. Ignorance is weakness. Ignorance is a sin.” - Agent Twilight
Despite being a comedy manga, Spy x Family does not shy away from the horrors of war, especially when it gives us Agent Twilight’s backstory. The arc opens up on Twilight and his friends as children playing a game about war, and Twilight is by far the most into it. As we continue and see him talk about the political conflict and clash with his father, we find out he strongly glorifies war and demonizes the enemy, the country of Ostania. He’s been fed propaganda against the enemy, even to the point where he and all the children believe the Ostanians are literal monsters. But then a war completely breaks out and steals everything from him. His town is bombed, and then the town he and his mother escape to. His mother is killed in the second bombing and he becomes a homeless war orphan. When he’s older he joins the military, determined to crush the enemy. He becomes a very capable and destructive soldier.
His life changes after meeting his now friend Frankie, an enemy soldier who thinks the war is stupid and pointless. He’s disillusioned when Frankie tells him that the Ostanian’s were fed the exact same propaganda as the Westalian’s on Twilight’s side, and that both sides are just human beings fighting a pointless war. He realizes he’s been living a life of ignorance. This is how he becomes a spy and vows to prevent another war from every happening again.
Overall, this arc is one of my favorite pieces of anti-war media I’ve seen. It depicts how dangerous and evil propaganda and ignorance is, and how it turns people against each other only to feed a political agenda. The panels depicting the aftermath of the bombings are truly chilling, and Endo doesn’t sanitize how horrible the war is, even if this is normally just supposed to be a funny manga.
2. “A World Unbent” - Natsume Yuujinchou
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“If I keep going, I might find out how to get rid of this thing. Without it, I won’t have to feel so irritated. I might be able to be a nicer person. Even to my family…” - Natori
“Maybe things look distorted because you try to see through these useless things.” - Matoba
The episode that solidified Natori Shuuichi as the best character in NatsuYuu for me. This backstory depicts Natori’s introduction to the world of exorcism. The plot itself is simple enough, but it’s such a beautiful character study of the character who's sadly received too much undue hate from the fandom. We see the big contrast between present day Natori and teenage Natori watching this. The former is friendly and charming and the latter is standoffish and irritable. It truly gives us a look into his inner turmoil and psyche that we don’t get to see as often in the present day.
Natori as a teen is shown to be very detached from people and surroundings, and he describes his world as “wavering”. He meets teenage Matoba, who is sure of himself and confident and never wavers. Natori immediately finds himself unable to deal with Matoba despite him being his first peer to share his abilities. He resists his assistance, fearing his accomplishments will mean nothing if they come with the help of someone more capable. We see that Natori is desperate to become strong and good enough by himself.
Contrary to how he acts present day, we see that Natori has a very low and fragile view of himself, even feeling that he’s a bad guy. He's an outcast both at home and at school, and has no one he can lean on. He's enticed to the world of exorcism, especially after meeting Takuma, who treats him with kindness. He wants to become a stronger person who helps people, and he looks for this in the exorcist community. He also hopes to one day find a way to get rid of the ominous lizard youkai that crawls around on his body. If he gets rid of it, he wonders if this will let him become a kinder person.
While present day Natori is someone who does not wear his heart on his sleeve, "A World Unbent" allows us to see deeper into him and his character in complete vulnerability. There's a beautiful aching to the narration of this episode which rivals the rest of a series full of beautiful aching narration. It makes it clear how deeply Natori is hurting, and how much he's longing to find something he can cling to in life and how much he yearns to be a kind person. It's just overall a beautiful backstory episode that provides so much depth to an already well written character.
1. “Dark Era” - Bungo Stray Dogs
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“I joined the mafia because of an expectation I had. I thought if I was close to death and violence—close to people giving into their urges and desires, then I would be able to see the inner nature of humankind up close. I thought if I did that… I would be able to find something—a reason to live.” - Dazai
“Be on the side that saves people… if both sides are the same, choose to become a good person. Save the weak, protect the orphaned. You might not see a great difference between right and wrong, but… saving others is something just a bit more wonderful.” - Oda
Are my NatsuYuu followers surprised I ranked something even above "A World Unbent"? Long before I even watched the series my brother told me that this was the best backstory he’d ever seen. He was right. Dark Era follows the last few living days of Osamu Dazai’s friend Oda Sakunosuke, a character not introduced until this arc. Despite being best friends with the violent Port Mafia executive Dazai, Oda is a low ranking member who doesn’t kill people. His reason for not killing is that he wants to become a writer. A person who takes lives has no right to write about them. However, after getting caught in the plot of a foreign ex-military group whose boss desires the perfect person to kill him in battle, he’s driven to violently eradicate the group after they kill the orphans he’s been providing for.
Although he still has his goofy moments, we get to see how terrifying and dark Dazai was as a Port Mafia executive, ordering executions and beating and threatening his then subordinate, Akutagawa. Pointing a gun at Akutagawa’s head, he contrasts himself with Oda, a man who protects orphans and doesn’t kill people, saying the light of righteousness is not on his side. We see him at the very end of his mafia career, as Oda’s death drives him to leave.
Before he leaves to fight the group, Oda hears from Dazai that the reason he joined the mafia was because he wanted to be close to the violence and bloodshed and people giving in to human desires, hoping in it he’d find some meaning in living. While he’s dying, Oda tells Dazai he’ll never find that and he’ll never be able to fill the dark lonely hole inside of him. But he goes on to say that if neither a life of helping or a life of killing will be able to bring meaning to his existence, he should choose to become a better person and live his life saving people. That’s a more beautiful way to live.
Dazai follows his dying friend’s advice and leaves the violent Port Mafia to eventually join the Armed Detective Agency where he works now. Oda’s words were a beautiful way to approach someone as nihilistic as Dazai who saw no meaning in life and abandoned ideas of what’s good or evil. If there’s no meaning in a life of killing or a life of saving, it’s more beautiful to choose the side that saves people. Dazai's nihilistic worldview isn't argued with or challenged. Oda never tries to convince him that there will be meaning in his life if he keeps searching for it. Instead, he reminds him that beauty and good can exist in life, even if it is meaningless. Good and kindhearted Oda deeply cares for Dazai despite his friend's darkness and lack of morality, and in the end he's able to find the right thing to tell him that makes him change his lifestyle to become a better person.
Dark Era, in my opinion, is the masterpiece of Bungo Stray Dogs and is a beautiful story all on its own.
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Character asks:
Helen - 4, 19
James - 2, 12
John - 5, 21
If this is too many you don’t have to but I wanted to choose a variety. Have fun! :)
Hi! Thank you so much! Not too many, I love these things! :)
4. If you could put this character in any other media, be it a book, a movie, anything, what would you put them in?
I don't know. Sanctuary is my absolute favorite, but a lot of things I enjoy, I know Helen wouldn't thrive or make sense in. (And I have yet to see some of the shows it seems you could slide Sanctuary characters into almost seamlessly).
Maybe The X-Files? I do really enjoy the Sanctuary crossover story I wrote for it and you could blend the two worlds together nicely.
Like, what Mulder thinks are vampires or werewolves or aliens or whatever else could easily be explained by the existence of abnormals and/or Helen foiling Mulder and Scully's investigations.
So, yeah. Helen would fit nicely into The X-Files world. And if she wasn't allowed to have the other characters and her network, she would still be the person she is, helping the different people in a world that doesn't always treat them kindly. Either way, it would be a blast to see her with Mulder and Scully. And just confounding Skinner as well.
19. How about a relationship they have in canon that you don't like?
@chartreuseian beat you to this one, so I'll just paraphrase what I wrote then. :)
The ones I hate actually make sense. (Such as Addison and Wexford and such, you were supposed to hate the dynamics).
I really don't have a canon relationship of Helen's that I hate, because platonic or otherwise, I enjoy them for the most part.
I did honestly hate Helen/Nikola for a quite while there, though I've warmed up to them now. The catacombs were NOT an expression of love and I do not agree that the writers 'didn't understand his character/motivations'. He behaved how the fandom expects John to and I just hate that was considered the base, because he was lying and using her. I do write them more often than my preferred Helen/John or Helen/James/John, because I feel less likely to mess them up and I don't write the Rome experience as romantic.
*coughs* Okay, sorry for the rant, but sometimes as a Magnitt shipper (even one who does ship Teslen too) a girl has to rant about Teslen. Life of a multi-shipper.
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
I love practically everything about James in canon, except for not getting more of him and him dying. This was a cruel question. 😭😆
His support of Helen, especially when you learned that she had time travelled and he knew, which means he knew when we were introduced to him. But he was always there for her and you know he was doing that for her time travelling self up until he died. (Does that count as canon? I hope so, because it seems so obvious.)
I also love his reactions when he and John were reunited twice.
We were robbed of more James Watson in canon.
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
chartrueseian also beat you to this question. I have plenty of half-formed headcanons for James. Particularly on his love for Helen and John.
Here's my favorite headcanon:
He convinced Helen to move back to London for the majority of her pregnancy so that he could take care of her, and he delivered Ashley when she was born. He loves Helen, of course, but his love for John would have also been a huge factor for him needing to be there, needing to take care of Helen and the baby. Helen and John's child would be incredibly important to him and it would be an emotional time for him, almost as much as it was for Helen. (I also headcanon he was a part of the removal and reimplantation of the embryo). He would be one of the few people that Helen would trust and want to deliver her child, especially that child. But as much as the this is his family, he feels like an outsider at the same time, an honorary 'uncle', not a father, no real right to be a father figure, even though he's always going to do his best by them.
5. What's the first song that comes to mind when you think about them?
Monster by Imagine Dragons
Its my No.1 song for John. All of is so powerful for his character, but particularly these parts:
I'm only a man with a candle to guide me/ I'm taking a stand to escape what's inside me/ A monster, a monster/ I've turned into a monster/ and it keeps getting stronger
Can I clear my conscience/ If I'm different from the rest/ Do I have to run and hide (oh oh oh oh)/ I never said that I want this/ This burden came to me/ And it's made its home inside (oh, oh, oh, oh)
21. If you're a fic writer and have written for this character, what's your favorite thing to do when you're writing for this character? What's something you don't like?
My favorite thing to do is portray the humanity in John, remind everyone (characters and audience) that he was a very good man and he didn't lose that completely. Becoming Jack the Ripper and carrying the energy creature (unknowingly) for over a century would wear down and twist anyone.
He's flawed, just like everyone else, and went through it all alone. He still has humanity and I really love to shine a light on the fact and draw on it.
What I don't like (though I don't right it if I don't like it, usually, when it comes to anything) is John being portrayed as an abusive, possessive, gaslighting, jealous beyond reason bastard. Because he's not. The only time in canon he physically hurt Helen was in Haunted, when he had just killed and the energy creature's bloodlust was shown to be high. (I'm really not counting Tempus here because she beat the hell out of him mostly to feel good, he had a right to fight back). I don't like seeing him reduced to just evil/a monster, especially as an excuse for Helen to be with someone else.
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Hunger makes me
To desire effort from a man, we are taught, is to transgress in several ways. (This is true even if you’ve never had or wanted a romantic relationship with a man.) First, it means acknowledging that there are things you want beyond what he’s already provided — a blow to his self-concept. This is called “expecting him to read your mind,” and we’re often scolded for it; better, we learn, to pretend that whatever he’s willing to give us is what we were after anyway.
Second, and greater, it means acknowledging that there are things you want. For a woman who has learned to make herself physically and emotionally small, to live literally and figuratively on scraps, admitting that you have an appetite is a source of cavernous fear. Women are often on a diet of the body, but we are always on a diet of the heart.
The low-maintenance woman, the ideal woman, has no appetite. This is not to say that she refuses food, sex, romance, emotional effort; to refuse is petulant, which is ironically more demanding. The woman without appetite politely finishes what’s on her plate, and declines seconds. She is satisfied and satisfiable.
The secret to satiation, to satisfaction, was not to meet or even acknowledge your needs, but to curtail them. We learn the same lesson about our emotional hunger: Want less, and you will always have enough.
A man’s appetite can be hearty, but a woman with an appetite is always voracious: her hunger always overreaches, because it is not supposed to exist. If she wants food, she is a glutton. If she wants sex, she is a slut. If she wants emotional care-taking, she is a high-maintenance bitch or, worse, an “attention whore”: an amalgam of sex-hunger and care-hunger, greedy not only to be fucked and paid but, most unforgivably of all, to be noticed. […]
The attention whore is every low-maintenance woman’s dark mirror: the void of hunger we fear is hiding beneath our calculated restraint. It doesn’t take much to be considered an attention whore; any manifestation of that deeply natural need to be noticed and attended to is enough. You don’t have to be secretly needy to worry. You just have to be secretly human. […]
When I said “I don’t like romance,” it was the equivalent of a dieter insisting she just doesn’t want dessert. I did want it—I just thought I wasn’t allowed.
People frequently claim that eating disorders, like anything common to adolescent girls, are just “a cry for attention.” As someone who was once an adolescent girl, I suspect they are at least partially the opposite: a cry against hunger and need, an attempt to kick away that profoundly human desire to be paid mind. To shut the door on the void.
Fearing hunger, fearing the loss of control that tips hunger into voraciousness, means fearing asking for anything: nourishment, attention, kindness, consideration, respect. Love, of course, and the manifestations of love. It means being so unwilling to seem “high-maintenance” that we pretend we do not need to be maintained. And eventually, it means losing the ability to recognize what it takes to maintain a self, a heart, a life. […]
Women talk ourselves into needing less, because we’re not supposed to want more—or because we know we won’t get more, and we don’t want to feel unsatisfied. We reduce our needs for food, for space, for respect, for help, for love and affection, for being noticed, according to what we think we’re allowed to have. Sometimes we tell ourselves that we can live without it, even that we don’t want it. But it’s not that we don’t want more. It’s that we don’t want to be seen asking for it. And when it comes to romance, women always, always need to ask.
There’s a YouTube video I’m fond of that shows a baby named Madison being given cake for the first time. The maniacal shine in her eyes when she first tastes chocolate icing is transcendent, a combination of “where has this been all my life” and “how dare you keep this from me?” Jaw still dropped in shock, she slowly tips the cake up towards her face and plunges in mouth-first. Periodically, as she comes up for air, she shoots the camera a look that is almost anguished. Can you believe this exists? her face says. Why can’t I get it all in my mouth at once?
This video makes me laugh uproariously, but it’s that throat-full-of-needles laugh that, on a more hormonal day, might be a sob. The raw, unashamed carnality of this baby going to town on a cake is like a glimpse into a better, hungrier world. This may be one of the last times Madison is allowed to express that kind of appetite, that kind of greed. She’s still young enough for it to be cute.
This is Madison’s first birthday. By the time she’s 10, there’s an 80 percent chance she’ll have been on a diet. By high school, she’s likely to have shied away from expressing public opinions; she’ll speak up less in class, bite back objections and frustrations, shrug more, stay silent, look at the ground. She’ll worry about seeming “good”—which means not too pushy, not too demanding, not too loud. (Only bitches want better. Only sluts want more.) Boys will treat her shoddily, and she will find ways to shrink herself into the cracks they leave for her. She will learn to assert less, to demand less, to desire less. She won’t grab for anything with both hands; she won’t tip anything towards her face and plunge in. And that transcendent anguish, that stark gluttony … well, at least we’ll have it caught on video.
What would it take to feel safe being voracious? What would it take to realize that your desires are not monstrous, but human?
Imagine being Madison, grown up but undimmed. Imagine being the woman who is unabashed about needing food to survive and pleasure to be fulfilled and care to be happy. Imagine prying open the Pandora’s box where you hide your voraciousness, and letting it consume indiscriminately, and realizing that the world is not destroyed. Imagine saddling up the seven-headed beast of your hunger and riding it to Babylon.
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darkest-depravity · 9 months
New to the BDSM and LGBTQI+ community and would love to know your insights for a rich and happy sex life in this new world
Thank you mistress 💜
Thank you for asking! I love seeing you so eager to learn ;)
A few things here:
Communication. If you're uncomfortable with something, say so. If you really want to try something, say so. If you're unsure or feeling nervous, say so! There's being big strong burly grrr Domly Dom 👿 and being cute weak defenseless lil sub 🥺, and then there's you and your partner(s) as individual autonomous beings. These two facets of your relationship exist simultaneously. Don't neglect to mention a thought or experience you're having because you feel like it may compromise your role in the power dynamic. Kink, when at its best, involves the ability to fully believe in the power dynamic AND also never lose sight of you and your partner(s) own actual personhood. It's both. And. They aren't actually opposites, even though it can seem like it sometimes because the power dynamic feels so real (and it is! it's as real as you want it to be!) but they don't actually need to conflict with each other at all. A Dominant should be allowed to be vulnerable without losing the respect of their submissive, and a submissive should be allowed to be strong and powerful without the Dominant’s power feeling threatened. You might not always be perfect at this. And that's ok!! You're human. If something doesn't work out, the important thing is to communicate it to the other person/people involved, and reflect on what you could do differently next time :)
In a similar vein, watch out for rigid & binary archetypes constricting your thinking. If you have a certain idea of what a Dom/sub is "supposed to be like" and “supposed to do” you might find yourself overly critical of your partner(s) every tiny move. Alternatively, you could find yourself doing things you might not actually be comfortable with because you feel like you need to fit a certain pre-packaged role. You also might miss out on some great and very pleasurable opportunities! Some good food for thought is this scenario: You walk into a restaurant and see two kink people sitting at a table. One of them is serving food to the other's plate, and hand feeding them off of a spoon. Which one is the sub, and which one is the Dom? The answer is that there's no way to know off of the information you have! Any action can be an act of submission or Dominance. What matters is the mentalities and intentions of each person performing the act, and what feelings the action evokes in you and your partner(s). The possibilities are truly endless when you free yourself from any preconceived stereotypes about BDSM :)
Watch out for red flags. Seriously. This is a big one. BDSM is one hell of a drug. You're going to have Big Feelings in both roles. One of the (many many) reasons that aftercare is so important is that post-scene feelings can be kind of a roller coaster sometimes, and everyone is different in how they react to it. In my experience, the rose-colored glasses phenomenon is even more prominent in kink relationships because the emotions and sense of connection can be so strong. This can lead you to miss important details of their behavior. This is why it's important to start slow (especially since you're new) and work up the intensity gradually. It's also important to do your best to take a step back and try to be objective about the relationship. Is this person respectful of my limits and desires? Does this person give aftercare effectively and consistently? Does this person respect my autonomy? By the way, there are absolutely manipulative and emotionally abusive submissives out there (but also keep an eye out for unworthy “doms” who use that fact as a cover story for their own abusive bullshit). In other words, protect yourself. And don’t take anything for granted until you’ve built a solid foundation of trust with the person.
Finally, and this one’s a lil bit more controversial, the preeminent axiom in the BDSM community is Safe, Sane, and Consensual. I, personally, would argue that this saying is inadequate. In my opinion, not only does the word “sane” in this context have ableist implications, but would additionally contend that many (not all!) of the actions performed in kink are inherently unsafe. HOWEVER that does not necessarily mean that they cannot be done ethically and responsibly. Here I would draw a parallel between BDSM and skydiving, scuba diving, mountaineering, or any other dangerous recreational activity. One will always incur some level of risk by the very action of jumping out of a plane. BUT. A responsible skydiver is going to do everything in their power to ensure that all possible precautions have been taken & have emergency procedures in place in the event that something goes wrong, and it is required of a company which offers tandem skydiving to ensure that their business practices are ethical. Personally, I prefer Consensual, Ethical, and Responsible as a modus operandi. But again, that’s just my opinion, and you’ll likely encounter those who disagree with me :)
Thank you again for your question. I wish you all the best in your endeavors. You be a good boy out there ;)
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manstrans · 11 months
I feel like “children should not have their privacy in the hands of Uber controlling parents that are basically stalking them and causing them harm” and “the internet is not safe for children and they should not have social media accounts until a certain age/parents should learn to allow their children agency while monitoring their safety online with a healthy communication model and/or monitoring their social media usage” are things that can and should coexist. But also abusive parents just shouldn’t have kids LMAO but you don’t need me to say that.
And there must also be a dialogue about how on the internet children who are not an appropriate age to be left unsupervised are consistently exposed to content (I was I was younger being a liveleak kid, and now there is/was Ankha Zone and Cupcakke memes on tiktok or the few instances of graphic gore and death footage being passed around) that they should not be seeing. I should not have been seeing 8 year olds talking graphically about sex the way I was on platforms like tiktok.
“But children deserve a place on the internet,” people may say — to which I agree, but you’re also talking about the same internet where shit like Ankha Zone was exposed to young children and I was exposed to actual IRL gore when I was 5-11.
“Children deserve a place on the internet” absolutely can, should and must co-exist with acknowledging how unsafe the internet is for them, because no matter how hard we advocate for filtering and tagging and stuff like that there will always be someone somewhere who will find their way around it.
We must also recognize that parental safety features, while they can and WILL be used by people that most certainly should NOT have kids, are also very important — what about parents who are not cruel overbearing assholes? What if they have an open communication model as I’ve mentioned before with mutual respect etc etc and they DO have a good relationship and therefore are capable of using these tools for the advantages of both parent and child? What if for a moment these tools could prevent someone from turning out like a liveleak kid or what have you if they were handled in the right hands by a parent who isn’t a helicoptery abusive shitstain?
Idk it’s hard to articulate but it is a very wide and nuanced argument and I feel like a lot of people miss out on the capability of using these types of things for good because they get so caught up in how it will be used for evil by people who should, again, not have kids. It’s also so hard to try and bring up how these tools can be useful and healthy for the child (again if the parent and child have a good relationship built on open communication trust and respect and the parent isn’t you know hovering constantly) without someone wanting to tunnel vision on something and call me an abuser for just… advocating for the safety of children online and how certain tools can be used for such when the internet is full of people (see: trolls) who will do anything to get around filtering?
Idk I do hope this made sense I did just wake up from an afternoon nap LMAO.
I get what you're getting at, but tbh it's also like... there's a huge difference between a 10 year old and a 13 year old using the internet. at the point where a child is going to be talking to people online, especially people they met through the internet, they should already be old enough to have this as a space away from their parents strict watch
sure, you can ask your kid before monitoring what they do online, but are they allowed to say no? and if they are, do they know they're allowed to? has there been a previous pattern of not letting them say no and set boundaries that could make them think that saying no will, at best, do nothing?
will monitoring them in this way even protect them? how are you supposed to know that someone is a predator just from their icon and username? does being able to pry just at that information make your child free like you don't trust them, so they must hide anything that could cause even less trust or more shame? not to mention teaching them that this kind of spying is okay as long as the person doing it has power over them
and even if you could answer all of those confidently that there's no inherent harm, there's still going to be bad people abusing it. it doesn't matter that some parents might use it responsibly, we know that many parents are going to use it to control and traumatize their kids. and abusive partners could use it to track their significant other as well, this is also basically a given
when I weigh any potential good against any certain bad, it just isn't worth it in my eyes
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