#but Katniss does not give a shit about Gale being a father
atelierlili · 4 months
I always wondered why Katniss factored marriage and children into the equation when it came to reciprocating Peeta’s feelings for her. It’s a rather large leap, especially when Peeta himself never expresses wanting children at any point in the story. He uses children as a tool to persuade Katniss and the Capital to save her life, but the only time we see him express any desire/feelings of having one of his own is when he’s crying after the baby bomb. But we never hear his real thoughts.
But you wanna know who does express wanting children? Gale.
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It’s one of the first thing he mentions in chapter one. And it pisses her off so much.
(I also want to add that Gale reframes/establishes the dynamic of Katniss and him caring for their siblings from something that is sibling-sibling to parent-sibling. And he is not wrong. Katniss doesn’t refute him. Both Katniss and Gale are surrogate parents to their siblings. Which is also why Katniss love and affection of Prim, is not just sisterly. I’ve seen people say Katniss is only sisterly to Prim- but she’s not. She’s parentified their relationship to the point she subconsciously see Prim as her child, which makes this a tragedy because she’ll loose her first child no matter what she does by the end of the story.)
But Gale’s phrasing here elevates himself as a potential suitor to Katniss by placing them both as the parental roles to these children. (Which irritates her a lot ). Which is why she brings the topic up with her relationship with Peeta. Because she’s subconsciously aware of Gale’s efforts and knows it will be a point of contention between them. It hangs over her head in a way.
With Gale, children are extra mouths to feed. (But Gale will do fine. He can work. He can hunt.) It’s all framed with calculated survival in mind. But it’s also not something she had planned in the future at any point.
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But Peeta’s children? Oh they deserve to be born because Peeta deserves to be a father. He would be such a good father. They deserve to exist in a world where they can be safe and happy. (Even if it’s not with her.)
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This is also why I think she subconsciously sees Peeta’s baby as her own. And I don’t think of it as a cruel/heartless thing, it’s just you’d be more protective of your own child compared to someone else’s. Katniss sees Gale as a reliable person who’s equipped to look after a kid. She doesn’t express the same kind of maternal instinct/yearning for the Baby Hawthrone’s safety as she does with the idea of Baby Mellark, because she doesn’t think of Gale’s child as her own. She never hopes for a better future for them, but she does with Peeta because he and that baby gives her hope. And she loves him that much.
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gilmores-glorious-blog · 10 months
i rewatched the original hunger games movie,, have a liveblog because why the fuck not:
- i have such a hard time connecting donald sutherland’s snow with tbosas snow
- okay wait does every district have their own effie?? bc i want to learn more about that
- peeta is so much more babygirl than i remember him being
- okay now i’m seeing it a bit more because snow really does sound like gaul at certain points
- god this whole premise is so fucked up. like. oh my god.
- i love haymitch so much,, him being katniss’ father figure makes me so 😭😭
- the tech of the arena is wild i forgot how man-made it is
- i adore how charismatic haymitch can be when he wants to
- rue my beloved :’)
- the tracker jacker scene is CRAZY what a fucked up way to die
- rue’s death scene & everything that immediately follows it is ROUGH,, i’ve seen this movie multiple times before but i was still crying
- but also the katniss and sejanus parallels that people have pointed out in that scene (her with the flowers and him with the bread crumbs) make me insane
- “everyone likes an underdog” “i don’t.” 👀
- snow talking about going to district twelve and i’m just like 🤨🫵
- i literally could not give less of a shit about gale,, every time they cut to him just brooding back in district twelve?? awful.
- peeta going “then come here. please.” and them cuddling?? i’m insane 😭
- “now there’s no way i’m letting you go” no bc why is peeta so much more charming than i remember!!
- the guy from district 11 not killing katniss always gets me 🥲
- this is somewhat unrelated but,, if i had a nickel for every time i watched hunger games on an airplane with really bad turbulence, i’d have two nickels. which isn’t a lot but it’s weird that it’s happened twice.
- the theory (that i wholeheartedly believe) about foxface killing herself is so. god. yeah.
- i always wish the movie had the whole thing from the books about the wolf-mutt things being the dead tributes because that is the type of fucked up shit i enjoy
- cato’s whole “i’m dead anyways” speech versus coral’s “i can’t have killed them all for nothing” bit……. i love me some messed up parallels
- the gamemakers changing the rules again is so fucking foul,, like i know that’s the whole point but goddamn….
- i genuinely had no memory of seneca dying,, little bitch deserved it though and also the method of killing him was lowkey kinda cool
- i love the new context tbosas gives,, snow saying “what a lovely pin” but we know that internally he’s freaking the fuck out
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vole-mon-amour · 1 year
Part 2.
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I am so shipping her with Gale. Also, your tv show is way too brutal.
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Where's the "she's just worried about how her boyfriend at home will react'? Butchering the book for the sake of the movie.
When they sit down and talk, it's so out of place. It's supposed to be on the roof but it's not (apparently)? "I just don't want them to change me" line is sooo out of nowhere and out of context. No conversation about the roof being protected from people jumping and killing themselves. Like??? This movie NEEDED to benefit from an inner monologue for sure.
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Haymitch explaining her what will happen as if she hasn't watched every single one of the games before this and knows exactly how that works. I understand that they're trying to explain it for the viewer that never read those books, but for people that did? Jfc.
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Now, THAT'S something new. I'm so curious to learn his background from the books. As if he had a kid, a daughter maybe, and lost to the Games? Maybe his partner, too?
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Wtf? Why do they make it look like Cinna sneaked it in? While it's been approved by the Game Makers, but another girl's thing was rejected because it was an actual weapon?
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Not in the book (unless I already forgot), but I'll allow it. Yet, he still doesn't have the same vibe as he does in the book! He's warmer in the book! There's more of him there. Katniss is fond of him. Where IS it!!
Plus, I can't help it, because she looks way older than 16, I kinda want to ship them here even though I had noooo such idea in the book. An interesting concept but still.
Oh, and they never mentioned her father again, after Katniss told her mother about "no freezing like when Dad died". They should've went with it here, especially forehead to forehead. Because that's what lovers sometimes do.
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This moment right here. When she turns around and looks at him, and her braid follows. I want gifs.
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Gale is so right. I understand why her mom watches it—probably better to know what happens to your kid than not, but omg. The fact that Gale can't handle it and don't want to.
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I like the detail that Peeta went straight for the woods and that he was the only one. That's some serious advantage when it comes to time and them catching you. He definitely ran like hell.
Ohh, the way Katniss maaagically and so fast found a source of water in the forest when in the book the dehydration nearly killed her. Sure, Jan. Sure.
The way they find Katniss in the water and not at night, high on a tree? What were they doooiiiingggg. I'm so finishing this movie and going to bed and continuing the book. I like it better. But hey, at least she's going up the tree, which isn't bad. A way to honor the book.
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Just dad things. The note wasn't in the book, but I'll take it.
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Her acting is not that bad sometimes.
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Ohhh my god. Nothing brings you together and divides you with your best friend like t h i s.
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Oh, Hamitch, you piece of shit :D What I don't get is that the cameras are WATCHING them. Surely they see the note, too, and how it's guiding them. Didn't no one figure it out???
I understand that she kisses Peeta bc it gives them a chance of survival, but this is suuuuch a notp for me. Like, no. If that was a tv show, I would skip that part. Just no.
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Me too, Gale. Me too. Can't wait to progress with the book.
Peetah's "I'm not letting you go, stay." I can understand the appeal of that, but that's not Katniss. She won't sit there and watch him die. I keep thinking how would it be with Gale. Gale knows how strong she is. I feel like he'd encourage her? That she's strong and capable and can do that?
"I'll see you very soon."
This movie is so shaky, I can't see half of it. It doesn't add up to the atmosphere for me, only makes me dizzy.
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He's soft and all, I understand. BUT GALE. Plus, I'm curious how it's actually in the book.
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Honestly, the way they conveniently changed the rules so that a couple from the same district can win and go home? Soooo convenient. x) And this movie is sooo trying to make the watcher favor this ship.
I'm surprised that, according to the movie, Katniss still had arrows left without picking them up. She had what, only ten arrows? She's extremely good with the arrows and the bow, but still. How many nights have they been there?
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Just her boyfriend and her adoptive dad watching.
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mellowasinyellow · 3 years
100daysofwriting - Day 1
So I thought for the first day I might just briefly outline all of the WIPs I have actually made a start on and that might help me to decide where I want to focus some energy. I have some for Katniss/Peeta in THG fandom and some for Natasha/Clint in the MCU.
folklore series - so I started this series of fics inspired by songs from Taylor Swift's album folklore because honestly those songs just immediately bring to mind so many scenarios that made me think of Katniss and Peeta. I made a start on chapters based on peace, my tears ricochet, invisible string, this is me trying, and mad woman. I also have a bit of an outline for continuing the story that was started in 'the 1'.
I've had this one WIP ongoing since about 2015(?) which is a bit of a monster that has grown beyond me but basically it involves Katniss and Gale being raised in the Capitol in relative poverty after their fathers are conscripted into the peacekeepers because of traitorous activity. Mrs Everdeen is still from 12 but was moved to the Captiol to be married (this part is sketchy) and she still had a little childhood romance with Mr Mellark. Peeta gets reaped and Mrs Everdeen reacts to this as he looks like his father. Katniss gets a crush on him as she watches him prepare for the games. She hates herself for it but finds herself checking up on how he is doing even during non-mandatory viewing.
Arranged Marriage - I feel like this is such a cliche for thg fandom, but I just imagined my own way that the pairings happen but I'm so bad at writing slow burn so this will probably never materialise, but if you want a semi-decent thought out pairing/arranged marriage system I would be happy to lend you mine.
Miscarriage fic - I will never post this, but it's in my WIP folder. It's full of nasty feelings that feel a little better when they are written about.
Modern AU Pandemic Quarantine! - ofc, this is essential. Katniss and Peeta end up as the only people not to move home from their dorm for the quarantine. Slow burn that I can't fucking write should ensue.
Canon Pandemic Quarantine AU - pandemic a few years after the end of the war forces Katniss to admit she wants Peeta as more than a friend with whom she hunts, bakes, rebuilds the district. Cue sexy pandemic times and a resentful Haymitch that keeps accidentally breaking the rules.
Divorced but co-parenting Everlark - obviously finding their way back together
Another classic of their children being reaped and dying - I don't know why I write things this depressing. They just tend to come out in one big rush and then I never address them again.
Real weird teen pregnancy modern day AU - don't know where it's going or why...
Modern day AU dead Prim - Peeta and Katniss just met each other through mutual friends and are kind of flirting. Peeta is a bit infatuated. Katniss stops going to mutual friend parties and he finds out it's because her sister died. Instead of staying away he gets tangled up in her grief and does all sorts of practical things while Katniss wallows. Also it's E rated but not that much fun... can't entirely explain where this one came from either...
Single Parent AU where Finnick and Annie play match maker. Probably my fave Everlark in the works but it's another one that has grown so big for the 20 minutes I can dedicate to it each week.
Red Room Take Down - Nat and Clint are retired and living a quiet family life with their child. SHIELD appears asking for Nat's help in taking down the red room and dealing with the fall out, specifically what to do with the girls that they get out. Nat is torn but chooses to go. Chaos ensues with the 'rescued' girls. I need to actually develop some OCs a little if I ever want this to be good but tbh the pending Black Widow movie is kind of holding me back on this one too because I hope we find out more about the red room.
So I have a weird habit of writing from Lila Barton's POV. I can't explain it. I have AoU and like to pretend it never happened but anyway I have a WIP about Lila detailing the collapse of her parents' marriage after Clint retires and he and Laura actually have to spend time together without Natasha. She then goes on to describe the custody settlement and her utter joy that Auntie Nat sleepovers with them at her dad's place. She feels utterly betrayed when she finds out they are getting engaged.
Fluffy AU - Clint and Natasha in an established relationship with a son born between infinity war and endgame. Natasha still sacrifices on Vormir, but Steve gets her back no bother and it's so nice and happy and fluffy and Clint and Natasha are together and they have a son who has both parents back and Steve gets to make all this happen and he is so happy too and they have a barbecue and go swimming in a lake and clint/natasha have private time, and their kid wants to be captain america, and did I mention how HAPPY everyone is?
Another fic similar to the above just about everyone being so HAPPY. Endgame reverses the snap and instead of weird farm family coming back Clint and Natasha get their daughter back and it's just a cute moment about her reappearance and their race back to the spot she disintegrated from. (Steve/Bucky go to Vormir and Steve is sacrificed, but that fucker CHOSE to leave).
This is another one that has just grown bigger than my brain. it's based off the idea that Natasha helped with coordinating fosterings during the blip time. Clint loses his mind when he loses his family and crashes in BedStuy but finds a neighbour girl (Kate Bishop) who is fending for herself in post-apocalyptic Brooklyn. He helps her out and tries to get children's services involved but it has collapsed. Finds out Natasha is the one getting everything in order. He gets in touch. She's at the end of her tether and asks why he can't keep looking after her. In the end he does and she ends up getting involved and all three get overly attached to each other. I haven't got as far as the events of endgame and idk what's going to happen. It might be tragic.
Pregnant Natasha but nobody knows what is wrong with her because they don't even suspect her being pregnant is possible. Just a real vivid description of the early unpleasant pregnancy symptoms.
Another absolute monster - Sort of canon compliant to begin with aside from before the farm family disappear. Clint and Laura are in the middle of separating and tensions are running quite high at the farm. Snap happens. Nat and Clint accidentally run into each other while both a bit low during the blip and get drunk and share home truths. Begin working together from HQ and both get a little less sad. He convinces her she doesn't have to be responsible for the world's fate every moment of every day. Clint has a break down at Morgan's 1st birthday and realises that things will have to change. Nat has this realisation later. They begin sleeping together. Accidental pregnancy. More feelings come out between them. They enter a more conventional relationship and have baby. Baby is really hard work (colic) and they struggle with comparisons and feelings of inadequacy. Pepper helps them to identify the colic and improves everything greatly. Happy times with baby while also running the avengers. Opportunity to reverse snap. Some good scenes between Nat and Tony. A big conversation between Nat and Clint about what it will mean. Steve and Nat end up going to Vormir together. Nat is obviously about to commit suicide. Steve over powers her and gives her a pep talk about the situation she is running away from and how to deal with it. He self-sacrifices. Clint goes back to farm fam and Natasha goes back to BedStuy with baby. Clint has to tell Laura and then the kids about the last 5 years and their new siblings. Nate is super into it. Cooper is a bit aloof and cynical. Lila is confused. Laura is quietly seething. Clint helps put the farm back together about 5 years of neglect and the kids meet baby. Family gets happier. Laura and Nat eventually meet again and it's civil/friendly.
My own version of what happened in Budapest.
The Call - inspired by a post here on tumblr. Nat calls Clint as she bleeds out. Just needs a beta reader and then I would consider publishing.
AoU reimagined but with Clintasha - I'm not sure where this one is going it's like a massive spider web right now with lots of ideas shooting off, but basically it is inspired by this post and just involves a lot of hoodwinking the other avengers.
Accidental Baby Acquisition - Natasha becomes Yelena's child's legal guardian after Yelena gets taken out. Natasha and Yelena are estranged at this point and Natasha things the whole thing is a trap and brings Clint along. He is surprisingly good with the baby so she ropes him in to teach her. The three of them end up bonding.
5 times there's only 1 bed + 1 time they choose to sleep in the same bed.
non-superhero AU Clint and Nat both think they have adopted a stay cat but actually the cat has owners and just likes strokes and eats a lot so has many 'families'. They get into an argument over which of them the cat belongs to only to find out the cat has owners and they are moving away. They decide to adopt a cat between them as both are not hope that much and the shelter refused them as single people. Slow burn ensues, which I am shit at writing.
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Happy Birthday, socmono!
Happy belated Birthday, @socmono! We hope you had a wonderful day back on the 14th, and that you got exactly the presents you were hoping for! To bring the birthday feels back around, the lovely @endlessnightlock​ has written a story just for you!
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I’m sorry this is so late! This story spiraled out of control inside my head, resulting in a “drabble” that is almost 7000 words long (eep)- I also have plans to add a little more on the end before I post it on Ao3, so keep your eyes peeled for that.
My inspiration for this story came from one of my favorite oldies- the 1968 Dusty Springfield song Son Of A Preacher Man. If you haven’t heard that one, I suggest giving it a listen before reading this.
This story isn’t religious, but it does have some mild religious themes (including religious guilt) because it features Peeta as a preacher’s son in the late 1960s. Also I have mentioned two separate church denominations simply because, to my knowledge, neither condone alcohol use. There is no other reason for the mentions :).
This story is also rated E for underage sexual contact.
(Have I covered everything? I think so.)
Katniss picked at the loose thread that’d made its way out of the darts in her dress. Frowning in concentration, she valiantly tried to work the string free since it insisted on mocking her the way it was. She knew she wouldn’t be able to get away with messing with it for long, not with Momma next to her on the sofa. 
Momma always had something to say about Katniss’s fidgeting- said a seventeen-year-old girl had no need for such restless energy; that was why she was so unladylike. No one complained about her vigor much when she was getting up before the crack of dawn to go out to the woods and track down meat for their dinner, and that was the truth.
At the sound of her harshly whispered name, Katniss caught her mother’s eye and let her hand drop back to her side with a barely-concealed huff. For her own good, she bit back a scowl. In no way was she in the mood for another lecture from Momma about giving herself early frown lines. 
It was a hardship being a wild girl tethered to a parent who forever wanted to make you like them. 
From the other side of the room, Katniss caught a muffled laugh from Peeta, and it took everything in her power not to glare at him- he knew better than to laugh at her, especially over her frustration with this stupid dress. It was a ridiculous thing, anyway. It certainly hadn’t been Katniss’s choice to wear it in the first place; it was so outdated with its knee-length skirt and tailored top lined with pearl-glazed buttons that were a bit tight across her bust since she’d had a bit of a growth spurt figure-wise this summer. 
Even the dress’s color was out of style: a soft, faded blue that wasn’t like anything currently being worn, although Katniss didn’t mind that part of it so much. She didn’t go for the garish yellows, reds, and browns presently in fashion- not that it mattered; her papa wouldn’t dream of letting her go anywhere in the type of miniskirts her friend Madge wore, anyway. 
“Katniss,” Papa said softly, setting his coffee cup on the table next to his chair, his kind grey eyes focusing on her, sensing her discomfort.
At the sound of her father's voice, she let out the breath she'd been holding. He was her saving grace- Papa understood her better than Momma ever would.
“Why don’t you take Peeta and go for a walk or something? It’s too nice of a day for a couple of young folks to be stuck indoors while their folks talk politics.”
“Or religion,” Reverend Mellark, Peeta’s father, added, smiling in that slightly blank way he had that made Katniss wonder if the man had ever had an earth-bound thought cross his mind. Of course, with Peeta’s mother, she couldn’t say she blamed him for preferring to immerse himself in his theology books.
Katniss nodded, setting her iced-tea glass on the end table willing herself to act naturally. She stood, glancing briefly at Peeta before looking away again. The glee in his light blue eyes prevented her from paying him any mind in front of the adults. They might catch on to something. “Well, come on then,” she said, her voice low.
“Don’t go too far, Katniss. I’m going to need your help getting supper around when the Reverend leaves,” Momma reminded her as she stood to leave the room so the men could talk alone, which is what they’d planned on doing all along.
“Yes, Momma.”
“You don’t seem all that happy to see me today,” Peeta told her as they stepped out the kitchen, the screen door slamming shut behind them. Katniss grimaced at the brilliant afternoon sunshine meeting them. It was hot and muggy- the kind of July day that wasn’t good for much other than swimming in the creek or lying in the shade with a book. 
“That’s not it,” she told him, catching his eye and shrugging. “Come on, let’s go out a little further.”
Peeta grinned at her, shoving his hands in the pockets of his khaki’s as they walked. They headed in the direction of the back end of the Everdeen's expansive property. Chickens scattered around their feet as they made their way down the packed-earth drive; the birds ran towards the garden to look for bugs to eat.
“I get tired of these dang birds,” Katniss admitted to him, frowning as she stepped over a pile of droppings. No one wanted chicken shit on their church shoes. “You’re lucky you don’t have to keep livestock in town. Watch your step- right there,” she admonished Peeta- he’d come dangerously close to stepping in a pile of excrement. Being a town boy, he wasn't as adept at looking out for himself here.
“They ain’t so bad,” he said, stepping around the mess, “at least you don’t get stuck making house calls to Ms. Trinkett’s with my father every Monday night,” he nudged her lightly with his elbow. “I’d take regular chickens over those ladies any day.”
Katniss glanced over her shoulder quickly, hoping Momma hadn’t seen them from her vantage spot at the kitchen window. Momma and Papa insisted she wasn't old enough to have a boyfriend yet, even if it was the preacher's son. Despite her concern at getting caught being so familiar with him, Katniss snorted, picturing Ms. Effie and her sister. 
The Trinket sisters, one long-widowed and one a lifetime spinster, were a bit over the top for a rural community like Panem. ”I can’t disagree, ” she told him, ”Momma says they're something else.”
She and Peeta were nearly at the back of the lean-to then, just out of sight of the house, so Katniss grabbed his arm, tugging him behind the building with her where no one could see. Once there, she threw her arms around his neck. “I am happy to see you,” Katniss said, smiling coyly.
He grinned at her forwardness. In a move that was quick enough to leave her laughing in surprise, Peeta spun the pair of them around until her back was the one against the outbuilding. He caged her in with his body there, letting his hands come to rest on either side of her shoulders as she giggled. “Well, that makes two of us,” Peeta told her. He ran the tip of his nose across her cheek, nuzzling against her before his lips met hers. He kissed her gently at first and then deeper, with ease they’d perfected over the last month of these “walks.”
Katniss still wasn’t sure what their fathers found so interesting to discuss that it brought the Mellarks out with such frequency.
There was a question for Peeta laying heavy on her mind, though, nagging at her. Katniss wasn’t sure if she’d like the answer, but she had to know before things went any further between them, so she just said it. 
“You’re not kissing girls at every house you visit with your papa, are you Peeta?” 
He frowned, studying her face, before giving her a small, unreadable smile.  In a flash, he’d tilted his head and begun trailing his lips down the side of her neck in a way that made her pulse flutter like a bird’s wings while bathing in a puddle. 
“Peeta-“ she warned, but he just chuckled.
“I might’ve kissed a few girls before, but you’re the only one I’m kissing now,” he reassured her softly, words vibrating against her skin. ”Are you puckering up to any other fellas? For instance, what about that friend of yours- the one who helps your father at harvest?”
“Do you mean Gale?”
“Yeah, I mean Gale,” he admitted, his voice tight. 
Was he jealous? The thought kind of thrilled her. Katniss chewed on her lip before exhaling against his shoulder because he still wasn’t looking at her. “He, ah, he did kiss me once,” she admitted, thinking it was better to be honest since it was just him and her right now. “Might have done a little more than kissing-”
Peeta tensed against her.
“But that was last summer,” Katniss told him. 
There wasn’t much to tell- Gale had tried putting his tongue in her mouth, and he’d touched her breasts over her shirt a little. It wasn’t like there was much of anything there for him to grab at the time. Either way, she hadn’t liked it, so she asked him to stop pretty quickly. Katniss hadn’t given what happened with Gale much thought before now- she’d just assumed she didn’t like making out like other girls did. She felt different about it with Peeta, though.
“Well, I haven’t done much more than kissing myself,” he admitted.
Katniss was sort of relieved. She hadn’t thought Peeta was a fast boy- not that it would’ve changed her opinion of him if he had been. If he’d gotten around a little more than her, then he just had. Either way, she still would’ve liked him the same; it only made her more comfortable knowing he didn’t have much experience either. 
Frankly, the only girl Katniss wanted Peeta to be fast with was her. 
What she wanted to do with him was probably considered a sin in the Lord’s eyes, but that wasn’t going to stop her a bit. All she knew for sure was that while she hadn’t been kissing Peeta Mellark for very long, he always made her want more. It was hard to be good all the time, no matter how hard she tried. Wrong or right, being with him made her feel like she was flying.
She sighed when his hand curled around her waist and pulled her closer. He still maintained a polite distance between their bodies, but she stepped closer to him, pressing her breasts against his chest for the first time. She had the strongest urge to feel his touch there- just that light press was overwhelming.
Peeta must’ve enjoyed that because he pulled her tighter, lining his hard chest against her softer curves. Breathless with anticipation, she was just about to take his hand and move it up to her breast when he dropped his hands away from her and stepped back. 
“What’s wrong?” Katniss asked, studying him for signs that she’d done something wrong. Didn’t he like that? 
His eyes looked kind of wild, she thought.
“Don’t you wanna-“
Peeta’s gaze raked over her face. “Can you sneak away tonight?” he asked, eagerly. “Would you meet me like we did last time?”
Just last week, Katniss snuck out and met up with him once her family had gone to bed. They’d sat by the creek, ditching their shoes and rolling up the cuffs of their pant legs to dip their toes in the water. There’d been some fooling around, but mostly, they’d just talked until she started having trouble keeping her eyes open. 
She figured tonight, though, Peeta wanted to do more kissing than talking. That was alright with her.
Without considering it much, she bit her lip and nodded. “Yeah, I can.” 
Momma and Papa went to bed as soon as the sun went down, so the house was always quiet by ten or so. She wasn’t sure how Peeta managed to get his father’s car to drive out and meet her, but then again, she’d never asked him about it.
“Great!” he said, his grin as wide as a Cheshire cat. 
His enthusiastic reaction made her giggle, a sound she was pretty sure only Peeta had ever solicited from her. Katniss was disappointed when he stepped away from her, signaling an end to their impromptu makeout session, but he still kissed her gently, his lips melting her frown away before she had a chance to argue with him. That soothed her. 
“Don’t scowl at me that way,” he said, “you know I wanna kiss you. I just don’t know if we ought to risk showing up again, looking like that’s what we’ve been doing. Your momma and papa will figure out what we’re up to; she looked funny enough at us last week.”
Katniss knew he was right, so with a resigned sigh, she stepped away from the side of the lean-to; they’d have to wait until tonight for more, she guessed. Pushing her disappointment aside, she grabbed his hand and tugged, indicating he should follow her. “You’re right, Peeta Mellark, just like always. Come on then- if you’re not going to hold me, then you can at least come and see the new litter of kittens in the barn.”
That evening, when the frogs were singing in the trees, and the crickets were making a real ruckus from down in the grass, Katniss found Peeta sitting on a log by the creek behind her house, just like he said he’d be. It was way past sundown, but she could still see well enough, besides= she’d know the broadness of his shoulders and the tousled back of his head anywhere. 
Her bare feet sunk in the damp, sandy soil lining the bank where she stood off to the side, studying Peeta’s profile- he was so handsome it made her chest hurt sometimes. He hadn’t heard her approach, though, so Katniss let him know she was there too after a moment. “Been waitin’ long?” she asked, breaking the silence.
“Hey,” Peeta greeted her, smiling warmly, catching her eye as he looked over his shoulder. As she approached, he scooted down the log, making room for her to sit next to him. “No, it hasn’t been long- ten minutes or so at the most.”
Katniss sat down next to him and pulled her hair over one shoulder, using it as a shade she could use to peer around at him. She’d worn it loose around her shoulders the way she knew he liked, and, thankfully, that dress from earlier was long gone, replaced by jeans and an old button-down shirt. She felt much more like herself this way. 
“It’s a pretty night,” she said, feeling a little shy now that they were alone in the dark. 
The remainder of the afternoon, once Peeta and his father left, she’d been distracted by thoughts of him and what they might get into tonight. The hours had dragged by until Momma and Papa were finally in bed, and she could sneak out to meet him.
”It is, ” Peeta agreed, “but not nearly as pretty as you.”
He just grinned in answer.
The moon was full, reflecting off the shallow creek water. It was bright enough that she could make out the look on her face and the way he sat, totally focused on her. ”I’m glad you made it.” Katniss told him, her voice soft.
”I wouldn’t have missed the chance to see you.”
She scooted closer to him. “You know, Peeta; I gotta ask you something.”
“What is it?” he said the words as if he’d gladly tell her every thought that had ever entered his head. He took her hand in his.
Katniss curled her fingers through his and squeezed. It was wonderful to touch him again freely. “How is it that you manage to get the Reverend’s car out without anyone noticing?” she asked, her curiosity getting the best of her. “I know he’s got his head in the clouds all the time, but my momma would sure notice me starting up our car after everyone’s gone to bed for the night.” She laughed. “If I weren’t on foot coming to meet you, I’d be out of luck.”
“But I’d find a way to pick you up,” Peeta said, looking down at their hands. “I gotta see my girl.”
“Your girl?”
“Yeah. My girl- neither heaven nor hell would stop me.” He paused after his declaration and snorted. “My father probably wouldn’t approve of the sentiment behind those words; I don’t think.”
“I don’t know about heaven or hell getting in the way, but what about your momma- doesn’t she try stopping you?” Katniss prodded. He still hadn’t answered her question. 
Peeta glanced away, scratching the back of his head with his free hand. She had the distinct impression there was something he wasn’t telling her. Things grew quiet, and the longer he was silent, and the longer she sat curling her toes in and out of the sand, the more sure she was that he was keeping something from her. Peeta took forever to answer; he seemed to be weighing what to say, frowning into the dark in concentration. It was painful to watch.
“What is it?” Katniss asked, breaking the silence. She wasn’t going to make him do something if he didn’t want to. “You don’t have to tell me.”
“I don’t- ah, hell. Why not. The thing is, you can’t say anything to anyone.” Peeta finally said, glancing her way again. He looked nervous. “You gotta promise me that.”
Katniss nodded, scooting closer to him on the log. “Of course.” Even if Peeta hadn’t been her boyfriend, she still wasn’t one for running her mouth about everyone else’s business. 
He sighed resignedly, looking pained. “So I don’t know if you know this, I think some people suspect and some know, but Momma likes to drink. Drinks quite a lot.”
Katniss’s eyebrows shot up. While their church wasn’t a bunch of complete teetotalers like the Baptists or the Apostolic church up the road were, their congregation certainly frowned upon overindulgence in alcohol. “Oh,” was all she could manage, her mind whirring with what he’d told her.
Peeta huffed. “Maybe “likes” isn’t the right word- I’d say she has to drink. She does it most all day- says it keeps her in her right mind. But then nighttime rolls around, and at that point, it’s a lot more. By the time she goes to bed, she isn’t in any state to wake up again. An elephant stomping through the kitchen wouldn’t rouse her once she’s passed out.”
“Peeta,” she said, hating that she’d made him feel bad to find out the truth.
He kept talking as if she hadn’t said anything. “That’s why me and the Reverend go visit the Trinkett ladies every week. Momma likes their home-brew the best. She’s real nasty if she doesn’t get it.”
“I’m sorry,” she whispered- and she was. Her momma and pappa were over-protective and kept her under tight reign, but at least they paid attention to her. She never doubted they were thinking of what was best for her or her baby sister Prim. She couldn’t say that about Peeta’s theologian father, who liked to distract himself with his religious books, and certainly not about his over-indulging mother.
“I don’t like it- leaves the Reverend and me to play clean up after her all the time- have to tell folks she’s sick or has a headache when usually it’s just the drink.” Peeta finally looked at her, and this time he had a wistful smile on his face that didn’t quite make it to his eyes. “But then again, it ain’t all bad, having no one pay you no mind. It makes it a whole lot easier to sneak away and see your girl.”
“I wish we didn’t have to sneak off this way, though. Don’t you?” Katniss said abruptly. 
There really ought to be some sort of happy medium between not being allowed to have a boyfriend like her momma and papa and Peeta’s folks who barely recognized his existence. She wanted to have a relationship in front of others; she wanted the whole world to know Peeta was her boyfriend. She was proud of him- he was a catch.
“We won’t always,” he insisted. “I swear- your momma will change her mind about you having a boyfriend eventually, and then we won’t have to do this anymore. And it’s not like you’re dating some hooligan-”
She laughed.
“How much more respectable can you get than the preacher’s son?”
“You aren’t that respectable, Peeta Mellark,” Katniss said, leaning into his shoulder with a sigh and letting her hip rest against his. They couldn’t be sitting much closer now if they tried, but she wanted to be close to him, to show him how much his trust in her meant. “No matter who your papa is.”
“Do you want me to be respectable all the time?” He asked, wrapping his free arm around her waist. His hand came to rest at her side, and he curled it against her, rubbing her hip. His fingers slipped just under the tails of her shirt, the calloused tips of his fingers brushing against her skin.
She shook her head. “Not really, no. You don’t kiss like a respectable boy.”
“I feel the least respectable of all when you’re sitting with me like this. The things I’m thinking about you are positively sinful,” Peeta admitted, quirking his lips in a funny little smile that was much more genuine than its predecessor.
“Me too,” Katniss said softly, her voice so low it must’ve been difficult to hear over the crickets chirping behind them or the gurgle of the creek.
“Well, if it is a sin, then the Lord will just have to forgive me; I’ll never forgive myself if I don’t touch you more,” he admitted, startling her with his bluntness.
Katniss licked her lips, excited and nervous. “Go ahead then,” she told him boldly.
“Maybe I will,” Peeta said, his eyes lighting up.
“Well, maybe I want you to.”
Instead of answering, Katniss leaned into him. She let her free hand rest against the line of his jaw, and Peeta tilted his face into her touch and let his eyes droop closed. “I like you an awful lot- do you know that?” she said.
His eyes fluttered open again, and Katniss watched him turn his hand and kiss the palm of her hand; it was a sweet gesture, but one that made her heart race. His lips were like petals, and his breath was warm when it fluttered against her skin. “I do, but a fella doesn’t get tired of hearing it,” he told her softly.
Katniss laughed under her breath, relishing in the way Peeta always made her smile until her cheeks hurt. It was funny to be kissing him sometimes when he felt so much like a friend- she liked talking to him just as much as she liked kissing him.
“I was kind of hoping you were going to throw yourself at me again like you did earlier this afternoon,” he confessed.
“What are you going to do- just sit there while I ravish your body?”
“Maybe for a bit, but I kinda looked forward to doing some ravishing myself,” Peeta admitted.
Katniss snorted, but not for long because he moved into her, smiling against her lips before nudging them lightly with his own, playing with her, prodding at her mouth until she opened to him. Their teeth bumped from their open-mouth laughter; there was a little more hesitancy, but then he pulled her closer and sunk his hand in her hair, and she found herself lost in the taste and feel of him.
After kissing her until they were both breathless, Peeta pulled away. Tilting her head to the side, he trailed the tip of his tongue around the shell of her ear before sucking the lobe into his wet, warm mouth. 
“Sweet lord-“ she whispered, shivering. 
Peeta held her tight against his side, one arm around her waist while the other hand settled on her belly, just above the waistband of her jeans. His lips moved down her neck until he reached the bit of skin open to him at the top of her shirt.
Giving in to that same urge from earlier, brought on now by his closeness to such an intimate part of her body, Katniss took his hand, lifting it to the first button of her shirt. 
Peeta stopped what he was doing, mouth freezing against her skin. He tensed with indecision, so she squeezed his hand in reassurance- Katniss wanted him to see her and touch her more than she’d wanted anything. Her nipples felt tight, her breasts aching for his hands. “Please,” she asked, curling his fingers into the shirt so there was no way he wouldn’t understand her meaning. “I want you to, so bad.”
Her words must’ve given him the confidence he needed because he sat up and kissed her passionately. His hand at the placket of her shirt was shaking under her hand, but when she let hers drop to her side, he began undoing the buttons regardless.
Katniss closed her eyes, trying to steady her breathing as more and more of her skin was exposed to the night air. She hadn’t worn a brassiere out here to meet him, wanting one less barrier impeding them. That thought made her lick her lips, nervous to see what he would think of her and wondering when Peeta would notice.
“Oh, you’re not,” he faltered as he pushed her shirt open slightly. “You’re naked under here,” he said dumbly.
Katniss peeked her eyes open. Peeta’s focus was on the space between her breasts; just the inside curve was visible, the fabric caught on her nipples, keeping everything from being revealed to him just yet. He looked stunned- his eyes were wide, and even in the dark, she could see the color in his fair face was high. He backed away from her, and she couldn’t help notice the way his hands clenched and unclenched in his lap. 
“You can touch me,” she said breathlessly, encouraging him.
Peeta met her eyes, looking like a deer in the headlights, paralyzed with doubt. Katniss realized that for all his big talk about it being a sin not to touch her, he was still nervous, so she took his hand and slid it beneath her shirt, her eyes steady on his the whole time. The skin on his palm was soft, and his fingers were warm and slightly calloused against her sensitive skin as it curled around her. She gasped, leaning into his touch as he dragged his thumb across her nipple, triggering pleasant warmth that began at her breasts but spread down to her belly.
Peeta dropped down onto his knees in front of her, pushing the shirt off her shoulders. She shrugged the material the rest of the way off her body. Once it was gone, he gawked openly at her, his hands frozen at his sides again. 
She kind of wished he would do something instead of just staring at her breasts- it was starting to make her second guess taking her shirt off. Maybe they weren’t ready for this yet. In a fit of sudden shyness, Katniss crossed her arms over her chest and covered herself. Her bravado was evaporating by the second.
The movement stirred him out of the daze he’d fallen into, and he looked up at her then. Being able to see his eyes again steadied her nerves a little. 
“Do you want me to take off mine too?” he asked, reaching for the bottom of his shirt.
“Yeah, I hadn’t thought that far ahead,” she admitted, laughing a little. “You’re makin’ me nervous the way you’re staring, is all.”
Peeta let his head drop.“You’re just- you’re so beautiful, Katniss. I’ve never seen anything like you before.”
“You’ve never seen breasts?” she asked, frowning at him.
He looked up at her again and shrugged. “I’ve seen some in magazines, but I’ve never had a girl show me hers before.” 
And then Peeta tugged his t-shirt up and over his head, tossing it down beside them.
She couldn’t think of anything smart to reply- it was her turn to gape at him. She’d seen shirtless boys before, but not one of them had looked so beautiful as Peeta did, kneeling in front of her the way he was. He was slim in the waist but broad through the shoulders and chest. He had muscular arms, and in the moonlight, his skin seemed to glow.
Katniss bit her lip. Did he feel the same way looking at her that she did him?
Peeta moved in closer to her, dislodged the piece of flesh from beneath her teeth with his thumb. Then, with his hand still at the corner of her mouth, he kissed her open-mouthed, with more passion than she’d ever felt from him. As his tongue brushed hers, he slid his arms around her waist. Katniss spread her knees apart, wanting him closer. Peeta moved between them and pulled her flush, pressing their bare chests together.
The feel of being skin-to-skin with him was overwhelming. There were so many places Katniss wanted to touch him, so her hands began to roam: his hair, his back, his arms- she found that when she drug her fingers down his sides, he squirmed a little. He must be ticklish there.
And all the while, while they kissed and touched each other, feeling wild and free and alive, her body became something she’d never been so aware of until that moment. Katniss snaked her legs around Peeta’s hips and tugged him forward until she had his hardness lined up to her center. “You feel-,” he groaned in her ear, thrusting against her. With the first movement, she went from feeling warm and tingly to downright aching.
If he was still talking, he must be doing better than she was- Katniss knew she couldn’t form words if her life depended on it.  All she wanted was to feel more of him and more of what they were doing to each other.
Katniss dropped her hand down between their bodies, taken by an urge to touch what she was feeling- she cupped his erection over his pants, and he thrust into her grip. 
When she looked at Peeta’s face, she was stunned by his glassy-eyed, slack-jawed expression. It startled her a little, so she took her hand away, ashamed of herself for doing something so daring without asking him first, but he grabbed her wrist, lightning-fast. 
“Don’t stop, please,” he begged. “It’s okay. It’s okay.”
“You liked that?” Katniss asked, leaning her forehead against his neck. With all the feelings running wild through her, she couldn’t look him in the eye.
Peeta took her hand, placing it over his hardness again. He curled her fingers around him so that she was gripping him. 
When she rubbed him through the thick material of his jeans, kissing his neck and collarbone because she couldn’t look him in the eye, it seemed like he stopped breathing. Katniss touched him that way but eventually grew frustrated with the way his jeans left so much to the imagination, plus it felt a little awkward. “Can I-” she trailed off, running her fingertip up his zipper. 
Peeta’s hand curled around her waist, turning his head to speak in her ear. “You can do anything you want.” His voice was breathless, his chest heaving against hers like he’d run a mile. 
She moved her hand up to the button on his pants, and when her fingers brushed against his taut skin above the waistline, he sucked in a breath. “Are you sure?” Katniss asked one last time, her fingers curling inside the waist of his jeans.
Peeta dropped his lips to hers, kissing her fervently. She guessed that was her answer. Katniss moved to the button of his pants and undid it before carefully pulling down his zipper in almost painfully heavy silence. When his fly was open, she only hesitated for a moment before slipping her hand in his underwear and wrapping it around him.
“Oh god, oh god, oh my god,” Peeta muttered against her mouth, lips slack. 
He didn’t seem capable of kissing her as she touched him; that was alright- she wanted to be uninhibited in her exploration of his body. His dick was larger than she thought it would be, and his skin was petal-soft but rigid beneath the surface, and he seemed to be growing stiffer as she rubbed her hand up and down the length of him. It seemed strange, but she could feel his pulse in her hand. When she made her way to the top, Katniss moved her thumb across the head, rubbing the small amount of dampness into him on instinct. 
“Fuck,” Peeta gasped, gripping her forearm.
“You’ve got a dirty mouth,” Katniss told him breathlessly, never hearing him swear before. This night was full of surprises and what she was doing to him excited her more by the minute.
When Peeta let go of her arm and moved his hand to the inside of her upper thigh, she forgot how to breathe herself. “Can I, too?” He managed, trailing his fingers up the inseam of her pants.
“Yeah,” she choked out, stilling her hand on him. Her pulse thumped like mad as he reached for her, unbuttoning her pants. Katniss might not have planned for all of this to happen tonight, but she didn’t want to stop, either.
She leaned towards Peeta as his hand slid inside her underwear. Knowing she was ridiculously wet, she hoped he wouldn’t think it was weird; the idea made her pretty nervous. Katniss knew it was natural to get that way when aroused. The times she’d touched herself, despite knowing it was probably a sin, had taught her that. 
But sliding her hand inside her underwear and exploring herself had mostly been out of curiosity. 
With Peeta, it was an entirely different thing- a hot, burning need that grew in intensity the further they went.
His fingers brushed against the short curls between her thighs, and when he moved further down, dipping just inside her wet lips and dragging them forward, Katniss’s hips jerked against his hand. His touch was unbelievable, much better than any time she’d done this herself. He hadn’t found the spot yet that make her sing, but it still felt amazing.
“You like this,” Peeta whispered disbelievingly, “Katniss, you’re so-”
“Yes,” Katniss gasped as his fingers rubbed against the top of her, “it feels so good.” She wanted him to delve deeper and touch that place that always felt so good when she did it herself. Their position with her on the log and him kneeling in front of her was awkward. 
And then, realizing she’d stopped moving her hand over him, Katniss tightened her grip on Peeta’s dick again. He might not be able to reach her very well this way, but she could still touch him. They’d gone this far, and now she wanted to see what happened next.
“Unf,” Peeta grunted, his hand going still inside her underwear, his body slumping forward.
Katniss watched his expression as she touched him. Peeta seemed lost entirely to what she was doing, his breathing becoming shallower, fighting to keep his eyes open. Was that because he didn’t want to look away from her?
“I’m- oh,” Peeta wrapped his free hand around the back of her head, jerking her against his chest as his length started throbbing in her hand. The faster she moved her hand, the louder he became, until his whole body stiffened up and his dick pulsed harder as hot, white liquid spurted from him, splashing against her bare arm and chest, bathing her hand in it as she continued pumping her fist up and down him. “Holy hell, goddammit,” he gasped.
Katniss turned her head, grinning against his shoulder when he seemed done after she’d taken her hand off of him. She felt suddenly shy, despite Peeta’s slack hand still lodged down the front of her underwear and his ejaculate all over her.
“I’d better,” Peeta began, pausing to kiss her firmly before as he took his hand out of her underwear and reached to the side to grab his discarded t-shirt, “take care of this. Sorry about the mess,” he added, using the material to wipe her hands and chest clean. He lingered at her breasts, rubbing the shirt across them long after she’d been wiped clean.
Katniss laughed deliriously, still a little in shock over what had just happened. She swatted his hand away, teasingly. “That’s okay- it was fun. I liked it,” She admitted. 
“It was certainly fun for me. Probably could’ve lasted a little longer,” Peeta said a little sheepishly. Even if he was embarrassed, he couldn’t keep the happy smile off his face.
Katniss didn’t think he had anything to be embarrassed about- from what she’d heard about boys, what he’d done was typical for the first time someone touched him. She figured touching each other was like anything else; there had to be a pretty big learning curve. A bigger part of her liked that she’d gotten him that worked up.
Peeta leaned forward and kissed her insistently until she was breathless, reminding her again how excited she was. “Now I wanna make you feel good too,” he said when she was half-crazy from his lips. “You might need to show me how.” He got up then, pulling his underwear back up to cover himself but leaving his pants unzipped. 
When He offered Katniss his hand, she took it. “What are you taking me?” she asked.
“Nowhere. Just changing things around a bit,” Peeta answered, stepping behind her and sitting on the ground with his back resting against the log. He spread his legs apart and patted the space in front of him. “I thought it might be easier this way, especially if you want to take your pants off.”
Katniss didn’t overthink pushing her jeans over her hips and down her legs at that point. After all, she was already shirtless in front of him, and for some reason letting Peeta see her breasts left her feeling more exposed than anything. She knew he wouldn’t try to take things any further than she wanted to
She lowered herself to the ground, kneeling in front of him, but Peeta, with a quick kiss, told her to turn around. Katniss did, settling upright against his chest. “You are the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen,” he said as she shifted against him. He wasted no time mouthing against the back of her neck while his hands settled at her waist.
“You haven’t seen much then,” Katniss whispered with what was supposed to be humor but came out sounding breathy instead. Her body tingled in the night air, the slight breeze across her nipples causing her breasts to ache even more. 
Like he was reading her mind, Peeta’s warm hands moved up from her waist and cupped her breasts. “I think I’ve seen all I need to see.”
“They’re just,” she bit her lip to keep from moaning too loud as he played with her, his thumbs rubbing and pinching her nipples, sending sparks between her thighs, “breasts. Half the world’s population has got them.”
“But I just want to see yours,” Peeta said, gently squeezing her with his warm hands. The pressure made her squirm, and she rubbed her thighs together. “How does it feel when I do this?”
“Good,” Katniss whispered, arching into his hands. He groaned under his breath. She could tell his dick was getting hard again, pressing against her backside, and that surprised her- she always thought boys were a one and out deal. 
Not Peeta, apparently. 
“How about this?” he asked while one hand glided down her stomach. His fingers were at the waistband of her underwear, edging beneath the elastic.
“Yes,” she said. The sensation was different than before. Peeta wasn’t restricted by her stiff pants this time or the awkward position she’d sat in when he’d touched her earlier.
“Help me?” he asked.
Katniss covered her hand with his and pushed them down together, leading him to the place. “Rub me there,” she said, spreading her legs wide to make it easier to get to the nerve bundle. She gripped his fingers, demonstrating what she meant. Katniss rubbed their fingers over her together in slow circles- not too soft or too rigid. Their hands together in her intimate places felt wickedly good. 
“I think I’ve got it now,” Peeta whispered in her ear. His breathing was noticeably heavier, their noises mingling together in the night air, the sounds of the creek, and the insects in the woods background noise to their pants and moans.
Katniss dropped her hand away and closed her eyes. The pleasure was coiling, burning low in her stomach. Her feet scrabbled against the sandy creekside, looking for something to hold onto; when Peeta realized what she was doing, he wrapped his free arm around her waist, holding her tight against his body as she tensed all over.
“You’re so beautiful, so perfect, so everything,” Peeta murmured in her ear. “I love seeing you this way; I love doing this to you.”
His words and his fingers rubbing her perfectly now between her thighs, the feel of his hand pressing into her waist, his mouth sucking on the side of her neck, and his dick pressing firmly against her backside all converged as one to overwhelm her. The deep, tight pressure broke, and pleasure flooded her body. The feeling was much more intense than anything she’d ever experienced on her own. 
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wilder-minded · 4 years
Slow Fire Burn Chapter 1
It's the implication that there is something going on between Gale and Madge. When Katniss goes off to the Hunger Games, who else does Gale turn to but the Mayor's daughter? Gadge, slight AU/mostly canon from Madge's perspective.
Madge Undersee x Gale Hawthorne AU.
This is a story I've been working through for years, one I just cannot let go of. I've also been posting it on my AO3 profile. https://archiveofourown.org/users/wilderminded
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Over much of my life, I had gotten good at making myself numb to most things. I was numb to my absent mother's neglect; she was too ill with her own demons to do much of anything let alone raise me. My father did the best that he could but being the mayor of District 12 came with its own demanding schedule. I was numb to the alienation that I felt from my classmates. As the mayor's daughter, I very clearly did not fit in with the Seam kids, who did without even the most basic survival necessities. I wasn't too welcome with the Merchant kids either though. While they had more luxuries, they didn't have access to the wealth that my family did and most of them didn't trust me. I learned to keep quiet to protect myself from the taunting of my classmates, and I did not care much for the silly topics that other girls my age were enthralled with.
I guess that's why we were such kindred spirits, Katniss and me. We both had places we would much rather be, and we didn't feel the need to make meaningless small talk. The silence between us was comforting enough most days. My father liked her too, seeing as how he overlooked her activities and bought strawberries from her regularly.
When she took her sister's place at the Reaping, I could barely handle the sickening knot in my stomach and the guilt I felt. I knew I had to do something for the girl who was my only real friend in the district. I gave her the pin that belonged to my aunt, a tribute in the 50th Hunger Games. I had hoped that she would wear it as her token during the Games, but at the least her family could sell it for money to feed themselves.
As I watched the Capitolites parade her and the baker's boy around in the opening festivities to the Games, I tried to make myself as numb as I could to the very real possibility that she would not come back. My father was required to attend dinners in honor of the annual tradition and while I usually went with him, it felt especially wrong this time. So I sit alone in the living room of our large house for the required viewings.
As I sit quietly picking at the loose thread on the arm of my sweater with my hands slightly shaking, I think back to the day of the Reaping. How she had brought strawberries to us with her friend, Gale. He had lashed out at me over the injustice of the Reaping, how my name was only in 5 times. The social status of my family prevented me from having to take out tesserae like he and Katniss. His name was in 42 times. I tried to not take this jab personally, I could not control any of our circumstances.
Gale stood behind me in line to see Katniss after the Reaping, while everyone was waiting to say their goodbyes. I could feel the heat of his glare against my back, and I knew exactly what he was thinking.
It's not fair. None of this is fair.
I let out a sharp, frustrated breath as I jump to my feet. I do not want to sit here and watch whatever fanfare they are projecting on the screen in front of me. I pull on my shoes, wrapping my sweater tighter around my body as I slip out of my backdoor. I follow dark alleyways through town, to avoid Peacekeepers, until I reach the edge of the woods. I follow a well-worn path by memory until I reach a small clearing. I am not brave enough to venture deeper into the woods like others that I know, but this quiet space dimly lit by the setting sun gives me the solace I am looking for.
With the setting sun goes the busy noises of birds and the wind through the trees. I sit on a large rock toward the edge of the meadow, my arms wrapped around my small waist as I watch the way the grass flows with the gentle breeze.
I barely get a moment to relax before I hear brances crunching behind me. I freeze in fear, all of the possibilities running through my head. I whip my head around after a beat, my eyes searching the dusky tree line behind me as the noise gets closer. I take in a sharp gasp when I see a figure approaching closer, my heart racing until I recognize the face that emerges just a few feet from where I sit. Gale.
"Are you following me now?" I ask, watching him as he walks closer.
"I was just wondering what the hell the Mayor's daughter is doing in the woods, at night no less," he says calmly, placing his hands in his jacket pockets as he shrugs. His steel grey eyes trained on me in a way that I couldn't quite interpret.
I scowl at the connotations of 'the Mayor's daughter'. "Why aren't you at home watching the Opening?"
He sits down beside me and shrugs again, his eyes fixed toward the sunset through the trees. "Same reason as you, I suppose. Doesn't feel right to watch all of this happen and pretend that it isn't my best friend being groomed and parades around for a bloodbath."
I don't say anything for a moment, studying his tensed jaw and furrowed brow. "It's not fair," I say finally, my voice barely above a whisper.
"What do you know about fair?" he snaps, finally turning to look at me. I huff out a breath and meet his steely glare with just as much anger reflected back in my own sky-blue eyes.
"Stop giving me shit for things I have no control over, Hawthorne. You don't know anything about me," my voice in a bitter clip as I snap back.
He shakes his head, his lips in a hard line as he looks away again. "I know you've never known what it's like to go hungry. You've never held the responsibility of other people's lives..." he starts to rant and then trails off.
I let the heaviness hang between us for a long moment. "Neither of us can help the situations we were born into," I state quietly, and he nods. Though even without a word, I can still nearly taste the bitterness in the air.
We are both silent for a while before he speaks up again, this time his voice much softer as his head hangs down. "What if she doesn't come back? She's my best friend."
"I don't know, Gale," I say helplessly as he runs his hand through his hair, clearly frustrated.
I steal a moment to admire the boy beside me. In the settling darkness, I can just make out the line of his sharp features and I feel an old familiar, out-of-place feeling stir in me and I instantly feel a little guilty. I used to watch him at school, and as the years went on he grew more and more handsome. I found myself more attracted to the dark-haired men of the Seam than the blonde Merchant boys I should be attracted to. Which could only spell trouble for the daughter of a District mayor. Anyone could see that he was in love with Katniss, but that didn't stop most of the girls in school from having crushes on him.
"Why are you staring at me?" He finally speaks up without so much as a glance in my direction. Hunter's instincts, I think.
"Just trying to figure you out. You're hard to read, Hawthorne," I tell him, blushing when I see him smile a little.
"Good. Who says I want to be figured out, Undersee?" he counters, finally looking back over at me. I smirk and shrug, looking up at the stars that have become visible thanks to the sun's disappearance. He follows my gaze, "I never take a moment to look up at the night sky."
"The stars are so beautiful... Makes it hard to believe that life under them can be so ugly," I reply quietly, folding my hands in my lap as I look back down toward the ground. "I wish I could just escape it all. Run away from the Reapings, away from being the Mayor's daughter, away from everything."
He's silent for a moment before he speaks up again. "This will never end unless people stand up to the Capitol."
His words chill me to the bone and goosebumps cover my arms. No one says things like this in District Twelve, at least not this freely. Certainly never to someone like me. Any stirring of a rebellious spirit is shut down without so much as a second thought. "That will never happen. It can't," I say, trying to make myself believe it. It's the fear of the unknown that makes me want to refuse this as a possibility. Too many people would die.
We don't say anything for a few minutes, the air between us is uncomfortable. His words don't sit well with me. If the wrong person would hear this, it would be over for him, his entire family... I can't begin to imagine, I don't want to. After a while, I stand up, pulling my sweater around my body again. "I should be getting back before someone notices that I'm gone..." I know that no one is at home to notice my absence. No one lucid, that is. I start walking toward the tree line where the path begins when I hear his footsteps behind me. "I don't need an escort," I say defiantly, huffing out a frustrated breath.
"I'm not stupid enough to let a girl like you walk in the forest alone at night," he tells me, his long strides catching him up with me in seconds. I know that he has more knowledge about the dangers of the forests than I do, but the stubborn girl in me doesn't like the idea that I can't take care of myself. I try to speed up my steps, but his much longer legs have no trouble keeping up with me. Suddenly, in my haste I stumble and just as I'm about to fall face first into the dirt below me, a hand around my arm breaks my fall.
I stumble back into him a little as I steady myself, brushing back the waves of blonde hair that fell into my face. He chuckles, his hands out to make sure that I don't fall again. "Careful there."
I try to ignore the way my arm tingles where his hand just was and I huff out a shaky breath, starting off again. "I'm fine... but thank you," I say, glancing over my shoulder back at him. I can nearly feel his smile as I walk ahead of him and we don't say anything else until we reach town. I expected him to veer off toward the Seam as we reached the edge of town, but I felt his presence behind me as I retraced my steps through the alleyways.
As I climbed the steps to my house, I looked back at him and gave him a small, grateful smile. "You didn't have to walk me home," I brushed off, my voice soft.
He shrugged, his hands in his pocket as he looked up at me. "I know, but I wanted to anyway. Goodnight, Undersee," he nodded as I reached for the door, a small grin playing on the corners of his lips before he turned away and started back down the alley. I stood there for a moment, watching him walk away before I stepped into the warm glow of my house.
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diifacto · 4 years
Saw your post about the hunger games and i completly agree. Anyway you said there wasn't really a love triangle and now I'm curious what you mean with that? I mean like imma start following you anyway now so i won't miss it when you talk about this, but...
I’ve gotten a lot of questions/comments like this one on the statement I made in my last Hunger Games post about the series having no real love triangle, so here’s me (finally) explaining my reasoning.
It was really hard to organize my thoughts in a cohesive, complete way, as I’ve never actually organized my arguement on paper—just verbally, usually yelling (passionately) at my sister—so I’ve split them up into categories based on which aspects of the novels I’m discussing.
First Impressions
Beginning, as all things do, with first impressions. The Hunger Games is, first and foremost, categorized as a YA novel. Now, I love YA. I’ve been reading YA all my life and will probably continue doing so for the rest of it. But there are a ton of tropes/patterns found consistently through just about every YA novel out there, just as in any other genre—sci-fi has spaceships, blasters, and aliens; fantasy has monarchies, dragons, and curses; and YA has love triangles, rebellions, “bad boy” boyfriends, etc. Obviously, this is a gross generalization, but you know what I mean—when Katniss introduces Gale as “the only person with whom I can be myself,” and he checks off the attractive and male boxes on top of it, anyone who’s ever read YA has alarm bells going off in their head: Love Interest Detected.
But, before anything can happen with Gale, we’re heading straight into the Games, where we are confronted with yet another possible love interest. Peeta, Katniss’s competitor—but fake, star-crossed lover? And they have history from back in District 12? We have ourselves a second Love Interest, and therefore we’ve got ourselves a Love Triangle!
(Ignore the Games, of course. The oppressed, impoverished, desperate state of the districts under the Capitol’s control. The children being sent to die for their amusement. The two sixteen-year-olds doing anything they can to stay alive one more day. No, we’ve got some romance on our hands!)
And isn’t that it? Readers go into The Hunger Games, are introduced to these two young, attractive men, who obviously have feelings for Katniss, and whom Katniss depends on (we’ll dig into the significance of that later) in return—and understandably assume this’ll blossom into a plot point. And it does, but not in the way readers are expecting. Suzanne Collins herself never portrays Gale and Peeta as opposing love interests; rather, she uses them to represent opposing worldviews, a huge choice Katniss has to make in Catching Fire. What readers are expecting to happen, though—Love Triangle, Katniss choosing one of the boys, Team Peeta or Team Gale, etc.—can get in the way of how they perceive what Suzanne Collins is really trying to say.
Katniss’s “Choice”
I’d like to present a word to you: juxtaposition. I learned it in English class, it’s fun to say, and it means, according to Google, “The fact of two things being seen or placed close together with contrasting effect.” I think it describes love triangles pretty well; after all, isn’t a love triangle just two, different people placed in the same situation, each with their respective pros and cons? I also think it describes Gale and Peeta’s characters pretty well; except instead of Suzanne Collins juxtaposing them based on their looks, general atheleticism, and by who remembers Katniss’s birthday, she aligns them with two possible futures for Katniss, and two different beliefs.
A life with Peeta means a lifetime of keeping her head down, following the path the Capitol has set for her, living in fear and suffocating oppression, hoping the spark will die out. A life with Gale means the opposite: taking it to the Capitol, rebelling against the Games, turning the spark into a flame and hoping everyone she loves survives the fire.
This is the choice Katniss makes in Catching Fire. When she kisses Gale after he’s been whipped, it’s not because she’s coming into any newfound feelings, it’s because she’s made her decision—to stay and rebel against the Capitol. And in this choice, a life with Peeta is of the Capitol’s invention, and a life with Gale is only another way to rebel.
That’s all there really is to Katniss’s “choice.”
“But Margaret,” you say, “Katniss does have feelings for Gale and Peeta in return.” Oh, sure. I won’t argue there—there’s a reason, aside from them being superficially perfect Love Interest archetypes, that both these boys themselves do appeal to Katniss. But these “feelings,” this reason, aren’t/isn’t inherently romantic.
After Katniss’s father died, Collins depicts how Katniss’s mother fell into an incredibly lethargic state, sick with sadness, and effectively abandoned eleven-year-old Katniss to deal with her own grief and keep the family alive, all alone. Understandably, this experience has kept Katniss from trusting easily or becoming too dependent on people, lest they do the same and leave when she needs them. For the most part, Katniss lives independently, relying on no one for support, not accepting help. But why, when people argue that Katniss does have feelings for both Gale and Peeta, do I have to admit that while I disagree overall, there is something there Katniss doesn’t let herself feel for anyone else? What makes these two boys different from everyone else in The Hunger Games?
Simple: they’re the only two people Katniss (reluctantly) lets herself depend on.
When discussing Gale’s popularity among the girls at school, Katniss mentions that it makes her jealous, but not for the reason people think. “Good hunting partners are hard to find,” she says, 1. acknowledging Gale’s desirability, 2. making her lack of romantic interest clear, and 3. admitting she relies on him as a hunting partner, and feels threatened by the idea of losing him. And of course she does—especially since Collins shows us that it isn’t just Katniss herself depending on Gale; after the reaping it will be Prim, who Katniss describes as the only person in the world she’s certain she loves, and her mother. Without Gale, and with Katniss heading off to the Games, she has no way to ensure Prim’s safety. Thus, Katniss is incredibly dependent on Gale.
Peeta comes later, but equally as necessary; offering Katniss safety through their star-crossed lovers strategy, and, later, an understanding of the Games she can’t get from anyone else. Katniss, someone so scared of depending on people, has ended up depending on these two boys for different things. Gale, to protect her family, her home, to offer her freedom from the stifling nature of the Capitol and the Victor’s Village; and Peeta, to offer her understanding and freedom in a different way, from the dreams, from the arena, from the pressure of keeping everyone alive.
So when people counter my opinion that Katniss never had any romantic feelings for either Gale nor, initially, Peeta (we’ll break that “initially” down, don’t worry), I’ll give them that, yes, Gale and Peeta got something from Katniss no one else did: trust. And trust is, of course, a fantastic base for a healthy, romantic relationship. But it doesn’t become one in Hunger Games. Katniss loves Gale, and she loves Peeta, I can’t argue that. But that love isn’t romantic.
Debts Owed
This will be very brief—just something to think about, to go along with my analysis of Katniss’s dependence.
I need to acknowledge that, while my arguement is that Katniss never had any definitively romantic feelings for either Gale or Peeta, they definitely did for her. And she knew. So, just for a moment, I’d like us to consider the thought process of someone who has never, ever, let herself depend on anyone else—depending on someone who obviously wants something more from her?
Do you think she may feel like she owes something to this person, as thanks? Do you think she might be afraid, if they weren’t to get what they want, that they might leave? Do you think that, even if she didn’t have any romantic feelings for either of the two, she might kiss them, just in case?
I’m not saying this is the case in Hunger Games, but as I was writing up “Dependence,” it occurred to me: what would that really do to a person? And I just wanted to bring it up for discussion. When Katniss made her choice—rebellion—did she have to seal that choice with a kiss? Or was that her way of ensuring that yes, she was picking rebellion, and Gale was the rebellious choice, and yes, this kiss, this promise, will keep him by my side.
Was Gale Ever Really A “Contender”?
Let’s tie the frayed ends of “First Impressions”/“Katniss’s ‘Choice’”/“Dependence”/“Debts Owed” together. If you’ve made it this far, you’ve an inexhaustible well of patience, and I applaud you.
Remember when I added that “initially” when discussing Katniss’s lack of romantic feelings for Peeta? While I’m still firmly on the side of Katniss ending up single—at least for a few years, while the poor girl recovers and figures all the shit you’re supposed to understand in your teens, and when you’ve been through a war, out—of both “choices,” of course she ends up with Peeta. Why? Well.
Despite the “choice,” despite dependence, despite all the evidence laid here on the contrary, despite all that, if you still think there’s a love triangle in Hunger Games, explain to me this: you need two love interests to make a love triangle—and was Gale ever really a contender?
Let’s walk through it. Right from the beginning, immediately after Suzanne Collins introduces Gale, she has Katniss go through the steps discussed in “Dependence”; acknowledge desirability and attractiveness, state her disinterest romantically, and move on. Already, sweeping any suggestion that Katniss may have some unspoken, romantic love towards Gale. Not to say it couldn’t develop—but it doesn’t.
Catching Fire is where the boys are perhaps juxtaposed the most, with Katniss’s “choice” coming into play. Remember what I said about debts owed? Gale continues to push Katniss’s boundaries, confessing his love, pressuring her, even after she’s expressed her disinterest in love right now (amid all this death and rebellion, a perfectly fucking normal sentiment) and confusion around the subject. Not only that, but he insults Peeta, Haymitch, and those involved with the Games (ex. Cinna, Effie, Katniss’s prep team) by lumping them in with the Capitol, and while the latter is a fair judgement, he doesn’t listen to Katniss when she tries to defend them and explain they’re rebelling in their own way, same as him. Gale in Catching Fire begins his “downwards spiral,” as he turns everything black and white, shunning Katniss when she doesn’t agree 100% and accepting her back with open arms after she kisses him.
Peeta, on the other hand, understands the gray area. He listens to Katniss, and although he’s getting exactly what he wants—a relationship with Katniss, a life with Katniss—he takes no joy in it because he knows it isn’t what Katniss wants. Remember after their proposal, on the Victory Tour, when Katniss asks Haymitch why Peeta’s not happy, as this was what he wanted? Haymitch tells her it’s because he wanted it to be real. And that’s true for Peeta throughout the whole trilogy; he truly cares about Katniss’s wants, tries his hardest not to pressure her, and is genuinely a continuous source of support. He rebels, the entire time, in his own quiet, calculated way; with the money in District 11, with the “baby bomb” in the interviews.
Here’s a juxtaposition for you: Peeta’s love for Katniss isn’t conditional; Gale’s is.
For proof, just look at Mockingjay. Specifically, look at—spoilers—Prim’s death.
Everyone knows that girl is the most important thing in the world to Katniss. All of District 12 knows it, President Snow knows it, President Coin knows it—hell, regular, average citizens of the Capitol know it. Everyone knows there is nothing, nothing in the world that could make Katniss put Primrose in danger, even at her own expense. Katniss would rather die than have Prim get hurt, and anyone close to her, who loves her, knows damn well that’s what she’d want.
So when Gale’s bomb goes off, delivering the final blow to the Capitol, at the expense of so many innocent lives, at the expense of Katniss’s sister—there was no love for Katniss there. There was absolutely no consideration, no respect for Katniss. There was just violence, and the hungry, desperate need to win this war, to rebel.
I could never say that Katniss and Gale weren’t a great team. I could never say they weren’t good, lifelong friends—I mean, starting out. They were fantastic hunting partners, further shown in Mockingjay, when they started hunting people instead of deer or turkey or wild dogs. But they grew apart, after Katniss changed in the Games and Gale changed in the rebellion, and there was never, really, the chance of anything romantic between them. Katniss depended on Gale to, above all other things, protect her sister, and he didn’t, so she stopped depending on him. And there wasn’t anything left.
That’s what I mean when I say, even if you think Katniss had real feelings for Peeta—and they do end up together, so even if I don’t agree with it, okay, alright, maybe it was Suzanne Collins’ intention—there’s still no love triangle, because Katniss never had feelings for Gale. And even if, maybe, maybe some would’ve developed—we’re getting into pure hypotheticals here—his character never would’ve been a real option for Katniss. They changed too much, and grew too far apart, and there would have been absolutely no chance for him after Prim.
In conclusion, I’m sorry. I’m more cohesive and intelligent verbally. Most of the time. Promise.
In conclusion, there is no love triangle in Suzanne Collins’ Hunger Games. Rather, there are two boys who have feelings for the same girl, and this girl, who never depends on anyone, depends on these two boys for different things, and has to make a huge, horrible, irreversible choice, and somehow it ends up attaching itself to these two boys. And that’s really all there is to it.
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marzaid · 5 years
TodoDeku Hunger Games AU
The Hunger Games are a battle to the death between 24 tributes from the ages of 12 to 18 where they compete for the title of Victor so they can bring resources to their district. The tribute that wins is awarded money, fame, and a house in the Victor’s village provided by the Capital. 
  I have 2 ideas for this AU.
  Idea 1: 
  Izuku lives in District 12, which is the poorest district out of the 12 in the country. His father was killed in a mining accident, leaving his family in poverty and despair. Inko did her best to provide for Izuku, but resources were scarce. She adopted Kouta Izumi after his parents died in the same mining accident and she has taken care of her two boys since. Izuku has worked odd jobs and has developed physical strength because of it, lifting heavy objects and doing other sorts of strength-related work to make some extra money. Inko has been keeping an apothecary and has helped others with injuries, teaching Izuku and Kouta about first aid and medicine so they know how to do this, too, someday. Izuku has put in his name for reaping a few extra times to obtain more resources for his family since he was 12, despite his mother begging him not to do so as doing this would just increase his chances of getting reaped for the Games. He doesn’t want Kouta to do this, though, because he doesn’t want his little brother to get picked. 
  The day of the reaping arrives and Kouta is nervous, and Izuku tries his best to calm him down.  It’s his first reaping so obviously he’s nervous. When it’s time to pick the names of the kids who will get reaped, Kouta’s name is drawn and Izuku’s heart stops. His body moves before he has a chance to think and rushes forward, calling out to him in desperation. He volunteers to take Kouta’s place in the Games and Kouta is spared, but Izuku has to go now. 
  Inko is obviously devastated, but Izuku tries to cheer her up the best he can. Kouta tells him he needs to win and Izuku makes the promise that he will. 
  I don’t know who to pick as the female tribute because she will have to die. I don’t want to kill anyone from class 1A. I dont’ have that kind of heart. 
  Anyways, Izuku and the female tribute go to the train that will take them to the Capital and they meet Toshinori, their mentor for the Games. He won 24 years ago and their district hasn’t had a victor since. That means all of Toshi’s tributes have died in the Games and his hope is fragile. But he sees potential in Izuku, at least, and he has to give more support to one tribute over the other so that at least one of them can win. Izuku is sturdy and strong, and has a good chance at winning. 
  He gets A LOT of attention because he has been the first person to volunteer for the Games in decades so it’s a really big deal. He has a lot of guts. He looks scared and upset, but he’s doing it for Kouta. He has to win for him. 
  I haven’t thought of who his stylist will be (the person that makes him look good and groomed for the camera), but I was thinking maybe Aizawa. But I need someone who would motivate Izuku. Katniss’ whole deal is that she is the Girl on Fire because she bursts into flames during the Tribute Parade along with Peeta. But idk if Izuku will do something like this…it has to be a big impact. 
  Anyways, there’s the tributes parade where all of the tributes go on a parade to showcase their district. Izuku has to look amazing so he can entice hope in people. He has been the first volunteer, so that can’t go to waste. I would imagine that he has an effect of electricity like full cowling, so that would be lit. 
  After the parade, he and his fellow tribute are being praised by Toshi, but he guides them away from the grounds because another tribute has his eye on Izuku and that’s dangerous. Izuku getting singled out is not good because that means other tributes will target him. The one looking at Izuku with an intense gaze is Shouto, a tribute from District 2, which is one of the richer and stronger districts, and they are usually Careers. Shouto has been trained from childhood to be a Career by his Victor father, Enji, who won his Games 20 years ago. Enji was brutal and wanted for his children to be Victors, too. Shouto gave him the most promising results and so when he was reaped, Shouto had the highest chance out of everyone to win because he’s a skilled archer. 
  The tributes have to go to training sessions to practice with weapons and learn new skills. Toshinori advises Izuku not to show off his strength so that way he isn’t singled out again by other careers, seeing as how one has already analyzed him. During these trainings, Izuku learns different skills like knot tying, camouflage, starting fires, setting snares, survival skills. He’s already really good with picking out plants and herbs thanks to his mom’s apothecary business, so he’s very skilled in that aspect. He’s just trying not to show off his strength. 
  He’s practicing with some net stuff (in the movie, Peeta falls from a net his climbing and he falls), and falls, and the careers laugh at him because of that. Izuku brushes it off, trying to ignore them, but then Shouto approaches him and helps him up. And he tells him to throw the medicine ball that’s beside the weights. Izuku doesn’t even know this boy, yet he’s telling him what to do. Izuku does this and throws the medicine ball (heavy shit heavy s h i t), and that makes the careers shut up. After that, Shouto and Izuku talk and practice stuff and hover over each other, even if Shouto makes Izuku nervous. He doesn’t quite trust Shouto yet, but Shouto is not being hostile, at least he’s good at acting decent. 
  I feel like I should make Shouto challenge him, though, but Idk how to do that. Maybe he could challenge him when he sees hi m in the parade, but idk. I want them to have a neutral relationship from the start. Or, I could have him challenge him and when they’re in the Games and they’re trying to kill each other, Izuku saves Shouto and Shouto values that and agrees to work with Izuku. 
  But it’s hard to do that when the interviews come before the Games. And I want for the interviews to give a huge impact. Each tribute is interviewed to speak about themselves. Shouto is handsome and everyone loves him and the interviewer (probably Mic) brings up Shouto’s father being a Victor and asks him if he’s going to follow up with his own victory. Shouto answers that he hopes so, …even though there is another tribute that he really likes and even has a crush on them. This leaves the audience wondering who he has feelings for. 
  Izuku’s interview is heartwarming because he’s nervous and down to earth and Mic brings up his volunteering for his little brother and Izuku goes off on how much he cares about Kouta and how he will try to win just for him. 
  The Games start and Izuku has to get resources, but if he goes to the Cornucopia, he will get killed trying to get a weapon. He manages to snag a backpack and escapes being pursued by the other tributes (he runs really fast, this boy is Speedy Gonzalez goodbye). I would imagine he has agreed to work together with his fellow tribute and Shouto, and they all agree to meet up somewhere if they can. 
  Shouto, on the other hand, is a total beast and manages to snag a few weapons as well as another backpack. He gets his bow and arrow and oof there he goes. It takes a day or two for them to finally meet up, but Izuku is being pursued by the Careers when Shouto arrives and kills one of them. I’m trying to have that big “It’s your power!” equivalent to this, but idk how to do that. Maybe Shouto sets fire to their resources of something. Using fire was how his father won and would probably be called the Flame Victor or something. So Shouto can use this as a weapon, too, idk. 
  Izuku and Shouto manage to get away from the rest of the careers. However, Shouto gets hurt and Izuku has to carry him away. 
  There has to be a child that reminds Izuku of Kouta, and it hurts my heart to pick Eri because she’s so smol, but Izuku will team up with her and protect her. Maybe…she can be his fellow tribute. Unfortunately, she gets killed. This is before Izuku and Shouto meet up btw. Izuku will feel horrible for not being able to save her and makes a makeshift funeral for her by laying flowers and decorating her hair. He’s devastated and cries and feels very depressed about it. There is an announcement that says that 2 tributes can go home together even if they are not from the same district. As long as they are working together, they can win. 
  So after Izuku and Shouto rescue each other and find each other, Izuku finds a good cave where they can rest and hide. Shouto has a fever and in his delirium, admits he was talking about Izuku when he said he has a crush on someone. Izuku is shocked and flattered and oh m y God, he has a crush on Izuku. Izuku.exe has stopped working. But he can’t fall in love when he’s trying to survive so what can he do??? 
  This whole romance? The Capital is eating it up so good that there are sponsors lining up for Toshinori to send Izuku and Shouto resources. Enji is really angry about this turn out but at least his son is getting sponsors, too. Enji does not want to work together with Toshinori, but they have to since their kids are in this together for now. 
  As Izuku takes care of Shouto (thank goodness he knows about healing and medical stuff), they share a kiss and Izuku feels so light and oh God, he just kissed Shouto. The kiss garners them a lot more sponsors and they send them medicine and food that saves their lives. The medicine heals Shouto’s injury and the food gets them through a few days until Shouto recovers. Once they are able to get back on their feet and go again, it’s getting towards the end of the Games and they have to fight whoever is left.
  Now Idk who the last tribute could be. He has to be stronger than Izuku and Shouto. My money is on Inasa just because I don’t like him. And I’m saving Katsuki to fit Gale, who is Katniss’ hunting friend. Gale takes care of Katniss’ family while she is in the Games. He also kinda likes her, but she never develops feelings for him. Anyways, yeah, in this au, Katsuki doesn’t like Izuku like that. They’re just friends who have worked together and know each other since childhood. Katsuki looks out for Inko and Kouta while Izuku is away. So yeah, Inasa fits Cato…because they’re both overly zealous and obsessive. So Shouto and Izuku have to fight Inasa. Izuku and Inasa wrestle each other (OH NOW I REMEMBER WHAT PEETA USED TO DO, HE USED TO WRESTLE) and Izuku is winning, but Inasa manages to pin him and so Shouto has to get a clean shot so he doesn’t kill them both. He manages to shoot Inasa and spare Izuku and Inasa falls off the Cornucopia where the mutant dogs are waiting for them. And you could just…imagine how that goes, he gets bitten and basically eaten. He begs to be killed and so Shouto kills him to end his suffering. 
  When Shouto and Izuku are the only ones left, there is an announcement saying that only one person can be the victor and now Izuku and Shouto must fight to the death for the title. Except they don’t want to do that. Shouto throws his bow and arrow to the ground and tells Izuku to kill him so that Izuku can go home. But Izuku refuses to do that. They had gathered wild berries called nightlock, which are poisonous, and Izuku suggest they eat them to commit suicide instead of one of them dying while the other one lives. Izuku couldn’t bear going home knowing Shouto was dead. And Shouto couldn’t do the same. 
  So they are about to eat the berries when the announcer stops them and declares them as Victors. 2 districts with a victor each ohmg! 
  This is dangerous because Izuku has caused a rebellion by refusing to play by the Games’ rules and win by their standards. Toshinori warns him to be careful because he will be watched carefully now. Shouto and Izuku are interviewed because they won and their romance gets more attention than what they did in the Games, which is good for them in a way…but also bad because the districts want to rebel. If Izuku, a boy from the poorest district could rebel, why not the rest of the districts? 
  So that’s why there’s the 75th hunger games where they get reaped again and have to be in the games with former victors.
  Because Shouto is from a different district, he has to go back to his district by law. However, because he won with Izuku and they are “in love”, Shouto is allowed to move to Izuku’s district and live in the Victor’s village from district 12. This obviously angers Enji, but it’s something Shouto actually wanted. 
  Izuku and Shouto do like each other, but the tension of the Games and the politics is so much and they don’t know how to handle it. They are still close and amicable and support each other and they’re romantic, but Izuku is still confused because it was so sudden and he wasn’t able to explore his feelings. He trusts Shouto and has feelings for him. He just wants to fall in love with him properly. 
  They announce an engagement to appease the Capital so they can back off, but the districts are rebelling and using Izuku as a symbol of peace for their rebellion, something Izuku silently supports, but cannot speak about it out loud. The President wants him dead so that’s why they get the 75th hunger games with all the past victors. Because there are no female victors in district 12, 2 male victors must represent the district so Shouto and Izuku go again, this time as a couple and they are on fucking fire. They’re beautiful and attractive and the crowd loves them. 
  Toshinori is working behind the scenes with the rebellion to help these two escape the Games. Their allies are all in on the plan and they look out for them without tododeku knowing. They get rescued, but not before there is a clusterfuck going on where everyone is confused and nobody trusts each other. 
  Izuku is rescued, but Shouto gets captured and neither of them know what’s going on. Izuku gets taken to district 13, which had been thought to have been annihilated by the Capital, but they were actually underground this entire time. They are the rebellion and want Izuku to be their symbol of hope. And Izuku doesn’t want to be part of a war, but if it means helping everyone, he will do it. 
  Shouto gets taken to the Capital and is used as their own sort of symbol to arouse sympathy for the Capital. But in reality, he is getting tortured and brainwashed and abused. Izuku doesn’t know this. But he does see that with every new interview, Shouto doesn’t look healthy and he looks hurt and like he’s lost weight. He looks unhinged and nervous. That’s so unlike him. Izuku is obviously concerned and as one of his conditions to help district 13, he has asked for Shouto to be rescued at the earliest convenience or else he would not help them. So district 13 goes to rescue Shouto and they bring him back. And Izuku is excited to see him and he wants to hold and kiss him because his boyfriend is back by his side!!!
  But because Shouto was tortured so much, he attacks Izuku on sight and tries to choke him to death. Toshinori manages to knock him out and Izuku is under hospital care. Toshinori explains that Shouto has been brainwashed so badly that he doesn’t know what’s real and what is fake, and he believes that Izuku is his enemy. When Izuku goes to see Shouto outside his room, he sees how he’s going crazy and is fighting his restraints and this hurts Izuku so much because he couldn’t do anything to help Shouto. Shouto thinks he’s his enemy. 
  It takes time for Shouto to calm down and to even talk to Izuku and they have a horrible interaction in which Shouto says that Izuku has been the source of all his problems and Izuku leaves in tears. He has hope in Shouto’s recovery, but it still hurts to be told such hate filled words. 
  Izuku is used for promoting the rebellion, but he’s really bad at commercial work, so Toshinori suggests that the camera crew gets him in action. They go to district 8 where there is a lot of rebellion going on and Izuku gives a speech and motivates them all to keep fighting. It ends in disaster, though, because the capital comes and basically bombs the hospital they’re in. And the camera crew gets some beautiful shots of Izuku being intense and genuine and motivating everyone to fight the capital. 
  (I think I have my sequence of events mixed up but whatever i’m really excited writing this alfakjfalk). 
  Anyways, Izuku has to train to be a soldier for the rebellion and goes through some intense training and he passes woot, he has to pass because he’s the symbol of hope, alfajfaklfa. So he gets sent with the camera crew and other victors and soldiers like Katsuki to go to the capital to bring them down. But district 13 discharges Shouto and they send him to the battlefield with Izuku and the rest, too. Shouto is calm for the most part until there is an attack and he goes feral and attacks Izuku, almost killing him. The crew has to separate them and one of the victors (Finnick, who is my 2nd favorite, deserves the world, deserves better, and I will fight for him) uses a tranquilizer on Shouto to get him to sleep. Izuku and the crew end up in an apartment where they have resources for now and get to watch the reports of the capital saying that he and the rest of the crew are dead. But they’re not, they’re hiding lmfao. 
  They go into the sewers to try to get to the capital faster, but the president sends mutts (mutant creatures) after them and they get attacked in the sewers. Shouto is the one that is able to warn them about it because he can’t sleep and also he recognizes the noises the mutts make. So the crew is able to get a headstart on their escape, but they still have to fight against them. Izuku is holding his own and fighting, but then gets knocked down by a mutt and almost gets killed. But Shouto saves him and gets him out of the water and helps him get away. They save each other so much here ohmg. 
  Izuku and the crew are able to escape (BUT THEY LOSE PEOPLE, INCLUDING FINNICK), and Izuku feels so incredibly guilty about the whole situation. Katsuki is also hurt so they have to help treat his wound, but it’s not that bad. Shouto helps Izuku realize that it’s so important what they’re doing and that everyone is depending on Izuku. Please motivate each other, boys, please I’m begging. 
  So they set up a plan for them to raid the President’s mansion and go in and kill him. Izuku and Katsuki go together and Shouto stays behind them so they don’t arouse suspicion. But there is an attack between the capital and district 13. Izuku, Shouto, and Katsuki are fighting, but Katsuki gets captured and tells Izuku to kill him, but Izuku doesn’t do that. He can’t do that. However, Izuku is witness to a mass bombing courtesy of district 13, which kills a lot of people from the capital who are gathered outside the president’s mansion. Medics are coming in to help and Izuku recognizes them as district 13 uniforms, and one of the medics is Kouta (he had been training to become a doctor, but the president from district 13 sent him along with other medics to ‘help heal those in need’). Izuku spots Kouta and calls out to him and hurries to him and Kouta sees him, but more bombs go off. And that kills not only the other medics and citizens, but also Kouta. And Izuku is sent flying backwards and gets knocked out, but Shouto comes to him and puts out the fire that was on Izuku from the bomb explosion. 
  The reason I have Katsuki as Gale is because Gale designed a plan using bombs. This plan is what’s used against the capital. This is what kills Kouta. Bombs and explosions…yeah that’s totally Katsuki. Plus Gale is angry and aggressive as shit and well, we all know who is like that, too. 
  After this, Izuku is struggling with processing what’s going on. The capital has fallen and the districts have won, but Izuku lost his little brother. He was the reason he volunteered in the first place, to keep him safe and alive. Izuku gets to talk to the president (All For One) and AFO tells him that he wasn’t the one who set those bombs, but rather district 13. He wouldn’t kill his own people from the capital. And that has Izuku thinking about it, too. 
  The president of district 13 (idk who this could be, this has to be someone Izuku is neutral with at the beginning, but feels betrayed by them later on) announces that there will be a Hunger Games for the capital children to participate as a way for retribution for the rest of the districts. Shouto is obvioulsy against this as well as a couple of other victors, but 2 other victors are in favor. Toshinori and Izuku have to give their votes and Izuku says he agrees to have those Games, but he gets to kill AFO. The president is delighted about this answer. Toshinori looks at Izuku and understands what he is doing and also agrees to these terms. But Shouto is not happy about it at all, saying the games are what caused all this problems in the first place. He’s disappointed in Izuku. 
  Izuku can’t forgive Katsuki for what happened to Kouta. Katsuki does apologize, but Izuku dismisses him, not forgiving him. 
  When it’s time to kill AFO, Izuku comes in with the rest of the rebels following him and the president of district 13 announces this like a ceremony. I imagine that Izuku was really good with using spears because he’s super strong, so this could be what he uses to kill AFO. However, because of what AFO said, Izuku understands that the president of district 13 caused all this destruction and SHE was the one that killed Kouta and the other medics and the capital citizens with the bombs. So instead, Izuku kills the president of district 13, and this causes the rebels behind him to charge at AFO to kill him. In the midst of the chaos, Izuku reaches for a suicide pill that he was given for the raid of the capital, and is about to take it when Shouto stops him. (This scene is so heart wrenching because Katniss tells Peeta to let her go, and he tells her he can’t.)
  So Izuku gets taken by the guards (I want to say not arrested, detained), and is tried for what he did, but because of his deteriorating mental state, he is excused as being mentally insane. He’s let go and is able to go back to district 12 with Toshinori and Inko, but Izuku falls into a heavy depression because he can’t accept Kouta is dead. It takes a long time (I forgot how long) for him to like finally start to recover, but it’s because of Shouto’s return that he gets to breathe again, basically. And Izuku goes out to work on things again, building and lifting and doing all sorts of things now and Shouto is there for him, and Shouto is getting better, too. He was discharged some time after Izuku went home, but stayed in the capital to recover some more before he goes back to district 12 with Izuku, Inko, and Toshinori. 
  In the end, Izuku and Shouto move in together and get married. In the end, Katniss and Peeta have 2 kids and are happy together. I want for Izuku and Shouto to be happy, too, maybe adopt a couple of children. They’re set for life with their Hunger Games royalties, so they have more than enough money to spare, so they can raise their children happily. They still are mentally ill, those hunger games shits will never go away. But they manage it well. Shouto still has episodes where he has to grab on to things so that his mania can pass (he doesn’t go apeshit anymore, he just needs to hold on to something solid so it can pass), and Izuku and Shouto still have nightmares and depression and anxiety and PTSD, but they can live their lives. Shouto hunts. I don’t know what Izuku can do, but given how strong he is and how he can lift things, I image him building. Houses, buildings, idk? Or maybe his analytical mind led him to another line of work. I’m not sure, but they get to be happy in the end and they get to be together. 
  Idea 2:
Shouto and Izuku live in the same district and have a similar childhood encounter to Katniss and Peeta with Peeta giving Katniss bread and saving her family and her from starving. There is no gendered reaping and Shouto and Izuku are reaped together for the Games. Shouto in his interview reveals he has a crush on Izuku and Izuku would be thrilled a lot more if they weren’t going to die. Then the rest happens like idea 1. 
  I just want a hunger games au. *cries*
I want to thank @edwardslostalchemy for this beautiful submission!!
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alliswell21 · 7 years
and if you may ... 49 too .. “Im too sober for this” .. Please ? Thank you ::!!
😊 another awesome prompt: 49. “I’m too sober for this”
Warning: mentions of underage drinking
Sorry this came out so freakishly long. Enjoy.
oOo oOo oOo oOo oOo oOo oOo oOo
As Senior resolutions went, mine was daring, brave, empowering and completely futile.
Since my best and only friends Gale and Madge graduated the previous year and left to pursue their own paths, I saw a chance to reinvent myself. It was gonna be the greatest thing since sliced bread!
I was gonna let lose, let my hair down (literally! Who wears braids to school everyday in their senior year anyway?!?). I was gonna brake some rules and be known as: Katniss Everdeen, the girl who was on fire!.
I had it all planned out.
I was going to shed my quiet, goody-two-shoes, hermit persona behind and become this easy going chick all the cool cats wanted to hang out with, and to my credit, I succeeded pretty much on everything I’d set out to do except the single most important thing of all...
But I’m nothing, if not persistent, hence my current situation, holding a flashlight, illuminating a doorknob, as a group of classmates try to break an entering in the school building after hours.
Real smart stuff for Katniss Everdeen, formerly sensible person.
”Come on man! What’s taking so freaking long?” Asked Marvel Quaid impatiently.
”Almost,” Says Annie Cresta still tweaking her bobby pin into the lock to Dr. Abernathy’s office.
Finnick Odair, Annie’s boyfriend and the father of this half baked idea of a prank, slaps Marvel’s shoulder with the back of his hand, telling him cockily, “Hush dude. You’re throwing my girl’s mojo. Besides, hasn’t your mother told you that patience is a virtue?”
”Ugh... just hurry it, will ya? I’m with twitchy here. Being at Abernathy’s office during the day is bad enough,”
”Johanna, when have I ever fail you?” Asks Finnick at his best friend with a pointed look, then he grins mischievously, “Plus, once we’re inside, will celebrate by raiding old man Haymitch’s liquor stash!” He wiggles his eyebrows at that.
”Wait... what? Nobody said anything about drinking the stuff! I thought we were just switching it with water. This is crazy Finn!”
”Shush it Peeta! Not a good time to act like a chicken shit!” Johanna whispers harshly. “I knew you were gonna wimp out half way!”
Peeta puffs out his already prominent chest, and frowns angrily a Johanna, “I’m not wimping out of nothing!” His intense blue eyes fix on mine for a second, but as usual, the moment I look back at him, they fleet away, returning to Johanna next to Finnick. “I’m just saying, that with every passing second, it’s more obvious this prank wasn’t thought through. That’s all. Plus, we already drank Annie’s dad’s liquor cabinet, I’m pretty sure stealing the principal’s cheap vodka and drinking it in his office is like... a felony or something.”
I’ve been watching Peeta pretty much my whole high school career. It’s not that I just noticed him, it’s just that I just became aware of how much I noticed him when he was around. With Gale’s towering frame out of the way, distracting me, I finally realized I’ve kept track of this blue eyed blonde, ever since I was a tween, and he fed me his own bread the day my father died. His one act of kindness set him apart from everyone else, and Ive finally come to terms with it. But for all my observations of the boy with the bread, I can say he does look a little green right now, but a coward he totally is not!
I let a long breath out, scratching my nose with my free hand. ”I’m too sober for this,” I didn’t actually mean to say it out loud, but it’s true, and it’s out.
”Wait until we’re drinking Abernathy’s poison, baby, that’ll take care of it right away!” Says our resident meathead, and designated muscle, Cato Alexander. His voice is so greasy, and obnoxious I scowl at him in disgust, but Peeta surges up from his hiding spot, to crouch in front of me, facing Cato. I think he’s trying to shield me from his leering eyes.
”Yeah, well, I still think we should stick to the original plan of just dumping it all out and switching it with water, and get the hell out of here ASAP.” Peeta grunts, more than says.
”Abernathy keeps his ‘secret’ stash under lock and key, though.” I offer. “Wiress told me he’s even putting some alarm system in place, because he has the bottle in the same place he keeps the final exams.”
Johanna rolls her eyes, blowing a bubble with her gum, and finally runs a hand through her spiky short hair. “Come on Brainless, that was just Nuts, being her nutty self. There aren’t any alarms here. Old man Haymitch is an angry drunkard, not a paranoid one.” Her gum pops and she chews on happily.
”Done!” Crows Annie triumphantly.
”I knew you could do it, Hon!” Says Finnick sporting that lovesick face he always has when speaking to Annie. He kisses her in the lips, and Johanna makes pukey faces at them while the rest of us try to look away uncomfortable.
”Dude, get a room!” Says Marvel.
We all slip into the open door on tip-toes, and come to Dr. Abernathy’s desk. There, where drawers used to be at one time, it’s a safe, with a digital keypad.
”Great!” Whines Marvel, “Deciphering this code is gonna be harder than guessing what’s in Mrs. Sae’s mystery meat stew!” He says throwing his arms in the air.
”I knew this was a bad idea. We suggest we just get out of here right away.” Says Peeta sweating profusely.
I can see Johanna’s mouth open to tell Peeta off, but whatever nasty comment she was gonna make we never found out, because all hell broke lose in the blink of an eye.
It turns out the old drunk was a bit paranoid after all, and Wiress Martin’s tip about the alarms was good. We tripped the silent system as soon as we picked the lock. It took the police all of five minutes to flood the school.
They caught Johanna first, then Marvel. Finnick was in top notch physical condition, and too fast for the cops, but Annie tripped and fell and when he came back to help her up, they too got apprehended. Cato ran off like a headless chicken screaming “Abort! Abort!” at the top of his lungs, until he fell silent. I’m not sure what happened to him. As for myself... I was standing there in the middle of the room, frozen. Then like in slow motion, Peeta started yelling at me.
”Run! Katniss, run! What are you doing? Run!”
When I don’t move, he pushes me out the door, when that doesn’t work, he grabs my hand and drags me with him, but although I’m great at track and runs, I’m not match for the rush of adrenaline he seems to be having, so he finally turns around, throws me over his shoulder like I’m a sack of flour, and off we go out of the building.
I’ve gather my wits enough to know we are out of their reach, but also that we have to come back and give ourselves up before someone rats us out. And someone will. I don’t trust Marvel or Cato.
”Peeta,” I call. “Peeta, we’re safe now. You can put me down!”
It takes me punching his back several times to get his attention, but he stops, and puts me on the ground gently. Then, out of the blue, his lips crash against mine in a passionate, all consuming kiss, I’ll be hard pressed to ever recreate with anyone else.
”You’re okay, you’re okay, you’re okay,” he mumbles over and over between kisses, all the while his hands cup my face, then smooth down my arms, around my back, cradle my head.
We break apart heaving for air, our foreheads resting against each other.
” I’m sorry for overstepping.” He finally breathes out, “but that was the scariest thing that’s ever happened to me, and I live with Winnifred Mellark.” He chuckles raggedly. It’s no secret his mother is a piece of work witch that used to hit her children until they grew too big and wide to intimidate anymore. “If at some point, you feel the urge to slap me in the face, I’ll take. Gladly. I deserve it.” He chuckles again, “It was worth it.”
”What was worth it?” I ask dizzy.
”Finally plucking up the courage to kiss you.” He pulls away from me, for once in his life, his eyes aren’t avoiding mine. As he stares at me, hungrily, he adds, “I figured we have to go back and face Principal Abernathy sooner or later, which means my mother is gonna find out about this debacle, and she’s probably gonna try to kill me. I figured, if I’m gonna die, I rather die knowing what it felt like to have finally let you know how much of a goner am I for you.”
”Oh,” it’s all I can say.
He’s starting to get anxious at my lack of response, he’s blabbering some nonsense about having a shot at being friends and whatnot, but his frantic backpedaling won’t do, so I do the only thing I can think of, and grab his biceps for balance and surge up to shut him up with another kiss.
”We’ll go back there together,” I tell him against his lips.
He nods, not letting go of me, “Together.”
We will go into this as one.
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