#hurricane bianca au
porcelainvino · 8 months
partie movie aus except it gets increasingly more and more obscure but also more and more campy:
> scott pilgrim vs the world (ramona!puck, scott!artie)
> osmosis jones (osmosis jones!puck, drix!artie)
> hurricane bianca: from russia with hate (bianca!puck, katya!artie)
> better man 绝望主夫 (hu tienan!puck, …artie as one of his friends IDK THIS AU IS MAINLY JUST A PUCK, QUINN, AND KURT PLOTLINE (xu weiwei!quinn and concierge!kurt) BUT IT ENDS WITH PARTIE I SWEAR)
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artificialqueens · 1 year
🏳️‍🌈 Hurricane Bianca : More Family, More Problems, Chapter 3 - BiancaDelRioIsTheBest 
A/N : TW for home invasion
After the school day ended Richard picked Demitri up from the middle school and told him about all the information they needed before they could actually acquire a foster kid. "Ебена мать!". Demitri whispered. "This is going to be more difficult than expected". Richard stated. "Do not worry, we will get all of this done and soon new child will be safe in home we own". Demitri stated cheerfully.
Meanwhile when Carly showed up at her house she noticed the door was cracked open slightly, that door was locked when she left, meaning someone had possibly been in her house. She went inside and looked around her house to make sure no one was hiding anywhere. There was nothing broken or missing so it wasn't a theft. She never found anyone yet her mom was hiding in the backyard of the house. Carly went to her room, packed a suit case, and left the house, she didn't feel safe staying there with the possible of someone being able to get into her house.
When Richard got the call from Carly that someone had broken into her house he was immediately concerned. "Really, well are you ok". He asked. "Yeah, it happened when I was at the school". Carly explained. "Well, where are you now". Richard then asked. "I'm on my way to Karma's right now". Carly responded. "Do you have any idea of who could've broken in, I mean there's not many people who live near you". Richard tried to rationalize. "Well, I dont really know anyone who would feel the need to break in, anyway, I'm getting close to Karma's house, I'll call you back". Carly ended the call.
Anyway the next day when Richard went to the school he got the chance to talk to Carly. "I just can't feel safe in that house knowing someone was able to get into it so easily". Carly explained. "Well how did they break in, did they go through the window or something". Richard asked. "No, there was no broken glass or anything, I'm gonna have to call the cops in order to find out how the person got in". Carly answered. "Well, if nothing was stolen, then maybe you have nothing to worry about". Richard said trying to lighten up the situation. "Hopefully so, I just hope this ends quickly". Carly said.
Meanwhile in Demitri's class it was very clear Olympia was not in a happy mood. He had heard from other teachers that she had been very irritable during the rest of her classes and his class was no different. The students seemed to steer clear of her as she seemed ready to snap at anyone who said as much as hello to her. She even snap at him at one point. When she handed him her one of her class papers it seemed partially unfinished so he questioned it. "Are you sure you want to turn in like this?". He asked. "Yes, that's why I handed it to you". She snapped. "Alright, I was just making sure". Demitri responded.
Meanwhile after that day the police came to Carly's house everything remained relatively quiet, as Deborah had skipped to the local hotel. The police couldn't find any evidence of an actual break in, so they told her to move on from the issue. And Richard and Mitya were getting everything ready for for the new foster kid. Then Deborah had to rework her plan. Things were relatively calm. Until 3 months later when everything went to absolute shit.
Pride Challenge Points: 2881
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faresramettas · 5 years
marti/nico fic rec
i compiled a list of my favorite marti/nico fics. i encourage you all to read them and most importantly leave comments if you haven’t already. nothing beats the feeling of getting a new comment on a fic, i guarantee. i only included fics published on ao3, both in english and italian. the rec will be updated over time.
status: complete
come out. you’re hiding. by Fxckxxp, long fic, au
summary: “Basically, it’s the story of this guy who finds himself being the last man on earth for no apparent reason. But then of course he finds out he’s not the only one. Because there’s also another boy there. You’ll see.”
everything stays by Fxckxxp, nc-17
summary: Marti and Nico talk about a few firsts and then make one together.
the muscle memory it must take to stay close to me by Fxckxxp, nc-17, au
summary: In a different universe that’s been far less kind, Marti and Nico have sex for the first time in a long time after Nico’s accident.
i can’t stress this enough: you have to read everything by sarah. she is my favorite writer in the fandom. i only listed my very favorite top three but please, check them all out and leave lovely comments!
Mezzo Forte by silver_etoile, long fic, au
summary: Martino's friends are pretty sure he won't stick with learning piano, but Martino is determined to prove them wrong. It doesn't hurt that his new piano teacher is absolutely gorgeous, and nice, and funny. Oh, and completely straight. 
Martino knows falling for a straight guy is bad news, but his heart just doesn't seem to listen.
focal point by GiuliaMed, long fic, au
summary: Finding new friends was Niccolò's priority after changing schools, but somewhere along the line, one of the four boys he meets becomes more important.
as long as you’re with me by GiuliaMed
summary: On the last day of school Nico gets three kisses.
Scars by ginnyred
summary: “How did you get this?” 
Marti's fingers trace the scar on Nico's arm lightly, almost reverently. He's lying on one side in Nico's bed. The curtains are drawn, the light scarce, though enough for Marti to see Nico's lips curl slightly at the question.
Underwater by ginnyred
summary: Marti has always been a jealous person. It's something he's aware of – how could he not? The stupidest things he's ever done in his life he did because he was jealous.
It's a bit of a surprise, then, to discover he doesn't mind this.
the topography of thin skin by kedda
summary: How can I hold on to this?
let me face hurricanes by ladyballs_and_manboobs
summary: Martino's courage is tested.
What Benni Said by secondsofhappiness
summary: Filler Post-La Grotta. Marti reflects a little on that night from his bed in the very early morning.
Last Men on Earth by skamsnake, nc-17
summary: Niccolò really really likes Martino’s freckles. Smut ensues.
Sotto le coperte by ocadktda
summary: Marti and Nico head home on the night of Halloween. Post-pool first kiss. At Nico's again.
Forget the World Outside by givemesumaurgravy
summary: “Stay with me,” Niccolò says, and it’s not so much a question as a request, one that Martino could never deny him. Martino would stay forever if Niccolò let him.
Or, what happens after the pool kiss scene.
Open-Ended by colazitron, nc-17
summary: Marti comes over to spend finally spend those three days in Niccolò's bed that he promised.
pda (private displays of affection) by lamourestout
summary: s3 ep2 missing scene, aka making out in edoardo incanti's guest bedroom because they're very in love with each other.
Rainbow Showers by Princess_sized, nc-17
summary: The color fight on the last day of school was fun — but the clean up is even more so.
tell me what you need by crucios, long fic, nc-17
summary: There's something a little off-kilter tonight that Marti can't pinpoint. Nico's smile doesn't quite reach his eyes and there's a strained and anxious sort of energy thrumming through him. Like it's just under the surface of his skin but hasn't quite broken through.
status: ongoing
Nico the fitness trainer AU by ladyballs_and_manboobs
summary: Martino has to take pilates class with the girls after losing a bet to Elia. It doesn't turn out as bad as he feared.
also known as pilates to lovers and the great slowburn fic
Domenica by bluejeanswhiteshirt 
summary: A volte le domeniche d’inverno erano le più semplici. Altre volte, invece, sembravano insormontabili.
Quella domenica Niccolò era disteso sul suo fianco sinistro da tre ore o più, ostinato a non voltarsi mai. Le lenzuola erano state tirate tutte dalla sua parte, creando un ammasso indistinto di tessuto ed essere umano.
Venerdì by bluejeanswhiteshirt
summary: Quegli ultimi pomeriggi di maggio, però, si erano rivelati una vera e propria tortura. I due si erano visti costretti a studiare separatamente, dato che tutte le volte che avevano provato a farlo insieme si erano poi misteriosamente ritrovati distesi su di un letto, senza nemmeno sapere bene come. Ma il pensiero di Martino continuava a scivolare verso Niccolò senza che lui potesse fermarlo e sapeva - anche grazie ad alcuni messaggi a dir poco audaci che aveva ricevuto - che per l’altro valeva lo stesso.
Mercoledì by bluejeanswhiteshirt
summary: Si tirò leggermente su, appoggiandosi sui gomiti. I muscoli delle spalle e delle braccia si tesero per lo sforzo. I suoi occhi scorsero piano lungo tutta la figura di Martino, per poi cambiare soggetto e tuffarsi nell’azzurro del mare: seguiva attento il moto eterno delle onde e Martino osservò, incantato, il modo in cui il verde delle sue iridi prendeva momentaneamente in prestito i riflessi turchini dell’acqua.
again: you have to read everything by bianca! she’s our contemporary poet
ma se by samarskite
summary: Martino ha imparato, con il tempo, che i “ma se” di Niccolò sono una superficie di ghiaccio sottile. Certe volte sono “ma se” piccoli e innocui, come “ma se tu fossi un supereroe, che potere avresti?”; ci sono giorni in cui, invece, i “ma se” di Niccolò si gonfiano, si ingigantiscono, diventano pesanti come pietre al suo collo ma leggeri abbastanza per prendere il volo, e rischiare di portarlo via. E allora Martino lo deve riacciuffare in tempo, e sgonfiare tutto come meglio può.
per oggi by samarskite
summary: “Grazie”, dice Martino, d’un tratto, colpito dalla realizzazione di non averlo ancora detto ad alta voce. 
”Di che? Di averti devastato il salotto?”, ride Niccolò, scuotendo la testa.
il fascino della faccia da triglia by Klainesflirtyduets
summary: “Se se, dillo che aspettavi da settimane l’occasione di parlarmi” lo prendi in giro bonariamente, ma il modo in cui stringe le labbra per trattenere un sorriso colpevole non ti sfugge, e scoppi in una risata di petto strabiliata. 
“Non ci credo – sei una serpe!” esclami, “M’hai fatto un’imboscata!”
Il mondo è solo un mare di parole by zungenbrecher
summary; Si sorprende a pensare, a meravigliarsi di pensare, a come quella quotidianità l'hanno creata loro, ai weekend passati a studiare insieme e a dormire nello stesso letto, ai tutorial di cucina guardarti mentre Niccolò, seduto accanto ai fornelli, mangia metà degli ingredienti prima che lui possa effettivamente usarli, ai momenti un po' di merda in cui si chiede se ne vale la pena e si risponde sempre di sì.
Sei la certezza in cui ripararmi by maggieemae
summary: “Quanto sei bello” constatò Niccolò, in un sussurro. Martino aprì gli occhi ed era pronto ribattere quanto fosse infame il suo compagno, considerando che probabilmente – oggi – non c’era proprio niente di bello in lui. Solo quando incontrò gli occhi scuri e sinceri di Niccolò si rese conto della profondità di quelle parole.
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deescontinuity · 6 years
pass the happy! 🖤 when you get this, reply with 5 things that make you happy and send this to the last 10 people in your notifications ❤
Je crois que j'en ai un peu besoin en cette veille de rentrée ^^
J'ai regardé avec mes parents la toute fin de How i met your mother, et même si j'ai jamais vu le début j'ai réussi à suivre, et c'était assez émouvant, mes parents avaient jamais terminé, j'ai bien envie un jour de regarder
J'ai revu La cité de la peur, toujours aussi drôle, ce film c'est une pépite
J'ai vu Hurricane Bianca from Russia with hate, c'était drôle, je pense que les deux vont faire partis de mes feelgood movies queer
On a fait une couronne pour la galette des rois car on en avait pas, et on a tous dessiné dessus, c'était sympa
Même si demain je retourne en cours, je commence à 11h30 et fini à 15h30, donc ça passe (et mardi je loupe sport pour aller au pass'age)
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sharonsgf · 7 years
With that last ask... Teachers AU where Alaska's the newest teacher at the school, has the hots for the art teacher, Sharon, and befriends her hoping to get closer to her. They go out drinking one night, have a Hurricane Bianca moment, and wake up naked in Sharon's bed. They determine that they didn't fuck but they make out before realizing that there's school in 30 minutes. Anyways they fall in love and adopt 3 teenagers that they both have taught and adore
ok i love it
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artificialqueens · 1 year
🏳️‍🌈 Hurricane Bianca: More Family, More Problems, Chapter 2 (Bianca x Katya) - BiancaDelRioIsTheBest
Summary : Richard and Demitri decide to go through with fostering a kid and Deborah takes a souvenir with her to milford.
A/N: possible TW for mention of firearms.
The next day Deborah was back in the car and closer to Milford than before, as well as closer to her successfully completing her plan. "We're crossing into milford right now tell me where you need me to stop". The man from the day before stated. After a few more miles Deborah stopped him, just a few miles away from her house. "Thanks for the ride, I appreciate it, you've been a real helper". Deborah said before she hoped out the car and started trotting along the side walk. The man drove off quickly and she opened her purse to look at something she had stashed from the man earlier.
She looked at the handheld gun in her purse and smiled knowing she finally had a way to get rid of Bianca Del Rio for good. It was a good thing she still had a key to her house, she had a feeling Carly was still in the house getting ready for work, so she didn't go in yet. She didn't want anyone to know she was back, not until she was ready to finalize her plan.
Meanwhile Richard and Demitri were getting ready for their separate school day and they finally brought the kid situation. "So do you think we should go through with the foster kid thing". Richard asked. "Maybe, I mean, it would be nice to have child in house". Demitri reasoned. "So we're doing it, I'll call Karma for the number of the agency when I get to the school".Richard stated.
After Deborah had seen Carly's car had left the drive way she unlocked the house door and immediately went to her own room. Nothing was moved, she moved her bags next to a wall and took out her purse. And after applying some lip gloss she inspected her gun again. She was certain this plan wouldn't fall through.
Meanwhile while one of Demitri's 7th grade classes had ended and one of his students, Olympia, had handed in her paper. "Oh Olympia, I noticed your parents weren't at the last parent teacher conference". Demitri stated. "Oh yeah, I don't live with my mom and dad, but I can ask my aunt to talk to you when she gets the chance". Olympia said in her thick southern accent. "That would be great, I've noticed you've had a little trouble concentrating in class these past few days, is everything ok". Demitri asked. "Yeah everything's fine, I have to get to my next class". Olympia said quickly and left. Demitri wondered if something was wrong but didn't stay stuck on the issue.
During a break he had in the school day Richard decided to call that foster care agency. "Hello, this is amazing grace child and family services, how may I help you". A woman with a low pitched southern smoker voice answered. "Um hello, a friend gave me this number, I'm looking to foster a child with my partner and was wondering if you could help me". Richard asked, semi nervously. "Sure thing, I see you already filled and application, you now need a home study to make sure your home is suitable, allow a criminal history background check. As well as attend 35 hours of PRIDE training, and obtaining a CPR and first aid certificate. After those are completed you will be invited to meet with the DFPS to ensure that fostering is perfect for you, you will also have to complete universal precautions training and psychotropic medication training which is not included in PRIDE training.
Richard was struggling to keep up as the woman droned on and on, but he persevered through the rest of the instructions. This was gonna be a lot more painstaking than he thought it would be, but it would be worth it. Hopefully.
Pride Challenge Points: 1832
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artificialqueens · 1 year
You Really Tire Me Out (Bianca x Katya) - BiancaDelRioIsTheBest
Summery: Bianca gets home from a gig exhausted, but when Demitri sees her in that short dress, he wants to exhaust her even more.
"Mitya I'm home". Bianca shouted from the front door. "I am upstairs love". Demitri said. The clacking of heels against the steps indicated she was on her way up and still in drag.
"God I'm exhausted, the show ran late, who ever thought it'd be ok to let one of those busted bitches do a 20 minute britney spears mix needs severe help". Bianca complained as she took off her shoes and tights. She didn't wear a corset so she didn't have to take off her entire outfit to get those off. Bianca was bent over on all fours putting her shoes away giving Demitri a full view of her ass.
Bianca stood up to go untuck. "Ow". She whispered. "If there's one thing I'll absolutely never enjoy, it's taping my dick to myself and having to remove it". Bianca complained earning a chuckle from Demitri.
Bianca starts to climb into bed with Demitri. "Your not going to take off costume and makeup". Demitri asked, he didn't really mind, she looked pretty in her black wig and red lipstick, her costume was also very nice on her, it hugged her hips and waist perfectly, and since the dress was a little short, it showed off her tidy whitey covered behind.
"Nah, as I always say , I woke up like this cause I passed out like this". She joked as Demitri's hand found her waist, damn that hand felt nice against her. "Can you turn around, I want to look at pretty clown face of yours". Demitri asked her. "Oh how original, what do you want love". Bianca asked.
"You are very beautiful". Demitri complimented. "And your sleep deprived". Bianca fired back, smiling. Then she kissed him, soft and sweet. They pulled away. "I love you, mitya". Bianca said. "I love you too". Demitri responded. They kissed again, this one stronger than the last, Bianca's hands in his hair, Demitri's hands on her hips. Bianca felt his grab her ass and she gasped. "Oh mitya". She said. "Tell me how you want me sweetheart". Bianca instructed.
Demitri blushed, then said, "you looked pretty cute on all fours earlier". Demitri hinted. "I had a feeling I was being watched". Bianca said, then she positioned herself onto her hands and knees.
Demitri lubed himself up and pushed into her slowly. "Fuck" Bianca said in a breathy moan as she smoothed her hand against the pillow in front of her. Demitri started to thrust in a slow rhythm, Bianca followed that rhythm. "о черт Бьянка, you are so tight". Demitri told her, stroking her long black tresses as he stared at her. Bianca bit her lip to hide a moan as her eyes rolled back. Demitri cupped her chin to make her face him, her eyes were watering. "I want to hear you, let me hear you". Demitri asked her and started thrusting a little faster. Bianca moaned out loud and shut her eyes at the feeling.
"Ohh god, mmnnh, holy shit". Bianca practically shouted as she was getting fucked. "You like that Bianca, you like it when fuck you". Demitri asked her in a whisper, kissing her neck through her ringlets. "Yeah, I fucking love it, I fucking love you, ohhh fuck, uhhnn". Bianca responded, gripping the pillow in front of her.
"I want you on top of me, I want you to ride me". Demitri told her kissing her cheek as they thrusted into each other. Bianca nodded and Demitri pulled out of her. She repositioned herself on top of Demitri's dick. Demitri squeezed her thighs as he moved faster than before.
"Oh my god, oh my god, ohh". Bianca moaned, voice getting higher as she rode him. The top of her dress popped open, displaying padded bra she wore instead of the normal foam cups. "Oh jesus, I guess I was moving a little too much". Bianca said, a little bashfully, and slowed down her movement to inspect her chest.
"Wait, I am little bit curious about what else is hiding under dress of you". Demitri said, reaching for the rest of her buttons. Bianca had never really been self conscious, but she never really considered her uncorseted boy body sexy while in full drag, but as Demitri's hand unbuttoned the rest of her dress, she liked the look of admiration he gave her body and how he touched her with such gentle passion.
"Oh" Bianca gasped as Demitri started moving again, slowly at first, then speeding up more and more. "Ohh ahhh". Bianca squealed as Demitri fucked her faster and faster. She bent over on top of him, hand touching his chest, staring into his eyes. "Please, mitya, please". Bianca said in a whispered. Demitri thrusted as fast and hard as possible.
"Ohhh my fucking god, mmnnh, uhhh". Bianca shouted as Demitri pounded her. "Да, Бьянка, я прослежу, чтобы ты кончила, я чертовски люблю тебя, ты чертовски сексуальна". Demitri grunted. They both moaned as they came at the same time.
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artificialqueens · 1 year
🏳️‍🌈 I've Never Felt Like This Before (Bianca x Katya) - BiancaDelRioIsTheBest
Summery - Katya and Richard have sex with her in full drag for the first time, and it's Very different from anything she's previously experienced.
Demitri decided to get into drag. Why, because he hadn't become Katya in a while, also because Richard was still at the school, Thank God for saturday faculty meetings. Richard had never shown irritation or distaste for the Katya character, mainly because ever since Mitya came to America and started living with Richard he had not gotten in drag. He didn't know how he would react, a few of his previous boyfriends absolutely hated Katya, others liked Katya more than Demitri himself. The ladder was mostly because those previous assholes didn't want to acknowledge they were gay, which in Russia was common, so they settled for Katya, a drag queen they could forget about within the night.
Katya was in such a deep thought about her tragic relationships that she hadn't even noticed Richard admiring her from the threshold of the bedroom they shared. "Oh Richard, you scared me, I didn't even hear your footsteps". Katya said in her thick accent. "I'm sorry, I was just taking in how pretty you looked, last time I saw Katya in action was in Russia, when your club got raided, and rex got arrested". Richard commented, approaching Katya in a slow stride. "I remember night vividly, I put you and Deborah in tragic drag, and fought 2 police men, it was also same day I met interesting american man with pretty smile". Katya reminisced staring into Richard's bespectacled face. "That was also the day I met a blonde man at an expo booth as well as met a pretty blonde drag queen." Richard complimented her. He kissed her crimson lips. It was a quick kiss, but a sweet one, and it had an affect on Katya. "You know Richard, I've never met anyone as sweet as you". Katya said flirtatiously, wrapping her arms around the back of his neck, and she kissed him again. This kiss was longer, more passionate. Richard couldn't help it as his hands found her hips and his tongue  slipped into her mouth. Their tongues collided and the kiss got deeper, Katya pulled off his sweater vest and started to unbutton his shirt and moved to kiss Richard's neck and chest. She then fell on to the bed, pulling Richard with her.
He started to pepper kisses onto her neck. Katya giggled as his lips tickled her. Richard was gentle , not wanting to rush things, so unlike the previously mentioned assholes who just wanted to get their rocks off quickly and leave.
Suddenly she felt a strange sensation on her neck, it felt very nice, she didn't know simple kisses could feel so good. "О, Ричард". Katya moaned as she pulled him closer to her, threading her fingers through his hair. Katya threw her head back as Richard kissed down to the front of her dress, he pulled away to look at her.
"Can I take off your dress, sweetheart". Richard asked moving blonde hairs out of her face. Katya nodded, sat up in the bed, and turned around so he could see the zipper. He unzipped the dress and peeled it off her shoulders revealing the black padded bra she was wearing.
He could tell she was a little nervous so he kissed her shoulder to relax her. She looked back a little and let him pull the dress off her legs. Richard couldn't help but look at her, her toned arms and legs were amazing, but he noticed she looked a little uncomfortable.
"What, why are you staring". Katya asked, smiling awkwardly. Her smile fell. "I am making you uncomfortable, aren't I". She said pulling sheets over her body and turning around, not wanting Richard to see eyes starting to tear up.
"Oh honey, you weren't making me uncomfortable, I was just admiring you 'cause I thought you looked good". Richard said hugging Katya's shoulders. Her eyes closed at the feeling and she put her hand on one of Richard's. She turned a little, Richard could see mascara dripped tear stains on her face. "I love you Richard, I love you". Katya said then kissed him after turning all the way around. "I love you too kat". Richard said.
Next thing Katya knew she was on her back and Richard was starting to push inside of her. He was going slow because he knew this wasn't something she was used to. Katya was in pain, not extreme pain, but a stinging sensation. "Oh Richard just get it over with ". Katya said. "Are you sure". Richard asked. "Yes, put it in all the way already". Katya said. Richard pushed in all the way and katya grunted in pain at the feeling, tears springing to her eyes again.
"Kat, did I hurt you, I'm sorry". Richard said as he stroked her blonde locks , scanning her face out of concern. "I am fine, just- keep going". Katya said, eyes closing. Richard thrusted back and forth once and Katya grunted. He then started to thrust slowly and she gasped and grabbed Richard's arms. Richard stopped as he thought something might be wrong. "Why'd you stop". Katya asked. "I thought something was wrong, that's why you grabbed me". Richard responded. Katya shook her head. "Neyt, I don't want you to stop, keep going, please". She begged.
Richard started moving again and Katya's eyes closed again. "Oh My God". She said at the feeling of him going in an out of her tight hole. The movement was slow, but Katya loved it. It was a lot better than the times where someone was just thrusting into her at full speed while she felt nothing but pain. But Richard actually cared about her pleasure he moved for her pleasure not just his own. And she loved him for it. Katya huffed before biting her bottom lip to conceal her incoming moan, thinking Richard would want her to be quiet. She couldn't be completely silent though.
"Ой! да Ричард". Katya moaned in a whisper as she grabbed him even closer to her. "I love your voice Kat, I want you to be louder". Richard said staring into her aqua colored eyes with his deep brown ones covered by his glasses. "I- mm- dont want anyone to- oh!- hear us". Katya said in a gritted voice, trying to keep her moans from coming out. "No one can hear you other than me, I promise. Please, let me hear you Kat, I wanna hear that beautiful voice of yours". Richard asked. He then kissed her slowly from her cheek to her lips and down her neck.
"Uh!". Katya gasped outloud from the feeling of the penis sliding inside of her, the kisses being placed on neck, aswell as the words Richard was saying to her. If she didn't absolutely love Richard already, she 100% did now. The pleasure from his words alone would have made her lose her mind, but the physical pleasure drove her absolutely mad. With Richard wanting to hear her, she wanted nothing more than to give him what he wanted. So when Richard's cock reached a particularly sensitive part inside her, she made sure he heard her.
"ой! ебать Ричарда!, ты чувствуешь себя так хорошо внутри меня, э-э!". Katya moaned as she grabbed Richard closer to her, threading her fingers through his hand. "That feels good doesn't it Kat". Richard asked, smiling at the reactions he got from her. Knowing he could make someone he loved so much feel so good made him happy. "It feels amazing, I've never felt this before, no ones ever been this caring towards me, oh!". Katya exclaimed. "I'm gonna make you forget about all those other assholes who mistreated you". Richard promised.
"Yes, заставь меня забыть, I only want to remember you". Katya said. Katya's brain was short circuiting as Richard sped up his thrusting into her. Katya knew she wouldn't last long. "Ричард, детка, любовь моя, I'm so close, мой дорогой". She said in a whimper. Richard knew what to do the minute she said that, he thrusted even faster and it send Katya reeling with a pleasured groan. Her eyes crossed as he held on to Richard for dear life. "Ohhhhnnnn!бля Ричард, ты заставишь меня кончить!, бля, я так тебя люблю!, я люблю тебя!, я люблю тебя!, о бля!". Katya exclaimed, practically sobbing, as Richard continued to thrust at his constant pace.
Richard was getting close to cumming himself, but he wanted to make sure he focused on her pleasure more than his, but he could tell she was just a ready as he was to finish this shit. Their breathing was in sync, his eyes were closed, until he could feel a hand caress his face, in which he looked down to find Katya looking at him with tears in her eyes but a small smile on her face. He smiled a little again. "I love you kat, I really fucking love you". Richard said as his thrusting got more erratic. "Oh, I love you too, I love you". Katya said shakily as her eyes closed again.
With those confessions they both came. As her orgasm washed over her she blacked out. She could hear her own heartbeat and all she could feel was the weight of Richard's body hovering over her. She couldn't hear it herself, but she continued to moan and whimper, she even started to full blown cry after Richard stopped moving. Richard sat up straight and held on to her and tried to calm her down. "It's ok honey, relax, just relax". Richard whispered.
After she came back into reality and opened her eyes to Richard holding her she rested her head on his shoulder. "That was best thing I felt in long time". Katya said. Richard laughed a little. "I love you Kat". Richard said in a jovial tone. "Do you mean it, do you really mean it". Katya asked. "Yes , I meant it Mitya, I really meant it". Richard said using her real name to emphasize his feelings. They hugged each other as close as possible and Katya responded him. "I love you too, Richard, I love you so much". Katya said finally.
Pride Challenge Points: 919
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artificialqueens · 2 years
I Don't Ever Want This to End (Bianca x Katya) - BiancaDelRioIsTheBest
Bianca feels a hand wrap around her hip and turns slightly to find Demitri smiling at her.  "Hello pretty lady".He said with his thick russian accent. "Hey handsome,you liked my show."Bianca asked. "Da,very funny,great performance".Demitri complimented and turned her to face him,hands still on her hips. "Thank you,it's a wonder how people can enjoy being insulted by a man in a wig".Bianca said. "You know,it is little bit strange how you wear costume from your shirt yet illustrious time as russian hooker".Demitri pointed out of admiration. "Well,I was hoping someone would notice this outfit in the audience".Bianca said flirtatiously. "I wonder who that person was".He joked,then kissed her on the lips.Her eyes closed and she fell into the kiss,revelling in the feeling of his lips on her painted ones. They pulled away, Demitri's eyes a little glossed over,Bianca playing with his bowtie,smiling. "You wanna take this to the room,Mitya".Bianca said in a sultry tone.
Bianca opened the hotel door and was swept off the ground by Demitri. "Oh,nitya put me down".Bianca shouted laughing. Demitri placed her on the bed and continued to kiss her. She fell right into the kiss again , it felt sweet and safe , she hadn't felt this in a while. Meanwhile Demitri could barely think properly, the feeling of Bianca's lips a little overwhelming, but her holding him,drawing him in closer,wanting him. All he wanted was to give her pleasure. The kiss was elevated as Bianca grabbed at his waist as he spotted her neck with hickeys. "Mitya,baby,fuck me". Bianca asked in a plea like whisper. "How". Demitri asked, wanting to make sure he did everything exactly like she asked. "Slowly, sweetly, make love to me". Bianca said, stroking his face while staring into his eyes. Demitri kissed her hand and kissed her lips as he peeled  her costume off and unbuttoned the bottom corset, taking off her tights and underwear. He continued to kiss her shoulders, back to her neck as she moaned, then Bianca noticed something. "Mitya, sweetie, your still dressed". Bianca said. Oh, he hadn't even noticed he was fully dressed. He rushed to get his shirt off. "Here,let me help you". Bianca beckoned. She unbuttoned his pants as he unbuttoned his shirt. Bianca touched his naked chest and abdomen, then pulled off his underwear. She wrapped her hand and lips around his shaft and started to bob her head up and down. Demitri leaned his head back, closed his eyes and threaded his fingers through her wig. She pulled away. "I need you now, Demitri, please". Bianca begged. He flipped her on top of him, making her stratle him and he pushed into her. Bianca's eyes rolled as Demitri stretched her hole open, she buried her face in his neck as she moaned. "Oh fuck". Bianca gasped. She thrusted back into him and the feeling was immediate. "Oh God". Bianca groaned. They thrusted into each other moaning quietly, Demitri's dick sliding into her tight ass. Bianca threw her head back as she moaned. "Oh, mitya, fuuh-huk". She said shakily, holding on to the curls of her wig to keep her from shouting out of pleasure. "Oh, Bianca, you're so beautiful, I love you so fucking much". Demitri complimented breathing heavily, thrusting hard on those last 3 words. "Do you love me too, tell me, do you". Demitri asked Bianca, brushing her curls out of her face. "Yes, yes mitya, I love you, I love you so fucking much". Bianca practically yelled, feeling Demitri's hit her prostate, tears at her eyes from the confession of love and the feeling of pleasure. "Oh, Bianca don't cry, tell me what you want". He asked her, dabbing her tears away. "I want you to keep going, I don't ever want this to end, keep going". Bianca pleaded and kissed him. Demitri flipped her on her back and kissed her again, he thrusted as he kissed her, faster than before. "Oh my god". Bianca said pulling away from the kiss at the feeling of him hitting her prostate faster. "Ya khochu zastavit tebya konchit tak sil'no chto ty zabudesh svoye nastoyashcheye Imya". Demitri said in a whispered grunt eyes closing as she contracted around him. Bianca knew she was wouldn't last long, neither would mitya, everytime he was close he spoke full russian. "Mitya, oh, uh, I'm close". She whispered. Demitri thrusted as hard as he could and stroked her neglected dick, sending her reeling. Bianca was practically sobbing from the overstimulating feeling experience, she grabbed Demitri's shoulder, holding him as close as possible to herself. It took 3 final thrusts to get the 2 of them to cum, Bianca almost screaming as her orgasm hit. "Bianca, sweetheart, you are alright?". Demitri asked as Bianca continued to shake in his arms. "Um, yeah, just a little overwhelmed, that's all". Bianca said shakily. "I will clean up, ok". Demitri said, then pulled out to get a washcloth. After cleaning up, they layed under the covers. "I love you, mitya".Bianca said. "I love you too, Bianca". Demitri said back. They then fell into a peaceful slumber.
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artificialqueens · 1 year
Hurricane Bianca: More Family, More Problems, Chapter 1 (Bianca x Katya) - BiancaDelRioIsTheBest
Deborah has left Russia and is on her way back to Milford, ready to eliminate Bianca Del Rio for good, but what happens when Bianca takes in a foster kid who's a little quirky to say the least. Will Deborah finally prevail in taking revenge on Bianca, or will Bianca defeat her once again?
Summary - Richard and Demitri talk about having kids and Deborah's making her way back to Milford.
A/N: For clarity, Demitri from Hurricane Bianca 2 lives with Richard in Texas. Carly, Richard, Demitri, and Karma are friends. Deborah escaped the Russian prison when it exploded at the end of Hurricane Bianca 2.
Oh they thought they could get rid of me didn't they, Deborah thought as the shipping container arrived in America from Russia near Texas. She got out the container and walked along the nearest road, she had been walking at least 45 minutes until a car pulled up on the empty road.
"Hey miss, you look a little lost". A young man said, calling out to her. "I am, I'm trying to get back to Milford county". Deborah explained. "Do you want a ride there, it won't be that much of a diversion from my normal path". The man offered. "Sure, I'll take that ride". Deborah accepted. Finally things are working out again, soon she'll find Bianca and get her second round of revenge on her. What was that flaming fruit fly doing anyway?
Richard was sitting in his kitchen grading papers, while Karma and Demitri had random conversations in the kitchen, when suddenly Karma asked this question.
"Have yall ever thought about having kids". She asked. "Not really, why". Richard asked. "Well you've got all this space in your house, it might be fun having a little one around". Karma reasoned. "Please we have enough young rodents to deal with at our schools, plus, we are also little to old to take care of babies". Demitri explained. "Hey, speak for yourself, but he's right, the earth's overpopulated anyway, why create smaller versions of ourselves". Richard added.
"Well if you don't want to create a child, get a child that already exists, then you can chose the age and give someone a good home, in fact, there's an agency for foster kids just outside of Milford, you can go there, put a kid in a safe, nurturing environment, and get paid by the state to take care of them". Karma suggested.
Deborah and the man had been on the road for over 4 hours. "Where getting closer to Milford, it's already dark out, if your tired there's a hotel close by, I'll pay for it". The man offered. "Thank you, you know these past 2 years have been so bad, and here you come being all nice to me, you really are my saving angel". Deborah complimented. "Hey, what can I say, that's just my good nature". The man said as he smiled.
Back at Richard's house he and Demitri were laying in bed, ready to sleep, when Demitri said this, "Do you think we'd make good parents". He asked. "Probably, especially you, my love". Richard commented. "Would you ever want to be a parent". Demitri asked. "Maybe, would you". Richard asked. "I have sometimes, let us talk about this tomorrow morning". Demitri said and they both went to sleep.
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artificialqueens · 1 year
Drunk In Love (Bianca x Katya) - BiancaDelRioIsTheBest
Summery: In which Bianca has had a little too much to drink leading to... gratifying circumstances 😏.
Bianca had just finished a show, had 4 drinks, and went looking for her boyfriend.  She was also a little tipsy. To say she was a little bit more wanton for her boyfriend than normal, was accurate. She wanted Demitri all to herself, she wanted him.

Once Demitri noticed Bianca he made way towards his wig wearing lover. "Hello love". Demitri greeted her hugging her waist eagerly, voice a little drifted from drinking himself. "Hi sweetheart". Bianca said speech mildly slurred from those 4 drinks. "Honey are you alright". Demitri asked, noticing she was a little cross eyed. "Yeah, I'm fine, you know I was thinking about you on stage". Bianca said. "Really". Demitri asked. "Yeah, I was thinking about those blue eyes of yours, your blonde hair, how your lips feel when you kiss me, and how your hands feel when they hold me". Bianca said seductively then kissed him.

Maybe she was a little more than tipsy. She always said bad things happen when she drinks, you remember what happened with the candlestick. "Oh Bianca what's gotten into you". Demitri wondered, she was never usually like this. "I don't know, I think I excited myself a little bit, maybe I drank a little too much". Bianca said in a whisper. "It is ok, I like it". Demitri said then started to kiss her jaw. Bianca laughed a bit as she moaned, hugging him closer to her. "Let's go to room, detka". Demitri said.

They were all kisses after they wear one shoulder, I have more places to kiss you". Demitri said then kissed her lips and reached for her dress zipper. "No, keep the dress on, but take everything else off." Bianca instructed him. After he opened her body suit, took off her tights and her underwear, she started to unbutton his pants and released his shaft from his boxers. "Oh, I'm always surprised by how, well endowed you are". Bianca said grasping him as he blushed. She slipped it into her mouth and sucked around him as he moaned and threaded his fingers through her blonde wig. She swirled her tongue around his cock and bobbed her head a little, then she pulled off of him. "I want you badly, I want you inside me, badly". Bianca said as she continues to stroke him.

Demitri picked her up and pressed her back on the wall. "What are you doing, mitya". Bianca said shocked at the sudden movement. "Just relax, you will find out". Demitri said cryptically, reaching for lube on a dresser. "Mitya I'm too drunk for this just get it over wi- Oh My God". Bianca shouted, sentence cut off, feeling Demitri's fingers enter her ass. Demitri continued to finger fuck her as she moaned. "Please Demitri, I need you, please". Bianca begged then kissed him sweetly. Demitri lubed himself up and pushed inside her. Bianca's eyes rolled all the way to the back of her head as her mouth fell open in a breathy moan.

Demitri thrusted in hard and rough in a slow pace. Bianca in her extreme pleasure haze noticed he was still wearing a shirt. That wouldn't do. She unbuttoned it and glided her hand against his chest, caressing his pecs and abdomen. "Oh mitya, your- oh- so fucking big, I can feel it everywhere- uh- oh fuck". Bianca moaned, pleasure over taking her mind. "Really, well I guess I should make you feel even more, just to hear sweet noises come from pretty painted lips of yours". Demitri said then kissed her, then moved his hips faster.

"Oh My Fucking God Yesss". Bianca yelled feeling Demitri's dick reach her prostate. She thrusted her own hips into his and it feel even better. "Ohhh uh, yes baby yess, keep going, fuck your gonna make me cum so quickly, fuck I'm not gonna last long".Bianca shouted. When Demitri heard that he moved even faster and Bianca, quite literally, came crashing down in an orgasm.

"Oh God, oh ohh unnhh". Bianca moaned as she came, painting Demitri's chest and part of her dress. Demitri stops moving to give her a minute to calm down, brushing stray hairs from her blonde wig away from her face, taking in her closed eyes, heaving chest, and her dress bunched up at her hips.

"God Demitri, I wanted you to fuck me not split me in half". Bianca joked, still catching her breath. Demitri laughed at that, shaking both their bodies. "Do you want rest now". Demitri asked, not wanting to overwhelm her trying to get himself. "No, I still need to finish you off". Bianca said getting back into the mood, starting to thrust her body into his. Demitri stilled her hips, stopping her movement. "I don't want to push you to far, Bianca". He reasoned. "I'll be fine just move slowly." Bianca instructed, threading his hair back with her hand. "I love you Bianca, you are relentless". Demitri said then kissed her, he started to thrust into her, much more gently than before.

Bianca shuttered, still sensitive from her previous orgasm, she closed her eyes and moved her hips again, matching Demitri's rhythm. After a few more thrusts Bianca knew she was close again, Demitri knew he was close too. "о боже, я кончу, я люблю тебя, Бьянка, я люблю тебя." Demitri said before he and Bianca both came. Bianca buried her head into his neck as she hugged him closer to him. "I love you mitya, god I love you". She whispered, kissing his jaw. "I love you too Bianca, I love you too". He responded, kissing her forehead.
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porcelainvino · 1 year
b!g art omg?!?!???
1. sancedes
2. pucktina
3. jesse
4-7: these are like….. from july and i totally forgot about them oops… just ooc b!g lore with blaine&puck, santana, zizes, and jesse
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artificialqueens · 1 year
I know it's been a long time, but on the plus side...look how long she is!!! Thanks for your patience, kids. XOXO
💛 Kiss it Better (Anetra x Sasha Colby) - writworm42
💛 Talk to me in your love language (how to connect with you) (Anetra x Sasha Colby) - writworm42
💛 Waking Up in Vegas (Anetra x Sasha Colby)--athena2
💛 When We Begin Again (Sasha Colby x Anetra)--athena2
💛 Hurricane Bianca: More Family, More Problems, Chapter 1- BiancaDelRioIsTheBest 
💛 A moment to ourselves - BiancaDelRioIsTheBest 
💛 Luck Be A Lady, chapter one (Anetra x Sasha Colby) --athena2
💛 Only Threw This Party For You (Halldoll) - Mumu
💛 Luck Be A Lady, chapter two (Anetra x Sasha)--athena2 
💛 Rock Hudson’s Parties, Chapter 2 (Jadore / Biadore) - Imafuckinglibra 
💛 Masters of the Scene, Chapter 24 (Bitney Parent Trap AU) - Veronica 
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artificialqueens · 3 years
Keep Your Comrade Warm (Biadore) - Sarcastacnt
This came outta nowhere, it’s super short but lemme know what ya think! Title from "Back in the U.S.S.R" by the Beatles.
“So like we were saying, today Rex is out so we’re gonna do a run through with a stand in.”
Bianca nodded, not really paying attention. She was following the crew down the concrete steps of their “Russian prison”. The steps weren’t exactly in great shape and being in heels made the trek a little more perilous.
She was so busy between going over her lines in her head and trying not to break her neck that it wasn’t until “action” was called that she noticed the stand in. Bianca was pretty sure her eyebrows managed to meet her hairline when she saw Adore Motherfucking Delano strapped to a chair. Adore winked at her and licked her lips. That was when Bianca remembered exactly why she had written this scene in the first place. She was beginning to wonder if someone had turned the heat on when it was her turn to speak.
Somehow she made it through her lines, eyes completely focused on Adore’s. The prone queen’s bright green eyes were dancing with mischief even as she recited Rex’s lines without stumbling.
When it was time for Bianca to “turn Rex straight”, she felt her pulse skyrocket. She placed her hands on Adore’s cheeks and took a deep breath before leaning forwards to kiss her.
Instead of the silly kiss that she had been using with Rex, Bianca kissed Adore softly and oh so fucking sweetly. She slipped one of her hands into Adore’s, and squeezed gently. Adore squeezed back and opened her mouth to trace Bianca’s lips with her tongue.
With a gasp, Bianca opened her mouth to Adore and nearly groaned at the first touch from her tongue. Adore was straining off the table as she deepened the kiss, trying to get closer. As soon as Bianca noticed her struggle, she pressed closer instead, keeping Adore pinned to the table.
Much as she hated to do it, Bianca tore her face from Adore’s to continue the scene. When Jeanine yelled (in that fantastic accent) nothing was happening and to kiss again, Bianca dove in eagerly. She felt Adore smile against her lips as she melted under Bianca’s ministration.
When she had to shove a potato under the erection detector that was currently over top of Adore’s groin, Bianca took her time. She kept kissing Adore as she shoved the potato under the machine, taking the opportunity to run her hand over Adore’s half hard cock.
Adore let out an unsteady breath as she arched her back and bit down gently on Bianca’s lower lip. Fuck at this rate she was going to be walking out of here with a full erection. Fucking sexy asshole Bianca, fucking turning her on like this during a movie shoot. Bianca dragged her hand back up Adore’s body to rest on her shoulder but not before tweaking her nipple.
Oh fuck did Adore not mind the way Bianca was taking full advantage of the shoot to torture her. Before Bianca pulled away again to continue the scene, she gently caressed Adore’s cheek with her thumb. The sweet gesture made Adore smile and she felt warm and fuzzy.
That was when Bianca fucked up her dialogue badly enough for everyone to burst out laughing. Adore was giggling when the director called for a thirty minute break before resuming. The smokers (with the exception of Adore) rushed for the exit and everyone else wandered out of the room in search of coffee or the bathroom.
Now it was just Bianca and Adore, all alone in a room with a locking door. Before either said a word, Bianca shut and locked the door, determined that there should be no interruptions.
“Hey B!” Adore greeted cheerfully. “Wanna lemme up?”
Bianca crossed her arms over her chest and arched an eyebrow as she took in the scene before her. Adore was strapped down and completely at her mercy. Before leaving the prop people had moved the erection detector off Adore and her short skirt was at an indecent height on her pale thigh. Bianca didn’t resist the temptation to squeeze the soft flesh of Adore’s thigh.
“I don’t think so Chola.” Bianca said as she moved her hand higher up Adore’s leg, bringing her skirt up high enough to expose her panties. Bianca could see how turned on Adore was and grinned. “I like you right where you are.”
Adore shivered violently and let out a groan. “Oh fuck…”
With a laugh, Bianca pulled down Adore’s panties and wrapped her hand around Adore’s cock. “What the fuck are you even doing here?” Bianca asked as she stroked Adore.
“I had a few, fuck! Days off and wanted….wanted to fucking see you.” Adore managed to get out.
“And Rex?” Bianca brought her free hand to Adore’s chest and began to tease her nipples, alternating back and forth as Adore squirmed.
“Asked him if he’d take the day off. Oh fuck, please don’t stop!”
Bianca chuckled and lowered her face to take Adore’s erection in her mouth. Beginning by licking all around the engorged head, Bianca moaned happily as she tasted her lover.
Adore tried to thrust her hips but the restraints held her fast. All she could do was toss her head back when she felt her cock hit the back of Bianca’s throat. “God B, fuck so good…” Adore babbled as Bianca moved up and down, using her hand to play with Adore’s balls.
When Adore’s body began to stiffen, Bianca increased her pace. She knew Adore was close and wanted to take her over the edge as soon as possible.
“B…I can’t-I’m gunna… fuck!!” Adore bucked as much as she could as she came hard.
Bianca swallowed and gave Adore’s thighs a caress before she straightened up, fixing Adore’s panties and skirt before moving to stand at the head of the table. She pulled down her tights and panties, pulled up her skirt with one hand and grasped her erection with the other. “Open up.” Her tone left no room for argument.
Adore turned her head to the side and opened her mouth as wide as she could, more then eager to take Bianca. She closed her lips around Bianca’s erection with a groan. Fuck she loved Bianca’s cock.
Bianca didn’t waste any time and began thrusting in and out of Adore’s mouth quickly. The wet sounds of a sloppy blow job only added to her arousal and Bianca knew she wasn’t going to last long. “Fuck I love watching you suck my cock.” She praised when Adore looked up at her, as much as she could.
Adore gagged a little but Bianca didn’t stop, which made Adore’s cock give a hopeful twitch. It wasn’t often Bianca got rough with her but when she did, Adore always fucking loved it. Always wanted more.
“I’m gonna fucking cum.” Bianca warned as she increased her pace. She grabbed the back of Adore’s head and with one last powerful thrust finally found her release.
Adore managed to swallow it all without chocking. Her eyes slid shut in pleasure as she tasted Bianca.
A moment or two later, Bianca pulled herself from Adore’s mouth and righted her clothing before finally releasing Adore.
Finally free Adore jumped off the table and grabbed Bianca in a tight hug. “I fucking missed you so much.”
Bianca held her tight, “Missed you too angel.”
“Wanna go grab coffee?” Adore asked, “I think we’ve got time.”
Bianca took her hand and grinned. “Sounds good.”
As they left the “Russian prison” both failed to notice Katya on her cell phone.
“100 doll hairs Tracey! They totally banged in the dungeon.”
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artificialqueens · 6 years
You're A Kite, Dancing in a Hurricane. (Biadore)
Hi Guys. I was torn as to whether to continue this as I have exams upcoming but it’s a good distraction from working and the reviews we’re pretty good so I thought I would do! Please let me know if you’d like to see it continue!
Here’s a link to part one.
Wednesday marked the middle of Roy’s first week teaching at the new school. He felt as though he was settling in quite well. He was starting to warm up to some of his students as he began to understand them better and had hope that he could genuinely help at least some of them. But there was one student he wanted to help most of all. He mulled over this thought as he awaited Danny’s arrival, fifteen minutes late as usual. Since Danny had seemed far more relaxed and willing to engage in somewhat meaningful conversation, Roy was looking forwards for another forty-five minutes of light banter. When Danny trudged in, practically dragging his bag behind him, with huge dark bags under his bloodshot eyes, Roy decided he may have pre-empted his enthusiasm. Danny sat in his usual seat at the back of the room and took out the same small notebook from Monday’s detention without even acknowledging Roy. Roy stated sat behind his desk silently for a few minutes before talking.
“You okay there, chola?” Roy asked. Danny looked up and grinned at the nickname. Roy was pleased he could make him smile, since it looked like he had had a rough day.
“Just a shitty day.” Danny smiled lightly. Roy could tell that this was an understatement to say the least.
“You want to talk about it?”
“Not really.”
“Thank fuck” Roy joked, making Danny laugh again. He started to sit up a little straighter in his chair and closed the cover of his book. Roy decided that today probably wasn’t the day for delving into Danny’s problems and so settled for trying to make him laugh insead. “Thought I was going to have to listen to some crap there.” He continued, making Danny laugh harder. “I got my own shit to be dealing with.” Danny kept laughing more and more until the unexpected happening. Through the laughs his eyes became teary. His laugher hitched in his throat and all of a sudden he was sobbing. He covered his face with his hand and turned away from Roy slightly. “Shit” Roy murmured
“Were my jokes that bad?” Roy joked uneasily. He walked over to Danny’s desk and took a seat next to him. “Was it something I said?” Roy checked. Danny shook his head no, as his sobs subsided into light shakes and sniffles.
“Sorry” Danny muttered. Roy didn’t say anything, just brought him some tissues from his desk drawer.
“Do you drive yourself home?” Roy asked, glancing out of the window at the rain. Danny shook his head. “Does anyone pick you up?” Danny shook his head again. Roy let out a small sigh. He knew that he would get some unwanted questions if he offered to drive Danny home, so resisted the urge.
“How about we wait here until the rain lets up a little and then you can leave early.” Danny nodded slightly. “Do you want me to leave you be?” Danny didn’t answer. Not wanting to push Danny to talk, Roy slid Danny’s black notebook towards him and went to sit behind his desk once more.
“Mr Haylock?” Danny said after a few minutes of silence. Roy looked up from his work in acknowledgement. “Thank you.”
Once the rain began to ease up slightly Roy told Danny that it was okay for him to leave. Danny thanked him once more and left quickly. Roy packed up his things and walked out to his car to leave. As he got to his car the rain started in full force once more and he thought about Danny walking home alone. After driving a for a few minutes he noticed Danny waking ahead of him and contemplated offering him a ride. Nobody from the school would know. And even if they did, there’s surely nothing wrong with driving a student home in the rain. Something about it felt wrong, so he decided against it. That was until he saw the strap of Danny’s bag break and all of his belongings fall out onto the sidewalk. He immediately pulled over a few metres ahead of Danny and watched in the rear view mirror as Danny stood on the sidewalk staring at his belongings looking utterly lost. It broke Roy’s heart.
Roy hopped out of his car and made his way to Danny, grabbing the umbrella from the trunk of his car on the way. Roy approached Danny gently and held the umbrella over his head, allowing himself to get rained on. Danny looked up with tear filled eyes and stared at Roy. “I don’t need help.” Roy put the umbrella into Danny’s hand and bent down to start picking up his things from the floor. Danny just held the umbrella in silence, not speaking, not crying, just watching Roy.
“Let me drive you home.” Roy said and gestured towards the car. Danny didn’t argue and walked round to the passenger side seat. Roy got into the driver’s seat and turned on the heaters but didn’t drive straight away. He passed Danny’s things back to him and he sat holding his damp belongings in silence.
“I know today might have been shitty and it feels like everything is against you, but it’ll pass, chola.” Roy smiled lightly at Danny. “I promise.” He added, for extra emphasis. Danny smiled briefly. That was a start. Roy started driving and got to the end of the road before he realised he had no idea where he was actually going. He asked Danny, who gave him directions until they arrived in a relatively nice neighbourhood. Roy looked around at the nice looking houses, wondering which one was Danny’s. “Anywhere around here.” Danny muttered and Roy shut off the car.
“Let me take a look at that bag strap.” Roy said before Danny got out of the car.
“Are you sure?”
“Of course. I’ll take it home and see what I can do. You can pick it up tomorrow morning from my classroom.” Danny thanked him and left the car carrying the contents of his bag. Roy waited where he was parked to make sure that Danny got into his house safely and he watched as Danny walked away from the nice street they were on and down an alley leading somewhere else. It was very clear that Danny did not in fact live around here at all. It made Roy sad to think that Danny would want to lie about where he lived, as though that would make any difference to how he viewed him.
When Roy got home that night he sat down at his sewing machine to have a look at Danny’s bag. The tear in the strap was simple enough to fix so he decided to reinforce the strap in the weakest areas so that Danny could avoid this happening again. He looked over the main body of the bag noticing a few holes and rips and patched those up too. Feeling pleased with his work Roy eventually left the bag by the door for the morning and set about making himself some dinner. Later that night he went to bed and found himself hoping that Danny was alright and anticipating the following day when he could see him again.
Thursday morning rolled around far too slowly for Roy’s liking and he sat in his classroom anticipating the arrival of Danny. When he did arrive, he tried to act as though he was in the middle of something.
“Morning, chola.” Roy smiled and tossed Danny the bag. “You feeling better today.” Looking at Danny he noticed he looked a little brighter this morning.
“Yeah I’m good. Just a bad day yesterday. All good now though.” Danny smiled, baring all of his brilliant white teeth. Danny turned the bad over in his hands noticing how Roy had sewn up every little imperfection. Danny’s grin widened. he really appreciated Roy’s effort, even though it made the bag look way less punk. It reminded Danny of the time his grandmother stitched up the holes in his ripped jeans and he laughed.
“Thank you. You didn’t have to do this.” Danny said sincerely
“I know.” Roy smiled. After saying brief goodbyes Danny left the classroom with a huge smile across his face and swore to himself today would be a good day.
When detention rolled around Roy walked into his classroom ready to start his 15 minute wait for Danny to arrive when he noticed a different student sitting on the front row.
“Hey Mr Haylock.” The girl said casually, as Roy sat behind his desk. He tried not to act too disappointed that it wouldn’t just be him and Danny.
“Hello Kayleigh.”
“Is this detention gonna be, like, long? Because I have somewhere else I want to be.”
“Believe it or not sweetie, I have somewhere else I’d like to be too.” Roy laughed and the girl grinned. “Did you finish the assignment I set you in class today?” The girl shook her head. “Why don’t you start working on that and when you’ve finished it you can leave?” Kayleigh took out her notebook and started to work on the assignment. After a few minutes Danny walked in late and to his usual seat.
“Noregia, you gotta sort out this fashionably late thing you’ve got going on.” Roy said, mainly so that he didn’t seem like a pushover in front of the other student.
“Sorry.” Danny drawled, grinning. Danny took out his black notebook and the three sat in silence for a few more minutes.
“So what brings you two here today then?” He said, obviously knowing why Danny was there but not wanting to single out the other girl.
“I’ve missed like a billion English assignments or something I don’t even know.” Roy rolled his eyes dramatically.
“Maybe you should be working on your English assignments instead of mine, hey?”
“Hey Sir, you didn’t ask me why I’m here.” Danny spoke up from the back of the room. “It’s because of my whore mouth.” Danny said followed by a wink. Roy blushed bright red and Danny laughed loudly. Roy decided it would be best to let the students work in silence.
After a few minutes of working, Danny tore a page out of his notebook, crumpled it and threw it towards the front of the classroom. “Will you throw that away for me, Sir?” Danny said, followed by miming ‘open it’. Roy looked confused but unfolded the paper anyways. ‘IM BORED’ the paper read. Roy smirked.
“I’d love to help you Danny, I just don’t want to.” Roy laughed and tossed the paper back. Kayleigh laughed. Danny murmured something under his breath and went back to writing. After another minute he stood up and walked towards the trash can.
“Guess I’ll just do it myself then.” Danny said, throwing the paper into the trash with one hand and placing something on Roy’s desk with the other. Roy unfolded the paper, ‘BORED BORED BORED’, it read, with the letter growing increasingly bigger. Roy laughed and tossed the paper into the trash in a way that Danny could see. Danny playfully sulked at his desk.
Danny spent a few minutes focusing intently on whatever he was writing, then looked over to make sure Kayleigh was still working and proudly held up the sign he had made. ‘B O R E D’, it read in huge letters, decorated with pink gel pens and highlighters. Roy let out and audible laugh, which he had to fake into a cough when Kayleigh looked up. He scowled at Danny and Danny laughed.
Roy decided to get his revenge on Danny and wrote a message on a piece of paper which he folded in half four times. He got up and walked to Danny’s desk and placed the paper in front of him. “Here’s the assignment I wanted you to complete over the weekend for extra credit.” Danny grinned and unfolded the paper to reveal the message. ‘Do. Your. Fucking. Homework.’ Roy had written, perfectly neat, unlike Danny’s scrawly huge letters. Danny chortled and Roy look pleased with himself.
Danny and Roy spent the rest of the detention making faces at each other and communicating in increasingly ridiculous means. By the time Danny actually leaves the classroom Roy was blushing like a schoolgirl. This was bad. He needed a drink, but of course the only local bar doesn’t serve any alcohol, so decided to settle for calling his friends instead.
As soon as his friends answered he let out a long frustrated sigh.
“Hey Baby Girl! How you doing?” DJ asked, as him and Willam fought to be in the centre of the screen. Roy laughed and thought about how much he missed his friends.
“Confused!” He groaned.
“Girl whats wrong? Is it this little boy child you’ve got yourself a crush on?” Willam laughed hard as Roy covered his face with his free hand.
“Of course it is!” He blushed. “But I do not have a crush on him you’ve got to stop saying that!”
“So what is this thing you’ve got going on then?” DJ asked in a more serious tone. He was no idiot and he knew how much trouble Roy could get into if he was fooling around with a student.
“I’m helping him.”
“Is that what the kids are calling it these days.” Willam joked, earning a nudge from DJ.
“Look this kid is clearly going through some shit and what kind of a teacher would I be if I just ignored it.”
“There’s nothing wrong with helping a student but you’ve worked at that school for four days and our only two conversations have involved him.” Roy looked embarrassed. He knew that what he was doing was wrong.
“I know. I can’t help my feelings. I just don’t know what to do.” Roy was torn. He didn’t know how he could help Danny without his feelings growing, but he couldn’t refuse Danny help purely based on his own selfishness. He hated this.
“I think you just need to find yourself some friends. You know like something else to focus on? Maybe now you should get Grindr!” Willam grinned. Roy rolled his eyes at the mention of Grinder but considered the other part of the advice.
“Getting something else to focus on isn’t actually a bad idea. You know you guys are actually super smart when you try.” Maybe if he has some friends he would be able to gain a little perspective. Roy said goodbye to his friends and decided that he would minimise contact with Danny unless necessary and attempt to find a real bar at the weekend.
Friday was Danny’s last detention with Roy, hopefully if Roy could get through this hour with limited flirtation and he wouldn’t have to spend any more one on one time with Danny for a while and the flirtation would die down. Danny walked in and Roy smiled from ear to ear, this was going to be a little harder than he anticipated.
“So, do you feel reformed?” Roy joked.
“Of course.” Danny laughed.
“Will I be seeing you back in detention again soon?”
“Of course.” The pair both laughed.
“Do you want to leave early today?”
“Party!” Roy laughed at the childlike charm of Danny’s favourite word. Roy was slightly disappointed at Danny’s willingness to leave early but then considered that at 18 years old he probably had  a lot better things to be doing than hanging out in detention.
“Come on then we might as well leave now.” Roy said gesturing towards the door.
“Do you have any plans this weekend?” Danny asked on the walk through the halls towards the main entrance doors to the school.
“Well, I was going to try and find something to do outside of this tiny town. Like a bar maybe? Just something normal?” Something to get my mind off you, he continued in his head.
“Well my sister performs at a bar outside of the city on the weekends. It’s dirty and small and about 30 miles away but it’s the closest thing to any kind of nightlife around here.” Roy wasn’t exactly thrilled about Danny’s sister being a part of a his plan to find something else to do, but he guessed it was better than nothing.
“What does your sister do?” Roy asked as Danny stopped to get some things out of his locker. He really should’ve just said goodbye and looked up the bar online but he decided to stay and wait for Danny to finish so that he could walk the rest of the way with him.
“She sings. And she’s pretty fucking good.” Roy laughed at Danny’s abruptness.
“So where is this bar then?”
“You’re actually going?” Danny’s eyes lit up.
“Yeah why not.” Roy said as Danny’s smile got wider. It was nice to see Danny so enthusiastic about his sister. At least it meant he had at least one good person in his life.
“Give me your hand.” Roy was confused about the request and started to blush before he realised that Danny was holding a pen. Danny took Roy’s hand gently and scrawled the address on the back of it. Roy rolled his eyes.
“Couldn’t you have written this on paper.” Roy chuckled, feeling his skin burn at the points Danny had touched it.
“I didn’t want you to forget!” Danny laughed. “You’d better go. My sister will look out for you.” Roy said goodbye to Danny, promised to go the bar that night and walked to his car. As he was driving away he rolled his window down as he passed Danny.
“Danny I forgot to ask, what’s your sisters name?”
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artificialqueens · 6 years
You’re A Kite, Dancing In A Hurricane
Hi guys. This is my first fic so any feedback would be much appreciated. This is also just the first chapter.
AU of Hurricane Bianca. Where Roy is a struggling science teacher who moves to a small town in Texas and Danny is a troubled student who performs at a local gay bar at the weekends. Its virtually inevitable that their relationship will be anything other than ordinary. Danny is 18 in this fic.
Roy stared at the contents of the back of his car, otherwise known as all his worldly possessions, as he got ready to leave and start a new chapter of his life in Texas. A few suitcases, a goldfish, and some nicknacks he’d picked up along the way was all Roy had to show for 37 years on this earth. Not that he cared much. He just hoped that in this next adventure hew would find something more meaningful. And hopefully more permanent. Roy had moved around a lot throughout his adult life, between being a substitute teacher for various schools, moving in and out of shitty apartments and having different groups of friends he had never stayed anywhere long enough to call it home. The closest he had to this was his two best friends D.J and Willam, who were waiting anxiously by his car. But he was getting to old for his life to focus around parties and drinking, hence him taking up the teaching job in a Milford, Texas. He hugged his two best friend and set off on the road. Next stop- new beginning.
As soon as Roy arrived the new town he realised how foolish he had been. It was shit. His house was tiny, and next door to the most bigoted prick he had ever met. The town looked as though it had been left abandoned for years. Hopefully the school would surprise him, he thought as he approached the front steps. He eventually found his way to the Vice Principals office where a student with a black eye was in the process of being scolded.
“It’s time for you to leave kid, you’ve been cluttering up my office for half the day.” The small woman behind the desk, who Roy presumed to be the Vice Principal, shooed the boy away.
“The nurse said that I need to sta-“ The boy protested. Roy looked the boy up and down. He was tall with beautiful black collar length hair and one hell of an “I don’t give a fuck” attitude. If it weren’t for the black nail polish and distressed tee, Roy would’ve presumed the kid to be quite the chick magnet. Although he was guessing that he has his mind set elsewhere.
“I don’t care what the nurse said you’ve gotta go.” The kid was holding an ice pack to his bruised and swollen cheek. He clearly wasn’t fit to go back to class, and any sane teacher would be in the process of hunting down whoever did this to such a sweet angel. Wow. Calm down Roy.
“I hope you don’t mind me interjecting”, Roy took the gap in the conversation as an opportunity to begin speaking. “But I really don’t think this kid should be going anywhere”. The boy smiled bashfully and looked at his feet.
“Actually, Sir, I do mind.” Said the woman behind the desk. “This particular kid has been a problem for the school for some time, and I’d like him to leave my office now.” The boys face snapped up and into a frown.
“Problem? Fuck that, I just mind my own damn business and keep to myself but somehow still managed to get beat up left right and centre. I never ask for it. You can fuck all the way off if you think I’m the problem here.”
Yes! Kids got some balls! Roy was trying to suppress a smile at not only the kids outburst but his language. He also felt kinda sad that the kid clearly needed help and vowed to do whatever he could to help him out of whatever mess he was in.
“Okay, that’s it. Detention after school for one hour every night this week, starting tonight.” The kids eyes started to well up with tears and Roy just wanted to hug him. He watched as the kid picked up his raggedy, punk rock looking satchel off the floor and stomped away, muttering an array of colourful language under his breath. What a lovely introduction to the school.
“So what can I do for you, as you can see I’m a very busy woman so keep it quick.” The woman behind the desk looked at him and began tapping her foot impatiently on the floor. Rude.
“Hi. You must be Debbie Ward! Im Roy Haylock the new science teacher.” Roy tried to suppress his anger towards the woman and held out his hand for her to shake. She ignored the offer and immediately began speaking.
“Well then Mr Hoyle, here’s your lesson plan,” She said, thrusting him a copy of ‘Creationism’ which looked as though it was from the 1950’s. “Your class is in room 115.”
“Thank you!” Roy plastered on the fakest, biggest smile he could muster and turned to leave.”
“Oh and one more thing. Since you seemed to care so much, you can be on detention duty with the problem child.” She added, looking pleased with herself. Brilliant, an extra hour of work every day. Nice going Roy. At least this would be his chance to figure out a way to help this kid.
Roy waited anxiously for his new class to sit down as he stood in front of the beautifully written “Mr Haylock” on the chalkboard. Two girls in cheer costumes were the first to actually acknowledge his presence. One of the girls handed him a box of chocolate and sat back down. Roy began to think this school might not be as bad as he had first thought. Until he went to take a bite and noticed the girls giggling. He knew girls like this from his own time being relentlessly bullied in high school. He decided, much to the girls disappointment that he would leave the chocolates for later.
“Good morning class. As some of you have very kindly noticed” he said, giving side eye to the two cheerleaders on the front row,”I am new here. Now, I moved here from New York City, so some of the shit you may have gotten away with with your previous teachers ain’t gonna fly with me.” The students giggled at his abrupt and sweary manner and Roy smiled to let them know he was at least in part joking. “Okay so before we start I’ll be giving you a quick rundown of what we’ll be doing for the rest of the year-“ Roy was interrupted by the sound of the door. As he turned round ready to berate the offender, he stopped when he realised it was the kid he’d seen in the office this morning.
“Sorry I’m late.” The kid shuffled to his seat at the back of the room.
Roy was torn between wanting to show the class he didn’t take any bullshit but also not wanting to go to hard on the kid after the shit he’d been through already today. “Luckily for you, I hadn’t started anything important. Don’t let it happen again.” Roy ended with a light smile.
“Whatever.” The boy drawled, turning to stare out of the window. He barely moved from that position for the rest of class. Roy was nervous about what tonight’s detention would bring.
Roy sat in his classroom at the end of the day anticipating the arrival of the boy, whose name he had not yet learned. He decided to make that a top priority. The boy eventually arrived, 15 minutes late and reeking of weed. “Do plan on arriving late for everything?” Roy asked as he walked to his usual seat at the back of the room.
“Ya probably.” The kid shrugged and took out a notebook. Hey, at least he was honest. The boy began writing in his notebook and Roy sat awkwardly neatening everything on his already impeccable desk. After a few minutes of awkward silence Roy attempted to start a conversation.
“So kid what’s your name?”
“Danny.” He said, not looking up from his book. After a couple of minutes the kid spoke up again. “What’s yours?”
“Roy.” This time, Danny looked up from his book, looking confused. “Shit you meant my teacher name didn’t you?”
“Um. Yeah.” Danny smirked.
“Mr Haylock.” Roys face blushed red with embarrassment. He would have to get used to this teaching adult aged kids thing. Danny continued writing in his book, after a few minutes he looked up again.
“Can I call you Roy?” Danny asked with a grin.
“No way.” Roy laughed at the cheek of him. He was starting to like this kid.
“Pretty please.” Danny batted his long eyelashes and gave Roy the biggest puppy dog eyes he could manage. Roy laughed.
“Do you want more detentions kid?” Roy laughed some more.
“Only if they’re with you.” Roy spluttered slightly. Hold on was this kid flirting with him now? Roy went bright red with embarrassment for the second time in the past five minutes.
“Sure thing kid.” Roy hesitantly replied, whilst Danny laughed some more. Did that count as flirting? Had Roy just flirted with a student? The laughter eventually settled into comfortable silence and Danny continued to scribble away in his notebook.
“I’m not a kid you know”. Roy rolled his eyes and smiled. “No I’m serious, I’m 18 I got held back a year when my dad died.” Danny said nonchalantly, in a way that broke Roy’s heart.
“I’m sorry to hear that Danny.” Roy said in a more serious tone. The fact that the student he’d been flirting with was actually a legal adult was brushed to the back of Roy’s mind as he remembered that the kid was most likely desperately in need of some help.  He decided to try and approach the subject as gently as he could.
“So what’s this book you’re writing in. Seems to me like you’ve written more in it than you wrote in my class all day.” Roy began whilst walking to the desk in front of Danny and turning round the chair to face him.
“Nothing.” Danny said quickly and snapped the book shut. Roy felt bad for the kid. Clearly this was some sort of diary and he was worried that he’d crossed a line by bringing it up. Roy tried a different approach.
“So how’d you wind up here today?”
“Mouthing off to Debbie. You were there.” Danny smirked at the memory.
“I mean before that.” Roy smiled softly.
“You mean how did I get myself beat up? Oh just by being super cool, having loads of friends and being queer.” Danny laughed. Roy didn’t. “Two of those were a lie by the way.” Danny laughed again.
“You know you can talk to people-“
“Hold on let me tell you how this next part of the conversations going to go. You’re going to tell me that her are people here to help me and I’m going to tell you that that’s a big crock of shit and you don’t know what you’re talking about.” Danny said in a more serious tone. Roy looked stumped.
“Maybe there’s something I can do.” Roy tried again.
“Look I know you’re new here but you need to learn that nobody here actually cares about helping m- anyone but themselves. Okay. This town is shit. Nothing will change. Get over it.” Danny said raising his voice slightly. Roy took a moment to process Danny’s outburst.
“I’m sorry that that’s how you feel, but I genuinely do want to help you. And I’m not going to sit here and watch while any student of mine is getting treated like this.” Roy spoke softly and attempted to look Danny in the eye. The younger boy was looking out of the window, looking as though he was on the brink of tears. The two sat in silence for a minute longer. Roy glanced at his watch and noticed that they had another 25 minutes of detention left.
“Do you want to leave early, Danny?”
“Yes please.” Danny whispered, his voice breaking slightly at the end. Danny picked up his notebook and his bag and walked quickly out of the room. Roy remained looking at the space where Danny had been just moments ago, thinking about the events of the past half an hour.
When Roy got home he called his best friends from New York to talk to them about his confusing first day. The pair squealed with excitement when he answered call connected.
“Ahhhhhhhh girl we missed you. This bitch has been driving me crazy.” D.J laughed and nudged Willam. “So tell us everything. What’s your house like? What’s the town like? Have you got grindr yet? Have you met anyone yet?”
“Have you fucked anyone yet?” Willam added. Roy laughed at his two best friends. He missed them so much and was definitely starting to think that he’d made a mistake in coming to this hell hole.
“Which one of those would you like me to answer first?” Roy cackled and waited for his friends stop giggling before speaking again. “Okay. House is shitty. Town is awful. No grindr. No friends. I want to come home. So how are you guys then?”
“Wait you didn’t answer the last question. Who you fucking girl?” D.J squealed as Roy went bright red.
“Nobody.” He laughed trying to hide the embarrassment on his face.
“Roy-Lady, you’re gonna tell us eventually girl so you might as well just spill.” Willam insisted.
“I met him at work” Roy admitted.  The boys on the other end of the phone squealed.
“Ooooo a teacher. Is he hot? Is he good in bed?” His friends took turns at over excitedly asking him questions.
“He’s not a teacher. And I haven’t slept with him. I’m not into him, at least I don’t think I am. I can’t be anyways! He’s just… interesting.” Roy fumbled over his words. He’d only known Danny for a day and he was already managing to get inside his head. Roy was in trouble.
“Girl, interesting is just your smart ass way of saying you want to fuck him. So what does he teach?” DJ asked. “Biology” He suggested, and wiggled his eyebrows.
“I told you he’s not a teacher.” Roy mumbled the rest of the sentence under his breath.
“Speak up bitch.” His friends shouted down the phone.
“He’s a student.” Roy admitted.
“Nuh-huh honey that’s wrong. You can’t be messing with them kiddies up in that backwards little down you done found yourself in.” D.J scolded him and Roy went bright red once more.
“He’s not a child! He’s about to turn 19! And nothing has even happened. God am I an awful person.” Roy rambled.
“Oh girl if he’s 19 that shits fair game. You shoulda said baby.” Willam reassured him.
“I didn’t get a chance to before you guys jumped on my ass. Nothing’s going to happen anyways, I’m still his teacher regardless of how old he is.” Roy said in a serious tone.
“Girl it sounds like you need to get yourself a drink and loosen up.” Willam said, feeling bad for his friend. After saying their goodbyes and Roy promising he would stop being so melodramatic, Roy hung up and decided he would actually go out and get that drink he apparently so desperately needed. After arriving at what appeared to be the only bar in town Roy learnt that they did not serve any alcohol he drove disappointedly home and sulked for the rest of the evening.
Ashamedly, Roy spent all of Tuesday waiting for his detention with Danny to come around. He taught his lessons and insulted his students half-heartedly, all while wondering what tonight’s detention would bring. When detention finally did roll around Roy sat behind his desk and began to grade some assignments, as he expected Danny would be fifteen minutes late. As though on cue, Danny arrived late and reeking of weed once more.  Danny took his usual seat at the back of the room and started tossing a ball back and forth in his hands.
“Sorry I was a dick yesterday,” Danny drawled. Roy laughed and gave a fake disapproving look at Danny’s language.
“Really Danny, with the language again?” Roy laughed and started walking towards his seat across from Danny’s desk. Danny laughed and Roy thought it just might have been the sweetest sound he had ever heard.  Roy noticed the small plastic ball that Danny was tossing between his hands and decided to try and start a light conversation.
“What’s that you’ve got there?” Roy asked.
“It’s s stress ball. You know like for stress and stuff.” Danny answered and tossed Roy the ball. Roy turned the red foam ball over in his hand and noticed small marks in the shape of fingernails, presumedly from repeated and forceful pressure. Roy was saddened at the thought of Danny being so upset and angry at the world that he could cause this damage. He wished there was something he could do.
“So you wanna talk about anything?” Roy asked and tossed the ball back to Danny.
“Where are you from?” Danny asked and tossed the ball back again.
“I meant anything serious” Roy laughed and smiled at Danny.
“Nope.” Danny laughed, holding out his hand for the ball. Roy tossed it to him and he continued. “So come on Mi Amo we don’t have all day. Where are you from?” Danny grinned as Roy blushed.
“New Orleans, originally. I moved to New York after Hurricane Katrina and have lived there ever since. Well until I moved here.” Roy explained as Danny tossed the ball back to him.
“New York. Party.” Danny beamed. “What’s it like-” Danny started, before Roy cut him off.
“I believe it’s my turn to ask a question. Have you lived in Milford all your life?” Roy asked, punctuated by throwing the ball back to Danny.
“No I’m from Azusa. I’ll stab a bitch.” Danny answered, followed by a delicate giggle which indicated it was very likely that he could not stab a bitch. “We moved here after my dad died cause my mum met some new guy.” Danny said, looking slightly sad. “Do you have any siblings?” Danny asked, throwing the ball back to Roy and continuing the game of questions/ catch that they had begun.
“I do. I’m one of five. What do you want to do when you graduate?”
“Get the fuck out of here.” Danny laughed and Roy smirked at his answer.  “What’s your favourite food?”
“My favourite what? Is this some kind of slumber party now?” Roy teased Danny about his childlike question choice.
“It can be.” Danny said flirtily. Roy didn’t know how to respond so he just continued as though it hadn’t happened, whilst trying to suppress a blush.
“I don’t have a favourite food. What’s yours?” Danny laughed at Roy’s discomfort.
“Pizza.” Danny grinned. Roy couldn’t think of any more questions so the pair settled into a comfortable silence tossing the ball back and forth. After a couple of minutes he decided to check in on Danny’s injuries from yesterday.
“How’s your head?” Roy asked cautiously.
“Haven’t had any complaints.” Danny laughed at his own joke and Roy cursed himself for setting it up for him.
“I mean your injury.” Roy stammered, trying to move past Danny’s blatant flirting.
“It’s fine.” Danny answered, brushing the question off. After that the pair settled into the steady questioning for the rest of the detention. It was twenty minutes after Danny was due to leave before they realised the time. Slightly embarrassed that he had let himself become so distracted, Roy quickly said his goodbyes to Danny and they went their separate ways.
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