#httyd 3 headcanons
noctusfury · 4 months
Did Astrid Inherit Stoick's Axe? (HTTYD 3 Theory)
Hello, everyone! Today we'll dive into another HTTYD 3 topic that's been on my mind for a while now.
It's after I saw this ax.
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Like, this seriously surprised me when I first watched this. I was already used to her usual ax, so I thought it'd just be her ax — a gift from Hiccup after losing her other one at the end of RTTE — that she normally fights with, like here. 👇🏻
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In the beginning, when the Riders go for one of their many raids to free dragons, we see Astrid fighting with her normal ax.
But in much of the film, we see her using the ax that suspiciously looks like Stoick's ax.
At first, I had thought she was using Hunter axes, but she's been using that ax throughout her fights with the remnants of Drago's minions.
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Another example is the scene down below, during their final battle against their foes, we see Astrid with that ax again.
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This is seriously making me think that this is Stoick's ax that she inherited, having switched her old ax for his! 👀 Which would be so cool and so touchingly wholesome. 😭
Of course, another option is that she just has another ax on standby made in likeness of Stoick's ax thanks to Gobber. 🤷‍♂️
But I actually really like the idea of Astrid inheriting the ax of her father-in-law. I think it's super wholesome. 🥰😭
What do you guys think? Do you find the theory plausible?
Long Live the Night!
— Noctus Fury
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lisasmind · 3 months
I was thinking about how a short film of stoick raising hiccup would be cute until i realized that as it plays out they get more and more distant
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unoislazy · 11 months
Hiccup Haddock Headcanons
(Haha triple H)
Hiccup x reader headcanons : just general ones, no specific focus.
Warnings: none, all PG here.
Not proofread and it’s almost midnight bear with me here
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-hiccup falls fast and he falls hard
-toothless ADORES you, which means you pretty much pass every test in his book
-Stoick also loved you, he thought you made a fine partner for hiccup.
-he’s crafty, but not entirely in a making things for a gift kind of way
-his love language would be more quality time mixed in with a little bit of physical touch
-most quality time would be spent on calming night rides, not always bringing your dragon along, sometimes he just wants to ride with you on toothless to feel you closer.
-he may be a peacekeeper but he can still feel jealousy.
-when he does feel jealous he often isn’t very straightforward about it, but you can tell through his avoidance and pouts that something is up
-he shuts people out thinking he has to work alone because that’s what his dad did
-he gets better at communicating but not without a little push first.
-he would love to just ramble on about his new inventions and he appreciates when you are willing to just sit and listen even if you don’t understand everything.
-he’d often be at the forge, not necessarily working, but just sketching things out for his next creation which is where you could find him most days
-you two would eventually get engaged but hiccup would be extremely nervous about it, believing he isn’t meeting yours or anyone else’s expectations for being a chief or a good fiancé
-you talk him out of believing that for the most part, showing him that you love him unconditionally. (He still sometimes doesn’t believe he’s as good as everyone says he is)
-When he needs to get away from the stresses of being a chief, he always goes to you.
-most of the time the best way for him to chill out is just by talking with you, not necessarily about what’s stressing him out, just to talk to you, to know what you’re thinking or doing at that moment.
-if you’re a dragon racer he may not show up to your races, probably being occupied with exploring, but he always congratulates you
-you thought toothless and Stoick loved you, well get ready for VALKA
-that woman absolutely LOVES YOU.
-she was ecstatic when she found out you two were engaged, practically announcing it to all of Berk on her own
-she welcomes you with open arms, excited to have someone else to share all of her knowledge and familial memories with.
-she’s always a helping hand when you’re having issues with hiccup or you don’t know how to go about communicating with him
-hiccup is understanding, but when he’s under a lot of stress he tends to be more irritable than he means.
-he always makes sure that no matter how busy he becomes, he has Time to just take at least an hour to spend with you, doing whatever you feel like.
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booksandfairytales · 20 days
A mix of headcanons I read and immediately accepted, and a few I came up with on my own:
• Hiccup is always cold
• Before dragon riding, he liked to bird watch
• Astrids name is tattooed on his chest (idk if it was an official comic or fanart where I saw that) and Gobber was the one to tattoo him
• Since Toothless loves to chew on his prosthetic, he keeps a fresh, clean cloth in his armor to clean it before putting it back on, unless he's in a hurry, then he'll clean it later
• His shoulders and arms are freckled
• He has burn scars on his leg stump and back
• The man is always up early. He doesn't sleep in. Unless he's sick
• He also stays up late working on projects and forgets to eat (though I know this is widely accepted as canon, may actually BE canon)
• When phantom pains hit, he uses a sleeping tonic from Gothi at night in order to sleep despite the pain
• He lives alone until he marries Astrid, his mom gets her own hut once she moves back to Berk
• He loves mutton stew, it's his favorite
• He blames himself for Stoick's death, as he put the events leading to that into motion
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saturnniidae · 8 months
I love young Hiccup he's so funny like he went looking for trolls and shit and spent a lot of time scurrying around the forest like some kind of woodland creature bc none of the kids in Berk wanted to play with or befriend his audhd ass (average autistic childhood) and he's literally such a blunt little sarcastic freak (affectionate)
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violet-moonstone · 1 year
THW Rewrite
More headcannons because I have not been able to stop thinking about this franchise for the past 13 years, and I have over a decade's worth of opinions.
I've already posted some of these ideas but ehh it's fine.
While I enjoyed watching it for the first time, THW was disappointing to me for a variety of reasons. (The music was probably the best out the franchise though, I'll say that) Grimmel didn't reach his full villain potential since the writers used Ruffnut's lack of judgment as his key to success instead of him being a capable strategist. (Also they did my girl so dirty. She may be a dumbass, but she's not an idiot!) I don't like that the dragons left after just 6 years. I don't like that all the riders except for Hiccup and Astrid are just played for laughs instead of shining like they do in RTTE. I don't like whatever the hell Snotlout's obsession with Valka was, and I didn't like Toothless' "romance" with the Light Fury. I hate that even dragons can't escape half-developed romance and a nuclear family as the ultimate character accomplishment.
So here are my edits (looking back, there's quite a bit going on, so it may need to be split into 2 movies or a short TV series)
The time jump happens between movies 2 and 3. (I want a full movie with bearded Hiccup and "Homecoming" does NOT count) 10-15 years have passed, so the riders are about 30-35. Zephyr and Nuffink are either little kids or preteens and are getting to an age where they're starting to train dragons.
Astrid is more rough around the edges like she was in HTTYD 1 and Rob/Dob/RTTE, not just Hiccup's supportive gf/wife. Instead of making her softer, motherhood has made her fiercer because she has more people to protect. Hiccup on the other hand is a doting father and can't say no to the kids if they give him puppy dog eyes: heart melted every time.
Toothless finds his original flock(?)/herd?/murder?/unkindness?/parliament? of Night Furies instead of just one "soulmate". Each can have their own personalities and roles in the group while Toothless is the baby. I think it would be interesting if, like Hiccup, Toothless was quite small compared to his peers - potentially explaining why he was on his own and got separated from the group before meeting Hiccup.
Dagur and Heather are brought into a council meeting as Berserker allies. Hiccup greets them in a way that clarifies things for audience members who haven't watched the show. I suppose Mala would also be in it too. I don't dislike Mala but I hate her and Dagur's relationship. More development needed there.
Gustav should be there too, still very much trying to prove himself as a dragon rider and occasionally messing things up.
In terms of the main plot and villains, I'm not too picky, although I've said before that I'm tired of dragon mind-control being the main villain tool. I'm fine with it if Drago comes back as the villain, but if not, the villain should just be dragon hunters or rival dragon riders who use their dragons for conquering/raiding other settlements.
It can hit pretty much hit the same story beats as before but with better character dynamics.
Make Ruff and Tuff more instrumental to mischief and redirection in a way that helps the plot.
Give Fishlegs more credit for his discoveries and record-keeping about dragons.
Snotlout and Eret are together (or implied to be together if that's the best we can get). Snotlout is also no longer Hiccup's rival - he should be his second in command. They can disagree from time to time, but ultimately, his loyalty is not in question.
Fishlegs and Ruffnut have kids who cause chaos with Zephyr and Nuffink.
It would be cool to include a couple characters from other parts of the world with dragon mythology. I understand that Vikings are white but if we have goddamn flying dragons, there's no reason there can't be visitors from other cultures (who aren't villains).
Ending option 1: The movie can end with the dragons going away, but now they've been with the Berkians for over a decade and it just feels more impactful.
The "there were dragons when I was a boy" line can either be Hiccup talking to his grandson after an even longer time jump, or Nuffink talking to his own kids about Hiccup's adventures.
Ending 2: the Berkians go to The Hidden World with the dragons. Hiccup writes a memoir to leave behind. We hear him reading from it at the beginning and assume that means dragons are going to leave, but it's actually a diversion to make people think dragons are gone so no one tries to look for them.
Ending 3: We accept that HTYYD takes place in a different world so we don't have to explain why dragons don't live among us anymore. The movie ends with Hiccup vowing to make the archipelago safe for all dragons and Nuffink and Zephyr take up the mantle of discovering new dragons. The dragons stay and they all live happily ever after, the end :)
I'm tempted to actually write this as a fanfiction but I already got a lot of writing projects atm. We shall see.
edit: I'm writing it
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astridhoff03 · 7 months
Hiccstrid Headcanon Time 🫶🏻
When Hiccup is on Tribe Meetings That Took Longer than One day, Astrid always sleeps in his tunics because she misses him so much. It gaves her the feeling he is always there Even though he is miles away. Also, since they are married both hate to sleep alone. They always cuddle every night and talk a little bit before they kiss good night.
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purpleweredragon · 2 years
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[ID: A variant of the “Me and the bad bitch I pulled by being Autistic” meme featuring Hiccup and Astrid in How To Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World.
End ID]
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dragonnnfly · 2 years
Hiccup: Why don’t you & I have a very special dinner?
Astrid: I’ll cook
Hiccup: haven’t I suffered enough?
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nightskydragons · 11 months
Fury species headcanons
- the species is functionally extinct in the barbaric archipelago region, however the species still have strongholds from Norway and all the way down to North Africa specifically in the atlas mountains
-nightfury teeth are prized by dragon hunters as unlike other dragons, nightfury do not constantly replace their teeth. Only having two sets much like a person
- nightfury colonies are lead by the eldest mating pair which usually are the parents or grandparents of the rest of flock
- while they can manage fine in the colder weather, it's not uncommon to see nightfury go through torpor, huddling together in their caves until better conditions arrive. However if they have a steady diet like we see in toothless case they do not enter this state and can be active all year
- much like possums, baby nightfury cling on the backs of their parents
- the elusive relative of the nightfury that's rarely seen due to their secretive nature but also their sea fairing lifestyle
- much like an albatross lightfury spend a significant amount of their life out in sea, blending in with the sky to avoid predatory dragons that might attack them from below as well go unseen by their fish prey
- unlike nightfurys, lightfury are solitary. Rarely making contact with members of their species under normal circumstances. Except during the mating season where they all join together in different island chains to find or reunite with their mate. As lightfury still mate for life much like nightfurys
- skrills are the active predators of the lightfury as the two often collide with one another out at sea
-Lightfury usually have around four eggs as it's common that half of a lightfury litter will not make it to adulthood
- before the great homecoming (the dragons being sent the hidden world) nightlights weren't really a common sight because of the conflicting behaviors of the parent species. However due to the unfavorable conditions of the hidden world, nightlight started to become a more common as the two species began to loose options leading to mass amounts of interbreeding. This collision of genetic diversity lead to nightlights having varying tailfins. This became even more apparent as nightlights started to breed with other related fury species
- while genetically nightlights are healthy and capable of creating offspring. The differences in biology eventually did lead to some side affects. While light and nightfurys breath out plasma. The methods in which they are created are different, with nightfury they have a special chemical sac that is later charged by the electricity stored in their bodies. Lightfury lack this organ leading to what see in thunder case where this missing organ resulted in their generation not being capable of producing plasma blast reverting back to a more " primitive" ability (that being electricity)
- nightlights inherited the lightfury instinctual fear of skrills along with the nightfury territorial behavior. Leading to a very dangerous combination of nightlights regularly attacking skrills when they enter their space. With this constant mobing, the two species formed a rivalry over territory that often leads to flock having to always find new homes
- nightlights come in different shapes and colors however the most common variants often are nightfury builds with black scales and white countershading
- nightlight tribes follow a mix of the parent species lifestyle. The flock is lead by the eldest members, with these units being formed by their family's. However unlike nightfurys, these flocks are usually very small with members of these family usually spreading out in the territory only gathering together during specific parts of the year or in case of a fight
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noctusfury · 5 months
The Mystery Behind Astrid's Wolf-Pelt Cloak (HTTYD 3)
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Hello, my fellow Furians! Welcome to another HTTYD article! This is one of my older ideas, but again, I just plumb forgot and it was just left sitting there collecting dust. 😅
Today, I want to talk to you about a realization and possible revelation that just has me in fits of excitement! When I watched the end of HTTYD 3 with Hiccstrid's wedding and their cloaks, I never thought much about it. However, when I watched the RTTE Season 2's 4th episode "Bad Moon Rising," I suddenly connected the two dots.
Take a look!
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I paused and thought about it for a bit, and then I realized that... wait, wolf. Wolf pelt. A pelt that comes from a wolf. Wait... did the wolf pelt come from THIS wolf?! 😲🤯
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I mean, it could be possible, right?
I could totally see Snotlout killing the wolf and gaining a nice pelt from it for his troubles, and then 3 or so years later, when Hiccstrid have their wedding, he gifts it to Astrid as a wedding gift. Or maybe he gifts it to her as a reconciliation gift after having stepped on her wrath one too many times. 😅 Such a time could've been after Season 5's episode "Snotlout's Angels."
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Of course, this could just all be an uncanny coincidence, and this is a completely different pelt that had absolutely nothing to do with Snotlout's wolf, and that he either still has it, or Tuffnut has it as an apology gift for the... prank and making him think that he was turning into a Lycanwing.
But hey, I personally support this headcanon. What about you guys?
Let me know what you guys think! I'm always open to other interpretations. It's why theories and headcanons exist.
Thank you for reading this article! See you next time!
Long Live the Night!
— Noctus Fury
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lisasmind · 3 months
I'm actually living for the hiccstrid having zephyr in rtte au posts
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lex-crow · 7 months
Using plants from the hidden world to make glow in the realm tattoos for the riders so the native dragons are less likely to attack them when exploring.
This has nothing to do with the above but I want to make it clear the third movie is not and will never be cannon to me. That doesn’t mean I can’t steal interesting things from it.
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booksandfairytales · 22 days
You know how in Percy Jackson, if a sea creature was in trouble, they'd come get Percy to help untangle them from nets and whatnot?
Do you think dragons would do that same thing, and get Hiccup to help their kind?
Like a Terrible Terror got trapped, so he's crying for help. Toothless hears it, wakes up Hiccup and literally drags him to help the little Terrible Terror?
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saturnniidae · 3 months
None of you understand. Hiccup isn't TALL!!! I refuse to see him as 6'1. He's a champion for short trans boys okay..
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violet-moonstone · 7 months
so i know that when people say night furies are the unholy offspring of lightning and death, theyre probably referring either to the force of nature/abstract concept or simply making a powerful metaphor - but it would be interesting to think about dragons as the offspring of gods, and in this case toothless would be the offspring of thor and hel
i think it would be cool if each dragon species had an associated god or godly pairing that they were fabled to originate from (if not literally then symbolically)
im also playing around with ideas of people who still hate dragons seeing them being as descendants of nidhogg and therefore being agents of chaos that must be eradicated. im also considering jormungand but idk if he's as strongly associated with chaos and i want to focus on the order vs chaos thing pretty strongly
thinking about drawing links for fafnir too? idk
need to brush up on my norse mythology
but i was already thinking about how to include religion in my thw rewrite and it would be fun to compare how the protagonists use their religious rites for celebration and to inspire hope while the antagonists use it to justify conquest of people and dragons
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