#how i look though.... n yay haircut later
noxtivagus · 2 years
good morning zz ( not morning anymore technically bcs it's 12 smth but.. i woke up like an hour ago so i can still say gm 🥺 )
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shit-talk-turner · 8 months
Prev. message board anon here. Managed to dig out some old screenshots. I've copied and pasted them here as don't want to come off anon. These are mainly related to Alex and were posted by the sound engineer (I think). They're just random messages, not in any sort of order. Enjoy!
matt kinda says hi (he's half asleep, poor guy) ive managed to survive another night with the guys, and sucessfully cooked dinner. as a reward they took me to the pub...nice one
theyre more like extended family. (al's gone home, jammie's still on't playstation with my bro and matts curled up asleep in my room, he looks like a cat) FINALLY I HAVE SOME PEACE AND QUIET!!!!!!!! yay!!! *me doing a little dance in joy*
if that happened, hed prolly try n find you a chair (he's kind like that) and then hed stand there and panic about what to do.
yeah. it was bad wasnt it. got to the stage where we were all making fun, leaving little post-its with "get a haircut" written on, and generally begging him to get a haircut. he did it eventually, and now he looks hot again and less like a scarecrow. thank god!
alex update: he is wondering what to have for lunch.
no. not yet. hes having a gingerbreadman while he thinks about it.
hes gone off to find timm to find out what time were having dinner (because our schedule for the days changed). he said if he knows when dinner is, then he can make a proper decision on lunch - whether he wants a snack or a whole meal......
alex update: him n jammie are sat on the edge of the stage looking at the choice of songs theyve been given for their performance on Radio 1's Live Lounge on monday. theyre gonna do brianstorm, and they have to pick one of the four songs theyve been given to cover. theyre choosing now...
alex update: he's scurrying about looking for a cd he lost. to be honest it could be anywhere. its not very tidy at the moment.... and i think someone mentioned watching anchorman later.....
alex update: reading a book (well hes trying to, but matt keeps distracting him....) and hes trying to think what the best sandwich in teh world is (thats matts question of the day)
alex update: he's sat in't corner writing summat and on the phone. im always curious when i see him writing, cuz i automatically assume that hes writing lyrics - and then i start thinking about what he's done today to think what the song might be about and then i really, really, really want to hear how it would go......all this, and then i ask him what he's writing and he shows me that he's either doing a crossword, or writing a cd shopping list, or summat dissapointing....
alex update: seemed quite happy when we last saw him. think he's gone to change. and i think he's coming out later. not sure if he'll be out with us though. he doesnt really know mal and cookies mates. they were in the year above us at school...
alex update: he's all packed and sat on the sofa reading the article about AM in this weeks NME. by his facial expressions, i can't work out what he thinks about it..... :S
alex update: ............ there are no words to describe him today.
he's sat out in the sun with everyone, and he's the most relaxed and normal that i've seen him in soooo very long i think he's so relieved that the album did well and people like it. he just looks relaxed and, dare i say it............. HAPPY. :) he deserves it.
alex update: he's most defniatly asleep. he had a busy night last night, and last time i saw him the poor thing was asleep on his feet...
alex update - the only one of the fab four that i can see at the mo. i asked him what he's doing so i could report on it, and he said "dont just say im lying on the floor waiting for the microwave. that sounds reet boring. say 'im reclining on the carpet in a relaxed fashion, clasping a piece of toast waiting for my beans to be done , and im donning my shades in a classy way' ....yeah, that makes it sound a bit better. or do i just sound like a knobhead? okay, cut that bit out. just say....just say im eating. again. im always eating when youre typing......hmmm"
and that was all i could get from the fascinating Mr Turner, before the microwave "pinged"....
alex update: he's chilling with miles and some friends, havign a drink and watching some bands.
after the set, we all got a little bi too drunk, met up with James Ford (producer, and from simian mobile disco), james + simon (klaxons), lily allen, lovefoxx, a kook and some others (there was about 20 of us) and we wanted to go out at night to Lost Vague-ness (the most random field at glastonbury) but they didnt want to be noticed and harrassed, so we hired these random costumes. alex was a dinosaur, james was a swan, there was a chicken, a moose, me and lily were mushrooms...... was truley hilarious.
[its not really "news" but we just had a fight. a proper standing in the rain, shouting ourselves hoarse, having to be separated argument. thats the only problem with me and al, were too similar. SO stubborn, and a tendency to take things too personally and get a bit irrational. the basics, i was trying to be a good friend and tell him summat, he wasnt listening, we both said things we prolly shouldn't have, and then were taken away to calm down. it'll all be fine by the morning, thats just how we roll. but for tonight, im not gonna pretend were okay.]
the internet was once such a wild and lawless place
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babbysquid · 4 years
Not A Whiskey Drinker Pt. 2
Author’s Note: Oh my goodness thank you all for the positive feedback on NAWD! I’m really enjoying writing this and living out my own fantasy. The DRAMA begins in the part after this so prepare yourself for that!
Warnings: mild cursing
Sunday had passed by quickly and it was now Monday at 8am. Your interview was at 9. You studied your reflection in the mirror. You were wearing the outfit that Parker had helped you pick out but had the shirt buttoned all the way up. Grabbing your bag you and throwing on your shoes you looked at yourself one more time. Chewing the inside of your cheek you took a deep breath.
“Fuck it.” you whispered to and you unbuttoned the top two buttons of your shirt, just as Parker had done previously.
You stood outside a tall office building and looked up. It looked modern and new, but not imposing. Swallowing hard you pushed your shoulders back, raised your head up, and strutted through the front door. Fake it til you make it as they say.
“Hi I’m Y/N Y/L/N.” you said to the receptionist at the front desk. “I have an interview with Mr. Daniels.”
“Ah yes Mr. Daniels has been expecting you. Give me one second and I’ll take you to his office.” said the receptionist.
“Ah it’s okay Sara, I got it.” said a voice from behind you.
Turning around you saw a gorgeous woman. She wore a white button down and black slacks. Her short haircut was modern and cute. It suited her face really well. Thick glasses sat on the edge of her nose. She gave you a kind smile. Looking at her outfit and her appearance in general you suddenly felt self conscious. Maybe you should’ve stuck with the fully buttoned up shirt.
“I’m Ginger.” she said, extending her hand.
You took her hand in yours as you introduced yourself and the two of you walked to the elevators.
“So you have an interview with Jack?”
You nodded.
She laughed a little and it almost seemed like she was taking pity on you.
“He’s a good guy, but he’s definitely a character. He means well though.”
You smiled back. New York City was definitely filled with interesting and strange people. Your mind quickly thought back to the cowboy you met on Friday.
The elevator dinged and stirred you from your thoughts. Ginger guided you to a pair of mahogany doors.
“Well. This is where I leave you. Good luck Y/N.”
“Thank you.”
Taking a deep breath you knocked on the door and waited. A second later you heard some footsteps and you mentally prepared yourself for whoever was inside. The door swung open and your jaw dropped. You couldn’t help it.
Before you stood the same cowboy that had prevented your fall. Quickly you snapped your jaw shut. He was just as handsome as you remember, if not more handsome. He was still wearing his black stetson. Instead of the long camel coat he wore when he was in the park he was wearing a blazer with matching slacks. The blazer had a classic cowboy look but was still somehow modern. You flicked your eyes down to confirm your guess, he was wearing cowboy boots. He was wearing a pair of simple wire glasses and they looked good on him.
“Well isn’t this a coincidence?” said the man, “Come in, please.”
He stepped aside allowing you to enter the office.
For as modern as the building appeared, Mr. Daniels’ office felt lived in and warm. It was covered in mahogany and leather. An old globe sat on a shelf and other bits and bobs decorated the office, including what appeared to be a cow skull. You didn’t realize you were staring until Mr. Daniels’ honeyed voice made you blink.
“It’s real if that’s what you’re thinking.” he said.
You turned and realized he was much closer than you thought, practically close enough to touch you. You swallowed hard. He smelled good.
“Well let’s get started, shall we?” he said, stepping back and motioning to a chair that sat in front of his desk.
Wordlessly you moved to the chair and sat down. The whole act of confidence you had suddenly vanished. Mr. Daniels was slightly intimidating and holy hell was he attractive.
“Now Y/N — you don’t mind if I call you that?” Mr. Daniels asked.
“Y/N is fine yes.” you said, slightly unsure about the familiarity. Your previous job you were never addressed by your first name, it was always Ms. Y/L/N.
“Would you like something to drink?” he asked, swiveling in his chair to grab a bottle of whiskey and two glasses from behind him.
You smiled, appreciating the offer but politely declined.
“I’m actually not a whiskey drinker.” you said. Mr. Daniels laughed loudly as if he knew something you didn’t.
“I know it’s odd that I’m here interviewing for a whiskey company Mr. Daniels—
“Please, call me Jack.” he interrupted.
“…Jack,” you said slowly “but I promise I’ll be dedicated even if it’s not my drink of choice.”
Jack smiled and poured himself a glass of the amber liquid. Leaning back in his chair he studied you. Feeling his gaze on you, you gave him a small smile, trying to convince him that you really would work hard.
“Well Y/N,” he said after a second, “you got the job!”
Your brows furrowed. There was absolutely no way he was serious. He only asked if you wanted a drink, the company’s drink no less, and you said no. No interview questions, no asking for documents or recommendations. Nothing.
“I know you might be surprised but here at Statesmen we like to do things a little differently. And don’t worry about not liking whiskey. Who knows though, you may warm up to it.” he said, giving you a wink.
“This certainly was the easiest interview I’ve ever done.” you whispered under your breath. But according to the booming laugh that came out of the man sitting in front of you, your whisper wasn’t quiet enough.
“I assure you Y/N that you’ve already gone through an extensive interview process. The company has contacted past employers of yours and done copious amount of research and background checks into your resume. It may have been easy on your end, but not on ours.”
‘Certainly the weirdest interview I’ve ever done too.’ you thought.
“Well!” said Jack, clasping his hands together and standing up from his chair. “You start tomorrow. Let me give you a quick tour so you can settle in easy tomorrow.” In a flash he was around the desk and holding his hand out to you, a million dollar smile on his face.
Letting out a short breath you pushed away your anxiety and trepidation. If this was gonna be your new job you may as well start acting like your normal self. You grabbed his hand with assurance and stood up from your seat.
Neither one of you moved.
Standing there your eyes were glued to the sight of your hand being dwarfed by his. Slowly your eyes moved up to meet Jack’s. They were the most gorgeous shade of brown. Dark but still with a warmth and spark that drew you in. The glasses he wore framed them perfectly. Subconsciously you lightly bit your bottom lip. You blinked and the trance was broken. Slowly you removed your hand from his, but your palm was still tingling from the skin to skin contact.
“Thank you by the way.” you said breaking the silence.
Jack gave you that smile again and it felt like your internal organs had been turned to soup.
“Don’t worry about it darlin’. I’m quick on my feet and happened to see a beautiful young woman in need so I helped.”
You almost choked at the words he spoke.
“Let me show you to your space.” said Jack, his hand moving to lightly sit on the middle of your back.
In any other professional circumstance if someone did this to you you’d immediately call HR. In this instance however Jack’s gesture felt comforting and gentlemanly, not creepy and an intrusion of personal space. To summarize, you enjoyed his touch.
The two of you strode out the doors and walked a short distance down the hall to a door. Leading you inside Jack explained how this would be your personal office. You had never had a private space just for yourself in your workplace. You laughed softly.
“Something funny?” said Jack, looking down at you, hand still on your back.
“Never had my own space before. This place is almost bigger than my apartment.” You looked up at him with shining eyes. Jack swallowed thickly. Your big eyes were something else and certainly affecting him.
“Hah. Well I just hope you don’t move in here! Gotta have a separation between work and play.” said Jack, winking at you.
You could feel your face heating up at the comment as Jack led you out of the room and your heart was beating faster than it should’ve. Unbeknownst to you, so was Jack’s. He wasn’t expecting his new PA to be the gorgeous girl from the park. Admittedly he had thought about you a couple times since, beating himself up for not inviting you to coffee or something.
Outside of your new office stood Ginger.
“Ah sweet Ginger!” said Jack, removing his hand from your back. You silently mourned the loss of contact.
“This is my new peach of an assistant Y/N.”
“I know Jack.” said Ginger, rolling her eyes. “How do you think she found your office?”
“Always one step ahead Miss Ginger.” said Jack, flashing his smile again.
“Come with me Y/N and we’ll get you put in the system.”
“Pleasure meeting you darlin’ and I cannot wait til tomorrow.” said Jack, winking one last time before turning on his heel and sauntering back into his office.
“Is he always like that?”
“He’s always been a ladies man. You may be his assistant but make sure he knows who’s in charge. Keep him on a short leash.”
“So how was it?” Parker asked, taking a bite out of her pizza. She had come over to eat dinner with you and get all the juicy details about the job interview.
“Weird. I mean I got the job, but it was still weird.”
“First off yay! Secondly, what do you mean weird?”
“Well the building was way more high tech than I expected but the thing that was the weirdest was the interview itself. The only thing he asked me was if I wanted a glass of whiskey.”
“To which you said no.”
“Yeah…” you trailed off.
“I know that look Y/N. What’s on your mind?”
“Jack Daniels is the cowboy from the park.”
Thankfully Parker had swallowed her bite of pizza before hearing this, otherwise there’d be a chewed up wad of cheese on your floor.
“He was acting kind of flirty too.”
“So you did unbutton the shirt!” Parker said, a look of pride on her face.
“Parker that’s not the point. Afterwards when I was talking to the head of networking and media she explained that Jack is like this with every woman. The hat I need to show him who’s in charge, even if he is my boss.”
“That’s hot.” said Parker taking another bite.
“Shut up he’s my boss.” you said, pushing her shoulder. “I get what she’s saying though. I’ve dealt with guys like that before. Admittedly they were in their 20s and went to the same college as me and weren’t actually adults who I worked with.”
“How old does this guy look anyways?” Clearly Parker had a different agenda than you.
“Parker…” you gave her a glare.
“Okay okay message received.” she put up her hands in mock defense.
You looked down at your pizza slice and picked at the bit of cheese that had slid off of it.
“So how’re you gonna fend him off while still creating a good relationship?”
“Guess I gotta use that stubbornness you were talking about earlier.” you said giving her a small grin.
taglist: @absurdthirst @space-daddy-owns-me @agentwhiskeypussyindulgence
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spencerreidslove · 4 years
Tumblr media
A/N: Just some pure tooth rotting fluff for these quarantine times. Reminder to stay safe and wear a mask in public.
Week 1
“Maybe it won’t be so bad.” Spencer said.
You had to go into quarantine and your best friend was trying to convince you that it wouldn’t be bad.
“How? I’m a high school teacher who suddenly has to teach on zoom, and I live alone. I don’t even have like, a cat!” You said.
“I live alone too! And as far as we know, this’ll be over in two weeks and you’ll be back in the classroom in no time.” Spencer said, placing his hands on your shoulders.
You were currently in Spencer’s apartment, freaking out over the email you had gotten from the school you worked at, saying they were going to be closing for two weeks. Stupid virus.
Spencer and you had met two years ago in a bookstore when you ‘fought’ over the last copy of a book. You ended up getting it, but you also left with a phone number that would turn into your best friend’s phone number.
“I’ve got the best idea!” You said, suddenly.
“What?” Spencer asked.
“We could quarantine together!” You said.
“What? That seems like it goes against the rules of quarantine.” Spencer said.
“Think about it! It won’t be that long, and we both live alone. To save us from going insane, we could quarantine together!” You said.
Spencer seemed to be warming up to the idea. “Who’s apartment would we stay at?” He asked.
“Well...your apartment is bigger than mine. And you have a guest bedroom. And you have a washer and dryer already in your apartment.” You said.
“Fine. You can stay in my guest room for the few weeks we’ll be here.” Spencer said. “We can go grab your stuff later.”
“Oh this is going to be the best staycation ever!” You said.
Week 2
“This staycation sucks ass.” You said, dangling over the couch.
“Aren’t you supposed to go back to school soon?” Spencer asked from his desk. The last week had been fun, but being in the same apartment while both trying to do your jobs was hard.
“No. We got pushed back again. They said maybe by mid-April we’ll go back.” You said.
Spencer’s job at the FBI was changing too. For the safety of the team, they had stopped traveling and were only doing consults from their homes. The team also had a zoom meeting everyday, which meant sitting in your guest room for a very long time.
“That sucks. How are your students reacting?” Spencer asked.
“Eh. They say they love getting to catch up on all their Netflix shows, but some say they miss me, which warms my cold dead heart.” You said.
You flipped off the couch and went over to Spencer’s desk.
“I have a good idea.” You said. “How about tonight we stay up late and watch as many episodes of Doctor Who as we can?”
“That’s the best idea you’ve ever had.” Spencer said.
Later on, the two of you were settled on his couch, holding a bowl of popcorn and under a blanket. As the episodes went on, you caught yourself looking over at Spencer periodically.
His curls had gotten more wild, and you had never noticed the shape of his jaw before.
“Y/N?” He asked. You hadn’t realized he caught you staring at him.
“Sorry, I just zoned out there for a minute.” You said.
Week 3
You were on a zoom call with your third period class, going over Manifest Destiny. Spencer’s call with his team was later in the day so you actually got to do the call from the office for once.
Spencer had stepped in a few minutes ago to grab a book off his shelves, and was now looking at the shelves behind you.
“Can anyone name the president who really pushed for Manifest Destiny?” You asked.
“James K. Polk.” Spencer said from behind you without hesitating.
“Spencer, last time I checked, you weren’t enrolled in my third period American Studies class.” You said.
This caused a few laughed from your class.
“Sorry.” He said before slipping out of the office and back towards the kitchen.
One of the girls on your screen raised her hand.
“Yes, Amelia.” You said.
“Is he your boyfriend, Miss Y/L/N?” She asked.
You felt your face flush. “I-uh-no. Spencer’s just my friend.” You said. Wanting to change the subject as quickly as possible you moved on to your next question.
Later, when you were watching some random reality tv show, you thought about it. Sure, you really like Spencer, but enough to date him?
Maybe there was something there.
Week 4
“Ugh!” You called out, slamming your phone down on the kitchen island.
“You ok, Y/N?” Spencer asked.
“No! No, I’m not ok! I just found out we’re going to be doing online for the rest of the year!” You said. “It sucks. I had so many fun activities planned and I was so excited for the end of the year and I just-“
You stopped as you felt tears well up in your eyes. It was only your second year as a teacher and you were really looking forward to redoing some of your favorite things from last year and some new activities.
“Oh, Y/N, I’m sorry.” Spencer said. He came up beside you and wrapped his arms around you.
You fell into his embrace and you two stood like that for a few minutes, Spencer holding on to you, you crying into his shoulder.
When he pulled away, he wiped the tears from under your eyes.
“How about a nice long marathon of whatever show you like?” Spencer asked.
“Even if it’s cheesy and stupid?” You asked.
“Especially if it’s cheesy and stupid.” Spencer said, pulling you in for another hug.
Week 5
“Can I give you a haircut?” You asked.
“Absolutely not.” Spencer said.
You were standing behind him, and you ran your hand through his hair. “It’s getting really long though! I promise I won’t mess it up!” You said.
“No, I draw the line at haircutting. Have you ever even cut hair before?” Spencer asked.
“Once. On a Barbie doll.” You said.
“So no. You are not cutting my hair.” Spencer said.
You moved so you were sitting next to him and did your best puppy dog eyes. “Just a couple inches?” You asked.
You sat staring at him for a few seconds before he sighed.
“Fine. Two inches.” He said.
“Yay!” You said.
A few minutes later you were in the bathroom, Spencer sitting in a chair, you holding the best pair of scissors you could find.
“I’m so glad you let me do this.” You said, brushing through his hair.
“Only because you’re my best friend.” He said.
You smiled and grabbed the scissors, and started cutting the back of his hair.
“Be careful. That sounds like a lot.” Spencer said.
“Calm down, it’s like an inch-maybe two.” You said.
You worked in silence for a few seconds before coming around to his side. You cut some peices and then kneeled down in front of him. You were now eye level.
You brought a few pieces of his hair over to the other side, in an attempt to make it even. You didn’t even realize that Spencer was looking at you until you let go of his hair.
“Hi.” You whispered.
“Hi.” Spencer whispered back.
Suddenly, he was leaning forward, but not all the way. Kind of like a signal, if you didn’t want this, you could still pull away.
But you didn’t pull away. You wanted this. You leaned closer and pressed your lips to his. Spencer pulled away after a few seconds, and then smiled at you.
“I’m really glad you gave me a haircut.” Spencer said.
“I’m really glad you agreed to let me stay here with you.” You said.
@rexorangecouny @magnificentmgg
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stressisakiller · 4 years
A Moment of Peace
Bucky Barnes x Reader Soulmate AU
(Hello Sunflower Part 12)
Summary: You finally get a day to rest after the craziness of the past week
Warnings: None really, fluff, like one cussword a little bit of spice
Word Count: 2.6k
A/N: Small Edit 3/18 Fluffy chapter yay!  Let me know what you think and if you have any requests for future chapters! Thank yall for reading!’
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Between being kidnapped by Hydra and worrying about the trial, there hadn’t been much time in the last week for you to relax. So after the final trial and final decision of not guilty you felt like you were going to collapse. Everyone was happy to be back at the tower but you all decided that celebrating could wait. The week had worn down on everyone. Leaning on Bucky as you headed to his room, your legs felt like lead, and the moment that your head hit the pillow you were out. 
You were a little disoriented as you woke, it was dark in the room and outside, your eyes still felt heavy and there was a weight on your waist. Shifting to look to your left you found the weight to be your soulmate's arm flung over you as he slept, mouth open and small snores slipping out of his mouth. You couldn’t help but giggle at the image, in that moment it hit you that you are free. The government isn’t going to come after you and Hydra is in hiding again, at least for a little while. Allowing yourself to relax again you shuffle closer to Bucky, pausing when you feel him stir. He simply turns to his side and pulls you closer in his sleep resting his chin on top of your head as you bury your face into his chest. Breathing him in, you soak in the warmth of his chest and arm. Even with the super-soldier serum flowing through you, your body still runs a little cooler and you always enjoy the warmth that your space heater of a boyfriend gives off. You smile to yourself as you allow your body to drift back off to sleep.
The sun is the first thing you notice as your body slowly comes to consciousness. You must have slept all afternoon and night. Can’t say you're surprised, you hadn’t been this exhausted since you disobeyed and got a tattoo to cover your soul mate mark at eighteen. A soft kiss to your forehead pulls you out of your thoughts and causes your eyes to flutter open. The sight you are met with makes your heart melt, Bucky is leaning on his metal arm looking down at you with a soft smile gracing his lips. His flesh hand is tracing random patterns on the skin of your hip. You sleepily smile up at him.
“G’mornin’ love, wha’ time s’it? Your words are slurred with sleep, causing Bucky to smile a little wider
“9 am, the day is practically halfway gone.” he jokes, considering you normally end up waking up closer to 5:30 in the morning 9 is surprising.
“No shit? I can’t remember the last time I slept in this late.” you giggle at the noise that your tummy makes at that moment “‘M hungry.”
Bucky nods and goes to get dressed, at least enough for the communal kitchen as you stretch out across the bed, trying to release those last few knots in your body before getting up and putting on your baggy pj bottoms. 
You are surprised to see Tony cooking bacon and pancakes when you enter the kitchen. You walk up and give your brother a hug,
“I didn’t know you could cook.”
“There are a lot of things you don’t know about me,” he unsuccessfully tries hiding his smile as you raise your eyebrow at him, “and really, I’m only good at making a couple of things, breakfast being one of them.”
You give him a kiss on the cheek before you walk over to the coffee maker, pouring yourself a cup and making a fresh pot for the rest of the group. Sipping on the sweet nectar of life in your hands you hop onto the counter beside Tony, Bucky leaning on the island across from you. 
“So, it seems like you’re the only one having to pay a fine for your actions, bro.” you make it into a joke but watch his face closely for any sign that he feels uncomfortable.
“Yeah, I get it though, I am the one with the most money and the one with the most agency to do whatever I want. So, I can’t really blame them for being a least a little frustrated with me.” You smile at his words, you wouldn’t say that they were only a little frustrated, but you weren’t going to say that to him. You sit there with your two favorite boys as Tony finishes with breakfast, helping set the table when everything was almost ready.
“Hey Jarvis,” you call out.
“Yes miss Stark.” You roll your eyes at the formal ways he addresses you.
“Could you please let anyone that is awake that breakfast is ready?”
“Absolutely miss.”
You nod satisfied as you pull some orange juice from the fridge and syrup from the pantry. You can hear voices approaching as you place them on the table. Sam and Steve walk in first, followed quickly by Nat and Clint whispering to themselves as they approach the table. Bruce slowly walks in from the lab, clearly lost in thought.  Thor is currently off-world, per the usual. Conversation ceases as everyone stuffs their faces with the food in front of them, surprised comments at Tony making such a good breakfast are made and you could see the attention going to his head but you decided to allow it this one time. 
Finishing up the food on your plate you lean against Bucky on your right, watching the people around the table as they begin to joke with each other. A sense of calm overcomes you as you allow yourself to realize that the people around you have become more of a family to you than your so-called dad ever was. Bucky looks down at you, 
“You ok little sunflower?” you look up at him and smile,
“I have never been better, my star, I have my soulmate next to me and my family around me. And for the moment I have nothing to worry about except how I’m going to spend my day.”
His smile widens at your words, pulling you closer he nuzzles his nose against the shell of your ear, 
“I think I have an idea about how to spend the day.” His voice was deeper and raspier than normal, sending a shiver down your spine as you smack his arm.
“James Barnes!” you threw your hand over your heart in mock outrage, “you kiss your soulmate with that mouth?”
“I want to kiss her elsewhere right now.” He murmurs, you just roll your eyes at him, 
“At least let me finish breakfast first, yeesh.” Bucky laughed at your reaction, kissing your temple 
“We don’t have to right now but I wouldn’t say no to later today.” shaking your head at his antics you smiled up at him, as an idea popped in your head.
“Sounds good love. Hey, wanna go to the farmers market today? We haven’t gone in such a long time.” Bucky’s smile grew at your request, he couldn’t say no to you, especially when you looked at him with those big expectant eyes.
“Of course Sunflower, let’s have a day out.” 
After eating and getting dressed, and a couple of breathtaking kisses you both headed out for the day. Bucky insisted that you go back to the Farmers Market in Brooklyn so you piled onto the back of his motorcycle. The wind and sun on your face felt amazing as he weaved his way through the traffic, this, you think, is exactly what I was missing. 
Walking towards the market you noticed Bucky glancing at some barbers as you walked past. You decided quickly to find out exactly what he was thinking about.
“Thinking about getting a haircut, handsome?” you tried to keep your tone playful as you asked. Bucky looked at you, eyes swimming with a thousand emotions.
“I am but I don't think I’m quite ready today.”
You just nodded and looped your arm through his, leading him to the market
While looking at some of the vegetables on display you decided to make a big super for everyone that night. As shity as the man you called father was, he had taught you how to cook traditional Russian meals. Mainly so that he could feel more at home, but you didn’t want to think about that right now. Right now you wanted to make a meal for your family that you remembered from your childhood. 
You quickly told Bucky about your plan, dragging him around as you found all of the ingredients you would need for the food as well as stuff to make dessert. Luckily you were able to hold all of your groceries while on the motorcycle as Bucky drove you back to the tower after spending the majority of your day galivanting around Brooklyn. Pulling into the garage below the tower Bucky helped you take everything up to the communal kitchen so that you could get started. 
You put Bucky to work as you cooked, having him peel veggies and potatoes so that you could chop them up and put them into the pot for the Borscht, a Russian vegetable soup. Also making some Kartoshka, Russian cake pops, for dessert. It took about 3 hours for you to completely finish cooking everything but you hadn’t felt so at peace in a long time. Cooking and baking had always been your escape from everything that was happening around you while at Hydra. Of course, your sexist father hadn’t minded, he enjoyed having a good little daughter that knew her place to cook for him. His duality always surprised you, he wanted you to be a typical girl while also making you into a super-soldier. You wonder how fucked up his brain had really been before your bullet went through it.
The cool feeling of Bucky’s metal arm wrapping around your stomach pulled you back to the present. Leaning into his warmth you looked up at him with a soft smile.
“Hey, lovie could you help me set the table? I need to finish this and I’ll tell Friday to let everyone know that it is ready.” Bucky left a soft kiss on your head before nodding and heading to the cabinets to grab everything.
“Hey Jarvis, could you please let everyone know that I made dinner and it’s ready?” 
“Yes, miss” 
“Thanks J, and you know that you don’t need to call me miss?”
“Yes miss.” you rolled your eyes, who knew that AIs could be so sarcastic, leave it to Tony to create one that was.
Everyone filed in, looking confused yet excited about the food on the table and absolutely shocked at Bucky’s haircut. They quickly commented on how good he looked before looking to you to explain what they were about to eat. You explained that it was a  traditional Russian meal that you had been taught to make when you were younger. You didn’t miss the misty look in Nat’s eyes when she saw what you had made. She gave you a small smile when she noticed your eyes on her. You were proud to note that she had eaten three full bowls before leaning back stuffed.
 Everyone was overly full at the end of dinner, shuffling over to the living room to watch a movie. Lord of the Rings was put on the table and you, Bucky, and Steve all looked at each other confused, you had never heard of that movie before. Everyone else looked at you in shock,
“You haven’t seen this?” Tony asked incredulously, “I mean I know you didn’t have a normal life but even I’ve seen them and I was in a type of jail for half my life.”
“Sorry, Stark but random movies weren’t high on my priority list as I tried to escape Hydra and then worked on getting my soulmate free.” The sarcasm dripped from your voice as you raised your eyebrow at him.
Tony was right, of course, the movie was amazing, you were hooked and by the end of it you couldn’t wait till you would get to watch the rest of them. But by the looks of everyone else they were ready for bed, and you could feel your eyes getting a little heavy as the credits rolled. You slowly stood, stretching out for being curled up by Bucky for the last couple of hours. He followed you to his room, since your kidnapping incident you spent more nights there than not.
Stepping through the door you were surprised to be pushed against the wall, door slamming behind Bucky as he crowded against you. His lips were rough against yours as he trapped your arms above your head and leaned his whole body against you. You couldn’t help the moan that escaped you at the feeling of him against you. Of course, he wouldn’t have forgotten your conversation and testing kisses from earlier. He pulled back panting slightly, breath fanning over your face,
“You looked so beautiful today, and then you made such amazing food that reminded me of the good things in my past. You are amazing and I feel incredibly lucky to have your mark on me.”
At his words, you couldn’t help but pull your arms from his grip and lift his shirt to kiss along his tattoo.
“You’re the one who looked distractingly good today and I’m the lucky one Buck. I don’t deserve you and your heart,” he growled at your words, not liking how self-deprecating you sounded. He lifted you easily and threw you on the bed, deciding that he would spend all night showing you exactly how much you deserve each other.
Tagged users: @calwitch @writerwrites
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polygamyff · 4 years
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“You are honestly so boring, who the hell openly watches news?” I shrugged smiling laid out on the couch watching TV, Robyn thinks I am boring “don’t be stupid, it’s business news. I like to see the update about business and shares. You’re boring with your trash TV” she is the same woman that watches Kim fucking Kardashian “whatever, don’t kick your legs around Reign is making her way to you” watching Robyn crawl on the floor towards Reign “you look very sexy like that, mhmmm” I grinned “be quiet” Robyn picked Reign and moved her closer to the couch “I just don’t get her refusal to crawl, is she too good for it?” I shrugged laughing; Reign will not crawl. She just sits there and waits, she rather grab things to help her up “I love that little romper on her, it’s cute” rubbing the top of my head while watching Reign, she dragged herself up using the side of the couch. Waiting to see her little face “come on, you’re nearly there. Yay!” finally she dragged herself up “boo! Hey Mi Amor” Reign smiled at me so wide “look at your tooth” she is in a good mood “da” she looked down “come on, come to da. Come on” waving her over, reaching my hand over “come” grabbing her arm “papa got you, you won’t fall. Come to me” I want her to shuffle her way to me “if she falls, this is on you. Leave her hand on there, if she let’s go then you won’t be able to save her” I guess Robyn has a point “I knew that” placing her hand back down, Reign started to chew on the couch “hey! No, don’t do that” I pointed, she yelped out “no!, don’t be so rude” she out here chewing on my damn couch, don’t think so “are you excited to see Malik” I shrugged “it’s whatever, I will say hi and then bye” Robyn side eyed me “stop it now, you try your best. Life is too short for this shit” she is right in saying that, but Malik is also an asshole, I guess we will see what he is like when I see him. He may have changed  with no drugs, Robyn eye-balled me to look at Reign “don’t say anything to her” is she shuffling herself towards me, I feel so excited that I want to say something but I don’t want to scare her. She is so very careful of what she is doing, she looked up and then sneezed at the same time and that was it, she fell back “awww no” I said, she was doing so well. Reign got frustrated and did her little fake cry “oh stop it woman” I sighed out.
My little baby is ready for day care “if papa could take care of you I would, but I will see you later ok?” Robyn laughed “I hope you’re ready for this” Robyn walked off, I don’t understand what she means by that “papa gives Reign a kiss on the cheek” pressing a kiss to her cheek “and what does papa get back” facing my cheek near Reign “come on” feeling Reign’ face plant into my cheek “there we go, see? That is what papa gets, she loves me. So, you have to be a good girl there, and I will see you ok?” Nalah is smiling so wide watching me “I never would have thought I would see this, it’s so cute to see” Nalah pointed at both Reign and I “you mean the super team, say bye to auntie. Bye Auntie” waving at Nalah “I love you” walking towards the car “I keep saying this, I will buy you a car” Robyn took Reign from me “it’s fine, be good for today ok? Don’t do the most, be there for him” I sighed out nodding my head “I will see what happens, have a good day at work” pressing a kiss to Robyn’ lips “I will call you on my break, I love you” moving back a little “love you too Bonita, bye baby” waving at Reign just staring at me, blowing a kiss to her “Reign adores you, it’s beautiful to see” Nalah said as she stood next to me “and that is love, but anyways. I guess we are having to see him” she should be glad, I never agreed to this shit “your brother and listen Maurice. It’s not your day, it’s his. You listen to him, you have been through drugs too, let him have his moment which he never gets to have” nodding my head “yes boss” saluting her “stop it” she hit my hand “I want to hopefully sort this issue out” we will see what happens with that.
Getting into the SUV after Nalah “least you didn’t dress in a suit” is Nalah trying to be funny “Robyn says my attitude is better when I am in a suit and you’re laughing that I am not wearing a suit, I can never win with you women” my driver closed the behind me “it’s funny, you wear suits for everything, you and Robyn good? You’re not getting on her nerves, how does it feel to have a family home with actual family?” I laughed, I laughed because she knows “you bringing up that time in the Hollywood hills? At that time they was family, my family of drug takers, come on” Nalah shook her head “you shut the door in my face when I warned you that dad was coming for you, then you said this my family. I was like erm, I can see butt naked girls and some random men. You were so bad, like I said to dad you have given him money and he is running around doing everything wrong, dad was in denial but how does it feel?” I was funny then, I found myself funny “it’s good, sometimes I be laying in bed and I think to my past, from crashing that car in LA, from buying a home in the hills that didn’t last because I ran off again. Dad was there cleaning up my mess and I found it funny. I was county hopping; I do think, and I am like how the fuck did I survive. I had sickle cell; I was on the verge of dying what the fuck. I had no medication, I was living off drugs and a couple of hoes” shaking my head “it makes me cringe, like when dad called us and said he is in rehab and won’t leave until I want him too, he is there until I say so. I felt relieved, I was glad. But to see you like this, to see you with Reign, I am so proud of you” I grinned “thank you, I love it. I enjoy Reign slapping me to wake up, my heart just falls every time she says da, she knows I listen, so she says it. It’s amazing but I mean at first it was a mess. I wanted to ask; you know anything about Kellen? Has he said anything to you?” he gone so quiet recently “Tiffany has moved back to California, with the baby of course. His dad is helping him with the divorce, Tiffany refuses to let him see the baby” sucks to be him “if you speak to him then tell him he is needed in Tokyo, he said he wants work, I got it” Nalah looks a little shocked that I am offering such work.
I don’t really like being back at these places, it’s bad memories for me and I didn’t want to say it but it’s really making me think of my past. It’s horrible here, yes it helped but it was so painful, it destroyed my soul. I do understand what he is going through because I did, I don’t remember much but I remember being in pain, when I started to finally feel I felt like shit and now I am having to sit in this hell hole waiting on Malik “I am excited to see him” Nalah sat down saying “I’m not, I didn’t want to come because it’s bad memories” I admitted “I am sorry, it’s just that we can finally speak on things and his doctor said he was doing well, he is very quiet though. I just can’t wait to see him, to hug him” Nalah has that bond with him, I don’t “yeah” I dragged out, I don’t feel this. I am not feeling it at all and it is because it’s bringing me back bad memories, I would call friends to bring me drugs in rehab and then they found out and would sedate me again, it’s a mess and I didn’t want to be here to be thinking about that shit but here I am. The door opened “I told you, your siblings are here” dragging my eyes away, seeing Malik with bald ass head. He is so skinny “hey” he smiled as Nalah made her way to him “Malik didn’t believe you was both here, so he kept his, like he says. Jailhouse clothes on. I will give you all time” the doctor left the room “I am so happy to see you, oh my god. Look at you bald” Nalah touched the top of his head as she hugged him “oh god” she moved back “my brother, look at you” Malik looks very timid he just put his head “Maurice is here” turning my head, I don’t want to know to be honest until I felt a pair of arms just hug me “awww just like the good old days, Maurice hatred for your hugs” I am not going to lie, my heart dropped because that is him all over with them out of the blue hugs “I will sit down” he moved away from me, nodding my head moving up on the chair.
He has the worlds worst haircut, like who the fuck did that to him. Staring at him as he spoke to Nalah, she can speak all she wants. Dragging my eyes down to his hands, he has a bandage n on his wrist “what happened to your wrist?” I asked, he pulled down his sweatshirt arm “I heard about it, he slit his wrist didn’t you. Then he kept picking at his stitches” Nalah said, he laughed nervously “should learn to slit your wrist in the right place” I pointed at him “I tried” he said “I guess that is an effort” Nalah scoffed as my phone started to ring, getting my phone out of my pocket. Wonder what my dad wants, answering the call as I got up “hello” opening the door to speak out Pfizer the room “hey, what are you doing? I tried calling your work phone” closing the door behind “yeah, I left it at home. I am just seeing Malik, well Nalah is” which is true “that girl is too invested in him, let him rot there” I don’t know why but I didn’t like that “but you didn’t let me rot?” I questioned “you are worth it, anyways heard you are coming to Texas?” frowning “am I?” I am confused “yeah, Robyn text me. She said time to visit Texas, can we come. I mean of course” I am confused “she uhm, she never said?” I don’t understand where that came from “well she said it, tomorrow. For a night she said, well I am excited son. I will get the maids set with your room; I cannot wait for my little angel. Is she walking” first of all I am confused, and he is talking about his angel “uhm, I will have to let you know on that” I said “Robyn said it. She is the boss” I laughed “I like her to think that but anyways, I shall get back to you on that dad” I don’t know what Robyn is doing and what she is setting up “well I will see you tomorrow Maurice, I mean it. Bye” disconnecting the call still confused as ever, Robyn is texting my dad and not even warning me about it what the fuck she is doing.
Walking back into the room “I am sorry Maurice; can I speak to you without you saying for me to die?” sitting down on the seat “proceed” waving him off “I erm, messed up. I took it too far when you gave me a home, you wanted too help me, but I felt like I was in the way, dad told me to leave you alone. I shouldn’t live with you in Cali, and he harassed me to leave you be. He didn’t want me to be close to the company because I would ruin the image, so I turned to drugs and just like dad helped you, he never helped me and that hurt. And the voices in my head Maurice, I wanted to hurt you. I wasn’t me, because me. The brother you know loved you, I still do love you. I made a mistake Maurice. And when I think about what I did, what I could have done. I just want to not be here; I have nobody Maurice. I am not wanted by anything; I am lost, and nobody cared to ask me how I was. You never asked me how I was, you felt obliged to help me. Dad said you had no choice but to have me there, I didn’t think and from that night things got worse. People used me for who I was, and then Naomi. She approached me and helped me with drugs. I don’t know what happened to me, but I am sorry” Rubbing my chin just sighing out “Malik you know dad would never help you, just like mom wouldn’t help you because dad wouldn’t give her the money. You had me, you ruined that! You could have killed me, or my family. Robyn till this day does not hate you, I do! You ruined it, I had you with me because I wanted you, I never listened to dad, why would I? You think I am dad, you think I am him when I am not, because I care for both of you but you hurt me when you did that, forgive you for trying to kill my family?” shaking my head “you know what” I sighed out “I know what it’s like to feel death calling, I do. I know what it is like to be here. I don’t want that for you, I never did or do now. Dad will never do anything for you, he never would have now. Me” I pointed at myself “I helped you” Malik wiped his tears, remembering what Kiano said, how he felt, how he would do anything for his brother “I am not a bad guy, I’m not. I just wish you never did that, anything but that, I don’t care for Naomi, she has shit but just that” I drifted off.
The room is ever so silent “without you being stubborn what would make things better? Without you being an asshole” Nalah said, I need to get my Robyn mind on because I can’t think like I would and honestly I am not my dad “I want the best for you, I don’t know if anything would make it better. I don’t know really, what would Robyn do huh” leaning forward “she would forgive you, but I can’t right now. Dad doesn’t want to know, and that is the honest truth. You need to let that go, but at the end of the day” Malik sobbed out, I felt bad that he is crying about it, he sobbed out like a kid “listen, at the end of the day. What dad doesn’t want to give you, I will but you have to come out of this a better man. I can help you, and like I said, I am still hurt by that but I want you to come out of Rehab being the Malik I knew, the Malik that was happy for me when he found out about Robyn, the guy that was there for me, that called me and begged to use the car. Just my kid brother. If you can be that, you come out of this and I will help you, you work for yourself and maybe one day I can let it go but I need to see it” Nalah touched my arm “my brothers” I don’t want to forgive but then I am as bitter as my dad, I mean my dad hated Robyn and wanted shit for Robyn but I have him around “I can do that, I will stay here. I can be good, you was” Malik kept wiping his eyes “you was like a dad to me and I ruined it, if you can help me” he wailed out crying, I wish he wouldn’t because it’s a lot to hear because he is hurt.
I am glad to leave that place, a lot of emotions “thank you” I said to my driver as he held the door open for me, climbing into the back “did your little heart fall?” Nalah said, I blew out air as I got comfy in the back “I hate rehab, those places are bad vibes. I just want to get this right, I am not a bad guy. I am just hurt and yes I do have a side to me but like, I don’t want to be forgiving towards him, just like that. I just want Malik to know he has hurt me but to hear him wail out like that, its got to upset him. He treats Malik just like Adam, like he’s shit but I don’t understand why. He’s ok with you, then me but Malik. It’s like a big fat no, I get he is hurting but. If he can do that, I will help him. He has to stay clean though” shaking my head lightly “we can play mom and dad to him, he has seen a lot. Being the youngest he really got shit I guess, if we can work together we can get Malik in the right path together. I was scared that you wasn’t going to break too” Nalah said “I wasn’t but then he hugged me like he did, it reminded me of when I would come back from Spain he would attack me with a hug, I just had flashbacks to that. Rehab breaks you, and you can tell it is. It’s sad to see he was doing what he was doing to himself, as a parent that has to hurt dad but it doesn’t, I don’t get it” my phone started ringing in my pocket “I just want to proceed forward in life” it’s Robyn, answering the call “if it isn’t little miss sneaky, what the hell is this? Who is going Texas tomorrow?” I am confused on that “us, together” pulling a face laughing “why?” I asked “I thought why not, I just want to go. Are you coming or not?” I find this extremely weird “we are talking when you get back, how is work?” what on earth is this girl doing, talking about going Texas for what exactly.
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nikatyler · 6 years
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It’s been like what, three weeks? Yeah. I wasn’t really in the mood for doing this.  Tired, stressed out, sad, lonely...senior year is a blast for sure :D 11/10 would recommend.
Speaking of loneliness...I’ve recently mentioned it a lot but I’ll just say it again. Lately I feel so alone and sort of disconnected from everyone here, I don’t know why. I’ll admit one thing - I guess I’m even kind of jealous, I see all those simblr friendships and then look at myself and wow. I don’t really talk to anyone, do I. A few people from time to time. I mean, I’m a dumbass, so I’m not really surprised but...anyway. Please continue commenting, keep sending your reactions, asks, anything, you’ll make my day. Also, ships. I want to have ships with other people but I’m too afraid to ask. If you want to ship your sim with my sim, you’ll have to take the first step because I’m an anxious dumbass :D
On another (much better) note, I’ve finished working on the first arc of Regan’s storyline. I don’t know when you’ll see it since the queue is so slow (I might speed it up in a month or so), but yeah. I’m there and ooh boy. Stuff is happening. You might hate me for what I did. But maybe not. Just saying. I kinda want to scream about it already.
TL;DR: I’m an anxious dumbass who loves comments and wants to make some friends. The first arc of Regan’s storyline is finished.
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photoset “~ Song-Rose, Kayla”
Omg she truly is precious ❤️❤️❤️
alfalfalegacy replied to your photoset “~ Song-Rose, Kayla”
Wowza she got some good genes!!
aestheicpixels replied to your photoset “~ Song-Rose, Kayla”
sparkiemonkey replied to your photoset “~ Song-Rose, Kayla”
She's so pretty. I can't ever get the ts3 models to look that cute.
cafeheart replied to your photoset “~ Song-Rose, Kayla”
melien replied to your photoset “~ Song-Rose, Kayla”
She's adorable!
I was so happy when I posted this because damn, I love her so much. I wish I could give her a story, but that’s impossible because I already have a lot on my plate. Like I always say (well, like I’ve been saying since the quads), never do big generations. I guess I would enjoy seeing her in someone else’s game though. Someone’s heir’s spouse or something. Hmmm. 🤔
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photo “™¦ T E C H N O ♦ M A G I C ♦”
It looks cool! ❤️
I've actually spent years trying to get which is my favorite fairy only to realize it's always been Bloom�� I can't even say why
And the first 4 seasons definitely were the best - the villains and stories were cooler and stuff and I remember how thrilled I was to watch the fairies' Entchantix (was it called so? ) transformation for the first time
alfalfalegacy replied to your photo “™¦ T E C H N O ♦ M A G I C ♦”
a winx club ref??? on my dash???
I used to be all over this show as a kid
I think we only ever got like the first two or three seasons cause they stopped showing it after a while.
amixofpixels replied to your photo “™¦ T E C H N O ♦ M A G I C ♦”
Flora was always my favourite growing up. Feelings are more neutral nowadays.
melien replied to your photo “™¦ T E C H N O ♦ M A G I C ♦”
High five, she was my favourite too ✋
create-a-sim replied to your photo “™¦ T E C H N O ♦ M A G I C ♦”
I loved it too, though my parents didn't have the channel that it aired on and I only could watch it at my friend's house :(
Guys you have no idea how much I love these reactions because when I was growing up, people made fun of me for loving this show. I was scared it would backfire here as well. And it didn’t, yay! :D
I used to love Bloom when I was little. Then in middle school, Tecna became my favourite. I could somehow relate to her, I don’t know. She was kinda different and weird, I’m kinda weird too, I felt like they often overlook and ignore her, same here, she was into computers, I was into computers, etc. I even wanted to have her original haircut because I loved her so much :D You know, the one from season 1-4, the one so similar to that Fitness SP hair (which I used here).
As for seasons, my favourite was definitely season 4, I looooved the idea of Earth fairies, not to mention the villains were so cool too. Same with Valtor in season 3. Damn. I’m not thirsty for cartoon villains, I swear. But like if they were real people, they’d look so good. After season 4, things went super downhill, but I was still watching it because I had hope it could get better again. Nope. It didn’t. Still, it can’t take the good memories of the first four seasons away.
Man, I could ramble about this forever :D
alfalfalegacy replied to your photoset “To make everything even better, Lydia broke the bathtub. AGAIN.”
she looks so proud of herself too haha
Her only goal in life is to cause chaos and break things
myopiccc replied to your photoset “Aurora: “So I obviously love Kayla with all my heart, she’s my niece...”
I know, right? :D 
I love working on sibling relationships in my legacies so much. In fact, often times they’re even more fun than working on romantic relationships with their spouses :D
myopiccc replied to your post “I’ve already talked about this on twitter but I’m just gonna mention...”
Sending you love and HUUUGE hug. One sentence you're writing makes me laugh and cry. I don;t think those strong writing flows all the time. Please don't mind. Take rest and have a big bite of chocolate:D(if you do like chocolate). <3
*hugs* :’)
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photo “Valentine’s Day?”
Gorgeous little thing<333
Daaaamn I know *-* I didn’t think this hair could suit her so well, but it did and wow I’m in love
cafeheart replied to your post “post nsb”
damn anon go write your own nsb if youre that thirsty
dandylion240 replied to your post “post nsb”
I enjoy whatever you want to share with us ��
108sims replied to your post “post nsb”
Wow that’s kind of rude. I enjoy all your challenges!
moonbobs replied to your post “post nsb”
Post what you want! This is a hobby not a job. I can't with these types of asks smh��
I knew this was going to happen sooner or later. I got a few more asks about this but I didn’t post them because I’d reply the same thing. I just DON’T KNOW when the save is coming back, stop asking, anons! It’ll happen at some point. But yeah, I kinda saw it coming, because I’ve posted ts4 for so long, it was fun, gen 6 right now isn’t very fun. I mean it. I’m not happy with the beginning of it, but I know it’ll get better.
Thank you guys for your words. I think this is important for every simblr out there: Post whatever you want. It’s your blog, your game. People might like something more, but in the end you have the final decision. If you want to switch to ts3 because you love ts3, go for it! Maybe some people will leave but eh. Whatever. You don’t need people like that anyway, right?
froggypixel replied to your photoset “Hey Doc…you okay there?”
When your owner leaves you��
This made me sad because his owners actually left him. Forever. They died. 😭 And somehow this dog is immortal or something, idk. It’s kinda wild. But don’t get me wrong, I definitely don’t want him to die.
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darlingpetao3 · 7 years
Matchmaking (Harry Wells x Reader)
Rating: G
Summary: Your friend Cisco is dead set on fixing you up with his supposedly tall and brooding friend from work.
A/N: Yay, Flash Drabble Wednesday! Based on S04E03 :)
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“Cisco, I really don’t think this is a good idea.”
“This is why you’re perfect for each other! He said the same thing! And you both don’t have lives…”
“Hey! I resent that!”
You have no idea why you’re going to let your friend Cisco set you up on a blind date. Stuff like this never turns out well. Like the time you went out with a guy who turned out to be a crazed meta or the time you went out with a non-meta, but turned out to be a criminal. Even the date with the boring accountant was a bust.
It was time to face it: You were unlucky when it came to love in Central City. Sometimes it almost felt like there was no one on this Earth for you…
And then Cisco came to you with a potential set-up. He promised you a tall, brooding man with a great haircut (an odd thing to add…), and well, you were desperate and found this kind of hard to pass up even though you knew it wouldn’t work out in the end. Cisco’s set-ups never do, usually, but you were a little curious this time.
“Why don’t you drop by S.T.A.R. Labs later today after work?” Cisco suggests. “It doesn’t have to be a date right out the gate- Side note, sick rhyme. I’ll let you in and you can see what he’s like for yourself.”
“Yeah, okay, fine,” you finally agree. “What’s his name again?
You do, in fact, drop by the Labs later that day. Cisco lets you in through a side entrance, an action you aren’t sure why, but you’ve stopped wondering why Cisco does the things he does. He’s a bit strange, but then again, this is one of the reasons you’re friends with him. He takes you to a room where a tall man (as promised) stands writing on a board. You can’t even begin to comprehend the formula he’s writing down.
“It almost looks made up,” you say without thinking. The man, Harry, stops writing at the sound of a new voice. He replies in a grouchy tone.
“That just goes to show how unintel-” Harry slowly turns around to see who could have said such a comment, only to freeze at the sight of you.
His mouth drops slightly and his voice drops to a softer note.
“Beautiful you are.”
“I’m sorry?”
“Yeah, this is gonna go great,” Cisco says victoriously to himself.
You whisper to your friend, “You didn’t tell me he was hot and smart.”
“More like smart-ass.”
“I heard that, Ramon,” Harry says, back to sounding gruff.
“Just call me Matchmaker, y'all. I’ll leave you two to get acquainted. I’m peacin’ out.” Cisco does just this, leaving you alone with Harry, who still seems to be utterly captivated by you.
“He, uh,” you try to form words, feeling suddenly nervous in this man’s presence. “He can be kind of a dweeb sometimes.”
Harry looks like you’ve said the million dollar secret password. He introduces himself as Harrison and adds, “But the dweeb has dubbed me Harry.” You tell him your name and you shake hands.
“(Y/N), it’s a pleasure to meet you. I have to be honest though, I was hesitant when Ramon mentioned… fixing me up with someone.”
“I felt the same way,” you admit with a shy smile. “He said I had no life.” Ack! Why did I say that?
“You’re kidding?” You shake your head in response. “He said that to me as well.”
Maybe this Harry guy is just what you needed in your so-called ‘non-existent’ life. He can’t stop taking you in like he’s memorizing every little thing about you. It’s giving you goosebumps. “Maybe Ramon isn’t such a schmuck after all,” Harry says softly moving in a little closer.
“I guess not,” you reply with the same tenderness. “Who’d have ever thought…?”
“Hey!” Cisco shouts from around the corner, clearly listening in. “Is this how you treat your Matchmaker?!”
You both roll your eyes in sync, which only makes you giggle.
I may have found the one for me.
“Would you like to grab a drink with me?”
You don’t even have to think about it.
“Hell yes.”
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The Masks We Wear (Connor Murphy x Reader)
Okay hello! This is my first imagine! Yay! I’ve worked really hard on it so don’t be afraid to give feedback! Requested: Nope Words: 2,557 Warnings: None other than some swearing
Being the new kid isn’t easy, especially when you are judged so fiercely for being yourself. You know the right words to say, the correct outfits to wear, when to smile, when to laugh, and when to disappear. You’ve never been the popular person, but you get along just fine with the façade that you’ve mastered so well it almost feels like you. Almost. Your first day of school arrives just like the five before, even though the fall semester was already half way done. With your dad in the army you couldn’t blame him for all of the moving, after all your grandfather, great grandfather, and so on, all chose the same life. This move was slightly different though, your dad finally got the promotion that would keep you in one place for the rest of high school. You knew that at this school the mask you wore would need to be convincing enough to help you survive longer than usual.
This new school was bigger than the last, and your sense of direction wasn’t top notch. After the office gave you your timetable you scurried through the hall desperately looking for classroom 27B, and wondered if the office lady thought it would be funny to give you a fake room number. You looked at the doors as you darted around the now empty hallway as everyone had already entered a class. You were startled back to reality as you heard a locker slam behind you. You turned to see a boy walking away from you with leisure towards what you thought might be an exit, but you couldn’t be sure. “Umm… Excuse me!” you surprised yourself with saying, but the boy only glanced over his shoulder and kept walking. You dashed towards him this time, “I’m sorry to bother you, but I don’t know where 27B is and I’ve been looking for 15 minutes, and I don’t want to be late on my first day.” This time the boy turned around and looked at you with a mix of boredom and the smallest bit of amusement. “You’re looking for 27B?” you nodded your head as you glanced at the piece of paper to the rooms around you, back to the boy. “You’re on the wrong floor,” he said with a little more amusement showing. “Oh…” the embarrassment evident on your face, “Well I guess that explains why I can’t find it. Anyways, thanks, and I’m y/n” “Connor” “Well, thanks, Connor and I’ll see you around? I don’t really know anybody and you’re the only conversation I’ve had with someone at the school who doesn’t work here” “See you around,” he shrugged “I guess, but I wouldn’t plan on it.”
With that short-lived conversation, you were off to your first class. All the classes seemed to drag on, with teachers mindlessly going on about formulas that you wouldn’t remember in a week. As it does at every school the lunch bell rang, and it was time for what you pictured hell as :a lunchroom. Kids scuttle around trying to find a table that would get the most attention from the people they want to impress, and others take it as time catch up on homework in clusters of others as a form of protection. You on the other hand used this time to find a group that would keep you safe, I mean high school kids are mean. You settled on a group of girls that seemed nice enough and spent your lunch smiling at the right time, laughing when needed, and making the right comments so that the girls at the table said they could tell you would fit right in with them.
The next week was fine enough. You made some friends that you could eat lunch with, gossip about the teacher’s new haircut with and text for help on Algebra homework.  You even decided on trying out for the cheerleading team, which you made. It seemed as if the mask you perfected was working like a dream. On the Monday of your second week, the girls you ate lunch with were all busy. A few had lunch detention, while others had the weekly student council meeting. With nowhere to go for lunch, you wandered on the lawn by the football field, where you spotted the familiar face of Connor, the boy who you met on your first day. Picking up your pace you walked over to him and sat down across from him and pulled out your lunch. “What the hell are you doing?” he asked with annoyance rising in him. “What does it look like I’m doing? I’m about to eat lunch with you,” you replied taking a bite out of your sandwich. “I know what the fuck you’re doing. Why are you eating here?” he said this time getting angrier. “It might seem like a funny joke to eat with the freak, but this freak prefers to eat alone, so leave.” The anger in his voice made you jump, but you didn’t get up. “Why would eating with you be a joke? And I’m not leaving, I don’t have anyone to eat with and this freak likes eating with people,” “Yeah well have fun by yourself,” he said as he picked his bag up and stomped away. You watched him walk away, the surprise evident on your face. Why had he thought you were trying to be mean? Why was he so defensive? All of these questions rattled in your mind as you walked back to the school building.
After cheer practice, you went with some of the girls to get frozen yogurt just around the block. “Do you know anything about some kid at school named Connor?” you asked as everyone took a seat. “Which Connor?” one girl answered. “Well he’s tall, has long hair, really pretty eyes actually-,” “You mean psychopath Connor? He’s a total freak. He has some major issues, but his sisters nice. I’d stay away from him if I were you, if people see you near him they might get the wrong idea,” and with that the subject changed to who was the best kisser on the football team.
The next day during lunch you told your friends that you had to do work with a teacher at lunch. Instead, you went back to the lawn from yesterday and sat next to Connor once again. “Again? Really? I thought I made myself clear,” Connor said as flipped the page in the book he was reading. “I’m not the best with listening to directions,” you said smiling at him this time. “Your friends still busy or some shit?” “No, I just wanted to eat with you,” Connor finally looked up from his book in surprise, but quickly went back to his annoyed face. You two spent the rest of lunch in silence together, him reading, and you eating your sandwich.
The two of you eating lunch together continued. With your persistent talking Connor eventually replied with more than one-word answers, and soon your daily lunch together became something you looked forward to. “So what about ‘Fahrenheit 451’?” “Well I did read that one, but only after I watched the movie and had turned in my essay” “Well fuck, and you still got an A?” you nodded laughing looking at the amazement that had settled on his face. “I am impressed, that takes real skill to bullshit your way through English class so well,” he said slowly clapping. You dramatically bowed as you walked over to the lawn together. Connor had started waiting for you by the bleachers so you could walk to lunch together, but he denied that he was waiting for you. “It was a needed skill. Sometimes my family would move and the new teachers would automatically want an essay the next day from a book I’ve never read.” “Well that sucks,” “I guess it does, but I’ve gotten used to it. I’ve gotten used to it all,” “You shouldn’t have to get used to it. Why aren’t you mad at your parents? I would be so fucking furious, and you just smile about it all,” you laughed as he said this while sitting down under a tree. “I don’t get to be mad. This is what my family does. Besides I would sound so horrible if I got angry at my dad, the man who served three tours in Iraq, the man who risks his life for America,” you said as you pulled large clumps of grass from the ground, “But sometimes I just want a dad, an actual dad, not some war hero, but someone who tells me to change shorts because they are too short, a dad who says cheesy jokes, not some man who lives in the same house as me, but is a billion miles away because he has no idea who I am.” You started throwing the clumps of grass you had uprooted. You glanced over at Connor who looked conflicted. “What?” you asked abruptly aware of how loud you had gotten. In an instant Connor suddenly hugged you. His arms were long and lanky around you, but somehow you felt safe. His body smelled like coconut, probably from shampoo, and his heart beat somehow sounded beautiful. He let go of you, a second later, and the hug had felt like a million years and less than a millisecond at the same time. You looked up at him and he was looking anywhere, but your eyes. “Thanks,” you whispered, “I really needed that.” Connor mumbled out a response along the lines of ‘no –problem’.
After that day you were painfully aware of Connor. You were aware of every step he took and how he kept his hands in his pockets, and scratched at his jeans when he got angry over something small, and how when you made a bad pun he would roll his eyes, but smile slightly. It seemed like all at once everything about Connor was magical and you would count down the minutes until lunch with him, and it seemed Connor was thinking the same thing. “So I was uhmm-well I was think-no that’s no right,” Connor mumbled about a month and a half after your first lunch together, “I was thinking that we could hang out outside of school.” Connor looked down at you trying to hide the nerves that he felt asking. The nerves were evident on his face though as he watched you reply. “I’d love to,” you said simply, but the smile on your face said it all. You were ecstatic; finally, you would spend more than the designated time at lunch together.
You and Connor had settled it and decided that you would hang out that Saturday and work on English homework together at your house since Connor said that his parents would be all weird about it. Finally, Saturday arrived, and the nerves you had denied were obvious as you paced your room trying to figure out which shirt to wear knowing they were basically the same shirt. Little did you know that Connor was also pacing his room trying to decide if he should wear a black shirt or grey shirt. Of course, Zoe found this hilarious and Connor, being too nervous to yell, allowed Zoe to help him chose a shirt. They settled on grey, Zoe saying that it showed that he wore more than black. Connor showed up on time and you couldn’t help but smile at the fact that he was an actual friend, even though you wanted more, but he was somebody who you didn’t feel the need to wear your mask around, with him you could just exist. “Uhmm, we can go hang out in my room if you want,” you asked motioning towards a hallway. “Sure, but your parents will be okay with me in your room?” he asked as you opened the door to your room. “Oh, they don’t really care what I do, and if they did they aren’t ever home to enforce the  rules they have.” With that you sat on your bedroom floor and pulled out your English books, but they were quickly forgotten when you started talking. Within minutes of talking the subject turned to Connor’s family. “I don’t know. It’s just like I’m the fucking black sheep. I just want them to look at me and not be ashamed of their son,” Connor huffed as you lay side by side on your floor looking at the blank ceiling. “I’m sure they aren’t ashamed” “You don’t even know them, you can’t be sure” “But I know you,” you said pushing yourself into a sitting position. “What the hell does that mean?” “It means you are the last person anyone could be ashamed of. You have this wonderful mind that anyone would be lucky to know about, you are the fastest reader I know, you pretend to hate others, but you are so incredibly caring, and you are my favorite person and the only one who knows me.” Suddenly Connor pushes himself up. “Bullshit. You have friends and I’m just a pity friend and we both know it,” Connor said. You knew you hit a chord in him. Whenever you said nice things about him he automatically thought it was a lie, no matter how many times you promised it was the truth. It pained you to think that somebody you cared for as much as Connor didn’t know that you did. “Now that’s bullshit Connor. We both know that it’s fake with everyone, except for you! I put this mask on so I blend in, stay alive, and make it until the next school,” you took a breath and moved closer to Connor as you started speaking again. “You’re the exception, with you it’s all real. I don’t have to pretend life is okay, or pretend I care about school drama. With you I’m just me, and with me I think you are just you.” Connor stayed silent for a minute after that. “If we’re being honest and shit right now,” Connor spoke softly, “People don’t like the real me, but for some reason you do, the angry parts and everything, so I guess  don’t need a mask with you.” You looked at Connor and saw how scared he was, of being alone again, of being rejected. You knew that this was truly him without the façade that he had perfected over time. “Connor,” you spoke softly. He took his gaze off the floor and looked at you. You slowly put your hands on the side of his face and brought your lips to his. He still smelled of coconut, but you were more concentrated on the feeling of his lips on yours. The surprise of you kissing him quickly wore off and he kissed you back as if it were life or death. His chapped lips melted into your and his hands found your waist as he pulled you closer. Too quickly the kiss ended as you both needed air. “I hope it was okay I kissed you,” you softly laughed. “It’s more than okay. I hope it’s okay that I don’t want to stop kissing you,” he replied as he went back to your lips for another kiss.
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