#however i may sue for emotional damages
purgeturbia · 6 months
ok. ok. ok. ok. it’s fucking real they got married i don’t even know what to say rn
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electronickingdomfox · 4 months
"Mindshadow" review
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One of these days, Spock will do the logical thing and get an all-risk insurance for his brain...
Novel from 1986, by J. M. Dillard. Okay, this story is quite messy, as it tries to put together a pastiche of plot threads and themes that may or may not be that cohesive. It borrows heavily from TOS episodes, from The Enterprise Incident to Journey to Babel (even a bit from Wolf in the Fold). There are definitely a few plot holes and some silliness. The espionage/murder plot is sometimes too convoluted to follow. Also, some names look like typos: Transporter technician "Lyle"? (I'm pretty sure that was supposed to be Kyle), the penal colony of "Ebla Two"? (should have been Elba Two), "Chekhov"????... In terms of absurdity, it's similar to that other novel, "Black Fire" (and yes, there's even a pirate Spock in here too). But just as it happened with that book... I actually liked this one as well. It's a glorious mess, alright.
The most serious (and somber) thread is that of Spock receiving brain damage, and his struggles to recover his memories and Vulcan mental disciplines. The abuse he suffers from medical malpractice, his frustration with his impaired learning, his loving (and sometimes painful) relationship with his family, or Uhura's tender attempts to help him through music... Those elements have probably the greatest emotional impact in the novel, and are actually pretty good in themselves. This is also, at core, a "triumvirate" novel, with strong character drama between Kirk, Spock and McCoy, and a focus on their closeness.
On the other hand, there's another, more ridiculous drama: both Kirk and McCoy fall in love with the same Mary Sue, and hilarity tragedy ensues. For his part, Kirk seems pretty callous in his seduction of this woman, as he doesn't even like her all that much; at times, it almost looks as if he just wanted to piss McCoy off (isn't there really ANY other woman available for him!?). While McCoy, who truly loves the Mary Sue, ends up looking incredibly pitiful, desperate and, well, downright pathetic. However, out-of-character as it is, I ended up getting some guilty pleasure from all of it, as in "Let's see Kirk's next shitty move and what happens next..." Anyway, even though the woman likes the two of them, she ends up realizing they're both just too gay for Spock, to the surprise of nobody.
Spoilers under the cut:
The planet Aritani has suffered recent raids from cloaked vessels, so Kirk is negotiating with the natives to offer Federation help against the attacks, despite the natives’ reticence towards technology. They erect a shield around the planet to prevent the fighter ships entering the atmosphere, or trap below it those that may be cloaked right now. Then Spock goes alone to investigate the nearby mountains, since he found valuable minerals that could be the objective of the raiders. However, when Spock is late to report, Kirk goes after him… And finds out he has fallen off a cliff and has gravely injured his head. McCoy’s assessment is that Spock has suffered extensive damage to the left hemisphere, so his logic, language and memory will be impaired, and the doctor has many doubts about his eventual recovery; they’d need a neuropsychologist specialized on Vulcans.
Meanwhile, Kirk authorizes shore leave on the surface of Aritani, as several hours have passed without sighting any fighter (the reasoning being that, by now, they’d have run out of fuel to keep their cloaks up). Well, if you ask me, I don’t think it’s the most appropiate time and place for shore leave; and sure enough, a little while later a group of enemy vessels appears out of nowhere and starts attacking the crew on leave. Kirk and Scott can’t understand how that’s possible, and only see two options: either the fighters have an improved cloaking device that allows them to stay hidden for longer, or they somehow managed to penetrate the shields. Actually, there’s a third option, which they never even consider: they’ve been beaming people down to the planet for shore leave! That means they’ve been lowering the shields ALL THE TIME!! Duh… Kirk is having the worst day of his life, and on top of that, the Aritanians refuse further help from Starfleet, after their failure to protect them. Kirk’s orders, however, are to stay in the vicinity.
In sickbay, Uhura comes to visit an injured friend and starts singing for him. Then, upon hearing the music, Spock finally shows some reaction, and is capable of calling her name and asking for songs, as his right hemisphere (supposedly associated with emotions and art) is intact. During the following days, Spock will make some progress thanks to Uhura’s company. Apart from that, a new neuropsychologist is assigned to the Enterprise to study Spock’s case: Dr. Mary Sue Emma Saenz. Five minutes later, both McCoy and Kirk fall head over heels for her (to the point that McCoy is jealous even when Kirk says “Hello” to her). Emma also shows an unusual physical strength when she beats Kirk in their combat trainings. Nonetheless, it turns out that Emma… is actually Dr. Evil!Mary Sue!! She forces a mind-meld with Spock while alone with him, and extracts some important information about what he saw in Aritani, before erasing his memory of the meld. Her diagnostic is that Spock will probably recover in the areas of language and amnesia. But he has lost the Vulcan mind rules to shield himself away from others’ emotions, which he can now receive telepathically at all times. This could turn him into a violent individual, and Emma suggests restraints and an experimental medication: neodopazine.
In the bridge, Chekov manages to locate a decloaked enemy vessel, and they capture it with a tractor beam along one of the pirates. The raider turns out to be Romulan, but he denies the existence of any special device to penetrate shields, and Scotty doesn’t find anything of the like upon dismantling the fighter. Kirk was about to interrogate the prisoner, when they discover he’s been vaporized. Someone stunned the guard, then removed the brig force field and killed the prisoner, trying to make it look like a suicide. Security doesn’t have a clue about the killer (though the reader certainly can suspect who is it…). If this wasn’t enough, Spock is found in bed with his wrists sliced, as if he had also attempted suicide. Spock denies having done so, and says someone tried to murder him, but he doesn’t remember who. Emma is furious and gaslights Spock, saying he’s imagining murderers to cover up his suicide attempt. McCoy, however, takes Spock’s side and has a violent discussion with Emma, who ends up admitting she just wants to help Spock. Of course, the situation is very romantic, so they kiss. Later that night, Kirk is having trouble to sleep (no wonder) and goes to McCoy’s cabin for some pills (you see, he can’t go to sickbay, no; if he doesn’t sleep, then McCoy can’t either). Then Kirk finds out that McCoy is… sleeping with Emma!! Kirk doesn’t like that.
Since Spock believes his only option of recovering the mind rules is returning to Vulcan, he’s sent there in a shuttle with Scotty and Chapel. The shuttle has been sabotaged, and they crash land on Vulcan, though just with minor injuries. Spock is fine, so he leaves Scotty with Chapel at the hospital, and walks to his home town on foot. During the following weeks, he will stay at his parents’ home, trying to relearn the Vulcan disciplines with a Kolinahr master. His progress is really slow, though, and with mounting frustration, he realizes the neodopazine, far from helping, seems to be deteriorating his mind. Spock also meets T'Pala, a girl who's staying with his parents while she studies to enter the Vulcan Diplomatic Corps. T'Pala has many things in common with Spock: she's also half human, and has difficulty adapting to Vulcan life (even moreso than Spock, since she grew up in Earth). Sarek's disappointment with her is a mirror for Spock's own youth.
In the Enterprise, Scotty is put in the brig as the main suspect for the Romulan's murder (of course, he's later cleared of charges). For his part, Kirk hurts his shoulder while training with Emma. She takes him to her quarters to treat the injury, gives him an analgesic, and then they kiss. McCoy waits for Emma the whole evening, grows increasingly suspicious, and finally sees her leaving Kirk's cabin. After that, he mopes for a couple of days, until Kirk visits him with a bottle of moonshine ("here, I stole your girlfriend, but you can get drunk with this..."). Kirk, however, says he doesn't remember what he did with Emma. And Emma confirms that Kirk just passed out because of the analgesic; she's attracted to Kirk and kissed him, but nothing else happened. McCoy is happy with this (he doesn't ask for much, right?) and suddenly he's like "Hey, you slept with me a couple of times. Where's my wedding ring!? I'm a decent boy!". Emma says she'll leave soon, so no, no wedding...
After this, the Enterprise is tasked with bringing a bunch of ambassadors to Vulcan, to discuss the acceptance of Aritani into the Federation. This part is a bit dull and drags too much, in my opinion. During the journey, more suspicious incidents take place: one ambassador is killed, another is badly hurt, and an explosion leaves the Enterprise without warp drive. It seems someone doesn't want Aritani to join the Federation. Then, Kirk discovers that Emma has been making unauthorized transmissions, but she assures him she's been working for Starfleet Intelligence all this time. An Admiral confirms this point, so Kirk is satisfied.
Back in Vulcan, Spock has stopped taking the neodopazine, and experiments a clear improvement. Finally, he's able to recover the mind rules, and his memories from Aritani return to him in dreams. There was something really important he needed to tell Kirk, and now that the Enterprise is near Vulcan, Spock opens a transmission to the ship. But just before he can say anything, an assassin breaks into his house, injures Sarek, and tries to slice Spock's wrists again. He wants to make it look as Spock murdering Sarek, then killing himself. T'Pala intervenes at the last moment, vaporizing the assassin with a phaser. Then, she confesses that Romulans approached her to leak info about Spock, but she couldn't comply with their murderous plans. Having failed at entering the Diplomatic Corps, T'Pala doesn't have much more to live for, and she kills herself too.
Sarek and Spock recover in a hospital from the attack. And Kirk and McCoy band together against Emma to go visit him. Then Spock tells everything. What he saw at Aritani was some fighter vessels beaming up from below the earth, where the Romulans must have an underground base (that's why the atmospheric shield was useless). Knowing that they'd kill him, Spock decided to escape by jumping from the cliff, where he damaged his head. Much to McCoy's surprise, Spock also shows him a medical article written by Emma, explaining all the damaging effects of neodopazine in Vulcan brains. McCoy confronts Emma about the use of such dangerous drug on Spock, just when she was leaving for her next assignment. But she stuns him (and a bunch of other people) and escapes the ship, confirming their suspicions.
In the last part, the Enterprise returns to Aritani to destroy the Romulan base once and for all. Kirk gets again that surgery to look Romulan (as in The Enterprise Incident) and infiltrates the compound with Spock (who's dressed as a Romulan pirate, while McCoy wants to pierce his ear). However, they're captured by a Romulan officer, that Kirk recognizes as Emma. Her real name is Tanirius, and actually, she wasn't Evil!Mary Sue at all. She just carried out the Praetor's orders as a cover-up, all the while working for Starfleet and a group of Romulan rebels, to destroy the underground base. She gave Spock the neodopazine to avoid killing him, once she understood how important he was for McCoy and Kirk. This plot twist really took me by surprise, but that's in part because... well, it doesn't make much sense. You know, despite the novel trying to present Emma as eventually good, she's just not! Not only did she try to kill Spock SEVERAL times, but she was far more efficient at carrying out the Romulans' plans than what was strictly necessary!! (whatever, maybe she was just jealous of Spock). Emma helps them to deactivate the cloaking device of the base, and then stays behind to destroy it whole. Kirk and Spock beam up to the Enterprise in time, while an underground explosion shakes the planet. In the aftermath, Aritani accepts the Federation's help, now that they're free of Romulans. And Spock tries to console McCoy saying that some vessels fled the base in time, and Emma could be among the survivors. Kirk sees through his bullshit, though, and wonders if Spock is just lying because he also has affection for McCoy, much to Spock's indignation.
McSpirk Meter: 9/10*. The Kirk/Spock angle is more evident. When Spock is injured, Kirk just can't think about anything else. He goes constantly to sickbay to check his state, argues with McCoy, is irritable with everyone and everything... Kirk even tries to reach the catatonic Spock through a mind link, to no avail. And once he gets a replacement First Officer, Kirk is unreasonably hostile to him, just because he's not Spock. It's also said several times that Kirk is the person that knows Spock better in the entire world. Another remarkable scene happens when Spock is leaving for Vulcan. Spock can feel Jim's emotions and pain at his departure, and his repressed impulse to touch him, so Spock relents and takes his hand. As for McCoy, his care for Spock comes rather as medical concern, but Emma sees through him quite early. She says he's too emotionally involved with the patient to be of any help. And despite the fact they're in a relationship, it seems that all of McCoy and Emma's conversations revolve around Spock, which causes continous tensions between them. At one point, she states the facts clearly: "I have risked myself for your friend because you loved him". Effectively, the reason she gives for not killing Spock outright, is that McCoy and Kirk cared about him too much. The ending lines have Kirk reminding Spock of this fact, and wondering if Spock also returns McCoy's affections.
Apart from this, there's a certain tension between Kirk and McCoy. Before the whole problem with Emma begins, they're reminiscing their shore-leaves together, and McCoy is said to grin lasciviously at Jim. Also, when Emma tells Kirk that she and McCoy are having dinner together, McCoy starts blushing, and doesn't understand why such a simple statement embarrasses him so much. Later, Kirk comes to McCoy's cabin in the middle of the night, and finds him basically naked (wearing just a short tunic), which almost prompts a sarcastic whistle from him. He attempts to enter the cabin (you know, with naked Bones in there and all) and feels offended when the doctor doesn't let him come inside. At last, after they reconcile, McCoy comments that Kirk looks dashing in his Romulan pirate uniform. There's also something in Kirk's behavior about Emma, that almost seems like a disgruntled ex trying to ruin the doctor's new relationship. After all, Kirk doesn't even find Emma all that attractive at first.
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By: Christina Buttons
Published: Feb 17, 2023
A young detransitioned woman is seeking justice from the medical group and hospital that facilitated her medical transition between the ages of 12 to 17, which included puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones and a double mastectomy at just 13 years old. 
The plaintiff, Layla Jane, is represented by the Dhillon Law Group and LiMandri & Jonna LLP in conjunction with the Center for American Liberty. On Wednesday, a letter of intent to sue was sent to the Permanente Medical Group and Kaiser Foundation Hospitals alleging “gross negligence” on behalf of their client, and accusing Kaiser of allowing “radical, inadequately studied, off-label, and essentially experimental treatment to occur on minors.”
The Intent to Sue further alleges that Layla’s doctors medically “affirmed” her without meaningful evaluation, failed to adequately disclose the health risks associated with puberty blockers and cross-sex hormone treatment, and emotionally manipulated her parents by proposing the false dilemma: “would you rather have a live son, or a dead daughter?” 
When Layla was a child, she experienced significant mental health and behavioral challenges. At the age of 11, she started to believe that her unhappiness was due to being "born in the wrong body," which she discovered through online research, and she began identifying as transgender. She was only 12 when she was prescribed puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and was evaluated for surgery. She underwent a double mastectomy to remove her breasts shortly after her 13th birthday. However, Layla eventually came to the realization that she was not, in fact, transgender. She stopped receiving testosterone injections and instead sought proper mental health treatment for her anxiety and mood-related issues.
Layla's transition story bears striking similarities to that of Chloe Cole. Both of them are now 18 years old and are taking legal action against Kaiser Permanente and the doctors who facilitated their chemical and surgical transitions as minors, two of whom they shared.
Layla Jane stated:
Many people have already seen Chloe Cole’s story and the emotional and physical damage she had to go through at the hands of “medical professionals.” I’m ready to announce that these so-called professionals did the exact same thing to me, but at an even younger age. At 12-years-old I began testosterone and puberty blockers and at age 13, I had a double mastectomy. These are decisions I will have to live with for the rest of my life. I’m ready to join the growing group of detransitioners so that no other child has to go through the torment I went through at the hands of doctors I should have been able to trust.
Layla Jane and her lawyer, Harmeet Dhillon, appeared on the Fox News program “The Ingraham Angle” last night to make the announcement. Dhillon stated that she has been contacted by many detransitioners who are seeking justice but, due to the short statute of limitations, she can only represent clients who fall within the specified time period. Experts believe that it may take 5-10 years for young people who have undergone a gender transition to realize that they may have made a mistake.
The Intent to Sue cites a 30-year follow up study conducted in Sweden that found post-operative transgender patients were 19 times more likely to commit suicide as evidence that “gender-affirming care” does not necessarily improve the mental health of recipients. Also cited are 11 studies that found gender dysphoria appears to resolve on its own when children are not socially and medically transitioned between 60-90 percent of the time.
Layla Jane is now the 8th detransitioner worldwide to have brought legal action against the medical providers that facilitated her chemical and surgical transition. She will be seeking punitive damages, the extent of which is currently “being investigated and is not fully known at this time.” The Notice of Intent to Sue will allow the defendants 90 days to respond before an official lawsuit is filed. 
A representative from Kaiser responded to a request for comment with the same boilerplate message they gave regarding Cole’s lawsuit, which was to claim that they are following “evidence-based medicine founded on sound research,” despite the fact that no empirical evidence to date supports a biological basis for “gender identity.”
While the exact number of detransitioners is unknown, and more research is needed, cases appear to be steadily rising. A forum created in 2017 for detransitioners on Reddit is adding over 1,000 members a month, and as of this writing has over 45,000 members. 
Studies that have shown a small rate of transition regret are frequently used by activists to dismiss or diminish the experience of detransitioners. However, the studies finding that 2 percent or less regret their transition surveyed only adults, not the new cohort that most are concerned about: adolescents.
In the United States, a 2022 study found that 29 percent of 68 patients seeking medical transition care changed their requests for hormone treatment, surgery, or both. Another U.S. study from last year found that 30 percent of patients who began cross-sex hormone treatment discontinued it within four years for unknown reasons. Two smaller studies in the U.K. report that between 7 and 10 percent of patients initially assessed for gender-related medical services later detransitioned. 
Layla Jane’s allegations of medical negligence and emotional manipulation by her doctors underscore the importance of meaningful evaluation, informed consent, and comprehensive mental health support for children who believe they are experiencing gender dysphoria.
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When they won't listen to reason, maybe they'll listen to their bottom line.
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utilitycaster · 2 years
OGL 1.2 summary
Finally have had a chance to look through properly. I do strongly suggest following people like Gabe Hicks and James Haeck, who are game designers with extensive experience working with WoTC but neither of whom are currently employed by them; Hicks also has done extensive design on other TTRPGs (as showcased in Dimension 20's Shriek Week; they are also a developer for Motherlands RPG and worked on the Uk'otoa tabletop game). Both have had pretty thorough and thoughtful criticism that is grounded in the facts of the matter.
Also: I am doing my best but I am not a lawyer. Please defer to verified lawyers if my paraphrasing is incorrect. Additionally, I am rephrasing things in simple terms, so do not jump to conclusions based on my word choice; if you are looking at the highly specific legal implications of a word you should refer to the actual OGL 1.2 document. And, most importantly, All of this can be commented on at this survey link.
In general:
The core rules, not including classes/races or specific spells, will be covered by a Creative Commons CC-BY 4.0 license. This includes things like ability checks, saving throws, the core stats stuff, conditions (prone, exhausted, etc) and creature types (but not the creatures themselves). The full SRD 5.1 is available here if you want to check for yourself.
It affirms the fan content policy (never affected by 1.1, but worth mentioning given how often it came up; Actual Play is covered here)
D&D Beyond and DMs Guild are, also as previously, under their own standards that are available for review on those sites. (I think I may have made some errors regarding DMs Guild being a WoTC property with its own rules in the past, but it is and you can review some of their policies here.
The OGL 1.0 is deauthorized, which means that once the OGL 1.2 (or whatever version is ultimately finalized) takes effect, new works must abide by OGL 1.0 rules; however, older materials originally created under 1.0 are still valid under 1.0. The full revocation was perhaps the most problematic part of OGL 1.1, so this is a good step forward and means existing 3PP materials you have can continue to be sold as is.
The actual OGL 1.2 stuff
This applies specifically to commercial content using material in the WoTC SRD not covered by the CC-BY 4.0 license created after this license goes into affect. Again. Does not affect streaming or other fanworks including free homebrew; does not affect other games; does not affect material published in the past.
It also only applies to static published materials and to VTTs; VTTs have a separate section.
Third party works under the OGL 1.2 are owned by their creators in full (this means no possible claims from WoTC to royalties or the IP created by those third parties). There is a clause stating that in the case of unintentionally similar content (the "3PP creates a fire-based druid around the same time as Tasha's came out" case I mentioned previously) a lawsuit may only be for financial damages, not injunction (which I understand to mean things like emotional impact etc) and must rely on proof that WoTC "knowingly and intentionally" copied the work. This is, from what I am given to understand, extremely standard in copyright law because coincidences do happen and people do try to sue over them, and has been deliberately rephrased to affirm that WoTC does not own the third-party content provided the terms of the OGL 1.2 are maintained.
Works must also indicate they are derived from OGL content using appropriate signifiers as put forth by WoTC, clearly state they are third-party and not endorsed by WoTC (this is why Griffon's Saddlebag has been foaming at the mouth) and creators must be in a position to enter into the terms of the license (of age or has had a legal guardian review the terms as proxy), cannot infringe on material that is not in the SRD, cannot violate the law; and there is a morality clause regarding no hateful conduct, the decision of which is made by WoTC.
Additionally, the OGL 1.2's terms cannot be modified, other than the specific details of how to attribute, and some legal pieces at the end regarding notifying creators.
VTT Policy
SRD materials are permitted in VTTs these do not and have never included official images as the SRD does not have images. Fan images are permitted. This information must be static; stat blocks are permitted, but, per the example given, animations such as that of a magic missile are not.
My thoughts/editorial:
I will direct you to James Haeck about VTTs. I have said before I don't really like VTTs. I don't even have a D&D Beyond subscription. I went to cancel mine and found that I was actually just using the free tools (I've bought some books through D&D Beyond, to be fair but I have not subscribed to share them and I have under 6 characters). Personally, I find myself in the awkward position of "I love theater of the mind and imagination in TTRPGs and so I think having an animated magic missile is kind of stupid; honestly I'm not even into D&D Beyond animating the dice rolls" and also "you shouldn't disallow things at a business level solely on the belief that they are kind of stupid." So: worth providing feedback on that one! Also, more relevantly, is this only about licensed D&D content? Can you provide animation for your VTT if you're doing things in a different game, just, once there's SRD content in play on the field, you must stop? Can you provide animation in D&D as long as it's not material covered in the OGL, ie, can you have a sword swinging animation or can the player sprites move rather than just appear in a space, neither of which are unique concepts to D&D (vs. magic missile which is)? In summary: my feelings aside re: VTTs, clarification is in order and I will be providing the latter feedback.
Morality/Hateful conduct clauses are complicated. I absolutely agree that I do not trust a corporation to determine what's hateful. I also 100% do not trust the community either, and I 110% do not trust people who say the community will police itself. I've been open in the past about how I don't fucking trust the D&D community on Jewish depictions (spoiler: actually, non-Jewish people handwringing about goblins, golems, and phylacteries has often been extremely condescending and misinformed, and while obviously Jewish people are not a monolith, my primarily Jewish D&D tables have never taken issue with these things as presented within WoTC materials, but have taken issue with fan-created depictions, and I'm tbh hardcore side-eyeing the Hasbrodeus module for like 20 reasons, of which that is one). However, the same is not necessarily true for other minority groups, notably PoC, of whom there have been some quite harmful depictions; and I think most of us are aware that morality clauses have long been exploited to label queer depictions as obscene: I don't have a good answer for this other than "needs more specificity." A good start for the latter issue would be spelling out bigotry (ie, "discriminatory on the basis of sexual orientation or gender presentation") and providing a clear process for appeal. I do understand where WoTC is coming from given the whole issue with the new TSR but this is incredibly complicated and impossible to outline in a one-size-fits-all clause. Worth noting, however: DMs Guild, again, has separate and more rigid standards. This does not mean the horny gay vampire game that was removed from it would be permitted to be self-published under the OGL 1.2; it also does not indicate that it wouldn't, because, again, lacking in specificity on what "obscene" means.
I find the choice to make the core mechanics Creative Commons but not the class structure (which is under the OGL 1.2 proper) to be a really interesting one, and I mean this in a neutral-to-complimentary way. Not sure what the implications are, but excited to find out, because I think it might lead to more interesting indie games that can capitalize on the widely known core combat/ability check mechanics of D&D but develop wildly different class structures.
DnD Shorts continues to shit the bed in the extreme; for real, do not listen to this dude. His twitter is currently a wild self-contradictory mess, his journalistic integrity never existed, and he is literally a clickbaity mediocre white man who has probably been playing D&D for less time than you. I understand that not everyone learns how to determine trustworthiness of a source online but like...why would you trust a guy who has no reason to have insider information and every reason to want clicks and attention. He isn't even a creator affected by the OGL (unlike, say, Hicks or Haeck), and some of what he said was literally obviously false to anyone who's filled out a UA or OneD&D survey.
Honestly, in general, I think the end takeaway really has been "try to determine the motivations and concrete actions of people talking about this." Are they pushing a specific game (rather than generally providing alternatives for those looking)? Do they run channels that don't rely on the OGL 1.0 OR 1.1/1.2 in any way but do rely on clicks? Are they a creator genuinely concerned for their livelihood, or are they a person who thinks that when a game company gets sufficiently large (or even when they don't...see someone asking a tiny Native-owned TTRPG for their SRD) IP laws should no longer apply?
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Uh. The biggest Alex jones problem was that because he was denying Sandy Hook, his followers were actively harassing the parents of some of the kids that died. To a rather extreme point iirc
Part of being willing to participate in society is give up some of our rights (my right to be naked in my own house vs Walmart. My right to have hairspray at home vs the airport)
So it wasn't so much that he was saying nasty things, it's that he said things that caused people to then hurt others
A couple things.
It's claimed that he slandered the parents by calling them "actors", surely an upsetting charge, however people say upsetting things all the time about others. Now if he accused them of a crime or something, yes they can sue for slander/libel.
Now I'm not super studied in all the details of the court case, and probably none of us are because we weren't there, but they may potentially have a valid case for libel. BUT.
Even in MSM Jones' lawyers are quoted as saying this was blown out of proportion. As in, "I've been involved in more than 200 trials and never seen anything like this," one said, "there were no price tags or receipts to justify this amount of damages," that no actual metric was used to determine why hundreds of millions were owed (eg. in a libel suit normally these things are calculated by lost revenues due to slander, or property damage, some kind of therapist or doctor testifying about emotional toll, etc.) This was not done. The lawyers say it was as though it were a revenge quest to put Jones out of business and shut him up.
A really important point to me. Unless he said to them "hey go find those kids' parents and bother them" or something precisely to that effect, he can't be held responsible for some other unhinged person's actions. Is this how we want our legal system to be? Like twitter drama, where you have some kind of affirmative obligation to control your followers/fans and if you don't or can't, you're responsible for their insane behavior? Can you see how that will be abused? Not just against people like Jones, or Trump, but against anyone. All that has to happen is a person commits crimes in your name or says they were inspired by you, and bam, you're guilty of "incitement", even if you didn't actually say to them "do x", you just said something that sort of correlates with a worldview where a person might do x. And maybe in your worldview there are a million reasons not to do x, but your fan doesn't know that, so they go and do x.
Eg. If you and I live in the same house and I say to you, "I think our next door neighbor is a murderer!" and you go and kill him, that may be slander on my part, but even if it were knowing slander, it is not necessarily incitement because I have a strong belief that vigilantism is wrong, and it is also illegal to extrajudicially kill people, so it's an absurd logical leap to say that I intended, by saying this, for you to go and kill him.
More than that, this kind of logic is a dangerous tool of the state in finding ways to criminalize and convict people for the endorsement of any worldview they don't like. Simply: connect that worldview with some type of crime, find the crime, say that anyone who espouses the worldview incited the crime.
This could be used against ANYONE, not just conservatives. It could be used against liberals. Use your imagination, honestly.
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just-antithings · 1 year
It can actually be a civil dispute. It would be necessary to gather proof, and a lawyer may advise you to file a police report if you want criminal charges pressed. However, the thing someone with "lawyer money" would do is sue for emotional damages caused by the upset and legitimate danger you could have been in when you were being baited and doxxed.
If I were you, I would see if there are any attorneys in your area that specialize in cyber crimes/computer crimes. If not, you may be able to call a private attorney or get a free consultation with someone who can point you in the right direction.
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birminghamlawattorney · 6 months
Lyft And Uber Accident Lawyer To Take Your Side Against Rideshare Companies
Have you been in an accident with an UBER, Lyft, or another rideshare service?
Whether you are a passenger, driver, or pedestrian, you may be eligible for compensation. Rideshare services are convenient and popular, a secure option to return home after a night out. But, even the most skilled rideshare driver can end up in an accident. If you’ve been hurt in a rideshare accident, an experienced Lyft and UBER accident lawyer can be of assistance. Whether you were injured as a passenger in an Uber or hit by an Uber driver, you didn’t ask for this injury. Due to your injury, you might be dealing with medical costs, incapability to work, long recovery, and many other obstacles. Belal Hamideh can help. An experienced attorney, he’s helped so many to recover the compensation they deserve for having been in a rideshare accident. Now, he can do the same for you. The Compensation from an UBER Accident The factors determining the value of your accident include the severity of your injury, its impact on your earning capacity, your recovery time (as well as your possibility of recovery), the immediate and future medical care you may require, and more. These are your “economic damages.” California law allows you to recoup compensation for economic damages as well as non-economic damages. The latter include intangibles like pain and suffering, changes you had to make due to the accident, inability to partake in activities you previously enjoyed, emotional distress, losses related to disability, physical impairment (even permanent disfigurement), and perhaps even a decrease in your enjoyment of life. We aggressively represent our clients to ensure they receive maximum compensation for all that they’ve been through. The Challenges of Suing UBER UBER accident victims have attempted to sue Uber directly when they were injured in accidents involving reckless and/or negligent rideshare drivers. However, UBER merely says those drivers are independent contractors, not employees. But, due to the passage of California Assembly Bill 5, that is now “up in the air”. The best strategy is to contact an UBER accident attorney well-versed in such matters to help you determine the right party to sue. In California, the legal standard for negligence includes if the defendant owed the plaintiff (you) a duty of care, if the defendant breached that duty through their negligence, and if the defendant’s negligence was the main cause of your injuries. Examples of negligence include drunk driving, texting while driving, speeding, violating traffic laws, or just not paying attention at the time of the crash. When Should I File My Uber Claim? In California, you have a two-year window from the date of your rideshare incident to file a claim. However, if a state, municipal, or federal vehicle was involved in your accident in any capacity, then you have a six-month window from the incident date to file a personal injury claim. The earlier you consult a lawyer who can assist, the quicker you receive the compensation you’re owed. An Experienced UBER Accident Lawyer to Take Your Case Rideshares are a convenient way to travel. However, if you’re involved in an accident with one, you likely qualify for compensation. You should have an experienced  UBER Accident Lawyer, who knows how to stand up to insurance companies on your behalf. Belal Hamideh has helped many people like you who just wanted a swift ride but ended up in an accident. We work on contingency, so you don’t have to pay for our services unless we win. To turn your personal injury into a victory, call or message us through our site for a free case evaluation.
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nycpersonalinjury · 8 months
Navigating the Terrain of Personal Injury: A Comprehensive Guide for Undocumented Individuals
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Hello, everyone! Today, let's embark on a journey through the complex intersection of personal injury law and immigration status. The central question we're tackling: Can undocumented individuals pursue justice for personal injury?
Unraveling Legal Complexities
Before we dive into this exploration, let's take a leisurely stroll through the legal landscape. Personal injury cases often involve harm caused by someone else's negligence or intentional actions. Now, the pivotal question is – does immigration status influence the pursuit of justice for personal injuries?
Dispelling Common Myths
Myth 1: Undocumented Individuals Lack Rights!
Contrary to popular belief, lacking proper documentation doesn't strip individuals of their rights. The justice system isn't blind to those without the right paperwork. Let's break it down:
Equal Protection Under the Law: The Constitution doesn't discriminate based on citizenship status concerning fundamental rights. Everyone, regardless of immigration status, is entitled to equal protection under the law.
Access to Courts: Courts are generally open to anyone seeking justice, irrespective of immigration status. Yes, undocumented individuals can step into the courtroom.
Myth 2: No Papers, No Case!
You might be wondering, "How can someone not legally in the country sue for personal injury?" Let's debunk that myth:
Legal Rights Are Not Tied to Immigration Status: Personal injury cases hinge on proving fault and damages. Immigration status typically isn't a deciding factor. If someone else caused harm, your legal status doesn't automatically nullify your right to seek compensation.
The Realities
So, can undocumented individuals pursue personal injury cases? Absolutely! Let's delve into the intricacies.
1. Personal Injury Fundamentals
Before we explore immigration status nuances, let's revisit the basics of personal injury cases:
Negligence: Most personal injury cases revolve around negligence, where one party fails to exercise reasonable care, causing harm to another.
Damages: To build a solid case, you must show you suffered actual damages – whether physical injuries, emotional distress, or financial losses.
2. Immigration Status and Personal Injury
Now, here's the meaty part – how does immigration status play into all this?
No One-Size-Fits-All Rule: There's no universal answer. Courts handle these cases individually, focusing on the facts and circumstances surrounding the injury.
Documentation Might Be Required: While immigration status itself may not be a dealbreaker, providing accurate information is crucial. However, lack of proper documentation doesn't automatically mean dismissal.
FAQs - Answering Your Burning Questions!
Q1: Can an undocumented individual file a lawsuit?
Absolutely! Being undocumented doesn't mean forfeiting your right to seek justice if you've been wronged.
Q2: Will my immigration status affect the case outcome?
Possibly, but it's not a make-or-break situation. Courts concentrate on the facts of the personal injury claim rather than immigration status.
Q3: What if I'm injured by another undocumented individual?
Personal injury cases often hinge on proving fault. In this scenario, the immigration status of the responsible party might not be a significant factor.
Q4: Can I claim compensation for medical bills and lost wages?
Yes, you can. If you can establish the other party's negligence caused your injuries, you may be entitled to compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, and more.
There you have it – the ins and outs of whether undocumented individuals can pursue justice for personal injury. The legal world isn't as black and white as it may seem, and individuals, regardless of immigration status, can seek justice when wronged.
Remember, personal injury cases are about holding the responsible party accountable for their actions. If you find yourself in a tough spot, don't hesitate to explore your legal options. The courtroom doors are open, and justice doesn't discriminate based on paperwork!
Can undocumented individuals seek justice for personal injury? Yes, they can, and the journey might not be as treacherous as some myths suggest. In the eyes of the law, justice is blind – ready to listen, no matter where you come from.
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dadanlawfirm · 10 months
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A personal injury attorney can help you if you have been injured in an accident that was not your fault. We can help you determine who was at fault and hold accountable the responsible party. We will work diligently to handle your case and help you get the compensation you deserve. The insurance companies are not your friend and will try to settle your case for as little as possible. That’s why you need an aggressive trial attorney to fight your battle. Consult with a personal injury attorney first before you speak to the insurance companies. We will offer you a free consultation.
What Types of Cases Do You Handle?
Auto Accident
Motorcycle accident
Truck Accident
Slip and fall
Dog bite
How Do We Evaluate Your Case for a Personal Injury Claim?
When a new case is assessed we will work on gathering information from various sources. For instance, if you have been injured in a car accident we will evaluate the drivers involved, and determine who is at fault. To determine who is at fault we will evaluate the crash report, the crash scene, video footage, photographs, and speak to witnesses. If it is determined that you were not at fault we will then evaluate the coverage policy of the at-fault driver. If the at-fault driver has no bodily injury coverage and you do not have uninsured motorist coverage we will not be able to assist you with your personal injury claim. You will have to sue the at-fault driver to seek compensation. However, if you have uninsured motorist coverage or the at-fault driver has bodily injury coverage we will be able to start a claim.
What Types of Compensation Can I Receive After an Accident?
Whether you have been in a hit and run, motorcycle crash, or car crash, you may be eligible for the following types of compensation: property damage, present, and future medical expenses, pain and suffering, loss of wages, loss of love and affection, funeral costs, and punitive damages.
How We Help You Get Compensation After Injury?
We will analyze the nature of the injury after your accident and use the following to settle your case (the list is not all inclusive):
Medical bills related to your physical, mental, and emotional condition
Expert testimony
Loss wages
Need for future treatment
Impairment rating
Accident reports
Any expenses related to the injury
Hiring an Attorney
Hiring the right lawyer during a crisis can be a difficult decision to make. Attorney Sasha Dadan has been recognized by her peers and highly rated by her clients on AVVO as being a hardworking and dedicated attorney who aggressively fights for her clients. Sasha will put your legal rights first in defending your personal injury case. She will contact the insurance company so you don’t have to and will work on getting you medical treatment even if you don’t have medical insurance. Sasha is ready to help you today.
Do I Pay for Representation?
You don’t pay anything unless we win.
Is There a Florida Statute of Limitations in Personal Injury Case?
Yes. Contact our office at 772-579-0347 or visit Florida Statutes for more information.
Start your free consultation today and learn how we can help you start your personal injury claim, call Dadan Law Firm at 772-579-2771. We will help you understand personal injury law. Our law office is available to answer your call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We have offices in Palm Beach and St. Lucie County. If you are unable to come to us we will come to you. We are one of the best law firms that offers representation in Saint Lucie County, Martin County, Indian River County, Broward County, Dade County and Palm Beach County.
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WATCH: Bed, Bath & Beyond Bigotry Is Too Much For Cops To Handle Indisputable with Dr. Rashad Richey
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We as a people should not keep giving them your hard earn money when there is a racist issue where the cops are called, In my mind, I would not have argue with them because them will never own up to what they did wrong nor apologize. So in my opinion what should have been done was after you spoke to the police and understood the situation, return your items and got all your money back. This is how you fight this same old crap day after day shopping while black. Words do not move them but dollar dollar bill y'all does Then I would seek legal advice and sue - Shopping while black has end people and them think nothing of it to profile. *BP*
Can you sue if you are racially profiled?
The short answer is that yes, you can sue on the basis of racial profiling. However, this can be a particularly difficult case to win. A Section 1983 lawsuit is intended to defend your civil rights, and Section 1981 prohibits racial discrimination by a government official (which includes a police officer). excerpt taken from google
Racial profiling at stores is common, but can be illegal - On Behalf of Sivin, Miller & Roche LLP attorneys at law (To read the article it is entirety click about title)
Many New Yorkers who are black have probably experienced poor treatment at area retail stores because of stereotypes about their race.
Close to 60% said that they felt like store employees treated them as potential shoplifters by, for example, monitoring their movements as they shopped.
Over half said that employees gave them little or no help, and about the same number said that they got the impression that the employees had pegged them as having no money.
In some cases, an employee directed the shopper to the cheapest merchandise or let the shopper know the price of an item unprompted.
When profiling becomes illegal
Retail stores do not have to provide the same degree of service to every person who comes through the door. However, at a certain point, retailers can get in trouble for civil rights violations.
For example, store employees have a right under New York law to detain people whom they suspect of shoplifting.  However, this right is not absolute.
The store employees must have reasonable grounds to believe a person has shoplifted. An example of reasonable grounds would be that a person has hidden merchandise. Other restrictions on this right to detain people apply as well.
Suffice it to say that shop owners do not have the same authority as the police, and they certainly don’t have the right to detain people based on how they look.
If a store exceeds their authority, then the victim of their actions can sue based on false arrest, unlawful detention, defamation or other grounds. Certain state and federal civil rights laws may also apply to the situation.
By pursuing their legal remedies, victims of profiling by private establishments may be able to recover their actual damages, including for so-called non-economic damages like emotional distress. It may even be possible to recover punitive damages or attorney fees.
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2hlawfirm · 1 year
What to Ask Before Hiring A Bicycle Accidents Lawyer In Ca?
Riding a bike is a popular way to get around California. It’s good for the environment and your heart, and it’s a good way to avoid traffic jams. Unfortunately, drivers don’t always watch out for cyclists and give them enough space. Every year in the United States, nearly 1,000 bicyclists die in car accidents and more than 130,000 are hurt. If you or someone you know was hurt while riding a bike, our San Diego bicycle accident lawyers can give you a free evaluation of your case and help you figure out the best way to move forward.
Causes Of Bicycle Accidents
Bicycle accidents can be caused by the same kinds of things that cause car accidents, but because bikers are less protected, they have a much higher chance of getting seriously hurt or dying than drivers or passengers. In 2020, 932 bicyclists were killed when they were hit by cars. About 2% of the people who die in car accidents each year are bicyclists.
Some of the most common causes of bike crashes:
Intersection crashes – At an intersection, a cyclist stops, but a car driver doesn’t. This leads to a rear-end crash. Most of the time, the driver can’t stop in time because they are going too fast or following too closely.
The door crashes – A person in a car might open a door without looking if a cyclist is coming behind them. Cyclists can easily run right into the door.
Speedy Driving – Bicyclist drives swiftly at times, so when someone suddenly comes in front it can cause an accident with that person or car. Sometimes speedy driving can lead to sidewalk crashes too.
Road hazards – Sometimes, driving on hazardous roads can lead to crashes too. If you see a signal showing work in progress, you should not go to that road to avoid accidents.
Is Bicycle Accident Damages Recoverable?
Yes, you can get bicycle accident claims from your bicycle crash damage. You can also cover your damages from a negligent person too. After a bicycle accident, you could get serious injuries like traumatic brain injuries, spinal cord injuries, or broken bones.
After a bicycle accident, the victim can file a claim to get these 2 things back:
Specific/Economic Losses: Previous and future hospital expenses, loss of wages, lost potential earnings, necessary home or car alterations, maintenance services like child care costs or household and vehicle maintenance.
General/Non-Economic Losses: Physical suffering and pain, loss of consortium, and emotional pain.
How long do I have to file a claim for bicycle accident?
In any circumstance, your choice of attorney is crucial. However, do not delay in contacting the appropriate Bicycle Accidents Lawyer. If you do so, it may become more difficult to collect evidence as time passes.
In addition, California law limits the amount of time you have to file a bicycle crash lawsuit:
Typically, you have only six months from the date of your accident to file a lawsuit for bicycle accident claims against the government.
If you want to sue an individual, you typically have only two years from the date of the incident for bicycle accident claims.
Hence, 2H Law Firm is here to defend your rights and help you file your bicycle accident claims. To receive compensation for your injuries Contact our Bicycle Accidents Lawyer at (619) 374-9320 to schedule a free consultation.
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anathemafiction · 2 years
I just read the snippets and commissions with the Pirate King, and I’m so in love. He better be a RO, otherwise I’m suing you for emotional damage.
I have actually known and loved your story for about two years now, and I had heard about him. However, I have been trying to stay away from things about characters that weren’t confirmed ROs, or that I could’t deduce by myself if they were or not (though my guesses could still be wrong). That’s why I had never read the Pirate King’s stuff before. I actually think that he was the only one who stayed out of my search, because I even got Rafael’s stuff in between the other things I was looking for. Still, I don’t regret it. What I regret is having caved so little before the game’s release, because now it was all for nothing. I’m going to suffer anyway if he actually isn’t a RO. At this point, I could have had more time to bask in my illusion, if nothing else.
So, as I said, I read the snippets, prompted by finally going over the new demo and his appearance in game which didn’t move anything inside me, ah ah. And listen, I don’t want to inflate his ego, but damn him because he’s so beautiful. So caring, protective, and even a “little” shit (a fact that I love). Really, I’m having trouble not thinking about him, which is annoying me. Could you please tell him that he vexes me? That’d be great.
(Seriously though, you may have just created my ideal man, and I love to loathe it.)
Anyway, sorry for the rant. I’m gonna leave this now, but I must say that I’m really glad to have found him (nothing against the others, but they weren’t really doing it for me, not even poor Hadrian for whom I felt affection more than anything). And shockingly, my MC’s appearance and personality are very similar to the ones of the MC in his commissions. I swear I didn’t do it on purpose (I had already decided these things about her before), but I love reading them thinking it’s actually my MC.
Anon 😔
I don't think I've ever had someone write such a... Passionate? Sincere? Touching, if I want to be dramatic, and why not? I've never had someone talk about one of my characters in such a touching way. I think I've read your message three times in a row, and I am so conflicted, because I told myself that only after the book's release would I reveal the list of ROs for the series but...
But life isn't always how we planned so here goes: of course The Pirate King is an RO! You don't need to sue me, he's integral to the plot and his path will not only cross but intertwine with yours and, as is human, you'll be able to develop a relationship with him - friends, rivals, begrudged allies, apathic traveling companions... Or lovers.
You may tell him that he vexes you yourself. But, honestly, knowing him, he'll take it as a compliment. "As long as I'm the one who vexes you the most."
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cappuccinosyscourse · 2 years
cracks knuckles
okay so copyright infringement is kind of messy because a lot of litigation related to copyright law is entirely up to how the judge feels that day (/half joking)
but in general, lawsuits work like this (this is abbreviated and humorous bc Law Scary sometimes and i am actively trying to simplify):
1. Bad Thing happens that causes damages to plaintiff (the one suing) because of action or inaction of the defendant (the one being sued)
2. plaintiff files a complaint against defendant
3. defendant gets served papers (often by a process server but not always, side tangent process servers have AMAZING stories if you can ever talk to one they are so funny)
4. defendant has a limited amount of time to file either a document called an "answer" to the complaint OR file a motion to dismiss the case
5. case may be dismissed if a motion to dismiss was filed and the case was a pointless dumpster fire, if not, here comes The Discovery
6. discovery is the fun part because here is where ALL the facts come out to play. both sides can file requests for productions of documents/info (which fun fact can include things that you absolutely would not expect such as medical records), subpoena people and business involved to get even more info, depose parties (not fun and is kind of like an interview but with intense stress), and even let the lawyers argue in front of the judge about whether or not info is relevant to the case and the opposing counsel is being a whiny baby or not
7. someone may file for a summary judgment which is basically saying "hey court can u give out a judgment before trial based on these facts that we all agree on" and if that's granted everyone celebrates and goes home
8. also many courts require u to like. try again to settle ur dispute before the big day so there may be mediation involved. if the mediation and summary judgment didn't work then everyone gets to go to court (yay!!)
9. ideally if u are the plaintiff u will be awarded a judgment. however the judgment is just a piece of paper tbfh. my business law professor literally brought us a copy of one that he put in a picture frame lol
10. what i mean by "just a piece of paper" is that if the defendant declares bankruptcy and has no liquid assets or anything they can give the plaintiff then u may just be SOL depending on ur specific situation but hey at least u got ur paper!!!
anyway onto ur specific little copyright anon person, there have to be DAMAGES for someone to sue u. granted damages do not have to be financial and can be things like an intentional infliction of emotional distress case (more than just "hurt feelings", there's criteria that determines if something is IIED such as the action being outrageous and one that could be expected to severely impact the plaintiff's mental health)
if there were damages of some kind yeah that's the start, but also there are some cases where damages matter a lot less (such as if u are involved in a defamation case but everything u said was 100% factual and proven, the damages that person suffers as a result of their own words or actions is not ur problem as much anymore)
anyway onto copyright infringement
i did not see the screenshot in question but there are two scenarios here:
1. the screenshot was of a conversational message sent to u or someone else or posted somewhere
2. the screenshot was of something protected by ip law (like a logo or an essay or art)
in scenario 1 it kind of depends on the jurisdiction but generally the "truth will set u free" and it is probably not illegal to share
in scenario 2 yes you have probably committed copyright infringement UNLESS what u did falls under fair use. fair use doctrine is widely and wildly misunderstood and also very complicated but here is a VERY generalized version:
1. thing is used for educational purposes (very likely as this is a syscourse blog)
2. thing is being criticized (also likely here)
3. thing is being used in news reporting (for instance think about protests and how many signs r present in news reels, those r protected by copyright law and news stations can't exactly go ask every single person w/ a sign whether or not they r allowed to use the footage they have of the protest)
4. thing is being used in a parody ("u can't steal work but u can make fun of it", basically)
5. thing is otherwise just being commented upon (also likely here)
those are not ALWAYS considered fair use but are generally accepted as such in most cases, again it depends on how the judge feels about it.
fair use is determined by four (4) factors
1. purpose and character of ur use of the material (was it transformative in some way or did u just copy paste and claim as ur own)
2. nature of the copyrighted material (was it published already? does the author have any rights over its appearance? was the work fictional or strictly academic? etc)
3. amount and substantiality of what u took (did u take the most important part? did u take a LOT of it or just a little or somewhere in between?)
4. effect of use on the market (is what u did going to severely damage the author's prospects in some way and/or are u hijacking a market like that one photograph case that i cant currently remember the name of?)
so yeah. what u did is probably not going to land u in any hot water, and even if it did, they would be kind of not smart to try and serve u considering how much MONEY AND EFFORT goes into litigation and finding where u are to even serve u in the first place. also due to The Sick, the courts are backed up so bad. i am talking like two or three YEARS.
sorry this was long!!
sources: us copyright law, a music industry course i took that focused heavily on ip law, a business law course i took, and the (unfortunately for him) many many hours i have spent bothering my law professor (a still-practicing attorney) about random questions
if a legal professional sees this and i got any of this wrong or a bit to the left please absolutely correct it u are the experts and i am still in the middle of applying to law school + it is late and i am sleepy
Thank you for taking the time to type all of this out. The screenshot was just a little blurb on a post about endogenics and the witchcraft community. When I made the post I cropped the sections I wanted to highlight, and captioned it with "very important note on this post by this person" and then I said for ppl to follow them for informed posts about the topic.
Incredibly weird tbh and just made me laugh but this ask is very informative
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enchantedlyhooked · 2 years
Stuck like honey on you 🍯
I’m trying to get back into editing after a long and strenuous couple years of burnout and mental health issues. Vidding, Acting, & fan fiction (putting myself into certain situations with my favorites; did not know I’ve been writing fan fiction until I started to read some & found out others basically do the same thing. I love fandom. However, you’ll never catch me doing smut fan fiction 😷— not my thing).
I’m working on a couple parody & AU edits and just VENT edit. That finale of season 4 of Stranger Things got me feeling all kinds of things, and I kind of want to sue the duffer brothers for SEVERE EMOTIONAL DAMAGE!!! Why they gotta do what they did!? Trying not to put spoilers cause some people may not have seen season 4 yet.
If you want to see my progress follow my is the am stories @ the same username as here (enchantedlyhooked). Toodles. Gawd I missed saying that and it feels good to be in full motion again 🥰
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love-geeky-fangirl · 4 years
Ranking every teen drama I've watched
I have gotten really into teen dramas lately, because it's quarantine I can't go out and have fun, but I can still watch other people my age going out and having fun and doing things I don't get to do. Anyway I haven't seen all teen dramas, I was never interested in supernatural ones, so you won't find Vampire Diaries and similar shows on this list.
From worst to best:
The Secret Life of the American Teenager
I will never understand how this show ran for five seasons. It will forever remain a mystery to me. This show is so bad it's good. The writing resembles a wattpad story, Amy's pregnancy is inconsistent (like how was she five months pregnant for like five or six episodes, aren't the episodes supposed to be set a week apart?), the acting is bad (that is not to say that Molly Ringwald or Shailene Woodley are bad actresses, obviously they're not, I'm talking about Amy's sister that has the same facial expression no matter what her mood is supposed to be), some of the views this show expresses are very old-fashioned and damaging (the madonna-whore binary, the fact that they can't even utter the word abortion) and every single male character on this show is a creep and a cheater. I can't believe I watched like thirteen episodes of this. I will never get that time back.
Weirdest moment: "I'm a whore!" "Well, you're my whore." (Was this supposed to be romantic??)
Best moment: none
This is going to be unpopular and don't get me wrong, I like Glee, but I feel like the writers put much more thought into the musical numbers than the storylines. Again, Quinn's pregnancy is inconsistent (but I'm starting to think TV shows are always inconsistent about pregnancies), the characters don't look like they're in high school at all, the cheerleaders wear their uniforms 24/7 for no reason (Quinn even wore it to her sonogram, like seriously?) the whole celibacy club thing is weird and Mr Schue is a terrible teacher. However, the visuals and the musical numbers are great, Sue Sylvester is iconic (albeit also a terrible teacher) and some of the scenes are really emotional (Kurt singing I Wanna Hold Your Hand made my sister cry) so overall, it's pretty good.
Weirdest moment: Finn praying to grilled cheese (what??)
Best moment: Quinn giving birth to Bohemian Rhapsody, Kurt singing I Wanna Hold Your Hand
Dawson's Creek
I LOVE their 90s' outfits and Joey and Pacey are really otp material, but I just can't stand Dawson! He got mad that Joey didn't tell him about his mother's affair, as if it was her place to get involved. She was 15! It's understandible she didn't want to get tangled into that mess. He also slut-shamed Jen in a really gross way. He literally stopped talking to her for a day when he found out she isn't a virgin. Why are both Joey and Jen into this guy?? This would've been a much better show if it was called Joey's Creek or Pacey's Creek.
Weirdest moment: the way Dawson's mom confessed her affair to her husband. I don't think any irl human would use this choice of words. Also that scene where Dawson's father was teaching him how to kiss while Joey was watching. Cringe.
Best moment: any time Joey and Pacey are bickering. My shipper heart!
Pretty Little Liars
I loved the book version of this, but the TV version seems way too dramatic. First of all, they romanticized Aria and Ezra's relationship (ewww) and made the whole thing seem much more overdramatic. I don't know how to explain it, I mean the books are also dramatic but the TV show somehow took it to a whole new level. None of the girls look like they're in high school, but I love the way they dress and do their makeup. It's almost as though the writers put more thought into their outfits than storylines. I still loved watching it until Netflix took it off, though.
Weirdest moment: Spencer somehow trying to block A's number from her laptop in the middle of a park and then being confused that it didn't work. Weren't you supposed to be the smart one, Spencer?
Best moment: Haleb in the shower, hiding from Hanna's mom.
This is a classic. Effy is iconic (I somehow heard about her even before watching Skins) and the musical number at the end of season 1 was out of nowhere but still somehow fit perfectly into the story. I also give this show point for being one of the few TV shows where teen characters are actually played by real life teens. They look their age, talk their age (no "I reject reality" or other cringy lines like that) and aren't unrealistically perfect like characters from American teen dramas tend to be. They look like people you might actually meet in high school. However the show loses points for all the continuity errors (are 8 episodes supposed to be the whole school year??) and the number of unneccessary death/tragic accidents. It seemed kind of over-the-top and unneccessarily dark and brutal at times.
Weirdest moment: Chris's graphic death
Best moment: Wild World
The Gen Z American version of Skins, but with better visuals. Much better. I loved the aesthetic, the colors, the lighting and glitter. Zendaya's a great actress and I give this show points for casting an actual trans actress in the role of Jules. However I find it weird that all guys on this show are complete irredeemable assholes (except of Jules's dad and Ethan that is). Are we supposed to just root for the girls and not the guys? Also I find it hard to believe that any of these characters are actually 16/17. They have sex all the time (yeah teenagers have sex sometimes but on this show they treated Kat as some kind of a chaste nun for being a virgin at 16) and have seemingly no rules and no curfew. It would've been much more believable if they were in college.
Weirdest moment: Nate breaking into Tyler's house, beating him up and then taking a shower. The audacity this guy has!
Best moment: "You did this to me!" and Rue having an anxiety attack on the stage in theater class
Gossip Girl
I know this is also an unpopular opinion, because many claim Gossip Girl is the best teen drama ever, but for me it just got way too soapy as the seasons went on. The first two seasons were believable, even though they didn't really look like they were in high school, but after that it was just more and more weird plot points. I will give this show points for the fashion (I mean Blair's headbands and school uniform inspired a fashion line), the acting ("I killed someone"- iconic) and the choice of background music (Nate and Serena kissing to Paparazzi, Thanksgiving with Watcha Say). Despite the wild twists and turns of events, I just had to keep watching because this show had me hooked.
Weirdest moment: Bart Bass somehow flying off the building for no reason (seriously, what he did there had no logical explanation and defied laws of physics), Dan being Gossip Girl, Bart faking his death and returning more evil than before, Serena becoming Gossip Girl, the affidavit, everyone randomly stopping going to college... there are so many but Bart takes the cake I guess
Best moment: the Thanksgiving flashbacks from season 1, Dan placing a plastic crown on Blair's head
Freaks and Geeks
This is one of the few shows where high school is depicted realistically. It's not all glitter and parties and not everyone has sex and does drugs. Okay, I admit, the bullying was over the top and it was weird how no adults cared but other than that, it was pretty spot-on. It was emotional without being too dramatic and far-fetched and also had funny moments. Yes some of the characters may have been stereotypes but at least the show seemed self-aware of that. It's truly a shame we only got 18 episodes of this show, while The Secret Life of the American Teenager somehow got five seasons??? I don't get it.
Weirdest moment: when Cindy suddenly got super mean once she started dating Sam
Best moment: Daniel showing up at Kim's doorstep, Sam breaking down in tears in the end of 'Garage Door'
Gilmore Girls
I'm not sure this one counts as a teen drama, maybe it's more of a dramedy but I'm still including it here. It's funny, the dialogue is witty and full of obscure pop-culture references and the relationships between generations complex. Same as with Freaks and Geeks, the portrayal of high school is pretty realistic. Characters are shown studying and taking tests and not just partying all the time. However the show loses points for getting weirdly soapy in the 7th season. The dialogue wasn't as good and the camera angles were soap opera like and the storylines weren't very good either. You could really tell the show changed show-runners. The earlier seasons are the best. It's hard to explain but something about them feels cozy like a warm blanket and a cup of hot chocolate on a rainy day.
Weirdest moment: Lorelai marrying Chris and then making the whole "you're the man I want to want" speech, Lorelai defending and loving Dean for no reason
Best moment: Rory's graduation speech, Rory yelling at Chris and calling him out for not having been there for her, Then She Appeared, "Yes Emily, you may go first"... there are so many!
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lovecolibri · 3 years
SaL anon here with a bonus song for this week which I considered for the episode but the vibe wasn't quite right, namely You Wouldn't Like Me. It's a Covers song so you may not be familiar but it definitely gives me Michael feels for this episode, especially Michael feels when talking to Alex (however the most repeated line feels like Alex replying to Michael this episode).New episode tomorrow friend where i'm sure we're getting a good Malex talking scene *glares meaningfully at Chris Hollier*
Hi, are you trying to kill me? Because OOF OOF OOF this song is SO painful! 😭😭😭 This I think fits so well for how Alex and Michael are both feeling. Alex last saw Michael as we was walking out of the bar while Alex was asking "would you come home", and probably feeling like now that the specter of his dad is gone and his hand is healed, Michael feels free and has no reason to be tied to him anymore given all that his family has done to Michael's. And Michael last saw Alex kissing someone else, and has just learned that his dad is apparently the worst kind of evil and his mom made and then trapped Max, and that maybe all the people who have told Michael his whole life that he's worthless and unlovable were right. (Uuuuugh, our sweet, traumatized, clown boys. Please, I'm begging you, just talk to each other.) So that's the set up for this past episode so lets dive into these lyrics. Buckle up everyone, we're going on a feels trip!
There's a war inside of me Do I cause new heartbreak to write a new broken song? Do I push it down or let it run me right into the ground?
But I, I feel like I wouldn't like me If I met me I feel like I wouldn't like me If I met me
😭😭😭 So the "do I cause new heartbreak" line makes me think of both of them trying to start other relationships but without really any hope of them working out. And I'm thinking of Alex, after all this time watching Michael with m*ria and having to write out all his feelings for Michael into a song before it ate him up from the inside. And then that chorus! The self-loathing is such an Alex thing (when I look into the mirror I don't even see myself. I see my father), and now Michael, who may have been talked down to by so many people in his life but always felt superior, is now having to confront that feeling that maybe HE was wrong, and all those other people were right. Someone please hug them both. (Or better yet, let them hug each other, I am no longer asking.)
Well, I can't stop talking for fear Of listening to unwelcome sound And you haven't called me in weeks And honestly, it's bringing me down
I, I feel like I wouldn't like me If I met me I feel like You wouldn't like me If you met me
Oh man, this verse really hit me in all of my sad Michael feels, especially because we know he struggles with his head being "too loud", and the fact he knew when and where Alex was coming back but hasn't been talking to m*ria, makes me think he had to have had some contact with Alex over the past year. And this chorus adds in the extra line of not just self-loathing, but "you wouldn't like me" which has been Michael's fear, that Alex doesn't really like him for him. 😭😭😭
Don't you worry, there's still time Don't you worry, there's still time There's nothing to live for When I'm sleeping alone And I wash the windows outside In hopes that the glare will bring you around
I, I feel like I wouldn't like me If I met me And I feel like You wouldn't like me If you met me
Don't you worry, there's still time Don't you worry, there's still time Don't you worry, there's still time Don't you worry, there's still time
I would like to sue Ryan's voice for emotional damages. I'm just thinking about the Lost Decade, and then this past year with Michael and Alex sleeping alone and both having spent time hoping the other one would come back around, but both still thinking that if the other knew everything they had done, they wouldn't like them.
Sunshine is days away and I won't be saved I know all the words And I can't say That I love you forever
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*also glares meaningfully at Chris Hollier* someone better give us some of that good, "friends but still staring longingly at each other when we think the other isn't looking" Malex content. One more sleep, Nonnie! Fingers crossed this episode delivers.
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