#human vs vampire
thepenultimateword · 2 years
Short Prompt #134
Vampires once lived in a utopic society where they ruled supreme over the weaker species: humans. However, when humans find and learn to exploit their captors’ weaknesses, they bite back. Soon vampires become an endangered species and the small group that remains must hide from the creatures they once used for food. Especially when the humans learn that vampire blood is a cure-all for most diseases including the ever-turning hand of time.
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deadrlngers · 4 months
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I'm the reticent vampire of the Ninth Arrondissement. I walk the night capturing disappointment and regret as only the reticent vampire can.
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rennyrose · 2 months
Hi! I love your monster Trigun au so much!!! Could you tell us more about vampire vash in this au? Is he still 100+ years old?
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Thank you I’m glad you like it haha- and he is yes-! There’s a lot of stuff I need to work out and fill gaps on but™️ here’s some recent art snippets and a tad bit of lore-
Vash and Knives were born sometime in the 1800s, and of course grew up together very close- However Vash became chronically very ill, and at one point Knives became very desperate and would do whatever to keep his brother alive
Knives also had a special interest in the occult/supernatural, which would result in sacrificing a piece of Vash so his brother could become something else- then shortly after to do the same to himself
Now Vash continues to attempt to live as normally as he can- (with the exception of helping a new friend struggling to handle beastie tendencies)
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okay okay vampire obi-wan and anemic human anakin who goes to be his meal at like a fancy vampire bistro that pays willing humans to "donate" blood (get bitten) and tastes like shit whomst obi-wan then tries to take care of (in all the ways he can from sunset to sunrise) first so his food tastes good (bc anakin keeps coming back) and then because he cares
sends cookbooks to his apartment, tries to get him to go to the doctor, sends him other little gifts when he sees thinks that make him think of anakin, obi-wan just like wants to take care of his boy because he's clearly not taking care of himself (he signed up to be vampire food so that much should have been obvious) and obi-wan just wants him well is that too much to ask?
they fight about this often. (first: "how did you get my address?" "It's on the form you filled out to be here" "invasion of privacy much?" then: "you could always just... choose someone else?" "and let another vampire suffer from your lack of self care? absolutely not."") ("i don't know why you're putting so much into this? "i must have nothing else to do.") ("if this bothers you so much... just let someone else feed off me." "no.")
anakin stops showing up to be dinner for a few weeks and obi-wan gets worried. but he's not sure how far he's allowed to go in his worry, they're technically just... predator and prey (though obi-wan wouldn't describe them like that) it's just that no one tastes like anakin (that's definitely it) and nobody sasses him like anakin, and nobody is anakin and anakin is missing and clearly if he's been gone this long he can't possibly be okay
(and obi-wan is right, anakin isn't okay. he's in the hospital with an arm that might need to be amputated (but it was obi-wan's favorite place to drink from since he won't touch anakin's neck for reasons he WON'T explain)
(if you asked obi-wan why he didn't bite anakin's neck to begin with, he'd heavily imply there's no reason, but when pressed, it would be that anakin let's out this breathy moan when he's bitten, and it's music to obi-wan's ears, a symphony to his soul, he doesn't think he'd survive it if that was right in his ear, he'd have to kiss the boy then and there, have to keep him, and he can't do that, so his neck is off limits. it is IMPERATIVE anakin does not know this)
and he's lost a lot of blood and he's suffering and not alone because ahsoka and padme keep visiting, but he doesn't know how much he misses obi-wan until he isn't seeing him)
so one night obi-wan goes to anakin's apartment to see he isn't there and hasn't been there in weeks based on sent, and panics because what if he drove his beautiful boy away, or what if someone went after him, and obi-wan can't go in bc vampire rules say he needs permission and also it's good manners.
eventually anakin comes back to him, sans one arm, apologetic because "i know that's where you liked to bite" as if that could possibly be the reason that obi-wan is as upset as he is when he comes in. "i'd understand if you need a different meal," he says, as if that's all he is when obi-wan refuses to bite him because for the first time, he looks fragile and that's heartbreaking
so anakin leaves and obi-wan is gobsmacked, flabberghasted, realized anakin waited to have this conversation as close to sunrise as possible so obi-wan couldn't follow him out of the bar, but he doesn't realize that his vampire would absolutely run into the sun for him (except quin and satine 1000% don't let him "that's not how you get your man, he doesn't want a pile of dust, where's that going to get you, man, think for just a fraction of a second")
so obi-wan send anakin more little gifts, things he can puzzle out one handed as he gets used to being an amputee, trinkets he might enjoy, notes that are meant to make him smile, or that say he'll find somewhere else to feed on the boy if that's going to get him to come back when nothing else has worked. all he wants is to let anakin know that he's he's appreciated, make him feel wanted and loved.
eventually anakin sends him a note back with his phone number and then texts him to come over. he makes obi-wan stand on his stoop for an excruciating amount of time and he gets a lecture about personal space, and respecting people's wishes and "it doesn't matter that you're 300 years old, some people just don't want anything to do with you!" and anakin tries to say all of this with a straight face, before he cracks because he misses obi-wan and it is an act, and he's been in love with this vampire since he decided it was his job to take care of one human that wasn't taking care of himself.
then anakin kisses him and gives him a goofy grin and asks "what are you doing just standing there?"
"are you inviting me in?"
"i guess i am. you're stuck with me though, i'm your problem now."
"darling, you've been my problem for a long time, and i wouldn't have it any other way."
and eventually they fuck, and obi-wan bites anakin's neck, and here's his symphony played out in the most desirable circumstances. and they live happily ever after
(until anakin pesters him about making him a vampire "so i can be your problem, permanently" and they argue about it, but agree that anakin gets a life first "you've gotta be at least 40 before i turn you, i'm not going around looking like i forever robbed the cradle!" "you're not even 40! 25." "nope." "fine, 30 then, final offer." "and if I say no?" obi-wan's grin is feral, like he knows he's lost but he's still willing to play the game. "i know you won't" so does obi-wan)
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I am so mad that this game is technically lost media I want to play it so bad
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brsb4hls · 17 days
Maybe the 'humanization' of iwtv's amc version threw people off a bit.
I know I felt a certain kind of disconnect due to a horror show looking like a gay hipster drama.
But the show is still about monsters.
In the actual sense.
As in 'not human'.
And monsters act differently and have a different 'moral codex' if you can call it that.
So constantly pitting them against each other in a way where one party is measured by human standards makes no sense.
They are all equally horrible and by vampire standards that makes sense.
I get everyone is rooting for their fave and has therefore more compassion for one specific set of trauma, I know I do, but the discourse about who is the evil one is still extremely off.
Like, we should be looking from a human perspective, so everyone is evil, since they would all kill us.
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stickkitty · 3 months
I got color names for the AvAvM characters
I used four websites which I will bullet in order for each one:
- color-name.com
- colornamer.robertcooper.me
- chir.ag/projects/name-that-color
- colors.artyclick.com
I will also sometimes be pretending their names become their literal personality/design because its fun for this post
EDIT: I forgot to say but the reason I am doing this is cuz I found out Alan Revealed official hex codes for a lot of the characters (idk when this was, I usually look at the AvA wiki and I suddenly saw it there and was like ooh this is useful) I did not do TDL or TDL cuz they are straight up just pure black and red (usually gives no other names for such pure colors although I technically never checked). The mercs did not get hex code reveals sadly (but they are multicolor so I wouldn’t do them anyway). I am not sure who else got hex reveals that I did not do other than hangman and Vic’s gray workers, but hangman is also pure black and I didn’t feel like doing anyone else. (Edited this again)
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- Orange (wow basic)
- Safety Orange (honestly fits their personality)
- Blaze Orange (last two websites had this result. ArtyClick said it was a 100% match!)
- ArtyClick always says 4 similar color names. One was Mango Tango and surprisingly King didn’t have that from any website or the similar names list.
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- Boston University Red (That’s his future university now)
- Communist (Red’s a Communist?! :0)
- Guardsman Red
- Rosso Corsa
(Sigh no yellow text color on Tumblr I swear they used to have yellow)
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- Tangerine Yellow (their new fave fruit)
- USC Gold (Yellow’s future University)
- The last two sites said Supernova which is a very cute name
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- Alien Armpit (BAHAHAHA THAT NAME- rip Green's ego)
- Blinking Terminal
- Limeade (that’s better)
- Alien Green (never mind he’s an Alien again) (Green is an Alien and he is kinda spacey)
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- Spiro Disco Ball (fits their personality since they are very good at dancing)
- Shovel Knight (Kinda fits cuz Blue likes gardening) (Shovel Knight and Guardsman Red should be in the same kingdom)
- Dodger Blue (her favorite sports team)
- Bright Sky Blue
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- Heliotrope Magenta
- Magentle (A gentle Magenta?)
- Violet Eggplant
- Barney Purple (LOL Barney the dinosaur)
I call her Sakura but she has other names so I just put Purples Mom
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- “Shocking Pink (Crayola)” (Crayola? How shocking…)
- This and the next website both said Pink Flamingo
- Fuchsia Pink
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- Blue (wow basic #2)
- C64 Blue (...interesting name)
- Blue Ribbon (cuz he won so many fights I guess)
- ArtyClick Ocean Blue (The website name is in his name?)
- Similar name ArtyClick gave me is “Blue Orchid” which is cool since many people hc Pink to be called Orchid. Blue Orchid and Pink Orchid!
Bonus for Blue Ribbon and Blue Orchid:
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Bonus for the first ribbon drawing except the ribbon says something else:
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King Orange
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- Metallic Orange
- “Apple II Chocolate”
- The last two sites said Bamboo (aren’t bamboos green?)
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- Chinese Gold (so he’s Chinese?)
- Leopard (cute ^ ^)
- Buddha Gold (and he's Buddhist?)
- Yellow Ochre
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- Dark Liver
- Fiftieth Shade of Gray
- Emperor (Guardsman Red and Shovel Knight serves xem)
- Vampire (Vampire Vic :0)
Corn Dog Guy
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- Smoky Topaz
- Cranberry Zing
- The last two sites said Copper Rust
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swashbucklery · 2 months
Taylor Alison Swift did not leap from the gallows and levitate down your street so that you could assume she was rivals with number one camp messy serial killer bisexual rockstar Lestat de Lioncourt. They're shit-talking each other's ex-boyfriends over a bottle of wine right now. They're working on several dozen collaborative tracks about how much they want to murder their exes while also calling them crying at 4am. He's not Dylan Thomas. She's not Patti Smith. You get it.
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Humans vs Vampires (PC) Complete win screens
missing: Rory keaner, Zombie Princible, Nurse Vee.
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vampiresinforks · 1 year
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The Cullen kids and the kind of "ass" they are. (insp)
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ninawolv3rina · 10 days
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Big Scary Vampire Man
OC: Cort (he/it)
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byooregard · 3 months
shout out to Daniel Molloy for being able to call out vampires to their faces and uncover erased memories from 50 years ago from getting out of that crazy situationship and becoming an extremely successful journalist and having the smarts and the guts to go up against two centuries old vampires to find the truth and go yeah no thanks in response to an offer of immortality but most importantly for doing what no one else in this story has managed to do (go to therapy. once even)
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dc-vampire-weekend · 6 months
V/H/M Verse
If you are one of the 18+ participants than you would have seen the "Secondary Designations" prompt. This was a combine prompt for two things that were pretty well voted for, A/B/O or Omegaverse, and V/H/M verse or Vampires/Humans/Mates. I've shared about this on the server but I thought I'd also share the basics of it here.
Vampires-- the "dominant" designation. These are most similar to alphas. They're your typical vampires, drink blood, get cursed by holy things, etc. They're also the common "impregnantors" and go crazy for the scent of a mate.
Mates-- Mates are specifically design to be able to provide a vampire with what they want. These are close to the omegas. They go into mating cycles where they release pheromones that attract vampires. They also are the ones that get pregnant. They also have the ability to rapidly replenish their blood as they're meant to feed not only their vampire, but also any vampire pups* that they have.
Humans-- you know... they're... they're humans... they're the nutral designation and probably the most common. Vampires can impregnate and drink from them and they can impregnate mates, but it's just not as satisfying or works as well as with the other designation.
*Pups was going to be something special just for V/H/M verse but baby bats are called pups and Vampires are usually associated with bats 😭
So for anyone who wants, feel free to use this. I would love to make it a tag on Ao3. <3
-- Mod Taxi
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feedingicetothedog · 1 year
new age discrepancy i noticed while reading the caption of this post:
Lestat de Lioncourt. 179 years in the Savage Garden. 148 years the blood-drinker, the bringer of death… the deer come up the trail
179 years in the savage garden and 148 the blood drinker would mean that lestat was turned when he was 31. however later in the same ep
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which would make him 34.
it's just like how depending on what info you use louis was turned when he was 32-34 (if he was born in 1878 and turned in 1910 as he says during this scene, then he's 32. if the birth year on the gravestone is correct and he was turned in 1910, then he's 33 which is what he said he was in ep 1. however, there's that timeline that shows louis being turned in 1911 so if the birth year on the gravestone is correct then he would be 34)
conclusion: none of these vampires can remember how old they were when they were turned and are just approximating
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philtatosbuck · 3 months
no matter how strange marcel and rebekah is they could have easily fixed it with having rebekah be daggered while marcel was being raised sure it'd still be weird but it wouldn't be As weird.
#marcel gerard#rebekah mikaelson#idk if it's anti her but like .... mmmm.#here's the thing i think it's weird and strange and odd whatever whatever#in a normal family it'd be illegal#considering these people are immortal and have all types of inappropriate relationships#it's not AS big of a deal but the defining factor#is truly that she was there while he was being raised.#it'd be one thing if she woke up and klaus had this prodigy / protege he called his son who she found herself attracted to#(still weird as fuck)#like it would arguably make the story better even#but no she watched him grow up as her brother's son so there's no way to detach that from their story#and it makes sense for a mikaelson of all people#to have a fucked up relationship like that#but it's just SO UNNECESSARY???#between all the brothers fucking the same women#+ someone's brother dating their baby mama#+ the immortal vampires dating teenagers#the weirdest relationships are still the ones with the weirdly human age gaps#if marcel and rebekah met when marcel was a newly turned vampire. one thing.#but it's like. caroline and alaric's brand of nasty.#that girl was his student who was Forced to have his babies and he fell in love with her#that's by far one of the most frowned upon relationships in this series FORRRRRRRRR a reason#be so honest i would not gaf about the klaus' son aspect of marbekah#if she didn't know him as a kid/watch him grow up#like i'd just take it as. oh okay yeah that makes sense for klaus and rebekah's dynamic#tvdu text#idk my tag for that#tvdu op#it's like edward/bella weirdness vs jacob/renesmee weirdness
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wormnamedwax · 3 days
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DC vs. Vampires (2021) #01
yeah ofc it’s a normal day for YOU you freak
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