#how have a great dya!!!!
anemonet · 1 year
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lizzy!!! what
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hearties-circus · 1 year
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Have I drawn them being weird yet I don't think I have
[Milo: vi/vir, she/her, pier: no pronouns]
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absolutechaosss · 3 months
Do you ever go insane thinking about how every member of Laios' party is extremely atypical for their species, but a lack of exposure and understanding smoothes out these differences and makes everyone think they're the "typical" representation.
Senshi is terrible with other dwarves since he has no practical interest in mining or weapons craft. We cannot know this until Namari and later, Senshi's backstory are introduced. When we see him interact with dwarves, it's awkward and clear there's a fundamental disconnect.
Chilchuck is incredibly tall for a half foot and as such has to manage his weight more than other half foot dungeoneers so he doesnt set off traps. The first detail takes the changlings to properly understand, the second is referenced in text but is fully explained in additional materials. It is plot relevant that people who don't have the exposure to half foots might not even realize they're their own species.
Marcille as a half elf is kind of obvious to many of the elves who encounter her and they're deeply cruel and assume she's driven by a desire to be able to have children but the party never notices and Senshi especially thinks of her as a typical elf even though in truth she's so outcast she could never dine with her mother at the queens table.
Laios and Falin are a bit more complicated, since we as the audience do have context for most of tallman culture, since it mirrors our own mostly, but both of them have magical aptitude that both people like Marcille, who has a lot of access to mana and people like Chilchuck, who has very little and no magical training, fail to understand how isolating it is to have that much potential and aptitude.
Arguably Toshiro and Namari fall into this as well. Toshiro looks like the embodiment of the silent but noble warrior, but his own party and extra material confirm that he's abnormally shy and introverted, something that makes it hard for him even in his own family. Meanwhile Namari is able to stand on her own as a weapons expert and "typical" dwarf, but total dwarves who are total strangers like Dya know who she is and resent her.
Arguably a lot of dungeon meshi is about peeling back layers and assumptions not working out, but it's so great that every member of the core party gets interpreted by others (and maybe the reader) as "typical", especially with the skills line up, as a human fighter, halfling rogue, and an elven mage are so basic a stereotype. But none of are able to achieve that standard. These assumptions and misunderstandings only thrive because each party member is so inexperienced with both the biology and culture of the others. The only way they gain context is either interacting with a wider pool of people or experiencing it for themself. Everything in this story is so layered and I love it.
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One thing I do like about TOTJ's take on Dooku's fall is that it really highlights that the Dark Side makes you absolutely masochistic. (Mega long post ahead).
One thing TOTJ establishes is that Qui-Gon's death is absolutely on Dooku (no matter if the show itself doesn't seem to be aware of it).
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His tone is concerned and his attitude sympathetic and supportive, but he knows. He knows it's a Sith Lord (he even knows Maul's name). He knows Qui-Gon almost died and is marching right into another trap, but he asks questions anyway and affects ignorance.
"I've been warning them about the coming darkness for years," he says, "never to be taken seriously." Using the Council's skepticism as an occasion to complain about how they didn't believe him while lying by omission is a great case of that hypocrisy Dooku loves denouncing in others. Dooku would rather Qui-Gon share his disillusionment with the Jedi than actually do anything to help Qui-Gon. The Council don't believe him? Okay, Dooku, but YOU DO. You can just tell him what's going on.
But he doesn't.
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On some level, Dooku has to be aware of what's about to happen. Qui-Gon is walking into grave danger, and Dooku's response to that - before it happens, when there is still time to stop it - is to put the blame on the people who don't know shit while not doing shit himself. (Why can't Dooku be there to protect Qui-Gon, other than because he's already slavishly loyal to Sidious' plans?)
And this moment puts every subsequent action of Dooku's throughout the Prequels in perspective - particularly his relationships with Obi-Wan, Ventress and Yoda.
Dooku is a glutton for punishment.
I've written here about why I think the 'Box' from TCW 4x17 is meant to parallel Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon's mission on Naboo. The dioxis, ventilation shafts, the catwalks and lightsabers, the ray shields, the fire pit... Dooku's idea of a test to find the best mercenaries around is to have them survive what killed Qui-Gon (what he allowed to happen).
During the challenge, it's pretty obvious he starts to suspect Hardeen is Obi-Wan.
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Or at the very least, he's taking an interest in the man who supposedly killed Qui-Gon's own apprentice - Dooku's spiritual grandson (see RotS novelization), whom he's been trying very hard to either recruit or kill himself. And what does he do with that interest? Tries to push "Hardeen" to kill Eval in anger.
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Dooku, who still mourns the Padawan he knowingly let walk away to his death, watches a pantomime of his Padawan's death, while putting in mortal danger all he has left of said apprentice. If he knows Hardeen is Obi-Wan (and it's pretty obvious that he does), he tries to get Obi-Wan to Fall (or potentially die) in a scenario reenacting Qui-Gon's death. If he doesn't know for sure, then he's encouraging his all but grandson's killer to win the tournament because he admires him (for killing someone Dooku wanted by his side).
Whatever the outcome, Dooku chooses to relive his guilt and chooses to make the same choice to kill his loved one all over again, even though we know he hates that he made this choice:
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He misses Qui-Gon and needs him but tries to kill or destroy Obi-Wan, whom he needs and wants by his side. (I haven't counted just how many time he does try killing Obi-Wan in TCW while still expressing his indefectible admiration for him - it's frequent, the Box just stands out to me as one of the most noteworthy occasions.)
And he keeps doing stuff like that!! He keeps choosing the path that causes him the most pain. He does it with Sifo-Dyas, he does it with Yaddle, he does it with Yoda and he does it with Ventress.
Just look at him confronting Sidious about Qui-Gon's death:
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He KNOWS following Sidious got Qui-Gon murdered and he KNOWS Sidious will continue to kill or order him to kill people close to him. And yet he's quick to reassure Sidious that this doesn't change anything. Securing his position with Sidious matters more than his rage and grief. The ONLY WAY this behavior makes sense is if Dooku is fully aware that he had a choice about Qui-Gon's fate, and decides that this is the path he's on now: Sidious might make him kill everyone he cares about, but he's going to do it. Every time, things will play out the same.
Sidious tells him to kill Ventress, his new apprentice? Sure, why not!
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(And it's not even out of true loyalty for Sidious, because he constantly tries to double-cross him later on. It's pure self-destruction:)
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He hates it, Sidious promises him more of it, and he goes along with it!
This is why Yaddle's attempts at bringing him back don't work, in my opinion:
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"Whatever lies he's told you, whatever you have done, you can make up for it now by bringing him to justice." This might convince a man who is looking for atonement, except Dooku isn't. He is looking for punishment.
Killing or harming those close to him leaves him broken, furious or in pain? He'll just keep doing it.
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Sidious offers him nothing more than agonizing slavery? He'll keep on kneeling.
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That's when Yaddle literally offers him the Light - the light that is so much more powerful than the Dark that it has Sidious cowering, the light that can save him if he wants - Dooku just strikes her down, even though he was heartbroken over thinking he had killed her just a moment ago.
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He chooses to kill her, regrets it and hates himself for it, and chooses to kill her again. HE KEEPS MAKING THE CHOICE THAT HE KNOWS WILL HURT.
His remedy to guilt is to pick a shovel, because by God if he hasn't hit rock bottom yet he's going to dig!
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captainlondonman · 1 month
They came out of the barber’s. J-Boi’s hair had gone. His scalp was gleaming and he felt like a Skin at last even with Wayne’s Hi Viz gear on. As they walked along the road he felt his cock swinging against the cum stained Hi Viz trousers and that immediately made him feel horny and want some more action. He was so wanting a fuck when they got home.
‘Right J-Boi it’s the Tat shop for you now. All us Skins need our tats and this is your first of many. I’ll decide what and where, got it?’
‘Sure master. . All I want is to feel a real skin like you’
They went down a back street and in through a small doorway. A bell sounded as they went in.
‘You there Joe?’
J-Boi could not believe who came through the opening. A burly 6ft. Skin in bleachers and black DMs laced up almost to his knees. He had no top on other than a leather waistcost. His arms and entire chest right up around his neck and on to his scalp were covered in tattoos, every imaginable design. No sign of any women on the tats. All the Skin signs you could think off. He had piercing blue eyes and a thick neck and what could be taken as a broken nose from all the fights he had been in. However J-Boi’s eyes moved down to his bleachers and stretching down his left leg was a thick tool. It looked as if Joe had been playing with himself as it was definitely partly rigid.
‘So is this yer boi Wayne?
‘Sure is Joe, what dya think?’
‘Not bad. Def needs a few tats and we can make him more like one of us. He’ll need these before we take him to meet the other lads and have a good punch up. Nothing like a fight with the baseball bats eh? So what’s his first tat Wayne?
‘Give him a cross on his neck and SKIN on his knuckles. That’s a good start. Ok Boi?’
‘Sure thing’
J-Boi sat on the chair with Joe facing him his legs apart so J-Boi could stare at his crotch. Watching that cock lessened the pain. Wayne knew exactly what JBoi was looking at and his own hand moved up and down his own dick, feeling excited at what was going on.
When he had finished Joe took a mirror and showed J-Boi.
‘It won’t look good now but once the scabs are off mate you will feel like one of us.’
‘I do already, Joe and it feels fucking great I can tell ya.’
‘Well, Wayne, you know I don’t charge for the first tat but I do expect a bit of service’
‘No probs there Joe, I’ve been watching Boi and he can’t take his eyes off that cock of yours. He loves sucking and knows how to make you cum in buckets, so sit there Boi and watch Joe get that stiff dick of his out for you.’
Joe stood and planted both booted feet in front of Boi, pressing his meaty hand around his cock which had fully spread down his bleachers showing an almighty massive bulge
‘Fuck man I’m now so fucking horny jus hope I can get my dick out for you boi.’  
He unzipped and stuck his hand way down his bleachers. As his head got to the top so his tool sprang out in front of Boi’s face.
‘Shit man that’s big even for my throat. But I want it and I can already see your precum oozing out.
Boi lent forwards and grabbed his big balls ,massaging them so he could feel all the juice Joe had for him. He licked around the head taking the precum but smelling the cock which hadn’t been washed in days. How he loved cheesy unwashed cocks. Boi eased Joe’s foreskin back to reveal a thick gleaming head. God how he wanted that dick.
Joe took hold of Boi’s head.
‘Forget the pussyfooting Boi, I want my prick down yer throat so get started and no gagging’
Boi allowed his head to be moved down the shaft. He wanted to gag but his throat kept opening to take in the full length. His spit was oozing down his chin as Joe forced his cock further and further in until Boi could feel Joes thick dark curly pubes rubbing against his face.
‘Shit man you know how to take cock. Not many can take my full length. So start working.’
Still holding Joe’s balls and squeezing them hard he moved his mouth up and down the full length of the shaft at first slowly and then as he could feel Joe groaning so he moved faster and faster, sucking and allowing a fast flow of spit to run down the length.
As Boi moved his eyes away from Joe’s cock, he saw that Wayne was standing beside him, having pulled his dick out of his bleachers.
‘I told you Joe the Boi knows how to suck. It’s the best blow job you’ll get for a while.’
‘Too bloody right this guy’s amazing. Looks like your enjoying watching.’
‘Fuck man seeing that big dick of yours getting sucked off would make anyone wank. I’m cummin with you mate.
Hearing all this dirty talk made Boi suck even harder he wanted all that sackfull of Joe’s down his throat and feel Wayne’s cum spurting over him.
‘Fuck man I’m cumin,’ shouted Joe, ‘shit man, take it all I want to see you retching with my spunk. Here it comes.’
‘Me too’ shouted Wayne , his hand rubbing faster and faster down his shaft
‘Fuuckinn hell here it comes.’
And with that Joe shot wad after wad down Boi’s throat so much it was spilling out his mouth and running down his chin on to his Hi Viz jacket.
‘Shiiit man here’s mine.’ yelled Wayne, as spurt after spurt shot down across Bois face, thick creamy spunk running down the side of Bois face and onto his jacket
Both men leant back in exstacy . Wayne leant forward and rubbed the remaining drop of spunk across Boi’s face while Joe pulled his cock out and shook it before stuffing it back into his bleachers.
‘Fucking hell man that was the best. You Boi are the best sucker around. Tell you what I’ll give your next two tats for free if you can do that again.’
‘You’re on Joe. I’ll be back soon so I can get as many tats as Master. I just wanna look more and more like him.’
‘Well Boi you’ve earned a few beers, lets get going and pick up a few. I promised to get you into my skin gear so lets get going.’
They were hardly out of the shop when Wayne lit up and shoved the fag into Boi’s mouth and then opened a can and started slurping.
‘Fuck I need that. Boi let the fag hang out the side of yer mouth. You’re a Skin now remember. Get this can down your throat, you must be fucking needing that after that blow job on Joe.’
They got into Wayne’s flat and Boi followed Wayne into the bedroom. What a mess. Clothes everywhere but all Skin clothes, T shirts and bleachers all of different shades lying on a bed that was covered in a large black rubber sheet
Along the floor were several oxblood and black Doc Martens of differing heights and either yellow, red or white boot laces.  At the end of the line were rubber boots, knee length and waders.
Right Boi get yer Hi Viz gear off and get into the gear you’ll be wearing all the time. You’re a Skin and you will only ever wear what I say and it will all be skin stuff
Boi did as he was told while Wayne searched the bed for the gear he wanted Boi to wear. He threw a pair of bleachers and dirty socks.
‘Start with that Boi’
As Boi struggled to get on the bleachers, his cock was already half erect knowing they belonged to Wayne and he wanted his cock to look as good as Waynes who always had his stuffed down one leg.
Wayne took out some talc from a drawer and sprinkled it into a shiny black rubber T shirt.
‘Now get that on. Us skins luv rubber’
Boi put it one feeling it tight against his skin. It was hot but it only made him feel more horny.
‘Now get on these Oxblood Docs. After that lets see you in the mirror.’
When he had laced up Wayne pulled Boi over to the full length mirror.
‘Now look at yerself. A goddammed fucking Skin eh. That’s what you want eh? Looking at that fucking stiff dick of yours tells me you love it. Shaved head and that cross on the side of your neck.  Brill. I’ll need to think what next. The rubber T shirt shows off your pecs Boi.’
Wayne handed Boi a rubber apron and said
‘Get that on around you while I take off my boots and then we’ll finish you off.
Once his boots were off Wayne got hold of the waders and pulled them on the tops coming up to his thighs. He opened the drawer again and took out a rubber hood and large black rubber dildo which looked just like a real black cock.
‘Get the hood on Boi. Youll love the smell of the rubber’
Boi put on the hood with neck and Wayne stood behind and zipped. There were eye slots and a mouth slit.
‘Smell that fucking rubber Boi.’
Boi felt this was what he always wanted. The strong small of rubber all over his face. Every breath was deep so he could take in the full stench of rubber. He felt Wayne’s prisoner, subjected to whatever he wanted. The hood was totally moulded to his shaved head.
Now put the sheet on the floor
While JBoi did as he was told, Wayne put on a pair of full length black rubber gloves that stretched all the way up his tattooed arms.
‘We skins luv fucking rubber don’t we?’
‘Yes master’
‘Get down on the fucking floor on yer knees and stick out yer tongue, now. I’ve plans for you, you fucking dirty pig, my fucking pig.’
Taking Bois rubber hooded head in his rubber gloves he bent down and let a huge gob of spit onto Bois tongue
‘So start cleaning my fucking boots’
Boi lay down with Wayne’s foot on his head and starting with Wayne’s gob he used his tongue to wipe over the rubber boots. As he used up the spit so he used his own spit to cover the boots. He loved the taste of the rubber in his mouth
‘Fucking tongue, Boi. I want to see these boots shine.’
He kept pushing down his foot on Boi’s head and told him to sit up and changed to the other boot again giving Boi another gob of spit to get him started.
In between barking his orders Wayne was opening and downing cans of beer belching as he swallowed.
‘Christ you really are my fucking Boi. I’m needing a fuckin piss now, loads of piss in me cock boy and you’re going to swallow the whole fucking lot . Unzipping he put his rubber gloved hand down his bleachers and pulled out his semi erect cock.
Moving forwards he rubbed it across the hood, letting it pause as it passed Bois tongue.
You’re gonna luv my piss Boi so open yer mouth and let yere tongue out, a Golden shower is about to hit you straight in the face
With that Wayne let out a stream of steaming hot piss aiming a Boi’s mouth who slurped down as much as he could, feeling the heat of the piss in his throat the rest running down his hood onto his apron and then the rubber sheet on the floor
‘Fuckin hell man you luv my piss’
More and more from all his cans streamed out drenching Boi his hood and apron gleaming from the piss.
‘I fucking needed that’
Then taking some lube and smearing it along the rubber dildo he pulled Boi up and turned him around so he was facing the mirror.
These bleachers of yours have a nice hole at yer arse. Jus perfect for you. Means even when fully dressed as a Skin you can always be fucked.
Using his gloved hand he start slowly pushing it between Boi’s cheeks spreading them with his gloves.
‘Stick that arse of your out further so you can take it’
Wayne decided this Boi needed a good fast fuck so no need to take time. He rammed the dildo up Bois arse causing him to yell out but at the same time the burning sensation only made him want to take more.
‘You fucking luv that mate don’t you.’
‘It’s fucking amazing master.’
Using one hand to push the dildo up and then back Wayne started wanking his now rigid dick with the other gloved hand.
‘I fucking luv wanking with me rubber gloves on. Hope you’re luving this boi.’
‘Shit man I’m about to cum in my bleachers’
‘That’s what I want Boi, see your cum oozing out and down yer leg.
‘Fuck I’m about to cum too. Lets do it together. Are you ready, shit seeing this dildo go all the way up yer arse is amazing,’ Wayne said his rubber hand moved faster and faster up his shaft.
‘I’m ready.’
‘Christ me too.’
With that Boi spurted his load in his bleachers the spunk oozing out the rest staining his leg. Wayne’s spunk shot out over Boi’s bleachers , wad after wad.
‘Fucking hell, Boi you learn fast.’
Wayne struck up a fag and put it through the rubber hood slot into Bois mouth.
‘You deserve that.’
Wayne fucked Boi twice during the night, Boi only wanting to please and Wayne only too keen to shaft him with his meaty dick.
‘I’ve got a job for you Boi. You need to get into my Hi Viz and report for work. Get my Rubber boots on as you will be getting dirty. I’m staying here as I’m shagged out after so much fucking and anyway I need to build up my cum for your return. So get into yer gear now.’
‘Yes Master’
Boi put on all the dirty cum stained Hi Viz gear and finally the rubber boots which immediately made him feel horny
‘Watch it J-Boi, I can your dick getting stiff in your gear. Bet it’s the boots you love. Now fuck off to work while I have a doze and a few ciggies.’
J-Boi went off to the building site as directed by Wayne . There was no one around but a large concrete dump truck was sitting next to the Portacabin. J-Boi knocked on the door of the Portacabin.
‘Who the fuck is there?’ a voice boomed
‘Wayne sent me to work for you’
‘Oh its fucking J-Boi then’
The door opened.
Fuckin hell standing in front of J-Boi was Big Jim, exactly as he had dreamt only a few days ago.. How the hell could it be the same. One was a dream but this was reality. But it was him. The same height, the same beer gut the same hairy hands and bushy beard.
‘You fucking know who I am don’t you J-Boi. Yes Big Jim.’
J-Boi stood there gobsmacked. His dream had come true but if was not he who was Big Jim.
‘Stop fucking staring J-Boi there’s work for us to do now, take this shovel and get over there behind the cement mixer as we have to spread out all this mix. Big Jim led the way as the mixer raised up the slurry and released what seems like tons of sloppy concrete.
‘Watch me and do the same and well get this done quickly.’
Thank God Wayne had told him to wear the rubber boots as he found himself standing deep in concrete slurry trying to spread as quickly as he could. But using the shovel his entire Hi Viz gear was totally spattered in slimy concrete even across his face.
J- Boi was happy. He enjoyed being a dirty workie and shit was he dirty.
Christ its hard work but fucking great he thought as he took his arms across his face to wipe of some sweat and snot.
Time for a cuppa, J-Boi, you’ve done a good job for a new lad. Let’s get you into the Portacabin.
Once inside Big Jim said
‘Bloody dirty work ain’t it. Covered in fucking dirt and cement. Get you jacket off, I’m taking mine off
As Big Jim unzipped his Hi Viz jackt, J-Boi caught sight of his body
What a big hairy bear
Thick black hair covered his entire chest spreading up from his beer belly right up to his neck and over his massive shoulders and down his back.
J-Boi had never seen anyone as hairy and felt conscious of his own downy hair. The hair spread down his massive arms which underneath were fully tattooed. He was heavy, hairy and had his beer gut fall over his Hi Viz trousers. Exactly like the dream.
‘Like what you see?. All that work has made me horny.’ Big Jim said rubbing his thick hand down his crotch. ‘Why don’t you come over and give me rub and feel the length.’
J- Boi stood with his hand out and gently touched Big Jim’s prick .
‘That ain’t what I call a rub. Grab it through my Hi Viz gear and feel the size and meat,’ he shouted grabbing himself and showing what he had, the trousers tenting with his erection.
J -Boi seeing the hard outline couldn’t then keep his hand away and grasped the cock shaking it and then rubbing down the full thick shaft
‘That’s some big cock you have there, Big Jim
‘Sure is but you know that don’t you. No point in just looking at my mighty bulge why don’t you unzip me and get it out. I like guys to do a bit of work so they know what they are getting.’
J -Boi unzipped and thrust his hand down the inside hardly able to get his whole hand around the dick.
How the hell am I going to get this monster out it seems all the way down his leg, J -Boi thought.
‘Now you’ve felt the size let me whip it out, ‘Big Jim said pushing J-Boi’s hand away.
With one almighty yank his cock sprang out and straight up fully erect with some precum already showing on the tip of his head.
‘That’s better , now have a good look at this. You love it eh? Come over here.’
J-Boi did as he was told, there was no option..
‘Turn around.’
As J Boi turned around so Big Jim took down the trousers to see a good  arse with full well rounded cheeks.
‘Now that’s an arse waiting for a fuck if ever I saw one. No point in hanging around is there?’
He leant over his belly and let a huge gob of spit fall onto his shaft, slowly massaging it to make is ready to take J-Boi’s arse.
‘That’s it bend forward and relax. The more you relax the easier it will be, just the first push as my head enters your crack.
J -Boi bent forwards as Big Jim directed his cock, and gently pulled J-Boi in towards his shaft.
‘Fucking Hell, I don’t know if I can take it.’
‘Shut it, you’ll soon be groaning wanting every inch up to your hilt.’
There was no stopping Big Jim, hearing J-Boi made him more determined to fuck the living daylights out of him.
With his head in so he brought back the boy further and further in to him
‘Tell you what I think you need an extra bit of stimulation to help.’
With his belly touching J-Boi’s arse Big Jim brought his thick hands around his body and with those large workie hands starting on J-Boi’s  tits, rubbing them at first gently between his fingers and then pinching them a little pulling his hands out so the tits felt hot and throbbing.
J-Boi started groaning, his arse automatically moving further and further up Big Jim’s shaft.
‘Oh so you like your tits done. Good boy, that’s it let me feel my dick right up to the top of your arse. By the way love the skinhead look and tats. I’ll speak to Wayne about others he can give you.
J -Boi was almost lifted off the ground being speared by Big Jims prick, his back now rubbing against a thick hairy chest, and a pair of hairy hands working more and more on his tits.
Shit this was better than any dream.
‘Ok Boi it now time for your to move up and down and let me release all my spunk inside you.
Big Jim slowly moved his cock as far back he could them he rammed it up so J-Boi could feel his hairy belly slam against his arse. Feeling all the thick hair made J-Boi so bloody horny with what seemed like a truncheon slamming away up his arse.
‘You fucking love that cock of mine boi, yer taking it like a real man, a real fucking Skin and shit those tits of yours are loving all my workin. That’s it boi push right back let me feel yer smooth arse against me belly
Big Jim slammed his cock harder and harder, J- Boi arching his body back to take every inch of that monster.
‘Fuck Boi I’m cumin, go on wank yerself so we cum together that dick of yours looks ready to take off its so fucking hard.’
‘Jesus Jim I’m there so unload all yer spunk inside me I want to feel it gloing all the way to my mouth and out. Fuck me, fuck me
‘You fucking little bitch you’re about to get all my seed.’
‘Right man , here I cum. Fuckinnnnn hell .’
Both came together J -Boi spurting all over the floor and Big Jim’s like a bloody deluge spunking all the way up J-Boi’s arse.
‘Christ Boi that’s one of the best fucks I’ve had in ages.’
‘Best cock I’ve had.’
‘Too fucking right boi. Tell you what tomorrow at lunch break I’m taking you to me mates to get some tit rings. All good Skins have them but with your tits you’ll love them. Make sure Wayne comes with you so we can have a threesome. Want to see him suck you off while I have another go up that arse of yours.
So before you go youd better wipe up all that cum of yours over the floor.’
‘What’s the smile for?’
‘I’ve just had a dream come true, been fucked by you with that monster dick, now have my Master and become a Skin who lives like a dirty workie in full Hi Viz then skin gear after. It’s not going to get any better. No more fucking wanking, I have the real thing and loads of it. What a fucking great life.
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thatdeadaquarius · 2 years
How about Benny in SAGAU? Like a continuation with Razor?? We do not talk about your growing found family 😤
Like, how would be his 'unluckiness'? Dya cancel it or you get pulled with his shenanigans? I feel like he might introduce you to his Dads no, we are still not going to talk about it 😤😤
A little scenario kept getting into my head when Benny applies Pyro and then Razor used his Electro and y'all got yer asses pounded on the ground 💀👌🏻and just taking care of each other's wounds 🥺🥺
You better be with him whenever he opens a chest so it wouldn't only spawn veggies, but decent weapon AND mora as well! You know, actual treasures, HOYO!!
This kid also arguably needs more parental supervision just bc of his sheer bad luck, poor kid
(i adore the headcanon that no matter the person's gender, he calls them dad lol)
Like,, hoyo cursed him and he's in a world with traps, monsters, fatui, MAGIC?? 💀 bro how is Benny still alive??!!
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Okay but the fact that Benny calls so many ppl dad just proves his desire for parental/sibling affection 💔
Aight since u phrased this as a continuation of this post <3 RAZOR MY BOYYYY
That is what we shall do :) ! ! !
So ur running with the wolves still lol
Also ur symbol as the Creator reader is 🦄 or 🌈, bc ur gay and special, jk its bc elements i promise lol
Or even 😑 / 😶 for language reader shenanigans
EDIT 4/11/24: HELLA forgot to say theres a sorta Part 3, its more focused on Razor living, rather than Benny tho fair warning!
Lupical for life bro
U r chillin with the pack now
Razor now has a sweet new digs, fits, and now a crazy amount of power
Bc ur just that great 💅
You have officially moved on to purchasing some leftover amenities/new furniture etc. for him and you :D
And while u could get some stuff in Springvale, like lanterns and soap and perfume and whatnot
Ur still not rlly getting furniture like a bedframe or some storage space, like a nightstand, from them
Which u dont need bc u still got an inventory
...but Razor definitely needs to store all his goodies somewhere that isnt up a tree or buried in a hole 😃
Yes, u did have to tell him to stop doing that.
So yall (u and Razor) are in Mondstadt a lot these days, and ur routine consists of grinding domains, hunting for food, hanging with cute Lupical puppies, playing giant tic-tac-toe w/ Andrius bc poor guy is pretty bored these days etc.
So you figured you run into ppl eventually, afterall you'd already re-met Lisa :)
(who at first was kind of taken aback to Razor having made a random adult friend in the woods, but after vibe checking her , and her vibe checking you, yall were cool, tho she did start reading these new lore books you didnt recognize called "Immortal They Return: A Series of Prophesies", she avoided ur questions abt it too..)
It was inevitable that after introducing you to Lisa, he'd gotten all excited at seeing two familiar figures hanging around Kathryne one day
Fischl and Bennett !! :D the cutest adventurers in all of Mondstadt ! (besides Klee)
The two take one look at you and Razor and coming running
....well mostly Fischl,
Bennett got his boot laces tangled together somehow? And is kinda hopping his way over
Immediately the electro vision royalty launches into their quintessential speech (they/them fischl SUPREMACY)
And as u get introduced,
U watch the pyro boy hop and trip over while trying to untie the laces
And just as he's about to go down, and ur debating reaching out and supporting the poor guy bc geez this looks sm worse in person-
Bennett has finally gotten his shoes untied!
Even he looks shocked 💀
And he like, apruptly stops falling over too?
And walks over with no issue??
Theres even a few out of place cobblestones in his path which he sees and moves to avoid
You dont know who looks more shocked and kinda scared you, him, or Fischl/Oz or Razor
Fischl and Razor have stopped talking bc it was more distracting Bennett didnt fall 😭
...yall all just kinda,, stand in a circle of silence (well fly in oz's case)
Staring at Bennett.
(Even Katheryne looks impressed😭)
After a couple of shook seconds, Fischl is nearly yelling about some kind of curse being lifted?? , Razor is like, sniffing Bennett's immediate area for sus scents, Bennett is kicking rocks to see if any of them hit him anymore, and poor Oz is trying to calm them down
(none of the rocks hit Bennett btw, or anything valuable around him)
So after that fiasco, u offer to take them around to the parts of Mondstadt they weren't allowed to go to w/o at least 1 adult :)
Theyre pumped and yall set off!
At first, Bennett hangs back, as Fischl and Razor throw themselves into monster battles yall encounter, as per what seems like a routine u assume bc of his bad luck
Eh, u figure while hes here, u might as well reveal u can make him stronger, u think he definitely needs the HP...
If there were any characters youd be worried about needing more power/HP in Mondstadt that u could level up besides Razor, itd be Bennett, hands down.
Between his adventuring, unnatural bad luck, and no parental supervision..
(even Klee seems better off than him, and shes like 7 💀)
Yeah, needless to say u were worried abt the guy
So he looks adorably fascinated <3, bc turns out they can see some of ur interface!
Mostly it looks like floating magical icons and that weird Teyvat language u saw in game, like that Abyss/ruins language u see all the time?
Bennett showed u his perspective in a sand drawing, hes actually pretty good at art wow
Razor couldnt rlly find the words to describe it before which is why u werent sure what they saw before now
And with that hes called into battle last by the others, mostly to apply pyro 🔥
and he fights at the edges to be further away from ppl u notice so he wont affect their luck..
aw Benny </3 :(
But as he draws his sword and ur getting ready trying to become a cheerleader for both Razor and Fischl but particularly Bennett,
He full on takes out 3 hilichurls at once 💀
...then with the dramatic down swing he does, he accidentally launches a rock right at the bigger hilichurl's foot..
...which trips him out of his axe swing...
...which makes it let go of the axe...
...which goes flying...
....breaks the last bit of the cryo abyss mage's shield bubble...
........and smacks it on the head too.
..fischl, oz, and razor halfway thru this insanity just like,, lower their weapons and stop to watch
Even the abyss mage is looking at Bennett surprised 😭😭
Bro, an achievement pops up-
"Lucky Day!!!"
Its little description says, "As Teyvat's God, you give the unluckiest person in Teyvat the luckiest day ever!"
Bennett just sits down on the ground.
(Same Benny because, this is where I lost it all, guys. All of that writing. Gone. Forever. I'm putting this here as both a gravestone for it, and a call out to tumblr. I'm not afraid of this website or its shitty admins, meet me in my dms for a real fight you fucks 🥊🥋🧍‍♂️you took what mattered to me, I'll take what matters to you, you god awful programmers. 🥲😐)
And it just keeps happening like that for the rest of the day you guys are together.
Every chest Benny opens are way higher quality than they should be
Especially for him.
(also u have gotten so comfy from before when u were playing Genshin that u r physically struggling not to call him Benny, so when u do accidentally call him that, u try to apologize politely, but he just talks about finally having a nickname so giddy that u just stick with Benny, what a cutie)
Common chests, Razor/Fischl gets what u expect, you personally maybe get a little extra materials and money,
But Benny?
He opens a common chest and suddenly it's a secret Precious chest
The pyro boy honestly looks a little afraid
You guys have a picnic later on for lunch together, partially bc Razor rlly wanted them to try ur food !! :D
Fischl and Benny were drooling over garlic salt, jesus- Teyvat's been deprived-
The blanket u used was a custom one u got made for Razor for his bday awhile back, all diff shades of purple and some silver wolf puppies and pawprints on it, 10/10 vv cute he loves it :)
(and also showed it off to his friends, Benny in particular looks smitten by it..)
Fischl eventually gets herded by Oz back to Mondstadt bc of their parents wanting them back by dinner,
So u Razor and Benny r left to wander around :]
As u guys explore and get chests and talk,
U all begin to gather ingredients for dinner (not that u dont have an inventory but the boys dont wanna cut into ur supplies, the sweethearts)
... Benny slowly starts to find and accumulate foodstuffs
Those Phileano? mushrooms (the white toasty looking ones that r always on roofs or windmills?)
He finds at eye level on nearly any building u come across.
Benny currently has his shirt turned into a basket trying to contain them, and more are flocking to him lol
Snap dragons? Calla lilies?? Even violetgrass, those purple horsetails, lotus heads, and a few qingqin from Liyue somehow make it into his bag 💀
The real question to ask at this point is, when wasn't Bennett lucky today??
(wow never thought youd hear that one)
So its a few weeks later, and Benny is like spending, every day with yall now lol
Ur getting dinner ready for u guys, and ur hopefully gonna make enough to leave leftovers for Lupical and Andrius,
So Razor has gone off to get some water to boil,
And Benny is climbing this huge tree to reach some eggs
And as he gets farther and farther up the tree away from you, he starts to slip more often 😬
Finally as he reaches the top, u realize after weeks without even a trip from him whenever hes around yall, why he wasnt unlucky-
...the closer he is to you, the luckier he is, and the farther Benny is-
He steps on a dead branch and it snaps :0 !!
Just as he falls, he screams and yells,
U push together some thick bushes and vines to catch him luckily
(lord knows u couldnt have caught him no matter how light he is, rip benny)
..Benny is okay, but he does go red in the face, and when u ask if he wants u to get one of his dads from the guild to check him over/make him feel better?
He says quickly "NO THANKS!"
Then Razor comes back like, "You call Lupical dad now?"
Benny: "What? No!"
You: "Do u see me as a, father figure, Bennett?"
Benny: "NO- more like I see u as a BOTHER figure bc ur always BOTHERING ME-"
Lol anyways jk
what a cutie tho,
(Ur Creator vibes made him feel vv at home in a way he hasnt felt before, so u got the honors early <3)
so ur a Dad™️ now (regardless of ur gender btw)
hope u like having a pack of puppies, a wolf spirit god, a wild wolf raised boy, and another wild but adventurer guild raised boy as ur family now 🤷‍♂️
You may or may not have also gotten onto Benny for charging straight into battle at other times, bc hes so used to bad luck happening anyway, apparently its canon he will just run in???
(to the point Grand Master VARKAS commented on it??!!)
U were pissed, bonked his head and everything-
He looked sufficiently chastised, but when u originally found out Fischl and Razor were nearby,
And u just hear snickering behind u as u bop him
(U bop them later too for that lol)
Benny is also very good at treating injuries bc of this too apparantly,
So one time when you Razor and him were engaging with a couple hilichurls again on the way to Windrise,
Benny applied pyro, and bc u were standing father away than usual (there was an archer earlier u were dodging)
His bad luck crept in and when Razor went to charge up his wolf spirit electro ult-
...everyone went flying back.
...Including Benny and Razor 💀
You heard a really sick pop!
From Benny's shoulder :(
You quickly start pullin out the healing foods lol shove a fishstick in his mouth screaming IT HEALS like a crazed grandparent lmao
But Benny has already sighed and sat up, popping his arm back into place
While u do praise his healing??? skills,
U have found out thru him that apparently ur food also gives some pain killer effects
So u scold him and bop him on the head with some dango 🍡
For not waiting on u to help him lol
Which btw-
Any healing food u give him, he treats like the bandages many others give him, like Barbara, Katheryne, his guild dads, etc.
And holds onto them, rarely eating them
(Ur stuff preserves until needed bc its magical Creator powers surprise, surprise)
Benny feels like its a tangible piece of your care he can keep with him <3 sobs
"Well, since you're by my side, I guess I'm not that unlucky after all!"
proud of you son :')
Ok so youve been getting Razor and u furnishings right
And youve been asking him what he wants to add to the caves digs ! :]
(U made a more fortified "front door" to the cave entrance, its also not that deep of a cave so there r only like 3 other "rooms" besides the main entrance area)
U improved both of u guys beds (tho razor will crash urs if he has a nightmare)
Along with some new outfits for him!
And so he has requested some stuff, but as time goes on,
Slowly, Razor goes from telling Benny about what new thing u added or telling his friend abt what he wants for the cave/himself,
To asking Benny what he wants bc he stays over so often 😭
(Youve gotten Benny factored into ur finances now lol, u gave him new clothes, new gear, amenities, etc. It also helps him bc he doesnt rlly have a main caretaker, so if he needs money he has to take commissions, which can be dangerous to him alone bc if u dont know, Benny's Adventuring Team only has him as the single member of it, plus thats not good if he is too sick or too injured to work, so a 2nd source of lowkey income is good for him <3 )
U now have a coffee table as the dinner table (razor was used to sitting on the ground to eat so a high table felt weird to him)
And it has a few pillow chair thingys?
For you, Razor, Benny, and a guest aw 💘
Benny also originally wanted to help make smth for u guys as a house warming gift
but bc he would try to work on it away from ur influence, it would break everytime :(
Eventually u just coninvced the poor kid to help u pick out some nice rugs and stuff lol
He also has surprisingly good interior design tastes, huh, who knew?
(cough when benny stays over he usually stays in razors bed, but occasionally theyre both lonely had nightmares and ask to crash with u, i love these kids sm cough)
Recently youve been visiting Benny in town even w/o Razor sometimes (rare as it is lol)
Mostly bc it seems like he needs the attention too <3
U gotta make sure hes eating real food okay
U dont want him to end up like u in ur world where u ate snacks for dinner when u were his age...
And Benny gets super hype about it every time, hes grabbing u by the arm, hauling u around to talk to ppl etc.
(Did i mention ur one of the few or not at all ppl who he can freely hold onto no matter the weather/situation bc his bad luck doesnt happen to you?? Oh no??? Well there u go :)
Most notably, to talk to the other Guild Dads™️
They deadass lowkey postured at you for an hour at you before giving in bc u seemed to be the only good luck charm the kid's ever gotten in his entire life 😭
They also r rlly happy someone is able to bc of his rlly bad luck willing to look out for him when they cant :)
For his birthday, you guys all celebrated by doing a picnic again like when u first met them, and you made him a cake
Benny's face rlly said " :'D !! "
Later on, for presents, you got him a blanket matching Razor's !!
Shades of red, with some good luck symbols thruout to maybe make up for when ur not there, and puppies all over <3
And at the top, you yourself embroidered (attempted, so its kinda sloppy but still readable, its endearing you like to think)
"Benny's Adventure Team"
With your name, Razor, Fischl, and even Oz and Andrius lol, all embroidered (not by u bc u stabbed urself enough times making the title thx) as team members down below 👍
You also show him a copy of the book record Katheryne keeps of adventuring teams, telling him that you snuck into Mondstadt one day w/o him knowing and officially signed you guys together (the others agreed too ofc)
...Benny cried, straight up.
And just like held onto you for bascially the rest of the day ❤️
(you also may or may not have signed the corner with "love, dad" haha what)
I just want y'all to know.
I had like this whole thing ready to post.
Then tumblr decided it didn't like any of my writing, and deleted half of this post.
U probably saw the spot i marked where i lost it all :'/
I think it took an hour? Or at least 30 minutes to write.
Guess tumblr didn't like that I was adding so much in one go.
So now it's gone.
Doin smth ballsy bc in order to avoid that, ive just rewritten that lost half, and am just going to post it straight up rather than expecting it to save my draft 🥲
Those beautiful moments between Bennett and us, are gone forever. My memory isn't good enough to rewrite it all. ;-;
If you don't mind, I'll be crying somewhere over those lost Benny moments that I drafted on here and can no longer remember to add.
I guess that's tumblr's cruel way of telling me to go the extra mile and draft my bullshit on a literal Google Doc then come back here and deal with the formatting transition hell.
Thanks tumblr.
Appreciate the writing advice.
(Oz translation: hey its aquarius here! I hope you gods enjoyed my writing! Feel free to check out my Masterpost/Writing Rules List if you guys ever wanna request something, including non-Sagau/Isekai stuff! :] )
♡the beloveds♡
@karmawonders / @0rah-s / @randomnatics / @glxssynarvi / @nexylaza / @genshin-impacts-me / @wholesomey-artist
Hey not sure if yall will see this, but while this does have influences of Sagau/Isekai genshin, its still pretty just platonic genshin stuff, so let me know if thats not what u wanna be tagged for - just dm me!!)
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charmwasjess · 5 months
So, let's say George Lucas was more self aware producing/directing the prequels and hired you to reign him in/keep him on track. How would the prequels be different?
What a fucking FUN question. :D I've been chewing over this in my inbox for a couple days.
Honestly you couldn't pay me enough to write for Star Wars, and that's not just because I'd be fired on my second day for making it so gay. I think there absolutely are problems in the prequels, but I also think no matter what films they made, it was going to be a difficult tango of trying to keep an existing fanbase happy while attracting new ones, doing the old story homage but also not just retreading stale territory, and the fact that an entire generation came up with headcanons for what the Clone Wars or young Obi-Wan or Vader was like in that era, and no matter what you do, someone was going to be disappointed.
I also have a ton of sympathy for Star Wars writers in general - I see stories like Mike Chen who wrote the Brotherhood novel having to get the book together in three months over 11 drafts or the Rebels writers working unpaid nights and weekends to try to land the story they loved decently because they weren't given enough time or money. I don't know what it's like to write or create content for Lucasfilm, but I can't help but think of Warren Fu, who created the iconic General Grievous design for Lucas, later drawing himself as Sifo-Dyas being drained of blood to create Grievous. The metaphor he chose there is, um, interesting, to say the least, and I wonder how it reflects on his time at Lucasfilm. I see these anecdotes all the time of writers and creators working incredibly hard for little money or recognition and then their passion project gets changed or sidelined by the powers that be within the franchise.
ANYWAY THAT SAID HERE'S HOW I'D FIX THE PREQUELS- I think it's really a matter of redrafting what's there because so much of it is really good and has great potential. I just rewatched the Phantom Menace, so that's on my mind. Yeah, I remember being little enough that Jar Jar Binks was funny to me - I love Ahmed Best - but having just rewatched it, Jar Jar gets a ton of screentime and that could be better balanced. AND oofa-doofa, the racist accents/stereotypes. Cut cut cut. Rework.
Otherwise, I think there's a tendency - and some of it was the popular movie tropes at the time the films were going out - to rely on Idiot Plot. OOPS, Anakin didn't mean to go to the big space battle!!! He just won the day on accident!! To a lesser degree, many other characters make it through the movie by just sort of guessing and lucking their way into it as a narrative choice. Just going by the fact that the films need to be about the good guys losing because it's a prequel for a saga with no Jedi, I'd like a little bit more agency for them. More moments of saying "yes, I want to do this" and less "wow, what the hell is going on?!"
The other big change I'd make is give Obi-Wan a much larger role in the Phantom Menace, and Padme a bigger part in both AotC and especially RotS. (Actually, she really kicks ass in TPM. That moment where she shoots through the window and the duel of the fates music swells? Ascension guns!! I'm getting goosebumps just thinking about it.) I think Anakin is the most sympathetic when he's seen through the eyes of characters who love him and vouch for him. And Obi-Wan is honestly barely in TPM - it's all Qui-Gon, who I love, but I could see the film being really successful through him as our perspective/focus character instead. The way that Luke Skywalker takes us with him on this adventure and shows us the story. Obi-Wan could do that very effectively. And as much as the prequels are about Anakin's fall, they're also ultimately a story of Obi-Wan's survival.
And I'd cut Count Dooku, for no reason other than I don't like how weird I got about that guy.
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purgetrooperfox · 5 months
15 Lines Game
Rules: Share 15 or fewer lines of dialogue from an OC, ideally lines that capture their character/personality/vibe. Bonus points for just using the dialogue without other details about the scene, but you’re free to include those as well.
I'm here from someone's open tags heehoo
passing on npts to @hamburgerslippers @totentnz @killerspinal @kiwikipedia @alwayskote @galacticgraffiti @certified-anakinfucker and anyone who wants to do it!!
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“It's not like I frequent these events,” he mutters, feeling like a broken record. “I would appreciate the help though, thank you.”
“A great many things might seem unbecoming when their purpose is obscured, Master Tapal.”
"Peacekeeping has many faces. The diplomats and negotiators do work that I can hardly even imagine." [redacted context] "You're right, all the same. There's a certain naivete and unconscious bias in a lot of Knights. Lack of perspective about what it takes to survive."
“The artist who gave my father his markings was the one to give me mine," he continues, a touch wistful. "Going back home was strange. Seeing the ways it had changed and the ways it was still stuck was… hard.”
"You would be wise not to show your condescension so openly, Skywalker. If I can feel it, so can most beings on this planet. Need I remind you that ties with the Force run deep here?"
“Just Bastra is fine,” Vargdan sighs. The look he fixes on Kenobi is equal parts irritation and resignation. “You said it was urgent, so I didn't pit stop on Coruscant."
“Not the way you do, but my Master did.” His smile is sad, but free from the weight of grief. “He took them very literally, and if you know what they’re like, I imagine you can see how that would toy with one’s mind.”
“The Order is all I have. This is the only reason I ever got off Dathomir.”
“It's not safe to be out here alone,” he says without turning, forcing her to jog a few steps before matching his pace, “especially for unsubtle thieves.”
“Don't say that. Not now. You had your reasons, you had Sifo-Dyas, and I got that. Eventually. It doesn't matter anymore.”
“I know.” A silence, then an admission, “She's not as angry as I was, I don't think.”
"I mean, it's not like I know how to conduct an army. Bones is miles more qualified than I am, so I'll gladly defer to his judgment."
"This was kept from you for a reason. Some stories are best left buried."
"Obi-Wan was killed in action on Utapau," he repeats. "I know nothing more of it."
“I nearly did, after Sifo-Dyas died.” [redacted context] “I was on my own out there, after, no contact with the Temple to replace him. In all that– with that gang, the things I had to watch. The things I had to do. I was right at the edge.”
(nocte and des under there ⬇️)
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“It’s not just the job.” Still, Nocte pulls off his gloves and dumps them in a bin. His expression settles into something hard to read. "You're one of us now, whether you're ready to act like it or not."
"I've put myself on the line enough at least one lifetime, but here we are."
"I don't pity you, MacTavish. I didn't come here to fight with you either."
"What was it you said? No room for morality in war?"
"Well," he grunts, "call it a lapse in judgment if it helps you sleep at night. Not like I'd take offense."
“It doesn’t matter, Soap. It’s just not my bloody name.”
"It's exhausting. The upper crust is exhausting. Aren't you exhausted?"
"Price is going to kill me and it'll be your fault. Me and Lee, both," he complains, though it rings hollow when he doesn't stop her.
"It'll grow back, probably faster than the higher ups would like."
"I don't care whose fault it is. Get your asses back here and fix it."
"Are you threatening to blackmail me, Captain? Because that's a two-way street after–"
He whistles, low and appreciative. "That is one big bastard."
"Quit trying to pick me apart, Lieutenant, I'm fine."
"We shouldn't," he forces himself to say. "We can't."
"How do you ever get anything done with your head that far up your ass?"
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"You will mind your goddamn manners or you'll see a different 'doc. Do you understand?"
“You came in with a referral, made my life a little easier, so I'll give you a discount. I respect you, Viktor, you're good at what you do. Not to mention your days in the ring – I was such a fan.” His expression twitches toward something that might even be genuine. “How about this, I'll dig up this chrome for you and you'll owe me a favor.”
"I doubt Royce would've let me walk away from that. Heard he's got a new right hand."
"Hard to believe that's true," he said, laughing a little. "Reckon this is more memory than imagination."
“The crew called me Eyes, which was a gonk ass nickname. Stuck, though."
“I’ve known Hands for a long time, grew up in Pacifica. Don’t get me wrong, I heard about you on the street, but didn’t really pay it any mind until he started asking after you.”
"I think you answered your own question. It's a clinic, ain't it? I'm getting doctored."
"Fucking disgraceful is what it is. You build something, pour your blood sweat and tears into it, just for some upstart leadhead to run it into the ground."
“So I’ll talk to him, clear this up,” he says, even though it’s an uncomfortable prospect. “He probably respects me enough to halfway listen.”
"No. No one ever made me do anything. I lost a lot, but I won't lose that."
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Gideon the Ninth Appendices (continued)
Cohort Intelligence Files
Oh, these are written by Judith!
Wow, she and Marta joined the Cohort when they were literal children - eleven and ten, respectively. I guess it's somewhat common to burden little kids with responsibilities early amongst the Nine Houses?
On Naberius Tern:
He also has an extremely good opinion of himself and his swordplay, an opinion that Lt. Dyas notes occasionally aligns with reality.
Oh I love the subtle shade here. I'm also noting that Coronabeth's charisma seems to dazzle even Judith Deuteros as she is writing this, since she doesn't know about her or Ianthe's necromantic prowess - yes they were homeschooled, but knowing that necromancers are usually frail, wouldn't you wonder whether Ianthe is more necromantically apt, quietly, from her sister's shadow?
I guess not.
On Isaac Tettares:
the eldest of eight. [...] Father killed by terrorists out on [REDACTED] nineteen years ago: all of his children have been posthumous and the title held in stewardship.
Interesting! Also the bit about how kids can be born either of XX-carrier or vat-womb. Reproduction sure has advanced a great deal (as has the disconnection of sex from gender, apparently - which I've noticed before, but is obvious enough here to comment on it!)
Anyway, as we learned in Harrow the Ninth, the father does not have to be physically present for a child to get their genetic material. All you need is said genetic material. If you're in an important position in your House, presumably it's custom to save an amount of genetic material so you can continue to have heirs in the event of your death.
It seems customary for the Fourth to go to school at the Fifth, which explains the close relationship between Isaac and Jeannemary, and Abigail and Magnus.
On Protesilaus:
He's married??? He has children???? Oh my goodness, that makes his unfortunate demise at Cytherea's hands so much more tragic.
... Okay, I think that's all I really have to say on that!
A little explanation of naming systems
I did already get the idea, literally from the Dramatis Personae in Gideon the Ninth, that names refer to your House. Interesting to me is that they work differently to current surnames: people have different last names to their parents, and their last names are at least somewhat unique to them. Even siblings rarely share a name, making Coronabeth and Ianthe exceptions to the rule.
Pelleamena and Priamhark: It shouldn't surprise me that these two are named for people in the Iliad. I kind of figured, with Priamhark, but it's a little less obvious with Pelleamena.
I adore the little pronounciation guides, tbh.
Crux, to rhyme with "sucks": Yeah sounds about right
Marta Dyas: DIE-ass. I'm sorry, I couldn't come up with anything better.
You know, I'm glad I decided to dig into these in a bit more detail, because Tamsyn's notes on these are hilarious.
On Ianthe and Coronabeth:
In the original, Ianthe and Corona were "Cainabeth and Abella", a feat of naming so unsubtle that I might as well have just gone with "Goodtwin" and "Badtwin". And it's not even accurate! It should be Badtwin, and Lessbadtwin.
I'm reminded of Coronabeth going "She could have taken me!!!" after Ianthe became Lyctor. Oh, she sure could have! Why do you sound jealous, Coronabeth?
On Jeannemary and Isaac:
Isaac here foreshadows Gideon's death by doing the "bravest and stupidest" thing, i.e. getting his abdomen made into a huge Connect-4 board. I might as well have called Jeannemary and Isaac "Don'tgetattached" and "Deadsoon".
Okay, rude. I mean, I didn't end up reading into the naming while reading Gideon for the first time, though maybe I should have. Maybe I wouldn't have gotten so attached (and upset) when they were both deadsoon.
On Palamedes:
Pal-AM-a-dees. At first I had a coarse comparison here, but then I removed it.
Palamadeez nuts, lol. So rude, Tamsyn.
Oh wow, more foreshadowing in the names of Dulcinea and Protesilaus. Wow. Okay remind me to dissect any new names that come up in Nona the Ninth (whenever I get to actually reading that).
... Okay, we're done with the appendices of Gideon the Ninth!!
Now soon to follow: Appendices of Harrow the Ninth, including As Yet Unsent, then I will read The Mysterious Study of Doctor Sex, and then, then finally, we will start on our reread of Gideon and Harrow.
I can't wait!
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castellankurze · 1 year
What if The Locked Tomb was JoJo's Bizarre Adventure with Lyctoral Cavaliers
Second House -MARTA DYAS- Favored Weapons: rapier & dagger Necromantic Option: [Rapture] A consummate duelist in the Second House tradition, Marta Dyas is a skilled swordswoman whose necromantic power enables her to drain the living energy from nearby foes, using it to augment herself or proximal allies. Ironically this has the effect of making the duelist less effective the fewer opponents she faces; making her most effective at the beginning of battle, trending downwards the longer a fight goes on.
Third House -NABERIUS TERN- Favored Weapons: rapier & trident knife Necromantic Option: [It's Gonna Be Me] Stylish and precise, Naberius Tern's Third house necromancy steals the death energy from defeated opponents to augment his blades, making it so that armor or flesh touched by the cutting edges will crumble and rot in moments. Despite his formal bearing this has the effect of making Tern more effective in pitched battle, building his effectiveness as bodies hit the floor.
Fourth House -JEANNEMARY CHATUR- Favored Weapons: rapier & dagger Necromantic Option: [Here Comes the Boom] In flagrant Fourth House tradition, Jeannemary Chatur carries the ability to excite necromantic energy in the recently-deceased, converting corpses into deadly bombs. An ability that renders the enthusiastic cavalier potentially deadly to friend and foe alike, especially as the explosions chain together in the heat of battle in exceedingly dangerous - if awesome - eruptions.
Fifth House -MAGNUS QUINN- Favored Weapons: rapier & dagger Necromantic Option: [Dead Man's Party] Although a cavalier of modest skill at best, Magnus Quinn is fortunate to be heir to a classic Fifth House power - the ability to raise intangible souls of the recently dead, turning them on his attackers as furious revenants. Away from the battlefield, Magnus more often uses this ability to gather information, questioning the dead for what knowledge or insight they held in life.
Sixth House -CAMILLA HECT- Favored Weapons: paired swords Necromantic Option: [Private Eyes] The Sixth House are known for producing scholars and researchers, and although she's sharper-edged than most Camilla Hect is no slouch in this area. Her necromantic ability can read the traces of history left on objects by the living and the dead; in battle this allows her to anticipate how an enemy will use their weapons, countering opponents who become too predictable.
Seventh House -PROTESILAUS EBDOMA- Favored Weapons: rapier & chain Necromantic Option: [Who Wants to Live Forever] Protesilaus Ebdoma, Knight of Rhodes is a formidable fighter, disdaining the traditional dagger in favor of a heavy chain with which to lash and bind opponents. Using a variation on the Seventh House trademark, he can preserve his body and continue fighting even through all manner of injuries minor and grievous, remaining self-sustaining until proper healing can be sought.
Eighth House -COLUM ASHT- Favored Weapons: long sword & shield Necromantic Option: [Black Hole Sun] A staunch member of the Templars of the White Glass, Colum Asht favors a heavier defense than most cavaliers, bearing armor and shield to complement a broad sword. His powerful necromantic ability is the soul siphon, draining the life from his opponents to wedge open the River, summoning forth into himself revenant shades of equal power to bolster his strength, though betimes this has the effect of leaving 'quirks' in the Eighth House knight's personality. To date they have always smoothed over with time.
Ninth House -GIDEON NAV- Favored Weapons: great sword & knuckle knives Necromantic Option: [Move Your Dead Bones] The unlikely Ninth House cavalier disdains the traditional dueling weapons in favor of a large two-handed sword, wearing a set of knuckle knives just in case she gets the chance to punch someone. Gideon Nav's necromantic ability is equally unsubtle, using pieces of bone as summoning foci to call forth bone constructs, often in the form of raging skeletons or giant fists to batter her opponents.
(Ninth House) -ORTUS NIGENAD- Favored Weapons: poetry (black sword & buckler) Necromantic Option: [The Man in Black] Although receiving nominal training as a cavalier in his youth, Ortus Nigenad's true arena is the stage. After his immersion in the River, the poet's fervent faith granted him an unusual necromantic capability: summoning forth a shade that takes the form of Matthias Nonius, storied cavalier of the Ninth House, to fight with deadly skill on his behalf.
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madamlaydebug · 9 months
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Kwanzaa is drawing to an end. We have arrived at day six Kuumba.
Kuumba means Creativity Let us reflect on creativity
Creativity is intimately linked to spirituality To you who have been formatted to associate spirituality with religion may seem strange. But let me tell you spirit is just another word for energy so your creativity is about your energy. Physical energy and mental energy
The mind is the equipment you received to manage your energy. In the language of computers brain is its hardware and mind its spiritual software. This is where your creative energy, creative spirit or ability to create lives.
Regardless of your situation today, you were born with this energy, and according to the laws that govern the Universe, energy cannot be contained or suppressed. She needs to find a way to express herself, to express herself. This is how you make a dam to contain the waters of a river. The force (energy) of water will find a way to manifest itself and in a disastrous way: it will either overflow and inundate everything around or it will burst the dam and cause massive damage.
So use your mind, your spiritual software, to manage your creative energy. Don't let anything or anyone steal your creativity. Don't let any religious leader, politician, teacher, social media, relative or friend dictate or suppress your creativity. Be YOU the master of your creative spirit.
Let no one tell you what you should or shouldn't create, let no one tell you whether your creation is good or bad. Give your creative spirit total freedom. Only free spirits can create great things, others only create what they are told to create.
You are also the Creator This same creative spirit was also blown through their noses. Channel your creative energy into great accomplishments, connect with your ancestors and claim the creativity they left behind you, learn about how they solved your problems, cared for the Earth, and managed the forces of Nature.
Just remember that your creativity should serve you and your community or else you will be walking to self-destruction.
Be the Lord of your Kuumba and let her serve your community.
Happy Kwanzaa!!!
~Nzumbi dya Nvula
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vetinarivimesy · 1 year
Okay okay okay. I'm enough of a nerd that yes I own those damned Disney Star Wars themepark cookbooks, and I've been steadily working my way through most of the recipes in them.
Mostly the recipes are a great balance of fun, interesting, and vaguely deliberately shifted around a really solid base to make it just a little unfamiliar so it's 'space' themed. But actually something you'd be willing to cook, without a million and a half rather finnicky steps and a ton of things to wash up before the thing even meets heat.
(With one or two minor SNAFUs caused by ye olde separated by a common language - tomato paste vs tomato puree woops)
But ahem, anyway that 'spicy' Mandalorian stew, ey?
For all of the advertised heat in the thing... You essentially end up with a rather tasty Japanese style curry with couscous in it, rather than rice on the side.
Nice? Yes.
Spicy? No not really. Even compared to other similarly mild curries, and taking spicy to mean spiced not hot. The Japanese style curry this recipe seems to be based around somewhat infamously comes from the bland for the UK-palette generic curry powder of the Victorians...
Sooo. I am spitefully choosing to follow a large chunk of fandom's example and picking bits of Star Wars at random to pick and choose my canon from... I'm now taking that recipe as 'proof' that Mandalorian cooking... really isn't all that hot.
And yes, I made that Pog soup too. Tasty? Yeah sure. Spicy? ...Eh?
And again, spitefully logicking my way through, which culture is always depicted in the films as actually extremely multicultural, and actually allows its members to retain their home traditions from their roots, and actually is based loosely around Asia rather than the old colonising empire building bounty hunters and rogues mashed with Knights Templar thing that is still the bulk of what the Mandos have?
The Jedi.
Who, notably, are absolutely missing any representation whatsoever in either of the two Disney-era Star Wars cookbooks. Since the setting is post the second Jedi genocide in the Skywalker Saga...
So whilst I'm now headcanoning, Mando food as all bark and very little bite, spitefully and based solely off of a very dubious bit of 'canon'.
I can also with impunity go, Sichuan cooking for the Jedi? Yes. Yes. Yes. Genuinely interesting Indian cuisine? Sure why not? Spicy Uzbek style stews? Great! Shakshouka as fiery as you can get it for breakfast? Amazing! Enough spicy kefta to feed fifty ravenous knights? Fabulous!
There's a brisk, and expensive given they're just cheap space-ramen, trade in the Jedi Temple sector of Coruscant of all the numerous flavours of Space-Buldak Chilli Noodles, since the Padawans basically live off of them.
Swimming in chilli already? Well that's not hot enough for old Master Rancisis! Add more! And don't forget the numbing peppercorns, that's Master Sifo-Dyas's favourite part!
Cue a fanfic, with the usual increasingly irritating set-up. Ahahaha, lets laugh at the culture that supposedly eats nothing but the blandest thing on the menu encounter the Manly Men we only eat the Hottest Vindaloo because we're hard! culture... And... Nope, nosiree the Mandos cannot handle it at all, cue much blue milk chugging, and not from the jedi half of the contingent. Despite all their showboating about how spicy they love their spicy spicy stew, they're like the old stereotype about white Brits in an Indian Curry House in Goodness Gracious Me.
(Seriously still far too spitefully amused that the official 'Spicy Mandalorian Stew' recipe produced bland but tasty comfort food in reality.)
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askmadcomcrew · 1 year
sheriff, how dya feel about the sewer cult seemingly havin a hold of burger gil now? wasn't gil's merc-owned? im pretty sure i saw that guy at their little ceremony-party-whatever following their leader's un-death. i know he wasn't in GREAT condition beforehand, what with his brain actively rotting in his skull, but im still curious!
They ain't that big 'a deal, we've known about 'em for ages now. Never had a reason t' really go after 'em, since they kept to the sewers fine enough, n' also kept the zeds down there since they like to keep 'em as pets.
But since they started breakin' out of the sewers and into Commercial, they're becomin' more n' more of a problem. Somehow they got it to where Zeds don't wanna eat 'em none, so they ain't gotta worry about gettin' ate. Me n' my boys? Not so much.
At some point there's gonna be a turf war. 'S far as I'm concerned, Nexus City is MERC territory now, and these boys are intrudin'. Top priority right now though is clearin' Residential of the Zed infestation. The rooftop bandits ain't exactly happy 'bout us movin' in on their territory, but some of 'em have joined us under the promise of food n' work.
As long as no other factions decide to interfere, we should have Nexus City under control here in a year or two, it'll be a lot of work, but it'll be beneficial to MERC.
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The great regular sleep experiment 2024 dya "idgaf"
I slept at 10 am... woke up a couple times, went back to sleep, thought it was pretty restful and thought maybe when Pumpkin started crying ti meant I had actually slept a while... I had actually slept, on and off until only 3 pm... so -again- about 4 hours.
Again I made myself do dishes and laundry and again I am too physically sore to do much of anything but I cooked food.
I behaved myself responsibly but still I just want to sleep...
And I want a bunch of snacks and deserts I don't have in the house.
I want to get the laundry and dishes 100% done because when I get the energy to get my healthcard and make an appointment about my wrist, even if it isn't a tumour there is a chance I will need surgery, and I don't want a surgical wound into the circulation in my wrist when I have a bunch of laundry and dishes left undone. I think the mass might actually be a clot that moved out of my heart area and down my arm, at this point, it's still squishy and looks like lumpy mass of blood in the vein, but the circulation to my hand seems to have adapted around it [I don't know how that would be removed] either way there's only one kind of cancer that's squishy and I really don't think this is it, and it doesn't seem infected, so don't worry too much.
But like, having just about 10% of the overall moving in and arranging left to do, while being fully caught up by the day on all the housework is certainly an accomplishment for someone in my health... It only took me a FULL YEAR after moving in.
Problem is now it's 8:45 pm, am I exhausted, yes, am I sleepy?????... ???
I want to have the energy to do groceries in the morning but that seems unlikely???
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captainlondonman · 2 years
They came out of the barber’s. J-Boi’s hair had gone. His scalp was gleaming and he felt like a Skin at last even with Wayne’s Hi Viz gear on. As they walked along the road he felt his cock swinging against the cum stained Hi Viz trousers and that immediately made him feel horny and want some more action. He was so wanting a fuck when they got home.
 ‘Right J-Boi it’s the Tat shop for you now. All us Skins need our tats and this is your first of many. I’ll decide what and where, got it?’
 ‘Sure master. . All I want is to feel a real skin like you’
 They went down a back street and in through a small doorway. A bell sounded as they went in.
‘You there Joe?’
 J-Boi could not believe who came through the opening. A burly 6ft. Skin in bleachers and black DMs laced up almost to his knees. He had no top on other than a leather waistcost. His arms and entire chest right up around his neck and on to his scalp were covered in tattoos, every imaginable design. No sign of any women on the tats. All the Skin signs you could think off. He had piercing blue eyes and a thick neck and what could be taken as a broken nose from all the fights he had been in. However J-Boi’s eyes moved down to his bleachers and stretching down his left leg was a thick tool. It looked as if Joe had been playing with himself as it was definitely partly rigid.
‘So is this yer boi Wayne?
‘Sure is Joe, what dya think?’
‘Not bad. Def needs a few tats and we can make him more like one of us. He’ll need these before we take him to meet the other lads and have a good punch up. Nothing like a fight with the baseball bats eh? So what’s his first tat Wayne?
‘Give him a cross on his neck and SKIN on his knuckles. That’s a good start. Ok Boi?’
‘Sure thing’
J-Boi sat on the chair with Joe facing him his legs apart so J-Boi could stare at his crotch. Watching that cock lessened the pain. Wayne knew exactly what JBoi was looking at and his own hand moved up and down his own dick, feeling excited at what was going on.
When he had finished Joe took a mirror and showed J-Boi.
‘It won’t look good now but once the scabs are off mate you will feel like one of us.’
‘I do already, Joe and it feels fucking great I can tell ya.’
‘Well, Wayne, you know I don’t charge for the first tat but I do expect a bit of service’
‘No probs there Joe, I’ve been watching Boi and he can’t take his eyes off that cock of yours. He loves sucking and knows how to make you cum in buckets, so sit there Boi and watch Joe get that stiff dick of his out for you.’
 Joe stood and planted both booted feet in front of Boi, pressing his meaty hand around his cock which had fully spread down his bleachers showing an almighty massive bulge
‘Fuck man I’m now so fucking horny jus hope I can get my dick out for you boi.’  
 He unzipped and stuck his hand way down his bleachers. As his head got to the top so his tool sprang out in front of Boi’s face.
‘Shit man that’s big even for my throat. But I want it and I can already see your precum oozing out.
Boi lent forwards and grabbed his big balls ,massaging them so he could feel all the juice Joe had for him. He licked around the head taking the precum but smelling the cock which hadn’t been washed in days. How he loved cheesy unwashed cocks. Boi eased Joe’s foreskin back to reveal a thick gleaming head. God how he wanted that dick.
Joe took hold of Boi’s head.
‘Forget the pussyfooting Boi, I want my prick down yer throat so get started and no gagging’
Boi allowed his head to be moved down the shaft. He wanted to gag but his throat kept opening to take in the full length. His spit was oozing down his chin as Joe forced his cock further and further in until Boi could feel Joes thick dark curly pubes rubbing against his face.
‘Shit man you know how to take cock. Not many can take my full length. So start working.’
Still holding Joe’s balls and squeezing them hard he moved his mouth up and down the full length of the shaft at first slowly and then as he could feel Joe groaning so he moved faster and faster, sucking and allowing a fast flow of spit to run down the length.
As Boi moved his eyes away from Joe’s cock, he saw that Wayne was standing beside him, having pulled his dick out of his bleachers.
‘I told you Joe the Boi knows how to suck. It’s the best blow job you’ll get for a while.’
‘Too bloody right this guy’s amazing. Looks like your enjoying watching.’
‘Fuck man seeing that big dick of yours getting sucked off would make anyone wank. I’m cummin with you mate.
Hearing all this dirty talk made Boi suck even harder he wanted all that sackfull of Joe’s down his throat and feel Wayne’s cum spurting over him.
‘Fuck man I’m cumin,’ shouted Joe, ‘shit man, take it all I want to see you retching with my spunk. Here it comes.’
‘Me too’ shouted Wayne , his hand rubbing faster and faster down his shaft
‘Fuuckinn hell here it comes.’
And with that Joe shot wad after wad down Boi’s throat so much it was spilling out his mouth and running down his chin on to his Hi Viz jacket.
‘Shiiit man here’s mine.’ yelled Wayne, as spurt after spurt shot down across Bois face, thick creamy spunk running down the side of Bois face and onto his jacket
Both men leant back in exstacy . Wayne leant forward and rubbed the remaining drop of spunk across Boi’s face while Joe pulled his cock out and shook it before stuffing it back into his bleachers.
‘Fucking hell man that was the best. You Boi are the best sucker around. Tell you what I’ll give your next two tats for free if you can do that again.’
‘You’re on Joe. I’ll be back soon so I can get as many tats as Master. I just wanna look more and more like him.’
‘Well Boi you’ve earned a few beers, lets get going and pick up a few. I promised to get you into my skin gear so lets get going.’
They were hardly out of the shop when Wayne lit up and shoved the fag into Boi’s mouth and then opened a can and started slurping.
 ‘Fuck I need that. Boi let the fag hang out the side of yer mouth. You’re a Skin now remember. Get this can down your throat, you must be fucking needing that after that blow job on Joe.’
They got into Wayne’s flat and Boi followed Wayne into the bedroom. What a mess. Clothes everywhere but all Skin clothes, T shirts and bleachers all of different shades lying on a bed that was covered in a large black rubber sheet
Along the floor were several oxblood and black Doc Martens of differing heights and either yellow, red or white boot laces.  At the end of the line were rubber boots, knee length and waders.
Right Boi get yer Hi Viz gear off and get into the gear you’ll be wearing all the time. You’re a Skin and you will only ever wear what I say and it will all be skin stuff
Boi did as he was told while Wayne searched the bed for the gear he wanted Boi to wear. He threw a pair of bleachers and dirty socks.
‘Start with that Boi’
As Boi struggled to get on the bleachers, his cock was already half erect knowing they belonged to Wayne and he wanted his cock to look as good as Waynes who always had his stuffed down one leg.
Wayne took out some talc from a drawer and sprinkled it into a shiny black rubber T shirt.
‘Now get that on. Us skins luv rubber’
Boi put it one feeling it tight against his skin. It was hot but it only made him feel more horny.
‘Now get on these Oxblood Docs. After that lets see you in the mirror.’
 When he had laced up Wayne pulled Boi over to the full length mirror.
‘Now look at yerself. A goddammed fucking Skin eh. That’s what you want eh? Looking at that fucking stiff dick of yours tells me you love it. Shaved head and that cross on the side of your neck.  Brill. I’ll need to think what next. The rubber T shirt shows off your pecs Boi.’
Wayne handed Boi a rubber apron and said
‘Get that on around you while I take off my boots and then we’ll finish you off.
Once his boots were off Wayne got hold of the waders and pulled them on the tops coming up to his thighs. He opened the drawer again and took out a rubber hood and large black rubber dildo which looked just like a real black cock.
‘Get the hood on Boi. Youll love the smell of the rubber’
Boi put on the hood with neck and Wayne stood behind and zipped. There were eye slots and a mouth slit.
‘Smell that fucking rubber Boi.’
Boi felt this was what he always wanted. The strong small of rubber all over his face. Every breath was deep so he could take in the full stench of rubber. He felt Wayne’s prisoner, subjected to whatever he wanted. The hood was totally moulded to his shaved head.
Now put the sheet on the floor
While JBoi did as he was told, Wayne put on a pair of full length black rubber gloves that stretched all the way up his tattooed arms.
‘We skins luv fucking rubber don’t we?’
‘Yes master’
‘Get down on the fucking floor on yer knees and stick out yer tongue, now. I’ve plans for you, you fucking dirty pig, my fucking pig.’
Taking Bois rubber hooded head in his rubber gloves he bent down and let a huge gob of spit onto Bois tongue
‘So start cleaning my fucking boots’
Boi lay down with Wayne’s foot on his head and starting with Wayne’s gob he used his tongue to wipe over the rubber boots. As he used up the spit so he used his own spit to cover the boots. He loved the taste of the rubber in his mouth
‘Fucking tongue, Boi. I want to see these boots shine.’
 He kept pushing down his foot on Boi’s head and told him to sit up and changed to the other boot again giving Boi another gob of spit to get him started.
In between barking his orders Wayne was opening and downing cans of beer belching as he swallowed.
‘Christ you really are my fucking Boi. I’m needing a fuckin piss now, loads of piss in me cock boy and you’re going to swallow the whole fucking lot . Unzipping he put his rubber gloved hand down his bleachers and pulled out his semi erect cock.
Moving forwards he rubbed it across the hood, letting it pause as it passed Bois tongue.
You’re gonna luv my piss Boi so open yer mouth and let yere tongue out, a Golden shower is about to hit you straight in the face
With that Wayne let out a stream of steaming hot piss aiming a Boi’s mouth who slurped down as much as he could, feeling the heat of the piss in his throat the rest running down his hood onto his apron and then the rubber sheet on the floor
‘Fuckin hell man you luv my piss’
More and more from all his cans streamed out drenching Boi his hood and apron gleaming from the piss.
‘I fucking needed that’
Then taking some lube and smearing it along the rubber dildo he pulled Boi up and turned him around so he was facing the mirror.
These bleachers of yours have a nice hole at yer arse. Jus perfect for you. Means even when fully dressed as a Skin you can always be fucked.
Using his gloved hand he start slowly pushing it between Boi’s cheeks spreading them with his gloves.
‘Stick that arse of your out further so you can take it’
Wayne decided this Boi needed a good fast fuck so no need to take time. He rammed the dildo up Bois arse causing him to yell out but at the same time the burning sensation only made him want to take more.
‘You fucking luv that mate don’t you.’
‘It’s fucking amazing master.’
Using one hand to push the dildo up and then back Wayne started wanking his now rigid dick with the other gloved hand.
‘I fucking luv wanking with me rubber gloves on. Hope you’re luving this boi.’
‘Shit man I’m about to cum in my bleachers’
‘That’s what I want Boi, see your cum oozing out and down yer leg.
‘Fuck I’m about to cum too. Lets do it together. Are you ready, shit seeing this dildo go all the way up yer arse is amazing,’ Wayne said his rubber hand moved faster and faster up his shaft.
‘I’m ready.’
 ‘Christ me too.’
 With that Boi spurted his load in his bleachers the spunk oozing out the rest staining his leg. Wayne’s spunk shot out over Boi’s bleachers , wad after wad.
 ‘Fucking hell, Boi you learn fast.’
 Wayne struck up a fag and put it through the rubber hood slot into Bois mouth.
‘You deserve that.’
 Wayne fucked Boi twice during the night, Boi only wanting to please and Wayne only too keen to shaft him with his meaty dick.
 ‘I’ve got a job for you Boi. You need to get into my Hi Viz and report for work. Get my Rubber boots on as you will be getting dirty. I’m staying here as I’m shagged out after so much fucking and anyway I need to build up my cum for your return. So get into yer gear now.’
‘Yes Master’
 Boi put on all the dirty cum stained Hi Viz gear and finally the rubber boots which immediately made him feel horny
‘Watch it J-Boi, I can your dick getting stiff in your gear. Bet it’s the boots you love. Now fuck off to work while I have a doze and a few ciggies.’
J-Boi went off to the building site as directed by Wayne . There was no one around but a large concrete dump truck was sitting next to the Portacabin. J-Boi knocked on the door of the Portacabin.
‘Who the fuck is there?’ a voice boomed
‘Wayne sent me to work for you’
‘Oh its fucking J-Boi then’
 The door opened.
Fuckin hell standing in front of J-Boi was Big Jim, exactly as he had dreamt only a few days ago.. How the hell could it be the same. One was a dream but this was reality. But it was him. The same height, the same beer gut the same hairy hands and bushy beard.
‘You fucking know who I am don’t you J-Boi. Yes Big Jim.’
J-Boi stood there gobsmacked. His dream had come true but if was not he who was Big Jim.
‘Stop fucking staring J-Boi there’s work for us to do now, take this shovel and get over there behind the cement mixer as we have to spread out all this mix. Big Jim led the way as the mixer raised up the slurry and released what seems like tons of sloppy concrete.
‘Watch me and do the same and well get this done quickly.’
 Thank God Wayne had told him to wear the rubber boots as he found himself standing deep in concrete slurry trying to spread as quickly as he could. But using the shovel his entire Hi Viz gear was totally spattered in slimy concrete even across his face.
J- Boi was happy. He enjoyed being a dirty workie and shit was he dirty.
Christ its hard work but fucking great he thought as he took his arms across his face to wipe of some sweat and snot.
Time for a cuppa, J-Boi, you’ve done a good job for a new lad. Let’s get you into the Portacabin.
Once inside Big Jim said
‘Bloody dirty work ain’t it. Covered in fucking dirt and cement. Get you jacket off, I’m taking mine off
As Big Jim unzipped his Hi Viz jackt, J-Boi caught sight of his body
What a big hairy bear
Thick black hair covered his entire chest spreading up from his beer belly right up to his neck and over his massive shoulders and down his back.
J-Boi had never seen anyone as hairy and felt conscious of his own downy hair. The hair spread down his massive arms which underneath were fully tattooed. He was heavy, hairy and had his beer gut fall over his Hi Viz trousers. Exactly like the dream.
‘Like what you see?. All that work has made me horny.’ Big Jim said rubbing his thick hand down his crotch. ‘Why don’t you come over and give me rub and feel the length.’
J- Boi stood with his hand out and gently touched Big Jim’s prick .
‘That ain’t what I call a rub. Grab it through my Hi Viz gear and feel the size and meat,’ he shouted grabbing himself and showing what he had, the trousers tenting with his erection.
J -Boi seeing the hard outline couldn’t then keep his hand away and grasped the cock shaking it and then rubbing down the full thick shaft
‘That’s some big cock you have there, Big Jim
‘Sure is but you know that don’t you. No point in just looking at my mighty bulge why don’t you unzip me and get it out. I like guys to do a bit of work so they know what they are getting.’
J -Boi unzipped and thrust his hand down the inside hardly able to get his whole hand around the dick.
How the hell am I going to get this monster out it seems all the way down his leg, J -Boi thought.
‘Now you’ve felt the size let me whip it out, ‘Big Jim said pushing J-Boi’s hand away.
With one almighty yank his cock sprang out and straight up fully erect with some precum already showing on the tip of his head.
‘That’s better , now have a good look at this. You love it eh? Come over here.’
 J-Boi did as he was told, there was no option..
‘Turn around.’
 As J Boi turned around so Big Jim took down the trousers to see a good  arse with full well rounded cheeks.
‘Now that’s an arse waiting for a fuck if ever I saw one. No point in hanging around is there?’
He leant over his belly and let a huge gob of spit fall onto his shaft, slowly massaging it to make is ready to take J-Boi’s arse.
‘That’s it bend forward and relax. The more you relax the easier it will be, just the first push as my head enters your crack.
J -Boi bent forwards as Big Jim directed his cock, and gently pulled J-Boi in towards his shaft.
‘Fucking Hell, I don’t know if I can take it.’
‘Shut it, you’ll soon be groaning wanting every inch up to your hilt.’
 There was no stopping Big Jim, hearing J-Boi made him more determined to fuck the living daylights out of him.
With his head in so he brought back the boy further and further in to him
‘Tell you what I think you need an extra bit of stimulation to help.’
With his belly touching J-Boi’s arse Big Jim brought his thick hands around his body and with those large workie hands starting on J-Boi’s  tits, rubbing them at first gently between his fingers and then pinching them a little pulling his hands out so the tits felt hot and throbbing.
J-Boi started groaning, his arse automatically moving further and further up Big Jim’s shaft.
‘Oh so you like your tits done. Good boy, that’s it let me feel my dick right up to the top of your arse. By the way love the skinhead look and tats. I’ll speak to Wayne about others he can give you.
J -Boi was almost lifted off the ground being speared by Big Jims prick, his back now rubbing against a thick hairy chest, and a pair of hairy hands working more and more on his tits.
Shit this was better than any dream.
‘Ok Boi it now time for your to move up and down and let me release all my spunk inside you.
Big Jim slowly moved his cock as far back he could them he rammed it up so J-Boi could feel his hairy belly slam against his arse. Feeling all the thick hair made J-Boi so bloody horny with what seemed like a truncheon slamming away up his arse.
‘You fucking love that cock of mine boi, yer taking it like a real man, a real fucking Skin and shit those tits of yours are loving all my workin. That’s it boi push right back let me feel yer smooth arse against me belly
Big Jim slammed his cock harder and harder, J- Boi arching his body back to take every inch of that monster.
‘Fuck Boi I’m cumin, go on wank yerself so we cum together that dick of yours looks ready to take off its so fucking hard.’
‘Jesus Jim I’m there so unload all yer spunk inside me I want to feel it gloing all the way to my mouth and out. Fuck me, fuck me
‘You fucking little bitch you’re about to get all my seed.’
‘Right man , here I cum. Fuckinnnnn hell .’
Both came together J -Boi spurting all over the floor and Big Jim’s like a bloody deluge spunking all the way up J-Boi’s arse.
‘Christ Boi that’s one of the best fucks I’ve had in ages.’
‘Best cock I’ve had.’
‘Too fucking right boi. Tell you what tomorrow at lunch break I’m taking you to me mates to get some tit rings. All good Skins have them but with your tits you’ll love them. Make sure Wayne comes with you so we can have a threesome. Want to see him suck you off while I have another go up that arse of yours.
So before you go youd better wipe up all that cum of yours over the floor.’
‘What’s the smile for?’
‘I’ve just had a dream come true, been fucked by you with that monster dick, now have my Master and become a Skin who lives like a dirty workie in full Hi Viz then skin gear after. It’s not going to get any better. No more fucking wanking, I have the real thing and loads of it. What a fucking great life.
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vendettavalor · 10 months
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⚔️ TV Tropes ⚔️
OBJECTIVE: Browse this website and select 3-10 tropes that represent your chosen character. You may elaborate on these selections if you wish, but it is by no means necessary.
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A BEAST IN NAME AND NATURE: An unfortunate consequence of being a child of prophecy - and not the good half of it - is that Sutek is known by several names with very negative connotations. The Black Dragon, the Great Destroyer, or just Mordeu (Death God). As a Sith, his new name of Darth Gore also falls in line with this trope.
BAIT-AND-SWITCH BOSS: In Sutek's case, Sidious is the bait-and-switch. After his fall, Sutek ends up taking over and ruling the Empire from the shadows. He's not named emperor and does not keep power centralized, instead maintaining the idea that the Empire is just "fractured and scattered" to hide the fact that it is still very much alive while he's working on the Palpaclones in preparation for the rise of the First Order.
DRAGON-IN-CHIEF: Followup to the previous trope - despite taking over in Sidious' absence, Sutek still doesn't end up being the true villain in the end. That remains to be Snoke, who takes over once Sutek is redeemed after saving Aurelia.
EX BIG BAD: Sutek post-redemption. Everyone knows what he did since he does come clean after all. They come to realize that he was behind a lot of the more horrifying projects of the Empire. But he's no longer actively working with the Empire and is trying to atone for his misdeeds.
GOD OF EVIL: While not his official title, this is what most people perceive Sutek as. Regardless of the fact that his prophecy states that he can bring peace and harmony to the galaxy if he works well with his sister, the fact that he is the incarnation of a destruction god whose fall ultimately did play a vital role in a creation myth is often conveniently overlooked just so his character can be boiled down to and automatically assumed to be evil. After all, it's easier to assume that destruction god = death god = evil god = reincarnation = evil child. Even if he was just a baby.
INVOLUNTARY SHAPESHIFTING: To a certain degree. Unlike Aurelia, who takes great steps to stop her dragon form from emerging because she has no control over it and doesn't want to acknowledge that it exists for fear of the damage it could do, Sutek leans hard into his. He does have control over it for the most part, but like his sister, intense emotion can just have it BURST out at random.
JUSTIFIED CRIMINAL: In his own mind. Sutek turned to the Dark Side after a mission gone wrong and no backup almost caused Aurelia to die. Because the council didn't believe Sifo-Dyas and his visions. Because it seemed like the Order was more concerned with answering to the Senate than to the people of the galaxy it claimed to serve. And because his own people seemed convinced that he would do nothing but bring about the end of the galaxy as they knew it, no matter how much good he did. He genuinely thought that having the power to control everything via the Dark Side would allow him to prove everyone wrong and protect Aurelia.
PACIFISM IS COWARDICE: A belief shared by a lot of Sith, including Sutek. The idea that the Order is pacifistic by nature and maintains peace by either serving one side or simply ignoring conflict that doesn't involve them despite their self-proclaimed role as intergalactic peacekeepers makes them cowards in his mind. And he refuses to stand by them for it.
STRIKE ME DOWN WITH ALL OF YOUR HATRED: Sutek, especially towards the end of his Sith arc, will goad his enemies into striking him down. It's an ideal taken from Palpatine. If they strike him down, he taunts that they will be just like him, or that they will simply have removed one cog from the machine of the Empire. Further down the line however, it's done more ferally and more as a cry for help: strike him down and put an end to what he is and what he has done.
YOU WOULD DO THE SAME FOR ME: In reference to how Sutek saves Aurelia after brainwashing her into becoming a tool and a weapon of his destruction. Upon realizing that rather than fulfill his intended goal of protecting her he's about to be the cause of her death, he rushes to stop her before she can gore herself. When asked why, he apologizes for everything he has done and all the hurt he has caused her and reiterates that despite it all, she would have done the same for him.
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TAGGED BY: @valorums (this was so much fun <3)
TAGGING: Anyone who feels up for it!
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