#how do I look up unicorn if I don't know the first letter
gildedphoenix · 6 months
It's ok, I can't spell nusense either :)
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You know it's bad when even spell check is like, "Um, do you mean -
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villainofmyownstory · 5 months
Part I - Gravity
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pairing: Poly 141 x plus size fem!reader
summary: After inheriting jewelry from your dearest grandmother and one visit to a fortune teller. Your life is changing. Not once, not twice… but four times.
tags: Polyamory × Poly 141 × Strangers to Lovers × Stranger Sex × Polyamorous Task Force 141 (Call of Duty) × Smut × Oral Sex × Eventual Romance
a/n: Today I heard the song Gravity by Ralph, which inspired me to write this story. Each part will feature a different member of TF141.
Parts of the song lyrics are in italics.
Let me know what you think, I'm still learning how to write smut.
English is not my first language, so probably many things are poorly described and the vocabulary is very simple. If you see any mistakes - let me know!
Part I - Gravity
Kyle ”Gaz” Garrick
You are sitting in a small, narrow corridor, surrounded by many strange objects. Your heart is beating fast. You feel uneasy. The walls are colorful, trinkets, colorful lamps and curtains hang from the ceilings.
There is a sweet, heavy but pleasant scent in the air.
You only came here because your friend got an unusual gift from someone for her birthday. A rather peculiar one. A visit to a fortune teller.
You don't believe in such things, you are a rather down-to-earth woman. No fairies, princesses, wizards, unicorns or magical powers of objects. Pure science. Logic.
But you'll do anything for your friends.
You are snapped out of these ponderings by a voice from the side. Your girlfriend's more impatient and curious about the whole aura around the place.
“Thursday: cinnamon, musk, sage.... Interesting, maybe we should come another day. Oh! For example, on Sundays the smell of lemon. Do you know what it's good for?”
You didn't even have time to open your mouth to answer that of course you don't know what lemon is good for. For... a cold?
“Welcome, fairy Avery is expecting another visitor.”
You get up, but the person standing by the door tells you to wait. One person may be in the room with the fairy so as not to disturb her aura.
Or something else.
You sit back in your chair and look around the room out of boredom, since there isn't even a signal on your phone here. Finally, you glance at the flyer your friend was looking at a moment ago. Without delving into it, you simply flip through it quickly.
'Frankincense not only smells beautiful, but also has magical powers. Some intensify love, others intuition, there are also those that protect against evil powers...
Numerological matching ...
Venus Prophecy ...
If you want to know what fate has prepared for you and check what awaits you in the near future ... ask the magic ball ...
Tarot Celtic Cross
Amulets and talismans ...'
“That's interesting...”
You whisper under your breath as you see a photo of a confusingly similar stone. The kind you just had around your neck.
You had inherited the necklace from your grandmother, as well as to the pair, earrings and a ring. But in accordance with your grandmother's request, you wore the necklace every day since the day you received it.
Since yesterday being precise. Only yesterday someone from the family in your grandmother's long-abandoned house, found the lost box. With a letter and things for you.
When your friend with a smile on her lips comes out of the fortune teller's room, you want to get out of this place as soon as possible. You did not come here for any divination, tarot, palm reading.
However, the voice again invites another person, and apart from the two of you, there is no one in the hallway.
Slightly pushed by the girl you go into the room.
“I've been waiting a long time for you”.
When the door slams behind you the room falls into semi-darkness. The only sources of light are candles arranged in places.
You approach the most illuminated spot, a small round table in the middle of the room.
A small figure sits on the opposite side and holds one hand over a glass sphere.
If you're wondering what the fairy looked like. Yes, just what you think.
Her face hidden in a storm of loose hair, colorful wide clothes, a mass of necklaces, beads, talismans and rings.
It's hard to tell her age, but judging by her voice, she may already be in her midlife years.
“At me?”
You ask finally approaching the table.
“Sit down, and don't ask questions. The sphere has already told me everything... with the rest, you know very well what awaits you again...”
Sitting down on the chair closely watching the woman, you understand nothing of what she says. Maybe there's really no point in asking her anything, as you won't believe it anyway. Let her say what she has to say, and quickly leave this strange place.
“Four. That's your number, definitely. A strong, strong four. Unbreakable.
The same thing awaits you...yes, but this time it will be ..more intense, more interesting, so... complete. “
In the room as if the wind blew, many candles go out, and your skin went through shivers.
The woman pays no attention to this and continues
“Only this time be guided by your heart, okay? It will be a happy and joyful time, use it. And don't regret anything. Just remember, choose with your heart. Not with the mind.”
With her last word, the room goes dark. You sit slightly puzzled and bewildered.
What actually happened?
Having, once again in this peculiar place, no time to ask questions. The door behind you opens and again that mysterious voice informs you that the visit is over.
Kyle was the first one.
Kyle was the right one.
He just was.
Didn't think I was ready for love again.
Saturday, you walk ahead. Since the morning, you felt a great need to just get out of the apartment, this small cramped place. Claustrophobic.
Sometimes you have days like this, to go out without looking back. To leave everything behind and go. Walk, just simply walk, step by step. Until your legs start to hurt. Or until it gets dark.
Sunk in your thoughts you reach quite far, from home. Your walk has been going on for a good three hours. It has started to rain. You think a little bit and you hide under the canopy of one of the nearest buildings.
Will you catch me if I float?
Glad that you didn't get too wet, on the other hand you curse yourself in your mind. You didn't even take your phone with you, you'll have to wait until it stops raining.
Looking up you sadly conclude that, unfortunately, it doesn't look like the weather is going to change any time soon.
There aren't even any people around, no pedestrians. No one.
Minutes pass, long boring ones.
Finally you hear the sound of an engine, a car approaching at high speed. You think maybe it's a taxi, you step out from under the canopy and at that moment the car drives past you.
Splashing you.
“Fuck! Are you kidding me?”
Angrily you wipe your wet face to see anything. The car has unfortunately already disappeared around the corner, so you weren't even supposed to see what the car was. Even, you couldn't see its color.
You stand like this, on the sidewalk, not caring that the rain is falling on you. You are soaked. Even your hair is wet and stuck to your face. Just like your clothes, they have become heavy and cold. It's like someone threw you into a pool with your clothes on.
I think you even have wet panties.
“Just great!”
You mumble irritably, feeling a lump in your throat. You don't want to cry, but you feel terrible. Not only physically. But somehow mentally, too.
This situation reminds you of the humiliation you experienced because of your physical appearance in the past, at school.
Trying to at least drain the water from your hair and somehow tie it up or braid it. So it doesn't bother you, you don't pay attention that a car has stopped next to you.
Cause I feel gravity, gravity, gravity Pulling you to me, you to me, you to me
“Excuse me? Perhaps, I can somehow...help you?”
A warm and concerned voice gets your attention. You raise your head and freeze.
A few steps in front of you there is a large dark car, a man is looking at you from the open window.
Very handsome. Young. Definitely not from your small town. Probably some sort of passerby.
“Can I help you somehow, ma'am?”
Laughing lightly, he repeats the question. His voice pleasant, like a spring wind, like a meadow full of flowers, like warm tea with honey and raspberries.
Finally you shake it off, and say without thinking much about it.
“Actually, yes.”
Maybe you shouldn't get into the car of a complete stranger, but there's something that tells you to agree, to get in, to finally go home.
You're terribly wet and cold.
You quickly get into the passenger seat fastening your seat belt and giving your address.
You introduce yourself, gently squeezing the man's hand. His hand, despite several scars and hard skin, is warm and very welcoming to you.
It seems the two of you hold hands a few moments longer than the usual greeting should last.
Fixing your hair behind your ear, you smile slightly at the man and slowly let go of his hand. However, despite this, his gaze does not leave your face.
“I'm Kyle...”
The man finally says, turning on the car's engine and slowly moving towards your house.
No oxygen up here Must be gravity, gravity
The drive passes undeniably quickly, the streets at this hour and considering the weather are unusually empty.
You don't exchange many sentences, typically pleasantries. He's here on business, you've lived here all your life.
He can't talk about work, but it's something related to ''safety.''
You, on the other hand, could talk about your work for hours, but you don't want to bore him with scientific babble.
He, when speaking, gesticulates, speaks confidently and laughs loudly.
You, on the other hand, speak quietly, smiling gently. Intimidated.
Actually, you don't know how it happens that a man is already standing in front of your door. He is so charming, kind, friendly. That you agree without thinking as he offers to go to your house under his umbrella.
Truly charming he is.
Putting the key in the lock and opening the door, you turn towards the man
“Maybe as a thank you... I didn't do any shopping, but maybe.... Perhaps you'd like some tea and cake?”
“Sure, a cup of tea is even necessary in this weather.”
He laughs loudly again smiling widely.
You hastily put water in the kettle for tea, gently shivering. Those damn clothes stuck to your skin like wet cold scales.
You quickly prepare cups and plates of cookies. As you turn around to go and finally change into something thick, warm and comfortable. You impetuously bump into the man who inaudibly entered the kitchen and stood a step behind you.
“Excuse me.”
You mumbled embarrassedly. Surely that collision with your weight must have hurt him.
Kyle smiles at you while gently tilting his head
“You're soaked.”
Saying this, he brushes away unruly strands of hair from your face.
You swallow your drool loudly.
Why has the kitchen suddenly become so stuffy? Was it the boiling water that raised the temperature in the small apartment so dramatically?
Oh God no.
It was him.
Grabbing the back of your head, he draws your face to his, and gently kisses you. At first he gently brushes his lips against your lips. But after a while he intensifies the kiss, more greedily. Possessively. With one hand he gently massages the scalp of your head as his other hand wandered over your body, gently squeezing your breasts. Then he lasciviously strokes your belly. His hand slowly makes its way to the line of your pants.
The man between kisses slowly brings out word by word
“Sorry, I never. This is my first time. i mean, never so fast. but, fuck “.
Despite the tangle of words, you understand what he means.
No one ever wanted you the moment they met you. Never has anyone wanted you so quickly.
Should I let go? (Ooh, let go) And lose control? (Ooh, lose control)
In response, you entwine your arms around his neck wanting to show him not to go anywhere. To keep his body even closer to yours.
His hand easily makes its way under the material of your jeans and panties gently poking his fingers into the warm, plush of your lower abdomen. He gently teases the tender skin under your pants with his fingers.
You silently moan involuntarily, his lips slowly directing gentle kisses to your neck.
He is sure to leave marks on you.
As he gently sucks the thin skin close to your pulse, you stiffen, your body is pierced by pleasant shivers.
“Where is the bedroom?”
After these words, you wave your hand roughly in the direction of your small room with a bed and a tiny closet.
When the man finally pulls away from you, with a quiet pop  his lips finally pulled away from your skin.
His hand continued to rest in your panties as he gently and calmly rubbed the area around your clit with his fingertips.
Keeping the last remnants of common sense, you turn off the kitchen to avoid burning the kettle with boiling water.
Tea was no longer needed.
As you and Kyle land on the bed, you on your back, the man slowly kisses every part of your body with precision.
Wet clothes with each passing moment land with a slight sloshing on the floor. You don't even worry about the mess you both leave behind.
Lose my breath in your atmosphere No oxygen up here
Once you're completely naked, Kylie kneels in front of you. Stroking your thick thighs, slowly running his fingers over your fat, and you squirm as the cool air hits your wet cunt.
“Show off your beauty, don't hide.”
He opens your legs, not taking his eyes off your face.
Slightly embarrassed, you bury your head in your hands, your elbows covering your exposed breasts. Your large nipples heap under the change of temperature after removing your wet clothes.
Kyle says more firmly, gripping your inner thigh cheeks.
“I need to warm you up, you're so soaked.”
After these words, he dives between your legs and, kissing your thighs, moves closer to your center.
You feel his warm breath teasing your sensitive skin.
“You’re so beautiful and wet...”
He mumbles, and after these words. You feel his tongue teasing the area around your rear hole, with a long stroke he directs his tongue upward.
His tongue is rough and hot as he focuses on your clit. First teasing the hard little button with his tongue slowly circling it. Then he starts sucking on it.
“That's it, baby. Just mine.”
You moan louder. His words, the slow play of his mouth and tongue between your wet folds making you feel the growing pleasure in your lower abdomen.
It's been so long, no, never before has anyone taken care of you like this. With such adoration and worship.
“Kyle... I think I'm ~oh!”
Your breathing speeds up
“Come on baby. I'll make you cum with my tongue”
His mouth gently sucks your clitoris, and he caresses your swollen bud with his tongue, speeding up the fun of it.
You reach your first orgasm of the evening. Your legs involuntarily shaking, your rippling belly and breasts gently bouncing during this sudden sensation.
“Honey, are you ready for more?
Kyle rises slowly, kissing your cunt, lifting your legs, kissing your lower abdomen around your breasts and sternum. Leaving wet marks on your skin.
He stops at the valley of your breasts, gently tilting his head and squinting his eyes.
“Um... the stone in the necklace has changed color, interesting.”
He smiles and leans in, kissing you on the lips.
As you kiss him, you can feel your juices mixed with his saliva.
Kyle catches you below the knees, bringing your legs closer to his chest, one hand grasping his erect member.
Just now you stare intently at his penis. His tip is an dark pink, dripping rich pearls of precum, and fuck, it's thick. It's not long, rather a standard size, but the thickness surprised you.
With amusement, the man looks at you, leaning over you again with one hand resting next to your head. With his other hand, he pumps his protruding shaft with quick, powerful movements.
His tip teases your wet and very tender folds.
“Babe, I need you. Right now, next time... I'll take care of you longer, better, all right?”
You nod. Completely ignoring his words.
He slowly slides into your warm and wet hole. Its walls, although invitingly spread around his cock, tenderly and tightly squeeze him.
Both of you are moaning loudly with pleasure.
He embeds his thick cock deep inside you and starts slowly rocking back and forth.
Rhythmic obscene wet sounds, body slapping against body and increasingly loud sighs fill the room. Kyle grabs your wrists and lifts your arms above your head, crossing and holding them tightly like this. Entering you with more force.
He moves faster and faster inside you. You wrap your legs around his hips so that, thanks to the new angle, he enters you fuller, harder. He moves even faster.
He kisses you again, this time with more force, his tongue forces itself deep into your mouth so that his teeth collide with yours.
His movements are less rhythmic now, but deeper, he places kisses on your cheek, neck, caressing your collarbone.
You reach another orgasm at the same time as you feel the man tighten his body and eat into your neck. His warm cum gushing into your pussy, which, under the influence of another peak, squeezes even more around his throbbing member. His cum fills you and gently mixed with your juices flows out of you, running down your folds
You lie like this entwined for many more moments, gasping loudly, his breath teasing your sweaty, tender neck skin.
Kyle, after taking a few deeper breaths, finally says raising his head and looking into your eyes
"The stone in your necklace, is now canary yellow”
Tossing and turning, I can't get you off my mind Thinking about what you did to me last night Am I in trouble? Should I hit the breaks? Being with you is my favorite mistake
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yanderes-galore · 7 months
I’d like to see some yandere romantic concept for Sunset Shimmer from MLP please! I love her so much I need something for her! 😍
Can confirm as a fellow Sunset Shimmer fan I adore her too. Been awhile since I've seen Equestria Girls so I'm sorry if she's OOC. This concept takes place in the Human World since I don't do much of those.
Took a classic yandere take with this. Not fully proofread, expect mistakes!
Yandere! Sunset Shimmer Concept
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Manipulation, Fear of abandonment implied, Jealousy, Stalking, Clingy behavior, Violence, Threats/Threats of murder, Brief blood mention, Kidnapping, Isolation, Forced relationship.
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Obviously Sunset Shimmer's yandere type changes depending on if she's a villain or not.
I'll be looking at reformed Sunset Shimmer in this concept, so her after the first movie.
She is the leader of the group when Twilight isn't in the human world.
She's in charge of any magic spikes or magical problems in general.
She knows not a lot of people like her due to what she's done... but she's trying to get better!
She's trying to build her confidence and acts very kind to those around her.
She writes to Twilight often about her findings.
She's intelligent and compassionate... but can lose her composure and temper easily.
Sunset Shimmer tries her best to be a good person... she even manages to make a new friend.
My idea was that Sunset Shimmer's obsession makes her relapse into her old behavior a bit.
She's better now but occasionally might find herself giving into a more selfish and manipulative side.
Her relapsing is unnoticeable to her at first... but soon she realizes it the more she's around you.
When she met you she realized you two get along well.
You often hang out at each other's homes and play games, talk, and just enjoy each other.
Soon Sunset Shimmer starts to develop feelings for you....
You have no clue about her true origins as a Unicorn but she doesn't really plan on telling you... right off.
She's still curious and stunned by her new feelings towards you.
She... she hasn't felt so warm towards anyone before... let alone like this.
She struggles on if she should let Twilight know about such a thing.
Speaking of which... Sunset Shimmer, as Twilight's student, may have a similar yandere type to the princess.
She wants to learn all about her new feelings, she notes everything down about you...
Perhaps even follows you around to an obsessive degree.
She plays it all off as just being clingy.
After all... she's been through a lot... so surely you'll forgive her, right?
Originally doesn't mind you around her group of friends... but soon she ends up jealous.
She may eventually try writing to Twilight... saying she feels overly obsessive and controlling towards you...
However... maybe midway through the letter... she stops.
Why should Twilight know?
What if Twilight sees her affection for you as a bad thing.
What if she takes you away?
As a result, Sunset Shimmer never tells Twilight.
Sun Shim's friends get concerned when they see her always ask about you.
She even glares at people around you... a fire igniting within her whenever she sees others speak to you.
Eventually Sunset Shimmer may give into her darker desires.
The demonic grasp on her heart appears again.
Soon she's threatening others around you and slowly controlling you to spend more time with her.
She tries to ignore the violent thoughts she has... but soon she may act upon those too.
Eventually she confesses to you... opening her heart to you in hopes you'll accept.
If you don't... she doesn't take it well.
In fact... her heart tells her to take you.
To tie you up... to lock you away...
To hide all the evidence of her obsession... no matter how much blood is on her hands.
She apologizes next time she comes to your home... knocking you out and catching you softly.
She doesn't tell a soul once she takes you home and sits you on a bed.
Twilight doesn't need to know... her friends don't need to know...
If anyone asks she'll get rid of them.
You two are meant to be together... she just knows it.
Her dark desires pour into her heart once again... she can't help but kiss you softly when she sees you wake up.
To your dismay... it doesn't seem like she changed at all from before... she's still a selfish demon who only cares for herself in the end.
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sky-fire-forever · 11 months
Responding to your line that you put in the water for izzyxreader asks —
Maybe reader is super tough all the time, and so they and Izzy bond over repressing feelings and everything, and then Izzy goes through his transformation and healing era and the reader feels abandoned because everyone on this crew is touchy-feely and now they’re all alone in putting mind over emotion
But then they find out some really bad news (maybe they lost a loved one or something) and fall apart at the seams, and Izzy is there to pick up the pieces
[AN: I try to leave it vague as to what the bad news actually is, so I'll leave it to your imagination! This is my first time writing X Reader fic, so I hope it's any good! Also, I am posting this on mobile, so I apologize for any formatting errors]
Izzy Hands is the only one on the ship who understands you. Or so you thought.
These days, it doesn't seem like anyone understands you at all. Izzy included.
It used to be you and Izzy against the world. The two of you understood what it means to be pirates: It means bottling up the fear and the sadness and the… all of it. It means facing the world with a brave face despite how you might feel inside.
You both understood that. Once.
Izzy seems to have forgotten. He wears his emotions on his face now. He talks about them. He wears the title of Unicorn with pride. Things that Izzy wouldn't have been caught dead doing once upon a time.
It seems so easy for him now. He sits with the crew, smiles with them, congratulates them on a job well done. He belongs with them.
And all you can do is watch.
You're almost envious of his ability to change, to grow. It was less lonely being an outsider when Izzy was on the outside with you. Now, you just have to look in and watch as he builds this fantasy family. You wonder how much it will hurt him when it comes tumbling down.
"You could join us, you know," Izzy tells you one night as the crew huddles together by the light and you stand on your own. "No point in you drinking all alone."
You scoff and wave him off. "I don't do well with people." It's an old excuse, one you've used for years.
Just as he always has, Izzy sees through it. "You don't need to push them away. They're... not what we thought they were."
You narrow your eyes at him. "Just because you've gone soft doesn't mean we all will."
Izzy looks at you with something like sadness in his eyes. "The invitation's open."
But it wasn't an invitation you could accept.
Not until later, when a letter comes for you.
As you read it, your hands begin to shake. Your vision gets blurry as your eyes fill with tears. Before you know it, your entire body is trembling.
"Fuck," you whisper. "Fuck!" You shout it at the sea, crumpling the letter in your fist and hurling it at the ocean.
You can never catch a break, can you? The world loves punishing you no matter what you do. People like you don't get a happy ending.
That's something you've always known. You're a pirate and pirates' lives are full of bloodshed and misery and death. A happy ending has never been in the cards for you. Hell, you never even expected a happy middle.
You've never seen the point in crying over the shitty hand you've been dealt. Expressing emotions changes nothing, fixes nothing. So what's the point?
But in this moment, you can't hold it all in. You fall to your knees as tears hit your cheeks. You sob so hard you can hardly breathe. The world around you becomes a blur as you begin to cry.
Strong hands come to wrap around you. Your first instinct is to fight, to shove away whoever is offering you comfort. But you're just too tired and weak to bother.
"I've got ya. I've got you, love." Izzy's soothing voice washes over you as he pulls you into his lap. "I'm here."
Not long ago, the idea of Izzy Hands gently holding you as you fall apart would have been laughable. But here you sit, curled up against his chest as he rubs circles into your back.
You hiccup, trying desperately to regain some control over your breathing. "H-Hurts," you whimper through the tears. "Fuck, it hurts."
"I know," Izzy says softly. "I know, love. I know it hurts. Just let it all out, yeah?"
He presses a kiss to your temple and you squeeze your eyes shut. Sob after sob wrecks through you and you're powerless to stop it.
There's a reason you keep your emotions to yourself. Crying is painful and it's weakness and it fucking sucks. Why would you choose it if you could lock it all away instead?
But somehow crying in Izzy's arms doesn't feel quite as bad as you feared. It still fucking hurts, but he holds you through it, whispering gentle assurances all the while.
And when you've finally cried yourself out, a part of you feels… lighter. Like a great burden has been lifted from your shoulders and all it took was falling apart.
"Shit. I'm sorry," you mutter as you wipe your eyes on the back of your sleeve.
"Nothing to apologize for," Izzy says. "How are you feelin'?"
You hesitate before answering. "Better," you admit somewhat grumpily.
He smiles like he knows how much it pains you to admit that crying helped. "It's easier to fall apart when someone will help pick up the pieces." He reaches up to cup your cheek, brushing away a few stray tears with his thumb.
You swallow and if you had any tears left to shed, you're certain you'd start crying all over again.
Instead, you just wrap your arms around Izzy and hold him close, burying your face in his neck.
"Thank you," you whisper.
He holds you close like it's easy to do it. Like being there for you isn't the burden you know it must be. "Always, love."
And you believe him.
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maestro04yayyy · 2 months
So, I ended up musing on this idea a little more & wanted to share some thoughts, given you seemed to like the premise >:3c
Firstly, I am thinking the statement which causes Chloe's brain to switch Juleka from "Attractive girl threatening me" to "Matches my freak, I must have her" would be something like:
Chloe: How trite, such zealous devotion wasted on someone who won't even look your way. Juleka: (Looms more intensely, nails screeching as she scratched the wall) You would never understand the lengths someone would go for love, unrequited or not.
But Chloe did understand, she understood all to well.
Juleka nearly stepped back on instict as Chloe lolled forward, somehting strange in her smile that was no longer quiet as cruel and her eyes shimmering.
"But I do know. I know the endless toil and bottomless depths the quest for love sends one to."
Chloe stepped forward and pressed against her, meeting Juleka's stunned gaze as she slowly started to rise, whispering.
"I know how it burns when the target was too high to so much as touch, to even see the one steeped in their shadow..."
There was a dizzying, confounding moment where Juleka thought Chloe was going to try and kiss her. But the blonde stopped, rolling back on her feet, she added.
"Don't worry, I won't take that kiss from you. But in time, you'll want me to and until then, I'll leave your little rose be."
With that, the girl pivoted and strode away, stopping at the door to send her w winsome smirk, "See you in lass, Juleka~" her name rolled off the blonde's lips with a strangely sultry lilt before the door closed.
There were frankly, far too many thoughts circling Juleka's head in that moment, pride at having spoken with such strength, relief that Rose would be insulated from Chloe's cruelty. Dizzying confusion at the blonde seemingly... Flirting... With her!?!
But somehow what stood out was the fact, this was the first time Chloe had ever used her first name.
Beyond that, I low key imagine Chloe making a very Chloe like apology to Rose. Mostly so she can be around Juleka without tension.
Which basically means badgering ALi's assistant into letting him stay longer & inviting both he & Rose as his plus one to some event. Passing the tickets onto Rose with a sort of, "Clearly my critical eye erred to not see the wuality of your letter."
Which mostly leaves Rose ??? Cos is that an apology, a concession, a what? But she takes the tickets & has a grand time so she guesses they're chill now. Weirdly Chloe almost seems to want to hang out even?
Juleka has no way to explain why she thinks this came about. Where to even begin?
Also she patches things up with Adrien, for a given value of needing to.
She also wants his advice on pursuing intense, dark haired girls who seem both shy but capable of incredible violence but who aren't into them.
Adrien: How did you figure out I'm Chat Noir? Chloe: (Play it cool, play it cool, play it cool!)
Not sure if that's "canon" but I do find the idea funny XD Also she's pursuing Juleka as intensely as she is in part cos of the "Matches my freak" aspect. But also cos she's like... Super duper gay. Like compare & contrast her rather minimal efforts to flirt with Adrien VS how she throws herself at Ladybug. She's definitely going higher with Juleka than she would with Adrien at the very least XD
Ok first of all thanks for sharing this with!!!!
Second of all, I love everything about it!!!!
Also I love chloe being all dramatic and theatrical, she grew up with adrien and felix, now I just wonder who was the one eho influenced the others.
And yep I cam imagine everyone being confues as hell but I think rose would just accept it, maybe she will think she power of friendship and love finally reached her, or that voodo ritual she did with a unicorn plushies actually worked and juleka doesn't say anything about ehat hapoened because she is half sure it was an hallucination the first time, I kinfa imagine juleka being is almost denial, thinking an akuma took Chloe's place because she can't be in love woth juleka(it would just be funny but likely to last very shortly).
Also yeah, chloe is the gayest person ever, she has fallen hard, juleka is a hot goth girl after all.
And god adrien!!!!!! I imagined plagg face palmed and cursed a lot, that or laughed loufly and came out so he could help chloe(god if those two meet it is going to be hell)
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theonetruegnome · 2 months
Got inspired by @daydreamer36 's oneshot, so I made my own, featuring Mana mare and Peggizest from @funny-critter-blog. This was really fun to make, probably due to the cuteness of the cast. Enjoy!
Peggizest and Mana are sitting together under a tree, watching the others play. Mana needed a break from the sun and Peggi offered to accompany so she wouldn't get lonely. Peggizest starts to talk;
Wonder what they're playing now?
Probably some sort of ball game based on how they're running towards a single moving point. Though that could also be zombie behaviour.
Don't you think its weird how similar our friends are?
Elaborate please?
Well, look at Sweetie pup and Callum. They're both cuddly snuggle bugs but you'd think they should be opposites because of their species... Wait, no no no! I didn't mean that! I just mean that we share some of the same personalities and it's, well, weird! Not that there's anything especially wrong with being different! They can be what they want, I-I don't care, it's just-
Peggi! I know what you mean dear, you're saying you wouldn't think they have the same personalities, and it's a weird coincidence, right?
R-right... thank you... *Phew!*
But yes, I thought so too. I mean, we collectively have two elephants, two dogs, two chickens, two rabbits... And all colours of the rainbow. In fact, you and I are the only differences. One unicorn, one Pegasus. How curious!
You're right, that is weird of us! WAIT-
Peggi! Calm. Down! I know what you mean dear, and you're not going to insult me or anyone else. Relax.
*Sigh* thank you. But yeah, strange how we're the oddballs. Makes some sense though, we are both horsy.
True, but there are a lot of differences between us, like how you can actually control your wings and flying. My horn's still not cooperating in the slightest, no matter what I do.
Oh come on, don't be so down! It took me years of practicing and crashing into things before I could even stay airborne. I'm still nervous I'm going to break something or smack someone when I spread them. And besides, I'm sure you're better than you think at magic, you just have to believe in yourself!
Mana's horn glows a deep navy, before fading back to normal, smoking slightly. And easel and canvas has appeared with the words "Ƿesaþ hāla! Ic eom art!" burned into the surface.
Still think I'm good?
Yes, absolutely! Look at that lettering, that's better than I can do by hand!
First of all, it's not even in English, and second I was trying to pick an apple from this tree. I'm just completely useless.
There's a moment of silence between them before Peggizest jumps up and faces Mana
Right, pity party's over! Now, we are going to stop feeling sorry for ourselves, go over to the others, we're going to make our own team, and we are going to kick their butts, even if it is... one two three four... seven to one!
No we won't, for one key factor. I'm on that team. Mrs useless herself.
You're just saying that Mana, you'll feel better when you start running around. And even if we fail, which we won't, we'll be failing together! So whadda ya say?
Mana looks up at her smiling friend, holding out a hoof in earnest friendship, and can't help but grin herself.
I'm in!
Great! Let's go!
The pegasus takes off down the path towards the gaggle of rainbow animals, while mana stares back at the canvas. She screws up her eyes, her horn glows once more, and an apple, neatly severed at the stem, falls at her feet. She picks it up, smiles, and strolls down the path towards the others, chewing on the fresh fruit.
It really is a nice day out today...
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thefisherqueen · 1 year
Some notes on Black Peter, the Letters from Watson story I'm now catching up on:
"The first positive sign which he gave me of the direction which his investigation was taking was an extraordinary one. He had gone out before breakfast, and I had sat down to mine, when he strode into the room, his hat upon his head and a huge barbed-headed spear tucked like an umbrella under his arm." Please tell me there's a Granada episode of story. Or at least an illustration
"He chuckled as he poured out the coffee. "If you could have looked into Allardyce's back shop you would have seen a dead pig swung from a hook in the ceiling, and a gentleman in his shirt-sleeves furiously stabbing at it with this weapon. I was that energetic person, and I have satisfied myself that by no exertion of my strength can I transfix the pig with a single blow." Laughing so hard over this. At least it gave Holmes an appetite?
"He was a most daring and successful seal and whale fisher. In 1883 he commanded the steam sealer Sea Unicorn, of Dundee. He had then had several successful voyages in succession, and in the following year, 1884, he retired." Just learnt a lot about the history of whaling. The only way to get rich by whaling and sealing was to be either a captain or an investor. No chance otherwise.
"The man was an intermittent drunkard, and when he had the fit on him he was a perfect fiend. He has been known to drive his wife and his daughter out of doors in the middle of the night, and flog them through the park until the whole village outside the gates was aroused by their screams." Pardon, he did what now??
I love the stories that are like, the person murdered was a dick and nobody cared but we're investigating anyway. Saves the drama.
Harpoon murder! Ok, maybe some drama after all. Good!
"I understand, however, from the inquest that there were some objects which you failed to overlook?” Holmes really is a special kind of rude sassy towards Hopkins
Old ore mines and large wild forests seem like good places for murderers to hide. How did an old sea captain ever end up here? No wonder he felt the need for some larping
"With her was her daughter, a pale, fair-haired girl, whose eyes blazed defiantly at us as she told us that she was glad that her father was dead, and that she blessed the hand which had struck him down." I love this fiesty girl
" Well, well, I can do nothing more. Let us walk in these beautiful woods, Watson, and give a few hours to the birds and the flowers. We shall meet you here later, Hopkins, and see if we can come to closer quarters with the gentleman who has paid this visit in the night.” Holmes sneaking off alone with Watson. How are we supposed to read this, Doyle? Especially because of Watson's lack of comment after. I don't know what would be funnier, Watson and Holmes having a romp between the flowers, or the both of them actually going flower and bird spotting while Hopkins is all going ^_^
"It was a long and melancholy vigil, and yet brought with it something of the thrill which the hunter feels when he lies beside the water pool and waits for the coming of the thirsty beast of prey. What savage creature was it which might steal upon us out of the darkness? Was it a fierce tiger of crime, which could only be taken fighting hard with flashing fang and claw, or would it prove to be some skulking jackal, dangerous only to the weak and unguarded?" Watson what novels have you been reading
What are knickerbockers? *googles* Ok, I love them
“What are you doing here?” “Can I speak confidentially?” “No, certainly not.” Not the answer I expected. Why is this so funny
"Well, Mr. Holmes, I am very much obliged to you and to your friend for coming down to help me. As it turns out your presence was unnecessary, and I would have brought the case to this successful issue without you; but none the less I am very grateful." Hopkins picking up on Holmes' sass, I love it. Yet... poor boy, have you not spoken too soon?
"The young detective was in high spirits at his success. “You really think that your solution must be correct?” asked Holmes. Ooooh! Danger! Hopkins, better get some ointment for that upcoming burn
"a little ribston-pippin of a man" Victorian insults are the best
“Your name?” asked Holmes. “Patrick Cairns.” “Harpooner?” “Yes, sir. Twenty-six voyages.” Of course a harpooner from Black Peter's crew would be the murderer. He was literally captain of a whaling ship. I feel rather stupid
You were so absorbed in young Neligan that you could not spare a thought to Patrick Cairns, the true murderer of Peter Carey.” Same initials. That was a clever detail from Doyle.
"He was a man of such gigantic strength that, even with the handcuffs which Holmes had so deftly fastened upon his wrists, he would have very quickly overpowered my friend had Hopkins and I not rushed to his rescue. Only when I pressed the cold muzzle of the revolver to his temple did he at last understand that resistance was vain." Watson once more to the rescue! I wanted to say that the days of arresting a suspect under threat of a weapon are over. Then I reconsidered. Ehm... pretty sure this is still allowed, even here in europe, especially under cover of 'resisting arrest' and 'suspect is posing threat'. The power cops are allowed to wield is really quite terrifying
"That's all I know, and I say again that if I killed Black Peter the law should give me thanks, for I saved them the price of a hempen rope.” This murderer is pretty funny
“Mr. Holmes,” said Hopkins, “I do not know how to express my gratitude. Even now I do not understand how you attained this result.” “Simply by having the good fortune to get the right clue from the beginning. It is very possible if I had known about this note-book it might have led away my thoughts, as it did yours." That is quite nice and humble of you, Holmes *surprised pickachu face*
"If you want me for the trial, my address and that of Watson will be somewhere in Norway—I'll send particulars later.” The boys are really going on that arctic expedition?! Exciting!
This was a fun story! Still giggling about Hopkin's face when he was once again outdeduced (?) by Holmes. And about the birds and flowers. It's good to be back!
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Love Cockles Kernels
I did this thing where I took the song "Love Kernels" from the show Crazy ex-girlfriend and changed some lyrics (the green ones) to illustrate how it is to be in the Cockles dumpster. I used the Cockles masterlist to do this, it's a tresor if you don't know it.
See how deep I am in that dumpster. I changed lyrics myself in English, not my first language, for them. I'm as insane as they are anyway. At least, I hope you'll enjoy it:
How do I know they’re in love? It’s the little things Little evidence here and there that                                    I secretly stockpile in my woman-brain I can live for days off a single (You’ll always be my princess) I'm like a sexy fashion-cactus     Livin' from evidence to evidence Hint to hint Storin' them in my body through long periods of drought I may look dry, but if you cut me open you'll find only water inside Incidentally that's also a useful Fact for how to survive in the desert But how do I know they’re in love? I guess the only way to prove it is with abstract symbolism
(“I love you, Misha” “I’d take Jensen home”) (“Just swallow it” “He’s always giving that advice”) They give me love kernels Each little crumb another tasty clue Love kernels 'Cause if you read between the lines they’re sayin' "we’re in love" Love kernels                                                                                      Save those kernels up to make a bowl of popcorn Love kernels A handful is the proper serving anyway
I know when Jen says, "he’s the funniest thing that’s ever happened to me.” It means unicorn laugh is only for him   I know a new jenmish panels means Insane content even better than in our dreams (Always hoping new panels) And I know Jen cares when he says “Hey, you know what I haven't told you today? That I love you.”         It means he’s the most important person in his life Next to his wife (But he and Dee have children together So that’s saying a lot) (Ok rude)
I'd do anything for those love droplets Like a hamster in a cage! Slurp slurp Love droplets Each a letter on a page in the novel of their love Love droplets Fallin' down from the sky And when I mix it in with the tears I cry it makes a Full glass of water God I'm thirsty after all that popcorn
I'll be patient Until the droplets become a river that needs a dam I'll be patient Until the kernels rain down like candy on Shaquille O'Neal In the movie Kazaam
Whatever you got, cockles, I'll take it, cockles ("And you looked AMAZING") I'll take it ("He sounds like that in the mornin’") I'll take it ("You’re my canary") It's a stretch but I'll take that too
I'll take all your love kernels Too bad I’m not sure of my singing to record Love kernels I could have just suggested the idea Love kernels Instead I wrote it down for you to enjoy But like your love kernels I did my best with what I have
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setagaya-division · 1 year
ARB Birthday Special: Elliot Shimizu
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~~ August 8th ~~
"The love for all living creatures is the most noble attribute of man."
Login Lines:
"Hmm... wow, for some reason, I feel more rested than usual. I wonder wh... Ahhh! My alarm didn't go off this morning! I'm late making breakfast! How... wait, what's that smell? It smells like... food? ...What the? Did... did... Mina-san and Yorii-san make all this? Why didn't they wake me up...? Huh? A... letter?"
"'Happy birthday, Elliot?' ...It's my... birthday? ...Oh! It is! I can't believe I didn't remember! I mean, I think this may be the first birthday I can remember! I mean, I'm sure I've had more since I'm now 17, but I can't really recall those, so... and I'm rambling to myself, which is what I usually do when I'm nervous... oh bother..."
Voice Lines:
"...I know it's my birthday, but... well, I shouldn't be surprised that nothing has really changed. Nobody really knows or cares... *sighs* Sometimes, I envy Mina-san and Yorii-san..."
"I did receive a few 'happy birthdays' from some of my co-workers at the animal shelter. One of them even gave me a small chocolate cupcake, which was nice. Nice, simple celebrations like these are what I really enjoy the most."
"Thank you, Mina-san. Yes, it's only been a year or so since we met, but... I'm glad that you're my sister. If not for you, I'd probably still be in that lab getting experimented on. *sniffs* ...Sorry, it's just... the memory, it's sad, but it also makes me happy, for some reason. I don't know why... *sniffs again* I'm sorry, Mina-san. I shouldn't be crying on my birthday!"
"...Thanks, I'm better now. Sorry about that. Oh, a gift? Oh, it's a statue of a cat! ...Oh, it's a glasses holder? Oh! That's really neat! ...Ha! It looks cute with my glasses on! This will give me something nice to look forward to when I wake up in the morning. Thank you so much, Mina-san!"
"Thank you, Yorii-san. Yes, sometimes it feels as if the roles are reversed. But regardless whether you're older or younger than me, I'm glad I know you as my brother, no matter how much you may annoy me."
"...You got me a gift too? What is it? A... nightlight? Oh, it's a nightlight of a unicorn. And... it has my name on it too! Wow... thank you, Yorii-san! This is nice. Very nice! ...Uhh, that's not entirely true, but thanks."
Mina Lines:
"Happy birthday, Elliot! ...Wow, it's hard to believe it's only been a year since we first met. But it still feels like yesterday. ...Elliot?! What's wrong?! Oh, please don't cry, Elliot! I'm sorry for bringing it up, but... yes, I'm happy too. But please don't cry, Elliot. If you do, my emotions will force me to cry, and... I try to avoid doing that as much as possible."
"I know what will make you happy. This! I saw this one night while I was... patrolling the city. I saw it, and it instantly reminded me of you. It's not just a statue, but you can also use it to put your glasses on when you don't need them. I'm glad you like it, Elliot! You're welcome, little brother!"
Yorii Lines:
"Happy birthday, big bro! Man, you're 17 now! Just one year shy away from being considered an adult! Man, I know you're older, but sometimes I feel like I'm the older one here! Yeah, of course I annoy you, I'm the little brother! That's my job!"
"So, no birthday would be complete without a birthday gift, so here you go, big bro! Yeah, it's a nightlight, but not just a nightlight! It's a nightlight with your name on it! I had it custom-ordered off the Internet! Aw, no problem, big bro! I knew you'd like it! Now, you shouldn't have any trouble when you have to get up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom!"
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📥👖🧠✨️ for the fic asks!
Thank you Liz! More centered on my ffxiv stuff since this is the blog for that haha. Anyway! Let's get right to it starting with the last question!
FanFic ASk Game
✨ Choose three adjectives to complement your own writing.
Emotional, tongue-in-cheek, free-spirited or at least so I hope!
📥 What is your fave fic to receive comments/messages on?
Is it cheating to say any of them? Because I love seeing what people have to say on what I write and put out there! Among my ffxiv stuff I always love seeing comments on things that involve Stasia and Carly (which is mostly wips i know) as they are the ones that stray from the general story and aren't always likable so I like being able to see how they come across and make sure that its the way I intend to and think I'm doing when writing. A more specific piece it would have to be this piece with Anthea and the final days. I feel its one of my best works posted in completion and I like seeing how an event like that comes across to others especially given that much of that time period is up to interpretation of an individual.
👖 Are you a planner, plantser, or pantser? Is it consistent?
No planning we die like men! jk jk I am more of a plantser in that I go into a wip with a general idea in my head on what I want the main focus of a piece to be, the intention of it, and any specific lines or actions that inspired it. After that I just write it out and see what happens! A lot of times I get to where I was planning and in ways I didn't expect, other times I end up somewhere different but it felt so natural writing it that I had to leave it. There are the rare occasions I don't do any planning and just get the urge to write and so I do just that and will come back to it if I get stuck, this happened recently with a piece where I had very little in mind other than knowing Phobos is reading various letters Deimos got, but who they were from and what they said and going back home were all things that I came up with on the spot.
One thing I really let free and hardly put any thought into ahead of time is the formatting of my writing though. I like to at times be a bit of a visual writer in that I will use breaks, bolds, italics, lack of spaces, etc. to convey something that I probably would take too long to write out in any other fashion. Besides how else can I best describe racing thoughts and anxiety than putting a bunch of words together without any space between them haha.
Also will mention that much of my stuff looks like panster writing because I was writing it as I was actively playing the story so I had no idea how it was all going to end and what I wanted to do with my kids as Sib and Demos started in two different universes.
🧠 What’s an idea you have that you can’t quite call a WIP yet?
This would depend more on what you would call a wip. I tend to count anything that's at least a few paragraphs or dialogue long, which there's quite a bit of that. If we're talking just straight ideas then there's plenty of moments that I would love to write but I don't have a way to write them quite yet. Things like the last conversation Carly and Zenos have, the conversation Demos has with his mentor after the Vault, lighter moments like Sib trying to tackle Emet in ShB or the montages of the gang waking up at first light to get moving with a frantic Sib trying to catch up anime style getting ready. Hell the time that Deimos believed he could randomly tame a unicorn resulting in him, Emet, and Hyth being chased by a herd of them. Or the start of Etheirys' Worst Girls Trip with Sib and Stasia landing on their guide. I just have a lot of little things or big moments that I'd love to write because I can see them in my brain and how they play out but it can be so hard to translate that. I feel this is also why gposing has become a way for me to tackle these ideas as I plan as if I'm watching a show or movie so I can better get the angles and descriptions without having to actually describe anything haha.
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winged-void · 1 year
Prime numbers be upon ye, wench
2. Favorite color when you were younger, and now?
When I was younger it was the specific Scarlet associated with crayola crayons. I distinctly remember being told it was a "girl color" and I never worked out why. I wonder if it was like. because some girls are named scarlet? because of the scarlet letter? we may never know.
Now it's Cyan or Teal. love them shits.
3. Do you wear eye-shadow? What color?
I Have before but i generally don't. When i do it's always really obvious and weird so i can look weird
5. In your opinion, is love at first sight real?
that is completely inconsistent with my understanding of love I have built over the course of my 8 year relationship with my wife (and other relationships before and during). Love is not attraction, it's commitment. It's a choice you make even when the Feeling isn't there.
7. First kiss details? (If you haven’t been kissed, reply how and if you would like to be.)
I tried to kiss my (now) wife after our second date but i missed and fucked up, and they asked me if I wanted to try again and I did it.
11. What is your hair like?
Soft? Long? Blonde? it tangles easy and it hurts lots bc my skin is sensitive everywhere. If i let you touch my hair freely, you know I trust you lmao.
13. What time do you go to bed? What time do you wake up?
generally around midnight. Generally wake up around 6 or 7. supplemented with naps in the middle of the day when I am allowed. Somehow i catpilled myself into a crepuscular sleep schedule
17. Favorite game as a child?
Interesting question, could have any number of answers. I always would say Majora's mask, it was probably my favorite game from an artistic perspective. But from the perspective of which one I just liked to play? Probably like. any given pokemon? runescape? adventure quest????
19. Princess, Fairy, Mermaid, or Unicorn?
23. Do you dance? Slow dance?
Not generally, i got shamed a lot as a kid and its hard to overcome all that still. I did take dance classes for my wedding though, and danced there.
29. When and who was your first crush?
Uhh as far as I remember probably like. this girl named taylor in 8th grade. We had a weird awkward sort of relationship that ended when she told me we actually hadn't been dating and she was dating someone else? She then proceeded to stalk me and tell me she loved me over and over for years after that. weird shit idk
31. Are you superstitious?
37. Are you quiet or loud?
it depends? is anyone one of those as a rule? I guess when I'm quiet its intentional, usually because im shy or anxious or w/e, and when I am comfy i tend to get too loud.
41. Worst fear as a kid?
Dark or heights
43. why isn't there a 43?
Idk! but i added one
47. Do you feel everything, nothing, or you don’t know what to feel?
I feel a lot. I tend to feel it on a delay. Like. I will experience something and then feel all the emotions hours or even days later
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Sixteen things I noted about CR2E115 “Fetching Fables & Frosty Friends” and the Talks Machina about it :
Whyyyyy French again ??? At least I know Sam knows a little French, so I'm somehow less offended when it's him. But yeah at the of the ad, I felt this screenshot IN MY SOUL :
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Matt, to Travis, about Beau who's running way ahead of Fjord : "She's a monk, she's faster than you." Travis, immediately and petulantly : "You don't know that !" Matt, not impressed, deadpan : "Yes. I do. It's on her character sheet."
I love Dagen so much. He tries to do a little bit of polite conversation, and Veth is like "Are you asking if anyone of us is single ?" and Jester doubles down with "Are you secretly in love with me ?", and then he calls them "colorful". He has worked with Vess and Ludinus before, so yeah that must be a change of pace for him.
Dagen, recalling the worst group he ever traveled with : "There was this rowdy bunch out of Syrinlya, Uthodurnian folk. Too boisterous. Too loud. When you're trying to make your way across landscape like this, you want to keep quiet. Just a bunch of fucking dwarves singing about what they had for breakfast, about what they had for lunch, tales of mysteries to the north ! They had beautiful voices, but they just wouldn't shut the fuck up. One day we got ambushed and they all got torn apart. I was the only survivor... I just feel bad for the poor halfling they dragged along." Me slowly realizing Matt is describing the first Hobbit movie : AMAZING !!
Caleb, 20 minutes after Veth and Jester started getting real with Dagen and are creating what I can only describe as an elaborate fan-fiction of Dagen and one of the travelers possibly named Sheila he might have fallen in love with - and named his axe after : "Hey, are we the worst ones yet ?" Dagen, through gritted teeth : "Gettin' real close..."
Laura looks so cute with her unicorn hoodie on.
Love that they knew they were messing with POWERFUL NECROTIC MAGIC, and that Liam pointed out that this kind of trap "pivoted the entire campaign one" (which to me was a clear indication that he wanted to do it, because this is Liam and he loves this kind of stuff). And still they went for it. For an hour. Man, did Caleb try. The last attempt, dramatically casting Dispel Magic while walking away, because he couldn't let it go, and still the stone rests, is an very funny visual.
Oh Beau read Yasha's poem ! Which was not a poem, but a wonderful letter. I love how Marisha was overjoyed as Ashley was reading it (as the voiceover).
Oh my god, the story of the Katzen Prince is everything. The revelation that Liam wrote that in a day, just before they were paying, is the cherry on top. Look, I fucking love fairy tales, and I had a book when I was young where it was all of the original versions (aka the dark endings, and even when it was a good ending for the hero, there were some brutal elements, like when birds pierce the eyes of Cinderella’s half-sisters at the end !!). So I LOVED this tale !!! It was sweet, melancholic, had a dream-like quality to it, and still a happy ending. I also want to see all of the art.
Awwww, I love when the monsters turn out not-so-monstery after all ! The Mighty Nein chose to be kind, even after they were ambushed, and so they got precious intel : finally, someone saw Lucien and his group, not but one day ago !!!
Travis broke. They invited the yetis to dinner in Caleb's tower, and they even read them a Zemnian bedtime story, and it broke Travis so much. This is so awesome. I love this visual of 4 yetis, being inside a magic tower, in a grand and warm hall, under tents for them to sleep like they usually do, surrounded by small cats and the Mighty Nein, listening to a man reading them a story in a language they don't know, and falling asleep in 5 minutes.
I trust Beau, Beau is always right and she should say it. And the way Marisha made her pitch was wholesome.
It's true, Brian is right to recall it, every time there is a Talks Machina with Liam and Taliesin, the vibe is "whatever the fuck is the opposite of toxic masculinity" - I think it's what he called it one time.
Dani is being tortured this episode, what will all the Fartist and chest hair re-growing stories.
Taliesin, about the pillar with the necromantic emerald : "I was amused. I could have possibly stayed a little longer... Until we had to resurrect someone !" HAHAHA the little shit (affectionate)
OH. Oh. This is the episode before the 2020 American election ? Aka, the Destiel Putin Election crazy night we had over here on Tumblr ??? IT'S SO CRAZY TO THINK ABOUT !!!
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vivisandg · 2 years
“Oh, sorry!”
I had this idea at four in the morning, and it’s 4:15…so, yk how it goes. I’m thinking this could be a series.
Summary: you quite literally run into an infamous Weasley while on the train to Hogwarts.
Pairing: Fred Weasley x Fem! Reader
Requested: no
Warnings: prob some cringe worthy moments and fluff, Im also American so Ill rephrase stuff, but otherwise, no.
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    Excited, nervous, anxious, happy...all words for what I was feeling about this school year. On my eleventh birthday I was sent an owl, no joke. An owl flew up to my kitchen window with an envelope in its mouth while Mom and I were making cookies. The envelope happened to be a letter from Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry, a school of magic. Mom and I were shocked, so we followed the letter’s directions and the next thing I knew this guy named Rubeus Hagrid was leading Mom and I to a place called Diagon Alley. There were so many magical shops including Ollivander’s which held my very own wand that I will have for the rest of my life. 14 inches of beautiful, silvery-white, aspen wood with a unicorn hair for a core. It’s already my closest friend aside from the white Eurasian Eagle owl I bought from the Magical Menagerie. I named him Pogonip, or Pogo for short.  After I got everything, Mom and I went home to get ready for King's Cross the next day.
I start walking to platform 9 with Mom and see a ginger lady sending off her kids by telling them to run through the wall between 9 and 10. I don't know what to think so I say one final goodbye to my mother and off I run through the wall. I appear in a crowded area where kids are getting on a train called the Hogwarts Express. This is it, I think, I'm going to Hogwarts. 
I board the train with Pogo and find a compartment to sit in. I decide to go to the bathroom once the train's pulled out and on my way back I run into a blur of red hair. "Oh, sorry!" a voice says to me, the weight had actually knocked my light ass onto the ground. "Are you alright?" the voice asks me. I respond with a muttered “yes” as the surprisingly strong arms help me up to my feet. When I regain my vision completely I see a very handsome boy about my age, by the looks of it, scanning my face for bruises or whatever might appear on my complexion. “I’m Fred,” says the freckled ginger, “Y/N,” I respond.
Fred offers to walk me to his compartment where I am greeted with another ginger that is obviously his identical twin. Which one was older or more sane, I couldn’t tell…yet. “Y/N met George, George, Y/N,” Fred says as he opens the sliding glass door for me. I meet George’s gaze and realize that George has stony, cold, blueish-grey eyes, while Fred has warm, chocolate-brown ones. I learned quickly not to let his eyes deceive me; George seemed more devious and silly than Fred which was saying a lot. Fred appeared almost shy next the younger twin. “So, Y/N,” George begins, “did the letter come as a shock to you?” Fred elbows George lightly, but hard enough to make George let out a slight grunt. I didn’t know of this was supposed to be rude or anything, so I took the safest route possible and answered with a “yes”.
*later at Hogwarts for the sorting. We’ll make Y/N a Gryffindor just fro the sake of the story line…and in case I make this a series😏. She’s gotten to know the twins very well by this point*
I walk with the twins and all the other first years to Gryffindor common room. My new home, I think to myself. My new family for the next seven years, actually scratch that, my new family forever.  The thought gives me this feeling that I can’t figure out the name of. It’s not a bad feeling, though, so I don’t worry about it too much. After the three hour train ride, I’e gotten to know the Weasley twins quite well…especially Fred. Have I started to grow feelings for him? Maybe, do I know yet? Im pretty sure I do. Will I let that get in the way of our new-found friendship? Absolutely not, it might just be a crush. I guess I’ll wait and find out.
“So, how you doing Midget?” I already know it’s Fred, he developed that name in the first 20 minutes we met. It’s been almost a week since that wonderful, anxious, nerve-wracking day that I would pay anything to go through again. “I’m alright, Ginger,” I didn’t make that name up until now, I just wanted something to retaliate with. “Ginger? Since when was that my name?” He asks. “Since now,” I say. He smirks at this, I think he thinks it’s some sort of game I’ve managed to make up in my abnormally large brain; I’m currently excelling at everything, including Potions and Defense Against the Dark Arts which my professors were not expecting. “Alright,” he says, lightly slugging me in the shoulder. If he thinks it’s a game, then let the games begin…
Part 2?
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yanderes-galore · 2 years
Ok so this has some backstory
Reader is the student of princess Luna, after meeting her as a filly and loving the night, moon, and stars. Luna find this filly wonderful and asks to be her apprentice/student/ friend
(Now around twilight age) Reader meets princess twilight after running chores in pony ville, and twilight finds out she's princess Lunas apprentice/student/friend. And starts developing feeling for them, but remeber that one ep where sunset shimmer brought starlight glimmer, well sunset visits twilight for teacher and student bonding, and notices reader, and reader asks twilight if she can go to her world, reader obvi asks princess Luna in a letter that since twilight went to the human world, she wanted to go aswell for reaserch purposes. And princess Luna agrees , and twilight hesitantly agrees
Flash foward and sunset sunset shimmer has a crush on reader and now there's rivalry
So we'll in short yandere twilight vs yandere sunset shimmer
I think I understand- Did a concept as not specified just to get some thoughts down. I am so behind in the Equestria Girls stuff, LOL.
Yandere! Twilight Sparkle vs Yandere! Sunset Shimmer
Pairing: Rivalry - Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Jealousy, Forced relationship, Manipulation, Obsession, Possessive behavior, Implied kidnapping, Love at first sight (?), Implied stalking.
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Alright, let's start with how you meet Twilight.
As a young unicorn, you've been training under Luna.
It's after she reforms from Nightmare Moon for plot reasons, so you're a little younger than Twilight but not much.
Twilight meeting you was by pure chance.
She ran into you while doing tasks around Ponyville, catching you reading a high level magic book.
Curious, she asks you about it.
"Oh! You're Princess Twilight! You used to be Celestia's student, right? I'm (Y/N), Luna's student."
Luna's student?
How did she not know Luna had a student like her sister!?
"Really...!? How come I haven't heard of you?"
"Well... I don't entirely enjoy the attention I get for it. It ranges from fearful to respect."
"It's really nothing to be ashamed of. By the looks of that book, you're great with magic."
"Thanks, Princess-"
"Just call me Twilight. No need for the formalities."
By the time you meet Twilight, she already has Sunset Shimmer as a student along with Starlight Glimmer.
Before you even meet Shimmer, Twilight and you become closer.
Luna and Celestia already know their two students are talking and getting along.
It warms their hearts that you're now learning from the Princess of Friendship.
They have no idea Twilight is starting to feel things for the lunar unicorn.
The more you two chat in her castle, the more she starts to build a crush.
You often are encouraged to sit closer to her when studying.
You see her as a best friend, she sees you as something more.
You'll be so engrossed in your magic book, not entirely noticing the wing over your back as Twilight reads with you.
You make her feel something much stronger than friendship....
A connection closer than normal friendship.
Twilight already thinks you two will get along so well together if she brings up her feelings!
She just feels it will be safer to wait and discover everything about you before then-
Big mistake.
Sunset Shimmer feels she has to go visit Twilight through the mirror for a little while.
She needs to study more and hasn't seen Twilight in a bit.
Shimmer freezes in place when she sees Twilight and a unicorn the same age as herself.
You turn to look at the fiery unicorn and smile, Twilight looking to where you were smiling at.
"Oh? Who are you?"
"... Twilight- Who's this?"
"Hm? Oh! This is (Y/N)! Princess Luna's student."
"Mhm. What's your name?"
"Sunset Shimmer, Twilight's student. N-Nice to meet you-"
"Same to you!"
Shimmer felt she was weak in the knees when she met you.
Twilight notices throughout the study session that Shimmer likes you, feeling a pit in her stomach.
She... she can't possibly like you too, right?
Twilight dreads Shimmer's attraction even more when she invites you to the human world.
You had already asked Luna and she said yes-
Now Twilight has to say yes also...
She can't say no to those eyes of yours anyways.
This then leads to their rivalry in the human world, jealousy brewing between the two due to their shared love of you.
Shimmer's taking all of your attention away, dragging you to her favorite places.
Between smoothies and games... you're enjoying your time with her.
All while Twilight longingly follows after....
Shimmer probably has a similar yandere behavior as Twilight, but less obsessive.
Twilight prefers to stalk you and treat her obsession as her own little research project.
While Shimmer leans more into manipulation, creating trust between you and using said trust to lead you around.
Perhaps Twilight was a little too slow in waiting for her crush....
Shimmer, aware of Twilight's crush, already has you wrapped around her finger.
You're so enraptured about the places she's taking you, you barely pay attention to Twilight.
Which leads to Twilight dragging your attention away to somewhere else, frustrating Shimmer.
A lot of their rivalry will be by dragging you around.
They both use manipulation when it comes to you, so they think they're being sneaky with their crush.
You may notice their jealousy after some time, however.
Their yandere behavior comes to a peak when it's time to go.
Twilight wants you both to go home to Equestria, claiming Luna must be waiting for you at home.
She also just wants a break from Shimmer.
However, Shimmer grabs your hand, preventing you from entering the mirror.
"But there's still so much to see!"
Shimmer wants you to stay with her in her world.
She thought you looked cute as a unicorn, but your human form looks amazing too-
She may be giving into her past selfish tendencies a bit... but she really does love you.
Why does Twilight want to take you so fast?
This is where you're torn between two choices.
Choices that are quickly being forced upon you.
Will you go with Twilight, back to her world and into her hooves?
Or will you stay with Shimmer, learning the world of Equestria High by her side?
You'll have to choose quickly...
They may choose for you if you don't.
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iviarellereads · 1 year
The Neverending Story, Chapter 17 - A Dragon for Hero Hynreck
(Curious what I'm doing here? Read this post! For the link index and a primer on The Neverending Story, read this one! Like what you see? Send me a Ko-Fi.)
In which someone shows off.
Querquobad,(1) the Silver Sage, had slumped down in his chair asleep, for already the hour was late. Consequently, he missed an experience more beautiful and more extraordinary than any he had known in the hundred and seven years of his life.
Falkor flies around the city and sings a wordless song of pure joy. Eventually the song fades, leaving everyone who heard it happier. Querquobad wakes and leaves to go to bed.(2)
Bastian asks Atreyu if Falkor ever sleeps, and Atreyu says Falkor can sleep in the air.(3) Bastian would like to ride Falkor someday. Atreyu says it takes getting used to, but Bastian says he's ridden Grograman, so he can probably adjust. Atreyu asks how Bastian did it, and Bastian says, he now carries Auryn.
On the subject, Bastian shows it to Atreyu, and asks if he ever noticed the inscription on the back. Atreyu says he saw it but his people don't learn to read letters.
Eventually, Bastian asks what Atreyu meant by Bastian not looking the same as he did in the Magic Mirror Gate. Atreyu says Bastian was fat and pale. Bastian is distressed, and can't reconcile this with his lack of memory of ever being that way.(4) The lads are silent all the way until they go to sleep.
Laying in bed, Bastian reflects, and thinks that Atreyu wasn't so impressed by his accomplishments. He wants to win Atreyu's unconditional admiration, but how? Well, there's one thing that only Bastian, in all Fantastica, can do: make up stories. And, can't his stories come true? Grograman said that something could be born again here if it happened in a story.
The next morning, Querquobad says the Silver City has decided to hold a special festival of storytelling, since they're famous for it. Only, they don't have many stories, and they wonder if Bastian really is famous for making new ones. Bastian says he is, and he even got made fun of for doing it. Querquobad doesn't know what to make of this, since nobody Fantastican can make new stories, but asks Bastian to give them some new stories to work with.
Bastian is excited that his wish is coming true, but tempered by Atreyu seeming impassive about it.
Bastian's first story is about the Silver City, and how it came to be in its current state, and he adds a library to the story, with all the stories he ever made up. Querquobad exclaims that there is a building that's never been opened, because it was locked long ago and nobody ever figured out the riddle to open it.
Everyone goes to the library, where a stone is set into the door. A poem is inscribed over it.
Removed from the unicorn's horn, I lost my light. I shall keep the door locked until my light is rekindled by him who calls me by name. For him I will shine a hundred years. I will guide him in the dark depths of Yor's Minroud. But if he says my name a second time from the end to the beginning, I will glow in one moment with the light of a hundred years.(5)
Bastian cries "Al Tsahir!"(6) and the stone glows and jumps into Bastian's hand. The door opens on its own, revealing a vast library of Bastian's stories, sorted apparently by the tone or mood. The Amarganthians devote themselves to reading and memorizing them immediately, and Atreyu is shocked that Bastian made up so many stories.
As Bastian and Atreyu leave, Hynreck's H-friends find them and ask for Bastian to take them into his service. Bastian accepts gladly, and asks after Hynreck. It turns out, he's "a broken man" because his lady love refuses to return his feelings after his defeat. They all go to see Hynreck, and he really is broken. Through prompting by an H-friend, Bastian makes up a terrible dragon, Smerg, for Hynreck to hunt and prove to Princess Oglamar that he's a worthy suitor. Before Bastian can answer how he knew about the dragon, cries of "Dragon!" are heard outside, and Oglamar yelling for Hynreck, her hero.
As Hynreck leaves, Atreyu suggests they should find Bastian a way home, unless something is keeping him here. Bastian, who has explicitly forgotten ever being the pasty fat kid who started the story, can't think of any reason not to go home. Bastian asks the H-friends for Yikka for his mount, and Atreyu and Falkor fly to the other side of the lake to wait for the horses and mule and people to take the ferry over.
As for Hero Hynreck he actually succeeded in reaching Morgul, the Land of the Cold Fire. He ventured into the petrified forest of Wodgabay, crossed the three moats of Ragar Castle, found the lead ax, and slew the dragon Smerg. Then he brought Oglamar back to her father. At that point she would gladly have married him. But by then he didn't want her anymore.(7) That, however, is another story and shall be told another time.
(1) Smerg in all its horrifying glory. (2) I sort of have to wonder why Querquobad was in this part of the chapter in the first place, and my only available conclusion is "to allow for the Q illumination". (3) Like whales sleeping half their brains at a time so they can still breathe and all. (4) Chickens, coming home to roost. Setups, coming to fruition. (5) So, a magic ring that emits light, and if Bastian says its name backwards, it will be a flashbomb. Which surely won't be a plot point ever. (6) I think in an ideal world none of the names of creatures or places or objects in this sort of book would be worthy of criticism. But I think in the world we live in, it's fair to feel a little bit of distaste for how often Ende is using names that evoke, or directly come from, cultures not his own. I don't recognize all of them but a lot of these names certainly don't sound German, and al-anything is distinctly Arabic. (Yes, that goes for alcohol, algebra, alchemy…) (7) The classic story, in exact polar opposite to not appreciating what's in front of you until you can't have it anymore, which is of course what Oglamar's position is. There's always more than one side to a story. What's the saying? My side, your side, and the truth. (I'm quoting that from Babylon 5 and it's entirely likely they took it from somewhere else.)
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Not really a full promt but penny telling Spencer she’s autistic too and then bonding over it!!!
It's the end of the day, and everyone has gone home, and Spencer is sitting at his desk with his head in his hands, fingers threaded through his hair, pulling just hard enough to hurt. He's contemplating going home when he hears a sound, and he looks up to see Penelope pulling a chair up next to him.
"Hey," she says. "No one's judging you for what happened. You know that, right?"
Spencer shrugs.
"I'm an adult," he says. "I've been through this a million times. There's no excuse for me to have a meltdown in the middle of a workday."
"I beg to differ," Penelope scoffs. "People talking loudly, the heat is broken so it's like a billion degrees in here, whatever JJ made for lunch that I can still smell, the fabric of Anderson's windbreaker swishing before he finally left..."
Spencer stares at her.
"The biggest difference between us," she says, "is that I have an office door I can close when I don't want everyone to witness what's happening to me. And I want you to know that you can use my office if you ever need to, and I won't ever, ever judge you. And I mean that."
"How long have you known?" Spencer asks.
"About you? Since the first day I met you and you spent the first half of the day sitting on your hands and the second half in Gideon's office. About me? I was diagnosed with Asperger's in fourth grade."
"You know that--"
"Of course I know it's not called that anymore," she says, rolling her eyes. "But back then..."
"I was diagnosed with Asperger's, too," Spencer says. "I was eight."
"ASD is a fun vocal stim though," Penelope says slyly, and Spencer rolls the letters around in this mouth, ASD, ASD, ASD.
"Huh," he says. "Interesting."
"Let me show you something," she says, motioning for him to follow him to her office.
She points at all of the little figurines scattered across her desk. She picks up a little elephant and shakes it, and it makes a sound like a maraca. She picks up a little seal and squeezes it, watching it slowly reshape itself. A little unicorn lights up when she pinches it, and a little alien makes a squeaking sound when she drops it on the table.
"Your office has been full of stim toys this whole time?" Spencer asks, eyes wide.
"Mi oficina es tu oficina," she says, gesturing grandly. "There are soft blankets over there, and a kettle for tea in that corner, and if you want to bring anything to leave in here you're always welcome. It's our autism cave, okay?"
Spencer flings himself at Penelope, almost knocking her down with the force of her hug.
"I have literally never felt safer in my entire life than I do right now," he whispers.
She just hugs him that much tighter.
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