#humans got no votes it was kinda funny
Howdy! I see a lot of Jasmine Sherman content and I wanted to know if you knew about her tiktok? I see people saying she's been very rude to those asking questions and that she refuses to expand upon her policies, but I don't have a tiktok so I can't see it for myself.
You don't have to answer this but if you know anything more, I'd appreciate it ty ❤️❤️
They use they/them pronouns and yeah im familiar with it, been tuning into the last couple lives.
And I would say Sherman is as respectful to you as you are to them ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Matter of fact, I thought this was funny so I took a screenshot. Here is them kinda laying it out themselves in the practice live they held earlier this week.
They were asking questions to something called Pi, which from context I gathered was some AI tool.
Jasmine Sherman explained to it that they're not particularly social and have a strong set of principles and boundaries. One of which is not believing in respectability politics. So they don't believe they should have to tone police themselves for them or their words to still hold value, especially when respect is not being reciprocated.
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Sherman is rude when they're clocking people, yeah. Legitimately. They're outta pocket fr 💀💀 self-described as petty.
They don't hide this. This is a campaign image from the share & distribute section of their site lol
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As for the people asking policy questions: the majority are, as they say above, coming and asking very disrespectfully. It's people who clearly don't know anything about their policy, haven't read it, & yet come to the live accusing Sherman of being a bot or psyop or just ignorant honestly that Sherman refuses to answer.
There was one person there who kept coming back to the live to harass Sherman about their death penalty policy. I mean returning after hours at a time, time they absolutely could've checked Sherman's site.
Sherman answered something like: i used to believe in it and switched after talking to professionals and experts in the field about it. It's still up on the site for accountability and transparency.
That person refused to go away and got nastier; continued treating Sherman like a liar or like their policies had holes for no reason. And they kept coming back to ask the same thing, just demanding energy and labor again and again and again.
At one point Sherman told people watching the live and doing the live with them to stop trying to educate that person. They're willfully and intentionally ignorant. To ignore them. So people did.
Also they DO expand on their policies which is why it's so frustrating when those people come in acting like Sherman doesnt or like they don't have a policy at all. It's also on their site if people really wanna know so it's also like?
......do you just wanna see Black femme perform for you?
And besides that even while Sherman is roasting you they're assuring you that even if someone disagrees with them or doesn't understand them or even if Sherman themselves hates you, they'll still believe you still deserve basic human rights, housing, healthcare, and are gonna keep fighting for that anyway.
They said something like this a million times in the last hour so I'll paraphrase:
"why should I give a fuck about your opinion. Why should you care about mine? What does my opinion matter when I'm fighting for a better future for all of us. Hate me all you want. I don't care. I don't.
Your hate doesn't matter to me or change what I'm fighting for. You wanna see my policies or my experience? Go to my site or look me up, Google knows who I am. If you don't have anything to say about my policies then I don't care. I don't care that youre voting for Kamala. I don't care that you think my campaign is a waste of time. That changes nothing for me. Biden let's a genocide happen, Trump is Like That, but I can't be rude to people that are rude to me first? It's a double standard because I'm Black and fat. I don't care that people think I'm rude. They can think I'm rude all they want. They don't need to like me as a person to support my platform. Just like I don't need to like them as a person to keep fighting for my platform."
They were feeling deeply frustrated.
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Is Zaraki's able to see Zanpaktou spirits because he himself was once a weapon?
Any plans for Sode no Shirayuki? How does she feel about being considered the most beautiful Zanpaktou?
Point 1: Yes, also because he's the (adopted) son of a Minor Kami and a [SPOILER], but mostly because it's funny if he has no spiritual sense except that he can see sword spirits. Zanpaktou spend most of their time Resting in a little pocket dimension inside the Sword- all those showy super-attacks take a lot of energy, and they are fueled by but one person! But if a Zanpaktou wants to talk to their wielder or is bored and wants to watch The Shinigami Show, they can manifest outside the sword in a spirit form only visible to Their Wielder Specifically, and other Zanpaktou that are also currently in spirit form or in shikai/bankai. In general, one Shinigami cannot perceive the zanpaktou spirit form of another Shinigami, Unless Some Weird Shit Be Afoot, so it's a hell of a surprise to the spirits when they find out Zaraki can see them, as they (like everyone else) assumed he was Human. He can't see Zanpaktou when they're resting in the pocket dimension though, because they're in a different dimension. Kenpachi does have a bit of a problem though, in that Sword Spirits look just as real and normal to him as humans and other people, and he's seen such an enormous variety of People that he does not necessarily notice that a Zanpaktou is a Zanpaktou. He thought that was Just Some Guy, and he's the last person who should be commenting on appearances. He's learned from living in the heavily forested Far North where they are common, that Many Minor spirits like Koropokkuru and Kodama are invisible to most people and startle if seen, and that more material beings don't like it when he talks to them without being some kind of introduced first, so he's adopted an informal policy of generally ignoring people until they make the first move. ...Which is how nobody in the Gotei-13 noticed Kenpachi could see Zanpaktou until a solid 57 years after he became captain, when he lightly ruined one of Shunsui's moon-veiwing parties.
Point 2: She doesn't think much about it because she is not "Generally Considered" to be the most beautiful zanpaktou, even if she was voted to be so. In AEIWAM, Sode no Shirayuki is an Ice Apparition that takes the form of an Artic Hare and All the Chappy Gikon have a crush on her, and when all the Chappys took a vote, they agreed unanimously on the most beautiful, and espouse her virtues to anyone that will listen. She's usually busy beating the shit out of someone if there's a Chappy in her vicinity, and so she doesn't listen to them and is entirely unaware of their affections.
Point 3: Lots of the Zanpaktou Spirits look different than how they're depicted in the Zanpaktou Arc, because many of those designs were frankly Uninspired, especially compared to the ones that appear in the Manga. ...This post got kinda long though, Zanpaktou spirit appearances under the cut:
Zabimaru appears much as they do in the Manga, and writing their dialogue because they are two entities of different genders sharing a body, or at least, a butthole. Zabi The Monkey is still female and and Maru The Snake is still male, and they don't use pronouns so much as weild them like nunchucks. Kenpachi got on very well with them back when Renji was in the 11th and still do- many spirits are alarmed to be percieved, but Zabimaru was delighted and took a great deal of pleasure at making running rather cheeky commentary during meetings to (lovingly) agitate Renji and see if they could crack Zaraki's Pokerface.
Senbonzakura is one of the few Zanpaktou that semi-regularly manifests in a way humans and other mortals can see, a privlege granted to him by his exceptional age (he's almost as old as Ryujin Jakka and Shinken Hakkyoken) and the patronage of the Kuchiki clan. A great many people have seen him, but few notice that they have because Senbonzakura is a Tree. He appears as an enormous, ancient and beautiful cherry tree with a crooked root that is the perfect for leaning against and meditating, and is far and away the most stable member of the Kuchiki family, if only by virtue of his extensive root system. Kenpachi didn't actually notice Senbonzakura was a sword spirit the first time he saw him- the central courtyard of the Kuchiki manor is a perfectly normal place for a grand old tree like that. He realized what was going on and hour later when he came back down the same hall and realized the tree was now mirror image to it's previous position and had a good laugh at the Spirit's joke and they became friends, much to the detriment of Ginrei Kuchiki's blood pressure. It's bad enough having Yachiru regularly hop the fence to eat snacks and steal fish out of the pond, but Zaraki semi-regularly turning up to have the craic with the family sword is just too much. Senbonzakura is equally find of Kenpachi, because he took the teenage Byakuya under his wing and imparted on the boy the wisdom of a broader appreciation of Senbonzakura- "Sure, the blossoms are pretty and all but that's one week in a whole year of tree. If my opinion is worth anything, He's at his best in late summer when he's full of fruit." "-Count on a Bird to have properly nuanced opinions on trees." agrees Senbonzakura.
Rangiku's Haineko looks like a snow leopard with a coat of fine flaky ashes instead of fur, whose spots glow from the inside like a still-smoldering log. Of all the spirits, Hainkeo is the only one that really Unsettles Kenpachi- She doesn't actually make noise when she moves, is disturbingly well-camoufalged even in the city, and never flinches from making eye contact. Kenpachi isn't sure if Haineko is genuinely unsettling, or if she bothers him because he he was raised by Eagles and lost many friends and even some family to the ravages of cats.
Sogyo no Kotowari are still twins, but Ukitake has seen them change over time- they look like little boys now, but during Ukitake's early days, when the Soul Society was a much rougher place, the twins looked decidedly more Shadow Over Innsmouth. Even today, when they're really upset, they still have a tendency to go a little fish-eyed. They were another one Kenpachi did not realize was a Zanpaktou spirit and one night The Twins had come out to play in the garden during one of Shunsui's "Moon-Veiwing" parties, and Ukitake happened to mention he is the oldest of eight children. "Seven brothers and sisters!" Kenpachi laughed. "How can you, of all people, not have a spare sibling to babysit for you?" "Babysit? For me?" Jushiro blinked at him, confused. "My siblings used to call on me when my nieces and nephews were still young, but I'm a bachelor." "Don't tell me you're babysitting The Twins?" Kenpachi demanded, pointing at them "Here? Now? Surely you've got a less-busy sibling who didn't have a boozing session on his calendar that could watch them?" Jushiro followed out to where Kenpachi was pointing. "You... You can see them? The two little boys over there?" "I only got the one manky eye, Jushiro, the other works fine. Cute little shits." "You- They're- They're my Zanpaktou! You can see Zanpaktou spirits??" "Ohhhh, yeah I can see how getting a sitter for sword spirits would be tricky." Kenpachi nodded. "-THAT'S NOT THE RELEVANT POINT ZARAKI!"
The design I did like from the Zanpaktou filler arc was Minazuki- a shroud over an invisible body and a watery, disembodied voice? Choice combination of elegance and menace, befitting a Stingray. ...but definitely could be weirder. Imagine her cape as what looks like thick, mottled green fabric which an almost wet-looking sheen if she passes through direct sunlight- until you touch it and realize the cape is the smooth, slippery and exquisitely camouflaged flesh of a Potamotrygon brachyura Stingray, and you need to be REALLY careful about the little tail of fabric trailing behind her, because those spines aren't decorative. She shifts, standing up to become more humanoid and her single orange eye appears under her hood, floating in the middle of the space where her head should be. Or if she doesn't feel particularly humanoid, she bows and the eye passes through the fleshy cloak to the top of her head, now shaped more like a stingray but... gooey and uncertain around the edges, like she's bleeding into an invisible river around you. regardless of position, the eye always follows you, unblinking. Kenpachi is of the Opinion that Minazuki is the most beautiful of all the Zanpaktou, and insists he's not biased- Sure, he's madly in love with Retsu and therefore Minazuki because they are more one being than two, but he also damn near died of a freshwater stingray's spine once. "That just makes you more biased." Sighs Yumichika. "You're horny for anything that almost kills you."
Katen Kyokotsu appears much the same as she does in the Manga, and as part of her subterfuge to hide Shinken Hakkyoken, she doesn't distinguish between either of 'her' bodies when speaking. They're both her and if you try to distinguish between them you're clearly some kind of Idiot. Most humans are Idiots though. At the Moon viewing party where Kenpachi revealed he could see The Twins, there is BEDLAM. "You can see Zanpaktou spirits?" Unohana blinks. "-Just. In general and not when you're particularly close to someone?" she asks and when a puzzled Aizen frowns at her, she clips him under the ear before he can speak. "Yeah? It's not that big a deal, lots of people can see minor spirits-" "No! being able to see minor spirits at all is really rare, even among humans in the afterlife and Shinigami, and I've literally never heard of someone who can see Zanpaktou!" Ukitake yelps. "...Huh. 'Snot that great- they mostly just look like other people. Better dressed, usually, but it's really nothing." "How. uh. Long have you been able to see them?" Shunsui asks, suddenly nervous. "Since forever?" Zaraki shrugs, pouring himself another cup of tea. Shunsui stares at him, trying to puzzle something out. "You... didn't think it was Odd when Katen Kyokotsu appears next to me? She loves those meetings." "What, the Oiran with the purple hair and-? Ah." He realized as she manifested at the sound of her name, regarding him imperiously. "My Lady." Kenpachi nodded his head at her. Good Manners around the Oiran had been instilled into him by Madame Tsubaki with some force. There was a moment of silence while those assembled waited for an answer. "...Yeah I'm not gonna lie. I thought she was your Dominatrix or something." Kenpachi sighed. Katen Kyokotsu roared with laughter and Shunsui crumpled into a ball on the floor.
Apparently there's a charter limit I'm approaching, more later.
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magpie-trove · 17 days
August Reads
Cress & Winter • Marissa Meyer | it was Trying Times and for some reason Lunar Chronicles is one of my go to escapes and comforts turns out. I really wanted to reread Cress but got sucked in and had to do Winter too. Still as good as the first time. Deeply near and dear to my heart.
The Talented Mrs Mandelbaum • Margalit Fox | new non fiction about a Victorian crime boss lady and her band of thieves and fencers. Short and to the point. Interesting. Wouldn’t say it was one of my favorites of the year but it was worth reading.
Your Vote Matters • Rebecca Katzman | childrens non fiction about the electoral process. Made sense and had a real nice layout and pictures!!!!. (Not a picture book it was like 80 pages or something? But yeah I like it!)
Howl’s Moving Castle • Diana Wynne Jones | was just rereading all my faves for a bit there. Still a 12/10 book.
Yours from the Tower • Sally Nicholls | new YA epistolary fiction set in the 1890’s. Surprised me! Actually had a little nuance! Was very good about the characters. Important to me cause it made me understand how people work in certain situations better than I had before. I think I cried sad and I know I happy cried a little towards the end. I do recommend.
Sonnets from the Portuguese • Elizabeth Barrett Browning | still a favorite
Voices in the Air • Naomi Shihab Nye | the Emily poem!!!!! I think I loved Everything Comes Next more, a lot of these poems got more specifically political and idk it takes away their power a bit to me? But it still had plenty of bangers
Wheels of Change • Sue Macy | YA non fiction about the role of the bicycle in the suffragette movement. Interesting topic, real nice layout, lots of good primary sources. It had a reprint of a lot of pretty funny things women were advised not to do while riding, including “do not say Feel my muscle” and “do not ask Do you like my bloomers?”
The Castle of Llyr • Lloyd Alexander | follow up to The Black Cauldron. Beloved. He writes at such a good level and manages to keep the Nobility to the story.
Kilmeny of the Orchard • LM Montgomery | I actually didn’t like this one that much? Kinda hinged on some racist stereotypes and was mean about adoptees and the romance felt kind of condescending. Idk I wasn’t really impressed.
Saintly Women of Modern Times • Joan Carroll Cruz | Learned so many cool stories!!! I did also discover though at times you need examples as encouragement and at times examples might get a little discouraging. The women highlighted were all unique and interesting though!
Mapmakers and the Lost Magic • Amanda Castillo and Cameron Chittock | children’s graphic. Nice art interesting premise and world building. I’d probably read the next one.
Uniformity with God’s Will • Alphonsus Linguori | very good
A Wish in the Dark • Christina Soontornvat | HELLO!!! Childrens fiction with the premise Les Miserables but in Thailand. LOVED IT. SHOOK. I CRIED. BEAUTIFUL. I loooved the characters looooved the words, it was sooooo goooood!!!!!!!!! Made me want to do something nothing else has ever succeeded in (read Les Miserable). Do recommend!
The Lucky Poor • Mazie Lovie | adult graphic memoir about getting a house through Habitat for Humanity and unexpected drawbacks or something? Nothing really struck me about it tbh
Sisters of the Lost Marsh • Lucy Strange | the VIIIIIIBES VIIIIBES FOR DAAYYYYS. Middle Grade fantasy based on English folklore and circus, about six sisters who’s father says they’re under a curse. Beautifully done. This one will haunt me. Do recommend.
Romanov • Nadine Brandes | YA historical fantasy. had its moments but I kinda wanted the fantasy out of it at times though it wasn’t as jarring as some other stuff in that regard. It was a nice walk in the park and then the most nightmarish thing I’d read then just kind of ok. Not bad at all but not my most favorite. I just wanted to read about Anastasia tbh. I think (?) it had a pretty good illustration of forgiveness at one point though that made it make sense to me in a new way.
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thebeesareback · 4 months
I just finished Renegade Nell and
- Poynton is a Faustian nightmare, and Adrian Lister did an absolutely fantastic job. It felt like he was channelling Othello in his magic scene. He's an excellent villain
- Rassalas/Amadin and Roxy are really cute
- I didn't realise, but the actor who plays Charles is Frank Dillane. He played young Voldy in Harry Potter 6, and his father is Stephen Dillane, who played Stannis Baratheon in GOT
- Polly Honeycombe is perfectly named
- Sofia is a Goth Queen
- Louisa Harland had fantastic chemistry with everyone and was just generally a badass
- I don't usually care about fight scenes (Princess Bride aside), but the choreography looks good to me
- tonally, the show is pretty inconsistent, but it kinda works? I appreciate things which can be serious and can be funny, can be dramatic and have honest, human moments
- v strange to think that Tottenham was ever, well, sort of a village. If you've not been there, it's now an especially rough part of London with a rather nasty MP (super antisemetic, still received like 70% of the vote in 2019, if memory serves)
- Joely Richardson looks like she's having a blast every time she's on screen. Good for her
- I adore Nick Mohammed when he's on Taskmaster, and he's delightful in this, too. I certainly wouldn't mind having him as my guardian angel fairy imp thingy
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imperiuswrecked · 2 months
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Time to read Namor (2024) #1
I personally think Namor would rather die than ever admit his weakness to enemies.
Aaron has never been able to write Namor's noble arrogance & pride correctly.
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S.M. 39 - Sub-Mariner 1939 (creation year)?
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I want to physically slap Namor out of his depression so hard that my hand breaks on his perfect cheekbones.
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Someday, a writer will remember Prince Byrrah exists and then the toxic royal cousin rivalry will be back on! He def would have been at the forefront of this misadventure to lead Namor into trouble.
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Finally a bit of in character-ness, Namor being annoyed that the humans weak prison and ripping through the bars like it's nothing.
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I can't recall, was it that awesome Namor fanfic that first introduced Namor gaining strength through blood (aka the Blood-Mariner) or was it in a comic? I'll come back to this point later to check.
Action/art in this book is great, I do love the artists so much.
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He's so sad, a depressed mess.
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Stingray??? This man is always around when Namor is beat to hell and tied up by humans, I swear. Except the last time he was put on display and not in a hospital bed, and it was Walter who captured Namor. (Sub-Mariner 1969 #19)
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I mean the fish never spoke to you before Namor but that's ok, I know you've been knocked on the head a lot of times in your life. (Kidding aside, The fish in the Marvel universe don't talk, that's Aquaman's thing. Namor has a mild telepathy that let's him persuade/command them)
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Which is the better sea pun? World War Sea or Searebro? Vote below
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The thing is the Atlanteans have always been treated that way without anything to stop them?? Like the kids who were left to die on the shore in Aaron's Avengers, what repercussions did the international world instigate when that happened? It was only ever Namor who stood up for his people, and tried to implement change in the surface world's governments. Heck he finally got Atlantis/the ocean into the UN back in 2018. It's not like the humans have ever cared about the oceans or Atlanteans, so while I get the urgency Walter should have just said "Attuma said your ass looks fat and you're an ugly skank, and he insulted your mother" bc then Namor would have been rushing to beat him up. lmao.
Sorry it's just really funny to me that Namor in the past would have left everything in an instant the moment Attuma even glanced at Atlantis. The (Defenders comic? need to check) scene where he just fucks off back into the ocean always lives in my heart.
While I see what Aaron is trying to do, I don't trust him enough to carry it out because while he's set up Namor to be sympathetic in the past by the end of his use of Namor in Avengers/Enter the Phoenix, Namor is the one who was blamed for everything without any acknowledgement of the help he gives to humans, etc.
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This is where I really feel that Aaron doesn't get Namor. I understand a lot of people see Namor as this cruel character but he's not. He can be capable of cruelty but he really did not start being so cold until he was an adult. It's not until after WWll, after the deaths' of his mother, Fen, his wives, Dorma & Marrina, and finally his younger cousin Nita, that Namor really changes into today's modern interpretation of the character. You can actually see his character progression into what most people know him as in the 2000s and beyond comics, but younger Prince Namor?
Prince Namor is arrogant, and brash, and prideful, but he was also kind and selfless. He was happy once.
Compare Aaron's flashbacks to Busiek's in Namor: King in Black and there is a world of difference in how they are written. Aaron's has never shown that he has the writing range of being able to write Namor's less mean side. I should say more innocent side? Because he does have one, one that believes that he should be a protector of his people. This kinda behavior is something I expect from Prince Byrrah, who was always selfish and cruel and put a lot of emphasis on him being the Heir to the Throne. This isn't the first time Aaron's written about Namor's younger self, in his Avengers, he also wrote him like this, but killing a shark just for fun.
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*sigh* I knew it was coming bc of the preview of coverart but we really are back in the old suit. I do like how the artist added some flair, but I will be honest that I already miss his slutty fish net pants. Of course I wouldn't be complaining if we got Namor back in his speedo.
The worst of it was just how right I was about how Aaron really fails to grasp Namor's character. That's always been my complaint about the writer.
If the setup was in the hands of another writer I would love it bc I love Fantasy Court intrigue & battles.
However I do have to say the artists have been really great and I can't wait to see what they do next!
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fairytale-poll · 1 year
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Propaganda Under the Cut:
Queen Red Riding Hood:
She's a girlboss who is sometimes a little vain but still loves her friends and will do anything to save her kingdom. Also she was in love with a guy since she was like 8 and he continuously rejected her, and then she found out he was in love with her archenemy. So yeah, she needs this.
She's kinda spoiled and high maintenance but gets better. I just think she's a fun character
i loved the land of stories series as a kid and i especially loved red because shes sooo full of herself and wears beautiful dresses and expensive jewelry and stuff (she became a queen lol) but also she does come to genuinely care for people and her friends and has a good heart (even if she does brag about it) she’s a very funny character x)
She’s a great example of how sudden fame and wealth at a young age can go to your head, and she gets great character development about it. She has an entire giant chamber in her castle full of baskets (it’s unfortunately quite flammable). My most favorite detail about her is when she finds a wolf pup in the woods, she assumes it’s a dog and names him Clawdius (yes, spelled like that). Everyone else knows it’s a wolf but no one wants to be the one to tell her. She learns the truth and gets over it and now Clawdius is her guard wolf. (Oh also she had the original Big Bad Wolf made into a winter coat, and that’s the original reason Clawdius came to her) I love her, she’s married to a giant frog man, she got elected queen, please vote for her.
Queen Red ftw!!!!!!
As you can see from these little excerpts [Mod's note: click on link to look at the excerpts] that I managed to gather in less than ten minutes, you should vote for Queen Red :D
Vote for Queen Red TLoS!!! She's a girlboss who married a frog man :D
She’s the child of the red riding hood and the big bad wolf. Don’t question it to okay. Also she was the first character I thought of when I saw this!
She’s the daughter of red riding hood and the big bad wolf! She’s a werewolf!
Love her design very much. She gets a lot of great outfits. Also, another version of Red Riding Hood that incorporates both the girl and the wolf together.
1: ever after high was iconic and amazing and so well written and i'm really bitter that it was cancelled so i think cerise deserves this win (i do too) 2: her design is really good. like no one else could EVER if you ask me 3: wolf girl. do i NEED to say more. ...honestly, my brain cannot bring out any more words so fingers crossed someone else submits her and she gets some ACTUAL GOOD propaganda (sorry cerise forgive me)
She’s a badass red riding hood with a secret (her dad is the big bad wolf)
She's the daughter of Red Riding Hood and the Wolf, so she has wolf ears and is really strong. She's supposed to be the next Red Riding Hood so she should count.
She's the daughter of Little Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad Wolf making her a daughter of forbidden love and thus a double representation of Little Red Riding Hood's age-old story of maturity and adolescence.
She's really cool! She was born from a forbidden romance between the wolf (don't worry he turns into a human lmao) and Little Red Riding Hood and has to hide her heritage from other people which I think is really interesting. Also her hood is really pretty.
She's the daughter of red riding hood and is meant to take over that role when it's her time
she slays so hard!! while technically shes not THE little red riding hood, she is her daughter and the FUTURE little red riding hood. shes also half wolf, which is really cool!! and yea. she slays.
idk she’s just cool & definitely gay
She’s meant to be the next Red Riding Hood but her whole bit is that not only is her mom Red Riding Hood, her father is the Big Bad Wolf and she needs to keep it a secret. The best of both worlds. The tween girls went crazy for the wolf thing. Had a pretty doll and cool outfits. Has an older sister who’s meant to be the next Big Bad Wolf (Ramona Badwolf) who she comes into conflict with. Identity crisis! She was everything to eleven year old me
She’s half wolf, she has cool white streaks in her hair, she’s a jock with super speed and I like her a lot.
she turned me lesbian.
Fan favourite, my first lesbian crush on a character
She is a daughter of previous Little Red Riding Hood and Big Bad Wolf, how cool is that
She’s a furry yeuwu
she’s the daughter of red riding hood and the big bad wolf. she’s a wolf girl. i love her
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nortism · 8 months
doctor who liveblog pt 18
s3 ep11 utopia
- jack harkness episode!!!!! he’s back from the war!!!
- always cardiff with these ppl
- uh oh the end of the universe
- oh fuck did jack die
- back from the brink of death and already flirting
- omg the doctor is a real dick 😭😭
- glad martha had someone to bond with
- yooo jack’s immortal??
- omggggg he’s an evil timelord
- HES THE MASTER ?!??!!!?!!? i’ve heard of this guy
- she’s still alive LETS GOOOO
- oh shit he’s in the tardis
- oh fucj he’s gonna regenerate
- why are u as a man calling another man master??
- oh no the tardis is gone, they are fucked
s3 ep12 the sound of drums
- oh they escaped that’s good
- oh he’s harold saxon
- martha i can’t believe u didn’t vote
- idk why he decided that the uk was the country from which he needed to take over the world but that’s doctor who logic 😭😭
- good to see that tish got a nice new job
- oh fuck he’s killed the cabinet
- most unrealistic part of this episode is that an alien became prime minister without being part of one of the two main parties
- who’d call himself the doctor???
- wait what happened to my girl harriet jones?
- oh shit he’s gonna kill the journalist
- lucy ur husband is gay
- oh he’s a hypnotist
- good of him to warn her about the bomb he planted in her room
- oh martha’s mum u fucked up
- theres a real fucked up homoerotic undertone to the doctor/master dynamic
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- what did i say?
- ok i’m kinda obsessed with the master, he’s cunty as hell
- the teletubbies r pretty cool
- starting to think the time lords aren’t great
- oh fuck jack is in torchwood
- uh oh the phones r evil
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- oh my poor girl 😭😭
- fucking americans
- oh shit martha’s parents
- oh no the tardis
- oh shit he just blew up the president
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- i giggled
- laser screwdriver!!
- oh fuck he was behind the lazarus thing
- sorry the doctor getting old man-ified was a little funny
- bye bye martha
- another fucking bible reference, they r loving those this season
- on one hand, it’s bad that the master is trying to end the world, one the other, cunty queer coded villains are what i come to 2000s television for
s3 ep13 last of the time lords
- this is a lot of pressure on martha, why isn’t it the immortal fucker’s job to save the world?
- oh they’ve crucified jack harkness
- uh oh prison break
- the old man is being old man-ified again
- where’d he go
- oh jesus fuck that’s horrible
- oh this is the doctor at his most pathetic
- at least martha’s parents are back together
- oh shit the professor is a snitch
- oh fuck here he comes
- uh oh they telported
- yesss homoerotic fight on a cliff let’s goo
- oh yeah his wife!!!!
- i could do without the misogyny i won’t lie
- omg he fucking died
- rip king, be nicer to women in the next life
- aww the poor doctor alone again
- good on martha for knowing when to leave
- what
possibly controversial but i preferred s3 to s2 despite being a rose girlie always and forever. that ruled and I LOVE U MARTHA JONES
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theshadowrealmitself · 5 months
I’ve been stuck thinking about trying to build back after an apocalypse and for some reason my mind keeps rotating this in my head:
A town voting for a charismatic guy as their leader, and this guy has a really attractive spouse who’s somehow been completely, or almost completely, untouched by the apocalypse, like she looks like she was a model from pre-apocalypse times
And anyways, things get a little bit better after the guy is elected but not by too much and everyone’s okay with that because he’s so charismatic and stuff did get a bit better, so he’s a shoe-in for re-election
Meanwhile, his spouse spends her days holed up in their giant house, and then spends her nights singing at the town’s most popular bar, where the bartender has heart eyes for her
And the bartender is definitely someone who’s been affected by the apocalypse, barely looking human, seriously self conscious about it, and yeah they’re kinda into the mayor’s wife because of how attractive she is, but mostly because of her personality, she’s a really sweet, funny, interesting person and it seems like she might actually have a crush on the bartender back
But everyone’s like “obviously not, she probably just gets her rocks off from having people “beneath her” have a crush on her” and also she’s married to the mayor who has money and power and also isn’t bad to look at, why would she go after the bartender??
Well, one day, the mayor dies. Turns out he was into some shady shit and he got what was coming to him, and since that has happened, no one’s seen his wife, she just stays holed up in their, well now only her’s, house 24/7, doesn’t even come down to the bar anymore
So the bartender goes up to check on her, worried that maybe she did like her husband and this was badly affecting her, so they go onto the property and find her…excitedly toiling on a garden
And this woman is like constantly presented as “perfect” despite the hellscape all around, never has a strand of hair out of place, always has pristine clothes, never a blemish in sight, etc
And here she is now, covered in mud, hands blistering, hair a wreck, and she’s the happiest anyone has ever seen her
And it turns out that the garden is for the community, that she’s been wanting forever to actually do something that her husband has promised to do, but he never had any intention of following through (he’d pretty much would only grow one thing to create artificial scarcity and charge an arm and a leg for it) and he never let her do anything because he saw her as a prop for his image and didn’t want her to do anything that could “ruin” herself
(And there is a whole sad story on how she got stuck in a marriage to a horrible creep but we’re not talking about that anymore)
And the mayor’s giant house gets turned into a community center and she still wears her fancy dresses time to time but she doesn’t look like a mannequin anymore, and she’s not defined as “the mayor’s wife” anymore and she does get to be with the bartender, who now runs the community kitchens, because she did genuinely want to be with them the whole time and everyone’s the happiest they’ve ever been and there is hope for the future
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alollinglaughingcat · 5 months
i... accidentally discovered 100% Wolf and im absolutely going insane
something i like to do for fun is to watch kinda of shitty animated wolf/dog/animal movies like, yknow, like Pets United or Underdog, or, famously, the Alpha & Omega series, mostly cause i see some YT review about how bad/goofy they are and it's something to waste an hour or two
and i saw a 100% Wolf bad review and was like "ha another bad wolf furry movie! i'll watch that. oh it has a sequel movie coming out soon? cool. oh, it has a series? with two 20+ episode seasons? oof the series probably butchers the quality/integrity of the movie... i'll watch the movie but the series will probably be to bad to watch---"
granted im only up to like episode 14 or smthn before i HAD to take a break (literally i watched the movie this morning and i havent taken a break for ANYTHING) (except feeding my foster kittens)
BUT LIKE???? it's not GOOD quality necessarily, either in animation or plot or character development, like I'd say it's kind of like Miraculous Ladybug quality, but a little worse? but i just LOVE it. i LIKE the characters. i ENJOY the silly little plot. i LOVE that it just fucking??? does things??? and never gives you answers to them???
like hello??? Batty the 100% DOG gained the ability to go were-human and NOBODY QUESTIONED IT OR INVESTIGATED IT FURTHER??? (but i love Batty's character and i love how she got voted the pack leader instead of the main character or his rival even if it didn't stick and i love how she wanted to return to being a normal dog at first but then grew to love her werewolf pack and she doesn't wanna go back and the episode where she was like 'what is my future after the academy if i cant join the night patrol? what do i want from this new life?' was MUAH CHEF'S KISS even though that ALSO did not technically get an answer/resolve)
and what happened to Cherry????? is she on the good guys side now or is she still on the bad guys???? hello???? she was evil for like TWO episodes and then got redeemed and rejoined the good guys again except HELLO REMEMBER that she was probably in cahoots with the OTHER secretly-bad-guy-pretending-to-be-a-good-guy and said guy (Ric) just??? never confronts Cherry for abandoning the bad guys???? even though he SHOULD??? unless Cherry is secretly still on the bad guys side???? WHAT IS HAPPENING WITH CHERRY??? I NEED ANSWERS (and i hope there IS answers in the future but knowing this show its just gonna forgor about it XDD)
AND WHY IS RIC SO SIMULTANEOUSLY STUPID AND SMART??? one episode he's literally evil mastermind and it's so expertly written and i LOVED the foreshadowing for him being the secret evil guy except now that he's revealed to be the evil bad guy he's so stupid sometimes???? why'd they butcher you bro 😭😭😭
SPEAKING OF THE BAD GUYS JUST. FUCKING CHILLING ONCE THEYRE REVEALED TO BE EVIL. what's up with Hotspur??? he was literally the movie villain big baddie who like tried to literally MURDER all dogs and also imprisoned his brother and basically tried to murder his brother and his nephew (LITERALLY Scar-Mufasa-Simba style lmaoo they didnt even try to hide it and its so fuckin funny to me) and then we enter the series and he's just???? allowed to continue being a respected werewolf elder and also running his evil dog shelter??? i get that the series is almost sort of a 'separate/alternate canon' but technically at the end of the movie they also showed him just like?? doing community service?? i literally find it so fucking funny that when someone tries to commit an Evil (see: Cherry, Ric, Hotspur, etc.) the rest of the characters are all like "hey i know you tried to murder me but just do some community service and you can join the pack again kay? 🥰"
but despite the little plot holes the series still seems to run so smoothly and i just love how it knows the right amount of seriousness to take itself, and i love how all of the characters work together... like they could have just had Ivan be a stuuuupid bully forever but within the first few episodes they were already showing him being a better person and being a good member of the pack, all while still keeping his personality... like he even tried to protect Batty's secret!!! even though he was being dog racist you KNOW he would still protect Batty and Freddy with his life even though they're dogs because THEY'RE HIS PACK!!!
also i just love how Freddy LIKES being a dog! like obviously in the movie he reached the conclusion that dogs weren't bad/inferior and he was fine being a pink poodle instead of a big scary werewolf like the rest of his family, but i was afraid the series would revert him and make him all "oooo im just a stupid dog i want to be a powerful wolf!!! no one takes me serious!!" but nah, in the series he's literally like "being a dog is the fucking best and if you disagree you can fucking suck it 😎" AND in 200% Wolf the whole plot is going to be that he DOES get transformed into a wolf and he WANTS TO GO BACK TO BEING A POODLE!! i love that!!
i also love Batty, did i already mention that? i love that she is literally a dog. she is a DOG, who happened to end up being able to turn into a human because of unexplained magical shenanigans, and she still acts primarily like a dog even when human, and she's just so fucking awesome, and my only wish is that she actually got to be the pack leader instead of that being a one-off thing lol. i also love Scarlet too, and i really really really hope that as like the opposite to Batty, Scarlet ends up getting turned into a dog/werewolf lmao. let the wolf hunter become the wolf!!!! if it can magically happen to Batty, it can magically happen to Scarlet XD
also more Cherry please wtf is going on with her i love her
anyway i just needed to ramble because this is my new obsession and i am not going to be able to shut up about it 😭
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kineticpenguin · 1 year
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I've seen this notion repeated off and on over the last four years, and it's always struck me as an exceedingly goofy thing to say, especially because it's often used in the context of defending Democrat inaction, and centrist Democrats for being more like Republicans. Any frustration or anger with Democrats is misspent and should be directed entirely at the evil Republicans, because they're the bad guys and deserve it.
I mean, I can kinda see the logic: why are you mad at the people failing to protect your rights instead of the people actively robbing them from you? Go yell at them, they're the bad guys!
Except that nobody who is angry at Dems for dropping the ball isn't angry at Republicans. My entire adult life, people have been bitching about Bush and Cheney and Trump and Pence and McConnell and the whole goddamn rogue's gallery that is the Republican Party. We watched late night TV mocking them, got in online arguments and voted. And I mostly remember what got people actually out to vote was usually a candidate who didn't simply promise to not be Republican, they claimed to have something to offer. The right called Obama Hopey McChange for his marketing, but he was pitching some very exciting ideas as a candidate.
And then he didn't really do any of them, despite having the votes on paper. The excuse is that some of the dems wouldn't have gone for codifying Roe, but... when they have a majority, what party do you blame, here?
When the Clinton campaign deliberately boosted Trump as part of their "Pied Piper" strategy, gambling that he'd be the easiest candidate to beat and that exploded in their faces, I'm supposed to be angry at the Republicans? I mean yeah, they fell in line with that human septic tank and can all go fuck themselves. But still, why should I give money to a Democrat if there's a good chance they're going to turn around and use it to promote the worst asshole they can find? The Clinton campaign isn't the only one to use the Pied Piper strategy; it works. Except for when it doesn't, and then you have a disaster.
And then there's the bizarre way outrage works in politics in an age of the internet and mass media. Outrageous Republican antics only seem to fuel their base because it "triggers the libs" or "pisses off the deep state" or whatever. Non-Republicans yelling at Republicans seems to be counterproductive, unless it's done by big, loud groups in person, which the center finds unseemly.
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Except Republicans are always doing something weird and gross, and nobody blames Democrats for failing to find a way to shut up Marjorie Taylor-Greene or keeping Cruz from fleeing to Cancun. This mentality that Democrats are blamed for everything Republicans do is absurd.
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Interesting, because I'll never forget that within seconds of Biden taking office with control of the House and Senate, all these crazy terms for why he wasn't able to fulfill any of his promises started flying around. His hands were tied. It was what it was.
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Funny, that.
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I’m not a registered democrat, I have campaigned for a progressive before, but I’m gonna be real with you. If democrats are “pro-Democracy” and republicans are the “fascists” than why the fuck do the democrats not have debates this year but do have superdelegates? But the repubs don’t have superdelegates and do have debates (even when RFK Jr and Marianne Williamson are both doing better in the polls against Biden then any of the republicans other than DeSantis are doing against trump)? You can make the case he’s an incumbent but half the democrats want someone new. I can’t be the only one who sees this nonsense
fas·​cism ˈfa-ˌshi-zəm
a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that
exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader
severe economic and social regimentation
and forcible suppression of opposition
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I can't post more than 10 links on a post anymore so I can't provide sources proving that the USA has met all-if not most- of these check marks. But it has. And it has for a long time, before Trump and before Obama. Regardless of party.
Because fascism is fascism. Just like democracy is democracy regardless of which party you align with. Why would which fascist party you like matter? Its fascism.
Like when was the last time any of us Genuinely had a say in anything? We're just now coming out of centuries of genocide, slavery, and systematic abuses against minorities. We all just got human rights within the last generation and not even all of them. And we had to fight tooth and nail, lose family for the ones we do have.
And that's not even talking about how long it took us to get our right to vote and it's still actively & shamelessly suppressed every election.
And we're slipping backwards? Already?
Does our "democracy" think the people suddenly lost interest in the rights and protections our previous generations fought for? Funny that while also adding more laws to make protesting illegal and more funding and protections to police. Did you know Biden labeled people protesting specifically against fascism as terrorists part of a terror group (antifa)?
Who does it benefit to strip us of rights?
Why do it when that's Not what we want?
What could They want for us?
Why are they censoring protests critiquing capitalism?
Do you want people deciding which rights you should have For you when they think you shouldn't have less?
Is the way this country is functioning right now a healthy democracy?
This is something that someone just made in contrast to the above images I'm sure. I can't find any indication online this is a genuine list.
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But it does make a very strong point about the political leanings of the US political climate. And it's certainly not leaning towards any of these things. Always seems to be justifying attacking them or not supporting them instead...which goes back to the scapegoats checkpoint.
The first thing Nazis did was blame minorities for the state of the country. As soon as they had enough support, they started rounding us up.
Kinda like how Mexicans are stealing jobs, Black people steal cuz they don't work, queers are perverting our youth and welfare queens are stealing from taxpayers.
And what are the Dems doing about this rhetoric?
Pushing you right every chance. Like using the pied piper strategy for their nationwide campaigning. Like having superdelegates and not letting progressives participate.... But yeah Republicans will.
At least they listen, right? At least they're honest.
Makes that step right seem way easier than you thought before. Funny, innit?
Democrats are truly personifying the ratchet effect but not just by allowing republicans to pass awful policy while doing Nothing in return. They're also doing nothing at best while the right recruits more and more people (and helping at worst).
I think there are a lot of people in our government who are there for good reason and with good intentions and are "pro-democracy."
I think very few of them are aware enough of the bigger picture to realize they're cogs in a well oiled fascist machine.
That is to say only fascists work in fascist governments.
They're all fash. Not just repubs. Not just Dems.
The only people I have any hope for are progressives and leftists willing to throw a wrench in it.
I'd happily vote for Marianne or Bernie or Andrew Yang if it meant giving fascists a run for their money.
Nothing would scare them more than the people having spare money and time to organize. And we'd have that with higher wages or ubi or universal healthcare.
Voting for a socialist is the best way to beat a fascist. Socialists fundamentally believe everyone deserves rights. There is no greater challenger to fascism than that.
It's why Democrats refuse to push Bernie and Marianne and Andrew Yang. It's why candidates like them with campaigns focused on social programs and increasing life quality are reduced to clowns and radicals nobody should take seriously.
It's all propaganda. All of it.
As long as we still have the ability to vote we should be voting for people like them.
Who cares if they aren't perfect, you know? We're living in the setup stages of another genocide.
Who cares if we lose when we lose either fucking way at this point. Biden is the fucking president and he can't stop what Desantis is doing???? Won't challenge it???
We need someone who will. And WE, together, need to stop settling and putting up with less when we can have So Much More.
Anyone telling you to vote for Biden is a psyop for fascists and I stand by that.
Voting for parties like green party or independents or whatever is not "fascism" because it's splitting the vote. I don't care what Democrats and liberals tell you. It's just you exercising your right to vote for a representative that represents you. Which is what a healthy democracy is supposed function like.
If they call you a fascist/psyop/Russian/bot it's time to start really analyzing what principles and beliefs Democrats stand for in 2023. Do they want you to vote with their beliefs and principles or have they shaped their nationalism to align with their political party which they want you to support without question?
And if they start pressuring you because "the fascists" will win without a unified vote on a democratic candidate then it's time to start considering more aggressive approaches to fascism if we are ONLY ever one election away from it.
If we are One vote away then voting isn't enough to keep it away anyway. And this "warning" coming from the same party year after year that's ALSO promised to "address (voter sticking point) after we win the votes we need" for decades in a row now.
They didn't. In fact we don't have Roe v Wade over it. We're losing human rights over it.
And now Democrats are the Only ones who can stop fascists, huh?
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guitarmasterx7 · 4 months
Thots on all the members and their dynamics?
good ask, i've been mentally chewing on it for a number of days. this list won't include the past two co-hosts jsyk
chris - the absolute goat, THE oney player. i find his overall dynamic shifting to either counter guests or match their energy really interesting. i enjoy that he seems to play more of a straight man around the sillier guys (cory and adam namely), and it's sweet how much he cracks up over zach's and cory's jokes. when he feels the need to play the role of 'the silly one' he can be kinda overbearing, i appreciate his humor much more when it's unforced. he's very indigo, fuchsia and cyan colored to me
zach - THE funnyman, he's undeniably the highlight of whatever video he's in and i'm here for it. he's got great chemistry with chris and lyle, he works off both of them the best. he can definitely overshadow the others jokes, but i wouldn't say i dislike the dynamics he brings to the table regardless. i'm also a huge fan of his political/pop culture trivia, it's like taking a peak into his brain. he's the colors of autumn; orange, red, brown AND green, what more could you want?
tomar - i'll be honest i'm not as autistic about this guy but i really appreciate how he responds to scenarios. he's like the backbone of the lets plays he's in, he's got the straight man charm without being completely dismissive of jokes. it is still really funny when he's oblivious to joke setups tho i feel like those are the best moments. he's one of those guys you can introduce to anybody and have them get along no matter how different their personalities are. also his voice acting is fucking stellar. he's THE coolest tones of purple ever, and he's got that emerald association to him
lyle - he makes me feel fucking crazy. his humor can come off as disconnected from the others, but i appreciate how he rolls with his own jokes and how willing he is to "yes and" literally any scenario. he builds off the others well without drawing attention away from conversations or gameplay, he's the perfect balance of silly jokester and straight man when it's called for. fits in like a goddamn chameleon that motherfucker. extremely red coded, with hints of green and silver. (a royal purple is in there if you squint!)
cory - i'm in the 1% of people who enjoy the FUCK outta cory, maybe even moreso since he became a regular. i love seeing how his scatterbrain connects dots that don't align, and it's really endearing when he infodumps about sonic or whatever else. he isn't given enough credit for the times in recent years where he catches himself during a tangent, and actually steers the conversation back to something relevant. people talk about him as if he's a contestant on a reality show who's about to be voted off. he's fun, and he radiates a mix of indigo, hot pink and orangey yellow colors
adam - swedish motherfucker who i hate(love). his life fascinates me, it's surreal that he's an actual human being who exists. i love how he makes cory seem normal in comparison to him lmfao. chris acts more mature around him and i fuck with it heavy as a longstanding oneyfan. i think fondly about the time during a now deleted runescape stream he addressed a group of fans as fags (which caused chris to delete the entire video). it can be hard to watch the videos where he's paired up with cory, but sometimes i do need pure brain slop. he's all the primaries, red yellow and blue.
niall - fucking LOVE this guy. wish he had more self esteem, he always pairs well with the others due to their friendship and i think frequently about his living situations between ireland, sleepycabin and rooming with adam. i am really looking forward to whatever content him and adam are cooking up. he's a forest green with some maroon and pinkish purples thrown in.
dave - less on my radar than the others but he's really funny, i appreciate seeing him around more regularly. i LOVE the chemistry between him, jeff, cory and adam. he's my favorite unironic fortniter. you know the classic colors of skittles? he's all of those, specifically the yellow ones. also like, neon green when paired with black.
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haldenlith · 2 months
I got tagged by @a-driftamongopenstars, so you know what that means.
Another poll.
Though this one I'll have to do a tiny bit of explaining because I have to scrape my brain for options. For some reason, antagonists don't always stick in my brain, even if I do like them.
Explanation ramblings below:
So, first, for Vergil, I mean any of the Vergils we see in the Devil May Cry franchise, be it DMC3, DMC5, or the Ninja Theory DmC. I've always liked his cunning (yet also somehow still just as dumb as Dante) persona. Also, all of his outfits were impeccable.
Savathun needs no introduction. She is a delight literally every time she appears.
Roy Batty: This is a weird one, and may be due to me remembering so starkly his final monologue in the movie. He fits my schtick of loving tragic antagonists who aren't really in it for power, but for a very singular and arguably noble but heavily misguided purpose. Homie just wanted to live like a human, even if he was a little amoral in how he went about it, the driving purpose was sad.
Uldren: Again, tragic antagonist, but to be honest... he almost didn't make the list. I love him as both Uldren and Crow, don't get me wrong, but... I don't know... he's very absent antagonist. We as the protagonist only deal with him in the very beginning and the very end. One could argue that Fikrul was the real antagonist for the bulk of Forsaken. Uldren was just kinda the motivating force by just existing and being there. Also, let's be real -- he almost got shot by Petra, and he got swallowed up by a flying Anus Monster. You have got to do better, bro. His sass and actual competency otherwise, though... Is pretty good. I miss that biting sarcasm we had in D1.
Deadpool: Okay, listen, hear me out. I know he's technically more along the lines of an antihero than an antagonist, but I wanted five options, and he does appear as an antagonist in a good few story arcs (though it's more via being hired by the actual villains). Listen. He counts, okay? HE COUNTS. LET THE FUNNY SAD MAN VIBE ANTAGONISTICALLY.
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faun-the-fawn77 · 11 days
New Short Story Idea?
Okay so when I finish the Rengoku fic in my drafts I kinda wanna start a mini(?) story of something that has been in my mind for a bit now.
I've been reading a lot, and I mean A LOT, of fanfics centered around isekai!reader x various and now I want to do something similar! Who doesn't love a modern girl falling into a world they love? This post will be the first of two. There will be a poll below so you can vote for what it asks!
Now, onto the plot(?) of the story.
We got modern girl waking up in new world. The part of the timeline? I kinda wanna start it near where the trio are at that mansion with drum demon. I'll have them wake up in the forest nearby and wander towards the noise. She's adventurous and the way she woke up into the KNY world is maybe she went out into the forest she normally goes and its an alice in wonderland situation where she falls into a hole and after falling for so long she passes out. She has a backpack that she usually takes with her so its got essentials. I haven't really come across any fics where the reader has like their phone or anything modern with them except for their outfit. I think it would be interesting if she had her phone and of course other modern things in her pack. Maybe food from her time, water bottle, battery pack with cords, polaroid camera(?), another set of clothes, and MAYBE a few of the KNY manga. It'd be cool if the art inside the books disappeared and were just blank? OR they stay the way they are and they show Amane who describes the scenes they open up to to Kagaya? And then he and his family is kind of the only people who know that she knows the future and he trusts her to let things take its course but she obviously will save the ones that she wants... cough cough rengoku cough cough... anyway!
it'll just follow the plot but with a new character from the modern world who spouts nonsense(Gen Z slang cause it would be funny seeing their confused faces when reader/oc starts dropping words like "rizz" and "gyat"). Maybe have that language barrier as well. Make reader/oc learn japanese(she'll only know the basics at first and definitely every curse word cause thats amazing). The few manga she has with her? Lets say she has volumes 18-20. Amane chooses the 20th volume to skim through.
Now, for the characters main characteristics(?) I guess. The obvious one being her breathing style. I would have gone with my main thing and choose ice but it's kind of generic cause i've seen quite a bit of fanfics with the reader/oc having that breath style. I kinda wanted to go with a more animal-like one like Obanai. He's the only one who has a style that's animal related and it would be amazing if we could get someone else who has an animal breath style. I actually might make three posts and have this one be about the breath styles to choose from.
Yeah, we're gonna do breath styles first so I can get an image of reader/oc's personality.
Poll below:)
I was gonna go for ten but I think these 8 are the most interesting to me. Dragon is actually calling to me but thats because I've been watching a lot of Game of Thrones...I'm actually putting it off because I've heard that the "Red Wedding" is the worst thing to ever witness and while I have not been spoiled for it, the reactions I have seen from people who were watching it for the first time made me scared but also insanely curious. If it really is bad then I feel prepared but that's because I'm going with it being as bad as me watching all three Human Centipede movies at a not appropriate age to watch said movies. That was off topic, I'm sorry.
Vote away! Next post will be to choose if you want it to be an "x reader" or an OC that I can create cause I love doing that and it makes me happy and gives me a chance to pick up my Apple Pen again.
The last poll will be the love interest(s). Do we want one or all? We will see>:)
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holymymolly · 1 year
Tbh the dudes made it seem bad but it's not that bad? It's quite alright when you watch it with the pov of a regular non-extremist person.
My main thoughts are:
- There were these girls playing with dolls and suddenly when they saw a hot blonde in a swimsuit they thought the most sensitive thing to do was to destroy the baby dolls.... Sure.
- THE STARE of a boue eyes girl in that scene got me laughing. Hard.
- Even if in the movie, supposedly, Barbie had no idea that she was making Ken her shadow and all I got a feeling she knew about it. But she's been doing it for so long and only heard of treating Ken(s) that way that every Barbie thought it was the right (only) thing to do even if it meant hurting Kens's feelings.
- I liked how they made Margot Robbie have a "natural" body. Yeah she's fit and so goddamn pretty but they didn't change ger proportions and/or made her body look like a model's. She looked somewhat human and I liked that. (I might open a fan club for fans of Margot Robbie without makeup. If ya wanna join bring a pink cupcake to my house this Saturday).
- Barbie got SERVED by a 15 yo and I'd cry just as hard if it happened to me.
- The way Barbie punched a guy that touched her and got arrested (twice) makes me like her even more.
- She and Ken didn't think twice before running for their lives without paying and that makes me think they done that before.
- Allan and Weird Barbie were the best characters. Don't try to change my mind.
- Did you cry when Barbie said living was terrifying? Cause same.
- Ken thinking patriarchy was "horses" was funny af
-He litterly got away with putting a horse on every screen possible.
- I didn't know watching "the godfather" was a "patriarchy" thing. Thought it was just a 3 hour long film about a mafia guy.
-Imagine if they put "wolf of Wall Street" with the Margot Robbie scene instead of The godfather.
- Kens going into war cause their girlfriends (sorta) left them for the other Kens and then they forgot they were supposed to vote and women took power again.
Kinda feels like an illegitimate way of gaining power.. But the Kens did brainwash the Barbies first... But the Barbies did put the Kens in their shadow before that....
- Barbie going to the real world and being motivated cause it'd end her cellulite is a mood.
- Remember the times they were awarding Barbies/Kens? When they said "the winner is Barbie/Ken" how did they know who it was in a heartbeat without further details? It could have been any of them.
-If Ryan Gosling wasn't born to play Ken then Idk who he's supposed to play. Not for a second he wasn't Ken.
- The fact they got the ladies that created/inspired Barbie is wholesome.
- The song in the end made me WEEP
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mangora · 7 months
I feel like my Disventure Camp tier list that I posted recently didn’t properly represent my feelings about the characters so here’s my full list of character opinions:
Gen 1:
Miriam: AUGH I love Miriam so much. Watching her learn to open up and love life again was fantastic, she deserved to win so much. I love how lively and sassy she still is, best written old lady character ever I’m so serious.
Fiore: Evil child, iconic as fuck. Her gimmick is so unique and weirdly genius, like I haven’t really seen a character like her before. I also love how she clearly has a bit of a soft side but doesn’t want to, like the episode where she voted out Alec and so clearly felt regret but just pushed it down? Aughh she cares abt him so much he’s literally her dad. I can’t wait to see the writers explore her more sympathetic character traits.
Ellie: ELLIE!! Hot take I love Ellie, she’s such a realistic antagonist. Great representation of how capitalism causes people to betray their morals. Ik she got mean but honestly I get it, she was under a lot of stress and now feels like she can’t back down again or else things will go back to how they were.
Alec: He’s sooo awesome, great addition from the S1 beta, he’s so funny and I just love smart characters and his relationship with his son & ex-wife makes me so sad. Like he’s a villain but his motive in S1 at least was good-natured even if it shows how much knowledge he lacks when it comes to relationships and how underprepared he was to have a family.
Jake: Ik everyone finds him annoying but Jake is my favorite, no contest. He’s just so tragic to me, he’s clearly trying to control his impulses but it’s so hard, he just loves so deeply and keeps losing because of it. He’s like trapped in a cycle of love and loss it���s awesome. Also pathetic men on top. Can’t wait for him to get worse.
Tom: S1 Tom was so awesome, he was so like sweet. He was just trying his best to come out of his shell and kept losing things because of it. It’s about the ever-present theme of loss pervading Disventure Camp season one. In S3 though he’s kinda…eh so far. Idk I don’t like how avoidant and snippy he’s being with Jake, even though Jake did kind of screw him over. Feel like all he’s done is be annoyed. Also WHY IS HE A COP that was so tragic I can’t believe they did that to him.
Grett: I like Grett in theory but in canon her arc felt weirdly rushed? I wish we’d seen her more human traits earlier in there season and I wish she’d come to terms with her family’s lack of love for her more gradually. She’s not bad I just feel like her arc played out oddly. Can’t wait to see more of her in S3 though.
Gabby: Gabby’s fun but I feel like she’s kind of just there to work into other characters’ stories, like Ellie’s and Tom’s. I hope we get to see her being more independent and that we learn more about her past. Also the portrayal of her mental health issues in S1 was kinda iffy imo? But I’m not psychotic or bipolar so I don’t think my opinion on it is super relevant. I did like her standing up to Grett and her brief friendship with Dan though.
Dan: Dan’s okay, I don’t think he has much going on but he was a good straight-man for the group. I’m still sad about his and Gabby’s falling out. Also asexual realness.
Ashley: Ashley’s a bit goofy but she’s fun and she’s cute and her friendship with Jake is really awesome. I love how much she cares for her friends and family.
Lill: LILL omg she deserved so much better. Idk what it is about her I just love her a lot, she’s so patient and kind and I’m a sucker for characters who care about children. She just wanted to keep the peace but peace was not an option. Wish she’d gone feral.
Nick: I don’t get the appeal of Nick. Annoying rich white boy, I know like 100 of those, you’re not special. He’s such an asshole and not in an endearing way. Idk there’s just nothing I really like about him, boring and rude without a cause, he sucks.
Drew: He’s okay, cute little fella, I felt bad for him when he went home. He’s not that intriguing to me but I like him.
Will: Basically the same as Drew. He was sweet and I felt bad for him but didn’t care much for him. Maybe it would be fun if he came back and we saw him overcome his fears a bit and make friends, I think he had potential but overall wasn’t very important to the story.
Trevor: He’s so silly dude I can’t with him. Poor little meow meow
Derek: Idgaf he’s like kinda funny I guess. Watching him with Trevor makes me feel like I’m hanging out with a friend and their annoying boyfriend came along and I have to tolerate him.
Jensen: Not much of a character tbh. He’s okay. Never really think about him.
Gen 2:
James: JAMES James James James I love James dude he’s so awesome. His arc was so fun to watch, I love characters who start selfish and learn over time to care for others. Perfectly paced, also he’s kinda funny. Perfect morally gray character; he wasn’t malicious like Yul but did what he did to get by. Also his arc paralleled with Riya’s corruption arc? Perfect. Easy one of my faves from Gen 2. Also hot take but I really like his voice it fits him so well.
Riya: Riya is such a good villain, I never expected her to be an antagonist but I loved it. Watching her desperately trying to hold on to friendships but ultimately losing everything in her pursuit of fame and adoration? Augh. Tragedy. And she’s not evil deep down it’s just, yk, girlhood, she needs to feel appreciated and loved after being ignored her whole life. She’s so awesome.
Aiden: Aiden’s okay, he’s nice, but honestly I don’t think he has much of a character by himself. He was kind of just an accessory to James imo and people like him because his design is cool. Is that too mean. Idk but I hope they do more with him in S3, if his arc is becoming more independent then I guess they set up his dependence issues well in S2? I like that he’s trans, that’s neat. I just find him a bit boring.
Hunter: Hunter’s also kind of boring imo, his interactions with Tess in S2 made me mildly uncomfortable and I think he floated a lot and the way he acts in S3 lowkey pisses me off a lot like why are you so mean for no reason. But I think he could be good. His love of games and strategy could’ve been expressed better but it’s a cool concept. He’s honestly a mid character in canon but something about him draws me in and I don’t even know what. Secret version of him in my brain that I can’t even describe.
Rosa María: ROSA she’s so cute and sweet and I love how much she loves her daughter and her friends, she even helps Riya after she got her out. Usually I gravitate towards more flawed or tragic characters but she’s just so awesome, she’s someone who’s overcome a lot of hardship with a good attitude and that’s just so lovely and refreshing. I wish she’d been in All Stars, miss that woman.
Ally: Ally’s another character who’s just kind of okay. She’s like packet ramen to me: has a lot of good elements (sad backstory, anger/jealousy issues, close gal pal, chicken bullion packet) and overall delightful but you’d probably pick something else to eat if you could afford it or if you had the energy/time. I hope they do more with her in later S3 episodes because rn she’d kinda just Hunter’s girlfriend who deserves better. I miss her and Tess’ friendship/relationship.
Karol: I adore Karol she’s so good. Ik she was bitchy but honestly I get her. She trusted someone for once and was betrayed by them and all she wants is to get revenge and hang out with her animals. I wish we got to see more of her and see her actually form a friendship with someone. I think about the potential of Karolill every day guys; Karol gets better and Lill gets worse and they live in somewhat-gray nature-loving 40-year-old lesbian bliss.
Lake: Watching Lake break away from her parents was so comforting and fantastic, seeing her gain confidence and make friends was wonderful. Another great arc, she was wonderful and deserved to make the final three imo.
Tess: Tess started kind of rough but I grew to like her a lot, I’m glad she found happiness and started recovering and pursuing her dreams. She’s just pleasant, her friendship with Ally especially was awesome. Watching her realize that she wasn’t unwanted or a burden was heartwarming as fuck. She just wants friends guys. Buddies even.
Yul: I’m sorry, ik Yul is very popular, but I cannot stand him. The racism is bad first of all, ik it’s meant to show how much of an asshole he is but I just think it was unnecessary and not treated with enough brevity. He has no interesting relationships. His motive being pure selfishness is boring and infuriating. He’s ridiculously cruel and unfunny while doing it, there’s nothing about him that I find interesting or entertaining. I usually love villain characters but he’s just so lacking. Imo the best villain characters don’t need to be redeemable, but they need to either have some understandable human qualities or need to be fun to watch, and Yul’s neither to me. He just doesn’t fit with the rest of the antagonists either, who do bad things but are shades of gray. You can like him and I’m glad he’s at least being portrayed as a villain rather than a redeemed-without-redemption-arc character (ex: Snape from the transphobic wizard books) but I just do not enjoy him whatsoever and if I were to rewrite him to my own tastes I’d be essentially overhauling his entire character. Some villains should be hatable as people but he’s hatable as a character to me.
Maggy: Maggy standing up for herself was awesome and I’m glad she found happiness but I don’t think about her much. She’s okay.
Connor: Connor’s another delightful person, his arc was succinct but well-executed, and I love seeing him be so optimistic with people even when they don’t deserve it. Truly a saint. Lovely man.
Kai: Kaiii I wish they’d done more with him. He’s so chill and funny, and even though him snapping at Yul was goofy and could’ve had better lead-up I think it’s good that it happened eventually. I wish we’d seen him stay slightly longer and become more assertive. Awesome little man.
Oliver: Oliver’s…okay. His “ah, natives!!” comment still pisses me off and idk why the writers did that since he’s not meant to be a shitty person like Yul is? Aside from that though I think it was nice seeing him learn to stand up for himself and sort of befriend Kristal.
Kristal: Kristal’s so interesting to me, she’s really funny too. Seeing her become crueler and crueler and then desperately trying to change herself to not be like her father was pretty fun. I think it’s pretty realistic, you don’t see many redemption(?) arcs where the character struggles this hard to combat their negative qualities and I like that about her.
Marcus: He’s…fine. Not much to him. I like his design.
Nina: She’s kinda annoying ngl but she’s a little funny, her playing Jigsaw in that one episode was great. She and Fiore should start a podcast.
Emily: Not many thoughts about her yet. She’s slaying. Kinda Blaineley adjacent.
Jared (S1 Beta): Fuck ass haircut.
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