#how to access old cash app account
sweatytyrantking · 6 months
What is a Cash App Account?
What is a Cash App Account?
Cash App has quickly become one of the most popular digital payment platforms, providing users with a convenient and secure way to send and receive money. However, not all Cash App accounts are created equal. In this article, we will discuss the concept of verified Cash App accounts, their importance and why you should consider purchasing them for your business. We’ll also address the security concerns of purchasing a verified Cash App account and provide tips on how to maximize your Cash App experience. So, let’s dive in and discover the benefits of buying a verified Cash App account
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spooksforsammy · 7 months
Despite my age I still need help with many tasks that my four year old niece can independently do.
I have low-medium support needs closer to the medium side, which is why just say medium support needs. I need help with some Badls and just about all Iadls
Here’s an idea on what it means for me to be medium support needs. This is a extremely simplified version of explanations
Basic activities of daily life are
Eating (moving food to and from mouth) dressing, personal hygiene(washing, doing hair, shaving ect) , toilet, and transferring(moving from one place to another)
I need help with personal hygiene, toilet and occasional dressing
Personal hygiene: I need intensive prompting to shower, change clothes and need help with shaving. When it comes to showering, have be told multiple times, over and over and over and some days that’s not even enough. Something have to have someone turn on shower and get towel and clothes and tell me to get in.
During the school week I brush my teeth on a schedule, so come weekend and breaks have to reminded often do so. Middle school had be reminded brush teeth no matter day or week so is improvement and hopefully one day can remember do no matter schedule or day.
Washing hair is problem not only because hate water in hair and face but because how many steps are. I’m still deeply afraid to wash hair for multiple reasons and often convince sister do for me. Even times where managed do self, did wrong to point where Sister still have go in and rewash. Have thick hair so have scrub correctly and in the shower freeze up. Hard even open eyes.
Tolieting: when say need help don’t really mean emptying but getting there so can empty. Can’t tell when need use bathroom until really bad so every few hours am told go try. If not told use bathroom will hold until no option but use, so do pee self at times.
Dressing: this isn’t a huge problem of mines, but if not told change clothes will keep wearing same ones. This also because memory problems, so don’t remember if already worn or not. The only thing really allowed rewear is jackets because safe jackets always wear when out.
Instrumental Activities of Daily Living are
using the telephone, shopping, preparing meals, housekeeping, using transportation, taking medication(s), and managing finances. I need help with all these.
Using the telephone:I don’t need help using the telephone in sense of getting on and off phone or tablet, but when come to phone calls or staying safe (not giving out too much information that personal). My boyfriend has access to all my accounts and monitors them to make sure no one does anything weird or that can ruin my safety. My boyfriend and sister makes my phone calls, helps with emails (saying what type, what not do ect) and not able schedule things by self.
Shopping: im not allowed to leave the house by myself unless it’s to go to my boyfriend’s house or to the bus stop (both times it’s a route where either can be watched or someone family know and trust can keep eye on me. So even if along am being monitored). Im not allowed in stores alone as they are huge and i wonder. I also have low awareness and am not aware when danger is around or happening. Am allowed go shopping with others but that’s just walking around.
Transportation: this is also appart of low awareness. Can’t ride bus alone, can’t drive. Can’t even ride bike. Not fully aware world around so wouldn’t know where go. Also get overwhelmed on buses around many people and shutdown; shutdown ruin sense of awareness more.
Medication: is memory problem and can’t tell when need take. For example pain killers, can’t tell when bad enough to take or when in pain and need take. Haven’t been on prescription in years but was on, nana had bring pill to me take otherwise wouldn’t remember.
Finances: don’t know how manage money. Don’t know how much money apps work and can’t count. Couldn’t understand how much need spend how much have. When come cash, lose often because forget where place. Also struggle with saving up, so when someone in charge, can’t spend just because have. Sister and boyfriend in charge of managing for me but try help.
Meal prepping: I don’t fully understand how to meal prep and am not fully trusted around the stove, oven and knives. When using them, have to have supervision otherwise will cut or burn or otherwise hurt self. Don’t understand shouldn’t do certain things (example: made caramel, boyfriend was in kitchen watching make and was stirring wrong but didn’t know was doing wrong and burned hand and thigh). And certain things shouldn’t go certain places. Also can’t stay focused long enough do and stims and sensory issues get in way.
Housekeeping: can clean up space but once again have be told. And even if clean, one boyfriend help withe everything clean up and someone else (sister or oldest brother) have go back in and actually clean up. Am working on it but is sense of don’t understand what need be clean what okay and remembering where everything go so put in spot think belong. Prompting isn’t enough to clean up room though, to many steps involved and remember what belongs where is something struggle with deeply. Also includes sensory like having touch multiple things, sounds and smells. Stims also get in way to point where not able do.
And something didn’t include in alot of these (even if should have) is fact that sort of ‘freeze up’ when having do them. Like with bathing, get stuck like unable move when need shower. Even if want move can’t, and in some of these times can’t even move mouth or get brain think. Just stand there.
Taking baths would help but feel held down when taking them. When sit in water unable move, feel like sinking and being held down at same time. Start chocking and gasping for air like breathing not possible.
In other cases, body and mind feels like just… broke and not able do anything anymore. Will sit there unresponsive until body ready continue on with task or thought of task disappeared.
For alot of Iadls not able actually do self so someone else doing or going in and redoing for me. I’m working on some ( shopping, telephone) but even if able get down, someone else will always need be around help.
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slexenskee · 8 months
hello!! i don’t know if you remember but i sent you an ask months ago about the best place to travel/has good food, and i’m happy to announce that i took the leap and my application for study abroad has been accepted! i am very nervous but your posts about traveling inspired me. do you have any tips for going to a foreign country?
Oh congrats that's awesome!!!
Ahh well tbh without knowing where you're going most of my travel tips will be a bit generic, and also, my trips are definitely never as long as a study abroad would be so the stuff I do for those might not apply either.
That being said, research if the country you're staying in will have your medication/skincare/beauty products etc., and stock up if they don't. You can easily buy things like new clothes and food, but if you have specific products you like they can be hard to come by! Medication especially, there is nothing worse than being sick in a foreign country where you can't read the language and don't know the names of any pharmacies. Also some countries won't let you take certain medication in, even prescribed - for ex, Japan doesn't let anyone take in ADHD meds. Not even with a prescription and a letter of medical necessity.
Know where/how to get to your country's embassy in the country you'll be in. This is mainly if you're not staying in the capital where the embassies normally are, and especially useful if you're going to be in the country for a while. Be prepared to just go directly if you run into any issues, because reaching out via phone or email is basically useless. They are usually quite helpful though. I had to reverse-course from Krabi and fly back to Bangkok to get an emergency passport in the middle of one of my trips - I thought it would be a stressful disaster, but I had it sorted out within a few hours. I couldn't find ANY information on what to do online, and they weren't answering their phones, so I just walked up and they let me cut the line as a citizen and then walked me through all the forms and stuff and had an emergency passport for me by lunch.
Depending on what kind of phone you have, you can download Airlo, which is a live saver for phone plans. It's data only, but it's a super simple to use and download e-sim where you can even get regional e-sims that will work in over 30+ countries. It's so helpful if you plan on traveling around.
And idk how old you are or where you're from, but having a credit card and debit account with access to online banking services is imperative. I've been able to travel to multiple countries without even using cash or a debit card and just using my credit card alone, but for a long stay that would be impossible. An online bank that you can transfer money/deposit money via taking a picture of a cheque on your phone is extremely convenient. Also having someone back home who has access to your accounts and can access them on your behalf is helpful. Depending on where you're going, you're probably also going to always need a lot of cash on hand. Europe is mostly card readers with tap to pay, but I've noticed SE Asia has a lot of 'cash only, or scan a qr-code and directly transfer to the merchant's bank account' merchants which is great if you live there but very inconvenient if you're a traveler who obviously doesn't have a bank account in the country. Japan is literally still COINS only in some places.
For transportation, look up what the taxi apps of choice are and make an account with them. Idk it's usually either Uber or Grab but sometimes I'll see a wildcard.
If the place you're going to has an entirely different written language, the Google Translate app is actually pretty darn spot on and the camera mode is very helpful. I've used it to translate my doujins before with difficult kanji 😂
That's all I can think of off the top of my head haha. Hope it helps!! And have fun!!
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nickgerlich · 7 months
Can't Get A Dial Tone
This is one of those days in which my Daily Blog topic falls in may lap. I already had something lined up, which I will delay for a day. There’s a much bigger thing happening right now, and if you are on AT&T, you might just not have any functionality with your phone.
I awoke to a text message from Oldest Daughter in Dallas, alerting me to the outage. Since she was still at home, she was on wifi, which is as good as having a cellular signal. But that’s where it ends.
As she was walking out the door to head downtown to work, she texted, “I’m at 0 bars of SOS.”
After she made way to her office, she had already discovered two major inconveniences—and dependencies—that can happen in this digital life.“Dang, it’s been annoying today. I had to go to a parking garage because I could’t open the QR code to pay, and then I couldn’t order Starbucks ahead of time so I have to wait in line. LOL.”
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“First-world problems,” everybody said in unison. But they are problematic, and if service stays down for long, it could have a major effect on not just daily lives, but also business. In our increasingly cashless society, not to mention madly-in-love status with tap-to-pay, it could make dining out and shopping difficult.
For anyone using two-factor authentication to gain access to sensitive sites, you are similarly out of luck. And speaking of luck, I am in Albuquerque attending a conference, and my phone is working fine. Otherwise, I would not be able to use DuoPush to get into WT Class.
Then there’s banking, something that most of us do remotely these days. I use facial recognition to access my accounts. If you’re traveling, you won’t be making reservations on your favorite hotel app. For that matter, if you’re flying Southwest, you won’t be able to check in to your flight. Just get ready for that dreaded middle seat the C boarding group gets. If you’re driving, no Google or Apple Maps for you. And if you’re walking, biking, etc., there won’t be any music or podcasts in your buds.
I could go on, but I’d rather you hit the comments with your observations. We have become so dependent on our phones, and mostly for non-talking tasks, that it can be crippling to go very long without service. It reminds me of that hour two summers ago I experienced driving US 2 across Montana. I was on a reservation, and had zero bars for what seemed an eternity.
You don’t realize how important something is until you don’t have it. Here’s hoping the problem is resolved soon, because folks are going to have to figure out how to do things the old-fashioned way: Face-to-face and with cash. In God we trust, but technology we need.
Dr “Oh, The Tragedy” Gerlich
Audio Blog
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niamhuncensored · 9 months
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Guys look I'm being scammed by chat gpt!
God, remember when scammers had a fucking appreciation for the craft? Or at least when they put in the tiniest amount of effort to make sure their scam is even functional?
You're not telling me about this "Michael's" business. Or even what it's called. Or what you do. Or what you want from me.
Or how I could give that to you. Not even a fucking cash app. And there's nothing on your actual blog.
Oh sure, you worked hard to make it look like a reasonable blog. You made a background and a pfp and a realistic url. You reblogged days worth of assorted stuff (though always from the original poster and always without commentary)
But in your haste to do that you didn't even include more information about your scam
Where's the ease of access?! Where's the pizzazz?! Where's the sick cat?! What has Tumblr come to?!
Update (as I'm typing, actually): I messaged them and they got back to me. I'm going to put screenshots under the cut because this is going to get long
I'm only going to summarize these in Alt text for now sorry
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They have yet to get back to me about what the hell this "business" is doing.
If you ask to 5-year-old to explain what they think the adult world is. And then fed an AI that explanation. And then ask the AI to write a business scam, I think this is what it would shit out.
I will give them a teeny tiny amount of credit for passing $4,500 between their right and left pockets. And for the boldness of screenshotting both accounts like that and expecting me to not notice.
And for presumably asking for an $800 investment on TUMBLR, a site which famously has no fucking money
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douxlen · 1 month
The Personal Check Is Disappearing. Here’s What Comes Next
New Post has been published on https://douxle.com/2024/08/10/the-personal-check-is-disappearing-heres-what-comes-next/
The Personal Check Is Disappearing. Here’s What Comes Next
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One of the first checks ever recorded was written in the 11th century, in a marketplace in Basra, in present-day Iraq. There, a merchant issued a sakk: written instructions to his bank to make a payment from his account. 
A thousand years later, this form of payment is finally disappearing. Target said it would stop accepting checks as of July 15; other retailers, including Whole Foods and Old Navy, have already stopped accepting them. It’s just the latest sign that the form of payment is nearing obsolescence: The average American writes just one check a year, down from 3 in 2016, according to a Federal Reserve survey. 
“I absolutely think that we are moving to a world of ‘check zero,’” says Scott Anchin, vice president at the Independent Community Bankers of America. “As we see new payment methods come to the fore, we see new opportunities for consumers and businesses to move away from check usage.” 
From a security perspective, this is a positive. Checks are not particularly safe ways to send money. They have your account and routing numbers on them, sensitive information that criminals could use. They can be stolen in the mail and changed to be made out to different people or for different amounts. For instance, in April 2023, a U.S. Postal Service employee stole $24 million in checks from the mail and sold them through Telegram, a popular messaging app, according to a federal indictment in the Western District of North Carolina. 
Read More: Why Mail Theft Is On the Rise
Flawed as checks are, though, they haven’t gone away entirely because many people still depend on them, especially to pay rent and utility bills. But experts say a new kind of payment may finally change that. 
Instant Payments Come to the Fore
The newest type of payment— the first to be introduced in the U.S. since the ACH network in the 1970s—is called instant payments, in which money moves from your account to another account immediately. You may think you already use instant payments with services like Venmo, but you don’t—behind the scenes, the money can take some time to move, and it’s not coming directly from your bank account but from a Venmo account, for instance.
Here’s how instant payments work: Different types of payments—wire transfers, checks, ACH—all happen over what are called rails. A rail is essentially the system that gets your money from one place to another. Think of a pile of cash in a briefcase. You could move that briefcase from one place to another in a car, or a bus, or a train, or an airplane; those transportation methods are like the rails that move your money. Instant payments are a new kind of payment rail, but there still needs to be a user interface to allow consumers to access them. Some payments on Zelle already happen on an instant payment rail, says Bridget Hall of ACI Worldwide. 
One year ago, the Federal Reserve launched FedNow, an instant payment rail that allows for people to send money to each other if they’re enrolled in participating institutions. Another payment rail, RTP, short for Real Time Payments, was launched in 2017 by The Clearing House, a private payment-system infrastructure owned by large commercial banks. But it has fewer participants than FedNow, which boasts about 900 participating banks and credit unions.
Instant payments are different from anything that exists now, including wire transfers, ACH payments, and debit cards. Wire transfers can take 24 hours to reach customer accounts, and they’re not available 24/7; ACH payments are processed in batches and can only happen during banking hours; debit-card purchases don’t settle in accounts immediately. But instant payments happen in real-time, at any hour of any day, and don’t cost anything for the sender. 
Real-time payments accounted for just 1.5% of total payments in 2023, which is about 3.5 billion transactions, according to ACI Worldwide, which sells software facilitating real-time payments. Experts expect that number to grow to 14 billion real-time transactions by 2028.
Instant payments are already extremely popular in other parts of the world. In India, real-time payments were launched in 2010 and now make up 84% of the share of all electronic payments—that’s 129 billion transactions. Brazil had 37 billion real-time payment transactions in 2023, and Thailand had 20 billion, according to ACI Worldwide. 
But the two rails for instant payments in the U.S.—FedNow and RTP—are relatively new. It’s taken this long for the U.S. to adopt real-time payments because there were intermediaries like PayPal that allowed people to feel like they were paying someone else instantly, says Hall. 
There are some big advantages to instant payments. Say you have to fund a lunch account at your kids’ school: You can provide a credit card (and be charged a transaction fee), or write a check, which takes days to get processed and may mean your kid has to skip a few days of tater tots. The velocity of instant payments is a good thing for businesses too; instead of waiting for a check to arrive, and then cashing it to find out there’s no money in the user’s account, an electricity company can get paid instantly.
“If we start looking at the payment methods used to complete a transaction today,” Hall says, “we have many use cases where the options either aren’t great or aren’t good enough.”
Some people might already be using instant payments and not realizing it—a share of transactions on Zelle, a digital payments network run by big banks, run over instant payment rails. Your payment may go over the instant payment rails if both parties in the transaction are part of member banks that use RTP or FedNow. 
There are downsides to real-time payments. People without mobile phones or computer access, or who aren’t comfortable with technology, may have a hard time switching to real-time payments. And real-time payments are irrevocable, meaning once you send them, you can’t get them back—a potential problem in a world that is increasingly plagued with scams that involve one person sending money to another. 
Read More: Defrauded? Banks May Not Give Your Money Back. 
But most forms of payment have some kind of downside. Consider the check, for example. Long after its medieval origins, checks slowly became popular around the world, booming in the U.S. between 1938 and 1952, when the number of checks written annually reached 8 billion, according to a history by the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta. 
Banks had to process all of these checks, usually manually, meaning they had to be handled by employees who notated all the information on them as they were passed from one bank to another. Then credit cards started gaining in popularity, and consumers moved onto what was more convenient, which was a big cost savings for banks. That move towards convenience—and cost savings—is now happening once again.
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sa7abnews · 1 month
The Personal Check Is Disappearing. Here’s What Comes Next
New Post has been published on https://sa7ab.info/2024/08/09/the-personal-check-is-disappearing-heres-what-comes-next/
The Personal Check Is Disappearing. Here’s What Comes Next
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One of the first checks ever recorded was written in the 11th century, in a marketplace in Basra, in present-day Iraq. There, a merchant issued a sakk: written instructions to his bank to make a payment from his account. 
A thousand years later, this form of payment is finally disappearing. Target said it would stop accepting checks as of July 15; other retailers, including Whole Foods and Old Navy, have already stopped accepting them. It’s just the latest sign that the form of payment is nearing obsolescence: The average American writes just one check a year, down from 3 in 2016, according to a Federal Reserve survey. 
“I absolutely think that we are moving to a world of ‘check zero,’” says Scott Anchin, vice president at the Independent Community Bankers of America. “As we see new payment methods come to the fore, we see new opportunities for consumers and businesses to move away from check usage.” 
From a security perspective, this is a positive. Checks are not particularly safe ways to send money. They have your account and routing numbers on them, sensitive information that criminals could use. They can be stolen in the mail and changed to be made out to different people or for different amounts. For instance, in April 2023, a U.S. Postal Service employee stole $24 million in checks from the mail and sold them through Telegram, a popular messaging app, according to a federal indictment in the Western District of North Carolina. 
Read More: Why Mail Theft Is On the Rise
Flawed as checks are, though, they haven’t gone away entirely because many people still depend on them, especially to pay rent and utility bills. But experts say a new kind of payment may finally change that. 
Instant Payments Come to the Fore
The newest type of payment— the first to be introduced in the U.S. since the ACH network in the 1970s—is called instant payments, in which money moves from your account to another account immediately. You may think you already use instant payments with services like Venmo, but you don’t—behind the scenes, the money can take some time to move, and it’s not coming directly from your bank account but from a Venmo account, for instance.
Here’s how instant payments work: Different types of payments—wire transfers, checks, ACH—all happen over what are called rails. A rail is essentially the system that gets your money from one place to another. Think of a pile of cash in a briefcase. You could move that briefcase from one place to another in a car, or a bus, or a train, or an airplane; those transportation methods are like the rails that move your money. Instant payments are a new kind of payment rail, but there still needs to be a user interface to allow consumers to access them. Some payments on Zelle already happen on an instant payment rail, says Bridget Hall of ACI Worldwide. 
One year ago, the Federal Reserve launched FedNow, an instant payment rail that allows for people to send money to each other if they’re enrolled in participating institutions. Another payment rail, RTP, short for Real Time Payments, was launched in 2017 by The Clearing House, a private payment-system infrastructure owned by large commercial banks. But it has fewer participants than FedNow, which boasts about 900 participating banks and credit unions.
Instant payments are different from anything that exists now, including wire transfers, ACH payments, and debit cards. Wire transfers can take 24 hours to reach customer accounts, and they’re not available 24/7; ACH payments are processed in batches and can only happen during banking hours; debit-card purchases don’t settle in accounts immediately. But instant payments happen in real-time, at any hour of any day, and don’t cost anything for the sender. 
Real-time payments accounted for just 1.5% of total payments in 2023, which is about 3.5 billion transactions, according to ACI Worldwide, which sells software facilitating real-time payments. Experts expect that number to grow to 14 billion real-time transactions by 2028.
Instant payments are already extremely popular in other parts of the world. In India, real-time payments were launched in 2010 and now make up 84% of the share of all electronic payments—that’s 129 billion transactions. Brazil had 37 billion real-time payment transactions in 2023, and Thailand had 20 billion, according to ACI Worldwide. 
But the two rails for instant payments in the U.S.—FedNow and RTP—are relatively new. It’s taken this long for the U.S. to adopt real-time payments because there were intermediaries like PayPal that allowed people to feel like they were paying someone else instantly, says Hall. 
There are some big advantages to instant payments. Say you have to fund a lunch account at your kids’ school: You can provide a credit card (and be charged a transaction fee), or write a check, which takes days to get processed and may mean your kid has to skip a few days of tater tots. The velocity of instant payments is a good thing for businesses too; instead of waiting for a check to arrive, and then cashing it to find out there’s no money in the user’s account, an electricity company can get paid instantly.
“If we start looking at the payment methods used to complete a transaction today,” Hall says, “we have many use cases where the options either aren’t great or aren’t good enough.”
Some people might already be using instant payments and not realizing it—a share of transactions on Zelle, a digital payments network run by big banks, run over instant payment rails. Your payment may go over the instant payment rails if both parties in the transaction are part of member banks that use RTP or FedNow. 
There are downsides to real-time payments. People without mobile phones or computer access, or who aren’t comfortable with technology, may have a hard time switching to real-time payments. And real-time payments are irrevocable, meaning once you send them, you can’t get them back—a potential problem in a world that is increasingly plagued with scams that involve one person sending money to another. 
Read More: Defrauded? Banks May Not Give Your Money Back. 
But most forms of payment have some kind of downside. Consider the check, for example. Long after its medieval origins, checks slowly became popular around the world, booming in the U.S. between 1938 and 1952, when the number of checks written annually reached 8 billion, according to a history by the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta. 
Banks had to process all of these checks, usually manually, meaning they had to be handled by employees who notated all the information on them as they were passed from one bank to another. Then credit cards started gaining in popularity, and consumers moved onto what was more convenient, which was a big cost savings for banks. That move towards convenience—and cost savings—is now happening once again.
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marcelinesghost13 · 2 months
Okay let's do this Blog because today just sucked ass. Get your popcorn kids I got some BS drama coming your way and most of it is my fault for not saying fuck off..
So about the start of the beginning of July I was told I won $5000 for a photo of my wife I posted on FB. The girl I was talking to wanted me to get an app called CASH APP so I could get my prize. I didn't think too much of it and got the APP. Then she told me I need to send her accountant $100 for a processing fee. That should have been the 1st red flag but nope my dumbass kept moving forward. The girl could get the APP to work.... so she told me to send her accountant $200 for a processing Fee for PAYPAL. I know 2nd red flag. So I gave him the money but she still couldn't figure out how to give me my prize. So she then told me that she is now going to give me $10,000 but I have to give her accountant $500 for a processing fee. I told her no I'm not going to do that and she is just trying to scam me fuck off. Well she got all snowflake on me and told me she is a good person and she is not trying to scam me. I told I did believe her and go away.
Well she got so upset she had her boss step in to fix everything. Keep in mind my dumbass gave them access to my FB, my business bank account and my business ATM card. So her boss told me that they going to send a check, but I need to put that check into my business checking account. Then take the money and buy Bitcoin with it. That would be the 3rd red flag. So the whole time the boss is reminding me not to scam her or she is going to call the cops. Plus she bugged me for 3 days if the check came in the Mail yet. Everyday I would tell her no not yet and I'm not going to con you and your employee out of your money. Which I thought was odd because I was told it was post to be my prize that's it. So the check showed up and I told the boss I was going to talk to the bank. The boss me to deposit it in an ATM. I asked her why. The boss she just got mad and told me to shut up and do as I'm told to do.
4 red flag. So I deposited the $20,000+ into the ATM and sent over a photo. The boss then told me to take the money and buy Bitcoin with it. I told I can't the bank has to process the check to see if it's real. The boss got upset and didn't understand why the bank would do that. Then she told me to buy Bitcoin using the ATM. I told her you can't do that. The Boss why not? I told because you can't. The boss then ask why can't you take out the $20,000? Because the bank has to process the check to see if it clears or not. The boss asked what does that mean? I told the boss your going to have to wait. At this the boss quit texting me.
I then drove to the sheriff's command center but they were closed. So I called the police and told them what was going on. The dispatcher told me to wait for a police officer for I could give them my statement. I waited 2 hours and the cop never showed up.
The part I hated the most is I didn't want to tell my wife about this because I didn't need her BS drama in my life. So I lied to her and told her my dad's truck broke down. The whole time my wife went on and on about how my father doesn't have dementia and like to fuck 20 yr. old girl and secret. Which is some kind of bullshit that she made up in her head. My dad does have dementia and no he's not actually fucking any 20 year olds. He is getting on some of those fangirl porn sites but that's about it. I do feel bad that I had to lie to her that way it's just I don't need to hear her BS. As I've said several times in my blog she loves to gaslight that shit out of me and this is just one more thing to hold over my head. And I don't need that.
So after the cop didn't show up I decided to go home and deal with the scam issue in the morning. So in the morning I went to the substation told him what was going on gave him a statement. They made a copy of the envelope that the check came in and the bank receipt from the money I deposited. I did ask him if I was in trouble and they told me no as long as you don't spend any of the money I told him while I'm going to go to the bank and tell them about it. They gave me a form to give to the bank that the money is fake. I got done with the police I went straight to the bank. I told the bank what happened and they decided to give me a new card and a new account number for my business. The guy I talked to at the bank was actually really nice and told me this is actually a really normal thing for people to use Bitcoin for scams which I didn't know that. I told him am I going to get any trouble for this I said no we'll hold on to the money because the check will more unlikely will not go through. I asked him then what if the check does go through and everything is okay. He told me I'd get to keep the money. I told him is that legal and he said it's absolutely legal. I got done with the bank and went to my car. While I was in my car I changed my password to my FB, PayPal and deleted the Bitcoin app. I was going to delete the cash app but I couldn't figure out how I'll have to work on that one later.
The whole time I was at the police station and the bank the boss was texting and trying to call me. Telling me that you was going to tell the police about what's going on. I decided to turn around and let her know exactly what I did by informing the police department about her scam. Again she didn't seem to understand what I wrote and kept on going on and on about how I was going to be arrested. Hey then got on Facebook and blocked her and everyone associated with her. But somehow I don't know how she got unblocked and she kept harassing me. I then told her go away leave me alone. Then later that morning I got a text from a guy that said he was from the FBI. Which I knew was a lie because the FBI doesn't text you or call you. I told the FBI agent I didn't have her money that the police in the bank have the money and he didn't seem to understand that either. He just threatened to put me in jail for fraud. I then went back to the police station told him I was going on and they told me just to block his phone number. So that's what I did. And that is been my adventure for the last couple days dealing with a scam. It has been extremely stressful. Unfortunately I did take out some of that stress in my wife which isn't fair but she's always climbing up my ass so it's not easy being around her some days which I've talked about before. So hopefully everything with this scam thing is done and over with.
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best5stareview4343 · 3 months
Best Sites To Buy Verified Cash App Accounts In The USA 2024...
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In today’s digital era, the ability to transfer money from one place to another place quickly and securely online has become a necessity. Cash App makes it the more simple and easy way. This growing popularity increases the interest in buying verified Cash App accounts. The Bitcoin feature is one of the most popular features in the Cash App platform. The verified users get more access like higher transaction limits and the ability to buy and sell bitcoins through the Cash App.
Our Cash App Account Features-
USA, UK, Germany, Canada and other country verified email
BTC enabled Or non btc enabled (Available)
Card Verified, Bank Verified, BTC Verified
Country registered unique phone number
SSN, ID card
Driving license (full authorized)
Passport and visa card attachment
Authorized bank account
MasterCard or debit or credit card attachment etc.
100% satisfaction guaranteed
If You Need More Information Please Contact Us
24/7 Customer Support/ Contact
Skype : Best5stareviews
Telegram: @Best5stareviews
Why More Popular Cash App Accounts?
Cash App started its journey in 2014 under the company name Square Cash. At that time, it became more popular for peer-to-peer transaction capabilities. 4 years later, The Cash App company expanded its business in the UK market and introduced every user to bitcoin trading functionality. This evolution was significantly increased by high-profile advertising campaigns. That’s why the Cash App increased 212 percent profit from 2019 to 2020.
Key Factors of Cash App’s Popularity
There are a lot of key factors for getting more popularity of cash app accounts. But there are a few features like multipurpose financial operation, bitcoin trading, simple and user-friendly interface, peer-to-peer payment, etc which allow every user to use the cash app account. We can discuss this
Multipurpose Financial Operation: The Cash app offers a peer-to-peer payment service which is most popular for every user. These include direct Money transfer and a free Visa debit card which is linked to the user’s cash App balance. Every cash app user pays online or in person at the selected merchants.  Cash app users enjoy many more discounts and fee-free direct deposit.
Investment and Bitcoin Trading: Investment and cryptocurrency trading are other best features of Cash App accounts. The verified Cash App accounts users can buy and sell stocks ETFs directly through their accounts without paying any extra fees.
Simplicity and UserFriendly Interface: Cash App design always gives more priority to their client’s experience. They always think about how to give the best experience and smooth transactions to their client. Now, every user of verified cash app accounts uses this simple and clean cash app and website to make transactions smooth.
Stability and Restriction: Compared to other competitors like PayPal, Cash App gives more offers among verified Cash App account users. The verified cash app users also get higher value transactions than the other platforms.
How to buy Cash App Account?
When you think that you need to buy verified Cash App accounts then you have to prioritize the security and authenticity to ensure the safe transaction. Several reputable companies or platforms give new and old verified cash app accounts. But we always committed to our customers about authenticity and high-quality customer service. We give these services for 3-4 years. We always highlight the reliability as a source for purchasing verified cash app accounts.
How to verify Cash App Bitcoin?
To verify your Cash App Bitcoin account for Bitcoin transactions first, open the Cash app on your device. On the Bitcoin section, by tapping the “Banking” tab you will get the “Enable Withdrawals and Deposits” to initiate the verification. You have to provide all kinds of information such as full name, Date of birth, and Last four digits of SSN. After providing these pieces of information, you have to upload your selfie which needs government-issued documents like passports, driver’s licenses, or Government national ID cards, etc. Once submitted, it will take a few days to confirm your identity.
The Benefits of Verified Cash App Accounts
To ensure a seamless and secure financial experience, the Cash app always verifies the identity for giving full access and higher-limit transactions. For the verification process, every user need to provide their full name, date of birth, address, the last four digits of SSN, and the other documents too. Again, users must be at least 18 years old to use the verified cash app accounts. If you face any problems for creating any account, then we will recommend to buy a verified cash app account  from us.
Increase Transaction Limit: one of the primary benefits of verification is to increase the transaction limit. Verified users can send and received larger amount of money than unverified users accounts. Verification unlock the access of extra features of Cash App accounts such as ordering Cash Card.
Increase Security Level: By completing the verification, you will get an extra security layer of your accounts and protect your unauthorized transactions from unknown persons or by unknown persons.  
Business Tools: Verified Cash account users can transfer money instantly and also can receive funds without waiting time. Cash App provides business users additional features such as the ability to accept payment online, track sales, generate invoices, and any other financial operations.
Offer And Rewards: The verified cash app owner get many exclusive offers, discounts, rewards which is not available for unverified users. Verified users also offer a secure way to access funds on the app. They can invest or buy crypto from their account which makes it more profitable.
Verified vs. Non-Verified Cash App Accounts
Verified and non-verified cash App accounts offer different levels of access and functionality. A verified Cash app users always get more benefits than unverified accounts. Both types of accounts allow users to send and receive money.FeatureVerified AccountNon-Verified AccountCreation and Verification CostFreeFreeTransaction Limits (Sending)Up to $7,500 per weekUp to $250 per weekTransaction Limits (Receiving)UnlimitedUp to $1,000 per monthSecurity MeasuresEnhanced (e.g., two-factor authentication)StandardAccess to Additional ServicesYes (e.g., Bitcoin transactions, Cash Card)Limited
Verified Cash App Accounts for Sale
Verified Cash app accounts for sale offer users the opportunity to give access a lot of benefits and features that come with verified accounts. Buyers enjoy the advantages of verified Cash app accounts in a short time such as higher transaction limits, security, and additional features. Verified Cash App Accounts users get full access to improving and hiding privacy.
Different Types of Verified Cash App Accounts
Cash App offers different types of accounts for getting real experience and to get the capabilities of the features. Each type of account is designed uniquely. Cash apps give features for multifaceted financial platforms.
Standard Cash App Account
It allows users to send and receive money from other Cash App users without any effort. Users can apply for Cash cards for customized debit cards. They can link directly to their Cash App balance to get easy access to funds and payments.
Cash App Plus Account
Previously, this account was known as Cash App Premium. The Cash App account develops the user experience by offering access to exclusive boosts. These Boosts provide discounts and cashback offers when the card is used to purchase any product. In this type of accounts, users invest in stocks and buy bitcoin directly.
Cash App Business Account
It provides businesses with the necessary tools for smooth transactions. This type of account supports various types of business structures including sole proprietors, single-members LLCs, non-profit organizations, etc.
Cash App Investing Account
The Cash App investing account focuses on stock and bitcoin investing. It enables users to buy and sell stocks and bitcoin directly through their account app. This type of account is for those users who looking to diversify their financial portfolio within a single platform.
Cash App Bitcoin Account
The cash app Bitcoin account offers a dedicated platform for those users who are interested in Bitcoin. This type of account allows for buying, selling, and transferring Bitcoin from one wallet to another wallet. It’s a reliable and secure environment for catering to the needs of cryptocurrency.
Why is Cash App Not letting me Verify my Identity?
If Cash App is not allowing to verify your identity then there several factors that work. Firstly, to ensure that you provide all types of correct information. When uploading your verification documents you need to clear and meet the specified requirements to avoid rejection. Make sure your age must be above 18 years. If you fail to complete verification, try again and also make sure and recheck the information correctly. Multiple unsuccessful verifications then try to contact their support before getting a temporary restriction. If you don’t want to face the issue then you can buy a verified cash app account by clicking on our website and avoid the boring step.
Verified Cash App Accounts for Sale
Verified Cash app accounts for sale offer users the opportunity to give access a lot of benefits and features that come with verified accounts. Buyers enjoy the advantages of verified Cash app accounts in a short time such as higher transaction limits, security, and additional features. Verified Cash App Accounts users get full access to improving and hiding privacy.
Frequently Ask Question
What is a verified Cash App account?
A verified Cash App account is one which passes the verification process by confirming the user’s identity such as full name, Date of birth, SSN, etc. Once verified, the users gain all additional access.
How do I know if my Cash App account is verified?
You can check by opening the app and navigating to your account settings. Find out the verification badge or status indicator which displayed near your profile information. If your account is verified, you should see a confirmation message or indicate verification completed.
How long does it take to verify a Cash App account?
The verification process takes a few minutes to complete but in some cases, it will take up to 24-48 hours. If your verification is taking longer, contact cash app support for assistance.
Can I have multiple verified Cash App accounts?
No, Can App only allows one verified account. If you create multiple accounts then it may suspension or closure of your accounts. If you need more accounts then you can create business accounts.
Can I buy and sell Bitcoin with a verified Cash App account?
Yes. You can buy and sell Bitcoin with a verified Cash App account. You can convert the Bitcoin into cash. Cash App gives cryptocurrency trading functionality.
Can I still use Cash App if my account is not verified?
Yes. you can still use Cash App if not your account is verified. However, there are some limitations to using unverified accounts such as buying and selling Bitcoin, Access the Cash Card, etc.
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best5stareview53 · 3 months
Why should I buy verified cash app account from
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Buy Verified Cash App Accounts
In today’s digital era, the ability to transfer money from one place to another place quickly and securely online has become a necessity. Cash App makes it the more simple and easy way. This growing popularity increases the interest in buying verified Cash App accounts. The Bitcoin feature is one of the most popular features in the Cash App platform. The verified users get more access like higher transaction limits and the ability to buy and sell bitcoins through the Cash App.
If You Need More Information Please Contact Us
24/7 Customer Support/ Contact
Skype : Best5stareviews
Telegram: @Best5stareviews
Why More Popular Cash App Accounts?
Cash App started its journey in 2014 under the company name Square Cash. At that time, it became more popular for peer-to-peer transaction capabilities. 4 years later, The Cash App company expanded its business in the UK market and introduced every user to bitcoin trading functionality. This evolution was significantly increased by high-profile advertising campaigns. That’s why the Cash App increased 212 percent profit from 2019 to 2020.
Key Factors of Cash App’s Popularity
There are a lot of key factors for getting more popularity of cash app accounts. But there are a few features like multipurpose financial operation, bitcoin trading, simple and user-friendly interface, peer-to-peer payment, etc which allow every user to use the cash app account. We can discuss this
Multipurpose Financial Operation: The Cash app offers a peer-to-peer payment service which is most popular for every user. These include direct Money transfer and a free Visa debit card which is linked to the user’s cash App balance. Every cash app user pays online or in person at the selected merchants.  Cash app users enjoy many more discounts and fee-free direct deposit.
Investment and Bitcoin Trading: Investment and cryptocurrency trading are other best features of Cash App accounts. The verified Cash App accounts users can buy and sell stocks ETFs directly through their accounts without paying any extra fees.
Simplicity and UserFriendly Interface: Cash App design always gives more priority to their client’s experience. They always think about how to give the best experience and smooth transactions to their client. Now, every user of verified cash app accounts uses this simple and clean cash app and website to make transactions smooth.
Stability and Restriction: Compared to other competitors like PayPal, Cash App gives more offers among verified Cash App account users. The verified cash app users also get higher value transactions than the other platforms.
How to buy Cash App Account?
When you think that you need to buy verified Cash App accounts then you have to prioritize the security and authenticity to ensure the safe transaction. Several reputable companies or platforms give new and old verified cash app accounts. But we always committed to our customers about authenticity and high-quality customer service. We give these services for 3-4 years. We always highlight the reliability as a source for purchasing verified cash app accounts.
How to verify Cash App Bitcoin?
To verify your Cash App Bitcoin account for Bitcoin transactions first, open the Cash app on your device. On the Bitcoin section, by tapping the “Banking” tab you will get the “Enable Withdrawals and Deposits” to initiate the verification. You have to provide all kinds of information such as full name, Date of birth, and Last four digits of SSN. After providing these pieces of information, you have to upload your selfie which needs government-issued documents like passports, driver’s licenses, or Government national ID cards, etc. Once submitted, it will take a few days to confirm your identity.
The Benefits of Verified Cash App Accounts
To ensure a seamless and secure financial experience, the Cash app always verifies the identity for giving full access and higher-limit transactions. For the verification process, every user need to provide their full name, date of birth, address, the last four digits of SSN, and the other documents too. Again, users must be at least 18 years old to use the verified cash app accounts. If you face any problems for creating any account, then we will recommend to buy a verified cash app account  from us.
Increase Transaction Limit: one of the primary benefits of verification is to increase the transaction limit. Verified users can send and received larger amount of money than unverified users accounts. Verification unlock the access of extra features of Cash App accounts such as ordering Cash Card.
Increase Security Level: By completing the verification, you will get an extra security layer of your accounts and protect your unauthorized transactions from unknown persons or by unknown persons.  
Business Tools: Verified Cash account users can transfer money instantly and also can receive funds without waiting time. Cash App provides business users additional features such as the ability to accept payment online, track sales, generate invoices, and any other financial operations.
Offer And Rewards: The verified cash app owner get many exclusive offers, discounts, rewards which is not available for unverified users. Verified users also offer a secure way to access funds on the app. They can invest or buy crypto from their account which makes it more profitable.
Verified vs. Non-Verified Cash App Accounts
Verified and non-verified cash App accounts offer different levels of access and functionality. A verified Cash app users always get more benefits than unverified accounts. Both types of accounts allow users to send and receive money.FeatureVerified AccountNon-Verified AccountCreation and Verification CostFreeFreeTransaction Limits (Sending)Up to $7,500 per weekUp to $250 per weekTransaction Limits (Receiving)UnlimitedUp to $1,000 per monthSecurity MeasuresEnhanced (e.g., two-factor authentication)StandardAccess to Additional ServicesYes (e.g., Bitcoin transactions, Cash Card)Limited
Verified Cash App Accounts for Sale
Verified Cash app accounts for sale offer users the opportunity to give access a lot of benefits and features that come with verified accounts. Buyers enjoy the advantages of verified Cash app accounts in a short time such as higher transaction limits, security, and additional features. Verified Cash App Accounts users get full access to improving and hiding privacy.
Different Types of Verified Cash App Accounts
Cash App offers different types of accounts for getting real experience and to get the capabilities of the features. Each type of account is designed uniquely. Cash apps give features for multifaceted financial platforms.
Standard Cash App Account
It allows users to send and receive money from other Cash App users without any effort. Users can apply for Cash cards for customized debit cards. They can link directly to their Cash App balance to get easy access to funds and payments.
Cash App Plus Account
Previously, this account was known as Cash App Premium. The Cash App account develops the user experience by offering access to exclusive boosts. These Boosts provide discounts and cashback offers when the card is used to purchase any product. In this type of accounts, users invest in stocks and buy bitcoin directly.
Cash App Business Account
It provides businesses with the necessary tools for smooth transactions. This type of account supports various types of business structures including sole proprietors, single-members LLCs, non-profit organizations, etc.
Cash App Investing Account
The Cash App investing account focuses on stock and bitcoin investing. It enables users to buy and sell stocks and bitcoin directly through their account app. This type of account is for those users who looking to diversify their financial portfolio within a single platform.
Cash App Bitcoin Account
The cash app Bitcoin account offers a dedicated platform for those users who are interested in Bitcoin. This type of account allows for buying, selling, and transferring Bitcoin from one wallet to another wallet. It’s a reliable and secure environment for catering to the needs of cryptocurrency.
Why is Cash App Not letting me Verify my Identity?
If Cash App is not allowing to verify your identity then there several factors that work. Firstly, to ensure that you provide all types of correct information. When uploading your verification documents you need to clear and meet the specified requirements to avoid rejection. Make sure your age must be above 18 years. If you fail to complete verification, try again and also make sure and recheck the information correctly. Multiple unsuccessful verifications then try to contact their support before getting a temporary restriction. If you don’t want to face the issue then you can buy a verified cash app account by clicking on our website and avoid the boring step.
Verified Cash App Accounts for Sale
Verified Cash app accounts for sale offer users the opportunity to give access a lot of benefits and features that come with verified accounts. Buyers enjoy the advantages of verified Cash app accounts in a short time such as higher transaction limits, security, and additional features. Verified Cash App Accounts users get full access to improving and hiding privacy.
Frequently Ask Question
What is a verified Cash App account?
A verified Cash App account is one which passes the verification process by confirming the user’s identity such as full name, Date of birth, SSN, etc. Once verified, the users gain all additional access.
How do I know if my Cash App account is verified?
You can check by opening the app and navigating to your account settings. Find out the verification badge or status indicator which displayed near your profile information. If your account is verified, you should see a confirmation message or indicate verification completed.
How long does it take to verify a Cash App account?
The verification process takes a few minutes to complete but in some cases, it will take up to 24-48 hours. If your verification is taking longer, contact cash app support for assistance.
Can I have multiple verified Cash App accounts?
No, Can App only allows one verified account. If you create multiple accounts then it may suspension or closure of your accounts. If you need more accounts then you can create business accounts.
Can I buy and sell Bitcoin with a verified Cash App account?
Yes. You can buy and sell Bitcoin with a verified Cash App account. You can convert the Bitcoin into cash. Cash App gives cryptocurrency trading functionality.
Can I still use Cash App if my account is not verified?
Yes. you can still use Cash App if not your account is verified. However, there are some limitations to using unverified accounts such as buying and selling Bitcoin, Access the Cash Card, etc.
0 notes
kriti2024 · 4 months
In the rapidly evolving financial landscape of India, instant loans have emerged as a popular financial tool, providing quick and easy access to funds when needed. This article delves into the concept of instant loans, their benefits, the application process, eligibility criteria, interest rates, and potential pitfalls to be aware of.
Understanding Instant Loans
Instant loans are short-term personal loans that can be availed quickly, typically through online platforms. These loans are designed to cater to immediate financial needs, such as medical emergencies, home repairs, travel expenses, or even debt consolidation. The application process is streamlined and can often be completed within minutes, with disbursal happening in a few hours to a couple of days.
Benefits of Instant Loans
1. Speed and Convenience
One of the primary advantages of instant loan apply is the speed at which they are processed. Traditional loans from banks can take days or even weeks to get approved and disbursed, but instant loans can provide funds almost immediately. The entire process, from application to disbursal, is conducted online, eliminating the need for physical visits to banks or financial institutions.
2. Minimal Documentation
Instant loans require minimal documentation compared to traditional loans. Typically, applicants need to provide basic identification documents, proof of income, and bank statements. The reduced paperwork makes the process hassle-free and less time-consuming.
3. Flexible Loan Amounts and Tenures
Instant loans offer flexibility in terms of loan amounts and repayment tenures. Borrowers can choose the amount they need and a repayment period that suits their financial situation. This flexibility makes instant loans an attractive option for a wide range of financial needs.
4. Accessibility
Instant loans are accessible to a broader audience, including those who may not have a high credit score. Many online lenders use alternative credit scoring methods, such as social media profiles, mobile usage patterns, and other non-traditional data, to assess an applicant's creditworthiness.
How to Apply for an Instant Loan
Applying for an instant loan in India is a straightforward process. Here’s a step-by-step guide:
1. Research Lenders
Start by researching various online lenders. Look for those that offer competitive interest rates, flexible repayment terms, and a good reputation. Reading customer reviews and checking the lender’s credibility can help in making an informed decision.
2. Check Eligibility
Each lender has specific eligibility criteria that applicants must meet. Common requirements include being an Indian citizen, being at least 21 years old, and having a stable source of income. Some lenders may also have minimum income requirements.
3. Gather Required Documents
Prepare the necessary documents before starting the application process. These typically include:
Identity proof (Aadhaar card, PAN card, passport, etc.)
Address proof (utility bills, rental agreement, etc.)
Income proof (salary slips, bank statements, etc.)
Recent passport-sized photographs
4. Fill Out the Application Form
Visit the lender’s website or mobile app and fill out the online application form. Provide accurate information and double-check for any errors before submitting the form.
5. Upload Documents
Upload the required documents in the prescribed format. Ensure that the scanned copies are clear and legible to avoid any delays in processing.
6. Verification and Approval
After submitting the application and documents, the lender will verify the information provided. This process can take a few hours to a couple of days. If the application is approved, the lender will notify the applicant and disburse the loan amount to the specified bank account.
Interest Rates and Fees
Interest rates for instant loans can vary significantly depending on the lender, loan amount, and borrower’s credit profile. Typically, these loans have higher interest rates compared to traditional loans due to the convenience and speed they offer. Interest rates can range from 12% to 36% per annum.
Apart from interest rates, borrowers should also be aware of other fees associated with instant loans, such as:
Processing Fees: A one-time fee charged for processing the loan application. This fee is usually a percentage of the loan amount.
Late Payment Fees: Penalties for missing or delaying repayments.
Prepayment Charges: Fees for repaying the loan before the end of the tenure, although some lenders may offer prepayment without any charges.
Potential Pitfalls of Instant Loans
While instant loans offer numerous benefits, there are also potential drawbacks that borrowers should consider:
1. High Interest Rates
The convenience of instant loans comes at a cost, with interest rates often being higher than those of traditional loans. Borrowers should carefully assess their repayment capacity before opting for an instant loan.
2. Short Repayment Tenures
Instant loans typically have shorter repayment tenures, ranging from a few months to a year. Short tenures mean higher monthly installments, which can strain the borrower’s finances if not planned properly.
3. Impact on Credit Score
Failure to repay the loan on time can negatively impact the borrower’s credit score, making it difficult to secure loans in the future. It is crucial to ensure timely repayments to maintain a healthy credit score.
4. Hidden Charges
Some lenders may have hidden charges that are not immediately apparent during the application process. Borrowers should read the terms and conditions carefully and clarify any doubts with the lender to avoid unpleasant surprises.
Responsible Borrowing
To make the most of instant loans and avoid falling into a debt trap, borrowers should adopt responsible borrowing practices:
1. Assess Financial Needs
Borrow only what is necessary and avoid taking loans for non-essential expenses. Evaluate your financial situation and ensure that you can comfortably repay the loan within the stipulated tenure.
2. Compare Lenders
Don’t settle for the first lender you come across. Compare multiple lenders to find the best interest rates, terms, and fees. Use online comparison tools and read customer reviews to make an informed choice.
3. Read the Fine Print
Carefully read the loan agreement, including the terms and conditions, interest rates, fees, and repayment schedule. Clarify any doubts with the lender before signing the agreement.
4. Maintain a Good Credit Score
A good credit score can help you secure better interest rates and terms on instant loans. Make timely repayments on existing loans and credit cards to maintain a healthy credit score.
Instant loans have revolutionized the way individuals in India access quick funds for various financial needs. Their speed, convenience, and minimal documentation make them an attractive option for many. However, it is essential to approach instant loan with caution, understanding the associated costs and potential risks. By adopting responsible borrowing practices and making informed decisions, borrowers can leverage instant loans to meet their financial goals without falling into a debt trap.
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douxlen · 1 month
The Personal Check Is Disappearing. Here’s What Comes Next
New Post has been published on https://douxle.com/2024/08/10/the-personal-check-is-disappearing-heres-what-comes-next-3/
The Personal Check Is Disappearing. Here’s What Comes Next
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One of the first checks ever recorded was written in the 11th century, in a marketplace in Basra, in present-day Iraq. There, a merchant issued a sakk: written instructions to his bank to make a payment from his account. 
A thousand years later, this form of payment is finally disappearing. Target said it would stop accepting checks as of July 15; other retailers, including Whole Foods and Old Navy, have already stopped accepting them. It’s just the latest sign that the form of payment is nearing obsolescence: The average American writes just one check a year, down from 3 in 2016, according to a Federal Reserve survey. 
“I absolutely think that we are moving to a world of ‘check zero,’” says Scott Anchin, vice president at the Independent Community Bankers of America. “As we see new payment methods come to the fore, we see new opportunities for consumers and businesses to move away from check usage.” 
From a security perspective, this is a positive. Checks are not particularly safe ways to send money. They have your account and routing numbers on them, sensitive information that criminals could use. They can be stolen in the mail and changed to be made out to different people or for different amounts. For instance, in April 2023, a U.S. Postal Service employee stole $24 million in checks from the mail and sold them through Telegram, a popular messaging app, according to a federal indictment in the Western District of North Carolina. 
Read More: Why Mail Theft Is On the Rise
Flawed as checks are, though, they haven’t gone away entirely because many people still depend on them, especially to pay rent and utility bills. But experts say a new kind of payment may finally change that. 
Instant Payments Come to the Fore
The newest type of payment— the first to be introduced in the U.S. since the ACH network in the 1970s—is called instant payments, in which money moves from your account to another account immediately. You may think you already use instant payments with services like Venmo, but you don’t—behind the scenes, the money can take some time to move, and it’s not coming directly from your bank account but from a Venmo account, for instance.
Here’s how instant payments work: Different types of payments—wire transfers, checks, ACH—all happen over what are called rails. A rail is essentially the system that gets your money from one place to another. Think of a pile of cash in a briefcase. You could move that briefcase from one place to another in a car, or a bus, or a train, or an airplane; those transportation methods are like the rails that move your money. Instant payments are a new kind of payment rail, but there still needs to be a user interface to allow consumers to access them. Some payments on Zelle already happen on an instant payment rail, says Bridget Hall of ACI Worldwide. 
One year ago, the Federal Reserve launched FedNow, an instant payment rail that allows for people to send money to each other if they’re enrolled in participating institutions. Another payment rail, RTP, short for Real Time Payments, was launched in 2017 by The Clearing House, a private payment-system infrastructure owned by large commercial banks. But it has fewer participants than FedNow, which boasts about 900 participating banks and credit unions.
Instant payments are different from anything that exists now, including wire transfers, ACH payments, and debit cards. Wire transfers can take 24 hours to reach customer accounts, and they’re not available 24/7; ACH payments are processed in batches and can only happen during banking hours; debit-card purchases don’t settle in accounts immediately. But instant payments happen in real-time, at any hour of any day, and don’t cost anything for the sender. 
Real-time payments accounted for just 1.5% of total payments in 2023, which is about 3.5 billion transactions, according to ACI Worldwide, which sells software facilitating real-time payments. Experts expect that number to grow to 14 billion real-time transactions by 2028.
Instant payments are already extremely popular in other parts of the world. In India, real-time payments were launched in 2010 and now make up 84% of the share of all electronic payments—that’s 129 billion transactions. Brazil had 37 billion real-time payment transactions in 2023, and Thailand had 20 billion, according to ACI Worldwide. 
But the two rails for instant payments in the U.S.—FedNow and RTP—are relatively new. It’s taken this long for the U.S. to adopt real-time payments because there were intermediaries like PayPal that allowed people to feel like they were paying someone else instantly, says Hall. 
There are some big advantages to instant payments. Say you have to fund a lunch account at your kids’ school: You can provide a credit card (and be charged a transaction fee), or write a check, which takes days to get processed and may mean your kid has to skip a few days of tater tots. The velocity of instant payments is a good thing for businesses too; instead of waiting for a check to arrive, and then cashing it to find out there’s no money in the user’s account, an electricity company can get paid instantly.
“If we start looking at the payment methods used to complete a transaction today,” Hall says, “we have many use cases where the options either aren’t great or aren’t good enough.”
Some people might already be using instant payments and not realizing it—a share of transactions on Zelle, a digital payments network run by big banks, run over instant payment rails. Your payment may go over the instant payment rails if both parties in the transaction are part of member banks that use RTP or FedNow. 
There are downsides to real-time payments. People without mobile phones or computer access, or who aren’t comfortable with technology, may have a hard time switching to real-time payments. And real-time payments are irrevocable, meaning once you send them, you can’t get them back—a potential problem in a world that is increasingly plagued with scams that involve one person sending money to another. 
Read More: Defrauded? Banks May Not Give Your Money Back. 
But most forms of payment have some kind of downside. Consider the check, for example. Long after its medieval origins, checks slowly became popular around the world, booming in the U.S. between 1938 and 1952, when the number of checks written annually reached 8 billion, according to a history by the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta. 
Banks had to process all of these checks, usually manually, meaning they had to be handled by employees who notated all the information on them as they were passed from one bank to another. Then credit cards started gaining in popularity, and consumers moved onto what was more convenient, which was a big cost savings for banks. That move towards convenience—and cost savings—is now happening once again.
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The industry has come a long way since the emergence of smartphones, and technology is pushing it forward every year. In today’s world, mobile app development services are critical for businesses to make cash. Similarly, young developers and businesses must keep linked to the industry in order to comprehend app development trends. Otherwise, you’ll revert to old habits and come to regret it later.
We’ve compiled a list of the top mobile app development trends for 2024 in today’s blog. The information will undoubtedly aid you in cutting your development costs, shortening development time, and creating useful apps, among other things.
Top 10 mobile app development trends for 2024
#1 3D UI Elements Are Making A Comeback Over Flat Material UI
3D illustrations will undoubtedly return in 2021. (already in). Furthermore, 3D tools have made it even easier for designers to create something in 3D. In large-screen animations, the interface is extensively employed. Aside from that, the use of glass morphism elevates the design to new heights. As a result, 3D UI with blurring and vibrant colours is currently ruling the industry and will continue to do so in the near future.
#2 Augmented Reality Is Playing A Key Role In Visualizing Products
Around 600 million active AR devices were reported in 2020, and this number is expected to rise in the next few years. Users all across the world are adopting and preferring the technology. Smart glasses have become a popular AR product over the previous decade. In the approaching years, we can also expect more AR goods based on mobile apps.
#3 Audio-Based Interaction Mobile Apps
Companies are resorting to the newly adopted creative technology after the popularity of Clubhouse, the audio-only social media app. The smartphone software facilitates live conversation and voice chat room participation by allowing users to listen or talk alone (no video involved). The services promote audio conferencing (calls and teleconferences) between persons in different locations with the objective of connecting them and making communication easier.
#4 Flutter Is Taking Over The Hybrid Mobile App Development Framework
Hybrid mobile apps are becoming more common than native apps these days. That is, instead of using different programming languages for iOS and Android app creation, app developers use the same codes. Facebook’s React Native technology was popular in the past, but things have changed since the release of Google’s Flutter 2.0. Flutter has greatly enhanced the user interface, performance, Firebase support, and other features.
#5 Artificial Intelligence And Machine Learning
Content recommendation and cross-selling products on mobile apps are both aided by AI/ML. Some of the most powerful and extensively used AI parts that we have seen so far include Apple’s Siri, Google Assistant, and Replica. Similarly, IT businesses can gradually implement AI and machine learning in agriculture, banking, and healthcare. These are techniques to learn human behavior in order to better understand our lives and provide better products and services. We can already see how chatbots are changing customer service for many businesses; expect a lot more in the future!
#6 OTP Based Login Is Now Preferred Over Making Users Remember Passwords
With the rise in cyber-attacks, people will find it difficult to trust third-party apps with their personal information. Many cybersecurity companies have also advised users not to save credit card or financial information on any site. Furthermore, once hackers gain access to a company’s server, they can easily acquire users’ credentials. Even worse, users should be concerned if they use the same password for their email and other accounts.
#7 App Data Privacy Will Become The Key Focus For Apple And Google Against Abuse
We all know how quickly corporations turned to digitalization during the epidemic, and how this transformation posed certain privacy issues for apps. Similarly, Apple has argued that the user tracking permission is intended to increase user transparency. As a result, developers must obtain users’ permission to track their whereabouts. By the end of 2024, this would be implemented. Similarly, we might have the same experience with Google. Zero-trust design, cybersecurity implementation due to increased cloud adoption, and precise user control over app data are some of the other app privacy implementations.
#8 Cloud-Based Apps
Over the last few years, cloud technology has advanced dramatically. As service providers invest in more efficient cloud infrastructure, cloud storage is becoming more affordable. In 2024, cloud technology will be the backbone of mobile app development. Many of the things we do on applications now, such as booking a cab or ordering meals, rely on cloud technology. Web hosting has become more affordable, load efficient, and accessible thanks to the cloud. As a result, the mobile technology trend has been quickly adopted.
#9 Foldable Hardware Friendly Apps
Samsung’s foldable OLED display is poised to shake up the smartphone market and usher in a slew of new smartphone experiences. Developing apps that fully utilize the capabilities of these foldable phones will put you ahead of the pack. The app should be responsive, and it should be able to expand as the screen size increases. On the larger screen, you can also have it launch additional tabs or menus. In short, foldable screens can provide mobile app developers with numerous opportunities.
#10 Blockchain Technology
During the cryptocurrency boom, we first heard about Blockchain. However, technology has advanced significantly and is now relevant in a variety of fields. It is rapidly expanding, and by 2024, it is predicted to generate $20 billion in sales. Blockchain is also important in the creation of mobile apps. These days, decentralized apps are popular. There are roughly 70 million blockchain wallets in circulation, with mobile wallets being the most popular.
Final notes
Every organization can easily endure the cost of mobile app development and produce it at a much lower cost with less development time thanks to contemporary tools and technology.
For online and mobile app development, get in touch with Weingenious Technocrats. Let’s turn your ideas into a solid mobile application!
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nickgerlich · 7 months
I'm The Taxman
The Apple Tax has proven to be one of the most lucrative propositions ever for Apple, specifically when it applies to in-app purchases made from our phones. While the EU is starting to attack them, they still have complete freedom in the US to levy this tax with ruthless cunning.
Here’s how it works: Every time you buy something on your iPhone, whether it is a game, an upgrade to a premium service, whatever, 30% of that price goes to Apple for the privilege granted to the app provider to exist in the Apple eco-system.
And I was today years old when I learned that when a business or even an individual opts to boost a post on Facebook or Instagram such that it becomes sponsored content, that too has the Apple Tax applied. Parent company Meta thus loses 30% of those sales (even though the company isn’t exactly hurting these days).
But now comes news that Meta is going to offload that burden to the buyers, rather than absorb it. In other words, if I or anyone else wants to boost a post or account, if the price is $100, then I will be charged $130 to cover the part going to Apple. Apple is assessing the fee at the cash till.
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Meta, in its quest to appear less bad, has encouraged everyone to simply pay for boosting on a desktop computer instead of by phone, thereby dodging Apple. That will work. In fact, it would be pretty easy to do this in Facebook. On Instagram, though, I know there are a lot of users who do not even know you can access your account on a computer, because the platform was designed originally to be mobile-only.
So now we’re left trying to figure out who the bad company really is. Is it Meta for making its customers pay the fee? Or is it Apple for maintaining this fee structure in the first place?
I know. It’s kind of like asking if Ticketmaster is evil for handling concert ticket sales, and then passing along outrageous service fees for the privilege. We all know how a $100 ticket can wind up being more than $150 after all is said and done. If you want to see a super headliner like The Eagles, prepare to drop some major money, especially if you are taking a date.
My hunch is that, even with Meta’s encouragement to boost your posts via a computer, this is going to hurt them in the long run, and then Apple subsequently. This news makes us all aware of what is going on, because before all this, we just didn’t know. It’s not just paying $6 a month for personal MapMyRun MVP premium features, and maybe knowing that Apple takes a slice. Now we all know that those social media boosts have been a revenue stream not just for Meta, but also Apple.
Maybe we’ll all just stop the madness.
Although I doubt everyone will quit, I think the effective 30% increase in costs for the advertiser will cause many to reconsider. Small businesses and individuals, such as artists and musicians, will be affected most. Larger companies may just consider it the price of doing marketing.
Apple has had many long-running battles with some of its biggest app developers over the tax. It hindered Spotify’s ability to fully launch its audible books initiative, because it meant that Apple would get a huge chunk of every audio book a user purchased. Apparently Meta has just been sucking it up, even though it too has engaged in battle.
Now that the EU is clamping down on Apple, from power cords to revenue sharing, I suspect the time will come soon here in the States when our own regulators put their foot down as well. I realize that the business culture is very different here in the US than in Europe, and that we are far more laissez faire, it will depend on who is in office in Washington. Recall that President Biden is already trying to put his foot down on hidden charges we consumers endure, like overdraft and late payment fees. It wouldn’t be much of a stretch to follow the EU’s lead on Apple as well.
But is Apple being evil? After all, it is their platform. It’s just that they have a tight monopoly when it comes to apps. Yes, their testing and scrutiny give us a high degree of consumer safety, but they are a toll booth at the same time. And the toll to get across the bridge is just as steep as the bridge itself to get in the App Store.
In the end, our court system will have to resolve this one. But for now, those entities and individuals least able to spend large sums on marketing are going to feel the brunt of Meta’s latest action.
Dr “One For You, Nineteen For Me” Gerlich
Audio Blog
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cashappreviewus · 8 months
What you need to know about ATM withdrawal limits on Cash App
What is an ATM withdrawal limit?
Bank and credit union account holders are subject to maximum withdrawal limits per transaction and per day when using ATMs. They’re determined both by your bank and the individual ATM. Banks establish ATM withdrawal limits based on company policies that take into account factors such as the type of account and the age of the account holder. Typically, banks increase the withdrawal limit if you’re a private banking client and place more rigid limitations if you’re under 18 years old or if you are a new banking member.
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Your particular limits also depend on the individual ATM. In some instances, banks impose stricter limits on out-of-network ATMs. 
And, even if your ATM withdrawal limit remains the same, the out-of-network fee can impact your withdrawal limit. For example, if your maximum allowable withdrawal is $500 and the ATM assesses a $4 fee, you may be able to only withdraw $496, not the full $500, even if your bank will rebate the fee to you later on.
Why do banks impose ATM withdrawal limits?
Logistically, ATM withdrawal limits are set with customer service in mind. ATMs typically hold between $20,000 to $50,000 in cash. Imposing withdrawal limits helps ensure ATMs have sufficient funds on hand to cover customers’ needs in between the times that they’re restocked.
ATM limits also serve to protect you and the bank from loss. 
When reported promptly, you’re not responsible for unauthorized withdrawals, so banks are invested in reducing their liability, whether it’s due to identity theft, robbery, or card skimming. The FBI estimates that skimming costs consumers and financial institutions more than one billion dollars each year.
How much can I withdraw from an ATM per day?
Daily withdrawal limits typically range from $300 to $5,000 with most limits falling between $500 and $3,000. Your daily withdrawal limit usually resets the following day. However, be aware that, in some cases, daily limits are determined by 24 hours instead of a calendar day. 
Your exact daily limit can depend on a few factors, including your bank, your available balance, and your total daily purchase limit.
Your bank’s daily ATM withdrawal limits
Generally, banks list ATM limits on their website, but you can call your bank with any questions.  
Your available balance
The amount you can withdraw is also limited by your current available balance. A new deposit may only be partially available. Your account can also be subject to holds. When you swipe your card before knowing your final bill at places like gas stations, hotels, and rental car companies, those businesses often issue a hold on your account, which falls off in a few days once the bill is settled.
Your total purchase limit
Banks usually separate ATM and purchase limits. But in rare cases, your bank may place a daily limit on all debit card transactions. If you have a daily transaction limit of $5,000, even if your cash app ATM withdrawal limit is $1,000, you may not be able to withdraw $1,000 if you already made more than $4,000 in transactions that day.
What is the maximum amount of money I can withdraw from an ATM at a time?
You may not be able to access your full cash app daily limit in a single transaction. 
The maximum amount you can withdraw in one transaction is determined by either the ATM limit or your bank limit, whichever is lower. In this case, you may need to make multiple transactions to access your daily withdrawal limit. 
For instance, if your bank allows you to make a total daily withdrawal of $1,000, but the ATM has a transaction limit of $500, you can only withdraw $500 at a time. You may be able to make multiple transactions at a single ATM or you may need to access another ATM to a second withdrawal.
Can I get around ATM withdrawal limits?
Contact the bank 
You can contact your bank and ask for an increase to your daily withdrawal limit. In many instances, you can simply call the number on the back of your debit card. The bank representative will evaluate your eligibility and may permanently or temporarily increase your limit. Bank of America lets you increase or decrease your ATM withdrawal limits from the mobile app or through online banking.
Visit a branch
If you need more cash than your ATM withdrawal limit allows, you can access additional funds by going in person to a local branch. Unfortunately, this option is only available during regular bank hours and to customers with a convenient branch location. If your bank is a credit union, check to see if it’s part of the Co-Op Shared Branch network. The network allows members to walk into over 5,400 branches of participating credit unions across the nation and access their accounts.   
Request money back
You can request cash back from a merchant when you use your debit card to purchase at a local store. You are required to use your PIN when making the purchase. Both merchants and banks place limits on the amount of cashback you can receive. Grocery stores typically allow you to withdraw cash with a purchase, but some fees may apply.
Alternative options
There are a variety of reasons you may need cash on hand. If possible, consider using a peer-to-peer payment method. 
Services like Zelle, Venmo, CashApp, and PayPal allow you to send cash immediately. Many people who want payment in cash will consider these options because they offer more security than a check. You can also consider paying a friend or family member through one of these methods and asking them to withdraw the cash from an ATM.
If you still use paper checks, you can consider cashing a check. And as a last resort, you could access a cash advance through your credit card. However, be aware that cash advances typically come at a high cost including fees and interest that accrues immediately. 
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What if I need more cash than the ATM withdrawal limit?
Contact your bank to determine if you’re eligible for a limit increase. You can also request cash back following a debit card transaction. If possible, use a peer-to-peer payment method like Zelle, Venmo or PayPal instead.
How much money can I withdraw from an ATM at once?
The amount you can withdraw is limited by your bank’s daily ATM withdrawal limit and the withdrawal limit on the specific ATM. The amount you can withdraw in a single transaction will be determined by the smaller of these two numbers.
 What bank has the highest ATM withdrawal limit?
Morgan Stanley allows account holders to withdraw $1,500 in a single transaction with a $5,000 daily withdrawal limit. Given the limits imposed by ATMs, you may need to access funds in multiple locations to be able to withdraw the full $5,000.
Where can I find my ATM withdrawal limit?
You can typically find your ATM limit in the Frequently Asked Questions on your bank’s website. If your ATM withdrawal limit is variable, you can contact your bank directly for more information on your withdrawal limit. Some banks allow you to reference your limit on their online banking platform.
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financemaster1 · 9 months
How Gold Loans Can Set You Financially Free
Ever thought about how those old gold ornaments lying in your locker could be the key to setting you financially free? Well, it's possible. Yes, you heard it right. Welcome to the world of Gold Loans from Muthoot FinCorp ONE – your ticket to financial flexibility.
So, what's a Gold Loan from Home?
It's a service where you can leverage your gold jewellery to secure a loan without stepping out. Imagine the convenience of having a loan officer visit you, assess your gold, and within 30 minutes*, transfer the loan amount directly to your bank account.
The benefits?
When you opt for a Gold Loan from Home, our Loan Managers arrive at your doorstep at your scheduled time, sparing you the trouble of commuting to a bank or an NBFC. We make sure the process is not only easy but also swift, ensuring that your pledged gold is securely transported to a nearby Muthoot FinCorp branch, all tracked via GPS for added safety.
How does this differ from a traditional Gold Loan?
Well, for starters, it's the doorstep service that sets it apart. Traditionally, you'd have to visit a bank or a lending institution, whereas with Muthoot FinCorp ONE, the entire process occurs in the comfort of your home.
Now, onto the schemes.
We offer various Gold Loan plans tailored to suit your needs. From short-term to long-term plans, you can choose what works best for you. Our Gold Loan Amount Calculator, available on the Muthoot FinCorp ONE app or website, allows you to instantly assess the value of your gold, ensuring transparency throughout.
Repayment tenure?
You have the flexibility to choose your repayment period based on the scheme you opt for and the loan amount. Looking for a break from repayments? Inquire about the holiday period within your selected scheme.
Worried about the safety of your precious gold?
At Muthoot FinCorp ONE, we take the security of your assets seriously. Your gold is stored at BIS Standard 9400 compliant facilities, insured, and tracked during transit. So, rest assured, your gold is in safe hands.
Where is Gold Loan from Home available? Currently, we offer this service in several cities like Bangalore, Mumbai, Kolkata, Delhi-NCR, and more. Keep an eye out because we're expanding to new cities soon!
Gold Loan from Muthoot FinCorp ONE not only provides you with instant liquidity but also ensures a seamless, secure, and hassle-free process. No credit checks, no wait times – just quick access to cash when you need it the most.
So, why let your gold gather dust when it could be your ticket to financial freedom? With Muthoot FinCorp ONE, take that step towards turning your gold into a reliable financial asset. Say hello to freedom and convenience with Gold Loans from Home.
About Muthoot FinCorp ONE
Muthoot FinCorp ONE is an all-in-one digital financial platform that makes getting an MSME & a Gold Loan, investing in Digital gold & NCDs, making payments & remittances, buying insurance & exchanging forex, simple and convenient.
As an SBU of Muthoot FinCorp Limited, Muthoot FinCorp ONE is backed by a legacy stretching back over 135 years, and the trust of more than 1 crore customers and is building a holistic financial ecosystem using the latest digital products for lending, investing, protection and payments.
Muthoot FinCorp ONE continues to uphold the values of the parent, the Muthoot Pappachan Group (Muthoot Blue) by providing its customers with easily accessible services, replete with unmistakable quality. The Muthoot Pappachan Group is among India’s most reputed names in the financial services industry, with customers in diverse segments like Automotive industry, Financial Services, Hospitality, Alternate Energy, Real Estate, and Precious Metals.
So what are you waiting for? Head to the Play Store and download the Muthoot FinCorp ONE app. You can also visit the website today to know more.
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