#hsr Ruan Mei
inou-ie · 2 days
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Pairing: Jingliu x Ruan Mei
Warnings: alternate universe - historical, courtesan ruan mei, trans jingliu, cunnilingus, vaginal sex, , creampie, rough sex, breeding, multiple orgasms, overstimulation, fluff and smut, eventual smut
Author's notes: just reuploading my works from ao3 for my tumblr children!
men and minors dni
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The first time Jingliu stepped into the brothel, her gaze was immediately ensnared by the sight of a captivating woman skillfully playing a string instrument. The courtesan’s porcelain complexion and cascading chestnut locks, adorned with turquoise accents, held Jingliu in rapt attention.
She had entered merely due to an invitation, yet found herself unexpectedly drawn to the allure of one particular courtesan. Despite her initial reluctance, Jingliu found herself drawn to the offer bestowed upon her as a sword master – the privilege to select any courtesan of her choosing.
Intent on departing without indulging in such luxuries, she couldn’t shake the impulse that stirred within her. Before she knew it, she was already having her way to a private chamber, her heart pounding with anticipation, compelled by an inexplicable pull towards the courtesan with chestnut-hued locks, whose allure had captivated her from the moment they first met.
“Good evening… I am Ruan Mei,” the courtesan introduced herself with a graceful bow, cradling her ruan tenderly in her arms.
“You may call me Jingliu,” she replied softly, settling into a seat opposite Ruan Mei with a quiet sigh, her gaze lingering on the enigmatic woman before her.
“Jingliu…” Ruan Mei echoed, her voice imbued with a delicate warmth as she endeavored to recall a distant memory. With a practiced yet strained smile, she gently set her instrument aside before selecting a bottle of wine, pouring a glass for Jingliu with practiced precision.
“A sword master, if I’m not mistaken?” Ruan Mei’s voice carried a soft lilt as she attempted to initiate small talk, following the prescribed protocol. “I’ve heard whispers of your prowess… from some of my patrons,” she murmured softly, nudging the glass towards Jingliu with care.
“You carry quite a reputation,” Ruan Mei added, her gaze fixed upon the tabletop rather than meeting her customer’s eyes, a subtle sign of deference ingrained in her demeanor.
“That is merely a title…” Jingliu responded with a respectful nod, noting Ruan Mei’s avoidance of eye contact as she accepted the glass of wine.
As Jingliu took a sip, she broached the delicate subject of their arrangement. “Sexual…” Her words hung in the air, causing Ruan Mei to visibly tense, her demeanor shifting uneasily. Noticing the discomfort, Jingliu decided not to mention it directly.
She gently tapped her finger on the table to capture Ruan Mei’s attention. “I’ve been informed that such services are not within your offerings, so there’s no need for concern… I’m not here for such matters,” she reassured, finishing the remainder of her wine in a single gulp.
Ruan Mei let out a relieved sigh, her shoulders relaxing as she reached for the wine bottle once more, intending to pour another glass for Jingliu. However, Jingliu halted her with a polite gesture.
“No need, I can pour for myself,” Jingliu stated calmly, taking the bottle from Ruan Mei’s grasp and positioning it within her reach, a silent gesture of self-sufficiency.
As Ruan Mei finally met Jingliu’s piercing crimson gaze, her own eyes widened imperceptibly at the sight of the formidable and striking woman before her. It was a rare occurrence for Ruan Mei to meet a customer’s gaze so directly, but she found herself captivated by the intensity of Jingliu’s eyes and the peculiarity of their interaction which was very different than the usual clients she encountered.
“Then… what can I do for you?” Ruan Mei inquired, her fingers instinctively seeking solace in the familiar embrace of her instrument.
“You were quite skilled at playing that instrument,” Jingliu remarked, her gaze softening as she met Ruan Mei’s eyes with a faint smile. “I’d like to witness your performance once more,” she requested, a glimmer of anticipation dancing in her eyes.
“Is that really all you’ll ask of me?” Ruan Mei’s voice trembled with hesitation, her mind flashing back to the deceptive tactics employed by previous patrons who feigned kindness and gentleness to manipulate her into engaging in sexual activities.
With a subtle nod, Jingliu reclined in her seat, pouring herself another glass of wine with deliberate movements. “Yes, that’s all,” she affirmed calmly, her demeanor exuding a sense of sincerity as she lifted the glass to her lips, taking a measured sip.
Ruan Mei paused for a moment to think before gracefully lifting her ruan into her arms, her movements were fluid and effortless, a testament to years of dedication and practice. With delicate precision, her slender fingers danced across the strings, coaxing forth a melody that seemed to weave through the air like an ethereal tapestry.
Each pluck of the strings resonated with a gentle yet haunting melody, filling the room with a sense of tranquility. Ruan Mei’s brow furrowed in concentration, her eyes closed in serene focus as she lost herself in the music she created.
Jingliu was mesmerized by the sight before her, finding herself entranced by the sheer beauty and gracefulness of Ruan Mei’s performance. The way her fingers moved across the strings with such finesse, the subtle tilt of her head as she leaned into each note, it was as if she embodied the very essence of elegance and poise.
Lost in the hypnotic rhythm of the music, Jingliu felt the tension melt away from her muscles, replaced by a profound sense of calm. It was a rare moment of respite amidst the chaos of her daily life, and for that, she was grateful.
As the final notes of the melody lingered in the air, Jingliu found herself reluctant to break the spell woven by Ruan Mei’s enchanting performance. With a soft sigh of contentment, she set her glass aside, her gaze lingering on the courtesan before her with a newfound sense of admiration and appreciation.
“That was… very beautiful,” Jingliu remarked softly, a faint smile gracing her lips as she savored the lingering echoes of Ruan Mei’s melody. The intensity of her gaze softened as she met Ruan Mei’s eyes, a silent exchange of appreciation passing between them.
“Thank you,” Ruan Mei responded softly, her fingers gently caressing the smooth surface of her ruan as she spoke. “I love playing this…” she murmured, a tender affection evident in her voice.
“I’ve only had the pleasure of hearing you play twice, but…” Jingliu’s voice trailed off, her movements fluid as she poured herself another glass of wine. “But I truly love it. The way you play is incredibly calming,” she admitted before taking another sip, her gaze lingering on Ruan Mei with genuine admiration.
Hearing Jingliu’s words, Ruan Mei couldn’t help but feel a flutter of warmth in her chest. It was the first time someone had complimented her playing in such a heartfelt manner, and she found herself drawn to Jingliu’s sincerity.
“I… love embroidery too,” Ruan Mei suddenly confessed, surprising both herself and Jingliu with her candid admission. There was something about the genuine connection she felt with Jingliu that emboldened her to share her other passions.
With a gentle smile, Jingliu nodded in understanding. “It seems you have interest for things that are… relaxing. Perhaps you could teach me embroidery next time,” she suggested, her expression serene as she settled back into her seat.
“Teach you…?” Ruan Mei’s voice carried a mix of surprise and curiosity as she edged closer to Jingliu, her eyes reflecting the newfound emotions stirring within her. The simple act of sharing her interests and receiving a positive response was a novel experience for Ruan Mei, one that filled her with a sense of warmth and connection she had never felt with anyone else before.
With a gentle nod, Jingliu met Ruan Mei’s gaze, her expression earnest and sincere. “Yes, if that is alright with you,” she affirmed, her chin resting delicately upon her palm.
Ruan Mei’s mind raced, searching for more aspects of herself to share with this unexpected confidante. “I like pastries as well…” she confessed softly, her eyes flickering with anticipation as she awaited Jingliu’s reaction.
Jingliu blinked in surprise at the revelation before letting out a small chuckle. “You do? Would you like me to bring you one when I visit you next time?” she offered, a genuine warmth infusing her words.
The delighted expression that spread across Ruan Mei’s face was a sight to behold. “You would?” she breathed, a hint of admiration shining in her eyes as she regarded Jingliu.
And so, the conversation flowed effortlessly between them, with Ruan Mei sharing more of her interests and ideas with each passing moment. From her love for traditional theater to her fascination with life sciences, she poured out her thoughts and passions to Jingliu, who listened with rapt attention.
For the first time in her life, Ruan Mei felt as though she was engaged in a genuine interaction, free from the constraints of obligation as a courtesan. She no longer felt the need to put on a facade for her customers; instead, she could simply be herself.
Meanwhile, Jingliu savored the sound of Ruan Mei’s voice, finding solace in the simplicity of their conversation. It was a welcome reprieve from the chaos of battle in her daily life as a sword master, a reminder of the beauty and humanity that existed beyond the confines of her sword.
“Would you come back?” Ruan Mei’s voice was soft, her fingers lightly grasping the fabric of Jingliu’s sleeve as she sought her attention before she departed.
“Of course, with desserts next time,” Jingliu replied with a gentle nod, her touch tender as she patted Ruan Mei’s hand reassuringly.
As Jingliu left the brothel, Ruan Mei couldn’t shake the sense of excitement that bubbled within her. It was yet another new sensation, unfamiliar yet exhilarating. The memory of their meaningful conversation lingered in her mind, each word exchanged between them a testament to the genuine connection they had shared.
For the first time in her life, Ruan Mei felt her heart race with anticipation, a flutter of hope stirring within her. Jingliu’s respectful demeanor and genuine interest in her had left a profound impact, filling a void that had long existed within her.
In that fleeting moment of interaction, Ruan Mei had experienced something she had been missing for so long—a true connection, untainted by the expectations of her profession. And for that, she felt a sense of gratitude and longing, eager for the next opportunity to converse with Jingliu once more.
As the days stretched into weeks, Ruan Mei found herself eagerly awaiting Jingliu’s return, her interactions with other customers now feeling mundane and exhausting in comparison. She longed for the comfort of their conversations, the genuine connection she had felt with the sword master.
Finally, after a month had passed, Jingliu reappeared at the brothel, her presence bringing a sense of relief and anticipation to Ruan Mei’s heart.
“Good evening…” Jingliu greeted with a faint smile, though the weariness in her eyes did not go unnoticed by Ruan Mei.
“Jingliu…” Ruan Mei murmured softly, her gaze drifting to the bandages adorning Jingliu’s arms and the patches on her face.
“Are you alright?” she inquired, edging closer to Jingliu in concern, her eyes scanning the extent of her injuries.
Jingliu simply nodded, not wanting to burden Ruan Mei with her troubles. With a gentle motion, she reached inside her clothing, retrieving a carefully wrapped dessert and presenting it to Ruan Mei with a small smile.
“As promised,” Jingliu mumbled, her voice tinged with exhaustion as she settled into her seat with a deep sigh, closing her eyes in weariness.
Ruan Mei followed Jingliu’s lead, settling into her seat across from her before gently cradling her ruan in her arms. “Shall I play for you?” she offered with a warm smile, hoping to offer some form of solace to the weary sword master.
“Mhm, it’s alright… eat your dessert first. Don’t worry, I made sure nothing is mixed in that,” Jingliu reassured, her tired eyes flickering with a hint of amusement as she watched Ruan Mei’s reaction.
With a nod of understanding, Ruan Mei accepted the dessert from Jingliu, carefully unwrapping it to reveal a slice of cake that looked almost too beautiful to eat. Its golden crust shimmered under the soft glow of the brothel’s lights, tempting her with its decadent aroma.
Ruan Mei’s eyes widened in surprise as she took in the sight before her. Unlike the drugged offerings she had received from previous clients, this dessert appeared to be pure and untainted. A sense of trust blossomed within her, a rare feeling she had not experienced in quite some time.
Tilting her head in curiosity, Ruan Mei examined the pastry before taking a small, tentative bite. The flavors exploded on her palate, a symphony of sweetness and indulgence that filled her with a sense of warmth and contentment.
For the first time in a long while, Ruan Mei allowed herself to savor the simple pleasure of a delicious treat, grateful for the genuine kindness and consideration shown to her by Jingliu.
“It’s delicious…” Ruan Mei remarked between bites, her expression alight with pleasure as she savored the flavors of the pastry, while Jingliu watched with a soft smile.
“I’m glad…” Jingliu murmured, her fatigue momentarily forgotten as she took in the sight of Ruan Mei’s enjoyment.
Feeling a surge of affection, Ruan Mei scooted closer to Jingliu, extending her arm to offer a bite of the dessert to the sword master. Initially declining with a gentle shake of her head, Jingliu relented when Ruan Mei silently insisted, bringing the pastry to her lips.
With a small, reluctant smile, Jingliu took a small bite, the sweetness of the dessert mingling with the warmth of Ruan Mei’s gesture. As she savored the flavor, she couldn’t help but be captivated by the delight that danced across Ruan Mei’s face.
Jingliu felt a sense of connection that transcended the boundaries of their respective roles. It was a simple gesture, yet it spoke volumes of the genuine bond that had formed between them—a bond that Jingliu cherished more than words could express.
With a soft sigh of contentment, Ruan Mei scooted even closer to Jingliu, their sides touching as they sat beside each other. She continued to munch on the dessert, humming softly in delight as Jingliu watched her with a serene expression.
They didn’t need words to fill the space between them; the simple sound of Ruan Mei’s humming sufficed to create an atmosphere of tranquility and ease. As Jingliu’s gaze lingered on Ruan Mei, her eyes were drawn to the soft curve of her lips, adorned with a delicate layer of frosting from the dessert. Ruan Mei’s makeup was light and understated, accentuating her natural beauty with subtle touches of color that complemented her brown hair and turquoise accents. A hint of chapstick added a soft sheen to her lips, enhancing their natural allure and drawing Jingliu’s gaze.
As soon Ruan Mei finished eating, she leaned towards Jingliu. A soft sigh of satisfaction escaped her lips and Jingliu reciprocated the gesture, their bodies instinctively drawing closer in the quiet intimacy of the moment. “Thank you for the food,” Ruan Mei murmured, her voice carrying a note of genuine gratitude.
“It was my pleasure,” Jingliu responded, her gaze softening as she watched Ruan Mei settle against her, an overwhelming urge to embrace her surging within her. However, she resisted the impulse, mindful of the courtesan’s aversion to physical touch.
“What… can I do for you in return?” Ruan Mei mumbled, her curious gaze meeting Jingliu’s with a sincerity that touched the sword master’s heart. It was a look she had never received from anyone else, a testament to the unique connection they shared.
Jingliu shook her head gently, offering reassurance. “It’s alright, you don’t have to. It was a gift,” she assured, though a flicker of confusion crossed her features at Ruan Mei’s insistence on reciprocity.
“But… both of us have to benefit,” Ruan Mei persisted, her determination evident in her tone. “How about… I show you how to do embroidery?” she suggested, a faint smile gracing her lips as she met Jingliu’s gaze.
The suggestion took Jingliu by surprise, her features softening into a smile at the unexpected offer. “I would like that,” she replied earnestly, her eyes reflecting a genuine warmth as she looked at Ruan Mei.
Ruan Mei retrieved her embroidery kit with a sense of purpose, eager to share her passion with Jingliu. Returning to their previous position, where they leaned against each other in quiet companionship, she began her tutorial with gentle guidance.
“So first, you do this…” Ruan Mei’s voice was soft and measured as she demonstrated the delicate art of embroidery, her slender fingers moving with grace and precision. Each movement was deliberate, each stitch executed with care, as she imparted her knowledge to Jingliu.
As Ruan Mei guided her through the process, Jingliu couldn’t help but be captivated by the sight before her. Ruan Mei’s hands moved with a fluidity that spoke of years of practice and dedication. Her focused expression reflected a deep connection to the craft, a passion that shone through in every stitch.
Despite Ruan Mei’s patient instruction, Jingliu found herself entranced by the beauty of her hands and the concentration etched upon her features. It was a mesmerizing sight, one that drew her gaze irresistibly, even as she attempted to focus on the task at hand.
“Would you like to try?” Ruan Mei’s voice carried a hint of anticipation as she looked up at Jingliu, offering her the embroidery hoop. The sword master nodded, accepting the delicate tool with care, but her attempt at replicating Ruan Mei’s movements resulted in a mess of tangled threads and misplaced stitches.
With an apologetic chuckle, Jingliu sighed in slight embarrassment. “Forgive me… my hands are used to holding a sword,” she mumbled, her tone tinged with self-deprecation, eliciting an amused chuckle from Ruan Mei.
“That’s alright, it was your first time,” Ruan Mei reassured, her gaze drifting to the scars and bandages that adorned Jingliu’s hands and arms.
Almost unconsciously, Ruan Mei’s hand reached out to gently trace the scars, her touch light and tentative. “Do they hurt?” she asked softly, her voice filled with concern.
“They’ve healed, so they don’t hurt,” Jingliu reassured, flipping her hand to show her palms, silently hoping for Ruan Mei to place her hand in hers. To her surprise, the courtesan complied, her delicate hand resting in Jingliu’s palm.
Jingliu’s heart skipped a beat at the contact, her pulse quickening as she slowly closed her hand around Ruan Mei’s, testing the waters to see if the gesture was welcomed. It was a tentative gesture, born out of a desire to offer comfort, and she held her breath, waiting for Ruan Mei’s response.
Ruan Mei gazed up at Jingliu, giving her hand a gentle squeeze before withdrawing almost immediately, causing a twinge of disappointment to flicker across the sword master’s features. She had hoped to hold onto that fleeting connection a little longer, but her disappointment was quickly replaced by a rush of anticipation as Ruan Mei’s hands moved to caress her bandaged arms.
“How about these, do they hurt?” Ruan Mei’s voice was soft and gentle, her touch tender and comforting.
“Not at all, I’m used to this,” Jingliu reassured, her voice steady despite the emotions swirling within her. Her gaze shifted down to watch Ruan Mei’s hands as they explored her arms with gentle care, her touch leaving a trail of warmth in its wake. As Ruan Mei’s hands traced the contours of her scars with a tenderness that took her breath away, Jingliu felt a rush of gratitude wash over her.
“You have plenty of muscles…” Ruan Mei murmured, her touch tracing the contours of Jingliu’s arms before moving upwards to explore her shoulders, feeling the strength beneath the surface.
“I… hold my sword every day…” Jingliu responded softly, her gaze locked with Ruan Mei’s, a silent acknowledgment of the physical demands of her profession.
Ruan Mei nodded in understanding, her fingers now delicately tracing Jingliu’s neck, her touch light and probing as she felt for the rhythm of her pulse and the flutter of her veins.
“It’s fast…” Ruan Mei tilted her head in confusion, her gaze searching Jingliu’s face for answers. But Jingliu remained silent, her eyes averted as she struggled to admit the truth—that it was Ruan Mei’s presence, her touch, that set her heart racing with a fervor she could scarcely contain.
With a deep sigh, Jingliu gently reached up to brush a stray strand of hair away from Ruan Mei’s face, a tender gesture that the courtesan seemed to welcome as she leaned into Jingliu’s touch. The longing to hold the courtesan grew stronger with each passing moment, Jingliu’s heart aching with the desire to embrace this beautiful woman in her arms.
“Thank you for today…” Jingliu mumbled softly, reluctantly pulling her hand away, her gaze filled with an unspoken yearning.
“You’re going already?” Ruan Mei’s voice was tinged with confusion, her hands lingering on Jingliu’s shoulders as if reluctant to let her go.
“Forgive me… As much as I wanted to stay longer… I have duties to attend to,” Jingliu sighed regretfully, her expression reflecting the weight of her responsibilities as a sword master.
“Would you come back again soon?” Ruan Mei’s voice was soft, almost pleading, as she looked up at Jingliu with a mixture of hope and uncertainty. For her, Jingliu represented more than just another customer; she was the first person to truly see her, to acknowledge her as more than just a courtesan. In Jingliu, she had found a kindred spirit, someone who listened to her interests and treated her with genuine respect and care.
With a small smile, Jingliu nodded in reassurance. “Of course, I’ll make sure to,” she promised, her words carrying a sense of sincerity that warmed Ruan Mei’s heart.
Before Jingliu departed, Ruan Mei reached out, offering her the unfinished embroidery they had worked on together. It was a silent yet poignant reminder of the bond they shared, a testament to the connection they had forged in the quiet moments they had spent together.
Jingliu accepted the embroidery with gratitude, her fingers lingering on the fabric as she took in the intricate stitches and delicate patterns. It was a symbol of their shared experiences, a tangible reminder of the promise they had made to each other—to finish what they had started, together.
With a final glance at Ruan Mei, Jingliu tucked the embroidery safely away, a silent vow to return and complete their project. As she left the brothel behind, her heart felt lighter, buoyed by the hope of future encounters with the woman who had captured her heart in ways she had never imagined possible.
Ruan Mei waited patiently, her gaze fixed expectantly on the entrance to the private chamber each day, hoping against hope that it would be Jingliu who walked through the door. But day after day, the sword master failed to appear, and with each passing moment, Ruan Mei’s demeanor towards her other clientele grew colder and more aloof.
Even as she poured them wine or tea, her expression betrayed her inner disgust towards them. Her interactions with them became increasingly curt and detached, her reluctance to engage in idle chatter evident in her distant demeanor. 
Weeks turned into months, and still, Jingliu remained absent. With each passing day, Ruan Mei’s longing for the sword master intensified, a gnawing ache in the depths of her soul that refused to be appeased. Despite her foul mood, she continued to entertain her other customers, fulfilling her duties with a sense of resignation that bordered on despair.
But deep down, Ruan Mei yearned to escape from it all—to leave behind the confines of her profession and seek solace in the arms of the one person who had made her feel truly safe and respected. Jingliu’s absence weighed heavily on her heart, a constant reminder of the emptiness that pervaded her existence in the absence of the one person who had touched her soul in ways she had never imagined possible.
Ruan Mei hugged her ruan tightly, her sigh echoing the heaviness in her heart as she stared blankly at the table where she awaited her customer for the night.
“Good evening…”
The familiar voice startled Ruan Mei, causing her to lift her head abruptly, her heart racing at the sight of the crimson orbs that met her gaze.
Without hesitation, Ruan Mei rose from her seat, her hands trembling slightly as she approached the sword master, her eyes betraying a mixture of relief and longing as she reached out to grasp Jingliu’s hand with both of hers.
“I thought you wouldn’t come back…” Ruan Mei’s voice was soft, barely above a whisper, her words heavy with unspoken emotion.
“Forgive me… I was away on duty…” Jingliu’s response was gentle, her touch reassuring as she held Ruan Mei’s hand in return.
As Ruan Mei took a closer look at Jingliu, she couldn’t help but notice the fresh injuries that marred the sword master’s appearance—the bandages, the bruises. Concern flickered in her eyes as she met Jingliu’s gaze, her worry evident in the furrow of her brows.
“I’m alright… I’m sorry I came straight here after returning,” Jingliu trailed off, her tone tinged with regret as she noticed Ruan Mei’s concerned expression. “I didn’t have time to prepare myself properly,” she explained with a weary sigh, the weight of her responsibilities weighing heavily upon her shoulders.
Noticing the exhaustion etched upon the sword master’s features, Ruan Mei acted instinctively, settling down on the bed before gently patting her lap in invitation.
“Please, get some rest,” Ruan Mei urged softly, her voice infused with concern as she gestured for Jingliu to lie down.
“I-I’m completely fine…” Jingliu attempted to protest, her voice tinged with stubbornness, but the pleading look in Ruan Mei’s eyes softened her resolve, and she found herself slowly approaching the courtesan.
“Then, just a bit…” Jingliu relented with a defeated sigh, allowing herself to lie down on the bed and rest her head upon Ruan Mei’s lap. The gentle caress of Ruan Mei’s fingers in her hair brought a sense of comfort and solace, easing the tension in Jingliu’s weary frame.
“I have been waiting for you,” Ruan Mei murmured, her voice soft and full of longing as she gazed down at Jingliu, her eyes devoid of the usual facade of indifference she presented to her other customers. There was only admiration and affection shining in her eyes, a reflection of the deep connection she shared with the sword master.
“Mhm, forgive me,” Jingliu responded, her voice barely above a whisper as she closed her eyes, allowing herself to succumb to the soothing sensation of Ruan Mei’s gentle touches. Jingliu felt a sense of peace wash over her, the weight of her burdens momentarily lifted in the presence of the woman who had come to mean so much to her.
As Ruan Mei continued to hum softly, her fingers gently tracing patterns through Jingliu’s hair, the sword master felt herself being lulled into a state of peaceful relaxation. The gentle touch of the courtesan’s fingers against her scalp was incredibly soothing, and soon Jingliu found her eyelids growing heavy with drowsiness.
Though Ruan Mei longed to engage Jingliu in conversation, seeing the exhaustion etched upon her features, she chose instead to focus on providing her with the comfort and relaxation she so clearly needed. With each gentle stroke of her fingers and each soft hum that escaped her lips, Ruan Mei worked to lull Jingliu into a state of tranquility, allowing the weight of her burdens to momentarily slip away.
Before long, Jingliu appeared to have succumbed to the embrace of slumber, her breathing steady and her expression serene. Ruan Mei couldn’t help but marvel at the sight of the normally stoic sword master, her face softened in sleep, a rare glimpse of vulnerability.
“I wish you could stay with me forever…” Ruan Mei whispered softly, her hand tenderly caressing Jingliu’s hair as she traced the contours of her features with gentle fingers.
With a sigh, Ruan Mei carefully arranged Jingliu on the bed, ensuring she was comfortable and at ease. Placing a soft pillow beneath her head, she lingered for a moment longer, her gaze lingering on Jingliu’s peaceful expression.
But as Ruan Mei stood up, a sudden thought crossed her mind—a fleeting impulse that she couldn’t ignore...
How would it feel, she wondered, to be held in Jingliu's strong and protective embrace?
As Ruan Mei kept looking at Jingliu, her heart raced with a mixture of longing and apprehension. Her eyes traced the contours of the sword master’s form, lingering on the bandaged arms, the exposed skin of her neck, and the scars that adorned her body. But it was Jingliu’s lips that captivated her most, their softness and allure stirring something deep within her.
With a trembling breath, Ruan Mei gulped, her pulse quickening at the sight before her. Before she could fully comprehend her actions, her body moved of its own accord, drawing her closer to Jingliu until she lay beside her, her gaze never wavering.
“Jingliu…” Ruan Mei whispered, her voice barely above a murmur, filled with a desperate longing to keep the sword master by her side.
At the sound of her name, Jingliu stirred from her slumber, her eyes fluttering open to meet Ruan Mei’s intense gaze. Startled by the proximity of the courtesan, Jingliu sat up abruptly, her expression a mixture of surprise and confusion.
“I fell asleep… forgive me,” Jingliu murmured with a sigh, but Ruan Mei followed suit, sitting up beside her, her gaze never wavering as she continued to gaze at the sword master with undisguised longing.
Sensing the intensity of Ruan Mei’s gaze, Jingliu couldn’t help but meet her eyes, a flicker of curiosity sparking within her own crimson orbs.
“Is there something on my face?” Jingliu inquired, her hand instinctively reaching up to touch her features, searching for any imperfections.
“Nothing,” Ruan Mei replied softly, her voice barely above a whisper as she edged closer to Jingliu, their proximity closing the distance between them.
“I have an insane request…” Ruan Mei murmured, her voice trembling with uncertainty as she clasped Jingliu’s hand in hers, their fingers intertwining in a silent plea.
“What is it?” Jingliu responded, her voice gentle yet tinged with curiosity as she regarded Ruan Mei with a soft smile.
Ruan Mei’s breath caught in her throat as she gathered her courage, her heart pounding with anticipation.
“Would you… consider buying me out?” Ruan Mei’s voice wavered as she voiced her request, her gaze searching Jingliu’s for any hint of a response.
“If it’s you… then…” Ruan Mei trailed off, her voice barely a whisper as she leaned closer to Jingliu, the air between them charged with tension and unspoken longing.
Jingliu’s surprise was masked by a practiced facade of composure, her expression unreadable as she processed Ruan Mei’s request. For a moment, there was silence between them, broken only by the sound of Jingliu's voice.
“Buy you out…?” Jingliu repeated, her gaze drifting to the side as she contemplated Ruan Mei’s request.
“Yes, I don’t think I’ll be able to bear waiting for you for months again,” Ruan Mei confessed, her voice tinged with vulnerability as she sought reassurance from the sword master.
Her words hung in the air, heavy with longing and desperation, as she expressed her inability to bear the separation any longer. Her hands gripped Jingliu’s clothing, as if seeking an anchor in the tumult of emotions swirling between them.
Jingliu turned her gaze back to Ruan Mei, her crimson eyes widening slightly in surprise at the gravity of the situation. The idea of purchasing a courtesan out seemed surreal to her, a notion that had never crossed her mind before.
Despite her status as a renowned sword master, the thought of buying someone out of servitude, especially someone as sought-after as Ruan Mei, felt daunting and unfamiliar.
For a moment, Jingliu remained silent, the weight of Ruan Mei’s request settling heavily upon her shoulders as she grappled with the implications of such a decision. She knew that money was not an issue for her, but the notion of owning another person, even with the intention of granting them freedom, gave her pause.
Feeling the weight of the silence, Ruan Mei’s anxiety bubbled up until she could bear it no longer. With a desperate gesture, she seized Jingliu’s arms, enfolding them around herself tightly, causing the sword master’s breath to catch in her throat.
“I don’t want anyone else to approach me… I want you to be the only one who can see me… talk to me and touch me,” Ruan Mei whispered against Jingliu’s chest, her voice soft yet pleading.
“I want to serve you… and only you,” she added, her gaze meeting Jingliu’s with unwavering determination.
As if responding to an unspoken command, Jingliu instinctively drew Ruan Mei closer, holding her in a tight embrace as if shielding her from the world.
“How could I ever refuse a request like this…” Jingliu murmured softly, her arms cradling Ruan Mei’s head and back, offering comfort and reassurance in the warmth of their embrace.
Ruan Mei’s heart raced as she felt herself melting in Jingliu’s arms. It was everything she had yearned for—a tight hold that made her feel safe and cherished.
With a soft sigh, she dared to inch closer, carefully climbing onto Jingliu’s lap, straddling her form and enveloping the sword master in her own embrace. It was as if she sought to merge with Jingliu, to become one with her being.
“Ah… this is…” Jingliu’s voice faltered, her throat tightening as she observed Ruan Mei clinging to her, their bodies intertwined in an intimate embrace that stirred emotions within her.
“Jingliu…” Ruan Mei’s voice was barely a whisper as she nuzzled into the comforting scent of the sword master, her body pressing even closer despite their already intimate proximity.
Jingliu could feel her own heartbeat quicken, but she forced herself to take slow, deep breaths, attempting to regain her composure and steady her nerves. She didn’t want to do anything that might frighten or unsettle Ruan Mei, after all.
“I feel… delighted. Being with you is all I desire,” Ruan Mei whispered, her touch gentle as she ran her fingers along Jingliu’s neck and cheek.
Jingliu couldn’t help but feel a rush of warmth at Ruan Mei’s words, her arms instinctively tightening around the courtesan to offer support as she sat on her lap.
“Are you certain?” Jingliu asked, her voice soft yet filled with concern.
Ruan Mei nodded, a faint smile gracing her lips. “I want to belong to you, and only you,” she affirmed.
Jingliu felt her blood rush, unable to hide her own flustered state, especially with Ruan Mei so intimately close.
With a gentle sigh, Jingliu pulled back slightly, her gaze fixed intently on Ruan Mei’s face. As their eyes locked, Jingliu’s expression softened, and she leaned in closer, her focus shifting to Ruan Mei’s inviting lips.
The movement was slow and deliberate, allowing Ruan Mei the opportunity to retreat if she wished, but Ruan Mei remained still, leaning in to meet Jingliu halfway.
Their lips trembled slightly as they drew nearer, the anticipation palpable in the air. Finally, their lips met in a tender kiss, sending a jolt of electricity through both of their bodies. With each brush of their lips, their hearts surged with emotion, the sensation overwhelming yet exhilarating.
“You taste just like my favorite pastry…” Ruan Mei whispered against Jingliu’s lips, her fingers tracing delicate patterns along the sword master’s ear. “I want more…” Her words hung in the air before she leaned in again, pressing her lips against Jingliu’s with a sigh of contentment.
Feeling Ruan Mei’s lips against hers, Jingliu couldn’t resist. She gently cradled Ruan Mei’s face in her hands, drawing her in closer as they shared another kiss.
"So soft..." Jingliu sighed, drawing back slightly from their passionate exchange to behold Ruan Mei's flushed face and gentle features.
She couldn't resist the urge to smile warmly before pressing her lips against Ruan Mei's once more. This time, she deliberately traced the curves of Ruan Mei's mouth with her tongue as she deepened their kiss, coaxing a luscious moan from the courtesan.
To her delight, Ruan Mei did not shy away but responded in kind, swirling her tongue around Jingliu's enticingly as their kiss grew increasingly heated.
The courtesan's slender hands gripped Jingliu's silky hair with undeniable force, as if she wanted to hold her in place forever. Ruan Mei kissed her deeply and fiercely, her lips slacking slightly yet laced with an insatiable desire that made Jingliu's heart race.
In response, Jingliu delicately maneuvered her tongue around Ruan Mei’s sweet mouth, guiding their passionate embrace while eliciting moans of pleasure from the beauty before her.
As the kiss became increasingly desperate and their tongues mingled erotically, saliva glazed their parted lips. Beads of sweat glistened on both their foreheads as they panted heavily, every breath causing a faint whisper of excitement in each other's ears.
"Jingliu, more..." Ruan Mei whimpered amidst gasps for air as she thrust herself closer against Jingliu's bulging form below; an audible groan escaping from deep within the sword master's throat at the feel of pure perfection nestled between them.
As Jingliu began to lose herself in the frenzied passion, she knew she had to break away momentarily to catch her breath.
Yet before she could gather herself, Ruan Mei's lips clung stubbornly to hers, coating their parted mouth with a glossy line of drool as their exhales mingled.
In response, Jingliu felt an uncontrollable surge of arousal course through her body - her erection swelling within its constraining fabric – fueled by this passionate embrace that left her utterly consumed.
"More... more..." Ruan Mei breathed softly into Jingliu's mouth as she craved every sensation this powerful sword master had to offer. She couldn't believe how much her hunger had grown, how deeply she now desired another's warmth and closeness – a stark contrast from her previous indifference towards intimacy.
She found herself craving more of the intimacy she once thought she could live without. It was a sensation she couldn’t deny, a hunger that grew with each moment spent in Jingliu’s arms.
"I can’t hold back any longer..." Jingliu groaned deeply, her hands gripping tightly onto Ruan Mei’s curves as she urged her further down towards her bulging length that begged for release.
Ruan Mei let out a gentle yelp as she felt the unmistakable heat and size of Jingliu's swollen erection pressing against her. Their embrace only intensified, as Jingliu's hips started to grind insistently against hers.
Gasping for air, they broke their passionate kiss, their eyes locked in a fierce mutual lust that was almost palpable. With an unspoken understanding, Jingliu slowly guided Ruan Mei towards the soft covers of the bed while trailing tender caresses up her legs and thighs, every touch causing goosebumps to rise across the courtesan's sensitive skin.
With a soft, pleading look in her eyes, Jingliu gently rested her hand just below Ruan Mei's breasts.
"May I..." she whispered tenderly before placing her other hand firmly on the curves of Ruan Mei’s hips.
"I promise to take care of you," she pledged earnestly as her pulsating erection rubbed sensuously against Ruan Mei's clothed core. Without any hesitation, Ruan Mei wrapped her legs around Jingliu's waist, drawing her closer with an affectionate smile.
"I trust you completely." Her words set fire to Jingliu's passion, causing her to thrust forward eagerly as she reveled in the intoxicating heat and fragrance of her beloved courtesan.
With utmost tenderness, Jingliu delicately pulled and coaxed off each piece of Ruan Mei's clothing until she lay before her in all her glory:her delicate, ivory skin; full breasts that rose and fell with every breath – a vision that filled Jingliu with unbridled desire.
Lower still, she noticed the glistening moisture seeping from between Ruan Mei's plush folds, beckoning her like an alluring siren song of pleasure. The sight was nearly overwhelming for Jingliu; she simply couldn't resist anymore.
As urgency surged through her veins, Jingliu discarded the remaining pieces of her clothing until she was completely bare before Ruan Mei.
Her muscular physique shimmered with perspiration, every hard-earned scar on her body testament to her prowess as a sword master. But Ruan Mei couldn't take her eyes off that magnificent erection – thick, proud and pulsating enticingly as it craved satisfaction.
Ruan Mei drew in a shuddering breath as Jingliu's stiff erection lay tantalizingly close to her folds, causing her cunt to clench and unclench in desire.
"You're so beautiful," Jingliu whispered reverently as she slowly lifted her hands upwards, cupping Ruan Mei's full and round breasts tenderly.
"Mhm," Ruan Mei moaned softly with her eyes fluttering shut, surrendering herself completely to the sensations coursing through her body. Rough and calloused hands left soft caress on her breasts before squeezing them affectionately – an action that sent delightful shivers down her spine.
As Ruan Mei moaned blissfully, Jingliu bestowed an array of tender kisses upon her skin while slowly licking around the sensitive flesh of one erect nipple. Finally, she enveloped it with her mouth, savoring its taste as she drew it deeper into her mouth.
Pleasure coursed through Ruan Mei's body as she ran her fingers through Jingliu's hair – a soft hum escaping her lips. Encouraged by this response, Jingliu playfully pinched and twisted the other nipple with her fingers while maintaining gentle suction on the first – every touch causing Ruan Mei to writhe beneath her in ecstasy.
"Does it feel good?" Jingliu asked softly as she showered affection upon the courtesan's second erect nipple. Ruan Mei let out a soft moan, her hands gently running through Jingliu's hair.
"So good..." she breathed before losing herself in sensations that rippled through her core with each tender touch. Without any further preamble, Jingliu's tongue glided downwards, tracing Ruan Mei's sensitive skin until it reached her lower abdomen where the heady scent of her dripping arousal filled the air.
Jingliu could hardly resist – her thumbs separated Ruan Mei's folds wider and wider, her gaze fixated upon the plump and throbbing bud waiting for her attention.
Ruan Mei's head slowly rose as she watched Jingliu lower her lips towards her delicate folds. Her breath caught in her throat as she felt a teasing flick of the sword master's tongue on her sensitive bud, sending shockwaves of pleasure rippling through her entire body like wildfire.
Emboldened by this response, Jingliu began to lap at Ruan Mei's swollen folds more insistently, drawing out every drop of essence that seeped from within.
As Ruan Mei started spreading her legs wider, Jingliu deepened her exploration, running long strokes from Ruan Mei's swollen core down to her sensitive opening before flicking back up again with precise flicks that sent waves of sheer bliss spiraling through every inch of her being.
"... good, so good...!" Ruan Mei's moans grew louder with each lick, her hips unconsciously rising to meet Jingliu's attentive mouth as the sword master's skilled lips engulfed her clitoris.
The pleasure was building rapidly within her until it threatened to consume her entirely, causing her body to arch and tears of ecstasy trickling down her cheeks.
Ruan Mei's cries became more desperate, a plea for even more intense sensation that echoed in the air around them. It seemed as though every stroke from Jingliu's tongue brought Ruan Mei closer to shattering point - so close that she could barely breathe, suspended on the edge of release.
And then, almost imperceptibly gently at first before intensifying in pressure and urgency... Jingliu began nipping at the swollen bundle of nerves beneath her lips. With each delicate suckle and teeth graze, wave after wave of pure bliss washed over Ruan Mei until she finally erupted into climaxes like thunderbolts lighting up every nerve ending from head to toe.
"Sweet..." Jingliu breathed as she continued her relentless feast on Ruan Mei's pulsating core. Her fingers gently pulling back the sensitive hood to reveal even more of the swollen clit which she then attacked with voracious hunger - suckling and biting at it lightly as another powerful climax surged through Ruan Mei's body.
She wanted to make this moment last forever, to bask in Ruan Mei's blissful ecstasy until her body could take no more.
"Hold on for a moment! Please... I'm still–" Ruan Mei pushed Jingliu's head away in an effort to postpone another release but her pleading voice only spurred Jingliu into a frenzy; she tightened her grip on the courtesan's thighs, urgently suckling and nipping at her quivering clit with increasing passion.
Her mouth was awash in Ruan Mei's sweet juices - a nectar that had begun to fill her senses like a drug. She fed greedily from the source, desperate to drain every last drop of pleasure from the woman beneath her as another climax approached – even more intense than the first.
Ruan Mei whimpered helplessly; each hungry suction from Jingliu sent shockwaves of bliss radiating outward through every inch of her body until finally, she shattered once again in an explosive release that left her breathless, writhing beneath Jingliu with trembling limbs.
As Ruan Mei's whimpers faded to soft sobs, Jingliu couldn't resist pressing one last tender kiss against her swollen clitoris before gently pulling away. Her body hummed with desire, yet she felt a deep sense of satisfaction - knowing that she had given pleasure to the beautiful courtesan lying beneath her. 
Feeling an overwhelming sense of satisfaction mixed with tenderness, she lowered her body beside the quivering courtesan and wrapped her arms around her tenderly – offering comfort as Ruan Mei struggled to recover from the intense pleasure that had just overwhelmed her. She kissed Ruan Mei on the forehead gently before running her fingers through her hair, relishing in the warmth and softness of it.
"Forgive me... I couldn't help myself." Jingliu whispered as soft kisses brushed against Ruan Mei's temple and hair as she showered affection upon the exhausted woman.
With a contented sigh, Ruan Mei snuggled closer to Jingliu's comforting warmth, looking up at her with a soft smile. She then reached out and gently stroked the sword master's stiff erection.
"Let's continue..." she whispered, her eyes locked on Jingliu's as she fondled her shaft teasingly. Jingliu grunted softly in response, surprised by Ruan Mei's bold touch.
"Are you sure? You can rest for a moment," Jingliu offered kindly. However, Ruan Mei’s grip tightened ever so slightly around her length as she pleaded, "Please." Her gaze holding steady on Jingliu's face, she gave one final tug before rising on her elbow gracefully; offering herself to be claimed once again.
Watching Ruan Mei climb onto her slowly aroused Jingliu immensely, her erection growing heavier at the sight of the courtesan's alluring body.
"I want to feel all of you," Ruan Mei whispered softly as she rested a hand on Jingliu's muscular abs, teasingly stroking her swollen length with the other.
"Take your time..." Jingliu reminded as she encircled Ruan Mei's waist with her strong arms, ensuring her body was steady and well-supported.
Ruan Mei nodded softly, her breath growing warm against Jingliu's chest as she started to descend gradually.The tip of Jingliu's erection rubbed circles against the tender flesh of Ruan Mei's folds, teasing her entrance before slowly slipping in.
The courtesan's muscles squeezed around Jingliu, an instinctive response to the intrusion that had them both panting and wanting more. Slowly but steadily, Ruan Mei sank deeper onto Jingliu, stretching her wide and filling every inch of herself with pleasure.
Despite initial sting from being stretched wide open, all Ruan Mei could think of now was how much deeper she craved to go.
"Let me ease you further." Jingliu murmured, her hands sliding down to caress Ruan Mei's trembling thigh before gently cupping her ass.
She shifted her angle slightly and with a steady thrust forward, she managed to bury half of herself inside Ruan Mei's warmth. It was tight—almost more than she could bear—but their combined moans made it all worth it.
"I'll be slow..." Jingliu assured, gripping Ruan Mei's ass tighter to maintain their connection as she savored the sensation of being buried within the courtesan.
"Does it hurt?" Jingliu asked, looking at Ruan Mei as she took deep breaths to keep herself composed.
"Just a little," Ruan Mei replied, her voice barely audible over her ragged breathing. Her eyes traced Jingliu's face as she noted the fiery blush that spread across her cheeks and the heavy panting that seemed to make each breath rip through her body.
Ruan Mei realized then that Jingliu's pleasure was deeper, more intense than hers – it filled her with warmth and affection for the sword master.
With a steady rhythm, Jingliu started slowly pumping in and out, deeper and deeper, filling Ruan Mei with each thrust until discomfort morphed into pleasure. In response, Ruan Mei embraced Jingliu closer, pressing her lips against her face while gently grazing her nose and cheeks with kisses. 
"So incredibly tight," Jingliu's voice almost soundsd like a whimper, her eyes fluttering shut as Ruan Mei's velvety flesh rippled around her cock.
She had never experienced anything like it before - every squeeze was intense, drawing pleasure up from the base of her erection and flooding her senses until she could hardly think.
"Deeper..." Ruan Mei breathed against Jingliu's skin as her hips surged up and down to meet every thrust. The sensation was overwhelming but she craved more; needed to be filled by everything Jingliu had to offer. 
Responding instantly, Jingliu thrusted deep inside Ruan Mei until their bodies were nearly fused together, the base of her cock smacking against Ruan Mei's sensitive flesh eliciting a soft moan from them both.
Jingliu's breath came in ragged pants, her lids half lowered as she watched Ruan Mei undulate on top of her. Every stroke sent ripples of pleasure through her body, making it harder and harder to resist the mounting pressure building inside her.
"You feel so good..." Ruan Mei moaned softly, lost in the sensations coursing through her as she trailed kisses along Jingliu's chest and neck. The feel of skin against skin mixed with their shared sweat fuelled Jingliu’s hunger for release until finally she couldn’t contain herself any longer – she groaned loudly as she thrust up powerfully, impaling Ruan Mei deeper and deeper while savouring every shiver that rippled through her delicate frame. She started pounding into her fiercely from below – the need to reach their mutual peak overcoming all else.
With a moan of pure ecstasy, Jingliu's muscles locked up as unbearable pleasure coursed through her. She instinctively tried to lift Ruan Mei off her body, intent on pulling out and spilling her seed. But Ruan Mei leaned down to capture Jingliu's lips in a fierce kiss before tightening around the thick length filling her core.
"No... I'm..." Jingliu panted desperately against her mouth, feeling the climax threatening to overwhelm her. And yet Ruan Mei clung tighter still around her, unwilling to let go even for an instant.
The courtesan pressed herself more intimately against Jingliu, her nails digging into the sword master's hips as she swayed sensually above her.
Overwhelmed by the sensation of being enclosed so tightly by warm velvet walls that pulsed rhythmically against her shaft, Jingliu's body convulsed involuntarily; hot spurts of cum erupted from inside the courtesan's quivering loins, flooding her depths and coating their joined bodies in sticky warmth.
The intense surge of Jingliu's seed sent a shock wave of pleasure through Ruan Mei's core. It was so much that she found herself reaching her own peak, her entire body trembling as sweet release washed over her. With a soft moan, she squirted against Jingliu's hips, completely overwhelmed by the sensations coursing through her veins.
Her legs shook so hard they felt like they might buckle, and all she could think about was clinging to this moment – her walls holding tight to the sword master inside of her.
"Please... don’t move..." Ruan Mei begged in a voice thick with lust and satisfaction as she buried herself more fully into Jingliu's embrace, their mingled essence making them one tangled mass of heaving bodies and pulsating desire.
Drool trickled from the corner of Jingliu's lips as she succumbed to a sensation unlike any other – it felt like Ruan Mei's womb was trying desperately to consume her entire essence.
Breathless moans escaped her parted lips as her fingers clutched at Ruan Mei's hips, trying to have some sense of control.
Meanwhile, Ruan Mei’s toes curled reflexively, every throb of Jingliu's cock sending bolts of pleasure inside her. When she finally regained a semblance of strength, Ruan Mei gently tugged on Jingliu's wrists before slowly sitting up, basking in the sight and feel of every glorious inch of softening flesh that filled her utterly.
With deliberate sensuality, she started grinding against Jingliu – teasing herself with just enough friction to heighten their mutual desire while leaving them both craving more.
"Not... done yet?" Jingliu croaked, a husky growl vibrating in her chest as she watched Ruan Mei’s enticing performance.
"Just one more time, please..." Ruan Mei breathed softly, urging Jingliu's hands up to play with her full breasts while their hips continued to roll sensually together.
Within moments, Jingliu felt an intense surge of lust coursing through her veins – the grip of Ruan Mei's pussy was like a vortex sucking her back into desire's embrace. It was too much to resist and it wasn't long before she was fully erect once again.
"I crave you even deeper inside me... don't hold back, be rough if you wish to." Ruan Mei whispered desperately, her body yearning for Jingliu so bad – craving for their connection to go beyond mere physical pleasure and extend into something far more profound.
With a solemn nod, Jingliu whispered back, "I understand," as she carefully guided Ruan Mei to lie down. Her breath caught in her throat at the sight of Ruan Mei's pussy – glistening wet and swollen from their previous union, bearing the mark of their intense pleasure.
The image sent a fierce hunger coursing through her veins – she could hardly wait to claim more territory within those sweet folds.
Ruan Mei moaned softly as Jingliu gently spread her legs apart, revealing the treasure trove that begged for attention. Their shared cum trickled out between her folds in slow drips, painting an enticing trail for Jingliu's hungry gaze to follow.
"Please..." Ruan Mei pleaded plaintively when it seemed like Jingliu might linger too long; clutching firmly at Jingliu’s rigid cock in an effort to steer it towards where she craved contact the most.
A lustful groan rumbled from Jingliu's chest as she pressed forward, her erect cock slipping smoothly back into Ruan Mei's welcoming depths.
They moaned together in bliss as they were once more deeply united – it was like coming home. Savoring this intense connection, Jingliu expertly folded Ruan Mei in half; lifting the courtesan’s legs to rest on her powerful shoulders while pinning her sweetly curved body to the mattress with her own muscular frame.
The new position had Ruan Mei gasping for breath – every thrust now drove them both higher and deeper into ecstasy while forcing her legs apart wider than ever before.
With a firm grip, Jingliu pinned Ruan Mei's wrists to the mattress – immobilizing her completely as she surged forward. She started with slow and deep strokes before gradually thrusting hard and fast until she was pounding Ruan Mei into the bed.
Her frenzied thrusts grew faster and more powerful with each passing second – their bodies slamming together with an exhilarating force that left Ruan Mei moaning loudly.
Tears of ecstasy streaked down her flushed cheeks, the pleasurable agony consuming her as Jingliu worked herself deeper into Ruan Mei's trembling core.
As the desire for release intensified within Jingliu, she pressed her body closer to Ruan Mei, driving herself in faster and harder than ever before; aiming to hit that spongy spot deep within her beloved courtesan's pussy time after time.
Every penetration elicited a sharp cry from Ruan Mei – part pain and all pleasure. Her entire being quivered under Jingliu's relentless pursuit of bliss as every stroke sent waves of euphoria spiraling through every inch of her being.
Ruan Mei's voice was hoarse with need as she begged, "Like that... just like that, please," her legs wrapped possessively around Jingliu's waist, urging her deeper. The sensation of being stretched wide by the sword master's thick cock was too much for her to bear – her cunt clamped down on Jingliu's invading flesh in a desperate attempt to give her immense pleasure. 
In response to Ruan Mei's pleading whispers, Jingliu devoured her lips in a fiery kiss – their tongues danced wildly within each other's mouth as pleasure surged through them both. When Ruan Mei moaned into Jingliu's mouth, body convulsing in waves of blissful pleasure, the sword master knew she was reaching the pinnacle of her desire. Yet, she refused to back down – continuing to pound relentlessly as she battered her cervix with relentless thrusts.
Ruan Mei loved the stinging pain Jingliu was giving her womb and how wide her walls had stretched went to accommodate her thick length... she wanted to be claimed completely, to be owned by the strong woman on top of her.
Her quivering walls wrapped themselves around Jingliu with an almost painful grip, sending a jolt of pleasure through the sword master's being that she could barely suppress a shudder.
Far from easing up, Jingliu redoubled her efforts; riding out the intensity of Ruan Mei's climax while her legs pushed harder against her – urging her on in a primal mating dance.
Incoherent moans cascaded from Ruan Mei's lips as she clung to Jingliu like a drowning woman seeking salvation. Jingliu knew she shouldn't push the courtesan any further but those walls squeezing her cock made her lose control entirely; pounding harder and faster until  Ruan Mei's climax hit her like a tidal wave, squirting heavily all over Jingliu's lower abdomen and groin as she threw back her head, screaming in ecstasy.
The sight pushed Jingliu closer to her own climax – every pound of her cock elicited grunts and groans as she hammered herself deeper into Ruan Mei in desperate pursuit of relief. Their hips bucked together fiercely as the sword master felt herself reaching the brink.
"Ruan...Mei," Jingliu whispered hoarsely as her cock started to swell even further within its warm and tight embrace, spilling yet another generous load inside Ruan Mei's filled depths until she overloaded.
The volume was so abundant that even plugged by the Jingliu's cock, droplets seeped from Ruan Mei’s overflowing hole. Jingliu's arms wrapped fiercely around the courtesan, pulling her into a clinging embrace as they trembled together – drowning in aftershocks of pleasure that left them breathless and spent.
A long, satisfied sigh escaped Ruan Mei as Jingliu gently rocked them both back and forth, her softening cock caressing the courtesan's sore cervix and walls.
She bestowed a shower of tender kisses on Ruan Mei's neck and face before finally meeting her gaze with deep, soulful eyes. "Are you alright?" she murmured softly in her raspy voice.
Without breaking eye contact, Ruan Mei nodded slowly before replying in an equally soft tone. "More than alright..." She breathed out; hugging Jingliu tight around her waist while giving her back soothing scratches – giving each other some form of comfort.
Sharing one last sweet kiss on the lips, Jingliu slowly eased her length out from the courtesan's swollen walls with a heavy groan. Every inch caused the muscles to grip her tighter as if begging for more – but she persevered, breaking free when it was finally over.
Almost immediately, strings of thick cum started flowing from Ruan Mei's sated hole, dripping down onto the bed sheets beneath them. "Mhm... thank you." Ruan Mei hummed contentedly as she sank back into the mattress beneath her, placing a gentle hand against her distended womb which bulged invitingly with Jingliu’s seed.
Jingliu's heart swelled with emotion as she beheld the sight before her. Despite Ruan Mei being adorned with sweat and tears, her beauty remained undiminished.
And the knowledge that the courtesan's womb now cradling a part of her own being stirred deep within Jingliu, evoking a warmth that threatened to spill over into tears. Unable to resist the impulse, she tenderly laid herself beside Ruan Mei, enfolding her in a protective embrace that spoke volumes of unspoken devotion and affection.
"I will buy you out as soon as you're well rested... so please be assured," Jingliu whispered, pressing a tender kiss to Ruan Mei's temple as the courtesan nestled closer, seeking solace in her warmth.
Despite the stickiness of their bodies and the lingering scent of their shared intimacy filling the room, Jingliu found herself enveloped in an overwhelming sense of contentment. It was as though this moment, this embrace, was the culmination of all her efforts and sacrifices.
Ruan Mei could only offer a faint nod in response, her exhaustion weighing heavily upon her as she returned Jingliu's affection with a soft kiss against her chest. With each passing moment, her eyelids grew heavier, surrendering to the comforting embrace of sleep that Jingliu provided.
Weeks passed since Jingliu successfully secured Ruan Mei’s freedom by buying her out. The sum was considerable, but Jingliu deemed it worthwhile; after all, she had little else to spend her wealth on. The two spent their days together in Jingliu’s home, which soon became a shared haven for them both.
Jingliu would leave the house each day and return at night or in the afternoon. Meanwhile, Ruan Mei patiently awaited her return, either embroidering or taking in the surroundings of Jingliu’s home. She cherished the peace and quiet, appreciating the lack of pressure to engage in activities she disliked. Jingliu respected her space and allowed her to enjoy her time at her own pace.
“Welcome home,” Ruan Mei greeted Jingliu as she entered through the door. Jingliu’s eyes widened slightly before softening at the sight of Ruan Mei holding an almost finished embroidery piece.
“I’m home,” Jingliu mumbled, glancing away as she still wasn’t accustomed to having someone greet her when she arrived home, just as she wasn’t used to Ruan Mei wishing her a good day when she left.
Despite the unfamiliarity, she slowly began to welcome the change. Now that Ruan Mei was with her, Jingliu felt a stronger desire to return home safe and sound. While Jingliu had never sought death, she had been indifferent to it.
In the past, she would return home battered and bandaged, yet no one would care or tend to her wounds. But now, she wanted to avoid injury to spare Ruan Mei worry; she wanted to return home as soon as possible. Jingliu started wanting to live... to stay and take care of Ruan Mei.
On the other hand, Ruan Mei eagerly anticipated Jingliu’s safe return each day. The pastries and new embroidery tools that Jingliu brought home were just added bonuses—Ruan Mei would have been content with just Jingliu’s presence.
She longed to continue being by Jingliu’s side, to serve her and her alone. Ruan Mei cherished the sense of belonging she felt with the sword master, even though Jingliu insisted that Ruan Mei didn’t owe her anything. Still, Ruan Mei couldn’t help but feel the urge to do something for Jingliu.
“You look tired…” Ruan Mei commented as she approached Jingliu, immediately scanning the sword master’s body for any signs of injury.
“I’m completely fine, please don’t worry,” Jingliu reassured her.
“I understand.” With a soft sigh, Ruan Mei nodded before gently taking Jingliu’s hand and leading her to their shared room.
Jingliu’s eyes widened at the sight of a prepared dinner and a bottle of wine arranged near the window.
“You… didn’t have to,” Jingliu murmured, though her gaze lingered on the food and the night sky outside the window.
“I wanted to. This is what I want,” Ruan Mei said softly, placing a hand on Jingliu’s back to guide her to sit down.
As they settled in, Jingliu looked at Ruan Mei with a mix of gratitude and affection, which warmed Ruan Mei’s heart. For her, Jingliu didn’t need to say anything; her eyes conveyed everything.
Jingliu eagerly savored each bite of the food, relishing the thought of Ruan Mei preparing it for her, making it taste even better.
Ruan Mei also enjoyed her meal, stealing glances at Jingliu and smiling faintly each time.
After they finished, Jingliu leaned back with a contented sigh and looked at Ruan Mei.
“Thank you,” she mumbled, reaching to gently tuck a strand of Ruan Mei’s hair behind her ear.
“It was my pleasure. You eat so well, it feels nice to cook for you,” Ruan Mei replied, leaning into Jingliu’s hand now resting on her cheek.
They gazed at each other for a while, their eyes brimming with affection, before Jingliu broke the silence, pulling her hand back.
“Have you decided?” Jingliu began, her gaze shifting to the night sky. “About what you would like to do…” she continued.
Ruan Mei looked up at the night sky as well, sighing deeply. “I have… it’s been on my mind since I was still in the brothel,” Ruan Mei responded. “Living on my own…” she trailed off, turning to look at Jingliu with a blank and unreadable expression.
Hearing Ruan Mei’s words, Jingliu gripped her own hand tightly. She knew she bought out Ruan Mei to give her freedom, a chance to live a life of her own choosing, even if it meant being apart from her.
Jingliu had to show she was happy for Ruan Mei, regardless of her decision. With a deep breath, she tried her best to offer Ruan Mei a reassuring smile.
“I understa–” Jingliu’s words were interrupted when Ruan Mei moved closer, settling comfortably in her lap and embracing her tightly.
“…choosing it never crossed my mind,” Ruan Mei continued, her voice soft as she held Jingliu close. “Whenever I think about the future, you’re always there… right by my side,” she added, her hands gliding up and down Jingliu’s back, providing soothing comfort.
“Will you let me stay with you? Is that alright?” Ruan Mei asked, her voice muffled as she buried her face into the crook of Jingliu’s neck, breathing in deeply Jingliu’s scent.
“Are you certain?” Jingliu asked, her heart swelling with happiness as she embraced Ruan Mei in return.
She held her tight, as if holding her for dear life. “I would love that… please stay with me,” Jingliu mumbled, her voice filled with sincerity, and Ruan Mei nodded, moving closer to Jingliu and pressing their bodies together, finding solace in each other’s embrace.
After a moment of silence, Ruan Mei pulled back slightly before leaning close to Jingliu’s face, her gaze lingering on her lips as her fingers gently caressed Jingliu’s cheek.
“It’s been… so long,” Ruan Mei murmured, leaning closer to give Jingliu’s lips a soft peck. “You haven’t touched me since then,” she added, wrapping her arms around Jingliu’s head and pulling her towards her breasts.
Jingliu’s breath hitched, her heart beating fast. It’s true that she had been avoiding touching Ruan Mei, not wanting her to feel like she was bought for Jingliu’s pleasure alone. She wanted Ruan Mei to feel free to make her own choices, not confined by any obligations.
“You’re right…” Jingliu sighed, only for Ruan Mei to cup her cheeks gently in her hands.
“I miss your touch,” Ruan Mei said, her voice filled with longing as she looked straight into Jingliu’s eyes. “I miss the feeling of your body against mine… inside mine,” she added, her eyes conveying her desires vividly.
Ruan Mei’s words were like a soothing balm to Jingliu’s soul, granting her the permission she needed to embrace her desires for Ruan Mei. With a sense of relief washing over her, Jingliu’s hands moved to hold Ruan Mei’s hips tightly as she leaned in closer, their lips meeting in a soft and tender kiss.
A soft sound of happiness escaped Ruan Mei’s lips as she felt Jingliu’s kiss, her longing for the sword master evident in her every touch.
“It feels good…” Ruan Mei murmured between kisses, her words encouraging Jingliu to explore further, to reassure her that her advances were welcomed.
With a sudden movement, Jingliu lifted Ruan Mei in her arms, carrying her towards the bed with care and gentleness, laying her down gently.
“I’ll be gentle,” Jingliu reassured softly as she climbed onto the bed, positioning herself above Ruan Mei.
Ruan Mei chuckled softly, nodding in agreement before pulling Jingliu closer. “I won’t mind if you’re a little rough,” she whispered, her hands tracing Jingliu’s abs through her clothes.
The bed creaked rhythmically beneath them, a symphony of their shared ecstasy filling the room. Ruan Mei’s voice mingled with Jingliu’s groans of pleasure, the sound of their passion echoing in the intimate space.
Despite Ruan Mei’s limbs wrapping tightly around her and restricting her movements slightly, Jingliu felt nothing but an overwhelming sense of security, cradled in the embrace of the one she cherished the most.
“I love this…” Ruan Mei moaned, her words filled with passion as tears of pleasure streamed down her cheeks, mingling with the fervent kisses exchanged between them.
They lost themselves in each other, the moonlight casting a soft glow upon their entwined bodies, heightening the intimacy of the moment. With each movement, they found solace and fulfillment in the other, their connection deepening with every touch.
Every kiss, every caress, brought Ruan Mei closer to Jingliu, fulfilling a craving that had long lingered within her. She wanted to stay in Jingliu's embrace, loving how her deepest part is being reached and touch by the sword master, she loved the stretch, the feeling of her insides being molded for Jingliu alone.  
For Ruan Mei, being with Jingliu in this way was pure bliss. She craved the intimacy, the closeness, and the sensation of being fully embraced by the one she admired. In Jingliu’s arms, she found happiness and satisfaction, a feeling she never wanted to end.
“You’re so beautiful…” Jingliu’s words escaped breathlessly, her eyes filled with admiration as she gazed at Ruan Mei, who lay beneath her, panting heavily, her hair tousled and her body glistening with sweat.
“You make me want to live…” Jingliu continued, her voice barely above a whisper, as she reached out to gently grab Ruan Mei’s hand, pressing soft kisses to her palm and wrist.
A smile graced Ruan Mei’s lips, despite the exhaustion evident in her features, as she reciprocated Jingliu’s affection, her fingers tenderly caressing Jingliu’s cheek and hair.
With a satisfied sigh, Jingliu shifted to lie beside Ruan Mei, pulling the blanket over their entwined bodies as she wrapped her arms around her, holding her close.
“…thank you,” Ruan Mei murmured, her voice barely audible as she nuzzled closer to Jingliu, her eyes fluttering closed as she succumbed to the embrace of sleep.
"Thank you for staying with me..." Jingliu whispered, kissing Ruan Mei's head before closing her eyes as she continued to stroke Ruan Mei’s hair, the rhythmic motion lulling them both into a state of tranquility as they basked in the gentle glow of the moonlight filtering through the window.
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bitterbutblue · 13 hours
our times
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turns out, you're the fortune i want to keep most ☆ multi x reader
~ this is a multi x reader!! hatssun was talking about writing angst and i really said omg my turn! sorry hatssun ur idea was so good and it works so well w yukong and feixiao... ill credit u so hard bro i swear. WVERYONE BE PREPARED FOR WHEN THINK FAST DROPS🙏🙏🙏
characters: feixiao, yukong, ruan mei
 song: 小幸運 - Hebe Tian ~
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i was too busy chasing shooting stars in the sky ☆ feixiao
The day Saran ran away, something in you ran with her. The day Saran ran away, you didn't know if you would ever see her face break into a smile again, or if you would see her hanging the next day. The trace of her slowly faded with time, but even when you finally had the guts to bolt for it she was still the only thing on your mind. That day, you didn't mind if you died running, because it would've been better than staying there but alive. You didn't mind if you died running, because you died with her on your mind.
God knows how many decades had passed since the Luofu took you in. You only count days in how much your heart ached for her. Eventually it dulls down, it goes from a sharp thud to a muted nudge every time you see a dash of silver hair in the crowd or a sharp but soft smile on Jing Yuan's lips. You've heard of how far she had gotten, and you wished it didn't hurt so much to hear about it. You forced yourself to forget about her, because you couldn't keep living every day haunted by her. You were finally able to live your days how you wanted to, even if it meant without her by your side.
"Yukong, can you run these by the general for me?"
You were absentmindedly sitting at your desk, filling in whatever forms the general had sent to you about all the legality things they had to sort out for the Wardance. You spin your pen, signing your name down and ticking the last of the boxes. You huffed at the lack of response from the woman who should be sitting across from you.
"She's not here."
You look up at the sound of the unfamiliar voice, and the world decides to take a break for a moment. In that small fraction of a second you feel yourself going back in time for decades until you are standing face to face with the young foxian, bruised and battered with an undying flame in her eyes. She is now much taller, her face pale but not the sickly kind that she harboured before. Her eyebags faded, hair flowing as if it had been just washed- a sight you never saw before in those camps.
She looked healthy, she had everything she wanted.
So why did she look like she was about to break down in front of you?
It wasn't fair.
She only nods, standing with her arms by her side like a fool who doesn't know how to speak. She clears her throat, moving to cross her arms so she looked less awkward standing in front of you.
She wears clean clothes, she smells of petals.
Her scent of blood long faded, but you feel the pain behind her stance.
"How have you been?" Is all she asks as she eyes your desk warily, as if not knowing how to approach the conversation.
"Well. You?"
"Good enough."
Your old banter had long faded now, your previous ability to make each other laugh despite knowing the imminent death that looms over you two every day.
"Neergul died."
"I know."
"I'm sorry."
It's like talking to a wall, or to just a mirrored version of yourself with how either of you refuse to look at each other.
"I never knew if you died or not until I came here."
Your shaky voice finally cuts the tension that has been simmering for far too long. She swallows, looking up and you know she is holding back tears because she has only ever looked up when the night sky is open and she can see the stars that granted her hope.
"I found out you became general. I was happy for you."
She says nothing.
"Why didn't you reach out?"
The edge to your voice has her breath knocked out of her lungs for a second as she tries to formulate an answer. She tries to weave incoherent thoughts and jumbles of emotions into a sentence and it's much harder to be done than she realised.
"I couldn't."
Of course she couldn't. Why would she admit to you how much of a coward she was? Knowing she had abandoned you after kissing you goodnight that evening.
But you want answers. It's not every day your presumed dead lover comes back to see you after years and years of crying yourself to sleep and hoping that in another future you could be in her arms without having to fear for your life.
"I was scared."
The general cannot be scared, or show any signs of fear in any situation- especially emotional situations where they need to stay calm so that people can feel secure around her but right now it all falls apart.
"Of who?"
You really did not like to raise your voice but you couldn't help it- she infuriates you. From the moment she flooded your heart you realised why love and hate go hand in hand because you hate that you love her.
"Why now?"
"I don't know."
Is all she manages to stutter out after an incredulous minute of silence and you just sigh.
"Why didn't you come find me?"
Her question has you going speechless now.
You were a hypocrite.
"I don't know."
She just nods with an unreadable expression on her face.
"I don't regret what I did that night."
You squeeze your now-fisted hand tight, taking a deep breath in to try to not only steady your voice but calm your racing heart that threatens to beat so hard it shatters in your chest.
"But why? Why make me love you for decades if you never planned to return?"
"I wanted to return. I always did."
Her words come out much more rushed than she intended it to come out. You feel your world shatter in that moment as you speak your next words.
"You never moved on?"
She steps closer.
"I dreamt about you every night. Under the sea of the shooting stars."
You shake your head, quickly wiping away at your own tears and she has to take a sharp breath in so her tears don't fall.
"Don't say that." You whisper "We can't. Please."
She looks at you, more intensely than ever as her voice quivers.
You shake your head.
"It'll only hold us back."
You still adorn matching scars from the torture you both had gone through in those camps. You love her, but she also left you.
"We can't." Is all you say.
She turns around and you want to pull her into your arms, you want her to be able to look at you but from that moment on, the look on her face as you showed her your soulmate would be the face you see every night you close your eyes.
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somewhere in the sky i could not see, was you ☆ yukong
The evening Caiyi died in her arms, Yukong vowed to never see the skies again. That was the same evening you went missing, the same evening she breaks down because how can she lose two of what she loved most in her life within the blink of an eye? The reason for her to wake up every morning, the reason she smiled even through the roughest of the days- now faded into nothing but memory and a distant bitter taste in her mouth.
You were not presumed dead, only missing. The false sense of hope had Yukong staying at her desk for hours every day, going through files and files, records upon records to try and maybe find some trace of you somewhere but after years of searching she finally gave up. She had to care for Qingni for Caiyi, she had to keep loving you because if she doesn't then she feels like she's lost herself.
It was the day Qingni flew to the skies when she finally looked up once more. She looks to the planes to see her daughter flying the same path that doomed her from wanting to live but the sky was the reason she had the two people who made life worth living. It was that day a plane crashed and Yukong felt the familiar, sickening feeling from decades ago as she runs to the sight. She's panicked, flustered, heart racing and feeling like throwing up as she pushes past crowds amongst crowds-
She doesn't know if she should scream or sigh in relief when they pull the lifeless-looking figure out of the starskiff. The model was old, the same she used in the war where she lost....
You. The figure they pulled out was you and she feels like she's going to be sick. She runs up to them, asking if you're okay and the medics are telling her to back off but she needs to know. She puts her head down, ear against your chest and almost sobs when she hears your heart thud weakly. It's so soft she really could've missed it but she hears it.
"Oh baby..."
She whispers as she cradles your head on her lap.
She sits by your side in the hospital until you wake up. She doesn't move, doesn't eat or drink or anything unless Qingni drags her to the bathroom or to the cafeteria. She holds your hand weakly, squeezing it every once in a while to see if you'd respond.
A cough jolts her awake and she quickly scans the dark, dimly lit room to find you- blinking weakly as you scan the room wearily.
"Oh, oh my god."
She quickly gets off her chair, rushing by your side.
"Are you okay? How are you feeling? Nurse-"
She never thought she'd hear her name fall from your lips, to hear her name mumbled out so softly and hoarsely again.
"I'm here, I'm right here."
You don't say anything as you close your eyes, taking in a deep but pained breath as you close your eyes. She can feel her hands go cold, trembling violently as she tries to calm herself down. Her fingertips feel like they've been dipped in ice water and her throat feels like its closing up violently.
"You're here."
Yukong couldn't help the sob that escapes her lips at your words.
"Yes, yes baby. I'm right here."
The tears are already falling before she can even bother trying to control them, and she can already feel herself slipping away when you smile softly at her because she had always been a fool for you. She put the whole world down for you and she would lift it up for you if you needed it to be lifted again.
"I- I came back."
"You did, you did baby, you're back." She whispers, finally moving to take your hand in hers. You feel so much smaller, your hand much rougher than it used to be and when she finally takes in how scarred you are she feels like breaking down.
"Wanted to see you..." you whisper weakly, voice shaking as you look directly into her eyes.
Your eyes were nothing like the eyes she used to look at every night before she drifted off to sleep. Now they were hollow, every trace of who you once were has faded into the past that only resides through her dreams.
You were back, but you'd never really be back.
She just squeezes your hand gently as she tells herself it's okay, telling herself that you're physically here and you were somehow still alive and that's all she's been praying for since the day you fell.
So why does it hurt so much?
If all she's ever wanted was to have you back in her arms, why does it hurt so much to have you back now? Looking at her with a smile that no longer meets your eyes and a sense of coldness washing over her like a suffocating blanket every time she sees you.
She still loves you.
She still loves you and it hurts that her lover has died, reincarnated into a broken version of who she once loved. But she doesn't care. She will learn to live with the cold if it means being able to hold you once more. She would spend as long as she needs, puzzling every piece of you back together until you are able to smile at her without the history of all that happened haunting your every waking move.
She vowed, from that moment on, she'd start looking at the sky again because the sky brought you back. Every evening she stares up at the moon, watching it dim the lights to another day, and whisper her gratefulness to have her lover back. Every evening, she brings you out to look at the moon, the same moon you looked at during the two decades apart where the only thing you had together was the moon draped in the sky that she was too scared to look at.
"I love you."
You just lean your head against her chest.
You just listen to her heartbeat, and with each thud the cracks in your body begin to renew themselves- you would never be who you were, but you would always love her.
"I love you too."
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every scene was you ☆ ruan mei
The day she left, she vanished. No note, no text, nothing. Ruan Mei had become nothing but a shadow on earth when she decided to leave your house and you questioned if it was even worth searching for her at that point.
She had always been obsessed with aeonhood, aeons, power- whatever. You knew she was. Yet you still loved her for it, and she always promised you that one day you two would be able to love each other for eternity, for as long as you wanted to and until time itself faded into nothing but what was a mere idea of the past. She held you close that evening when she promised you, your head resting on her chest as she wrapped her arms around you.
A week later, she vanishes.
Lab empty, notes packed away, it was like as if your house had gone back in time to before you met her with how empty it all was. You called her number, texted her phone, contacted everyone she knew which was not a lot but you still tried because you loved her.
The day she revealed herself as the 81st member of the genius society, you felt your entire being shatter into pieces of who it once was. That was why she left you. Ultimately, Ruan Mei was selfish, and she had always been a selfish person.
You were foolish for loving her.
But you couldn't stop.
By the time you finally encountered her again, your history had become just a speck of dust in her mind but it was still your reason for hurt. It was still the reason why getting out of bed was a bit harder and why looking in the mirror hurt just a bit more than it should.
"Oh, it's you."
Her monotonous voice has you wanting to squeeze her throat, strangle her until she can't speak but you don't move. You stare at her, her lack of reaction, her poker face and you just swallow.
"How are you?"
That was the only sentence you could manage out and if you looked closely enough, you could see her eye twitch slightly as her throat tightens- her composure begins breaking at the sound of your voice.
"Well." She nods. She sounds too composed to you despite all the pain she is desperately trying to hide. She hates you for making her feel this way. She hates how weak she feels when you make that face at her, when your eyes widen and your mouth tightens into a line, body tense and breathing shallow. "You?"
She notices how your body tenses even more at that question, how your eyebrows begin to furrow as your face grows pink from anger.
"Not very good."
Her response had you fuming even more. How she was so careless and thoughtless towards you and how you felt drove you off the walls. She doesn't give a shit about you, why would she even ask?
Because you don't see the guilt that eats away at her heart every night as she stares at the photo of you that she has on her bedside table.
"Congratulations. You did it. Genius society."
It came out bitter and harsh, and Ruan Mei doesn't flinch but she feels this twist in her gut that's too unfamiliar and too painful for her to fully register. She doesn't understand this feeling. She wants to, because she wants to know how to stop it.
"Thank you."
You scoff at her response, physically unable to stop yourself from rolling your eyes as you stepped closer to her, jabbing a finger into her chest.
"You're a fucking bitch."
She hates how her heart leapt at the feeling of your touch, she hates how your words actually manage to hurt her when it really shouldn't be affecting her at all. She's been called so much worse, so why does this, coming from you, hurt so much?
"Is this because I left?"
How can she be so dense?
"You left without saying a word! You just disappeared off the face of the earth, I don't hear from you saying where you are. I don't know what happened, I thought I did something wrong, but no- I remember who you are. A narcissistic bitch who only cares about herself."
The last part hurt more than it should've.
"I don't only care about myself."
You can't help but falter at how soft her voice suddenly goes as she looks down, not making eye contact as she shifts her bodyweight from foot to foot.
"I really cared for you."
Those words shouldn't affect you. You should've moved on from what happened almost twenty years ago now but you can't. You just stare at her and you hate how you feel tears start to form in your eyes as you blink violently, trying to hold it back.
"Don't say that to me."
She goes silent.
"I hate you."
She looks down and you don't see the tears that well up in her eyes.
"I really hope you succeed. I hope you get everything you've ever wanted."
She doesn't even get to see your face for the last time, because by the time she finally gets the courage to look up you were already gone. Your last words to her haunt her every time she begins her studies, or every time she tries to focus on figuring out creating a new life species. She knows you didn't mean it, yet she can't help but want you to notice her just one last time.
Maybe this time, she could fulfil her long broken promise to you.
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@44rtem idk ifthis is the ruan mei content u wanted... but here u go <3
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aislingxyz · 4 months
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my ruan mei redesign!
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akutasoda · 3 months
in the morning light [part 2]
[part 1 here!]
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synopsis - what it's like sharing a bed with them
includes - dr. ratio, ruan mei, argenti, kafka, blade, luocha, jing yuan, jiaoqiu
warnings - gn!reader, fluff, slight angst, i still have no clue what im doing, might be ooc, wc - 1.2k
a/n: absolutely blown away at how many people enjoyed the first part, so uhh here you go? maybe a genshin ver in the future if i get round to it and if people want it?
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dr ratio ★↷
↪an absolute stickler for a proper routine, and an advanced one at that - he has high standards to uphold and never misses a step before bed and in the morning. he wouldn't mind of you did yours alongside him but he probably won't notice you for long. a major part is obviously his baths, he would not go a day without one.
↪sometimes he can join you in bed quite late, he either has students work to mark or simply cannot put his own work down. even when he joins you he probably falls asleep after you as he likes to indulge in late night reading.
↪a sort of mix between comfy and basic when it comes to his actual bed, it's simplistic yet extremely comfortable - in the morning it's pretty difficult to leave with how cozy it can be.
↪doesn't really move alot in his sleep, the occasional shuffle but not much. he isn't exactly a cuddler but if you want to he doesn't mind at all. however because he doesn't move much, if you two fall asleep cuddling then he needs to wake up first - which is normal - otherwise you're trapped in his embrace.
↪most mornings he does wake up super early and leaves quite early as well - he always gives you a kiss on your forehead before he leaves. on the rare days he has off, he stays in bed with you until you wake up and whenever your ready, he gets ready alongside you.
ruan mei ★↷
↪she is an extreme night owl. her lab work often keeps her very busy and if she starts a train of thought then she can't rest until she's seen it out to the fullest. most nights she does encourage you to not wait up for her for this very reason - ruan mei greatly appreciates if you do however.
↪her routine is either short or rather extensive, it just depends on how much time she has. morning routines are much longer more consistently as she tends to wake up rather early.
↪usually her bed is rather basic but you seemed to have contaminated it with what you prefer but she doesn't mind in the slightest. if you like her cat cake creations then she may have gifted you a few custom ones to keep you company.
↪surprisingly can be quite the fidgeter in her sleep, not drastic movements but she's just used to being busy. again, not exactly a cuddler but isn't against it if you wish as she knows she isn't around much so would indulge you.
↪most days when you wake up she isn't there but there's always a small note from her to you that is extremely heartfelt.
argenti ★↷
↪the most extravagant routine you've ever seen, the knight of beauty very clearly has a great routine for both mornings and nights. enjoys when you do yours alongside him and will always find time to do so.
↪he still looks pristine in the morning when he first wakes up, it's hard to believe he just woke up. although it may be helped by the fact that he has the most elegant bed that is very hard to leave in the morning.
↪not much of a mover but he can adjust quite a bit sometimes in his sleep. and if you're okay with it, he wants nothing more than to hold you in his embrace for the entire night. argenti is somewhat of a light sleeper however, so if you move alot then he easily wakes up but doesn't mind.
↪sometimes he has to leave early, sometimes he doesn't. it depends on whether or not he has a duty to fulfill but does get up early nonetheless. most days he'd let you sleep but if you need to get up he always wakes you with a kiss and a compliment.
kafka ★↷
↪being a stellaron hunter doesn't always allow for a proper nights rest but most times it does. however kafka cares quite a bit about such things and so when she can, she'll take the opportunity for a good night's sleep.
↪she's used to sleeping in bare minimum conditions but if she could choose, kafka would prefer more comfortable arrangements. so she's very accommodating to what you'd prefer to have your shared bed like.
↪enjoys taking time with a night time routine but sometimes she can't but isn't that fussed so long as she gets the bare minimum done. she would love if you joined her but again wouldn't mind if you're not that keen on such extensive routines.
↪she can be rather clingy - on purpose. kafka loves nothing more than relaxing with you in her arms and won't let up until she's content. the only time she needs to wake up is when she's executing one of elio's scripts so good luck escaping her grasp otherwise.
blade ★↷
↪again, being a stellaron hunter doesn't always allow for a proper nights rest but most times it does. although blade doesn't exactly have the greatest sense of having a good night's sleep.
↪absolute bare minimum for a routine, he doesn't exactly see why it should be anything more but fortunately kafka's influence has caused him to have some care. you're almost jealous that he can do bare minimum and still look like he does.
↪also goes for bare minimum when it comes to sleeping arrangements, he doesn't care what his bed's like. so he doesn't exactly care what you'd prefer as he would just go along with it.
↪when he does sleep, he sleeps like the dead. he barely moves to the point that sometimes you're convinced he's not even there, the only indicator that he's actually alive is the occasional twitch in his hands.
↪unfortunately, he can be prone to his mara-struck condition flaring up in his sleep which may take some getting used to seeing but he takes it upon himself to sleep elsewhere id he knows it is likely to happen to avoid scaring you.
↪prefers to have his own side of the bed and isn't a cuddler. after a very long while, he might indulge you if you are a cuddler but not always. he's also an extremely light sleeper that wakes up super early.
luocha ★↷
↪as a travelling merchant, he doesn't tend to stay in one place for long, so you would most likely travel with him. due to this, he isn't exactly fussed with where he sleeps and is used to bare minimum. he wouldn't mind in the slightest of you decide to change a few things however.
↪nightly and morning routines are important to him. he needs to maintain appearances and so can have rather extensive routines that he wouldn't mind you joining him with.
↪another light sleeper and sometimes you forget he's there because he barely moves. he's perfectly fine with cuddling and fine with not, although sometimes he does prefer his space.
↪never really has anywhere to go in a rush unless he knows he has people to meet or things to do, but he still wakes up early. however he normally would wait for you to wake up as he likes to start his day with you.
jing yuan ★↷
↪the dozing general has that title for a reason. despite the fact that he practically is on the verge of falling asleep most of the time during the day, he sleeps alot. it can be under any condition at any time but he does have a tendency to indulge in comfort.
↪has an extremely comfortable bed that is normally also occupied by mimi and so it can get very warm, very quickly which is a pain in the summer. this isn't really helped by the fact that he is extremely clingy, like to the max.
↪he always states that he sleeps better when his body is entangled with yours and knowing you're safe there with him, but he will respect if you aren't that much of a cuddler.
↪unfortunately he moves around a lot and because he's clung to you, you move with him. sometimes you two end up upside down at the foot of the bed and it baffles you that he can move that much. he is also an extremely heavy sleeper in your shared bed so good luck escaping him - when he's dozing at work he is a light sleeper however.
↪most days he does have to drag himself out of bed to work but aeons save you if he has a rare dayoff. you're never leaving if he doesn't let you as he forces you to let him indulge in your presence while he gets a lie-in. if you have somewhere to be he reluctantly lets you go but very stubbornly.
↪the worst bed hair you've ever seen, he always looks like he's been through it and spends ages sorting his hair. this paired with his actual morning routine means he takes ages getting ready. his night time routine is shorter as he knows it's rendered useless overnight.
jiaoqiu ★↷
↪he cares about his appearance as he does have quite the reputation to uphold and so his routines are always important and extensive - especially when managing his tail and ears to ensure that they aren't messy.
↪also goes all out for his bed, he knows what helps get a better night's sleep and he prefers to get the best sleep he can. so he might be a bit hesitant to let you change most of it but he's willing to compromise.
↪the absolute worst when it comes to sleeping, he's annoying, he knows it, and takes it in pride. has to be cuddled up to you and he wraps his tail over you to ensure that you don't go anywhere unless you have to. he barely moves but his tail is the menace mainly - it flicks and moves around alot and often ends up in your face.
↪normally wakes up relatively early and will wake you up if you need to. mentioned this before but, he will wake you up earlier if you braid his usual braid as he enjoys having you do so - he has absolutely no remorse for doing so. although if he has time, he will make breakfast for the two of you.
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taglist - @little-miss-chaoss, @frankiesteinn
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silkenedstars · 11 days
How They React To PDA
₊✦Honkai: Star Rail | Various Characters x Gn!Reader✦₊
Additional Notes: this was originally going to be just Sunday but then I thought “why not make this multiple characters instead?” so here I am now
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In private, Sunday is usually fine with anything, but in public? Oh no no no no no, you better not!
The kisses he would’ve received with a relaxed smile in private are suddenly needles that you're trying to prick his skin with— that’s how he treats it anyway. But will he move away? No, he’ll just grumble about you being affectionate in public and maybe mutter a complaint depending on the context, but that’s all you’ll get.
But if you ever pull away, thinking that he’s uncomfortable? He’ll immediately pout. It’s subtle, sure, but it’s definitely there as he waits for you to return to what you were doing a minute ago. He will move on eventually, but he'll also remember what you did because he's petty like that.
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It’d be a miracle to get Blade somewhere public in the first place. Try as you might, it just won’t happen. But in the hypothetical situation that you get him somewhere public? He barely reacts to it.
The most you’ll get is a grumble, maybe even hear him mumble how “this isn’t the time” if you do it during a mission, but does he bother to stop you? No, he lets you do as you please so long as it’s not putting the mission in jeopardy.
He’ll even help you out a little with it. You’re struggling to kiss his cheek because he’s too tall? He’ll sigh before leaning down to make kissing his cheek easier, but not too much so you'll still have to stand on your tip-toes to kiss him.
After all, if you want to be affectionate with him, then you can wait until the two of you make it back and can spend private time together.
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Jiaoqiu’s all too happy to accept your affection and return it in equal amounts. He might even get too preoccupied with you and forget about what he was supposed to do. You’re his beloved after all, it would be a shame not to spoil you or let you spoil him for a minute longer, no?
But truthfully, it’s all just a way for him to distract himself from the horrors that haunt his mind each day.
It doesn’t matter if it’s in public or private, indulging himself in your presence seems to be the only way he could divert his attention from the past and to the present instead, where you are with him.
No longer does he need to fear closing his eyes and risk seeing images of the soldiers he nursed returning to the battlefield just to die, not when you’re here, holding him in your arms.
He can afford a moment of peace when he's with you and that's all that matters to him, even if it's just for a second.
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Whether there’ll be people around to witness the publicly displayed affection is its own question, but if you ever find yourself in a situation like that then Kafka certainly won’t shy away from your touch.
If anything, she’ll encourage you and return your affection to a degree.
Wrapping an arm around your waist, she’ll pull you close until your body is pressed against hers and kiss your forehead, cheek, nose, or lips; the first place that her lips touch, all the while she whispers praises into your ear for every bit of affection you return.
She'll make a show of it too, making sure that the others around you get the idea that you're hers and that she's yours.
Unfortunately, she might have to stop you at some point if the two of you are in the middle of a mission or have one that’ll start soon.
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With her, it’s… hard to tell.
One day she’ll react by freezing up before bursting into laughter and leaning into your touch, another day she’ll pounce on you and smother you by kissing all over your face, and another day she’ll chase you around for daring to try to hold her hand.
Regardless of what reaction she gives you, she does like being affectionate in public since it gives her a ton of opportunities to entertain herself, you and any other passerby with.
Mostly you and herself, though.
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Ruan Mei isn’t a fan of crowds, nor does she enjoy it when attention is drawn to her. It’s safe to say that you won’t really find opportunities to shower her with your affection in public, but in the rare chance that you do? She’ll simply sidestep your attempt at kissing her and move on like nothing happened.
Fortunately, it’s only really kissing and hugging that earns this reaction. If you want to hold hands, then she won’t mind so long as it’s not getting in the way of her tasks or research… unless you’re the type to swing your hands, then she won’t let you.
The only time she’ll let you hug or touch her in “public” is when there’s no one around. Otherwise, you’ll have to stick to holding her hand... if you still have that option.
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swokeeon · 9 months
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opera of false notes
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maibeenot · 7 months
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Has anyone done this yet
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a-certain-romance · 9 months
No One Knows
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Characters/Ships: Yandere!Ruan Mei x fem!reader
Warnings: Smut written by a minor, Possessiveness, Fingering
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For years, Ruan Mei has struggled with her ongoing research in the origins of life. Failed experiment after failed experiment. The emanator she created was only a short-lived example of all those years of hard work. Maybe it was too ambitious. And frankly, too large to manage. She needed something more stable, and tangible for long enough to be studied.
Through hours upon hours of trial and error, she finally succeeded in the creation of her most prized possession: you, her perfect little creation.
Her attempts at creating life were finally fulfilled with the help of that trailblazer from the Asteral Express. You were timid at first. Her modifications gave you the knowledge and ability to speak and read, but it took some time to warm up to her. Ruan Mei desperately wanted to study you immediately, but she’ll settle for simple observations until she gains your trust.
It was a slow process. If Ruan Mei has learned anything, it’s that she needs to learn how to show you affection. She spent more time with you when it didn’t involve her research. Although she’s been apathetic for some time, you’ve given her the courage to step out of her comfort zone. For the sake of this project of course.
Whatever she did worked. You eventually became as clingy as her past experiments. It’s only natural for you to adopt that same loving nature as the others have, but this time she’s enabled it a little more. She lets you be in the same room when she’s doing side projects and shares her knowledge of the biological and ecological aspects. She shares a lot of her pastries with you, and even makes the time to bake things with you. Sometimes when she’s spending a lot of time writing, she lets you lay your head on her lap for a while. She used to only see you as an influential accomplishment, but now she feels a sense of protective ownership over you.
She can’t keep you at the space station forever. Even though Herta doesn’t mind, she’s starting to get a little too curious about what Ruan Mei is keeping in that unoccupied level of the station.
And worst of all, her little creation is starting to wonder what’s behind those big steel doors that keep her locked in. And that just won’t do. She’s seen you giving those doors such longing looks, seen you tap and occasionally scratch the glass window. She makes a mental note to re-enforce the durability—‘just in case’. She knows she should observe your new behaviors a little closer, but she came to that conclusion a little too late the day she caught you stealing her card.
Were you…actually trying to escape? But why? She transformed this entire area just for you. Her past experiments have prepared her for what it takes to give something life; from food to sunlight to entertainment to company, what more can you possibly need?
“I’ll show you how much you need me.”
Her kisses are feather light at first. She pins you against the very door you intended on breaching. Even the pinning is gentle. You could probably struggle against her, but something tells you that she can easily overpower you with enough motivation.
Just as gently, her knee pressed right against your core. Her lips brush against your cheek, “Do you want more?” She asks sweetly. A little too sweetly. You shake your head, and she flips you around forcefully. In her breathy voice commands: “Hands against the door.”
Your palms shakily press against the surface. “Perfect,” she muses.
She strokes here hands all along your body, eventually settling on your waist. “Look at the way your body reacts to my touch. You’d miss this if you left me.” She kisses and nips your skin with satisfaction as her lips move down your neck.
“Only I can make you feel like this. I created you; I know your body like the back of my hand,” her thumb tugs at your waistband, causing your breath to hitch, “See? Spread your legs for me…yes, just like that, wider. That’s my girl.”
She rolls your pants down carefully to the floor, prompting you to kick them off. Your underwear follows soon after. She returns to her stance behind you. Her gloved hand finds its way to your entrance, and her middle finger is the first to push past your folds. “Be good for me.” She rasps, planting kisses around your shoulder blade.
Your slick coats her finger with every stroke. She retracts from you for just a moment to bite her soaked glove off with her teeth. She tosses it behind her before returning to your inviting warmth with an added finger. She sighs pleasurably, almost nothing is obstructing her skin from yours.
Her other hand forces you to look out the window as she scissors her fingers inside you. The glass is somewhat clouded from your panting, but you can make out the sight of how her green eyes bore into yours.
Her fingers curl and rub feverishly against your sweet spot. Your body shudders as you inch closer to your climax. “Let go,” she moans, “let go and cum for me.” Your slick spurts through her slender fingers as you climax.
As you come down, Ruan Mei whispers a few “good girl”s as she kisses your neck. Her arms wrap around your body possessively with no intention of letting go.
She’ll make arrangements for a more permanent residence to keep you close. No one knows of your existence, and she intends to keep it that way.
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leaf-line · 1 month
For the request, can I please have Yandere Topaz, Jade, and Ruan Mei x people pleasure reader headcanon (seperate).
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𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐀𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐭
Yandere! Topaz/Jade/Ruan Mei x Gn! Reader
❏ In which your selfless deeds catch someone's attention for no good reason.
cw: suggestive themes, dehumanization, isolation, brainwashing, non-consensual (french) kiss, Ruan Mei being gross.
w/c: 1,484
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"Care for a drink Miss Topaz? Maybe I can help with your problems..." You offer a juice to her, and a hand. Co-worker [Name], a diligent worker in the Strategic Investment Department, seen around doing favors and extra work just for everyone... But why won't you just help her and only her instead?
"Oh, thank you! And no thank you, I can do these all by myself, how about you take care of yourself, and take a rest? You're always so helpful, [Name]." Topaz takes the juice gratefully with a smile.
"No... The same goes for you, Miss Topaz, if it weren't for you, I wouldn't be here having this position." You bow your head before hearing someone call you.
"[Name]! Do you have anything to do right now!? I need you assistance with this—"
"Yes! Yes! Coming right up!" You scurry to the voice, but not before giving a little wave to Topaz.
She returns the wave. Before looking back to the screen... And frowns. "It's only a matter of time." She mumbles.
Oddly enough, in the next three days after just being in the IPC, you were announced as Topaz's own personal assistant.
"This is... A bit surprising... But I look forward to being your assistant from now on, Miss Topaz." You smile, she smiles too.
"No, Jelena is fine, you're my assistant now, right? You don't need to be formal. I just have one rule... Don't assist any other workers from the IPC if it's not me, alright?" She orders.
"May I ask why...?"
"I simply don't want you to be led astray from your work, now, am I clear?"
What... a weird request, but you follow it nonetheless. For one day, that is, you only lasted one day, when that another co-worker of yours, begged for your assistance, you couldn't refuse, you weren't trained for that.
"Awh come on, [Name]! Just because you're now Topaz's assistant, doesn't mean you don't have to help your other co-workers too!" The person in front of you moaned.
"I'm sorry but, Miss Topa—Jelena advised me not to—"
"It's just very little work, it won't kill you will it? Just help me."
"...A-Alright, fine..."
...After that time, you never saw that same co-worker again the next day, from what you've seen, he was fired from his job because of workplace harassment, you don't know if it's true, you doubt that it's true... and Jelena... didn't seem happy when she confronts you about your deed.
"Didn't I personally said to you that you shouldn't assist anyone other than me?"
She sighs and shakes her head disappointedly. Your back was facing the wall as she pushes up her thigh below your crotch.
"I can't believe you would just disobey me that early, maybe I should start teaching you and training so you won't be pushed around from others like that."
Teaching you and training you like a pet, that is. A cute, little pet who won't disobey her master. That's what Topaz shamelessly labels you as.
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You walked into the pawn shop nervously. You swallow, feeling like you've entered a dangerous territory.
"Welcome to Bonajade Exchange. Who are you? And what do you seek?" An unfamiliar and elegant voice rang from behind the curtain.
"I wish... To help my friends." You mumbled out loud.
"Hm? Why is that?" Though you can't see her, you can feel her smiling through her lips. "Are you sure you're here for the sake of someone else?" She muses.
"They've... Been struggling with expenses, I don't know what offer you but myself... I owe them many." You tell her with a sad tone.
"You're sacrificing yourself for the sake of your friend? That's very noble, we can arrange that. Though, since you're here at my pawnshop, I'd like to hear what you want for your own self."
"No need. I'll do what I can to help other people." You fidget, yet say with full honestly, Lady Bonajade senses that. There is not single greedy bone in your body, fellows like you were rare, it's about time she found a rare gem, just like Jelena.
"I see," She raises the curtains. "In exchange for other people's needs, why don't you work at this shop?" She offers.
You cleaned the pawnshop, bargained for Jade, advertised the shop for the people in need. You kept the store running, but you didn't show any signs of uplifting the profits into another level, you were just a side piece, keeping the shop regulating like normal, and it was insufficient for Jade.
But it's fine, Jade doesn't leave an exchange until she gets real value.
You were cut ties from your family thinking that you were just busy and working hard to provide yourself and sending a lot of resources to them, your friends were now happy and financially stable but never really checked on you whether your doing good, the people you care and know were healthy, but they don't need you. Now you find your hands weighting chains, attached to the shackle on your wrist.
If there's one thing Jade found joy in, it's reaping a pure, untaited, soul.
"Come closer here," Jade gestures you to come over, you obey, broken. You see her lips, tainted with dark red lipstick, it comes closer, not on your face.
And just as Adam bit the apple, Jade bites your neck.
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"Ruan Mei, you're burnt out, please take a rest, I'll handle all of this research." You place a blanket on her shoulder.
"Would you like a cup of tea? A plate of cake? Embroider something? Please inform me, I'll... I'll handle it." You say with a smile.
Ruan Mei was tired, she had been researching Aeons for a couple of weeks, barely feeding herself. And usually, when Ruan Mei was tired, she wouldn't entrust anyone with her research... Except for you.
Ruan Mei's trusty little assistant, whom she's sure no matter what she asks you for, you would do that.
"...I want a cake." She answers, though delayed.
"Oh, alright!" You seem delighted to be doing a favor. You ran into the kitchen, preparing the food as Ruan Mei daydreams.
Why were you so insistent in helping her? Why do you do everything in your power to please her? You're strange, a strange person, Ruan Mei shouldn't care, she shouldn't care about your well being, she shouldn't care why your here to help her.
"I'm at your service, Ruan Mei."
"Do you need any help? I'll be sure to help you with what you need, Ruan Mei."
"Ruan Mei."
"Ruan Mei."
"Ruan Mei—"
"Ruan Mei, your desert is ready..." She snaps out of her daydream and glances at you, then the plate you're holding.
She blinks. "Apologies, I blanked out."
"It's alright."
You don't say her name, she's just a bit slightly dissapointed. But it was never shown in her face.
You hand over the dessert you made for her, she takes it. You studied Ruan Mei's personal favorite desserts, food, tea and how it's all tailored to Ruan Mei's tastes. Your cooking is always bound to be above her expectations.
She takes a bite of the cake and you see her lips curl up by two milimeters, which sounds a lot.
"...Would like me to share?" She must've noticed you staring at her, you shake your head at the offer. "I mean no harm, I simply want to share my food to you, is that alright?"
You obey her regardless...
She looks at her research paper, at the table, only to get a headache since none if it provided her help towards her goal. She opts focusing on you instead.
"Here, say ahh..." Using the spoon, she takes a good amount of portion of the cake and tried to feed you with it like you're a baby.
"Ruan Mei, that is a bit... Embarrassing..."
You said her name, she relishes.
"It's fine, you only deserve, after all the times you helped me, come on, you don't need to lift a finger." She pushes the spoon to your lips, so you awkwardly open your mouth and the cake enters.
"...Say my name." She orders, but your eating something... That's not a problem, right?
"Ruan Mei, wh—Mmph!?"
She intrudes, exploring your mouth with her tongue, feeling the food that you personally made for her, she takes a part of it, and exits your mouth.
She swallows the cake with your saliva coatted in it then licks her lips. "Mm. Delectable." She nods, as if she's rating the experience with 4.5 stars.
You were left there with a dumbfounded expression, confused, perhaps even grossed out.
It's fine, brainwashing isn't hard to conduct, you'll forget this ever happened in no time. Just as how you forgot you were trapped in her home against your will in the first place.
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a/n: mmm... manipulative women... 😋
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Ruan Mei: Stop overreacting. When I say I want to dissect someone, I don't mean it in an evil way! I mean it in a curious, scientific way. It's literally such an innocent feeling.
Screwllum: ...I hate to break it to you, but you're not really helping your case.
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sun4ki · 3 months
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“So young and pretty, it’s too bad they passed”
- In my room _ By insane clown posse
Aeon of light!Gn Reader X various Hsr women hcs
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Characters (Ruan Mei, Kafka, Robin, Himeko, Black Swan, Natasha)
Gn Reader being forgotten Aeon of Light, keeping their distance around any human life as they wandering peacefully around the universe. Having great and powerful strength, only to be degraded by other, stronger Aeons. They hid their identity but that would soon change as these women found Gn reader and took them in...
Warnings: slight ooc? MEN OR HOMOPHOBIC DNI
Author's note: first fic post like actually :p hope you like this! I'm open to criticism and improvement! Sorry for bad English, its not my first language and im dyslexic :(
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Ruan mei
The scientist who found you wandering all alone in the secluded zone, the poor Aeon got lost and ended up in the Herta space Station..
Lucky for you, That was the day Ruan Mei visited. You explored the Secluded area, seeing a lot of these critters around.
feeling curious you picked up one of them, only to hear mechanical noises of a door being opened behind you. You turned around seeing the Scientist who created these critters herself. . .
“How interesting . . “ the scientist spoke to herself in a monotone manner
Eventually Ruan Mei soon took you in, doing some simple experiments for her study.
“Hold still , this would be less painful if you stop with the unnecessary movement .”
You could only sit and watch idly as the scientist takes some blood sample from you for her research on an extraordinary being like you
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Kafka found you during one of her missions, She took you in, saying how it was “destiny’s plan”, how both of you were destined to meet eventually. . .
Elio had already told her it was part of her “script” meeting with you and bringing you with. . .
The stellaron hunter knew you could be a great addition to their team— I mean just imagine a powerful yet forgotten Aeon of Light in the stellaron hunters team ?! Not to mention you would also be a great sparring partner
“You’re pretty strong Y’know ?
Great for me to test my skills on without you dying ~ “
Jokes aside Kafka is actually very gentle and caring about you, aware of the fact you don’t know a lot about how humanity lived (considering you kept your distance around them), she would teach you how to blend in and live a life like the rest . . .
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By the time you got to Penacony, you were immediately drawn to this ethereal singing . . .
When you saw Robin for the first time, you were mesmerized by her beauty as she sang. . . Her looks reminded you one of an Angel, a beautiful one, you couldn’t take your eyes off her
The two of you became fast friends, Robin would guide you around Penacony, she was like your tour guide, showing you around the dreamscape.
Robin was actually very supportive about your whole Aeon of Light thing, and just like Kafka, she would often accompany you and teach the ways to live like the rest
her brother Sunday doesn’t actually approve of you though , he’s suspicious of you and Robin’s relationship but ether way Robin would ensure you he means good
“Don’t mind my brother . .
He’s just concerned about me . .”
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Himeko found you in one of express’s trailblazer missions right after they left penacony, Himeko took it upon herself to take care of you, aware of the fact you still felt unsure about the rest of the members
The navigator would often let you sleep in her cabin, accompanying you as you would always feel comfortable in her embrace . .
It’s not a surprise you would avoid any contact with the other members of the train. . Either way, when the others set out for another expedition, you would stay behind with Himeko, making sure Himeko is protected and safe at all costs . . .
Maybe because you’re close or maybe because she reminds you of a certain someone in The past you can’t quite identify. . (Doing this cuz i miss murata himeko)
“You’re clingy sometimes you know..?
Who knew the Aeon of Light could act like a clingy love sick puppy at times ?”
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Black swan
When you enter penacony, you haven’t seen black swan just yet. . She would be keeping an eye on you from a distance before actually revealing who she is . . (She gives me stalker vibes idk)
She finds you intriguing . . She would observe how you behave for a few days or so and by the looks at it- you clearly don’t know how to act properly around others let alone socialize . .
That’s when the Memokeeper decided to step out of her “bird hide” enough with watching you like a delicate bird unaware of her keen eyes
“What’s an interesting being like you wandering all alone in this dreamscape ?”
Black swan would look into your memories aswell . . Witnessing your past . . Aswell as the memories of being degraded by other Aeons and being forced to live in the shadows of the universe to be left and forgotten. .
“What a poor birdie you are . .” The woman would whisper
“Don’t worry dear ~ I’ll make sure to take care of you ”
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As soon as you got to Belobog, you were immediately sent to the underground. . .
Let’s just say the guards gave you a not so “friendly” Welcome, which lead to fighting- a lot of fighting-
The fight eventually forced you to be sent to the underground
Natasha was the first to find you, you met her while she was doing some errands . . . Seeing that Natasha was actually kind and gentle with you, you stayed by her side, helping her in the clinic and with the kids
Eventually, Natasha introduced you to the other wildfire members, you started helping in the underground, being a big help in taking care of the people there, like the underground’s guardian.
you would help with the wildfire’s fights, often getting all bruised up since you force yourself to not use your full power.. but whenever you do, atleast you have your trusty doctor to patch you back up
“Just be careful next time okay sweetie?” She would often tell you
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Little side note: i was actually supposed to add acheron and stelle lmfao but i got busy and keep forgetting to write their part haha, i will add them though if any of you want a part two. You can also recommend other characters to add ^^
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inou-ie · 7 months
pairing(s): demon!(black swan, ruan mei, acheron) x sub!female reader
warnings: nsfw, (black swan - spanking, edging, fingering), (ruan mei - drugs, strap-on, blood), (transfem!acheron- demon form, size difference, creampie, belly bulge, breeding kink), multiple orgasms, overstimulation, squirting, rough sex, praising
read part 1 here
men and minors dni
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"Hold it in, my darling." Black Swan whispered, her voice a soft melody that washed over you like a gentle breeze, soothing your senses as she kissed your forehead lovingly. Her touch was tender as she caressed your stomach, her fingers tracing delicate patterns against your skin, as if she didn't just deny you of your supposed to be first orgasm.
"Be a good girl, you hear?" she cooed, her voice filled with affection as she ran her fingers through your hair, the gentle gesture calming your racing heart. You felt a pang of longing deep within you, the desire to release the tension building within you almost overwhelming.
"I want to cum..." you murmured, the words escaping your lips in a desperate plea for release. But Black Swan simply chuckled, her laughter like music to your ears as she continued to caress your hair with one hand while the other trailed down your stomach towards your dripping pussy.
"No," she smiled, her voice firm yet gentle as she placed a firm hand on your abdomen, her touch a silent command to obey. "Don't cum until I tell you to." she reminded you, her words echoing in your mind as she leaned down to offer her breast to you.
Without hesitation, you obediently suckled on her perky nipple, the taste of her arousal filling your senses as you fondled her breasts carefully, your touch reverent and eager to please.
You lay still on Black Swan's lap, your body tingling with anticipation as you spread your legs open, silently pleading for her touch to resume. Black Swan hummed softly, her eyes filled with affection as she watched you suck and lick her breast with eager devotion. "So adorable, my darling. You're so good at this." she praised, her fingers now trailing teasingly towards the hood of your clitoris.
A soft sigh escaped your lips as her touch ignited a fire within you, your hips instinctively lifting up in anticipation of the pleasure to come. But just as quickly as her fingers had approached, Black Swan withdrew them, keeping a distance to tease you further.
"Stay still, don't move." she whispered, her voice a gentle command that left you trembling with anticipation. With a whimper of obedience, you dropped your hips back onto the bed, desperate to please her.
"Don't worry, darling... I promise you it will be worth it, so just be obedient... be my good girl." Black Swan reassured, her words soothing the ache of desire that burned within you. And then, finally, her finger found your erect clit, rubbing it gently in slow, deliberate circles.
A low moan escaped your lips as pleasure washed over you, your hips bucking instinctively against her touch as you sucked harder on Black Swan's nipple, each stroke of her finger sent waves of ecstasy all over your body.
"Even your clit is adorable... look at how much it's twitching." Black Swan chuckled in amusement, her voice a melodic sound that sent shivers down your spine. You released her nipple for a moment, unable to contain a dirty moan, but she quickly stuffed your mouth full of her soft flesh, silencing you with a firm hand.
"Did I tell you to stop?" she asked, her eyes piercing through you with a commanding intensity that left you trembling with desire. You shook your head obediently, your eyes pleading for forgiveness as you resumed your sucking on her breasts.
Black Swan didn't tolerate disobedience, especially in the bedroom where she desired complete control over every aspect of your pleasure. "Keep sucking," she commanded, her smile returning to her face as she observed the desire burning in your eyes.
She sighed in pleasure, her fingers tenderly massaging your scalp while her other hand teased your dripping folds. The gentle touch sent waves of pleasure coursing through your body, causing you to whimper softly in response.
Suddenly, Black Swan dipped a finger inside you, the sensation sending a jolt of electricity through your core. She repeated the motion several times, teasing your drooling pussy until you couldn't help but subtly move your hips in search of more.
"Do you want me inside?" she asked, her voice filled with desire as she gently pulled her breast away from your mouth, giving you a chance to answer. Your breath hitched as you pleaded, "I want you inside, please..."
Without hesitation, Black Swan immediately pushed a finger deep inside you, eliciting a soft gasp of pleasure from your lips. She moved her fingers skillfully, exploring your inner depths as if searching for something elusive.
"More..." you murmured, your voice barely above a whisper, your body craving the intimate connection only she could provide. Black Swan smiled warmly at you, her eyes filled with affection as she added another finger inside you, the sensation stretching you deliciously.
"Do you like it here?" Black Swan's voice was soft, filled with mischief as she looked into your eyes, her fingers expertly rubbing at that one particular spot inside you before pushing deeper, twisting and turning them within your eager walls. "Or here?" she teased, adding another finger within you, exploring every inch of your sensitive flesh.
You clenched around her fingers, a soft moan escaping your lips as she began to thrust in and out, each movement sending waves of pleasure coursing through your body. Occasionally, she would curl her fingers just right, hitting all the right spots inside you and causing you to cling onto her desperately.
Your gaze drifted to her breast, her nipple still glistening with your saliva. Unable to resist the temptation, you leaned in and licked her once more, your eyes pleading for release as you hoped she would grant your wish this time.
"Hmm..." Black Swan hummed, her thumb brushing against your clit, sending sparks of pleasure shooting through you. You reached out to fondle her breasts once more, this time pinching and pulling on her nipples in a desperate attempt to elicit a reaction.
She smirked in amusement, letting out a breathy sigh as she patted your head gently. "Good girl... your mouth and fingers feel so good, keep going." she whispered, her words sending a shiver down your spine.
Suddenly, she pressed her thumb against your clit with force, her fingers moving faster and faster inside you. You gasped for air, your legs instinctively closing around her hand in an attempt to control the overwhelming pleasure, but Black Swan didn't let that stop her, driving her fingers deeper and deeper inside you.
"I'm gonna cum..." you whimpered, your body on the brink of ecstasy. But just as you were about to reach that sweet release, Black Swan pulled her fingers out with a chuckle, leaving your pussy aching and pulsing with unfulfilled desire.
"Ah, my fingers slipped." she giggled, the sound sending a pang of frustration through you as you whimpered, releasing her nipple and wrapping your arms around her in a silent plea for comfort and release.
Black Swan hugged you back, her touch gentle and soothing as she caressed your back with tender care. "My poor darling..." she cooed, her voice filled with empathy as she pulled you onto her lap, offering you comfort in your time of need.
You sat on one of her thighs, a soft moan escaping your lips as the contact sent waves of pleasure coursing through your body. The ache for release was overwhelming, and you couldn't resist the urge to seek out pleasure wherever you could find it.
Desperation fueled your actions as you began to rub yourself against her thigh, your movements becoming more frantic as you sought to satisfy the burning desire within you. You made sure to grind your clit against her flesh, each movement eliciting a soft moan of pleasure from your lips.
"Stop that, darling." Black Swan commanded, her voice firm as she held your shoulders to keep you still. But the desperation inside you was too strong to ignore.
"Just a bit... a bit more..." you moaned, your voice filled with longing as you continued to ride her thigh with eager abandon, your movements growing more frenzied with each passing moment. You clung onto her desperately, craving the release that seemed just out of reach.
Witnessing your disobedience, Black Swan's eyes darkened, a shadow of displeasure crossing her features. With a sigh, she pushed you off her lap, her expression calm yet firm as she regarded you with a piercing gaze, making it clear that your disobedience would not be tolerated.
"Please let me cum..." you whimpered, the desperation evident in your voice as you pleaded with Black Swan for release. In response, she moved you onto her lap, but this time positioned you so that your hips rested on her thighs while your ass was up in the air.
"You don't deserve to." she said darkly, her words filled with a commanding tone as she delivered a sharp slap to your exposed ass cheek, the sound echoing through the room. You winced in pain, the sting reverberating through your sensitive flesh.
Turning your head to look at her, you found Black Swan's expression impassive as she delivered another hard slap to your other cheek, the force of it causing you to gasp in pain. Tears welled up in your eyes as you buried your face into the mattress, unable to bear the intensity of the sensation.
"I'm disappointed." Black Swan sighed, her voice tinged with a hint of frustration as she continued to rain down blows upon your exposed flesh. Each slap sent waves of pain through your body, your skin tingling with the sting of each impact.
And as you lay there, your body wracked with pain and longing, you couldn't help but feel a sense of shame wash over you, knowing that you had disappointed her with your disobedience. Yet despite the pain, there was also a strange sense of arousal mingled with the discomfort.
Slap after slap after slap... the pain was relentless, each strike sending shockwaves of agony through your trembling body. You cried out, your sobs echoing in the room as you writhed weakly beneath Black Swan's punishing hand.
Noticing your defeated state, her touch softened as she caressed your now red and tender ass cheeks, eliciting another whimper of pain from your lips. Black Swan smirked, a mischievous glint dancing in her eyes as she contemplated her next move. "You're forgiven... come here, darling..." she coaxed, her grip firm as she guided you to sit on her lap, but this time facing away from her. With a gentle yet commanding push, she guided you down until you were lying on your stomach against her legs, your red and throbbing ass presented prominently before her.
Without any warning, the sting of another slap echoed through the room, causing you to grit your teeth in anticipation of the pain. But just as the sensation registered, it was swiftly replaced by an entirely different feeling—a surge of pleasure that shot through your body as Black Swan suddenly pushed two fingers inside your dripping pussy.
You gasped in surprise and delight, the pleasure almost overwhelming as it mingled with the lingering ache of the previous slaps. Black Swan paused for a moment, her fingers buried deep inside you, allowing you to process the sudden shift from pain to pleasure. You turned your head to look at her, seeking some form of reassurance or guidance, only to be met with another sharp slap to your tender ass followed by a forceful thrust of her fingers.
Your mind and body were thrown into a whirlwind of conflicting sensations—pain and pleasure intertwining in a dizzying dance that left you gasping and moaning in ecstasy. With each thrust of her fingers, Black Swan expertly manipulated your sensitive walls, her touch driving you to the brink of madness as she alternated between spanking your ass cheeks and plunging her fingers deeper inside you.
Black Swan watched you with amused eyes, her lips curved into a wicked smirk as she savored the sight of your writhing form beneath her touch. Her fingers moved with precision, pulling out from time to time to give your neglected clit some much-needed attention before delving back into your dripping heat, all the while continuing to administer firm yet exhilarating slaps to your exposed flesh.
The constant onslaught of Black Swan's spanking and skilled fingers inside you sent waves of ecstasy coursing through your trembling body, your senses overwhelmed as pleasure consumed every inch of your being. Your eyes rolled back in bliss, your thighs quivering uncontrollably, and your knees threatening to give way beneath you.
"Please... please..." you whimpered, your voice laced with desperation as you pleaded for Black Swan's permission to release the building tension within you. With a firm grip on your battered ass, Black Swan wasted no time in granting your request, her fingers plunging deep and fast into your dripping heat.
Gasping for air, you spread your legs wider, surrendering completely to the overwhelming pleasure. Each movement of her skilled fingers sent jolts of ecstasy racing through your body, eliciting cries of pleasure that filled the room. "Cum, my darling." Black Swan whispered lovingly, her words like a soothing melody as she expertly manipulated your sensitive flesh, her hands working in perfect harmony to send you spiraling into ecstasy.
You whimpered in delight, your lips bitten raw as you were finally granted permission to release. Black Swan's fingers worked tirelessly to pleasure every inch of you, her touch driving you to the brink of euphoria. She repeatedly targeted your g-spot while simultaneously teasing your clit, pushing you over the edge into an explosive orgasm.
A primal moan escaped your lips, almost a scream of ecstasy as your body convulsed with pleasure, coating Black Swan's lap with your juices. She continued to move her fingers, prolonging your orgasm until every last wave of pleasure had washed over you, leaving you trembling and spent in her arms.
"Well, aren't you generous? Squirting all over me like this." Black Swan chuckled softly, her eyes sparkling with amusement as she lifted your body, allowing you to rest against hers. Your hips still twitched slightly, a tangible reminder of the intense pleasure you had just experienced under her skilled touch.
"You're so beautiful, my darling master." she whispered lovingly, her words like a gentle caress against your skin as she nibbled at your earlobe. The warmth of her breath against your ear sent shivers down your spine, and you couldn't help but melt into her touch.
"Get some sleep, hm?" Black Swan poked your cheek affectionately, and you nodded obediently, feeling the weight of exhaustion pulling at your eyelids. "Thank you..." you mumbled before closing your eyes, allowing yourself to sink into the embrace of sleep, guided by the soft hum of Black Swan's melody that enveloped you like a warm embrace.
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"You're so rough, dear master..." Ruan Mei moaned, her voice laced with pleasure as she wrapped her legs tightly around you. With one foot resting on your lower back, she urged you to press against her even tighter, seeking more intimacy.
"But you can do better..." she whispered, her arms now wrapping around your neck, pulling you in for a deep and passionate kiss. Her tongue danced with yours, igniting a fiery passion between you as you explored each other's mouths with fervor.
Driven by the overwhelming desire coursing through your body, you rolled your hips against her, eliciting soft whimpers from both of you. As you pressed your strap deeper inside her, Ruan Mei couldn't help but moan into your mouth, her body responding eagerly to your touch.
"You're slowing down... shall I give you more of my special concoction? I have plenty." Ruan Mei's breathy voice sent shivers down your spine as she whispered against your lips. Despite the overwhelming heat pulsing through your body, all you could manage was a groan in response.
Throughout the encounter, Ruan Mei had introduced you to various liquids and pills, each one her own creation. Her fascination with human physiology seemed to grow with each experiment, and now you were the subject of her latest inquiry.
Under the influence of her concoctions, you felt like a puppet, controlled by the irresistible urge to connect with her. As you moved your hips back and forth, thrusting the strap in and out of her tight pussy, it didn't feel like you were manipulating a toy; rather, it was as if your own skin and flesh were intimately entwined with hers.
Every clench of her inner walls, every contraction of her pussy sent waves of pleasure coursing through your body. You could feel her arousal building, matching your own, and it was all too much to bear.
"So tight..." you whimpered through gritted teeth, feeling the strain in your weakened knees as you struggled to maintain your pace. But Ruan Mei wasn't satisfied with your faltering movements; she wanted more, and she knew just how to get it.
With a sigh of disappointment, she reached for another small bottle of pills, popping them into her mouth before pulling you down to force the pills into yours using her tongue.
As she kissed you deeply, the pills melted between your mouths, their unpleasant taste dulled by the overwhelming sensations coursing through your body.
With a faint smile, Ruan Mei pulled away, pressing a kiss to your forehead before enveloping you in her arms. "Move those hips, my dear master..." she urged, her hands gripping your ass and guiding you into her. Your eyes rolled back, overwhelmed by the potency of the drug coursing through your veins.
With a loud grunt, you obeyed, seizing her hips and lifting them slightly before plunging into her hungry hole with deep, fast thrusts. Each movement sent waves of pleasure coursing through your body, fueling the insatiable hunger you felt for this demon.
It was as if a potent blend of love potion and aphrodisiac had taken hold of you, driving you to satisfy your cravings for her with every fiber of your being.
"Good, you're so good at this. Move faster... deeper..." Ruan Mei's voice echoed through your mind like a hypnotic melody, urging you to obey her every command. With fervent determination, you quickened the pace of your thrusts, driving yourself deeper into her eager cunt.
You cried out in pleasure, the sensation of her velvety walls enveloping you in their tight embrace driving you to the brink of madness. With every withdrawal, her inner muscles clung to you desperately, urging you to delve deeper into her intoxicating depths.
"Gonna cum..." you whispered, locking eyes with Ruan Mei before trailing hot, fervent kisses down her neck, nipping and sucking on her delicate flesh. Her moans of pleasure spurred you on, igniting a firestorm of desire within you.
"Keep going, my dear master..." she cooed, her words dripping with sweet temptation. With one final, desperate thrust, you cried out in ecstasy, your body trembling with the force of your release. Hot, sticky juices spilled from your depths, trickling down your inner thighs as waves of pleasure washed over you.
Ruan Mei's muscles clenched around you, holding you captive in her embrace for a few fleeting moments longer before finally releasing their hold. With a contented sigh, you withdrew from her, collapsing onto your back in a state of blissful exhaustion, your body tingling with the lingering echoes of ecstasy.
You tried to catch your breath as you held the strap-on in your hand, stroking it lightly, but it felt like nothing more than a mere object. Your thoughts were interrupted by Ruan Mei's voice as she sensually climbed onto your lap, her movements fluid and graceful.
"It's just a toy, my dear master... but I can make you feel like it's a part of you... only I can do that." she whispered, her words dripping with seduction. With a mischievous smile, she reached down and took hold of your cock, squeezing it firmly in her hand as if to prove her words. A gasp escaped your lips as pleasure surged through your body, causing you to writhe and whimper beneath her touch.
Ruan Mei's eyes sparkled with amusement as she lifted her hips and slowly aligned her dripping pussy with your cock. With agonizing slowness, she began to sink down onto you, inch by inch, until every inch of you was buried deep inside her warmth. A moan of pure delight escaped her lips, matching the soft groan that slipped from yours.
Once fully impaled on your cock, Ruan Mei began to move her hips in slow, tantalizing circles, grinding against you with exquisite precision. Every movement sent waves of pleasure coursing through your body, causing you to close your eyes and moan with ecstasy.
The sensation of her tight, wet walls engulfing you was unlike anything you had ever experienced, and you found yourself lost in the intoxicating rhythm of her movements.
You gripped the sheets tightly, trying to steady yourself as you whimpered softly, feeling a mix of exhaustion and lingering arousal coursing through your body. Ruan Mei's gentle touch on your breasts elicited a shiver of pleasure, causing you to arch into her hands instinctively.
"Does it feel good? Do you want to feel more?" Her soft voice washed over you like a caress, her hands continuing to fondle your sensitive flesh with care. You hesitated for a moment, torn between the desire for more pleasure and the need to rest.
Before you could think of a response, Ruan Mei had already retrieved a bottle of red liquid, a slight smirk playing on her lips. "Please, open your mouth, dear master." she cooed, cupping your cheek with a tender touch as she waited for your compliance.
You obediently opened your mouth, and Ruan Mei wasted no time in pouring the liquid inside. The sensation was immediate and overwhelming, causing you to cough and sputter as it hit the back of your throat. Some of it spilled onto your neck and chest, creating a warm, tingling sensation that spread through your body.
"No good, dear master... you shouldn't waste a drop." Ruan Mei sighed in disappointment, her expression turning stern as she reached for another bottle. Without hesitation, she forced your mouth open with her free hand, pouring the contents inside as you choked and struggled to swallow.
Tears welled up in your eyes as you gagged on the liquid, feeling it burn its way down your throat. As soon as the bottle was empty, Ruan Mei immediately held onto your shoulders for support, her touch both reassuring and commanding as she began to move her hips slowly.
Ruan Mei's tightness enveloped you, each deliberate squeeze making you whimper beneath her. "So hot... inside me..." you whispered, the potent concoction she had administered taking effect almost instantly.
It was a searing heat, spreading through your body and leaving you weak and helpless on the bed, but the sensation of being buried deep inside Ruan Mei only grew stronger with each passing moment.
"My dear master..." she called, her hands wrapping around your neck with just enough pressure to make you gasp for air, the sensation sending a shiver down your spine. You looked up at Ruan Mei, your eyes pleading for her to guide you through the overwhelming sensations.
"Look at me, feel me... keep your focus on me." she urged in a soft voice, her words both soothing and commanding. With each lift and drop of her hips, you felt yourself drawn deeper into her, the rhythm of her movements syncing perfectly with the erratic beating of your heart.
With each drop of her hips, she sent ripples of pleasure coursing through your body, the rhythm slow and deliberate, driving you to the brink of madness. You clenched your fists, trying to hold on to your sanity as she rode you with a controlled intensity that left you trembling with desire.
You whimpered softly, the sensation of Ruan Mei's hips moving against yours sending shivers down your spine. Despite your exhaustion, you found yourself thrusting upwards to meet her movements, desperate for more of the pleasure she offered.
"That's right... don't fight the heat, embrace it." Ruan Mei whispered, her voice like a siren's call urging you to surrender to the overwhelming sensations coursing through your body. Leaning down, she captured your lips in a searing kiss, her tongue dancing with yours as both of your hips moved in perfect synchronization.
As you lost yourself in the heat of the moment, Ruan Mei's lips trailed down to your neck, leaving a trail of wet kisses and gentle bites in their wake. With a deft hand, she reached for the stock of bottles lying nearby, her curiosity driving her to explore further.
Pouring the liquid into her mouth, she drank deeply before returning to you, her lips finding yours once more as she shared the contents of the bottle with you. You drank it down eagerly, the taste mingling with the heady rush of sensations already flooding your senses.
Your vision blurred, your mind clouded with the intoxicating mix of pleasure and drugs swirling within you. Ruan Mei pulled away with a satisfied moan, her eyes sparkling with amusement as she took in the state you were in.
"Your nose is bleeding... looks like your body can't take so much." she murmured, gently wiping away the blood from your nose before claiming your lips in another kiss.
The two of you kissed fervently, lost in each other's passion as your bodies moved in perfect harmony. Limbs entwined tightly, you reveled in the intoxicating sensation of being connected to Ruan Mei in every way possible.
"I'll bring more next time... I'll create more for you. Just for you, my beloved master." Ruan Mei whispered, her voice dripping with affection as she gazed into your eyes. Despite not fully understanding her words, you felt the depth of her devotion washing over you, igniting a primal desire within.
Driven by a newfound fervor, you shifted your positions until you were on top of her, ready to take control. With each powerful thrust, you pounded her into the bed, your breaths coming in heavy gasps as blood continued to drip from your nose, staining Ruan Mei's skin.
"Keep going, I'm close..." she murmured, her voice thick with desire as she reached up to wipe the blood from your nose with gentle fingers. Your gaze locked onto her, captivated by the sight of her pleasure-filled expression.
With a primal instinct, you reached down to rub her clit, eliciting a chorus of moans from Ruan Mei's lips as her legs wrapped around you tightly. In the heat of the moment, she let out a loud cry of ecstasy, her nails digging into your back as she climaxed hard, her walls pulsating around you in blissful contractions.
Feeling her release wash over you, you followed suit, succumbing to the overwhelming waves of pleasure crashing through your body. With a few final thrusts, you collapsed on top of her, both of your bodies trembling with the intensity of your shared climax.
Ruan Mei tenderly hugged your head, allowing you to rest against her soft breasts as she ran her fingers through your hair soothingly. "You did good... you were so great, my dear master. I have something to make you feel better, don't worry." she reassured, her gaze filled with warmth and concern as she noticed the blood still flowing from your nose.
You closed your eyes, feeling a sense of calm wash over you as you hugged Ruan Mei back. Her gentle humming and soothing scratches on your back lulled you into a state of relaxation.
After a few minutes of blissful rest, Ruan Mei gently guided you to lie down on the bed, her tender touch guiding you into a comfortable position. With a sense of purpose, she searched for another bottle from her collection, her eyes flickering with excitement at the sight of the empty bottles scattered around the bed, evidence of how much she had made you consume.
Instead of feeling remorse, she felt a rush of anticipation, eager to continue her exploration of your human body and fulfill her insatiable curiosity. Returning to your side, Ruan Mei held a small bottle in her hand, her affection evident in every gesture. She lay on top of you, showering your face with tender kisses before trailing down to your neck and chest, leaving a trail of wet kisses in her wake. Finally, she returned to capture your lips in a passionate kiss, her actions speaking volumes of her fondness for you.
With gentle hands, she cupped your cheeks, delicately coaxing your mouth open before carefully pouring the contents of the bottle inside. "Rest well, dear master... this should remove any discomfort inside your body." she whispered lovingly, her embrace providing a sense of security and warmth as a faint smile graced her lips.
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"Relax... you're making this painful for the both of us." Acheron's voice was gentle as she pressed a tender kiss to your forehead, her touch soothing against your skin. Despite her reassurance, you couldn't shake the overwhelming sensation of being stretched to your limit. She was so big, filling you completely, and the intensity of it left you breathless.
"If you truly can't take it anymore, I will stop." she offered, pulling back slightly to gauge your reaction. But before she could retreat further, your hands reached out to grasp hers, silently pleading for her to continue.
Acheron nodded in understanding, a faint smile playing on her lips as she brushed her thumb across your cheek, her touch sending shivers down your spine. Her large hand trailed down to your neck, her fingers skimming over your breast before coming to rest on the slight bulge in your stomach, a silent testament to the size of her cock buried deep inside you.
"Take deep breaths, I won't hurt you." Acheron's voice was a soothing melody as she cooed softly, leaning in to place a soft kiss on your cheek before capturing your lips in a gentle kiss. Her touch was tender, her lips moving against yours with a sweet intimacy, attempting to distract you from the discomfort.
Her tongue licked your lips tenderly before slipping inside your mouth, her hands trailing along your thighs in a comforting gesture, soothing the ache with her gentle caresses. Despite the throbbing sensation between your legs, Acheron's kisses provided a welcomed distraction, filling you with warmth and affection.
"You're doing amazing... just a little more, you can do it." she whispered against your lips, her crimson eyes filled with adoration as they locked onto yours.
Her words were like a balm to your frazzled nerves, calming you and instilling you with a newfound determination. With each deep breath you took, you felt a sense of peace wash over you, your body gradually adjusting to accommodate her size.
As you relaxed into her embrace, your fingers traced the bulge in your stomach, the memory of her cock's impressive size still fresh in your mind. It was thick and long, with prominent veins that only added to its intimidating allure. Despite its formidable appearance, the smooth texture of her cock had surprised you, a stark contrast to its imposing size.
Just the thought of it was enough to make you squirm and whimper, eliciting a soft chuckle from Acheron as she enveloped your body in her large frame, holding you close and reassuring you with her presence.
"How do you feel?" Acheron's voice was soft, filled with concern, as she looked into your eyes, her own expression mirroring your discomfort. She took long, deep breaths, perhaps trying to steady herself, to calm the storm of desire raging within her.
"...full," you managed to whisper, the sensation of her inside you overwhelming your senses. "I'll be fine, you can move..." Despite the discomfort, you offered her a faint smile, knowing that Acheron was likely holding back her own desires for your sake.
Her cock throbbed within you, and you could feel the warmth of her arousal seeping into your depths, coating your walls with her precum.
"Then... just a bit." Acheron breathed, her voice strained with restraint as she pulled back slightly. Your tight walls clung to her, as if reluctant to let her go, a silent plea for her to stay.
Acheron gritted her teeth, her body trembling with the effort to hold back her desire. "I want to fuck you so bad." she admitted, her words a low growl as she struggled to rein in her urges.
"But not yet... I want you to be comfortable." Acheron murmured, her voice gentle as she leaned down to brush her lips against yours. "It'd be painful for me too... if you're this tight." she added with a faint chuckle, her eyes closing briefly as she savored the sensation of being connected to you.
With deliberate slowness, Acheron began to withdraw her hips, her movements careful and measured. You could feel the stretch and pull as she eased out of you, a sensation both uncomfortable and oddly satisfying. Then, just as slowly, she pushed back in, her cock sliding back into your depths with a deliberate, unhurried pace.
She wasn't thrusting in the traditional sense; instead, she was grinding against you, the tip of her cock seeking out the deepest parts of your being. Each movement was calculated, each stroke designed to maximize your pleasure while minimizing any discomfort.
You moaned softly, the sensation of her cock filling you to the hilt sending waves of pleasure coursing through your body. Despite the discomfort, there was a sense of intimacy in the way she moved, in the way she sought to connect with you on a deeper level.
And as she continued to grind against you, you found yourself surrendering to the sensation, letting yourself be consumed by the overwhelming pleasure of being with her.
"I'm going to move..." Acheron's breath was warm against your ear as she leaned in to kiss it, her tongue flicking out to lick and nip gently. Moving down to your chest, she maintained eye contact with you as she fondled one breast, teasing the other with slow circles of her tongue around your nipple.
Lost in the sensation of her touch, you barely registered her movements until she began to pull back, withdrawing until only half of her cock remained inside you before thrusting back in. Each movement sent shivers of pleasure coursing through your body, and soon you found yourself moaning in pleasure, your hips instinctively rising to meet hers.
Acheron leaned back with a sigh of satisfaction, groaning softly as she kissed your now perky nipple one last time before pinning your wrists down. "I have taken my time getting you ready," she murmured with a faint smile, her eyes gleaming with anticipation. "I shall enjoy your body to the fullest."
"Brace yourself..." Acheron's whispered warning sent a shiver down your spine, and before you could fully prepare yourself, she pulled back abruptly, causing your walls to cling desperately to her before she thrust back in, hard. Your eyes widened in surprise, a tear escaping as you choked out a moan, squirming beneath her.
Feeling your discomfort, Acheron pinned you down with her weight, wrapping her arms around you tightly as if to anchor you to her. Your arms instinctively wrapped around her large frame, hands gripping her back tightly as she grunted beside your ear, her heavy breaths washing over you and making you feel even more sensitive.
"It hurts a bit..." you managed to murmur, but Acheron only held you tighter, her grip almost possessive. "Please, bear with it. I can't hold myself back anymore." she sighed, her thrusts becoming faster and more forceful, each one reaching even deeper than the last.
With your face buried in her shoulder, you couldn't help but let out choked moans with each powerful thrust, the pain blending with pleasure as Acheron took you with an intensity that left you breathless and completely at her mercy.
Acheron's frustrated groan reverberated through the room, echoing the intensity of her desire to be closer and deeper within you. Whimpers of need escaped her lips, a testament to her struggle to maintain control as her primal instincts urged her to merge with you completely. With a possessive fervor, she tightened her embrace, one arm cradling the back of your head while the other encircled your body protectively.
Her hips surged against yours with increasing urgency, each powerful thrust driving her deeper into you. The slick, squelching sounds emanating from your joining fueled her arousal further, heightening her need for you to belong to her and her alone.
"Why do you have to be shared? You should be mine... and mine alone." she whispered fiercely, her eyes locking onto yours with a possessive intensity that left no room for doubt about her desires.
With a primal hunger, she drew your head closer, capturing your lips in a sloppy, demanding kiss. Her tongue moved clumsily yet hungrily, exploring every inch of your mouth as it sought to claim you completely.
Shared saliva trickled down the corners of your mouth as she eagerly swallowed your moans and whimpers, her movements relentless and unyielding as she consumed you with her fervent need.
Tears cascaded down your cheeks, a silent testament to the overwhelming feeling of being trapped beneath Acheron's powerful presence. Her body pressed against yours, pinning you down with an unyielding force that left you feeling utterly helpless. As she pulled away from the kiss, resting her forehead against yours, her gaze bore into your soul, ensnaring you in its intensity.
Whimpers escaped your lips as you felt her eyes probing your very essence, as if seeking to control your every thought and desire. With a tremble, you closed your eyes tightly, attempting to shield yourself from her penetrating gaze, but Acheron's faint chuckle resonated in the air, a haunting reminder of her dominance over you.
"How pure..." she mumbled softly, her hand moving to rest reassuringly on your back while the other cradled your head. With a swift motion, she pulled you into her lap, her strong arms enveloping you possessively as her knees bent and her hips began to roll, each movement deliberate and calculated to heighten your pleasure. Gasping for air, you found yourself unable to escape her grasp as she remained buried deep inside you, her hold on you growing more possessive with each passing moment.
"Gonna cum... just a bit more... I'll give you all I have." she whispered, her voice laced with a mixture of desire and possessiveness. With each slow and deep thrust of her hips, she pierced the depths of your being, sending jolts of pain and pleasure coursing through your body in equal measure.
Acheron's hand tightened in your hair, tilting your head back to expose your vulnerable neck to her hungry lips. With a primal grunt that bordered on a cry, she buried herself to the hilt, pressing her cock tightly against the entrance of your womb. The sensation was intense, a mixture of pain and pleasure that left you gasping for air.
Your teeth gritted against the overwhelming sensations as Acheron released a torrent of hot, thick cum deep inside you, painting your walls with her essence. Your eyes rolled back in ecstasy as the fullness of her load filled you, satisfying some primal urge deep within you.
As Acheron pulled back slightly, some of the shared essence seeped out of your quivering hole, only to be pushed back in with each forceful thrust. The rhythm of her movements was relentless, each deep thrust driving her load deeper into you while thick spurts of cum continued to seep out, forming a small puddle beneath you.
With each thrust, Acheron seemed to revel in the pleasure of leaving her essence deep inside you, taking her time to ensure every part of you was filled with her intoxicating release. And as you whimpered in her arms, there was nowhere to escape the overwhelming pleasure and the possessive grip of her embrace.
Your mind felt numb, consumed by the intense sensations coursing through your body as Acheron's essence filled you to the brim. Despite the suffocating embrace, there was a warmth in her hold that made your heart swell with a mixture of emotions. Gasping for air, you whimpered softly, finding solace in resting your head against her shoulder.
"That was great... Did you feel good as well?" Acheron's voice broke through the haze. Her delight was palpable as she expressed her satisfaction, her grip on you unwavering as if determined to keep you plugged up with her cock, her hands gentle as they cupped your face, drawing your attention to her crimson gaze. "Master." she called, her eyes pleading for your response, for some acknowledgement of your shared experience.
Struggling to form coherent thoughts, you managed to nod weakly, acknowledging the intensity of the pleasure you had just experienced. "It felt nice, yes..." your voice trailed off, barely above a whisper as you looked into her eyes, your own barely open.
Acheron's smile was warm and affectionate as she kissed your cheek tenderly, a sigh escaping her lips. "Please don't sleep on me... I have more to give." she whispered, her words stirring a whimper from deep within you.
Acheron allowed you a few minutes of rest, giving you time to recover before she shifted you beneath her once more. This time, she ensnared you in a mating press, ensuring you were completely trapped as she filled you to the brim again and again, each round leaving your hole overflowing with her thick, potent essence.
With every thrust, your shared essence seeped and dripped out of you, but Acheron maintained the position, ensuring your womb could accept each drop of her release. The experience was overwhelming, your sobs and moans echoing through the room for hours on end.
Finally, Acheron ceased her relentless assault, withdrawing from you after numerous rounds. Your pussy oozed out thick, copious amounts of cum she had deposited within you. With a tender embrace, she held you close, her form slowly shifting until her crimson eyes transformed into bright violet orbs.
She purred softly as she held you close, showering your face with tender kisses instead of speaking, understanding the state of your body and mind in that moment.
Acheron's hands delicately played with your hair, the gentle strokes soothing as her other hand massaged your stomach. She felt a surge of satisfaction and happiness knowing that a part of her was deep inside you, intimately connected to you.
The desire to keep you plugged up pulsed through her, but she knew it would be too much for your exhausted body... or would it? The uncertainty prompted Acheron to glance at you, ensuring your well-being as you rested.
With careful movements, Acheron shifted you to lie on top of her, your bodies melding together seamlessly. Despite your fatigue, a soft groan escaped you as she stroked herself before spreading your pussy open, her cock sliding effortlessly inside thanks to the remnants of your shared essence.
Both of you moaned in unison, the sensation of being joined once again sending waves of pleasure coursing through your bodies. "Please rest, I just want to stay connected." Acheron whispered, her lips pressing softly against your head. You nodded weakly, allowing yourself to sink into her embrace.
Though she promised to refrain from thrusting, Acheron couldn't resist the occasional slow and deep movements, each one eliciting a mixture of pleasure and contentment from both of you. As she caressed your back with gentle strokes, she sought to soothe any lingering discomfort, ensuring that you could rest peacefully against her chest.
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husky-studies · 4 months
Concept: Dr Ratio with Ruan Mei's student reader (whos a child) meete Dr ratio's bf aventurine! (Pt 2! A bit inspired by the Aventurine in bed official art)
Warning: relationship between the reader and the characters are strictly platonic, hinted aventio
You can read part 1 here!
Aventurine could be seen clutching his stomach, rolling on the floor while the doctor was covering his flushed face with his one and only mask look alike. You just stared at them with innocent eyes, little did they know those innocent eyes held mischief intent to the duo. The doctor hadn't made a reply, probably because of his flustered state.
"Gosh this kid! I like em already!" Aventurine said between gasps of breathe. "Thank you Mr Aventurine, you're a cool person! Which is why you could do better than that..." You replied while pretending to give Dr Ratio a side eye. Aventurine's shoulder started to shake as he tried to contain his laughter. Looks like he's trying so hard to not give his stomach anymore pain.
Dr Ratio faced Aventurine, his funny-looking mask no longer on his face as he continued to introduce Aventurine to you. "Ahem, incase you didn't know, Aventurine is apart of the IPC." You nodded at him and said "I feel bad knowing you're his colleague." You smiled at the end of the sentence as Dr Ratio could only pinch the space between his eyebrows in frustration. "Anyways which uh...part is he in?" You asked.
"Part? You mean division?" Dr Ratio corrected. "Yeah that, forgot the word. Which one is he?" You repeated the question to be more clear with it. "He's apart of the Ten Stonehearts, other than that he's also apart of the Strategic Investment Department." Dr Ratio explained while Aventurine just smiled at the explanation. There was an awkward silence for awhile before someone spoke up from behind you, calling out your name.
"There you are, I had been looking for you for awhile." You turn around and found yourself looking at your teacher, Ruan Mei. "Did you need me for something?" You asked her. "No, I was just wondering where you left. The critters were looking for you as well." She said. Speaking of critters, you have an idea.
You whispered something in Ruan Mei's ear, she thought for a moment before nodding and pointed towards her lab. As quickly as your little legs could carry you, you sprinted towards her lab. "What did she asked you?" Dr Ratio asked, Aventurine butted in "Im curious as well." Ruan Mei only gave them a small smile, "You'll see."
Not long after she said that, you came back to them while carrying 3 cat critters with you. "What is that for?" Dr Ratio asked. "To keep your boyfriend company while you go beat someone up with your chalk, duh." You jokingly said as Ruan Mei looked at you, then to Aventurine. Aventurine only laughed before accepting the critters you gave him. "Thank you, that's very thoughtful of you. It does get lonely when he's out there beating his students with some chalk~" Aventurine dramatically replied. You two burst out laughing before Ruan Mei made her way towards Dr Ratio. "So, you and him?" She teasingly asked. "I'd rather not reply..." He said as his stone looking statue is back on his face.
Tags: @mitzukitsuna
Should I make a series of Ruan Mei's student!reader? You all seem to enjoy this xD
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shalomniscient · 2 months
real deal || ruan mei x reader [NSFT][MDNI]
It wasn’t like you were jealous. No, such trivial feelings are below a Leviathan such as yourself. Yet somehow, the mere thought of Ruan Mei entering that forsaken Simulated Universe to study those equally forsaken Aeons made you feel a little… possessive. You may not be an Aeon nor an Emanator, but you are something older and better than both—why should she bother with petty imitations when reality can be so much more fulfilling? Or, you show Ruan Mei how much better you are than some simulation.
cw. top!reader, bottom!ruan mei, reader has a dick and a big one, monsterfucking because reader isn’t human, size kink, belly bulge, dirty talk
notes. i’m on my bottom ruan mei agenda fellas 📣📣 also i took heavy liberties with leviathan lore because i wanna write some monsterfuckery, sue me idc. reader’s ‘human’ appearance is loosely based off @/_maiqo’s art of monster!mei on twt so uhhh ifykyk
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“There we go, isn’t this much better than some simulation?”
Your voice is a low, rumbling croon as you lean down to whisper in Ruan Mei’s ear. Your breath is warm against her already flushed skin, and you relish in the way gooseflesh rises along her nape. You’re pretty much hunched over her now, one clawed hand at her hip while the other braces your form above her on the bed. The points of your nails threaten to rip the sheets, which Ruan Mei would typically chastise you for—but she doesn’t, because right now she’s too stuffed full of your cock to answer in any sort of meaningful way. 
You had practically pounced on her once she returned from that space station, the nauseating scent of Destruction clinging to her clothes. It wasn’t like you were jealous. No, such trivial feelings are below a Leviathan such as yourself. Yet somehow, the mere thought of Ruan Mei entering that forsaken Simulated Universe to study those equally forsaken Aeons made you feel a little… possessive. You may not be an Aeon nor an Emanator, but you are something older and better than both—why should she bother with petty imitations when reality can be so much more fulfilling? 
Ruan Mei’s body shudders when you drag a finger up and down her thigh. You’re not even bottomed out yet, just your tip and a little extra, but even then Ruan Mei’s perfect, pretty cunt clenches and squeezes so tightly against you. You exhale slowly and resist the urge to hilt balls deep in her—as much as you adore the feeling of her around you, you don’t want to break her. Ruan Mei trembles beneath you, her breathing coming in hiccuping gasps. You remain still for a moment, your tail swishing on the cold floor of her room in anticipation as you let her adjust to your size. 
“Aeons,” she manages finally, looking at you over her shoulder. There’s a slight glossy sheen at the corner of those turquoise eyes, and the sight makes your dick twitch. “Y-you—“
Your tail twitches at the mention of those beings, and you can’t help but snap your hips forward just an inch more in irritation. Ruan Mei moans and jerks forward on the bed, her trembling arms nearly giving out on her. Her cunt squeezes you like a vise, copious amounts of wetness dripping down her thighs. 
“You would invoke them while I’m the one inside you?” you sneer against her shoulder, sharp fangs scraping along milky white skin. “What an audacious little creature you are.”
“Y-yet you seem to be enjoying yourself,” the scientist shoots back, one hand fumbling upwards to grasp back at the curve of one of your horns. You growl at that, the touch sending a bolt of electricity down your spine. Your hand at her hip travels lower, grazing over her belly and the prominent bulge your cock makes in her. 
Such audacity. A mere mortal, but so willing to do anything it takes for her own wants. It was what drew you to her in the beginning—after all, you’re certain no other mortal in the universe would find a dormant Leviathan and have the balls to ask them to be their test subject. 
“But you are too, aren’t you?” you hum, sinking another inch into her and forcing a long, drawn-out moan from her lips. “This cute cunt is clenching so much—you like this, being stretched and fucked out on my cock.” 
A muffled curse spills from her mouth as you start to slowly rock your hips back and forth. The squelching sounds of your cock moving in her dripping pussy echo in the room, drops of wetness spilling down her legs and staining the sheets. Ruan Mei makes a breathless, whiny noise with each thrust as your cock kisses her cervix, its sheer girth ensuring that you hit that perfect spot in her every damn time. 
“Shall I cum inside you, little flower?” you hiss against her skin, pressing love bites along the ridge of her shoulder blades and down her spine. “Over and over until a lifeform takes root inside you?” 
You grunt as you feel her tighten even more around you somehow, her thighs starting to shake as her orgasm starts to crest. Your words are an empty promise—Ruan Mei has been drinking a special contraceptive tea ever since your… arrangement began—but evidently they appear to have a very desirable effect on her. Your lips part in a wolfish grin as you tuck that little nugget of information away for later. 
A light press on her upper back has her arms giving out beneath her, leaving her face down and ass up on the bed, her back arching so beautifully you can’t help the approving rumble that resonates in your chest. The new angle has you hitting deeper inside her and Ruan Mei sobs in pleasure, her fingers grasping the sheets for dear life. 
“Scream my name, little thing,” you coo at her, voice deceptively tender as your hips snap ruthlessly. “Let me hear you scream for me.”
And she does, magnificently, her hand gripping your horn tightly as she howls your name into the sheets, streams of squirt gushing from her pussy. You snarl as she pulses around you, and with a few more thrusts you’re spilling into her, filling her cunt and her womb with thick ropes of cum. 
You give her a moment to catch her breath, her smaller frame shaking beneath yours as you lean back upright. She moans when you slip out of her with a slick pop, and your cum starts to trickle out of her used cunt. You purr at the sight, then manhandle her onto her back and take her ankles in one large hand to rest them on your shoulders. Your cock, still hard, presses against her ass and Ruan Mei’s breath hitches. 
“What are you doing?” she asks hoarsely, but makes no move to stop you. 
You grin down at her, all teeth, as you recite a little something you’ve learned from spending time as Ruan Mei’s willing lab Leviathan and you relish the way her lips part and her eyes blow wide in barely concealed desire. 
“Don’t you recall, scientist? Repetitions are necessary for good results.” 
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incorrecthsrchats · 4 months
Hard working Single father of three- no four
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3noa3 · 3 months
In cult SAGAU the creator is always revered as this kind caring god/goddess who can do no wrong and always has the best interest of Teyvat on their mind. (except for the some but they usually still have a few they care for)
What if, hear me out, the relationship is more similar to Ruan Mei and her creations from hsr. I mean it fits the setting, the people and creatures of Teyvat longs for their creator's warmth and they're just like "Huh, interesting *ignores them more*."
They built all these grand palaces and places of worship only for you to just gaze at them a bit and leave. It must leave them infuriated how they're doing all of these for you and you're just not even going to care.
Of course they'll all cope differently, some would lament, some would hate you, and some would do whatever they can to earn your attention and when those things eventually no longer earn your attention they'll go to more drastic things just to get even a slimmer of attention they crave.
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