#how to dance in Ohio for best musical
the-river-rix · 7 months
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This show changed my life
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ya-what--ya-erster · 8 months
Ohio obsession anyone?
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And then I said thank you prayers for the blend option, paint bucket, color match, and reference images
(read tags lol it explains the random shift in art style)
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bestmusicalworldcup · 9 months
can i submit how to dance in ohio for the best musical bracket? (not that i think it’ll win bc it literally just opened but still. it deserves more hype)
Submission accepted!
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mamaestapa · 1 year
Room For One More
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•pairing : Joe Burrow x reader
•series summary: Y/n Hubbard, the younger sister of Cincinnati Bengals Defensive End Sam Hubbard, finds herself in a difficult situation after a steamy hookup with her brothers best friend, who just so happens to be the quarterback for the Bengals. In just nine months their lives will be changed forever. How will Y/n and Joe manage to to go through parenthood together? more so, how will Sam take the news he is going to be the uncle of his best friends baby?
•chapter summary: You and Joe take an important step to make sure your baby will always have both parents present. Soak in the sweet moments before the angst begins…
•word count: 3.3k
•warnings: pregnancy, fluff, mentions of confrontation and angst, mentions of sex, I think that's all?
series masterlist
March 17, 2023
4 months pregnant
You did one last look through your apartment before you headed down to the front office of the complex to return your key. Today, you are moving out of your little one bedroom apartment in Cincinnati, and moving into a much bigger and better space.
That space being Joe's home.
That's right, you are moving in with Joe.
Joe asked you to move in with him when the two of you shared a moment with each other after the gender reveal party. Dancing to music with the sunset in the background brought out all of the emotions shared between you and Joe that day...
~7 days earlier~
Joe smiled down at you as you confessed your love to him. He felt his heart swell with joy at your words. It made him feel like he was 20 years old again, telling you how much he loved you at Ohio State.
Well, he never did get to tell you he loved you all those years ago. That moment was ripped away from Joe by your older brother...
But he has been, and always will be in love with you.
As "Crash Into Me" finished playing, the opening chords of Lifehouse's "Everything" began to play. You and Joe continued to sway along to the slow, soft music. The two of you cherishing the moment with just each other, and the little boy in your belly. As much as you enjoyed the moment, both of you knew there was still so much you had to talk about.
Your relationship status...well, you did just confess your love for one another. That's enough reassurance for now.
Sam not coming to the gender reveal...you'd be seeing him in a couple weeks for his wife Emma's baby shower anyways. You could confront him then.
The OSU situation the came to light that you have yet to discuss...that can be saved for another time. No need to ruin a perfect moment with something like that.
But Joe knew that right now, in the moment, there was something more important he needed to discuss with you than those three things.
“Y/n” Joe said softly, making you hum in response. The look on Joe’s face made you furrow your eyebrows slightly. His adam’s apple bobbed as he gulped nervously. Joe averted his gaze from yours, making you move your hand from behind his back to his shoulder, giving it a gentle squeeze. Joe brought his gaze back to you as he smiled softly. He seemed like he had something to say, something important.
“What is it Joe?” You asked as you began to absentmindedly rub his shoulder with your thumb.
Joe sucked in a breath before giving you a look of apprehension. The look on his face was starting to concern you a bit.
He let out the breath he was holding before saying, “I was thinking a couple days ago. It’s just a thought and you don’t need to give me an answer yet.”
You cocked your head to the side, slightly confused, “Okay?…”
What was it that Joe could be so worried to talk to you about? You pondered as he had
“I want our baby—our son, to,” his hands traveled to the sides of your swollen tummy as he sighed, “to have both parents around in his life, all the time.”
“He will Joe, I-.”
“We don’t need to rush into anything—relationship wise that is, but I think it would be good if you,” he sighed, closing his mouth and deciding not to finish his thought.
You frowned, “Good if I what?”
“If you move in with me.” Joe finished, his mouth forming in a straight line and heart pounding in his chest as he waited anxiously for your response.
Your mouth fell open at his suggestion. Move in with him? That’s a pretty big step.
“You don’t have to, Y/n. I just thought-.”
“Okay.” You cut him off. You know it’s the right thing to do for your baby. Even if you and Joe aren’t together, it’s a good idea for your baby boy to have some stability in his life when it’s time for him to enter the world.
Joe’s breath hitched, “Yeah?”
A small smile pulled at your lips. “Yeah,” you nodded, “I’ll move in with you.”
~4 days later~
Moving your sunglasses up to your forehead and off of of your face, you took a deep breath as you knocked on the door in front of you. You stepped back from the door and crossed your arms over your chest, letting them rest on your belly. As you stood outside the door, you heard a muffled voice and heavy footsteps grow closer. The door swung open, Joe greeting you with a small smile as he dried his hair with a towel.
"Y/n, hi." He sounded a little shocked to see you.
"Hey Joe,"you smiled slightly, sucking in a breath and letting out a light laugh, "got room for one more?" you asked, gesturing to the car in the driveway full of your belongings. A grin broke out on Joe's face at your words. He was so excited for you to move in with him, spending late nights and early mornings cleaning the house and preparing rooms for both you and the baby.
"Yeah," he nodded, his smile growing, "I think I do."
You smiled in response, "Good because I've already packed everything up and i'm too lazy to move it all back to my apartment." Joe tossed is bath towel to the floor. He chuckled as he stepped onto the concrete and walked up to where you stood. Joe grabbed your hand, lacing his fingers with your as he walked with you to your car. You didn't have much, but you still had a significant amount of boxes piled into your car. You knew you wouldn't be able to carry everything in yourself, nor would Joe even allow you to do that. So it was nice to have Joe's help carrying in everything.
About four trips to the car and ten boxes later, all of your belongings were now inside of Joe's house.
Joe grunted as he picked up and placed the last box labeled "kitchen items" on the granite island. He wiped his forehead, "Phew," he breathed out, "that's the last one." You smiled, "Thank you for helping me."
Joe nodded, "It's no problem. I didn't want you to carry anymore than you already did at your apartment," he gestured to your bump, "I don't want you or the baby to get hurt." He cared so much for that little peanut growing in your belly. It just warmed your heart. Joe is going to be a great dad.
"Don't worry," you reassured Joe, "I had help from a really nice guy who lived down the hall from me. He happens to be an athletic trainer, so carrying all those boxes was nothing to him."
Joe scoffed, "I wish i could say the same..." he begrudgingly glanced at his biceps, "You've got a lot of stuff, Y/n." Joe finished as you reached out to touch his bicep. It was bulging out of his black compression shirt more than usual. "It looks like you're working on it though..." you trailed off, "you've got some more muscle than usual. I like it."
Joe just chuckled at you as you scrunched your nose up at him. Pulling your hand away you sighed softly. "But I know, I do. If it makes you feel any better though, I think you looked much better carrying those boxes than Ryan did." you said with a teasing smile. Joe just smiled sheepishly, "Thanks."
The air was tense as the two of you stood in Joe's kitchen, surrounded by boxes full of unpacked items and memories. As you stood together, Joe's blue eyes left yours, traveling down to your lips instead. His chest rose with a deep breath as he then brought his eyes back to yours again. The air was so tense in the moment as your breath hitched, expecting to feel Joe's lips on yours. Joe wanted to lean in for a kiss, but he held back, instead snapping out the moment as he nervously rubbed his palms on his shorts.
"So uh," he cleared his throat, "how about we unpack all this tomorrow?" he gestured to the boxed behind him. "I'm sure it's been an exhausting day for you, and you need rest."
As Joe said the word "rest", you yawned. You were pretty exhausted. Moving is a lot of work, especially when you're pregnant.
"Yeah" you said, rubbing your tired eyes, "sleep does sound pretty great right now." Joe chuckled as he nodded. He pushed himself off of the counter and waved you over as he exited the kitchen. "Follow me, I'll show you your room."
You followed Joe up the flight of stairs to where the bedrooms were. You followed him down the hallway, walking past his film room, an empty bedroom and his bedroom, before finally making it to the guest bedroom at the end of the hall. Joe stopped in front of the door, opening the door for you and letting you walk into the room before him.
"You're welcome to stay in the guest bedroom, but," his voice grew soft as he gestured down the hallway, " just know there's room in there too..."
Joe was referring to his bedroom. You gave him a teasing smirk as you said, "Your film room?" Joe rolled his eyes at your playful remark. "Duh." was all he said, making both of you chuckle softly. You thought it was sweet of him to offer his room to you too, but you figured you would stay in the guest bedroom.
It just makes things easier. For both you and Joe.
"I appreciate that, thank you." you said genuinely. You gestured to the queen sized bed with the dark gray comforter, "but I think I'll be fine in here."
Joe nodded, "Yeah, I just wanted to offer that space to you. What's mine is yours now, I guess." You smiled, "Yeah, I guess so."
It felt weird to be living in the same house as Joe. But it was a good weird. This was something you dreamed if years ago, and now that dream is finally coming true. And boy would Sam kill you if he found out...
Speaking of Sam, you still haven't talked to him since the night you told him that you're pregnant. You're still upset that he didn't show up at the gender reveal, and you know that Joe is just as upset as you are, too. However, the two of you will get to confront him in a few days.
His wife Emma is having her baby shower soon. She invited you and Joe, meaning you'll have to see Sam. Seeing Sam means you will finally get the opportunity to confront him about everything. His reaction to the baby...why he's been avoiding you and Joe...why he didn't show up to the gender reveal...why he was responsible for Joe leaving you behind all those years ago...
It all made you so angry. He's your brother. Your built in best friend. Why did he have to be such a dick about the whole situation? Yeah his best friend knocked you up, but Sam has done much shittier things to you and Joe.
If anyone should be the dick in this situation, it should be you and Joe. Not Sam.
But you have some piece of mind knowing that you will get the chance to confront him about everything in just a few days.
You and Joe stood in the guest bedroom that is now your bedroom, silence falling between the two of you. You glanced around the room, taking in the simplicity of it. The room was just like Joe's whole home. Simple and Cozy.
You couldn't help the yawn that escaped your lips as you looked longingly at the bed, ready for a good nights sleep in your new home.
Joe must have noticed your yawn because he couldn't help but chuckle at you before speaking up. "I'll let you get ready for bed." he said softly, giving you a small smile. You thanked him quietly as you moved to pull the covers down. You stopped yourself as you realized that all of your things were still sitting in their boxes downstairs in the kitchen. You didn't feel like going back downstairs to find your clothes, and you certainly didn't want Joe to either. You pulled your hand away from the bed, turning to look at Joe who had just stepped out of the bedroom.
"Hey Joe?" you called out. He stopped in his tracks and turned around, giving you a soft smile as he made eye contact with you. "Yeah?"
"I don't have anything to wear tonight. I mean I do, but, all of my stuff is still downstairs, and I don't really feel like going down there right now." you explained. Joe nodded, "I'll bring you a shirt."
You smiled, "Thanks Joe." He just smiled at you before turning back around, and continuing to walk down the hall to his bedroom. He returned a couple minutes later with a purple LSU t-shirt in his hand. He stood in the doorway, "Here," he said as he threw the t-shirt at you. "you can sleep in this tonight."him.
You caught the shirt, smiling softly at him as you did so, "Thanks, i'll be right back."
Joe nodded as you went to the bathroom to quickly change. After you finished changing, you went back into the bedroom. Joe was laying on the right side of the bed, scrolling through his phone. His head snapped up when he heard your footsteps on the vinyl floor. Joe smiled at the sight of you in his t-shirt. It reminded him of the morning after your hookup. What great memories...
Joe looked up at you with his soft blue eyes as he patted the left side of the bed. You walked over to the bed and carefully sat down next to him. Once you were comfortable, Joe sat up against the headboard. His eyes made their way to your lower tummy.
"Awe," he crooned, "look at that." he smiled, pointing to your clothed abdomen. You looked down, smiling when you saw the tiny baby bump poke through the shirt you were wearing. When you were standing, the shirt hung loosely on your body. But while you were sitting up in bed, it hugged your small bump. You brought your hand down to your belly, stroking over the fabric of Joe's shirt. You let the palm of your hand rest against the side of your belly as you grabbed Joe's right hand, gently placing it on the side opposite of yours. Joe smiled as he stroked your swollen tummy with his thumb, giving his unborn child a hello. The moment making your heart swell with so much love and happiness. You would stay like this forever if you could.
You closed your eyes, humming in content, "I could stay like this forever." Joe hummed in response, "Mhm, me too."
The two of you sat in your bed for a few more minutes, both of your hands sprawled out over your bump as Joe spoke to his son. He finished talking to the baby boy, giving your tummy a soft kiss before pulling away and getting out of your bed.
"You should get some sleep." he said softly, "come get me if you need anything, OK?" You nodded, a warm smile on your face as you said, "I will. I think I'll be fine though."
You and Joe bid each other goodnight, both of you going your separate ways for the night. You turned on the ceiling fan above the bed and turned the lights off before you crawled into bed. As soon as you were comfortable, you placed a hand on the middle of your bump and closed your eyes, trying your best to fall fast asleep.
You promised Joe you would be fine...but you weren't.
A couple hours had passed and all you had done was restlessly toss and turn, with your eyes wide open. You couldn't seem to get comfortable enough to fall asleep. Huffing out a sigh, you sat up in bed and grabbed your phone from the bedside table. You let out a groan as you read the time.
You let out another sigh as you pulled your phone off of the charger. You pulled the covers off of your body and got out of bed. You didn't want to bother Joe, but you knew you wouldn't get any sleep tonight if you didn't. The truth is, you just didn't want to be alone. You wanted someone to hold you close tonight. You wanted that someone to be Joe. You reluctantly walked down the hallway, stopping in his doorway as you saw Joe's face lit up from the screen of his phone. He looked so comfortable and at peace as he just laid in bed. Part of you felt guilty for disturbing him, but at the same time, he did tell you to come get him if you needed anything, and you did need something...
You took a deep breath before you spoke, "Joe?"
Joe reached over and turned the bedside lamp on, his face immediately etched with concern as he noticed you standing in his doorway.
"Are you OK? Is something wrong with the baby?" He asked, reaching for the covers and getting ready to jump out of bed. You shook your head, "I'm fine, so is the baby." you reassured, smiling slightly as you noticed his shoulders and face both immediately relax at your reassurance. "I just can't sleep is all." You said, voice barely above a whisper. Joe frowned as he gazed at you. His eyes fell to your middle. He sighed softly as he reached over to pull the covers down on the other side of his bed.
"C'mere." was all Joe said. You smiled softly at him as you cautiously made your way over to his bed. You laid down next to Joe as he leaned to the side to turn the lamp off. Once you were both laying in bed, Joe pulled the covers up over both of your bodies.
"You comfy?" he asked. You nodded as you closed your tired eyes, "Yeah."
A couple minutes of silence passed before Joe spoke again, "Do you need anything."
You opened your eyes, debating on what to say. You could lie and say "no" or you could tell him the truth.
"Just you." You said quietly in response. You felt Joe shift next to you as soon as the words left your mouth. He brought himself closer to your body, slowly bringing an arm down to your waist. He gently pulled you close to him, holding you against his body. The hand on your waist migrating over to the middle of your tummy. This felt so right. For both you and Joe.
"Better?" he asked. You hummed, putting your hand over his as you closed your eyes. "Much."
You could hear the smile in his voice as he said, "Good."
"Good night, Joe." You said quietly. Joe squeezed you gently in his warm embrace, "Good night, Y/n. Sleep well."
With that the two of you fell asleep in each others arms. Neither one of you even knowing about the craziness that was about to impact your lives in a few days...
hey loves!!
first of all i want to apologize for how rushed and bad this was lol. definitely not my best work! BUT it is just a filler chapter.
there’s some pretty angsty/crazy/heavy stuff coming very soon, so be prepared and like i said, soak up all the sweet moments in this series while you can…
i’m so sorry this took me forever to update. i had a little writers block with it, but i knew i just needed to push through it! thank you for your continued love and support. it means so much to me!!🤍🤍
tags: @dandelionwrites8 @joeburreauxsworld @theflawedwriter @mrsshiesty @ann288 @ijustcrypretty @theoneandonlyfanz @wickedfun9 @venus-b @hummusxx @stainednailpolishremover @a-moment-captured @alternativemadchen @erinmartin1987 @sirlewisworld @kkrenae @unhingedfangirl @sublimemusic-rebel @meameagirl @ilovejoeburroww @hallecarey1 @j-worlds-blog @blinkloverx3 @jordyn14 @kristencochefski1125 @ryiamarie @unsaidjaelinrose @sinners-98-world @ozwriterchick @hearts4papayas @emherb10
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thesquirrelqueer · 10 months
What is HTDIO?
How to Dance in Ohio or HTDIO is a musical about 7 autistic young adults in a counseling group getting ready for a spring formal. All 7 of them are played by autistic actors. It is based off of a documentary of the same name. The show focuses on the relationships between characters as they prepare for the formal as well as face some of their biggest social fears.
The show had a short run at Syracuse Stage back in 2022 and started previews on Broadway on November 15th, 2023. It is set to officially open at the Belasco Theatre on December 10th, 2023.
Who are the characters?
Remy (played by Desmond Edwards) - The youngest of the group, a genderqueer cosplayer with a budding TikTok channel and a love of fashion. 16, any pronouns.
Caroline (played by Amelia Fei) - A bubbly college freshman who is just getting into her first real relationship. Best friend of Jessica. 19, she/her.
Marideth (played by Madison Kopec) - The newest member to the group, very shy but loves geography and Australia. Oh and just like fun facts in general. 18, she/her.
Drew (played by Liam Pearce) - A senior in high school preparing for college. Loves electricity and electrical grids. 18, he/him.
Tommy (played by Conor Tague) - The "class clown" of the group. Uses humor to cope with being self-conscious. Wants to get his drivers license. 22, he/him.
Jessica (played by Ashley Wool) - The confident best friend of Caroline. Loves fantasy stories, especially ones with dragons in them. 20, she/her.
Mel (played by Imani Russell) - The oldest of the group and the one who has been there the longest. Works at a local pet shop and loves reptiles and self-help books. 24, they/them.
Dr. Emilio Amigo (played by Caesar Samayoa) - The therapist in charge of the group, trying his best to get his clients to break out of their shells. he/him
Ashley Amigo (played by Cristina Sastre) - Dr. Amigo's daughter. Used to be a dancer but due to an injury is back in Ohio helping out with the group. she/her
Johanna (played by Darlesia Cearcy) - Caroline's mother. she/her
Terry (played by Haven Burton) - Jessica's mother. she/her
Where can I listen to/watch it?
Currently there are no video recordings of the show available (yet), but they did release an EP with 4 of the songs on it on Spotify which you can check out here
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azrantimes · 7 months
So funny story(+ my love for htdio)
I'm disabled, I'm autistic and a wheelchair user, and I'm a theater kid. I'm also from Belgium, a country with minimal theater culture. I'm turning 18 this year and my birthday gift was a trip to NYC to see musicals and other stuff.
My parents have been saying that for a while now, since my health was shit and I had missed out on a lot because of that, but for some reason I wasn't that excited anymore, except for one thing.
How To Dance In Ohio. I fell in love with the highlights album and was counting the days till I could see it in April, but then the closing announcement came 3 weeks in advance.
I was sad, but gotten over it as best as I could in a few days but my excitement for my birthday trip dwindled, but my mom, even with my protests, rescheduled it and we were going to NYC with a week notice.
So I actually ended up seeing the 2nd to last performance of HTDIO, and I had the best time. My mom even told me that she understood me more after it. So after the show I was super excited and wanted to go to stagedoor, but due to accidents it took longer to get out and I had a full on meltdown because I could hear the cheers from outside.
I was still in tears when we finally left the theater and Jean Christian complimented my bag but I just couldn't reply (that made my day a little better though!). There were so many people outside the theater, but this lovely lady, without me asking, helped me navigate through the crowd (my wheelchair has 2 parts, so it's especially hard to navigate through crowds) and actually got me very close to stagedoor when I was stopped by Dr Amigo (the real one.)
I was still in tears and I don't know If he noticed but he asked me for a picture and complimented me and we talked for a while when he said he was going to talk to the cast and get them to come see me.
I didn't want to get my hopes up, but sure enough a woman who was closer to the door than me told me that they were talking about me and knew I was there and a little later Liam came to me and the rest of the 7 (except Madison and Conor) followed and I got signatures and pictures with them all. What started as a nightmare ended up being a miracle, so I'm super grateful for Dr Amigo and the cast. (Shout-out to Ashley who was very shocked I came all the way from Belgium haha)
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ashleywool · 6 months
I wore my How to Dance in Ohio hoodie to church today. It's Palm Sunday and we did our customary palm procession from Duffy Square into the building, which is nice and all except winter decided to come back and bite my skin off again...so that sweatshirt seemed like the best choice as warm enough for the weather + can fit under my choir robe + won't get swelteringly uncomfortable once we're inside at the service. It did the job. Truly the ultimate transition piece. Get yours today while supplies last.
At fellowship afterwards, someone from the congregation that I didn't know--she's only in NYC part of the year--pointed out my sweatshirt and said "I LOVED THAT SHOW!"
It took her a moment to recognize me (she initially confused me for Madison, which, yeah that happens, I'll never be mad about it), and we had a lovely chat about the show. And what I noticed after walking away was...the subject of autism, or me being autistic, didn't come up at all.
I love and cherish the advocacy aspect of my work on HTDIO. I love and cherish the opportunity it gave me to be the autistic representation I wished I'd had growing up. But I have to say, it was SO nice to have someone, a total stranger, talking about the show and loving the show independent of The Autism Part.
It was wonderful being part of discussions about diverse representation, and I will never turn down opportunities to eagerly participate in those conversations. But I really wanted us to stick around long enough that the "novelty" aspect of "autistic characters played by autistic actors" (or even "canonically nonbinary/genderqueer characters") would wear off sufficiently for more people, so they could focus on the story and the characters and the music and all the other things that make our show great irrespective of the Representation aspect.
I've had a ROUGH few weeks, y'all. Truthfully, I've been going through one of the worst depressive episodes of my life. Aside from the obvious grief factor and logistical stressors, it turns out that post-operative depression is absolutely a thing. While I'd like to think I'm cognitively and emotionally mature enough to handle this level of change, especially considering how lucky I am to have robust support systems in family, friends, and healthcare practitioners, my very autistic nervous system has had a difficult time letting the sympathetic part cooperate with the parasympathetic part. So I've been a ball of tension, exhaustion, and worst of all, that soul-sucking apathy where nothing seems enjoyable or interesting, but maybe it would be if I had the energy to be interested.
It's helped to find a great physical therapy clinic that is giving me comprehensive, multi-pronged care and NOT charging me copays (because apparently my insurance pays them excellently--thank you, Equity-League and Cigna). It's helped that I got back in touch with a therapist I had seen years ago on BetterHelp (she's since left the platform and honestly, GOOD FOR HER). It's helped that I have parents with the means to help me out financially--and, crucially, the means to keep me accountable without resorting to pressure and guilt-tripping. It's helped to still live in a city where financial assistance isn't excruciatingly hard to come by if all else fails (at least compared to other states). It's helped to have agents submitting me for tons of exciting projects, and having several cabarets and readings to look forward to in this time of transition. It's helped to have a really chill, supportive church community keeping me spiritually grounded without buying into the yt American evangelical toxicity. It's helped to have my cats.
But sometimes, what makes me the happiest of all, is hearing "I LOVED THAT SHOW!"
I'll never not be proud to be known for How to Dance in Ohio and everything we stood for. I'm proud that the love was real, and the quality of the material reflected and reverberated that love. I'm proud of the representation aspect, and I'm proud that it wasn't just about that. And people who saw it, saw all of that.
It's so comforting to know that we shared this show with enough people that it's going to continue to matter.
People aren't going to forget.
I love that for us.
By the way, it was too cold to really show it off, but this is the shirt I wore underneath the sweatshirt. :)
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injustice-of-toren · 8 months
So I just watched (the documentary) How To Dance In Ohio, and I have a lot of questions about ... a lot of it.
First, why is a school dance such high priority in terms of social skills for autistic folks to learn? The dresses, the getting-your-hair-done, etc. It's not useful like skills the way, say, job skills or safety skills might be. It's just mandatory fun modeled on the rituals of neurotypical high school that we all age out of anyway.
Like, the fact that they all have to do one dance with each other if asked, and the fact that Meredith said she doesn't like to be touched but Dr. Amigo is like, "we'll break you of that."
This is at best a fake and empty model of how life should look -- real life has no mandatory dances, and you should be able to say no to touch or anything else.
I say this as a neurodivergent person who was lucky enough to have a minimally pathologized girlhood. I can't help but see myself in the young woman who was worried about her strapless dress showing too much cleavage or falling down when she dances.
I can't know what was in her mind at that moment -- maybe she loved the dress and felt beautiful but was just a little worried -- but I do know that as a quirky and cagey teen without a label beyond "anxiety" I would have felt uncomfortable and would have thankfully been granted the right to say no.
I still don't understand my own complicated feelings around showing my body, but I do worry about how they would be pathologized if I were diagnosed young with something like autism.
And beyond that, I think autistic youth -- and everyone else -- should be able to draw a line between entertainment and work. A formal dance shouldn't be "work." And add to that the sensory difficulties caused by touch and loud music, it's really weird to use a dance some kind of universal teaching situation.
And if it's building connections that's the goal, the activities shouldn't need to be so neurotypical and formulaic. They could form an anime club or ride bikes, etc, as long as it's something everyone enjoys.
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noys-boise · 3 months
WHOAA I can't believe Harmony, How to dance in Ohio and Lempicka three way tied for best musical 😍 also loved the part ehen Chip Zien won best lead actor !!!
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the-river-rix · 7 months
Feeling feelings over the closing show building momentum opt up
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droughtofapathy · 4 months
The DroughtofApathy Theatre Awards Nominations:
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Best Ensemble Stereophonic Jaja's African Hair Braiding Merrily We Roll Along Illinoise
Best New Song "Evanesce," Days of Wine and Roses (Adam Guettel) "Masquerade," Stereophonic (Will Butler) "East of Eden," Stereophonic (Will Butler)
Bad Accent Eddie Redmayne's Muppet Voice Whatever the fuck Jeremy Jordan was doing Colton Ryan's Muppet Voice from last season, I'm still not over it
Diva Performance of the Year Jennifer Simard, Once Upon a One More Time Jessica Lange, Mother Play Emily Skinner, Suffs
Most Incredible Scene Transition The I Need That home cleanup transition Opening up Jaja's African Hair Braiding shop Mary Jane's apartment set lifting up to reveal the hospital set Doubt revolving set Appropriate house falling into shambles with a tree and everything De-renovating the Broadway Theatre after Here Lies Love flopped
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Most Beautiful Woman On Stage Bebe Neuwirth, Cabaret Kelli O'Hara, Days of Wine and Roses (bonus points for The Hours) Jessica Lange, Mother Play Anika Noni Rose, Uncle Vanya
Moment So Horrifyingly Bad I Physically Recoiled Eddie Redmayne as the Emcee singing "Tomorrow Belongs to Me" BEFORE the party Everything Gayle Rankin did on that stage "My name is Ponyboy//I'm the youngest of the three," lyric from The Outsiders The Hell's Kitchen book being allowed on Broadway at all
Most Hated Sound Designer Gareth Owen, The Who's Tommy Jon Weston, The Wiz Gareth Owen, Hell's Kitchen (hey, a doubly-bad showing) Brian Ronan, The Great Gatsby, but specifically those gunshots
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Floppiest Flop Show How to Dance in Ohio Lempicka Here Lies Love Grey House Once Upon a One More Time
Weirdest Marketing/Publicity/Social/Design Decision How to Dance in Ohio only emphasizing "AUTISM REP" over everything that might have drawn in any kind of crowd at all.
The Lempicka social media team just straight-up lying with their pull-quotes and then doubling down and getting snide.
Broadway producer Greg Nobile's twitter discourse.
The Cabaret social media brand refusing to acknowledge Bebe Neuwirth exists and is the only thing holding that show together.
Who did the Days of Wine and Roses cast album design and like...why?
Can You Spell Miscast? Eddie Redmayne, Cabaret Gayle Rankin, Cabaret Eden Espinosa, Lempicka Basically all of The Wiz Doubly so for The Great Gatsby
Star-in-the-Making Sarah Pidgeon, Stereophonic The Grey House kids Hannah Cruz, Suffs Amber Iman, Lempicka Anna Zavelson, Encores! The Light in the Piazza (not Broadway, but I said what I said)
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Criminally Underutilized Older Character Actress Jayne Houdyshell, Uncle Vanya Emily Skinner, Suffs Andrea Burns, The Notebook Beth Leavel, Lempicka Mia Katigbak, Uncle Vanya Bebe Neuwirth, Cabaret
Worst Audience Behavior The couple who stayed on their phones the whole time at The Wiz.
The guy who started screaming and fighting at the top of act two at Hell's Kitchen.
The drunk women at Melissa Etheridge who were singing and flailing the whole show.
Shrieking girls at Bad Gatsby whenever the leading man did anything.
Family in front of me at Heart of Rock and Roll.
Guy behind me at Cabaret crunching wine chips through all of act two.
Iconic Merch Item Rosie the Elephant, Water for Elephants: she's so soft and well-made and perfect and I love her and need her. Great American Bitch clothing, Suffs Mother Hat, Mother Play Tissue box, The Notebook
Moment that Had Me in Tears When *spoiler* off-stage, Jaja is taken in by ICE and her daughter can't find her and may face deportation herself.
Merrily We Roll Along overture.
Mary Jane breakdown over the music therapist.
All of Maryann Plunkett's masterful performance in The Notebook.
Me going home to sob over how they butchered Cabaret.
Kimberly Akimbo final performance, it might've opened last season, but fight me
Reading an article on the opening of the Bad Gatsby where a car hit a pedestrian right next to where all the celebrities were getting their photos taken and no one noticed. (tears of laughter-pedestrian was not hurt badly)
Single Best Costume Emily Skinner's Dorothy Louden coat Jennifer Simard, titties up and out as the Stepmother Sara Gettlefinger's fun jumpsuit and headscarf combo Anika Noni Rose entrance blue gown with the plunging neckline and deep v back Bebe Neuwirth's little pink nightie and phenomenal shawl Kate Baldwin's off-the-shoulder outfits in the regional production of A Little Night Music
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Best Playbill Design Stereophonic - 10/10 no notes Suffs - Like the art style Illinoise - I really like the colors and art style Here Lies Love - I like the colors
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Worst Playbill Design Cabaret - you should be ashamed of yourself. Not even the title Doubt - I know there was a last-minute replacement, but c'mon Lempicka - whoever did this should be taken out back and shot Spamalot - it's just the same damn design as the original, but brighter and worse
Tony Snub Laurie Metcalf, Grey House Jennifer Simard, Once Upon a One More Time Chip Zien, Harmony Days of Wine and Roses, Best Musical Grey House, Best Scenic Design of a Play
Cars on Broadway The Bad Gatsby cars that actually drive The Lempicka silver car that isn't green and doesn't drive The Illinoise concept car made out of props and actor's bodies The Back to the Future car that files and spins and shit
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bestmusicalworldcup · 4 months
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de-lyc-ful · 10 months
I have not seen How To Dance In Ohio, the musical OR the documentary. But every day when I’m reminded of it, I feel a bit better about myself.
I have made two pieces of art. Two. And the outpouring of love and support I’ve gotten from the cast and fandom is incredible. The responses have gotten me to look at my own work and realize that I don’t have to be the best all the time. I don’t need to make full-color pieces every day to feel good about myself. Some days my best is a digital painting I spent 10+ hours on or something that gets me an A in my college classes. Some days my best is a pen sketch that I did in an hour that just brought a smile to someone’s face. Some days my best is just taking care of myself. And that’s ok.
Go see How To Dance In Ohio on Broadway for me. I am currently figuring out a way to see it ASAP
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jknerd · 1 year
DISNEY AU: George “Goofy” G. Goof
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Full Name: George G. Goof
Other Names: Goofy (stage name, commonly known around the world), Mr. Goof, Goofball (by Mortimer and Pete), Georgie (by his wife and Sylvia)
Schools: Mouseton Elementary School (graduated), Acme Middle School (graduated), S. Symphony High School (dropped out), Walt Disney University of Performing Arts (3/4 years completed)
Occuaption(s): Comedian, Actor, Performer, Socialtainer, Performing Arts and Entertainment Instructor of Oswald College of Arts/Music/Sports (temporary)
Residence: Spoonerville, Ohio
Family: Glory B. Goof (wife; deceased), George G. Goof Jr (son), Maxine Goof (daughter), Gloria Goof (granddaughter), Debbie (niece; in-law), Walter P. Goof (grandfather; deceased), Benjamin Goof (father; deceased), Sylvia M. Goof (girlfriend->wife)
Relationships: Michael “Mickey” Mouse (best friend), Donald Fauntleroy Duck (best friend), Mina “Minnie” Mouse (friend), Daisy Amelia Duck (friend), Horace Horsecollar (friend), Peter Pete (neighbor), Peg Pete (old friend), Glory C Goof (first love->wife), Clarabelle Heifer (friend), Sylvia M. Goof (second love->wife)
Likes: Driving, sports, movies, his performances making people happy, spending time with his family, games, camping, parties, dancing, singing
Dislikes: His own clumsiness, heights, loneliness, Pete’s inconsiderate behaviors, rudeness, Donald and Mickey bickering, Bradley’s father’s lack of affection towards his own son
Abilities/Talents: His creativity of comedies, great singing and dancing skills, hidden intelligence, cooking, baking
George G.(Gustaf) Goof is is globally famous entertainer and celebrity alongside Mickey Mouse and Donald Fauntleroy Duck. He is also a widower of Glory B, and father of two children; George Jr. and Maxine Goof. Through his debut with Mickey and Donald, he was most popular entertainer as he occasionally stars in films, series, variety shows and sitcom, mostly well-known for his slapstick moments. However, despite being “goofy”, he has managed to hide his family from the public until Maxine’s college years. 
Despite his current demeanor, his teen years were troubled; seen riding his motorbike in rebellious phase and had strained relationship with his family. However, his stunt tricks were recognized by Disney Studio workers and they recruited him as new member alongside Mickey and Donald. Although attended college of performing arts, he only completed 3 years as through these days he met Glory B who later become a mother of his child. Leaving college, Goofy focused on his job in entertainment to provide a lot for his new family. However, he felt fear of his family exposed to the public and dangers. He had George Jr as firstborn, and years went by he had Maxine as next child. Maxine’s mother Glory passed away a day after her birthday from the car accident on the way home with a gift for her daughter, causing Maxine to stop asking for anything in every birthday. As Goofy was being busy throughout Maxine’s childhood, he was thankful of his son for being with her but at the same time felt he is failing as father. Especially, when Maxine said she didn’t want the world to know she and him are related. Due to his absence in every parent-teacher days, Principal Mazur suspected that Maxine might go through parental neglect and privately called Goofy with advice to get involved with her life more as real father. Realizing how he have missed the time spending with his children—especially Maxine—, Goofy decided to set out the 2 weeks family road trip, but struggled to understand what teenagers enjoy. With Mickey, Donald and his son’s help, Goofy planned out every location she would like with no people bothering her. However, he didn’t know she had a date with Rox and inadvertently had her canceled their date. Later, his son fixed this straining relationship by reserving a ticket to Maxine’s favorite singer’s concert where Goofy can use this opportunity to get on stage with his daughter to meet him. At the concert stage, he shook hands with Powerline as it was revealed the singer has been Goofy’s big fan. The trip has made Maxine understand the true purpose of why Goofy worked as entertainer.
Years later, Goofy and Pete were holding party for their kids as they were leaving for college. While being happy for his daughter’s future campus life, he couldn’t help feeling depressed of him being only person in a house as George Jr already graduated and went to university to study laws out of state and Maxine would be in Oswald College. Days later, the head of Disney Studio was launching next show with Goofy as a temporary instructor of the campus for the subject “Entertainment Business” and “Performing Arts”, located in Oswald College. He happily accepted as he thought he could get to see his daughter more. This naturally caused the entire campus to know Maxine is a daughter of globally famous celebrity. While Maxine wasn’t bothered with this anymore, she felt discomfort that Goofy was always trying to be part of her daily routine. So, she tried several attempts to get him off of her campus life, eventually ended up Goofy having a girlfriend; Sylvia Marpole the campus’ librarian.  Soon, he encountered Bradley Uppercrust III the rival of Maxine for X-game competition. While worried of his daughter, he was supported by Sylvia who has given him an advice to let Maxine handle things on her own as she is growing up. Meeting Bradley’s father, Goofy’s concern grew when he learned of the Uppercrust controlling or meddling with his son’s life. When Maxine discovered of Bradley’s father’s plan, she asked her father to join her in X-Game competition, which Goofy accepted. Later, at the X-Game triathlon, Bradley’s father’s scheme nearly cost lives of his son, his son’s teammate Tank, and Goofy’s daughter. With George Gr and Goofy’s help, they were saved and Maxine won the competition.  As Bradley conceded defeat and collapsed from the use of drug by his father, Maxine and Rox took him to infirmary as Goofy angrily called out on his father for not only getting Maxine and Tank into huge accident but also nearly killed his own son for his ambition. However, he respected his daughter’s choice in keeping this discovery for themselves as it could damage Bradley’s campus life, even his graduation. After the show’s finale, Goofy leave the college but starts new romance with Sylvia. Occasionally, he would call his daughter to make sure she’s doing well in rest of her college years.
Though in every vacation his daughter have, she would help Goofy in House of Mouse duties as he works at the kitchen and would be seen supporting her when Maxine has to go up onstage to perform. In one of recent variety shows called “Exit Man”, he is elated to have Maxine starring frequent guest stars. Although he makes sure she won’t get stressed over her life involving in world of entertainment, Goofy continuously helps her. Recently, Goofy and Sylvia got married.
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toxinoire · 1 year
Something I'm working on...
It's not done...at all. This is a long song.
I don't know how to continue it yet help...
(Song: Secret Love Song Pt. ||)
We keep behind closed doors
Veronica wraps her arms around Heather Duke's waist and nuzzles into her hair.
'Clingy much Ronnie?' Asked Heather in a teasing voice.
'I haven't been able to hold you all day. Leave me be.' Answered Veronica.
Heather giggled. 'Your such a dork.'
'But you love me.'
'That I do.'
Everytime I see you I die a little more
But of course, at school nor anywhere that isn't the vicinity of their bedrooms, they can't be in love. They shouldn't, it's an "abomination" as said by everyone. Yes, they're together, but they can't help but yearn for the other everyday.
Stolen moments that we steal as the curtain falls. It'll never be enough
They love each other so much, yet they can only ever show when no one's watching. It's not because they want to brag about their relationship, have a lot of pda or let people know what they do as a couple, they just want people to see that they're each others.
As you drive me to my house, I can't stop these silent tears from falling down
'Ronnie?' Called Heather. 'You've been awfully quiet for the whole ride.'
Veronica didn't face Duke, tears brimming in her eyes. She loves her so much, yet she can't even say it anywhere else. Heather is everything to her.
And when she says everything, she means everything.
'I'll get going now.' Veronica said as she opened the car door and walked into her house.
Where I can't be yours and you can't be mine.
Duke sighed sadly.
She loves Veronica so, so much. She is the first person who helped her, the first who cared, the first to understand.
It may be because she's the first one to show her sincerity that she thinks she's in love. That's what she told herself back then.
But all these feelings, they're real. They're deeper than she realized. Veronica Sawyer is the light to her cold, gloomy life. She's her everything.
But of course, people don't care how deep your feelings are.
They fear what they don't know, they hate what they're not used to.
But I know this, we got a love that is hopeless. Why can't I hold you in the street?
Wandering the streets of Sherwood, Ohio with the other two Heathers and some other random popular kids, they walked side by side. They want to hold each other's hands, wrap an arm around their shoulders as they walked. It could be passed off as girls being friends!
Tell that to the lesbian couple in front of a store getting yelled at all for hugging.
Veronica and Heather stared st each other with longing. The world's unfair. They can keep it locked out in their rooms, yet they still have to face the reality that will hit them over and over and over again.
Why can't I kiss you on the dancefloor?
Friday night. Pep rally. Everyone's having fun. The band's playing, the cheerleaders are cheering and the crowd is dancing with them.
Veronica can't help but imagine prom, where everyone and their partner would dance. Not her though! They will have targets on their backs if that's the case! She can't let that happen to Heather. She can't, she will never let that happen to her. She hates seeing her get hurt.
But the idea is so...good. Mesmerizing. The idea of her and Heather Duke dancing in the middle of the room. Duke looking as ethereal as ever as she smiles and moves with the music.
But alas, it's just a wish.
I wish that it could be like that. Why can't we be like that? Cause I'm yours.
Heather looked at Veronica who seems to be lost in thought, a hand on her chin, her furrowed eyebrows and the longing in her eyes. Heather wants to hold her. She wants to be held. Veronica is the best thing that's ever happened to her. She just wants to live a normal life with her. To love her without getting judged.
Why can't I say that I'm in love? I wanna shout it from the rooftops.
Veronica is willing to scream and let people know how much she loves Heather Duke. She'll shout it out loud if Duke wanted her too. She will start a war with the world, go jail, fuck even go to hell for Heather. She'll even burn herself if she asked. Everything she wants and needs, Veronica wants to give it. If Heather ever wishes for anything, Veronica would walk through the fire just to do it.
Heather wishes she doesn't give a single shit about the social ladder. To just spend time with Veronica outside the vicinity of their bedrooms. She wants to be normal, see bad movies, sneak beers, watch TV, bake brownies, go bowling and some shit. As long as Veronica isn't so far away from reach. She's close, but not close enough. Within her reach yet she can only reach her for so long before she gets pulled further away from her again.
Maybe one day?
I wish that it could be like that. Why can't we be like that? Cause I'm yours.
It's a wish they can only hope for.
It's obvious you're meant for me. Every piece of you it just hits perfectly.
They sit next to each other during English class.
But every second, they would feel the gaze of the other on them. There was a moment wherein their eyes met, and world stopped. It was just them, no one else.
But of course, the announcement of a quiz brought them back to reality.
Every second every thought, I'm in so deep
Veronica puts her stuff in her locker and closes it. She looks at the halls, scanning the crowd for her love.
And there she is.
Every sound fades into the background and everything blurs.
I don't know how to finish it yet HELP
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newd1rections · 7 months
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ZACHARY DE LA CRUZ: ( eighteen year old senior in hs verse ) zac is a dalton legacy who never expected to find himself among the warblers. he genuinely still doesn't know what drew him to them, because with a boy who literally dyes his hair pink to pop amongst the blue and red blazers of dalton academy? how does he fit in a group where 90% of the members sway in the background and make vocalizations. he doesn't have an answer, but he loves the warblers like brothers and he's proud to be a part of them. as a senior, zac has somehow ended up on the warbler's council . . . probably due to his lack of selfishness and just wanting what's best for the team. he's just out here vibing ninety percent of the time, and he's happy to let other people take the spotlight. he's just glad to be included.
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LIAM DE LUCA: ( eighteen year old senior in hs verse ) liam transferred to carmel high from mckinley high in his sophomore year after his father got a new job on the other side of town. this was probably the worst thing to happen to liam's already overly inflated ego. liam was always a musical kid, the lead in everything he did, singing, dancing, performing . . . he has big dreams for broadway. so when he switched schools, the first thing he did was audition for vocal adrenaline . . . and he got in ( of course, he'd happily add ). he's been taking on male leads in almost every performance ever since. he's got broadway on his mind, and he's determined to get there as soon as he graduates.
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JENNA BRADY: ( eighteen year old senior in hs verse ) jenna's a lifelong pageant queen and still brings that energy to everything she does. she's been in pageants since she was a toddler, and she is also in the running for miss teen ohio ( in her older verses, she's a reigning miss teen ohio and is chasing actual titles a.k.a. miss ohio, miss usa, and the whole nine yards ). she's also a member of vocal adrenaline and is constantly pushing herself to the forefront. she respects her teammates and will let others shine . . . but she's always going to push for herself first. she's genuinely a sweetheart . . . until you're competing against her or get in the way of what she wants.
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ESTEFANIA AGUILAR: ( eighteen year old senior in hs verse ) three sport athlete, vocal adrenaline member, all around bad ass. stef has been a part of vocal adrenaline since she was a freshman. she's one of the only members afforded the luxury of being allowed to participate in extra activities because she's never once faltered. no matter what's going on sports wise, vocal adrenaline comes first. with soccer in the fall, basketball in the winter, and track in the spring, there's no way one girl can do it all . . . hence the rumors around carmel that she's actually a robot ( clearly untrue, but she thinks it's hilarious ). stef is fiercely loyal, a team player through and through, and she's definitely vocal adrenaline's personal pitbull, ready to fight for them at any moment. she's also the queen of psychologically tormenting their competition. it's her favorite hobby.
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