#can you have 2 cash app accounts
sweatytyrantking · 6 months
What is a Cash App Account?
What is a Cash App Account?
Cash App has quickly become one of the most popular digital payment platforms, providing users with a convenient and secure way to send and receive money. However, not all Cash App accounts are created equal. In this article, we will discuss the concept of verified Cash App accounts, their importance and why you should consider purchasing them for your business. We’ll also address the security concerns of purchasing a verified Cash App account and provide tips on how to maximize your Cash App experience. So, let’s dive in and discover the benefits of buying a verified Cash App account
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baileyamelia00 · 2 years
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ameliamargaret574 · 2 years
Can You Have 2 Cash App Accounts? Set Up another Cash App Account Do you want to have a proper clarification about Can You Have 2 Cash App Accounts or not? As per Cash App policy and community standards, you can have two Cash App accounts. However, there are a few Conditions you need to follow if you are looking to have two accounts on Cash App.
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quecksilvereyes · 9 months
oh my god do not click links in emails that tell you to verify your data or your bank account gets locked or click links in messages telling you your safety protocol is ending, like, tomorrow, you will get SCAMMED SO BAD AND YOU WILL LOSE A LOT OF FUCKING MONEY never ever let anyone pressure you into giving away login information especially to your online banking by creating a sense of urgency oh my GOD
some things to look out for
1. spelling mistakes. do you know how many rounds of marketing and sales experts these things go through? if theres a spelling mistake dont click it
2. not using your name. if an email adresses you with "dear customer" or, even worse, a generic "ladies and gentlemen", it is most likely not actually targeted to you
3. verifying or login links. even IF your bank was stupid enough to send these to customers, dont EVER click those. look at me. they can legally argue that youve given your data away and thus they dont have to pay you anything back DONT CLICK THAT FUCKING LINK
4. creating a sense of urgency. do this or we lock your account next week. do this or your ebanking stops working tomorrow. give us all your money in cash or your beloved granddaughter will get HANGED FOR MURDERING BABIES. no serious organisation would ever do something like that over email or sms. ever. hands off.
5. ALWAYS CHECK WHO SENT YOU THE EMAIL. the display name and the email adress can vary a LOT. anyone can check the display name. look at the email adress. does it look weird? call the fucking place it says its from. you will likely hear a very weary sigh.
6. if its in a phonecall, scammers love preventing you from hanging up or talking to other people to have a little bit of a think about whats happening. there should always be a possibility to go hey i wanna think about this ill call back the official number thanks.
7. do not, i repeat, do NOT a) call a phone number flashing on your screen promising to rid your computer of viruses after clicking a dodgy link and b) let them install shit on your computer like. uh. idk. teamviewer.
fun little addendum: did you know a link can just automatically download shit? like. a virus? an app you can't uninstall unless you reset your entire device? dont click links unless youre extremely sure you know where they lead. hover your mouse over it and check the url.
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genderqueerdykes · 7 months
physically disabled schizophrenic homeless trans person about to lose hotel room
hello, i know i have other posts out right now, but i'm in a very terrifying situation right now and i am scared shitless. it is sunday, 2/25/2024. i got a call back from the government waitlist apartment that i've been approved for, and need to Uber over to their office tomorrow morning to sign paperwork to get moved in later this week. they said the absolute earliest they can move me into my unit is tuesday. my hotel stay runs out on tomorrow, monday morning at 11 am and i am currently waiting on my deposits from my art business to hit my account- they take several days to process, and aren't coming in fast enough. the rest of the money i had on my person went to paying for my hotel up until now and my storage unit bill.
i hate to make another post while i have others circulating, but if i do not get at least monday night paid for before 11 am on 2/26, i will be completely without housing right before i'm able to move into my new place. i don't have anywhere else to stay right now and i can't afford any setbacks with this apartment, as i've been working with them since october. i need to be able to afford my current hotel until they are able to move me in, and uber to and from the complex.
my hotel is currently $38/night:
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please note these are the only payment gateways that will get to me fast enough so i can book more nights in my hotel & afford an uber to and from my new apartment:
cash App: $glitterGraphix venmo: @ Equinoxian pay pal: glittergraphicnightmare@ gmail.com
thank you to everyone who has already helped- your contributions will be able to go toward getting us moved into our new place, buying necessities like appliances, transportation and more. thank you for all of your help. again, sorry for making another post but we are literally down to the wire and i'm anxious as all hell.
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butchmiles · 9 months
At this point what else is there to do?
On a mandatory medical leave that won’t pay me for the going on 2 months and counting of missed pay. The forms and test that need to be done and submitted for the medical leave processing cost money that we just don’t have.
Food assistance was cutoff a while ago and all applications submitted after for re-approval have been denied along with rent assistance and medical assistance 🫠
Looking for remote work in hopes of having a job that doesn’t cause a panic attack at the very thought of being there since ,not surprisingly, having anxiety and a security job don’t mix.
Our current attempts at raising funds is not at all sustainable and our hope going forward is that we can finally raise enough to help with the medical bills that could never fit in our budget even with 2 incomes because of the lack of health insurance, cover rent during the current job searching, and help with the never ending battle of keeping food and medicine in the apartment in the meantime until i’m successfully settled in a new job.
As always anything and everything helps and is so very appreciated!
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bunnisari · 1 year
can you write one when its like, reader x plug!connie where they like toxic off and on, but he still spoils her and all that because they in love fr. he's like a real jealous type and is lowkey overprotective. but they always together and spend alot of time with eachother
No matter what you were always gonna be Connie’s.
No matter how many times you guys “broke up” you still belonged to him and everyone knew.
It was hard to strive as a now “single” woman. All of your old hoes were wiped off the face of the earth somehow (thanks to Connie). Any new guy that has the potential of being just a one night stand was scared away by a pair of emotionless eyes that stared you down from across the club.
Every night out with your girlfriends was ruined, any attempt to hook up with someone. ruined
Connie was everywhere you were. You blocked him on every social media, but he still created more accounts just watching your page. He also had eyes on you everywhere. You’d often see some of his most trusted guys at the mall, updating him on your safety.
His friends are so faithful to him it’s frustrating. Your bestfriends were his bestfriends, due to the fact that you were always around you all just became so close!
But when you have a girls night out with Mikasa and Sasha they are always cockblocking for connie.
“That guy was a dick Y/N”
“I dunno maybe you should just get back with Con”
Everyone around you did nothing but encourage you to get back with him, even your parents!
They love having him around and he’s excellent help in the kitchen!
Connie is fairly toxic but you won’t really notice until you think about it.
He’s got himself so involved in your life and everything you do, people can’t help but ask about him! And that was what he intended to do.
There was no possible way you could forget him, he was everywhere. You broke up with Connie but Connie didn’t break up with you.
You lasted 35 days and 45 minutes before getting back with Connie. Ever since you “broke up” with Connie, you’ve been focusing on a clothing line you’ve been wanting to release. You gave up on trying to go out and find simple one night stands. You were fairly sex deprived but didn’t give in. Nothing a vibrator couldn’t fix.
You were over men and their stupid ass inconsiderate ass feelings. Connie didn’t stop taking care of you though. You’d get random paypals and cash apps from Armin or Eren. $850 - FOR from Connie :)
You still were extremely grateful though. This particular night you decided to go to a party Ony was throwing. You were going out for yourself tonight, plus you haven’t popped out in a while gotta keep these bitches hatin
You walked through the entrance of the house, “Way 2 Sexy” blasting through the speakers.
“Heyy sexyy” Sasha drags out as she wraps her arm around you, holding a cup in her hand. You hug her back with a smile on your face, ready to get wasted.
After many mixed drinks and a blunts worth inside of you. You stumbled to a bathroom, closing the door behind you.
You lip synced to the song that was playing from downstairs, checking yourself out in the mirror. Your eyes were red and low, all your movements sloppy.
As you re-applied your lip gloss, a deep voice spoke out to you.
“You’re avoiding me” You jumped at the sudden voice, thinking you were in the bathroom alone. You looked back in the corner of the bathroom, seeing Connie lean on the wall. He looked good as always.
“Connie just go” You mumbled in irritation, not wanting to give into the man in your drunken state.
“What did I tell you about watching your surroundings mama, hmm?” Connie stepped closer to you, “Didn’t even notice me following you. How are you supposed to stay safe princess” Connie fake pouted at you, looking down at you with pity. You could reject him all you want but your face told it all, you missed him so much.
“Sshut upp” You slurred, attempting to walk around him and out of the door.
“Talk to me” Connie’s hand gripped your waist, pulling you back in-front of him. “There’s nothing to talk about, we areee overrrr” Your own eyes filled with tears.
“Don’t cry mami,” Connie cupped your chin, making you look up at him, “Just take me back. I promise I won’t fuck up anymore. I swear i’m going crazy without you, I can’t stop thinking about you. Just please come back home with me” Connie rushed out, the tattooed drug dealer fought the urge to cry. You’ve been ignoring him like crazy. A part of him felt like you were really done with him and he couldn’t let that happen.
“Okay Connie, I will” You nodded, letting your emotional state take over. Your arms wrapped around Connie, just wanting to feel him. “I’m gonna go home with you”
The next day you were sitting on Connie’s lap at Eren’s house. You sat pressing sticky kisses up and down Connie’s neck while he counted a few bands, a joint resting in his mouth.
Eren rolled his eyes as he walked pass you two on the couch. As annoying as it was, everything felt back normal again. You were right where you were supposed to be, with connie <3
thinking about toxic!yandere!friend group now but in a platonic way
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snoopybutch · 5 months
Autistic butch lesbian e-begging pt 2
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Remaking my post bc I haven’t had anything sent since 4/8/24, but hello, I’m unemployed and waiting for the start date of my job offer to be announced, been unemployed since October despite applying to (counted) around 200 or so jobs, I have $120 to my name and am asking for anything anyone can spare as I don’t know how long I have to wait to get my first paycheck.
Pls reblog, thank you very much :)
TLDR-> autistic butch lesbian w/chronic pain has been unemployed for way longer than I’d like, has job offer and needs to get to my first paycheck-> asking 4 $175
[Plain text and image descriptions: Autistic butch lesbian e-begging pt 2.
[Two stock photos of a person in formalwear or their knees in begging posture.]
Remaking my post bc I haven't had anything sent since 4/8/24, but hello, l'm unemployed and waiting for the start date of my job offer to be announced, been unemployed since October despite applying to (counted) around 200 or so jobs, I have $120 to my name and am asking for anything anyone can spare as I don't know how long I have to wait to get my first paycheck.
Pls reblog, thank you very much :)
TLDR [rightwards pointing arrow] autistic butch lesbian w/chronic pain has been unemployed for way longer than I'd like, has job offer and needs to get to my first paycheck [rightwards pointing arrow] asking 4 $175
So my start date is 5/14 and I think l'm starting right as the pay period ends and won't be paid for another two weeks (will update if wrong)
Looking for more money as it will be a 50 min commute (altogether not one way thank god) and I need money for gas n my car is from 2007 so not great gas mileages
$60/210 \End descriptions]
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spaceoracle · 3 months
I spoke to a reporter, Lucy Tompkins from USA Today, earlier today about my family's situation. She's writing an article about the housing voucher system. I hope our story can help shed some light on a broken system that desperately needs to be overhauled and massively funded. If you give unhoused people a place to stay they can afford, they're not unhoused anymore. It's simple. Mom's birthday is on the third. If anyone would like to donate anything so I can maybe do something nice for her, that would be awesome. We are going to be short on the rent we can usually pay this month, as Mom's job is out for the summer break. Please consider helping to keep us out of the heat as well. Anything and everything helps, folks. Thanks so much and have a beautiful week.
Much love, always, - Austin
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elekid · 7 months
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my account was -$140 and because of fees went over AGAIN
my ability to get housing for my husband and i depends on my having a usable bank account, we won't have any income for the next 1-2 weeks...please please every person that can donate a dollar anything to help us stay afloat while we wait
living in a tent produces unprecendented survival needs because of the climate & lack of access to indoor bathrooms. please assist us in being able to afford basic needs!
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With regard to donating to fund-raisers and the analogy to panhandlers, what do you make of the difference in scale that the internet makes possible? I absolutely agree with the underlying approach — I keep $40 in my wallet so that I always have a $20 to give to panhandlers I see — but there's a limit to how many dishonest panhandlers a person is likely to run into. Internet spam and scams are of a staggeringly larger scale; for example, the head of trust and safety for Dreamwidth has put the scale of these scam networks in the millions of accounts. Obviously vetting practises help a great deal, and I think initiatives like Crips For ESims For Gaza are great, but I'm a little bit hung up on the analogy to in-person panhandling when the scale is so different.
Disclaimer: my tone may sound harsh here, I am having trouble softening my words one this right now, but I truly mean no frustration towards you and really appreciate this question as an opportunity continue this conversation in the Commons constructively
I mean. Make a budget for it?
Like. I've said this before, but given I've decided to hunker down in this foxhole, let's do it again.
All my life I've had a panhandling budget because I came from a family where you simply didn't say no to such requests if you didn't have to. But much like the tired old analogy at this point, you can't help someone else put on an oxygen mask if you've passed out because you don't have enough oxygen yourself.
So my mom told me this was one of those places in life you set a boundary with yourself. Identify how much you can actually safely reliably spend towards financial redistribution, and set it aside in cash each pay period to give out.
My mom's approach was very first come, first served. Whoever asked her, she handed out all her cash. I found that when I was trying to create a similar routine for myself that this led to a constant exposure to people I couldn't serve at all. So I created "allotments". It became my routine to take out a $20 bill at my bank every pay period, and then have the teller give it to me in $5 bills. The first 4 people I met who asked for it got a fiver.
Then came the digital age. Cash wasn't the main way people asked for money anymore, and my fivers were simultaneously going farther and going nowhere at all for weeks on end, especially during the pandemic when I became largely housebound.
These days, I keep $10 cash in 2 fivers, and each pay period I restock it if it's been depleted, and add $10 to a digital distribution fund (I use money transfer apps like venmo, paypal, and cash app for parking this money until expenditure). My allotment is still the same, $5/ask. During low-density ask periods, I will donate my "excess" at the end of a 3month period to a bail fund or prison penpal program, and if there IS no excess, it's because I was able to distribute the funds myself.
They're not big donations, but a lot of the time I've been able to make them recurring. Obviously, genocide upon genocide upon pandemic upon genocide has meant that I rarely have excesses, and many asks have to go unanswered by me. At least if I want to keep my own household alive and well. And I've been told in the past that some even prefer getting my repeat small petty cash funds over getting larger one time donations.
It's still hard to be constantly exposed to desperate asks you can't answer, but when you treat it like a sustainability thing (this is a thing I can continue doing indefinitely vs this is a thing I can only sometimes do without hurting myself).
Like any budget, sometimes things get tight. Mine has been bigger and smaller at times and there have even been deeply painful periods where my budget was, legitimately, $0. But once that changed, I was right back to it.
The more the world changes, the more it stays the same I guess
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baileyamelia00 · 2 years
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verytiny · 2 years
please help me by reblogging
hi. i don’t usually do this. on the 23rd of november (roughly 3 weeks ago) i had a stroke (i’m 28 years old), was hospitalized bc of it as well as diagnosed as having multiple clots in my lungs (pulmonary emboli) & to top it all off, pneumonia. a few months ago i was diagnosed with fibromyalgia after struggling to get a diagnosis. & i’ve been dealing with managing my depression & anxiety for the past 10 years. i’ve been home for 2 weeks & it’s looking like i’ll be off work via doctor’s orders till at least mid january (maybe more if an extension is required depending on how i progress with the left sided weakness the stroke left me with). i used all of my sick pay hours last month, so obviously my check is going to be short the next month & possibly even delayed bc it’ll have to be sent back to be a pay cut. i’m lucky enough to have my parents helping me with regular bills but it’s still hard to get by during the holiday season bc i wanted to buy my family members xmas gifts for being so supportive during this scary chapter of my life. i also had to pay quite a bit of $ on the blood thinners i will now be on for 6 months to help prevent new clots from forming. i’m not asking for a large amount of donations & don’t have any goal in mind, it would just be nice to not have to worry/stress about just scraping by for the next month. i’m looking into applying for state disability as well! my birthday is also january 6th if you want to send a lil something for that so i can get a little treat, it would be greatly appreciated by me. even if you reblog this to get it around so others can donate a small amount i would love u so much for it <3
ca & pp both @ initialfriend
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macgyvermedical · 1 year
Money is absolutely no object. I would not notice a $400 emergency. 
I don’t think about money. I pay for whatever I need or want without thinking about the price. I don’t notice when my paycheck arrives unless my bank app notifies me. Most of my debt is either paid off or "strategic". A $400 emergency would not impact my day-to-day life or even my savings very much.
I don’t think about money much. In fact, I barely notice when my paycheck comes in. I have extra money left over after I spend all I need and want to every month, which makes adding to my savings every month pretty easy. I generally don’t worry about occasional $400 emergencies, because I know I can pay for them out of my savings or even out of my bank account depending on where they fall in my pay cycle. 
I think about money rarely. I notice that my money runs low near payday. I can plan ahead and take money out of my paycheck first to build a savings account, but the money gets eaten up if I do not do this. I am pretty careful about what I buy. Even so, I am comfortable and can weather the occasional $400 emergency without falling behind.  
I think about money some. I live paycheck to paycheck and it is hard to save money even when I try. I frequently buy the cheapest version of something and check my bank account before spending any money. An occasional $400 emergency puts me behind for a month or two but I can easily recover. —--------POVERTY LINE—-------------
I think about money every day. I live paycheck to paycheck, have no savings, and have little or no money the day before payday. Occasionally I fall behind on utilities or recurring payments but I generally have enough for my rent or mortgage. A $400 emergency would put me behind for several months and would be difficult to fully recover from. 
I think about money every day. I live paycheck to paycheck, have no savings, and go broke multiple days before payday. Frequently, I am behind on one or more payments, but I can usually swing paying for what would otherwise be turned off. My rent or mortgage is usually something I have to plan carefully and sometimes give up other necessities for, but I have never been in danger of eviction. A $400 emergency would take 6 months or more to recover from, and in that time I may have several utilities shut off temporarily. Fortunately I would probably not go hungry during this time if I prioritize. 
I think about money constantly. I live paycheck to paycheck, but it feels like the money is gone as soon as I get it. I spend more than a week between paychecks with no money at all. I am frequently in danger of having utilities shut off, have had them shut off temporarily in the past, and am frequently late on my rent or mortgage to the point where I have been threatened with eviction/foreclosure multiple times. Several days or more per month I worry about not having enough to eat. A $400 emergency would cause me to become homeless. 
I am living in a vehicle, with a friend, or living in a tent with a nearby storage locker. I have some cash income, which goes to maintaining this and other necessities like food. I can generally get by and have some material resources, but I am not comfortable. I could never hope to recover from a $400 emergency. 
I am alternating between being completely unhoused and living in a shelter. I cannot store belongings or food and have little or no cash income. I rely on free and charity food for nutrition.
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Cater's Backstory - Monster AU
Monster: Gumiho/Kumiho (Korean folklore, similar to the Japanese Kitsune, shapeshifting abilities) Word Count: ~ 0.74K Relationships mentioned: The Diamond family (2 sisters, (eldest, Katryna, middle, Casey, hc names), mother, (Regina, hc name), father, (Cody)), Indescript People from the internet TW: Minor texting adults/Cater has a fake dating profile at 13, shitty sisters + mom, parents fighting, self esteem issues, family life vlogger, etc.
"YOU CUT OFF MY ALLOWANCE CODY, I HAD TO WOMAN UP AND MAKE MONEY SOMEHOW. I GREW THOSE LITTLE SHITS INSIDE OF ME AFTER YOU PUT EM IN ME, THE LEAST THEY CAN DO IS MAKE ME SOME MONEY!.....BESIDES, THIS WAY I DON'T HAVE TO RELY ON SOME DIRTY CHEATER'S CASH LIKE YOURS!" Cater could hear his parents going back and forth in the kitchen for maybe the third or fourth time this week, as it had been....the third or fourth time his mother had tried to shoot a baking video with him in it. His sisters segments had gone off without a hitch, apparently, but his mother kept stop and going when he was involved to make sure the way he looked was "perfect" according to her standards. He tried to block out the yells from the other room, his ears folding back against his head as he brought four of his nine tails to snuggle into, in front of him. While he wasn't a fan of the shooting process, or the way his mom made him shapeshift his face or body to fit her demands, he loved sitting with her once the video went up and watching as views and likes and comments would start pouring in. The feeling was....maybe the only good thing he got to have. Which is why he took it upon himself to find that feeling again whenever he felt upset. He sat up a little, looking for his phone as he used his tail to wipe at his eyes, sniffling a bit. It only took a moment to locate it, and once he had it, he opened it to the camera. He frowned a bit. It was too close to his face...to not be his face, but it wasn't his face. His nose was narrowed, his cheeks had been slimmed in, his eyes were upturned and a little bigger, his lips were slightly more plump than they were meant to be. He shook his head a little, wanting to start from scratch. It was always easier to shift starting from a familiar base. He took a deep breath before focusing on himself in the camera again. First, all he had to do was try to match how Katryna looked - even if their mom never knew, he certainly knew how many times she had snuck out of the house to sleepover at someone else's place. People wanted her. That's what made her a good base, and given that they were siblings, there wasn't all that much he had to change to match her. Once he was satisfied with his facial structure, he turned his hair longer than it was, just to his shoulders. He watched his ginger locks turn black, with a blue streak in it, and turned the colour of his eyes from green to blue to match his hair. He made his cheeks a little thinner and his nose more button-like. It wasn't like this was his first time. It only took him about a minute to come up with a face that wasn't his that he thought might be pretty enough, before taking several photos and choosing his favourites. He opened up the dating app on his phone that he had hidden in a locked file, under a different user profile. He knew his mom would loose it if she caught glimpse of it, thus the measures he took to hide it from her. It wasn't like he was supposed to have it in the first place....but thirteen was close enough to eighteen, right? Besides, the compliments he got- rather, his "character" got, made him feel happy. And this way, he controlled what was going on the internet, and how he interacted with people, and all without his mothers interference. It was perfect. He made a new account, posted the picture and a made up biography before starting to swipe right on every single person that came up. He didn't have to wait long for the compliments to file in, or the "its a match!" to fill his screen. He smiled to himself, before opening the most interesting opener and starting to chat, like he had done so many times before, ready and willing to do whatever it took to get that feeling.
---------------------------------------------------------- A/N: Hiya! If you made it here, you might want to check out my other Twstober works here, or if you're looking for some fluff after that fic, you can check out my main masterlist here. Ask box is open if you have any questions! Thanks for reading!
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03minyard · 1 year
Hello everyone
I’m going to be flying to Ukraine for a family emergency and as a result will not be working for 2 weeks. After paying for the plane ticket and bus fees, I’ll have a really hard time paying bills this upcoming month. I would be eternally thankful for any donations!
Cashapp: https://cash.app/$KrisMalenchan
Venmo: https://venmo.com/u/kmalenchan
PayPal: https://www.paypal.me/lazmal
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