#httyd tickle
hotshot624 · 2 years
How To Train Your Human To Rest
Lee/s: Hiccup Haddock
Ler/s: Toothless
Genre: Fluff
Fic type: Tickle fic
Other characters: Stoic and Gobber
Summary: After the Red Death fight, Hiccup over does it after he just woke up from a coma, and now has to rest in bed. Unfortunately he doesn't want to stay and Toothless is now in charge of keeping him in bed. After many escape attempts, Toothless finds a way to keep his beloved human from going anywhere.
Berk was finally perfect.
Well at least to Hiccup.
Okay fine maybe it wasn't completely perfect but it was getting there.
Hiccup looked around Berk, while walking with Astrid, Snotlout, Fishlegs, and the twins, as they showed him all that he had missed when he was in his coma, with a look of adoration on his face. After hundreds of years of fighting these poor dragons it was finally over. Vikings and dragons could be seen interacting with each other and not just to kill one another. Some vikings were obviously nervous having the dragons so closed to them and some of the dragons were nervous having the vikings so close to them. But Hiccup knew that it was only a matter of time before they would all get along just like he and Toothless have.
Speaking of Toothless, the nightfury was right by his side the while time. Seeing how this was the first time Hiccup had to walk with his fake leg, he tripped and almost fell over a lot. Thankfully Toothless was their to catch him right before he hit the ground every time. As this kept happening, the people of Berk could see how much the dragon cared for the boy and how much he was willing to help. It seemed like because of this, the vikings were opening up more to the dragons. Well mainly Toothless. Every time they'd walk by him, they'd give Toothless a pat, or rub his back, or some sort of affection to show how thankful they were to him. Not only because he helped take down the Red Death but also because how he was help Hiccup. Though most of them weren't big fans of Hiccup before the fight, they still cared for him. Sure he was a clutts but they still liked him. He was sweet and a little awkward but he meant no harm and was always trying to help other people. Of course they all liked him even more seeing how he almost gave up his life trying to protect his village and his people. Speaking of which, people were giving their thanks to Hiccup as well!
People who didn't do much more than give a nod of acknowledgement to Hiccup as he walked by, were now yelling his name and waving at him. Some patted him on the shoulder others going in for a hug. He was given treats, cool weapons, little homemade nick nacks, and all sorts of things. And Hiccup sucked it all in.
He never used to get this much positive attention from anyone so this was mind blowing to him. He made it back to the mead hall where everyone was surrounding him and yelling thanks and toasting to him. He had been lifted into the air and thrown a couple times. Before Toothless, he probably would have gotten sick but now that he had Toothless.... Well actually he was feeling kind of sick, but it was fine. Why would he care. This was like one of the best things to ever happen to him and he wasn't gonna let a little nauseousness stop him from enjoying himself. He was so happy, he didn't even notice himself getting dizzy. He didn't even notice Toothless starting to get antsy and making loud gurgles and him pacing around. He didn't notice the worried and confused glances he was getting from his fellow vikings and father. He didn't even notice himself swaying and the world spinning around him until he hit the floor and passed out. The last things he heard was the loud gasps, the loud roar from Toothless, and the shout of his father yelling "Son!" before his vision went black.
He awoke back in his bed with Toothless staring directly at him, half way on his bed. Hiccup groaned with discomfort from the massive headache he had and tried to sit up. He was stopped by a giant hand placing itself on his chest and laying back down.
"No son, you need to lay back down. You still need rest" His father spoke. "I'm sorry but they were Gothi's orders."
His father had a chair pulled up to the side of his bed along with what looked like a cup of water.
"Ugh" Hiccup groaned "What happened?"
"Here" his father brought the cup to his lips "drink this."
Hiccup drank what was in the cup and immediately went to spit it out, but his father stopped him and Toothless made a bunch of gurgles at him. Well at least now he knew it definitely wasn't water.
"I know! I know it's disgusting but you have to drink it. Gothi said it will help you heal quicker and it should help with any discomfort you have."
Just as his father said that, his headache seem to have gone completely away much to Hiccup's relief. Toothless had gotten down from his spot one Hiccup's bed but had stayed close to him... Incredibly close to him actually. He was pretty much on top of him but Hiccup didn't mind. He pet Toothless affectionately and then looked back at his father.
"You never answered my question ya know" he said to his father as he got more comfortable on his bed.
His father looked at him and sighed. He stood up to collect his cup and went down the stairs. He came up again with a cup that he promised Hiccup this time was actual water and not some concoction that Gothi had made.
"It was my fault" his father said finally after sitting back down again.
Hiccup looked at his confused, wanting him to elaborate.
"I let you get up too fast. You had just awoken from a coma and I let you walk around Berk all day yesterday. It was too much for your body. Hel, it would be too much for anyone's body but more especially your because well you know" he gestured to Hiccup.
Hiccup glared at him.
Stoic immediately went to defend himself.
"Not that that's a bad thing! It's just that...well ya know your... Well"
"Small. Scrawny. Twig like. Stuff like that" Gobber finished for Stoic, looking quite proud of himself for coming up with those answers and he walked up the stairs to Hiccup's room.
Stoic sighed and put his head in his hand, shaking his head.
"Thank you Gobber. Means so much to me" Hiccup said sarcastically while rolling his eyes.
"Of course! Always happy to help" Gobber said.
He turned his attention to Stoic.
"Sorry to interrupt you chief, but need your help. Spitelout is getting into a fight and we need your help to come and settle it." Gobber said looking at him like this happens everyday.
I mean it did but still.
Stoic sighed and got up.
"And who has he gotten into a fight with this time?" Stoic asked, irritation clear as day in his voice.
"Oh ya know, about half the village" answered Gobber nonchalantly with a shrug.
Stoic sighed even louder with even more exhaustion. It was gonna be a looonnng day. And unfortunately that meant he couldn't stay with his son. This made him even more upset. Not only because he wanted to spend some time with Hiccup, I mean he almost died. He almost lost Hiccup. Without him, he'd be alone. He couldn't have that. But he also could leave Hiccup alone either.
He stood up and looked at his son. He had that defiant look in his eyes. Like he was angry. Like he need to prove himself to people. Damn it Gobber! Why'd he have to say anything.
"Hiccup" his father warned.
Hiccup tensed and but didn't look at him.
"Hiccup, I want you to look at me son" said Stoic.
Hiccup reluctantly looked at his father. Not without a huff and a cross of his arms. And his little glare.
"Why are you looking at me like that, I haven't even said anything" Stoic said with some amusement in his voice.
His son always tried to look angry and intimidating but he looked like a baby terrible terror. Especially with his almost pout on his face.
"It's because I know your gonna say 'Son'" Hiccup said now mimicking Stoics voice and sitting up and puffing out his chest.
Stoic let out a laugh along with Gobber.
"'I know your completely fine and not hurt or anything but I want you to stay in bed. Your not aloud to move or even breathe to much because Gothi said so. And if you do, I'll pick you up with one arm and carry you right back up here in front of the whole village for no reason even though your completely fine'" Hiccup finished now laying back down and crossing his arms again.
He was such a dramatic little shit sometimes.
Stoic chuckled, shaking his his head with his hand son his hips.
He was clearly referring to all the times he had to do that to poor Hiccup but on his defense he didn't have much of a choice.
Hiccup always tried to run away when he got sick or hurt and Stoic always had to find him and being him back to bed. Sometimes it was annoying but it was usually amusing because his son, who had no athletic bone in his body, could move as fast as a nightfury to try and avoid having to lie down.
"Well I think you got it down what I want from you. And I expect you to do as I said....or as you said"
Gobber looked at Stoic with a confused face.
"When has he ever listened to that?" Asked Gobber.
He's had his fair share of having a wrangle a sickly Hiccup before and he knows from experience that Hiccup never listens to Stoic especially when he asks Hiccup to stay put.
Stoic sighed. If he kept all this sighing up, he'd end up blowing away all the air in the archipelago. But it wasn't his fault. He had a lot to do with Spitelout and trying to the keep the rest of the village from killing him. That would take up almost the entire day like it usually did. But now he had to make sure his son doesn't get up and move too much so he didn't pass out again. He had no one to watch his son because everyone else was too busy with the other dragons on Berk...
Well.... actually.....he did have someone to look after Hiccup.
Stoic turned to Toothless.
"Dragon" Stoic said. Toothless's head shot up and looked at Stoic. He almost forgot about the offspring of lightning and death it's self was sitting their, cuddling with his son. What a sight to see he thought. "I need you to do me a favor".
At this Hiccup let out a groan already knowing what was coming.
"I need you to make sure my boy here doesn't leave this bed. If he's hurt or it's an emergency, you bring him to me and I'll deal with it. That's the only time he's aloud to leave. Understand dragon?"
Stoic wasn't too sure if the nightfury even understood a thing he just said but after he gave what looked like a nod and sounded like a gurgle of approval, he decided that he did.
And with that, Stoic was satisfied and turned back to a pouting Hiccup.
"I know you'd rather be anywhere else in the archipelago right now, but you have to rest. Thor knows what could happen to you if you get up and pass out again. Please I'm begging you, stay here." Begged his father who now took his hand in his.
Hiccup's eyes softened and he sighed.
"Fine" was all he said after a few seconds.
Stoic knew that that was the best he was going to get and with that sighed (again) and turned to leave. Not without and affectionate pat on his son's head. Gobber followed him out with goodbye to Hiccup and Toothless.
As they were leaving Hiccup could hear Gobber say to his father "ya know he's not actually gonna stay there" to which his father replied with another goddamn sigh and a "yes Gobber, of course I know that but it was worth a try. I'll make sure to tell everyone to keep a look out for him just in case" and then he heard the door shut.
How dare his father think of him like that! I mean he was absolutely gonna try to escape but still.
Hiccup waited in his bed for a couple of minutes. He knew from experience, that his father and Gobber we're waiting for him outside. They scared the shit out of him when that happened for the first time. He swore he'd never do it again..... And then he did it not even two hours later. That was about seven years ago. He couldn't exactly remember why but after that day he didn't try to escape again. They kept doing something when he was sick or hurt and tried to run to the point where he just stop escaping after that. Well up until he was fourteen. They had stopped what ever they had been doing to keep him from escaping for some reason. Maybe because they forgot as well. He wished he could remember. Maybe that would have stopped him from escaping this time.
Hiccup had sat up in his bed and looked around. He was completely alone other than Toothless, who had sat back to stare at him. Now that his father and Gobber were gone he could make a plan to escape. He might be able to use Toothless. He could crouch down and hide under his wing and make it seem like Toothless wanted some fresh air or to get something to eat. Then when they were out of sight they'd go and do.... Something. He wasn't sure yet what they would do but it would be something.
To be honest, he didn't have a real reason to be escaping. Maybe it was because he just didn't want to be trapped in the house. Maybe it was because he didn't want to be seen as weak for having to rest. I mean technically he did rest after the coma when he was unconscious but apparently it didn't count for some absurd reason. Maybe it was because he now finally had friends who seemed to want to hand out with him and he wanted to spend as much time as possible with them. Maybe it was all three of those reasons. He didn't care too much though. All he cared about was getting the Hel out of this damn house.
Hiccup shifted so his feet were hanging off the edge of his bed. Or I guess his foot. He doesn't think he'll ever get used to it not being their. But then again this is only his second day of having to deal with it so who knows.
Just as he's about to get up, Toothless runs to the other side of the bed and used the top head to push him back down and Hiccup let's out an 'oof'.
"Toothless! What the Hel was that for?" He asked his nightfury, annoyed that he was being prevented from moving by his best friend.
Toothless let a a string of soft roars, trying to communicate with him but of course Hiccup had no idea what he was saying.
Then it hit him.
His father had told Toothless to make sure Hiccup didn't leave his bed. And he actually listen to him?! Unbelievable!
"You've got to be kidding bud, seriously? You're actually listening to him?!" Hiccup asked completely flabbergasted.
Toothless stared at him, now sitting in front of him blocking his path.
"Toothless look, I'm fine. I promise. My dad and Gobber are just over reacting. I'm not even tired or anything. Nothing bad is gonna happen if I just go walking around. Besides, Gothi gave me some medicine that made me feel so much better so now I can move around. My head doesn't even hurt anymore. So could you just ya know..." Hiccup gently tried to push Toothless to the side.
Toothless didn't budge.
Hiccup sighed and replied to Toothless's stubbornness to move with a annoyed 'fine' and shifted to turn to the other side of his bed.
Just as he stood up, he immediately got the top of Toothless's head in his stomach again and was pushed down.
Hiccup looked at him, exasperated.
"Really?" He questioned Toothless.
Toothless gurgled at him with a look that said 'try me'.
So Hiccup did.
With all his strength, which wasn't a lot especially since he was still kind of weak from waking up from a coma, he tried to push past Toothless by pushing at his chest, only for him to use his strength, which was not even close to a lot because he didn't want to hurt his human, and pushed him back onto the bed.
Okay now Hiccup was starting to get pissed off.
He sat up and death glared at Toothless. Hiccup was tired, grumpy because upset he couldn't be outside, all together in a very defiant mood. Toothless wasn't helping him feel any better right now and it was pissing him off.
Fine if Toothless wanted to be unfair, well then Hiccup could be unfair too.
Hiccup let out a huff and pretended to give up and looked away from Toothless. Just as Toothless let his guard down, Hiccup shot his had out and scratched that special spot under Toothless's chin. Right when he did, Toothless rolled over on his back with his leg kicking slightly in the air with a face of pure bliss.
Hiccup let a out a victorious 'Yes' and got out of bed. Admittedly he got out a bit slower than he'd like to and had to pause for a few seconds because of how lightheaded he got, but after it went away, he sped walked to the stairs.
He had to hold onto the wall so he didn't fall over. Not just from the dizzy spell he just had but also because of the fact that he still wasn't really used to have his fake foot.
Maybe he would be better at walking if his dad let him move. You know what. That was gonna be his excuse- I mean reason for not staying in bed. He had to get used to walking with the fake foot. He knew his dad wouldn't take that for an answer but still it was good to have one other than just saying he didn't want to be in bed anymore.
Just as his foot was about to touch the first step of the stairs, he heard Toothless let out a roar and saw black jump over him and then run up the stairs in front of him. Before Hiccup even had a chance to process what just happened he had the top of Toothless's right back in his stomach again.
Hiccup tried to stop him and yelped out a bunch of 'wait's and 'stop's and 'please's but unfortunately they didn't nothing to stop the great nightfury.
Toothless finally stopped when the back of Hiccup's legs hit his bed and he fell onto to it with an 'oof'. He looked up to glare at Toothless only to be met with a glare of his own.
Toothless was definitely not happy and let out a low growl just to prove it.
All his human was supposed to do was stay put like he was asked but noooOoo he just had to be difficult. AND not only that but he tried to trick Toothless into thinking he was getting some nice scratches only to be left hanging! The nerve of that guy! Absolute unbelievable the stuff he had to put up with.
Toothless let out a huff and sat down right in front of Hiccup while still glaring down at him. It wasn't even like he didn't have anything to do. He had books near his bed to keep him entertained as well had his pencil and a few papers so he could draw. He had water near his bed and some bread to keep him full. Toothless new he didn't need to use the bathroom so he couldn't tell why his human would just stay put.
While Toothless was contemplating whether or not he should sit on Hiccup to keep him still, Hiccup took the time to roll over to the other side of the bed and get up again.
Okay Toothless was definitely gonna sit on him now.
With a roar of annoyance and a loud huff, Toothless walked in front of Hiccup, going to stop him for what felt like the hundredth time today. The worst part was it had only been an hour since Stoic had left! Toothless was gonna loose it before his dad ever got home.
As Toothless was going to push Hiccup back to bed, Hiccup tried his best to plead with the dragon.
"Toothless please! Come on, I'm begging you! I'm fine I promise! If I wasn't I wouldn't be able to be getting up and running away right?" Hiccup tried with Toothless.
Toothless stopped and thought for a second. I mean he was right. If he really wasn't fine he would have passed out again. But then Toothless shook his head. It wasn't fine! Hiccup needed to rest! Even if he could stand up it didn't matter. He was standing up yesterday until he physically couldn't anymore and that's how they ended up here in the first place! He went to move Hiccup back into the bed but, of course, not without Hiccup fighting him. Hiccup used his bed post to keep himself from hitting the bed all the way, gripping the frame with two hands and using all his body weight against Toothless. Unfortunately for him, it wasn't a lot.
"Toothless stop it! Bad dragon! Let me uhuP-HEHEY!" Hiccup squealed falling back onto his bed while wrapping both arms around his stomach and scooted all the way to the top of his bed.
After hearing this outburst, Toothless jumped back and stared at Hiccup with concern.
All he had done was pushed Hiccup with his nose to try and and get him onto the bed. Oh no, had he pushed to hard? Did he accidentally hurt him? Maybe he was already hurt and was trying to get out of bed to tell someone and get help (Ha! Yeah right. Don't you know how irresponsible Hiccup is Toothless? He wouldn't tell anyone if he was hurt and would just suffer silently). Gods Toothless felt horrible.
Hiccup looked at his dragon after the shock from what happened wore off. He then realized that his reaction may have worried his poor friend and decided to reassure him that he was okay.
"Hey, hey, nonono it's okay bud. I'm okay, I promise. I just wasn't expecting your nose in my stomach is all" He said to Toothless now coming forward again to pet him.
Toothless wasn't convinced. I mean Hiccup had said many times he was fine before and that certainly wasn't true so how did Toothless know he wasn't lying this time? Hiccup sighed and tried again.
"Bud look at me. I swear you didn't hurt me. You just...ya know... It just tickled a little is all, okay? That's it, I promise." He said, cheeks turning a little pink at his admission and looked away from him bashfully.
Toothless took in this new information. It tickled him? Huh. This... This might be pretty useful information. I mean now that Toothless thought about it, Hiccup went back into his bed by himself after all. And this might be a perfect way to keep him in his bed and tire him out, at least enough for a short nap.
When he met the nightfury's eyes again he saw something different. Instead of concern and guilt, it was filled with determination and mischief.
He was confused at first on my his best friend was looking at him like that and then it hit him. Then he gulped. And then he tried to plead with Toothless for the umpteenth time today.
"Wowwowwowwowwow, Toothless come on here bud. Let's not do anything me might reg-EHET NO!" Hiccup yelped out as Toothless tackled him to the bed.
Toothless then shoved his nose into Hiccup's stomach again but this time with a actual motive that wasn't just to keep him from getting out of bed.
Hiccup tried to roll away from his nose but he was caged between both of the nightfury's arms. He started to giggle a little harder when he felt Toothless's nose start to move and wiggle into his stomach and bottom ribs.
Gods, this was so embarrassing! He was literally be tickled by dragon, which he didn't even think was possible but here he was. Well I mean he didn't think riding a dragon was possible but look how that turned out.
"Tohohothlehehss stop ihit" Hiccup giggled out, pushing at the nightfury's head.
Of course though, Toothless was much stronger than Hiccup and kept his head right where it was. I mean why would he stop though? Toothless was having the time of his life! His human looked so upset to be stuck in bed and now he was cheering him up! Not only that but this would also keep him in bed and hopefully tire him out, if not to sleep then to just be too tired to try and escape again.
But as Toothless looked down at his friend, he noticed that he was laughing that hard. Toothless had seen other humans tickle their friends a few times and he knew they could laugh a lot harder and louder than this. But how could make Hiccup laugh that hard? He knew he couldn't use his hands like the other vikings because he might accidentally hurt Hiccup with his claws and that the last thing that he would want.
As Toothless was trying to think of ways to tickle the snot out of Hiccup, Hiccup decided to be a big ole jerk and start squirming even hard than before to get away from Toothless and he almost got away!
Toothless had to grab his shirt with his mouth to pull him back down, but as he was doing so, his lips nipped a little at Hiccup stomach, causing him to let out a loud squeal and fell back down onto the bed again.
Oh this would work perfectly.
Hiccup gasped for breathe, and stared up at his big friend with new overcoming dread.
Why did the gods have to curse him with being so damn ticklish!
Once again, Hiccup tried to save himself from the oncoming torture that he was about to endure from his scaly friend.
"Toothless please! I'm begging you don't do it! I'll do anything you want! You Wana go for a flight around Berk? We can do that! Or or do you wanna have some nice fresh cod? Cuz I can get Bucket and Mulch to get us some. Please bud, don't do iht-OHOHO COHOME OHOHN! TOHOHOHLEHEHESS NOHOH!"
Toothless started to nipple at his sensitive stomach and Hiccup was loosing it! It tickled so much! He could feel how the pinches sent shocks of electricity into his stomach giving him butterflies. He giggled so hard that he snorted! This made the nightfury laugh which sent vibrations into his stomach, and made Hiccup laugh even harder.
As much as Hiccup didn't want to admit it though, he kind of was......enjoying it. He didn't get to laugh very often so it was kind of nice to get to relax and let loose. He didn't have any friends that would tickle him. Unless you count Snotlout or Dagur who would just do it because he was small and usually to just make fun of him. He still enjoyed it but not as much as he was enjoying it with Toothless. Of course Gobber and his father would tickle him. They would tickle him a lot especially to-
His father and Gobber used to tickle him to get him to stay in bed!
They'd do it for a bit until he got to tired to stay up any longer and he'd pretty much pass out as soon as his head touched the pillow.
Of course as he got older, he got more embarrassed by it and just stopped trying to escape after they threatened to tickle him. Hiccup hadn't needed to be stuck in bed to rest for a while and I guess after a couple of years they just forgot like he did.
And of course his stupid dragon had to remind him!
"Tohoholehehehessss! Buhuhuhd, stahahap ihiht! Plehehehashe, ihit tihihihihihckles sohohoh muhuhuhch!" Hiccup begged through his giggles but unfortunately Toothless didn't have seem to care to much.
Hiccup was rolling side to side and kicking and flailing his legs but nothing deterred his dragon from his quest.
Hiccup didn't think it could get any worse than this but the gods just loved to prove him wrong.
Through all of his struggling and kicking, his shirt had ridden up revealing his bare stomach to Toothless. He didn't see it at first, to busy looking at his human while nibbling at his shirt and what was underneath it, and Hiccup didn't see to notice either, to busy fight for his life against this vicious dragon attack. But oh boy. He definitely felt it afterwards when Toothless finally noticed.
"AHAHAHA! TOOTHLESS! STOP THAHAHAHAH" Hiccup tried to say but was overcome with laughter as Toothless shoved his shirt up and dove into his bare stomach and started nibbling like he was eating a pile of fresh salmon.
It tickled so much! Especially now because not only could be feel every indent and scale of Toothless's lips, but also because he could feel his breath too!
Hiccup shook his head rapidly and had his eyes squeezed tight. He tried to squirm and tried pushing Toothless head away from his belly, but as soon as Toothless found that spot of pudge right under his navel he absolutely shrieked and went completely boneless.
Toothless pulled back at the noise, chorkled, gave Hiccup a few seconds to catch his breath,.....and the went right back in. Specifically in the new spot he just found.
"Ahand whahat do we have here?" Asked an amused deep voice.
Oh no.
Hiccup knew that voice.
Hiccup opened his eyes and turned his head to see his father standing at the top of his staircase with his hands on his hips staring at him.
......at this point he kind of wishes that that red death had killed him.....might have saved them the embarrassment.
"dAD WHahahat ahahre you doing hehere so early?" Hiccup asked trying to sound as nonchalant as possible while sitting up, since Toothless had so graciously got off of him.
Of course he couldn't sound that nonchalant seeing as how he was still giggling from the previous attack he had just endured.
"Wehell I had just come back to check on you seeing as how no one in the village said they saw you leave. At first I had just thought that you had gotten better at sneaking out of the house in broad daylight but I just wanted to see if you were actually here before I had to send out a search party like I had to do a couple of times before." Said Stoic as he started to walk fully into Hiccup's room. "So you can imagine my surprise when I not only see you in bed where your supposed to be, but also a dragon tickling the daylights out of my son!"
Hiccup swears he didn't think his face could get so red. But here he was. Glowing crimson like a tomato.
"I have to thank him though. I completely forgot me and Gobber's special way of keeping you in bed. Thanks to him I'll be remember that from this day on" Stoic said while clapping his son on the shoulder and carefully pet Toothless on the head, seeing as how he didn't completely trust the beast yet, which Toothless aloud and gurgled out which I suppose was a thanks.
Hiccup, after recovering from almost flying to the other side of the room, turned his head away from his father.
His father chuckled at the sight.
"Ah come now son. Don't be like that. You used to love it when you were younger."
Okay now Hiccup definitely wishes that Red Death killed him.
Just then, loud angry shouting could be heard from outside, which in turn made his father sigh. Stoic still had to keep the other vikings from killing Spitelout. He was honestly just looking for an excuse to get some time to clear his head from all the arguing but of course they just followed him here. Stoic wondered if it would be a good idea to just the the others killing Spitelout that way he would never have to deal with this again.
"Of course, a chief's job is never done. Well seeing as your okay, I best be going now. I suppose Gobber could only hold them off for so long." he sighed. "I'm glad I don't have to worry so much about you though. Seems to me like Toothless knows how to keep you out of trouble, aye?"
Hiccup buried his head in his hands and let out a long groan and snuck into his bed.
His father just chuckled fondly and left the house.
Hiccup could hear Gobber say "Oh thank Thor! I thought you left me with these animals!" Roars of anger and more shouting could be heard as his father shut the door as well as his father loud exhausted sighing.
Toothless looked back at Hiccup, seeing as how he watched Stoic leave feeling slight bad for all the stuff he had to deal with, only to see Hiccup fast asleep.
Wow. I guess that tickling really tired him out after all, huh?
Toothless sighed and walked over to the side of Hiccup's bed. He curled himself around it and rested his head up near Hiccup's body and gave his hand a little lick. Then, just like his rider he drifted off to sleeps.
~The End~
Good lord that took forever. Was this story too long? Was it completely inaccurate? Could this have been completely reduced and have been properly explained with a lot less words? Was this terribly written? Should I just stick to reading fanfiction instead of writing it? Am I not gonna do that and instead gonna make another but this time set in Rtte with hints of Vigcup in it? If you answered yes to any or all of these questions, then you are absolutely correct! Why do I do this to myself? Well I don't fucking know! Anyways I hope you enjoyed and I'm sorry to the people who requested some stranger things agere fics that I never got around to. So sorry guys :( also thank you to the 6 people who left notes on my other post where I was talking about making this, as well as @koala-fluff for the nice comment. So like blame them for this terrible fic /j. Anyways that's all have a good night, day, afternoon or what ever the hell you wanna call it!💜💜💜💜💜💜
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rompwomp · 11 months
why is there so many tickle scenes in race to the edge😭😭
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sleepysheepytea · 1 year
i wanted to draw these lil beans
they’re so cute i love them so much
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hawkflame999 · 9 months
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It was literally the same scene except for the Night Lights (the little dragons) are replaced with the six ninjas, Toothless (the black dragon) is replaced with Sensei Garmadon, and the Light Fury (The white dragon) is replaced with Sensei Wu.
like, after teh Six sneak off, at some random point in time, (from left to right) Jay, Cole, Zane, Kai, Lloyd, and Nya.
Jay turns around, sees, and taps Cole.
Cole turns around, sees, and taps Zane and Kai at the same time somehow.
Kai and Zane turn around, and Kai taps Lloyd's shoulder.
Lloyd turns around, gulps, and uses his tail to tap Nya.
Nya turns around as well.
Sensei Wu and Sensei Garmadon are just there, glaring at them for sneaking out.
Everyone points at Lloyd because it was Lloyd's idea to sneak off. Lloyd does the classic cross-arms and points at Kai and Nya who are on either side of him.
Garmadon and Wu roar at them in Dragoni, (what I call their kind, y'know, DRAGON-ONI-HUMANS) scolding them, and all six understand the tongue because they've been with Wu that long.
And the Six KNOW they're in trouble.
it happened at some point, CHANGE MY MIND.
And after that when they got back home all six started arguing about whose fault it was and had a tickle fight over it.
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spacenintendogs · 6 months
For the art requests!! Snotlout playing with Hookfang maybe <333
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him sniff snoff sneff
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meadowsofmay · 1 year
so i was re-watching rtte and remembered an old headcanon that i came up with and that i would absolutely love to share with all of you — we all know, that there are days when riders act so insufferable hiccup is about to go mental or batshit crazy or pull a "tiran" and send everyone in different directions with the stupidest tasks possible just so he can have a moment to breathe.
but what if, there are days when riders are so insufferable with their jokes about him that hiccup decides to joke too. during one of the late night checking of the island, he foresees the steel trap and steps accidentally in it — prosthetic leg, of course, but he yells like his only healthy leg got chomped off.
should i mention, that snotlout almost lost his heart and soul when he heard that scream and imagined the worst scenario possible?
«aw, snotlout, were you really that worried about me?»
«only that without both legs you'll become even more annoying... shut up, hiccup»
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lillbiff · 1 year
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Xen and kae.
(faith is the dragon)
Kae was reading an old book he took before he left the dragon hunter station. He still remembers the fighters and dragon dealer. He looked at his neckless, wich hold many dragon teeth, from dragons he killed. He turned his gaze to Faith, the dragon of his boyfriend, she laid on Xen's bed, Sleeping. He closed his eyes, and thought about the times where he and Xen lived with the dragon hunters. He rememered all the times, where Xen came crying to him, because he got scared of those big reptiles. Kaen promised Xen, that he would protect him. When they got older, started Xen to feel sorry for those creatures. Kae tried to remind Xen that those reptiles don't have any feelings, but Xen still felt bad for them. Then, one night, was Xen gone. No one saw him, no one found him, one day, stood they infront of each other. Xen joined the dragon riders, and Kae was one of the best dragon hunters. Kae didn't want to fight his best friend, he promised to protect him after all. He tried to convince Xen to come back, but... Xen made a choice. Not too long after, Left Kae the dragon hunters too and moved onto berk aswell. Kae opened his eyes. He was living with Xen and Faith. And right now, came Xen out of the bathroom, and looked for a shirt to wear. He was perfect. He had two scars on the left side of his face, and a huge scar over his right eye, he was blind on his right eye, and kept it hidden most of the time. But not when he was with Kae. "hey love" Xen couldn't hide the small smile on his lips, as Kae called him that. "have i ever told you how hot and perfect you are?" "oh shut up Kae!" Xen started to blush, and Kae escaped a small laugh. He got up from the bed, and grabed Xen from behind. "i mean it. You are perfect... And i'm happy that you alowed me to stay with you" "well... I couldn't let the hunters kill you" answered Xen. Kae smiled and pushed him on the bed. Faith put her head up and looked courious at Kae and her rider Xen. Kae pressed a kiss on Xen's forhead. Then the nose, the jawline, neck, and chest, until he reached Xen's stomach. Xen shivered under the touch, and had to hold back a giggle. Kae started to grinn. He knew exactly how ticklish his boyfriend was. Xen was already extremly ticklish when they were younger. "you're the cutest boy in the world" Kae whisperd and poked Xen's side gently. "shuhuhut uhuhuhp!" came the answer and Kae started to grinn even more. "Stohohop" Xen turned his head to the side, but could still see the smirk on Kae's face. "i don't think i will after you told me to shut up" he grabed a brush from the table next to the bed. "well Xen... Who is the cutest boy in the world?" "don't you fucking dare Kae. I'm warning you" he tried to glare at his lover, but the smile on his lips ruined it. Kae draged the paintbrush over Xen's rips, and he instandly jerked his body to the side. Kae decided to be nice for the day, and put the paintbrush. He used his fingers to scribble over Xen's stomach, and even blew a raspberry on Xen's tummy. Xen broke out into laughter, and tried to jerk away from his lover. "NAHAHA! FUHUHUHUCK OHOHOHOFF!!!" "what was that? That's not very nice ya know." Kae grabed the paintbrush again, and circled around his lovers belly button. "and? Are you sorry?" Kae smirk grew wider and wider any minute. "YAHAHAHAHA JEHEHEHEHERK!!!" "jerk? Oh now you're gonna get it my love!" he dug the paintbrush into Xen's bellybutton and wiggled it around the sensitive flesh. Xen broke out into uncontrolled laughter and nearly bucked Kae off out of reflex. And Kae laught along with his cute boyfriend.
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koala-fluff · 2 years
Hello everyone! Here is a fic for the wonderful @hotshot624 that they requested. In November...
I hope you enjoy, and I'm sorry if it's bad. Writing something that is not related to the bonds if my hyperfixation can be quite difficult...
But it came out ok, so I will be proud of my creation!
The Greatest Dragon Rider Trapper Alive
When the Twins reveal Snotlout's methods are outdated, Eret seeks revenge. And once Astrid reveals a weakness of Snotlout's... Well, he just has to take advantage of it, doesn't he?
Original Request (shortened): Hi! I was wondering if I could request a How to train your dragon fic (as you can see that's what I'm hyper fixating on rn lol) anyway if you could, could you write one with maybe Lee!Snotlout and Ler!Eret, where it's set in-between httyd 2 and 3 and Snotlout is being super obnoxious, rude, and just plain annoying to Eret, so decides to take him down a notch and wrecks him with tickles and it's just super fluffy and cute at the end.
"Are you sure this will help me ride Skull Crusher?" Eret asked, looking very skeptical.
Snotlout scoffed, hiding a grin unbeknownst to the larger viking. "Of course I'm sure! This is how Astrid taught everyone on the A Team."
"I have no idea what the A Team is, but I do know this is humiliating." Eret groaned, continuing the exercise.
What was this exercise exactly? Run in circles with a broom between your legs like a witch.
"Just trust me." Snotlout stifled a chuckle. "You'll be high in the sky in no time."
Eret cheered up a tiny bit at that. Oh, how he wanted to just fly and touch the clouds. To do cool tricks like the other dragon riders on the back of those magnificent beasts.
He'd do anything. Which apparently included hobbling about on a broom as his cocky teacher hovered above him on Hookfang.
"You're doing great, Son of Eret."
"You know, the more you quip like that the more I believe this is just a joke, Son of Spite." Eret snapped back, huffing grumpily.
"What are you doing over here, Snotlout?"
The twins flew in on their two headed dragon, Barf and Belch. As soon as they saw Eret, they needed no explanation. Both fell into boisterous fits of laughter as they watched him waddle around in circles.
"Aha prank wohorthy of Lohoki himself!" Ruffnit shouted, almost sliding off her saddle. "Gohood one, Snohot!"
"Indeed, sister." Tuffnut giggled, clutching his sides. "Unlehess our dear friehend doesn't remember thahat Hiccup dubbed this exercise useless a fehew months agoho."
Eret stopped moving. Snotlout froze as his icy glare reached up to them.
"Did he now?" He asked, his voice terrifyingly calm. "It seems my mentor has forgotten to mention this fact."
Snotlout grinned. "What can I say? You were too gullible to let it pass by."
"I may be gullible, but I will not be made into a fool."
"You already do that to yourself anyway."
"I would choose your next words very carefully, Son of Spite."
"And if I don't?"
Both twins stopped laughing and grinned as they looked between the two vikings, holding their breaths as they waited to see what would happen next.
"Our hotheaded friend seems to have sealed his fate." Tuffnut whispered to his sister. "Mayhaps we assist Eret today?"
"Mayhaps we shall, brother." Ruffnut answered, grinning deviously. "It has been a good long while since someone has shown him his place."
"Excluding us?"
"Of course."
"Hookfang!" Tuffnut yelled, shocking the other two vikings. "Would you come assist us with house repairs?"
The Monstrous Nightmare seemed to grin deviously as well. He huffed and nodded before tossing Snotlout off his head.
The cocky viking screamed as he fell. He hit the ground and immediately stood back up, fury written all over his face.
"Hookfang!" He yelled, throwing his hands up. "What was that?"
"Your dragon has volunteered to assist us while you pay for your crimes, Snotlout." Ruffnut announced dramatically.
"You will be sorely missed!" Tuffnut added as they flew away.
Hookfang only looked back, his large mouth pulled back into a smirk. Soon enough, the four (five?) traitors had disappeared from view.
Snotlout opened his mouth, most likely to shout some obscenities, and a yelp shot out as a heavy force knocked him over. He fell on his face, but was quick to sweep around and grapple with Eret.
"You tricked me!" Eret growled, kneeing his opponent in the gut.
"You shouldn't make it so easy!" Snotlout gasped, grabbing the larger viking's shirt and throwing him to the ground. Eret was quick to grab Snotlout's ankle and drag him down as well.
The two rolled around the arena, cursing and attempting to overpower each other. Any vikings that flew by only watched for a moment before chuckling and going back to work.
It wasn't long until Hiccup was notified of the fight and he obviously sent the most feared Viking to take care of it.
"Hey, Meatheads!" Astrid shouted from above them. "Why in Odin's name are you fighting like children?"
"He's just salty cause I'm smarter than him!" Snotlout hissed, twisting Eret's arm.
Astrid raised her eyebrow.
"He tricked me into riding a broom around in circles!" Eret yelled, finally trapping Snotlout in a headlock. "Made me look like a fool!"
"Oh." Astrid fought down a smile. "I see…"
The two continued their scuffle for a few moments until Astrid spoke again.
"Well, we need everyone in top shape for repairs, so stop fighting!"
"Yeah, Eret." Snotlout chuckled, kicking his opponent away. "Stop attacking me!"
Eret growled. "Then how am I supposed to take my revenge?" He asked, looking up at Astrid.
"Snotlout's ticklish. Use that."
Snotlout froze. She did not just…
"Oh, really." Eret turned towards him, a terrifying smirk replacing what was once an angry scowl. "Thank you, Astrid. I will use that."
"Cool. Just try not to murder him!" Astrid called out as she flew away with a massive grin on her face.
"How dare you, you-"
Eret tackled Snotlout to the ground, cutting off his insult. As soon as they hit the ground, Eret dug his fingers into Snotlout's sides.
The man instantly shrieked and flailed about in his opponent's grasp. Loud, gruff laughter soon filled the arena as Eret wriggled his fingers up towards his armpits.
"So Astrid was telling the truth." Eret chuckled, hooking his leg under Snotlout's so he wouldn't get kicked. "You are very ticklish."
"GEHET OHOHOFF MEHEHE!" Snotlout snorted, curling away as his ribs were squeezed.
"Absolutely not!" Eret gasped, using one hand to scratch his hip. "You made me out as a fool! And I, Eret son of Eret, the best dragon rider trapper alive, will not have it!"
And with that, he shoved both hands under Snotlout's arms and relished in the high-pitched scream that answered his attack.
Snotlout fell into an inescapable pit of desperate laughter. He tried to get away from the madding feeling, but it was useless. All he could do was thrash as Eret switched targets at the speed of a Speed Stinger.
"Does this tickle? How about this? And this?" Eret asked as he clawed at his stomach, then hips, then back.
Snotlout started to wheeze and fell completely limp when the attack was targeted under his arms again. Eret got the message and stopped. He continued to pin Snotlout against him as the dragon rider calmed down.
Soon enough, Snotlout recovered enough to say:
"I'm not tutoring you anymore."
Eret cackled at that announcement. "Whahat makes you thihink I'd want to be tuhutored by you after today?"
Snotlout huffed and struggled to his feet. He scowled down at the giggling man and his face softened slightly.
"Yeah, well, Astrid would be the next to teach you, and she is not easygoing." Snotlout countered, a cocky grin returning to his face.
Eret pursed his lips. "You do have a good point there, Son of Spite." He stood up as well and held out his hand. "I will allow you to continue to tutor me, as long as you take it seriously."
Snotlout scoffed. "I'm pretty sure I was the one who rejected you first."
Eret's eyes hardened and he took a step forward. "Must I use tickling to get you to agree?"
Snotlout's face turned red and he quickly shook Eret's hand. "No need! I will take it very seriously from now on."
"Great! What now, sir?" Eret asked, crossing his arms.
Snotlout sighed. "Unfortunately, young pupil, we must postpone my magnificent lessons, for my dragon has decided to fly away."
Eret nodded seriously. "That is quite unfortunate indeed."
They both stayed solemn faced for about ten seconds. Then they burst into giggles, like the dorks they were.
"Alright, Snotlout." Eret started walking towards the exit of the arena. "Let us go locate your missing dragon."
Snotlout grinned and followed the taller man out. Eret may be way more gullible than the others, he conceded, but he'd fit right in with the dragon riders.
I hope everyone enjoyed! Sorry for the shorter tickle scene...
Next up: a super secret fic...
I hope you have a fabulous day/night and don't prank the great Eret son of Eret!
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anxious-lee · 1 year
does anyone know if the httyd series' have any tickle scenes?
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hotshot624 · 2 years
So like I know I have some stuff to write in my drafts rn, but unfortunately I'm no longer hyper fixating on stranger things but like I wanna write some more. And not just about agere but also some cute fluffy tickle stuff too. Specifically How To Train Your Dragon stuff. Either with the characters and reader or just the characters. I have some headcanons and fics that I'd like to make but I'm afraid that 1.) Other people not in either of those communities will judge me for it and 2.) People in those communities won't be interested in it and won't read it. Idk what do y'all think I should do? I think I may just write it but I still wanna know y'alls opinions. Ight that's all love y'all 😘💜💜💜
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earl-grey-crow · 2 months
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jellyfiishbones · 2 years
made it thru today btw 👍
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oncewhenalongtimeago · 3 months
Just Like Magic
Pairing: Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III x Female!Reader
Words: 3,610
Hiccup’s got both hands full with dragon training, nevermind everything else he’s got going on in private, because, really, it’s not just the dragon. 
Hiccup’s got no one at his back- no friends, no Dad and a dead mother. He has got Gobber on most occasions, though if you asked Hiccup, he’d say that he doesn’t really count, mostly because he’s not much of a help even on the best of days. 
There is that one girl, though, with her odd appreciation for the world, colorful hems, twine and tassels- To him, she’s something new. Whenever he’s with her, it feels like things just might be turning up. Honestly, she might be exactly the kind of person he’s been looking for.  
(By some stroke of fate and probably coincidence, Hiccup makes friends with a weird girl in the woods and learns that life doesn’t have to be about fighting or proving oneself- sometimes it’s nothing more than a few stolen, happy moments shared between a lucky girl and a very unlucky guy.)
Tags: Witch!reader, optimistic/cheery reader, female reader, httyd 1, edited
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Grass tickled the bottoms of your clothed feet, your boots discarded to the side as you’d done your best to mosey up peeling, scratchy, hurtful bark. It crackled and broke off as you’d applied pressure to it, cutting into your skin through you-sized, harried trousers as you managed to throw one knee over the top of an upturned log. 
You scrambled for the most stable spot along the cut edge of a flat, good-enough-for-seating place propped up right under you.
Once you’d managed to get onto your knees, you began the careful work of turning yourself around inch by inch, moving your folded lower legs by just one small amount at a time until you were pleased again.
You stared down at a small canvas, a piece of old rag you’d sewn weakly to an uneven wooden frame, the soreness of your fingers something you could recall as if your fingers were still just-raw and not dull-raw.
Reaching with shaky, shaky hands, the wood piece below you wobbling with your wobbles, you felt cool, cool metal with small hands.
They were a normal size to you, but your hand were ones which the people around you found tiny despite your disagreements, tall as they were, as lofty as doorways and then some, with shoulders large and wide as their furs were musky, their hands and bodies full enough to reach the tops of worn-smooth-oil-sanded tables.
The sun came warmly down over your shoulders, prickling the tiny hairs there above and under hot cloth, reflecting light off of paste, a tame blue color, wholly saturated yet soft enough to not be tiring to your eyes, all encased in a small, metal tin.
It was made of leaves ground to liquid- rare as you’d been told and worth money, not that you knew the berth and measure of whatever money they had been talking about. You could only treasure the color for its own merits.
Things like worth and distance- you still had a terrible time coming to fathom what it meant to be ‘far, far away,’ not in the sense that you couldn’t imagine a world in another place. It was moreso that you hadn’t anything to fill the spaces between, your lack of experience doing you wonders in that it had then become your job to figure out what ‘journey’ meant to you and what it should mean to have to travel over many lands for small boon.
The seas rushed in front of you below the cliffs, kicking up a loud and fanciful spray, as if dancing with linked arms, scuffing hard boots against loose, dusty floor on a cool night by a roaring pit of flame. It was filled with joy, gleeful and fresh in celebration of life, wide, vast and light, calm and blue, yet no less passionate than any storm with clouds nearly dark as the invisible sky, thick and angry, with a sea so black a hand could not be seen submerged, currents crashing and roiling below it.
You stared down at the blue tin curiously, your only color, then traced your eyes over a wooden bowl with a shallow layer of clear water near its bottom. 
Your sleeves were spotted wet still, since earlier you’d jolted the bowl in a way which splashed. 
You touched the side of the wooden bowl with one shaky finger, listening as the wood clacked against the back of the carefully positioned canvas stand, borrowed politely from tall Mulch and an even more mountainous, addled Bucket.
You thought you might paint the sun and the sky, though you’d quickly realized with chagrin that your blue was your only color, perfect for the sea and the sky and yet not so fitting when it came down to much else.
More often than not, the sun was a shining white. However, you did know there was more beneath its surface. Yellow was the color that followed you under closed lids after you'd started into it for too long, filling your vision with spots and there was an orangey-red that stained your vision when you kept your eyes open just the same. Sometimes there was a green, and less often, blue.
There were no more berries to squeeze from now, though, and though slightly put off, you were not so harried as to try and force a color when there was none, scouring the land for something new and workable when your blue was so lovely on its own.
You picked up a thin brush with clumsy fingers laid next to it, wrapped with twine very, very tightly around a wooden stick, thick enough to hold string and a small tuft of brushed sheep’s wool. 
The wood was all splintered, small points sticking out everywhere, but you had found it and made it yours, and you found yourself hard pressed not to be proud of your choice. 
For the wool, you’d gotten permission to take some nice bit off of a sheep with shears, which you’d watched Johannes do with pride, your fingers clutching onto wood fencing and your toes on their tips. 
You had woven it tight to the body using twine in a way that had your fingers twinging and needing help from thicker hands, with many hard, rough spots and thick dustings of hair along the knuckles and back.
With careful hands over an uneven handle, you pressed your brush into the blue paste and lifted it with nary a wet, sudden pulling noise.
Very carefully, you pressed it against a beige-green rag, the wool bunching like the hem of a dress pooling along the floor. After, you were careful not to move it for a very long moment.
When you finally lifted your brush, the stiff muscles in your wrist loosening, there was a spatter left behind vaguely in the shape of the sun which made your mouth slip and half a pleased huff leave your lips, the effort you expended to hold the rest of it all in causing the sideways cut-log below you to wobble.
The dear sun shone across your canvas, past the casted shadow, once again reflecting off the wet of your paste.
As you dipped and dipped your brush curiously in the water of your small bowl, paint danced in thin, disappearing, transparent whisps, turning from blue to a careful sun white-red-yellow-orange in the light, nearly glowing.
Blinking, the smile over your mouth growing wider, at that moment, you felt an affection that was nearly overwhelming- it was as if you reflected the world back out from within yourself, thinking of the lovely sun, precious canvas and the swaying grasses all laid out before you, strands and fronds moving with the wind and whispering all the same noises in the same directions, as loud and quiet as the ripples of the nearly-still water in your bowl.
Even stronger was your wonder as the end of your clumsy wool brush met canvas and a veritable shine of color smeared across linen.
Following that, it was with dusty fervor that you had pulled your clumsy canvas up high against your pit, huffing as you trotted quickly above dirt and floor, moving in steps that were quick and hard enough to be jarring, accidental stomps sending solid-jerking jolts up your everything as you hit uneven ground.
Each landing was met by a noise that was almost voice and not breath, an expression of your startle, yet you were too pleased to be unhappy, even as you hobbled with a canvas too large for you to carry between two hands, pressed painfully into the place between your cloth-covered side and your arm. It was a scene carefully waited for, with small, finger-shaped imprints in the face as you tested it dry.
You were excited to show what a joyous thing had happened to you, sharing your knowledge with the small hope that it would work just as splendidly for the others as well, though you had a slight inkling that it just might not.
You had always been a special child, since you’d come to see and feel through warm furs and soft, warm, musty smells, listening to the light of the fire as if its secrets could be shared with you, crackling with a feeling in your insides that was sharp-sharp-sharper and fresher than anything your heavy, dusted head could think up on it’s own, your neck too weak to move it any.
You laughed, a young girl of fifteen winters, a canvas held tightly under your arm as it had been so many times before, feeling light and cool even as the noon sun lay heavy across the earth after a morning of painting. 
It was a hobby you had spent time on occasionally since the first, when you were small and young, proud and curious with nothing but a blue paste and some heart.
You skittered down a large path, wide with no rails, fighting with your shoulders against the ever-present wind, the smell of salt and ocean thick against your nostrils, the thin ramp below hanging steadily above the sea.
In town, there was not as much of a need for your own paintings, especially since there was already someone who had taken up the job of portrait-making, who made your own art seem like a lesser craft. Still, though your practice was small, there was no shame in sharing it around.
Despite it all, it was something you’d spent time doing with joy, especially as your art had grown past the mindless, painted scribbles of a child and into the realm of ‘reasonably scribbled,’ experimental in terms of both lighting and setting.
The canvas under your arm was made up of yellow rays and empty, heavenly clearing- you’d not needed any subject besides what was in front of your eyes. Even in the smallest leaf, there was something beautiful, and yet somehow, for some reason, you couldn’t shake the feeling that there was something missing.
For such a clear afternoon day, the docks were surprisingly empty, though the person who you were looking for remained there just the same- you’d always seemed to be lucky in that way.
“Hello!” You stepped around the half-rotted intestines of a gutted fish laid across the floor, the beating of wood beneath your boots stilling as you paused and asked cheerily, “Inga! Off so soon?”
Across the way, by the very end of one branch of the docks, stood a woman with red hair who was soft, and though she looked tired, she had no wrinkles to be seen, her skin young, slightly pale and freckled. 
She had a full chest and soft body, though you knew there lay some muscle underneath, unexercised as it was- she had come from the age group before yours, the one which had only just grown old enough to pass training and enter into full adulthood.
She was minding an empty set of barrels, a thick spool of rope carried over one arm, and a slightly dirtied old cloth of a murky color laying draped over the opposite shoulder.
Behind her, where every other space was empty, there was a boat, bobbing with its rope, tied to one of the logs holding up the harbor. It was a smaller thing, all thin wood, hastily made, shorter where most other ships were tall and barely affordable as it was- nothing that could handle the larger seas, though the homely waters around Berk wore it just fine.
There was a small draw connecting it to the docks, a ribbed pathway made up of old wood crate parts which you’d put together yourself when Inga had been more swollen than plain round.
You shifted your canvas in your arms as you waited so that its frame was pressed to your back, its painted face facing the far cliff face behind you, greens and yellows all pointed carefully out of view.
Straight wood dug slightly into your back past two layers of cloth, one tan and dry, more beige than gray as you found your eyes stinging slightly past the strong smell of fish and slight wood rot. The smell was magnified by the heat, coming from all the places where fishermen discarded into the ocean what waste they should give back to the earth and soil, and then some. 
There were also the few old fish left behind by the morning crowd in barrels and among crates, the too-small ones and the ones at the bottom of the barrel that had either been left too long or ones that had been touched so much by the rabble they no longer looked healthy, all too soft and bruised, too bad to sell.
You noted slightly shabby smock and borrowed trousers, ones that had probably belonged to her husband- Truly, the fishing had been poor as of late, though it was with your full heart that you wished the couple prosper, even more so since they had taken a step back from fighting to care for more gentle things. 
In the time it took for Inga to bend down and peer deeper into barrel, you took a look around, searching thoroughly yet without too much vigor
Your patience bore good fruit as, after a long moment of concern, slightly worried preoccupation and as late-received words ran past ears and into strained mind, Inga finally rose, her face going slightly lax.
She turned, then, and it was after that that you received a kind response, “Hello to you too, lass.” 
Then, without waiting for a response, she yelt back towards the waters, “Love!”
You smiled as she turned her head, directing her attention to the ambiguous space to her side, eyes turning to her back, feeling the thick sun’s heat run over your cheeks and shoulders, playing with your straining arms.
Inga sighed very quickly, before calling in a slightly firmer tone, “Come, tall man, say something!”
You suppressed a quick laugh, one that yearned to follow the sudden uptake in noise, the sound of a rapid wood’s knocking following her shout.
“Hello!” Came a muffled voice, all wood-stuffed yet surely familiar, belonging to a man of the same age as Inga with black hair and a slightly soft, yet fully built form, thin in the way most men could only be when coin was scarce, food was the same and love was in plenty, filling the stomach in the way that it tended to do after giving one's own food to one’s most hungry treasured.
“Bo!” You wanted to clap with glee, bringing your canvas out from behind your back, resting it by your side, one hand hooked under the bottom as the leather soles of your feet shuffled against wood.
Bo grew quiet again a moment after, though if you listened really hard, you could hear the gentle thump of hammering and the messing of metal against metal, still slightly hurried and yet calming.
“He’ll be occupied for a while, I think,” Inga warned slightly, “So It’ll just be you and me for now.”
“That’s blush!” You beamed, before dipping your head sheepishly and looking up at Inga with appeasing eyes, “I’d love to chat- of course, If you don’t have trouble minding me for a while?”
“No, dear,” Inga shook her head, throwing her cloth down on the rim of one of her barrels, “I don’t mind at all- really, you’re the one doing the minding and henning, With your care, one might think you were the new mother, not me.”
“Oh, I’m sure Ase’d disagree,” You hummed, “Really, it does no one any good to be sailing on an empty stomach. I must ask, how does she fare?”
“I’ve not enough to hire a nurse yet, so her burdens are still many, though she’s hardy and I shouldn’t be gone for long.”
You spent a fraction of a moment thinking of the oceans and knowing for a fact the truth could only exist in a manner that was quite contrary- Fishing was an all-day event.
“She’s a strong woman,” You said sympathetically, speaking again. “And so are you, I think, though even a strong woman deserves rest in times of trouble.”
She rolled her eyes, voice stern with play and false grim, “Don’t start with me, small lady.”
“You’ve got to do well,” You hummed, continuing anyways, rolling both your eyes and head back slightly so you could look up at the sky, reconsidering,  “The seas have got to do well for you.”
“By the by,” Inga looked at you curiously, then, “I would like to know- what’s brought you to me today?”
You smiled freely, “I came to wish you luck- and to show you something else just as nice.”
Inga shook her head fondly, “I’m glad- we always fare better when you do for some odd reason, you special girl.”
You smiled with something that was all lips and no teeth, though it split the sides of your face just the same.
“Well, let’s have it then.” Inga declared as there sounded a particularly hard, clumsy knock from the inside of the couple’s fishing barge.
You were careful to maneuver your canvas out from behind you, arms straining as you swung it around wide, before displaying it proudly, one hand on each side of the frame, paint facing Inga as you handed it to her, “Here it is!”
She held it by both sides with firm yet careful hands, a spool of rope slipping from one soft arm onto the dock floor below, something which neither of you paid much mind to.
“Why, it feels as if it’s moving on its own! What life!” Inga said, holding out her canvas. In her voice, you could tell that some of her astonishment was a nicety, but a lot of it was all genuine.
You knew she really ought to be pleased- past all the softness and that deceivingly fluffy exterior, that sly woman picked up on things very quickly. Any luck you could offer- Well, she surely couldn’t refuse.
“Oh, are those flowers?” She hummed, turning the painting to the side, looking at it in every which way, pulling it in and bringing it out, “The white bits here? And the leaves- this wouldn’t be an Elder, would it? And the heather!”
You clapped your hands, your voice squeaky, “It is!”
You listened to a slight crowing off in the distance as a seabird cheered, and after a long moment of careful appreciation, you were nearly startled as Inga made an attempt to hand it back.
Though unready to take it, you brought out your hands slightly, your smile still soft but there, though slightly strained in the way smiles were when you were puzzling or doing menial tasks, or when you were between laughs.
You felt something twinge in your chest, sharp and close to where your heart might be. It could have been the joy in giving or it could have been something else. It could have been your compass, perhaps, or just plain intuition, made up of all your nerves and bones, mashed up and pieced together like a handful of loose dials and twine and other such things.
You trusted it more than anything
“You’ve got nails?” You asked, ignoring a flash of movement at the corner of your eye, insisting more with the jerky movement of your arms, pushing it back towards her with your palms pressed gently into the top two corners, saying without words that she should have it. “It would look good in your ship- in the cabin by the front, I’d say.”
“I’d do well to take good care of your special charm,” Inga smiled kindly, lighting a feeling in you which you could definitely, surely call ‘the joy in giving’ this time, looking down at you with grateful eyes, “Thank you.”
‘Special charm’ was what she called anything you gave anyone at all, though you could find no reason to disagree with the name.
“It’s no problem for me.” You shuffled your feet bashfully, as she moved up the slim bridge into the shallow bowels of her small ship, “Tell little Erik I’ve said ‘hullo.’”
Bo and Inga- You were sure they’d do well.
Your eyes wandered as you waited, the two love birds making conversation over your painting in their small ship, your fingers linked behind your back like small chains.
You eyed the sea curiously, though your eyes were drawn to some noise off the side
The docks weren’t as empty as before, as, off into the distance, you spotted a boy in a fuzzy, brown fur cloak, dull and slightly matted from what you could tell from the distance, with the hints of a very noble green tunic underneath. 
On a crate before him lay a floppy fish of a respectable size, one of the bruised leftovers, you’d reckon, which he tried to maneuver with his dagger as if it were a utensil.
He leaned incredibly far forwards, one leg bent and the other stretched completely flat behind him, nearly dropping both it and his dagger into the sea before he had given up and grabbed it securely in the mouth with his thumb and forefinger.
You thought he might have been doing his best to be sneaky, though you were sure he hadn’t seen you at all during all the time you’d been watching him.
Absent-mindedly, you watched him hurry back towards the very foot of the ramp leading back to the village, which briefly covered him with its large shadow. Then, you slowly turned your attention back to the sound of muffled conversation and blooming praise.
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violet-moonstone · 1 year
Headcanons and opinions on Httyd/Rtte relationships
Hiccup and Astrid are in an open marriage. Hiccup also dates Dagur and Astrid dates Heather. Dagur and Mala are either not together or it's a political thing, idk. Tbh I don't think about that pairing very often. Nothing against Mala, I just don't see them together at all. I think Mala would be better with someone less intense and probably more shy and sensitive.
I think Hiccup and Dagur spend long amounts of time away from each other doing their own thing, but when they finally meet up again, it gets *intense*. They all need to plan carefully though because Heather and Dagur do NOT want to run into each other while with their partners. Also, I think "Aunt Heather" and "Uncle Dagur" would be adorable af with Zephyr and Nuffink. Heather is especially good with Nuffink, who is very nervous. Zephyr absolutely adores Dagur and loves getting tossed in the air, play fighting, etc, but Nuffink is a little intimidated by him for a couple years. Dagur learns to be more gentle and play with Nuffink without scaring him.
I'm surprised by this (because I generally dislike most characterization in THW) but I'm actually good with Ruffnut and Fishlegs together. I'm a sucker for any relationship where one is a chaos goblin and the other is a nervous wreck. This may or may not be the dynamic of my own relationship. (I am the nervous one).
Snotlout's "rivalry" with Eret was a cover for his huge crush on him and at some point, they start dating. Snotlout learns to be more vulnerable and realizes that his constant desire to be masculine played out in performatively hitting on women. (He's literally Mac from Always Sunny, you can't convince me otherwise). He hates the height difference at first (Eret is almost an entire foot taller, jfc) but genuinely enjoys that Eret can just hoist him up over his shoulder and carry him around, tease him by holding things over his head, hold him down and tickle him, etc. And honestly, same. Nothing wrong with being smol and portable.
Tuffnut is asexual. Also very big uncle energy with the kids. He shows them how to pull pranks and Hiccup and Astrid watch with growing concern as their children (especially Zephyr) become absolute menaces under Tuffnut's tutelage.
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jackshiccup · 11 months
just finished book 3 of the httyd series and here are the many parts of it that i loved and laughed at and enjoyed (spoilers below ofc):
- fishlegs and hiccup having a wet cat moment being yelled at by gobber after the hopeful puffin sank and they had to swim to shore
- hiccup knowing how to speak impeccable french and having a 9/10 in swordfighting .. he’s Everything
- hiccup dreaming about tickling toothless and waking up laughing only to find toothless wasn’t there … what if this was my last straw ☹️
- CAMICAZI INTRODUCTION !!!! (and with an epic swordfight with hiccup too) me and the homies cheered likeeee that’s my daughter !
- toothless whispering thank you to hiccup’s ear after they reunited :(
- ‘toothless came and sat on hiccup’s head. this was a familiar ritual to both of them, as it was toothless’ usual seat when hiccup was dragonwatching at wild dragon cliff… they could sit there for hours in happy, companionable silence.’
- chapter 20: hiccup the god
- hiccup/fishlegs/camicazi adventure trio of all time me thinks
- ‘this has been a great day for the little creatures of the world’
- hiccup saying ‘dream on, sunshine’ to camicazi oh i would die for them
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noctusfury · 2 years
First Wife Before Valka? (HTTYD Headcanon/Theory)
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Hello everyone, and welcome to my next HTTYD article. Today’s topic, we’ll dive into my headcanon and theory of Stoick having been a widower by the time he meets Valka.
Now you’re probably wondering why I’m even thinking that, because, surely, Valka was his one and only. However, I must emphasize their ten-year age gap. They would’ve probably married around... 18/19 and 28/29, respectively (assuming they haven’t had any miscarriages before Hiccup, then most likely 19); Hiccup would’ve been born when Valka was 20 and Stoick was 30. 
Even if you discount historical accuracy and write this world off as a fantasy world, we also cannot ignore the historical implements implied or otherwise entailed in this world as well. For example, I find it extremely hard to believe that Stoick didn’t marry at all until he married Valka. Especially when Vikings live supposedly short and dangerous lives. That just stretches plausibility too far. 
Let me return you to the final episode of DoB “Cast Out” where Alvin goes into detail concerning his and Stoick’s past. (I will go into more detail concerning Alvin’s past in a later article.)
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Judging from how Alvin talks, it’s very likely that one of those “injuries” was Stoick’s father, who was the chief during that time, which would greatly explain Alvin’s eventual banishment from Berk as an Outcast. 
If this did, indeed, result in his father’s untimely death, then Stoick would’ve had to have taken up the mantle as Berk’s next chief. Gobber even goes as far to say earlier in the same episode:
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Guessing by the dialogue, there seems to be an implication that Stoick was probably somewhere between 16-20 years of age when he became Chief. Young enough to be inexperienced and having difficulties of having suddenly having this position of responsibility thrusted upon him unfairly by Life and Fate. 
Since Dreamworks has a habit of omitting family members out for animation reasons, I believe he has other family members besides himself. I, personally, use the Book Stoick reference, where he has a younger brother and several sisters.
Regardless of whether he has several siblings and relatives or whether he’s an only child, the fact remains that there would’ve been serious pressure put on him to find himself a wife and produce an heir. After all, most Vikings live short lives to begin with, as stated and reinforced by the Twins explanation in RTTE Season 5 episode 5 “A Matter of Perspective”.
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With this in mind, not to mention the ever-growing number of dragon raids, there would’ve been immense pressure to produce an heir before something bad should befall Stoick as well. 
He could’ve very well have been in his early twenties, like Hiccup, when he got married. As to who married him, well... that’s honestly up in the air, and up to the readers as well. If Spitelout had a sister, Stoick could’ve married her, which would tickle any “Cousin! Snotlout” backers out there. And it would explain the “in-law” vibes they (Stoick and Spitelout) give off.
Or it could’ve been some random woman.
However, this is where we dive into my own personal headcanon as to Stoick’s marital background.
My Headcanon and Backstory for Stoick’s First Wife
After Alvin was banished, Alvin’s family figured it was time to leave Berk because of the dishonor their family suffered by Alvin’s actions. While it was a common unspoken law that families were exempt from discrimination from a former member’s crimes, the death of a rather popular and experienced leader so suddenly due to their son’s insubordination really hit many the wrong way, and there were many who resented them and blamed their lack of parenting/discipline in Alvin’s conduct.
So, Alvin’s family decided to leave Berk. In doing so, they had also hoped to marry their daughter off to a good family outside of Berk, since no one would take her now after Alvin’s outlawry. As they were prepping themselves for the journey in the middle of the night, they also came to Stoick to tell them the news of their departure, once again apologizing for the misdeeds of their son. Stoick waves it off and says that he is only sorry that he couldn’t stop them from leaving, having viewed them as a second family to him.
When he was told that Alvin’s sister would marry outside of Berk, feeling somewhat responsible for her current circumstances, he discusses the matter with them and asks for their daughter’s hand in marriage, honestly shocking everyone. They ask Alvin’s sister whether she consents to the match, or if she would rather go with them and find a suitor elsewhere. She, after some pondering, wishes to accept Stoick’s hand, saying that she bore him no ill will for Alvin’s banishment, and that it would be better to marry someone she knows and respects, even if that means staying behind and having to deal with their neighbors’ resentment. In her heart, she doesn’t want to leave the island of her birth, regardless of what the circumstances or outcome will be.
Her parents respect her decision and agree to the match, deciding to remain until they’re wed. While the populace is generally unhappy with the union, the promise of feasting and food caused them to push it aside and enjoy the merriment. Once the knot is tied, they are officially married, and Alvin’s parents decide that it’s time to leave, and wish them good fortune and blessings aplenty before departing. And they sail out of this saga.
As Stoick continues to prove his mettle to the people, the Berkians have a change of heart and view him with pride and approval, and now trust him as a capable leader, with the potential to even rival if not surpass his father before him. And Alvin’s sister continues to encourage him and take care of him as he learns and improves on his chiefing duties. Aside from their honeymoon, they’ve been unable to copulate due to his increasing responsibilities as well as the dragon raids. It’s not until the harvest ends that he’s able to rest and give her some proper attention. Time for Operation Produce-An-Heir!
When told that she’s pregnant with his child, six months later, everyone is joyous, and starts to look favorably on her since there is hope that the Haddock line will continue and they can finally relax.
However, in the final two weeks of her incubation, she gets sick; complications arise and the baby comes sooner than expected. After 6 hours, she is very weak, but the baby was able to make it. It’s a son! The joyous news was short-lived, however, Alvin’s sister’s illness turns to phenomena, and she succumbs to it, passing away. The baby ends up dying the next day because of internal complications that the midwives can’t understand (due to lack of modern technology). And Alvin’s sister eventually succumbed to her illness and now grief and passed away not long after.
As Stoick reels from the disastrous double news, the Berkians, while sympathetic and distraught over their deaths, start whispering superstitiously amongst themselves, believing that the gods must be punishing him after all for having married the sister of his father’s killer. 
Once their funerals have concluded, Stoick requested for two rune-stones to be carved and erected in memory of his wife and child and have them be located behind the house. He was 21 when he was engaged to Alvin’s sister, and she was 19; they were 22 and 20, respectively, when they married. They’ve been married for 2 years. She and their child died when he was almost 25. 
Headcanon & Backstory For Stoick Meeting Valka 
Three years later, pressure again to marry comes up again. One day, when Stoick goes to the Althing to attend the Chieftains’ Council, he meets Old Wrinkly and his family along the way as they help them fend off pirates. He was almost killed by an Outcast’s blade as he was busy fighting two others, but the pirate was intercepted by Valka, Old Wrinkly’s eldest daughter, saving Stoick’s life. They continue to fight together until the pirates are defeated.
Old Wrinkly thanks him and introduces himself and his family, and also Valka, to Stoick, and they embrace in kinship, travelling together until they reached the Althing. While there, as Old Wrinkly, his sons, and Stoick drink mead together, the former wonders whether Stoick would be willing to enter a match with his eldest daughter, Valka, and Stoick says that he wouldn’t mind at all. And a deal is struck. Old Wrinkly warns him that they have not had problems with the dragons, and ask for his tolerance that she won’t share in the anti-dragon views of Berk. Stoick says that it’s fine, as he also has secret hopes that they can end the dragon wars and be at war no more. 
Stoick and Valka get engaged when they’re 28 and 18, respectively; they get married several months later. Valka gets pregnant with Hiccup at 19, and, while he was born three months earlier than he should’ve, is born healthy, and Hiccup is gifted to them at 30 and verge-of-20, respectively. Stoick and Valka still visit the rune-stones of his first wife and child, even well after Valka leaves a-questing for the Home of Dragons. 
When he’s growing up, upon learning of his dead kin, Hiccup would go visit the stones as well, often talking to them and looking after them. Whenever the paint comes off, he adds a fresh coat of it onto the runes. He even plants some flowers in front and around the stones to give it some cheer and color. Even though Stoick refuses to talk about them, Hiccup loves them dearly, and wishes that he could’ve met them at least once, and wonders what it would’ve been like to have an older sibling. When he’s fully grown and a Chieftain himself, he commissions the Berserkers to give him stone for him to build a family temple of sorts to house the rune-stones of not only Stoick’s first wife and child, but Stoick’s father as well, along with any of his own children who die prematurely, in order that the rune-stones will always be preserved, away from the natural elements, and to have it be the family’s memorial shrine. ^_^
So, in conclusion, I do not believe that Valka was Stoick’s first marriage, since the age gap is glaringly too wide for this to be the case. Regardless if this was a fantasy world that is not built on historical or real-life references, I highly doubt that his people and the council would’ve allowed him to rule for almost 10 years (if not 10 years if he ruled at 18 instead of 20-something) without marrying and begetting an heir to stabilize Berk’s security for the future as dragon raids and even conflicts with other humans continue to increase. Especially during a time when he could die at any moment by dragon, by circumstance, by nature, or by man.
So my theory is that Stoick married the first time long before he met Valka and married her. As to whom did he marry, well... it’s honestly up to you. It could be Spitelout’s sister, it could be a random woman, it could be anyone. Heck, it could even be Osvald the Agreeable’s sister for all we know! 
For me, my headcanon is that it’s Alvin’s sister (OC), not long after Alvin’s banishment. And the events thereafter that happen in later years. Plausible? 
So what do you guys think? Do you think Stoick married once before Valka came along? I look forward to hear your thoughts! ^_^
Thank you so much for reading, and I hope to see you in my next article!
Long Live the Night!
— Noctus Fury
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