#find old cash app account
sweatytyrantking · 6 months
What is a Cash App Account?
What is a Cash App Account?
Cash App has quickly become one of the most popular digital payment platforms, providing users with a convenient and secure way to send and receive money. However, not all Cash App accounts are created equal. In this article, we will discuss the concept of verified Cash App accounts, their importance and why you should consider purchasing them for your business. We’ll also address the security concerns of purchasing a verified Cash App account and provide tips on how to maximize your Cash App experience. So, let’s dive in and discover the benefits of buying a verified Cash App account
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bunnisari · 1 year
can you write one when its like, reader x plug!connie where they like toxic off and on, but he still spoils her and all that because they in love fr. he's like a real jealous type and is lowkey overprotective. but they always together and spend alot of time with eachother
No matter what you were always gonna be Connie’s.
No matter how many times you guys “broke up” you still belonged to him and everyone knew.
It was hard to strive as a now “single” woman. All of your old hoes were wiped off the face of the earth somehow (thanks to Connie). Any new guy that has the potential of being just a one night stand was scared away by a pair of emotionless eyes that stared you down from across the club.
Every night out with your girlfriends was ruined, any attempt to hook up with someone. ruined
Connie was everywhere you were. You blocked him on every social media, but he still created more accounts just watching your page. He also had eyes on you everywhere. You’d often see some of his most trusted guys at the mall, updating him on your safety.
His friends are so faithful to him it’s frustrating. Your bestfriends were his bestfriends, due to the fact that you were always around you all just became so close!
But when you have a girls night out with Mikasa and Sasha they are always cockblocking for connie.
“That guy was a dick Y/N”
“I dunno maybe you should just get back with Con”
Everyone around you did nothing but encourage you to get back with him, even your parents!
They love having him around and he’s excellent help in the kitchen!
Connie is fairly toxic but you won’t really notice until you think about it.
He’s got himself so involved in your life and everything you do, people can’t help but ask about him! And that was what he intended to do.
There was no possible way you could forget him, he was everywhere. You broke up with Connie but Connie didn’t break up with you.
You lasted 35 days and 45 minutes before getting back with Connie. Ever since you “broke up” with Connie, you’ve been focusing on a clothing line you’ve been wanting to release. You gave up on trying to go out and find simple one night stands. You were fairly sex deprived but didn’t give in. Nothing a vibrator couldn’t fix.
You were over men and their stupid ass inconsiderate ass feelings. Connie didn’t stop taking care of you though. You’d get random paypals and cash apps from Armin or Eren. $850 - FOR from Connie :)
You still were extremely grateful though. This particular night you decided to go to a party Ony was throwing. You were going out for yourself tonight, plus you haven’t popped out in a while gotta keep these bitches hatin
You walked through the entrance of the house, “Way 2 Sexy” blasting through the speakers.
“Heyy sexyy” Sasha drags out as she wraps her arm around you, holding a cup in her hand. You hug her back with a smile on your face, ready to get wasted.
After many mixed drinks and a blunts worth inside of you. You stumbled to a bathroom, closing the door behind you.
You lip synced to the song that was playing from downstairs, checking yourself out in the mirror. Your eyes were red and low, all your movements sloppy.
As you re-applied your lip gloss, a deep voice spoke out to you.
“You’re avoiding me” You jumped at the sudden voice, thinking you were in the bathroom alone. You looked back in the corner of the bathroom, seeing Connie lean on the wall. He looked good as always.
“Connie just go” You mumbled in irritation, not wanting to give into the man in your drunken state.
“What did I tell you about watching your surroundings mama, hmm?” Connie stepped closer to you, “Didn’t even notice me following you. How are you supposed to stay safe princess” Connie fake pouted at you, looking down at you with pity. You could reject him all you want but your face told it all, you missed him so much.
“Sshut upp” You slurred, attempting to walk around him and out of the door.
“Talk to me” Connie’s hand gripped your waist, pulling you back in-front of him. “There’s nothing to talk about, we areee overrrr” Your own eyes filled with tears.
“Don’t cry mami,” Connie cupped your chin, making you look up at him, “Just take me back. I promise I won’t fuck up anymore. I swear i’m going crazy without you, I can’t stop thinking about you. Just please come back home with me” Connie rushed out, the tattooed drug dealer fought the urge to cry. You’ve been ignoring him like crazy. A part of him felt like you were really done with him and he couldn’t let that happen.
“Okay Connie, I will” You nodded, letting your emotional state take over. Your arms wrapped around Connie, just wanting to feel him. “I’m gonna go home with you”
The next day you were sitting on Connie’s lap at Eren’s house. You sat pressing sticky kisses up and down Connie’s neck while he counted a few bands, a joint resting in his mouth.
Eren rolled his eyes as he walked pass you two on the couch. As annoying as it was, everything felt back normal again. You were right where you were supposed to be, with connie <3
thinking about toxic!yandere!friend group now but in a platonic way
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catmarlowastrology · 3 months
Transit Jupiter in Gemini for all Rising signs
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🗣️ Aries Rising: Jupiter in Gemini is transiting your 3rd house of learning from your environment. Love a bit of gossip? You’re in luck. This transit will flood your life with juicy tidbits about everyone around you. Expect to bump into old acquaintances, or receive bizarre 3am DMs from friends spilling all sorts of tea. Invitations to go out and socialize will be pouring in, so get ready to play social butterfly. You’ll uncover all sorts of secrets about the people who share your daily grind. Have a crush on that cutie you pass every day on your commute? Now's the perfect time to strike up a conversation. In fact, you might want to chat up anyone you fancy building a relationship with, be it platonic or romantic. Networking is your best friend during this transit, and meeting new people on apps could lead to some exciting connections. Basically, this is your golden opportunity to dive headfirst into your social scene and make some memorable connections.
💸 Taurus Rising: Jupiter in Gemini is transiting your 2nd house of finances and possessions. This transit can be tricky sometimes. On the bright side, you might suddenly find people falling over themselves to offer you investment opportunities (assuming you roll in those circles). Your friends and family could also be all over you, urging you to turn your hobbies into cash cows. And it's actually a great time to do just that and rake in some extra dough. Perfect moment to start that Etsy store you've been daydreaming about. But make sure to gather all the info you need and politely ignore the unsolicited advice from people who couldn’t tell a stock from a sock. With Gemini’s influence, money can appear in your bank account quickly but vanish just as fast. Watch out for the shopaholic bug. The temptation to splurge will be strong, with endless cool experiences and shiny things calling your name. Keep a level head and focus on a few key purchases instead of buying everything that catches your eye.
🔍 Gemini Rising: Jupiter is transiting your 1st house. Expect countless opportunities to learn about yourself and grow wiser. If you've been feeling a bit adrift, now’s the time to dive into therapy sessions or binge on self-help books to boost your self-awareness and finally get comfy in your own skin. This transit is also the perfect excuse to play dress-up with your life, trying on different personas and styles to see what fits. You're in a self-discovery phase, and relationships will act like funhouse mirrors, reflecting who you are, who you aren't, and who you want to become (thanks to Jupiter opposing your 7th house). But don't worry, this isn't some grueling self-help marathon (we’re not dealing with a Saturn transit). It's a fun, enlightening chapter where you learn more about yourself and enjoy every minute of it.
🌜 Cancer Rising: Jupiter will be transiting your 12th house in Gemini. This house is introspective, personal, subjective, and takes place mostly in the hidden depths of your psyche. Expect a lot of overthinking, more than usual, to the point where your brain might just pack up and leave. If you have planets in the 12th house, external events might trigger this mental marathon. But if that house is empty, you’re left with your own thoughts. You'll reminisce, ponder, and lose sleep over things that probably don’t matter to anyone else but you. Now is the perfect time to start writing down your dreams and thoughts. Get them out of your head and onto paper, so you can analyze them and maybe even laugh at how absurd some of them are. Therapy is also a great idea during this transit. You'll learn a lot about your subconscious, but brace yourself: it’s going to be mentally exhausting.
🌍 Leo Rising: Jupiter in Gemini will transit your 11th house. Get ready, because your social circle is about to explode. Unlike Aries Rising, who are busy making friends at the local coffee shop, you’re going global. The world is your oyster, and it’s about to serve you a platter of new acquaintances from every corner of the globe. This is the perfect time to join groups and communities where you can share your interests. If you're into social media, now's the time to take it seriously. Get out there, mingle, and talk to as many people as you can. This is your moment to enjoy your time with strangers and make new friends from all walks of life.
🎭 Virgo Rising: Jupiter in Gemini will transit your 10th house. Buckle up Virgo Rising because your reputation and public accomplishments are about to get a serious boost. Jupiter in Gemini loves multitasking, so get ready to juggle new opportunities like a circus performer on caffeine. There's a fun twist here: you won't just be known for one thing, but for multiple things. Thinking about a new career path? Now’s the perfect time to dip your toe in, while still keeping one foot firmly planted in your old job. Who said you can’t have it all? Whatever happens, your reputation is set to expand. You'll be known as the multitasking marvel who can do it all. You might also become famous in your field for your expansive contact list and your knack for connecting people. Embrace the chaos and show off those multiple skills you've been hiding up your sleeve.
🎓 Libra Rising: Jupiter in Gemini will transit your 9th house. This house is all about stretching your horizons and either confirming or totally overhauling your belief system. Brace yourself because this could be the transit that crams your brain with so many new interests that your poor computer gives up and crashes under the weight of all those tabs you’ve got open. Maybe you'll even consider international travel, hopping from one far-flung place to another, just to soak up their vastly different lifestyles and beliefs. If Venus is in this house, people who think completely unlike you might just be the ones to trigger your personal growth and expansive worldview. This transit is the perfect excuse to sign up for every course under the sun, or maybe even drag yourself back to university if that was on your vision board. Let your heart run wild with as many academic endeavors as it pleases.
💥 Scorpio Rising: Jupiter in Gemini will transit your 8th house. This house is the realm of losing control. Maybe you're itching to explore your sexuality? Maybe you're thinking about juggling multiple partners? Whatever wild ride you're on, you'll come out wiser. Gemini loves options and spreading knowledge like confetti, so expect to learn some jaw-dropping truths about yourself and others, especially if Mercury is in this house. If you're the sharing type, brace yourself for a crash course in joint finances. You might discover that your partner has a secret stash of cash they’re funneling into some mysterious hobby. But don't worry, it's Jupiter delivering the news, so it's more of a "well, that's interesting" revelation rather than a life-shattering bombshell (we'll leave that to Uranus, Pluto, or Saturn). Expect to dive into topics that most people run away from. It's all about growth with Jupiter. You’ll emerge from this transit not emotionally wrecked, but definitely a whole lot wiser.
💑 Sagittarius Rising: Jupiter in Gemini will transit your 7th house. Your 7th house is the VIP lounge for getting to know people on a deep, meaningful level. It's not your usual gossip fest like in the 11th house where everyone’s spilling tea. No, this is more like spending a day meandering with someone and talking their ear off. But, since we're dealing with Gemini here, your attention isn't glued to just one special someone. Nope, you've got at least two people vying for your attention. And it's not all about romance, either. Platonic relationships get a spotlight too. Your closest friends live here. Business contracts too. If you work with clients and close deals, brace yourself for a flood of new business. If you're in a relationship, keep an eye out for someone new who might turn your head and tempt you into some extracurricular activities — especially if Venus is in this house. Being an angular house, this transit is a big deal.
📅 Capricorn Rising: Jupiter in Gemini will transit your 6th house. Capricorn, you love it when life is a neat little package. With Jupiter transiting your 6th house in Gemini, you're suddenly all about efficiency and streamlining every aspect of your existence. This transit has you scheduling your life down to the millisecond, convinced that you can overhaul everything at once. So, naturally, you decide it's the perfect time to dive into yoga, Pilates, and kickboxing — all at the same time. Not stopping there, you become a culinary genius, mastering healthy meals like a gourmet chef. And why not throw in some home improvement classes, despite having zero DIY skills? You’re superhuman. At work, you’ve set your sights on the “Employee of the Month” title and are ready to work yourself to the bone to get it. It’s a lot to juggle for one person. The upside of this transit is that you’ll learn a ton about self-improvement. But you're not a robot — don't push it too far.
🎉 Aquarius Rising: Jupiter in Gemini will transit your 5th house. Aquarius, this transit is all about fun! With Jupiter transiting your 5th house, you'll be knee-deep in what makes you happy. You'll discover new hobbies, attend countless cool parties, and go on so many hot dates you'll lose count. The universe is basically Santa Claus, throwing a bunch of exciting opportunities at your feet to make you fall in love with life all over again. If expanding your family is on the agenda, this is the golden moment, especially if your Moon or Sun is in this house. Enjoy!
🏡 Pisces Rising: Jupiter will transit your 4th house. This is the perfect time to connect (or reconnect) with your family and roots. Expect sudden DMs from relatives you haven’t seen since forever popping up in your inbox. You might get an itch to discover your origins and splurge on a DNA test. Learning about your family’s past and culture is the theme of this transit. Thinking about buying a home or moving out? Now’s your chance, as the universe will throw a bunch of cool offers your way. During this transit, you might also suddenly become obsessed with home decor, trying out different styles and buying furniture that either goes wonderfully together... or creates a total eyesore. But the beauty of this transit is that you’ll end up wiser and more knowledgeable. By the end of it, you might just become the local guru on home styling. Who knows? Maybe you'll even be able to tell a chaise from a chesterfield.
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anniesannex · 10 months
You’re So Art Deco
Chapter one
Sugar daddy !Johnny Cage x reader
Description: you are a struggling college student who needs some cash. Your friend suggests a sugar daddy but you wouldn’t do that. Right?
A/n: this is literally my first time posting my writing like ever so I’m a little nervous to be doing this.
With a dramatic sigh, you enter the dorm you’ve been working so hard for you’ve barely had to relax in. Between school and work you’ve barely had time to sleep. Luckily you had a day off the next day.
“Bad day?” Grace asked as she brushed her long golden locks. “I don’t know why you don’t just quit that shithole (Y/n).” Of course she wouldn’t.
“Because I need the money Grace.” You sigh as you take your hair down. “Or else I can’t cover what my scholarship doesn’t.”
“You’re literally killing yourself though.”
“Grace.” You Sighed. “I love you but I don’t want to engage in this conversation right now.”
“If you need the money I’m sure my dad ca-”
“I’m not taking money from your dad, Grace. I appreciate that you worry about me but I can’t.” You pull out a pair of sweatpants and a hoodie. Shedding the uniform for your shitty minimum wage job.
“Can you at least tell me what happened today.”
“The usual, rude people treating me like I’m fucking stupid, my manager being a sexist freak, and of course that guy who keeps trying to hit on me came in.”
“I fucking hate that guy.” Grace spat. “You sure you don’t want to come out with us tonight (y/n/n)? It’s not the same without you there.”
“I’m exhausted Gracie, as much as I’d love to I can’t.” You got your laptop to work on your school work.
“Why not get a sugar daddy?” Grace suggested. “It’s definitely help. Plus you can get to bang some hot dilfs.” She winked as you rolled your eyes.
“Girl I’m not getting a sugar daddy.” You sighed. “By the way where’s the Tito’s?”
“I just got a new bottle, it’s in the fridge.”
“Thank you so much.” You grabbed it out of the fridge and opened it. “You’re literally the best person ever. Y’know that?”
“You seem to tell me that a lot. Thank you (y/n).” She smiled. “But take it easy with the Tito’s tonight. I don’t wanna have to put you to bed again.”
“I will.” You paused to take the shot. “Have fun tonight. Tell them I said hi and that I miss them.”
“Will do.” Grace grabbed her bag as she left the dorm. As you continued to work to you thought more and more at the idea of having a sugar daddy. It would definitely take a load off you. After the debating the pros and cons you signed up for a dating app meant to find sugar daddies.
“I really hope I don’t get fucking scammed.” You sassed to yourself as you made your username. Once you had an account you looked through all the possible matches you had. None of them really piqued your interest as you looked through them until-.
“Ooo he’s kinda hot!” You exclaimed as you ready his username and bio.
Johnny, 49
Hobbies: martial arts, long walks on the beach, and looking in the mirror.
Looking for someone to spoil ;).
You had clicked to accept him as a possible match when the words ‘it’s a match!’ Appeared on screen. It was only a matter of seconds until the first message came in.
@JohnC95: ‘well hello there gorgeous. It seems like we’ve matched.’
@y/n:’ it seems like it haha.’
“What the fuck is going on right now?!” You thought out loud.
@johnC95: so what are you doing right now?
@y/n: working on course work and drinking.
@johnC95: she’s educated I see. Also are you old enough to be drinking?
@y/n: I’m old enough. So what are you doing?
@johnC95: sitting through dinner w/ execs. Discussing my next film. Although I’d rather be w/ you, doll ;).
Film? You wonder what he does.
@y/n: that’s sweet of you. What do you do?
@JohnC95: I’m THE Johnny Cage.
Johnny Cage? That’s definitely a scam. You were rolling you eyes as you typed.
@y/n: I don’t believe you. send pics.
@JohnC95: better yet why not FaceTime?
You blushed at his boldness but typed as you got up from your bed.
@y/n: what abt the ‘execs’?
@JohnC95: said I had to take a call. They can wait on me.
@y/n: just let me get into something that isn’t pajamas and I’ll be on the phone.
@JohnC95: will do doll!
You look in your closet for something that was cute. It had been a while since you were in something other than your work uniform or pajamas so you had forgotten what most of your closet looked like. You had been rummaging around until you found a black dress with a red jacket a pair of tights and leg warmers to go over heeled boots. After putting that on you spent a little time on your hair and put on a little makeup before typing.
@y/n: I’m ready ‘Johnny’.
Within a few seconds the laptop had begun ringing. You nervously hit answer, wondering who was going to be at the other end.
“Wow you’re gorgeous.” Johnny spoke as you sigh out of relief for not being scammed. “See I’m really a big ol’ pile of sexy goodness.”
“Thank you Johnny. Sorry about doubting you.” You apologized.
“It’s fine, so what are you drinking?” Johnny asked.
“Tito’s. Just titos.”
“Wow straight vodka, you are bold.” Johnny paused. “What’s your Venmo?”
“My Venmo?”
“It’s (y/n)14. Why?” You had questioned.
“Just check it. In two seconds.” Johnny’s face had be taken over by a fuzzy screen as he seemed to be doing something on his phone. As you pulled out your phone to check your Venmo.
From JohnC95
“For talking to me on the phone.”
“Johnny, I can’t accept this.” You started “I’ll se-”
“I want you to have it. I like you, (y/n).” Johnny looked sincere. “But I should go. I’ll talk to you very soon Doll.”
“Good night Johnny Cage.” You smiled. As the call ended and you got ready for bed again. You wondered how in the hell managed to find Johnny Cage on a sugar daddy dating app. Wasn’t he like married? You decided to look it up as you got back into bed.
“Christina Ford and Sonya Blade. Both divorced.” You spoke. A new dilemma came across your mind in how the fuck you were gonna tell Grace.
“Oh fuck.” You groaned at the thought. Before you heard a ping from your laptop.
@JohnC95: goodnight Doll, sweetest of dreams :).
You thought of a response back as you put the money into your account. It would help towards paying for college.
@y/n: night, Cage. Enjoy those Hollywood executives.
You flopped your head back down on the pillow as you heard the door to your dorm be opened.
“Holy shit. The night I had.” Grace sighed. “You were right t-”
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julesthequirky · 5 months
Theirs: Chapter One
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All my work is purely aimed at those 18+ so minors kindly, DNI.
Summary: You've just moved back to Helena after getting fired from your previous job. Desperate for cash you become a dancer at a strip club. Strong-willed and independent, you've never needed a man, that is until you meet the handsome Sheriff of Helena. Gentle and considerate, he melts your heart in a way no Alpha could. Then there's Dean (not Winchester). Rough-around-the-edges, with tattoos covering him from head to toe, and a heated stare that makes your heart race. But an Omega can only have one Alpha, right? That's what you've been taught. Only neither one will concede to the other, and you find yourself unable to choose.
Characters: You, OC Lou, mystery man.
Chapter warnings: Adult language, transgender OC (though, I don't truthfully see her as transgender anymore as she's fully transitioned).
W/C: 1, 609
A/N: I haven't abandoned The Choice, so don't worry! :) I'm going to try and post alternating chapters.
You sat on the lumpy couch, surrounded by boxes scribbled with ‘kitchen’ or ‘bedroom’ on. You didn’t have the energy just yet to start unpacking. With your head in your hands, you assessed how you came to be here, in your aunt’s trailer, back in Helena, with no job and your bank account quickly dwindling.
It was simple. You’d fucked up. Punched your boss in the nose, and oh, God, it had sprayed like a fountain, but in your defence, he’d said one too many derogatory things about Omegas behind your back, and you’d had enough.
With your finances in dire straits, you could no longer afford the blockers that kept your heat away. If you didn’t figure things out pretty quickly, you’d be going through Hell soon.
You surveyed the boxes scattered around the living area. This was your life. If you’d held your anger…Hell, even counted to ten, or even a hundred…then maybe, just maybe, you wouldn’t be in this situation… However, feeling sorry for yourself was gonna get you nowhere. You knew that. But you couldn’t help it.
Your phone buzzed beside you. You sighed and picked it up. It was an old-school friend you hadn’t spoken to in years. You tapped on the DM, instantly opening up the app.
Lou: Heard y’all were back in town. We should meet up, grab a drink, and catch up! XXX
The image in the profile portrayed a woman with long brown hair and bright blue eyes that you definitely recognised. She sure looked familiar. And as you wracked your brains, it came to you. She used to be a he.
No way. You smiled, remembering how Lou was in school. You’d catch them staring off into space, watching girls go about their activities as you both sat on the bleachers. You thought that maybe Lou fancied them. Guess not. Just going through some things and trying to understand who they were, just like you and everyone else. And maybe she did fancy girls as well. You weren’t gonna judge.
By the looks of it, Lou still went by Lou, as her profile name indicated. You fired back a message telling her you’d be delighted to. It would be good to catch up with an old friend. You wondered where she was in life. Hopefully in a better place than you were.
That’s exactly what you did. You dug into your suitcase, found a shimmery little number and donned your favourite cowboy boots for comfort.
You returned to your old stomping ground, The Silver Dollar. It was old as dirt, with old wood built into a classic saloon style. And it was packed. Bodies heaved as you pushed your way through, looking for Lou, memorising the image from her social media account.
A mix of scents accosted your nose. Beta colognes and perfumes that made your nose itch, earthy Alpha scents and the occasional sweeter scent of an Omega.
Heads turned as you made your way through to the bar, whereupon Lou sat on a stool, drinking a beer.
She looked amazing. Barely recognisable from her old self, but you guessed that was the whole point. She had a great figure, jeans that hugged her in all the right places and a low-cut top to show off her ample cleavage. Fuck. You were jealous and found you were quickly developing a girl crush.
Lou slid off her seat and enveloped you in a hug. You wrapped your arms around her, giving her a meaningful hug. It felt good to be here. Maybe getting fired wasn’t such a bad thing after all.
When she pulled back, she whistled.
“Look at you. You look so grown up.”
You laughed. Grown-up was right.
“What about you. You’re the one that’s changed much more than me.”
Lou grinned from ear to ear. And your heart almost burst with happiness for her. She nodded, grabbed her beer and took a sip.
“High school was a struggle. I didn’t show it cause it was a me thing. I thought I just fancied girls, but I somehow knew it was more than that. I didn’t wanna just be with a girl. I wanted to be one.”
Lou had been one of your best friends in school, and you regretted not keeping in touch with her. Life moved quickly in those years, and before you knew it, ten years had passed.
“Well, I’m really sorry I didn’t keep in touch. I should’ve.”
Lou waved a hand dismissively.
“Naw, I was Hell to be around when I was transitioning. Who knew oestrogen was a bitch. Felt like I was experiencing puberty all over again.”
You laughed and nodded. Being a woman certainly came with its hormonal challenges.
“Anyway, look at you. Gunna catch everyone’s eye in that.”
You looked down at the silver sequined dress. You were a damn glitterball. You blushed, suddenly bashful of the attention.
She grabbed the bartender’s attention and waved him over.
“What’s your poison?”
“Jim Bean and coke.”
She slammed her hand on the bartop.
“And that’s what you’ll have. Barkeep! Make my stunning friend her drink of choice!”
You laughed, cheeks hurting from laughing so much. It felt good to let loose. And Lou certainly was mesmerising.
Lou insisted on paying for your first drink. No matter how much you protested, she wouldn’t have it any other way.
The first whiskey and coke went down way too easily. As did the second. And the third.
You drank to forget your problems. And to have a good time.
Lou rested her hand on your shoulder.
“I know a troubled soul when I see one. What’s up?”
You shrugged.
“Jus’ ev’rythin’.”
You turned, giving her your attention.
“It’s dumb. But the reason why I came back is cause I got fired. I haven’t found a job yet, and I’m kinda panicking.”
A look of concern crossed her face, and the hand on your shoulder squeezed gently.
“It’s a shitty situation. But you’re back home. You got your family, and you got me. What about your Alpha?”
You snorted.
“Ain’t got one of them.”
“Well…take your pick. We got an abundance of ‘em in Helena. An’ for no damn reason…” She trailed off and raised her beer bottle to her lips again.
“If I don’t find a job real soon, a bunch of them might be hammering down my door when I go into heat.”
“If it’s a job you want, I got an idea. You might not like it. Just how desperate are you?”
“I’d do anything. Hell, I’m at the point where I might just go and stand on the damn street corner. That’s how desperate I am.”
She hmmed. She twisted her body to reach for something in her bag. It was a pen and a jotter. She scribbled something down and passed the sticky note to you. It was a number.
“Just remember, I told you you might not like it, but seeing as you’re desperate. It’s easy money. Great money, in fact. I worked there for a little while, too, so I can put in a good word.”
Your eyebrows raised. “Thanks. You didn’t have to, y’know.”
“Just…wear that dress, and you’ll be right in.”
“Lou…” You said in a warning tone.
You didn’t understand why you’d have to wear a silver dress to a job interview. And you knew she was withholding information.
She sighed.
“Fine. It’s a strip club,” she started, raising her hands up, seeing you about to protest. “It’s really good money, just call the number. You won’t regret it.”
You had reservations. For one, it was a strip club. And you were an Omega. That limited what you could do. You weren’t sure you were that desperate. Yet. Regardless, you tucked the Post-It in your cowboy boot for safekeeping.
“Atta girl. Now, let’s just get shit-faced.”
That you had no problem in agreeing to.
Plenty of drinks later, you and Lou giggled like schoolgirls into your drinks, heads leant close together.
“C’mon, tell me, when you were all healed, how often did you touch yourself?”
Lou giggled and leant even closer, her voice dropping, just for you to hear.
“Girl, I got so wet over the stupidest things. Had my fingers inside myself more than out. Thank you, Dr Warren, for blessing me with such a great pussy.”
You giggled into your drink. You could attest to getting horny over dumb things. Thankfully, you’d calmed down, but those late teen years had been something else.
“I remember shaving my vajayjay for the first time, and I found myself hella horny. Like, nobody tells you that! I think I humped the armrest of my couch just to get some kind of relief.”
She snorted. Then you heard the rumbling of a deep chuckle.
“Sure would have found some relief under my tongue, that’s for sure.”
He said it quietly. More to himself than to anyone.
You turned to the owner of the deep masculine voice, a retort ready on your tongue, but it died the moment you saw the burly giant of a man.
His eyes pierced yours. You couldn’t tell if they were brown or hazel. Tendrils of hair framed his face, and the rest was pulled up in a bun. Tats covered his arms, neck, and every bit of skin on his body, as evident from the massive hole in his muscle tee. He held a tumbler with amber liquid inside, swilling the contents, and your eyes honed in on his fingers, where intricate patterns covered each digit.
He was a modern-day Viking.
Then you felt it. The slight quiver in your pussy.
Tags: @suckitands33, @deans-spinster-witch
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slexenskee · 8 months
hello!! i don’t know if you remember but i sent you an ask months ago about the best place to travel/has good food, and i’m happy to announce that i took the leap and my application for study abroad has been accepted! i am very nervous but your posts about traveling inspired me. do you have any tips for going to a foreign country?
Oh congrats that's awesome!!!
Ahh well tbh without knowing where you're going most of my travel tips will be a bit generic, and also, my trips are definitely never as long as a study abroad would be so the stuff I do for those might not apply either.
That being said, research if the country you're staying in will have your medication/skincare/beauty products etc., and stock up if they don't. You can easily buy things like new clothes and food, but if you have specific products you like they can be hard to come by! Medication especially, there is nothing worse than being sick in a foreign country where you can't read the language and don't know the names of any pharmacies. Also some countries won't let you take certain medication in, even prescribed - for ex, Japan doesn't let anyone take in ADHD meds. Not even with a prescription and a letter of medical necessity.
Know where/how to get to your country's embassy in the country you'll be in. This is mainly if you're not staying in the capital where the embassies normally are, and especially useful if you're going to be in the country for a while. Be prepared to just go directly if you run into any issues, because reaching out via phone or email is basically useless. They are usually quite helpful though. I had to reverse-course from Krabi and fly back to Bangkok to get an emergency passport in the middle of one of my trips - I thought it would be a stressful disaster, but I had it sorted out within a few hours. I couldn't find ANY information on what to do online, and they weren't answering their phones, so I just walked up and they let me cut the line as a citizen and then walked me through all the forms and stuff and had an emergency passport for me by lunch.
Depending on what kind of phone you have, you can download Airlo, which is a live saver for phone plans. It's data only, but it's a super simple to use and download e-sim where you can even get regional e-sims that will work in over 30+ countries. It's so helpful if you plan on traveling around.
And idk how old you are or where you're from, but having a credit card and debit account with access to online banking services is imperative. I've been able to travel to multiple countries without even using cash or a debit card and just using my credit card alone, but for a long stay that would be impossible. An online bank that you can transfer money/deposit money via taking a picture of a cheque on your phone is extremely convenient. Also having someone back home who has access to your accounts and can access them on your behalf is helpful. Depending on where you're going, you're probably also going to always need a lot of cash on hand. Europe is mostly card readers with tap to pay, but I've noticed SE Asia has a lot of 'cash only, or scan a qr-code and directly transfer to the merchant's bank account' merchants which is great if you live there but very inconvenient if you're a traveler who obviously doesn't have a bank account in the country. Japan is literally still COINS only in some places.
For transportation, look up what the taxi apps of choice are and make an account with them. Idk it's usually either Uber or Grab but sometimes I'll see a wildcard.
If the place you're going to has an entirely different written language, the Google Translate app is actually pretty darn spot on and the camera mode is very helpful. I've used it to translate my doujins before with difficult kanji 😂
That's all I can think of off the top of my head haha. Hope it helps!! And have fun!!
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nickgerlich · 22 days
What's In Your Cart
You’ve got to give Amazon a lot of credit. Starting in 1995, they proceeded to change the way we shop. Starting first with an online bookstore, then expanding into music, movies, and then pretty much everything under the sun, we learned to how shop online thanks to them. While they weren’t the first (Powell’s Books, for example, beat Amazon by a year), they were certainly the best known.
And they are now a household word, to the point that their name has been verbified.
Amazon Prime, which debuted in 2005, taught us to shop often and enjoy unlimited two-day shipping. Rather than aggregate purchases like before that time, in an effort to reduce shipping costs, this helped us shop on impulse. It became even more pronounced once we had an app to do this. I am extremely guilty of it.
Not a company to necessarily be tied to the online arena, Amazon has slowly been tweaking its entree into the brick and mortar realm. It has launched, folded, and relaunched various iterations of mini supermarkets, and in 2017, it purchased the Whole Foods chain, which has more than 500 units. It was at Whole Foods that last year it launched “palm pay” technology.
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At about the same time, though, the company realized its “Just Walk Out” program at other stores was not cutting it. Between erroneous charges and theft, it was posing a cash drain on the firm.
Today, we find Amazon opening four more Amazon Fresh stores in selected locations across the country. It is now using its proprietary Amazon Dash Carts, a smart shopping cart, as well as the palm pay that has been successful at Whole Foods.
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Imagine a shopping cart with a massive computer apparatus where you would normally place your purse or small child. This device has a scanner and scale, and knows where you are in the store at all times. Shoppers can add and delete items easily, and if they logged in to their account, can finalize their transaction and walk out. Otherwise, go through a traditional checkout, where you can pay the old fashioned ways, or wave your palm.
I love it! I just wish one of these stores were a little closer. For now, I will have to be content with Whole Foods in Dallas and other large cities whenever I visit. Believe me, it feels very empowering to just wave my hand over a scanner.
By now you might be wondering whatever happened to online ordering, home delivery, and curbside pickup. These are still things, of course, but Amazon wisely realizes that shoppers actually want to go to a physical store at least some of the time. I consume a lot of fresh veggies and fruit, and like to inspect before I buy.
Then there’s the process of discovery, something that is harder to accomplish online even with the best suggestion engines. For example, I love perusing Whole Foods’ expansive fresh produce department for oddities, like romanesco, red kale, purple cauliflower, rambutan, and many other rarities. I am implicitly asking Whole Foods—and Amazon—to wow me.
While palm pay has done well, thanks in large part to the fact that unless someone chops off my hand or handcuffs me to go shopping, the jury is still out on the Dash Carts.
Amazon is trying hard to speed up the shopping process, especially the end of it when we have to either self-check or wait in line for an employee to do it. By allowing us to do it throughout the entire shopping visit, we are basically one tap away from heading to the car after we enter the last item.
Sure, there will always be pushback. Some folks are put off by palm pay, fearing privacy as well as the Mark of the Beast and all that end times stuff. Others may be fearful of all the technology, especially the smart carts. Business critics may argue that a touchscreen showing your running total may hamper impulse purchases, because shoppers are fully aware of the bill as they go along. Oh, and then there’s the fact that these carts cost up to $10,000 apiece, and could easily be damaged if left outside. Never mind the homeless person who decides one of these might just be perfect for wheeled conveyance of his possessions.
Regardless, though, we are experiencing change writ large, and Amazon continues to push the needle. In spite of those who may never buy into it all, collectively we have accepted everything Amazon has done in the last 29 years. Perhaps someday we’ll be able to enter a store and see smart shelves illuminating our frequent purchases, view personalized messages on the screen, or even hear voices if we’re wearing Air Pods.
I’m down with it all. Anything to keep shopping trips exciting.
Dr “I’ll Wave As I Go Buy” Gerlich
Audio Blog
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hasankcskin · 3 months
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 — it seems that [ hasan keskin ] has entered the scene ! he looks exactly like [ can yaman ]. this [ 35-year-old ] is the [ major shareholder ] of [ app-h inc. ]. it’s a small wonder since he is known for being [ ambitious & confident ] and [ arrogant & greedy ]. he has been involved with the company for [ 6 ] years. 
name : hasan keskin age : thirty-five years old height : 188 cm / 6'2" gender : cis man, he/him sexual orientation : straight status : single children : two — 10 years old — 3 years old
schooling: massachusetts institute of technology
born and raised in istanbul. older brother to feyza and their two younger siblings. during his childhood and teen years, his life revolved around football. his dream just like every young boy his age was to be a football player until one christmas he was gifted a psp. he became obsessed with video games and no longer as infatuated with football.
later his interest grew to fascination. how were these games created? what goes into making a gaming console? how long does it take to create something like this?
once finding out what it required to become a game developer, he started taking school more seriously. it was a great surprise to his parents to find him excelling in his studies even though it was due to his obsession with video games. they couldn't tell him to reduce his playing time solely due to the fact he was getting amazing grades.
after university, his career was flourishing, working under companies like ubisoft, and EA who have all created his favourite games. — but just as thing were getting good, in 2014 he gets his situationship pregnant and he had just blown most of his money on contributing to the ethereum crowdfund and bitcoin, which had horrible returns for the rest of the year. he kept his situation hidden from his family. they didn't need to know.
two years later when feyza had approached him to invest into app-h inc., he was reluctant. now that he's responsible for a child, he's convinced he needed to take less risks. it wasn't responsible living a lifestyle of big rewards or big losses. although photograpp-h is doing amazing, it didn't guarantee app-h inc., would do well.
he came clean about the child and how he would have immediately agreed if it wasn't for the child. he didn't express his other concerns since it didn't seem relevant and he didn't want to pessimistic considering he wasn't in the position to lecture or give advice to his sister who was doing better than him.
with bitcoin crashing even more significantly in 2018, he was desperate for fast cash. he was doing well for himself, but not enough to maintain the lifestyle he created for himself and the lifestyle he's grown accustomed to. he reached out to his sister and asked if the offer was still on the table. feyza suggested he buy shares now that they were more established and she would trust him in that position rather than some fancy investor in a suffocating suit.
without much of a thought, he agreed. if this went to shit, he would put everything into a high interest savings account and never invest anything until he earned the amount he desires.
in the next two years everything moved so fast. app-h inc., was turning over a high profit, catching up to comoedia and the bulletin — and bitcoin reached an all time high ending the year at around 20k per bitcoin. with the amount of money he had, he didn't need to work anymore.
he left america and moved to london to be closer with his siblings. his involvement with app-h inc. increased. his position is merely an advisory role and helps with day to day production while coming and going as he pleases.
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cleverthylacine · 5 months
That good old interest-based advertising. Also, Headmasters. And my brother.
I have a confession to make and that is that I actually do allow interest-based advertising because:
I don't have much to hide
If they don't take my interests into account, the things they try to sell me because I'm a lady (albeit an NB one) over the age of 50 make me so fucking depressed I could scream but I don't have the energy. I would rather they know way too much about my Hot Topic purchases and robot and doll collections than get ads for ... what advertisers think old people stuff is. By all means display your incredibly unsettling knowledge of my id and sell me robots and things that look like robot dicks and fashion dolls and fancy clothes...instead of trying to sell me adult diapers and cheap insurance that actually isn't. And homeopathic remedies for problems that I may or may not actually have, but I also know that homeopathy is BULL$HIT.
Anyhow this is brought to you today by;
"Yes, shopping app, I would absolutely love to have that self-transforming remote control Grimlock, he is hella cool and very cute and I really do want him but....first you're going to have to find me the $1700 plus taxes and shipping that I will need to acquire before I can hit that button."
G-d help me if they ever do Soundwave with a little Ravage that comes out of his chest and also transforms.
In other news, Headmasters is still fucking stupid and I still fucking love it.
IDW did all this binary bonding with aliens stuff. I actually do find "Fortress Maximus can turn into a giant head and make his spaceship sapient" much easier to understand.
It's just the plots of this show that are dumb.
Giant Venus Flytrap in a San Francisco office building
Let's blow up Mars
Let's make a big important detailed plan and not tell Scourge and Cyclonus about it, because it's not like they're guaranteed to fuck everything up if we don't.
Kiss Players had a better plot than Headmasters, when they actually like, were doing the plot and not panty jokes.
Also I still after 20-odd years want to scream at Carly and Arcee in this show. I know it's a product of 1980s japan but like, if the grown men/male mecha are unable to do a job, it's frustrating to watch Carly send Daniel or Arcee send Wheelie to do it, because those are children and Arcee and Carly are not.
As a non-Chromedome-liker, I am also amused at how dumb he is in this show.
My brother has developed a new and annoying way of asking for money that I've already told him I don't have. He calls my mom and tells her that I won't help him, so then I have to tell her, too, that yes I just got paid, but they raised the price for the medicine I need to brain from $5 to $40 because they don't like the dosage my doctor prescribes, and the landlord has my rent cheque in hand and is presumably going to cash it, and I also need to eat.
She understands this, at least. I just feel bad for her.
I feel bad for him too, but nobody told him that he needed to rent a U-Haul and move the second he got his new lease without asking either of us if we could afford to help pay for it (we can't.)
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Like I said in my last art post in @artbyeritza, I genuinely hate Instagram and TikTok as an artist's platform/ social media. The constant churning of artwork/writing daily in posts and short-form video content will burn you out so quick it will make you feel sick. I think that's partly why there's ageism in the art community in general because who else can churn out high-quality content quick but kids and teens. You probably could if you're an adult and that's your full-time job but if you're trying to get an art commission without a platform and publicity it will stress you the fuck out.
Aside from that, here are other reasons why I don't like Instagram and Tiktok:
They always expect you to post a Reel/Video. Always. The only time I've hit virality before was when I posted my Bakunawa furry art OC in a reel and that did tremendously well but that did not translate to likes on my other art posts or follows
The comment section will tear you to shreds (mostly on TikTok) In IG, while they won't say it directly, they have snide comments too. They can be very supportive BUT THAT IS, if you even get comments.
Most importantly, both video-sharing platforms pander to their big and already established artists. And these artists had the audacity to post art and reels/videos with sad/trending music/sounds, drumming up pity parties when they're already sitting at three digits+ and above worth of followers. I hate that. What's happening is their content gets treated like any other artist out there and they sit with a huge amount of followers any small and unpopular artist can dream of and suddenly they feel oppressed (boo hoo sooo sad I cri). They're not. Small artists usually juggle A JOB and find time for their ART.
Lmao, as you can see in my main's badges I've been here for a long fucking time, partly because where else can I see cool homestuck artists but I'm sitting on 28 followers on my main blog (this blog) and my art blog @artbyeritza has only 9 followers. My Insta only has 28 followers and mainly it's because it's a new account. In both or any case, posting art of any kind on social media is not a fun experience if you're small and continue to be small despite being on the internet for so damn long. I would attribute it to Meta's broken and ever-changing, un-user-friendly algorithm and Tumblr being old and dead (the same way Gaia Online is). TikTok can make you famous but the US's red scare with the Chinese is constantly getting on my nerves and it eats up your attention span too. With both TT and Insta, they expect you to be a GREAT EDITOR AND ARTIST MASTER OF YOUR CRAFT like it's easy peasy. The dead bird, now eX app (I don't fucking know why people still use it it's good as defunct and Musk will make it worse day by day anyway) had that artists' platform potential but the art community is nasty and has faves too (surprise surprise).
In conclusion, I wish there were proper social media that boosts their artists without the need to throw cash in it (or idk, how about letting your artists be seen THEN THEY DECIDE WHETHER TO PAY FOR ADS OF THEIR ART) and just a place where artists can feel cared for, seen, appreciated and acknowledged.
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dixilanddelight · 1 year
Hello I'm a 38 yr old single parent who just got thrown out of our home because we were victims of a scam the lady who said she owned the property was a scammer because she does not own it and when the real owners found out they made us move they only gave us 15 days and that's no time to find another place to live.i also have a 1 yr old grandbaby who lives with me and now we have nowhere to go and I'm currently out of work but actively seeking work daily. But I have no transportation so it's very hard. Anything helps because motels are expensive thanks.
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savage-rhi · 2 years
Can I get when ada run into Leon’s 17 year old daughter it’s been on my mind all day 😂
Sure thing!
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Ada wasn't sure what she expected. For all intents and purposes, the teenager that was sitting at the back end of the café' was the spitting image of her father. Basically, if Leon had longer hair and looked more feminine. For a moment, Ada wondered if the gal was Leon but in disguise. She shook her head, letting out a sigh.
This wasn't the way Ada intended going about meeting Leon again, but she had no other way of getting a hold of him. Ever since they broke off contact years ago, he had made it incredibly hard for Ada to find him. She couldn't blame Leon for it though. They didn't exactly leave on the best of the terms, but with his life in danger, she had to talk to him. Even if she had to turn his kiddo into a messenger pigeon of sorts.
"Hey," Ada approached the table. She watched as Leon's daughter did a double take then smiled briefly.
"Hey yourself." She gestured for Ada to take a seat across from her. Ada obliged.
"Thanks for meeting me here."
"No problem. Though I gotta say, its weird having a friend of my dads contact me out of the blue. Why not approach him yourself?"
"About that," Ada sighed and took off her sun glasses. She sat them on top of the table. "I may not have been forward. You see, your dad and I--well, we're old work colleagues."
"From when he was a government agent, right?"
"Correct," Ada nodded. "I don't know how much you know about his old life, but something from our mutual past has come up. It's important he knows about it."
Leon's daughter raised a brow. She carefully studied Ada, seemingly sizing her up from the looks of things.
"I take it you made my dad mad." She chuckled.
"What made you jump to that conclusion?" Ada was impressed with her deduction to say the least.
"He tends to give people the cold shoulder when he's angry at them. Disappears off the face of the planet for a while. I wouldn't be surprised if that's what he did to you."
"Well," Ada shook her head. "I guess the cats out of the bag then."
"Guess so!"
Ada smirked a little. She didn't care much for kids, but Leon's kid was beginning to become an exception.
"What's your name?"
"Jade," The teen replied. "Nothing special. And...Ada, right?"
"Yep." Ada nodded.
"Alright," Jade smiled. "I'll help you and my dad reconnect, but it's gonna cost you."
"Are you...serious?"
Jade nodded, raising her brows for emphasis. "I mean you're some random stranger that claims to know my dad, and besides your first name I have no clue about you. Not to mention you somehow got a hold of my number, which by the way, is creepy. So yeah. Of course it's gonna cost you something."
Ada's body tensed. She glanced at the clock nearby, checked the line for orders and made a mental note to herself: this was gonna be a while.
If you like my work and feel generous, feel free to donate to my ko-fi account or my cash app account!
Cash App: $JayRex1463
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jaidenhgb · 2 years
*taps mic* Is this thing on? Excellent. Let’s get to the introductions.
Hey, I’m Jai (pronounced “Jay”).
I wrote a book.
It’s called _Poems I Wrote for Nobody, in Advance._
If you’re a fan of Avatar: the Last Airbender (or a general nature buff), you’re in luck—it’s sectioned into the repping elements. If you’re a lovey-dovey person—it’s got that too (in a way that encompasses everybody, so don’t fret, fellow EllGeeBeeTees). Looking for a book that safely talks about ideation without shaming you for feeling it? That’s in there too. Call yourself a fan of Black history & literature? Also included. A non-traditional spiritualist or someone just looking for new perspectives on life? Well would you believe it—I gotchu too. Not much one for poetry, but wouldn’t mind a new place to start? Start here.
If you wanna support me long-term, the best way to do that is through my book. Find _Poems I Wrote for Nobody, in Advance_ in my Linktree, as well as samples to my other work.
“But Jai—we don’t even know you. You literally made this account this morning. How am I to support someone I don’t know?”
Very fair, very fair. Baseline—I’m an artist, with my most common trade being writing. I write from the intersections of Blackness, queerness [nonbinary; aro/ace (demi, specifically)], fatness, disability [ADHD, autism, depression, anxiety, etc.] and various other forms of social insecurity. To know me at my fullest extents is to know the vastness of the Human™️ experience, which means if you can’t meet me at *all* my intersections, you can probably see some of you in my story *somewhere.* And if you *can* meet me at *all* my intersections, I just feel liiiiikeeeeee…we should be friends. Besties, even.
“So, ok. Cool. Nice to know you. But why’d you make this account?”
Truth is, I need some help. Remember how I said I exist at many places of social insecurity? Yeah, I mean that very literally. I had to leave my old job for health reasons, and have been using the time to apply to places (and write this book/build a personal site/update all my application materials/literally survive day-to-day). Been applying to places for about 3 months straight, and nothing has come back *yet* (though I remain hopeful). But I’ve got bills to pay and food to eat in the meantime, so I need all the help I can get.
So again—to support me *long* term, get my book! Share what inspires you. Keep the conversations around it going. But for *immediate* support, please donate to the other links in my LinkTree (notably my Cash App, which is also pictured). Rent is right around the corner, and as I’m sure a lotta my fellow EllGeeBeeTees can attest to—I’d much rather stay secure in my own place than have to return “home” (to read more about *that,* check my “Weekly Writings” under “Transactionality, as Love’s Replacement”).
So, that’s it for now. I’ll update y’all as I get updates on my end. When I meet my goal, I’ll repost this but without the crowdfunding things so y’all can still have that intro to me present.
Thank you all in advance for the support, and I’m excited to see what we build in this little corner of the interwebs. It’s only up from here.
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bluntzhou · 8 days
How to Quickly Sell Your Phone with Phoneto™: Best Platforms for Instant Cash
In today's tech-driven world, phones quickly become outdated, and many of us, including myself, often find ourselves with old devices just sitting around. Throwing them away feels wasteful, and selling them seems like a hassle. But if you're looking for a fast and simple way to sell your phone, this guide highlights the best platforms for getting instant cash offers.
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Why Sell Your Old Phone Sooner?
The smartphone market depreciates rapidly, with old models losing value quickly. For instance, Decluttr data shows that a new iPhone can lose up to 40%-60% of its value in the first year. The iPhone 14, released in 2023, saw its price drop by 42% within nine months. That’s why selling your phone sooner ensures you get the best possible price.
Moreover, phones degrade over time, with battery life shortening and screens wearing down, which lowers their resale value. Whether you want to maximize your return or reduce waste, selling your phone sooner rather than later is always the best option.
The Environmental Impact
The world is facing a growing e-waste problem, with over 50 million tons of electronic waste generated globally each year. Only 20% of that is properly recycled, according to a UN report. Selling your phone doesn’t just benefit your wallet—it also contributes to reducing e-waste. As more people become environmentally conscious, selling used phones to recycling agencies has become a popular choice, especially in regions like Europe and the US, where environmental awareness is growing. By selling your phone, you help protect the planet and support the circular economy.
Top Platforms for Quick Cash Offers
While platforms like eBay or Craigslist are well-known, they can take time and effort, with price negotiations and unreliable buyers. If you need quick cash, here are faster and more reliable options:
Physical Buyback Stores Retailers such as Apple Store, Best Buy, and Verizon offer fast in-store evaluations and instant cash or store credit. Apple’s 2023 Trade-In Program allows you to trade in an iPhone 13 for nearly $400, which you can apply toward a new device. It's a quick, hassle-free option for those upgrading their phones.
Online Buyback Platforms If you'd rather avoid leaving the house, online buyback platforms are convenient for getting an instant quote and quick payment.
Gazelle: Known for fast transactions, Gazelle offers an average processing time of under 48 hours. Once you ship the phone, you can receive payment quickly via PayPal or check.
Decluttr: As one of the largest recycling platforms, Decluttr provides free shipping and competitive quotes, with users averaging around $250 for a typical device.
Phoneto: A rising star in the buyback market, Phoneto offers instant quotes and fast payouts. Users have praised its intuitive interface and competitive pricing, with some earning up to $350 for newer models like the iPhone 13. After you ship your phone for free, Phoneto ensures payment within 48 hours.
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Carrier Buyback Programs Carriers like Verizon, AT&T, and T-Mobile offer trade-in programs that can be completed within minutes. These programs are ideal if you’re upgrading your phone, with Verizon's program offering up to $1,000 in credit for top models.
Second-Hand Marketplaces Although slower, platforms like Swappa are becoming popular in 2024, offering secure transactions. Unlike eBay, Swappa provides protection for both buyers and sellers, making it a safer option for private sales. With 30% growth in transactions in 2023, average sale prices for phones range from $250 to $400 depending on the condition.
Prepping Your Phone for Sale
Before selling, protect your data by:
Restoring factory settings
Removing your SIM card
Unlinking iCloud or Google accounts
Deleting personal apps and data
These steps not only ensure your privacy but can also help you fetch a higher price for your device.
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Selling your phone can be fast and easy with the right platform. Whether you choose a physical store, online buyback platform, or carrier program, there are plenty of reliable options for turning your old phone into cash. In 2024, platforms like Phoneto, Gazelle, and carrier buyback programs offer some of the best ways to get instant offers while contributing to sustainability.
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rajanmalhotra · 12 days
Top benefits of using a QR code scanner:
Nowadays, it's impossible to live in the modern world without QR codes and contactless payments. Because they are so simple and adaptable, these decades-old technologies have many uses in industry and transportation.
Only recently have contactless payments and QR codes begun to permeate the consumer sphere; COVID-19's concerns about social isolation helped their widespread adoption. In this post, you will learn a lot about QR code scanner:
It's simple to begin taking touch-free payments with QR codes:
It might not be worthwhile redesigning your payment process or investing in new equipment merely to take a few touch-free payments, as many touch-free payment methods call for a specific payment terminal.
On the other hand, all you need to use QR codes is a regular printer. Accepting remote payments only takes a few seconds once you print your QR code.
Payments with QR codes are safe:
How secure are QR code payments for your customers? A QR code connects your account to the customer's payment app, not sensitive payment data. Customers can pay you without disclosing sensitive information like account numbers because the app encrypts their payment data.
Appeal to the Crowd:
Furthermore, customers find QR codes a convenient alternative to searching for their wallet or handbag because they can easily scan them using their smartphone. This is particularly helpful for processing payments at outdoor events and festivals, where space is frequently restricted, and transactions may need to be completed promptly.
Boost Loyalty to Brands:
Additionally, you may strengthen your ties with customers and boost customer loyalty by creating customized promos only available to buyers who scan QR codes. For example, you may provide rewards points for consistently using QR code scanner payments or discounts exclusively available through these methods.
Hassle is eliminated from the consumer journey with QR codes:
The easier it is for customers to check out, the fewer processes involved. Here's where QR codes come in handy. Before they could finish checking out in the past, consumers had to locate their register, scrabble to find their card, scan it, and confirm their details.
You can allow clients to conveniently finish their transactions from their mobile devices with a few taps by utilizing QR codes for payments. It's quick and practical.
Scans of QR codes can be tracked:
Businesses can utilize QR codes to gather data insights about customer habits and transaction trends because they can be tracked.
For instance, is there a certain time or day of the week when more sales are being made? Do customers immediately make a purchase after scanning a QR code, or do they just browse your website after scanning a QR code? How often do they bounce back? Utilize QR codes to find the answers to these queries and improve your future tactics.
Extremely versatile:
Finally, you are open regarding personalization as QR codes are quite flexible and allow you to change the design to suit your requirements. Encrypted data transmissions are also possible with QR codes to offer even more protection when making payments.
Bottom Line:
The above points clearly explain the benefits of QR code scanners. If you are going to a shop without cash in your hand, using the Upi app, you can just scan the QR code scanner and pay whatever your bill is.
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martinarecolvice · 1 month
Salvation Army Near Me
Finding a Salvation Army location nearby is easier than you might think. The organization has numerous centers across the United States and beyond, making it readily accessible for those looking to donate or seek assistance. Simply use your favorite search engine and type "Salvation Army near me" to get instant results.
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Many people also rely on mapping apps for quick directions. These tools can provide not just locations but also hours of operation, so you know when they are open. This is especially helpful if you're planning a visit after work or on weekends.
The Salvation Army's website offers a handy store locator feature as well. Enter your zip code or city name, and it will display all nearby outlets along with their services. Each location generally hosts thrift stores where donated items are sold at affordable prices.
If you need specific services like food pantries, clothing distribution, or housing assistance, it's essential to check what each site provides. Some locations may focus more on one area than another, depending on community needs.
Additionally, many Salvation Army branches have social media pages that provide updates about events and programs in your local area. Engaging with these platforms can keep you informed about upcoming initiatives and ways to support your community further.
Types of donations does the Salvation Army accept
The Salvation Army is known for its dedication to helping those in need, and one of the ways it does this is by accepting donations from individuals, businesses, and organizations. Here are some of the types of donations that the Salvation Army typically accepts:
1. Monetary donations: These are cash or check donations that can be made online, in person at a Salvation Army location, or through mail.
2. Clothing: The Salvation Army accepts gently used clothing for men, women, and children. This includes items such as shirts, pants, jackets, shoes, and accessories.
3. Furniture: The organization also accepts furniture donations such as sofas, chairs, tables, dressers, and mattresses. These items must be in good condition without any major tears or stains.
4. Household items: The Salvation Army also accepts household items such as dishes, silverware, small appliances (in working condition), bedding and linens.
5. Electronics: Donations of electronics like TVs, computers/laptops (less than 5 years old), printers/scanners/copiers (less than 3 years old), and other small electronics are accepted.
6. Vehicles: The Salvation Army has a vehicle donation program where you can donate your car, truck or other vehicle to help fund their programs.
7. Food: Non-perishable food items are accepted and distributed to those in need through the Salvation Army's food pantry.
8. Toys: During the holiday season, the Salvation Army accepts donations of new, unwrapped toys for their annual toy drive.
9. Books: The organization accepts donations of books, both fiction and non-fiction, for their thrift stores or for their literacy programs.
10. Jewelry: The Salvation Army accepts donations of jewelry that can be sold in their thrift stores to help fund their programs.
It is always best to check with your local Salvation Army location to see what specific items they are currently accepting as donation needs may vary by location.  
Why Donate to the Salvation Army?
Donating to the Salvation Army is a powerful way to impact your community. The organization has been serving those in need since 1865, providing essential services and support for individuals facing hardship. Your contributions help fund programs that assist with food, shelter, and rehabilitation.
Another reason to donate is the commitment of the Salvation Army to transparency and accountability. They ensure that donations directly benefit those who require assistance rather than being absorbed into administrative costs. This trust builds confidence among donors.
Furthermore, donating items you no longer use helps reduce waste while supporting a cause you care about. It’s an environmentally friendly choice that aligns with sustainable living practices. By choosing to give, you're not only decluttering your space but also making room for positive change in others' lives.
Who Benefits From Your Donation?
When you donate to the Salvation Army, your contributions positively impact various individuals and families in need. The organization provides vital support to those facing homelessness, hunger, or financial hardship. Your items help create a safety net for vulnerable populations.
Additionally, proceeds from donated goods fund essential programs such as job training and rehabilitation services. These initiatives empower people to regain independence and self-sufficiency. By donating, you're not just giving away unwanted items; you are fostering hope for a brighter future.
Moreover, the Salvation Army serves communities through emergency assistance programs that address immediate needs like food distribution and disaster relief. Your donation plays a crucial role in sustaining these life-changing efforts while promoting community resilience during challenging times.
How to schedule your Salvation Army Donation pick-up
Scheduling a Salvation Army pick-up is a simple process that can be completed in a few easy steps.
1. Visit the Salvation Army website: Start by visiting the Salvation Army website, www.salvationarmy.org. You will see a “Schedule a Pickup” button on the homepage.
2. Enter your zip code: On the pickup scheduling page, enter your zip code into the designated box and click “Go.” This will direct you to the local Salvation Army donation center in your area.
3. Select items to donate: Once you have selected your location, you will be prompted to select which items you would like to donate. You can choose from categories such as clothing, furniture, household goods, and more.
4. Choose a date and time: After selecting your items, you will be directed to a calendar where you can choose a date and time for your pick-up. Note that not all locations offer pick-up services every day of the week, so be sure to check availability before choosing a date.
5. Provide contact information: Fill out the required fields with your name, address, phone number, and email address so that the Salvation Army can confirm your appointment and send you a receipt for tax purposes.
6. Confirm your pick-up: After reviewing all the information provided, click “Submit” to confirm your pick-up appointment. You will receive a confirmation email with the details of your scheduled pick-up.
7. Prepare your donation items: Before the scheduled pick-up date, make sure to have all your donation items gathered and ready for the Salvation Army driver. It is recommended to label each item with a “SA” sticker or mark it with a visible sign so that the driver knows which items are designated for donation.
8. Be present during pick-up: On the day of your scheduled pick-up, make sure to be present at the designated time so that you can hand over your donations to the Salvation Army driver. If you are unable to be there, make arrangements for someone else to be present on your behalf.
Following these steps will ensure a smooth and hassle-free process for scheduling your Salvation Army donation pick-up. Your donations will help support those in need and make a positive impact in your community.
Dropping off your donation instead?
If you prefer to drop off your donation instead of scheduling a pick-up, the Salvation Army makes it easy. They have numerous donation centers located throughout cities and towns. This option allows you to deliver items at your convenience.
Before heading out, check the Salvation Army's website for nearby drop-off locations. Different centers may accept various types of donations or have specific hours for drop-offs. Being informed helps ensure that your contributions are accepted without any hassle.
When you arrive at the center, follow the posted instructions for dropping off items. Staff members are often on-site to assist with unloading and provide guidance on what can be donated. Your generosity is appreciated and directly benefits those in need within your community.
Salvation Army Donation Process
The Salvation Army donation process  varies depending on the type of donation you would like to make. Here is a general overview of the steps involved in donating to The Salvation Army:
1. Decide what type of donation you would like to make: The Salvation Army accepts donations in various forms, including cash, clothing, household items, vehicles, and more. You can choose to donate one or multiple items.
2. Find a donation location: The Salvation Army has various donation drop-off locations throughout the country. You can use their online locator tool to find a location near you.
3. Prepare your items for donation: If you are donating clothing or household items, make sure they are clean and in good condition. If you are donating furniture or appliances, they should be in working condition.
4. Make your donation: Bring your items to the designated drop-off location during their operating hours and hand them over to the staff or volunteers.
5. Get a receipt: After making your donation, ask for a receipt from the staff or volunteers. This will serve as proof of your donation for tax purposes.
6. Consider scheduling a pickup: If you have large items such as furniture that cannot be dropped off at a location, you can schedule a pickup with The Salvation Army. They will come to your home to pick up the items at a scheduled time.
7. Cash donations: If you would like to make a cash donation, you can do so online through The Salvation Army's website or by mailing a check to their headquarters.
8. Vehicle donations: To donate a vehicle, you will need to fill out an online form on The Salvation Army's website and schedule a pickup. They accept cars, trucks, boats, RVs, and more.
9. Tax deduction: Make sure to keep your receipt or any other documentation for your donation as it may be tax-deductible. Consult with a tax professional for more information.
10. Thank you letter: After making your donation, The Salvation Army may send you a thank-you letter or email expressing their gratitude for your generosity.
Note that the specific process may vary slightly depending on the location and type of donation. It is always best to check with your local Salvation Army branch for their specific procedures. 
Can You Get a Tax Deduction When Donating to the Salvation Army?
When you donate to the Salvation Army, you may be eligible for a tax deduction. The organization is recognized as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, meaning your contributions are tax-deductible under IRS guidelines. However, there are specific rules and limitations that apply.
To claim this deduction, ensure that you keep detailed records of your donations. This includes receipts from the Salvation Army and notes on the value of items given. For non-cash donations like clothing or furniture, it's important to assess their fair market value accurately.
Be aware of any thresholds set by the IRS regarding charitable contributions. If your total donation exceeds $500 in a year, additional forms will need to be submitted with your tax return. Consulting with a tax professional can help clarify any uncertainties about maximizing your deductions.
Donating to the Salvation Army through their pick-up service is a simple yet impactful way to declutter your space while supporting those in need. Whether you choose to schedule a pickup or drop off your items, every contribution makes a difference. Your donations help fund various programs that assist individuals and families facing hardships.
Understanding the donation process can make it easier for you to participate. Additionally, remember that you may be eligible for tax deductions when donating, which adds an extra layer of benefit to your generosity.
By choosing the Salvation Army for your charitable giving, you're not just cleaning out unwanted items; you're actively participating in community support and upliftment. Take action today with their convenient pick-up services or donation centers, and know that your contributions are making a positive impact on countless lives.
What types of donations does the Salvation Army accept?
The Salvation Army accepts a wide range of donations, including clothing, furniture, household items, electronics, and vehicles. They also accept monetary donations to support their various programs and services.
How can I find the nearest Salvation Army location?
You can find the nearest Salvation Army location by using the store locator on their official website or by searching "Salvation Army near me" on a map application. You can also call their hotline for assistance in finding a nearby center.
What services does the Salvation Army provide at local centers?
The Salvation Army offers various services at their local centers, including emergency shelter, food assistance, rehabilitation programs, job training, and disaster relief. The specific services may vary by location.
What are the hours of operation for the Salvation Army in my area?
Hours of operation for Salvation Army locations can vary. It's best to check the specific hours of your local center by visiting their website, calling ahead, or using an online map service to view their business hours.
How can I schedule a donation pick-up with the Salvation Army?
To schedule a donation pick-up, you can visit the Salvation Army's website and use their online scheduling tool. Alternatively, you can call their donation hotline to arrange a convenient time for your items to be collected.
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