#huxley x lasko x damien
ryoko-san · 1 year
in the park
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‘Deviant bought me this thing called a camera– well, I know what it does since I’ve seen people used it before but, never tried it for myself.
..so... I tried it out today when we all decided to go to the park. Oh, the look on Damien’s face when he noticed i took this photo~’
in all seriousness, i ended up taking random photos near the park i like visiting and had this random scenario where gavin likes taking photos of his friends when they do something fun-- each photo he takes, he treasures them.
here’s some close ups:
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@xdolls-crownx @annahhopee @roryzz @sparkledragonxi @cupid-moon
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biteforblood · 9 months
[ HEADCANONS #2 ] various.
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✶ notes : gn!reader, fluff, sillies being silly, cursing, 0.4k
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huxley owns and is always wearing a pearl choker. that! or a simple chain choker, one of the two. was it a gift from the damn crew damien specifically, or from his moms, or did he buy it himself? you decide :)
geordi is a tall ass bitch, like the top of his head touches typical door frames. and, yes, he has hit his head an embarrassing amount of times, no he hasn’t learned his lesson
lasko wears glasses — like thin silver wire frame, constantly sliding down his nose and needing to be pushed back up, wiping them on his shirt every five seconds ( totally not…projecting… )
also also, his hair isn’t necessarily long, but it’s not short either. it’s like long enough to tie back into a small ponytail, but short enough that not all of it stays tied back so he has to keep pushing it away from his face cause it’s super bothersome
sam loves doing chores. he legit enjoys them, it’s very relaxing for him ; mowing, dishes, sweeping, vacuuming, laundry, the list goes on ( totally not another projection… ) and yes darlin’ enjoys teasing him about it
asher had really bad cystic acne growing up ; he would constantly pick at it ( still does, as with all blemishes ) it cleared up a lot as he got older, but there’s some scarring left behind
similarly…ish, lasko has really sensitive skin. like, if he gets a small itch and scratches it, in two seconds, his skin is fuckin’ bright pink in that spot. he has to be super careful with what soaps and lotions and colognes he uses because, if it isn’t compatible, it is not compatible
david has constant stubble. he has to shave every. single. morning. and even then, it only allows him a few hours of a nice smooth face ; angel loves him smooth, stubble-y, or scruffy all the same
when the two are home together, aaron gives smartass’s ass a smack every time they walk by or cross paths. they make sure to do the same right back to him, partially because it’s funny payback, and partially because it incites a fun chase
damien is a total blanket thief and hog. i know he naturally runs hot, but the thought of him wrapped in a blanket like a burrito, his poofy head sticking out, it just…it makes me giggle
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© biteforblood. please do not translate, repost, or redistribute in any way on any platform.
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sunshowerwriting · 1 year
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A God D.A.M.N Polycule || pt. 3
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(Redacted Audio) Gavin x Freelancer x Huxley x Damien x Lasko
1k Words
Your day had been horrible. All you wanted to do was curl up and forget about everything, but when you returned home two of your partners weren’t going to let you ignore your feelings.
this is a huxley & gavin focused chapter, still implied to be the polycule but only hux and gav make an appearance.
@lovelyossein this is for you and your huxley obsession, i hope you like it :3
read on ao3 if you prefer
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The door to your apartment shut behind you with a thud. Your hands were shaking and your head was spinning and all you wanted to do was cry. But before you could disappear and wallow in what a horrible day it was you heard Gavin call to you from the other room.
“Deviant, you’re home late.”
Footsteps started growing louder before you had a chance to dash off or even respond to Gavin so you decided to resign yourself to your fate. You took in a deep shaky breath and tried to look as put together as you could, hoping it was enough to convince the demon you were okay. 
When the footsteps stopped you were surprised to find not only Gavin standing to greet you but Huxley as well. They both stood there looking at you. Huxley stood behind Gavin, peering over his shoulder. Although the two men were close in height Huxly still had a few inches on Gavin which gave him advantage to see you while still standing behind the demon. They smiled at first, but after only a second of looking at you both of their smiles turned into frowns. As always your partner could see right through you.
“What’s the matter dude?” Huxley asked, his voice laced with concerne.
They both walked closer to you, standing far enough away that they were still giving you a bit of space but close enough to grab onto you if they needed to. You hated seeing them look at you like they were looking at you in that moment. They looked sad and more than a little bit worried. You hated having those emotions directed at you, you wanted them to stop looking at you like that. You didn’t want them to be sad. They were clearly in a good mood before you came in, why did you have to ruin that. 
“Nothing. I’m fine.” You tried to lie, tried to get them to stop worrying, but the way they looked at each other and then back at you you knew they didn’t believe you.
“No you're not Freelancer.” 
Gavin’s words left no room for argument. It was clear he and Hux both knew that you werent okay, and it seemed that neither of them were going to let you try to lie your way out of this situation.
“You can talk to us. We're here for you dude. Let us help.” Huxley said, stepping in closer.
The tone in his voice is what really got to you. He sounded so worried and yet so sincere. Your eyes started to water and no matter how hard you tried you couldn’t stop yourself from crying. It was what you wanted after all, if you were in a better state you may even find some humor in the conclusion.
You started sucking in air, trying your hardest to get something other than a sob out but today truly wasn’t your day and all you could do was fall deeper into a crying mess. Huxley wrapped his arms around you tightly. Pulling you flush against his chest and letting you bury your head into his chest. You held onto Hux like a lifeline, gripping  onto his shirt tightly. 
You both sunk to the ground, Huxley made sure that you didn’t fall and hurt yourself, and tried to keep you as close to him as you could with you both sitting on the floor now. Huxley stroked your back gently as he spoke.
“If you keep crying like that I’m gonna cry too.”
Huxley’s comment drew a strained laugh out of you, but ultimately didn’t stop your tears. You pulled your face away from his chest and furiously wiped at your eyes and nose. You stared at the wet spot your tears left on your sleeve until you felt a smaller hand rest on your shoulder.
You turned to see that Gavin had sat down on the floor with you and Hux. He was further away from you than Huxley was but he still sat close by, enough that he could rest his hands on you. He squeezed your shoulder and then moved his hand to wipe away a few tears on your face.  
“It’s okay, Freelancer.” His words were soft and his hand was still caressing your cheek as he spoke.
You reached out to hold his free hand. He squeezed your hand in return and let you hold onto him however tightly you needed. Huxley shifted around which led you to turn your attention back to him. You noticed that his eyes really were glossy like he was about to cry, and it almost made your own tears start up with a vengeance again. But if he could hold it together then so could you, you thought.
“Are you feeling up to talking about it?” He asked softly.
You took in a deep breath before answering his question. 
“I just had a really bad day.” 
Huxley gave you one of his famous lopsided smiles, it wasn’t nearly as bright as you normally get from Hux but you still appreciated seeing him smile at you. It was clear that both Huxley and Gavin were both worried about you but they were willing to help you feel better in any way you knew how and you appreciated that. You wanted everything to feel alright, you wanted to just pretend that today didn’t happen, but your feelings still hung heavy over your head and they were impossible to ignore even after you had mostly calmed down from your crying fit.
“Why don’t we get off this floor, and get you changed out of these outside clothes. Then we can sit and talk some more if you want?” Gavin gave your hand another squeeze and looked to you for approval for his idea.
You nodded your head at him, “Yeah, I think I would like that.”
Gavin began to stand up and you moved to do the same, but before you could do anything Huxley leaned over and kissed the top of your head. It caught you a bit off guard and when you looked him in the eyes afterwards, he was just smiling at you. But even without words you got the message and for the first time on this horrible day you actually smiled.
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aestheticpearl · 1 year
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— 𝐦𝐮𝐬𝐢𝐜 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐚 𝐬𝐮𝐬𝐡𝐢 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐮𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐭
[𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒔] d.a.m.n squad
“listen eating cheetos with chopsticks just make the most sense, that way you don’t get the cheese dust all over your fingers” you try to back up your strange habit while reaching in the bag for more.
“what?! dude the cheese dust getting on your fingers is like the best part!” you shake your head at huxley.
“bro your gonna give someone a yeast infection one day” gavin holds back a laugh at your brutal comment.
“hey man i wash my hands!”
“huxley i had to remind you to brush your teeth this morning” damien cuts in and huxley scratches the back of his head.
“it may have slipped my mind” you shake your head and continue picking through the bag while watching lasko and damien game on the tv.
“hey can i have one?” gavin whispers and you lean the bag towards him. “feed me?” you roll your eyes and pick one up to feed him.
“mmm you love me~”
“yeah i know don’t remind me” you watch as gavin pokes at lasko to break him from his concentration, he yelps and damien takes the chance to win finally.
“whaaa? just making it interesting”
“lasko come with me to kitchen, i wanna start on those cupcakes now or they’ll never get done” you shove the bag and chopsticks you had into gavin’s chest and he lets out an oof and takes the items. you get up and take lasko’s hand and guide him into the kitchen.
“uh i wanna thank you again for hosting this uh um”
“slumber party”
“y-yeah that, thank you”
“it’s my pleasure i love having you guys over and i’m super excited to have you all sleep over” you flash a smile at him and lasko feels his heart squeeze. “hux and damien will probably sleep together on the pull out couch, you’re welcome to sleep with gavin and i”
lasko can feel his face flush at the offer, you can’t help but smile as you start pulling out the bowls and measuring cups.
“can you grab the eggs?”
“oh y-yeah sure”
“thank you~ go ahead and crack those into a bowl, i’ll start mixing” you instruct as you start pouring the mix together.
“got room for one more to join? damien and hux started to suck face”
“nah but i could sense that wanted to so i’m giving them some privacy” gavin says before walking over and wrapping his arms around you from behind. “whatcha making my little freelancer?”
“we are making red velvet cupcakes”
“sounds yummy, but not as yummy as—”
“ahem, we are not the only two in here gav” you say sternly.
“i’m aware” gavin says while starting to plant kisses on your neck.
“gav” you say in a warning tone that’s barley about a whisper.
“alright alright” he says finally letting up. “lasko you wanna get in on this?” lasko’s face heats up once more as he faces down to focus on prepping the cupcake tray.
after putting the cupcakes in the oven you all go back to the living room to help set up the pull out couch and set up a movie. huxley had damien to snuggle up with and lasko watched as you laid back in gavin’s lap. you noticed his anxiousness and opened your arms for him, he glad took your invitation and you instantly started played with his hair.
“hey scooch i wanna be party of the cuddle party” you giggle and open your arm for huxley to move both damien and himself into your side.
“my legs are getting crushed”
“suffer” you smile up at gavin as he leans down to place a kiss on your forehead.
“anything for you”
you sigh happily at the pile of friends you have as you watch them watch the movie you put on. you can never express how grateful you are for them to be in your life.
“i love you guys”
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please reblog to show support ✧·˚ ༘ * ༄
eat cheetos with chopsticks it will change your life i swear it
.love always <3 pearl
.harry’s house masterlist
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cat-arsenal · 9 months
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@espressoth and I have been yelling about Redacted x Baldur's Gate so I quickly did these dudes in CC
Huxley - Druid (Human here but his moms are a dryad and a moutain nymph)
Lasko - Wizard (Half-Elf here but has couatl ancestry)
Damien - Sorcerer (Half-Elf here but his momma is a Salamander)
Gavin - Problem Bard (Tiefling here but he is, in fact, an Incubus-flavored Devil)
@cottagecorexboy Thought you'd enjoy these! I'll return shortly with my OCs
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spoiler for the 3rd, unposted chapter of sails swords and the open sea (fanfic i made link here if you wanna read it https://archiveofourown.org/works/41657175/chapters/104493090 ) also this doesn't happen i just thought it was funny
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Gavin is a fish and he is pink, Damien is red/orange Hux is green Freelancer is purple and Lasko is grey (:
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chaoticpaine · 2 years
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darlin-collins · 2 years
Damien and hux nervous about telling the group they're dating, cuz yk gay
The group (or mine at least)
-A pansexual incubus
-A very queer looking air elemental
-a gender fluid freelancer
What are they scared of?
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beewithknee · 2 years
the red ropes (1)
Sub Huxley (Poly!DAMN) smut
Part 1
t.w/c.w - mild dumbification, slightly sadistic lasko + damien, praise kink, slight exhibtionism, bondage, established BDSM dynamic, use of honourifics (sir, king + master), ruined orgasms, edging, very very mild overstimulation
The tight red ropes were slightly constrictive around Huxley’s chest as he walked. Not that he didn't like it. Huxley had often fantasised about doing something like this… doing something that could so easily get him caught.
Earlier that morning, the Freelancer had wrapped him up so prettily, making him their perfect little playtoy. They’d promised to keep him tied up like a beautiful gift until they could get home and take him apart.
It was safe to say, Huxley’s pants were a little tighter than normal. 
The silky red ropes had been designed for long periods of use and were extremely comfortable. It helped keep the Earth’s mind slow and steady. His anxiety was under control as the ropes kept every bad thought at bay. He didn’t need to think about anything but his school work and the love that he felt from being so securely wrapped up. 
His phone buzzed, their contact name flashing across the screen.
‘the short one <3’ He, in fact, had not chosen the nickname. That was Damien’s handiwork. He was very proud of the fact that he was a whole ½ inch taller than his counterpart.
“Hey, how are you feeling honey?” Their soft voice floated through his phone into his ear. He shivered at the low timber of their voice. “G-good.” He stuttered, the words felt thick in his throat. “They feel good and I'm keeping half an eye on them. I’ll send you progress pics throughout the day to let you know.” He responded quietly, mind floating slightly as they breathed in his ear.
“Good boy.” They breathed so softly. He let out a whimper, a quiet but distinct noise. His cheeks flushed as he quickly looked around to see if anyone had heard. “Floating in the clouds a bit, baby?” Freelancer laughed lightly, thoroughly enjoying the noises they could pull from him. 
It made them proud.
“Okay, I have to go to my first class. Are you gonna be okay?” They whispered gently, he could picture them running their fingers over his cheeks as they spoke. He closed his eyes and subconsciously leaned into the imaginary touches.
“Mhm.” he hummed, mind slowly coming back into himself. “Hux, I want you to call me anytime you need or want okay? This is gonna be a lot and I'm here for you every step of the way.” They promised, speaking their words slowly and clearly so that the message stuck in his brain.
“Thank you.” He swallowed thickly, his mind absorbing their words easily. It was always easy when it was them. 
“Okay, I really have to go. Bye honey, stay safe and feel free to call me or take them off at any time.” They reiterated, sending a kissy noise through the screen. He laughed and said goodbye before hanging up again.
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catella-ars · 2 years
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Scribbled some more Incorrect Redacted Quotes because they give me life. A few from this one https://cat-arsenal.tumblr.com/post/667577127321927680/damn-polycule
Lasko: How’s the prettiest person here? Ricky: I don’t know. How is he~? Lasko: Oh, I-I-- Gavin: I’m doing great.
Lasko: You really dropped everything a-and came all this way f-for me? How did you even get here so fast? Gavin: Several traffic violations. Ricky: Three counts of resisting arrest. Huxley: Thirteen cans of energy drinks. Damien: Also, that’s not our car.
~Air Fried Dirt Grocery Group Chat (Personal Fave)~ Damien: Please bring home PURIFIED water with NO minerals added for taste. Lasko: We got spring water. Damien: NO Huxley: With EXTRA minerals Lasko: It’s like licking a stalactite. Damien: DON’T COME HOME Huxley: Mmm cave water
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cantf1ndmynam3 · 2 years
ok i’ve dm-ed too many people and now i’m just gonna do a PSA instead:
i’m making a spotify playlist of them and want to use your fanarts as the cover (sfw pls)
(do put ur autograph/signature bc idk how else to credit)
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this is the playlist brb
reblog, message or wtv, i’d love to take them in
can’t say that i can fit in all but i’ll most DEFINITELY hype them up
~~~~~~ psa over so here’s an incorrect quote~~~~~~
huxley: (bench-pressing the weight of a Volkswagen like it’s nothing)
damien, heating up: lord have mercy
freelancer: we must stay focused, brothers.
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ryoko-san · 1 year
~Freelancer series Omori au~
I’ve been wanting to make an Omori AU for so long sooo here it is!
The whole gang are all friends ever since childhood btw (Gavin enters the friendship when they all started DAMN.) The AU takes place after The E&E games/Inversion.
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~Headspace Version~
(basically FL’s own little dream space world for coping and escaping reality.)
The characters here all resemble season 1 of the freelancer series!
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(CW: Survivor’s guilt, Implications of depression, Isolation, Mentions of loss)
Here are information for each character in the AU:
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Okay ngl I’ve never been so detailed for an AU before lol
Btw ignore the height inaccuracy, i got too tired fixing it :c
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biteforblood · 9 months
[ GROCERIES #1 ] the damn crew.
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✶ notes : gn!reader, silly chaotic fluff, stupid long hcs, 0.6k
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damien is prepared. he has a budget and full, detailed list of which he is determined to stick to and complete and will not get distracted from. he knows what aisles to go down for each item. he’s quick, efficient, bit peeved cause…people, especially when they’re in his way. which they are. a lot
huxley is hopping between the group ; he wanders aimlessly through the store with freelancer, helps lasko find and pick out specific brands of things he needs, messes around and causes a respectful ruckus with gavin, pushes the grocery cart around for damien
you cannot tell me gavin isn’t either a) hiding in places he shouldn’t be like in clothing racks or behind displays or b) sitting down somewhere he also shouldn’t be on like pallets or in the shelves ( y’know, like the water and paper towel…shelves? )
like damien, lasko has a list, but unlike the fire elemental, he doesn’t stick to it as firmly. he really does try to, and for the majority if not the entirety of it, he does! lasko also just…kind of…grabs other things as well that aren’t on his list. that, or is convinced by a certain incubus or freelancer to…it’s sooo fiiine
freelancer is one of two ways when shopping : the tired “parent” trying and failing to keep all their kids and boyfriend wrangled in, or one of the kids being unsuccessfully wrangled in. really depends on their mood. that, and who they’re shopping with or lack thereof
the group is forbidden from the snack aisle — at least until the very end — because it’s the one they splurge on the most. everyone’s getting something, if not multiple things, and it’s just the unhealthiest amount of chips and sugar that half of will likely be gone by the end of the night
when freelancer isn’t shopping or being carried by gavin or huxley, they’re being rolled around in the cart like the passenger princess ( gender neutral ) they are
gavin is just…picking up things from shelves and displays that he doesn’t need nor want, then putting it back where it doesn’t belong
and, yes, this irks the hell out of damien ( and as someone who has worked retail, i’m going to strangle you gavin, i swear— )
you remember when you were little and you’d go grocery shopping with your parents or friends, and you had to go to the bathroom really bad so everyone goes together, then when you came back out of the bathroom, everyone just magically disappeared?
yeah, that happens every single time they all go shopping together. without fail. and the person who is left behind changes each time, it’s never consistent, only the ( accidental ) abandonment is
as said at the beginning, huxley pushes around the cart. not solely for damien, but in general. or, if they choose a basket instead, he’s carrying that, or, hell, he’ll just carry whatever it is they’re grabbing in his arms, cart or basket be damned cause who needs one, he’s got this!
similarly…ish, when they’ve gotten all that they do and don’t need and checked out, cart or basket if they used one has been returned, the boys — sometime freelancer, when they aren’t being ref — will make a competition out of seeing who can carry the most bags to the car without dropping or breaking anything
and you’re probably thinking huxley wins every time, and he certainly has! but you cannot tell me that freelancer hasn’t wiped the floor with all of them as well
is it because the boys let them win? maybe. doesn’t make it any less funny a thought or any less sweet a victory that they gleefully rub in each of their faces
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© biteforblood. please do not translate, repost, or redistribute in any way on any platform.
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sunshowerwriting · 1 year
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A God D.A.M.N Polycule? || pt. 1
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(Redacted Audio) Freelancer x Gavin x Damian x Huxley x Lasko
2.3 k Words
The d.a.m.n squad has always held love for each other. And this kind of love can only be kept to themselves for so long.
this has also been posted on ao3 if you’d prefer to read there
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“You’re staring again Deviant.” Gavins voice was quiet, he clearly intended for only you to hear it, and he was apparently successful, because none of your guests paid either of you any mind. 
His words made you tear your eyes away from your guests though. You weren't sure which one you had actually been staring at, but knowing Gavin he was probably aware that your mind was on all of them, not just one. You turned your attention to your lover, he sat beside you with his arm draped behind you. He was closer than you remembered him being when you were finally face to face again, but you certainly didn’t mind the close proximity. 
You looked at him for a minute, that sly smirk only growing with the silence between you both before you shook your head and looked away from him. You were smiling now, and you knew he could tell, but there was hope for you to hold on to a small bit of pride you had. Gavin knew he got under your skin, and he loved it, and you could only hold out for so long before he made you break under the pressure of his gaze. 
“And?” You asked.
Your question made him laugh. His outburst even caught the attention of your guests, much to your displeasure. 
“What’s so funny?” Lasko stuttered out, as unsure as ever when it came to Gavin. 
Gavin contained his laughter enough to answer, shooting you a quick look before he responded to the air elemental. 
“Oh nothing. Our little deviant here was just living up to their name.” 
You shook your head again, playing up as much of the fake annoyance as you could. They all knew you weren’t really angry with Gavin, but it was fun to pretend from time to time. Still, you had no intention of telling your friends just how you were “living up to your name” this evening so you quickly changed the topic. 
“Come on, let's play this game before we forget the whole point we decided to get together tonight anyway.”
Damien snorted and spoke, “Like Lasko would let us forget about playing his favorite game.” 
And with that, your own personal disaster was avoided. Everyone let the incident slide, for the most part. Every time your gaze would wander toward one of your friends you could hear Gavin chuckling to himself, but he kept any comments he may have to himself. You found yourself falling into the rhythm that you always fell into when you were surrounded by these four. The feeling of comfort and serenity that you couldn’t escape with them. It was where you really felt at home. 
Before long though, your snacks had run out, and you were tasked with fetching some more. Gavin, like the ‘generous man’ he came to join you in your scavenger for more snacks. Gavin wasted no time bringing up the topic you had almost forgotten about as soon as the two of you were alone however.
“What am I going to do with you deviant?” 
Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion as you took your attention away from the cupboards in front of you and brought it to the incubus. 
“What do you mean?”
“You're off staring at other guys, how could you do this to me?” His fake sorrow was obvious, and there was no doubt in your mind that he was just saying this to tease you.
Still you felt yourself getting embarrassed. Had you really been staring that much? So much so that Gavin called you out on it not once but twice. 
Gavin quickly followed up his previous statement once sensing your uneasy feelings. 
“I mean, I can't say I blame you.” There was a brief pause, one you suspected was for dramatic effect. “Huxley looks so good in that shirt tonight, it's hard not to stare.”
The admission made you laugh. It wouldn’t have been so funny had Gavin not been so genuine in his words. Huxley did look good in that shirt, you knew that, but Gavin so easily admitting that he felt the same way about it eased the tension you were feeling previously. 
Gavin moved closer to you, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you close to him. There wasn’t any judgment or harshness in his eyes, nothing but compassion, and it was all directed at you.
“We could always ask them to join us, you know.” 
All the teasing had left Gavins voice. It was a genuine offer, one that he had no hesitancy or discomfort saying. And perhaps it shouldn’t have come as a surprise to you. Not only had Gavin always been open with you about his feelings towards your group, but you both had discussed something like this before. But that was always in passing. It was never at a time when said group was sitting in your living room. It had never felt real. Until now. 
“I don’t want to make things weird” You said, playing with the end of Gavins shirt. Almost in the way a kid would when they're nervous. 
“Oh I don’t think it would make anything weird deviant.” 
The look on Gavin’s face when he said that made your face scrunch up in confusion. You had no idea what he meant by that, and the look he was giving made you even more confused by what he was trying to imply. But before you could ask, he spoke again.
“I won’t say anything if you don’t want to, but no matter what you want to do, know this: I love you, and I love them, and I have know doubt in my mind that they love you too.”
You knew that. All of that really. But hearing Gavin say it so sincerely made your heartbeat speed up. You loved him, and them, more than you could say. So why was this so difficult? You knew that they loved you and Gavin too, but something in your brain couldn’t let yourself believe that any of them would ever want to be with you in any way more than the way they already were. 
Opening a relationship to one person was scary enough, and you were working through how to open it to three people. You had plenty of reservations. Ones that kept nagging away at you in ways that made you simply made you want to bury these feelings and never think of them again. But you couldn’t do that. You cared too much. Yet still these doubts and fears kept eating at you. 
Huxley and Damien were already together, you knew they liked each other. And Gavin and Lasko had a past, so you were fairly certain that there was something there too. But that wasn’t enough to ease your mind. Their feelings on you were a mystery to you. You could only hope that they felt the same way about you that you did about them. 
And how did you feel about them? That was another thing to worry about. How could you explain the feelings you had for them in a way that made sense to everyone involved. You cared for each of them deeply, in  a way that you had never cared for anyone before. And you needed them to know.
And so, after your bout of internal debate you finally came to the conclusion you had been hoping to come to for a while now. You looked at Gavin again and he gave you one of the softest smiles you had ever seen him give. 
“Let's tell them how we feel.”
Gavin’s smile widened and he leaned in to place a soft kiss on your lips. It was quick, but it conveyed everything you needed to know in that moment; That Gavin was with you on this, that he wanted this too and that it would be okay. 
“Lead the way, my deviant.” Gavins said as you scooped up the snacks you were actually sent in here to get, and you made your way back to your guests with a new goal for the evening. 
“Hey, you’re back!” Lasko said upon your entrance back into the living room. 
Damien spoke up next, “What took you so long?”
He only spared a quick glance away from the game in front of him, but his annoyed curiosity was evident. 
“Oh, it's nothing. Freelancer here just isn’t good at making decisions.” Gavin replied, giving you a nudge as you sat down the snacks. 
To the rest of them you assumed it sounded like you were having trouble picking out snacks, but Gavin’s teasing struck you in a different way. You knew his real meaning. You both sat down again. Taking your original places with no more questions from your friends, but even the brief silence you fell into was unbearable to your ears in your current state. And so your words came flooding out before you could stop them. 
“I love you guys a lot you know.” 
The way your words came out broken and stuttered made you sound like Lasko. It wasn’t often that anyone could compare to his nerves or his stutter, but you certainly thought you were giving him a run for his money. 
Lasko spoke before you could clarify anything. 
“We love you too! I mean, I love you. I can't speak for anyone else, but I mean it seems like Damien and Huxley love you too. I mean why wouldn’t they, you’re great, and they have probably told you that before too. So why wouldn’t anyone love you? But I for sure love you because, you know, you're one of my favorite people, and I like you a lot! I love you a lot too!”
No. You actually couldn’t compete with Lasko. 
He continued, “Oh, I said I said that already. Well I mean I guess it's okay that I said it, I mean saying it multiple times doesn't lessen the meaning. At least I don’t think so, but maybe you do and if that's the case then I’m sorry, but I do mean it and. Oh I’m rambling, I’ll just stop talking now.”
He looked like a deer in the headlights when you gave him a nervous smile. The nerves obviously weren't from his ramblings, but he didn’t know that, so you would make it a pont to make sure he knew you weren’t upset with him. Before you could say anything though Huxley spoke. 
“Lasko’s right dude. We love you too! You’re my best bro and I wouldn't ever want you to think I don’t love ya.”
You caught Damien nodding next to Huxley. Keeping quiet himself, but clearly agreeing with Huxleys words. And probably Lasko’s too, even if Damien probably had gripes about how many words Lasko used.
“No, but-” you fumbled to explain yourself.
Gavin placed his hand on your shoulder comfortingly. And he spoke up trying his best to give you aid without taking over. 
“What if Deviant and I didn’t want to just be your ‘best bro’?”
You nodded, perhaps a bit too eagerly, at Gavins words. But the three in front of you only looked at you confused. 
“What does that even mean?” Damien asked. 
You took another deep breath, hoping to calm your nerves before speaking once again. 
“Me and Gavin were wondering if all three of you felt more than just platonically for us.”
“Oh Gavin’s been wondering has he?” Damien’s words were annoyed.
You knew that Gavin must already know how all of them felt about each other and yourselves too. But he had been quite closed lipped about their feelings towards himself and especially their feelings towards you. And Damien was already heating up at what you assumed was the thought of Gavin spilling his feelings to the group. 
You quickly spoke up in hopes of defusing some of Damien’s annoyance.
 “Well Gavin knows I’m sure.” There was a pause in your words before you spoke again, this time much quieter. “But I don't, and I would really like to know.” 
There was a moment of silence, it seemed to go on forever and you began to worry if you really had made a mistake bringing this up, but thankfully Damien spoke up.
“I love you guys. All of you. More than I care to admit. Huxley knows that, we've talked about it since we started dating. I-” He huffs in frustration before continuing. “I didn’t want to say anything because you and Gavin had such a nice thing going on.”
Damien turns to Lasko for his next confession. “And Lasko, honestly, I thought you’d want nothing to do with me like that. I’m still surprised we're friends so I thought that would be good enough for you.”
“Damien!” Lasko started, most definitely warming himself up for another rant. “I think you're great! And yeah sure when we first met it was a little rough, But I’ve always liked you! And especially since we've gotten so close with each other!” 
He sighed before speaking again. This time less defensive and more senseir. “I care about you all, I just worry about what I say and how it will affect you all. So sometimes I guess I come off the wrong way.” 
The heart to heart was slowly making your nerves go away but they all shot back into your body when Huxley grabbed your shoulders and made you look at him. He looked so serious when he spoke. 
“Freelancer, if you and Gavin would want it, I would love to be more than just your best bro.” 
The nerves were short lived. Huxley always seemed to be able to make you feel at home. And so you let out a nervous laugh and wrapped your arms around Huxley. Burying your face into his shoulder. You knew that the love you all felt for each other was real and true. And even if some of the finer details of your relationship needed to be worked out still, you knew that it would be okay because you were with the people that made you feel safe. 
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Redacted Playlists Part 2
Part 1 
I made a bunch of playlists of what I think each of the redacted music tastes are. These are public so you can like them and listen to them as much as you please. 
Disclaimer: These are my opinion
Vincent: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/64sqhbWICbotsG9LLjbQcA?si=aT_xJDGTT7as8ok6c6cE5g
Lovely: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/345SvcoVismi4sjSO7ZqET?si=l0K-3HHhTCm2pEV-t0luIA
Freelancer: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1HuO7gEJnpp0Gt3xZjM4N9?si=3LUvfu7QRoyy5kd3xnq9Ng
Gavin: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5qtsZ44qMBjOf4SwCI1Tyr?si=Bm0YA7tQTZ6x2a3y0spbMg
Lasko: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2IgdwVUM0x6by0VMXmfaat?si=alvmur5YR-GI5hv8FxKw-g
Damian: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/51ljZL3tCVx1RD1vSxc8AL?si=waKw9ee9Ri2W9R8UAaUOuQ
Geordi: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2s343TarGDWyHaqNNTuA9v?si=1DjsrLA7QmG3eHsNlKA9Wg
Cutie: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/09ClKhleK0FJd1A3TiOekp?si=xpuHCWotSf6ORTE-xP6BxA
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cat-arsenal · 2 years
I had a scary dream that the DAMN crew (+me? I don’t think I was FL because FL was there also) was in a burning/crumbling building and everyone was scrambling to escape and they were the last few people as it was falling down and Damien and Lasko were doing some kind of redirecting-the-hot-air thing to buy time and for some reason there was a working elevator and at the last second, Huxley pushed everyone through as ceiling was falling and Damien was screaming and reaching for him as the doors closed and Huxley did a sad smile and then it cut to the aftermath and Huxley was hurt but alive and Damien was crying and clinging and trying to yell at him but he was too relieved and crying and Huxley was just holding him and shushing him (”Don’t shush me you bastard!”) and apologizing softly and everyone was okay.
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