#how can he be surprised by misto's magic after all of that
real-reulbbr-band · 2 years
I know I just made the Tuggof post but like, I genuinely thought Munkoffelees was gonna win and so I prepared stuff for them beforehand so might as well post it now :)
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By god this rare pair is so rare I could barely find any gifs of them I need to spread Munkoffelees agenda
• Mistoffelees made the fatal mistake of asking Alonzo for dating advice to win over Munk, and he ends up giving him a bunch of pickup lines to use on Munkustrap as a joke. Mistoffelees thinks he’s being serious however and is hesitant but thinks it’s worth a shot Munkustrap only ever ends up being confused or finding the lines funny complementing Misto for his “tugger impression”.
• Mistoffelees doesn’t feel like he needs to fight for Munkustrap’s attention, he’s aware of how busy he is and tries to work around it by helping him out most of the time with some magical assistance.
When Mistoffelees starts to help out Munkustrap more often with daily tasks around the junkyard Demeter started calling misto “Munkustrap’s little helper”. Mistoffelees will never admit it verbally but he likes the name and Demeter probably knows it.
• Also I saw this one post about how in cats Warsaw Munkustrap keeps subtly missing misto using magic (I believe it was per-the-Jellicle-magician) and that became my favorite thing ever so, after the ball Mistoffelees isn’t even trying to hide his magic but Munkustrap never really gets to see him use it since. He always turns or gets distracted with something else at the last moment leaving Mistoffelees to grunt and mumble to himself about not being able to impress Munk with magic however the one time he was using his magic without really thinking like zapping tugger Munkustrap actually sees it. Mistoffelees still remembers how sweet Munkustraps genuine laughter was.
• Mistoffelees thinks so hard about how to impress Munkustrap that he doesn’t realize that he’s already impressed Munk enough with the subtle things he does, like entertaining the kittens, dancing his heart out or just being his slightly cheeky but kind self. Munkustrap loves it all.
Coupled stuff yay: 
• On a few rare glimpses Munkustrap can be found with small traces of glittery residue on him curtsy of mistoffelees. (Cause they cuddle together so much) Munkustrap doesn’t notice ever until someone points it out In which he gets very flustered and tries to brush it off but not too much since he does like to be reminded of Misto. 
• whenever Munkustrap has overworked himself and returns to his den tired out, Mistoffelees gives him a surprise shoulder massage whilst asking Munkustrap about his day. Sometimes Munk will fall asleep halfway through the story and misto will just give him a kiss on the cheek and bid him goodnight.
• Munkustrap just admires Mistoffelees so much, he loves it whenever him and Misto have time alone together and when Mistoffelees starts rambling on and on about his interests he does get quite lost in thought however just watching Mistoffelees.
• Mistoffelees likes to be carried around especially by Munk, when their walking back to Munks den or Misto’s humans home or just when he can find the opportunity Mistoffelees will leap into Munkustraps arms. Munk normally has a completely neutral expression on his face while on the inside his heart’s pounding out of his chest.
• Munkustrap talks in his sleep, like all the time. Mistoffelees will sometimes not even know Munk is asleep and just talk back to him. He’d only notice when he picked up on how incoherent the conversations were. 
• Munkustrap is very gentlemen like, he loves to kiss Mistoffelees on the paw or forehead. While they aren’t a very PDA couple they do like their sweet and subtle touches. Like wrapping their tails together or squeezing each others hands.
• They slow dance together, I don’t make the rules they just do. Normally munkustrap will sing him a song whilst they do with Mistoffelees quietly singing alongside him enjoying the presence and peace of each other for as long or short-lived the dance maybe it didn’t matter cause they were together.
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I absolutely love the way you write Mistoffelees as a demon! I was wondering if you have any specific thoughts about demon!Misto and Cassandra?
Thank you! I'm happy to hear - I feel as though considering his name is Mistoffelees, it's quite literally a hop skip and a jump to Mephistopheles. Seems only a logical progression.
Cassandra greets Mistoffelees in the same way she greets most cats - with a flippant curiosity that just barely makes her head turn towards the stimuli, but you can be assured she's read you to the ground in those split seconds. Her read on the recently solidified Mistoffelees is "Strange, but ultimately uninteresting" (Which he takes *great* offense to when he hears it echoing in his ears across the clearing), which is Cassandra's way of indicating that she'll keep an eye on him.
Mistoffelees looks at her from beneath his lashes, up and down, and recognizes her from a millennia or so back. "You were a cat of a Great Wife," he says, rather cryptically, from above her head one day, to which Cassandra, disguising her surprise remarkably well, coolly responds: "Yes - I was there, after all." And though affronted at the unusually calm and unbothered response, Mistoffelees chuckles, touches his paws back to the ground, and asked how she found the climate.
They keep in quiet company after that thread of tension - never to seek one another out, but never against the idea of when they happened in the same area. They pick at each other, Mistoffelees playfully cursing: "To the void with you" when she steps outside her bounds with him (and technically he has that ability to do so, so how thinly veiled that threat actually is is debatable). Cassandra fears very little, though, and one way to earn Mistoffelees respect is to face any and all threat with ones eyes open. She's never blinked in the face of danger - surely why she sat so primly on the thrones of pharaohs, Mistoffelees thinks from time to time.
Mistoffelees enjoys speaking with Cassandra because, with a little coaxing (sometimes in the manner of sharing a thought or two), she remembers grand balls and parties and bits and pieces of gossip from hundreds of years ago, and Misto does so miss being able to keep tabs on all of those little pieces. Though she has not been truly magical in years, Cassandra is highly susceptible to it, making her an excellent vessel...should she give the permission (Mistoffelees is a master of persuasion, but even the mighty wind that is Misto's silver tongue cannot make the mountains of Cassandra's willpower bend to it should she not want it.
Mistoffelees also holds Cassandra in a very high regard as a dance partner - which is (in his opinion, anyway) something that speaks volumes of her. I just keep thinking of this pas de deux from Mayerling:
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naturepointstheway · 1 year
Cats-pril 2023 prompt: Ball
Late to the party again, but here's a quick piece for the first day of @storyweaverofgondor's Cats-pril 2023 prompt list! Featuring plenty of Bombalurina and mute Mistoffelees friendship, as the latter tries to think what Tugger's approach feels and sounds like under his paws. He knows the others', but what about Tugger's?
Mistoffelees wasn’t surprised in the least that Tugger was late once again to the annual Jellicle Ball, and would once again come in at the least surprising time, catching him off guard. Every time Tugger had arrived at the ball out of nowhere, it had always caught Mistoffelees unawares, and every time, he’d had to slink away to calm down from the unexpected, loud noise from this goddamn Maine Coon. If he wasn’t careful, he was liable to be pushed away or smacked into by Tugger whenever he jumped down from somewhere high on the junkyard.
This year, Mistoffelees wondered if it might be different (probably not, he’d be shocked if it were otherwise), and though he tried not to let it show, his muscles stayed tensed, heart palpating with each sudden noise (just Tumblebrutus doing a flip trick or George chasing his tail and tripping over three of his paws), but still no Tugger.
Some time into the ball (Munkustrap now regaling the story of Thoth, the cat with wit and wisdom and wryness whose eyes shone like full moons), Bombalurina padded over to him, sitting a few feet away, understanding Misto’s need for space before approaching any closer.
“Mistoffelees, are you okay?”
He turned his ears in quick surprise in her direction.
“Sorry, you just seem a bit…tense tonight, love.”
He nodded—perhaps he hadn’t hidden his tension as much as he had thought.
“Is it about Tugger?”
Another nod, and Mistoffelees painted a picture of Tugger arriving at the junkyard with a sudden cacophony, pushing him aside as he had last year.
Bombalurina crossed her front paws over each other, stretching her whole body out, legs long and slinky. Her tail swished over her hip and the floor, back and forth.
“I thought you’d told him not to do it again?”
Mistoffelees nodded again in confirmation. He painted a brief picture of them talking by the fireplace as they had done last year, not too long after that Jellicle Ball.
Bombalurina pawed at the ground, spreading her paw out, claws unsheathing.
“I’m curious—how did you sense Old Deuteronomy’s approach last year?”
Mistoffelees gestured toward her paw.
“Something like this?”
He nodded.
Bombalurina tilted her head, curiosity in her eyes. “You can tell who it is before you see them?”
Another nod, a small smile escaping the corner of his mouth. It was already a whole year since he’d revealed his magic to everyone, and he still hadn’t gotten used to other cats actually conversing with him so casually. Mind you, Bombalurina never really minded him being around—Misto had a sneaking suspicion Tugger had told her all about his powers, hence her non-surprise last year at his magical display and her curiosity about his magic.
Lifting a paw, Mistoffelees painted a picture of himself growing still, front paws splayed on the ground, ears pert and eyes unblinking as the silhouette of a cat approached. A few seconds passed before he revealed the cat as Old Deuteronomy, and then as Plato, and then Munkustrap. He wasn’t sure how to express in a way Bombalurina would understand the way the vibrations of their paws rumbled under his paws even from a long way if he concentrated hard. Munkustrap’s paws flicked in short steps, planting pads into the ground with confidence and a constant rhythm—one, two, three, four. One, two, three, four. Old Deuteronomy’s paws shushed against the ground, slow with a certain unbalanced cadence to their rhythm. One…two, three, four. More frequently than not, there would be a long pause before the cadence of his paws resumed with his slow approach. Plato’s had assured, youthful rhythms, soft and careful, an almost lulling cadence.
But Tugger’s?
If Mistoffelees were to be honest, he had never bothered to really listen to and learn the rhythm of Tugger’s footsteps from a distance. After all, they lived together in the same place all the time, and Mistoffelees never really had a reason to learn his steps. Why would he, if he knew Tugger was always somewhere nearby?
He drew the best picture of this as he could to Bombalurina, who appeared to understand what he was saying.
“Makes sense to me,” she said, tail now resting across her hips, the tip flicking idly. “You live together, he was always nearby, no need to, right?”
Mistoffelees nodded.
“But if you really concentrated, could you tell it was him?” Bombalurina shrugged. “I mean, I don’t have your magic, but I can tell when Tugger is nearby.”
Mistoffelees tilted his head as though to ask how.
“Well…” she chuckled in some amusement. “He is loud.”
You don’t say.
“Would you say…his paws have a kind of thumping quality to them?” Bombalurina demonstrated by readjusting her position to thump her front paws—forte vibrations rumbled from them under Mistoffelees’ own paws—on the ground.
Mistoffelees had to think about that one, closing his eyes to try and summon any semblance of the script of Tugger’s paw steps from his subconscious. A deep, drumming vibration, booming with a confident—even swaggering—rhythm, and only when Bombalurina spoke up again did he open his eyes.
“Omigod, your smile!” Bombalurina purred loud, her eyes sparkly with joy. “You know his paw steps, it’s just you’re used to them, right?”
Hmm…she’s probably right.
Mistoffelees again pointed his paw at her with a gesture of agreement.
Bombalurina laid down low on the ground, leaning her head on her front paws, an ear turned to the ground.
“What about now?”
Mistoffelees pressed the pads of his paws into the ground, ears flickering as he concentrated hard, listening and feeling for the drumming rhythm of Tugger’s approach. He closed his eyes, filtering out the dazzling dancing around him, paw twitching with concentration as he stretched it out, hovering over the ground, searching for Tugger’s approach.
And then—
There it was.
A drumming, a deep confidence, each paw step burning with passion, ego, love, and everything in between. The tempo quick, never hurried even despite already being late. He had not a care in the world, and Mistoffelees’ heart ached, wondering how it felt to be like that. To not care so deeply what others thought of you, to have so much confidence all the time.
Once upon a life I did.
That unexpected wayward thought disappeared as quick as it had come, Mistoffelees shaking off his confusion, forcing himself to concentrate, waiting until he was just a couple paw steps away to open his eyes and—
With the swish of one paw, he threw a bright spotlight right where Tugger leaped into sight on the junkyard with a loud meow, Bombalurina springing to her feet with an excited shout. On top of the junkyard, Tugger stopped mid-pose, looking around at the spotlight beaming down on him with slight puzzlement before it seemed to dawn on him. His eyes roved the junkyard until he made eye contact with Mistoffelees, who still had his paw out, grinning with unbridled pride and excitement he’d pulled it off.
Tugger grinned, blowing a kiss in Mistoffelees’ direction with a wink and swagger of his hips. He preened his mane, puffing out his chest, glancing back at Mistoffelees again with another wink at the tuxedo cat’s dramatic eyeroll.
“Misto! Bomba!” he jumped down off the upper junkyard, running up to them, spotlight following him as he swept Bombalurina off her feet, she linking her arms around his neck, nuzzling into his mane with loud purrs. But his eyes remained on Mistoffelees, shining with admiration and love for him.  
“Damn, Misto, how did you know?”
Mistoffelees simply smiled with a mysterious air, lifting his chin as he preened at his chest fur, brushing off his paws.
But inside, pride swelled warm and strong in his heart.
Now you’ll never surprise me, Tugger. Not that I’ll ever let you know.
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lozeyart · 2 years
Pouncoffelees HCs!!
Alright I’m finally writing up some of my Pouncoffelees HCs
To start, I HC that Misto and Pounce have known each other for awhile, since they were kittens.
(Read more because OOF this got away from me so fast)
Pounce grew up in the countryside, in a small little country house with his humans. He roamed about in the fields a bunch, being an adorable pest.
Then one day, more humans visit and they bring another kitten with them, a black and white cat named Mistoffelees. Though Misto comes off shy at first, he quickly warms up to Pounce and they become extremely close friends. Running around the fields together, catching bugs and trying to catch birds and other things, but they’re still too small to be able to do so.
So a couple years go by like this. Misto visits with his humans occasionally, stays for about a week, and then goes back home to the city. Misto also tells Pounce about this tribe, about the Jellicle Cats, about how amazing everyone is. And every time Misto goes back to the city, Pounce and him try and make the most of his last day. They miss each other desperately while they’re apart.
Finally, one of the humans in Pounce’s household moves out to the city, to live by Misto’s humans, and they take Pounce with them. Luckily for Pounce, he has a cousin who lives in the city, Tumblebrutus, and he’s a part of the Jellicle tribe also! So Tumble and Misto introduce him to the tribe, and he’s immediately welcomed in.
A few more years go by and Misto and Pounce are still thick as thieves.
And then one day, while Pounce and Misto are hanging out, as they always do, Pounce looks at Misto, and he’s just practicing his magic, smiling to himself, and Pounce suddenly realizes, “Oh-” He has feelings for him, he’s had them for awhile, but this little mundane thing, a thing Misto does often, made him think “I want to hold those hands. I want to kiss his knuckles.”
And he panics. He’s not supposed to get feelings for Misto. Thats his best friend right there, what is he going to do? He can’t tell him, because obviously Misto doesn’t feel the same way. It’ll ruin their years long friendship! Theres absolutely no fuckin’ way he will ever tell Misto how he feels.
But his feelings grow stronger by the day. He would very much like to kiss Misto, run his fingers through his hair, play with his tail, hold those hands in his. He can’t stop thinking about Misto. Oh Everlasting, he’s in deep.
So then he starts avoiding Misto, because he doesn’t know what else to do. And this breaks Misto’s heart. He doesn’t understand why his best friend is avoiding him. He keeps seeking Pounce out, but Pounce always finds a convenient excuse to not be around Misto. Fine, Misto thinks, he got the hint. Pounce doesn’t want to be his friend anymore.
And then the annual Jellicle Ball happens. And its awkward. Pounce can’t stand it anymore, he’s missed Misto like crazy, he’s been driving himself mad with how much he thinks about him. He feels incredibly guilty over how he basically ghosted Misto, and now at this ball, he aims to fix it.
And finally, after another scare that Macavity might show up, the ball starts, and Pounce decides, “Here, I’ll talk to him here.”
There’s a part of the dance where Tumblebrutus usually dances with Misto, but before that is close to happening, Pounce pulls Tumble to the side and begs him to let him take his place. Tumble is like ???? Why??? And Pounce goes, “Please just let me take your place. I know the number, I need to dance with Misto, you have to understand.” There’s a long hhhmmm from Tumble and Pounce groans, “Fine! You can have all the treats my humans give me for the next month. Just please let me take your spot!”
“It’s a deal!” Tumble says, and they shake on it.
And the SHOCK on Misto’s face when he realizes that its not going to be Tumble that’s dancing with him, but Pouncival. But Misto isn’t going to let this little surprise mess him up. He does the dance with him, he does it perfectly, and the part where they have to hold hands? Fine, whatever, Misto will do that too, and get over it later.
And when that happens, Pounce squeezes Misto’s hand a bit too tight, and Misto knows. He knows Pounce is sorry, he knows he’ll never do it again, he knows how he feels. And after their part together, they run off for the few minutes they have before the next part of the ball starts, and Pounce is panting, and he’s still holding Misto’s hand. It’s almost like he forgot he was holding it.
He’s rambling. Pounce is apologizing because he needs Misto to know how sorry he is. And in a rush of words, he confesses. He tells Misto how much he loves him, and he got scared, and he just needed to finally tell him, even if it will ruin their friendship. And all of this stops when Misto brings his free hand up to caress Pounce’s cheek, his thumb idly stroking it, and he smiles, and they kiss.
Not rushed and heated, not searing. Its soft, and slow, and Pounce is rigid with tension, because he was not expecting this, but then he just melts into the kiss, and he’s smiling against Misto’s lips. Misto pulls back, and they smile and press their foreheads together, and Misto sighs, “I love you too, you fucking idiot.”
And when Plato and Victoria are courting each other, Misto and Pounce are cuddling on the ground, arms draped over each other, smiling like idiots.
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jelliclekay · 2 years
Do Tugger and Bomba have any kittens together?
They do! Their first kitten is named Lumine, and she is not only the first and only Tuggerlurina kitten but she's the oldest of all the kittens Tugger eventually has with all his mates.
Tugger himself for a while, never thought about having kittens. Not that he was against the idea, but it was never at the forefront of his mind. He was very much: "I don't really want to be a dad, but if it happens, it happens."
So he's shocked when Bombalurina herself asks Tugger if the two of them can have a kitten. She never expressed interest in being a mom, and Tugger always assumed she never wanted to carry a kitten of her own. But Bombalurina actually always wanted to be a mother someday to a kitten, though she was very much a "one and done" type after carrying and giving birth to Lumine.
Lumine takes after her parents, she's dramatic, showy and absolutely a mommy's girl growing up. When she's an older Queen she is an absolute bombshell, to no one's surprise.
However, Lumine is the only Tuggerlurina kitten, but Misto does eventually magic him, Bomba and Tugger a kitten of their own. This one is named Nemeia, and she's small but a bit of a firecracker. She doesn't talk much, but she expresses herself by uh, affectionately biting the ones she loves. Nemeia also has a phase where she loves her Uncle Munk more than anyone and anything.
These are the designs I have in mind for Lumine and Nemeia- International Bomba doesn't read as Bombalurina to me but it is close to how I imagine Lumine looking. Then the new Italian non-rep Jemima is Nemeia, though Nemeia is a bit more red.
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millenari · 1 year
🎁💙💛🧠 for ur ask game
🎁 If you could give any of the ensemble cats a song, who would it be? What would it be about?
You would think I answered these questions to myself as I wrote them, but I Did Not Do That so i had to think about this one.
FIRST immediate reaction: MUNKUSTRAP! I think a song where the tribe surprises him by singing about how much he cares about everyone and how they all love him would be very cute. But I don't really think it would... I don't know, serve the story, I guess? That kind of thing seems like the type of song to happen at/after a climax and Cats has a lot going on at that point. Also I like that the two main magical cats USUALLY (glares at bway revival) are the only ones who dont sing their own songs at all.
Also I feel like such a song would be terribly similar to old d which might not be desirable. Plus, you know... munk's the narrator. The MC. it seems almost wrong for him to have his own song, as much as he deserves to have his Moment.
SECOND REACTION: the psychic twins! It's kind of funny to me how they're both plot relevant (sniffing out old deut, helping jemima) but the specifics of what their deal is is never specified. All we really know about them is that they're 'psychic', whatever that specifically is intended to mean. I'm imagining a kind of moody mysterious number, like the older version of M&R.
Actually given that thought it would kind of be cute if the criminal twins sang it. the psychic twins start up like 'we have abilities that any cat would have--' and jerrie and teazer jump in like 'THESE BITCHES READ MINDS' and they then go back and forth, leaving the audience unsure if the psychic twins are downplaying their abilities or the criminal twins are over exaggerating them, and a lot of their mysteriousness still holds fast after the song is over.
THIRD REACTION: you know those hcs that George from 98 is actually a dog who thinks he's a cat? Tbh I think a song about a silly dog who believes he's a cat would fit well in TS Eliot's book, not just the play, and it could be a fun silly number. every time one of the kittens starts to say 'but he's really a dog right?' or anything to that effect they get SHUUUUUSHED by the whole ensemble before they can say 'the d word'
💙 What's your favorite platonical ship?
I HAVE A LOT but I do love misto & munk. Misto being munk's little helper when he's a younger version of himself (and his Other Second In Command when he's older) are so cute. and you so rarely see a version of cats where the two don't seem to have a notable relationship.
💛 What's your favorite familial ship?
Misto and Victoria being siblings crept up on me. When I first got into Cats I kinda shipped them, but nowadays they're my little ballet cat sibs. They wuv each other.
🧠 Share a headcanon/theory about the show that you like!
The Jellicle Choice is heavily influenced by age. You're pretty much never going to see a young Jellicle Choice, but all the young characters sing about themselves on the ball anyways, just bc they like taking the opportunity to brag while they have an audience. (note that there are pretty much no younger-cat songs that happen while Deuteronomy is present, and Munk's personal Jelly Choice is Jenny, who's also older).
(Deuteronomy deliberately shows up to the ball a little late every year to give the Youths some time to wear each other out and have fun.)
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afairytalestray · 1 year
Day 13 of @storyweaverofgondor‘s Cats-pril - pipe! I can only apologise for how weird this idea was. I’ve seen the hc before of the pipe being like a portal between the 1998 and 2019, and I’ve written this wild forbidden tuggoffelees thing with it before, so that idea was kinda the basis for this wee drabble! Also on Ao3 here.
It was known, in the Junkyard, that falling asleep in the large pipe next to the tyre caused strange dreams of alternate realities. Most Cats who had napped there, accidentally or on purpose, could recall, in vivid details, what they dreamt of. It was almost like they were transported to some eerily similar world, although their bodies never physically left the Junkyard. They would become an alternate version of themselves, sometimes with a radically different appearance, and interact with the other dream-versions of the Jellicle tribe. Sometimes, the dreams were just a bit odd, like the time George had dreamed that they all lived on a rooftop instead of the Junkyard. But others were quite upsetting: Bomba had been shaken for days after she had dreamed she was an agent of Macavity. Everyone reported that their experiences were so lifelike that waking up and coming back to reality was a bit disconcerting.
Munkustrap himself had doubted it at first. He was sceptical, especially after Tugger had gone around telling everyone that he had been a circus strongman, and Misto a contortionist, but his curiosity had won out in the end. That night, when everyone was in bed, he had snuck out to the pipe in question, crawled inside, and curled up. At first he had thought he was mad, waiting for something to happen. But then he fell asleep.
The only word he could use to describe the experience was bizarre. As the others had said, the dream was disturbingly lifelike. He had been an Aircat of some sort, perhaps a pilot, trying to lead his tribe when there was some sort of war going on. Demeter and Bombalurina had been Glamour Cats, Coricopat and Tantomile were evacuated Kittens, along with Jemima, and Alonzo looked to be some kind of scout. The sheer surprise of seeing Skimbleshanks pedalling a human bicycle shocked him back into awakeness, and he bolted from the pipe as fast as his paws could carry him.
Lesson learned. From that day on, Munkustrap was extremely cautious of that pipe. He would need to ask Misto, or maybe the psychic twins to have a look at it, to make sure it was nothing sinister. Misto liked lying there after all, perhaps it had some sort of magic about it? Tugger raised an eyebrow about his change of heart, but thankfully didn’t say anything as he warily shifted any and all sleepy-looking Cats away from it. Until he knew what was going on, he would not take any chances with his tribe’s safety.
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herooffire101 · 8 months
So, this was an idea to help show how I see magic in Cats that I go on about in this post, and it does take place after this fanfic from @jelliclekay‘s Tuggerlurina Week that I wrote. While it isn’t tuggoffelees, I don’t mind if you do see them as together. I'm pretty open to these ships, so if I'm asked, then I think that I can talk about them.
Besides, I have like many halfway finished fics. I would like to complete them someday.
A way to bring back Dad
Tugger knew that he needed to do something. His mate and her best friend were explaining to the younger members of the tribe who Macavity is. Tugger glanced side to side, trying to look for Mistoffelees. His buddy needed him. “Hey, Misto!” Tugger harshly whispered.
A black blur popped up right beside him, making Tugger jump in surprise. “Yes, Tugger?”
“You have to not startle me right now, I’m already on edge.” Tugger whispered, “No matter, Misto, I need your help.”
“How? I don’t have the strength to bring Old Deuteronomy. My magic isn’t as strong as his!” Misto whispered back, his tone also harsh. Tugger could hear Misto’s fear in his voice.
“You’re just as powerful. Me and Bomba know it.” Tugger started. “Mistoffelees, I know that you’re just as strong as Macavity because Bomba can feel it.”
Misto was dumbfounded. “What do you mean?”
Tugger groaned, facepalming. “I keep on forgetting that you haven’t grown up with us.  Misto, Bomba can feel magic.” At Misto’s expression, Tugger took that as a sign to continue. “She’s always been sensitive to magic. She can see and feel magic. Also taste it when it’s powerful enough.”
“Bomba can taste my magic?!?” Misto shrieked, making Tugger shush him. “How was I never told?!?”
“Honestly, she’s forgets to say something about it. Demeter, Gus, Bomba’s dad, and our daughter Jemima are as well.” Tugger said, counting off in his head all the members who were magic sensitive. “Anyway, yes, Bomba can taste your magic. Told me that yours tastes sweet. Macavity’s, according to her, was so disgusting that it was choking her. Cori and Tanto can’t read her mind because of her sensitivity. So, that’s why she trusts and likes you.”
 Misto had the look of confused glory. “The more I learn about Bomba, the more confused I am.” He shook his head. “What is your plan, Tugger?”
Tugger gave him a smirk. “I sing your song.”
“How? How does you singing my song get us Old Deut back?!?” Misto harshly whispered at Tugger.
“Bomba explained to me that when I am the main singer, and her and Demeter sing backup, we can generate some form of powerful ambient magic. If I sing your song, I can channel that ambient magic to you to help bring Dad back.” Tugger explained his plan.
“…Does anyone else in the tribe know this?”
“No. We only figured it out while we were writing your song.”
“Oh. Good.” The sarcastic tone within Misto’s voice was clear. “The cats that wrote my song figured out how to use magic to help me.”
“I know, it’s weird. We’re weird.” Tugger sighed. “But I’m asking you to trust me. We need to do something to save this Jellicle Ball. Bombs and Deme are currently explaining who Macavity is to the younger members.”
Misto showed several emotions and thoughts running through his head in his eyes, clearly thinking about how this plan, however slapped together it was, could work. “Okay.” Misto sighed, “It’s the only plan we got. Munkustrap hasn’t learned about how to know who the Jellicle choice is, and we don’ t know who the next heir is for Leader beside Munk.”
“It’s Jemima.” Tugger cut in, “She’s mine and Bomba’s daughter.”
“What?!?” Misto snapped, then shook his head. “No, not the time. YOU are going to explain to me how you both know who the heir is, LATER.”
“Agreed. Also, we decided to not say anything because we thought it was funny.” Tugger agreed, “Jem has full authority on when she says it, though it’s going to be a given due to her coat.”
“You are impossible, you terrible bore.” Misto sighed, rolling his eyes.
Tugger smirked. “Come on, let’s get ready.” As Tugger leaped up to on top of the car boot. “Behold, the Magical Mister Mistoffelees professional debut!”
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Every time Warsaw Munkustrap misses Mistoffelees’ magic✨, part 2
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Misto and the psychic twins sense Old D coming, while Munk and everyone else is busy being very into the moon. They turn around when Misto speaks (which I would say is where the magical sensing ends)
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Battle of Pekes and Pollicles! Carbucketty's dog puppet falls forward (or the dog he plays is attacking Jerrie's dog) and Misto (on the right) brings it back up. Munk (on the far left) sees it falling, but goes to grab Jerrie, bring him to the front and stop him from talking. Judging by no reaction and the place Misto is standing, he probably missed it again
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The Jellicle Ball, Misto is hypnotizing Tugger and Mungojerrie in the middle of the dance, not actually freezing them but putting them on a loop for a moment, Munk is actually offstage
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Misto makes everyone put their asses down 'cuz old D is coming. Munk came back and is looking at his father, but when he looks at the others a moment later, Misto is already done and also looking at old D
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Misto senses Grizabella and points her out to everyone, Munk is not present for that either (what a protector)
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This is a similar thing as with the mop and Tugger's entrance from part 1, Misto may be using magic to bring Skimble's clock last 2 meters down, really hard to tell since he's mostly cut out by the camera, but if he does, Munk's still not looking
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This is possibly the wildest moment here, Misto's hypnotizing Victoria, and he walks with her next to Skimble who acknowledges them before turning to Munk who comes from the opposite side. And Munk has his eyes only on Skimble. Even in the last picture, when Misto is right behind him getting ready to drop the spell, Munk is blissfully unaware, and busy getting Tugger to give him back his "suitcases"
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Misto and the psychic twins realize that it's Macavity pretending to be old D. Munk appears behind Macavity after Misto already traded places with Alonzo and walked backstage
With how much Munk is just not there for the magic moments, I'm not surprised he hasn't noticed anything
But there is also that moment during Skimble's song, so I have no idea if he would actually notice anything on his own, even if he wasn't leaving the stage every 5 mins
And so this was part two, I may make a little bonus part three later, with Munk's reaction to Misto's magic in "Mr. Mistoffelees" and the last possibly magical sensing of Grizabella that Munk barely notices, again, but we'll see
[also please excuse the quality of the pictures, it was 2004, those are the clearest shots I could get]
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Misto Categories 2: Meta History
So, we most likely started with Munk’s Assistant Misto. OLC had Misto sing Gumbie Cat, along with a lot of other exposition that was later given to Munkustrap. Munk and Misto appeared to pass the leadership role back and forth.
Problem: Misto is such a prominent figure in the tribe that no one should be surprised by his powers. He uses them to be the center of attention all the time.
Munk’s Assistant evolves into Showman Misto. When OBC Misto carries a musical number, it’s either him showing off or him putting on a show. Munkustrap gets the important exposition. Misto isn’t a high-ranking member of the group and is generally strange, so some of the tribe might only know him as a sort of stage persona.
Problem: Okay, his magical skill is still a bit too obvious. After bringing those puppets to life, the idea that he could teleport Old Deut back to the tribe isn’t that much of a stretch. Also, when Misto describes himself as “vague and aloof” while showing off with everything he’s got, it gets a bit too ridiculous.
Showman Misto evolves into Vague and Aloof Misto. This starts in Vienna. They take a character that had been doing a lot of singing and make him completely mute. They use a similar character design to what was used on Broadway, giving him a strange appearance. When he’s completely silent and cryptid-looking, he comes across as genuinely mysterious.
Now, for the next few years, this is what we’ve got. London Misto is Munk’s Assistant, Broadway Misto is Showman, and Vienna Misto is Vague and Aloof. Even as the casts of different productions begin to change, the characterization has been decided on. The prominence of the Broadway show means that Showman Misto is quite popular internationally. US Tours sometimes used it and Japan fully embraced it. On the continent of Europe, outside of the UK, productions based on Vienna begin to pop up, and they start out with Vague and Aloof Misto. But then, something weird happens.
I could go on a long tangent about the Coming of Age Arcs of Cats, but I’ll keep it to brief notes here:
Victoria was the original Coming of Age cat, going through puberty. She has a solo dance where she begins to explore her own body. Later, at the Jellicle Ball, she has a sort of sexual experience with a tom around her age. Which tom it is literally does not matter because this scene is about her. The reason why London eventually went with Admetus is because the Admetus actor also played Macavity, and therefore had to be ripped and able to lift equally-ripped Munkustrap, so lifting little Victoria would be easy for him.
When the show moved to Broadway, they decided that the boy in the dance should have an arc to parallel the girl, because a physical coming of age arc focused entirely on a girl happened so rarely that no one knew how to react. They took the character of Bill Bailey, one of the Two Tom Kittens of the show, and rewrote him as Tumblebrutus, a boy with an arc about wanting to appear tough to impress his friends and the adults. Because he isn’t played by the same actor who plays Macavity, he can participate in the Macavity fight, coming of age that way.
The Vienna production did the same thing the Broadway Production did, as did most productions made between 1982 and 2002.
But, in 1989, the Paris production shifted the coming of age arc from Tumblebrutus to Mistoffelees. Misto had his own song. He was already a prominent character. This takes us even further away from the point that, in the mating dance, the tom doesn’t actually matter. But, the Macavity Fight came right before Misto’s number, so they couldn’t just give him the Tumblebrutus arc. Instead, his number becomes the moment when he comes of age.
So, this change is made, but Misto is still somewhat Vienna based and mute. He’s now being played a bit younger and less secure to match the coming of age arc. He might actually come across as shy, or at least a bit awkward, if you combine this immaturity with the fact that he never speaks. When you age down Vague and Aloof Misto, you get Shy Misto.
Technically, Shy Misto is a form of Character Arc Misto, because he has a character arc, but the Mistos I consider Shy feel different from the ones I’ve called Character Arc. Shy Misto is either Vague and Aloof aged down or Character Arc but mute.
Now, Shy Misto moves from Paris to Zurich and Amsterdam. More Vienna-based productions. Actors who played Misto in these productions went on to play the same role in non-Vienna-based productions. This included Broadway. This led to Shy Misto and Showman Misto being combined. Misto sings, though not as much as before, and he has that flashy Showman energy, but he still has Shy Misto’s character arc and younger age. This creates Character Arc Misto.
The 1998 VHS uses Character Arc Misto and it’s the most accessible version. A generation of future Mistos will base their own characterizations on this one.
Then something happened with the Broadway Revival and Misto lost his arc. The actors playing Misto and Tugger played up their dynamic to compensate, but with only their dynamic making Misto stand out, this is how we get Tugger’s BF Misto.
So, people built off of each other’s ideas to create new characters, providing several options on how to portray Mistoffelees. The changes mainly occurred between 1981 and 1996. 
Now, to give credit where credit is due, here’s who I believe to be the first actors to perform each Misto type:
Munk’s Assistant: Wayne Sleep, 1981
Showman: Timothy Scott, 1982
Vague and Aloof: Valentin Baraian, 1983
Shy: Tibor Kovats, 1989 (He was the first Paris Misto and the first Zurich Misto. The actors to take the role after him in both productions were Shy Mistos, so it probably began with him. The oldest known recording of a show with Shy Misto was from Paris in 1990, when the role was played by Guy-Paul de St. Germain)
Character Arc: Jacob Brent, 1996 (This actually could’ve been Lindsay Chambers shifting from a Zurich Shy Misto to something that matched what was already being done on Broadway, but I’m not sure of that, having only seen Chambers in a Zurich bootleg. Character Arc Misto was definitely inspired by him though.)
Tugger’s BF Misto: Ricky Ubeda, 2016
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the Songs of the Jellicles
okay so here’s my theory (and new hc) for how the music in the ball comes to be, and why some cats have a Song, and others don’t:
The Everlasting Cat provides the music for the Ball. I picture Old Deuteronomy somehow being able to communicate with the E.C., so he knows exactly which cats will be performing at the Ball, and lets them know ahead of time. That’s why we have cats like Old Deuteronomy, Bustopher, Skimbleshanks, and Mistoffelees performing (not that Misto’s performance was planned, of course).
How does a cat get their Song, though?
The Everlasting Cat waits until a Jellicle has performed a major act, whether positive or negative, and guides the Jellicle (or their family/close friends, Gus Sr. and Bustopher for example) into creating their songs. Perhaps a Jellicle has achieved a certain age, or provided a certain amount of wisdom, or performed an act of heroism for the tribe. 
In Macavity’s case, they are a danger to the Jellicles, and therefore the E.C. created his song to warn the younger Jellicles to stay away from the magical cat.
Let’s take Mistoffelees’ song for a moment:
Everyone joins in for the melody, but no one except Tugger seems to know the major lyrics. They’re all enthralled with the song, and even Mistoffelees seems surprised at some of the lyrics Tugger sings (”pulled seven kittens right out of a hat” moment).
Mistoffelees was terrified of his magic for so long, terrified that the tribe would see him as a follower of Macavity. However, as soon as Old Deuteronomy was taken, Mistoffelees stepped up, willing to do whatever it took to get his tribe’s leader back, even if it meant losing his home in case the Jellicles reacted badly. 
The Everlasting Cat saw this, and chose that moment as Mistoffelees proving himself, and gave him his Song, giving the lyrics to Tugger, who couldn’t help but grin as he finally knew how to praise his magician.
I like to think that:
Tugger got his Song when he reconciled with Munkustrap after Macavity’s departure with Demeter and Bombalurina, or when he stood up against attackers and protected his tribe when wounded.
Bustopher received his Song when he provided food and supplies to the tribe during a rather horrible winter in his younger years, saving them from starvation because of his position in society.
Jennyanydots received her Song after caring for every creature that passed through her den, mice, birds, and kittens (particularly Tugger and Munkustrap after Grizabella left). 
Skimbleshanks’ Song came because of his kind nature upon his train, and how he always strived to return home, no matter the weather or the time, and how he gave everything for his family.
Gus Sr. received his Song because of his achievements in the theater, proving that an old Jellicle could still perform and give their very best, while still remaining at their family’s side.
Grizabella first received her Song after becoming a theater star, a very happy, praise-filled version of “Grizabella the Glamour Cat”, that obviously changed when she came into the Junkyard that fateful night. Her second Song, “Memory”, only came after she realized that she simply wanted to return home to her family, no matter what they thought of her.
Munkustrap won’t receive his Song until he takes the mantle of Jellicle Leader, just like Old Deuteronomy, but Tugger and Demeter are convinced it’ll put every other song to shame.
Receiving a Song obviously isn’t something that happens to every Jellicles, yet the Jellicles know that receiving a Song from the Everlasting Cat is always a cause for celebration, as every Jellicle can feel when one of their own now has a Song.
(and now just picture Tugger in some corner of the Junkyard during Jenny’s song, pleading with the Everlasting Cat like “please, please, please let me have this! i’ll listen to dad for a whole month, i won’t strut around for a week, just let me mess with the lineup!” and the Everlasting Cat, who thrives upon the chaos of the Jellicles, is just like “lmao bro i gotchu”)
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rebirth-artblog · 3 years
No one actually believes that Mistoffelees has magic powers, because no one has seen him do magic except for Tugger and Munkustrap. Tantomile and Coricopat know he has magic, but have never seen him perform and decide to keep it a secret in case Mistoffelees doesn't want anyone to know. The only "magic" anyone has seen Mistoffelees perform is him dancing with his puppets. Tugger says the puppets themselves are magical, but everyone thinks he's referring to Mistoffelees making the dolls move, because when has anyone seen a puppeteer cat. Munkustrap defends Tugger only saying how he's not referring to the dancing.
What no one knows is that Mistoffelees makes the puppets with his magic. He designs them with Musnkustraps help, and Munkus is the one who gave Misto the idea of making puppet replicas of the other cats for the Jellicle Ball. Tugger took all these puppets because "they are too cute to be seen by anyone." Munkustrap was able to save Puppet!Mungojerries and Rumpleteazer because the troublemakers would be better behaved if they had a price to win at the end of the Ball.
After Bustopher Jones arrives at the Junkyard, Mistoffelees puts on a puppet show for him to introduce Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer, with the excuse he wants to show off his new puppets. This also works was a way to lure and keep the twins back to the Ball so everyone can keep an eye on them.
After Macavity takes Old Deuteronomy, everyone thinks Tugger is joking when he starts to introduce Mistoffelees as "The Original Conjuring Cat." He gets a little mad and tells them to everyone laughing because he is serious and Mistoffelees deserves their attention. When Mistoffelees appears, everyone is surprised he does know magic and they realize that Tugger's nickname of "The Magical Mr. Mistoffelees" wasn't just a joke between the two friends.
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naturepointstheway · 2 years
58 tugger and Misto
From this prompts list. Gonna go with Zurich!Misto because I think way too much about him.
Once again, Tugger was sprawled out in the den, moonlight playing on his thick fur, regaling his day's escapades, including how many times he had gone in and out of a door as he constantly changed his mind.
Twenty-seven times?! Mistoffelees marveled, though he thought Tugger might have been exaggerating a tadge. What is he doing, going for a feline world record?
He couldn't help a little bemused shake of his head at that, wondering why he was so in love with this dumbass cat who, after all this time, had still yet to learn how not to get stuck in drawers.
Maybe he'll have that lightbulb moment about drawers one day.
Mistoffelees wasn't holding his breath on that count though, and to be honest, he hoped he never would, as it was always entertaining to see him struggle to escape a confined space that might have fit Tugger as a kitten, but certainly not as a full grown Maine Coon.
Tugger had now moved on to a new topic, talking at Misto more than to him, but the latter didn't really mind. It was a comfort sometimes just to have Tugger chatting away as they enjoyed each other's company away from everyone else.
Content with listening a little longer, Mistoffelees let himself just study Tugger, noting the way he sprawled out with one back leg always a little farther behind than the other, how he tugged sometimes at his collar when particularly amused, the way his ears quivered at an exciting point in a tale, and the little scritchings he did at his mane every now and then, as though primping up a little. The richness of his voice, with its deep baritone, how it could go from loud to soft in the space of a few words, and did he even breathe at all in the last three stories?! When he interrupted his story to add a playful growl every now and then, it always sent tingles up and down Mistoffelees' body, and the harder he tried not to imagine Tugger growling his name like that into his ear, the more he imagined it.
Really. Tugger needed to stop that. It was simply becoming unbearable, and Mistoffelees wouldn't last much longer before needing to experience what it would be like to kiss him for the first time.
Suddenly, kissing Tugger was all Mistoffelees could think about, and he couldn't keep his eyes from drifting down to Tugger's mouth, thinking how soft his mane would feel under his paws, or when he nuzzled the sides of his face.
Would you please just kiss me?
He wasn't often bold, but now Mistoffelees found himself standing up and striding over to Tugger, standing so close to the other that they were almost nose to nose. Tugger abruptly stopped to stare at him, struck speechless. Mistoffelees couldn't help a small smile as he put a paw on Tugger's mouth.
"Mmh?" Tugger asked, staring at Mistoffelees with confusion.
Now or never.
Before he could lose this bold nerve in him, Mistoffelees removed his paw from Tugger's mouth, and leaned in, inching closer and closer.
He pressed his mouth to Tugger's in a firm kiss, front paws cupping his face, fur tickling between his digits, heart pounding in his ribcage, before pulling back quickly, stumbling backward over his back paws, fur tingling, paws ringing with magic stirred by this experience.
I did it? I did it.
Tugger stared at him so long Misto began to worry that he'd done it wrong, that he should've asked somehow first, or...
Did I miss something again?
He pawed at his ears, waiting for a rebuke. Instead, to his surprise, he heard an appreciative purr, laced with surprise and joy.
"Damn, Misto, I wasn't expecting that!"
Mistoffelees pointed at his own lips, then at Tugger, with a nod and then a shake of his head. He hoped Tugger could understand the question.
"That was amazing--can you do it again?"
A questioning purr, small with a quiet hope.
Tugger winked, flashing Mistoffelees that grin that he knew charmed the fur off anyone, the magical cat included.
"I guess we're gonna be busy for a while tonight, huh?"
Mistoffelees grinned back, heart fluttering, ready to burst with so much joy he had to do a spin or two on his way back to Tugger. When Tugger held out his paw to him, Mistoffelees practically leaped into his embrace, breath catching when a kiss landed firm on his lips, with the same enthusiasm as Misto's own had been. Again, he let his paws entangle in Tugger's mane, closing his eyes as the bigger cat held him even closer, one paw between his shoulder blades, and the other in the small of his back, losing themselves in their kiss, knowing their love for each other was reciprocated and met with enthusiastic joy.
I hope this never ends...
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acefeather2002 · 3 years
Love: Something That Is Quite Ineffable (CATS 1998)
We try our best to understand the true meaning of things in our lives. It’s in our nature. Everyone wonders how somethings happen or even why. Sometimes we get an answer, and we can finally understand. But, sometimes we don’t, and we continue to ponder. There is one thing that everyone knows about, somewhat understands, but can never truly be put into words, and that thing is “Love.”
For some people, Love likes to come in, make friends, and live happily ever after. At least, that’s how it went for Plato. A young tom and protector-in-training in his adolescent years. A little goofy, but he’s serious when he needs to be. He makes a few mistakes, but has a good heart nonetheless. Having tagged along Munkustrap and Alonzo since he was a small kit, he had always dreamed of being a protector and truly be able to defend his tribe one day. He has indeed come a long way, taking every tip and word of advice from his mentors and putting them to work.
He just came back from patrol with Alonzo one day when he first met a stunningly beautiful white kitten that was a couple of cat years younger than him. He couldn’t help but stare at the pure white angel that gracefully danced in the open space of the junkyard. Alonzo noticed his gaze, and a smug smirk glided onto his face. “I take it you have the hots for my little sister, huh?” he teased. Plato did a double take to his mentor in surprise and asked in shock, “Wait, what?! That’s your SISTER?!”
Alonzo gave a hearty laugh at the younger tom’s reaction as the latter looked down with a blush. He finally responded from his laughing fit, “Yeah, she is. Beautiful isn’t she?” Plato gave a silent nod as stared back to where the white queen practiced. The kit turned and saw her brother and another tom she didn’t recognize watching her. She gave a smile and gentle wave as she quickly ran over to give her big brother a hug. Alonzo chuckled again at his sister’s antics that he and Plato found adorable before greeting, “Hello to you too, Victoria.” 
“Victoria?” the soon-to-be-protector repeated, “That’s a lovely name.” The queen in question looked up at him and signed a “Thank you.” Plato, of course understood the signing but still gave a slightly confused face. Alonzo noticed his bewilderment as he shyly explained, “Sorry, there was a...complication during her birth that didn’t allow her vocal cords to be fully developed." Victoria looked down a bit, worried that the tom would pity her as her brother continued, "So, ever since she was a newborn, she’s been mute. The main way she communicates is through signing and dance.” 
Plato nodded in understanding but then surprised the two siblings with a smile, “Good thing I studied signing in my spare time.” The two gaped in shock at the revelation, and Victoria excitedly wrapped her arms around his neck with a grin. Plato returned the strong hug just as tight but gentle with a small smile as his mentor watched with a bright and knowing smirk. He watched as the two started talking, or rather signing a conversation, learning more about each other all the while with happy faces. The monochromatic tom walked away and let the two get to know each other more, clearly seeing where this relationship was going and already accepting it.
So yeah. Love can be friendly sometimes...
But, sometimes, Love can be a total jerk! It could string you along forever if it wanted to! Stuck in an almost endless chase, but luckily, there are times when you finally catch it. Take the Rum Tum Tugger for example. He always has queens throwing themselves at his feet willing if able to do his bidding just to be his. What they tend to forget, though, is that the Rum Tum Tugger only likes what he finds for himself. He likes to work for his prize. He enjoys the challenge almost as much as a horrible muddle. Well, apparently, it seems the Rum Tum Tugger has finally met his match. The challenge: the Magical Mister Mistoffelees. 
Skilled and talented at everything he does: Check. Sleek, dark black fur that sparkles like the night sky: Check. A sharp tongue that could cut anybody that crosses him with his sass: Triple check!!! Quaxo was everything Tugger dreamed of, and he didn’t even realize it until his song came on and he was called “a terrible bore” by the smaller tuxedo for the first time. Ever since then, he’d been chasing after the magical tom. Unfortunately for him, nothing worked. Every hip thrust only got a scoff in response. Every pick-up line earned him an eye roll. Each time he tried to flirt, the reply would be of remarkable wit and sass that he sometimes wouldn’t know what to say. He was losing his touch...and confidence! What shocked him even more was the day he overheard Mistoffelees talking to his sister, Victoria.
“Come on, Vicky,” the tux tom complained, “It’s obvious that you have a better chance with him than I ever would! And you’re with that Plato character!” “Geez, Quaxo how oblivious are you?” the white queen signed exasperatedly. “I am NOT oblivious!” the magicat argued, “Almost every queen throws themselves at his feet. He could choose any one of you if not all if he wanted!” Victoria gave a sigh and facepawed(Hehe. Get it? Sorry, I’ll stop now). Tugger had to keep from laughing at the exchange but felt discouraged to know that Misto had his heart for another tom until, “What? You actually think I have a remote chance with the Rum Tum Tugger himself?” 
For what Victoria’s face didn’t say, which wasn’t much, her signing made up for, “YES! That’s what I’ve been TRYING to tell you for the last HALF HOUR! THINK about it! The pick-up lines, the flirting, the hip thrusts. He may do that with the other queens, but for YOU? You’re the ONLY TOM he’s ever tried to actually woo. The more he chases you, the more you resist which adds on to the ever growing challenge that HE LIKES!”
Mistoffelees fell silent for a moment and pondered his sister's words. Thinking back, how could he have missed the signs? The occasional stolen side glances, the light blush in both their cheeks when interacting with each other, he even realized that he actually missed the company of the Rum Tum Tugger himself when they were apart! That just added more to the shock factor! "Oh, my Everlasting!" he exclaimed as he facepawed, "You're right! How could I have missed this?!" "Because you're an oblivious, lovesick dork, and I knew I was right when I told you," the queen signed with a smug look on her features.
The tuxedo rolled his eyes playfully annoyed, "Gee, thanks," he replied, dripping with sarcasm before being serious, "I guess I have to find him again. Maybe tell him how I feel?" Realizing the way that idea would likely pan out, he let out a groan laid his face in his paws, "Oh, but then he'll just shrug it off like, 'I knew you'd fall for me one day,' and that's the last reaction that I need!" Victoria laid a paw on her brother's shoulder, urging him to look at her before signing, "I think you should just let him come to you, and once he asks you to be his mate (in his own way, no doubt) then you could say yes." Quaxo looked down again in thought and agreed the idea to be the best course of action. No sooner did he nod when the Maine coon of the matter decided to reveal himself.
"Well," he announced, "There you are, Midnight. I've been looking for you everywhere! Hello, Victoria." He ended his statement with a kiss to the queen's paw and flirty smirk, a shy but silent giggle and rosy cheeks accenting her pure white fur. "T-Tugger!" Misto called out a light blush painting his own cheeks, "What a coincidence because I've been avoiding you everywhere!" "Oh, come off it. You know you love me," the flirty tom teased as he stood closer to him with an overly cocky smirk. The magical cat subtly glanced to his sister in the corner of his eye and saw her nod in understanding and encouragement. "Yeah? Well, what if I do?" he asked, not wanting to give in entirely yet. Tugger stood in mock surprise, knowing full well what the smaller male is trying to pull.
Okay, he'll play along.
"Well, what if I asked you to go on a hunt with me?" "And what if I said yes?" "Then perhaps I could ask you to go to this year's Jellicle Ball with me, too?" "And say that I do go to the ball with you?" "Then maybe I ask you for the mating dance." "But, wouldn't that make us mates?" "Only if you said yes." "But would you really want to do the Mating Dance with me, though?" Tugger stood shocked at the question. His immediate answer was yes, obviously, but this is the Mating Dance which meant commitment to a singular cat alone. Even so, his answer was still, "Yes."
It was now Mistoffelees' turn to be shocked, and for once, he didn't know what to say, so he stayed silent as the tom in front of him continued, "More than anything or anyone else in the tribe. In the world. I know I usually act all flirty and brash and indecisive. And, to be honest, I do have commitment issues (which shouldn't really come as a surprise), but I've never been more sure about anything or anyone as I am about you. I want to stay committed to you, and you make me want to stay committed, too. If you'll just give me a chance, I can show you how much I mean it and how much you mean to me."
Victoria watched the whole exchange from the side with anticipation and nervousness (and blinked back the tears in her eyes from the emotional speech). Mistoffelees stayed silent for a moment more before uttering quietly, "Alright. I'll give you a chance. Yes, I'll go on a hunt with you. Yes, I'll go to the ball with you, and yes, I'll even do the Mating Dance with you. Yes." The Rum Tum Tugger beamed ecstatically as he picked up the tuxedo tom around the waist and spun him around the area a little with a joyful laugh bubbling from them both. Once he placed down the other tom, Victoria ran over and hugged them both, a grin splitting her face in two as she was excited to see how her brother's new relationship would grow.
So, as you can see, Love can be friendly. Love can be a tease. But, consider the idea that Love could be a saving grace, too. That was Demeter’s story. She found herself in a dark room. Turning in circles, she frantically scanned her surroundings, noticing all the familiar aspects of the room. The place was a mess with cardboard boxes all over and covered in dust and a few covered and torn pieces of furniture here and there. The air reeked of ash and smoke. It was cold and intimidatingly uninviting. But, the icing on the cake was the spine-chilling voice that whispered behind her ear. 
“Hello, darling. So good to have you back,” the voice said menacingly. The golden queen jumped away and turned to see the Hidden Paw himself, Macavity. The ginger cat bore a sinister smirk on his face, his dark eyes flaming with lust and evil desire. Demeter cowered back, fear and anger filling her own green eyes as she spat back, “What do you want with me? Why have you brought me back?!” “I brought back what was rightfully mine,” the criminal cat  stated matter-of-factly, “You were the sheep that left the herd, and I was the shepherd that had to fetch you and bring you back.”
“I’m no sheep, and you’d never be my shepherd if I ever were one!” the nervous queen uttered coldly. Macavity clicked his tongue in scoldingly, “Tsk, tsk, tsk. Why so harsh, my stunning goddess?” he leaned close to her ear, causing her to freeze in place, “Think back to those nights. You and I both know that you actually enjoyed the nights we had such fun! Why the cold company? I know you still love me, and you still want me more than anyone.” He used the tip of his tail to guide her face to look at him. When their gazes met, all she saw was fire burning and evil intent. “You just wanted to mess with me with that terrible prank of acting like you fell for my uptight, pitiful excuse of a brother. You just wanted to make me jealous.” Still frozen in fear, Demeter found that she’d also lost her voice. She couldn’t say anything, even though none of it was true. She could barely even squeak a noise when the Napoleon of Crime leaned into her neck and whispered darkly.
“Well...it worked.”
He bit down on her neck, and she let out a scream of pain as she began scratching and clawing at different areas of his body to get him to stop. He soon released from the bite, taking pride in the mark left behind, shoved her to the floor on her back, and pinned down her arms over her head. “You’re mine,” he demanded dominantly, “You always have been, and you always will be. You’ll never escape me no matter how long or how far you run. I’ll always fetch my sheep!”
“NO!” Demeter screamed out as she sat up in her bed. “Demeter, it’s okay! It’s okay. I’m here! I’m right here. It’s okay.” The golden queen turned to her right to see her silver knight, Munkustrap pulling her to his chest. It was still the middle of the night. Her heart was pounding in her ears and her breathing was ragged and shaky as if she was crying. She WAS crying. Tears streamed down her face as she sobbed into her mate’s strong chest. Munkustrap held her close, adjusting to where she could listen to his heartbeat, knowing that the steadiness and constance would calm her and provide a focus before she’d fall into a panic attack. 
The silver tom started humming a tune, allowing his baritone voice to vibrate through his chest. No true song in particular, but a tune that they both knew and shared with just each other in times where one of them was overwhelmed mentally, physically, or emotionally. Five minutes later, as he stroked the back of her head, Demeter let out one more sniffle before taking a deep breath to show she’d truly calmed down. “Are you alright, dear?” Munkustrap asked cautiously. The queen in question looked up at the tabby tom with glossed eyes, the moon shining through the window and causing them to sparkle. She looked down again before finally answering, “Yes. I’m sorry if I worried you. It was just a nightmare. You should get back to sleep. You have patrol the next morning.” “Part of my roll as Protector is to protect everyone in the tribe from any danger, and that especially includes you,” the Protector explained, “Do you want to talk about it?”
Not wanting to relive the terrible dream, all she said was, “It was about him.” Munkustrap nodded in understanding as to why she’d left it at that, but he couldn’t leave her in this state. “Just know this then, dear: The only thing that my brother is right about is that you are definitely worth fighting for. You’re not a prize. You’re not a possession. You’re not anyone’s toy that they can get rid of when they get bored. But, you ARE my pride and joy. I love you, and nothing will change that. I’ll always be there to protect you, and I’ll always find a way to save you. No matter what. Don’t forget that.” Another tear slowly dripped from her eye as Demeter nuzzled her head into Munkustrap’s neck and uttered quietly, “I love you too.”
The silver tom laid them both back down and pulled up the blanket to cover them, and the two snuggled close together purring in comfort before dozing off to sleep.
See, Love is a strange and quite mysterious thing. It can be tender and sweet or feisty and improbable. We can’t truly understand the full concept of Love, but if we work with proper guidance, we can find our best interpretation of Love. And, when we do find it, the amount of happiness brought with it is something quite ineffable.
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afairytalestray · 3 years
Tuggoffelees 1 and Black&White Family 2
I can’t believe I’ve gotten to Part 3 of this series and I’m only now mentioning my favourite ship of all time! Tuggoffelees, my OTP, my beloved. As always, all hcs in this series will be pre-canon, if we accept the musical as the present day canon. Here’s my take on how Misto’s relationship with Tugger and with his half siblings develops :) (consistent tense usage? I don’t know her) (masterpost here!)
Tugger was totally enamoured by Mistoffelees from day one. They didn’t meet until after Munkustrap and Demeter’s ball (the one after Bomba/Demeter/Misto’s arrival in the Junkyard, which Misto skipped due to still fearing the other Cats), when Tugger happens across Misto dancing and practising his magic in a quiet corner by himself. For the first time in his life, the Rum Tum Tugger is rendered speechless, and just sits and watches in silent awe for like half an hour until Misto realises he’s there. Misto is initially very wary of Tugger, having heard about his flirty and flighty nature, but Tugger is so warm and genuine in his admiration of Misto’s abilities that he struggles to see what the stories were on about. The two immediately bond. They both have very great fears of violence and abandonment by family members/Macavity, which allow them to feel comfortable with one another and understand each other on a deep level better than anyone else in very little time. 
Misto, despite his own massive crush, is extremely oblivious to Tugger’s true feelings for him for a long time; after all, in what universe would the most popular and attractive Cat in the tribe see weird, skittish little him as anything more than a friend? But Tugger thinks he’s the greatest thing since sliced bread, and despite his fickle tendencies, is doggedly determined when he decides on something. He can’t put his finger on what exactly Misto makes him feel right away, but he knows that it’s good. He at first only recognises it as a weird and confusing desire to spend all his time only with him, and only after someone else points out that he’s not been up to his usual flirty shenanigans in a while. He struggles to explain it; since he’s one of the only ones Misto is able to talk to at that point, he’s one of the only ones who sees him for the fun, warm, and high-key sassy tom he is behind the shyness. It took a very long (and naturally embarrassing) talk with his father to help him work out what exactly he was feeling, and at Old Deuteronomy’s advice he resolved to pursue a serious relationship with Misto. It takes a while, partially because Misto seems to be immune to all Tugger’s best moves (read: oblivious to their real intention and therefore assumes he’s joking), and also because Tugger gets all heart-eyed and tongue-tied whenever Misto smiles at him - the usually suave rockstar Cat becomes a pile of goo.  After all his moves fail, Tugger is at a loss of what to do. In the end, he manages it completely by accident.
Misto is a perfectionist and extremely prone to over-working. Tugger’s insistence on being close by/helping him practise is the only reason he doesn’t wipe out basically all the time. Tugger finds him one evening when he’s pushed himself too far, exhausted and aching and barely able to walk. Tugger’s den is closer, so he picks him up and carries him back there - Misto is asleep long before Tugger lays him down on the blankets. He’s kinda mad - half at Misto for ignoring his own limits, half at himself for not being there to help him - but struggles to stay angry with him when he’s very clearly in pain. He confronts him the next day, which confuses Misto, who’s not really used to having people care about him the way Tugger does. Misto questions why it’s bothering Tugger so much, which prompts him to angrily blurt out that it sucks so much to see someone you love hurt themself like that and not seem to care. He doesn’t realise what he’s saying until he’s said it. It hangs in the air awkwardly for a few moments before Tugger throws caution to the wind and launches into a full confession of his feelings for him. He gets on a roll and doesn’t stop until Misto kisses him (in so learning that that is the best and only guaranteed way to shut Tugger up). From there things develop very quickly. To exactly no one’s surprise they become the youngest mated pair in Jellicle memory at the next ball. Old D bawls like a kitten he’s so happy. 
Tugger and Mistoffelees grew very close very quickly, which did wonders for Misto’s confidence and both of their self-esteem. It did, however, also strain Alonzo and Tugger’s already rocky relationship to near breaking point. Alonzo, having learned of Misto’s story and his mother’s death, feels incredibly guilty for turning away from him. He becomes jealous of how quickly Tugger was able to get close to Misto while he still struggles to even get him to talk to him, and thinks Tugger is an obnoxious bad influence and warns Misto against him. Tugger is normally fairly easygoing and happy to let rumours roll off him like water off a duck’s back, he even sometimes enjoys them and encourages them if he thinks they’re amusing. However, this he takes personally, and very seriously (as he will with any disparagement of his relationship with Misto, or suggestion that he doesn’t take it seriously). Tugger feels very protective of Misto, knowing very well the pain of being on the receiving end of his eldest brother’s rage, and of their blossoming relationship; he asserts that Alonzo should have gone after Misto when his mother attacked him, and that it’s Alonzo’s own damn fault he doesn’t have a relationship with Misto and it’s got nothing to do with Tugger. It becomes a very sore point of contention between the two of them.
Once Misto is more comfortable in himself and who he is, he begins to slowly build a bond with his half siblings. He becomes more comfortable with Victoria quickly, they both enjoy hanging out without really communicating, just enjoying each other’s company in peace. Victoria is deaf. She can lip-read, but Misto is very determined to learn sign language, and when he gets reasonably competent at that it becomes their main method of communication.
Alonzo is a lot trickier, the poor guy still feels so guilty. Misto holds no resentment towards him at all, he’s really happy Alonzo doesn’t hate him and totally understands why he couldn’t see him back then when everything was still fresh and painful for him - he doesn’t blame him at all. But he can’t seem to get that into Alonzo’s head. Every time it comes up all Alonzo can think about is that if he had just been more mature/compassionate/accepting back then Misto wouldn’t have gone through everything he did. 
Alonzo now desperately wants a relationship with his little brother, but his guilt makes it so he struggles horribly at communicating with him and is awkward around him, which in turn makes Misto nervous and uncomfortable (even more than he generally was at that time), which makes it even worse for poor Lonz. He becomes very protective of Misto as he feels like it’s the only thing he can now do for him (if he didn’t do it before then he’ll sure as hell make up for it now). This, unfortunately, tends to result in him getting into fights. He and Tugger have been and always will be chalk and cheese, but he also argued with his mother and now refuses to speak to her. When Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer arrived in the Junkyard, freshly escaped from Macavity and seeking refuge, it really freaked Misto out, and Alonzo immediately took a very hard stance against them and wouldn’t give them a chance. He got into a physical fight with Bombalurina that had to be broken up by Munkustrap when she wouldn’t let him close to her den (where Misto and Demeter had holed up). He has now begrudgingly accepted the twins, but keeps his guard up around them. 
As his and Misto’s relationship improved, the awkwardness ended up dissipating completely and the two became quite close. The protectiveness, however, never did go away. It toned down a lot, but at any given moment Alonzo is always ready and willing to throw hands for his little brother and sister.
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levyowl · 5 years
Random Cats Ideas/Headcanons
Sorry, this is kinda long and self-indulgent :)
You know how superheroes have pets and sometimes they get spin-offs i.e. Krypto, Ace the Bat-Hound, etc? That’s the Rumpus cat. Which superhero is his owner? The Jellicles don’t care; the cat’s where it’s at.
The kittens adore Gus. They love to perform some of his old plays to him. Victoria knows all of Griddlebone’s lines by heart. Pouncival loves playing a pirate so much he hand made his own costume and constantly adds on to it. Even though Gus has trouble moving, the kittens try to accommodate him so he can play Firefrorefiddle. Gus is touched every time.
Tugger doesn’t flirt with Demeter because he knows about Munkustrap’s feelings for her.
Etcetera and Pouncival are the most energetic/athletic cats in the tribe as well as the most accident-prone.
Coincidentally, Etcetera and Puncival are Asparagus Jr. and Jellylorum’s kids. Asparagus likes to rough-house with them from time to time. Even though she has to reel them in a lot, Jelly likes to sit by and watch her kids play.
Mungojerrie and Rumpelteazer were taken in by Macavity when they were kittens due to their thievery skills. Macavity was abusive and Jerrie would protect Teazer from him when he was feeling particularly malicious. They eventually ran away and found the Jellicle tribe. Both were adopted by Skimble and Jenny. While both are afraid of Macavity, they never lost their happy-go-lucky attitudes.
Skimble taught Jerrie about human inventions. Jenny taught Teazer how to sew. 
Jellylorum is the tribe’s equivalent of a school teacher. 
Grizabella is Demeter and Bombalurina’s mother. 
Jerrie and Teazer are surprisingly shrewd. It surprises everyone every time.
With the exception of some kittens, Exotica is the newest member of the tribe, which is why she sticks to the background. The others always include her to remind her she’s welcome, but she just hasn’t quite found her clique in the tribe yet. She’s slowly becoming friends with Bomba and Cassandra, though. 
Everyone was surprised and confused that the aloof Cassandra chose to be with Alonzo, who was always a bit of a flirt. Truth is, she finds it hard to connect with others a lot. So when Alonzo showed up and told her all the ways he thought she was beautiful and amazing, she just couldn’t resist. She’ll never tell that to anyone, though.
Quaxo/Misto and Jemima are Coricopat and Tantomille’s unofficial little brother and sister. Fight them.
Cori and Tanto are training Jemima with her psychic powers.
Funnily enough, Mungojerrie is the more responsible one out of the two. He sees Teazer as the little sister, despite the fact that they’re twins. It’s the same with Tanto in relation to Cori. Both he and Teazer bond over their slightly overprotective siblings and lowkey start crushing on each other.
Jerrie and Tanto didn’t get along at first, but at Teazer and Cori’s insistence, they get to know each other better and start crushing become unlikely friends. 
Tugger is always pestering Misto to add sparkles to his mane. 
Pouncival and Etcetera share, like, three brain cells, and most of the time, Electra has them somehow.
Bustopher belongs to a family of high-class scholars, so he’s the most knowledgeable of human devices/behavior/history in the tribe, Skimbleshanks being a close second. He and Skimble like to gossip over tea about their humans.
Victoria is Albino (Albino cats have notable bright pink skin; Victoria is the only cat in the show with a pink nose and pink in her ears.)
Since Tugger is the little brother, he sometimes feels inferior to Munkustrap. Munk knows this, so he makes sure to try and include Tugger in things i.e. looking after kittens, the Pekes and the Pollicles play, etc. Tugger might be a bit of a narcissist, but he’s an important member of the tribe.
Macavity is the oldest brother, Munkustrap is the middle child, and Tugger is the youngest. Old Deuteronomy had nicknames for them growing up. Macavity was his ‘Sunshine’, Munk was his ‘Moonbeam’, and Tugger was his ‘Starlight’. Old Deut still calls them that sometimes behind closed doors.
While Victoria does talk, she prefers to use visual/physical cues when showing affection i.e. leaning on someone to comfort or show support. Plato swears they have a secret language. 
Victoria has a magic of her own, but it’s not really outwardly like Mistos’, so hardly anyone knows about it. Part of it is her magic flows into her coat and protects her from harmful exposure, which is important due to her albinism. 
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