#how effed is my boi? XD
peoplcshope · 1 year
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This timeline..it was unfamiliar and the anomaly wasn't found..at least not yet. But then he felt a rather overwhelming power..not his father..too powerful to be Goku. It wasn't until he saw the hulking silhouette of the man coming into view that Trunks finally utters the name from his lips in subtle fright. "B-Broly..what are YOU doing here?"
liked for a starter / @gazelessmenagerie
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murfpersonalblog · 4 months
IWTV S2 Ep4 Musings - Loumand
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Assad was NOT. PLAYING.
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Put those village feeders AWAY, sir~! 😍 You look ready to start lactating, omg! Assad NEVER misses a day at the gym!
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What happened to y'all being so in sync, fellas?
Armand seems WAY more delusional here than Louis, for once. Which is telling--Armand had long been "failing" to hold onto his coven, and his authority.
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Louis reading about Death while his daughter's arguing for her life, I can't.
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And this little shrug when Armand punished Claudia, omfg, he is giving weak-willed-mother-who-lets-the-mean-stepfather-run-roughshod-over-her-kids-cuz-the-peen-is-too-good-and-he-pays-all-the-bills.
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So we go from Lestat's "the Meat" and Claudia's "Kill Juice" to Armand's "Cattle."
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NGL, I'd be pissed if I was the coven, too. How you gon' have this dude sit there not needing to follow the rules, while all of us are stuck wearing clown makeup and having our makers killed cuz of your dumb rules?!
I REALLY like this mutinous angle AMC's using, fleshing out the tension in the coven more, cuz it really makes sense.
I get that Louis would want to be around, but omfg cut the umbilcal already! I agree with the coven: like, WHY are you there exactly? Not even the worst helicopter moms are allowed to sit in class with their kids all day, so wtf? And I agree that Armand needs to draw MUCH thicker lines in the sand. Coven business is coven business--if Louis' not gonna even be allowed to speak up in Claudia's defense, then he shouldn't be there at all. ESPECIALLY if he's gonna flaunt how much he doesn't GAF about their rules--their CULTURE.
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Aw crap, you got the homie Estelle mad, too?!
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You done effed up, Louis--that's the smile of a psychopath. XD
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Oh, he's keeping SOMETHING tight, he ain't lyin! 😜
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LOUIS! The ONE time you should've lied, omfg! 🤦 It's called making a UNITED FRONT, ffs!
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Louis said Hot Girl Summer--literally.
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Louis said it only works when he's PISSED OFF, OH LAAAWWWWD!
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This bit scared the crap out of me--at first I was like the coven's gonna jump y'all in your skivvies!? 😂 Then I was like wait--was that a crew member?! How did y'all not catch that in post!?
And then it all became clear.
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*crosses self* HISSSSS.
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CLEARLY it's not "great," when your man's man is throwing shade at your whole setup in Louis' head. 😬 Armand, you're barking up the wrong Rebound Tree, my guy.
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The face that launched 1000 undead theatre kids into a blazing inferno. THE Louis of Troy, yaaaas~!
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And this is likely why Louis believes what Armand said about him teaching Lestat the Mind Gift, cuz Armand taught Louis the Fire Gift.
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Oh trust, we know you do, Armand. But how much does LOUIS know? 👀 ESPECIALLY when he doesn't go on hunts with y'all.
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This can only end well.... 😬😈
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AMC knows what they're doing--you knooooow that would've hurt Les to his core, if he knew Lou said ILY to Armand after only 1.5 years, when he (allegedly) never said it once to Lestat in 30. U_U Cuz you don't effing deserve it yet, Lestat! It's no skin off Lou's back to say that to Armand, cuz he's not REALLY giving up anything. He's not joining their stupid coven, and he's fine with them killing him. But Lou admitting that he loves Lestat means he'd have to take accountability for his COMPLICITY in everything that went wrong in his life, and that he chose Lestat over his entire family, his religion, his self respect, his sanity, ALL of it, for some heinous blonde Frenchman, lord have mercy. 😔 It's a hard pill to swallow.
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And he's REALLY in the deep end now, if he expects his imaginary (boy)friend to start keeping promises. 🤦
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vangold · 1 year
Day 11 - Wander
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Nother Even one. And I must say, to this prompt with Dragon Age as a theme nothing really felt more fitting than fracking Solas.
Let me be honest, not the biggest fan of the guy. As a person he kinda effed up in my eyes during my first playthrough with Carl as an Inquisitor - where they ended up to be very close friends before Solas did his thing there. I'm no big fan of betrayal and manipulation. And he was an absolute bitch towards Dorian souuu, yeah, I am so gonna pull his fracking ears from Mr Spock- to Roger Rabbit size next time they meet >:|
Anyway, apart from that, on a storytelling perspective I deeply appreciate Bioware throwing this dude after us. Check it, Disney! This is the whole "Good guy was the villain all along"-trobe done right. An adversary with depth and a refreshing plotline with all that dramatic development towards Inky and all that. I can't wait to see how this is gonna continue in Dragon Age 4 :3
I'm really satisfied how this one turned out....although I'm glad the gras swallowed that sad excuse of a foot XD
Ivy is always such a pain in the ass to add as a detail into a picture, but boy is it worht it everytime <333
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lovecanbesostrange · 1 year
hello! i've been sent here to ask about werewolf hunters, which i'm hoping will hurt me so good
I know who sent you, anon. XD So I'm not even gonna pretend I have no clue what's going on.
Let me take the obligatory deep breath for a scream about how OUaT introduced an actual werewolf hunter in S6. (Okay, yes, it was The Woodcutter, a bounty hunter, who oh so happens to specialize in werewolves. HALLO??) And then, I guess because of scheduling conflicts, had to swap Red for Blue by Snow's side. And I was, no, we were all robbed of that image of Red fighting somebody who would have not just taken the bounty on Snow's head, but gladly taken her hide. What a waste... Heartless is a fun episode, I even like how Snow and Charming accidentally meet without knowing and then end up with this extra fun sleeping curse...
Anyway, yes, well werewolf hunters. Totally a thing that does canonically excist in the EF. Back in Red-Handed Granny just said that a hunting party killed Anita. Which we know was a lie anyway, but makes you wonder how many specialists might be running around. Something OUaT loves are cliches, which I think is very fine. You want some familiarity, so subverting packs a punch. And what could be more cliche than to have one possible story in your head where Red's father is a werewolf hunter? Make him the Romeo to Anita's Juliet. Make it terrible and tragic. Make that a reason why Anita hates humans even more. Because the one dude she fell for was born into a family of hunters, who kill her kind. With righteousness and thinking they are saving lives, not destroying them.
Think about this image of a young Anita falling in love with a raggedy handsome boy. And they just don't know. The father yes, I have named him Roger in the one WIP in my docs running with this concept, ssshhhh is on his own for a bit, away from the family, as is tradition. To learn about the world, witness beauty (he has to protect) and cruelty (he is fighting against).
It's time to ask more about werewolf lore. Is there a difference between made-wolves (Granny) vs born ones (Red)? Does the wolfness fade for everybody? Why would Granny think Red might not have it (possible difference: a human father, unlike Anita)? Tell me more about silver to use against wolves. Did Anita have more extended family? What happened to Granny's husband? (Also omg Granny deserved an ep of her own to untangle that mess how she ended up marrying the guy who killed her brothers... dark much?!)
With the last, make the death of Anita's father hurt. Bring in those hunters. Show me how Granny took Red from Anita and managed to vanish. Leave Anita brokenhearted, bitter, filled with rage. And show me Red's father being a werewolf hunter with some regret and questions, but also consumed by anger in the end. MAKE IT TRAGIC! Show me how a wolf loving a human ends in tragedy and is no option. There's a reason it's funny that Dorothy points her crossbow at Ruby first thing, yesyes. She likes to hunt, too.
Look - werewolf hunters = POSSIBILITIES! Not all huntsman like wolves the way Graham did. A minute of silence for the man, please.
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murfeelee · 1 year
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Witcher Season 3 (AKA The "Final" Season 🤣😂)
Alright y'all, back at it again with my 3rd Witcher tv show "review" or whatever. S1 | S2
Disclosure: I already told y'all that I've made peace with this being the Yennefer Show, and that I'll keep watching when Liam Hensworth plays Geralt in S4, because this show ain't been about Geralt or witchers anyway--it's about the mages, obviously. Like, I don't blame Cavill for leaving, cuz if I had to play second fiddle to Yenn when I'M the titular MC, but I don't have ANY scenes, ZERO speaking lines, and NOTHING to do in my own show, then yeah I'd quit too! So I'm not gonna complain about what I WISH this show was--it will NEVER be the books or the games (definitely not Game of Thrones). Missed opportunity.
All that being said, unpopular opinion, but IMO Season 3 kinda slapped? The 2nd "volume"/part was the best BY FAR, but I genuinely liked the vast majority of the episodes. I give S3 a 9.5/10, because I actually have very few complaints about this season overall, I'm shocked. (EDIT: I have DEEProoted suspicions about a lot of naysayers/hatewatchers who say the show's "unwatchable," just because it's got a multicultural cast/"agenda"--sounds like racism to me.)
The MAIN PLOT actually went somewhere!!!! A wild Vilgefortz appears! ^0^ He beat the DOG SNOT outta Geralt, YIKES! XD
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One of my biggest gripes about S1 was that the show didn't focus nearly enough on THE BIG BAD, Vilgefortz. Cahir got SO MUCH screentime doing literally NOTHING for 2 whole seasons, meanwhile the rest of Geralt's Hanse was NOWHERE to be seen, and Vilgefortz was just sitting in the cut looking pretty, like wtf?
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And Season 2 was barely any better!
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But yeah, S3 FINALLY gave us Vilgefortz's dastardly behavior I'd been waiting for. He effed everybody up at Thanned, as I expected--that's my special evil boy! <3 (Now that Ciri jacked half his face up I'm very sad--that man is absolutely splendid to look at. A moment of silence for the eye candy, it will be missed. U_U)
THANNED. ^0^ Hoooooooly god this was great, even better than Sodden in S1. Episode 6 is the best episode in S3--such a great battle; people were dying left and right. And MAMA TISS!!!!! She went OFF! O_O
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It was so sad, but ofc this was all gonna happen--they had Tissaia allllll the way up Vilgefortz's butt, so OF COURSE she was going to be crushed when he INEVITABLY betrayed her. (I don't blame you though, girl, cuz he's SO DANG PRETTY! I'd be crushed, too!) But at least Mama Tissaia got that body count up during the battle--SLAY! The way Filavandrel was just.... 🤯
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Speaking of the elves, Francesca and Fringilla were put on the backburner (after dang near dominating S2); but I like the way their arcs ended, even though I felt bad for them. Very good scenes; the mages & their arcs are the very best parts of the show, as usual.
LODGE OF SORCERESSES RISE! ^0^ Dijikstra & Philippa. 😍
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These freaks--I LOVE them, your honor! 😅 I was so hyped to see Geralt break Djikstra's leg, but Philippa had me ROLLING when she was like "well, it's a good thing you like pain"--I DIED! XD These kinky mofos! They're hands down one of the best parts of the whole show--I LOVE how sinister Philippa is (her bird feathers are such a great touch--whoever was in charge of her costumes & HAIR 👌), and what a simp Dijkstra is for her. It makes me so sad to know how things go for them in the video game--I sided with Dijikstra to kill Radovid, and was so hurt when he went after Thaler & Roche. But....yeah, I did pick the option to break his other leg, so....oops? XD
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So yes, I'm excited to see where this show goes with Philippa and Vilgefortz; how their schemes line up (or not) with Emhyr and the Fake Ciri; and how that effects the REAL Ciri and how she eventually ends up under Avallach (I hope we get to see him on the show!).
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Speaking of Ciri, we FIIIIINALLY got to see some domestic Geralt, Yenn & Ciri--even if they are on the run from assassins; and Geralt's iced Yenn out cuz she tried to sacrifice Ciri to Voleth Mier back in S2. A lot of the fandom HATED that they made S2 Yenn betray them, but I think S3 did an alright job of not retconning her, per se, but patching things up. Cuz it's NOT a good look to have your (REAL) main character (LOL) hated by the fandom for betraying her own "daughter." So was the domesticity hamfisted? YES. But was it necessary? GOD yes, otherwise what's the point of showing The Last Wish? They're supposed to be a FAMILY, so for god's sake start giving them scenes to actually SHOW us that--stfu about "destiny"!
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Probably another unpopular opinion, but I liked Episode 7 with the unicorn. These are the kinds of adventures Ciri NEEDED in S1, running around some stupid empty forests doing NOTHING is different from learning how to survive on her own in a strange wilderness, encountering strange creatures, and tapping into the good AND bad sides of her magic.
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And oooooh my god, the GOAT has returned.
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A lot of...hrm...interesting conversations were had as Ciri was hallucinating in the desert, with love of my life Grandmama Calanthe, as well as Pavetta & Falka. It's a shame that Ciri didn't get this kind of development MUCH earlier in the series. Too little too late? We'll have to see where Ciri's plot goes with the Rats in S4 to find out if her new whole Chaos/Fire magic arc is worth it.
AT LONG EFFING LAST, we're getting some HANSE ACTION!!!
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I've been SO EFFING SICK of Cahir. I'm glad Ciri finally got closure with him from SEASON ONE, and that he's FINALLY in the Hanse now--took y'all long enough, ffs! And Milva's interesting so far, so I'm glad to see her around, giving Geralt & Dandelion grief. So in S4 all we need now is Angie, and YA BOI!!! ^0^
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I wish Mistle and the Rats were better established--the whole Wyvern thing wasn't done very well or made much sense, and Mistle & Ciri should've had WAY more scenes. I wasn't feeling any chemistry between them, which is annoying, since Ciri's a lesbian in my TW3 game--is the show gonna go with hetero Ciri instead? Or is her love of Mistle gonna be what pulls Ciri out of the Fire/Chaos dark arc they're teasing for S4? 👀
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What's annoying is that we already had a Dark!Ciri arc in S2 though, and EVERYONE hated it. We see Yenn reconcile betraying Ciri, but where's Ciri reconciliation for slaughtering all those witchers at Kaer Morhen? 😡 First she's possessed by Voleth Mier, now she's possessed by Falka? This show's great at focusing on Yenn & the mages, but leaves Ciri in the same ditch over & over--it's irritating.
Ep5 was a LAME way to end the first half/"volume," I hated that episode. The whole ball just bored me, with the dancing and singing--I get it--"all is not *clap clap* as it seems," stfu already. I didn't care. It was OBVIOUS Stregebor was being framed; WTF was that mop on Istredd's head; WHY was Triss the only one with a braincell who cared that students were going missing when apparently the school's SO strict; why don't these mages start TELEPORTING for once, and stop running around SLOW AF; how the HECK did y'all let HUMAN Dijkstra jump a WHOLE SCHOOL OF MAGES--this is an utter embarrassment. Usually the mages are the only thing this show gets RIGHT, so to see them all faceplant like this was just baffling & frustrating.
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And again with the monoliths--how do y'all NOT KNOW these things are here!? Same with the one hidden in Kaer Morhen, like REALLY? NO ONE's medallion is going off? Omg. Istredd! You STUDY these things! Start TEACHING these drunk AF mages a thing or two--this is why Vilgefortz and Dijikstra wiped the floor with y'all on your own turf! 🤦
The pacing was SLOW AF. Episodes 3-5 particularly dragged.
Everything with Cahir I wish was in S2 instead. That elf was GORGEOUS and I hated to see him go, but what was the point of all that again? I almost expected him & Cahir to start banging! (My perv brain; I need help, y'all. U_U)
Speaking of!
ALLLLLLL this mess about Dandelion & Radovid.
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What "ripple effects"? XD It was UNNECESSARY. We all know Radovid's a disgusting genocidal racist psychopath and Dandelion's a womanizing old man--I'm not interested in seeing Radovid going through all this effort to seduce Dandelion, just to DOUBLE CROSS him to get to Ciri, like wtF? TBH, I feel like we were queerbaited, yeah I said it. 😤
And it's SO unfair how we have alllll these sex scenes with naked women's vajayjays & boobs all over the place--even Philippa got in on the action, hey hey hey! ;) --but we never get to see man-on-man action!? Wow, they kissed, SO WHAT!? Men never get full frontal nudity and it ticks me off, cuz naked women are just all over TV, meanwhile the dudes don't show SQUAT, and it's happened AGAIN.
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Anyways, those are my only real complaints; otherwise I liked S3, it was much better than S2 IMO. Just don't expect too much--turn your brain off, and accept that this show doesn't gaf about Geralt (or even Ciri really) whatsoever. I'm here for Yennefer, Vilgefortz, and to see the Lodge of Sorceresses make themselves an absolute menace under Philippa so that Radovid literally flips his wig (that horrible weave MUST go in S4) and effs everything up for mages & non-humans.
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murdercide626 · 1 year
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I can't believe Sega just blindsided us with this reveal!! Like, holy **** let me prepare myself!
First of all, I had heard rumors of a new 2D Sonic game, but I was not expecting it to be in the classic setting!
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Secondly, this game looks absolutely gorgeous! :D
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I'm so happy Tails, Knuckles, and Amy are also playable! And the four-player co-op looks super fun! Also, seeing all four playable together on the same screen gives me big Kirby Star Allies vibes! lol
I can only imagine how hectic it'll be to play the special stages with four players simultaneously! XD
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These new blue-sphere-esque levels look interesting! That energy tethering gives me some Sonic Boom vibes though. lol
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I really dig these weird sorta pixely stages! And looks like your character can get all pixelated too! I wonder if that'll have any special gameplay effect? But what's this...
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WHAT?? Okay, wth is going on here?? XD
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Also, SONIC SWAAAAAAAAARRM!!! (I dig the Eggman boss mech here too!)
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(They were total ****ing teases for not showing his 3D model though. lmao)
This game... I just... I need more time to process this! It looks frikkin fantastic! I can't effing wait until Fall! When is Fall?? Is it here yet?? F**K!!
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hakureiryuu · 1 year
part 1
episode 2, and I just noticed the episode titles that call the flashback b plots minisodes. what's that about?
not-quite-a-liveblog ahoy!
crowley looks so effing weird in this outfit?? maybe it's the glasses, they're so anachronistic, almost steampunk.
I actually thought he was talking about isaac or something here lol
birds flying away after crowley firebombs the goats lmao
saying that eve was the first human birth implies that she is adam's daughter???? which I guess makes about as much sense as a single breeding pair populating the planet, we all know how much inbreeding that would take.
(side note: I remember this Flood adaptation movie that had emma watson in it. noah wanted to kill off all the humans and just let the animals survive. he said while watson was pregnant that if her twin kids were boys, they could live and humans would just die out. but if they were girls who could grow up to be mothers, he would kill them. and I'm like, implying that their father/grandfather/uncles would be the ones impregnating them? nevermind the incest, what about the age gap??? but anyway)
ofc when gabriel claimed to be an expert in human birth I immediately thought of mary, but that hasn't happened yet. I mean it makes sense that this idiot would think eve counts, but couldn't he at least make it to cain??
there's something to be said about this story and elspeth's story connecting virtue with economic status. aziraphale appears to think about that when it's pointed out, but takes entirely the wrong lesson from it, as we see with elspeth later.
"but no one would ever find them- actually that's a great idea" it reads as aziraphale not wanting to deal with gabe's bullshit rather than agreeing with it, as though he hasn't done variations of the same thing for years. I still laughed tho XD
oh hey, "every day" was gonna be the original opening song for the first season! what a cute reference that will likely have little to no further relevance!
this was the point where I was like "why the hell is crowley just hanging out in that same alleyway all the time? wait a goddamn minute, did shax take his apartment?!"
it's so cute how maggie takes aziraphale's social cluelessness in stride.
the jukebox at the resurrectionist is just like the bently turning cds into queen, what a cute reference that will likely have little to no further relevance!
trumpets sound, archangels approach.
saraquel miraclling a ramp lmao
gabriel's attempts at flyswatting never work!!!!!!
I'm assuming all those newspaper clipping say "every day" etc? for some reason? someone correct me if I'm wrong, I would really love to know.
also why is he DRAWING gabriel? later he just needed it to show someone, but why not take a picture? I'm sure you have an ancient camera where you have to hide under a blanket lying around somewhere.
shooing motion miracle at the pub, hahaha
I was a good deal sus of this plan to ship nina and maggie when nina already has a partner, but that was before I realized lindsay is a piece of shit. still, it's not like they know that either! ineffable homewreckers, they are.
everyone's talked about how crowley's first thought re: romance is taking shelter from the rain 😊
but my asexual brain is somehow always teetering over the gutter, so when he said "get them wet" I blinked a bit XDD
"you think you know someone..." "she had balls!" "what?"
actually it wasn't a what, it was a well. as in "well that's not relevant to my point" like, sir, did you know this already? in what context??
meanwhile back in job's era they're having a bit of a tense discussion. this is explicitly after the flood so it makes sense that aziraphale absolutely does not believe that crowley wants to kill some kids. I wonder why lying is such a big theme in this episode? I haven't been able to really boil it down yet.
aziraphale's smug grin really breaks the tension though XDD
jemimah is adorable. the others are the product of rich parents.
these two are playing chicken with children's lives, but hey, it's about the trust 😌
"can I be a blue one?" I love her
aziraphale discovering food is so deliberately gross, why this?
so many complicated feelings from both of them about god actually talking to someone.
god's pronouns are she/they, approved.
crowley says see you in hell but the next day when sitis is about to flip god off he says actually let's walk this all back pfffft
"reach into his robes... no, higher."
when a mommy and a daddy love each other very much, they share a very special hug...
aziraphale stating flat out with no equivocation that gabriel was awful is such a huge step forward for him 😊
(while pausing to write this I noticed that john hamm is credited simply as jim, love that for him)
this is the 2nd time aziraphale has insisted "our" in the face of crowley's "my" I'm sobbing
good omens inside good omens, gomensception
aziraphale really took that "see you in hell" seriously though huh.
the gentle, simple way he says "I don't think you'd like it" hurts me and heals me.
"you're not like me because you're a demon, you're like me because you don't want to toe the party line." y'know lining up their meetings - the wall of eden, the ark, and now this - must paint a very interesting picture of aziraphale for crowley. we always thought that crowley fell for this angel nigh immediately and spent the rest of time orbiting him. now I think aziraphale fell into crowley's orbit, and crowley gradually learned more and more contradictory (and therefore interesting) things about him. like the shelter of the wing, it's all reversed in this season.
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lolo-loco · 7 years
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People can be gay, Steven.
Reunited Part 12!!! I’ve been wanting to update this for so long and now I finally have and I’m so happy X’D So in a lot of my AUs, Arthur is usually bi. A lot of people are bi in my AUs XDD And Arthur gets asked out A LOT. Like he’s popular with both genders. some for his accent, some for his bad boy status, even some for his personality XD
We are nearing the climax and I am excited!! thank you all for your patience and support! I reeally really appreciate it!!
[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4] [Part 5] [part 6] [Part 7] [Part 8] [Part 9] [Part 10] [Part 11] [Part 12] [Part 13]
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Season 4, Episode 1: An Extremely Chaotic and Incoherent Review
What’s this??? Tumblr user demetriandelibinaryboyfriends MAKING POSTS again??? It’s more likely than you think!!!
I refrained for a hot sec so as not to spoil anyone, but now??? NO MERCY, BITCHES.
Full disclaimer that this “review” (and the rest of the episode “reviews” I do) is basically just a bunch of rambling thoughts and word vomit and probably not at all cohesive. That’s just how I have to roll sometimes!
The Good:
Johnny throwing a water bottle at Demetri is 10/10
Neat!!! Hawk apologized for stealing the medal of honor and beating up Nate for charity money!!! Big fan of that. I wish that scene was longer but the fact he's trying to apologize to people besides Demetri is something!!!
GOD this fucker Demetri can't go for more than like 5 minutes without being with Eli huh? Like literally as SOON as MD and EF take a break, Dem wanders over to talk to him. He can't stay away in the least
Random thing that might warrant analysis later!!! Demetri's kinda flipped from his S1 self. It used to be that he was way too terrified to stand up to his enemies (i.e. the library scene), but had no issue mouthing off at his friends when he thought they were being stupid. Now, he has no issues telling off people like Tory, but he does seem to have trouble standing up to his friends (i.e. Chris and Nate). My theory is that it's because Dem's learned the hard way that when he's too rude and snippy at his friends, losing them is a very real possibility. He kinda accidentally drove Eli away by not knowing when to stop being critical, and I think he has concerns about losing his new friends the same way.
HAHAHAHA MIGUEL YOU DUMBFUCK, there's all kinds of awkwardness between his mom and his sensei when he brings Ali up and it all flies right over the top of his cute little hairdo
Love that Sam at least tried to reach out to Robby. Like I knew damn well it wasn't going to go well, and it made my heart hurt, but Sam isn't giving up on her friends that easy!!! I do miss their friendship, but I can understand why it's prolly not gonna be a thing again.
Sam and Miguel just vibin as a couple, no petty contrived drama around that so far and I love that
Aight I don't hate Robby x Tory actually, they've both been through it and have rough family lives. It's nice to see both of them have at least one person to be there for them when they've lost pretty much everyone else.
Demetri and Eli bonding over sparring stages and highkey saving the dojo teamup solely through the power of being nerdy over martial arts. Like. The absolute perfect fusion of their old interests and their new interests.
"Eli's a design whiz" homeboy's so proud of his boyfriend I stg
The Bad:
Like I understand why he didn't for the reasons I talked about above but it still hurts!!!
Also Chris and Nate totally cockblocked my boys, for shame
I'm sure this will get me slain on the spot but I...honestly don't care that much about the Kreese/Silver relationship at the moment??? Like I think it's a cool plot for sure but at the moment it's getting more screen time than I would like XD I want more screen time dedicated to the combined dojos tbh, in all their chaos and dysfunction.
Besides, we know Silver's gonna end up coming back to CK, so dragging out the "reveal" of it seems kinda unnecessary
"WHAT!!!" you scream. "YOU'RE ONLY WATCHING THE SHOW FOR GAY HAWK AND DEMETRI MOMENTS!!!" You're right. I am. I'm a rat bastard who plays favorites with gay karate ships.
That's basically it this was a good episode
Stay tuned for more!!!
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the-blind-geisha · 2 years
the fact that you still remember that idea, about my Horseman stuff and Emmett being her steed. I get your feeling now, when I said I remember horse!Emmett. Thanks so much, dear. Silly little thing but it honestly means a lot (for a person who has a really bad memory). ah, so I see you're reusing the ideas. That's great! I like that idea, cuz he can always have something to protect himself with (and doesn't destroy his back by carrying that heavy shield xD).
haha, yeah! that's true. I managed to get my old blog back tho, but of course, changed the name Cx. I don't use it now cuz I made yet another blog! even after all those years, I still like to change accounts/names. I appreciate that you wanted to give me the name, truly <3
Oh my god, all of them? That's... that's so awesome. Makes me truly happy ; w ; just like the fact you still remember me <3
ah yes! it did use to be one word and you had something like 'teahouse' in it? (seriously someone did that sort of joke? effing rude). Ngl I tried to find your blog by putting that name first, but eh, I kinda forgot how it went xD. So I changed the approach and, ta-dam! I'm here!
Oh my good, Oreana! Delete these, right now! I've changed, I swear! I can make new ones! Better ones! /hj Seriously tho, it means so so so much for me, that you still kept them (even when they are so awful /hj). It really was fun to make those for you, just like it was fun to see you enjoying them <3
Not so sure about the rp (bad memory, yeah), but I agree, it was so damn long ago! Glad to hear you consider these good memories! ; w ; It's wonderful to catch up with you too! But I'm kinda not done, cuz we spoke about Overlord too! keke So, getting back to it: I know what you mean cuz I also got into anime first xD. Then, I picked the LNs and holy eff. I absolutely love the idea of the overpowered bad guy (well, Ainz is not exactly fully bad cuz he only cares about his 'children' from Nazarick but, you know what I mean xd). I picked my LN cuz I don't remember how things went with Demiurge(being Demiurge) and oh boy, he did firstly offer to kill her to prevent the information from getting outside XD. He did propose for her to work on his farm tho! (ngl lie when you said you thought Demiurge and Sebas would fight over what Tuare would do for Nazarick... I thought of some unexpected, sick threesome XD) Also, uhh, according to what he said later, I guess he wanted for her to cook food for the residents of the happy farm. You know, food made of other residents. (#justdemiurgethings). I wonder if that would be a true torture for Tuare. After all, she doesn't care much about humans right now. XD But yep, Overlord is so dark, it's such a nice change from all of those isekai-ed good dudes. Especially overpowered isekai-ed good dudes. I agree tho, out of context Overlord is the best (mm, ah yes, that plan? THAT plan? Yes, you're so smart Demiurge, so then I'll allow you to describe MY plan to everyone)
I been writing a bit more since these years ago. Even started a writing blog for Resident Evil (mop man Carlos <3). Not active for 2 years now, basically disappeared with small info xD. Nah, such writing isn't really for me. Still writing tho, but only rps. So hey, it's amazing to see you're still writing! <3
Read your post and, you got this, dear! don't let your mental state beat your ass. beat the mental state's ass! slaay! and feel better soon <3 take as much time as you need and focus on getting better!
Love youuuuuuuu! Thanks so much for your sweet words and all ; w ; (but delete these edits /still hj). Sorry for worrying you tho! But yep, I'm fine! And I'm so so glad you're fine too! - Pandemonium
(it's morning currently and I'm laughing to myself at how fast you accidentally exposed me XD)
X”D You'd be shocked at things I can and can't remember, truly. There are even a few passing anons in my life that I never got to meet out of anon, but I still treasured their continued interaction with me. Haha, I am glad you like the thought! I really wanted to reuse it somewhere, and Cheshire fit the bill being a tank like how Emmett was in that story idea. ♥
Of course, I do! I am happy you're still around! That brings me such relief.
LOL!! I cannot say I don't understand you, hon. All those old pieces of Emmett I gifted you? Oof, I could do WAY better now. I swear it! ♥
I will say that Overlord makes you want to cheer for the villains because so many of the good guys are so dang horrible. X”D But well, the villains have awesome designs and on top of that, are far more interesting?? I just love so much about how they feel. I dunno if you read fully about Renner and why Climb kind of kept her going, but she had debated just ending her self, because she was an intelligent young girl growing up around a bunch of idiots. I felt SO insanely bad for her. X'D;
You make an awesome point—makes me curious if she would care or not given how poorly she was treated. But she's a pure soul, and Tuare would be upset if innocents were harmed no doubt! HAH! A sick threeway. Oh man! XDD If Demiurge and Sebas ever had to share a woman, it would be funny.
I gotta admit: I love dark storytelling. Twisted characters make it all the more fascinating. ♥ It's why I'm so mad Demiurge is the one mainly putting everything into motion, but he gets like...no spotlight. X”D I'm so dang upset! Oof, Demiurge's over analyzing ass gets me every time! ♥♥
Oh man! That's awesome! I know the RP part. x'D I opened a Demiurge RP account on Twitter, and it's been fun when...I get on there to interact with folks. My biggest crushes in RE world are Leon and Claire. I'm so dreadful! LOL But the series holds such nostalgia for me. ♥♥ I love those games! RE 1 remake still holds up to this day. Love that game to pieces...even if I never beat it... C'x
Mawwr, thank you so much! ;^; Love you too!! Take care of yourself!
Hehehe, I can easily see through peeps. >3 ♥ (I'm kidding though, really. Some people just have that sort of soul I can sense through anon, and I'm glad for it!) ♥♥
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cleverasafox · 3 years
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Who needs a Cork? YOU need a Cork!
My friend and fellow artist, Meg, launched her Kickstarter campaign at 12 PM EST last night to launch her first plushie ever: the Cork!
What is a Cork, you may ask? It's a cute chonky corgi shark! HOW EFFING CUTE IS THAT?! You NEED this good boi in your life!
If you haven't heard of Meg and her mashies, I'm so sorry! She is a hella rad, super sweet person, and she is the creator of MegsMashables; mashables are one or more critter mashed together, sometimes along with a food item, to create a new critter. They are super cute! Sometimes a bit....wut....but cute! You can find her on TikTok/Instagram/Twitch/Etsy/Patreon and there's even a FB page for the mashies. Just type in MegsMashables or Meg's Mashables and bOOM.
D O I T. Your life will be much better for it, trust me.
ANYWHO, Meg needs our help! As previously stated, she launched her Kickstarter campaign last night and basically we have 29 days to hit her goal to make the Cork stuffie a reality! Backers who pledge on the first day (June 11th) get a discount on their cute new stuffie :D
Something Corky your way comes
If you are someone that LOVES plushies and cute critters, and are for backing small-business owners that are trying to make their dream a reality, or if you know anyone else that would be interested,, then please consider backing Meg and her cute little chonk and share this link around :) She's just an amazing human being, and she totally deserves this. I haven't known her for very long, but it feels like it's been a lifetime!
AND TO ADD SOME INCENTIVE; if you decide to back this awesome Kickstarter, leave a comment and inbox me a screenshot of your backer number and I will draw you whatever you want!
Within reason! Ya heathens XD
YA HEARD IT RIGHT THO: Adopt a Cork, get free art!
And if she hits her goal by or before July 11th, I wiiiiilllllll idk... think of something else to do as well. Maybe a big group picture or something I don't know.
SO GO FORTH. BACK THE CAMPAIGN. SPREAD THE WORD; make journals/posts/send your friends & family the link/tell others on different sites/bLOW THIS UP.
I know we can do it!!
Corkmmercial, if you will.
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murfpersonalblog · 4 months
IWTV S2 Ep2 Musings - KING LDPDL 🤴🏾
WTF was going on with Louis this episode!? My guy was frikkin FERAL! Jacob! The ACTEURE that you are~! 🤌 Sir Anderson! Eff an Emmy--he's British, someone KNIGHT this man already! 👑
Louis was deflecting AND flexing on Daniel, I could not WITHSTAND the charisma uniqueness nerve and talent!
Daniel was LITERALLY shaking in his boots--call in Dr Fareed again; whatever "medication" y'all gave him is wearing off.
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Armand, are you gonna give Daniel a CHOICE my guy?
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The LOUMAND of it all--they were SERVIIIIIIING~~~~
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These two banter like an old married couple, it's SO GOOD! ^0^
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Jacob/Louis has unleashed yet ANOTHER persona(lity): this heinous bougie AF trophy wife wench whom I absolutely LOOOOOOOVE. 😭
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The pretentious snobbery of it all. <3
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Armand and Lestat should be fed to a BLENDER! Stop ragging on my sweet baby Louis for not wanting to lay around killing/sexing all night! Then y'all get mad at him when he sits around the house all depressed, not wanting to go out and do anything but read books!
But Armand confronting Louis was so adorable--thinking they were either insulting the coven, or toying with them/playing hard-to-get.
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And Louis talking about how much Armand looked like a BOY playing dressup (just like Claudia)--he's so condescending sometimes, this 33-y/o who had to grow up too soon; vs. an ancient vampire who'll forever look too young. U_U
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Oh how the tables have turned; but history still repeats itself!
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It's so wild how with Loustat, Les was the one pretending to be a regular human, in his awkward frumpy clothes; while Lou was struggling to hold on to his high class status during their bidding war over Miss Lily ("admiration and emasculation"). But with Loumand, Louis' the one tryna pass as a regular human in his layman clothes, while Armand "masquerades" as Gentleman Death.
Both times, Lou has to contend with the power imbalances of two overpowered vampires outclassing him over & over again. But while Lou was hostile & offended by Les; he's scared & meek with Armand.
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He's been humbled & broken down so much, and he knows firsthand what older/ancient vampires are capable of--
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--esp. since Armand confronted Louis intending to threaten him (b4 he realized how pretty Lou was and changed his mind, LOL).
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But I do wonder how Louis sensed his "ancient power" exactly? Other than Claudia he's only been around Les & Daciana; so how could he tell? (I bet Daciana's as old Armand.) This was something that always irked me in the books, cuz TWMBK weren't sensed by Lestat until Marius brought him right up to them. Is it cuz Les was too young, or TWMBK just didn't bother projecting their presence to anyone?
Cuz we know Armand was always sending out signals with his Mind Gift (but he's a pro at it, ofc).
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Sometimes it seems humans can sense the undead better than the undead can; they can just tell something's OFF.
But I'm just curious exactly what Louis was feeling from Arma--oh wait!
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Yeah, never mind, stupid question! XD
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Lou's REACTION, I cackled. Chile, you know how cute you are, stop acting coy! XD The man was so painfully gorgeous in this episode, like--
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He wears neck ties like the French in France, y'all! 🤣 LOUIS! You're KILLING me! 😍 The Village is waiting!
Santiago's 100% right--I am COMPLICIT in the misery of others; I just wanna see Louis break down and have a total fit (and kill Daniel while he's at it--UNWORTHY in SanFran, UNWORTHY in Dubai!).
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DRAG HIM, LOUIS! Pack this closeted geriatric butch queen TF up!
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I have no clue WTF is going on here, but if Daniel hates it, then I LOVE IT; keep pulling humor from HIS pain for a change, yeah!
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My guy is UNHINGED, and I'm here for it!
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Armand, why are you INTERRUPTINGGGGGG??????? 😩
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Nevermind me, Armand, put him in his PLACE, yaas!
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dawnrider · 4 years
Spotify and your mind-reading. I was legit just about to go looking for this song, and it popped on my playlist all on its own.
I know it's not #Music Mondays, but I couldn't save it. This song is giving me hard feels for this Inuparents piece I started on the other night inspired by the collab @heavenin--hell and @loveyou-x3000 are working on. Which, other than those two teaser panels (X) (X), I know nothing else about. XD
But I ran with that little bit because my mind wouldn't leave it alone. Side note: writing canon "teenaged" Sesshoumaru is effing hard for me.
"Burned Away" Teaser:
“How long have I been here?”
“A few days now.”  He felt a slight shift in Sesshoumaru’s youki, a frisson of agitation along where it met his own. “Why?”
“Why what?”
A longer pause.  “Why would you risk yourself for that human?”
Touga blinked in surprise, no matter that it did nothing to clear his vision.  “What human?”  A tiny gasp from his vassal and even increased tension in Sesshoumaru’s youki told him what he’d said had been unexpected.  There was a pregnant pause as no one dared breathe for some reason.  Touga was tempted to push himself up and try and face his audience.  But the effort alone was too much and the pain of his burned back would not allow him movement.  “What human?” he demanded to know a little more urgently.  Something in him needed to know what his son was talking about, but he couldn’t recall why it was so important.
Sesshoumaru’s aura stirred, shifted, then seemed to harden.  Touga frowned at the feeling of unease it gave him.  “No human, father.  Nevermind.”
“Nevermind that, flea,” the younger inuyoukai snapped, interrupting him right away. “Rest father. I will take the jiijii to collect more of the healing waters from Bokuseno’s swamp.”
“They smell awful. Is that really necessary?” Touga barely kept from whining, his nose wrinkling with distaste. He heard a squeak as Myouga was collected from his side and the soft shuffle of Sesshoumaru’s boots across the floor.  “Son.” The boy paused.  “You would not hide something from me?”
“There is no need, Chichi-ue.” Then he was gone and Touga was left to ponder his choice of words.  No need?
@heavenin--hell , @loveyou-x3000 , Let me know if it's too... close.
@soliska , @superpixie42 (cuz you guys were enabling lol)
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intothewickedwood · 3 years
Once Upon A Time Rewatch: 6x16 Mother’s Little Helper
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I’m guessing this is the episode with the freaking Acromantula!
I bet Blue freaking gave baby Gideon to the Black Fairy. But if she didn’t why didn’t we get to see a fairy fight?!
Why does she kidnap Gideon though?
Emma, why are you whispering? 
I’m confused. Doesn’t the Black Fairy have his heart? But yet he’s trying to destroy her? You’d think she would have commanded him not to do that.
She is seriously twisted. Why is she kidnapping and enslaving children specifically? It’s okay. No spoilers please. I’d like to find out again as the season progresses.
Okay but the black fairy is really hot.
Poor Gideon. The black fairy loves to play mind games. 
It was said several times in previous seasons that Rumple created the Dark Curse. I suppose him not being the creator would explain why he had to go looking for it with the Queens of Darkness in 4b. I can only guess they mean that he made enough alterations to the curse for it to be considered his own creation.
Oh. I’m glad she freed the dragon. And omg the people of Storybrooke are free at last to travel out of town! It’s a Christmas miracle! 
Emma has a shed of potion ingredients now? I guess that’s from her Dark One days.
Oh my God, Henry has been possessed by Jor-El like Lionel Luthor!! 
Okay but seriously Henry feverishly scrawling symbols with glazed over eyes as if possessed is straight up from Smallville.
I love how excitable the Black Fairy act and how unpredictable her behaviour is.
Omg when I’m 28 there better be a fairytale town for me to go break a curse at.
How the hell did Gideon just create a portal like that? Enma herself just said that those take extreme magic to conjure and if Gideon had that he wouldn’t have wanted to kill Emma to gain her magic. This show is getting way too convenient with its plot points.
You know, all this time I thought Gideon was born with magic because of his father but that doesn’t make much sense since Rumple gained the Dark One’s powers in later life, so it’s not hereditary. At least, I guess it’s not. I think the Black Fairy taught him the art of magic much like how Rumple taught Cora and Regina, who both weren’t born with magic.
It’s Aragog!! 
Those poor kids.
Gideon x Roderick could have been a great love story. Missed opportunity! Anyway, Gideon is gay. There is no doubt in my mind.
That spider’s got booty!
Emma’s saviour magic can ‘slice’ into other realms now?! The lore this season is just all over the place. Everything is way too convenient and retconned! The writers have forgotten their own rules! 
Oh, he was gonna channel her magic with the sword that he wanted to kill her with. That makes more sense. But Rumple had that sword all that time and he loves power. I’m surprised he didn’t kill more magic users with it to gain their powers. Or maybe he did.
Hamilton tickets xD!
Somehow a giant spider isn’t nearly as terrifying to me as a normal sized spider lol.
I think this one’s bigger than Aragog.
Wtf Gideon?!
He betrayed her! I thought you were bros!
Why couldn’t he have just accepted her help? 
What? Why are there still lost boys? Pan is dead and didn’t all the lost boys go to Storybooke on the flying Jolly Roger?
I can’t stop laughing at Emma being mummified by that web x’D
Omg that one post where they said Emma was just trying on her wedding dress here!! I’m screaming! They aren’t wrong!
This is so funny! I can’t!
Rumple can blast magic now? I don’t think we’ve ever seen him do that.
Wow. She’s so freaking abusive. Like, even Pan didn’t treat kids this badly. It’s weird that both Rumple’s parents gather as many kids as they can but not their son. I guess the Black Fairy couldn’t for some reason but it’s just a weird coincidence. 
So Gideon lied about freeing the children? Or he meant that the children would be free from the Black Fairy once she was freed?
I honestly think they shouldn’t have brought back Neverland if it wasn’t going to be the jungle it once was. It just doesn’t feel like Neverland. 
Some lost boys stayed? How comes there’s so many of them here because the number of them would suggest 3 quatres of them stayed. Why bring Felix with them on the boat if he could have just stayed, then?
Isaac: “I’m guessing the Hamilton tickets are a no?….No one’s magic’s that powerful.” So true.
Wait. So the book didn’t end in the EF? I think this may have been addressed in s4.
Bye Isaac. Hope you get your Hamilton tickets! Go see Wicked for Zelena! 
Oh yes!! Awake next week! Love that episode! Snowing centric!!
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Aileen, Yugi and Mokuba?
Sexuality HC: 💗💜💙
Favorite ship(s): Aileen/Seto, Amane/Aileen, Roland/Aileen
Brotp: (grownup)Mokuba/Aileen, Aileen/her cousin Mike Shinoda because I do what I want
Notp: i don't rly have any NoTPs with her but that's mostly because i'm the only one active in her fandom so i never have to see any bs wrong takes on ships involving her XD on the other hand, i can't rly imagine her in any ships BUT the ones i listed above, so... *shrug emoji*
Happy HC: the sooner the realizes that Seto doesn't give much of a fuck about stuff like cheating, the better for her and the happier her marriage (or divorce) and life in general will be.
Angsty HC: that one timeline where she puts effort into her marriage and neglects her friends and remaining family in favor of Seto who at some point will be stuck so deep in his own head again that he kinda forgets about her... well. that's a more angsty timeline in which she'll end up very very lonely
Random HC: she and her dad moved back to Domino when she was 17/18 and got into business with the KC again. her dad suddenly died shortly after that tho, before she even had her first day at her new school, which is how she ended up getting pretty close to Seto (and by extension Mokuba) - she just didn't know anyone else in town yet.
General opinion: my beautiful angel darling child Sue 💖✨
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Sexuality HC: 💗💛💙
Favorite ship(s): Anzu/Yugi! ... and tbh also still Ati/Yugi but like. in a way where looking at pretty much anything anyone else in fandom does with it gives me absolutely nothing; the only thing that still tickles me about it is my own nostalgia and the theoretical potential of this ship
Brotp: Jou/Yugi, Anzu/Yugi
Notp: Seto/Yugi bc wHY
Happy HC: Yugi getting his happily ever after is canon, so... *shrug emoji*
Angsty HC: i genuinely don't have any for him lol
Random HC: no. really. Yugi doesn't give that much of a fuck about Seto. like, he cares for him and worries about him like he worries about any other random person on the street. they do not have any kind of relationship or dynamic aside from "yeah, we both miss this one dude but in completely different ways". that's it. Yugi is just Ati's former vessel to Seto and Seto is just some very dramatic dude who he wishes all the best but like, from afar to Yugi. ... wait, you asked about headcanons, not canon canon. uhm. oops? :P
General opinion: a good boy!
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Sexuality HC: 💗💜💙
Favorite ship(s): grownup!Mokuba/Jou; i also kinda like the aesthetic of YBakura/Mokuba but i don't rly have a dynamic for them in mind
Brotp: Roland/Mokuba, Rebecca/Mokuba
Notp: Seto/Mokuba if shipped as uwu (if shipped as effed up it's nice tho)
Happy HC: assuming Seto died for good at the end of DSOD, once Mokuba has gotten over that as much as one could get over this kinda thing, i think he's gonna grow into a mostly healthy person by the time he's like, idk, in his thirties. someone who does good with all that money and has friends he genuinely trusts and all that. he deserves that.
Angsty HC: assuming nothing changes and Mokuba will just stay with Seto as is, it's gonna keep fucking him up. because at one point it will change from "he's my big brother, he cares for me, we're in this together!" to "he's my brother and i realize he literally has no one aside from me who takes care of him, makes sure he has a routine in which food intake is a thing, and who fixes some of the bs he does with the KC". and that kinda codependency is like, the opposite of healthy.
Random HC: as a teen/young adult he leaves Domino and travels the world a bit before studying whatever floats his boat at multiple international universities. some degrees he finishes, some he doesn't. and when he comes back - because he will, because he knows the KC needs him - he will have grown in ways his brother never will
General opinion: the better CEO and overall better man
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inventors-fair · 4 years
The Big Splash: Group Commentary pt3
Final part of the group commentary
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@starch255​ Instant speed mass Reality Acid? Sign me up! Though I got to admit that it would be challenging to keep track of the permanents over the course of three turns.
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@deafeningsandwichpeach​ I asked for splashy, but you kinda emptied the sea with this design XD Using two of the requested mechanics was a sweet surprise but I think you let your enthusiasm take over. I dislike the fact that the regular effect mills, while the fateful hour one exiles, not that it matters all that much since the targeted player is going to die after it resolves 99,9% of the time. Also in black, you can manipulate your life total very easily, so the fateful hour effect won’t feel as much as a miraculous comeback, but as a suicidal victory.
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@kavinika​ I really like the approach and the flavor behind your design, but I think we all agree the setup is rather easy, and the fact that this is on a land makes it hard for your opponent to interact. If this text appeared on a creature, it would be a different story.
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@fractured-infinity​ One of the most wild designs we got for the contest! Being in the group commentary is merely a power level issue, but overall I think that a card like this has to be printed at at one point if we wish to see cipher back. I can understand you tried to set a limit with low cost spells, but a great amount of them can be a real pain. If I were to make a deck with this bad boy, I would put in brainfreeze for the memes
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@nine-effing-hells​ A pretty elaborate design with a matching flavor text. But if one does the math, for 10 mana for example, you get a 4/4 creature that can put 4 counters on up to four targets. It’s not bad by any means but I think there are better effects in these colors.
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@corporalotherbear​ A great card all around, playable for both effects and boy is the fate hour bonus effect epic or what!
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@dimestoretajic​ I like the idea of caring about encoded creatures, and giving evasion makes things all the job all two easy. The actual effect is very good, ( Last thoughts cries in a corner) but you can attack with unblockable every other turn. That  alone could justify the card being a little more expensive.
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@teaxch​ Third and final fateful hour card that makes you invincible (ok four, I was about to use one as my example design too) Not much to add here, I really like the flash in this one, which is perfect if you want to trick one opponent after they commit a lot of resources to take you down.
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@jsands84​ THE MAD REFERENCE,THE EASTER OF THE CENTURY. Like seriously, I thought I only knew of this card because I like future sight, but even I didn’t notice it right away.. Speaking about Patrician’s Scorn. When you get off the hype train though, you can see Patricia is more of a 99 card to help you clean up a few targets here and there, but the thought behind this card could lead to many interesting designs.
Pro tip. If you wanna run the actual card in a deck, remember it’s an instant that only requires you cast a white spell earlier this turn, and that means you can use it on the same stack, without caring if the first white spell has resolved yet!
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@ignorantturtlegaming​ From adorable Disney princess to Miss “steal yo creatures”! That’s what I call character development! Her ability untaps herself too, but at this point, an extra 1/1 won’t make that much of a difference XD A very solid design overall!
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@deg99 This flagbearer came out of nowhere, not gonna lie! Although it feels it won’t have a great impact in the game, as it’s literally asking to die like the family tradition suggests, the mechanics are brilliant and unique!! Well Played!
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@stormtide-leviathan​ And for the grand finale, another beautiful haunt card! While other haunt cards were attrition oriented, this one promotes haunting your guys and be aggressive. This change of pace goes to show that there’s a lot of design space to explore! I really like how you tackled the issue that haunt cards exile themselves so they are in dire need of recursion, but some technical details drag this design. Remember, Haunt can appear in practically any creature type (there are two sorceries irl) and also your opponent can haunt your creatures too, so that means the card requires some minor tweaks to play better.
Thanks everyone for participating! See you soon!
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