#hunting partners
graylinesspam · 1 year
An excerpt from a story I've been writing about Ahsoka exploring togruta lore in order to connect with her heritage. And also acting as a jedi delegate speaking with a lost traditionalist togruta tribe.
when their ships landed at the edge of the village they were met with a line of armed men. Their lekku were all warm shades ranging from a deep magenta to a bright yellow. Their weapons were traditional. The repurposed tools and hunting knives and spear were held in tight but lowered grips. Though they wanted to show strength to the invaders they did not want to show aggression. Not a curled lip or an exposed fang could be found on their faces. 
In the center of the delegation was an elder not as old as the ones she'd befriended from the green lek tribe, but his montrals were tall and his lekku were wide. His skin showed the wear of sun and labor. 
"Will they attack?" Mundi asked after she'd taken the time to assess their welcome party. 
"I don't think so," Ahsoka said. "But why don't you let me go first?"
Mundi nodded to the front of the ship and the gunship doors slid open. Ahsoka stepped off the ship first; her choice to go barefoot had raised several eyebrows but she was glad for the opportunity to ground herself. Her beaded ankle bracelets flashed for a moment as she stepped down into the tougher, reedier grass. 
As she took two tentative steps forward Rex and Echo exit the gunship behind her. Their boots made loud crunching noises as they trampled the grass. Master Mundi and one of the three delegates from Cerea filled out the right side of the ship. 
The men in a line before her studied the group carefully, apprehensive looks were cast to the clone troopers and, with cautious recognition, to the Cereans. But it was the sight of Ahsoka that caught all of their attention. 
She was the shortest among them but she stood in the lead. Every man there shot quick glances at her murmurs growing across the line. 
The Elder had eyes only for her. He separated from the line, his palms open in front of him. He and Ahsoka approach each other drawn across the no man's land like magnets. 
They met in the middle palms laid flat against each other and heads turned until they lay cheek to cheek. "Welcome sister," his voice hummed richly through his chest. There was a warm sort of familial feeling that overtook her in response. 
"I am honored to see you elder," she replied In the people's language. Hoping beyond hope that her pronunciation wasn't mangled.
"You bring many with you today. Those that resemble the troublemakers. And men in much armor. Do you bring conflict to us?" He asked with much patience in both the speed and tone of his words. Speaking slowly the way Ahsoka had to accommodate her.
"No. I have brought peace with me. Those that have trouble with you have called to me to speak. So that there will be no conflict. They come with great respect but also urgency."
The elder holds her hands in a loose grip between them as he pears around Ahsoka's shoulders, suspicion in his eyes. But it isn't Mundi or the Cereans he is looking at. It is Rex and Echo.
"You bring peace, but you bring soldiers in much armor with great weapons?"
Ahsoka is somehow blindsided by the accusation. It simply hadn't occurred to her that the sight of blasters or clone armor would seem aggressive to the lost tribe here. 
Ahsoka scrambled for a reason that would make sense to these people without a twenty minute backstory about Mandalorians and the galactic war.
She glanced back at Rex and the excuse came to mind easily. Something that she'd pondered idly in a childish bid to have more connection with her culture in a religion that didn't foster much; and in an environment where she didn't even need a full hand to count the amount of people that looked like her. 
She raised an open palm over her shoulder and quickly flashed a mandalorian hand signal she'd used a hundred times to direct her troops. With practiced efficiency Rex and Echo strode either of her flanks and stood once more at rest. Both visors trained stoically forward.
"Revered elder, this is Rex, my hunting partner. And his brother Echo. It is the way of their people to remain armed but they follow my lead. My orders. They're loyalty brings me great honor."
The elder looked shocked. He inspected Rex closely peering into the black of his visor to try to see into his heart.
"Rex, take off your helmet, lower your head to the elder." It was the first time she'd spoken in basic since exiting the ship but Rex didn't need any context to follow her order.
He removed his helmet and ducked his shoulders so the shorter man could peer into his eyes.
The elder searched him trying to weigh his gaze against the unfamiliar danger of the weapons on his hips. Trying to determine what sort of man she was bonded to.
Ahsoka knew both men were confused by the interaction. The title she'd given Rex, hunting partner, bhat sa'behm, was sacred and it had no equivalent outside of Togruta society.
A hunting partner was a life bonded friend. Usually someone you grew up with, someone you'd learned to read better than anyone else. Someone who could get lost in the grass and shadows of Shili but remain by your side. With no words between you and no wasted breath. Some said hunting with another for a long time bonded your souls in the next life. Ensured you would be reborn in the same body. Two halves made whole.
She supposed her and Rex were close enough to that. Though what they hunted were droids. And she wasn't convinced reincarnation was real. They still had an unmatched read on each other. She'd rather have him at her back than anyone.
Finally satisfied with peering into Rex's soul the elder turned back to her. "He is wise in this life. But his soul is young." he determined. "You are not. An old spirit in a young body." he said with a chuckle. "perfectly suited."
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destieltaggedfic · 5 months
Hi! Do you know any fics that have Dean and Cas as hunting partners? :)
(Love ur lists, thank you for ur service)
So for this, we've got a few AUs and a few canonverse.
Dean Winchester's Secret (Angel) Boyfriend - reluctantabandon, Winter_of_our_Discontent   Ao3
Canonverse AU.  Dean has a mysterious new hunting partner that everyone in the Roadhouse hears a lot about but has never met.  At least until Castiel comes in needing help rescuing a missing Dean.
Word Count: 11k                              No Sex
In The Flesh? – beingforcedtolivebadwriting   Ao3
AU.  Dean gets accidentally bonded to a demon who gets his powers from people confessing sins.  A demon called Castiel.  Unable to leave each other it’s a good thing Cas enjoys destroying whatever monsters Dean hunts and they are both pleased that now they’ll never be lonely again
Word Count: 90k                              Graphic Sexual Acts
Gimme Shelter (Or I'm Gonna Fade Away) - FagurFiskur   Ao3
Set Pre S1.  Hunting a ghost, Dean stumbles across an angel, Castiel, who has been on earth hunting demons for the past few years.  After a few encounters, they start to travel together as both hunting partners and more.
Word Count: 14k                              Non-Graphic Sex
The Wall - make_your_user_a_name   Ao3
Set S6 AU.  Instead of Lisa, Sam asks Dean to stick with Cas seeing as he’ll need someone to show him Earth.  All well and good except Cas told Dean he loved him not long ago and Dean won’t act on it.  But hunt they do while still looking for a way to rescue Sam and Adam. Warning for a suicide attempt
Word Count: 47k                              No Sex
A Different Kind of Monster - roadtonowhere (lastoryx), xfancyfranart   Ao3
Set Pre S1.  On the way to a hunt Dean hits a guy with his car who turns out to be not human.  They don’t know what he is, because the only thing Castiel remembers is that he is here to save Dean from something happening to him.
Word Count: 89k                              Graphic Sexual Acts
Love at First Smite - anyrei, queerwerewolf   Ao3
Set S2 AU.  When they couldn’t find John, Sam went back to college and Dean kept hunting alone.  However he may have found a new partner when a guy calling himself Jimmy turns up to save him from werewolves.
Word Count: 27k                              Graphic Sexual Acts
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Buddies. These two are definitely buddies. Well, that might be stretching it a bit, but they are friends! Fuzz is around 13 years old, and Bear girl is probably headed towards 3. Even though they are at opposite ends of the critter age spectrum, they both enjoy hunting down small vermin outside, and I swear they tag team to deplete the mouse population! Outside, Bear, being a herding animal will race across the yard, screeching to a halt just before running over Fuzz, who deigns to grace her with his "Great. This again??" look, turning tail and sauntering away, daring Bear to try all the normal herding maneuvers (that REALLY don't work on a cat that was raised with dogs, lol). Bear, meanwhile, will grin, sniff Fuzz from tip to tail, occasionally become overwhelmed with playfulness and pin Fuzz with one over-eager paw until a wail of protest arises...then release kitty with a very chagrined and embarrassed expression and move on with life...Until the next time Fuzz forgets and runs across the yard instead of sauntering slowly. Inside, they are likely to be found in reasonably close proximity to each other, napping with tails touching, or at least on the same piece of furniture, and vying for our attention with equal enthusiasm. So yeah, buddies. Or friends. Or whatever the heck dogs and cats who like each other are. I think I'll stick with buddies.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 10 months
you cannot tease wei wuxian and hua cheng hunting for funsies and not show that to us??? it has to go one of two ways right? either an absolute visious blood bath where everyone cowers in fear or the equivalent of a teenage girl's slumber party. both??? both.
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Hunting each other for sport is the keystone to a fun slumber party
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atelierlili · 11 days
I always wondered why Katniss factored marriage and children into the equation when it came to reciprocating Peeta’s feelings for her. It’s a rather large leap, especially when Peeta himself never expresses wanting children at any point in the story. He uses children as a tool to persuade Katniss and the Capital to save her life, but the only time we see him express any desire/feelings of having one of his own is when he’s crying after the baby bomb. But we never hear his real thoughts.
But you wanna know who does express wanting children? Gale.
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It’s one of the first thing he mentions in chapter one. And it pisses her off so much.
(I also want to add that Gale reframes/establishes the dynamic of Katniss and him caring for their siblings from something that is sibling-sibling to parent-sibling. And he is not wrong. Katniss doesn’t refute him. Both Katniss and Gale are surrogate parents to their siblings. Which is also why Katniss love and affection of Prim, is not just sisterly. I’ve seen people say Katniss is only sisterly to Prim- but she’s not. She’s parentified their relationship to the point she subconsciously see Prim as her child, which makes this a tragedy because she’ll loose her first child no matter what she does by the end of the story.)
But Gale’s phrasing here elevates himself as a potential suitor to Katniss by placing them both as the parental roles to these children. (Which irritates her a lot ). Which is why she brings the topic up with her relationship with Peeta. Because she’s subconsciously aware of Gale’s efforts and knows it will be a point of contention between them. It hangs over her head in a way.
With Gale, children are extra mouths to feed. (But Gale will do fine. He can work. He can hunt.) It’s all framed with calculated survival in mind. But it’s also not something she had planned in the future at any point.
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But Peeta’s children? Oh they deserve to be born because Peeta deserves to be a father. He would be such a good father. They deserve to exist in a world where they can be safe and happy. (Even if it’s not with her.)
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This is also why I think she subconsciously sees Peeta’s baby as her own. And I don’t think of it as a cruel/heartless thing, it’s just you’d be more protective of your own child compared to someone else’s. Katniss sees Gale as a reliable person who’s equipped to look after a kid. She doesn’t express the same kind of maternal instinct/yearning for the Baby Hawthrone’s safety as she does with the idea of Baby Mellark, because she doesn’t think of Gale’s child as her own. She never hopes for a better future for them, but she does with Peeta because he and that baby gives her hope. And she loves him that much.
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plaidpyjamas · 10 months
I wonder what a Yautja would think about weed
Like do they have anything like it or would smoking something to essentially make yourself more dumb be a completely foreign concept to them?
If I casually got high in front of my Yautja bf would he freak out or just be confused af? Especially since i have asthma and really shouldn't be smoking anything at all but I smoke like a chimney lmao
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sracha · 1 year
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does anyone know where i can buy these amiibo cards
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millimauk · 8 months
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Posting this WIP here as well with no other reason then wanting to start posting here again…
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sinfullyrosey · 1 year
*slams hands on table in a dramatic fashion*
Tired am I of the fics featuring Reader (and or one of the other characters) being uncomfortable and disgusted by Rook’s creepy quirks, yet still being paired up with him!
Instead, I bring forth to you the concept that Rook’s partner is unbothered by his actions, not because they condone or support his stalker-ish tendencies and constant destroying of other’s boundaries!
But simply because they’re into that shit.
Voyeurism. Photography. Predator/Prey. Hunting/Chasing. Obsessive Devotion/Praise.
All of those are legit kinks some have, and out of everyone in TWST, Rook would benefit the most by finding someone who appreciates and loves those forms of affections. While yes, his actions are not appropriate towards those who clearly want him to back off and feel uneasy towards him. In fact it’s kind of illegal.
But towards a partner with these kinds of kinks?
Rook must be the jackpot they’ve been looking for!
Like, imagine his partner being into photography: While in public, they take regular pictures of whatever, whether it be nature, models, animals, food, etc. But in the privacy of their own bedroom? Suddenly, the photos become much more vulgar, risque and focuses more on intimate moments shared between the two.
I especially like the angle of his partner specifically photographing themselves as their own model, whether in a pinup sort of way or through an artistic lens that utilizes nudity and symbolic narratives. Maybe they do submit these photos to art museums or maybe it’s just something they enjoy doing in the privacy of their home and they just keep the pictures to review after each session.
Or, more salaciously, they only do photography in the bedroom because they enjoy capturing those shared moments with him so that they can easily look back on them and relive the moment again, even if he’s not around.
As for the voyeurism angle, maybe his partner likes it when Rook takes pictures of them or watches them from the shadows because it gives them a special kind of thrill. Maybe they like the attention and knowledge that Rook looks at them as a piece of art to be gazed at and appreciated. While others may find his eccentric and obsessive nature towards beauty to be annoying or too much as it were, they don’t.
In fact, they may even agree with him whole heartily and thrive off of his over-the-top appraisal towards them to be one of the sexiest aspects about him!
This can further go hand-in-hand with an artistic photographer, because maybe they understand Rook’s viewpoint better than anyone else, because they’re the exact same way. And this translates into their photography as they try to set up good lighting and camera angles during their sessions to better capture these images to visualize their personal views.
Not to mention I think Rook would also appreciate finding someone who is similar to him in this regard and is openly receptive to his advances. It’s clear he enjoys the chase (he is a hunter after all), so finding a partner who’s open to participating in predator/prey or hunter/hunted type roleplays is probably a dream come true for him.
Maybe early on in the relationship or heck, even before that, when he’s still courting them, they would “play hard to get.” They were coy with him, keeping him on his toes and keeping him guessing as to whether or not they were just as interested in him as he was with him. One minute they were accepting of his invitation for a nice walk around Pomefiore, only to turn around and reject the bouquet he was attempting to gift them and refusing to even look his way.
Only for him to catch the glint in their eye and the subtle quirk of a smirk on their lips.
This got way longer then I intended and I kind of got off topic, but like these are just my thoughts. I’ve always loved analyzing characters and trying to pinpoint the type of partner would work best for them. And Rook is one of those special cases where fandom writes him off as a creep which isn’t wrong tbf and only seems to be interested in writing him as an unhealthy partner when like, the opposite is so much more interesting. Rook just needs to find someone who’s into the sort of stuff he does and would view it as a fitting love language.
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phykoha · 9 months
Why do Leo and raph make fun of Mikey being a virgin and not Donnie
just curious lmao
Because he's ace and couldn't care less hdjhdhhd
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musicalchaos07 · 6 months
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thebaldergatescandal · 7 months
I cant find the post which goes into how Astarion wouldnt want the player character to be their one source of blood because
1. Thats immediately entering a relationship of dependence again and he wants to be independent
2. Thats not enough blood
Let me add counterpoint 3: vampire astarion being joined by a player character to hunt animals large enough for a proper meal (and bring back drained and butchered for the others) is such a good mental image that I immediately want 10 fanarts
You may say, astarion can hunt big animals just fine on his own but I say cmon medieval boar hunting was a whole thing it was a sport it was a group activity because the animal was so dangerous in its death throes
Cant you just picture Wyll on a horse with a boar-spear like its a game of polo and Astarion running on the ground like his hunting dog?????
Halsin taking wolf form for a spin to hunt in a pack of two and when someone passes by they ignore the tableau of animals feeding until it dawns on them that one of those red muzzled creatures with their face in an elk was a humanoid not a beast???
There are some good ass images right here.
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lidoshka · 1 year
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@feanorianweek Day 3: Celegorm (and Aredhel)
In their first ventures into the wild Celegorm and Aredheld got lost, almost died, had seven arguments and had to wander around the darkness of the forest for a long time until they found their way back.
It was one of Celegorm’s favourite memories.
@feanorianweek Día 3: Celegorm (y Aredhel)
Durante sus primeros viajes al monte Celegrom y Aredhel se perdieron, casi murieron, discutieron siete veces y tuvieron que caminar en la oscuridad por un largo tiempo hasta que encontraron el camino de regreso.
Es uno de los recuerdos favoritos de Celegorm.
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prettylittlcresources · 4 months
Happy 2024, everyone! Figured I’d start the year off sliding in with another large gif re-release post because I’ve been debating reposting these for awhile, and I’m sure someone could use them.
Due to the changes Payhip has made with free products, in the source link is a Payhip link containing a text file with links to download 3,258 gifs (varying sizes, but mostly 280x210px) of Dominic Sherwood in various projects. Specific projects and their exact gif numbers are listed below; all of these gifs were made by me (and are 100% free).
Billionaire Ransom (Take Down): 153 gifs (280x210px) Don’t Sleep: 269 gifs (270x180px) Eraser Reborn: 701 gifs (280x210px) Partner Track (Entire Season): 1,008 gifs (280x210px) Shadowhunters Season 1 (E01-04, E10): 902 gifs (280x210px) Social Media Videos: 104 gifs (mostly 280x210px, 2 gifs are from a gif set I posted on a side blog so they’re not) Vampire Academy: 121 gifs (280x210px)
Please read the gif rules linked in the pinned post on this blog before using the pack, thank you!
If you like my content and would like to support it, please consider donating to the Palestine Children’s Relief Fund. It’d mean a lot to me if you did! Thank you! 💕
With massive fc posts like this, trigger warning lists get super long. My recommendation is to look at the imdb content warnings, does the dog die, and google seizure warnings for each of the projects you’re interested in to make sure they'll be safe for you.
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kawoid · 8 months
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midori says:
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bonefall · 8 months
Thinking about that one post about the 5000 year old teenager girl found buried with her collection of 180 sheep ankle bones but specifically the addition of how ankle bones were used as dice back then and she was a gamer.. what I'm getting at is: would clan cats make bone dice and Are They Gaming
First let me teach you a little bit about Knucklebones: The Game.
You probably know one of its variants better as Jacks, that game you play with a rubber ball and little metal spikes. There's a version of Knucklebones in nearly every culture, where the basic idea is to throw an object up in the air, pick up as many of the smaller objects as possible, and then catch the larger object before it hits the ground.
In cultures with a lot of access to livestock, usually the hand and ankle bones of sheep would be used. Places that don't have them might use rocks, seeds, shells, whatever. It was Ancient Greece that had such an extreme take on the game that it eventually evolved into dice-throwing-- a totally chance-based game where you would just throw the biggest foot bone of a sheep (the astralagus; equivalent to the talus in a human) and see how they landed.
So the girl they uncovered in Kazakhstan with the 180 sheep bones wasn't really buried "with dice," make sense? It's more like being buried with jacks. Central Asia is actually jam-packed with knucklebones-types games. Mongolian Shagai is recognized by UNESCO.
And it makes a TON of sense, because those regions are grasslands absolutely ideal for raising sheep.
There's two major considerations here;
ONE: The access to, and size of, sheep bones.
Clan cats don't kill sheep. TRIBE cats actually have access to sheep and kill one or two a year! I would actually like to give them a bunch of special uses for various parts of the sheep. I think the eagle-killing thing in canon is actually pretty ridiculous for several reasons
BUT THAT SAID, an astralagus is the size of a cat's paw.
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[ID: A human holding an astralagus in the tips of its fingers.]
You'd need to play a different sort of game with this. It's more like a square softball to a cat than a little rubber ball.
Boar also have bones like this, though. A muntjac probably produces bones that are sized properly for a cat. Hares and rabbits are probably the BEST bet here though, which, somehow feels right. I'm not sure why, but WindClan seems like the gamerclan Clan that would think up these sorts of cute games.
Something about it fits their whole savvy culture, tunneling, emphasis on trade and invention pre-Heatherstar. ShadowClan and WindClan share a cultural value of innovation, but ShadowClan seems more... chemical and competitive.
Hard to explain it. ShadowClan invents flax retting and WindClan invents the drop spindle. There's overlap but it has a bit of a different flavor between them.
TWO: Range of motion
I've made BB!Cats have the same range of motion as the cats in canon, which is higher than a real cat. They're able to WEAVE, you can't do that without a basic pincher grasp. They're also able to mix herbs, wrap things up in leaves, and apply bandages.
I haven't actually given my reworked cats much more ability than they already had, I just codified rules based on what we already see.
But that said, they DO have less range of motion in their hands than humans. They have little thumbs and a better ability to grab, but can't twist their paws completely upwards. There's no way they can toss an object straight up, then catch it again.
So any games they do play would need to accommodate that. So far I've got Scratchstone, Teeterstrike, and an unnamed rhyme game. The bone game would need to look more like a game of marbles than jacks. Or, maybe more modified to accommodate swipes and strikes, somehow? Or a two-person game of catch?
Gotta think about it.
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