#human aaarrrgghh
pinkytoothlesso11 · 8 months
I wish you wrote a fic where Bular gets changed into human (yknow, like Blinky one)
That's a really intriguing ask...
Going to put this in a role(mentor) swap ish sort of scenario. So Bular and Strickler swap with Blinky and Aaarrrgghh.
Bular doesn't quite take a pacifist role... He doesn't mind here and there eating a human, ones that are just bad, but Strickler isn't always able to watch out for that.
Anyway. Bular and Toby end up together in Gatto, and Bular gets hit with the potions. He takes the reality of being human super poorly and is disgusted at it. He's weak, he's flabby (he's actually toned and muscular and a eye magnet, but Strickler is sour about that and so agrees Bular is hideous) and he feels disgusted at the mere thought of what he'd usually eat.
But after a while... He realised that humans are not so different from trolls. They fight, they laugh, they sing... They do all the things he remembers from his time with his father's Gumm-Gumm’s. And the food is pretty good. He grudgingly admits to Strickler humans aren't so bad after all.
When he returns to his troll form he vows off eating humans.
And Strickler never lets that go.
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tervaneula · 2 years
*throw a glitter on you*
Aziraphale and Crowley are my emotional support Actually Old Not-Humans and you can find so much fanart in my ineffable husbands tag lmaooo
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slumbergoblin · 8 months
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Was working on a height-chart-thing for my Trollhunters OC, but I never technically finished it
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"Arthur? did you hear from Bernard? he said he'd mention to you about what's happening with the trip and everything?" Kat smiled, setting her bag down as she entered the shop.
"he told me about the trip and he was inviting students." Arthur says, he really shouldn't be in here, still being pregnant. "He called and said you needed to ask something"
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kiramarien · 9 months
If I got a nickel every time a cartoon I love
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based on a book
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based on mythology
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about a teenage boy
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who stumbles upon an ancient artifact that gives him powers
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that's being sought by this cocky guy with daddy issues
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who's right arm is mechanical some of the time
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and his Dad is this massive guy with big horns (and sometimes glowy blue eye(s))
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who's being manipulated by a powerful woman
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that he freed from her centuries old prison
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who may have had noble ambitions in the past, but now has been consumed by power
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and the woman possesses a young girl in order to get what she wants
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and sacrifices the lives of her minions in order to unleash her ultimate weapon ->
(Dozens of Gum Gums) (Spider Queen, Huntsman, Syntax, Goliath, Not- Mayor) You know what I'm talking about :(
and she's got this indentured servant *cough Slave cough* (with pretty gold eyes 😘)
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who she refers to as "Her Champion"
who travels using shadows (I could not find a single picture of Angor Rot using his shadow staff)
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who was really sweet and kind in his past but then... well... stuff happened
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and has lost his right eye
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and he's been killed before
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but the big bad restores him back to life so she can use him
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and he gets a redemption arc at the end of season three
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and the main character doesn't have a bio Dad, but he attracts plenty of father figures throughout the course of the show
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and he gains a non-human form that makes him even more powerful
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and him and the others gain an armor upgrade at the same time
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and the girl of the team has short black hair with dyed stripes
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and you know the guy with daddy issues who wanted to steal his artifact in the beginning? He becomes one of the protagonist's closest friends
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and there's this gentle giant character
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who becomes one of my most beloved characters of all time 💕💕💕
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and he has a history of violence and trauma
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and has now vowed to be a devote pacifist
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but breaks his vow in order to protect the people he loves (with angry glowy eyes to boot)
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and has a deep love for cats (yes, I did just do that)
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...then I would have two nickels.
Which isn't very much, but it's weird that it happened twice, right?
(That last drawing was made by @jezfez81. Thank you for letting me use it!)
What the heck happened?!?! This was just supposed to be a comparison between Sandy and AAARRRGGHH!!! Where did all these comparisons come from?!?!?!?!?! WHAT THE HECK HAPPENED?!?!?!?!?!?
(this took way too long to make, please give it some love :3 )
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married2thegrind · 28 days
Trollhunters Headcanons
Jim is able to unhinge his jaw. After Merlin turned him into a half troll, Jim unhinged his jaw every at meal just to unnerve the wizard. This went on for months.
Claire is an eldrich horror and everyone is scared of her to this day. The only ones who somehow don't know - or simply dont care - are Jim and Notenrique.
After becoming a half troll, Jim began making troll-adjacent versions of human food, with Blinky and Notenrique happily being taste testers.
During the nights Barbara was working at the hospital, Jim started teaching Draal about different things humans did in human households.
They had a 'sleepover' the day after the whole Pyrobligst debacle.
Draal and Jim would often compare the differences between human and troll lifestyles.
Toby and Aaarrrgghh helped make Arcadia more troll-friendly after the Eternal Night. Then they made extra upgrades to the town after General Morando attacked and the town found out about Area 49-B.
After making the short film about Captain DJ Kleb, Toby sent it to the Trollhunters in New Jersy for them to watch, since they couldnt be there for the opening night.
Jim purrs. He hates it.
The Trollhunters think otherwise and do their best to make him purr every interaction they have. He purrs the loudest around Claire and Toby.
Aaarrrgghh can regularly be seen with children climing him like a jungle gym.
Jim bullies Blinky relentlessly after the time travel incident. 'Blink, Dictatious was more welcoming than you-'
Jim also has to reassure Aaarrrgghh that they are friends, even now that Jim has seen that side of him. Aaarrrgghh would not let him go for the rest of the day.
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blacksloth-art · 1 year
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Blinky brush Aaarrrgghh!!!'s fur.
This is because trolls have rocky skin. I think they could use a human rake to brush their fur.
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rosemaidenvixen · 1 month
Between Daylight and Darkness
Chapter 6
<Previous Next>
Being the elder of the largest hearthstone community on this continent came with a litany of responsibilities, some outspoken and many more tacit. One of which was keeping a cool head and level temperament even in times of crisis.
Kanjigar falling and there being no trace of a new Trollhunter for days certainly counted as a crisis.
Glancing around his workshop, Vendel confirmed that he was indeed alone before placing a hand on the wall, searching for a small, hidden compartment.
Dealing with such troubles when they arose steadily wore at his nerves, but Vendel accepted these burdens wholeheartedly. The position of a leader was never one he sought out, but time and time again he found no one else willing to fulfill the responsibilities no one else stepped up to. He was no troll’s master, Vendel was simply willing to do what needed to be done.
But that didn’t mean he couldn’t allow himself a quick reward now that the most dire urgency had passed.
Vendel pulled a small stone box out of the cubby in the wall, opening it to reveal a dark amber bottle. Uncorking the bottle he gave the contents an appreciative sniff before taking a deep swig. Warmth blooming in his stomach as he swallowed.
A vintage from the old country, not overly strong but of the highest quality, and if there was ever a time to indulge himself with a nip it was now.
After several unbearably tense days the new Trollhunter had been discovered, and while the work had only just begun, all of Trollmarket could breathe a collective sigh of relief at the presence of their new champion and the assurance of the amulet’s continuity. 
Recorking the bottle, Vendel stepped over and placed it on the corner of his work table. Part of him longed to pour the contents into a flagon, spend all evening sipping and savoring the fine taste, but he couldn’t allow himself such luxury just yet.
The new Trollhunter’s training had to begin immediately. Vendel didn’t dare to dream that they were close to Kanjigar’s level of skill, but surely they couldn’t be as young as some of the rumors claimed–
A soft thudding echoed in from the hall, Venedel swiftly replacing the mead in its hiding place, glancing over just in time to see AAARRRGGHH lumbering into the dwell with a large noisy sack clutched in one hand.
“Humans,” AAARRRGGHH pointed his free hand at the sack, its contents shouting and squirming within the canvas “Caught,”
“Get your foot out of my face!”
“Your elbow’s in my gut!”
“Hang on hang on hang on, I’ve got a swiss army keychain–”
In an instant the pleasant tingle from the mead evaporated “You brought the humans here!?”
AAARRRGGHH blinked, glancing back and forth between Vendel and the sack with a deeply uncomfortable expression. Vendel bit back a groan.
AAARRRGGHH was far from a foolish troll, indeed one did not rise to the rank of general by being a half wit, but his tendency to follow tasks he was given to the letter rather than using his own intuition to follow through often led to problems, problems that often lead Vendel to headaches.
“Well no matter, take them to the surface and–”
A loud ripping sound startled Vendel into silence, glancing over just in time to see a wide split open up in the side of the bag and four humans come tumbling out, landing on the floor in a heap of yelps and grumbles.
AAARRRGGHH blinked down at them then looked up at Vendel helplessly.
Vendel pinched the stone between his eyes and grumbled a curse, muttering at AAARRRGGHH in common trollish.
“Stand in front of the entrance so they can’t leave the dwell,”
Chasing after a bunch of stray humans was the last thing Vendel wanted to do right now. They’d gather them back up once they had more hands to help them do it. For now they’d just ensure that they didn’t run loose in the market.
AAARRRGGHH nodded back at him before subtly shuffling to the side and blocking off the cave entrance. The humans appeared to take no notice, clamoring to their feet and starting to very noisily explore their surroundings.
“Holy shish kebabs, what is this place!?”
“Where are we….”
“It looks like some kind of underground workshop,”
“I see feldspar– holy heck is that entire wall citrine!?”
Vendel pointedly ignored the humans as they spread out throughout his dwell, biting his tongue even when they started to fiddle with his tools and thumb through his manuscripts with their grimy, fleshy fingers. Any attention he gave them would only serve to rile them up even further. The best thing to do with the humans was ignore them until–
A soft poke in his side had Vendel whipping around with a glare, sending one of the humans, stout with orange hair, hastily scurrying away from him.
Merlin give him patience, was it too much to ask to have the new Trollhunter’s advent go smoothly–
“Vendel I hope you’ve prepared yourself,” Blinkous’ voice echoed in from the entrance tunnel “Our Trollhunter is here!”
AAARRRGGHH stepped to the side, allowing Blinkous and a smaller figure in shining silver armor to step into the dwell.
“Allow me to introduce our new Trollhunter, Jim! Son of Bah-bu-rah,”
Vendel had hoped the claims of the Trollhunter’s youth were exaggerations, the amulet of Daylight couldn’t truly choose a whelp. But to his horror the Trollhunter appeared exactly as young as witnesses claimed.
He fought to keep a grimace off his face. He needed to keep his composure, if only for the sake of the trolls around him. But titans below it was obscene to see that armor wrapped around such a youngster. Soft looking stone, tusks and horns blunted, Vendel had half a mind to grab this Jim by the scruff and drag him back to his parents–
Vendel gripped his staff and pulled in a discreet breath to steady himself. What’s done was done, a Trollhunter chosen is never unchosen, as scandalous as their new hunter’s age was the only thing to do was to provide him training and–
“Guys!” Jim raced into the dwell, wide smile splitting his face, and to Vendel’s shock the humans scurried up to meet him.
“I’m so glad you’re all ok!”
“I’m glad you got away from tall dark and ugly,”
There was more chatter among the five of them, four humans and one troll, but Vendel heard none of it. Turning swiftly towards Blinkous, who’s utterly hang jawed expression told him that he was just as shocked at this development as Vendel was.
From what he’d understood the humans just happened to be in the area and ran into Bular, at which point the new Trollhunter jumped in to defend them. But seeing them interact so…so carelessly…
The sout human prodded their elbow into the Trollhunter’s side, the Trollhunter barking out a laugh and swatting their shoulder. All five still smiling and relaxed.
They’d met long before this night, precisely how long ago Vendel couldn’t say, but long enough that the Trollhunter trusted them implicitly, more than any troll should ever trust a human. Vendel’s stomach started to develop a painful pinch, just what sort of upbringing had this stripling been through that would encourage them to form such inappropriate– 
“Where are they!?”
Booming footsteps echoed in from the tunnel, startling the humans and young hunter into silence, Blinkous and AAARRRGGHH staggering back in shock, the groan that had been building in Vendel’s throat finally escaping.
Of course, fates forbid he only have to deal with one dilemma at a time.
Draal shoved his way past Blinkous into the dwell, red eyes narrowing when they spotted the smaller troll wrapped in armor.
Jim and the humans stiffened under the scrutiny.
“So you’re the new Trollhunter…” Draal said with a growl, prowling around him.
“Uhhh……” Jim looked down at himself and jerked his shoulders up and down “I guess?”
Draal snorted, coming up to Vendel’s side “They’re clearly too young, the amulet should be borne by a full grown troll, not a whelp like this,”
A sentiment Vendel certainly didn’t disagree with, but the fact was there simply wasn’t anything he or anyone else could do to change things.
 He reached up and clapped a hand on Draal’s shoulder, forcing the younger troll to lean down and look him in the eyes “Draal, you know as well as I do that a troll chosen by the amulet is never unchosen. And while this choice might be…unconventional we must–”
“Excuse me,”
Both Vendel and Draal glanced down to see one of the humans, brown skin and dark hair with a streak of blue, approaching them.
“Hey there, so I noticed you guys toss the words ‘troll’ and ‘Trollhunter’ around a lot. I was just wondering if you could explain a bit what they mean?”
Vendel opened his mouth but Draal beat him to it.
“We are trolls,” Draal said with a growl “I’m a troll,” he pointed towards himself “He’s a troll,” a thumb towards Vendel “They are all trolls!” a hand thrown in the direction of Blinky, AAARRRGGHH, and Jim.
“Wait…” Jim slowly pulled himself to full height, raising a hand to point inwards towards his own chest “That’s what I am? The stone skin and the horns make me a…troll?”
One of Draal’s eyes twitched.
“Correct,” he whipped an arm up and stabbed a finger in his direction “And that amulet and the armor it summons belong to the Trollhunter,”
“Ok…wow, so I’m a troll…”
“Guess you’ll have to return all your were-gargoyle business cards,” the dark skinned human said with a laugh. 
“Wait, you have a Troll-hunter?” the blue haired human spoke up again “Because if you’re all trolls does that mean you hunt yourselves or–”
They were cut off by a huff and a snarl from Draal, the troll’s patience clearly at an end “How much longer must these fleshbags remain here?”
“Hey I don’t call you gravel face don’t call me fleshbag…” the human with the longest hair muttered.
“Quite right,” Blinkous stepped forward, holding another large sack in front of him “Alright, everyone in, we’ll have you back to the surface in no time,”
None of the humans moved, eyeing the bag uneasily, Jim stepped past them, situating himself between the humans and Blinkous.
“Ok, no bags here,”
“Human feet have never sullied the stones of Trollmarket!” Draal said with a growl.
“Ok, wow, can’t believe you just said that,” the dark skinned human said.
“Look,” Jim moved until he was standing between Draal and the humans “The five of us are a package deal here. So no more ‘fleshbag’ talk or throwing people into sacks,”
Draal growled while Vendel was taken aback.
The Trollhunter’s behavior towards their humans, how casual they were with each other…. He had a sinking feeling that the stripling’s upbringing was more enmeshed in human society than any proper troll’s should be. Perhaps this was why the amulet had called to him, to lead him away from the humans kingdoms of the surface and back underground where he belo–
“Humans have no place in our hallowed home,” Draal snarled “As the one wearing that amulet you should desire to uphold the sanctity of Trollmarket more than any other,”
“But I’m human,” Jim blurted out.
The eye of every troll in the dwell landed on him in an instant, strained silence filling the dwell.
“Hah!” Blinkous forced out an awkward laugh “Our new Trollhunter is a jokester, such a delightful spirit,”
“He is clearly unwell and unfit to wield the amulet!”
“Maybe humans….stay?”
Vendel buried his forehead in his hand. Gorgus help him this was going to be a long night.
“Oh right,” Jim snapped his fingers “Toby do you have the–”
“On it,” the stout human pulled something out of his bag and pointed it towards the Trollhunter. He gave the object a click, bathing the Trollhunter in violet light.
Wonderful, their new Trollhunter was a whelp who’d clearly spent far too many of his formative years with humans who’d filled his head with all sorts of nonsensical ideas. Was it the world that had gone mad or just him–
There was a shift, so subtle Vendel thought he imagined it; then, slowly but surely, a change swept over the Trollhunter.
Stature shrinking, horns receding away, blue stone turning soft and pink.Vendel’s mouth going dry as he watched the transformation unfold before his eyes.
Now it was not a troll but a human that stood before them, still wrapped in the shining armor of the Trollhunter, amulet of Daylight affixed to their chest.
Vendel was millennia old, he’d dealt with many challenges that left him frustrated, disgruntled, or even exhausted, but for the first time in more centuries than he could remember Vendel found himself chilled to the bone.
The human spread their arms, armor clinking as they did–
Blasphemous, heretical, to have that sacred armor worn by one who could twist themselves between stone and flesh–
And let out a small laugh “Tah dah…”
No one moved; Blinkous, AAARRRGGHH, and Draal staring at the Trollhunter in frozen horror. An emotion Vendel himself was also feeling in just as great a measure, but he didn’t let the terror and revulsion paralyze him as he rushed to Blinkous’ side, leaning down to hiss in his ear.
“Go get a gaggletack now!”
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aaaarsonist · 10 months
Even though I have some criticism about certain things, I fucking adore this episode. And, same as "Hero with a thousand faces", I've watched this episode so many times.
First of all, it has my favorite scene ever.
"No kisses, we're fighting!" This whole little spar session makes me go KDJKNDKZKDZ. They're so fucking cute and I love them SO FREAKING MUCH.
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I already talked about this scene before, but I don't care, I love it too much to not mention it again. Jim and Blinky's relationship is so important to me, and even though we had the birthday gift scene referencing Blinky as a father figure to Jim, the fact that he called him "son" warms my heart so much.
"When I gaze upon you, do you know what I see? I see a champion. A friend. A son. A magnificent son."
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Claire's reaction to Troll Jim. Not just the "I'm hideous!" "You're really not" scene but when she helps Jim to get off the couch and she checks him out. SHE'S SO ME LMAO.
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(I know this is from another episode, but he's so cute here)
Also, there's a line Strickler says that I really like, because it's related to something I mentioned before, about Jim's identity crisis.
"It took me years to handle the diverse emotions of either troll or human, but I've never had to deal with both ar once."
Now, some things I'm not really a fan of:
I love Toby, I really do. I enjoy his personality, I tend to laugh at his jokes, but in this episode... I don't know, he annoys me a little. When Claire called Jim "boyfriend" and Toby says that stupid line about the status while Claire's confronting Merlin I want to punch him. Also when Claire's talking with Jim on the school's roof and he keeps making jokes ughhh. I know that's his personality, but I don't think this is a situation to be joking around.
Maybe this is me being dumb, but Aaarrrgghh!!!'s so quickly changing his opinion about Troll Jim feels weird to me, idk.
I don't like Merlin so, him in general lmao.
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albentelisa · 11 months
Hi! Heres a super interesting ask. How would you write a au where Jim is a changeling and Claire is the Trollhunter? Just to be clear, he and Bular HATE each other.
Hi! That's a premise I really like (and at some point, I wanted to write a fic like that, so I have some ideas).
So, Jim is a changeling, but he's a really young one and lacking a good chunk of the Janus Order's training. In any normal scenario, he'd never ended with a familiar, but Strickler pulled some strings to put Jim in his current position (as he noticed his talent and potential and decided to guarantee a strong subordinate early on). Nevertheless, Jim's lack of indoctrination shows as he is reluctant to follow the Order's rules, gets attached to people and openly shows his dislike of Bular (much to Strickler's amusement - though he'll never admit that one).
Still, Strickler doesn't approve Jim's rebellious streak as he's sure it'll get his protegee into a trouble. Walter is both mentor and father figure to Jim, but he is cordial only on public, while rather strict and demanding in private (though only because he cares about Jim's survival). Strickler starts to date Barbara to get better control over Jim's actions some years prior to the canon events start, however, it soon gets way beyond 'just a mission' as Walter falls in love for real. Strickler denies it, but both Nomura and Jim know the truth. By the beginning of the canon events Barbara and Strickler are engaged and planning the wedding.
As for Nomura, she is Jim's fighting instructor (as much like her Jim is one of more battle-capable changelings). She likes him a lot, but he reminds her of her younger self too much, so she believes that Jim is doomed to face so much disappointment and despair in the future.
I have mentioned before that Jim has attachments in this AU, despite being a changeling. Obviously, both Strickler and Nomura are 'family' for him, even if he never says it aloud (as those two would scold him for that statement), but there are also humans he cherishes too much. First, there is Barbara who he starts to consider his mother rather fast (Jim would kill for her if needed). Then, Toby appears in his life - while initially Toby initiated their friendship and Jim just went along for the sake of keeping his cover, it eventually turned into the real thing. However, Jim keeps his real identity a secret from Toby as he's not sure how Toby will react to him being inhuman. And finally, Jim has feelings for Claire, though he falls in love with her for a different reason than in the canon. In this AU, Jim accidentally sees Claire sneaking out to attend a concert despite her mother forbiding her that. For Jim, it's her bravery and rebellious streak that leaves the lasting impression.
Strickler is aware of Jim's crush and while he doesn't forbid it explicitly (because he's in a relationship with Barbara himself), he still warns Jim to never let his heart rule over his mind.
And then Claire finds the amulet and everything just goes to hell.
Jim discovers it the first, way before Strickler as he catches the glimpse of the amulet in Claire's bag. His feelings are complicated as the correct course of action would be getting the amulet, no matter how. Yet Jim is against hurting Claire, so his first plan is either steal the amulet or pretend it was his. It didn't work as the amulet decides to summon the armor in response to Jim's not-that-totally-harmless intent. Jim manages to fake the surprise and Claire asks him not tell anyone. Another complication is that Toby also sees the armor, so he's also involved now (and Jim isn't happy with that as he would prefer keeping his best friend as far from the troll stuff as possible).
Claire brings Jim and Toby to meet Blinky and Aaarrrgghh. Jim still plans to steal the amulet as Strickler has told him for years that it's the only chance for changelings to be rewarded like they deserved. Besides, it's the perfect way to demonstrate Bular's incompetence. For Jim, getting closer to Claire and winning her trust is vital, not to mention that he genuinely believes he protects her as well as he tries to liberate her from the burden she got by accident.
Meanwhile, Strickler learns about the amulet as well and has a talk with Jim about it. Strickler approves Jim's plan and praises him for finally putting his feelings aside for the sake of the mission success.
Yet Strickler is wrong as Jim starts to waver the longer he is around Claire both as a member of her trollhunting team and a partner in the school play (which he also joined in the hope to get more chances to seize the amulet). After Claire defeats Draal, Jim starts to think that she might have a chance to beat Bular too (and he plans to fight by her side). With that there would be no need to serve Bular and Jim could live free life.
Jim also gets close with Blinky as he doesn't get enough kindness and support from Strickler. No, he doesn't discard Strickler as his father figure, but the new bond is also there.
Strickler starts to doubt Jim, especially after Claire finds the bridge in the museum (as Jim points out that one and gets on Nomura's way when she is close to seizing the amulet). Jim tries to talk his way out of the predicament and Strickler pretends he believes him. However, he also orchestrates Enrique's kidnapping and planting NotEnrique in Claire's family to spy on her. Jim knows nothing about this plan.
When NotEnrique is exposed, he tells Claire about Jim's real identity, but she refuses to believe him at first. Draal suggests a gaggletack test and Claire agrees to the plan. She catches Jim by surprise and learns the truth. Jim runs away, not being able to explain a thing. Claire is hurt as she started falling in love with Jim, but now thinks that everything was just a lie. Toby and Blinky are hurt too as they question their bonds with Jim. And there is some bonding between Draal and Claire as they both had feelings for a changeling.
Jim is angry and upset. Strickler tells him that it was his punishment for rebellious thoughts and that Jim is lucky to get away with just that. Nomura is more sympathetic, but she tells Jim that any love relationship involving changelings are doomed.
Jim considers giving up and just going with a flow as nearly all his bonds outside the Janus Order are in the shambles (Barbara is the only one remaining and Jim is scared that Strickler might scheme to ruin that one too).
Still, Jim comes to help Claire during the Battle of Two Bridges. He is the one who finishes Bular here. He also reconciles with everyone, changing sides for good this time.
It creates a new kind of friction though - Strickler initially flee somewhere (he tells Barbara he needs to visit an estranged relative). Jim initially believes that Strickler won't return.
The team is planning to save Enrique from the Darklands and Jim insists they should get his familiar out too. He plans to tell the whole truth to Barbara too as he has decided to live his life honestly now. He just doesn't know how to do it though.
Strickler returns after freeing Angor Rot and uses binding spell behind Jim's back (as he's scared that Jim can kill him to ensure Barbara's safety - and in this AU it is a real possibility).
Jim is enraged after learning about it and it's even more complicated as they all live under the same roof and Strickler never fails to remind Jim that each of his missteps may endanger Barbara. What he hasn't considered though is that Jim might approach Angor and try to bargain with him.
Alas, Inferna Copula is destroyed in this AU too, forcing Claire and Jim working with Strickler. Poor Barbara learns that both her fiance and son are not humans the same night (and here goes Jim's plan to proceed carefully). She is angry with Strickler, but surprisingly more accepting when it comes to Jim. When Jim promises to return her real son to her, she corrects him with 'other son'. Much like in the canon she forgets about supernatural after the breaking of binding spell, but Jim tells her the truth for the second time in any case.
Much like Jim in the canon, Claire travels to the Darklands alone (actually, that was her plan from the very start as she believes it is her problem to solve). Jim, however, goes to the Darklands too (after beating some guards), so he's now considered a criminal at the Trollmarket (not that he was in good position to start with because of his changeling status).
As Jim and Claire went separately, they don't travel together. Jim finds the familiars first (well, he knows where they are kept), but gets caught by Dictatious, ending the next cell to Nomura.
Claire rescues both her brother and Jim's familiar, but goes back after learning that Jim is still in the Darklands. Usurna orders to destroy the bridge, but the rest of trollhunters steal the fragments and hide them. Strickler, who has returned and now hopes to make up with both Barbara and Jim, also helps them. All of them go to the Darklands too, saving Claire, Jim and Nomura.
Gunmar is out, like in the canon. He tries to seize control over Draal, but Nomura saves him just in time (as she doesn't leave in this AU). However, none of trollhunters are welcome at the Trollmarket anymore because everyone believes they liberated Gunmar.
Barbara is upset that she cannot do a thing while her son and her fiance who is still trying to win her forgiveness are risking their lives while she cannot do a thing. She accidentally stumbles upon the shadow stuff (the team was using it but without much effectiveness) and starts to get mastery of it. Barbara is the one who ends summoning a huge shadow portal to save everyone and gets possessed by Morgana.
The team decides to awake Merlin, and his plan is no different from the canon. He turns Claire into a half-troll and when Jim faces him in a fury, tells him that Jim should be the last person upset as Claire's new species means they can be together. Jim punches him (hell, yeah!).
Jim leaves with Claire to New Jersey. Draal who survives in this AU goes too, hoping to mend his relationship with Nomura.
When Green Knight attacks, Jim takes the hit for Claire, so he needs to fight the corruption. The team goes back in time, with Barbara and Strickler being two additions.
Claire, Jim and Strickler end in Arthur's dungeons and meet Callista there. Barbara tries to talk some common sense into Arthur, and later end joining forces with Morgana (who she's wary off initially). They both plan the escape plan. Jim and Claire travel with Callista, however Strickler decides to hang out around Camelot as he knows some changeling history and wonders if some things might be changed without ruining the timeline.
The return to the future speeds up Jim's corruption, but rather than becoming the beast troll like in the canon, it brings up and multiplies the darkness in Jim's heart. It also makes him bigger and stronger.
Barbara takes Claire and they both go inside the Shadow Realm searching for Jim's soul. They find him trapped with his own insecurities and doubts and try to ensure him that he still has his own place. Jim snaps out of the control and Nari helps to heal his corruption (Morgana helps too).
As the amulet isn't destroyed here, Claire remains the Trollhunter. Jim, however, gets Excalibur and finds his role as the protector of the world.
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winter-leftovers · 7 months
Til The End Of Eternity || Chapter twenty six: Becoming a Troll And Hunter (26/?)
(Douxie Casperan x f!reader)
Summary: Y/n is trying to figure her life out but is going to be hard since her brother is the new trollhunter and she is plagued by dreams and feelings she doesn’t understand.
Chapter Summary: Jim learns to live with the consequences of the elixir.
Word count: 2500
Warnings: no!
(Season 3 Episodes 11)
Song?: Creep by Radiohead
Spanish Bonus track: No Te Dejes Desanimar by La Maquina De Hacer Pájaros
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Y/n laid in the couch of her house with a transformed Jim on her lap. She whispered a lullaby lost to time as she moved the hair away from his crunch up blue face. From the kitchen, she could hear her mother threatening her father but she ignored the screams, trying to make her lullaby the only sound her brother could hear in his slumber.
“Uuhm…guys he’s waking up” called Claire as soon as Jim started moving.
Jim groaned, taking his hands to his head, quickly standing up when he realized where he was.
“Honey, do you feel okay?” Barbara ran to his side.
Y/n stood up giving Jim space to come to.
“He’s fine” Merlin screamed from the dining room, annoyed with all the fuzz surrounding Jim.
“We’re not asking you” Blinky said.
Barbara grabbed his son’s face, trying to send him some kind of peace through her soft hands.
“I’m fine” Jim grabbed his mother’s arm. Jumping back into the couch, screaming in horror when he saw his hand was no longer pink and made of flesh “Ah! What’s wrong with my hand?” Jim observed his hands, his once rosy, five five finger extremities were now blue, four fingers trollish hands.
“Nothing’s wrong with your hand…It’s just a little…meatier” Claire explained with a smile.
“In a good way” Toby chuckled “It’s like you leveled up”
Aaarrrgghh walked forward, sniffing Jim, shaking his head at the new smell:
“No like. No like Troll Jim” he pulled away.
“My elixir transformed out trollhunter into something not quite human, not quite troll” explained Merlin.
“Like a changeling?” Asked Toby.
“No” Strickler examined Jim’s face as Y/n and Barbara helped him get down from the couch. “Changelings switch from fully troll to fully human. Jim is…neither”
Jim ran to the kitchen, jumping through the table, grabbing the toaster to observe his new appearance in the reflection.
“This isn’t so bad” Toby followed him “You know, after a little haircut, we’ll find you some sunglasses, maybe a good dentist, huh? I know one” he pointed to his teeth “You’ll be right back to normal”
“I’m hideous” Jim kept looking at his reflection, mourning his human face.
“You’re really not” said Claire with a sincere smile on her face.
Y/n pulled back from the scene in the kitchen with a smile on her face, glad for the friends her brother had.
“Hhm. Troll. Jim is troll…like Aaarrrgghh” Aaaarrrgghh laughed, happy at the realization, running laps around the house to release the happiness that his body couldn’t contain.
“Forgive Aaarrrgghh he’s emotional and I'm at lost” Blinky pointed his finger to Merlin “Why would you do this to him?”
“To prepare him for the final battle. He is now capable of feats we never thought possible” Merlin explained.
“Like what?” Jim turned, interested in Merlin’s words.
“Let’s go outside” Y/n grinned imagining the range of Jim’s new abilities.
The night was warm. Y/n and Merlin stood with their backs to the warm wind, arms crossed observing an excited Aaarrrgghh prowling a transformed and excited Jim.
“Now then, we don’t know the limits of master Jim’s…or should I say “Troll Jim’s” new form, so let’s try to take this slowly” Blinky warned as he observed Aaarrrgghh and Jim boxing.
“Good one” Aaarrrgghh chuckled after Jim landed a punch “Troll” he punched him back sending him flying back through the fence.
“Are you even listening?” Blinky scolded.
“Sorry” the bigger troll stopped laughing.
“Master Jim” Blinky called into the night.
Jim jumped out from between some bushes
“I didn’t feel a thing!” He ran back, charging at Aaarrrgghh.
“I like new Jim. Troll Jim” Aaarrrgghh got ready to receive the attack
Jim jumped in the air grabbing Aaarrrgghh by the neck, pushing him to the ground. The troll was surprised by the force his friend had but was able to stabilize himself quickly.
“I got you” Aaarrrgghh held Jim in his arms.
Jim easily escaped the bigger troll’s grip.
“Troll Jim strong” observed Aaarrrgghh.
Jim punched Aaarrrgghh in the face without feeling a thing.
“Troll Jim fun” he grunted, slapping Jim’s stomach.
“Half troll, full hunter” Merlin pointed out to Jim and Aaarrrgghh wrestling in the ground “You’re welcome” he pated Blinky’s shoulder before disappearing into the house.
Blinky threw the wizard a dirty look and looked back at the younger sorcerer.
Y/n lifted her shoulders and followed her father into the house. She carefully placed her feet on the ground every time she stepped, afraid that the wood would creak under her weight. She didn’t want to be heard. She had one objective: to find Morgana before her father.
The floor didn’t betray her once but the doorknob squeaked when she tried to open it. Her breath got stuck in her throat. She turned around, her wide eyes finding Strickler’s curious ones.
“Y/n?” Merlin’s voice echoed through the house.
Y/n’s legs started to shake like a childhood nightmare had come to life. She looked up, her mouth open but her voice died on her throat.
“No, Merlin. It’s me” answered Strickler.
Y/n frowned.
“The door is open. I’m closing it” Strickler opened the door giving her the opportunity to leave “I don’t know what happened”
Y/n nodded. She took the opportunity without thinking twice. She ran before Merlin could appear in the living room.
Arcadia’s park was almost empty. Y/n stood close to the entrance as she observed the only visitors left: a group of teenagers and an elderly couple watching the scenery.
“You’re late”
Y/n looked around. The owner of the squeaky voice was nowhere to be seen.
“Over here!” Whispered impaciantly.
Y/n looked down at the bush next to her, between the flowers there was a familiar brown mouse. She crouched down, moving the leaves to observe the creature from up close.
“Finally!” He stretched his hands up to the sky.
Y/n frowned. She knew this mouse.
“Who else?” He cocked his head.
“I didn’t recognise your voice. You never…mouse up?” She picked him up from the dirt.
“The gates of hell are open. I have to hide”
“You felt it too?”
He nodded.
“Father made Jim into a troll” she confessed.
“Merlin? He’s all in” he played with his tail.
Y/n nodded.
“I want to find Morgana”
“What?” Alfred’s hair stood up “No”
“Maybe if I talk to her…”
“Let me try…I’m the only one she won’t hurt”
Y/n and Alfred stared at each other. They both knew that the girl was right. That somewhere in all that madness, in all that anger, the wizard had a soft spot for Y/n, for her little sister, for the one she has to protect. They also knew that Morgana still had the hope that, one day, Y/n would betray her father and would join her in her crusade.
“Fine” he whispered, not happy with the idea.
Y/n looked up. The old couple was still looking at the passers by, the teenagers were still talking amongst themselves. No one was watching. She took Al into the deep of the bush and walked a couple of steps back.
“I do not completely approve” he walked out of the bush back in his cat form.
“I know” sighed and started walking.
Alfred jumped to Y/n’s shoulder and said:
“Do you have any idea about where we are going or it’s just vibes?”
“I’m thinking about Morgana and letting her magic take me there” she said, focusing on the thin golden string “Also, vibes? I don’t like that you’re spending too much time with Douxie’s band members” she joked.
“You just described a mix of vibes and magic. Am I wrong?”
Y/n rolled her eyes.
She pulled on the hot string through all Arcadia until she found herself in an all familiar path.
“Trollmarket” she looked down at the canal.
“Let’s get down” Al jumped down from her shoulders.
They started climbing down when Alfred stopped on his tracks “Y/n?” He looked down
“Yeah?” She jumped down to the floor and shook the dirt from his palms.
Before the cat could speak his mind the floor started buzzing quickly escalating into an earthquake that threw Y/n to her knees. Al ran to the wizard’s side and clinged to her jeans.
The earthquake ended as abruptly as it started. The wizard and the familiar shared a look before sharing their suspicion.
They both started walking to the entrance to trollmarket when a familiar clanking of an armor made Y/n stop.
“Father?” She frowned when she saw Merlin with his ear glued to the ground “What are you doing?”
“Looking” he mumbled as he walked to a wall and smelled.
“Insane” whispered Alfred.
Y/n bitted her lip and looked at the pink sky trying not to laugh.
“Do you need help?” She asked, hoping he wouldn’t ask why they were there.
Merlin kept walking around in circles, his mind lost in thought.
“You! It’s all your fault” Claire appeared in front of the older wizard in a fit of rage, her shadow staff pointing to his throat.
“What’s going on?” Y/n took a step forward while her father wouldn’t move, his hands resting on his hips.
“Jim vanished. Now my shadow staff can’t find him” Claire screamed without turning his gaze from the older wizard.
Y/n sighed.
“Mmh” Merlin scratched his beard.
“Are you even listening to me?” Claire insisted, shaking her staff.
“You can’t find Jim because there is no Jim. At least not the one you knew” Merlin grabbed the point of the shadow staff and inspected it up close.
“Listen up, puzzlemaster…” Toby screamed, losing control of his bike.
“I’m sorry, Claire…” Y/n started.
“I don’t know what you did to him” Toby regained control and rode up to them “but when this is all over, you’re turning him back” he pointed to Merlin with a nuggat nummie.
“Back?” Merlin grabbed the sweet from the teen’s hand “there’s no “back” he took a bite “It’s permanent” he walked away leaving them with the heavy knowledge.
“What?” Y/n’s voice was softer than she expected.
Merlin looked back at the frown on her daughter's face. Confusion and hurt merging together, he hasn’t seen such discomfort since the day Morgana was declared enemy of Camelot.
“You can’t leave it like this” she said. Half a plea, half a demand “He’s my brother”
In a lot of ways, Y/n was still the girl that grew up too fast. The prodigy of Camelot. The daughter of the greatest wizard to ever exist. The girl that Camelot had clawed her open and forced to be women with no time to be a child. But time away from eyes that need too much and give too little has made her grow. Grow stronger. Grow tired. In Arcadia, she could occupy space without having to kneel.
“He’s half troll, half brother”
Y/n had to consciously keep away her nails from impale her palms. She looked at the sky once more and among the clouds imagined herself in another universe.
“Look down” Al pulled her pants.
Y/n sighed, lowering her head to see her father kneeling down on the floor.
“What are you doing?” She frowned, no humor in her voice.
“Mm yes, yes” Merlin licked the floor.
“Gross! What’s your deal, dude?” Complained Toby “You trolled Jim. You lick cement”
“Amazing” Al couldn’t believe what he was seeing, he wished Archie were here to share this moment.
“Are there any other secrets you’re keeping from us?” Toby continued.
“Oh, plenty” Merlin licked the floor again.
“You can always assume he is hiding something from you” Y/n added, arms crossed.
“Tell us” said Claire.
“But then they wouldn’t be secrets” Merlin stood up, half a smile on his face.
“But then they wouldn’t be secrets” Y/n quietly mocked at the same time the wizard spoke.
Al giggled at the boldness of her friend. He had heard Y/n asked her father to let her in once too many times and he had heard as many times the door closing.
The ground started shaking again. Al jumped to the safety of Y/n’s arms. Toby hugged Claire for stability and comfort. The shaking stopped even faster than the last one, worrying the older wizards.
“Are those quakes coming from Trollmarket?” Claire asked, looking down in worry for the place she once knew.
Y/n and Al shared a look.
“Worse. Morgana” Merlin turned to Claire “We need to find the Trollhunter”
Y/n ran through Arcadia to the rooftop of the school when she got Toby’s call. She followed the voices until she saw her brother surrounded by the people he loved.
“I can’t live in your world anymore. I can’t be in the daylight” he cried, walking backwards to the edge of the building “I can’t eat dinner”
“Who cares about all that stuff” Y/n said out of breath “Your essence hasn’t changed. Your soul hasn’t changed”
He kept backing away from the world he once knew.
“Let us help you” Barbara reached out but Jim pulled back, he kept walking until he reached the edge of the building.
“Master Jim” Blinky appeared out of thin air.
“Ah!” Jim screamed in terror.
“Where are you going in such a hurry?” He stepped out of Aaarrrgghh’s hand and walked forward making Jim walk away from the edge, back to his friends “There seems to be something different about you. Why, with a few more eyes and arms we could be related” he gave him a friendly punch in the arm.
“Troll brother!” Aaarrrgghh tried to reach the top of the building.
Jim chuckled.
“What am I Blinky?” He asked, seriousness returning to his face.
“When I gaze upon you, do you know what I see?”
He shook his head.
“I see a champion. A friend. A son. A magnificent son” Blinky took him by the shoulders and hugged him
“I’m scared” Jim said into the hug.
“Goodness gracious, who isn’t?”
Claire and Toby ran to hug his friend and Y/n closed her eyes, taking a deep breath, thankful that Jim was able to find a center in his new form as quickly as he did. A slow clap made her open her eyes.
“Splendid” Merlin said “Team trollhunter is back together. I knew you would figure it out”
Y/n rolled her eyes.
“Ah. This has been rather heartwarming,” he continued.
“Why don’t we treat it as such?” Y/n put her hand on her father’s shoulder making him turned to her
“Unless you plan to hug Gunmar to death…”
Jim rolled his eyes.
Merlin turned back to the trio:
“I advise we make ready because, as you say these days, “the fight is on”
“We didn’t practice this” Y/n sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose.
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A/n:*Douxie will return in the next chapter*
aaaah we are so close to the end of trollhunters!! Are you excited for wizards?!! 🕺
I’ll see you next week!!
remember to leave love letters and death threats!! 💖
And listen to the bonus track don’t make me mad🔪Charly Garcia is one the best musicians in the world
<Taglist: @douxiesaurus @fandomobbsessedb @queteimporta-99 @adrias23 If your url is crossed it means tumblr didn’t let me tag you> want to be tagged next update? Let me know! 📩
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avirxy · 8 months
Hi! What do you think of an au where Claire never came back home after the events of First Frost, so everyone thinks she was kidnapped or ran away, maybe Blinky and AAARRRGGHH found her, so she ends up doing her Trollhunter duties alone, basically living in Trollmarket, but the other kids still get involved in some way?
Oh Anon we are so on the same wavelength, because First Frost was originally supposed to be a lot shorter, with this premise, when I started out.
So I’d say she officially ‘disappears’ in eighth grade, giving the kids time to bond and form a kind of coherent group, so when she does actually disappear it leaves a bigger impact than just right off the bat after Jim and Toby met her.
By the beginning of Sophomore year she’s still missing, and it’s assumed she’s either a runway or kidnapped but there’s not much evidence to back that, her parents are left in a state of disarray, Enrique is still born but he’s yet to meet his older sister.
Around Halloween Mary throws out the idea of heading to a party, it doesn’t end the way they hope.
They’re targeted by Bular, who believes the amulet has chosen a human due to the human stature this new Trollhunter has, he’s wrong of course but by the time the kids are cornered the real Trollhunter shows up, it’s impossible to tell who it actually is due to their helmet, which covers their face, but the five escape Bular’s ire.
Then Blinky and Aaarrrgghh show up after the attack, the Trollhunter tries to brush off the idea but the kids are taken down to Trollmarket for their protection until sunrise and basically given a rundown of why they were targeted.
Claire hasn’t actually told Blinky and Aaarrrgghh the full truth about her situation, as in she didn’t explicitly admit she ran away from home. Still she’s been living with them in Trollmarket.
The more Jim and co learn about what’s been going on under the surface of their town the more they begin to think that maybe Claire was attacked by Bular, or taken by the Janus Order. Blinky tries to dissuade them of the fact, because one, he knows where their friend is, and two, he doesn’t want them recklessly endangering themselves and gaining Bular’s ire again.
Claire won’t actually interact with her friends, due to the immense guilt she feels, and she’d left to keep the people she cared about out of Trollhunting specifically, now she’s still managed to involve them.
They’re rarely allowed into Trollmarket though, as Vendel disapproves immensely of their presence, it takes time but he eventually warms up and allows sparing visits so they can get more information from Blinky and Aaarrrgghh. Claire purposefully avoids the library at those times.
Barbara is the first parent to find out, after the four are given a Gaggletack for the surface, tipped with the threat of Changelings.
Strickler has an awkward dinner interruption after Jim manages to hit his shoulder to say the least and ends up fleeing, unable to face Jim and Barbara, the bridge is still being constructed in the museum.
Soon after Mary’s moms, Darci’s dad and Nana are brought into the situation, they hesitate the tell Nuñezs their daughter may have been an unfortunate victim to the creatures underneath their town. They’ve already been grieving their daughter for almost three years..is false hope really necessary?
By the Battle of the bridge the kids aren’t present for the fight, only Draal, Blinky, Aaarrrgghh and Claire are there, she frimly denies involving her friends in the fight.
Bular is killed by her alone, his mangled stone corpse left in the canal as a warning for any of the Janus Order.
Bular is dead, the threat is gone, she should go home-she can return to the surface.
But she doesn’t. She can’t.
The kids learn about the caves where Bular had kept the people he’d bitten and cursed. Barbara and Jim look into ways of contacting Strickler ,who disappeared after the Battle, surely he’d know if Bular had specifically targeted people.
Around this time Darci comes into an unfortunate accident with a gang of goblins, the Trollhunter intervenes thankfully but doesn’t get away unscathed.
Darci tries to help them but they pull away, grumbling they don’t need help.
It becomes an unfortunate occurrence, seeing the Trollhunter take hit after hit in battle, the kids try to assist but they’re quickly rebuffed. Each and every time, they’re also brushed with a weird sense of Deja vu.
The way the Trollhunter moves, talks, it’s so achingly familiar.
It goes on like that for weeks.
Until they find them curled in an alleyway at night. Their armor is off, and their side bleeds a sickly dark purple.
Darci is taken aback by how young they look. Trolls age differently of course but the ‘mighty’ Trollhunter can’t be anything more than a teenager in troll standards.
Their offer to help is finally accepted just this once, if only to keep her from bleeding out. But the pattern repeats itself and they find the Trollhunter willingly coming to them for help when they can’t take care of their injuries alone.
Claire knows she shouldn’t keep doing this, being in the armor is what keeps her a troll during the warm months, if she’s out of it too long she could start to change back, but she desperately wants to see her friends, see how much they’ve changed, and their kindness is something she’s absolutely taking for granted.
Angor Rot’s appearance makes things turn for the worse, he’s relentless, desperate for his promised soul in return for taking out the Trollhunter, Nomura isn’t senseless, she’ll do just that once he’s brought her proof. What better proof than the Trollhunters stone corpse?
The begrudging relationship the kids have built with the Trollhunter, who still hesitates to let them enter the fray, comes to a head when Angor’s latest attempt nearly succeeds.
Dawn is minutes away and Angor sends Claire rolling toward the edge of the incline, cutting her off, unable to reach any sort shadow or protection from the rising sun.
Angor knows, he has too, that’s why he’s watching smugly from the shade as her friends scream at her to move.
They can’t reach her fast enough, and in a desperate move the Trollhunter tears off their amulet, instead of a troll as the armor dissipates it’s a human, a girl, with long overgrown brown hair, edges faintly tinged blue, most of the dye faded out.
Then she looks up..
Jim isn’t sure he’s breathing, heart thudding in his chest, Mary and Darci have frozen beside him.
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elizabethemerald · 7 months
I wish you would write a fic where the ultimate portal caused Claire to become a half-ghost like in Danny Phantom
Claire focused, past the pain in her hands, on the staff in her hands. She could feel her body splintering and breaking, cracks spreading up her hands and arms and out from her eyes. This was going to kill her, but as long as she could get the remainder of Trollmarket out, as long as she could save her friends, save Jim, she would be ok with her fate. 
She felt Jim join her with a hand on the staff, she heard him shout as he did so. The unbearable, excruciating pain of the portal ripping through her reduced a little as first Jim, then Toby, then Aaarrrgghh and Blinky and finally her little brother. It wasn’t enough, she knew even with them trying to take on some of the load, that this would still be her death. 
The swirling purple cloud swept out from the staff, encircling all of the trolls in the Gyre Station and for just a moment the dark purple was replaced with glowing green. Then they vanished from the station to reappear hours later. 
“What’s this?” An older, wise sounding male voice said. 
“Another? Just like me?” Said a younger male voice. 
“You are mine, body and soul.” Hissed a woman’s voice that would come to haunt her nightmares in the weeks to come. 
Claire put her hand to her head. Ever since the portal she had been feeling off. She wasn’t sleeping, could barely keep food down, and she was constantly shivering. Her dreams had been strange and terrifying but she never remembered them other than a sense of horror when she awoke. 
She shook her head and reached for one of her textbooks in an attempt to distract herself. She watched in annoyance as the book fell and slammed into her bedroom floor, driving a spike of pain between her eyes. She huffed in annoyance and crouched down to pick it up… and her hand went right through the book like it wasn’t there. 
Claire could feel her hand tingling even as she was able to it through the book and through the floor beneath it. She was panicking, but rather than feeling her breathing pick up and her heart race, she couldn’t feel either. Her feet slipped through the floor and she started sinking as her panic grew even worse. 
“Hey, Big-Eyes! I- whoa!” NotEnrique galloped into the room to grab her shoulders and tried to pull her back into her bedroom. “Come on, Sis! The ‘rents are home! Can’t have you falling into the living room!” 
She took a deep breath, her first in who even knew how long and she pulled herself the rest of the way out of the floor. There was something glowing on her chest, but she ignored it as she forced herself to be solid, and breathe and for her heart to beat like it was supposed to. 
“Don’t tell anyone about this ok?” Claire asked her brother, even as she tried to still her shaking hands. 
There was a new guy in Arcadia Oaks. He didn’t stand out that much from any of the other high school students she had seen, but something about him seemed to pull her focus. She could feel the shadows around her swirling around her ankles as she narrowed her eyes at him. She watched him breathe out a small cloud of fog, look around in confusion, then zero in on her. 
She glared at him and gripped her collapsed staff tightly in one hand and a gaggletack in the other. He hurried over to her, a friendly smile on his face, but she didn’t trust that any more than she trusted his human appearance. 
“Hi! My name’s Danny!” The stranger said. He held out a hand for her to shake. 
“I’m Claire, I’m sure you wouldn’t mind holding this for me would you?” She thrust the gaggletack toward him. 
Danny looked at her in confusion before he took the horseshoe out of her hand. He twirled it on his finger for a moment before it slipped off and hit him in the head. As he scrambled to pick up the fallen horseshoe Claire could see strange, green glowing marks on one of his hands. They didn’t look too different from the black marks she could feel on her own hands. 
“Do you want your horseshoe back?” Danny asked as he rubbed the side of his head and offered her back the gaggletack. Claire took it, but kept her eyes narrowed at him. 
“Claire!” She startled as Jim called out to her. Only a moment later her boyfriend had his arm around her shoulders as he glared at Danny. 
“Well, I’m going to head out, Claire, you and I should talk soon. I might be able to help you out a little. I know what it’s like to go through all this by yourself.” Danny handed over his phone number and waved goodbye, giving Jim a wary look as he left. 
Jim had been suspicious and paranoid about Danny, but Claire finally convinced him to keep his distance while she met with the strange guy. There was just something about him that sang to her, <Same, Same, Same> his presence seemed to say. Whatever was happening to her since the Ultimate Portal, he seemed to know and maybe could help her. 
She had all but ordered him to wait for her signal rather than escort her to the meeting. He and Toby were around the block, if she texted or if they heard anything disturbing they would intervene immediately. She rolled her eyes, as long as she had the shadow staff she would be fine, and for some reason she didn’t think Danny would threaten her. 
Danny had shown her the Litchenberg figures that crawled up his arm and told a very brief version of his accident with a portal to another world. Claire just as hesitantly showed him the black cracks that now marred her arms, she could hide them when she wanted to, but anytime she didn't focus on them they reappeared. 
Apparently they were the same. Halfas. Half alive, half dead. An exclusive club of five now. The information just about knocked the breath out of her chest and she almost fell through the floor, except Danny was able to grab her and turn her solid again. 
“By the way would you like me to get rid of your passenger?” Danny asked, glancing at her eyes, seemingly to look into her soul. Was that something Halfas could do? Claire looked at him in confusion and he explained. “Looks like you might be partially overshadowed. Er, I suppose humans call it possessed.”
“I’m possessed? Yes! If you can get rid of it, do it!”  Claire hissed, terrified of what she might have brought back with her from the portal. 
Danny reached into her chest and pulled out a glowing golden orb before tossing it aside. Claire could feel more than hear the being scream as it left and she felt like a great weight she had been carrying since the portal was suddenly gone. 
“What was that?” Claire all but shrieked, desperately keeping her voice down so Jim and Toby didn’t storm the area.  
“I don’t know, but she was powerful. I don’t think you’ve seen the last of her.” Danny looked wary, his eyes tracking something Claire couldn’t see or sense before his face brightened. “But maybe you got to keep some of her powers, my girlfriend back home was possessed by an angry plant ghost and sense then has been able to influence plants around her. We think with enough practice she might be able to fully control them too.” 
Danny didn’t stay in Arcadia for long. After he showed her how to transform into her half ghost form, and wasn’t that a trip and a half, he left. He had his own responsibilities in a city called Amity Park in Illinois. However he promised to come if she called. 
She added him, Toby and Jim to a group chat where they could all vent and share memes about the supernatural problems they dealt with. Danny added his two best friends and apparent partners, Tucker and Sam. Claire was absolutely not taking notes on what it was like to have a polyamorous triad, even if she did send lots of questions about it to Sam. 
Her and Danny talked a lot about ghostly powers and the other halfas. She knew to be wary of Vlad Masters and that Ellie Phantom was Danny’s clone/daughter and was traveling the world. Apparently Dan Phantom was Danny’s alternate time-line future self who was on parole to see if he could be trusted in this timeline. She decided she didn’t need more information and vowed not to mess with time travel. 
Danny guessed she had a “shadow-core” and that was why shadows seemed to jump to her command when she was upset. They both went back and forth before they decided she was probably a protector spirit like Danny was. Her final thoughts before the portal had taken her life were about protecting her friends and the trolls. She was a little worried about how unhealthily codependent she was with Jim and Toby, but according to Sam that was par for the course, and that Danny would freak out if any of them were hurt while out of his sight. 
Life in Arcadia continued on in a terrifying way. Gruesomes swarmed to the city in anticipation of the battle to come. Claire was able to free Draal from Gunmar’s control with her ghost form. The Defenders of Arcadia raced to Merlin’s tomb, only to find the ancient wizard wasn’t dead. And now Jim was… Jim was… in a way him slipping out of her sight in the black potion Merlin had created felt just like her opening the portal. She didn’t think he was a halfa like she was, but in the same way, Jim’s life ended and would never be the same. 
Now Morgana was free and the Eternal Night was upon them. Morgana, who had possessed her, used her to revive Angor Rot. Morgana who was one of the most powerful sorceresses in history. She desperately hoped that Team Trollhunters would be able to defend the city and the world, but she also knew that sometimes you have to call for help. 
Danny and Team Phantom answered in a big way. Danny flew his team to California and worked to defend the citizens alongside the Trollhunters. Sam worked with the local plant life to restrain and trip the Gumm-Gumm hoard while Tucker focused on coordinating emergency services and the defense. 
Claire and Danny fought side by side while Jim fought Gunmar. The two of them were barely able to defeat Morgana, with Claire wresting full control of her shadow staff from Morgana before the two of them banished her to the Shadow Realm. 
Danny apologized profusely, he had wanted to get some help from the other ghosts but something was making them nervous and behave strangely. She wasn’t sure what that was about, but she told him he could call on her and the Trollhunters would answer. Blinky mentioned possibly creating a Gyre tunnel to Amity so they could travel back and forth easier. Toby and Tucker weren’t thrilled by that announcement.
Love this prompt. I think team Trollhunters and team Phantom would work together really well. They 've both got a self-sacrificial hero, a goth who gets possessed by a powerful enemy, and a best friend who the writers are desperate to pretend is straight. oh also an enemy who literally has two faces and unhealthy obsession with the hero's mom.
Also did you think about the fact that the by becoming a halfa, The Ultimate Portal has to kill Claire at least half way? Devastating. The parents will never forgive themselves.
I forsee team Phantom eventually retreating to Arcadia if the GIW /the Elder Fentons ever go too far. Leave the ghost hunters behind and retreat to magic and fucked up city. Also the number of people in this city who have two halves is extradinarily high. Jim, Claire, Danny, Aja, Krel, Varvatos, and all the remaining changelings.
Power levels: Baseline Danny is stronger than Morgana's possession. Danny and Claire are about even with full power Morgana, making it a tense but winnable fight. Ghost King Danny is about as strong as Merlin and Morgana working together, and about as strong as any of the Arcane Order individually, though I think the full order actually working together would be able to destroy even the Ghost King, just like the Ancients against Pariah Dark.
The events of 3:Below and Wizards would play out very differently with the help of Team Phantom and I doubt that Rise of the Titans would happen at all.
Thanks for the prompt! Feel free to send me more prompts!
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gentle-giant-swag · 1 year
First up
The A bracket (finished)
Battle 1-16
(most submissions in form 1 and most submissions in form b)
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Starts Friday the 9th of June. 5pm CET. The brackets will be posted between the 9-10th of June.
Side A, 9th of June. 5pm to 8pm cet
Raphael Hamato (rise of the TMNT) vs Totoro (my neighbor Totoro)
Heavy (team fortress 2) vs Big Friendly Giant (BFG)
King Dedede (Kirby) vs Scorpia (She-ra)
Bismuth (Steven universe) vs Susan Murphy (monsters vs aliens)
Fezzik (the princess bride) vs Dick Gumshoe (ace attorney)
Master Chief (halo) vs Bumblebee (bumblebee)
Big Macintosh (my little pony: friendship is magic) vs Massimo Marcovaldo (Luca)
The titan (the owl house) vs Tyson (Percy Jackson)
Side B, 10th of June, 5pm to 8pm CET
Ivan Bruel (miraculous ladybug) vs Asahi Azumane (haikyuu)
Takeo Goda (ore monogatari) vs Caduceus Clay (critical role)
Milly Thompson (tri-gun) vs Sandy (Lego monkie kid)
Jaguar D. Saul vs Jean Bart (one piece)
Komamura (bleach) vs William Ellis (identity v)
Beelzebub (obey me) vs Kazanari Genjuurou (symphogear)
Senri (plus anima) vs Murakumo (rune factory 5)
Holly (super lesbian animal rpg) vs Brutus Feels (Kane and feels)
The B bracket (finished)
Battles 17-32
Characters who have returned from the spring bracket and from fandoms I’ve personally interacted with. So the spring bracket but we blacklisted big man
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Date: Tuesday 13/6 to Wednesday 14/6, between 5pm to 8pm CET
Side A (Tuesday)
The iron giant vs Baymax (big hero 6)
Gonta gokuhara (danganronpa) vs Jonathan Joestar (JoJo’s bizarre adventure)
Dj (total drama) vs Yasutora “Chad” Sado (bleach
Muriel (the arcana) vs Jasmine (total drama)
Subject Delta (bioshock) vs aaarrrgghh (trollhunters)
Klaus Von Reinherz (kekkai sensen) vs Asterios (fate grand order)
Hunk (Voltron) vs Gooliope Jellington (monster high)
Dragonite (Pokémon) vs Asgore Dreemurr (undertale)
Side B (Wednesday)
Alphonse Elric vs Major Lewis Armstrong (full metal alchemist)
Urbosa (legend of Zelda) vs Glamrock Freddy (five nights at Freddy’s)
Milla Vodello vs Helmut Fullbear (psychonauts)
Dedue Molinaro vs Raphael Kirsten (fire emblem: three houses)
Winston vs B.O.B (overwatch)
Kanji Tatsumi (persona) vs Common Wubbox (my singing monsters)
Mordecai vs Muarim (fire emblem: gay rights path of radiance/radiant dawn)
Minsc & Boo (baldur’s gate) vs Big the cat (sonic the hedgehog)
C BRACKET (ongoing)
Battles 33-48
Those who fell in between the A and the D bracket. So this one has some pretty chaotic matchups
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Date: Sunday the 18th to Monday the 19th, 5pm to 8pm cet
A bracket: Sunday
Nicholas St North (rise of the guardians) vs Grear Danes (irl)
Falkor the good luck dragon (the never ending story) vs Susan Strong (adventure time)
Grandpa Max (Ben 10) vs Cerberus (Greek mythology)
Kiryu Kazuma (yakuza) vs Dr Joshua Strongbear Sweet (Atlantis)
Fatgum (my hero academia) vs Takashi Morinozuka (ouran highschool host club)
Will Powers (ace attorney) vs Luther (Detroit: become human)
The Tick (the tick 1994) vs Evan Buck Buckley (911 on fox)
Riki Nendou (saiki k) vs Hearts Boxcars (homestuck)
Side B (Monday)
Shirahoshi vs Tony Tony Chopper (one piece)
Jetfire/skyfire (transformers) vs Indus Tarbella (epithet erased)
Sisyphus (hades) Vs Grog Strongjaw (critical role)
Hugo the abominable snowman (looney tunes) vs Aone Takanobu (Haikyuu)
Android 16 (dragon ball) vs Tiny (ever after high)
Wrecker (Star Wars: the bad batch) vs K (virtues last reward)
Goldlewis Dickinson vs Potemkin (guilty gear)
Yasha Nydoorin (critical role) vs Lily Bowen (fall out)
Battles 49-64
Aka the one where the contestants sadly got the least amount of votes)
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Date: Thursday 22/6th to Friday 23/6th 5pm to 8pm CET
Side A: Thursday
lain chu (dragon hunters) vs Panda (tekken)
Isaroth (genshin impact) vs Bizarro (DC red hood and the outlaws)
Jienji (Inuyasha) vs Jackie Wells (cyberpunk 2077)
Looks to the moon (rain world) vs Jogu (naruto)
Bane Perez (identify V) vs Zinnia (super lesbian animal rpg)
Vulkanon (rune factory 4) vs Argus (Greek mythology)
Mountain (ark knights) vs Taiga Saejima (yakuza)
Abbi (Omori) vs Gorem (bakugan)
SIDE B: Friday
Junko (storm hawks) vs Hajin (monstress)
Gylph (super lesbian animal RPG) vs Bongchun (Bongchun bride)
Fitz Fellow (detective grimoire) vs Bubbles (questionable content)
Dubo (omega strikers) vs Bob the titan (Percy Jackson)
Otto the giant water dog (wondla) vs Kurita Ryoukan (Eyeshield 21)
Mele the Horizons Roar (ishura) vs Gentle Bear (dog island)
The Selfish Giant vs Banjo Lilywhile (the hogfather)
Livio the double fang (trigun) vs Hank McCoy (x-men)
I will make propaganda master posts and if you want to add, just use the ask box or dm me with propaganda for one of the characters who’s going to participate. But that’s all!
May the best gentle giant WIN!
27/6, apricot bracket
Battle 1
Battle 2
Battle 3
Battle 4
29/2, shavedown of the apricot bracket
The battle
1/7, blueberry bracket
Battle 1
Battle 2
Battle 3
Battle 4
3/7, shavedown
The battle
4/7, citron bracket
Battle 1
Battle 2
Battle 3
Battle 4
5/7, shavedown
7/7, durian bracket
Battle 1
Battle 2
Battle 3
Battle 4
8/7, shavedown
The (un)official GGSmod messed up someone’s name post
The crime list
Ask game
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(Human au) Arthur gets a text from Ruby: hey Arthur how are you? how’s the pregnancy going?
Arthur texts her back
{Hey Ruby}
{it's going good}
{the due date is after Bernard gets back from his trip}
{how's Richard?}
{I heard they had a falling out}
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lifblogs · 1 year
I just came up with an angst-filled Trollhunters AU. So say Jim wasn’t the only champion running about for a bit. Say Morgana also had a human champion, and that was Claire. Claire isn’t evil, per se, but Morgana has the perfect weapon against her. Her baby brother. Enrique is her prisoner, and maybe, just maybe, she’s promised she’ll get him back if she does everything Morgana says.
Because of timing and Blinky’s instructions Jim is kept away from Morgana’s champion. And he hates that he isn’t able to do something about it, isn’t able to get to the battle sooner. He’s sick of just seeing the destruction, the aftermath. While he’s not trollhunting Jim has his life at school, and he still has a crush in Claire. Claire also has a crush on Jim, but she knows who he is and has been trying to keep him at arm’s length.
That doesn’t work so well, and maybe they’ve kissed a time or two.
Claire is called away to battle, and she gives some excuse about why she can’t hang out. Jim is a little bummed, but perfect timing, he has to go to battle too!
They come face to face, and Jim finds out she’s been the one causing destruction and hurt the whole time. Claire thought maybe she could handle being unmasked, so to speak, but she can’t, and this just undoes both of them.
That’s my season 1 plot.
Season 2 they have some fights—magical and with swords, and also just yelling at each other—but then the main plot becomes Claire pretending to do her duties, and Jim helps cover for her. This gets harder and harder as Morgana presses in on Claire’s nightmares, and as Blinky asks for answers. Maybe prior to the finale Blinky, AAARRRGGHH!!!, and Toby find out Jim’s secret, and it seems like this will be the end of their relationship with him. Perhaps they find out because Morgana has already learned what’s going on, and takes Claire prisoner and Jim is freaking out. He goes to save her alone, but what he finds is that Morgana is possessing Claire, and it looks like one will be forced to kill the other. All of Jim’s friends end up realizing he needs them even if they do feel betrayed and they go to help. Jim enlists them to save Enrique, something he and Claire have been trying to plan all season. Possessed!Claire does end up hurting Jim, and that plus seeing Enrique free is enough to have her break from Morgana’s control.
Since Jim was injured by the shadow staff the next task is to save him. I haven’t thought much past this, but that would be part of the season 3 plot, Obviously the other part is defeating Morgana. Yes, I did miss out on a lot of Trollish stuff with this, and I’m sure that would be going on too, just… differently. Perhaps there would still be the whole Gunmar and Eternal Night problem. It’d fill in more than a few gaps.
Anyway, did not mean for this post to get this long, but my god, I kind of want to write a fic now. What have I done?
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