#how to delete messages on facebook messenger
poorlittlevampire · 2 years
someone sent me a fb message but i dont have the messenger app and i cant access my messages from the normal fb app and idk my login so i cant login on my laptop.
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kreftropod · 3 months
went onto Facebook for the first time in ages this morning and was met with the site-update that told me that everything I've ever posted (photos, text-posts, etc, though thankfully not private things sent through Messenger) was all automatically going to be included in training their AI program.
There was no easy opt-out button. Instead I had to go to a different page ("Object to Your Information Being Used for AI at Meta", linked on the site-update notice, possibly hidden somewhere in the help-center otherwise), and on that page had to write a message to Meta about why I should be allowed to opt out. And then that message has to be read and approved by Meta.
Sent a message this morning, thinking that just saying "no" likely wasn't going to be enough, but now a few hours late it has been approved. Thought I'd share, should anyone read this and also feel like you don't have a "good enough" reason other than "don't want to".
I don't remember word for word what I wrote, and it was in Swedish, but I'll translate roughly what I remember here:
In the first box (required) that says "Please tell us how this processing impacts you", I wrote that; I do not agree to let Facebook use my content for their AI services or AI training. I do not approve of Facebook or Meta using my work or my photos and my likeness to train their AI services. If you don't approve of my objection and allow me to opt out of the AI services, I will be forced to delete my account and the many years of content on it.
In the second box (optional) that says "Please provide any additional information that could help us review your objection", I wrote something along the lines of; I am an artist who's work has already been scraped and stolen by AI companies against my will and without any compensation, and I will not allow Facebook and Meta to use my content and likeness while I starve.
And that was enough for approval to opt out (at least on the Swedish side of Meta, hopefully it's enough for anyone else as well). Go forth and threaten to delete everything you've ever posted.
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u-friend-or-ufo · 3 months
My Story
I do not want any witch hunt or harassment towards his family and friends when/if I reveal their username or their real name. I haven’t got a lot of screenshots of our messages. I do have some during the end of me talking to him and others. I may also delete the post to work on it more, with more screenshots if I can find them. Or, if I find this too overwhelming for me.
Also, if you have any suspicions on who this person is. Please don’t reblog this post with their username and/or their real name as I’m not ready to reveal it.
Throughout my teenage years to an young adult (14/15-19/20) I was in contact with someone who was in their 60s on Deviantart. As of yet, I’m not ready to reveal their username or their real name.
I started my own Deviantart account when I was 12/13, which is now deleted. For the first year I posted my cringe drawings and photos. During when I was 14/15, I started to Like The Beatles and the cartoon that they had back in the 60s and would favourite art and fanfictions of the band. That’s when I came across one of their drawings and posted a comment on it. I can’t remember who sent a note first. If you are not familiar with Deviantart, notes are like privet messages before the Chat function that Deviantart has now.       
At first it was fine, talking about The Beatles and different bands. Normal stuff for around a year like hello and how was your day.
During 2015 when I was 15/16, we got into an argument that got pretty bad. He asked me what year at school I was in and I said I was in year 11. He then replied with “Does that mean your 18?” I replied with No, I’m 16.”
He replied later with something along the line “We can’t talk anymore. Goodbye.” Again I don’t have any screenshots of our earlier notes. I was confused, why couldn’t we talk. Nothing was going in in a bad way. We argue about it. He blocked me, I blocked him. After a while we unblocked each other, apologized and continued on talking. This would happen a lot. We argue about something, he will bock me, sometimes deactivated his account only to reactivated, unblocked me and then apologise to me.
One time they told me that they had a dream about my trying on cute short dresses. I should have cut contact after he told me that. But I was an idiot and still talked to him.           
We talked on Messenger as well. He asked for pitchers of me. Not in the nude, nothing like that, just of my face. He said one time that he would get a tattoo of my face because I was so beautiful One time he asked for a picture of me and for a joke, I took and sent him a picture of one of my stuffed toys. He got mad at me for doing it and I apologies for the joke. I don’t have any screenshots of these messages, I’ve looked for them but can’t due to them deleting their Facebook.
We also did roplays together. Just silly Beatles roplays that involves some ocs of mine. However, some of the rolpays did involve some fetishes and kinks that I didn’t find sexual. So did some of the art work that they draw for me. Now, I don’t kink shame. If you got a kink or a fetish, then that’s fine. As long as you don’t push it on to other people who find it uncomfortable. Especially onto minors, even if they do have it.
Just after my 17 birthday, somehow one of the staff at the collage that I was attending at the time found out that I was talking to him. I do believe that one or two of my collage friends told them about us. I do remember one of them looking at my computer screen time.  They brought me into a room and asked me some questions. “When did you first start talking?” “Has he ever asked for sexual images of you?” One thing that they said did baffle me a bit. “Well, you are over the age of 13. This person isn’t a paedophile. Do you know what grooming is?”
They phoned my parents and I was allowed to leave early. My parents told me not to talk to them privately but I still can post comments on their art work. But I went behind their backs and still talked to them privately on Deviantart and Messenger.
I was pissed at them for telling the collage staff. I didn’t know who actually told them but I had my suppositions. One of these friends was 24 at the time, we meet in collage when I was 16. The friend group that they were in took me under their wing and we became friends. However, as time went by they wanted to be in a relationship with me. But that story is for another time when I’m ready to talk about it.          
When my parents found out that I was still talking to him after some months passed, they were so mad at me. Screaming at me, reducing me to tears. But after all of that, I still continued to talk with him behind my parents back. Being more secret about it and deleting our privet notes together. And, using other platforms like Tumblr and Twitter. That’s one thing I deeply regret, deleting all of our notes beside some last ones that they sent me before I cut him off.
One of his conversations with me was how I saved him from suicide by being there for him, talking to him. I was there for him when we would rant about politics and other Deviantart users. The fact that we lived in different countries, me living in the UK and him living in America. I would have late nights talking to him and roplaying as well. I would end the night by saying.” I’m going to sleep now, talk to you tomorrow.” And if I didn’t say goodnight to him, he would get mad. 
Another time he asked me to marry him, I was 17 at that time… Again, I wish I kept the notes…I was an absolute idiot for deleting them. When he asked me, I was out with my family and the phone I was using had terrible internet connection with the place that I was in. I didn’t reply straight away, I was shocked… I didn’t know what to say. I moved somewhere else away from my parents when he massage again. I do slightly remember what the message said.
“I’m waiting for the answerJ”
And like the fool I was… I said yes…That I will marry him… I didn’t want another augment to happen or them hurting/committing suicide . He was so happy… This was a man in his 60s, he was married, had children and even had grandchildren… 
In 2019 when I was 19/20, we had one last argument then I block him permanently after that because I have had enough of his threats and the way he was treating me. I then deleted my main account later on. I can’t remember if I deleted it in 2019 or 2020.
The argument was about me having an interest into Wicca and them finding out that I was in a relationship with my third ex-boyfriend.
Below are some screen shots of the notes that I kept from 2019. His username and mine are blocked out, as well as other personal information.
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After some time he also deleted his main account but then crated a new one, uploading some if his old drawings.
Other screenshots
This one is from an email that they sent me during 2017. They had some suspicions that I was in a relationship and we had another augment about it. I lied to him and said that I wasn’t in one so that the argument wouldn’t continue.
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These messengers are from Tumblr. I must have forgotten to block him on their. I sent him this message to him to him in 2020. I don't have a screenshot of the messages but here is it typed out.
What you have done could be consider as grooming. However, I do not think that was your intention or that you are a podophile. I believe that I appeared in your life when you was in a bad mind state and somehow have helped you. You did tell me that I saved you from suicide once. The reason why I left was the way you was talking and behaving towards me. You did not like the fact that I had a boyfriend at the time who you called a "fag" You didn't like me not talking to you for a day.
I don't know if your lgbtq+ views have change or not. I am Asexual, witch I have told you before. I am also questioning Bi-curious. You have your own opinions witch is fine but they have hurt me.
You called me a devil worshiper for having an interested in Wicca. For some clarification, Wicca is an Religion witch has nothing to do with the Christian devil. I did explain that to you but you didn't listen.
You threatened to hurt yourself and kill yourself if I left or didn't agree with you. How did you think I felt when you said theses things to me? What was your intentions?
I am sorry that you suffered from a stroke and I wish that you will have a full recovery. I don't know if you will see this message as well if you will reply to it. All I want is us the move on.
In 2022 he replied to the message.
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Last year in 2023 I found out that this person passed away. I don't think I will ever forget his name so out of curiosity, I Googled his real name and found his Obituary. I couldn't believe it at first. I just stared blankly at the computer screen, my mind racing with thoughts. I couldn’t believe it at first that he was gone.
And that’s my history with this person. Again, I’m not ready to reveal their username or their real name. Not even my parents, my ex-boyfriend at the time when we was together fully knows what happened. Only my closest friends know and I’m so thankful for them taking the time for listening to me.
What I’m still conflicted on is dose this count as grooming? I do believe that used me as their own personal therapist but there is non-sexual grooming. I feel like an idiot for not cutting contact when red flags started showing up. That I blamed myself for getting in this situation. But another part of me says that this isn’t grooming. Other people have had it way much worse than you. You’re blowing this way out proportion.
I’m also worried about the outcome of telling my story. That people will say “Why didn’t you listen to your parents?” “Why didn’t you get the police involved?” “Why tell your story now?” Those are all valid criticisms. I just wanted to get this out of my chest. Again, I may also delete the post to work on it more, with more screenshots if I can find them. Or, if I find this too overwhelming for me.    
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aurora1040 · 2 months
ok we all know FB is bad for oh so many reasons. But despite that, it had some uses that I couldnt deny, like keeping in touch with people you know IRL.
I was texting a paragraph to my mom and before i hit send, there was a pop up in messenger announcing AI stickers. Ok, i thought, no big deal, sticker suggestions are common and can be triggered by certain words or phrases.
Messenger's AI stickers *actually READ YOUR PRIVATE MESSAGES*. How do I kniw this? The very first sticker suggestion was the entire paragraph i typed out AND DID NOT YET SEND on a background.
I immediately scoured the settings and there is NO WAY TO OPT OUT OF THE AI.... unless you DELETE YOUR ACCOUNT ENTIRELY.
Needless to say, im telling the people i wanna stay in touch with my contact info and that im going to delete my account. That is going way too far and i most DEFINITELY DO NOT CONSENT TO MY PRIVATE MESSAGES BEING READ BY FLIPPING AI.
If you needed a final reason to delete you FB account, this is it. This is your sign.
Delete your Facebook.
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txrtxglix-lvver · 3 months
My thing is how the fuck r we gonna be able to contact Luna or sumn to come with us or talk ab it without their godamn mother doing sum annoying shit
well she's gonna be an adult by one time but,,,,,
yeah :( maybe in the future we could find their facebook? ik their momma prolly changed her number n allat, but hopefully like youve thought in the past we can contact her thru raegan
and when lulu finally gets either her phone or their computer back hopefully she'll be able to message us thru something
from what I remember she only had discord and messenger and I changed the tf outta my discord username and so did u
and I didn't get messenger until td 😞
I had her number but I deleted it soon after the incident bc ik it wasn't gonna work anymore
maybe they had ur code somewhere in the notes you gave them? they kept their notes in their bookbag and hopefully their mother didn't look thru her bag after school
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mariacallous · 5 months
Meta’s online ad library shows the company is hosting thousands of ads for AI-generated, NSFW companion or “girlfriend” apps on Facebook, Instagram, and Messenger. They promote chatbots offering sexually explicit images and text, using NSFW chat samples and AI images of partially clothed, unbelievably shaped, simulated women.
Many of the virtual women seen in ads reviewed by WIRED are lifelike—if somewhat uncanny—young, and stereotypically pornographic. Prospective customers are invited to role-play with an AI “stepmom,” connect with a computer-generated teen in a hijab, or chat with avatars who promise to “get you off in one minute.”
The ads appear to be thriving despite Meta’s ad policies clearly barring “adult content,” including “depictions of people in explicit or suggestive positions, or activities that are overly suggestive or sexually provocative.”
That’s created a new front in debates over the clash between AI and conventional labor. Some human sex workers complain that Meta is letting chatbots multiply, while unfairly shutting their older profession out of its platforms by over-enforcing rules about adult content.
“As a sex worker, if I put anything like ‘I will do anything for you, I will make you come in a minute’ I would be deleted in an instant,” says Gemma Rose, director of the Pole Dance Stripper Movement, a UK-based sex-worker rights and pole-dance event organization.
Meta’s policies forbid users from showing nudity or sexual activity and selling sex, including sexting. Rose and other sex-worker advocates say the company seems to apply a double standard in permitting chatbot apps to promote NSFW experiences while barring human sex workers from doing the same.
People who post about sex education, sex positivity, or sex work have for years complained the platform unfairly quashes their content. Meta has limited some of Rose’s posts from being shown to non-followers, screenshots seen by WIRED show. Her personal Instagram account and one for her organization have previously been suspended for violating Meta policies.
“Not that I agree with a lot of the community guidelines and rules and regulations, but these [ads] blatantly go against their own policies,” says Rose of the sexual chatbots promoted on Meta platforms. “And yet we’re not allowed to be uncensored on the internet or just exist and make a living.”
WIRED surveyed chatbot ads using Meta’s ad library, a transparency tool that can be used to see all the ads currently running across its platforms, all ads shown in the EU in the past year, and past ads from the past seven years related to elections, politics, or social issues. Searches showed that at least 29,000 ads had been published on Meta platforms for explicit AI “girlfriends,” with most using suggestive, sex-related messaging. There were also at least 19,000 ads using the term “NSFW” and 14,000 offering “NSFW AI.”
Some 2,700 ads were active when WIRED contacted Meta last week. A few days later Meta spokesperson Ryan Daniels said that the company prohibits ads that contain adult content and was reviewing the ads and removing those that violated its policies. “When we identify violating ads we work quickly to remove them, as we’re doing here,” he said. “We continue to improve our systems, including how we detect ads and behavior that go against our policies.”
However, 3,000 ads for “AI girlfriends” and 1,100 containing “NSFW” were live on April 23, according to Meta’s ad library.
WIRED’s initial review found that Hush, an AI girlfriend app downloaded more than 100,000 times from Google’s Play store, had published 1,700 ads across Meta platforms, several of which promise “NSFW” chats and “secret photos” from a range of lifelike female characters, anime women, and cartoon animals.
One shows an AI woman locked into medieval prison stocks by the neck and wrists, pledging, “Help me, I will do anything for you.” Another ad, targeted using Meta’s technology at men aged 18 to 65, features an anime character and the text “Want to see more of NSFW pics?”
Several of the 980 Meta ads WIRED found for “personalized AI companion” app Rosytalk promise around-the-clock chats with very-young-looking AI-generated women. They used tags including “#barelylegal,” “#goodgirls,” and “teens.” Rosytalk also ran 990 ads under at least nine brand names on Meta platforms, including Rosygirl, Rosy Role Play Chat, and AI Chat GPT.
At least 13 other apps for AI “girlfriends” have promoted similar services in Meta ads, including “nudifying” features that allow a user to “undress” their AI girlfriend and download the images. A handful of the girlfriend ads had already been removed for violating Meta’s advertising standards. “Undressing” apps have also been marketed on mainstream social platforms, according to social media research firm Graphika, and on LinkedIn, the Daily Mail recently reported.
Some users of so-called AI companions say they can help combat loneliness, with others reporting them feeling like a real partner. Not all of the ads found by WIRED promote only titillation, with some also suggesting that an explicit AI chatbot could provide emotional support. “Talk to anyone! You’re not alone!” reads one of Hush’s ads on Meta platforms.
Carolina Are, an innovation fellow researching social media censorship at the Center for Digital Citizens at Northumbria University in the UK, says that Meta makes it extremely difficult for human sex workers to advertise on its platforms, she says. “When people are trying to work through and profit off their own body, they are forbidden,” says Are, who has helped sex workers reactivate lost and unfairly suspended accounts on Meta platforms. “While AI companies mostly powered by bros that exploit images already out there are able to do that.”
Are says the sexually suggestive AI girlfriends remind her of the unsophisticated and generic early days of internet porn. “Sex workers engage with their customers, subscribers, and followers in a way that is more personalized,” she says. “This is a lot of work and emotional labor beyond the sharing of nude images.”
Limited information is available about how the AI apps are built or the underlying text or image-generation algorithms trained. One used the name Sora, apparently to suggest a connection to OpenAI’s video generator of that name, which has not been publicly released.
The developers behind the apps advertising explicit AI girlfriends are shadowy. None of the developers listed on Google Play or Facebook as creating the apps promoted on Meta’s platforms responded to requests for comment.
Mike Stabile, director of public affairs at the Free Speech Coalition, an adult-industry nonprofit trade association, sees the apps promising explicit AI girlfriends and their advertising tactics as “scammy.” While the adult industry is banned from advertising online, AI apps are “flooding the zone,” he says. “That’s the paradox of censorship: You end up censoring or silencing an actual sex worker and allowing all these weeds to flourish in their place.”
Anti-sex-trafficking legislation signed into US law in 2018 called FOSTA-SESTA made platforms responsible for what is posted online, vastly limiting adult content. However, it resulted in consensual sex work being treated as trafficking in the digital world, shutting adult content creators out of online life and making already marginalized sex workers more vulnerable.
If Meta wipes the AI girlfriend ads from its platforms, it might emulate past sweeps of human sex workers. Despite diligently trying to follow Meta’s guidelines, the Pole Dance Stripper Movement’s account was banned “without warning” during a wave of removals of at least 45 sexuality-related accounts in June 2023, Rose says. Meta eventually rolled back some of the deletions, citing an error. But for sex workers on social media, such events are a recurring feature.
Rose’s personal account and its backup were also deleted in June 2021 during the Covid pandemic after she shared a photo, she says, of a pole-dancing workshop. She was hosting online pole-dancing classes and posting on the adult subscription site OnlyFans at the time. “My business was gone overnight,” she says. “I didn’t have a way to sustain myself.”
“OK, so I got deleted,” Rose adds. “But these companies are allowed to put out this kind of shit that sex workers aren’t allowed to? It makes no sense.”
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ilegnangeli · 2 years
Random March Thought #1
It's been a while, Tumblr.
I always say that. Like for some reason, I barely update this blog but I always visit it though. So many things have happened the past few months. And I want to chronicle them now. Why I didn't while I was going through some hardships then, I don't know but now I want to write about them.
It has been seven months since I moved to my home. I live alone now and it has finally sunk in. Although I have reached a new milestone in my life, I still feel unaccomplished at times. What does it mean to be accomplished in life, anyway?
I feel that I have always been so hard on myself. That I personally set myself for failure because of the unrealistic or unreachable goals I set for myself.
There are so many things that I want to achieve all at the same time which is why I feel overwhelmed and at most times, I feel inadequate. I feel incomplete. I feel at loss. I feel never enough.
2023 is a new year, just like any year that comes after the last one. I didn't set goals for this year. Not even wanting to be happy or contented or satisfied. I just want to be. BE.
Deleted Twitter (or accidentally did by not logging in after deactivating for 30 days). Deactivated Facebook, I just don't see the point of having it anymore. I am maintaining my Instagram account though and my Messenger account, my father worries when he can't get a hold of me. At least through Messenger, he'll be able to see when I'm online or he can instantly message me whenever he needs to ask me something.
I'm quitting being available to people 24/7. I'm avoiding human beings for now. I'm finally letting go of pleasing people too much. I just want to be able to function fully as a human being without breaking my personal boundaries. I feel like I've become too available to other people, that I've given them too much access on my life through social media that I've forgotten how much of my personal life I've given them access to.
Since 2019, I don't think I've been THAT active on social media anyway. I do update from time to time, mostly on IG stories, but I haven't posted anything on my social media for personal reasons and for personal security (and boundaries).
The pandemic has had this effect on sharing things online. People became more active on social media. And there's just so much information and updates to see. Little by little, I'm trying to filter out the information I receive or have access to. I don't need to know what the latest news is, I don't need to buy the latest gadgets, I don't need to see what the latest trend is. I just want to be.
I feel like I want to start writing again. Writing poetry, I mean. I may have to archive a lot of things in this blog though. Hopefully, I will be able to start soon. I may have to finally focus on writing again and just be me. I know how cliche that sounds and I've said it a thousand times before but I just want to write again.
Even if that means I have to force myself to curate stuff in this blog for my random thoughts. There. I said it.
A friend has asked if I want to climb mountains again. The last time I did was in 2019. For the new year's. I climb Mount Huangshan in China. It was a new year's trip with my class. God, it's been four years since I got back and I still feel that time stopped for me in 2020. Like my clock seriously broke and something in my time continuum refused to continue. I'm still stuck somewhere between March 15, 2020 (the last day before the lockdown in the entire country) and March 16, 2020 (the day everything slowed down for everyone).
I want to travel alone somewhere though. I'm not yet sure where. Although I don't want to be alone. I'm torn actually. I was in AirBnB's website earlier and thinking about booking myself a room somewhere WHILE I ALREADY LIVE ON MY OWN. That the reason why I bought a home IS BECAUSE I DO WANT TO BE ALONE. But I don't know why I don't feel so good in this four-walled home. I still want to escape and runaway and never come back.
Do any of you feel that sometimes? That's you're home and everything, and if you're living alone like me, but you still want to run away from everything and everyone?
I consider myself a burden to people. Not because I pity myself or anything but because I feel like everyone else's life is shitty too and I don't want the shit in their lives to pile up even more. I don't want to cause them to think about how life is shitty as if they're not experiencing the same hell I am currently living in, y'know?
I'm listening to this playlist and when I first listened to actually hyped me up and made me think of really good and happy thoughts but as I'm typing these words I don't know why the playlist isn't even giving the same vibe anymore. Maybe I listened to it too many times so I've grown familiar with the songs playing. But I still don't have the songs memorized but I don't know. It's weird.
Do you guys also sometimes spend hours on your phone, like me? I remember the times I used to be okay with my phone and maybe just pause when it's time to eat. But now I've been skipping meals and don't even feel the slightest hunger sometimes. And then I fall asleep. I'm not sure if it's depression. Maybe it is. I hope not. I don't want to be depressed. It's not a nice place to be, being depressed.
I don't want to go out the house. I don't even want to meet friends. I don't want to go to work. I don't know anymore. I've been spending so much time looking for alternative ways to entertain myself and nothing has worked so far. I want to be better, I want to feel better, I want to be okay again.
I've not told my friends what I've been through for the past few weeks. I've kept it secret from a lot of them and I used to tell everything to my closest bunch. But I've been keeping so many things from the people I love lately. I don't know if that's healthy? I don't think so. Sigh. I've been sighing a lot lately. I wonder why that is?
Do you guys also get severe anxiety? Or random panic attacks? Sometimes I do. Most of the time? Sometimes I even wake up in the middle of the night feeling agitated. It's weird. God, I've been through so much lately and I don't know what to do about it anymore. So I'm writing right now so I could go back to this next time and check myself if there are improvements.
Guys, if people check on you, tell them honestly what's going on. They're concerned about you and your well-being. Do not be like me. I always reply with "I'm good" and "I'm fine" and "I'm okay" but I'm so far from good, fine, or okay. I don't even have words for what I feel. I can't even personally describe it.
I hope the theme of my follow-up entries would be lighter and not as heavy as these words I'm writing down right now.
But I feel like I need to be honest here and just type these words otherwise I'll go crazy, y'know?
Right now, it's dinnertime and I'm just waiting for food to arrive. I order a lot of takeaways even though I have a fully-functional kitchen and I have food in the fridge. I just don't have the energy or I just don't want to be bothered with cooking or even preparing.
Goodness, I need to really get my shit together. I don't like where I am right now.
P.S. I should end this now. I'll think about writing again tomorrow. I hope I wake up on the right side of the bed.
P.P.S. In my sadness, I ended up buying another digital piano. And it arrives tonight. I'm excited. At least there's something I could look forward to while I'm at home.
P.P.P.S. I'll be playing and making music again. Please wish me luck. I'm thinking about naming her Keira, Keyra actually. She'll be my new baby.
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minnesotadruids · 2 years
Do you use any other 🥝 rms of social media? Just wondering how long you have been on Tumblr and if this is your primary choice for social media, why? What does Tumblr give you that other places do not?
Short answer: For me, Tumblr seems to be the platform that is the least inconvenient. 
All social media sites seem to have some sort of baggage, particularly in the way each one handles its own policies for sure, but also in a number of different aspects as well. Facebook: Oakdale Grove has a Page [here] where I post photos and ritual event listings. Despite Facebook being a bustling megalopolis, my page doesn’t see that much traffic. In fact as of today it has 620 follows since 2012. I really dislike the feature of “invite John Doe to like your page,” it’s just smarmy. Facebook buries or removes all the best features to the point that I just post less and less so that I don’t have to deal with the hassle. I lost a lot of trust in Facebook in the 2014 News Feed Experiment, and I decreased my activity there in general thereafter. I also deleted the Facebook and Messenger apps from my phone because of feature creep and my custom settings getting reset with each update.
Instagram: I’ve never wanted an Instagram page. Pretty much all social media sites compress uploaded image files to take up less server space, but Instagram seems to downscale photos the most aggressively. Aside from that it’s really just not my thing. Every now and then I consider just signing up and getting started, but whenever I do, someone somewhere on the internet is griping about what they hate about Instagram, and it's always something different. It just reminds me of why I don't want to go near it.
Pinterest: Is Pinterest even a social media platform? It either needs to just go away or at least not be indexed by search engines. Do a search for "why I hate Pinterest" and the millions of search results are pretty much how I feel about the site. It’s basically imagery that lacks meaningful context.
Twitter: Microblogging is fun and effective for very short bits of information without being in your face (like TikTok). Among social media platforms, this is where I have my smallest following. Nevertheless, some people have found Oakdale Grove through this platform alone, so I keep using it.
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Google Plus: Well it’s dead and gone, but it never was a social media powerhouse. I had a Plus page on druidry but pretty much abandoned it in under a year.
YouTube: This was once quite a social media haven. It was never perfect, but YouTube has fallen from grace repeatedly. Until 2011 or so, you could add users as friends, messaging was also easier then, and you also once had the power to delete subscribers that you didn’t want, including dead accounts. These days you can only block users you don’t like, but they can still subscribe to you. There’s also the latest YouTube policy enforcement fiasco which demonstrates that they are permitting hate speech to continue. I have several videos partially edited, but have just no drive to complete them.
TikTok: OMG this is a plague upon us all! I have friends who try to send me TikTok videos. Half of the time the thumbnail does not match up with the video that actually starts playing. And for some reason TikTok seems universally loud. It's social media ADHD on meth. As far as I can tell there is no way to mute videos, and no playback control other than pause. If a video doesn't loop, it loads and plays the next one, and I just want to take some ibuprofen for it. I managed to block TikTok in my computer's web browser and deleted the app from my phone months ago, so I can live in peace until someone starts streaming it in public. To be honest, I was really looking forward to the failed TikTok ban a few years ago.
Overall, I really like the things you can do on the site. That said, Tumblr really shot themselves in the foot in December 2018. Tumblr had ample opportunity to purge just the porn bots, Nazis, and pedophiles, yet they haphazardly went after the whole NSFW community. A lot of regular Tumblr users left in protest after that, too. I’m still getting followed, liked, and reblogged by porn bots, and I have them to thank for reaching 1600 followers over the past few months. Bots aside, ultimately I feel that I do get a better response here than on other platforms.
As it pertains to Druidry, I created my blog on Tumblr in 2015 because of the lack of representation of druidry. The Witchblr community is huge here in my opinion, but there is far more gaming content in terms of the search tag Druid. The search results churn up almost exclusively role playing content such as D&D, World of Warcraft, and related fan art. That’s nice for the gaming community, but they have a disproportionate monopoly of content under the #Druid tag. Druidry and Druidism yield more relevant search results in terms of spirituality and paganism, but spiritual druidry is still not that well represented here. We are a fraction of a fraction.
Tumblr is also most popular among Millennials and Generation Z. The demographics of druidry are shifting, but I’ve heard (by hearsay) that most people tend to find druidry in their 40s or later, and that many of them didn’t even know it existed beforehand. As a mostly typical Millennial myself, and as someone who dove into druidry back at age 20, Tumblr seemed like a good place to set up a blog where I could help other young adults discover druidry, too. There have been plenty of times where older practitioners of druidry have said “I wish I would have found druidism sooner” or something to that effect. 
So that’s part of why I’m here, to help others gain in Awareness, and to help them discover something potentially meaningful while they’re still in their prime.
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artanisnaanie · 2 years
Just finished to listen to a France Culture podcast on "Will internet (finally) destroy literature" and I can't even begin to explain to you how freeing and liberating it was to hear fanfiction praised in a literature podcast on the most cultural radio in France.
I've started to write them a message on facebook (because I can't find any way to comment otherwise) but messenger went rogue and deleted it so now I'm going to listen to it again and take notes and send an even longer message.
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darnellclayton · 2 years
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Interesting tweet by @photomatt. I am thinking that @Tumblr could replace Twitter if they actually embraced Matrix & the Fediverse.
But then there is this:
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Note: I am providing screenshots here just in case Twitter disappears!
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Okay, so Automattic is trying to make Tumblr self sustaining by offering premium features that people would be willing to pay for.
Premium features that Tumblr currently offers are:
Vanity blue check marks
Premium custom themes
Tumblr Blaze (basically paying to promote your post to other Tumblrs)
Pay for ad free browsing
Apparently this is not enough, so what other features could Tumblr offer that users would be willing to pay for‽ Here are a few a few suggestions:
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Actual verification (yes, seriously)
As people flee Twitter, they will look at alternatives & Tumblr will receive a massive amount of traffic (which will drive up the cost of the site). This includes celebrities, businesses, politicians, other government officials, etcetera.
Offer a real verification service that is open to everyone—celebrities, businesses & normal people—but would require:
A real world ID (passport, government ID, drivers license, etcetera).
An annual fee (between $100-$300 depending on the person or organization, government official, etcetera) in order to combat spam impersonation
A video phone call from Tumblr / WordPress staff (Facetime, Telegram, WhatsApp, etcetera) to confirm the person/organization is legit
Forget the checkmark (twitter ruined that) & use something else (maybe dancing emoji’s around the profile picture‽ Make it unique to Tumblr).
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Federation with ActivityPub
I honestly would prefer that this would be a free feature, however the sad fact remains that people could easily be overwhelmed with spammers, trolls, scams, etcetera, outside of Tumblr & not know how to deal with it.
I solo host on Darnell.one & I have encountered spammers, trolls & scammers on Matrix & Mastodon (latter uses ActivityPub).
While I have the patience to deal with the unfettered interwebs attempting to harass me, most people will feel overwhelmed with [email protected] sending them unsolicited messages on the daily.
Making it a premium feature would reduce the chance of spammers using Tumblr to harass the world (resulting in Federation blocks), as well as preventing people from being harassed by the world.
Price should be between $5-$10/month
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Into The Matrix
I am already on Matrix (I am @darnell:shh.darnell.ooo for those interested) & I think integration would be key with one caveat: make it a replacement for messages on Tumblr.
So I could then use @darnell:tumblr.com to securely communicate to other people on Tumblr as well as Matrix users for free.
However, those who pay Tumblr could also use their Matrix/Tumblr messenger to communicate with other people on Facebook Messenger, Signal, Telegram, WhatsApp, etcetera, via bridging, which would appeal to power users.
Another bonus is that paying folks could also create their own mini zoom like video calls, without having to use Zoom (which would appeal to people on Tumblr). I would make it so that paying folks can initiate a call, but anyone else on Tumblr can join for free (in order to increase appeal).
Price range would be between $10-$20/month (as this tech is not cheap!).
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Instead of relying on YouTube, Tumblr should offer this feature for free—with a catch.
People should be able to live broadcast in standard definition for free, but if they want the broadcast in high definition as well as saved then they will have to pay for storage (otherwise the streamed video is deleted after 24 hours).
Premium users could also have the “broadcasted on Tumblr” watermark/label removed, as well as the ability to automatically upload their video elsewhere (VideoPress, Vimeo, YouTube, etcetera).
Price range should be $10/month
Tumblr Prime‽
Tumblr should also offer a combination package on all of the above except verification (for obvious reasons).
Call it Tumblr Prime or Tumblr Pattycakes for all I care, but for around $20/month they should offer:
ActivityPub federation
Matrix Integration for messages (including bridging, video conference calls, etcetera)
Live-streaming services
Of course Auttomattic should look at the economics of these features to see if they are feasible, but I think they can come up with a workable solution that is deemed valuable.
That is all folks!
Those are my suggestions, & if you made it this far after reading this post, congratulations! If you have any suggestions, refutations, or questions feel free to comment below or message me via Tumblr.
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iuirreinjury · 5 days
an example of how low my self value and esteem was in my past;
my ex cheated on me, I found out and never confronted them.
We were at my parents house. we were in bed getting ready to sleep. My ex fell asleep with their phone open and evidently accidentally dialed the affair partner on Facebook messenger. The partner picked up and I could hear them speaking in that silent room. My response was to grab the phone and end the call. I didn’t even think much of it at that time but then an immediate message came in from them. They said “are we okay” “did they find out”. So I responded “??” They said “about us hooking up”
My heart shattered. My world was spinning and I couldnt breathe. I went into the bathroom and was sobbing, hyperventilating and in absolute panic. In that panic I did something that I cannot explain. I deleted the texts, I deleted the phone call and I pushed it down deep inside of me.
I don’t know why I responded the way I did. Part of me wanted to give them the opportunity to come clean on their own accord but that never happened. Part of me was scared. I was scared of their response. I was fearful of being gas lit, manipulated, emotionally abused and traumatized. I was afraid they would become physically violent. But ultimately I did not confront them because I was afraid of losing them. I was just afraid and was way out of my depth.
I have never been hurt that badly before in my life but in the end it forced me to learn an important lesson about myself but more so about them.
I learned that their “insecurities” were not based on my behavior at all. It was based on theirs. They projected every single behavior onto me. I learned that when they asked me if I was talking to someone else, it meant they were talking to someone. When they asked if I was cheating it was because they were cheating. When they asked if I loved them it was because they didn’t love me. Before this event I was completely confused and overwhelmed with the constant accusations, repeated questions and need for reassurances that were never accepted. It just wouldn’t compute in my mind. I couldn’t for the life of me understand how they could even think I was doing these things. It simply wasn’t in me or my character to behave this way. But that didn’t stop me from examining my behavior and personality to the point of madness. I wanted them to be happy, comfortable, confident and safe with me.
in the end it was me who should’ve been asking these questions. It was me who should’ve confronted them. It was me who was betrayed. It was me who was abused. It was me who devalued myself enough to put up with it.
I wish I would’ve confronted them. I wish my self esteem was higher during that time. I wish I had left them then. It would have saved me a lot of time and heartache. But I didn’t and I take accountability for that
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rebeccabarrett · 11 days
Hack FB Messages To Catch a Cheating Partner
Curious about hack FB messages? Read this guide on how hackers target FB messages and better ways to gain clarity.
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Related: Best Way To Monitor Facebook Messenger
In the digital age, infidelity has taken a new form—cheating is no longer limited to physical encounters but has expanded into the virtual world. Social media platforms like Facebook have become breeding grounds for secret conversations and emotional affairs. 
If you're worried that your partner might be cheating through Facebook, you may be tempted to hack their messages. But before you take that step, it's important to understand the legal, ethical, and emotional consequences of such actions. This article will guide you through the complexities of hacking Facebook messages and provide alternative solutions to catching a cheating partner.
⏹ Signs Your Partner Might Be Cheating on Facebook
It can be difficult to detect whether your partner is being unfaithful, but some signs may point to suspicious behavior on Facebook.
▶ Behavioral Changes
If your partner suddenly starts spending an unusual amount of time on Facebook, especially late at night, it could be a red flag. Other changes might include guarding their phone or computer more closely or stepping out of the room to use their device.
▶ Hidden Conversations
Many cheaters use Facebook Messenger for their secret interactions, taking advantage of its private messaging capabilities. If your partner is deleting conversations or using "secret conversations" features, you might have reason to be concerned.
▶ Suspicious Friend Activity
Look out for sudden additions of unknown friends or increased interaction with certain individuals. While it’s normal to have friends of the opposite sex, unexplained increases in likes, comments, and messages could indicate something more.
▶ Understanding Facebook Security
Hack Facebook messages is not as easy as it may seem. Facebook has strict security measures in place, but like any online service, it does have vulnerabilities.
▶ Facebook's Privacy Features
Facebook's end-to-end encryption on Messenger makes hacking difficult, as messages are protected and only accessible by the sender and receiver. This level of privacy is why many people feel secure using it for their private conversations.
▶ Potential Vulnerabilities
Despite Facebook's efforts, hackers can still exploit certain weaknesses, such as phishing scams or keylogging software, to gain access to accounts. It’s crucial to understand that these methods are illegal and can have serious consequences.
⏹ Ethical Alternatives to Hacking FB Messages
Rather than resorting to hacking, there are more ethical approaches to addressing your concerns about infidelity.
◼ Open Communication
The most straightforward approach is to communicate with your partner. Expressing your concerns and having an open conversation might help clarify misunderstandings and prevent further mistrust.
◼ Couples Counseling
If communication alone doesn't resolve your concerns, couples counseling could provide a safe space for both of you to work through issues. A professional can help guide the conversation and ensure that both parties feel heard.
◼ Digital Trust Tools
There are apps designed to help couples build trust without crossing privacy boundaries. These tools allow both partners to share certain data voluntarily, such as location or screen time, fostering a sense of trust while respecting privacy. Unlike spy apps or hacking methods, these tools are used with mutual consent and promote transparency in the relationship.
⏹ How Hackers Gain Access to Facebook Messages
If you’re still considering the idea of hacking, it’s important to understand how hackers typically gain access to Facebook messages. Though unethical and illegal, knowing these methods may help you understand the risks involved.
Phishing Techniques
Phishing is one of the most common ways hackers obtain sensitive information, including Facebook login credentials. This involves tricking the user into clicking a fake link that leads them to a page resembling Facebook's login portal. Once the user enters their details, the hacker gains access to their account.
Keylogging involves installing software on the target's device to record every keystroke they make. With this method, a hacker can capture Facebook passwords and other private information. Keylogging is often used in conjunction with phishing to ensure the hacker gets the right login details.
Password Cracking
Password cracking involves trying multiple password combinations until the hacker gains access. Weak passwords are easy targets for this method. Hackers may use dictionaries of common passwords or personal information to guess the password.
🟩 Hire Professional Facebook Hackers
⏹ Tools Commonly Used to Hack Facebook Messages
There are several tools that hackers use to access Facebook messages. However, these tools come with significant risks.
Spy Apps
Spy apps are often advertised as easy solutions for accessing someone’s Facebook messages. These apps are installed on the target’s device, allowing the hacker to monitor their Facebook activity, including messages. However, using such apps without consent is illegal and can result in serious legal consequences.
Software Programs
Hackers also use software programs designed to exploit security vulnerabilities. These programs can bypass Facebook's security measures, but they are often unreliable and can harm the device they’re installed on. In addition, downloading these programs can expose you to malware.
Social Engineering
Social engineering relies on manipulating people rather than breaking into systems. Hackers use social engineering to trick individuals into giving away their login information. This can be done through fake customer support calls, phishing emails, or even pretending to be a trusted friend.
⏹ What to Do If You Suspect Your Partner is Cheating
If you have strong suspicions that your partner is cheating, there are better ways to handle the situation than hacking their Facebook messages.
Investigating Without Hacking
You can look for clues in less invasive ways, such as noticing behavioral changes, sudden secrecy, or increased interaction with a particular person. However, be careful not to jump to conclusions based on circumstantial evidence.
Talking to Your Partner
Approaching your partner directly is often the most effective way to address concerns. Prepare yourself for the conversation by staying calm and expressing your feelings without accusing them. Your partner’s response can provide valuable insight into the situation.
⏹ Alternatives to Hacking for Catching a Cheating Partner
If you feel the need to gather more concrete evidence of infidelity, there are alternatives to hacking that can provide clarity without crossing ethical lines.
Spy Apps for Monitoring Devices
Some spy apps are marketed for monitoring children or employees but may be used by partners to monitor activity, including Facebook messages. While legal in some contexts, it’s important to ensure you have consent before using these apps. Unauthorized use can lead to legal trouble.
Hiring a Private Investigator
If you're struggling to uncover the truth on your own, hiring a private investigator may be a better option than hacking. A professional investigator can discreetly gather evidence of infidelity without violating any laws or privacy rights.
Gathering Digital Evidence Legally
Rather than hacking, you can look for signs of infidelity through shared accounts or public information. For instance, examining public social media posts or financial statements may reveal suspicious behavior without the need for hacking.
⏹ Consequences of Hacking Your Partner’s Facebook
Before attempting to hack your partner's Facebook messages, consider the serious consequences that can result from this decision.
Legal Repercussions
Hacking someone’s Facebook is illegal and can lead to criminal charges. Depending on the severity of the breach, you could face fines, jail time, or both. Moreover, your partner could take legal action against you for invading their privacy, which could result in additional penalties.
Relationship Fallout
Even if your hacking attempt reveals infidelity, the act of hacking itself can damage your relationship beyond repair. Trust is an essential component of any relationship, and once it’s broken, it can be difficult to rebuild. Even if your partner was unfaithful, the knowledge that you invaded their privacy could overshadow any wrongdoing on their part.
Emotional Consequences
Hacking can also take a toll on your emotional well-being. The guilt of invading someone’s privacy, coupled with the potential discovery of infidelity, can lead to anxiety, depression, and long-term emotional distress. It’s essential to weigh these emotional risks before proceeding with any drastic actions.
⏹ Moving Forward After Discovering Infidelity
If you’ve uncovered infidelity in your relationship, whether through hacking or other means, it’s important to think carefully about your next steps.
Deciding Whether to Stay or Leave
The decision to stay or leave after discovering infidelity is deeply personal. You’ll need to evaluate whether the relationship can be salvaged and if you’re willing to work through the betrayal. Some couples choose to stay together and work through the issues, while others find that parting ways is the healthiest option.
Healing and Forgiveness
If you decide to stay in the relationship, healing will take time. Forgiveness is a critical part of the healing process, but it cannot be rushed. Both partners need to commit to rebuilding trust and addressing the underlying issues that led to the infidelity.
Rebuilding Trust
Rebuilding trust is one of the most challenging aspects of recovering from infidelity. Transparency, open communication, and patience are key. Both partners need to be committed to the process and willing to make changes to prevent future problems.
✅ Finishing Sound
Hack Facebook messages to catch a cheating partner may seem like a quick fix, but it can lead to serious legal, ethical, and emotional consequences. Instead of resorting to invasive and illegal methods, consider addressing your suspicions through open communication, professional help, or ethical alternatives. Trust and transparency are the foundations of a healthy relationship, and breaking that trust through hacking will likely do more harm than good.
❓ FAQs
What are the signs my partner is cheating on Facebook?
Common signs include spending more time on Facebook, hiding their devices, engaging in secret conversations, and increasing interaction with specific individuals.
What are the risks of using spy apps?
Using spy apps without consent is illegal and can lead to severe legal repercussions. It also damages trust in the relationship and can make reconciliation more difficult.
How can I safe my Facebook from being hacked?
Use strong passwords, enable two-factor authentication, be cautious of phishing attempts, and secure your devices to protect your Facebook account from hackers.
Should I confront my partner if I suspect they are cheating?
Yes, it’s often best to address your concerns directly with your partner through an open and honest conversation rather than resorting to hacking.
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trendingbizz · 1 month
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How To Delete Facebook Messenger Messages?
Want to clean up your Facebook Messenger? Learn how to delete messages, whether individually or an entire conversation. This guide walks you through the steps to remove unwanted messages from your device, ensuring your chat history is exactly how you want it. Know more
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eunicemiddleton421 · 2 months
6 Advanced Tools to Catch a Cheater in the Digital Age
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Discovering infidelity is a painful and challenging experience. Whether you’re dealing with suspicions about your boyfriend, girlfriend, husband, or wife, knowing the best methods to uncover the truth can help you make informed decisions about your relationship. With the prevalence of smartphones and the internet, there are various modern techniques to catch a cheater. This guide will explore the best ways to catch a cheater using an iPhone, creative methods, and online resources.
Catching a Cheater on an iPhone
iPhones are integral to daily communication, making them a key tool in uncovering infidelity. Here are several strategies to catch a cheater using an iPhone:
Check Message Apps: Regularly check messaging apps like iMessage, WhatsApp, and Messenger. Look for unusual contacts, hidden conversations, or deleted messages. Pay attention to messages sent at odd hours or those with secretive tones.
Review Call Logs: Examine the call history for frequent calls to unknown numbers or extensive call durations. Cheaters often communicate through phone calls to avoid leaving digital footprints.
Inspect Social Media: Monitor social media activity on platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Snapchat. Look for interactions with suspicious accounts, new friend requests, or hidden stories and posts.
Utilize Find My iPhone: The Find My iPhone feature can track your partner’s location. If your partner claims to be somewhere specific, verify their location through this feature to catch any discrepancies.
Check Browser History: Review the browser history for any dating sites, secret social media profiles, or searches related to infidelity. Incognito mode can hide some activity, but periodic checks can reveal patterns.
Monitor Photos and Videos: Look through the photo and video gallery for any suspicious media. Cheaters might hide evidence in private albums or cloud storage.
Catching Your Boyfriend Cheating
If you suspect your boyfriend is cheating, here are steps you can take to uncover the truth:
Observe Behavioral Changes: Sudden changes in behavior, such as increased secrecy, defensiveness, or unexplained absences, can indicate infidelity.
Check His iPhone: As mentioned earlier, scrutinize his iPhone for any suspicious activity. Look for secret conversations, unfamiliar contacts, and deleted messages.
Analyze Social Media Activity: Monitor his social media interactions. Look for new friend requests, frequent likes or comments on a particular person’s posts, and hidden or deleted messages.
Use a Spy App: If you’re comfortable with it, consider using a spy app like HackersList or FlexiSPY. These apps can track messages, calls, and locations discreetly.
Confront Him: If you find concrete evidence, confront him directly. Be prepared for denial or defensiveness, and have the evidence ready to support your claims.
Catching Your Wife Cheating
Discovering a wife’s infidelity can be devastating. Here’s how you can approach the situation:
Notice Changes in Routine: Pay attention to any sudden changes in her routine, such as working late frequently, unexplained absences, or increased social activities.
Monitor Communication: Check her iPhone for suspicious messages, calls, and social media interactions. Look for deleted messages or hidden conversations.
Hire a Private Investigator: If you’re unable to gather evidence yourself, consider hiring a private investigator. They have the expertise and resources to uncover infidelity discreetly.
Check Financial Records: Look for unusual spending patterns, such as unexplained hotel bills, gifts, or restaurant charges. These could be signs of secret meetings.
Confront Her with Evidence: If you gather sufficient evidence, confront her calmly and respectfully. Present your findings and discuss the future of your relationship.
Creative Ways to Catch a Cheater
Sometimes, traditional methods may not be enough. Here are some creative ways to catch a cheater:
Create a Fake Profile: Create a fake social media profile and interact with your partner to see if they engage in flirtatious or inappropriate conversations.
Set Up a Honeypot: With the help of a trusted friend, set up a scenario where your partner has the opportunity to cheat. Observe their behavior and reactions.
Use a Hidden Camera: Place a hidden camera in areas where you suspect cheating might occur, such as the bedroom or living room. Ensure you comply with local laws regarding surveillance.
Track Their Movements: Use a GPS tracker on their car or phone to monitor their movements. This can help verify their whereabouts and catch any lies.
Analyze Their Trash: Check their trash for receipts, notes, or other evidence of infidelity. Cheaters often dispose of incriminating evidence hastily.
Using a Phone Number to Catch a Cheater
A phone number can be a valuable tool in uncovering infidelity. Here’s how you can use it:
Reverse Phone Lookup: Use a reverse phone lookup service like Whitepages or Spokeo to identify unknown numbers. This can help you uncover the identity of suspicious contacts.
Call Recording Apps: Install a call recording app to record and review conversations. Ensure you comply with local laws regarding call recording.
Check Voicemail: Access your partner’s voicemail to listen for any suspicious messages. Cheaters might leave incriminating voicemails that they forget to delete.
Text Message Spy Apps: Use text message spy apps to monitor incoming and outgoing texts. These apps can provide insights into hidden conversations.
SIM Card Cloning: Cloning a SIM card can give you access to your partner’s calls and messages. This method requires technical expertise and may have legal implications.
Best Websites to Catch a Cheater
Several websites offer tools and services to help you catch a cheater. Here are some of the best:
TruthFinder: A comprehensive background check service that provides information on criminal records, social media profiles, and contact details. It’s useful for identifying suspicious contacts.
Spyic: A popular spy app that allows you to monitor calls, messages, and locations discreetly. It’s user-friendly and compatible with iPhones.
HackersList: Another reliable spy app that offers extensive monitoring features, including social media tracking and GPS location tracking.
FlexiSPY: An advanced spy app with features like call recording, keylogging, and remote camera access. It’s ideal for those who need in-depth monitoring.
Catfish: A platform dedicated to uncovering online dating scams and infidelity. It provides tools to verify online identities and catch cheaters.
Spokeo: A reverse phone lookup and people search service that helps identify unknown contacts and gather information on suspicious individuals.
Ethical Considerations
While catching a cheater is often driven by the need for truth and closure, it’s essential to consider the ethical implications of your actions. Here are some guidelines to ensure you’re acting responsibly:
Respect Privacy: Avoid invasive methods that violate your partner’s privacy, such as hacking into their accounts or using hidden cameras without consent.
Legal Compliance: Ensure you comply with local laws regarding surveillance, call recording, and tracking. Illegal activities can have serious consequences.
Open Communication: Whenever possible, address your suspicions through open and honest communication with your partner. Confronting them directly can sometimes resolve misunderstandings.
Seek Professional Help: If you’re struggling with the emotional toll of infidelity, consider seeking support from a therapist or counselor. They can provide guidance and help you navigate the situation.
Catching a cheater is a complex and emotionally challenging process. Whether using an iPhone, creative methods, or online resources, it’s crucial to approach the situation carefully and carefully. Combining traditional techniques with modern tools allows you to uncover the truth and make informed decisions about your relationship. Remember to prioritize your well-being and seek professional support if needed. Trust and honesty are the foundations of any healthy relationship, and addressing infidelity head-on is a step toward healing and closure.
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govindhtech · 3 months
Meta AI on WhatsApp: Your Photo Editing Assistant Arrives
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You may access Gen AI on the go with Meta  AI on WhatsApp: This is how to apply it. Have you updated to WhatsApp’s Meta  AI yet? This is a thorough examination of Meta AI, an AI helper that will transform communication.
Luckily all been amazed by ChatGPT’s accuracy, which is human-like, in providing answers to queries and helping with everyday tasks. Imagine now having your most-used smartphone app equipped with this generative AI superpower. With Meta AI, Meta has made this feasible.
Meta AI on WhatsApp works on Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, and Messenger using its in-house LLM LLaMA 3. LLaMA 3 improves Meta AI’s intelligence, speed, fun, and customization. This helpful AI produces human-like responses directly within the apps after being educated on an enormous dataset consisting of 15 trillion tokens.
Meta  AI uses feeds, chats, and other capabilities in Meta apps to help users create content, research topics, and complete tasks without leaving the app.
Meta  AI can answer questions and converse with WhatsApp users. The AI assistant’s LLM provides responses but may also search the internet for more information.
This article discusses Meta AI on WhatsApp numerous uses, how to use it, and more. Remember that Meta AI can only read and react to inquiries that reference it. Questions beyond this are rejected. Meta says all private chats and texts are still end-to-end encrypted, so WhatsApp and Meta cannot see or hear them.
How To Use Meta AI on WhatsApp
First, update WhatsApp on your iOS or Android phone. An iridescent purple-blue ring will unlock Meta  AI after completion. On Android smartphones, the ring appears in the bottom right corner above the group + icon, and on iOS devices, it appears in the top right next to the camera icon. Clicking the symbol opens Meta  AI chat instantly.
Group talks with Meta AI are fun. Open a group chat and type Meta AI to activate the AI Assistant. The terms can be viewed and agreed to after entering the tag. After accepting, type your prompt. The chat window will display the AI message after clicking the input icon. One can reply to the AI by selecting the message and replying.
The smart assistant at your fingertips!
With Meta  AI on WhatsApp, you can rapidly produce and exchange ideas and in-depth analysis. You save time by not needing to open Google or ChatGPT to continue talks.
Meta AI can have informal chats on various topics and answer with knowledge and humors.
It also helps with searches by displaying relevant internet results in the app. Meta  AI also lets you describe an image and generate a photorealistic one.
It’s great for work productivity. Meta AI can help you write emails, change tone instantly, and have professional conversations. It’s also great for organizing meeting notes and brainstorming writing ideas.
Meta AI has several daily updates and news. If a user wants top news from their preferred news outlet, the AI assistant will gather the most popular items.
Meta  AI is a great word and image generator with a few flaws. I found that Meta AI is great for group talks, however it sometimes misses the plot and doesn’t respond well.
It may be because it reads direct communications. Similarly, every image appeared to be AI-generated. Perhaps more iterations could yield more realistic visuals.
How to disable Meta AI on WhatsApp
At present, Meta  AI on WhatsApp cannot be disabled or uninstalled. Meta AI can be muted on Facebook and Instagram, but WhatsApp and Messenger discussion threads should be deleted. You will lose touch with Meta AI and any conversations you have with it.
How to use any web browser to access Meta AI powered by Llama 3
Whatsapp web
Led by Llama 3, Meta  AI is a chatbot that is available for free. Meta just added generative AI to its Messenger, Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp platforms in India. In addition, the business has now released a stand-alone website that lets users use Meta AI directly and for free from any online browser.
For now, Meta  AI is available for free, but in order to interact with the website’s AI virtual assistant, you need to have a Facebook account. This implies that access to the web version of Meta AI will be restricted to anyone without a Facebook account.
Llama 3, which is capable of producing both text and graphics, powers Meta  AI. Meta AI can also convert AI-generated photos into brief animated clips with a single click; these movies can be further modified through text prompts. Real-time image production previews are available to users.
Meta AI functions very much the same as any other generative AI tool. You may ask it any kind of question and use it to compose an essay or an email. It is said to be able to provide current and pertinent findings because it has access to the most recent data from the internet.
In contrast to ChatGPT Plus and Gemini Advanced, Meta  AI does not have a premium edition. Right now, anyone can use all of the functions without any restrictions and for free.
How to use any web browser to access Meta AI
Using Meta  AI’s web version is a simple process that can be accessed using desktop and mobile web browsers. If you are already logged in, you can put your query directly into the chat box, or Meta AI will offer you some of the prompts you can attempt on the main page.
Like other chatbots, Meta AI keeps track of every discussion it has with users, making it accessible at any moment. Users can also choose to remove a particular conversation. As of right now, Meta  AI does not offer a temporary chat function like OpenAI’s ChatGPT.
Edit Photos in WhatsApp?
According to reports, Meta  AI on WhatsApp is going to roll out new features that will let it respond to and alter user-submitted photographs. This feature improves user interactions within the app by utilising cutting-edge AI technology. Here are some salient details regarding this impending development:
Improved User Interaction: Users will be able to email photos to Meta AI, which will process them and reply with pertinent information. This could include remarks, recommendations, or responses to inquiries concerning the substance of the picture.
Photo Editing: Meta AI will be able to alter images in addition to responding. This might entail simple edits like cropping, filtering, or adding annotations to images, enabling users to improve their shots right in the chat window.
Personalised Assistance: A further level of personalisation is added by the  AI’s capacity to engage with images. For example, it may offer photographic advice, point out things or locations in users’ images, or even recommend artistic modifications.
Time-Saving Tool: By incorporating photo editing and interaction right into the chat, this tool tries to save users time by removing the need to use third-party programmes for simple photo adjustments.
AI-Driven Communication: With the addition of photo reply and edit functions, communication will become increasingly AI-driven. This means that conversations will become more lively and interesting as the  AI is able to comprehend and engage with visual information.
Potential Use Cases: Users could utilise this functionality for a number of things, such receiving comments on their images, having fun with the  AI’s creative changes, or receiving automated upgrades for social media sharing.
Future Integration: This feature is a part of Meta’s larger plan to provide more  artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities to its platforms. This could result in more sophisticated features and increased app integration.
Overall, the addition of Meta AI’s photo reply and edit features to WhatsApp is expected to improve user experience overall by streamlining interactions and offering useful tools inside the messaging app.
Read more on govindhtech.com
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9jaboizgistworld-blog · 3 months
How To Turn Off Vanish Mode On Instagram?
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How To Turn Off Vanish Mode On Instagram? Though it's been available on Instagram and Facebook Messenger for years, how can users disable Vanish Mode if it gets unintentionally turned on? Comparable to Snapchat's main function of self-erasing messages that disappear after 24 hours, Vanish Mode provides more privacy for direct messages and chats. But unlike Snapchat, Vanish Mode on Instagram has to be explicitly activated as it isn't enabled by default. Similar 'Disappearing Messages' features are also available in other messaging apps like WhatsApp and Signal, which remove messages automatically after a predetermined amount of duration. Instagram's Vanish Mode may be turned off quite easily. Just open the chat, slide up from the bottom of the screen, and let go of the finger. Vanish Mode is active. For that chat, Vanish Mode will be turned off as a result. Please be aware that, whether or not Instagram's dark theme is enabled, the screen will always be dark when Vanish Mode is on. Should the light theme be in use, the Instagram DM background will once more turn white after Vanish Mode is turned off. Furthermore, once Vanish Mode is disabled, every message that has been viewed will disappear.
What is Vanish Mode?
Sending disappearing photographs, videos, and texts in a direct chat conversation is made possible via the Vanish Mode function. The message vanishes forever as soon as your recipient reads it and ends the chat. Should your recipient screenshot the conversation, you will be warned and the texts cannot be restored. See it as incognito online browsing. Anytime you wish to conduct a top-secret conversation, you can enable Vanish Mode; when you do, all of the messages sent in default mode will still be visible. I utilize this function mainly around the holidays when I'm making present plans and need to know that all of my secrets are protected. Vanish mode is also simply more practical if you would like to keep things as private as possible. Messages can be reliably unsent and manually deleted more easily when Vanish mode is turned on. Entering a direct message conversation and seeing the words "You turned on vanish mode" at the top of the conversation along with the background going black will let you know you are in Vanish Mode. Moreover, a dashed line will replace a solid one to outline the chat input field.
How To Turn Off Vanish Mode On Instagram?
Sliding up from the bottom of the screen (as if you were scrolling to the most recent message) and releasing will disable Vanish Mode. You will be immediately returned to default mode, indicated by the solid chat input box outline and the return of the white background (or whatever background you selected for your conversation). Anything sent in Vanish mode will vanish. How To Turn Off Vanish Mode On Instagram on Android Utilizing Instagram's Vanish Mode gives consumers a new approach to interacting with transient messages. Here's how to disable Instagram Vanish Mode on Android: - Launch Instagram and navigate to Posts. Tap a chat to open it. - Swipe up on the chat to turn on disappearing mode, and to turn it off, swipe up on the chat again. How to Disable Vanish Mode on Instagram on iPhone - Launch Instagram and navigate to Posts. Open a chat by tapping it. - Swipe up on the chat to activate disappear mode. - Swipe up again on the chat to exit the disappearing mode. How To Turn Off Vanish Mode On Instagram on a Computer? Vanish Mode on Instagram is currently only available for the mobile app and cannot be accessed or turned off on a computer. To turn off Vanish Mode, you need to use your mobile device. Here are the steps on how to turn off Vanish Mode on Instagram using your mobile device: - Open the Instagram app. - Go to the Direct Message (DM) chat where Vanish Mode is enabled. - Swipe up from the bottom of the screen and release. You'll see "Release to turn off vanish mode." Alternatively, you can do the following: - Tap the person's username at the top of the chat screen. - Select "Privacy and Safety." - Toggle off the "Vanish Mode" option. How To Turn Off Vanish Mode On Instagram DM To turn off Vanish Mode in an Instagram DM, you can use either of these two methods: Method 1: Swipe Up - Open the Instagram app and go to the DM where Vanish Mode is enabled. - Swipe up from the bottom of the screen and release. You will see a prompt saying "Release to turn off Vanish Mode." Method 2: Privacy Settings - Open the Instagram app and go to the DM where Vanish Mode is enabled. - Tap the person's username at the top of the chat screen. - Select "Privacy and Safety." - Toggle off the "Vanish Mode" option. Either of these methods will disable Vanish Mode in your Instagram DM.
How does Vanish mode work?
Vanish Mode turns Instagram into a momentarily secret place for your chats. after you and the other person use Vanish Mode in a chat, all of the chat history disappears after you terminate the session and the messages you send will disappear after they are viewed. It resembles a quick chat with no lasting memory. Practically speaking, Vanish Mode only makes your messages visible when you're actively talking. Your chats are kept private and spontaneous by the texts disappearing when you close the chat.
Can't turn off Vanish mode on Instagram?
If you're having trouble disabling Vanish mode on Instagram, try these troubleshooting steps: 1. Update the Instagram app: Make sure you have the latest version of the Instagram app installed. Outdated versions may contain bugs or issues with specific features. 2. Restart your device: Restart your device to refresh the system and possibly fix any software-related issues with Vanish mode. 3. Clear app cache: Clearing the app cache on Android devices can improve app performance by removing temporary data that may be causing problems. This step is a quick way to troubleshoot the Instagram app and optimize it for smoother operation.
Why do people use Vanish mode on Instagram?
People use Vanish mode on Instagram for the following reasons: - Privacy Protection: Users opt for Vanish mode to ensure their conversations disappear as soon as they are viewed, adding an extra layer of privacy to their messages. - Temporary content sharing: Vanish mode allows spontaneous and quick sharing of photos and videos as the media disappears as soon as the recipient views it, making it suitable for more informal and short communications. - Reduced Digital Footprint: Users can choose Vanish mode to minimize their digital footprint by sharing content that is not permanently stored in chat history. - Casual conversations: It is often used for light-hearted or informal conversations where users want the freedom to express themselves without the burden of a permanent recording. - Enhanced Security: For users concerned about the security of their messages, Vanish Mode offers a feature that ensures content is not stored on devices or servers after it has been viewed.
How to block or report inappropriate messages in Vanish mode?
Follow these steps to block or report specific inappropriate messages in disappear mode: - Long press the message you want to report in your chat. - Tap “Report” and choose the reason for reporting the message. - You will also find options to restrict or block the account responsible for the reported message.
Why Should Parents Know About Vanish Mode?
Parents should be aware of Instagram's Vanish mode because of its potential impact on their children's online safety. They should educate themselves about this feature, stay involved in their children's digital activities, and promote open communication about responsible online behavior. Vanish Fashion Consciousness ensures that parents can proactively create a safer digital environment for their children.
Should you continue with regular direct messages?
Standard direct messaging mode provides a great instant messaging interface and keeps a record of your conversations. If you're sentimental like me, you might enjoy a trip down memory lane now and then. On the other hand, the Standard mode is less private. If you choose not to use Vanish mode, remember that your friends can share your posts without your knowledge. Any sensitive information you send is also at risk if your or a friend's account information is compromised in a data breach. Manually deleting and undeleting messages does not reliably delete the message on either the sender's side or the recipient's side. https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=bpVAayGmTPQ
In conclusion, managing features like Vanish Mode on Instagram is essential for users seeking control over their privacy and messaging experience. Whether it's embracing the ephemeral nature of conversations or simply exploring different settings, understanding how to turn off disappear mode on Instagram gives you the autonomy to personalize your social interactions. As technology evolves, staying informed about platform features allows users to confidently navigate their digital spaces, ensuring a personal and secure online presence. Read the full article
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