yinjiyang · 1 year
Shadow Petals
"When was the last time you actually got some rest?" -- @hua-cheng-silver-wrath -- Hua Cheng -- Lack of Sleep Starters
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Three days. Three nights. That was how long it had been since the daoshi arrived in the village after hearing whispers of a mysterious illness afflicting its residents; an illness that did not appear abated by most medicines, but the daoshi seemed to at least know of a concoction capable of staving the effects, stopping the illness from worsening those infected. During the day, the windows were boarded yet he continued to work by the golden light of a single lantern at his table; but in the evening, the windows were open to allow the silvery glow of the moon and stars to shine on his workspace as he mixed and measured and stirred. To most, he appeared to be working tirelessly in the medicine house, at all hours of the night. Including this one. People had come in and out of the medicine house quite frequently...during the day. At night, however, it had generally been very quiet as the majority of the village slept. But not this person, it seemed. The sound of the voice--and more importantly, the ripples of that presence--warranted a lift of Yin Jiyang's head in acknowledgement of the visitor, though he did not look away from his work.
"...I am resting..." he softly replied as he continued to grind the dried herbs with the pestle, the sound quiet against the stone of the bowl and blending with the hauntingly ethereal quality of his void. "...this is therapeutic..."
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tosaveaforest · 27 days
plotted starter for @hua-cheng-silver-wrath (heavy spoilers, do not read if you haven't finished book 6)
Gods were immortal, but there was only so much pain a God could take before his soul would break. A hundred deaths. That is how much it took to finally break him. But not only his own deaths, losing his parents and Mu Qing and Feng Xin, leaving him all alone. He had no one and nothing, and that was why he eventually gave in to White No-Face’s influence. If being a puppet would save him from further pain, who was Xie Lian to deny himself this simply sense of safety?
He had always wanted to help. Even when his kingdom was on the edge of falling and the Yong’ans were starving and dying of thirst, he had wanted to help everyone. The road to hell is paved with good intentions, is what one would think when hearing about the Crown Prince’s story, it was the goodness and gentleness in his heart that made him fall victim to a hundred desperate civilians and White No-Face’s cruelty. But where was cruelty, there was also a twisted sense of safety if only Xie Lian would stick close to his side. And so he did.
The Crown Prince was silent as he stood by White No-Face’s side, the both of them wearing identical white robes on their bodies and identical white crying-laughing masks on their faces, as they looked upon the latest city they had brought to its knees. Almost every building was on fire, dead people in the streets with a few remaining living ones, screaming for help or cursing the people responsible with their last breaths.
“Xianle, be good and silence the rest of them”, White No-Face said calmly, but Xie Lian could hear the displeasure in his voice, and that tone was enough to make a shiver run down his spine, because if White No-Face was dissatisfied with him there was no saving Xie Lian from his wrath as well.
“As you wish”, Xie Lian replied, bowing down respectfully before walking down the little hill they were standing on to return to the burning city, walking the streets in search of the remaining residents. Had the Crown Prince grown fond of spilling bloods and taking lives? Not quite, but it was either this or put himself at the mercy of White No-Face and the rest of rotten humanity.
For a while he was wandering aimlessly, as if he wasn’t sure where to start or like he was stalling for time, as if he was waiting for the remaining screams to silence themselves if only enough minutes passed, but he had no such luck. Xie Lian walked past a dead body, then another one and a third, following a quiet sobbing sound, but what he expected to be a child was a grown man, cowering on the ground, sobbing like a boy that had just lost his mother. And maybe he had. But upon laying eyes on Xie Lian he jumped to his feet, first clutching his white robes in his dirty fingers before moving his fingers to Xie Lian’s throat.
“Let go of me!”, Xie Lian demanded, panic obvious in his eyes, his golden eyes wide in fear, as if he was scared of what the man could do to him. This brought back memories of the night where he had been tied to his own altar, stabbed by men not too different from this one.
“I said let go!” The Crown Prince drew his sword and without hesitation he buried it deep in the man’s chest, piercing his heart with one swift move. And even though this death came quick, there still was a lot of blood, so much blood, and it soon covered Xie Lian’s hands and his white robes and even his pale cheeks.
Xie Lian pulled out the sword, only to stab it deep into the other’s stomach, trying to make sure the man was really dead, then taking a step back, watching the corpse collapse to the ground. He would kill a hundred men if it meant they would never lay a hand on him again.
He felt nothing as he looked down at the dead man, but the blood felt like acid on his skin and he could still feel the pressure of fingers around his throat. Subconsciously he rubbed his hand over his neck when he heard footsteps behind him. They were quiet, barely audible to the untrained ear, especially in the middle of a burning city, but Xie Lian was so used to these particular footsteps by now he would recognize them immediately.
It was Wuming. The soldier with a smiling mask that had followed him ever since that fateful day that he had accepted his role as calamity. His gaze rested on the other, and Xie Lian did not miss the other’s uniform being covered in blood and the Crown Prince was pretty sure Wuming had wandered the streets to take the burden of killing the remaining civilians off of Xie Lian. White No-Face would not be pleased about that.
“What do you want?”, Xie Lian snapped at him, harsher than he intended to, but if either of them angered the true White Calamity, there was no saying how harsh their punishment would be.
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evcryopeneye · 1 year
@hua-cheng-silver-wrath asked: "when i'm around you, i kind of feel like i'm on drugs. not that i do drugs. unless you do drugs, in which case i do them all the time. all of them."
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Shrugging her shoulders, she poured them each another cup of wine, the home made blossom wine was sweet, though highly alcoholic. “Does alcohol count as a drug because in that case then you are.” Humming to herself for a moment, she thought it over, did she drink too much? Was that a thing? Maybe she did, but would anyone blame her? It wasn’t exactly as if anything had been easy lately.
While Feng Wu was more than capable of standing up for others, standing up for herself was another matter. What was the point? Such injustice only affected her, she could put up with that, she could suffer it with some kind of decorum. Other people shouldn’t have to suffer.
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A hand reached forward, picking up one of the snacks on the table, peanuts fried with spices…a guilty pleasure that she wasn’t really ready to even attempt to give up. “I mean, its right up there with making the Mayors son cry.” A beat. “Not that I have.” Lie. “Okay maybe just a little.”
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xunque · 1 year
@hua-cheng-silver-wrath asked [ DRUNK ] :  for  your  muse  to  look  after  mine  while  drunk / [ STOOD  UP ] :  for  your  muse  to  join  mine  on  a  date  after  noticing  that  they  have  been  stood  up
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Wen Xun had not been around much, so to speak. He was only just getting used to life outside a bubble, with all the sights, sounds and smells that came with it. As such, drunk people were not something he was overly familiar with.
He'd read about them in a story or two, sure, and had once had a bit too much wine himself, but he'd never been faced with a red-nosed, sniffling, slightly swaying person with tears threatening to spill from the corner of their eyes.
Well, that came with not knowing a lot of people, too.
"Um, excuse me," he spoke up, though not with much confidence, "is something wrong?"
He didn't want to startle them, so he resisted the urge to offer a comforting hand to their shoulder.
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pctaldrunk · 1 year
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" - San Lang!" Light pouring in through cracks on tiny window in the small corridor that comprises the kitchen burns the edge of his face GOLDEN when he turns - streak of flour smeared across cheek, white sleeves rolled up to the elbows, hair pulled back carelessly. INSTANTLY, thoughtlessly, he is stepping close to the other - and then their hands are entwined, his fingertips curling into cool, well-shaped knuckles.
His voice is affected, a little sheepish when he finally speaks. "...I need just a little luck." Offers the other a quick smile - touched softer by drops of pink permeating across jade skin - and steps back, after a moment, to his work - uncovering the large mixing bowl that had previously been placed upside down on a cutting board. Breathes out a sigh of relief, when CLOUD-LIKE dough appears beneath the surface. " - It rose!"
@hua-cheng-silver-wrath liked for a starter !
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historias-multorum · 11 months
@hua-cheng-silver-wrath continuing from this.
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The fact he knew her name and they were mere strangers, sent a ripple of chills up and down her back. Still, even as poised as she was on the outside, she was concerned. But there was a task to be done. There were rumors circulating about a supernatural being prowling around. If this is them, she had to act accordingly.
"I do." She answered. "Just a bit further, we're almost there." She told them.
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gege-of-xianle · 5 months
MXTX Roleplay Blog Masterlist!
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(Ooc: I didn't see any of these floating around yet, so I thought I'd make one to facilitate finding other roleplay blogs in MXTX fandoms!
It will be continuously updated as I find more blogs! :)
Feel free to either comment below this post or shoot me a DM if you're interested in being added or removed! ~ Mod Minie)
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Heaven Official's Blessing (TGCF):
Hua Cheng/San Lang:
~ @crimson-rain-san-lang
~ @hua-cheng-ghost-king
~ @hua-cheng-silver-wrath
Lang Qianqiu:
~ @general-tai-hua
Ming Yi/He Xuan:
~ @earth-master2
Qi Rong:
~ @this-ancestor-green-ghost
Quan Yizhen:
~ @fluffily-child
Shi Qingxuan:
~ @deiscension
~ @lady-windmast3r
Xie Lian:
~ @gege-of-xianle
Yin Yu:
~ @waning-moon-officer
Multi-muse! (see individual blogs for muses)
~ @assortedsouls
~ @frexiasought
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Scum Villain's Self-Saving System (SVSSS):
Shang Qinghua:
~ @airplane-shooting-towardsthe-sky
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Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation (MDZS):
Lan Qiren:
~ @hetaoren
Nie Huaisang:
~ @cuckoo-among-beasts
Multi-muse! (see individual blogs for muses)
~ @assortedsouls
~ @frexiasought
Nie Kexin:
~ @h3artf3ltint3nt
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The Ghost King meets the King of Limes
To be the best, learn from the best. That was something Zomu knew that as a martial artist since working with Master Roshi all those years ago when he was no older than twelve, now he knew it as the supreme kai, aka the ruling god, Universe 7.
So why not pay a visit to Universe 1's supreme kai, Anato, the universe lauded as the highest and mightiest of all, with the most lush diverse ecosystems, vast amounts of species, and most importantly (in Zomu's mind at least) strong martial artists.
The problem? Anato told him to, and this is an exact quote, "Stop wasting my time and screw off to your backwoods, barbaric universe! You're going to sully mine with your dirty hands. Get out, you uncouth lime!" Before the other kai promptly tossing piping hot tea onto Zomu's lap.
Of course, this didn't deter our heroic Saiyan-turned-kai Zomu as he could always go about exploring each planet on his own to find inspiration for new species blueprints to create in his own, much smaller universe.
After all, one of Universe 7's best planets, Namek, had just gone through another famine. Their fields were already rendered infertile by a certain fungus, and they were now destined to have another poor harvest next year. They needed a more hardy crop if they wanted to survive. And if Universe 1 was so great, they've got to have a fungus-proof crop there, right?
Well, based on the poverty seen in the rural towns...that wasn't the case. Zomu had seen that the people of this world were VERY religious; they had statues of the gods of this planet everywhere. There were those made of gold and filled with flowers, and there were much smaller, more modest temples as well.
Zomu picked through some of the plants in a field near a rundown temple made of wood.
First he assumed the people of this tiny village didn't have the funds for a fancy temple, but there were nicer ones nearby. He paid it no thought, really.
"Let's see...we have this, this is the same kinda plant that went back on Namek...er, this won't do....oh! This is new! I've never seen this kind!" Zomu plucked a unique strain of radish out of the ground. He then took a bite out of it. He happily chomped on it while talking with his mouth full, "It's a little bitter, but I think it'll do--"
Zomu then swallowed his food quickly. He sensed a massive, powerful qi nearby. He dusted himself off and turned around to face whatever the source of it was.
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cafe-smut · 7 months
Fics I Could Write But Haven't Yet
Dragon Shifter Hua Cheng being captured and used to create more of her kind. Escapes and reunited with her Queen, but later ends up tracking down the child she was forced to have with a rogue cultivator that was captured. The child is an orphan and severely traumatized, but his prospects of survival to adulthood due to the dragon parts of him are slim.
Wei Wuxian dies one day on the Burial Mounds and wakes up like, a day later as an uber powerful ghost, completely confused. Hua Cheng and He Xuan find him, planning to get to the bottom of the sudden appearance of this wrathish/calamity level ghost, only to be surprised someone newly dead and just trying to keep the people he cares about safe. By unspoken mutual agreement (and seeing themselves in the young man) they help him learn to wield his powers and set up the Mounds to better support human life.
The 5 Calamities, 2 being Wrath ghosts on the level of the Calamities. Those two outliers in the group being Green Touring Night Lantern and the other the Silver Ghost Controlling Flute, who is Crimson Rain's right hand and the Young Mistress of Ghost City. One day, unknown and unexpectedly, she disappears, only to begin to remerge nearly a decade later, Chenching's eery tone reverberating through the realm of the undead once more.
Wei Ying is saved from certain death by both winter and dog alike by the wolves in the forest surrounding Yiling. They follow her as a whole pack even when she goes to Lotus Pier. Dogs are not Wolves, dogs are vicious and cruel, but wolves don't know such things. She's terrified of dogs, but a wolf is her most welcome companion and savior. To harm a Yiling Wolf is to ask for death from the Yiling Laozu. So what happens to them when their Lady is dead?
Xie Lian gets the cat she adopted with her ex Jun Wu stolen by him, but can't prove it. Ranting online about it while depressed, someone she doesn't know tags her and says she used to hook up with him and she can go see if her cat is there. A fee days later she opens her door to the woman standing there with her Ruoye. They take a selfie and post it with the caption 'my cat loves my new girlfriend!' That very day when they start dating.
Lou Binghe is extremely confused that her old middle school teacher is not only now her college professor, but as much as she hated her in her youth, doesn't even seem to remember her? And is super nice, just in general? But, did she just never notice how beautiful her shizun was before, or-?
Xie Lian returns to college after trying to get her life together, and is warned immediately by her old friends of the Three Demons of the school. Her new friend Shi Qingxuan laughs and tells her they're not so bad. Are they in the mafia? No! She's engaged to one of their friends and hangs out with them regularly. She should just get to know them herself! Xie Lian does, and finds Luo Binghe, Wei Ying, and Hua Cheng are- quite nice, actually!
After some guidance and exploring, Wei Ying and Lan Zhan come across a cave and a giant coffin in it. It turns out to be a 3 layered coffin with the oddest dead person inside it Wei Ying's ever seen. Taking the person back to the Cloud Recesses, he starts to wake up and they slowly, slowly, nurse him back to heath. As time goes on, Wei Ying thinks to reach out to someone he knew while dead, the ruler of the ghost city he'd called home for 13 years, about who their visitor with little to no memory might be.
Modern Hualian where painter Hua Cheng, a college student, is looking to have a more live model than the sculptures she sometimes does. Enter Xie Lian, childhood crush that never.faded, doing some shibari photography with her coworker and primary photographer Wei Ying. Some extra pay and Hua Cheng and Xie Lian quickly become known as a famous duo for the works of art displayed on Xie Lian's body with paint, ever changing but ever beautiful and inspired.
Xie Lian wakes from the 3 layered coffin, only to find himself in the care of 2 old friends. After being healed, with nothing left for him in China, he goes with them and chages his form to a woman. Several centuries later, she returns with a mask, the name Liene, and at the side of her goddess as the Liutenant of Artemis. And it seems her silence and changed looks have kept anyone from recognizing her during the meetings between the gods, with the singular exception of a ghost she never knew, a Ghost King of incredible power and looks who seems to be called Hua Cheng, but keeps telling Xie Lian to call her San Niang.
Basically it's just SVSSS but with the magic mechanics and the like of Fairy Tail. Also I'll probably make it lesbians because Women. So the guild Cang Qiong Mountain is so large and because of where its based, its got several Secondary Guild Masters with Heavenly Body User Yue Qingyuan being the main one. Theres the God/dess of War, Requip mage Liu Qingge, Water Body mage Shang Qinghua, Sky Dragon Shen Qingqiu, and so on and so forth.
Danmei mega crossover, but it's also ancient Chinese Hunters of Artemis. Xie Lian, ages after accidentally consuming a flower that turns you into a woman of the Land Of The Tender, accidentally ascends as a goddess of archery and the hunt after having to recultivate with an entirely different base. Cue her gathering her hunters, saving them from other doom with the exception that they are either a woman or eat the same flower and turn into one.
Modern 21st century witch Wei Wuxian gets summons back by the sect leaders of ancient China, attempting to bring someone to help them stop Wen Rohan from starting a war they're quite sure they can't win. She confuses the fuck out of them but to their shock, she looks just like someone of their generation who went missing years ago during a night hunt.
Modern Bingqiu where they're dating and Shen Qingqiu puts on Binghe's fur coat cause they're going out and he's cold and holy shit it's so nice. Binghe's all flustered by him wearing his coat. SQQ is entirely unaware that Binghe is a selkie and that's his Pelt and that- that looks- yeah, um. Uh. Yeah. He needs to wear that more. Undecided if Binghe would be a proper seal selkie or something different like a wolf.
Princess Leona Kingscholar who's known for being mega lazy and a great partier with a huge alcohol tolerance. Who's never been taken seriously by her older brother of the court. Who is Hella smart but rarely shows her hand, one of those times being when she saved some random person she's too drunk to remember. Who gets a notice to return from school because she's relieved a marriage proposal. From the dragonic princess of Briar Valley (whos been stalking her since the beginning.)
If you could vote for your favorite one or ask questions in the comments or revlogs, that would be great. I can only work on so much at once and it would be helpful.
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SURVEY: I have about five other wips I haven't posted yet, and can’t decide which to do next.
1-- Another Calamity!Mu Qing AU. Mu Qing dies tragically just after Xianle's fall. He gets to the Kiln before Hua Cheng (yes I'm making it open more often). He and HC work things out, but when it comes to Xie Lian, he works in the shadows. But over the centuries, he develops a habit of annoying a certain southern god. His calamity name is Silver Sun Xuan Zhen. And he torments the sinful via dreams; that's also his "realm." Touching reveal.
I have about 10k words for it so far. No smut.
2-- Now, bear with me (I blame exhaustion sleepy brain for this). Xianle Quartet AU. Mpreg--non-mpreg. Xie Lian doesn't tell the Demon of Mei Niang Bridge to LiveLaughLove, and XL convinces them to let him keep Hong Hong-Er around. It's roughly ten years post his ascension, MQ, FX and HC are his officials and it's real nice. This is all thrown into a tailspin when through god-stuff and canonically being both genders (it is there), XL winds up pregnant. He gets "morning" sickness super duper bad and when he's complaining about it, Mu Qing says, "fine, I'll do it." So then Fem!MQ to be self sacrificial--I mean to save the day.
I'm doing so shit at summaries rn holy shit. 9k words thus far. No smut.
3-- Exhaustion sleepy brain: 2, Me: 0. Omegaverse--WAIT--because it'd be HILARIOUS to see them all in a tizzy because some drunk idiots thought it would be a funny idea and it spread like wildfire. Slight PQ and very jealous FX. FQ fic, as usual. No smut.
Don't ask how this became a thing, just accept it lmao. 2.2k words thus far. No smut. Non-traditional ABO.
4-- Mu Qing and Hua Cheng bro AU. Mu Qing doesn't save Hong Hong-Er from the fall, but he does in a different way and since then, the boy won't leave the stressed, working teen alone.
Very big bro MQ. 2k words thus far.
5-- Another C!MQ. God Rabies. Feng Xin kills Mu Qing. All the angsty feels from FX. He wears a cat mask. FX secretly ghost marries him but not in like a ghost-wedding way. Mostly FX point of veiw so far. Touching reveal.
4.8k words thus far. No smut.
Two Dark!Feng Xin (NOT in a non-con way) ideas. FX can't let MQ's "betrayal" go.
6- FX sabatages MQ’s goodhood to keep a torture fodder. MQ ain’t about to let him have his way. (Incorporates prompts 171. "You don't even know how lucky you are. I protect you and provide for you. Don't act so ungrateful. 170. "Do you think I like hurting you? Because I fucking love it.' 177. "I imagined my life without you and it was better. I was happier" 182. "Stick a knife in my chest, it would hurt less." 80. "i think i might be in some kind of love with you? 34. why are you so cold? 129. "This world doesn't deserve an angel like you.") Sorta leaning Wrath!MQ if not Calamity.
7- FX sees an opportunity to let MQ die during a mission and keep his hands clean and he takes it. He’s a real POS as he lets him die. MQ grows into an esp resentful ghost. FX eventually sees he was very much in the wrong and is terrified when MQ finally confronts him bc he’s an idiot and assumed after a while that MQ moved on. Sorta leaning Wrath!MQ if not Calamity.
No don’t just like this post pls I need guidance
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yinjiyang · 1 year
The Echoes of Ghosts
[ rest ] sender sits next to receiver and rests their head on receiver's shoulder -- @hua-cheng-silver-wrath -- Prompts for Touch-starved Muses {Accepting}
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The daoshi sat quietly studying some texts when he felt a bit of weight on his shoulder. At first, he only lowered the scroll and stared ahead at nothing in particular, perhaps a bit surprised--not startled, just surprised--that someone was touching him, let alone resting against him. However, he did not move nor push away the Ghost King; oh no, he knew Hua Cheng must have a reason or a need for the contact and far be it from Yin Jiyang to deny him any sense of comfort. Besides...the daoshi somewhat enjoyed the closeness; it was rare for anyone to find cold shadows comforting. Instead, a shadow of a smile traced his lips as he returned to his reading.
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dreams-of-fate · 1 year
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@hua-cheng-silver-wrath said: ❝  did you just wince?  where are you hurt?  ❞ (muse by your choice)
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The young man shifted away from the other subconsciously. Most of who asked never cared, and the few who cared, it was either disingenuous or he felt nothing about the interaction.
"I'll be fine," he said softly, about ready to stand if his legs let him. "Your consideration is appreciated."
Those were the words that Xiao.Lin would use if someone asked about him, right?
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evcryopeneye · 1 year
@hua-cheng-silver-wrath [ shudder ]  –  for the sender to shudder a little at some gentle touch from the receiver. from Hua Cheng - to the muse you pick
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A hand snapped back, so fast that it almost cracked the air. It wasn’t as if she had meant to overstep a boundary, “I’m sorry.” The apology is soft, quiet, but heartfelt. It had never been Jinmi’s intention to cause discomfort. Though…that left her with so many more questions than she could process. “It was not you who summoned me.” A statement, not a question. It felt pretty given, he didn’t seem like the summoning type already. 
With practiced silence, the flower goddess surveyed him, before she turned to the forest around them. It was dying. Once lush chlorophyll is now languishing. Swirled with darkness that seemed to permeate everything it touched, through the soil, stems and trunks. Silence hung heavy, animals having long fled…and Jinmi had never seen anything like it before in her so far long life. Yet, it felt different from him, the auras didn’t seem to match, while she couldn’t put her finger on who he was by feeling, she knew it wasn’t his handiwork. 
A heavy sigh left her as she shook her head, eyes catching paper stuck to one of the dead trees, familiar characters brushed upon it. She guessed whoever had written it had called her, a hand raised, energy tugged the talisman off the trunk and she caught it mid air. “Amateurish.” She crushed it in her hand before she sighed. “More importantly, are you okay? You seem…uneased.” If it was because of whatever was going on here, or something else, she didn’t know. 
“Though I think anyone would be uneased by this…”
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the-clockwork-three · 10 months
tell me about these new blorbos you have reblogged very much just now. i am somewhat interested
AAAAAA thank you anon :D this is now The TGCF Zone and none of you can escape
Quick summary: these are Xie Lian and Hua Cheng from Heaven Official's Blessing, a 800k-word-long webnovel by MXTX
OKAY SO. Mò Xiāng Tóng Xiù (MXTX) is a Chinese author of webnovels. Specifically danmei or Chinese BL. She has written 3 novels, all of which have now been officially published in English, with the final volume of tgcf having come out last week. Her novels are, in order of writing: Scum Villains Self Saving System (SVSSS), Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation (MDZS), and Heaven Official's Blessing (TGCF), with the latter two's acronyms coming from their original chinese titles. I really like all three of these novels, although I've been on a svsss kick recently. Also I've been a tgcf fan for about a year now, just not actively blorbo-ing.
All three novels are cultivation novels. Cultivation is this idea in Asian literature and culture that comes from Taoism and myth. Basically if you meditate and train really hard in martial arts, you will gain magic powers, and eventually you could become immortal or a god. Svsss and mdzs focus on very powerful humans, but tgcf is about gods and ghosts.
Xie Lian (the guy in white in the fanart) is the crown prince of a country called Xianle. He is a good kid, and very dedicated to trying to "save the common people". A memorable thing he did was during a parade to celebrate the gods he deviated from his fight choreography (where he was playing the emperor of the gods) to save a child falling from a building. Symbolism!!! The child "falls" for him, wink wink, and Xie Lian is not afraid to to do the right thing even if that means going against what he's supposed to do etc etc.
When he was 17 years old he became a god of martial arts. But after a tragedy befalls Xianle, he gets kicked out of heaven for handling it... Poorly. He ascends for a second time as a god of misfortune but is kicked out again within half an hour.
800 years pass and he ascends for third time, this time as a god of scraps. Unluckiest man in the world, straight-up not having fun 95% of the time, but sweet and humble because the world has repeatedly crushed him to dust but it physically Cannot Kill Him so he has to cope somehow. This is where the novel starts.
Important motif: sword in one hand, flower in the other/the flower crowned martial god. While Xie Lian is very pretty and soft, he can fuck you up. Dude is obsessed with swords.
Hua Cheng is a king of the ghosts. He's mysterious. He once beat 33 gods in duels of their choice. He wears all red. He can make it rain blood. He can summon silver "wrath" butterflies. Everyone in heaven is a little scared of him. Luckiest guy in the world (except for the whole being dead thing).
But with Xie Lian he is gentle and kind. Hes always down to hang out. He doesn't mind that Xie Lian is the bottom of the pecking order of gods, he always treats him with respect. He dresSES AS A GROOM WHEN HE GOES TO PICK UP XIE LIAN WHO IS, FOR PLOT REASONS, DRESSED AS A BRIDE.
Pretty much everything about his backstory is a spoiler, ranging from "you're supposed to figure this out about 20% of the way through the book" to "literally the big twist at the end"
Whatever could be the connection between them ;) and surely one could not describe their relationship as.... Homosexual? Look they're kissing for totally normal heterosexual reasons. Xie Lian just needed the spiritual energy.
Anyways Xie Lian may be a god of literal rubbish, but Hua Cheng is forever his most devoted follower.
I love them, even if it's Been A While since I sat down and read the source material.
Tgcf also features such memorable side characters as: two guys I fucking hate, not because they're bad people but because they're annoying and boring. Rusalka and the Shepherd Girl if they were both genderfluid and gods. Cannibal ghost you can't kill because he's your cousin. The child of the body your cannibal-ghost-cousin is possessing. Even As A God This Poor Librarian Experiences Misogyny. Quan Yizhen.
The second season of the animated show is airing right, so... I guess now is as good a time to get into tgcf as ever :)
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pctaldrunk · 1 year
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@hua-cheng-silver-wrath asked : “Can’t call it simping if it works.” From H.C to X.L - CASUAL GEOGRAPHIC (ACCEPTING)
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A SNORT. He covers his mouth, look only SLIGHTLY apologetic, still tinged with mirth and lifted at the corners. Voice still slightly hoarse with the hint of suppressed laugh, red climbing QUICKLY up from his neck nevertheless. "...S.an L.ang, you said that with such PRIDE." He couldn't dream of saying such a thing without DYING of embarrassment - so why does it look and sound so natural, coming from H.ua C.heng? Especially because according to the imposing and dazzling appearance - somehow it seems like it should have been uncharacteristic.
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farleymoon · 2 years
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