#hq shugo
sassycheesecake · 6 months
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the-haikyuu-trash · 2 years
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oikawa toru, bokuto koutaro, kuroo tersuro, matsukawa issei, atsumu miya, konoha akinori, meian shugo, hinata shoyo, tanaka ryunosuke, sugawara koushi, tendou satori
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meleth03 · 3 months
Meian: Bokuto is late. Again. Kiyoomi: I woke him up at 8 and pretended it was 11. Hinata: I wrote a fake schedule saying we started at 9 instead of 12. Atsumu: I set his clock to PM instead of AM. Meian: You all may have overdone it. Bokuto, bursting through the door: WHAT YEAR IS IT?!
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Thinking about my oblivious beefy boyfie 😔
Various aged up! HQ characters x Fem! Reader
^^not a suggestion. I will NOT hesitate to block you if I see that you are a minor or an ageless blog. Put your age in your bio or consider yourself blocked. I blocked well over 20 ageless blogs last time I posted smut.
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Oblivious boyfie! who doesn’t realize how fucking hung he is
Oblivious boyfie! whose cock you take so well every time he fucks you into oblivion
Oblivious boyfie! who doesn’t realize the only reason you take him so well is because he makes sure to properly eat you out and make you cum at least once before he drills his cock into you
Oblivious boyfie! who has only been with you and has fallen madly in love with you and your pussy
Oblivious boyfie! who doesn’t realize he’s above average size and girth until his friends see it while he was changing
Oblivious boyfie! whose friends have to break the news to him
Oblivious boyfie! who nonchalantly tells his friends that you, his pretty little girlfriend, takes it with such ease so he always thought he was average
Oblivious boyfie! whose friends get jealous of your boyfriend for many reasons: 1, his size; 2, that he has you
Oblivious boyfie! whose friends also feel their cocks twitch imagining you, their best friends sweet girlfriend, taking your boyfriends fat cock and imagining how well you could take theirs
Oblivious boyfie! whose friends now have to avoid you for a while
Oblivious boyfie! whose friends have no idea they could never fuck you the way your boyfriend can
Oblivious boyfie! who fucks you til you’ve at least cummed on his cock twice, and maybe squirted
Oblivious boyfie! who matches your drive, energy, and always knows the right things to say to have you creaming all over his cock
Oblivious boyfie! who might’ve been the only cock you’ve ever taken, but it’s the only one you can ever see yourself needing
Bokuto, Osamu, Daichi, Ushijima, Meian, Ukai, Aone, Asahi, Iwazumi, your beefy fave <3
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Likes, replies, and reblogs are always welcome and appreciated <3
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©️ ridiculouslly-ridiculous 2023; do not steal, modify,or repost my work
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toshitoshibo · 22 days
MSBY Group Chat
hinata: why is the word 'abbreviation' so long?
bokuto: why is the word 'Iong' so short?
atsumu: why is the word 'short' longer than 'long'?
sakusa: why is 'hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia' the fear of long words?
meian: why am i here?
meian has left the group
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sleepyymc · 1 year
eating you out.
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warnings — female bodied reader, oral sex, overstimulation
a/n just some thoughts :P
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your pleasure is priority. would absolutely LOVE eating you out- have you relaxed and sprawled out on his bed, gripping his hair or his pillow. lapping up your juices, hands running up your thighs, reaching for your tits, or just holding your legs down. 
his hips rubbing and rutting into his mattress, the sheets pressing against his dick so well as he sucks on your clit, humming at the calls of his names. he doesn’t mind getting messy. sticking his tongue as deep as he can, twisting and squeezing your nipples as he runs his tongue up and down your wet folds.
“doin’ so well f’me- all for me, yeah? all mine.” won’t stop till he’s cumming and you’re crying as you squirt onto him. loves the way your body shakes, the arch in your back as your eyes roll back, unintelligible cries from overstimulation. at that point his cock is aching, almost an angry red, screaming for attention. but how could he deny you another orgasm?
“just one more. i know you can do it sweetheart, you can do it for me can’t you?” he would reason with you, but you really couldn’t bother to genuinely think about it as you come down from another high for the nth time. your back ached from the amount of arching you do from the pleasure— or trying to get away, claiming “too much! c-can’t- please-“
but he can’t have that now can i? after too many orgasms you’d just let him have his way, brain too hazy, filled with static as your body relaxes into his hold. every question and praise, you’d just nod your head, soft murmurs leaving your lips. getting used to his ministrations, whining as his mouth leaves your cunt, shaking your head in defiance.
“wan’ more..” you’d whine. he’d chuckle softly, watching the life come back to your eyes. looking down at your body, hair strung about, having been rubbing against the bedsheets. eyes fluttering open to look up at him, a pout forming.
“more..” pressing on. he grins, giving your thigh a pinch.
“thought you couldn’t handle more?”
-> nanami, geto, choso, kiyoomi, iwaizumi, osamu, daichi, meian, kuroo, ukai, heizou, kaeya, childe, jean, sanji, keigo
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© sleepyymc 2022 - all rights reserved. please refrain from any modifying, translating, or reposting of any kind. plagiarism will NOT be tolerated. enjoy !!
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bokubear · 2 years
Haikyuu!! — he comes home angry
❥ including ; ( timeskip! ) kurō tetsuro, bokuto koutarou, meian shūgo, suna rintarou, atsumu miya
❥ genre ; angst, fluff, insecurity, comfort, suggestive themes, small fights, making-up
❥ notes ; this one makes my heart HURT but it’s also too fluffy to resist\(//∇//)\
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Kurō doesn’t speak when he walks through the door. Instead, he shuts himself inside the bathroom—resorting to texting you ‘sorry kitten, bad day.’ While you’d already noticed thanks to the usual kiss he delivered being absent. This happens occasionally, when Kurō’s had an especially frustrating day or he finds himself in a stressful situation. But he tries his hardest to not have you involved. Saying how this is “his” problem and he doesn’t want to say something mean. Until finally, the exhausted cat exits from being holed up in the bathroom and into your arms. The heavy sigh is enough confirmation to run your fingers through his dark hair. And god is he grateful to come home and sleep on your soft chest. Man is snoring in minutes.
Bokuto very rarely comes home angry. But on those peculiar practices he’ll drop his bag by the door, standing motionlessly in defeat. Nearing the breaking point, and you can tell immediately. “Kou.. hard day?” You say gently, watching as he lifts his head in hopes you won’t see the welling tears; you do. “I’m not good enough.. I did horrible today.” He bites his lip, concealing himself from you. “Baby. Look at me.” You hush, cupping that sweet, adorably precious face in your palms—and the eyes staring back at you utterly break your heart. Bokuto is a tearful angry. “You can be mad, you can cry, but don’t say you’re not good enough. You’re amazing Kou.” Pressing a saccharine kiss to his lips, squeaking in surprise as the ace lifted you up with ease; the once innocent kiss turning hotter—messier. Much less innocent than before. “Kou.. now?” You huff, the latter trailing kisses along your neck as you spoke. “Wanna show you how much you mean to me, how much I don’t deserve you.” And when he said it like that, it was irresistible.
Meian completely ignored you upon arriving home, disappearing into your shared room without a single hello. You assumed he was upset, deciding to focus on the dinner you were preparing. However, all was well till your husband rejected your meal—straight up standing up from the barstool. “I don’t have an appetite.” With tight lips, you speak up before he leaves once again. “Do you want to keep it so you can have it later-“I said I don’t want it.” His tone of voice changing drastically to something venomous. The door slammed as well, abandoning you to clean up the mess with a trembling lip and hurt feelings. When Meian was mad, he didn’t yell—he’d have this horribly mean attitude that broke your heart even more so. But when you texted him a ‘I think I’m gonna stay at my friends tonight, to give you space.’ He knew he’d been too harsh. In actuality, he was beyond guilty for how rude he’d been, but he couldn’t quite figure out how to make it up to you. So as you were asking your way out the door, your husband flew to hug your back. “You don’t know when to stop.” You sigh against him, his warm hands enveloping your hips. “I don’t. So please, stay here with me. I want to make it up to you.” Rest assured he definitely made it up to you.
Suna calls you on his way home on the subway, voice muffled not only from the phone-line, but also his down-cast behavior. “‘Wanna hear your voice..” You smile, this side of Rin was rare—and a gem to your day all the same. “Today was not my day.” He groans, you can hear him walking along the sidewalk leading home. “No luck?” The amused lilt in your voice makes Suna hiss, it’s as if you could see him roll his eyes from your place on the couch. “I hate our coach. It sucks to think I could be with you when I’m stuck there.” He mumbles, cheek pressed to the phone screen as if he’s trying to reach you on the other side. “I think you’ll survive Rinnie. Come home, I want you.” He chokes on his water. “You.. want me? Baby?” His assumption earns a series of shouts from you—denying the way that sentence sounded. “I-I meant to cuddle and watch movies!! Rinnnnn..” Now it was his turn to sound amused, cheekily replying. “I’m almost there, then you can have me any way you want honey.” — “Rin!”
Atsumu notifies Osamu first. It may sound a little strange, I mean, you’re his lover. Yet this is simply for precautious reasons. And once you understand, it reveals the concerned and considerate part of the blonde twin. “Why can’t I work part-time at Onigiri Miya..” Atsumu cursed, Osamu rubbing his temples on the other side. “I wanna strangle that owl sometimes!! He’s way to happy-go lucky. ‘Ya get me?” He pouts, kicking leaves away like a seriously spoiled toddler. “It’s nice that yer taking out yer anger on me and not Y/n ‘Tsumu, but choking someone without their consent is a crime.” Atsumu barks a laugh. “Yah! ‘Samu! You’re kinkier than I thought! Oh, I’m home, bye!” And with that he hangs up, and poor Osamu is left to await his visit the next day. “Angel! I talked to ‘Samu on the way here and guess what he said-“Have you been venting your anger on him to spare me?” This stops the setter in his tracks. Crap. He’s been caught. “Uhh.. nah.” The pathetic lie earns him a ‘cut the crap’ look. “Come to me if you’re fussy, it’s time you spare your brother.” Dragging him to the dinner table as you speak. “Yes angel.. but did you know Osamu’s into choki-OW!”
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plagiarism, repost, and editing is prohibited
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neon-gin · 1 year
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[MSBY locker room] Ganbare Hinata-kun!🍅
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misstooru · 11 months
OMG!!! look! look! look what I found in instagram!!! this is just so adorable like imagine haikyuu men as girl dads!
POV: haikyuu men came home from work / training / business trip and their little girls came rushing to welcome them 🥺
POV: a day in a life of haikyuu men as dad
tbh ushijima, iwaizumi, meian, bokuto, kita, kenjirou, and daichi gives so much girl dads energy for me! especially iwaizumi with 3 girls cutiiieeee! 🥺💗😭
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anime-freek · 11 months
Shūgo Meian getting absolutely blindsided by Atsumu, Bokuto, and Sakusa, thinking there couldn’t be a worse recipe for disaster, only to be choke slammed by Shoyo fucking Hinata gracing their presence and joining the team will never not be funny.
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sassycheesecake · 1 year
Coming over to his work to bring him something he forgot at home.
„You forgot this!“ You give him your brightest smile but since you have to be at work as well, you leave as quickly as you came to his work place.
His coworkers/teammates all stare with big eyes after your retreating figure, wondering how their coworker/teammate was able to know such a beautiful person as yourself.
„Omg they are so beautiful. Are they going to work with us soon?? How do you know them?!“ Questions like those are being thrown around.
Your significant other just gives them a smirk and proudly says:
„That‘s my significant other. Keyword is mine.“
- TŌRU OIKAWA, ATSUMU MIYA,Tetsurō Kuroo, Kōtarō Bokuto, HAJIME IWAIZUMI, Kenji Futakuchi, Motoya Komori, Osamu Miya, GAO HAKUBA, Kōrai Hoshiumi, SHŪGO MEIAN, FUKURŌ HIRUGAMI, Nicollas Romero
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MSBY Group Chat:
YN gets stood up
MSBY Black Jackals x GN! Reader
Warnings: swearing, fluff, reader is acting up 👀
AN: this is another request! I did change it slightly but I think I still captured the essence 😌 I’m on a roll with group chats because I found a new toy 😂
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meleth03 · 3 months
Atsumu, playing the piano: Tale as old as time Hinata, singing along: meme as old as vine Bokuto: Beauty and the Yeet! Meian: What- Kiyoomi: Don't question it. It only encourages them
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yoomiomiki · 2 years
- places cup, mugs and utensil high up on the shelf and closes jars tightly so you would ask for his help
HIRUGAMI, Sakusa , ATSUMU , MEIAN , lev , kuroo , tsukishima , goshiki , OIKAWA , matsukawa , SUNARINNNN
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toshitoshibo · 22 days
meian: hello and welcome to our new video blog
atsumu: today we are reviewing hair products!
bokuto: *sprays hairspray into his mouth*
sakusa: that's not-
bokuto: this one is not very good
hinata: my turn my turn!
meian: *laughs awkwardly* anyway-
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kuroi-tsuki · 1 year
Haikyuu-bu!! Chapter 117: Ketangkasan Membuat Coklat yang Renyah
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Sampai jumpa di chapter berikutnya~
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