#how are you all so talented ? how ???? explain yourselves
giannaln4 · 8 days
Silly Little Bet
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lando norris x artist!reader
summary: You were an artist and Lando loved to do what you did best with you, even if he wasn't very good at it. (917 words)
warnings: this turns into a make out (not heavy, very short), use of y/n
a/n: hi lovelies! i know i said i was going to take a little break, but honestly i just need to not think about quali today (still crying about it idk what to tell you). anyway, this is incredibly short so i’m sorry but i still hope you enjoy it! pls let me know what you think!! feedback is very much appreciated 🫶🏻 i also wanted to thank everyone who reached out to me and sent support ❤️‍🩹 ily all so much, i really appreciate it!!
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Quiet nights were your absolute favourites. Getting to spend time with your boyfriend without having to worry about some schedule one of you had to stick to was perfect, to say the least. You always found a way to occupy yourselves, doing anything and nothing at the same time. 
Tonight, though, you got to do one of your favourite activities: art. You were an artist, a professional one, and of course he loved that about you; he loved seeing you in your element, so focused on what you did best, and even though he didn’t know yet, you loved dragging him with you so you could see him struggle a bit to at least not be the worst artist the world has ever seen.
Now, he was extremely talented, and if he weren’t a racer, he would be somewhat of an artist; he’s said it himself many times, but that was before he met you, because compared to you, he would never say that about himself, no matter how many times you have said it to him. 
Right now, you found yourselves sitting on your shared bed, facing each other, trying to win a silly little bet you made earlier. It was simple, really. You were supposed to draw the other person, and whoever loses would have to come up with a plan for dinner, which the both of you already knew would end up being a homemade meal, eating it on the couch, and watching some dumb show. This really worked out for him because, as talented as he was, he still struggled to draw real people, and he knew he was setting himself up when he accepted.
You knew that too, and you also knew he only gave in so he could have another one of your drawings of him. But that was okay, because another one of your favourite things was to admire his focused expression while he tried to replicate someone on a blank piece of paper. 
If he was being completely honest, the top reason he loved doing some type of art with you was because you would always come up to him and help with something, holding and guiding his hand or just being really close to his face as you explained something, so he would never say no to that suggestion.
“Okay, so I do you and you do me. Do I have to paint it as well?” He asked as you poured some of your art supplies on the bed.
“No, just a quick sketch,” you replied, scanning the bed as you carefully chose the pencil you wanted to use. “I’m starving, anyway.”
You started sketching each other; you were faster (and probably better) than him, but you couldn’t help but blush any time his eyes fixated on your face for too long, studying every aspect of you to try to draw it. After several minutes, you were done, just finishing up a few details before placing the paper on the bedside table next to you, away from him so he wouldn’t see it yet.
“How is it going?” You asked.
He looked up at you and yelled, “Don’t move!” When you started to get up.
"Sorry,” you whispered, going back to your previous position.
You stayed like that for a while, watching as Lando looked at you repeatedly and then back at the paper, occasionally erasing stuff. He was almost done, but there was one thing holding him back. “I can’t get it right,” he sighed, dropping the pencil.
“What can’t you get right?”
“Your lips. They look too big or too small, and now the paper looks worn out from erasing so much.” He was clearly frustrated.
“Can I see it?”
“Promise you won’t laugh?” Lando asked you with an embarrassed look.
“Of course I’m not going to laugh; why would I do that?”
“You are a real artist, Y/N. You finished a while ago, and I’ve been stuck here trying to fix it, but I’ve only made it worse.”
“Lando, you are actually talented; I don’t make you do art with me because I wanna have a laugh. C’mon, show me.”
He sighed again and slowly turned the paper, showing you the drawing. “It looks terrible.”
Your eyes set on the paper, and an endeared smile appeared on your face. “It looks great, baby.”
"No, it doesn’t; as I said, you’re an artist, and you know exactly what’s wrong with it.”
“I mean it." You whispered, leaving your spot on the bed and sitting next to him, “Maybe the proportions are a bit off, but it does look great, I promise.”
“Thanks,” he replied with a smile, a moment of silence filling the room as you both stared at the drawing. “You know, maybe I just need to take a closer look at them.”
“Oh- I guess that would be helpful." You turned your body to face him, cupping his cheek and brushing away a few curls that rested on his forehead. “Do you want help?”
He nodded and broke the distance between you, locking his lips with yours as he pulled you onto his lap and his hands fell on your hips to intensify the kiss. You got closer and closer, pausing when your bodies couldn’t possibly get any closer to each other even if you tried.
“You know I can actually help you,” you said against his lips and in between kisses.
“Uh huh” Lando replied, not really thinking about the drawing anymore.
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nathaslosthershit · 18 days
Coworkers?… Something like that (MV33)
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Summary: Working in media for a Formula 1 team, you had expected to be behind the scenes, unseen and unnoticed by fans. But catching the eye of one of the drivers and the very public flirting as a result has thrust you into the spotlight Part of my summer event! Warnings: A little suggestive hehe.
It was the perfect job for you. Part of the team you love, far from the spotlight. You were good at it too. Constantly complimented by your boss in meetings on how much engagement some of the content you came up with got. Even the two drivers, who were certainly not known for enjoying media making them do stupid games for the fans, had stopped complaining as much. One driver in particular seemed to really enjoy when you would work with him…
You’d never been a big fan of Max Verstappen. It wasn’t that you disliked him, he was extremely talented of course, and not too bad to look at, but as you had always rooted for the underdog, you couldn’t justify ever celebrating his many many wins. But as you got to know him, as he gave you the warmest of welcomes to the team, you changed your mind. 
You two had been keeping your budding relationship to yourselves. Despite how much you liked each other, until you both had figured out where the relationship was going, it didn’t seem wise to tell anyone, especially while you were just finishing your first year with Red Bull. Despite how much you helped improve the team’s social media presence, if something happened, if it came down to their world champion a few times over, or some girl in media who had only been there for a year…
Luckily, it did get more serious, very serious. After a long conversation, you both had come to the decision that you won’t say anything explicitly, as Red Bull didn’t have rules on dating coworkers that would warrant an official notice to HR, but you wouldn’t hide as much. 
Too bad this decision was made not long before the Drive to Survive team came to film extra content for the show.
It was only supposed to be filler clips. Extra video footage to use with a voiceover to give more time to explain things. ‘Just pretend we aren’t here’ they had told everyone in the office, and oh boy did you pretend. 
It was Max’s fault, 100%. The undisclosed but very apparent relationship between you two was known to everyone at Red Bull at this point, but not the new video crew coming in. And Drive to Survive lives for the dramatics. 
While it wasn’t explicit, a few clips of hand holding (initiated by Max), a kiss on the cheek (given to you by Max), and multiple clips of Max looking at you with nothing but heart eyes, it was hard for anyone watching to ignore. 
Once the new season came out, fans very quickly caught onto all of the content of the two of you that DTS was trying to be sneaky about putting in. That then led to ‘internet sleuths’ finding all of the behind the scenes content they could get of both of you, and then finding your account you had left public thinking no one would care about the random Red Bull media girl. How stupid you were.
“Max, what the fuck are we supposed to do? Do I delete my account and hope people forget?” You asked, stressed by the sudden spotlight.
“That would just make it worse and make them less likely to forget. We will just have to… be honest, give people enough content to keep them satisfied but not spoiled into needing more.”
He was right. It was almost laughable how he was the voice of reason in this situation when media presence was your job. That is how everything started.
There were no ‘official wag paddock walks’, you were too busy working to be Max’s arm candy before a race. But there were a few photos here and there, your team even posted a few BTS moments of the two of you.
“All you have to do is describe the food you are eating to Checo so he can guess.” You explained to Max for the fourth time, but he was still not listening as he was far too busy appreciating the view of the beautiful woman he got the privilege of calling his girlfriend. “Do you understand?”
As Sergio nudged Max, he responded with a quick, “Yes got it”
“Do not say the name of what you are eating.”
“Yes, yes we know.” He absentmindedly said as the two drivers put on their blindfolds. 
Everyone let out a breath of relief as Max went to lift the spoon to his mouth, the entire crew antsy to finish what was supposed to be a quick video before Max ruined it with his heart eyes and lack of comprehension to anything that came out of your mouth. 
“What the fuck! It’s ketchup!” Max exclaimed as everyone groaned.
“Max, you weren’t supposed to say that!”
“I thought I was guessing what it was! That's why I had the blindfold, no?”
They were in for a long day of shooting.
Max had started a stream, hoping to make it quick so he could join you in bed. Unfortunately, when viewers saw that you were walking through the background, they wouldn’t give up until you joined, so neither of you had much of a choice.
Despite how obvious it was that the two of you were together, neither of you had confirmed the status of your relationship. This led to having to ignore about three quarters of the comments you both were getting on the stream.
“Would you like a Red Bull?” Max asked, 45 minutes into what seemed to be a never ending stream.
“No it’s too late, I’ll go get a water-”
“Nope you stay there i'll get it.” Max said, antsy for an excuse to take a moment to himself. The amount of comments about the two of you were starting to piss him off.
He returned to the room to see you answering questions and, while still off camera, he set down the glass and waved to get your attention.
‘End it’ he mouthed, making prayer motions with his hands.
You simply shook your head, you had been having more fun talking to people than he had.
‘Please, I want to go to bed with you’ he mouthed back, wiggling his eyebrows in hopes of conveying he wanted to do much more than simply go to bed. You couldn’t stop the giggle that left your mouth at that.
Seeing all the viewers confused, you simply responded, “Sorry, my coworker was harassing me” which had you giggling again as you saw Max get visibly annoyed at his new title.
“Okay guys, bye.” Was all Max said as he quickly returned to the view of the camera and turned off the stream. He then turned to face you, saying nothing as he dragged you to the bedroom, holding you close as he pushed you down onto the bed with him, causing more giggles to leave your mouth/
Giggles which he quickly stopped with a kiss. And then another. And then another.
The makeout session was in full swing when Max finally remembered why he was annoyed.
Quickly pulling away from you, much to your chagrin, he asked, “Coworkers? Is that all we are now?” He teased.
Giving him a less passionate but more loving kiss this time, you responded with, “Something like that” as you both started to remove your clothes.
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works-of-heart · 5 months
Hi there, no shade to your art or anything as you seem like a decent artist, but your e/ucien art is really cringe. You know that Elain is physically repulsed by him, right? Drawing her and Lucien together is borderline r*pe and S/A at best. I don't understand why you e/ucien and gwy*riel shippers like drawing porn of noncon characters. It's really disgusting and harmful to the whole community.
Elriel is the only consensual couple, so I can understand the art of them. But even as you e/uciens like to point out Lucien is an S/A victim too, right? So it's not good to ship him and draw him practically r*ping Elain. I just find it odd of all these standards you guys hold yourselves to because it's your "ship". It's clear you don't even care about the character's needs or wants.
As I've stated, no shade you clearly have some talent. It's just a shame to see that go to waste drawing unsavory scenes between nonconsenting characters for your ship. I think your skills would be much better utilized drawing elriel instead. We have a great community of extremely talented artists, and the best part is our ship is cannon and consenting! We really do have it all!
Have a lovely day 😘
Hi anon!
Thanks for stopping by and enjoying my work! =3
I think you might have missed the point of fanart, so allow me to explain.
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I am a fan of Elain and Lucien, so I will draw them. I can draw them in AU, in canon text, in fanon, in whatever manner I want. They are CANON mates, which is more than I can say for your ship. You go on about how they had an ALMOST kiss, but they didn't. Az calls their meeting a mistake then leaves to ignore her while he spends time with Gwyn and gets a spark in his chest thinking about her eyes lighting up with joy.
You say "no shade" to my work, but then say I'm drawing SA and I'm harming the community, and insult my ship. I fail to see how drawing mates in an intimate setting is harming anyone. Sounds like someone just doesn't like the fact that their ship ended in a BC and is paving the way for Elain and Lucien to be together.
Artist/writers will draw/write what they want to, and shouldn't feel shamed or bullied into doing something they don't want to, because you think your ship is morally superior. It's not. Az rejected Elain then fucked off, Elain isn't even shedding a tear over it. She handed back the necklace just as she did TT. Not looking back.
You enjoy your ship with your artists. I quite like mine very much, and I know come their book, we'll have even more canon to draw inspiration from. Until then I, and all the other writers and artists who support Gwynriel and Elucien will have fun with our fan works!
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aventoru · 3 months
character : itoshi rin
warning(s) : childish behavior lmao, idiots in love ig, pretty rushed but like-
a/n : not really a repost from my old blog because i was shadow banned when i posted this=))
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The bell rings, signaling the end of your class and the start of lunchtime. You and your best friend walk to your locker to put away your textbooks before heading to the cafeteria. Most of the students are already getting their lunch and there was not a single soul in the hallway. Or so you both thought.
After placing the textbooks in your lockers and shutting the doors, you two happen to catch sight of none other than Itoshi Rin as you were heading to get lunch yourselves. Usually, during lunchtime, Rin would be practicing soccer on the field outside but he seems to be idly scrolling through his phone today. (Well, it’s not like that’s any of your business.)
Itoshi Rin, as far as you're concerned, is a soccer superstar with…a cold demeanor. To put it bluntly, he has no friends. You wish you were kidding when you say so, but it’s common knowledge amongst the student body at this point. Sure, he was popular and many people admire him for his talents, but it was so difficult to get him to even speak that others just gave up trying to befriend him in general.
That didn’t stop you from having a massive crush on him, though. He’s been your table mate for the past 2 years of high school and it’s hard not to take notice of his stupidly pretty face everyday. Sometimes, you envy RIn for not only having a perfect physique but also beauty as well. How do his bangs fall so naturally over his eyes? Why are his eyelashes so long? Why are his cheeks so puffy? You can't help but blush every time his features come into your field of vision.
Your friend, upon obtaining this precious piece of information, teases you every chance they get. And today is no exception.
Your friend suddenly stops you and mischievously wraps their arm around yours, pulling you in Rin’s direction. “Uhh…why are we heading towards him?” you pause in your tracks, turning to your friend in confusion. “I’m gonna help you confess your feelings to him!” your friend beams, eyes twinkling. “WHAT??” you whisper-shout, not wanting to catch Rin’s attention.
You pull your friend in the opposite direction, trying to stall the impending doom settling on you. But you were no match for their unearthed strength and will to get you to confess. After all, they've been your #1 shipper for as long as you could remember. Once you got close enough to him, you friend pushes you in Rin’s direction, causing you to collide directly with his body. His head shoots up at the sudden contact and he quickly catches you in his arms with his godly athlete reflexes.
In that moment, you don’t know what to feel. You are flustered that your crush was holding you in his arms yet mad at your friend for putting you in this situation. Rin surely isn't making it easier for you to think straight with his firm grip on your body. As a spontaneous decision, you’ve decided to deal with your friend first then explain the situation to Rin later in class. You quickly realize that if you don’t escape from Rin’s grasp and the awkward tension building up in the air, you actually might explode.
Unfortunately, when you turn your head back to shout at your friend, they’ve already rushed down the hallway, their echoes reverberating against the floor. “Thank me later!” is all that echoed from the hallway as your friend escapes your seething wrath. You try to remove yourself from Rin’s arms to chase after them only to be tugged back into his chest.
“Hey, it’s okay, it’s not your fault they played dirty” he chuckles and you can feel the deep vibrations through his toned chest. You smile politely and successfully back away this time. “Oh- right, I’m sorry,” you bow your head in apology. “I’m glad you’re okay but why did your friend do that...?” Rin hesitantly inquired. “Uhmm it’s nothing, just a harmless prank, that’s all,” you murmur quickly, hoping to gloss over the topic.
Rin already knows about your crush on him. It’s pretty obvious considering the way you stare at him in class everyday. You’re not a subtle as you think when your attention is on him instead of on the teacher. He knows you pretend to be stupid to get him to help you on those practice questions (and he plays along). He knows you’re the one who keeps leaving snacks and drinks on his desk with a cute little sticky note. Long story short, he knows everything. He just wants to see how far he can go before the dam bursts and you admit your feelings to him. Surprisingly for him, he doesn't have to go that far.
“It doesn’t seem like nothing, considering I'm the only person in this entire area? And what’s with the ‘thank me later'? Just tell me what’s wrong y/n,” Rin pretends to get mad at you as he stares at you coldly.
You make the mistake of glancing into his eyes and immediately fold under his intense gaze. You're pretty certain of the inevitable outcome of getting rejected so, there’s nothing for you to be afraid of at this point. “I-it’s because I have a crush on you and my friend was trying to tease me, sorry for disturbing you bye—” you cut yourself off and start backing up away from him. But before you can get too far, Rin tugs on your arm and you fall into his body again. Your face comes in direct contact with his built chest and now you’re really confused. Why is Rin pulling you against him every chance he gets?
A beat of silence passes as you wait for him to say something. “Thank god,” he sighs as he wraps his arms around you and practically encases you against his body. “Huh?” you mumble, your voice muffled by his shirt. You lift your face up to look at him, your chin coming in contact with his shoulder. Rin holds you in his grasp and looks down at you with absolute adoration in his eyes. “I like you too, silly,” he whispers. Your eyes widen in initial surprise but wrap your arms around him nonetheless. You think your heart is about to burst at how gentle he is with you. Your last straw comes in the form of the gentle kiss that he places on your head. Blood rushes up to your cheeks and you nuzzle your face into his chest out of sheepishness, to which he chuckles at in amusement. You two stay in each others arms for a long time.
You definitely have your friend to thank for.
“You know, you aren’t really slick when you stare at me in class right?” he teases you as you two walk to lunch together hand in hand.
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moonlinos · 7 months
Hi love 💖
Which romance trope do you associate each skz member with?
For eg: enemies to lovers, forbidden, friends to lovers, boy next door etc
Tbh, from your perspective what relates to them....
Bye, keep writing more 🥰🤗☺️
Ahh I loved writing this, thank you for asking. I got a bit carried away, but it’s not proofread since it’s a drabble so I tried to be less annoying with myself 🙃 Basically a trope for each member + a small blurb 🩷
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Chan - Second chance love Maybe it’s because I just wrote about this, but it fits Chan well.
He was your college sweetheart, the one boyfriend you could never truly forget. After he moves to a different country due to a job offer, you’re left to reminisce about the amazing relationship you foolishly let slip through your fingers. You unknowingly compare every boyfriend you have to him, and they all fall short. No guy is as caring as Chan — he missed out on his own birthday party to console you after failing a test. No guy is as romantic as Chan — he was too broke for flowers during your relationship, so he made you paper roses every day until you broke up. No guy would ever live up to what Chan meant to you. Although you want nothing more than to look for him, your falling out wasn’t quite amicable. When you meet again, it’s by pure coincidence. He’s been transferred back to Seoul, where his company is located across the street from the building where you work. You’re completely different from who you were when you were together. Somehow, that’s exactly what you needed, and you find yourselves wanting to give your old romance a second try.
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Minho - Friends to lovers This is so strange to me because this is actually my least favorite trope, and this man is my bias.
Minho is the one person at your job who you can stand to be around. You always joked about how his hidden talent is making you laugh even while you’re crying. Having worked together for three years now, you two have your little routine: going out to eat cheap street food after work and getting drunk at your favorite bar on weekends. He’s nothing but a friend to you, but he’s secretly pining after you, just waiting for that right moment to confess his feelings. But that moment never comes — you’re always too focused on work, or whining about yet another failed blind date. It takes one drunken night, when he’s carrying you from your car up to your apartment, for just how sweet, caring, and handsome Minho truly is to dawn on you. From there, you begin to subtly show him your feelings — which would totally make him flustered and maybe even a little annoyed that you could do it so effortlessly while he just waited around like an idiot. When you’re asked why you had a change of heart after being his friend for so long, you simply answer that you had no choice but to fall for him. He’s your best friend and the love of your life all wrapped up into one, how could you not want him?
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Changbin - Holiday romance He just screams hot, funny dude you meet on a holiday.
You’re a bit down as you walk into the luau; the beautiful beach does little to distract you from the ugly jealousy inside your chest. Your friends are finding their perfect partners one by one, getting married, and leaving you to be the single friend. Your last friend from your little group is set to get married in two days, her wealthy fiance flying all the guests out to Hawaii for a dream beach wedding. You’re happy for her, but being her bridesmaid was almost like rubbing salt in your wound. Changbin’s loud voice is the first thing you hear after sitting down at the bar. You two get to talking, and his contagious laughter and constant jokes have you enthralled the entire night, and the way the sleeves of his shirt strained against his biceps certainly helped. You end up hooking up that night, leaving you hopeful you won’t be so lonely during yet another wedding. Except he simply disappears when morning comes, a small note explaining he had to catch his flight left on the pillow beside you. He didn’t know if adding his number would be too much — maybe you were just looking to de-stress and have a good time at your friend’s bachelorette party. So he doesn’t, simply signing his name and telling you he had an amazing time with you.
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Hyunjin - Forbidden love In so many different ways. A crown prince set to be king, your bodyguard who really shouldn’t have fallen for you because it puts his life at risk, your best friend who’s already in a relationship. A love you know is unattainable, but you pursue it anyway.
The crown prince has a soft spot for you, even though you’re only a village girl who runs your family’s bakery. Despite his guards surrounding him and his cold appearance, he treats you as an equal whenever he visits your shop — which happens frequently, seeing as his mother cannot live without your strawberry pound cake, a recipe that’s been passed down to you by your late father. Hyunjin’s love starts shyly, without him noticing. His father often berates him for being too soft on the help, too kind to people below him — he simply assumes it’s his seemingly too-kind nature that makes him want to befriend you. He begins escaping from the palace under the pretense of fetching his mother’s favorite treat himself, until he finds himself escaping simply to see you. You spend your days teaching him how to bake various treats while he revels in feeling so normal for the first time in his life. Hidden inside your little bakery, he’s not expected to be gracious and courteous, or to be ruthless and calculating. He can simply be himself around you. Only problem is his parents announce he will be marrying a princess from a neighboring kingdom in less than six months.
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Jisung - Fake relationship Jisung screams early 2000s romcom for me, you can’t change my mind. The real chaotic ones like How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days, The Wedding Planner, and of course, The Proposal.
You were certainly not his first option, given his love for tormenting you and your history of bickering at office get-togethers. But Jisung is left with no choice as Christmas is quickly approaching, and his entire family expects to meet his fiance when he visits. In all fairness, he did have one, but she broke off the engagement with no real explanation, leaving him heartbroken and in a huge predicament. He could either come clean to his family and endure two weeks of nagging or find someone to act as his fiance. Unfortunately for him, you’re the only single woman in his department he knows would accept this crazy deal — that’s enough ammo for a year of teasing, and you can’t pass up on that.
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Felix - Sunshine/grumpy I know this is the most obvious choice but hear me out, it’s for good reason.
Felix moves back to Australia to get away from the corporate world he’s been sucked into, missing his carefree days at the beach when he was a kid. You move in next door after a year and a half of enduring a terrible writer’s block that threatens your career as a writer. You have no time for futile things, seeing as your livelihood depends on you sitting down and finishing your book before summer ends. Except your neighbor is unrelenting, determined to help you find your lost passion through his carefully curated list of days at his favorite childhood fair and late-night ocean trips to teach you how to swim. It’s irritating at first, and you want nothing more than to get through his silly list as fast as possible lest you drown him during one of your swimming lessons. Only Felix’s outlook on life slowly wins you over, and you find yourself with more than just your forgotten love for writing filling your heart.
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Seungmin - Enemies to lovers He also screams romantic comedy. His handsome face hiding his chaotic need to pester everyone he loves makes this the obvious choice to me.
As a lawyer just starting her career, you expect to be faced with the usual issues: overworking, your boss being an asshole, and dealing with cases that make you question your own morals. A co-worker who makes every second of your day unbearable was not on your bingo card. Seungmin is assigned to the same team as you, working under the supervision of the firm’s most prestigious lawyers. His need to be the best drives you up the wall, his competitiveness possibly being the worst trait you’ve seen on a man, only rivaled by his cockiness. If that wasn’t enough, he’s seemingly determined to make your life a living hell, constantly engaging in petty fights and teasing you every chance he gets. When a particular case proves too much for you to handle — hitting too close to home — Seungmin trades his unwelcome jokes for words of encouragement, keeping you company after work hours simply to help you. You see him take a step back from his beloved spotlight for the first time just to watch you shine. You find it odd, to say the least, but you can’t bring yourself to question it in your situation. Little do you know he’s been falling for you since he was first introduced to the team, and his need to rile you up is simply a desperate attempt to make you pay attention to him.
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Jeongin - Boy next door I read this one in your message and I just knew it was Jeongin.
He moves next door after a heartbreak, which makes him want nothing more than to run away from the bustling city of Seoul and its cold residents. Jeongin intrigues you from the first day — having lived in that small town your whole life had you desperate for excitement, for what adventures the city could provide you. You have a happy, albeit quite monotonous life. Running the only bookshop in town provides countless stories from your nosy neighbors’ chaotic lives that keep you entertained throughout your days. Still, you’ve grown tired of only hearing about these experiences. Jeongin begins frequenting your bookshop, walking you home, and coming inside for a piece of cake every day. During your talks, you always complain about your dull life in the town, while he swears you wouldn’t trade the tranquility of your little life if you knew how ruthless and lonely the city can be. You fall first, his bright smile and gentle nature capturing your lonely heart. But he falls harder, vowing to help you find the excitement you yearn for in life, even if it means losing you to the city he hates so much.
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♡ taglist: @bloom-ings, @linocz, @farahia, @mirbokk, @jisunglyricist, @jazziwritesthings, @seungseung-minmin, @yourcvndx, @hynjinnnnnnnie, @vlctorriaa, @yongbokkiesworld, @kiensecent, @redstayrosie
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My Favorite Actor Is…
Summary: Infatuation over a film star. It’s a very common thing to have happen. There’s not much to be done over it besides talking about said infatuation over that actor. And if there is jealousy to be had at least handle it as healthy as possible.
Words: 975
AN: I wrote almost all of this on my phone as I was dealing with the holidays when it was written. Just when I thought I would have time to myself to edit the fic and make sure things made sense, I got a new puppy. So it was either edit the fic and be unsure if things made sense or get help. Thanks @milkstore. You are the best. Puppies are tiring but very cute.
“Ayaka had me and Thoma go with her to see a film earlier today,” Y/N explained as she poured herself and Ayato a cup of tea. The two of them were still warming up after coming back to the estate from Inazuma City. The winter air had been so chilly with flurries landing on them but not sticking to the ground.
“Did the three of you enjoy yourselves?” He took a towel trying to dry off his hair. Even though it was flurries, being out there long enough meant that two of them were a little soaked. They had hurried in quickly changing into something dry leaving just hair affected by the snow.
“Yes. It was quite exciting. But I did have one gripe with it.” Ayato could hear the disappointment in her voice changing so fast from the happy one she had started the conversation with.
“What would that be?” He left the towel wrapped around his shoulders to avoid his hair dripping. Ayato grabbed the teacup and took a sip embracing the warmth it brought him.
“There was a new actor in the film. He had the most gorgeous eyes but only had a few lines of dialog.” Y/N rolled her eyes before she frowned. “It was an absolute waste of perfect talent. And to make matters worse, that's the only film he's in.”
Ayato remained silent before letting out a single word in judgment, “Oh.” Now he wasn't one to let jealousy affect him. That was a silly emotion filled with insecurities that he didn't have. But to say he wasn't the slightest bit affected by her words was a lie. One that he would tell because who was he to dump feelings he should process on his own onto his lover.
Any understanding of his emotions was ignored. “Ayaka had told me he even turned down a role that would have given him more screen time. It’s such a crime really. What I would give to see him on screen for those two hours rather than just two minutes.” He could practically see the hearts in her eyes. 
Ayato didn’t think there would come a day where he’d be annoyed even if it was just slightly by the look she had in her eyes. There wasn’t anything to feel threatened by though. If she had to stand by his side while someone tried to openly flirt with him while he and Y/N were holding hands, he could at the least let her fantasize about someone she would never meet.
“Maybe you’ll get lucky and he will get cast in another movie.” He did his best to remain engaged in the conversation. When he looked down at his cup filled with the most gorgeous green tea he hated the reflection that looked back. 
“I wish. Sadly he’s too busy with other projects to even think about acting.” Ayato enjoyed the small victory he had gained even though Y/N was upset at the fact she was telling him. Who knew her love of the arts would betray him?
“Well just be glad that he was able to appear in this film.” He comforted her. Maybe the lack of rest was getting to him if such a disgusting emotion as jealousy was trying to make an appearance.
“I am. I do wish I could at least meet the actor and tell him how well his performance was. Thoma said you’d be able to make that happen.” Y/N had placed an empty teacup on the table. He hadn’t even noticed that she was drinking it this entire time.
All Ayato knew was Thoma who he thought was filled with so much loyalty had betrayed him unknowingly earlier. Now he had to compete for his wife’s attention with some mystery actor that he would do his best to never let her meet. “If they are busy it might be easier to get an autograph.” He hoped that Ayaka would be okay with him using her as a way to talk through these emotions later.
“Really? But even Ayaka agreed that he would find the time to talk.” Y/N spoke with a frown that hid the smirk she really had. Not that Ayato could notice at the moment.
How do you ground your adult younger sister and man who grew up almost like a second sibling to him? “That’s not guaranteed dear. It’s a bit of wishful thinking. Ayaka and Thoma don’t even know the man. Who even is this actor anyway?” His composure was finally beginning to break. He wasn’t proud of it.
Y/N laughed. “I didn’t even tell you the movie we saw. I’m sorry. The movie was The Two Musketeers.” It wasn’t often that Ayato felt embarrassed. “The actor was a man named Kamisato Ayato. You sure I won’t be able to meet him?”
It was at moments like this that he was reminded why he and Y/N had wed. It was also moments like this that reminded him one of the reasons they wed was that they both enjoyed a bit of mischief and teasing each other now and then. It was something that lately he had been catching her off guard with. And here he was getting a taste of his own medicine at the moment.
“Yes.” She answered with a laugh. 
“I would prefer if you would try to not make me jealous of myself.” Ayato requested with a sigh.
“You know I was wondering when you would catch on.”
“It’s been a long day. A long week.” He explained. She could see the tiredness on his face.
“Why don’t we get my favorite actor to bed then instead of trying to hold a conversation about the day?”
“That would be smart.”
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simpingland · 1 year
I WILL BE SEATED FOR YOUR ZALAGON FIC!!!! (plz take all the time u need!!!! I love your writing sm <3)
The Duty To Protect // Aemond Targaryen x Male!Reader. Part 2
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Summary: after years as lovers in Essos, the peace is ended when they call for war. Aemond is left with the task of staying in the castle while he has to see the love of his life leave for battle. Angst +fluff. Part 1
The sharp sound of clashing swords had become distant in your head. Still sweaty from training, the king's words were hard to take in. And you could only think of one person, Aemond. In your imagination a thousand things happened that ended up throwing him to the ground, wounded and dead. And then you felt that you could die too, because then you would never be able to walk around your castle again, or your mountains, or even breathe like before. For more than three years now, all you breathed in and exalted was his essence.
"Son..." said your father, in the sweetest tone you had ever heard him use. "This is your duty, to protect your people. Tell me you understand."
"I understand, father." Something came back to you at the word protect. "And I will do it well. I swear this. But I have a request, and only you can order it."
He accepted your request and patted you lovingly on the shoulder and let you go. But you didn't know where to go. You wanted to go back to your Prince, but on the other hand you wanted to let him enjoy the peace that remained in his mind. So you decided to watch him from the top of the tower, where the view of the training yard let you see how he was still training. You could tell him he was training too hard, but when you trained together, he was anything but productive. You were always his biggest distraction, because you were all about talking, playing with swords and shields, and besides, Aemond felt incapable of causing you any harm. And that also included saying "no" to training together. There were few things he could say no to. And it was for that very reason that you now debated whether to tell him the news now or to delay it. There had to be a way to stop him from flying with you into battle, but Aemond would not leave you alone, and that did not reassure you.
You saw your little sister scamper around the castle, kicking you as she passed behind you and laughing on her way to kick Aemond again. Aemond was able to catch her foot, stopping her and capturing her in his arms.
"Another princess bent on distracting my training, I see," Aemond said as your sister laughed.
"Can you teach me how to fight this time?" she asked, that was her daily question, she asked it at every opportune occasion and the answer was the same.
"You are still very little, but I swear I will teach you." The prince spoke to her as if she was an adult, taking her wishes seriously.
"You always say that. But you only help my brother..." then your sister looked in your direction, and you saw Aemond turn his head as well. You saw his mischievous grin appear.
"That's because your brother doesn't have much talent. He needs it more than you do. And you need to learn to read before you learn to fight."
That made you smile. Many nights, Aemond was slow to return to bed (or often to your bed) because he entertained himself by helping your brothers with their reading. His soft voice soothed them and he had much more patience for them than the maester and septas. Sometimes he would read to you on nights when you found it hard to sleep, and of course, any lesson explained by Aemond was much easier to understand, and you were distracted by that magnificent face of his.
You went down to where he was, and he began to pick up his sword. Your sister disappeared again as she found a playmate.
"I'm sorry she's such a pain," you apologised.
"Don't be silly, I like that she has initiative. You could learn it from her..."
You helped him pack up, and inside the vast weapons store, you and Aemond found yourselves alone. Then, with the morning light streaming in, the solitude of the place and both of you glowing from the exercise, you couldn't help but grab Aemond's cheeks to close the distance with a kiss. It was more intense than those you gave each other outside the walls of your rooms. It was a serene, deep kiss, and your need was palpable. Normally, between training sessions, you were also given to displays of affection, with calculated rubs on his shoulder or face, and the occasional peck when no one was looking. And in the face of that affection, Aemond would only blush and promise to repay you for the distraction in private. But you weren't flirting now.
"What is it, my prince?" Aemond had broken off and watched your face for whatever it was that had affected you.
"Nothing, it's just... I wanted to kiss you."
"Yeah... but there's something else."
You had to tell him. There is no person better qualified in those matters than Aemond. He had noticed it himself, and he would know better than anyone what to tell you to win a battle.
"Braavos doesn't want to negotiate any more. And neither does my father." It was enough for him to understand. And Aemond kept a distance.
"Are we at war?"
"Seven days from now there will be a battle. My father believes we outnumber their men and that the dragons will secure us--"
"Don't go," he interrupted.
"Don't go. You can't go, they'll kill you." His tone was curt, bordering on insult.
"I must go. It's my duty as heir." You tried to forget his lack of faith in you.
"Then I will go with you."
"You can't. You must stay here, taking care of my siblings and my mother."
"What am I, a fucking septa?" He began to raise his voice.
"Don't get offended, It's you who thinks I'm not ready for battle."
"The reality is that you shouldn't go, especially not without me."
"The reality is that I am the one who will reign here and I have the power to decide about you."
"Are you ordering me to stay here because I have offended you?"
"I'm ordering you to stay because I don't want to look like a weakling in need of protection in front of the men I'm supposed to protect." That was a half-truth.
"For my duty to you is to be honest with you, and I know that if you leave you will not return."
"They won't dare to kill me on the back of a dragon."
"You could do it. They'd find a way to bring you down. You are distracted, clumsy, and you have never faced men willing to kill you before." Aemond's eyes seemed unwilling to look at you, and he remained overly serious, forcibly serious.
"This is what I have been trained for, and there is nothing that will stop me. Least of all you." You spat that last word at him as an insult, for he was offending you with his every word.
Without looking back, you left that room that held good memories except for this scene. It had not been your first argument, but Aemond had never been one of the dozens of people who doubted your ability. And to see that his biggest complaint at seeing you go was that he thought you were useless was painful enough. The rest of the day was spent avoiding him in the corridors, turning a deaf ear to your name on his lips when he saw you. In the evening, gathered in the room where your father conducted his business, he was able to sit across from you.
You paid little attention to the map, nor to your father's words, but when you turned to look at Aemond, he was attentive. He would certainly make a leader a thousand times better than you, too bad life wasn't the other way around.
"Prince Aemond," your father addressed him, "I presume you have been informed that we wish you to remain guarding the castle and the family."
"Aye, my lord. And so I will. Though it is not a role that makes me feel satisfied, your son needs reinforcements."
"I do not need them!" Your loud voice surprised the others, you were not known for your anger, nor your hostility towards the prince. And yet only Aemond seemed to put on a calm face.
"I need a proper rider," your father continued to speak, trying to ignore your anger. "And you, Aemond, are a competent swordsman, and my family trusts you. Though you may be sure that I also agree with you that my son should be helped...he is barely capable of paying attention."
That was what ended up causing you to leave the room. Ignoring your father calling you back. You wished Aemond had left behind you, but only your footsteps could be heard, and Aemond stayed in the room, with a pain in his chest at seeing you hurt and knowing that he was a cause of it.
Alone in your room you found no distractions, the sheets were still disheveled and you found a belt decorated with a dragon. You picked it up with the intention of throwing it out of sight, but ended up sleeping with the silver in your hand. And that's how Aemond found you. His weight was noticeable on the bed, and his scent made you open your eyes. Your back was turned to him, so you could only notice his hand stroking your hair and his lips planting a kiss on your neck.
"Are you sleeping?" he asked in a whisper.
"Not anymore" you whispered back.
Then he pushed you gently, turning your body to face his. Immediately his face was on top of you. And any anger was stupid in the sight of that image.
"Your father doesn't know what he's doing."
"It's not my father who offends me."
"Well, he does to me." Aemond returned to his serious and annoyed countenance, but not looking at you.
"You are very much alike. I discovered today that perhaps you are too much alike." Your tone remained unsympathetic.
"You know that's not true. Everything I do here I do for you, not for him."
"Because I'm useless..."
"No, that's not why, listen to me!" he put his hand on your cheek, begging you to look at him carefully. "It's so easy to spend my days helping you be a good heir. Teaching you things, waking up with you and sleeping with you. Being by your side makes me happy. So happy that I forget that this won't last forever. And when someone reminds me that we're not the same, that I can't protect you, that I can't help you...I feel like dying at the thought."
Then a tear fell and ended up on the collar of your shirt. You had never seen him cry before, though you had never been sent into battle before. You sat up, as if to remind him that he could lean on you.
"Aemond..." you could think of no words of comfort. It had always been you who annoyed him with displeasure and he always had the right words. He fiddled his hands on the sheets.
"We have to run away!" He said suddenly. "Let's fly away from here, explore Essos and create another dynasty..."
"And let my ancestor's die?" You interrupted him. He then seemed to snap out of that strange fantasy. "We may have been alone at first...but not anymore. I know you're nervous, but you're not thinking about my siblings. Nor my mother."
Aemond was slow to speak, the tears continued.
"You're right. I just disgraced myself..."
"Don't say that, it's not true." You took his face in your hands then, his eyes shining and one of them drenched in tears. "I'm scared too."
"Then let me go with you."
"No!" You put your forehead against his. "No...they need you, and I need you. If something were to happen to you in battle rest assured that I wouldn't survive much longer...you said it yourself, I'm distracted and clumsy." You said it half-jokingly, but Aemond felt a twinge of pain at the memory of his words.
"I don't want you to go...there always has to be another alternative. We'll come up with something..."
"I don't want another alternative. I want to protect my people. I want you to be proud of me."
"I'd rather be ashamed of you for years if it will keep you in this room with me forever."
You smiled at his comment, and he missed it. You gave him a short kiss, tasting his salty tears.
"That's not true, you're not like that. A great man deserves another great man. And I like that. A Prince with the mind of a king and the will of a warrior. I want you to be proud and look at me with that sternness and calmness of yours."
Then he smiled, shaking his head. You already knew what he was like perfectly, his sincere smiles were only for you, but his respect and affection showed in the seriousness he took in dealing with the people in question. To none of your siblings did he speak condescendingly, always taking into account their intelligence. With your mother he was gentle, and listened to her patiently and quietly. And with your father, he smiled, falsely, a short, toothless smile. And when you were finally back in your intimacy, his hair would fall down on his back, his laughter would be strange but familiar, and you would let him be awkward and bulnerable. And back in the daylight he was still as graceful and grand as the first day you met him.
He let you take off the ribbon that held his hair, and he also let you unbutton his tight clothes. That night, as on many others, you made love. But mostly, as you stroked his hair, he touched and twirled the rings on your other hand, talking until the sun began to appear. He always fell asleep first, and that night you saw him wake up too. Almost for a while you could forget the dangers that lurked.
In the days before the battle, every occasion was appropriate to steal a moment of each other's time, kissing in the corridors, studying in the library, exploring the woods, bathing in the rivers... and when you saw him eating dinner with your family, you found real comfort, for you knew well that they would be safe, and happy too.
"Is your armour heavy?" he asked as he put it on. Already the horn had sounded, warning of the enemy's arrival. His gaze was focused on the bindings and chains, avoiding your face.
"No...but of course the way you're tightening it, I'm going to need help getting it off."
Aemond let out a breath, and began to loosen it. You could see his sadness. He too was protected, and dressed to fly if need be. His hands were still nimble, but you knew he was taking his time on purpose. When he finished, he put his head on your chest and his arms around you, stroking your back, and you enjoyed his closeness.
"I'm coming back, Aemond...and everything will be even better than before." Your lips brushed his hair, and he closed his eyes in a nod.
"If you ask me right now, we can run away from here," he suggested again.
You pulled up his face to kiss him as an answer. An intense kiss that brought you closer together. Aemond tugged at your armour, and you felt his silver hair fill your hands. His tongue sought yours, and were it not for the trumpets outside, you would have spent yet another day lying in bed.
You said goodbye at the castle gates, where your mother embraced you, and where your siblings had to be separated to let you go. As your only farewell to your lover, under the gaze of the court you had to settle for pressing your foreheads together while he caressed the back of your neck and you caressed his cheek. You managed to whisper a few words in his ear.
"When I come back I will tell you of the glory and how much I love you" and you kissed the sapphire that decorated his face.
With your brothers clinging to his waist, Aemond looked up to watch you fly, Zālagon roaring in response to the roars of Vhagar, who was begging to fly with him, missing him as much as Aemond already missed you.
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jayphoenic · 1 year
MLB Alya Cesaire Salt Prompts/Fics Recommendations
A Bakers Daughter by @ladyanput
This doesn't actually have a title
“You’re not walking away from this, Marinette! If you need harrassing Lila like this, you’ll get arrested! Get it in your head! Adrien doesn’t want you! He would never want a baker’s daughter, someone so useless and uninspiring! You’ll never reach great heights, Lila does! Lila has more talent grace in one pinky, than you have in your entire being! You’ll always be a nobody and you need to learn to deal with that.”
All This After a Monkey Tries to Steal Marinette’s Purse by @cornholio4
“Dad, I can explain…” Alya replied while trying to think of an explanation that sounded somewhat believable.
“I sent Marinette to our house to wait for either of us, I want you home within half an hour to take over for the babysitting duties that you were supposed to be doing anyway! I will try and be home shortly to have a talk with you!” Otis told him sternly and Alya looked down sadly having to tell Nino and Adrien that she has to get home with them looking concerned.
FACT CHECK by @spooky-z
“Marinette, aren’t you ashamed of yourself? Act like nothing is wrong. I didn’t know you could be that cold and calculating.” She caught everyone’s attention again, especially Marinette.
Marinette sighed, her elbow resting on the table, she laid her head on her palm. There was an air of boredom around her. Chloe, Sabrina and Nathaniel with unimpressed looks on their faces.
New York Special Salt: Confrontation by @nobodyfamousposts
Adrien was shaking at this point, but forcing himself to remain steady.
“You both knew Marinette liked me. Fine. Sure. Apparently she was having trouble telling me this. That’s okay. You knew she felt this way and was having trouble telling me. I get that.”
He glared.
“What I don’t get is why it was necessary to go THIS far instead of just TELLING me what was going on yourselves?!”
Exposed by @miraculousbelladonna
She is still absolutely going to have words with her bestie later, but she doesn’t think twice about posting the life changing video onto her blog.
All she’s thinking about is how it’s so cool that she’s the one who found Ladybugs identity. It’s so cool that she’s the one who’s revealing it. It’s so cool that her best friend, Marinette, is Ladybug. Her views are going to go through the roof. Television channels are going to be talking about this, they’re going to be calling her and asking to use her footage.
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demonicbaby666 · 1 year
Staying The Week
Part 2 to Staying Quiet | Criminal Minds Masterlist | Masterlists
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Fandom: Criminal Minds
Pairing: JJ x fem!Reader
Genre: Feelings with a smidge of angst and a sprinkle of smut
Words: 3.2k+
Warnings: Fingering (r receiving), denying feelings, cheating (on Will though so it's yummy sexy), swearing and a dreaded cliffhanger…
Summary: Months have passed since you and JJ first started your passionate affair and the two of you had found yourselves navigating quite well through all and any sticky situations thrown your way. But when you take her up on the offer of enjoying her ‘company’ for a whole week, things take a turn in a direction you aren’t quite happy about. 
A/n: Look, I am well aware the vibes are vastly different to part 1 but my brain seems incapable of not incorporating feelings into anything. Also I had to cut out like two whole sections because otherwise this part would be like 8k and I didn’t have the effort for that, so the pace may seem a little fast but it’s done that way so if/when I do part 3 it’ll come to a swift close. If you’re here for smut and no feelings, I’m so sorry, this ain’t that… Anywayssss, hope you enjoy! <3
Ashamed. That’s how you should have felt when things started with JJ, what with her fucking you in the hallway with her husband upstairs and her kid - the kid you look after - sound asleep. That should have been reason enough to end things. But you didn’t. The clear and inappropriate power dynamic between the two of you, being that in technical terms she was your employer, seemed to be having an effect on you that wasn’t devoid of desire, in fact, it was dripping with the stuff. 
It was exciting, invigorating, and addictive.
You both had taken pretty well to the routine of sneaking around, sharing stolen kisses and orgasms whenever it seemed possible, and occasionally when it most certainly did not. As a result, and much to your dismay, lying had become easy, now having to use it as a crutch more than a handful of times. 
There was the time the couple had invited you to stay for dinner. Will had asked whether you were okay, you seemed off. It was to be expected, his wife’s fingers were torturing your clit under the table after all. He, thankfully, didn’t know that though. Throughout the shared meal, you told the fickle tale of a day filled with stressors and agro, rapid breaths and whimpers disguised as responses to the encounters that riled you up. JJ tactically covered up her under-table delegations through false acts of comfort. 
Later that evening, when JJ dropped you home, you divulged that not all of it was a lie. That your day, truthfully, hadn’t been ideal and she humbly took it upon herself to help you forget the days' hardships, fucking you senseless till your mind was rendered useless and only focussed on relearning how to breathe. 
Then there was the time you’d stayed the night in the spare room, JJ had insisted, ‘It’s 2 am, way too late to travel back’. She could have driven you home, she should have driven you home, but there was no fun in that. The impromptu stay indeed led to an abundance of fun. Explaining to Henry why you could barely stand without your legs shaking the next morning, however, was less fun. ‘Your mum fucked the hell out of me kid.’ you decided, was not an appropriate answer. So, yet again, you found yourself having to conjure a fictitious reinvention of the truth. 
No matter how many times you were put in precarious situations - which was often - you didn’t, wouldn’t, stop. Tasting the forbidden fruit time after time, for a young demure soul, was discovering a new world. A world of lust, sin, and shame. Comfortably, you had nested there, enjoying the fervency and rush of endless passionate encounters. 
In the familiar setting of your apartment, you lay beneath JJ, talented fingers pumping in and out of you. Here, you didn’t need to stay quiet. Moans and cries of pleasure had free roam, and as JJ continued to accelerate her pace and your moans grew louder, you thanked the concrete walls for concealing your dirty secret. 
“Don’t stop,” you pleaded, grinding your hips to meet the steady rhythm set. 
JJ lowered her head, lips meeting and sucking your pulse point, leaving behind a red blotch you’d have to deal with later. Your hands flew from the bedsheets, one lacing and gripping blonde tresses, the other to cold metal railings above your head. Her palm came to rest on your clit, applying just enough pressure to intensify the waves of pleasure washing over you, but not enough to tip you over the edge. The tension in your abdomen began to grow, tightening in pulses that matched your unsteady breathing. 
“Stay with me this week,” JJ whispered into your neck, slowing down the pace of her fingers, but never stopping.
“What?” you shakily moaned out. 
“Will has to go away for work,” her fingers picked up their previous pace, covertly coaxing you into agreeing, “Stay with me for the week.”
A week. A whole week of recreating scenes that you’d only had the pleasure of enjoying on a weekly basis. It was risky and needed to be thought out. Nevertheless, it appeared to take hold of your mind. As JJ slipped a third finger inside you, driving in and out of you with more vigour, and more purpose, you decided. The offer was too enticing, dressed in the promise and taste of what the nights, and days, could look like. 
“Say yes,” she brought her lips over yours, brushing them together as she curled her fingers deep inside you. A moan tumbled from your mouth into hers, prompting the tips of her fingers to continue caressing your G-spot. 
Fisting harder to JJ’s hair, you let yourself topple headfirst into your release. Eyes closing, legs shaking, head falling back into the mattress, your back arched, pressing your sweat-clad body harder against the toned stomach above. 
“Okay,” you lowered yourself back down and steadied your breathing. When your eyes fluttered open you saw there was a faint glimmer in JJ’s eyes, the corner of her lips twitched, a smile wanting so desperately to take shape. Vigilant, she held back, knowing you weren’t finished, “On one condition.” 
A finger trailed down your cheek, etching an invisible line of warmth, until it reached your mouth where her thumb took over, brushing the length of the soft swollen skin. You let out a breathy sigh of contentment before JJ dragged her thumb down to part your lips. 
“Name it,” she uttered, releasing the captured lip and allowing it to meet once more with its counterpart. 
“I sleep in the spare room.” she cocked an eyebrow, curious and urging you to continue, “What we’re doing, there’s not exactly ample room for feelings.” 
Her face went slack, hastily returning to its former state when she realised you had a point. It was an affair after all. Not one that was born from feelings of undying love, but from lust and passion. A newfound sureness lurked in her eyes and a business-like smile danced on her lips, “Deal.” 
The next few days flew by, bringing with them a relaxed air. At first, Henry was apprehensive, but as time went on, he too, found comfort in the new setup. JJ would go to work, leaving you to take him to kindergarten, spend the day as you please, and pick him back up. By the time you got back and were done helping him with homework, JJ would walk in through the front door. Dinners together consisted of non-stop chatter between the three of you, sharing details of your day. Laughter the perfect side to whatever dish you or JJ had whipped up. 
When the curtains were drawn and the sun had taken its leave, things veered in a familiar direction. Clothes were shed, and littered around JJ’s room, your bodies meeting and merging together night after night. Having been previously agreed, at whatever late hour of the night things had come to a close, you padded across the landing to the spare room and took your well-deserved rest under different sheets to the ones you’d previously been writhing over. 
By Friday, the fifth day of your stay, the house buzzed with solace and serenity. Henry was allowed to stay up a little later than usual as he didn’t have school the next day. So at his behest, you found yourself sitting on the couch with JJ next to you, watching his choice of movie - Toy Story. He was enjoying the comfort of your lap, laying his back against your chest, eyes glued to the exciting scenes unfolding on the TV. 
If anyone was to peer in on the scene they’d assume they were looking in on a family evening. It wasn’t though. You knew that. You weren’t stupid enough to think the dynamic you shared with JJ would ever amount to anything resembling a family unit. But, as her hand snaked around your waist - pulling you in, not trying to initiate anything, instead to break an unspoken rule, to start the beginning of an innocent embrace, that you hated yourself for giving in to - you struggled to push back fantasies of a life that day-in-day out would look exactly like this. Friday evenings spent in the arms of a beautiful woman, meals shared over easy, fluid chatter, and nights filled with passion. 
A soft pair of lips placed a feather-light kiss on your temple, the last fragment to the puzzle, painted on it the picture of domestic bliss shrouded in melancholy. It was a picket fence dream that would never be yours. It wasn’t a revelation. Still, no matter how much you could’ve prepared yourself for the inevitability of feelings being thrown into the mix, the accompanying heartache stung like a bitch. 
Tuning back to reality, you realised the movie had come to an end. Henry was fast asleep in your arms, head drooping to the side as little snores filled the silence in the room. The added weight on your shoulder indicated you were the only one that sleep had yet to claim. Like mother, like son.
With the feel of JJ’s body leaning on you, hand still clasped around your waist, it was fairly easy to get lost in the moment, welcome it with open arms, treasure it, nurture it, knowing it wouldn’t last for much longer and soon you’d be forced to face the harsh reality of your situation. And that’s what you did. Allowed yourself a few minutes to take in the solemn conversation between two sets of calm breathing, the warmth radiating from both as chests rose and fell almost in sync. 
“Hey,” JJ sleepily sat up, looking down at Henry, “I guess neither of us got to see the end of the movie.” she chuckled. 
You offered her a pathetic excuse of a smile, hoping she’d miss the sorrow in your eyes, “I’ll take him up.” 
“I’ll see you up there?” 
“I’m a little tired,” the moment the words left your lips you watched JJ’s face drop. In the dim light of running credits she looked so sad, her eyes droopy from still waking up, cheek imprinted with sleep lines from your shirt. “It’s been a long day, you should get some rest too,” you added, hoping to remedy some of the disappointment the decision had left on her sullen face. 
Turning Henry around in your lap, he sluggishly wrapped his arms around your neck and rested his head on your shoulder, thankfully, still sound asleep. Under different circumstances, it would have been a treasured memory, the simplicity and beauty in trust demonstrated by letting another carry you up to sleep. It was true, over the passing days the bond you’d developed with Henry had grown stronger, and you found more and more he’d let his guard down around you. The only downside was the immense amount of guilt you harboured intensified anytime his innocent eyes bore into you. 
“Is everything okay?” the concern had made JJ more alert, after all, she was not privy to the inner workings of a naive mind, she had not been brought into the fold and given the explanation as to why exactly the evening, that anyone would have thoroughly enjoyed, had driven you to resentment. It didn’t bode well with her. 
“I’m fine,” you snapped. Standing up stopped JJ from being able to see the pained expression on your face, and as the stale words echoed through the room you were grateful for the fact your slight grimace was concealed.
You hadn’t meant to, truly, but walking out of the room, you took with you the once light, carefree air, leaving behind only a heavy, worrisome atmosphere. It trailed behind you as you made your way through the corridor, up the stairs and finally to spread and fill the first floor of the house. 
Opting not to wake Henry up and skip his nighttime routine, you set him down in bed and dashed to the spare room, all too afraid of being thrown into another uncomfortable encounter. 
The room remained one of the few places in the house unscathed. The bed had not felt the passionate affairs of two women, the walls had yet to hear the sweet melodic symphony of moans, rapid breaths, and praises, and the ceiling did not know what it was to look down on two lovers holding each other when they’d subjugated to the primal need for remaining close, but were too fatigued to continue pleasuring one another. 
After quiet minutes spent pondering in the dark, floorboards from the upstairs landing broke through the silence. The beating in your chest quickened as feet padded closer to the door. Your body tensed, waiting for the knock to come, racking your mind and trying to locate the hidden folder labelled ‘one-hundred ways to say I’m tired’. The silence remained untouched. No knock came. Instead, barely detectable over the thudding pulse of your heart, a soft sigh. 
Footsteps subsided, leaving you in the company of flickering street lights, revving of cars in the far-off distance, and the faint pattering of droplets falling against the glass window of the spare room. The bed sheets became enemy number one, clinging to your body in the worst of ways, if only to remind you they were not made from the same mould as JJ’s soft touch. 
It was compromise after compromise, a few more moments, one more day. All it meant was prolonging the pain, creating more memories you’d look back on and mourn over. When had things changed so quickly? 
It could have been the evening she’d smiled so sweetly at you when you’d both tucked Henry into bed, placing soft kisses on his head. The laugh she let out as she picked you up and carried you to her room, you could still hear. 
Or it may have been the early morning you’d walked in on her in the kitchen before work. She was staring out the window, holding her coffee mug between both hands, hair tied up in a bun with strays falling over her face, framing the soft features that worked in unison to construct a vision of natural perfection and beauty. Her eyes were glued outside, admiring the view only so her thoughts could wander undisturbed. When her head turned to meet your gaze, the smile that fell over her lips contrarily led you to believe she didn’t mind this disturbance at all because, well, it was you. The short distance between the countertop she was leaning against and the doorway you’d entered through was quickly closed, and she demonstrated exactly how much she appreciated the break from her thoughts you had so kindly provided. Coffee lay forgotten on the table, left for the cold to claim.
Maybe it was the afternoon she’d come back from work, looked at you with exhaustion and sadness weighing heavy in her eyes, and without even needing to be asked you walked over to her, wrapped your arms around her, and attempted to provide aid in the fight against whatever demons had haunted her from the day’s hardships. That day you vowed you’d do anything to ensure JJ always knew she had a place in the safety of your comforting embraces. 
How deep you had fallen. Feelings had crept up, only revealing themselves when it was already too late to banish them. Traitorous tears stung the back of your eyes, the floodgates opened a vast array of unrelenting emotions. Sadness, shame, confusion, anger. This was your fault. You’d let it get to this point, too greedy to stop for a moment, assess the changes unfolding, and put an end to the beginnings of what was now heartbreak. 
The walls closed in on you. You wanted out. Now. 
Pushing yourself out of bed, you located your bag and began packing your clothes. Whether you were going to leave tonight or in the morning didn’t matter, your brain just needed to cling to the hope you were in fact leaving. 
The tears in your eyes obscured your vision and when you reached out for the belt on the top shelf of the wardrobe it unravelled, falling to the floor, metal clanking against hardwood. 
Hearing no response from either Henry or JJ you let out a deep breath, staring down blankly at the fallen accessory, watching as salted droplets fell and stained the leather. The calm lasted for all of ten seconds before JJ’s door opened and your body went stiff. 
“Are you o-” her eyebrows knit together as she opened the door, eyes darting from you to the opened bag on the bed. She walked further into the room, shutting the door behind her, eyes still glued to the object raising questions in her mind, “What are you doing?”
“I can’t stay here, JJ,” the words came out small and meek in the presence of a curious gaze. 
A flicker of fear washed over JJ’s face, assuming the worst, “Has something happened?” she hurriedly asked. 
It was now or never. Though ‘never’ sounded tempting, it meant you’d have to continue lying. Not the kind of lying you’d grown accustomed to, but instead, the kind of lying people use at night to find comfort in self-made deception. ‘What I did wasn’t that bad, the dude deserved a swift punch to the face’ or ‘They don’t dislike me, insulting me was just a critique on my face that I’m very much incapable of changing’ and in your case ‘Things are perfectly okay as they are, this will pass. Continuing to have sex with the woman I’m helplessly falling for will most definitely rid me of these incessant warm feelings I get whenever she so much as brushes her hand against mine.’
Lying to others was one thing but to yourself. That was something else entirely. Was this to be your new normal? It couldn't be. You wouldn’t let it. 
“We can’t continue with this anymore. I’m starting to,” the words were on the tip of your tongue, the finality of the confession grasping to walls on your throat, wanting to remain unspoken. But it was time, you trusted yourself to deliver the truth, the outcome no longer important,  “I’m starting to develop feelings.” 
Milky white scleras grew larger as JJ’s mouth fell open, “I-I don’t know what to say.” 
Had you expected a declaration of love? You weren’t sure. Whatever you consciously or subconsciously wanted to hear hung heavy on your shoulders as you turned back around to zip up the packed duffle bag, “You don’t have to say anything, but I think I should go.” 
Tears hanging in the balance, you made your way to the door, reaching for the handle before JJ’s hand gripped your wrist, stopping you in your tracks, “Wait.” 
Faces met, eyes gazed into one another and tears fell. A vortex of mixed feelings swarmed both your bodies, pushing you closer and closer together, seeking out the familiar in a sea of the unknown. Piercing blue eyes dropped to your lips, lips that had explored and acquainted themselves with every inch of her body, lips she wasn’t ready to part with and them her.  
“Please,” you pleaded, wanting nothing more than to rid yourself of the heartache that accompanied each falling tear, “I-I can’t.” 
“I don’t want you to go.” She whispered, hot breath reaching your lips.  
“I have to,” you swallowed the lump in your throat, biting back a fresh set of tears, “This is too painful.” 
“It doesn’t have to be.”
Tags: @criminallyobsessedcm @aws-l @babygirlscout @red1culous @7thavenger @sapphicprentiss @five-bi-five-mind | Click here to be added to my tag list
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you know what?? Fuck it, there's something I've GOTTA talk about:
(don't worry this isn't like a serious post or anything. also its gonna be really badly written with grammar errors because I'm just really excited to finally be talking about this and I'm shaking like a leaf) (also, if you don't agree with this that is completely fine; everybody ships different ships, this is just one that I personally love and me explaining how it came to be and how I image it. I'm not trying to convince anybody of anything, this is just for fun. If you don't like, that's fine! All I ask is that there is no hate and that you just move on. Thank you!)
I love rairpairs. Like, LOVE them. Anyone who's seen my old transformers art knows that I ship DreadOp which is like, a nonexistent ship. like, the ship equivalent of being an endangered species (there's like 10 fics about it on AO3, so you KNOW it's rare). There's a few examples of me being like this but this is the best example that i have.
But this has gotten to the point where i have done something absolutely ridiculous: I have created an entirely new ship- no, TWO entirely new ships (I'm only going to be focusing on one rn). AND I'VE GOTTA TALK ABOUT THEM because honestly? I love them! so, what monstrosity have I created? Whoo... prepare yourselves (especially you, dark cacao cookie fans...)
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Yep. Don't hate me. Please hear me out because honestly iv'e seen more heinous ships in my time on the internet.
so, first of all, the white dude is known as the milk village elder in CRK, and we only see him once in the entire game (that i know of). I love taking npc's and giving them characters, so this is kinda how this happened. I'm gonna start by talking about the milk dude and how i headcannon/ imagine him because it will come into play later.
I gave the milk village elder the name Whole Milk Cookie, because i couldn't exactly call him Milk Cookie; that names already been taken
Whole Milk Cookie isn't actually anyone's grandfather, despite him being called grandad/ grandpappy in the actual game. We never see anyone his age in the milk village, and I like to imagine that its sorta like an honorary title. Like, he acts like everyone's grandpa, so everyone calls him grandpa but no one is actually related to him.
Whole Milk Cookie is like, ungodly sweet. Like, diabetes kind of sweet. its ridiculous. there are only a few ways to get him angry; and trust me, you don't want to...
He's strong. Like, think Hollyberry type strong. Gives the BEST hugs too.
Nobody knows exactly how old he is, but people suspect that he's actually much older than he looks. This could be caused by his extreme talent with the milk that comes from the villages well; if its used right, the milk can cure disease, help pains, or even extend someone's lifespan/ help retain youth. either that or he's some sort of demon but hey, who's counting?
got all that? good. Now the question everybody's asking; why the hell do i ship this? What's the story here? What's the origin? Well hold onto your pants folks because this is where we get into me overanalyzing shit.
behold the line that started it all:
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This is so SO vague. why the hell did they put this in here it is SO VAUGE. what does he mean by "THAT king"? you know what it sounds like? someone reminiscing of their time with a loved one who has now changed....
they never elaborate on what exactly this line means and this is the very last line we hear Whole Milk Cookie say in the main story
wondering where exactly he's gone instead of wondering when he's coming back? idk man you sound worried about him...
also saying "laid your eyes upon" just sounds so gay/loving and i don't know why. yeah your laying something thats for sure glfbnvbrfnjkrb (im so sorry)
There's also this line:
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The ally thing is kind of given, but why and how isn't this guy talking shit about dark Cacao? Like, he has EVERY right to! but he's not.... its almost like he cares.... and sure he mentions the generation thing but just because your parents were friends with some dude doesn't mean you necessarily like them right? so what gives??
Then there's the matter of Dark Cacao Cookies SON:
now Dark Chocolate usually doesn't have any milk/dairy in it, but it DOES need a fat, which whole milk DOES have!!
So, in theory, it would make sense for cacao and milk to make chocolate of some kind, AND it would account for Dark Choco Cookie having a lighter skin tone than his father (lighter eyes and the double white hair streak too)
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I also like the story implications outside of cannon:
two people who would generally not be allowed to be in a relationship due to differing status keep a relationship going for years behind the backs of their communities
Dark Cacao Cookie taking full responsibility for taking care of their son, only for everything to become too overwhelming and he begins to remove himself from everything emotionally, wanting to give his son over to his other father to be properly taken care of but can't due to the dangers that poses for everyone in his family
Dark Choco nearly kills him and Dark Cacao has to exile him and (because of a mix of psychological manipulation, grief, and regret) locks up the citadel, leaving Whole Milk Cookie out of the picture entirely
Whole Milk Cookie stews in anger due to everything that's happened and Dark Cacao cookie not taking proper care of their son but eventually falls into guilt as well because he saw the signs of stress and overworking from his partner and didn't step in, assuming that everything was fine (but is still mostly mad at Cacao because he REALLY fucked up and it's not an excuse)
Gingerbrave and the crew comes strolling up and gets the citadel open, and Dark Cacao admits to Dark Choco that he didn't care enough and that he should have done things differently, and that he loves his son. Dark Choco leaves the cookies of darkness and begins a journey of recovery while Dark Cacao vows to do better for his family and kingdom in the future.
Dark Cacao meets up with Whole Milk Cookie to truly apologize to him, admitting everything he's done wrong and that he should have done far, FAR better. He tells WM that he deserves better than him
Whole Milk is obviously still angry and will never forgive Dark Cacao for what he's done. but he still loves him despite everything and would much rather the two of them work together to fix things (not necessarily romantically, more just not hating each other wise) moving forward instead of breaking things off and stewing in grief and anger.
The two of them take things extremely slow and carefully because it's been a long and difficult process, but they, eventually, get back to where they were.
Their recovery process takes years, but by that point Dark Cacao has improved himself exponentially, wanting nothing but the best for his partner and kingdom (and now knowing exactly what NOT to do) They also eventually find Dark Choco Cookie and fix things with him, but that's a whole other can of worms I'm not going to open here.
Just generally a story of two very different people, who despite goin through unimaginable hardships, do their very best despite the circumstances. they love each other more than even they realize and the fact that they are able to fix what was broken by their own hands is a testament to that, despite all of the arguments and tears along the way.
TLDR: Dark Cacao fucks up, his husband is mad but still loves him because he knows him better than anyone else, Dark Cacao actually makes an effort and succeeds to be much much better, and the two of them eventually figure things out. An unlikely love story :)
Ok, wow, that was a lot and kinda sad. But there are a few thiings that i couldn't fit into the rest of this so imma just stick them here:
Whole Milk Cookie finds Immense joy in picking up his husband and throwing him across his shoulder like some kind of really important sack
Whole Milk calls Dark Cacao "Cacao bean"
Dark Cacao loves Whole Milk Cookies cooking to a stupid extent
Dark Cacao loves playing with his husbands fluffy hair
the two of them will often help each other do their hair because they both just have SO MUCH of it
Dark Cacao, despite popular belief, is a flustered mess around his husband and can very often be found blushing like a madman whenever Whole Milk uses his strength
these two have the ABSOLOUTE WORST bedheads. Like, Cacao HAS to braid his hair before going to bed because otherwise the two of them will wake up tangled in it. And Whole Milk will just have an untamable afro.
uhh anyways. thanks for coming to my ted talk
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katnisspeetaprim · 2 years
Who's Your Favourite?
Jung Hoseok/Actress!Reader
Pt.1, pt.2
Summary: You are on the Jimmy Fallon show with BTS. Will this chance encounter leas to something more?
Warnings: female reader, fluff
Word count: 798 M.list
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You were currently on the Jimmy Fallon show to promote your new movie and you were internally freaking out. Talk shows and interviews were nothing new to you, having been in the industry since a young age but... the fact that you were sitting next to the BTS members on the small couch was making you sweat with nerves.
‘Now Y/N we all know you are an extremely talented actress...’ You blushed at the praise. ‘But is it true that you are fluent in Korean too? I only ask since we have certain guests here who would love to hear it.’
‘Ah yes, I’ve been learning since I was a teenager, though I still make mistakes sometimes.’
‘And you are a big BTS fan right?’ He gestured to the men sitting beside you with a smile. You chanced a glance over your shoulder and Namjoon flashed you a warm smile when you caught his eye. You looked back to Jimmy with a tight smile as you gave a slight nod, causing the audience to cheer.
‘Who’s your favourite member?’ He suddenly blurted out with a smirk, causing your eyes to widen.
‘Ah..’ You let out with a laugh, burying your face in your hands.
‘Hey Jimmy, are you trying to play matchmaker right now?’ Namjoon jumped in, only making the situation worse.
‘No no, I’m just genuinely curious.’
‘Umm.’ You looked up with a timid smile as your eyes glanced over the smiling members, finally accepting your fate and getting it over with. You lifted your hand and pointed behind you.
‘Me!?’ J-Hope exclaimed when you motioned to him.
‘She say’s you are her favourite member.’ Namjoon explained in Korean, making Hoseok look over to you with a cocky smile. To avoid making a bigger fool of yourself, you turned to look at them all, face still beet red and started to explain yourself in Korean.
‘I love all of you equally but I was always drawn more towards J-Hope is all.’ The members faces all lit up in shock when they realised how good your Korean actually was.
‘Ok anyway..’
The rest of the interview went by without a hitch, all of you enjoying yourselves. You were currently backstage , just leaving your dressing room when you heard someone call out to you in Korean.
‘Ah! I’m glad I caught you.’ You looked up from your phone and your breath hitched in your throat when you saw who was jogging towards you. Hoseok was smiling wide as he came to a stop in front of you.
‘Oh hello again!’ You beamed back at him.
‘I just wanted to say that it was great meeting you today.’
‘Yeah I feel the same way.’ You agreed with a nod. ‘I just wanted to say though, I’m sorry if I made it awkward when I said you were my favourite member.’ You rubbed your arm as you spoke, slightly embarrassed.
‘Ah no I’m flattered honestly!’ He waved his hands slightly in front of himself and you let out a sigh of relief when you realised he wasn’t upset.
‘Good I’m glad.’ There were a few moments of tense silence between the two of you before he spoke up.
‘So we’re in the US  for a few more days and I was wondering if you’d like to go to dinner with me?’ That definitely caught your attention, perking up instantly as blush once again rose to your cheeks, staring wide eyes at the man in front of you. The smile slightly dropped from his face, loosing confidence due to your silence.
‘Only if you want to that is...’ He spoke timidly, causing you to snap out of your daze.
‘No of course, I’d love to!’ You answered quickly, beaming up at him. His smile returned at your response.
‘Ah great! You had me worried for a second’ Both of you let out small laughs.
‘Here lets trade numbers and I’ll text you the details.’ You eagerly agreed and swapped phones with him to enter your number. Both of you just stood there for a few moments, smiling like goof balls.
‘Well uh, I better get going. Everybody is waiting on me.’
‘Of course! Again it was great to meet you and I look forward to our date!.’ He couldn’t help but blush slightly at the word date but he hid it well as he turned to leave, giving you a final small wave. You watched as he walked back towards his waiting members, corners of your mouth tugging upwards. Turning to walk away, you felt your phone ping in your hand.
Can’t wait to get to know you better! Hopefully our date will be the first of many!
See you soon!
(p.s you can call me Hobi if you like)
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campbyler · 6 months
(tldr, i love you guys🫶)
I would just like to say that there are no words in the english language, no emojis in existence, and no expressions I can record for you to know that chapter nine has me feeling like I am on top of the world. Everything I asked for came true in a way that I cannot explain. Every trope I hoped for was carried through, and as much as I was sure they'd be used, they still caught me so incredibly off guard in the remarkable execution and slight twists that made the trope unique. You guys are exceptional writers, and if you choose to go down this path and make a career out of it, I am more than positive great things are in store for you. Even if this is just a silly hobby, that already shows great talent and devotion in you guys. To have been reading this since chapter two and see it grow so beautifully is something I will never let go of. The bar of expectations was in heaven, and I'm very sure I walked through the gates. My autism cannot handle the magnificence you've displayed here, and I will be yapping my pookies ear off about it for decades to come. I SWEAR on my heartstopper book collection that when this is over, I will print it out, create a cover and add it to my collection of gay literature. Since it's going to be at least 27 years until the next chapter (PLEASE take all the time ever I am being so serious🙏), I'm definitely going to reread this story about ten times while listening to Conan Gray because I swear you can relate ANY song of his to them. ANYWAYYY, it's getting late and I stayed up to read this because how can you NOT, but I have to sleep now or else I'll go back to having the sleep schedule of a toddler who's drank fifty gallons of fruit punch flavored kool-aid jammers. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE take care of yourselves and have the loveliest day. I love this story so much, and I'm beyond excited to see its sorrow but graceful end.
Also idk if this is bad but every time I read a new chapter I get tinglys all over my body and I feel like exploding, is that normal? (I'm serious about this, do I need to go to a hospital)
i genuinely do not know how to articulate a response to this that feels adequate but please know i am SO grateful for the time you took to not only read the chapter but also leave a comment like this <3 this is one of the kindest things anyone has ever said in response to any fic i've posted and i've been cherishing it since it came in. thank YOU 💗💗💗
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yujeong · 7 months
It isn't always easy to recognize how much you're loved, not until something happens to remind you of it. Not until the people that love you take the chance to show you in the most beautiful way possible. Today is my birthday. Some of my friends decided to write fics for me because of it. I want to repay them by sharing their work with you, so that you can check them out for yourselves and see their immense talent first hand.
Starting with this amazing fic by @mightymightygnomepriest, who decided to quench my thirst for VegasPete somno in the hottest way possible. I loved every line written in this, Vegas' POV was spectacularly explored and it includes VP's codependent issues superbly, which is one of the main reasons VP fans love them so much in the first place. If you want something hot and with VP's characterization on point, check it out.
This lovely Gen fic written by @tsttoain made me so happy, I can't even explain it properly. Pete's grandma and Macau are both beloved characters by the fandom, and this little fic gave me so much I didn't know I wanted but desperately needed. It was sweet and sad and perfect, and I can't believe I was gifted something so wonderful. I'm sure you'll love it too if you decide to give it a chance.
Last, but certainly not least, this phenomenal Porsche(&)Pete fic written by my amazing friend @wretchedamaranth managed to bring so many emotions out of me. It rendered me breathless and teary-eyed. They captured the relationship between Porsche and Pete, this secret third thing we're both huge fans of, so fucking well that all I can do is stare in awe over their talent. This is their first fic in general, first kpts fic in particular, so please show them your love in the form of kudos and comments. I'm so proud of them for venturing into the realms of writing. They deserve all the praise. Thank you so much everyone ❤️ I love you all and I wish I could express how grateful I am for your existence in my life better. Unfortunately, these sort of rambling thoughts will have to suffice for now haha.
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pandemoniusstuff · 6 days
I think we can take the high road and find a good middle ground. We don't need to fawn over him but we don't need to shame him to his face. Also, you don't want to risk getting yourselves removed from the convention over Some Guy.
He doesn't normally do personalizations anyway, but you can always ask for just his signature. No need to explain why. You don't need to ambush him with questions at the panel about Doja and/or his morals; just don't go. Use that time to meet someone else, attend a different panel, or shop. Seriously, there are so many talented artists and authors at these conventions.
I understand you guys wanting him to see your frustration, but the thing is that right now, he doesn't care. That's not a reflection of any of us. That's his mindset at this moment.
By the way, PR nonnies on other blogs have discussed that teams look at social media (including Tumblr) to get a pulse on their fandoms. There's a reason why we didn't get a bunch of other pap walks before Doja left London. His team knows how we feel, which means that he knows. Now all we can do is support each other and create a community on here that Eddie Munson--not Joseph Quinn--would be proud of.
i'm going to say this, don't mention doja's name or anything, that's a sure way to get yourself kicked out. saying you are disappointed it ok, but be aware it also risks being removed. its better to just write a letter and be civil because no one wants to be kicked out of a con (again). agree with majority of this anon tho
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clever-fox-studios · 9 months
Art Lessons
I'm just dropping this here because the idea keeps floating in my head about revisiting something I did back in the SAMS server (yes, hi, I was there, some of you probably know me from art chat) that I really enjoyed and I've been considering trying again to provide accessible resources to young or under-skilled artists.
So, back in the day (early 2023) when I was there (SAMS), I held a couple of streams where I tried to explain anatomy and breaking down bodies into shapes and how those lessons overlapped into other subjects like non-humans. I felt there was a moderate success, as I am and always have been, self-taught and thus I don't have the formal knowledge that comes from university classes (though I would like some one day); having been online enough I've seen the biases in the art community with the agism and such where older people who "missed" the window of opportunity are often pushed aside because they're expected to "know" by now how to Do The Thing when they weren't given the same opportunities then.
I've also seen how most how-to books, videos and classes, in many countries, seem to lack general fundamentals as part of their criteria; the number of 'students' who professed that their teachers or the instructor seemed to assume they had a basic idea of how to draw already before starting class was... staggering to say the least.
"I didn't know what [this] meant, I was just told to do it."
"We were never taught how to break this down, we just had to copy [this]."
Nevermind the style biases; I despise the "Anime isn't art" arguments and how they try to force a style onto the learners as if they're superior for being 'traditional' or 'realistic'. I'm a person who does push for the fundamentals because they can be applied to all styles in some way; learn the rules to then break the rules and all that. Technical skill is not the same as style, in my book.
So, that being said, I would really love to revisit those streams one day soon, if the interest is still there. I'm planning to open a discord server for it where I can host the small-scale streams until I get a platform open for larger audiences; I'm thinking Twitch, but my set up isn't really good for that, and I need a certain amount of watch time/followers on Tiktok and Youtube (for some stupid reason) so while I figure that out, discord is better than nothing. VODs could be made or uploaded to Youtube later for review until I make proper edited stuff, but that's much later.
I just really miss offering help because art should be accessible and no one should feel isolated in the "you should know by now" bubble simply because their living situation or environment didn't afford them the time or resources to sit and draw all day, every day and teach themselves where classes failed or assumed they knew what they were dong already. Also, that live feedback can help a lot and allow others to run at their own pace instead of getting steamrolled by the 'natural talent' as I can repeat or revisit something and answer questions in real-time (as much as I'm able).
So if that's something that seems fun or interesting, I'd leave it open to any age (behave yourselves) to come learn; if I get enough interest I'll start making the discord and think of a schedule plan, but for now it's an idea!
Thank you for dropping by!
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frostythefrostedfox · 4 months
Time for that Williams analysis I promised earlier.
To sum things up: Sargeant Sucks, Albon doesn't deserves to be here
But before y'all come with your pitchforks out, allow me to explain
This sport has a weird tendency of underdogging certain people and teams, and I get it, rooting for the little guy (mandatory Yuki joke) is always the most fun, those tears that came from Zhou in China were very real, I felt those, and I loved it, those 5 seconds of Lando not knowing what to do on the podium in Miami, I felt that bro, and I am happy for him, today's pole for Leclerc felt like it matters more than any other he has every acheived, and I am happy for him, not only as a Tifosi, but as an F1 fan in general.
We all were pointing at the screen like thar DiCaprio meme in Miami when the Haas pulled that point finish despite that ad infinitum string of penalties for one of them, unsportsmanship behaviour? My dude, that team play at its finest!
I don't ever think we will be able to agree what the fuck happened in that SC release, and if it was fair or not to Lewis and Verstappen alike
But sadly, that usually blinds peeps and makes them forget, or at least makes them unaware of why the little guy is the little guy, and that is the case for Williams in general, so obviously seeing something like Albon did today, P9 on the (objectively) worst car and worst team in the grid in 2024 put a smile in my face, that's the Monaco magic I am here to see, it's all you broski, YOU did this, you deserve it.
But at the same time, is Monaco, the odd one out, the circuit where car and team matter little, talent and balls matter lots, this race is some sort of equalizer, where everyone has to fight with the same tools and the same weapons, everyone loses their advantages or at least their effect are reduced to a minimum, Monaco aint a place where you win the race, is a place where you win the Weekend, you win this by properly setting up your car, by properly understanding its flow, by getting a good quali session and by managing your race, other races Begin at (roughly) 2PM local time, Sunday and ends, at worst, 2 hours later; but not Monaco, Monaco's race begins at 1PM local time, Friday and ends at 4PM local time, Sunday when too much.
So why is Logan Sargeant dead last once again?
We saw Checho on P16, Alonso P15, Max P6, Albon P9, Gasly P10, so having cars off-placed is not the exception, is the norm, so why is he, again, at the back again?
The decision of sitting him out in favour of Albon sounded cruel and everyone rose up in discontent, but think about it this way, you're a team principal, what would you do? Would you want to give the team the biggest chances of finally doing something worth of praise or do you wanna be fair even tho you know where that road ends, and be honest with yourselves, and be realistic too, because we all known damn well how this sport is, fairness is rarely the rule anyone plays by here.
And since I know how y'all are, I am not saying the dude is a flunk, a dud and that we should kick him to the curb like a sick horse, not even remotely, the dude has talent, that is why he is sitting where he is sitting, that's why he is "One of the 20" (Yes, I preordered the game, champions edition, leave me alone), he wouldn't have gotten here any other way, but, to put it bluntly, his talent aint as big as the talent the other ones in the grid seem to have, he would do better in a less stakes series, maybe a more forgiving series, or perhaps he just needs more experience, after all we are all different and we all learn at different speeds, so maybe he could benefit from a couple years as development and simulation driver before getting into that seat again.
Time after time Sargeant has been stuck at the back of the grid, and the only time he wasn't, in Suzuka, he put himself there with a solo mistake in the underpass turn.
His time to shine was today, getting into Q2 would have certainly proven that all he needed was time, that he is all that, he is him, he just need us to be patient with him and maybe give him a car that aint the 2024 Williams, after all that is what happened to Stroll, after banging the wall the first he went on the track in Australia, everyone ruled him as a paid seat, get him out and blah blah blah, now he is a solid driver that more often than not pulls in consistent results, not his fault Alonso is the main character of F1 and has plot armour.
But he didn't, he was at the back of the grid, as usual, so what else am I supposed to make out of this? He should totally finish the season, he has earned that much, but he certainly hasn't won the seat, and if the rumors about Sainz going to Williams are true, what can I tell you mate? Can't blame Williams for trying to scrape the barrel and get out of that pit they've been in since the last regulation change.
I know he is the favourite pookie of the grid, look at the little guy! But we have to be real here, and we all have to acknowledge there is a difference between Fanon and Canon, from what I know Logan is an amazing person and a very charismatic young lad, but that shouldn't deter the judgement of anyone when we talk about his numbers and performance, these are two different subjects and they are not intertwined in any way, after all we all know how Alonso can be, specially at his sassy worst (McL/H era) yet his achievements are what they are.
The dude just aint performing, and that's the truth, is not about points, is about how consistently he has been stuck in the last place, I would love to see an american driver actually be good at this sport, the last one we had before him was Rossi with Haas and we all remember the Singapore SC incident when he almost bricked the race for everyone because he didn't knew the rules.
But ont he flipside, Albon... Oh boy, he really showed us today didn't he? I think that being signed by RB is the worst mistake a driver could ever make, because their standard is not a bar, is a whole sculpture, pose included, that you must match to perfection or else you're worthless, once their found Vettel, they wanted every other driver to be just like him, and gave them Vettel's car to measure up isntead of letting them drive their own car, until they found up someone who stepped up, Verstappen, and now is more of the same, anyone who aint him is expendable, and that was the case for Albon, but time after time he has put that paperweight of a car he drives now in places where it shouldn't be, so there has to be something in there right? RIGHT?
Albon would certainly benefit a lot from going to a team where he aint hitting the ceiling since day 1, something with room to grow, every other time when it has been in his hands (except for the australia incident) he has delivered, and he certainly did today, this boy has something, he aint HAM, VES, he certainly aint a VET and totally not an ALO, but he is something, and that something should be given at least the chance, and I hope he gets the chance to go up instead of keep going down, because from what it seems, there aint much down left from here to go to.
Maybe the new regulation change will be kind to him if he stays at Williams, maybe we'll see some phoenix rising type story right here, and I really hope that's the case, because Williams is a Legacy team like Ferrari for a reason, and it is just so painful to see their name associated with such atrocious performances and lackluster appeareance, Pastor Maldonado won with a Willians FFS, it wasnt like the last time Williams was good the years began with a 19
For me, personally, I just don't think I have it in me to sit in my chair for another race and keep hoping Seargeant will improve, that a miracle will happen, that things will get better, I just don't have it anymore, specially not when the season seems to be favouring the little guys, First non dutch anthem weekend by Sainz, Lando's maiden win, cut streak with today's P6.... But I do find myself rooting for the big guy at Williams more and more, I want to see Albon do things, let him cook, boy's a chef if you give him some room.
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