#And if they go into something dangerous like a cave or down a river
bonefall · 1 year
Thinking about that one post about the 5000 year old teenager girl found buried with her collection of 180 sheep ankle bones but specifically the addition of how ankle bones were used as dice back then and she was a gamer.. what I'm getting at is: would clan cats make bone dice and Are They Gaming
First let me teach you a little bit about Knucklebones: The Game.
You probably know one of its variants better as Jacks, that game you play with a rubber ball and little metal spikes. There's a version of Knucklebones in nearly every culture, where the basic idea is to throw an object up in the air, pick up as many of the smaller objects as possible, and then catch the larger object before it hits the ground.
In cultures with a lot of access to livestock, usually the hand and ankle bones of sheep would be used. Places that don't have them might use rocks, seeds, shells, whatever. It was Ancient Greece that had such an extreme take on the game that it eventually evolved into dice-throwing-- a totally chance-based game where you would just throw the biggest foot bone of a sheep (the astralagus; equivalent to the talus in a human) and see how they landed.
So the girl they uncovered in Kazakhstan with the 180 sheep bones wasn't really buried "with dice," make sense? It's more like being buried with jacks. Central Asia is actually jam-packed with knucklebones-types games. Mongolian Shagai is recognized by UNESCO.
And it makes a TON of sense, because those regions are grasslands absolutely ideal for raising sheep.
There's two major considerations here;
ONE: The access to, and size of, sheep bones.
Clan cats don't kill sheep. TRIBE cats actually have access to sheep and kill one or two a year! I would actually like to give them a bunch of special uses for various parts of the sheep. I think the eagle-killing thing in canon is actually pretty ridiculous for several reasons
BUT THAT SAID, an astralagus is the size of a cat's paw.
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[ID: A human holding an astralagus in the tips of its fingers.]
You'd need to play a different sort of game with this. It's more like a square softball to a cat than a little rubber ball.
Boar also have bones like this, though. A muntjac probably produces bones that are sized properly for a cat. Hares and rabbits are probably the BEST bet here though, which, somehow feels right. I'm not sure why, but WindClan seems like the gamerclan Clan that would think up these sorts of cute games.
Something about it fits their whole savvy culture, tunneling, emphasis on trade and invention pre-Heatherstar. ShadowClan and WindClan share a cultural value of innovation, but ShadowClan seems more... chemical and competitive.
Hard to explain it. ShadowClan invents flax retting and WindClan invents the drop spindle. There's overlap but it has a bit of a different flavor between them.
TWO: Range of motion
I've made BB!Cats have the same range of motion as the cats in canon, which is higher than a real cat. They're able to WEAVE, you can't do that without a basic pincher grasp. They're also able to mix herbs, wrap things up in leaves, and apply bandages.
I haven't actually given my reworked cats much more ability than they already had, I just codified rules based on what we already see.
But that said, they DO have less range of motion in their hands than humans. They have little thumbs and a better ability to grab, but can't twist their paws completely upwards. There's no way they can toss an object straight up, then catch it again.
So any games they do play would need to accommodate that. So far I've got Scratchstone, Teeterstrike, and an unnamed rhyme game. The bone game would need to look more like a game of marbles than jacks. Or, maybe more modified to accommodate swipes and strikes, somehow? Or a two-person game of catch?
Gotta think about it.
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anarchiii · 18 days
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Worlds apart-13 —ACOTAR x TOG AU
Part Thirteen | warnings: angst, blood, violence, | Azriel x Celaena Sardothien
Summary; pain and sorrow one after the other, Azriel decides that maybe he isn’t meant for this world, but maybe for another…
Note: this is an AU it’s not in the books.
Masterlist / Series Masterlist
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Azriel’s POV
“What’s wrong with you, boy?” Amren snapped, clearly having enough of his tensed body and impatience, everything, he almost wanted to say, everything was wrong, it had started an hour ago when he woke up to a nightmare where he watched as Celaena choked to death on her own blood right infront of a door, a human man simply watching her die, he stood there and could no nothing. It had felt so real. So real in fact that his love seemed to watch him as she lay there, tears falling from her beautiful eyes.
“She’s in danger,” he finally said, whispering more like it, what if she was dying right now, dead even? “Who?” He could barely think straight, she could be suffering right now and he wasn’t doing anything, “Celaena, I can feel it, I need to help her.” She looked up at him. Her eyes a blazing silver, she nodded once, eyes landing back on the book she was reading, after a few more minutes she said, startling him, “I’ve got it,” he immediately got up. A small spark of hope filling his chest but he ignored it.
“Let’s do it,” he said, before she could say anything, “right now, this very moment,” this was the first time he had seen the Firedrake look concerned but she didn’t disagree, besides, if it didn’t work, Rhysand and the inner circle would never know, they didn’t have much time if what he suspected was true, his family would understand, they had to.
She nodded again, running out of the Day Court library and down a long winding staircase, he didn’t ask where she was going, just followed, by the time they were reaching the bottom, he was out of breath, the exhaustion of running and barely sleeping for weeks could come later, love first.
“Grab Truth-teller and make a semi-deep cut along your forearm, don’t ask questions just do,” Amren snapped, dropping to the cold stone floor and flipping through the book violently, he indeed didn’t ask questions, just did, he made the cut, his blood flowing quickly. The ruby liquid like a river. Amren grabbed his harm harshly before dipping her child-sized fingers into the liquid and drawing marks on the ground, the same marks Celaena had drawn, though there was a difference between then and now, he was not afraid, he would not be afraid.
He forgot how terrifying it was, standing infront of the sickly green portal that would lead him—hopefully—to his darling, if he could even call her that, perhaps he would come all this way and show himself fully to her just for her to send him back home, when she didn’t realise that she was his love, was this all for nothing? Was he so pathetic that the first person that had shown him a love that wasn’t platonic made him think and act like this? No, this couldn’t all be for nothing.
He shook his head, trying to disperse those thoughts, Amren was eyeing him but said nothing, she had been incredibly patient, it was almost like she knew something he didn’t, there was no other reason for her to act in such a manner, she started tapping her foot on the floor impatiently, but still stayed silent, everything was so odd— right. He had to go now. If it was anything like last time then the portal would not be here much longer.
Breathing in deeply and exhaling, he went through it, picturing nothing but her lovely face, that pure smile that made her look goddess-like, the strawberry blush that covered her cheeks when he said something about her, the way she put her hands on her hips to prove a point not realising that she was like a beautiful siren to his sailor, the beautiful maiden seducing the unprepared guard, she was his temptress without even trying. Lovely.
He landed face-first on a marble checkered floor, the first thing he noticed was the haughty laughter and clinking of glasses all around him, he got up, groaning as the pain retested in his nose, he ignored it, everyone around him was in dresses and suits, except him. People around him were eyeing him and some blushing as they took in his body but relatively ignored him, Azriel bestowed the same upon them.
He also noticed a mousy-brown haired man watching him from a wall, in the same moment, another plain looking man appeared and instead walked up to him and offered a glass of champagne, he refused a couple of times but the man didn’t stop insisting so he grabbed the glass but didn’t drink it, he keep surveying his surroundings but there was no sign of Celaena anywhere, but if his dream was right, then she was near a wooden door. And she looked like she was in a hallway. The servants quarters, kitchens, or even power-rooms were his guesses.
He didn’t think to hard on it as he started running down halls and rooms, his surroundings seemed to become more familiar from the dream so he kept going, he was nearly there to where I knew Celaena was when something hard hit his head, he slammed into a wall but got up instantly and drew Truth-teller—the blade mercifully staying with him this time—he turned and faced the wait from before. He drew a simple long dagger and threw it—aiming for his head. Thankfully, he missed, moving to the side before welding his blade and slicing along his neck, the man bled out instantly and fell to the floor, not even a worthy opponent.
He didn’t linger long, wiping the blood off of his blade quickly and breaking out into a run as he raced to find his love, small puddles of blood lay on the floor, the further he went the larger they became, what the Hell? Bodies started appearing, the inflicted wounds janky and uneven, their eyes still open. Gazing to the covered sky. No matter what they had done—he still sent a silent prayer for them to whatever Gods inhabited this world, the Mother was not here to save him, she never had. Anyway.
He slowed down as to not slip and stopped, listening for anything, anything that could help, he heard gurgling, choking even, he turned another corner and beheld the sight in front of him, there she was, her sweat-covered forehead leaning against the doorframe of that oak door. Blood spilling out from her wicked mouth. Her lovely skin covered in old—and new—blood, blood, there was so much of it.
He slammed to his knees and came before his lovely Fire, her eyes flicked to his but held no emotion, the golden ring in them gone dull, she was dying, the woman he had dreamed about every second he had been away from, dying—suffering, he didn’t know what to do. Azriel had planned everything he was going to do and say to her when he was here but now. . . Now he was here. He was completely lost.
Her expression grew pained as time went on and he got enough sense to act, he took off his shirt and ripped it up into strips, wiping away all the blood to see what he was working with, she bore many wounds but he knew those were not the main cause, it was invisible, poison. He looked to the oak door and, before he could think straight, put his whole body weight into it and started shoving into it, it didn’t take long for the door to snap off its hinges and bang open, he rushed to the sink and started collecting water. Washing Celaena’s wounds and making her drink the liquid. He didn’t know what to do, he wasn’t very familiar with poison, only using it a handful of times, and the Cauldron knew what poisons people used in this world, Azriel had no antidote. He was useless.
He started crying then, utterly useless, perhaps this was his punishment for all the horrible things he’d done in his lifetime, forced to watch his heart stop in front of him, he didn’t stop the tears, didn’t stop them as they fell onto her pretty face, she was crying as well, neither could tell which tears were their own. He rested his brow on hers, closing his eyes and wishing to anyone that would listen to save her.
He heard the panting of breath first, he turned his head slightly to see Dorian rushing their way, covered head to toe in blood, a dagger hanging from his grip, his face laced with anguish as he took in his friend—friends, Celaena made a small whimpering sound as she spotted him, the Prince got on his knees as grabbed her hand, rubbing his thumb across the scarred-skin, “I’m sorry,” he breathed, “I’m so damn sorry. Cel. I left you for five minutes and they attacked me, I fought them off the best I could—I see you did aswell,” a soft laugh accompanied by a smile that didn’t reach his eyes, “it was my Father that sent the men, he tried to take us both out, I should’ve known this would happen, I’m sorry, I’m sorry. . .” The Crown-prince was shaking with barely contained tears.
This was all his fault, it was his fault Celaena Sardothien and Dorian Havillard were suffering, being punished for being good, being fare, these humans were infinitely better than him and yet they were suffering, it was cruel, it was torture. It was injustice.
He distantly heard panicked yelling—for the Champion and her friend, not him,—the stomping of feet and clashing of swords against swords, yet no one moved, there was no point, not when time was running out, her heart would only beat so long. A person could only be so strong for so long.
He heard a shocked gasp as those loud footsteps stopped, he didn’t turn around this time, though, he did react when a strong hand grabbed his shoulder and pulled him back, he just kept staring at those lovely eyes, the dulled blue that had once been brighter than the sky, she was the light he had been searching for-for centuries. And now that light was going out. The fire in her was getting smothered.
“Azriel!” He heard someone yell in his ear, he came to, realising it was Chaol, he turned his head, looking into the man’s eyes, he didn’t move, just met eyes with her again, watching as her breathing turned slower, how she closed her eyes and didn’t open them for longer periods of time, he heard the Captain swear—a colourful combination—he pushed him aside and ran to his friend, holding her face in his hands. Azriel just watched. He watched as Chaol yelled for the antidote, watched as Dorian was dragged away by struggling guards, their expressions apologetic.
He watched, just as he had done his whole life, the only thing he had ever been good at—apart from killing and torturing, but that was and never would be something he was proud of,—he watched as one of Chaol’s men shoved a strange liquid down Celaena’s throat. Blood kept flowing from out her mouth but she swallowed. Nothing happened, it was too late, it would never work, he saw the truth in her eyes, she knew this was the end.
He crawled over the blood to her, putting his scarred hands that were so beautiful to her on her face, the marks looked so strange on her un-marred skin, beauty and the beast, he kissed her lightly, his lips staining with the scarlet liquid, he looked deep into her eyes. Hazel orbs meeting those of cerulean. Water and earth. The perfect clash.
In that moment, he used all the power he had to beg to the Gods, to anything, that he would do anything to let her live, even if that meant the end of him, he used everything he had to ask for mercy, he felt a strange thing flow through him, like a curious cat rubbing against his legs. Though its voice was older than the obsidian blade that lay discarded mere-meters away, “and what would you give me in return?” It purred. “Anything” he whispered, anything.
“Your soul, even?” Curious, to see what he would do for love, “my soul, yes,” it made a humming noise, like it was contemplating its options, if it could even do that, “your love will live, but you will not be standing by her side while she does, that is your price, if you visit this world again I will see to it that your Fae girl will perish.” It said. It’s voice cold and cruel, and—Fae girl? Celaena was fae, well, that wasn’t much of a shock but. . . Why didn’t she tell him? It made so much sense now, that un-earthly grace she held, the beauty she possessed that no human should have. Fae. He would’ve laughed in any other circumstances. But not this one.
“Okay, yes, i agree, but give me at least ten minutes with her,” he said at last, Chaol and Dorian were giving eachother wary glances as they watched Azriel talk to himself, he didn’t care, though, not when he felt the thing nod its head and watched in wonder as Celaena’s face brightened ever so slightly, her breathe evening out, it had worked, it had damn worked!
He kissed her again and again, he knew his time was running out now but he had enough time to kiss her, everyone else excused themselves, their faces full of shock and amazement at Celaena Sardothien’s recovery, but he didn’t care. He looked at the assassin again. Fearful for their time to end.
He tucked a stray piece of hair behind her ear, brushing his fingers down her cheek, his beautiful, wicked thing, the woman with a heart of fire, his Fireheart, he had to leave her and yet he had never loved her more, the lady who walked with death by her side, the girl that smiled at the sun that rose and frowned at the sun that set, the female that kissed the scars on his hands and called them beautiful, she would make a great queen. And an even better lover.
He kissed her once more, the last time before grabbing a folded up piece of paper from his pocket and placing it in her hands gently, she didn’t move to pick it up or read it but that was fine, she didn’t have to, he didn’t cry this time, no, he smiled. Smiled as he looked deep into her eyes and said, no pain in his voice, “I have loved you from the very first moment I saw you, you were—and are, incredible. Never in my five hundred years of existence have I met someone like you. And I damn well hope the person that steals your heart realises that, you and I both knew this wouldn’t last, no matter how hard we wished it otherwise, there is a female in my world who is just as amazing, and I think you would love her, she’s not you—and never will be. But I think it would be easy for me to love her. As easy as it was to love you.” She nodded her head slowly, still dazed but seemed to understand what he was getting at.
“What is her name?” She got out, her eyes held no agony or jealousy, just pure, unfiltered love, he smiled, showing all his teeth, “her name is Gwyneth Berdara,” she smiled at that, copying his, she hit his shoulder in a playful way before saying, “very well, send me a solstice card,” he laughed, it wasn’t loud but it was full. Gods he adored this woman.
“You can count on it,” he said, she laughed softly at that, he kissed her head in goodbye before getting up, Azriel Shadowsinger was still smiling as he grabbed Truth-teller and made a return portal, and he was still smiling when he arrived back in the Day Court library, he was moving instantly, hugging Amren quickly before flying back home to Velaris.
He landed hard on the main balcony of the House of Wind but shook it off and made his way to the library, Clotho letting him in with a wink and a smirk, he ran through stacks and stacks of books and papers, the Priestesses curious but didn’t stop him, he kept running. And then he saw her—
He pulled to a stop right in front of her, her copper hair shining in the light of the candles, she didn’t reject him when he put his hands on her face, warm skin meeting that of cold, nor did she pull away when he put his lips against hers, no, Gwyn just kissed him back.
Yes, both Azriel and Celaena had a lot of healing to do but that would come with time, he knew the assassin was strong and would survive and not only that but flourish, but him on the other hand? He wanted this incredible Valkyrie by his side as he did, he wanted to wake up to her teal eyes sparkling and know she wasn’t going anywhere, to know she saw all of him and embraced it.
Celaena Sardothien and Gwyneth Berdara were similar in a lot of ways, but also so, so different, and he loved that, Azriel would never stop loving the haughty female that shone like the sun but he also had a lot more love to give, love that was reserved for the sassy red head and her only. His Oristian.
Celaena’s POV (bonus)
Everything hurt, and not just physically, not as Azriel said what he had said and handed her a piece of paper and simply left, she knew things would end badly but like this? Celaena had no idea what or who he had been whispering to before—because she’d slipped in and out consciousness many times—but all she did know was that whatever he had done, had worked. And she was so, so grateful, but. . . Now he was gone, she was alone again. Well, not really.
Dorian sat next to her, his eyes vacant as a few Royal healers patched him up, said Healers did the same to her, working quickly and quietly, no more than ghosts, she had stopped crying some time ago but her eyes still burned, her body still shook. She had nearly died. That wasn’t something someone got over instantly, Celaena had a feeling it would be a while of healing. Especially with the news.
It had gotten out that the King had attempted to assassinate his Champion and Son and the public had been outraged, revolting against him and seemingly snapping, it seemed all the citizens had gotten sick of the Rules he’d in-forced, and, rightfully so. Many people had-had enough of their family members being sent to Endovier or its sister camp, Caculla, the Assassin couldn’t help but agree with them.
But what had shocked her the most was that one of the King of Ardalan’s court members had gone rouge and killed the man, stabbing him right through the heart with his Rapier, she had been incredibly amused to hear that, apparently the old bastard was right, there were a lot of traitors working for him. Though, Dorian hadn’t found it amusing, simply nodding and staring at nothing, like he had been doing for two hours now.
She couldn’t find it in her cold heart to feel sorry for him. No, not as she remembered how much the man had made her and her family suffer for so many years, he deserved it, everyone in Erelia could breathe.
Sighing, she finally decided to open the folded paper the Shadowsinger had given her, it was relatively new but still had a few ink stains on it and lots of folded marks, as if he had opened and closed it many times before giving it to her. She breathed in—this was the only thing she could ever remember him by, faintly, she could smell the night-chilled mist and leather of his sent, and if she tried hard enough. She could almost imagine that lovely smile of his that she adored so well, her Azriel—closing her eyes for a second, she exhaled and began reading. . .
‘Celaena Sardothien-
I write you this to tell you all the things I could not voice out loud, if you are reading this then we did indeed not last, it pains me that we did not get to see how far our love went for one another but I think, even with the short amount of time we had together, that it was one of the happiest few weeks of my life, I have lived a long life but experiencing such a short amount with you has made me realise how unfulfilling it was without you in it, you made me feel alive.
I hope this letter finds you well and I hope that you are happier now or are getting there, you deserve all the joyous moments that you will have, I have never meant anything more than that—except for when I told you I loved you, perhaps I love another person when you’re reading this but you will always hold a special place in my heart, I hope the man that steals your fiery heart is worthy of it. And I hope he knows how damn lucky he is. A piece of my heart will forever belong to you, even when we both are nothing more than dust, I am yours and you are mine, just in a different world. Star-crossed lovers, remember?
—Azriel Shadowsinger’
The End. (Actually)
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Note: this series is finished, I know it might not seem like much to some but this series kept me going when I was having a rough time and that is why I want to say a special thank you to these people;
-A big thank you to @cynthiesjmxazrielslover for supporting me through this all, I know we are only mutuals but you are a great friend to me and I couldn’t have done this without you, you’re my motivator and my inspiration, I love you girl, stay amazing. 🫶
-A big thank you to @azrielslittleslut for liking and believing In this series from the start, your stories are a huge inspiration and I aspire to one day write as beautifully as you do, Mwah. ❤️
-A big thank you to @shadowsingercassia for loving all of the chapters and making me want to keep going, you appeared halfway through the series but you might as well have been here since I started writing, your love for what I do has helped me more than you could’ve imagined, I know I am not a very big or popular writer but the one little like you give me amounts to hundreds others could give. I love you so, so much. Keep being the person you are. 🫶
-some thank you’s to @aelincaddel, @yashiw, and @snoopyspace for loving this series so much that you asked to be on the taglist, that little thing has meant so much to me. Thank you, lovelies. ❤️
Thank you once again everyone, even if you just liked one of the chapters from this series and no other, or rebloged one or even commented, thank you, that small gesture of appreciation made my day. The epilogue for this series is already written and I hope you all like it. I know some people wanted Celaena and Azriel to end up together but—sadly—that didn’t happen, but I hope the ending was still good. If anyone has any questions about something in the series. Please do ask.
I love you all so much and I hope to make more stories that are just as entertaining. ❤️❤️
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shadowdaddies · 11 months
Your stories are actually incredible! I was wondering if I could request one for Azriel. Maybe one where we were reckless during a mission and got hurt and he’s mad. Some angst where we’re fighting and we accidentally say something really mean and hurtful to him. Maybe it ends in smut with the softest fuzziest fluffiest gentlest sex where we show him how much we love him and that we didn’t mean what we said. Maybe a tad bit of dominant reader just praising him and stuff. I totally understand if that’s too much to ask cause that was kind of a lot! But I would really appreciate it!
Thank you so much, you are so sweet!! That is not too much, I love this request 💜 thank you for sending it in
A/N: this is a rollercoaster angst to fluff to smut w a slightly sub Az
My Whole World
Azriel x Reader
Warnings: mention of injury/death, smut below the cut, oral m!receiving, p in v sex, not proofread, minors dni
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With what little strength you had left, you clutched the knife wound in your shoulder and winnowed to the River House, where Rhys and Feyre waited for you. You’d spoken mind-to-mind with them to alert them that you were coming home, and needed a healer. As you collapsed onto the floor of the entryway, Rhys rushed over to you, carrying you up to the room you and Azriel slept in whenever you stayed there, where Madja was waiting. Between Rhys’s magic and Madja’s healing abilities, they were able to treat the wound quickly, within an hour the only trace of the injury a fading scar. Between the exhaustion from the mission and the pain tonic Madja gave you, you passed out quickly, falling into a deep, healing sleep.
You awoke to the feeling of a shadow twirling in your hair, smiling as it excitedly waved in front of you, before shooting towards the corner. You followed where it flew, your gaze stopping on your mate, who sat in a chair in the corner. His fiery gaze was fixed on you, concern showing in his expression, but the rigidness of his body a tell-tale sign - he was angry. The two of you simply stared in silence for a moment as you didn’t know what to say. You finally caved, whispering in a meek voice, “Az, are you upset about something?” 
His knuckles turned white as the wood of the chair creaked under the pressure of his scarred hands. “Am I upset?” Your eyes widened as Azriel raised his voice at you for the first time in your relationship. Noticing your reaction, Azriel inhaled a slow, shaky breath. With obvious restraint, Azriel managed to grind out his next words. “I am thankful that you are alive. And yes, I am ‘upset,’ as you put it. I am furious. I cannot wrap my mind around how you could be so reckless, putting yourself in unnecessary danger like that! I only let Rhys have you go because you would be discreet. I only allowed this because I didn’t think you’d be so foolish to let something like this happen.” 
You stilled at that last sentence, honing in on Azriel with a predatory stillness as your own anger built inside of you. “You allowed this? Since when do you control what I am and am not capable of, Azriel?” He gave you a wry smile, eyes sparkling with unshed tears as his gaze shifted to where your wound had been. “I don’t have to tell you of your lack of abilities. Your own lack of caution that led to near-death is telling enough.”
You were up and out of bed in a second, fury radiating off of you in waves as you stalked towards Azriel. Shoving a finger in his chest, you practically yelled at him. “You do not permit me to do anything. I made a choice in the moment, and whether or not it was the best choice, it was mine. You do not get to control me because you’re afraid of losing the only person who actually cares about you!” Your eyes widened as soon as the words left your mouth, mortified by what you had said. A single tear fell down Azriel’s cheek as he collapsed into the chair, your heart collapsing with him. 
You slowly approached Azriel where he sat, kneeling before him with your hands in your lap, too afraid to touch him at this moment. As your own tears began to fall, you choked out in a whisper, “I didn’t mean that how it sounded. Azriel, you are so loved by everyone in this family. Rhys and Cassian choose you as their brother, because you are kind, loyal, and caring.” You finally gathered enough courage to place your hands on his thighs, rubbing gentle circles with your thumbs as Azriel looked up at you through wet lashes. “The cauldron blessed me as your mate, but I choose to be your wife and best friend. I’m sorry that it sounded like I am the only one who cares. I am far from the only one who cares for you, Az. I am simply the only one who shares a soul with you.” 
Azriel put his hands over yours, giving them a soft squeeze. “You were right, that I am afraid of losing you. I know I can’t - and wouldn’t dream of - stopping you from caring for your court and your people, but when I heard you were hurt, it was like pain I’ve never known. I don’t know what I would do without you, and I’m sorry if I am overprotective. You mean more to me than anything in this world, or any other.” 
You smiled, pulling Azriel’s face to yours as you leaned into him, kissing him deeply as you relaxed in the warm embrace of your mate. Pulling away to rest your forehead against his, you murmured, “you are the best part of my life, Azriel. I would never intentionally hurt you.” Looking into his eyes, golden in the evening light, you pleaded, “let me show you how precious you are to me.” Azriel nodded, kissing you as he pulled you into his lap. 
You ground your hips against his, feeling him strain against his leathers beneath you as he groaned into your mouth. You smirked, moving to kiss your way down his neck, sucking on the pulse point beneath his ear which had him bucking his hips up into you. You made quick work of unfastening the buckles and ties on his top, ripping it off him in a hurry. Biting your lip as your hands roamed his toned chest, you looked up to see Azriel’s blown out pupils, watching you with barely held restraint. 
Standing up, you tugged Azriel towards you by the loops of his belt, gently pushing him to lay back on the bed as you leaned over him. You kissed down his chest, stopping to lick the trail of hair beneath his belly button as you toyed with the band of his pants. “Please, baby,” Azriel breathed, lifting his hips towards you. Letting out a soft laugh, you pushed his hips down back on the mattress. “Look at me, Az,” you murmured, your lips hovering above his apparent arousal. He looked up at you as you pressed a kiss to his cock through his pants before untying the laces of his pants with your teeth, maintaining eye contact as you did so. He moaned with appreciation, running his hands through your hair as you removed his pants completely.
You ran your hands up and down his sides as you kissed along his hip bones, pausing above his shaft to blow a soft breath over him. He twitched underneath you, begging for more, and you obliged, leaning over to give a kitten lick to his tip as you swiped the pre-cum, moaning exaggeratedly at his taste. Azriel opened his mouth, likely to plead again, but before he could get the words out you took his entire length in your mouth, sucking with hollowed-out cheeks as you swirled your tongue. You bobbed against him at a relentless pace, Azriel a moaning mess beneath you as he twitched in your mouth. You were ready to swallow his release, but Azriel wrapped a hand around your hair, pulling you off of him before he could finish. He panted, “I need you, baby. Need to be inside you.” You smiled, happy to oblige as you climbed up his body, kissing him as you sank down onto his length.
You both moaned at the feeling, the euphoria of being truly one with your mate. You moved slowly on top of him, rolling your hips and experimenting with various movements to test his reactions. Once you found a position that was perfect for both of you, Azriel helped you bounce up and down on him at a faster pace. You faltered in your movements as you neared your high, Azriel sensing your approaching orgasm as he brought his thumb to your clit, rubbing gentle circles. “Let go for me, angel,” he whispered as you crashed into your high, clenching around him as you felt him fill you with his own orgasm. 
You collapsed against Azriel’s chest, the two of you laying like that for awhile, cherishing the moment. You rolled over onto your side, brushing hair from Azriel’s face as you pushed all your love down the bond to him. “I love you, Azriel.” He leaned down to kiss you, pulling away to whisper back, “I love you, my Whole World.”
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the-final-sif · 9 months
C!Dream brought c!Sapnap home before he died, but now has to confront something brand new to him: a worried adult. 
Dream was very relieved when the demon scooped up Sapnap, but less relieved when he was also pushed towards the house. He considered running, he really did but-
His entire body was tired and sore and the house didn’t look quite like a nest but it did look warm and safe.
So Dream let himself get pushed inside for whatever awaited him there. 
As it turned out, the demon was far more preoccupied with Sapnap. The demon handled Dream’s friend very delicately, putting him down right next to the roaring fire and running to grab potions. 
Dream wasn’t quite sure what he was supposed to do, but after deciding that the demon didn’t seem too dangerous, he shuffled a bit closer to the fire. His hands still felt numb, and he’d only just realized he was shivering. 
The demon fussed over Sapnap for another few minutes before rather suddenly snapping his gaze towards Dream, as if he’d just remembered Dream was there. 
 “Are you- I’m so sorry, I almost forgot- Are you alright? Did you get hurt at all? What happened?”
Dream just barely made out the questions, and once again he considered bolting for the door. 
 Still, what if the demon needed to know what happened to Sapnap? What if he didn’t let Sapnap come out to play anymore if Dream didn’t tell him?
 “I’m- I’m okay. Don’t think I’m still hurt. Just cold. We were cavin’ and the floor broke. We fell into a really cold river. I dragged ‘im out and gave him regen. Me too, for my hands. And strength ‘cause he’s heavy.” 
As Dream spoke, he shuffled his feet nervously, not sure if this demon was going to get mad at him. The man did have a tail which was helpful but he didn’t have wings and his tail movements were very different from what Dream was used to reading. He couldn’t tell if the demon was angry or not. 
When the demon responded, his voice didn’t sound angry. 
“You were- Okay. You two were in a cave. Okay. I- I’m glad you got him out. That was very brave of you and you must’ve been very determined to keep him safe. He’ll- he should be okay. He got cold, and that’s very scary for a blaze hybrid, but he’s warming up now. You should come here too, to warm up.” The demon then paused for a moment, seeming to realize something.
“You’re Dream, right? The boy that Sapnap keeps telling me about? I’m Badboyhalo, Sapnap’s father, but most people just call me Bad.”
Dream wasn’t quite sure how to respond, so he just nodded to confirm his name as he shuffled closer to fire. The shivering hadn’t quite stopped yet and his fingers were starting to ache more. He must’ve gotten pretty cold to not feel that.
The demon- Bad, didn’t seem happy with that. His brow furrowed and he reached out, gently grabbing Dream by the arm and pulling him until he was next to Sapnap. 
“Here, come here, you’re obviously cold. Sit here, let me go-” 
And as he spoke the man stood up, bustling over to the couch to grab a thick blanket that he draped around Dream’s shoulders. It was warm but a bit scratchy. Dream put up with it regardless. 
“There, that should help you warm up. Let me go make you something- Do you like hot chocolate? It’s Sapnap’s favorite drink. You aren’t allergic, right?”
Dream wasn’t sure what all-er-gic meant, but he shook his head regardless. If he didn’t know what it was, then clearly he couldn’t be it. He also didn’t know what hot chocolate was, but he knew that XD sometimes gave him chocolate ice cream and that tasted pretty good. So hot chocolate was also probably good?
As Dream quickly discovered, hot chocolate was actually amazing. Bad had even brought him a little tube that was much easier to drink with. He didn’t even need to move his mask!
As he sucked at the drink, Bad checked over Sapnap again, smiling at whatever he found. Which was a good sign probably? After his check, Bad turned back to Dream.
“Before I forget, Sapnap mentioned that you had a guardian- The two of you have been gone for quite awhile. It’s been almost a full day. Have you been able to contact them? I imagine they’re quite worried about you by now.” 
Oh, That was longer than Dream thought they’d been gone, but XD wouldn’t be worried. Dream had met him only a sunrise before he’d set out with Sapnap, so XD wouldn’t be looking for him for another few days. But Bad seemed to think that XD should be, which was weird. He’d need to pick his words carefully. 
“My guardian won’t be worried. They can always find me if they need to. If Sapnap’s okay then I should probably head home though. The hot chocolate was very nice though, thank you for making it.”
That seemed to alarm the demon, as Dream shrugged off the slightly scratchy blanket and offered the now empty mug back to him. His tail quickly lashed back and forth, something that set Dream on edge. 
“Wait, that’s not- I mean, it’s past nightfall. Mobs will be out right now. It’s not safe for you to walk back alone. Maybe your guardian could come pick you up? Or if you could wait just a little, Skeppy should be back soon. He was out looking for Sapnap, he could stay here and I could walk you back home?”
Uh. Dream had to pause in confusion. Why would it not be safe to walk at night? Night was very safe. It was when there were friends around that would give Dream directions or let him know about dangers. Plus it felt like home. It reminded him of the comfort of the void. His eyes weren’t quite as good at seeing in the dark as they used to be, but he was still well adjusted to it. Night felt far safer than day, it was much easier to go unnoticed. It was also easier to navigate when he had familiar stars above him. He also felt more connected to XD at night. It was far easier to call his guardian under the cover of darkness. 
Demons were from the nether, right? The nether didn’t have nights, so maybe that was why Bad was scared of them? That made sense to Dream, so he tried to explain, 
“I know night might seem scary, new things often seem scary, but it’s actually very safe! I know you don’t have it in the nether, but it’s a lot like day, it’s just darker. Your eyes get used to it pretty quickly. Maybe. I mean, my eyes get used to it quickly. I dunno about demon eyes. But once you learn how it works, you can use the stars to figure out where you are.” He gestured widely, trying to convey the wonders of the sky. (sometimes he missed flying, most times he missed flying). 
“Mobs really aren’t that scary either. They don’t bother you unless you bother them, and some of them are actually quite nice. Enderman are very nice and very safe. They help me reach fruit sometimes, and one even helped me get down from a very tall tree.”
He was trying to be comforting, Bad was probably just unused to the overworld, but the demon’s brow furrowed further and he seemed… confused? More so than before. And then his eyes fixed on Dream’s mask and went wide in some sort of realization. 
“Ah- I supposed that would make it a bit safer. Still, you’re too young to be out there alone. I would feel a lot better if someone was walking you back. You said they can find you- could you call them? Surely they wouldn’t mind coming to take you home?”
If Dream asked, he was sure that XD wouldn’t mind coming to take him back home. It actually would probably be nice, his legs were very tired and achy. Night was comforting, but it was also cold. But… XD was very nervous about strangers. He might not want to be seen. He might be worried about this demon or about Sapnap. Dream didn’t want his guardian getting nervous. So he stretched the truth a little.
“They’ll be with me. I’m never walking home alone, particularly not at night. If anything happens that I can’t handle, they’ll be there.” As he made his assurances, Dream shuffled his way to the door, with Bad hovering nearby. Not stopping him, but clearly not quite convinced. Hm. Oh! Right at the edge of his hearing, Dream heard a familiar noise. Something that reminded him of home. 
Throwing open the door, he called out with a loud VROOP and got a low whirr in response before a familiar black and purple figure strode out from the forest.
The enderman was tall, most of them were, and it seemed happy to see him. It did seem… nervous? Probably the lights of the house. It was a bit much. But it held out a clawed hand that Dream happily took before looking back towards Bad. 
Weirdly enough, the demon was looking at the floor he seemed… scared? Had he never met an enderman before? They were very nice. Or maybe there was something important about the floor? Oh well, Dream needed to get going.
“Okay, I have someone to walk with me now, so I’m gonna get going home. Goodbye, Bad! Thank you for the hot chocolate!” 
With his thanks given, he led the enderman out of the yard and into the dark, feeling his guardian’s presence wrap around him as he did so. The soreness in his muscles eased and he felt a new spring in his step as he hurried along back towards his treehouse, back towards home where safety awaited.
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normanplusdaryl · 2 years
Back to black.
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Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Reader
Era: Season 9
Word count: 2.5k
Plot: Daryl comes home after many years to face the consequences of his actions.
Warnings: ANGST, pure ANGST!
A/N: I've been wanting to write this shared idea I had with @finalgirlrick for a while now, I hope I can break your heart (affectionate).
@weretheones I couldnt done it without u, like always! Ily <3
Daryl was in pain and he knew it.
He tried to ignore the pang running through the wound for several days but the burning sensation wouldn't cave in and the medical herbs were not being really helpful. 
Deep down he knew he needed help but somehow the idea of coming back to Alexandria stung more than the freshly cut on his face. 
The river flowed quiet and calm, leaving barely any trace of the storm that crashed hard the day before. With one knee on the ground, Daryl watched the water following the trail while contemplating his options. 
It’s been so long since he visited Alexandria. 
When he decided to follow the river in hopes to find Rick’s body he never thought it would take so long, until days, weeks and months passed by.  But he couldn't stop, the promise he made to Michonne drove his body incessantly. 
He would never admit it, but there were moments when a small part of his heart hoped the reason why he couldn't find a trace was because his brother was alive.
After many years, that hope slowly started to fade away. Every day became harsher, colder, more dangerous. Sometimes he just survived for instinct, not because he really wanted to.
Days like this were tougher, he could deal with some injury across his face but he wasn't sure how devastating it would be for him to come back home and face everything he left behind to pursue something he wasn't successfully accomplishing. 
He never let his mind ramble too much about what was going on back in Alexandria, he knew if he thought about it too much he wouldn't be able to resist dropping everything to go home, to Michonne, to Judith and RJ, to you.
The first years you visited him constantly, bringing food, blankets, fresh clothes or even weapons, anything that could help him out in the woods, trying to be close to him.
Still, that meant you were exposing yourself to the dangers of the path along the river. 
He knew you were capable of handling yourself out in the open but Daryl couldn't bear the thought of you being in danger trying to find him. This was his task and no one should suffer with him the consequences of his decision, especially you.
“It’s been years, Daryl, you need to take at least a break, come back home, we can think of a new strategy, maybe this time I could come with you and…”
“Just stop” Daryl spoke in a growl without letting you finish. —“Ya shouldn't be here”.
You sighed, you knew you were pushing some dangerous buttons but after so many times of the same conversation over and over, you needed to make sure he heard you.
“I understand Daryl, I really do, but we need you too, I need you.” you begged.
Daryl’s gaze was glued to the ground, paralyzed with the fear of catching your eyes, he knew if he looked at you nothing would stop him from finally hearing your pleas.
“I talked to Michonne, you know? and she isn't expecting you to fulfill the promise, she just wants you back home, we all do” you continued.
Usually, you could read him like a book but right now, you couldn't point out what was going through his mind.
“I… I…  dont think Rick would’ve wanted to see you like this either, Daryl”.
Daryl’s head snapped towards you. His face carried a trace of anger and sadness. 
“I’m never gonna stop looking” he finally said, his tone of voice lower than usual  — “This stops now, I never asked ya to be here”
The feeling of a thousand needles pinching through your body washed you over. You blinked twice, as fast as you could, trying to swipe away the tears that were forming in the corners of your eyes.
It took two long deep breaths for you to finally be able to speak.
“What does that mean Daryl?” you said almost in a whisper, afraid of an answer you already knew. 
Hell, you knew it from the moment that bridge exploded, your legs ran towards Daryl so fast to the sound of the dynamite invading the forest, by the time you got there the flames started to fade away, giving space to dark a fume that took over the sky. 
Your eyes searched everywhere for Daryl until you spotted him a few miles away, crossbow in hand. You yelled his name, twice, and when he finally turned to you, you knew, you could see it in his eyes, devastation consuming his body. Nothing would ever be the same from that moment but you loved him enough to fight and delay the inevitable for years, clinging to a hope that now was slipping right between your fingers.
Daryl took a step back, breaking your thoughts. He paced back and forward trying to gather the courage to speak.
“It means ya need to move on like I did” Daryl’s voice echoed in the silence of the quiet woods.
Daryl closed his eyes to the memory and sighed, that was the last time he saw you.
The way your face contorted with pain when he pronounced those words haunted his dreams almost every night. He knew he hurt you, and he regretted it everyday for the last couple of years.
Sometimes, he wondered if you could forgive him, maybe if he came back home and explained to you he never meant that, you’d take him into your arms like all those nights in the tiny basement of your house in Alexandria. 
His skin was burning, but inside his veins felt loaded with ice, making him shiver.
That wasn't a good sign. The fever was rising fast, shit, there wasn't another option, he needed to go now before he was too weak to make the ride. 
The guards of the guard tower recognized him immediately, the sound of the angry motor was something hard to ignore. “It's Daryl, let him in!” someone yelled from the inside.
Daryl drove through the gates giving them a thankful nod. Alexandria was different from the last time he was there, the community was thriving under Michonne’s leadership, they were not taking any new members for a long time now but still it felt bigger than usual. 
 “I thought I heard a bike” Aaron approached as soon as the doors closed behind him, extending his arms to give him a big hug.
“It’s been a while” Daryl squeezed his friend’s arm in response.
“It shouldn't be, this is your home too” Aaron gave him a sympathetic smile.
Home He might be back to the place he once called home but he knew the meaning of the term was gone the day he lost you.
“Jesus Daryl, that looks infected” Aaron broke the silence pointing to Daryl’s cut across his face.
“S’ not that bad” Daryl said as he shrugged.
Aaron’s expression changed as soon as he understood the reason behind his sudden visit, tension slowly invading his features.
“Daryl, I think we should talk before you go to the infirmary” Aaron’s tone of voice became serious. “Look, you probably don't know this but…”
“Daddy!” The sudden scream of a child interrupted the conversation. Both men followed the direction of the sound, finding a little girl walking towards them, pouting with fresh tears along her cheeks. 
“What happened sweetheart, are you okay?” Aaron took the little girl in his arms, swiping away the tiny drops. “I’m sorry, let me take her home so we can talk” he frowned — “Don't move, I’ll be back in a minute”.
Daryl nodded watching his friend leave, confused by his words and sudden change of demeanor.
Once the residents spotted him he felt exposed. People greeted him with surprise, some of them came forward to ask him how he was doing while others just stared, clearly unaware of who he was.
Anxiety took the best of him, the chances of running into you were high the longer he stayed there, he thought it was for the best if he could sneak in, get his antibiotics and leave before you notice. 
He owed you at least that.
The small white house came into his sight, pots full of flowers carefully placed following the road to the stairs. His heart raced when he recognized which kind they were: tulips, your favorite ones.
The curtains on the window were open, leaning on the corner outside the door he peeked inside in hopes to see Siddiq there, but what he saw made him freeze, feeling every inch of his skin electrified. 
You were there.
Time didn't seem to pass by you cause he could’ve sworn you looked the same as the last time he saw you, except the pony tail you used to wear everyday was gone, and your hair looked shorter. He smiled recalling how many times you complained about being too long for the damn summer. 
God, he missed you. 
Daryl endured a lot of things down the river, but being away from you was the hardest one.
After your discussion in the woods, he made himself a promise. To make it through, he could never allow himself to think of you. Not because he didn't want to but because he was certain he wouldn't survive if he did it. 
All the feelings he captured inside him all these years were coming out in waves, leaving him in a daze. He wanted to leave, this wasn't what he was planning on, but Daryl felt hypnotized. He drank you in, memorizing for one last time every corner of your beautiful face. 
Siddiq’s frame appeared next to yours, whispering something in your ear that made you chuckle. The scene had a hint of intimacy hidden in the way you both looked at eachother. 
And then, Siddiq’s hands took your waist, pulling you closer to him, until the distance between your bodies disappeared. He placed one kiss on your forehead followed by another one on your lips and you smiled at the action.
That's why Aaron wanted to talk to him first.
Daryl’s breathing hitched. No, no, no.
Siddiq looked different from the last time Daryl saw him, older, more mature and he could’ve sworn even taller.
He looked like the happiest man on earth. Daryl couldn't blame him, once he felt like that too.
He took your hand giving it one last kiss before waving goodbye, Daryl’s eyes were glued to the action, feeling a strange sense of relief once he left the room.
He didn't know how long he stood there in front of the door but he couldn't move, it felt like the strength from the earth was nailing him to the wooden deck, immobilizing his body.  Everything hurt, if the fever didn't kill him this certainly would.
Immerse in his thoughts he missed the sound of your steps approaching the door, you opened it before he could make a move.
“Da.. Daryl?!” your eyes widened at him. — “What are you doing here?!”
The shock of having you suddenly so close left him flabbergasted, he remained silent feeling the lump on his throat getting bigger, words couldn't physically come out of his mouth.
Your eyes scanned him, you knew Daryl and the only reason he would come back was if he was dangerously injured.
His skin looked pale, and the bags under his eyes were starting to have a purple look but what really concerned you, was the swollen massive cut across his right eye.
You brought your hand towards his forehead, he was burning.
“Oh my god! Come in, come in." — " We need to take care of that, it’s already infected” you rushed him in as fast as you could.
Daryl nodded, still unable to talk.
Sitting on the stretcher Daryl watched your trained hands hurriedly clean up his wound, the smell of your sweet perfume captivated his nostrils every time you leaned over to apply some ointment. He hummed inwardly with delight, even as you were trying to be really careful to not hurt him further, he couldn't feel a thing, his mind was consumed in the sensation of your delicate touch.
“Here, you need to take one in the morning before eating, make sure to have something in your stomach, please” you softly said while giving him a bottle of pills.
“Ya sure don't need this?” guilt pang him, he was strong, two pills would do the trick, he didn't need more.
“Don't fight me, please?, I know what I’m doing” you scolded him tittling your head.
“Yeah, I know” Daryl’s voice came out almost in a whisper.
The tension in the air was palpable, filled with a thousand emotions. There was so much history between the two of you, even if you weren't together now, both of you knew you would always love and care for each other to the end.
Your heart was pounding so hard you were afraid you’d faint right there. You knew you would see Daryl again, sure, but not like this, not after Siddiq just left. 
It took a long time before you could feel like yourself again, days and sleepless nights wondering for years why you weren't enough. Sometimes you would go outside the gates of Alexandria determined to search for him and talk, beg for him to take you back, to love you again. But his words rang loud in your head whenever you approached near the river “It means ya need to move on like I did”.
“M’ sorry” Daryl broke the cruel silence. “I didn't knew”
You closed your eyes, facing the window, unable to look at his face. It was crazy how deep down the feelings you had for him still burned like fire, hearing the sound of his voice made your heart race, attempting to jump out of your chest.
“Are ya happy?” Daryl continued, standing from the stretcher walking over to you. — “I need to know”.
You were happy indeed. Siddiq brought something different in you, a version you enjoyed. His love was calm, easy, steady, exactly what you needed after so much time alone feeling pity for yourself. A breath of fresh air for your drowning soul. 
Sure, it wasn't the fervent passionate love you felt for Daryl, but it was enough to make you happy.
“I am” you simply answered. “And I hope you found the peace you were looking for”.
Daryl nodded, trying to keep himself together. He was truly glad you were happy but the sorrow he felt knowing he wasn't the reason behind overwhelmed him. 
He couldn't blame you. You fought hard for many years to be close to him but the grief blinded him until it was too late. He told you to move on, so you did. It wasn't that hard to understand.
“Thank ya for the medicine and everythin’, angel.” he managed to answer.
Your head buzzed at those words, it took all of your strength to not run into his arms.
“Daryl, I…” you mumbled, hugging yourself afraid of falling apart into pieces. 
Wishing he was a better man, Daryl walked towards the door crushed by the reality he was facing. He raised his eyes to yours for one last time.
“My heart will always belong to ya.” Daryl pronounced before crossing the frame of the front door, landing every word right inside your aching heart.
You watched him leave wondering if you were making a mistake, but fully aware that right now, there was nothing you could do.
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nocasdatsgay · 11 days
What Could Have Been
Chapter 2 of 2: A Minor Betrayal
Pairing: Eris/Elain | Chapter Rating: E | Word Count: 3052
Previous Chapter Here | Read on AO3 Here | Eris Week Master Post
Warnings: Smut. Internal Conflict. Feelings of betrayal.
Summary: Eris and Elain are in route to save Lucien. The night before, Elain asks Eris for something so simple but would probably be the biggest betrayal to his youngest brother yet.
A/N: This isn’t proof read. No actual betrayal occurs in this. Just Eris blaming himself as always.
For @erisweekofficial day 3 Betrayal
Tagging: @mybestfriendmademe @rcarbo1 @hieragalbatorixdottir and shout out to @secret-third-thing for planting the Eris Elain idea.
Divider by @tsunami-of-tears
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“You need to eat.” Eris gave a pointed glare at Elain. 
Traversing across the continent for three days was not for the faint of heart. The herbs had worked. With Beron weakened, Eris took him down and became High Lord. His victory was short-lived. Without Beron as an ally, Koschei took Vassa and Lucien. Eris had felt the burning tug of the bargain in the middle of the night and winnowed straight to the woods. He found Elain pacing frantically under the moonlight, tears streaming down her face. 
In a moment of pure vulnerability, he pulled her close and let her cry for a moment. The reality that his brother’s life was on the line hit him harder than he anticipated. And the lingering anxiety of facing Koschei again churned his stomach. Now they were resting in a cave, secluded and warded from the evening rain, trespassers, and wild animals that may go by. A river to the north provided dinner for the night so they wouldn’t have to waste their rations. If only he could get Elain to eat. 
“You’ll need your strength,” he continued. “Or do you detest fish so much you’d rather go hungry.” 
Elain shook her head, legs pulled up to her chest and arms wrapped around them. She looked so much smaller in trousers and a loose blouse, especially with how she shrunk in on herself against the wall. 
Eris exhaled loudly through his nose. Over the months of their correspondence he’d grown to like her. She was not the quiet, timid female he expected her to be. She was a storm rumbling in the distance. A simmering pot on the cusp of a boil. And by the mother, did he want to light her aflame if only to see her at her full potential. 
She finally uncurled herself and rubbed the spot between her breasts. “He’s always so sad. I can feel it constantly. And now he’s hopeless.”
Eris winced. “Did they not teach you how to block the bond?” 
“Doesn’t always work.” She sighed. “I made a potion to dull it for a long time. But now- I need to know where he is when we find him.”
“Smart little witch,” Eris replied. “Eat something before I command you.” 
To that she rolled her eyes but got to her feet to take some food. They ate in relative silence unlike the previous days. They were closer to the lake now, the reality of what was to come weighed heavy in the air. He followed Elain’s lead, trusting her insistence they not winnow directly to the lake. They waited until today to send a letter to Rhysand about their plan. Nesta was looped in when they left. Albeit hesitant, she trusted her sister more than Eris. He couldn’t blame her there. 
When they were done, he burned the bones and napkins they used close to the entrance. Smoke dissipated quickly with the rain. When he returned he found her lying out both their mats, that solumn air still about her. He walked over to his mat and sat down. 
“Come sit with me,” he gestured her over. 
He’d realize in hindsight what a dangerous thing that was to do.
She eyed him for a moment, and with a sign resigned herself to walking over. He expected her to sit beside him. Instead she sat on his lap. He held back his surprise and wrapped his arms around her. They sat like that for a few minutes, him gently stroking his thumb on her shoulder. All while ignoring her sweet scent filling his nose and the softness of her body pressed against him. 
“Eris?” He hummed in acknowledgment. “Will you distract me?” 
She turned her head to face him. She was so close, seemingly innocent brown eyes peering up at him and that pouty mouth. If he was a good male, he would move her. If he was a better male, he would have told her it would be alright and sent her to bed. 
He never claimed to be a better male. 
“Distract you?” 
“I don’t want to think.” She reached up and her fingers grazed his lips. “I don’t want to feel like this. I want to feel… something better.” 
He stared down at her for a moment, not pushing her out of his space. He knew what she wanted by the way her scent changed. Sweetened jasmine and honey filling his nostrils. 
“You are my brother’s mate.” And the most beautiful fae I’d ever seen.  
“I’m not with him.” She countered, pushing to sit up and face him fully. “I don’t even know him.” 
“And yet you’re here with me in a cave, on a journey to save him.” 
“Both can be true. He doesn’t have to know.” 
But he will. Not that it helped his resolve. 
“Why are you so adamant that I betray my brother's trust?” 
“I glimpsed many lives when I came out of the cauldron, but none of them were with you.” She said it so matter of fact. She pressed her hand against his chest and he covered it with her own. “I’ve only been with one man. I just want to taste what I’m missing before it’s too late.” 
She moved to straddle his thighs, giving him a coy smile and biting her lower lip. Eris exhaled a laugh. Gods if that didn’t do it for him. He was already tittering the edge- now he was just hard in his pants with no blood left in his mind to think. His own scent was thick in the small space. 
“You do know how to push my buttons, Elain.” 
“I always do.” 
He told himself this was just another notch in the long line of offenses he’s accrued over the centuries. It didn’t have to mean anything. His own hands wandered up to her waist, thumbing at the loose tunic she wore. 
“I have rules,” he said. She watched him intensely, her doe eyes blown black. “Our lips do not touch and I will not spill my seed inside you. Do you understand?”
She bit at her bottom lip and nodded. He grabbed her hips and pulled her forward. She jolted with a gasp. One hand brushed back her hair and the other held her close to him. 
“Do you have rules, little fawn?” He leaned in and kissed her neck. 
She let out a sigh. “Do not be gentle with me.” 
His teeth nipped at her skin. “Wouldn’t dream of it.” 
It was easier than it should have been to push down the guilt and not think about how the female he was laying down on his mat belonged to someone else important to him. They were stressed; this was just a means to an end. He wasn’t gentle, ripping the buttons off the top she wore to expose her breasts. He would not take her with his mouth as much as he wanted to taste her. 
Her soft cries echoed in the cave as he kissed down her chest, his mouth finding her breast while his hand shoved under her trousers and between her thighs. Her legs fell open and she arched against him as he slipped his fingers into her. Her hand went into his hair and tugged when he moved to her other breast and curled his fingers just right. 
“Look at me,” he pulled back. 
His voice was laced with a command. She stared up at him, mouth agape with little gasps coming from her. 
He smirked, “Come for me.” 
He truthfully didn’t know if it would work, using his High Lord powers like that. But Elain’s beautiful eyes fluttered. She cried out, squeezing her thighs around his hand while she fluttered around his fingers. He waited until it stopped, with just the light rain from outside and her panting filling the silence. He sat up and removed his hand, brushing it off on his trousers while he sat back against the cave wall. She sat up on her elbows and frowned at him. 
“If you want to come on my cock, you’ll have to come and take that for yourself.” 
His gaze darkened and he grinned watching her stand. He watched her with amusement while she shoved off the trousers. 
“Do I have to take it out too?” She glanced at the bulge in his own trousers. 
He stared up at her and undid his laces. Her eyes widened slightly when he pulled out his cock and stroked it. 
“You’ve been bedded before, don’t look shocked.” 
“Human males aren’t that big,” she whispered. Her gaze did not move as she kneeled and straddled his legs. She stopped him from shoving his pants down all the way. “I like how the fabric feels.” 
He furrowed his brow at the pinkness in her cheeks but didn’t question it. 
“We don’t have all night Elain.” She didn’t move, glancing up at him almost nervously. “You said you’ve lived many lives. Do you not know what to do?” 
“I’ve glimpsed them,” she glared at him. “And I know what to do.” 
He smirked while she moved closer, knowing teasing would motivate her as it had in the past few months. His stomach jolted when her bare skin brushed against his cock. He grabbed at her hips and she slapped his hand. 
“Do not rush me.” She said pointedly. 
He bit back a retort and let her take her time. He watched her sit up on her knees and grab his cock. He was silent while he watched her guide him to her entrance. He even held back a groan, inhaling deeply through his nose when she sank down slowly. He held himself back because if he didn’t, he’d flip her onto the mat and fuck her until the cave echoed with her cries and she was full of his seed. 
This beautiful female that didn’t belong to him rocked her hips, testing how it felt. She shifted her knees further to take all of him. He leaned his head against the wall and looked up at the top of the cave praying to the mother silently for strength. Though, he didn’t think she would listen to a traitor like himself. 
Elain whispered his name like the forbidden angel she was. She braced herself with her hands on his shoulders and rolled her hips. He came back to himself, his hands going to her waist to help steady her. He could see her relax and get lost in herself. 
“Good girl,” he purred. She bit her lip and whined. “Doesn’t that feel good?” 
He tried to focus on anything but that tight, warm cunt that was starting to lift and sink down on him. 
“Lean forward, it’ll feel better.” 
She did, pressing her breasts against his chest. He wished he’d removed his shirt if only to feel all of her. She moaned and buried her face against his neck. Her movements quicked and he prayed she was close. 
“Do you want me to touch you?” 
He slipped a hand from her waist to between them. His eyes flashed, feeling where they connected but he pushed it away. His thumb found her clit and started rubbing. 
“Eris, I’m going to- oh fuck.” 
Her whole body tense against him and she came throbbing on his cock. He bit his tongue until it bled to keep from going over the edge with her. She collapsed against him and he lifted her off his cock but kept her in his lap while she caught her breath. That should have been the end of it. But of course his stupid body could not relax with a naked female in his lap. When she finally sat up, she looked down between them and back to him. 
“Let me.” She whispered, her lips so close to his. 
Then she shimmed downward. He didn’t stop her. He didn’t want to. With no other warning, she took him in her mouth. 
“By the gods,” he sighed a deep moan. 
He couldn’t remember the last time he let anyone close enough like this. Feeling her warm mouth take his cock was almost better than fucking her. He watched her stroke with her hand what she couldn’t swallow down. It was cruel, how good she looked under the fae light. Even crueler that he couldn’t keep her. It did not take long before he felt his pleasure building again. 
“Elain,” his voice was a raspy growl. “Not in your mouth.” 
She hummed around him, pulling back with a loud pop. She stroked him instead with her hand and stared at him with those big doe eyes of hers. He let out a growl, thrusting up to come on her hand, barely missing marking her face. He waved his hand, cleaning away the mess. He quickly tucked himself back into his trousers. 
“We should sleep,” he said, shoving down any feelings he had. 
“We should,” she replied. 
They didn’t talk further while she changed and got on her mat across from him. He retracted the fae light. He laid down and listened to the rain and her breathing. It evened out long before he shut his eyes and found restless sleep. He woke at dawn, regret sitting in his stomach like a stone. The rain had stopped and the clouds gone. He went to the river and bathed, trying to wash the sins away from last night. When he came back to the cave Elain was up, still in her sleep clothes. 
They both spoke at the same time and both shut their mouths promptly. It was Eris who decided to speak first. 
“I was reckless. I don’t regret it, but I also know it wasn’t right. Lucien is a good male, so much better than most.” Better than me, Eris wanted to add. He glanced down and saw the sunlight peaking into the cave- a sign they needed to head out. “Promise me you’ll give him a chance.” 
He looked up to see Elain staring at him intensely, in that knowing way that set him on edge. 
“A bargain?” She whispered. 
The corner of his mouth twitched. “No, just a promise.” 
“I want a bargain,” she said slightly louder. He frowned. She continued, “I will try if you kiss me.” 
“Elain,” he started but she cut him off. 
“Please, Eris.” 
He was a fool to give into her. He said what happened wasn’t right. But her stubborn gaze told him she would not relent. And what was one more offense to the list he committed last night. He thought for a moment, carefully wording the bargain in his mind.
“I will kiss you once and only once.” He stepped once and she stepped back, bumping gently against the wall of the cave. “In exchange, if we get Lucien out alive and he is willing, you will take the time to get to know him.” 
Without hesitation she said, “I agree.” 
Magic washed over him but he didn’t fill the sting of a bargain tattoo. He went to ask her about why the Night Court tradition didn’t happen but she grabbed him by the lapels of his coat and pulled him forward. In that moment, he was lost. Forgetting himself, he pressed her into the cave wall so he could push his body against her own. Her arms wrapped around his neck and he groaned as his tongue slipped into her mouth. She tasted like she smelled, almost too sweet. 
He let himself have that moment before remembering where he was and who he was with. She seemed to do the same, pulling back slightly but keeping her face close to his. When he fully pulled back, he opened his eyes to see her staring back up at him. When he stepped back, she laughed. Her voice rang out like bells in a temple, startling him. 
“What is so funny?” He frowned. 
“Just how insufferable we’d be together.” She giggled. “Your mother would have resented me. Which is such a strange thing to see.” 
He blinked and she went past him as if nothing happened. 
“You sneaky little witch.” There was no malice in tone, just slight astonishment. “You kissed me to see a future that won’t happen.” 
“I did.” She gave him a soft smile. “So thank you, Eris, for letting me know what could have been.” 
“I can see why we would be insufferable.” 
She hummed. “Maybe in another life we would work. You’re a good male Eris. I need you to remember that when you find your mate.” 
He scoffed, turning to start packing their things away. “Not everyone has a mate, Elain.” 
“Not with that attitude,” she retorted, rolling up the mat. “I’ll need to bathe in the river. I smell like you.” 
“And who’s fault is that?” He turned back with an arched brow. She gave him a withered look and it was his turn to laugh. “Go. We have a very important male to save today.”
“That we do,” she whispered. 
While she was gone, he cleared the cave. He sent their things to a pocket realm and cleared it of any remains that could point to them being there. He finally went down the slope to the river and found Elain on the rocky river bank, braiding the last bit of her hair. She’d donned fighting leathers, which made him crinkle his nose. 
“Those look hideous.” 
“Says the male who wore armor and a cape to the Hybern battle.” She looked him over. “No suit for this one?” 
“I’m High Lord now,” he flexed his hand and let the flames engulf it. “And this outfit is suited for battle. It’s just fashionable.” 
That made her smile. Nervous banter before what was to come. 
“Rhys said he’s waiting for us. We should go,” she stood and dusted off her pants. “Maybe I’ll ask Lucien for his input on my next pair of fighting clothes.” 
He secretly hoped so. Maybe, if he’d ever forgive Eris, he’d come to Autumn and get her something like the ones they wore when they were younger and training in the courtyard. But they had to get him out first. Eris focused on that gods forsaken lake and took her hand. Together they winnowed away. 
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Second A/N: Eris and Elain become besties and Lucien never knows. Or does he?
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merrilinie · 10 months
CW: violence and immortal mcd (so not really), child death
Merlin who is able to tell the weather and state of nature and season not because of magic, but because of how he grew up.
The small village was in a rather unfortunate place, at least to most. It was stuck between a forest and meadow with a large river bed that often flooded and took out numerous of their crops. It helped greatly with a permanent water source but every good thing had a fault.
So, Merlin learnt quickly when to tell it was going to rain by the humidity and clouds, so he could better help his neighbours with any preparations. He learnt what soil was best for planting what plants, what of those would be worthy he effort of growing, what could carry bugs and other insects that could house disease or venom. He learnt what habitats snakes and spiders liked, what caves could be good to hide in if the rain came in too quick or bandits came too close to the village.
That was what he learnt most, without ever really wanting to. He learnt when to tell if the air changed with the eagerness of bandits ready for a fight. He learnt how to spot traps after getting caught in two as just a child, the long jagged scar along his leg a permanent reminder of the danger he had to watch for.
Merlin learnt through trail and error, tasting the poisonous berries to know they were as such. He knew how to treat venom bites, to stay still as a rock when a snake caught onto his flesh, what to eat and drink when he had something wrong, how to get out of cruel traps made to rip a man apart by simply not passing out and keeping a clear head.
The knights and Arthur do not know this. They don’t know of his magic, if they did they would assume like the Druid’s did that he simply used that, which he did at times. They just assumed he had a knack for these kinds of things.
Then they go to his home for a rest stop as they target a group of bandits. This is where a elder hears the Knights making fun of Merlin and he marches right up to them and he tells them off in a way that both mortifies and compliments Merlin.
“Listen here, you ignorant fools! This young man had done more for this village than any of you have done for the Kingdom! It’s Merlin who learnt how to make the soil grow our crops properly, he who taught the children what food is okay to scavenge for! It’s this boy who warns us when the floods are most likely and helps us prepare, even though his home is on the other side of the village! Do you know how many times I’ve had to watch this boy nearly die because he took it upon himself to make sure the bandit traps were set off before a child got caught? He once spent two full nights in a cave with a broke leg after my daughter got lost, just to find her and bring her home even though-… even though she’d already passed.”
Merlin goes to his friend and hold so to his hand, trying to comfort him as memories flood his frail mind.
The man finishes his ramble with a pat to Merlin’s cheek, “You do not need strength and armour to be a good man. The selfishness of man has never once touched you, my boy. I will not allow such blasphemy to your name, not by a king or a pauper.”
Merlin only gives a single look at the Knights and shrinks under the pity and shock, deciding instead to take his friend back to his home so they can visit his daughters grave. He had died that first night when he looked for her, his first death and how he discovered his immortality.
He tried not to remember it, the pain and agony of starving and bleeding and a deep burning in his leg that made his body squirm with phantom pain.
The next day the Knights are quiet, Arthur watching him without ever looking away. They only ask him if what was said was true when they set camp up three nights later. So, he lifts up his pant leg to show his mangled flesh and gives them a soft smile that doesn’t reach his eyes,
“Don’t worry, I know how to heal things properly now if it happens to any of you.”
A tear slides down Gwaines face.
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a-bucket-of-trash · 2 years
The Sound of the Love- Kelvin x Neutral Reader – One shot
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Prompt: You are too used to talk with yourself thinking Kelvin can’t hear you… Unles…
Tag: Fluff and Smut but not explicit.
All summer had happened on that island in the middle of nowhere and now the cool air was making itself felt, the soft wind purring in the trees dyed red and gold. It was a beautiful landscape, if it weren't for the randomly screaming of the cannibals. But you were determined to cleanse the island of those beings. You did not believe in a possible rescue, especially since some abandoned buildings seemed to have been disused for at least a year. So you were going to make that island YOUR island. If you two were rescued, fine, and if not, it didn't matter. You were going to make sure that YOUR Kelvin, that soldier who followed you everywhere, could finally rest and lower his guard, no matter what.
He should rest, he had to rest, but he was too stubborn. Convincing him to stay safe was difficult, as difficult as convincing him to stop carrying logs in pairs, or to stop guarding cave entrances when you explored them, or to stop getting into your fights with cannibals so that they would deflect the attacks at him as well. Kelvin seemed to have an urgency to prove that he wasn't useless, even though he was deaf and brain-damaged.
You were thinking about that, standing on one of the paths, with the soldier at your side. You heard him approach you, make the “deer” sign, and aim into the distant bushes. He had extremely sharp eyesight and he saw danger or prey a hundred times better than you, you only saw plants.
Agilely you took your bow and aimed, even without knowing exactly where the animal was. Kelvin stuck close to you, from behind, watching, slightly adjusting the angle of your arm and patting your side when he figured you were in line of fire. You let go, seeing the arrow fly silently and you heard the dull sound of something falling to the ground, so you ran to finish off the animal. He smiled, raising his thumb up, to which you replied in kind. You know that, if it weren't for his hands shaking too much, he alone, with a bow, could kill twice as many enemies and animals.
You both returned to the base you had built, a relatively safe area next to a river, with the simple wooden shelter that was beginning to spread under the idea that it would eventually be a cabin. You stayed near the river, dissecting the deer, removing everything that could be useful. Luckily you had grown up on a farm, you had learned, at a very young age, how to process cattle. Sitting next to you, Kelvin, watching what you were doing.
"You calm down, my big boy, today you will eat well" You murmured.
You had that habit of talking to him when he didn't see you, even though he couldn't hear you. That not only kept you a little sane, but it helped you remember that he wasn't a machine or a dog. Besides, you liked to do it, you often told him how attractive he was or how much you had fallen in love with him, things you could never say looking into his eyes.
And the fall wore on with the weeks, everything was turning more red and brown, and Kelvin had undergone some remarkable changes. His hands seemed to gradually stabilize, his dizziness subsided, and he seemed much more awake and aware, as if his brain was returning to its old self, allowing him to be more proactive, more independent, and able to make important decisions for himself, at least until he passed out of the blue, to spend a whole week flying in fever, barely waking up. You forced him to stay still, while you tried to cool him down and keep him hydrated, hour after hour, staying by his side, day after night. You were terrified at the idea that his internal injury would get worse, that he wouldn't wake up anymore, that your partner would die there.
Luckily his fever was coming down, but you weren't going to let him get up, not until his head was cool, not until you were a thousand times sure he was okay.
That afternoon he watched you enter the pseudo-cabin, tired after annihilating the cannibals that had approached upon noticing the abrupt tranquility of the area. You left your ax near the bed and sat down heavily on a box that you used as a seat, near him, sighing, recovering, giving him the “Ok” signs to keep him calm.
You took off your gloves and gently reached out to touch his forehead and cheeks, feeling him healthily warm. He hadn't had a fever for a couple of days, but even so, you didn't want him to get out of there, you desperately needed him to be safe.
Kelvin gave you the "Ok" gesture and tried to get up, but you pushed him gently, leaving him sitting in his place, to which he looked at you, confused. You knew he was looking for an explanation, but you didn't have a way to tell him what was going through your mind, there wasn't enough paper on the island for that.
You sighed, sitting back on the edge of the bed, looking away from him, but leaving one of your hands in his hair, stroking him. “God, I wish I knew how I could explain it to you… But… It's just… Can't you stay still, you big clumsy? I don't want anything to happen to you… Okay? What happened to you burns in my soul, and what could happen to you burns even more... Just stay here, safe... Stop trying to prove to me that you're useful, silly, I know you're useful, but it's just that... Wait a bit more, wait until I clean this damn island of those stupid bone suckers, okay? As soon as I kill everything that could harm you, you can walk in peace, honey... I promise I will, so you'll have a more relaxed life, a nice cabin just for you. I promise my love. But for now, just get well, I couldn't survive without you by my side… I love you… I need you…”
Another of your constant sighs came out of your mouth, when you were going to get up to get the notepad. Kelvin grabbed your arm and pulled firmly, to lie down completely, taking you with him, resting you on his chest. Somewhat shocked by his reaction, you heard him laugh softly, hugging you tightly. Your eyes locked on him, seeing him smile, his warm brown eyes meeting yours.
"I can... hear..." He said, smiling, his voice raspy after months of non-use.
"What? What!?" You smiled widely, feeling your heart skip a beat and bathe in warmth “Really? Can you hear me!?"
"A little" He nodded, laughing more "Don't yell..."
"I'm sorry" You laughed with wet eyes, excited "God... I'm so happy for you... Kelvin... Finally..."
“I heard a… plop…” He smiled wider “A little before… you came back…”
"That's great!" Your smile faded momentarily when you remembered what you had said a few minutes ago, thinking that he didn't hear you. "O-oh... OH..." Your face turned completely red.
"Mhm" Kelvin nodded softly, looking at you with more tenderness than you'd ever seen in him, while he held you firmly. "Love you... too..." He whispered, his eyes wandering over your face "For... a long time..."
You didn't give a shit for how long ago. You held his cheeks to kiss him hard, listening to him laugh softly for a moment, before kissing you with more impetus than you expected, as if he were carrying the desire in his heart, for months.
From there everything went to majors, and not long after, a good scandal could be heard from that part of the island, and whose origin was not exactly cannibal.
The sun was going down and you were still curled up next to him, skin to skin, your chin on his chest, looking at him, your mind and body relaxed, feeling one of his hands wander absently up your back.
"Excuse me, you told me not to yell" You murmured, rubbing his waist "I did my best, but, well... You didn't give me many options, Kelvin..."
The soldier laughed widely, denying, to hug you even more, resting his face against your head, taking a long breath. "You make me... very happy..." He gently kissed your hair "Let me take care of you... We are two... We are... A team... Don't leave me behind, I don't like being left behind..." He squeezed you.
"Okay" You smiled, rubbing your face affectionately against his "But don't worry, I'll decapitate anything that comes near you"
"I love your overprotective violence" He purred, running his hands down your back "When you dismember cannibals... Well... I get a little... you know..."
"Kelvin!" You laughed, patting his arm lightly.
“Why do you think…they hit me?” He smiled "I get distracted looking at you..."
You were still laughing a little, when he looked for your mouth to kiss you, ready to do a different type of "manual work".
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seafoamgalaxy · 3 months
I started messing around with the new Linkverse I’ve been considering. Not thinking about word counts or forcing set hours to be ‘writing time’ feels better. I can just open it up when I feel Iike it, jot down a few lines, then get distracted researching or reading something and it doesn’t feel like a bad thing.
No idea if I’m going to share this at any point, but here’s a preview.
Magic prickled Link’s skin as he lay there, blinking confusedly up at the sky with his good eye. There was something wrong here, he knew immediately. No birds flew overhead or circled in search of food. There was no buzz of insect life fluttering closer to ground level. And yet the grass was soft and slightly dewy beneath him, green and alive in his peripheral vision. The place was not dead; just, somehow, entirely abandoned. He pushed himself upright slowly on his elbows. There was nothing around him other than the open plain where he had somehow ended up. The grass rippled gently in the light breeze, sending another tickle of magic crawling along his arms and up his spine. It didn’t feel bad exactly - he had enough experiences with dark magic to recognize it instantly, and this felt far different. Pure. Not the familiar rich green of forest magic, but not dangerous. This was not Hyrule Field, though. Nor was it Termina Field. He knew both like the back of his hand. They each had more landmarks; trees, caves, rivers, old walls, well-trodden roads, and a ranch apiece. This was simply… grass, as far as the eye could see. No, perhaps not entirely. As he levered himself up onto his knees, Link spotted the sparkle of still water beyond a low hill not too far away. A lake, perhaps. It was as good a landmark as any. This made no sense, though. He had no idea why he was here, or how he had gotten here to begin with. And considering the last thing he remembered… He was fairly sure he shouldn’t be waking up anywhere right now.
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dragonskulls · 1 year
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hooooly fucking hell im finally done with this thing: the AshWing continent. yay! Since kingdoms aren't a thing, the names here are used for both the territories themselves and the quivers which inhabit them. some brief explanations and descriptions of what those names mean:
Fire Grounds: a group of small islands surrounding a big one, lots of volcanic activity in here. its only inhabitants are some species of hardy wyverns such as fire dancers, and smaller fauna living on the borders where some vegetation can grow
The Towering Mountains: massive mountain ranges surround a valley where mountain gliders and wreckers reside. minerals from extinct volcanoes made the soil incredibly fertile, and the natural barriers protect against most predators, making this place a safe paradise
Five Stones: a mysterious monument, consisting of five huge rock monoliths jutting out of the ground, with writing carved into the stone describing the history of FrostWings and AshWings alike. Meetings and festivals involving all quivers take place here, and any damage done to the stones –accidentally or not– strangely disappears by morning. dragons that have been there describe the place as having a soothing yet uplifting aura
The Dark Woods: an immense, dense forest with giant trees and plenty of resources make this the perfect home for wood walkers. unfortunately, scavengers also like making settlements here, so run-ins with dragons aren't uncommon
The Vast Moor: seemingly never ending grassy plains are the main scenery of this region, but a wide sinkhole interrupts this perfect flatland. moor runners have dug deeper into it and reinforced the cave walls, sheltering them from the outside and weather. an aquifer at the bottom provides plenty of water, and it is believed underwater cave systems connect it to other parts of the continent
Misty Spires: small canyons and tall rock formations shrouded in mist and surrounded by howling winds make up this small portion of moor runner territory. few dragons ever go there though, as rumor has it it is haunted. when the fog comes down into the main territory, going out into the fields is not advised
The Roaring Coast: home of the fierce coast strikers, only quiver in the continent that dares venture into the sea. leviathans and sea serpents infest these waters, so dragons here aren't always the apex predators. houses are carved out of the cliff face. a gigantic sea monster skeleton goes on along the coast, with leaders making its skull their main living place
The Silent Swamp: danger is a constant, so being always on the lookout is a must if one is to survive here. giant serpents and crocodiles inhabit the waters, wyverns patrol the skies, scavengers travel along marshes and rivers, and noxious poisons are something that many creatures share here, both predator and prey. however, this harsh environment doesn't deter swamp lurkers from making the most out of these murky waters and shady forests
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Plus some extra versions teehee (uploading them the first time crashed my whole laptop :p) oh and paper textures are from unsplash
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eldritchaccident · 2 months
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Timing: In the early hours of the morning Location: The Jones household basement Feat: @faustianbroker & @eldritchaccident Warnings: None on the list, but a large beast does get stapled back together Summary: What happens when a phone call becomes a visit
The downfall of having a physical form was, of course, the risk of damage.
It was a risk Leviathan had happily taken in stride for centuries, and it had never really bitten the demon in the ass too badly until now. The monstrous, semi-aquatic creature was tucked away in the dark recesses of a damp cave that sat along the coast of another dimension, its sides rising and falling with fluttering irregularity. Every once in a while the silence would be broken by the sound of scales dragging across stone as it repositioned itself, battered body aching and bleeding blue onto the cavern floor. It didn’t have much time to make good on the deal it had been forced into accepting, it knew. It had to move soon, but it was in too much pain to even try. They had cornered it here, a half dozen of them, bearing down upon it with ferocity that it knew came from fear. But they wouldn’t kill it, they wouldn’t stoop to that level. No, they had other ideas. They would still make use of Leviathan yet. There was little sense in wasting the talents of one of their own kind, after all, like Leviathan had wasted Wyvss’Kgorr’s. So, with teeth cutting into its neck and its spine threatening to shatter under the pressure, it had accepted the deal. The other demons left it then, satisfied with the results of this single-use league, and went back to their respective dimensions, likely to never coordinate with one another in such a way again. 
Leviathan would be proud of causing such a reaction once it felt less like it was on the brink of death.
There wasn’t a way to tell how much time had passed here, cut off from the starlight as it was, but every moment that passed stacked an additional brick of unease on the wall that the demon was trying to build around itself. All of this had happened because it cared too much, because it was too curious for its own good. It wouldn’t let such things get in the way again, it told itself, even if it did have to return to Wicked’s Rest. It wouldn’t (it probably would). Laying there in the pitch darkness, Leviathan was acutely aware of a sudden tug in its chest. It lifted that massive head, many eyes blinking out of sync as it focused on nothing but dark. A low growl started in its throat and it shifted lazily before wincing in surprise as a sudden light filled the cavern. It was only a pinprick at first, but it blinded the beast into submission, eyes squeezing shut and head rearing back, away from the offensive glare.
Those eyes remained shut, until it heard a sound. It wasn’t sure what the sound was, but it knew it had not come from itself. Blinking them open again, squinting against the light, Leviathan peered into the space in front of it while its eyes adjusted. That tug in its chest grew stronger, heart hammering against prehistoric ribs. The light was a ring in the air, and in the center of it, a dimmer source of illumination, and… a figure. A person. 
“... Teddy?”
Days of non-stop work, weeks of planning, months of research. All boiled down to a pin prick point of focus. Determination. Hope. Teddy’s blood, sweat, and tears ran rivers. But the ritual was working. Energy effused through every vein, every pore. Alight inside, illuminating their skin and the dim basement around them with an eerie blue glow. 
Teddy's breath felt like fire, each labored movement came at cost. This wasn't the kind of magic that naturally flowed through them. Summoning was much more Van’s thing than Teddy's. But there was no way they were going to risk hurting her, or even the possibility of bringing her near something so dangerous. 
Hell, Emilio was supposed to be next to them too, but Teddy wouldn't let that happen. Was supposed to be by their side in case shit went sideways, or they somehow dialed the wrong demon number. But he'd been through too much with Basil or whatever the fuck that demon was called. Still on bedrest. His favorite thing. So no. Teddy had to do this alone. Had to make contact. Had to hear from their father. 
And it was working. 
A hole ripped through the fabric of the universe, tore a portal through to another dimension. The brusk smell of the endless ocean burst through first. Unmistakable and nostalgic. Enough to know Teddy was doing something right. A hazy picture began to form next. A room too dark to see, something that Teddy couldn't allow their heart to race at. At that moment, it was like they were a twelve volt battery channeling a whole power plant through its cells. All while trying to recite the dictionary backwards from memory. 
And then its voice rang through. Rough, rich, and rumbling deep into Teddy's bones. 
“D-dad!” Ted called out, the portal shrank slightly as their focus faulted, their breath hitched until they could catch themself and steady it once more. A sizzle at their fingertips reminded them how little room for error there was, and how dumb of an idea it was to do this alone. 
All those ideals of closing itself off from others crumbled in the hopeful and frightened face of Theodore Jones, who called out to it with a term of familiarity that it hadn’t heard in so long… It groaned, picking itself up off the floor of the cave and dragging that enormous body closer to the portal. Without any care for what might happen if its child lost focus and the portal closed on it, Leviathan stuck one bestial, webbed hand through the opening, gripping the edge of the luminous tear in reality as if it were merely a rung on a ladder. “Teddy,” it repeated slowly, eyes closing again as it hauled itself closer. It wasn’t sure which would be easier—helping Teddy make the portal stronger and larger, or shifting into something smaller. The latter would be advantageous to fitting into the basement of their home, which is what the background behind its child appeared to be. But the former wouldn’t be a bad idea either, so Leviathan summoned the last of its strength to do both at the same time. That handful of eyes snapped open again, glowing a bright ethereal blue as it tried to strengthen the connection with its own power, continuing to pull itself through the portal as seafoam bubbled up around it and sloughed off parts of its body. Shedding its previous form didn’t get rid of the wounds, and the pain of ripping them open drew a long, grating cry from its jaws as it slumped to the floor of the basement, thrashing its body farther into the room and curling its tail around itself. 
The spiny, webbed dorsal fin flattened as the creature let out a long, exhausted sigh. Gills flapped uselessly, but the lungs in its anatomy kept it from being in any immediate peril. Drying out would be unpleasant, but that was a concern for later. Leviathan was still slicked with blue blood, long head swinging around to face Teddy. Even among the perplexing layout of the demon’s features, pride could be seen. “Just… the person I wanted to see,” it rattled.
The portal wasn’t necessarily supposed to work like that. Was built to be more of a phone call than a bridge, but— Ahh. Leviathan’s energies pooled into the ritual, like the sea meeting a freshwater spring. A brackish backlash that somehow both soothed and burned with a familiarity that only stood to bolster Teddy’s resolve. It wasn’t expected, but they couldn’t help the elation, that quickly melted away into horror as they realized exactly what shape the beast was in. 
Leviathan slithered through and the gateway snapped shut. A sickening pop and rush of air and energy propelled Teddy backwards, falling into the great creature’s side with a soft thud. A moment of shock left the caster breathless, whirling around to take stock of what just happened. Long distance facetime connections don’t usually end with an instantaneous house call. 
A horrible part of Teddy’s imagination briefly wondered whether it was an improperly done ritual that had marred the Leviathan’s hide in such a vicious manner, that somehow this blood was their fault but the bite marks and claw wounds were more than enough evidence that something else was at play. 
“W-what happened— Dad are you okay??” Teddy’s voice croaked, their hands found its face, or at least what they could hold from such a small state beside it. “What can I do to help?” They were tired, spent from the spell, from the variant magic running through their veins, from the weeks of exhausting research and need to get it just right. But goddamn there wasn’t a fucking thing they wouldn’t jump up and do for Leviathan right then. 
Their dad was home, really properly there, not just on the other end of a half-thought dream. It looked at them with pride and Teddy’s heart soared with all the ache they’d carried these months without their father. Thinking they’d never get to see it again at all. Hell, if Levi wanted a few human sacrifices Teds could think of a few less than pleasant neighbors who hadn’t been so kind during Pride month. “What do you need?” 
The demon groaned and shifted its body weight again, but held its head still in the caster’s hands. “Fine, I’m fine,” it breathed, not wanting to worry Teddy more than it inevitably would. “They ah… well. It was as I feared.” The greater demons had taken issue, and had pursued it. “I was found.” It sucked in another long breath, closing its eyes again and just enjoying the feeling of being embraced. “It’s okay. I needed… to come back here. You… made that much easier,” it admitted, closing its eyes. “As for what I need… time. Just time.” It let out one last ragged sigh before blinking and swiveling its gaze to meet Teddy’s. 
The human emotions that had plagued it while it remained tethered to its ward had never fully left. Or rather, they lingered in spite of the involuntary compulsion to experience them having been removed, and now they only existed in the Leviathan’s breast because it wished it so. Hours ago, it had wanted to feel nothing, to return to numbness, but how could it still want that when Teddy was here in front of it, pressing their hands to its scales and asking how they could help? Void above, they’d never wanted anything but to help their father and make it proud of them, and Leviathan could have done much better in showing them just how proud it was. In the end, it had become cold. It told itself this was to spare them both a more painful goodbye, and while that might have been true, it was not the whole truth.
“I am sorry,” came the creature’s low, rumbling apology. “For everything. Please, tell me… how have you been? What’s happened since I had to leave?”
Fine wasn’t a word they’d use to describe the gouged flesh and torn hide, but Teddy also knew the beast well enough that it would deny any fussing and worrying unless given forcefully. Years ago, a young Theodore had tried to salve the demon’s wounds with stolen Hello Kitty bandaids, glittery stickers, and ‘healing’ pancakes with extra shrimp. But the Jones house never lacked for those dumb enough to pick a bone with them. So Teds got a lot of practice in. Even shapeshifting demons from before the dawn of time needed a little TLC after a rampage or two. 
This seemed worse, somehow. In a way that Teddy couldn’t put into words but felt deep in their gut. They didn’t want to leave its side, but some of the weeping wounds needed a little more than just time. “Too many— even for you to fight?” They guessed tentatively. A spark of undeniable skepticism lacing their sentence, as if anything in the great vastness of the void above and below could ever come close to the might their father commanded. The question was a good enough segue to step aside for a moment. Grab some tools and tenderly start to work. A needle and thread would do about as well as a kayak in a hurricane, so the next best thing would be a staple gun and duct tape. Emilio would be proud. 
“Made easi— I helped you? Dad I just— It wasn’t supposed to be a physical tear— that was all you.” Mend the big gaps, ignore the sounds of pain, wipe off anything too mucky, sanitize with vodka. Teddy’s brain went all methodical in times like this. An engine built to bring things back to calm, to safety. Even so, the talking was nice. Hearing his voice made them feel a little less alone in the world. Sure, Teddy had a pretty tight family they’d forged for themself here, but Levi was their dad. And that was— a bit of a sore subject. 
“Lots.” They admitted. Their mind flashed back to Canada. To the worst parts first. How many times they’d be injured, only to be saved by Leviathan’s blessing. How many times they nearly died. But it wasn’t all bad. “I uh— I think I’m gonna marry Emilio. That’s a big one. Didn’t really see that coming.” 
There was a long pause before Leviathan answered the first question, for the demon disliked the answer. “Yes. Even for me.” They had no natural predators but themselves, and while Leviathan had spent centuries battling ferocious creatures and armies of men, it still could not stand up to the might of six others at once. “But I am alive, so who really won?” it added with a grating sound that was maybe supposed to be a laugh. 
Dying, of course, had never been the true peril of being caught. Leviathan had wondered for a time if they would merely seek revenge, but knowing what it would do if faced with such a crisis of personal security and safety, it knew that it would have used that leverage for more than just death. The scenario with Wynne’s demon had been different—more had been at stake. Or, well, things outside of itself had been at stake. There had been no room for loopholes. But of course, it could not tell Teddy any of this.
The demon hissed softly in response to the staple gun, flinching away from it without wanting to, eyes tightly shut. “Maybe not,” it ground out, “but I didn’t have the strength to even contact you, much less… create a portal from the ground up. So yes. You gave me an anchor. You helped.” 
Lots. That was nondescript. But they’d have plenty of time for talking, it knew, so it didn’t worry too much that the full truth was being withheld for now. It had its own secrets, after all. “Marry?” it piped up, looking up at Teddy again. Humans were really pretty crazy about that kind of thing, weren’t they? It stood to reason that Teddy would be just as susceptible to romanticism. Hm. I suppose my faith in the slayer to look after you was well placed. It would have to thank him later. “That is very good news,” the demon purred, carefully lifting a front leg and brushing the back of a clawed, webbed toe against Teddy’s side. Its teeth were bared in something that was probably supposed to be a smile, though given the beastly form it had taken, it looked more like a grimace. Ah well. “I am… here for you. I’m not leaving again, Teddy.” There was a beat of powerful silence. “I promise.”
“Naaaah, I bet you had them all scared. Just a flinch and they’d be quaking in their eldritch boots.” A childish lie, hoping to be true. Teddy nuzzled in closer to the hardened scales and expanse of rough flesh. Worming their way between the folds of its arm into a crook that snugly held the all too human Jones. A body never meant for comfort or its ilk, but to the Leviathan’s ward? It was home. Teddy was home after far too long, even if it wasn’t exactly the same, even if it never would be again. They had their dad and everything seemed just a little more okay. 
From their squished up position, using the big amphibious lizard-thing as both blanket and mattress, Teddy surged with a pride vibrant enough to spur what dregs of energy was left in their system to spark outwards and shatter the one lightbulb in the basement. Leaving just the candles and one very persistent glow-stick from a parade in June to keep the space from total darkness. Thankfully. Teds didn’t exactly want to explain that one just yet, and the Leviathan probably needed some quiet and peace to rest. 
“Better that you’ll be here for it. Who else is gonna give away the blushing bride?” To be fair, most of Teddy’s ideas of what marriage was came from old movies and pop culture. Growing up, Levi had never been shy about multiple partners and enjoying itself whenever the whims arose. The desire to tie their life to Emilio came from somewhere else entirely. All wrapped up in the ways the hunter made them feel so secure and safe, in the respect and admiration they had for him. In the love for his personality and how perfectly it complimented their own. Love in a completely new form, as steady as a stone. 
The wriggling human stilled after the Leviathan’s next statement. Its promise. Teddy’s breath stopped short, they let the weight of what it said sink in, even if they couldn’t fully process immediately what it would mean, the elation and joy sparked up right away. Like a giddy toddler, they pressed themself further into the beast’s side. “Thank you, dad I— I needed you. I think I always will. I love you.” 
Teddy was wrong, but Leviathan would let them believe what they liked. It didn’t matter, anyway. What had truly transpired was something the demon would not—and could not—speak of. Eyes flicked up toward the shattered bulb—the beast wanted to ask, it wanted to know what had become of Teddy since it had fled this plane, how the child’s power had truly manifested itself without the demonic runes on their bones overpowering whatever had been dormant all these years… but they would have time. They would have all the time that they needed, and Leviathan would ask every question that rolled across its mind like a cavalry of tumbleweeds across the desert. 
“I am going to make sure I write…” It paused to suck in a tired breath, “a very long and embarrassing toast.” There was another rumble of amusement in its throat as it thought about that day, whenever it came about, and it felt itself warm from the inside out. To see Teddy happy was all it needed, whatever form that came in. 
“I am sorry it was for so long. But I think it was the correct choice.” Leviathan shuddered to think what might have happened to Teddy if the other demons had sensed the bridge between them, had sniffed out their familial bond and chosen to use that against it. “Even so…” A second apology hung silent in the air, felt rather than heard as the demon pulled Teddy closer to itself, if that were possible. “I love you too.” Another short, pained sigh slipped free from its maw. “I think… I need to take a very long nap. Much healing to be done.” It shifted its massive head. “You do not need to stay. I will remain here until I feel I can safely return to my disguised form.” If Teddy was so certain they’d be marrying Emilio, then the return of their father was probably a bit of news worth sharing with him. “When you’re ready, go speak with Emilio. I do not know if he is still as angry with me as he was when I left, but… you’ve always been great at diplomacy.”
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since I've seen people do this I'm also going to. if I made the minecraft movie, it would be:
completely animated except for one guy in a cosplay greenscreened in (he is not important to the plot and appears for like three seconds)
steve. is. B R O W N . like he damn well SHOULD BE.
universe kind of thing where the different planets are different servers (implied there's another universe with all the singleplayer worlds) (implied that herobrine is a curious astronaut in the singleplayer universe)
people dream of modded worlds
every couple decades an update happens and the world shifts
uhh okay story. main plot is that continents are shifting. rivers are being closed. something happening EVERYWHERE and cracks in the ground are slowly appearing and spreading all over the planet.
endermen are scarce, and they seem to be targeting specific blocks when they do show up. beacons, netherite, end rods, redstone and copper
they'll even stay out in the rain for a bit to get these blocks sometimes. it does hurt them but they power through when they can
getting a close look at one a character notices its hands end in gnarled, sharp claws that endermen didn't use to have. their spines are lined with small gray spikes and their eyes glow more intensely than before
there's something in the distance
the endermen all seem to leave in the same direction, they're going towards something. "should we go there?" asks someone. "it seems...dangerous" the people answer
interplanetary communication is invented. they immediately get a message from someone dealing with a demonic red hivemind plant
"I dunno, have you tried fire?" "YES IT DOESN'T WORK!!" "..soul fire?" "oh shit thanks"
are those eyes in the fog? there's something in the distance. there's something in the distance. th
eventually someone goes to the end. the dragon is gone. the egg is gone. the endermen are gone. the portal home is unlit. the island itself feels changed
new rumors and stories of something called The Eyes of The World appear, where seeing twisted towers full of eye-shaped holes heralds attacks none who witnessed would survive
someone mines into a cave and sees intricate but almost natural-looking tendrils of deepslate and tuff snaking through a cross-section of where it opens up. dozens of bright purple eyes are the only light in this place and suddenly-
a large city comes under attack from none other than the Ender Dragon. those that aren't panicking are wondering how it got to the overworld. they fend it off and someone follows it back to its new lair
it roars and something spreads. the cracking of ground is deafening and drowns out even the dragon's cry. something's wrong with the dragon
"hey, one of our satellites is detecting a change in the planet. what the fuck is that"
ice at the pole, gone. structures, gone. heightmaps, going crazy.
they fly planes out into the unknown, with powerful cameras in the noses
one gets attacked by the dragon. then another. then another. only one ends up being able to record what it's guarding before it too gets destroyed
satellite report. it's expanding.
they see what's out there and think the camera might have malfunctioned. they hope the camera malfunctioned. it didn't.
the endless expanse of confusion, that which the dragon and the endermen are bringing upon this overworld
it looks like something out of a nightmare. a massive fault in the land that encircles the entire planet, the far lands are slowly closing in on what's left standing.
is the dragon's tail supposed to be that long?
strange machines line the top of the far lands, made with redstone, copper, netherite, end rods and beacons
someone gets a flashback of killing the dragon. there was something watching them in one of the towers. they left without the egg
eventually the world's armies gather together to take down the dragon. what they find may look like a dragon but it does not move like one
they realize no one has ever seen the end of the dragon's tail, it goes all the way into the far lands
the dragon is eviscerating the armies, this is the world's last stand and it's falling quickly
that is not a dragon
a group of adventurers (detectives? soldiers?) find their way into the far lands, but now the dragon always knows where they are
they can never rest or slow down here. they sleep on flying machines in small tunnels as the monster tries to follow them
eventually they make it to the place it started spreading from. there is a massive alien palace with a design that makes it look like its blueprints were generated with one of the first ever AI art models (before everyone started hating them, think this[blank]doesnotexist websites)
the dragon's tail leads inside
one of the adventurers severs the dragon's tail from the palace. back at a city where the dragon is it starts disintegrating from the tail. sure it's dying but that could take a while so the battle's not over yet
back to the palace. there's a gargantuan creature that really can't be accurately described
it lost its planet and needed a new one with landscape fit for it so it decided to replace the world with far lands (its native home)
classic story where an eldritch monstrosity gets defeated by a group of like 4 people /hj
oh yeah and
Don't Put Piglins In The Fucking Overworld
maybe a few in some nether hazmat suits but any that aren't or didn't put them on properly WILL ZOMBIFY !!!!
end poem is like. religious texts or something idk I never read it
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misslovasstuff · 1 year
[Dazai x reader one shot}
“All this is here for you. “
observant. that’s how dazai was. he observed you, marking small details about you.
In his eyes, there was entertainment whenever you stumbled upon your words, but when it came to something you were truly passionate about, the eloquence and delicacy of your speech always amused him.
The subtle yet elegant detail he noticed, was how you always matched your socks with your top. He was also keen on asking why you keep always the same jewels, like the ones in your ear and neck, he’s never seen you change them.
Your hair are usually down, however, when you decide to braid or put them in a ponytail, Dazai tends to always look at you for a title longer. He absorbs well your eyes who are more evident that ever, your pink cheeks and the tempting exposure of the skin of your neck.
He’s a man, nonetheless. Of course Dazai has his eyes on many places, but his heart is so after hearing you call him. He’s so after having you close, having you protected and loved. This man would be ruthless to anything or anyone who would even think of harming you. A weak spot, a delicate place, tats what you have become to him and more.
“Dazai, shall we go?”- you grab his arm, leaning him to start walking in a nearby field which lead to the riverside.
He looks down at his hand intertwined with yours and smiles. Dazai tightens the grip around it, which doesn’t go unnoticed by you.
“Are you afraid of sliding or something? - you chuckle. - Don’t worry, you’re safe.”
If only he had such fear, but what he was scared of was much more dangerous than you thought.
“Oh, I’m certain you are going to catch me if I fall, my lady. - he teases, leaning closer. - Such a hero.”
“On a second thought, - you stop your pace, not letting go of Dazai’s hands. - since you said so….”
Dazai’s eyes widen as you lean in, staring at his lips, pulling him closer.
“Last one to reach the riverside is a rotten egg!”- you shout at a distance after pushing Dazai off his balance.
“Hey hey, not fair!” - he shouts back but tries to catch up with you, and he does so very quickly. - Come here, you!”
He grabs you from behind by your waist, twirling you around with his lips lending multiple kisses in your neck.
"Stop, you’re tickling me!”- you say, having a huge smile on your face. But you couldn’t help but be the observant one right now.
It felt safe in his arms. The brief touch of hip lips on your skin made you see stars, asteroids that had come to crush every fear and doubt of yours. His scent made you dizzy, dizzy of love. After all of this, one look into those darned eyes and you’re gone, perished, transformed into something that would end the world if those eyes were ever to shed a single tear. A weakness of yours, his smile. That powerful radiating force that enlightened the darkest caves of your soul. To you, Dazai was the epitome of a redound love that was lost, and that you had feared of never finding it again. But there he was, so loved and so in love.
“I guess you’re an rotten egg.”- he says, pinching your cheek.
“What? I was here first!”- you disagree, but then hide your face in his chest when you come across his “oh no you did not say that” face
“You’re seeing yourself right now? You’re in my arms, I’m holding you like you’re my bride. So the efforts are all mine thus, I’m victorious.” - Dazai states pridefully, flashing his eyebrows at you.
“Alright alright, what did you win?” - you roll your eyes with a smile, moving some hair strands from his eyes. Big mistake.
“You made the bet, so you tell me.” - those eyes are a trap, they lure you in like nothing else. He speaks so softly and gently to you, but this time he was looking so eagerly for something only you could give to him.
“Dazai… - you whisper before leaning in for a long kiss which deteriorated to a full make out session there in the fields of the river bank, in a Sunday afternoon when the sun was beginning to set.
“My, I can’t recognise myself when I’m with you. - he says, drowning his face on your neck. - What are you doing to me?”
His hot breath against your skin only tightened the grip you had on his body, back, hair, everywhere your hand could reach you were taking all in.
“I’m rewarding you. Such a good man, making me feel so good.”- you reply, leaving Dazai completely speechless.
“Change of question; Do you know what you are getting yourself into tonight?”- he asks, hovering over you, adoring the sight of a very heated, needy and loveable woman.
“I know what’s going into me tonight, yes. Now do me good, would you?”- you say, cupping his cheek then his neck, pulling him into another kiss, much longer, deeper and sloppy.
Between breaths, you can hear Dazai whisper: “I’ll do you so good, you deserve it all, baby.”
He starts unbuttoning your shirt, hands travelling and grabbing places that you were not accustomed to, thus it was hard to control any noise coming from your mouth. But, there was no need for control tonight, both of you had been waiting for such thing to happen for a while now.
The sun sets and the moon rises, lightning and enhancing Dazai’s silhouette on top of you. Truthfully speaking, you couldn’t get enough of this man.
The night is long for you two, very exciting of course, and yet so far from becoming a memory, cause many nights like this will follow shortly, and very often. It is no wonder: it’s good that you have found and accepted each other. A blessing even, to be loved, respected but most of all, understood.
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convexicalcrow · 4 months
Everything Beef just said vanished from her mind as she looked at the TCG card he'd just handed her. It was-
"M-you knew about her?" False said quietly. "I didn't tell anyone about her."
"I heard tales about her, and well, what other alter ego would you have wanted?" Beef said.
"Well, see, she's n- I mean, she is me, but she's- we're sisters, that's all," False said, trying to decide how much of the story to tell.
"Oh, I see. Still, who else would I have picked? I felt she deserved to be here, given what happened with the Rift," Beef said.
"No, no, I see that, I see why you picked her. I just- how did you know? You weren't there, right? You never met her," False said.
"Are you so sure about that?" Beef said.
His words sent a shiver down her spine. Suddenly the- well. Perhaps a lot of things started making sense.
"I-I gotta go, sorry, I'll - thanks for the cards, hey? I'll see you round," False said, tucking the cards into her pocket before flying off.
She didn't stop until she was a thousand blocks away. She buried herself into the side of a hill, set down a torch, and took out her card again. She-
She thought back to Demise. Thought about how the season started with death. Of joint caving adventures, of Demise turning the early game into a death game, how she somehow triumphed over everyone else and won, securing her joker permit that she hadn't used yet.
It's not that the energy felt weird this season, it's more- She was sure she'd left behind all of that stuff. All of her. Trapped in that world on her own, unable to get out. To find her again. Except.
Perhaps she'd seen some signs. Maybe she'd heard whispering about murder, maybe her dreams had been awful lately. Maybe- maybe it wasn't just because the rivers were haunted. Maybe she'd found her.
False avoided her base for days, thrown right back into the paranoia that engulfed her during Demise. She saw threats everywhere. Even Gem had noticed how jumpy she was whenever she stopped by her base. But that was the thing, she couldn't stay still, but she couldn't return. Who knew what she was seeing over there? What if she had a base there that False hadn't found yet. Maybe she was hiding out, preparing to take her revenge for trapping her in an empty world, for rejecting her so harshly and wiping her meories that she still found it hard to accept she'd done that.
But she'd had to! She was too dangerous! She'd kill all the other Hermits if she was left in contact with them.
"Are you so sure about that?"
Beef's words haunted her. She buried her head in her arms and hoped this nightmare would end.
She saw something moving at her base when she finally needed to return. Something under the big base, a shadowy figuer walking around between the pillars. False didn't dare approach. She busied herself with restocking her food and rockets, hoping to be out before she noticed.
False's problem was she was too anxious about the wrong thing. So as she shoved some golden carrots into her bag, she froze as she heard a door open behind her, and looked to see who had come in.
"Yep, I knew you'd come back eventually, you coward," her sister said. She drew her sword and walked towards her. "No chance of escaping me now."
False backed up. "No, no, look, I'm sorry, I-"
False sat on the bank of the river going by her house, washing her sword in the water. It was turning red and the salmon swiming there fled, leaving the water emty and barren. The rivers slooshed in her briefcase. She felt-
She didnt know how to feel, not really. Too many things at once, as might be expected when you come face to face witn your sister. Her memory's a bit off. It all felt like such a blur. The shouting, the running, the killing, the-
False concentrated on washing the sword, staring anywhere than at her own reflection. They reallly had looked so very alike, no wonder people got them confused. Not anymore, though. There was only one sister, only one False. No one would ever know the awful truth, or they'd kick her out as quick as they'd invited her. She sighed. The moon was bright tonight, reflecting on the water.
"The sky looks different tonight. I wonder why."
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the-final-sif · 11 months
Baby c!Dream has made a friend! This is great!
He has unlocked: less loneliness! New social skill tree! Ally for dangerous missions! Interesting new snacks!
All of these are very exciting new things, and Dream and Sapnap quickly form a routine, they'll often meet up in the mornings, then they'll run off to find some place to go exploring.
The biggest problem is that unlikely Dream, Sapnap has a much more restrictive guardian. Said guardian was already quite upset that Sapnap ran off to a cave without telling him and wasn't too happy with him running off with an unnamed strange.
This meant that Sapnap had to go home every single night, unlike Dream who could stay out as long as he wanted. He did try to get back to the treehouse to meet XD once a week, but it wasn't really an issue if he couldn't. XD would always find him.
XD never got mad at him for wandering either, he was actually quite proud of little Dream for branching out and working on exploring.
Now, he wasn't happy the first time he found out Dream got hurt (it'd only been a handful of scraps from a recent fall, but the god had found himself unused to how humans bleed. He'd forgotten how fragile they are), but XD calmed himself down and just provided a number of handy potions and medical supplies so Dream could keep himself patched up.
So Dream and Sapnap would have to make sure that Sapnap was home on time, and particularly down in the caves, neither of them was great at keeping track of time.
This lead to Sapnap getting in trouble and not being allowed out for several days. And more importantly, the more it happened, the more Sapnap reported that his guardian wasn't happy to let him wander off with some stranger.
Sapnap had offered several times to bring Dream to meet his guardian, but Dream found himself wary. Sapnap was one thing, he was another child. Dream was even taller than him! So if anything went wrong, clearly Dream could handle it.
From what Sapnap said, Dream was not taller than Sapnap's guardian. He wasn't sure if he could take the man in a fight. So if something went wrong...
XD has also told him to be very careful about talking to other humans. He hadn't said that Dream COULDN'T, but he had said to be careful. What if Bad knew about magic? What if he asked a lot of questions? What if he was loud and got angry?
There were too many unknowns. Far too many for comfort.
So Dream made up excuses and put off meeting Sapnap's guardian for as long as he could.
In the end, he didn't really have a say in it.
See, one of the many things that Dream had learned was that Sapnap was a blaze hybrid. Apparently, it was a creature from the nether, which wasn't where they were now.
Blaze hybrids like Sapnap didn't like water very much. Sapnap could take baths and get wet, but he really didn't like it unless the water was warm. Cold water was bad. It could kill him.
Dream had learned that well over a month ago, but he hadn't paid it much mind until now. Until the ground had given out from underneath the two of them
For a moment, Dream was terrified of the fall. It was only for a moment though, because it turned out it wasn't that far, he just barely had time to grab a breath before his body hit the water.
It was Cold. Bone piercingly cold. Colder than any underground river Dream had been in before.
It was also a river, the current wasn't too strong, but Dream still had to fight to surface once he managed to get his brain back online. The cold sucked, but he managed to shove it to the back of his mind. Dream was good with cold. He could handle this.
Swimming was a bit harder, XD had taught him the basics, but he wasn't as good as Sap-
Oh no.
Dream frantically searched the surface he could see, trying to find his friend.
It was hard in the dark. Ever since the mask he couldn't see as well in the low light. Despite this, he managed to make out what looked like a shape drifting down river.
It wasn't moving.
Without thinking, Dream angled himself and paddled until he managed to reach the shape, kicking his feet to stay afloat as he desperately tried to maneuver the body of his friend upright.
The cold was numbing his hands, but he managed to get Sapnap flipped over so the other's head was up. Dream couldn't tell if he was breathing. He didn't know how to.
What he did know was he needed to get Sapnap out of this river now.
The two of them were drifting down stream, Dream wasn't sure where exactly it lead, but he could see a faint light a ways down and it was the closet thing he had to a direction.
Holding onto Sapnap, he kicked his feet and swam with the current until he was able to see where the light was coming from.
It was an opening above the river, there was a bit of a bank. Not much of one, but enough that Dream was pretty sure he could scrabble up it.
Getting up it with Sapnap would be harder, but Dream needed to. There wasn't another option.
As they came up on the bank, Dream gathered his strength and used one hand to pull himself out of the river and onto the shore.
He was almost pulled right back in as he tried to hold onto Sapnap, but with a tremendous amount of effort he managed to hold on and pull Sapnap up out of the water.
There wasn't enough space to lay Sapnap out or check on him here. So Dream was forced to suppress his shivering, pull Sapnap onto his back and slowly start up the steep bank towards the opening. He used one hand to keep his friend stable and the other to half crawl, half climb up.
As he climbed, he was acutely aware of the fact he couldn't feel any breathing from the figure on his back.
Although in fairness he also couldn't feel his hands anymore and those were bleeding.
It took ages, but he managed to crest the edge of the cave and pull them both out into the crisp autumn air. As soon as he was out, he fell to the ground. Taking deep breaths in as shakes wracked his body.
He needed to get up. Sapnap needed him.
Summoning what will he had left, Dream opened his inventory and pulled out a few of the potions that XD had given him.
Regen was best for anything that wasn't a gash. XD had even given him strength just in case.
Dream got two of the regen potions, one regular and one topical. Sapnap very clearly couldn't drink the potion so it'd need to do.
Breaking the topical potion's bottle, Dream spread it over his friend's face and neck like he'd been taught. The magic pulsed and fizzled, and for a moment Dream was scared it wouldn't take-
But it did. It glowed a bright pink and then absorbed into his skin.
That meant he was still alive. Okay.
Once that was done, Dream quickly chugged the second regen potion and followed it up with the strength.
The regen stopped the blood and while it didn't erase the cold, it did ease the numbness. The strength tore into the exhaustion eating at him and gave him enough strength to push himself to his feet and pick Sapnap back up.
The regen might've saved Sapnap for now, but he wasn't waking up. He needed to get warm again.
They were close to the entrance of the cave, which wasn't too far from Sapnap's nest. Dream could get him there. He had to.
The journey was a slog, even with the potions boosting him, Sapnap was heavy and Dream was tired and cold.
But he did it!!
Dream managed to get to the edge of the clearing where he and Sapnap usually parted, and after a moment. he pushed towards where Sapnap usually went. Down a little trail, he saw a house.
Relief hit him instantly, and then he saw a figure in the window.
The figure- a man? A demon? (He looked like one from Dream's books, but Dream couldn't be sure), saw him and-
Oh. They were coming outside. They looked upset.
XD had given Dream an invisibility potion, and if his fingers weren't numb and tired, Dream would've probably tried to use it in order to escape. But he couldn't.
The demon was out the door and rushing over and talking and it was way too much. All Dream could do was brace himself and hope that he would at least make sure that Sapnap was okay before he got angry.
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xxkitty13 · 9 months
The Serpent's Den
Buggy x Fem Reader
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Will you take a bite?
Birds sing during the pouring of the rain. The weather is hot and humid. Sticky to the human skin, perfect for those with scales. The vegetation is plentiful, the rain showers provide a lush landscape, green expands to the horizon.
The trees are the holy land to the habitants, offering food and shelter. The streams below are dangerous. Even to the alligators, the waters are not safe.
In the dark cave that the river ends to, a scaly beast lies dormant. The animals avoid the area despite the pleasant scenery.
He has been stalking a particular prey, following their every move. The victim happens to a human. A woman to be specific.
The woman’s beauty caught the eye of the snake. Enchanting him with her soft laugher and smile. He’s only seen her from afar at the outskirts of the large river. He watches over her, eliminating any predators who dare take his prey.
He tried luring her with different baits, but all failed. The villagers know not to cross the rocky parts of the river. In that section of the jungle, a fearsome predator resides. Nothing is known of it. No one has survived to tell the tale. For once, that bothered him. The reputation he upholds prevents the woman to travel any further. Wise choice indeed.
Even so, he waits patiently. A true predator takes their time.
The snake sleeps in the shallow parts of the cave. The waterfall that empties over the large opening, soothes his sleep, the crashing sound tunes off the voices of the jungle. But a distant laughter awoke him.
It’s the woman.
He jolted from the water. This is closest she’s been to his hideout. A devious smile plasters on his face, it’s time to make a move.
“Come,” a voice hisses.
Y/n stopped her tracks. She’s down the river looking a medicinal herb, risking going deeper in the beast’s territory. The words continue.
“Come closer.”
The voice lured her. She knows not to cross behind the large rocks, but curiosity won the battle. Who is calling out to her?
She is careful to not slip on the wet rocks as she holds down her thin long dress. Each step takes her through larger rocks and an opening comes across her at the edge of where the river spills. The large bush shakes next to a boulder. She goes to see what caused the movement and is met with a descend to the bottom.
The rugged stairs are old, the steps are made of the tree roots that line with the slope. As she heads down, she comes across a beautiful sight.
The waterfall ends at a plunge pool. The body of water houses varies plant species. Ones she’s never seen before.
Y/n eyes set to the apple tree. The fruit of the tree is absolutely beautiful. The bright red glistens from the small of the sunlight that spreads down the jungle floor.
"Take a bite, don't be shy," someone whispered.
Following its orders, she walks to the tree. A large apple hangs from a branch, almost teasing her. She reaches for the fruit, twisting off the slim twig. The red apple barely fits on the palms of her hands. It’s heavy and juicy. Her lips barely touch the skin, the smooth leathery texture soothes her with the cold touch.
“Go ahead.”
She suddenly stops her trance. Sweat forms, dripping down her forehead. “What am I doing?” Her body is stricken with an unknown fear. Adrenaline pumps through her blood vessels, something is wrong.
The apple she holds in her hands is no longer appealing. She drops it. In a panic, she looks around. Her heart racing. There’s an unprecedented danger nearby, she knows it.
“Eat the fruit.”
“No! W-who are you?!” she shouts.
No answer.
“Why do want me to eat the apple?”
A long tail slithers through the plants.
“I’m surprised. No human has been able to resist my commands.”
Coming from the side of the apple tree, a set of pierce yellow eyes lock with hers.
“Why couldn’t you be like the rest,” he hissed.
All of the sudden, he lunges at her and uses his muscular tail to constrict around the woman’s body. Her lungs slowly crush in at the tightness.
“Just eat the fucking apple!” He grits, forcing the apple over her mouth.
With all of her might, she managed to free an arm and slap the man right across his face, knocking the apple in the process.
“You bitch!” he hissed with anger. His scaly tail tightens its grip, trying to stop the air flow in her lungs.
“P-please. . .stop,” she cries. The constriction is inevitable. She hitches at the overwhelming grip the tail has over her body. Her breathing is labored and heavy. A tight feeling on her chest becomes insufferable. Her world fades to darkness as she drew her last breath.
“Sleep.” Is the last thing she heard.
A sharp pain strikes her head. Y/n groans as her eyes fluttered opened. Her vision is foggy as a stinging sensation throbs against her temples. She adjusts her eyes to the darkness around her. The cold wet rock sent shivers down her spine. The obnoxious dripping wound from the roof drove her insane.
“I see that you’re awake.”
Y/n turns her head to take a look at the owner of the voice. The reveal is shocking. Emerging from the deeper end of the cave, a mythical creature presents itself. A half human and half snake man.
She does not know where to begin to describe the creature. His long luscious blue hair is wild and messy. The locs that cover his face and transcend down his torso. He wears nothing, but his bare hairy chest, every muscle defined and abdomen with tone abs. Thick hair trails down to his groin and ends at his waistline. His muscular snake tail makes up the bottom portion of his body. The vibrant blue scales shimmer from the light emitting from the other side of the waterfall. The color blends to the white under belly of the tail. The appendage is long and clearly strong.
He is beautiful and frightening.
The snake man pushes his hair out of his face, finally revealing himself completely. The first thing she notices is the large red nose. It is round and bright, taking the space of his face. But behind the unique nose lies a handsome man. His yellow eyes are fierce and are paired with long lashes. Stubble fills his sharp jawline, finishing off the manly features he holds. Everything about him is alluring and threatening.
The mere gaze of the man makes her body tremble. She scoots back, her hands almost slipping off the edge and into the pool of water behind her. Looking back, the waterfall goes over the opening of the cave. She’s not a good swimmer, escaping would not be easy.
“Don’t move and I won’t hurt you,” he says, a lisp present in his voice.
“Y-you already did,” she barely whispers out.
The snake man only smirks. “If you would have taken a bite from that apple, you wouldn’t be hurt in the first place.”
The man slithers closer, the movement of his lower half amazed her. Each muscle of the tail worked together to provide locomotion. He circles around her, almost dipping into the pool behind her. Although the maintained his distance, his cold tail slides against her bare legs.
“Are you going to kill me?”
The woman’s eyes are big and shiny, glazed with tears from fright. The snake man chuckles in return, it’s evident that he is amused. The tip of his tail trails higher up her leg, going between her inner thighs. He lifts up the dress, exposing what lies underneath. She quickly puts down her dress, taken aback at the action. He continues to chuckle, his deep voice sending goosebumps over her skin.
“Will I kill you?”— he pauses— “No, no. . . I would have done that earlier.” The tip of the tail slithers out of her dress, slightly passing by her sex. The motion caused her to hitch.
She gulps. Before she passed out, he was constricting her, it would have been easy prey.
“I was hoping you would consume a piece of the fruit. It would have been painless and less risky. You’re lucky I know my strength.”
“What do you want from me, if you’re not going to eat me?”
The man stared at her with his intimidating glowing eyes, his tongue protrudes out and back in his mouth. The soft organ is a combination of human and snake-like, with the tip of it split in two. A cunning grin appears on his face, revealing his sharp curved canines.
“I want to eat you in another way.”
He slithers closer to her and wraps his tail around her right inner thigh.
“In another way?” Her eyebrows furrowed. “What do you mean by that?”
“I want to make you mine, will you let me. . . pretty woman?” He smirks, hinting about her name.
A light bulb lits in her head as her face turns bright red. The tail coils up higher, the scaly tip dangerously close to the edge of her panties.
“I-it’s y/n. . .”
“Buggy,” he responds back.
Y/n admits that Buggy is hot and exotic. She feels her sex begin to throb as the cold tail trails higher to it. Her stomach begins to feel light and tight. This would be so taboo.
The snake man cannot help, but take a whiff of her arousal. It excites him. “I’d say you’re aboard with it.”
She hides her face with her hands. It’s questionable, but it intrigued her. Making love with a snake will be a new experience. However, a possibility of venom scared her.
“Will it be safe?” she points at his fangs.
He touched one of his fangs with his thumb. “I’m not the venomous kind. I’m a constrictor species.” His tail tightens against her leg.
Y/n exhales out in relief. Buggy laughs at her worries.
“Well then, are you ready love?”
He lets go of his grip of the leg and uses it to softly push her down. Y/n uses her arms for support, feeling her back lay on the hard cold rock below.
“It’s cold and hard. . .”
Buggy tilts his head. He’s used to the hard surface, but the human is not. An idea pops in his head and looks at the pool of water. He dips in the water and nudges her to get in. She looks at him puzzled.
“We’re doing it in there?”
“You can just dip your legs inside if you want. The temperature is warm.”
She hesitates, but scoots to the edge. Lifting the hem of the dress, she adds her lower legs into the clear water. The warmth is pleasant and soothing, eliminating the presence of the cold rock.
Buggy slithers in front of her legs, letting his face and arms rest on her thighs. His tongue protrudes out, showing his long-slit muscle. He winks at her, making her blush hard.
The snake man proceeds to lift the dress, exposing her undergarments. He pulls down the trim of the panties and guided them down her legs, she lifts them up, helping the removal. The cold air hits her lower region, her bare bottom on the cool rock. He balls the fabric in his hand and throws it away from the water.
He rubs his coarse hands over her thighs, making their way up. Her core tightens at the touch. His hands part her legs open and an extravagant view appears before him. The eye contact does not break between the two. His thumbs spread the delicate folds apart and a long lick from her hole to the clit brought delight to the woman.
The tongue is surprisingly cold, snakes are cold-blooded, but she did not take it to consideration. The cool sensation against her hot pussy is a nice combination. Buggy fangs carefully slide against her skin, making sure the sharp tips do not cut the thin tissue. He begins to suck on the wet hole and inserts his tongue in the entrance. The taste is addicting and wants nothing more than to have her juices squirt all over his mouth.
She lets out a soft moan, biting her lips at the tongue work. He fucks her with his long appendage, swirling around her warm insides. His tongue slips out and trades it with his index finger. It is more solid and rugged, nothing she can’t handle. The slits run across her needy bud, each side sliding around it.
“Oh, t-that feels-” y/n moans out.
Another digit slides inside of her, stretching her out. His fingers work magic, moving at a fast, but gentle pace. The other hand holds her folds apart as he uses his thumb to play with her clit, devouring her with his skilled tongue.
“Mmm, more-” She throws her head back, enjoying the man’s devotion to please her.
She grabs his head, pulling on the long hair for support. Buggy proceeds to hum against her pussy, providing a blissful sensation. He adds a third finger to her hole, fingering her just right. The woman’s moans are music to his ears. His tongue continues to flick her throbbing clit, making sure no area goes untouched. She feels her own sex become hot and beating with blood.
The buildup of pleasure becomes unbearable. Her legs shake at the overwhelming touch of his slick tongue. Her fingers grip tighter on his hair, he does not mind the slight stinging pain. The fingering inside fastens, hitting her hard. He sucks on the little abused bud and gives it no mercy. With everything going on, there was no more holding back for y/n. She screams out her orgasm, letting her juices paint his lovely tongue. Buggy laps all of it in an instant, holding onto her trembling thighs.
The snake man wipes his face and stares at the panting woman. She’s absolutely beautiful in his eyes. He wants to fuck to oblivion because of that. The sounds of the waterfall mix with her heavy breathing, he gives her some time to relax. But he cannot wait any longer.
He emerges out of the water and hovers over her body, using his arms to avoid crushing her.
“Did you like that?”
Y/n opens her eyes and nods, looking into his bright yellow orbs. He nears his face to her ear and licks the earlobe. His tongue trails down her jaw and down her collarbone. He suddenly rips her clothing; the fabric shreds fall beside her. She gasps and Buggy’s mouth attack her hard nipple. He nibbles on it gently and squeezes the other one. The soft tissue feels nice under his grasp.
He stops momentarily and towers over her. His hand slides down his abdomen and over his groin, he taps on it, and something springs out.
The woman’s eyes widen. “H-how is that possible?”
The snake man laughs. “Surprise.” He holds his hard erection with pride. The member is his human skin tone, and the slit is already leaking of precum.
“The fun isn’t over yet love.”
He drags her back to the edge of the pool and uses his tail to level himself over the water. His large cock intimidates the woman, but he assures her that will be okay. He strokes himself and guides the wet tip inside of her. Immediately he is met with the tight warm walls. Everything constricts around his member.
“Fuck,” he groans.
Y/n grits her teeth, it feels like she’s been ripped to shreds. Buggy notices her pain and slowly brings her to the pool of water. He holds her up against his toned arms and allows her insides to slowly take him in.
“It’s okay,” he murmurs, kissing the side of her neck. He latches on her soft skin and leaves love bites. His fangs dig down her skin, it is quick. Before she could react to the pain, he was completely inside of her.
“Hold on tight babe.”
His cock slides out of the tight hole and thrusts back in. The penetration is slow and gentle. Y/n’s head lay on his broad shoulder as he rips her apart. The girth of his hard erection is enough to make her claw his back. The snake man picks up the pace, loving the warmth that surrounds him.
“Y-you take me in so nice,” he grunts.
Buggy cannot hold back any longer, the claps are hard enough to move the water around them. The extra “lube” allows smooth back and forth motions. His tail wraps around her body and uses it for assistance to maintain a comfortable momentum.
Y/n eases her body, trying to take in his blood rushed cock. She continues to claw on his back, fighting the burning sensation that occurs inside.
The thrusting picks up as Buggy hits her g-spot. A wave of pleasure spreads through her body. She gives into the harsh fucking. Screams of pleasure fill the cave, echoing loudly. He too moans out, getting lost in the immense pleasure.
The heat over his throbbing cock drives him insane. With each thrust, her sex swallows him and clenches around his sensitive tip. He bites her shoulder, tasting the blood drip on his tongue. She only moans, concentrating on the beating against her pussy.
His tail works up to her neck and tightens around it. He squeezed gently, cutting off a bit of her air flow. Her hands grip his tail, but she grins and reaches for a kiss.
The kiss is sloppy, but passionate. He inserts his tongue into the wet cavern. The two twirl their tongues against each other, but Buggy clearly dominates. She goes to suck on his longer tongue, moaning against it. He grunts and goes to bite her lower lip. She hitches at the bite as he tugs on it gently.
His core becomes tight and continues to attack her sweet lips. Driven by hunger, he plunges harder inside of her. He breaks the kiss and focus on his upcoming orgasm. His tail squeezes her neck, making her gasp at the tight grip. The thrusts are faster and faster, hitting her pussy with insane force.
Buggy moans out as his cum shoots out his slit and into her abused pussy. The grip around her neck loosens as his cock pulsates inside of her. Ecstasy washes over his body and the little energy he has left is used to bring the woman back to the edge. She lays on the cold rock once again and Buggy lays his head over her thighs.
The two pant at the hot session.
The snake man climbs out of the pool and scoops the woman off the floor. Her bare body provides him with warmth, he closes in the embrace. He slithers further in the cave and sits her down on his nest.
“Don’t worry, I’ll guide you back home after you rest.”
She lifts her head up. “Will we see each other again?”
A smile plasters on his face. “You’re mine."
Y/n blushes at the comment. She twirls her hair with her fingers. Buggy slithers next to her and wraps her body with his large tail. He brings her in closer and both lay on the soft material that made his nest.
“Keep us a secret. I don’t want to have to kill your kind,” he snickers.
“O-oh, I understand,” she chuckles nervously.
The snake man lets out a laugh and pecks her forehead. He will certainly kill those who will prevent their new love, but for now he wants to focus on the woman in his arms. She rests her eyes, fully trusting him, and drifts to sleep. He stays awake, guarding the cave they reside in. He will keep his new mate safe.
A/N: I hope the apple part was clear to everyone😅
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