#/pan etc
canny-analyst · 5 months
Unrelated to anything, but I think the thing that made me go "OH THAT'S COMP HET!" the most is seeing genderbend versions of characters that I like.
As in, seeing a character I think is hot and I'm very attracted to getting genderbend/their gender changed, seeing their fem version specifically, and realizing how little attraction I have left for them.
Like yes, it's the same person, I KNOW THAT... but.
It's immediate, I always try to be attracted to them, but it's just not there.
With more androgynous versions it's not as strong a feeling, but I'm still attracted, it's just their fem/woman version.
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dootznbootz · 26 days
Penelope is also Athena's pet/blorbo/special little mortal/etc. and if you think otherwise you're straight up wrong.
You're also wrong if you think Athena only likes Penelope because of Odysseus and/or Telemachus. As if Athena didn't see a young Penelope pull some shit and immediately think "Oh! Another mind to mold! C'mere you! Let's do some riddles and weaving!". Athena was happy that two of her favorite pets have met and fell in love!
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fimbry · 2 years
Lykoi the werewolf cat breed
So I’m not going to be arguing because I’ve seen enough from enough owners over the years to have reached this conclusion, and I’m not in well enough health to come back to this. But I’m seeing the lykoi breed get more attention around tumblr lately, and I’ve gotta speak up because the breed has a dirty little secret.
I joined the Lykoi Lovers group years ago because I loved this breed, they’re super cute! I love werewolves! However, over the years, as more people got these cats, and their cats aged up (3-5+yo is when skin issues become REALLY evident) the group turned into a horror show.
This mutation really reminds me of lemon frost in leopard geckos. In the geckos, it was the desirable appearance which CAUSED the cancerous tumors. It wasn’t something that could be bred out. Similarly, it is the werewolf appearance which causes the skin issues, cysts, pimples, bleeding in the cats. You can breed away from it... and end up with a normal looking cat with fewer skin issues. You cannot seem to keep the werewolf look AND have good skin.
More below, and it IS graphic so be warned. Pus, blood, sad cats under the cut.
Let’s start with "what to know before getting a Lykoi”
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Okay, inevitably bumpy? What’s that mean exactly?
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“The gene that is specific to Lykoi that creates the semi hairless and roaning look is thought to be responsible for less hair follicles and possibly smaller pores. This in turn could be responsible for the cyst/pimple issue. So, it's not going to be in Sphinx or any other breed, it's specific to Lykoi. Responsible breeders are currently working on breaking away from some of the older lines with bad skin and breed Lykoi that have no or less bumps. However what happens when you breed for more coat and better skin is that it seems to lessen the look of the Lykoi. Many of the heavier coated Lykoi without skin issues lack a mask or have a very slight one.“
^^^This is pretty damning as far as the future of the breed goes. Well bred ones will not look like werewolf cats.
Okay, but that’s just a couple cats, and just one cyst. That’s not so bad---
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“They definitely bother me more than her.” You sure about that?? Look at her...
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Okay but that’s just a FEW cats, how bad could it b--
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Again, this issue typically appears after the cat is 3-5 years old, so people buy their little werewolf cats unwise to the fact it’ll live with painful skin problems for the majority of its life.
It is the very mutation which reduces follicle count and pore size which causes the werewolf appearance and the blackheads and cysts, so I think “breeding it out” is nothing but a pipe dream. The mutation itself is what causes the problems, as mentioned earlier just like lemon frost leopard geckos.
Anyway, this has been a PSA.
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yesornopolls · 22 days
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marysblo0d · 4 months
Every time I see a Daemyra stan posting about how the portrayal of Daemon is unfair because he’s supposed to be the best husband in the world:
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stiffyck · 4 months
"this show has great lgbtq+ rep" okay do you mean just like casual gay couples or are there trans people too. are there any ace and/or aro character? intersex character? or are there just lgb characters
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hellrobin · 1 year
pretty sure it’s a rule that if ur blonde and in the dc universe ur gay
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the-ace-with-spades · 1 month
You know people assume (and like it's their right to do so, its headcanons, etc etc don't come with pitchforks at me) that Bradley's youth queer experience would be very positive given Mav and the implied icemav of it all
But I think instead of making him more open about his sexuality in adulthood (or just unapologetic), it'd give the opposite result
This is to do with that, although he'd see happy queer people (Mav and Ice) behind closed doors, his childhood, mainly in the 80s and 90s, as well as Mav's and Ice's attitudes toward being open about their relationship, would teach him how cruel the world can be and the typical 'better safe than sorry' attitude being queer outside of typical queer spaces brings to many
He could see Mav and Ice love each other very very much, maybe to the point he'd even base his idea of love on them, but he'd also see how much maneuvering would keeping their relationship from the public cost. Sure, there are friends who supported them (flyboys, Carole, etc), but there were also countless people who would destroy their careers and lives if they ever found out (also if Mav ever adopted/fostered him, just suspicions of him being queer could put Bradley back in the system, the way things worked back in the 90s and also given how many fostering agency, even government employed, are christian-lead...)
In the instances someone would come close to discovering it, not only he'd see how distressing it can be but also how much being discovered would cost - whether this is personal safety, job security, respect, etc. And even if the worst didn't come to it, he'd still be left with the foil remarks and hate 'bullying'
As long as DADT was in place, I think he'd be equally if not more careful in comparison to what he had seen while with Mav and/or Ice
If anything I think Jake would have more of the naivety being openly and unashamedly queer takes (whether this is because he grew up in an environment with no visible queer people ergo never saw actual acts of hate toward them, or because he thinks he left the most hateful environment and nothing can be worse than it OR maybe because he is 100% or nothing kind of guy, no matter to what he commits)
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synnthamonsugar · 13 hours
not bungie deleting the bi mara and lesbian eramis pics ...........
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fictionadventurer · 6 days
I keep thinking about Lewis' review of The Hobbit, because he claimed that the main thing contemporary reviewers compared it to was Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. Was fantasy in that poor of a state that Alice was the closest thing they could think of? Comparing that chaotic fever dream to Tolkien's intricately crafted world? Lewis does specify that the comparison is that both books are by an "Oxford professor at play", but they're otherwise so different that putting the two in the same category baffles me.
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already seeing "ugh male Rook with Neve in the trailer... that's a LESBIAN" posts on twitter and I'm beating them with a big stick that says "you can HEADCANON whatever you want about anything ever but your HEADCANON is factually incorrect and if it chaps your ass even a little bit when anyone up to and including the literal creators of the character disagrees with your HEADCANON then that's fully a you problem and you should consider developing coping skills about it rather than contributing to this fandom's legendary hostility by policing (even in a manner you'll claim was "joking" when someone stands up for themselvs) people who are only enjoying their own playthrough, headcanon, or ship" and by stick I do mean the block button
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dykealloy · 3 months
Until then, I remain. Long John Silver.
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ofnailbatsandaxefives · 3 months
In the source link you will find #570 gifs of Froy Guiterrez in The Strangers: Chapter 1. He is Mexican (Caxcan descent) and white (Norwegian, Hungarian, English, Irish, some German and Swiss-German). Froy is queer which is something to keep in mind if/when choosing to use him as an FC. Do not use in gif hunts or make icons. See gif directory for full list of rules. Remember to please like and reblog if you decide to use.
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mzminola · 2 months
Keyblade wielders Dick Grayson & Cassandra Cain.
Princess of Heart Tim Drake.
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kurgy · 5 months
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after finishing some comms I'm opening 4 new bust commission slots as I'm trying to raise up moving funds and afford household necessities for my first solo apartment, only 4 at a time as to not get overwhelmed, $20 each for anyone interested, or $40 for 2 characters together
Please dm me if interested and we can go forward from there!
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beaulesbian · 1 year
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