mtg-cards-hourly · 1 year
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Hydromorph Gull
"The only kind of water that should fly through the air is rain." —Kamahl, pit fighter
Artist: Arnie Swekel TCG Player Link Scryfall Link EDHREC Link
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the-ninja-legacy-whip · 3 months
which elemental master can hold their nrg abilities on for the longest or just spam it the most with out needing a break
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...hoo boy
Elemental Abilities:
Triggers Automatically: Nya (Marine Communication), Jesse (Inverse Anticipation), Skylor (Elemental Empathy), Cole (Super Strength), Tox (Toxin Immunity), Griffin (Accelerated Perception), Gravis (Gyro Immunity), Bolobo (Vegetation Communication) Can Spam + Don't Need Breaks: Kai (Fire-Breathing), Karlof (Vibration Tracing), Chamille (Heightened Adaptability), Ash (Smoke Immersion), Shade (Umbrakinetic Obscurity) Can Spam But Would Need Breaks: Jay (Electrostatic Levitation), Lloyd (Energy Shield—also can trigger automatically), Jacob (Echolocation) Can't Spam But Doesn't Need Breaks: Zane (Psychic Visions), Morro (Aero Sensitivity) Can't Spam and Needs Breaks: Paleman (Beacon), Neuro (Emphatic Prediction)
NRG Abilities:
Triggers Automatically: Bolobo (Photosynthesize) Can Spam + Don't Need Breaks: Cole (Earth Punch/Lava Arms), Karlof (Ferrokinetic Mimicry), Chamille (Vocal Imitation), Paleman (Photokinetic Mimicry) Can Spam But Would Need Breaks: Kai (Pyroportation), Jay (Teleportation), Tox (Poison Purge), Griffin (Speed Booster), Ash (Typhoportation), Shade (Shadow Warp) Can't Spam But Doesn't Need Breaks: Jesse (Random Roulette), Zane (Ice Armor), Skylor (Convergence), Jacob (Amplifier), Gravis (Gravitational Barrier) Can't Spam and Needs Breaks: Nya (Hydromorph), Neuro (Mind Control), Morro (Stormcaller), Lloyd ([REDACTED])
. . .
Ability Masterlist
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partygirl09 · 4 months
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Pills for days, hydromorph contin
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renlyslittlerose · 5 months
Today's update: was woken at 7 am by Hawke who loudly proclaimed I had slept enough, and must now entertain him. Been having very strange, vivid dreams, but I can't tell if that's the hydromorph, or the loss of my uterus has caused a break in my psyche like the ancient Greeks warned us about
Other than that it's been a slow, sleepy day.
Here's a photo of my alarm clock
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fis-paprikas · 29 days
pussy like hydromorphic soil the way it's overly saturated with moisture
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Tying Up Loose Ends (and a massive dive into how my mind works in game design)
There's basically one more thing I need to do for the project: create a marquee on PhotoShop. Otherwise, it's finished. Debriefs have been filled in, research processes outlined, files zipped and assignments sent off. My game is ready to be packaged and put on an arcade machine, and it'll run right out of the box. I obviously don't want to come off as prideful, but I think a finished game on this project is something special. At the very least, a polished game - not something that, yeah, it plays, but it's glitchy and scraped together just in time for the deadline. A game where I set out to do a thing and succeeded in considerable capacity. Toxic Waters was a good game, but it wasn't perfect. It was my first proper Unreal project and I overshot what I thought I could accomplish - multiple enemy types, combat with various unique weapons, large non-linear levels, advanced puzzle mechanics and an in-game shop had to be cut. Overdeath was a fine idea with an admittedly bad prototype level attached to it. The core gameplay loop was yet to be implemented, and the final "game" was a mess of poor time allocation and unused assets sitting unseen beneath the Z-kill. Sweat Pursuit could've been this. Another case of NitroSodium thinking he could make something that, in truth, was far above his skill level. But I did it!
I think I've mentioned this before, but this project was more about functionality than immersion. With Toxic Waters, I had a whole world envisioned; the Hydromorph Research Complex, a flooded scientific facility of snaking pipes and wailing sirens. The game was chunky and mechanical, a fine-tuned set of systems waiting to be utilized by the player to escape. With Overdeath, I wanted to create a wacky, vibrant homage to games like Serious Sam, where every shot fired has some effect to the world, blasting apart boxes or inflating them to double size. The key was always Create an experience, but after Overdeath failed to be interesting nor playable, the focus shifted to Make a game, specifically because Sweat Pursuit relies entirely upon its mechanics. Blog-wise, there were no walls of text debating on what weapon would be thematically relevant a la Toxic Waters, no collages of frozen outposts and junked snowcats like in Overdeath. All my thoughts were on the functionality of Sweat Pursuit, because without it, the whole thing collapses. I don't like making games like that. I much prefer the artistic merits of game creation; designing worlds and coming up with interesting ways the player can interact with them. For my next project, the looming, ominous FMP, I want to go back to that Toxic Waters era of design. I want to flesh out a world and build it so that a player can move through it, use all the moving elements that make it tick, jump on its platforms and exist in this deeply-stylized stratification of a real place.
I think the FMP is about lottery tickets? But obviously that'd be altered somehow to fit an idea. Right now I have no clue what I'll do for it. I've got something like three months though, far longer than my other projects, and I am a little intimidated by it. I mean, we're given a whole week for our teachers to explain it. How complex is it gonna be? I think I can add a second pillar to my gamedev formula.
I: Create the bare minimum before everything else. A game needs to be playable and functional as a concept before any more work is done.
II: Doubt is your biggest impediment. Having a solid idea to build off on is key to starting your project correctly.
I think for the rest of this week I'll be relaxed. Today I did crunch pretty hard. As my friends would say, I locked in. Headphones up, Deus Ex Area 51 Combat breakbeat blasting in my ears, not talking to anyone until my evaluations were done. But tomorrow, I'll do a little relaxing PhotoShop work, release my grip on the tight ball of stress that has been the Equilibrium Project for the last month, recuperate and prepare myself for whatever comes next. It's nice to word-vomit like this at the end of the project, archive the various thoughts that played in my head on loop as I connected nodes and playtested, but could never be fit into the work schedule. I'm ready to try something else. To utilise my new ideas and programming knowledge in a brand new, interesting way.
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Toxic Waters Lite: Enemies
Nicolas is finished for the time being, so let's look at some possible enemy designs. The standard mutant will be a Drain variant; essentially waterlogged zombies with greenish skin covered in purplish tendrils and virescent lesions. They are the infected remains of the Hydromorph personnel, a fate you've narrowly avoided as the game starts. They are basically zombies - slow, shambling, dangerous in a group, but pistol fodder on their own. Next up are Flowdogs, reddish amphibious beasts resembling quadrupedal piranhas. These are the result of animal testing and infected pets/guard dogs at the complex. They are faster than Drains, but do less damage to compensate. If time permits, I might add an "alpha Flowdog" variant with stripes and an increased predatory instinct. They can swim through deep water, unlike Drains, who sink to the bottom of deep pools.
Another "enemy" includes the disembodied purple tentacles that drag Nicolas under whenever he enters deep water. We can assume that the virus has mutated various species of squids being studied at Hydromorph, resulting in these unseen monstrosities.
A lot of monster creation is a combination of three virtues: what looks cool, what functions cool mechanically, and what is realistic for aquatic mutants. For example, taking an electric eel mutant and giving it an area-of-effect shock attack makes sense thematically, mechanically, and biologically. Crab/lobster mutants will have extra health and powerful melee attacks, sea slug mutants may be bio luminescent and have some sort of poison attack, octopus/squid mutants will be highly intelligent and have a camouflage ability, etcera. Another idea is an eel-like creature that emerges from underground, like a cross between the piranha plants from Mario and the Tentacles from Half Life. You could shoot them to permanently kill them, a smart idea if they inhabit an area you are going to frequent, well, frequently. Otherwise, you can leave them, since they can't leave where they are rooted. Perhaps in later Toxic Waters games, I will have shark men. I don't plan on using any in TWL, I want to keep them for a slightly more refined experience where they can be better percieved as intelligent (i.e. a game where I know how to program smarter enemies). One enemy I am very interested in implementing is the Mauler, a giant armored fish. It would be much larger than other enemies, and it would have the ability to chase you onto land like a bull shark. I reckon it would inhabit a small section of the map, which will be heavy on platforming and staying out of the Mauler's way, not unlike the Kaernk sections of Amnesia.
So, that's the long and short of it. There is so much about Toxic Waters that has been planned, shelved, revived, tinkered with, and reimagined since 2019; folders and folders of drawings and descriptions of levels and enemies... and now, I finally have a chance to eject those ideas into a real game. I'm excited!
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glassand-grass · 1 year
Spending my first night ever in the hospital. I have a small kidney stone that might be causing an infection. They are keeping me for observation and repeat blood work in the morning. They gave me hydromorph for the pain, and yah girl is high as a god damn kite. 🥴🥴
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radioactivetoad · 6 months
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Yetis & Wampas - February 2015
The figures in the front row are the rare Abominable Snowman sculpt from the Monster In My Pocket toy-line. The run about $40 to $400 USD apiece, depending upon the color. They were only available as premiums: either in Canadian boxes of Shreddies cereal, or in different colors from special Halloween gift-packs from Big Boy restaurants. Regarding where you can get one for yourself, try searching eBay and/or similar online auction site for the phrases "Monster In My Pocket" + "Abominable Snowman". However, five of the nine are customs. Some change color in cold (thermomorphic), some grow in water (hydromorphic), some glow in the dark, etc. The customs are even rarer than the original figures, because of a cease-and-desist order which has since been issued by the original copyright owner against custom MIMP figures.
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refillday · 2 years
Good morning fellow Opiate/Opoid connoisseurs.
It’s refill day!!! It is more like a relapse today and I couldn’t be happier.
What’s on the menu today?
Diazepam 5mg (14 tablets)
Hydromorphone 2mg IR (21 tablets)
Hydromorph Contin 6mg ER (14 capsules)
I will take a picture and upload it as soon as my pharmacy opens which is in 8 hours and 57 minutes lol
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mtg-cards-hourly · 2 years
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Hydromorph Gull
"The only kind of water that should fly through the air is rain." —Kamahl, pit fighter
Artist: Arnie Swekel TCG Player Link Scryfall Link EDHREC Link
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so ive been curious what are the elemental and nrg abilities for the other elements and do the essences have elemental and nrg abilities and if so what are they
Let's Refresh! Cuz I'm pretty sure everything I mentioned about Elemental/NRG Abilities has only been in passing, so let's round it all up into one post!
Elemental Ability: An ability that’s (usually or at least partially) present in an Elemental Master even before/without True Potential, and partially remains even after Post-Potential.
NRG Ability: An ability that does not unlock until after a Master has achieved NRG Mode at least once, which is usually during True Potential. After doing so, the ability can then be accessed even outside of NRG Mode.
Essences do not have either, although you could argue that Lloyd's Master Building counts as an "Essence Ability", though it was not intended as such ;P
Kai- Elemental Ability: Fire Breathing (Ability to inhale/exhale flames and persist even in overheated environments) NRG Ability: Pyroportation (Ability to warp/travel quickly along trails/plumes of fire created by himself)
Jay- Elemental Ability: Electrostatic Levitation (Ability to suspend oneself up off the ground—i.e., fly. Jay could've done this to a small degree Pre-Potential if he had more confidence in himself) NRG Ability: Teleportation (Ability to warp oneself from one place to another near-instantaneously)
Cole- Elemental Ability: Super Strength (Ability to lift heavy objects + withstand forces of great pressure. Becomes twice as potent Post-Potential) NRG Ability: Earth Punch/Lava Arms (When activated, enhances his physical capabilities + increases attack power)
Zane- Elemental Ability: Psychic Visions (Ability to see glimpses on the future. In Zane's case, these happen sparingly, but are guaranteed to come to pass) NRG Ability: Ice Armor (When activated, enables him to tank one drastic hit with no repercussions + increases defensive capabilities)
Nya- Elemental Ability: Marine Communication (Ability to converse with + summon sealife) NRG Ability: Hydromorph (Ability to submerge with any body of water and temporarily become like water itself -> a move that should be used sparingly + very difficult and risky to master)
Lloyd- Green Elemental Ability: Energy Shield (Ability to manifest an indestructible protective lifeforce field. Can be manually summoned Post-Potential, but otherwise tends to activate on its own) "Gold Essence Ability": Master Building/Breaking (Ability to create and destroy at will, even with other Elements, but can only create with something "already destroyed" and destroy with something "already created") NRG Ability: [REDACTED]
Jesse- Elemental Ability: Inverse Anticipation (Ability to entirely mask his presence and catch people off guard, but inversely other people can do that to him as well, depending on his own levels of anticipation) NRG Ability: Random Roulette (When activated, ensures that whatever Effect/Trick used next will be guaranteed to surprise the intended target…with the trade-off being that the move is also a surprise to Jesse as well)
Skylor- Elemental Ability: Elemental Empathy (Can detect the presence of other/nearby Elemental Masters. The sensations get stronger and more personalized towards the opposing Element as she gets physically closer to them. Like a living, actual Elemental Compass haha) NRG Ability: Convergence (Ability to absorb/mimic two Elements at once and use them in tandem)
Tox Ikita- Elemental Ability: Toxin Immunity (Immune to any and all kinds of toxins, venoms, and poisons...including alcohol. Also cannot get sick with illness nor disease) NRG Ability: Poison Purge (Ability to expunge other individuals of toxins that are currently plaguing them...including alcohol)
Karlof- Elemental Ability: Vibration Tracing (Ability to trace/follow the source of vibrations within metallic objects, and occasionally earth itself) NRG Ability: Ferrokinetic Mimicry (Ability to turn one's whole body into metal)
Chamille: Elemental Ability: Heightened Adaptability (Ability to analyze and adhere to situations/circumstances in a heartbeat) NRG Ability: Vocal Imitation (Ability to perfectly replicate another individual's vocal patterns, even when not transformed)
Viz Paleman: Elemental Ability: Beacon (Ability to make those around him more relaxed, and drop opponents' guards with ease) NRG Ability: Photokinetic Mimicry (Ability to turn one's whole body into light)
Griffin Turner: Elemental Ability: Accelerated Perception (Enables faster reactions time, quicker evasive maneuvers, and occasionally registering the world as going slower than it actually is) NRG Ability: Speed Booster (When activated, increase the resulting force of speed-based movements, attacks, and defenses to have devastating impacts near-equivalent to Superstrength)
Ash Grey: Elemental Ability: Smoke Immersion (Ability to completely vanish within smoke itself. Very useful when you're an assassin and carry smoke bombs) NRG Ability: Typhoportation (Ability to warp/travel quickly along trails/plumes of smoke created by himself)
Jacob Pevsner: Elemental Ability: Echolocation (Ability to locate objects/determine location via reflected soundwaves) NRG Ability: Amplifier (When activated, enhances his own already-generated soundwaves, or increase/decrease the sounds of others)
Gravis Mikhail: Elemental Ability: Gyro Immunity (Balance and sense of direction is never affected nor thrown off, no matter what orientation the body is in) NRG Ability: Gravitational Barrier (Ability to generate a repulsive or attractive gravitational field around oneself, at the cost of enacting the same force on others as they do unto him)
Shade Vespertine: Elemental Ability: Umbrakinetic Obscurity (Ability to become invisible/undetectable whilst in shadows/darkness) NRG Ability: Shadow Warp (Ability to leap from one shadow to another; shadows do not need to be created by him to accomplish this, but locations/destinations are limited)
Neuro Logi: Elemental Ability: Emphatic Prediction (Ability to predict what people will say/do before they even do it—with or without reading one's mind) NRG Ability: Mind Control (When activated, can temporarily overtake another's mind, but only for the duration of one action at a time)
Bolobo: Elemental Ability: Vegetation Communication (Ability to communicate with plants) NRG Ability: Photosynthesize (When activated, increases one's abilities when among a natural environment)
Morro Wu: Elemental Ability: Aero Sensitivity (Ability to detect the direction of the winds and the shifts they'll take as well) NRG Ability: Stormcaller (Ability to summon wind storms, which can accumulate in the form of a tornado or typhoon, depending on level of attunement)
*Time Twins do not have an EA/NA due to the split of their Element between them both
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drug-love-affair · 3 years
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asylumslutt · 4 years
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it’s been a while.
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milktar · 6 years
this is not edgy. this is not romanticizing drug addiction. this is heart breaking. this is reality. this is my fucking life.  this is for me. anyone who wants try to twist that, is ignorant as fuck and oblivious to the suffering of addiction. i need to document this disease. i need to self actualize with the notion that i am doing this. i am often so detached from my addiction, i often can’t fathom the idea of sticking a needle in my arm. i know i do it, but i dissociate from it. i’m posting to remind myself that this is real. this disease is real. i am an IV drug addict. once i can accept that, i can start to heal. 
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This is a sprite for the medkits of Toxic Waters Lite. Originally, I planned for my first level (and following) to have no health pickups. You'd have to go through with whatever arbitrary health points you start with, using wits and reflexes to avoid a watery grave.
The design I went with is reminiscent of Half Life's medkits - white boxes with computer screens on the top face. Considering both of our games are sci fi-horror games set in a lab after something goes very wrong, the imitation makes sense, and also, Half Life is my favourite video game. I altered this design slightly, adding a Resident Evil-esque vitals tracker, and an inbuilt syringe of mysterious blue health juice, a holdover from Half Life Alyx's healing bug extract. Realistically, you would implant the syringe into your body and press the green button, where it would inject you with Hydromorph Regenerative Serum. Update: Here are some health pickups from other games.
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Bioshock's health pickups are dirty tin boxes of health supplies. Indicative of the time period and aesthetic, they can be found in the environment, or bought from the Circus Of Values station.
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RE8's health pickups are called First Aid Med, an old glass bottle of medical disinfectant. You pour it on yourself to heal instantly, and they can be found, bought (i think) or crafted using Chem Fluid and herbs you find.
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ULTRAKILL doesn't technically have health pickups - you heal by bathing in the blood of your enemies. However, some levels have these red "soul orbs" hidden away, which overcharge you to 200 health.
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