#however what he says is so close to That Good Shit he says in English that i'm fairly confident that's what this is
kadoodles-on-ao3 · 1 year
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Artist: mugimugis3 Source: Twitter Archives: Original Post | First Image | Second Image
(Rough) Translation: Shulk: "Even if you're a princess, or even if you were instead a regular girl, you're still Melia. To me, above all else, you're Melia."
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christhopersturniolo · 3 months
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summary: matt leaves the podcast because of his brother's jokes, and y/n comforts him.
warnings: cussing, sad, fluff
notes: this fanfic was a request! also english is not my first language so im sorry about any mistake
The day with the Triplets has been a little stressful, specially for Matt. Each time he spoke, his brothers would joke saying that he was being way too ‘depressed’ and ‘miserable’. Or Nick would always answer with ‘Yeah, yeah nobody wants to hear about that shit’.
Now, after they invited me to their podcast, here I am, sitting next to my boyfriend, holding his hand gently.
As Chris and Nick keep talking over their brother, calling him ‘Miserable Matt’ I could see him getting more annoyed, his eyes watering, and it feels like I'm the only one seeing his discomfort.
I don’t really know what to do, cause obviously his brothers are just joking, and I'm not sure how to intervene without making things awkward.
They keep teasing him over and over.
“I'm not going to sit here for like another 55 minutes or some shit.” Matt’s voice getting slowly lower.
“What? What was that? That mumble? I can’t understand you.” The older triplet mocks him, but he tries to ignore it. “Ok go ahead-“
“Now you are ‘mumble Matt’ too” Chris laughs after Nick’s comment. “It's like I can't even understand what you are saying, sounds like rocks rolling down a hill, your voice”
I try to end the conversation "Can we just-" Before I can finish, Chris and Nick burst into laughter "Can we start the podcast?" I try again, but Matt lets out a heavy sigh.
Nick continues “it literally sounds like an avalanch coming out of your mouth” Matt gets up aggressively, starting to leave the room “I’m not doing this shit anymore.”
“Oh come on Matt!” Chris says chucking. They laugh some more as I just think of what to do. I get up from my seat, hurrying after him “Hey.. Matt..” I begin, attempting to catch his attention. However, before I could reach him, he gets in his room, and slams the door in my face, leaving me standing outside. I'm sure this is not just about the stupid jokes they were making.
I hesitate for a moment before making any move, thinking if I should open the door, i’m sorry, but I can't just ignore the urge to check on him.
With a deep breath, I reach out and calmly push the door open. Inside, I find Matt lying on his bed, his face buried in his pillow, shoulders shaking with silent sobs.
“Can we talk love?” I say quietly closing the door behind me.
He lifts his head, his eyes red and puffy, his expression a mixture of sadness and anger. "What do you want?" His voice defensive.
Ignoring his tone, I move closer and sit on the bed.
With a gentle touch, I reach out and place my hand on his back, offering a silent gesture of comfort. For a moment, we sit in silence, until I interrupt it.
“Can you tell me what has been going on lately?” I ask softly, my voice filled with concern.
“Nothings going on” He sniffs, still with his face in the pillow “I’m fine” His voice barely above a whisper.
I shake my head, not trusting his words. "You don't seem fine to me" He stays silent, I take a deep breath.
I adjust my position, leaning against the headboard of the bed. I decide to take a different approach instead of talking “Come here..” I pat the spot next to me, in sign for him to come closer “Let's just cuddle for a bit."
He completely stops acting rude in the moment I suggest it, Matt scoots closer, laying his head on my chest, his arms around my waist. I stroke his smooth brown hair. I kiss the top of his head. We stay like this for some good ten minutes.
He presses his face into the crook of my neck and whispers with a shaky voice “I’m just so fucked up..”
Gently, I cupped his cheeks, lifting his head from my neck, making him look into my eyes “Matt.. Why do you say that?”
"I just.. I don't know" He admits. "I'm just so fucking exhausted of feeling like this all the time..”
I sigh, I hate seeing him in this state. “Since when do you feel like that?” I wait patiently for Matt's response, he looks away.
“I don’t know.. For some long time now.. I guess I've been trying to push it away, but it just keeps coming back, over and over.” As he spoke, I could see the pain in his eyes.
"I'm sorry I couldn't see it sooner babe.." I whisper, reaching out to gently brush away his tears. "I should have known something was wrong." I kiss his forehead.
He shakes his head "It's not your fault" He murmurs "I don’t want you to worry"
I wrap my arms around him, holding him close. "But I do worry, Matt" I confess softly. "I care about you more than anything."
He buries his face deeper into my chest. "I love you so much.." He whispers, his voice muffled by the fabric of my shirt.
"I love you too.." I whisper back in his ear, squeezing him tightly.
sorry this is so short 😭😭
tags: @muwapsturniolo
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ssahotchnerr · 10 months
okay so, I really don't like angst so I'll go with jealous!Hotch 🤭
Something like when Reader is at Jack's soccer game and Idk, a dad flirts with her? But when Jack sees that she's talking with someone who isn't Hotch, he calls her "mom" in front of the dad who's flirting with her, (bc he's jealous too 🤭) but Hotch hears him and he's kind of moved, but someone is flirting with his girl so he gets all jealous and starts like kissing her or something in front of the man? And the night they end up at his home, with Hotch showing her that she belongs to him 🤭
(feel free to change anything, don't worry, also, sorry for my bad english, it's not my first language 😭)
keeping score
🤭 minors dni cw; fem!reader, jack calls reader mom, unwanted advances, suggestiveness, allusions to sex, small praise, dominant!jealous!possessive aaron 🦋 wc; 1.5k
early saturday mornings - grass still slightly wet from the dew, the sun slowly rising higher into the sky (threatening a hot day), sat alongside a soccer field - you couldn't imagine another place you'd rather be.
as aaron was the coach, you spent majority of jack's game sitting alone. it was a small price to pay; you were more than happy to cheer on jack from the sidelines, and to check aaron out as much as you wanted.
but most importantly, attending his games made you feel like you were a part of the family. the hotchners were closed off and let very few people in, and so your attendance here only solidified your role in both their lives. that aaron planned on keeping you around, and that jack trusted you. your role in his life wasn't to someday replace his mom, but rather you were just another person who simply loved him. you loved him like he was your own, and he knew it.
"mornin'," a voice pulled you from your thoughts; a familiar face amongst the other parents on the team, but you didn't know him by name.
you offered a quick, friendly smile, "good morning."
he set up camp near you, setting his foldable chair down and getting settled a few feet away. you paid him no mind, resuming your attention to something more worthy of your focus, such as how attractive aaron looked in the jeans he was wearing. and the game, obviously.
however, you could feel him peering at you from time to time, making the hair on the back of your neck stand up.
ten minutes or so passed before he spoke again, "so, big soccer fan?"
your eyes followed jack, who was dribbling the soccer ball down the field. your heart swelled with pride as he successfully kicked it to a teammate, "not until recently."
"me too." he offered you a look that he probably thought was slick, while you kept your gaze straight forward. "i'm always looking to score, if you know what i mean."
his words instantly caused your cheeks to burn, along with your whole body. it was clear he was objectifying you, with no good intentions in mind.
you didn't bother replying. hopefully, that would be a clear indicator for him to leave, or to leave you alone.
but he still chose to linger. and while he wasn't speaking, in your peripheral you kept noticing his head turn, gazing in your direction. his eyes were nearly burning a hole into you.
"shit." he swore as he suddenly stood up, picking up and moving his chair even closer to yours, "the grass is eating away at my chair. must've been that damn rain last night."
it hadn't rained last night.
the unsettling feeling he was causing you only grew, but again you didn't dare to say anything. the uncomfortableness only eased when the whistle finally blew, signaling halftime. this meant a water break and a small snack for the kids, and it meant aaron and jack would soon be joining you for a moment.
as expected, jack hurried towards you as soon as one of the other moms distributed him his snack, but paused abruptly as he reached you, his eyes scanning between you and the man. a confused expression filled his face, his bottom lip sticking out into a pout. it was the same one he produced whenever aaron gave him the fifteen minute warning for bedtime.
"mom," jack inserted himself in between the two of you, a small package of fruit snacks in hand, "can you open these for me?"
you froze for a spilt second, touched and surprised. you've been a constant in both aaron and jack's lives for almost a year now. but that title, was a first.
"of course sweet pea," you coughed a bit to clear your throat, and to stop the tears from surfacing, opening it for him.
"you did good out there kiddo," the dad spoke again, flashing a smile.
your fists clenched at that one - you knew he was trying to impress you, and you hated how he had decided to use interacting with jack to his advantage.
just wait until you find how he's the coach's son.
while you were furious, jack ever so slightly rolled his eyes, such an annoyed expression almost humorous for a child his age, choosing to focus on his snack and leaning comfortably against your shoulder.
and a minute or two later, aaron joined.
as aaron approached, his face nearly pulled into the same expression as his son's as he analyzed the visual in front of him. only his was accompanied with a more hardened, possessive aggressiveness.
"hi sweetheart," aaron greeted you, leaning in to kiss you once you were on your feet. it wasn't a chaste peck either, but rather more showy. his fingers grasped onto the waistline of your pants, pulling you flush to him. "enjoying the game?"
you nodded, still recovering from the unexpected heated kiss, looking down at jack who also was glued to your side, offering protection of his very own. you gave him a smile, ruffling his hair gently, "i think we've got a soccer star on our hands."
"speaking of," aaron started, straightening his torso and squaring his shoulders, making him appear taller. "jack, why don't you join the others. they're taking turns aiming at the goal before the game resumes."
with a nod, and after handing you the empty wrapper, jack ran off to his teammates. aaron was still holding his menacing glare, but dropped the entire expression suddenly.
"how are you feeling?"
"feeling...?" your eyebrows quirked in confusion.
"you're not too sore today, aren't you?" his eyes darted behind you, a rather confident, fiery glint within them. "i wasn't holding back last night, was i?"
"and now that i'm thinking about it, i don't think you've ever been that loud either."
aaron had always been a stickler for pda; any displays were kept to quick kisses, hand holding, and any suggestive comments were kept to a murmur, meant for you and you only. even when you tagged along with him to bau outings, such as a bar on a saturday night, he held back. anything more was private, and aaron preferred it that way - him being the only one to witness you in such a vulnerable state, was something he took gratification in, and only added to his overall pleasure.
so this, was something else. he wasn't speaking loud enough for all to hear, just enough for the man in question. your back was towards him, so you had no idea how he was reacting to aaron's words.
"i'm fine." you managed, your body also reacting immediately.
aaron's lips found home behind your ear, again conscience of his volume - just loud enough. "good, because i'm not done with you yet."
aaron's hand slid up to the small of your back, but not without stopping on the curve of your ass first - again he wasn't subtle about it, making sure it was noticeable.
and it had to be working, for the man hadn't uttered a single word.
"and actually, sweetheart." another glare pointed behind you. "would you mind helping me at the bench for the rest of the game? i could use an extra set of hands."
"of course." you blurted out, complying without a second thought.
"good girl," he was heavy on the emphasis, patting your hip affectionately. "c'mon."
you were visually flustered as you leaned down to gather your belongings, especially when aaron's hand rested on the small of your back as you did so. your eyes lifted to the man, who was avoiding all eye contact, staring off into the field with a flushed face.
once you straightened up aaron took your hand, leading you away.
"thank you." you mumbled as your hand slid up his arm, giving his bicep a squeeze.
aaron's jaw clenched. "i fucking hated the way he was looking at you."
"you wouldn't like what he was saying either." you mumbled, causing aaron's nostrils to flare in anger. but to calm him, you changed the subject, heat filling your cheeks again, "and you."
a pleased, closed lip smile graced his face. "what about me?"
"what was all that?" you teased, stomach fluttering. you already knew the answer, but it was something you wanted to hear from him again. "i've never heard you, so..."
he chuckled softly, an almost embarrassing undertone to his words. "vocal?"
"yeah." you blurted out, blinking. "it was hot."
aaron shrugged, satisfied but still agitated. "he was devouring you, practically undressing you with his eyes."
"well, i don't think he'll be trying anything again."
"i know he won't," aaron's eyes darkened as his overly confident demeanor resurfaced, his lips pulling into a smirk as one of his fingers tapped your neck, "especially when he sees you next week. because you won't be covering up those marks."
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''closed for cleaning on mondays'' comes from a sign, right? where it had been like written in English first and then a translation request sent to some office for the Welsh part and the autoreply came back saying the closed for cleaning bit but it's in Welsh so the people sending the request think it's the text they wanted translated, so then the road sign reads like:
''[Closed for cleaning on Mondays, but in Welsh] // Llanfainpwllgwyngyll Regional Airport 5 km"
i thought I remembered some kind of story like that......
...this is a highly surreal ask to receive and I lowkey cannot work out if you Know and are baiting me or if the stars have just aligned weirdly that I am being asked this.
Okay so no, "Closed for cleaning on Mondays" is just an isolated joke by itself, thrown out because it's funny to think of a country being closed for cleaning. HOWEVER. I do know exactly what you're vaguely remembering (or possibly fully remembering and gleefully pretending otherwise *sus*).
A new road was built near a supermarket in Swansea into a residential area in 2008, so they needed a road sign to tell delivery lorries not to enter the road. Someone in the roads section of Swansea Council duly sent the sign text ("No entry for heavy goods vehicles. Residential site only") to be translated to their internal translation department.
What they got back was an email that said:
Nid wyf yn y swyddfa ar hyn o bryd. Anfonwch unrhyw iaith i'w gyfieithu i EMAIL ADDRESS os gwelwch yn dda.
I am not in the office at the moment. Please send any work to be translated to EMAIL ADDRESS.
At which point, the galaxy-brained individual who received that response went "Ah, excellent, my translation - WAIT. Something is Wrong with this translation."
And he looked at it, and examined it, and pondered it, and then went: "Hang on. My text didn't have an email address in it."
And he looked at it again, and examined it again, and pondered it again, and then went: "Hang on. I remember from school that 'Os gwelwch yn dda" means 'please'. My text didn't have the word please in it."
And he looked at it a final time, and examined it a final time, and pondered it a final time, and then went: "I have solved the mystery here. The translator is Wrong. I just need to remove that email address and 'please' and then it'll say what I want."
And thus this happened:
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And that got picked up by Welsh media, and then UK media, and then international media, and even the New York Times or some shit reported it, and then MASSIVE FUCKING SCRUTINY descended upon, not the roads department of Swansea council who were actually responsible, but the translation department of Swansea Council, because this was considered Proof that we shouldn't have to put Welsh on road signs and we should all just let Welsh die.
And THAT meant the translators working for Swansea Council suddenly had to go through their out-of-office emails to prove that they're nice and clear and easy to understand and this wasn't their fault.
And one of those poor hapless translators, whose out-of-office email was suddenly being scrutinised by the New York Times as potential evidence that his job shouldn't exist and his language should be wiped out...
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iamasimperyk · 4 months
Professor's Pet
Warnings: Smut, Cursing, Taboo topic, English is not my first language
Summary: You have a crush on your professor
Pairing: Professor!Rafe x Student!Reader
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You knew it was wrong, however, you couldn't help but fall for your professor.
Rafe Cameron. The hot professor every girl on campus had a crush on. You promised yourself you would not be one of those girls, save to say you failed miserably.
Another thing you promised yourself was to never fall for a married man. Fuck. He even had a child.
All the time you reminded yourself that it was nothing but a silly little crush. He had a family, and you were barely twenty.
Still, every lecture got harder and harder for you. He just looked so fine and the way he had with words—it was just too much for you.
"Alright, students, see you next Monday." Rafe smiled, finishing his lesson.
People slowly started leaving, leaving, and you took a big breath before you approached your professor.
"Mr. Cameron? Could I talk to you for a minute?" You asked, feeling how your knees had already gotten weaker.
His smile fell a little, but he nodded regardless, "Of course, Ms. Y/l/n."
"The essay from a week ago, I think you made a mistake with my mark." You said in the friendliest way possible.
"No, I don't think so. The grammar of your essay was rather weak, and I didn't really appreciate the way you chose to write about the topic. The task was to write nothing but information and nothing about your personal opinion." He told you, packing his stuff in the meantime.
"All my other professors never had something against my grammar or my use of words?" You said in confusion.
"Well, Ms. Y/l/n, I suggest you focus on your writing. I am not quite interested in hearing your little excuses." He said with a strict voice before he walked out of the room
You stood there stunned. He never had something against your writing, and he never acted so annoyed and cold toward his students.
Tears swelled up in your eyes, and you quickly left the room, wanting nothing more than to cry in your bed.
You felt like shit. Rafe Cameron couldn't know about the crush you had on him since you never told anyone, and you also tried your best not to make it too obvious—not like the other girls. Maybe he had just a bad day, or maybe, he was really not fond of your essay.
A few weeks later, nothing had changed. You saw how friendly your professor acted toward other students, but when you tried to ask a question, he just acted differently. Fuck, he even ignored you every time you raised your hand in one of his lectures.
At this point, you should have accepted the fact that he hated you. But you couldn't.
You stood in front of his office and knocked on the black wooden door.
After a few seconds, it opened, " Oh, you must be one of my husband's students."
There she was, Rafe Cameron's wife. She was beautiful, and she seemed to be nice.
"Y-yeah, I just wanted to ask something about the lecture today, but I will just send him an e-mail." You mumbled with a small smile before you turned around to leave.
After you heard how the door closed, there was screaming.
The next day, after everybody left the room, Rafe Cameron asked to talk to you for a moment.
"Ms. Y/l/n, I am sure you had a good reason for coming to my office yesterday, but I would appreciate it if you don't bother me in my free time." He said in a cold tone.
You couldn't take it anymore. It was not a crime to ask a professor a question outside of lectures.
"Mr. Cameron, I tried my best not to say anything, but I can't take it anymore. I was polite to you and handed in every assignment you gave. And you? You gave me bad marks, and everything I do is bad in your opinion," You raised your voice, but he just stared at you coldly.
"What have I done wrong? Just tell me so I can change-" You went on, before he interrupted you," You are the problem. Everything about you is the problem."
You looked at him confused, "What do you mean, Mr. Cameron?"
"Fuck, I mean look at you. The way you look, the way you dress, the way you swing your hips when you walk out of the room, the way you bite down your lip when you're thinking. I can't think about you this way. I am your professor, and you are my student." He told you, pacing around the room.
Your professor, who was also your secret crush, liked you. He liked you in the same way you liked him. But what now?
"I- I don't know what to say now." You muttered and looked away, biting down your lip.
Rafe looked at you, taking a big step forward, and put his hands on your cheeks, "Just one, please."
You looked at him innocently and gave him a small nod. That was all it took before he leaned down and pressed his lips against yours.
You kissed him back, your tongues dancing around in each other's mouths.
"Please," You let out a desperate moan, and Rafe quickly picked you up before he placed you on his desk.
He took one of his hands away from your butt and brought it down to lift the hem of your black skirt. Slipping it inside your panties and pushing a finger inside your tight, now wet folds.
One of his hands still squeezed your ass as you moaned into his mouth. He broke the kiss, his eyes staring into yours, full of lust, "Who would have thought that you are such a slut for your professor?"
He started to work a second finger inside your tight cunt. Your clit grinding against his palm.
"So desperate, my little whore." He picked up the pace, pumping his fingers in and out of your aching pussy.
All you could do was moan and whimper. You were about to cum before you felt him retract his fingers.
You let out a sound of disappointment, which he returned with one of his famous smirks. He unbuckled his belt and pulled out his cock. He rubbed it against your dripping wet slit before he buried it inside your little cunt.
"Mr. Cameron," You let out a moan that was muffled by another hard kiss.
He started to thrust his hips. Your little pussy clamping around his hard thick cock as he fucked you on his desk.
You wrapped your legs around his waist as your bodies rocked together.
"Is this what you wanted?" He asked, and all you could do was cry out a small 'Yes, sir'.
He kissed you hungrily, and you could feel yourself nearly at the edge. "Cum with me. Show me what a little slut like you looks like when she cums hard all over her professor's cock." He moaned into your mouth.
You threw your head back as your pussy spasmed. Your hips bucked against him as his orgasm washed over him as well, riding out your orgasms together.
He looked into your eyes again, "You did so good for me, princess. Come on, let's clean you up."
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kentosbabes · 1 year
Ex Bf Gojo hcs
I’ve been thinking about doing a part two to this for ages and finally decided to write it. I wrote this in my English lit lesson because it was eating me alive 😫 anyways hope you like it 😋🫶🏼
Ex Bf Gojo who finds himself at your front door again holding one of your bras and a pair of shorts that he took from his last visit. However his eager expression changes when you opened the door wearing a dress teasing to expose your breasts and your thighs on full display. ‘Satoru?’
Ex Bf Gojo who’s shocked expression turns into a smirk as he says ‘hey love where we going?’. you can only roll your eyes ‘satoru we are not going anywhere. I am going on a date’ you say walking back into your house as he close the door as he follows behind you
Ex Bf Gojo who’s in disbelief at your words he’s left speechless for once. ‘i don’t think so baby’ he says coming up behind you as you fix your lipstick in the mirror. ‘satoru don’t start with me. we’re not together you’ve had plenty of chances’ you say as his hands wrap around you
Ex Bf Gojo who makes himself at home on your couch as you make sure you have everything ‘satoru go home’ you say giving him a stern look ‘nah i’m going to stay right here until you get back just do i can hear how shit it was’ he says manspreading and turning on your TV
Ex Bf Gojo who stays true to his word and stays in the same spot as you unlock the door and walk in. you hate how he was right, the date was horrible he would only talk about himself and didn’t even pay for the meal instead asking if you could
Ex Bf Gojo who knows as soon as he sees you expression it wasn’t what you thought. ‘awe poor girl he didn’t compare to me at all huh’ he says standing up and making his way towards you. ‘hmm it’s okay though i know just how to make it all better’
Ex Bf Gojo who now has your lips attached to his in a needy kiss. your hands resting in his hair as his roam around your body ‘when will you understand huh? no on will ever compare to me sweetheart. no one’ he says his lips now kissing down your neck
Ex Bf Gojo who now has you pushed up against the door as he thrusts in behind you, the bottom of your dressed bunched up at your waist and your panties pushed to the side. ‘did he get you this wet?’ he asks knowing you were thinking of him the entire time not the dick sitting infront of you at the restaurant. ‘no satoru f-fuck only you get me this wet p-please’
Ex Bf Gojo who has his fingers deep in you curling in to hit your sweet spot. but as soon as you can feel the tightness in your stomach he stops ‘nuh uh you need to understand that your mine.’ his long fingers now rubbing circles on your clit ‘don’t worry i’ll make you cum so much all you can think of is me and then maybe you’ll understand your mine and no one will ever compare to me’
Ex Bf Gojo who teases you as he’s thrusting slow and deep into you ‘could he make you feel this good? did you get that feeling in your stomach when you look at him? the one you get when you look at me? god, i bet he didn’t even pay for the dinner’ you hated how he was right and let out a groan in response ‘oh i’m right? what a dick but don’t worry i’ve got you. gunna make you feel real good’
Ex Bf Gojo who makes sure to clean you up in the shower before laying down next to you in bed. ‘pretty girl’ you turn to face him ‘mhm’ Gojo now moves you so you sit in between his legs as he sits against the headboard of the bed. ‘maybe we should try again hm?’ he asks you send him a big smile ‘Satoru Gojo are you asking me to be your girlfriend? again?’ he lets out a chuckle before saying ‘only if you say yes’.
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thir10th · 1 month
are you in?
summary: compilation of short blurbs of your's and Emily's relationship before the team knew. Some based on actual chapters. it's just basically how you managed to keep it a secret TW: I fucked up the show's timeline so try to forget all you know about it, "only one bed" but reverse (it may be shit lol), suggestive content, i think that's it A/N: Writing this one has been a pain in the ass because every time i edited it i'd loose the changes so there are parts that i don't actually like at all but here it is nonetheless. As always: English isn't my first language. Reviews are appreciated. Like and reblog <3
˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗ new blouse?
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A near death experience really deserves some kind of celebration
and you suppose a near-job loss experience does too
a week had passed after Emily and Hotch had rejoined the team on that case on Milwaukee, and Emily's head injury was almost just another scar, so when Morgan had asked you if you wanted to go out for drinks, you had looked at your girlfriend and said:"yeah, wny not"
and there you were, sitting at a table right next to Penelope, waiting for your girlfriend to bring all your drinks, and overhearing a conversation she was having with Hayley and Hotch, who seemed very relieved to have the night for themselves. You were supposed to be a part of that conversation, but you couldn't bring yourself to care enough to listen.
All your focus was deposited on your girlfriend, she had her arms rested on the counter trying to get the waiter's attention, a pair of dark jeans accentuated her figure, and all you could think about was getting home and ripping that blouse off of her.
You would have to settle for just staring, for now. Emily turns around to take a look at your table and catches you starring, you blush instantly, but she just smiles and gives you a wink, which makes you smile too, and suddenly your taken out of the trance by a voice.
"y/n are you listening to me?" Penelope says trying to grab your attention
"sorry, yes, what is it?" she looks at you suspiciously, as if with just her eyes she could decipher what was going on inside your head. She can't go on because Emily comes back with all your drinks, leaving them on the table and sitting next to you , maybe just a little bit too close but you could not complain.
She simply joins the conversation like it was nothing, meanwhile you sip on your drink hopeful that the alcohol will help you take your girlfriend away from your mind. However, Emily has different plans for you, as she rests her hand on you thigh behind the table so no one can see, dangerously high, she can't be bothered at all, she just keeps talking to Hotch as if nothing was going on, but all you can think about is her.
Morgan, who had spent a good hour on the dance floor, collecting girl's phone numbers, comes around, he grabs Penelope's hand to take her to the dance floor with him.
She shoots from her sit, swinging her hips to the rhythm of the music, Morgan guides her, a huge smile on his face as he pulls her to dance with him.
To everyone’s surprise Hotch pulls Hayley to dance with him as well, and just like that, in a matter of seconds, Emily and you are left alone.
When you turn your head to look at her, she places her face closer to yours, dangerously close, you’d say, but you can’t bring yourself to separate.
“Are you having fun baby?” She asks, a soft smile on her lips “yes, but it’s getting hard not to touch you” she smiles, her face closer now you can almost feel her lips brushing against yours. Her hand, which was still on your leg, starts caressing your thigh, setting progressively higher. You’re starting to lean into the contact when you suddenly remember where you are. Anyone who looked at you right now could see the whole scene.
“Em, stop” you say, drawing her hand away from your leg and separating your face form hers “they’re gonna see”
“Ok, yeah, sorry” she says, fake regret on her face as she takes another sip of her drink
“So, I caught you staring at me before, what was it that was so interesting?” She says like it’s the most innocent question ever, but you just know she wants to bother you a bit more. You would never admit how much you love it.
You check no one is looking at you. Both Hayley and Hotch are in their own little world, and Morgan and Penelope are too focused on each other to care. So you lean into her to whisper in her ear
“I was thinking how hot my girlfriend looks and how much I want to rip that blouse off of her” she chuckles and you go for another sip
“Thank you, it’s new” she says louder, like you just asked her the most simple question about her clothes
She leans into your ear this time, with the softest, sexiest voice she just whispers, the feeling of her breath on your ear is suffocating now
“I would love to let you take it off however you want. Do you want to go?” She asks, you eagerly nod your head, begging her with your eyes to take you home right now.
“C’mon, I’ll tell them you’re not feeling well and I’m driving you home” she smiles at you and winks, you follow her to the back of the bar where JJ and Spence are, to let them know you’re leaving.
For your surprise, JJ walks up to you too.
“We have a case” she just says, and you look at each other with disappointment.
Looks like Emily’s blouse was staying on for now.
𖨆♡𖨆 3x03 scared to death
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It had been a weird morning.
You woke up with a headache. After your last case you had arrived at Emily’s apartment, and parked your car outside so you could get to work on different cars the next day.
You were thinking about having a calm night. A bottle of wine, a movie, Chinese takeout, falling asleep early enough so you wouldn’t be so tired the next day, all that.
Little did you know Emily had some things in mind for you.
The first glass of wine was alright, you were barely feeling it, but after that one another 3 followed, you came up with this stupid game of drinking every time the movie had a cringe scene, and lucky for you the movie was really bad. You would sometimes forget that particular wine affected your girlfriend to a certain level, so one thing leading to another you had fallen asleep at more or less 4am.
Next day you wake up to a very loud phone call. You turn around confused by the phone ringing, but you’re not sure where exactly it’s coming from. It had flown away yesterday night along with your clothes and had landed on the bedroom floor.
Emily's arm was wrapped around your waist, your leg on top of hers, you were both just a mess of sheets and naked bodies. You get out of bed, waking your girlfriend up, who lets out an angry groan.
You finally find the phone behind Emily's pants, JJ's name appearing on the screen. "Hello?" you answer "Hey, we have a case, I can't reach Emily, and you're both late, do you know where she could be?" she asks. You check the time
"yeah, I'm sorry, ugh... i don't know where Emily is, i had a problem with my....kitchen sink...but i'll be there as son as i can ok? bye JJ" you don't even wait for her to answer, you just hang up the phone and run to wake Emily up.
"Em! Baby wake up its 8am we're late!" she finally opens her eyes, her somnolent face tries to decipher what you just said. Her body starts moving first, siting upright.
"JJ just called, we have a case, you have to call her back, tell her there's traffic or something, I'll leave first ok?" you run around, trying to find something wearable. You already had your own drawer at her place for times like this.
You fly around the apartment checking you have everything with you, car keys, purse, phone... You walk up to Emily, still getting dressed, only a pair of pants on and her bra, she’s looking around for something to wear with the pants.
You grab her waist, pulling her in for a kiss “I’ll see you there ok?” You tell her. She smiles at you, then grins, still half a sleep, and you leave.
You weren’t exactly sure if it had been the wine, or the 4 hours of sleep, but you were hoping the meds you had taken with your breakfast (a coffee) would start acting quickly, because your headache was starting to get unbearable.
Sitting on the round table, you revise the file with the case, when Emily arrives, excusing for being late, but Hotch hasn’t even arrived yet and we hadn’t started, so she’s technically still on time.
As soon as you look up to catch a glimpse of her, your headache magically disappears. You regret it immediately because now she’s all you can think about.
It’s ridiculous, you spent hours last night with each other, hell, you spent all day with her! You should’ve had enough of her by now! But how could you when she was wearing that red tank top?
You stare at every movement she makes, taking her jacket off, uncovering her slightly muscular arms, you cannot physically take your eyes off of her, following her every move. Red was definitely her color, there was no argument about that. You could not focus on the case anymore.
After the usual “wheels up in 30” they all leave the room, but you grab your girlfriends arm last second, trying to keep her from leaving. “Em wait a second” You’re both left alone, looking to see if there’s anyone left in the room, everyone has left and far from you two.
"What is it?" she asks
You feel the need to whisper although there's no one in the room anymore "You look so good in this I'm genuinely considering going down on you now" you say tugging the red fabric between your fingers. She smiles widely, getting closer to your face.
You aren't sure where this renewed confidence is coming from, it's just that Emily made you feel like that sometimes.
"was yesterday not enough?" she says in a teasing voice, but you can tell she's feeling just like you. Her face mere inches from yours, you are almost begging her for some action.
"we still have 30 minutes" she twirls her head as if asking you, and you nod, unable to form any words
"ok you go first, I'll meet you down" you're already crossing the door when you turn around, check for anyone who could see you, but there's no one even close to your vicinity.
You rush back, giving Emily a peck on her lips, and separating to go run downstairs.
˚☽˚。⋆ Can I join?
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It's almost time. You can even taste it.
A free night. It's been some time since you got one of those.
You could even see it. A wine glass, your big ass bathtub, a dozen candles, some exotic scented bath products and your wonderful girlfriend.
You look across the room for her, she's working on some files still. You could say she literally feels your eyes on her, because she turns around and catches you staring at her, smiling warmly at you and winking, which makes you instantly blush.
"Any plans for the night, Prentiss?" Morgan asks her coming by her desk, you're already walking up to them so you don't miss a thing from their conversation.
"yes. I got a date" she just says like it was nothing.
A weird sensation runs through your body, a mix between jealousy and excitement. You obviously knew you were the date, but the jealousy came mostly from the fact that she could not mention it was in fact you.
"really? who's the lucky one?" Morgan asks rising his eyebrows
"hot tub" she answers like nothing, just playing it cool, but the grin on her face suggests she has been picturing your night just like you had.
"oh, that sounds like a party" he teases, but she doesn't lose a single second on it "you're so not invited"
"am i?" you come from nowhere, you are right behind Emily, who turns around, holding back a smile, she gives in the game, after all, this is the perfect way to make them not suspect a thing.
"now you, i could consider it" she answers, and you lower your head, smiling to the floor so no one sees it.
"Now that sounds like a better party" he mutters.
.•°•.•. .•.•°•.
The soft bathrobe hugs your body keeping it warm, a wine glass in your hand, resting your back against the sink, you wait as your girlfriend finishes the bath.
The whole scene is idyllic, candles lit all around, low warm light illuminating the stance, Emily's black hair falling on her shoulders, her robe barely closed, she lights the last two candles, and checks the water temperature before walking up to you
"ready?" she asks sweetly, untying the knot in your robe, she takes off hers and gets in first, giving you a hand to help you get in, yourself.
You lay back, resting your back against her, relaxing immediately into her touch. White bubbles around both your bodies. She kisses your neck from the back. Breathing out, you groan at the feeling, she caresses the skin of your ams with her fingertips, gently.
"do you think Morgan can even begin to imagine this?" you ask her, she stops her ministrations to answer you
"i really hope he doesn't, but teasing him is fun" you chuckle
"well, imagine how we'll blow out his mind when we tell him" you begin wondering. She kisses the sensitive skin on the curve of your neck, nipping at the skin, you close you eyes leaning on the contact.
"are you thinking about it?" she stops to ask
"Morgan? hell no" she chuckles
"i mean about telling Morgan" you turn around to look at her, making a bit of water overflowing the tub
"well, yeah, I mean, I think about telling all of them" she twists her head trying to understand
"not now though! Not yet... at all" you can see her relaxing instantly, a smile begining to form on her lips
"Em, this past months have been...amazing, and i want to keep that for ourselves just a little bit more... also the sneaking around is very fun" you both laugh in agreement "but?" she asks waiting for you to add something more
"but, that doesn't mean I'm not excited for our friends to know, you know? I mean, going out together and actually kissing, dancing together, to be able to say we are, well, together tonight... basically just doing it all together" her big brown eyes linger on to you, she's full smiling now, you know she feels the same, but she just wouldn't be the one to tell you.
"i love you" she mutters, you smile, holding to her shoulders for support, warm drops of water running down your arms, you kiss her gently in approval.
"well, i say let's enjoy the meantime then" her hands fly to your waist to hold you, and you kiss her deeply again.
𓇢𓆸 Care to share?
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Hotch had decided to call it a day, it was too late, and you all knew how difficult it could be to function when you don't get enough sleep.
You had't had time to check in earlier at the hotel, so when you got there and saw it, you knew that wood creaked like shit.
You had expected nothing less, being in a cold state, the hotel reception had a big fireplace which kept the ambience cozy and warm, the wooden planks creaked behind your feet even behind the thick carpet.
Hotch turns to us, with the room keys in his hands "I'm sorry but this is a small village, this was the only place that still had spare rooms, and they're all packed up this week so some of us will have to share" he says.
"how many?" Morgan asks concerned "two double, three single rooms" Hotch says
"well I'm not sharing with pretty boy here" he complains
"Dave and i can share one" he says "Well, y/n and I also don't mind sharing" Emily rushes to say. You walk up to her "right?" she asks as if she needed to make sure "yeah of course, no problem" you say, smiling at her. Her quick willfulness to share with you and you eager reaction winning you a suspicious look from JJ, but you couldn't bring yourself to care, because tonight none of you would have to sneak out, waiting till it's late enough for the rest to have fallen asleep, you wouldn't have to wake up early to get back to your room, you had your place tonight.
"alright, thank you" you think it's funny, you should be the one thanking Hotch, not the other way around. You grab your key and Emily follows you upstaris.
.•°•.•. .•.•°•.
You can tell the place is old just by the keys, it's an inn more than a hotel. You turn the key in the lock, opening the door partially, when you feel Emily's hands on your waist, grabbing it, you close your eyes as soon as you feel her lips on yours, and she kisses you deeply, possessively.
You surround her body with your arms for support, leaning into the kiss, closing the door behind you with your foot. Tugging your hands on her hair, you surrender to the connection and just give in, not caring who could've caught you mere seconds ago on the hallway.
She pushes you agains the door, her hands finding the way behind your shirt, touching you everywhere, she moves to kiss the corner of your lips, your cheek, the skin behind your ear, leaving a trail of wet warm kisses, finding your pulse point you let out a needy whimper in approval.
"you think JJ knows?" you ask breathlessly "she suspects something, but she can't technically prove it" her lips brushing your neck with every word, her soft breath warm on your skin.
"Well, she should start paying more attenti-" your mouth falls open. It was the first time you had tken a good look at the room since you entered "Em, look" you say trying to stop her ministrations much to your distaste to make her look around.
Emily turns around and takes a look at the room. You should've guessed this would've happened. Hotch would never slept in the same bed as Rossi, and you shouldn't have to do that ether, right?
"Two beds?" she says, in awe. "what do you suggest?" she asks
"should we join them?" you try "we'll end up falling through the middle" she says "ok, then. You chose"
Next day you wake up completely wrapped around Emily, your nose buried in her neck, inhaling her scent, you were almost thankful for the small size of that bed.
───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ───
A/N: this one took me a long ass time to finish so i hope its not shit. Like & reblog, any feedback is greatly appreciated. Also I'm open to requests because I'm almost out of ideas
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ilongfor-the-arts · 1 year
A REQUEST FOR LIP PLEASEEE!! him getting hammered in a party then he calls you to rescue him or smth then you gotta drag him and drive him back home. he asks you sleep over and you stayed! thats basically my idea u can develop it however u like <333 can be fluff alone or added w a bit of spice🤭 but we’ll enjoy it nevertheless
Drunk Mind, Sober Heart
Pairing: Lip Gallagher x fem! Reader
Warnings: mentions of alcohol, angst (nothing happens bc Lip is drunk), dirty talk, language
Summary: *in req*
Word Count: 2.5k
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An ear splitting noise startled me awake. I shot up, my eyes flinging open, only to discover that my bedroom was completely dark.
Was that my alarm?
No, there is no way in hell it was eight in the morning already.
I groaned in frustration and reached for my bedside table. As my eyes adjusted, I ran my palm along the smooth wood, my bedroom gradually coming into view. Unfortunately, my vision was not properly adjusted to perceive the small black box. My hand pushed a mysterious object, and a soft thud echoed.
I exclaimed. I threw my torso off the bed and inspected the carpeted floor for my phone.
Whoever was calling me at this hour was gonna get it.
When I realized I didn't have much time before the call went to voicemail, I quickened my pace, grunting from the unexpected effort.
The artificial glow burned into my retinas as I flipped the phone over to expose the screen. I was forced to squint so I could see who had the audacity to call me at such an inconvenient hour.
I rolled my eyes.
Of fucking course.
With a sour attitude, I accepted the call. I was miffed at Lip for ruining my perfect night of restful sleep.
“What? This better be good Lip, or I’m gonna be really pissed.”
I flopped onto the bed and fixed my gaze on the boring ceiling. On the other end of the line, there was a cacophony of voices and screams. It was so loud that it resembled a roar. To prevent going deaf, I moved the phone a few inches from my ear.
“Heyyyyyy Y/N. How are ya?”
Every syllable lacked clarity. Oh, come on, why did I have to be the one getting booty called tonight? I disregarded his inquiry and instead put forth my own.
“Lip, what time is it?”
I inquired in part to gauge his level of inebriation and in part because I was too sluggish to remove my phone from my ear to check the time.
“Uhhhh- that’s a great question.”
There was rustling from the other end of the line.
“It’s 9 oh 3.”
I cocked a brow.
“You sure about that?”
“Uh-hold on. Gimmie a sec.”
“Do you read from left to right or right to left?”
I couldn’t help but laugh. At the very least, this would make a good story in a few days after I recovered from my extreme sleep deprivation.
“Left to right, at least in English.”
“Okay, thanks. You’re so smart.”
“Okay, it’s 3 oh 9. Well… 3:10 now.”
I tried to shake the sleep from my brain by closing my eyes and gently kneading my soft eyelids.
“That’s just perfect. You do remember me saying I had an 8 am class today, right?”
“Yes I do. I just-I lost my phone, and yours is the-the only phone number I remember.”
He had never been this drunk before. Lip had a very high tolerance for alcohol. The number of drinks he must have consumed to get to this point is beyond my comprehension. His speech was becoming more slurred by the second, almost as if he were nodding off.
I completely ignored the fact that he used his phone to call me. He was comprehending very little at this moment.
“How many drinks have you had, Lip?”
“Uh-that’s another great question…”
His voice trailed off. I sure hope he didn't doze off on me.
“Alright Lip, don’t fall asleep.”
I threw myself into a sitting position and switched on the bedside table lamp. The room instantly filled with bright light. My eyes watered. I squinted to accommodate the abrupt change.
“Where are you? I’ll come pick you up.”
I tucked the phone between my shoulder and ear as I reached down to put on my slippers.
“Uh-I don’t know the address.”
I rolled my eyes.
“Alright, well, can you give me any information that could help me find you?”
I stood, the phone pressed to my ear. I threw a light jacket over my shoulders to hide the fact that I wasn't wearing a bra.
“Uh-it’s down the street from an old gas station.”
I knew exactly where he was. There was only one party host who lived next to an old gas station.
“Are you at Christian’s house?”
“No. Well, actually, I don’t know.”
I walked to my front door, shaking my head in disbelief. I plucked my car keys from the wood tray by the door, twirling them between my fingers. The silence that engulfed my apartment complex was deafening compared to the soft jingle.
“I’ll come and get ya’. Just give me ten minutes. Don’t move a muscle.”
“Okay. I’ll be waitin’ for ya on the front lawn.”
I drove slowly, not in a hurry to arrive at Christian's house. Lip could handle himself when he was drunk. Sure, he said stupid shit at times, but if I truly believed he was a danger to himself, I would increase my urgency.
Not even a meek flicker of light could be seen in the windows of nearby houses. My car was engulfed in darkness. Everything was pitch black save for a few street lamps that did little to penetrate the gloom. The world was still and silent.
It reminded me of the twilight zone. I was imprisoned in an environment where time did not exist. I was alone. There were no people who could guide me. I was trapped.
That was the impression I had up until I arrived at Christian's house. The street was lined with parked cars. There were sober individuals mixed in with those who were stumbling drunk. Christian’s house was bursting at the seams. People could be seen congregating on the lawn, in the upper windows, shoving their way inside, and shoving their way out. I stopped my car in front of the grass. Sure enough, Lip was standing on the front lawn, gazing at the street with a blank stare.
I giggled. He looked lost.
I opened my car window and protruded my head outside.
“Lip Gallagher! Your chauffeur is here!”
I shouted sarcastically. My joke elicited a few giggles from various partygoers. A stupidly uneven smile appeared on Lip’s face as he awoke from his stupor.
“Oh hi, Y/N! I didn’t even know you were coming!”
“Get in Lip. I’m gonna take you home.”
Lip walked over, nearly tripping ten times in the short distance he had to cover. I laughed at his erratic behavior.
“You're gonna sit in the back, Lip?”
I caught a glimpse of him in the rearview mirror. His head was leaning against the headrest, and his eyes were closed. He looked serene. Lip jerked awake. His half lidded eyes hurriedly scanned the back of my car as if expecting company.
“Uh-no. I’ll sit in the front.”
I anticipated that he would exit the vehicle and move to the front seat. Instead, he launched himself over the center console.
“Jesus Lip!”
I exclaimed, a flurry of limbs obstructing my view. His body relaxed as he sank into the passenger seat.
“That’s better. It’s much more comfortable up here.”
I scoffed and decided not to participate in this pointless conversation.
Lip didn't speak once during the entire drive back to his apartment, which surprised me. His breathing evened out. I could only assume that he had dozed off. His head would softly crash into the window when I crossed a bump in the road. Although the position didn't appear to be comfortable, Lip was too far gone to bother.
I parked in front of Lip’s dorm complex.
The mere mention of his name caused Lip to instantly become alert, his hands fumbling all over my car.
I grinned.
“Do you need help walking or can you manage?”
“I got it.”
Lip stumbled out of the vehicle and looked up at his run-down dorm building. Thank God he was at a dorm and not in his chaotic home. Only occasionally have I had to pick up Lip from a party. Yet, I always seem to run into one of Fiona's conquests who is using the cover of night to elude detection.
“This isn’t my house.”
“Yes it is.”
“No, it’s not.”
“Lip, you moved. You live in a dorm now.”
Lip squinted, still not convinced.
His eyes widened as his face relaxed.
“Yeah, I remember now.”
We moved slowly as we ascended the stairs. Lip kept stumbling forward, tripping, falling, then shooting back up. The cycle was then repeated ten steps later. Eventually I caved and slung his arm over my shoulder to quicken the process.
“Are your roommates home?”
I wanted to ignite a casual conversation because I could feel Lip growing heavier. I was struggling under his weight and quickly ran out of breath.
“Yes. Actually, no. I don’t think so. I think they left town.”
“Where did they go?”
“They went… to- somewhere.”
Thank God. I could throw Lip on his bed, tuck him in, and leave without any awkward encounters.
I threw Lip’s dorm room open and reached for the lightswitch.
“Noooooo. Don’t turn on the lights.”
I reconciled.
“Alright. Whatever you say.”
It was the home stretch. Lip’s bed was in sight.
I threw him onto it. Under his weight, the springs groaned loudly, disturbing the peace.
“Alright Lip, looks like my work here is done.”
I couldn't help but smile as I turned to leave. Even though I adored Lip and knew this would make a great story, I was eager to crawl into bed.
He said meekly.
I turned, exhaling an exasperated sigh.
“What now?”
In the ten seconds that I was looking elsewhere, he had somehow gotten himself into a seated position.
“Come here.”
With the most threatening voice his inebriated mind could conjure, he demanded. I rolled my eyes as I approached him.
His expression was sluggish. He seemed to be in a drug-induced coma. Lip’s eyes were half lidded and the corners of his mouth were slightly upturned in a silly manner.
I came to a halt about a foot and a half in front of him.
“Come closer.”
I scoffed, crossing my arms over my chest and taking a step forward.
He was undoubtably fucking with me. But whatever, I’ll play his stupid game. I took another step forward, our knees brushing.
A slight smirk appeared on his lips as he glanced at me through his thick lashes.
What have I gotten myself into?
Lip encircled my thighs with his large hands, tugging me forward until the waistband of my shorts was level with his nose.
The air hitched in my throat.
I exclaimed.
Lip began pressing tender kisses to the tops of my bare thighs, maintaining intense eye contact.
“Come on Y/N, live a little.”
I chuckled, my face flushed with embarrassment, despite the fact that Lip was completely unaware of his actions.
“Lip you really are drunk out of your mind.”
Lip chuckled against my skin.
He mumbled.
“No, not maybe, definitely.”
His voice was remarkably crisp and clear. Lip was in his element. He was truly demonstrating his ability to woo any woman, even when his mind was under the influence of alcohol.
“Okay, I’m a little drunk.”
I couldn’t deny that he looked unbelievably sexy with his hot mouth trailing along my thighs.
“But I bet you’re already wet just thinking about me inside you.”
His tone was sultry.
How did he manage to flirt drunk better than I could flirt stone cold sober?
Smug bastard.
I couldn't refute his accusation because he was completely correct. I could already feel the wetness pooling in my panties and all he had done was kiss my thighs.
“Come on Y/N, just let me fuck you.”
He pushed the hem of my shirt upwards, exposing a thin strip of my stomach. Lip’s fiery touch ignited an expanse of goosebumps along my soft skin.
He pressed several hot, open mouthed kisses to my lower abdomen.
I shuddered.
My knees began to shake.
I placed my hands on his shoulders and meekly pushed him away. Lip resisted, his mouth remaining pressed against my body.
“You’re so tense all the fuckin’ time.”
I gulped, squeezing my eyes shut. If I continued to maintain eye contact, I would never have the strength to put an end to this.
“You need to relax… and I can make you relax. I can eat you out and make you cum all over my face- I can fuck you real slow- make you feel really good-“
His warm mouth was hovering just above my waistband.
“Lip, we’re friends-“
“Friends fuck. Friends fuck all the time.”
He moved a hand forward, rubbing soft circles into my clothed clit.
Jesus, he was touching me through two layers of clothing and I was still getting insanely hot and bothered.
Hell no.
“Sure, but sober friends don’t fuck drunk friends.”
I was more assertive in my actions. I pushed him away from me. Lip's mouth disconnected from my stomach with a soft pop. His hands landed in his lap.
He asked with a sarcastic pout.
“Maybe another time.”
I said despite knowing Lip wouldn’t remember this tomorrow.
“Okay. But I got ya thinkin’ about it, didn’t I?”
He asked smugly.
“Yes, you did.”
Lip fell to one side, his head hitting the pillow.
“Will you stay with me?”
I chuckled.
“What are you, seven?”
Lip groaned, his eyes shut.
“No-I’m at least 10.”
Despite my jokes, I wanted to be with Lip. I'd possessed a small crush on him for the many years we'd been friends, but I wasn't sure if it was something I should pursue. It was always a minor nagging thought in the back of my mind, never something to take seriously.
Until tonight.
“Well, you’re not wrong.”
I crawled into bed with him, slinging an arm around his waist.
“Love ya Y/N.”
His voice was slurred to the point where his words could barely be understood. But I recognized what he was saying. When it was time to say goodbye, he always told me he loved me (platonically, of course). I'm grateful that drunk him still clung to our traditions.
“Love you too Lip.”
Lip smelled like stale tobacco and cheap alcohol. It wafted into my nose in waves, lulling me to sleep.
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itoshiexx · 10 months
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synopsis: rin remembers how perfect you are for him.
pairing: itoshi rin x afab!reader | words: 2.6k | warnings: established relationship, afab reader (referred to as "girl"), pet names (baby, pretty, love), fluff, smut, oral + fingering (reader receiving), unprotected vaginal sex, praising!!!, emotional sex
notes: i really wasn't gonna post this today but i'm EAGER. this is my first attempt at writing smut in english so pls be kind lol idk if this is good or like the worst shit ever. this is kind of a part 2 for this so i recommend you read it :))
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people could say itoshi rin was many things: cold, distant, a soccer star, a fan of horror, the number one. and he agreed with all of these. but he was also passionate, extremely determined and, most of all, hopelessly in love with you. and even though he was cold and distant, that was not the case when it came to your relationship. 
with you, rin showed all of that passion and determination by loving you in his own gentle way, always so full of devotion, pouring every ounce of the overflowing feelings he harbored in his chest for you only. because he did feel — and intensely, at last. that’s why he always wanted to make you feel happy, and safe, and loved. he wanted you to be confident and to value yourself just as much as he valued you.
that’s why sex with rin felt like some divine moment. 
as you stand there, dumbfounded with the proximity and his words, he takes the opportunity to close the distance between you, capturing your lips in a kiss that makes you melt in his arms almost instantly. he has this weird effect on you; one that makes you surrender all that you are to him until you become one.
“will you let me?” he murmured once you separated, sounding a little breathless. you, on the other hand, were a dizzying mess, unable to form coherent sentences with the way the air got knocked out of your lungs. 
“w-what…?” you stutter, and rin’s little smirk makes your legs shake. 
“will you let me show you how much i love you? how much i cherish you?” 
you’re pretty sure your heart stops for a few seconds before it races inside your chest like an orchestra. a tiny nod is the only answer you can muster, but rin’s not satisfied. 
“use your words, pretty.” he backs away, and, dreading any further distance, you’re quick to say “yes!” in a slightly pitched voice. rin smiles in that delicate way he only does around you, and his thumbs trace small circles on your waist as he hums, “good girl”.
you feel goosebumps as one of his hands goes up, tracing the curve of your body until it rests on your cheek, and then his mouth is on yours again, more demanding, trying to absorb all that you are willing to give. his tongue invades your mouth, and you moan when his wet muscle laces with yours in a lewd dance. your hands fly to the nape of his neck, where you tug at the black strands of hair, and the way he groans sends a shiver down your spine and spreads heat to the middle of your legs. 
but you still have a little bit of rationality left, so you gently push him apart to say, “we’re gonna miss dinner if we keep going,” even if your uneven breathing says how much you want to keep going. however, rin is also very stubborn, and, (un)fortunately, knows your body very well. 
“we can just reschedule,” he states, simply. “i think right now this is more important.”
you still try to reason, “baby, we can have sex any time…” 
“it’s not about the sex.” he frowns. “i want you to remember how precious you are.” a gentle kiss on your jaw. “i want to worship you.” another, and then one more at your neck. it’s unconscious, the way you slightly turn your head to give him more access. “i want you to feel so much more than pretty. i want you to feel beautiful.” 
if the tender nibs and the open mouthed kisses he leaves on the column of your throat aren’t enough to overwhelm you, his words sure can. there is no ounce of strength in your body to fight him anymore, so your answer comes in the form of a needy kiss, tugging at the collar of his shirt so he can be closer, because there was never such a thing as close enough. rin relishes in the way you eagerly try to devour him, more than happy to give you all of him. 
he was only ever yours to begin with.
and he makes sure you know by matching your kisses with just as much fervor, tugging at your waist until he can grind his growing need on your core, wanting you to feel just how much he desires you. it’s not a surprise he is rock hard in his pants, but this is all about you, so he can wait. he will wait until you are beneath him, writhing in pleasure to the point he’s all you can think about. 
rin is caring when slowly he pushes you to the bed, being careful not to put all his weight on you. his knee finds home in the middle of your legs, and he feels lightheaded with the way you grind against it, already desperate for some kind of friction. 
his lips go back to your neck, leaving a trail of kisses down to your collarbone. you can feel the plushness of his pink flesh softly hover over your skin, and it lights up as if something is dancing beneath it, this sort of giddy feeling that staggers you. it’s always there whenever rin touches you, though you can’t say you don’t love it. 
then, he’s sucking the mound of one of your breasts, while his hand is occupied fondling the other. it leaves a faint purple bruise on your skin, but you can’t find it in you to care — instead, you whine in approval, wishing for more of the feeling of his teeth grazing you, eager to bear his possessive marks. the stream of hickeys he leaves around your tits also makes you a little greedy, and you want to scream to make him take off your bra and give attention to your perky nipples. 
and rin is excellent at reading things. on the field, it was an admirable trait by both teammates and rivals, used as a powerful tool for his goals and more often than not leading his team to victory. in your relationship, it made you feel all warm and fuzzy, the way he was so observant to your needs and the little quirks that made you so you. in bed, it felt a lot like salvation, for he was always aware of what you wanted and needed, sometimes even before you did. 
the first flick of his tongue on your bud nearly makes you wail, and you can almost feel the smirk forming on his stupidly handsome face. “needy, aren’t you?” he coos, though it holds no bite. you are ready to retort, but any words die in your mouth when he licks again, circling your areola and gently scraping his teeth at your nipple.
he gives both your tits the attention they deserve, and by the time rin is done, your arousal is already pooling on your panties, leaving you squirming on the bed while touching every part of him you could reach. suddenly, you become conscious that he’s still dressed, so you take it as a challenge to unbutton his shirt until you can finally see his toned torso. 
“baby…” he sighs when you scrape your nails through his chest, all the way down to his perfect abs. before you can reach his pants, however, he separates from you, taking off the shirt that was bothering him. 
his hand laces with yours. “not yet.”
but you are impatient. you need him so, so bad it actually hurts. the ache in your pussy can only be solved when his cock splits you open, and for a moment, you seriously consider telepathy, but his voice in your head burns like a fresh memory. use your words, pretty. i like to hear you. 
and who are you to deny your boyfriend? 
“rinnie,” you whisper, “please.”
“hm? please what?” he arches his eyebrow, hands squeezing your hips.
you bite your lower lips, embarrassed, but answer nonetheless, “please fuck me.”
rin flashes you a bright grin that can rival the sun, and he kisses you once more as a reward, all while his hands slowly descend to your thighs, taking your panties off along the way. he feels impossibly harder when he sees the strings of your arousal on the fabric, moreso when you open your legs for him to see your quivering hole that’s just dying to be filled by him. 
“fuck, look at you…” he groans, sliding his fingers through your folds. your moans are the sweetest sound he ever heard. “so wet. so pretty. all for me, hm?” 
“yes, baby, yes… please, hah— please!” you whine, slightly desperate. he curls one finger inside of you, and you could almost cry. it feels good, so good, but it’s not enough. “m-more… need more!” 
rin is feeling generous, so he attends to your pleas by shoving three fingers at once. you wail at the pleasure of having more of him, his long digits hitting your sweet spots in ways you never could.
“taking my fingers so well, love,” he whispers in your ear. “you’re so pretty. my pretty girl.”
you shudder with the praise, clenching around his fingers and feeling closer than ever when he uses his thumb to start rubbing your clit. it doesn’t take much time to be hit with your orgasm, one that leaves your whole body trembling and gives rin one of his favorite sights. 
he doesn’t even let you say anything, kissing you again, prodding his tongue inside your mouth and muffling any surprised gasps by the sudden invasion. rin’s wet muscle laces with yours in a slow, sensual dance that makes both of you moan in union, the sound traveling all the way down and keeping your arousal alive. 
he keeps going until the lack of air forces you to part. you’re panting, but your eyes search for his teal ones, always a pretty shade of aquamarine that makes you crumble. when you see the hazy look on his orbs, you’re sure he will take out his cock and fuck you already, but instead he starts giving little kisses down your tummy, all the way to your inner thighs. 
“don’t tease,” you whimper. “just get inside me alread— ah!” you scream when his tongue makes contact with your sensitive clit. rin licks a long stripe along your folds that makes you quiver and shut up. 
“wanna taste you first, pretty.” his eyes find yours, “please?”
and, again, who are you to deny your boyfriend? 
especially when he says it like that. 
so you agree, and rin eagerly goes down on you, slurping through your wet pussy like that’s all he needs to survive. he prods his tongue inside you, in and out, motioning the movement his dick should be making, and you take a moment to realize he is rutting his hips on the mattress every time he does. 
then, he laps at your clit once again, twirling his tongue in circular motions that make your eyes roll back and your toes curl. you can barely contain your moans, tugging at his hair and crying out loud when his satisfied groan sends vibrations to your nerves.
his flow becomes quicker, sloppier, and the wet sounds are so lewd that you can feel your second orgasm building up in that familiar tingling feeling that sends you to the edge.
“baby, baby… ‘m cumming, ‘m gonna cum…!” you cry, gripping the bed sheets like your life depends on it. 
that’s all the incentive he needs to keep on going, sweeping his tongue on your bud until he can taste the familiar flavor of you cum and sense your thighs almost crushing his head. 
he’d die a happy man. 
your body goes limp, and you’re gasping for air like you’d just ran a marathon. rin hovers over you to appreciate the scene, and with the way his cock twitches inside his boxers, rin thinks he appreciates this — making you come undone — a little too much. he’s sure his tip is red and leaking pre. 
he gives you some time to recover by slowly unbuckling his belt, taking off his pants and throwing them somewhere on the floor. his boxers go next, and just like he thought, the spongy head of his dick is swollen and in desperate need of relief. 
he said he would wait until you were beneath him, writhing in pleasure to the point he’s all you could think about, before giving him some attention. so he doesn’t stop you from putting your hands around his girth, hissing when you pump him a few times. 
your eyes are blurry, but they look up at him with so much love and desire he could very much cum right there. god, how much he fucking loves you. it’s honestly ridiculous. 
rin lets you pull him closer and cage him with your legs behind his hips. 
“ready, baby?” he asks, as if you aren’t aching for his cock. 
“god, please— i need you. i need you inside of me,” you all but wail. 
rin thrusts into you at once, and you nearly lose your mind. 
he’s long and thick, reaching all of your swollen spots without much effort. you can feel his veins dragging along your walls, creating even more friction, unconsciously rolling your hips to get more of this feeling. rin moans in your ear, and he does it again when you squeeze him tighter. 
“always so tight f’me,” he sighs, dreamily. “god, you are perfect. you are perfection itself, baby.”
“rin, rin…!” is all you can muster to say. 
he presses you harder on the mattress, rutting into your cunt and relishing at the feeling of your velvet walls sucking him in and gripping his shaft like a vice. you’re scraping your nails along his back and shoulders, looking for grounding, but he keeps pounding the head of his cock in that one specific spot that makes you see not only stars, but whole galaxies. 
“rin, rinnie, p-please… r-righ— right there!” 
at this point you are babbling nonsense, rin being the only thing on your mind as you chase your third orgasm of the night. “fuck, pretty…” he curses, feeling the neglected coil on his lower abdomen threatening to snap. he can’t really help it, though. you feel too good. too perfect. 
and all his. 
the constant bullying of his cock on your sweetest spot, the overwhelming feelings inside you and the sweet praises given by your boyfriend on you ear make you come apart, and you scream with the devastating pleasure that seeps through your whole body, like you’re floating on cloud nine. rin hisses when your walls clench him tighter, and seeing you reach your high gets him to spill his load inside of you, finally getting his much deserved release with white hot spurts on your warm core. he fucks both of you throughout your orgasms, and when you start to feel a bit overstimulated, you wiggle him out of you, snapping him from his daze. he collapses.
the familiar weight of his body on top of yours is comforting, along with the soft tune of his breathing on the crook of your neck. you scratch his scalp lightly, your other hand patting his back oh so lovingly. he’s so happy — to have you, to feel you, to love you. 
“i hope you never doubt how beautiful and amazing you are, love,” he whispers, not daring to break the silence. 
you say nothing, embracing him tighter. your silent thank you. 
“but if you ever forget,” he continues, taking you by surprise, “i’m always here to remind you.”
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© 2023 itoshiexx. do not plagarise, translate, or repost any of my work on here or other sites.
tagging @doobea and @auratux bc they voted for this
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whiteskullofroses · 3 months
Noch einer!
(Dieter Hellstrom x reader)- slight nsfw
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A/N: Man idk, it's 1 am and Dieter is baby girl. I don't support nacizm/any of this man's ideologies. Enjoy!
🍻 Imagine being a Yugoslav Partisan camouflaged as an SS officer, when attending a nazi meeting in the basement you meet Dieter. After a few too many shots you slip up, but luckily he is too busy thinking about you rather than the things you say.🍻
The room was getting louder and louder with every second running by, yet you didn't budge. At least on the outside, on the inside though, you were on fire. The gun on your belt looked lovelier with every nazi that walked in and sat down at the table you were sitting at.
You couldn't believe that you approved of this "genius" plan The Basterds came up with. No matter how stupid it seemed, there was a possibility it could work and you wanted nothing more than to have these Schwabs out of Europe and sent straight to hell where they belonged.
The SS uniform felt too tight and uncomfortable, you tapped your black boots against the cold cement and silently cursed every officer that came in the basement, however, you decided to busy your mind with something else and stretch your legs. You got up, lit a cigarette in between your middle and pointer finger, and noticed the gramophone hiding behind a wall. Just as you noticed it, it stopped playing. Walking up to the gramophone to restart it, your eyes noticed a figure in the corner.
The yellow light from the candle lit up the left side of his face.
The SS officer was reading a book and drinking beer. The more you stared at him, your mind forgetting about the music, the more attractive he looked. "No, Y/N this isn't right," you said to yourself: "I shouldn't pray on men today, especially nazis."
Without realizing he was staring right back at you until he finally spoke: "Fräulein? Was ist los?" You broke eye contact and didn't reply.
He took a deep breath and closed the book, his hand patting the sit next to him, gesturing for you to sit down.
Your heartbeat quickened, the tension was unbearable and not in a good way.
"Y/N, do not show any compassion to him, his people are killing yours on the lines out there, he doesn't deserve it." Were the only thoughts running through your head the whole time you were slowly walking up to his side.
But for now, you had to be an actress to stay alive. His cologne smelled nice. That was the first remark you truly noticed about him, besides his amazing looks. "Wie heißt du, Liebling?"
"Liebling? Hah," you thought: "what an attempt to get me flustered."
"Erika Shauenberg."
It wasn't your real name, of course.
"Zigarette?" the man asked you, smiling. His smile wasn't bad either, in fact, he was the most perfect man you've ever seen.
"Why does he have to be a piece of shit?"
Your cigarette from before burned up by itself without you even putting it in your mouth. He really got you distracted so much that you forgot to smoke.
Nodding and taking one out of the box you thanked him: "Danke."
With one slick move, he pulled out a lighter and lit it. German cigs tasted different than the Yugoslav ones, but for the time being, they were good enough.
"Oh!" He remembered: "Es tut mir leid, dass ich vergessen habe," putting one in his mouth as well: "mich vorzustellen."
Blowing smoke into thin air: "Major Dieter Hellstrom."
Dieter? What an extraordinary name.
"Erik!" Dieter called out to the waiter as he approached our table. "Scotch, zwei Gläser!"
Grinning, he leaned closer to you and half whispered: "Erik hat eine Flasche Jahre alten Whisky aus dem schottischen Hochland-"
"Would you mind if we continued in English?" You interrupted him: "I was raised in France as a German kid." Tapping your cigarette on a black ashtray: "I never learned proper German because my father, well..."
Think Y/N! Think!
"He was killed in combat and my mother died from the flu when I was only 5 years old." Putting on a sad face you sighed: "I was given to a foster family in France."
"Where?" Dieter wondered.
"Ah, Erik!"
The waiter brought the two of you your drinks and left the scotch bottle on the table. Amazing, this was going to be a long night.
However, in reality, you couldn't complain about being in his company. Yes, he was a nazi, and yes you hated nazis, but damn was he charming.
1 hour later....
You've never had this much fun in your life. How many shots you drank, how many cigarettes you smoked? You didn't care, and neither did Dieter. He was just as shitfaced as you.
You both laughed at each other's stories from the past.
"Noch einer, Liebling?"
"Ja, bitte!"
As he took your glass to fill it up, you watched the golden liquid splash on the table as the bottle slipped from his hand. You quickly picked it up, slightly touching his hand while leaning over the table to reach it, and laughed out loud.
"You know this reminds me when I lived in Yugo-"
Shit. No no no no no!
"Yugo? What Yugo?" he looked at you, his eyes glassy, gazing upon your face.
You swallowed hard: "Yugo? Yugo! Ah, yes!"
Think Y/n, think!
"Yugo's apartment .."
Good job Y/n
"We dated in highschool."
It was quite impressive how your foggy brain could still have such a wild imagination.
For a second he looked at you and said:
"You're aren't German, are you?"
You simply started at him and ran over the words he just spoke.
He said it's so effortlessly, his drunk tongue didn't slur one word in that sentence, as if that didn't mean that you were about to die. There was no solution in getting out of this. You do not have any evidence that you in fact were German, nor that you lived in France! Hell you don't even know France that well at all! You were pretty sure these were your last moments alive before his pretty German pistol would shoot you in the head and leave you for the rats feast on.
Suddenly the clock on the stone wall behind you started ticking slower, your heartbeat sped up and your palms got sweaty.
Meanwhile, he took a deep breath and slowly let it out. His left hand was in his pocket the whole time, swiftly he pulled his hand out of his pocket and grabbed your face, to your surprise he didn't press a gun to your lips, he pressed his lips against yours. He kissed you.
To be continued...
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jacevelaryonswife · 9 months
After Dark | Part One
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He wanted your fire to surround him in the crowd and burn him slowly.
pairing: female stripper!reader x modern!osferth | some moments of finan and sihtric.
warnings: smut, p in v sex, tiddy sucking, oral sex (m receiving). English is NOT my first language. 4,1k of words.
after dark masterlist
A black cape and a crown-like prop was all that could be seen of the woman on stage, making Osferth even more anxious for whatever happened next.
He was a virgin in this, in this kind of environment. Throughout his life the thought of being in a den of carnality was never considered, his religiosity more fervent than most of the people with whom he lived acted as a wall to avoid such a path, however, there was no guilt or shame in his chest at that moment, just a natural embarrassment to be exposed to such a scope. He was a good boy, very polite, humorous, witty and with good social skills, but when it came to going further with girls the scenario was different, scarier, shy and sloppy.
His first time was with a girl in college. She was sweet enough to guide the rhythm, they all guided the rhythm with him — which Osferth found very satisfying. He learned that he liked the lady in control, showing how, when and where he should touch her. In addition, his position was easier than taking control and having to concentrate so as not to end up too fast. He was a shrewd little shit in the end.
But none of that crossed his mind, not when all the lights went out again and an engaging melody echoed through the club making him mortally anxious and excited.
And then, exactly at the same time that the warm orange tone set fire to the stage and a male voice accompanied the instrumental, you were in full display to the audience with a wild posture. The cover that hid your body focused on the floor to reveal the simple black lingerie with props decorating both arms and a large yellow snake wrapped from his neck to his waist. You were absolutely stunning and sensual, especially when your hips began to move at a slow and seductive pace, almost graceful if you were not wanton, totally capturing his attention.
Watching her strolling in the night so white, wondering: Why It's only after dark?
Your eyes closed to sink in the music as you moved your body gently, handling the snake with a frightening naturalness even with the animal curling around your body. What if it suffocated you? Osferth thought dissuaded.
“Aye, mate, she seems to deal with snakes a lot,” Finan whispered without taking his eyes off the image of the woman ahead.
In her eyes, a distant fire lights, burns bright, wondering: Why it's only after dark?
And then when your eyes opened Osferth could swear that your irises were on fire, leaving your aura even more overwhelming than possible. You were not entangled in any poledance, which made your eyes travel along the audience with greater ease and stop in the direction of his. No, don't be stupid, she didn't look at me.
But he wanted it to be true. He wanted your fire to surround him in the crowd and burn him slowly.
Find myself in her room, feel the fever of my doom. Falling falling throught the floor, I'm mocking on the devils door.
And maybe Osferth's perception was right. Maybe you were really contemplating the young lamb ahead as a hungry louse, but that wasn’t an ordinary look, no, he felt almost invaded in his intimate space, as if you knew what he was thinking as you moved as gracefully as petals in contact with the wind. Not even when the other dancers collected the snake from your shoulders did the weight of your gaze soften, no, quite the contrary, your attention was clearly fixed on the central figure in front of the stage as you slowly floated on your bare feet.
Oh God, it couldn't be real.
Were you really coming towards him?"
In the dawn I wake up to find her gone, and a note, says: “Only after dark”.
Yes, you- No, I wasn't.
Moving a few centimeters to where Sihtric was, you went on to face him, dangerously approaching the threshold of the stage to caress him with your foot along his chest, abdomen and very close to his groin. "Can I, handsome?" You asked after stopping your movements and retreating your foot until you gently touched the base of the beer glass in front of it, receiving a positive nod. “Take it for me,” your order was firm and a little smooth. "Open your mouth."
After a few seconds, a feline and satisfied smile adorned your beautiful face when the Dane leaned over to receive the beer falling on a thread in his mouth, having his hair caressed during the process. “Such a good boy,” you praised him by handing him the glass to turn your attention to the young man next door.
Osferth's eyes sparkled when you stopped in front of him and moved your hips as you went down until your faces were level, leaving him redder than a ripe cherry. Your presence made his breathing fail and emitted enough heat to warm him on a harsh winter day, your firm and sweetnessous voice throwing a warm cloud towards him.
“Happy birthday, sweetie.”
"Thank you ma'am," he replied so quickly that he didn't realize the formal term. He's niver seen a woman like you before.
"Not so old yet, dear," you sent him the sexiest smile he ever received, apparently having fun with how disconcerted he seemed.
“He's just shy, sunshine,” Finan said with his accent thicker than usual.
Your attention was divided between the two men, looking at the Irishman while holding Osferth's chin with your warm touch. "Is he? I love shy little things," the savagery shone in your eyes, "especially when they are as handsome and blushing as you." You approached his face until your noses were touching.
His heart beat faster than a deer cornered by hunters and he was sure that if your lips kept shaving against his it would be even more difficult to hide the bulge between his pants. Maybe you had already noticed giving the open smile as you picked up the ballots that were thrown in your direction, getting up and walking to the central poledance. You took the prop off your head and threw it at the audience to the delight of them. Osferth was too static for his reflection to be fast enough to reach the object, luckily Finan was faster than the others and handed him over.
"Keep it."
Burning, burning in the flame, now I know her secret name. You can tear her temple down, but she'll be back and rule again.
Your movements were mesmerizing and precise, lavishing flexibility and sensuality to get him on his knees. When your feet touched the floor, you slowly sent your hands to your back towards the closure of the bra, looking at the audience that began to encourage your next act. He wasn't prepared for that. Especially when you looked at him and shook your head negatively. Several men howled asking to see your body, screaming, begging, making your laugh with malice and a hint of cruelty, denying them again
In my heart, a deep and dark lonely part wants her and waits for after dark.
Osferth realized that he wanted to feel the touch on his skin again, no, he needed to feel it.
After dark
He wanted your savage look only in his direction.
After dark
He wanted the overwhelming aura cornering him again.
After dark
He wanted everything.
God, he was lost.
“That's what I call a fucking show!” Finan's scream burst the bubble of lust that enveloped him, reminding him to breathe again.
Osferth never wanted so much to be subdued by a lady before. But unfortunately he was not the only one with the same thought and worried him even more when thousands of ballots were thrown in his direction.
“She's mine,” said a guy behind him.
"Not fucking. Leave that to me,” Finan said as he got up abruptly from his chair, going somewhere inside the club.
His mind was too stunned to reason what had just happened clearly, but he was warm and excited and it didn't matter if you slept with him just for the money, he wanted to have the damn experience. Fortunately Sihtric kept silent for a long time before asking Osferth what he had found, receiving a simple "It was good" from the blonde.
“I see,” the Dane laughed.
Of course he saw it, which in itself made him want to succumb.
“Where did Finan go?” He asked.
“Probably looking for your birthday present,” he replied bluntly, sending a very significant look.
“What?” The youngest asked with wide eyes. Was he serious?
"Your birthday present," Sihtric repeated again, "You don't have to be nervous, she'll know what to do but I imagine it won't be cheap."
It wasn't a problem (depending on how much you were going to charge).
"What if she doesn't want to?" The question was genuine.
He took a long sip of what was left of his beer. “She is a stripper, wins who pays better and maybe someone pays better than Finan. I'm sorry for that."
Would you reject him? Yes, you could... but he wished so much that he didn't. It was anxious minutes waiting for the Irishman, his hands were sweating when he noticed other men going the same way as his friend went, however, only one of them came back faster than a man having his first time and made Osferth's heart accelerate.
“Come with me, quickly,” Finan almost dragged him from the chair down the same corridor. "They have rooms here, which turns out to be more expensive than the girl going to your house, but she was very clear about not going to cleintes' houses, ya see? Now, don't ask questions and enjoy the evening."
It was a lot to deal with in such a short time, but Osferth shook his head and asked:
“How much was it?"
"Don’t worry about it, she was very generous with ya."
"What do you mean?" His eyes narrowed.
"She's a premium girl and doesn't accept anyone. Logically, someone with our cash condition wouldn't handle it, but she liked ya. I'll still have to pay because of the percentage of the bosses, but it's much less than the whole amount," he explained as fast as he can given the proximity to the room, putting some packages of condoms in his pocket. “Now, go get her tiger. And I'll keep her crown,” he took the prop from the youngest's hands.
Being dropped in front of the door, Osferth took a deep breath and looked at himself in the mirror hanging on the wall, arranging his hair and clothes before depositing fearful knocks against the door. Sweat accumulated in his hands and he wiping them on the side of his pants, taking a deep breath when his sweet permission filled his ears. The vision that presented you as soon as you entered the dark room with neon lights was of you sitting on the edge of the bed with a suggestive smile.
“Hi, sweet boy. Lock the door and come to me."
He almost cred towards you, stopping a few centimeters ago when you got up and stroked his cheek. "What's your name?"
His voice was flawed and nervous when answering: "It's Osferth, lady."
“Osferth. What a beautiful name,” you hummed. "What do you want me to do it?"
Everything. He wanted everything.
“I...” his neck warmed up when he tried to express what he would like to happen. His gaze fell on his feet in shame, unable to face yours for a long time. "I… I want you."
"Do you want me? How?” Your question was calm, with no intention of scaring you. “Physically? A conversation?”
“Do you want me to take control, dear?"
Yes, for God's sake, yes.
“Yes, yes. I want it, please,” he begged with puppy eyes and a lovely pout.
A bright and satisfied smile shone in your features as you leaned against his lips.
“Okay sweetie, just relax, I’ll take care of you,” your hand circled the back of his neck while the other held the other side of his neck, starting a slow kiss that made his skin warm up.
His hands were surprisingly fast in wrapping your body and breaking any minimum existing distance, delighting in the radiated heat and the sensual way that your lips moved, your tongue asking for access to experience it calmly, but firmly, causing him a low moan when your fingers pulled some of the delicate threads from the nape of the neck. "Such a beautiful boy. I want to hear more where this sound came from."
Your lips connected again in a moist and sensual web that dissipated part of his apprehension. Osferth didn’t want to have sex with you because of Finan or any factor that could be associated, he wanted you because his desire consumed him with a burning and unknown urgency. He wanted you even more when your bold fingers climbed inside the shirt to throw it somewhere on the floor, caressing the milky skin with the tip of your nails and marking it with wet kisses along the jaw and neck.
Would people know what happened when they saw your claim about him? Finan and Sihtric for sure yes and he couldn't even care about the provocations he would hear.
Osferth returned to reality when your caresses stopped and your body went back to bed. "Take off your clothes for me, honey."
His neck warmed up again and he realized that you liked it a lot when he acted like a helpless sheep. He had a nice body, but it probably wasn't the coolest you've ever seen — he tought, made him even more shy.
"There's nothing to be ashamed of pretty boy, you're really good looking. Come here.”
He was sure from there that you were bewitching him like a succubus ready to devour him body and soul. There was no fear in the way he discarded his shoes and pants and went to meet him with the condom between his fingers.
"Good boy," you purred, pulling him into a demanding kiss as you sat on his lap, grinding in his bulge.
Holy J- you were a fucking provocation. His hands circled your waist and back, unconsciously (or consciously?) Encouraging your lascivious movements that made him grunt softly. “So precious, like a little lamb,” your hands pushed him lying against the mattress, kissing him sensually. Feeling bold and extremely aroused, Osferth requested access to your mouth with his tongue, gently leaning against you and moaning when you gently sucked the tip of his tongue. Your taste was citrus with a pinch of adocity and an alcoholic background, like a tropical drink. Your lips ran through the jaw, neck and velvety torso, leaving a moist trail of lust.
For a moment, when you pulled his underwear down with your teeth, he forgot to breathe properly.
“Has any girl go down on you before?” Your question brought him back to reality for a short time.
"Shame on them," licking your hand, you grabbed the base of his cock and masturbated him slowly. "You have such a beautiful cock." Oh heaven. Your hand was working so well, much better than any time he touched himself. "You want me to use my mouth, my sweet Osferth."
“Yes please, please.”
"Good boy."
Even absorbed, Osferth caught it when you took the condom and wrapped it in the length of it, lowering it with a smile on your face to grab it like a popsicle. He moaned loudly and held your hair instinctively but without pulling. It was almost heavenly to have your mouth taking him in such a provocative and wanton way, so intense that he almost came when you moved the velvety balls.
Your provocation continued by concentrating your tongue on the coated tip that leaked pre cum, involving the bulbous part and sucking while moving the length with your hand. He was sure he went closest to the sky and came back when your warm mouth took him deep and vibrated around him, making him hold your hair more firmly. “Don't. Wait. I'm gonna-“
"You have an hour with me, dear, do you think you can give me more than one?" Your question was tempting, especially with the malice in your beautiful face and the continuous movement of your hand. "I'd love to feel you inside me."
Oh fuck, that immediately sent him to an intense peak and faster than he planned, but so overwhelming and hot that his legs burned. How sinful of him was to associate what you did with something heavenly, when in fact it was a blasphemy to the sacred. His body was red and a little sweaty, strong breathing and terribly satisfied. No other good girl has brought him such euphoria before.
No good girl removed the used condom and pumped it with ypur expenses on the summit of pleasure.
You certainly weren't a good girl.
"Did you like it?" Your question came after a while, lying next to him and gently caressing the contour of his chest.
“A lot. I've never... never been so good."
Your eyes sweetened as you contemplated his figure, receiving a satisfied smile in response.
"You're so sweet." You leaned over to chastely kiss his lips. "Any girl would be lucky to have someone like you."
His cheeks blushed and he looked away in shyness. You were being so nice. Maybe that's why he didn't calculate his next words. "Why are you here?" Oh no, idiot, why would I ask something like that? Your regret was almost instantaneous. "You don't have to answer, I'm sorry, it was an intimate question, I'm sorry."
"No problem, it's not a tragic story or something," you laughed softly. "I needed money and I needed it fast. It's not as terrible as it seems, I usually don't need to fuck with customers to pay the bills and the dance is enough, but little things like you that can't be ignored, so I had to make exceptions. And you, why are you here?"
"I... it was my friend's idea, Finan. A bet actually I lost. I didn't imagine this would happen," he said meekly, heart warming with his revelation. "Don't you usually do that?" He asked. "That," he emphasized.
“No. Most customers are not attractive and I’m a demanding girl," you purred and leaned against his chest, smoothing his beautiful angular face. "And you're handsome."
"You’re very beautiful too," he smoothed your back and gave a chaste kiss on your forehead, which made you chuckle on his skin.
And then, against his will, you walked away and knelt on the bed, removing your bra to reveal your beautiful tits and massage them dramatically.
“Mm, I'd love to have your big hands on me. Do you want to touch me?"
Fuckin hell.
He almost jumped on the mattress to reach you, covering your soft breasts completely with both hands, squeezing, playing, experimenting, enjoying...
“You're so gorgeous,” he was practically drooling over your appearance. “Damn it.”
“Mmm,” you smoothed the soft and milky chest in front of you, delighting in the touch that was replaced by his mouth after begging you (unnecessarily) from the puppy's eyes to smear your skin.
Osferth delighted in her soft breasts, sucking and licking the halo with desire, vigor and tenderness, nibbling on the protruding and newly hardened beak, which made your eyes close with pleasure. You bit your lower lip and straightened his hair, letting him take his time in the insatiable desire for you. From the smeared breasts he climbed to capture your lips with fire and lust, exploring your mouth with vigor, sucking your tongue as he has never done with any girl before. He kissed your jaw, your neck and your stomach when you lay on the bed, stopping at the panty line.
“Can I take it off?” He asked quietly.
“Of course you can.”
If he wasn’t hard as stone before, your wet intimacy certainly did.
“Do you know where women like to be touched?” You asked sweetly.
“Yes.” He pressed his thumb on your pearl, “here, isn’t it?”
“Mmm, yes, but it’s not like that,” you held his finger and created circular movements with the ideal pressure on your clit, “it’s like that.”
Your hand went to his hardened cock, making him moan. “Such a beautiful cock,” you licked your lips, “get another condom.” And he was very quick to follow your order, giving a tasty view of his cute white ass.
A small strip of shyness enveloped him by placing the condom on his axis in front of you, but he cled back and hovered above your body.
“Do you want to take control?” You asked.
“No. I don’t want to,” he held your back and ass between the bed and turned your body over his, being caged by your thighs and arms.
“Good. I’ll treat you very well, good boy.”
He didn’t gasp so hard when your hands held him in relation to the first time, but when you sank into him slowly... oh boy, all the air in your lungs is gone. He was sure he had reached the apex of pleasure.
Eyes closed, mouth between open and red skin, a true vision for you.
“Let me take a time,” your voice was soft as you went down totally, moaning in unison. “Damn, you’re a big boy. I love that.”
Damn it. The slow pace of the warm hug made him whimper in drunkenness, holding your hips tightly and raising his legs, which tilted your body forward. Leaning your hands against his chest you started to assemble it properly, moaning well and enjoying the moment.
On the other hand, he, the lad was vocal and quite interactive by the way his hips hit a few times against your own, wanting more, needing more.
“Do you want more?”
“Yes,” he said between one moan and another, blond hair sticking to his forehead by sweat.
“Okay,” you bit your lower lip, riding it stronger and faster, sending it to a cloud of lust that consumed you with every movement.
The whole situation contributed to the overwhelming pleasure that consumed his body. Be it the snap between the hips that filled the room, or the delicious sounds you made and especially the wet grip of your femininity against him.
“Move your hips too dear, give me that, I know you want it.”
And he wanted it, oh how he wanted it.
Osferth accepted your request and standardized your movements, hitting harder against your pussy (still very kind) that he had already used on a girl before, muttering a bad word the heat of the moment as he did a few times in his life. But fuck it, fuck it, he needed it.
You jumped uninhibitedly and maliciously in search of the apex, moaning his name as his grip began to increase, his cock brushing in all the right places at a delicious rhythm that was almost blowing his mind. Your wet pussy was soozing the inside of your thighs and the base of his cock, increasing the wet and profane sounds.
“You’re so fucking big, I feel so full. I’m going to cum so well on your cock,” your dirty talk almost made you come with tense hips, moaning loudly, which you noticed immediately, touching your clit while the tension in your core increased from the constant friction. “Hed a little longer, dear, I’m close.”
The weight on his balls was too much, he felt that he would really explode when he came, concentrating as much as he can for it to happen after you.
Fuck fuck fuck fuck. That was so hard.
“Osferth, oh honey,” you squeezed him violently and his movements faltered when a hot and white wave crashed into your body and dragged you to the apex of pleasure. “Fuck.”
His hips crashed into yours for the last time right after your orgasm, filling the condom when cumming good and strong. It was totally heavenly.
He was floating in a cloud that erased all his thoughts except that moment.
You got up carefully and fell against his chest, lying next to him with a satisfied smile. “Did you like it, dear?”
He was panting and with a silly and wide smile, hugging you gently. “So much... so damn much.”
“Good. Get some rest, I want to make good use of the time we still have.”
note: Sorry for the delay in publishing the chapter, the last few weeks have been terrible and stressful because of the finals.
— taglist: @gemini-mama @lexwolfhale @ireallydontcareanymorebrooo @tssf-imagines @bel-bottoms
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arienai · 1 year
You've heard the Miyazawa memes, now it's time to
Read Otherside Picnic
A post by me
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What is it? Otherside Picnic is a book series by Japanese author Iori Miyazawa. They are often called light novels for marketing purposes, but are technically considered "full" science fiction novels. The series is loosely based off of Soviet science fiction novel Roadside Picnic, which itself inspired the film Stalker as well as the video game STALKER.
What is it about? At its core, Otherside Picnic is about two girls who stumble into a weird alternate universe filled with creatures from Japanese internet myths and creepypastas. They go into that world frequently to explore it.
It is primarily a series of novels as I mentioned, however, there are also anime and manga adaptations.
Otherside Picnic is yuri (F/F), explicitly so, however, only the novels have reached this point in the story. If you want canon lesbians, you want to read the novels. I cannot stress this enough.
Okay but what about the characters, are they good? I'm super biased but honestly these are some of the most tumblrina characters I've seen in a while and I'm shocked they aren't more popular.
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Sorawo Kamikoshi had a deeply traumatic childhood (though she likes to deny it) and today is a self professed "grumpy otaku" at university who is extremely into spooky shit and creepypastas, which she tends to infodump about. She is very bad at making friends and before discovering the Otherside she often spent her time watching Dark Souls Let's Plays and Minecraft build videos. No, like, canonically. She is a huge loser and I love her so much.
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Toriko Nishina was born and raised in Canada with her two lesbian moms but now she's going to university in Japan. She is extremely gay and knows it but is also a complete disaster about it. She has an outgoing personality but struggles to make friends unless she's attaching herself to a new cute girl. I don't want to get too far into spoiler territory but she has a violent streak and has some hot and extremely badass Tiktok Lesbian With an Axe moments.
There are a lot of other great characters too, but you'll have to read to meet them!
And it's explicitly gay, you say? YES, this is a lesbian romance story. Girls hold hands. Girls kiss (with tongue!) Girls ogle other girls' boobs. Apparently the latest volume (not yet available in English) amps it up even more 😳
You're telling me it's literally gay despite being written by the meme "yuri is two wild beasts/a field/etc." Guy? Yes.
Where did the memes come from then? They come from a couple of interviews with Miyazawa where he compared various abstract concepts to yuri. Some of this can be seen in his work, but for the most part it is a straightforward and easy to read lesbian story.
Okay! Where do I read it!: Since they are novels you can find them at many bookstores! You can also buy the ebooks for relatively cheap and read them on your phone.
I hate reading, can't I do the manga/anime? You can if you want but the anime doesn't really go beyond flirty territory with the two girls and the manga is still ongoing and hasn't hit the gay stuff yet. So it's up to you.
Is the series finished? No, it's ongoing. There are currently seven volumes available in English. But we have an extremely dedicated fanbase. Join ussssss you know you want to. Look at these two cuties
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Anyway I have so many good things to say about this series, I love the way the main characters are outcasts who come together and help each other learn to love themselves. I love the spooky setting, I love the side characters and of course I love how gay it is, I feel like most weirdo disaster gays on here will find something here to like. And the characters are in their 20's!!! That's still relatively young but it's so nice to read gay stuff about people who are old enough to drink (which they do a lot of).
So yes in closing
Read Otherside Picnic
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intimacyequalsdeath · 3 months
Hiya! Have you ever gotten a platonic request? If not then this could always be your first! I wanna ask for headcanons of stu macher's sister x billy loomis (if you have the time)
I wanna see the headcanons of how wpuld stu macher deal with the fact that his younger sister (same age as billy, just younger by a few months) is dating his friend who is also a serial killer like hinself and of course she wouldn't know that but still-
Stu would threateb billy to not lay a knife on her or else-
Stu loves her obviously, he's protective. Well you should be if your sister is dating your friend who is also a killer! ^._-.
Now that I can finally get back to doing requests I have chosen you lucky anon as my first! Thank you so much for sending this request in, I love this idea!
Notes: Minors DNI, SFW, This request obviously has a AFAB female presenting reader in mind. She/Her pronouns used.
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+ First and foremost I see the relationship as something you and Billy would probably keep a secret at first. Billy has a good thing going with Stu and even though he loves you I could see him not wanting to ruin that.
+ When Stu finally does find out, he's not furious but he's definitely not happy. Out of everyone in school you JUST HAD to pick Billy Loomis, even if him and Billy are friends.
+ Cue a lot of angry Billy and Stu fights both in front of you and behind your back when their out doing Ghostface stuff.
"Billy what the hell man? Out of all the people in school it had to be her?"
"I didn't fuckin do it on purpose Stu! I just really like her ok?"
+ You knew Billy and Stu were friends but you had no clue about Ghostface. I wouldn't be surprised if Stu would think that you dating Billy would put both you and Ghostface in jeopardy.
+ Billy would treat you amazingly though, at first Stu would be apprehensive cause he's seen Billy with how he treats his girlfriends but Billy would prove him entirely wrong with you.
+ Whenever Billy would have any free time from school or Ghostface you could probably find him holed up in your bedroom, laying on the floor and staring at the ceiling. Now that he's dating you he really doesn't have a reason to leave the Macher household, ever.
+ Since your Stu's sister you've probably been around to see Billy go through the situation with his parents. You know him better then 99 percent on anyone else, even sometimes better then Stu.
+ As time would go on I think Stu would slowly but surely warm up to you and Billy being a thing. Billy would have to prove himself though don't get me wrong.
+ Now that your fully into the lives of both of them, close calls with Ghostface would happen. You'd slowly start to get suspicious as to the strange times and places you would see both your boyfriend and brother.
+ They would of course write it off though.
"Sis Me and Billy had that English project we had to do at the library"
"Babe we literally talked on the phone all night"
+ If you ever came to them with your fear of the Ghostface they of course would assure you that they would protect you. You of course none the wiser and comforted by their words would go along with it.
+ Behind the scenes though of course Stu would make sure Billy was 100 percent for you and this wasn't another Sydney situation. Stu swears that if Billy EVER threatened you like that, that it's over.
+Your the only thing Stu would ever end the Ghostface shit over, especially when it came to him not fully trusting Billy at first, and no matter what Billy says there will always be a part of Stu that doesn't fully trust him.
+ Stu, of all people, knows how unpredictable Billy can be. So for however long you two date he will always have a guard up.
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frozenjokes · 2 months
can not draw or function but someone on one of the mumbo mermaid fic chapters said oohh I bet Etho is a secret mermaid that has a human form somehow! And that was not the plan. That was not even a little bit the plan. But the idea is so fucking good the plan has changed.
Etho is a mermaid who strayed too close to the surface during a fierce storm, getting caught up in the currents and unable to escape before he was thrown against an outcrop of spiked rocks off the coast of a small island. These rocks would have super killed him, but luckily, Joel is there to curse him forever save his life! In this AU most everyone is human and there were no planned magical elements (mermaids are just one of many other species that be chilling on earth) but I’ve made an exception for Joel, who is a silly little witch guy. Complete recluse. Prays of the downfall of others. Stands out in thunderstorms wondering if any boats are going to crash into his Island Of Doom so he can laugh at them.
So Joel finds Etho and goes whoa! sick! a mermaid and not a dead one this time! Better make sure he stays that way! And hauls him back to his little swamp cottage somehow (yeah) and with the help of magic saves Etho’s life, only leaving a scar that starts at his forehead and goes basically alllll the way down his tail like snowtuft from warrior cats. however. Before saving his life Joel has Etho, delirious from blood loss, make a pact with him, one that is just basically like. Heyyyyy what if I bound our souls together after you’re all fixed up so *I* can also be a mermaid because that’s sick as fuck!!
and basically at the end of this all, Joel creates some sort of pendant that allows the two of them to switch forms, except Etho gets zero say on whether he’s mermaid or human, and it is entirely up to Joel’s whims. Despite the Everything, they manage to get along well enough, and Joel (with the help of some magic) helps to teach Etho English and other important things that will help him out if he ever decides to leave the island. Which he does! Humans are kinda sick and Etho wants to know more about the world!
However, given that mermaids are Extremely Rare and humans are Assholes, Etho can’t just tell people what he actually because they’re probably trying to kill his ass and sell his parts for shitloads of money.
Fast forward.. Bdubs gets an eccentric roommate!
I haven’t worked out exactly how they meet but Bdubs definitely peels Etho up off the street or something because Joel, being who he is, doesn’t know jack shit about how to prepare a Not Human for human culture, but that’s okay because Etho gets lucky!
Etho and Joel have a system of sending each other detailed schedules so Etho can be ready when Joel needs his legs, but Often Enough, Joel will decided to switch with VERY LITTLE WARNING, and Etho will have thirty minutes (the change is not instant) to find a body of water or a bathtub to Park himself until Joel finishes whatever it is he needed to do.
Bdubs found out very quickly that he and Etho could not have one shared bathroom. Etho refuses to tell him why he has locked himself in and when asked how long he’s going to be, the answer ranges from an hour to multiple days. Bdubs has stopped asking questions. Cleo and Scar, on the other hand, are extremely fucking baffled by Etho all of the time. They make up conspiracy theories about him. None of them are ‘Etho is a secret mermaid.’
anyway I love the clockers‼️
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bbcreative-0 · 3 months
Who Swears the Most
Now when you watch 2012 TMNT you’d think Raph would be the one swearing the most. Fair assumption. He would be the one to just says what he is thinking without really thinking about it.
But you are wrong. The turtle that swears the most is Leo. Donnie is VERY close right behind him.
Donnie I feel is a little self explanatory. That man is constantly the one sibling trying to keep everyone alive while shit keeps blowing up in his face. So yeah that’s oblivious.
Leo however was a sudden thing for his brothers. Now I know what you are thinking “Oh Leo is such a good kid!! He would never!!” WRONG!!
It’s BECAUSE he is such a good kid he swears the most. If you met anyone that use to be the “good kid” in school or at home, you’d know the minute they are even the SLIGHTEST inconvenienced they will be swearing like a sailor. I should know, I was considered the “good kid” at school.
Now maybe in the BEGINNING of the series Leo didn’t swear but after you see all THE BULLSHIT Leo goes through after like season 2, that man can’t help but swear.
He use to do it all internally but one day after being pushing by his fucking limit by literally everybody. One small thing finally pushed Leo over the edgy and that boy started swearing like no other. He was somehow inventing new swear words both in English and Japanese. Ever since that day he has never stop.
He’s unapologetic about it too as he gets older. So here is the order I think who swears the most.
1. Leo swears at the most of time seeing all the bullshit around them.
2. Donnie swears because he is tired of everyone and is ready to smack the next person pushing his buttons.
3. Raph, he use to swear the most but as he got older he matured a lot. Only swears now because it’s basically apart of vocabulary.
4. Mikey, it’s not because he doesn’t know how to. Oh he knows how to but you don’t want him to. Mikey will only swear when you have EXTREMELY pissed him off. Whatever reason for him swearing just know he is 100% justified and whatever happens isn’t his fault.
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yuken-gf · 1 year
hair tie // yuken x reader
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Genre: fluffy, high school, enemies to lovers (?)
Pairing: Yuken x fem!reader
Summary: Borrowing your hair tie is Yuken's daily routine.
Words count: 1257
TW: blood, wounds, slight capitalism (?), harsh words, yuken is annoyingly cute ugh😮‍💨😒
NOTES: English isn’t my first language, and this hasn’t been proofread yet. I’m sorry if there are any grammatical error(s).
“I’m starting to think that you’re actually collecting my hair ties, Yuken.” You sighed. It’s about the fifth time this week Yuken asked to borrow your hair tie. It never came back to you! He just lost it by accident!
“He is.” Sachio nods. “He—”
“No, I’m not!” Yuken is very quick to respond, it’s almost like he knew what Sachio was going to say.
“One time you lost it, that’s normal. Two times you lost it? Still normal for me. But this is the fifth time, Yuken. Fifth time.” You shook your head in disbelief. Looking up and down at Yuken who’s standing right in front of you.
“I really lost it. Come on, tomorrow we have a fight.” Yuken is frustrated. It’s so entertaining for Sachio.
“Can I come?” You asked, eyes sparkling. 
“Absolutely not.” Sachio and Yuken are in sync. They’re staring at you now.
“Damn.” You giggled.
“Give me your hair tie.” Yuken said again.
“Why do you need it so much?” You asked him. Sachio knows. Everybody knows. You, however, are dumb enough to be so oblivious about it.
“Come on, I’ll use it as my lucky charm.” Yuken is still begging.
Sachio watches you both, holding his smile because you and Yuken are so silly and cute at the same time. The dynamic is so weird but perfectly acceptable. It’s like the universe agree on you and Yuken.
“Why would you even need a lucky charm?” You hand him two new hair ties. You know that he’s going to ask for hair tie again today.
“It’s a lucky charm. Give me that one,” Yuken points at the hair tie that you’re wearing right now.
“Ha?” You are genuinely confused. “This old one?” You pull it from your hair and show the loose and used hair tie to him.
“Yeah. Give me that one.” Yuken smiles.
“Weird ass kink.” You sighed, handing the hair tie to Yuken. “Make sure you win, then.”
“Of course.” Yuken looks so happy. “See you tomorrow, Y/N! Thank you.” He waves at you.
“See you, Y/N.” Sachio is also waving at you.
“Kick some ass.” You smile at them, waving back.
“Yes, Ma’am!” Yuken laughed.
Y/N is peacefully enjoying her afternoon in her balcony. She bought an ice cream when she was walking home. Now, it is time to enjoy the view with some  ice cream. The peace wasn’t long though!
Y/N saw Yuken who’s walking to her house. “The fuck?” You narrowed your eyes, unsure if it’s Yuken or not. He stares back at you; his face is swollen and pretty much wounded from the fight he had earlier.
“You look like shit, Yuken!” You shouted from your balcony.
“Thank you! I know I’m hot!” Yuken shouted back before one of Y/N’s maid let him in. You just shook at his reply.
You grabbed the nearest medicine box and wait for Yuken in your room. Took him not so long, he opens your bedroom door and smiles widely. “You’re going to wait until I finish my ice cream.” You put a spoonful of ice cream into your mouth. 
He closed the door, “Give me some.” Yuken is about to grab the spoon but you’re fast enough to avoid him. “Give me some, Y/N!”
You are still standing up, you walk to him and feed him half a spoon of ice cream because you’re feeling generous. “Why are you still in your uniform?” Yuken asked after swallowing the ice cream.
“For the afterschool vibes, to be honest.” You admitted. “Did you win?”
“Yes, we won.” Yuken smiles. “Thanks to the lucky charm.”
You finished the ice cream by feeding the last spoon to Yuken. “Good boy.” You acted like you praise a baby. Or dog.
You bring your medicine box and place it on the bed, next to where he sits. You began to untie his hair, about to redo it because you’re not sure you’ll survive with his messy hair. He looks a little too good.
“What are you doing?” Yuken whines.
“Restyling your hair, dumbass.” You tie his hair with your old hair tie a.k.a. his lucky charm. “Take off your damn glasses.”
“I have more rizz with it.” He complains but still taking it off anyway.
You look down on him and tilt his chin up with your fingers gently, “You have more rizz without it.”
Yuken swears he almost lost it there. His heart is pounding too fast, he feels like he’s going to die right now. “I’ll take it off more often when you’re around then.” He giggles, covering his nervousness.
“You’re so in love with me.” You smile and begin to clean his wounds. You cursed inside your head, how on earth did someone manage to look extremely good and hot after got beaten up by some gang? Or is it just you who’s sick in the head?
Yuken laughs, “And if I am?” He pulls you closer by hugging your waist.
“Do I really have that kind of rizz?” You joke.
“Ultimate w rizz, Y/N. Even the girls are in love with you.” Yuken squinted his eyes a little when you dab a little too hard on his wound. He’s looking down when you prepare for the iodine, he laughs at the length of your skirt. “Are the teachers are still calling you out for that thigh-length skirt?”
“You know, I just shut them up by giving some charity money for the school.” You admitted your capitalism situation. Your parents work in another continent, money is flooding but they’re never home.
“You’re insane.” Yuken laughed. You slightly forced his head to look up again so you can give his wounds some iodine. You do it slowly this time, want to take the time to enjoy the view.
“The only thing that get me insane is you.” You are still focusing on his wounds, not realizing the poor guy who is dumbfounded right now. You put on some band-aids to the small but deep wounds that are most likely take times to heal.
“Why am I making you insane?” Yuken asked. Still holding your waist, pulling you closer to him. His right hand is reaching out for your right hand and kiss it while holding eye contacts with you. 
I am not your strongest soldier, Y/N is having an internal screaming.
“Ask yourself.” You gave him a few head pats. You tidy up the tools you use to clean up his wounds and put it back into the emergency medicine box. You can see from the tail of your eye that he’s looking at you intensely.
You didn’t know where did you got the courage for doing this, but you walked to him, side hug him, and place a sweet kiss on the top of his head. When I tell you he’s blushing mess.
You really drive him insane.
“You smell like boys, Yuken. Take a shower when you got home.” You said, tapping the tip of his nose.
“I hate you.” Yuken laughed.
“Feeling’s mutual, bitch.”
“We’re dating then.” Yuken smiles.
“You’re so unserious.” You rolled your eyes. Yuken finally stood up, he’s towering you now. He stares at you, you stare back obviously. No one is willing to give up. 
“You look so fucking beautiful.” Yuken caressed your cheek with his thumb.
“I know.” You held yourself together. You don’t want to lose this game.
“Date me, Y/N.” Yuken sounds serious. “I can be your slave.”
“Hmm... great offer.” You act like you’re thinking about it, “Deal.”
Love, Yoa
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