#how do you not get crazy over all the possibilties there are and having to decide on only one????
Okay, I’m just doing this once, to link it to all the idiots who exist in the future.
Dear Makoto fans (cause I don’t know other Rin haters out there), I’m gonna try to explain it as simple as possible. 
If the video is titled “Rin & Haru”, it is most likely surprisingly is about Rin and wait for it, cause you won’t believe it... Haru. So if you hate Rin and you see a video, which title contains “Rin” AND there’s an actual Rin on the thumbnail
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maybe (but that’s just me going crazy here)... maybe you shouldn’t look for Makoto there. Cause I don’t believe they look similar.. but I might check my eyes just in case later.
So for all the pals like this one:
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(and there was a bunch of others that I’ve muted), if you have two brain cells left, please invite them over for a minute here.
1. It is not my fault that my video reached over half a million views and got into Youtube recommendations. I’m not responsible for no your recommendations, no mine. Youtube recommends me all kind of stuff, including Ikuya vids, for example, cause they’re also related to Free!, doesn’t mean I have to watch them.
Like you won’t believe it, but not only the “I don’t wanna watch this” button exists there, but there is also such a crazy possibilty as to NOT WATCH YOUR NOTP VIDEOS (and YES IT FREAKING EXISTS!). You do it by not clicking on the vid and just, well, you know, not watching it with those two thingies on your face thats called eyes.
Also thanks for being my biggest fan and all, but there’s really no need to go through all of my vids, if you don’t even like this ship. Cause I kinda considered to take it as a compliment for a moment there. But this amount of free time honestly can be used to create your own content that actually includes your otp. Just saying. 
2. Breaking news here, but just because Rin makes your ship invalid, doesn’t mean he’s a bad character. 
So let’s just all hate him for much more “obvious reasons” like:
- being a great brother:
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- being a great son:
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- being a great friend:
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-being a great boyfriend:
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- for working hard to get where he wanted in life and for fighting for his dreams:
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I knoooow right? I hate dat perfect bitch, too, but there’s really no need to be agressive about it. You can instead try to do all these beautiful things, too (it’s very hard tho, but believe me it’s really worth it) xD
Like instead of watching a video about Rinharu, whom you hate or scrolling through their tag, try maybe cooking your mom a dinner for once or smth. And I know that to your part of the fandom having life goals is very offensive, but maybe you should try these, too.
Or like maybe watch a 10 minutes Chloe Ting challenge vid and spend few minutes doing this. I mean that’s how I got my sexy abs, after watching Harurin perfect bods xD I mean, all better than bindge watching your notp vids.
3. For tumblr haters. There’s actually such thing as blocking a tag on tumblr. Like “Free!” is a mutual tag, but if you block “Rinharu” tag, you won’t see my post even in the Free! tag. I mean, yeah, tumblr mulfunction sometimes, but in general it works. If the malfunction happens, just scroll past it. 
Cause I’m just kinda already reconsidering my respectful non tagging “makoharu” and “makoto” policy (and mind this: I only talk about those when I’m asked), cause what’s even the point, if 90% of your fandom are idiots who search and post in “rinharu” tag anyways and apparently hanging out on my blog a whole fucking lot.
I mean, I’ve been in some ugly fandoms, but I seriously have not yet seen this much disrespect to the other side, who doesn’t even touch you. Like have you not calmed your tits yet? Even in 2020? I’m really asking you to, please, reconsider this and stop embarrassing those two nice people if they’re still there. Because I’m really close to not giving a shit in return.
4. About anonymous death threats. I have a guy, who fixed my computer, who can track those. Most times I really don’t care and just block, but what if one time I’d have lots of free time or get drunk or smth..? Cause he offered once to do it just for fun xD
5. If you want to shit so much that you just can’t help it, shit in YOUR tag. Like we don’t go there, we don’t see it and you can vent if you need it this much. 
You do not post Rin hate in his tag. If you do not get it, it’s the tag for his fans. And no, “I hate him, cause I ship MH” is not a character study. 
P.S. DM me if you need any help with “how to not go on you NOTP tag”, cause I’m such a genius, I actually know how to do this, too (lmao).
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zmayadw · 3 years
Hello, hello!
Time to continue. I’ll post 2 parts again, so lets begin..
First one :)
PART 11        
Jessy came to Aurora shortly after, finding Phil and me sitting in the booth laughing and chatting. „You two are awfully cheerful.“ She said nearing us. „Hey Jessy“ i chimed back cheerfully „Well, Phil is a good company, how not to be cheerful.“ Phil grinned at her, wich made her look both of us skeptical „Yeah, yeah, if you say so.“ „Aww, sys,  dont be so cruel.“ He teased her. She made a face at him, turning to me „You ready? Im starving!“ „Ready“ i told her, taking my stuff and getting up. „Cya, Phil, thanks for everything.“ I said, smiling at him. „No worries, Maya, glad we talked. Dont be a stranger.“ He said, winking at me as he got up and went towards the bar. „What was that all about?“ Jessy asked as we left the Aurora. „Oh, nothing really.“ I replied, wich made her look at me with doubt. I quickly tried to change the subject „So, where are you taking me for lunch?“ i asked, grabing her under her arm. „I tought some junk food is what we need after last nigh, hamburgers and fries might be a good choice.“ She grined. „I totally agree.“ We walked to the hamburger place, wich wasnt far from Aurora. We sat at one of the tables, and ordered some food. As we waited for it, she told  me how Dan managed to wake up just before she left, begging her to drive his car back, and bring him some food. „He can really drive me crazy sometimes!“ she told me. „Aww, c'mon, thats why you like him.“ I teased, and she laughed. Our food arrived, and we started eating. After a while, i finaly told her, between my bites „I saw Jake last night.“ Jessy almost spat her drink. „What?“ she almost screamed „What? Where? Talk!“ I told her all about it, from the hoodie part, to where i left him standing. When i was done i added desperately „I messed up everything again, Jessy. I didnt hear him out, i was just so tired and frustrated.“ I sighed tiredly „Why is it always so hard with him?“ i paused before i said, sadness creeping in my voice „I just dont know how much more i can go on like this.“ Jessy looked at me, sympathy and care all over her face „I know, Maya. Its hard sometimes, God only knows how much.“ She started „Im just gonna say one thing. Just be totally sure you tried everything there is to get to the bottom of things with him, to be on the clear, once and for all.“ She paused before continuing „I can see how much it pains you, and i see you really care for Jake.“ „I do, Jessy, more then you can imagine. But im tired, so tired of constant fights with him, and not getting anywhere.“ „I know. And i really hope you will resolve it soon.“ She looked at me, giving me a reasuring smile „In the mean time, you can talk to me whenever you need a shoulder to cry on.“ I smiled „Thanks, Jessy. I really appriciate it, you have no idea how much it means to me. Im really greatful to have you in my life.“ She looked at me, took my hand and squeezed it „Im here for whatever.“ We continued with our food. When we wer nearly done, she oredered some food to take for Dan, and when it was done, we payed and left. As we walked back to the Auroras parking, Jessy asked me, all serious „Maya, what's going on with you and Phil?“ I looked at her „Aghh, its complicated.“ She stoped walking, and i did the same „Dont get me wrong, its non of my business“ she started „But to be honest, i've never seen Phil act like this, towards anyone. I think he's really into you, and, well, with all thats happening with Jake..“ „Dont worry, Jessy“ i said „I actually had a long conversation with Phil about all this earlier.“ She looked surprised „He knows  about Jake?“ „Not exactly. I didnt mention Jake per se, but he knows something is happening.“ I paused before continuing „I like Phil, Jessy, and he knows it. But we came to a mutual understnding about it all, so noone could get hurt in any of this mess.“ She continued walking „Aright, thats good. He is a jerk sometimes, but he's my brother, and i do wish him well.“ „I know, Jessy, and trust me, i dont want for anyone to get hurt here. I hope all will get in the clear soon.“ „I hope so too, Maya“ she said, as we came to Dans car „I really hope so, for both your sake, and the others.“ She gave me a tight hug, before entering the car, and smiled „Im here if you need me.“ „Thanks , Jessy, same here.“ She started the car, honking as she drow off , me waving her as i entered my car. Driving to the motel i tought about all that Jessy told me. I hoped she was right, and things will get clear soon. I really was torn inside. I had some decisions to make, and not an easy ones. And i was scared.
When i got back to the motel i realized i left everything in such a mess, and decided to clean it. I collected the sutff  thrown all over the floor. I grabed Jakes hoodie, burrying my face again in it and taking a deep breath. Damn, i tought, i wish i could talk to him, i need to know what will be with us. If there even is a possibilty of 'us'. And all that was going on with Phil was making me confused. My phone rang then, and i quickly put the hoodie on me before answering it. I checked the caller, it showed no number.. Could it be Jake? Then again, why would he hide his number? I answered the call „Hello?“ but there wasnt any replie. I said 'hello' few more times, before whoever was on the other side ended the call. Strange,i  tought, but decided to ignore it, someone probably just dialed the wrong number. I continued with cleaning, realizing i should get some laundrey done. I saw a self-service laundrey in town, i should wisit it tomorrow. When i was done, i decided to try and do some work. I sat at the table, opening my laptop, putting some music on. It always helped me while working, and this time wasnt any different. At some point, i checked my phone ,it was past midnight. Nice, i managed to finish on the project i took, without any interruption. I closed the laptop and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth. As i got to bed, i thought of Jake again. I hoped we would talk soon, i meant what i said to Jessy earlier, i really didnt know how much more i can go on like this. I sighed, closed my eyes, wishing sleep comes fast.
           When i woke up i felt quite rested. Even tho my mind was a complete mess, i had a good night sleep. I took a shower, brushed my teeth and got dressed. I took the laundrey, grabed the car keys and my purse and headed for town. I parked near the self-service laundry place and took the stuff from the car. Putting the laundrey to be washed, i decided to go for coffe while it wasnt finished. I left the laundrey place, and walked to the coffee shop near by. I sat at the table outside, and ordered myself a big coffee and a toasted sandwich, might as well get some breakfast since im here. I took my phone out checking for some more work and found few interesting ones. Some alone time just working might be what i need now. I checked the news feeds and mail while drinking coffe. Jessy called at some point, telling she will be going to her sister for a few days, apologizing for leaving me on my own. I told her not to be silly, that i'd be working mostly eitherway, so she felt a bit less guilty about it. She promised we'll meet as soon as she's back, wich i acceptet cheerfuly. I was done with coffee so i paid and left. I collected my laundrey, deciding to get some stuff from the store before heading back to the motel, so not to do unnecessary trips to towns center every little while working. When i was done, i got all the stuff and headed back to the motel. I putted the stuff away, and clean laundrey in the closet. I went out of the room to get some ice from the machine by the entrance to the motels office. When i got back, i poured a drink  and took my phone. There was a missed call on it, and the number was hidden. Again? What the heck, i tought. Work was calling, so i dismissed it from my toughts, and focused them on working instead. I worked till late again, before deciding i had enouhg, chrasing to bed.
The next day i spent most of it working. I stopped only to eat and drink something in peace, and i took a short walk to stretch my legs a bit. I took a shower before going to bed, luling my self to sleep with some movie on the tv.
On the next morning, after i got up, i decided to quickly go to town for some fresh coffee. I drove to town, stoping at the caffee and getting myself the biggest 'coffee to go' they had, heading back to the motel. I got back to working, but was interupted by my phone ringing after a while. I checked the phone, and smiled when i saw who the caller was. „Well, if it isnt my favorite barkeep!“ i cheerfully said in my phone. „Hello gorgeous.“ Phil answered me. „Where you hiding at?“ he asked. „Oh, im at the motel. Working my ass off.“ I told him. „I'v been lazy with it lately, so it's taking its tol on me now.“ „Aww, sorry to hear that.“ He said „But, even so, you need to take a break. Bring that pretty ass of yours to Aurora tomorrow night, we'r having a party!“ he said cheerfully, and before i could even start to protest „And i'm not taking a 'no' for an answer here!“ „Aww, c'mon Phil, thats not fair.“ i started teasingly „You took all the fun out of it! I'm good at protesting!“ He laughed „I bet you are. So, see you tomorrow?“ „Ofcourse.“ I said, adding „Hey, Phil, whats the party for, by the way?“ „Oh, right, i keep forgeting you're not from around here.“ He said. „And i tought Jessy might already told you.“ „Nop, she didnt tell me anything, and since she is with your sister, we havent really spoken much these last few days.“ „Ahh, i see.“ He said „Well, in that case, it's the Aurora's opening day anniversary, and its pretty packed for that night,with drinks being cheeper. So be sure to come early, i'll save you a seat at the bar.“ „Thanks, Phil. I'll bring myself and my pretty ass then.“ I said teasingly „Thats the spirit!“ He chimed. „Alrighty“ i said. „See you tomorrow, then.“ „Cant wait.“ He said „Laters, Maya.“ That migt be fun, i tought. And if im lucky, i might finish with work by tomorrow morning, so some fun would be like a reward for it. I continued working, and was happy that i actually finished before i tought i would.I  checked the time. It was almost 3 in the morning! Ohh, guess i would sleep till late again tomorrow. And i didnt mind. The work was done, i had nowhere to rush, some sleep will do me good. I crushed to bed, burrying myself under the covers, sleep coming almost instantly at me.
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zombiegurlmode · 4 years
Aftermaths and afterthoughts
Disclaimer: these are not facts and neither am i going to all the trouble in researching for them. This is just one of my rampant thoughts. So no need to hurt yourself if you don’t agree. Aaaannnyyywaaayy, who reads disclaimer right? Like nobody even reads instruction manuals until something breaks. Unto the craziness.
I’m in the corporate world and before any of us consider making an investment, we have to crunch the numbers and tally the figures. We come with feasibility studies to ensure a certain project would be feasible for the timeline set. With that being said, songs and albums need hefty support from the financial world or venture capitalists. Before they even give you the songs or allow you to write one for yourself, they would have to take it out for a test run on their intended target market or target audience. Each KRA (key results area) set upon, must be met with the set criteria. So for example, one song might be set for cash cow or money milking, one for captivation, one for purely marketing purposes and so on and so forth. These songs might possibly be not the actual songs pre-approved for the album. These could be test songs or if your product were tangible then prototypes or betas. Then if all set criteria are met, no constraints were breached (budget cuts), then the green light may be given by the executives. So the process begins.
I’m trying to put things into perspective with the whole lauren debacle. And personally, this is soley based on my presumptions, i’m not sure her figures are high at the moment with her feasibilities. See, now that i’m done over reacting, the way i see it now is it seems like a last ditch effort to boost her numbers. Or this is a dirty corporate trick. Here’s the thing, if we want to let go of our employees, we don’t fire them. Too much trouble quite frankly. So, we have a way of giving employees the axe. Either we make you resign on your own or we set you up for failure. Again venture capitalism is filled with opportunistic individuals who are comparable to serial killers with their level of sociopathy in some cases. This was outlined in the book “snakes in suits”. Anyway, so there might be a possibilty that either her record label or management set her up as a) a throw away artist to set someone else up or b) marketing effort for someone else similar to promo packs or c) her figures are not doing so well. Usually companies already have notions on how their products might hit the market so they try to force or influence or sway the needs of the market. You know marketing always generate the needs of the market even if there is no demand for it. The way i see things going now the whole interview debacle doesn’t seem like it was meant to generate buzz for her upcoming album. It appears as a prerendition to boost someone else’s figures. Possibly camila’s or shawn’s. This is one of the new trends recently in marketing. The standard practice before was, if you have a new product about to hit the market you tie in one of your existing stable ones to create public demands for the new product. But then, there are those who suffered because of this. The new product didn’t meet quota thereby affecting the tie in existing product. So what they came up now is to reverse the process. There is a marketing term for this but i already forgot. They hype up a new product to boost sales of the existing ones. Like making the old ones seem fresh and relevant. Or the new product may appear as seasonal products. Like have you notice in the music industry we get a lot of one hit wonders. Their purpose is to keep the market interested by shuffling the needs and demands. If things went awry, scrap the throw away, the new product. Hence, we got the so-called mess.
Again, these things are purely my speculations so let’s just wait and see how things unfold further.
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Riverdale Season 5 Trailer Thoughts/Breakdown
Yay the trailer is finally here! So excited. Anyway here is my breakdown of the trailer and my initial thoughts and theories. I do want to say real quick as a trigger warning that the trailer did have images of what appeared to be a suicide by hanging and there are images of that in this breakdown (I have put them under a tag) so if this is something you feel will upset or trigger you please be careful. Also obviously there are spoilers.  
Firstly they didn’t really give us much new content. Most of the footage was stuff we have already seen and consisted of shots from the videos the voyeur had put out and the characters staring at tv screens. But there were a few new scenes in there for us to over-analyse and go crazy over. Also most of the scenes look like they are pre time jump which to be honest I was expecting because season 5 footage could potentially spoil the ending of what would of been season 4/ the current storyline with the voyeur. 
So the first bit of new footage I think is this shot:
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At least I’m pretty sure we haven’t seen it before. It’s clearly Jughead and it looks to me like he’s got a book on his lap (circled in red). Here’s the question I have, is he lighting the match to read the book because there’s no light where ever he is or is he going to burn the book. One theory I have is that from the character description for jughead’s new girlfriend it talks about a book that he’s not writing. Basically he’s struggling to write a book. Maybe this is actually a cleverly placed post time jump scene and he’s frustrated about his fight with his girlfriend over the book and so he burns it. That is the book in his lap is a draft or something of his own book. Maybe he then goes back to Riverdale to start the book over and get new inspiration. But that’s just my best guess of what’s going on here. I mean it might not even be a book in his lap. 
Next new scene is this one where Betty and Jughead are talking to Brett in prison:
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Anyone who read my season 4 theory/review posts knows that I think Donna is involved in the whole voyeur plotline and is in fact the leader of a ring of voyeurs I spose you could call it. For me this scene makes me think this is even more likely. Brett says ‘something’s coming and it’s going to hit you like a mack truck.’ So he obviously knows something about the voyeur. Unfortunately I think this might also suggest that Charles could be involved, if anything is going to hit them like a mack truck it would be finding out their brother is out to get them. I really hope thats not the case though. I mean Brett could just be being dramatic right? 
Not really sure how I feel about the B*ghead scene. I talked about this in one of my reviews, about how when Betty and Jughead slept together for the first time I was uncomfortable about it because at the time Betty was lying to Jughead about having kissed Archie and to me that just didn’t seem right or fair to Jughead. This is a very similar situation. I feel like if Betty has already told Jughead about the kiss with Archie and they’ve worked it out then fine its another b*ghead sex scene whatever you know, I’m not overly invested in B*ghead but I don’t really mind them either, I’m just bored of them to be honest, so it is what it is. But if she’s still sleeping with him without having that conversation with him then I do think that’s a mistake on Betty’s part and that she isn’t being fair to Jughead. But from the look on Jughead’s face in this shot:
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I think it looks like she does tell him which I am relieved about it even though it’s going to really suck to see Jughead heartbroken like this. In which case if she has told him then this could be breakup sex or it could be Jughead decides he wants to try and make it work and this is like makeup sex. If it is the latter I do think later they will both realise they just can’t make it work and they decide to part before or during the time jump. Though I do want to make it clear no matter what does happen if she does tell him or not that I would never hate on Betty, the same as when she cheated, at the end of the day she’s a teenage girl and she makes mistakes, hopefully she learns and grows from those mistakes, she has time to and the same for Archie too.  
 So prom looks like it is going to be fun, well at first anyway. It does look like Veronica is going to find out about Betty and Archie at prom which isn’t really new information:
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Look as excited as I am to see Barchie and the potential of them being explored, and as bored as I am with the current couples it’s still going to be really hard to see Veronica (and Jughead) hurt. I mean look at my poor girl she’s devastated and 100% doesn’t deserve this. But I do feel like the current couples did need to be changed up a bit and breakups are always going to hurt, but it does suck to see. 
It looks like more than just relationship drama goes down at prom. There is this scene:
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It’s hard to tell whether this is like on a big screen at prom or whether this happens after prom but either way it looks like someone else is going to die and this is going to be a disturbing scene. What does make me curious is this shot:
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 I’m sort of confused by this scene because at first I thought this and the image above were related and there is obviously something happening, some kind of drama but we can’t see what it is. The thing is they don’t look scared. They look more shocked/ surprised. And the guy on the end next to Reggie (apparently he’s a character from Katy Keene but I just know him as Austin from a show called Make it or Break it and honestly its weird seeing him in Riverdale but I digress) he just looks really confused. My theory is that Veronica and Archie are having a fight in the middle of prom after she finds out about the kiss with Betty and Reggie is making that ooh face because Veronica has slapped Archie. I reckon something has caused Betty and Jughead to have already left prom so Jughead won’t find out until later. Another explanation could be that theory that footage of Barchie’s kiss gets shown at prom. Obviously Austin/ Character from Katy Keene is confused because he doesn’t really know anyone there so probably doesn’t have any idea what’s going on. 
(Ok so the next part is to do with that trigger warning I mentioned earlier so again please only continue if you are comfortable to do so.)
So we’ve got our first potential shot of the voyeur here wearing an owl mask. That’s not creepy at all.  
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The interesting thing though is this shot:
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As you can see cirlced in red this person who appears to have hung themselves is wearing that same owl mask. But I actually think this is a bit of a red herring. I think the top image is Donna, the jacket they are wearing is similar to the jackets she likes to wear and to me the build of the person in the top image is different to the build of the person in the second image. To me the top one looks more feminine and the second more masculine. Though it is hard to tell because of the difference in angles and what not. But my theory is that Jughead and Betty start to get a little too close to uncovering her so she kills someone else to make it look like the voyeur has taken their own life and throw them off. Maybe she takes a page out of Jughead’s book and fakes a death so to speak. Another possibilty is this is a re-enactment of Clifford Blossoms death and like a last message to Riverdale if I’m making sense but then it doesn’t make sense that they are wearing the owl mask and not the cliff one. It does make me wonder who this person is. They’ve got dark hair and they are wearing quite a formal suit but otherwise we don’t have much information to go off. Also I wonder if this is the same person who appears to be killed in the prom video or whether two people are going to be killed. 
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Ok whoever is standing over Jellybean with a knife better have their running shoes on because I’m coming for them. I don’t think they will hurt Jellybean but I actually think this could be what they use to have FP leave the show. I think the voyeur will release videos of them all sleeping and show that they have been in their house with the knife and that they have the potential of harming them which is really really terrifying and like one of my worst nightmares. I think FP will be like Nah not my little girl and for her safety will take Jellybean and move away from Riverdale. I could see some arguments in the family where some members like jughead and Betty refuse to leave and others want them all to go. Maybe in the end Alice decides to stay to look out for Betty and also maybe help Betty, Jughead and Charles with the investigation and FP takes Jellybean. 
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From these two images and that image that was released a while back of Archie in the boxing ring it looks like Archie is going to have a boxing match I know an amazing deduction there what can I say I’m a true detective. There’s not really much that can be said about it. I’m not sure why he is having a match, maybe something to do with the navy if he hasn’t already decided to join the army instead? Or maybe its more Hiram Lodge shananigans. Hopefully Archie will win. But it does look like Archie won’t be the only one getting into fisticuffs. 
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 Looks like Jughead will be having an altercation with someone as well. I think it might have something to do with the voyeur because you can see a projector in the background with images of houses on them. But I can’t tell who the people in the picture are. If I were to take a guess I would say its possibly that tickle ring. I said in my season 4 theories that I think Terry the ticklemaster is involved in the voyeur plot as he would be able to get the ‘actors’ for the videos. But who knows like I said its hard to see from these pictures. 
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Speaking of the voyeur it looks like the next person they want to mess with is Archie with an re-enactment of the blackhood in the diner. I have a horrible feeling that this is only the end of that video and it will also show someone in a Fred mask getting shot first then we’ll see this image of the blackhood holding Archie at gunpoint. Obviously this is going to be soo upsetting for Archie and is going to bring back up his grief at having lost his father. I feel like this will happen after prom too so I feel like he’s going to have just broken up with Veronica then get home to this video. I think he’ll then go for a run to try and let out some of his emotions and end up at his father’s grave where he’ll have a bit of a break down. I mean poor Archie. I’m going to cry at this scene I just know it. 
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So this picture is one of the ones I’m most curious about. Now I’m pretty sure that this is one of Cheryl’s dresses, like I can’t remember where I’ve seen her in it but I am 90% sure I have seen her in it. Also to me this looks like the crypt under their house where she kept Jason and where her uncle was killed. Cheryl wasn’t wearing this dress when her uncle was killed so its not his blood on the dress unless she wore it when getting rid of the body. I did wonder if it was the voyeur’s way of letting Cheryl and Toni know that they knew what they had done. But it does beg the question of why is there blood on the dress. Was Cheryl wearing it when it got the blood on it? Or did the voyeur take it and wear it whilst killing someone then bring it back? One theory I have is maybe someone is messing with Toni and the others and Cheryl goes missing then this dress shows up and it looks like Cheryl has been killed but obviously she won’t be. I am interested to see what this is about. 
Ok so the last scene I want to talk about is this one:
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I actually think, like the first image, this might be post time jump. Betty’s hair looks a little different here. Although it is pulled back she has got some bits of hair framing her face which is not normal for betty. Usually when her hair is up it is all scraped back. Also I know it sounds odd but she just looks more grown up to me. Also she seems alot more confident in holding a gun now which if she’s been training with the FBI would make sense. As to what is going on in this scene it could be exactly what it appears Betty hears something down stairs and theres some kind of threat down there. But I actually think this might be more of a comic scene. My scenario is as I said I think FP will take Jellybean away from Riverdale. It’s possible that Alice will than go join them after the kids graduate and go to college. I think this scene could be where Betty has come back to Riverdale and is in her old home (from what I can tell from these images it looks like her old house) some freaking stuff has happened in Riverdale since she’s arrived back you know a murder here and murder there and she’s hiome alone when she hears a noise downstairs, investigates gun drawn and its actually Alice showing up in the middle of the night unexpectedly. The both get a scare. 
So what did you guys think of the trailer? Are you excited for season 5? Do you have any theories on what you think will happen? 
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demonicintegrity · 4 years
Re: Kataow oceans
Couple of things now that my mind is rolling.
Octopi colonies are definitely a viable option now. Like i said, octopi right now have human-level intelligence. That combined with 8 limbs means they could easily build whatever they wanted to. It’d be cool to see this vast world they’ve built up over the past 200 years.
Coral cities. Coral are living animals themselves, so I’d be curious to see how the mutagen could make the h u g e. Also, hopefully it makes them a bit more durable because right now they have to have a specific range of water warmth around them or they die. It’s a really big issue rn because global warming. Also if they’re just touched the wrong way they die as well. They’re very fragile tbh. Coral cities could be so??? Fun??? Cuz like a lot of species intermingle a lot in coral reefs, it could be a really cool chance to see what relationships different species have with each other and how they’ve evolved over time. We can see species that already work together continue to do so, and/or we could get new pairings!
There could probably be a whole spin off show in the kataow ocean tbh.
Sharks, no matter how terrifying they can be could easily be gentle giants, kinda like our idea of whales. Most wont actually bother humans if they’re near and I’ve seen divers straight up pet them before. The reason why they bite humans so often is because their eyesight is garbage and often mistake us for turtles. They take a bite, hate it, spit it out, move on. Still won’t change the fact that I don’t want to be near them. Bull sharks are aggressive af.
Speaking of turtles actually, I believe turtles and tortoises live a crazy long lives. Hundreds of years in fact. So realistically we should see a lot of old world turtles, just with some more intelligence like Hugo developed. But since turtles also lay hundreds of eggs, we’d also get a healthy mix of turtles with new features. It could be a very diverse species. Turtles and tortoises could cross breed maybe??? Cuz I know tortoises actually can’t swim so it could create a new species.
Actually would love to explore cross breeding the kataow universe a lot more tbh. Both within one group (like different species of frogs mating together) and outside of their species (like horses and donkeys making mules, lion and tigers, etc) because the possibility of new species all together is fascinating and a very real possibilty.
I would not be surprised if many ocean-dwellers couldn’t care less about humans. Like I said, I doubt most are super well versed in land affairs. At most they’re just another possible snack. Though we see with Capp she absolutely despises humans. I think many crusteans will share this sentiment because they are essentialled farmed as a food source and are brutally killed. Crabs are steamed or boiled alive and yes I’m told the noise they make is quite distressing. I do not blame any crab mutes for utterly despising humans.
But other than that i can’t see many species having a personal grudge against humans. I imagine so many land mutes do because of how aware they are of what humans have done to them and their homes.
Also I want more bioluminescent creatures. Give me pretty fish that also shiney things plz and thanks.
Don’t get me started on whatever the hell could be residing in the deep dark ocean water. That shit is already freaky as is I can’t imagine what monstrosities could live down there.
So yea, oceans are cool but also will not hesitate to mess you up either. If we thought the land was brutal I’m sure at least some parts of the ocean are worse.
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suicidalcatz · 5 years
Pairing : Jake Kiszka x Reader
Genre : College AU
Previous Parts : Prologue ; Chap 1 ; Chap 2 ; Chap 3 ; Chap 4 ; Chap 5
Masterlist : here
AN : Hullo ! As you start hanging out with Jake, Josh seems a little... upset about something. It’s up to you to discover what’s going on in his lil curly head. As always, I hope you’ll like it, I’m excited about the chapters to come because things will speed up a bit from now on. Thank you all for the love and support you’re amazing, please feel free to check my dialogue prompts list and/or tell me what you think of this part!
Chapter six : Jake ?!
By the time I was waiting for Jake in front of the school it was still pitch black outside. The wind was so cold against my skin that my face stung and I kept shivering, all alone near the smoking area. The week end flew by super fast, faster than I had imagined, and even if I had a great time with my family and friends I was so glad to be back. Jake and I texted a lot during those two days, sending each other funny pictures or random stuff, like him watching a movie with popcorn in the common room, and even a selfie with his guitar. That I of course saved and have looked at it numerous times already, smiling and daydreaming. His last text asked me if I could meet him here at 7:30 so we could print the flyers together before class started. A new shiver ran down my spine, and I looked at my phone. He was late and I began fearing that he might never come at all.
Students began gathering around school, all looking tired and carrying their portfolios, chatting quietly in small groups. I watched them pass next to me as I looked at the hour once more. It's when I lifted my gaze from my phone that I saw him walking towards me hurriedly, clothes looking disheleved and bed hair falling on his worned out visage.
- I'm sorry I overslept, he said quickly, did I make you wait ? You look frozen, I'm so sorry.
Showing a small smile, I tried to deny it and shake him off telling him it was okay but he interrupted me by rubbing my sides vigorously to warm me up, before taking my bare hands in his to do the same. An electric feel went through my body when his skin got in contact with mine, and I didn't dare to move an inch. Jake then took them to his lips to blow some hot air on them. I could feel the tip of my fingers tingle but it wasn't from the cold weather, but his mouth being so close to my skin, barely brushing it like a feather like kiss. My face was scorching hot when our eyes met, and he should've seen the shy yet embarrassed look on it because he let go of me, as if realizing that he maybe had gone too far even though he just wanted to be nice. Glancing sideways, his gaze avoided me and he cleared his throat before he spoke in an attempt to break the awkwardness of the moment.
- We should get going before class starts.
Quickly nodding, he went first and I followed him through the hallways before we found ourselves in front of the photocopier. We printed an awful lot of flyers, taking advantage of the teachers' absence to use a ton of paper we didn't pay for. It looked gorgeous, all those colorful flyers together, and Jake's pleased smile while gathering them was even better. Just by watching him I could tell he loved it, and it was so rewarding it was worth spending a few hours of the night making it for him. A relieved sigh escaped from my lips as I put my back against the wall.
- We made it.
- Are you kidding ? You made it. All I did was telling you it looked great and sending you ugly pics of Josh.
A light chuckle found its way through my throat and our eyes met.
- That's what I call good teamwork.
There was a fondness in his eyes I couldn't describe. Jake was a hard to read dude, or maybe he was genuinely that great and simple boy and I was the one trying to find what was the scam while really there was none at all. Collecting the rest of the flyers, he leaned on the copy machine with one elbow and turned to me, standing at the other end of it.
- Hey, are you free during 10am break ? We should give some of them before going to class together, since we share the same lecture.
My heart skipped a beat. His face looked unsure and the hesitant edge to his raspy voice made him sound way more attractive than it should be allowed. Why was he acting like I would possibly send him packing ? How could I when he looked like this ?
- Yeah, sure.
Giving away flyers in this damn weather was way more fun than expected, and Jake had played a huge part in this outcome. The brunette was always cracking jokes, nudging me playfully with his shoulder for no reason, or chatting passionately about music, movies, or the festival. He sounded so pumped it got me excited too, seeing him being this impatient about something.
To his suggestion, or more precisely his challenge, we both raced to the amphitheater, running like madmen in the corridors, nearly knocking people off in the process but we didn't care at all. It was exhilirating, running like that just for the hell of it. It sparked something within me, and a rush of adrenaline spun through my body. I didn't want to lose, but this jackass was fast, sometimes glancing behind his back to make sure I was keeping up with him. A silly grin had spread across my face the whole time and wouldn't leave me, not until we were in front of the amphitheater, both panting and chuckling, cheeks beat red. Jake held the door for me, motioning me to go in first. Shyly giggling, I obliged, looking after him and sharing a mischevious grin.
What made my face fall was Josh's confused look. I couldn't say he was upset but the way he stared at the two of us was unsettling, it told me something was wrong, but I didn't know what nor why. With an uneasy feeling, I sat at my usual spot next to Mandy.
- Hanging out with Jacob, are we ?
She wiggled her brows in a ridiculous fashion and I elbowed her playfully. Of course she wanted the gossips, and wouldn't let go until I revealed everything.
- He's amazing, I whispered, he's so sweet and fun to be around. You'd think he had some hidden flaws but so far he doesn't and it's giving me a hard time Mandy.
My head fell lightly on my arm, letting out a sigh as she patted my hair. Maybe hanging out with Jake wasn't a good idea. The more I knew of him, the more my crush grew. With a pretty face like that you would believe he at least was a jerk but the boy was charming in every way. How could I stop falling for someone so lovable ?
- You're doing great, replied Mandy. You guys spend alone time together, text each other, and you helping him with his flyers was the best idea you had this entire year. I think it's going real good.
- What if he doesn't like me ?
Raising my head to meet her eyes, she brushed a strand of hair out of my face and gave me a soft smile.
- He will.
 - But what if he-
- Then he's not the one sweetie.
It made my heart sink a little, thinking about Jake not being the right man for me. Because at this moment all I could see was him. Being with him was like being the only two humans on Earth.  He suddenly came into my life and took all this space, blocking my view from everything else but him. Every little thing he did got me on edge. My memory was full of the littlest details my brain noticed about him ; the way he put his hand on his hair, the different smiles he gave, the disconnected look he had when concentrating on what people were saying... It was hard, thinking of the possibilty that Jake might never fall for me.
Something light bumped the corner of my head before rolling on the table, making Mandy jump in the process.
- Fuck that scared me, she breathed while unfolding the paper ball.
As usual, Josh was looking at us, but for the first time he arbored that confused, slightly moody expression on his face I couldn't quite point out. Cheek on his fist, brows furrowed, he was staring at us, patiently waiting for a reply. Jesus Christ someone woke up in the wrong side of the bed this morning. Mandy patted me on the arm, a puzzled expression dispayed on her face.
- Uhh... I think this is for you ?
Mimicking her bafflement, I took the crumpled note in my hands and frowned. What the fuck was I supposed to reply ? On the paper, in big letters was only one word :
« Jake ?! »
What did that mean ? Glancing at Josh and raising my hands in confusion didn't help, since the boy shrugged and turned his back to me, ignoring me completely.
I met with Jake again during lunch to try and give the rest of the flyers away near the cafeteria. At least half of the students ate there so we both agreed it was a genius idea. We spent our time together running, calling out students, and handing out papers like we were selling the town's newspaper. One thing I learned while hanging out with Jake was that time flew by fast. So it was no wonder we came in late and exhausted to meet Josh and Mandy who had both already finished their lunch. And while my roomate winked at me, the other just looked downright pissed.
- Sorry we're late, said Jake catching his breath, but Van Gogh right here found the perfect spot, it was crazy, we gave so many flyers, shit I think we'll even have to print more of them.
Letting out a light chuckle, he put his arm behind my shoulder to give me a side hug, showing me proudly. I felt my cheeks beginning to heat at all the praise, a smile playing at the corner of my mouth. The euphoria filling the air around us didn't last long however, because Josh cut his brother to speak.
- You could've asked me for help.
Jake let go of me, losing his smile. Idly scratching his head, not really knowing what to reply to that.
- Didn't know you wanted to.
We all could tell by the sound of his voice he was sincere, and even apologetic, but Josh wasn't buying it, or at least he didn't wanted to. He seemed like someone who was seeking confrontation, and an uncomfortable tension began to rise between them. I stood next to Jake, awkwardly squirming and exchanging glances with Mandy who looked just as clueless as we did. Seemingly understanding my silent question, she shook her head in a discreet way just for me to see, telling me she didn't know what was up with Josh.
- Well then again, you didn't ask, came the cold reply.
In the corner of my eye I saw Jake's chest expand as he took a deep breath, probably trying his best to keep his calm. He was starting to get mad too, mostly for not knowing why his brother was such a bitch all of a sudden.
- Come with us next time if you want, Jake offered.
I could tell it was painful for him not to give in to annoyment but he managed to keep his cool and it made me proud somehow. Yet, talking to a wall was hard and their weird dispute had set an awkward silence between the four of us. That's why Jake decided to leave.
- I'm gonna get going, I forgot my lunch anyway.
It sounded like a lie but none of us dared to contradict nor prevent him from going. If only he had left without adding anything more... but he called my name on the stairs leading to the first floor.
- Text me when you're out of the workshop I'll wait for you.
He disappeared on the crowd of students right after I nodded and I just knew he fucked up by saying that.
- You guys exchanged numbers ?
Of course it was Josh. Mandy already knew. Facing him was hard, and made me feel ashamed for reasons I didn't even understand. Was that jealousy I was witnessing ? Because I was spending time with his brother ? Maybe I've been selfish and should've included him. It made me feel even worse when I answered his question.
- Yeah. We did.
Even if it didn't make things better at all, I at least owed him the truth. Since apparently Jake didn't tell him anything about us texting all week. Which was kind of a dick move, judging by how Josh looked hurt by it. I felt like I finally understood what was up with him and why he was throwing mini tantrums like this one. He probably was feeling left out. Nothing more.
But before I could reassure Josh and invite him over for a drink tonight, the school bell rang and he passed me by swiftly, gently pushing me out of his way. Fuck. I'll have to find a compromise to balance these relationships soon or else I'll end up losing both of them, and I couldn't afford that.
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B99 Prompts - 9. “I’m sorry I can’t be the man you want me to be.” “Dammit! Stop being so romantic and come back to me, you fool!”
Pairing: Michelle Jones x Reader
A/N: SAMI CONGRATS ON 1K MY SWEET BEAN YOU DESERVE IT AND THIS DRABBLE IS FOR YOU!!! Guys go follow my girl @anxieteandbiscuits she is so funny and so kind! Also this takes place during the school trip to Venice as shown in the trailer for Spider-Man: Far From Home and guess who's a sucker for MJ+grand gestures!!!
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You and Michelle, your— it's actually kind of confusing and you’re not sure what to call your relationship, but you are content being with her, here in Venice. Or at least that's what you told yourself at first.
So far the trip had been going amazing, but the more the days passed, the more you wanted nothing more than to experience all those things with her as a couple because anything even remotely romantic or intimate has always been done in private. It killed you not to be able to hold her hand on gondola rides, or kiss her cheek in the selfies you took, and you wanted nothing more than to tell her out loud how gorgeous she was standing before the sunset right in front of you.
She really does look beautiful— the rush of feelings you get is overwhelming, and what better time will come for you to confess that, than on a cute pedestrian bridge whilst the street lights begin to twinkle like stars on the ground. The sun is setting in the horizon behind her, and the streets have become less busy, making an otherwise very public setting, a little more intimate. It's the most romantic scene you could think of.
"Michelle," she turns to face you at the sound of your voice, a soft smile gracing her lips. Wow, she is absolutely stunning. "I-I've been meaning to ask you something." She hums in response, urging you to proceed. Taking her hands in yours, you feel a pang of anxiety when she seems to flinch the slightest bit, and her eyes dart all around to make sure no one is watching. You really wish this wasn't a secret. "MJ, I-I really enjoy the time we spend together, a-and I care about you, so much, and I don't want to have to hide it when we're out in public."
"Wait, what are you saying?" Your heart falls when her hands start to go limp in yours, and the confused yet concerned expression she wears makes the anxiety factor double up.
"I-I guess what I'm saying is, I want to be in a relationship—"
"Y/N," You feel like your heart might fall out of your chest when she takes her hands back, leaving yours cold despite the fair weather. "I-I'm sorry- I can't give you that."
'"Why not?" It's a genuine question. Your hopes have suddenly turned to hurt and utter confusion. All those times you cuddled and held each other in private, when you shared the most intimate secrets with each other that you had never told anyone else— were they all a lie? Did she not mean it when she kissed you, or told you that you're the person she cares about most?
"Y/N, I can't be with you," her eyes leave yours, her gaze diverging to the cobblestoned ground.
"I—" You stumble back, the effects of heartbreak already taking a toll. "I don't understand—"
"I-I'm so sorry—" she says, trying her best to mask the crack in her voice as she leaves you there. You watch her half-run back to the hotel and you want nothing more than to go after her, but you feel as though someone has nailed your feet to the ground.
Was there something wrong with you? If you meant so much to her, why didn't she want to be with you? Whatever the answer to that was, you were left alone overthinking it on that bridge until curfew.
↠ • ↠ • ↠ •
If the next few days and the last academic decathlon trip were anything to go by, MJ came to the realization that a bunch of crazy dudes could attack a school trip at any time. The fact you were in danger, coupled with the possibilty of never seeing you again drove her over the edge.
It's the second to last day before you all hop on a plane back home, and Michelle would be damned if she didn't spend every waking moment of the next two days with you.
Everyone has a few free hours before dinner and she's been running all over the hitel, from door to door, and person to person trying to find you. Feeling exhausted, she trudges to the last place she thinks you would be: the rooftop— which you and her discovered together on your first day in Venice.
No luck.
Letting out a defeated sigh, she leans on the railing and has barely skimmed the scenery when she sees a familiar figure about to board a gondola. There's no way she'd have time to run down before you take off, so there's only one thing left to do, and it's now or never.
"Y/N!" She calls out to you, but you don't quite seem to hear her at first. Looks like it's time to turn it up a notch, she thinks to herself. "Y/N Y/L/N!" She yells her absolute loudest and is struck with unbelievable relief when you whirl around and your eyes meet hers. "WILL YOU GO OUT WITH ME?"
You're utterly taken by surprise, to say the least. You process what she's just said— or rather, shouted to you and you're overjoyed, of course, but you don't want to go through the same thing again. "What about what you said the other night?"
"It was stupid! I-I didn't mean it- I was scared! Y/N, I love you, and I'm sorry I hurt you!" Michelle can only describe what she's currently feeling as an overwhelming mix of excitement from pure adrenaline, and extremely nervous because now that she's put it out there for you, the best she can hope for is for you to take her. “I’m sorry I can’t be the woman you want me to be!” She shouts from the rooftop— she is literally declaring her undying love for you and shouting it from the rooftops.
“Dammit! Stop being so romantic and come back to me, you fool!” You yell back to her with your hands cupped around your mouth to amplify your voice.
MJ reacts instantly, forgetting how out of breath she already is and sprinting down god knows how many flights of stairs to get to you. You wave off your friends, telling them you'll catch another gondola, and they share knowing smiles and wish you the best before heading off. Upon seeing Michelle emerge from the entrance— and seeing how tired she is, your features break out in the biggest smile and you run to her, letting her collapse into your arms as you hold her tall slender frame against yours. She's panting, her warms breaths dissipating on your skin as her arms wrap around your neck. You stay like that for a few seconds, until she catches her breath.
You break apart, but only by a few inches and you're still holding her by her waist while her arms rest on either one of your shoulders. You can only stand to look into her eyes for a split second before pulling her body flush to yours and crashing your lips into hers. She responds immediately, moving her hands to hold your face as she kisses you back with more passion than you've ever felt.
The kiss doesn't turn into a full make-out session, but it is long and powerful enough to leave the two of you breathless when you finally pull apart. She leans her forehead against yours, and both of you still have your eyes closed. You open yours first, and marvel at how ethereal she looks when her long eyelashes flutter as she opens her eyes. Both of you let out a light chuckle as you lock eyes because neither of you ever expected what just happened to happen.
"So, what was it that you were saying up there?" You tease her with an innocent tone. "I couldn't quite hear you well, was it something about a glove? Or doves? Or—"
Laughing, she cuts you off with another kiss, swallowing up the last of your taunt. You smile against her lips, causing her to do the same and you're both left with goofy grins on your faces. "I said, I love you." Just when you didn't think it was possible to smile any wider, you're proven wrong. "I want to be your girlfriend— if you'll have me."
"Of course; I love you too." You look away from her for a moment to signal a passing gondola. "Now, Michelle Jones, will you ride off into the sunset with me on this magnificent gondola?"
"It would be my pleasure."
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bookofmirth · 6 years
Could you do a HC of elide telling lorcan she’s pregnant? Or just a general pregnancy dynamic? Thank you❤️ I’m addicted to your writing. I need more elorcan to hold me over until the next chapter In your coffee shop AU.
I saved this for a bit so I wouldn’t post it too close to that fic! To go with the elorcan parents hcs.
They get pregnant pretty soon after KoA, like… a year or two later.
Elide is probably 22-23 by then, and since she isn’t fae and Lorcan is demi, it isn’t that difficult for them.
It isn’t really a surprise, because they planned on having kids. Elide always wanted to have a family and Lorcan is suddenly excited by the prospect, now that he knows it’s a possibilty.
(He’s been watching what Maeve does to people with families for years, e.g. Rowan and Lyria, Fenrys and Connall, and was not about to even try that.)
Lorcan actually knows Elide is pregnant before she does.
He actually sets it up for her. One day he makes dinner and she’s wondering what the special occasion is. It’s not an anniversary or birthday or anything.
It drives her crazy that he knows because after that first time when it was a big deal, he always tells her like, over breakfast before she goes off to meet with nobles or something.
He knows not because of some weird fae senses thing. No. He keeps track of her cycle.
Elide assumes that Lorcan’s going to be squeamish about it but he comes home one day with all these books on pregnancy (they have them in Terrasen, ok, they are very advanced in obstetrics).
Elide is not so hyped about the whole process. She’s the one who has to go through it, after all.
He holds her hair back when she’s sick, makes her remedies for nausea and rubs her feet every evening.
Lorcan refuses to leave the room when she goes into labor.
“Elide, there is a person coming out of you, how are you doing this.”
“Just hold my hand, please.”
Lorcan has been thinking of it in relatively clinical terms, whereas Elide has been thinking about all the responsibility they are going to have.
So then when his first son comes into the world, Lorcan is floored. He knew they were having a child, but he didn’t think about being a father.
And Elide is wishing that the midwife at her side was Marion, but knowing her mother is there anyway.
Send me more requests if you want, I like having them to take a break from writing for nano :D
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maokokusei · 5 years
How the Foretellers act when they realize they’re in love/have a crush?
I don’t have nothing to do today, so here.
─ He’s too focused on preserve the events that lead to the future and holding the balance between the Unions to spend time with you. It’s not a case he usually stays alone;
─ But, after being begged by you to him to try to find a little dose of free time, you manage to talk a little more;
─ Time passed while you kept meeting and chatting alone, finding out that both have so many things on common…when he “suddendly” feels that something has changed;
─ Talking with you helps him distract from his costant exhausting work, but on the other hand, he can’t stop thinking about his own role;
─ But then, after a few weeks, he becomes suspicious. He notice that he’s enjoying your company, even if he doesn’t show it much;
─“For how long I’m feeling like this?” he questions himself;
─ We know he tends to make quick assumptions, so it’s easy for him to believe he’s having a crush on you;
─ Unfortunately, he’ll never talk to anybody about this. Neither you.
─ She’s your friend for a long time, so you two are really close. But she never considered to see you as something more;
─ Ava loves spend time with you, so she doesn’t suspect anything;
─ But then, after a silly and teasing question by you about her having a boyfriend, she starts to froze;
─ She never thinks about it, and she’s not that interested about this kind of things. Then, why from that moment, she seem to see you in a different way?
─ There’s nothing wrong, sure. But her prudent side asks her if she really want this…
─ She’ll confront you and calmly confess her “problem”, eyes darted to the ground while both of you are sitting on the edge of the fountain;
─ “What this sensation is called…?”, “Is this wrong?”
─ If you will return her feelings, she’ll act in a very childish way, suddendly hugging your shoulders. But then, after realizing this, she pulls away and the scarlet on her cheeks is visible underneath her fox mask.
─ She also never considered the possibilty that she could fall in love with someone. She’s too focused on her own role, as their Master desires;
─ She tends to stay alone most of the time, but you will join her. She’ll be neutral about it: even after weeks, maybe months…
─ It’s when she begin to enjoy your company that she notices that something feels strange in the atmosphere;
─ “Could I start to like s/o in that way…?”
─ She doesn’t know how to do to get rid of that question that keeps echoing in her head. But, when Ava catch her absorbed in her own mind asks if there’s something wrong, she’ll return to act normal with a no, continuing to do whatever she’s doing;
─ “It will be temporary.” she tells herself.
─ After finding out there’s a traitor among the Foretellers, he hasn’t faith in nobody. He can’t accuse you, as you aren’t an apprentice of the Master of Masters, so you couldn’t have the Lost Page in your possesion;
─ So he decides to take you in the alliance founded by Aced…
─ You’re aware that these kind of things are forbidden, and try to convince both of them that they’re doing the wrong choice: but they will simply ignore you;
─ You sigh in surrender, afraid that the two could do something crazy, knowing their temper. So you temporary “fake join” them;
─ After finding out the Aced’s situation when everyone was thinking he was the traitor, you don’t will hesitate to rush over Gula and immediatly asks Invi where is he;
─ You will find him uncosciouns with Ava keeping an eye on him, and when he wakes up, he will be surprised to find both of you there;
─ Gula will tell you that he wants the Master to return by summoning Kingdom Hearts, but you will stop him by hugging him and gently whispers that’s not possible;
─ From that moment, he feels a knot forming into his gut. Could it be…?
─ “Love? Bullshit!”
─ But with time, he will realize it’s all true, and not just an illusion. Infact, he’s a little scared at the idea of being in love with someone, but after some time he will talk you about it, asking you what you want to do.
─ He is so obsessed by taking over the Master that he even not realize there it could be such a positive emotion like love;
─ He’s clearly arrogant in confront of everybody, even you. He doesn’t manage to shake you off, you that continue to “torment” him by trying to soften him up;
─ At first, he will shout you to leave him alone…but you keep insist;
─ He then tries to shrug it off: he won’t let the darkness consume him;
─ Even so, he will learn from you that you can understand him when something goes wrong━and then, most of the time;
─ It’s on a sigh he will give up, and secretly admit that your lively personality it’s helping him to feel better. He is enjoying being at your side: in those moments, he feels all the problem gone;
─ But then, it will arrive the time when he realizes that staying with you is being dangerous;
─ “There is no way I could have fallen for that kid!” he yells to himself;
─ It will be more difficult for him to admit that he unconsciously develops a crush on you, but he will try to not think about it too much.
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annsparksthegmr · 6 years
An Outlandish (And Possibilty Intriguing) Persona Q2 Theory/Analysis/Thingy
So I know a lot of people are excited about Persona Q2’s release over here in the west. I am as well. But something interesting happened while I was having some fun with figuring out our two new characters names meant. And thus, below here is my outlandish theory/analysis of what I believe is the main story/plot of Persona Q2: New Cinema Labyrinth.
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Let us start off with our two new characters of the story. To the left is Hikari and to the right is Nagi. Now for Hikari, her name is the easiest one to uncover. Hikari simply means “Light.” Makes senses, given her white hat and hair. Yet she is dressed in black and red. Kind of strange, isn’t it? Then again, that may come into play later. However, when you go into what Nagi’s name could mean, this is where things get interesting.
In Japanese, Nagi’s name basically refers to a lull or a calm (something such as the weather or sea.) Seeing Nagi’s calm and at ease by just this promotional art, this fits rather well. Though by knowing Atlus and how they liked to pull ideas or references from other cultures, I decided to see what Nagi could mean/represent in other languages/cultures. And that's where things started to get the snowball rolling.
On one site I visited, I discovered that Nagi is an epithet of the god Shiva. Who is Shiva? Well, Shiva’s a god and one of the principal deities of Hinduism - often labeled as the Destroyer of Evil and the Transformer. Now there is quite a lot of information regarding Shiva but let’s get the more important bits I found. Shiva is both betrayed as benevolent and fearsome. Something I felt while looking back to Persona Q2’s artwork of Nagi is that there is something deeper - perhaps if Nagi is alluding to Shiva, then is Nagi’s hiding something fearsome? Even more, leaning into this idea is that Shiva is also known as Adiyogi Shiva, regarded as the patron god of yoga, meditation, and arts.
Did you catch that? The patron god of the arts. The setting of this game is in a movie theater, and filmmaking is considered an art form. When I found this little bit out, I started to think that maybe this idea of Shiva wasn’t too outlandish. Then again, this isn’t the only meaning Shiva could have.
Shiva could also refer to a week-long mourning period in Judaism for first-degree relatives. The ritual is referred to as “sitting shiva.” Traditionally, there are five stages of mourning/grief in Judaism. Five stages of grief? Well, if anyone knows this, then those stages are commonly known as Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, and Acceptance. The Five Stages of Grief.
Now with that all being said in regards to our two new characters, if the characters from Persona 3 through 5 have a part to play in exploring and expanding upon the theme just like in the first Persona Q… We may have more solid proof in the idea of the Five Stages of Grief. Persona 3 has the theme of Death - something that could cause a person to mourn and suffer. Especially if somebody was close to the person who died - and after all, people who mourn usually wear dark colors like black. Reminds you of someone? Hikari’s wearing black. Persona 4 has the theme of Identity and Seeking Truth - now this is kind of hard to place within the Five Stages of Grief, but I have an idea. With grief, those who struck by losing a close one will have problems seeing or accepting the truth. They may feel a piece of their identity is gone and many try to find meaning in somebody’s death. Especially when a death of the close one is unexpected and without warning. Persona 5 has the theme of Freedom, Anger, and Breaking Free from slavery to corrupted adults and (in a way) modern society. Now, this one is a bit easier than the last one to fit into the idea: Denial and Anger fit very well into the core ideas of Persona 5. The cast of Persona 5 rebelled against society due to anger and helped society from denying corruption in the system. So when it comes to the main three Persona games, their games do fit into the core idea of the Five Stages of Grief.
With that being said, all my reasonings come to a head with my crazy idea of what Persona Q2 could be. Hikari is the central focus with Nagi being the second focus. (Akin to likes of Rei and Zen from the first game.) Hikari is currently mourning and has yet to complete the cycle: it would explain why she’s in the world and why despite her name being “light,” her hair and hat are the only things bright about her. Hikari appears to lack emotions, which can be something mourning people may have. To cause them to not be expressive or not act like themselves. As such, Hikari may have secluded herself from society and life, throwing herself into the arts to keep herself from relapsing back into whatever event caused her to grieve. All the while, she is suffering inside because she can’t accept the reality.
Whether or not she is mourning a friend, a family member or something more is beyond my mind. But with this idea above, we can guess Nagi noticed this problem. After all, Nagi may be a part of the god Shiva, who may, in fact, be a patron god of the arts in the Persona world. Whatever happened, I believe it prompted Nagi to create this Movie Theater as a way to help Hikari pass through all five stages of grief. Why Nagi would do this? Possibly a reason we will find out during the game. In fact, it may be by Nagi’s power that brings the casts of the other games into the picture. They may be the ones Nagi brings in order to help push Hikari onward.
I have no other ideas beyond this main one. There are probably holes in this idea and I have no claim that this is how the game is going to be. Hell, for all I know Nagi could just be some random classmate or friend of Hikari and has nothing to do with being a god. If anyone would like to expand or give your own thought, then, by all means, go ahead! This is by no means a perfect theory or analysis. It is just a random thought bubble I’ve been having and I needed to get it out somehow. So if you got this far, I’d like to thank everyone for reading.
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yayaiamlordee · 6 years
Commitment, Security and Borderline Personality Disorder.
Im struggling REAL hard right now with my insecurities, my emotions, decisions, etc. I'm engaged, planning a wedding and deciding on BIG decisions. Ive done so much research my disorder and how marriage is when you are struggling with it. And let me just tell you, it makes it worse for me. It makes me want to take off running and disappear. All I read is things become too much, you drive your SO away eventually, you turn into this crazy person. I barely saw any good positive responses. IM GETTING MARRIED THIS YEAR. And I am TERRIFIED that I will be a shit show. I wont be a good wife, my husband-to-be will leave me. Maybe I wont be a good mother? Maybe I dont offer enough? I dont know. Im so stressed out. I can feel this anxiety, fear and "what if's" weighing me down. I feel it making me have more difficult time debating if this is something I can do? I dont think anyone can love me forever. I constantly need validation, I take the smallest signs and automatically take it personal. I hate the possibilty of being rejected or go through this whole marriage thing to just end up in heart break and more emotional unstability later in life. I am CONSUMED by these emotions and I just dont know what I can do at this point. I just repeat my fears over and over again until im so escalates in emotions I cant breathe or function. Im lost and im terrifed. Help.
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thechangling · 7 years
It's kinda strange, when you do not know what you think you need to know...
Part 4 of my ongoing saga I suppose lol. But, on a ranty ramble note, it IS quite disturbing not knowing who you are. I don't mean in a "no idea who my parents are" type way or "what is my heritage? Did my ancestors come from Sweden?" that kind of thing, I mean, where did our life as modern humans come from?
I have quite a spiritual, open mind and the concepts I can believe in, no matter how questionable, possibly make me somewhat naive but some might say it makes me better than most for actually being able to accept that there is more than just one possibilty - and it has to be either X, Y or Z. It could be a combination of all the above.
Modern humans (Homo Sapiens in general, not from like the last 50 years or so...) have seemingly sprung up from nowhere, somewhere or everywhere depending on what you believe or who you talk to or, from your own research, what knowledge you have obtained yourself and the conclusions you draw from that yourself (which is something I am currently doing) as to their origins. I have no clue as to the origins of humanity and there are a few things that bother me about religion, evolution and alien theories that are currently going around my head and it is hard to pinpoint which one is right. I am certainly not going to figure this out as Philosophers have been debating this for millenia.
Is there just God? Or Gods? Did we simply crawl from the primordial soup and start evolving? Where are the missing links in the evoltuionary chain? Were we dumped here by aliens years ago because we have gene defects and are inherently just violent and stupid? Is there a heaven after you die? Is there a hell? Are we reincarnated? Or is there just simply nothingness (I really hope not!)
I like to think that life is just a stage of many things we expereince as sentient beings and that our "energy/soul/conciousness" will go to something else and carry on existing on some sort of astral plane, or heaven/hell (!) or just starting over life again as yourself or someone else - or just waking up from the matrix we are in and unaware of (which scientists say IS another possible working theory...) there are just too many things that could be the wonderful thing that we refer to as life or existence!
We could also possibly be some sort of computer program which explains why certain laws of physics and motions are unable to broken, time is linear and can only go forwards not backwards. Too many things to list as to what we "could" be, but I really feel the need at the moment to find out what we really "are"
Figments of someones imagination? In the Matrix? Stupid monkeys? Gods "intelligent design" designed in his image? Or angry Alien invaders that have no place on their home world because we are just violent and stupid?
There is just too much information for my brain to process here, so writing down all this helps get it out and helps me think. It also makes me sound like a crazy person (which i'm not - I haven't been tested but i'm sure I would pass lol) who is on a mission to obtain the answer to the ultimate questions - Who are we? Why are we here? Where did we come from? How long have we been here? What is the meaning of life? When will we find out the answers to all these questions?
I am feeling very philosophical at the moment (if you all can't tell lol) and I feel like I am slowly going insane trying to figure this out. I think I need a new job - too much free time to think about things lol. Maybe I should change my name to Bruce and go and join the Philosophy Department at the University of Woolamaloo....
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mosmindmanifested · 5 years
The Illuminati!?!?!?!?
What has now become a ubiqutous meme, 'The Illuminati' is a term used to describe an international and underground group of super-villians bent on world domination and human enslavement. They are famously associated with world political leaders, famous music artists, bankers and other members of society with high levels of authority, power, or influence. The Illuminati has become a blanket term, encompassing all possible secret societies, or potential for clandestine groups of individuals with ill intent for the public at large. I am here today declare myself one of the 'crazy' conspiracy theorist that buys in to the potential of such a movement being true. One thing I like to do when assesing a conspiracy theory, is to try to understand the motivations behind its possible existence. As Henry Kissinger, famous war criminal and Machiavellian political leader under the Nixon administration would say: 'Power is the greatest aphrodisiac'. Control over others has been a prominent theme since the dawn of human civilization. Any great empire that has ever existed has had a expedient slave caste that was tasked to labour, servitude and, at times, complete subjection to the will of the ruling hegemon. The most egregious example that has been branded into the consciousness of the masses through hollywood influence is... you guessed it... the trans-atlantic slave trade; where West African merchants willing offered there Spanish commerce associates, the bodies and minds of their fellow West Africans. However, at the height of the industrial age, men like Edwards Bernays (nephew of Sigmund Freud and father of the Public Relations firm), and Joseph Goebbells (head of Nazi propoganda), with their keen understanding of human psychology, came to the stunning understanding that human beings yeild more productivity when they willingly engage in an action as opposed to when they are force. These wizards then went to work on using media to manipulate the masses and to manufacture the consent of an otherwise civilized public, to engage in the most anti-social behaviour. Stop and think about it for a moment. How on earth did Nazism become a thing? The easy and completely foolish assumption is to lump all of them into the category of 'evil', and dismiss their actions as a by-product of that evil. Many of these 'evil' Nazi's were regular people in their past lives; fathers, teachers, statesmen, brothers, artists, pillars of their communities. This is testament to the power of mass psychology and propoganda. It is no wonder that many of the key minds behind the Nazi movement were extradited to the United States where they were granted asylum. Someone must have been admiring the artistry behind the movement. Spaning fron the mid 1950s to late 60s, research into mass psychology and mind control continued in the very nation I call home, Canada. At the university of McGill, under the guise of a CIA intelligence project, subjects were given undisclosed amount of LSD6 and were subject to various trials that were aimed at creating a heightened suggestive state, and creating a docile mind-controlled being. This project was known MK-ULTRA. Its alumni include a famous test subject, Theodore J. Kaczynski 'The Unibomber', a domestic terrorist who would mail deliver pipe bombs to unsuspecting U.S. citizens. Intelligence agencies seem to have a keen interest on controlling the human mind and subjegating the human body. But why? What exactly do they have in store for us? Attaining higher profit margins is a zero sum game, and when you've already accumulated billions, what drives the insatiable lust to continue? What is the end game of an intelligence agency who wants to strip away autonomy of its citizens? Here is where things get weird. This is where I lose my faithfully rational audience that is unwilling to entertain the possibility of what I am about to say. I do not ask you to suspend your disbelief, and if at any moment, what I am about to say sounds too outlandish to entertain, feel free to stop reading at any moment. You see, I do not think the controlling elite is being motivated by rational means. I do not believe the Nazi regieme, or the communist movements figure headed by Mao and Stalin (120 million plus estimated deaths between them), was motivated by political gain or power. I believe there is an ontological battle going on, one that supercedes human wants, desires and ambitions. The battle between being and non-being. The battle between life and death. Darkness and light. Good and evil. Heaven and hell. You see, these underground groups are death cults. They venerate human degradation, strife, hardship, toil, death, war, self-destruction, and everything antithetical to human life and prosperity. They create 'agents of chaos' by self-replication. Through ritual abuse and trauma of the young, they are able to fashion the minds of their offspring to harbour and propogate this malevolent ethos. It was done to them when they were young. Media hints at this. How many stories have you heard of psychopathic serial killers and mass murders who faced traumatic upbringings. Of course, this does not suffice for a justification for their actions, but it truly represents and possible explaination. Trauma is cyclical. Hurt people hurt people, and through a program of traumatic abuse, new generations of degenerate and maladapted youth enter society. Look at the Jeffrey Epstein situation that has overrun the media right now, a powerful financial player who procured under-aged youth to be sex slaves for his wealthy business and political friends. On further examination on the island he would fly his clients out to, you notice some peculiar landmarks: a temple, underground tunnel systems, etc. Members of this death cult are obssesed with youth. They recognize an innocence and potentiality in them that they themselves were stripped of, and in an acts of pathological envy, go to unspeakable measures to make sure that these children are as malleable to their influence as possible. Members of this death cult are motivated by theological motives. It is not uncanny for these people to organize around specific dates and times to conduct elaborate rituals in service of pagan dieities. (For a dramatic rendition of this depravity, I suggest you watch visionary director Stanley Kubricks swan song 'Eyes Wide Shut', fittingly titled might I add). They claim to communicate with off world intelligences that collaborate in their organized efforts to influence mass culture and the global society at large. I suggest you youtube 'cremation of care' ceremony. They are the enemies of humanity in human form. A snake eating its own tail; devouring those that they depend upon. I house the opinion that their fractured mental states, as a result of meticulous abusive efforts from parents or gaurdians, completely destroys their sense of self, and like in the case of the clinical narcissist, they function through performative emotion and expression. But what if a regular folk, not brought up in such nightmarish circumstances, wanted to participate in such a system, and reap the rewards of being a part of it? In comes ritual intiation. You must sell your soul. You must go on record committing the worst crime possible, to the most innocent victim possible, so that you are now bound to a state of obedience and secrecy. We all have heard of absurd gang/mafia rituals that initates have to perform to gain the trust and respect of their fellow members. These include but are not limited to: killing a rival gang member, killing an innocent civilian, cannibalism, acts of sadism, sexual abuse of another, being sexually abused by senior members and the list goes on. The same principal applies here. If you want to be a part of this network, you're going to have to make some sacrifices. I wish this type of activity was just in movies, but movies, as dramatic as they may be, have to take their influence from somewhere. What might be more disturbing, is just how commonplace this behaviour is. It is not isolated to a specific political or economic class, it is not bound to only certain countries and geographical locations. I can garuntee you, anywhere there are humans living in large cities, this network is alive and ready. So why aren't we aware of this? Why does the common pedestrian not house this information? Because ignorance is bliss. To become aware of such a grim reality would shatter whatever worldview you hold dear. The pain, the confusion, and the terror that such an insight would bring could not be withstood by most, and in an attempt to protect ourselves from such discomfort, we will do whatever it takes to guard our worldview, even if it is completely in contrast to reality. To know the truth would mean you would have you would have to entertain the possibility of being wrong. Can your fragile ego handle that? To know the truth would entail a modicum of responsibility. How will you live your life in the wake of this information? I do not blame you for being unaware. How can I? Had it not been for my unique experiences and encounters, I would not be subject to such information. But I can blame you for shutting it out. I can blame you for your lack of curiosity, your inability to entertain alternative possibilties, and your coward attempts at maintaining the status quo. Wake the fuck up. Look around you. Something is going on. There is a world out there that parallels our day-to-day activities, and whether you're conscious of it or not, it is playing a part in shaping the world you participate day-in and day-out. Namaste
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