#httyd review
reviewinghiccup · 4 months
Hey!!! I’ve gone through your entire list of posts and loved it. There’s a lot of psychoanalysis which makes the work a fun read.
Though I’m curious, what is your biggest inspiration or take-a-way from Hiccup? Do you have any other HTTYD character that equally inspires you. What about the franchise that speaks to you the most?
Sorry if the questions are loaded, but I’m curious, you dissect and approach the franchise in a detailed, humanistic way, I wonder if that’s kind of how you also view the universe.
HELLO DEAR!!! Sometimes I wish you guys weren’t anonymous so that I can find you and thank you for filling up my Inbox with such amazing words of encouragement.
To hear that anyone has just read this blog and enjoyed it really makes my day. I pour my heart into my writing and I just want to say I love answering these questions and I am sorry I took over a year to reply. Before I get to why lemme answer you first.
My biggest inspiration and take-away from Hiccup is:-
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He is different
I grew up with Hiccup. When the first movie was released I was the same age he was and going through my own season of not fitting in and awkwardness. I wanted so much to be noticed and recognised. Physically I was also very different. I didn’t fit in anyone’s mould.
Peers are precious about certain things and kids with many friends usually meet their criteria - but I couldn’t. Not even close.
I know how it feels like to be alone and misunderstood, even by my own parents.
but he is always kind…
Hiccup doesn’t subscribe to revenge, at least not around his immediate peers like Snotlout who sometimes, I really do feel he deserves it. He believes that there’s always something, to understand, to fix or to improve. That industriousness actually makes him the perfect leader to propel his people forward into the future. In a world where everyone focuses on what’s on the outside, he hyper fixates on what’s on the inside and if we really start listening to why people say what they said instead of just taking their words literally you hear so much more.
he stewards his gifts well.
He can invent. He’s been inventing before meeting Toothless. He’s good at it. And he meets every physical challenge he has with an invention.
He is also a natural born leader - though he never fit the mould of what a Viking should look like, he fits the mould of what a leader should be. A leader needs to earn his respect, and though still the smaller male Viking, he is very well respected.
He is fearless.
Push comes to shove, Hiccup is reliable, courageous and quick thinking. He does not back down from a challenge. Yet, he isn’t intimidated by others strength - he allows everyone else to hone their skills and be their best selves as he has allowed himself to be.
HICCUP inspires me because his growth and leadership and story comes from him first accepting himself and in time, he becomes everything he was suppose to be. My biggest take-away from him is, you will never lose if you give yourself time to see the bigger picture of why things are the way they are.
Of course I love Hiccup for so much more, but I don’t know how much you’d wanna read 🤣 Nonetheless, on the top of my head, that’s what I think he means to me.
The other HTTYD Character that Equally Inspires me is, of course, ASTRID
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To be fair, we know her significantly more than the other characters so it’s natural to fall in love with her.
But they have created a very beautiful character to love.
Astrid is strong and independent, but nothing about that takes away from her femininity. Sometimes I feel like movies/shows about strong independent women make those women so unfeeling and hard.
Astrid feels real to me. She’s driven, self-disciplined and honourable, but she can also be condescending and harsh - and instead of getting defensive about it, she actually listens to that constructive criticism when it comes and changes.
She knows she is born to lead (though not in the same way Hiccup is - which is also admirable because she humbly gives way to him to do his thing) so she needs to learn how to inspire her soldiers, help them improve and make them better. She can’t do that if she always thinks she’s right. That’s what brings about toxic leadership. And she is not toxic.
I admire her dedication to improve. It’s something I love in Hiccup as well, but Astrid just works on herself and her performance. It’s inspiring.
While there’s more, I’ll keep it to these two things for now.
What about the Franchise that Speaks to me Most
Friendship. Trust. Becoming. Young Adulthood. Reality Check. Being lost. Finding Yourself.
So much really. So much.
When I first started writing this blog, I actually lost my grandmother. I loved my grandmother so much. She was warmth, love and life personified.
After she left, I was lost for a very long time, failing exams and switching careers. I couldn’t focus.
This show helped me piece together a lot of my own personal feelings. It helped me think through certain problems. When I synthesised those thoughts into this blog space, I felt like I was dealing with them.
And when I watch Hiccup and Toothless glide in the sky, it made me feel like I am there with them. The soundtrack itself is also very transportive.
I think my favourite thing about the franchise was/is that it made me feel again. At least on the rewatch leading to the creation of this channel.
The franchise when I first watch those movies, when I was really young made me feel “found”, if that makes any sense to you. Because, it talks about not being alone - like how the loneliest dragon could find the loneliest boy Viking. And that these two in turn, found a lonely girl looking for something to see herself in.
Each step of Hiccup’s life was mine. Even when he didn’t want to “take on the family business” and desired to be more than he and the world he’s in is built - that was me, still is me.
This franchise has something for almost everyone. And every which way you turn Hiccup, you will see a small glimpse of yourself in him.
In essence, I think the franchise just speaks and that’s what makes it so damn good.
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kumorishouhei · 2 years
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My biggest hit tweet ever that wormed its way into reddit and youtube as Poketuber meme content. Maybe one day I’ll come back around to this to add the trainers in Hiccup’s position. 🤭
Thank you again to MandJTV for the positive meme review~ 👏💖
YT link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G6RjczYP51Y&t=558s
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meditando-en-paris · 6 months
𝒀𝒐𝒖 𝒂𝒓𝒆 𝒂𝒔 𝒃𝒆𝒂𝒖𝒕𝒊𝒇𝒖𝒍 𝒂𝒔 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒅𝒂𝒚 𝑰 𝒍𝒐𝒔𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖 (HTTYD2)
Explanation on why the 💞"𝒀𝒐𝒖 𝒂𝒓𝒆 𝒂𝒔 𝒃𝒆𝒂𝒖𝒕𝒊𝒇𝒖𝒍 𝒂𝒔 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒅𝒂𝒚 𝑰 𝒍𝒐𝒔𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖"💞 scene is so important in How To Train Your Dragon 2 (HTTYD2) by Dreamworks.
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Valka at the beginning of HTTYD2
Let's start by talking about Valka.
Throughout the film, it is explained how in the past she felt uncomfortable and strange in the human world, as its static norms clashed with her ideals, which is why she ends up abandoning her family.
So she achieves his dream of living in peace and harmony with the dragons, learning everything from them. However, she has paid the price of giving up her "human side" and with it her family.
That she chose to live among dragons rather than remain with her own reveals two things: Confidence and courage in pursuing her dream, but also her fear and lack of trust in others.
She does not feel supported and listened to by her people, but neither does Stoick. She feels caged, so when she gets the chance, she escapes.
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The fact that Valka renounces her family is also a reflection of the problems within their marriage. Valka and Stoick had opposing beliefs towards dragons, which would obviously create fights and reinforce Valka's idea that this was not her place. Furthermore, this shows that Valka was extremely afraid of being rejected by Stoick for who she really was, and that this probably led her to show herself to him in a way that she was not in order to protect herself. Not to mention that, being seen as an outcast in Mema for opposing the war and that her love of dragons almost killed her family, she believed she was protecting her son.
Thus, at the beginning of HTTYD2 we find a strong and confident Valka within the world of dragons, but very distrustful and distanced from the world of humans. This is reinforced at the beginning when she walks crouching, imitating the dragons.
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Later on, once she establishes a bond with Hiccup through the dragons (but note: through the dragons, not because he is her child. Although this changes later on), she begins to walk upright and behave in a more "human" way.
Meeting with Stoick
Valka's real growth comes when she and Stoick meet again.
It is amazing how Valka crumbles in a few seconds. She goes from a powerful woman who believes in herself to a frightened person, full of remorse and anguish.
After meeting Hiccup, she regrets abandoning them. She regrets choosing the easy way out, but as she says: "Well, what sign did I have that you could change, Stoick? That anyone in Mema could do it? Did anyone listen to me?".
Her body language shows that she is extremely afraid (she backs away until she hits the wall), showing once again the fear she has of being rejected by Stoic, the person she loves, and whom she has to finally confront.
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It's funny how Valka is unable to understand his reaction. Anyone else would be filled with anger and frustration, but Stoic's response is ✨sublime✨. He says nothing until he is at her level, while she says everything on the verge of tears. Then he strokes her cheek and says, "You are as beautiful as the day I lost you."
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FRIENDS, are you aware of what a LOVE DECLARATION this man makes? This man has told her: Everything is fine. I accept and understand your decisions, even though they were not the best. I forgive you and I love you💞.
I think Valka cries not only from the stress and emotion of the whole situation, but also that she finally sees that her husband accepts her for who she is and loves her that way.
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Little by little, Valka opens up to her human side, which she had repressed, while Stoick supports her in her development with small gestures (this is especially noticeable in their body language). In this way, Valka realises that she had made a mistake. Everyone can change, even her.
In conclusion, Valka from this moment onwards will begin to understand that her family does not make her more vulnerable, that her quirks are impossible to accept or unforgivable. That is why she wants to return to Mema happy to be reunited with her people and family and, therefore, happy to be reunited with her human side.
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What do you think of this scene?
I hope you liked the analysis✨.
𝑺𝒆𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒊𝒏 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒏𝒆𝒙𝒕 𝒓𝒆𝒗𝒊𝒆𝒘!
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dragonnnfly · 9 months
2023 Tumblr Top 10
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ellulemmu · 27 days
When i'm in a media literacy competition and my opponent is a httyd fan
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godzilla-reads · 7 months
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🥳 How to Train Your Dragon by Cressida Cowell
Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/5
“There were dragons when I was a boy.”
To become a full fledged member of the Holligan Viking Clan, Hiccup and nine other young boys must find, catch, and train a dragon by the Thor’s Day Thursday Celebration. Hiccup is son to the Hooligan Chief- Stoic the Vast- but the other kids call him Hiccup the Useless. Will he be able to train his dragon?
I’ll sadly admit that I watched all the movies before I even picked up the book. I religiously followed when each movie came out and loved them, so I was so thrilled to have a good reason to read this book for March. It’s fun, it’s adventurous, it’s got humor, and wit!
I love the dragons and how they speak dragonese, I love how the story differs extremely different from the movie. Both are good in their own rights. My favorite character in this book was Thuggory the Meathead because he believed Hiccup was meant to be a hero.
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thegoodekarmaco · 3 months
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I'm something of a dragon expert myself...
Headed to the site on 6/16 at 3pm PST
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akstzs · 1 year
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wip i started before realizing the SAT is in less than two weeks
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000marie198 · 10 months
Seeing my favorite stuff making the lists makes me smile :]
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takofuus · 8 months
hi tako
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Sup eld, here is The Character ever 😋
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constellasaur · 9 months
Hollywood Arts Students Dancing In The Hallways For No Reason
HI I'M ALIVE - I'm a lot more active on Twitter <333
I post a lot of Victorious/Jori content on Twitter AND a lot of Victoria Justice content so come say hi<333
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reviewinghiccup · 1 year
Blog Post Series: Breaking Down Hiccup
Title: The Night and the Fury
Ep/Season: Episode 3, Season 2 (Defenders of Berk)
Hiccup and gang set out on a training exercise on Dragon Island in hopes to train their stealth / combat skills without help from their dragons. Unfortunately, they run into a very, very unlikely "friend"...
It's no secret that the team needs some polishing. And we're hoping, Astrid's obstacles could do the trick. I love how they groaned, knowing that her tests is going to be difficult. It's very like them to do that and very like her to make things tough.
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This exercise is fertile ground for individual members of the team to grow. For example:
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(Can we also take a moment to appreciate the little confidence boost Hiccup gives to Fishlegs? We can? Ok. Here you go.)
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If you started watching RTTE without first seeing ROB/DOB, you might wonder why Dagur calls him brother. Well, to be fair, I still don't know why he does, but at least from this episode, you'll know when the supposed familial relationship began.
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P/S: Look at how small & cute baby is.
It's also really cute that Hiccup tries, for the most part, to keep the peace with Dagur, though for the most part, I hate to watch them pandering to him.
This episode is where I feel DOB kicks off. Hiccup's in a very precarious position. The last time Dagur showed up, Stoick lied that Berk was still at war w dragons and that they still killed them. For the sake of peace, Hiccup didn't have much of a choice but to play along and reassert the lie.
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This episode is definitely one of my favourites, especially in terms of the Hiccup-Dagur dialogue.
It's hard to not enjoy the "bro-mance" sequences. Just look at this one:
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In fact, if you only watched RTTE, you might've missed where the Dagur v Snotlout situation also began. And it might surprise you to realise, that Snotlout was very much, a fan of Monsieur Deranged here.
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But nothing beats, that moment when Hiccup takes his stand.
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It was such a DEFINING MOMENT, because Dagur has been looking down on Hiccup for years and NOW, NOW?! He realises what a genuine threat Hiccup could be. And more importantly, how easily his pride is wounded.
I'm all here for HEROIC HICCUP. And what an artistic way to show how much Dagur underestimated him. He even underestimate his shield! Much to his lost...
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Also, don't you think that it is very Captain America of Hiccup sometimes, when he's wielding the shield?
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And let's not forget, Hiccup is one sassy protagonist. I mean, you know you're an enemy when he burns you.
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This episode is way more significant than I realised it at first. This whole time, Alvin was Berk's only viable threat. But his beef was with Stoick, initially at least.
But now, Dagur is another. And the person he's going after is Hiccup. Dagur is Hiccup's first archenemy.
And it doesn't help that he's insane.
So, what I loved about this episode was, it heightened the stakes of the entire show AND also, showcased how Hiccup can out-wit, out-smart and challenge Dagur, who I think, must've been a pretty tough contender to command the massive armada he ends up leading.
I know this may come off super random, but it is Jay Baruchel's birthday today. I think we can all agree that Jay is the life and soul of Hiccup. If you follow me on twitter @reviewinghiccup, you should know that I am down the rabbit hole of Jay Baruchel movies, interviews and podcasts.
And what I love so much about this guy is the respect and reverence he has for the show. I mean, he constantly praises it and not just because of his role, which he believes pales in comparison to the artists designing and working the animation, but its obvious that he's a HTTYD superfan.
I love it when an actor pays their respects to the franchise and I do enjoy his take on the work and how much the line between who Hiccup is and who he is, as a person, is blurred.
He's an eloquent speaker and tries to produce, write and direct movies now, instead of act in them. He's based in Canada.
Anyways, something interesting I learned about him was, in an interview w Tom Power, he talks about the book he wrote and what being a fan means to him. Him being a fan of hockey and how precious it can be to live within a franchise or something as massive as indulging interests. It sorta validates me a little, specially since I've dived deep into HTTYD fandom since changing careers.
And just like Hiccup, there is way more to this guy than it seems. He's funny, humble, kind and generous with his time. He wears his heart on his sleeve, and he's pretty jittery in real life too. But what kind of broke me, was finding out that even with his own father, he felt like he wasn't the kind of son his dad wanted.
Apparently, he had a complicated relationship with his dad which I believe may have bled into his work.
If you've watched enough of his interviews you'll know that he's had to support his mom and sister at 14-years-old with acting gigs because his father left and passed away when Jay was 21 following a drug overdose. Yet, he still remains so kind. I mean, his upbringing was tough, poor and difficult, yet you can still see him trudging through humbly, not wanting to draw attention to himself as much as he can help it.
In an interview article I read this morning, he explained that he wanted to continue being a good husband, son, brother, friend and I thought that was such a genuine Hiccup thing to say. He shoulders all these responsibilities and have been since he was a kid. Look, I don't know the guy personally, but from the expansive notes and recordings I've looked into, he seems pretty decent and I am such a huge fan.
As I grow older, I understand people on a different level. I accord respect so differently from how I would've years ago. And right now, I think what makes Jay Baruchel interesting is his sheer promise to do better for his family. And I think, in the absence of chiefing, running a village and saving the world, Hiccup is very much the same in that aspect too. A chief protects his own, which seems to be the mantra ringing in my head as I listen to Jay talk about his life.
You guys have no idea how much I know about this dude. I have possibly stalked him silly right now. And am a little embarrass as I admit this. Anyways, all I want is for him to succeed, in his work, life and family.
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just gotta brag about this guys the HTTYD fandom is coming back to life!
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draco-reviews · 5 months
maybe the night lights from the isle of berk minecraft mod? it makes them look super cute
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oddly specific choice, but in a good way! they get alot of similar compliments to toothless but with some added charm thanks to their funny colors. i like the eye color and the last one having heterochromia ^_^ the textures are great and the models are also pretty damn good! 9/10 for all 3 variants, id say!
(note: i gotta check out this mod...it looks cool...)
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dragonnnfly · 2 years
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I highly enjoyed the complexity of the Queen's Thief series. For the first time in a longer period of time, here's an author who is smarter than me in a good way. A person with wit that I can learn from and enjoy doing so.
I grapple with politics in writing the most and here's an example of how it's done right. It's very entertaining.
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