#how i realized i wasn't bi
canny-analyst · 5 months
Unrelated to anything, but I think the thing that made me go "OH THAT'S COMP HET!" the most is seeing genderbend versions of characters that I like.
As in, seeing a character I think is hot and I'm very attracted to getting genderbend/their gender changed, seeing their fem version specifically, and realizing how little attraction I have left for them.
Like yes, it's the same person, I KNOW THAT... but.
It's immediate, I always try to be attracted to them, but it's just not there.
With more androgynous versions it's not as strong a feeling, but I'm still attracted, it's just their fem/woman version.
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scjacka · 1 year
This blew up on the clock app so I guess I'll share it here too
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a-flaming-idiot · 7 months
Why is "Heart Hunter" just Adrien, Marinette, and Kagami looking into the camera saying in perfect unison "If it weren't for Thomas Astruc's cowardice, we would be giving each other kisses on the cheek and cuddling back at Marinette's house." And just every time the camera leaves the akuma they're just being cute somewhere new?
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ineed-to-sleep · 1 year
Just as a general life update bc I'm a bit absent lately, but I went on a date on sunday!!! First date with a stranger I ever went to and I nearly died of anxiety I was shaking like a chihuahua but I did it!!!!!!!! LOOK AT ME GO
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bijoumikhawal · 1 year
Is it just me or does it feel like I've sat through half a dozen scenes in major media featuring gay characters where they have a monologue about how being gay doesn't mean they have to be femme or enjoy bottoming or take an interest in prissy stuff like fashion, especially in 'coming out' narratives, and cannot name a single piece of media that shows a fem coming of age and/or realizing what they are? I realize some of the difference is probably fems don't have as much of an option to be closeted and shit but my g-d
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delibird-catboi · 1 year
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roarinsaurus · 1 year
my dad tries to relate to me by throwing in comments about picking up girls in the WEIRDEST ways
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useragarfield · 11 months
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harveybwabbit92 · 3 months
Grocery girl: Ken Sato x reader pt. 1
You were a delivery girl who was a frequently dispatched to famous baseball player's Ken Sato residence, you were a nobody that anyone hardly paid attention to, until you found the legendary baseball passed out on his front steps looking like hell, being a bit of worry wart you help him inside and that things took a HUGE turn when you find yourself playing mommy for a giant baby dragon....
"He's been ordering a lot of Coconut water lately..." R/n mumbled as she loaded up her delivery van with the items on the shopping list Ken Sato's assistant sent her for his bi-weekly delivery, usually he just orders beer, protein shakes and a melange western food some of which were not a common find around Japanese super markets.
R/n had to go special import stores for some of the stuff Mr. Sato orders; which takes R/n though a wild runaround of the entire city, A route that none her other coworkers had the time or patience for; even the self-proclaimed "Sato-fan queen" Who stole R/n's route gave up within 20 minutes when she couldn't find the tiny shop that sold his special brand of coffee.
Her saga ended when she tried to cut corners and grabbed random items and delivered those instead...Yeah, that went over like a lead balloon. Her majesty got a harsh chewing out by the boss after Mr. Sato's assistant complained about the delivery and threatened a restraining order after the younger devilry girl displayed an obsessive and aggressive attitude.
(I.E. taking selfies of herself in front of the house, flirting into the intercom and trying to force herself into Mr Sato's house when she realized he wasn't home.)
Needless to say, R/n was assigned Mr. Sato's personal delivery girl, cos she was the only one that didn't have crush on him. Much to the ire of her female and few male coworkers. R/n remembered the first time Mr. Sato was there to receive his groceries in person. He seemed thrown off by her complete impassiveness towards him....
{Flashback, To Ken taking the groceries from R/n, he kept staring at the delivery girl expecting her to crack a smile or squeal excitedly or something, but no, she kept a neutral expression on her face and stayed professional during the entire transaction.]
"Uh....Aren't you going to ask for my autograph?"
"But...I'm Ken Sato."
"Yeah, I know who you are and I don't care. sign here."
R/n holds out her tablet as Ken stares at her baffled; he signs the digital receipt, R/n printed out the receipt sticker and slapped it on the the box the baseball player was holding, The (Y/Height) woman then tipped her hat to him before getting into her van and driving off leaving Ken standing in his driveway completely dumbfounded. 
After that Mr. Sato and R/n kept their interactions short and sweet, which seemed to work just fine for them. But things change and R/n was going to experience a very big change in her life.
It all started when the Sato-stalker queen Or Meiko AKA: "Meimei" as calls herself on her blog invited R/n to Mr. Sato's premier game, R/n tried to reject the offer as gently as possible; sports were never really her thing, but the bottle blonde girl had guilt tripped her into going. Apparently she doesn't have many friends (wonder why?), so there was R/n sitting up in the nosebleed section while feeling awkward in the sparkly baseball jersey Meimei had insisted she wear for the occasion.
The whole time the blonde was squealing and blabbing about Mr. Sato and how handsome he was and how unfair it was that R/n got to see him, thought the older woman was quick to dash whatever hopes Meimei had of hearing about Mr. Sato's personal life by informing her that he's barely home when she delivers to him and few times he is there it's just to receive the groceries.
"What goes on in Mr. Sato's private life is not our business..." R/n affirmed Meimei just pouted and called R/n mean before turning her attention to the pitch, she gasped loudly and started shaking R/n excitedly. "Ohmygash,ohmygash!! It's him! she squealed as Mr. Sato stepped on to the field towards his position at bat.
R/n couldn't help but wince when she watched Ken miss the first two balls, she saw the catcher from the other team say something that peeved off Mr. Sato; it looked like they were going to throw down until the umpire calmed it down and Mr. Sato change his position at the third pitch.
He pulled off an impressive power hit that got the crowd screaming and cheering. However, as Meimei was squealing and shaking R/n for what seemed to be for the umpteenth time she failed to notice her older coworker's attention was completely fixated on something else.
She felt R/n suddenly grab her hand. Meimei looked at R/n bemused but then noticed her complexion had gone ashen as the older delivery girl pointed up at the sky; the younger one followed her gaze and lost all of her peppiness in seconds as an explosion from a downed aircraft went off over the stadium causing the entire place to shake!
The stadium erupted into chaos as R/n instinctively covered her younger coworker from any fallen debris as the Kaiju alert system went off ordering everyone to evacuate! R/n and Meimei wasted no time getting out of the stadium just in time to see Ultraman arrive and punch the Kaiju away from the stadium. R/n stood back to watch them fight for a few moments before a hysterical Meimei dragged her away...
{Cut to a few hours later}
R/n was finishing up a few late night deliveries, some of her coworker didn't want to come in due to the monster attack so R/n was forced to take over their shifts. She had just finished delivering cat-food to a nice old lady, when she got a call from Mr. Sato he wanted donuts and coffee.
R/n sighed and went to work she pulled up to Ken's home on the old delivery scooter the boss had rusting in the back seeing as it was a small delivery, it was raining heavily by the time she pulled up to the house. R/n walked up and knocked the door Mr. Sato opened the door and looked startled to see her.
"Uh, What are you doing here so late?" He asked looking around his driveway, R/n cocked a brow and held up his order like it should be obvious. "Yeah, I know...But it's usually the old guy that delivers this late." R/n explained he took the night off she was filing in, Ken reluctantly took the donuts when he notices how wet her uniform was and looked outside again and noticed the rusty scooter just chilling in his driveway and frowned.
"You didn't drive all the way up here on that thing did you?" R/n just shrugged Mr. Sato looked like he was going invite her in or something, but they were interrupted by a weird cry coming from somewhere in the house. "What was that?" R/n inquired bouncing on her toes trying to look over his shoulder, the baseball player got this 'oh crap' look on his face as he quickly blocked her view.
"Uh, Nothing, j-just my TV! Here's your tip!" R/n's phone pinged the delivery girl's usual calm demeanor was replaced with one of panic as she tried to explain that Japan doesn't practice tipping! Only for her eyes widened in shock the amount he sent her. "...And e-Even if we did do tips, I think you overdid-" Mr. Sato quickly cuts her off. "No I didn't!" and slammed the door in her face.
R/n blinked a few times as she looked between her phone and the door baffled after a few seconds of trying figure out what that all about? Before shrugging then walked back her scooter and drove off....
{Ken gave the reader about three hundred dollars.)
[Next time R/n finds out just what Mr. Sato was hiding in his house the encounter was both cute and terrifying.]
Cross posted on my A03/Squidgeworld/Wattpad.
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elixrr · 8 months
“I might be in love with you.”
How they realized they were in love.
ft. Xiao, Wanderer
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When you held him amidst his karma.
The most interesting part of the tale? You weren't there. But he saw you. Even through the fights with himself and the surrounding darkness, he saw you— the way your sleeves fell loose on your shoulders, the way your feet glided along a garden of lilies and the way the silk and linen of your clothes weaved around your body. Even when he felt his body shatter in vigorous pain, Xiao saw the luminous glow of the moonlight reflecting off of your skin. The scenery of the dark, star-filled sky with the vibrant glaze lilies surrounding you had crafted such a beautiful picture in Xiao's head that, when he snapped back to reality, he could no longer feel the hurt. There was simply you. He couldn't see you, but he thought of you, and, even with his loyalty to Rex Lapis, he still smiled, thanking you for saving him from his karmic outburst.
But, wait a minute.
You weren't even there? How did you save him? Xiao pondered back on the image he created in his mind. It definitely wasn't something he saw, and it definitely isn't something happening now. It is night, but it is far too dark. The vibrancy of the moonlight is not present, and the bright, shining stars are instead clouded by fog and translucent mist. He definitely couldn't picture you outside right now, especially at this hour.
Hold on. What if you really were out? He is on Wuwang Hill, so of course it's foggy. What if it was brighter for you? What if the moonlight found its way to you instead?
What if that vision of you was real?
Without a second thought or consideration for his duties, he teleported to the balcony of Wangshu Inn, where he could have the possibility of seeing you, and indeed, he did see you. He teleported to a tree that stood by you, leaning on it. The remaining pain of the karma seemed to whisk away, yet his heart beat hastened. Something about how you brushed your finger against the bulb of a sweet flower made him smile.
“Xiao?” You whispered, and he swore he could feel the sun rioting the moon and rising amidst the darkness of the night.
“You called?”
“Oh!” You nearly jumped out of your skin. “That was unexpected. You actually came!”
“Of course I did. I made a promise to you, and I will honor it.”
A smile fell upon your face, and Xiao froze in place.
“Especially because it's me, I presume?”
“Wh—” Roses blossomed on his cheeks, and his heart exploded into petals.
“I'm kidding, I'm kidding. I wanted to ask if you'd be willing to walk home with me? I haven't seen you in a while, so maybe we could catch up?”
“Uh–m, I— Sure. That would be... Quite nice.”
“Oh, wow, you actually said yes!” You cheered, and Xiao's eyes glistened. It was perfect, this moment, because the clouds dispersed, and the stars and moon finally found themselves visible, shining through the clouds. You've conquered the spotlight tonight, and you've conquered Xiao's world, even if he couldn't tell.
But, you extended your hand to Xiao. This was just like his illustration of you from earlier, but he was now included. The moonlight reflected on your skin, your clothes weaved magically across your body, and surrounding the two of you were a field of flowers.
Xiao, without much thinking, grasped your hand tight, and you held it, too.
He felt a bloom in his heart, and the world around him brightened. Even as you were talking, he couldn’t pay attention to a word you said. You were graceful, and he felt the strangeness in the way your fingers interlocked with his.
You weren't holding him, really, but you held him somehow. In fact, you stole him away from the old world he lived in, introducing him to something new, something unique.
And in that moment, somewhere in the combination of his mind and heart swelled, sweeping in to tell him and make him realize that he was in love.
That he was in love with you.
When you fell ill for the sake of him.
Kuni remembers it. His birthday came soon, and because it never snowed in Sumeru, the flowers still found themselves vibrant. Though, something in him found you to be more colorful and much more appealing to look at than a few colored petals and a stem, yet he could never bring himself to admit it; his pride would shatter and you would become giddy, and— if there was finally a heart to replace his hollow body— he would feel a twinge in his chest and an ache in the hollow shell of himself. Kuni figures that, because he has no heart, he is therefore heartless, meaning that this twinge in his chest can not be love like Nahida had suggested time and time again. Rather, this ache symbolized a feel of annoyance. After all, if he did have a heart, how would he be able to mercilessly kill so many people and commit so many sins?
Yet, he would catch you again and again, plucking the most beautiful, rare, and exotic flowers in Sumeru. Many of which were far too dangerous to even obtain, and that was something he realized far too late. He trusted you slightly. Actually, he didn't trust you. Kuni trusted Tighnari because you have consulted the expert many times about the flowers you picked.
But, one day, you fell ill. It wasn't due to the flowers or anything similar, but due to the weather. Kuni had been coincidentally passing by for a research project, and he stumbled upon you by a hillside, unconscious, bleeding, and sickly. You were lucky enough to forget your basket of flowers, meaning you hadn't lost any of your previously collected ones, but you were still quite unlucky. It was pouring, and atop a hill was a beautiful kalpalata lotus flower. It wasn't a terrible walk, except you were sick, and you ended up slipping and falling to what could've been your doom.
The moment Kuni saw you, he paid no mind to the flowers, nor did he care at all about his research. He needed to help you, and he, as quickly as he could, flew you over to Gandharva Ville, where he almost screamed for forest rangers to come and help you.
As you laid on the bed unconscious, Kuni stayed with you. He never left your side once.
And then you woke up.
“...What?” The pain in your head wrung from side to side, front and back. Your nose was significantly stuffier. Kuni, happy and terrified, immediately rushed over to you.
“Idiot! What were you doing out there?” He yelled, holding back the urge to punch himself for not finding you sooner, “You could've died from that sort'a height!”
“Sir, please, lower your voice. Y/N's healing process could falter if you don't shut up.” Tighnari hissed, and the two glared at each other.
“Fine, sorry. But still, what were you thinking? My birthday or whatever isn't that big a deal, and it's really not worth your damn life.” Kuni sat down on the stool next to the bed, and you looked down at the provided blankets.
“I mean, I'm not dead,” you conjure up a smile and hold in a cough, “but yeah. That was sort of stupid, but it would've been worth it if I did get you the flower.”
“What? You're mentally insane.”
“I could be.”
“That's— That's so stupid!” Why do all of that... for me? Kuni feels his chest ache again.
“Oh, it was. But hey, I'm really stupid when it comes to you.”
“What?” Kuni's eyes furrow, and Tighnari almost slams his head into the desk after hearing that.
“I mean that I'm literally stupid for you. Why else would I leave and get flowers when it's raining and when I'm sick?”
Something clicks in Kuni's head. He saw some of his peers in class talk about this phrase and suddenly connect it to some girl who was in love with a guy and...
“I'm leaving. I'll be back— you'd better be conscious!”
“I can't guarantee that, but I'll try.”
Kuni leaves the room, frustrated. Nahida has said that he likes you, his peers have said the same thing, and maybe...
“I'm literally stupid for you.”
“That idiot..” He smiles, looking through the window to see you talking to Tighnari, who appears to be scolding you for being so careless with your health. Kuni holds in a chuckle and turns around. His ache resurfaces in his chest, and he grips the part of his top that covers his 'heart'.
Maybe, just maybe—
“I'm making a bouqet for you on your birthday!”
—maybe he is in love with you.
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y/n's real name is robloxnation3000 /j
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yanderestarangel · 1 year
Hi! I was wondering if you can write headcanons for bi han, kuai liang, and Tomas with a reader who is shy in bed
TW: afab anatomy, vaginal sex, smut.
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✧ BI HAN ✧
He is a serious man, but not shy, especially in bed. Bi Han has two types of reactions while fucking: either being very loud, letting out hoarse grunts and being aggressive or just making low grunts against your skin. But if you're the shy one, he'll make you moan, no matter what it takes, Bi Han wants to hear him pleasuring you with his dick inside your pussy or any other hole. If he notices that you're holding back your moans, he'll sigh, giving you a weak but delicious slap on the ass. The first times between the two of you will be like this with Bi Han looking at you beneath him, too shy to moan as he fucks you with all his might, he even finds your efforts to hide from him with the pillow or sheets cute, he will just take away any physical imposition of your body and seeing your pussy and breasts being fucked by him, while Bi Han teased you.
"-Come on (Y/N) gem, don't be a shy little slut, I know you love my dick." / "-Do you want me to touch you here?" -Bi Han would speak provocatively, taking two fingers to your clitoris and massaging it while still fucking you with his cock, leading to you finally moaning loudly and his name, the grand master will be extremely proud of himself, satisfied with having pulled one such a beautiful reaction from you. "-Hmmph... Finally baby, just moan more for me, I want more of this, scream cumming on my dick, be my good boy/good girl, make me proud." -He finishes this by giving you another hard slap on the ass, while grabbing the soft flesh of your hips.
He is also a serious man, but a warm lover in many ways - excuse the pun lol - he wants to be loved and love back, to be cared for and to care for and this applies in bed. He tends to be more vocal, not being too loud or being too quiet - Liang likes to let you know how much he's loving it, letting out medium moans with his mouth either open or in your ear, breathing heavily as he fucks your pussy. Kuai is a man of vision that is, he likes and wants to see your body and hear your moans, if you try to cover yourself and he realizes how shy you are/are at the moment he will be understanding and ask if everything is ok, if do you want to stop or if he is giving you enough pleasure - when you explain it, he will still be gently pushing into your pussy, while watching you from the side, grabbing the pillow and hiding your body from him making him smile a little, while using his hips in slow, slightly circular movements, making you moan, finally he doesn't mean anything, he just wants to hear you looking beautiful and receiving pleasure from him.
Kuai thinks your body is perfection, your sweet moans coming out with each thrust of his and he will do his best to hear you moan and show yourself to him, he loved seeing you writhe on top of his dick, he would push it to the base while smiling slightly giving you a kiss on the cheek and whispering in your ear: "-You're so beautiful, you know (Y/N)? Drooling and getting dirty on my dick, you're so desperate to cum, aren't you? Even though you give a sweet little shy thing, I love it Seeing you like this, seeing you moan, your body is mine and I'm going to please you and make you cum until you can't feel your legs anymore." -Kuai whispered, increasing the pace of his hips, fucking your pussy harder, he was going to make his promise count that night.
An extremely noisy and needy man. Holy shit, Tomas moans so loud sometimes that it echoes throughout your house, he can't control the moans and whimpers, even shedding some tears because he's super stimulated by your pussy, telling you sweet things with his voice choked with lust, holding your hips tightly. But he wasn't always like that, the first night with him you will both be very shy, especially Tomas because he hasn't been with anyone other than you yet, but after that night he will be so vocal, his moans are hoarse and exciting enough to make you cum in minutes - believe me. When Vrbada realizes that your shyness has not passed, he will ask you if everything is ok and if he is doing it right, how to stimulate your clitoris too, because he wants to hear you moan as loud as him, he wants to see your sweaty and flushed body while stick the 20 centimeters of his dick in your cunt, he will beg and whimper for you to take the sheet off your beautiful body, and he won't hold back with the moans, just moan for this man as loud as you can, the more loud you moan, but his dick will fuck your pussy. "-Yes my little angel... Fuuuck~ so tight, and those beautiful breasts? Just waiting to be fucked, aren't you? You're so beautiful (Y/N) so beautiful to me, moan and dirty my cock, beautiful little slut."
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thinkingotherwise · 5 months
Requested by: @kwo22 can you do one with Sakura with a s/o who just compliments him randomly at times and he gets all blushy ykk? Love ur writing for windbreaker !!!!!! <3
There are so many blushy Sakura panels in the manga. I adore all of them.
Haruka Sakura x reader
Randomly complimenting him and using pickup lines.
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Even before your relationship with Haruka, you knew he was so, so, so easy to fluster. His blushing face quickly became one of your favourite features in the man. You thought he didn't like it in the beginning always yelling and awkwardly telling you not to embarrass him. Surprisingly, he didn't mind when you complimented him, even seeking out your praises whenever the possibility for one arrived.
Everyone in Bofurin was aware, that when you were near your boyfriend his face would be red most of the time. You just knew what to do to make him this way. Were you bad for using it for your entertainment? Maybe. But he loved you either way so..
Another minute passed before his cheeks and ears burned red and he spluttered some things you couldn't understand turning away from you. You, however, laughed at his reaction and grabbed his hand before pulling him towards the school.
"Your hair and eyes have been always bi-colour and you will always be-mine." You said to him once, while you walked to school.
"What?" He looked at you confused trying to understand what you meant.
You sighed deeply before turning to him.
"You know bi-colour, be-mine." You pointed first at his hair and then at you.
Haruka wasn't aware that it was the first of many pick-up lines you'd use on him just to get a reaction, you so loved.
The next one was when he'd just beat down some guys, while you were watching from the sidelines. You cheered him on throughout the fight and as the last guy fell down you bounced up to him.
"Oh wow, that last punch was something." You complimented trying to imitate your boyfriend.
He puffed out his chest his face slightly pink from the fight and, mostly, the praise. The smile on your face turned to a smirk as you brought your finger to your lips humming in thought.
"Is your dad a boxer?" You asked him your grin starting to show as you knew what you'd say next, while he wasn't aware what he got himself into.
"What no! You know well enough that-"
"Because you're a knockout!" You cut him off quickly sending a wink and finger guns in his direction.
Haruka knew your intentions pretty well when it came to these random compliments and pick-up lines. He thought that with time passing he would get used to them and they wouldn't have that kind of effect on him anymore. Oh how wrong he was.
He stared at you his face reddening but he was too stunned to speak.
"Ah, you prefer knight in shining armour more, huh?" You teased him and instantly tried to evade the light slaps he sent into your arm to make you stop.
He ran after you yelling for you to stop while you ran away laughing and arguing you would never, because you knew he secretly loved it.
Collecting Haruka from Bofurin you gave him some snacks you bought on your way. He thanked you but when he saw you looking left and right carefully, he followed your gaze before asking.
"What is it?"
"Be careful the police may be on to you." You whispered to him and he looked at you appalled.
"Why? I didn't do shit."
"For stealing my heart." You said swiftly kissing his cheek.
His face was once again bright red and a frown appeared on his face.
He just couldn't believe that instead of him handling the situations like that better it was you who got better at acting and tricking him.
"You're an idiot." He said munching on the chocolate you gave him, pretty much still flustered by you.
"But I'm your idiot." Your words made him choke on the thing and you helped him before erupting into belly laughter.
Haruka was still blushing no matter how many times you exposed him to your affectionate words. He finally came to realize that you just had that effect on him and he didn't mind it that much anymore.
Tags: @misticbullet
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genderqueerdykes · 7 days
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thank you both for this, i was literally in the process of writing a post about this as i saw these.
i came out as bisexual when i was about 19 or 20 years old, in 2011 - 2012. this was such a difficult thing because everyone around me suddenly had very pointed opinions on me. suddenly i wasn't queer anymore, i was a straight person. i asked people why and they said well bisexual people are half straight, which makes you straight, which means gay people don't want to be around you. i was told nobody likes bisexuals because they're too straight to be gay and too gay to be straight
i had a literal personal dilemma because i didn't feel like that at all. when i was realizing i was bisexual i was realizing i was attracted to all genders in a queer way. i did NOT feel like my attraction to men, women or genderqueer people was straight in any way, shape or form. i've always fit in much better in both gay and lesbian circles. those have always been my home, and my community
in the early days of my transition, when "genderqueer" wasn't even remotely heard of, i had to try to transition into being a man to be seen as trans at all. i went from being forced into lesbian spaces to being forced into gay male spaces. nobody let me pick where i was existing. i was being pushed around. i liked both lesbian and gay male spaces, but i was being told when i could and couldn't occupy the spaces. and then when it came out i was bi everyone called me a traitor and said i was a straight person
my best friend at the time came with me to pride meetings and when her mom found out about that, and that i was bi, she told my friend she couldn't come to those pride meetings anymore, and that i was turning her daughter into a lesbian. her mother would not stop calling me a lesbian all throughout my life. from early childhood, she thought me and her daughter were dating because i was butch and she was femme and we were very close. her mom carried this belief into adulthood, asking her outright if we were lovers. her brother thought we were, too, and taunted us about it.
my own mom weaponized lesbianism against me. she hated how butch i was. she hated that i "looked and acted like a lesbian". she called me a butch and a bulldyke hatefully. she told me not to dress or look certain ways or else people would assume i, and her by some proxy, were lesbians. my mom was insanely butch so i don't really know why this was being leveraged against me but either way when i became a young adult and my mom was trying to force me to learn to drive (something i am terrified of doing due to having 2 dissociative disorders), she asked what kind of car i would ideally like. i said a truck. i was standing there in a purple plaid shirt and she just sighed and went "I knew you were a lesbian." she pointed out my shirt. she was weaponizing lesbophobic and butchphobic stereotypes against me, but either way, reinforcing that i was a lesbian in one capacity or another
i got so tired of my friends harassing me for saying that if i was bi that meant i was straight and i needed to stop calling myself gay because i wasn't, and that it was an "insult" to the gay community. note that nobody gave a singular flying fuck about the bisexual community at all. i was literally bullied out of identifying as bi, because my straight cishet male friends hated it, and my lesbian identifying GF was uncomfortable with it because it made me sound too straight.
the thing is, none of these people asked what being bisexual meant to me.
i actually liked the lesbian community a lot. i really love other lesbians. i have always been attracted to lesbian and butch identifying people for as long as i could remember. i loved seeing strong butch women on TV, even if there were rude jokes. i loved the idea of being a masculine person who is sometimes a queer masculine woman. i loved the idea of being with femmes, i loved queer women and people who took femininity to the next level. i also loved seeing gay men when and wherever they existed. i always felt like i fit right in, and like i was seeing a reflection of a part of myself i needed help discovering.
i have almost always, as long as i can remember, identified as a gay man, and a lesbian, at the same time. my attraction to men, women, and people of all genders is queer no matter what gender of mine is involved. it doesn't matter. i have never felt "half gay half straight" which is why people weaponizing heterosexuality against me as a bisexual forced me to strictly identify as a gay man for almost a decade. it was painful to ignore my butch lesbian side, and to stop identifying as gay, because people would criticize how attractive i found women, and other people
if people had let me exist and explain what bisexuality means to me, they could've understood that bisexual is an inherently deeply queer attraction no matter what genders are involved, but NOBODY cares to listen to the bisexual. everyone LOVES to speak for us because we're just "straight people invading the queer community."
we've had it. bisexuals are queer. even if they DO identify as "half straight" they're STILL queer. let bisexuals define bisexuality. there is no one size fits all form of bisexuality. every single bisexual defines it differently and that's the point. it's a very complex identity with many layers that often relate to gender and presentation as well as attraction.
let bisexuals define bisexuality.
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elisiafarias · 10 months
How would the Linkuei trío react when they found out that you were pregnant?Updated!!!
Sumary: pregnant Reader, Tomas, Bi han, Kuai Liang
Author's note: finally added all the boys
❄️Bi han 花イ波❄️
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You were looking for your husband, you knew he could be training his new initiate.
However, you decided to go back to your room, you got nervous because you didn't know what his reaction would be, although you already knew your husband very well, this will change your lives a lot, and you were also afraid that he would be too strict with his future child.
You walked into your room and closed the door quickly.
You hadn't realized that Bi Han was already inside, he was changing his clothes. When you looked at him you froze.
He was bare-chested, While he was holding the top of his clothing in his hands, he began to raise an eyebrow.
-Wife.- He began to speak calmly but with a doubtful tone, he knew that something was wrong with you.
-Oh you were here *nervous laugh* I thought you were training Frost today.-You responded, trying to deflect the discomfort that your entry generated.
-We finished training early.- Your husband responded.
-Let me help you.- You told your husband trying to get him to give you his clothes to send to wash, however your husband's response was to take his clothes away from you.
-What's happening? - He asked with a frown.
-Nothing, I just wanted to come and rest, you know that yesterday I felt a little sick.- You respond him without looking at his eyes
-So you were feeling so bad that you came running?-He asked as if he wanted to get information from you, he already knew you were lying.
-Yeah, I was getting a little dizzy, I...I.-You couldn't finish talking
At that moment you didn't know why, but you began to feel so much pressure that your eyes began to water.You were afraid of everything in the future
Bi Han didn't know what he had done wrong, but internally he knew that his questioning of you triggered that reaction.
But strangely for you, he sat next to the bed and took your hand.You began to walk towards him while caressing his hand, and you sat on his lap.
-Tell me what happened- Your husband ask you as if someone had done something to you.
-I'm sorry for reacting like this, I'm a little sensitive...I spoke to the doctor today.-You began to speak.
Bi Han raised an eyebrow (again), he started to think that you were going to say that you have a serious illness.
-I'm pregnant.- You finaly said.
You saw a change in your husband's eyes, his eyes began to light up, it's the first time you've seen him excited like that.
Then he put his hand on your belly.
-He will be the first Lin kuei of our generation- He said with a sweet voice.
You began to caress his dark hair and then kissed his head.
-Remember the baby may be a girl too.- You said.
-I don't care this baby has the blood of a Linkuei... And is ours.- He responded proudly.
-Just try not to be so demanding with him.- You told him, he then looked at you.
-As you wish- Said your Husband.
Deep down you knew he wasn't being sincere, although you know he would try hard to work on it, and you would help him too.
But in the end you were happy, because you knew that you were the most important thing to your husband and he would love his future child unconditionally.
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You were anxiously waiting for your husband, today you went to the town doctor to confirm your suspicions.
Even though you already knew it deep inside, the news gave you unexpected happiness, because you created a life with the man you loved, In the afternoon you took the time to buy a present for your husband, and planning all the words you were going to say to him.
It was already 7 pm and you had arrived at 5 pm, you were impatient, you knew that Tomas was training his new clan together with his brother, but this time the wait for you seemed eternal.
Until you could finally see your husband from the window in the distance, you prepared everything and hid.
-Hello, I'm here.- You heard Tomas say as he entered.
-Y/N? Where are you? -He asked worriedly, you were always there to receive him.
You laughed to yourself from your room.
Then Tomas saw a wrapped gift, with a note that said "for Tomas", inside the note it said, "I'm excited to meet you in the coming months." After reading it he still didn't understand anything.
Then you stood behind him and hugged him from behind.
-I'm so happy you're here.- you said excitedly. Your husband looked at you in disbelief.
-Yes…Well, I went alone for a few hours.- He answered.
You laughed and took the gift.
-I thought you understood the message, let's open it.- You told him, looking him straight in the eyes, trying to show where your emotion was coming from.
Your husband was still in disbelief, then he started to open the gift. When he opened it he realized that they were small shoes, and he came with a teddy bear.
He looked at the gift for a few seconds then raised his head and looked at you with lit up eyes.
-Wait… Tell me it's not a joke.- He said with a smile.
Then you took his hand and placed it on your belly.
-I would never joke with something like that my love.- You responded excitedly as you caressed his hand.
Tomas, after processing it for a second, hugged you and lifted you up carefully, giving you a spin. They both laughed with happiness.
Then he lowered you and stood at the height of your belly. Inside him he thought of all the happiness ahead. Tomas wanted to give his future son the same teaching that his adoptive father gave him.
-I will protect him with my life.- Your husband said while caressing your belly.You felt butterflies like the first time you fell in love with him.
-You have to live for us.- You replied, you didn't want to lose your husband.
He then got up to your height and kissed your forehead.
-I will.- He responded as he caressed your head.
-Come on, we have to tell Kuai Liang- he said while he headed to the door.
You laughed and took his hand.
-Honey, let's wait until tomorrow, your brother must be very busy with Harumi, remember that lately they have little time together.- You told your husband.
-Please, I'm impatient, I already want to tell him that we are going to expand the family- Tomas responded excitedly.
-Tomorrow we will tell him, we can have a lunch to tell him the news....¿What do you think? - You proposed to your husband, he just nodded his head.
-I prefer breakfast- your husband responded. You smiled
-Okay, we'll make breakfast and we'll tell them.-You responded defeated.
Then Tomas kissed you, you both felt like you were in love for the second time. Inside you felt that you couldn't have chosen a better husband.The universe and life smiled at you.
Kuai Liang 蒯良
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You went to look for your husband, you had to give him some very important news that you received this morning with the doctor, you wanted to wait for him to get home but just today he was taking too long.
It was already night so you went to Harumi's compound, since there they were training their new initiates, that boy Hanzo was very skilled for his age.
When you arrived you saw your husband in the distance, he was walking with Harumi… You didn't know whether to interrupt so you just managed to observe from afar. You knew that Harumi was not a bad person, but you were worried about the fact that she is so close to Kuai Liang, after everything that happened with Bi Han, she has given him all the help she has.
And the only thing you have been able to give him is only your loyalty. For this reason you feel insecure next to her, since you felt that you could not give him all that help to defeat his brother.
-Harumi, I want to thank you for everything you have done for me this time, your help turned out to be invaluable.-Your husband said as he put his hand on Harumi's shoulder.
She smiled. -It is the least I can do, since they have acted without honor, we cannot let their corruption continue.- She responded. Kuai Liang just smiled proudly.
-As a way of thanking you, I will name my clan with your last name, The shirai ryu.- Said your husband.
Those words felt like a dagger in the heart for you, however he was not being unfaithful to you, but for some reason that closeness and affection that he had for Harumi kept making you uncomfortable.
Was he falling in love with her? Would it be a good idea to tell him about your pregnancy now? Would he feel tied down by having a baby with you?
While you were thinking hidden in the tree, you didn't realize that a person stood behind you.
-¿Y/N, what are you doing here?.- You recognized that voice and your skin crawled, and your heart started beating very fast.
You looked at Kuai Liang and then at the place where he had been talking to his friend… he was already gone. ¿At what point had he said goodbye to Harumi?
-Husband *nervous laugh*, I didn't expect to find you so soon, I was bored and you weren't coming back so I thought I'd come see you.- You said very nervous.
The grand master looked at you strangely, he knew you were hiding something, but it seems like he ignored it.
-You shouldn't go out at this time, remember that you are convalescent.- He said. Then he took some bags that you were carrying in your hands.
Then they both started walking towards their home.
-Don't exaggerate, it's not like I would have gotten deathly ill.-You said with a smile, trying to calm the situation.
-Why did you buy so many things? There is enough food in the house, maybe we are celebrating something?.-Your husband asked.
You just raised both eyebrows, you did it on purpose to play with him.
-I do not know you tell me.- You answered with a smile.
-You know we don't celebrate birthdays.- He responded a little nervously. You started to laugh
-Do you think my birthday is today? When is my birthday?.-You asked playfully. Even though you know they didn't celebrate their birthdays, you never told him yours.
It gave you too much tenderness to see how your husband was confused.
As you two walked across the bridge, you stopped walking.
-It will be someone else's birthday in 9 months.-You finally said.
Then you saw how the grandmaster turned to see you with a confused look.Then he approached you
-What?.- He ask still confused, apparently he is beginning to understand the message.
-There's something of yours growing inside me.- You said while touching your belly.
Kuai Liang looked at you with an excited smile and his eyes lit up. He threw the bags
-Is this for real? .- He asked with a soft tone of voice, while he began to caress your head with his hands.
-Yes…I'm really sorry, I know that in these circumstances it is not good to bring children, you have your priority to find your brother, restore the honor of the Lin.-You were interrupted by the grand master who began to kiss your forehead.
Then he joined his forehead with yours while caressing you.
-It is the best news I have ever received.-He responded, then hugged you.-If my father were alive, this news would fill him with happiness, being a grandfather, he always talked to me about the responsibilities of a father.
-I am sure that you will honor his memory, you will be a great father just like he was to you.-You said as you caressed his cheek. He took your hand and planted a kiss on it.
Then upon arriving home, he decided to cook with you for the first time while hugging you from behind and caressing your belly. The next few weeks and months he banned you from almost all training, he only let you practice hitting, and unfortunately he kept you out of the whole conflict with Bi Han, but you couldn't debate him because you knew he did it to protect you two.
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rboooks · 1 year
The bakery is a front....right? PART 4
Dedicated to @foxy-tea. Thank you for your lovely words!
Danny didn't want to do it, but he had to admit that his mating season peak had arrived and could not work in that condition. It wasn't that Danny was like a cat in heat, wanting to engage in intercourse all the time.
No, his body craved a life partner and a child to smother in fierce paternal love. It was a bit worse if you asked him. If he just manwhore his way through the city over three months, well, they would just whisper about how easy he was.
A bit embarrassing but not uncommon for someone with Danny's good looks.
Instead, his mating season made him a would-be kidnapper.
He had to physically slam a hot pot of coffee on his hand a week ago when a customer had walked in with a baby, and Phantom had tried to leap over the counter to take the babbling bundle of joy as his own.
Not to mention how Phantom reacted to some of his youngest delivery employees. He hadn't realized he was mumbling "Mine. mine. mine. mine. mine" while approaching Manolo for his latest delivery until Peter had stepped into his path with the dirtiest glare Danny had ever seen.
The punch to his throat hadn't knocked the wind out of him- since Phantom had stopped his breathing three days prior - but it was enough to get Danny out of the daydreams of tucking Manolo into bed after a cup of tea and a bedtime story.
We could teach him to bake. We can teach him to ride a bike. We can sit through all his school performances, no matter how bad they are. We could be his dad. Phantom had cried as Manolo had thrown himself between Peter and Danny, his little arms spread wide to protect him. Let me have the child! Manolo is mine! He's mine to love, mine to protect!
Danny had never had such trouble getting Phantom to settle.
In seconds, Peter was quickly surrounded by Andres' friends and the rest of Danny's staff. He had taken a fighter position, looking around like an animal about to maul its victims while Danny wrestled with himself to get control.
He and Phantom are not two separate personalities fighting for control but one person with conflicting instincts.
One of a human's most basic instincts is self-preservation. A ghost's most basic instinct is self-fulfillment.
Danny did not want things to become a free-for-all where someone could get hurt. Phantom tried to fight them all to claim the kids under his protection.
Thankfully, everything was deescalated by Jazz's timely arrival. Danny couldn't really remember what she had done (too busy struggling to hold himself as a human and not go ghost to become the most excellent dad to ever dad). Still, if there was one gift Jazz had, it was being able to reason with spirits about their obsessions.
If she could convince beings whose entire existence depended on being stubborn about a particular subject, she could persuade humans of anything.
Peter had been allowed to leave with no injuries, and even two days paid off, while the rest had realized that the man had just acted out of PTSD due to what Jazz called "projecting trauma in safe settings."
There were a lot of people in this area that understood what PTSD episodes did to them and had not faulted Petter. Manolo even gave Peter a small crocheted fox to help him overcome the fear.
(Danny had given the small fox plushy to Manolo when the kid first arrived at his bakery, proclaiming it had a protective spell to keep fear away. He had yet to be aware the boy carried around with him.)
Jazz had then taken Danny to his apartment, where she had placed him in quarantine. She had been informed by Frost Bite during their bi-weekly mentor/protegee meetings- Jazz was studying under the Yeti in Ghost Psychology- that Danny's Peak had arrived. Danny would jack up his "I need to be a dad" and "I need to be a husband" urges to Fruitloop levels.
Danny would try to force someone into that role if he was around humans or ghosts, even if it was against their will. Ugh, he would be a Vlad 2.0 for a full two weeks!
He could not risk himself around others. So with a heavy heart, he informed his employees he would be stepping away for a two-week long vacation and had made it seem like he left on a plane to visit Jazz overseas.
His staff would take care of the bakery for him, but it saddened Danny he could not be there to help with things. He then sealed off all entries to his apartment and informed the residents of the Ghost zone he was in, "Mating Peak retreat," so no one would bother him past a few already mated servants of the Ghost King.
They would bring him supplies and requests through a no-contact portal once he ordered them through a magical catalog. It was like online shopping for ghosts.
Danny now had to wait two weeks for this to finally go away, and he could go about his ordinary daily life of being perfectly dead and alive. Until it happened again the following year.
Elli told him to be grateful it was only a yearly thing, not a monthly deal. He shuddered at the mere thought of experiencing this every month.
Done! Phantom cheers snapping Danny back to reality. In his hands are a pair of freshly crocheted booties. He hadn't even been aware he was making them.
They look great, Danny tells Phantom, turning them in his hands to smile at the giant sunflowers on each side. A button was used as the center of the flowers, and Phantom even included a few lace designs around them to look like leaf vines.
They are based on the park's flowers.
The park?
Yes, the park where you promised to take me today! Phantom goes from calmly talking to screaming, and Danny winces.
You know I can't go outside. You'll just try to steal a child from the park.
I would never forget to also steal a wife or husband!
Danny sighs, rubbing his face knowing he was telling himself that forgetting a spouse was worse than the idea of kidnapping people. He places the booties on top of an ever-growing pile. Since his quarantine has begun, Danny has made about two hundred pairs of various styles, sizes, and colors.
Danny looks around at the piles and piles of other of his crocheting projects. He's got sweaters, scarves, gloves, socks, hats, beanies, and even blazers for various genders, ages, and styles meant to help with the coldest winter. He could adequately dress his whole street and still have some left over.
All prepared for his nonexisting family.
He has been making them at the same speed he can fly, i.e., 200 mph. He's made some yarn dealers in the zone extremely wealthy. He can't help it, though. Danny has frozen every inch of his apartment too far too cold levels for an average human without proper wear.
He's been working fast because his human mind knew that the cold was terrible for his lover and children, so it wanted to keep them nice and warm. While his ghost side added layers of snow to the floor and ice to the walls, he even made decorative ice sculptures that he desperately reorganized again and again to find the perfect balance of the cold. Only his electronics were not frozen over, so even his furniture had layers of ice- some with designs to make them look fancier.
He's also cooked up a storm in preparation for feeding his family. Only to realize a spouse and kids were not coming, thus forcing him to donate his meals to the ghost delivery people. They were ever so happy to have five-course meals shoved at them just for bringing the king more yarn.
Danny throws himself face-first into the pile of snow from his couch, allowing the softness to cushion his fall. There is a terrible itch under the skin. It's begging him to leave to find someone to kiss and worship. Unwillingly, Alvin's face appears in his mind before he turns over and stares at his ceiling. He's made all the constellations into small carvings on the ice. I can't go outside. I can watch another movie or make more bagels instead.
Watching another romance movie won't bring me a mate! Phantom hisses.
I know but-
Suddenly Danny senses flair as someone crosses over his wards. Sitting up in alarm, Danny makes a break for his room as even more people join the first and break into his guest room through a window. Not that he can't take whoever they are, but if he comes face to face with them-well, Danny thinks he may keep them.
That's not something he's willing to risk.
Phantom is already throwing out some severe pheromones that would likely infatuate them to Danny, babbling about this being their chance. Four adults- spouses!- and a child- a son or daughter!- have entered their main haunt. They had to give them food and warm clothes and cuddle them until they never left!
He can't force them to stay!
He had to make them stay even if it meant chaining them!
No, they would be miserable!
Phantom could make them happy forever!
The effort to stay in his human control took so much effort Danny started to aggressively twitch as he fumbled with the hidden room in the back of an old wardrobe. He's breathing heavily, trying to get his blurry vision to focus so he can open the darn thing and get in. Finally, it does, and Danny just barely closes it when a figure bursts through the door.
He watches through a small crack as the figure carefully looks over his frozen domain. It's one of the vigilantes. Red Robin.
What is he doing here?
The man walks into his room, leaving behind disruptive snow that goes up his ankles.
Thank the Ancients, his footprints do not appear in his own snow. Otherwise, a perfect trail would lead the hero straight to him. Instead, he watches with a hand over his mouth as Red Robin carefully searches his room.
Danny cuts off his need to breathe as the sound would give him away. Still, he's twitching so much that he's practically shaking as the hero carefully breaks the ice over his drawers and pulls out his clothes in quick, careful movements.
Go away. Go away. Go away. Danny thinks desperately. He should have tried calling someone. Jazz. Ellie. Even his parents or Vlad!
None of them would cause his instincts to want to force them to play house- though he would likely still try to imprison them since he would like to protect them non the less.
But they could at least do something and get the poor vigilante somewhere safe!
Never leave. Never leave. Never leave. Phantom purrs, and oh no, an intense burst of pheromones is sent through the room. Red Robin freezes; from what little Danny can see of his face, it's flushed red, and gosh, he wants to smother that man in so much love-
"Guys, I think I came in contact with the drug," Red Robin pants after pressing his hand to his ear. "I don't know how, but I am definitely feeling something. Think it's airborne, but not sure."
He doesn't finish his sentence before Redhood and Nightwing are suddenly in his room. Nightwing has a gas mask over his face while Red Hood swings a gun around the room, looking for a target.
Danny almost whines at the gentle way Nightwing helps Red Robin into a sitting position. He's looking him over with such loving protection that he- that Danny- Phantom wants him- wants a husband-!
"Shit," Red Hood hisses, body pushing back as if some strong wind had hit him. "Yeah, it's definitely in this room. Felt a bit of it, even with my built-in filters. Wing?"
"Did the room get colder?" Nightwing asks as he helps Red Robbin to his feet. The other man seems to be feeling better with his gas mask, but he must still be effect by Phantom's pheromones.
"The wardrobe." Red Robin gasps, pointing unknowingly right at Danny. "The ice around it is getting bigger. And...it's leaking."
What? Danny looks down only to see in horror a knocked-over jar of fresh ectoplasm. He hadn't even been aware he had broken the thing when he crawled here.
The jars were the ones that he gathered with Jazz and Ellie after a three-day foraging trip. All ghosts were made of Ecoplasim, but just like you couldn't stick blood into someone without being comparable, you couldn't use any random ectoplasm for other people- humans or ghosts.
It had to be some of the purest natural kind, not linked to any type of beings, like a river of ectoplasm or the frozen pillars in the farthest parts of the Far Frozen. Giving someone ectoplasm from one's body could taint them in the donator's obsession.
Yes, Danny could make more people protective of each other, but it would likely cause them to be Fruitloop-level protective. They just didn't have the filter like he did to not go mad.
That pure kind was now leaking out of his hiding place and into the white snow of his main lair.
Danny only has a second to panic before the door is wrenched open, and he falls into a stunned Red Robin.
He goes limp from the shock as Phantom purrs, settling in his mind now that he's pressed against a possible mate. Like Danny said, it's not intercourse his ghost side is after, it's close contact, and this is enough to satisfy it.
"Shit, it's Danny. He-he's not breathing, and he's ice cold. I think he's de-dead." Red Robin says in what sounds like tears.
No. My husband is sad. Danny and Phantom think, a terrible pulse of pain bursting across his chest. He can't get his body to move to offer comfort, though. It's been a whole week since he last saw someone in person, and this is so nice. Why did he ever fight this instinct? It felt so good to give in.
He could stay in Red Robin's arms forever.
Red Robin was never going to see the clear sky again. He was never leaving this apartment.
"I found something," Red Hood's voice is behind him. "It looks like it is Lazarus' water, but it's clearer. I think this is our drug. Danny must have ODed."
"No! He can't- we have to do something!" Red Robin cries, and Danny slumps further against him like a broken doll. He's not blinking. Blinking is for humans. Danny isn't a human.
His unfocused eyes stare at wherever Red Robin has him positioned to look.
"There is nothing we can do, Red Robin," A new voice says though not unkindly. Phantom doesn't turn his head but can see Batman walk up behind Red Robin, wearing his gas mask. He places his hand on the trembling vigilante. "You need to put him down."
"No!" Phantom purs as the arms around his shoulders bring them closer to his husband's body.
"It's too late for him, Drake. We can only honor his death."
That....that was a voice of a child. A child is in his main haunt.
Phantom wails in joy.
He gets out of his husband's arms, leaping over Batman, and his arms are around a boy in red, green, and yellow. Phantom smothers his face against the hood covering the boy's head, and short sobs rank his body. "My baby! You're my baby!"
"Unhand me!" His little grunts slamming a knife into Phantom's side, but that doesn't matter because Phantom has his son and his husband in his nest.
A bullet harmlessly passes through his forehead after a loud bang, creating a hole in Phantom's wall. He'll take care of that after he smothers his baby in cuddles.
Nightwing swings a baton at Phantom, but that, too, passes through his body without harm.
"Shit! Danny put him down!"
Huh, was that Sam?
"Danny, I mean it. Drop him!"
Oh, Tucker too!
"Daniel Fenton, you let that boy go right now!" Jazz sounded upset. Maybe she should hold his baby. "Are you listening to me?"
"Danny is not here right now." He hears his body say.
"Ohhhhh. That's not good. Okay, Danny time for a nap!" Ellie flies into his face, her hand glowing green and he has a moment to gasp at the betrayal before she blasts him.
He drops, knowing no more.
(Part 1), (Part 2), (Part 3), (Part 5)
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thisonehere · 15 days
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Summary: Bi-Han catches you spying on him bathing
A/n: alright, here you have it, the winner of my poll and might I say...you all are some pervs lol
This is a little late so I'm sorry for that.
Tags: NSFW, smut, poll winner
C/w: Reader being a perv, rough sex, overstimulation, Bi-Han gets sadistic
I-It wasn't supposed to be like this, you promise, you're not a pervert. You're not! Honest! Well, until today, that is.
You had gone into the Grandmaster's personal chambers to deliver a secretive intel sent by Sektor and entrusted to you to deliver it to Bi-Han. After the guards had let you, you found the room completely empty. You find it odd, you were told that he would be in here at this hour. "Grandmaster!" You call, looking this way and that for him. The room was empty, the grandmaster's large figure was nowhere in the room. So you did the best decision, you decided to snoop around.
For a grumpy and gruff man, the grandmaster sure had quite good taste in decoration. Porcelain vases, intricate wood carvings, rich fabrics everywhere, and so many other nice things. No doubt so many of these things were passed down from Bi-Han's father and his father and so on. So much of these things are old and filled with history. Cool. Anyway, you climb into his bed and start smelling his sheets. They smell nice...really nice. Just like how you often fantasized he might smell like if you ever got close enough.
As you embrace the scent, your ear picks something up, the sound of water running in the distance, behind a door. You climb off his bed and follow the sound and open the door. You slowly and carefully push the door back, it makes a slight creaking sound as you do. You pear inside and a gust of warm steam greeted your face. At that moment you realize that this is a bathhouse. Unlike the regular bathhouse that you shared with your fellow Lin Kuei, this was a private one for just the Grandmaster. Without much thought, you wonder inside.
You try to admire the place butt steam flows through the air making it almost impossible to see. But you manage to see one thing in the near distance, a shadowy figure just beyond a curtain. You take a few steps and part the curtains to get a better look, and you have to physically cover your mouth as you make out what it is. Bi-Han, lounging in a giant tub. Your heart skips a beat at the sight of the naked grandmaster. His eyes closed, a subtle smile on his face, his hair undone and cascading down his back in a wet mass, his bare and muscular body glistening from all the steam. It was a sight to behold. You stare at your grandmaster through the curtain, your mouth agape and your eyes enraptured.
Bi-Han looks so...so peaceful, happy even. Something you have never been used to, until now, the grumpy asshole who always wore a stern frown in his face is what you knew the grandmaster for. But you couldn't lie, something about always enchanted you, here, those features were on full display for you. You felt yourself melt as you admired your grandmaster, so handsome, so magnificent was he to behold that you felt like you could watch him for hours.
Without warning, Bi-Han stood up in his bath causing you to cover your mouth and stifle a squeak of surprise. Bi-Han took water from the bath rub himself with it. Your eyes stretched ten inches wide as Bi-Han's girthy rod flopped and his ass jiggled as he moved. You felt your mouth water at the sight of it. You felt like you were going to faint, so you closed the curtain for just a second to catch your breath. This was all too much, it was wrong too. Spying on your grandmaster as he bathes, spying on anyone as they bath, is a horrible thing.
But think about his smile, his body, everything about it, and you are surprised to find your body shiver. It is in your best interest to just leave and repent to any god that would listen. But it wouldn't hurt to just have one more peak, you think as you turn back to the curtain to get one last look before you left.
But as you part the curtain, Bi-Han is gone.
All you can do is stare in confusion at his sudden disappearance. Where could he have gone? Maybe he left, but where? How could he leave that quickly with you even hearing it? You sigh as you let the curtain close, perhaps this is for the best. You should be thankful that Bi-Han didn't walk out and find you being a pervert. You shiver this time in fear at what he would to you as punishment. Knowing him, it would have something brutal, and ensures that you suffer unimaginable ways. You're lucky indeed that he didn't catch you, even luckier that you had a chance to see him like this.
You smile warmly to yourself as you turn to leave. And there is Bi-Han standing behind you. You almost gasp, but that's interrupted as Bi-Han grabs you by the throat and suspends you off the ground with terrifying ease. Wet hair covered his furious face as water dropped down his body. "Grandmaster," you try to force out. "P-please, I can explain-ack!" Bi-Han's grip is so tight that you already feel yourself begin to lose consciousness. "You spied on me as I bath like a repulsive perversion! What could you possibly have to say for yourself!?" He barked, his once peaceful face now contorted into a disgusted sneer.
Bi-Han held you there for quite a few seconds, you just dangled there as you slowly began to lose consciousness. With a sigh, Bi-Han clears his grip on you, letting you plop to the ground with a harsh thud. You coughed and gagged as you tried to catch your breath. Your heart was racing so fast and your vision was blurred slightly. You stared up at Bi-Han who looked down at you like you were so nothing but something disgusting at the bottom of his shoe. You looked away from him in shame as you continued to catch your breath, trying to think of a way to get out of this. Something, anything, to get you out of here and avoiding your grandmaster's wrath.
But Bi-Han acts before you. After staring at you for some time, Bi-Han's expression changed, as if he just had an idea of what he would do to you. This terrified you. "Take off your clothes...and join me." Bi-Han ordered as he marched back into the tub, much to your shock. "What?" You asked so confused. "I don't understand, I-"
"Shut your disgusting mouth and obey your grandmaster!" He snapped at you, scaring you and causing you quickly throwing off your clothes to the point that you accidentally tore it slightly. In no time, you were sitting in the steaming bath tub with Bi-Han. His eyes were once again closed as he lounged back in the tub, the peaceful and almost happy look was back into his face. You just stared at him in fear, why was he so calm again? What was he about to do to you? You felt your heart beat against your chest as you stared at him in fear.
As the minutes passed it all felt like torture for you. What was he about to do to you? Why did he have you undress and bathe with him? Oh god, was he about to do something horrid to you? You agonize as you begin to fantasize about all the ways he might punish you. Maybe he was going to drown you here, what if he was going to the water board you? Though the water was warm, you shivered in fear. "You know, Y/n. I'm not surprised by this... I've noticed the way you looked at me." Bi-Han finally said, at this point you were so at the edge of your seat that even the sound of his voice scared you. "I won't deny it, I find something about you... cute, so perhaps I'll let you live." At this, you let out a sigh of relief. Perhaps things won't be so bad after all. "But not unpunished."
Maybe you spoke too soon.
You open your mouth to ask what he meant by that, Bi-Han stands up and wades through the water until he's standing over you, his cock in your face. You stare at it with an agape mouth. It's much bigger up close, as well as erect, ready and willing. Bi-Han stares down with a stern look, but there was sadistic glint in his eyes. "What are you staring at? Suck it."
Hours pass and Bi-Han spends them richly by making you do every last depraved thought that pops into his head. He fucks in every hole that you can offer him. He bites you, he slaps you, he even strangles you at some point...many points actually. He is merciless, your penance for spying on him. He has faced fucked you so many times that your sure that it'll take a long time to get the taste of his dick and his cum out of your mouth. Your body is dripping with his fluids as well as decorated with bruises, you could still feel his teeth marks on your neck and the imprint of his hand on your face and ass. He is so violent that you begin to cry, both from the pain and the pleasure that this pain caused, he laughs as your tears fall.
Right now? Bi-Han has you bent over the tub, his hand firmly grip at your hair, violently tugging at it as he slams into your poor abused hole. "Grandmaster!" You scream at the top of your lungs, your screams just encourage you to go faster, harder, making things worse and good for you. Both sweat and cum drips down your legs, hell, you could barely even feel your legs as he grinded into you. You feel your climax coming, no doubt his his close to, please let it be close. You don't know how much longer you can do this, you can feel your body slowly get number and number the more he fucks you. "Grandmaster, I-I going to." But Bi-Han interrupts you by quickly pulling out and shoving you to the floor. It all happens so fast that you don't have a second to react. Who knew the Grandmaster was so violent during sex?
He kneels beside, rubbing his cock, his other reaching down and start fondling your swollen hole. "Have you learned your lesson, Y/n?" You fearfully nod as you moan at his touch. You feel your entire body shiver as you climax. "Good " Bi-Han says with a growl, he begins rubbing hiscock faster. He grits his teeth as he finally cums, his hot seed explodes all over your face almost blinding you. "Clean me up, won't you dear?" At his urging, you begin to lick the cum off his dick, the bittersweet taste is something you think you'll never forget after today. "Good." He purred.
Satisfied, Bi-Han rose to his feet, grabbed a towel, and walked away as if nothing happened. Leaving you to catch your breath and regain your bearings. You're so worn out, so tired, you wondered if you could just crawl into Bi-Han's. He fucked you sore, the least he could do was let you sleep in his bed.
"Y/n," Bi-Han calls to you just before he leaves the room. "Yes, grandmaster?" You anxiously answered. "Next time, wear something nicer....easier to take off." He instructs calmly, but you felt you heart skip a beat again. "N-next time?" He turns to you and nods, a scary grin on his face. "Yes, your penance for this little incident. But don't you worry, I'll be gentle next time...perhaps." and with that he leaves you alone to collect your thoughts.
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