#can we play please
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Buddies. These two are definitely buddies. Well, that might be stretching it a bit, but they are friends! Fuzz is around 13 years old, and Bear girl is probably headed towards 3. Even though they are at opposite ends of the critter age spectrum, they both enjoy hunting down small vermin outside, and I swear they tag team to deplete the mouse population! Outside, Bear, being a herding animal will race across the yard, screeching to a halt just before running over Fuzz, who deigns to grace her with his "Great. This again??" look, turning tail and sauntering away, daring Bear to try all the normal herding maneuvers (that REALLY don't work on a cat that was raised with dogs, lol). Bear, meanwhile, will grin, sniff Fuzz from tip to tail, occasionally become overwhelmed with playfulness and pin Fuzz with one over-eager paw until a wail of protest arises...then release kitty with a very chagrined and embarrassed expression and move on with life...Until the next time Fuzz forgets and runs across the yard instead of sauntering slowly. Inside, they are likely to be found in reasonably close proximity to each other, napping with tails touching, or at least on the same piece of furniture, and vying for our attention with equal enthusiasm. So yeah, buddies. Or friends. Or whatever the heck dogs and cats who like each other are. I think I'll stick with buddies.
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ingravinoveritas · 2 months
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Michael talking about/confirming having a crush on a man on The Assembly tonight.
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alexmacc · 6 months
ok now hear me out -
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is anyone picking up what im putting down
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ride-a-dromedary · 8 months
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Thaniel was my friend also. I played with him, grew up while he stayed the same. He made me who I am today, and then he was ripped away from me, same as for you. But you need not be alone any longer. You need not invent friends. Thaniel is back. He is waiting for you.
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turtleblogatlast · 7 months
My favorite reading of Leo’s “indubitably” tell is that it’s not actually a tell, and Leo just plays it up as one so he doesn’t get called out when he really wants to hide something.
Especially since throughout the series we see him lie and trick multiple times without saying the word once.
I like to think that one time when they were kids Leo happened to learn the word “indubitably” and because he tends to repeat new words he learns, he ended up using it at the same time as he was caught lying. He uses the word again later in another lie, and that’s where the association comes from.
OR- counter argument: “indubitably” is one of his tells, but only for unimportant things, especially when said to family. Long plays, particularly ones with villains, are in a different category in his head.
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darkxsoulzyx · 1 year
[i Made an lights on animatic]
(thank you to @garbagechocolate for the sun thumbs up image <3)
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it could be that I’m just missing the subsection of the fandom that likes to play around with this concept, but I’m a little surprised I haven’t seen more people pulling at Vash’s fear and confusion at his own body and its transformations for angst material
it’s really unique to me, in the way that usually body angst and physical changing is accompanied by self-hatred of the body itself - but Vash doesn’t actually hate his body. He doesn’t hate that he’s a Plant. His self-hatred comes from the actions he is forced or stressed into performing when he no longer has any control over himself; when control is wrest away from him, often violently - and this is all signified by physical changes in his body; literally being shaped into a gun to be fired
and here’s the thing. Wolfwood is so special to me because he has to learn who Vash is and remind himself several times of his character in the face of his fear and of being in the presence of a being incomprehensibly more powerful than him. but Vash is scared too.
he didn’t understand what was happening to him in July. his own plantness is just as much a mystery to him as it is to most humans. he had no guide. he has no mother.
vash and wolfwood spend much of their journey in mutual fear - wolfwood for having no control, and vash for having already seen the consequences of losing it. because it really is about control in the end - and the way that Vash constantly has his stripped from him, the way that his scars (which he doesn’t hate either btw!) are the only proof he had for the longest time that his choices were his own, the way Vash cannot confront his brother for as long as his own body is the linchpin of Knives’ control over him.
and that’s why it’s significant that Vash’s triumph over his body was not an overcoming of self-hatred for being a plant (this was never an issue), but actually his ability to take control over his own transformation - to assert himself with a goal much stronger than resisting another’s influence, or preserving the memory of the dead - that Vash and Wolfwood overcome their mutual fear in volume 8 in order to save each other is the pinnacle of their shared development before the end, and there is so much more I could say to elaborate on this godDAMN
But yeah. The way Vash’s body transformations are a mystery to himself and symbolic of his lack of control is absolutely one of my favourite things about this manga
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marblesarelost · 5 months
Trying out Patio
Tagging @staff
So just mucking about with it a bit this morning and it actually seems pretty interesting, pretty cool; a quick glance and I can see what's up with everything/everyone I actually interact with here on the Hellsite (affectionate).
Thing is, I'm not seeing anywhere to actually compose a post. There's no little bar above the feeds to choose from or anything. It's just feeds, so I had to come back to regular Tumblr to write this.
Am I just missing it? Overlooking it?
Because honestly, I can see myself using this if I have the ability to compose posts as well. I'm not sure how it would work on mobile, as I usually compose things on desktop and just reblog w/maybe some commentary and tags on mobile.
I don't know if you'll even see this, guys, but I had to try.
P.S. Please fix the search function. It's like pulling teeth to find my own original writing in my own archive. Thanks.
P.P.S. @thebibliosphere you started messing with this last night -- do you see a compose button anywhere on the Patio feeds? Am I just missing it somehow?
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one-bunny-a-day · 6 months
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what're they dancing to?
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hanafubukki · 5 months
The Lullaby Representing True Love
The lullaby we heard in book 7 has such a deep meaning and it gets me emotional.
It’s used in various ways to repeatedly show love between the characters.
We hear Malleus hum this song that Lilia and Meleanor sang to him when he was in his egg. This song Malleus hums as he puts everyone into a comforting sleep where they can have their happiest dreams.
This song we heard Meleanor sing to eggleus right before she gives her egg away, a final lullaby of love and comfort. Her farewell to Malleus.
The lullaby we hear Lilia sing to Silver in the flashback, something to calm him. Showing him love through a song that means much to him and showing his love for Silver.
Malleus then hums this very song to Silver as well. He doesn’t know where he heard it but he remembers it fondly. He knows it brings comfort so he hums it to baby Silver and we see how Malleus continues to go on and love that baby.
Then we hear this same melody when Silver accepts the love Lilia has for him. It’s in the background. Silver literally states that his father loves him. You can hear it start from the fight with sebek and then the melody increase as Silver accepts that truth of how much he is loved. We see the Knight of Dawn happy to see his son happy again.
We hear Lilia sing it to eggleus. He’s looking for a way to hatch Malleus. Makes him all these promises. Constantly compliments and teases him. And then Lilia, general lilia, sings it to him. Showing him that love and care that he has for him. Malleus flickers in response. Then we get Malleus hatching in the next scene.
And the last scene we hear the Rhythm is with Silver and Lilia. When we see Silver tell Lilia that he wants to talk with him and Lilia agrees. We hear it loud and clear the love and comfort between the two.
The lullaby is literally true love in a song. The way they constantly show true love these characters have for each other gives me awe.
I hope we get this song in a twsttunes. I can’t wait to see how this song will be used again. The way they incorporate the lyrics or the rhythm into the story to show true love just has me feral.
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autisticlancemcclain · 4 months
Could you explain your position on Shallura? Since Allura was established as a teenager when she started dating Lance and Shiro was very clearly an adult. I can understand the bi shiro headcannon but the shallura thing worries me
i am going to remind yall that i have been in this fandom since 2016. and in the early seasons, allura was not established as a teenager. in fact she was coded as older, as closer to shiro's age -- there was a specific divide between her and the younger paladins that she did not have with shiro. they made her younger (both explicitly and in mannerisms) as the show went on. and i do not give a fuck about voltron like...post s4 and i didn't even watch s7-8. so like. especially with older fics, im going to enjoy shallura.
#also this is less relevant and i was going to put it in the main post but i cant find the words for it#but i found your last sentence kind of condescending. “the shallura thing worries me” as if i am your little project and things arent going#to plan. as if you are the Knower Of All Things and i am straying from my path lol. twas odd#and this is a controversial thing to say i know it but like#we take fandom way too seriously. if someone decides in fic to make two characters the same age to ship them or whatever. do we really need#to get the torches and pitchforks. like i can understand discomfort when people ship like shiro and pidge or something but. also. i feel#like you can just block and move on?? like i dont ship sheith bc they are brothers. to me. but also i dont think sheithers should be#harassed or any dumb shit like that. i think its so so whatever like theyre Lines man theyre moving lines#at the same time i understand that peoples headcanons can be reflective of their worldviews (like when racism/transphobia/sexism shine#through someone's headcanons/characterization) but how much scrutiny is too much? when do we get to remember that fandom is a place to#work with the FICTIONAL? where you can change details without consequence? i saw a fic where keith was the older sibling and shiro was the#younger once. it was a good fic. how come we can play with ages but only when the Fandom Council approves?#i guess this is a really long and clumsy way to say like. you do not own the fandom nor do you get to dictate my work. and while there#is always room for necessary criticism please also think critically before you post your criticism#anyways#rant#ask
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ingravinoveritas · 20 days
Bonus clip of Michael on the WTAWTAW podcast talking about his experiences with gender expression as a teenager in Port Talbot and mentioning his crush on John Taylor again. Transcript of notable highlights below:
Michael: "So when I was 12, 13--early '80s, the time that Allie is talking about--and I saw girls with lip gloss and wearing rah-rah skirts and leg warmers and stuff, [whispers] and I was a little bit jealous. Course, never said that, never said that. In Port Talbot if I'd mentioned that, my life would've been hell. But I do remember being quite...attracted by the trappings. A lot of trappings for girls. We didn't have stuff like that for boys. There were rituals for girls, doing your makeup, doing your hair." Michael: "I mean, my first crush--I said this on a thing I did called The Assembly recently--my first crush was a man called--ah, John Taylor from Duran Duran. Ohh, he was the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen. The way I processed it was, like, I'm gonna try and look like John Taylor, try and make my hair like John Taylor." Michael: "And they always used to have a bit of lip gloss going on, didn't they? Those New Romantics. But like I say, I couldn't really try that out in Port Talbot."
This goes directly back to things I have written about on my blog previously, about Michael having these feelings and not being able to express them because of where he grew up and the hateful climate that Section 28 fostered. This is why it is so difficult for someone of Michael's generation to label themselves, because none of that is lightly shaken off.
Even hearing the way Michael talks about it in the podcast, you can tell that this is not a joke, but a longing for something that he still remembers so vividly, because it meant so much to him at the time, and still does. Also, Michael has now mentioned his crush on John Taylor twice in the span of two months after not saying anything about it for years, and if that doesn't tell you where his heart and mind are right now, I'm not sure what does. Neither he nor David need a formal announcement to make it clear who they are, because they've already been telling us...
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oursoundmeansdeath · 8 months
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reluctanttrabbit · 27 days
rereading the sanshee glamrock plushies descriptions again and they're literally so cute i can picture these perfectly 😭😭😭
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lotus-duckies · 6 months
no but casey's reaction to being in april's body
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He's elated, he looked doped up on gender euphoria, looking at himself and pinching himself to see if it's real, if this body is his (it's not) and unable to contain his joy
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and the devastation on his face when they get switched back
the way he touches his chest only to discover it's flat, his hands big and gloved, he's a boy again and he's upset about it
the earnestness in the way he says, "Man, I kinda liked being a girl." without a hint of humor or fun to an April who couldn't possibly understand the emotional turmoil bubbling inside of him
i'm inconsolable
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astrobei · 6 months
2000s byler au that plays out pretty much exactly like the show except when will moves to california after the rain fight mike listens to i miss you by blink 182 on repeat for the entirety of those six months
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