#how do you tag reaper x ink ?
dinosaurzzz · 1 year
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ahhhh. their name is phoenix. i have no idea what their personality is like yet. or even if this is a final design but. stares at them. (this was made in magma with two other friends ^^)
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i23kazu · 2 years
I'LL LEAVE YOU WITH ALL THAT I AM (you'll be okay, i promise)
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warnings – none. characters – zhongli, xiao, ayato, kazuha, childe, diluc x gn!reader. genre – romantic angst. a/n – after you pass on :,) !! | please reblog!! it rly helps a starter blog like me ><
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[zhongli. | 钟离]
death is normal to zhongli — he has witnessed eons of the life cycle, mortals screaming at the clutch of the reaper; but he had never expected his own lover to fall victim to the plays of the cycle. being a deity meant that you were blessed with strength and otherwordly powers, but you were never susceptible to eternal rest. he was crushed, of course: he couldn’t sleep, couldn’t eat — it felt almost as if your life force had powered him in the past. he simply felt like a shell of himself, tiny grave nods and smiles to those who expressed their sympathy for his loss.
[xiao. | 魈]
for the first few nights after your passing, xiao was constantly haunted by your screams of pain. those final screams, raw and ragged, sobbing to celestia to take you away from this mortal life all while assuring xiao that you loved him, even after death. he couldn’t do anything except stare blankly at your tired face, not quite registering the scene in front of him. he could feel some sort of wetness staining his face, which felt strange because simply, yakshas do not cry.
[k. ayato. | 神里綾人]
ayato buried himself in his work shortly after your passing. he couldn’t get your pained face out of his grief-stricken mind — you left a tear in his heart, an ache that refused to leave him. he chose to surround himself with the problems of the yashiro commission instead, signing paper after paper and attending diplomatic meetings with an automated smile plastered onto his face. it was only one late night, a long night after a long day, that it was only after his tears blotched the ink he wrote that he even registered that he was crying.
[k. kazuha | 楓原万葉]
he should have been used to it by now, kazuha thinks — at this point, his life had been struck with so much loss and pain that death was a concept he was all too familiar with. the pain had never truly set in until the first month after you were gone, when he had set the bundle of flowers he plucked outside down by your grave. “here lies (y/n) (l/n),” he read, the words never leaving his mind. it was just one more death in his life. one more hole left to fill. one more person to grieve. it would be fine, wouldn’t it? kazuha thought. but no, it wasn’t, and it never truly will be.
the tsaritsa noticed how he hestitated with his blade, how his movements were slower, how he seemed pained to spar with people — you used to be his sparring partner until your passing. it hurt him to look at your favourite flowers, to look at the freckles on his face that you tenderly touched at night, the little strand of hair that always turned upwards that you tried to smoothen down. it hurt him, to watch your family slowly carry away the last of your belongings and out of the goodwill of his heart he had refused any of them, wanting to let your family treasure it all. he would remain with the thoughts of th ghost of you… and nothing else.
diluc had not remembered this kind of pain for a long time — the same pain he felt when his beloved father had been killed. it hurt, of course. he had lost so many people over the course of his life — his father, mother, hell, he would consider that he even lost kaeya — he didn’t want to lose you too. but fate decided otherwise, because this man spent the rest of his days mourning. he winced at the overly-sympathetic looks people sent his way, none of them knew you the way he did, so why did they all act like your death affected them so much? it was only him who was hurt by your passing, and not them — as terrible as it sounded.
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taglist: @tiredsleep @loptido @raincxtter @infinn-toru @ladyadii @soulsanta @pluvioprinz @sheiiy
please like n reblog (esp w tags!! they make my day) and consider following me :3
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hotdamnhunnam · 3 years
The Reaper’s Keeper
A/N: Just a little drabble of 500 words of passionate possessive sex with Jax 🔥 Written as part of my darling @little-diable’s 8.5k Followers Writing Challenge ✨ I love you so much girl, you deserve the world! ❤️
Pairing: Jax Teller x F!Reader Warnings: smut, swearing Prompt: “You’re mine”
Word Count: 500 (per the challenge)
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He needs to hear you say the words.
Again, again. To numb the pain. He’s lost track of the source. The only thing he knows is that when he’s inside you nothing hurts.
Or if it does then that’s a truth he can ignore. Pain smothered under all the pleasure that he plunders from his perfect little whore.
Blue eyes implore, piercing you to the core, as he keeps pounding into you with primal force.
He needs to hear you say the words. It’s not as if he doubts they’re true, as if you have a thing to prove—you show it with your every move. You always do. But he needs more. Everything is never enough.
You live to give him that of course. So for the thousandth time tonight you say the words. “I’m yours.”
Tracing your fingers down his back, you take him in as he attacks. Impaling you on his enormous girth. He’s railing you for all you’re worth, inhaling every breath you catch and getting off on how your whole body reacts. You’re his to own and that’s a fact. 
No man on earth, nor even any god in heaven, fucks like Jax.
On any other night he would be talking up a storm, showering you with straight up porn. He loves to spoil you with dirty talk while he destroys you with his cock.
But not tonight. For reasons you don’t dare to ask till morning light, the uninvited break of day, he doesn’t have a thing to say.
You fill the silence with those sacred words. “I’m yours.”
The glimmer in his gaze is violent as he answers with a savage snarl that rises to a roar. Then claims your lips to taste the truth you’ve given him, the holy grail feeding the demons that you know will always live in him. Jax used to try fighting them back in years before, try running from them... but by now he has become them, losing sight of where they end and he begins—he’s just the sum of all his sins—and he can’t even tell the difference anymore.
He needs to hear that you belong to him, to hide his fear that owning you feels wrong to him—to spite the fact that he doesn’t deserve you. That his presence in your life can only hurt you. Fuck the truth till he forgets it’s fucking true.
You say the words, because it’s all that you can do. “I’m yours.”
He knows. He’s close, and so are you. And in the moment he explodes, you take the load not only from the massive shaft that’s splitting you in half, but from the soul that treasures and adores you, filling you with all the love he’ll ever have.
Again you trace your fingers down his back, the reaper inked in black, design of death upon his spine.
Until your dying day, it goes both ways. These are the words he truly needs to hear you say. “You’re mine.”
Hope you enjoyed this, and would love to hear if you did! 🤗❤️
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*If you’re unable to use that link to join the tag list, just let me know and I’ll manually add you to it!
@itsme-autumn @rebelwrites @happyhenners @band--psycho @witching-hour @est11 @edonaspanca @ughdontbeboring @neverland14353 @starbooty @coffeequeenxx @innerpaperexpertcloud @i-love-scott-mccall @six-camelot @alexa-rae-dreamz @justme2042 @awesomenatalia @auroraariza @rochyu @coffeebooksandfandom @inlovewithcharliehunnam @turner-cris @thesuicidalflower @chrmdnbeautiful @xladymacbethx @holl2712 @snow-white-74 @moonlight-fern @stitchesbystults @lilacyennefer @magic-room @sunflower12335 @trishmarieofficial @smoochesfroggos @o0idk0o @beth-winchester21 @flaireandsynch @littlebennettwitchsblog @got-to-love-a-badboy @noneofyourbusinessssblog @notquitecannon @wayward-avenging @travistheaussie @helloheyhihowdyheya @filliandkili @christycarnell6 @happylittlepuppydog @dinopin @leathercladmenfics @magictehnique @amberembers @addcrastinator3 @gemini0410 @waywardodysseys @foreve-free @midnvght-lies @wiccanash @batmanb @xbreezymeadowsx @louisianalady @perhapstan @beethebuzzbuzz72 @boredintheglade [hit the 50-tag limit – list to be continued in a reblog of this fic]
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quixlebug · 4 years
Hmmm, do you by any chance have a good utmv fic recommendation please-? I ran out of things to read and boredom is taking over please halp- T^T
Apologies in advance for the mess, I'm on mobile and I don't know how to make the links look neat and pretty. I'd also put a "keep reading" if I could, but again… I don't know how and I'm on mobile...
Oh boy, do I have some fics for you. 
"A Good Ol' Fashioned Hell-Raising" is one of my current favorites. I've never been crazy about either westerns or the Grillby x Gaster ship, but this story is just so fun to read. I read the first 17 or so chapters in one sitting, and when I was done I was sad there wasn't more. It's currently ongoing, and things are getting quite interesting. 11/10, highly recommended. Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/23756062
"Hey There, Angel Fins," is a longtime favorite of mine. Kustard and mermaids, what more could you ask for? The social and physical differences between shallow water and deep water mercreatures are fascinating, and the family and school dynamics are wonderful to read. There is a little bit of explicit content, but it can be skipped over very easily with no importance to understanding the rest of the story. Ongoing. Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/17948678
"Imaginary Friend" is actually one of the first works I read in this fandom, and it still has a very special place in my heart. The author has apparently orphaned it, but it's an Errink high school AU one-shot that managed to hit all of my feels in a very short amount of time. Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/17821253
"A Glimpse Into Forever" is another story I read when first coming into the fandom. There's a lot of NSFW, but the author's portrayals of Geno, Reaper, and some of the other characters who make an appearance as well, have strongly affected the way I interpret those characters in my own work. There's lot of feels- fluff, angst, hurt/comfort, pretty much anything you could ever ask for. Completed, although there is a kind-of sequel that updates occasionally. Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/18667033
"Beneath an Aurora Sky" is another story with some more mature content, but it's by one of my favorite authors of all time, who pretty much single-handedly made me love Spicyhoney. They've got a lot of different stories and AUs which I highly recommend  checking out as well, but this particular one is set at a North Pole research station. Although the story is centered around Edge and Stretch (UF and US Papyrus, respectively) my favorite character in the story might just be Red… or maybe Undyne, even. Ongoing. Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/18092474
"Despite Everything, It's Still You" is a modern-day human AU centered around Nightmare. Xunshine is a thing and it's nice, Killermare is a thing as well and it's lovely. Nightmare manages to get himself cursed, and life continues pretty much as normal, except with a few extra limbs he has to try and hide. Ongoing? Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/22580569
"Scars Like Constellations" is a Cherryberry fic where the universes all know each other exist and visit quite frequently- unless you're from Underfell, because those in charge don't know how to be nice, apparently. Mind the tags- there's a chapter with self-harm which is pretty intense, but Red and Blue's dynamic is quite honestly adorable. I'm very excited to see where it goes- and while I was grabbing the link, I realized there's a new chapter I haven't read yet and now I'm very excited. Ongoing. Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/17196635
And finally, "It's Still You," is another favorite of mine. It's a slightly different take on Dreamtale, with Nightmare and Goopmare as separate entities… but not really. It's a tad confusing at times, but the writing is beautiful and the story itself made me cry, multiple times. There's also a sequel that's ongoing, focusing on Ink and Error. I need to catch up on it, but Flowey is involved and it's all very very interesting. Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/23899465
Hope you find something you like from this list! I've got plenty more I could add, but for the sake of keeping this post relatively short, I'll cut it off here. 
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katymacsupernatural · 5 years
Just a Shopping Trip
Dean Winchester x Reader
1700 Words
Written For: @spndarkbingo and @heavenandhellbingo
Squares Filled: Free Space (Dark) Demonic Possession (HH)
Warnings: Demonic Possession, dark fic, blood, torture
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Striding down the hallway of the mall, you couldn't help but smile. In your hands, you carried a couple of shopping bags, a surprise for both you and Dean.
Your anti-possession bracelet dangled on your wrist, looking pretty in the light but offering you protection as well. Dean had wanted you to get the tattoo but turns out you were allergic to the ink.
It was about time to head home, get ready to surprise Dean when he came home from visiting Jody. Dinner was already in the oven, you had just made a quick trip for the last few touches.
Rounding the corner you saw the lights flicker, something brushing against your wrist before your bracelet snapped off, falling to the ground.
"Shit," you muttered, reaching down to pick it up when a force slammed into you, quickly taking over.
"Get out! You screamed as it crowded in, pushing you back into a tiny little cage. Laughing gleefully, it snapped the door shut, its eyes a dark onyx as it stared at you.
"This is going to be so much fun," it told you gleefully before stepping away to take charge of your body.
Stuck in the little cage no bigger than a dog kennel, you banged on the steel, your hands quickly getting bruised and bloody.
The Demon ignored you, moving your body awkwardly forward, running into a wall.
From your spot locked away in your mind, you could see a couple of teenage girls staring at you curiously. "I haven't possessed anything for a while," the Demon exclaimed, sending them scurrying forward.
The Demon caught sight of a mirror, moving you forward, running your hands along your side before cupping your breasts. "I couldn't have picked a more beautiful meat suit. I can't wait to tear it apart."
You were screaming by then, your throat raw, but you didn't care. You were trying to find a way out, a way to remove the Demon before he did something you couldn't live with.
Whistling, the Demon forced your body to move, your limbs shaky and stiff. In only a couple of minutes you were at the outside door, the two young girls barely in front of you.
Smiling over at them, the Demon shoved them into the alleyway, their heels catching on the rough pavement, knocking them to the ground. They screamed, their eyes wide as they stared up at you in horror.
The glee the Demon was feeling radiated inside you as you screamed louder than the girls, hoping to break free from his grasp. "Don't you dare do anything," you threatened, but you were nothing more than an annoying fly in the Demons ear.
Only minutes later you were standing at the side or your car, sticky with blood. It dripped down your arms, pooling into the bags you still carried.
It had already started congealing on your face, looking more like freckles.
"That was fun," the Demon exclaimed, sliding into your car just as your phone buzzed in your pocket. Reaching down, you held the phone in your hand, your movements out of your control. "Dean? Is this the infamous Dean Winchester texting you? My, I've gotten extremely lucky haven't I?"
From your cage inside your mind, you could read the text, your blood running cold. Dean was on his way home. The had texted telling you he would be another hour out. "Don't you dare…," you started to threaten but the Demon easily cut you off.
"Oh but I do dare," he taunted. "I'm in control now, and I'm going to ruin your life."
With those parting words, he started your car, turning towards the bunker, following your memories.
Sinking to the ground, you wrapped your arms around your knees, tears of frustration and fear trickling down your cheeks, landing on your Jean's. You couldn't believe this had happened. You wanted to warn Dean, but you had no idea how. Dean had told you that some people could fight possession, but you weren't sure you were strong enough.
The Demon hummed as he used your body to steer the car, parking it in the garage. You tried as hard as you could to stop him as he strode down the hallway, your boots loud on the tile.
"Hmm, is this your room? He asked, stepping into the room you shared with Dean. "This will do nicely."
He placed around the room, running your fingers along your items, knocking some off without a care in the world. It wasn't until he came to your favorite knife that he finally slowed down. "This should do nicely."
Settling down on the end of the bed, he pulled your flannel shirt away from your body, tossing it on the floor before toeing off your boots and then your jeans. You shook with fear and anger, your jaw clenched tight as you tried to figure out the Demon’s plan. Whatever it was, it wasn’t going to end well for you.
“I still remember being a human,” the Demon muttered inside your head as he ran the blade along your skin. “I was a medical examiner. Cutting up bodies, taking out their insides before sewing them back up so they could go in the ground. It was an unforgiving work. They never complained, never made a sound. I hated it. I wanted to know what it felt like. How deep the blade had to go before they screamed. How much blood they would lose before they couldn’t lose anymore.”
You wanted to pull away, to fight. But he was in your head, controlling your movements, so you felt the first sting as he pressed the blade deep into your thigh. “I know each and every one of the veins and arteries that run through a body. Which will bleed out fast, which will do only a little damage. This one, it hurts, but that’s it.”
“Stop it!” You screamed, almost pushing open the cage as he moved the knife up. “Uh, uh,” he chastised you before shoving the knife deep into your belly. Pain, white hot and blinding slammed through your body, your mind flashing a bright white as you tried to fight against the pain.
“It hurts, doesn’t it? But I missed every single vital organ,” he explained, pulling the knife out, running his fingers through the blood as it poured out. “But it will bleed out if you don’t get medical attention.”
You were crying now, your side burning. But that’s not what brought the tears. It was the thought that you weren’t going to make it through this. That you hadn’t been able to warn Dean. The Demon hummed to himself, never feeling the pain as he dug the knife into your skin. The white sheets underneath you had turned red, your body sticky with your blood.
You were getting woozy, even though you knew that with the Demon inhabiting your body, you wouldn’t die. Not until he slipped from your body. You would be there when Dean arrived, another nightmare for you to face.
And it sounded like it was coming sooner than you had expected. You heard the roar of the Impala before it shut off, the garage door being pushed open. “Y/N?” Dean called out, only moments away from finding you like this.
“As much as I want to make Dean pay, I think it’s time for me to go,” the Demon whispered, fear suddenly lacing his voice at the thought of facing the infamous hunter. “But before I go there is one more thing I need to do.”
Once more he picked up the knife, dragging it deeply across your wrist. It burned, but you were almost used to that by now. Blood welled up, pooling over, a move that would definitely end you once he finished possessing your body. “Goodbye, my darling. Thank you for the educational evening.”
Suddenly your mouth was forced open, black smoke billowing out and you were once again in control of your body. But it still refused to move, weak from the wounds inflicted by your own hand. Tears slipped down your cheek as the door was pushed open, Dean throwing his bag on the ground as he stepped inside. “You’ll never believe the hunt we just finished. It was...Y/N?” He called out, his face turning ashen as he noticed the state you were in. “Y/N!” He screamed, coming to your side, staring in disbelief at the blood surrounding your body. “Sam! Get in here! Cas, I need you, buddy!”
Tears welled up in his eyes as he tried to stop the bleeding from your wrist. “Y/N, sweetie, what happened?”
“Demon,” you whispered, your eyes wanting to close. “My bracelet...it’s gone,”
Rubbing the back of his hand across his eyes just as Sam came running into the room. “What the hell happened. Y/N couldn’t have…,” he didn’t finish his sentence as he came to the other side of the bed.
“No, it was a Demon,” Dean confirmed. “One that won’t be alive much longer. But help me!”
You reached over, squeezing his hand. “Dean, I love you,” your words were only a whisper. Another tear slipped down your cheek before your head rolled to the side, the pain no more.
“Y/N!” Dean yelled, taking his hand from yours, pressing them to your neck. “Sam, do something!”
“Dean, she’s gone,” Sam said, while you stared down at yourself, quickly understanding where you were. You were in the in between. You could stay here, as a ghost, or a Reaper would guide you on to the afterlife. You just had a decision to make.
You watched as Dean placed his head on your stomach, tears slipping down his cheek as he squeezed your hand. “No, she can’t be gone. I...I just…,”
“It’s time,” the Reaper spoke beside you. “I’m sorry, but you’ve…,”
You shook your head, interrupting her. “I’ve died. And it’s time to go on to Heaven. I am going to Heaven, right?”
“I’m not here to tell you that,” she answered, holding her hand out. “But you have a choice to make. Stay here and slowly turn mad. Or you can go with me.”
You knew the right move. You should go with her, to your Heaven where hopefully Dean would someday meet you. But seeing him there, so heartbroken. You couldn’t leave him. Not yet.
Dean/Jensen Tags: @acortez82 @acreativelydifferentlove @adoptdontshoppets @a-girl-who-loves-disney @akshi8278  @bebravekeeponfighting  @brindz30 @cap-just-said-language @colette2537   @deansgirl215   @its-not-a-tulpa @jerkbitchidjitassbutt @just-another-winchester @karouwinchester @keikoraventeller  @krys198478 @librarygeekery @misspygmypie @mlovesstories @mrsambroserollinsacklesmgk   @ria132love @ruprecht0420     @sortaathief @superseejay721517 @squirrelnotsam @thing-you-do-with-that-thing @torn-and-frayed @tricksterdean @wonderfulworldofwinchester @woodworthti666
Forever Tags: @alexwinchester23 @algud @amanda-teaches @andreaaalove   @artisticpoet @atc74 @be-amaziing @camelotandastronauts @caswinchester2000 @chelsea072498  @closetspngirl   @docharleythegeekqueen @emoryhemsworth @ericaprice2008  @esoltis280   @gh0stgurl @goldenolaf25 @growningupgeek  @heyitscam99 @hobby27 @horsegirly99 @internationalmusicteacher @iwriteaboutdean  @jayankles @jensen-gal @just-another-busyfangirl @karlee-fay-my-wayward-son @lifelovelaughangell123 @li-ssu @linki-locks11 @littleblue5mcdork  @lowlyapprentice   @maui137 @mogaruke @musiclovinchic93  @nanie5   @percussiongirl2017 @plaid-lover-bay25   @roonyxx @ronja-uebrick @roxyspearing @samanthaharper2018 @samanddeanmyheroes @sandlee44 @shamelesslydean @simonsbluee @sillesworldofwriting @sgarrett49 @spnbaby-67 @spn-dean-and-sam-winchester @spnwoman   @superbadassnatural @thatcrazybookwormgeek   @thewinchesterchronicles @vvinch3st3r @wecantgiggleitsafandom @whimsicalrobots @winchester-writes @zombiewerewolfqueen
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Death Takes a Holiday- Part 4
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Word Count: 1,851
Warnings: typical supernatural violence, language, angst, blood, you know the usual
Author’s Note: I do not own anything from Supernatural. All credit goes to their respective owners. Any and all comments on these are appreciated. I really want to hear what you guys think about this one!
Feedback is the glue that holds my writing together.
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After a long and painful process, Cole got you up to speed about everything there is to know. Before it was too late, you three headed down to the funeral home only to discover it was covered in demonic symbols. The living walked past, not noticing the symbols at all. The walls of the funeral home are covered in glowing blue diagrams, mostly six-sided figures, some in circles and some in squares, all with lines through them and squiggles inside the triangles thus formed.
“This looks like New Jack City. Can nobody can see this?” Dean asked.
“Maybe it's demon invisible ink. Only see it in the veil,” you shrugged.
“Any idea what it's for?”
“Only one way to find out,” you said before walking inside the home. Going around the stairs, you didn’t find anything out of the ordinary until you came to the main room where you saw a demon guarding two reapers inside an eight-pointed star with squiggles on each point. Inside the star was Tessa and another reaper.
“Dude check me out,” Dean whispers before walking to the man. After the first few steps, he flickered away only to reappear behind the man. He tapped him on his shoulder, only to punch him in the face, knocking him down. Dean flickered away so when the man stood up, he didn’t see anyone standing there. Until suddenly Sam appeared and got in a punch only for you to appear right next to him, punching him in the jaw. Dean appeared, and the demon began crawling away in pain behind a coffin on the dais.
“You know, this ghost thing, it's, it's kind of rad,” Dean chuckled. Out of the blue, another man, presumably a demon, came out from behind the curtain carrying a chain, clearly in pain. The first demon jumped over the coffin and out of the way just as the second demon pulls the chains tight, hooking it onto a candle stand.
“This is iron,” you groaned, knowing it would do some damage if you touched it. From across the room, an older man walked into the room before smirking.
“Boys, lady, find the place okay?” he asked as his eyes turned white. Alastair. After turning them back to normal, he walked up to the chain but didn’t touch it. One demon handed him a shotgun which he cocked it. Pointing it at Dean, he shot him causing him to disintegrate.
“Rock salt's not so much fun anymore, is it?” the demon laughed as Dean reappeared.
“Alastair. You bastard.”
“Well, go on. Why don't you try some of your mojo on me now, hotshot?” he smirked at Sam. “It's hard to get it up when you're not wearing your meat, huh?”
“Go to hell,” Sam growled.
“Ah, if only I could,” he said as he walked away to the reapers. “But they just keep sending me back up to this arctic shithole.”
“To kill death?” you asked.
“No, to kill death twice. It takes two to break a seal. I figured another one would show up, though. They're like lemmings,” he chuckled as he cocked the shotgun before shooting Sam. Just like Dean, he disintegrated into nothing, and Alastair walked back up to the chains.
“By the way, it's, uh, good to see you again, Dean. Y/N.”
“You can shoot us all you want, but you can't kill us,” Dean growled just as Sam appeared with his arms wrapped around his torso.
“Ah, is that so?” he asked just as he shot you, turning you to dust. Pain surrounded your body for the time you spent gone until you reappeared, and then the pain died down.
“Pamela,” you whispered, hoping she was alright. The demon laughed before grabbing a scythe, turning it over in his hands as he waited for midnight to come.
“Anywho... Moon's in the right spot. The board is set. Let's get started, shall we?”
“You're gonna kill a reaper with that? It's little on the nose, don't you think?” Dean asked, trying to stall.
“Is it? An old friend lent it to me. You know, he doesn't really ride a pale horse? But he does have three amigos, and they're just jonesing for the apocalypse,” he explained as he knelt by the old man reaper. “It pays to have friends in low places,” Alastair grabbed the demon by the collar and hauled him up, putting the scythe behind his neck. “Don’t you think?”
“Hic cruor messorius, illud sigillum, quod luciferem reverendum obstringit, aperiat ut resurgat!” Alastair sliced the reapers neck, killing him instantly. As soon as that happened, a blue-white light shone, causing you to shield your eyes. The demon lowered the reaper to the floor before walking over to Tessa and grabbing her, doing the exact same thing to her.
Sam nudged you and Dean before looking at the chandelier above the trap. Getting his drift, you started to concentrate on the chandelier so you could drop it to the floor and either hurt Alastair, or free Tessa. Alastair began the spell again, and you stared at the chandelier before it broke, dropping to the ground and scratching the trap which freed Tessa.
She flickered away only to appear by the chains. Removing them, you smirked at Alastair before flickering away yourself. Reappearing outside of the funeral home, you didn’t notice Sam with you.
“Where's your brother?”
“We’ll go find him, you get out of here,” Dean said and she didn’t argue with that. Quickly leaving the scene of the crime, you walked all over town before entering an alleyway. Sam was nowhere to be seen, and as soon as you passed another building, you heard his voice again.
“You can't run,” Alastair smirked, “Dean, Y/N. Not from me.”
The demon made advancements to you and Dean, but before he could get to you, bolts of lightning struck him, and when they were gone so was the demon.
“What the hell was that? What happened?” you asked.
“I happened,” the angel’s gruff voice said from behind you. “You, Dean, and Sam just saved a seal. We captured Alastair. Y/N, this was a victory.”
“Well, no thanks to you,” Dean scoffed.
“What makes you say that?”
“Were you here the whole time?”
“Enough of it.”
“Well, thanks for your help with the rock salt,” you glared.
“That script on the funeral home—we couldn't penetrate it.”
“That was angel proofing?”
“Why do you think I recruited you, Dean, and Sam in the first place?”
“What do you mean you recruited us?”
“That wasn't your father Bobby who called, Y/N. It wasn't Bobby who told Sam about the seal.”
“That was you?” Dean asked, surprised.
“If you want our help, why the hell didn't you just ask?”
“Because whatever I ask, you seem to do the exact opposite.”
“So, what now, huh? The people in this town, they just gonna start dying again?” you asked.
“These are good people. What, you think you can make a few exceptions?”
“To everything there is a season.”
“You made an exception for me, for Y/N,” Dean sighed.
“You're both different,” he said right before you heard a flap of wings, and Castiel was gone. As soon as he was gone, Tessa appeared.
“Dean? Y/N? I could use your help.”
“With what?” you asked.
Seeing Cole’s mother cry over her dead son made your heart break. When Tessa brought you and Dean over to his house, you knew Cole had to move on. His mother was in so much pain.
“Hey, Cole,” Tessa said, making the young boy swiftly turn around. He looked at you with pained eyes.
“You promised,” he sniffled. Walking over to Cole, you bent down to his level before staring into his eyes.
“Don’t you see how unhappy she is?”
“That's why I want to stay with her.”
“As long as she feels you around, she’ll be in pain because she can’t let go. Because you can’t let her go.”
“Why won't anybody tell me what's on the other side?”
“Because I don’t know what’s on the other side. No one does but going there is a hell of a lot better than staying over here.”
“Why?” he grew even more sad.
“Because one day you’re still going to be here, and she won’t, and they’ll be nothing left for you here. It’s okay to be scared.”
“I’m not scared,” he sniffled as he stepped back from you. Standing up, you sighed and looked at Dean for some help.
“We're all scared. That's the big secret. We're all scared.”
“Aren’t you two coming?”
“It’s not our time, but I'm sure I'll be there sooner than you think,” Dean answered. Cole looked back at his mom before going over to Tessa. He hugged her, and she used her powers to bring him to the other side. As soon as he was gone, his mother didn’t look so sad anymore.
“Look out for that boy,” Dean said once you joined him.
“Look out for yourself, Dean. Both of you.”
“What do you mean?” you asked.
“The angels have something good in store for both of you. A second chance. Really? 'Cause I'm pretty sure, deep down, you both know something nasty's coming down the road. Trust your instincts, Dean, Y/N. There's no such thing as miracles.”
“What are you saying?” you asked, but she vanished without another word. Looking at Dean, you didn’t know whether to believe her or not just as your world got ripped from you. One moment you were in Cole’s house, the next you were gasping awake on the bed in the motel room. Dean wasn’t that far behind. Looking at Sam and Pamela, you noticed blood coming out of her abdomen as she sipped a drink.
“What happened?” you asked as you got up.
“Dean, where’s Tessa?” Sam asked.
“No, I can help you, I can heal you,” you got tears at this.
“Stop,” Pamela said in a stern voice.
“You don't deserve this,” you sniffled.
“Yeah, I don't. I told you I didn't want anything to do with this. Do me a favor? Tell that bastard Bobby Singer to go to hell for ever introducing me to you three in the first place,” she coughed, clearly in pain.
“Take it easy, Pamela. If it's any consolation, you're going to a better place,” Dean tried to help.
“You’re lying, but what the hell, right? Everybody's got to go some time,” she sighed before beckoning Sam closer to her. When he got close enough, he began whispering in his ear. Whatever she said, it freaked him out because he was wide-eyed and trembling.
He pulled away as soon as she started coughing again. She leaned back on the headboard of Sam’s bed just as a trickle of blood ran out of her mouth. She became still after that, and you knew Tessa had reaped her soul.
“Pamela!” Dean yelled, but her head only lolled to the side.
“What did she say to you?” you asked Sam, but he only looked away. “Samuel Winchester, what did she say to you?!”
Wanna get tagged? Add yourself to this document! If your tag doesn’t work, find out why!
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grlwtskulltattoo · 5 years
Fall For You - Chapter 2
Characters - Jax Teller x OFC (Katrina)
Summary - Katrina leaves an abuse relationship and heads home after finding out about her father’s passing. Old feelings come back to the surface for a person from her past. Story will follow the events of the show as much as possible. How might have Jax’s story changed with a different woman in his life
Word Count - 2236
Warnings - NSFW, Hardcore Smut, Violence, Angst, Adult Language, Dark Themes, Fluff, Miscarriage, Pregnancy, Accident, Mentions of Physical and Emotional Abuse, Self-Harm.
Will add to the warnings as the story progresses. Warnings cover the whole series. Some parts will be more mild than others.
A/N - Feedback is welcomed and encouraged, and may help motivate me to continue. All mistakes are my own. If you would like to be tagged in future parts, please send me an ask to be added to the list. 
Katrina has spent most of the day cleaning the house, and all of her hard work has definitely paid off. The kitchen was nearly spotless and she was just finishing up with the living room when she hears the doorbell ring. Her stomach sinks, and she feels a lump forming in her throat. She has no doubt about who is standing on the other side of the door. She only wishes she had a little more time to prepare herself for it. She lays the rag she was dusting with on the coffee table and goes to answer the door.
Piercing blue eyes are staring at her as she opens the front door. Jax Teller…. The one person she was hoping to avoid while she was in town. He flashes her a smirk of a smile as she holds the door open for him to enter the house.
“Hey Darlin’, Ma told me you were back in town. Had to come check it out for myself.” Jax flashes her his sexy as hell smile, causing her insides to feel like they were melting. It seems like it’s been a lifetime ago since she has seen him. His appearance hasn’t changed a whole lot from what she remembers. He has a little more facial hair, and his hair might be just a bit longer than it used to be. He seems to have bulked up some compared to the scrawny kid he was in high school. The biggest difference in his appearance is the kutte that he now wears, with Sons of Anarchy and the reaper emblazoned on the back. She was however a little surprised to see the Vice President patch on the front.
“Yeah, I came back to take care of my father’s affairs. Come to find out, Samcro has already taken care of most of it for me.” Katrina replies, raising an eyebrow at him.
“We only thought it was right, given the fact that he’s been working at Teller-Morrow for as long as he has. That, and we had no idea on how to get ahold of you to let you know what happened. I came by to offer you my condolences on losing him, as well as, to invite you to Mom’s house for dinner tomorrow evening. Gemma wants to have a big get together in remembrance of him.” Jax says solemnly.
Katrina groans inwardly. She really didn’t want her father’s passing to be a big fuss. He was an asshole to her, and it’s getting harder for her to pretend that she gives a shit about what happens to him. It’s going to be hard enough to play the grieving daughter at the funeral tomorrow. Now she’s going to have to go to a dinner to reminisce about him, when most all of her memories about him were of when he treated her like garbage, physically and mentally abusing her. However, if she doesn’t go to the dinner, she’ll piss off the matriarch of the Samcro family, and god forbid she does that.
“Yeah…sure, that sounds great. It’ll be nice to see everyone again.” She tries to sound more excited about it than she is.
“Great. I’ll let Mom know. She’ll be happy.” Jax smiles at her, looking forward to spending more time with her, despite the circumstances. There are so many questions he wants to ask her, like why she left, where she’s been, what she’s been doing, but he doesn't feel now is the time to be bombarding her with questions. He does however reach out and lightly brushes his thumb over the bruise around her eye, feeling a spark of anger that anyone would dare raise a hand to her. “How did this happen?” He inquires, concern in his eyes.
Katrina pushes a stray hair behind her ear, as she lowers her eyes. Her heart is pounding being this close to Jax again. She was really hoping he wouldn’t notice the bruise, since she really didn’t want to talk about it. It was between her and her ex. “It’s nothing, I just got hit by a ball at the park.” Katrina lies, wanting Jax to just drop it.
Jax doesn’t fall for Katrina’s explanation, but he can sense that it is a sore subject for her, so he doesn’t press her further on the matter. Instead, he takes in her appearance. Her long wavy black hair, with a hint of burgundy. Her slim yet muscularly tone body. The 4 or 5 tattoos that now covered most of her arms. He can’t help but be a little curious as to what other areas of her body are now adorned with ink. She carries herself a little differently than he remembers, and her body has filled out, in all the right places, compared to their teenage years. Everything about her takes his breath away. He is surprised to feel butterflies fluttering in his stomach at being near her after all this time. Blood starts rushing down to his lower regions causing him to feel a little nervous. It takes all of his will power not to draw her into his embrace, and not let her go.
Jax tries to get his mind off of what he’d like to do to Katrina, when he remembers seeing the red Harley sportster in the driveway. “Is that your bike outside?”
“Yeah, it is. I bought it a few years ago.” Katrina is thankful he doesn’t press her on the bruise.
“I remember when you begged me to teach you how to ride after you got your driver’s license.” Jax reminisces. He was shocked that she wanted to learn. Most girls are too afraid to get on a bike, much less ride their own. “You were fearless, unlike Tara, who took months to begging to just get her to ride on the back with me.” Jax chuckles thinking about it.
Katrina smiles thinking about the surprise on Jax’s face when she asked him. You would have thought she had sprouted a second head with the look he gave her. “You always looked so free when you were on your bike…and happy. I wanted to feel that too.”
Jax smiles at her as he bites his tongue. He wants to ask her where she went after she left town, but he doesn’t want to push her. It’s nice thinking about the old days but he can still feel the pain in his heart from when she left. It hurt worse than he thought it would, since it wasn’t like they were dating back then. He doesn’t want to get his hopes up that she might stick around, but he can’t help but be terrified that she’s going to leave as soon as her father is buried.
“Well it’s getting late, and I still have some things to get done before the service tomorrow.” Katrina gently tries to get Jax to leave.
Jax looks a little crestfallen at her hint. “Of course. If there’s anything you need, just let me know.” Jax gives her a friendly hug, trying not to make it awkward, before he heads to the door. 
“Thank you.” Katrina replies as she follows him to the door, holding it open as he walks out. 
Jax gives her a little wave as he gets on his bike. She watches him as he backs his Harley out of her driveway then takes off down the street. The sound from his exhaust rattling the windows a little until the sound fades away. Katrina releases the breath she didn't realize she was holding, and slowly closes the door. Standing with her back against the door, she tries to calm her racing heart. The images of their time together when they were younger rushing in her mind. Playing cops and robbers out back of the garage at Teller-Morrow. Riding their bikes all over Charming. Sneaking off to the pond to cool off on those hot summer days. Hanging out on the roof of the clubhouse. They were practically inseparable when they were kids.
Then the memories of Jax with Tara in high school came back to her, and she was reminded of why she left Charming. When Jax started dating Tara, it was like she disappeared. He was always spending time with Tara, and when he wasn’t, he was talking about how great she was. Tara had Jax wrapped around her little finger, and he didn’t even realize it. Katrina had had feelings for Jax ever since they were kids, but she had always been afraid to tell him. Afraid that he didn’t feel the same way and it would ruin their friendship. She didn’t realize how strong those feeling were until Jax started dating someone else, and by then Katrina felt it was too late to doing anything about those feelings. Anything she would have said to Jax would have just come off as her trying to come between him and Tara. As much as she wanted to be with him, she wanted Jax to be happy more, even if that meant taking a step back. Unfortunately for her, that meant leaving town, because it was too painful to see him with someone else.
Katrina sighs at the emotions running through her. Shaking her head she chides herself for letting Jax get to her, with only spending a brief moment with him. She can’t help but dread more than just the funeral tomorrow, after seeing how  her body and mind seems to want to betray her. She needs to focus on the task at hand, and get out of Charming as soon as possible.
Katrina heads back to her father’s bedroom to finish going through some of his things. She wants to save some of the important things, like family heirlooms, and probably donate the rest of the stuff. The quicker she goes through everything in the house, the quicker she can get it listed for sale, the quicker she gets out of town. 
When she opens the door to the closet, she spots an old tool box in the corner, under some blankets. She remembers vaguely that her father put some of her mom’s jewelry in that box after she passed. He never let her look inside it, so she had no idea what other trinkets might be stowed away in it. She pulls it out of the closet and carries it into the living room to place it on the coffee table. The box has multiple drawers to it and a lid on the top, unfortunately it also has a lock on the front of it. She heads back into the bedroom, to see if she can find a key to it. She searches in all the drawers and finally finds a set of keys in the nightstand. She goes back into the living room and tries the all the keys until she finally finds the right one to the box. The lid pops open after she unlatches it. 
She finds old documents.The title to his car that he wrecked, to the old dodge challenger sitting out in the garage, the title to the house. She also finds her parents marriage certificate, their birth certificates, and her mom’s death certificate. There was also a stack of old photos. Some of her parents when they were younger, some of who she assumes are their parents and siblings. Katrina had never met her grandparents, because they had all passed before she was born, or least that’s what they told her. Her father never talked about his family, so she really didn’t know a whole lot about them, other than they had lived on a reservation in South Dakota. 
She opens some of the drawers, and as she expected, she found some of her mom’s jewelry. Most importantly, her wedding ring. Katrina feels tears gathering in her eyes as she looks the ring over. She remembers seeing the ring on her mom hand, and how beautiful she thought it was. Hoping one day she’d have a beautiful ring like that on her finger. She put the ring back in its box, then opened another drawer. She finds a beautiful eagle feather with some native symbols painted on it. It’s leather wrapped with beads hanging from some fringe. Underneath it she finds a photo of her father dressed as a Lakota dancer at a pow wow. He has on a beautiful warbonnet, beaded leather bands around his upper arms, hair-pipe breastplate, loin cloth and beaded moccasins. He looked every bit a traditional Lakota warrior, with his face painted and his hair long. He was holding the feather in his hand in the photo. She had never seen this photo, or this side of him, and she wished he would have shared it with her. She wished he would have told her more about his family and past. She can’t help but wonder if something bad had happened to him, causing him to leave his family and never talk about them.
Katrina puts the feather next to her bag to take with her in the morning. She puts the box off to the side and gets ready for bed, not realizing how much time had passed looking over all the items and remembering the past. She’ll be relieved when all of this is behind her. She just has to get through tomorrow.
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Prologue  Chapter 1
Tagging: @momc95 @jerseynurse82
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nickelkeep · 5 years
SPN Femslash February Master Post
Thank you to everyone who liked, reblogged, kudoed and commented on my stories this month. My confidence has skyrocketed, and I feel like I’m back on my way to being the writer I was before FF.net tore me down.
If you want to just see the series I put together, it’s available on AO3 here. Otherwise, you can see the full list below!
#1 – Time after Time – Favorite ship – Jody x Donna Rating: G Jody is having a rare night alone at home. It's something that she normally enjoys, but she's finding herself rather lonely for once.
#2 – Silver and Sunset – Sunset – Jody x Donna Rating: G Jody and Donna get to spend some time together at Donna's place, away from the girls, their jobs, and most of all hunting... right?
#3 – Fire and Brimstone – Favorite ship with an antagonist(s) – Lilith x Ruby Rating: Explicit TW: Dubious Consent, Consensual Non-Consent Ruby has been captured by Lilith's Minions. How far will Lilith go to get the information she needs?
#4 – Sage and Luck – Magic – Rowena x Charlie Rating: G Charlie and Rowena are helping the brothers with a case when Charlie hits a dead end and a headache. Rowena offers her assistance. #5 – Treble and Ink – Alternate Universe – Pamela x Charlie Rating: G A new shop has moved in across the street from Charlie's Comic Book shop. Dean convinces her to go check it out. 
#6 – Cypress and Pomegranates – Favorite ship with a woman of color – Billie x Rowena Rating: G Spoiler Warnings for Season 14 Rowena has been looking for an answer to Dean's problem. Frustrated at a lack of a solution, she lashes out.
#7 – Secrets and Flowers – Flowers – Jody x Donna Rating: G Donna suggests that Jody picks up Gardening as a hobby. She agrees, but only because Donna says that she'll pick out the flowers for the garden. Donna picks out a unique grouping of flowers that Jody gets to decode.
#8 – Push and Pull – Lyrics inspired – Jody x Donna Rating: Teen Jody and Donna take a rare girl's night out to a dance club. Jody isn't the biggest fan of dancing, until Donna shows her why she should be.
#9 – Emerald and Gold – Favorite ship with a character that’s only been in one episode – Charlie x Dorothy Rating: Teen Warning: Canon-Typical Violence After the War in Oz, Charlie volunteered to go capture her ID. She figured that it wouldn't be a walk in the park, but what happened was anything but expected.
#10 – Lightning and Bottles – Storm – Charlie x Dorothy Rating: G Charlie experiences her first storm in Oz, and Dorothy teaches her a little bit about the weather. #11 – Pride and Revelation – Pride – Charlie x Dorothy Rating: G Charlie is in love with her roommate, Dorothy, but the feeling isn't mutual. Things get a little weird when Dorothy asks if she can tag along to Pride.
#12 – Sight and Circumstance – Favorite ship with a reaper(s) – Tessa x Pamela Rating: Teen TW: Attempted Non-Con Every Reaper is Assigned a Medium. That Medium helps the Reaper with difficult souls that don't want to cross. In return, the Reaper protects the Medium. Pamela will always remember how she met her medium. 
#13 – Lipstick and Liquor – Longing – Claire x Kaia Rating: Teen TW: Alcohol Use/Abuse It's been almost a year since Kaia's death and Claire is still missing her and longing for her.
#14 – Leftovers and Valentines – Valentine’s Day – Jody x Donna Rating: Teen Donna doesn't like the fact that she's alone for Valentine's Day, but won't admit it. So she covers by working a Double so others can have the day off. #15 – Hunter and Witch –  An unusual couple – Mary x Rowena Rating: G Mary doesn't like how close her boys are to Rowena. She doesn't understand why it gets under her skin, until the witch starts to get under hers.
#16 – Before and Always – Favorite OT3 or OT+ – Charlie x Dorothy x Gilda Rating: G Charlie finds out that her two best friends are dating. While they're explaining what's going on, Charlie reminisces about their past.
#17 – Timing and Opportunities – Inspired by a quote – Jody x Donna Rating: G Donna never realized that Jody would change her life in such a way. Donna's memories of how she and Jody went from Friends to Lovers.
#18 – Poppies and Mahonia – Free Day – Charlie x Dorothy Rating: G More Tales from Charlie and Dorothy's time in Oz. Dorothy finds Charlie's curiosity adorable and explains how some of things work in Oz.
#19 – Serpents and Grace – Favorite ship with an angel(s) – Anna x Ruby Rating: G Anna is approached by a demon with information that the Angels should have. The introduction to questioning her superiors is a lesson she didn't expect.
#20 – Crimson and Cracks – Red – Charlie x Rowena Rating: G Rowena is holding the rift open for the Winchesters to come back from the Alternate Universe. The last thing she expects is to see the face that has been haunting her dreams. #21 – Visits and Bribes – “They’ve never met but that doesn’t stop me from shipping them.” – Charlie x Pamela Rating: Teen Dean, Sam, and Charlie have hit a roadblock on their case. Charlie suggests calling in the medium that the brothers knows. They do, but the medium needs a little persuasion to make the trip.
#22 – File and Agency – Crossover – Charlie x Scully (X-Files) Rating: Explicit Agent Scully is stuck on desk duty when another FBI agent comes in demanding what should be an unknown file.
#23 – Judge and Executioner – Favorite ship with a demon(s) – Anna x Ruby Rating: G Anna continues to meet with the demon who provided information about the start of the apocalypse. Continuation of Serpents and Grace
#24 – Run and Gun – Power couple – Jody x Donna Rating: Teen Jody and Donna are lounging around when Sam calls them and asks them to take on a hunt.
#25 – Stars and Wishes – Favorite ship with a hunter(s) – Charlie x Dorothy Rating: G More tales from Charlie's time in Oz with Dorothy #26 – Magic and Technology – Opposites attract – Charlie x Rowena Rating: G Rowena is brought to the Men of Letters Bunker for help translating a spell. She meets Charlie for the first time, and they don't exactly see eye to eye.
#27 – Salt and Burn – Favorite ship with one of the Wayward Sisters – Jody x Donna Rating: G A quick snippet in to how Jody and Donna work on a hunt together.
#28 – Death and Taxes – Free Day –  Anna x Ruby Rating: G Third Part of the Serpents and Grace story. Anna and the Demon continue meeting, and consequences catch up to them.
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soopranatural · 6 years
Who I was looking for -Part 16
Summary: Even after you started wearing cuffs, the words are engraved in your mind as well as your wrist. You know you're not destined for love as soon as you learn how to read. How could you? When the words "Sorry, you're not who I was looking for" are written in black ink on your skin.
Pairing: Bucky x Reader
Warnings: angst, pining, insecurity, etc
Words: 1048
Mobile Masterlist
Part 15  Series Masterlist
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Your name: submit What is this?
Getting ahead of your work apparently payed off, because on Friday you finish early. It's only three forty and you're already done. You smile at yourself as you click send on your last email for the day, feeling relaxed for the first time in weeks. You laugh, stretching back with your hands over your head and letting out a loud groan and then a sigh when your spine pops back into place.
You glance at your phone absently, noting you have a missed call from Michael and a text from Anna. You unlock your phone, reading the text twice before it sinks in.
My water broke.
Your panicked shout echoes slightly in the empty room as you immediately tense up again and flail out of your desk chair to start stuffing all your stuff into your bag, murmuring a string of curses under your breath.
"Shit, fuck. Fuckity fuck fuck fuck"
The text had been sent ten minutes ago, so she could already be in labor. Wait no, that was ridiculous. Or was it? You don't know shit about babies.
Dammit kid, you weren't supposed to arrive until next week.
You stumble all about your office, checking the computer is switched off and that you haven't forgotten anything before snatching your coat from the back of your chair and practically flying out the door, coat trailing behind you like a kite's tail.
You're just about to get to the elevator when someone turns the corner and bumps into you head on. You stumble back, letting out a small 'oof' as the air is nocked right out of you. He holds you by the arms, steadying you and preventing you from falling on your ass.
You look up and meet his eyes, and oh god, what shade of blue is that?
You step back, freeing yourself from Bucky's arms and shaking yourself from the daze you snapped into.
"Sorry!" You yelp "I-I'm late, um" you don't know what you're saying, but your brain is running a mile a minute. He opens his mouth to speak but snaps it shut and furrows his eyebrows when you continue to stumble over your words, your eyes looking all around. Your bag, your coat, his eyes. "Sorry again! I gotta go"
You start to leave, pushing past him with an awkward smile only for him to grab you by the wrist to stop you again. You shift, trying to subtly free yourself from his grip. You really, really need to go.
"Hey, is everything alright? I was on my way to your office." You grimace, dammit kid.
You twist yourself from his grip, continuing your brisk walk to the elevator, he follows you. "Yeah um, everything's alright" you tap your foot while you wait for the elevator to get to your floor. "My friend is giving birth apparently. And I asked for Friday next week, because her due date was on Saturday" you huff "Now I have to get a plane ticket somehow, cancel the one I already bought too. Hopefully I'll arrive before the kid pops out." Bucky chuckles beside you, pressing the button for the ground floor.
"Relax doll" he picks at a metal plate from his arm with his right hand "I can take you"
You turn to look at him, eyebrow raised "You do realize I said plane right? It's not like it's a half hour drive."
He shrugs, scratching the back of his neck. "We'll take a jet." You do a double take, looking at him with wide eyes "Stark won't mind." You can only stare at him.
He huffs a laugh and extends his hand to you, you stare at it. "Give me your phone, you can text me your address" you hand him your phone automatically, still processing his previous words. He gives it back and you pocket it.
"There, text me the address when you get home." You nod.
The elevator dings and you jump, jerking back into action. "Oh! Um, okay. See you later then!" You wave at him, then shake your head as you sprint towards the subway station.
Luckily you packed a bag yesterday so you could leave in a hurry, you didn't think you would leave until next week, but still. You quickly change into more comfortable clothes, deciding to cancel your plane ticket once you're there, once everything's calmed down.
Your phone dings with a text notification, it's from Bucky, and it's just a question mark. You huff, rolling your eyes even as you send him your address. You know Tony probably won't let him borrow a jet, but even a ride to the airport would be nice.
You hurry out the door as you shrug a jacket on. You lock your apartment behind you and turn to head down the stairs, practically vibrating, feeling like you already lost too much time. You hear the roaring sound of an engine and your brow furrows it sounds weird, too big, that can't be a car. You turn to look over the balcony and then promptly drop your duffel on the floor beside you.
"Holy shit" you whisper. Hovering above you, right over the parking lot, is a Stark jet.
You thunder down the stairs, and by the time you come down he's already landed. You can't seem to close your gaping mouth, and you laugh loudly with shock when Bucky comes out the jet, arms spread and grin wide on his face.
"I can't believe this!" You exclaim, you know it's one of the small jets, but still it looks comically big parked in your building's parking lot. "Oh my god you're insane!"
He laughs again and takes your bag from your limp arms. You can't believe this, you can't believe him. You stare at the jet and it's sleek form, parked bizarrely right next to where you live. You laugh again, the sound dulled under the roaring engine.
"You coming?!" Yells Bucky, grin as wide as yours feels.
"Oh!" You come out of your stupor "yeah! Hah! Oh my god" you give an excited wiggle and step onto the jet (Jesus, a Stark jet. What is your life?) the door closes behind you and you try to contain the excited squeal you want to let out.
You fail.
Part 17
Remember to leave feedback!! (Hearing what you think about it helps me improve and also makes me super happy)
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hotdamnhunnam · 3 years
Filthy Fucking Pet
A/N: Here’s the next requested fic from my Dirty Little Secret – Super Kinky List! In which Jax Teller owns and abuses you like an actual animal… this shit is mad intense lol and Jax is an absolute alpha male asshole. **Please note the warnings: This fic is all about the kinks, please do not read if this is not your thing!!**
Pairing: Jax Teller x F!Reader Warnings: smut, swearing, dom!Jax, extreme degradation/dehumanization (master/pet kink, sweat kink, foot worship, ass worship, Jax humiliates you to the max, realistically this is not at all a healthy relationship) Request: This Dirty Little Secret request (anon)
Word Count: ~2.6k
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**Please note warnings above**
Triggering content after ‘Keep reading’ cut…
Seriously, this shit is super savage and sick and twisted. You’re basically Jax Teller’s personal house pet. In addition to kinky stuff like rimming and the general vibe of extreme submission, this is also the first fic I’ve posted on tumblr that features foot worshiping (I swear I have no interest in feet irl really – as with pretty much all of the kinks in my kinkiest fics honestly, it’s just a theoretical fantasy that I have only for Charlie, and only in theory… since theoretically I have no limits with my sex god king…)
Anywhore, enough ado about nothing! 🙃 All of the kinks in this fic are mentioned in the above warnings, so please just be mindful of them before you jump in…
You used to be human. But now... it feels as if you've never been.
From the day you and Jackson first met, way back when, you had fallen in love with the crown prince. Fallen to your knees to serve him as his bitch and that's all you have been ever since. Pleasing him is your business. You're his little whore, and his personal pet: nothing more, nothing less. 
Anything but human honestly. You're whatever Jax Teller wants you to be. His kinky sex kitten, his filthy fuckpig, or his damn dirty dog on a leash. It's the best. You don't speak, you don't eat—not human food, at least—you just serve at his feet. This is your whole existence. And God, you feel so fucking blessed.
You spend all your days in his house, day in and day out. The castle of the king of Charming. It's such a gift just to live under the same roof as him. Whenever he's not home, you miss him so badly it hurts. But you keep yourself busy by doing the housework. Constantly crawling on all fours, you use your grubby paws to scrub the floor, and sweep the dust off of his furniture. 
Then once you're done with all your chores, you kneel down by the front door, and wait desperately for your master. Just counting the seconds until he returns.
Every time that it happens, the moment you hear the smooth roar of the engine as his bike gets in... then his powerful footsteps approaching the entrance... your heart starts to beat harder, faster. On fire in the presence of Jax. There is always a butt plug stuck deep in your ass, with a big fluffy fake tail attached. You're otherwise naked except for your collar and tags. 
And today, as your master comes home after quite a long time far away, you are happier than you can take—your whole body quivers and quakes, and your tail starts to wag.
When Jax finally walks in, you gaze up at him with wide, worshipful eyes. He's so damn beautiful you could cry. You yelp and whimper a few times in greeting, to express how excited you are to be seeing your king. By now your human brain has certainly stopped working. Your hungry tongue hangs from your open mouth, breathing needy and loud, as subhuman growls and thick gobs of drool keep spilling out.
He smiles down at you as he enters, worn out from a long day of being Jax Teller, the baddest motherfucker ever. He must be exhausted, no doubt. 
But still his gorgeous grin is big and genuine, bright as the sun, his slicked hair such a brilliant blonde, eyes as deep and as blue as the ocean. Clearly pleased at the sight of your tail-wagging motion, a signal of your pure devotion. 
"Happy to see me?" he teases playfully, as if he has to ask. Typical Jax.
You nod gleefully in response to that. Your perfect master reaches down to pat your head, stroking your hair now as you purr for him, showing how much you adore him, as his faithful little pet. 
"That's a good slut," he coos. "Go on, you know what to do."
Lowering your face to the ground, as ever eager to go down, upon those words he speaks, you hurry to remove his shoes. Those famously white sneaks. Then tug his socks off with your teeth—damp with a long day's worth of sweat, getting you drunk on his intoxicating scent, the pure essence of Jackson—then press sloppy kisses all over his beautiful feet. Servicing him like this is everything you need.
Ugh, you've missed him so much... full of love and submission, arousal dripping from your crotch, you stuff his socks into your mouth both at once, then lift your face off of the floor and sit back on your heels in your usual kneeling position. Your paws are propped under your chin as you blink up at him. He knows just what you want.
"Look at you, cunt. You wanna play fetch?" he says, chuckling as you bob your dumb head eagerly up and down. It's so much fun when he rolls his sweaty socks into a ball and throws it all over the house, for you to chase around. Playing that game is such a privilege. "Hmm, I would... but I'm not in the mood. Master's too fucking tired. Too bad for you, bitch."
Aw. Too bad indeed. Wallowing in self-pity, you pout and hang your head in a deep bow, but you know better than to plead. He turns to walk away now, and you follow at his feet. Crawling as you are it's always hard to keep up with his speed.
He's yawning by the time you reach the master bedroom. Some nights he has more energy when he gets home. Sometimes he'd slam you up against the wall and fuck you hard in every hole, wild and savage as an animal, filling you with his thick creamy cum, so deliciously full... 
Apparently not tonight, though. You can't blame him, you know. You can't blame Jackson Teller for any damn thing, to be honest. Of course not. Because he is your fucking king. Whatever he does, he's your master, your god; everything about his whole existence is flawless.
You watch in rapture as he strips naked, carelessly flinging his kutte and the rest of his clothes to the floor, and flops facedown in bed to lay his weary head to rest. Fit for the king he is, his bed is big and plush and luxurious. At this late hour, he's too tired to even bother with a shower, you notice. Fuck yes—that's how you like it best. 
Hopefully he'll let you use your tongue to clean up all his glorious sweat. Then whenever he leaves next to take care of business, you'll still get to savor his scent in his absence, inhaling it off of the sheets and the mattress. Your thirsty mouth is watering just at the thought of it, as you scurry all over the bedroom to clean up his mess. 
Gathering up all the clothes that he scattered, you can't help but take a deep breath. Inhaling the essence of this sinfully sexy bastard. 
You indulge in a whiff, as you slobber and sniff—focusing on the pits of his shirt so damp and sweaty it's obscene, and the rich-smelling crotch of his jeans, soaking up all the musk of his cock and his balls and his ass which smells so good it hurts—and especially his underwear... before dutifully dropping them into the hamper, along with the socks that you brought from downstairs. Though you hate washing Jax's sweet scent off of anything, one of your chores, of course, is to take care of all the laundry for your master.
"Get over here, bitch. You should clean up after me faster," he scolds, dominant voice husky and low, somewhat muffled as his head is partially sunken into one of his deluxe pillows. "Did you just get distracted by sniffing my sweat? You're such a greedy, filthy fucking pet."
You instantly start whimpering in apology, overflowing with self-hatred as you hasten toward the foot of his bed. You would say sorry, in so many words, if you could, as you should. 
But you can't, given that you're not human. And your master knows that of course. All you want is to worship his body, and show him you're sorry, but you need permission before you can move from your place on the floor...
"Crawl up onto the bed," he commands, well assured you will follow his orders as fast as you can. "Go ahead, you pathetic whore. Make yourself useful and worship my back. Can't you see I'm exhausted and need to relax?"
Oh, how you love when he lets out his inner beast and treats you to the absolute most savage side of Jax.
Though you also love when he is soft, when he treats you with sweet talk and cuddles you up... this is the side of him you adore even more. His abuse is just what you live for.
"I want a full body massage," he orders, as you set to work on his muscular shoulders. "Yeah, use those paws. And that dirty mouth of yours... so dirty... mmm, that's it, lick all the sweat off my body. Desperate fucking dog."
You don't need him to tell you—that is exactly what you're dying to do—but it's so much better when he does. So damn hot. It's insane just how much you get off on his dirty talk.
And he keeps going on as you worship his perfect physique. While your hands rub and knead every inch, your mouth traces a line down the smooth divine curve of his spine, running down the black ink of the reaper design, wet lips puckering into passionate kisses all over his dewy skin, slurping up each new bead of fresh sweat as it dribbles and leaks. Every so often, his degrading words and his delicious groans of pleasure cut to cruel sadistic laughter, whenever he wants to humiliate you for being such a freak. 
That just makes you love him even more. You're his subhuman whore, reduced into a literal pig as the maddening scent and flavor of your master makes you fucking squirm, wriggling like a worm, every sound out of your throat a squeal or a squeak. His savage strength makes you so weak...
"Unghh God, you're such a fucking animal," he snarls as you salivate all over his sculpted muscles. "Get that worthless face lower down where you belong. Yeah, you know what you want. Suffocate in my asshole."
And that very instant, you do just as told. You wedge your whole damn head into the sacred space between his sweaty cheeks, diving in deep, digging for gold. It's salty and sweet and so so fucking hot. You don't even care whether you'll ever come up for air or not. He's everything you need and all you want to breathe. Your king Jax Teller is a motherfucking god...
When he growls and reaches back with both of his strong hands to push his palms against your skull and smash your face even deeper inside his crack, the pure aggression of the act gives you a goddamn heart attack. 
Before you can even recover from that, he suddenly shifts—you gasp for a split second as his magnificent body lifts.
But the next thing you know, he is squatting low over your mouth, then sitting the fuck down till your tongue is lodged deep in his tight sweaty hole and his big heavy balls are completely smothering your snout. 
Jax throws his head back with a guttural groan as he starts to grind, taking your mouth for a ride. You could die just from that fucking sound, from the taste, from the feel of his full body weight as he shudders and sighs, dominating your face. Degrading you just right. You could do this all night. Then he looks back down, bright blue gaze locking with your eyes, open wide, sex-crazed and lost in a mad loving daze.
Is this fucking real? Even as it happens, you honestly can't fathom how good it feels...
And there's no way that you wouldn't notice, in this position of pure bliss, your master's fucking enormous cock. While you drown in his ass, savoring your sweet feast, that massive piece of meat is throbbing right above you like a beast, hard as a rock. 
"Fuuuck, that's it—eat my ass, you good-for-nothing pig..." Jax explosively grunts as his hot sphincter squeezes and strangles your tongue. "Look what you're doing to my dick. You're gonna make me fucking cum. That what you want?"
Ohhh Godddd...
He goes on before you can respond. "Well, that's just what you're gonna get. Ughh—such a good little pet..." he praises as he begins pumping himself, the pink tip of his dick giving off the rich scent of his juices, each sweet drop that glistens, all glossy and wet. Some of his precum drips to your forehead.
But that's not where his full load is going to land. No, that's all gonna go down your dirty whore throat. Jax then clutches the top of your head with one hand, fingers rooting hard into your scalp, making you gulp and gasp, as you suck on his ass, while his other fist jacks off his perfect dick, faster and harder with each fucking stroke. He's so hot it's a joke.
"Shit—gonna cum—take it, bitch... take it all till you choke..." he moans, pulling his ass swiftly off of your slobbering lips and then pressing the tip of his cock onto your twitching tongue. Blessing you with a huge load of sweet white hot cum. By this point you're struck dumb.
You can feel your eyes roll to the back of your skull, as you savor his flavor and swallow him whole. You are so goddamn grateful. Jackson Teller is feeding your body, your heart and your soul. 
You're reminded right now of what you've always known: that you are his to own. He is more than human, so much more, all that you live for... and you are so much less and always have been. Falling in these roles just feels so fucking natural. He is a fucking god—everything you are not—and you're a fucking animal.
Once he is done using you as his subhuman cum dump, your master is gracious enough to let you clean him up. You wrap your lips around his flawless cock to lick and suck off every drop. Pressing French kisses all across his freshly drained balls and his perfect pink asshole. Hoping that your beloved master knows he's your entire world.
"Good girl," Jax sighs, as your face nestles in the space between his strong powerful thighs. "Bet you wish you could sleep with me here in this bed. But that would be wrong. Don't you know where you belong, you filthy little pet?"
Ah, yes—you could never forget. With a whimper of submissive bliss, you give your master one last kiss, right on the tip of his delicious dick. Admiring how even right after he came it’s still so stiff and throbbing and thick.
And then you climb off of his mattress and crawl into your tiny pet bed, set right by his nightstand. The spot where you're so blessed to sleep beside this divine god of a man. You curl yourself up nice and small, into a little ball, so you can fit. And all the while you're still squealing like a pig. You just can't help it.
The king of Charming huffs out one of his majestic snickers at the sound of you grunting and groveling, so low-down and pathetic. "Goodnight, pig."
Your heart flutters—so grateful and glad that he calls you that, just what you are to him, always will be... so fucking filthy... you know that he is pleased, and his pleasure is all that matters.
You already can't wait till the morning when he'll let you drink from his dick, hopefully. But till then you'll just sleep, knowing that all your dreams will be sweet, for you dream of one thing only: pleasing your master.
And you're living that dream, as unreal as it seems. Your real life is as good as it gets.
You'll go on forever loving every minute of living with Jax Teller—living for Jax Teller, now and forever—as his filthy fucking pet.
… Sooo I know that was SUPER kinky shit, but I hope there are some filthy bitches who enjoyed it, and would love to hear if you did!! 😅❤️
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soopranatural · 6 years
Who I was looking for -Part 14
Summary: Even after you started wearing cuffs, the words are engraved in your mind as well as your wrist. You know you're not destined for love as soon as you learn how to read. How could you? When the words "Sorry, you're not who I was looking for" are written in black ink on your skin.
Pairing: Bucky x Reader
Warnings: angst, pining, insecurity, etc
Words: 882
Mobile Masterlist
Part 13  Series Masterlist
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Your name: submit What is this?
"So, that's it for the changes?" You speak into the earpiece, typing rapidly on tomorrow's meeting schedule format.
"Pretty much, you can send an email to all the attendees, but O'Connor is rarely in his office, so he'll have to get his schedule in person."
You hum. "I'll email it to his secretary then, thanks for the heads up." You make to open your email but Brady hisses into his own earpiece.
"Sorry Y/N, but his secretary left earlier today. Something about a family emergency. I think you'll have to give him the schedule yourself." You throw your head back to rest on the back of your chair, groaning internally.
"Oh no" You say. Brady hums in sympathy. "Do you have any idea where he might be?" You really don't feel like searching the whole tower.
"I think he was supposed to be there for a landing today? It's in a few minutes though, so you'll have to go now if you want to catch him."
"'K thanks, I'll get going now" You end the call and huff as you print a schedule and get up to grab your stuff. You really don't want to go looking for O'Connor on the other side of the tower. But it seems like you'll need to do it anyway.
You walk quickly among tall grey boxes, crates and jeeps, scanning the area looking for O'Connor. You pass a bunch of security guards and a few men in suits before you find him. He's speaking to someone on the phone, so you wait a moment and try to catch your breath before talking to him.
"Yes?" He says, looking at you right after he hangs up. There's movement on the other side of the large room as people wearing bright orange jackets try and guide a jet into a smooth landing, you suppose that's the landing Brady was talking about. You have to raise your voice slightly to be heard over the sound of the jet's engine.
"The schedule for tomorrow's meeting has changed, I brought you the new one sir" you hand him the folder with the printed schedule and he skims over it quickly before closing the folder and nodding.
"Is that everything?" You nod "Thank you then" You smile politely at each other before he tucks the folder under his arm and moves to where the jet is landing. You huff, taking a second before you have to make your way all the way over to your office.
You're about to turn around when you see him. He's wearing jeans and a dark grey sweatshirt, and looks far too casual compared to everyone else there. You freeze in place, clutching your bag tight to your chest as you consider wether to go say hi or run for your life like an awkward high school girl with a crush.
You take a breath and hold it, preparing yourself to walk up to Bucky and say something when you see a flash of red out of the corner of your eye. You turn to look and there she is, coming out of the jet that just landed is The Black Widow herself, advancing toward your soulmate in all her read-headed, fear-inducing glory.
She's spectacular, much more beautiful than you expected, even when she's just returned from a mission and is probably hurt and tired. She moves like a leopard, a stalking sway to her step like she's approaching prey. You don't realize your mouth is parted until you have to close it.
"Nat" Bucky breathes, a small relieved smile on his face. His shoulders sag and his posture loosens like he's finally allowed to breathe right before he rushes to embrace her. He doesn't even see you standing a few feet away.
And oh, of course.
You would've never imagined how much this would hurt. It's just a hug, they're just friends. You know this.
And yet.
And yet your chest tightens with jealousy, a thick pain that hurts like acid slowly spreading inside your ribs. Because how could you forget? How could you forget who you were? Who he was? What you were to each other?
The air has been sucked right out of your lungs. The man you have gotten to know. The soft, broken man that comes into your office searching for a quiet place to read, who brings you food when you haven't had any breakfast, who smiles softly like he's embarrassed of his own happiness. He's an Avenger, a trained assassin, a soldier, a hero.
You're nothing but a failure. Sweet, naive Y/N: just some other girl who though she could achieve an impossible dream.
You're not jealous of Natasha. Your jealous of the fact that they fit. That they can find comfort and understanding in each others arms, that they share experience and pain and history. The truth is Bucky could have anyone he wanted, and he would sure as hell deserve them.
What were you thinking? A glorified secretary and a world class hero. You let out a quiet laugh that tastes like tears. You can never give him that. You can never be what he deserves.
You tug at the strings of your leather cuff, cursing the words underneath. Then you walk away.
Part 15
Remember to leave feedback!! (Hearing what you think about it helps me improve and also makes me super happy)
(You can be added to a series taglist, my forevers, SPN, Marvel, Sam or Dean tags, just shoot me an ask)
@imeannooffensebabybut​ @diinofayce​ @mia-at-work​ @photography-to-all​ @artemis521​ @38leticia​ @belovedbarnes @yourfriendlyneighborspooderman @theseldomseenkilljoy​ @so-you-must-like-me-for-me​ @a-kiddo-with-a-doggo​ @mymourningtea​ @rachelmc97​ @jakaraannodine​ @emrysaaryn​ @obscurilicious​ @lilypalmer1987​ @amachnowski @samijolles​ @chuckennuggets1213​ @an-emotionallycrippled-fangirl​ @sidemenaremylife​ @blu-eyed-devil​ @maddyfitzhenry​ @themermaidpirate​ @sebastianstanisagift​ @artistic22dragon​ @loving-life-my-way​ @blackwireframeglasses @king-kapelput @mrsdaamneron​ @april-98​ @aussiefangirlwolfy​ @rosep16​ @waywardsoulpainter​ @shawn-is-adorable​ @invisibleteen22​ @silvermisst​
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Marvel tags:
@wildefire​ @slender--spirit​ @f-lower-field-s @mala-firebringer @buckymorelikefuckmebarnes @paperburrito390 @marvel-fanfiction @avesagittarius @alex-hamiltonian @samwinchxtr @weirddemiwood @transboypeteparker
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soopranatural · 6 years
Who I was looking for -Part 13
Summary: Even after you started wearing cuffs, the words are engraved in your mind as well as your wrist. You know you're not destined for love as soon as you learn how to read. How could you? When the words "Sorry, you're not who I was looking for" are written in black ink on your skin.
Pairing: Bucky x Reader
Warnings: angst, pining, insecurity, etc
Words: 1212
A/N: I'm truly surprised I've made it this far without getting tired. I'm feeling good about this series.
Mobile Masterlist
Part 12  Series Masterlist
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Your name: submit What is this?
The next day you're a bit of a mess. You woke up late and had to rush your way through your morning routine, applying makeup while jumping into your heels and nearly braining yourself on your desk more than once. You sprint all the way to the subway, then to the tower when you get off, your coat flying behind you.
You look forlornly at your watch when you walk into the building, realizing that you won't have time to eat any breakfast. Not even a bagel from the coffee shop near the building.
You hum anxiously, fumbling with your earpiece as you walk into the elevator, you're going to have to head to the tenth floor to pick up some files before you go to your office. Once in the elevator, you take a deep breath to calm your racing heart, leaning on the metal bar and looking at your own reflection on the mirrored walls. You have a few stray hairs, and you smooth them down the best you can before taking out your phone and checking your to do list, you'll have to work quickly today if you don't want to get behind.
The elevator stops on the second floor with a ding, but you don't look up, you just huff and continue to type rapidly on your phone.
"Hey" a voice near you says. Your now calm heart stutters and starts beating quickly again when you jump, head snapping to look at Bucky, who is now standing next to you.
"Hi" you squeak, putting down your phone and trying to yank your brain back into the present. You're surprised to see him, you really thought he'd completely disappear from your life after yesterday. You clear your throat and look down at the cuff on your wrist when you realize that you're staring at him with wide eyes. Get a grip.
"You alright doll? You look a bit stressed" his voice is amused but still soft as he watches you fidget, you're practically vibrating, so you can see how he would come to that conclusion.
You huff, a little more relaxed now that you're actually talking to him. "Yeah, I had a little bit of a late start, barely made it here on time, didn't even have the time for breakfast" you shrug. "It's alright though, I'll get back on track."
"I'm sure you will" he smiles kindly. "Where are you headed?"
You look at him again, pulling at the strings on your cuff distractedly. Is he really keeping the conversation going? You were kind of expecting silence from him like usual. He looks a little different, more relaxed, maybe expectant? You can't really tell.
"I have to pick up some papers from the tenth floor" you pull scratch at the edge of the cuff and Bucky's eyes are drawn there, you let go off the cuff when you notice him looking. "Then run back to my office." Your mouth twists to the side and he huffs in amusement.
"Sounds fun" you nod sarcastically, raising your eyebrows and tightening your lips into a thin line. He laughs again and you smile at him, your heart struggling to keep up with the feeling you get when he smiles like that.
The elevator dings and you jump. "Well, um, this is me." You smile at him and wave as you get out.
"See you later then" he calls before the door closes.
You're in your office. Spinning absently in your chair as you talk into your device, scribbling notes on your notepad.
"Yeah, but that was yesterday." You hum as your colleague tries to coordinate his meeting schedule with yours "Mhm. Yes, I know it was scheduled for tomorrow, but Greene was unavailable so they moved it to today. The one with the PR board is on..." you turn around and skim through your calendar, looking at your notes.
You hear a knock on your door and look up as it opens. Your jaw drops when you see Bucky peeking in sheepishly. 'Can I come in?' He mouths, he's carrying a small paper bag and a cup of what looks like coffee. You nod, still dazed.
"Y/N?" You hear through the earpiece. You jump back into action.
"Oh yeah, sorry. Um, the meeting's on Monday, at 8:30. But you should tell Martin it's at eight, she's always late."
There's a pause on the other side.
"I think that's all, thanks."
You smile. "No problem, if you need something else just holler." You end the call and sigh, looking up to see Bucky sitting on your couch and looking at you with a soft smile on his face.
"Hi" you say, still a little shocked he's here. He seems to come back to himself, looking down and clearing his throat. He fidgets with the bag for a moment and then gets up to place it on your desk along with the cup of coffee. You look up at him, puzzled.
"I brought you something" he murmurs. Your mouth parts in surprise. "You said you didn't have any breakfast so I brought you something" you look up at him ad you open the bag slowly, he scratches the back of his neck.
You look into the bag and find a blueberry muffin and a wrapped sandwich from the coffee shop near the building.
"I hope that's okay" he says. "I didn't really know what to get you"
"Wow, Bucky that's... thank you. You're a life saver" you allow yourself to grin like you want to, your heart beating fast like it does when he's around. He smiles when you do and goes back to sit on the couch. Your heart expands about two sizes when you see him pull out his book and settle in to read.
You've been working for about half an hour when you stop, blinking your eyes and stretching your tired back. As comfortable as your chair is, you still get tired from sitting on it all day. You look up and you're surprised to see Bucky's looking at you intently. You're about to ask what's wrong when he speaks.
"What's that?" He gestures to you and then his own wrist. You look down at your cuff.
"I mean, it's pretty cool. But I haven't seen anyone wear something like that, especially at work. Um, not that it looks unprofessional, or anything..."
He grimaces and you smile. "It's alright." You look down. "I use it to cover my soulmark."
"Oh!" He looks startled at your answer. "Why?"
"Um, some people wear them because they get bad words. Or because it's something embarrassing."
His lips quirk into a smirk and your breath stutters out.
"Are you the former or the latter?" You hum, thinking carefully about your answer, your heart's beating rapidly in your chest. You know you'll have to tell him he's your soulmate at some point, but you don't want to do that now. And you don't want to tell him about how much pain your soulmark had caused you only to regret it later. You didn't want him to feel guilty, it wasn't really his fault.
"It was messing with me a little" you smile sadly at your covered wrist. "So I covered it."
Part 14
Remember to leave feedback!! (Hearing what you think about it helps me improve and also makes me super happy)
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@imeannooffensebabybut @diinofayce @mia-at-work @photography-to-all @artemis521 @38leticia @belovedbarnes @yourfriendlyneighborspooderman @theseldomseenkilljoy @so-you-must-like-me-for-me @a-kiddo-with-a-doggo @mymourningtea @rachelmc97 @jakaraannodine @emrysaaryn @obscurilicious @lilypalmer1987 @amachnowski @samijolles @chuckennuggets1213 @an-emotionallycrippled-fangirl @sidemenaremylife @blu-eyed-devil @maddyfitzhenry @themermaidpirate @sebastianstanisagift @artistic22dragon @loving-life-my-way @blackwireframeglasses @king-kapelput @mrsdaamneron @april-98 @aussiefangirlwolfy
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soopranatural · 6 years
Who I was looking for -Part 12
Summary: Even after you started wearing cuffs, the words are engraved in your mind as well as your wrist. You know you're not destined for love as soon as you learn how to read. How could you? When the words "Sorry, you're not who I was looking for" are written in black ink on your skin.
Pairing: Bucky x Reader
Warnings: angst, pining, insecurity, etc
Words: 968
A/N: I sincerely apologize to those who thought she was finally gonna grow a pair.
Mobile Masterlist
Part 11  Series Masterlist
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Your name: submit What is this?
Bucky hadn't come back after he left with Tony, you tried not to feel disappointed about it. Surely he had important Avengers issues to attend to and didn't have time to come back at all. It probably had nothing to do with you, and even if it did it shouldn't be such a surprise.
You're trying not to fall asleep on the subway, the lights inside the car buzz with electricity and the hum of the wheels gliding rapidly on the rails is making you drowsy with the familiarity of the sound. You can barely keep your eyes open, but despite the fact that the only other people in the car with you are an old lady with a dog and a dark skinned man fast asleep on his seat with his neck bent at what is surely an uncomfortable angle you still don't let your guard down. You don't want to miss your stop and you've heard all kinds of crazy stories about the dangers of riding the New York subway on your own at night.
You shift in your seat, sighing to  hopefully clear your head and chase away the urge to sleep while clutching your bag closer to your chest. It's all in vain though, a few seconds later your head is lolling to the side while your eyes droop closed without your consent.
You jump a foot in the air when what feels like only a blink later you wake up, it was surely longer since there's now another passenger in the car (a read headed man with glasses and a truly impressive beard). You scan your surroundings, trying not to look as panicked as you feel as your head swivels around, you relax when you see you've only slept for a minute or two, and you haven't missed your stop. You discover what woke you when your phone rings again, and you scramble to fetch it out of your bag, fumbling with it before answering without looking at who's calling.
"Hello?" Your voice sounds drowsy still.
"Y/N, darling! Is this a bad time?" You sigh, smiling and rubbing your forehead when you realize who's calling. "Hi Anna"
You hear the smirk in her voice when she speaks. "You sound tired kiddo, did you have a long day of avenging?"
"I'm not-!" you blurt out. Beard guy turns your way and you lower your voice to a whisper "I'm not an avenger, I'm a glorified secretary."
"And the world would be lost without you" you roll your eyes "so, my due date's soon. Are you gonna be here to witness the miracle auntie Y/N? Or is the schedule too tight? Constantly saving the citizens of good ole planet Earth must keep you busy."
You snort quietly into the phone and Anna giggles. "You're impossible. And of course I'll be there. Who's gonna catch Mikey when the wimp passes out?" This time she laughs loudly.
Her tone changes when she speaks next, you know she's trying to be cautious but is dying to know "...I was hoping you'd bring your new beau with you, so I could meet him." You sigh.
"Anna that's not-" "Oh come on!"
"I can't take him yet" your stop is announced and you pick up your stuff, holding your phone to your ear with your shoulder while you get off the subway. "It's... complicated." You grimace as you say it, knowing full well how cliché it sounds.
"Eugh! Is that code for me needing to kick his ass?" You shake your head fondly, knowing she can't see you. "Is that the mommy instincts kicking in Anna?"
"Kid, you know the mommy instincts kicked in the second I met you, you big mess." You laugh softly into the phone, wishing you were back with your best friend so she could just read your expression and know what's wrong without you having to say it out loud. You take a deep breath and say it anyway.
"I haven't told him yet" you mumble. You hear nothing for a moment and check to see if she didn't hang up only for her to yell as soon as you put the phone to your ear again.
"Are you an idiot?!"
"I don't know!" You blurt, then check to see if anyone heard you, the street is empty.
"Goddammit Y/N, you know this kind of stress isn't good for the baby! You stress me out you know that?!"
"I'm sorry!" You cry "I spent so long getting used to the idea that I was meant to be alone for life and then he was there but I don't know why I'm so scared to tell him now-"
"Oh sweetheart..."
"-and then I was going to tell him today but I was a coward and I didn't, and then he was busy and I can't just go looking for him, I don't know how to tell him, or if I even want to. I know it's unfair to him but goddammit. I'm scared Anna, I didn't plan for any of this."
Your voice fades out at the end, the knot in your throat constricting your words, you try to calm down while you unlock the door to your apartment.
"I don't know what to say. He's your soulmate, so I know he'll love you regardless. But you gotta give it a chance." Her voice has gone all soft and honey-like. "Promise me you'll tell him."
You sigh, leaning against the closed door and shutting your eyes tight. "I'll try again tomorrow."
"Atta girl." She hangs up.
You don't think about how that may have been an empty promise. You step out of your heels and throw them across the room, the soles of your feet are stinging, your eyes are as well.
Part 13
Remember to leave feedback!! (Hearing what you think about it helps me improve and also makes me super happy)
(You can be added to a series taglist, my forevers, SPN, Marvel, Sam or Dean tags, just shoot me an ask)
@imeannooffensebabybut @diinofayce @mia-at-work @photography-to-all @artemis521 @38leticia @belovedbarnes @yourfriendlyneighborspooderman @theseldomseenkilljoy @so-you-must-like-me-for-me @a-kiddo-with-a-doggo @mymourningtea @rachelmc97 @jakaraannodine @emrysaaryn @obscurilicious @lilypalmer1987 @amachnowski @samijolles @chuckennuggets1213 @an-emotionallycrippled-fangirl @sidemenaremylife @blu-eyed-devil @maddyfitzhenry @themermaidpirate @sebastianstanisagift @artistic22dragon @loving-life-my-way @blackwireframeglasses @king-kapelput @mrsdaamneron
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Marvel tags:
@wildefire @slender--spirit @f-lower-field-s @mala-firebringer @buckymorelikefuckmebarnes @paperburrito390 @marvel-fanfiction @avesagittarius @alex-hamiltonian
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soopranatural · 6 years
Who I was looking for -Part 11
Summary: Even after you started wearing cuffs, the words are engraved in your mind as well as your wrist. You know you're not destined for love as soon as you learn how to read. How could you? When the words "Sorry, you're not who I was looking for" are written in black ink on your skin.
Pairing: Bucky x Reader
Warnings: angst, pining, insecurity, etc
Words: 1122
A/N: oops sorry for taking so long. I'm on vacay now so hopefully I'll be able to update more often.
Mobile Masterlist
Part 10  Series Masterlist
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Your name: submit What is this?
He found it strange, how he didn't really know this woman and yet he found her presence comforting, she was like a sedative for the loudness of his mind.
He did not have a crush, contrary to what Steve believed, he just liked her company. Sure she was beautiful, and he wouldn't be opposed to getting to know her better, but that didn't mean he had a crush.
Bucky was surprised when she invited him to read in her office, and maybe it was only that surprise that made him say yes. He was glad he had though, it was considerably more quiet in there than in the common room upstairs, less gloomy than his room as well. He wasn't really bothered by the sound of the clicking keyboard, it was almost like the rhythmic pitter patter of rain. Sometimes she spoke quietly into her earpiece, like she was trying not to bother him, and the hum of her voice made him relax a little more.
He left his book on the couch so he wouldn't lose his nerve to come back.
But something was different the second time. He felt like an intruder the second he stepped foot into her office, and he checked his exits automatically.
The door, a window. If he jumped he would land on the balcony a floor below and probably wouldn't break any bones.
Bucky's eyes scanned the lines in the book again and again, but he didn't actually read anything, the worn pages of Sam's book crinkled under his fingers as he thumbed at the pages, not turning them but not closing the book either. He wondered if the heavy tension in the atmosphere meant that she didn't really want him there. Her stiff posture made him wonder if her offer had been an empty one.
His muscles hurt from sitting down so tensely, but he didn't want to move in case the leather couch creaked under his weight and disturbed the uncomfortable silence.
Just then the door opened, snapping the tension suddenly and horribly, Bucky's first thought was that they were being attacked, and he jumped, slamming the book shut to stand up and then immediately aborting mission as he realized it was just Tony. He hears the startled smash of the keyboard behind him.
Tony's eyes widen before his expression dissolves into a mischievous smirk, there's a whisper of disappointment when he speaks, but Bucky knows it's fake "Well, well, I thought you were better than this Y/L/N" He tilts his head at you and Bucky finally glances back at you, your eyes are wide as saucers and your face is pale, you gape at Tony as you search for something to say and Bucky feels sorry for you "I'm honestly a little offended that I wasn't invited to this little get together."
"I-I-I'm so sorry, I'll-I mean, it wasn't, he wasn't" and that was quite enough. He glares at Tony until he says what he's really here for, feeling annoyed that he interrupted and even more annoyed that he'd made you panic so bad over some insignificant thing. He knew for sure that he wasn't invited back in your office now, but he ignores the disappointed pang in his chest in favor of stepping out of the room. He doesn't look back at you as he closes the door behind him.
"What do you want, Tony?" He asks, already in a bad mood from the interruption and out of patience as he follows him out the door to stand in the hallway.
"Woah, take it easy would you? Cap wants to have a meeting and you forgot your cellphone so everyone's looking for you" he looks proud as always in his gray suit and pink tie, typing away at his phone as he talks.
"How did you know I was here?" Bucky asks, it's not like he had told anyone where he was going, and even with the cameras in the building it would be hard to guess he was in a fourth floor office. Tony looks up at that, eyebrows raised and eyes flitting back and forth in fake puzzlement.
"Well where else would you be?" He says, finally finishing what he was writing and pocketing his phone, ignoring the other man's surprised look and walking to the elevator with Bucky trailing behind him.
"It's clear you've got a crush on the girl, and honestly who can blame you? Now that she's been promoted and has her own office it's obvious you guys would be hanging out more" Bucky's annoyed at this, he's tired of other people meddling in his personal life. But something about what Stark said is unsettling, he can only pinpoint what it is until they're almost at the top floor.
"Wait, how did you know she got promoted?" Tony Stark payed attention to his employees and treated them like anyone else in his life, but there was no way he could know about or even remember every one of them.
Tony considers him for a moment before answering "I heard you talking about her with Cap and my interest was piqued. Turns out she could've really used a promotion at the time and she's a very hardworking employee. So I gave her a promotion."
Bucky can't believe it, his mind goes blank as he considers what he's been told. If Stark had taken an interest in her he surely knew about his failed efforts to talk to her. Maybe he was overthinking it, but Tony was much smarter than anyone gave him credit for. Was it really a coincidence that she now worked in the only floor he had known to look for her? He didn't know what to think about that, or how to feel about Stark's meddling. But he finally settled on anger, it was none of his business, and if he had promoted her just for Bucky's benefit then it was unfair to her as well.
"What the hell?" He growls, cornering Tony against the wall as soon as they're in the hallway. "What are you trying to do Stark? What were you thinking, did you give her a promotion just so you could have a laugh?"
"Don't flatter yourself tin man, I didn't do it for you. There was a job opening and she was a good candidate to take that spot." Tony steps forward and adjusts his collar, smoothing down his jacket and looking Bucky up and down before continuing to walk to the conference room.
Bucky sighs and follows behind him. If Stark knew then there was no way the rest of the team didn't know as well. He rubs the bridge of his nose in exasperation. Goddammit.
Part 12
Remember to leave feedback!! (Hearing what you think about it helps me improve and also makes me super happy)
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Marvel tags:
@wildefire @slender--spirit @f-lower-field-s @mala-firebringer @buckymorelikefuckmebarnes @paperburrito390 @marvel-fanfiction @avesagittarius @alex-hamiltonian
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soopranatural · 6 years
Who I was looking for -Part 8
Summary: Even after you started wearing cuffs, the words are engraved in your mind as well as your wrist. You know you're not destined for love as soon as you learn how to read. How could you? When the words "Sorry, you're not who I was looking for" are written in black ink on your skin.
Pairing: Bucky x Reader
Warnings: angst, pining, insecurity, etc
Words: 682
A/N: Bucky being awkward may or may not be based on my own experiences of being a complete disaster.
Mobile Masterlist
Part 7  Series Masterlist
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Your name: submit What is this?
What an idiot. What a fucking moron. Honestly. What did he think would happen?
Despite his reaction when Steve had mentioned the soulmate thing, he kept hinting that Bucky should just talk to the girl. He was relentless. And Bucky would never admit it, but he was scared. He had spent so much time being someone else that he felt weird in his own skin. Steve said he even walked different, and Bucky felt an anger like no other when he realized that it was because his left side was now heavier than his right. They ruined him. HYDRA ruined him, and now he was no one.
He wasn't the winter soldier, but he wasn't him anymore either. It was embarrassing that he couldn't even remember the first thing about talking to a girl, no matter how much he wanted to.
He didn't even know her name, but he had felt drawn to her since the beginning. So he had followed her, he felt creepy every time they crossed paths in the halls, knowing that it only looked accidental but really wasn't.
His intention wasn't really to follow her, he wanted to talk to her, but he lost his nerve every single time. Sometimes she smiled at him and waved, and he always had a half moment of bravery, but then they had crossed paths and it was too late.
Today was different, he was going to say something, he was determined to. He made his way to where he knew her office was at a steady pace and then almost stopped when he saw she was in the elevator. But she saw him, lifted her head and looked right at him and stopped the door.
There was a wave of panic, he didn't know if he should turn away and run or get in the elevator, he didn't even know where she was going. What if he ended up at the last floor and the doors opened to be faced head on by Steve's mocking expression.
He got in anyway.
She was looking down at the small pile of documents in her hands, and he fidgeted, the elevator would open soon and he was in there with her and he should just talk.
"Hello" oh god, he'd really lost all his charm hadn't he? He wanted to say something but not that, they'd been standing in the elevator for too long for a greeting and he had barely even opened his mouth and already he was ruining it. But then she smiled and waved like she always did, so he spoke again.
He already knew she got promoted, Steve made sure he did, but he asks about it anyway. He's glad he did when she perks up, smiling proudly in a way that's absolutely adorable and makes it hard on Bucky's lungs. He wants to hug her, but he doesn't know why. He doesn't really know her, just her schedule, but he finds her... nice, comforting. Her presence doesn't feel like one of a stranger, it feels like he's known her for a long time.
He has a flash of doubt that maybe he did know her, just doesn't remember. He barely remembers anything nowadays. But he immediately discards the thought. He couldn't possibly know her. She was too young and didn't seem to know him.
The doors open with a sharp sound and Bucky jumps, his eyes scan the room and he realizes he's on the first floor. Oh.
He congratulates her hurriedly, patting her on the back before he's even aware he's doing it, completely forgetting to ask her name, again, and leaves as fast as he can without running.
He majes a face, embarrassed about the whole thing and, with nothing else to do that won't make him look like a creep he leaves the tower. Like he's planned it the whole time.
Once he's outside he stops. He's out now anyway, so he might as well go buy some coffee or something.
He's just arriving at the shop when he realizes he didn't bring any money.
Part 9
Remember to leave feedback!! (Hearing what you think about it helps me improve and also makes me super happy)
(You can be added to a series taglist, my forevers, SPN, Marvel, Sam or Dean tags, just shoot me an ask)
@imeannooffensebabybut @diinofayce @mia-at-work @photography-to-all @artemis521 @38leticia @belovedbarnes @yourfriendlyneighborspooderman @theseldomseenkilljoy @so-you-must-like-me-for-me @a-kiddo-with-a-doggo @mymourningtea @rachelmc97 @jakaraannodine @emrysaaryn @obscurilicious @lilypalmer1987 @amachnowski @samijolles
Forever tags:
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Marvel tags:
@wildefire @slender--spirit @f-lower-field-s @mala-firebringer @buckymorelikefuckmebarnes @paperburrito390 @marvel-fanfiction @avesagittarius
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